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AIM o plan aTherapeutic Diet fora Diamhoe d

CASE Ramesh ls a 19 Near old boy suPferina trom

wdt ery motions He had 6-6 episodes of loose
motion per da Since ast 2 daus on yis1tDa
doctor he udas diaanosed coIHh diarrheo Plan
hetapeutic die for Diammheoga

OBJECT1NE: To plan diet takina into consideTa Hon

his present clinical condiion , as he is malnurishnec
as e as uwe have to foccus on n hejdrdion
Hhemapy and diet

THEORY: Dlarhe.a ls defined as the passaae Of 3

or more loose r llquid Stools per da or more
Tequent passage than nrmal for Hhe indiidud)
Diaorrhea is an infe.chlon and an important public
hea lth problem and isthe Hoimd leadina cause ot
childhood ortality in 1ndia.
Die therap ior Ramesh_is as iollouoi
OORT2 As due to diarhed there is denydraHon
hat takes place ,ORT stands for Oral Rehydratlo
TheTap dhich helps for rehydmatHon
Besides ORS other ora rehdration herapies

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cas also be used and recommende.d ,ohen ORS

is no aNailable

composi ion per LitreApproprita usee

Hoone made fluids Suagar CSuCrDse) 4Oal PrevenHon o

Sugar and Salt Salt CNau) 4 9 dehydrai en
Food ba sed soluH on Prerention of
Rice a t e r uoi h FRice apx. 5Og
Salt Salt Sg
- Dal or dal udater |lpred se medsum-

meht notrequlred
oi Hh sali
Buter milk (Lass
coiHh satt

Alona oIto ORT Ramesb hdso be also aiyen_

solid food Hence,be should be aiven soft diet
The term'so P reFers to the fact that foods
induded in Hhis Hpe oP diet are sott in cons ist enc
easy o chem andmade OF Simple and easil
digestible toods 1 does not contain an harsh fb
O stTong Plavors i s aiven durinq acute infectior
CectaiD aastrointeshnal disonders and a t the post-
Operative srage o indiyiduals uwho r e io the
eary OP recoNeTY ollouoina surgeT nee
soPt diet rovides aranai tion betuoeen a liquld
and a nocmal diet i-e during he period tohend
paient has to gire up a Full liquid diel but is yet
not able to digest a noma diet soP diet can be

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nutritionall balanced providina apx 1800-2000

calories, 55g-6Sa protein )provided the patLens
Can consame ddequate amound Ot food.

iven belouo isdiet plan for RamesDi


Eomly Coconut Water cup

Mooning 1 No
Bredkfast Stewed apple
2 No
Boiled egg 2 No
Mid-Moning- Da d a - e r 1 boul
|Lunch Dalkhicdi
Snack Sago ana 1 Cup

Pre-dinner Tomato Soup 1Bouo

Dal Rice 1 BouoL

tial tomake
: For diarrhe a ifis essen
abave diet
person is eatlnq unell_The
sure hat Hhe conTo over hlS-
peSon have
plan oill help the curing The diet
condiion and belp n
dinica medicine
Followed alonq oith the
has to be
prescrbed oy Doctoe

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No. Date

M: l ostudy vamious causes of food spollage

auses oh Toccd poilage

here mdinly thmee upes of causes OEEOOd.

Spollaae viz bioloaical, chemical and physica

Causes BiolOqica causes compmse of oroudh an
acHv oF miCroraanlSms uchaAS bactesia,
e a s t und moulds
east acHv1ty Of Food e0z DesansA
Oamage due o pests, insecds, and rodents eTC.
Chemical causes include reacHon OHh OXYaen_dhe
lant and chemica TPen oithio Food const
Physica causes_consist OP Femp. ane phsaica abuse

All ofthesefactors can act toaether For example

bacte i a , insectsana lia allcan be operdtoq
Con curentl to sPo food l0 dEleld O IDa oarehouse
Simlarly, beat moisture_and alr at he same me
affeche multipli.cation and activtes of bacteid
and chemical activities of food enzurmes
The majr iypes of sSpoilagethat occun iDtoods
are due to micTobioloalca blochemical,physicll
and chemi.calchanaes These indude
CrOuoth and activ1ty of miroomaanisms such as yeast.
bacte ia andmoulds
Activiies oF Food enzymes present in all rao food
promute chemical reactions uoithin ne food atEechn
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especally Hne Pood col ourtexture and P\avaur

an.appropri.ate holdina temp. Cheat and cold) tor a
GdID orloss oF molsture
Physica t r e s or_abuse
Damaae due to pess , inse cts and rodents et
9 Non- eOzymatic reactions in food such as oxidation and
mecnanical damdae.


Significant deteriorative chanqes occur intcods due
TO miCToOraanisms present in alr, soiltoaterand
on foode MicTobes spojl ay Pood in manyodys V2.
by incTeasinq their numbeT by utilizinq nutri entss
buproducina enzymatic changes loy Contnbutina
OPPlavours:oy oreakdouon of.a product and by
Sunthesis of neuo compounds The Fhree maiom
pes oP microo aniems lhich cause food spoilage
are bacheria easts and moulde

Bacteria are ubiquitoue, minute unicellula

miccoorganisems_and canno be seen uoltHn naked
eye The roOth oE bactesd depends upon speciElC
knd oF Food temperatur, pH morsture and
OXuaen Baderid are much mome dif Piult to kill
han moulds and yeass and are h e most commor

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Causes OP Food spoilaqe They are present IntuDo

torms viz veaetative and soore_ uohich are adrive
and esting form resp The veaetative torms D
bactexia are easil desiroyed at bolling emP-
hereas spores requires harsh reatments like
applicaHon of heat l100'c) for alona ime (SIX_
houe)oC at 121c under 15 psi pre ssure or
0 min.
Such Eind af bacteria bas adekinte range o
O0d reauire.nments Leve) o molsture in tood is
importani io prevrentina or allooinq the bacteria
arouon in the tnod. Pacheria Tequire more
moistuTe than yedsts or moulds. Al forms of
bacteia are sensiive to acids and can be killed_
easily in acidic pH at a emperature of bolling-
Loater Molst heat reslstance eaccteria are present
in fhe soul,hence preparaHon and processing of
roo veaetdblee requITe special care Closri dium
botulinum cause spoilage D cahnedtoods.


Yeasts are micTOScOpic unicellular funai. ohi ch

are non-mote round or elliptica Yeasts are
amaer than bacteria in Si2e Yeasis reproduce bj
the process_of mul plicaHon
Yeasts require ess mojsture and acidic pH o
axouD and do nDt arouO n alkaline medium. easts
Qeous under moderate emberature (25-30°c) In

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Sugar solution oflou concenratioA Mosr OF e

yeasts uSualy do not aroud in mediaContaunina ore
than 6S 1 of suaar oT 05 aceticacid Heating dt
60°c for a feo minutes is suAficient te destToy mst
Spe cies oF yeaste Boiling desiros yeas celle and
Spores ePfecvely_


ne maun cae aories of Poods subject +o insecs
and pest atack are frults, veaetables, arains and
h e r processed products, Wlarm humid eNITOMen
pTomote insect qroDlb aHhouah most |mSe cie
olll not breed ifthe temperatue proeeeds above
2sc or falls b elouo 1cMany insects canno
Teproduce SaHs factoril unless Hhe molsture
cont ent of h e r food is areater than 11
The presence of insects and pests and Hheir excTeta in
foodsmay render coDsunable loss in the nutoional
qualfy, accelaration oF decay processEs dueto
Creation oF higher temperatures and moistures
and elease of epzmes The rod ucts O insecs
dOd pests ackivities such as Loebb)na , dumped -
together food parhides and holes can also reddce
Hhe Fod values
Rats and mice ccTY_dleease producina microbes on
their feet and in toeir fecesand umine_and contdminah
the Food by neir presen ce


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Poysica Factors such as +emperdture moistUTe.

and pressuTe can also cause food spoilage Physico
chemlcal YeacHons are caused by freezing, buTnind
dmying and bsuising of FTults and veaeables
duTing storage handlina and rans por tatiop,
ohich resulfID food deteriord Hons Food
pxOceSSing_or stord ae causes some deteTioraHOn
in colouT O Pruits dnd veqetables due fohe
dearaddtioo Hhe chlorophyll esulHng dull
olive-brouon cd our Dehydnated areen peas and
loeans paked in alass contaunes undego p
Dxiddon and loss of desiable colouroccus

Iniro duction Foods need to be stored for a
number be reasons like to e0sure availdbilify
cope uolth eluctuations to draw advantage ofE bulE
puTpOse and yeam round supply of seasonal items
Tpee of Storaae- DiPhereot Foods need diPferem
pes oF storage There are basically Huoo pes of
storaae dn and louw femperature These are
furHher elassified on Hhe basis oF stocae tenmp.
TequlTed for diEeren ted foods
storaae-ls mean for onqer holdina of non
and Semi-periehable Poods, h e ldHher belng
sTored FoT a shorter me 1His 4he space desiane
dor he storage oF Poods usualy at room temperatu
ranaina betuoeen 20-25°c oitn the relatie humidit
Teacher's Sign.

maintaun at 6 0- 65 1

2. O temperature storaae-is further divided

O nTeeuDes baSed on temperathure ceauremem
ReTigerated storaqe is a shoraqe space maln
auned at temperature blu 3o 10°c_1His used
Ho store perishable foods for short derm say
Sdas Beyond this peri.od, certaun changes.In
toods ake place due to enzymnatic or_microba
actlvih MIk and egqs dre generally stored under
Cdd storage isone io whidh empesature 1
maintained blo Oand 3'c Such storaae spaces
are also called as cbil) roomms These can hold
peTishables over a oeek and in fhe case oF FTuits
dnd vegetables eyen upto a month dependina
upon rariey and staae of matumhy Fruits and
veaetables are USually stored in this p e oE
C Freezer Storage s apt for longerrm 9toraae of
perishdble foo ds and netemp. ranas tom -20
Ho 0'c Pretredtments ike blanchina quick coolina-
Hofreezing ern.pecature and packing in alr tignt
Containers dTe neceSsamtor suCCessfu freezing
qenerally fro2en foods are kept underthistpe
of storaae

Essenial feaures o Food sorage Areds

The proper Storae oF preprocess.ed as oelas post

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processed foods is akey Pactor in the shelf-life o

the food The essenial Features of any tood areas are as toollows:
1t should be Fit for purpose dry strechil
fso2en ete) i it motB provide emperee
and humid1ty For prrol.onginq shelf life of foods
DThe seper ate ared could be desianed for die
pes OE Pood For example a o and Cooked shoutd
be stOred seperately
D 1 should be able to provide protechion fTom
i Should be ueatherpiroof
Ehould be able to keep ou direcd sunlignt heat
vi should be easlly cleanable
(viiT should provde easu access to maerials.
i 1 t should be acceselble for raDSpOr oP fopd

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ALIY3 Studu_of common Pood adulterants.
erNoEonddulbeeTs Obseyatio 1nPeTence

1 Millk dater Adrop of mil The doropls Milkis

is put on smotnstalble tor some puTe
oily sur face ime leaves
Densityis white rail
checked withspecific density
lacromeher lcan be less Hhan
o greater tha
oYequal to lo26
Starch Boiled milk idcolour becomo es Milk s
cooled andthn dark blue adulterated
a Peuo doro ps OiHh shrch.
oF iodine so|
s added

2 Caheean Starc heeisboiled Colourdonot starch ls

Butter oithtaater< chanaes not present
hen cooled ingiven
lodine drops samplee
r e addedtoit
Vanaspatihee auter Pink colbured Ghee Butes
ghee smelted La ayer formed isadultera
Iplndo oF lin ggae ous o n vanas

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Sugar and HU lajer pati ghee

isadded doil
s shaken for
S min

Cookina Pues HU isaddedNocolour oil in ne

Oil e Fats togivep oil in chanq e s Sample is
a testtube e |_seen.
shaken Tes
ube is allo
ed tosand f
Some Hme
con. HaSOy is o colou pis in tbe
mxed oi th coangeis. samp) e s
oilin atesdseen. non-
tube isheate ddulterated
Aaremonel Conc. Coloumbecome rare.mone
acd is addedoranae r oil ispresen
inthe giren red LD alsren
sample and sample
est ubeis
Castor n a est Mxhre Castoroil is
Hube ollis |becomes preset In_
mixed oitaarlbid the aven-
liant pebralem Dil sample
land shalcen
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Suaar Any Dissolved No undissolve here are
impuriHessugar in subsiances noimpurihes
distilled uale are seen osagar
o abedter
Chalk orDry Sugar No Noadulterani
ashioaistdten inaFfer vesente is added o
Soda est tube and is observed he sua ar
dilHa is
Chilli Brick Take chilli No chanqe Brick pouoed
pOLode pouoder poubd er ina isaosent
beaker Full inHhealven
ofudder and sample
Colous Take chilliThe dtercolour has
pouoder in a becomes been
beak er full coloured addedo
OE Ddter and chilli pouod er

6 Turmerielead oxidelconc.Hd isadd o chanaelIn No

edto Hurmerid solution adulterant
pouoder sol in i s seen.
Coloured bil. Haso is NO etfervese Coloured
challkadded to Seen chalt pouoder
poudd er is absent
Lpoudde Sol ?|

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Gadoasinßluendng the ed aelecÜen

m l o study various factors that are Tespon-
sible for food selefion
ioAeTo study fachors like Culture,Famils
Socia Availabilit of Food purchasina pouoeT and
nea Hh these factors are responsIble tor tood

lLand KolioisM
Culturre can be definedas he bebavious and
beliefs of a cetaun socia, ethnic r aae Toup
A culture sronaly inpluences the eatina habits
Of is membes Each cultunre has homs about
Lohich foods are edible ohich foods halehiah
Orlow status, how often Poode are consumed
what foods are eaten togetneranen Poods are
eaten and ondt Foods are Served a t gpecial
eventsand celebrations (such as aeddinas)
Y many people religion dEfects oelr day-fo-
day Pood chDICeS

Clam-ita9y,Uuadices i
1 All foods are permiHed ChalaD except for suoine
Cplas)tour-leag.ed animals that catch prey uolth the

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mouth birds of prey hat arab r e olth thelr

clauos animals (except Pish and seaFood) hat
have not been slauahtered according to ltud
and alcohalic beveraaes
2Use of cofee_and tea is disouraaed
3Celebrdte nman Peast and fasi days.
4:OD fasts Aays he donok eat _o drink iTon
daon 4o dusk
ndhubm- ilauy actice3
1 hcouTaa e edtlna Ih mDd erdHon.
2.Meatisalloded but the couD is sared and is Dot
n_dlso avoided dre pork and certaun s h-
3 Many Hindus are veaetatian
Many Hindus dvoid aarlic, onionsmushrooms and
red foods suchas tomd toes MosHy n Jainss)
S Wdher isaken o t h 0ed ls
6.Hindus have c Dumber oF Peast and fasA days.
Everyone's oodchojces are dPFected by avdi lab1 lhy
and Sami larity dhe her it ls auoide choice oP feod
atan upscale supermarLet ocddhoice of only tuo
gestaurants uothin odIkIng distance oP bereu
OoTkyou can eat only ohdt is_arailable The
availability of Poods is rey_much intlu enced
he ay food is produce.d and dishi buted

ea llh
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You probably knouo that obselty and overweiaht

Can increas.eyour risk oF cancer heant diseaSe
diabetesand oHher health prroblems lhat youu
edtinPluces uour heaHHa Even if you are healfhy-
you ma ogs.e food choices on a desires o preyent
nealHa problems and lor improve uour app.edmanc.e
A enouoledae of nutrihtion anda positive atitude.
ouDards nuhriion may hranslate into num lous
eaHna pracHes.

Lost and nccme

The cost oF food and the availabilihy of an individual
ofan individual ho aEord speci fic foods are
prima determinants of Food choices loo income
graups arce reparted to consume unbaance.d dies &_
low intakes of uitsand veaetables Inare.asinq the
amount_of avaulable income For Food choice choudeveer,
does oot necessarily mean hat individuals unill
Consume d mce balanced and hed lHoy diet ln
addition individuals may resisB buyinq neo foods
for fear hatAhe food made be uoasted as Hhe
family may eject Hhe food

Acesaillity ancl vaiLalsitty

Acessibli to shops the arailalbility ak Eods thin
shops influence Food chDice This is associated h
ranspor linkS and aeoarapnical locatlons 1mproving
access does noB oeceesaTily mean that individuals Loil
Changehelr Food choice

Gundara Teacher's Sign.

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