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Q 1.

Describe the teachings of the following Ahaadith and tell how Muslims
can put these teachings into action. 16 marks

1. A man asked the Holy prophet SAW 'Do you think that if i perform the
obligatory prayers, fast in Ramadan, treat as lawful that which is lawful and
treat as forbidden that which is forbidden and do nothing further, i shall
enter paradise?' He SAW said 'yes'

2. 'Religion is sincerity' we said, 'To whom?' The Prophet said, ‘To Allah, His
messenger, His Book, the leaders of the Muslims and to their common
Ans1 a) this hadith tells us that the minimum requirement of gaining Allah’s
pleasure Is fulfillment of duties like praying, fasting and staying away from
unlawful deeds. These are the pillars of Islam that are necessary for any believer
and the rest two, fasting and zakat, are obligatory for anyone who can afford to
do them. Allah says in the Quran,” Prayer forbids one from unlawful and evil
thing” and “fasting creates self-control”
b) Muslims can implement the teachings in the Hadith in their own life by being
punctual to prayers as keeps them away from evil and unlawful deeds, fasting in
Ramadan can makes the person conscious of the hardships of poor people. We
can teach our youngers the importance of these and help them stay away from
what is haram and bring them closer to Allah.
Ans2 a) This Hadith teaches us that Islam is based on sincerity. Sincerity to Allah
can be by having a firm belief on islam and by never losing hope in allah in hard
times. We should be sincere to the prophet by believing that he is the last
messenger and having great respect for him. We should be sincere to the Quran
by believing that its teachings. Sincerity to the leaders of muslim and to their
common people means we should obey the Islamic leader and not create disorder
and be kind to the common people and encourage them to do good deeds and
stay away from the evil.
b) we implement these teachings in our daily lifes by worshipping allah and having
absolute faith in him. We can learn the Quran by heart and understand its
message and practice it. We can follow the sunnah of the prophet in every step of
our life. We can obey the muslim leaders and the mulsim scholars. We can be
kind to the common people, we can help them and create a harmonous society in
which everybody lives in peace

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