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Prayer before study, St.

Creator of all things, true source of light and wisdom,
origin of all being,
graciously let a ray of your light penetrate the darkness of my understanding.
Take from me the double darkness in which I have been born,
an obscurity of sin and ignorance.
Give me a keen understanding,
a retentive memory,
and the ability to grasp things correctly and fundamentally.
Grant me the talent of being exact in my explanations
and the ability to express myself with thoroughness and charm.
Point out the beginning, direct the progress,
and help in the completion.
I ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
St. Dominic and St. Thomas – pray for us.
Jesus Christ as the Good Teacher

Jeric B. Batas
 Determine the characteristics of a good
teacher; expound the reason why Jesus is the
 Identify the major teachings of Jesus to
 create a meaningful project that showcase a
good teacher exhibiting the values and
attitudes of Jesus.
Who is your model Teacher?

My favorite teacher is….

 Name him/her? (Code

name only)
 What makes him/her your
role model teacher?
Story of the Rich Young Man

What good
thing shall I do,
that I may have
eternal life?
(Matthew 19:16)
What if… you are Jesus…
or someone ask you?
What good thing
shall I do, that I
may have eternal
life? (Matthew 19:16)

How would you answer the question?

Pair, Play, Camera, Action

 Look a partner
 Look for a pair that will be your opponent
 Then play Rock, Paper & Scissors game

•The last 3 winning

pairs will role play
their answer
Pair, Play, Camera, Action Friend, friend, what
Script: good thing shall I do,
that I may have a
You know my
peaceful and happy
(your answer)
Only Good, Great Teacher

Jesus as the Good Teacher
 60 times he was called
Teacher or “Rabbi”
 This was how the disciples
referred to him.
 Jesus himself used the
term when he said, “You
call me Teacher and Lord,
and rightly so, for that is
what I am” (John 13:13).
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 When Nicodemus came to Jesus
by night, he said, “We know that
you are a teacher who has come
from God” (John 3:2).
 When Jesus had finished giving
the Sermon on the Mount,
Matthew tells the crowds were so
amazed at his teaching because
“he taught as one having
authority, not as the teachers of
the law” (Matthew 7:29).
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 Jesus Christ carried out his
saving mission through his
triple ministry, or function,
as teacher, pastor, and
priest. As he himself taught,
“I am the way [pastoral
ministry], and the truth
[doctrinal ministry], and the
life [priestly ministry]”
(Jn 14:6).
Jesus as the Good Teacher

Characteristics: (reasons why He is the only Good Teacher)

 He is always present in the Church & World
 He lead us to read the Scriptures
 He follows the Father’s Will
 He teaches us the truth about Moral Action
 He sheds light on Man’s Vocation
 He sheds light on the mystery and dignity of the Human
Person (Unit 1: Module 3)
Jesus as the Good Teacher
always present-Church & World

 "For
where two or three have
gathered together in My name, I am
there in their midst.“ (Mt. 18:20)
 God is omnipresent, meaning He is
present at all times and in all
 God is immanent, meaning He is
with us (Emmanuel)
Jesus as the Good Teacher
always present-Church & World

 Shekinah of God (Divine Presence of

God) is a visible manifestation of God
on earth, whose presence is portrayed
through a natural occurrence.
 The word shekinah is a Hebrew name
meaning “dwelling” or “one who
 Shekinah means “He caused to
dwell,” referring to the divine
presence of God.
Jesus as the Good Teacher
always present-Church & World
 The etymology of “Shekinah” is from the Hebrew
word shākan, which means “to reside or
permanently stay.”
 The Rabbi’s used the term Shekinah to describe the
following to the Jewish people in the Old Testament:
 The presence of God amongst His people (Exodus 19:16-18; Exodus
40:34-48; 1Kings 6:13)
 The glory of God dwelling in the Temple (2 Chronicles 7:1)
 God dwells in the mountain (Psalm 68:16-18; Joel 3:17)
Jesus as the Good Teacher
always present-Church & World

 Thedivine presence of God on earth is depicted

through the following:
 As a cloud (Exodus 24:16-18; Exodus33:9; 1Kings 8:10-13)
 As a pillar of smoke and fire (Exodus 13:21-22)
 As fire and a burning bush (Zechariah 2:5; Exodus 3:2)
Jesus as the Good Teacher
always present-Church & World

Shekinah in the New Testament

 The divine presence of God is also found in the New Testament:
 “An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone
around them, and they were terrified.” (Luke 2:9)
 “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are
being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes
from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (2 Corinthians 3:18)
 “And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling
place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be
his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.”
(Revelation 21: 3)
Jesus as the Good Teacher
always present-Church & World

Jesus and his

ministry is the ultimate
encounter of Shekinah or
divine presence that God has
ever had with man on earth.
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 lead us to read and be faithful to the Scriptures

How many of us still read the Bible?

How many of us look for inspiration in
the Bible?
How many of us own a Bible?
Is the Bible still worth reading in this
21st Century?
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 lead us to read and be faithful to the Scriptures
 Jesus never belittled Scripture (as some modern critics do),

 or set it aside (as the Jewish leaders of His day had done with their Oral

 or criticized it (although He criticized those who misused it),

 or contradicted it (although He rejected many interpretations of it),

 or opposed it (although He sometimes was free or interpretive with it),

 nor spoke in any way as ‘higher’ (as critics do of the Old Testament).
 All that Christ did in His life on earth was done
according to the Scriptures.
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 lead us to read and be faithful to the Scriptures

 “Bible” (Latin biblia = scrolls,

books) is what Jews and Christians
call a collection of Sacred Books
that came into being over a period
of more than one thousand years
and is for them the charter of their
 Old & New Testaments (Latin
testamentum = covenant, will)
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 lead us to read and be faithful to the Scriptures

 knew the Scriptures thoroughly, even the words and verb
 believed every word of Scripture.
 believed the Scripture was spoken by God Himself, or written
by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, even though the pen was held
by men.
 quoted Scripture as the basis for his own teaching and
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 lead us to read and be faithful to the Scriptures

Jesus taught with authority:

He Himself is the Word of God.

All the words from His lips were
the Word of God. (John 3:34).
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 lead us to read and be faithful to the Scriptures

Ignorance of the
Scripture is
ignorance of
(St. Jerome)
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 lead us to read and be faithful to the Scriptures

The Bible is
God’s love
letter to us.
(Soren Kierkegaard)
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 lead us to read and be faithful to the Scriptures

To read Sacred
Scripture means
to turn to Christ
for advice.
(St. Francis of Assisi)
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 follow His Father’s Will

Do we honor and
obey our parents?
(the 1st Law of the 2nd part of the 10 Commandments)

What they want is only to bring out the BEST in you…

Jesus as the Good Teacher
 follow His Father’s Will
 Jesus Lived a Life of Complete Obedience
to His Father
 Christ’s entire life and ministry were
orchestrated by His Father and that Jesus
was careful to carry out every detail
according to the will of His Father.
 All that Jesus did and said was exactly what
His Father wanted Him to do and say.
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 follow His Father’s Will

Jesus followed his

Father’s will even by
giving his own life
(death on the cross)
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 follow His Father’s Will

Attested by Jesus:
“For I did not speak on My own
initiative, but the Father Himself who
sent Me has given Me commandment,
what to say, and what to speak”
(John 12:49).
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 teaches us the truth about Moral Action

 How many of us follow the basic traffic rules?

 How many of us do the right thing?
 How many of us help the needy?
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 teaches us the truth about Moral Action
 Human Beings are Moral Agent-a moral being
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 teaches us the truth about Moral Action

 Jesus asks us to follow

him and to imitate him
along the path of love, a
love which gives itself
completely to the
brethren out of love for
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 teaches us the truth about Moral Action
 Jesus' way of
acting and his
words, his deeds
and his precepts
constitute the
moral rule of
Christian life.
Where are we going?

I am going to…
Jesus as the Good Teacher
 sheds light on Man’s Vocation

 All humans are called to the same eternal end:

God himself.
 Each of us is called to enter into eternal
happiness—the divine beatitude
 The vocation of every human being is to show
forth the image of God and to be transformed
into the image of the Father’s only Son. “Be Holy
for I am Holy”
Man’s vocation is to:
Human beings
are called
to be

fully human.
Human beings
are called
to be

fully alive.
Human beings
are called
to be

fully divine.

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