Activity-2 More Notes

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Activity 2: More Notes

Name: Gatarin Virgie


Date: December 17, 2022

Direction: Fill up the following to create a draft for your review of literature. Write 5
note taking table coming from 5 different sources related to your topic. Since rewriting
and paraphrasing is very important you need to write down your own thoughts and
comments (must be written in English).

Note Taking Table

Source information(Bibliographic references):Pew Research Center (2015) Women and
Leadership. Retrieved from

Note 1 Own thoughts/Comments

This report explores public attitudes about With a specific emphasis on leadership in American
gender and leadership with a particular focus politics and industry, this research investigate
on leadership in US politics and business. The public perception of gender and leadership.
analysis is based on two new Pew Research
Center surveys. The main survey was
conducted Nov. 12-21-2014, among a sample
of 1,835 adults -921 women and 914 men-18
years of age or older.

Note 2 Own thoughts/Comments

According to a New Pew Research Center Pew Research Center survey on women and
survey on women and leadership, most leadership most Americans believe that women and
Americans find women indistinguishable from men are equally capable of displaying important
men on ket leadership traits such as leadership qualities like intelligence and the ability
intelligence and capacity for innovation, with to innovative. Many also believed that women are
many saying they're stronger than men I terms more capable of being compassionate and well-
of being compassionate and organized organized leaders than men.
Note Taking Table
Source information(Bibliographic references): Tutoriaspoint Women in Leadership
Introduction. Retrieved from

Note 1 Own thoughts/Comments

Women are gradually making their leadership At local, national, and international levels, more and
presence felt in entrepreneurship, more women are assuming leadership positions in
administration, education, engineering, business, administration, education, engineering,
health, etc, at regional, national, and global and other fields.
levels. Women are now resolved to break the
traditional glass ceiling that barred them from
entering leadership positions even if they
possessed requisite skills and talent to occupy

Note 2 Own thoughts/Comments

Every organization needs a leader, Whatever it's size our purpose, every organization
irrespective of it's size and functions. A requires a leader. A society without leadership is a
leaderless organization is a "muddle of men violent and dangerous place to live, a country
and machine"; a country without leadership is without leadership is anarchy, and an organization
anarchy; a society without leadership is a without leadership is a "muddle of men and
violent and dangerous place to live. machine".
Note Taking Table

Source information(Bibliographic references): Marci Martin (2022) Key Steps Women Can Take
to Be Strong Leaders. Retrieved from

Note 1 Own thoughts/Comments

Many women have struggled to find Because of cultural expectations and pre
acceptance in the workplace because of conceptions, many women have struggled to obtain
societal expectations and stereotypes. acceptance in the workplace. Nevertheless, women
However, women have made enormous strides are flourishing in leadership positions across a
in several formerly male-dominated industries number of historically male-dominated industries.
and are excelling in leadership roles.

Note 2 Own thoughts/Comments

Despite progress toward gender equality Women still encounter resistance despite
within the workplace, women still face advancements made in the direction of workplace
pushback. Many burriers to women in equality. There are still many obstacles for women
leadership remain. in leadership.

Note Taking Table

Source Information (Bibliographic references): Annie Megan (2020) Highlighting Importance of Women
Leadership In Your Organization. Retrieved from
Note 1 Own thoughts/Comments

The world is and has always been in desperate need od Whether in politics or business, the world always
great leadership, be it in politics or in business. Talking had a dire need for exceptional leadership. A
about women's leadership, a question always arises. study found that the rise of women-owned
Why is female leadership so important in our world. businesses has exceeded the general growth of
According to a report, growth in women -owned new businessess.
businesses has outpaced the overall increase in new
business by 1.5 times.

Note 2 Own thoughts/Comments

Having a female leadership in any organization leads to Any firm that has female leadership benefits from
a more positive environment all around. Women may a happier workplace climate overall. Although
not always realize how composed for achievement they they may not always he aware of it, women have
are in leadership roles, but their potential and undeniable potential and capabilities in leadership
capabilities are irrefutable. positions.

Note Taking Table

Source Information (Bibliographic references): The Rocke Foundation Women in Leadership: Why It

Note 1 Own thoughts/Comments

Having female leaders in positions of influence to Not only is having female leaders in powerful
serve as role models is not only critical to the positions to functions as role models important
career advancement of women, but stands to for women's professional advancement, but it
generate societal impacts on pay equity, changing also has the potential to have wider social effects
workplace policies in ways that benefit both men on pay parity altering workplace rules so that
and women, and attracting a more diverse men and women benefit, and attracting a more
workforce. diverse workforce.

Note 2 Own thoughts/ Comments

It's no secret that women have historically faced Women have bad to deal with bigger obstacles to
greater barriers than men when it comes to fully fully participating than men taking part in
participating in the company. Across geographies economics activity. Across borders and income,
and income levels, disparities in the form of pay differences between men and women, and
gaps, uneven opportunities for advancement, and women still face pay disparities and unequal
unbalanced representation in important decision- treatment. Unequal opportunities for
making. advancement participation in key decision-

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