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Directions: Write your answer before the number. Capital letters only.
1. The act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery is theorized by
a) Nightingale
b) Benner
c) Swanson
d) King

2. The four major concepts in nursing theory are the

a) Person, Environment, Nurse, Health
b) Nurse, Person, Environment, Cure
c) Promotive, Preventive, Curative, Rehabilitative
d) Person, Environment, Nursing, Health

3. Nursing is a unique profession, concerned with all the variables affecting an individual’s
response to stressors, which are intra, inter and extra personal in nature.
a) Neuman
b) Johnson
c) Watson
d) Parse

4. She defined health as the soundness and wholeness of developed human structure and bodily
mental functioning.
a) Orem
b) Henderson
c) Neuman
d) Clark

5. Stated that health is WELLNESS. A termed define by the culture or an individual.

a) Roy
b) Henderson
c) Rogers
d) King

6. Proposed Health Care System Model

a) Henderson
b) Orem
c) Parse
d) Neuman

7. Conceptualized Behavioral System Model

a) Orem
b) Johnson
c) Henderson
d) Parse

8. Defined health as a dynamic state in the life cycle, and Illness as interference in the life cycle.
a) Roy
b) Henderson
c) Rogers
d) King

9. Is a multi-dimensional model developed by PENDER that describes the nature of persons as

they interact within the environment to pursue health
a) Ecologic Model
b) Health Belief Model
c) Health Promotion Model
d) Health Prevention Model

10. This theorist believes that adaptation and manipulation of stressors are essential for change.
a) Madeleine Leininger
b) Dorothea Orem
c) Martha Rogers
d) Sister Callista Roy
11. Her theory can be defined as the development of science of humankind. She applied in her
theory the concept of energy fields, openness, pattern and organization.
a) Martha Rogers
b) Dorothea Orem
c) Virginia Henderson
d) Jean Watson

12. Who among the following is considered as the first nursing theorist?
a) Clara Barton
b) Florence Nightingale
c) Sister Callista Roy
d) Faye Abdellah

13. A nurse who has been in a position on the same unit for 2 years understands the organization
and care of the clients on that nursing unit. Benner defines this nurse as able to anticipate and
to formulate long-range goals. This nurse is given the title .
a) Expert
b) Novice
c) Competent
d) Proficient

14. This theorist believed that basic human needs are met through self-care activities.
a) Immogene King
b) Dorothea Orem
c) Lydia E. Hall
d) Virginia Henderson

15. According to Neuman Systems Model, a protective accordion-like mechanism that surrounds
and protects the normal line of defense from invasion by stressors is termed as
a) Lines of Resistance
b) Normal line of defense
c) Flexible Line of Defense

16. Human to human relationship theory in which it emphasizes nursing as interpersonal process
whereby the nurse assists a patient/family to prevent or cope with experience or illness and
suffering is proposed by .
a) Joyce Travelbee
b) Hildegard Peplau
c) Ida Jean Orlando
d) Lydia Hall

17. In Peplau’s theory, it identifies four sequential phases in the interpersonal relationship:
a) Resolution, Orientation, Identification, Exploitation
b) Orientation, Identification, Exploitation, and Resolution.
c) Identification, Exploitation, Orientation, Resolution
d) Orientation, Resolution, Identification and Exploitation

18. This is a set of interrelated concepts that serve as building blocks of theories.
a) Theory
b) Hypothesis
c) Assumption
d)Conceptual Framework

19.Components of a theory wherein the structure of a theory provides overall form to the
A) Models
B) Assumptions
C) Structure linkages
D) Purpose

20. Paradigm is a patterns or models used to show a clear relationship among the
existing theoretical works in nursing.
A) True B) False
21. In Lydia Hall’s theory, which of the three applies the knowledge of natural and biological
A) Care
B) Core
C) Cure

22. Who is the "Mother of Modern Nursing"?

A) Jean Watson
B) Hildegard Peplau
C) Florence Nightingale
D) Lydia Hall

23. Who proposed the Theory of Human Caring?

A) Dorothea Orem
B)Jean Watson
C) Betty Neuman
D) Florence Nightingale

24. What year did Sister

Calista Roy and what model was: grounded on humanism with the belief that a person has his own
creative power and has coping abilities to enhance wellness?
A) 1859 Life Process Model
B) 1964 Orem's Model
C) 1979 Adaptation Model
D) 1967 Behavioral System Model
25. Who
defined Nursing as “interpersonal process of therapeutic interactions between an individual who
is sick or in need of health services and a nurse especially educated to recognize,
respond to the need for help"?
A) Peplau
B) Watson
C) Orem
D) Roy

26. Phase of
nurse-patient relationship where the client met his needs and mutual termination of
relationship occured.
A) Termination Phase
B) Exploitation Phase
C) Identification Phase
D) Orientation Phase

27.This is a Classification of Nursing intervention patient Theories according to function by Dickoff

and James, 1968 which is to know the properties and workings of a discipline. The main purposed is
to present a phenomenon based on the five senses together with their corresponding meaning.
a. Descriptive

28. Classification of Nursing theories define as to examine how properties relate and thus
affect discipline.
a. Decriptive

29. This classification of nursing theories calculate relationships between properties and how
they occur, also known as the Situation-relating theories.
a. Descriptive

30. A classification of theory that is used to identify under which conditions relationship
occur, commonly used in testing new nursing interventions.
a. Descriptive

31. It is one phase of nurses – patient relationship by Hildegard Peplau, that defines the initial
interaction between the nurse and the patient wherein the latter has a felt need and expresses the
desire for professional assistance.
a. Orientation

32. This happens when the nurse wants to lessen the cause of the patients suffering. It goes
beyond emphaty.
A. Rapport
B. Empathy
C. Sympathy
D. Original Encounter

33. Described as nursing interventions that lessens the patients suffering. The nurse and the sick
person are relating as human being to human beings. The sick person shows trust and confidence in
the nurse.
A. Rapport
B. Empathy
C. Sympathy
D. Original encounter

34. Described as the ability to share in the persons experience. The result of this process is the
ability to expect the behaviour of the individual with whom he or she empathized.
A. Rapport
B. Empathy
C. Sympathy
D. Original encounter

35.This is described as the first impression by the nurse of the sick person and vice versa.
A. Rapport
B. Empathy
C. Sympathy
D. Original Encounter

36. A patient with diabetes is controlling the disease with insulin and diet. The nursing health
care provider is focusing effort to teach the client self-management. Which of the following
nursing theories is useful in promoting self-management?
a. Neuman
b. Orem
c. Roy
d. Peplau
37.What is the Goal of Watson’s theory?
a. To develop interaction between the nurse and patient.
b. To promote health, restore the patient health and prevent illness.
c. To focus on caring as a means of coping with illness.
38. Who used Anthropology to form a theory of Cultural care diversity & Universality?
a. Leininger
b. Roy
c. King
39. A patient is admitted to an acute care area. The patient is an active business man who is
worried about getting to work. He had severe vomiting and diarrhea for the past week. He is week,
and his breathing is labored. Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, identify this patient immediate
a. Self-actualization
b. Air, Water, & Nutrition
c. Safety
d. Esteem and self-esteem needs.
40. Which option is closely aligned with Leininger's theory?
a. Understanding the humanistic aspects of life
b. Variables affecting a patient response to a stressor.
c. Caring for patients from unique cultures.

41.What is middle-range Theory?

a. it address specific phenomenon and reflects practice.
b. it is the first level in theory development and describes a phenomenon.
c. it provide a structural framework for broad concepts about nursing.

42. What is true about a prescriptive theory?

a. It addresses specific phenomena and reflects practice.
b. It is the first level in theory development and describes a phenomenon.
c. It is linked to outcomes (consequences of specific nursing interventions).

43. The nurse is using Orem's theory while delivering care to a patient. According to this theory,
what should be the goal of the nursing interventions?
a. Care for and help the patient attain complete self-care.
b. Help the patient adapt to changes in physiological needs.
c. Communicate with the patient to establish positive adaptation to the environment.

44. A theory is a set of concepts, definitions, relationships, and assumptions. What does a theory do?
a. It formulates legislation.
b.It explains a phenomenon.
c. It measures nursing functions.

45. Which of the following are components of the paradigm of nursing?

A. The person, health, environment, and theory

B. Health, theory, concepts, and environment
C. Nurses, physicians, health, and patient needs
D. The person, health, environment/situation, and nursing

46. While working in a community health clinic, it is important to obtain nursing histories and get
to know the patients. Part of history taking is to develop the nurse-patient relationship. Which of the
following apply to Peplau's theory when establishing the nurse-patient relationship? (Select all that
A. An interaction between the nurse and patient must develop.
B. The patient's needs must be clarified and described.
C. The nurse-patient relationship is influenced by patient and nurse preconceptions.
D. The nurse-patient relationship is influenced only by the nurse's preconceptions.

47. Theory-based nursing practice uses a theoretical approach for nursing care. This approach moves
nursing forward as a science. This suggests that:
A. One theory will guide nursing practice.
B. Scientists will decide nursing decisions.
C. Nursing will only base patient care on the practice of other sciences.
D. Theories will be tested to describe or predict patient outcomes.

48. To practice in today's health care environment, nurses need a strong scientific knowledge base
from nursing and other disciplines such as the physical, social, and behavioral sciences. This statement
identifies the need for which of the following?
A. Systems theories
B. Developmental theories
C. Interdisciplinary theories
D. Health and wellness models

49. Which of the following theories describe the life processes of an older adult facing chronic illness?
A. Systems theories
B. Developmental theories
C. Interdisciplinary theories
D. Health and wellness models

50. A nurse is applying Henderson's theory as a basis for theory based-nursing practice. Which other
elements are important for theory-based nursing practice? (Select all that apply.)
A. Knowledge of nursing science
B. Knowledge of related sciences
C. Knowledge about current health care issues
D. Knowledge of standards of practice

51. Which of the following statements apply to theory generation? (Select all that apply.)
A. Builds scientific knowledge base of nursing
B. Discovers relationships of phenomena to practice
C. Tests specific phenomena
D. Identifies observations about a phenomenon
52.Which of the following statements about theory-based nursing practice is incorrect?
A. Contributes to evidence-based practice
B. Provides a systematic process for designing nursing interventions
C. Is not linked to nursing outcomes
D. Guides the nurse's assessment
53.As an art nursing relies on knowledge gained from practice and reflection on past experiences. As
a science nursing relies on (select all that apply):
A. Experimental research.
B. Nonexperimental research.
C. Research from other disciplines.
D. Professional opinions.
54. From the 14 activities for Client Assistance by Virginia Henderson's Need Theory, the nurse's
role is to assist sick or healthy individuals in meeting these basic needs. Choose the top 3 important
basic needs.
a. Sleep and Rest
b.Keep the body clean and well-groomed and protect the integument
c. Breathe Normally
d. Avoid dangers in the environment and avoid injuring others.
e. Eliminate body wastes

55.Ego-ideal and the conscience are two important components of:

a. Id
b. Ego
c. Super-ego
d. Temperament

56. Dr. Patricia Benner is the one who developed the concept known as "Novice to Professional"
b. False

57.What type of patient care model is the most common for student nurses and private duty nurses?
a. Total patient care
b. Team nursing
c. Primary nursing
d. Case management
e. Patient Care

58. According to Maslow, which of the ff. is not true about a self-actualized person?
a. Understands poetry, music, philosophy, science and more
b. desires privacy autonomous
c. Follows the decision of the majority, uphold justice and truth
d. Problem centered

59. He proposed the theory of mortality based on PRINCIPLES

a. Freud
b. Erikson
c. Kohlberg
60. What is the primary purpose of nursing theory?
a. Helps distinguish nursing as a separate discipline from medicine and
related sciences, assists nurses in understanding their patients and their
b. Helps distinguish nursing as a separate discipline from medicine and not related sciences,
assist nurses in understanding their patients and their needs.
c. It helps distinguish nurses and other people to separate discipline from medicine and
related sciences, also nurses are trained to understand their patients and their needs.
d. None of the above

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