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82-2 Part 1 esti to8 Questions 18 in each question. Choose the best answer A. B or C le ‘correct answer A, Bor C on your answer sheet. d the text care, py estion, blacken the For each qu To: Subject Dear Jessie, LE Meg i ee a8, in Penanj a Fee Theard from Lai Kuan that Aishah is not well. I am now i g v! A course and I am unable to visit her. Will you be able to visit her and heer her up? If you ean, please buy some flowers and chocolates for her. Let me know the costs and I will send you the money. Love, Auntie Sabrina rina wants to know whether Jessie could y flowers and chocolates. visit Aishah who is not well. C__ pay for the chocolates. 1 Auntie KING OF FRUITS FESTIVAL (Durian Buffet) * Unlimited in 1.5 hours + Only RM 00 with free Iced Tualang Honey Lemon! Ist February 2020 (Saturday) 11.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. ™, Mesti Sdn Bhd, * No. 2, Taman Nuri, Pedas, Negeri Sembilan, 2 mers can & AS eat iternt ype of durian Gishes, B drink Iced Tualang Honey Lemon for 1.5 hot cat as much as they lie for RM100. ce ae 12/1 orate ao oer i ‘Kertas Model Pentaksiran Th ’ : ——tK | nang Resort is one of the most juxurious hotels in Penan6oy) offering many options to its Quests, The resort 1s located in the vici ity of various tou | Tis! SPols in the city, which include The Ow! Museum; Penang | National Pork and Penang Butterfly Farm | PARKROYAL PENANG Porkroyo! P Rarkroyal Penang Resort is A suitable for tourists who like a located near the beach C a simple and affordable hotel hoppiry Andromeda: The Next Level zi Next Level has plenty of action, some genuine laughs £.¢ few scary moments. Both children and adults will enjoy the@ovisyThe game has the same avatass as in the previous movie. The friends along with Eddie and Milo work) together. Will they be able to find Spencer, retrieve the Falcon Jewel 6nd return to the real world? 4 : The Next Level is Ki @ movie about adventure. game involving avatars. C suitable for only children. Andromeda: The ‘and quit BEAUTY DAYS COSMETIC: Q ‘+ Prices valid till 20th January 2020 + RM20 vouchers for purchases of fore than)RM200_ 4+ Participating-brands: Maybe, Rewlons, Creal, 30NIT Silkigirlz, Rymmels, 5 Shoppers will get : A RM20 vouchers which can be for cash, vouchers when they spen @ 50% discount on selected branded products they buy, 12/1 © Pusiaks Yakin Pelajar Sdn. Bhd, 82-4 ——~jimmy@ : it yvivalcourse, ie Ty AZ ‘Dear Jimmy. aly i ul beach this coming Saturday and Asrol and 1 are planning wai Lagoon y ie Toraeurvival course condutted at the army campthe next day. Would you Tike to snus? Lavi now av soon as possible as we ave to register, Places are limited [van L oo Ivan ants: (improve Jimmy to accompany him to the army camp. “ to know if Jimmy is interested in going camping. 6 " Hanif, ' | Grandpa is not well and | am taking him to the clinic. Please heat up the food ' 1 In the fridge and have your lunch. | will not be able to send you to tuition. ; + Can you call Mei Ling’s mum and ask her for a lift? | will ask dad to pick both ! " of you up after your tuition class and send her back to her house. Don’t miss | 1 your class. eet ft a lift from Mei Ling to go for tuition. | heat up food and have lunch before going for tuition. SCHOOL CHOIR AUDITIONS a + Lovetosing? si + Want to meet new people? + Like to travel to fun placeag ‘, Then come for an audition! + C13 to TByears old 4 6th — 9th February at, 2:00 p.m. in 5 Orchid For more information, see Madam Lee 8 The notice says that o A those who like meeting new people shoul BR auditions are being held tage ct age ce i vento 13-15 year-olds, | 82-5 Part 2 Questions 9 to 16 Read the text below and correct the underlined errors - For each question, write the correc 1 word in the space provide 'd on your answer sheet. MY NEW HOME Our family (0) was small. It consists (9) about just my parents, my brother and |. Last month we moved from Raub, Pahang (10) at Kuala Lumpur. My father ‘was promoted by his bank employers and directed to move to Kuala Lumpur. All of us (11) have mixed feelings. We were sad to leave our relatives and friends in Raub but at the same time, we are very excited to (12) met new people and face new experiences. We are (13) rent a double-storey link house in Kampung Kerinchi now. There is one room downstairs and three air-conditioned rooms with attached bathrooms upstairs. We like (14) a house as it is in a quiet neighbourhood. Two teenage boys with (15(who} play football in the evenings live in the house on the right. Their parents are very helpful people. On our left, we have a (16) more friend Malay aunty living with her grandchildren. All amenities are close-by. The shops are only five-minute walk There are banks, schools, a hospital and a mall nearby too. I ieee home. | 12) \nee 12/1 © Pustaks Yakin Pelajar Sda. Bhd. WORLD CLASS STAR a Badminton legend, Datuk Lee Chong Wel is where he is today because of a iplit 10.00 p.m. every night 'Jetermination and consistent discipline. He sleeps by . ight ary ie up by 5.00 a.m. After he finishes his breakfast at 7.00 a.m., it is a whole dayy i is pattern since he was 16 non-stop regimented exercises. This has been " yea, old when he was admitted into the National SpO(s) ‘ollege in Kuala Lumpur. 5 college, his day began at 5.00 a.m. and he was taken through various training programmes until 6.45 a.m. After his shower and breakfast, normal school clas, would begin. Training would resume at 3.00 p.m. and last until 6.30 p.m. This is the man who not only has to lift weights and go through other forns of exercises, but often runs up and down the 272 steps of the Batu Caves temple keep fit. He is also extremely careful with what he eats. He stays away completely, from oily food and that is reflected on his body. He spent his childhood in Jelutong and Teluk Bahang before moving t Bukit Mertajam. Born in a poor family i 6@ spent most of his childhoot days playing basketball, which was his favourite sport. But, his mother and friends wanted him to play badminton instead due to the many hours under the scorching_ ‘Sun when playing basketball. 0 Ah In his book, Dare To Be A Champion, Leg recalled that his arrival | into the family was difficult and that he was Tegarded as a burden to the family. Friends and relatives suggested to his parents to consider giving him away but his mum_ disagreed and said she would never do that no matter how hard life was. Recalling his early badminton days as a student champion, Lee said he did Not start off well but he didn’t quit. He was also regarded as tog short but that oid not deter Lee. In college, to prove himself and to catch up with his older mates, hé decided to spend twice as much time practising to reach their level. He also keePs himself mentally prepared. This is especially important in the international aren? where he has to make last-minute t guard, nut e changes, in strategy to catch the opponen' But, Lee is surely world olds and all that is possible becai a he has worked hard. His record of 713 wins ig the outcome of hi eae inane is is ji body and mind continuously to the limit, a “Losing is winning, Jn fact, a winner always fos r to be Overtaken, 7 7B WInne’ 'y8 fears being di or 0% stil be on the right couheg eal ehh a right mindset and attitudas,we ™ Kertas Model Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3 PP a nec vein rae f | | World Class Star verot » Mk . Iw bas Eee In younger days, he played { At 16 years of age, he went to 19 Matin art (a e g Training involved Physical challenge Qualities needed for success 12/1 © Pustaka Yakin Pelajar Sn. Bhd. ‘] sia Part J answer questions 25 to 34. de 5 Co! we ¢ iter many years | bumpel into my best friend from childhood, Nancy in the log 2 Family Store, We greeted each other with a big hug and wished each other a Hape New 2020. She introduced me to her 14 year-old daughter, Karen. | couldn't belig, that time had passed by so quickly, bh + f. " H 4 oy "How's your mum?” Nancy asked. Read the text below and We went to the car where mum was waiting/"Ma, remember Nancy, my best frien from primary school?", Ma smiled awkwardly, She did not remember her. 2 We walked a short distance away. "I can't believe that your mum doesn’t remembe me, especially after all the yummy nasi /emak that she fed me’. x “Iwouldn't worry about it too much”, | laughed. "She's been feeding many people’ “Yes', she smiled, "Your mum is the local Mother Teresa. Does she still helping te neighbours?” : fs 1B “Yes, she does. This morning at 7.00 am, | was startled awake by the sound oft 5, door bell ringing’ It was Syed, our neighbour. “Please can you ask your Ma to ti ft care of my wife? She's got dengue fever and I'm taking little Siti to stay at my sister house in Bangsar’. Before | Zould respond, h@had gone. 3 Ma woke early as usual and was surprised to see me out of bed before 8.00 am! ‘gave her the message. "That poor woman! | don't know what her husband does: of Q ‘minute in Penang, the next in Sabah”. Then off she went about her daily duties. St = Prepared breakfast and took food to the sick neighbour, She returned in awhile Fe fon, cook lunch and make a traditional medical concoction forher. ee ame 3 ee 4 Kes fry dy | wake up to ACERT the ack if ringing, iF anyone was s# pa Serenved pregnant please tell Ma, She has a secret culinary recipe ™ | | all Sorrows. | have becom i | 1¢ Ma's delivery woman to send f her items petery n ! food and other items | Reighbours who need aid, Whgn'T tell her to slow down and nor tigg herself = | brushes me off, 3s am divide Kora ia Raa ee 12/1 ores vane?” as i Questions 25 to 32 Answer the questions below. Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text foyreach answer. For each question, write your answer in the space provided on re best Fyfens 25 The writer met her __— from primary school in Family Store. tl 7 26 The writer's mum —— 20 ve §b nok rer ghey {1 mark) 17 Mawaslike. ot € fy SO inthe neighbourhood. = 28 Mr. Syed’s wife was not well due to ee oueith ie Sty ee, iii - in Mr. Syed’s sister’s mark) 30 Ma. and lunch for Mrs. Syed. Prepowed oe (1 mark] Ait 31. The writer is awakened by the Od bell nr ae ve ‘can depend on Ma. : cr 32 Those Questions 33 and 34 Complete the table below with a word from the text. For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet. Meaning 33 to meet by chance 34 amixture 12/1 © Pustake Yakin Pelajar Sdn. Bhd, Part § You are going (0 read a story about an incident, Six sentences have been re Choose from the sentences (A= H) to fit each 8ap (38 - 40). There are nw ere thea, you do not need to use, mtencesy) For each question, blacken the correct answer (A~H) on your ay r sheet, ADay At The Waterfall Tt was a warm, ‘Sunny day and in Tanjung Rambutan, My mot sandwiches. | (3) At the waterfall, ying Aecided to go for a picnic at the waterfall Cooked some fried rice and made some Sardine there were many families with children shouting and ie water. Certain shallow parts were more crowded than }¢ my mother laid out the food, we hurriedly changed | | | | | | into our swi trunks and jumped into a naturally formed Pool where the water was calm. Weenjoyed ourselves, swimming and splashing water on each other. e ly elder brother, Khalid, however is a very good swimmet While we were playing, we suddenly heard shouts for bpifTwo young girs were running up and down on the boulders at the far Gay [A] Their friend was having difficulties and was drowning. We wanted to help but it looked lie there was a kind of whirlpool which was sucking her ia, Khalid was fast. He see ‘lose to whef® she was and threw in a rolled up towel which Khalid held at ZS @ Then, both of us pulled her ayy from the whirlpool back to the Her friends helped her and she began t girls had come to the waterfall without the knowledge of their parents. | ef [= ‘They promised to inform their parents and 80 with adults when going swimming in future. aaa 121 one ® Maris Model Penasiran Tinghatan't® 7. 127 onan an” ———

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