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> NNEMEEAINATIONAL DIANE paver 6S 70688 28 y (Louch) r al T9804 oo ny) oe Whyk 2014 es Gad wrt Opts g5%r R fe |. 2015) — dee) Boe’ ~ 2% on me silk Brh — — 1h ose-3 mm % Sulip, gopan mada. 2. BST 3. an : 4 reborn Bae sr Biss] — 1M, ae! govt o- chm, o oO a z a4 BSS SEES Deis’. 5 Sag be i toand, | Gegle Wome -PA_ Saco — Se Csesye. GIA & og 2B) ives! 55,5 % Gabor wo a; QA > )S2 DROLe, 2a oe ae Cot s\oc8 aa eae oO NETS) 1. S) Ged Gone Sp De b Z Co Desanw Boar PGA WOE SON oo graeed pECEMBER 2013 A opel a Ie; 5 & © oD ZAMS 1h GPa) * GlekOe Sen 6 oO) Feo = ise, ae =, ey Oo > BO 2). Bare Eee 8 over ae) Cenet / ae ‘ne ae) pean 2 sa ee w 2 Zoe eR pe pone 4 Cobo Pe Host Rs lee z AB Bad gatas BSS Soret REMINDERS: WEEK 53 VQ) L595 2 DBE SDE = Qonrw U0 _ dP. SHI) oa petra = Bomae > BFE are SQ. O).o— eee EK Gore ces 125456 THETWNNAD wisieTwID awww wx 2203 SuTWTr SsmTwWIr ssmTWre, ssmtwt Fawr my «HS 45678910 NGM wiewARsmw 2 2627w 1 safar 14354 a\tYO pao YT SUNDAY a —>2! YS 6 safor ‘te 6 2B es LA ey gus “eunge a oe DAEs pear: oo jPaulile Unted chaty ie » O-dyn~Coletes) - : Ao nll » 9. sobrands. Seg) —2-—— «3. Shread = aa ~ elk ee Yager oe = 5. Oso Dan _ PELE an ! Wa nge Pete seth REMINDERS, WEEK 53 5. ADD — CBame ) Pram PoP QS gO) po ae 123 45678910 MIDIS HIS 1617 1819 0 2 22-28-24 25: 7-28-29 31 —_~IANUARY 2018 WTR SSMT WTF OS SMT WTF SS TWIT USS MT wr Fr B12 3456789 ]WNISWIFI 171819 202122 24% 26.27 207-50 SAFARIRABIAL pECEMBEK 2U1> 5 Seuble chain: Eg SY Neodle - — 14 . ans ; 2. a toarels ia % and | 3. Maced es OSD) asy05 eI = © “f, pool mnie Gest le Yrsed chain wom Og DECEMBER 205. «1: 2:54.56 7.891021 ISIS WIS 2 2 25 24 25 26 2! ' SMTWTF SSMTWTF SSmIWTF ssmrwte $s sia MUU «HT 2S 45678 9W NABI wiw27 BIW www anes quespay Lo! TY esata 1354 “a\ivO pao TA aus bat “pes Suh, OG Teo mn ahsioan® . BROS oe SPO BES ord. aD? 9 a ©.) BND oO oto a ; Poconk te Boies Seaee® Dic LB db3en8. Glove Tre ad - aa a Se uON sain & : a tod Dado et BOR 5 - OS é nx REX. a“ feodle ~— Ih 0-28. WEEK 55 REMINDERS 7 re ore / be ego oo [= a 365 = 000 1230 45678910 W215 151617 119 2021 225m 25.26 27 28 29-30 31——_JANUARY 2014 WTF SSMTWTF SSMTWTF SSMTWTF SSMTWTF B12 $4567.89 WISH IS] 171819 20212225 24 25 2627 28-29 50 ——_SAFAR/RABIA —_ ; S| "p— chin titel 5 ; ict Z ft a pagel xtticl * | ES ; OB LGA = Baw) "ESToP BLEn— ieee “Base sot , 5 pnd Aoomieage ZS) ee . PAs neue SQ Bs Poe 3@ NS woe BG kr eee Bio Beas, “1, sb ; 8 i ees 25 Poe 8 PS coast 2. Ou thu Brese Gee 2804 001 # 364 | JANUARY 2014 123 456786910 1121516151617 192222324 «5 2627 BBW REF ssmtwre ssmtwtr ssmrwrr ssmrwtf t SAFAR/RABIA | wi2 3456789 WO 1213181516 17 1B 19 21 22 «4 25 HT BBY oe wb N60 Syl easy / a Ce \g2) ey | pane spe 1 BVETO JIM ga? THURSDAY Gay aell | T) 2 5 SIO eben i Bluse O°” Rew: 5S ovac Le dys 0-28 .0m ; ding vbr nQ. Sbaels 4 b y i » 3. AUR. , - FEO: — Nes. "Bep) ahem Guna Ose Bay as Ga, a CEN tna = Gun ee A Seastere) S388, eae eB Om se oie oa IBS oh ee Oem SSS, ‘Qa Qedcat PI ned pf S ones OS Os 5 TIN Soin ois w pan manna» a Ssurwre SSMTWTF SSMTWTE sSMTWT EF Daye bey eo WnA BM Wien wp~2 2B M27 m ae ee JANUARY 2014 BRR, 2 Rabia | 1a354, Yo a isestl FRIDAY a Lh, Mey BE eee * ieee = SPO Secor QL. wee aE Sie BETES) , Has? waste 18 wes REMINDERS, 003 » 362 JANUARY 123 4567891 "1213 14 45 a6 a7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26: 7 1 STR wt wr SAFAR/eaBia SSmtwyp Wink. wi wi SEO rere ors 12 sase7r59 dor 1p" expand open 18 | gn _ fp wh £4 Shek ofan | 7 sae: 7 fe Ceacl » ard We DySomm © ay yANUARY 2014 sy} SUN DAY 4 Rabia | 1435H 2180 J3¥ wt tl atig sg pabia | 435 Lag: MONDAY (yi 59!) ¥ 6 an oD OBE. 3. G2lk thread — 0-5) Sls Ce Dor () | —sGl SSL. = 7 ; Szo _ 24 = ae g. Sf Soune os ee “BROODS GLOGS” oo : @vt221)8 WEEK 1 a5 tabia | 1 7 v Lo TUESDAY ee 435H alt ‘ede é chess falling : ae : 0. 4S5m~ REMINDERS WEEK 1 GLEN a ° ae Bout Kno. aubjebo Awd) oe Qyaur gS OP eae coe oe SOUR gabia | 35H -AVSTO JM aay y seen eee _ WEDNESDAY sLa3I A ce AE | Bong ae 9. Baked stitch ot Ae OAS g. Afand - i 3, BR noo, 1 Lf Teg ‘REMINDERS ash) o) Sa 6 Den Gyre) poten. )@)_ BE Sr BOBS see OTe, RTE @ume 8()_ Dents it Bos DBsyp, knot -~ at = 1. DSN) 4 “Son; a 9 4 aid 8 Rabia | 1435H area ; DPE CGt DG, LAA Gopye poet sone ast feeb Lope, 8 DoBuGhk , owen YE Be)’ 6 GB SCs OS Dest Syn > Rawk Dirt Sno ELE, 0 * - mn) Jo SA ob ost ve ps Oya 2 eae \ ola(3, Bala gagsene wv, doa alling | - ; "1h. oddsmm QQ, ola oh 3. ot 8 - - o- chai 0 etmnoers Ore bnot week 009 # 356 sonar 123 4567890 neowes 867 wiewanax sunnees " wor SSM T WEB ssurwr Sswrwte sswrwtt woe «12 «3456709 WinEKER 7819s 456m H = : ite —-—~- 10 Rebtel ay zac ee ne cope fauna Mec oe we Bs ae folgeas BB Gee Copy = (pel Pbaunly be fasn mcs, Seu e/\9 Eo Buf fnek~ ana 2 ae Brg SE Sig eae ot ot QS) Ree se KGS) ser itn.) 1s r eae. - DcoiecDu 2A Ges> Bun fe uned 1S) BD» W. Rarvedli bleh JANUARY 2014 OE i hg, seats ee Dose OFeq 8 Ca © ay. ra 6) a _PLENS& Goon 2 gece Gus ay 8 Cape 525% 5) Bs teanih mete 7itiol, 11 Rabia | 1435H a 18¥0 Jy ay 14 SUNDAY yiiyy o » OEMS d002— oem 5a) FP WBA Le Qvaton _ eget a, BE sph 5G £505 851 ip HB) pe) 12 Pend 2AAh stitch @9 feng) Did. Q: “end | ie | Aso = MINERS 28% ‘WEEK G0 BEES Gosrloe™ SSeS Ske OS Bie, eS | OS @vou oon of wee Bicot) Odes Hoe Gund 58 NES Akg Spa) se ae aaa JANUARY 2014 oo ome Sa ee, 9 a sbi 28 aq AX na) io oe — meee 12 Rabie PT MBSH avere gi Hees eh En PASS ee BF Sa Eek See ssa REMINDERS TUESDA\ sea 14 to Y si VE a ) O14. en o.ys mm Q Ringle stand. CG. eh Meted ots »DEPC em “Ge fe PS easy, EBay 4 el eee Tey wb Cn HeE, Brwwae Deovl oo Sia orate 014351 6 17 18 19 2021-223: 24-25: 26.27 FEBRUARY 1 5 YO) sLes5¥I WEDNESDAY \4 Rabla | 14351 NTO a, ib Baad 2 4HA @ Helle — 2h Gr 0.4 mm ®. threo = Normal Atoaehenra rool i= am lose) 0) 2 Siege we eae ats 8 as Sind THURSDAY well ya ] 6 15 Rabia! 1435H 2 \tYo os ale wp Chuang = # Q. 24-2" om pwcbambe ! @. Leet The2od, i. “2h st ; Dy ohtnbe moet a 20 NB BB Ob) » OPN 1 ; \V discal FRIDAY 7 — hy ®. dumper ging ; - | (224 Gx _oAnm ae @ Y : 5 / - - \ @ erg Thread sf = eS ODay 2 : Qidbele) 2 ‘ 2534228 nO. ~ lem! Oy seOKe oR eek oA \—~ Aw Qo — re $end SrowS) Oo OEE oO a 26) SIGE * OU MSS Baers aay os Z fi aoe = T zi te ep PA OS mon _— 2 A A. silk hod, (0? He Dun&, SNe 3 AE ERI TNE als lad a gals — ey o- O38 Sos 435H 2470 LM aw, Wy as SATURDAY ctl VA es : SLOG EAB. ExSGor) ot §)088%)) “Seow * Sod ma £3 DiGoyS, SS a seen. * HreaSus eune age | bs nig ot, pwe&val 8 oXe ey pee RrrQé-owns, gist, $e Car once BGs manent ere F108 BRE) © org 347 hoon 19 \4 1 91 SUNDAY a ve Rabi 1s. ee M4 u al ea Mens. occ, Us Ly by 0.5mm \ Noxnmel @ c&CLoasz che’ = - = = oun peOer \Son& gover Qe, SHOFR Glare bea pe same Bor Boe | t oy ees nd Sopa! EPI Dee Ge eine acters Yeo leS) ost Baar Sea! Be OSS GDB) @Q a or mye BADE JANUARY 1 456768910 Woiewe | 19 Rabia | 1435H SV8T0 JM ga ONDA ee 20 ae ane? Sake, B08 ae 2 1 3) by 3-02 om Bios feat Be Usage 168 sas dup nk pipes Be 8 Nplate YS paul (Ts Osby at PUBES prod Sot Boies _ le App Bele ia" "ath " sae 16 ee wv en = ~~ JANUARY 2014 2 ] TY Lost ushthot 20 Rabia | 1435H 4) — = OO f——_— S2, Vsenel hah henge a _ ee REMINDERS a NEYO SoM quay / VE gulis - all ogil | 22 31 Rabia | 1435H Vero Gy aw VV WEDNESDAY ~ST Goune 5 entre ene Led & REMINDERS — JANUARY 2014 23 YY ju: -as2J! THURSDAY 22 Rabia | 14354 Ao OS. 6 pe (dvinck net leave ~ —_—___ 1 Neimel wveodlel end 2 CO gg 2 Me zmeed, Eréad ern - Herel, Salk. 3 Grex — stared ~ 6 “4te jo. 4 DSE@s00 2 a ‘Bae = ase BOS = SPONSE SAYS. Pe BES e 2 SR BO) SANE aro, ae 95% En 2 STAT Sem 2 Re PV) Ee Iuf7, “Ae) Sry gt ely) _4C IP 8 a fe eas “Bho Ze DBR B55. Send (pn Reae. Senate Sotenoil Ue Ro, ew “VRE 2s Bo Lees Ese; al PhMS5 songs = margin 27h -& 8 ae vebaks Usage '- DOL, Ba ce Shi = “eS (De lh Btnpwale- 023 0 34 ds ~ ALN Q gil : HVE jal ~ G3 2 VETO SoM aay / tHE nay 24 a Ge Sane Aas Hage. fos. °F Gomel Gum 2ps Sy GoGo, GB. i Coalees, oe EAS ~ i = Bie LY, Cons JANUARY 2014 25 kf qual! SATURDAY 24 Rabia | 1435H stro 4.8, tong GY heat _ wee ‘i 10 gee BE) wD pitsa,5 OLBEd>I> gers a) S) Seu ONS OpPENNS ~ 3g bb REMINDERS Guy LoVvVne WEEK 4 etry 1435H 2180 Jel a, 2 SUNDAY 1 _>¥! Ly 26 a 2 LO egy OAD gE Rs = [A en. 0, ae om. B. Aribk Hhzcnd, Y oe viral! i Hosed a AGL. 2 Ev “@sGa eps Sees Bs Se ae Salunb So] nf 6k: Dey 2OIOH stor ne Gale zeq not oss — ov . “oy 4 HI WBF) Be) A585 a5 Sots aL SSP AES Sr eae poe ihe Sts stand ~ ow 228 PSEA g ° Oe: ie Guaseont ADIT rewinpers_ “~~ Bus 6 DS Sata Gun 2S A1Fespot Bas ew ~) Sek BSS — G)S2s ot tps 9g We ere ot g LOIS G20) Pe u Ti 5 es! soa Aye Sn Vann sye Dd > EVako Ly BY Aer ROBLge® | So as ee) 1213 (4 15 16 17 18 19 2071 “2s. eee anne ssmtwtr SsmTwrF js, pe ae en S” "RENE s Sk Bune 4,2 as 20 Rab T435H steny 43 TUESDAY 2591 YA 2 8 y7 Rebia | 1435H 8870 USN! gas TY = yp Biot @ He vodel © nn 7 thaead. Atare. 2. ; 4s-7 -- s. Beads Vue ED — a9, ooo se pba ae 55,” Bak 25 > 2) LOS gis Bs ea Ds 15 Depth, BOIS ee 2 Hye fs: — SSR Gee Biases PD. es 3G), DEE LORL Ge “Sse gh DB Poe _ EQS OS DYHPwP UA, Se. "D)V SDS S]orS CBS Qa Row See ne _ OV) AGM 7 5 5 ‘ = SF Fax? Bec eI PET 222 ema REMINDERS, ») 29 Y4 .Lay¥! WEDNESDAY 28 Rabial 1435 al gre Us, 73), Eng ped f heuer t mac] small o| 1-14. 045m a bh. a tords g Bulk Thaced. a Rep oe - Pp. Bes)” By wis 5. Gs) oR S&S SI PEE & Prag meat oP LOGI I ANE 1p " Bun Be, _ Sulk etling ypPBr, "2 vy, ony or i Baoe PUD sic Seog )e Se ESS SSA. o, Be 0nd Yr Zvn xf _.- 30 | 29 Rabia | 1435H ait Jl au VA THURSDAY. ye-ex!! || 132) Ce evr — b 14. com 04% a. Dall a scngde &. SUz Frac On on). u ‘ OMe S) vo - C 2 ainall che in vu 788 ; oe ey ee a Stents ie 7 | ase Dasovtt QeYE ate PAT 5 QYIDG)0% Ge 2d Ze a Jas "ey fs SLRS : Be © vs Lg w ad 6 Haw and 7 Sake &. eae WEEK 4

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