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Operation Research - 20MBA25

Topic: Irrigation project

By Team C9
Sahana D Nayak - 4NM20BA124
Srikalpa - 4NM20BA151
Sukesh - 4NM20BA158
Ullas Shetty - 4NM20BA167
Vikram - 4NM20BA170

Under the guidance of: Prof.Sheetal Kumar


Date of submission: 23/08/2021

Project description
Irrigation projects mainly consists engineering structures which collects, convey and deliver
water to areas on which crops are grown. Irrigation project may range from small farm unit to
serving extensive areas of millions of hectares. A small irrigation project may consist of low
diversion weir or inexpensive pumping plant along with small channels. A large irrigation project
includes a large storage reservoir, a huge dam, hundreds of kilometers of canals, control
structures and other works.

Activity name Activity Description


1-2 2 Selecting a new site for the irrigation project

1-3 3 Determining and selecting the number of labourers

required to complete the project

1-5 10 Digging the well in accordance of the depth and width to

reach the water level

2-4 2 Designing the blue print for the estimated irrigation site

4-6 1 Procurement of suitable pump

6-7 2 Installation of the procured pump for lifting water

7-8 3 Procurement of pipes and other equipment’s

3-5 6 Digging the estimated area to install pipes

5-6 4 Installation of pipes and other equipment’s

6-8 1 Conducting a test run to see if the planned project works


Drawing network diagram
2 2 2 4 311 2 3

101 10 5 4 6 1 8

3 6

Determining the project completion duration

Here the possible paths are:
Path 1 = 1-5-6-8

Activit Duration
1-5 10
5-6 4
6-8 1

15 days

Path 2 = 1-3-5-6-7-8

Activity Duration

1-3 3
3-5 6
5-6 4
6-7 2
7-8 3

Total path 18 days


Path 3 = 1-2-4-6-7-8

Activity Duration

1-2 2
2-4 2
4-6 1
6-7 2
7-8 3

Total path 10 days


Path 4 = 1-5-6-7-8

Activities Duration

1-5 10
5-6 4
6-7 2
7-8 3

Total path duration 19 days

Path 5 = 1-2-4-6-8

Activities Duration

1-2 2
2-4 2
4-6 1
6-8 1

Total path duration 6

Path 6 = 1-3-5-6-8

Activities Duration

1-3 3
3-5 6
5-6 4
6-8 1

Total Path duration 14

To determine the project completion period highest path duration is considered (i.e., 19 ) the
project manager has to wait until all the activities of project are completed
Therefore, minimum path duration is not considered as the project completion period
Therefore, project completion duration is {15,18,10,19,6,14}=19

Determining critical path and critical duration of project network

1-5-6-8= 15 days
1-3-5-6-7-8=18 days
1-2-4-6-7-8=10 days
1-5-6-7-8=19 days Critical Path
1-2-4-6-8=6 days
1-3-5-6-8=14 days
Above are the possible paths
Therefore, maximum path duration = project completion duration =19 days
1-5-6-7-8 is called as critical path because this path takes maximum duration in order to
complete its activity and this path decides the project completion duration. Any delay in the
critical path activities will lead to delay in project completion.

2 4

1 5 6 8

Calculation of early start, early finish , late start , late finish

In order to calculate early start for each activity we first determine early start for each node
E1= early start for node 1=0 (for all the problems)
E2= early start for node 2
Duration of (1-2) =2
We consider E1 to calculate E2
E2 = E1+duration of (1-2)= 0+2=2
E3= early start for node 3
Duration of (1-3)=3
We consider E1 to calculate E3

E3= E1 + duration of (1-3)= 0+3=3

E4= early start for node 4
Duration of (2-4)=2
We consider E2 to calculate E4
E4= E2 + duration of (2-4)=2+2=4
E5= early start for node 5
Duration of (1-5)=10
We consider E1 to calculate E5
E5 =E1 + duration of (1-5)= 0+10=10

Similarly, duration of (3-5) =6

We consider E3 to calculate E5

E5 = E3 + duration of (3-5) = 3+6=9

=Maximum of {10,9}= 10
E6= early start for node 6
Duration of (4-6) =1
We consider E4 to consider E6
E6= E4+ duration of (4-6)= 4+1=5
Similarly, duration of (5-6) =6

We consider E5 to calculate E6

E6 = E5+ duration of (5-6) = 10+4=14

= maximum of {6,14}=14

E7 = early start for node 7

Duration of (6-7)= 2

We consider E6 to calculate E7

E7= E6+ duration of (6-7)= 14+2=16

E8 = early start for node 8

Duration of (7-8)= 3

We consider E7 to calculate E8

E8= E7+ duration of (7-8)= 16+3=19

Similarly, Duration of (6-8)= 1

We consider E6 to calculate E8

E8= E6+ duration of (6-8)= 14+1=15

Maximum of {19,15}=19

In order to calculate late finish for each of the activities we have to first determine late finish for
each node

L8= late finish for all the activities that finish on the 8th node

L8= E8 for all the problems = 19

L7 = late finish for node 7

Duration of (7-8)= 3

We consider L8 to calculate L7

L7= L8 - duration of (7-8)= 19-3=16

L6= late finish for node 6

Duration of (6-8)= 1

We consider L8 to calculate L6

L6= L8 - duration of (6-8)= 19-1=18

Similarly, Duration of (6-7)= 2

We consider L7 to calculate L6
L6= L7 - duration of (6-7)= 16-2=14
Minimum of { 18,14}=14
L5= late finish for node 5
Duration of (5-6)= 4
We consider L6 to calculate L5
L5= L6 - duration of (5-6) = 14-4=10
L4= late finish for node 4
Duration of (4-6)= 1
We consider L6 to calculate L4

L4= L6 - duration of (4-6)= 14-1=13
L3= late finish for node 3
Duration of (3-5) = 6
We consider L5 to calculate L3
L5- duration of ( 3-5) = 10-6=4
L2= late finish for node 2
Duration of (2-4) = 2
We consider L4 to calculate L2
L4- duration of (2-4) = 13-2=11
L1= late finish for node 1
Duration of (1-2) = 2
We consider L2 to calculate L1
L2 - duration of (1-2) = 11-2=9
L1= late finish for node 1
Duration of (1-3) = 3
We consider L3 to calculate L1
L3- duration of (1-3) = 4-3=1
L1= late finish for node 1
Duration of (1-5) = 10
We consider L5 to calculate L1
L5 - duration of (1-5) = 10-10=0
Minimum of {9,1,0}=0

10 | P a g e
Activity Duration Early Early Finish Late Start Late
Start Finish

1-2 2 E1=0 0+2=2 11-2=9 L2=11

1-3 3 E1=0 0+3=3 4-3=1 L3=4

1-5 10 E1=0 0+10=10 10-10=0 L5=10

2-4 2 E2=2 2+2=4 13-2=11 L4=13

4-6 1 E4=4 4+1=5 14-1=13 L6=14

6-7 2 E6=14 14+2=16 16-2=14 L7=16

7-8 3 E7=16 16+3=19 19-3=16 L8=19

3-5 6 E3=3 3+6=9 10-6=4 L5=10

5-6 4 E5=10 10+4=14 14-4=10 L6=14

6-8 1 E6=14 14+1=15 19-1=18 L8=19

Early finish = Early start +duration

Late start= late finish - duration

Calculation of total float

Total float is calculated on the difference between the late start & early start or late finish &early

Total float = late start – Early start

11 | P a g e
Activity Late Start Early Start Total Float

1-2 9 0 9

1-3 1 0 1

1-5 0 0 0

2-4 11 2 9

4-6 13 4 9

6-7 14 14 0

7-8 16 16 0

3-5 4 3 1

5-6 10 10 0 In activity 1-
6-8 18 14 4 the total float
for above 4
activities is 0 that means the project manager cannot delay these activities then the project
completion duration will be delayed this means that these activities have to start on 1st day or 0th
moment while the total float of activities 1-2,1-3,2-4,4-6,3-5,6-8 is 9,1,9,9,1,4 .it means that
these activities can be delayed by 9,1,9,9,1,4 days respectively

Calculation of free float

Free float is determined by calculating the difference between the early start of the next activity
and early finish of the current activity

activity Early start Early finish

1-2 0 2

1-3 0 3

1-5 0 10

2-4 2 4

12 | P a g e
4-6 4 5

6-7 14 16

7-8 16 19

3-5 3 9

5-6 10 14

6-8 14 15

Free float for 1-2

EF=2 ES=2
present Activity 2 Next Activity 4

Present activity =1-2

Next activity =2-4
Early start for next activity (2-4)=2
Early finish for (1-2)=2
Free float for (1-2)= { early start for 2-4}-{early finish for 1-2}
= 2-2=0
Free float for 1-3

EF=3 ES=3
1 Present Activity 3 Next Activity

Present activity =1-3

Next activity =3-5
Early start for next activity (3-5)=3

13 | P a g e
Early finish for (1-3)=3
Free float for (1-3)= {early start for 3-5}-{early finish for 1-3}
= 3-3=0

Free float for 1-5

EF=10 ES=10
present Activity 5 Next Activity 6

Present activity =1-5

Next activity =5-6
Early start for next activity (5-6)=10
Early finish for (1-5)=10
Free float for (1-5)= { early start for 5-6}-{early finish for 1-5}
= 10-10=0

Free float for 2-4

EF=4 ES=4
Present Activity 4 Next Activity 6

Present activity =2-4

Next activity =4-6
Early start for next activity (4-6)=4
Early finish for (2-4)=4
Free float for (2-4)= {early start for 4-6}-{early finish for 2-4}
= 4-4=0

14 | P a g e
Free float for 4-6
EF=5 ES=14
6 7
Present Activity Next Activity


Present activity =4-6

Next activity ={6-7,6-8}
Early start for next activity (6-7,6-8)=14 days
Early finish for (4-6)=5
Free float for (4-6)= { early start for next activity}-{early finish for 4-6}
= 14-5=9

Free float for 6-7

EF=16 ES = 16

6 7 8

Present Activity Next Activity

Present activity =6-7
Next activity =7-8
Early start for next activity (7-8)=16
Early finish for (6-7)=16
Free float for (6-7)= {early start for 7-8}-{early finish for 6-7}
= 16-16=0

15 | P a g e
Free float for 7-8
EF=19 ES = 19

7 8
Present activity
EF= 15

The Early finish for (6-8) =15

Early finish for (7-8)=19
The early start for any activity starting from 8th node = maximum of {15,19} = 19
Free float for (7-8) = early start for the next activity (the activity that starts from 8th node) – Early
finish of present activity(7-8)
= 19-19=0

Free float for 3-5

EF=9 ES = 10

3 5 6
Present Activity Next Activity

Present activity =3-5

Next activity =5-6
Early start for next activity (5-6)=10
Early finish for (3-5)=9
Free float for (3-5)= {early start for 5-6}-{early finish for 3-5}
= 10-9=1

16 | P a g e
Free float for 5-6
EF=14 ES=14

5 6 7
Present Activity Next Activity


Present activity =5-6

Next activity ={6-7,6-8}
Early start for next activity (6-7,6-8)=14 days
Early finish for (5-6)=14
Free float for (5-6)= { early start for next activity}-{early finish for 5-6}
= 14-14=0

Free float for 6-8

EF=15 ES = 19
6 8

Present activity
EF= 19

The Early finish for (7-8) =19

Early finish for (6-8)=15
The early start for any activity starting from 8th node = maximum of {19,15} = 19
Free float for (6-8) = early start for the next activity (the activity that starts from 8th node) – Early
finish of present activity(6-8)
= 19-15=4

17 | P a g e
Calculation of independent float
Independent float assumes that the next activity will start as soon as possible and the previous
activity finishes as late as possible

activity Duration Early start Early Late finish

1-2 2 0 2 11

1-3 3 0 3 4

1-5 10 0 10 10

2-4 2 2 4 13

4-6 1 4 5 14

6-7 2 14 16 16

7-8 3 16 19 19

3-5 6 3 9 10

5-6 4 10 14 14
6-8 1 14 15 19

Independent float for 1-2

1 2 4

No Previous Activity Present Activity Next Activity

LF=0 d=2 ES=2

18 | P a g e
Independent float for 1-2 = {early start of next activity (2-4) -late finish for previous activity-
duration of present activity(1-2)}
= 2-0-2=0

Independent float for 1-3

1 3 5

No Previous Activity Present Activity Next Activity

LF=0 d=3 ES=3

Independent float for 1-3 = {early start of next activity (3-5) -late finish for previous activity-
duration of present activity(1-3)}
= 3-0-3=0

Independent float for 1-5

1 5 6

No Previous activity Present Activity Next Activity

LF=0 d=10 ES=10

Independent float for 1-5 = {early start of next activity (5-6) -late finish for previous activity-
duration of present activity(1-5)}
= 10-0-10=0

19 | P a g e
Independent float for 2-4

1 2 4 6

Previous Activity Present Activity Next Activity

LF= 11 d=2 ES=4

Independent float for 2-4 = {early start of next activity (4-6) -late finish of previous activity(1-2)
- duration of present activity(2-4)} = 4-11-2= -9(0)

Independent float for 4-6

LF=13 d=1 ES=14

2 Previous 4 Present 6 Next Activity 7
Activity Activity ES=14

Independent float for 4-6 = {early start of next activity - late finish for previous activity(2-4) -
duration of present activity
(4-6)} = 14-13-1=0

20 | P a g e
Independent float for 6-7

4 6 7 8

previous activity Present activity next activity

LF= 14 d=2 ES=16

Independent float for 6-7 = {early start of next activity (7-8) -late finish for previous activity(4-
6) - duration of present activity(6-7)} = 16-14-2=0

Independent float for 7-8

EF= 19
6 7 8

Previous activity duration=3 ES=19

LF=16 EF=15

ES=maximum of {19,15}= 19
Therefore ES=19
Independent float for 7-8 = {early start of activity - late finish for previous activity(6-7) -
duration of present activity(7-8)} = 19-16-3=0
Independent float for 3-5

1 3 5 6

Previous activity Present activity next activity

LF=4 d= 6 ES= 10

21 | P a g e
Independent float for 3-5 = {early start of next activity (5-6) -late finish for previous activity(1-
3) -duration of present activity(3-5)} = 10-4-6=0

Independent float for 5-6

3 5 6 7

Previous activity Present activity next activity

LF=10 d= 4 ES= 14

Next activity ES=14 8

ES= maximum of {14,14}=14

Independent float for 5-6 = {early start of next activity - late finish for previous activity(3-5) -
duration of present activity(5-6)} = 14-10-4=0

Independent float for 6-8

EF= 15
LF=14 D=1 ES=19
5 Previous activity 6 present activity 8


22 | P a g e
ES=maximum of {19,15}=19
Therefore ES=19
Independent float for 6-8 = {early start of activity - late finish for previous activity(5-6) -
duration of present activity(6-8)} = 19-14-1=4

activity Total float free float Independent float

1-2 9 0 0
1-3 1 0 0

1-5 0 0 0
2-4 9 0 -9(0)
4-6 9 9 0

6-7 0 0 0
7-8 0 0 0
3-5 1 1 0
5-6 0 0 0
6-8 4 4 4

23 | P a g e

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