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Republic of the Philippines


Nabua, Camarines Sur

The Contemporary Global Issues

Mechanics: This is an individual output. Each student will research about the contemporary issues that the world is facing today. You can choose from
these categories: Technology, Peace and Security, Social and Cultural Issues, Economy, Politics, Environment, Demographic Issues (Fertility,
Migration, Mortality, Marriage, Social Mobility). It must feature the following parts:
➢ Background/Introduction of Contemporary Global Issue.
➢ How is the issue being addressed/resolved?
➢ What are the possible consequences/impacts of the resolution?
➢ Presentation of facts and/or evidence.
➢ Personal Analysis (Reaction, Realization, Proposed Solutions/Advocacy).
➢ References used.
Each student will be graded using the rubric and this will serve as your Final Examination. Have fun and be creative!

CRITERIA Exemplar Proficient Partially Proficient Incomplete POINTS

35 points 33 points 31 points 29 points

Integration The paper demonstrates that The paper demonstrates that the The paper demonstrates The paper does not demonstrate that
of the author fully understands author, for the most part, that the author, to a certain the author has fully understood and
knowledge and has applied concepts understands and has applied extent, understands and has applied concepts learned in the
learned in the course. concepts learned in the course. applied concepts learned in course.
Concepts are integrated into Some of the conclusions, the course.
the writer’s own insights. The however, are not supported in the
writer provides concluding body of the paper.
remarks that show analysis and
synthesis of ideas.

Effectivity Date: June 2016 Rev. 0 Page 1 of 3

Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur
25 points 23 points 21 points 19 points
Depth of In-depth discussion & In-depth discussion & elaboration The writer has omitted Cursory discussion in all the sections
discussion elaboration in all sections of the in most sections of the paper. pertinent content or content of the paper or brief discussion in
paper. runs-on excessively. only a few sections.
Quotations from others
outweigh the writer’s own
ideas excessively.

Cohesiveness 20 points 18 points 16 points 14 points

Ties together information from For the most part, ties together Sometimes ties together Does not tie together information.
all sources. Paper flows from information from all sources. information from all sources. Paper does not flow and appears to
one issue to the next without Paper flows with only some Paper does not flow - be created from disparate issues.
the need for headings. Author's disjointedness. Author's writing disjointedness is apparent. Headings are necessary to link
writing demonstrates an demonstrates an understanding Author's writing does not concepts. Writing does not
understanding of the of the relationship among material demonstrate an demonstrate understanding any
relationship among material obtained from all sources. understanding of the relationships
obtained from all sources. relationship among material
obtained from all sources.

15 points 13 points 11 points 9 points

Feel The writing is compelling. It The writing is generally engaging, The writing is dull and The writing has little
hooks the reader and sustains but has some dry spots. In unengaging. Though the personality. The reader
interest throughout. general, paper quickly loses interest and stops
it is focused and keeps the has some interesting parts, reading.
reader's the
attention. reader finds it difficult to
maintain interest.

Effectivity Date: June 2016 Rev. 0 Page 2 of 3

Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur
10 points 9 points 8 points 5 points
Timeliness The project deadline was met The project was submitted 1 day The project was submitted The project was submitted 3-7 days
after the deadline 2 days after the deadline. after the deadline.

100 92 84 76

TOTAL POINTS: _________________



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Effectivity Date: June 2016 Rev. 0 Page 3 of 3

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