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REG. NO. : 413338900
Topic – sound level
Mainly there are three are three kinds of sound measuring instruments,
 Conventional sound level meter
 Integrating-averaging sound level meter
 Integrating sound level meter
AC signal from the microphone is converted to DC by a RMS circuit. The
output of RMS circuit is linear in voltage. Then it is passed through a
logarithmic circuit. This results a readout linear in decibels (dB). The Root-
mean-square sound pressure is obtained with a standard frequency weighting
and standard time weighting. The reference pressure is set by the International
agreement to be 20 micropascals for airborne sound.
Let’s take the input is the signal as,
Then by linearity,

[x(t+d)−x(t)]/d → [y(t+d)−y(t)]/d

Setting d approach zero,

x′(t) → y′(t).


x′(t)= sestx(t) = sest

we have
y′(t) = sy(t)

So, y(t)=Hest

some H depending on s, so H=H(s).

t=(ln y)/s+Ct, for some constant C.

In other words y=Hest for some constant H.

The function H(s) is the transfer function.
G(s) = K / s(1+Ts)
M(s) = G(s)/[1+G(s)]
M(s) = K/(Ts2 +s+1)

K : DC gain defined (the ratio of output voltage to input voltage)

T : time constant when the output reaches 63% of the final value.

Sound control system in a library to control silence.
In a library, a sound controller system is used to measure the sound level and
an announcement is played to silence the crowd in the library.

General equation of second order system is,
T(s) = Wn2/ (s2 + 2₰Wn +Wn2)
The obtained Transfer Function is,
M(s) = K/(Ts2 +s+1)
Here T=2 and K=9
So, M(s) = 1/(2s2 +4s+9);
Comparing both eqautions,
Wn= 3.
Using Routh-Horwitz Method:
Characteristic equation is: 2s2 + 4s + 9
s2 2 9
s1 4 0
s0 (36-2)/4=8.4 0
There are no repetition of sign change in the first column.
So, the system is stable.

Let’s find system response first.
For that we need to find Overshoot, Rise time, settling time.
Maximum Overshoot= e-₰pi/(1-₰2)^1/2= 9.47%
Rise Time= tr= (pi-Ø)/(Wn(1-₰2)1/2)=0.922 sec
Settling time =ts= 4/₰Wn = 0.093 sec
Peak time = tp = pi/(Wn(1-₰2)1/2)=1.308 Sec

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