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(JD 2525) Attorney at Law, A Law Corporation 1188 Bishop Street, Suite 2505 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Telephone: (808) 537-9777 Facsimile: (808) 537-9207 General Counsel for Trustee DANE S. FIELD IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF HAWAII In re ) ) DALE JULIAN PARSONS, JR., and ) MARY VIRGINIA PARSONS ) ) Debtors ) ) ) ) ) ________________________________ ) Case No. 09-02937 TRUSTEES SUPPLEMENTAL OBJECTION TO DEBTORS MOTION TO COMPEL TRUSTEE TO ABANDON PROPERTY Continued Hearing Date: August 10, 2011 Time: 10:30 a.m. Judge: The Honorable Robert J. Faris

TRUSTEES SUPPLEMENTAL OBJECTION TO DEBTORS MOTION TO COMPEL TRUSTEE TO ABANDON PROPERTY (Dkt. # 208) Comes Now the duly appointed and acting Chapter 7 Trustee, Dane S. Field, by and through his undersigned counsel and object to the Debtors Motion to Compel Trustee to Abandon Property filed herein on June 20, 2011, Dkt. # 208 as follows.

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As stated in the Trustees initial objection to Debtors instant Motion, it is axiomatic that the burden of proving that the property to be abandoned is of inconsequential value or benefit to the estate rest squarely upon the shoulder of the party requesting abandonment. Here the Debtors/ Movants have not meet their burden. Also as stated in the Trustees initial objection to Debtors instant Motion, the Trustee is negotiating with American Savings Bank (ASB) for the sale of the property with a substantial carve out for the estate. Lastly, since filing his initial objection to the Debtors instant Motion, the Trustees has discovered that American Savings Banks (ASB) purported mortgage in the subject property was not properly perfected at the time of the filing of the petition. To the contrary, the Mortgage was in fact in favor of MERS as nominee for ASB at the time of the filing of the petition. It was only subsequent to the filing of the petition that MERS conveyed its mortgage interest in the subject property to ASB. The Trustee believes that his hypothetical lien creditor status conferred by 544 of the Bankruptcy Code is superior to and has priority over any security interest ASB may claim in the property. The Trustee has advised ASB of his belief that his 544 status is superior to any claimed mortgage interest of ASB and is awaiting ASBs response.

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The Trustees counsel has also advised Debtors counsel, Ramon Ferrer of his beliefs regarding the priority of ASBs mortgage interest vis a via the Trustees hypothetical lien creditor status and has requested that the Debtors withdraw their instant Motion. To date Mr. Ferrer has not responded to counsel requests. The Trustees counsel is presently in the Republic of Palau and will not be able to attend the continued hearing on the instant motion in person or via telephone. As the subject property has value to the estate, the amount of which is yet to be determined and which amount could be substantial should ASB agree with the Trustees assessment of the priorities of their respective claims or the Trustee prevail on his belief that his interest in the property is superior to ASBs unperfected mortgage interest, the instant Motion should be denied. Alternatively, the Trustee requests that the hearing on the Motion be continued until his counsel can appear before the Court and present argument and evidence of the estates interest in the subject property. Dated: Koror, Palau, August 9, 2011

/s/Enver W. Painter, Jr. ENVER W. PAINTER, JR General Counsel for Trustee DANE S. FIELD

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