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Name: Darlyn Rose A.

Course & Section: HST 3A – Batch 4

The Case of Patty Robinson

The Robinson family went on a 3- day weekend getaway in a popular resort in the
Visayas, the Coral resort, which takes pride in hospitable service, first rate cuisine,
and well maintained resort facilities. Martin Robinson, president of an American
multinational company based in Manila, took his wife Angie and children Patty, aged
6 and Geoff, aged 5 to this beautiful resort to celebrate their wedding anniversary.
The first day was enjoyable because the children have a great time at the resort’s
refreshing swimming pool despite the lack of lifeguard on duty. The chef delighted
the family with local cuisine and every staff was courteous and cheerful. On the
second day, there were not many people checked-in the resort. Just before sunset,
Angie woke up and started to look for Patty and she was nowhere to be found. Geoff
was with his dad the whole afternoon walking by the beach. After searching for 30
minutes with the help of some hotel staff, Patty was found in the swimming pool
already dead. One of the staff immediately performed a CPR but to no avail.

1. Can the Robinson family hold the hotel liable for the death of their
Maybe not, given that the family must first determine whether the hotel is
at fault and collect proof of that fact. It’s possible that the owner won’t always
be held liable even if the disaster occurs on the property. However, the hotel
must be held responsible for the child’s death. In the end, having fun comes
second to everyone’s safety who checks into their hotel.
2. What are the responsibilities of resort with a swimming pool?
At a resort with a pool, patrons' and guests' safety is of utmost importance.
Due to this, the resort is required to operate the swimming pool in accordance
with all applicable local, state, federal, and corporate safety requirements.
This entails performing routine pH and chlorine tests, keeping the water at the
proper temperature, enforcing any diving restrictions, and adhering to the right
cleaning and maintenance procedures. To ensure swimmers' safety and to
uphold pool laws, the resort should additionally staff the pool with lifeguards
and other staff members. In addition, the resort is required to offer the flotation
devices, rescue tubes, and first-aid supplies needed to save a swimmer in
trouble. Finally, the resort should stay up-to-date on all safety regulations and
ensure that all pool staff and lifeguards are properly trained to handle any
potential safety issues.
3. Would you consider the resort negligent in this situation?
It is crucial to have lifeguards on duty in a resort with the right training and
equipment. Because the absence of lifeguards in the area increases the risk
of injury or, in the worst cases, fatality in a pool accident, it is negligent to not
have enough staff on duty. A person hurt while on a resort’s premises may be
entitled to compensation.
4. What are the rights of the hotel guests?
Hotel guests have a right to a clean, safe, and welcoming environment. If
the hotel does not live up to the expected standards of quality, they are
entitled to a refund. Additionally, guests should be given detailed information
about the facilities and services offered. The right to privacy and personal
property is guaranteed to hotel guests. By hotel staff or other visitors, they
shouldn’t be bothered or harassed. Customers should have access to
customer assistance around-the-clock in case they have any issues or
questions. Last but not least, visitors to hotels have the right to lodge
complaints and have them promptly and effectively resolved.

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