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When stories are broadcast across several media platforms and viewers or readers have the

chance to alter, comment on, or otherwise engage with culture, this is known as cultural convergence.

When different cultures can influence one another, global convergence develops. Therefore,

convergence culture can be defined as the amalgamation of various media forms so that media

consumers can actively participate in the media's guiding principles. Cultural fusion occurs when

members of one culture adopt practices from another culture without undermining their own. The

phenomenon of cultural fusion has resulted in the use of the term "globalization" to describe it. The

English language is one of the best examples of how global cultures blend together. The majority of

people today communicate primarily in English. Due to economic realities, English has been adopted

as a language that all citizens must speak.

According to the theory of cultural difference, also known as cultural divergence, conflict

between regions and across boundaries is a result of globalization. Cultural differencealism, which

itself may have its origins in a fear of standardization, may be a subset of cultural fundamentalism.

Examples of cultural differences include the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the subsequent wars in

Afghanistan and Iraq. There is a widespread belief that these occurrences are the result of a clash

between Islamic and Western culture due to their persistent differences. The idea that it is essential to

protect distinctions (DIVERSITY-SIMILARITY), particularly those of an ethnic or cultural nature, from

the processes of homogenization is referred to as differentiation.

Hybridity is a term that essentially refers to a combination. The expression, which has

biological foundations, was later utilized in race theory and nineteenth-century linguistics. Its present

uses are prevalent in popular culture and cut across a variety of academic disciplines. For instance,

Louisiana Creole combines English, French, and African languages. McDonald's (McDonald's) and

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) are examples of international restaurant chains that tailor their menus

to the tastes or traditions of different nations. The process of cultural hybridization can be seen as a

response to the disintegration of the global cultural identity in addition to creating new cultures. In a

decentralized setting, it is an expression of multicultural consciousness featuring a variety of

ideologies and cultures. New and distinct cultural forms emerge when two cultures meet. These are

known as cultural hybrids to us. Cultural hybridity is closely linked to the process of globalization,

which, as previously mentioned, is related to the spread of western ideas and culture.

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