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Q1)The minute hand of a clock is 15 cm long.How far does the tip of the hand move in 40 min.

Q2) Prove that : 2Cos

Q3) The perimeter of a certain sector of a circle is equal to the length of the arc of a semi-circle having the same radius .

Express the angle of the sector in degrees , minutes and seconds.

Q4) Prove : cos20

Q5)If A is in the IV quadrant and cosA = , find the value of

Q6) Prove that :cos6x =

Q7)Evaluate :

Q8) Prove that + 4

Q9)Prove that :

Q10)If tanA = prove that A – B =

Q11)Prove that sin10

Q12)Prove that : SinA Sin(60

Q13)Prove that :cosx + cosy + cosz + cos(x + y + z) = 4cos( cos(

Q14)Prove that : = tan4A

Q15)If sin2A = prove that

Q16)Show that : = 2cosx

Q17)Prove that :

Q18)Prove that :

Q19) If secx = ; and ,find the value of

Q20) Prove that tan3Atan2AtanA = tan3A – tan2A – tanA

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