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Part B

1. Explain ai and its applications

2. What are the uses of AI?
Artificial Intelligence is defined as the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot
to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. AI is also defined as,

 An Intelligent Entity Created By humans

 Capable of Performing Tasks intelligently without being explicitly instructed.
 Capable of thinking and acting rationally and humanely.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in

Business AI In Everyday Life

Online shopping and advertising:
 Administration: AI systems are helping AI is widely used to provide personalised
with the routine, day-to-day
administrative tasks to minimise human recommendations to people, based for
errors and maximise efficiency. example on their previous searches and
Transcriptions of medical notes through purchases or other online behaviour. AI is
NLP and helps structure patient
hugely important in commerce: optimising
information to make it easier for doctors
to read it. products, planning inventory, logistics etc.

 Telemedicine: For non-emergency
situations, patients can reach out to a Web search: Search engines learn
hospital’s AI system to analyse their from the vast input of data, provided by
symptoms, input their vital signs and
their users to provide relevant search
assess if there’s a need for medical
attention. This reduces the workload of results.
medical professionals by bringing only
crucial cases to them.
 Assisted Diagnosis: Through computer Digital personal assistants:
vision and convolutional neural Smartphones use AI to provide services
networks, AI is now capable of reading that are as relevant and personalised as
MRI scans to check for tumours and
possible. Virtual assistants answering
other malignant growths, at an
exponentially faster pace than questions, providing recommendations
radiologists can, with a considerably and helping organise daily routines have
lower margin of error.
become ubiquitous.
 Robot-assisted surgery: Robotic
surgeries have a very minuscule margin-
of-error and can consistently perform Machine translations: Language
surgeries round-the-clock without getting
translation software, either based on
exhausted. Since they operate with such
a high degree of accuracy, they are less written or spoken text, relies on artificial
invasive than traditional methods, which intelligence to provide and improve
potentially reduces the time patients translations. This also applies to functions
spend in the hospital recovering.
such as automated subtitling.
 Vital Stats Monitoring:  A person’s
state of health is an ongoing process,
depending on the varying levels of their
Smart homes, cities and
respective vital stats. With wearable
devices achieving mass-market infrastructure: Smart thermostats
popularity now, this data is not available learn from our behaviour to save energy,
on tap, just waiting to be analysed to
while developers of smart cities hope to
deliver actionable insights. Since vital
signs have the potential to predict health regulate traffic to improve connectivity
fluctuations even before the patient is and reduce traffic jams.
aware, there are a lot of live-saving
applications here.
Cars: While self-driving vehicles are not
yet standard, cars already use AI-
 Better recommendations: Most large e- powered safety functions. The EU has for
commerce players have incorporated example helped to fund VI-DAS,
Artificial Intelligence to make product
automated sensors that detect possible
recommendations that users might be
interested in, which has led to dangerous situations and accidents.
considerable increases in their bottom- Navigation is largely AI-powered.
 Chat bots: These chat bots are now
Cybersecurity: AI systems can help
serving customers in odd-hours and
peak hours as well, removing the recognise and fight cyberattacks and
bottleneck of limited human resources. other cyber threats based on the
 Filtering spam and fake continuous input of data, recognising
reviews: Through the power of patterns and backtracking the attacks.
NLP(Natural Language Processing),
Artificial Intelligence can scan these
reviews for suspicious activities and filter Artificial intelligence against
them out, making for a better buyer
experience. Covid-19: In the case of Covid-19, AI
 Optimising search: All of the e- has been used in thermal imaging in
commerce depends upon users airports and elsewhere. In medicine it can
searching for what they want, and being help recognise infection from
able to find it. Artificial Intelligence has
been optimising search results based on computerised tomography lung scans. It
thousands of parameters to ensure that has also been used to provide data to
users find the exact product that they are track the spread of the disease.
looking for.
Fighting disinformation: Certain AI
 Supply-chain: AI is being used to
predict demand for different products in applications can detect fake news and
different timeframes so that they can disinformation by mining social media
manage their stocks to meet the
information, looking for words that are
sensational or alarming and identifying
which online sources are deemed
Human Resources  authoritative.

 Building work culture: AI is being used

to analyse employee data and place
them in the right teams, assign projects
based on their competencies, collect
feedback about the workplace, and even
try to predict if they’re on the verge of
quitting their company.  
  Hiring: With NLP, AI can go through
thousands of CV in a matter of seconds,
and ascertain if there’s a good fit. This is
beneficial because it would be devoid of
any human errors or biases, and would
considerably reduce the length of hiring

AI in education: AI can automate grading, giving

educators more time. It can assess students and
adapt to their needs, helping them work at their own
pace. AI tutors can provide additional support to
students, ensuring they stay on track.

AI in law: Using AI to help automate the legal

industry's labour-intensive processes is saving time
and improving client service. Law firms are using
machine learning to describe data and predict
outcomes, computer vision to classify and extract
information from documents and natural language
processing to interpret requests for information.

AI in manufacturing: The industrial robots that

were at one time programmed to perform single
tasks and separated from human workers,
increasingly function as co bots: Smaller,
multitasking robots that collaborate with humans
and take on responsibility for more parts of the job
in warehouses, factory floors and other workspaces.

AI in banking: Banks are successfully employing

chatbots to make their customers aware of services
and offerings and to handle transactions that don't
require human intervention. AI virtual assistants are
being used to improve and cut the costs of
compliance with banking regulations. Banking
organizations are also using AI to improve their
decision-making for loans, and to set credit limits
and identify investment opportunities.

AI in transportation: In addition to AI's

fundamental role in operating autonomous vehicles,
AI technologies are used in transportation to
manage traffic, predict flight delays, and make
ocean shipping safer and more efficient.

Security: Organizations use machine learning in

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
software and related areas to detect anomalies and
identify suspicious activities that indicate threats. By
analysing data and using logic to identify similarities
to known malicious code, AI can provide alerts to
new and emerging attacks much sooner than
human employees and previous technology
iterations. The maturing technology is playing a big
role in helping organizations fight off cyber-attacks.

3. How AI is important in Logistic management

5. Implementation of AI ease the logistic management, explain your answer
The development of AI has revolutionized the field of logistics. The most significant advancements
this technology has brought include warehouse automation, autonomous vehicles, predictive
analytics, and smart roads. This powerful technology offers to automate and simplify numerous
processes, thus helping companies save both time and money.
Autonomous Vehicles
Autonomous vehicles can work on their own or with a human driver. This type of technology can
bring lots of benefits to logistics. Automated vehicles bring changes to the supply chain and help
save time and reduce costs. But more importantly, driverless technology could help reduce the
number of accidents. Moreover, it helps the environment by reducing fuel usage

Warehouse Automation
AI is transforming warehousing processes, such as collecting and analysing information and
inventory processes, enabling companies to increase efficiency and boost revenues. In
warehousing, AI is used to make demand predictions, modify orders, and re-route products in
transit. Computer vision technology used in warehousing allows recognizing and organizing items.
In the future, this type of technology will help perform quality control and eliminate the need for
human supervision.

Smart Roads
Smart roads help improve road safety and reduce delay s in the supply chain caused by
unfavourable weather conditions, making deliveries faster. Smart roads are equipped with solar
panels and LED lights. Solar panels are used to produce electricity and prevent roads from being
slippery during winter months, as they have the ability to heat up. LED lights alert drivers about the
changing road conditions. Smart roads provide highly valuable information for businesses that use
them to transport their products. Roads with fiber optic sensors are connected to the internet and
can sense traffic volumes and patterns and warn drivers of upcoming traffic jams. They can also
sense when vehicles leave the road or when an accident occurs and alarm emergency services.

Better Demand Prediction

Artificial intelligence offers algorithms that can predict these trends. Certain AI-based tools can
make predictions even better than human specialists, which means lower inventory and simplified
warehouse management.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Another benefit of AI in logistics is enhancing the customer experience. AI can ensure a better
customer experience through personalization and product suggestions based on customers’
buying habits and personal preferences. Customers will appreciate a more personalized
experience and become more loyal to the company.

Back Office Operations

AI plays a huge role in improving the speed and accuracy of many back-office operations.
Combining AI with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has created a technology called cognitive
automation. In combination with RPA, AI enables employees to improve their performance by
increasing productivity and accuracy. Some data-related tasks, are repeated on a daily basis
which can be automated to save time and money.

Real-Time Route Optimization

Artificial intelligence in logistics allows for real-time route optimization, increased delivery
efficiency, and a reduction in the waste of resources.
Product Inspection

Through computer vision technology, AI recognizes damaged items and evaluates the type and
depth of damage, allowing you to prevent future harm and take action. To do so, AI solutions rely
on real-time data received from sensors.

4. Does the implementation of AI in Logistic affects speed of the


Self-driving vehicles

One of the most ground-breaking applications AI innovation is autonomous vehicles.

The technology will result in reduced cost for taxi services, which can be helpful in
increasing the public transportation modes in remote areas. With autonomous trucks
coming into the picture, the maintenance and administration expenses will come down.

Traffic management

Another transportation problem that people face on a daily basis is traffic congestion.
Sensors and cameras embedded everywhere on roads collect the large voluminous
amount of traffic details. This data is then sent to the cloud, where analysis and traffic
pattern revelation will be done with big data analytics and an AI-powered system.
Valuable insights like traffic predictions can be gleaned from data processing.
Commuters can be provided with important details like traffic predictions, accidents, or
road blockages. Besides, people can be notified about the shortest route to their
destination, helping them travel without any hassles of traffic. This way, AI can be used
to not only reduce unwanted traffic but also improve road safety and reduce wait times.

Delay predictions

With the help of computer vision systems, continuous monitoring of the airplanes can
be carried out, eliminating any delays. Besides, AI and machine learning components
will process real-time data, historical records, and also the weather information. On-the-
spot computation will help in the revelation of hidden patterns, which can help the
transport industry gain useful insights on other possibilities that can cause delays. This
data can be forwarded to customers and other interested users, which can help them
plan their schedule accordingly.

Drone taxis

One of the most exciting and innovative AI applications in transportation is a drone taxi.
Pilotless helicopters present a unique solution to combat the carbon emissions,
eliminate traffic congestion, and reduce the need for expensive infrastructure
construction plans. Besides, drone taxis will help to complete the transportation process
much faster thereby minimizing the commute time.
6. What is a computer? Different types of Computer
7. What are the different parts of computer? Give a short note in different
parts of Computer.

A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability
to store, retrieve, and process data.

Modern computers are electronic devices used for a variety of purposes ranging from browsing
the web, writing documents, editing videos, creating applications, playing video games, etc.

They are designed to execute applications and provide a variety of solutions by combining
integrated hardware and software components.

A computer consists of four major parts: the input, output, CPU (central processing unit), and
memory. Input consists of anything you will add into the computer (microphone, keyboard, mouse,
scanner), and output is how the computer gives back to you (think screen, speakers, etc.).

Types of Computers

Supercomputer – a powerful computer that can process large amounts of data and do a great
amount of computation very quickly. Supercomputers are used for areas related to:

 Science
 Engineering
 Education
 Defence
 Aerospace

Supercomputers are useful for applications involving very large databases or that require a great
amount of computation. Supercomputers are used for complex tasks, such as:

 Weather forecasting
 Climate research
 Scientific simulation
 Oil and gas exploration
 Quantum mechanics
 Cryptanalysis

Mainframe computer 

A high-performance computer used for large information processing jobs. Mainframe computers
are primarily used in:

 Institutions
 Research
 Academics
 Health care
 Libraries
 Large businesses
 Financial institutions
 Stock brokerage firms
 Insurance agencies

Mainframe computers are useful for tasks related to:

 Census taking
 Industry and consumer statistics
 Enterprise resource planning
 Transaction processing
 e-business and e-commerce


A mid-range computer that is intermediate in size, power, speed, storage capacity, etc., between a
mainframe and a microcomputer. Minicomputers are used by small organizations.

“Minicomputer” is a term that is no longer used much. In recent years, minicomputers are often
referred to as small or midsize servers (a server is a central computer that provides information to
other computers).

Personal computer (PC)

A small computer designed for use by a single user at a time. A PC or microcomputer uses a
single chip (microprocessor) for its central processing unit (CPU).

“Microcomputer” is now primarily used to mean a PC, but it can refer to any kind of small
computer, such as a desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet, smartphone, or wearable.

Parts of a Computer

Every computer comprises 5 basic parts, namely,

 motherboard,
 central processing unit,
 graphics processing unit,
 random access memory, and
 hard disk or solid-state drive

The motherboard is one of the main parts of a computer and is also known as the printed circuit
board. It is present in all computer systems. The main electronic components of a computer such
as its central processor, interface connectors, memory controllers are all integrated into the
motherboard. The peripheral components, sound cards, hard drives, interface cards, network
cards, video cards, and cards for extra USB slots, are attached to the motherboard.


CPU or the Central Processing Unit is among the basic parts of the computer and is often referred
to as the brain of the computer. There are two components of a CPU, namely, the Arithmetic Logic
Unit (ALU), and the Control Unit.


The Graphics Processing Unit is used as a co-processor to enhance the performance of the
Central Processing Unit in engineering and scientific computing. The Graphics Processing Unit
boosts the CPU performance by providing a parallel processing facility. It offloads some of the
time-consuming parts of program codes, to improve the performance of the CPU.


Random Access Memory or RAM refers to the volatile memory of a computer. It is referred to as
the main memory of the computer. RAM is one of the main parts of a computer and it stores the
application programs, operating system, and the data that is currently used. It takes a shorter time
to read data from RAM and to write data in it.

The solid-state drive and the hard disk drive are the key storage components of a computer. The
hard disk drive of a computer system stores data permanently. Therefore, even if you turn off the
computer, the data stored in the hard disk drive will be saved. All the important data, software
programs, and operating systems are stored in the hard disk drive of a computer. Hard disk drives
are secondary storage devices.
Solid-state storage devices can store data continuously on integrated circuit assemblies. These
storage drives run silently. The semiconductor cells can store 1 to 4 bits of data. These storage
devices come with lower access times and lower latency. SSD’s facilitate better storage density,
more reliability, and high data-transfer rates.

8. State the applications of expert system

9. How expert system can be used to change the pace of logistic management
(Implementation of AI ease the logistic management)
10. Explain the disadvantages of using expert system in logistics
11. Explain the expert system and its advantages

Expert System

An expert system is a computer program that is designed to solve complex problems and to
provide decision-making ability like a human expert. Expert System is an interactive and reliable
computer-based decision-making system which uses both facts and heuristics to solve complex
decision-making problems. It is considered at the highest level of human intelligence and
expertise. The purpose of an expert system is to solve the most complex issues in a specific
domain. Key components of an Expert System are:

1) User Interface, 2) Inference Engine, 3) Knowledge Base

Advantages of Expert System

 It improves the decision quality 1. 1) Providing consistent solutions – It can
 Cuts the expense of consulting experts for provide consistent answers for repetitive
problem-solving decisions, processes and tasks. As long as the
 It provides fast and efficient solutions to
rule base in the system remains the same,
problems in a narrow area of
regardless of how many times similar problems
 It can gather scarce expertise and used it are being tested, the final conclusions drawn
efficiently. will remain the same.
 Offers consistent answer for the repetitive2. 2) Provides reasonable explanations – It has
problem the ability to clarify the reasons why the
 Maintains a significant level of information conclusion was drawn and be why it is
 Helps you to get fast and accurate
considered as the most logical choice among
 A proper explanation of decision making other alternatives. If there are any doubts in
 Ability to solve complex and challenging concluding a certain problem, it will prompt
issues some questions for users to answer in order to
 Artificial intelligence expert systems can process the logical conclusion.
steadily work without getting emotional, 3. 3) Overcome human limitations – It does not
tensed or fatigued
have human limitations and can work around
 Expert Systems are easily available as they are
not so difficult to develop and are thus easier to the clock continuously. Users will be able to
reproduce. frequently use it in seeking solutions. The
 Increased accuracy is a prominent advantage of
knowledge of experts is an invaluable asset for
Expert Systems.
 They can be of use at workstations where there the company. It can store the knowledge and
is a risk to human lives. use it as long as the organization needs.
 They can be made to work 24×7 without the 4. 4) Easy to adapt to new conditions – Unlike
need for any human intervention. humans who often have troubles in adapting in
 Expert Systems offer a very speedy decision-
new environments, an expert system has high
making process which in most cases is error-
free. adaptability and can meet new requirements in
a short period of time. It also can capture new
knowledge from an expert and use it as
inference rules to solve new problems.

Limitations of Expert System

 Unable to make a creative 1. Lacks common sense – It lacks common sense
response in an extraordinary needed in some decision making since all the
situation decisions made are based on the inference rules set
 Errors in the knowledge base can in the system. It also cannot make creative and
lead to wrong decision innovative responses as human experts would in
 The maintenance cost of an expert unusual circumstances.
system is too expensive 2. High implementation and maintenance cost – The
 Each problem is different therefore implementation of an expert system in business will
the solution from a human expert be a financial burden for smaller organizations since it
can also be different and more has high development cost as well as the subsequent
creative recurring costs to upgrade the system to adapt in new
3. Difficulty in creating inference rules – Domain
experts will not be able to always explain their logic
and reasoning needed for the knowledge engineering
process. Hence, the task of codifying out the
knowledge is highly complex and may require high
4. May provide wrong solutions – It is not error-free.
There may be errors occurred in the processing due
to some logic mistakes made in the knowledge base,
which it will then provide the wrong solutions.

Applications of Expert Systems

 Information management
 Hospitals and medical facilities
 Help desks management
 Employee performance evaluation
 Loan analysis
 Virus detection
 Useful for repair and maintenance projects
 Warehouse optimization
 Planning and scheduling
 The configuration of manufactured objects
 Financial decision making Knowledge publishing
 Process monitoring and control
 Supervise the operation of the plant and controller
 Stock market trading
 Airline scheduling & cargo schedules

Applications  Role

Design Domain Camera lens design automobile design

Diagnosis Systems to deduce the cause of disease from observed

Medical Domain
data. Conduction medical operations on humans.

Monitoring systems Comparing data continuously with observed systems 

Process Control Systems Controlling physical processes based on the monitoring.

Knowledge Domain Finding faults in vehicles or computers.

Detection of possible fraud Suspicious transactions Stock market

trading Airline scheduling, Cargo scheduling.

11. What are the benefits of barcoding?

12. What is the difference between ISBN and barcode?
 A barcode is a visual, machine-readable representation of data that usually describes something
about the object it is present on. Barcodes are applied to products for quick identification. 
A barcode is a square or rectangular image that consists of a series of black lines with white
spacing of different widths that can be read by a scanner.

Benefits of Barcoding

Reduction in errors Barcodes eliminate the Accuracy

possibility of human
Bar code systems reduce the error Barcodes eliminate manual entry of
product information at receiving,
number of data entry errors.
The occurrence of errors for meaning there are far fewer
Today’s bar code scanners are manually entering data is opportunities for error. Whether in a
almost error free, with some higher than data entered by retail store or a warehouse,
barcodes and scanning associates simply swipe the
scanners documenting error rates
machines. A barcode scanner barcode across the scanner. Errors
of one per many million characters. in barcodes themselves are
is a more reliable and less
This reduction in errors can have time-consuming option than to extremely rare.
far reaching impact on service enter data by hand.
Real-time data
levels throughout a company (and
Using barcode systems
ultimately to its customers). Each time an employee scans a
reduces the time spent
barcode, it immediately updates
in training the
Savings in Time inventory and sales numbers in the
employees company’s enterprise resource
planning (ERP) or business
Besides being more accurate than  It only takes a few minutes to
management system. This gives a
manual data entry, the entry of learn and understand how a
business constant access to up-to-
barcode scanner works for
data using bar codes is much date data, allowing it to quickly
reading barcodes compared to
calculate meaningful metrics ike
faster. Whereas routine manual the hours spent training
inventory turn, value of inventory
data entry for a particular customer employees.
on-hand or sales per week by item.
order may take a few minutes,
Barcodes will inevitably
transferring this information via bar Reduced training
reduce labour cost
code can take just a few seconds. Barcodes greatly reduce the need
In a company that processes Barcodes will do a two-man for memorization and institutional
job. It is perfectly possible for knowledge. At a grocery store, for
hundreds or thousands of
one person to operate it. example, the worker doesn’t have to
transactions, these time savings know the codes for popular items to
will mount up. Barcodes are be productive.
inexpensive to design
Improved Operating and print Inventory control
Barcodes improve inventory
Considering bar codes provide Generally, they cost very less, management and reduce excessive
faster and more accurate data regardless of their purpose or spending on products. Employees
where they will be placed. can always find the most current
collection, less time is spent on the
Also, they can be customized information when reviewing
data entry process and follow-up in a variety of finishes and inventory positions or trends in
error resolution. This frees up your materials. demand, which facilitates better
decisions around purchasing and
staff to handle other tasks, while
Barcode usage is discounting. This cuts down on
still responding to the needs of extremely varied both inventory carrying
your customers. costs and obsolete inventory, which
They can be used for any kind boosts long-term profitability.
Overall Cost Savings of data collection necessary.
This could include pricing or Low cost
inventory information.
Each of the above benefits Barcodes offer tremendous value,
contributes to ultimate cost Barcodes improve as the upfront investment is not
savings. Although there will be an
inventory control large compared to systems that
initial outlay for the hardware and provide comparable benefits.
software required to establish a bar
Since barcodes make it Companies can create a limited
code system, this outlay will be number of barcodes for internal use
possible to track inventory so
recovered in short order through
precisely, excess inventory for a low price, and as their needs
improvements in accuracy, savings grow, the cost of supporting
levels can be reduced.
in time and greater operating
Additionally, the location of technology remains reasonable.
inventory can be tracked,
reducing the time spent
searching for it.

Barcodes provide better


Since one barcode can be

used for both inventory and
pricing information, it is
possible to obtain data for a
wide variety of products.

Data obtained through

barcodes is available

Since the information is

scanned directly into a
computer, it is ready and
accessible instantly. This
ensures that time will not be
wasted on data entry or

Barcodes promote
better decision making

Since the data is obtained

rapidly, it is possible to make
more informed decisions that
ultimately helps saves money
and time.

The International Standard Book Number, ISBN, is a unique[1] commercial book identifier barcode

An ISBN is given to each edition and variation of a book.

An International Standard Book Number consists of 4 or 5 parts:

1. for a 13 digit ISBN, a GS1 prefix: 978 or 979

2. the group identifier code, (group of countries sharing a language) [3]
3. the publisher code,
4. the item number, and
5. A checksum character or check digit.

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique International Publisher’s Identifier

ISBN is the thirteen-digit number, which replaces the handling of long bibliographic descriptive
records. ISBN is known throughout the world as a short and clear machine-readable identification
number, which marks any book unmistakably. ISBN is a machine readable in the form of 13-digit
i.e. Book land EAN Bar Code.

An ISBN is NOT the same thing as a barcode.  The barcode you see on the back of a book is
derived from an ISBN, but the two are not the same. An ISBN is only a number. A barcode is a
visual method used to convey an ISBN to a computer using scanning technology during a sales or
inventory transaction process. 

14. What is QR CODE?

QR stands for "Quick Response." A QR code is a type of barcode that can be read easily by a
digital device and which stores information as a series of pixels in a square-shaped grid. QR
codes are frequently used to track information about products in a supply chain and – because
many smartphones have built-in QR readers – they are often used in marketing and advertising
campaigns. More recently, they have played a key role in helping to trace coronavirus exposure
and slow the spread of the virus. The data stored in a QR code can include website URLs, phone
numbers, or up to 4,000 characters of text.
Each QR code consists black squares and dots which represent different pieces of information.
When scanned, the unique pattern on the barcode translates into human-readable data

Types of QR codes

Static QR codes Dynamic QR codes

Static QR codes are QR codes that are free and Dynamic QR codes are QR codes that are
permanent. This type of QR code is not
modifiable and therefore cannot change the data modifiable in content and can store more
stored in the QR code. data even after you printed it into the paper.

Its uses include linking email addresses, URLs, This type of QR code allows more access to
texts, WIFI passwords, and social media links real-time scans monitoring, locations of
such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and scans made. Dynamic QR codes has the
Pinterest. Static QR codes hold three following following features but are not limited to:
 Multifunctional QR code for it allows
 It is a one-time purpose QR code. multi-URL directories.
 The data that can be stored is limited. If  editable and enables you to
you use more information in generating a create/remove URLs even if your QR
static QR code, the tendency of code has been printed or deployed
compromising the quality of the QR code  it uses a short dynamic URL in storing
is high. data online.
 It is free to use  the QR code scans are trackable so
users can see their QR analytics
 has google analytics integration 
 with password-protection feature for
QR codes 
 email notification feature 
 Google Tag manager feature 
 expiry feature for QR codes 
 integration to other software like Hub
Spot and Zapier 
 Bulk QR code solution 
 API Integration
 advanced QR solutions
Barcode QR code
Barcode was created and developed by QR code was created and developed by
Norman Joseph Woodland in 1952. Masahiro Hara in 1994.
Bar code and be represented in 2 types − one QR Code is one type.
dimensional or 2 dimensional.
Barcode stores numbers in a printed format QR code is a two dimensional printed
where the computer can understand. representation of data used to scan and
retrieve data.
Barcode in different stores to track all QR code used at super markets and different
purchased products and also in hospitals for stores to track all purchased products and also
tracking the patient record etc. used in hospitals, cinema halls etc.
A barcode is represented in the form of bars QR code is based on Morse code.
and spaces of varying width which can be read
with an optical barcode scanner.
The storage capacity of Barcode is more than QR code storage capacity is 2 kilobytes
100 bytes.
It requires less storage when compared to QR It requires more storage when compared to
code. Barcode.
Barcode is cost effective QR code is cost effective but it is easily to
Barcode is one way communication At a time only one QR code can be read.
Barcode usage is more in super packets and In all stores and public places to scan the
stores where the item's information and rate is tickets, QR code usage is very high.
tracked and maintained.

15. Can the use of automated vehicles can improve the cost of logistic
16. Does the uses of AI and automated system can reduce the cost of logistic?
17. Does the uses of AI and computer programme reduce man power used in
logistics and is it worth investing?
The term “autonomous vehicle” refers to any machine that is able to move, either on its own as
directed by software or through remote control by a human operator, in order to complete tasks.
Autonomous vehicles include machines of all sizes, from delivery drones small enough to be held
in an operator’s hands to huge oceangoing ships.

Autonomous systems have the potential to reshape supply chain operations and improve
performance in three basic ways:

1. By helping controlled environments, such as warehouses, more efficiently manage and

process products. Autonomous activities could include routing, sorting, storing, tracking,
and packaging
2. By increasing transportation efficiency through autonomously moving goods from factories,
retail centres, and distribution centres to their destinations
3. By ensuring an optimally performing system through greater information gathering, sharing
and integration

One of the most impactful ways in which AI can help reduce cost of logistics is enhancement of fleet
performance visibility. An AI-powered logistics platform would enable accurate load-vehicle matching,
and optimization of on-board capacity.
This would help in reducing the non-essential vehicle hires and a shipment. With such reduction in
the number of vehicle trips, costs can be reduced significantly. Not only that, AI also helps in better
resource allocation and enables deployment of the right number of assets at the right location.
 By optimizing inventory management, AI helps businesses avoid overstocking or running out of
goods during high-demand seasons due to estimation errors. By deploying AI-based automation in
inventory management, a logistics firm can also significantly enhance its cost utilization in
Automation turns complex procedures into contactless and swift protocols. There is saving of time,
and less need for human resources which also leads to reduction in operational costs.

Benefits of AI for Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Accurate Forecasting

AI technology allows you to track and measure all factors included in-between the demand,
production, and the final supply. End-measurements leads you to accurate forecasting of what’s in
demand and how to accomplish it without waste.

Better Planning and Scheduling

AI enables companies to keep an eye on the entire process without missing any point. With AI
technology, businesses can track the demand for goods and exact material needed for the same
to smooth out the production process.

Robotics Automation
Robots possess the capability to locate, track, and manage warehouse inventory. They take care
of oversized packages at distribution hubs. With robotics in charge of tracking and measuring,
mistakes decrease and hence, speed increases.

Reduced Inventory and Operation Cost

AI tools give you aid in using less number of vehicles for transportation and decide their final
destination to the most demanding locations. It reduces operational cost and increases the
effectiveness of transportation. AI’s accurate data forecasting makes sure that all orders are
fulfilled on time. And inventory is flowing smoothly in the veins of logistics and supply chain

Enhanced Productivity
AI analysis helps you dig out new factors affecting the overall performance. You can learn,
implement, and strengthen the elements to increase the quality performance while eliminating
factors contributing to lower quality.

Improved Customer Experience

With an increase in speed and performance, customers will receive goods on time without any
damage. As a result, an improved customer experience increases the number of repeated
customers and give rise to word-of-mouth branding.

Reduced Human Error

AI’s automated technology reduces data errors and boost decision-making process. Hence,
employees become able to operate faster without worrying about wrong decisions. Human errors
decreases and production cycle takes less time to complete. Then you get plenty of time to
produce more and meet the demand-supply zone efficiently.

18. The use of internet accelerated the rapidity of logistic. Explain in details
Improved Efficiency
Robotics, sensors, tracking software, and automation are some of the advancements used by
logistics and supply chain companies to create “touchless” supply chain infrastructure. Artificial
intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) algorithms, and advanced computer-based analytics and
software help managers optimize processes and automate maintenance, improving efficiency
across all segments.

Increased Visibility
Supply chain visibility improves with full product tracking from the manufacturer to the final delivery
destination. Cloud-based communication systems, high-speed internet, advanced software,
sensors, and other logistics technology services make end-to-end visibility possible for all

Reduced Costs
Technology that boosts productivity ultimately reduces costs while improving services. Sensor
devices, tracking software, and barcoding technology reduce the need for human intervention and
accentuate the role of information technology throughout the supply chain. In addition, software
using AI and ML can optimize delivery routes, lower shipping times, and help logistics managers
make decisions that lead to effective cost-reduction strategies.

Faster Delivery Times

Full automation, partial automation, robotics, and AI-enhanced tools that optimize routing can
speed up transportation and improve service levels between segments. Sensors, tracking tools,
and related logistics technology services monitor vehicles and traffic to provide faster routing
options. Predictive analytics produced by AI and ML-powered software help mitigate risks,
automate maintenance and increase the lifespan of vehicles and equipment.

Increased Sustainability
As supply chains grow in size and complexity, transport decarbonisation will play a critical role in
reducing greenhouse gas emissions. AI-enhanced tools optimize delivery routes and shorten
travel distances, helping companies reduce CO2 and increase their Environmental, Social, and
Governance (ESG) ranking.

Improved Customer Service

Electronic commerce software and systems promise increased speeds, easy payment processing,
and multiple communication venues. Improved logistics operations upgrade delivery services for
customers while reducing costs and complexity for businesses.

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