Eumind Friendship Interwiew

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Interview 1:

Neal: what do you understand by


Pramod: It keeps me grounded. It cheers

me during my low time.

Neal: How is friendship bene cial in your


Pramod: It allows me to share my life and

situations with others lifting heavy
weights off my shoulders.

Interview 2:

Jarul: What does true friendship mean to


Vernika: True friendship is having a bond

with Someone who helps you in hard times
and celebrates your good times.

Jarul: Describe friendship in 1 or 2 words.

Vernika: the two words for describing

friendship according to me are Truthfulness
and Honesty.

Interview 3:

Tanaya: Describe friendship in 2


Siya Goyal: According to me the two

words that describe friendship are trust
and love for each other.

Tanaya: what is important to maintain

a friendship?

Siya Goyal: Being trustworthy and

honest , sharing good and bad moments,
loving them is the most important
things for maintaining friendship.

Interview 3:

Dhruv: What does friendship really

mean to you?

Sushant: It is the bond between two or

more people where there is utmost
trust and compassion towards each
other and you could openly speak about
anything as there is no one to judge you.

Dhruv: why is friendship so important?

Sushant: Friendships can enrich your

life in many ways. Good friends teach
you about yourself and challenge you to
be better. They encourage you to keep
going when times get tough and
celebrate your successes with you.

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