One Page 1960 v1.0

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One Page 1960, The Making of the President - version 1.

HOW TO WIN - Have 269+ Electoral Votes at the end of 8 turns and Momentum Phase
Election Day tally. 1. Discard half of the MM, rounded down.
2. Take awards for Issues (bottom to top).
Electoral Votes awarded for leading in the state at the end of the game. 3. Remove 1 cube from each Issue.
4. Player with most Media Support cubes may switch two adjacent

Initiative Phase Campaign Strategy Phase

Draw cards (6 cards on turns 1-5; 7 cards on turns 7 and 8). 1. Turns 1 thru 5 - Set aside 1 card (used during Debate turn)
2. Turns 7 & 8 - Set aside 2 cards (used on Election Day)
Do an Initiative Check. Winner chooses who goes first. 3. Discard remaining cards
4. Put Rest Cubes in bag.
Activity Phases (5 per turn)
When placing cubes, first remove the opponent cubes (one-for-one) until Debate Turn
empty. Only one player's cubes can be in a space (State, Media, Issue). 1. Do an Initiative Check. Take the 5 Campaign Strategy Cards.
2. Simultaneously pick and reveal a card on an Issue.
When playing a card, always put the indicated Rest Tokens from the 3. When 2 cards on one side of an Issue, Issue won by higher total.
supply on the place on the board. (Initiative determines ties)
4. If not 2 cards after all cards played, based on total points (Initiative
Play a card for Campaign Points determines ties)

Pre-empting events - You may spend 2 Momentum Markers (MM) to First Issue = 2 cubes, second Issue = 3 cubes, third Issue = 4 cubes
prevent the other player from Triggering the event when you use the (Low to high if simultaneous).
card for Campaign Points (CP).
Election Day
Triggering events - After the card play for CPs has been resolved, 1. Media Support cubes, Issue Support cubes and Momentum markers
the opponent may spend 1 MM to trigger the event. (2 cubes per marker) into bag.
2. Do an Initiative Check
Campaign in States - Place a cube to gain support in the state 3. Reveal 4 Campaign Strategy cards (already set aside by each player).
Draw 3 Support Checks for each state. Initiative player first.
Candidate movement - The Candidate token must be in the region 4. Resolve Election Day Events.
where Campaigning occurs and must end his turn in a state (actively 5. For empty states - Endorsement marker in region, state border
campaigned or just entered if the final CP). If necessary, it costs 1 6. Count Electoral Votes
CP to move a Candidate to an adjacent region.
Game Terminology
If opponent is Carrying the State or the Candidate is present, you
must state the number of Support Check cubes which will be drawn Leading in a State - Having any state support cubes in the state. If
before drawing. leading in the state, you get the Electoral Votes at the end of the game.

Advertising in Regions - Support checks to place Media Support cubes. Carrying a State - Having 4 or more state support cubes in the state. If
carrying a state, the opponent must make Support Checks to Campaign
If you have media support in a region, you do NOT need Support in the state.
Checks to campaign in any states.
Occupying a State - Having your Candidate token in the state. If your
Having the most Media Support cubes may switch adjacent Issues Candidate occupies a state, the opponent must make Support Checks to
Campaign in the state (even if his Candidate is also occupying the state).
Some card events give bonuses for Media Support.
Support Check - Predetermine the number you will draw. Draw one cube
Positioning on Issues - Place cubes on the major issues for Momentum from the bag. If it is your color, you may place the cube in the correct
and Endorsements space (State Media or Issue) on the board. If it is your opponent's color, it
is returned to the supply.
First cube placed on each Issue costs 1 CP. More cubes cost 2 CP.
Initiative Check - Draw cubes one at a time from the bag until two cubes
Play the card Event - Some Events are Persistent (Debate turn, Election of the same color are drawn. (Two cubes may be drawn the first time.) All
Day scoring, or prevent other Events). Remove cards played as Events. cubes are returned to the supply.

Play their Candidate card - Flip the card to Exhausted and use the 5
CP as Campaign Points. (May be restored only by Event.)

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