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(oe an cet po aa Example rene) Enample: Price fa ud car L, ay H cor atlribule Y awe +e, Yi pri a » = que) JO modu © paramalay a2 writes Leb us say that h y | “| pee hove only Looking ak Dts ami Dh P kage ke cy u on wmileage toe ane pa dich ny UE placed i} bared So given UR mileage | poice YY several eau yor Dave Ue Sle You con Come up wilh a furan , £0 that Men a mews cay Whee, orange Mo geen you cnn predict pre | So im ateration , you com up PE lands, which Sle OK 1% lb inet, and tk peramdiay, We moda \ s Y points 2. ee ter thal tmerdly US Laterihe an im =, liu Hag _— ] © kaa Scanned with CamScanner Example Dale Vraininy € xamle : = Ache, Auther le: A\B, AB oO rr ( ond emal (eq lange, rmellasan , small) ® ce Valued Cee: ne 5 woords im a tent), @® veal-valuad (eg hota ht) Hood ar“p) ‘ TThoead’ _Lingth Se f er | Skips known mes tery Home a ae s Unknown mess chest ee st Baise un old lorg ae Y < eu [Sek old long Wome er | reads mes Short home ee | Sik old orp bon News example, a\a x rs - e\% ov S. = a foe awe os adit olioe @) wee etn etapa meal Scanned with CamScanner a | ee a—input: a eet J imsbances d,---dy ban iealane Ae a tek 4. feabioes aol / i Veclar da m,--2, 8 wh on imslane as a Scanned with CamScanner + ae Oa Beha eS ir #e I Ht In this post, we will come throush some of the major challenges that you night d 1g your machine learning model. Assuming that you know what machine really about, why do people use it, what are the different categories of machin: : lear how the overall workflow of development takes place. \ What can possibly go wrong during the development and prevent you from gettin ! | A cual ceurst predictions? i 4 1 \ Hon Gh | So let’s get started, during the development phase our focus is 10 select a learning alo train it on some data, the two things that might be a problem are a bad algorithm or his” data, or perhaps both of them, | 1% Table of Content : \ Not enough training data. Poor Quality of data. Irrelevant features. 5 Nonrepresentative training data, $ Overfiting and Underfitting 1. Not enough training data Let's say for a child, to make him learn what an apple is. all it and say apple repeatedly. Now the child can recognize all sorts of apples. Well, machine learning is still not up to that level yet: it takes a lot of data tor mdst of hy algorithms to function properly. For a simple task. it needs thousands of examples) to m Something out of it, and for advanced tasks like image or speech recognition. it may lakhs(millions) of examples. t \ | \ 2. Poor Quality of data: i | Obviously, if your training data has lots of errors, outliers, and noise, it will make it i os: for your machine learning mode! to detect a proper underlying pattern, Henee,it will nol per well. it in every ounce of effort in cleaning up your training data. No inatter how good g and hyper tuning the model, this part plays a major role ih helping us make Scanned with CamScanner Twice) Dulin we image, we can sec that even if our model is “AWESOME” and we feed it with fata, the result will also be garbage(output). Our training data must always contain more vantiand less to none irrelevant features. erggit for a successful machine learning project goes to coming up with a good set of ures pn which it has been trained (often referred to as feature engineering ), which includes ture jselection, extraction. and creating new features which are other interesting topics to be Wered jn upcoming blogs. —— ae | a0 ‘onfgpresentative training data: 5 make, sure that our model generalizes well, we have to make sure that our trai : entative of the new cases that we want to generalize to. ‘fae MB ; . Pet {rain our mode! by using a nonrepresentative training set, it won't be accurate in predictions it jased against one class or a group. ing data should Let us say you are trying to build a model that recognizes the genre of music. One way ‘our training set is to search it on youtube and use the resulting data, Here we assume be’s search engine is providing representative data but in reality, the search will be rds popular artists and maybe even the artists that are popular in your location(if you ia you will be petting the music of Arijit Singh, Sonu Nigam or etc), Scanned with CamScanner ample, say one day you are walking down a sirvet o b ‘you offer him something to eat but instead of cating he ‘but somehow you are safe, After this particular incident, you mig snot worth treating nicely. } ‘So this overgeneralization is what we humans do most of the time, and unfortunately Jearning model also does the same if not paid attention, In machine learnin, ‘overfitting jie model performs well on training data but fails to generalize well ‘Overfitting happens when our mode! is too complex. ‘Things which we can do to overcome this problem 1. Simplify the model by selecting one with fewer parameters, 2. By reducing the number of attributes in training data | 3. Constraining the model. 4. Gather more training data 5. Reduce the noise. What is underfitting? Yes. you guessed it right underfitting is the opposite of overfitting. It happens wheh our model fs 100 simple to learn something from the data. For E.G.. you use a linear model -on a Set with ; multi-collincarity it will for sure underfit and the predictions are bound to be inaccurate on tte training set 100. | Things which we can do to overcome this problem: it 1. Select a more advanced model, one with more parameters. 2. Train on better and relevant features. i 3. Reduce the const Conclusion : t i Machine Learning is al! about making machines better by using data so that we don’t need to code them explicitly. The model will not perform well iF training data is small. or ndisy with ‘errors and outliers, or if the data is not represemative(resulls in biased), consists oF ferelevaitt features(garbaye in, yarbage out), and lastly neither Wo simple(results in undeetitting) ‘nor fol complen(resulls in overfiting), Afier you have trained @ model by keeping the above pakamete ‘in mind, don’t expect that your model would simply generalize well 10 new eases You dkxy a ‘to evaluate and fine-tune it, how 0 do that? Stay {uned this is « topic that will be eave Scanned with CamScanner

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