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Remarks against GOVT CALLS FOR VIGIL, LINKS TO GLOBAL SURGE Minister, MPs attend
Mahatma: Raipur
police arrest Covidcurveclimbsinsix Tibet event, China
religious leader
diplomat writes to
Maharashtra, Delhi, Gujarat, West R-value over
them: Don’t support
Bengal, Karnataka, TN on radar
1 in big cities, SHUBHAJIT ROY,
istered against
Kalicharan for
hate speech

and for al- Jasprit Bumrah appeals successfully for an lbw decision NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 30 A WEEK after a group of

l e g e d l y
against South Africa captain Dean Elgar at Centurion,
Thursday. It was a key wicket in India’s 113-run win in the CALLING FOR “heightened vigi-
third wave Parliamentarians,includingUnion
MoS Rajeev Chandrasekhar, at-
Maharaj marks against first Test of the three-match series. Reuters REPORT,PAGE19 lance” leading into the new year tendedadinnerreceptionhosted Rajeev Chandrasekhar;
Mahatma in the backdrop of a “sharp in- AMITABH SINHA by the Tibetan Parliament-in-ex- Jairam Ramesh
Gandhi, the crease” in Covid cases over the PUNE, DECEMBER 30 ile, the Chinese Embassy in Delhi
Chhattisgarh Police arrested last four days, the Centre has expressed “concern” over GOVT & POLITICS
Corbett tiger safari: No Thursdaysaidthespikebeingre-
ported from several urban dis-
ALTHOUGH THE government
their participation and asked
them to “refrain from providing
sanction as state pushes
tricts is likely part of the global arenowunmistakablesignsthat supporttothe'Tibetanindepend-
rise pushed by the highly trans- DELHI; 54% CASES India has entered ence' forces”. ONARUNACHAL,
missible Omicron variant. the third wave of Under the All-Party Indian
work, cost up six times The Union Health Ministry
has red-flagged nine urban dis-
tricts and six “emerging states of
demic. The surge
in cases that has
Parliamentary Forum for Tibet,
at least six MPs cutting across
party lines had attended an

Forests, and strikingly much be- concern”, including 24 HOURS startedisunlikely event on December 22 at a hotel Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, was
JAY MAZOOMDAAR yond the scope of the Rs 24.60 Maharashtra, Delhi, Gujarat, PAGES 3, 9 tosubsideorchangecourseover in Delhi. They included Union also present.
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 30 crore project that was approved. West Bengal, Karnataka and the next few days. MoS for Entrepreneurship, Skill China's unusually worded
Documents reviewed by The TamilNadu,onthebasisof anin- But it is too early to say any- Development, Electronics & letter, sent Thursday by the
THE UTTARAKHAND govern- Indian Express show the state creasing trajectory in weekly “Wewerenationwidehaving thing about the magnitude or Technology Rajeev Political Counsellor at its
ment started work on a tiger sa- embarked on a construction case counts and positivity rates. around 7,000 cases, and today the quality of this surge. It need Chandrasekhar, BJP's Maneka Embassy, is being seen as an
fari facility in Corbett Tiger spree worth at least Rs 157 crore Summing up the data, Dr V K weareseeinganuptick—13,000 not be similar to the first two Gandhi and K C Ramamurthy, undiplomatic move by Delhi, as
Reserve (CTR) months before it —sixtimestheapprovedproject Paul, who heads the national caseshavebeenreportedyester- waves that the country has wit- Congress MPs Jairam Ramesh foreigndiplomatswritingtoMPs
received forest clearance in cost of Rs 24.60 crore — without Covid task force, said “there is a day. Clearly, we are seeing an in- nessed so far, or follow the tra- and Manish Tewari, and BJD's in India in this manner has not
September from the Union any legal, administrative, or changing scenario in the pan- creasein cases.Severalstatesare jectories seen in some of the Sujeet Kumar. The Speaker of happened in the recent past.
Ministry of Environment and CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 demic situation”. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Tibetan Parliament-in-exile, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

New Delhi




■ CUSTOMIZABLE Wehavetrudgedthroughanotherpandemicyear.Aswestayindoors,ourcuriosityforwhatishappeningin
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SCANTHISQRCODETO money, 62 Indians are The Great Indian economy in the year gone by.
stranded in Sudan Kitchen and Malik


R-value surge, they have largely been re- Kalicharan had in his speech at forumunderthechairmanshipof

Govt flags Covid spike in six states, calls for vigil

luctant to spoil the Christmas or the Dharam Sansad, besides (BJPveteran)ShantaKumarjiand
other countries in Europe or in New Year celebrations or gath- speaking out against Mahatma I was invited in the capacity. I at-
the United States. South Africa is erings. There is no such compul- Gandhi, claimed thatsince 1947, tended the dinner.”
following a very different trajec- sion in India right now, and if showingatrend,whichisgoing with data from the preceding Gurgaon from 194 to 738; other public health measures,” Muslims have been attempting BJD's Kumar, who is also con-
tory, and so, it seems as of now, people do follow Covid-appro- up.Thereproductionnumberis seven (December 17-23): Ahmedabad from 207 to 635; he said. to gain power through politics. venor of the forum, said:
is Germany. In both these coun- priate behaviour in a responsi- 1.22fromtheavailabledata.The ■ Maharashtra reported and Nashik from 333 cases to The task force chief warned He also said people should be “Personallyspeaking,Idon’tcon-
tries, cases seem to be stabilis- ble manner, it is possible for the cases are now enlarging, not 13,200 cases, a 117% increase, 383 cases. that “this surge could be signif- prepared for a "Hindu Rashtra". sider Tibet to be a part of China.
ing, though it is not over yet, and country to negotiate this wave shrinking.Sofar,deathsaresta- with positivity jumping from Paul said the emphasis icant” and asked everyone to Meanwhile, an official in the That is separate because the
part of the puzzle could also be with minimal economic disrup- ble -- they are in the range of 0.92% to 2.59%. shouldbeonresponsibleCovid- “beprepared”since“itmaynot Chhattisgarh Food and Civil GovernmentofIndia’sofficialpol-
relatedtoinconsistentreporting tion. 260, below 300, typically. That ■ Delhi reported 2,587 appropriate behaviour, not necessarily be mild”. “Be pre- Supplies Department was ar- icy is different. But this
of data during Christmas break. remains stable and is reassur- cases, a 290% increase, with panic.“Itisarealitychecktoday pared, the health systems are rested in Raipur for allegedly Parliamentary forum on Tibet is
Not surprisingly, the Corbett safari ing, as of now,” Paul said. positivityrisingfrom0.2%to1%. and...there is no need to panic. ready for the maximum possi- making derogatory comments to support the cause of Tibetan
sharpest increases in cases are financial sanction. The project Paulalsocautionedthatany ■ Gujarat reported 1,711 Becauseasanationwearepre- ble level,” Paul said. against Mahatma Gandhi in a culturalandreligiousbeliefs,and
being seen in the major cities – wasinitially envisagedasanani- data on lesser severity of cases, a 245% increase, as posi- pared, we have experience, we ICMRchiefBalramBhargava Facebook post. Sanjay Dubey,an isbetweenthepeopleofIndiaand
Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, mal rescue facility with open-to- Omicron cannot be taken for tivity rose from 0.19% to 0.54%. have the massive shield of very said the Centre will soon come assistant food officer, was sus- theTibetangovernment-in-exile.
Pune, Kolkata, Chennai and oth- air enclosures and an interpreta- granted, at this moment. According to the Ministry, high coverage of vaccination. outwithguidelinesonwhether pended andlater arrested based One should not read too much
ers. This is not just because of tion centre for tourists. But the “As the scenario emerges, West Bengal reported 4,442 Butthereisaneedtoberespon- the third “precaution” dose, to on an FIR filed on December 27. politics into it.”
their large, and concentrated, state went ahead with unap- we believe what we are wit- cases(18.49%increaseincases), sible and to be disciplined. We be rolled out on January 10, INPUTS FROM ENS, MUMBAI, Kumarsaid:“Thestatedgoals
populations, but also due to the proved works such as construc- nessing could be part of the Karnataka 2,533 cases (26%) mustfollowtherestrictionsand should be of a different vaccine BHOPAL oftheParliamentaryforumisnot
factthatthesegetthemaximum tion of 18 buildings with at least global rise in cases, pushed by and Tamil Nadu 4,383 cases rules.Allvariantsenterthrough platform. toadvocatefortheindependence
number of incoming foreign 60 rooms with attached bath at the Omicron virus...this variant (2.35%). the same route, and that route “Wearedecidingwhatisthe China envoy ofTibetoranythingcontroversial.
travellers. The Omicron variant, fourlocationsaroundthetigersa- ishighlytransmissibleandthat Theninedistrictsflaggedby can be blocked by wearing a populationthatwillrequirethis Reacting sharply to the letter, Itislargelytobuild arelationship
which is the reason for the cur- fari, creation of a water body re- perhaps explains the speed theCentre,basedonacompar- mask.Somask,mask,mask,has vaccine, including healthcare BJD's Kumar said: “Who is the between the government-in-ex-
rent surge, would first begin cir- quiring felling of trees to attract with which it is rising in the ison of case counts of seven become even more important workers,frontlineworkersand PoliticalCounsellorattheChinese ileandthepeopleofIndiabecause
culatinginthesepopulationsbe- wildlifefortourists,andreinforce- world. The severity issues are days (December 22-28) with today,” he said. 60-plus with comorbidities; EmbassytowritetoaMemberof of thesharedhistory,sharedcivi-
fore moving to the interior. ment of a forest road with provi- still unsettled; the WHO state- data from the preceding seven Asked if India is witnessing what are the new vaccines Parliament of India, the largest lization and linkages..because of
These are also the places with sions to widen it as a highway. mentsaysseverityis,hopefully, (December 15-21), are: a third wave, Paul said: “This is available; which vaccines can democracy? How dare you send Buddhism, because of trade be-
better,andmoreprompt,testing Following a writ petition in mild. But it cannot be taken for Mumbai City with a 232% rise an emerging situation. Where be given after which vaccine in letterstoIndianMPs?Ifanything, tweenTibetandIndiainthepast.
infrastructure. DelhiHighCourtandtwofieldin- grantedbecauseitisstillawork inthatperiod,from2,044cases this will take us and where this termsofsafetyandefficacy.We youcanraiseyourprotestthrough The idea is to build on those link-
Thereproductionnumberor spectionsbyCentralagencies,the inprogress,”hesaid.TheHealth to6,787cases;Punefrom1,554 should be stopped, is all in our are analysing all the data... official channels. I think the MEA ages. I think I have already re-
R, an indicator of how quickly a illegal work was finally put on Ministry,meanwhile,listedthe to 2,076; Thane from 913 to hands.Wehaveputalleffortsto Whether it is going to be the (Ministry of External Affairs) ceivedfourorfivelettersfromthe
disease is spreading in the pop- hold in November and six states of concern, based on 2,033; Bengaluru Urban from stopit.Wehavetosuppress(the same one or different one, be- should take a stand.” Embassy. I give them befitting
ulation,hascrossed1inallthese Uttarakhandtransferredasmany a comparison of weekly cases 1,445 to 1,902; Chennai from transmission) right now and at fore January 10, we will have The letter comes almost four replies, too,” he said.
megacities, according to the lat- as30forestofficials,includingthe and positivity rate of the last 1,039 to 1,720; Mumbai this level. It is in our hands, by clear-cut recommendations,” years after the Government had When contacted, Congress'
est analysis by a group of re- state’sHeadofForestForce(HoFF) seven days (December 24-30) Suburban from 521 to 1,670; vaccination,byprecaution,and he said. asked "senior leaders" and "gov- JairamRameshconfirmedthathe
searchers, led by Sitabhra Sinha, and Chief Wildlife Warden ernmentfunctionaries"tonotat- has received a letter from the
at the Chennai-based Institute (CWLW),toensurea“transparent tend the events organised by PoliticalCounsellor.“WhenIwas
of Mathematical Sciences. An R- vigilance”probe.Ithasbeenover said,“Whogivestheseapprovals? non-forestry” activity. For any of based on a complaint by “Strict action will be taken Tibetans in India, citing bilateral askedtospeak(attheevent),Isaid
value of 1, which signifies that amonthsince,butKishanChand, Thegovernmentonly,no?Modi- these, no legal, administrative, or Congress leader Pramod Dubey against thoseabusing the Father ties. In the letter, Political I never go to any evening func-
every infected person is passing the forest officer entrusted with ji announced the tiger safari. The financial approval could be pro- alleging that at a ‘Dharam of the Nation… People asking Counsellor Zhou Yongsheng tions but I have made an excep-
on the infection to at least one the extensive construction work state and the Centre are working ducedbytheDFO(Kalagarh)who Sansad’ held on December 25- questions about the arrest... I wrote: “I have noticed that you tion because of my profound ad-
person on an average, is a key is yet to relinquish charge as on it together. Maybe there are “continuedwiththeconstruction 26 in Raipur, Kalicharan deliv- want to ask them, are they un- haveattendedanactivityheldby miration for the Buddha, deep
threshold after which cases be- Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), certaintechnicalissuesduetoin- workatleasttilladaybefore”the eredaspeechabusingMahatma happy that such a man has been the so-called “All-Party Indian respect for the Dalai Lama and in
gintoriserapidly.BothDelhiand Kalagarh, the western division of ternal differences among some inspection. Gandhi and “promoting ten- arrested?"UnionMinisterGiriraj Parliamentary Forum for Tibet” gratitude for the role Tibetan
Mumbai have R-values over 2 CTR. On Thursday, the Corbett officials but ultimately tourism ■ The ongoing “construction sions between different com- Singh targeted Baghel and said and interacted with some mem- sources have played in the redis-
right now, according to Sinha’s staff “locked down” all office will benefit our people whose activities in one of the highest munities”.Dubeywaspresentat the CM should focus on fighting bers of so called "Tibetan covery of India's Buddhist her-
analysis, indicating that in both premisesofthisdivisiontoprotest support is important for conser- densitytigerhabitatsoftheworld the Sansad where Kalicharan “extremists” in the state. "I don't Parliament in Exile". I would like itage.”Indiahashadaconsistently
these cities, one person is trans- the “dual command” as Kishan vation.” It was Rawat who had in withoutanycompetentsanctions made the speech. know how he handles law and to express our concern on that.” supportivepolicytowardstheex-
mitting to more than two peo- Chand’s replacement took “one- December 2020 said that the andbyviolatingthevariousstatu- While the FIR was earlier order in the state, but had he fo- The Counsellor wrote: “As is iled leaders of Tibet. In a careful
ple on an average. This is a fore- sided charge” on December 11. “150-crore project would be toryprovisions/courtordersisan registeredunderSections505(2) cused on getting even one area known to all, the so-called balancing act on its pledged sup-
cast for a very quick rise in cases Whencontacted,CTRDirector ready for tourists by November excellentexampleofbothadmin- (promoting enmity among free of extremists, it would have 'Tibetan Government in-exile' is port to Tibetans while seeking a
in both these cities. Rahul said the safari work did 2021”. istrative and managerial failure” classes) and 294 (obscene act in been better," said Singh, who is an out-and-out separatist politi- peacefulrelationshipwithChina,
A major reason for the un- commence without the final FC. Rawatalsosaidheplannedto and“criminalliabilityneedstobe public place) of the IPC, the on a trip to Bhopal. calgroupandanillegalorganiza- India'spositionhasbeentorecog-
precedented surge in Europe “We had Stage-1 FC, other ap- utilise funds from the CAMPA fixed against the officers respon- Raipur Police said sections re- Chhattisgarh BJP leader tion completely in violation of nise Tibet as an autonomous re-
andtheUSisthefactthatitcame provals and began constructing (Compensatory Afforestation sible for undertaking such con- latedtosedition(124A)andout- Brijmohan Agrawal, who was China’s Constitution and laws. It gion of the People’s Republic of
during the annual festival sea- the interpretation centre this FundManagementandPlanning struction.” Official communica- raging religious feelings (295A), present at the Dharam Sansad is not recognized by any country China. It "continues to seek a fair,
son when large gatherings are February. The work with no ap- Authority) coffer built on com- tions of the forest department among others, were added dur- on Sunday, tweeted in support intheworld.Tibethasbeenanin- reasonableandmutuallyaccept-
the norm. And while many gov- proval started in July and I asked pensation collected in lieu of for- show that out of the total budget ing investigation.According to of Kalicharan, with the hashtag separable part of China since an- ablesolutiontothevexedbound-
ernments have announced the DFO to stop it,” he said. DFO estlanddivertedfordevelopmen- demand of Rs 157.89 crore for senior police officials, while #ReleaseKalicharanMaharaj. cient times, and Tibet related af- ary issue" with China.
some restrictions to control the (Kalagarh) Kishan Chand did not tal purposes. Told that CAMPA construction work related to the teams were sent to Madhya At the sessions court in fairs are purely China’s internal Sixtyyearsago,around80,000
respond to multiple phone calls moneyismeantforconservation tiger safari, a proposal for Rs Pradesh, Delhi and Maharashtra Raipur, where Kalicharan was affairsthatallownoforeigninter- Tibetans, along with their spiri-
and messages. work and cannot be used for 102.11 crore was recommended to arrest Kalicharan, he was presentedafteramedicalexam- ference.” tual leader the Dalai Lama, left
The Public at large is hereby informed that Late
Vinod Kumar, who took building tourism infrastructure, on September 15 by then chief eventually found 25 km from ination, a group of people raised The letter stated that in a se- Lhasa after a failed uprising
Shri Rajiv Kumar Mahajan S/o Late Sh. Shiv Ram charge as HoFF after the reshuf- hesaid,“Wewillhavetolookinto wildlifewardenJSSuhagwhoalso Khajuraho. “He had rented a slogans seeking his release. ries of political documents, the against the Communist rule and
Mahajan and Smt. Upasana Mahajan W/o Late Sh. fle, said the “question of work those policies. Anyway, these are headedtheUttarakhandCAMPA. roomnearBageshwarDham.He In Maharashtra, state Home Indian Government has recog- arrived in India.
Rajiv Kumar Mahajan, both R/o B-3, Inderpuri,
New Delhi-110012 were allotted plot/property No. done without sanction” would residential quarters for forest This was, however, turned down was arrested at 4 am," said Minister Dilip Walse Patil said nisedthattheTibetAutonomous TheTibetanexileadministra-
6/C-2 area 300 sqyd. (appx.) in proposed beansweredonlyafterthecom- staff.”Butseveralbuildingsunder atameetingchairedbythenHoFF Raipur SP Prashant Agrawal. the state police will seek Region is part of the territory of tion, called CTA, is based in
Township project "Vatika India Next" situated at pletion of a vigilance probe or- construction — and a few hur- Rajiv Bhartari, pending clarifica- Late Thursday, Kalicharan Kalicharan's custody and inves- thePeople’sRepublicofChinaand Dharamshalawherethespiritual
Sector 82-A, Gurgaon (Haryana); that after the
demise of Sh. Rajiv Kumar Mahajan, his legal heirs dered in November. “The police riedly demolished since — have tionastohowthecostofthetiger was presented before the ses- tigate the cases registered reiterated that it does not allow leaderalsolives.Around140,000
requested the company to transfer their share in team has collected all the docu- been identified as tourism facili- safari“escalatedfrom26.81crores sions court in Raipur, where he against him over Sunday’s Tibetans to carry out anti-China Tibetans now live in exile, over
favor of their mother; Smt. Upasana Mahajan. Any
person having any objection on this may please
ments,” he said. ties by the two Central agencies. to 102.11 crores”. wasremandedinpolicecustody speech. “The use of derogatory political activities. “China firmly 100,000ofthemindifferentparts
contact the company officer within 15 days after UttarakhandForestMinister Afterconservationactivistand When contacted, Bhartari fortwo days. Thearrestledtoan language against the Father of opposesanyanti-Chinaseparatist ofIndia.OversixmillionTibetans
which No Claim would be accepted. Harak Singh Rawat isoptimistic advocate Gaurav Bansal moved said: “Except one component of uproar in BJP-ruled Madhya the Nation is a big crime. A case activities conducted by “Tibetan live in Tibet. In 2018, the Centre
Details as Under :
Vatika Limited thetigersafariwillnowbeready DelhiHCinAugustagainstillegal around Rs 5.5 crore for the tiger Pradesh, with state Home of sedition should be registered independence” forces in any ca- hadadvisedseniorministersand
A-002, Ground Floor, Block-A, for tourists in January. “The in- tree-felling and construction in- safari’s approved electricity MinisterNarottamMishraalleg- against him. The Maharashtra pacityornameinanycountryand bureaucrats to stay away from
Vatika INXT City Centre, Sector 83, Gurugram,
Haryana, India-122012
terpretation centre and one of side CTR, the National Tiger works, the proposal was re- ing that the Chhattisgarh Police Police will investigate the cases opposes any forms of contact by 'Thank You India' events organ-
thethreetigerenclosuresareal- Conservation Authority (NTCA) turned.” While Suhag, who con- had violated norms by arresting registered against him in the officials of any country with ised by Tibetan leaders.
most ready. There is no irregu- and the MoEF’s regional office at tinues to head the state CAMPA, Kalicharan without informing state," the minister said. them,” the letter said. The Indian Express had re-
larity.Uttarakhandhassomuch Dehradun conducted two sepa- refused to comment on his rec- the Madhya Pradesh Police. In a FIRs had been registered Addressing the MPs, Zhou ported on an official note dated
Zone Delhi-1
P.No.:2, Sidhartha Enclave, forest and wildlife thanks to its ratesiteinspectionsinSeptember ommendation, Rahul described tweet, Mishra instructed the against Kalicharan at police sta- wrote:“Youareaseniorpolitician February22,2018,advising"sen-
Ashram Chowk, New Delhi-110014 people who must also benefit and October. the inflated financial proposal as Madhya Pradesh DGPtoregister tions in Akola and Thane city who know the China-India rela- ior leaders" and "government
Ph. 011-26346434, 42143088
from tourism activities,” he The findings were scathing: an “afterthought to meet the de- hisprotestwithhisChhattisgarh over the speech he made in tions well. It is hoped that you functionaries" of the Centre and
Bank invites sealed tenders, under two bid said.Asked why approvals were ■ Theextensiveconstruction mands” of his deputy Kishan counterpart. Raipur. Sources said both FIRs could understand the sensitivity statestostayawayfromeventsor-
system i.e Technical Bid & Commercial Bid, not taken for additional con- activity “appeared to be for the Chand. Madhya Pradesh DGP Vivek are being transferred to Raipur. of theissueandrefrainfrompro- ganisedbyTibetanleaders,citing
from eligible Interior Furnishing Contractor struction inside the CTR, Rawat purpose of tourism which is a Johri said, "I have spoken to the Kalicharan, originally Abhijit vidingsupporttothe“Tibetanin- "very sensitive times" in bilateral
for the furnishing/renovation works of Raipur police ChhattisgarhDGPandregistered Dhananjay Sarang, is a resident dependence” forces, and make relations on India and China.
Branch Vasant Vihar at D 6, Shopping center the religious leader from neigh- myprotestonthewaytheentire of Akola in Maharashtra. He contributions to China-India bi- The note was sent by then
2, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi -110057. bouring Madhya Pradesh, trig- operation was conducted." gainedpopularityin2020aftera lateral relations.” When con- Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale
Tender documents and further information gering a war of words between RespondingtoMishra’scom- video of him reciting the Shiv tacted, Chandrasekhar told The toCabinetSecretaryatthetime,P
are available on the Bank's website leaders of both states. ments, Chhattisgarh Chief Tandav Stotram went viral. A Indian Express:“I was a member K Sinha, who issued a directive

EXPRESS EDUCATION AnFIRwaslodgedonSunday Minister Bhupesh Baghel said, middle school dropout, oftheIndo-TibetanParliamentary two days later.
Zonal Manager

Kashmir: Army jawan, 6 militants killed in two encounters
Ph. 7004734098, 9910944333, 011-47065959 place in Kulgam district of multiple operations across the The GoC said during the op- “AftertheZewanattack,Ihad PRESS TRUST OF INDIA Jammu and Kashmir Valley, resulting in 11 hardcore eration, Sepoy Jasbir Singh lost sharedwithyouthatJeMcarried
NICE ACHIEVERS SRINAGAR, DECEMBER 30 Wednesday evening, they said. terrorists being neutralised, his life. out the attack. Security person-
Discount ET3000N
Coupon For Early Birds TWO JAISH-E-MOHAMMAD
Two jawans and a police of-
ficial were also injured during
killed. On Wednesday night, in
two separate operations, six ter-
“As the operation was being
conducted in very heavily built
nel will be happy to know that
Online Classes will be militants allegedly involved in the Anantnag operation, they rorists, including two Pakistani up area, while evacuating civil- riedouttheattackinwhichthree
taken on Zoom Duration of
Course will be around 2.5 the December 13 attack on a po- said. terrorists,of Jaish-e-Mohammad ians from harm's way, we had policemen were martyred,” he
months PPT Notes will be lice bus on the outskirts of the Theencounterstookplaceaf- (JeM) cadre were neutralised in twoArmypersonnelandoneJKP said.
provided Periodic cityhere, were among thesix ul- ter the forces launched cordon Kulgam and Anantnag,” General personnel suffering gunshot Kumar identified the mili-
assignment, dedicated
classes on case studies and tras, including two Pakistani na- and search operations in officer Commanding (GoC) of wounds. They are all stable as of tants behind the attack as Altaf
answer writing practice are tionals,killedintwinencounters Nowgam Shahabad area in the Army's 15 Corps, Lt Gen D P now,” he said. Ahmad Shah alias Mufti Altaf, a
added advantage. For insouthKashmirthatalsoleftan Anantnag district, and Mirhama Pandey said. The IGP Kashmir said two of residentof NathiporaDooru,and
more details please visit us Army jawan dead, officials said area of Kulgam — both in south He was addressing a joint the ultras killed in the Anantnag a Pakistani national Sultan alias
on Thursday. Kashmir — after specific inputs press conference along with encounter were involved in the Mavia alias Rayees.
While three militants were about the presence of militants Inspector General of Police (IGP) December 13 attack on a police The duo had carried out the
Contact for Advt. Booking: M/s Friends Publicity Service killed in an overnight encounter Wednesday evening. Kashmir, Vijay Kumar at bus in Zewan area on the out- attack along with another mili-
(M): 9212665841, 9212008155 in Anantnag, three others were
killedin thegunfightwhichtook
“In the last about five days,
security forces have carried out
Qazigund in south Kashmir's
Anantnag district.
skirts of the city here in which
three policemen were killed.
tant Suhail Ahmad Rather, a res-
ident of Zaffran Colony.

New Delhi

Omicron in community, 54%

cases show variant, says Jain Services Nutan Mundeja passed
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE an order Thursday allowing in-
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 30 stitutional isolation of Covid
positive international passen-
THE NEW omicron variant is cir- gers or their contacts arriving at
culating in the community in the airport, at paid as well as free
Delhi and is possibly the reason Covid Care Centres.
behind the recent increase in There will be 100 beds in
Covidcases,saidHealthMinister Terapanth Bhawan that will be
Satyendar Jain Thursday. linkedtoAmbedkarNagarhospi-
“Covid cases have increased tal,100bedsatSardarPatelCovid
rapidly over the last few days. As Care Centre linked to Pandit
per the genome sequencing Delhi’s active Covid case count has jumped from 557 to 3,081 MadanMohanMalviyaHospital,
data, 54% of these are omicron in a week’s time. Amit Mehra 100 beds at IBIS hotel linked to
variant, including people who Indira Gandhi hospital-Dwarka,
have travel history as well as and another 50 at CWG village
those who do not. This means personhasseveresymptomsand nationaltravelorcontactwithan linkedtoLalBahadurShastrihos-
omicron is now in Delhi,” said is on ventilator support. Out of internationaltravellerwasfound pital. The centre at CWG village
Jain in an online briefing about the 150 patients in hospitals, 118 after the investigation in nearly will be scaled up to 500 beds, ac-
increasing cases. arefromDelhi.Anadditional111 60 cases reported over Monday cording to anorderissued by the
Delhi reported 1,313 Covid people who either have Covid or and Tuesday. Furthermore, 64 of specialsecretary(health)SMAli.
cases Thursday, up from 923 on aresuspectedtohavethedisease the 73 new cases reported on Thelinkedhospitalswillprovide
Wednesday. Positivity rate also arelodgedinCovidCareCentres. Wednesday also did not have manpower, consumables, and
increased from 1.29% to 1.73%. Delhi’s active Covid case any history of travel or contact. arrange logistics for the centres
The total number of Covid count has jumped from 557 to KeepingtheriseinCovidcases as per the order. Currently, all
patientsadmittedtohospitalson 3,081 in a week’s time. andthatoftheomicronvariantin thosewhohaveoraresuspected
Thursday was 150. This includes The Indian Express reported mind, the Delhi government has tohaveomicronvariantinfection
patients from the airport. Of the that the Delhi Disaster ordered four centres to create areadmittedtothegovernment’s
150, 83 are asymptomatic or Management Authority in its step-down isolation or quaran- LokNayakhospitalorfourprivate
have only mild symptoms; 66 meeting Wednesday accepted tine centres for those who might hospitals — Sir Ganga Ram, Max
have moderate symptoms and the possibility of community have the omicron variant. hospital-Saket, Fortis Hospital-
are on oxygen support. Only one spread after no history of inter- Director General of Health Vasant Kunj, and Batra Hospital.

OPD services, admissions curtailed at AIIMS

however,keepinginmindthein- and do not need hospitalisation. tional floor at the Jai Prakash
ANONNA DUTT creasing number of Covid cases We are expecting the number of NarayanApexTraumaCentrewill
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 30 in the city, the number of other hospitalisations to increase in also be converted into a Covid
patients will be restricted,” said thecomingdaysbutitisunlikely treatmentfacility,inlieuofwhich
WITHTHEnumberofCovidcases a senior official from the hospi- to be as much as the second a ward at the main AIIMS build-
on the rise in Delhi, AIIMS will tal, on condition of anonymity. wave,” the official said. ingwillbefreedupfortraumapa-
curtailpatientsvisitingoutpatient Covid-19 admissions in the tients.Twofloorsatthecentreal-
clinics as well as the number of hospital have increased five Plan for possible surge ready cater to Covid cases. The
routine admissions, as per the timesoverthecourseoftheweek The hospital will convert standalone trauma centre had
contingency plan that will come — from two-three admissions a three floors, including the ICU,of completely been converted to a
into effect on New Year’s Eve. dayearlierto14onThursday,ac- itsnewlycreatedburnsandplas- Covid-19 hospital since March
Both old and new patients cording to the official. tic block into a Covid-19 centre. last year and trauma services
with existing appointments will “The increaseseems like a lot Two floors at its National wereslowlyrestartedwhencases
receive consultations and only as the number of cases have Cancer Institute in Jhajjar will waned after the second wave of
the numbers will be restricted, been low in the city for several also be converted for treatment the pandemic in the city.
as per recommendations of the monthsnow.But,incomparison of Covid-19 patients. Rooms in All doctors, nurses, and other
heads of the departments, ac- to the second wave, this is not the private ward are also being staffatthehospitalwillalsobere-
cording to the plan. too much. The number of cases prepared for Covid cases. deployed as per need, according
“No service will be stopped, have gone up, but most are mild Other than that, one addi- to the plan.

New Delhi

Total Vacant
LAST 24 HOURS 14,46,415 ICU BEDS 2,770 2,727

*Total active cases

Cases Recoveries Deaths Tests

Dec 30
IN THE CAPITAL Total 3081* 14,18,227 25,107 3,26,51,345

Caught in delays, NEET-PG aspirants stare at uncertain future

wasted because of the delays in sion process, Dr Sarang “FirsttheNEET-PGdates,and youngPGaspirants,DrKohlisays
ANONNA DUTT conducting the NEET-PG exam Bombatkar, based in now even the counselling dates itisdisturbingthatdespiteclear-
& ABHINAV RAJPUT and now counselling. I am al- Maharashtra’sBuldhana,saidhe are uncertain. I was not able to ing the exam, they can neither
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 30 ready 28 years old. For the next has been sitting at home for plan my studies. And this is the take admission in PG courses,
threeyearsIwillbestudyingand more than a year now. reason I cannot join a job too — nor can they join a job.
WITH RESIDENT doctors from working full time for my post- “We are wasting so much either I have to let go of my PG There have been delays and
major medical college-associ- graduation.So,I will be31by the time. I am not studying, not seat or two-month salary (at a uncertaintyabouteverythingre-
ated government hospitals timeIcaneventhinkof marriage working. All hospitals say they hospital) for not serving notice lated to NEET-PG, he said, be-
across the country continuingto — without counselling there is will hire us only for four or six period(aftertakingadmissionin moaning that “the third Covid
protest against repeated delays no certainty of where I will end months, they do not want a PG course),” he said. wave is at your door and this is
in the National Eligibility-cum- up for the next three years. By us because we will quit when Dr Choudhary said his the time when things should
Entrance Test for Postgraduate the time I try to have children, I the(PG)admissionshappen,”he friends who got through NEET- have been expedited instead of
Courses (NEET-PG) counselling will be 32. We tell our patients Manish Rundla Choudhary; Sarang Bombatkar; Shruti Pansare; Risabh Kohli; Manish Singla said. PG in 2020 have worked tire- getting delayed”.
and admission, services in these that if they want to have chil- Dr Bombatkar also said that lessly through the two Covid
hospitals have remained af- dren, they should have it by the with the change in the NEET-PG waves. “The third-year resident
Dr Manish Singla,
fected for 14 days now. The time they are 30. But I will not January 2021 but was deferred based in Gujarat’s Bhuj, started whether she can get admission admission quotas this year, he is doctors (in final year PG) will Faridabad
protesting doctors will hold a have that opportunity,” she said. first to April and then to preparing for NEET-PG six in her preferred course — anaes- not sure if he would be able to soon be relieved to be able to Dr Singla (28), who lives in
meeting today where they are “It is not just the financial September. monthsbeforetheoriginalexam thesia or gynaecology. getthecoursesof hischoicesuch study for their final exams and Faridabad, graduated from
expected to take a call on pressure — I haven’t worked in Dr Pansare, who secured a date, January 6, 2021. However, “I want to appear for NEET- as anaesthesia, ENT, or commu- onlyonebatchof PGstudents(in Karnataka’s Basaveshwara
whether or not to end the strike. over a year — there are also so- rank above 9,000 in her second in November 2020, she learned PG again and its dates have been nity medicine. “The pattern has second-year) will remain in the Medical College. After preparing
The Indian Express spoke to cial pressures that we need to attempt, is now anxiously wait- thattheexamwillbepostponed. announced for March 12, 2022, changed this year and I cannot colleges(andhospitals),”hesaid, for two years, he qualified for
the following aspirants who de- think about,” Dr Pansare said. ing for her PG admission. The exam dates were then but can it happen if this year’s figure out what I might get. All referring to the fact that fresh PG NEET-PG this year — and contin-
spite clearing NEET-PG held in After completing MBBS in “Due to the uncertainty scheduled for April. counselling is not completed this uncertainty is adding to my admissions have remained ues to wait for admission now.
September have not got admis- 2017 and a one-year internship about the NEET-PG dates, I have “Weevenreceivedouradmit yet? I don’t know what to do,” stress,” he added. frozen. “Almost a year has been wasted.
sioninPGcoursessofar,withthe in2018,shetookNEET-PGforthe not been able to join work again. cards, but just two days before she said. The January NEET exam was de-
crisis putting them under acute first time in 2020, but with her Also, it would have broken the the exam it was pushed further. Like Dr Pansare, Dr Joshi is
Dr Manish Rundla Dr Risabh Kohli, Delhi layed and pushed to September.
financial and social distress. rank above 21,000 she could not flow of my studies. Now, hospi- We were told that the exam will finding it difficult to land a job in Choudhary, Kota The 28-year-old resident of The new reservation policy fur-
get the PG course of her choice. tals are unwilling to hire us be- not happen for another four a hospital as it would know that WhatisworryingKota-based Delhi’s C R Park underlines the ther delayed things,” he said.
Dr Shruti Pansare, So, she moved to Delhi and cause they know that we will months, so I joined the Covid she is biding time for her PG Dr Manish Rundla Choudhary is pointthathelostoneyeardueto The situation, Dr Singla said,
Pune started working as a “non-aca- quit the job soon (after PG ad- duty. All this uncertainty adds to counselling and admission. that while he has been at home the NEET-PG episode. Dr Kohli, is grimmer for those PG aspi-
The delay has left Pune- demic” junior resident doctor at mission),” she said. mental stress, it has resulted in for the last one year because of who hadfinished hisgraduation rants who did not get good
based Dr Pansare uncertain not DrRamManoharLohiaHospital. peoplegettingworseranks,”she
Dr Sarang Bombatkar, uncertainty over the NEET-PG from Armenia’s Yerevan State ranks. He also maintained that
only about her finances but also ShequitherjobinSeptember Dr Preya Joshi, Bhuj said. Buldhana counselling, his resident doctor Medical University, cleared the aspirants were caught in un-
her future. 2020 to prepare for NEET-PG After completing her MBBS With her rank being above Amidcontinueddelaysinthe friends have been exhausted af- NEET-PG this year. certaintyof whethertheyshould
“One whole year has been that was originally slated for and internship, Dr Preya Joshi, 15,000, Dr Joshi is uncertain NEET-PGcounsellingandadmis- ter working round the clock. Echoing the anguish of other waitforcounsellingorlandajob.

BRIEFLY Multiplex body

foundhanging meets Sisodia,
seeks reopening
New Delhi: A 19-year-old
MBBS student from
Maulana Azad Medical

of theatres in city
ted suicide by hanging
herself inside the college
hostel Thursday. DCP
(Central) ShwetaChauhan several films, scheduled to re-
said,“Thegirlwastakento EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE lease in January such as RRR,
thehospitalbutshedied.” MUMBAI, DECEMBER 30 Radhe ShyamandPrithviraj,will
Aninquirywasconducted probably change their release
at the college which re- FOLLOWING THE Delhi govern- dates. Shahid Kapoor-starrer
vealed that she did not ment's decision to close theatres film Jersey, which was supposed
perform well in her ex- in the wake of a spike in Covid to release on December 31, has
ams.Sheallegedlywrotea cases, representatives of the cancelled its theatrical exhibi-
suicide note on her note- Multiplex Association of India tion. According to the MIA letter,
bookthathasbeenrecov- (MAI)metDeputyChief Minister Jersey is now being considered
ered, said police. Manish Sisodia Thursday seek- for “a direct OTT release”.
ing reopening of cinemas with “Instead of releasing their
Threeheldfor pre-emptive measures. Other
cinemas and industry bodies
films at cinemas or waiting for
kidnapping have supported this appeal.
The delegation, led by Ajay
it more lucrative to release on
2-yr-oldboy WAITING TO BOARD Bijli, chairman of PVR Limited,
highlighted the adverse eco-
emas with no new films. As a re-
sult, the industry has run into an
New Delhi: Days after a nomic impacts faced by the en- extremely adverse situationand
two-year-old boy was Commuters wait outside Rajiv Chowk Metro station, Thursday. New rules that came into effect on Wednesday allow Metro trains to operate at 50% seating tertainment industry due to isinneedof urgenthelpfromthe
kidnapped outside his capacity. Tashi Tobgyal multiple lockdowns and restric- government,” the letter stated.
house in Rajouri Garden, tionssinceMarch2020.Initsap- Speaking to The Indian
policehavearrestedthree peal to Sisodia, he was informed Express, Nitin Tej Ahuja, CEO of
persons and appre- that the decision to shut down the Producers Guild of India, ex-
hended a juvenile. Police
said the incident took Nuh: Months after 11-year-old Upset by seating cap, cinemashascauseduncertainty.
Expressing his concerns, Bijli
tended his support to the MIA’s

went missing, 1 held for murder commuters damage

place on December 22. said: “We fully understand the is the primary source of revenue
The boy was playing challenges faced by the govern- forfilmmakers.Theproducersof
when two of the accused ment in these tough times. the movie ‘83’ held it over for al-
picked him up and fled.
The accused were trying
tosellthechildtoacouple PAVNEET SINGH CHADHA
another accused. Both are from
He said a week before his son
was allegedly kidnapped, he had
DTC buses; 6 arrested However, instead of closing cin-
emas, we urge them to consider
introducing a ‘double vaccina-
most two years. Even though it
was finally released on
December 24, people in Delhi
whenpolicecaughtthem. GURGAON, DECEMBER 30 the same neighbourhood. The sold a plot for over Rs 5 lakh: “I denttookplaceduetonon-avail- tion requirement’ for gaining can’t watch it now.”
victimwasknowntotheduoand took Rs 32,000 to deposit in the EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE ability of seats in buses in view entry into cinemas, as is the The multiplex body argued
Trafficrules FOUR MONTHS after an 11-year-
old boy went missing from his
they took him to Gurgaon,
Bahadurgarh, Hansi, Hisar and
almirah. Word had spread in the
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 30 of Covid-related restrictions.”
Benita Mary Jaiker, DCP
case in some states.
Alternatively, a 50% seating cap
that cinemas are equipped to
manage crowds with a hygienic
aroundCPto houseinNuh,policeWednesday
arrested a man for allegedly kid-
accused said they strangled the
plot. The accused hatched a con-
A GROUP of commuters who
were unable to board DTC buses
(South), said, “We received sev-
eral calls regarding a traffic snarl
can be reintroduced.”
The association fears that
environmentwhile maintaining
social distancing norms.
kickinonNew napping and murdering the boy
and for stealing Rs 3.62 lakh cash
boy to death in Sariska about 8-
10 days after he went missing.
spiracy to lure my son and kid-
napped him to steal the cash.”
due to the 50% seating cap al-
the spot and found that a group
Year’sEve fromhim.Policesaidprobefound
that the boy was strangled to
Their intention was to steal the
money that the victim had
Alleging laxity by police, the
father said he shared all leads
blocked MB Road around 8 am
on Thursday. Police said they ar-
of commuters were protesting
New Delhi: Traffic Police death in September near Sariska brought. After killing him, they with them: “Had they acted rested four men, two women roadasbusdriversandmarshalls
Thursdaysaidithasmade in Alwar. A police team has gone wenttoMumbaitospendmoney. sooner, my son would be alive.” and apprehended a juvenile for weren’t letting them in. The
elaboratearrangementsto toSariskatocollectDNAsamples. Inthepastfewmonths,theykept Police denied the allegations. destruction of public property drivercouldonlyallow17passen-
ensure smooth traffic on Police said on August 24, the returning to the village to evade DSPSinghsaid,“Initiallythefam- and violating Covid guidelines. gers inside as per the govern-
New Year’s Eve, particu- boy, a class VI student, had gone suspicion,” said DSP Singh. ily said they didn’t suspect any- Videos showing people ment’s latest guidelines.”
larly in and around com- missing from his house. His fa- Speaking to The Indian one.Afewdaysaftertheincident, protesting and damaging bus Policestaff triedtalkingtothe
mercial hubs such as ther had initially lodged a miss- ExpressonThursday,theboy’sfa- theboycalledhiscousinandsaid windows went viral on social people to allow traffic to pass to
Connaught Place. “Res- ing person’s complaint. ther, a farmer, said for four he was in Mathura and was safe. media. In one of the videos, a no avail. “The group started
trictions will be imposed DSP Punhana Shamsher months, the family had been liv- HealsotoldthemhehadgivenRs large gathering, in front of buses damaging buses. We deployed
from 8 pm on December Singh said recently, the family inginuncertainty.“Everydaywe 50,000tohiscousinandtakenthe on the road, clash with police. women police staff to help. Staff
31 around Connaught filed another complaint alleging feared someone would kill him rest of the cash. We brought the Windshields of buses are dam- neither used force nor lathi-
Place until celebrations that the boy had taken a bag, since he was carrying so much cousininforquestioningtoo.The aged and policemen are seen charged anyone. We were neu-
end,” said JCP (traffic) which had over Rs 3.62 lakh cash. People kill for much less. accused were trying to mislead pushing people with lathis. tralising the situation. One po-
Vivek Kishore. ENS cash, and had been kidnapped. Our fear came true. All we want thefamilyatthetime.”Policeare Additional DCP (South) M liceman sustainedinjuries in the Theatres are shut under yellow alert restrictions. Archive
“One person, Arif (20) has is justice...,” he said. looking for the second accused. Harsha Vardhan said, “The inci- process,” said DCP Jaiker.


IIT-D kicks off STEM mentorship program for Class XI girls, 10 shortlisted
hands-on experience in solving niques used in science labs”. puter science. “I think I could ect, starting from the end of The project areas will cover engagedincutting-edgeresearch
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE research problems, and to help Speakingabouttheprogram, learn from the experience, and December 2021 and ending in different disciplines such as in science, technology and allied
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 30 them form a stronger knowl- IIT-D Director V Ramgopal Rao from the experienced faculty. I earlyJanuary2022,anonlinelec- computer science, chemistry, fieldsdeliver online lectures and
edge foundation,” the institute said, “STEM needs to have more thinkthiswillbegoodfor my ca- tureseries,consistingofmodules mechanical engineering, conduct laboratory demonstra-
THE INDIAN Institute of said in a statement. women participation. Through reer,” she said. in Chemistry, Physics, Biology, physics, and biological sciences. tions every month,” IIT-D said.
Technology (IIT) Delhi Thursday Fortheprogram,10girlsfrom the mentorship program initi- Sanmita Paul from KV R K Mathematics and some “Inthefuture,thereareplans “The program will give girls
launched the STEM (Science, various Kendriya Vidyalayas in atedbyIIT-Delhi,schoolgirlswill Puram said she was very enthu- Engineering branches. These lec- to have participation from stu- somerequiredtractionforgetting
Technology,Engineering,Mathe- thecityhavebeenshortlistedfor get exposure to some of the siasticaboutthedifferentphases tureswillbedeliveredbyIIT-Delhi dents from other regions in the intothefieldsofscienceandtech-
matics) Mentorship Program for now, who will be mentored by world-class labs and research of the program. “I’m especially professorsbetweenFebruaryand country and turn the program nology in the future. We believe
Class XI girls from government professors from IIT-D in their workgoingonhere.Iamhopeful looking forward to the research April2022.Duringthisperiod,stu- into a residential one. The STEM students should be exposed to
schools to encourage them to chosen topics of interest. They this mentorship at IIT-Delhi will activities and lectures by IIT pro- dentswillalsobeinteractingcon- Mentorship Program for school- scientificconceptsatanearlyage,
choose science as their career. will also get access to research prove to be a turning point in fessors...IwouldliketothankIIT- stantly with their mentors on girlsisthesecondacademicout- tobeabletoappreciatetherigour
“The primary objectives of scholars under these professors. theirlivesandtheywouldbemo- The girls will be mentored by Delhi for giving us girls this op- their specific projects. Summer reach initiative by IIT-Delhi for ofacademicresearch,andtobuild
the program, designed for Class During the mentorship pe- tivated to enter the world of sci- professors from IIT-D. Archive portunity to learn and explore project (3-4 weeks in May-June school students. In September upconfidencetotakeupacadem-
XI girl students, are to train riod, they will be exposed to enceandtechnologyandhelpso- more than just reading text- 2022), where students will get 2021, the Institute had launched ics as a career when they grow
young students to think cre- “foundational concepts in STEM ciety with their research work.” books in our school,” she said. hands-on experience in labs, and SciTech Spins lecture series for up,” said Pritha Chandra,
atively about science and inno- disciplines,andalsolearntheex- Among those shortlisted is is working with her mentor on The program will have three finalise their project reports with studentsfromclassIX-XII.Under Associate Dean, Academic
vation, to provide them novel perimental methods and tech- Disha Rathor from KV JNU, who cryptography and secure com- levels. “A two-week winter proj- their mentors,” the institute said. thisinitiative,IIT-Delhiprofessors Outreach and New Initiatives.

New Delhi
New Delhi



All parties in UP want polls on China now raises

heat on Arunachal,
time, will issue guidelines: EC names 15 more sites
will get their first dose. We have
LALMANI VERMA asked for increasing vaccina-

LUCKNOW, DECEMBER 30 tion," he said. SHUBHAJIT ROY Beijing
The CEC said some parties NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 30 aggressive
DAYS AFTER a judge of the complained about the "biased"
Allahabad High Court urged attitude of some police and ad- A DAY after China announced its ● approach
Prime Minister Narendra Modi ministrationofficials.Hesaidthe own standardised names for 15
to "take strong steps" and con- complaints will be probed, and more places in Arunachal CHINA ASSIGNING names
sider"stoppingandpostponing" actionwillbetaken.Hesaidover Pradesh, which it claims as of places in Arunachal
rallies,meetingsandelectionsin 5,000 police personnel have “South Tibet”, Delhi reacted Pradesh is part of its strat-
view of the rising cases and a been transferred in recent days. sharply and said the state is an egy to reiterate territorial
possible third wave, the Election Newly appointed UP Chief integralpartof Indiaand“assign- claims with India. In the
Commission said Thursday that CEC Sushil Chandra (left) and Election Commissioner Anup SecretaryDurgaShankarMishra, ing invented names to past, Beijing has always
LANGUAGE SKILLS all parties in Uttar Pradesh want
the Assembly elections to be
Chandra Pandey in Lucknow on Thursday. Vishal Srivastav who took charge on Thursday,
said that in his meeting with the
places...does not alter this fact”.
China's Ministry of Civil
leaders – Presidents,
DURING A media interaction on Thursday, Haryana Chief held as per schedule. Election Commissioners, they Affairs announced Wednesday Prime Ministers and sen-
Minister Manohar Lal Khattar surprised many with this lan- “All the political parties, Asked whether the EC would the issue with the Union Health expressed concerns over the that it had standardised in ior ministers – to the
guageskills.AfterdeclaringthathecantakequestionsinEnglish, without any difference of opin- considerpostponingtheelections, Secretary,StateHealthSecretary, Covid situation. “I assured them Chinese characters, and the north-eastern state. In re-
Hindi and Punjabi, he went on to interact with a reporter in ion, saidthatelectionsshouldbe theCECsaid:“ECwillexecutethe Chief Secretary, and all district thatIwillsitwithmyofficersand Tibetan and Roman alphabet, cent months, there are re-
Tamil,revealingthathehaspassedhisschoolcertificatecourse conductedontimewhilefollow- responsibilityassignedtoitasper electionofficers."Wheneverelec- prepare a strategy to vaccinate the names of 15 places in portsof Chinaestablishing
in the language. Besides, the Chief Minister said he is learning ing Covid protocol,” said Chief theConstitution.Whileexecuting tions will be announced, this everyone,” Mishra said. Zangnan, the Chinese name for villages along the Line of
Japanesethesedaystointeractwiththelargeexpatpopulation Election Commissioner Sushil that responsibility, whatever will point will be definitely consid- Meanwhile,theCongresssaid ArunachalPradesh,thestate-run Actual Control. The nam-
in his state. If you have to build heart-to-heart relations with Chandra, speaking to reporters be required to consider -- either ered that how the big rallies are EC should take an independent Global Times reported. ing is part of the country’s
someone, you have to speak in their language, Khattar said. on the conclusion of a three-day rising Covid numbers or manag- to be managed. Whether digital decision on holding the polls. This is in accordance with aggressive expansionist
visit to the state to assess poll ing the increasing rallies -- elec- communication will have to be “EC must remember that the regulations on geographical approach.
preparedness. tionswillbeannouncedaftercon- increased...Wewillissueaguide- countrywide data of Covid-19 names issued by the State
EXIT DOOR Asked about the High Court
remark, the CEC replied:
sidering all that.”
Asked about ongoing politi-
situation. Considering all that,
infection, its spread... the dou-
blingtime,theresultsof genome
Council, China's Cabinet, the re-
port said. Arunachal Pradesh does not al-
THREE CONGRESS MLAs from Punjab – Rana Gurmit Singh "Cognizanceofthatwillbetaken." cal rallies with huge gatherings, guidelineswillbeissued,"hesaid. sequencing and the impact of Among the official names of ter this fact.”
Sodhi, Fateh Jung Singh Bajwa and Balwinder Singh Laddi – Chandra said some parties, he said the EC's responsibility "I have been told that 86 per the vaccines on Omicron (vari- the15places,withlongitudeand The India-China border dis-
have joined the BJP in the past 10 days, delivering a jolt to the duringtheirmeetingwiththeEC begins after the Model Code of cent of people in the state have ant)iswiththegovernment,and latitude, eight are residential ar- pute covers the 3,488 km long
grand old party ahead of theAssemblyelections. Butthebuzz delegation, expressed concern Conduct comes into effect. got the first dose and 49 per cent not with the political parties,” eas, four are mountains, two are LAC, and Beijing regularly
in the party is that there could be more exits coinciding with over flouting of Covid rules at Before that, it is the state admin- the second dose of Covid vac- Congress leader Randeep rivers and one is a mountain protests visits of top Indian lead-
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Punjab on January 5. election rallies, and also sought istration's job, he said. cine. We have been assured that Surjewala said in New Delhi. pass, the report said. ers and officials to Arunachal
The names of many leaders, including a couple of ministers, curbs on the number of rallies. He said the EC has discussed in 15-20 days, all eligible people WITHENS,DELHI This is the second batch of Pradesh to reaffirm its claim.
are being talked about in this connection. Asked about the standardised names of places in The eight residential areas in

Previous Uttarakhand govts

speculation, one senior leader merely said, “Let's see who all Arunachal given by China, after China's second batch of names
remain after January 5.” The Congress's central leaders are six other places in 2017. are Sêngkezong and
now said to be keeping their fingers crossed. Responding to China's latest Daglungzong in Cona County of
move, Ministry of External Shannan Prefecture; Mani'gang,
CONSUMER AFFAIRS Secretary Leena Nandan will bid adieu
to the Department of Consumer Affairs on Friday to take up
looted with both hands: PM Affairs' official spokesperson
Arindam Bagchi said: “We have
seen such reports. This is not the
first time China has attempted
Duding and Migpain in Medog
County of Nyingchi; Goling and
Damba in Zayu County of
Nyingchi; and, Mejag in Lhunze
her next assignment as Environment Secretary. On Thursday, EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE such a renaming of places in the County of Shannan Prefecture,
hercolleaguesatKrishiBhawanorganisedafarewellthatwas DEHRADUN, DECEMBER 30 state of Arunachal Pradesh. the Global Times reported. The
attended by Food Minister Piyush Goyal and Minister of State China had also sought to assign fourmountainsareWamoRi,Dêu
forFoodAshwiniChoubey.FoodSecretarySudhanshuPandey Amit Shah with CM Yogi TARGETINGPREVIOUSstategov- such names in April 2017. Ri, Lhünzhub Ri and
was also present on the occasion. A 1987-batch IAS officer of Adityanath in Lucknow. PTI ernments in Uttarakhand ahead Arunachal Pradesh has always Kunmingxingzê Feng, it said. The
Uttar Pradesh cadre, Leena Nandan will hand over charge of of the Assembly elections, Prime been,andwillalwaysbe,aninte- two rivers are Xenyogmo He and
thedepartmenttohersuccessorRohitKumarSinghonFriday. Minister Narendra Modi gral part of India. Assigning in- DulainHe,andthemountainpass

No ‘bahubalis’ Thursday said they “looted

Uttarakhand with both hands”
vented names to places in is named Se La, the report said.

Moga rally put off as in Yogi rule, and tried to save their govern-
mentsevenatthecostofthestate. STATEMENT ON PM OFFER
He was addressing a rally af-
just Bajrang
Rahul goes abroad, Bali, says Shah
ter inaugurating and laying the
foundation of projects worth
overRs17,500croreinHaldwani. PM Narendra Modi in Haldwani, Uttarakhand on Thursday.
BJP: Pawar speaking
disquiet in state Cong LALMANI VERMA
This included the inaugura-
tion of projects worth Rs 3,420
crore and foundation-laying of the first stream always want to “Uttarakhandhascompleted
half-truth according

UNION HOME Minister Amit

projects worth Rs 14,127 crore.
The inaugurated projects in-
clude three stretches of the Char
keep you away from develop-
ment. They kept running from
the hard work required to bring
20yearsof itsformation.Inthese
years, you have also seen such
people running the government
to his convenience
& MANOJ CG Wednesday Shah on Thursday hit out at Dham all-weather road which roads,electricityandwatertothe who used to say ‘you may loot BJP had become desperate to
CHANDIGARH, NEW DELHI, on a ‘brief Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief have been widened, the Nagina- mountains. Several generations Uttarakhand, but save my gov- MANOJ MORE form the government in
DECEMBER 30 personal Mayawati, claiming she feared Kashipur National Highway, the here left Uttarakhand in the ab- ernment’,” he said. PUNE, DECEMBER 30 Maharashtra. They were trying
visit’ defeat in the upcoming assem- Suring Gad hydel project and senceof goodroadsandfacilities. On the Lakhwar project, he to establish contact with differ-
DAYSAFTERCongressannounced bly polls and urging her to step sewageworkundertheNamami Today I feel satisfied that people said it was first thought of in A DAY after NCP chief Sharad ent people, including Ajit Pawar
thatRahulGandhiwillkickoffthe out for campaigning. Gange programme at Nainital. of Uttarakhand and the country 1976, and that it was his govern- Pawar said Prime Minister and our people (Sena leaders). I
party’s campaign for the forth- run-uptotheAssemblyelections. He also invoked Lord “We all know how many are exposing those involved in ment which finally laid its foun- NarendraModihadmadeanoffer was aware that Pawar had re-
comingelectionsinPunjabbyad- TheMogarallywasexpectedtobe Hanuman to praise the Yogi rivers start from Uttarakhand, this destruction,” he said. dation. “Look at my record of the for an alliance with his party af- ceivedtheoffer(fromBJP)andhe
dressing a rally in Moga on ashowofunity,saidapartyleader Adityanath government, saying but since independence people Accusing previous govern- last 7 years and all my time goes ter the 2019 Maharashtra had also spoken to us about this.
January 3, the party postponed who did not want to be named. just “Bajrang Bali” was visible in here have witnessed two more ments of “looting Uttarakhand to searching for such old things Assembly elections, the state BJP At that time, we were not hiding
theeventafteritemergedthatthe Thepartyhadstartedmaking his regime, not “bahubalis” streams. One is keeping the with both hands” since the and making them right,” he said. unitonThursdaysaidPawar“was anything from one another.
senior party leader had flown arrangements,andthevenuehad (musclemen). mountains away from develop- state's formation 20 years ago, The PM said these inaugu- Therewasnothingsecretabout...
abroad on a personal visit. been finalised, said state party Addressing a public meeting ment, and the other is working PM Modi said that hindering de- rated development projects will cording to his convenience”. who was meeting and holding
SourcessaidRahulleftIndiaon leaders. “We did not even know in Moradabad, Shah said: “The day and night for the develop- velopmental projects was their ensure better connectivity and “What Pawar said was only discussions, we knew every-
Wednesday,adayafterattending he has gone abroad. We learnt SP (Samajwadi Party) and BSP mentof themountains.Peopleof trademark. healthforthepeopleofHaldwani. the half-truth... And he is speak- thing. There was transparency
the party’s 137th foundation day aboutitonlyaftertheOpposition cannot develop UP. Behenji ki to ingasperhisconvenience,”state among us and BJP was probably
eventattheAICCheadquartersin raisedtheissueandSurjewalade- abhi thand hi nahi udi hai. Yeh BJP spokesperson Keshav not aware of this. Because of this
Delhi.Sourcessaidheissettoring fended the visit,” said a leader. bhaibheethain.Behanjichunavaa KARNATAKA URBAN LOCAL BODY POLLS UpadhayetoldTheIndianExpress transparency, they could not

Cong defeats BJP, wins most wards

in the new year in Italy, where he “Therallyhasbeenpostponed gaya thoda bahar nikaliye. Baad Thursday. form the government."
willspendtimewithhisagingma- now. We were hoping that Rahul meyehnakehnakimaineprachar Upadhaye said party leader Along with Pawar, Raut is
ternalgrandmother,likelastyear. willbeabletobringChiefMinister nahi kiya (Behenjiis yet to getre- and former chief minister considered one of the architects
“Rahul Gandhi is on a brief Charanjit Singh Channi, PPCC lief from cold weather. She is won two and six, respectively. serve, as these places have con- Devendra Fadnavis had already of the Maha Vikas Aghadi gov-
personalvisit.TheBJPanditsme- chiefNavjotSinghSidhuandother fearing(defeat).Behenji,stepout EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Congress secured a majority centration of minority commu- spoken about what transpired ernment,whichcameintobeing
dia friends should not spread ru- leadersonthesamestageandthe aselectionshavecome.Don’tsay BENGALURU, DECEMBER 30 in 20 urban local bodies. BJP, nityvoters,wehavenotbeenget- during those days. “We do not after the Shiv Sena approached
mours unnecessarily,” Congress differentvoices,whichareharm- later that you had not cam- meanwhile, won 15. The JD(S) ting good results, but this time wish to speak about the episode the Congress and NCP about
communication department ing the party interests, would be paigned),” he said. AHEAD OF the 2023 Assembly won one ULB. The rest of the duetoefforts,inplaceslikeGadag again,” he said. forming an alliance. The Sena
head Randeep Surjewala said, silenced.Also,his(Rahul)absence TheUnionministersaideven elections, the Congress in ULBs have thrown up mixed re- andothers,wehavegotsuccess.” At a book launch in Pune had earlier ended its decades-
confirming that the former delaystheprocessof ticketdistri- if “bua, babua and behen (refer- Karnataka Thursday outper- sults with no party being able to The BJP also lost in Bommai’s Wednesday, Pawar, during a long alliance with the BJP in the
Congress president was abroad. bution,” he said. ring to Mayawati, SP chief formed the BJP in the polls held secure a majority. constituency.Onthis,hesaid:“We conversation with Loksatta stateafterthetwopartiesfellout
Party sources said Rahul, who WhileSidhuhasbeenseeking Akhilesh Yadav and Congress’s for 58 urban local bodies (ULBs) Karnataka Chief Minister had never won there (in Editor Girish Kuber, said that PM over who would get the chief
spent nearly three weeks at an declarationofChiefMinistercan- Priyanka Gandhi Vadra)” came in 20 districts. Basavaraj Bommai said his party Bankapur),minorityvotersare65 Modi had made an offer to him minister's post.
undisclosed foreign location in didate ahead of the polls, assert- together, they cannot win Congressemergedasthesin- had performed well when the per cent, it won’t be right for me for an alliance with his party af- Praveen Darekar, opposition
November as well, is expected to ing that he would not be just a against BJP workers. gle largest party, winning 501 of overall results were considered. tosaymore.Sameisthecasewith ter the 2019 Assembly election leader in the state Legislative
address the rallies in Punjab and showpiecefortheelections,asec- Targeting Akhilesh for men- 1,184 wards that went to the But he also blamed losses on ar- Guttal....wewillcontinuewithour results. Pawar said he had re- Council, said: “Whatever hap-
GoaonJanuary15and16. tion of party leaders said they tioning Muhammad Ali Jinnah polls on December 27. BJP won easwithahighpopulationof mi- development work there also.” jected the offer. pened between the two leaders,
Rahul’s trip abroad has led to were watching him closely. A in an earlier speech, Shah said, 433 wards and the JD(S) won 45. norities. Karnataka Congress party Responding to Upadhaye's onlytheyknowof it.Let’snotdig
disquiet in the Punjab unit of party leader said, “We were hop- “He does know name of ganna A total of 195 Independents also “We have performed better chief DK Shivakumar said, comments,ShivSenaspokesper- out the past. The MVA govern-
Congress as it comes at a time ingthatthetopleadershipwould (sugarcane) and keep repeating won in the elections. AAP and than the last time though we “Election results in recent times son Sanjay Raut said, "Since ment is now in place. Alliances
whenthepartyisstrugglingwith intervene and control Sidhu. But Jinnah, Jinnah, Jinnah…Jinnah is Janata Party have won one seat should have performed better in have indicated a Congress wave Sharad Pawar is saying it, then it happen in politics, there is noth-
factionalismanddesertionsinthe it seems to be free for all now.” of no use here.” each, while AIMIM and SDPI this election,” he said. "If you ob- in the state...” PTIINPUTS has to be true. During that time, ing new about it.”

AAP wave after Chandigarh win: Kejriwal Rajput factor back in Rajasthan spotlight
to number 1 during the Swacch gettheGehlot-ledCongressgov- CM Vasundhara Raje and is con- have been traditional vote base
HINA ROHTAKI Survekshan. DEEP MUKHERJEE ernment in the matter. sideredtobepositioninghimself of the BJP in the state.
CHANDIGARH, DECEMBER 30 "Chandigarh ke nateejon ke JAIPUR, DECEMBER 30 The Rajasthan elections may as one of the principal chal- However, the political equa-
baad Punjab mein ek lehar si be two years away, but the row lengers to her supremacy. tions had changed ahead of the
DELHI CHIEF Minister and Aam daudgayihai....Chandigarhmein THE INAUGURAL light-and- arising out of objections from a Shekhawat claimed that the December 2018 elections to the
Aadmi Party (AAP) supremo, ab shapath grehan karne sound show at Chittorgarh Fort, sectionof theRajputcommunity controversy surrounding the 200-member Rajasthan
ArvindKejriwal,onThursday,ar- aayenge Punjab jeet ke (The vic- opened virtually by Rajasthan and the Opposition leaders’ bid light-and-soundshowwas“nota Assembly, when several things
rivedinChandigarhtoholdavic- toryinChandigarhhasstartedan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot to train their guns on the ruling simple matter”. He alleged that had turned the Rajput commu-
torymarchtocommemoratehis AAP wave. We will again return Monday evening, was forced to party has put the spotlight back theshow’scontentiousdepiction nity against the then
party's splendid performance to Chandigarh after winning the stop midway after local BJP MP on the Rajput factor and its of Alauddin Khilji and Padmini Vasundhara-ledBJPgovernment.
during the recently concluded Punjab elections)," Kejriwal said CP Joshi and some members of salience in state politics. was done as part of “appease- Thesignificanceof theRajput
Chandigarh civic body polls and during the victory march (Vijay the Rajput community objected GoingaftertheGehlotdispen- ment” politics, and that “second factor in Rajasthan politics could
said that the win in Chandigarh Yatra) that started from Aroma to a section in its script involving sation, Union Jal Shakti Minister classtreatmentisbeingmetedout be gauged from the presence of
"has sent a strong message ChowkinSector22andendedin the 13th century Delhi sultan Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, a toHinduseversincetheCongress leaders from across the political
across Punjab and started an Sector 23. Alauddin Khilji and Mewar Rajput leader, charged that the came to power in the state”. spectrumatthediamondjubilee
AAP wave across the state." Supporters greet Kejriwal in Chandigarh. Jasbir Malhi Addressingagatheringatthe queen Rani Padmini. Congress government was not TheRajputleaders claimthat celebrations of the Shree
Kejriwal on Thursday joined endof Thursday'svictorymarch, The show could resume on concerned about the “asmita” theircommunityconstitutes 11- Kshatriya Yuvak Sangh, a social
a victory march with his party's Kejriwal said, "You people of TuesdayaftertheChittorgarhdis- (pride) of Rajasthan. 12 per cent of Rajasthan’s popu- organisationof Rajputs,thatwas
victorious councillors and made also not let anyone do anything councillors] should move be- Chandigarh have achieved an trictadministrationremovedthe Shekhawat is known to have lation, spread throughout the held at Jaipur earlier this month.
themtakeanoaththat"theywill wrong." He said that now that yond party lines and work to- amazing feat. This is nothing disputed portion of the script. a strained equation with the state, with sizeable presence in FULLREPORTON
never take any bribe and will they have won, "they [the new gether"tobringChandigarhback short of a miracle.” TheBJPleaderswerequicktotar- state’s top BJP leader and former many constituencies. Rajputs

New Delhi

Trials in Muzaffarnagar cases and gold-smuggling Centrenotifies

trail winners in Investigative Reporting category newrulesfor

consumerpanels were in Hindi which wasn’t easy
to translate. So it took time to
identify the glaring loopholes in
the investigation,” says Sheriff.
elled from
International Airport in

Kathmandu to different places

lect information and film secret commissions,theministrysaidin
math of a riot to following the grave. “It showed the prejudice visuals of the illegal trade. We HARIKISHAN SHARMA a statement, “After the Act came
trail of gold smugglers along the inthesystemasthestategovern- also gathered information by NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 30 intoforce,itwasobservedthatex-
Indo-Nepal border, they dug ment did not appeal against any meeting some carriers in Nepal istingprovisionsrelatingtopecu-
deep to uncover the truth. of the acquittals, especially the jails. In the jail and at the check- THECENTREonThursdaynotified niary jurisdiction of consumer
Kaunain Sheriff M of The rapecases,intheHighCourt.We posts, we used spy cameras to monetary jurisdiction of con- commissions were leading to
Indian Express is the winner in alsofoundhowvictimprotection avoidbeingcaught,”saysKumar. sumercommissions,withthedis- caseswhichcouldearlierbefiled
theInvestigativeReportingcate- Kaunain Sheriff M S Mahesh Kumar duringthetrialswastotallycom- “After we exposed the names trictcommissionshavingjurisdic- in National Commission to be
gory for print, and S Mahesh promised,” adds Sheriff. of Kerala-basedsmugglingmafia tiontoentertaincomplaintswhere filed in State Commissions and
Kumarof ManoramaNewsisthe Kumar’s investigative series, kingpinsanddetailsof thesmug- value of goods or services paid as caseswhichcouldearlierbefiled
winner of the award for broad- terviewed officials to discover court would set a date for the Operation Nepal Gold, exposed gling dens in Dubai, we again consideration does not exceed Rs in State Commissions to be filed
cast media. that 53 men accused of murder hearing and the defence kept the gold smuggling racket along faced several threats from the 50 lakh. The state commissions in District Commissions. This
Sheriff’s investigation -- had been let off. asking for another date. I had to the porous Indo-Nepal border mafia. The gold carriers who will have jurisdiction to similar caused a significant increase in
which resulted in a three-part “Thefirstchallengewastoac- travel from Delhi to whereoperatorstookadvantage helpedusunearththesmuggling complaintswithvalueofgoodsor workload of District
series called ‘The Muzaffarnagar cess the documents. Rape cases Muzaffarnagar every time the of lenient check posts. routesandactivitiesnowgetcon- services between Rs 50 lakh and Commissions, leading to rise in
Whitewash’ -- revealed that in are in-house proceedings so you court fixed a date and around 85 “We travelled along the dan- stantthreatstolives,”addsKumar. Rs 2 crore, and the National pendency and delay in disposal
the six years following the cannotenterthecourttowitness per cent of the time, I returned gerous routes through which Aftertheexpose,theCustoms CommissionoverRs2crore. ofcases,defeatingtheveryobject
Muzaffarnagar riots in 2013, all the trials. It took days, some- without anything when the trial gold is smuggled into the coun- andDRIlaunchedspecialprobes The jurisdiction of the com- of securing speedy redressal to
the 158 men accused of murder, times even weeks, to get these was deferred. The third chal- try by evading all kinds of taxes. tocheckthegoldflow,leadingto missions has been notified by the consumers as envisaged under
gang rape and arson had walked records, testimonies of com- documents. The delay in the tri- lenge was language. All the doc- We started our investigation by a 25-kg gold haul from MinistryofConsumerAffairs,Food the Act.”
free. Sheriff scrutinised court plainants and witnesses and in- als was another challenge. The uments and court recordings going to Kathmandu. We trav- Thiruvananthapuram airport. andPublicDistributionunderthe It stated, “With regard to revi-
ConsumerProtectionAct,2019. sion of pecuniary jurisdiction,
The Act provides a “three-tier Central Government held consul-
quasi-judicialmechanism”forre- tation with States/UTs, consumer
dress of consumer disputes: dis- organizations, law chairs etc. and
trict commissions, state commis- examined the issues that had cre-
sions, and the national atedlongpendencyof casesinde-
commission.Thelawalsoprovides tail,”thestatementsaid.
pecuniaryjurisdictionofeachtier According to the statement,
of consumercommission. under the law, every complaint is
As per existing provisions, dis- tobedisposedof“asexpeditiously
trictcommissionshavejurisdiction as possible”, and attempt is to be
toentertaincomplaintswherevalue made to decide the complaint
ofgoodsorservicespaidasconsider- within a period of three months
ationdoesnotexceedRs1crore,state from the date of receipt of notice
commissions Rs 1 crore to Rs 10 bythe“oppositeparty”,wherethe
crore, and national commission complaintdoesnotrequireanaly-
aboveRs10crore. sis or testing of commodities and
Giving reasons for fixing a within 5 months if it requires
lower limit for district and state analysisortestingofcommodities.

Centre approves Rs 3,000 cr more

Banaras Locomotive Works seeks to aid to states for natural disasters
Return son’s body: Father of killed expand earnings through exports New Delhi: The Union govern-
Similarly, for disasters such as
floods and landslides during the

Ramban youth files petition in HC

sistance of more than Rs 3,000 monsoon,AssamwasgrantedRs
Aftertheagreementfortheorder November 2020… In such little crore to six states this year to 51.53 crore, Karnataka was given
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE was made with Rail India time,itisdifficulttocompletean coverdamagescausedbynatural Rs.504.06crore,MadhyaPradesh
Deepika Singh Rajawat and civilianvolunteerwiththeArmy. VARANASI, DECEMBER 30 Technical and Economic Service international order, that too disasters,aHomeMinistrystate- got Rs 600.50 crore and
EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE MohammadArshadChowdhary Referring to an incident of (RITES)inNovember2020,thelo- whenover1,000ofourstaffwere ment said Thursday. Uttarakhand Rs 187.18 crore.
JAMMU, DECEMBER 30 two days after a Special August 6, 2005, when he along BANARAS LOCOMOTIVE Works comotives were handed over down with Covid in April and Gujarat was granted Rs This assistance is over and
InvestigationTeamof J&KPolice, with his wife and other family (BLW),aproductionunitofIndian from March to August this year, May. Another thing it did was 1,133.35croreforCycloneTauktae above the funds released by the
THEFATHERofAmirMagray,one which probed the encounter, members killed a Lashkar-e- Railways, is planning to expand anditreceivedanorderforasev- thatitgavesupplyopportunities and West Bengal received Rs Centre to states in the State
of thefourpeoplekilledinanen- said that Amir, the youth from Toiba militant who had barged onitsearningsthroughmanufac- enth locomotive in September. to the private sector and public 586.59 crore for Cyclone ‘Yaas’. Disaster Response Fund. ENS
counter in Hyderpora area of Ramban district in Jammu into his house and opened fire turing locomotives for export. “The Mozambique order is sector. So many firms partnered
Srinagar on November 15, on Division, was a militant. on the inmates, the petitioner In 2021, it had completed an significant because the entire with us, and a new market
Thursday filed a writ petition in In his petition, Latief said, said he was conferred the state orderofsix3,000HPCapeGauge thing was completed during opened up for them,” said BLW
Acharya Narendra Deva University of
Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh “...That being close to Amir, the bravery award in 2012 by the locomotives to Mozambique. Covid times. We got the order in general manager Anjali Goyal. Agriculture & Technology,
HighCourt,seekingthereturnof petitionerkneweverythinggood J&K government. Kumarganj, Ayodhya- 224229 (U.P.)
his son's body, saying he was in- andbadabouthim,thuscanstate “Thatapart...,thepetitionerhas Advertisement
nocent and citing his family's onoaththathissonwasneverin- been well appreciated by the PARLIAMENT OF INDIA Applications are invited from eligible candidates for various posts in the University
long contribution in the fight volvedintoanyanti-nationalac- IndianArmyforhisservicetowards LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT on regular basis.
Advertisement No. 7/2021- Twenty Five (25) post of Professor/Scientist.
against terrorism. tivities or was associated with thenationineliminatingmilitancy NEW DELHI Advertisement No. 8/2021- Fifty Two (52) post of Associate Professor/Scientist
Police, who have so far re- any such outfit that conspires to in his area -- Gool Sangaldan, Advertisement No. 9/2021- Eighty Five (85) post of Assistant
turned the bodies of two local bring harm to the nation.” Ramban,”thepetitionsaid. Professor/Scientist
Details may be downloaded from the University Website-
Kashmir residents to their fami- Invoking Article 21 of the In view of the family's sup- Applications on prescribed Proforma must reach to the office of the undersigned
lies,havenothandedoverAmir’s Constitution, which extends the port to the Army, the petitioner before 5.00 PM of 28 January, 2022 through Registered/ Speed post only.
body to his family yet, saying he righttohavedecentburialasper saidhehasremainedvulnerable Written Examination/Test for Assistant Professors is proposed to be held on
wasanassociateof thePakistani religious ceremonies and rules, to attacks, owing to which secu- 20 February 2022.
militant who was also killed in forhisson,thepetitionersaidhe rity was provided to him and his Administration & Monitoring
the encounter. has been instrumental in fight- family,whichisstillinplaceout-
Mohammad Latief filed his ingandcurbingmilitancyinGool side their house.
petition through counsel Singaldan area by working as a (WITHINPUTSFROMPTI)

PRESS COMMUNIQUE F. No. 2-1/2021-Admn.1/

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance is in the process of examining the subject Applications are invited from goal oriented highly motivated and eligible candidates for 01
'Strengthening credit flows to the MSME sector ' for report thereon to the Parliament. Considering position of Manager (IT Infrastructure), 02 positions Executive (Portal & Service Delivery)
and 02 position of Executive (Facilities and Data Centre on purely contract basis for a
the wider implications of the subject on the economy of the country, the Committee under the period of one year which may be extended on certain terms and conditions. Other terms
Chairmanship of Shri Jayant Sinha, MP have decided to invite memoranda containing & conditions, age limit, remuneration, experience etc. may be downloaded from the official
views/suggestions from the public in general and Experts/Stakeholders/Organisations, in particular. website Lady Hardinge Medical College & Smt. S. K. Hospital, New Delhi.
For details login to website:
2. Those desirous of submitting written memoranda/suggestions to the Committee may send two
(Sunil KS Bhadoria)
copies thereof either in English or in Hindi to DIRECTOR (E,F&Estt.), LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT, Deputy Director (Admn.)
ROOM NO. 513, PARLIAMENT HOUSE ANNEXE EXTENSION (BLOCK B), NEW DELHI- 110001, davp 17148/11/0025/2122 For & on behalf of Director, LHMC
TEL. Nos. 23035759/ 23035758, FAX NUMBER: 23010756 and email the same to within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.).
3. The memoranda/suggestions submitted to the Committee would form part of the records of the
Committee and would be treated as ‘confidential’ and enjoy privileges of the Committee.
4. Those who are desirous of appearing before the Committee, besides submitting written
memoranda, are requested to specifically indicate so. However, the Committee’s decision in this
regard shall be final.
New Delhi;
Dated: 29 December, 2021 davp 1201/11/0003/21-22

Department of Women an Child Development

Govt. Of NCT of Delhi
5th Floor, ISBT Building, Kashmere Gate, New Delhi- 110006.
Description Photograph
1 Sumit (name given by agency) male child aged about 1 day, wheatish complexion, child was
found abandoned in the Cradle placed at the gates of an out Institution (DCCW/PALNA) on
07.10.21. He was produced before the Child Welfare Committee-V, Dilshad Garden and was
kept in Delhi Council for Child Welfare (PALNA) via order of CWC-V. FIR was filed at P.S. Civil
2 Sameer, (name given by agency), male child, aged about 8-9 days, Wheatish complexion,
child was found abandoned in the Cradle placed at the gates of an our Institution on 05.11.21.
He was produced before the Child Welfare Committee-V, Dilshad Garden and was kept in Delhi
Council for Child Welfare (PALNA) via order of CWC-V. FIR was filed at P.S. Civil Lines
3 Pratham, (name given by agency), Male child, aged about new born child, Wheatish
complexion, child was found abandoned in the cradle placed at the gates of an our Institution
on (DCCW/PALNA) on 17.11.2021. He was produced before Child Welfare Committee-V,
Dilshad Garden and was kept in Delhi Council for Child Welfare (PALNA). FIR was filed at P.S.
Civil Lines
URGENT REQUIREMENT OF BUILDING ON HIRE 4 Mannat, (name given by agency), Male child, aged about 2 days, Wheatish Complexion, child
FOR ECHS POLYCLINIC AT REWARI (HR) was found abandoned in the cradle placed at the gates of an our Institution on (DCCW/PALNA)
on 19.11.2021. He was produced before Child Welfare Committee-V, Dilshad Garden and was
1. Station Commander, Miltary Station Alwar invities applications (offer document) from desirous house
owners at Rewari to rent out their building on hire for 2/3 years to Defence Department (Ex Servicemen kept in Delhi Council for Child Welfare (PALNA). FIR was filed at P.S. Civil Lines
Contributory Health Scheme) Note: Parents/Guardians/Relatives of Sl.No. 1 & 2 in case of above mentioned children may contact at
2. The desired parameters and conditions of the building are as under:-
(a) Pinth Area 4000 Sqft approximately. address/phone numbers given at Sl. No. 1 & 2 given below:-
(b) Location within 3/5 Km to City or within the city/town via-a-vis important hospitals and health facilities loc. 1. Incharge: Delhi Council for Child Welfare (PALNA), Qudsia Bagh, Yamuna Marg, Civil Lines, Delhi-54
(c) The building shall perferable Ground Floor with at least 10-12 rooms with minimum 3 toilits, electricity and Contact No. 011-23944655/ 011-23968907
water supply. if with first floor should have suitable ramp for wheel chair and stretcher.
(d) One toilet shall be at entrance of the building 2. District Child Protection Unit-II, Sansakar Ashram Complex, Dilshad Garden, Delhi,
(e) The building should be suitable for placement of medical equiment. Contact No. 011-22125035
(f) Rent reasonablity certificate for approved rent from local municipality\revenue authorties, to be attached Sd/-
with the application. Director
(g) Rent will be paid as per Govt. approved norms and regulations depending open pllnth area facilities DIP/Shabdarth/0534/21-22 Women & Child Development
type/class of city.
Note: Desirous persons should froward their application by registered post alongwith sketch/blue print to OIC
ECHS cell, Station HQs, Alwar by 07 Jan 2022 positively (Contact No.-0144-2980316, 11.00AM to 3.00PM) Please give information to CHILD LINE 1098 about children who need care & amp; protection

New Delhi

1987-batch IAS topper Amir Subhani

to be new Chief Secretary of Bihar Cotton price soars
Patna: Amir Subhani, the 1987-
appointed the new Chief
April 2024. Considered close to
Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, he
earlier worked in key bureau-
to Rs 10,000/quintal
in Gujarat mandis
Secretary of Bihar, according to a cratic positions, including as the
government notification. state’s Home Secretary.
Subhani, who was the state’s Subhani will take charge on
development commissioner be- January 1, replacing Tripurari last year’s average price of
fore his elevation, will retire in Sharan. PTI GOPAL KATESHIYA around Rs 5,500.
RAJKOT, DECEMBER 30 Cotton traders ascribed the
PRICES OF kapas (seed-cotton) cotton yields coinciding with a
touched a historic high of Rs negligiblecarry-forwardstockof
10,555 per quintal in the yard of the previousyear in Indiaand an
agriculturalproducemarketcom- empty pipeline of the domestic
mittee (APMC) mandi in cotton ginning and spinning in-
Jamnagar Thursday. Traders say dustry. “The cotton arrivals in
the rates of the natural fiber are APMCs are almost half as com-
goingthroughtheroofthisseason pared to normal years even as
due to a drastic fallin production. demand from the domestic gin-
The price of kapas in ning and spinning industry is
Jamnagar mandi remained in high as its raw material pipeline
GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA therangeof Rs7500toRs10,555 was empty due to almost nil
OFFICE OF THE CHIEF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER, Thursday with modal price (the carry-forward stock of the pre-
JEYPORE (R&B) CIRCLE, JEYPORE price at which the majority of a vious year. December-January
B-919 INVITATIONS FOR BIDS (IFB) commodity gets sold on a given marks the peak of cotton mar-
Bid Identification No. C.C.E.J.C (R&B)-21/2021-22 day) being Rs 10,000. “This is a keting season and normally,
No. 5761 Date. 24.12.2021 historic price and the highest in Jamnagar APMC records arrivals
1. Nature of the work : BUILDING WORK. the entire state. Last year, the of around 2,000 quintals daily.
2. Total No. of Works : 03 (Three) Nos. highest bid was Rs 6,825but this But it is hardly around 1,000
3. Estimated cost : Rs. 130.39 Lakhs To 393.32 Lakhs. year, farmers are realising an av- quintals these days,” said
4. Period of completion : 06 (Six) Months to 11 (Eleven) Months erageRs3,000higherprice,”said Mahipatsinh Jadeja of
as per work Hitesh Patel, secretary of Rajeshwari Trading, a cotton
5. Cost of Bid Document : Rs. 10,000/- Each. Jamnagar APMC. trading firm in Jamnagar APMC.
6. Bid Security (EMD) : Bid Security Declaration (Schedule-K) In Rajkot APMC, among the Similar is the case in Rajkot
7. Class of Contractor : B, A, & Special Class according to largest cotton markets of the and Gondal. Rajkot APMC
state, the price touched Rs recordedarrivalsof3,450quintals
8. Date & time of availability of : From 11.00 hours of 11.01.2022 to
bid document in the portal 17.00 hours of 27.01.2022 10,050 -- the highest so far -- on Thursday. On December 31 last
9. Last date/ Time for receipt : 17.00 hours of 27.01.2022 Thursday. In Gondal APMC too, year, cotton arrivals in Rajkot
of bids in the Portal the highest price was Rs 10,000. APMC were recorded at 5,400
10. Opening date of Bid : 11.00 hours of 28.01.2022 The lowest in both these APMCs quintals but the price was in the
11. Name and address of the : Chief Construction Engineer was Rs 7,511 and Rs 5,000 re- range of Rs 4,860 to Rs 5,705. In
Officer Inviting Bid Jeypore (R&B) Circle, Jeypore
spectively with the modal price Gondal,arrivalsonThursdaywere
Further details can be seen from the e-procurement portal being around Rs 9,500. 1,951 quintals, which secretary Any addendum/ corrigendum/
cancellation of tender can also be seen in the said website only. The price of around Rs 9,500 Tarun Panchani said, was almost
Sd/- Chief Construction Engineer is almost double as compared to half of previous years.
Jeypore (R&B) Circle, Jeypore
OIPR-34108/11/0026/2122 GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA Ahead of elections,
AT/PO- NAYABAZAR, CUTTACK-753004, Tel No. 0671-2444488, Email- issues security orders
No. Tender Online RCK - 31/21 Letter No.- 3398// Date:- 29/12/2021
Ground Floor, Unnati Bhawan, Panaji: The District Collector of
e-Procurement NOTICE
H.B. Colony, Satyanagar, Bhubaneswar-751007, Odisha, India NorthGoaonThursdayissuedthree
Telefax:- + 91-674-2391444 1. Name of the work : Tender for the road projects of Constituency wise R.D Roads developed under
MMSY Scheme during 2021-22 in the Dist. of Kendrapara-Jajpur ordersunderSection144oftheCrPC
E-mail: which banned possession of any
2. Class of Contractor : As specified in the column 5 of the Annexure. typesoffirearmsorlethalweapons,
3. Time for Completion : As specified in the column 6 of the Annexure.
4. Detail Projects : As per Annexure attached asked owners of premises to verify
Bid Identification No. WATCO (W) - 29/2021-22 Dtd. 22.12.2021
5. Other Details : theantecedentsoftheirtenantsand
WATCO No. 7147 Date: 22.04.2021
1. Name of the work :- Conversion of intermittent Water supply of Berhampur directed all cyber cafe owners to
Procurement Officer Bid Availability of Last Date & Date & Time of opening of
town to 24x7 Water supply under Drink From Tap Identification Tender on-line for bidding Time of seeking tender prohibit use of the space by un-
Mission”. No.
From To
Technical Bid Financial Bid
known people and install CCTV
2. Estimated cost :- Rs 36.00 Crore (Approx.) clarification
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
cameras at their entrance. The or-
3. Period of completion :- 12(Twelve) Months
4. Date & time of :- From 11.00 AM of Dt. 15.01.2022 to 5.00 PM of Chief Construction Will be der issued by district collector Ajit
Tender Online 31.12.2021 at 15.01.2022 to 15.01.2022 up to 17.01.2022 at
availability of bid 30.01.2021 Engineer, Rural Works Intimated Roy stated, “The EC may announce
RCK - 31 / 21 11.00 AM 5.00 PM 1.00 PM 11.00 AM
Circle, Kendrapara- Jajpur Later
document in the the schedule for ensuing election
portal Further details can be seen from the website shortly,andthecodeofconductwill
5. Last date/time of :- 5.00 PM of 30.01.2022. Chief Construction Engineer,
receipt of bids in Rural Works Circle, Kendrapara-Jajpur
come into force on announcement
the portal OIPR-25129/11/0032/2122 of thesaidschedule.” ENS
6. Date & time of :- 12.30 PM of 31.01.2022.
opening of technical
bids CXq ´fiq ´ffUSX MÑf³Àfd¸fVf³f IYfSX´fûSXZVf³f
7. Name and address of :- CEO, WATCO Telefax:- 0674-2391444. d»fq BÊ-d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff ÀfÔ0 75-
the Officer Inviting Bid E-Mail:
GOVERNMENT OF CHHATTISGARH, 8. The bidders have to participate in ONLINE bidding only. BÊÀfeMXeÀfe/¸fbSXfq/2021-22 BÊ-MZ¯OS ¨ffS
Further details can be seen from the web site
¸ffW I e U`ô°ff WZ°fb Qû ·ff¦fûÔ ¸fZÔ ·ff¦f-1 U Regd Office: PSEB Head Office, The Mall, (Patiala)
CIN: U40109PB2010SGC033813, Website:
OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER CEO ·ff¦f-2 A²fûd»fdJ°f dUUS¯f IZ A³fbÀffS (Contact Number: 96461-20640)
OIPR- 13083/11/0055/2122
Af¸fÔdÂf°f dI ¹ff þf°ff W` Ü d³fdUQf ´fif~ Wû³fZ / Tender Enquiry No. 1343/O&M/PC-2208 Dated: 29.12.2021
SURVEY CIRCLE SIHAVA BHAWAN CAMPUS, Jû»fZ þf³fZ I f dQ³ffaI U Àf¸f¹f 07.02.2022 Chief Engineer/O&M (P&P Cell-I), GHTP, Lehra Mohabbat, invites E-
tender for the Procurement of Copper Flexible Trailing Cable. Quantity
CIVIL LINES, RAIPUR (C.G.) 14:00 ¶fþZ EUÔ 08.02.2022 14.00 ¶fþZ W`Ü as per NIT.


Ii ¸ffaI : 1 , I f¹fÊ I f ³ff¸f: 132 IZ qUeq For detailed NIT & Tender specification please refer to from 29.12.2021 from 17.00 Hrs. onwards.
eProcurement Portal:
C´fIZ ³Qi ¶fbP f³ff-02 ¸fbþµR S³f¦fS ´fS 650 NOTE: Corrigendum & addendum, if any will be published online at
( 2nd Call ) ¸feq ¶ffC³OÑeUf»f, dÀf¢¹fûdSMe WM, ¦fZM , ¦fZM
GHTP-67/21 11943/Pb
System Tender No.: 89604/NIT No.: 10/SAC/2021-22, Mahasamund, Dated : 29.12.2021 d´f»fS ´fWbh¨f ¸ff¦fÊ, I »UMÊ, ¸fÈQf ´fSeÃf¯f ·fcd¸f
Online Tenders are Invited for the following works up to ÀfUZÊÃf¯f I ³McdSÔ¦f EUÔ MÑUdÀfÔ¦f B°¹ffdQ E-Tendering Notice
17.01.2022 at 17:30 Hour (IST):- þf³f´fQe¹f I f¹fÊ Ü Ii ¸ffaI -2, I f¹fÊ I f ³ff¸f-
220 IZ q½feq ,C´fIZ ³Qi ¸fÓfû»ff, ¸fbS fQf¶ffQ
CANAL & 01 NO. MINOR CANAL, REPAIR OF 11 NO. E-Tender Notice 12/ECTD/Agra/2021-22
E-Tender in two parts, Part-I & Part-II valid for four months are invited
COLABA OUTLETS OF BINDRAWAN TANK SCHEME IN for the work mentioned as under:-
(U¿fÊ 2022-23)Ü Ii ¸ffaI -3, I f¹fÊ I f Tender Name of Work Period Earnest Tender Cost Date and Time Date and
Probable Amount of Contract : Rs. 136.46 Lakhs ³ff¸f-220 IZ Ueq C´fIZ ³Qi ¸fÓfû»ff AfUfÀfe¹f Specifica- of Work Money of Submission Time of
tion No. opening
The details can be viewed and downloaded online I f»fû³fe U d³f¹fÔÂf¯f I Ãf I f UfMS Àf´»ffBÊ 12 Annual M&R at 220 KV S/S 12 2,000.00 500+90+250 01.02.2022 / 02.02.20221 /
directly from the Government of Chhattisgarh Integrated ÀffR -ÀfR fBÊ I f I f¹fÊÜ (U¿fÊ 2022-23), Sikandra (Agra) Month = 840 12:00 12:00
e-Procurement Portal ( from Date Ii ¸ffaI -4, I f¹fÊ I f ³ff¸f-220 IZ qUeq 13 Annual M&R at 132 KV S/S
Foundry Nagar (Agra)
1600.00 500+90+250
= 840
01.02.2022 /
02.02.20221 /
05.01.2022, at 17:31 Hours (IST) onwards.
C´fIZ ³Qi, ¸fÓfû»ff AfUfÀfe¹f I f»fû³fe U 14 Annual M&R at 132 KV S/S 12 1100.00 500+90+250 01.02.2022 / 02.02.20221 /
NOTE :- All eligible/interested contractors/bidders are mandated to d³f¹fÔÂf¯f I Ãf IZ Ufd¿fÊI A³fbS Ãf¯f I f I f¹fÊ Cantt (Agra) Month = 840 12:00 12:00
get enrolled on the Integrated e-procurement portal 15 Annual M&R at 132 KV S/S 12 1000.00 500+90+250 01.02.2022 / 02.02.20221 /
( and get approval on specific vendor (U¿fÊ 2022-23), Ii ¸ffaI -5, I f¹fÊ I f ³ff¸f- Bichpuri (Agra) Month = 840 12:00 12:00
class from PWD under Centralized Contractor/Supplier Registration 220 IZ qUeq C´fIZ ³Qi ¸fÓfû»ff AfUfÀfe¹f 16 Annual M&R at 132 KV S/S 12 1000.00 500+90+250 01.02.2022 / 02.02.20221 /
in order to download the tender documents and participate in the
subsequent bidding process.
I f»fû³fe ¸fZÔ BSZ¢MS WfgÀM»f AüS ´ffIÊ Bodla (Agra) Month = 840 12:00 12:00
17 Annual M&R at 400 KV S/S 12 1000.00 500+90+250 01.02.2022 / 02.02.20221 /
EXECUTIVE ENGINEER ´»ff³fMZVf³f, Af´fSZVf³f, Mйfc¶fU`»f ¸fûMS EUÔ Agra-South (Agra) Month = 840 12:00 12:00
Water Resources Division, Mahasamund
for, Superintending Engineer, Water Resources &
C³fI f Ufd¿fÊI A³fbS Ãf¯f I f¹fÊ (U¿fÊ 2022- 18 Annual M&R at 132 KV S/S 12 1000.00 500+90+250 01.02.2022 / 02.02.20221 /
Gwalior Road Baad (Agra) Month = 840 12:00 12:00
66337 Ground Water Survey Circle, Raipur (C.G.) 23), Ii ¸ffaI -6, I f¹fÊ I f ³ff¸f-132 IZ Ueq 19 Annual M&R at 132 KV S/S 12 1000.00 500+90+250 01.02.2022 / 02.02.20221 /
C´fIZ ³Qi ¨fÔQüÀfe AfUfÀfe¹f I f»fû³fe U d³f¹fÔÂf¯f Bhimnagri (Agra) Month = 840 12:00 12:00
E-TENDERING PRESS NOTICE I Ãf AüS 132 IZ q¶feq C´fIZ ³Qi Àf¸·f»f 20 Annual M&R at 132 KV S/S 12 1000.00 500+90+250 01.02.2022 / 02.02.20221 /
The Executive Engineer, Civil Division No. V, Irrigation and Flood Control Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Near paryavaran Complex, Saiduilaiab New Delhi 110030 Kirawali (Agra) Month = 840 12:00 12:00
invites on behalf of President of India, on line percentage rate tender from approved and eligible contractors registered with Irrigation and Flood Control Department up AfUfÀfe¹f I f»fû³fe U d³f¹fÔÂf¯f I Ãf I f Ufd¿fÊI 21 Annual M&R at 132 KV S/S 12 1000.00 500+90+250 01.02.2022 / 02.02.20221 /
to 3:00 P.M on dates mentioned as below.
1. NIT 64/2021-22/EE/CD-V/Acs/(ID No. 2021_IFC_213589_1 (Percentage rate). H.O.A:- 2711 Non Plan. N.O.W.:- Construction of road on left bank and right bank of Ali
A³fbS Ãf¯f I f¹fÊ (U¿fÊ 2022-23), Ii ¸ffaI -7, Shamsabad (Agra) Month = 840 12:00 12:00
drain from RD 1600 Mt. to RD 2250 Mt. in Badarpur Constituency AC-53. E.C. Rs. 74,48,554/- Earnest Money Rs 1,48,971/- Period of Completion 60 Days. (Date of I f¹fÊ I f ³ff¸f-132 IZ qUeq C´fIZ ³Qi, 22 Annual M&R at 132 KV S/S
Dayalbagh (Agra)
1000.00 500+90+250
= 840
01.02.2022 /
02.02.20221 /
opening 05.01.2022).
2. NIT 65/2021-22/EE/CD-V/Acs/(ID No. 2021_IFC_213629_1 (Percentage rate). H.O,A:- 2711 Non Plan. N.O.W.:- Demolishing and reconstruction of dilapidated ¦fþSü»ff AfUfÀfe¹f I f»fû³fe U d³f¹fÔÂf¯f I Ãf
The tender document against this bid specification can be downloaded
boundary wall between RD 250 metre to RD 400 metre and raising of boundary wall between RD 400 to RD 665 with fixing of iron grill at Asola Nallah in South Delhi.
E.C. Rs. 92,37,125/- Earnest Money Rs 1,84,743/- Period of Completion 300 Days. (Date of opening 06.01.2022).
AüS 220 IZ qUeq C´fIZ ³Qi, ¦fþSü»ff from e-procurement website Tenders can only
3. NIT 66/2021-22/EE/CD-V/Acs/(ID No. 2021_IFC_213626_1 ( Percentage rate). H.O.A:- 2711 Non Plan, N.O.W.:- Demolishing and reconstruction of dilapidated AfUfÀfe¹f I f»fû³fe U d³f¹fÔÂf¯f I Ãf I f Ufd¿fÊI be submitted on e-procurement website up
boundary wall between RD 00 metre to RD 250 metre with fixing of iron Grill at Asolanallah in South Delhi E.C. Rs. 92,45,693/- Earnest Money Rs 1,84,914/- Period
of Completion 300 Days. (Date of opening 06.01,2022). A³fbS Ãf¯f I f¹fÊÜ (U¿fÊ 2022-23), Ii ¸ffaI - schedule date & time as above. The bidder must go through properly pre-
4. NIT 68/2021-22/EE/CD-V/Acs/(ID No. 2021_IFC_213631_1 ( Percentage rate). H.O.A:- 4515 Plan (DVDB). N.O.W.:- Demolishing and reconstruction of chaupal at
village Gadaipur in Chhattarpur AC-46. E.C. Rs. 37,91,459/- Earnest Money Rs 75,829/- Period of Completion 270 Days. (Date of opening 06.01.2022).
8, I f¹fÊ I f ³ff¸f: 220 IZ 0½fe0 C´fIZ ³Qi, qualifying conditions and ensure that all related papers are uploaded. For
5. NIT 69/2021-22/EE/CD-V/Acs/(ID No. 2021_IFC_213622_1 ( Percentage rate). H.O.A:- 4217 Unauthorized colonies. N.O.W.:- Construction of road and laying of 150 ³fWMüS, 132 IZ qUeq C´fIZ ³Qi, ³fþe¶ff¶ffQ participating in bids through the e-bidding system, it is necessary for the
mm dia RCC pipe in Old village Jasola Extension near LIG flats (DDA) (Regn No. 28) in Okhla Constituency. E.C. Rs. 43,08,194/- Earnest Money Rs 86,164/- Period
EUÔ 132 IZ qUeq C´fIZ ³Qi, d¶fþ³füS ´fS bidders to get themselves registered with UP Electronics Corporation
of Completion 150 Days. (Date of opening 06.01.2022).
Limited Lucknow.
6. NIT 70/2021-22/EE/CD-V/Acs/(ID No. 2021_IFC_213576_1 (Percentage rate). H.O.A:- 2711 Non Plan. N.O.W.:- Running charges of department Pump set 15 HP for
the period of four month at Indra Enclave Neb sarai in mehrauli Block. E.C. Rs. 10,82,043/- Earnest Money Rs. 21,641/- Period of Completion 122 Days. (Date of
AfUfÀfe¹f I fg»fûd³f¹fûÔ U d³f¹fÔÂf¯f I ÃfûÔ ´fS
opening 04.01.2022). Ufd¿fÊI A³fbS Ãf¯f I f¹fÊ (U¿fÊ 2022-23), Undersigned reserves the right to amend or withdraw any of the terms and
7. NIT 7112021-22/EE/CD-V/Acs/(ID No. 2021_IFC_213583_1 ( Percentage rate). H.O.A:- 2711 Non Plan. N.O.W.:- Running charges of department Pump set 32 HP for conditions contain in the tender document or accept or reiect any bid
the period of four month at G-Block Aya Nagar in mehrauli Block. E.C. Rs. 11,42,597/- Earnest Money Rs. 22,852/- Period of Completion 122 Days. (Date of opening Ii ¸ffaI -9, I f¹fÊ I f ³ff¸f-132 IZ q½feq without assigning any reason thereof. Please visit website
8. NIT 72/2021-22/EE/CD-V/Acs/(ID No. 2021_IFC_213598_1 ( Percentage rate). H.O.A:- 4217 Plan Unauthorized Colonies. N.O.W.:- Construction of road and drain in
C´fIZ ³Qi, Sf¸f´fbS AfUfÀfe¹f I f»fû³fe U d³f¹fÔÂf¯f or regularly for any correction/
Sudarshan park Meethapur extension in Badarpur Constituency AC-53 (regn. No. 327). E.C.Rs. 50,68,475/- Earnest Money Rs. 1,01,370/- Period of Completion 180 I Ãf I f Ufd¿fÊI A³fbS Ãf¯f I f¹fÊ Ü (U¿fÊ modification/ amendments/ extension till the date of submission of tender
Days. (Date of opening 05.01,2022).
9. NIT 73/2021-22/EE/CD-V/Acs/(ID No. 2021_IFC_213647_1 (Percentage rate). H.O.A:- 4515 DVDB. N.O.W.:- Demolishing and reconstruction of Old Chaupal at Khasra 2022-23) d³fdUQf ´fi´fÂf BÊ-´fiû¢¹fûS¸fZÔM Cost of Tender and Earnest Money Submitted in the Account of Executive
no. 558 Lal Dora Maidangarhi in Mehrauli block. E.C. Rs. 80,26,347/- Earnest Money Rs. 1,60,527/- Period of Completion 540 Days. (Date of opening 06.01.2022).
10.NIT 74/2021-22/EE/CD-V/Acs/(ID No. 2021_IFC_213650_1 (Percentage rate). H.O.A:- MLALAD. N.O.W.:- Providing and fixing Victorian benches at different parks in
½fZ¶fÀffBM ÀfZ Engineer, Electricity Civil Transmission Division, 220 KV S/S Sikandra
the Mehrauli Assembly Constituency. E.C. Rs. 80,42,800/- Earnest Money Rs. 1,60,856/- Period of Completion 90 Days. (Date of opening 06.01,2022). We ÀUeI fS dI ¹fZ þf¹fZÔ¦fZ Ü Cö d³fdUQf ÀfZ (Agra) with A/C No- 30065294923, IFSC Code- SBIN0005717 Payble at
11. NIT 75/2021-22/EE/CD-V/Acs/(ID No. 2021 _IFC_213599_1 ( Percentage rate). H.O.A:- MLALAD. N.O.W.:- Providing and placing dustbins at different locations of the
Mehrauli assembly Constituency (AC-45). E.C. Rs. 65,90,375/- Earnest Money Rs. 1,31,808/- Period of Completion 60 Days. (Date of opening 05.01.2022). Àf¸¶fd³²f°f dUUS¯f ¹f±ff °fI ³feI e dUdVfáeI S¯f S.B.I Foundry Nagar (Agra) U.P Pin Code- 282006. through NEFT/RTGS.
12.NIT 76/2021-22/EE/CD-V/Acs/(ID No. 2021_IFC_213602_1 ( Percentage rate). H.O.A:- 2711 Non Plan. N.O.W.:- Construction of Outfall drain for drain out the storm
water of Ekta Vihar and Lakhpat Colony in Badarpur Constituency. E.C.Rs. 88,57,030/- Earnest Money Rs. 1,77,141/- Period of Completion 120 Days. (Date of opening
I f¹ffÊUd²f ²fSûWS SfdVf, d³fdUQf ´fi´fÂf I e EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,
05.01.2022). »ff¦f°f B°¹ffdQ EUÔ dI Àfe ´fiI fS IZ ÀfÔVfû²f³f ELECTRICITY CIVIL TRANSMISSION DIVISION
13.NIT 77/2021-22/EE/CD-V/Acs/(ID No. 2021_IFC_213603_1 ( Percentage rate). H.O.A:- 2711 Non Plan. N.O.W.:- Construction of Outfall Drain for drain out the storm
water of Sai nagar in Badarpur Constituency. E.C.Rs. 71,54,692/- Earnest Money Rs. 1,43,094/- Period of Completion 120 Days. (Date of opening 05.01.2022), ´fdSU°fʳf Vfbdð ´fÂf WZ°fb AGRA
14. NIT 78/2021-22/EE/CD-V/Acs/(ID No. 2021_IFC_213606_1 ( Percentage rate). H.O.A:- 4515 DVDB. N.O.W.:- Filling of Good earth and construction of one room hall
in Chandan Holla Kabristan in Mehrauli Block. E.C.Rs. 55,58,987/- Earnest Money Rs. 1,11,180/- Period of Completion 180 Days. (Date of opening 05.01.2022). A±fUf UPPTC WEB SITE:-
Note:- 1). The enlistment of the contractors should be valid on the last date of opening of tenders. In case the last date of opening of tender is extended the enlistment ´fS »ffgd¦f³f I SZÔÜ "SXf¿MÑX E-PROCUREMENT WEBSITE:
of contractor should be valid on the original date of opening of tenders. 2) Earnest Money in physical form i,e. FDR/Banker cheque /Demand Draft of schedule bank
issued in favour of EE CD V I&FC Deptt. should be deposited in the office of EE CD V I&FC Deptt. Govt. of NCT of Delhi Saidulajab near Paryavaran complex New dWX°f ¸fZÔ d¶fþ»fe ¶f¨ff¹fZÔ" WXÀ°ff/-A²feÃf¯f “SAVE ENERGY IN THE INTEREST OF NATION”
Delhi 30 (L1 bidder) after opening of tender. 3). Details of above mentioned work can be seen and downloaded from website htts://
4). Tender submitted through e-procurement portal shall be accepted only. 5) Corrigendum, if any will be published on e-procurement web side only.
Ad·f¹f³°ff ´fÂffaIY-2748, dQ0- Sd/-
DIP/SHABDARTH/0530/21-22 Sd/- EXECUTIVE ENGINEER CD.V. 30/12/2021 ´fÂffaI 1244 d½f. ªff. ´ff. À½ff./Af¦fSf dQ³fafI 30/12/2021 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER

New Delhi


Ludhiana blast probe: RDX packed in plastic container NAGALAND

days and managed to pick up
RDX,” sources said.
lone casualty in last Thursday's
blast, which injured six others,
was the man carrying the explo-
According to
Gagandeep was dismissed from

service after his arrest in August Centre extends AFSPA

for six more months
“Given that it is a military sives. He has been identified as 2019 and spent two years in jail
A FORENSIC examination of last grade explosive, the evidence of Gagandeep Singh (30), a former before being bailed out in
week's blast inside a washroom it having come from across the policeman who was sacked two September this year. A Punjab
at the Ludhiana district court border and the incident’s links years ago after being booked in a Police officer said the “evidence
complex has revealed the use of with pro-Khalistan groups sup- case of drug smuggling. suggests he was not an expert in
around 1.5 kg of RDX packed in a ported by Pakistan have become Gagandeep's charred body assemblingbombsandcommit-
nificant amount of shrapnel, in-
stronger,” a senior officer in the
security establishment said.
was identified based on a tattoo
and a mobile phone recovered
ted somemistake, settingoff the
blast (on the second floor)”. EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
On December 26, the Centre
set up a high-level committee
State parties, tribal
dicating the intention to cause The new findings in the case from the spot. “While the phone On Saturday, Punjab DGP NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 30 chaired by a Secretary-level of- groups slam move
significantdamageandlossoflife. come at a time when security At the blast site in Ludhiana was completely destroyed, NSG Siddharth Chattopadhyaya had ficer to examine the possibility
The Indian Express had re- agencies have flagged renewed district court. Express file (National Security Guard) per- said that Gagandeep came in EVEN AS it set up a committee of withdrawing AFSPA in
ported on December 25 that the activity of pro-Khalistan terror sonnel were able to recover the contact with pro-Khalistan ele- to look into the demand for re- Nagaland. The committee is TORA AGARWALA
examination had initially been groups in Punjab, with regular memorycardanddongle.During mentsduringhistimeinjail,and moval of the Armed Forces set to submit its report within GUWAHATI, DECEMBER 30
hampered as a water pipe had drops of arms, ammunition, ex- 43dronesightingshavebeenre- forensic examination, it gave vi- there were indications that the (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) 45 days.
burst in the blast, washing away plosivesandIEDsbeingdetected portedbypoliceclosetothebor- talcluesnotonlyabouttheiden- blast was linked to Khalistani from Nagaland, the Centre on The committee was set up THECENTRE’Smovetoextendthe
vital clues. “Experts worked on from across the border using dernearAmritsarandPathankot. tityof theperpetratorbutalsohis andnarco-terrorelementsoper- Thursday extended the impo- following protests over the Armed Forces Special Powers Act
the spot over the next couple of drones. In the recent past alone, AccordingtoPunjabPolice,the links,” the senior officer said. ating from Pakistan. sition of the law in the state by botched up operation in Mon (AFSPA)inNagalandbysixmonths
six months. district of Nagaland on on Thursday elicited strong reac-
In a gazette notification is- December 4, in which six coal tionsfromtribalgroupsandpolit-
Gujarat: 55 AAP sued on Thursday, the Union
Ministry of Home Affairs
miners were killed. After the in-
cident, the Nagaland Assembly
workers granted (MHA) said: “Whereas the cen-
tral government is of the opin-
passed a resolution for repeal
which is part of the all-party
United Democratic Alliance gov-
bail, set to be ion that the area comprising
the whole of the state of
The committee is headed by
Registrar General and Census
ernment in Nagaland, said it was
released today Nagaland is in such a disturbed
and dangerous condition that
Commissioner of India Vivek
Joshi, and includes Additional
after the December 23 meeting,
the use of armed forces in aid Secretary in the Union Home which was chaired by Union
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE of the civil power is necessary. Ministry Piyush Goyal, as well Home Minister Shah.
AHMEDABAD, DECEMBER 30 Now, therefore, in exercise of as the Chief Secretary and In the meeting, it was de-
the powers conferred by Director General of Police, cided that the Centre would in-
AS MANY as 55 AAP workers Section 3 of the Armed Forces Nagaland, and the DGP, Assam stituteahigh-levelcommitteeto
who were jailed at the (Special Powers) Act, 1958 Rifles, as members. examine the possibility of with-
Sabarmati Central Prison in (No.28 of 1958) the central gov- AFSPA is imposed or lifted drawing AFSPA from Nagaland.
Ahmedabad for the past 11 ernment hereby declares that from a region by the Centre fol- A senior leader in the
days for protesting outside the whole of the state of Nagaland lowing due consultation with Nagaland government told The
BJP headquarters in to be 'disturbed area' for a pe- the state government, the Indian Express the reaction from
Gandhinagar on December 20, riod of six months with effect Armed forces and the central legislators across the board was
will be released on Friday from 30th December, 2021, for agencies. “explosive”.
morning after a Gandhinagar the purpose of the said Act.” In March 2018, the MHA The Naga Hoho, the state’s
court granted them conditional The imposition of AFSPA in had ordered the removal of apex tribal body, said it was “ex-
bail on Thursday. Bandra Wonderland in Mumbai was vacated on Thursday evening in line with new Covid restrictions. Amit Chakravarty Nagaland was due to expire on AFSPA from Meghalaya. In tremelyshocked”bytheattitude
According to the bail order, December 31, as it was last ex- Arunachal Pradesh, it was re- of the Centre for “ignoring the
the 55 AAP men will not be al- tended in the state on June 30. moved from several police sta- voice of the Naga people”.
lowed to enter the Gandhinagar
city and their passports will be
seized. The jailed workers in-
Mumbai’s Covid-19 Covid cases double AFSPA can be imposed in an
area or a region for six months
at a time, after which it has to
tion areas in 2018- 2019, and
only three districts and four po-
lice station areas that border
The NagaStudentFederation
(NSF), the state’s apex student
body, said they would protest
clude AAP Gujarat president
Gopal Italia, Youth Wing general
secretary Nikhil Savani, senior
positivity rate in 24 hours, Bengal be extended if the government
deems it necessary.
Assam are currently under
AFSPA in the state.
the notification through a series
of democratic agitations.

leaders Isudan Gadhvi,

Hasmukh Patel, Shiv Kumar and
Pravin Ram, along with 10 col-
shoots up to 7.67% halts flights from UK KERALA: 19-YEAR-OLD STABBED TO DEATH AT FRIEND’S HOUSE
lege students aged between 18
and 22 years, who are part of
AAP's student and youth wings.
to temporarily suspend all di-
rect flights from the United
Kingdom to Kolkata with effect
Family: Pre-planned murder,
"All 55 leaders of the AAP
have been granted bail by a ses-
sions court in Gandhinagar on
sible third wave of Covid-19, the
THE NUMBER of new Covid-19
cases in West Bengal doubled
from January 3,” read a govern-
ment notification.
Flights from “at risk” coun-
he got call from friend’s mother
the solvency of Rs 50,000 and daily positivity rate in Mumbai old man died at Pimpri to 2,128 in the last 24 hours tries will not be allowed to land her mother.”
conditions that they cannot en- skyrocketed to 7.67 per cent on Chinchwad Municipal with Kolkata alone reporting in the state, the notification SHAJU PHILIP Aneesh George was Sources in the police said
ter the Gandhinagar city area Thursday.Thishasraisedanalarm Corporation’s Yashwantrao 1,090 new cases on Thursday. said. “Further, with effect from THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, stabbed to death by his Lalan’s version — that he
and cannot leave the country. amongpublichealthexperts,who Chavan Memorial Hospital, a The test-positivity rate also saw January 3, all passengers arriv- DECEMBER 30 stabbed Aneesh after mistak-
The bail proceedingswenton till are anticipating a much higher reportbytheNationalInstitute a huge jump. The weekly test- ing from other 'non-at-risk' friend’s father, who ing him for a thief — did not ap-
late Thursday... They will be re- dailycountthanthesecondwave. of Virology on Thursday said positivity rate for Kolkata rose countries via international A DAY after a 19-year-old man said he mistook the pear convincing. “It looked like
leased from Sabarmati Central Out of the 46,337 tests con- he was infected with Covid- to 12.5 per cent, according to flights to West Bengal will have was stabbed to death at his a pre-planned attack. He knew
Prison on Friday around 10 am," ducted in Mumbai on Thursday, 19’sOmicronvariant.However, the data shared by the state to undergo a mandatory Covid- friend’s house in
19-year-old for a thief about the friendship between
said Pranav Thakkar, legal coun- 3,555werepositiveforCovid-19, health officials said the man, Ministry of Health and Family 19 test on arrival,” it added. Thiruvananthapuram, his fam- his daughter and Aneesh. It ap-
sel, AAP Gujarat. recording a 7.92 per cent Test who had travelled to Nigeria, Welfare. West Bengal’s test- “The airlines will randomly ily on Thursday alleged that he peared that Lalan was expect-
Police arrested 93 AAP work- Percentage Rate (TPR, the num- diedof aheartattack. ENS positivity rate has increased to select 10 per cent of the passen- had gone to the friend's house amined his phone after his ing Aneesh’s visit. He was alert
ersforallegedlyholdingaprotest ber of positive cases detected 5.47 per cent. gers for an RT-PCR test and the after getting a call from death, we saw a call from his in those odd hours,” said
outside Shri Kamalam in Koba of compared to the total tests con- Amid the sudden surge in remaining 90 per cent shall un- her mother. friend’s mother. He had gone to a source.
Gandhinagar against the leak of ducted). This is a rise of more Expertssaidthedailycasesare Covid-19 cases in the state in dergo a rapid antigen test (RAT) Aneesh George was stabbed the friend’s house after that call. “Lalan forcibly entered his
question paper of Gujarat than 3 percentage points in TPR expected to increase more than the wake of the emergence of on arrival at the airport. Those to death by his friend’s father My son’s murder was pre- daughter’s room after hearing
Subordinate Service Selection over Wednesday, when 2,510 the second wave. “Considering the Omicron variant of the found positive in the rapid anti- Lalan Simon, 51, around 3.15 am planned. We came to know a conversation between the
Board examination for recruit- Covid-19 cases were detected thatthecasesaredoublingwithin virus, the West Bengal govern- gen test will further have to un- on Wednesday. Lalan told police about our son’s death only after friends. He might have sensed
ment of head clerks. Among the out of the 51,843 tests con- 24 hours, it is expected that the ment on Thursday decided to dergo an RT-PCR test. Further, that he stabbed Aneesh, mistak- the police informed us early in the youth’s presence in his
arrestedwere28membersofthe ducted,recordingadailypositiv- cases would increase more than suspend all direct flights from all passengers have to manda- ing him for a thief. the morning,” she said. daughter’s room. Hence, he
AAP women’s wing, 10 bus driv- ity rate of 4.84 per cent. thesecondwave.However,hospi- the United Kingdom from torily pre-book the test before The police later arrested According to her, Lalan knew waited with a knife with the in-
ers and conductors, and 55 male Thesurgeincasesalsopushed talizationwouldbelessalongwith January 3. boarding to reduce waiting Lalan on charges of murder. of Aneesh and his daughter’s tention to attack,” the
AAPleaders.Whilewomenmem- up the state’s Covid-19 tally. fatality.So,itisnotthetimetokeep “...In view of the rising num- time on arrival, which the air- On Thursday, Aneesh’s friendship.“Bothweremembers source said.
bersweregivenbaillastweek,the Mumbaicontributed66percent our guard down,” said Dr ber of Omicron cases globally lines must ensure before allow- mother Dolly told reporters that of the church choir. On Tuesday, After the attack, Lalan called
10 drivers and conductors were of thestate’stotal5,368Covid-19 Shashank Joshi, member of the as well within the country, the ing boarding,” said an official of her son went to Lalan’s house af- Aneesh had gone shopping at a the police to inform them about
alsogivenbailinthepasttwodays. cases reported on December 30. Covid-19taskforce. state government has decided the health department. ter he got a call. “When we ex- mall along with the friend and the incident.

Govt finalising system to extend ration

Father-son poll duel in doubt
UPA forced witness to as ex-CM Rane has a rethink
change case angle: BJP to all homeless people, says Food Secy
MAYURA JANWALKAR gracefully”. If not, Vishwajit said
PANAJI, DECEMBER 30 hewouldcontestthePoriemseat

leader named earlier

shelterless,destitutewhomight giving advisories to the states. In riod last year. Out of the 71.44 from BJP and defeat his father in
HARIKISHAN SHARMA not have ration cards but state fact,afewmonthsago,therewas LMT foodgrains sold under the THE ANTICIPATED father-son the upcoming Assembly polls.
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 30 governments have not either is- still a coverage gap of 1.6 crore OMSS, 11.21 lakh tonnes was electoral duel in Goa’s Sattari At a public rally Thursday in
sued them the ration cards for peopleacrossseveralstates.They lifted by the states for distribu- taluka may not play out as ex- Mayem, North Goa, BJP election
THE GOVERNMENT is in the reasons of lack of identity or lack mustimmediatelyreachoutand tion to non-NFSA beneficiaries, pected. While the Congress has in-charge Devendra Fadnavis
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE BJP National process of finalising a system to of homeaddress.Alltheseissues properly identify those people said Subodh Kumar, Joint announcedthecandidatureoffor- took a dig at the Congress and
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 30 Secretary provide ration to all homeless will get addressed,” Pandey said. who are most eligible and vul- Secretary, Food Department. mer chief minister and 11-time said Digambar Kamat, Leader of
Sunil people who do not have ration S Jagannathan, Joint nerablewithinthatstatetocome Sharing updates about the MLA Pratapsingh Rane from OppositionintheAssembly,was
WITH A witness in the 2008 Deodhar cards, Union Food Secretary Secretary, Department of Food under the NFSA subject to the roll-out of One Nation One Poriem,theCongressveteranmay the only MLA left in the
Malegaon blast case claiming SudhanshuPandeysaidThursday. and Public Distribution, said coverage limit,” he said. Ration Card scheme, which is be giving his decision a rethink. Congress. He was reminded
that he was pressured by the “That process is on and the there are about 1.6 crore people Jagannathan said states can aimed at enabling ration card “I am a sitting MLA, I have about Rane, who was declared
Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism maintained, had said that development of the system is in across the nation who are yet to buyfoodgrainfornon-NFSAcard- portability, Food Department’s completed50years,Iam80-plus. the Congress candidate from
Squad (ATS) to name five RSS Muslimscouldnotdosuchablast final stages and then it will be be identified as per the coverage holders under the Centre’s Open officials said till now it has been What more do you want? Fifty Poriem. Fadnavis, however, said,
members, including Uttar on a Friday, which the commu- put to trial...,” he said at a press ratio of the states under the Market Sale Scheme (OMSS). implemented across 34 states yearsisalongtimeandIhavemy “No,heisnotgoingtocontest.He
Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi nity holds as a pious day. “This conference when asked about NationalFoodSecurityAct,2013. According to the Food and Union Territories covering own things to do. I have done my has already announced it.”
Adityanath, a BJP leader who is shows there must be a different the plan to introduce asystem to “If youlookatcoverageunder Department, 71.44 lakh metric 75 crore beneficiaries and the bit. I’ve done it for the people and Asked about Fadnavis’s com-
among those named by the wit- angle to this case,” Deodhar said. providerationtothepeoplewho the NFSA, which is 81.35 crore, tonnes of wheat and rice has remaining two states – Assam Iwishthemallthebest,”Ranetold ment,Ranesaiditwas“somewhat
ness on Thursday alleged that “At that time they (UPA) were in don’t have ration cards. wefindthatthestateshavesofar been sold under the OMSS till and Chhattisgarh – will be cov- The Indian Express on Thursday. correct”. He, however, said
the Congress-led UPA govern- power. He had probably insti- “The whole system is basi- managedtocoversomethinglike December 29, 2021 against ered by end of the current fi- Rane’s son and BJP MLA Vishwajit played no part in him
ment had forced the witness to gated a new angle... I was regu- cally to capture all homeless, 79.71 crore people and we keep 20.71 LMT during the same pe- nancial year. VishwajitRanehadearlierinsisted reconsideringcontestingthepolls.
“change the angle of the case” as larly exposing the then
partof itsappeasementstrategy. (Congress-led)Maharashtragov-
According to Sunil Deodhar, ernmentandtheirappeasement FORMER UGC VICE-CHAIRMAN WRITES TO CURRENT CHAIRMAN

‘Stop political interference in appointment of university leaders’

BJP national secretary and for- towards terrorist activities and
mer RSS Pracharak, the pressure protecting the terrorists.
on the witness was part of a “There was one SMS...that all
“larger conspiracy to coin the Muslims are not terrorist but all
word Hindu terror.” terrorists are Muslims. This was Patwardhantothechairmanand subject, different state govern- Speaking to The Indian amended, some provisions are
“The witness has given a becauseof theserialblastsacross ALIFIYA KHAN secretary of UGC, asking for uni- Former ments have different legisla- Express, he said, “I have already not only retrograde but detri-
statement that he was under the country and those responsi- PUNE, DECEMBER 30 form regulations to be brought UGC vice- tions…Anyexternalinterference expressed my concern in public mental... Since the UGC Act pro-
pressureandtorturetonamefive ble were all Muslims. So, there in for appointment of academic chairman or influence in appointments of over what is happening in many vides a mandate of promoting
Hinduleaders—YogiAdityanath, was a conspiracy to make AT A time when the issue of po- leaders in higher educational in- Bhushan academic leadership positions states in terms of amendments and coordinating university ed-
Indresh Kumar, Aseemanand, Hindus also part of it. There was litical interference affecting the stitutions. The letter also high- Patwardhan can have a long-term detrimen- to the public universities Act or ucation, determining and main-
Sunil Deodhar and Kakkaji. I a larger conspiracy to coin the autonomy of academic institu- lights the need for a National tal impact on the whole educa- key appointments like vice- taining standards and framing
don't know who this Kakkaji is,” word ‘Hindu terror’...” tions has taken centrestage in Model University Act. tional eco-system…There is a chancellors. In Karnataka, regulations on minimum stan-
Deodhar told The Indian Express. Deodhar said the witness’ several states — from Kerala, “To maintain and enhance Chancellor,Pro-Chancellor,Vice- need for a National Model where I was on a search com- dards, I have requested that they
According to him, after the statement has endorsed that the West Bengal to Maharashtra — a quality, it is crucial for any higher Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor, University Act,” reads the letter. mittee for vice-chancellor re- bring in uniform regulations im-
Malegaonblasttherewasa‘chin- termHinduterrorwaswrongand letter has been sent by former educational institution to min- etc.However,currently,thereare A copy of the letter is with cently, we even made an official mediately to the appointments
tan baithak’ (brainstorming ses- the then government had been University Grants Commission imiseexternalinterference,espe- no uniform standards or regula- The Indian Express. Patwardhan recommendation for the same. of academic leaders in universi-
sion)oftheNCPinAlibaug,where misusing the investigative agen- (UGC) vice-chairman and lead- cially in appointments of key tionsforthispurpose.Asaresult, later confirmed that he had sent In Maharashtra, where the state ties, followed by a National
party chief Sharad Pawar, he cies against Opposition party. ing academic Dr Bhushan leadership positions such as education being a concurrent the letter to the UGC. University Act is being Model University Act”.

New Delhi



No man is above the law and no man is
below it.— Theodore Roosevelt

Out of line

J&K Delimitation Commission privileges ‘considerations’
over ‘criteria’, introduces imbalance in representation


J&K Police gives itself a clean chit, threatens critics. It needs to EVENBEFORETHEDelimitationCommission sion, is widely perceived to have been dis- Kerala, the Muslim minority of 27 per cent
headed by Justice Ranjana Desai was consti- criminatedagainst and underrepresented in has 21 per cent state share in the assembly.
be urgently disabused of the notion that it is above the law

tuted, its mandate and jurisdiction with re- the political superstructure of the Muslim In West Bengal, a 27 per cent population
HE JAMMU & KASHMIR Police appear to be under the dangerous delusion spect to J&K were severely curtailed. Two of majority J&K. share translates into a 17 per cent seat share
that they are the strong arm of a police state. How else could one explain the its three key decisions were pre-empted by Facts, however, are to the contrary. in the Assembly.
legislative fiat. Circumventing the Jammu, with a 43 per cent population share Instead of emulating the fair minority
bizarre threat by the Deputy Inspector General of Kashmir of penal action
Delimitation Act of 2002, the Union govern- had a 43 per cent share in the legislative as- representation in J&K in the past, the
againstanyoneexpressingacriticalviewonthecleanchitthatthepolicehave ment increased the number of seats in the sembly. While Kashmir with a 55 per cent Commission has introduced a brazen bias
given themselves in an encounter in the Hyderpora neighbourhood of Srinagar in which legislative assembly of J&K from 107 to 114 share in the population of the state, had a 53 towards Jammu. In doing so, it has shown
twoinnocentcivilianswerekilled?Theinquiryitself seemeddistinctlyodd—a“specialin- through the J&K Reorganisation Act, 2019. per cent seat share. Ladakh, as part of the scant respect for the only universally ac-
vestigation team” of police officers to inquire into the killing of two civilians by a posse of The Union government also predeter- erstwhile state, had a two per cent share in cepted criteria for distribution of electoral
police, army and paramilitary personnel, setting aside the first principle of natural justice mined the population base: Clause xi of the populationandfourpercentintheassembly. constituencies, which is population.
J&K Reorganisation Act, 2019 stipulated the Far from seeking to end the non-existent Inallthefourpreviousdelimitationcom-
that no one should be a judge in their own cause. No surprise, then, that this so-called SIT
2011 Census as the basis for delimitation. In discrimination against Jammu, the missions, the basis for the creation of con-
shouldhaveabsolvedthesecurityforcesof anywrongdoing,layingtheblameforonecivil- all other states, including the four going in Commission has introduced an imbalance stituenciesisthecriteriaof population.Inad-
iankillingontheallegedmilitantwhowasalsokilledinthatencounter,andattributingthe for delimitation along with J&K, the 2001 intheregionalrepresentation.Theallocation dition to which some considerations, such
second to “crossfire”. Only two weapons were recovered from the site of the alleged en- census is being used in accordance with the proposed by the Commission gives 47 per as topography, geographical continuity and
counter. A media conference by the police to announce these findings at a time when the Delimitation Act of 2002. cent of the seats to Jammu which accounts physical features are stipulated for drawing
government is studying the report of a magistrate’s inquiry into the same incident gives By doing this, the Union government has for44percentof thepopulation.Theobverse of theconstituencyboundaries.Bygivingpri-
the distinct impression that the police now consider themselves above judicial scrutiny. ridden roughshod over the Delimitation of this is that 56 per cent of the population macy to “considerations” over the “criteria”,
Commission, which has the sole prerogative living in Kashmirwill have onlya 52 percent the Commission has paved the way for the
Itsedictthatnomemberof thepublicor anylocalpoliticianshouldchallengethefindings
to decide on both these matters. As spelt out, share in the assembly. Including the 22 gerrymanderingof constituenciesespecially
of the SIT only confirms that the force views itself above questions or accountability. clause 8(b) of the Delimitation Act of 2002, elected members of the legislative council — those whose land area falls under two or
Only in Bollywood films of a certain vintage are police officers seen to have such over- mandates and empowers the Delimitation 11 were from the Jammu division as against more districts because of the creation of
weening powers to lay down their own rules, make up their own law. Senior police offi- Commissiontodecideonthe“thetotalnum- nine for the Kashmir — gives Kashmir, with eight new districts in the state in 2006.
cers in J&K must also remember that the ranks and the constabulary are drawn from the ber of seats to be assigned to the Legislative a population share of 55 per cent, only a 50 The actual electoral cartography could
local population. As a civilian force, the J&K police have played a stellar role in counter- Assemblyof eachStateanddetermineonthe per cent share in the legislature. very well see pockets of Muslim concentra-
basis of the census figures”. That Jammu has been underrepresented tion especially in districts in Pir Panchal and
ing militancy right from the 1990s. They have been able to do this primarily because peo-
ple identify with the police in a way that they may not with the armed forces.
Having been belittledand bypassedeven Far from seeking to end the since1951fitsmoresnuglywiththeideolog- Chenabbelt,likeDoda,KishtwarandRajouri,
before its constitution, the onlyjob leftto the non-existent discrimination ical narrative of Hindus being discriminated being dispersed across constituencies to di-
If the police continue in this vein, however, they will find their duties, including deal- Commissionwastodistributethe sevenpre- in the Muslim majority state than with any lute their numerical strength. Lest it sounds
ing with a militancy that does not seem to be disappearing anytime soon, becoming even determined additional assembly seats. After against Jammu, the empiricalfacts.Inthelastassembly,outof 87 conspiratorial, this has happened earlier. A
moredifficultinaclimatewherethepubliclossof trustingovernmentisthebiggestchal- deliberating for a year-and-a-half, the Commission has introduced MLAs, 52 were Muslims, 33 Hindus and two case in point is Assam where the Muslim-
lenge.ItfallsontheUnionHomeMinistry,whichgovernstheUnionTerritoryof J&Kdirectly, Commission has proposed allocating six ad- an imbalance in the regional Buddhists. As such, while Hindus accounted majoritypocketsof Kajidahar,Chandpur and
ditional seats to Jammu and one to Kashmir. for 28 per cent of the population, they had a Nagdirgram in the Sonai constituency were
todisabusethepoliceleadershipof thenotionthatitisunaccountable.Orelseitwouldin- representation. The
Hence, out of the 116 assembly constituen- 38 per cent representation in the assembly. amalgamated with the Dholai seat to sub-
vitetheconclusionthatamid-rankingofficercouldnothavesaidwhathedidwithoutthe cies, 42 will belong to Jammu and 47 to allocation proposed by the Asagainstthis,Muslims,whoare67percent sume them numerically.
support and concurrence of the Lieutenant Governor or the political bosses in Delhi. Kashmir. The remaining 24 seats continueto Commission gives 47 per of the population, accounted for only 60 per More than that, though, it is the
be reserved for representatives from areas cent of the seats to Jammu cent of the legislative assembly. So much for Commission’s adventurism in playing
occupied by Pakistan. discrimination of Jammu Hindus and domi- around with the most cardinal principle of
which accounts for 44 per

In the last assembly, constituted in 2015 nation by Kashmir Muslims. adult franchise “one person, one vote” that
and dissolved in 2019, 37 legislators were cent of the population. The The near-ideal balance of regions and re- will have serious ramifications across the
elected from Jammu, 46 from Kashmir and obverse of this is that 56 per ligionsintheJ&Kassemblythusfarisinstark countryinthefuture.Adangerousprecedent
four from Ladakh. With Ladakh now a sepa- cent of the population living contrastto theshare of minorities inthe rep- is being set as yet another institution bites
Despite new vaccines, India relies on first generation shots. rate unit, increasing the assembly con-
in Kashmir will have only a
resentation pie of other states. In Assam, for the dust.
stituenciesinJammuseekstoredresstheim- instance, Muslims whose share in the popu-
Government must enable manufacturers to ramp up production balance in the political power structure 52 per cent share in the lation is 34 per cent, constitute only 22 per The writer is the former

MID A SURGE in Omicron-driven infections, India’s Drugs Controller
within J&K. Jammu, a Hindu majority divi- assembly. cent in the state legislative Assembly. In finance minister of J&K

General has granted emergency use approval to Molnupiravir, the world’s

first Covid-19 pill. The regulator also gave an EUA to two vaccines,
Hyderabad-based Biological E’s Corbevax and Covovax manufactured by


the Serum Institute of India, under licence from the US vaccine company, Novavax. The
pharmacological interventions are potential game-changers in the battle against the
scourge that has tormented the world for two years now. If it can replicate the clinical
trial results in an actual outbreak scenario, Molnupiravir can reduce hospitalisation
amongst patients with severe Covid infection by 50 per cent. Corbevax and Covovax have
demonstrated close to 90 per cent efficacy in clinical trials. Though these protein-based
Pandemic has underlined that transnational challenges demand joint efforts
vaccines take longer to develop compared to the jabs that use the viral vector or mRNA
platforms, they tutor the recipient’s immune system to react faster to a viral attack.
Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao and Sana Hashmi
thecountry’sinoculationdrivecontinuestorelypredominantlyonthetwofirstgeneration PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN-LED Summit for These goals are not only in sync with global complemented by economic and social re-
vaccines, Covishield and Covaxin. In August, the drug regulator cleared the use of Zydus Democracy was held on December 9-10 in prioritiesbutalsocomplementtheobjectives silience. Greater consultations and coopera-
Cadila’sZycov-D forchildrenandadults.Eightmonthslater,theDNA-basedvaccinewillre- a virtual format. As one of the flourishing set forth in Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy tion amongst democracies are needed to re-
portedly be used in a limited manner in seven states for adult inoculation. The inoculation democracies, Taiwan was seen in atten- (NSP),launchedin2016tobringAsiacloserto store economic stability in the
programmefor15-18-year-olds,thatwilltakeofffromnextweek,willdrawonCovaxin,de- dance, represented by Audrey Tang, Taiwan and vice-versa. The NSP is aimed to post-pandemic world. Post-pandemic re-
Taiwan’s digital minister, and Bi-khim Hsiao, be a pivotal tool to engage like-minded gional economic recovery has to be tackled
spite its Hyderabad-based manufacturer, Bharat Biotech, pleading production constraints
Taiwan’s representative to the United States. democracies in the region. collectively as success hinges on sustained
several times during the inoculation drive for adults. Similarly, the protein-based vaccines The summit was driven by the idea that in Focusing on recovery (post-pandemic), corrective steps of regional nature. As an in-
are not amongst the initial options for the “precautionary doses” announced recently for the face of populism, authoritarianism, and revival(economy),andsafeguarding(democ- dustrialised democracy, Taiwan could play
healthcare professionals, frontline workers, and elderly citizens. According to the govern- other forms of non-democratic systems racy) may help find a sustainable way in es- an important role, especially since countries
ment’sestimates,releasedinJune,about300millionshotsof Corbevaxweretobeavailable looming large, it is critical to keep the “dem- tablishing a development-oriented regional are trying to reduce dependence on China
between September and December. Biological E’s latest statements indicate that it is aim- ocratic” flock together. engagementframework.Thepost-pandemic andestablishsupplychainresilience.Onebig
ing at a monthly manufacturing target of 100 million shots by February. Production must Thesalienceof thissummitliesinadeeper world would be more invested in some of lesson the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us
understanding on the part of the Biden ad- these areas — for example, health diplomacy is that nobody is safe until everybody is safe.
berampedupandtimelinesscrupulouslyadheredtoforthe vaccinetojustifyitspotential.
ministrationthatdemocracyisnotjustaform and collaboration in the medical sector, cli- During the pandemic, Taiwan elucidated
India’s experience with Covid vaccination shows that the country’s scientific bodies of government,itisagoalinitself,avaluethat matechangemitigation,anddevelopingsus- theresilientnature of itsforeignpolicy. In the
and its vaccine manufacturers and developers are adept at generating technological mustbecherished,preservedandcelebrated. tainable and resilient supply chains. Taiwan early days of the pandemic, Taiwan, with its
knowhow — this includes institutions other than the world-renowned SII. However, It is this vision of democracy as a norm that is already proving its efficacy as a viable plat- exceptionally low number of cases, reached
Bharat Biotech’s performance indicates that these firms struggle to produce at the scale hasseeminglyrattledauthoritariancountries. form for the semiconductor industry. The US outto friends.As partof its healthdiplomacy,
necessary to make their presence felt in the inoculation drive. There are early and wor- That said, unlike other political systems, anditsfriendsintheregion,particularlyIndia, Taiwandonatedsurgicalfacemasks,personal
democracy is also a way of life — a work in Japan and Australia, have been proactively protective equipment (PPE) kits, oxygen
rying indications that Biological E and Zydus Cadila could go the Covaxin manufacturer’s
progress that needs sustained attention and exploring possibilities of creating resilient cylindersandconcentratorstoCovid-affected
way. The government should ascertain if these firms are facing production-related diffi- careful nurturing to make it more resilient. supply chain mechanisms. With its techno- countries.
culties and create an enabling milieu for them. Ideas like these are consistently echoed logical knowhow, and shared interests and Taiwan,however,cannotaffordtotakeits
in Taiwan’s policy circles. For instance, dur- concerns,Taiwanfitsperfectlyinthisagenda. eyes off the challenges posed to democracies
ing the 2021 Open Parliament Forum held in
Despite their apparent flaws Greater interactions between Taiwanand EU by authoritarianism. It is important for lib-
Taiwan, President Tsai Ing-wen reiterated and criticisms, democracies on the technology cooperation front, stimu- eral democracies to acknowledge that they

WHAT’S IN A NAME CHANGE? Taiwan’s commitment to work with liberal

democracies for forging an alliance to bolster
collective democratic resilience and realise
have fared much better than
others in dealing with the
lated by the latter’s renewed interest in the
Indo-Pacific region, makes Taiwan a desired
partner of fellow democracies.
as an indispensable partner. Deft diplomacy
is in order since transnational challenges de-
The curious case of Urdu poet open governance. pandemic. The world woke Despite their apparent flaws and criti- mand joint efforts by liberal democracies.
These goals were highlighted during this up to the perils of cisms, democracies have fared much better
Akbar Allahabadi’s new name

year’s Yushan Forum, where Vice President authoritarianism during than others in dealing with the pandemic. Hsiao, chairman, Taiwan-Asia Exchange
ENAMINGHASAlonghistoryinIndia.TheBritishoncemanglednativenames Lai Ching-te articulated the three principal The world woke up to the perils of authori- Foundation and Adjunct Research Fellow,
the pandemic, which
in imperial arrogance; nativist rulers now rename cities and kasbas, streets priorities that would shape Taiwan’s exter- tarianism during the pandemic, which has Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, is
nal cooperation in the post-pandemic world has also made the world also made the world realise the virtues of a currently senior advisor to the President of
andstadiumstoavengehistory,andinflameoldwounds.Forabrief whilethis
week, it seemed that sarkari fiat wanted to do even more — not just rewrite
— recovering from the pandemic, restoring realise the virtues of a democratic system. Taiwan; Hashmi is a visiting fellow at
history for political ends, but even give a spanking new digital ID to the dead. On the web-
the economy, and safeguarding democracy. democratic system. However, political resilience needs to be Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation

siteof UttarPradesh Higher EducationServices Commission,UrdupoetAkbarAllahabadi,

whose takhallus paid homage to the city he lived in and worked in till his death in the
1920s, had been renamed Akbar Prayagraji.
The poet would not have been amused. Allahabadi was a sharp satirist, a nation-
alist despite being a servant of the British government, and he firmly believed that
the destinies of Hindus and Muslims were inseparable. For him, Prayagraj and
Allahabad were not on either side of a fault line. But nearly a century after his death, JUDGES’ CASE VERDICT However, Justice P N Bhagwati, presiding
judge, Justice D A Desai and Justice Murtaza
his city’s name, found too Mughal by the powers-that-be, was changed by official dik- THESUPREMECOURTdismissedallwritpeti- Fazal Ali, held that the transfer was in the na- not worried about the accusations being
tat. How could he be exempt? Indeed, Allahabadi is not the only one to suffer this in- tionsinthejudges’caseandbyamajorityof4- ture of a punishment and it was in the case of hurledathergovernment.Theoppositionwas
elegance — two other poets, who had adopted similar pen-names, had found their 3upheldtheactionsoftheUniongovernment JusticeSinghthattheChiefJusticeofIndiafiled inthehabitofrunningdownitsachievements,
names changed on the website. on the three main questions involved. The an affidavit of his own to clarify the stages of she said.
transferofChiefJusticeKBNSinghofthePatna consultation between him and Justice Singh.
What’sinanamechange?Thebureaucraticmachineisnotknowntobeafriendof po-
ets or poetry or the imagination; it is the literalness of paperwork that it recognises — of-
High Court, the government decision not to
extendthetermof theadditionaljudgeof the
The Patna judge had contradicted the state-
ments of the Chief Justice of India.
fered in triplicate, duly attested by a gazetted officer. But was Allahabadi’s renaming only DelhiHCSNKumarandtheLawMinister’scir- SECURITY ARRANGEMENTS HAVE been
about the earnest logic of bureaucratic compliance? Was it a find/replace function error?
Theunthinkingworkof anincompetentbureaucrat?Orsomethingmorepurposeful,given
PM ON OPPOSITION tightened all over the Brahmaputra valley as
four bomb explosions were reported from
the current manufactured prickliness to anything Urdu or Muslim? The UP government permanent judges, were held valid. Justices A PRIME MINISTER INDIRA Gandhi criticised variouspartsofDarrangandNorthLakhimpur
C Gupta, V D Tulzapurkar, Justice K S Pathak, Janataruleforreversingtheprocessof devel- districts with barely hours to go for the 36-
claims that the changes were unintentional and that the website had been hacked.
and Justice E S Venkataramiah held that the opment initiated by her government and hour“PathBandh”(roadblockade)campaign
Allahabadi’s name has been restored. And the curious case of Akbar Prayagraji laid to rest. transfer of the Patna Chief Justice was valid. ridiculed the opposition move for unity. organised by the AASU and AGP.

New Delhi



“"Non-violence does not seek to undermine the rule of law, only the repeal of
unjust laws. Ultimately, it’s difficult to see how a just transition to net zero could
be achieved by unjust means..” — DAWN

The virus’s endgame Minimum support,

History suggests that the end of respiratory pandemics is usually ambiguous. Closure is
better viewed as the return of social life rather than all dashboard indicators hitting zero
maximum gain
basedonpoor data,badeconomics.Legalbacking
bought by the private sector. Farmers are
portion as well.
Private sector purchases may be below,
Rajesh M Parikh at par or above the MSP, depending on mar-
ket demand. If we take the aggregate for all
WEDONOThaveaprecisetimeline,butpast the 23 MSP crops, the total price paid by the
pandemics offer tantalising clues. The wide- privatesectorisonanaverage25percentbe-
spreaduseof dashboardshascreatedtheper- Pushpendra Singh low the MSP value. So, currently, the private
ception that the pandemic will end when all sectorispurchasingtheRs4lakhcroreworth
dashboard indicators hit zero (infections, FARMER UNIONS SUSPENDED their year- ofMSPcropsforaboutRs3lakhcrore.Ifthere
cases and fatalities). However, history sug- longagitationafterthegovernmentrepealed was legal status for MSP, the private sector
gests this is the most unlikely outcome. the three farm laws and later reached an would have paid a maximum of Rs one lakh
In the past 130 years, respiratory pan- agreement on other demands, including croremoretothefarmersforthesamequan-
demics have been followed by annual sea- forming a committee to look into the issue titiesin2020-21.Thegovernmentwouldnot
sonal waves fuelled by viral endemicity, of a legal guarantee for minimum support beunderanygreaterfinancialburden.IfMSP
which generally lasts until the next pan- prices (MSP). This demand has become the isenforced,theprivatesectormaypurchase
demic. What goes down, comes back up. The subjectof muchdebatesincethestartof the the same or lesser quantity, depending on
term “waves” to refer to patterns of disease farmer agitation, centred around its eco- the demand.
spread during an outbreak was first used nomicandlegalfeasibility.Economistshave By giving legal status to MSP, this extra
during the Russian Flu pandemic of 1889. It putforthmanyarguments,butmostarenot Rs 1 lakh crore would flow from the private
lasted three years, had multiple phases of supported by data or sound economic logic. sector to the farmers, who will spend it and
spikes and valleys with the second phase be- Ashok Gulati and Shweta Saini wrote (‘How create more demand in the economy. This
ing the most severe. C R Sasikumar to help the farmer’, IE, December 20) that will lead to an increase in employment, in-
The Spanish Flu of 1918-20 had three dis- Rs5.4lakhcrorewillberequiredtopurchase vestmentandeventually,governmenttaxes.
tinct peaks. It began as a small wave in various locations, notably in Europe. gunya virus are examples of these diseases. just10percentoftheoutputof23MSPcrops, Ensuring all the 23 crops are legally sold at
March 1918, which subsided during the The course of these pandemics was not Many animals, including cats, rabbits and excluding sugarcane. Nothing could be far- MSP will also lead to crop diversification as
summer. Following the initial peak in cases, significantlyinfluencedbyvaccination.There hamsters, are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2. ther from the truth. there would be no incentive to grow only
a larger peak occurred in the fall of 1918. A were no flu vaccinations available in 1918. MinkareparticularlysusceptibletoCovid-19, Let’sframewhatthedemandactuallyis. those crops where MSP is now available —
third peak occurred during the winter and When the H2N2 epidemic swept the globe and outbreaks have occurred on mink farms It has two parts: First, MSP should be based mostly paddy, wheat and sugarcane. So, the
spring of 1919. This wave subsided in the in1957,fluvaccinationwasprimarilyusedby in Denmark and the Netherlands. onthecomprehensivecostofproductionC2, country would also come out from under
summer of 1919, signalling the end of the themilitary.TheUnitedStatesdevelopedap- Omicron has rapidly become the preva- as determined by the Commission for surpluspaddy,wheatandsugarcaneproduc-
pandemic. It is estimated that over 500 mil- proximately22milliondosesof vaccinedur- lent variety in many countries. In their mod- Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) plus 50 tionsituation,whichwillhavemultipleeco-
lion people were infected and about 100 ing the 1968 pandemic of H3N2, but by the ellingstudy,theUS-basedCovid-19Scenario percentasrecommendedbySwaminathan nomic and ecological benefits.
million died. Although the pandemic sub- time it was available, the worst of the epi- ModellingHubpredictsasignificantwaveof Commission.Second,the23cropsforwhich A legal backing for MSP is a great instru-
sided, the viruses didn’t go away; a descen- demic had gone. Yet, vaccines play a crucial Covid-19 cases that, by the first week of MSP is currently announced by the govern- menttocontroltheproductionquantitiesof
dant of the Spanish Flu virus, the contem- role in controlling mortality and the burden January2022,willsurpassthoseseennation- mentshouldbelegallypurchasedatorabove various crops to match demand. The coun-
porary H1N1, is circulating even today. on healthcare. wide during the height of the Delta wave. the MSP price by anyone who “willingly en- try could also become self-sufficient in edi-
Multiple factors contribute individually Acombinationof herdimmunityandthe Whileitisevidentthattheinfectionwavewill ters” the market. The MSP of a crop should ble oils and pulses if we ensure remunera-
or in combination to determine disease pat- virusmutatingtobecomelessinfectiousand beconsiderable,itislessclearwhatOmicron’s be treated as a “reserve price”, below which tive MSPs for these crops. This has been
terns. Some diseases are seasonal, and the severe led to the eventual end of past pan- effectwillbeintermsof hospitalisationsand no trade should be allowed legally. Farmers proven in the case of pulses where produc-
waves follow seasonal patterns. Human be- demics. Usually, viruses don’t just go away. fatalities, as much is unknown about the arenotdemandingthatthegovernmentora tionhasincreasedsubstantially,reducingim-
haviour and interactions also affect viral Following three pandemics since 1900, the severity of primary, secondary, and break- trader be “forced to buy all the market sur- port dependence over the last four years. If
spread.InIndia,duringthemonsoons,dueto influenza A strain mutated to become in- through infections with Omicron compared plus”atMSP.Irrespectiveof thequantityof a the government and private prices are the
crowding, a spike in vector-borne diseases creasingly human-adapted and eventually to Delta and preceding variants. Regardless crop they are willing to buy, they must not same, farmers won’t seek out the govern-
(dengue and malaria) is common. Lifestyle displaced the dominant seasonally circulat- of whereOmicron’srelativeseverityfalls,the buy it below the declared MSP. It’s also un- ment to purchase their crop. So the govern-
choices,too,playarole—schoolclosingsdur- ing influenza virus. Viruses descended from sheernumberof casesexpectedimpliesthat derstood that the government would keep mentwillnotbeunderpressuretobuymore
ing summer and winter have been linked to the 1918 virus have caused almost all in- even a relatively mild Omicron variation has onbuyingquantitiesrequiredundertheFood than it requires.
reduced social contacts, and thereby reduc- stancesof influenzaAsince,aswellasallsub- thepotentialtosignificantlystress,if notover- Security Act and for meeting the buffer The23MSPcropsconsistof staplecere-
tion in influenza cases. sequent flu pandemics. Seasonal flu contin- whelm, already overburdened healthcare norms for foodgrains. als,pulses,oilseedsandafewcashcrops.Our
A third factor that influences disease uestoresultinthedeathsof 6,50,000people systems.Weareyettoseeif Omicronisastep Now,totheeconomics.Thetotalvalueof country still ranks poorly on the global
spread is the level of immunity in the com- each year. In their modelling study, the towards endemicity or one away from it. the output of the 23 crops at MSP prices for hunger index, so these crops are always in
munity (herd immunity). As more individu- SARS-CoV-2 will most likely become en- The hope for targeting SARS-CoV-2 erad- 2020-21 was about Rs 12 lakh crore. (This demand.Someeconomistsarguethatif the
US-based Covid-19 Scenario
als gain immunity either through infection demicandcontinuetocirculateinthehuman ication has passed. Transitioning to a post- wasalsotheestimateof HarishDamodaran, MSP is legally enforced, the private sector
and/or by vaccination, they indirectly offer population synchronising to a seasonal pat- Modelling Hub predicts a pandemic environment is not likely to be ‘What meeting MSP demand would cost won’t purchase the crops and all the quan-
protectiontothosewhoarenotinfected.The ternwithlessseverityovertime,asotherless significant wave of Covid-19 one with “zero-Covid”. The challenge then govt’, IE, November 29.) The total MSP value tities would have to be purchased by the
disease spread slows and eventually halts as pathogenic coronaviruses, such as the OC43, cases that, by the first week is to define the Covid-19 level that is accept- for a crop is calculated after multiplying the government. Sugarcane prices are pre-
thevirusisunabletofindnewhoststoinfect. 229E,NL63andHKU1andpastpandemicin- able for countries in a world that is funda- government’sfiguresfortheannualproduc- scribedbythegovernmentbutprivatemills
The epidemiology of previous deadly fluenza viruses have done.
of January 2022, will surpass mentally interconnected. tion quantity by the MSP. Adding all the 23 have not stopped their procurement. And
coronaviruses(SARS-CoV-1,andMERS-CoV) One of the probable scenarios is that those seen nationwide The epidemiological characteristics of a MSPcropsgivestheabovefigure.Thisisgov- haveindustriesclosedduetotheMinimum
differs significantly from that of SARS-CoV- throughvaccinationornaturalimmunitythe during the height of the pandemic’s end are not universally defined. ernmentdataandsimplemath.Butallofthe Wages Act? Is nobody purchasing petrol,
2; hence these pathogens are not helpful adultpopulationwilldevelopimmunityand Delta wave. While it is Prior respiratory pandemics illustrate that produce is not marketed or sold. The popu- diesel because the government is charging
modelsforpredictingthefutureof theCovid- only contract mild illness. SARS-CoV-2 will ends are usually ambiguous, and that pan- lation of farmers, including their family exorbitant taxes?
19 pandemic. Influenza pandemics are our thenprimarilyaffectyoungchildren,whowill
evident that the infection demic closure is better viewed as the return members,isabout50percentofthecountry. Ensuring remunerative prices for our
best comparative models. At least eight in- probably only have mild illnesses. The dura- wave will be considerable, it of socialliferatherthantheattainmentof spe- Theyretainabigpartoftheirproduceforself- farmers is also essential for food security.
fluenza pandemics have occurred since the tion of immunity against SARS-CoV-2, both is less clear what Omicron’s cific epidemiological goals. Pandemics end consumption,animalfeed,andseeds.Some Foodsecurityistiedtonationalsecurityand
early1700s. Sevenof themhadaninitialpeak natural and through vaccination, is still un- effect will be in terms of not when disease transmission ceases, but of itisalsoexchangedwithinthevillageand sovereignty. Farmers know that there is no
thatfadedawaywithoutanymajorinterven- certain.Aftersixtoeightmonths,individuals rather when the disease ceases to be news- apartisalsoeatenbyrodentsorperishesdur- cogenteconomicorfiscalargumenttodeny
tion over the course of a few months. who have had Covid-19, show declining lev- hospitalisations and worthy in the eyes of the public and in the ing harvesting, transportation and storage. them this right. Legal MSP is the right of our
Following that, around six months after the elsof neutralisingantibodies. However,their fatalities. Regardless of judgement of media and political leaders About Rs 4 lakh crore worth of the 23 MSP farmersandtheywon’tstopuntiltheygetit.
initial spike, each of those seven pandemics bodies also produce memory B cells, which where Omicron’s relative who mould our attention and opinions. The crops is consumed in this manner. Only Otherwise, it won’t be long before we fall
experienced a second significant peak. After may develop antibodies in the event of a re- severity falls, the sheer end of a pandemic is more of a concern of about Rs 8 lakh crore worth of MSP crops is back to the “ship-to-mouth” import-de-
the initial wave of infections, certain pan- infection, and T cells, which can kill virus-in- lived experience than of biology, making it a actually marketed. If we look at the data for pendent foodgrain situation of the 1960s.
demicsdisplayedrecurrentsmallerwavesof fected cells. number of cases expected social rather than a medical event. the government purchase of these 23 crops
cases over the next two years. The 1968 pan- SARS-CoV-2’s destiny will also be deter- implies that even a relatively at MSP, including sugarcane, the amount The writer is president, Kisan Shakti
demicwastheonlyonetofollowamoreclas- mined by whether or not it spreads to wild mild Omicron variation has The writer is director, Medical Research comestoaboutRs4lakhcrore.So,onlyabout Sangh and an alumnus of the Institute of
sicinfluenza-likeseasonalpattern,withalate animals.Severalillnessesthathavebeencon- and Hon. Neuropsychiatrist, Jaslok Hospital & Rs4lakhcroreworthof MSPcropsarebeing Rural Management, Anand (IRMA)
the potential to significantly
fall/winter spike followed by a second surge trolled continue to exist because animal Research Centre, Mumbai. He has co-
thefollowingwinter.Thesecondyearsawan reservoirsallowinfectionstospreadbackinto stress, if not overwhelm, authored The Coronavirus: What You Need
increase in pandemic-related mortality in humans.Yellowfever,Ebola,andthechikun- healthcare systems. To Know About The Global Pandemic


Teaching to transgress
A STEADY HAND immunisationcoverage,antenatalcare,
THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Risk identification and cure of TB. Analysis
and flow’ (IE, December 30). It appears of these indicators found Kerala re-
from the RBI report that the banking mained the best-performing state
sector has battled the Covid problem whereas UP was at the bottom.
Lessonsfrombellhooksonhowtohumaniseacademicculture effectively, but a closer reading shows
that this conclusion could be mislead-
Similarly, NITI Aayog has used another
set of 12 indicators to calculate the first
ing. Asset quality improvement has ever Multidimensional Poverty Index (
Avijit Pathak resulted from write-offs and the MPI), that belies PM Modi and CM
moratorium on asset classification, Yogi’s claims of “unprecedented devel-
“Fear of losing control in the classroom often begin with, let it be stated clearly that bell differential calculus), with a lengthy reading and hope. We live amid a culture that nor- not so much from recoveries. Further, opment” in the past few years, with
leadsindividualprofessorstofallintoa conven- hookswasrefreshinglydifferentfromatypical list, and repeated production of jargonised malises violence, be it structural, psychic or potential bad loans, as seen in rising 37.79 per cent population of the state
tional teaching pattern wherein power is used “value-neutral” academic — devoid of emo- seminar papers: Most of our students expe- cultural. We live amid spectacular con- SMAs and stress in MSME sector, are being identified as “multidimension-
destructively.” — bell hooks tion and passion, and burdened with heavily rience this routine, or coldness of academia. sumerism with the violence of what Erich high. Added to this are the challenges ally poor”.
technicalandjargonisedpublications.Andthis But then, bell hooks transformed her class- Fromm would have regarded as a “having of locus standi that PSU banks face L R Murmu, Delhi
ASATEACHER,Ihavealwaysfeltthatouraca- sickness, every insider knows, is tempting; it rooms, altered the meaning of the relation- mode of existence”. It is a hyper-competitive due to mergers and amalgamations,
demic culture needs a thinker/ educationist/
emancipator like bell hooks. Even though we
has affected many Marxist, poststructuralist,
ship between teacher and student, and en-
couraged young minds — particularly, Black
social Darwinism that, as Thich Nhat Hanh
which dilute focused attention to op-
erational matters. The road ahead for
cannolongersee,feelandexperienceherem- writers. Ironically, scholarship has been women in a White male-dominated space — and now” with mindfulness and meditative banks is rocky and they will need a THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘The
bodied existence, it is important for us to in- equated with incomprehensibility. But then, to articulate their voices, and their pain and calmness, and the hyper-masculine aggres- steady hand at the helm. Moving Triangle’(IE, December 30). To
vokehertimeandagain,allowourselvestobe bell hooks was endowed with immense trauma.Throughthisdialogue,reflexivityand sion of militarism, religious fundamentalism Hemant Contractor, Pune its small island neighbour tackling
touchedbyherpassionandconviction,andre- courage; she defied the style of this sort of inner churning, she continually interrogated and toxic nationalism. It is easy to accept this multiple challenges, India can offer so-
define the meaning of teaching and scholar-
a river, her words touch the soul of the reader.
tion in her classroom. Of course, most of us
pattern, and “adjust” oneself to this pathol-
ogy. However, bell hooks reminded us of the
NUMBERS SPEAK lutions that can help achieve two
diplomatic. First, considering China’s
uaries;andenoughhasbeensaidandwritten In a way, theory, for her, was like poetry. Yes, seektoavoidthissortofengagementwithour “redemptive”poweroflove,compassion,em- THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘The wel- increasing footprint in the Indian
aboutthisBlackAmericanfeministthinker,her many scholars of the leading American uni- students because it can also be emotionally pathy and forgiveness. In moments of pain fare mandate’ (IE, December 30). The Ocean, it is important for New Delhi to
sharpcritiqueofracismandpatriarchy,herex- versities where she taught were not very taxing. Hence, quite often, our engagement anddespair,Ireadheramazingbook,AllAbout authorandbiographer’seulogyforYogi keep a close watch on Chinese activi-
pandedhorizonthatenabledhertocontinually happywithherstyleandmodeofwriting.Yet, with students remains limited to a bureau- Love,andechowithher:“Nomatterwhathas Adityanath government deftly skirted ties in the region. It may happen that
writeongender,racism,sexuality,culture,ped- she inspired us, and gave us the confidence to cratically-defined task — “covering” the syl- happened in our past, when we open our the problems related to health and small countries could be “trapped” in
agogy,loveandevenchildren’s literature, and realisethatwriting,insteadofbeingreducedto labus, grading the students, and then forget- hearts to love we can live as if born again, not povertyin UP.The criticscanbe blamed different Chinese initiatives.
above all, the immense politico-intellectual apurelynarcissisticexerciseofdemonstrating ting them. Anyone who wants to join the forgetting the past but seeing it in a new way, for being biased. But what about the Finalisation of the Trincomalee oil tank
strengththatcharacterisedherlife’strajectory one’s “intellect”, can be therapeutic. vocation of teaching, I feel, must read bell lettingitliveinsideusinanewway.Wegofor- government’s own agency, NITI Aayog. farm project is therefore a step in the
— from being born in a working-class family, Second, she altered the character of the hooks — particularly, Teaching to Transgress: ward with the fresh insight that the past can The report, “The Healthy States, right direction. Second, India’s
growing up in a ghettoised/segmented Black classroom. In a way, she took Paulo Freire Education as the Practice of Freedom. no longer hurt us.” Progressive India” prepared by it along “Neighbourhood First” policy can ben-
locality, and eventually emerging as a charis- pretty seriously. For her, emancipatory edu- Third,bellhookstaughtusanotherimpor- Without love, there cannot be any peda- withtheUnionHealthMinistryandthe efit from this project. Timely imple-
maticprofessornurturingandinspiringgener- cation ought to be dialogic and experiential. tant lesson: Love is the essence of revolution. gogyofhope.Possibly,forthosewhocelebrate World Bank surveyed 19 large states on mentation of projects outside India
ations of students. Andateacheroughttocultivatetheartofnon- Quiteoften,inadryintellectualmilieu,weex- the enchanting power of engaged pedagogy, indicators such as neonatal mortality has been New Delhi’s Achilles’ heel. By
However, I wish to stress three principles judgmental/compassionate listening. Quite periencetheabsenceof warmth.Anditisim- and still dream of a compassionate, inclusive rate, under-five mortality rate, sex ratio fulfilling its commitments, India can
that bell hooks internalised as a often,inourclassrooms,noengageddialogue possiblenottowitnessthegrowingcultureof and egalitarian world, bell hooks would re- at birth, maternal mortality ratio, mod- keep China at bay.
scholar/teacher;andtheseprinciples,Iwould takes place. A “scholarly” lecture by a profes- cynicism and despair. But bell hooks, despite main alive, and continue to sing her songs. ern contraception prevalence rate, full Dewang Ganesh Thosar, Raigad
argue, have immense relevance if we wish to sor, absence of lived reality and experience the violence she saw in the world, didn’t lose
humanise the prevalent academic culture. To (even poetry or popular culture is taught like herspiritedreligiosity—thereligiosityof love The writer is professor of Sociology at JNU

New Delhi

Namita Gokhale, Tamil writer Ambai win Sahitya Akademi Award

Gurgaon to get
guages will be announced at a (Malayalam), Bratya Basu 1840-1912intheKumaonregion. ous work Mountain Echoes:
ADITYA VADDEPALLI later date. The awardees will re- (Bengali), Daya Prakash Sinha “Itlooksatthenewfragilemoder- Reminiscences of Kumaoni
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 30 ceive a cash prize of Rs 1,00,000. (Hindi), Wali Muhammad Aseer nity that was emerging at that Women, where the author ex-
The other winners are Kishtwari (Kashmiri), Chhabilal time. It looks at colonial history plores the oral history of the
TAMIL FEMINIST writer Ambai, Mwdai Gahai (Bodo), Sanjiv Upadhyaya (Nepali). fromthepointofviewofboththe Kumaon region through the

hub on lines of
Kannada biographer DS Verenkar (Konkani), Hrushikesl Talking about winning the colonisers and of Kumaon — my memories of her grandmother
Nagabhushan, Telugu poet Ambai (left); and Gokhale Mallick (Odia), Meethesh prestigious award for her book home state. It has many themes andthreegreataunts.“Itgaveme
Goreti Venkanna, and English Nirmohi (Rajasthani), Things to Leave Behind, Gokhale but the basic story is about three an idea of how people lived, es-
author Namita Gokhale, among Vindeshwariprasad Nishr says, “To be a Sahitya Akademi generations,ofstubbornKumaon peciallythewomenofthehouse-

‘Dubai model’
others, are this year’s winners of etry,twonovels,fiveshortstories, (Sanskrit), Arjun Chawla awardee as an English writer, women. There’s a peculiar obsti- hold. My great grandfather, BD
theSahitya AkademiAward.The twoplays,onebiographyandau- (Sindhi), Raj Rahi (Dogri), Kiran amidst those books in 22 lan- nacy that characterises the Pandey, had written the first his-
award was announced for liter- tobiography, a book on criticism, Gurav (Marathi), Khalid Hussain guages, is a privilege. I believe in mountain women,” she told The tory of Kumaon, which was a
ary works in 20 languages on and a poem were chosen for the (Punjabi), Niranjan Hansda the concept of many languages, Indian Express. credible source. Another source
Thursday. award. Awards in Gujarati, (Santali),AnuradhaSarmaPujari one literature.” A lot of the material for the was The Himalayan Gazetteer,

This year, seven books of po- Maithili,Manipuri,andUrdulan- (Assamese), George Onakkoor Gokhale’s book is set during bookcamefromGokhale’sprevi- writtenby ETAtkinson,”shesays.

Yet to determine tax liabilities

Rajasthan gets SUKHBIR SIWACH
Centre’s nod ● in focus
of raided perfume trader: DGGI for mining in
Minister Dushyant Chautala
Thursday said the government DUBAI’S BUSINESS Bay is

has planned to launch a Global a hotspot of residential
ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU City project in Gurgaon, spread and hospitality highrises,
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 30 over 1,000 acres, “on the model with several recognisable
of Dubai’sBusinessBay”in2022. landmarks. The project in
CLARIFYING THAT tax liabilities EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Chautala told The Indian Gurgaon, planned across
from the recent cash seizure JAIPUR, DECEMBER 30 Express that they have plans to 1,000 acres, will similarly
from searches conducted at the initiatethetenderingprocessfor have shopping malls and
residential and business prem- THE RAJASTHAN government the projectwithin amonth.“The commercial buildings as
Cardinal Oswald Gracias, one of the seven special advisers to isesof UttarPradesh-basedbusi- has received environmental map has been prepared for the well as residential com-
Pope Francis, at Raj Bhavan. Express nessman Peeyush Jain are yet to clearance from Union environ- Global City and we plan to plexes. Initially, 50-100
be determined, GST authorities ment ministry for mining in launch it by the first quarter of acres will be developed.
on Thursday said no deposit of Chhattisgarh's Hasdeo Aranya 2022. The Haryana State The Global City is coming

Pope visit likely next tax dues has been made so far.
“The total amount of cash in
the ongoing case from residen-
Coal Field, state officials said on
Thursday, months after the
Wildlife Institute of India raised
Industrial and Infrastructure
Development Corporation Ltd
(HSIIDC) will develop the infra-
up at the junction of
Pataudi road and Dwarka

year, says adviser tial and factory premises of M/s

Peeyush Jain has been kept as
concerns over the project.
The state has received clear-
ance for Phase 2 of Parsa (East)
structure and auction the big
plots. We plan to develop the
area in a phased manner; ini- said: “The site has been chosen
Minister had spoken of his visit of the State Bank of India pend- and Kete Basan (PEKB) in tially, we intend to develop a for high-end development.
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE to the Vatican City in October ingfurtherinvestigations.Node- Gold and cash recovered in a raid on Peeyush Jain’s Chhattisgarh, Subodh Agarwal, chunk of 50 or 100 acres of land Mainly,onlygreenindustrieswill
PANAJI, DECEMBER 30 and mentioned that he had ex- posit of tax dues has been made residence in Kannauj on Wednesday. PTI additionalchief secretaryfor en- only. On the model of Dubai’s bepermittedherelikemanufac-
tended an invitation to Pope by M/s Odochem Industries ergy, said Thursday. Business Bay, it will have shop- turing of items related to elec-
DAYS AFTER Prime Minister Francis to visit India. “I invited from the seized money to dis- ApprovalfromtheMinistryof ping malls, commercial and res- tronics, bio-technology, and in-
Narendra Modi spoke of his visit him (the Pope) to India.... Pope charge their tax liabilities and seized by the department and crore as tax dues. Such reports Environment,ForestandClimate idential buildings. For construc- formation technology. Chautala
to the Vatican City on Goa’s 60th Francis said, ‘This is the greatest their tax liabilities are yet to be the exact tax liabilities of M/s are without any basis and seek Change will enable the state to tionpurposes,3.5FAR(floorarea hasinstructedofficialstoinitiate
liberation day on December 19, gift you have given me’. This is determined,” the Directorate Odochem Industries or other to "undermine the integrity of start mining activities in an area ratio) will be permitted.” the tendering process early so
Cardinal Oswald Gracias, one of his affection towards India’s di- General of GST Intelligence parties involvedintheinvestiga- the ongoing investigations of 1,136hectaresinPEKB,hesaid. According to Chautala, the that the project takes off soon.”
the seven special advisers to versity and our vibrant democ- (DGGI) said in a statement. tion shall be taken on the basis which are being carried out in a Rajasthan will now need ap- GlobalCitywillhavewalking,cy- Officials said the 1,000 acres
Pope Francis, visited the Raj racy,” Modi had said. Citing some reports which of appraisal of evidences col- mostprofessionalmannerbased proval of the Chhattisgarh gov- cling and service lanes: “It will of land is part of 1,383 acres
Bhavan here on Thursday. On his meeting with Goa stated that the department is lected from various premises on specific intelligence", it said. ernment on both proposals. The have non-stop lanes too where which Reliance had returned to
CardinalGraciassaidprepara- Governor P S Sreedharan Pillai, treatingtheRs197.49-crorecash duringthe searches and the out- The DGGI said that "based on Congress-led governments in vehicle crossing will take place theHaryanagovernmentin2014.
tionsforPopeFrancis'svisittoIndia Cadrinal Gracias, president of recovered from Jain as business come of further investigations.” voluntary admission of guilt and the two states, however, are at via underground lanes only. Earlier,therewereplanstosetup
are being made for 2022-end, or Catholic Bishop’s Conference of turnover and a fourth of it being A total Rs 197.49 crore cash, evidenceavailableonrecord,"Jain loggerheads over mining clear- There will be space for civic a Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
towardsthebeginningof 2023. India, who was on a three-day allowed to be deposited as tax, 23 kg gold and some offending was arrested on December 26 ance in Parsa block, located at amenitiesatundergroundspaces here but that did not take off.
“Wehavetopreparethepeo- visittoGoa,said,“Wehadaheart- DGGIcalledsuchreports"purely goods of high value have been andproducedbeforethecompe- Surguja district of Chhattisgarh. like in Delhi’s Connaught Place.” Chautalasaidthegovernment
ple spiritually also. With the to-hearttalkandexchangeabout speculative". Voluntary submis- recovered so far in searches car- tent court the next day, which TheIndianExpressreportedin He further said the Global has130acresavailabletodevelop
Prime Minsiter’s Office, we have the good of the nation, good of sions by the accused are under ried out in UP's Kannauj at senthimto14daysofjudicialcus- November that despite a biodi- City will have the biggest heli- acommercialcityneartheGlobal
already begun (discussions) on Goa and how we can take the investigation, which will decide Odochem Industries — a manu- tody.Jainhasbeenchargedunder versity report from the Wildlife hub, which will be spread over City. “The commercial city will
where he could go, where he country forward...” Cadrinal the exact nature of the liability, facturer of perfumery com- Section 132 of the Central Goods Institute of India warning that 25 acres. “It will be much bigger have four dedicated towers. For
could stay, etc. I hope Goa is one Gracias also visited his ancestral it stated. pounds — and its proprietor and Services Act, 2017, which forests in Hasdeo Aranya Coal than a helipad,” he added. example, one may be for gifts
of those important stops,” home in Goa’s Orlim. The DGGI stated, "Voluntary PeeyushJain,thestatementsaid. deals with offences of supplying Field should be declared a “no- Officials say the site of the only, another for furniture items,
Cardinal Gracias told Prudent “Weareallworriedaboutthe submissions made by Shri The department denied it any goodsor services without an goarea”,Chhattisgarhwaspush- Global City is part of Gurgaon’s and third may be for residential
Media news channel here. pandemic. We are hoping the Peeyush Jain are a subject mat- had treated the recoveries as invoice,theissueofanyinvoiceor ingforpermissiontostartPhase- Sector-36-37andislocatedatthe utilisationitems. The idea is sim-
In his address on December pandemic tapers off and goes terof ongoinginvestigationsand turnover and the accused has bill without supply of goods or II of mining in the PEKB coal junction of Pataudi road and ple:residentsgeteverythingfrom
19 in Taleigaon, the Prime off,” he said. any view on the source of cash been allowed to deposit Rs 52 services, or evading tax. block, in the same area. Dwarka Expressway. A source one building.”


ONGC As a part of the observance of Azadi Ka Amrit

Mahotsav, ONGC’s Tripura Asset organized a seminar
on Exploration & Production and cyclothon to usher a
greener tomorrow during 3-4 December 2021. The
seminar, organized on 4 December, focused on the key
areas of the role of Hydrocarbon Industry in the Future
Economy of Tripura State and the seminar aimed to
increase collaboration among the various business
partners in the E&P business in Tripura.
In order to realize green energy objectives and the GOI’s As part of OIL’s CSR intervention, the company recently PNB entered into tie-up arrangement with Lendingkart Fi- Dr. MN Pandey, Union Minister of Heavy Industries, GoI, TP-DDL won two prominent awards – Platinum Award
efforts towards carbon neutral economy, a MoU was re- launched brand Harbest (Best of Harvest) under CSR nance Ltd for Co-lending Business, in presence of Suren- presented the ‘IEI Industry Excellence Award 2021’ to R. under the ‘Best Country Award for Overall CSR
cently signed between BPCL and Solar Energy Corpora- project OIL Jeevika at Indian Institute of Entrepreneur- dra Kumar Dixit, CGM PNB and Arun Sharma, GM (Agricul- Rahman, Executive Director (PR & CSR) and PK Sinha, Ex- Performance’ category and Silver Award for ‘Best
tion of India Limited (SECI) in New Delhi. ship (IIE), Guwahati. ture), PNB, Ashok Kumar Gupta, GM (MSME) PNB. ecutive Director (Projects), from PFC. Community Programme’ categories at the prestigious
13th Global CSR Awards. The awards were announced
during a virtual award ceremony. Company’s CSR
Initiatives are run under the mother brand Saathi (a
companion) in order to effectively reach out to over 1
million underprivileged people, also company’s
consumers, residing in 220+ JJ clusters in North
Delhi. Saathi focuses on 4 main pillars – Women
Literacy (Unnati), Youth Empowerment (Ujjwal), Better
Health (Sanjeevani), and Energy Conservation (Club
THDCIL GoI and State Government of Arunachal
Dr. MN Pandey, Union Minister of Heavy Industries, pre- REC has committed financial assistance of about Rs.1.27 In the 36th Indian Engineering Congress organized by IEI in PNB entered into a tie-up arrangement with Paisalo Dig-
Pradesh have offered 02 Mega Hydro Projects to
sented the “Industry Excellence Award-2021” to RK Agr- crore under its CSR initiative to PRS department of New Delhi, PK Gupta, CMD, NBCC delivered the 34th Dr. ital Ltd. & Vedika Credit Capital Ltd. for co-lending busi-
THDCIL in Arunachal Pradesh for implementation.
awal, CMD, WAPCOS, in the presence of P Kapoor, Dir. (Fi- NIMHANS in Bengaluru. The facilities will benefit more than Ajudhia Nath Khosla Memorial Lecture on the topic - “Infra- ness, in the presence of SK Dixit, CGM & A Sharma, GM
These Hydro Projects are viz. 1200 MW Kalai-II and
nance) & A Mishra, Director (Comml. & HRD), WAPCOS. 1000 people with mental illness each year. structure Sector Consultancy-Challenges & Solutions.” (Agriculture), PNB.
Demwe(Lower) 1750 MW in Lohit Basin of Arunachal
Pradesh. These projects have been offered as a part
APPOINTMENTS of Basin wise Indication of Projects in North Eastern
IOCL DS Nanaware has taken Region as overall development initiative of the state.
charge as Director (Pip- RK Vishnoi, CMD, thanked the Ministry of Power, GoI
elines), Indian Oil Corporation and Government of Arunachal Pradesh and said that
Limited. With a rich and var- very soon THDCIL is going to open office
ied experience of over 36 establishment in Arunachal Pradesh to expedite the
years, he is also the Chairman above mandate.
of IHB Ltd. a JV of IndianOil,
HPCL and BPCL, which is REC State Governments of Meghalaya and Assam
INAUGURATION - LIC MoU - NCL PASSING OUT PARADE - CRPF building the world’s longest LPG pipeline from Kandla to have become the frontrunners in planning their
The LIC of India “LIC Digi Zone” to enhance the Digital Oper- NCL inked an MoU with CSIR IICT, Hyderabad for Clean Coal Gorakhpur. Before he assumed the office of Director operational and financial reforms as well as the
117 Directly Appointed Gazetted Officers of CRPF passed
ations of LIC was inaugurated by LIC Chairperson M.R. Ku- Technologies & Gainful Utilisation of Overburden in the virtual (Pipelines), he was ED (Projects) at the Pipelines Division underlying works to accomplish the same under
out from the CRPF Academy in a ceremony marked with
mar, in the presence of MD’s – Raj Kumar, Siddhartha Mo- presence of CMD PK Sinha & others, from NCL & Dr. VM HO. Earlier, as the head of Southern Region Pipelines Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (Nodal Agency
impeccable parade, fanfare, and roar of oath to serve the na-
hanty, BC Patnaik and C. Vikas Rao, ZM, Western Zone. Tiwari, Director, & others from CSIR IICT, Hyderabad. (SRPL), he was instrumental in starting the prestigious En- – REC). Accordingly, their state-level Distribution
tion. N Rai, MoS for Home Affairs, was the Chief Guest.
nore-Tuticorin Gas Pipeline Project and successfully com- Reforms Committee (DRC) and State Cabinet have
missioning its Ennore-Manali and Ramanathapuram-Tuti- approved the proposals, including Action Plan and
corin sections. DPR, for consideration under the scheme.

SAIL Vejendla Srinivasa ATS Group ATS HomeKraft has received an

Chakravarthy recently took overwhelming response for the first phase of its Pious
charge as Director (Com- Orchards project in Noida. The Company has achieved
mercial) of SAIL. Chak- sales value of more than INR 350 crores in the Project
ravarthy joined SAIL in 1987 in a single-day event, wherein 290 apartments were
in the company’s Central sold with an area of approx. 700,000 sq ft. This volume
Marketing Organization. Ris- of sales makes Pious Orchards launch as the most
AGREEMENT - REC MoU - NBCC PARTICIPATION - AUTOMETERS ALLIANCE LTD ing through the ranks, Chakravarthy became the ED, Market- successful launch, in terms of volume in NCR market,
REC has entered into an agreement with KfW Development NBCC signed a MoU with MDI, Murshidabad for construction Autometers Alliance Ltd participated as one of the sponsors ing, in SAIL before taking over as the Director (Commer- and one of the most successful launches across India
Bank for availing ODA term loan of USD 169.5 million under of its campus in next 5 years. Prof. (Dr.) Atmanand, Director, in the 14th edition of International Railway Equipment Exhib- cial) of the company. He is known for his commercial & in recent times.
Indo-German Bilateral Partnership in accordance with the MDI and AK Pathak, GM (Engg.), NBCC along with senior ition, 2021. R. Sharda, CEO, among others can be seen in marketing acumen. As ED, he has contributed to formulation
approval granted by Dept. of Economic Affairs. faculty and staff were present during the ceremony. the picture. and implementation of various products and price strategy.

E V E N T S , A N N O U N C E M E N T S , L A U N C H E S , C S R I N I T I AT I V E S , A P P O I N T M E N T S , M O V E M E N T S , C E L E B R AT I O N S

New Delhi

If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to

INDIA NEW CASES (last 24 hours) 13,154
Year when hybrid workforce can
5,326 7,495 7,189

6,531 9,195 13,154 expect 5G and wait for metaverse
6,650 6,358
9000 6,317 The metaverse is an idea whose time has come, and tools to connect to it may become more accessible.
6000 The advent of 5G connectivity will help, besides impacting sectors such as automobiles and medicines.
3000 And the software that enabled working from home will have to evolve to cater to a hybrid work model.
Dec 20
LAST 10 DAYS (daily) Dec 29

ACTIVE CASES, DECEMBER 29: 82,402 ( Dec 28: 77,002)


Maharashtra 3,900
Kerala 2,846
Ministry of Health
West Bengal 1,089 & Family Welfare;
Delhi 923 Dec 29 figures up-
Tamil Nadu 739 dated on Dec 30


1500 R: 2.51(Dec23-29) 1,313 4000 R: 2.01(Dec23-28) 3,671

1000 3000
500 91 1000 204
0 0
20Dec 30Dec 20Dec 30Dec

500 477 565
R: 1.11(Dec23-26) 600 R: 1.11(Dec24-29)
450 GettyImages
250 93 300 146

these different silos interoperable. So even
as you will hear the word metaverse being
NEW IN at work with signs of the pandemic easing
at one point, and also because of an accept-
20Dec 30Dec 20Dec 30Dec NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 30 used for everything people are unsure of on THE NEW YEAR ance that you might as well live with Covid-

LAST YEAR, the predictions were somewhat
easy. We said technologies around working
the Internet, there will be a lot of work hap-
pening behind the screens to make this one
connected virtual universe and not a collec-
2022 19 than try to stay away from it. This has
posed new challenges for everyone from de-
vice manufactures to IT administrators of
1200 R: 1.13(Dec26-29) 400 R:1.26(Dec26-29) TECHNOLOGY
from home would get better. And they did, tion of bubbles. companies.Ahybridworkforce,shuttlingbe-
800 300 from more features in all the videoconfer- The metaverse is different from the tweenhomeandoffice,isnotaseasytoman-
145 200 encing software most of us now call office, Internet as we know it because it gives users ageasonethatisrestrictedtoeitherenviron-
400 100 to better front-facing cameras in the new theabilitytocreate,transferandpossessstuff CALENDAR 2022 ment. This will mean the software that
0 0 computers that make us all look good at purelyinitsrealm.Andthenecessitytomake JAN 5- 8: CES 2022 helped us stay connected from home will
20Dec 30Dec 20Dec 30Dec
work. Yes, there was better access to doctors these transactions possible within the dif- EARLY FEB: Samsung Unpacked evolve to cater to this new work model, even
R: Basic reproduction number
via online platforms even as we stayed away ferent meta bubbles will be what actually 2022 as new products will be spawned to solve
from hospitals as far as possible. The gadg- startsconnecting the nowdisjointed worlds. specific problems such as keeping devices
INDIA TOTAL DOSES 143,83,22,742 ets did get better as more companies took
the Apple route to get their own silicon in
You could also see some of the tools to
connect to the metaverse in its rich form be-
END FEB: Mobile World Congress
APRIL: Apple Spring event
and data secure while the networks they
work on change.
(1st DOSE: 84,16,19,301; 2nd: 59,67,03,441) place. But no, 5G is still somewhere in the air come more accessible, like VR/AR headsets JUNE: WWDC 2022 This is boundtomakethe traditionalnet-
as far as India is concerned. from companies such as Oculus and others. work security model obsolete and prompt
MAY: Google I/0 2022; Microsoft
■ Firstdose ■ Seconddose But 2021 has also been a mixed year. But the fact is that you really don’t need all companies to look at decentralised models
Althoughstillin themiddleof thepandemic, this to start being a part of the metaverse; Build 2022 based on access points and individuals.
60,00000 we have ventured out of our homes after a you are already in it. JUNE: Computex 2022: Companies will also have to evolve and op-
long period of caution as the cases came SEPTEMBER: iPhone event; timise for a model that might make their
downincountrieslikeIndiaafterabrutalsec- Smartphones and beyond Amazon hardware event present office infrastructure redundant for
51,98,877 51,54,800 ond wave. Travel was back, so was eating out With a new way to experience the the near future.
30,00,000 OCTOBER: Microsoft Surface
and cinemas. But that does not mean the Internet just round the corner, it won’t be
15,58,945 event; Google Pixel event More power to consumers
pandemic is over, and Omicron has re- surprising if we start seeing the next big
minded us of that. The last few weeks of this smartphone disruptor in the coming year. NOVEMBER: Apple iPad event Over the past few years consumers of
16,32,301 yearhavesuddenlymade peoplerewritethe Let’sgetonethingclear:Thesmartphonedis- personal technologydevices have been used
0 outlook for the coming year. Here is how we ruptor does not have to be a smartphone or to getting better features and lower prices.
LAST 10 DAYS (daily) think the tech world will be in the third year somethingthatcarriesforwardthatformfac- Internet, a more immersive, experiential vi- But all that might go for a toss if the present
Dec 20 Dec 29 of the pandemic. tor. In fact, what could really change the way sion of the web. scarcity of processors continues. Already
we access the Internet, communicate and While the metaverse is still more meta prices of everything from budget smart-
Building the metaverse work could be something without a screen and less verse, where 5G technology could phones to automobiles are goingup because
DOSES ON DECEMBER 29 67,87,101 Metaverse is more than a buzzword. It is we can touch. makesignificantimpactwillbeinsectorslike of the chip shortage, and the situation is un-
DEC 28: 68,53,905 (1st DOSE: 16,32,301; 2nd: 51,54,800) an idea whose time has come. But then, the Thesmartphone sectorhashitsaturation automobilesandmedicines.Forinstance, 5G likely to improve at least in the first half of
metaverse is not really a new concept; it has point with hardly any innovation happening will enable more intelligence in connected 2022when supplyisexpectedtoagaincatch
been around as an idea for decades. In fact, in terms of changing the user experience vehicles, allowing them to make split-sec- up with demand.
most of us are already in the metaverse in drastically, and this is why any concept that ond decisions based on what they are seeing But things are not all that bad. Across
some way or the other, especially children offers a better way to experience the meta- and sensing in real time. If 4G helped mil- productranges,featuresthatonceusedtobe
who spend hours building their own worlds verse version of the Internet could well be lions get remote health consultations during premiumarenowbecomingmoreaccessible
ingameslikeMinecraft.Forthem,therestric- the future of personal communication. the pandemic, in a 5G world they may be to regular users. If in 2021 we saw technolo-
tions of the pandemic have meant that the able to get operated on by a doctor sitting in gies like noise cancellation, high-refresh rate
online realm is where they communicate, 5G, finally? some other part of the world. Even if that screens and fast charging come down to
ideate, build and dream. One of the enablers of the metaverse will does not happen, 5G will enable real-time moreaffordablepricepoints,inthenewyear
Inthenewyear,wewillseemanycompa- be access to high-speed, low-latency and analysis of complex health data to advise expect to see the foldable form factor be-
nies try to do the same with the metaverse. zero-downtime 5G networks. India has fi- those who don’t have access to the best tech come more mainstream because of lower
Theywillallstartpropping uppillarsof what nally announced a timeline for its rollout in or experts in the field. pricepoints. Similarly,adaptiverefreshrates,
will be “a new way to experience the cities and this could trigger a high degree of wireless charging and 5G will be common in
Internet”. This is not going to be an easy task adoption for both the latest generation of A hybrid workforce mid-range, and maybe even budget phones
because there are no standards yet to make connectivity as well as the new version of Across the world, a lot of people are back will be so by the end of the new year.


India’s economy and your investments: flags to watch in 2022

first and second waves, will be key to long- by governments to support national terestratesmaygoupin2022,inflationwill interestrateshigherinanticipationoftheris- and the West escalates, India could be a
term sustainable growth for India. economiesin2020and2021haveledtothe notbe much of aworry in India. There is ex- ing cost of capital. The largest state-owned beneficiary of foreign direct investments
problemof inflation.WhileinflationinIndia pectation that equities may do well if lender,StateBankofIndia,increasedthebase from the US and Europe, market experts
Omicron concern is still in a comfortable zone, it has touched Omicrondoesnotcauseamajordisruption, rateby10basispointsto7.55percentperan- feel.
Thereiscautiousoptimismthatthenew a four-decade high in the United States. The and domestic retail flow into equities re- num earlier this month -- an indication that Internationalmanufacturingfirmshave
variant, which is highly transmissible but Federal Reserve decided to increase the mains stronger than FPI outflows. the era of low rates may be over. started to look towards India as they seek
not necessarily equally deadly, will not trig- pace of reducing monthly asset purchases; "Investors will have to moderate their Movements in yields, which depend on to diversify production away from China,
Sandeep Singh & ger a wave of serious illness that will over-
it is also likely to hike rates twice, possibly
thrice, in 2022.
expectations of returns from equities in
2022. It is a fair value market. If Omicron
trends in interest rates, can result in capital
gains or losses for investors. If an individual
and several private equity investors and
venture capital funds have increased their
Sunny Verma in the way Delta did in April-May. Some ex- Market participants say the pace of does not cause big disruption, domestic re- holds a bond carrying a yield of 6%, a rise in investments in India.
perts have argued that the emergence of withdrawal of stimulus and hike in interest tail inflows remain stronger than FPI out- bondyieldsinthemarketwillbringtheprice However,Indiawillhavetoworkhardon
THEOMICRON-LEDsurgeinCovid-19cases Omicron in fact signals the “beginning of rates may disrupt equity and debt markets flows, and corporate earnings remain of thebonddown.Ontheotherhand,adrop requirements of policy, skill development,
around the world has poured cold water on theend”of thepandemic,andthevirusmay going forward. As the Fed started tapering, strong, then it will outperform other asset in bond yield below 6% will benefit the in- and regulation, in order to attract these in-
the hopes of rapid economic recovery, and be entering the endemic stage. foreign portfolio investments (FPIs) have classes," Nilesh Shah, MD, Kotak Mahindra vestorasthepriceof thebondwillrise,gen- vestments.
dampened investor sentiment. Gates of It is hoped that lockdowns will remain been pulling out — they have pulled out AMC, said. erating capital gains. Investors in fixed de- Former chief economic advisor Arvind
workplaces and businesses that had relatively soft and there will be limited dis- over Rs 40,000 crore from Indian equities George of Geojit pointed out that while posits can opt to keep the tenure lower in Subramanian wrote in a recent article in
opened in anticipation of a return to nor- ruption in economic activity; however, sinceNovember22,puttingpressureonthe interestratehikesindevelopedmarketswill ordertocapturehigherratesgoingforward. ForeignAffairsmagazinethatwhile“Indiahas
malcyarebeingslammedshutagainaspar- there is also concern that exponentially ris- benchmark indices. put some pressure on domestic equities as Rising yields also have implications for madeimpressiverecentprogressinbuilding
tial lockdowns of varying intensity begin to ing case numbers may hurt consumption However, domestic institutional in- FPIswillpulloutmoney,evendomesticrate home loans. Floating rates may rise, as the 'hardware' of economic success... the
be re-imposed. and the revival of corporate earnings. vestors (DIIs) have been buying — and have hikes will see a decline in money flows into banks try to pass on any increase in costs to country continues to struggle to fix its ‘soft-
How the pandemic pans out in its third "NowthatCovidisaknownunknown,it invested a net of over Rs 48,900 crore dur- equities from retail investors. customers. ware', the crucial economic framework un-
year will determine the pace and nature of may not hit economic activity, C J George, ing the same period. Gold has corrected from the peak of der which domestic entrepreneurs and for-
the recovery. Investments across asset MD,GeojitFinancialServices,said.“Thebig- If equity markets are impacted by FPI Debt market around $2,120 per ounce in August 2020 to eign firms must operate”.
classes will depend on factors such as infla- gerconcernisoverthewayinflationandin- outflows, a hike in interest rates in India Yields on government securities have around$1,800.Goldisexpectedtostaypos- “Policiesare changedabruptly; rulesare
tion, interest rate movements, credit terest rates will move in 2022, and the im- mayreducethepaceof moneydeployment startedhardening,risingfromtherecentlow itive going ahead, and gain momentum in altered to favour certain firms. As a result,
growth, foreign portfolio investments, and pact they will have on debt and equity by retail investors in domestic equities, and of 6.1 per cent on September 22 to 6.4 per case it closes above $1,850 on expectations domestic entrepreneurs and foreign com-
the price of crude oil. Employment genera- markets.” see some reallocation from equity to debt. centonThursday.WhiletheRBIhasdeviated of rising interest rates and inflation. panieshavebeenreluctanttoundertakethe
tion, and a certainty of steady income for from central banks in developed countries investments needed to exploit India’s rap-
those at the bottom of the pyramid who Interest rates Equities outlook and argued for the need to maintain an ac- Geopolitics potential idly advancing hardware,” Subramanian
werehit bytheeconomicdisruptionsof the The stimulus programmes announced Some market experts feel that while in- commodativestance,themarketispushing As the confrontation between China wrote.

New Delhi

I,Pooja Agarwal w/o Vinay Surya I, Simon Kaur Kumra,D/O I, Aisha Sachdeva w/o Deepak
PUBLIC NOTICE Regd Office: PSEB Head Office, The Mall, Patiala - 147001

R/o-36/78 West Punjabi,New Satinder Pal Singh, R/O T-139, Sachdeva, R/o 3/88, Block-3,
To be known to all that my client MOHAN LAL CIN: U40109PB2010SGC033813, Website:
Delhi-110026,have changed my Shukkar Bazar, Uttam Nagar, First Floor, Ramesh Nagar, New GUPTA S/O LATE SH. RAMESH GUPTA
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name to Puja Surya,for all New-Delhi-110059,Have Delhi-110015 have changed my DELHI-110085 is purchasing ENTIRE BUILT
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I, MOHAMMED AMAAN S/O Kaur. 0040597748-2 purpose.

MEASURING 250 SQ. YDS. SITUATED IN Sr. XEN/DSM, B-3, Shakti Vihar, PSPCL, Patiala invites Request
DELHI-110015 from SH. BAYANT SINGH for Proposal (RFP) for hiring an Agency to Conduct Annual Energy
I, Satnam Singh Randhava,S/o 0040597666-1 S/O LATE S. GURBACHAN SINGH R/O
Audit of PSPCL for FY: 2020-21 as per BEE regulation dated 7th
I Ganga Preethy Subramaniyan Jeevan Singh Randhava, I, Abhishek, S/o Anil Kumar, R/o
October, 2021. Availability of RFP will be from 04.01.2022 to
JAMIA NAGAR N.DELHI 110025 IN DELHI-110015. In case if any individual/firm/
D/o Sh. Subramaniyan W/o Sh. MY PASSPORT MY NAME R/o.RZD-18A,Gali.No.5, H No-78, Vaid Panna, Mundhela company/financial institution/bank except LAP 14.01.2022.
from Hero Housing Finance Ltd. claiming any
Sudhir Viswanathan R/o 23, SPELING IS WRONGLY MENTION Mahavir-Enclave, South-West Kalan, South West Delhi- right, interest, having any objection in respect
NOTE: Corrigendum & addendum, if any will be published online at
Bank Apartment, Plot No.22, MOHD AAMAN BUT MY Delhi-110045,have changed my 110073. Declare that Name of
of above said property, he/she/they may write
/contact to my client at above address/phone C-464/21 11946/Pb
Sector-4, Dwarka, South West CORRECT SPELING IS name to Satnam Singh My Father has been wrongly No. 9717292002 within 15 days from the date
of publication of this notice.
Delhi, Delhi-110075 have MOHAMMED AMAAN. Randhawa. 0040597693-1 written as Anil in my KAMAL SINGH (Advocate)
Enrl. No. D/748/2014
changed my name to Preethy 0040597587-6 I, Sameem S/o Mustafa, R/o-155, Educational Documents. The
Sudhir Viswanathan for all Vill.-Talhedi Buzurg, P.S. actual name of My Father is
purposes. 0040597628-3 Deoband Saharanpur-247554, Anil Kumar, which may be PUBLIC NOTICE
KUMAR SHUKLA,R/o.Flat-1205,
U.P. have changed my name to amended accordingly. My Client Vajeer Singh S/o Desh
I Bansi Verma S/o Ram Anand Tower-C,Antriksh Golf-View-
R/o 4785, Ahata Kidara, Pahari Shamim. 0040597693-8 0070767125-1 Raj R/o H.No. 268 Prem Nursary
Dhiraj, Delhi-110006 have Gopal Nagar A Block Najafgarh
Budh-Nagar(UP)have changed I, Sahed Ahamed S/o Chand R/o- I Sri Devi Gunda W/O,
changed my name to Bansi Lal New Delhi-110043 has disowned
my name to NEERU KUMARI E-136, Welcome, Seelampur, Hanumantha Rao Bonala R/o D- his son Nitesh his wife Ranjna &
0040597710-1 SHUKLA. 0040597739-9 Delhi-110053, have changed my 49/29, Dilshad Colony, Delhi- their children Ansh and Gurvinder
I, Vinod Kumar Chadha S/O-Late name to Saeed Ahmed. 110095 have changed my name from all his moveable and immov-
I Babi Ram Kaur D/o Late Saran
Singh R/o UC-27/A, Usha Park, Shri.Chander Bhan Chadha 0040597693-7
to Sri Devi Bonala for all eable properties. My client shall
Jail Road, Hari Nagar, Delhi- R/O-H.No.347, First-Floor, purposes. not be responsible in any manner
Sector-5, Gurugram, Haryana- I, Sachin, S/O-Shri Ram Niwas for any Act/Deed done by them. Any
110064 have changed my name 0040597726-1
to Babyram Kaur for all 122001,have changed my,name Goyal, R/O-143, Neelgiri person dealing with them shall deal
to Vinod Chadha for all,future Appartment,Sector-9,Rohini, I Rinki Verma W/o Bansi Lal R/o at his/her own risk and cost.
purposes. 0040597628-2 Advocate- Rajender Prasad
purpose. 0040596505-8 Delhi-110085,have changed my 4785, Ahata Kidara, Pahari
CH No.B-146A, Tishazari Court Delhi-54
I Arji Singh S/o Amar Singh R/o name to Sachin Goyal for all Dhiraj, Delhi-110006 have
UC-27/A, Usha Park, Jail Road, I,Neha Mishra,D/o-Sh.Vinod future Purposes. 0040597729-1 changed my name to Rinki
Hari Nagar, Delhi-110064 have Kumar Mishra,R/o-D-63-B,
Ishwar-Colony,Arjun Park, I, SUNIL VERMA,S/O VED 0040597708-1 PUBLIC NOTICE
changed my name to Harjeet Notice is hereby given to public at
PRAKASH VERMA R/o-X/1808, large that my client SH.PURAN
Singh for all purposes. Najafgarh,New-Delhi-110043.I I Ravi Kankani S/o Goverdhan SINGH NEGI S/O LATE SH. PREM
am also known as Neha and my PARK-MARG, GALI.NO- Das Kankani R/o 222-223, N- SINGH NEGI R/O Q-132, MOHAN
0040597628-1 Aadhar-Card my name is 12,RAJGARH-COLONY,GANDHI DELHI-110059, has severed all his
Block, Kidwai Nagar, Kanpur relations from his son SH. ASHISH
I Anil Ray Resident Of Smq 92/02 mentioned Neha Mishra.Neha NAGAR,DELHI-110031,have U.P., have changed my name to SINGH NEGI alongwith his
associates, disowned and
Air Force Station Chandinagar and Neha Mishra is one and the changed my name to SUNIL Ravi Prakash Kankani debarred all of them from all his
movable and immovable
,Baghpat (UP)-250615 Have same person. 0040597739-6 KUMAR VERMA. 0040597748-3 properties with immediate effect
0040597626-1 because of harassment, torture, No. F. 1(25-15)SE/SAMAGRA/VOC/2021/2174 Dated 06/12/2021
Changed My Daughter’s Name I,Narendra Verma,S/o Dalbir I, Roma Saggu,W/o Gagandeep cruelty, atrocities committed by


them against my client.
From Aradhya Ray To Aaradhya I Kanchan Kumari Alakh W/O Any person dealing with them
Singh Verma,R/o Flat.No.221, Singh R/o.C-4/1, Jeewan-Jyoti- shall be doing so at their own risk,
Ray Vide Affidavit No.In- Vinod Kumar R/O flat cost and consequences. My client
SFS-Flat,GH-13 Paschim-Vihar Apartment Saraswati-Vihar, shall not be responsible in any
No.457,Metro View Apartment
UP78493996443584T DTD 23 DEC
21 Before Ghaziabad court.
Delhi-110087,changed my
minor daughter’s name
PitamPura, Delhi-110034, have
changed my name to Roma
,Dda Flats,Pocket-B,Phase-
manner for the same.
A.K.Verma (Advocate)
Off: 319, S.R.II, District Centre,
Janak Puri, New Delhi-58
0050189566-1 Priyadarshni Verma to Kaur. 0040597693-3
Priyadarshini Verma.
110078. Have Changed My The State Project Director, Samagra
I,Vikash Soni,S/O Mukesh I, Raman Deep Arora, S/o Manjit Name To Kanchan Infuture For
Soni,R/O, 1/5126,Durga-Niwas 0040597739-8 Singh, R/o A-501, Ridgeview-IFS All Purposes.Vide Affidevit PUBLIC NOTICE
MY Client Vegraj Saini son of late
Shiksha, Tripura invites e-Tender through
Street.No-4,Balbir-Nagar Society, Sector-54, Dtd.27/12/2021 At Delhi for
Shri Sholu Ram, r/o H.No.54
I,Manjit Singh S/o-Ajit Singh Kushak No.1 Vill. Qadipur, Delhi
Shahdara,Delhi-110032,have R/o:K-45,Gali.No-13, Krishna Gurugram(Haryana),have 0050189568-1 has disowned and debarred my son
Shri Nikhil Saini and his wife
changed my name to VIKAS
SONI. 0040597751-5
Park Extn.Tilaknagar, New
Delhi-18,Have Changed My
changed my name to Robin
Arora. I Gurmeet Kaur W/O Balvinder
namely Mini Saini d/o Sh. Pardeep
Kumar Saini from thedate of selection of Vocational Training Provider
publication due to cruel and
Singh R/O Shop At Plot No. 5, K-
I,Shallu Dudeja W/o Saksham Name to Manjeet Singh. 0040597693-2 Block,Pipal Chowk,Mohan
aggressive behavior from all his
moveable and immoveable
properties/assets and all service
for implementation of Vocational
Arora,R/o 11/2-A,Double- 0040597740-2
Storey, Prem-Nagar,
I, RAM PRASAD, R/o- 269A, T/F,
Arjun Nagar, Safdarjung
Garden,Uttam Nagar,Delhi
110059. Have Changed My
benefits, and my client has severed
all his relationship with them Education in 70 Govt. schools of Tripura.
Janakpuri,Delhi-110058,have I,MOHAMMAD Shahid,S/O because of their violent, cruel,

changed my name after- mohd. Yaqoob khan,R/o-1383 Enclave, Delhi-110029, have Name To Santosh Kaur Infuture
For All Purposes.Vide Affidevit
aggressive and abusive conduct
towards my client, my client shall
not be responsible for all the acts,
Last date of Bid submission:, Gandhi-Nagar new- changed my son’s name from
marriage as Taishaa,all future
Purposes. 0040597759-2 Mustafabad delhi-110094,have KUMAR SUDERSHAN to KUMAR Dtd.27/12/2021 At Delhi
deeds and things done by them in
10.01.2022 till 06:00 pm.
Changed my name to Mohd SIDDHARTH SUDERSHAN, for all
It is for general information that Shahid khan,for all purposes. future purposes.
0050189570-1 H-104. Shivaji Park, Punjabl Bagh,
New Delhi-110026 Sd/-
I,Rehana Khan,W/o-Mohd.
Shoyab Khan,R/o-S-58/10,
0040597751-6 0040597751-7 (Chandni Chandran, IAS)
Gali.No.24,S-Block, I,Kapil Arora S/o Ashok Kumar I, Prakshal Jain, S/o Sanjay LOST & FOUND SPD, Samagra Shiksha, Tripura
Brahampuri,Delhi-110053, Arora,R/o 11/2-A, Double- Kumar Jain, R/o P-24,
declare that name of mine has
been wrongly-written as
Storey, Prem-Nagar, Janakpuri,
Delhi-110058,have changed my
Vardhman Green Park Colony,
Ashoka Garden, Huzur, Bhopal,
Lost 2 Bajaj finance Reposition ICA/C/3184/21
kit bearing numbers
Rehana in my minor son Zaib name to Kapil,for all,future Madhya Pradesh- 462023. (GSPEC508265 & PGYEC520873).
Waris Khan(14Years)T.C. and Purposes. 0040597759-1 Declare that Name of My Father FIR is lodged in this case no-LR
Schlool-Record.The actual- has been wrongly written as No:1122746/2021.
I,Jugdish Kaur,W/O Surinder
name of mine is Rehana Sanjay Jain in my School
Singh,R/O, Village-Mallian 0040597729-3
Khan,which May be amended Records, 10th Class Certificate
Pakkian,Dehriwala Gurdaspur,
accordingly. 0040597739-10 No- S.No. SSE/2018/ 0329484/ Original GPA, SPA, ATS and WILL
Punjab-143518,have changed
Roll No.-1207481. The actual dated 10.10.2011, excuted by
I,hitherto known as CHIRAG,S/o- my name to Gurdish Kaur.
name of My Father is Sanjay Ujager Singh in favour of Smt.
SATBIR SINGH YADAV,residing, 0040597751-4 Kumar Jain, which may be Suman Sahani, Amarjeet Kaur
I,Hitherto known as Mohammad amended accordingly. and Smt.Sarojini Khanna, all
Arif,S/o Mohammad original documents has been
UTTAM-NAGAR, D.K.MOHAN- 0070767128-1
Yaseen,R/o-H.N.114, Asara-1, lost and mutation Letter issued
Baghpat, U.P.-250623, Have I, Om Parkash Sharma,S/o by concern authority in favour
110059,have changed my name
changed my name and shall Gurdial Chand Sharma, R/o- of Smt.kamlesh.
and shall hereafter be known
hereafter be known as Arif 143,Hari-Nagar Ashram, 0040597682-1
Chaudhary. 0040597739-3 Mathura-Road, Delhi-
0040597748-4 110014,have changed my name I, Mohammad Sabir, S/o- Abdul
I,JAGAT SINGH S/O.RAJKUMAR to Om Prakash Sharma. Rehman would like to inform
I,Yatin Grover,S/o Sh.Harish
SINGH R/o.E-3/1201AA,12th- that all my documents, (10th to
Kumar R/o-468/4,Ram-Nagar, 0040597748-1
Floor,Bharat City Indraprastha LL.M), including my LL.M
Near Shiv Mandir, Gurugram,
Yojna,Loni,Ghaziabad,UP- I, Nikhil Kumar Patel, S/o Jay marksheets and degree issued
Haryana-122001.That Yatin &
201102,inform that,my father Krishna Patel, R/o At- by Jamia Millia Islamia
Yatin Grover are one and same
name-written in my.PAN and Badabazar, Saheb Bunglow, university in the year on July-
person. 0040597751-9
Aadhar as RAJKUMAR SINGH Sameleswari Mandir, Sadar, 2018, bearing Roll No.
I,VANDANA,W/O.BIJENDER and in my.Educational- Sambalpur, Odisha-768003, 16MLW003 and Enrollment
KUMAR SINGH, FLAT.NO-P096, Certificate as RAJKUMAR.Both have changed my name and No.16-3257, has been stolen on
TOWER-L,14TH AVENUE,GAUR are one and,the same person. shall hereafter be known as 14.07.2021. If found please
CITY-2 GREATER NOIDA, 0040597751-10 Nikkhil Kumar Patel. contact on Mobile No.
GAUTAMBUDH-NAGAR U.P- 9555725017 and Address 9/14,
I,Gaganpreet Singh S/o- 0070767127-1
201308. Changed my name to Dauble Storey, Vijay Nagar,
BANDANA SINGH, permanently. Gurcharan Pal Singh Kocher I, Naresh Kumar S/o Raj Kumar Delhi-110009. 0040597748-6
R/o-:J-200,U.G.F.,LIC Colony, Arora, R/o 55/11, Ground Floor,
Paschim Vihar, New Delhi- Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110018
I,Tarannum Naz,aged 40 years, 87,Have Changed My Name to have changed my name
D/o-Mohd Saieed,R/o-H.No- Gaganpreet Singh Kocher. Naresh Kumar to Naresh
General public is hereby informed that
256,DDA Quarters,New Seema 0040597740-3 Kumar Arora for all purpose. my client Sh. Rajkumar S/o Late Sh.
The public at large is hereby
Puri,hereby declares that,I am informed that my client Alka Gulati
Naresh Kumar & Naresh Kumar Murari Lal R/o H.No WZ 1392, 3rd
intended to purchase built up
a mother of Mohammed I,Bhim Sain alias Bhim Sen,S/o Floor, Multani Mohalla, Rani Bagh,
Arora is one and the same Delhi-110034 have served all their property bearing no J-105, Vikas
Zidane,Student of St Lawrance Ramashwer Dass R/o-869 Puri, New Delhi from its owner viz
person. 0040597664-1 relations with their son Bhavay due to
Sh.Praphull Singh Rawat. If anybody
Public School, Dilshad garden. Sector-37 Faridabad Haryana- his bad habits. My above named client
have disowned and debarred his said is having any objection, claim,
121003,changed my name to I, M. Samsad,S/o MD Israil R/o G- interest, dispute for the intended sale
0040597729-2 son from all their movable and
Bhim Sain Mittal, permanently. 708, Shakurpur J.J.Colony immovable properties. Anybody dealing transaction, he/she may contact the
with Bhavay will do so at his own risk undersigned with documentary proof
I,Tamanna Abbot,W/o Sidharth 0040597739-7 Delhi-110034,Will Be Known As sustaining his/her objections within 7
and responsibilities and my clients will
Mohanty R/o-J-5/101H, Rajouri- Mohammad Shamse Alam For not be responsible for any act, deed or days from the date of this publication,
I,BIJENDRA SINGH,S/O.KRISHNA failing which my client will proceed to
Garden, Delhi-110027,have Future Purposes. dealing done by Sh.Bhavay.
complete the sale transaction with
changed my name to Tamanna DEV PRASAD SINGH,ADD- the above owner as if there are no
0040597748-5 D-3327/2020
Mohanty. 0040597759-3 FLAT.NO- P096,TOWER-L,14TH- 3279, FF, PUSA SIDE, third party claims/ objections
SOUTH PATEL NAGAR DELHI-110008 /disputes in respect of the Schedule
AVENUE, GAUR-CITY-2 GREATER I, IMRAN ULLAH KHAN R/o-202, Property and thereafter no claims/
I,Sonal Sharma,D/o-Vidya NOIDA,GAUTAMBUDH-NAGAR, Green Ville(T8),NRI City- objections/disputes will be
prakash Sharma,W/o-Nitin U.P-201308.Changed my name entertained.
1,Greater Noida, G.B.Nagar- Rajan Chutani & Parul Dureja
Rastogi,R/o-D-474, S/F, to BIJENDER KUMAR SINGH. 201310,have changed my minor Advocates
Gali.No.11,Bhajanpura,Delhi- Permanently. 0040597739-2 Office Address: K-27 West Patel
son name,from ALI KHAN to ALI Nagar, New Delhi-110008
110053,Have Changed My
I,Amarjit Kaur W/o-Manjeet KHAAN. 0040597693-10
Name To Shilpa Rastogi.Sonal
Sharma And Shilpa Rastogi is Singh R/o:K-45,Gali.No-13, I, Gautam Singh, S/o Gabar
One And The Same Person. Krishna Park Extn.Tilaknagar, Singh, R/o WZ-513/B, Basal ''IMPORTANT''
New Delhi-18,Have Changed Darapur, Ramesh Nagar, West
0040597739-4 Whilst care is taken prior to
My Name to Amarjeet Kaur. Delhi-110015, Declare that acceptance of advertising
I,Sandeep Kumar S/o Sanjay 0040597740-1 name of Mine and My Wife has copy, it is not possible to verify
R/o-H.No:-F-1/218, Sangam been wrongly written as
I,Amar Singh S/o Shri Radhey its contents. The Indian
Vihar,Delhi-110080,have Gautam Rawat and Priyanka
Shyam R/o-N-659, Sector-8, R.K. Express (P) Limited cannot be
changed my name from Rawat in my minor Son Om
Puram, South-West Delhi, held responsible for such
Sandeep Taank to Sandeep Rawat, aged about 2 Years, In
Delhi-110022 have changed my contents, nor for any loss or
Kumar and father’s name,from his Birth Certificate No-
name to Amar Singh Meena for damage incurred as a result of
Sanjay Taanik to Sanjay for MCDOLIR-0119-007310550. The
all purposes. 0040597676-1 transactions with companies,
all,future purposes. actual name of Mine and My associations or individuals
0040597740-4 I, khushboo kakwani, w/o Tarun Wife are Gautam Singh and advertising in its newspapers
bajaj. Add-G-18/31,3rd Priyanka, which may be or Publications. We therefore
I,Rajjat Vijay Agarwal R/o C-37,
floor,sec-15,Rohini, Delhi,have amended accordingly. recommend that readers
Sector-26, Noida(U.P) have changed my name to Sakshi
changed my daughter’s name 0070767126-1 make necessary inquiries
bajaj. 0040597693-5
from Saanvi Agarwal to
Saanavvi Agarwaal for all I, Vinod Kumar S/o Shri Shishpal
I, Garima, W/o Rupak Kumar, R/o
before sending any monies or
entering into any agreements
K-2303, Ace City, Sector-1, No.:- Dy. CEE/C/NCR/Kanpur/20-21/Tender No.-113
purposes. 0040597714-1 R/o H.No.30, Gali No.1, Near with advertisers or otherwise
Greater Noida West, UP-201306, Dated : 21.12.2020
Hanuman Mandir, Mandoli acting on an advertisement in
I,Rajeev Arora,S/O Lal Mohan have changed my name to
any manner whatsoever.
Arora R/O,1431,1st-Floor
Road, Chander Lok Shahdara,
Delhi-110093 have changed my
Garima Nalwa. I should be PUBLIC NOTICE
Outram-Lines G.T.B-Nagar referred as Garima Nalwa for General is informed that construction of new 132 KV 3
name as Vinod Kumar Verma
Delhi-110009,have changed my all future purposes.
for all purposes. 0040597661-1 IY¸fʨffSXe SXfª¹f ¶fe¸ff d³f¦f¸f ÃfÂZfe¹f IYf¹ff»Êf¹f / Regional Office phase double circuit transmission line of Railways from
name to Rajeev Kumar Arora. 0070767162-1 (ßf¸f EUÔ SXûþ¦ffSX ¸fÔÂff»f¹f, ·ffSX°f ÀfSXIYfSX) ´f¨ÔfQe´f ·fU³f, ÀfUûQʹf ³f¦fSX, IYf³f´fSbX-208005 Mitawali TSS to Jalesar City TSS at Prayagraj Division of
I, Vineet Kumar S/o Sarda Ram
0040597751-2 I, Damini, D/o Mahender Pal EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE Panchdeep Bhawan, Sarvodaya Nagar,
resident of H.NO. 174, Ali Ganj, North Central Railway is in progress, This transmission line
CORPORATION Kanpur-208005
I,Prabhneet Singh Anand,S/O Kotla Mubarak Pur, New Delhi- Singh, R/o B-57, Patel Garden,
Kakrola, Dwarka Mor, New
IY.SXf.¶fe.d³f. (Ministry of Labour & Employment, RYû³f ³f.a-0512-2217957 left Tower No. AP-1 and left villages Rasool Pur, Mani
Mandip Singh R/O,A-104, 110003, have changed my name E.S.I.C Govt. of India) E-Mail:
Second-Floor,Ganesh-Nagar to Vineet Baisoya for all Delhi-110078, have changed my Gadhi, Balak Bhuj, Nagla Kharga, Rajpur, Niwas Pur, Lal
name to Damini Hoon. ´fÂf IY¸ffÔIY : 21-OXe-11/13/Aü¿f²ff»f¹f MXZ¯OXSX/2021-Àff¸ff³¹f dQ³ffÔIY: 29.12.2021
Tilak-Nagar,Delhi-110018,have purposes. 0040597667-1 Gadhi, Eta, Salem Pur Nagla, Nagla Andu, Gutaila, Nagla
changed my name to
I, Tithi Agrawal,D/o Kameshwar 0070767104-1 IY¸fʨffSXe SXfª¹f ¶fe¸ff Aü¿f²ff»f¹fûÔ °f±ff Aü¿f²ff»f¹f ÀfWX VffJf Gewar Dhan, Goda Ka Nagla, Nagla Ki Bari, Majua, Jataua,
Prabhneet Singh. 40597751-3
Nath Urf Agarwal, W/o-Mr. I, Anurag Paswan, S/o IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f (OXe.Àfe.¶fe.Aû.) IZY d»f¹fZ ·fU³f WXf¹fSX IYSX³fZ WXZ°fb Kharkana, Nagla Mahar Singh, Hathipur Ki Gadhi, Nagla
I,Parmod S/o-Kaptan Singh, R/o- Mohit Goyal, R/o-Tower-A5,
House.No-F-120, Gali No-4, Flat.No.604,Tulip-White, Sector-
Ghanshyam Paswan, R/o Beilia,
Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh-
Afg³f»ffB³f/AfgRY»ffB³f d³fdUQf Ishpur, Kushalpur, Abhi Murthar, Jaganpur, Chandrabhan
Jaitpur Ext. Part-2, Badarpur, 69, Badshahpur,Gurugram 273303, have changed my name A´fS Af¹fbö , ÀfW ÃfZÂfe¹f d³fQZVfI , I ¸fʨffSe Sfª¹f ¶fe¸ff d³f¦f¸f, ´fÔ¨fQe´f ·fU³f Nagla, Nagla Madhu, Nagla Daya, Opal Ki Gadhi, Bapu Ki
New Delhi-110044,Have Change (Haryana)-122101,have
and shall hereafter be known Gadhi, Tkhawan, Om Nagar, Jalupai Ki Gadhi, Kashi Pur,
my,name to Pramod Chauhan changed my name to Tithi
as Anurag Anant. ÀfUûÊQ¹f ³f¦fS, I f³f´fbS õfSf CØfS ´fiQZVf ÃfZÂf IZ »fJ³fD , I f³f´fbS , UfSf¯fÀfe,
and both are same person. Agarwal. 0040597693-4 Til Ka Nagla, Nagla Chaturi, Raj Pura, Kosna and Asgarh
0070767136-1 Af¦fSf, ¶fSZ»fe, ¦ffdþ¹ff¶ffQ °f±ff ´fi¹ff¦fSfþ ÃfZÂfûÔ ¸fZÔ dÀ±f°f I ¸fʨffSe Sfª¹f ¶fe¸ff village are getting tower no AP-53. The area is under Tehsil
0040597751-8 I, Sonika, D/o Narain Singh, R/o
I,Nandini Bhardwaj,D/o- Ombir 701-A-2, Tulip ACE Appt, I, Rahis Ahamad, S/o Saeed Aü¿f²ff»f¹fûÔ °f±ff Aü¿f²ff»f¹f ÀfW VffJf I f¹ffÊ»f¹f (Oe.Àfe.¶fe.Aû.), I f³f´fbS and District Eta Uttar Pradesh, the construction of this
Ahmed R/o-E-136, Welcome,
Bhardwaj,, Sector-46, Pataudi Road, Sector-89,
Gurgaon, Haryana-122505, Seelampur, Delhi-110053,have
QZW f°f ¸fZÔ ·fU³f dI Sf¹fZ ´fS »fZ³fZ WZ°fb d³fdUQf Af¸fÔdÂf°f I e þf°fe W`Ü Aü¿f²ff»f¹f WZ°fb transmission line provides for proper compensation to
Gurgaon Haryana 122002, farmers, land owners for the damage caused to Crops,
Changed my name to Nandiyini have changed my name from changed my name to Rahis Wf¹fS dI ¹fZ þf³fZ Uf»fZ ·fU³f I f EdS¹ff 1600 ÀI Uf¹fS dR M °f±ff Aü¿f²ff»f¹f ÀfW
Sonika to Sonika Yadav. Ahmed. 0040597693-6 Trees.
Bhardwaj. 0040597751-1 VffJf I f¹ffÊ»f¹f (Oe.Àfe.¶fe.Aû.) WZ°fb 2100 ÀI Uf¹fS dR M, ´fdSÀfS ·fc°f»f ´fS Construction of this transmission line is sponsored
0070767129-1 I, Ankita, D/o Mahender Pal
Singh, R/o B-57, Patel Garden, UfÔL³fe¹f W`Ü under the scheme of Ministry of Railways, Government of
JATASHANKAR JHA, R/o- I, Simran W/O Shri Bhupinder
Navkarhi, Naokarhi, Singh R/O H-3/106, Sector-16,
Kakrola, Dwarka Mor, South I ¸fʨffSe Sfª¹f ¶fe¸ff Aü¿f²ff»f¹fûÔ/ Oe.Àfe.¶fe.Aû. IZ ·fU³f Wf¹fS WZ°fb UfÔL³fe¹f India, New Delhi. (Vivek Gupta)
West Delhi, New Delhi-110078,
Madhubani, Bihar,have Rohini, Delhi-110089, have
changed my name to ISHWAR changed my name to Simran
have changed my name to ¹fû¦¹f°ffEÔ/¸ff´fQ¯O, Àff¸ff³¹f d³f¹f¸f, Vf°fÊZ, A³fb¶fÔ²f EUÔ A³¹f þf³fI fSe I ¸fʨffSe Sr. Elect. Engineer/Const.
Ankita Hoon. 0070767102-1 For Dy. Chief Elect. Engineer/Const./
CHAND JHA. 0040597693-9 Singh. 0040597748-11 Sfª¹f ¶fe¸ff d³f¦f¸f I e UZ¶fÀffBÊM ´fS ´fif~ I e þf ÀfI °fe W`Ü
1367/21 (P) North Central Railway, Kanpur
A´fSX Af¹fböY ÀfWX ÃfZÂfe¹f d³fQZVfIY North central railway @ CPRONCR

New Delhi
e-Procurement Notice
The Executive Engineer, Shimla, Division No. I, HPPWD, Shimla-3, H.P on behalf of Governor of H.P
invites the item rate bids, in electronic tendering system from the eligible class of contractors registered with HPPWD for the works as detailed in the

Sr. Name of Work Estimated Starting date Earnest Deadline Time

No Cost. for Money for Allowed
downloading submission (A Government of Karnataka undertaking)
Bid of Bid Corporate Office, “MESCOM BHAVANA”, Bejai, Mangaluru - 575 004
1 Construction of road from Bhattakufer to IGMC 34612471/- 19-01-2022 693000/- 3-02-2022 180
Phase-II km. 0/700 to 2/400 in District Shimla days Ph: 0824-2885795 CIN: U40109 KA 2002 SGC 030425
(HP) (SH;- F/C, C/O R/wall , B/Wall , Hume pipe
Culvert , P/L GSB ,G-I,G-II,G-III, 50mm thick BM,
No: MESCOM/SEE(P)/EE(W)/1066 Date: 30.12.2021
30mm thick BC, C/O V-Shape drain, PCC
parapets etc).
TENDER NOTIFICATION (E-Procurement Mode Only)
The bidders are advised to note other details of tenders from the department website MESCOM invites tender for Re-conductoring of old deteriorated
The executive Engineer reserves the right to accept/reject any tender/application or all tenders without assigning any reason. 5942/HP
Weasel conductor by Rabbit conductor of LT circuits of various
capacities of distribution transformers under Stage-1 in Kundapura,
Byndoor, Tallur, Shankar Narayana and Kota Sub-divisions of
ROOM NO. 312, VARUNALAYA PHASE-I JHANDEWALAN, Kundapura Division vide bid enquiry no. MESCOM/2021-22/ EL/
DELHI- 110005 WORK_INDENT1734.
PRESS NIT No. 17 (2021-22) M-5 The interested eligible bidders may log on to
S. Name of Work Amount put to E/Money (EMD) Tender Fee Date of release of Last date/ time of on or after 31.12.2021.
No. Tender (Non- Tender /Tender Id. receipt of tender
Refundable) Sd/- Superintending Engineer (Ele.) (Proc.), Corporate Office
1 Providing / Laying additional 600 mm dia R 6,52,44,152/- R 13,04,883/- 1500/- Dt. 29.12.2021 24.01.2022 Upto
NP4 RCC- HDPE lining pipe by Micro 2021_DJB_213709_1 3.00 PM For Power Related Complaints & Assistance Call Toll Free Number 1912
Tunneling from Majnu Ka Tila to Aruna
Nagar SPS under AEE(M)-20.

Further details in this regard can be seen at

Advt. No. J.S.V. 922(2021-22) (P.C. Sharma)
Asst. Executive Engineer (T)M-5
“STOP CORONA: Wear Mask, Follow Physical Distancing and Maintain Hand Hygiene”


e-NIT No. 118 OF 2021-22 Dated: 28.12.2021
For and on behalf of Lt. Governor of UT of J&K, Chief Engineer Jal Shakti (PHE) Department, Kashmir/Jammu invites e-tenders from reputed
and resourceful Contractors/ Firms/Companies/Joint Venture of all classes registered in JKPWD/CPWD/Railways or any other state
Government for “Empanelment of Eligible Contractors at Provincial Level and fixing of item rates for HILLY AREAS (GRAVITY) falling in District
Baramulla for Execution of Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) works costing Above 3 crores up to 10 crores and above (GROUP V)”, details of which
are given below. The bidding process shall be completed online in two covers viz. Cover 1st consisting of Pre-Qualification Bidding, tender fee,
earnest money, General Terms and Conditions and Technical Specifications. Cover ‘2nd’ shall consist of Financial Bid in the prescribed BOQ.
Sr. Particulars of the work Estimated Cost of Earnest Bid Time of
No. Cost Document/Tender Money Validity Completion of
(Lacs) Fee (in Rs.) (Lacs) Work (Days)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Empanelment of eligible contractors at Provincial Work/Scheme 1000/- 180
level and fixing of item rates for each district/geo- wise details Days
graphically different zone for execution of Jal given in
Jeevan Mission (JJM) works. These works are Section-II
broadly consisting of: of tender
a. Construction of water supply schemes by way document
of filtration plants, pump houses, service
reservoir, Overhead tanks, laying of distribu-
tion mains.
b. Retrofitting of electro-mechanical equipment’s
at various Water Supply Schemes

Group-V Above 3 Crores upto 1.00 180

10 Crores & above

Position of funds: Approved Under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)

The tender inviting authority is Chief Engineer, Kashmir/Jammu Jal Shakti (PHE) Department.
The awarding authority is District Jal Jeevan Mission (DJJM).
Note: In view of the fact, that this NIT for item rate contract has been framed for the first time in the Department, a
helpdesk shall be established at the Direction office level as well as district level for encouraging and facilitating
the intending bidders for participation in the instant NIT to ensure wide participation across all the Districts.
I PUBLISH DATE 29.12.2021
1. Bid documents can be assessed at and downloaded from the websites
2. The pre-bid meeting will be held in the office chamber of the Chief Engineer, Kashmir/Jammu, PHE Department, through vir-
tual/online mode.
3. The Bids shall be deposited on the website
4. The complete bidding process will be online
5. The Financial bids of the bidders shall be opened online in the office of the Chief Engineer, Kashmir/Jammu, Jal Shakti (PHE)
6. Bids must be accompanied by bid security and cost of Tender Document as specified in column 6 & 7 of the table and shall
be payable at Srinagar/Jammu.
a. Bid Security to be pledged in favour of FA/CAO, Kashmir/Jammu, Jal Shakti PHE Department. Bid Security will have to
be in form of CDR/ FDR/BG of any scheduled Bank and shall have to be valid for at least one year after last date of sub-
mission of Bid. The Bid of bidders having bid security less than as specified above will be rejected.
b. The cost of downloaded tender documents should be in form of DD /TR/e challan in favour of FA/CAO, Kashmir/Jammu,
Jal Shakti (PHE) Department.
7. The hard copies of cost of tender document in shape of DD/TR/e-challan, Earnest money in shape of CDR/FDR/BG and
other relevant documents shall be obtained from the bidder who is declared as L1 after opening of financial cover.
8. The bid shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 180 days from the date of opening of price bids. If any bidder/ten-
derer withdraws his bid/tender before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid, the
said earnest money shall stand forfeited and the bid shall be declared non-responsive.
9. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents from the website
10. Queries by email if any should be made at
No: CE/PHE/Kmr/34034-49 Chief Engineer,
Date: 28.12.2021 DIPK-15877 Kashmir, Jal Shakti, PHE Department.

ADVERTISEMENT NO : 30373/TRIAL/2023-24/ST-25
CY 2023-24
1. Inventory of Special Ration Items (packaged food products) in respect of Northern
Command is being revised for the Consumption Year 2023-24 & onwards.
2. A showcasing/display/trial is being organised in two phases by this Headquarters at
Udhampur as per details given below:
(a) Phase-I- Initial Screening of Items wef 01 March 2022 wherein all interested
firms/vendors to submit item details/ catalogue/ product description
only along with an application (Application form can be obtained from
HQ Northern Command/ 603 ASC Bn (AM), Chandigarh, FSD BD Bari/
FSD Udhampur/ FSD Srinagar/ 497 (I) Comp PI, ASC, Chandigarh)
(b) Phase-II - Technical Evaluation of Items will be held at Udhampur at NSOI
tentatively on 09 Apr 2022, wherein samples (five) of items screened
in Phase-I only will be called for evaluation. Confirmed dates will be
intimated later.
(c) The List of Items is as under:
Soups Juices (xxvi) Tomato Puree
(i) Tomato Soup (xii) 100% Apple Juice (xxvii) Tomato Ketchup
(i) Chicken Soup (xiii) 100% Orange Juice (xxviii) Semiyan
Tea (xiv) Guava Juice (xxix) Ready to Eat Dal Makhani
(iii) Tea CTC (xv) Mango Juice (xxx) Paneel Ready Made
(iv) Kahwa Tea (xvi) Coconut Water (xxxi) Roasted Pista Giri
Noodles (xvii) Pineapple Orange Fruit (xxxii) Ground Nut Salted
(v) Noodles Veg (xviii) Mango Fruit Drink (xxxiii) Honey
(vi) Non Veg Noodles (xix) Pineapple Fruit Drink (xxxiv) Gulab Jamun
(vii) Cup Noodles Other Items (xxxv) Soya Chunks
Biscuits (xx) Roasted Ground Nuts (xxxvi) Isabgol Nature Care
(viii) Cookes Cashew (xxi) Chikki Peanut (xxxvii) Pudin Hara Capsules
(ix) Biscuit Bourbon (xxii) Walnut (Vaccum Sealed (xxxviii) Tulasi Cap/ Tablets
Chocolates (xxiii) Eclairs (xxxix) Revital
(x) Milk Chocolate (xxiv) Digestive Candy (xxxx) Malted Milk Products
(xi) Chocolate (xxv) Mixed Pickle

Note:- 1.
Preferably the life of ibid items should be best before nine months &
2. Tentatively delivery stations are Chandigarh, Leh & Srinagar.
3. Original manufacturers/ authorised managers or managing directors/ authorised C&F
agents/ authorised distributors can participate in the above event.
4. The above event is on 'no cost no commitment basis' and Headquarters Northern
Command reserves the right to reject any item/ firm/ vendors without assigning any
5. Interested firms/ vendors may submit their item details/ catalogues/ product
description in a sealed envelope duly mentioned “SHOWCASING AND DISPLAY OF
on the envelop in Tender Box kept at Headquarters Northern Command, Main Gate
at reception by 01 March 2022 by 1200 Hrs (no application will be accepted
6. Any other detail can be obtained from this office of the Executive authority on any
working day between 1100hrs to 1200 hrs on under mentioned details:
(a) Email address - jaynan
(b) Contact No - 01992-242153 & 270714* (Extn 2763)
*(Udhampur Exchange Helpline No)
HQ Northern Command
davp 10602/11/0067/2122
New Delhi

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver’s marriage is officially over more than 10 years
after the award-winning journalist petitioned to end her then-25-year marriage to the
action star and former California governor. The pair had been married since 1986 when
Shriver filed for divorce in 2011 after Schwarzenegger disclosed he had fathered a child with
a member of their household staff years earlier.


WORLD must for people stepping outdoors use of Cuba’s Abdala coronavirus vaccine against severe Omicron disease, says study

Half a million new cases in US in a day

Figure is almost twice as high as
Simorgh rocket ahead NATIONS TRY TO
of its launch. AP the worst days of last winter BALANCE OMICRON
reported more cases than in any CURBS WHILE KEEPING
IRAN NYT & REUTERS other seven-day period. ECONOMIES OPEN
StateTV:Tehran DECEMBER 30 The rise has been driven by
the highly contagious Omicron
launchesrocket WITH A caseload nearly twice variant, which became domi-

bearing3devices that of the worst single days of

last winter, the United States
nant in the United States last
week. So far, however, the in-
shattereditsrecordfornewdaily crease has not resulted in more
Tehran: Iran on Thursday coronavirus cases, a milestone severe disease, as hospitalisa-
announced it launched a thatmaystillfallshortof describ- tionshaveincreasedonly11per-
satellitecarrierrocketbear- ing the true toll of the Delta and cent and deaths have decreased Political leaders in some
ingthreedevicesintospace, Omicron variants because test- slightly in the past two weeks. nations, fearful of the
thoughit’sunclearwhether inghasslowedovertheholidays. Omicron cases are expected economic impact of
any of the objects entered Asasecondyearoflivingwith to surge even faster across the keeping so many
orbit around the Earth.The the pandemic was drawing to a United States as schools reopen workers at home, were
state TV report, as well as close, the new daily case total next week after the winter holi- considering shortening
othersbyIran’ssemiofficial topped 488,000 on Wednesday, day, experts cautioned. Within the period required for
news agencies, did not say according to a New York Times weeks, the Omicron variant has isolation after a positive
when the launch was con- database. (The total was higher fueled thousands of new Covid Covid test or exposure.
ducted nor what devices on Monday, but that number hospitalisations among US chil-
the carrier brought with it. should not be considered a dren, raising new concerns SPAIN is reducing the
However, Previous record because it included data about how the many unvacci- quarantine period to
launches have drawn re- fromthelongholidayweekend.) nated Americans under the age seven days from 10, while
bukes from the US. The US Wednesday’s seven-day av- of 18 will fare in the new surge. Italy said it was planning
State Department, Space erageof newdailycases,301,000, Doctorssayitistooearlytode- to relax isolation rules for
ForceandthePentagondid wasalsoarecord,comparedwith terminewhetherOmicroncauses those who came into
notrespondtorequestsfor 267,000 the day before, accord- more severe illness in children close contact with
comment.AhmadHosseini, ing to the database. In the past than other variants of the coron- sufferers of the virus.
a Defense Ministry week, more than two million avirus,butthatitsextremelyhigh
spokesman, identified the caseshavebeenreportednation- transmissibility is one key factor Long lines are forming at testing sites across the country, including Manhattan, on Wednesday. NYT UNITED STATES
rocket as a Simorgh, or ally, and 15 states and territories thatisdrivinguphospitalisations. released new guidance
“Phoenix,” rocket. He said shortening the isolation

Omicron will soon replace Delta as Messages pour in for whistleblower

thethreedevicesweresent period for people with a
up470km(290miles). AP confirmed infection to
five days from 10, so

dominant global variant: Experts doctor in China who died of Covid

long as they are
Twofromnews Stroh, who is part of the global MARTIN QUIN POLLARD
died on February 7, 2020.
Since then confidence has
BRITAIN Prime Minister
Boris Johnson said he
outletcharged GURDIP SINGH teamthatmaintainsGisaid. SHANGHAI, DECEMBER 30 grown in China’s response to the will not issue new
withsedition Omicron is already dominant
in Australia, India, Russia, South THOUSANDSOFpeopleleftmes-
pandemic, but people have con-
tinued to post to Li online, espe-
restrictions this year to
limit the spread of
EXPERTS IN Singapore, where Africa and the United Kingdom, sagesonthesocialmediaaccount ciallyoncertainanniversarydays Omicron, which now
Hong Kong: Two former 170 newOmicron cases were re- notedProfessorDaleFisher,asen- of the late Chinese Covid-19 as they did on Thursday. accounts for roughly
editors from a Hong Kong ported on Wednesday, have ior consultant at the National whistleblowerLiWenliangonthe “HappynewyearDrLi,wewill 90% of all community
online pro-democracy warned that the new and sup- University Hospital’s Division of anniversaryofthedayhelearned remember you forever," wrote a infections
newsoutletwerecharged posedlymorecontagiousvariant InfectiousDiseases. of possible pneumonia-causing user called Tdby. Others posted
with sedition and denied is likely to replace Delta over the As many as 170 new cases Based on local experience, if virus cases in Wuhan and shared candle emojis, brief messages of CHINA stuck to its policy
bailonThursday,adayaf- coming weeks to months. in Singapore a person tests positive for the S- the information with doctors. thanks and exclamations of how of zero tolerance,
tertheoutletsaiditwould While Delta is still the most gene target failure, the individ- On December 30, 2019, Li, an twoyearshavegonebysoquickly, keeping 13 million
cease operations follow- common variant in all continents ual is likely to have the Omicron ophthalmologist at a hospital in inthecommentssectionofoneof people in Xian, capital of
ing a police raid on its of- except Africa, Omicron is spread- formforCovid,theOmicronstrain variant. While the Delta variant Wuhan where the Sars-CoV-2 People attend a vigil for late Li’spostsonWeibo,China’sequiv- central Shaanxi province,
fice and seven arrests. ing quickly, said Dr Sebastian hascomprisedbetween7percent has 13 mutations with nine on virusoutbreakwasfirstdetected, Li Wenliang in Hong Kong alentofTwitter.Manywrotecon- under rigid lockdown for
National security police Maurer-Stroh,executivedirectorof and 27 per cent of new submis- the spike protein, Omicron has sawamedicalreportshowingpo- Reuters file versationally as if they were a seventh day.
said they charged two the state-owned Agency for sionsoverthepastmonth,upun- about 50 mutations not seen to- tential SARS coronavirus cases speakingtohimbeyondthegrave.
men,aged34and52,with Science,TechnologyandResearch’s til Tuesday. The figures refer to all getherbefore,and32of themare were confirmed in the city, he FangKechengfromtheChinese AUSTRALIA plans to
onecounteachofconspir- BioinformaticsInstitutehere. continentsexceptAfrica. on the spike protein. wrote in a post on his Weibo ac- reprimanded by the local police, University of Hong Kong said Li's make urgent changes
acy to publish a seditious Of the genome submissions “From current data, it looks Because of its mutations, the count on January 31. accordingtothesameWeibopost. Weibo microblog has become a to Covid testing rules
publication. Police also senttotheMunich-headquartered like Delta will go down over time Deltavariantattacheseffectivelyto In early January, after the in- OnJanuary12,hewenttohos- place where people express their to ease pressure on
saidtheywouldprosecute Gisaid,adatascienceinitiativethat relative to Omicron,” The Straits humancellreceptors,causingitto formation on “SARS cases” was pital, infected with the virus that feelings they are not comfortable testing sites.
the company for sedition. providesthesharedgenomeplat- Times said quoting Dr Maurer- bemoreinfective,saidFisher. PTI shared in a WeChat group, Li was causes the Covid-19 disease and expressingelsewhere. REUTERS
Both were denied bail. AP

3 Indo-Canadians receive Ghislaine Maxwell convicted of hiring

Navyseizes At Congress meet, Nepal’s
Canada’s civilian award four teenage girls for Epstein sex abuse Dahal faces graft attack

Governor General of Canada on YUBARAJ GHIMIRE

Dubai: United States navy PRESS TRUST OF INDIA Tuesday. “Today, Her Excellency LUC COHEN Charges KATHMANDU, DECEMBER 30
vessels seized 385kg of TORONTO, DECEMBER 30 Right Honourable Mary Simon, NEW YORK, DECEMBER 30
heroin in the Arabian Sea Governor General of Canada, an- against PUSHPA KAMAL Dahal, who will be completing his
worthsome$4million,ina THREEINDIAN-originCanadians nounced135appointmentstothe GHISLAINE MAXWELL was found ● Maxwell three-and-half-decade as party chief, will have to
major bust by the interna- have been bestowed with the Order of Canada," it said, sharing guilty by a US jury on Wednesday of respond to criticism related to growing personality
tional maritime operation Order of Canada —one of the the list of the recipients. helping the late financier Jeffrey GhislaineMaxwell,formergirlfriend cult and corruption within the party on Friday — the
in the region, officials said country’shighestcivilianhonours “Delighted to see the contri- Epstein sexually abuse teenage girls, of late financier Jeffrey Epstein, fourth day of the ongoing Maoist Party Congress.
onThursday.Thedrugswas —for their outstanding achieve- butions of the dynamic Indian sealing a remarkable fall from grace faces up to 65 years in prison for SeveralspeakershavecriticisedDahalforhispol-
hidden aboard a stateless ment, dedication to the commu- heritage community in Canada for the British socialite. the five charges she was convicted itics of one-upmanship during the closed sessions.
fishing vessel plying nity, helping in building a better being recognised with Order of Maxwell, 60, was accused of re- of.She separately faces two perjury Dahal's life-size cutout and posters, which
Mideast waters, the inter- nation and promoting bilateral Canada. Congratulations to Dr cruiting and grooming four teenagers counts that will be tried at a later dominate the venue “ignoring hundreds of lead-
nationaltaskforcesaidina ties between Canada and India. Vaikuntam Iyer Lakshmanan, between 1994 and 2004 for Epstein, date. The two perjury counts relate ers whosacrificed their lives during the
statement.Theseizuretook Internationallyrenownedsci- @BobDhillon_MEQ and herformerboyfriend,whokilledhim- Maxwell was accused of to allegations that Maxwell lied un- peoples war”, was one of the issues that found huge
placeonMonday.TheNavy entist and innovator Dr @PradeepMerchant,” the High self in 2019 in a Manhattan jail cell recruiting four girls between der oath about her role in Epstein's echo at the meeting. Central committee
saidthefishingvessellikely VaikuntamIyerLakshmanan;real Commission of India in Ottawa while awaiting trial on sex abuse 1994 and 2004 for Epstein. NYT file abuse during a deposition for a sep- members Lekhnath Adhikari and Indra Bahadur
came from Iran. All nine estate mogul Bob Singh Dhillon, tweeted on Wednesday. charges of his own. arate civil suit in 2016. Thing raised the issue of corrupt lifestyle of top
crew members identified also known as Navjeet Singh According to the citation, She was convicted on five of six leaders, and “corruption” in the party while they
themselves as Iranian, an Dhillon;andrenownedpaediatri- Lakshmanan from Mississauga, counts,includingonecountof sextraf- cases in the wake of the #MeToo were in the government.
officialsaid.Hedidnotelab- cian Dr Pradeep Merchant were Ontario was honoured "for his ficking. Lawyers for Maxwell, who movement, which encouraged she is innocent. In a statement issued Adhikari also accused Dahal of compromising
orate on who manufac- among the 135 individuals hon- philanthropy and for his expert- faces up to 65 years in prison, vowed women to speak out about sexual late on Wednesday,theMaxwellfam- on policy issues, including international situation,
turedthedrugsorthe ulti- ouredwiththeprestigiousaward, iseinhydrometallurgyandbusi- to appeal. Maxwell’s trial was widely abusebyfamousandpowerfulpeople. ilysaiditwouldsupporttheBritishso- mainly for his silence on “border encroachment”
mate destination. AP according to a press note up- ness, which greatly benefited seen as the reckoning Epstein never Meanwhile, members of cialite’s efforts to appeal her convic- by India. Dahal is all set to be elected its chief for
loaded on the website of the Canada-India relations" had and one of the highest-profile Maxwell’s family say they still believe tion.." REUTERS another four-year term at the end of the Congress.
Pak buys25
Islamabad: Pakistan has
acquired a full squadron
of 25 multirole J-10C
Former Afghan President says had no choice but to flee Kabul
fighter jets from China in Ghani’s sudden and secret chief anddiscoveringallhadfled The insurgents, who in the cache of stolen money. The US
response to India’s pur- KATHY GANNON departure August 15 left the city thecapital,Karzaisaidheinvited days prior to the push into Kabul Special Inspector General for
chase of Rafale aircraft, ISLAMABAD, DECEMBER 30 rudderless as US and NATO the Taliban into Kabul “ to pro- hadsweptovermuchofthecoun- Afghanistan Reconstruction
Interior Minister Sheikh forces were in the final stages of tect the population so that the try as Afghan government forces JohnSopkohasbeentaskedwith
Rashid Ahmed said. He AFGHANISTAN’S FORMER pres- their chaotic withdrawal from country, the city doesn’t fall into melted away or surrendered, investigating those allegations.
addedthat a full ident said he had no choice but the country after 20 years. chaos and the unwanted ele- quicklytookcontrolofthepalace. Successive Afghan govern-
squadron of 25 all- to abruptly leave Kabul as the “On the morning of that day, ments who would probably loot According to humanitarian aid ments,aswellasindependentfor-
weather aircraft com- Taliban closed in and denied I had no inkling that by late af- the country, loot shops.” workers, the Taliban moved to eignandAfghancontractors,have
prising J-10C will attend an agreement was in the works ternoon I would be leaving,” But Ghani in his radio inter- protect their compounds. been accused of widespread cor-
the Pakistan Day cere- for a peaceful takeover, disput- Ghani told BBC radio. view with British Gen. Sir Nick Still,theTalibantakeoverwas ruption,withdozensofreportsby
mony on March 23 next ing the accounts of former His remarks conflicted with Carter, former chief of defence met with widespread fear and a Sopko documenting the most
year. “VIP guests are Afghan and US officials. other accounts. staff, said he fled “to prevent the deep longing by many to flee egregious incidents. Washington
coming (to attend 23rd Former President Ashraf Former President Hamid destruction of Kabul,” claiming their desperately poor home- has spent $146 billion on recon-
March ceremony) for the GhanisaidinaBBCinterviewthat Karzai told The Associated Press Ghani denied widespread accusations that he left two rival Taliban factions were land despite billions of interna- structioninAfghanistansincethe
first time in Pakistan, the airedonThursdaythatanadviser in an interview earlier this Afghanistan with a cache of stolen money. Reuters bearing down on the city and tional money over the 20 years overthrowin2001of theTaliban,
fly-past ceremony of JS- gave him just minutes to decide month that Ghani’s departure were ready to enter and wage a the U.S.-backed governments who had harbored al-Qaida and
10 (J-10C) is being toabandonthecapital,Kabul.He scuttledtheopportunityforgov- bitter battle for control. There had been in power. its leader, Osama bin Laden. Yet
held…,” Ahmed said. PTI also denied widespread accusa- ernment negotiators, including an 11th-hour agreement with After calling the government was no evidence upon the In the BBC interview, Ghani even before the insurgents re-
tions that he left Afghanistan himself and peace council chair- theTaliban,whohadcommitted defenseministerBismillahKhan, Talibanentryof therivalfactions denied widespread accusations turnedinAugust,thepovertylevel
with millions in stolen money. manAbdullahAbdullah,toreach to staying outside the capital. the interior minister and police Ghani referred to. that he left Afghanistan with a in Afghanistan was at 54%. AP

New Delhi



`46,688 `74.42 $74.60 `60,024
Note: Gold, silver rates at Delhi spot market, gold per 10g, silver per 1 kg; Crude oil (Indian basket) as of December 28

SENSEX: 57,794.32 ▼ 12.17 (-0.02%) NIFTY: 17,203.95 ▼ 9.65 (-0.06%) NIKKEI: 28,791.71 ▼ 115.17 HANG SENG: 23,112.01 ▲ 25.47 FTSE: 7,425.75 ▲ 5.06 DAX: 15,864.04 ▲ 11.79
International market data till 1900 IST



Panel proposal to
InmeetwithFM,statespushforGST March 31
speed up resolution: compensationextensionby5years to update
bank KYC
30 days for NCLTs
P Thiaga Rajan said this opportu-

ENSECONOMICBUREAU Revenue nity should be used to correct

to decide on plan NEWDELHI,DECEMBER30

WITH THE Covid pandemic im- ●

hit amid
duction in state’s right to deter-
mine their own taxation. He also
pactingstates’revenues,theyhave demandedextensionofGSTcom-
MCASEEKSPUBLIC urged the Central government to
consider increasing its share in
STATES WERE guaranteed
compensation at the com-
pensation cess regime for at least
2 years because of Covid, along
COMMENTS Centrally-sponsoredschemesand pounded rate of 14 per withmakingacaseforraisingthe
A HIGH-LEVEL committee, anextensionofcompensationfor cent from the base year shareoftheUniongovernmentin The RBI said the extension
constituted by the Centre, has ■ The Ministry of another five years under the 2015-16 for losses arising Centrally-sponsored schemes. was in view of the prevailing
proposed changes to the Corporate Affairs Goods and Services Tax (GST) due to GST implementa- Somestatesalsoraisedtheis- uncertainty due to new
Insolvency and Bankruptcy has sought public regime.Intheirpre-Budgetmeet- tion for five years since its sue of putting the proposed rate Covid-19 variant. File
Code(IBC)tospeedupthecor- comments on the ing with Union Finance Minister rollout, which will end in hike on textiles effective January
porate insolvency resolution proposed changes NirmalaSitharamanonThursday, June. States are concerned 1onholdfornow,anissuewhich
processandpreventavoidable by January 13 some states urged the Centre to Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman at the pre-Budget as their revenues have is also to be discussed in the GST
transactions or deals likely look into direct cash transfers for meet with state finance ministers in New Delhi, Thursday. PTI taken a hit amid Covid. Council meeting. ENSECONOMICBUREAU
aimed at siphoning off funds supporting economic recovery. The Finance Ministry in its MUMBAI,DECEMBER30
fromdistressedcompanies. decision often takes much RajasthanEducationMinister statement said it has assured the
The Insolvency Law longerinpractice,saidexperts. Subhash Garg said extension of tion regime will end in June. well at the 46th meeting of the ahugefinancialburden.Thecen- statesofexaminingtheproposals THE RESERVE Bank of India (RBI)
Committee(ILC)hasproposed “Consequently, the AA compensation cess window un- There has been a loss of rev- GST Council, where the issue of tre has to compensate for that made by them. on Thursday extended the last
that once a resolution plan is (Adjudicating Authority) der GST till 2026-27 is a valid de- enue to states due to the GST sys- the proposed hike in GST rate on through the Union Budget. The “Most of the participants date for know your customer
approvedbytheCommitteeof wouldonlyberequiredtocon- mand of states and the Centre tem, the Centre has not made textiles to 12 per cent from 5 per next issue is the centrally spon- thanked the Union Finance (KYC)updationforbankaccounts
Creditors (CoC) of a corporate siderIUauthenticatedrecords shouldconsiderit.“Ourmostsig- arrangementstocompensatethe cent, effective January 1, will be soredschemeanditsshare.There Minister for financially support- bythreemonthstoMarch31next
debtor,theNationalCompany as evidence of default for nificant demand is that the loss of revenue of about Rs 5,000 taken up. West Bengal Urban weremanyschemeswhichwere ing their States/Union Territories year.Inanotification,theRBIsaid
LawTribunals(NCLTs)bepro- Section 7 applications filed by Centre’s share in Centrally-spon- crore to the state in the coming Development and Municipal 100% government. Now it is 60- during the worst months of pan- it was extending the deadline in
vided “with 30 days for ap- suchfinancialcreditorsaspre- sored schemes has gradually re- year, so the GST compensation Affairs Minister Chandrima 40 (ratio), 50-50 and in some demic, by enhancing borrowing viewofthe“prevalentuncertainty
proving or rejecting a resolu- scribed,” the ILC recom- duced and states’ share has in- grantshouldbecontinuedforthe BhattacharyaaskedtheCentreto schemes 75-25 has been turned limits, providing back to back due to new variant of Covid-19”.
tion plan”, with the tribunal mended. Section 7 of insol- creased. Earlier share would be next five years after June 2022, considerextendingGSTcompen- into 25-75 so this should be cor- loans to States, and through spe- The central bank had relaxed
being required to provide a vency proceedings are the 90-10 and now it is 50-50 or 60- Chhattisgarh Chief Minister sation, along with a demand for rected,” she said. cial assistance for capital expen- therulesfirstinMaylastyeardue
reasoninwritingifitisnotable onesinitiatedbyfinancialcred- 40,ourrequestisthatitshouldgo Bhupesh Baghel said. “Many direct cash transfers. Rajasthanmadearepresenta- diture. The participants also gave to the pandemic and had said
to do so in the stipulated pe- itors, such as banks and other back to 90-10,” Garg said. stateshaveaskedforthis.Wehave “We have asked that money tion for reduction in import duty numerous suggestions to the bankingservicesshouldnotbere-
riod. Banks and other key financialinstitutions. Under GST, states were guar- alsoaskedtoextendGSTcompen- should be given directly to the ongoldandsilverfrom10percent UnionFinance Ministerforinclu- strictedjustbecausetheKYCdoc-
stakeholders have regularly The ILC proposed the re- anteedcompensationatthecom- sation. If it is not extended, the fi- handsofthepeopleasDBTsothat to 4 per cent. Rajasthan also re- sion in the Budget Speech. The umentshavenotbeenupdatedby
cited delays in the resolution quirementforapprovalbythe pounded rate of 14 per cent from nances of many states will be in a the economy can be revived. questedthatallirrigationandwa- FinanceMinisterthankedthepar- thecustomer.Manybankshadre-
process as their key concern NCLT for a voluntary liquida- the base year 2015-16 for losses bad shape,” Delhi Deputy Chief When India’s growth was nega- ter work projects should be ticipantsfortheirinputsandsug- cently warned customers that
abouttheinsolvencyregime. tionberemovedandthatonly arising due to implementation of Minister Manish Sisodia said. tivebyimplementingDBT,Bengal broughtundertheCentre’sambit gestions towards Union Budget theirbankaccountswillbefrozen
The Ministry of Corporate a special resolution or mem- the taxation regime for five years TheFinanceMinisterandstate hadapositivegrowth.Becauseof and declared central schemes. 2022-23 and assured to examine if they don’t update their KYC by
Affairshassoughtpubliccom- bers’resolutionwithapproval since its rollout. The compensa- ministers will meet on Friday as Covidsituation,stateshadtotake Tamil Nadu Finance Minister each of the proposals,” it said. December 31.
ments on the proposed ofcreditorsrepresentingtwo-

Assembly polls: SBI Chip, display units

changesbyJanuary13. thirds in value of the debt be
The ILC was constituted in requiredfortheprocess.
2017.Expertshaveoftencalled TheILCalsorecommended ‘High tax mop-up, under-spending to
out delays by the NCLT in ap- that the look-back period. or
help undershoot fiscal deficit target’
set to issue electoral scheme: From Jan 1,
proving or rejecting a resolu- the period which is reviewed
tion plan after it has been ap- for avoidable transactions, be
proved by the creditors as startedfromthedateoftheap- The Centre is set to undershoot the fiscal deficit target by 20

bonds from Jan 1-10 applications invited

unnecessarilylong. plication for insolvency pro- bps at 6.6%, amid overall robust revenue mop-up and under-
The ILC has also recom- ceedingsinsteadofthedateof spending by many ministries, as per an India Ratings report
mendedthatcertaincreditors the commencement of insol-
be required to submit records vency proceedings. The IBC Centre had set Budgeted fiscal
of their claims authenticated provides for the insolvency deficit target at 6.8% for FY22
byInformationUtilities(IU),so professionalorliquidatorman- ENSECONOMICBUREAU Sevenstatesareheading ENSECONOMICBUREAU Samsung, Micron
that defaults can be verified agingproceedingstolookback Governmentfinances show tax NEWDELHI,DECEMBER30 NEWDELHI,DECEMBER30 warn of crunch
more easily to speed up the andreviewtransactionsover2 collections have benefitted both topollsnextyear—UP,
process of admission of a cor- years and evaluate whether growth & inflation AHEAD OF Assembly elections in Punjab,Goa,Himachal THEMINISTRYof Electronicsand Bengaluru: Samsung and
porate debtor into insolvency any transactions were prefer- keystates,thegovernmenthasau- Pradesh,Manipur, Information Technology (MeitY) Micron warned that strict

proceedings.WhiletheIBCal- ential, undervalued, defraud- Capitalreceipts are lagging and thorised State Bank of India (SBI) will start accepting applications Covid curbs in China’s Xian
ready requires the NCLT to ei- ing creditors or extortionate till Oct were only 10.5% of toissueandencashelectoralbonds GujaratandUttarakhand for setting up of semiconductor could disrupt chip manufac-
theradmitorrejectanapplica- transactions and seek to re- budgeted amount through its 29 authorised fabricationsunits,displayfabrica- turingbases. REUTERS
tion for insolvency within 14 versesuchdeals. Fullreporton branches from January 1-10, the tion units, compound semicon-
days of an application, such a Source: India Ratings/PTI Finance Ministry said in a state- Budget, electoral bonds are inter- ductors, silicon photonics as well
ment on Thursday. Seven states est-free bearer instruments used as for design linked incentive will start concurrent evaluations
are heading into Assembly todonatemoneyanonymouslyto scheme from January 1, IT ...Thebiggerones,whichissilicon
elections next year — Uttar politicalparties.Thebondsaresold Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said. and display, we will receive the

RBL Bank sets IndiGo EGM: Nod to amend AoA Pradesh, Punjab, Goa, Himachal
Pradesh, Manipur, Gujarat and
Companies as well as an individ-
“For the smaller scheme,
application till February 15 and
then we will start evaluations,”
he added. Full report on

up panel to New Delhi: Shareholders of Inter-

Globe Aviation Ltd, parent com-
Gangwal to sell their respective
stakes in IndiGo without each
The electoral bonds shall be
ing, marking and packaging, we

panyoflow-costairlineIndiGo,on other’s approval. The two pro- camewithabackdropofanorder dateofissueandnopaymentshall Only the politicalparties reg-
name MD-CEO Thursday cleared a proposal by motergroupsledbyGangwaland inSeptemberbytheLondonCourt be made to any payee political istered under Section 29A of the
the carrier’s promoters to amend Bhatiatogetherown74.4percent ofInternationalArbitration,which party if the electoral bond is de- Representationof thePeopleAct,
Mumbai:RBLBanksaidThursday the articles of association (AoA), state in the airline, and the re- directedanamendmenttothear- positedafterexpiryof thevalidity 1951 and which secured not less
itsboardhasconstitutedasearch as per a stock exchange filing. moval of the clauses means that ticles of association to delete the period,theMinistrysaid.Theelec- than one per cent of the votes
committeetoidentifyanewman- At an extraordinary general either side can sell or transfer clause pertaining to right of first toralbonddepositedbyaneligible polled in the last General
agingdirector&chiefexecutiveof- meeting(EGM),theshareholders sharestoathirdpartywithoutgiv- refusal.Later,inOctober,Gangwal political party in its account shall Election or state assembly elec-
ficer to head the bank. approvedtheproposaltoremove ing each other notice. had approached the Delhi High becreditedonthesameday. tions, are eligible to receive the
Earlierintheday,thebanksaid certain clauses from the AoA, to The EGM was called upon a Court, seeking directions for call- Announcedinthe2017Union electoral bonds.
the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) allow the sparring founder pro- joint request by the promoters ing the EGM but the petition was
cleared Rajeev Ahuja’s appoint- moters Rahul Bhatia and Rakesh who have been at loggerheads dismissed. ENS
ment as its interim MD and CEO

DICGC mops up
the Board ... has constituted a

`9,561 cr premium
the Chairman of the Nomination
members of the Board and one
external expert) to identify and
evaluate candidates for the posi-
tion of MD & CEO...,” it said. FE
in first half of fiscal
get 67 times of
TeslaUSrecall THEDEPOSITInsuranceandCredit
Guarantee Corporation (DICGC),
typical staff’s pay
San Francisco: Tesla is recall- whichprovidesinsurancecoverto Mumbai: There’s a huge gap
ing 356,309 Model 3 and depositorsof banks,hascollected between the compensation
119,009 Model S cars in deposit insurance premium of Rs paid to the CEO of a private
the US to address rearview 9,561crorefrombanksduringthe bank and its employees, as
cameraandtrunkissuesthat six months ended September per an RBI report. “For PSU
raisecrashingrisks. REUTERS 2021, of which 93.5 per cent was banks, on an average, CEOs
contributedbycommercialbanks earn 3 times the typical em-
DishTVAGM andtherestbyco-operativebanks.
With this, the Deposit
ployee, while the same was
75 times in case of small fi-
New Delhi: Dish TV’s AGM Insurance Fund (DIF), built out of nancebanksand67timesin
was held Thursday, but the thepremiapaidbyinsuredbanks thecaseofprivatebanks,”the GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH
resultofe-votingforpassing and coupon income received on RBIsaidinitsReportontrend Request for Expression of Interest Proposal (REoI)
resolutions will be known investmentsingovernmentsecu- andprogressinbanking. ENS Name of Project: Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Project (HPSRTP)
onlyafterBombayHC’snod. rities,swelledtoRs1.41lakhcrore Loan No./Credit No. 9066-IN
Grant No:
as of September 2021, yielding a Date: December 31, 2021

Importantinsurers reserveratio(ratioofDIFtoinsured
that were eligible to receive such
The Director (Projects)-cum-CE, H.P. State Roads Project, HPRIDCL, Nigam Vihar, Shimla-171002 ,
Himachal Pradesh India invites Expression of Interest from National and International Consultants for the
consultancy services as detailed in the table below:-
NewDelhi:IrdaisaidLIC,GIC Rs 1.29 lakh crore in March 2021, The DICGC, headed by RBI Sr. Description of the consultancy Services Date of availability of Last date/Time
Re and New India continue the RBI said in the Financial Deputy Governor Michael Patra, No Expression of Interest (EoI) for submission
on HPRIDCL web site of Proposals
tobe‘DomesticSystemically StabilityReport(FSR). pays out a maximum of Rs 5 lakh 1 Procurement of Safety Assessment of December 31, 2021 January 21,
Important Insurers’. The settlement and recovery as insurance to the depositor of a major road network in Himachal Pradesh 2022
of claims from banks in the first troubledbank.ItpaidRs393crore using iRAP methodology.

IICCstakesale half of 2021-22 was significantly

REoI & ToR will be available on .
the official web site of HPRIDC under

Note: - Any further addendum/Corrigendum to this Request for Expression of Interest Proposals Documents

NewDelhi:SBIwillbuyabout bank said. As on December 20, 2021,ariseof 1,334percentcom- shall be available to all interesting firms on the same web site link. Proposal must be delivered in a written
10% in India International 2021,DICGChaspaidRs1,374crore pared to Rs 27.4 crore in the same form to the address below (in person, or by post) by January 21, 2022 at 15:00 hours (IST)
Director (Projects)-cum-CE, H.P. State Roads Project,
ClearingCorporation. PTI in respect of 1.09 lakh depositors periodof lastyear. Full report on 0610/HP HPRIDCL, Nigam Vihar, Shimla-171002
of 16 out of 21 troubled banks —

New Delhi

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)
There is bound to be The week may be
an almighty row drawing to a close
over finances, but there are
although if you're indications of a
lucky, it will be delayed until last-minute panic at work,
next week by which time you'll prompted by events for
have had a chance to put which you may or may not
matters right. Overspending be responsible. In any event,
and unrealistic ambitions may you'll be required to deal
be to blame but, then, unless with the consequences in your
you think big, you'll never inimitable, charming style.
get anywhere.
SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23)
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) Often, it's
It's good to stick to surprisingly difficult
your principles but, to cope with good
as you know, you fortune, if only
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson can be a little too because of the inevitable
obstinate. If recent events adjustments to a new routine
haven't taught you the value of which must follow. Don't let
flexibility and compromise, such considerations blind you
nothing will. At home, go for to your current opportunities,
total change, just in case you or to an offer made by a
had any doubts. The best close relation.
ACROSS DOWN advice comes from those in the
know, so ask. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24 - Dec 22)
1 Give old man weapons for the 2 Catches as one comes
It cannot be
final conflict (10) drunkenly home (5,2)
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) stressed too highly
8 Checked garments for 3 Poe’s a weird storyteller
You may still be that Mercury,
Scottish soldiers (5) (5)
adjusting to the fact situated as it is in a
9 Overlook four in the smithy 4 Spent two notes at the charity
that, after a number realistic sector of your solar
(7) do (6)
of years, you are no chart, is providing you with
10 He drinks to a steamship 5 Cuts off some of the beams?
longer the centre of attention. protection and guarantees that
vessel (7) (7)
In many ways this change you'd be a fool to ignore. All
11 Follow directions and engage 6 They are hit on the head and
reflects a shift in your self- areas of your life may benefit.
in litigation (5) slain perhaps (5)
image rather than any real And I honestly believe that
12 Notes there are many in short 7 Settled in a resolute way
alteration in your they will.
skirts (6) (10)
circumstances. That will make
14 The respect in which going 8 Tribal symbols could be CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
back meets the point temples too (5,5) MARVIN by Tom Armstrong it much easier to cope with.
Your current
(6) 13 Something that flies holding a CANCER (June 22 - July 23) planetary patterns
17 Convicts once picked it but large number - it’s big Your famous are bound to
not from choice ( (7) Cancerian reserve exacerbate certain
5) 15 Witty saying has some point stems not so much irritations, yet it's at such times
19 Delivery from Ontario (7) with animals (7) from a lack of that you are driven to
21 Regards foreign money as a 16 Resign because of one’s self feeling as from a failure to implement improvements in
bad thing (7) image? (6) express those very your circumstances and
22 Bill free of bitterness? (5) 18 Supporters of a proposal considerable emotions that relationships that would
23 There are terms for this (5) inhabit your unconscious. Try otherwise be delayed
(10) 20 Not all separate (5) to be more direct in future. indefinitely.
Because, if you're not, other
people will be. That's for sure. AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
SolutionsCrossword4625:Across:1 Elapse,4Brooch,9Harbour,10Nutty,11Run After many ups and
up,12Towrope,13Outofbreath,18Uncover,20Dosed,22Finis,23Newmoon,24 LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) downs, you may
Hoyden,8Protuberant,14Uncanny,15Endowed,16Curfew,17Adonis,19Vesta,21 Venus, Mercury and now look forward to
Scope. Neptune, those a period in which
three sensational you'll be able to appreciate
planets, are still past achievements in an
occupying significant atmosphere of calm rather
positions. With any luck, the than one of strife and
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel2s
pressure and uncertainty antagonism. On the other

which they have brought into hand, if you accept that

Instructions your life should now be in their anything new is probably
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, final stages. And hopefully you better than the life you're
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 should soon leaving behind, you'll get on so

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe feel fitter. much better.

Iknowofnogreatmenexceptthosewhohaverendered___ ____tothehumanrace. nineverticalcolumns,in
-Voltaire(5,7) VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
eachoftheninehorizontal The Sun is decisively You can afford to be
LVEEE AGRIST rowsandineachofthe altering its pleased with all the
nineboxes. relationship to prizes and rewards
Mercury, your ruling you've won in the
planet, but in many respects past and, if you are fair to
TERRA AINCGV DifficultyLevel
the heat may still be on. In yourself, you must admit that
particular, take into account these are considerable. There's
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; just how desperate an every reason to rest on your
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; acquaintance or business laurels, and none to join in the
human race. - Voltaire 5s=VeryHard;6s= partner is to hear from you: sit problems created
Answer: I know of no great men except those who have rendered great service to the Genius down and listen. by partners.

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acceptance of advertising
copy, it is not possible to verify
its contents. The Indian
Express (P) Limited cannot be
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contents, nor for any loss or
damage incurred as a result of
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No. CE/78-IV/30/2020/30
In cancellation of the earlier Press Notice issued vide No. SMC/30/2020/11, dtd. 27.10.2021,
the Chief Engineer, P.W.D. (Buildings), Assam, on behalf of the Governor of Assam, invites
fresh bids through Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) mode of contract for the
following work, from eligible contractors having experience in similar nature of work.
Details of the bid may be seen at e-procurement website The
bidders must be enrolled in
SI Name of Work Approx. Cost of Earnest E.M.D. to Completion Defect
No Value of RFP Money be drown Period Liability
Work Document Deposit in favour of period

1 Reconstruction of Rs. 9132.00 Rs. 12,500/- Rs.182.64 L E.E., PWD, 24 (twenty 1 (one) yrs.
Assam House at 8- Lakh (for Assam four)
Russel Street, General) or, Houses months
Kolkata Rs. 91.32 L construction
(for Division,
reserved New Delhi.

N.B. this Press Notice will form a part of the bidding Documents.
Chief Engineer, P.W.D. (Building),
JANASANYOG /C/9949/21 Assam, Chandmari, Guwahati-3

New Delhi

Inspired substitutions from Bengaluru FC head coach Marco
Pezzaiuoli did the trick as his side ran out 4-2 winners over
Chennaiyin FC in the Indian Super League in Vasco on Thursday.
Bengaluru moved to eighth on the table with the win. PTI

Australia didn’t lose a Test at the Gabba since their nine- Since 1995, the SuperSport Park at Centurion hosted 26

JAN wicket defeat against the West Indies in 1988. In the next
32 Tests at the venue, they won 25 and drew seven. India DEC Tests, with South Africa winning 21 of them and losing only
two. One of those losses was the controversial Hansie

2021 were down to their last man in the reserves. They won the
Test by three wickets and annexed the series, chasing a
fourth-innings target of 328.
2021 Cronje ‘forfeiture’ against England in 2000. Before
Thursday, the Proteas’ last defeat here was against Australia
seven years ago. A 113-run win saw India breach the fortress.

Tale of two Centurions show India have come a long way in four years
wouldendtheyearbybecomingthefirstAsian had snapped. Or when he was asked why he team,” Kohli had said. Brisbane2021,anda2-1seriesleadinEngland.
ABHISHEKPUROHIT teamtowinaTestattheSouthAfricanfortress never played the same team in consecutive He would repeatedly ask for 120 per cent Itisfittingthenthatthisoverseascycleends
DECEMBER30 of Centurion. In between, they would mount games. Eventually, it came down to Kohli or 150 per cent or 200 per cent effort from his inSouthAfrica.Andespeciallythatthelastleg
successfulraidsonthoseveneratedcitadelsof pointing to South Africa’s record on their pre- players.Amere100wouldn’tdo.Thepotential hasbeguninCenturion,wherethefruitoffail-
“IT ALMOST has to be a madness to be able to English cricket – Lord’s and The Oval. vious trip to India in 2015-16. “How many wasquitevisibleindeed,astheverynextmatch ure had sown the seeds of success, as it has
win away from home and you have to live it Fouryearsago,allof thiswouldhavebeen times did South Africa come into the game in afterCenturion,atWanderers,wouldconfirm, turned out in the four-year interval.
every minute, every day of being on tour. It is unthinkable except, of course, inside Kohli’s India? Coming close to winning games in withamemorablewinonabrutalpitch.Orthe HowfarIndiancrickethascomeinthatpe-
averyindividualthingbutweneedtodiscuss mind, where the “madness to win away” had India? Can you count?” winatTrentBridgeoverEnglandafewmonths riodisevidentinRahul’sresponseonThursday
this as a team, for sure.” takenstrongrootslongago.Imaginetellingthe Thatwasstraightfromtheplaybookofthe later. But the big prize – a series win – would when asked whether he considered himself
These were Virat Kohli’s words at world right after one had been humbled 0-2 firstpartofthatdecade,whenIndiansideskept stillbefar from theirgrasp.A badsessionwith fortunate to not have to face the Indian fast
Centurion in January 2018. India had just lost in a place one wanted to win desperately in gettingwhitewashedoverseasandkeptthreat- batorball,anditwouldallslipaway. bowlers in a Test match.
the second Test against South Africa by 135 that “we have to believe that we are the best ening to return the favour when their hosts We are getting close to the line but are yet “Itisharderfacingtheminthenets,itisnot
runs, and with it, the three-match series after side.” (Kohli would revisit this line later that would visit India. tolearnhowtoactuallygetacross,Kohliwould something some of us batsmen enjoy,” said
their 72-run defeat in Cape Town. yearinEngland,evenaftera1-4scoreline,dur- admit after England 2018 was lost in Centurion 2021’s Player of the Match. “They
“Itwillgodownasoneofthegreatestyears ing a heated exchange with a reporter at the ViratKohlileadshisteamintothe Burning ambition Southampton. The line would be finally, and keep us scared and do not treat us as team-
in Indian cricket history, especially in Test post-match presser at The Oval) dressingroomafterthe win. AP And that was certainly not how Kohli decisively, crossed in Australia in 2018-19. mates.Theyareverycompetitiveathletes.We
cricket. The victories have taken a lot of disci- But the rest of the world would choose to wanted to play his cricket. Sure, he wanted to ItwasSouthAfricathathadbeenthestart- are very lucky to have such quality.”
pline. We have worked really hard as a team focus on more immediate matters instead of hammer visiting sides on raging turners at ingpointofIndia’soverseastourcyclesin2013- Perhaps that madness to win away from
for the last few years and we are slowly start- thecaptain’sloftyvision,whichwasstillsome- hadplayedhisbestXI(AnXIthathadnoplace home–hestilldoesthat--buthealsowanted 14 and 2017-18. Kohli has spoken of how the homehasalsocreateditsownluckinthespan
ing to see the results.” what nebulous for those on the outside in for then vice-captain Ajinkya Rahane in both todevelopasidethatcouldwinongreentops Wanderers victory became the springboard between the two Centurions. It has also cre-
ThesewereKLRahul’swordsatCenturion terms of how it would be actually executed. Cape Town and Centurion. An XI that had no abroad. “We need to be hard on ourselves… forhisteam’sambitions,culminatinginIndia’s ated greater expectations, and nothing less
in December 2021. India had begun the year Severaltimesduringthepost-matchpress place in Centurion for Bhuvneshwar Kumar themistakesthatwehavemade…notpaying first-ever series win in Australia. than a series win in the 'final frontier' will do
withthegrandmotherofallcomebacksonone conferenceatCenturion2018,Kohliwouldlose after he had taken six wickets in Cape Town). attention to detail at important stages of the Thathasbeenfollowedbywhatwasprac- now. Wanderers 2022 to better Wanderers
legattheAustralianfortressof Brisbane.They his cool. Like when he was asked whether he “YoutellmethebestXI,wewillplaythat,”Kohli game is something we need to discuss as a tically an India ‘B’ side looting the bank at 2018? Who would have thought?

Mumbai: The U-16 Vijay Merchant
Another fortress conquered
Trophy has been postponed due to India end South Africa’s seven-year unbeaten run at Centurion, win by 113 runs to go 1-0 up in three-Test series
the recent surge in Covid-19 cases in
India. In its email to all its affiliated
units on Thursday, the Indian cricket
board’s secretary Jay Shah, informed
De Kock announces
that domestic cricket had started off
well, with the completion of 748 INDIA WENT to lunch smelling victory.
Test retirement
matches till date, however, the sud- Rishabh Pant had been enquiring about the New Delhi: South Africa wicket-
den spike in cases has forced the lunchmenuinbetweenhiswordsof encour- keeper-batsman, Quinton de Kock,
board to postpone its junior tourna- agementtothebowlers.Oneof themwasre- announced his retirement from Test
ment. "The cases across lndia are spi- served for Ravichandran Ashwin: “Ball bhi cricket with immediate effect on
ralling and despite being a large accha hai, tappa bhi achcha hai (the ball is Thursday. The announcement comes
number of adults doubly vaccinated, good, as also the bounce).” on the backdrop of South Africa's de-
they have still been infected. We AtlunchonDay5,SouthAfricawere182/7 feat in the first Test match against
have been closely monitoring the sit- despiteanearlycaught-and-bowledreprieve India in Centurion. In a statement re-
uation in lndia and across the world, forDeanElgarandAshwinlookingalittleflat leased,thesouthpawrevealedthathe
and it is estimated that the caseload on a fifth-day pitch with some visible cracks. intends to spend more time with his
will shoot up in the immediate fu- But the Proteas batting line-up didn’t have growing family and hence took the
ture if the situation is not controlled the quality or experience to make those op- call for his relatively early retirement
now," Shah wrote an email, accessed portunities count. Elgar and Temba Bavuma from the format. He and his wife,
by The Indian Express. showed resolve. But India’s pace attack was Sasha, are anticipating the imminent
DEVENDRAPANDEY relentless and the hosts duly surrendered to birth of their first-born child in the
losethefirstTestby113runs.Chasing305for coming days. ENS
RupaGurunathsteps victory,theirsecondinningsfoldedupfor191.
After Fortress Gabba, Fortress Centurion
downasTNCAprez wasbreached,29yearsafterIndiafirsttoured
the Rainbow Nation.
Chennai: Former BCCI president N In26Testsbeforethis,SouthAfricahadwon incomingdelivery.Hiscaptainreadilyobliged
Srinivasan'sdaughter Rupa Gurunath 21andlostonlytwoatthisvenue.Theirlastde- and changed the field.
on Thursday resigned from the post feat here came against Australia seven years Ashwin brought the finish with succes-
of presidentof theTamilNadu Cricket ago. The hosts’ apparent invincibility at sive wickets of Kagiso Rabada and Lungi
Association (TNCA) to focus on "busi- Centurion added more gloss to India’s win, India captain Virat Kohli (L) celebrates the dismissal of South Africa's Lungi Ngidi on Thursday. AP Ngidi,roundingthingsoff nicelyforhisteam.
ness and personal commitments". notwithstandingthefactthattheSaffersareon Nobody going wicketless from this game
Rupa had taken over as the TNCA a rebuilding phase. Even without the injured wouldbecountedasarealpositive.ForSouth
presidentinSeptember2019,becom- Anrich Nortje, they boasted a very good pace Bavuma. But Jasprit Bumrah, who else, re- luredintofront-footdrivesthroughthecovers and the ball keeping low to take the bottom Africa, they were outclassed. But they would
ing the first woman to head a state attack.KLRahulandMayankAgarwalneutered movedElgar,bowlingfromaroundthewicket withback-to-backfullerdeliveries.Consecutive edgeontothestumps.Anunnecessarythrow carry Bavuma’s batting, Elgar’s grit and the
cricket association in India. them with a 117-run opening partnership on andnippingtheballbackintotheleft-hander boundaries ensued. His prey nicely set up, on his follow-through to Bavuma, that hurt fast bowlers’ form to the second Test that
Interestingly, former BCCI Ethics thefirstday,battingfirstinovercastconditions. just enough to trap him leg-before. Bumrah Shamidraggedhislengthbackatouch,moved the batsman, was his only transgression. He starts on January 3.
Officer cum Ombudsman Justice Eventually,thatprovedtobethedifference. had opened the game for the tourists on the the ball a shade from an impeccable fourth- islikelytogetatalking-tofromthematchref-
(Retd)DKJain'sreportinJunethisyear Rahulwentontoscoreamagnificenthun- fourth day by cleaning up Rassie van der stumplinetoinduceanicktothewicketkeeper. eree for taking his aggression toofar.But Siraj SCOREBOARD
found her to be potentially guilty of dred and deservingly got the Man-of-the- DussenandKeshavMaharaj.OnThursday,he “Shami is an absolutely world-class bowler, promptlyapologisedtoBavumaandreceived India 1st innings: 327
'Conflict of Interest' as she was an in- Matchaward.SincereturningtotheTestfoldin addedfinalitytotheoutcome,returningwith amongthetopthreeseambowlersintheworld a classy thumbs-up from the latter. South Africa first innings: 197
tegral part of India Cements which England earlier this year, the opener has rev- 3/50inthesecondinnings.AsViratKohlisaid for me. Very, very happy for him to get 200 TheIndia-versus-SouthAfricaseriesisusu- India second innings: 174
owns the popular IPL team Chennai elled in his batting discipline. It was an effort atthepost-matchpresentation,India’svictory wickets and have an impactful performance,” allyplayedinverygoodspiritandtheon-field South Africa 2nd innings: 191 (o/n: 94/4)
Super Kings. While the TNCA officials heshouldbeproudof.“Itwillberightupthere,” margin would have been bigger if an ankle Kohlitoldhostbroadcastersafterthegame. camaraderie was visible between some IPL Elgar lbw b Bumrah 77, Bavuma not out 35,
emphatically denied 'Conflict of Rahulsaidatthepost-matchpressconference. twistwouldn’thavereducedBumrah’sbowl- team-mates.Bumrahsmiledafterbeatinghis De Kock b Siraj 21, Mulder c Pant b Shami 1,
Interest' being the reason for her res- Thevictorywasachieved11minutesafter ing time in the first innings to just 7.2 overs. Everyone contributes Mumbai Indians team-mate de Kock outside Jansen c Pant b Shami 13, Rabada c Shami b
ignation, another theory that's float- lunch,makingtheweatherforecast,thatpre- Spare a thought for Mohammed Shami, Indianpacerslovetobowlintandem.They theoffstump.Theleft-handerrespondedwith Ashwin 0, Ngidi c Pujara b Ashwin 0
ing in cricketing circle is that son of dicted a mid-afternoon thundershower, re- who spearheaded India’s attack in the first in- complementeachother.Theteamcultureand a sheepish grin. India have collectively grown Extras: (lb 2, nb 5) 7; FoW: 1-1, 2-34, 3-74, 4-
the most powerful political family of dundant. Elgar’s wicket was important. A nings with a five-for. He added three more the enhanced self-belief of the side have al- asateam,keeping‘outsidenoise’andreported 94, 5-130, 6-161, 7-164, 8-190, 9-191, 10-191
thestateisverykeenonbecomingthe tough cookie, the South African captain scalpstohistallyinthesecondtohaveamatch lowedyoungsterslikeMohammedSirajtoget dressing-room misgivings at arm’s length. Bowling: Bumrah 19-4-50-3, Shami 17-3-
state cricket body's head. showed plenty of gumption, scoring 77 and haul of 8/107. The cat-and-mouse game with intothegroovestraightaway.Sirajtooktheim- When Siraj was brought into the attack on 63-3, Siraj 18-5-47-2, Thakur 5-0-11-0,
PRESSTRUSTOFINDIA threateningtotakethefighttoIndia,through Marco Jensen was one of the highlights of the portant wicket of Quinton de Kock on Day 5, Thursday, Cheteshwar Pujara walked up to Ashwin 9-2-18-2
a 36-run fifth wicket partnership with finalday.Twicetheyoungallrounderhadbeen the final-day pitch playing a bit up and down Kohliandadvisedhimtokeepafielderatmid- India won by 113 runs

Pace Boom: How Bumrah has rebranded the identity of Indian cricket
Speaking to The Indian Express, Javagal different form. In England, captain Joe Root wants his
SANDIP G Srinath, the last India speedster to consis- In the West Indies, he looks like a Vignettes of India’s fast bowlers were too bowlers to learn ruthlessness from him. In
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 30 tently clock 140-plus kph and dreaded by West Indian bowler, in South few that all those were easily re-countable. September,referringtoBumrah’sspellatThe
openers across the world, says Bumrah is Africa, he operates like a South Like that Ishant Sharma spell against Ricky Oval that turned the game around and gave
IT HAS become a regular sight in cricket. “definitely ahead” of him. African. Same in Australia or Ponting, or Sreesanth in Johannesburg, or India a famous win, Root had said: “You look
Jasprit Bumrah beaming, India winning, op- “Of all the Indian pacers I have seen and England. The lines and lengths, Zaheer Khan at The Oval. Bumrah has the at that spell by Bumrah: he recognised a key
ponents left staring at genius fast-bowling played with, I would put him on top of the skill and pace to stitch together more treas- moment in the game and turned it on its
that defies belief. Bumrah has been instru- pack. Definitely, ahead of me. Top class
and angles of release, and types of urable fast-bowling moments than all of head this afternoon. It was a wonderful spell
mentalinIndia’sfirst-everseriesinAustralia, bowler in world cricket, he has done enough balls in each country conditions -- those combined. It speaks of his inexorable that really turned the game. If you’re thrown
pivotal to India’s 2-1 series lead in England, to be in any Hall of Fame. Inswingers, minute tweaks that might go brilliance, just as it exposes India’s non-ex- theball,youneedtogetthebitbetweenyour
andnowinfluentialinorchestratingthis113- straighteners, leg cutters, bouncers, york- unnoticed -- he makes it seem he istent fast-bowling legacy. teeth and turn the game.”
run win in South Africa, the first step in their ers, slower cutters -- you name it, he has it. has been in that country for years. This sparkle sometimes obscures the
pursuit of conquering another elusive shore. It’s been a real pleasure watching him Jasprit Bumrah appeals for the wicket Like a home bowler.” Showering superlatives feats of accomplices Shami and Mohammed
Helping Bumrah break this cricketing bowl,” he says. of Dean Elgar at Centurion on The world has also risen to shower su- Siraj. But it's their support that makes
ceiling was his long-time pace partner Srinathalsosharesthereasonthatmakes Thursday. Reuters JAVAGAL SRINATH perlatives. The West Indies legend Andy Bumrah, just as it's his support that makes
MohammadShami,whofinishedwitheight him “go wow”. “In the West Indies, he looks FORMER INDIA PACER Roberts, thrifty in praise, views him as one them. It’s a luxury some of his predecessors
wickets in the game as India took a 1-0 lead like a West Indian bowler, in South Africa, he of their own. “He could have been one of us could only dream of.
in the three-Test series. Easily the deadliest operates like a South African. Same in England,SouthAfricaandWestIndies;a Test tity of Indian cricket. For long, it was con- in our heyday,” he had told this newspaper. Says Srinath: “The pressure and intensity
new-ball pair in the world today, they blew Australia or England. The lines and lengths, hat-trick; and, man of the match plaques noted to classical, guileful spinners before it Another Caribbean totem Curtly Ambrose of attackmaintainedbyShamiandSirajnow,
away the hosts at a venue that is considered and angles of release, and types of balls in from all of these countries. cametobeidentifiedwithvirtuosobatsmen, said that he “would have loved bowling or Ishant before, has been great. The pres-
their fortress. South Africa has lost just three each country conditions -- minute tweaks In the nine matches that India have won the technicians and stylists that oozed ori- alongside” Bumrah. Vivian Richards said he sure just keeps building and Bumrah then
of the 27 Tests played at Centurion. that might go unnoticed -- he makes it seem with Bumrah, he has nabbed 55 wickets at entalcharm.Now,theworldisinaweof their would rather face Dennis Lillee, and called comes back for his spells to attack more. He
OnThursday,South African skipperDean he has been in that country for years. Like a 15.81 and struck with every 37th ball he has fast bowling riches, and the crown in the Bumrah the “diamond in their armoury”. canbefresh,hecanbementallyrelaxed,that
Elgar seemed determined to protect the home bowler,” he says. bowled.It’sno sleightof fatethatIndia’sevo- jewelisBumrah.Itcouldevenbearguedthat Thenot-so-easilywooedAustraliancrowd he doesn't have to do it on his own, that he
citadel. But against Bumrah's relentlessness, Numbers back such praise. By any yard- lution as a cricketing superpower outside hisinfluencehasbeenmorethanthatof Virat were queuing up for his autograph, jerseys, doesn't have to bowl too many overs and
he had to finally give in, out lbw on 77. That stick, they are startling: 106 wickets in 25 Asia coincided with the emergence of Kohli, the titular figure of contemporary gloves and what not. They composed songs spend his energy. Fast bowling is about con-
was the key strike. After that, it was only a games, at an average and strike rate of 22.33 Bumrah. Indiancricket,sinceIndiaarewinninggames andnotparodiesforhim,theywaitedforhim servation of energy. He stays fresh and then
matter of time. and 50.5; five-wicket hauls in Australia, Beyond it all, he has rebranded the iden- abroaddespitethecaptain'slongphaseof in- astheyhadoncewaitedforSachinTendulkar. attacks ruthlessly when he comes back.”

Vol XC- 44 Regd.No. DL-21046/03-05

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New Delhi

The pandemic year locked them in quarantines but athletes around the world found resilience to call time on people-pleasing and discovered their moral voice to say NO. Gymnast Simone Biles, tennis star
Naomi Osaka and Virat Kohli spoke their minds and defied convention. The year also saw athletes discover the full potential of social media - not just the big names but even the hitherto unknowns from small
towns became stars in their own right. There were also some breakthrough performances that will stand the test of time. The hockey captain who reawakened a country’s nostalgic pride, a Mumbai-born
New Zealand cricketer returned to his roots to create history, a badminton star who finally learnt how to marry art with commerce, and the man who launched his gold-plated javelin to quench a nation’s thirst.

Gold, Rush
pilots often gave away who was on board. a lot of it,” Shah says. he didn’t have a good day. He is very close to
NIHALKOSHIE “On airplanes, they used to announce ‘we But at times people would get a little theworldrecordandIhopehesetstheworld
are thrilled to have the Olympic gold medal- pushy. Some of those on the line would insist record,” Chopra said speaking at The Indian
ASTHEseasonofendlessfelicitations,sponsor listonboard.’NotoncedidIseehimgetangry ontalkingtoChopra.Oncetheygottospeakto Express e.Adda.
events, ad shoots, and interviews extended with anyone despite people being invasive,” Chopra, they would ask for favours — to put This was Chopra's attempt to comfort
into November, Tokyo Olympics gold medal- Shah describes. in a word for inter-departmental transfers, a Vetter, with whom he had shared a car ride
listNeerajChopra'swindowtoticksomething “When it comes to fans, especially kids, if promotionortogivearecommendationfora before the Olympics while in Europe. Chopra
off hisbucketlistshrunk.Hissister’swedding somebodyaskshimforapicture,evenifthere Life hasn’t been the same for Neeraj Chopra sports award. is known to stay in touch once he develops a
was in the third week after which he was to are 10 people around him, including bounc- He was also mindful not to get dragged bond, be it someone he just met or an early
travel abroad for training. erstellinghimnottodoit,hefeelsthatifsome- since his historic 87.58m heave of the javelin. into any controversy or be used as a pawn. mentor.
The automobile enthusiast was restless. bodyiswaitingheneedstoobligethem.That Around the time he returned the Athletics Jaiveer, or as Chopra calls him ‘Monu bhai
He keeps track of new launches and can talk has not really changed, it is a big part of his Yet the man from Khandra has held on Federation of India (AFI) dismissed the claim saab,’ was his very first coach in Panipat.
about engine horsepower, top speed and ac-
personality. He is coming from very little and
he knows that all of this could be very fleet-
to his values of acoachtakingcreditforguidingtheathlete Everyoneknowsofthestoryoftheoverweight
back in 2015. boy who was told by his family to go to the
SUV. The butch looks and road presence ap- ing.” Chopra paid the coach a courtesy call groundtogetfit.Jaiveerwastheonewhogave
pealed to him. He was also being pragmatic. Chopra also made peace with not being when he was in Pune for an army function. the unsure youngster his first lessons in the
His javelins fit only in an SUV. able to enjoy the small pleasures of life. He Butwhenthecoachputout javelin throw.
But the dealer said the four-wheel drive could no longer enter a mall unnoticed. He pictures of Chopra's visit to To date, Jaiveer remains
would take over a month to be imported, by had to try and slip into some sort of disguise. his home, the star javelin When the troll army Chopra's guide and friend.
which time he would be flying out. Chopra “Earlier he could just walk into a mall and throwerwasn'tamusedbe- He was one of the first peo-
didn'tpullstringstogetaheadonthewaiting shop.Nowhewouldwearamaskandcapand cause he felt like he had was going after pleChopracalledafterwin-
list for delivery. then go. He would still be recognized. He been used to prove a point. Pakistan thrower ning the gold in Tokyo.
Quietly he looked for options in the sec- would tell people ‘let us take a picture on the Hestayedclearofpublic When Chopra underwent
ond-handmarketandsettledforausedsports side’ so not many notice,” Shah says. spats. Just before the
Arshad Nadeem for an elbow operation two
car. The javelin star had to wait a while before Games, foreign coach Uwe picking up the Indian’s yearsagoandhisseasonun-
Driving around Khandra village and he could shop. When on a short holiday with Hohn had said top sports javelin before the first ravelled, Jaiveer was by his
PanipattowngaveChoprasomerare‘metime’ the family, he bought shoes in Dubai. One of organisations in the coun- side in the hospital room.
after more than three months of whirlwind the pictures hepostedonInstagramis of him try did not do enough to round in Tokyo, Chopra Meanwhile,achildhood
touring to be feted as India's first goldmedal- sitting on the sand dunes during a desert sa- prepare athletes for the doused the fire by friend running an academy
list in track and field. The who's who of the fariwithabrand-newpairofbasketballsneak- Olympics. A day after clarifying that athletes near Chopra’s village can
country wanted his time. He was unable to ersonhisfeet.Beingasneaker-head,hespent Hohn's broadside, two bank on him to sponsor a
step out without being a small fortune. other javelin throwers, were free to use each promising young athlete.
recognised, even if he Before and after his nudgedbyofficials,putout other’s equipment “He does not forget those
wore a mask and a cap. YEARENDER mini-break though, he statements alleging the
during competition. In who have been there for
at every step. 2021 hadtolearntoposebefore
German-born coach used
to train athletes from other a video message and
him. He is the same Neeraj,
He had no time to act, get comfortable with countries when at foreign via a tweet, Chopra his uncle Bhim says.
trainorhitthegym.Chopragainedweightand talking about the medal-winning feat before campsmeantfortheIndian Sports writers have
had to cut short his season. To his credit, the big gatherings and make small talk at func- team.Chopradidn'tgetinto
made a strong plenty of stories of athletes
24-year-old didn't let success go to his head, tions. a mud-slinging game. statement by calling they have known well not
norwasheathiswit'sendwhenhislifeturned But he slipped into different roles like it When the troll army out those who painted returning calls or giving
into one big public mela. was second nature. For the Cred television was going after Pakistan them the cold shoulder
Heconsciouslykeptthetrappingsof fame commercial,aninstanthit,oneofChopra’sre- thrower Arshad Nadeem a fellow competitor as once they turn super stars.
at a distance. He retreated to the comfort of questwastogivehimveryshortdialogueslike for picking up the Indian’s a villain. Chopra is proving to be an
his close-knit family and a small circle of ‘ab kya? MBA?’ or ‘360 degree marketing’. javelin before the first exception.
friendswhenhisstardommatchedthatofthe Histwogoldmedals,theAsianGamesand round in Tokyo, Chopra A journalist was pleas-
bigcricketnames.Hismentionsonsocialme- the Commonwealth Games in 2018, and the dousedthefirebyclarifyingthatathleteswere antlysurprisedwhenChopraforwardedaper-
diawereinmillionsandhisfollowersgrewby Junior World Championship gold two years free to use each other’s equipment during sonal voice note to invite him to this sister's
lakhs overnight. earlier had given him a brush with fame. The competition. In a video message and via a weddinglastmonth.Withinafortnightof the
waveof adulationposttheOlympicswasun- tweet, Chopra made a strong statement by wedding, Chopra landed at the Chula Vista
Not-so-mundane life precedented. calling out those who painted a fellow com- EliteAthleteTrainingCenterinCalifornia,USA.
AmanShahhasbeenworkingcloselywith petitor as a villain. Nextyearhewillaimformedalsinthreema-
Chopraoverthepastfouryearsandwaswith Influential figure jorevents,theCommonwealthGames,Asian
himduringmostof thepost-Olympicstravel. Chopraswitchedoff hisphoneonlanding The competitor and friend Games, and World Athletics Championships.
Shah is part of the team which manages him in India. To reach him, one had to go through Hisempathyforthisera'smostdominant He is coming off a long cheat phase and
atJSWSports.Beinginthepubliceyecameat eitherShahorhisuncleBhimChopra.Thetwo thrower Johannes Vetter, when the German havingasweettoothdidn'thelpmatters.The
a cost for Chopra. But he took it in his stride, of them had to plan each hour of each day. It greatfailedtoqualify forthefinalattheTokyo first aim is to get back to shape.
says Shah. would be a while before Chopra was able to Olympics, was a lesson in how to stay “I have slowly started training. I had be-
When the attention got a little too much, return to his train-rest-train schedule. grounded. come fat,” Chopra said, while shooting a live
Chopra needed a little help. Before flights, a “HisuncleBhimwouldtakeallthecallsre- “Please pass on the message to him that I Instagram video and replying to questions.
requestwasmadetotheprotocolofficeratthe lated to governments, Neeraj didn't have his consider him as a great athlete and when he Onthebreakfasttablewasaplateof fruits
airport to allow him an easier passage to the phoneon.Therewereatleast100phonecalls wasleavingthefield,Iwantedtohughimand and what looked like some cereal. In the dis-
aircraft,awayfromthecommonarea.Butthe everyday.Itdidn'tgettohimashedidn'tface make him feel ‘you are the best.’ It’s just that tance was a training track.

Protecting the Nation Against the Cyber War &
Cyber Terrorism Post Covid-19 Pandemic
SOLDIER WITHOUT UNIFORM lenge to us, especially in the cyber space and likewise for all the critical infrastructure such whenever I felt week He literally had trans- tics of the data, so that they can respond in
An internationally renowned expert in Cy- also in the conventional space. How do you as power, airport, ports, scientific installa- formed me into a Non-Uniform Soldier and real time basis.
ber, Counter Terrorism , National Security, think we can counter the same. tions. When these nodes are controlled made me committed to keep on doing what Even at the recent Indo-global summit
Drones and Electronic Warfare , Dr (Prof) I have worked very closely with the many though oneWAN, it would be easier to check is good for the nation without fearing for held in Dubai, I proposed to the member na-
Nishakant Ojha, is a sought- after advisor, Middle &WestAsian countries who are striv- input and output of data. For this integration one’s life, he has instructed me to do right tions for creating a dedicated Centre of Excel-
an eminent Professor. Dr (Prof) Ojha is also ing hard enough to create a robust eco-sys- of all the agencies is of paramount impor- things which is for the betterment of the lence in the core area of AI Cyber security
a well-known author, whose recent book,“A tem to address Cyber & Counter Terrorism tance under a competent leadership to bring Mother India and I pledge to do till end of along with some sort of cognitive advanced
New Game of Geo-politics in West Asia-US, issues .In lieu of that I would request and all of them together for the sake of protecting my life. technology between the quadrant countries
Iran and India,” carries the foreword of H.H. suggest to the concern authority in the gov- the nation. India, Israel, Dubai, UAE, Sri Lanka. Dubai
Arif Mohammed Khan, Governor of Kerala, ernment of India to set up a National Cyber What made you join BECIL as Chief has shown his great interest for the same.
commending his efforts. As Chief Strategic Joint Task Force under the Ministry of De- What kind of Drones are being built Strategic Officer? Cyber is not just about tools, it’s an art.At
Officer& Advisor Cyber & Aerospace Security fence. The Task Force would compile intelli- to counter predator drones sneaking I am grateful to CMD of BECIL, who has the CoE here, we are developing AI with in-
in a PSU under Government of India, Dr gence and work in close coordination and into Indian territory? been a great support by offering me this digenous knowledge, which will be entirely
(Prof) Ojha, is spearheading several initia- collaboration with all the agencies to pro- In India, there are a many indigenous pro- platform and the responsibility of Chief ‘Made in India’ and handed over to the gov-
tives such as building a Centre of Excellence tect, secure and guard the all kinds of war- jects where next generation drones can be Strategic Officer encouraging me to pick the ernment to take it forward.We have to nur-
for AI and Cyber Security to strengthen the fare domains - land, sea, air, space, and cyber developed that are capable of identifying, best indigenous brains and integrating them ture fresh minds and put them on a specific
National Security of India. He was instru- within our country’s territorial jurisdiction . jamming, responding and are also suicidal. for strategic planning. My areas of expertise task for good results.
mental in advising many West Asia & mid- The Task Force would basically serve as a re- These drones can be controlled by their com- are cyber, counter terrorism, national secu-
dle East countries in sub setting the Terror- source focal point for the multi-disciplinary mand centre,and also through the satellites to rity, drones, electronics warfare . I am an em- What are the top priority areas that
ist activities .He had also served as a areas in research and analytical exchange Sudan where I worked on enhancing their different satellites.We are working on a sys- inent expert in Counter Terrorism for West need attention for the fight against
PrincipalAdvisor -with Republic of Sudan for for the national goals and strategic posture of defence capability programme and my stint tem where the Next-Gen Drones have the ca- Asia and the Middle east, so I have a sound Cybercrime and cyber terrorism?
strengthening the National Security of the the Republic of India.And the ability of that with the Russian government also. I also pability to identify and read the frequencies of understanding of how terrorism works and There are three things that needs immedi-
Country and also advising many Terrorist af- would be to build and deploy 50 military have a post-doctoral degree in AI from Den- other equipment and hop up to another fre- the dark cyber space operations correlate ate attention. Firstly, a Cyber security law and
fected countries basically from Middle East & equipment in support of the national strate- mark on paid scholarship from the EU.Today, quency without jamming them. Many foreign with that . I am developing a Centre of Ex- Cyber security Strategy must be formulated
West Asia on Counter –Terrorism gic objective. I wanted to emphasis on having I am an eminent expert for the BSF for universities have collaborated with us and cellence here, which will play a very vital role immediately. Secondly, the government
a mechanism to keep the government offi- counter terrorism. have even started sharing the ToT with us. in enhancing the national security of our na- should work closely with the security agencies
Today, the world is facing a para- cials apprised of the audit and its outcomes There are many countries who have robust tion by nailing down counter terrorism and it on the Drones laws. Lastly, a WAN system
doxical situation where sophisticated periodically. Could you share about your role in technology, but no funds to take it forward. I will be a kind of supporting arm for the law must be created immediately to cover all the
technology is a boon and a bane. How fortifying the financial sector against am targeting them for importing those tech- enforcing agency. Defence Commands of India Army, along
protected are we as a nation? On what premise would the pro- frauds? nologies into India, and bringing the start- We have started many start-ups that are with critical infrastructures also.And then in-
India is in a grim situation when it comes posed National Cyber Joint Task Force During the Covid pandemic, money traf- ups on a common platform to develop well-in- working on many areas, including counter tegrate them to build a better, faster cyber
to cyber warfare perpetrated by countries in- function? ficking and money laundering incidents rose tegrated and comprehensive technologies drones, electronic warfare etc. I am devel- security data operations on PPP model. Pri-
imical to it. In today’s highly sophisticated The National Cyber JointTask Force would sharply in the small cooperative banks, compatible to our security needs and hand it oped a digital forensic lab and my target is to vate companies and start-ups must be en-
technology driven environment, Cybercrimes work basically on two primary premises- which still to be digitalised or are semi digi- over to the Government of India. Spoofing is make this lab into a world-class one in an- couraged and given support, but everything
too have become a real time danger. India strategic information support and informa- talised.There are approx. 90,000 rural coop- one of the element which will play a vital role other 6-7 months. I am really thankful to the has to be audited. Due diligence of each staff
has to adopt a more aggressive stance, both tion operations. The strategic information erative banks and about 1300-1500 urban in that particular Drones. National Cyber Security Coordinator who member has to be carried out to ensure that
overtly and covertly, to identify these threats. support would look into centralising techni- cooperative banks in India. To check finan- had helped me in fulfilling this particular there is no breach of data, which makes Data
India needs to place intelligent safety checks cal intelligence, collection and management cial frauds, CERT-in, under the Ministry of You have worked closely with the dream into reality An upgraded version of protection policy, all the more necessary. In
and mechanisms to counter these threats. and providing strategic intelligence support Electronics and IT and Ministry for Communi- Late CDS General Bipin Rawat. Could CBRN protection system for detecting and grey areas where we are lacking, the govern-
The existing Cyber rules and policies are inad- to the various defence commands enabling cation and Information Technology, Govern- you share your association with him? alerting about new viruses is another focus ment has to act fast to make national security
equate to address the real time challenges joint operations. ment of India, sought my expertise for cre- The tragic martyrdom of CDS General area. Where we are focusing and I put in more robust and strong enabling agencies to
thereby, making it important to frame strin- The strategic operations would take into ating Security Operation Centres (SOC), with Bipin Rawat Sir is an irreparable loss to the words that it will change the entire dynamics get a grip on the two-way passage of data.
gent laws on priority to tackle and curb cyber account input and output of intelligence for whom we have signed an MOU. My primary nation and personally to me a lot as well. He of Combat Operations. In the future, I can With respect to theTerrorism in all its man-
terror attacks. The government is investing cyber warfare in paralysing enemy opera- objective is to create a robust cyber security was my mentor, guide and a great support foresee that there will be two kinds of war- ifestations are unacceptable and never be
significant resources into institutions to tions and system sabotage. It would enable eco-system to protect these 90,600 co-oper- to me. I know for sure that he was very popu- machine war and biological war where com- justified.Today all States in every region are
tackle cybercrime and cyber terrorism and it India to conduct operations by integrating ative banks. The SOPs that are being created lar, admired and respected as a brave heart in bat by soldiers would be the last option. vulnerable to terrorism and this menace has
is making all efforts to ensure proper moni- multiple decisions of information and war- would take the traffic from cooperative West Asian countries and the Middle East. become a serious global concern. India since
toring for enhanced accountability and im- fare into a unified force covering a host of banks, read, analyse them and send those He was truly a daring officer, a true warrior. Sir AI is a powerful technology to con- its independence has been facing the prob-
plementing periodic audits would further vital aspects such as cyber espionage, of- data to CSIRT-FIN for sending alerts and always encouraged me saying, “Have faith, tend with in stealth digital warfare. lem of insurgency and serious victims of
streamline and strengthen the near real time fence, media campaigns, psychological and advisories to the concerned stakeholders we will do something good together for the What is you observation? cross boundaries terrorism in different parts of
response in the fighting against cybercrimes political warfare missions.This system would and cooperative banks for taking necessary Country .” A man of rare calibre, he was a AI is being dangerously used. In today’s the country and frontier- terrorism has been
and terrorism. India needs a centralised defang the efforts of our adversaries to action in time. true patriot for whom it was ‘country first’ highly sophisticated environment hackers the unending vexed issue. The terrorist
monitoring and coordination centre for pro- weaken and destabilize the country. and other thing secondary . are on their job, teaming up, coordinating, groups both religious and non-religious have
cessing actionable Intelligence for sharing I am creating a cyber war room for cyber What is your strategy against cyber During my initial days of interaction with and targeting to damage and attack across been resorting to varied terrorist activities
the same with all the Law Enforcement security and working deeply in counter terror- terrorism? Bipin sir, he advised me to choose good peo- the global digital landscape resulting as a adopting improved and sophisticated devices
Agencies in real time. When it comes to na- ism, which if not blocked, will play a very Cyber terrorism has many aspects to it. ple from different agencies, from different threat destroying trust among the service having external links with likeminded terror-
tional security there should not be even a dangerous role in the coming years after the My suggestion is that there is need to create departments, from universities and create a providers and customers.There is need for a ist groups in other countries. In the light of
fraction of compromise. I believe in the rule, takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban. I can different cyber security nodes e.g.,There are team for a start-up, which should work as a safety mechanism against AI led cyber this, India should evolve equally improved &
‘Respect all, Suspect all’. say this from my extensive experience in ad- multiple defence theatres, for which we vertical to all the supporting agencies as and threat. My suggestion to the government is to robust strategies to combat and counter
The adversaries are employing new and visory roles to many countries including as should create separate nodes and then create when required. Bipin Sir is my idol and will be set-up a cyber-war room in different loca- frontier- terrorism in particular adopting
asymmetrical technologies to pose a chal- former principal advisor to the Republic of a WAN of those that will cover all them, and , he always helped in boosting my morale tions where they can read the characteris- global counter terrorism strategy also.

New Delhi

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