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Persuading People to Live a Healthy Lifestyle to Avoid Pneumonia.

The best way to persuade people to live healthier is by showing them the reality of the
situation. Pneumonia is caused by the transferring of infectious bacteria like viruses or
bacteria into our respiratory system. With that, the more contact or exposure we have to
such bacteria, the greater the likelihood of potentially getting pneumonia or another illness
like the common cold. A good way I see to persuade people to practice better hygiene is
through example.

Asking people what they would normally do when coughing or sneezing on their hands is a
good start. Some of them might say they will wash their hands while others might just
continue on their day. Now, if they were to intentionally sneeze and cough on their hands
the next time and leave it alone, how would they feel. Majority of them would feel uneasy
because it’s disgusting and in there, we can convince them the importance of hygiene.
Because they could directly see the bacteria from their own bodily fluids, they had an urge to
want to clean their hands, I can then persuade them that such bacteria they saw from their
cough/sneeze is present in almost all our surroundings.

If they were to then think of how much contact they come into other objects they are
unaware of with their hands, they will realize the potential bacteria being transferred to them.
Unlike when they wash their hands directly after sneezing/coughing, this bacteria from day-
to-day interaction is usually left alone and with the regular movement of our hands on our
faces or on the food we eat, people can then be brought to the attention to practice good
hygiene and oral care to get ride of such infectious bacteria.

Now that the problem of getting rid of infectious organisms they come into contact with has
been taken care of, it’s easier to convince people that they can do their role of defending
themselves against the infectious organisms that do come into their body through improving
their own natural defenses and immune system. The best way to do that of course is by
practicing healthy habits. Habits such as getting regular amounts of sleep, eating a balanced
diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking among others contribute greatly to improve
one’s immune system. I think a good way to convince people to try and adopt healthier
habits as it relates to reducing risk of pneumonia is through testing their lungs. Getting
people to try and do physical exercise while wearing a mask for example is a good
simulation. Most people will struggle because breathing is more difficult. With that, I can
then tell them the same case can be said for their lungs risk to pneumonia because their
body isn’t as healthy as it can be. There is no harm in trying to live a healthier lifestyle either,
it is just about the mentality and informing people that cases like pneumonia, coughs, the
common cold, and a fever are greatly reduced when one is living healthier is a great
motivation for anyone to try and improve. I believe these such things when brought to the
common person’s attention will bring great awareness and drive towards living healthier and
reducing risk to pneumonia.

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