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Harry John V.



My Ideal Diverse World

Diversity is undeniably on the rise across all areas of life as the world globalizes. Diversity
and multicultural environments are important for a multitude of reasons, and diversity in
particular is one of them. The first to benefit from a multicultural workforce are business

enterprises. Cultural diversity and inclusion have been shown to have positive consequences .

But what is my ideal diverse world? An ideal diverse world to me is a society where all differences
are not discriminated and looked down on for being “different” from other people’s likings.
Differences such as in religion, culture, preference, etc. are still causing issues all around the
world. All because people are too used to the norms they grew up around and has somewhat
become a part of their personalities. A world with no hate and discrimination would most
definitely be a stronger and happier diverse world in my opinion. This is because every individual
is unique and there is always something new to be learned. Societies would tend to prosper if
there was only a mutual love for the people we are associated around. Hopefully somewhere in
the near future this ideal diverse world may become a reality.

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