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23 10:56 PM

LESSON 3:#A History of Global Politics : Creating an International Order•

Learning Outcomes At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:1.
Identify key events in the development of international relations;2.
Differentiate internationalization from globalization;3. Define the state
and the nation; 4. Distinguish between the competing conceptions of
internationalism and 5. Discuss the historical evolution of international politics
The world is composed of many countries or states, all of them having different
forms of government. Some scholars politics are interested in individual states and
examine the internal politics of these countries. For example, a scholar studying
the politics of japan may write about the history of bureaucracy. Other scholars
are more interested in the interactions between states rather than their internal
politics. These scholars look at trade deals between states. They also study
political, military, and other diplomatic engagement between two or more
countries. These scholars are studying international relations. Moreover ,when they
explore the deepening of interactions between states, they refer to the phenomenon
of internationalization.Internationalization does not equal globalization although
it is a major part of globalization. As we explained in Lesson 1, globalization
encompasses a multitude of connections and interactions that cannot be reduced to
the ties between government. Nevertheless, it is important to study international
relations as a facet of globalization, because states/governments are key drivers
of global processes. In this lesson, we will examine internationalization as one
window to view the globalization of politics. Although this course is about the
contemporary world, we cannot avoid history. What international relations are today
is largely defined by events that occurred as far back as 400 world politics. But
to do that, we need first to work backward. This lesson will begin with identifying
the major attributes of contemporary global politics and then proceed to ask; How
did this system emerge? In doing so, you will have a solid foundation to understand
the major issues of global governance in the next lesson.

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