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Dissertation for Ph.D.

University Department of Commerce & Business Management

Ranchi University, Ranchi

Impact of advertisement on buying behaviours of Smartphone among various age



Under the supervision & Guidance of: Research Scholar

Dr. M. N. Zubairi Kumari Kanak Lata

Assistant Professor (Net Qualified)

Depart of Commerce & Business Studies Roll no. 18ph.DCW81052

Ranchi University, Ranchi (Course Work)

Table of Contents
1.1. Concept of Advertising...............................................................................................................9
1.2. Unique features of advertising.................................................................................................10
1.3. Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior................................................................11
1.4. Influence of advertisement on consumer behavior and sales turnover...................................15
1.5. The smartphone market in India..............................................................................................19
1.6. Smartphone advertising influences customers’ purchasing behavior.......................................21
1.7. The relationship between advertising and sales volume..........................................................22
1.8 The link between advertising, customer buying behavior, and sales.........................................24
2. Objectives of the research study.....................................................................................................26
3. Literature Review............................................................................................................................29
3.1 Evolution of Advertising.............................................................................................................29
3.2 Move from the non-personal presentation of the message to personalised communication...40
3.3 Advertising as an Integral Part of Marketing Mix.......................................................................49
3.4 Advertising – Its role in the business backdrop..........................................................................53
3.5 Role of Advertising during a pandemic like Covid-19.................................................................63
3.6 The importance of responsible advertisements........................................................................70
3.7 Creativity and Innovation in Enhancing the Impact of Advertising............................................74
3.8 Features of Advertising strategy of modern businesses entities...............................................83
3.9 Importance of Advertising Smartphones...................................................................................95
3.10 Advertising Factors influencing the Smartphone Purchase Intention....................................104
3.11 Effectiveness of Advertising on Smartphone Buying Decision...............................................111
3.12 Impact of Samsung’s Advertisement Strategy on Customer Behaviour.................................116
3.13 Digitalization concept in advertising......................................................................................123
3.14 Advertising and customer behaviour.....................................................................................132
3.15 Influence of advertisements on individuals from different age groups.................................137
3.16 Positive and negative impact of advertisements...................................................................149
3.17 Advertisements of smartphones............................................................................................157
4. Research Questions / Research Gap..............................................................................................162
5. Research Methodology..............................................................................................................163
5.1 Research tool - Research Questionnaire..................................................................................165
5.2 Sampling..................................................................................................................................167
5.3 Sample size..............................................................................................................................168

5.4 Primary Research Study...........................................................................................................169
5.5 Primary Research Analysis.......................................................................................................171
5.6 Key factors that influence the product which customers choose in the market......................175
5.7 Impact of advertisement on buying behaviours of customers from different age groups.......179
5.8 Ethical Considerations.............................................................................................................198
6 Analysis of Data..............................................................................................................................202
6.1 Importance of advertising........................................................................................................204
6.2 Diverse impact of advertising strategy on the market audience.............................................210
6.3 Role of the age of the market audience...................................................................................217
6.4 Discussion based on Data Analysis..........................................................................................225
7. Recommendations.........................................................................................................................238
8. Limitations of the Research process..............................................................................................247
9. Hypothesis....................................................................................................................................250
Chapter I: Introduction..................................................................................................................261
Chapter II: Objective of the Research............................................................................................261
Chapter III: Literature Review........................................................................................................262
Chapter IV: Research Question/Research Gap..............................................................................263
Chapter V: Research Methodology................................................................................................263
Chapter VI: Analysis of Data..........................................................................................................264
Chapter VII: Limitations of the Research process..........................................................................265
Chapter VIII: Hypothesis................................................................................................................266

Advertisement has become an integral part of business entities that has the power to mould

the existence, sustainability, and performance of concern. This element of the promotional

mix can transform the overall effectiveness of the marketing strategy of a business

undertaking. What makes advertisement very impactful is that it is highly visible and

pervasive in nature. The advertisement gives shape to the promotional mix of an entity that

comprises various components like sales promotion, personal selling, publicity, etc. Business

concerns take the advertisement function very seriously. This is because it deals in

disseminating information by using non-personal means through paid media1.

As the size of markets has been expanding due to the existence of a large number of players,

the importance of advertising is also increasing. The strategic advertising approach is

basically helping firms to interact with the vast market audience so that they can be aware of

the business and the market offerings. According to The Role of Advertising in Promoting a

Product (2020), the role of advertisement is indispensable when it comes to promoting a

product or service for a business concern. Advertisement can be said to be a long-term

investment for a business undertaking which ultimately helps it to influence its overall market

performance2. For example, suppose a customer is not satisfied with the toothpaste that he is

using; in that case, the advertisement of toothpaste from a competitor brand could encourage

him to shift to the offering. This example shows the power of advertisement for marketers

and businesses. Thus according to the writer, advertisement not only influences the purchase

of a service or commodity but also has the power to influence the underlying aspects of a

customer that influence the purchasing decision3.

"The Role Of Advertising In Promoting A Product". 2020. Theseus.Fi.
"The Role Of Advertising In Promoting A Product". 2020. Theseus.Fi.

According to the Advertising and Sales Promotion (2020), Chicago, the term advertising

refers to “any form of non-personal presentation or promotion of ideas, goods or services, by

an identified sponsor.4” Thus, this means of mass communication of information plays a vital

role for marketers. This is because it is used as a powerful tool that helps to persuade existing

buyers or potential buyers in the competitive market setting. Some of the core elements of

advertisement include the mass communication approach, which has the power to reach a

large number of customers in the vast market setting, and it is a non-personal method of

communication. In other words, it can be said that it is not delivered by a real person or

individual, nor is it addressed to a specific individual only. This form of commercial

communication is regarded to be extremely useful in the business backdrop as it helps the

advertiser to have a profitable and long life in the unpredictable business landscape. One of

the major benefits of advertisement is that it is speedy, and it empowers an advertiser to

interact with millions of buyers within a short period of time 5. The contents of an

advertisement play an integral role. This is because they can ensure whether the

advertisement has a positive impact on the potential or existing buyers of a business or not.

For instance, the information that is shared in an advertisement must be beneficial for the

buyers so that they can take action in the form of a purchase. In addition to this, while

designing an advertisement; a marketer must make sure that the advertisement suggests some

kind of solution to the intended audience so that their problem can be resolved. A critical

component of advertisement is persuasion. Without proper and effective persuasion, an

advertisement is bound to fail for a business concern. The ultimate objective of advertising is

to help a business concern to increase its level of profitable sales volumes so that it can

sustainably perform in the dynamic market backdrop6.

Advertising And Sales Promotion". 2020. Pondiuni.Edu.In. Http://Www.Pondiuni.Edu.In/Storage/Dde/Downloads/Markiv_Asp.Pdf .
Advertising And Sales Promotion". 2020. Pondiuni.Edu.In. Http://Www.Pondiuni.Edu.In/Storage/Dde/Downloads/Markiv_Asp.Pdf .
Advertising And Sales Promotion". 2020. Pondiuni.Edu.In. Http://Www.Pondiuni.Edu.In/Storage/Dde/Downloads/Markiv_Asp.Pdf .

Advertising acts as an extremely critical and important tool that enables business

undertakings to communicate and interact with the end-users about their offerings, such as a

service or a product. The messages that are shared with the end-users intend to inform them

and influence them to make specific purchase decisions. In the 21st Century, business entities

rely heavily on advertising and marketing. The message that is shared through the

communication medium helps to influence the perception of individuals about a brand.

Moreover, it also has the potential to have a significant impact on the reputation and goodwill

of a business concern.

In the technology-driven times of the 21st Century, the internet has brought about

revolutionary changes in how advertising is done. In the current times, business concerns are

trying to interact with the target market audience by focusing on traditional as well as modern

forms of advertisement7. In the olden times, businesses mainly used radio commercials,

television commercials, billboards, posters, etc., to advertise about themselves and their

market offerings. But thanks to the introduction of innovative technologies, especially the

internet, marketers have diverse options to advertise about their market offerings 8. Due to the

application of technology in the area of advertisement, marketers are in a position to

disseminate the intended message to the market audience from all across the globe.

Moreover, they are able to engage with the existing customers and potential customers in an

efficient and effective manner.

Modern technology significantly contributes to the advertising domain. This is because it

empowers business concerns as well as marketers to create more meaningful and impactful

messages as compared to the traditional advertising approaches. Thanks to the use of

"The Role Of Advertising In Promoting A Product". 2020. Theseus.Fi.

innovative technology by marketers, they are able to present personalized messages that are

more appealing to specific customer segments. The primary objective of designing such kinds

of advertisements is to capture the attention of the potential audience and the existing ones.

Due to the application of innovative technologies for advertising, marketers have a better

chance of influencing customers and molding their purchasing decisions to a significant

extent. One of the key features of the technology-driven approach of advertising is that

customers are able to have direct and meaningful interaction with marketers as well.

Over the years, a wide variety of research studies have been carried out to get a better insight

into the significance of advertisements in the dynamic market setting. Various former studies

indicate that advertisements have a major impact on customers and their decisions regarding

purchasing a product or a service9. In the research study by Fatima and Lodhi (2015), they

have clearly stated that advertisements help customers by creating awareness about products

and services that are available in the vast market setting. In fact, advertisements along with

the perception of the market audience combine and influence the ultimate purchasing


The prevailing market landscape is highly competitive in nature. The business undertakings

that operate in the market use advertisement as a vital marketing tool so that they can have

the edge over their industry rivals and competitors. It is used as a potent weapon in the

market environment, enabling marketers to influence the target market audience. This is done

by sharing with them new information or reminding them of the existence of a valuable

product or service that can be beneficial for them. According to the marketing mix theory,

advertising can be regarded as one of the most useful and effective promotional tools that

helps them arouse the audience's interest. In modern times, the role and significance of
Fatima, Samar, and Samreen Lodhi. "Impact of Advertisement on Buying Behaviours of the Consumers: Study of Cosmetic Industry in
Karachi City." International journal of management sciences and business research (2015).

advertisement have further boosted. In fact, business entities have been using innovative

ways to advertise their offerings in the market so that they can perform better. Investing in

advertisements has become a fundamental necessity for firms as it influences the buying

decisions of existing as well as potential customers10. Thus it further has an impact on the

profitability and market performance of firms.

The research study has been carried out to understand how advertisements impact the buying

behaviors of people. Mwakasege (2015) has stated that communication via advertisements

can play an integral role for marketers. This is because it can mold what customers think

about a product or service11. The information that is shared in the form of advertisements has

the power to influence the attitude of the target market audience towards different market

offerings. In fact, this strategy can help a business to share relevant and necessary

information with the customers so that they can make purchasing decisions that are in favor

of the business concern12.

In the research dissertation, an in-depth and thorough investigation has been carried out to get

an insight into how advertising molds the buying behaviors of customers. The main focus is

on the advertisement strategies that are adopted by smartphone companies that influence the

purchasing decision among various age groups. Holistic research is conducted by focusing on

the advertisements of some of the most well-known smartphone brands such as Apple,

Samsung, Sony, etc. On the basis of the critical assessment, suitable recommendations have

Fatima, Samar, and Samreen Lodhi. "Impact of Advertisement on Buying Behaviours of the Consumers: Study of Cosmetic Industry in
Karachi City." International journal of management sciences and business research (2015).

Mwakasege, Getrude.. Influence Of Advertising On Consumer Buying Behaviour: Case Study Of Forever Living Cosmetics Products.
10.13140/Rg.2.1.2302.6329. (2015)

Fatima, Samar, and Samreen Lodhi. "Impact of Advertisement on Buying Behaviours of the Consumers: Study of Cosmetic Industry in
Karachi City." International journal of management sciences and business research (2015).

been made so that marketers operating in the smartphone industry can use their advertisement

strategy to their advantage.

1.1. Concept of Advertising

According to the Advertising and Sales Promotion (2020), the term advertising refers to “any

form of non-personal presentation or promotion of ideas, goods or services, by an identified

sponsor.13” Thus, this means of mass communication of information plays a vital role for

marketers. This is because it is used as a powerful tool that helps to persuade existing buyers

or potential buyers in the competitive market setting. Some of the core elements of

advertisement include the mass communication approach, which has the power to reach a

large number of customers in the vast market setting, and it is a non-personal method of

communication. In other words, it can be said that it is not delivered by a real person or

individual, nor is it addressed to a specific individual only. This form of commercial

communication is regarded to be extremely useful in the business backdrop as it helps the

advertiser to have a profitable and long-life rapport in the unpredictable business landscape.

One of the major benefits of advertisement is that it is speedy, and it empowers an advertiser

to interact with millions of buyers within a short period of time 14. The contents of an

advertisement play an integral role. This is because they can ensure whether the

advertisement has a positive impact on the potential or existing buyers of a business or not.

For instance, the information that is shared in an advertisement must be beneficial for the

buyers so that they can take action in the form of a purchase. In addition to this, while

designing an advertisement, a marketer must make sure that the advertisement suggests some

kind of solution to the intended audience so that their problem can be resolved. A critical

component of advertisement is persuasion. Without proper and effective persuasion, an

Advertising And Sales Promotion". 2020. Pondiuni.Edu.In. Http://Www.Pondiuni.Edu.In/Storage/Dde/Downloads/Markiv_Asp.Pdf.
Advertising And Sales Promotion". 2020. Pondiuni.Edu.In. Http://Www.Pondiuni.Edu.In/Storage/Dde/Downloads/Markiv_Asp.Pdf.

advertisement is bound to fail for a business concern. The ultimate objective of advertising is

to help a business concern to increase its level of profitable sales volume so that it can

sustainably perform in the dynamic market backdrop15.

Advertising acts as an extremely critical and important tool that enables business

undertakings to communicate and interact with the end-users about their offerings, such as a

service or a product. The messages that are shared with the end-users intend to inform them

and influence them to make specific purchase decisions. In the 21st Century, business entities

rely heavily on advertising and marketing. The message that is shared through the

communication medium helps to influence the perception of individuals about a brand.

Moreover, it also has the potential to have a significant impact on the reputation and goodwill

of a business concern.

1.2. Unique features of advertising

In the technology-driven times of the 21st Century, the internet has brought about

revolutionary changes in how advertising is done. In the current times, business concerns are

trying to interact with the target market audience by focusing on traditional as well as modern

forms of advertisement. In the olden times, businesses mainly used radio commercials,

television commercials, billboards, posters, etc to advertise about themselves and their market

offerings. But thanks to the introduction of innovative technologies, especially the internet,

marketers have diverse options to advertise about their market offerings 16. Due to the

application of technology in the area of advertisement, marketers are in a position to

disseminate the intended message to the market audience from all across the globe.

Moreover, they are able to engage with the existing customers and potential customers in an

efficient and effective manner.

Advertising And Sales Promotion". 2020. Pondiuni.Edu.In. Http://Www.Pondiuni.Edu.In/Storage/Dde/Downloads/Markiv_Asp.Pdf.
"The Role Of Advertising In Promoting A Product". 2020. Theseus.Fi.

Modern technology significantly contributes to the advertising domain. This is because it

empowers business concerns as well as marketers to create more meaningful and impactful

messages as compared to the traditional advertising approaches. Thanks to the use of

innovative technology by marketers, they are able to present personalized messages that are

more appealing to specific customer segments 17. The primary objective of designing such

kinds of advertisements is to capture the attention of the potential audience and the existing

ones. Due to the application of innovative technologies for advertising, marketers have a

better chance of influencing customers and molding their purchasing decisions to a

significant extent. One of the key features of the technology-driven approach of advertising is

that customers are able to have direct and meaningful interaction with marketers as well.

1.3. Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior

According to John (2020), consumer buying behavior refers to choosing, buying, using, and

disposing of the products and services of a brand by the individuals and groups to meet their

needs and wants. The author also defines consumer buying behavior as the study of what

people buy, how they buy, when they buy, as well as why they buy 18. Understanding

consumer buying behavior provides businesses with a competitive edge and helps them to

deliver products and services as per the needs of the consumers. In addition to understanding,

the business entities engage in different types of advertising activities in order to influence

the purchasing decisions of the consumers19.

Consumer buying behavior has been a top priority for every business, but it is the

advertisement that determines the effectiveness. In most cases, the liking or disliking of the

Dudovskiy, John. 2020. "Consumer Buyer Behaviour Definition - Research Methodology". Research-Methodology. https://research-
Alalwan, Ali Abdallah. "Investigating the impact of social media advertising features on customer purchase
intention." International Journal of Information Management 42. 2018
Dudovskiy, John. 2020. "Consumer Buyer Behaviour Definition - Research Methodology". Research-Methodology. https://research-

advertisement by the consumers has been a deciding factor of the consumer buying behavior.

The emotional reaction that develops after viewing an advertisement of a product plays an

important role in consumer behavior20.

Advertisements help provide all the essential and detailed information about the products and

services to the consumers that enable them to make the right choice. The core aim of the

advertisement is to provide something valuable to the intended audience that benefits them

while building brand image and encouraging brand loyalty. In the present competitive era,

moulding the buying behavior of the consumers or making the right impact is quite difficult.

Successful advertising is the only effective tool to influence the buying behavior of the target

audiences. Along with providing information, the advertisements also entertain the viewers

and keep them engaged, and are likely to form a positive image of the product or service in

the minds of the consumers. Such involvement persuades the consumers to make a purchase

of the advertised product from the brand21.

As a lot of money is spent by the businesses in the advertisement, it is imperative to ensure its

effectiveness. In order to ensure successful advertising, it is important to understand what

will make the intended consumers behave in the way the business wants them to22. Predicting

consumer behavior has always been difficult for the businesses. While studying consumer

behavior, the business entity needs to consider the important roles of the consumer as a

buyer, user, and payer. Developing accurate buyer profiles and studying their emotional as

Ahmed, Shumaila, and Ayesha Ashfaq. "Impact of Advertising on Consumers’ buying behavior through Persuasiveness, Brand Image,
and Celebrity endorsement." Global Media Journal 6, no. 2 (2013): 149.

Ahmed, Shumaila, and Ayesha Ashfaq. "Impact of Advertising on Consumers’ buying behavior through Persuasiveness, Brand Image,
and Celebrity endorsement." Global Media Journal 6, no. 2 (2013): 149.

Hasan, Md Khalid, Abrar Shahriar, and Kudrat Ullah Jim. "Water pollution in Bangladesh and its impact on public health." Heliyon 5, no.
8 (2019): e02145.

well as mental processes can help in crafting the advertisements that make the right impact on

the consumers.

There are basically four types of buying behaviors that the consumers show, which are

routine buying, impulse buying, extensive decision making, and limited decision making.

Routine purchase refers to the buying of commonly used products to satisfy daily needs. The

advertisement has a limited impact on such type of customer buying behavior. Impulse

buying is when a customer makes an instant decision and ends up making an unplanned

purchase. Advertisement plays an important role in this case. Most of the time, it is an

innovative advertisement that attracts the buyers and influences them leading to impulse

buying. In cases of extensive decision-making, the consumer takes a longer time to reach the

final buying decision. The buyer spends more time in research and finally ends up making a

purchase. The advertisement also plays an important role in this case and impacts the

consumer buying behavior. The last type of consumer buying behavior is limited decision-

making. In this type of buying behavior, the consumers are well-aware about the product they

want to buy, but they search for more brands and try to decide the product they want to

purchase. Here, advertisement is important to make the right impact on consumer behavior.

As they are sure of the product, an appealing advertisement can help in influencing the

product of that brand23.

There are different modes of advertisements that companies can use to promote their brand’s

products and services. Surveys show that television and magazine advertisements have a

greater impact on consumer buying behavior. The advertisements that are able to convey the

value of the product are more likely to attract the attention of the consumers. Irrespective of

Dulin, Giehlito Cammayo. "The impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior." International Journal of Advanced Research in
Management and Social Sciences 5, no. 6 (2016): 257-268.

the cost of the product, the consumers go for purchasing the products whose advertisement

engages them the most24.

While advertising a product, the key indicators that impact the consumer buying behavior are

the quality of the product, the importance of the product, the usefulness of the products, and

the price of the product. Researchers show that the advertisements involving emotional

appeal as well as figures and statistics are the ones that have a high impact on consumer

buying behavior as compared to the other advertising techniques.

In order to ensure the intended impact on consumer buying behavior, advertisements need to

be based on reality so as to engage them better. Focusing on quality instead of price or

glamour is also important25. While providing useful information to consumers helps in the

creation of a positive impact, exaggerative advertisements can lead to a negative impact.

High quality and attractive advertisement can ensure a great impression in the minds of the


In the present digital era, more business entities are making use of internet advertisements as

compared to television advertisements in order to reach out to a broader audience. Moreover,

the endorsement of products by popular celebrities has become the latest trend in the

advertisement industry. It not only helps in strongly impacting the consumer buying behavior

but also engages the consumers more with the brands. As consumers are likely to trust the

products advertised by celebrities more, celebrity endorsements can benefit the businesses

more26. The presence of single or multiple celebrities in the advertisements further impacts

the buying behavior of the consumers in different ways. With the helpful advertisements,
Dulin, Giehlito Cammayo. "The impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior." International Journal of Advanced Research in
Management and Social Sciences 5, no. 6 (2016): 257-268.

Ahmed, Shumaila, and Ayesha Ashfaq. "Impact of Advertising on Consumers’ buying behavior through Persuasiveness, Brand Image,
and Celebrity endorsement." Global Media Journal 6, no. 2 (2013): 149.
Malik, Muhammad Ehsan, Muhammad Mudasar Ghafoor, Hafiz Kashif Iqbal, Qasim Ali, Hira Hunbal, Muhammad Noman, and Bilal
Ahmad. "Impact of brand image and advertisement on consumer buying behavior." World Applied Sciences Journal 23, no. 1 (2013): 117-

keeping the target consumers informed about the product and helping them make the right

decision becomes possible. Owing to the significant relationship between advertisements and

consumer buying behavior, business entities can develop innovative commercial ads and

avail better benefits.

1.4. Influence of advertisement on consumer behavior and sales turnover

Advertisements are considered one of the most effective ways to influence customer behavior

by attracting their attention towards the products and services of the brand. It influences them

to know more about the product, including the quality of the product, the evolution of the

product, and most importantly, its benefits. According to the researches, it also influences

customer behavior by arousing interest in them towards the product27. It helps the customers

to effectively differentiate the product of one brand from that of others available in the

competitive marketplace. It directly influences the purchasing decision of the consumers.

Another potential way in which the commercial ads impact the buying behavior of the

consumers is by creating a desire for the products and services in the minds of the customers.

Findings of the researchers suggest that viewing the engaging advertisements makes the

customers want to have or use the products of the brands that are being advertised. When a

consumer is new to the brands and hasn’t used the product before, the chances are high that

such a customer will be more influenced by the advertisements 28. The information provided

through advertising also leads the consumers to take action, which is the action of buying.

Consumers make use of the product information in order to make a decision as to whether to

buy the product or not.

Ahmed, Shumaila, and Ayesha Ashfaq. "Impact of Advertising on Consumers’ buying behavior through Persuasiveness, Brand Image,
and Celebrity endorsement." Global Media Journal 6, no. 2 (2013): 149.

Mwakasege, Getrude. Influence Of Advertising On Consumer Buying Behaviour: Case Study Of Forever Living Cosmetics
Products. 2015 10.13140/RG.2.1.2302.6329.

Advertisements largely influence consumer behavior. One of the best examples is the

smartphones of brands like Samsung in the competitive Indian market. The product of this

brand is considered to be among the most popular ones and has high sales owing to the

innovative advertisements. On the other hand, Onida that enjoyed great huge sales during the

early 1990s lacked sales because of less advertisement29. It reflects consumer behavior where

they are attracted towards the products having effective advertising strategies and involving

popular celebrities. Even after having a wide range of smartphones that are available for

affordable prices, Onida could not attract the consumers only due to the lack of


There are different elements of advertisement that influence consumer behavior. The

important elements include the product benefits, ingredients, quality, price, quantity, and

model used in the advertisement. The tagline of the product in the advertisement also

influences the buying behavior of the consumers. Among all the advertising elements,

consumers are more likely to be influenced by the product benefits and quality. In recent

times, where there is high competition among the businesses, new and entertaining

advertisements are required to hold the attention of consumers and influence their buying

decision30. Creating a familiarity in the advertisements that can help the consumers to relate

better proves to be more effective in creating the right impact on consumer buying behavior.

Effective advertising creates a positive impression in the consumer's mind about the brand

and stimulates them towards making a purchase.

Apart from influencing consumer behavior, advertisements also play a significant role in

enhancing businesses' sales turnover. Sales and profits have always been the core of any
Rai, Naveen. "Impact of Advertising on Consumer behaviour and attitude with reference to consumer durables." International Journal of
Management Research and Business Strategy 2, no. 2 (2013): 74-79.

Rai, Naveen. "Impact of Advertising on Consumer behaviour and attitude with reference to consumer durables." International Journal of
Management Research and Business Strategy 2, no. 2 (2013): 74-79.

business entity. In order to ensure the successful establishment of a business entity,

generating enough sales to meet all the operating costs is important. Increasing the sales

volume is the aim of every business31. Advertisements act as an important tool to increase the

sales turnover of a company. It provides the necessary information about the product to the

target audience and persuades them to make a purchase, thereby contributing to the sales of

the company.

Advertisements help in effectively communicating to the people that a particular product is

specially intended for them. With all the details about the use, characteristics, and benefits,

ads successfully aid in the establishment of a brand 32. It gives the opportunity to the

consumers to compare the products and make the right choice. Ultimately, it helps in

increasing the sales turnover of a particular brand.

Advertisement does not restrict business to personal sales but enables it to reach the target

consumers present anywhere across the globe. Advertisements help in broadening the

customer acceptance of the products and lead to the expansion of the market. The increase in

the market share of the brand results in an increase in the sales turnover. According to

research, with increased advertisements, the consumption of the product automatically

increases, which leads to a better sales performance of the company. The greater awareness

of the product through advertisement is the main reason for the rise in its preference, thereby

increasing the sales volume33. Advertising is often considered as an effective means to

stimulate the demand for the products and ultimately accelerate its sales. Most companies

advertise their products in order to compete effectively with other business entities in the

Agbeja, Oyedokun, O. J. Adelakun, and Daramola Akinyemi. "Analysis of the Effect of Advertising on Sales and Profitability of
Company." International Journal of Novel Research in Marketing Management and Economics 2, no. 3 (2015): 81-90.

Sanford, Thomas, and James M. Hunter. "Impact of performance funding on retention and graduation rates." education policy analysis
archives 19 (2011): 33
Sanford, Thomas, and James M. Hunter. "Impact of performance funding on retention and graduation rates." education policy analysis
archives 19 (2011): 33

market. Effective advertising influences consumer behavior and eventually increases sales


Along with helping the business to maintain a superior position in the competitive market, the

advertisement also aids in profit maximization through increased sales. A well-planned

advertising strategy is essential to retain a unique position in the market 34. A business entity

that aims to increase its sales turnover and improve its profits has to rely on advertising.

Empirical studies reflect that advertisement has a significant influence on the buying behavior

of the customers. While consumers expect value from the advertised product, the business

entity desires good returns for its investment in the advertisement in the form of the increased

sales turnover. Advertisements equally benefit the customers as well as the business. It offers

consumers with the required product information and influences their buying behavior. On

the other hand, advertisements help companies to reach their target audience and increase

their sales turnover. Advertising promotes the products and services of a company and

stimulates the interest of the consumers in the brand. As sales turnover is important for the

survival of the business entities, they can rely on advertising and ensure optimum benefits.

Advertisement acts as the most reliable source to positively influence the consumer behavior

and sales turnover of a business.

1.5. The smartphone market in India

The transition from the old flip-phone to smartphones was not a simple journey. It required

some smart brains and hours of thought process. Initially, mobile phones had only basic

features like calling and messaging. Today, there is not a single thing that a smartphone

cannot do. It is the incorporation of Artificial intelligence that made the mobile phones smart.

Abiodun, Adekoya Olusola. "The impact of advertising on sales volume of a product." International Business, Research paper of HAMK
University, Nigeria (2011).

India is becoming a thriving economy with a vast improvement in recent times, and it is

currently the second-largest smartphone market in the world. The country has dethroned the

United States, thereby becoming the second largest market with an estimated number of 158

million devices being shipped to the country in 2019, and China remains the global leader in

this case. The Smartphone manufacturers contributing to the success are mostly from China,

starting from me 2 Oppo and Vivo and so on, and there is 72% of the devices being shipped

to India as of 201935. The report largely comprises mobile phones that are on a budget which

is leading to the growth in the country. These manufacturers based in China are gaining

popularity in India and a tribute to the overall growth of the companies, and as for Xiaomi,

India is one of the largest markets for that particular company.

Regardless, companies like Apple with pricey products have also experienced growth in

India, and the report attributes the price cut in the iPhone models. Simultaneously, the same is

not applicable for companies like Samsung, and as of 2019, there has been no significant

growth for the latter. There has been declining in sales by about 5% in the last year 36.

Clearly, smartphones are becoming more and more accessible in India, with the large and

growing population the country has. The vendors are currently having a dream run for the

Indian market regardless of the global shipment numbers.

As of now, the offline channels are unable to keep the pace with discounts and market

initiatives happening with their electronic retailers throughout the year, and the government

has said that you are offline still remains on the largest channel for the mobile phone

distributions and becoming a crucial aspect the long-term success for any brand when it

MATT BINDER, "India Surpasses The US To Become 2Nd Largest Smartphone Market In The World",
Mashable India, last modified 2020, accessed April 20, 2020,
MATT BINDER, "India Surpasses The US To Become 2Nd Largest Smartphone Market In The World",
Mashable India, last modified 2020, accessed April 20, 2020,

comes to the Indian market. The online market rules have also been given, leaving more

space for other brands to open their branches here.

The smartphones are already equipped with cameras and GPS technology. Combining the

data collected by the in-built features with artificial intelligence can ensure that users get

more relevant and personalized data. There are ample companies as competitors out there - be

it any industry37. The research says that the company’s growth depends on the user-

friendliness first place, especially when it is a product company. This is why apps were

introduced to browse the data on the phone in a much compact manner. Now that many

people are using the best app development company, implementing artificial intelligence

could be the next big step in getting close to the customers.

1.6. Smartphone advertising influences customers’ purchasing behavior

Extreme social media promotion involved with trafficking is necessary for businesses these

days. In this age of social media, it is not unavoidable to ignore social media promotion on

sites like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, etc. They help build links which in turn helps

in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Social connections really help build a network and

community of similar lovers. With the rapid expansion of social media and with a major part

of the human population hooked onto their PDAs, social media opened new frontiers in the

field of marketing38. Today, most of the companies hire a dedicated team to make their

presence felt online. Some of the papers reviewed underline the need for social media

marketing and why it is important to make an online presence. These papers conclude that

when a company makes an effort to make its presence felt online, the company can be

considered genuine.

Sromon Das, "Testing The Stability Of Beta Over Market Phases: An Empirical Study In The Indian Context",
SSRN Electronic Journal (2007).
Lin Hongyan and Chen Zhankui, "Effects Of Mobile Text Advertising On Consumer Purchase Intention: A
Moderated Mediation Analysis", Frontiers in Psychology 8 (2017).

Companies are also extensively training their employees to up their game and increase their

influence online with the help of social media. In this research, it is studied that out of the

seven papers reviewed; most were in favor of implementing social media marketing to

popularize the brand among customers. There are also some pros of social media networks

and how it has proven to be effective in popularizing the name of the company. The

challenges related to social media networks were also identified. The main challenge is

maintaining the social media accounts of the company fool-proof and resistant to malicious

hackers. Any security breach to the social media accounts of the company can cause serious

damages, including defamation of the company online.

Today, organizations use social media marketing to popularize their brands and services to

potential customers. There are also some mentions of the advantages of social media

networks. This includes bridging the communication gap, being an important tool for

customer interaction, and a crisis communication tool39. Apart from connecting people around

the world, social media do have benefits and are highly effective for communication between

different departments in an organization. With online journalism flourishing in the form of

blog posts, it has opened new frontiers on how people express their views and opinions on

certain issues and scenarios across the world. It is concluded that social media is capable of

reaching customers worldwide, and therefore, whatever the content may be, it should not be


With constant attention given to social media and the brands using the same to connect with

their audience and showcase their offers and products and services, it directly impacts the

behavior, thereby influencing the customers' purchase behavior. Customers tend to rely on

aspects that they have developed their trust in, and the trust factor is easily developed through

Nor Hazlina Hashim, Normalini and Norhazlina Sajali, "The Influence Factors Towards Mobile Advertising
Message Content On Consumer Purchase Intention", Global Business Review 19, no. 5 (2018): 1187-1206.

the branding on social media. Since mobile phones are usually used to browse social media as

compared to personal computers and laptops, mobile advertising becomes a mandate.

1.7. The relationship between advertising and sales volume

There is always a client relationship between advertising and sales volume, which is leading

to the improvement of social media and digital marketing in recent times. Initially, social

media platforms were utilized to establish communication with people around the globe.

Organizations identified the potential of social media networks and started using them as a

tool to popularize their brand and services. Companies started dedicating an entire team to

popularize their services online40. Thus, social media marketing is energized as a new field of

marketing, and the possibilities are numerous. Companies started providing customized

content based on the demographics and thereby found a method to improve their sales. As

business models are a narrative of how a company works, characterizing these models would

prove to be effective in increasing the sales of the company’s digital business. Also, business

models may also be considered effective in setting achievable benchmarks when it comes to

digital business.

Every company needs to draw a plan to give a shape to its business representation to

apprehend the sales through the internet, which can incorporate the construction of channels

of distribution such as warehouses, centres for the shipping of the product, and internet web

pages. Firm channels of distribution are very crucial in electronics-based retailing as these are

the ones that help in transferring the products from the distributors to the customers.

The online channels have an impact on the traditional retail business models. While the

traditional models focus on the customers going to the stores physically, on the other hand,

there is an online model wherein retailers lookout for customers. The success of the catalog
M. B Reed, C. M Anderson and D. M Burns, "The Temporal Relationship Between Advertising And Sales Of
Low-Tar Cigarettes", Tobacco Control 15, no. 6 (2006): 436-441.

retailers proves the fact that a good portion of customers has accepted the reverse model of

the retailers going to the consumers directly.

The relationship between advertising and sales performance could be something only subtle,

and several consumers might decide to purchase smartphones for different reasons as per the

brand.41 The familiarity will lead to trust, which means the consumer will be ready to spend

any amount of money on the same. A good example of the same would be Apple products.

The brand advertisements are not about touting a particular product but about providing

information about the business letter of the product and clarifying the brand identity among

the audience. In this research, the data shows the effectiveness of brand advertising by

discussing the consumers through several surveys. The consumer seems to remember the ads

they see or hear and the name of the brand too. The consumer perceiving the ads will

determine the knowledge and perception of the sponsors. One of the major metrics is

advertising. When the brand identity is improved with the help of advertising and similar

techniques, the sales volume will automatically increase. The conversion rate of a company

before and after an advertising campaign is tremendous, and the effectiveness of the same has

been thoroughly studied by several researchers.

1.8 The link between advertising, customer buying behavior, and sales

Various businesses try to post advertisements on the most famous and user-friendly

advertising platforms like Google Ad words and Facebook; they think it’s the easiest way to

start off the advertisement section. The most important part of this is to keep track of the

traffic on the website of the business. It helps the seller to know about what his customers do

on his website and where they come from. Allowing the consumers to post reviews, videos,

pictures regarding your product is also one of the strategies for the success of the business.

Cokorda Istri Diah Yudiandari, "Effect Of Profitability, Operating Leverage, Firm Size, And Growth Sales On
Capital Structure", E-Jurnal Akuntansi (2018): 408.

Those posts regarding your products, brands, and services may be positive or negative but

would provide great help to the seller. The use of user-generated content (UGC), though, is a

simple idea yet an effective one that would help the e-commerce business to gain more leads.

The seller should also make certain that the shopping cart is easily navigable and accessible

and that it functions fine.42 It is the only way to ensure that consumers do not abandon their

shopping carts. Clearing the checkout page may be a great option and ensure that various

distractions are kept at bay from the consumers. Clearing would help to avoid any confusion

during the checkout process.

Most small businesses will not be able to afford costly marketing strategies, and even the

medium-sized businesses are looking for strategies that come under the budget43. While most

of the companies optimize their websites like it is a rule to follow, some companies do not

find it necessary to do. Search Engine Optimisation is one of the most essential parts of

marketing that ensures both the website and the product pages are completely optimized for

the keywords that the audience might be looking for44. To browse every product or a website

or a genre of website, the users make use of certain keywords that need to be on hold for

every E-Commerce company to be able to make their online presence visible to the


The rapid growth of the internet has helped different companies gather vital information

about their target customers in a very short time. Knowing this information can help the

company to customize its products and marketing strategies accordingly45. Customers use the

internet to know about certain services or products they are interested in. Companies would
José Martins et al., "How Smartphone Advertising Influences Consumers' Purchase Intention", Journal of
Business Research 94 (2019): 378-387.
Ching-Shu Su and Pei-Hsun Lu, "A Study Of The Factors Influencing Customers’ Impulse Buying Behavior In
Restaurants", Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR) (2018).
José Martins et al., "How Smartphone Advertising Influences Consumers' Purchase Intention", Journal of
Business Research 94 (2019): 378-387.
Lin Hongyan and Chen Zhankui, "Effects Of Mobile Text Advertising On Consumer Purchase Intention: A
Moderated Mediation Analysis", Frontiers in Psychology 8 (2017).

know when the customers surf through their website, and thus customizing it according to

customer’s preferences can increase the sales. An organization has a wide variety of

opportunities to reach out to its customers in this digital era. They can do so by creating

interactive blog posts, social media posts, customized emails, and an engaging website. Thus,

with the rapid growth of online media and marketing, it is essential to stay updated and

maintain its presence online. Social media advertising has grown to become the most popular

way of advertising owing to the massive reach the posts get. Clearly, advertising, customer

buying behavior, and sales are more of a cycle which means advertising will lead to a change

in customer buying behavior by improving the sales.

2. Objectives of the research study

 To ascertain the impact of advertisement on buying behavior of customers from

different age groups in Ranchi

In the dynamic business landscape of the 21st Century, advertisement is regarded as an

integral marketing element that influences the business performance and the behavior of the

target market audience. The research study primarily revolves around the concept of

advertisement and how it is used as a powerful marketing tool by business undertakings to

influence the buying behavior of the customers in the market setting. As the scope of the

advertisement is very broad, the research study fundamentally lays emphasis on the influence

of advertisement on the buying behavior of people from different age groups in Ranchi, India.

Such a specific and well-defined objective has been designed in order to get a detailed and in-

depth insight into the particular marketing concept. This research objective has two

distinctive components, including the ‘buying behavior’ and the impact of advertising on

different people from different age groups’. This signifies that the advertising strategy of a

business concert could have varying impacts on how the existing customers or the potential

customers behave from different age ranges.

 To determine how advertising mechanisms influence customers from various age

The second objective of carrying out the research study is to ascertain how varying

advertising mechanisms can play a critical role in influencing customers belonging to

different age groups. In the digitalized time, the concept and scope of advertising have

undergone dynamic change. Presently marketers use innovative forms of advertising

techniques so that they can communicate and interact with their target market audience 46.

Marketers that operate in the current business landscape have made advertisements very

personalized in nature so that they can have a significant implication on the market audience.

Not only has advertising changed over the past few years, but the manner in which customers

react to such communication strategies by marketers has also changed to a significant extent.

This objective of the research study intends to capture how the advertising mechanisms that

are employed by the marketers in the current times play a key role in influencing the market

audience from diverse age groups. For example, digital advertisements seem to have a

different impact on the young market audience as compared to the older audience in the

market setting.

 To showcase how the buying behavior of different age groups affect the turnover of
smartphone products in Ranchi

The third objective of carrying out the research study is to establish a link between the buying

behaviour exhibited by the customers of different age groups in Ranchi and how it impacts

the turnover of smartphone products in the region. The term ‘turnover’ basically refers to the

net sales that are generated by a business undertaking. The buying behaviour that is exhibited

by the market audience is very important for marketers. This is because this behaviour can

"How Has Advertising Changed Over The Years? | Neff". 2020. Neff.

make or break a business in the competitive market landscape 47. For instance, if a customer

shows positive behaviour towards a business and decides to purchase its offering, its market

performance will be positively impacted. On the other hand, in case a potential market

audience shows negative buying behaviour and decides to opt for an offering from a rival

business, the performance or sales turnover would be negatively affected. Thus in the

research study, the objective has been integrated as it would shed light on how the buying

behaviour that is shown by customers from varying age groups affects the turnover of a

business. The business that has been taken into consideration in the research revolves around

smartphone products in the region.

 To ascertain the power of advertising and its impact on the sales turnover of a product

The fourth objective of the study is to determine the power of the advertising strategy of a

business. In the evolving business climate of the 21st Century, advertisement is regarded to be

an indispensable element without which a business cannot survive for a long time. This is

because it enables a marketer to communicate with the market audience and share

information about the offerings, which could be either a product or a service. The kind of

interaction that business entities have with the target market audience can play a pivotal role

in influencing them and their purchasing decisions. In this research, the objective will help to

comprehend the overall power of the advertising tool for a business concern. In addition to

this, the research process will also throw light on the advertisements that are designed by

business concerns in the region play a critical role in influencing the overall sales turnover of

smartphone products in the region.

 To understand the relationship between advertising, buying behavior and sales

turnover of business concerns
How Has Advertising Changed Over The Years? | Neff". 2020. Neff.

The final objective of conducting the research study is to get a detailed and critical insight

into the association that exists between advertising strategies of business concerns, the buying

behaviour that is exhibited by the customers in the market setting and the sales turnover of

businesses. This objective has been designed by taking into account the other research

objectives. It will help to grasp how these elements are interlinked with one another and have

a major influence on the marketers that operate in the dynamic market setting. The

uncovering of the relationship would be extremely vital in the research study as it would help

to comprehend the power and influence of advertising in a comprehensive and holistic


All the objectives of the research study have been carefully designed so that the primary

research question can be addressed in the best way possible. The main research question that

would be answered after completing the entire research process relates to the impact of

advertisement on consumer's buying behaviour for the smartphone among diverse age groups

in Ranchi. After fulfilling these research objectives, it would be easier to make

recommendations so that marketers could strengthen their advertising strategy in the

prevailing market setting.

3. Literature Review

3.1 Evolution of Advertising

Advertising started to witness growth after World War II. Advertising in India started on a

small scale and has now grown into a full-fledged industry. Advertising has now become an

integral part of the economic society. With the advancement of technology, the new media

has evolved within the advertising industry. Newspapers were the first means of advertising

How Has Advertising Changed Over The Years? | Neff". 2020. Neff.

any product in India during the 19th Century. The first advertising agency in India was

established in the year 1905, and in the 1970s, the registered advertising agencies witnessed a

growth of 58%. In the year 1978, television advertising started 49. The year 1990 marked the

beginning of the new advertising medium of the internet. Since then, the advertising industry

in India has been increasing and contributing greatly to the growth of the GDP of the nation.

The Asia Pacific region is considered to be the second-largest advertising market in the whole

world. The advertisement spending in the region is further expected to rise to nearly 235.5

billion U.S. dollars by the year 2020. The fast-moving consumer goods, electronic products

like smartphones, e-commerce, and automobile are among the most advertised industries in


The advertisement for mobile phones, including the featured phones as well as smartphones

on the internet is a growing trend in India. It allows smartphone brands to expand their

customer base in the areas where other marketing channels are unable to reach. This trend is

likely to increase even more in the coming years51.

Advertising is known to be one of the most distinctive components of marketing that a

business entity must involve in so that it can engage, interact and, communicate with the

market audience in the vast business environment. Over the past few decades, a diverse range

of research studies has been carried out in order to identify how the concept of advertising

has modified and shaped the current business landscape. Myers and Faber (2005) have

captured some of the unique and distinctive features of advertising that make it highly critical

Malhotra, Nidhi, Harsh Purohit, and Deepak Tandon.. "Price Discovery And Dynamics Of Indian Equity Exchange Traded
Funds". International Journal Of Business Competition And Growth 5 (1/2/3): 91. doi:10.1504/ijbcg.2016.079943.2016

Malhotra, Nidhi, Harsh Purohit, and Deepak Tandon.. "Price Discovery And Dynamics Of Indian Equity Exchange Traded
Funds". International Journal Of Business Competition And Growth 5 (1/2/3): 91. doi:10.1504/ijbcg.2016.079943.2016

Malhotra, Nidhi, Harsh Purohit, and Deepak Tandon.. "Price Discovery And Dynamics Of Indian Equity Exchange Traded
Funds". International Journal Of Business Competition And Growth 5 (1/2/3): 91. doi:10.1504/ijbcg.2016.079943.2016

for marketers and business undertakings52. Advertising is essentially a form of interaction and

communication that has a distinctive identity as compared to other forms of communication

in terms of message, source, media, feedback, receiver and noise. Some of the unique

attributes of advertisement that have been identified by the authors include appeal to

emotions, the untrustworthiness of the source, the repetition of the message of the business,

the use of a variety of media channels, explicit conclusions, the persuasion goal and the

coordination of the message53. Furthermore, in the technology-driven times of the 21st

Century, the unique traits of advertisement have further undergone a significant change that

has kept marketers on their toes. For example, currently, social media platforms have gained

a lot of popularity among marketers so that they can have direct and intimate interaction with

their existing market audience and potential market audience. The interaction that business

concerns have with the audience on the virtual platform fundamentally gives them the

opportunity to strengthen their brand awareness through advertising. In fact, in order to stay

ahead or at par with the industry rivals, a majority of marketers or businesses have been

working on online advertisements so that the scope of communication and engagement in the

market environment can expand and it can give them an edge against their competition.

Thorson and Rodgers (2017) have stated that the impact of the digital revolution can

definitely be felt on the advertisement function that is carried out in the dynamic business

landscape. The marketing concept has moved towards redefinition and in the current times,

its definition and overall scope have become much more broad and vast in nature. The

authors have pointed out in their book that in the digital realm, the advertising function has

changed because of the fact that various innovative concepts are being applied for the

purpose of interaction and communication 54. For example, in the prevailing market
Nan, Xiaoli, Jun R. Myers, and Ronald J. Faber. "Unique features of advertising: What do researchers believe." In American
Academy of Advertising. Conference. Proceedings, p. 54. American Academy of Advertising, 2005
Nan, Xiaoli, Jun R. Myers, and Ronald J. Faber. "Unique features of advertising: What do researchers believe." In American
Academy of Advertising. Conference. Proceedings, p. 54. American Academy of Advertising, 2005.

Rodgers, Shelly, and Esther Thorson, eds. Digital advertising: Theory and research. Taylor & Francis, 2017.

environment, it has become quite common to see the use of different kinds of social media

platforms, applications or software. Last but not the least, the internet has molded the concept

of advertisement. In the digital environment of the 21 st Century, the potential customers, as

well as the existing customers, have the option to directly engage with a business without

having to face any kind of obstacles. Similarly, marketers are in a position to directly engage

with the intended market audience. This simplicity in the communication process has

primarily empowered business concerns and marketers all across the globe to share the

requisite business communication with the desired market audience and influence them in

different ways. One of the main reasons for the dramatic evolution of advertisement in the

modern era, as identified by the authors, is the integration of different kinds of digital

communication systems. Various kinds of digital communication systems have come into the

picture in the current market scene and transformed how marketers engage and communicate

about themselves, their brand and their offerings in the market setting. The innovative modes

of communication have enabled marketers of the current times across diverse industries as

well as sectors to work on new kinds of interactive approaches by creating interactive

websites, and posting content on popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram, etc. Apart from this, due to the evolution of advertising, marketers are also in a

position to share their ideas and messages on new devices such as smartphones,

smartwatches, netbooks and many more. In the prevalent market scene, advertisement has

undergone a major makeover because of a diverse range of patterns. The routes of advertising

message delivery have come into existence, which was absent a few years back. Thus while

understanding how the advertising component has evolved over the years, it is hard to ignore

the critical role that technology and innovation have played to mold the process of

communication and engagement that takes place in the market setting 55. Gupta and Kumar

(2016) have also stressed in their research work that technological advancement has
Rodgers, Shelly, and Esther Thorson, eds. Digital advertising: Theory and research. Taylor & Francis, 2017.

irreversibly changed the manner in which firms engage and influence or persuade the target

market audience. Thanks to technology and innovation, it is now easier than ever for business

undertakings operating in the current market landscape to get an actual insight into what

exactly the market audience thinks about their brand and their offerings56. Such a detailed and

real-time insight is possible due to the use of online communication and engagement

platforms which eliminates most of the filters between business concerns and the potential or

existing customers. In fact, the evolution of the advertising concept in the modern business

scene has empowered business concerns to a substantial extent. This is because they are in a

position to engage with the audience about their latest offerings that are designed with the

intention to create value for the customers. Thus the change in the advertisement function

over the years has not only impacted the marketing process, but has also transformed the

overall competitive intensity in the market landscape. Marketers and business entities are

currently using their advertisement strategy as a vital strategic tool to have a competitive edge

over their industry rivals so that their market performance can be improved for the better by

influencing and persuading the target market audience 57. Thus, over the past few years, a

wide range of research studies have been carried out that have critically explored the

evolution of advertisement and its overall influence in the competitive and dynamic business


While exploring the topic relating to the evolution and development of the advertisement

concept in the market, it is necessary to understand how technology plays a key role in

influencing advertising and its entire process. Grossman and Shapiro (1984) have highlighted

in their research study that the promotional expenditure that is incurred by sellers and

marketers in the business environment plays a vital role in helping them differentiate their
Kumar, Vijay, and Shaphali Gupta. "Conceptualizing the evolution and future of advertising." Journal of advertising 45, no. 3.

Kumar, Vijay, and Shaphali Gupta. "Conceptualizing the evolution and future of advertising." Journal of advertising 45, no. 3.

offerings i.e., product or service in the market setting 58. The evolution of technology that has

taken place in the 21st Century, has left its imprint in the advertising process as well. In fact,

it is an understatement to say that advertisement has undergone a significant makeover thanks

to technological innovation. Advertisement not only helps business undertakings to convey

accurate as well as full information to the target market audience, but they are also

empowered to share vital information with them that is considered to be valuable for the

customers. The integration of innovative technology in the advertisement has enabled

marketers to take the concept of informed advertising to an entirely different level 59.

According to Athey et al. (2013), technology and a diverse range of other factors have played

an integral role in influencing the level of efficiency as well as the effectiveness of

advertising strategy of business undertakings60. The integration of innovative technology

makes it possible for marketers to reach out to customers at a completely different level. It

helps to curtail or eliminate any kind of barriers that could restrict the information and

communication flowing process. According to the authors, the use of technology not only

simplifies the communication and engagement process but also empowers business

undertakings to get a detailed insight into how customers react to their communication and

advertising approach61. The vital impact of technology on advertising and its implication in

the customer buying behaviour has been explored for quite some time by researchers from all

across the globe. According to Alalwan (2018), the online or digital advertising concept has

transformed the entire marketing and communication process that a business entity is

involved in. But one of the main technology-driven tools that have had a significant impact

Grossman, Gene M., and Carl Shapiro. "Informative advertising with differentiated products." The Review of Economic
Studies 51, no. 1.1984
Grossman, Gene M., and Carl Shapiro. "Informative advertising with differentiated products." The Review of Economic
Studies 51, no. 1.1984
Athey, Susan, Emilio Calvano, and Joshua Gans. The impact of the internet on advertising markets for news media. No.
w19419. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013
Grossman, Gene M., and Carl Shapiro. "Informative advertising with differentiated products." The Review of Economic
Studies 51, no. 1.1984

on the advertisement process in the current times is social media 62
. In fact, in the highly

competitive market climate of the 21st Century, business entities and organizations have been

using social media as a vital platform for carrying out their marketing and advertising

activities. Since hundreds of millions are users are available on different social media

platforms, marketers operating in the prevailing business landscape are focusing on designing

their advertisements that can be used to attract customers on different social media platforms

such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and many more. According to the researcher, various

factors come into play that makes online advertising, especially social media advertising,

highly effective and meaningful in nature. This innovative concept of advertising basically

boosts the level of informativeness, interactivity, and relevance. In the current times, business

organizations have been spending a lot of time, effort and resources so that they can build the

perfect and most influential social media ads. One of the main reasons for the high popularity

of this online advertising approach among marketers all across the globe is the easy reach to

millions of users of social media platforms. Without having to incur additional expenses,

marketers and business undertakings are able to interact and engage with their existing

customers and the potential customers at the global level. This increases the presence of their

brand in the vast market setting, which is highly competitive in nature. In order to give a

comprehensive insight into the concept of social media advertising, Alalwan (2018) has

pointed out that designing an ideal social media advertising strategy on a social media

platform that can attract the market audience towards a particular brand can be quite

challenging. The inability to design and present an effective advertisement on a social media

platform can have an adverse implication on the marketer and it could further negatively

impact its brand value and performance in the market setting 63. In this research, the researcher

has highlighted that for an advertisement on a social media platform to be effective, it needs
Alalwan, Ali Abdallah. "Investigating the impact of social media advertising features on customer purchase
intention." International Journal of Information Management 42. 2018
Alalwan, Ali Abdallah. "Investigating the impact of social media advertising features on customer purchase
intention." International Journal of Information Management 42. 2018

to be engaging, informative and relevant to the intended market audience. These are some of

the basic factors that marketers need to pay attention to while integrating technology and

advertisement on social media platforms. These elements play a key role in motivating the

customers to take actions in favour of the business entity in the market setting. Such an

approach can play a vital role and enable them to influence their buying behaviour and the

purchasing decision64. Thus, while assessing the evolution that the advertising concept has

undergone over the past decades, it is necessary to understand how the approach has changed.

Initially, marketers were mainly focusing on the offerings that were designed for the existing

customers or potential customers in the market setting. But now, business entities first focus

on the needs of the customers and design the offerings on the basis of which the advertising is

designed. In the current times, marketers have been giving high priority to the customers

while carrying out each and every business function, including the advertising function. The

objective is to ensure that the communication weapon is optimally used to convey the

requisite message to the market audience and influence their buying behaviour as well as

purchasing decision. The thorough analysis of the advertising process indicates that the

evolution of the marketing mix element did not happen overnight. But such a transformation

in the advertising process took place gradually and its influence can be observed in the

current times. Over the past few years, advertising had adapted very smartly. It is still

considered an indispensable element without which business undertakings cannot survive and

sustain in the highly competitive and uncertain business landscape. The concept of

advertising has undergone a major change from billboards, radio, newspapers, and television

to computers, smartphones and much more. The total numbers of communication mediums

that are being used by marketers and business undertakings have expanded drastically, which

has molded the potential and effectiveness of their advertising strategic approach in the

Alalwan, Ali Abdallah. "Investigating the impact of social media advertising features on customer purchase
intention." International Journal of Information Management 42. 2018

unpredictable market environment. The concept of online advertising has brought about a

major shift from the products to the customer. In the current times, it is right to state that the

introduction of the concept of online or digital advertising has brought about the biggest

paradigm shift in the advertising arena, at least till now. The internet has revolutionized

advertising strategy that is deployed by business undertakings, irrespective of the industry or

sector in which they operate65. For example, the manner in which advertisements are

designed, developed, and broadcasted and the reaction of the market audience to the new

form of advertising has undergone a dynamic metamorphosis that is hard to ignore. The

traditional mediums that were used by business entities to advertise have become obsolete in

the current times, and the new technology-driven mediums have made their entry into the

prevailing marketing scene66. The concept of online advertising has been beneficial not only

for the marketers but it is also considered to be beneficial and useful for the customers in the

market. Thus, it can be said that the evolution of the concept of advertising has given rise to a

win-win situation for the businesses and their target market audience. The marketers and

business undertakings that operate in the dynamic business landscape are able to benefit from

the modern advertising concept as they are empowered to establish an intimate connection

with the customers and thus influence the purchasing behaviour as well as the buying

decision of the market audience. On the other hand, customers or the market audience are

also able to benefit from the evolution of advertisement as they can access useful information

right at their fingertips and make timely and effective purchasing decisions. Thus in order to

survive in the intensely competitive business landscape of the 21 st Century, marketers are

focusing on their advertising strategy so that they can effectively engage and interact with the

market audience and influence their buying behaviour and purchasing decision. A large

number of business entities have succeeded in adapting to the evolving advertising landscape,
Alalwan, Ali Abdallah. "Investigating the impact of social media advertising features on customer purchase
intention." International Journal of Information Management 42. 2018
Athey, Susan, Emilio Calvano, and Joshua Gans. The impact of the internet on advertising markets for news media. No.
w19419. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013

and they have brought about new elements in their advertising approach, which has been in

their favour. For example, the Sony Corporation changed its advertising approach and started

its official page on various social media platforms so that it could engage with the customers

at the global level. There are various business entities all across the globe that have modified

their strategic advertising approach so that they can establish a solid connection with the

intended market audience and boost their market performance by influencing their buying

behaviour. The inability of a business concern to mold its advertising approach and

interaction model could have a detrimental impact on its survival and performance in the

competitive market setting. This is because a bad advertising strategic approach can ruin a

business's brand image and threaten its very existence in the competitive and dynamic

business environment. For example, the Dove Company released a bad advertisement in the

year 2017 on its Facebook page 67. The advertisement basically featured a black woman

removing her t-shirt, which was similar to the colour of her skin. Then she automatically got

morphed into a white woman who was also wearing a t-shirt that was close to the colour of

her skin. The essence of the advertisement by Dove was to showcase how the soap can clean

or purify a dirty person into whiteness. But the advertisement received a lot of backlashes,

and the brand image was significantly affected as the advertising had racist elements. The

simple example shows that marketers and business entities that operate in the business

landscape of the 21st Century, need to understand the power of advertisement and carefully

design their advertising strategy to interact and engage with their target market audience68.

Alalwan, Ali Abdallah. "Investigating the impact of social media advertising features on customer purchase
intention." International Journal of Information Management 42. 2018

Mahakumbura, Vimukthi, Dinesha Sewwand, Thiran Liyanag, and M. M. L. C. Gunathilake. "A Study on Adopting Online
Review Management as a New Strategy beyond Traditional Media Marketing Tools with Special Reference to TV
Advertisements." 2019

Thus due to the continuous evolution of advertisement over the past few years, its role and

relevance have changed. Even though, it has always played a vital role in the market setting.

But today, it is regarded as an extremely vital strategic tool without which business concerns

might not survive in the highly competitive market landscape. In the new market

environment, marketers and business entities need to understand and carefully design their

strategy so that they can effectively engage with the target market audience and have a

positive influence on their buying behaviour in the market setting. The poor design or

execution of advertisement, which could give rise to any kind of miscommunication, must be

avoided at all costs. The example of the Dove brand shows that even though the advertising

intention of a business might be in line with its business strategy, the poor execution and the

inability to convey the information in the right manner can adversely affect the advertising. In

fact, the damage of the poor advertising strategy is not just restricted to the advertising alone

but it can also have an adverse implication on the very brand image as well as the brand

awareness of the business in the highly competitive market environment. The new form of

advertising that is prevailing in the current business landscape has an impact on the customers

as well as the business entities. Both the parties have become empowered in the respective

ways. The simpler form of communication possible in the current advertising model gives

marketers the ability to interact and engage with the customers at the personal level. The

quality of content or message that is shared by marketers with their target market audience

has the potential to play a key role and mold how they react towards their brand and their

market offerings69. Thus, marketers have been competing with each other to strengthen their

advertising approach and influence customer behaviour so that they can gain an edge in the

market setting.

Frick, Thomas. The Implications of Advertising Personalization for Firms, Consumers, and Ad Platforms. No. EPS-2018-452-
LIS. 2018.

3.2 Move from the non-personal presentation of the message to personalised


In the past few decades, the manner in which business entities make use of their

advertisements has undergone a dynamic level of change. There has been a major change in

the very scope of advertisements, including the features and how it serves a business entity in

order to accomplish its business goals and objectives 70. When the concept of advertisement

came into the market scene, it was considered to be a non-personal presentation of a message

by a business undertaking in the market setting. It was detached in nature as it did not

entertain any direct or face-to-face contact and interaction with the target market audience.

Business entities operating in a diverse range of industries and sectors used their

advertisements so that they could present their offerings i.e., product or service, and promote

their ideas in the market settings that would ultimately support their sales performance in the

competitive business landscape. Even though the functions performed by advertisement in the

former times were very restricted in nature as compared to the role that it plays in the current

times, it was still considered to be an indispensable tool that marketers could use in order to

create awareness in the minds of the potential customers in the market setting. According to

Strycharz et al. (2019), the advertisement can be defined as a paid form of non-personal

presentation as well as communication relating to a business entity and/or its offerings in the

market setting, which could be goods, services, or both. The intended message is transmitted

to a specific target audience so that it can act in favour of the business entity 71. Over the

years, it has acted as a vital communication medium that enables business firms to strengthen

the flow of information and persuade the target market audience to take market decisions
Strycharz, Joanna, Guda van Noort, Edith Smit, and Natali Helberger. "Consumer view on personalized advertising:
Overview of self-reported benefits and concerns." In Advances in Advertising Research X, pp. 53-66. Springer Gabler,
Wiesbaden, 2019
Mahakumbura, Vimukthi, Dinesha Sewwand, Thiran Liyanag, and M. M. L. C. Gunathilake. "A Study on Adopting Online
Review Management as a New Strategy beyond Traditional Media Marketing Tools with Special Reference to TV
Advertisements." 2019

favoring the specific business entity. The Advertising and Sales Promotion (2020) has

identified advertisement as a chief marketing tool along with the product, price, packaging,

personal setting and distribution that has the ability to mold the performance of a business

entity in the market landscape72. One of the main highlights of the explanation of the

advertisement concept given by the Advertising and Sales Promotion (2020) is that it is non-

personal in nature. In simpler words, the advertisement of a business entity is directed ‘to

whom it may concern.’ This feature was evident in the former business setting and marketers

made sure to design their advertisements in a non-personal manner. In the prevailing business

landscape, business entities are making attempts to design personalized forms of

advertisements so that the communication can have a lasting impact on the intended target

market audience.73 The evolution that has taken place in the market setting has made

advertisement more personal in nature as it helps a business entity to strengthen its

relationship and association with the market audience. While assessing the development and

evolution of the advertisement concept over the years, it is natural to focus on the role that

personalization plays and how it has improved in the advertisement landscape in the 21 st

Century. The evolution of advertisement coupled with the use of technology-driven elements

has enabled business entities operating in a diverse range of markets to connect with the

existing customers as well as the potential customers at a personal and intimate level.

Business organizations have become empowered to connect and reconnect with the target

market audience, which helps them to gain their trust and thus gives them an edge over their

peers and competitors in the industrial setting. According to Bleier and Eisenbeiss (2015), in

the online business landscape, marketers have the opportunity to keep track of the buying

behaviour that is exhibited by the target market audience and capture their attention by using

personalized advertisements as communication tools. The authors have explained that

Advertising And Sales Promotion". 2020. Pondiuni.Edu.In. Http://Www.Pondiuni.Edu.In/Storage/Dde/Downloads/Markiv_Asp.Pdf.
Advertising And Sales Promotion". 2020. Pondiuni.Edu.In. Http://Www.Pondiuni.Edu.In/Storage/Dde/Downloads/Markiv_Asp.Pdf.

marketers can assess the shopping behaviour of customers in the online stores so that they

can ultimately provide individually personalized banners by adopting the method known as

retargeting74. Such an approach in the dynamic market setting can play an integral role in

enhancing the level of effectiveness of the advertising and communication approach. But the

authors have also pointed out that business entities need to give high priority to other factors

such as time as well as placement so that the very purpose of the advertisement can be

achieved in the best way possible. In the online market setting the scope to make

advertisements more personal in nature, increases. While working on the personalisation

aspect in advertisements, business entities need to ensure that it is not over-emphasized as it

could adversely impact the overall quality of the communication process 75.In the current

times when there exists an intense level of competition across industries and sectors,

personalization of advertisement can make a major difference and give a business entity a

competitive edge over its peers and rivals in the market setting. According to Frick (2018),

the personalization of advertisement has a major implication on business firms and how they

are perceived by the target market audience. Marketers can measure the performance of their

personalized advertisements in order to get a detailed insight into how the target market

audience reacts to such communications and how their buying behaviour and purchasing

decisions are influenced76. Strycharz (2019) has pointed out in his research study that

marketers need to keep track of their personalized advertisements. This can enable them to

identify the associated benefits as well as the concerns that need to be addressed 77. In the vast

digital landscape, business entities need to be highly cautious about their digital footprint and
Bleier, Alexander, and Maik Eisenbeiss. "Personalized online advertising effectiveness: The interplay of what, when, and
where." Marketing Science 34, no. 5 (2015): 669-688.
Bleier, Alexander, and Maik Eisenbeiss. "Personalized online advertising effectiveness: The interplay of what, when, and
where." Marketing Science 34, no. 5 (2015): 669-688.

Frick, Thomas. The Implications of Advertising Personalization for Firms, Consumers, and Ad Platforms. No. EPS-2018-452-
LIS. 2018.

Strycharz, Joanna, Guda van Noort, Edith Smit, and Natali Helberger. "Consumer view on personalized advertising:
Overview of self-reported benefits and concerns." In Advances in Advertising Research X, pp. 53-66. Springer Gabler,
Wiesbaden, 2019.

how they engage with the intended market audience 78. As advertisers have access to a broad

range of information relating to the market audience, such as their demographic details,

location, interests and preferences, etc., they have the chance to make their advertisements

more personalised and tailor-made. The available data in hand can be used for the purpose of

strategic creation, change and adoption of content as well as distribution to fit with the

behaviour, personal characteristics, preferences and interest and communication styles of the

target market audience. The former studies that have captured the personalized aspect of

advertisements have pointed out that such an approach gives rise to benefits as well as

concerns that marketers and business entities need to bear in mind. One of the major

advantages of the advertising approach is that it provides proper access to information that is

personally relevant, useful and valuable for the target market audience. It implies that the

existing customers, as well as the potential customers, receive an improved preference match,

better communication, better products, better services and an overall better experience. But

too much exposure to personalized advertisements by the customers might also make them

feel uncomfortable as well as concerned. Hence, the concept of personalized advertisement

that is prevalent in the current business landscape is regarded to be a paradox which could

lead to both positive as well as negative outcome in the market setting 79. In the intensely

competitive market domain, relevance, as well as the necessity of personalized advertisement,

have become a basic need for business entities. Currently, customers come across a diverse

range of offerings in the market while making a purchase decision. The exposure to a large

number of options might be overwhelming for the market audience and it could also have a

negative impact on their buying experience. This is when personalized advertisements come

Strycharz, Joanna, Guda van Noort, Edith Smit, and Natali Helberger. "Consumer view on personalized advertising:
Overview of self-reported benefits and concerns." In Advances in Advertising Research X, pp. 53-66. Springer Gabler,
Wiesbaden, 2019.
Strycharz, Joanna, Guda van Noort, Edith Smit, and Natali Helberger. "Consumer view on personalized advertising: Overview
of self-reported benefits and concerns." In Advances in Advertising Research X, pp. 53-66. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2019.

into play and simplify the buying decisions of the target market audience. The in-depth

knowledge of the customers and their preferences has empowered business entities to play a

proactive role in simplifying the buying decisions that are made by the target audience in the

market setting. Chen and Feng (2019) have stated in their research study that a business entity

must make sure to track the manner in which they react to personalized advertisements of a

business. This can help them to have a better degree of control over the negative impact of

such an advertisement approach. In spite of the fact that IT-enabled personalization has

gained a lot of popularity among advertisers and marketers in the business scene, it gives rise

to serious concerns and worries that cannot be negated. The individual factors that come into

play in a market audience must be taken into consideration while using advertisements in a

personalized manner80. For example, while using a personalized advertisement for the

purpose of engaging and communicating with a specific segment of the market audience, it is

vital for a business entity to understand whether the individual is searching an offering for the

purpose of purchasing or merely browsing through the available options without any

underlying motive. The degree to which personalization is integrated into an advertisement

must be managed in a strategic and cautious manner. This is because it could also lead to

negative repercussions for a business if the intended business goals and objectives are not

accomplished. In the research study, the research team has shed light on the fact that while

using the online platform for deploying personalized advertisements, marketers need to give

attention to the privacy aspects of the target market audience. A detailed insight into the

psychological reactance of the target market audience towards a personalized advertisement

can play an integral role and help a business entity to improve the level of effectiveness of its

advertisement and communication approach. The personalized advertisement approaches that

are designed by a business entity need to be framed by taking into consideration that

Chen, Qi, Yuqiang Feng, Luning Liu, and Xianyun Tian. "Understanding consumers’ reactance of online personalized
advertising: A new scheme of rational choice from a perspective of negative effects." International Journal of Information
Management 44 (2019): 53-64

customers act as rational economic agents while making their purchasing decisions. In other

words, before arriving at any purchasing decision, the customers in the market setting take

into account the benefit that is associated with the personalized advertisements as well as the

costs relating to the related risks. After conducting a thorough analysis, customers make the

decision whether to purchase an offering in the market setting or not81.

According to Gironda and Korgaonkar (2018), it is very important to get a thorough insight

into the perception of the customers regarding the personal advertisements that are targeted at

them. Marketers need to use this innovative advertising approach to their advantage so that

they can have the upper hand while operating in the competitive and unpredictable business

landscape. But at the same time, it is also necessary for business undertakings to adopt the

privacy calculus theory82. This theoretical model will primarily help marketers to achieve

their business objectives through personalized advertisements, without compromising the

privacy as well as security of the target market audience. The findings of the research study

have revealed that a broad range of factors and elements come into play that ultimately

influence the purchase intention and buying decisions of the target market audience. Some of

the chief factors that have been highlighted in the study include the invasiveness degree of

the advertisements, the level of privacy control, and customer innovativeness. As per the

authors, one of the key concerns that could act as a major barrier and defeat the purpose of

the personalized advertisement of a business entity is the serious privacy and security

concerns that could arise in the online advertising landscape. The personalized

advertisements need to be designed in such a manner so that they are perceived in a

favourable manner by the market audience, which enhances their overall buying experience.

Chen, Qi, Yuqiang Feng, Luning Liu, and Xianyun Tian. "Understanding consumers’ reactance of online personalized
advertising: A new scheme of rational choice from a perspective of negative effects." International Journal of Information
Management 44 (2019): 53-64
Gironda, John T., and Pradeep K. Korgaonkar. "iSpy? Tailored versus invasive ads and consumers’ perceptions of
personalized advertising." Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 29 (2018): 64-77.

The concept of personalized advertisements, along with the privacy concerns, has come into

existence because of the fact that technology has revolutionized how the advertising function

is carried out by business entities across different markets as well as sectors. Chen has

pointed out in his research study that there are instances when personalized advertisements

could lead to an unfavourable response by the target market audience towards a business

entity and/or its market offering. For example, when the potential customers’ personality tests

such as aesthetic choices are predicted in the personalized advertisement services, they tend

to choose against such kinds of services83.

In the current times when technology is playing an integral role in the market scene,

especially in the advertising landscape, marketers have started to focus on the personalized

component of advertisements. It has gained a lot of popularity among business entities that

operate in the prevailing market setting as they get the chance to interact and engage with

their target market audience in a unique way. The interaction that they are able to have with

the market audience plays a key role in establishing a long-lasting association with them and

mold their behaviour in favour of the business entity as well as its offerings. Various studies

that have been carried out in the past few years indicate that personalized advertisements give

rise to a unique set of strengths as well as weaknesses for marketers. Thus it becomes very

important for these participants that operate in the market settings to assess the pros and cons

of the advertisement approach and accordingly employ the advertisement tactic to engage

with the target market audience. According to the research study, when business entities opt

to use personalized advertisements for the purpose of attracting their target market audience,

the reaction of the latter might not always be in the favour of the business entity. There could

be instances when a broad range of factors come into play, such as curiosity on the part of the

Gironda, John T., and Pradeep K. Korgaonkar. "iSpy? Tailored versus invasive ads and consumers’ perceptions of
personalized advertising." Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 29 (2018): 64-77.

market audience, their vulnerability, etc, that could mold how they react to personalised

advertisements of business firms that have been specifically targeted at them. The authors of

the study have further pointed out that it is not very uncommon to see that a huge amount of

audience in the market setting prefer to ignore the personalized advertisements of business

entities with psychological reactance, when these personalized communication elements

continue to follow them even after they have left the Information Technology (IT) platform84.

The prevalence of personalized advertisements was extremely low in the past, but in the 21 st

century, personalised advertisements are considered to be highly effective communication

tools that a business entity can use in order to forge a long-term association with the intended

market audience. In fact, it is considered to be a cardinal strategic tool that can help a

business entity to bridge the gap that exists between the endless range of choices that a

customer is exposed to and the basic needs and requirements of the customer. According to

Tucker (2011), the existence of a diverse range of social media platforms such as Facebook,

Twitter, Instagram, and many more play a vital role. They have in fact, contributed to a

substantial extent to accelerate the use and overall popularity of personalized advertisements

of business entities across different industries as well as sectors85. The manner in which

individuals behave on social media platforms gives a glimpse into their buying behaviour,

shopping patterns, and needs and preferences. These details are ultimately used by business

entities to design personalized advertisements so that their unfulfilled needs can be met. The

activities that individuals are involved in while using social networking sites create the

opportunity for business entities to establish a personalized and intimate connection with

them by offering them something that would be of use as well as value for them. In the new

business landscape, a huge volume of raw data is available for marketers that can be used by
Chen, Qi, Yuqiang Feng, Luning Liu, and Xianyun Tian. "Understanding consumers’ reactance of online personalized
advertising: A new scheme of rational choice from a perspective of negative effects." International Journal of Information
Management 44 (2019): 53-64
Tucker, Catherine. "Social networks, personalized advertising, and perceptions of privacy control." In Proceedings of the
tenth workshop on the economics of information security (WEIS). 2011.

them to inch closer to the goals and objectives of their business. They are using such a

humongous quantity of data for the purpose of getting a sneak peek into their needs,

preferences and expectations. Furthermore, they are ensuring that they share personalized

advertisements with them so that their awareness and knowledge relating to the brand and its

offerings can be improved and their buying behaviour could be in favour of the business

entity. The behaviour that is exhibited by marketers in terms of designing personalized

advertisements that target specific customers in unique ways has gained a lot of momentum

in the past few years86. One of the key reasons for the rising popularity of such an

advertisement concept is the prevalence of high intensity of competition in the market setting.

As the situation has become do or die for most of the business entities, they have been trying

their level best in order to get ahead of their rivals as well as peers in the operational

industrial setting. This has increased the use of personalized advertisements by them to

establish stronger as well as deeper connections with the target market audience in the vast

market environment. But studies that have shed light on the concept of personalized

advertisements have also emphasized the fact that it can also give rise to challenges as well as

complications for business entities that they need to be prepared to address. As the concept of

personalized advertisements is mainly used in the online market setting, it is necessary to take

into consideration a broad range of uncertainties and risks that exist in such a setting that

could compromise the level of safety and security of the business and/or the target market

audience. Business entities need to put in the effort to make sure that the huge volume of raw

data that they have with them that could help them to work on personalized advertisements

must be handled with care by taking into account the confidentiality aspects of the target

Frick, Thomas. The Implications of Advertising Personalization for Firms, Consumers, and Ad Platforms. No. EPS-2018-452-
LIS. 2018.

market audience or online users87. For example, in case there is any loss of some sensitive

user information while working on personalized advertisement approach, the relationship

between the business and the member of the market audience could go for a toss. In addition

to this, such an instance could also tarnish the goodwill and reputation of the business entity

in the vast competitive business setting.

Thus in every market setting, including the smartphone business landscape, marketers could

take the help of the personalised advertisement approach after carefully evaluating the

associated pros and cons. The approach needs to be designed in such a manner that it must

create a win-win situation for the business entity as well as the target market audience. In

other words, the personalized advertisement must help the business entity to gain the trust as

well as the loyalty of the intended market audience. On the other hand, the advertising

approach must also create value for the intended audience, i.e., the target user, by sharing

useful and valuable information that can assist them to make their purchasing decisions in the


3.3 Advertising as an Integral Part of Marketing Mix

Advertising forms an integral part of the market. Moreover, it is an important part of the

marketing territory. Companies make use of advertisements in order to promote their product

as well as services in the target market. Advertisements have the potential to increase the

demand as well as the sales of a particular product. According to Tucker (2011), marketing

mix can be referred to as the set of different controllable marketing tools that are used by the

companies in order to produce the desired response in the targeted market 88. These tools

affect the demand for the product and also lead to its increase. The set of marketing tools

Tucker, Catherine. "Social networks, personalized advertising, and perceptions of privacy control." In Proceedings of the tenth
workshop on the economics of information security (WEIS). 2011.

Tucker, Catherine. "Social networks, personalized advertising, and perceptions of privacy control." In Proceedings of the
tenth workshop on the economics of information security (WEIS). 2011.

includes the 4P’s of marketing. The 4P’s are Product, Price, Promotion, and Place 89. Among

the 4P’s of the marketing mix, promotion is important for creating awareness of a product

among the consumers and growing its demand. Under the promotion, comes the powerful

weapon of advertising that is used by the companies to influence the buying behaviour of the

consumers. Advertising is one of the most widely used marketing tools. It is used by the

businesses to communicate with their intended audiences and deliver them valuable

information about the products and services. It also compels the consumers to make a

purchase of the products of the company. It can be referred to as the set of ideas that promote

and keep the target consumers informed about the new or the already existing products of a

company. Advertisements also help in reducing the potential barriers existing between the

consumers and the company90. The use of advertising tools has been successful in attracting

customers and persuading them to make a purchase.

Promotion and advertisement have always played a distinctive and important role for

marketers while carrying out their business activities in the market environment. Advertising

is considered to be one of the most critical methods deployed by a business entity for the

purpose of communicating about a brand’s offerings in the market. The function of

advertising is not restricted to communication alone, but this approach is used by marketers

as a pivotal weapon to persuade as well as convince the potential customers and existing

customers to prefer the offerings of a business concern over that of other businesses in the

industry. The authors Wu and Li (2018) have used the ‘stimulus, organism and response’

model to critically explore the impact of marketing mix components on the loyalty that is

showcased by the customers. In the particular research study, the stimulus comprises of the

marketing mix components that are used by a business undertaking. Customer loyalty is the
Išoraitė, Margarita. 2015. "Analysis Of Marketing Mix: Nivea Case Study". Entrepreneurship And Sustainability Issues 3 (2): 173-
185. doi:10.9770/jesi.2015.3.2(5).

Išoraitė, Margarita. 2015. "Analysis Of Marketing Mix: Nivea Case Study". Entrepreneurship And Sustainability Issues 3 (2): 173-
185. doi:10.9770/jesi.2015.3.2(5).

response that is given, and individual refers to the customer value in the social commerce

setting. The findings of the research study indicate that each of the elements that make up the

marketing mix plays a vital role and influences the customer value in the social commerce

setting. The components of the marketing mix help the customers to understand how a

business undertaking is creating value for them. When it comes to communication and

engagement, the importance of advertisement cannot be negated. This is because it acts as the

ultimate communication and interaction tool that enables marketers to pass on their message

to the intended market audience and thus build a long-lasting rapport so that the customers

can be loyal towards their brand and their offerings91. Over the years, a large number of

research studies have been carried out to explore the concept of the marketing mix and

identify the role of advertisement to influence the effectiveness of the marketing mix

framework. According to Abril (2016), in the cutthroat competitive market setting, the

advertisement component of the marketing mix model plays a critical role in influencing the

brand equity of a business undertaking, irrespective of the industry or sector in which it

operates. Even though the market landscape has undergone revolutionary changes in the past

few decades, the significance of the advertising strategy has not been affected 92. On the

contrary, in the intensely dynamic and competitive business climate, the relevance of

advertising has grown and expanded as advertising can be used as a critical tool that can help

business undertakings to have a competitive edge over their rivals in the market setting.

Jackson and Ahuja (2016) have highlighted in their research work that in the dawn of the

digital age, the marketing mix framework has undergone a lot of transformation. Such a kind

of transformation has also influenced the core components that make up the marketing mix
Wu, Ya-Ling, and Eldon Y. Li. "Marketing mix, customer value, and customer loyalty in social commerce." Internet
Research (2018).

Abril, Carmen, and Belén Rodriguez-Cánovas. "Marketing mix effects on private labels brand equity." European Journal of
Management and Business Economics 25, no. 3 (2016): 168-175.

framework: product, price, place, and promotion. But one of the core marketing mix elements

that have gained prominence is promotion, more specifically advertising. This is because

various macro factors have come into play and molded how the advertising strategy is

deployed by business entities irrespective of the industry in which they function. The

integration of technology and innovation in the market scene has given rise to new kinds of

opportunities when it comes to advertising a product or a service. The advertising strategy

that is employed by business entities across diverse industries and sectors acts as the main

backbone of the communication mix. In fact, the authors have highlighted that advertising

acts as the vital communication technique that empowers businesses to establish a

personalized connection with the customers that is based on trust and commitment. In the

ever-changing business landscape, advertisement acts as the strategic tool that strengthens the

overall effectiveness of the marketing mix framework that is deployed by a business in order

to carry out the core business activities and processes in the market setting 93. The authors

have further stressed the important role that advertising plays to strengthen the overall

effectiveness of the integrated marketing communication model. Advertising has always

played a vital role in the marketing mix framework, but now its relevance has further

magnified as, without it, a business cannot survive in the current business landscape.

3.4 Advertising – Its role in the business backdrop

The concept of advertising is not new in the market or business arena. It has been explored

and defined by different authors to highlight their perspective of the marketing function.

According to the Advertising and Sales Promotion (2020), advertising has been defined as

any paid form of non-personal presentation as well as promotion of ideas, products and

services by an identified sponsor94. Zacher (2016) has defined the advertising concept as the
Jackson, Graham, and Vandana Ahuja. "Dawn of the digital age and the evolution of the marketing mix." Journal of Direct,
Data and Digital Marketing Practice 17, no. 3 (2016): 170-186.

Advertising And Sales Promotion". 2020. Pondiuni.Edu.In. Http://Www.Pondiuni.Edu.In/Storage/Dde/Downloads/Markiv_Asp.Pdf.

means of communicating information relating to goods, services; etc95. The author has

defined the concept of advertising as the paid form of non-personal presentation of goods,

services, as well as ideas by the identified sponsors. The word ‘advertising’ comes from the

Latin word ‘advertere’, which means public announcement or an announcement that turns the

attention of the public. British Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) defines

advertisement as a way of presenting the most persuasive message to the different prospects

of a product or service at a lower cost. As per Terkan (2018), the advertising Practitioners of

Nigeria (APCON), advertising refers to the means of providing an informative and persuasive

message about the goods and services to the consumers through the use of various Media96.

As the market is largely being controlled by the consumers, companies need to attract as well

as persuade the consumers in order to sell their products and services. An advertisement is an

important tool for companies to make the consumers aware of their products. Advertisement

basically deals with creating awareness among the potential consumers, providing them with

adequate information, and persuading them to make a purchase. To stay competitive in the

business world, advertising is a must. It speeds up the introduction of the new products and

increases the overall productivity of the companies 97. Advertising is used by the companies to

inform the target customers about new products or the improvements made to an existing

product. It has become the primary way of enabling companies to achieve their desired


"Marketing Aptitude: Advertising". 2020. Gktoday.

Remziye Terkan, Remziye Terkan. 2018. "Communıcatıon Studıes And Semıotıc Methods Applıcatıons". International Journal
Of Communication And Media Studies 8 (4): 33-42. doi:10.24247/ijcmsoct20184.

Remziye Terkan, Remziye Terkan. 2018. "Communıcatıon Studıes And Semıotıc Methods Applıcatıons". International Journal
Of Communication And Media Studies 8 (4): 33-42. doi:10.24247/ijcmsoct20184.

Tellis, Gerard J. 2004. Effective Advertising. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.

Advertising plays a major role in the business backdrop. Advertising is important to business

for a number of reasons. The main aim of advertising is to promote or publicize a product in

order to increase its sales volume. On the basis of the product to be advertised, the right

media can be selected to send the message to the intended audience. Moreover, advertising

helps businesses to cut down their distribution costs. It enables reaching out to the mass

audiences, thereby significantly lowering the distribution as well as personal selling costs.

Advertising is also used by companies as a competitive tool for the greater success of the

business. Through the use of appealing and creative advertisements, businesses are able to

attract more customers and effectively patronize their business brands. Another core aim of

advertising is to make a significant impact on the buying behaviour of potential consumers. It

enables to reinforce the brand name in the minds of the customers. This will ultimately

influence the process of evaluation, consideration, and purchase among the intended

customers. The businesses need to figure out the factors that have the potential of impacting

consumer buying behaviour and accordingly prepare the advertisement for optimum results.

Moreover, consumers are likely to connect better with the product advertisements that are

able to send positive messages and provide them with emotional values 99. However, in order

to stay competitive, it is the experience of the consumers that actually matters. Along with

increasing the sales of a product, the increased awareness among the people through

advertisement increases the demand for the product. This enables more production, thereby

benefiting the businesses involved in the manufacturing of the product. Building goodwill in

a business is also possible through advertisements. Advertisements allow businesses to

effectively expand their markets and serve more customers. The increase in the number of

customers will ultimately enhance the return on investments of the business 100. Advertising is

Kumar, Dr. D.Prasanna. 2013. "The Role Of Advertising In Consumer Decision Making". IOSR Journal Of Business And
Management 14 (4): 37-45. doi:10.9790/487x-1443745.

Remziye Terkan, Remziye Terkan. 2018. "Communıcatıon Studıes And Semıotıc Methods Applıcatıons". International
Journal Of Communication And Media Studies 8 (4): 33-42. doi:10.24247/ijcmsoct20184

also used as a persuasion tool to persuade consumers to make a purchase of the product from

the company. The persuasiveness of the advertisements can enable the generation of a

number of effects on potential customers. The effects can include the behavioural effects,

cognitive effects, as well as emotional effects101. Through advertisement, businesses are sure

to achieve a number of benefits and attain optimum success through an increase in their


According to Shakib (2018), the advertising concept is a way of communication and

engagement that marketers or business concerns have with the market audience regarding

their purchase decision. This form of interaction is basically used by marketers so that they

can share necessary information with the existing customers as well as the potential

customers regarding their offering, which could be either a product or a service, or both. The

researcher has further highlighted in his work that advertising is a very critical element when

it comes to marketing as it has got a vital link or association with the overall economic

growth of the marketer and business 102. The paid form of exposure that business concerns get

is very important, especially in the current times as there exists, a high level of competition in

diverse industries and sectors. In order to reach out to the market audience, marketers use

various kinds of traditional media as well as non-traditional media. Some of the most

common conventional media that are used by marketers for the purpose of advertising

include newspapers, television, magazine mail, commercial radio advertisement, direct mail,

etc. In the 21st century, marketers also have the option to make the use of innovative and

creative media for the purpose of advertising and communicating with the target market

audience. Some of the unconventional media that are used by business undertakings in the

prevailing market landscape include websites, text messages, blogs and many more. In fact,
SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES. ECONOMICS EDITION, no. 19. doi:10.29358/sceco.v0i19.260
Tashrifa Haider and Shadman Shakib, “A Study On The Influences of Advertisement On Consumer Buying Behavior,”
Business Studies Journal, April 26, 2018,

the evolution of technology has opened up new opportunities that enable business concerns to

design advertisements in unique ways and interact with the market audience. The virtual or

cyber platform has brought about transformational changes in how advertising is done by

business undertakings. On the online platform, marketers are able to develop and maintain a

personal and intimate bond with the target market audience by overcoming the differences

relating to time and space103. This feature enables business concerns of the 21st century to

target the global market audience through their advertisements. Shakib (2018) has pointed out

that in the current times, marketers have succeeded in adapting to the evolving market

landscape, especially when it comes to design their advertising to interact and communicate

with the existing and potential customers. Due to the vital role that advertisement plays in the

market and business setting, its role substantially increased in the 20th century, and since

there has been no looking back for the advertising concept in the business scene. According

to the researcher, during the 1980s, the role, as well as the importance of advertising, were

restricted to a certain degree104. This is because people mainly came across advertisements

through television, billboards, radios, and newspapers. But in the modern times, his trend has

completely changed as business undertakings are leaning towards a digital form of

advertising so that they can rekindle their relationship with the target market audience. One

of the key trends that can be observed in the current times relates to the high use of social

media advertising as well as mobile advertising. In fact, these new concepts of advertising

strategies seem to have taken over the former and traditional forms of advertisements that

used to rule the market scene at one point in time took the back seat. The popularity of the

digital advertising concept can be seen as most of the multinational giant organizations as

well as local business entities are focusing on digital advertising so that they can reach the

Išoraitė, Margarita. 2015. "Analysis Of Marketing Mix: Nivea Case Study". Entrepreneurship And Sustainability Issues 3 (2):
173-185. doi:10.9770/jesi.2015.3.2(5).
Tashrifa Haider and Shadman Shakib, “A Study On The Influences of Advertisement On Consumer Buying
Behavior,” Business Studies Journal, April 26, 2018,

intended market audience at a personal level. The researcher has stated that marketers are

trying to integrate unique components in their advertising such as entertainment factor,

humour element, suspense component, etc. so that their advertisements can have a lasting

impact on the intended market audience and they can further play a vital role to influence the

buying behaviour as well as the purchasing decisions that are taken by the customers. The

research study also points out that an ineffective advertising strategy that fails to have an

impact on the intended market audience could have a detrimental impact on the business

concern to whom the advertisement belongs. This is because a failed advertising strategy

represents a lost opportunity for a marketer to establish a connection with the intended target

market audience105.

The Apple Inc. company has always tried to be innovative and creative while advertising its

smartphones, especially iPhone. According to Liu (2019), Apple iPhone has succeeded in

captivating the target market audience for all the right reasons. In order to showcase the

unique features of the electronic device that is used for communication purpose, Apple

mainly stresses on the technical aspects and functional components of its iPhone. Such an

advertising strategy has played an integral role and helped the global tech giant to attract the

global market audience who are inclined towards the latest technology and innovation. The

use of advertising strategy by Apple sheds light on the power of advertising and how it can

play a vital role in influencing the potential as well as the existing customers in the global

market setting. The advertising of the iPhone is not restricted to any specific communication

channel106. But the Apple Inc. company makes it a point to make the optimum use of a

diverse range of traditional as well as modern communication channels so that it can interact

and engage with the target audience about its latest offering in the dynamic and competitive

Jackson, Graham, and Vandana Ahuja. "Dawn of the digital age and the evolution of the marketing mix." Journal of Direct,
Data and Digital Marketing Practice 17, no. 3 (2016): 170-186
Jackson, Graham, and Vandana Ahuja. "Dawn of the digital age and the evolution of the marketing mix." Journal of Direct,
Data and Digital Marketing Practice 17, no. 3 (2016): 170-186.

market setting. The main nations where the iPhone TV commercials are shown are the

developed nations. Apart from the United States of America in the North American

Continent, the advertisements are also seen by people belonging to France, England,

Germany, Spain, Italy, South Korea, Japan, and Australia 107. There are also a number of

developing nations such as China and Brazil where Apple iPhone advertisements are shown

on the television but the frequency of these advertisements are much less as compared to the

developed countries. Such a strategic move by the Apple Inc. company when it comes to the

advertising strategy of its iPhone shows that the decisions are taken in order to influence the

target market audience and their buying behaviour that is exhibited in the market setting. One

of the main reasons for the tremendous success of the iPhone of Apple Inc. brand is its

impressive as well as innovative advertising strategy.

Advertising is the part of marketing that is designed to raise awareness as well as create

interest towards a specific brand and its offerings. In the former times when the level of

competition was not intense, the scope of advertising was restricted. But the market climate

of the 21st century is extremely competitive and dynamic in nature. Due to the high intensity

of competition, marketers have realized the significance of advertising across different

industries and sectors. Wright has pointed out in his research work that different forms of

marketing, especially advertising, give rise to new kinds of possibilities for a business

undertaking. The role of advertising within the marketing mix of a business concern is of

pivotal importance as it basically connects a brand with the target market audience. It makes

sure that communication between a business and its target market audience is possible so that

both form a vital association108.

Remziye Terkan, Remziye Terkan. 2018. "Communıcatıon Studıes And Semıotıc Methods Applıcatıons". International
Journal Of Communication And Media Studies 8 (4): 33-42. doi:10.24247/ijcmsoct20184
Wright, Mike, Trevor Watkins, and Brian Chiplin. "The role of advertising in the marketing strategy of accountancy firms:
evidence from a regional market." The Service Industries Journal 6, no. 3 (1986): 381-391

The important role that advertising plays for a marketer can be understood from the fact that

it has a direct association with the customer decision making process. In fact, a number of

research studies have been carried out which show how advertisement can play a vital role in

influencing how customers behave in the market setting. According to Raju (2013), marketers

have been using advertisement as a vital form of communication with the intention to

convince the audience, listeners, or viewers to purchase or take an action upon commodities,

services or information. The author has stated that the decision-making process that

customers make has a vital impact on a business109. For example, the decision of a customer

to purchase offerings from a particular brand can boost its profitability or sales. On the other

hand, the decision to purchase the offerings of a particular brand could reduce its sales

turnover and productivity in the dynamic market setting. In the research study, Raju has

further emphasized on the fact that out of all the tools that are used by business undertakings

for the purpose of communication and marketing, advertising is known to be most impactful

as well as long-lasting in nature. Advertising, which is the subset of the promotional mix,

serves as a crucial tool for a business concern. This is because business concerns that operate

in the market setting use advertising strategy to create brand awareness in the minds of the

potential customers in the market setting110. In the former times, when technology was in the

nascent stage, advertisement on the television medium was considered to be the most

effective communication approach that was available for marketers in the market landscape.

But the evolution of technology has given rise to a diverse range of communication mediums

that enable business concerns to share the intended business message with the existing

customers as well as the potential customers. For instance, advertising on different social

media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many more are regarded to be

Kumar, D. Prasanna, and K. Venkateswara Raju. "The role of advertising in consumer decision making." IOSR Journal of
Business and Management 14, no. 4 (2013): 37-45.

Kumar, D. Prasanna, and K. Venkateswara Raju. "The role of advertising in consumer decision making." IOSR Journal of
Business and Management 14, no. 4 (2013): 37-45.

highly effective advertising channels as they enable business entities to reach the masses that

are scattered all across the globe.

The advertising strategy of the Huawei smartphone brand has helped it to successfully make

the transition from a Chinese smartphone brand to a global smartphone brand. The business

entity has been consistently focusing on its advertising strategy and making heavy

investments in its advertisement and communication approach so that it can strengthen its

level of visibility and brand awareness 111

. The high focus on its advertising strategy has

played an integral role and helped the brand to stabilize its position in the competitive market

settings against tough competitors such as Apple Inc. and Samsung. The advertising strategy

of Huawei has played a vital role over the years and helped it to grow from strength to

strength and create a loyal base of customers in the global market environment. According to

Xia, advertising plays an extremely important role in the overall marketing strategy of

Huawei. The research study has further highlighted that the most effective communication

channel which is considered to be impactful on the market audience is an advertisement.

Such a medium enables business concerns to provide relevant information to the market

audience so that their decision-making process can be influenced to a considerable extent. A

diverse range of research studies that have been carried out in the past few years indicate that

the effectiveness of advertisement and the impact of such an advertisement on the customer

buying behaviour are positive in nature. The role of advertising function in the market setting

shows that an effective advertisement by a business entity, irrespective of the industry or

sector in which it operates, has the potential to encourage the customers to buy the offering in

the market setting. On the other hand, a poorly designed advertisement could discourage the

market audience from purchasing a product in the market setting. Thus it is extremely

important for marketers to design the advertising strategy as well as the information and

Jackson, Graham, and Vandana Ahuja. "Dawn of the digital age and the evolution of the marketing mix." Journal of Direct,
Data and Digital Marketing Practice 17, no. 3 (2016): 170-186

content that they share in the market with the target audience. The authors have pointed out in

the research study that advertisements help the market audience to get familiar with a brand

and its offerings in the market setting 112. This kind of familiarity helps to create an emotional

connection that plays a key role in influencing their buying behaviour and the ultimate

purchasing decision that they make. Familiarity with something, especially in the vast market

setting, can lead to creating a positive impression relating to a product or a service. The

advertisement gives rise to the opportunity for business undertakings to place information on

their offering before their existing market audience as well as their potential market audience.

Thus advertisements play a vital role in the vast market setting as they influence the overall

perception of the customers regarding a brand and the offerings that are designed by it.

The lukewarm attitude of business entities and marketers towards the advertising strategy

relating to their products and services can adversely impact the business output in terms of

sales turnover. The lack of understanding to spend ample money on promotion and

advertisement can limit the effectiveness of their promotional strategy and give an edge to

their competitors or rivals in the industry setting. The findings of the research study show that

there exists a positive and constructive association between diverse elements, namely

emotional response, brand awareness, the environmental response towards a brand, the

sensory stimulated advertising, and the customer buying behaviour. In fact, the findings of

the research study are consistent with the past literature that has explored the concept of

advertising and its influence on the consumer buying behaviour. The authors of the research

work have stated that in the intensely competitive market climate, marketers and business

undertakings need to lay emphasis on establishing an emotional connection with the intended

market audience through their advertising strategy. This is because the consumers are the

ones who are highly induced through their emotions as well as sentiments. In the dynamic

Jackson, Graham, and Vandana Ahuja. "Dawn of the digital age and the evolution of the marketing mix." Journal of Direct,
Data and Digital Marketing Practice 17, no. 3 (2016): 170-186

market climate, an advertisement can play a vital role in influencing the attitude of an

individual and his or her lifestyle in the long run. Such changes can have a direct or indirect

influence on the performance of a business undertaking. This is because of the fact that the

buying behaviour could be influenced, which could change the things that he prefers to

purchase and/or consume. For example, if a person focuses on getting fit, he or she might

reduce the purchase of sweets and other food items with high calories. Such a behaviour at

the individual level of the person can reduce the sales of the business from which he or she

was previously purchasing sweets113. Thus this example shows that the behaviour and the

buying decision of an individual in the market setting has a significant implication on the

sales, profitability and productivity of a business in the market setting. Thus various research

studies that have been carried out in the last decade show the important role of advertising in

the market setting. Apart from this, they also shed light on how the advertising strategy of a

business can help it to mold its sales and profitability by influencing the behaviour of the

existing customers or the potential customers in the market setting. In the 21 st century,

marketers are cautiously laying a high level of emphasis on their communication, promotion

and advertising strategy so that they can establish a deep bond and rapport with their target

market audience. The marketing mix element has the potential to influence its success or

failure of the brand by influencing how customers perceive it and react towards its offerings

in the market setting. Advertisement is being used as an indispensable tool by business

enterprises so that they can be empowered to influence the customers’ awareness, buying

behaviour and attitude towards a brand and its market offerings.

Remziye Terkan, Remziye Terkan. 2018. "Communıcatıon Studıes And Semıotıc Methods Applıcatıons". International
Journal Of Communication And Media Studies 8 (4): 33-42. doi:10.24247/ijcmsoct20184

3.5 Role of Advertising during a pandemic like Covid-19

The advertising strategy is a vital communication strategic approach that helps business

entities to present information about their offerings in the market. But during serious social

situations such as pandemics, for example, the ongoing corona virus, they can use the

communication strategy to exhibit their responsible side as well. A number of research

studies have been carried out over the past few years that shed light on how business

concerns need to communicate and engage with the market audience so that they can show a

responsible and sensitive side of themselves. According to Jackson, Graham and Ahuja

(2016) business firms need to be on their toes at all times so that they will be able to develop

appropriate pandemic communication strategic approaches while having an interaction with

the market audience. Such a strategic plan needs to be given importance by the marketers 114.

In this research, the researchers have pointed out that the inability of a firm to cover a

pandemic situation in a sensitive manner can have serious repercussions on the very

sustainability and existence of the business. For example, if people are not satisfied with the

communication and how seriously the business takes the situation, they could get angry as

well as feel belittled. This could have an impact on how they perceive the particular brand

and its offerings. While designing an advertising strategy, a business must consider

cautiously how it is doing its part and playing a responsible role to contribute to the society

and the people. In this research, the data shows that the marketing strategy, especially the

advertising component, needs to be designed in such a manner so that the level of awareness

of people can be improved and their trust and faith in the brand can remain intact or improve.

During the unprecedented times, the behaviour of customers has drastically changed in the

market setting, and their buying decisions have also been significantly affected. These

changes have had a major implication on the business undertakings that function in different

Jackson, Graham, and Vandana Ahuja. "Dawn of the digital age and the evolution of the marketing mix." Journal of Direct,
Data and Digital Marketing Practice 17, no. 3 (2016): 170-186

markets and industries. It is necessary for organizations to comprehend the rapidly changing

buying behaviour, and consumption patterns so that accordingly they can mold their media

behaviour while interacting and communicating in the market setting. A well-developed and

appropriate marketing and strategic advertising approach can help business entities drive

growth and return investment during such grave social situations. According to IRI, because

of the corona virus pandemic, most of the people are staying indoors, which has increased the

media consumption by almost 70 percent. New behaviours of the customers can be observed

relating to how they consume online content and how further it has got an implication on

their buying decisions115. As customers from different corners of the globe have been

leveraging the digital scene, there has been an explosion in the digital content volume by

business undertakings and marketers. Advertisers are no longer focusing on television

advertising; rather, they are trying to adjust the media budgets because of the lack or

restrictions in live TV programming. SO advertisers have shifted their attention to the digital

platform. Business undertakings are trying to design short yet impactful ads that can capture

the attention of the online users and persuade them to make the buying decisions in favor of

the brand. At the same time, businesses are also trying to advertise and communicate in a

sensitive and responsible manner to highlight how they are dealing with the pandemic and

creating value for customers and other stakeholders. Since the social situation is still very

sensitive as corona virus continues to cause havoc at the individual level and at the business

level, advertisers and marketers are expected to deploy well-calculated strategic measures

while advertising and communicating with the market audience.

According to a recent article by Google, the Covid-19 global pandemic has brought about a

major disruption in how business undertakings function and carry out their business

activities. This incident at the global scale has increased the importance of advertising

Wu, Ya-Ling, and Eldon Y. Li. "Marketing mix, customer value, and customer loyalty in social commerce." Internet
Research (2018).

strategy like never before. As the outbreak of corona virus has significantly altered the

expectations of the customers, their habits and buying behaviour, the marketers operating in

the prevailing business landscape need to be extra cautious so that the right kind of message

can be shared with the market audience and that they can be persuaded to buy the offerings of

the business, without seeming insensitive. In order to sustain in the changed market setting,

marketers operating in diverse industries and sectors are expected to rethink their advertising

strategies so that they can effectively navigate such a time of uncertainty and unpredictability.

Various studies show that the social media platforms can be used as a vital communication

and advertising medium during a pandemic. This is because such online platforms can enable

business undertakings to forge a deeper and long-lasting connection with the existing and

potential customers. According to Wu, Ya-Ling, and Eldon (2018), business entities need to

understand that they need to develop suitable communication and advertising approaches so

that they will be in a position to maintain a solid relationship with the customers in the

market that can outlast the corona virus epidemic 116. At the time of such a crisis,

communication that is designed by a business entity plays a key role. Hence the

communication, including the advertising strategy, must help the business to make its current

and potential customers aware of the organization’s plan to extend them proper support and

provide the improved value for them in the market setting. The communication and

advertisement must not revolve only around the offering of a business but it must also be able

to shed light on how the business undertaking is taking the necessary steps and measures to

minimize the severity of the situation to the best of its ability. Such an advertising technique

would be valuable at the time of a pandemic like Covid-19 as it would show that the business

is not merely focusing on reaping profits, but it is acting as a responsible corporate citizen

and helping the key stakeholders and the entire community. In the article, the authors have

Wu, Ya-Ling, and Eldon Y. Li. "Marketing mix, customer value, and customer loyalty in social commerce." Internet
Research (2018).

pointed out that during the time of a pandemic, the social media sites act as the ideal

communication tool that can be used for interaction and advertising how their offerings can

create value for the customers at such distressful times. The proper management of the

content that is used for the advertising and communication purpose during a pandemic

situation can play a vital role for a business. During uncertain times, marketers need to be on

their toes so that the message that is ultimately shared with the intended market audience is

sensitive as well as responsible in nature117.

Thus numerous studies that have been carried out recently show that even during the time of

a serious global pandemic such as the corona virus, marketers can employ their advertising

strategy to their advantage. But in order to do so, they need to redesign and restructure their

advertising strategy so that it is suitable for the unpredictable times and it helps them to share

the intended message with the market audience in the right way. Marketers and business

entities need to emphasize with the audience with whom they are trying to communicate and

establish a connection. Building a strong rapport at such a delicate time can help marketers to

broaden their customer base. In contrast, the inability to effectively communicate and

advertise can harm a business undertaking by diminishing its customer base in the market

setting. In order to survive and sustain in the new social distancing economy, which is the

result of corona virus, business entities need to adopt innovative strategic approaches. As

more numbers of people are spending a lot of time inside their homes, their online presence

has substantially increased during this period. Thus marketers need to understand that

customers have not entirely stopped buying things. But there has been a transformational

change in the things that they buy and how they buy them. The analysis of the current market

shows that there has been a significant surge in online shopping. Thus the retails that have an

Omni-channel presence are able to make the most of such a pandemic situation. But in order

Jackson, Graham, and Vandana Ahuja. "Dawn of the digital age and the evolution of the marketing mix." Journal of Direct,
Data and Digital Marketing Practice 17, no. 3 (2016): 170-186

to sustainably carry out the business activities during such a pandemic, firms need to rely on

their advertising strategy so that an appropriate communication and advertising framework is

in place. Even though the pandemic situation has given rise to numerous challenges as well as

complexities for business undertakings operating in different industries and markets, it has

also given rise to the opportunity to strengthen their current online advertising approach so

that they can strengthen their connection with the customers and persuade them to opt for

their brand in the virtual setting. In fact, the loyalty of the customers can be leveraged to a

significant degree that can drive their overall sales on the online platform. Introducing native

advertisements on retail websites can also do the trick for business entities and help them to

be in touch with the potential customers as well as the existing customers. Such a strategic

approach towards advertising can play a pivotal role in effectively reaching out to the online

shoppers and influencing their buying behavior and purchasing decisions 118. During the

pandemic situation, advertising can act as a vital tool for businesses, but they must be able to

make the optimum use of the communication and engagement weapon so that they can

effectively interact with the market audience without offending them in any manner. In such

kinds of delicate situations, the role of technology and the online presence of brands is of

pivotal importance. In fact, during such tough times, these elements can make or break a

business as well. The advertising strategy that is designed in the online platform must revolve

around its key stakeholders. Then they need to make sure that they are able to share their

substantial and genuine message with how they intend to make a positive difference in the

world so that the stressful situation can be slightly eased. Such a well-planned and well-laid

communication and advertising tactic can play a vital role and mold the perception of the

existing customers as well as the potential customers in a favourable manner. Thus the

advertising strategy of a business must be able to reflect the fact that the brand understands

Frick, Thomas. The Implications of Advertising Personalization for Firms, Consumers, and Ad Platforms. No. EPS-2018-
452-LIS. 2018

the seriousness of a crisis situation and it is taking care of its share of responsibility to

manage the complex situation, such as the corona virus epidemic. Thus in the delicate and

sensitive times like these, brands need to integrate empathy and compassion with their

advertising message. Such an approach can help them to establish a long-term connection

with the target market audience by touching them at the emotional level. In the cut-throat

competitive business landscape, such a well-though advertising strategy, can play a key role

in influencing the attitude and perception of the customers towards the business entity as well

as their buying behaviour. A proper communication and advertising plan can do the trick for

a business entity to survive pandemic situations and forge a deeper connection with the

intended market audience119. The selection of the right communication model and the right

message that is shared with the intended audience is crucial as it can mold their brand

perception and purchasing decision.

The designing of a suitable advertising and promotion approach can act as an ideal survival

strategy for a business during contingency situations that arise due to pandemics such as the

corona virus outbreak. Since people are not able to go out of their house to make purchases,

the online platform provides a suitable opportunity for them to make their purchases by

sitting in the comfort of their own homes. A well-designed and empathetic advertising

strategy of a business entity can act as a catalyst in such a situation and help a brand to

persuade its existing customers as well as the potential customers to opt for its offerings

instead of choosing that of its rivals in the dynamic market setting. A strategic and calculated

advertising is the need of the hour for business undertakings so that they can be in a position

to sail through the corona virus pandemic and keep their financial wheels moving forward. In

these contingency situations, business entities, irrespective of the industry in which they

operate, their advertising strategy can come to their rescue and help them to manage such

Remziye Terkan, Remziye Terkan. 2018. "Communıcatıon Studıes And Semıotıc Methods Applıcatıons". International
Journal Of Communication And Media Studies 8 (4): 33-42. doi:10.24247/ijcmsoct20184

sudden and unpredictable slumps. Advertisements act as the main connecting factor between

businesses and their target audience, which can help to curtail the high level of uncertainty by

persuading customers to opt for the core market offerings of a particular brand. Marketers

need to keep in mind that the reconfiguration of the advertising and communication strategic

approach is of critical importance in such delicate and dynamic situations so that the

communication is not out of place and it does not hurt the emotions and sentiments of the

market audience. Since advertising acts as a critical element for a business during a pandemic

that directly impacts their survival, marketers need to lay extra emphasis on the type of

content and the quality of content that they are integrating into their communication model.

The importance of thorough strategizing of the communication technique becomes more

important during such times120. The responsible and empathetic interaction of the business

with the market audience can redefine and strengthen the rapport between the parties. The

ongoing pandemic due to the corona virus outbreak has affected all the industries and sectors

at the global level. In fact, such a serious and unpredictable situation that has taken place has

forced business undertakings to rethink about the advertising strategic approach that they

have deployed on the online platform. It has further intensified the usefulness as well as the

effectiveness of the digital advertising strategic approach. Business entities are diverting their

marketing budget towards the online advertising area so that they can establish a deeper and

meaningful association with the potential customers as well as the existing customers who

have a presence on the digital platform. The communication approach is gaining a lot of

importance in the current times as it enables business undertakings and marketers to not only

share information relating to their product and/or services, but they are also able to showcase

their responsible and professional side to the market audience. Thus in the unpredictable

market landscape, advertising acts as a vital strategic tool for business entities which helps

Remziye Terkan, Remziye Terkan. 2018. "Communıcatıon Studıes And Semıotıc Methods Applıcatıons". International
Journal Of Communication And Media Studies 8 (4): 33-42. doi:10.24247/ijcmsoct20184

them to manage the overall severity of the situation as well as the level of the uncertainty that

prevails in the market setting. In order to adapt to such situations that could threaten the very

survival of a business, organizations need to remodel their advertising strategy and

communication content so that a successful relationship can be maintained with the intended

market audience. Such an approach can help them to restrict the complex pandemic situation

and its implication on their business operations.

3.6 The importance of responsible advertisements

Studies have revealed that the impact of advertisement is not restricted to the communication

aspect of a business entity. But it has a major influence on the overall strategic approach that

is used by a business in order to survive and sustain itself in the business landscape.

According to Frick (2018), in the current times when customers have become highly

empowered, marketers need to put in extra effort to make sure that they design responsible

advertisements while engaging with the target market audience121. Responsible ads can act as

a major asset of a business entity as they can help its stakeholders, including the customers, to

know the business and its offering in a better way. Some of the properties relating to

responsible ads that have been identified by the researcher include the high level of

consistency with an everyday-language, and laying emphasis on the business-oriented

definition relating to responsibility along with the assumptions that advertisements are

inherently not bad. Business entities must not design their advertisements with the intention

to deceive the target market audience or exploit their psychological foibles. Instead,

advertisements that are designed in a responsible manner are expected to present a genuine

and true picture regarding how a business entity plans to create value for its target market


Frick, Thomas. The Implications of Advertising Personalization for Firms, Consumers, and Ad Platforms. No. EPS-2018-
452-LIS. 2018

In the cut-throat competitive market landscape, an honest, dedicated, and responsible

approach can help a business entity to create a lasting and favourable impression in the minds

of the target market audience. Frick (2018) explained that advertisement can be used as a

cardinal tool by marketers across a diverse range of industries to highlight their stance on

corporate social responsibility122. In the research study, the authors have identified that when

marketers and businesses use their advertisements as an ethical vehicle to demonstrate their

corporate citizenship, they are able to forge a deep and strong association with their potential

customers as well as the existing customers in the market setting. Responsibility in the

business processes, as well as an advertising approach, can help a firm to gain the trust and

loyalty of the market audience, which can ultimately influence their buying behaviour in the

vast market landscape.

In the smartphone business settings where most of the offerings have similar kinds of traits

and attributes, the responsible behaviour in terms of advertisement and promotion can make a

difference for a business entity. Developing trust in a company, brand, or market offering has

become a basic necessity for marketers while interacting with the target market audience.

Two-way communication and interaction have been identified as one of the key factors that

influence the level of customer trust and the relationship between a brand and its customer.

Thus a responsible advertisement is not just about sharing the message and information that

the business entity wants to highlight; it also involves listening to the views, opinions as well

as feedback of the market audience. This form of communication is vital to make sure that

there is a proper understanding between a business and the potential or existing customer.

Apart from this, when a serious social or economic situation arises in the market setting, such

as the ongoing corona virus pandemic, marketers could make an effort to deploy their

advertisements in a sensible manner instead of being oblivious to the complex situation.

Frick, Thomas. The Implications of Advertising Personalization for Firms, Consumers, and Ad Platforms. No. EPS-2018-
452-LIS. 2018

Seligman has highlighted in his research work that the ongoing corona virus pandemic has

caused disruption in the business activities. In fact, the consequence is so severe that the

existence of many business entities has also been threatened due to the ongoing pandemic. At

such challenging times, the promotional tools of a business firm, such as advertisements,

need to be cautiously used with the intention to create value for the business as well as for the

target market audience. Even though the demand pattern of marketers across different

industries has been adversely affected, they should not be driven by the profit motive alone

while designing their advertisements123. They also need to lay emphasis on the current

situation of the target market audience and design the message and the advertisement tactics.

According to Taylor (2017), during the pandemic, marketers need to use their advertisements

in a responsible manner by using emotional appeals. Emotion is a vital component that comes

into play and influences the customers when they make their purchasing decisions 124. An

emotional connection between a business entity and a market audience can go in favour of

the business as customers are likely to consider its offerings before considering that of others.

But before making an emotional appeal to the intended market audience, it is the

responsibility of the business entities to respect the emotions instead of using them as a

weakness of the target market audience 125. The wide range of studies that have been carried

out indicates that even during the times of pandemic or some other serious occurrence, the

role of advertisements is vital for marketers. It can act as the chief tool to help a business

entity have a sustainable existence during these tough and challenging times. Marketers have

to make sure that they have a flexible advertising approach in place that enables them to

introduce suitable changes. As per Thorson (2017), the consumer behaviour that is exhibited

by the target market audience is impacted by a diverse range of factors and elements. It

Frick, Thomas. The Implications of Advertising Personalization for Firms, Consumers, and Ad Platforms. No. EPS-2018-
452-LIS. 2018
Rodgers, Shelly, and Esther Thorson, eds. Digital advertising: Theory and research. Taylor & Francis, 2017.
Xia, Weiyi, and Dr Zhixia Gan. "The Marketing strategy of HUAWEI Smartphone in China." (2017)

increases the level of unpredictability in terms of the effectiveness of the advertisement of a

business entity to influence the buying behaviour of the target market audience in their

favour126. Marketers need to ensure that they deploy the right mix of advertising and

communication elements so that they can have a favourable interaction as well as

engagement with the audience that exists in the vast market landscape. Deploying the

advertisement strategy in a responsible and strategic manner can give rise to the opportunity

to expand the level of sales of a business entity and increase its market share.

Hence responsible advertisement can act in the fair of a business entity in different ways. It

can strengthen the quality of the bond between a business firm and its intended target market

audience. It can help in building as well as strengthening the level of customer trust in brands

and thus build brand loyalty and increase the degree of sales turnover. In the unpredictable

and uncertain business landscape, advertisements can be used as a strategic element by

marketers across diverse industries and sectors for the purpose of building customer trust and

influencing their buying behaviour as well as their purchasing decisions in the diverse market

setting. The effective maintenance of customer loyalty and the brand reputation can act in the

favour of the business entity and give it an edge against its rivals and competitors in the

industrial setting127. Marketers need to be cautious while designing their advertisements in the

market as it plays an integral role in molding how they perform and sustain in the dynamic

market setting. The responsible and genuine behaviour on the part of business entities can act

as catalysts that can strengthen the impact of advertisement on the buying behaviour and

purchasing decision of the target market audience.

Rodgers, Shelly, and Esther Thorson, eds. Digital advertising: Theory and research. Taylor & Francis, 2017.
Remziye Terkan, Remziye Terkan. 2018. "Communıcatıon Studıes And Semıotıc Methods Applıcatıons". International
Journal Of Communication And Media Studies 8 (4): 33-42. doi:10.24247/ijcmsoct20184

3.7 Creativity and Innovation in Enhancing the Impact of Advertising

In the highly competitive landscape of today, the consumer comes across a number of

advertisements promoting the products of different brands. This creates confusion in the

minds of the consumers and affects their buying behaviour. In order to attract more customers

and increase the retention rate of customers, companies need to adopt creative and innovative

ways to advertise their products as well as services. It will increase their customer base and

enable them to survive in the cut-throat competitive market128.

Creativity refers to producing something unique, valuable, and original. It includes putting

forward fresh and new ideas to promote a product. According to the researchers conducted in

the field of psychology, creativity is a combination of the thinking skills, knowledge, as well

as motivation129. Thinking skills refer to the imagination ability of the person, and knowledge

indicates what the person already knows. On the other hand, innovation can be referred to as

the implementation of new methods or a different approach to achieve the desired outcomes.

Incorporating creativity and innovation into the advertising approaches can greatly enable the

companies to successfully influence the buying behaviour of the consumers. However, in

order to ensure the effectiveness of the advertisements, companies need to focus on the right

combination of creativity and innovation. It will help in attracting more customers to make a

purchase and retain the advertisement in the minds of the customers for a longer duration.

Humour, surprise, and contrast are some of the creative techniques that are used by several

companies in order to enhance their advertising efforts130. In order to avoid any negative

outcome, the innovation and creativity component in advertising must be carefully handled.

Remziye Terkan, Remziye Terkan. 2018. "Communıcatıon Studıes And Semıotıc Methods Applıcatıons". International Journal
Of Communication And Media Studies 8 (4): 33-42. doi:10.24247/ijcmsoct20184

Xia, Weiyi, and Dr Zhixia Gan. "The Marketing strategy of HUAWEI Smartphone in China." (2017).

Remziye Terkan, Remziye Terkan. 2018. "Communıcatıon Studıes And Semıotıc Methods Applıcatıons". International Journal
Of Communication And Media Studies 8 (4): 33-42. doi:10.24247/ijcmsoct20184

Many business organizations are trying to integrate innovative as well as creative elements in

their advertising strategy so that these forms of communication can have a lasting impact on

the intended target market audience. One of the well-known business concerns that are

known to create innovative and captivating advertising is the Apple Inc. company. In fact,

one of the most innovative forms of advertising that Apple Inc. company does is the

advertising film. Due to such an innovative advertising concept, the target market audience of

the brand from all across the globe is able to get introduced to the new product on a real-time

basis. For example, while advertising the iPhone 6 in the market setting, the tech brand made

the use of small films that successfully demonstrated the fact that the iPhone 6 is ‘bigger than

bigger.’ Another vital feature of the advertising of the Apple iPhone 6 is the slow-mo feature

that effectively shows that the electronic gadget is a useful choice for individuals who are

into shooting videos and clips. Thus Apple uses innovative and creative advertising strategies

and communicates vital information as well as details to the target market audience, which

ultimately influences their purchase decision in the dynamic market setting. In the current

times, business undertakings are making a serious attempt to increase the quotient relating to

innovation so that they can have a lasting impression while interacting, and communicating

with the target market audience. In fact, in the highly competitive and ever-changing market

setting, innovative advertising strategy plays an integral role and assists business concerns or

marketers to have a personalized interaction with the customers so that they can be influenced

to purchase the offerings of the specific business concern. In the current times, professionals

and marketers are focusing on creativity while designing their advertisements so that the

designed communication can serve the intended purpose and influence the target market

audience in the best way possible. The authors have pointed out that in the highly competitive

and dynamic business arena, nothing is more effective and efficient than creative advertising.

This is because creative advertising is more memorable, long-lasting in nature, and works

well with fewer amounts of media spending. Apart from this, creative advertising also can

help a business undertaking to build a loyal fan community that can help it to transform into a

brand at a rapid pace131. The study shows that the business concerns that have creative ads are

able to showcase their intended messages to the global market audience in a creative manner,

which basically helps the business entity to get more attention. In addition to this, such an

advertising strategy also plays a vital role as it assists the business organization to encourage

a positive attitude among the market audience about the offerings that are being marketed or

offered. Empirical pieces of evidence, as well as research studies, have found a vital

association between creativity and innovation in advertising and the actual sales turnover or

revenue of a business entity.

One of the main highlights of the research study by Nan et al. (2005), is the focus on

originality when it comes to designing a creative advertising strategy. An original advertising

strategy can be defined as a piece of communication that encompasses elements that could be

surprising, or rare, or that are different from the obvious features of advertisement. Marketers

that try to design original advertising for the purpose of interacting and engaging with the

target market audience are able to create a lasting impression on them that has the power to

mold their purchasing behaviour as well as buying decisions in the market setting. Various

well-known brands try their hands to increase the quotient of uniqueness, creativity, and

originality in their advertising so that they can establish an intimate and long-lasting

relationship with the intended market audience in different parts across the globe. When it

comes to the advertising strategy that is implemented in the smartphone business setting, the

role of creativity, as well as originality, is a basic necessity that cannot be ignored at any cost.

In fact, smartphones are the products that revolve around innovation and advancement; thus,

their advertisements also need to have creative and innovative elements so that they can have

Nan, Xiaoli, Jun R. Myers, and Ronald J. Faber. "Unique features of advertising: What do researchers believe." In American
Academy of Advertising. Conference. Proceedings, p. 54. American Academy of Advertising, 2005

a lasting and desirable impression on the intended target market audience. Most of the

business concerns that are involved in the production and the sales of smartphones in the

market setting try to design and develop their advertisements in a creative manner so that the

communication strategy can shed light on the unique value that the brand is trying to

showcase to the market audience. The creativity component in the advertisements relating to

the smartphone is regarded to be a basic ingredient that can represent the creativity of the

electronic gadget. Marketers have been focusing on designing creative, interactive, and

captivating advertising strategies so that their brand awareness can be strengthened and the

existing customers, as well as the potential customers, would choose their offering over that

of their industry competitors. Thus, the key attributes of advertising such as creativity as well

as originality can play a vital role and influence how customers react to a brand and further

how a brand performs in the highly competitive market environment 132. The advertisements

that have been designed by the Samsung brand for its smartphones are known to showcase

the versatility of the electronic gadgets along with their unique technical functionality. In

order to upgrade the level of creativity of its smartphone ads, the Samsung brand takes the

help of young content producers who can present out-of-the-box advertisement ideas.

In the cut-throat competitive business landscape of the 21 st century, it is sufficient for

business entities to merely place their advertisements on different communication platforms

and hope that the target market audience will be automatically drawn to these elements. It has

become necessary for marketers to integrate distinctive and unique features in their

advertisements so that customers will be curious to know about their brand as well as the

latest offerings that are being made available by them in the vast market setting. Sasser and

Koslow (2012) have highlighted in their research study that when it comes to advertisements,

artistic stimulation can play a critical role. In fact, the authors have further pointed out that

Nan, Xiaoli, Jun R. Myers, and Ronald J. Faber. "Unique features of advertising: What do researchers believe." In American
Academy of Advertising. Conference. Proceedings, p. 54. American Academy of Advertising, 2005

integrating creativity and newness in their advertising strategic framework can act as one of

the chief motivating factors for the intended target market audience. In order to integrate the

creativity component in the advertisement strategy, business entities and marketers are

required to think in a different manner so that they can be imaginative as well as artistic to

captivate the market audience and mold their behaviour in the dynamic market setting. One

of the key things that advertisers need to keep in mind is that the concept of creativity is

highly diverse in nature. In other words, something might be considered to be creative by

someone, but it might not be considered to be creative in nature by another person. For

example, the cultural aspect needs to be taken into account by business entities while

integrating the component of creativity in the advertising approach 133. In the dynamic

business landscape, many research studies have been carried out exploring how the creativity

element can be combined in the advertising domain in the business setting. According to

Sasser (2012), advertising is one of the most visible and instrumental components of the

marketing mix of an organization. Advertisement creates the right kind of opportunity for a

marketer to translate a creative idea and represent it in a dynamic manner in front of the

intended target market audience. According to the author, in order to stand out from the

crowd in the vast market landscape, a business entity needs to be able to combine its creative

strategy with its advertising framework. It can thus be in a position to create the ideal

platform to devise a creative advertising model that can give it a competitive edge in the

unpredictable and uncertain business environment. The author has pointed out in his study

that developing the advertising strategy of a business entity involves a series of methodical

steps. While integrating the creative component, a marketer has to be extra cautious so that

the creative element will enable it to differentiate itself as well as its offering in the diverse

market setting. In addition to this, the creative factor must act as an asset that can enable the
Sasser, Sheila L., and Scott Koslow. "Creativity and ad theory." Advertising theory (2012): 191-211.

business entity to gain a competitive edge over its competitors and rivals in the industrial

context134. While combining creativity and innovation in the advertisement of a business, it is

necessary to make sure that the advertisement, as well as the message that is being

communicated, can give rise to benefits for the target market audience. Thus while

combining creativity, a marketer needs to bear in mind that the advertising intention and the

communicated message are not getting distorted in any manner.

Creativity in the domain of advertising can play a critical role for marketers that operate in

different industries and sectors in the market setting of the 21 st century. Creativity has been

recognized to be a chief ingredient of the advertisement and promotional strategy of a

business entity as it enables a business entity to produce fresh ideas or find new ways to look

at the existing ideas. One of the chief elements that support and complement creativity is the

technologically advanced element that can be used for the purpose of communicating as well

as engaging with the target market audience. In the current times, customers opt for the

marketers who are willing to act in a creative manner while engaging with them. This is

because creativity exhibits a number of unique qualities, such as the willingness to take risks,

a sense of humour, and the divergent thinking ability 135. Panigyrakis and Theodoridis (2010)

have highlighted in their paper that the role of creativity in the advertisement and promotional

strategic framework of a business entity is of fundamental significance. In fact, it can act as a

catalyst for a business firm that can draw the existing market audience as well as the potential

market audience towards its market offerings136. In this research, it is found that creativity in

advertisement refers to the manifold synthesis of rules, patterns, conventions, symbols, and

language that helps in devising advertisements that are unique, novel, and relevant to the
Sasser, Sheila L., and Scott Koslow. "Creativity and ad theory." Advertising theory (2012): 191-211.

McStay, Andrew. Creativity and advertising: Affect, events and process. Routledge, 2013.

Panigyrakis, George G., and Prokopis K. Theodoridis. "The role of creativity." Wiley International Encyclopedia of
Marketing (2010).

offering and the target market audience. A diverse range of definitions has been introduced

that shed light on the integration of creative elements in the concept of advertising. But some

of the consistent elements that define creativity in the advertising landscape are

appropriateness, novelty, and divergence. In fact, these three elements act as the three

distinctive pillars that strengthen the overall effectiveness of creative advertisements. The

role and relevance of creativity in the advertisement strategy of a business entity are crystal

clear. This is because it can help a business entity to strengthen and upgrade the level of

effectiveness of its marketing goals and objectives. According to the authors, a business

entity can be said to have an effective advertisement if it encompasses a distinctive idea that

is able to capture the attention of the intended target market audience, arouse their level of

interest towards the market offering, which could be a product or a service and stimulate

them so that they can have a favourable reaction towards the brand as well as the offering 137.

When it comes to the advertisement of technology-driven products such as smartphones, the

role of creativity in the promotional approach gets further intensified. In fact, it must be

optimally used by a business entity so that the attention of the target market audience can be

diverted towards the business and the offering that it has designed for them. Creativity in the

advertisement of a smartphone can basically facilitate the market offering i.e. the smartphone

to discern itself from any other creation that has been made by the competitors or rivals of the

particular business firm138. In order to gain a competitive advantage in the dynamic

smartphone industry, many business entities have been focusing on the integration of

creativity in the advertisement and promotional strategic framework. For example, in the

recent times, the Huawei brand has captivated the market audience by using a huge billboard

Panigyrakis, George G., and Prokopis K. Theodoridis. "The role of creativity." Wiley International Encyclopedia of
Marketing (2010).

Panigyrakis, George G., and Prokopis K. Theodoridis. "The role of creativity." Wiley International Encyclopedia of
Marketing (2010).

creatively for the purpose of advertising the brand’s P20 Pro. The billboard has been titled

“The Future has come”. In the digitalized times of the 21 st century, it is natural to expect that

a smartphone brand would use a technology-based approach to advertise its offering. But the

advertisement technique that has been adopted by the Huawei brand shows that a brand could

act in a creative and unique manner to engage and interact with the target market audience

even by using conventional advertisement tactics. The brand has succeeded in capturing the

attention of the intended audience in the market by using the humongous billboard in the

market. In addition to this, the well-known smartphone brand has also been gaining a lot of

favourable attention for placing billboards for the purpose of advertisement in a diverse range

of historical locations in different parts of Europe. This real-life creative outdoor

advertisement strategic approach has been a huge success for the smartphone business entity

as it has been able to showcase its creativity, flexibility and uniqueness while engaging and

communicating with the target market audience in the competitive business landscape 139.Thus

business entities have the opportunity to act in a creative and visionary manner while framing

their advertisement approach in order to interact with the intended audience in the market

setting. The innovation of the latest technology-based components has further expanded the

overall opportunity to boost the creativity component of advertisers and marketers. For

example, Apple Inc. uses creativity components while engaging with the target market

audience. In fact, it makes sure to focus on the product functionality so that the customers can

understand how the product can create value for them. According to Edwin (2012), the

mission of the Apple Inc. brand is to offer the supreme technologies and innovations for the

premium audience in the vast market setting. While communicating with the existing

customers and the potential customers, the brand makes sure to focus on its innovative

Panigyrakis, George G., and Prokopis K. Theodoridis. "The role of creativity." Wiley International Encyclopedia of
Marketing (2010).

inclination. The brand has devised its advertisement and promotional strategy in such a

manner that it acts as the very extension of the brand. Furthermore, it also sheds light on how

the business entity has evolved over the years in order to adapt to the evolving business

landscape140. Johnson et al. (2012) has pointed out in his paper that the creative component in

the brand’s marketing and advertisement model has played a key role and helped it to be a

market leader in the smartphone business landscape. In order to expand the creative element

in the advertising and promotional strategy of the business, the brand always updates its

engagement approach. The advertisement strategic element of the Apple Inc. brand has

played a distinctive role in boosting its brand image in the highly dynamic and competitive

business landscape. It supports its innovative offerings and enables it to differentiate its

technology-based offerings in the market setting. The global brand has made sure to integrate

the creativity component while engaging with the target market audience in the broad market

landscape141. In fact, this feature makes the advertising and communication approach of the

brand more impactful and effective in nature as compared to its rivals that function in the

same industry. Thus in the prevailing business landscape, a majority of the business firms are

integrating the creative element in the advertising approach so that they can effectively

engage with the market audience.

3.8 Features of Advertising strategy of modern businesses entities

In the 21st century, the business landscape has undergone a transformational change that is

impossible to ignore. The makeover is so prominent and intense that it has had a vital

implication on how business entities carry out their business activities and other functions to

Mangram, Myles Edwin. "The globalization of Tesla Motors: a strategic marketing plan analysis." Journal of Strategic
Marketing 20, no. 4 (2012): 289-312.

Johnson, Katherine, Yang Li, Hang Phan, Jason Singer, and Hoang Trinh. "The Innovative Success that is Apple, Inc."

survive and sustain in the evolving market. A vast number of research studies have been

carried out in the past few years that shed light on the changing and evolving role of

advertising function in the market setting. According to Baba (2012), advertising has always

been an important part of the special as well as economic systems. The impact of advertising

is not just restricted to a particular business entity only but it also has a vital impact on the

customers and the overall market setting. In the prevailing times, as the intensity of

competition has substantially increased across diverse industries, it has intensified the

importance of advertising. Furthermore, it has also molded the exact role that the advertising

function plays in the dynamic and changing business setting. The researcher has pointed out

that today advertising has evolved into a critical communication system for the customers as

well as for the business undertakings that operate in the market environment 142. Due to the

rising importance of the advertising function in the market setting, more number of business

entities are laying emphasis on this strategic aspect so that it can be used in their favour and

they can gain a competitive advantage over their industry rivals and competitors. Business

organizations are carefully designing the message that they intend to deliver to the target

market audience so that their offerings i.e. products and/or services, can get the right kind of

attention and prominence in the market setting 143. Business entities ranging from large

multinational corporations to small retailers are investing their time, money and effort in their

advertising strategy as its relevance and role have substantially changed in the past few

decades. In the current times, most of the business undertakings are trying to employ their

advertising strategy so that they will be able to engage with a maximum number of customers

in the market setting in a cost effective manner. Popular advertising campaigns that are

designed by marketers are considered to be vital assets for business entities. This is because

these effective communication elements help them to capture as well as attract the attention
Mubashir Baba, “THE CHANGING ROLE OF ADVERTISING,” Journal of Research in Commerce and
Management 2 (December 1, 2012): 37–43.
McStay, Andrew. Creativity and advertising: Affect, events and process. Routledge, 2013

of the existing customers and the potential customers. Moreover, advertising strategies that

are designed by marketers help to define and redefine their brand image and shape the

perception that the customers have about a specific business entity and its offerings. Baba has

further stated that the advertising strategy that is employed by a business plays a vital role in

the current business climate as it can have a major influence on the generated sales of a

business entity. Since the right kind of advertising with a well-defined message has the power

to attract a large number of market audience, it increases the chance of a business to have

higher sales turnover and better profitability in the competitive business environment144.

In the 21st century, the advertising function that is carried out by business undertakings has a

number of responsibilities. Previously advertising was mainly considered to be a

communication approach that was used for the purpose of persuading the customers or

market audience to take a specific action. The action could relate to buying a product or

service, etc. But in the current times, the scope of advertising has broadened to a substantial

degree. Marketers have been lately designing their advertising strategy so that they can seek

to generate higher consumption of their commodities and/or services through branding.

Previously marketers mainly laid emphasis on the repetition of a brand image or a product

name so that customers could create a certain perception in their minds when they thought of

the brand or heard of the brand145. Today, even though advertising serves this purpose, it

conducts various other functions as well. The essence of advertising in the modern business

climate is still the same as marketers design these communication strategies with the

intention to strengthen their brand image so that customers will give them preference while

making a purchase decision that can improve their level of sales and overall profitability in

the market. Today marketers have the option to choose from a diverse range of

communication mediums so that they can reach the target audience in the dynamic and
Sasser, Sheila L., and Scott Koslow. "Creativity and ad theory." Advertising theory (2012): 191-211
McStay, Andrew. Creativity and advertising: Affect, events and process. Routledge, 2013

competitive market setting. The traditional media that were used by marketers and business

undertakings to communicate about their offerings and engage with the market audience

included radio, television, newspapers, magazines, billboards and many more. But in the

current times, thanks to the evolution of technological innovation, they also have the option

to use virtual communication channels to reach out to the market audience. In fact, this

innovative advertising approach enables business entities, operating across different

industries and sectors to overcome challenges relating to distance and time and engage with

the market audience at the global level. Thus in the modern business climate, it is not

uncommon to come across innovative advertisements on new kinds of media such as online

websites and text messages. Since these messages are transmitted on the online platform, the

potential market audience can come across the message even though they might exist miles

away from the actual business entity. In the prevailing fragmented market setting, business

entities are facing intense competition from their industry rivals. Thus every marketer is

forced to prove its worth time and again so that it can have the edge over its rivals. But

merely focusing on improving the offerings is not sufficient unless the customers are aware

of the business and how it is creating value for them. Thus the importance of advertising

strategy comes into the picture. This communication approach helps a business to make the

customers aware of its offerings in the market setting. The awareness of the customers is

necessary so that they can be persuaded to opt for the offerings of a business concern. The

cut-throat marketing environment has increased the overall significance as well as the

responsibility of the advertising field for business entities. The availability of traditional as

well as modern mediums for communication has made the advertising field extremely

experimental in nature. In fact, advertisers are using new and innovative communication

techniques so that they can have a lasting impression in the minds of the market audience that

exists in the market setting. Advertisers, in the current times, are trying to present their

intended business message in a unique manner that can help their brand and their offering to

catch the instant attention of the intended market audience and give them a competitive

advantage against their rivals in the market setting. For example, they are trying to blend

various elements that can appeal to the existing as well as potential audience in an emotional,

ethical and rational manner. The ultimate objective of business entities in the current times is

to use their advertising strategy in such a manner so that it can have a positive influence on

the target market audience.

According to Melgar and Elsner (2016), in the current market arena, advertising that people

come across affects many aspects of their lives 146. In addition to this, the advertisements of

business undertakings can also lead to varying behaviour in the market audience. The concept

of advertising has gained a lot of attention in the current times as marketers and advertisers

are channelling their intention by using these communication approaches. The research team

has pointed out that in order to have a better control over the effects that are produced by

advertising strategies, business entities need to work on the communication content and the

engagement approach147. In the ever-changing business landscape, the advertising strategy

must be designed in such a manner that it can easily adapt to the context in which it is being

developed and designed. The key aspects that need to be taken into consideration while

ascertaining the quality and type of the advertising are customer, need and product. There

exist other factors in the macro or external setting that also must be taken into consideration

when it comes to advertising, such as the media, context, channel, etc. But more importantly,

it is important for a business entity to have an in-depth insight is what it wants to advertise

and sell, who it wants to advertise and sell to and why it intends to sell the offering. As the
Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74.

Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74.

digital world is undergoing dynamic changes and it is undergoing change very rapidly, it is

also having a major implication on how advertising serves the intended purpose in the market

setting. In the prevailing times, advertising has been integrated into a diverse range of fields

and domains, which has increased its overall power and effectiveness. Moreover, it has also

made it easier and simpler the adaptation ability of the advertising strategy of business

entities. Advertisers and marketers have been able to comprehend the important role that the

emotions of the potential customers as well as the existing customers come into play while

they react to the advertising strategy of a business entity 148. The emotion of the market

audience is a critical factor that impacts various elements such as persuasion, decision

making and judgement. In fact, establishing an emotional connection because of an

advertisement can lay a major role and help a business entity to create a long-term

relationship with its customers. Such a strong relationship can help the brand to create loyal

customers in the dynamic market setting. Loyal customers are considered to be one of the

most vital assets of a business firm that help it to survive and sustain in the market setting and

generate profits. The advancement of technology has had a major impact on the advertising

strategy of business undertakings across a diverse range of industries and markets, in the past

few decades. Disruptive technologies have forced market participants to adapt as well as

recreate their image by using their advertising strategic tool. The integration of technological

advancement has broadened the overall scope of the advertising concept. Due to this,

advertising of business entities has an influence on almost all the people in the market

environment. One of the main advertising strategies that entered the scene in the technology-

driven environment is the SMS advertising. Soon the mobile market gained a lot of attention

as marketers and businesses could promote their offerings and communicate with the target

Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74.

market audience by using the mobile advertising concept. But recently, further advancements

have taken place in the advertising scene, which has kept marketers on their toes. For

instance, as social media platforms have come into existence along with new online

technologies, marketers have been working hard to integrate these innovative elements in

their advertising and promotion strategy so that they can forge a deeper and meaningful

connection with the target market audience 149. The integration of new and innovative

technical elements has strengthened the power of advertising and marketers have been using

their innovative advertising approaches for the purpose of persuading the potential and

existing customers to take a certain action and influence their purchasing decision process.

Various research studies and articles on the advertising concept have pointed out that it is

significantly different than what it used to be a few decades back. In spite of the major

differences that arise, it is also necessary to bear in mind that there are a few features that

remain consistent even till this date. One of the key objectives of advertising that remains

intact even in the current times is the intention of the business entities to persuade the market

audience The methods, mediums and tactics have undergone change i.e. the means have

changed, but the destination of advertising still remains the same. Marketers operating in the

current business landscape are using the networking power of a diverse range of social media

platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and many more for the purpose of

increasing the awareness of the market audience about the brand and their latest market

offerings. Such an innovative approach to promotion and communication has gone in the

favour of some of the business entities who have been able to design effective advertising

strategies that suit the non-obvious and diverse market setting150. In the former times, the

word of mouth advertising approach was considered to be a useful technique that helped

Kumar, D. Prasanna, and K. Venkateswara Raju. "The role of advertising in consumer decision making." IOSR Journal of
Business and Management 14, no. 4 (2013): 37-45
Frick, Thomas. The Implications of Advertising Personalization for Firms, Consumers, and Ad Platforms. No. EPS-2018-452-
LIS. 2018.

business entities to improve their perception and reputation among a few hundred or

thousands of people. But today, social media platforms have amplified the effectiveness of

advertising by many times. This is because a positive message on these online

communication platforms helps business undertakings to improve their perception as well as

reputation in the minds of almost millions of market audience 151. It is also important to keep

in mind that just like a positive message about a brand can improve its reputation and brand

image; a negative message also has the power to spread like wildfire on the digital platform,

and it can tarnish the brand image in the matter of a few minutes.

According to Mangram (2012), various kinds of disruptions have become a constant in the

media landscape that influences the advertising strategy of business undertakings across

industries and sectors. But a few patterns have emerged in the recent times that have helped

marketers to make the strategic use of the digital media and digital platform so that they can

support their advertising strategic approach. In the consumer economy, the evolved

advertising concept enables marketers and brands to build a rapport with the market audience

in a better way and thus have an edge over their rivals in the industries. As per the latest ‘IAB

International Revenue Report’ in the United States of America, the digital advertising

revenues in the first part of the year 2017 surged to an all-time high. In fact, the mobile phone

was recognized to be the chief digital channel that was used by marketers for the purpose of

advertising. In order to capture the attention of customers in the market setting, advertisers

and marketers have been advertising their products and/or services by using various digital

content, such as videos and images. In fact, the innovative medium has given rise to unique

kinds of advertising opportunities that are redefining the definition as well as the scope of

advertising in business. While exploring the modern concept of advertising, one of the key

features is the integration of technology in this marketing function. In fact, due to the use of

Mangram, Myles Edwin. "The globalization of Tesla Motors: a strategic marketing plan analysis." Journal of Strategic
Marketing 20, no. 4 (2012): 289-312

technologically advanced elements, the advertising strategy of marketers and business

undertakings has undergone a transformational change in the past few years. For instance, in

the current market landscape, being accessible as well as nimble are the main hallmarks of

the economy. These distinctive features can help business entities to make the right move to

capture the attention of the target audience in the market setting. Doyle has stated that the

scope and reach of the former advertising tools and techniques were very restricted in nature.

But this issue has ceased to exist. But after the introduction of the internet and the concept

relating to the digital display advertising, the approach to the marketing function has vastly

changed152.The concept of internet advertising that involves tying up creative as well as

technical aspects of the internet for the purpose of designing, developing, promoting, and

increasing sales has empowered marketers. Some of the chief pull digital marketing strategies

that are being used by business entities across different industries and sectors include blogs,

websites, streaming media and many more. These innovative communication approaches

enable business undertakings to pull the interested market audience towards their brand and

their market offerings. The change in the concept and overall power of advertising has also

shifted the attention towards the importance of customer relationship management. The term

‘customer relationship management’ can be defined as the ability of a business entity to

manage the interactions and engagements that it has with its clients, customers and sales

prospects. The use of innovative elements that are driven by technology for advertising helps

marketers to establish a strong and long-lasting relationship with the existing customers as

well as the potential customers. As the virtual platform has eliminated various gaps and

physical barriers, business undertakings are able to effectively engage and interact with the

market audience at a deeper level. Marketers are able to make use of the available data

pertaining to the customers, which they employ to design a suitable and appropriate

Strangleman, Tim. "“Smokestack Nostalgia,”“Ruin Porn” or Working-Class Obituary: The Role and Meaning of Deindustrial
Representation 1." International Labor and Working-Class History 84 (2013): 23-37

advertising technique to create a genuine and long-lasting rapport with the intended market

audience. The digital advertising approach has a vital impact not just on the business

undertakings but also on the existing customers as well as the potential customers to whom

the specific communication strategy is directed 153. These communication approaches are

made possible because of the use of various kinds of internet-connected devices such as

personal computers, smartphones, laptops, tablets and many more. They act as the main point

of contact, which enables business entities to communicate and engage with the target market

audience. Thus the role of innovation is critical when it comes to the modern advertising

landscape. The existence of the innovative electronic devices makes it possible for marketers

to design their digital advertising approach and persuade the audience in the market settings

to take specific actions relating to the products and/or services of the business entity. As

technology is in the nascent stage and it is still developing, there is a further possibility of

using innovative devices, tools and techniques for the purpose of advertising so that the level

of engagement and interaction between a business entity and its target market audience can

be further strengthened. As per the findings of the research by Martin et al. (2003), the

content that business entities share with the online users by using the email advertising

concept is regarded to be very useful by them 154. For example, the customers find special

sales as well as information relating to a new product or offering by the business to be

valuable for them. The concept of the push marketing strategy has also gained a lot of

importance in the modern advertising landscape. It basically involves the use of display

advertising and cold emails right in front of the market audience with the hopes that it will

increase their level of awareness about the specific brand and the sales turnover of the

business will ultimately increase. These advertising techniques lack the consent or permission

Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74
José Martins et al., "How Smartphone Advertising Influences Consumers' Purchase Intention", Journal of
Business Research 94 (2019): 378-387.

of the audience in the market setting. Some of the common examples of the advertising

technique that is used in the digital setting are the display advertisements on a business

website, news blogs, etc. Other digital advertisements in the form of emails, web feeds and

text messages can also be considered to be a part of the push digital advertising strategic

approach if the target audience has not given his or her permission to receive such a kind of

marketing message. Sometimes these marketing and advertising messages are also termed as

spams155. Even if these advertising messages might be uncalled for from the point of view of

the audience, they nevertheless enable them to know about a brand or business undertaking in

the market. In order to make the optimum use of the digital platform when it comes to

promoting and advertising the offerings, business entities combine the push as well as the

pull techniques so that the effectiveness and efficiency of their advertising tactics can

improve. But the overall effectiveness of push advertising strategy can improve if business

entities take prior permission from the intended market audience before sharing their

marketing message with them. The necessary permission can be taken through the consent to

email, subscription, etc. Seeking permission can also make sure that such a communication

and promotion technique is ethical and responsible in nature.156

Frolova (2020) has highlighted in her research study that the evolution of the market setting

and the business climate has increased the overall relevance of advertising strategy for a

business entity. In the cut-throat competitive business environment, marketers, as well as

advertisers, use their advertising framework as a critical strategic tool so that they can have a

competitive edge over their rivals in the business setting. It acts as a chief component of their

promotional mix that gives a definite shape to their communication and engagement strategic

Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74
“Promotion | Boundless Business,” accessed January 8, 2021,

approach157. In the research study, it has been pointed out that the advertising strategy and the

message that is shared by a business entity have a vital implication on the psychological

aspects of the market audience. Such an influence plays a key role in molding their behaviour

when they make a purchasing decision in the market setting. Thus in order to get a detailed

insight into the power and the impact of the advertising strategy of a business entity on the

target market audience, it is necessary to take into account the psychological facets relating to

the advertising business function. An advertising strategy of a business entity is considered to

be effective in nature if it “contributes to a trance with the buyer’s manifestation of consumer

impulse.” For getting a thorough and detailed insight into how marketers employ their

advertising strategy for the purpose of influencing the buying behaviour and the purchasing

decision of the customers in the market setting, it is necessary to understand the significant

role that the psychology discipline plays. It is a vital component in the advertising domain as

it provides the fundamental parameters for the effective development and designing of the

advertising strategic approach of a business entity 158. Marketers need to have a thorough

understanding of the connection between the advertising and psychological concept. This is

because it can help them to efficaciously concept the suitable psychological concepts into the

possible advertising formats and forms. As the digital platform enables marketers as well as

business entities to establish a more personal and intimate communication with the online

users, its impact on their psychological process of the audience is even stronger. Frolova has

pointed out that marketers must understand how the psychology of the diverse market

audience works so that they can devise the suitable communication message via their

advertising strategy that can have the desired impact on their buying behaviour and

purchasing decision. For example, according to the psychology of many customers, they

consider expensive or costly products to be high-quality and good products. Similarly, the
"The Role Of Advertising In Promoting A Product". 2020. Theseus.Fi.
“Promotion | Boundless Business,” accessed January 8, 2021,

psychology of the customers plays a vital role and urges the customers to opt for the

medicines and medication drugs that are available in pharmacies even though they might be

available in the market at a fairly cheaper rate. Such instances show that the psychological

aspects of the market audience play a major role and influence their purchasing decision. It

can influence how they perceive a brand and the marketing message that is shared by it via its

advertising tactic. Their psychological process can play a key role and encourage them to

trust a brand more. On the other hand, their psychology can also play a vital role and

discourage them to opt for the offerings of a specific brand in the market setting. Thus while

designing and developing a suitable advertising strategy in the business landscape, marketers

need to take into consideration the psychological aspects of the market audience. This is

because such an approach can help them to frame an effective advertising strategy that can

have a positive impact on the customers and can successfully persuade them to take the

desired action in the dynamic, competitive and unpredictable market environment. So in the

modern business environment, advertisers and marketers need to devise their advertising

strategies in a tactful manner. The consideration of customer psychology can help to further

design effective advertising messages in the market159.

3.9 Importance of Advertising Smartphones

The smartphone industry is considered to be one of the fastest growing markets all across the

globe. Due to the rapid evolution of technology and innovation, this industry segment has

succeeded to stand out and make its mark in the larger communications industry of the 21st

century. One of the key factors that have helped the fast growing industry to have a major

impact on customers from all across the globe is advertising. Various business undertakings

that participate in the industry setting employ a diverse range of advertising and

communication strategic approaches so that they can share the intended business message

with the market audience. As numerous businesses exist in the industry, there is an intense

level of competition between them. So in order to have an edge over their respective industry

rivals and competitors, they focus on their offerings as well as the advertising and

communication strategy. The focus on their offerings enables them to create high-quality

products or commodities from which the intended market audience can derive value. On the

other hand, their communication and advertising strategy enable them to increase the

awareness of the market audience about the offerings that they have designed to fulfil their

needs and requirements160. According to Maghnati and Ling (2021), the smartphone industry

has undergone dynamic changes over the past few decades. A few decades back, holding a

smartphone was considered to be nothing less than science fiction but today, it has become a

reality that has influenced the lives of a large number of people. In fact, smartphones act as

one of the primary electronic gadgets that enable people to get familiar with the evolving

technology in the 21st century161. With every passing day, new kinds of smartphones are

entering the market scene so that the unfulfilled needs of the customers can be fulfilled and

they can have an improved and more delightful experience. In this research, it is highlighted

in the study that smartphone businesses' marketing, promotion and advertising strategies are

gaining a lot of attention in the current times 162. The authors stated that the customers in the

market setting are considered to be the most valuable assets for the business undertakings that

operate in the market landscape, irrespective of the industry or sector in which they function.

In this research, it is established that emotional and functional advertising can play a

moderating role in the association between customer lifetime value and product
“All about the Cell Phone Industry - WorldAtlas,” accessed January 8, 2021,
Exploring the Relationship between Experiential Marketing and Experiential Value in the Smartphone
Industry | Semantic Scholar,” accessed January 8, 2021,
“Exploring the Relationship between Experiential Marketing and Experiential Value in the Smartphone
Industry | Semantic Scholar,” accessed January 8, 2021,

innovativeness. In the current times, the developments that are taking place in the area of

mobile technology and accelerating the use of 3G/4G technology, advertising strategy is

playing an indispensable role to mold the customers and how they react to the offerings of the

marketers operating in the smartphone industry. Due to the important role of advertisement in

the smartphone industry, the level of competition among the business organizations has

further intensified. The advertising that is designed by marketers can play a vital role in

influencing the customers at different levels. For instance, the functional ads by smartphone

companies shed light on the technological superiority of the smartphone brand, provide

detailed information relating to the product attributes and lay emphasis on the smartphone

company’s technological competencies. These elements can help the existing customers as

well as the potential customers to get a detailed insight into the functional components that

are in store for them in case they decide to purchase the smartphone from the specific

brand163. The emotional advertising strategic approach, on the other hand, focuses on

elements that can have an emotional impact on them. For example, these advertisements are

designed with the intention to persuade the customers in the market setting by making use of

emotional appeals. In addition to this, these advertising tactics make the attempt to persuade

the customers that after choosing the products and using them, they are most likely to feel

better. Thus such advertisements try to establish a connection with the intended market

audience at an emotional and psychological level so that they can be encouraged to opt for

the offerings of a specific business organization.

In the cut-throat competitive industry of smartphones, both the functional advertising

approach as well as the emotional advertising technique play a key role for the business and

the target market audience. For example, the business undertakings that are involved in

offering smartphones in the market are able to share the requisite information with the market

Strangleman, Tim. "“Smokestack Nostalgia,”“Ruin Porn” or Working-Class Obituary: The Role and Meaning of Deindustrial
Representation 1." International Labor and Working-Class History 84 (2013): 23-37

audience which can increase their level of rand awareness. Such a comprehensive advertising

and communication technique enables the business organizations to influence customers at

varying levels so that they can be persuaded to go with the offerings of the business. At the

same time, the customers are able to derive value from such a holistic advertising technique

while making the decision to purchase a smartphone. The functional advertisement gives

them a detailed idea of the technical and innovative aspects of the electronic gadget. The

emotional advertising helps them to understand how the product can fulfil their unfulfilled

needs and make them feel better164. Thus due to the uncertain nature of the smartphone

industry coupled with the intensely competitive nature, smartphone business entities

operating in the business landscape lay high emphasis on their advertising and promotion

strategy so that they can forge a deeper connection with the market audience. The advertising

technique that is used in the smartphone industry plays a key role as it enables the marketers

to increase the customer lifetime value and have an edge against their industry rivals in the

competitive market environment. Thus various studies that have been carried out over the

past few years have revealed that the success of a smartphone company is dependent on

various factors and one of their m is their advertising strategy. In case the advertising

strategic approach fails, it becomes very difficult for a smartphone business entity to

dominate in the unpredictable market setting and have a consistent performance in the market

setting. For instance, Samsung is one of the most popular smartphone brands that have a solid

presence not only in the Indian smartphone industry but in the entire global smartphone

market landscape. Most of its advertising strategies are usually designed in order to provide

accurate and precise information to the intended market audience so that it will be valuable

and useful for them. In fact, the brand is known to use its advertising strategic approach as a

vital strategic tool that enables it to reach its existing customers as well as the potential

Panigyrakis, George G., and Prokopis K. Theodoridis. "The role of creativity." Wiley International Encyclopedia of
Marketing (2010)

customer so that they can be persuaded to buy the Samsung smartphone. One of the reasons

for the high popularity of the Samsung smartphone is the effectiveness of its advertising

strategy which influences the customers and their purchasing decision while selecting a

smartphone in the market setting165. The advertising plans of the business are considered to be

a pivotal component of its marketing strategy which helps the brand to take necessary steps

so that customers know about its latest offerings in the market. While designing the

advertising strategy, the brand specifically lays emphasis on the core benefits that the

customers can derive from it. This component of the advertising model plays a key role and

helps the business to influence the customers to opt for its offerings instead of selecting the

offerings of its rivals in the industry. The significant role that advertising function plays in the

smartphone industry is evident from the fact, that the Samsung brand involves heavy

promotion when it comes to its advertising strategy. In fact, the popular smartphone business

undertaking uses both the push as well as the pull strategy in its advertising so that it can have

a huge impact on a broader set of audiences in the vast market setting. The brand is known to

make a heavy investment in the conventional or traditional advertising strategy. When it

comes to the push advertising strategy, the smartphone business focuses on innovative

approaches like spotting placements in major events such as the Super Bowl. The brand also

makes use of a diverse range of social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter

and many more which has helped it to maintain a solid online presence. The virtual presence

of the business plays a key role and gives rise to the opportunity for the business entity to

have a direct interaction with the global market audience. This kind of dialogue and

engagement further boosts its advertising strategy and helps the brand to forge a deeper

connection with them and thus have a loyal customer base in the market setting. In order to

have a vital impact on the Indian market audience, the Samsung brand has hired a number of

Bollywood celebrities. For example, the brand used the celebrity Nargis Fakhri in its
Sasser, Sheila L., and Scott Koslow. "Creativity and ad theory." Advertising theory (2012): 191-211

Samsung Galaxy advertisement in India. The objective of such an advertising tactic was to

attract the attention of the Indian market audience towards its latest offering. Such an

advertising approach shows that popular smartphone brands such as Samsung are trying

different approaches while designing their advertising strategy so that they can have a

significant impact on the intended market audience166.

In the modern era, smartphones are not used for communication but have functionalities

much beyond. In the society of today, the need for smartphones is very high. Advertising

plays an important role in attracting and appealing to consumers to make a purchase. The era

of globalization increases the opportunities and, at the same time, raises the challenges for

smartphone companies. In order to attain a competitive share in the global market, companies

use the method of advertising to communicate their products to the consumers in the target

market167. The competitive landscape makes it difficult for companies to survive without the

support of advertisements. Although there are a number of ways like brochures, salesperson

visits, and demonstrations to convey information about smartphones, the internet and

television advertisements prove to be the most effective ways. Advertisements are known to

be the most effective way to attract and persuade consumers to make a purchase.

Advertisements not only enable the smartphone companies to reach out to a larger audience

but also allow developing a long lasting impression about the smartphones in the minds of the


In order to create a positive influence on consumers, smartphone advertisements need to be

creative and attractive as much as possible. Television has become a popular means used by

smartphone companies to advertise their products. In addition, the growing familiarity of

“All about the Cell Phone Industry - WorldAtlas,” accessed January 8, 2021,
Haro, Andrian, Dinawati Oktaviana, Anugrah Trimulia Dewi, Wan Anisa, and Akmaluddin Suangkupon. 2020. "The Influence
Of Brand Image And Service Quality Towards Purchase Intention And Its Impact On The Purchase Decision Of Samsung
Smartphone". Kne Social Sciences. doi:10.18502/kss.v4i6.6609

consumers with the internet makes it another tool for advertising products and providing

information to the consumers168. The increase in internet usage for shopping makes it a

trending advertisement medium to provide more information about the latest smartphone

models. Owing to the effectiveness of smartphone advertising, more and more smartphone

companies are increasing their investments in advertisements. While the advertisement

spending of Samsung smartphones has increased by 28%, that of the Vivo smartphones has

increased by 57%169.

Technology is evolving at a very rapid pace. As it plays a key role in smartphones, it

becomes necessary for marketers of smartphones to communicate about the new technology-

driven features and functionalities that have been integrated into their offering.

Advertisement acts as the ideal communication and promotional tool for the business entities

that deal with smartphones. It basically has a key impact on the market audience, which could

have an influence on their buying behaviour. It increases the overall level of awareness of the

customers about the offering of a business entity. Furthermore, the kind of information that is

communicated with the market audience could further have an effect on their attitude towards

the specific brand and the customer loyalty. In the intensely competitive business

environment of the 21st century, advertisement is not just required at the time of launch or

announcement of a new product or service. But the communication tool can be used on a

diverse range of occasions so that a business entity can engage with the market audience and

thus raise their level of awareness about the offering that has been made170.

Haro, Andrian, Dinawati Oktaviana, Anugrah Trimulia Dewi, Wan Anisa, and Akmaluddin Suangkupon. 2020. "The Influence
Of Brand Image And Service Quality Towards Purchase Intention And Its Impact On The Purchase Decision Of Samsung
Smartphone". Kne Social Sciences. doi:10.18502/kss.v4i6.6609
Rizka Dewi, “The Effect of Advertising Through Television and Internet Media on the Decision of Purchase of
the Smartphone Samsung Brand with Consumer Attitudes as Intervening Variables (Study on Students of
Universitas Harapan Medan),” no. 10 (2019): 14.

For the business entities that offer smartphones for the market audience, the relevance of

advertisement gets further increased. This is because it gives the marketers the chance to shed

light on the latest offerings as well as the new technology-driven features that have been

integrated into their smartphones. According to Frolova (2020), in the current times, people

live in a world that is filled with a diverse range of brands and businesses making similar

kinds of offerings. Thus in such a scenario, advertising acts as an important weapon for a

business which enables a brand to differentiate itself from its competitors that operate in the

same industrial landscape. The evolving business setting has expanded the overall scope of

the advertising function. The author has pointed out that in this century, a large number of

changes as well as innovations have been introduced in the advertisement landscape that has

kept business entities on their toes at most of the times. Due to the high significance of

advertisements, it has become a highly popular marketing concept for business entities,

irrespective of the industry in which they operate171. Advertisement is considered to be an

important element not only for the business entities that deal in smartphones but also for the

target market audience. For instance, advertisement helps the business firms to interact with

the market audience about the new smartphone models that have been designed by them or

the new product that they intend to introduce in the market for their customers. On the other

hand, advertisements are considered to be beneficial for the customers as they are able to get

requisite information that can ultimately help them to make a purchasing decision. According

to Baba, today, advertisement has become a cardinal element of the existing social as well as

the economic system. In the complex social setting, advertisement has primarily evolved into

a vital communication system for the customers as well as for business entities. The

importance of the promotional tool can be understood from the fact that it has the power to

reshape the association that a business entity has with a market audience172. In the dynamic
Mubashir Baba, “THE CHANGING ROLE OF ADVERTISING,” Journal of Research in Commerce and
Management 2 (December 1, 2012): 37–43.

smartphone business setting, the advertisement of a business entity plays a vital role in

influencing the perception that the market audience has of the brand and its market offerings.

Baba has stated in his research work that advertisement is considered to be an integral

promotional tool for a business entity as it acts as a cost-effective approach to engage and

interact with a larger set of audience in the vast market setting. The author has further

highlighted in his research study that advertisement gives rise to the opportunity for a

business entity to create a solid brand image along with the symbolic appeal for a brand that

operates in a competitive business landscape such as the smartphone industry. In the real-life

setting, there are a large number of instances when popular business undertakings have used

advertisement as their chief communication and promotional tool that have the ability to

attract the attention of the market audience173.

Since the advertisement is the main component of the marketing mix of a business entity that

has a high degree of prominence, it plays a key role to mold as well as influence the buying

behaviour of the intended target market audience. Due to its high degree of visibility as well

as pervasiveness, the advertisement component of the promotional mix is used by business

entities operating in smartphones to inform the target market audience about their latest

offering in the market. Informing the customers about an offering is of critical importance in

the highly competitive market landscape. In case the customers are unaware of the very

existence of a product or a service in the market setting, it is highly unlikely for them to

choose the same while making the purchasing decision. Thus, the advertisement function

creates the right kind of opportunity for a business entity to inform the intended market

audience about the offering that has been designed by them. This promotional technique

serves a diverse range of purposes in the market setting as businesses can also use the

advertisement technique to engage with their potential customers and existing customers and
Mubashir Baba, “THE CHANGING ROLE OF ADVERTISING,” Journal of Research in Commerce and
Management 2 (December 1, 2012): 37–43.

get an insight into their preferences and wants. The adoption of digitalization in the

advertisement function has further expanded the opportunity for smartphone businesses to

creatively advertise their brand’s offerings and thus have an edge against their competitors

and rivals in the industry setting. The integration of technology-based components in the

advertisement and communication framework of a business basically allows it to

communicate with the intended target market audience on a real-time basis. Thus

advertisement creates value for the business entities dealing with smartphones as well as the

customers, thus giving rise to a win-win situation174.

3.10 Advertising Factors influencing the Smartphone Purchase Intention

In the technologically advancing world, the demand for smartphones is increasing at a rapid

pace. With the increasing demand, smartphone companies focus on attractive advertising in

order to appeal to more customers and increase their sales volume. However, there are a

number of advertising factors that affect the intention of consumers to buy a smartphone.

Purchase intention can be defined as the likelihood or willingness of the consumers to

purchase a particular product or avail a specific service in the future. According to the

previous researches conducted by the scholars, it is evident that an increase in the purchase

intent will increase the possibility of a consumer buying a particular product. In the case of

smartphones, purchase intent refers to the willingness of the consumers to buy a smartphone.

Among all the elements, the brand name is one of the major factors that the consumers focus

on while viewing a smartphone advertisement 175. The American Marketing Association

defines a brand as the term, name, design, or the symbol that identifies and differentiates the

product of a brand from its competitors. It can also be considered as the relationship between

Sasser, Sheila L., and Scott Koslow. "Creativity and ad theory." Advertising theory (2012): 191-211
Martins, José, Catarina Costa, Tiago Oliveira, Ramiro Gonçalves, and Frederico Branco. 2020. "How Smartphone
Advertising Influences Consumers' Purchase Intention

a business and the customers176. The brand of the smartphone advertised will highly influence

the purchasing intention of the consumers.

The price of the smartphone shown in the advertisements is another factor that affects the

intention of purchase among the consumers. Price can be defined as the money charged to

avail a particular product or service. The price of the advertised smartphone also significantly

influences the purchase intention. Relative advantage is another factor taken into

consideration while advertising smartphones. In order to attract more customers, the

companies focus more on incorporating the relative advantages in the advertisements.

Relative advantage can be referred to as the extent to which a particular product is perceived

to be better than its competing products. A product feature is one of the most important

advertising factors that influence the smartphone buying intention of the consumers. Feature

refers to the attributes of the product in terms of usage that is able to meet the needs as well

as the wants of the consumers. Product features of the smartphones include both the software

as well as the hardware177. While the hardware refers to the physical components of the

smartphone that can be touched, software refers to the various programs and also includes the

storage memory and operating platform. Smartphone advertisements include all these

features in order to hold the attention of the intended customers. The product features that are

advertised also influence the purchase intent of the consumers.

Convenience is another important advertising factor influencing smartphone purchasing

intent. Convenience can be defined as the ease of using the smartphone. The perceived use of

different smartphone models is a deterministic advertising factor that highly influences the

Gowri, Shyamala, and Raju Selvan. 2020. "A Study On Factors Influencing Green Purchase Behaviour Among Consumers
With Special Reference To Madurai City". SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3531607
Gowri, Shyamala, and Raju Selvan. 2020. "A Study On Factors Influencing Green Purchase Behaviour Among Consumers
With Special Reference To Madurai City". SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3531607

purchase intention of the consumers. Dependency and compatibility are other aspects that

affect the smartphone purchase intent of the target customers178.

A diverse range of research studies has been carried out in the past that shed light on the key

motivating factors that come into play and influence the market audience while they are

purchasing a smartphone. According to Kaushal and Kumar (2016), some of the core

components that the smartphone purchase intention of customers in the market setting include

the relative advantage, compatibility, the level of dependency, the level of convenience of the

users, the features of the product, the price factor, the brand name and the degree of social

influence. Each of these elements plays a vital role and influences whether a customer

chooses a smartphone from a specific brand or not. In this research, the researchers have

pointed out that buying a smartphone is considered to be an important purchasing decision.

Thus the smartphone consumers take into consideration a diverse range of elements before

they can arrive at their ultimate decision. The advertising strategy that is deployed by the

smartphone brands comes into play and influences the purchase intention of the market

audience to a certain degree. For example, the details relating to the technical specifications

of a smartphone that are highlighted in an advertisement can influence the customers’

decision to purchase the electronic gadget from a particular brand. Relative advantage refers

to the extent to which a kind of innovation is perceived to be superior or better than the

competing products. This factor is also influenced by the customers’ attributes and

characteristics that influence the sub-dimensions that impact the relative advantages. While

purchasing a smartphone in the market setting, price is considered to be one of the most

critical variables that impact the customer’s choice to opt for a particular product or a specific

brand. According to the law of demand, when the price of a product increases, its demand

decreases. On the other hand, when the price of a product decreases, its demand increases.

Gowri, Shyamala, and Raju Selvan. 2020. "A Study On Factors Influencing Green Purchase Behaviour Among Consumers
With Special Reference To Madurai City". SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3531607

The law shows the importance of the price factor and how it can have a major impact on the

purchasing intention of the market audience. Since in the Indian market, the customers need

to spend at least a few thousands of rupees to purchase a product, the price factor is

considered to be a crucial element impacting their purchase intention and buying decision.

Various other research studies such as Qun, Howe, Thai, Wen and Kheng, 2012; Ibrahim,

Subari, Kasim and Mohammad, 2014; and Anam 2014 have also stated that price is a very

critical factor that has a major impact on the purchase intention of the customers in the

market setting179. While purchasing a new commodity in the market setting, the market

audience gives high priority to the product attributes and specifications. The emphasis on

these elements further increases when the purchase intention of the customers relates to the

smartphone. Since technology is advancing at a rapid pace, the smartphone companies are

competing with one another so that they can offer advanced and innovative offerings which

have unique and outstanding features. The advertisements of smartphones help the customers

to get a detailed insight into the unique and distinctive technical features and functionalities

that can be useful for them. In this research, the study shows that the feature refers to an

attribute of a product or commodity that can play a key role in meeting the satisfaction level

of the market audience. When it comes to a smartphone, the product feature fundamentally

encompasses the hardware aspects as well as the software components. The hardware refers

to the external body of the electronic device. It is the part that has a tangible existence and

can be physically touched or felt. The software component, on the other hand, refers to the

intangible elements such as the operating system, the in-built applications and the storage

memory. Even though these elements do not have a tangible existence and cannot be

physically touched, they act as a vital element that influences the technical functionality of

Kaushal, S. K., and Rakesh Kumar. "Factors Affecting the Purchase Intension of Smartphone: A Study of Young Consumers
in the City of Lucknow." Pacific Business Review International 8, no. 12 (2016): 1-16.

the electronic gadgets. Thus the customers of smartphones take into account the hardware

features as well as the software features into consideration which influences their purchase

decisions. The social influence factor plays a vital role to influence the purchase intention of

the market audience when it comes to buying a smartphone. The term social influence means

that one individual causes changes in the attitude, thoughts, feelings and behaviour of another

individual. Today, the use of the smartphone is not only restricted for the purpose of

communication. They are used as a product that shows the social status of a person 180. There

are a number of smartphone brands that are designed specifically for the premium customers.

The most common example is the iPhone from the Apple Inc. brand. For example, the use of

Apple Inc. smartphone by celebrities influences many people in the society to opt for the

premium smartphone instead of opting for a communication device that is reasonably priced.

The brand name and the goodwill or reputation of the brand are also chief components that

come into play and influence the purchasing intention as well as the buying decision of the

market audience. According to the American Marketing Association (AMA) the term brand

refers to the term, symbol, name, or design, or the combination of these elements that are

designed with the intention to identify the commodities and/or services of a seller or a

category of sellers. Brand plays a vital role in differentiating a seller (or sellers) from the

others that operate in the market setting. Brand names are considered to be extremely

valuable assets for business undertakings that give them a competitive edge in the

unpredictable and dynamic market settings. In the smartphone industry setting, brand name

plays an indispensable role as it can influence how the market audience reacts and responds

to the business and their offerings in the vast market setting. In this research, the study shows

that a business's brand name plays a key role in influencing the behaviour that the customers

exhibit in the market. The brand names have a vital link with other factors such as the quality

Panigyrakis, George G., and Prokopis K. Theodoridis. "The role of creativity." Wiley International Encyclopedia of
Marketing (2010)

of the offering of the business entity and the reliability. When it comes to choosing a

smartphone in the market setting, many customers look for ‘convenience.’ Convenience

refers to the ability to use the electronic device without facing much complexities and

problems. Since technology is developing and evolving extremely rapidly, many smartphone

manufacturers are integrating the latest technical features and components that are new for

the market audience. The newness can make a smartphone inconvenient for the people who

do not have an idea about the innovative technology of the new feature181. Thus while

choosing a smartphone, there are customers who look for convenient and easy-to-use

technology. These elements play a vital role to mold their purchase intention and purchase

decision while buying a smartphone in the market. The other factors that have been

highlighted by the researchers that influence the purchase intention of the market audience

are the level of dependency and compatibility. Since the use of smartphones in the daily lives

of a majority of people has substantially increased in the past few decades, people rely highly

on them. Instead, it is considered to be the very extension of their life without which it is

extremely difficult to go on with the regular activities in a day. Today, people not only use

their smartphones for the purpose of making calls and sending texts, but these communication

devices are used for a diverse range of purposes that help them to remain connected with

others on a real-time basis. Thus while purchasing a smartphone, the market audience intends

to go for a product on which they can depend totally to stay connected. Compatibility is also

an integral component that has a vital influence on the customer perception as well as their

intention to purchase a smartphone in the market setting. Product compatibility ensures that

the electronic device is capable to work along with another system without having to undergo

any kind of alteration. It is the interoperability between different products that can have a

direct implication on the experience that is derived by the market audience. According to the

Panigyrakis, George G., and Prokopis K. Theodoridis. "The role of creativity." Wiley International Encyclopedia of
Marketing (2010)

research team, compatibility is a vital factor that comes into play and has a major impact on

the purchase intention of the customers while they buy a smartphone182.

These advertising factors play a vital role as they have the power to have an influence on the

purchase intention that is exhibited by the market audience. Apart from this, these variables

also influence the overall customer behavior that is exhibited by them when they are deciding

to make a purchase in the market setting. The marketers that are able to shed light on these

vital factors that have a major influence on the customers and their buying intention, such as

the price variable, the product features and attributes, compatibility, etc., are able to have a

long-term impact on the customers. Since the market audience gives high priority to these

elements while making the buying decisions, these factors are taken into consideration when

they are purchasing or selecting a smartphone in the market. Many companies that operate in

the smartphone industry try to capture the necessary information in their advertising strategy

so that the customers can find the answer that they are looking for. For example, it is quite

common to see that a majority of the smartphone companies laid emphasis on the technical or

product attributes as well as the price element. This is because these are some of the most

fundamental advertising factors that the market audience looks for that ultimately influence

their purchasing intention as well as their buying decision. According to Rahim and Safin,

marketers need to lay emphasis on the key factors that mold the customer’s buying intention

of the smartphone183. The key factors that have been identified by the group of researchers

include the product features or attributes, the social influence, and the brand name. These are

some of the most integral variables that come into play and have a significant level of impact

on the response of the customers while buying a smartphone and the purchase intention that

is exhibited by them. Thus laying emphasis on these elements in the advertising strategy of
Panigyrakis, George G., and Prokopis K. Theodoridis. "The role of creativity." Wiley International Encyclopedia of
Marketing (2010)
Azira Rahim et al., “Factors Influencing Purchasing Intention of Smartphone among University Students,”
Procedia Economics and Finance, The Fifth International Conference on Marketing and Retailing (5th
INCOMaR) 2015, 37 (January 1, 2016): 245–53,

smartphone companies can play a vital role and go in favour of the brands if they are able to

positively influence the purchase intention of the market audience. Various research studies

that have been carried out, show that advertising acts as a key tool for marketers across a

diverse range of industries and sectors to influence the overall buying intention of the

customers. The information shared by marketers in the dynamic smartphone industry

simplifies the information exchange process and influences the customers and their buying


3.11 Effectiveness of Advertising on Smartphone Buying Decision

In the era of advancement and technology, a number of ways are available to advertise and

promote the product as well as services of different brands. According to the studies, it is

impossible for the companies to become marker leaders without the help of advertisements.

The different advertising tools include the radio, television, newspaper, magazines,

billboards, and social media, among the other prominent ones. The core aim of advertising is

to impact the buying behaviour of the consumers and strengthen the brand image in their

minds185. However, according to the researchers, the demand for online advertisement has

increased as compared to the traditional form of advertisement. Even though conventional

advertisement mediums continue to be in existence, companies are increasingly spending on

online advertisements. Advertisements not only provide information about the product to the

consumers but also affect the buying decision of the consumers.

In the present era, the smartphone industry has gained much popularity among the consumers

of the world. The ability of smartphones to perform a number of tasks required on a daily

basis is increasing its demand even more. iPhone, Samsung, Sony, Micromax, LG, HTC,
Rahim et al.
Vathana Nila, S. Chandra. 2012. "The Impact Of Advertisement On Buying Behaviour Of Women Consumer In Chennai
City". Global Journal For Research Analysis 3 (3): 98-100. doi:10.15373/22778160/mar2014/34.

Lava, Huawei, and Microsoft are among the top smartphone brands in the industry. As the

competitiveness in the market is increasing, companies need to adopt appropriate

advertisement strategies to enhance their effectiveness on the smartphone buying decision of

the customers. According to studies, in order to understand the effectiveness of advertising, it

is imperative to become aware of the different factors that affect the smartphone buying

behaviour of consumers belonging to different age groups. Some of the potential factors can

be the age, occupation, educational background, as well as the income level.

Previous researchers by a number of scholars conducted in the field show that among the

major aspects affecting the purchase decision of smartphones, advertisement and features of

the smartphones are the prominent ones. Studies show that advertising activities influence

customer behaviour directly or indirectly, and impact customer experiences. Studies have

also been conducted to understand effective advertising and its influence on the buying

behaviour of the consumers186. Researchers have also studied the environmental as well as the

emotional responses of the customers towards the advertisements. All of the studies have

concluded that the advertisements have played significant roles in influencing consumer

buying behaviour and producing the desired emotional responses in favour of the companies.

Moreover, studies show that a majority of people have been motivated to purchase a

smartphone after watching the advertisements on the television or other promotion mediums.

Studies conducted on the youth population show that while a number of youths are positively

influenced by the advertisements, some other consumers are impacted by the information

made available by their peer groups187. On the other hand, some other studies state that

product features, social influences, price, and brand name are among the top factors affecting

the demand for smartphones among the youth population. Yet, some other researchers have
Vathana Nila, S. Chandra. 2012. "The Impact Of Advertisement On Buying Behaviour Of Women Consumer In Chennai
City". Global Journal For Research Analysis 3 (3): 98-100. doi:10.15373/22778160/mar2014/34.

Tellis, Gerard J. 2004. Effective Advertising. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications

shed light on the involvement of popular celebrities in the smartphone advertisements that led

to an increase in the motivation level of the customers to make a purchase. Many other

studies have been conducted to determine the relationship between celebrity endorsements

and the impact on consumer buying behaviour as well as brand credibility. It can be

concluded that advertisements have been successful in influencing the buying behaviour of

the people towards smartphones188. Advertisements have been successful in providing all the

important information about smartphones, including the brand name, price, product features,

and other relevant aspects. Apart from keeping the consumers well-informed, the creative

advertisements hold the attention of the people and motivate them to purchase a smartphone.

A broad range of studies has been carried out in the past that shed light on the impact that

advertisement has on the market audience. These studies have gained a lot of attention as they

help business entities to deploy effective advertising and communication approaches in the

competitive and evolving market landscape, which gives them an edge against their rivals as

well as competitors. A majority of the research studies show that an effective and good

quality advertisement has the potential to influence the target market audience to buy a

product or service in the market setting. On the other hand, a poor or ineffective advertising

and communication approach of a business entity might do just the opposite by encouraging

them to look for other offerings in the market setting. Prior research studies show that there

exists a direct and positive association between the effectiveness of the advertisement of a

business form and the impact that it has on the buying behaviour of the customer in the vast

market realm. Shakib (2018) has stated that even though there exists a positive association

between these variables, it is necessary to take into account the underlying components that

are integrated into an advertisement that ultimately influence the ultimate buying behaviour

Remziye Terkan, Remziye Terkan. 2018. "Communıcatıon Studıes And Semıotıc Methods Applıcatıons". International Journal
Of Communication And Media Studies 8 (4): 33-42. doi:10.24247/ijcmsoct20184

of the customer in the market189. Furthermore, in the highly dynamic, competitive and

unpredictable business landscape, marketers need to lay emphasis on their core advertisement

elements such as the use of technology, quality of content and information, focus on the

offering, etc so that it can act as an asset for them and give them a competitive edge while

carrying out the business operations. For example, in the digitalized times, marketers need to

shift their focus towards the concept of online advertising. It can enable them to strike a

balance between the traditional advertising approach as well as the unconventional

advertising technique. According to the authors, some of the key elements that are connected

with the modern form of advertisement include; recall and click. In the current times, the

Information Technology landscape has undergone dynamic changes within a span of a few

years. It has had a substantial impact on the advertising concept as well. The authors have

pointed out in their research work that the internet acts as one of the most cardinal platforms

that enable marketers and business entities to communicate and engage with their market

audience in an efficient and effective manner. This communication platform empowers

business entities to effectively have an impact on the purchasing behaviour as well as the

buying decision of the target market audience. The main features that have been identified by

the research team include the high degree of flexibility, and the high level of control of the

communicated message and information. The authors have tried to capture the overall

effectiveness of online advertisement in terms of the attitude that the market audience has

towards the advertisement, the advertisement recall, and the click-through rate of the

advertisement. The findings of the research study indicate that the use of online

advertisement in the advertising and communication strategic approach of a business entity

enhances the overall effectiveness of the function to a significant degree. The right degree of

integration of technology-driven components in the advertising strategic framework of a

Tashrifa Haider and Shadman Shakib, “A Study On The Influences of Advertisement On Consumer Buying
Behavior,” Business Studies Journal, April 26, 2018,

business entity can create the opportunity for marketers to have a better degree of control

over the kind of influence that they have over the buying behaviour as well as the purchasing

decision of the target market audience. Thus the changes that have been introduced in the

evolving advertising landscape have further enabled marketers to influence customers and the

products or offerings that they choose and purchase in the market setting190.

Niazi and Siddiqui have pointed out in their research work that when the marketers operating

in the dynamic business landscape are able to effectively and productively use their

advertisement tactic to communicate with the existing customers or the potential customers, it

can give them an upper hand to mold the buying behaviour that is exhibited by them. The

findings show that there exists a key link between the effectiveness of advertisements and the

impact that it has on the buying behaviour of the target market audience. But the authors have

also emphasized the role of the emotional attachment factor. They have pointed out in the

study that the ultimate purchasing intention of the market audience is not just influenced by

the advertisement of a business entity that they come across. But it also gets influenced by the

emotional connection and the attachment that they have towards a specific brand in the

dynamic and vast market setting. But the advertisement function plays a key role in the

current times to establish a connection with the target market audience. For instance, the use

of technology creates the opportunity for marketers and business entities to directly

communicate with the market audience, which is at the personal level. This intimate level of

communication that is possible plays a pivotal role in establishing trust, commitment, and

engagement between them in the market setting and gives rise to an emotional bond between

the business entity and the market audience. Thus studies that have explored the concept of

advertisement have shed light on the fact that it plays a fundamental role in the dynamic

market landscape to influence the behaviour of the customers when they are making a
Yet Lim, C.-S Yap, and Teck-Chai Lau, “The Effectiveness of Online Advertising in Purchase Decision: Liking,
Recall and Click,” Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 5 (September 1, 2011): 1517–24.

purchasing decision191. In the highly evolving smartphone landscape, the reliance of

marketers and business entities on the advertising function is even more. This is due to the

high level of competition that prevails in the uncertain and unpredictable business arena. The

marketers have to be very cautious and careful while forming their advertising approach and

the advertisement and communication design so that the existing customers or the potential

customers would be drawn towards their offerings in the market and not towards the offerings

of their competitors and rivals. The role that advertisement plays, and its degree of

effectiveness have a vital link with the quality of offerings that are offered by the business in

the market for the customers. The advertisements that have integrated fake information or

exaggerated promises into the communication can have an adverse impact on the buying

behaviour of the target audience in the market setting. Thus marketers and business entities,

while devising their advertising strategy, need to ensure that there exists proper alignment

between what they are communicating with the audience members about their offering and

the delivery that they are actually doing in the vast market landscape. In the competitive

smartphone business arena, advertisements that are able to integrate the information relating

to the latest technical features and specifications can succeed in capturing the attention of the

market audience. It can enable them to create a solid and long-lasting association between

them that can give an edge to the business entity. Thus the critical role that advertisements

play for smartphone business entities cannot be negated as it can influence their ultimate

market performance by molding their buying behaviour.

3.12 Impact of Samsung’s Advertisement Strategy on Customer Behaviour

Understanding customer behaviour is important in order to determine the right advertisement

strategy to increase the sales of smartphones. According to Sheth, consumer behaviour

Jamali, Mehrullah, And Rohail Khan. 2020. "The Impact Of Consumer Interaction On Social Media On Brand Awareness And
Purchase Intention! Case Study Of Samsung". Jml.Kasbit.Edu.Pk. Http://Jml.Kasbit.Edu.Pk/Current%20Issue/Page%20125%20-

includes five values, namely, functional, social, emotional, conditional, and epistemic value.

Functional value relates to the utilitarian needs of the consumer and the attributes of the

product that meets those needs. This forms one of the bases that determine the buying

behaviour of the consumers. The second aspect of social value focuses more on the perceived

social image that the product will provide rather than the functional value. The concept of

emotional values shows that the purchasing decision of the consumers is dependent on the

ability of the product to arouse emotions within the potential consumers. On the other hand,

the conditional value relates to consumer behaviour on purchasing a product that is highly

connected to a specific context. For instance, a consumer will only purchase a smartphone

when there is a need for communication and other functions that the device can fulfil. The

concept of epistemic value deals with the consumer buying behaviour when the consumers

get bored with the product they are using currently, and the need to buy another product

arises owing to the desire to try something new or different192.

Samsung is one of the most popular developers of android smartphones around the globe. In

order to increase awareness about Samsung smartphones and influence the purchase

intentions of the customers, the company adopted some of the effective advertising strategies.

Apart from television advertising, Samsung focused on social media as its core medium of

advertising the smartphones of the brand. In modern times, social media has evolved as a

popular platform for the promotion of the products of different brands193. The main reason

behind Samsung choosing social media for advertising its smartphones is the ability of the

platform to make the consumers feel more connected. Social media makes more power

available in the hands of the consumers. It enables them to avail more information about the

smartphone with a single click.

Putra, Eko. 2018. "The Effect Of Product Quality, Advertising And Customer Satisfaction On Smartphone Brand Switching
(Case Study Of Stie Pasaman Students)". Jurnal Apresiasi Ekonomi 6 (3): 287-295. doi:10.31846/jae.v6i3.99
Jamali, Mehrullah, And Rohail Khan. 2020. "The Impact Of Consumer Interaction On Social Media On Brand Awareness And
Purchase Intention! Case Study Of Samsung". Jml.Kasbit.Edu.Pk. Http://Jml.Kasbit.Edu.Pk/Current%20Issue/Page%20125%20-

Moreover, the advertisement of the Samsung smartphones on social media enabled

consumers to share their responses about their experiences. When the consumers share

positive experiences about the smartphone, it will act as a consumer-generated advertisement

to promote the product even more. Owing to this fact, more smartphone companies are

making use of social media platforms to encourage more consumer to consumer-based

advertisements. In the digital era, where the potential consumers spend more time on their

social media accounts than on the televisions, advertising the smartphones on the popular

platform can ensure better influence on consumer buying behaviour. However, as negative

comments on smartphone advertisements over the social media platform can affect the image

of the brand, it increases the complexity of the platform as compared to the television and

print advertisements194.

Samsung made use of the social media platform to provide more information about

smartphones to the consumers in order to influence their purchase decision. Moreover, social

media platform enables viral marketing which enables spreading the message of the brand

rapidly. Viral advertisement of the smartphone enables attracting the attention of potential

consumers more quickly. Through viral advertisements, consumers can gain more

information about smartphones, which ultimately ensures a positive influence on their

purchase decision. It attracts consumers and motivates them to make a purchase. Samsung

also used the brand page commitment on social media in order to build long-term

relationships with the consumers. The advertisement strategy adopted by Samsung to

promote its smartphones resulted in an increase in the purchase of smartphones by the

intended consumers195.

Jamali, Mehrullah, And Rohail Khan. 2020. "The Impact Of Consumer Interaction On Social Media On Brand Awareness And
Purchase Intention! Case Study Of Samsung". Jml.Kasbit.Edu.Pk. Http://Jml.Kasbit.Edu.Pk/Current%20Issue/Page%20125%20-
Jamali, Mehrullah, And Rohail Khan. 2020. "The Impact Of Consumer Interaction On Social Media On Brand Awareness And
Purchase Intention! Case Study Of Samsung". Jml.Kasbit.Edu.Pk. Http://Jml.Kasbit.Edu.Pk/Current%20Issue/Page%20125%20-

Thus the vast range of former research papers, academic textbooks and journal articles that

have been referred to in the research study shows the vital role of advertisement in the market

landscape. It is, in fact, used as a vital strategic tool by business undertakings irrespective of

the type of industry in which they function so that they can influence the buying behaviour of

the market audience, the purchasing decision of the customers, and the ultimate sales

turnover of the organizations. In addition to this, in the digitalized era of the 21 st century, the

technological landscape has further boosted the importance of advertisement for marketers.

This is because marketers that function in the prevailing business environment have the

option to employ a diverse range of digital advertisement techniques as well as approaches so

that they can have a more personal and intimate interaction with the potential market

audience, which can have a positive influence on their market performance. In the

smartphone market scene, since there exists, a high level of competition among the business

participants of the industry, advertisement is used as an indispensable strategic tool that

empowers the marketers to steer their performance in the right direction. Martins, Oliveira,

Gonçalves, Branco and Costa (2019) have pointed out the flow experience theory in their

research study. According to the authors; flow basically illustrates the best feelings as well as

the most enjoyable experiences of an individual. It is the psychological state where a person

feels cognitively efficient, happy and motivated. As per researchers, while using the web and

coming across advertisement content on it, people have a favourable experience. Thus the

advertisement and marketing activities on the web play a pivotal role to influence the

customer behaviour while making a purchase decision196. Thus the literature from a diverse

range of secondary sources has revealed that the overall impact of advertisement, whether it

is online or offline, has a vital influence on the buying behaviour of the consumers in

different industries and sectors, including the smartphone industry.

Martins, José, Catarina Costa, Tiago Oliveira, Ramiro Gonçalves, and Frederico Branco. 2019. "How Smartphone
Advertising Influences Consumers' Purchase Intention". Journal Of Business Research 94: 378-387.

Samsung is one of the many business entities operating in the smartphone business landscape

that has tried to use its advertisement component to its advantage so that it can have an

advantage over its competitors in the industrial setting. Most of the business entities that

function in the industrial setting make use of their advertisements as a strategic tool so that

they can gain the upper hand over their rivals by using the communication tools. As these

market participants offer similar kinds of products and commodities in the market setting, the

advertisements that they ultimately design in order to communicate with the target market

audience act as a key differentiating factor for them. In fact, it can also play a cardinal role

and help these business firms offering the smartphone in the market, to have a lasting

impression in the minds of the existing customers as well as the potential customers in the

market setting. Business entities have been communicating about their unique features and

specifications relating to their market offerings so that they can captivate the market audience

and influence their purchasing decisions. For instance, the Oppo brand, which is one of the

competitors of the Samsung business entity in the smartphone industrial setting, is known to

adopt a focused and simple advertising and marketing approach in the Indian market

background, as per its local brand director. The advertisements of the smartphone business

entity are designed with the intention to put the available resources to use so that

unforgettable and precious experiences can be created for the target market audience. One of

the unique features of the advertisement of the Oppo brand is that they are devised to engage

with the youth across the markets, like both towns and cities. This indicates that the

smartphone brand gives high priority to the age factor of the target market audience while

developing and devising its advertisements for the purpose of communication and

engagement. The brand is also known to involve known faces in its advertisement strategy in

India by investing in popular Bollywood brand ambassadors. In addition to this, the

smartphone brand has also been involved in the sponsorship of the national cricket team of

India, which has further boosted the level of awareness of the brand and its offerings in the

minds of the target market audience. The use of known faces in the advertisement and

promotional activity of the smartphone business entity has supported the Chinese consumer

electronics brand to establish a solid connection with the market audience in the Indian

landscape and offer memorable as well as unique experiences. The effective deployment of

the brand’s advertisement tactics and techniques have played a cardinal role and helped the

smartphone business to strengthen its overall popularity and awareness in the diverse

smartphone landscape in the vast nation. Thus just like the Samsung brand, there are other

market players in the industrial setting that are making strategic use of their advertisements so

that they can mold the buying behaviour of the customers to their favour and gain an upper

hand over their competitors and peers197. For instance, the Apple Inc. brand is very cautious

about how it is represented in different communication and promotional mediums, including

in advertisements. This is because it has a direct impact on the brand image and brand value.

The evolution of the advertisements of the Apple Inc. brand over the past few years shows

that in spite of having a global reputation, it uses the marketing mix component in order to

communicate and engage with the target market audience at the global level. The brand used

advertisement as the key communication tool to introduce one of the most popular inventions,

i.e., the iPhone, to the entire world. The advertisement that was introduced in the year 2007 at

the Oscars boasted a broad range of onscreen characters as well as legends such as Marilyn

Monroe, and Clark Gable. The advertisement that the Apple Inc. brand had designed to

launch its iPhone in the market setting shows that a global business like Apple also relies on

advertisements so that it can establish a deeper connection with the target market audience

and thus boost its market performance. Thus both established as well as new market players

use advertisement marketing mix components while operating in the dynamic business

“OPPO Has ‘simple and Focused’ Strategy | WARC,” accessed January 8, 2021,

landscape. The relevance of advertisement can be understood from the fact that some of the

very best and well-known business entities that operate in the smartphone market setting use

advertisements so that they can increase their awareness in the competitive business

landscape and interact with the target market audience 198.The broad range of studies that have

been carried out on the concept of advertisement shows that its relevance is high irrespective

of the type of industry or market in which a business entity operates. In the smartphone

business landscape, the usefulness and relevance of advertisement are further intensified

because of the fact that most of the offerings that are made in the market setting have a

number of similarities with each other. As the chief offerings by the market players are

influenced by the evolving technology, the business entities operating in the industry try to

differentiate themselves from their competitors and rivals in the market environment by

emphasizing on their advertisement and promotional approach. In addition to this, the high

intensity of competition that is prevalent in the dynamic market setting makes it necessary for

the smartphone businesses to communicate and engage with the existing market audience as

well as with the potential market audience about the chief offerings that have been made by

business entities to fulfil the needs and wants of the customers. In the intensely competitive

business setting, advertisement acts as an ideal strategic mechanism that allows business

entities to make the target market audience aware of their latest market offerings, including

goods as well as services. According to Frolova (2020), advertisement has been identified as

one of the most popular as well as effective promotional tools that are used by business

entities in the modern era to communicate about a newly launched product. But its function is

not restricted to such an event alone199. Marketers across diverse industries have bemusing

advertisements so that they can establish a deep connection with their target market audience.

“10 Apple Ads That Show How the Brand Has Evolved,” The Drum, accessed January 8, 2021,
"The Role Of Advertising In Promoting A Product". 2020. Theseus.Fi.

The advertisement has given rise to the opportunity to engage with the market audience on a

real-time basis so that their unfulfilled needs can be identified and suitable offerings can be

designed to satisfy them200.

3.13 Digitalization concept in advertising

According to Ozturk (2016), one of the chief advantages of the technology-driven era is the

presence of a diverse range of choices in front of marketers to interact and engage with the

target market audience. The communication channels that are available on the online

platform come to the aid of marketers across different industries and sectors as they are able

to overcome the constraints relating to time and place restrictions. Apart from this,

advertising on the online platform also enables the potential customers as well as the existing

customers of a business entity to obtain the requisite and relevant information, which helps

them in their decision-making process. The use of the internet has increased the overall

power of advertising that is done by businesses and marketers. It has made it possible for

business entities to reach out and interact with the market audience at the global level without

facing any barriers or obstacles201. In the current times, the concept of cross-device

advertising has gained a lot of attention in the business landscape. It basically refers to the

integrated advertising technique where a marketer or advertiser reaches the same user or

customer from a diverse range of devices such as personal computers, tablets, smartphones

and other devices. Such a revolutionary concept on advertising has changed how the existing

customers and the potential customers obtain information that they are looking for before

making a buying decision. In order to make the most of the available technological landscape,

marketers and advertisers have been adopting the integrated advertising and communication

R.Gülay Öztürk, “A New Approach for Reaching the Customer of the Digital Age: Cross-Device Advertising,”
Journalism and Mass Communication 6, no. 1 (January 28, 2016),

approach so that they can derive maximum benefit from the cross-device advertising concept

has to offer. Marketers are showing their interest in expanding their communication and

advertising approach so that they can directly engage with the market audience and persuade

them to make decisions in favour of the brand and business offerings. In order to present a

comprehensive insight into digitalized advertising concept and the cross-device advertising

strategy, the researcher has shed light on some of the challenges that marketers might come

across while using the innovative advertising approach. One of the fundamental concerns that

have been highlighted in the research study relates to the proper understanding of the

browsing behaviour of the market audience. The inability to do accurate analysis relating to

the browsing behaviour of the online users could have an adverse impact on the overall

effectiveness of the digital advertising strategic approach of a business entity. In the evolving

technological environment, one of the major concerns that have been affecting the marketers

as well as the customers in the market setting relates to the privacy aspects of the customers.

Individuals who use the internet have the fear that any unauthorised party can obtain their

private and/or sensitive personal information. Such a growing fear basically encourages them

to increase the level of distance from the virtual platform where marketers try to interact and

engage with them. Even if, in some cases, customers use the virtual platform, there is the

possibility of them being reluctant to divulge proper information relating to them and their

purchasing patterns. Another major issue relating to cross-device advertising is the difficulty

for the marketers to identify and connect with the users as they have the power to move on to

another electronic device quickly. The impact of digitalization on advertising of business

undertakings in the 21st century is high, and it cannot be ignored. Even though advertisers

face a number of bottlenecks while interacting on the digital platform, it gives them the

opportunity to overcome barriers and create a direct relationship with the target market

audience at the global level. Apart from this, they also get the opportunity to collect

important and valuable feedback from the target market audience within a short span of time.

The researcher has pointed out that due to the advent of the internet and technology,

marketers and business concerns across different industries are in a position to easily reach

their customers. This simplified engagement and interaction between the marketers and the

potential and existing customers increases the chances of expanding their revenue, profits,

and overall sales turnover. The digitalization of advertising has endowed the business

concerns of the 21st century to keep a real-time track of the online users as well as of the

advertising communities. As the use of technology and innovation in the advertising and

marketing scene has empowered business entities, it is regarded to be one of the most

effective communication approaches of the current times. Marketers are able to make the

most of the opportunity as they are able to engage and interact with the intended market

audience by addressing the place and time constraints. In the prevailing times when the

intensity of competition is increasing across different industries and sectors, marketers are

adopting modern and innovative advertising strategies so that their business goals and

objectives can be supported in the most effective manner. In the complex and evolving

business landscape, marketers are able to have an advantage over their industry rivals in the

competitive market environment202.

According to Muller and Alt (2011), due to the introduction of pervasive technologies in the

21st century, the advertising landscape has undergone a transformational change. This is

because pervasive computing technologies are being used by business entities for the purpose

of advertising and promotion. The authors have pointed out in their book that pervasive

advertising has the potential to influence and affect the life of each and every individual in

the digitalized times. In order to have a lasting impact on the consumers, marketers are

R.Gülay Öztürk, “A New Approach for Reaching the Customer of the Digital Age: Cross-Device Advertising,”
Journalism and Mass Communication 6, no. 1 (January 28, 2016),

making every possible attempt to establish a meaningful relationship with them by using

different kinds of communication and engagement approaches. In fact, new and innovative

forms of technologies are coming into play and helping business entities to accomplish his

objective in an effective manner. The concept of pervasive computing technology has given

rise to the concept of pervasive advertising203. Technology has influenced the marketing

scene, especially the advertising and communication domain to a great deal. The recent

explosion of technology has changed the ability and capacity of business entities and

marketers to share information in the market setting; similarly, technology has also given rise

to significant changes relating to how the customers and market audience express themselves

and interact with businesses that serve them in the market setting. Some of the key trends that

can be observed in the advertising scene due to the concept of pervasive computing

technologies include the broadened scope of marketing and advertising, the changing

relationship between business entities and their target market audience, and the change in the

recipient of the marketing activities. The use of technology and innovation has brought about

significant changes in these areas that simply cannot be negated by business entities204.

Marketers have started integrating technology in various activities and functions, including

advertising. The use of technology in the business setting has increased the level of

automation and simplified various processes relating to the business operations. Similarly,

thanks to the use of technology, in the current times, buyers and sellers have started to

establish long-term relationships with one another. The relationship is based on the exchange

of information and not just simply a one-way interaction. Especially, the intensive use of

technological elements has made the market audience an active participant when it comes to

the business and client relationship. The integration of technology in the advertising and
Müller, J., Alt, F., Michelis, D. (2011). Pervasive Advertising. In: Müller, J., Alt, F., Michelis, D. (eds) Pervasive Advertising.
Human-Computer Interaction Series. Springer, London.

Müller, J., Alt, F., Michelis, D. (2011). Pervasive Advertising. In: Müller, J., Alt, F., Michelis, D. (eds) Pervasive Advertising.
Human-Computer Interaction Series. Springer, London.

marketing scene has eliminated various barriers. In other words, in the current tomes, the

marketing or advertising message that a business entity shares on the online or digital

platform is not just restricted to the customers. But it can also be accessed and viewed by

other stakeholders of the business entity such as the partners, investors, competitors,

government, and the entire community. This makes it even more important to share the right

kind of message on the online platform so that it can grab the right kind of attention that will

be in favour of the brand and its market offerings. The integration of technology in the

advertising function has made it possible for marketers to sustain and survive in the

competitive and dynamic business landscape by strengthening their communication,

promotion, and advertising approach. Technology has been playing a vital role in the current

times to extend the experience relating to advertising. As marketers can advertise on

innovative electronic products such as smartphones and personal computers, they are able to

reach the target market audience at their very fingertips. Furthermore, the evolution of

technology at a rapid pace has further empowered business entities to work on new ways to

reach people and establish a deep connection with them. But one of the main obstacles that

arise in the path of marketers and business undertakings in the digitalized times relates to the

proper understanding of the new digital technologies and how to apply them in an effective

and optimum manner in the business landscape. It is true that new kinds of technologies have

empowered business concerns in the 21st century to establish a deep and meaningful

relationship with the target market audience. In fact, they are also able to overcome the time

as well as physical barriers that could hinder the process of building such relationships. But at

the same time, the introduction of new kinds of technologies and the evolution of the existing

technological landscape have given rise to different kinds of complexities and challenges that

are hard to ignore. In order to overcome the roadblocks that business entities could come

across while working on their usual business, marketing and advertising activities, it is

necessary to get acquainted with the new and emerging technologies. The thorough insight

and understanding of these technological elements can play an integral role and empower

business firms to make the most of the evolving technological landscape to strengthen their

advertising strategic approach. In the cut-throat market setting, it has become a necessity for

business entities and advertisers to adapt to new kinds of technologies to frame their

advertising message or else be ignored in the dynamic online setting205.

Advertising plays a vital role in the market landscape. This is because it basically helps to

connect the customers with business entities and vice versa. The connection that is

established helps both the parties in different ways. A marketer is benefited as it helps to earn

the loyalty of the market audience, which can act as a vital asset against the market rivals in

the competitive business setting. On the other hand, a market audience is benefited by

establishing such a connection with a business as it is able to have access to better services,

products, or other offerings, which creates value for him or her. The use of technological

elements in the advertising and communication strategy of business undertakings has taken

this relationship to an entirely different level altogether. It has made it possible for both the

customer and the business to derive benefit from the streamlined, real-time, and transparent

communication. In order to exploit the technological setting and the innovative tools that

have come into existence in the 21st century, many business entities across a diverse range of

industries and sectors have been employing a wide range of technology-driven tools to

engage with the market audience and capture more number of clients as well as customers.

Jain and Yadav (2017) have stated that in the modern marketing environment, technology and

technology-driven tools have become an indispensable element for marketers 206. They have

significantly influenced various functions and processes that are carried out by business

“(PDF) Pervasive Advertising,” accessed January 8, 2021,
Wu, Ya-Ling, and Eldon Y. Li. "Marketing mix, customer value, and customer loyalty in social commerce." Internet
Research (2018).

entities. But one of the key areas that have undergone a major make-over revolves around

communication and promotion activity. A few decades back, television advertising was

considered to be a very smart and effective communication strategy that enabled business

entities to reach the target market audience. But new kinds of technologies have allowed

marketers to adopt simpler and more effective means to engage and interact with the existing

customers and the potential customers in the market setting 207. Many business entities have

been able to make the most of the evolving technology and integrate them into their

advertising and communication strategic approach. But on the contrary, there have also been

a large number of business entities that have failed to establish a strong presence on the

online platform and create a meaningful relationship with the target market audience.

Organizations employ technology-driven approaches to share information with the market

audience that might be of value for them. The integration of technological elements is

considered to be useful for business entities in the intensely competitive business arena as it

allows them to have a direct and personalized conversation with the market audience. For

instance, the digital platform is not only used to communicate about the latest offerings, but it

also allows the customers to share their concerns and queries with the business entity directly.

Thus it gives rise to new kinds of opportunities for business entities to create value for the

target market audience and communicate with them on how they are creating value208. Over

the past few years, a diverse range of research studies has been carried out to get a better

understanding of the trade-offs between the advantages and limitations of integrating the new

and latest technology in the advertising strategy of various business entities. Studies that

have been conducted show that the advertising functions that are carried out by business

entities have substantially changed and altered in the past few years due to the use of the

Esha Jain and Ashank Yadav, “Marketing and Technology: Role of Technology in Modern Marketing,” IOSR
Journal of Business and Management 19 (May 1, 2017): 49–53,
Esha Jain and Ashank Yadav, “Marketing and Technology: Role of Technology in Modern Marketing,” IOSR
Journal of Business and Management 19 (May 1, 2017): 49–53,

latest technological elements. But the effectiveness and success of such an approach greatly

depend on the ability of a business concern to optimally employ the new technology-driven

feature or element and integrate it into its advertising and communication strategic approach.

Some of the most common technology-driven tools that business entities are using in the

current times in order to engage and interact with the target market audience include official

websites of the business, software applications, pages on different social media networking

sites, and many more. The overall level of success and effectiveness of such a technology-

oriented advertising strategy of a business entity depends on how well the communication

message has been framed by the business and how it gives rise to an opportunity to create a

meaningful association with the target market audience209.

Hosseini Mohammadi (2018) has stated in his research study that the use of technology and

technology-based elements has surely empowered marketers to forge a deeper and

meaningful relationship with the market audience. But at the same time, the use of

technology has also made the advertising process somewhat complex in nature. The results of

the research study show that the use of technology in the advertising and promotion domain

has intensified its importance in the entire marketing mix framework 210. In the former times,

the advertising process was mainly carried out in the face to face manner. Gradually, new

components have been integrated into the advertising and marketing functions which have

enabled business entities to simplify how they interact and engage with their target market

audience. In the research work, the authors have stated that the adoption of the right kind of

technology in the advertising and marketing domain does not necessarily mean to employ the

attest kinds of technological tools and techniques. But the effective use of technology in the

Esha Jain and Ashank Yadav, “Marketing and Technology: Role of Technology in Modern Marketing,” IOSR
Journal of Business and Management 19 (May 1, 2017): 49–53,
Z. Hosseini, S. Mohammadi, and H. Safari, “An Assessment of the Impact of Information Technology on
Marketing and Advertising,” Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 8, no. 1 (February 20, 2018):

advertising and promotional strategic approach of a business entity relates to how optimally it

is able to use new technology to simplify the advertising and communication activities. The

overall level of effectiveness of an advertising strategy of a business entity mainly depends

on how well the content or message has an impact on the target market audience, their

attitude, thinking beliefs and ultimate purchasing behaviour in the market setting. The authors

have stated that the impact of an IT-based advertising on the market audience can most likely

happen in two specific ways. The advertising approach of the business could lead to the

introduction of new values in the social setting by making the former values and beliefs

insignificant in nature. On the other hand, the advertising strategy could reflect the already

existing and current values of the society by integrating individual desires and ideas. The

appropriate integration of the latest technology in the advertising and marketing strategy of a

business enables a marketer to play a proactive role to mold the overall attitude and

perception of the customers towards the offerings of the business entity in the market

setting211. According to Horbal (2017), in the technology-driven era, internet-based tools and

tactics have opened up new kinds of opportunities for business entities to engage and interact

with the target market audience; as there exist no boundaries when it comes to the

technological landscape, marketers are in a position to communicate with the potential

customers as well as the existing customers not just at the local or regional level but also at

the national and global level. The introduction of different kinds of online technologies in the

market scene has allowed marketers and advertisers across diverse industries to redefine the

rapport and forge deeper and meaningful connections with the intended market audience. In

this research, the studies have identified the online advertising concept as one of the most

critical and pivotal marketing and promotional methods that help business entities

communicate and engage with internet users. In the current times, the internet has

Z. Hosseini, S. Mohammadi, and H. Safari, “An Assessment of the Impact of Information Technology on Marketing and
Advertising,” Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 8, no. 1 (February 20, 2018): 2526–31,

successfully become one of the chief means of communication that connects people with

businesses that serve them in the market landscape. In the competitive business scene, the

advertising strategic element, especially the online advertising strategy that is adopted by

business entities, helps them to have a sustainable existence in the market setting 212. This is

because it allows them to establish a meaningful association with the market audience and

further helps in persuading them to take decisions that are in favour of the business and its

market offerings.

3.14 Advertising and customer behaviour

There are a large number of brands and business entities that have failed to create impactful

and effective advertising strategies that can influence the intended market audience. On the

other hand, there are a handful of business entities that have adapted to the evolving

advertising and marketing landscape. One of the business entities that has been able to strive

and sustain in the digitalized advertising setting is Apple Inc. The global technology-driven

firm uses a diverse range of communication and advertising techniques to interact with the

market audience and influence them in unique ways. A large number of research studies that

have been carried out in the past have tried to explore how the advertising strategy that is

adopted by a business influences the behaviour of the market audience. Shakib (2018) has

stated in his research study that the advertising that is designed by a marketer can create a

long-term impact on their mind and on their buying intention. Furthermore, marketers need to

create unique advertisements so that the customers will be interested to know what the

business undertaking is trying to convey to them213. For example, the super bowl commercial

Horbal, N., M. Naychuk-Khrushch, and B. Orlykova. "Internet advertising: the specifics, tendencies of development and
impact on sales." ECONTECHMOD: An International Quarterly Journal on Economics of Technology and Modelling
Processes 6, no. 1 (2017): 37-46.

Tashrifa Haider and Shadman Shakib, “A Study On The Influences of Advertisement On Consumer Buying Behavior,”
Business Studies Journal, April 26, 2018,

‘1984’ by the Apple Inc. brand was able to captivate the audience, and they were keenly

interested in the new era of computer systems. Successful advertising is one that is able to

persuade and convince the market audience to take a specific decision or action that will be in

the favour of the business entity. In the competitive and unpredictable business climate of the

21st century, marketers have been investing a significant amount of time, effort and money so

that their advertising strategy can act as an asset and help them to have a competitive

advantage over their industry rivals and market competitors. According to Sama (2019), the

integration of technology in the advertising concept has opened up innumerable opportunities

for marketers in the prevailing times214. In fact, in order to exploit the opportunity that is

available before, the marketers are using online media platforms so that they can mold the

customer behaviour to have an upper hand over their competitors 215. The introduction of the

concept of digitalization plays an extremely critical role in the current times to redefine the

relationship that a business entity has with its target market audience. The use of the latest

technological elements has empowered marketers to close the gaps that existed in the former

times due to the use of traditional and conventional advertising approaches. Thanks to

digitalization, business entities are in a position to understand what the existing customers, as

well as the potential customers, expect from them. Similarly, they are also able to interact

with them so that the customers can understand how the business is trying to create value for

them. Sama (2019) has pointed out in her research study that in the former times, business

entities made the most of traditional platforms such as radio, television, magazines, and

newspapers so that they could share the intended message with the target market audience

and influence them to opt for the offerings by the business entity. But in the 21 st century,

marketers are able to use the internet and other forms of technology to expand the level of

awareness of the market audience about their offerings in the market setting. The findings of
“Impact of Media Advertisements on Consumer Behaviour - Ramzan Sama, 2019,” accessed January 8, 2021,
Haider and Shakib, “A Study On The Influences of Advertisement On Consumer Buying Behavior.”

the research study show the managers who are responsible for the advertising function need

to work on the objectivity of the advertising strategy so that they can choose the right kind of

communication media that can help them to establish a long-term association with the target

market audience216. According to Neupane (2019), the advertising strategy of a business

entity is considered to be an ideal medium that empowers brands to influence the buying

habits of the customers in the dynamic market environment. But in the research work, the

researcher has pointed out that a diverse range of factors come into play that molds how an

advertising strategy of a business entity influences the market audience 217. Some of the key

factors that have been taken into account by him include the age factor, the gender of an

individual, the level of education of a person, the occupation of the individual, etc. These are

some of the most crucial elements that can come into play and mold how an advertisement of

a business influences the potential customer. For example, the advertisement of chocolate

might seem to be very appealing and attractive to children, whereas it might not have any

influence on the elderly market audience. Similarly, the advertisement of a face cream might

have an impact on the female market audience, but it might not have any impact on the male

counterparts. Thus the researcher has pointed out that in order to get an integrated and

comprehensive insight into advertising and how it impacts the customer behaviour, it is

necessary to take into account different factors that might influence these variables. In the

research study, it has been identified that when it comes to the traditional advertising

approach, the television is considered to be the most effective medium as compared to other

options such as the print, radio, and other forms of traditional media. The visual form of

content that people come across on television plays an integral role in capturing their

attention. But the designing and use of relevant kind of content in the advertising strategy of a

business entity are of prime importance. This is because it can help the potential customers as
“Impact of Media Advertisements on Consumer Behaviour - Ramzan Sama, 2019.”
Rajeswor Neupane, “Advertising and Its Effects on Consumer Behaviour in Kathmandu Valley,” NCC Journal
4, no. 1 (2019): 157–162.

well as the existing customers of a business to get a better insight into the value that has been

created by the marketer218. The advertising strategy of a business entity basically helps it by

acting as the chief tool to inform, persuade, convince, and influence the target market

segment in different ways. This tool helps a brand to influence the market audience to choose

the specific brand from which they purchase the offerings which could be products and/or


The integration of advertising has enabled business entities to engage and interact with the

diverse market audience that is scattered all across the globe. In other words, it can be said

that advertising helps businesses to establish a connection with the market audience existing

at the domestic market level as well as at the global market level. The indispensable

communication medium enables business entities to share the intended business message

with hundreds and thousands of people living in different corners of the world. When it

comes to the traditional advertising domain, the advertisements that people come across on

the television are considered to be the most persuasive in nature. This is because the intended

message that is shared by a business is done in a glamorous manner. The message that is

communicated by a business by using this traditional communication medium plays a key

role to influence the purchasing behaviour as well as the buying habits of the customers. Due

to the proper synchronization of various elements such as the color, light, sound, and other

features, the message that is imparted by a business entity stays with the market audience for

a longer period of time as compared to the message that is shared by using other traditional

communication mediums. The visual form of message plays a vital role in influencing the

existing customers and the potential customers as well as the behaviour that they exhibit

while making a purchase decision219. The use of technology in the advertising landscape has

Rajeswor Neupane, “Advertising and Its Effects on Consumer Behaviour in Kathmandu Valley,” NCC Journal
4, no. 1 (2019): 157–162.
Rajeswor Neupane, “Advertising and Its Effects on Consumer Behaviour in Kathmandu Valley,” NCC Journal
4, no. 1 (2019): 157–162

molded the effectiveness and power of advertising strategy to a significant degree. The use of

innovative elements in the advertising strategy of a business undertaking enables it to present

the intended communication in a more effective and impactful manner. In addition to this,

business firms are able to establish a connection with the market audience on a real-time

basis. This aspect further makes the communication more effective and solid in nature and

helps a business firm to establish a stronger relationship with the target segment in the market

setting. The contribution of modern technology in the advertising landscape cannot be

ignored. This is because it plays an indispensable role in increasing the power of

advertisement to influence the behaviour of the customers in the market setting. The

advertisers operating in the prevailing business climate are making use of modern technology

so that they can have a better impact on the customer buying behaviour. The application of

innovative technology-driven approaches basically enables brands and marketers to create

more effective, meaningful and impactful advertisements in the market setting. A diverse

range of technology-driven tools is available at the disposal of business firms which enables

them to strengthen their bond with the target market audience. Due to the use of technology-

based elements, they are able to make these messages more appealing and attractive in


3.15 Influence of advertisements on individuals from different age groups

Phillips and Stanton (2004) have stated in their research work that even though the primary

objective of advertising is to communicate and engage with the market audience, the extent to

which it succeeds depends on various factors. The chief factor on which the authors have laid

emphasis is the age factor. In fact, in the research study, they have critically examined the

extent to which the age-related differences arise that impact the overall effectiveness of an

“Contributions of Modern Technology Toward Enhancing Advertising Campaign Strategies,” accessed
January 8, 2021,

advertisement to persuade the customers221. The differences that arise relating to the age

factor can play a critical role and impact how the market audience perceives an advertisement

and the message that is being shared by a business entity. It has been identified by the

research team that younger customers in the market are more likely to recall the piece of

information that has been shared in an advertisement by a business entity. But it is difficult

for a business to persuade the young customers by the information that is shared in the

advertisement. On the other hand, when it comes to the mature audience in the market setting,

they are more likely to get persuaded by the message that is shared by a business entity in its

advertisement. But it might be difficult for the mature customers in the market to recall the

information that has been shared in an advertisement by a brand. At the macro level, the

association between recall and persuasion does not seem to hold when it comes to the

investigation of the young as well as mature customers in the market. But a number of

elements have been identified that exist at the macro level and have a significant impact on

the recall and persuasion of the young market audience and the mature market audience222.

While analysing how the age factor comes into play and influences the impact of advertising,

it is necessary to take into consideration the latent and underlying factors. Some of these

factors are related to distinctive memory and can process the information that has been shared

in an advertisement. These are some of the fundamental differences that exist between the

young customers and the mature customers 223. The young customers are regarded to be a

highly lucrative segment that increases the opportunities of business undertakings in the

highly competitive market environment. These customers basically lie in the age bracket of

18 and 35 years. They are trendsetters, and they are willing to try out new and innovative

Diane M. Phillips and John L. Stanton, “Age-Related Differences in Advertising: Recall and Persuasion,”
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 13, no. 1 (2004): 7–20.
Diane M. Phillips and John L. Stanton, “Age-Related Differences in Advertising: Recall and Persuasion,”
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 13, no. 1 (2004): 7–20.
Diane M. Phillips and John L. Stanton, “Age-Related Differences in Advertising: Recall and Persuasion,”
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 13, no. 1 (2004): 7–20

offerings that are available to them in the market environment. Some of the unique features of

these customer segments are the high level of education and their inclination towards

technology and innovation. Instead of preferring to follow the crowd, they are interested in

taking their own chances while making their purchase decisions. In order to have an

impression on these young customers, marketers need to adopt new and innovative

advertising and communication tactics. As these customers are independent and prefer to

make their own decisions while purchasing something in the market, the advertising message

has to be strategically designed so that they are not directed or forced to prefer a specific

offering over another. For instance, a Subaru advertisement strategy failed miserably in the

market setting as the brand was trying to be cool and hip while interacting with the target

market audience, which mainly comprised of young people. The practical example shows that

advertisers need to carefully design the advertisement strategy as well as the communication

content so that they can use it to create a positive relationship with the intended market

audience. In order to create a favourable and long-term relationship with the young market

audience, the advertisement elements must be carefully identified and used by business

undertakings. The ultimate intention of the advertising strategic approach must be to assist in

developing a better understanding of what effectively works and what does not work properly

when it comes to interacting and engaging with the young market audience.

The mature customers in the market also play a vital role and mold the market landscape to a

significant extent. But the approach of advertising is significantly different when it comes to

engaging with the mature customers in the market setting. For instance, the level of

knowledge and familiarity of the mature audience with the latest form of technology is likely

to be lower as compared to their younger counterparts. This creates the opportunity for

marketers to combine traditional marketing concepts with the modern advertising approach to

engage with the specific target segment in the market. But in the current times, the mature

customers are much more educated, active and healthier as compared to the matured

customers of the past224. In addition to this, some of the customers of this specific market

segment have a significant amount of time in hand to invest in their purchasing decision

process. Thus business firms need to take these factors into consideration while designing

their advertising strategy and communication method. Thus in order to create a long-lasting

impression in the minds of the young customers as well as the mature customers, marketers

need to take into account the age factor and accordingly design the advertising and

promotional strategic approach. One of the key elements that differentiate the younger

customers in the market from the older or matured customers is the memory capacity.

Generally, it is easier for the younger customer segment to remember information that has

been communicated in an advertisement by a brand as compared to their matured

counterparts. Studies show that older customers find it somewhat difficult to make use of the

visual imagery and utilize efficient retrieval strategic approaches. Some studies have also

disclosed that older or matured customers have demonstrated a lower level of recall as well as

recognition as compared to the younger customers in the market setting. Such an effect was

mainly observed especially when there was a presence of a lot of clutter in the advertising

environment of a brand225.

When it comes to the processing of the information, matured customers lag behind their

younger counterparts. Since technology has undergone rapid evolution in the 21st century; the

younger customer segment is more acquainted with the latest forms of technology as

compared to the older or matured customers. The manner in which young and mature

customers process information is drastically different in nature. Typically, the matured

“Contributions of Modern Technology Toward Enhancing Advertising Campaign Strategies,” accessed
January 8, 2021,
Diane M. Phillips and John L. Stanton, “Age-Related Differences in Advertising: Recall and Persuasion,”
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 13, no. 1 (2004): 7–20

customers face challenges when a large volume of information is shared in an advertisement.

They are able to remember the information if the visual form of communication is used, and

they are also able to derive substantial benefit when they are provided instructions relating to

how to remember and process the information that has been presented in an advertisement 226.

In fact, it has been observed that matured customers can make better use of advertising

information if they are provided necessary instructions and training. When it comes to the

advertising landscape, the customers interact and engage with a diverse range of processes.

For instance, they are involved in recalling the information that was shared in the

advertisement, processing the same piece of information, and being persuaded by it. The age

factor that exists in the market audience relating to the recall process and the processing stage

may lead to different purchasing decisions. For example, in some cases, the recall and

processing might lead to successful persuasion, whereas the recall and information processing

might not lead to the successful persuasion of a customer in the market setting. Thus in order

to have a better degree of control over the impact of the advertising strategy, marketers need

to take into account the age-related factor of the intended customer so that they can design

their advertising approach accordingly. The existing pieces of literature indicate that since the

younger customer segment is in a position to encode a higher quantity of information, the

advertisements that are targeted at them can integrate a lot of information that can add value

for them 227

. Similarly, as the younger market audience processes the captured advertising

information in a different manner as compared to their older and matured counterparts, the

information content must be carefully designed so that they will have the independence to

make their own purchasing decision without getting directed or forced towards it. In the

research work, the authors have stated that due to the macro level difference in the recall and

Diane M. Phillips and John L. Stanton, “Age-Related Differences in Advertising: Recall and Persuasion,”
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 13, no. 1 (2004): 7–20
“Contributions of Modern Technology Toward Enhancing Advertising Campaign Strategies,” accessed
January 8, 2021,

persuasion process, the impact and influence of an advertising strategy substantially differ

between the young customers and the matured or older customers in the market setting 228.

The two critical advertising elements that can be recalled by the younger market audience are

cute or adorable elements and child, infant, animal, or animated elements. These elements

have a high level of recall which indicates that business entities can integrate these

components while engaging with the young customers so that there will be better chances of

strengthening the brand awareness in the customer’s mind. Some of the other factors that also

have a positive impact on the recall process of young customers include the demonstration of

the product in use, an actor playing the role of an ordinary person and the convenience and

simplicity while using a product. Some of the key findings of the research study indicated

that the lack of a principal character in an advertisement and the demonstration of the product

on the screen for a long time is considered to be less appealing for the young customers. In

order to persuade the young customers in the market, marketers need to throw light on the

convenience factor. Furthermore, Phillips (2004) has pointed out in the research work that

when a new product is introduced in the market setting or improved features are introduced;

there is a positive impact on the persuasion of the young market audience. The ability of a

business entity to differentiate its brand and offerings is also considered to have a positive

influence on the customers as it can persuade them to act in favour of the specific business 229.

The recall process in the matured market audience is different than that of their younger

counterparts. The factor that has a major impact on their recall is when an actor plays the role

of an ordinary person in the advertisement of a business. Some of the other factors that are

most likely to increase the recall in the matured market audience include the cute or adorable

“(PDF) Impact of Advertising on Consumers’ Buying Behavior through Persuasiveness, Brand Image, and
Celebrity Endorsement,” ResearchGate, accessed January 8, 2021,'_buying_behav

Diane M. Phillips and John L. Stanton, “Age-Related Differences in Advertising: Recall and Persuasion,”
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 13, no. 1 (2004): 7–20

elements, the demonstration of the product results, the principal male character in the

advertisement, the time until the product or commodity is shown in the advertisement and the

child, infant, animated or animal component in the communication. The persuasion process

involved in matured customers is also different as compared to that of the younger customers.

Some of the critical elements that have a major influence on this process include the

convenience in use or application of the product, the product results that are demonstrated in

the advertisement, brand differentiation, indirect comparison and the actor playing the role of

an ordinary person in the advertisement. Apart from this, a number of elements and factors

have been identified in the study that has a negative impact on the persuasion process of the

matured customers. These factors include the humorous component in the advertisement,

nutritional or health claims, and the advertisements with a very short time until the product is

shown or demonstrated. In the highly dynamic, unpredictable and competitive business

landscape, marketers need to take into account all these aspects so that their advertising

strategy can effectively work and give them an edge against the industry rivals. Before

designing the advertising strategy, they need to identify the core elements that need to be

integrated in the communication model so that it can serve the intended purpose and

positively influence the recall and persuasion process of the market audience. The age factor

of the existing customers and the potential customers must be given due importance while

designing and implementing the advertising strategy. This is because it can have a major

influence on how an advertisement influences the customers and impacts their buying

intention and ultimate purchasing decision230. Keshari and Jain (2016) have highlighted in

their research study that the age factor and gender factor come into play and have a vital

influence on the appeal of an advertisement231. The advertising strategy is considered to be

Diane M. Phillips and John L. Stanton, “Age-Related Differences in Advertising: Recall and Persuasion,”
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 13, no. 1 (2004): 7–20
Pragya Keshari and Sangeeta Jain, “Effect of Age and Gender on Consumer Response to Advertising
Appeals,” Paradigm 20, no. 1 (2016): 69–82.

one of the most effective and common communication tools used by a business undertaking

to engage with a large group of market audiences. However, the level of effectiveness of the

advertising strategy of a business entity depends on a wider range of factors such as the

presentation style of the advertisement, the attractiveness of the endorsements, the creative

appeal, and many more. These attributes relating to the advertisement play a vital role and

mold its overall effectiveness. But at the same time, it is also necessary to take into

consideration the demographic variables relating to the market audience that molds how they

are affected by the advertisement of a business entity232. Very few researchers lay emphasis

on the demographic factors relating to the market audience and its influence on how

customers perceive the advertisements that they come across. In the research work, the

researchers have thoroughly examined the role of age and gender of the customers and how

these elements impact their response to the advertising appeal and attributes. The findings of

the research study show that there are advertisements relating to specific products that have a

major influence on the female market audience but do not have any kind of impact on the

male market audience. Some of the most typical examples of these kinds of products are

lipsticks, and other cosmetics. Similarly, there are products whose advertisement might seem

to be appealing for male customers in the market setting, but it might not have any influence

on the female market audience. Some of these products are shaving cream and other

grooming products for men. The age of an individual is also regarded to be a vital

demographic variable that influences how he or she is affected by an advertisement. For

example, the advertisements of chocolates and other confectionary items might seem to be

extremely appealing to children, but the elderly market audience might not have the same

kind of enthusiasm towards the advertisement or the underlying message. Similarly, the

advertisements relating to healthy and cholesterol-free food items might be appealing to the

Wu, Ya-Ling, and Eldon Y. Li. "Marketing mix, customer value, and customer loyalty in social commerce." Internet
Research (2018).

elderly and health-conscious market audience, but they might not have the same kind of

impact on children and kids. These examples show that the age factor plays a critical role in

molding the overall effectiveness of the advertising strategy of a business entity 233. According

to the Digital Marketing Clutch Report, the advertising strategy of a business firm has an

influence on the purchasing intention of the customers. Due to the high level of effectiveness

of the advertising strategy, its number has substantially expanded in the last few years. The

findings of the report show that the advertising strategies of business entities influence

around 81 % of millennials whose age ranges between 18 and 34 to make a purchase. On the

other hand, advertisements influence only 57 % of Baby Boomers whose age is 55 years or

older. The income factor is also considered to be a vital element that comes into play in the

purchasing decision of the market audience. Thus, along with the advertising factor, the

disposable income that is available to the market audiences plays an integral role in

influencing their buying intention as well as the purchasing decision.

Hoffman and Scawarz (2021) have stated that when marketers design the advertising strategy

for the matured market audience, they need to make sure that the communication is passed on

in an appropriate and effective manner. As Baby Boomers have a different set of values as

compared to the younger generation, business entities need to respect this difference and

design the advertisement and communication approach. In the research study, the authors

have stated that the market audience over 50 years old prefers the advertisements that focus

on the concept of ‘activity.’ The advertisements that focus on activity are able to arouse

positive perception in the minds of the matured market audience234.

Pragya Keshari and Sangeeta Jain, “Effect of Age and Gender on Consumer Response to Advertising
Appeals,” Paradigm 20, no. 1 (2016): 69–82.
S. Hoffman, S.C. Liebermann and U. Schwarz, “Ads for Mature Consumers: The Importance of Addressing the
Changing Self-View Between the Age Groups 50+ and 60+: Journal of Promotion Management: Vol 18, No 1,”
accessed January 8, 2021,

The advertising strategy that is targeted at the older market audience needs to be designed in

a tactful and strategic manner. This is because it can give rise to a diverse range and issues

and complexities. Generally, it is observed that the advertisements that are targeted towards

the older population group are stereotypical in nature. In other words, these communication

techniques and tactics portray similar kinds of attitudes as well as images. But marketers need

to integrate a number of components in the advertising strategy that can make the

communication more meaningful, useful, relevant, and memorable for them. According to a

survey by Target Group Index (TGI), a large number of people in their fifties consider

advertisements to be a waste of precious time as compared to individuals who are younger

than them. In fact, they have the perception that business entities design their advertising

strategy in order to give rise to superfluous needs, and they are basically annoyed by almost

all the advertisements that they come across via different kinds of communication mediums.

They have the perception that advertisements of different business entities hardly help them

to decide what they intend to purchase from the market. On the contrary, advertisements

confuse them. In the current times, the matured market audience plays a vital role in the

dynamic business climate. In fact, the purchase decisions that are made by them can have a

direct and significant influence on the market performance and profitability of a business

firm. Thus, while designing the advertising strategic approach; marketers need to take into

consideration the age factor of the target market audience 235. Such an approach can help them

to integrate relevant, memorable and useful messages that will be valuable for the young

target audience as well as the matured target audience in the dynamic market setting.

When social media is used as a communication medium to advertise a product or a service in

the market setting, it has a major impact on the millennials. But the impact on the older or

S. Hoffman, S.C. Liebermann and U. Schwarz, “Ads for Mature Consumers: The Importance of Addressing
the Changing Self-View Between the Age Groups 50+ and 60+: Journal of Promotion Management: Vol 18, No
1,” accessed January 8, 2021,

matured market audience is somewhat restricted in nature. This is due to the fact that they

have a less degree of familiarity with the latest kinds of technologies that are coming into

existence236. According to the paper titled ‘Navigating the new digital divide – Capitalizing

on digital influence in retail’ by Deloitte, the advertisements on different social media

platforms play a pivotal role to affect the consumer behaviour. The change in the behaviour is

mainly observed in the individuals that use the social media platforms and come in contact

with the piece of communication that is directed towards them. Since young people are more

active on a diverse range of social media platforms as compared to their older counterparts,

the advertisement communication shared on the platform has more impact on them. The use

of technology further empowers marketers to analyse the digital behaviour of the online users

and frame the communication so that it can have a favourable impact on their buying habits

and purchasing decisions. With the passage of time, it has been observed that the rapid pace

at which technology is growing is redefining the in-store shopping pattern as well as the

customer buying behaviour. In order to sustain and survive in the evolving market, climate

retailers are investing in digital advertising strategies so that they can communicate and

engage with the digital users, irrespective of the age range to which they belong. In the last

few years, the Deloitte Company conducted a few surveys in order to ascertain how the

customer buying behaviour has evolved and changed. It has been revealed that the

communication and interaction that takes place on the digital platform plays a vital role in the

digitalized era to shape how customers react to the message that a business entity shares with

them. The report has showcased that the advertising strategy that is used on the digital

platform and the digital communication play a key role in influencing the buying behaviour

of the market audience at the digitally-influenced in-store level, mobile-influenced in-store

level, and the sales that take place on e-commerce platforms. This indicates that the
“How Social Media Influences Consumer Buying Decisions - The Business Journals,” accessed January 8,

communication and advertisement that takes place on the digital platform molds the ultimate

purchasing behaviour of the target market audience at different levels237.

The communication that takes place on the digital platform not only empowers business

entities, but also empowers the market audience to a significant degree. This is because they

are in a position to raise their voice and share their opinions and feedback with the marketer.

The integration of technology in the marketing landscape, especially the advertising

activities, has redefined the relationship that exists between marketers and the market

audience. This change in the business setting has had a major impact on businesses operating

across different industries and sectors. The uses of technology in the business landscape have

made it easier for business entities to engage and interact with the diverse market audience

with different demographic attributes. But, at the same time, it has also intensified the level of

competition among business entities in diverse industries and sectors. Business entities are on

their toes at all times. In order to strive in the highly competitive and dynamic market

environment, they are remodelling their strategy so that they can create value for the target

market audience in a better way as compared to their industry rivals. They are also using

innovative and technology-driven communication and advertising strategies so that the

intended message can be shared in the best way possible with the target market audience.

Even though the integration of technology in the advertisement approach has a major

influence on the young market audience, its role and relevance are vital for all the

demographics that make up the market audience. The author has pointed out in his journal

paper that advertising on the digital platform, especially on the social media platforms such

as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and many more, works well with most of the

market segments. As per the Deloitte report that has been mentioned in the above section, the

Palla Reddy and Dr L. Kuladeep Kumar, “A Study on Effectiveness of Social Media Advertising in India,” SSRN
Scholarly Paper (Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network, March 20, 2016),

purchase intention of 47 % of millennials is influenced by social media communication,

whereas the purchase intention of only 19 % of people belonging to other age groups is

influenced by the social media platform. The overall effect of social media in marketing and

advertisement is extremely crucial, which cannot be overlooked by business entities in the

highly dynamic and competitive business climate. According to Reddy and Kumar (2016),

the social networking sites that are available in the current times are rightly considered to be

one of the most useful and effective tools when it comes to promoting a business and its

offerings in the diverse market environment. These networks help to share the intended

business communication with a large group of audience which further influences the sales

turnover and the overall profitability of the entity. The communication tool acts as an

efficient and efficient option that enables business entities to interact and engage with the

market audience on a real-time basis. It creates a transparent and two-way interactive network

that can be used by the business firm as well as the market audience to exchange necessary

information and have dialogues. It has opened up a new interactive pathway for marketers as

they are able to overcome the challenges relating to place, distance, and time. Using these

digital-based communication tools is considered to be highly effective for marketers as they

are in a position to engage with a diverse range of customers with varying demographic

features such as age, gender, education level, income level, race, and religion238.

3.16 Positive and negative impact of advertisements

In the recent times, there has been a huge surge in the rate of advertisements that the market

audience is exposed to. Due to this, serious concerns have come into existence that revolves

around the negative impact of advertisements on the customers 239. According to Pechmann
Palla Reddy and Dr L. Kuladeep Kumar, “A Study on Effectiveness of Social Media Advertising in India,” SSRN
Scholarly Paper (Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network, March 20, 2016),
Cornelia Pechmann and Jesse Catlin, “The Effects of Advertising and Other Marketing Communications on
Health-Related Consumer Behaviors,” Current Opinion in Psychology 10 (August 1, 2016): 44–49,

and Catlin (2016), it is very important to take into account the overall effect of

advertisements and other marketing communications on the health-related customer

purchasing behaviour240. The authors have pointed out in their research work that the

advertisements that individuals come across on different platforms such as television, social

media, and many more could have an adverse impact on the cognition, behaviour, and overall

emotions of the market audience. The high exposure to advertisements could give rise to the

unnecessary urge to make purchases in the market setting even though they might not have an

exact need for the product or service. For example, there are customers who prefer to buy

new gadgets and electronic products as soon as they are launched in the market setting. They

involve in such a behaviour even though they might not have the necessity to make the

specific purchase. When such behaviour goes out of hand, it could give rise to impulsive

buying behaviour, which is not a healthy sign. Pechmann and Catlin (2016) have stressed on

the fact that the business entities and marketers that operate in the prevailing business

landscape need to tailor their communication and advertising strategy so that the customers

can be discouraged from indulging in unhealthy buying behaviour in the market setting,

which is the result of the explore to adverting 241. A broad range of research studies has been

carried out that highlight the fact that advertisements of business entities can have a positive

as well as a negative impact on the market audience. For instance, Sindhya (2013) has stated

that the advertisements of businesses have a major impact on the customer preference as well

as their level of loyalty towards a particular brand. But at the same time, it is also necessary

to take into account the negative and positive impact of advertising on the society and the

customers due to such kinds of communication strategies by business firms. One of the chief

negative elements relating to advertising that has been identified by the researcher is the

Cornelia Pechmann and Jesse Catlin, “The Effects of Advertising and Other Marketing Communications on
Health-Related Consumer Behaviors,” Current Opinion in Psychology 10 (August 1, 2016): 44–49,

objectification of women in the communication approach 242. When it comes to smartphone

advertising, the market audience of the current times focuses on the product features,

attributes, price and other factors. Thus there is limited possibility of getting swayed by

inappropriate and irrelevant elements in the advertisement of a smartphone business entity.

The author has highlighted that in the prevailing business landscape, a majority of the

marketers are making use of assorted techniques for persuading the intended market

audience. These techniques and approaches have been gaining a lot of attention in the current

times. This is because they primarily emphasize on the benefits and advantages that the

customers are likely to get by using the product or service of the business entity. Thus there is

a restricted level of focus on the actual product or service that is being offered to them by the

business in the vast market setting. According to the author, advertisements are gaining a lot

of criticism in the prevailing times. This is primarily because of the fact that business entities

are using such communication approaches for the purpose of haling the market audience to

buy the things that do not make up their actual and real want. It has further been stated that

advertisements by business entities are designed with business concerns in such a manner that

they play with the very emotions of the market audience, and furthermore, they encourage the

people to think that purchasing and depleting are the common activities of life 243. In the

market setting, it is very common to see that people change their smartphones very

frequently, almost on an annual basis. Such behaviour could be associated with how

marketers mold their communication and advertising model to encourage frequent buying of

smartphones. The author has pointed out in the study that when the intention of a business

entity is to raise the level of awareness of the target market audience, the advertising

approach can be considered to have a positive impact on the intended audience. But when the

Sindhya V, “A Study on the Influence and Impact of Advertising to Consumer Purchase Motive among
Student Teachers,” IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME) 2, no. 4 (2013): 01–05,

business entities operating in the competitive market landscape try to manipulate their

advertising and communication strategic approach to influence the intended market audience

to make an unfair purchase, it gives rise to a negative impact in the market setting. Thus

according to the author, the advertisement component that is used by marketers in the market

landscape is like a coin that can give rise to positive as well as negative impact on the market

audience. Thus it must be used in a strategic and tactful manner so that the business entities

are able to reach the intended objective in a professional and responsible manner 244. Haider

and Shakib (2018) have stated in their research work that advertisements that the customers

come across in the market setting have an impact on them at different levels. The research

team has conducted a holistic study by mainly focusing on the real-time influence of

familiarity, entertainment, advertisement spending, and social imaging in the advertisements

on the consumer purchasing behaviour. In this research, the studies pointed out that there are

a number of instances when the impact of advertisement can be negative and undesired. Due

to advertisements, some of the customers feel pressurized to look a certain way or behave a

certain way. It shows that advertisements could give rise to intangible rules that people might

be forced to follow even though they are not interested to do so 245. For instance, some

members of the public might feel compelled to make purchase decisions simply so that they

can belong to a specific group. For example, the smartphone from the Apple Inc. brand is

associated with luxury and class and they are generally purchased by premium customers.

Individuals belonging to the upper class of the social ladder might be forced to purchase an

Apple Inc. product in spite of the fact that they might not be comfortable with the technical

features and attributes. In this research, the studies have pointed out that in order to have a

positive impact on the target market audience, the business entities need to devise the right
Cornelia Pechmann and Jesse Catlin, “The Effects of Advertising and Other Marketing Communications on
Health-Related Consumer Behaviors,” Current Opinion in Psychology 10 (August 1, 2016): 44–49,
Tashrifa Haider and Shadman Shakib, “A Study On The Influences of Advertisement On Consumer Buying Behavior,”
Business Studies Journal, April 26, 2018,

kind of communication model that can succeed to motivate in motivating the target market

audience to buy a product or service when they come across its advertisement. In order to

restrict the negative impact of advertisements on the customers, marketers need to identify

the component that has the least role to play in the advertising approach 246. Some of the most

common negative effects that are associated with advertising include misinformation, the

creation of unrealistic expectations and the establishment of a false image in the dynamic

market setting. The issue relating to misrepresentation arises in the advertising domain as

advertisers try to showcase their offering in the best possible light. They do not stress on any

negative attributes or features which might keep the customers in the dark while making the

purchasing decision. Similarly, as advertisements of business entities invade all the possible

spheres, it is highly likely that they can ultimately create a fake and false image in the minds

of the target audience in the market setting. Thus the creation of the false image could

misguide the public when they are making a purchasing decision relating to a product or a

service. Advertisements that are designed by the business entities with the intention to

persuade the target audience to make purchase decisions might give rise to unrealistic

expectations regarding the usefulness and the effectiveness of the offering that is being made

by them. These are some of the chief negative elements associated with the advertisement

that marketers need to take into consideration while designing their advertising and

communication strategic model. According to the author, advertising has a vital impact on the

customer values and attitudes. Advertisers need to understand the difference that exists

between sharing of information and deception so that the advertisements can create value for

business undertakings as well as the intended target market audience. The author has

highlighted that when it comes to the young marker audience, i.e., children, the negative

impact of advertisement could be higher. This is due to the fact that they are more vulnerable

as well as gullible in nature as compared to the older and matured counterparts who exist in
Haider and Shakib, “A Study On The Influences of Advertisement On Consumer Buying Behavior.”

the market setting. The author has highlighted in his work that communication is one of the

most integral tools that can be used by business undertaking to their advantage in order to

gain a competitive advantage over their peers and rivals in the industrial setting. In order to

use it in an optimum manner, marketers need to limit the negative impact of advertisements

and increase the positive impact as much as possible.

As the overall numbers of advertisements have substantially increased in the past few years,

there has also been an increase in the focus on the negative and positive impact of

advertisements. Majeed (2011) has pointed out in his research study that when the market

audience is too much exposed to the advertisements of specific brands, it could lead to a

negative response. In this research, the data highlights the fact that in order to accomplish the

goals and objectives of businesses, researchers need to devise a smart communication and

advertisement strategy. But while designing the advertisement model, it is very important for

marketers to keep in mind its overall impact in the dynamic market setting. As per the

researchers, the initial exposure to advertisements of a brand increases the level of curiosity

in the minds of the intended target market audience 247. A total of three exposures to

advertisements have been considered to be enough to persuade the existing customer and the

potential customers in the dynamic market setting. But if the exposure to the advertisement of

a brand increases more, it can have a negative impact on the customers, especially the

perception that they have about the brand and its offering. Many research studies have been

carried out that showcase that the repeated and frequent exposure to advertisements of brands

could have a major impact on the customers’ buying behaviour and purchasing decision-

making process248. In this research, the study shows that when there is a high level of

Professor, Asst, Sohail Majeed, Sohail Majeed, Sana Razzak, and Asst Professor. The Impact of Television Advertisement
Repetition, Celebrity Endorsement and Perceived Quality on Consumer Purchase Decision, 2011.

Asst Professor et al., The Impact of Television Advertisement Repetition, Celebrity Endorsement and
Perceived Quality on Consumer Purchase Decision, 2011.

repetition of advertisements of unfamiliar business brands, it gives rise to negative thoughts

and ideas in the minds of the target market audience. Usman (2019) has argued in his

research study that the constant exposure to the advertisement of particular brands could

mold the very attitude and perception of the target market audience towards a brand as well

as its offering249. Thus the business entities operating the smartphone business landscape need

to be very cautious about the frequency of their advertisement at which the brand engages

with the intended target market audience. In this research, the researcher has rightly identified

that advertisement is an indispensable strategic tool that is used by marketers in order to have

a sustainable existence in the competitive and dynamic business landscape. But, at the same

time, the level at which advertisements are telecasted on different platforms needs to be kept

under check so that they do not have an adverse impact on the perception of the target market

audience about the business entity and its offering. Negative perceptions relating to a brand

and its product or service could have a detrimental impact on a business entity. In fact, it

could also threaten the very survival of the brand in the dynamic and competitive business

landscape. When the members of the public are exposed to the unfathomable depths of

advertisements of different brands, it might confuse them and negatively affect their

perception of the products or services that are available in the market setting250.

Nguyen and Khuong (2015) have stated that marketers need to focus on various elements so

that the negative elements relating to advertising can be curtailed in the best way possible. In

this research, the authors have argued in their piece of research study that to gain higher

purchase intention of customers, marketers, as well as advertisers, as well as advertisers, need

to give attention to the repetition of the advertisement on television and other communication

platforms, concentrate on establishing trust in the minds of the customers to positively

Mohammed Usman, “Does Constant Advertising Change Consumer Attitude?” 13, no. 4 (2019): 11.
Mohammed Usman, “Does Constant Advertising Change Consumer Attitude?,” Journal of Business and Retail
Management Research 13, no. 4 (2019).

influence their perception of the brand and create a meaningful advertising message that is

genuine. As per the research study, trust plays a key role and molds the purchasing intention

and buying behaviour of the customers when they come across an advertisement. Thus, while

designing the advertising component, marketers need to try and make sure that the trust of the

market audience is not affected in any manner. The breaking of trust in a specific brand could

have an adverse impact on the customer perception of the business entity and its offerings. It

could also have an adverse impact on the brand's reputation and goodwill251. Studies that

have been conducted on the advertising aspect of marketing indicate that it can give rise to

both favourable as well as unfavourable outcomes. Thus, it is the core responsibility of a

business irrespective of the industry in which it functions to formulate the advertising

strategy in a tactful manner so that it can have a positive impact on the business and it can be

considered to be valuable for the target market audience. According to Gierl and Praxmarer

(2009), advertising can be understood in a simpler manner by focusing on the positive and

negative associations that the recipients have when they come across the advertisement of a

brand. This understanding can also help to get a detailed insight into the overall impact of the

advertising function. Business entities need to try to devise positive–framed advertisements

so that they can be of relevance for the business entities as well as the intended audience in

the market setting252. The findings of the research study indicate that if the advertisements of

different business entities are easy and simple to process by the target market audience, the

effect of the customer’s association mainly depends on their level of favourableness.

Furthermore, the researchers have shed light on the fact that the positive association with an

advertisement gives rise to a positive impact on the brand attitude. On the other hand, the

negative association with an advertisement gives rise to a negative impact on the brand

Mai Ngoc Khuong and Truong Duc Nguyen, “The Effects of Television Commercials on Customers Purchase
Intention – A Study of Milk Industry in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam,” Journal of Economics 3, no. 9 (2015): 7.
Sandra Praxmarer and Heribert Gierl, “The Effects of Positive and Negative Ad‐evoked Associations on Brand
Attitude,” Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 21, no. 4 (January 1, 2009): 507–20,

attitude. In the practical setting, business entities and marketers need to construct their

advertisements and underlying features in such a manner so that these communication

elements can evoke favourable memories and thus enhance the overall effectiveness of the

advertisements. In the competitive business landscape, advertisements play an indispensable

role, and thus they need to be designed to give rise to positive impact and positive association

for customers253.

3.17 Advertisements of smartphones

In the technology-driven times, the popularity of smartphones has surged to a tremendous

extent. Marketers that operate in the smartphone industry need to understand what kind of

content and message they need to share with the market audience so that they can be

persuaded to make a decision that can favour the brand. Various business entities operating in

the industrial setting have adopted different advertising and promotional techniques so that

they can engage with the target market audience. For example, Apple has ensured that its

iPhone advertisements shed light on the beauty of the electronic product, and the form and

functionality of the electronic gadget. The global brand has always believed in creating

simple and impactful advertisements that help the customers to easily identify the brand and

its market offerings. The communication is designed so that it can create a sense of desire in

the customers, and they will be motivated to purchase the brand offerings. It is considered to

be the heart of the advertising of the brand as it motivates the existing customers of the brand

and the potential customers of the brand to make purchasing decisions that are in its favour.

On the other hand, the advertisements of the Blackberry brand have always attempted to

position the brand’s smartphone that can cater to the needs of individuals as well as business

entities. The brand has always tried to establish lifestyle associations and shed light on the

Sandra Praxmarer and Heribert Gierl, “The Effects of Positive and Negative Ad‐evoked Associations on Brand
Attitude,” Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 21, no. 4 (January 1, 2009): 507–20,

distinctive functional aspects of the smartphones. When the smartphone brand was

considered to be among the top players in the industrial setting, it made sure that its

advertisements communicated about the touch screen functionality of the electronic gadget 254.

The Sony Ericsson brand mainly lays emphasis on the functional aspects of the smartphone in

its advertisements. Thus, it is known to communicate about the diverse range of features and

attributes, which helps it to target different needs of the target market audience. For example,

thanks to the advertisements of the brand, it is able to communicate with the potential market

audience and the existing market audience about the gaming and video phone, the high spec

camera phone, and the tiny yet mighty Xperia phone. The HTC brand, on the other hand,

adopts the product-focused communication strategy while designing its advertisements. But

the brand has made sure to transform its advertising and communication strategy into a

brand-focused strategic approach. Initially, the ads of HTC primarily focused on the role that

the handset would plan in a user’s life. But later, the brand has been laying emphasis on the

fact that the well-established iconic brand offers amazing phones at a low and affordable

price point255.

In spite of the fact that different smartphone companies adopt different advertising strategies,

they try to make the most of the opportunity to interact and engage with the target market

audience. In the digitalized times, most of the companies try to use the online platform to

their advantage so that they can have effortless and barrier-free communication with the

intended market audience. The real-life examples that have been highlighted indicate that in

the dynamic and attractive smartphone industry, advertisement is used as a vital strategic tool

that can help business entities to have an edge over their rivals in the market setting.

“Smartphone Advertising: Form, Functionality and Brand,” accessed January 8, 2021,
“Smartphone Advertising: Form, Functionality and Brand,” accessed January 8, 2021,

According to Zafar and Khan (2014), the cellular and smartphone industry has seen an

exponential growth in the past few decades. This has intensified the level of competition

between the businesses that operate in the industry. Various mobile phone brands adopt a

diverse range of advertising and communication strategies in order to attract the target market

audience. Their intention is to persuade them to purchase new models of smartphones and

establish a long-term association with them by gaining their trust and loyalty. The authors

have stated in their research work that the advertisements are designed with the intention to

highlight the advantages that people can enjoy by using these electronic devices. According

to the authors, the advertisements relating to mobile phones are quite effective among the

young generation. In fact, advertising has been identified as one of the chief factors that

comes into play and leads to the increase in demand for smartphones and mobile phones by

the young market audience256. The advertising and communication strategic approach that is

adopted by the business players in the industry is considered to be the catalyst that increases

the popularity and demand of smartphones to a dramatic extent. In order to have a major

impact on the market audience, the smartphone manufacturers are including mobile and

designing integrated cross-media campaigns so that the communication approach can

effectively reach the consumers of the current times257.

According to Altstiel and Grow (2018), the concept of the advertisement has changed a lot in

the past few years. In the current times, business entities have started realizing how the

advertising and communication strategy that they adopt can come into play and influence

their performance in the market setting. Today smartphones have become an integral part of

the life of most of the people. In fact, many of them feel handicapped if they do not have the

communication device with them. While understanding the relevance and significance of

SMART PHONE INDUSTRY” 3, no. 1 (2014): 6.
SMART PHONE INDUSTRY” 3, no. 1 (2014): 6.

smartphones, it is hard to ignore the role of their advertisements. This is because marketers

use the advertisement strategic tool to drive the need of the potential and existing market

audience towards smartphones258. Advertisement is used as the chief communication tool that

enables business entities operating in the smartphone industry and other industries as well to

shed light on what a business entity has in store for the intended target market audience. The

role of technology has further increased the power and impact of the advertising function in

the dynamic business landscape. It basically allows business firms to overcome the barriers

that arise while using the traditional advertising and communication model, such as time

difference, place or location difference, and high costs. The diverse range of research studies

that have been carried out over the years shed light on the significance of the advertising and

communication strategy for a business firm. Its relevance further gets intensified in the

market settings where the level of competition is high among the participating business


According to Chandola and Fu (2017), advertisement is used as a vital element by Chinese

smartphone marketers to penetrate into the Indian market setting. The advertisements that are

designed by the smartphone manufacturers play a critical role in enabling customer

acceptance of a new offering in the market setting. This communication ensures that the

potential or existing customers are able to develop a sense of connection with a smartphone

brand. In the research work, the authors have stated that the advertising component of the

marketing mix plays a vital role in building a relationship between a smartphone business

entity and the target market audience. In the highly competitive business landscape, designing

the right kind of advertising strategy can make or break a business concern. The integration

of technology into the advertising function has made it possible for business undertakings to

Tom Altstiel, Jean Grow, and Marcel Jennings, Advertising Creative: Strategy, Copy, and Design (SAGE
Publications, 2018).
Tom Altstiel, Jean Grow, and Marcel Jennings, Advertising Creative: Strategy, Copy, and Design (SAGE
Publications, 2018).

target the customers not just at the domestic or regional level but also at the global level.

Business entities are relying on market communication to establish themselves in new market

contexts and get familiar with the new audience in the market environment. The advertising

and communication strategy of a business entity plays a pivotal role in influencing how a

brand is perceived by existing customers or potential customers. The positive impression of

the customers about a business entity and its market offerings can have a direct influence on

their purchase intention and buying decision. On the contrary, the negative impression of the

customers about a brand and its offerings can also have a direct influence as their purchasing

decision will not be in favour of the business260.

The advertisement strategic approach that is adopted by smartphone brands is of critical

importance. Even though the impact of advertising and communication is important for each

and every business entity irrespective of the industry in which it operates, but in the

smartphone industry, it acts as an indispensable component. This is due to the complexity of

the industry, the high level of competition, and the strong influence of the rapid technological

evolution. The sharing of the inappropriate messages can have a detrimental impact on brand

value and brand image. Since the amount of money, time, and effort that is invested by the

market audience is pretty much more when they make the purchase decision relating to a

smartphone, they give a high level of importance to smartphone advertising as well as the

underlying message that is being shared by a smartphone company. According to Vikas

Agarwal, who serves as the General Manager of OnePlus India, the Indian smartphone

industry has been flourishing extremely rapidly; today, more people are spending money to

buy a smartphone. Due to this, the intensity of competition in the Indian smartphone industry

Vinod Kumar Chandola and Huifen Fu, “Market Penetration Strategy of Smartphone Companies from China
for India Market: A Multiple-Case Study,” International Journal of Business Marketing and Management 2, no.
4 (2017): 10–16.

is extremely severe in nature261. The advertising and promotion strategy that is adopted by the

business participants operating in the industrial setting plays a crucial role for smartphone

business enterprises. The marketers operating in the industrial backdrop are on their toes at

all times due to the intensely competitive environment. They try to adopt different strategic

approaches so that they can have an edge against their market rivals in the dynamic market

environment262. The advertisement component plays a chef role when it comes to brand

building and marketing in the industrial backdrop. In the recent times, in order to gain an

edge in the market setting against their rivals, a number of Chinese smartphone

manufacturers such as Vivo, Xiaomi, OnePlus, and Oppo have been investing in their

marketing as well as advertising functions. In the current times when the coronavirus

pandemic has reshaped the landscape of the smartphone industry, business entities are

redesigning their advertising and communication strategic approach. Since the pandemic has

adversely affected many industries, including the smartphone industry, the players in the

specific industrial setting have slashed their investments in advertising and marketing. This is

because due to lockdown, customers have shown little interest in purchasing a smartphone in

the market.

4. Research Questions / Research Gap

The comprehensive research process has been carried out so that a diverse range of questions

that revolve around advertising can be addressed.

1. What is the impact of advertisement on buying behaviour of customers from different

age groups in Ranchi?

Vinod Kumar Chandola and Huifen Fu, “Market Penetration Strategy of Smartphone Companies from China
for India Market: A Multiple-Case Study,” International Journal of Business Marketing and Management 2, no.
4 (2017): 10–16.

“Smartphone Advertising: Form, Functionality and Brand,” accessed January 8, 2021,

2. How do advertising mechanisms influence customers from various age groups in


3. How the buying behaviours of the customers from different age groups affect the

turnover of smartphone products in Ranchi?

One of the key highlights of the research study is that the entire scope of the research

revolves around Ranchi city in India. Such a narrow scope has been taken into consideration

so that each of the research questions relating to the impact of advertisement, customer

buying behaviour on the basis of age range, and the sales turnover of smartphone marketers

can be explored as well as understood in an integrated and holistic manner.

In order to address the three primary research questions that have been highlighted in the

section, both primary as well as secondary sources of data have been collected and critically

analysed so that suitable and accurate outcomes could be derived from them at the end of the

research study.

5. Research Methodology

While working on any research topic, the research methodology plays a pivotal role as it

molds the research outcome as well as the recommendations that are designed in the final

stage. Similarly, in the marketing research study that has been carried out here, the

methodology plays an integral role as it helps to explore and analyse the research topic.

Research Methodology can be defined as the scientific process as well as technique that is

utilized for the purpose of identifying, selecting, processing, and analysing information

relating to a specific topic of concern 263. This section is not only beneficial for the research

team, but it is also valuable for the audience or readers as they are able to critically evaluate

the overall reliability as well as the validity of the research study.

Primary Data Source". 2020. Encyclopedia Of Research Design. Accessed June 10. doi:10.4135/9781412961288.n333

A systematic path has been deployed in the study. Each and every important aspect that

relates to the advertising of smartphones and their impact on customers from diverse age

groups in the Ranchi region has been comprehensively evaluated and investigated. Since the

concept of advertising has undergone dynamic and revolutionary changes over the past few

decades, a comprehensive research methodology has been employed that integrates both the

primary sources of data as well as the secondary sources of data. Such a holistic research

methodology has played a vital role in uncovering the research topic and addressing each of

the research questions with great detail as well as clarity.

The second-hand data sources that have been a critical element of the research study were

collected from academic textbooks, former research studies, journal papers, newspaper

articles, annual reports of business organizations, and many more. These pieces of

information have played a vital role in strengthening the conceptual as well as the theoretical

aspect of the research topic264. In fact, these details have shed light on how advertisement has

changed over the years and how marketers of the 21st century have been employing their

advertising strategy as a vital strategic tool to influence their sales turnover and their overall

performance in the competitive and dynamic market setting.

Apart from the secondary data, the primary sources of data have also played an important role

in the research study. This is because this first-hand data has been captured in the practical

market setting in Ranchi. Even though the secondary data has helped to understand

advertising and its impact on the customers in a conceptual manner, the data from the primary

sources has helped to understand how advertisement impacts the customer behaviour of

people belonging to different age groups in Ranchi when it comes to purchasing of

smartphones. Thus the overall value of the research methodology of the study has further

Martins, José, Catarina Costa, Tiago Oliveira, Ramiro Gonçalves, and Frederico Branco. 2019. "How Smartphone
Advertising Influences Consumers' Purchase Intention". Journal Of Business Research 94: 378-387.

magnified as both primary and secondary data have been used and thoroughly analyzed for

the purpose of addressing the key research questions.

5.1 Research tool - Research Questionnaire

One of the key aspects of the research has been the effective and accurate collection of first-

hand data for the purpose of the research study. A diverse range of techniques can be

employed for the purpose of collecting primary data for a research study, such as field

observation, interviews, experiments, survey questionnaires, and many more265. Each of these

techniques has its specific set of advantages as well as disadvantages that research teams need

to take into account while selecting the ideal research tool for the primary data collection

process. In this particular research study, the survey questionnaire has been used as the

primary research tool so that the research topic could be critically explored, evaluated and the

research questions could be addressed in an accurate manner.

A questionnaire is known to be one of the most common forms of tools that is used in a

research study for the purpose of collecting or gathering first-hand data that will be used for

further analysis. In layman’s language, a questionnaire fundamentally refers to a set of

written questions. On the other hand, a survey questionnaire refers to a set of questions along

with the process of gathering, aggregating, and evaluating the responses that have been

received relating to the specific set of questions. In this particular quantitative research study,

the survey questionnaire has been selected as the apt research tool. According to Satya,

questionnaires are very frequently used by research teams when it comes to quantitative

marketing research studies. The main reason for the popularity of the research tool is that it

"Primary Data Source". 2020. Encyclopedia Of Research Design. Accessed June 10. doi:10.4135/9781412961288.n333.

helps in collecting a diverse range of information from a large number of individuals who are

often known as respondents266.

For this particular research study that revolves around advertising and how it influences

customers and their buying behaviour in Ranchi, a survey questionnaire has been used. This

is because it has helped to get an in-depth insight into various aspects relating to customer

buying behaviour and their ultimate buying decision. Some of the main advantages of

employing the research tool in the research process include the simple and effective nature.

As the objective of the research study was to collect the information from as many people as

possible, the online survey questionnaire was used. It basically eliminated the physical barrier

and helped to reach out to as many people as possible on the soil of Ranchi so that the impact

of advertisement could be explored in a critical and thorough manner. Various popular social

media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter were used for the purpose of distributing the

survey questionnaires pertaining to the research study. This technique was selected so that the

relevant data relating to the research study could be gathered from a diverse group of

audiences within a short period of time267.

The research questions that were asked in the survey questionnaire revolved around the topic

‘Impact of advertisement on consumer's buying behaviours for the smartphone among

various age groups - A case study of Ranchi’. Some of the key research questions that were

designed to address the research question included how frequently do people come across

smartphone advertisements, how the advertisements play a role to influence their purchasing

decisions in the market, the most captivating feature relating to smartphone advertisements,

the key advertisement element that influences the smartphone product that they ultimately

Fitzpatrick, R. 1991. "Surveys Of Patient Satisfaction: II--Designing A Questionnaire And Conducting A Survey.". BMJ 302
(6785): 1129-1132. doi:10.1136/bmj.302.6785.1129
“How Social Media Influences Consumer Buying Decisions - The Business Journals,” accessed January 8,

choose in the market setting. As the scope of the research study is restricted to the Ranchi city

of India only, the survey questionnaire would only be available on the social media platforms

of the people belonging to the specific region. Such a measure has been taken so that the

research would help arrive at the accurate and reliable outcome relevant to the specific Indian


5.2 Sampling

In the research context, the term sampling can be defined as a group of objects, people, or

items that have been taken from a bigger population for the purpose of measurements. While

working on a research study, the research team needs to put in the necessary effort to make

sure that the specific sample that has been selected is a representative of the population. Such

a measure must be taken in order to ensure that the research findings can be generalised from

the research sample to the entire population 268. For example, in a specific research study, the

sampling technique that is employed would play a vital role. This is because it would help by

extending the research findings relating to the impact of advertising of smartphones on

customer behaviour in Ranchi to the overall market audience that exists in the vast market


Some of the most common types of sampling techniques that are employed by researchers

while carting out a research study, include simple random sampling technique, systematic

sampling technique, judgement sampling technique, snowball sampling technique, and many

more. Each of these sampling techniques has its unique set of advantages as well as

disadvantages that can influence the research process and the research outcome in unique

ways. In the marketing research study, the simple random sampling technique has been

deployed. In such a sampling method, each and every individual is selected entirely by

Fitzpatrick, R. 1991. "Surveys Of Patient Satisfaction: II--Designing A Questionnaire And Conducting A Survey.". BMJ 302
(6785): 1129-1132. doi:10.1136/bmj.302.6785.1129

chance, and thus every member of the entire population has an equal chance of getting

selected. In other words, there is the same probability for each of the members of the

population to get chosen in the research study. One of the primary reasons for the selection of

the particular sampling technique is that it eliminates the chances of any kind of bias or

prejudice that could exist in the research process and adversely impacts the research findings

and outcome269. In order to conduct such a sampling technique in the research process, a

multiple of 5 was used. Thus, out of the entire lot of responses that were gathered which

came to around 60, a total of 30 responded research questionnaires were selected by using the

sampling technique. The sampling process was an integral part of the research study as the

specific set of data that was collected was analysed in an in-depth and critical manner so as to

arrive at the research findings on the Impact of advertisement on consumer's buying

behaviours for the smartphone among various age groups - A case study of Ranchi.

5.3 Sample size

The total sample size on which the data analysis process was carried out came to 30. This

number of sample was selected from the entire set of research questionnaires that had been

answered by the research participants. A decent number of samples were selected for the data

analysis process so that an integrated insight could be captured relating to how advertisement

impacts the customer buying behaviour in the Indian city when it comes to smartphones. In

addition to this, a huge sample was selected in the research study as the same sample was

further categorized and divided into different groups on the basis of various categories such

as age, income, and class270. The sub-classification of the sample was done to get better

clarity on how advertisement impacts customers with different attributes. For example, the

"Methods Of Sampling From A Population". 2020. Health Knowledge.
“How Social Media Influences Consumer Buying Decisions - The Business Journals,” accessed January 8,

age range category was further divided into 12 to 18 years, 19 to 35 years, 36 to 50 years and

customers over the age of 50 years. In a similar manner, further three classifications were

done for the income category as well. These categories included the individuals with less than

two lakhs annual income, individuals whose annual income ranges between two lakhs and

five lakhs and the individuals who have more than 5 lakhs annual income. Ultimately, the

sample was also subdivided on the basis of the social class of individuals. The sub-categories

under this head included the working class, the non-working class and the business class. The

sampling process was given high priority throughout the research study as it would help to

get a detailed insight into how advertisement impacts and influences people from different

age groups, social class, and income groups in different manner which ultimately influences

their buying behaviour as well as purchasing decision.

5.4 Primary Research Study

The total of 30 respondents whose data was ultimately selected for the research study for

further analysis belonged to different age groups, income groups, and social class. It was

necessary to make sure that each of the categories that have been made in the research study

would be represented so that the impact of advertisement on individuals in Ranchi city could

be understood in a simple and understandable manner. The sample on which the data analysis

process was carried out has been presented in the tabular form below for better clarity and

understanding. From the table that has been presented below, it can be inferred that each of

the age groups of 19 to 35, 36 to 50, and over 50 had a total of 8 members who had taken part

in the research study. But there were only 6 individuals from the 12 to 18 age bracket who

were a part of the research study. Similarly, a total of 12 individuals each belonged to the

income group ‘between 2 lakhs and 5 lakhs’ and ‘more than 5 lakhs’. But there were only 6

individuals who had taken part in the research study whose annual income was less than 2

lakhs. Surprisingly, on the basis of the social class of the research respondents, each of the

class groups, namely the working class, the non-working class, and the business class, had a

total of 10 respondents each. When the total number of respondents who had taken part in the

research study were categorized on the basis of students and non-students, it was determined

that out of the total 30 number, 10 of them were students and the remaining 20 were not

students. Such a classification was done as it would be relevant as well as useful to

understand the data analysis process and research findings in a simpler manner.

Table 1: Socio-economic Status of the Respondents.

Basis Sample size

12 to 18 6

19 to 35 8
Age Total 30
36 to 50 8

50 onwards 8

less than 2 lakhs 6

between 2 lakhs and 5

Income Total 30
lakhs 12

more than 5 lakhs 12

Working Class 10

Class Business class 10 Total 30

Non-working class 10

Students 10
Students Total 30
Non-students 20

The details pertaining to the sample size that was used for the purpose of analysis in the

research process have also been presented in the form of the graph in the below section.

Throughout the research methodology, including the data analysis process, the information

has been presented in the form of charts and graphs for a simpler understanding of the

research topic and the associated research findings.

Figure 1: Graphical representation of socio-economic status of respondents.

5.5 Primary Research Analysis

The data analysis process that has been carried out in the research study to explore and

determine the impact of advertisement on consumer's buying behaviours for the smartphone

among various age groups in Ranchi has played a vital role too. Both the secondary as well as

the primary data pertaining to the research process have played an integral role in

understanding the exact role of advertising strategy and how it has the power to mold the

customers and their overall buying behaviour in the dynamic market environment. The

secondary data that has been referred to in the research study has been mainly captured and

highlighted in the literature review section.

This section of the data analysis process primarily sheds light on the primary data that has

been collected or captured in the practical market context in the Ranchi city of India by using

the online survey research questionnaire. Various important questions had been asked to the

respondents to get an insight into how the advertising of different kinds of smartphones

influences them as customers. The response that was given by them has been critically

analyzed, evaluated and resented in the form of graphs to get an in-depth insight into the

research area. Each of the questions that had been asked in the online survey questionnaire

has been covered in the data analysis section so that a comprehensive insight into the research

topic will be possible.

Overall Influence of Advertising on the purchasing decisions of the customers

The initial question that was asked in the online survey questionnaire was designed in a

general manner. The fundamental objective of designing such a question was to comprehend

how customers in the Ranchi city feel about advertisements in general. Out of the total 30

respondents who had taken part in the research study, a majority of them had the view that

advertisements have a positive impact on them. In the comment section, most of the research

respondents had stated that advertising that they come across, whether it is online or offline,

helps them to be aware of new offerings of a business or brand. Furthermore, some of the

respondents believed that it acts as a critical form of communication that enables them to

understand how a brand is working so that they can meet the needs as well as expectations of

the customers. The graphical representation shows their response in a simpler manner.

Figure 2: Impact of Advertisement on Respondents.

The questions that were asked to the research respondents had a section known as

‘comments’ which was designed to capture a detailed insight of the individuals on the

research topic. The input that was given by the respondents was very useful as well as

insightful. This is because many of the participants of the research study stated that

advertisements that they come across on television, newspapers, or while surfing the internet

help them to be aware of a brand and the offerings that it is designing for the target market

audience. Furthermore, they even believed that advertisement acted as a vital form of

communication and engagement that allows them to form an intimate association with a

business undertaking as well as the offerings that it makes for the target market audience .

Most of the individuals who had taken part in the research study, irrespective of the

difference in their age, their income level, and the social status that they belonged to, believed

that advertisements have a positive impact on them and their overall purchase decision that

they make. But the individuals who had responded that advertisements had a negative impact

on them, belonged to the low-income and middle-income groups.

Deepa Ingavale, “Impact of Advertisements on Purchase Decision of Youth with Reference to Consumer
Goods,” Advances in Management 6 (September 20, 2013): 36–40.

The secondary data that has been collected while working on the research topic has also

helped to get a detailed insight into how the advertising component comes into the picture

and influences the purchasing decisions of the customers. Aulia and Varshney (2017) have

stated in their research study that in the highly dynamic market landscape, advertising plays a

major role in promoting the offerings that are made by a business entity for the intended

market audience. The advertisements that the customers see, hear or engage in, act as the

ultimate reminder for them about the association and connectivity with a brand or business 272.

The advertising and promotional strategy that is designed by a business entity play a chief

role in molding the perception that customers have towards a particular brand as well as the

offerings that it presents in the market setting. In this research, the data shows a number of

elements that increase the overall effectiveness of the advertising strategy of a business

entity. Some of these elements are the ad attractiveness, the ad recall, the ad persuasiveness

and the attitude of the customers towards the advertisement of a brand. These elements

influence the effectiveness of an advertisement strategy which further has a vital impact on

the ultimate purchase intention of the market audience. The research team has further pointed

out that in case a business entity fails to have a positive and favourable impact on the

customer’s brand preference; all the resources that have been used like money, effort, and

time on the advertising strategy, go in vain. Some of the chief factors that have been

identified by the research team that influence the purchase of durable goods by the customers

are the advertising strategy of the business entity, the reputation and goodwill of the business

and the price factor273. Ingavale (2013) has highlighted in her research study that the

effectiveness of the advertising strategy of a business entity can further increase if celebrities

Dr Amandeep, Seema Varshney, and Syed Aulia, “The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Purchase Decision
with Reference to Consumer Durable Goods in Oman,” International Journal of Managerial Studies and
Research 5, no. 12 (2017): 11–19.
Dr Amandeep, Seema Varshney, and Syed Aulia, “The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Purchase Decision
with Reference to Consumer Durable Goods in Oman,” International Journal of Managerial Studies and
Research 5, no. 12 (2017): 11–19.

form a part of the advertisements. Their presence basically creates a simple and easy

remembrance for the market audience relating to the specific brand as well as its offerings.

The researcher has further stated in the research study that the role of advertisements is of

paramount importance in the highly competitive market landscape as it aids customers to

make conscious decisions relating to product and brand decisions 274. In the current times

when a large number of business entities exist in the market setting, an effective advertising

strategy of a business can help it to create a top-of-the-mind awareness for a brand and its

offerings in the market climate. The content that is communicated with the market audience

plays a vital role in informing, persuading, and reminding the existing customers as well as

the potential customers towards making a buying decision 275. Thus, in the highly

unpredictable and competitive business environment, the advertising element can have a

major impact on the customers and the decisions that they make while purchasing something

in the market environment.

5.6 Key factors that influence the product which customers choose in the market

The next question that was asked to the respondents was inclined towards smartphones. The

question was related to the chief factors that influence the product or offering that customers

choose in the market setting. Most of the respondents (11 numbers), which made up to 37 %,

believed that the offering must be worth spending money on. In fact, it was the most vital

factor that the market audience in Ranchi who had taken part in the research study gave high

priority to. Apart from this, many respondents also gave high priority to the attractive look

and finish of a smartphone. They believed that a stylish and trendy smartphone helped them

show off, giving them a high level of attention while making a smartphone purchase decision.

Deepa Ingavale, “Impact of Advertisements on Purchase Decision of Youth with Reference to Consumer
Goods,” Advances in Management 6 (September 20, 2013): 36–40.
Deepa Ingavale, “Impact of Advertisements on Purchase Decision of Youth with Reference to Consumer
Goods,” Advances in Management 6 (September 20, 2013): 36–40.

A decent amount of research respondents also gave priority to the price factor while deciding

to purchase a smartphone in the market setting. When the analysis was made by taking into

account the income factor, it was observed that the people belonging to the high-income

group did not give much importance to the price factor276. On the other hand, the individuals

belonging to the middle-income group and students gave high priority to the price of the

smartphone when they were making the purchase decision. The chart that has been

highlighted below shows the analysis of the primary data in a simpler and understandable


Figure 3: Factors influencing customer’s product choice.

The research question that was asked to the respondents was very important as it gave an in-

depth insight into key components that the market audience in the Ranchi city takes into

consideration while deciding to purchase a smartphone in the market setting. Thus it is

important for a marketer to take into account how the market audience perceives

advertisement and how exactly it comes into play and influences their buying decision when

it comes to an electronic gadget such as a smartphone. The categorization of the respondents

Dr A Ananda Kumar, “Factors Influencing Customers Buying Behavior,” 2016, 6.

who have taken part in the research study has played a vital role as it has helped to

understand how individuals belonging to different age-range, having different levels of

income, and coming from different social groups react and respond to advertisements of

smartphone marketers 277. The decision to make the purchase of a smartphone is considered to

be quite important for the people of Ranchi city, so they take into consideration specific

aspects that are highlighted in advertisements such as the design that refines the beauty, the

cost, etc. All these elements play a major role and influence the ultimate smartphone that they

purchase for themselves or their family members. The literature review that has been

presented in the research study also sheds light on how advertisement and its different

components play an integral role to mold the purchasing behaviour and the ultimate

purchasing decision of a potential consumer in the dynamic and uncertain market setting. The

evidence from both the primary research as well as the secondary research has played a vital

role in understanding this research question in a simpler and easier manner. It has shed light

on what consumers focus upon while coming across an advertisement which can ultimately

influence their purchasing decision to buy a smartphone.

The responses that were given by the research participants helped to get a better

understanding of the other factors that come into play when it is about advertisements of

smartphones. Some of these factors include the brand ambassadors used by a smartphone

company, and the engagement factor of the advertisement. According to the people who had

taken part in the research study, when a popular celebrity or film actor or actress endorses a

specific smartphone, they are influenced to purchase the particular smartphone model. Such

responses were mainly given by the young lot of respondents who had taken part in the

research study as well as the students. The people belonging to the age bracket of over 50

years old were indifferent towards which celebrity or actor endorsed a brand. They were

Ramya N. and Dr Ali, “Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behavior,” September 13, 2016.

more concerned with the functional aspects of a smartphone as compared to these factors.

Thus the research helps to understand that advertisements of smartphones can have different

impacts on people belonging to different age groups. While young individuals might get

influenced by factors such as the beauty of a product that has been showcased in the

advertisement and the celebrity who is endorsing the specific smartphone, individuals

belonging to the elder group are more concerned with the technicalities and functionalities

that are highlighted in a smartphone advertisement. Thus it is very important for marketers to

take into consideration the perspectives of varying customer segments while designing their

advertisement for a smartphone278.

Irrespective of the location to which a customer belongs, a number of factors and drivers

come into play that influence the ultimate offering, i.e., product or service that is selected by

a customer in the market setting. Over the years, many research studies have been carried out

to identify the key elements that come into play and influence the purchasing intention and

buying decision of the customers. According to Ali (2016), a number of factors,

characteristics, and specificities come into play and have an influence on an individual when

he or she is purchasing something in the market setting. Various factors have been identified

in the research study, such as the cultural background of an individual, his subculture, social

class, the family background, personality traits, psychological factors, and many more. The

role of the advertising strategy of a business also plays an integral role to mold the product

that is selected by a customer in the market setting. The advertising strategy of a business

entity plays a pivotal role as the message helps the customers to realize that a business has

something to offer to them that is in line with their needs and demands 279. Kumar has pointed

out that price is one of the chief elements that customers take into consideration while

choosing a product in the market setting. Some of the other factors that have been identified
Ramya N. and Dr Ali, “Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behavior,” September 13, 2016.
Ramya N. and Dr Ali, “Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behavior,” September 13, 2016.

by the author in the journal paper include the brand image, how much the customers trust a

particular brand, visual merchandising, and many more 280. According to Kumar (2016), while

smartphone users make their purchasing decision on the market setting, a number of elements

are taken into consideration by them before choosing the product that they intend to buy. The

physical attributes of the smartphone are considered to be one of the key underlying factors

that smartphone users take into consideration while selecting a product in the market. These

attributes make up the look as well as the functional aspects of the communication device.

Rahim and Safin have highlighted in their research study that the social influence, product

features, and brand name are the three distinctive factors that come into play and influence

the decisions of customers while choosing a smartphone in the market setting. The study

primarily focuses on young customers who are university students. They give high priority to

the brand name while purchasing a smartphone. This shows that they are highly brand

conscious in nature281. Sethi (2017) has pointed out in his work that the information that is

available to the market audience while or before purchasing a smartphone plays an integral

role in shaping the decision that is made by him. The information that he is able to collect

either via the communication strategy of the business or through any other communication

medium plays a key role in influencing the decision relating to the product that is selected by


5.7 Impact of advertisement on buying behaviours of customers from different age


The next question that has been asked to the participants of the survey focuses on the impact

of advertisement on them. But while framing the question, a high degree of focus has been

Dr A Ananda Kumar, “Factors Influencing Customers Buying Behavior,” 2016, 6.
Rahim et al., “Factors Influencing Purchasing Intention of Smartphone among University Students.”
Harshleen Kaur Sethi and Barclays Shared Services Pvt. Ltd., “Consumer Buying Behavior of Smart Phones *,”
International Journal of Engineering Research And V6, no. 06 (June 21, 2017): IJERTV6IS060374,

given to the age factor of the research respondents. This is because the age plays a key role

and molds the perspective of an individual and how he is influenced while taking a decision

in the market setting. The graphical representation that has been highlighted below shows that

the advertisement relating to smartphones impacts and influences people from different age

groups in a different manner. This further plays a key role in influencing the decision that

they take while making a purchasing decision in the dynamic market setting. On the basis of

the response that was given by the participants of the research study, advertisements of

smartphones have the most impact on the individuals who belong to the age bracket of 19 to

35 years old. Similarly, the individuals who belong to the age group of 36 to 50 years old are

also influenced by the advertisements that they come across from different smartphone

marketers. The comments that had been provided by the research participants indicated that

the high level of technical knowledge and the need to use innovative electronic gadgets were

some of the main reasons why they gave high priority to advertisements before making the

decision to purchase a smartphone for themselves or their family members. The analysis of

the primary data also indicated that advertisements also have a certain degree of influence on

the individuals who belong to the 12 to 18 years old age bracket. The response that has been

provided in the comment section indicated that the early exposure to technology and

innovation played a vital role and aroused their interest in the latest electronic gadgets such as

smartphones. In fact, these young individuals considered advertisements as a vital source of

information which helped them to choose an ideal kind of smartphone that they could

purchase and use 283

. Advertisements have the least impact on individuals who are over 50

years old. This revelation was made by the primary data that was captured from the research

respondents. One of the research participants has specified that since the generation was not

very familiar and acquainted with different kinds of technology that were integrated into the

Rahim et al., “Factors Influencing Purchasing Intention of Smartphone among University Students.”

latest smartphones, the advertisements that they came across in different kinds of media did

not have a major impact on their buying behaviour and the ultimate purchasing decision.

Furthermore, the response also indicated that the older generation was not very concerned

about the mobile phone or smartphone that they used as long as their basic needs relating to

calling and texting were met. Thus the various elements that were highlighted in

advertisements of smartphones relating to new and improved features, high technicality and

functionality and improved design had no bearing on the decision that they made while

purchasing a smartphone in the market setting. The detailed analysis has been represented in

the diagrammatic format below for a better understanding of the response that was given by

the research participants in the Ranchi city of India.

Table 2: Age group of Respondents

The literature review that has been referred to in the study also shows that advertisement

techniques that are deployed by marketers are specifically designed, keeping in mind various

attributes as well as characteristics of the market audience. One of the most vital elements

that marketers take into consideration while designing and presenting their advertisement

strategy and advertising in the market setting is the age factor of the audience they are


A diverse range of research studies has been carried out that throw light on how

advertisement impacts individuals belonging to different age groups. Kumar (2016) has

pointed out in his research study that age is one of the most vital demographic attributes that

come into play and influences the overall impact on the market audience. According to the

researcher, the mature customers in the market setting are less likely to retain the information

that has been shared by a marketer in the advertisement 284. On the other hand, young

customers in the market setting are able to retain a higher volume of information that has

been shared by a business entity via its advertising strategic approach. But in the study, the

team of researchers also found out that it is easier for business entities to use their advertising

tools to persuade the mature market audience to take a particular purchasing decision.

On the other hand, it is quite challenging for businesses to use their advertising strategy to

persuade the young market audience to take the decision in favour of the brand and its

offerings285. The authors stated that the effect of advertisements on children and adolescents

is high, which cannot be ignored in the prevailing market landscape. In fact, marketers are

investing huge sums of money to target the young market audience so that they can influence

the purchasing decision of the family by getting influenced by advertisements. The

psychological development in children come into play and influences how they react to

advertisements of different products and commodities. Advertisements and marketing

activities that children and young adolescents are exposed to basically help them to get

informed about the available products and offerings that they can choose from while making

a purchase decision. In addition to this, the advertising strategy of business entities also helps

Dr A Ananda Kumar, “Factors Influencing Customers Buying Behavior,” 2016, 6.
Phillips and Stanton, “Age-Related Differences in Advertising.”

these individuals to carve out distinctive identities as they reach the adulthood stage 286. Goot

(2016) has stated in his book that marketers also need to consider how their advertising and

promotional strategy impact the older customers in the market setting. This is because older

adults make up a large as well as a lucrative market in the dynamic business landscape. The

manner in which they get affected by advertisements in the market climate can have a major

impact on how they react and make their purchasing decisions. The author has pointed out in

his work that the advertisements that appeal to them at an emotional level and are aligned

with their individual emotional goal have a major impact on them. Thus such advertisements

have a vital impact on the buying behaviours of the customers belonging to the older age

group287. Sood (2015) has stated in his research work that youngsters and teens are considered

to be a highly valuable customer segment for business entities, and the business entities

across a number of industries try to focus on them while sharing their message in the market

setting. Advertisements play a major role and convert teenagers into early adopters of

something new that has been introduced in the market setting. As this section of the market

audience is aware of the latest technological developments and advancements, they come

across numerous advertisements on a diverse range of communication mediums. Thus the

advertising message has a major role to play to mold the purchasing decision that is made by

them288. Thus advertisements play an integral role in the highly dynamic and competitive

market landscape. But the ultimate kind of effect and influence that the advertising strategy

has is molded by the age factor of the market audience.

“The Effect of Advertising on Children and Adolescents | American Academy of Pediatrics,” accessed January
8, 2021,
Margot J. van der Goot, Eva A. van Reijmersdal, and Mariska Kleemans, “The Effects of Emotional Television
Advertising on Older and Younger Adults,” in Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. VI), ed. Peeter Verlegh,
Hilde Voorveld, and Martin Eisend (Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016), 115–24,
Barve G Sood A, “Effects of Advertising on Youth (Age Group of 13-19 Years Age),” Journal of Mass
Communication & Journalism 05, no. 05 (2015),

5.7.1 Determination of how advertising mechanisms influence customers from various

age groups

The advertising approaches and techniques that are employed by the smartphone marketers in

Ranchi work at varying levels, and they have different impacts on consumers and how they

perceive such a form of communication. The next question that was asked to the respondents

mainly intended to get an insight into how they feel marketers try to interact and engage with

them. A majority of the respondents (12 number) had the view that the advertisements

pertaining to smartphones are designed specifically with the intention to persuade the

potential customers so that they will purchase the smartphone that they are offering in the

market setting. These respondents even believed that many business undertakings that were

offering smartphones were also doing a fairly good job and succeeding to persuade the target

market audience in the Indian city to purchase their offering instead of that of their

competitors in the market setting. 27 % of the respondents (8 number) had the opinion that

the advertisements were designed with the intention to reassure the market audience about

how their innovative offering could fulfil the unfulfilled needs of the existing customers as

well as the potential customers in the vast market setting. The comments that were made by

the research participants indicated that one of the key factors for the high reassurance element

in the advertising of smartphones is the intense level of competition that smartphone

companies face in the current times. 23 % of the respondents (7 numbers) stated that

advertisements had an impact on them as they played a key role in simplifying their overall

shopping experience while purchasing a smartphone. The further elaboration that had been

made by the research participants indicated that as they were able to get a detailed insight into

the technical improvements as well as design aspects, they were certain about what

smartphone model they wanted to purchase before making the buying decision. Out of all the

research participants, only 10 % (3 numbers) had the opinion that advertisements of

smartphones played a key role in moderating the prices of the innovative offering. The low

response towards this aspect indicates that smartphone advertisement plays a restricted role

when it comes to moderating the prices of the latest models in the market setting.

The secondary sources used while working on the research study have also shed light on how

the advertising mechanisms adopted by business entities in the market setting influence the

customers from varying age groups. For instance, Sood (2015) have highlighted in their

research study that age plays a critical role in molding how a business entity's advertising

strategy influences the market audience289. Furthermore, this demographic variable also

comes into play in order to impact the kind of effect that it has on the customers in the market

setting. In the study, the authors have pointed out that the age of a person can influence how

well the advertising strategy of a business entity is able to persuade him or her to take a

particular buying decision. It has been ascertained in the study that it is more challenging for

a business entity to persuade the younger market audience as compared to their matured

counterparts in the market.

Similarly, the age of the customers also comes into play and influences whether a marketer is

able to reassure them or not290. The kind of information and content that is shared by a

business entity in its advertisement plays a key role in affecting the shopping experience of

the customers, either in a positive way or a negative way. According to Abayi and Khoshtinat

(2016), the advertisements that customers come across in the market setting play a cardinal

role to gradually mold their buying behavior and the decisions that they take while

purchasing something in the diverse market setting 291. Thus, the information relating to the

research question that has been collected from the primary sources as well as the secondary
Barve G Sood A, “Effects of Advertising on Youth (Age Group of 13-19 Years Age),” Journal of Mass
Communication & Journalism 05, no. 05 (2015),
Phillips and Stanton, “Age-Related Differences in Advertising.”
Mahsa Abayi and Behnaz Khoshtinat, “Study of the Impact of Advertising on Online Shopping Tendency for
Airline Tickets by Considering Motivational Factors and Emotional Factors,” Procedia Economics and Finance
36, no. 1 (2016): 532–539.

sources are aligned in nature. The advertisement strategy that is used as a vital

communication tool for a business entity plays a key role by influencing the customers in

diverse ways. The age factor plays a key role in shaping the kind of impact that

advertisements have on the market audience and customers.

Figure 4: Influence of Advertising mechanisms.

5.7.2 Impact of buying behaviors on the turnover of smartphone products

The next research questionnaire that was put forward to the research respondents was related

to how the buying behaviour that the customers exhibit impacts the sales turnover of

smartphone products in the market setting. A majority of the respondents stated that positive

buying behaviour that is exhibited by customers in the market has a favourable impact on the

sales turnover of smartphone products. It implies that when the customers make decisions

relating to buying a commodity or using it, such a decision is in the favour of the business.

Thus, it naturally has a positive impact on it. When the customers showcase positive behavior

towards a brand, they give it preference over its competitors in the industry. Such behavior

positively influences its sales turnover, which leads to better performance in the competitive

market setting. In the research study that was undertaken in Ranchi, 29 of the 30 participants

had the opinion that positive buying behaviour increases the sales turnover of smartphone

products. No research participant gave the opinion that the positive buying behaviour does

not increase the sales turnover of smartphone products. Only 1 research respondent believed

that the buying behaviour of the customers does not impact the turnover of smartphone

products in the market setting.

The secondary sources that have been referred to in the research study have also revealed that

the buying behaviour that is exhibited by the market audience plays a vital role for marketers.

Marketers need to get a detailed insight into the buying behaviour of the customers and the

underlying drivers that influence such behaviour. This is because it influences the things that

they purchase in the market setting 292. The customer buying behaviour concept is much more

than merely the approach that is used by the market audience while buying a product or a

commodity in the market landscape. The behaviour captures a number of latent elements such

as what, when, why, how much, and how often. The customer buying behaviour

fundamentally involves the entire process in which individuals or groups choose, utilize, and

dispose of services, products, and ideas so that their needs can be fulfilled. The reaction that

is exhibited by a customer in the market setting can give rise to serious implications for a

business that operates in it293. For example, if the customers opt for a Samsung smartphone

over the smartphone of the OnePlus brand, the decision acts in favour of the former business,

i.e., the Samsung brand. Due to the buying behaviour of the customers, the sales of the

Samsung get boosted as customers choose its products and offerings over its market

competitor, OnePlus.

Mahsa Abayi and Behnaz Khoshtinat, “Study of the Impact of Advertising on Online Shopping Tendency for
Airline Tickets by Considering Motivational Factors and Emotional Factors,” Procedia Economics and Finance
36, no. 1 (2016): 532–539.
Mahsa Abayi and Behnaz Khoshtinat, “Study of the Impact of Advertising on Online Shopping Tendency for
Airline Tickets by Considering Motivational Factors and Emotional Factors,” Procedia Economics and Finance
36, no. 1 (2016): 532–539.

Thus, in the highly dynamic and competitive market setting, consumer behaviour plays an

indispensable role in business entities. Markets need to approach the consumer buying

process as a learning process to get a detailed insight into how people buy, what they buy,

why they buy, etc. Since the buying behaviour of the market audience has a direct and

significant implication on the performance, especially the sales turnover, a holistic

understanding of the concept is necessary. The graphical representation that has been

highlighted below sheds slightly into the response given by the research respondents in the

Ranchi setting. A majority of them have the view that positive consumer buying behaviour

has a positive and favourable impact on the sales turnover of smartphone products in the

Ranchi market setting.

Figure 5: Impact of turnover of smartphone products.

5.7.3 Power of advertising and its impact on the sales turnover of a product

The next research question that was asked to the participants of the study was related to the

power of advertising tool and the role that it plays in the market settings to influence the sales

turnover of any product. A majority of the respondents who had taken part in the study that

made up to 73 % (22 numbers), had the view that the advertising strategy of a business entity

has a positive influence on its overall sales turnover and market performance. On the other

hand, 23 % (7 numbers) of the respondents had the opinion that the advertising strategy that

is used by business entities has a negative influence on the sales turnover. Only 1 respondent

stated that advertising does not have any impact on the sales turnover. The research question

also had an open-ended aspect to it so that the participants of the study could share and

present their justification regarding the topic that was being asked about. The explanation that

was shared by some of the participants sheds light on the fact that a majority of them believed

that the advertising strategy of a business is a powerful tool. This is because it helps to

strengthen the connection as well as the attachment between a marketer and the market

audience. Many of them stated that the overall effectiveness of the communication strategy

depends on the quality of the message that is being shared by the business and how much it is

considered to be valuable for the target market audience. For instance, in case a business

entity is not able to shed light on the unique technical features and functional aspects that its

new smartphone has, the customers might not be able to understand how it is different and

how it can create value for them. Thus, such an advertising or promotional approach might

not positively influence the sales turnover of the business entity. Some of the respondents

who had stated that the advertising strategy could have a negative impact on the sales

turnover have also justified their opinion. The main theme that was identified in their

explanation was related to the fact that advertisements could be ineffective in nature if the

right kind of message is not shared by business entities. The graphical representation sheds

light on the response while collecting the primary data in Ranchi city relating to advertising

strategy and sales turnover.

Figure 6: Impact of advertising strategy on turnover of a product.

The secondary data that has been collected pertaining to the research topic also sheds light on

the importance of advertising strategy in the prevailing business setting 294. According to

Mahsa and Behnaz (2016), there is a vital association between advertising and sales and the

profitability of a business entity. The marketing expenses that are incurred by a business firm

can play a major role in influencing its sales turnover that further has a significant impact on

the firm’s profitability and market performance. In this research, the studies have pointed out

that one of the main features of an effective advertising strategy is that the communication

must help the target market audience understand the information and message being shared

with them by the business entity. Thus, the transmission of the intended message needs to be

simple as well as effective in nature. These elements can make sure that the advertising

strategy has a positive influence on the sales turnover of a business entity. In case the

message that is being shared via the advertising strategy of a business entity fails to articulate

the necessary information in a clear and understandable manner, the entire purpose of the

Mahsa Abayi and Behnaz Khoshtinat, “Study of the Impact of Advertising on Online Shopping Tendency for
Airline Tickets by Considering Motivational Factors and Emotional Factors,” Procedia Economics and Finance
36, no. 1 (2016): 532–539.

advertisement fails. Furthermore, the power of the advertisement strategy might be

ineffective as it might not have a constructive impact on the sales turnover and the market

performance of the business. Thus, the details that have been captured in the research work

help to get a better insight into the justification that has been shared by some of the research

respondents while collecting the primary data295.

5.7.4 Determining the relationship between advertising, buying behavior, and sales

turnover of business concerns

The next research question that had been asked to the respondents who had taken part in the

study was related to the association among a diverse range of components, namely the

advertising strategy of the business, the buying behavior of the customers, and the sales

turnover of the business. The purpose of asking the question was to get a detailed insight into

the perspective of the market audience in Ranchi about how advertising impacts their

behaviour which influences the sakes of a business. 20 participants who made up to 66.67 %,

believed that these three variables have a positive association with each other. But 3

respondents making up exactly 10 %, stated that there exists a negative relationship between

these variables. Ultimately, 7 research respondents believed that there does not exist any

relationship between advertising, buying behaviour, and the sales turnover of a business. This

question was very important for the research study as it would help to find the

interconnectedness between vital marketing variables, which finally has an impact on the

market performance of smartphone companies in India, more specifically in Ranchi. In the

research question, an open-ended question was included so that the participants could justify

their responses. Most of the participants who had stated that they believe there exists a

positive relationship among these variables mentioned that when they come across the

Agbeja, O.Johnson Adelakun, and Akinyemi Daramola, “Analysis of the Effect of Advertising on Sales and
Profitability of Company,” International Journal of Management and Network Economics 2 (March 29, 2019):

advertisement of a smartphone, their brand awareness increases. The valuable information is

captured and highlighted in the advertisement, such as the product features, functional

aspects, pricing details, and other specifications that play a key role in influencing their

buying behaviour in the market setting.

Further, they added that when they showcase positive buying behaviour towards a

smartphone brand and purchase its offering, it naturally increases its sales turnover 296. The

respondents who stated that there exists a negative relationship between these variables

mainly stressed on the fact that a diverse range of factors come into play and not just the

advertising factor that influences the buying behaviour and the sales turnover of a business

entity. Some of the main factors that had been highlighted by them that diminish the

relationship between these three variables include the cultural background of a customer, his

income level, the influence of the family and social circle, loyalty towards other smartphone

brands, etc. Thus according to their justification, a customer does not merely take into

account the advertising strategy to make a buying decision. It is one of the factors that might

come into play in the buying behaviour process, but there exist other vital factors as well that

mold his or her purchase intention and buying behaviour. The respondents who had stated

that there does not exist any relationship between these variables shared similar kinds of

views. They further added that the market audience might take into account various factors

which ultimately frame their buying behaviour 297. Some of these factors are their lifestyle,

personality, economic situation, occupation, etc. For example, even if a person from a

middle-class background is highly impressed with the advertisement of the Apple iPhone, it

might be really difficult for him to buy it due to the high-cost factor. Similarly, even if an

Mahsa Abayi and Behnaz Khoshtinat, “Study of the Impact of Advertising on Online Shopping Tendency for
Airline Tickets by Considering Motivational Factors and Emotional Factors,” Procedia Economics and Finance
36, no. 1 (2016): 532–539.
Mahsa Abayi and Behnaz Khoshtinat, “Study of the Impact of Advertising on Online Shopping Tendency for
Airline Tickets by Considering Motivational Factors and Emotional Factors,” Procedia Economics and Finance
36, no. 1 (2016): 532–539.

iPhone user is influenced by the advertisement of a Samsung smartphone, he might not be

convinced of the new brand because of his loyalty towards the Apple Inc. brand. Thus, the

respondents stated that in the marketing environment, even if the advertising strategy of a

business plays a key role, it might not be successful to mold the customer behaviour in favour

of a specific smartphone brand which could ultimately influence its sales turnover in the

dynamic market setting.

Table 3: Relation between Advertising, Buying Behaviour and Pricing.

While analysing the primary data relating to the specific research question, a diverse range of

secondary sources have also been used to explore the topic. The role of advertising strategy is

highly cardinal in the business context as it can influence the customer buying behaviour in

many ways. For instance, it can influence existing customers as well as the potential

customers in the market setting by attracting their attention, increasing their level of interest,

and ultimately creating the desire to purchase the offering in the market setting. Thus, once

the customers make the purchase decision and go ahead with it, the sales turnover of the

specific business entity automatically increases. Thus, according to the research study, there

exists a positive association between the variables, namely the advertising strategy of a

business entity, the buying behavior of the market audience, and the sales turnover of the

business298. According to Fatima and Lodhi (2015), for many decades, marketers have been

using the advertising strategy for the purpose of influencing the buying behaviour of the

customers in the market backdrop299. It is one of the key factors that can shape the buying

behaviour and the purchase intention of the target market audience. This is because it has the

ability to create or increase the level of awareness of a brand and mold the perception of the

customers towards the business in a favourable manner. The team of researchers have pointed

out in the research study that the advertising strategy that is used by a business entity can be

used as a powerful and effective tool in the highly competitive business landscape which can

help to raise the consumer awareness300. The awareness relating to a brand and/or its offering

can further come into play and influence a customer to make a purchase decision which can

increase the sales turnover of the particular business undertaking. But in the research study,

the researchers have also pointed out the fact that the content, as well as the ingredients that

make up the advertising strategy of a business, have the ability to mold the perception of the

market audience in a positive or negative manner. Thus, marketers and business entities need

to be extremely cautious while designing their advertising strategic approach so that it can

have a positive and constructive impact on the customer buying behaviour and the sales


5.7.5 Impact of Covid-19 on smartphone buying behaviour

A specific question relating to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic was integrated into the

research questionnaire. The objective was to get a detailed and genuine insight into whether
Samar Fatima and Samreen Lodhi, “Impact of Advertisement on Buying Behaviours of the Consumers: Study
of Cosmetic Industry in Karachi City” 4, no. 10 (n.d.): 13
Samar Fatima and Samreen Lodhi, “Impact of Advertisement on Buying Behaviours of the Consumers: Study
of Cosmetic Industry in Karachi City” 4, no. 10 (n.d.): 13.

the event had any kind of implication on their buying behaviour and purchasing decision-

making process in the market setting or not. The graphical representation given below

highlights the response given by the participants of the research study in Ranchi city.

Table 4: Effect of Covid-19 on buying behaviour

A majority of the participants, i.e., 25 numbers, gave the opinion that the ongoing pandemic

had a major impact on how they made their purchasing decisions relating to smartphones.

Only one out of the total research respondents stated that the impact of the ongoing pandemic

was low while making decisions regarding buying a smartphone. 4 participants of the study

said that the impact of the ongoing pandemic was moderate in nature while making

smartphone purchasing decisions. This question also had an open-ended part so that the

participants could elaborate on how the ongoing occurrence in the social setting impacted and

influenced their buying behaviour. The participants who had stated that the Covid-19

pandemic had a high impact on their smartphone buying behaviour pointed out that

smartphone was a commodity relating to luxury, so they had to cut spending money on such

items and instead tried to spend money on basic essentials. Furthermore, these participants

also stated that the pandemic had brought their professional life to a standstill which had

negatively impacted their earning capacity. The coronavirus pandemic had given rise to

serious financial constraints. The severe lockdown restrictions further made it difficult to

resume their work and further added to the monetary challenges. Thus, the entire pandemic

event had a high level of impact on the people, not just relating to their buying behaviour but

other aspects of life as well. The respondents who stated that the pandemic had a moderate

impact on their smartphone buying behaviour pointed out that they did not face any financial

challenged to make such purchases. But their ability to make the purchase was affected due to

the restrictions that had been imposed by the government. Some of the participants

specifically resented the instance that as the government had only allowed trading of only

essential commodities and services in the market setting, they were not able to purchase

smartphones which impacted their buying behaviour.

The input that has been collected in the primary data has also been supported by the

secondary data that has been collected in the research study. A diverse range of researchers

has conducted studies to comprehend how the ongoing outbreak has affected and impacted

the buying behaviour of the customers in the market setting. Sheth (2021) has pointed out in

his research study that the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic coupled with the lockdown and social

distancing guidelines has led to a major disruption in the consumer habits of purchasing and

shopping. In this research, the authors have pointed out that in order to adapt to the prevailing

market landscape and meet the essential needs in the best way possible, the members of the

market audience are making all kinds of efforts to improvise and learn new buying habits. For

instance, customers are supposed to make sure to follow the new regulations and guidelines

that have been imposed by the government and make their purchasing decisions. As

smartphones are not considered to be essentials, the level of purchase of these market

offerings has been affected due to the changed buying behaviour of the target market

audience. In the current times, the market audience is coping with the evolving market

landscape by adapting to the new regulations revolving around shopping and purchasing 302.

Research work that has been carried out to assess the buying behaviour of the market

audience in the Coronavirus pandemic times has revealed that customers have been making a

shift with regards to their buying behaviour. There are a number of markets that deal in food,

hand sanitizers, etc., where the overall market demand has increased. On the other hand, there

are also other markets such as the tourism and hospitality industry and other industries that

offer luxury items where the level of demand has steeply declined during the ongoing

pandemic. According to Debnath (2020), the novel coronavirus pandemic has also had a

severe impact on the underlying elements that influence the buying behaviour of the market

audience303. The author has pointed out in her research study that the pandemic has impacted

the level of awareness that the customers have towards new offerings that are introduced in

the market setting. As customers have a restricted amount of money to take care of their basic

needs, they have been shifting their attention to essential items, commodities, or services in

the market setting instead of shifting their focus on new offerings. The audience has been

taking cautious measures while making their purchasing decisions, which have also impacted

various businesses across a diverse range of industries and sectors. The data that has been

captured from the diverse range of secondary sources support the primary data that has been

gathered from the respondents belonging to the Ranchi city. The Corona virus pandemic has

not only taken up the form of a major public health issue of the current times, but it has also

had an impact on a broad range of other areas. Businesses, organizations, and individuals

have been impacted by the ongoing crisis situation that has resulted from the Covid-19

pandemic. The business landscape across different industries has undergone a major

makeover because of the ongoing pandemic. The high degree of fluctuation in terms of the

Sheth Jagdish, “Impact of Covid-19 on Consumer Behavior: Will the Old Habits Return or Die?,” accessed
January 8, 2021,
Sucharita Debnath, “Impact of COVID-19 on Consumer Purchase Behaviour in Retail Sector - Study Based in
Kolkata Area,” SSRN Scholarly Paper (Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network, June 24, 2020),

market demand can be attributed to the changing buying behavior of the target audience in

the market setting. The smartphone market has been significantly affected due to the Corona

virus pandemic as there has been a major change in the level of demand which is the result of

changed buying behavior in the market setting.

5.8 Ethical Considerations

Ethics is considered to be a very critical element while working on a research study. Research

ethics fundamentally provide guidelines for carrying out responsible study to arrive at

genuine research findings. Apart from this, it also educates as well as monitors the

researchers working on the study to follow high ethical standards. Some of the key ethical

elements that are given high priority while conducting a research study include honesty,

integrity, objectivity, carefulness, confidentiality, openness, respect for intellectual property,

responsible publication process, responsible mentoring, showing respect to colleagues, social

responsibility, non-discrimination, legality, and the protection of the basic human rights.

Each of these ethical elements plays an integral role throughout the research process and has

a major impact on the quality of the study304. Some of the key recommendations that can help

researchers to steer clear of the ethical dilemma. These ethical recommendations include

discussing intellectual property aspects frankly, being conscious of multiple roles in the

research setting, following the basic rules relating to informed consent of the respondents and

participants of the study, respecting the confidentiality and privacy aspects throughout the

research study, and taking into account the ethical resources to identify their ethical

obligations. These fundamental ethical aspects must be given high priority by researchers

irrespective of the topic and subject that is being explored and investigated by them. The

Amandeep, Varshney, and Aulia, “The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Purchase Decision with Reference
to Consumer Durable Goods in Oman.”

focus on these ethical components can help researchers to conduct an authentic and genuine

research study.

While working on a research study, an honest and sincere approach is necessary at each and

every stage, starting from data collection, to the adoption of methods and procedures, data

analysis, and arriving at results. In this research, the authors need to ensure that no step is

falsified or no data is misrepresented in any manner. Maintaining integrity in the research

process is of paramount importance. This is because it ensures that the promises are kept by

the research team while working on the research topic. Researchers need to strive for

consistency and uniformity so that the research process will not be adversely affected in any

manner. In order to make sure that a research study is carried out in an objective manner, it is

necessary for researchers to see to it that there exists no form of bias or prejudice. In fact,

there should be no bias or prejudice relating to the research design, analysis of data,

interpretation of data, reference of peer review work, and other aspects relating to the

research study. The consequences of a research might be severe for a number of stakeholders.

Thus researchers need to carry out the study in a careful and cautious manner 305. A careful

behaviour while working on the research study can also help to avoid mistakes and errors.

Apart from this, it can also help to avoid any kind of neglectful behaviour in the research

study that could have an adverse impact on the research outcome. Having an open attitude

while working on a research topic can also help to carry out the work in an ethical manner.

The openness towards criticism as well as a useful piece of advice can help to enhance the

research process and thus arrive at an accurate and genuine outcome of the study. In case any

kind of intellectual property is involved in the research process, it is the duty of the

researchers to respect the copyrights and honour the patents. No unpublished data should be

used or published without taking the requisite permission from the suitable individuals.
Amandeep, Varshney, and Aulia, “The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Purchase Decision with Reference
to Consumer Durable Goods in Oman.”

While adopting an ethical approach in the research process, it is necessary to take into

account the responsibility of the researchers towards the research participants and

respondents. The confidentiality and privacy aspects of these individuals must be maintained

throughout the research study. For example, the personal details such as the name,

occupation, age, and other sensitive details of the individuals who have taken part in the

study must be protected at all costs. Similarly, the researchers need to ensure that the data that

has been collected by them for the purpose of analysis, as well as further evaluation, cannot

be accessed by any third-party. No form of discrimination must be there while working on the

research topic on the grounds of gender, race, culture, colour, religion, ethnicity or other

factors. Such a form of prejudiced behaviour needs to be avoided in the research process to

ensure that the study is carried out in a fair and genuine manner306.

While working on the market research relating to the topic ‘Impact of advertisement on

buying behaviors of Smartphone among various age groups’ an ethical and professional

approach was adopted. The objective was to make sure that a sincere and genuine process is

implemented so that the actual impact of the advertising function on the buying behaviour of

people who purchase smartphones in the Ranchi city could be thoroughly analyzed. The

entire research study was carried out in an honest manner as the outcome of the study would

have a significant implication for the organizations that function in the smartphone industry

in India, especially in Ranchi. Each step was carried out very honestly, starting from the

collection of raw data, implementation of methods, use of secondary data sources, to the

analysis of the collected data, their interpretation, and presenting the outcome of the research

study. Similarly, special measures were taken so that there would be no form of bias

behaviour while working on the market research study. Factual details and evidence were

used throughout the research study so that the personal views or opinions would not
Amandeep, Varshney, and Aulia, “The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Purchase Decision with Reference
to Consumer Durable Goods in Oman.”

manipulate the study or its findings in any manner. All the aspects and processes pertaining to

the research study were carried out objectively in order to get a true and genuine picture

relating to the research topic. Another important ethical principle that was given high priority

while working on the research study was carefulness. The anonymity of the participants from

whom the primary data was collected was very strictly maintained. They had been assigned

codes so that no personal details such as name, age, etc., could be linked back to them in any

manner. The collected data, including the secondary data as well as the primary data, was

carefully collected and identified so that accurate and precise conclusions could be drawn

from them. No kind of discrimination was done while working engaging with the participants

of the research study.

Ethics formed an integral aspect of the research study and acted as guidance. According to

Schmidt (2010), it is quite natural for researchers working on marketing research to encounter

ethical issues and dilemmas. It is necessary to address these concerns as they could defeat the

entire purpose of carrying out the research study. Ethical considerations must be given high

priority as they can play a key role to ensure that unethical and unprofessional approach

towards the research study is avoided at all costs 307. As a comprehensive ethical process was

deployed while working on the research topic, the entire study was ethical and genuine in


6 Analysis of Data

The data analysis that has been carried out is a vital component of the research study as the

outcome of the study is based on the analysis and examination. The data analysis process can

be defined as the application of logical and/or statistical techniques for the purpose of

describing, illustrating, condensing and evaluating the collected data. The data analysis

“Ethics in Marketing Research - Schmidt - 2010 - Major Reference Works - Wiley Online Library,” accessed
January 8, 2021,

process is indispensable while working on a research study. In fact, the study cannot be

complete unless and until the collected data has been analysed to draw some kind of relevant

meaning from it. In the research study on the topic ‘Impact of advertisement on buying

behaviours of Smartphone among various age groups’ both the primary as well as the

secondary data have been thoroughly investigated and analysed. The purpose of such a

process is to understand the exact role that the advertising strategy of a smartphone company

plays to influence the purchasing intention and buying behaviour of the customers in the

Ranchi city. Further, the analysis of the collected data in the research study has also shed

light on how the age of the existing customers as well as the potential customers comes into

play to mold the impact of smartphone advertisements.

While working on the primary data that was collected from the residents of Ranchi city, a

number of themes have been identified in the study. For instance, the data that was collected

from the research respondents indicated that advertisements of smartphones help them to get

an insight into the new features that the marketer has to offer to them. Since technology is

evolving at a very rapid pace, the companies that offer smartphones are using these elements

to offer something new and valuable to the market audience. The advertisements that are

designed by the marketers play a major role and help the audience to be better aware of the

offerings and other features of the smartphone308. Similarly, the secondary data that has been

collected while working on the research study has also shed light on the vital role that

advertisement plays to connect marketers with the customers in the diverse market landscape.

This communication platform helps them to interact and engage with one another, which

further influences their association and the customer behaviour and purchasing decision-

making process. The research study has also highlighted that the effectiveness of an

advertisement strategy mainly depends on the quality of the content as well as the

Ingavale, “Impact of Advertisements on Purchase Decision of Youth with Reference to Consumer Goods.”

information that is shared by a smartphone marketer. In other words, the information that the

existing customers or the potential customers come across needs to be of some value for them

so that the advertising strategy can have a positive impact on their perception of the brand

and the overall buying behaviour that they exhibit towards the smartphone brand and its


Another important theme that has been identified in the study relates to the age factor of the

market audience. The role and overall effectiveness of the advertising strategy of a

smartphone business entity has a vital link with the age of the audience. Even though

marketers and business entities do not have any kind of control over this macro factor, they

need to carefully design the advertising communication so that it can be relevant for the

market audience and it can influence their buying intention and their purchasing behaviour in

favour of the specific smartphone business entity. The connection that exists between the

advertising and promotional strategy of a smartphone business and the customers plays a

cardinal role as it can influence the sales performance of a business. In the highly competitive

business setting of the 21st century, the advertising strategy talks up the role of vital strategic

communication tool for a business as it can mold its market performance as well as sales

turnover. The primary data that has been captured while working in the research study has

shed light on how the advertising strategy of a smartphone business entity has the ability to

persuade, reassure or simplify the shopping experience of the market audience. The

secondary data that has been collected has also highlighted the fact that advertisements play a

multidisciplinary role in the prevailing market setting and can have a major impact on how

the business performs and interacts with the existing customers as well as the potential

customers in the market setting. The themes and patterns that have been captured from the

collected data have been used to understand the power and scope of advertising strategy for

Ingavale, “Impact of Advertisements on Purchase Decision of Youth with Reference to Consumer Goods.”

smartphone companies. Further, the analysis that has been carried out has played a vital role

in addressing the research questions in a simple and comprehensible manner. The core

themes that have been found in the study have been elaborated in detail. As the entire

research topic is very vast and it plays a very important role in the existing business

landscape, all the details that are of relevance in the study have been taken into consideration

for the purpose of data analysis and evaluation. Both the primary data as well as the

secondary data that had been collected have been thoroughly analysed to arrive at a

comprehensive and holistic inference. The collected data have been used together so that the

second-hand data can complement the primary data and help in the simpler understanding of

the input that has been presented by the respondents of the research study. Various kinds of

associations have been pointed out in this segment of the study so that it will be easier to

understand how advertising has become an indispensable tool for smartphone companies in

the competitive business climate.

6.1 Importance of advertising

The concept of advertising has always played a vital role in the market setting. The secondary

data that has been collected shows that advertising is a key component of the marketing mix

that acts as the backbone of the communication strategy of a business entity, irrespective of

the industry or sector in which it operates. In fact, it acts as one of the most vital elements

that link a business with the target market audience. Many authors and researchers such as

Terkan (2018) have pointed out that the advertising strategy of a business entity primarily

helps it to promote as well as publicize its offerings, including products and/or services 310.

The author has further pointed out in the highly unpredictable and competitive market arena;

marketers try to introduce creative advertisements so that the communication can have a

Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74

greater degree of impact on the intended market audience 311. The kind of product that a

business entity is involved in, plays a vital role to decide the kind of advertising medium that

is chosen for the purpose of engaging with the existing customers as well as the potential

customers in the market setting312. According to the author, different business entities design

and manage their advertising strategies in different ways. The marketing mix component is

considered to be a vital tactical tool that has a key influence on a business and its market

performance. One of the integral elements of the marketing mix tool is the advertising and

communication component. The advertising strategic approach acts as the chief promotional

approach, which helps business entities to shed light on the merits or core attributes of the

offerings. Even though the advertising strategic approach that is adopted by business entities

might vary to a great extent, but their fundamental purpose remains the same, i.e., to

communicate with the target market audience about the core business offerings and how it

creates value for them313. The former research studies that have been carried out in marketing

and advertising shed light on the significance of these elements for business entities. These

elements have played a vital role in the business landscape, but the high intensity of

competitors and the high level of uncertainty have further increased their relevance as well as

value for the marketers.

The response collected from the participants of the study in the Ranchi city has shown that

the details and information shared by a business in the advertisement play a key role and help

them get a detailed insight into what the brand has in store for them. The respondents have

pointed out that some of the key elements that influence them in the market setting are the

price factor of a smartphone, the value that they can derive from the market offering, and the

Remziye Terkan, “Importance of Creative Advertising and Marketing According to University Students’
Perspective” 4 (2014): 8.
Remziye Terkan, “Importance of Creative Advertising and Marketing According to University Students’
Perspective” 4 (2014): 8.
“(PDF) MARKETING AND ADVERTISING STRATEGIES,” ResearchGate, accessed January 8, 2021,

attractive look of the product. Most of the marketers shed light on such information in their

advertising and communication strategy so that the customers can be aware of the basic

elements that matter to them and influence their buying intention and purchasing behaviour.

According to Bleier and Eisenbeiss (2015), in the technology-driven business setting,

marketers have the opportunity to use a diverse range of online advertising elements so that

they can tailor their message and advertising strategy as per the persona of the target market

audience314. When it comes to online advertising, marketers create the communication model

so that a sense of trust and bond can be created between the business entity and the intended

target market audience. The authors have highlighted in their research work that marketers

that operate in the prevailing business climate have realized the significance of advertising

strategy, especially the online advertising approach. This is why there has been a steady

growth in the overall level of online advertising.

Lane and Manner (2011) have highlighted in their research work that when it comes to

advertisements and promotional strategy that influence the smartphone ownership by

individuals, their personality plays a key role315. Thus the marketers need to design their

advertising and communication model by aligning it with the target market audience and their

unique and distinctive characteristics. The primary research study that has been carried out

has helped to understand that age is a vital factor that comes into play and has an impact on

how they perceive advertisements. But Lane has highlighted in his study that the personality

is also an equally important element that comes into play and can have a major impact on

smartphone purchase intention and smartphone ownership. For example, the people who have

the ‘extraversion’ trait are highly inclined to care about their social image and status, which

“Bleier: The Importance of Trust for Personalized... - Google Scholar,” accessed January 8, 2021,
Wilburn Lane and Chris Manner, “The Impact of Personality Traits on Smartphone Ownership and Use” 2,
no. 17 (n.d.): 7.

influences the smartphone choices that are made by them. Advertisements play a key role and

help them to choose a product that is in sync with their outgoing personality and their active

social life. Similarly, the individuals who are open to new kinds of experiences opt for the

latest smartphone offerings in the market that come with new features, specifications,

technology, and functionality. The findings of the research study have shed light on the fact

that the personality of smartphone users comes into play and influences the smartphone

choices that they make while making their purchase decision 316. Thus, it can be understood

that even though the advertising strategy of a smartphone business plays a vital role, there

exist other factors as well that have the power to influence the impact of the advertising


Raza and Isa (2019) have stated that when celebrities are involved in the advertising strategy

of smartphone business entities, the overall impact of the tactic changes 317. Many advertisers

believe that when celebrities promote their smartphone brand and play a vital role in the

advertisement, the overall level of impact on the customers, increases to a substantial extent.

This is because it has a positive influence on brand recall as well as brand recognition. A

diverse range of research studies that have been carried out in the past also showed that

celebrity advertisements and endorsements play a cardinal role in influencing how the market

audience perceives a smartphone brand. In addition to this, it can also have a major effect on

their level of awareness relating to smartphone brands and it can help the brand by generating

the interest of customers towards its market offerings. When celebrities are involved in the

advertising or promotion strategy of a smartphone business entity, a diverse range of

variables come into play, such as the level of trust, familiarity, attitude, congruency,

expertise, experience, and other elements. It has been observed that the market audience is

Lane and Manner.
Muhammad Raza, Normalisa Md Isa, and Shamsul Huda Bt Abd Rani, “Effect of Celebrity-Endorsed
Advertisement and Entrepreneurial Marketing on Purchase Behavior of Smartphone Consumers in Pakistan,”
Journal of Management Sciences 6, no. 1 (2019): 15–29.

able to recall the smartphone advertisements where the celebrity endorsing it is attractive,

funny or expressive318. The author has carried out a research study to explore how the

advertising strategy of the Sony smartphone plays a key role in influencing its brand equity.

In the highly competitive business climate, most of the smartphone companies such as

Samsung, Sony, Lenovo, etc., are trying to enhance their overall brand equity in the dynamic

and competitive market setting. In the digitalized era, the tendency of the market audience to

use smartphones has substantially increased. This trend has increased the overall opportunity

for business entities that operate in the smartphone industry. But due to the attractiveness of

the technology-driven industry, the intensity of competition has also intensified like never

before. In order to have an edge over the market rivals, many smartphone companies are

using their advertising strategy as one of the most vital strategic tools. In the research work,

the author has primarily laid emphasis on the Sony brand, which is known to be one of the

most popular smartphone companies in the world. In order to remain an active player in the

competitive business arena, the brand has relied on its advertising and communication

strategic approach. The advertising strategy that is designed by a smartphone company,

whether effective or ineffective, plays a key role in influencing the brand equity and how the

brand is perceived by the target market audience. Thus, smartphone brands have to be extra

cautious while designing their advertising and promotion approach as it can have a lasting

and vital implication on their brand image and their overall performance in the competitive

market setting319. The Authors have pointed out that smartphone business entities have been

facing a number of challenges while advertising and promoting their brands. This is due to

the fact that dramatic changes and modifications have taken place in advertising channels in

the 21st century. In spite of these challenges and hurdles, marketers operating in the

Muhammad Raza, Normalisa Md Isa, and Shamsul Huda Bt Abd Rani, “Effect of Celebrity-Endorsed
Advertisement and Entrepreneurial Marketing on Purchase Behavior of Smartphone Consumers in Pakistan,”
Journal of Management Sciences 6, no. 1 (2019): 15–29.
Ingavale, “Impact of Advertisements on Purchase Decision of Youth with Reference to Consumer Goods.”

smartphone industry are trying to make the most of the advertising landscape so that they can

reach out to the target market audience in different ways and on diverse communication

platforms. In this research, the data shows that some of the key elements that have a

favourable impact on smartphone advertising attitude are context awareness as well as

advertising value. The differentiated and unique advertising strategic approach by business

entities that offer smartphones can play a vital role in giving them a competitive edge in the

market and positively impacting the target market audience. In this research, the studies show

that the overall impact of the advertisements designed by smartphone business entities can

increase if they can provide valuable and useful information for the target market audience.

This aspect of advertising strategy plays an indispensable role as it can help marketers to

effectively grab the attention of the existing smartphone users and the potential smartphone

users towards their market offering. Hence while engaging with the potential and existing

market audience, smartphone marketers need to lay emphasis on the advertising information

that is shared by them. Such an approach can help them to enhance the context-awareness

value, which can further influence the effectiveness of the advertising strategy of the business

entity320. Thus, the secondary data as well as the primary data that has been captured in the

research study showcase that advertisement is considered to be a very important strategic

function for business entities in the market setting, especially the smartphone business

landscape. Marketers consider it to be of cardinal importance as it enables them to

communicate with the target market audience and create a meaningful relationship with them.

On the other hand, the market audience also considers the advertising component of a

smartphone business entity to be important as it helps them to get a detailed insight into the

offerings that are being made by the brand. The response that has been given by the research

participants has helped to identify some of the key information that they consider to be useful

Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74

in an advertisement. For instance, the message that is shared via advertisement of a

smartphone brand helps them to realize whether the product would be valuable for them or

not. In addition to this, the advertisement of the smartphone also helps them to take a closer

look at the attractive features and design of the smartphone. It has also been observed in the

study that the advertising strategy of a smartphone business entity can help to persuade and/or

reassure the target market audience. Apart from this, the advertising strategy of a business

also plays a key role as it can influence the overall shopping experience of the customers

when they purchase a smartphone in the market setting. For instance, the advertising that they

come across on television or other communication medium helps them to identify the exact

features and qualities that they are looking for in a smartphone. Thus, when they come across

these pieces of communication, their experience gets simpler, convenient, and better. Thus,

the research study has revealed that advertising is considered to be important not just for the

marketers that operate in the smartphone industry but is also regarded to be important for the

existing market audience as well as the potential market audience, in the smartphone business


6.2 Diverse impact of advertising strategy on the market audience

In this research, the data captured has shed light on how advertising impacts the market

audience, their buying intention, and ultimate buying behaviour. Both the primary data as

well as the secondary data that have been collected have been thoroughly analyzed to get a

comprehensive insight into the advertising concept 321. The diverse secondary data that has

been used from a wide variety of resources has helped to get a bird’s eye view relating to

advertising and its overall impact on the customers in the market setting. On the other hand,

the primary data that has been collected from the respondents in the Ranchi district has

Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74

helped to get a detailed insight into how the advertising strategic approach that is used by

smartphone businesses molds their buying behaviour and purchasing decision in the vast

market setting.

According to Ahmed (2013), the advertisement that is designed by business entities has an

impact on the market audience at different levels and in a different manner. The author has

pointed out in her research study that the advertisement can shape what the customers think

about the brand image. Some of the key factors that have been identified by Ahmed in her

work include celebrity endorsement in advertising, persuasiveness, and brand image. These

are the vital elements that have the capability to raise the intention of the market audience

towards a specific market offering and influence their ultimate buying behaviour 322. The

advertising strategy in business entities is considered to play a vital role as it takes the central

position that customers use to know about a business entity and its offerings for them 323.

Many research studies have also pointed out that the advertising strategy can have both

positive as well as negative impacts on a business entity. The overall success rate of such a

promotional tactic primarily depends on how effectively a business entity is able to share a

relevant message with the target audience so that it can create value for them. In addition to

this, the advertising strategic approach must be able to assist business entities to forge long-

lasting relationships with the existing customers and potential customers that are based on

trust and mutual understanding. In the intensely competitive market arena, a poor and

ineffective advertising approach could lead to a detrimental impact on a business entity. In

fact, it could also threaten the very existence of a business undertaking in the highly

unpredictable and competitive business landscape. According to a news report, the amount of
Ahmed, Shumaila, and Ayesha Ashfaq. "Impact of Advertising on Consumers’ buying behavior through Persuasiveness, Brand Image,
and Celebrity endorsement." Global Media Journal 6, no. 2 (2013): 149.

“(PDF) Impact of Advertising on Consumers’ Buying Behavior through Persuasiveness, Brand Image, and
Celebrity Endorsement,” ResearchGate, accessed January 8, 2021,'_buying_behav

money that the Samsung brand spends on its marketing and advertising strategic approaches

rarely produce the desired results in terms of sales turnover of the brand. The South Korean

technology giant is known to make a significant amount of investment in its advertising and

publicity activities. The ultimate intention of the business entity is to strengthen its brand

image in the competitive business landscape and have a competitive edge over other players

that operate in the industrial setting.

The diverse range of secondary data that have been captured in the research study sheds light

on a number of practical examples where the advertising strategic approach of a business

entity can have an adverse impact on its core activities and functions. When marketers share

their message in the form of advertisement, it is very important to make sure that the intended

message is sent across in a clear and simple manner324. The poor message delivery could

defeat the entire purpose of the advertising and communication strategy. In addition to this, it

could also have a negative impact on the brand image and reputation in the competitive

market arena. The example relating to the Samsung brand that has been highlighted in the

above section shows that in spite of spending a lot of money on an aggressive advertising

approach, the South Korean tech brand has not been very successful in generating substantial

returns. Ramu and Sabikshaa (2018) have highlighted in their research study that for each and

every brand, including Samsung, advertising strategy acts as a vital promotional tool that can

help in achieving the organizational goals and objectives325. In this research, the work shows

that to ensure that the ultimate advertising needs are fulfilled, business entities must ensure

that the target market audience responds to the shared message in the planned manner. In case

the advertising strategy or the communication message that is shared through advertising

does not have the desired impact on the potential customers or existing customers, the

Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74
P Subikshaa and Murugan Ramu, “A Study on Advertisement Marketing Strategy on Samsung Smart
Phones,” n.d., 8.

performance of the business entity could have a direct impact. According to the authors, the

advertising strategy that the Samsung brand adopts while promoting its smartphones in the

market setting plays a key role in molding the behaviour that is exhibited by the market

audience and customers. The findings of the research study have indicated that many

customers are aware of the Samsung brand and its offerings in the market offerings because

of the advertisements that they come across on television and other communication media.

This indicates that the advertising strategy of the Samsung brand has helped it to strengthen

the brand awareness in the dynamic and competitive market environment 326. Even though the

Samsung business entity has been able to strengthen its overall brand awareness thanks to its

advertising strategy, it has also been heavily criticized due to its poor and ineffective

advertising approach on a few occasions. For example, the Samsung brand came under fire

because of poor and blatant product placement in a number of behind the scene videos while

working on a short-film contest finale. This simple example shows that even though Samsung

is known to be a global brand, it has also taken poor advertising decisions that have not been

aligned with the business strategy and goals. Ramu (2018) has pointed out in his research

work that the advertising strategy of a business entity could have a diverse range of impacts

on the target market audience 327. But the marketer needs to mainly focus on the key elements,

namely inform, remind and persuade. The inform element basically revolves around raising

the level of awareness of the market audience. It can help to establish a competitive

advantage for a business entity in the highly dynamic as well as unpredictable market

landscape. The persuasion element basically relates to generating a moment response so that

the market audience will be influenced to purchase the offerings of the business firm.

Ultimately, the reminding aspect makes sure that the business undertaking is able to take care

of the enthusiasm as well as the interest relating to the offering, which could be a product or a
P Subikshaa and Murugan Ramu, “A Study on Advertisement Marketing Strategy on Samsung Smart
Phones,” n.d., 8.
Ingavale, “Impact of Advertisements on Purchase Decision of Youth with Reference to Consumer Goods.”

service. These are the key elements that the advertising and promotional strategy of a

business undertaking must be able to accomplish so that it can help the firm to reach the

business goals and objectives.

In the smartphone business landscape, there exist a number of business entities that have

failed miserably to create a favourable and impactful advertising strategy which further had

an adverse impact on their overall market performance. One of the smartphone brands is

Blackberry. There was a time when the brand was ruling the mobile business setting. But

very soon, it faded from the market scene. In fact, today, it hardly has a presence in the

market. Many experts have criticized the advertising strategic model of the business entity

because of its lack of cohesiveness and uniformity 328. The marketing, especially the

advertising tactic, has failed to grab the attention of the market audience. In the initial phase,

the business entity had succeeded in building on the overall popularity of its communication

devices. But the brand failed to catch up with other smartphone brands such as Apple Inc. and

Samsung Electronics introduced new touch screen phones, which were highly popular among

the target market audience. The problem that was faced by the Blackberry brand further got

intensified due to its poor advertising strategic approach. For example, in one of the

advertisements of the Blackberry brand, a woman was shown saying that it would be very

difficult to write one thousand emails on a touch screen. But just after two months of the

advertisement release, the Chief Executive Officer of the Blackberry brand, Thorstein Heins,

made the announcement that the first BB10 that would be released in the market setting

would be a touch screen. Such a strategic move by the brand defeated the very purpose of the

previous advertising strategy, where the concept of touch screen was being criticized. This

example shows that the lack of consistency, uniformity, and cohesiveness in the advertising

strategy and the message that is being communicated by a business entity can have an
Strycharz, Joanna, Guda van Noort, Edith Smit, and Natali Helberger. "Consumer view on personalized advertising:
Overview of self-reported benefits and concerns." In Advances in Advertising Research X, pp. 53-66. Springer Gabler,
Wiesbaden, 2019

adverse impact on its brand value as well as goodwill. The case of the Blackberry brand

shows that there was an absence of clarity in the overall brand messaging that was made by

the business entity. The inconsistency in its advertising strategy showed that the brand was

itself not sure about what it believed in and how it wanted to create value for the intended

target market audience. This real-life example sheds light on the fact that poor advertising

strategy by a business can lead to a negative impact on the customers, and they can shift their

loyalty towards other smartphone brands with which they can develop a sense of association

and closeness329.

The primary data that has been collected from the respondents in the Ranchi city has revealed

that mostly the impact of the advertising strategy of a smartphone business entity is positive.

But there are other occasions as well when such a strategy has a negative impact or no impact

on the target market audience. The overall impact of advertisement of a business mainly

depends on the kind of message and content that the business entity is sharing with the

potential customers or the existing customers in the market setting. For example, when a

business entity tries to share the same message with the market audience that it has already

shared with them, the communication approach might hardly impact them and their

purchasing behaviour. On the other hand, when a business fails to share a consistent and

uniform message with the target market audience about how it plans to create value for them,

it can give rise to doubts in their minds. In addition to this, the perception that they have in

their mind towards the brand might change for the worse. Thus, in the highly competitive and

dynamic business climate, marketers who operate in the smartphone industry need to be very

cautious while planning the advertising strategic approach as well as the message that they

intend to share with their potential customers and the existing customers in the market

Strycharz, Joanna, Guda van Noort, Edith Smit, and Natali Helberger. "Consumer view on personalized advertising:
Overview of self-reported benefits and concerns." In Advances in Advertising Research X, pp. 53-66. Springer Gabler,
Wiesbaden, 2019

setting. These elements have the power to influence the market audience in a favourable or an

unfavourable manner. The advertisement that is designed needs to be used as an opportunity

to engage with the audience and create or strengthen the relationship with them. When the

advertising strategic approach of a business entity fails to have any kind of impact on the

target market audience, it is a lost opportunity. It could haunt the business entity in the future

as its rivals in the industrial setting could try to snatch away its customers by designing a

better advertising strategy where they highlight the value that they have created for the

market audience. The case of the Blackberry brand shows that when the brand was not sure

about the message that it wanted to share through its advertising strategy about the touch

screen concept, its rivals such as Apple and Samsung were creating new and improved

smartphones. In addition to this, these business entities also made sure that the market

audience was aware of their latest offerings that they had designed for them and how they

could create value for them330.

6.3 Role of the age of the market audience

A vital component that the research study has been able to capture relates to the age factor

and how it comes into play in the advertising domain. Both the primary data as well as the

secondary data that have been used in the research study have shed light on the fact that the

age factor plays a key role and influences the overall effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the

advertising strategy of a business entity. Furthermore, the age of the target market audience

also plays a vital role in influencing how they reach to advertising strategy of smartphone

brands and the ultimate buying decision that they make. The studies that have been referred

to while working on the research study show that age is one of the most cardinal elements

that come into play and influences how the market audience perceives advertisements that are
Strycharz, Joanna, Guda van Noort, Edith Smit, and Natali Helberger. "Consumer view on personalized advertising:
Overview of self-reported benefits and concerns." In Advances in Advertising Research X, pp. 53-66. Springer Gabler,
Wiesbaden, 2019

showcased by business entities offering smartphones in the market. Former research studies

indicate that it is easier for the younger market audience to recall the details that have been

highlighted in an advertisement of a brand. But it does not imply that it is easier to persuade

them to make a purchase decision. On the other hand, the older market audience finds it

challenging as compared to their younger counterparts to remember what has been

communicated in an advertisement of a business entity.

Nevertheless, it is easier for business entities to persuade this section of the audience in the

market settings to make a purchase decision. This shows that age is a critical factor that

marketers need to give high priority to while designing their advertising and promotional

strategic approach. Studies show that the age of a person is a vital demographic variable that

has the power to influence how well the advertising approach of a business undertaking is

capable of persuading the customer while he is making a purchasing decision in the market

setting. It has been determined that the people who are younger cannot be easily influenced or

persuaded to make their purchasing decision. Marketers need to carefully design the

advertising technique as well as the information and the content they resent in their

advertisement so that they can influence this section of the market audience 331. The primary

research study that has been carried out for the purpose of assessing the impact of

advertisement on the buying behaviours relating to the smartphone among various age groups

shows that age is a key factor. The data that has been collected by conducting the primary

research study has revealed that the advertisement strategy of a smartphone business entity

could persuade, reassure, simplify the shopping experience of the customers and moderate the

price factor for them, depending on the age factor of the target audience in the market setting.

The former studies indicate that persuading the younger audience is not an easy task for a

business entity, but it is easier to persuade a matured customer while he or she is making a
Strycharz, Joanna, Guda van Noort, Edith Smit, and Natali Helberger. "Consumer view on personalized advertising:
Overview of self-reported benefits and concerns." In Advances in Advertising Research X, pp. 53-66. Springer Gabler,
Wiesbaden, 2019

purchasing decision. Thus, the study has revealed age to be a cardinal variable that comes

into play and influences how the advertising strategy of a smartphone brand impacts the

customers in the market setting and the ultimate buying decisions that they make regarding a


Interlink between the age factor and the impact of the advertising strategy of

smartphone business firms

The other important area that has been critically explored in the research study relates to the

association that exists between the age factor of the target market audience and the impact of

the advertising strategy that is adopted by business firms offering smartphones in the market

setting. Cartocci et al. (2016) have highlighted in the research study that while coming across

an advertisement, the age-related effects must be taken into account by business entities 332.

Such an approach can play a vital role and help to design the right kind of advertising

strategy and the appropriate kind of message that will have relevance for the intended

audience in the market environment. In this research, the authors have highlighted that some

kinds of advertisements could have more impact on older adults, whereas other kinds of

advertisements could have more impact on younger adults. For instance, the advertisements

that shed light on new and improved kinds of technical specifications and functional aspects

might have a major impact on the younger market audience, and it could also play an integral

role in molding his or her purchasing behaviour while buying a smartphone. On the other

hand, the details relating to the functional elements as well as the technical characteristics

might not have much relevance for an older adult who is not very inclined towards

technological innovation in smartphones. This example shows that age is a vital factor, but

there is also another factor that can mold the impact of the advertising strategy of the business
Giulia Cartocci, Patrizia Cherubino, Dario Rossi, Enrica Modica, Anton Giulio Maglione, Gianluca di Flumeri, Fabio Babiloni,
"Gender and Age Related Effects While Watching TV Advertisements: An EEG Study", Computational Intelligence and
Neuroscience, vol. 2016, Article ID 3795325, 10 pages, 2016.

entity. The factor relates to the interest and inclination towards technology. Since the research

study mainly lays emphasis on the age factor, other factors have not been taken into account

as they are beyond the scope of the research study.

The primary research study has also highlighted the fact that the age has a vital connection

with the impact of the advertising strategy of a smartphone business. This aspect needs to be

taken into account by the business entities that function in the competitive and dynamic

industrial setting. It can play a vital role and help them to design the advertising and

communication strategic framework that they design to influence and inform the target

market audience. The study has revealed that age is a very important demographic variable

that comes into play and influences the customers and the decisions that they make while

purchasing a smartphone in the market setting333.

The captured primary, as well as secondary data, have revealed that advertising strategy that

is designed by the business entities that offer smartphones plays a vital role in the market

setting. It acts as one of the chief communication and promotional tools that come into play

to increase the level of awareness of the market audience when a new offering is introduced

in the market setting by a business firm. But the scope of the advertisement is very vast. Thus

marketers need to lay emphasis on various elements such as the medium that is used to share

the advertisement message, the kind of information that is shared with the intended market

audience, and many other factors. In the highly dynamic as well as the competitive business

landscape of the 21st century, marketers need to act in a strategic and cautious manner so that

their advertising strategy can be used by them to give them a competitive advantage against

their industry rivals. One of the chief factors that have been identified in the primary as well

as the secondary research revolves around the age factor of the target market audience 334. The
Phillips and Stanton, “Age-Related Differences in Advertising.”

Gender and Age Related Effects While Watching TV Advertisements: An EEG Study,” accessed January 8,

age of the customers plays a key role in influencing how they perceive the advertisement of a

smartphone brand in the market setting. In the dynamic market landscape, the age of the

existing customers, as well as the potential customers in the market setting, need to be taken

into account. In fact, on the basis of this element, the marketers need to shape their

advertising and promotional model so that the desired kind of impact can be generated in the

specific market audience, which will be in their favour and can give them a competitive edge

over their industry rivals. Such an approach is a necessity in the unpredictable business

context as it can help them to use their advertising technique as a strategic tool to influence

the behaviour of the customers and the decisions that they make while purchasing a

smartphone in the market setting335.

Impact of Corona virus on buying behaviour

In the research study, special attention was given to the corona virus pandemic that has

brought the existing business scene to a grinding halt. This pandemic has had a major impact

on the business landscape, and its implication can be felt across a diverse range of industries

as well as sectors all across the globe. A diverse range of research studies has been carried

out that shed light on the impact of the ongoing pandemic on the existing business landscape.

A majority of the research studies indicate that the pandemic has exposed the weakness and

vulnerability of the business participants that function in the prevailing market landscape.

The infectious nature of the virus, coupled with the strict lockdown and social distancing

restrictions that have been imposed by the government across different regions, has been a

major blow for many business entities in different market settings. This aspect was given

great attention in the research study as the pandemic is ongoing in the current times, and it is

still giving rise to serious consequences for business entities across different markets,

including the smartphone market setting. Due to the pandemic, the behaviour of the vast
Wu, Ya-Ling, and Eldon Y. Li. "Marketing mix, customer value, and customer loyalty in social commerce." Internet
Research (2018)

market audience when it comes to buying has significantly changed. Such a change has had a

major impact on the market performance and sales of the business firms. Some of the key

industries and businesses that are at the receiving end due to the corona virus pandemic

include the hospitality and tourism industry and the businesses that are involved in selling

luxury items such as electronic items such as television, smartphones, laptops, etc. Both

primary and secondary data were collected on the impact of the corona virus pandemic. The

objective was to get a detailed insight into how the ongoing outbreak has influenced the

buying behaviour as well as the spending pattern of the target market audience while making

the purchasing decisions. While collecting the primary data, an open-ended question was

asked relating to the pandemic so that the respondents in the Ranchi city could give a genuine

response to the question336. The data that has been collected and analyzed shows that in the

current market landscape, the pandemic is considered to be one of the most influential factors

that the market audiences take into consideration while making purchasing decisions. As the

pandemic has had a major impact on the lives of people at different levels, including the

personal level as well as at the professional level, people are cautiously spending the amount

of money that they have so that they can avoid the unnecessary spending of financial

resources in such trying and challenging times. Studies indicate that most of the business

entities have been affected due to the on-going pandemic. Due to the strict government rules

and regulations relating to social distancing to curb the spread of the infectious virus, the

manufacturing and production activities have come to a grinding halt. The matters have

become worse as the demand in the market setting has also been hit very badly. The manner

in which people spend their money and make purchasing decisions and buying behavior have

dramatically changed during the outbreak. In fact, people have been avoiding to spend money

on non-essential items such as smartphones, and it has taken a major toll on the performance

Wu, Ya-Ling, and Eldon Y. Li. "Marketing mix, customer value, and customer loyalty in social commerce." Internet
Research (2018)

of the businesses in the competitive and dynamic industrial setting. In addition to such kinds

of challenges as well as complexities, the supply chain operations have also been affected as

the transportation and movement of equipment have been severely affected in various

locations due to strict travel bans and restrictions. A recent report shows that a large number

of business entities across different nations have been affected by the on-going crisis. In fact,

the impact has been so serious on nature that the very existence, as well as sustainability,

have been threatened. In such complex and hard times, business entities are trying very hard

to revive themselves and their business operations so that they will be able to survive in the

market setting and adapt to the new and challenging business landscape that the corona virus

pandemic has given rise to337.Some of the latest reports that have been prepared specifically

shed light on the changed customer attitude and behaviour that has molded how they make

their purchasing decisions. During the on-going pandemic, a large number of people have lost

their jobs. Even if some people have not lost their jobs, they have been facing serious

financial constraints that have impacted a lot on how they spend the disposable income that is

available with them. In order to manage the available finance in an effective and efficient

manner, the market audience has changed his or her purchasing habits significantly, which

has further influenced the sales turnover and market performance of business entities that

function in the current market landscape of the 21st century. A diverse range of studies

indicates that most of the purchases that are being made by the market audience revolve

around the most fundamental needs that they have. In fact, in the current times, it is evident

that people are making a conscious effort to make conscious and careful purchasing

decisions. Another vital trend that has been identified during the ongoing coronavirus

pandemic is that people are embracing digitalization while making their purchasing decisions.

In other words, in order to adhere to the stringent social distancing rules and regulations that

have been imposed by the central government as well as the state government at different
“Gender and Age Related Effects While Watching TV Advertisements: An EEG Study.”

levels, people are preferring to make purchases online instead of venturing out of their homes

and buying stuff. In spite of the fact that there is a constructive change as people are moving

towards technology and innovation, the business entities that have a restricted use of

technology-based elements are facing a lot of hurdles in the current times. In the trying times,

the use of technology-based approaches can play an integral role in reviving the business

entities and how they carry out their business functions, including their advertising and

communication activities. The primary data that has been collected by designing an open-

ended question has given a direct and in-depth insight into how the buying behaviour of the

respondents of the research study has been impacted due to the ongoing pandemic. A

majority of the participants of the research study have stated that there has been a major shift

in how they make their purchasing decisions; in fact, they have also shed light on the fact that

due to the on-going coronavirus pandemic, they have started to pay less attention to the

advertisements and promotional messages that they come across on a diverse range of

platforms338. As they have restricted money in their hands, the communication approaches

that are designed by marketers and business firms of smartphones do not play any role and do

not have any kind of impact on their purchasing behaviour or buying decision. Thus, it can be

understood that in normal times, the advertisement that the market audience comes across

plays a key role and influence their ultimate buying behaviour. But in the current times, the

ongoing pandemic has significantly impacted the overall role and effectiveness of

advertisement and communication function that is adopted by business entities. The

conscious purchasing behaviour has increased the challenges and complexities of a large

number of business entities across a diverse range of industries and sectors. For example, as

people prefer to spend less money on electronic commodities such as personal computers,

tablets, and smartphones, the sales turnover of the business entities has been negatively

Wu, Ya-Ling, and Eldon Y. Li. "Marketing mix, customer value, and customer loyalty in social commerce." Internet
Research (2018)

affected, and it has further harmed their performance in the competitive and dynamic market

landscape. The studies that have been carried out further indicate that business entities that

operate in the prevailing business landscape of the 21 st century need to adapt to the new

landscape that has come into existence due to the ongoing pandemic. They have the

opportunity to mold the manner in which they carry out their functions so that they can create

value for the target market audience and continue to have a sustainable existence in the

dynamic and evolving market environment. In the new business landscape, marketers across

different industries as well as sectors are expected to keep a tab on the changing buying

behaviour of the target market audience so that they can adapt to the new market landscape

that has come into existence because of the on-going pandemic. Such an approach has

become an urgent necessity for businesses irrespective of the offerings i.e. the goods or the

services that they offer in the market. This is because the pandemic has impacted almost

every kind of business entity that exists in the prevailing market setting339.

6.4 Discussion based on Data Analysis

In the prevailing business landscape, business undertakings in different industries and sectors

face tough competition. The research primarily revolves around the smartphone companies

that operate in the Ranchi city in India. The analysis of the primary, as well as the secondary

research, has revealed that the advertising strategy is considered to be one of the most

cardinal tools used by the marketers to influence the target audience in the market setting. It

basally creates the right opportunity that allows them to engage as well as interact with the

existing customers and the potential customers in the market environment. The secondary

sources that have been referred to in the study have revealed, that marketers make use of their

advertising strategy so that they can gain a competitive advantage against their industry

Wu, Ya-Ling, and Eldon Y. Li. "Marketing mix, customer value, and customer loyalty in social commerce." Internet
Research (2018)

rivals. Studies have revealed that one of the techniques of gaining a competitive edge in the

highly unpredictable and uncertain business landscape is through the strategic application of

the advertising strategic approach. The advertising approach that is implemented by a

business entity can play a cardinal role to give it an upper hand against its rivals. The

advertising of a business can help a business by making the market audience aware of the

offerings, including the products as well as the services that the entity has to offer for them. A

number of researchers have pointed out in their work that when a business is able to do its

advertising activity in the right manner, it can also improve its level of sales turnover in the

competitive business landscape. Advertisements can be used by marketers in various manners

so that they can gain an edge over their rivals in the market setting. For instance, it can be

used as a defensive plan to justify how it intends to create value for the intended audience in

the vast market setting.

On the other hand, business entities can also design and employ their advertising strategic

approach to attack competitors in the competitive business environment. Marketers have the

option to make use of a diverse variety of communication techniques and tactics so that they

can engage with the target market audience. Out of the available communication and

engagement approaches, advertising is considered to be one of the most effective and

common approaches. This is because of the simple and effective nature. But in the highly

dynamic and competitive business setting, various marketers have started adopting an

integrated communication and advertising approach340. The intention is to engage and interact

with the potential market audience as well as the existing market audience at different levels.

A planned communication approach by a business entity helps to create a positive brand

image. It can act as a crucial asset for a business undertaking and give it an edge against the

rivals operating against it in the same industrial setting. The advertising element has been

Subikshaa and Ramu, “A Study on Advertisement Marketing Strategy on Samsung Smart Phones.”

identified as one of the most vital components of the promotional mix that can be employed

by a business in the cut-throat competitive business environment in order to forge a deeper

connection with the intended audience in the market setting. Some of the key advantages of

advertising include the high level of visibility of the communicated message and the

improved ability of a business entity to persuade the target market audience to make a

purchasing decision. Advertising can be understood as the dissemination of information by

using non-personal means by a business firm. This communication and interaction approach

involves the use of paid media where the sponsoring organization acts as the source341.

In the highly competitive smartphone business setting, the role and relevance of the

advertising component are considered to be indispensable in nature. This is because it creates

a chance for the marketer to establish a connection with the market audience and

communicate with them at a diverse range of levels. The high intensity of competition

coupled with high unpredictability that exists in the industrial landscape increases the

significance of the advertising approach that is employed by the business entities dealing with

smartphones. The companies that offer smartphones make use of advertising techniques in

unique ways so that they can have an edge over their rivals in the competitive business

landscape. The practical examples that have been highlighted in the study indicate that the

advertising strategy of smartphone companies varies to a significant extent in the industrial

setting. Similarly, the impact of the advertising strategy of these business entities is also

different on the target market audience. The study has highlighted that the advertising

element is not only beneficial for business entities, but also creates value for the intended

target audience in the dynamic market setting. It is considered to be of paramount importance

for business undertakings as it enables them to communicate with the market audience and

influence their buying decision and purchasing behaviour in different ways. On the other

Wu, Ya-Ling, and Eldon Y. Li. "Marketing mix, customer value, and customer loyalty in social commerce." Internet
Research (2018)

hand, the advertising element is also considered to play a key role for the market audience as

it helps them to improve their overall level of awareness before making a purchasing

decision. In fact, they are able to get a much better insight into the options and choices that

are available before them before they make the final call to purchase a product or service in

the vast and diverse market setting. The primary study that has been carried out has shed light

on what the customers in the Ranchi city perceive when it comes to the advertisements of

different smartphone brands. In the intensely competitive market setting, advertisers and

marketers have tried to integrate creativity and innovativeness in their advertising strategy so

that they can have a better impact on the purchasing decision of the intended target audience

in the dynamic market setting 342. The practical examples relating to different smartphone

brands highlighted in the research study, such as Samsung, Sony, etc., show that each

smartphone business entity uses its advertising strategic element in different ways. In spite of

the fact that the underlying objective of these smartphone brands is to communicate and

interact with the target market audience, they adopt different tactics and share different

information with the market audience. The analysis of the collected primary and secondary

data has revealed that the message and content that is shared by a smartphone brand play a

cardinal role in influencing the buying decisions as well as the buying behaviour of the

intended audience in the market setting. For instance, the primary data that has been analyzed

has shed light on the fact that the advertisement of a smartphone could persuade the

customers, reassure the customers, simplify their overall shopping experience or help in the

moderation of the price factor. The secondary data that has been analyzed in the research

study has helped to understand that the underlying message that a business firm shares with

the market audience in the business landscape plays a key role in influencing the kind of

impact that it has on them. For instance, sharing the old and irrelevant message with the
Bassano, C., Gaeta, M., Piciocchi, P., & Spohrer, J. C. (2017). Learning the Models of Customer Behavior:
From Television Advertising to Online Marketing. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 21(4), 572–
604. doi:10.1080/10864415.2016.1355654 

target market audience might not serve any purpose for a business entity that deals with

smartphones. On the other hand, when a business entity sheds light on any new technology-

driven features that it has integrated into its new offering, it might be able to capture the

attention of the target market audience. Furthermore, it could also succeed to mold their

buying behaviour to a considerable extent in the vast and dynamic market backdrop. The

thorough and in-depth research work has also shed light on the fact that the advertising

strategic approach of a business could have a positive or a negative impact on the buying

behaviour of the target audience in the market environment 343. The inability to share the

message in an interesting manner might not help a business entity to capture the attention of

the audience and attract them towards the new offering that they have designed for them. For

instance, if a business has integrated new technical features and functionalities in its

smartphone offering, but it is not able to articulate the same in its advertising, it might face a

lot of challenges to mold the overall buying behaviour of the intended audience in the market

setting. This example shows that in spite of the fact that the business might have something

of value for the market audience, its inability to engage with them might restrict the

awareness level of the potential customers and existing customers regarding the new offering

of the brand. Thus, advertising plays a key role in influencing the customer behaviour and the

sales turnover that a business has in the highly dynamic and competitive market environment.

The broad range of research studies, academic textbooks and other works that have been

referred to in the work indicate that the advertising component plays a key role for marketers

irrespective of the industry and sector in which they function. This is because, advertising

acts as an ideal communication form that enables business entities to shed light on their

offerings and influence the customers to choose their products or services over that of their

rivals and competitors in the industrial setting. One of the key variables that the study has laid

Strycharz, Joanna, Guda van Noort, Edith Smit, and Natali Helberger. "Consumer view on personalized advertising:
Overview of self-reported benefits and concerns." In Advances in Advertising Research X, pp. 53-66. Springer Gabler,
Wiesbaden, 2019

emphasis upon is the age factor. The study indicates that the age of the target market

audience plays a key role and it has the power to mold how effective or ineffective the

advertising approach of a smartphone brand could be. In fact, marketers need to give high

importance to this demographic factor while designing the advertising framework so that the

desired and intended effect can be produced in the target market audience 344. The secondary

data that has been analyzed has revealed that it might be easier to persuade matured or older

audience for a business entity. On the other hand, it might be a challenging task for a business

entity to persuade the younger market audience to make a purchasing decision. It has also

been identified that other factors might also play a key role, and they could influence how

effective the advertisement of a smartphone brand is to influence the overall buying

behaviour of the target customers. But the main focus of the study has been on the age

variable of the customers. Both the primary as well as the secondary data has revealed that

the age of the customers is an important element that can shape the effectiveness of the

advertising tactic of a smartphone business entity. For example, the young market audience

who are tech-savvy might be attracted by the technical features and functional aspects of a

new smartphone. Thus, they could be encouraged to buy the smartphone of a specific brand.

On the other hand, the details relating to the new technical features might not encourage an

elderly market audience who has a limited level of knowledge and interest when it comes to

technological innovation in smartphones. Such a scenario sheds light on the fact that the age

variable is an integral element that has the ability to mold the level of success or failure of the

advertising tactic of a business firm offering the smartphone in the market setting. Thus,

while studying the impact of advertisement on buying behaviours of smartphones in Ranchi;

it is necessary to consider the age groups of the market audience.

Strycharz, Joanna, Guda van Noort, Edith Smit, and Natali Helberger. "Consumer view on personalized advertising:
Overview of self-reported benefits and concerns." In Advances in Advertising Research X, pp. 53-66. Springer Gabler,
Wiesbaden, 2019

A key element that has been identified and thoroughly analyzed in the research study

revolves around the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The infectious outbreak has had a major

impact on the business landscape and the business undertakings that operate in it. Both the

primary and secondary data captured have shed light on the fact that the outbreak has played

a cardinal role in the market setting. In fact, it has been significantly shaping the behavior of

the market audience in terms of their buying behavior and purchasing decisions. One of the

key elements that were significantly affected due to the pandemic situation was the

disposable income of the market audience. As a large number of workplaces and businesses

have come to a grinding halt, the source of income of many people has been adversely

affected, which has further restricted their ability to make purchases. Thus, in order to make

cautious use of the available sources of money, the market audience has been spending on

essential commodities and/or services instead of spending on non-essential commodities such

as smartphones345. The financial challenges are not the only factors that have impacted the

buying behavior of the market audience during the pandemic times. The severe restrictions,

lockdown rules, and social distancing measures that have been introduced by the government

have also played a major role and molded the buying behavior of the market audience

regarding the purchase of smartphones. For instance, due to the disruption in movement and

transportation activities, the supply chain in the smartphone industry has also been

significantly impacted, which has further affected the ability of the market audience to make

purchases of the market offerings. Thus, the analysis has revealed that even though the

advertisements play a major role to mold the buying behaviour of customers belonging to

diverse age groups while purchasing a smartphone, there exist other factors in the external

setting that are beyond the control of the marketers. These factors, such as the coronavirus

pandemic, etc., can have a major implication on the overall effectiveness and impact of the

Remziye Terkan, Remziye Terkan. 2018. "Communıcatıon Studıes And Semıotıc Methods Applıcatıons". International
Journal Of Communication And Media Studies 8 (4): 33-42. doi:10.24247/ijcmsoct20184

advertising approach that has been designed by a smartphone business entity to engage with

the intended market audience. Marketers need to act in an extremely cautious and tactful

manner while designing their advertising and promotional tactic so that they can enable them

to have sensible and appropriate communication with the target market audience. The

inability to have a genuine and sincere interaction by smartphone companies by using their

advertising mechanism could have an adverse impact on their goodwill in the highly

unpredictable as well as uncertain market setting. The ability to respond to such uncertain

times and making use of the advertising tool in a strategic manner can make a major

difference for business undertakings. It can play an integral role to redefine and strengthen

their relationship and rapport with the target market audience. Thus, marketers who operate

in the prevalent business landscape need to keep a tab on the macro factors and elements that

exist in the market landscape, so that they can deploy their advertising technique in a suitable

manner that can be useful for the organization as well as the target market audience346.

The concept of advertisement has broadened and significantly evolved in the market

landscape in the past few years. It has been playing a cardinal role since its very inception as

it helps marketers to move forward to reach their business goals as well as objectives. Studies

that have been conducted have shown that advertisements act as a vital tool that empowers a

business entity as well as the target market audience. For instance, the integration of

technology has brought about a dynamic transformation in the advertising landscape.

Especially, the existence of the internet has given rise to the opportunity to have a direct

engagement among users, including customers and businesses. The authors have highlighted

in their study that in the digitalized times, people are strongly connected to the virtual world

and digital media through their smartphones, laptops, computer systems, tablets, and many

Remziye Terkan, Remziye Terkan. 2018. "Communıcatıon Studıes And Semıotıc Methods Applıcatıons". International
Journal Of Communication And Media Studies 8 (4): 33-42. doi:10.24247/ijcmsoct20184

more electronic gadgets347. This has created the opportunity for business entities across

different industries and sectors to reach out to these users and make them aware of the

offerings of the brands. At the same time, the high presence of the online landscape has also

made it possible for people to identify new ways of fulfilling their unfulfilled needs and

requirements. They try to carry out their own research before making a purchase decision so

that they can come across the best buying options and choose the ideal option that is aligned

with their needs and preferences. As a consequence, business entities are also able to reach

out to their existing customers as well as their potential customers all around the day with a

diverse range of innovative advertisement and communication formats. The digital

advertising industry has undergone an exponential growth in the recent years and it has

significantly influenced how business firms in different market settings deploy their digital

advertising strategy in order to accomplish the business goals and objectives. One of the key

highlights of advertising in the current era is the digital advertising approach. It gives an

excellent opportunity for the marketers to engage with the market audience on a real-time

basis and create a close as well as a long-lasting relationship with them. Apart from these

unique attributes, digital advertising also enables business entities to bypass any kind of

customer resistance as well as scepticism 348. This is possible because when it comes to the

digital advertising concept, the potential customers or the existing customers get the

opportunity to directly be a part of the communication process. The modern concept of

advertising has revolutionized the role of the market audience. They are no longer considered

to be passive members in the process who are not able to raise their voices and convey their

opinions. On the contrary, the evolved advertising approach enables the market audience of

the 21st century to act as a proactive distributor, contributor and even creator of advertising

and communication content. The market audience is able to act as a distributor by sharing the
Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74
Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74

advertisement content with friends and family. The customer is able to act as a chief

contributor in the prevailing advertising landscape by publicly commenting about the content

of the advertisement and making his voice heard. He is also able to act as a creator in the

current advertisement setting by co-creating the communication content with a business

entity349. In the current times, when the customers have become more empowered, business

entities use their advertising approach to share impactful messages and information with them

so that the communication can act in the favour of the business and assists in gaining a

competitive advantage over its competitors and peers in the industrial setting. In order to

adapt to the vast market landscape and make the best purchasing decisions, most of the

customers have successfully elbowed their way into the modern and dynamic advertising

ecosystem. The change in the advertising landscape that has been introduced has changed

how marketers create their advertisements and how the intended target audience reacts to

such models of communication. The uniqueness that advertisement has brought along with

itself in the prevailing business setting has made it an indispensable and important element

for the business entities that function in the current times.

Figure 7: Evolution of Advertisement

Raza, Isa, and Abd Rani, “Effect of Celebrity-Endorsed Advertisement and Entrepreneurial Marketing on
Purchase Behavior of Smartphone Consumers in Pakistan.”

The figure that has been presented sheds light on how the evolution of advertisement has also

brought about a major change in the role of the customers. In the former times, customers

were known to be passive participants who were the mere receivers of the communication

message of a business entity. But in the 21 st century, the customers have taken up the role of

empowered and proactive customers. They are actively involved in a diverse range of

advertising processes that revolve around value, creation, and delivery350. The advertisement

function acts as a vital strategic tool that is used by business undertakings in a diverse range

of industrial settings to involve the customers who have become active members in the

market landscape. Due to the important as well as the influential role that is played by the

market audience in the current times, business entities very cautiously decide what

communication and message they create, as well deliver to the intended market audience. In

order to make the optimum and productive use of advertisement, marketers have been

deploying it as a cardinal strategic tool so that it can have a constructive as well as a

favourable impact on the buying behaviours of the target market audience when they make

their purchase decisions. In the highly competitive and dynamic smartphone business

landscape, the business entities that are operational in the industry use their advertisements to

gain an upper hand in the market setting over their rivals as well as competitors. In fact,

advertisement serves as one of the most effective tools which support business entities to

expand their loyal customer base and the overall performance in the market setting.

Advertisement creates a suitable opportunity for a business to shed light on the unique

offerings that it has to offer in the market to fulfil the needs as well as expectations of the

target market audience. From the perspective of the target market audience, it enables them to

get a detailed insight into the available options in front of them in the market setting and thus

simplifies their purchasing decision-making process. According to Malik and Ghafoor

“How Social Media Influences Consumer Buying Decisions - The Business Journals,” accessed January 8,

(2013), the advertisement component of the marketing mix has always played a pivotal role

in boosting the performance of a business entity by strengthening its brand image in the vast

market setting351. It acts as an implied tool that has the ability to favourably change the

buying behaviour that is exhibited by individuals when they make a purchasing decision. The

findings of the research study have indicated that there is a strong and vital association

between the advertisement of a business entity and its brand image in the market setting.

Moreover, these two elements play an integral role in influencing how customers react

towards a particular brand and its offerings in the dynamic market setting. In the research

study, the researchers have also arrived at the conclusion that the age of the target market

audience plays an integral role to mold their buying behaviour and purchasing decision that

they make ultimately352. For example, the findings of the study indicate that young market

audience, especially teenagers show more inclination towards branded offerings as compared

to their older and more matured counterparts in the market. In this research, the studies have

shed light on how customers from different genders react to brands and their advertisements,

influencing their buying behaviour and purchasing decision-making process. For instance, the

female customers in the market landscape give high priority to the elements such as the brand

status while making a purchase. Other elements that also play an integral role include the

product experience, brand name, and various other variables.

Bassano and Gaeta (2017) have pointed out that in the cut-throat competitive market

landscape of the 21st century, the marketing, communication, and advertising approaches that

are used by business entities across different market settings have become an indispensable

strategic tool. Marketers are capitalizing on these elements so that they can reach out to the

Malik, Muhammad Ehsan, Muhammad Mudasar Ghafoor, Hafiz Kashif Iqbal, Qasim Ali, Hira Hunbal, Muhammad Noman,
and Bilal Ahmad. Impact of Brand Image and Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behavior, n.d.

Muhammad Ehsan Malik et al., Impact of Brand Image and Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behavior,

interconnected market audience at the global level. The underlying intention of the business

entities is to have a constructive impact on the buying behaviour that is exhibited by the

existing customers and the potential customers in the market environment. For the purpose of

having a favourable impact on the customer buying behaviour through advertisement, the

authors have stated that businesses need to have an in-depth insight into how the concept of

customer behaviour has evolved over the years due to the evolution of advertising concept

from television advertising to online or digital advertising. As per the authors, the business

entities operating in diverse industries, including the smartphone industry, could increase the

overall impact as well as the level of effectiveness of their advertising approach by

developing models relating to customer behaviour. It can help them to get a detailed insight

into how an integrated advertising approach can influence customer behaviour in favour of

the business and its offerings353. By deploying a model relating to customer buying

behaviour, a business would be in a position to integrate suitable advertising options by using

television, the online platform, and social networking sites. It would have a positive impact

on the quality of interaction and engagement that a business entity has with the market

audience. An integrated advertising approach is considered to be effective as compared to an

advertising model with a single or limited communication medium. This is because an

integrated advertising and communication approach allows a business entity to engage with

the market audience at diverse levels. It also creates the opportunity to reach out to a broader

section of the audience in the vast market setting 354. The strategic and well-planned use of

advertising by a business entity has the ability not just to strengthen its marketing mix but

also to have a vital impact on how the business creates a relationship with the target market

Bassano, C., Gaeta, M., Piciocchi, P., & Spohrer, J. C. (2017). Learning the Models of Customer Behavior:
From Television Advertising to Online Marketing. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 21(4), 572–
604. doi:10.1080/10864415.2016.1355654 
Bassano, C., Gaeta, M., Piciocchi, P., & Spohrer, J. C. (2017). Learning the Models of Customer Behavior:
From Television Advertising to Online Marketing. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 21(4), 572–
604. doi:10.1080/10864415.2016.1355654 

audience. The study has revealed that advertising not only has the ability to attract a new

section of the audience in the market setting but it also has the ability to retain the existing

customers. Both these categories of the customers play an integral role in the business scene

and help it to enhance its level of profitability as well as performance in the competitive

market setting.

7. Recommendations

On the basis of the research study and in-depth analysis, it has been recommended that

marketers that operate in the smartphone industry need to make strategic use of their

advertising function. It acts as one of the chief communication weapons that business entities

can use in order to engage and interact with the existing market audience and the potential

market audience. In the current times, business entities operate in a highly dynamic,

competitive and uncertain market landscape355. This makes it important for them to build a

long-lasting association with the market audience so that they can gain their trust and loyalty.

The advertising mechanism that is adopted by business entities acts as an appropriate option

that creates the opportunity for marketers to gain a competitive edge over their peers and

rivals by redefining their relationship with the potential customers and existing customers.

The chief ingredient that influences the effectiveness and relevance of the advertisement of a

business is the information that is integrated into the communication model. Thus, marketers

that function in the highly competitive smartphone industry need to make sure that the

message that they are sharing with the potential customers or existing customers is of

relevance and value for them. It plays a cardinal role in enhancing the overall quality of the

advertising approach of a business entity. In fact, the message and information that are

integrated into the advertising and promotional tool act as the catalyst that can mold their

Frick, Thomas. The Implications of Advertising Personalization for Firms, Consumers, and Ad Platforms. No. EPS-2018-
452-LIS. 2018

buying decision and purchasing behavior. In the digitalized times of the 21 st century,

marketers have the opportunity to make the optimum use of the digitalized and technology-

driven communication tools to engage and interact with the market audience on a real-time

basis. It can create the much-needed opportunity to communicate with the market audience.

Thus, they can influence their purchasing decision so that it can be in the favour of the

specific smartphone business entity. In competitive and unpredictable times, technology-

based communication and advertisement by smartphone brands can play a pivotal role to

keep in touch with the market audience even during the Corona virus pandemic times. During

such tough times, advertisement on the digitalized platform can help smartphone marketers to

increase the level of awareness of their market offerings. They can use the communication

approach for the purpose of highlighting the practices and initiatives that they have

undertaken to act as a responsible corporate citizen. Thus, the advertising tool can help them

to strengthen their reputation in the market setting, and it can give them a competitive edge

against their competitors in the industrial setting.

The analysis has highlighted the fact that the overall impact and effectiveness of the

advertisement of a smartphone business firm is influenced by the age factor of the target

market audience. Thus, while designing the advertising technique, and the information that

would be communicated in the market setting, it is necessary to give due importance to the

age of the target market audience356. This is because some of the information highlighted in

the advertisement might not have much relevance and value for the audience belonging to a

specific age group. Giving importance to the age of the market audience that a smartphone

business entity is specifically targeting can help in developing an effective and impactful

advertisement that can capture their attention and influence their buying behavior while

purchasing a smartphone. In order to make sure that the advertisement of the brand helps in

Išoraitė, Margarita. 2015. "Analysis Of Marketing Mix: Nivea Case Study". Entrepreneurship And Sustainability Issues 3 (2):
173-185. doi:10.9770/jesi.2015.3.2(5).

strengthening the relationship with the intended market audience, it is necessary to review its

level of effectiveness. Such an approach can help marketers to devise an apt advertisement

and promotional model that is in sync with their business goals and objectives. The strategic

and tactical use of display ads can also help smartphone businesses to stand out from their

competitors. Marketers can think innovatively and deploy traditional and conventional

advertising options to capture the attention of the target market audience. These are a few

recommendations that smartphone business entities could adopt in the prevailing business

landscape so that their advertisement could have a major impact on the buying behavior of

the target market audience while purchasing smartphones. Each of the elements and attributes

of advertisement, such as the information, the advertisement quality and mode of exchange,

must be given careful consideration so that it can serve the intended purpose in the highly

competitive business landscape. During the times of high uncertainty in the market setting

due to macro factors such as a pandemic or natural disaster, it is necessary to make sure that

the advertisement offers ample flexibility to engage in a sensible and responsible manner

with the target market audience357. Such an advertisement model can play a vital role in

strengthening the association between a business entity and the target audience in the market

setting. Since one of the key stakeholders at which the advertisement of a business is directed

is the customer, it is necessary to take into account their needs, and their situation while

establishing a form of engagement with them. Advertisers and marketers need to ensure that

these elements are given priority while working on the advertisement function so that it can

give them an edge against the other players in the highly competitive and dynamic market

setting. The advertisement component of the marketing mix needs to be used as a strategic

tool by business entities that deal in the smartphone market. It would not just help them to

influence the buying behavior of the potential and existing customers in the market. But they

Išoraitė, Margarita. 2015. "Analysis Of Marketing Mix: Nivea Case Study". Entrepreneurship And Sustainability Issues 3 (2):
173-185. doi:10.9770/jesi.2015.3.2(5).

would also be able to enhance their overall sales turnover. This would be possible as the sales

turnover has a direct association with the buying behavior and purchasing behavior of the

market audience.

The business landscape of the 21st century is extremely dynamic as well as unpredictable in

nature. In order to sustain and survive in the unpredictable business landscape, there is a need

for business entities to make strategic use of their advertising weapon. The effective use of

the advertising function can play an integral role and give the market participants an edge

over their peers that function in the same market landscape. The research study has revealed

that in the cutthroat competitive market setting, advertisement of a business can help it to

establish a strong association with the target market audience that can influence their attitude

towards the business entity as well as the buying behaviour that is exhibited by them in the

market setting358. The proper designing of the advertisement and the underlying message is

vital for a business that can give rise to the opportunity to gain the trust of the existing

customers and the potential customers in the vast market environment. It is also necessary for

marketers operating in the smartphone industry to take into account the macro and external

factors that come into play as they have the power to impact the effectiveness of their

advertisement. One of the cardinal macro factors that have been thoroughly researched and

analyzed relates to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. In the prevailing market landscape, the

virus outbreak has played an influential role and molded how the target market audience

reacts to advertisements that are showcased by business entities operating in the smartphone

market setting. The analysis has shed light on the fact that the situation that is prevalent in the

external market environment and social setting plays a key role in influencing the buying

behaviour that is exhibited by the market audience. Thus, the marketers and business firms

need to make sure that the advertisements that they design are sensitive and flexible enough

Išoraitė, Margarita. 2015. "Analysis Of Marketing Mix: Nivea Case Study". Entrepreneurship And Sustainability Issues 3 (2):
173-185. doi:10.9770/jesi.2015.3.2(5).

to strengthen the bond with the market audience during such uncertain and unpredictable

times. In fact, during such tough and challenging times, the scope of advertisements can

further expand, and business entities can showcase through their advertisements how they are

acting as responsible corporate citizens to create value for the stakeholders. The engagement

can play a pivotal role in strengthening the association between a business and its target

market audience that can have a major influence on the former’s performance as well as

profitability in the competitive market setting.

In order to have a lasting and impactful impression on the target market audience, it is very

important for the business entities to give high priority to the creativity and uniqueness aspect

in the advertisement of their market offering, i.e., product or service. The study has revealed

that in the current times when most of the offerings have similar kinds of attributes and

features in a particular industrial setting, it can give rise to confusion for the target market

audience, and they might find it difficult to show their loyalty towards a particular business

entity or brand. In order to avoid such kinds of instances that could erode the profitability of a

business by diminishing the sales turnover, it is necessary to integrate the creative element in

the advertisements. It can play a fundamental role in grabbing the new customers' attention

and increasing the retention rate of existing customers 359

. Adopting creative and innovative

methods for the purpose of advertising their products and services can enhance the overall

effectiveness of advertisement of smartphone business firms. Creativity can be integrated not

just by using technology-based advertising approaches, but it could also be integrated into

traditional advertising techniques. A unique approach could not only capture the attention of

the target market audience, but it could also play a cardinal role to mold their purchasing

behaviour as well as their buying decisions. As the level of competition that is prevalent in

the smartphone business landscape is very severe in nature, marketers need to make sure to

Remziye Terkan, Remziye Terkan. 2018. "Communıcatıon Studıes And Semıotıc Methods Applıcatıons". International
Journal Of Communication And Media Studies 8 (4): 33-42. doi:10.24247/ijcmsoct20184

deploy their advertisement tactic as a strategic tool that can be used to gain an advantage in

the dynamic market setting. In the smartphone business landscape, business entities integrate

new kinds of technologies so that they can fulfil the needs of the target market audience. It is

necessary to make sure that the new features that have been introduced to enhance the value

for the customers must be showcased in an appropriate manner so that the target market

audience would be influenced to opt for the offerings of a specific brand over the offerings of

the rest of the business entities offering similar products and commodities.

The recommendations that have been presented by conducting a research study are based on

the primary as well as the secondary research process. Both the data have shed light on the

important role that advertisements play in the market setting along with the serious impact

that business entities face, on the basis of the effectiveness or the ineffectiveness of their

adopted advertisement approach. In order to gain an edge over the competitors that operate in

the smartphone market setting, it is necessary for the business entities to use their

advertisements as a strategic tool that can help them to strengthen their market performance

and sales turnover by influencing the buying behaviour of the target market audience in their

favour. Since the study has shed light on the fact that advertisement of the smartphone plays a

cardinal role in the market setting to impact and influences the buying behaviour of the users

of smartphones across different age groups, brands must be cautious enough while designing

and presenting their advertisements in the market setting 360. They must also act in a cautious

manner while framing and structuring their advertisements by taking into account the age of

the target market audience. The consideration of macro and external factors beyond the

control of a smartphone business must be considered while working on the advertisement

function so that the business can design an ideal and appropriate communication. Since the

advertisement component of the marketing mix has the ability to redefine the relationship

Remziye Terkan, Remziye Terkan. 2018. "Communıcatıon Studıes And Semıotıc Methods Applıcatıons". International
Journal Of Communication And Media Studies 8 (4): 33-42. doi:10.24247/ijcmsoct20184

between a business and the market audience, it is vital to use it as a strategic weapon that can

give a smartphone brand an edge over its competitors and rivals. The suggestions that have

been presented on the basis of the thorough and in-depth analysis would empower marketers

operating in the smartphone industry to effectively engage and interact with the target market

audience by making use of their advertisement and promotional tool. Just relying on the

offerings that are designed by the businesses to attract the attention of the target market

audience is not sufficient. The advertisement component of the marketing mix makes sure

that the target market audiences are made aware of the new offerings that a business has

designed for them so that they can derive value for it. The information that is captured in the

advertisement has the potential to capture not only the interest of the target market audience

but also influence their buying behaviour. The studies that have been referred to in the

research study have showcased the relevance as well as the significance of advertisement as a

promotional tool for a business entity. The smart, effective, as well as successful use of

advertisement in the unpredictable and uncertain business landscape, can also create the

opportunity for marketers to get a detailed insight into the needs and expectations of the

target market audience. Since the advertisement model adopted in the current times supports

direct communication between a business entity and a market audience, they get the chance

to identify the unfulfilled needs of the audience and work on new kinds of offerings in sync

with their unfulfilled needs and wants. In addition to this, the business entities that operate in

the competitive market setting are able to receive direct feedback from their target market

audience due to the use of innovative and digitalized communication options 361. This

basically enables them to forge a deeper and long-lasting association with the market

audience by paying attention to their needs and expectations. Thus, the direct and

personalized communication that is possible through advertisement can help marketers

Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74

operating in the smartphone industrial setting to gain trust as well as the loyalty of the diverse

market audience. Thus, in order to survive and sustain themselves in the current market

landscape, it has become a fundamental necessity for business entities to deploy their

advertisements as one of the chief strategic elements that can help them by giving them an

upper hand over their rivals in the competitive business environment. The study has shed

light on the cardinal role that advertisement plays for business entities that deal in

smartphones as it can influence the buying behaviour of the target market audience and

further influence the ultimate level of the sales turnover as well as the performance of the

business in the vast market setting.

Advertisement plays an indispensable role for a business entity that operates in the current

business landscape. Its impact is not just restricted to the brand awareness, but it also has a

direct or indirect impact on sales turnover and business performance in the competitive

business environment. This is possible as advertisements act as the core strategic element that

can influence how the existing customers or potential customers in the market setting react to

a business as well as its offerings. A well-constructed and effective advertisement can act in

favour of a business as it can help it to create a positive impression in the minds of the target

market audience362. The positive impression could motivate them to take into consideration

the offerings of a business firm while making their purchasing decision. The role and

usefulness of advertisements impact the communication strategy of the business as well as

the effectiveness of the overall business strategic framework. Thus its design, structure,

content and other features play a key role that impacts the performance of a business in the

highly competitive and uncertain business setting. The recommendations that have been

presented intend to empower marketers to enhance the quality of engagement and interaction

with their target market audience so that the kind of performance that they deliver in the

Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74

market can be upgraded to a considerable extent. There is a vital link between the

communication that a business shares in the market through its advertisement and its

offerings for the target audience in the market setting. As the intention of an advertisement is

to influence the customers to make decisions that are in favour of a business as well as its

offerings, the message that is shared through them needs to be authentic and genuine. In

simpler terms, the advertisements that are deployed by business firms for the purpose of

communicating with the target market audience must share truthful and honest information

regarding the subject matter. The inappropriate, false, or incorrect sharing of information in

the advertisement could backfire for a business firm.

Moreover, it would have an adverse impact on its goodwill and brand image. Market

participants that function in the highly competitive business setting need to be very cautious

and careful so that the advertisement that they ultimately employ for the purpose of

communicating with the existing customers and potential customers acts as an asset for them

and not as a liability 363. The study has revealed that a well-planned advertisement can help a

business to move closer to its goals and objectives by acting as a vital strategic tool. On the

other hand, a poorly planned and ineffective advertisement could give rise to negative

consequences for a business entity. It could even make it challenging for the business to have

a sustainable existence in the unpredictable and competitive business landscape. For example,

in case the communication that is shared by a business firm regarding its offering is not in

sync with the quality of the offering, the customers could have a poor impression of the

business. The poor perception about the brand and its products or services could negatively

impact how they behave towards the business entity while making their purchasing decisions.

Thus, the profitability, as well as the sales turnover of the business organization, would be

negatively affected. Thus the degree of genuineness and sincerity that is integrated into the

Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74

advertisement function of a business entity would play a cardinal role to strengthen its

ultimate level of effectiveness. In the designed recommendations, a high priority has been

given to the variables such as information, message, and content that are presented in the

advertisement of a business entity. This is because these elements act as the key pillars of the

advertisement communication model that has the ability to influence the buying behaviour of

the target market audience. In order to create a positive impact on the buying behaviour and

purchasing decision of the customers, advertisements need to be designed and deployed with

a well-balanced strategic approach. Thus, it would enable a business to forge a deeper

connection with the intended market audience and broaden its customer base. The

advertisement function needs to be used as a tool that should be based on mutual trust as well

as understanding between a business entity and the target audience that exists in the market


8. Limitations of the Research process

The limitations of the research study are the characteristics of the methodology, design, and

other factors that may impact or influence the interpretation as well as the application of the

results of the research study. The limitations act as a constraint to the utility and

generalization of the key findings of the study. It has a significant impact on the effective

decision-making of the potential stakeholders. Limitations are the weaknesses of the study

that are generally out of the control of the researcher and are mostly associated with the

selected research design, funding constraints, time constraints, and other important factors.

The limitations of the research study also impact the audience or the readers of the research

work. Stating the limitations of the study clearly is important for further research that would

be carried out on the topic in the future.

Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74

While working on a piece of research topic, it is very important for the researcher or the team

of researchers to control or curtail the limitations to the best of their ability. The lack of

control over these elements could adversely affect different segments of the research study.

Furthermore, it could have a negative impact on the ultimate research outcome that has been

arrived at. Some of the most common limitations that a researcher could encounter while

working on market research include the effect of the extraneous elements and factors, cost

consideration, restricted availability of time, high time gap while working on the research,

etc. Apart from these limiting factors, while working with primary or first-hand data, the

level of accuracy and validity of the gathered data and the subsequent research outcome is

influenced by their genuine behaviour. For instance, the sharing of inaccurate or false data by

the participants of a research study could distort the data collection process along with the

subsequent processes, including analysis of the collected data, research outcome, and the

designed recommendations. While working on the research, one of the chief external factors

that came into play and acted as a limitation is the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Due to the

ongoing pandemic, it was not possible to access additional secondary sources such as books,

magazines, newspapers, and journals on the research topic in the local library. Such pieces of

data could have further enhanced the quality of the secondary data on which the conceptual

understanding of advertisement is based upon. According to Ross, research study limitations

need to be taken care of in a cautious and careful manner by researchers as it has the potential

to influence the outcome as well as the conclusion of the study. An internal limitation relating

to the research study is the unpredictability and uncertainty associated with the human factors

that take part in the research study365. As the behaviour of people changes with the passage of

time, and other factors also come into play that brings about changes in individuals, the

generalized ability of the study has been affected to a certain degree. In spite of the fact that

Gender and Age Related Effects While Watching TV Advertisements: An EEG Study,” accessed January 8,

these elements have restricted the overall effectiveness of the research study, they cannot be

ignored as they have influenced the recommendations that have been designed relating to the

use of advertisements by business entities dealing in the smartphone industry. In the market

research, sincere attempts have been taken so that the limitations could be restricted to the

best possible extent and they could not distort or mold the research outcome in any manner.

Some of the chief limitations that have come into play in the research study have been

elaborated in detail. These weaknesses have impacted the research study and process at

different levels. But their overall impact cannot be negated in any manner in the research

work because the result has also been influenced by these factors and elements.

In this research study of finding the impact of advertisements on the buying behavior of the

consumers for smartphones among various age groups in Ranchi, a number of limitations and

challenges have been found out. While carrying out the research process, one of the major

limitations identified is the restricted availability of time. As studying the impact of the

advertisements on the buying behavior of smartphone buyer is a vast topic, much time is

required to study and analyze the findings. The lack of sufficient time, limited the researcher

from conducting a more in-depth as well as extensive study on the chosen topic. It might

adversely affect the research process as a number of areas could not be covered due to the

shortage of time. This can impact the accuracy of the findings as well. Another significant

limitation of this research study is the lack of adequate financial resources. This further posed

as a restriction for carrying out extensive research and covering more areas of study. Lack of

access to the required finance decreases the boundary of the research work and limits the

finding of the research work366.

Another limitation of this research study is the limited number of samples used for the

purpose of the study. Only 30 samples were selected for the research study. A small sample
Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74

size leads to compromising the conclusion or findings of the study. The smaller size of the

sample restricts the finding of the study to reflect the actual impact of advertisement on the

buying behavior of smartphones in Ranchi as it is based on the inputs from 30 samples only.

Due to all these limitations, the research process of the study has been significantly affected.

However, there is a possibility of managing these limitations. In order to manage the scope of

the stated limitations effectively as well as mitigate it in the best possible way, making

optimal use of the resources available is important. Following this approach could ensure

authentic and reliable outcomes of the research process.

9. Hypothesis

H0 –The advertising strategy of telecom companies influences the buying behaviors of


Advertising is considered to be a communication form that can help the companies in

persuading a particular group of people to take the desired actions. The main aim of

advertising is to reach out to the target audience and increase the sales of the company. An

advertising strategy is a primary tool used by the business entities in order to inform,

persuade, as well as influence the buying behaviour of the consumers in the intended market

segment. In a highly competitive setting, the choice of advertising strategy plays an important

role in determining the impact of the advertisements on the buying behavior of the

customers367. The popular advertising strategies adopted by the telecom companies include

television advertising, outdoor advertising, commercial radio advertisements, newspapers,

and modern advertising mediums such as websites, blogs, as well as text messages. In most

cases, the buying behavior of the consumers depends on whether the consumer likes or

dislikes the advertisement made by the telecom companies. In order to make a positive

“( Gender and Age Related Effects While Watching TV Advertisements: An EEG Study,” accessed January 8,

impact on the consumers, telecom companies need to select the most advanced and robust

advertising strategy.

One of the main elements of the advertising strategy is setting the advertising objective. The

core objectives of advertising are informing, persuading, or reminding the customers about

the products and services of the company. Informative advertising enables the customers to

stay informed as well as updated about the product features and available services of the

company. Similarly, persuasive advertising aims at persuading and convincing the customers

in order to enable them to take the desired action. Reminder advertising keeps reminding the

customers about the products and services of the brand and intends to move them towards

making an instant action. All these factors make a significant impact on the minds of the

customers and influence their buying behavior. For instance, smartphone companies make

use of informative, persuasive, as well as reminder advertising strategies in order to impact

the buying decision of the customers368. Therefore, it is evident that determining the

advertising objectives carefully and deciding the course of action accordingly helps the

telecom companies in successfully influencing the buying behavior of the customers.

The advertising budget is another important element of the advertising strategy. Advertising

budget relates to the expenditure of the telecom companies that they need to make in order to

promote their products and services. Determining an appropriate advertising budget and

deciding to spend as much as possible helps the telecom companies to influence the buying

behavior of the customers significantly. In order to make a positive impact on the smartphone

buying behavior of the customers, different companies use different advertising budget

strategies. Certain companies choose to set the highest budget possible; others prefer

allocating a significant percentage of their sales. Other companies prepare the advertising

Gender and Age Related Effects While Watching TV Advertisements: An EEG Study,” accessed January 8,

budget according to the business goals or as per the competitor’s spending. Depending on the

advertising budget planned by the telecom company, the outcome of the customer buying

behavior is likely to get impacted.

Another significant element of the advertising strategy is the advertising message. In order to

communicate the message to customers clearly and capture the attention of the consumers,

having a well-framed advertising message is important. It plays an important role in

establishing a strong emotional connection of the customers with the brand. An effective

message is usually creative, unique, and meaningful to make the consumers believe in the

product of the brand and appeal to them. In addition to the content of the message, the style,

framing of words, tone, as well as the form of the message also needs to be effective to

influence the buying decision of the consumers. For instance, smartphone companies employ

conversational messages written in a friendly tone that clearly convey the benefits of the

smartphone and influence the customers to make a purchase. All these factors prove that a

strong advertising message that is a part of the advertising strategy influences the buying

behavior of the customers of the telecom companies369.

The selection of the advertising media is yet another important component of the advertising

strategy. In order to deliver the advertising message effectively to the customers, the

companies need to choose the appropriate media. The most widely used advertising media

include television advertisements, newspapers, direct mail, radio, outdoor advertisement, and

magazines. Word of mouth is also another effective and reliable advertising means to reach

out to the customers and influence their buying decisions. In the modern era of cut-throat

competition, the smartphone companies also make use of the social media platforms like

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more as an advertising media to persuade the customers to

Gender and Age Related Effects While Watching TV Advertisements: An EEG Study,” accessed January 8,

make a purchase. The right selection of advertisement media enables telecom companies to

reach out to more customers and make a positive impact on their minds. Website adverting is

yet another advertising approach. The modern and advanced advertising media like

television, social media platforms, and website advertising prove to be the most effective

ones. The advertising media that can convey the message of the company effectively in a

cost-effectively way helps in creating a strong impact on the buying behavior of the

customers. Researches show that by viewing the advertisement of the telecom companies on

the most trusted media, the customers feel more confident in making the purchase. Apart

from the right advertising media, the timing of advertising is another major factor essential

for persuading the target customers. Most of the telecom companies use continuous schedule

advertising to attract the attention of the customers better. All these pieces of evidence show

that the selection of advertisement media influences the buying behavior of the consumers370.

A number of studies have been carried out by the researchers in the past in order to study how

the advertising strategy influences the buying behavior of the consumers in the dynamic

market setting. The secondary sources collected for the purpose of the study reflect how the

advertising strategy adopted by Samsung impacted the buying behavior of the consumers.

The reputed android smartphone developer adopted the most effective advertising strategies

in order to create awareness among the customers and influence their buying behavior. The

strategies that the popular brand adopted include television advertising and modern social

media advertising. This enabled consumers to gain more information and insights about

Samsung smartphones and make them feel more connected, thereby positively influencing

their buying behavior. The viral advertising strategy of Samsung helped in significantly

increasing the number of customers purchasing the Samsung phones. Another live example

of a company that has adopted an effective advertising strategy is Apple Inc. The super bowl
Gender and Age Related Effects While Watching TV Advertisements: An EEG Study,” accessed January 8,

commercial initiated by the company enabled it to capture the interests of the consumers

successfully. An effective advertising strategy helped Apple Inc. in gaining an edge over the

competitors in the industry. With a reputed image in the industry, influencing the buying

behavior of the consumer became easier for the brand. Depending on the target audience, the

marketers need to develop the appropriate advertising strategy and persuade the consumers to

take the desired action. For instance, if a telecom company is targeting young consumers in

the market, developing an advertising strategy that highlights the design, technology used,

advanced features, as well as prices can influence them better. On the other hand, if the target

consumer of the telecom company is the older adults, this strategy may not work in

influencing them successfully. Instead, the company must focus on creating a strategy that

promotes functionality as well as durability in order to influence the buying behavior of the

older consumers in the market setting.

Evaluating the effectiveness of the advertisements on the returns as well as sales is also

important. The scope of advertising strategies has increased. A number of research works

have been carried out in order to shed light on the impact of advertising strategies on

consumer buying behavior. Along with building the brand image, advertising strategies are

being used to shape the perception of the customer about a particular business entity, which

ultimately influences their buying behavior371. The awareness among the customers is the key

to persuade them to opt for the product and services of a business concern. Summing up all

the evidence collected from the secondary sources, it has been proved that the advertising

strategy of the telecom companies influences the buying behavior of the consumers. This can

also be derived from the primary data collected. The analysis of the finding of the primary

research advertisement strategy positively influences the buying behavior of the customers in

Gender and Age Related Effects While Watching TV Advertisements: An EEG Study,” accessed January 8,

the telecom industry. All the primary as well as secondary data collected for the purpose of

the research study support H0. This clearly validates the H0 hypothesis of the research study.

H1 – The age group is the determining factor for the buying behavior of the customer.

Age is an important factor that influences the buying behavior of customers significantly.

People have different preferences, depending on their age. For instance, an individual within

the age of 30 years will show more interest in buying a smartphone that has an excellent

design and is equipped with all the advanced features. On the other hand, individuals

belonging to the age group of 60 to 70 years will show a preference for smartphones with

simple features but high functionality. With the change in the life-cycle stage as well as age,

the buying patterns of products and services change among the people. Every age has its

unique state of mind, characteristics, as well as perception, which ultimately affects the

buying behavior of the individuals. According to the studies, children are not involved in the

purchase decision and usually depend on their family members to make a purchase. In such a

situation, it is important for marketers to target their family members in order to convince

them to take the desired action. Teenagers, as well as adults, have the full discretion of

making the purchase decision for themselves. Marketers must target young adults directly in

order to influence their buying behavior. On the other hand, individuals belonging to the

older age group also rely on their family members for making a purchase owing to their

economic as well as physical limitations 372.

According to the data collected from the secondary sources and reflected in the research

study, the young audience of the market falling within the age bracket of 18 years to 35 years

is large as well as lucrative for the marketers. Consumers in this age group are always willing

to try different and new products. This group of individuals also prefer spending a lot of

Melgar, Leandro Mateo Bolaños, and Robert JF Elsner. "A Review of Advertising in the 21st Century." International Journal
of Business Administration 7, no. 4 (2016): 67-74

money on the products they like, thereby creating a good opportunity for marketers to

promote their brand and convince consumers to make a purchase 373. Another characteristic of

the young audience is that they are highly educated and are more tech-savvy. For instance,

the young audience in the market looks for technologically advanced smartphones highly

embedded with smart features. The young consumers do not simply follow others; instead,

they choose to research about the products and services themselves and then make the

purchasing decisions, keeping the pros and cons in mind. The young people are highly

specific and sceptical about the different promotional and advertising strategies or tactics. In

order to influence the buying behavior of the people of this age group, marketers need to

develop effective, well-planned, and appealing advertising strategies with a lot of facts and

figures, demonstrating the benefits of the products or services.

The other age group of consumers included in the research study is mature consumers.

Mature consumers are becoming more critical for businesses around the world in recent

times. They are the individuals above the age of 35 years. The mature consumers are

healthier, more educated, as well as more active in the dynamic market setting. Due to the

availability of higher dispensable income among this audience, the marketers are likely to

target this age group of people more and influence their buying behavior. The perceptions

that mature consumers hold about marketing make it easier for companies to reach out to

them easily374. However, the advertising strategy that is aimed to persuade the mature

consumers in the market needs to be made strategically and tactfully, as it might give rise to a

number of complexities and issues. As the mature group of people is usually stereotypical in

nature, integrating all the essential components into the advertising strategy can help in

Phillips and Stanton, “Age-Related Differences in Advertising.”
Gender and Age Related Effects While Watching TV Advertisements: An EEG Study,” accessed January 8,

communicating the message of the brand in a more relevant, useful, and meaningful way to

the mature consumers in the market setting.

In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the age factor that influences the buying

behavior, it is also important to study how the consumers of different age groups remember

the information shown in the advertisements. In comparison to the mature or older audiences,

the younger audiences are likely to remember the information about the brands better. With a

lower level of recognition and recalling power, the older market audiences may be

susceptible to different misleading advertisements375. On the other hand, the younger

consumers with a high level of memory and ability to recall the advertisements are likely to

purchase the advertised products that would have appealed to them. Researchers have also

studied the ability to process information as an element that proves age to be a determining

factor in the buying behavior of the consumers. According to the studies conducted by the

researchers, mature consumers face more difficulty in processing as well as remembering the

huge amount of data. For this reason, while targeting mature consumers, the marketers must

make use of less amount of information in persuading their buying decision. On the other

hand, as young consumers can easily process huge amounts of data, marketers need to use as

much information as possible to convince them to make a purchase.

Moreover, as they are more sceptical and tech-savvy, advertising strategies need to be framed

for the young market audience, keeping all these things in mind. Research studies also shed

light on the different factors that influence the buying behavior of the different age groups.

The result of the studies shows that individuals falling in the age group of 35 to 50 years

focus more on the suitability of the product and services when making a purchase.

Meanwhile, the people belonging to the age group of 65 to 90 years prioritize the durability

Gender and Age Related Effects While Watching TV Advertisements: An EEG Study,” accessed January 8,

of the products. The young consumers falling in the age bracket of 18 years to 25 years give

more weight to the price of the product in comparison to the other factors. Studies also show

that age group also plays an important role in the post-buying behavior of the consumers. The

young adults are likely to fill out all the surveys given by the marketers, make comparisons,

and decide their next purchase carefully. They are also known to share their purchasing

experience as much as possible on their part. The older adults, on the other hand, do not

respond much about their buying experience. Their satisfaction level with a purchase is

reflected in their loyalty or switching to the product of another brand.

In addition to the data collected from the secondary research, the primary data collected for

the research study also reflect the same. The primary data collected shows that the age group

plays an important role in determining the buying behavior of the consumers. Analysis of the

primary data sheds light on how an advertisement for smartphones influences the people of

different age groups in a different manner. According to the responses collected from the

participants of the study, it can be inferred that advertisement makes the maximum impact on

the individuals belonging to the age group of 19 years to 35 years and influences their buying

behavior the most. The individuals falling in the age bracket of 36 years to 50 years are also

greatly influenced by the different advertisements of the marketers and are influenced to

make a purchase376. The participants in this age group have a high degree of knowledge and

therefore give more priority to the advertisements in order to make their buying decision.

According to the analysis of the primary data collected, the young individuals belonging to

the age group of 12 years to 18 years are also significantly influenced by the advertisements

and are persuaded to make a purchase. As per the researchers, among all the demographic

factors, age is the most important one in influencing the buying behavior of the consumers.

Gender and Age Related Effects While Watching TV Advertisements: An EEG Study,” accessed January 8,

The primary data analysis also reflects that mature consumers find it difficult to retain the

information provided by marketers in order to influence their buying behaviors. The young

consumers, on the other hand, are able to retain higher volumes of data. The findings also

show that it is easier for the different business concerns to persuade the purchasing decision

of mature customers by making use of the advertising tool effectively. However, it is quite

challenging for marketers to persuade and convince the young audiences in the market to buy

the products of their brand. The study also shows that as children and young adults are more

affected by the different advertisements and make a buying decision, the marketers around

the globe focus on this age group the most. Older adults also form a large part of the market.

This makes it important for business concerns to figure out effective advertising strategies in

order to influence their buying behavior significantly. The age factor is an important

determinant that enables the marketers to design the marketing strategies depending on the

age group they are targeting in order to avail of the best possible outcomes. Summing up all

the evidence collected through the primary as well as the secondary sources used for the

purpose of the research study, it can be aptly said that age is an important determining factor

in the buying behavior of the consumers. This clearly validates the H1 of this research study.


Chapter I: Introduction

The introductory chapter of the research study gives a glimpse into the advertising concept,

which plays an indispensable role in the prevailing business landscape of the 21st century.

Since the concept is very broad, the underlying elements, as well as components relating to

the advertisement, have been highlighted in great detail and precision. The chapter has been

broken down into a number of segments such as the concept of advertising, the unique

features of advertising, the impact of advertising on the customer buying behaviour, the

influence of advertisement on the customer behaviour as well as the sales turnover of a

business, the smartphone market in India, the influence of smartphone advertising on the

purchasing behaviour of the customers, the relationship that exists between advertising and

the sales volume of a business entity and the link between advertising, customer buying

behavior, and sales.

Chapter II: Objective of the Research

The second chapter acts as one of the chief foundations of the piece of research. This is

because it sheds light on the ultimate purpose of working on the research topic. It primarily

focuses on the telecom industry that exists in the Indian nation. One of the key elements

highlighted in the chapter revolves around how the participants in the industrial context use

the advertising tool to forge a deep and meaningful relationship with the target audience in

the market setting. The key objectives that act as the outline of the research study include the

ascertainment of the impact of advertisement on the buying behavior of the customers from

different age groups in the Ranchi city in India, and the determination of how the advertising

mechanisms come into play and influence the customers from various age groups. The other

objectives of the research study are the ascertainment of how the buying behavior of the

customers from different age groups affects the ultimate sales turnover of the smartphone

products in the Ranchi city and the determination of the overall power of advertising as well

as its impact on the sales turnover of a product in the market setting. The study has also

helped to understand the relationship that exists between various variables such as

advertising, buying behavior, and sales turnover of a business.

Chapter III: Literature Review

This chapter acts as one of the major pillars of the research study. A diverse range of

secondary sources have been used in these sections that give a detailed insight into

advertising and its role in the evolving market landscape. It basically revolves around the

conceptual framework relating to the buying behaviour of the market audience. It is a

cardinal section of the study as it shows how the customers behave while making their buying

decisions involving smartphones. The focus is on the customers from various age groups in

the Ranchi city.

The scope of the literature review is quite broad as the objective is to provide a

comprehensive insight into the marketing concept. The advertising function has undergone a

dynamic change over the past few years, and the same has been highlighted in the literature

review. One of the key highlights is the important role that technology and innovation play in

the 21st century to mold the functional aspects of advertisements for marketers. Some of the

key subsections that have been highlighted in the literature review section of the research

study are the evolution of advertising, advertising as an integral part of the marketing mix,

the role of advertising in the business backdrop, the role of advertising during a pandemic

like Covid-19, creativity, and innovation in enhancing the impact of advertising, features of

advertising strategy of modern businesses entities, importance of advertising smartphones,

advertising factors influencing the smartphone purchase intention, effectiveness of

advertising on the smartphone buying decision, impact of Samsung’s advertisement strategy

on customer behaviour, digitalization concept in advertising, advertising and customer

behaviour, influence of advertisements on individuals from different age groups, and

advertisements of smartphones

Chapter IV: Research Question/Research Gap

The chapter focuses on the question that the study intends to address at the end of the

research process. This chapter is of vital importance in the research work as it helps to

understand the scope of the study and the key areas that have been explored in the research

study. The research topic that has been selected intends to address the gap that exists in the

former studies. As the scope of advertising is evolving with the passage of time, it is

extremely important to get a thorough understanding of how marketers of the 21st century are

using it as a strategic tool to influence the ultimate buying behaviour of the target market

audience. The chief questions that have been answered by conducting the research study

include what is the impact of advertisement on buying behaviour of customers from different

age groups in the Ranchi city, how do advertising mechanisms influence customers from

various age groups in the Ranchi city, and how does the buying behaviours of the customers

from different age groups affect the turnover of smartphone products in the Ranchi city.

Chapter V: Research Methodology

The research methodology chapter is a technical component of the research study as it sheds

light on the primary data and the secondary data and the processes that are involved in

collecting and analysing them. It helps to understand the implication of advertisement on the

buying behaviour of the consumers and its impact on the overall turnover of smartphones in

the market setting.

The research methodology chapter has a number of subcategories that have been specifically

dedicated to the primary data and the secondary data that have been used in order to carry out

the comprehensive research process. The research questionnaire is the chief research tool that

has been used to collect the primary data from the research respondents in the Ranchi city.

The other details that have been mentioned relating to the primary research data include

sampling, sample size, the primary research study, and the primary research analysis. The

chief topics that have been analysed and elaborated by using the primary data, as well as the

secondary data in the chapter, include the overall influence of advertising on the purchasing

decisions of the customers, key factors that influence the product which customers choose in

the market, impact of advertisement on buying behaviours of customers from different age

groups, determination of how advertising mechanisms influence customers from various age

groups, the Impact of buying behaviors on the turnover of smartphone products, the power of

advertising and its impact on the sales turnover of a product and the determination of the

relationship between advertising, buying behavior and sales turnover of business concerns.

The ethical considerations, data analysis, and hypothesis have also been presented in the

chapter of the research. The limitations that harmed the research process have been

elaborated as well in the chapter. All the chapters have a deep interlink with one another as

they help to address the research question and understand the overall impact of advertisement

on the buying behaviors of smartphones among various age groups in the Ranchi city.

Chapter VI: Analysis of Data

The data analysis chapter of the study is the backbone of the entire research process. The

secondary and primary data collected to understand the impact of advertisement on the

buying behaviours of smartphone buyers of different age groups in the Ranchi city have been

evaluated in this part of the study. The major themes that have been identified indicate that

advertisement plays a cardinal role in the business landscape. An integrated data analysis

approach has been adopted by taking into account the data collection set to understand the

concept of advertisement and its impact on business organizations as well as the target market

audience. One of the chief themes that has been identified while conducting data analysis is

that in the digitalized era, innovative technology-driven elements play an integral role in

influencing the association between a business and the potential or existing customer.

Similarly, another important theme that has been identified in the research analysis is that the

age of the market audience plays a pivotal role and influences how their buying behaviour is

affected when they come across advertisements of smartphones. Some of the chief aspects

that have been integrated into the chapter include the importance of advertising, the diverse

impact of advertising strategy on the market audience, the role of the age of the market

audience, interlink between the age factor and the impact of the advertising strategy of

smartphone business firms, and the impact of Corona virus on buying behaviour. These

themes have been discussed and elaborated in detail and helped form suitable

recommendations for businesses to strengthen their advertisement function.

Chapter VII: Limitations of the Research process

A broad range of limiting factors comes into play that restricts the overall effectiveness of a

research study. While working on this research topic, many elements have come into play

that acted as the research limitations. The chapter highlights some of the limitations that

include the restricted availability of time to work on the vast research subject, the high

unpredictability as well as the uncertainty associated with the human factors which act as the

research participants, the use of small sample size, and the lack of sufficient financial

resources. In the study, these limitations have been identified, and the necessary measures

have been taken so that their adverse impact could be minimized to a considerable extent.

The limitations relating to the time factor and the availability of financial resources have been

managed by making the optimum use of available resources in hand and making plans in

advance. The limitation associated with the use of a small sample size for collecting the

primary data has been compensated by using a broad range of secondary data on the research

topic. Throughout the research study, steps have been taken to minimize the limitations in the

research so that authentic and genuine outcomes could be arrived at.

Chapter VIII: Hypothesis

The final chapter of the research study revolves around the constructed hypothesis. The

hypothesis that has been formed is that, the advertising strategy of telecom companies

influences the buying behaviours of customers (H0), and the age group is the determining

factor for the buying behaviour of the customer (H1). The research study has helped to

understand that the advertisement of telecom ad smartphone firms plays a key role in

influencing the buying behaviour of the target market audience. The communication and

message that is shared in the marketplace by using the promotional tactic help businesses to

increase the level of awareness of the potential customers as well as existing customers

regarding the product or service that they have to offer. Thus, a favourable kind of interaction

between a business entity and the audience in the market landscape has the ability to mold the

performance of the business by molding the customer behaviour towards the brand. It has

been identified in the research study that the age factor plays a significant role in affecting the

very effectiveness of advertisement on the buying behaviour that is exhibited by the market

audience when they purchase smartphones. The age of a customer plays a key role in

impacting their preferences and expectations. It has been identified that when customers

make purchasing decisions regarding smartphones, the behaviour of the younger audience

and the older or matured audience varies to a considerable extent. This chapter sheds light on

the constructed hypothesis and helps to determine the role of age of the market audience that

influences the impact of advertisement on the customer buying behaviour.

All the chapters that have been integrated into the research study are interconnected with one

another. They help determine the impact of advertisement on the buying behaviours of the

market audience of smartphones in Ranchi city.


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