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ny wt no oxpepamdeion of OI Deuce atu fe Nomura. O64 UDC 621.643.411.4.062-036.742.3. (621.644.2-986 : 628.1 DEUTSCHE NORMEN Pipe Joints and Elements for Polypropylene (PP) Pressure Pipelines Types 1 and 2 Bends of Segmental Construction for Butt-welding Dimensions August 1980 Rohrverbindungen und Robrleitungsteile fr Druckrobrleitungen aus Polypropylen (PP), Typ 1 und 2; in Segmentoau- weise hergestllte Rohroogen fir Stumpischweissung, Masso Dimensions in mm 1 Soope ‘This Standard applies to pipe bends of polypropylene (PP) type 1 (PF homopolymer) and type 2 (PP copolymer) which sre constructed of tubular segments in accordance with OIN 8077 and are butt-welded with a heating element in accord: ance with DIN 1910 Part 3 or DVS 2207 to PP pipes made in accordance with DIN 8077. ‘The pipe bends must conform to the requirements of DIN 16062 Part, For technical reasons the pipe bends may “only be welded to pipes of the same sores in accordance with DIN 8077. Deviation from this requirement is allowed if the wall thicknesses ere equal in the welding zone, 2. Other relevant Standards DIN. 1910 Part 3. Welding: welding of plastics, methods DIN. 807 PP (polypropylene) pipes; dimensions DIN 16962 Part 5. Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; gonral quality requirements, testing 3. Dimensions, designation “The pipe bends to not have to correspond to the illustrations: only the specified dimensions must be adhered to. Pipe bend B1 90° bend (60° and 45° bends 30° bend bede Designation ofa 81 pipebend made trom welded segments at an angle of 45° and external pipe diameter of d = 140mm "using pipes of the series 3 and type 1 Bend DIN 16962—B1—45-140-3-1 Continued on page 2 ‘Se ata of German Saree (OW No ons arowit boom Voraganon Sonn DIN 16962 Teil 1 engl. Preisor.4 Verw.Ne. 0108 Page 2 DIN 16962 Part 1 | se a ke n or oF e 39 110 168 315 245, 218 194 125 188 388 aso | 28 200 | +40 210) 360 an 237 206 180 240) 300 288 248) 24 180 270 420 905 262, 222 700 300 450 323 24 230, 225 338, 488, 5 220 2a 250 375 025 466. a2 350 [200 20 420 670 492, 424 362, a5 ars 773 ‘sr 498 428 355 50 203 oo 520 4a 400 0 600) ‘900 646, 546, 461 450 ors 975; 629 580 a8 500 750. 1100 783 665 581 ‘60 340 1190 335; 98, 575 0 | 350 246 1206; 296; Tat 603) 70 1065, 5415 ‘965 792, 636 ‘00 1200 "1550 1043 eT 672 ‘00 wo 1350 1750. nto | 960 | 7x‘ 3000 1500 1900 +266 0x2 ‘02 Dre 1sd Further Standards and documents DIN 8078 DIN. 9078 Part 2 DIN 16962 Part 2 DIN 16962 Part 3 DIN 16962 Pert 4 DIN 16962 Part 6 DIN 16.962 Pare 7 DIN 16962 Part 8 DIN 16962 Part 9 DIN 16962 Part 10 DIN 18962 Parc 11 DIN 16962 Pare 12 ovs 2207 P (polypropylene) pipes; general quality requirements; testing Pipes of polypropylene (PP); type 2, general quality requirements, testing (at present still in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines: types 1 and 2; te pieces and branch connections of segmental construction with necked ends for buttowelding, dimensions Pipe joints and eloments for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipe ‘rom pipe for burt-welding, dimensions (et present stil in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; ‘types 1 and 2; bushes, flanges and seas for buttwelding, dimensions Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) peesture pipelines; types 1 and 2: injection moulded elbows for socket-welding, dimensions Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelir ‘ee pieces for socket welding, dimensions Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines: types 1 and 2: injection moulded sockets and cape for tocker-welding, dimensions {at present still in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; ‘types 1 and 2; injection moulded reducing sackets and nipples for sacket.welding, dimensions {at present still in draft form) Pipa joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; ‘types 1 end 2; injection moulded fittings for butt-welding, dimensions Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; turned and pressed reducing sockets for butt-welding; dimensions Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; bushes, flanges and seals for socket-welding, dimensions Welding of thermoplastic plastics, PE hard (polyethylene hard), pipes and pipe elements for gas and water pipelines 2) nds formed 5; types 1 and types 1 and 2; injection moulded 2) Obtainable from Deutscher Verlag fir Schueisstechnik GmbH (German Publishing House for Welding] Postfach 2725, 4000 Disseldort i UDC 621:643.411. 1621.644.2.986 628.1 DEUTSCHE NORM February 1983. Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes ‘Tees and branches produced by segment inserts and necking for butt welding Dimensions Rohrvorbindungen und Robrleitungsteite fir Druckrohrieitangen aus Polypropylen (PP) Typ 1 und 2; in Seumentbauweise und durch Aushalsen hergestelite T-Sticke und Abaweige fir Stumpfschweissung; Masse Dimensions in mmm 1. Scope and field of application ‘This standard applies to types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) tees and branches produced by segment inserts and necking ‘1 pipes confoxming to DIN 8077 and butt welded using heated tools in sccordance with DIN 1910 Part 3 or in ‘secordance with OVS 2207 Part ¥ to types 1 and 2 PP pipes. “The tees and branches shall comply withthe requirements specified in DIN 16 962 Part 8. For welding reasons, the tees and branches shall oly be welded to pipes conforming to DIN 8077 and pipe fittings of the same pipe series. Deviations from this requirement are permitted ifthe samo wall thioknesss are given in the ‘wolding zone, 2. Dimensions, designations “Tho tees and branches need not conform to the illustration, only the dimensions specified are tobe adhered to, TeoT1 Branch AGO (produced by segment inserts) (oroduced by segment inserts) L f Designation of a pipe series 3 type 1 60° branch (A 60) of 500 mm external diameter Branch DIN 16 962 — A 60—500-3-1 Continued on pages 2 to 4 aosner expurne aerate for Gara Sanavon OW NOrTEN DIN 16 952 Part 2 Engl. Price group 5 Page 2. DIN 16 962 Part 2 Table 1. Teo T1 and branch A 60 Tee 60° branch oy Toa | | me | ae 110 wo | 205 | soo | 25 | 175 128 ao | 215 | as | 355 | 100 140 ao | 220 | 51 | 275 | 206 woo | 150 | 460 | 250 | a | az | 290 190 a0 | 240 | 700 | 450 | 250 soo | 250 | 769 | 487 225 sao | 265 | 630 | 530 | 200 250 qo | 375 | 05 | S80 | 325 250 280 reo | 390 | 905 | 630 | 265 315 20 | 460 | 1090 | 90 | 400 385 eco | 490 | 1155 | 700 | 425 00 400 1000 | 500 | 1250 | 00 | «50 450 roso | 525 | 1926 | 60 | 475 500 200 | 600 | 1400 | 900 | 500 580 1260 | 630 | 1460 | 950 | 530 20 | aso | 1030 | 605 | sss | 1000 | 545 70 sao | 705 | 1670 | 1090 | 500 800 soo | 750 | x80 | 1180 | 630 200 70 | 850 | 1980 | 1320 | 670 roo | soo | 1800 | 900 | 2070 | 1360 | 710 9200 z000 | 1000 | 2400 | 1540 | 00 Toots (produced by necking) Ae DIN 16 962 Part2 Page 3 b Designation of a pipe series 3 type 1 necked, reduced tee T'5 with dy = 200 mm and da = 140 mm: Tee DIN 16 962 —T5—200x 140-3-1 Table 2, Tee TS ay | ty | ae | be | te ae] | dy | tee | de | te |B fee] |r | by | de | tea | | ate = 20 140 ss 10 190 100 3] | s20 | 260 13 480 | 150 By avo |260| 140] | 760] 280 200 110 } 160 450 900 | 905 }—- 180 250 83 200 | | 2a0 | 25° % 18 | 300 160 30 | 60 | 200 110 : — wo 138 10 ks 140 180 | 59 ais | te0 | 150 | 620 «15 200 180 | 8 10 so B51 y200| coo 20 200 %| | 600 | soo is 20 110 - 318 | aco 138 No a8 440 | 150 _ 135 | 140 0 75 160 300 | 150 z ass} ]182] | 920, 400 223 200 350 [0 | was) 19] | oso aes i 00 | 250 | 258 | 20 | 1020] c60 ne 1 20 | 250 385 | 00 400 135 75 tao 200 | 150 90 160, ss 110 120 | 1° 250 | 950, 280 | 250 125 700 380| | 400 200 1009 609} | 630 280 1460 | 730 40 | 2 ae 00 180 eo | 2° 0 1°00 | 80 Page 4 DIN 16.962 Part 2 Standards referred to and other documents DIN 1910 Part 3 DIN 8077 DIN 16 962 Pare 5 DVS 2207 Part 1 Welding: welding of plastics, processes PP (polypropylene) pipes; dimensions Pipe joints and fittings for polyprepylene (PP) pressure pipes; general quality requirements, testing ‘Welging of thermoplastics, rigid PE (rigid polyethylene) pipes and fittings forges pipelines and water supply lines ") Other relevant standards DIN 8078 Part 1 DIN 8078 Part 2 DIN 16 962 Part 1 DIN 16 962 Part 3 DIN 16 962 Part DIN 16 962 Part 7 DIN 18 962 Part DIN 16 962 Part 9 DIN 16 962 Part 10 DIN 16 962 Port 11 DIN 16 962 Part 12, (at prosent atthe stage of draft). Type 1 polypropylene (PP? pipes: general quality requirements, testing ‘Type 2 polypropylene (PP) pipes: general quality requirements, tasting Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; bends produced by sogmantingorts for butt welding; dimansions Pipo joint assomblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; bends formed ‘rom pipes for butt welding, dimensions Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP pressure pipes: ‘moulded elbows for socket welding, dimensions Pipe joint assemblies and fitings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipe; injection ‘moulded tees for socket welding, dimensions Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes: injection ‘moulded sockets and caps for socket welding, dimensions Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes injection ‘moulded reducers and nipples for socket welding, dimensions (at present at the stage of draft) Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; injection moulded Fittings for aut welding, dimensions Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 palypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; turned and pressed reducers for butt welding, dimensions Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; bushes, ‘anges and seals for socket welding, dimensions International Patent Classification F 16 1.47/00, 1) Tobe abtained from the Deutscher Veriag fir SchweiBtachnik GmbH, Postfach 27 28, 0.4000 Diiseldort UDG 621.643.611.4.062-038.762.3 + 621.644.2-986 : 628.1 DEUTSCHE NORMEN August 1980 Pipe Joints and Elements for Polypropylene (PP) Pressure Pipelines Types 1 and 2 Bends Formed from Pipe for Butt welding Dimensions Rohrverbindungen und Robrleitungstele fir Druckrohrleitungen aus Polypropylen (PP), Typ 1 und 2; aus Rohr geformte Rohrbogen fir Stumpfechwsissung, Masse Dimensions in mm 1. Scope This Standard apples to pipe bends of polypropylene (PP), type 1 (PP homopolymer and type 2 (PP copolymer) wich are formed from PP pie in accordance with DIN 8077 and butt-welded with heating elements in accordnce With DIN 1910 Pert 3 or DVS 2207 to PP pipes in accordance with DIN 8077, ‘The pipe bends must conform to the requirements of DIN 16982 Port 6 “The pipe bends may only be welded to pipes of the same series in accordance with DIN 8077. Deviation from this requirement is allowed ifthe wall thicknesses are equal inthe welding zone, 2 Other relevant Standards DIN 1910 Part Welding: welding of plastics, methods DIN. 8077 PP (polypropylene) pipes; dimensions DIN 16.962 Part 5 Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; general quality requirements, testing 3. Dimensions, designation ‘The pipe bends do not have to conform to the illustration; only the specified dimensions must be adhered to ‘The permissible deviation from the 90° angle to bend is + 2°. Pipe bend B 2 90° bend 40 160 180 200 225 260 260 3 400 450 ya ted yeartle Designation of @ B2 pipe bend formed from pipe and} having an angle of 90° and external pipe diameter d= 400mm made from pipe of series 2 and type Bend DIN 16962 —-B2—90~400-2- Continued on page 2 ‘Spa nl caren nas name em Be OO Ba Din 16962 Tell engl Preisgr 4 o VerteNe. 0108 Page 2 DIN 16962 Part 3 Further Standards and documents DIN. 8078 P (polypropylene) pipe; general quality requirements, testing DIN 2078 Part 2 Pipes of polypropylene (PP); type 2, oneral quality requirements, testing DIN 16962 Part 1 Pipejointsand elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 end 2; bends of segmental ‘onstruction for butt welding, dimensions DIN 16952 Part 2 (at present stil in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines: ‘types 1 and 2; te places and branch connections of segmental construction with necked ends for butt-welding, dimensions DIN 16962 Part 4 (at present stil in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; ‘types 1 and 2; bushes, flanges and seals for butt welding, dimensions DIN 16962 Part 6 Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; ‘elbows for socket-welding, dimensions DIN 16962 Part 7. Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; injection moulded ‘ee pieces for socket-welding, dimensions DIN 16962 Part 8 Pipe joints and clomants for polypropylene (PP) proseure pipelines; types 1 and 2; injection moulded sockets and caps for socketsvelding, dimensions DIN 16962 Part 9 (at present still in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; ‘types 1 and 2; injection moulded reducing sockets and nipples for socket-welding, DIN 16.962 Part 10 (at present stil in dratt form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines: ‘types 1 and 2; injection moulded fittings for butt-welding, dimensions DIN 16952 Part 11 Pipe joints andelements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; tumed and pressed reducing sockets for butt.welding, dimensions DIN 16962 Part 12 Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; bushes, flanges and seals for socket-velding, dimensions bvs 2207 ‘Welding of thermoplastic plastics, PE hard (polyethylene hard), pipes and pipe elements for gas and ‘water pipelines) jection moulded, 3) Obiainable from Deutscher Verlag fir Schweisstechnik GmbH (German Publishing House for Widing) Postfach 2725, 44000 Dissoldort UDC 671.643.412-096.742.3 : 671.844.2-006 DEUTSCHE NORM. November 1988 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes ‘Adaptors for fusion jointing, anges and sealing elements Dimensions Rohrverbindungen und Robrleitungstele fir Druckrohleitungen aus Polypropylen (PP), ‘Typ 1 und 2; Bunde fur Heizelement Stumpfschwei8ung, Flansche, Dichtungen; Mae {In keeping with current practice in standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (NSO), «4 comma has been used throughout as the decimal marker, 069 Dimensions in mm 1. Field of application This standard specifies dimensions of adaptors for fusion jointing using hested tools, of anges and sealing elements used to interconnect type 1 and type 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes as specified in DIN 8077 and to connect such pipes to pipes and fittings made from materials other than polypropylene, The adaptors and flanged joints shall Comply withthe requirements specified in DIN 16962 Part § {at present at the stage of raf For technical reasons, adaptors shall only be welded to pipes conforming to DIN 8077 or to pipe components of the same pipe seies the use of other components being permitted if their wal thickness inthe weld area is equal to that of the pipes 2. Dimensions, designation ‘Adaptors, flanges and sealing elements are not expected to conform to the design illus trated here; compliance is only required in the case of the dimensions specified. For dimensions without tolerance indication, the general tolerances given in DIN 7168, Part 1 or DIN 16901 shall apply, at the manufacturer's diseretion. vie hare cen igh ae for Geman Straw [OR Nomen) DIN 16962 Part 4 Engl. Price group 7 Page 2 DIN 16962 Part 4 ‘Short adaptor Short adaptor liter No.1) {iter No.23) Long adaptor Long adaptor {item No.3} {item No.24) Example of a series 4 type 1 PP adaptor {item No. 3) designed for a pipe outside diameter of 200 mm: Adaptor DIN 16962—3-200—4—PP1 DIN 16962 Part 4 Page 3 20} ay) yo Bursader ay 104 mo “aul 9b = 19 "p Foes 5p yo sanyen payroads ayy ‘wu gzz = ort 04 ~ Jos [or =T-]-] =] &] seo 0008 oz os - | ov | oF = = | - | - | 8 | exe | s00 006 =) - |=] olo |e} -}-}-)- fos) -|- | eloe| - - 08 008 oz os os | or | se - 008 ou oz or os | ov | se 389 069 — | = | ~ Jteozs| oz | 9 | - ) - | - | - | a9} - | os | ov | se | - $99 086 ozi 0s ov | oe | ce 008, Gozt 09 | 09 | ev | ee | ee vis | ose = | = | = [oj oz) | - | - | - | - | se] ae] ec | oz | oz | - zr | 00% oz ov | ov | oe | ez | ez exe | soe oF see | sue = | = |= | oosfoe |» | - | - | - | = | oe | se | se | oe | oz | - ez | oaz oF sez_| ose ‘804 ‘008 ve | of oc | ze | ve see | sz oz | 901 |00z | oor} oz | » | ve | oe | v2 | vz | oy | ze | oz | er a | os zez | 00 9e 08 se | oz oc | 0 | oz cet | oot 902 ‘02. 8 ost gaz |es |oo| oe fox | y | se] ve | vz | oz] ec | sz for} a) a | 99 ont su out oz st oi [ee [oot | oe ve | vz | v2 | v2 | se a |e | 9s on svi {se for | oa | oz | » | zz | zz | zz | zz | oz alu |er 08 oct | es [set | os wz jaz | uz | ve | o or | os | ev su sor 96 y fe |e |e |e | o mfr a |e os jes [se | os | oz] e jar jaja) - [or a|-|er ts [os 06 38 e fo fa ja | -|s ul - os_|or er | or -|- or [ze ee les joe | os orf e | uja)-|-je - | - |ez se | sz o | - afte |-|-|- read vs | vw | ww | wer | om vlefels vlefele ” wep wlelelefalu y . *P Lapis ata (oz pueez ‘cL ON wa) sHoRdepY “1 aged Page 4 DIN 16962 Part 4 Flange (item No.2) Gosket (item No.7) 6) - ~ Tt (see table 3) | Q > | 3] 5) LJ) s| 9] The thickness ofthe flange sal be detigned tor adequate srerath, as function of the ~ materi 6 Table 2. Flanges item No. 2 po | as | a | eo | Bots n Identical with) Num. |Thveed (standard designation of tangs) ber | size | | 95 =] DW Te963—2- 20-10%) | | ws| mu | a | 95) « | we] 3 | omresa—2— 25-105 | | us 2] 6 Bin te96s —2— 22-108) aa| «| 10 si | 100 OWN t6969-2- 40-108) ao| so] ts | i | e2| 10) « | mw] a | oiieses—2- 0-109 so | | iss ve | 128 BIN te863-2- 63-19%) es | 7s] 1a a] us| 4 DWN t6969-2- 75-10%) 20 | 9] 200| 1 | 06] too) @ | mie | 0 | ditesea—2- 0-105 vo | 110 | 220 we | 120 | 8 Bin te863 —2— 110-195) yoo | 125] 220 | 1 | 195 | 100 wie OWN 16963-2- 125-198) 42s | tao] 250| 18 | ts] 210) @ | Mis | @ | Swtese—2— 140-105) x60 | 60 | 235 | 2 | 178 | 240 M20 Bin t6963 2 160-108) 150 | 100 | 205 veo | 240 DWN 169632 180— 108) 200 | 200] 300 | 2 | 205] 205 / © | mao] 9 | dwiese9—2— 200-108) 200 | 225 | 3:0 ze | 295 Div te069— 2 — 295198) aso | aso | 395 zee | 50 DIN Te863—2— 50108) 250 | 200 | 335 | 22 | zoe] 350) 12 | mao] 9 | dwtessa—2—- 260-105) 300 | ats | a5 see | 400 Bin te969—2— 815— 198) aso | ass] sos | 22 | are | «60 | 16 | mao | « | omvesea—2- os5—108) 400 | 400 | 565 | 26 | a0] Sis) is | w2e | 4 | Sinisa —2— 400-109 G00 | 450 | 470 | 26 | sir | 620) 20 | wes | @ | oINteo0—2— 490104) 00 | 800] a7 | 26 | sx} oa) 20 | waa | « | omseoea—2- c00- 10% #00 | 560 | 720 | 30 | ee | 72s) 20 | war | 7 | OWN teoso—2— S60— 105 ooo | 620 | 720 | 20 | ets | ras) as | war | 4 | bivieocs—2— e20— 19%) zoo | 710 | 995 | 30 | 40] eo | 2 | war DIN 1696-2 710-108 00 | 800 | sors | 38 | a4 | B50) 21 | wao | , | Biviesee—2- 600-109 00 | 800 | 1115 | 3 | sar | sos) 23 | Mao BIN 16963 ~2— $00 105) ro00 | r000 | 4230 | 86 | 060 | t00| 28 as IN 18963 ~ 2 — 000 = 109), 3) From dy = 63mm, Kenta withthe values given in DIN 2673, except for dy = 450mm and BOO mm, where dy values are identical with those given in DIN 2642 4 See DIN 2501 Part 1 for flange connecting dimensions 5) See table § for flange materials and for material symbols to be used in the designation. 6} Other suitable cross-sectional dimensions shall be permitted. €— 000: =Z— E9691 NO | Z—O0O!~Z—c9691 NIG 8-008 —Z~E9691 Na | Z—0c6 —Z— E9691 NIG © 008 ~2- C989 NI | Z—008 ~Z—co6o1 NIG E- 01 ~L- C9891 NID | 7-012 -2—C9691 NIG $= 095 ~~ £9691 MIG $008 ~~ £9691 NIG e069 — 1 £9891 NIO 8-085 = 2- £9801 Nia | oss -2-e86ai nia | © 800s -2- e980 NIQ | 2 DIN 16962 Part 4 Page S 9 0sr = 2 - e9691 Ni e= ogy —1- £9891 NiO os» — 1 E9691 NIG z z z z z £007 ~1-E9591 NID z z z z z z z ‘S=00r ~ 2 ~ £9691 NIG 007 = 4-es69inia | & S— Sst - 2— €9601 NIO €-s8¢ —Z-e9691 NIG | z—ss¢ ~ 2-691 NIG $—s10- 1-960) NO = s1e — 229691 NiO $— 082 - - C9601 Nia = oR -1-ee691 Nia | & $— 087 - J - E9691 NO ose 9-902 - 1— e869! NIG $007 — 4 — £9691 NIG = 1£= c9501 Nia e $—081 — 4 s9691 Nia = 1= £9591 wa $091 — 1 - 29691 NiO ease: wia | z~o91 ~2~e8691 NIG 9 0Fl ~ 2 ~ £9691 Nia z-e9601 Nia | Zorn —Z-co691 NIG | © §—s2i ~ 2 ~ 9691 NiO Z=szi —2— 09691 Nid g-ou z-o1 -z-esssrnia fe | os | 26 | 101 | co | as | on $—06 = 1=f9601 Ni | z-06 -z-eosarnia |z| oz | os | es | ve | eet | 06 s-s ~t-cosoinia | 2-se -2-eosoinia |z| ie | 9 | es | os | zz | sx s-09 =1-e96o1nia | z~e9 —2- e961 NI is |os | as | es | zo | co $-05 ’ z = £- £9691 Ni ~ zliv jor | or | = | os | os s-or v 4 = 1- F968) Nia = ee | se | 9¢ a | oF g-ze -z-ceeoi Nia | p—Ze —2-co6oI NIG - - a fe | - 1) - |e S-8z —1- Co NiO | P-Sz -2~c9601 NIG - - zioz jiz | - | - jes g0z —2— 09691 NO - - = a | - | - | - [sr * e z . vlelele satis adid 05 seuat adie (99508 yo voneubisop plepuers) yay jeanLaph 4 ” (LON wan) Ae>KeD “€ 219PL Page 6 DIN 16962 Part 4 Oring (item No.8) a ge Tabled. O ings er No) Pip ouside as aa \aentia with “ te iBha_| andard deagration of Ong 29 wa On em 1e= 2 BE | ce | se | oon | BN gpm 13 a a; eee [ao 438, 205 DIN 8063-16-40 8 BE] ) so saw | BW BRST & sa | ish BIN B08 16 = 83 ze aie 32 | sea [OW eogs 16-76 % Be | cee | Bek | BN SERB B= #0 12 Peon eae 182098 135 120 Sw Bogs 19 = 130 18 Be 7) soe | BA BERS 18-8 8 re | BN Sees 18100 129 igs BIN 19889 9-160 38 1888 7 oe | BR SSER B= 488 8 B85 | BN isees — 8-28 3. Materials Table 5. Materials Permitted material Name of component 1 eug |TVPCS Hand 2 Pel trem No.) Go | st | Al |pP-cr| pvc | ork ‘Short adaptor 7 7 ‘Short adaptor Ey * ‘Long adaptor 3 7 ‘Long adaptor 2 x Flange 2af« fx] «xf. «fx Gasket 7 —— _. ; Mat ‘Oring 3] “The materials suitable for the components listed are marked x. GG = cast iron (grey cast iton) as specified in DIN 1691 St’ = USt37-20r RSt 37-2 as specified in DIN 17 100, at the manufacturers discretion Al__ = light alloy PP.GF = glass fibre reinforced polypropylene PVG = PVCU as specified in DIN 8083 Part 5 GFK = glass fibre reinforced plastics PP = polypropylene For items Nos. 7 and 8, the material shall be agreed as 2 function of the type, concentration and service temperature of the medium conveyed. ials subject to agreement DIN 16962 Part 4 Page 7 4 Assemblies ‘Adaptors, flanges and sealing elements as specified in clause 2 may be used to make the flanged joints shown below. ‘Type Ft flanged joint (for sizes from DN 15 to DN 1000) Type FS flanged joint (for sizes from DN 15 r0 DN 200), 7 fs tb uw A a tem No. Name of component Them No. Name of component 1 ‘Short adaptor 2 Flange 2 Flenge | 3 | Long adaptor 7 Gasket 7 Gasket “Type F2 flanged joint {for sizes rom DN 15 to DN 1000) Type F7 flanged joint (for sizes rom DN 15 to DN 200) +o c D tem No. Name of component Tem No. Name of component 7 ‘Short adaptor 2 Flange 2 Flange 3 Long adaptor 8 Oring @ Oring 2 ‘Short adaptor 4 Long adaptor Page 8 DIN 16962 Part 4 Standards referred to DIN. 1691 Flake graphite cast iron (grey cast iron); properties DIN. 2501 Part 1 Flanges; connecting dimensions DIN. 2642 Loose flanges with collar and plain collars, rated for PN 10 DIN 2673 Loose flanges and adaptors rated for PN 10 DIN. 7168 Part 1 DIN. 8063Part 3 DIN. 8053 Part 4 DIN. 8053Part 5 DIN. 8077 DIN 16901 DIN 16982 Part 5 DIN 16963 Part 4 DIN 17 100 General tolerances linear and angular dimensions Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for unplasticized polyviny| chloride (PVC) pressure pipes: pipe couplings: dimensions Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for unplasticized poly viny chioride PVC-U) pressure pipes: bushings, flanges and sealing elements; dimensions (at present atthe stage of draft) Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVCU) pressure pipes; general quality requirements and testing Polypropylene (P) pipes; dimensions Plastics mouldings; tolerances for linear dimensions and acceptance conditions (at present at the stage of draft) Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes: general quality requirements and testing Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for high-sensity polyethylene (PE-HD) pressure pipes: adaptors for fusion jointing, flanges and sealing elements: dimensions Steals for general structural purposes; quality standard Explanatory notes ‘This standard has been prepared by Subcommittee 504.4 Kunststoft-Fittings fir Rohe aus Thermoplasten of the Normen ausschuft Kunststoffe (Plastics Standards Commitee). “The dimensions of adaptors designed for flanged joints with dy up to and including 316 mm are based on the results of long-term hydrostatic pressure tests, while those adaptors with dy not less than 355 mm have been determined by calcula ton owing to the relevant tests not having been concluded. International Patent Classification B20 65/18 8 296 65/20 F 161.47/00 DEUTSCHE NORM April 2000 Pipe fittings and joint assemblies for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes Part §: General quality requirements and testing 10S 23,040.45, Supersedes. October 1999 edition, Ronrverbindungen und Formsticke fur Druckrohrieitungen aus Polypropylen [PP) - PP-H 100, PP-B 80 und PP-R 80 — Teil 5: Aligemeine Qualittsanforderungen, Priifung In keeping with current practice in standards published by the Intemational Organization for Standardization (180), 2 comma has been used throughout as the decimal marker Contents Foreword 5.4 Long-term hydrostatic pressure resistance 6 Testing Normative references 6.1 Time of testing 6.2 Form supplied and surface finish 6.3. Dimensions and tolerances Material ........ cee 6.4 Long-term hydrostatic pressure resistance Scope Concept and material de Requirements 65 Cerificate 5.1 Form supplied .. 5.2 Surface finish 5.3 Dimensions and t Other relevant standards - Explanatory notes Foreword ‘This standard has been prepared by Technical Committee Fittings flr Druckrohre aus Thermoplasten of the Normenausschuss Kunststoffe (Plastics Standards Committee). ‘Amendments This standard ditfers from the October 1999 edition in that it has been editorially revised, Previous editions DIN 1692-5: 1977-07; 1989-10, 1999-10, Al dimensions are in millimetres. Continued on pages 2 to 11 Translation by DIN-Sprachendienst. Incase of cab, he German language signa should be consid asthe saorive ot See ere OT ee ae on Ref, No. DIN 169625. 2000-04 ‘at foetus or Garman Sand (Nom ” Eraten pce goup oe Sees ee Page 2 DIN 16962-5 : 2000-04 4 Scope This standard specifies requirements and test methods for pipe fittings and joint assemblies for pressure pipes made from polypropylene of types H 100, B 80 and R 80, as specified in DIN 16962-1 to DIN 16962-4 and DIN 16962-6 to DIN 16962-13. Individual requirements specified here may be superseded by technical delivery conditions for particular applications. NOTE: Any relevant European Standards which cover such applications shall also be observed. 2 Normative references This standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These norma- tive references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the titles of the publications are listed below. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision, For undated references, the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. DIN 8077, Polypropylene (PP) pipes ~ Dimensions DIN 8078 ‘Types 1, 2 and 3 polypropylene (PP) pipes - General quality requirements and testing DIN 16962-1 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes ~ Gusseted bends for butt welding ~ Dimensions DIN 16962-2 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes ~ Gusseted tees and branches produced by necking, for butt welding ~ Dimensions. DIN 16962-3 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes ~ Bends formed from pipes, for butt welding ~ Dimensions DIN 16962-4 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes ~ ‘Adaptors for heated tool butt welding, flanges and sealing elements ~ Dimensions DIN 16962-6 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes ~ Injection- moulded elbows for socket welding ~ Dimensions. DIN 16962-7 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes ~ Injection-moulded tees for socket welding — Dimensions DIN 16962-8 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes ~ Injection-moulded sockets and caps for socket welding ~ Dimensions DIN 16962-9 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes ~ Injection-moulded reducers and nipples for socket welding - Dimensions DIN 16962-10 ipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes — Injection-moulded fittings for butt welding - Dimensions DIN 16962-11 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes ~ Turned and pressed reducers for butt welding - Dimensions DIN 16962-12 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes ~ ‘Adaptors, flanges and sealing elements for socket welding ~ Dimensions DIN 16362-13 _Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes ~ Pipe couplings ~ Dimensions DINEN 10204 —_ Inspection documents for metallic products (includes Amendment A 1 : 1995) DINEN|SO 12162 Thermoplastics materials for pipes and fittings for pressure applications ~ Classification and designation ~ Overall service (design) coeticient (SO 12162: 1995) 3 Concept and material designation 3.1. Long-term hydrostatic pressure resistance The strength of a pipe required to resist an induced intemal hydrostatic pressure, o, in Nimm®, shall be calculated as follows: d-s one 0 where P_ is the induced hydrostatic pressure; d is the pipe outside diameter; is the pipe wall thickness. Pages DIN 16962-5 : 2000-04 3.2. Material designation ‘The designation of polypropylene moulding materials is based on the minimum required strength, MRS, in ‘water at 20°C for 50 years, as specified in DIN EN ISO 12162 (see table 1), NOTE: By extrapolation, the service life of pipe joint assemblies and fittings conforming with this standard may be assumed to be 100 years at 50°C (see DIN 8077 and DIN 8078), Table 1: Material designation Materal designation |] Mrimum required stent, Pent00 700 Pepe a0 Pema a0 4 Material Fittings and joint assemblies shall be made from polypropylene stabilized using suitable antioxidants (see DIN 8078). The choice of stablizers and other additives shall be left to the pipe manufacturer. Moulding materials of unknown composition shall not be used. 5 Requirements 5.1. Form supplied Fittings and joint assemblies shall be free from blisters and irregularities or foreign matter which would impair ‘their performance. Cut edges shall not impede handling, 5.2. Surface finish When checked as in subclause 6.2, fitings and joint assemblies shall have a smooth outer surface consistent with the manufacturing process used, and no scorched areas due to overheating, 5.3. Dimensions and tolerances ‘The dimensions and tolerances for fittings and joint assemblies shall be in accordance with the relevant ‘standards listed in clause 2, All other dimensions shall be such that fittings are capable of resisting any stresses in service, in addition to those covered in subclause 5.4 5.4 Long-term hydrostatic pressure resistance 5.4.1. Material testing When tested as in subciause in accordance with the specifications of table 2, test pieces shall neither leak nor fracture. Fittings made from pipes as in DIN 8077 and conforming to the quality requirements specified in DIN 8078 (see DIN 16962-1 to DIN 16962-3) shall be considered to fulfil these requirements without being tested. Table 2: Long-term hydrostatic pressure resistance of test pieces (test conditions) Test posure | Test paved Proc eves, temperature, | "200 |" Rnkum ain Ne me servcelgyinh| pp-H100 | “pp-Ba0 | pp-Reo 20 7 a 8 8 = Air orwater [1000 a5 28 35 70 37609 79 14 19 7) For quay contol esting performed atthe start of production and when the material r manufacturing mmattod is changed 5.4.2 Fittings When tested as in subclause in accordance with the specifications of table 8, fittings shall neither fracture nor show any signs of leakage. Page 4 DIN 1692-5 : 2000-04 Table 3: Long-term hydrostatic pressure resistance of fittings (test conditions) Test Exposure | Test period Proof pressure, temperature, oan (minimum Pops in bar inc. service life), inh | PP-H 100 PP-B a0 PP-RaO 20 1 420 320 320. 3DR7 SDRT SDR1 Air or water 95 7-000 70 25 70 SDR SDRA SDRA 'SDR-1: Nominal value of diameter/wall thickness ratio of the fitting specified in DIN 8077 for pipe series 1 NOTE: It should be noted that in the case of gusseted fittings, resistance to hydrostatic pressures less than that ofthe original pipe. Therefore, the allowable operating pressure for gusseted bends asin DIN 16962-1 should be reduced by a factor of 0,8 and by a factor of 0,5 for gusseted tees as in DIN 16962-2. Any reduction factors used for testing are subject to agreement with the manufacturer 5.4.3 Joint assemblies A Welded assemblies When tested as in subclause in accordance with the specifications of table 4, welded assemblies shall show no signs of leakage. Coupling assemblies When tested as in subclause or subclause in accordance with the specifications of table 5, assemblies made up of compression couplings as in DIN 16962-18 and flanges as in 16962-4 or DIN 16962-12 shall show no signs of leakage. Table 4: Long-term hydrostatic pressure resistance of welded assemblies (test conditions) Test Coane) Test pera Pol proses, temperature, | Expamure | on mearinbor we senicetgrinn | peHi00 | ‘PeBao. | Pp-Aao mo 7 0 30 320 al SBR SBR Airor water we 7000 70 2 70 SBR SDR sBRT 'SDR-1; Nominal value of diameter/wall thickness ratio of the fitting specified in DIN 8077 for pipe series 1 Table 5: Long-term hydrostatic pressure resistance of mechanical joints (test conditions) Test Test poo Proot pressure, temperature, | ©9980 | tna Pevinbar fe tence inn | pP-H100 | PB-Ba0 | _PP-Rgo » 7000 mn 168 796 7 SOR DAT SDR iro water os 7000 rn 35 w SBR SBI SDR 'SDR-1: Nominal value of diameter/wall thickness ratio of the fiting specified in DIN 8077 for pipe series 1 6 Testing 6.1 Time of testing Testing shall be carried cut no sooner than 15 hours after manufacture of fittings. 6.2 Form supplied and surface finish The outside surface and, if possible, the inside surface of fittings shall be inspected using suitable lighting, Page 5 DIN 16962-5 : 2000-04 6.3, Dimensions and tolerances ‘The inside diameter of the socket shall be calculated te be the mean of two measurements taken at right angles toeach otherat the middle ofthe socket depth. The ovality of fittings shallbe taken to be the difference between ‘the minimum and maximum inside diameters of a socket at the same cross section . Other dimensions shall be measured appropriately 6.4 Long-term hydrostatic pressure resistance 6.4.1 Number of test pieces Three test pieces, fittings or joint assemblies shall be used for testing as in tables 2 to 6 Testing of material The following test pieces, including end-fittings, shall be tested. extruded pipe sections: test pieces as specified in DIN 8078; injection-moulded test pieces: as shown in figure 1. The tost piece outside diameter, d, shall be at least 50 mm, and its free length shall be at least equal to 3 d (see figure 1), with the exception of test pieces with an outside diameter of 50 mm, whose minimum free length shall be 140 mm. Cap Ijecton-mouted seal i y Oo=S [4 Figure 1: Form of test pieces Testing fittings Fittings as specifi in DIN 16962-1 to DIN 16962-4 and DIN 16962-6 to DIN 16962-13 shall be tested using {est assemblies as described below under item a) b) orc), Test pieces shall be arranged so that the significant parts of the fittings are loaded. Although joints, brackets and seals are not covered by this standard, their design shall not cause the system ‘to fal, The seal zone may be reinforced to prevent undue strain when pressures are exceeded during testing. Fittings which are part ofa sealed assembly, such as Screwed joints and flanged joints, shall be tested as ajoint assembly (see subclause ‘a} The test assembly shall be made up of fittings joined to sections of pipe as in DIN 8077 from the same ‘series, using highly solvent adhesive or by insertion, as appropriate. The pipe section length shall be as ‘specified in table 6. Table 6: Length of welded pipe sections Pipe outside diamet © [Pipe section length Up to 75 200 From 90 to 225 300 250 or more 500 b) The test assembly shall be made up of fittings clamped, without pipe sections, in such a way that test conditions are the same as those described under item a) above. Joints shall resist the axial thrust resulting from the hydrostatic pressure. ©} The test assembly shall be made up of reducers as specified in DIN 16962-9 inserted in sockets as specified in DIN 16962-8, and joined as specified under item a} above Page 6 DIN 16962-5 : 2000-04 3. Testing joint assemblies 3.1 Welded joints Fittings shall be joined to sections of pipe as in DIN 8077 from the same series. Pipe couplings Pipe couplings as in DIN 16962-13 shall be joined to sections of pipe as in DIN 8077 from the same series, 6.4,2.8.3 Flanged joints Flanged joints shall be made up of fittings as in DIN 16962-4 or DIN 16962-12. Necks and bushes shall be welded to pipe sections of lengths as in table 6, The ends of the pipe sections shall be provided with caps so that the axial stress generated during testing is accommodated, The test assemblies shall be manoeuvrable in all directions. 6.4.3 Test procedure ‘Samples prepared as in subclauses to shall be filed with water at test temperature (maintained to within 5 K) through a closable opening in one of the end caps, and placed in a water bath or oven maintained at test temperature (to within 1 K)where it shall be kept for one hour to reach thermal equilibrium. I the samples are filled with water of a lower temperature, they shall be kept in the water bath or oven for 12 hours to reach thermal equilibrium. ‘Subsequently, the pressure in the water bath or oven shall be steadily Increased te reach proof pressure, P, »» within about one minute. The proof pressure shall be maintained to within 2,5 % during the test period. The proat pressure for the material test shall be calculated using the following equation: = 2 Sain” % Pep= 7 @ where ds the test piece diameter; Sig 18 the minimum wall thickness of the test piece; fs the proof stress as specified in table 2. The relevant proof pressure for testing fittings and joint assemblies shall be selected from tables 3 to 5. 6.4.4 Evaluation It shall be established whether the samples leak or otherwise fal during testing. Results of tests on test places, fittings or joint assemblies in which the components fail shall be disregarded, and the test shall be repeated. ‘The same shall apply when joint assemblies are tested and the fittings, pipe sections or clamping devices have fractured or have shown any signs of leakage. 65 Certificate By agreement, the manufacturer shall issue @ DIN EN 10204 inspection document covering the results of testing. Explanatory notes This standard is a basie standard and therefore does not cover the scope of testing, inspection or requirements telating to special applications. ‘The standard focuses on the long-term hydrostatic testing of material and components. Materials testing at elevated temperature demonstrates the sultabilty of the moulding material for the manufacture of fittings. The test conditions specified for material and fitings are based on the long-term hydrostatic behaviour of the material, which correlates well with that of pipes as in DIN 8078. Inthe case of gusseted bends, where the hydrostatic resistance is ower than that ofthe pipe from which the fittings are made, lower operating pressures shall be used, i.e. the pressure for gusseted bends as in DIN 16962-1 ‘should be lower by a factor of 0,8, and for gusseted tees as in DIN 16962-2 lower by a factor of 0.5. All lower pressures shall be agreed with the manufacturer In the case of assemblies made of dissimilar materials, such as pipe couplings or flanged joints, applying the test conditions for pipes to fittings would result in these being subjected to a greater siress than that incurred under service conditions, resulting in leakage. The test conditions have therefore been modified accordingly. Itis a basic requirement of pipe assemblies that they do not leak under normal service conditions. For assem~ blies conforming to this standard, a service lfe of 50 years at an operating temperature of 20°C is based on abasic stress, 0, y, a8 Set out in table 7. The strain under service conditions shall be calculated for tempera~ tures of 20°C, 40E'and 95 °C using the safety factors given in table 7. Subsequently, the leaktightness of the joints under this strain shall be checked. This may be done by means of a short-term test or acreep test, in which Page 7 DIN 16962-5 : 2000-04 Table 7: Service and test conditions for propylene pipe assemblies ‘Material PP-H 100, PP-B 80 T PP-R 80 “aniaeondions: Temperature, n’C wo | | | | wo | » | 0 Sorvc0 tein years a Design stress, ayaunthinnimm | 59 | 42 [se | 38 | 7 | 6s Siri, ana portage a8 [at 2a [1a | 08) at | Testcondtions Safety factor fore j inporentage pls as | 073092 | 14 | 096 | oa | an | 12 | ose Brain sqsas percentage | 2@ | a2 | om [ ae) 28 | ta) e@ | ae [18 | Expos pored,inhoure 700 1000 1000 [Protavess.ayinwmnt | we [aa [es [ea [se [uml oa] a7 | a zu | es a6] ee | se | as | age | ict | ae Proof pressure, Pay in bat SDRF | SDR SRA | SRA SRA | SR | SRA | SH | SRA 1} Based on reference curves asin DIN 8078 and a safety factor of 1,7 for ype H 100, and 1,5 for types BO and R60 propylene, NOTE: The strain due to tensile stress ge, (1 462) be converted into strain due to hoop stress, «, using the following equation: where 2 is the tensile strain fe the Poieson's ratio ere, the pressure applied (with an additional safety factor) produces the same stress as the basic stress. The hydrostatic pressure, p, in bar, asa function of the stress, ¢;, in N/mm?, shall be calculated using the following equation: 20 SRA Py ® where SDR-+ is the nominal value of diameter/wall thickness ratio ofthe fiting specified in DIN 8077 for pipe series 1. The specifications set out in tables 3 to 5 are also based on equation (3), and the caloulated values are given in table 7, figures 2 to 10 showing the stress-strain characteristics. ‘The following moulding materials, specified in DIN 1674-1, are generally used for the manufacture of fittings covered by this standard, 2) PP-H 100 Moulding material OI 16774 ~ 2B —H. HLH. 95 Polypropylene Homopolymer sow Page & DIN 16962-5 : 2000-04 ©) PP-R 80 Moulding material IN 16774 - BP Polypropylene Copolymer R- Injection-moulded Stabilizer Isotactic index MER test conditions: 190 °O/5 kg, Melt-flow index group: 003, 006 or 012 ‘Specifications with regard to the composition of the pipe material and methods of manufacture have not been Included so as not to impede technical innovation. The specification that moulding material of unknown com- Position should not be used is intended to prevent the use of unsuitable material, while allowing the manufac~ turers to derive technical and economic advantages from using reworked material B te wh ae = of %, sek \ 3 t T ear * 4 f- 0 years § = 3 — ° 1 = a or S Es 1 : s) I 5 e 5 an | i i / V | | 0 dS ST a 2» Stain, ¢, a8 a percentage Stain, r, a8 a percentage — Figure 2: Stress-strain diagram for PP-H 100 ‘Figure 3: Stress-strain diagram for PP-H 100 at 20°C. ‘at 40°C Hoop stress, «; in N/mm? Page 9 DIN 16962-5 : 2000-04 | 10) | 0° Ho% S years; ° ost lt 15 2 25 3 053 0.95, Strain, ¢, as a percentage — Figure 4: Stress-strain diagram for PP-H 100 at 95 1h 10'S years L if I T 1 1 fh l I i B ora os 6 7 8 3 28 42 Strain, ¢, as a percentage —— Figure 6: Stress-strain diagram for PP-B 80 at 20°C. Page 10 DIN 16962-5 : 2000-04 Hoop stress, «, in N/mm? — Hoop stress, o, in Nimm? — 0 1 1 ] | 5 | 8 LL hors 50 years 1 | 39 | \ | 3 1 | 1 2 | if | I 1 ' 1 | ° | 005 st ek 13 5 Strain, ¢, as a percentage Figure 6: Stross-strain diagram for PP-B 80 at 40°C woth 10 S years 1 0812 Stain, ¢, a9 percentage —- Figure 7: Stress-strain diagram for PP-B.80 at 95°C Page 1 DIN 16962-5 : 2000-04 a ot Be = ar ' hor) | 8 - t t [50 years, E 3 i $ i t i i £ T 8 | o 1 2 3 a 5 eles 1 5 Strain, «a8 a percentage —— Figure: Stress-strain diagram for PP-R.80 at 20°C 4 ; 50 years ‘ 10°: es ‘ Tf] & & = 674 = S s @: a g 2 / $2 3 3 2 a Q é a) ae 36 Strain, ¢, a8 a percentage—— Strain, 4, a8 a percentage ~~ Figure : Stress-strain diagram for PP-R 80 Figure 10: Stress-strain diagram for PP-R 80 at 40°C at 95°C Other relevant standards DIN 1674-1 DINEN 12107 DINEN ISO 1873-1 DINEN ISO 1873-2 1$0 161-1 : 1996, 180.9213 : 1996 10 4065 : 1996 Polypropylene (PP) moulding materials ~ Classification and designation Injection-moulded thermoplastics fittings, valves and ancillary equipment - Determina- tion of the long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastics materials for injection ‘moulding of piping components Plastics ~ Polypropylene (PP) moulding and extrusion materials ~ Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications (ISO 1873-1 ; 1995) Plastics ~ Polypropylene (PP) moulding and extrusion materials ~ Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties (ISO 1873-2 : 1997, including Amend- ‘ment 1: 2000) Thermopiastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids ~ Nominal outside diameters and ‘nominal pressures ~ Part 1: Metric series Polypropylene (PP) pipes ~ Effect of time and temperature on expected strength Thermopiastics pipes ~ Universal wall thickness table ‘UDC 621.643.411.4.062-036.742.3 1 021.644.2-086 : 620.1 DEUTSCHE NORMEN August 1980 Pipe Joints and Elements for Polypropylene (PP) Pressure Pipelines “Types 1 and 2. Injection Moulded Elbows for Socket-welding Dimensions ir Druckrohrleitungen aus Palypropylen (PP), Typ 1 und 2; Winkel aus Rohrverbindungen und Rohrleitungste Spritzgus fr Muffenschweissung, Messe Dimensions in men 1. Scope “This Standard applies to injection moulded 1) elbows of polypropylene (PP} type 1 {PP homopolymer) and type 2 (PP copolymer) which are socket-welded with a heating element to PP pipes in accordance with DIN 8077. “The elbows must conform to the requirements of DIN 16962 Part 5. 2. Other relevant Standards DIN 2909 Part 1 Whitworth threads for screwed pipes and fittings; straight internal threads and tapered external threads, thread dimensions DIN. 807 PP (polypropylene) pipes: dimensions i DIN 16962 Part 5 Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; general quality requirements, i testing i 2) 3. Dimensions, designation 8] The ebows do not have to conform to the illustrations; only the speciied dimensions must be adhered to. 2) The perms angular deviation = 2° a) Typewt ‘Type W2 ‘Type W1GI €] og eow 45° elbow 20° elbow with ; x internal thread ey, atone end only (reinforces) Ld Reproduction ever in parton Designation of a W1 elbow for socketwelding type A with external pipe diameter d = 25mm for pipe series 3 from PP type 1 Elbow DIN 16962—W1A 25-3—1 1) For the term injection moulded soe DIN 16700 Continued on pages 2 and 3 Explanations on page 3 1 Sooners Ee aeracountenars Oh narmnaemeernvomsoRR OS ‘DIN 16962 Tell'6 engl Proign 4 Vert. 0108 Page 2 DIN 16962 Part 6 1 eg 6662 NIG HIM eaUEPIODIe UT Ie fu} wnuyuyw pue wnwxeus pasnseou ayn Voomned 20 sseupuno1o2n9 (, 9161 - 792 051 oF xpuadsei109 (g {684 PU" 280 N BEL OSI O1 BuYpu6ds=1405 Ig nf jo UORUAUNP Wrusixew aun 0 spuodse1409 [62/40 MN 1201 Zp gedhii03 ww si+Pz0= vada 104 wuge +p£0= 1 swucos pe pun y AdAL203 Up -soyoue 14611 peunseou savowyp [eure 18x0cE Om yO UEBW EDFBALYAE ayL Os POURED 218 srEWLIP 18905 WED AUL Ce Lied 6662 NIG WHIM sovepsO098 w URELI Peestn aAn: *y 2dhi 01 Burpsoaoe poeufitap aq 02 AlUo aue sMOgja at WL E9 OF LAG] WOH SiooWAP jeUsaIKe add 105 wy - = ov | o | - og sees] sev] - sei] cezs] *g- | og, | see ve) ao | - [ow] « | - 3 [soar] on] eg [soror| coor | vg | og. | on se | o | - | ose] ce | — eg zea | eos | 1 eg — lseae [owe | 8- | og. | 08 so | see | — | ve | oc | — | 8 | eg- leew | om | 4 | ey | 9 [see [vee | eg | ag. | oe sve | - ou - °° sea v0 as ve 8 | Be | eo 7 _ | wl) — sez - sy svoy 90 sg zor rg | 8. | 8 se | iz | oz soz ate ne svee so co zoe FE | 8s | oF ‘ ve sie so io ele ve | es | ze ve eg ove, vo e ew | be | 8 wu a set vo ey est ry | Be | oe wale sa fro] vor |e | be | ot Sean [eae [aoa [wea] es SOTAL| VOGAL [GOTAL [VOGAL gears |v OGAL 19 08 peed pus adie aun 50 eG Bujood op cer ssou Ger sam [vom |B unos ‘sap ied | join aid jo teuinp feusng DIN 16962 Part 6 Page 3 Further Standards DIN. 8078 DIN 8078 Part 2 DIN 16962 Part 1 DIN 16962 Part 2 IN 16962 Pare 3 DIN 16962 Part 4 DIN 16062 Pare 7 DIN 16962 Pare 8 DIN 16.962 Pare 9 DIN 16062 Part 10 DIN 16962 Pare 11 DIN 16962 Part 12 I was necessary too PP (polypropylene) pipes; general quality requirements, testing Pipes of polypropylene (PP); type 2, general quality requirements, testing Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; bends of seamental construction for butt-welding, dimensions {at present stil in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; ‘types 1 and 2; tee pieces and branch connections of segmental construction with necked ends for buttwelding, dimensions Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; bends formed from pipe for burt-welding, dimensions {at present stil in draft formn} Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; bushes, flanges and seals for butt welding, dimensions Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; injection moulded tee pieces for socket-welding, dimensions Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; injection moulded sockets and caps for socket welding, dimensions {at present still in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipeli ‘types 1 and 2: injection moulded reducing sockets and nipples for socket-welding, dimensions (at present stil in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; ‘types 1 and 2; injection moulded fittings for butt-welding, dimensions Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; turned and pressed reducing sockets for butt welding, dimensions Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; bushes, flanges ‘and teas for socket-welding, dimensions Explanations distinction between the socket dime 1 owing to differ ‘ences in methods of welding as regards the preliminary treatment of the pipe end surface tobe welded. ‘This led to their dvision into the two types A and B, Fundamental work by the 180 working group TC 138/GAH 2/4 on these two methods was embodied in Doe. 180 138 N 787 and 789. ‘This Standard hes been drawn up on the basis of these documents. Ube 671.643.4114.083.096.742.3 621.644.2-086 : 628.1 DEUTSCHE NORMEN August 1980 Pipe Joints and Elements for Polypropylene (PP) Pressure Pipelines Types 1 and 2 Injection Moulded Tee Pieces for Socket-welding Dimensions Rohrverbindungen und Rotvleltungstele fir Oruckrobwieitungen aus Polypropylen (PPI, Typ 1 und 2; T-Sticke ous Spritzguss fir Muffenschweissung, Masse Dimensions in mm 1 Scope “This Standard applies to injection moulded ") tee pieces of polypropylene (PP), type 1 (PP homopolymer) and type 2 {PP copolymer) which are socket-welded with heating elements to pipes of PP sccording to DIN 8077. ‘The toe pieces must conform to the requirements of DIN 16962 Part 5. 2. Other relevant Standards DIN. 2099 Part 1 Whitworth threads for serewed pipes and fittings; straight internal thread and tapered external thread, thread dimensions DIN. 8077 PP (polypropylene) pipes; dimensions DIN 16962 Part 5 Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; general quality requirements, tes 3. Dimensions, designation ‘The tee pieces do not have to conform to the illustration; only the specified dimensions must be adhered to Type T2 Type T2G Tee piece 7 ‘Tee piece with ty threaded connection (on one side (reinforces) (E ie Designation of aT 2 te piece Type A fr socket welding with external pipe clameter d = 25 mn for pipe series 3 of Pra tyne 1 T piece DIN 16962—T2 A 25-3-1 enroucton, ven eps with he ep piano the ON Dastaches nt Nerang YBa 1) For the term injection moulded see DIN 16700 Continued on pages 2 and 3 Explanations on page 3 Sapien sana Once we bead OME BoIN DIN 16 962 Teil? engl. Preise. 4 Vert Nr. 0108 Page 2 DIN 16982 Part 7 “Yoy90s aya jo =1UeYP eWeIU! WhuuTUlWH pue LIMUH}xeUi pasnseaLl ay) UBBHNaG 20U8 1 eg 6662 NIC Ww aoUEPoD2e ur yaBUD} peasy anno2}}o axa JO UOLSUELIIP WINUANCeW ays OF spLOdsa.uOD ‘az JO MUM J2Mo4 Z “so(6ue 14618 peunseaw sumawerp yewerus T ted 6662 NIG Wim BOUEPIOGIE UT Ty ‘53 saupunoryo-1ng (_ 9261 ~ 92 OS1 0% SuIpuodtes109 (g 684 Pu LBL N BEL OSI oF SuIPUOdSEHIED (5 uwsg +Peo=4 wusezp — 9 edhis0y wu gi+Pzo=":uugezp — yodki10y we'd + PEO 17 umEgsP @pun y ad 10d (¢ a9 WOH pouuerep ae sioewerp 189208 VeaW ous "Y ad. 01 Bulpr0o08 pareubisap 2q 01 Aluo ave sa001d an ayn Un OL WL G1 WOH S1a}>WE - [sx]? -] #) |] - %y- seezi] sce] 6 eg secs | cect] "8 = | ow] - | sw [oe [= 9g sor] on] 6 %- sow | coor | re | of, | om - | | - | oe] cc | - B- zoo | ooo | + *B sows | see | ©e- | 48, | 06 - fsve} - | we] oe | - | ee | og sew | ow | 4 | vg- | eg- [sees | cee | #g- | og, | oe - [see] - sx - E> sz 90 3B v0 Be | 8s | oe - oe} = sez - 53> over 90 5B ver 78 | 8s | OF @ soz ve "Ee sree so "a vee re | 8. | or 6 a te sie v0 Bo eve 8 | obs | ee cn ot we % swe vo er ewe ve | ke | gt et si we 4 se vo ey ee 7 | 8s | oe et o eu eB ost vo Co vst re | es fob = Te Sem | van, Bou [vom] Bev eIAL| ww | aemL [WAAL | BON] [wea | @edAL | WOOK pzi | za | “ mp ved “nap pus adid an 30 sod, | sek be or | wr | oF Gar “P Gere sou Ger pune 870 DIN 16962 Part 7 Page 3 Further Standards DIN. 8078 DIN. 8078 Part 2 DIN 16.962 Part 1 DIN 16962 Part 2 DIN 16962 Part 3 DIN 16962 Part 4 DIN 16962 Part 6 DIN 16962 Pare 8 DIN 16962 Pare 9 DIN 16962 Part 10 DIN 16962 Part 11 DIN 16962 Part 12 It was necessary to make a distinction between the socket di PP (polypropylene) pipes; general quality requirements, testing Pipes of polypropylene (PP); type 2, general quality requirements, testing Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines, types 1 and 2; bends of segmental ‘construction for buttwelding, dimensions {at present still in draft form). Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; tee pisces and branch connections of segmental construction with necked ends for butt-welding, dimensions Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; bends formed from pipe for butt-wvelding, dimensions {at present still in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; ‘types 1 and 2; bushes, flanges and seals for butt-welding, dimensions Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP] pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; injection moulded elbows for socket welding, dimensions Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; injection moulded sockets and caps for socket welding, dimensions {at present still in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; injection moulded reducing sockets and nipples for socket-welding, dimensions {at present still in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; injection moulded fittings for butt welding, dimensions Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; turned and pressed reducing sockets for butt-welding, dimensions Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; bushes, flanges and seals for socket-welding, dimensions Explanations rensions owing to differ ‘ences in methods of welding as regards the praliminary treatment of the pipe end surface ‘to bo welded. ‘This led to their division into the two types A and B. Fundamental work by the 180 working group TC 138/GAH 2/4 on these two methods was embodied in Doc. 180 198 NV 787 and 789. ‘This Standard has been drawn up on the basis of these documents = 621.644,2-086 : 628.4 DEUTSCHE NORMEN August 1980 Pipe Joints and Elements for Polypropylene (PP) Pressure Pipelines Typos t and 2 Injection Moulded Sockets and Caps for Socket-welding Dimensions, Rohrverbindungen und Rohrleitungsteile far Druckratrieitungen aus Polypropyten (PP), Typ 1 und 2; Muffen aus Spritzguss, Masse Dimensions in mm This Standard applies to injection moulded ") sockets and caps of polypropylene (PP), type 1 {PP homopolymer) and type 2 (PP copolymer) which are socket-welded with heating elements to pipes of accordance with DIN 8077. The tockets and caps must conform to the requirements of DIN 16962 Patt 5. 2. Other relevant Standards DIN. 2999 Part 1 Whitworth threads for serewod pipes and fittings; straight internal thread and tapered external ‘thread, thread dimensions DIN. 8077 PP (polypropylene) pipes: cimensions DIN 16962 Part S Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipaines: general quality requirements, testing 3. Dimensions, designation “The sockets and caps do not have to conform to the illustration; only the specified dimensions must be adhered to. Type MGI Socket with internal thread at one end (reinforced! Type K1 Lote Designation of an M 1 Sooket fer socket-welding type A with external pipe diameter of tube d = 25 mm for pipe series 3 of PP, type 1: Socket DIN 16962—M 1A 25—3— T} For the term injection moulded see DIN 16700 Continued on pages 2 and 3 Explanations on Page 3 Spee ot aaner sera Onomen rim ecOoen DIN 16962 Teil 8 engl. Prong. 4 Verte Me, 0108 Page 2 DIN 16962 Part 8 "w}B08 a4 40 s910 68 Due 28 -d 6667 NIC NAIM soUEPrOZ0e UY YADUO| peDxKA sANe}9 OYA 40 UOISULU WnUWpKedL OMI O15 fe 1461 1 paunseaus Siayewerp jeUIBWU! 2240s OM Jo UeeUL jeonaUAL 'y ada 01 Buyprcoae pareubysop 29 01 AIUD a1 sd pue si9y008 out UI EQ OF WO), WO: 4 wooeneg 20u929)4p 9261 — voz. sono @ edi 304 yoda soy = 8 = ‘or | or = oa seezt | ser 1 Er eat | zeae fo) s|-jlewlel— oy soot} on | 1 | %§- | goeor| eer] “g- | 4g, | om = | s | = | ese | ee | - *e zee | eee C ¥e seve | see | og | 48, | 00 - - te | oe — | 9p | 9g- | seve | ove + [sa | o> |eeee | cee | oe | ate | -|e|- sw - * $70 90 " 29 se | By | a - |) | - | oe ~ foe srer 90 a zer = | yg. | oF s e Ie soz whe ie over 30 ee eB eke ow s e ver ot ve E- sie so ele 7 eke we s e eo oh ey 7 se vo eve EB | eke i: we s|e] a on wel ee eo v0 Po { ee oe | et | oe | stele] oo ou 3 so ee re | ote | ve fe Beak |v eahy GoaKL |VeOAL | BeAAL [WeaAL | ow [aoaAl [VOGAL | SeGML[vedL| @edAL | VoaML caky | ote, - “ews om una 30 wy | oy op wor ? 2017 showy jess DIN 16962 Part 8 Page 3 Further Standards DIN 8078 PP (polypropylene) pipes; general quality requirements, testing DIN. 8078 Part 2 Pipes of polypropylen (PP); type 2, general quality requirements, testing DIN 16962 Part 1 Pipojoints and clements for polypropyle DIN 16962 Part 2 (at present ti (PP) pressure pipelines, types 1 and 2; bends of segmental construction for butt welding, dimensions draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; ‘types 1 and 2; tee pieces and branch connections of segmental construction with necked ends for bbuttwelding, dimensions DIN 16962 Part 3. Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; bends formed {rom pipe for butt-welding, dimensions DIN 18.962 Part 4 (at presont sil in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; ‘types 1 and 2; bushes, flanges and seals for buttavelding, dimensions DIN 16962 Part 6 Pipe joints end elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; injection moulded DIN 16962 Part7 Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2:1 elbows for socket-nelding, dimensions tion moulded ‘02 pieces for socket-nelding, dimensions DIN 16962 Part 9 {at present stil in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; ‘types 1 and 2; injection moulded reducing sockets and nipples for socket-welding, dimensions DIN 18962 Part 10 (at present stil in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; ‘types 1 and 2; injection moulded fittings for butt-welding, dimensions DIN 16962 Part 11 Pipe ointsand elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; turned and pressed reducing sockets for butt welding, dimensions DIN 18962 Part 12 Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelinos; typos 1 and 2; bushes, flanges ‘and seals for socket-welding, dimensions Explanations Iwas necessary to make a distinction between the socket dimensions owing to differ encesin methods of welding 2s regards the preliminary treatment of the pipe end surface 10 be welded. “This led to ther division into the two types A and B. Fundamental work by the 180 working group TC 138/GAH 2/4 on these two methods was embodied in Doe. 180 138 N 787 and 789, ‘This Standard has been drawn up on the basis of these documents. O06 1621 6482900:628.1 DEUTSCHE NORM June 1983 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes Injection ould recices and niples for socket wading Dimensions Rohrverbindungen und Rohriitungsteile fir Druckrohrleitungen aus Polypropylen (PP) Typ 1 und 2; FReduziersticke und Nippel aus Spritzguss fr Muffenschwelssung; Masse {In keeping with current practice in standerds published by the Intemational Organization for Standardization (1S), 4 comma has been used throughout a5 the decimal marker. Dimensions in mm 1. Scope and field of application ‘This standard applies to type 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) injection moulded ") reducers and nipples intended for socket welding using heated tocls to series 4 pipes conforming to DIN 8077. The reducers and nipples shall comply with the requirements specified in DIN 16 962 Part 8, 2 Dimensions, designations ‘The reducers and nipples need not conform tothe illustrations, only the dimensions specified are to be adhered to. Type R1 Type NRG! Reducer 1 Faducing nipples, threaded internally at one end only, =f Designation af a type 1 polypropylene (PP) reducer 1 (R 1) for type A socket welding, reduced from pipe outside ameter d 25mm to d = 20mm: Reducer DIN 16 962 — R1A 25x 20-1 Designation of a type 1 polyprepylene (PP) NAGI nipple for type B socket welding, reduced from pipe outside ameter d = 40 mm to thread size R1 Nipple DIN 16 962 - NRGI~8 40x R1~1 1) For definition of “injection moulded’, see DIN 16 700. Continued on pages 2 t0 5 Tare Wahis or German Sardar Horner? DIN 16.962 Pon Engl. Price group 6 Page 2 DIN 16 962 Part Table 1. Type A reducers R1 (for unpeeled pipe ends) Reduction in pipe outside diameter [Pare ayy [heme | 42319 aan) 099 | trom ons P per, | 1°) i a | awv.*) ev. *)) aon) min an | me. 20 | *9° 154 | -25 | o« [15s | 85 | 20 ve | 13a | eo | 78° | 164 | 83 | o4 | 155 | -85 19.3 as) 88 : ~ 2s | 48? | ras b-—| 2s 20 | ‘8° | 199 | -s | 4 | 195 | 83 145 20 “9° | 193) 82 | 04 | 198 | 83 14.5 a2 | 8° - | a2 | *8° | 226 148 25 48° | 24a) 8, | O4 | 245 | 83, 16 | zw |g [sea 8 | oe [es | 8a 45 ao | *8e 2 78° | 243) 84 | Oe 8s 40 | *3° or 16 7 | 32 188 | on Be | 08 | 318 | 8 181 20 | *8° | 199 | 8. | o4 | 195 | fo 145 a | *g° | 249 | 8 | oe [aes | 80 16 so | “ge ~ so | 184 925 20 x2 | 7g? | sia | -8 | 06 [ors | 80 | 1831 ao | *9° | 302 | 8. | as | 045 | 84 208 as | ge [2a | 8. | ow [aes | 83 | 16 32 79° | 313 | 8. | 08 | 318 Ba 181 os | +34 i | 6a | *8* sos Ey ao | s° | 302 | -2. | o8 | 048 | -8, 208 so | 78 | 402 | -8 | 06 | cous | 84 [238 ws | *8° | os | *8* | 621 | 85 | 06 | 625 76 | 85 438 | 27a | 25 oo | *8¢ | 21 o6 | 625 aa so | 8° go | #88 505s |} 28 7s | ‘88 | a7 1 | 789 20 ro | “3° | 90 | *8* | eas 6 | 1 | sae 6 | 110 | *8° 995 | 93 | 92 os | *8¢ fer -t, | o@ | ens | te aa ss 78°) 5 | 8 | raz) 8. | 1 | 749 | 86 | 128 | *8* | 66 | 90 | 35 I 90 ge | eas 8.) 1 89.6 be L 33 The mean inside dlarsetar shall be calculated from the arithmetic man of two inside diameters measured at ight angle to each other. 3) For type A and B with d S63 mm: ty =03d+ 8.5mm. For type Awith d= 75mm: ty=O2d+15_ mm. ForypeBwith d= 75mm:t,=03d+ BSmm. 4) As specified in ISO/DIS 7280. 5) As specified in ISO/DIS 7279, 8) Oucof-roundnes i the differance between the maximum and minimum inside diam: *) Per. dev.» permissible deviation. DIN 16962 Part9 Page 3 ‘Table 2. Type B reducers R 1 (for peeled pipe ends) Reduction in pipe outside diameter outof aang RE ay) a |aslan| te fom to a a ate| a [et ot ath wn | nm _| nn 20-8 | te | 2 [ssa | 85 | o« [155 | 85 | 20 re | 199 | te | -Be [s+ | 83 | 04 [158 | 8s 198 2 Be 25 | 85 | 188 128 x | -r [1a | 8s | o4 [198 | ts 145 2 | 42 | 108 os [195 | 83 45 22 Be a2 | Bs | 228 149 2s | to [as o4 | 265 | Bs 6 2» | 42 | 193 oa [195 | fs 145 | ao) 8, | as | 82 [rms os [oes | 85 | 40 | 8s 2 |e | a7 32 | Bo | a1 os | as | 84 181 | 2 | $2 | 193 4/105 | 83 | 48 2s | t, [ma os [ass | Bs | | so Bs 50 228 -——| 20 [m2 | te [ore os jars | Bs 191 | 40 | 2 }a02 | 4 | 05 | 3045 | 84 208 25 Be | 243 | Ba | od | 245 16 wm | 8 [srs | 8 | os [ars 181 63 | 33 63 | 8. | 995 Pn 4 | 8 8s | os | 9945 | 8 205 so | ge [az | 8s | 06 | 4945 | Be 235 7 | ts | 08 | fs foxr | | 06 |o25 | te | 7 aas | 27a | 26 os | ts fear | 8: | 06 [os | te | a4 90 | ts 9 Be | 83 208: 7 | 83 [7395] 8, | 10 | 7425 a 110 90 fa | 9885 | 86 | 1.0 | 392 110 | -fls | 64 955 | 365 |] | an 63 Bs | 621 85 | 06 | 625 8s aa 128 7 | 8, [7995] 85 | 10 | 7425) te | 125 | 6 | 72 [or | as v0 | $s [ess | 8. | 10 | 602 355 For footnotes *) 106,00 table 1 Page 4 DIN 16 962 Part 9 Table 3. Type A NRGI nipples (for unpeeled pipe ends) Reduction in pipe outside diameter “ & | an | se from a "Sesion min i 20 “Baw oe | | 25 “eRe a | 8 | ws | 1" 2 “erm a |e | we | 16 | a 0 “ef at «o |e | 7 | ws | 2 20 = [am [| » | -® | | 2 | 2 7) f= maximum urfullonath of treads speifod in DIN 2899 Part 8) Thread sze a specified in DIN 2909 Part 1. Toblo Type B NRGI nipples (or pesled pis ends Reduction in pipe outside ameter oie as | 6 | te to thrend ice 4, a aay ~ ot 2 | te | Rs 20 " | 25 je | Re 25 ws | 1 8 | | ® a | ot | ay 32 we | 163 | a o | & | m | 7 |e] so | be RIM 50 i | 20 | ata 28 For footnotes ?) and ®), see table 3. DIN 16 982 Part 9 Page 5 ‘Standards referred to and other documents DIN. 2990 Part 1 DIN 8077 DIN 16 700 DIN 16 982 Part 5 Iso/oIs 7279 Isorois 7280, Pipe threads for threaded pipes and fitting; parallel internal treads and taper external throads; thread sizes PP (polypropylene) pipes; dimensions Plastics; moulding technique; processing methods and tools; definitions Pipe joint assomblis and fittings for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; general cuality require: ments, testing 18 for pipes under pressure; sockets for fusion using heated tools; metric series; dimensions of sockets Polypropylene (PP) fittings for pipes under pressure; sockets for fusion using heated tools; design tengths (Other relevant standards DIN 8078 BIN 8078 Pat? DIN 16 962 Part 1 DIN 16 982 Part 2 BIN 16 962 Part 3 DIN 16 062 Port DIN 16962 Part 7 DIN 16 962 Parts DIN 16 962 Part 10 DIN 16 962 Port 11 DIN 16 962 Part 12 Explanatory notes Owing to differences in the welding process regarding the prepar Polypropylene (PP! pipes; general quality requirements, testing ‘Type 2 polypropylene (PF) pipes; general quality requirements, testing Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; bends produced by segment inserts for butt welding: dimensions Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; tees and branches produced by segment inserts and necking for butt welding; cimensions Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; bends formed from pipes for butt welding, dimensions Pipe jeint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) prossue pipes; injection moulded elbows for socket welding, dimensions Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; injection ‘moulded tees for socket welding, dimensions Pipa joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; injection ‘moulded sockets and caps for socket welding, dimensions (at present at the stage of draft). Pipe joint assemblies and fittings For types 1 and 2 polypropylene APP) pressure pipes; injection moulded fittings for butt welding, dimensions Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; turned and pressed reducers for butt welding, dimensions Pipa joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; bushes, flanges and seals for socket welding, dimensions jon of pipe ends for welding, it was necestary to specify ‘wo fitting types (A and B) with different dimensions. Basic work on these two fitting types undertaken by ad hoe Working Group 2/4 of ISO/TC 138 led to the preparation of ISO/DIS 7279 and ISO/DIS 7280. International Patent Classification F 1687-00 Upc 621.648.06-036.742.3621.0442-006 :628.1_ DEUTSCHE NORM Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 to 3 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes Injection-moulded fittings for butt welding Dimensions. Rlohrerbindungen und Rohrieitungsteile fur Druckrohrleitungen aus Polypropylen (PP); Typ 1, Typ 2.und Typ 3; Fittings aus Spritzguf fr StumpfschweiBung, Mate Dimensions in mm 1 Field of application ‘This standard specifies requirements for injection-moulded?) types 1 to 3 polypropylene fittings to be joined with types 1 to 32) PP pipes as specified in DIN 8077 by heated tool butt welding ax described in DIN 1910 Part 3 or DVS 2207 Part 11. These fittings shall also comply with the requirements specified in DIN 16982 Part 5. For technical reasons, the fittings shall only be welded to pipes conforming to DIN 8077 and to fittings ofthe same pipe series, the use of other fittings being permitted ifthe nominal wal thickness in thejointing zone of the components 1 be jointed is the same. 2. Dimensions and designstion Fittings are not expected to conform to the designs ilustrated hers; compliance is only required in the cave ofthe Simensionsspecitind The limit angular deviations shall be 42°, 45° elbow 1) See DIN 16 700 for definition of ‘injection moulding” 2) The dimensions for type 3 PP pipes are identical with those specified for types 1 and 2, Its intended to include ‘specifications for type 3 PP pipes in a revised edition of DIN 8077, Continued on pages 2to 4 (DIN 16.962 Part 10 Engl. Price group 5 Sele No. 0105 Pays 2 DIN 16962 Pert 10 Designation of a 90° elbow as specified in this standard (10), with dy = series Jem, to be joined with type 1 PP pipes of pipe Elbow DIN 16962 — 10— 90 — 63 — 4 PPI Detignation of » reducer as specified in this standard (10), with dy = 63mm and d, = 50mm, to be joined with type 1 PP pipes of pipe series 5: Reducer DIN 16962 — 10 ~ 63x 50 ~5 PPI Designation of a type A 90° bend as specified in this standard (10), with d = 63mm, to be joined with type 2 PP pipes of pipe series 4: Bend DIN 16962 — 10-90 A — 63-4 PP2 vi man SEL afatslateletelatelam) 2] 2 |S 128 32 & ‘See DIN 8077 for wall thickness 135 7 10 122 140 35 8 ‘and associated limit deviations. 140, 88 145, 137 160 40 8 145, 95 165, 157 | ztets ztetet= 3s | 2 | 10 275 | 198 | 21 | - | 3) Identical with the outside diameters (and limit deviations) specified in DIN 8077. DIN 16.962 Part 10 Page 3 ‘Toble 2. Reducers Wa biarea wd dur inet hee , ipo es 419 | aay | om | mm | nm | rte | one | ero | rate | onto | ort | mn Bee ep ep = ee fet et et = eo [os foe ep so oe a ee ete ep woo [ee we foto ee ee % ea = Soa [tet a epee tf ee = ee foe_[ ef ete = [caffe oe eo a we[oe [ete pe a oe = wo fe ee we oe fe en a wtf ‘te a to 425 110 32 28 10 ‘See DIN 8077 for walll thickness 100 ta} ee asa 0 Sthamogned ni Sion Le] wo [oas[ as ae He 160 110 40 28 10 | 120] ro a He] ieee 1 180, 125 45 32 1s | 130_| wow eas ise] wee a a en aE 00 | eos a0} 8 i $0 [ eso} as | 8 t= 225 160 55. 40. 20 | 160 | 225 180 55 45 20 160 _| a i 350 _[ eo [ 60 [ as | a 1 260 | 200 oO, 50, 20, \175_ | ee He] nc 79 280 226 70 56 20 200 a 400 a 5 ais-[ ae [sof eo | a a ais | a6} ea For 3) and 4), see table 1, Page 4 DIN 16962 Part 10 Standards and other documents referred to DIN 1910 Part Welding of plastics; processes DIN. 8077 Polypropylene (PP) pipes; dimensions DIN 18700 Pasties; moulding technique; processing methods and tools; concepts DIN 16962 Part S Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for type 1 and type 2 polypropyye ualty requirements and testing DVS 2207 Part 118) Heizelomant-Stumpfschweilien von thermoplestichen Kunstetoffen; Rohrieitungen ous Polypro- _Pylen (Heated-tool butt welding of thermoplastics; polypropylene pipe joint assemblies) (PP) pressure pipes; general Other relevant standards DIN. 8078 ‘Type | and type 2 polypropylene (PP) pipes; general quality requirements and testing DIN 16962Part 1 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; quseted bends for butt welding; dimensions DIN 16962 Part 2 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; quseted tees and branches produced by necking, for butt welding; dimensions DIN 16962 Part 3 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PPI pressure pipes: bends formed from pipes, for butt welding; dimensions DIN 16962 Part 4 Pipe joint assamblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; nipples for heated tool butt welding: flanges and gaskets; dimensions DIN 16.962 Part 6 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; injection ‘moulded elbows for socket welding: dimensions DIN 16.962 Part 7 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; iniection- moulded tees for socket welding; dimensions DIN 16962 Part 8 Pipe joint assamblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes: injaction- moulded sockets and caps for socket welding: dimensions DIN 16.962 Part @ Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; injection- ‘moulded reducers and nipples for socket welding; dimensions DIN 16962 Part 11 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; turned and pressed reducers for butt welding; dimensions DIN 16962 Part 12 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; bushes, flanges and gaskets for socket welding; dimension DIN 16.962 Part 13. Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; pipe ‘couplings, dimensions Explanatory notes Jointing of PP fittings with each other or with PP pipes as specified in DIN 8077 by welding shall be effected with the aid ‘of welding fixtures, The dimensions of such fittings have been specified so as to permit ther to be properly held in these fixtures. By virtue of their design, type A and B 90° bends cannot properly be held in normal welding fixtures; therefore, Use of speciat clamping devices is required, International Patent Classification F 161. 47/02 £038 7/00 5) Obtainable from DVS Verleg GmbH, Posttach 27 25, 0-4000 Disseldort 1. [UDC 621.643.414,085-038.742.3 621,644.2-066 : 628.1 DEUTSCHE NORMEN August 1980 Pipe Joints and Elements for Polypropylene (PP) Pressure Pipelines Types t and 2 Turned and Pressed Reducing Sockets for Butt-welding Dimensions Rohrverbindungen und Rlohrlettungstete fir Druckrohrleitungen aus Polypropylen (PP), Typ 1 und 2: Gedrehte und ‘epresste Reduziersticke for Stumpfschweissung, Masse Dimensions in mm 1 Scope ‘This Standard applies to turned and pressed reducing sockets of polypropylene (PP) type 1 (PP homopolymer) and ‘ype 2 (PP copolymer) which are welded with heating elements to pipes in accordance with DIN 077. For technioal reasons the reducing sockets may only be welded to pipes of the same pipe series in accordance with DIN 8077, 2 Other relevant Standards DIN. 9077 PP (polypropylene) pipes; dimensions DIN 16.962 Port 5 Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; general quality requirements, testing Continued on page 2 Further standards DIN. 8078 PP (polypropylene) pipes; general quality requirements, testing DIN 8078 Part 2 Pipes of polypropylene (PP); type 2, general quality requirements, testing DIN 16962 Part 1 Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; bends of seg- mental construction for butt-welding, dimensions DIN 16962 Part 2 (atpresent still ndraft form} Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; te pieces and branch connections of segmental construction with necked ends for bbutt-welding, dimensions DIN 16962 Part 3. Pipe joints and elements tor polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; bends formed {rom pipe for butt-welding dimensions DIN 18962 Part 4 (atpresent tll indraft form} Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; ‘types 1 and 2; bushes, flanges and seals for butt-nelding, dimensions DIN 16962 Part 6 Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 end 2: injection moulded elbows for socket-welding, dimensions DIN 16962 Part 7 Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2: injection ‘moulded tee pieces for socket-welding, dimensions DIN 18962 Part 8 Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2; injection moulded sockets and eaps for socket-welding, dimensions DIN 16962 Part 9 (at present still in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipe- lines; types 1 and 2; injeetion moulded reducing sockets and nipples for socket welding, dimen- DIN 16962 Part 10 (at present still in draft form) Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipe- lines: types 1 and 2; injection moulded fittings for butt-welding, dimensions DIN 16962 Part 12 Pipe joints and elements for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipelines; types 1 and 2, bushes, flanges and seas for socket-welding, dimensions Incas oty nth the exact peminon tthe ON Devices net ir Nomang.¥ Beka Sagipe ha oem ence ham ae Basted OHO DOO ‘DIN 16962 Teil 11 engl. Preisgr. 4 ‘Verte, 0108 Page 2 DIN 16962 Part 11 3. Dimensions, designation “The reducing sockets do not have to conform to the illustration; only the specified dimensions must be adhered to Type R3 if Reducing socket : Law 160 mm reduced to Designation of an R 3 reducing socket for butt-welding with external pipe diameter di 10mm {for pipe series 3 of PP, type 1 Reducing socket DIN 16962—R3-160X 110-3-1 Reduction Reduction of w | 5 | 2 | & 2 of ols | a | bk z "1 "I wn [oe | ay "1 oie] ome ayy | as ayy | a os | 135, 50 100 | 140, 5 6 160 80 40 oo | os 200 | 100 8 180 50 80 160 3 225 | 180 110 Le 75 200 90, | Wall thickness 180, | Wall thickness 8 260 | 200 of the rr 2» corresponding | 22 | 100 128 | 90 228 | tube series saecordance ue | 200 | DIN 8077 50 | 200 | 225 es 250 ao | 90 225 140 a5 | 280 [125 100 200 90 230 110 35s | 200 100 125 318 I 140 1) For permissible deviation for dy and da soe DIN 8077, DEUTSCHE NORM Pipe fittings and joint assemblies for polypropylene pressure pipes Dimensions of bushings, “anges and sealing elements, for socket waiding Io 23,040.45; 23,040.60; 23.040.80 Ronrverbindungen und Formsticke fur Druckrohrieitungen aus Polypropylen [PP) ~ PP-H 100, PP-B 80 und PP-A 80 — Teil 12: Bunda, Flansche, Dichtringe for MuffenschweiBung ~ MaBe October 1999 DIN 16962-12 ‘Supersedes August 1980 edition In keeping with current practice in standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (150), 2 comma has been used throughout as the decimal marker. Contents Page Foreword 3.4 Sealing elements 3.4.1 Gaskets 3.4.2 O-tings ... 2 Normative references: 4 Material 1 Scope 3. Dimensions and designation 5 Flanged assemblies 3.1. General 3.2. Flanged bushings ® Marking 3.3. Flanges: cee cee Other relevant standards Foreword This standard has been prepared by Technical Committee Fittings fir Druckrohre aus Thermoplasten of the Normenausschuss Kunststoffe (Plastics Standards Committee). Amendments This standard differs from the August 1980 edition as follows: 1a) Some bushing dimensions have been changed to comply with those of welding necks. 'b) Specifications for the thickness of gaskets and for marking bushings have been included. ©) In the case of bushings with an outside diameter of 80 mm, dimension d, has been amended. ) Material designation now conforms to DIN 16962-5 and table 5 has been revised accordingly. Previous edition DIN 19892-12: 1980-08, All dimensions are in millimetres, Continued on pages 2 to 8. Translation by DIN-Sprachendienst. Incase of cab, he German language signa should be consid asthe saorive ot {© No partis vain ny bavapcunad nica hep pamason Ret. No. DIN 16962-12. 1900-10 ‘i ate ett i Nonmurg warn as erg OFF arin, ery, ‘at foetus or Garman Sand (Nom English pce group 0? Sate No. 0107 Page 2 DIN 16962-12 : 1999-10 1 Scope ‘This standard specifies dimensions and tolerances for injection-moulded bushings with a standard dimension ratio (SDR) of 17, and flanges for socket welding, including flanged assemblies as in DIN 16962-5, and for the appropriate sealing elements, for jointing pressure pipes made from type H 100, B 80 or R 80 polypropylen ‘a8 speoified in DIN 8077 and DIN 8078, oF for jointing such pipes with pipes made of different materials. NOTE: Any relevant European Standards which cover such applications shall also be observed, 2 Normative references ‘This standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These norma- tive references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the titles of the publications are listed below. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision, For undated references, the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. DIN 2501-1 Flanges ~ Mating dimensions DIN 8063-4 Pipe fitings and joint assemblies for unpiasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pressure pipes ~ Bushings, flanges and seals ~ Dimensions DIN 8063-5 Pipe fittings and joint assemblies for unpiasticized polyvinyl chioride (PVC-U) pressure pipes ~ General quality requirements and testing DIN 8077 Polypropylene (PP) pipes ~ Dimensions. DIN 8078 ‘Types 1, 2 and 3 polypropylene (PP) pipes - General quality requirements and testing DIN 16872 Glass fibre reinforced polyester resin (UP-GRP) flanges for use with thermoplastics pipe fittings ~ Dimensions. DIN 16901 Plastics mouldings - Tolerances and acceptance conditions fer linear dimensions DIN 16962-5 Pipe fittings and joint assemblies for polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes - General quality requirements and testing DIN 16963-4 Pipe fitings and joint assemblies for high-density polyethylene (PE-HD) pressure pipes — ‘Adaptors for heated tocl butt welding, flanges and sealing elements - Dimensions DIN 16963-11 Pipe fittings and joint assemblies for types 1 and 2 high-density polyethylene (PE-HD) pres- sure pipes ~ Adaptors, flanges and sealing elements, for socket welding ~ Dimensions DIN 28091-1 Sheet gasket materials - General DIN 28091-2 Sheet gasket materials - Technical delivery conditions for compressed fibre gasket materials DINEN 573-3 Chemical compesition and form of aluminium and aluminium alloy wrought products ~ Chemical composition DINEN 681-1 Elastomeric seals ~ Material requirements for pipe joint seals used in water and drainage applications ~ Part 1: Vulcanized rubber DINEN 1092-1 Flanges and their joints ~ Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories") DINEN 1861 Founding - Grey cast iron DINEN 10025 Hot rolled unalloyed structural steel products - Technical delivery conditions {includes ‘Amendment At : 1993) DIN EN 10088-1 Stainless steels ~ Part 1: List of stainless stee's DIN EN 60893-1 Specification for industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electri- cal purposes ~ Part 1: Definitions, designations and general requirements (IEC 60893-1 ; 1987) 180 4065 : 1996 Thermoplastics pipes - Universal wall thickness table 3 Dimensions and designation The item numbers given in brackets refer to the assemblies shown in clause 5. 3.1. General ‘The designs shown are for illustrative purposes only; however, the dimensions of bushings, flanges and sealing ‘elements shall be as specified. Tolerances shall be as specified in DIN 16901, corresponding to tolerance class 150. 7) SOR — nominal value of diameter/wall thickness ratio of fitings as specified in DIN 8077. +) Currently at draft stage. Page 3 DIN 16962-12 : 1999-10 3.2. Flanged bushings Flanged bushing with Flanged bushing with Flanged bushing with flat face (no. 9) ribbed face (no. 9A) ‘grooved face (no, 12) Designation of a flanged bushing with flat face for type A socket welding (9), made from type PP-H 100 polypropylene, for use with pipes with an outside diameter, d., of 75 mm: Bushing DIN 16962 ~ 9 ~ A75 ~ PP-H Designation of a flanged bushing with ribbed face for type A socket welding (9A), made from type PP-R 80 polypropylene, for use with pipes with an outside diameter, d, of 75 mm: Bushing DIN 16962 - 9A ~ A75 ~ PP-R Designation of a flanged bushing with grooved face for type B socket welding (12), made from type PP-H 100 polypropylene, for use with pipes with an outside diameter, d., of 75 mm: Bushing DIN 16962 - 12 — B75 - PP-H Page 4 DIN 16962-12 : 1999-10 Table 1: Flanged bushings (nos. 9, 9A and 12) 4? i s Pipe | a 4s Maxi 4 outside Limit deviations Limit deviations mum ameter, ‘evens aeatene |) mum | | unt a, ‘Type A| Type B| Type A|Type B | Type A! Type B | Type A| Type B eviations: « fe, ™l-., oe a 12 2 | 7) wap - | ws] >] $ | - [oa par 2 [=| a] zs [= 04 | S| soe @ fol sal- | 8 ae | |e os | a «|| m2 | > sat | | 7 os 80! ou so | 2) a2] - ° wal - | 2] - os | 6 oo | | oa) - | es] - | S.] - os | 76 zs | 6 | 77 | 739 3, | mal me S11 3) oy wo [aw] asf mea) fe |, | oo] oa) So [, | a toe iio [ve | W092 | 1096 80 Fino [00 ofa] 1) The average inside diameter is to be calculated as the arithmetic mean of two measurements taken at right, angles to each other in the same plane. 2) Ovalty isthe difference between the maximum and minimum inside diameter, measured in the same plane. 9) For type A, where d, is 68 mm or less, t, = 0,3, +8,5 mm. For type A, where d, is 75 mm or more, t, =0,2d, + 15 mm, For type B, where d, is 75mm or more, f, = 0,34, +8,5 mm. (continued) Table 1 (concluded) is 25 sa | 21 ar] sas) ' | 257) ' | ee | 2 | a [16 = 3 6 3 | 12] s7| s7| wea) &, | eal 2, | as] | « jes) - | sae spepetetee| Ge] Gepepe pete paps [90 | 138 | a4 | a4 | 1105 96,8 as| 2 | 4 [sas] 5 | 0 vio | 168 | 102 | t02 |rs28] 8, | 1188) se || s [or ais] 5 | Page 5 DIN 16962-12 : 1999-10 3.3. Flanges (no. 11) Dimensions of flanges for use with pipes with an outside diameter, d,, of from 20mm to 75mm shall be in ‘accordance with DIN 16963-4 and those for flanges for use with pipes with outside diameters of 16 mm, @0 mm (oF 110 mm shall be in accordance with DIN 16863-11 (cf. table 2). The flange thickness, f,, shall be left to the manufacturer's choice, taking account of the material used (cf. table 5) Table 2: Flanges (n0. 11) Pipe [Nomi] do Pais 7 ZT loutside| nal diam-| tlange| | uige| | # | Bolts |u| | Flange designation | x eter, | size | | done ‘Num | Thread s a, { ON | | one ber | size we | 0 | 23 wo, ool 4 | wie | v4 |S] ON w606a-rr-16809 zo | 15 | 26] 2, | 05] 65 4 | amz | 14/3! ON r60692-20-1000210 2s | a0 | «| “* fos] 75) 4 | ame | v4 |3| DIN r6s60-2-06-1011914 | x2 | 25 [a [a5] as] «| a2 | sa | [Dm veass-20210 999 | ao | 32 | si] 2, }1aolt00] 4 | ame | 18/3 | DIN 1e969-2-40-101120 so | 40 | 62, °* |rsolti0| « | ae | 18 | 3| oN r6069-2.50-1011914 - | les | so | 7a) [res| 25, 4) mie [ve |s Iv iesex26010 090) gs 8 vm | 68 | 0)» [tesltas| 42 | aie | 18 | 3) oI iexeaare-1079 0 | 20 | a0 js10| ~ fooo}reo, 8 | ame | x8 |3 | o1v 16969-11.00-169 110 | 100 |199] [220] 100) 8 | mio | 78/5 | OWN t0960-11-110-1699 | " Dimensions and ther details have been taken trom OIN2501-1 and] <<] | | DIN EN 1092-1 for PN'16. es 2 The number of bolts is as specified in DIN 2501-1. & ®) Material selection and designation as specified in table . 9 Flanges to be used for pipes with an outside diameter of 20 mm or greater. and made from glass fibre reinforced polyester resin shall be designated as in DIN 16872 ue 3.4 Sealing elements B41 Gaskets (no. 10) Dimensions of gaskets shall be in accordance with DIN 16965-11 (et. table 3). Table 3: Gasket (no. 19) Pipe outeide { diameter, Gasket designation 7 4° a? 2 16 20 6 2 DIN 1698-1078 ] 20 a5 20 2 DIN 16959-10.20, 25 58 E 2 DIN 16062.10.25, 2 8 ® 2 iN 6869-10-02 a “0 78 40 2 DIN 6965-10-40, ee 50 8 50 2 DIN 6969-10 60, @ 02 e 2 iN 16969-1068, 6 we 7 2 DIN 6963-10-75, %0 198 90 2 DIN s869-10.90, 10 158 110 3 iN 6863-10-770 1 Identical with collar diameter, dy - 2 Identical with pipe outside diameter, d, s *) Thickness for fibre-reintorced gasket materials asin DIN 28091-1 and DIN 26091-2. — In the case of rubber gaskets, their thickness shall be selected on the basi oftheir hardness clase (2.9. for rubber hardness class IRHD 60 (ct. DIN EN 681-1) agasket thickness of 5 mm is cecommended) Page 6 DIN 16962-12 : 1999-10 84.2 O-rings (no. 13) Dimensions of O-rings shall be in accordance with DIN 8063-4 (cf, table 4). Table 4: O-rings (no. 13) 1 a a Pipe outside ie is Glameter d, Tine it O-ring designation co ne rn we ptm | oe ee DivaoNs 1616 2 ga | ce | ge | sn bi a0es 1620 Ey zea | ie | as | te biveoes 1628 @ wei [see | a6] een Onveoss 8s “ ae | te | ss | tos Diveoss-1640 x ss | as | se | com Bivaoes-1680 @ w2 | se | sa] sen iv a0es-16-63 % se | ie | 53 | som iveoss 1678 fo wr | fe) ga |S Div eoes 1800 nf wo fio | P| me Drisossre-0 4 Material Tobie: Material to be used Material ttemno] Component we eo js | x | a | o> | vou! urcr | roms) pre Pea >| Ranged bushing | ~T-T7 Te wat face Fanged bushing | |. |. | 2 12 fo}. be be a with ribbed face I 1 7 Gasket | As appropriate for ype, concentration and lemporature of fld conveyed 1 Flange 7~]+l?]l+l+t- ltt anged bushing " 12 |withgroovedtace| ~ | ~ | - | ~ | - | ~ | > [> 3 o-ring | AS appropriate for ype, concentration and temperature of ld conveyed Rey GE grey castiron St Steolas in DIN EN 10008 X-__tailose ote! asin DINEN 10088-1 A aluminium o aluminium alloys asin DINEN 573-8 Sp___ laminated material asin NEN 603901 PVC-U —unplasticized polyvinyl chloride as in DIN 8063-5 UP-GF glass fibre reinforced polyester resin as in DIN 16872 PP/F/St_ steel reinforced polypropylene (in accordance with manufacturer's specifications) PP-H PP-B | polypropylene as in DIN 16962-5, PP-R + suitable - unsuitable 5 Flanged assemblies Page 7 DIN 16962-12 : 1999-10 Table 6: Correlation of nominal sizes with pipe outside diameters Nominal size of flanged assembly Mean pipe outside diameter, d, Limit deviations Pie ive unposied | pooled Type F 4 ‘Type F 4A, Type A Type B % 7% rs 20 20 20 +03 ° 28 25 25 “oe 2 2 a @ @ © 50 50 50 ” os cB % a 80, = 0 on ~ 100 100 100 3. ‘Assemblies of the following types can be produced using the bushings, flanges and sealing elements dealt with in clause 3. Type F 4 Table 7: Parts list for type F 4 Ne. Name | Flanged bushing with flat face Flanged bushing °A | with ribbed face 10 | Gasket 11_[ Flange | Table 8: Parts list for type F 4A, No, Name Flanged bushing A | with ribbed tace 10 [Gasket 11 [Flange Page & DIN 16962-12 : 1999-10 Type FS ve Table 9: Parts list for ‘ype FS 11209 5 am i \ x N foo ¢ [Flanged bushing ith fat face 7 ale tt |Fiange r 7 12 [Flanged bushing \ | with grooved face | 18 [o-ring {op tb at L J 87 : N =p 13 ep 6 Marking Flanged bushings which conform to this standard shall be marked indelibly with the information specified in table 10. Table 10: Marking flanged bushings (example) Manufacturer's mark xy Material symbol PP-H Production details”) SDR series SOR 112 Pipe outside diameter (nominal size) 32 1) Information in coded or uncoded form shall identify the pro- duction period and manufacturer's works. 2 Alternatively, pipe series S § as in ISO 4065 may be given, ‘Marking as in clause 6 shall also be used for fittings which are not covered by other relevant standards or codes of practi Other relevant standards DIN 728-1 Plastics ~ Symbols for polymers and their special characteristics DINEN ISO 1043-1 Plastics ~ Symbols and abbreviated terms ~ Part 1: Basic polymers and their special characteristics (ISO 1043-1 : 1997) upc 621.043.44-050.142. DEUTSCHE NORM. June 1987 Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for type 1 and type 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes Pipe couplings Dimensions ‘Rohrverbindungen und Rohrleitungsteile fir Druckrohrleitungen aus Polypropylen (PP), Typ 1 and Typ 2, Rohrverschraubungen; Male {In keaping with current practice in standards published by the Internationel Orgenization for Standardization (ISO), ‘comme has been used throughout as the decimal marker. Dimensions in mm 1. Scope and field of application ‘This standard specifies requirements for pipe couplings with gasket (type V 1 couplings), with internal thread and gasket (type V 1 couplings), with external thread and gasket (type V1 A couplings) or with O ring (type V 2° couplings), to be joined with type 1 and type 2 polypropylene (PP) pipes of pipe series 3 and 4 by heated tool butt welding as described in DIN 1910 Part 3 or DVS 2207 Pert 1, or with threaded pipes mede from other materials, ‘The PP components shall comply with the requirements specified in DIN 16962 Part 8. For technical reasons, PP nipples, threaded bushes and adaptors (item Nos, 14, 18 and 21 below.) may ‘only be welded to pipet conforming to DIN 8077 or to pipe components of the same pipe series, the tse of other components being permitted if their wal thickness in the weld area is equal to that of the Pipes. 2. Dimensions, designation Pipe couplings and components are not expected to conform to the designs illustrated here; compliance is only required in the case of the dimensions specitie. Where limit deviations are to be specitied for dimensions without tolerance indication, these shall comply with DIN 7168 Part tor DIN 16901. 2.1 Pipe couplings For specifications for components, see subclause 2.2, Typev1 Pipe coupling with gasket as) heated tool butt welding Joined by Reted to! butt welding Continued on pages 2 t0 8 ‘DIN 16962 Part 13. Engl. Price group 7 Sales No, 0107 Page 2 DIN 16962 Part 13, Typev1i Pie coupling wit internal 6 ted and gasket 1h, TF 19 | { — - 4 | bs veviomanshejomaty — RENT? rie haat tool burt welding Serewed into bush TypeV 1A Pipe coupling with external 6 ‘thread ane gasket 14 > W 20 [ 4 i } Ty / pe screwed onto PF pipe and nipple joined by ‘threaded adepter heated tool burt welding Tee v2 Pipe coupling with O ring ISS a ine nd i >? pina treed ch ema tool bor waa KK joined by heated too! butt heated too! butt welding Ione Designation of a series 4 type PP 1 pipe coupling with gasket (V1), with 2 pipe outside diameter, dy, of 25 mm: ipe coupling DIN 16962 —V1—25 —4—PP1 2.2 Components Nipple {item No. 14) For dimensions, see table 6. Designation of a series 4 type 1 polypropylene nipple {item No. 14) tor pipe couplings with gasket oF O cing, {or use with pipes of 32 mm outside diameter: Nipple DIN 16962 —14— 32-4—PP1 Union nut (ters No. 18) Gasket {item No, 17) DIN 16962 Part 13. Page 3 Union nut (item No. 15) For dimensions, see table 6, Designation of a type 1 polypropylene union nut (item No. 15) for pipe couplings with gasket or O ring, for use with pipes of 26 mm outside diameter: Union nut DIN 16962 —15 — 25—PP1 ‘Table 1. Union nut litem No. 16) Pipe outside diameter, Union nut required a 20 DIN 8063 ~ 6 = 20...) 2B DIN g063 — 6-25...) 32 DIN e069 — 6 92...) “0 DIN 8053-6 — 40.1) 50 DIN 8083-6 — 50.1) 63 DIN 8053 - 6-63...) 78 DIN 8063-68-75...) 90 DIN 8083 6-90...) For dimensions, see table 6, 1) The material shall be selected from table 7. Table 2. Gasket jitem No. 17) Pipe outside ameter, Gasket required 4 20 DIN 8063 — 2 - 20 25 DIN 063 — 2 — 25 32 DIN 8063 — 2 ~ 32 40 DIN 2063 — 2 — 40 60 DIN 3063 ~ 2 - 50 63 DIN 063 — 2 — 63 8 DIN 8063 — 2-75 90 DIN 8063 — 2-60 For dimensions, se8 table 6. Poge 4 DIN 16962 Part 13, ‘Thweaded bush item No, 18) Designation ofa series 4 type 2 polvoropylene threaded bush {item No, 18) for pipe eouph Pipes of 40 mm outside diameter 4 |_40 __] 5 with gasket, for use with Threaded bush DIN 18962 — 18 — 40 — 4— PP2 ‘Tiweaded bush (item No. 19) (for joining with threaded pipe) 4 | s Mey | laal ‘Threaded adaptor iter No. 20) s | - whe 4 Table 3, Threaded bush (item No. 19) Pipe outside Siameter, d 20 25 32 “ 0 3 5 0 Threaded bush required DIN 8063 — 4~ 20...) DIN 8063-4 25...1) DIN 8083 — 4— 32...) DIN 8063 — 4— 40...) DIN 8063 - 4 — 50...1) DIN 8063 — 4 — 63.” 2) DIN 8063 — 475...) DIN 8063 — 4-90...) For dimensions, see table 6, 1) The material shall be selected from table 7. Table 4, Threaded adaptor item No, 20) Pipe outside diameter, Threaded adaptor required 2 20 DIN 8069 ~ 18-20...) 25 DIN 8063 — 18 — 25...1) 32 DIN 8063 — 18 ~ 32") 40 DIN 8063 — 18 —40...") 50 DIN 8063 — 18 — 60...") cy DIN 8063 — 18 — 63...") 75 DIN 6063 - 18 — 75...") 90 DIN 8063 - 18 —90...") 1) The ms For dimensions, see table 6, ial shall be selected from table ‘Threaded bush for coupling with O ring (item No, 21) DIN 16962 Part 13 Page 5 For dimensions, see table 6, 2a. Designation of » series 4 type 1 polypropylene threaded bush (item No. 21) for pipe couplings with O ring for use with pipes of 32 mm outside diameter ‘Threaded bush DIN 16962 — 21-32 —4—PP1 Oring {item No, 22) Table 6. O ring (tem No. 22) Pipe outside diameter, Oring required a 20 DIN 8063 — 13 - 20 25 DIN £063 — 13 — 25 32 DIN a063 — 13 — 32 0 DIN a063 — 13 — 40 50 DIN 8063 — 13 — 50, 3 DIN 8063 — 13 — 63, 8 DIN 8063 — 18 — 63. 90 DIN 8063 — 18 ~ 75 For dimensions, see table 6. Page 6 DIN 16962 Part 13 ‘Table 6. Dimensions of pipe couplings asa function of pipe outside diameter Pipe | Mean svamere | a) ] ds a | dso) a | dey) dy dy |. itt] [at at | |e 2 | 20] [ar | 27s|-8| 201|-85| 20| a1 | 270/°G% [mu [202] sce | 95 | 20s 25 25 | *8* |@1%| 36 | Gis] 988/ 8:5] 36| 27 | 361] *8°°) Am | 282] 204 | 35 | 200 32 2 Gin] 415] 815] 447-815] 44| 32 | 41.6) *8°%)R1 | 329] soe] 35 | sor wo | 40 |-8+]o2 | 59 |-85| 565|-86) 56] «2 | sa1]*3%|R1m| <0] 00 | 92 | sae 50 50 G2u) 59 | $2 | 626|-82 | 62] 46 | 501/*8? |Riw|47 | eos | 53 sors - 3 63 | *8°|G2%| 74 |_8. | 784/82 | 78| 60 | 74.1/*8? |R2 | 597] 205 | 53 sors 15 78 | *8” |G@av| 925| $2 | 97.2) -82 | 97| 75 | 926/87 |Raw| ~ -J-|- 90 90 | *8°|G4 |105 |_83 |110 | 23 | 110| 88 | 105.1] +37 [Rs - - -|- 1) Pipe thread as in 1S 228 Part 1, External threads shall be made to tolerance class A 2) Asin DIN 2999 Pare 1. 3} For GTW union nuts, these dimensioné are identical with those given in DIN 2050 for P' union nuts, 3 Material Table 7. Material symbols for pipe couplings and allocation of materials to components lateral Union nut Threaded bush we He Gasket i (item No, 14) | {item No. 15) | (item No. 16) | (item No. 17) | titem No, 18) | (item No 19) Prt Ppa Pex) - Ppt - PP2 Peo PP2) - po ~ orwt Pet 4 = ow - cw orw2 Pe2 Mate subject to Met Ppt ‘agreement, } | - Ms - Ms Me2 pez | Rot ppt - Ro - fo Fg2 Ppa PP 1 = made from type 1 polypropylene (PP) and complying with the s specified in DIN 18962 Part 5. 2 = made from type 2 polypropylene (PP) and complying with the requirements specified in DIN 16962 Part 5. GTW = GTW.45.07 as specified in DIN 1692 (material number 0.8045), Ms = CuZn40Pb2 as specified in DIN 17 660 (material number 2.0803). Rg = G-CuSnS2nPb as specitied in DIN 1705 (material number 2.169601), For item Nos. 17 and 22, the material shall be agreed as a unction of the type, concentration and service temperature of the medium conveyed, 1) Union nuts (item No, 15) may be manufactured of other suitable plastics, such as polyetnylene (PE) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC),

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