ES&H Management Plan REV004

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Al Taweelah Alumina

Environment, Safety and Health Management Plan

25875-000-2HY-H01-00001 Rev 004

Bechtel Petrofac JV

004 02/06/2015 Issued for use D. Brown J. Knick M.

N. Smith
003 08/02/2015 Issued for use D. Brown J. Knick M.
N. Smith - -
002 24/11/2014 Issued for use D. Brown J. Knick M.
N. Smith - -
001 23/09/2014 Issued for use D. Brown J. Knick M.
N. Smith - -
000 04/03/2014 Issued for use D. Brown J. Knick R. Shah N. Smith R. Ward -
JOB NO. 25875 Page 1 of 43

25875-000-2HY-H01-00001 Rev 004

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Confidential © 2015 Joint Venture between International Bechtel Co. Ltd (Abu Dhabi Branch) and Petrofac Emirates L.L.C. (BPJV). This
document, prepared under Contract EGA/SH-EPCM/27-016 between BPJV and Emirates Global Aluminium PJSC (EGA), contains
information confidential and/or proprietary to BPJV that is not to be used, disclosed, or reproduced in any form by any person or entity
other than BPJV or EGA without BPJV’s prior written permission. All rights reserved.

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Application ................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 References ................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Definitions ................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.0 PROJECT DETAILS.................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 ES&H Legal Requirements for the Project ................................................................................................ 7
3.0 LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENT ......................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Leadership Participation ............................................................................................................................ 8
3.2 Environment, Health and Safety Policy ..................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Policy Communication ............................................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Personal Safety, Quality and Ethics Plans ................................................................................................ 8
4.0 STRATEGIES AND OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Strategy ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Objectives and Targets .............................................................................................................................. 9
5.0 ORGANISATION AND RESOURCES .................................................................................................... 10
5.1 Structure and Responsibility .................................................................................................................... 10
5.2 Accountability and Responsibility ............................................................................................................ 10
5.3 Roles and Responsibilities ....................................................................................................................... 10
5.4 Consultation ............................................................................................................................................. 13
5.5 ES&H Leadership Team .......................................................................................................................... 13
5.6 People Based Safety and Human Performance Improvement Program ................................................. 14
5.7 Contractor’s ES&H Committees .............................................................................................................. 14
5.8 Communication ........................................................................................................................................ 14
5.9 Communication with Statutory Authorities ............................................................................................... 17
5.10 Data and Document Control .................................................................................................................... 18
6.0 RISK MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................. 19
6.1 Identified High Risk Construction Activities ............................................................................................. 19
6.2 Project Risk Register and ES&H Risk Register ....................................................................................... 20
6.3 Design and Constructability Reviews ...................................................................................................... 20
6.4 Interface Assessment .............................................................................................................................. 20
6.5 Construction Work Plans and Risk Workshops ....................................................................................... 21
6.6 Job Hazard Analysis and Assessment .................................................................................................... 21
6.7 Pre-Task Assessment .............................................................................................................................. 22
6.8 Hazard Reporting ..................................................................................................................................... 22
6.9 Personal Protective Equipment ............................................................................................................... 22
7.0 PLANNING .............................................................................................................................................. 23
7.1 Standards, Plans and Procedures ........................................................................................................... 23
7.2 Relationships to other Plans .................................................................................................................... 23
7.3 Emergency Planning ................................................................................................................................ 23
7.4 Change Management .............................................................................................................................. 25
8.0 COMPETENCY & Management Of Behaviour ..................................................................................... 25
8.1 Competency and Training ........................................................................................................................ 25
8.2 Team Member Orientation ....................................................................................................................... 26
8.3 Field Leadership Orientation .................................................................................................................... 26
8.4 Specific Training Requirements ............................................................................................................... 27
8.5 People Based Safety and Human Performance Improvement Training.................................................. 27
Confidential © 2015 Joint Venture between International Bechtel Co. Ltd (Abu Dhabi Branch) and Petrofac Emirates L.L.C. (BPJV). All rights reserved.

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25875-000-2HY-H01-00001 REV004 Page 2 of 43

8.6 Life Criticals Program .............................................................................................................................. 28

9.0 WORKING WITH THE CUSTOMER ....................................................................................................... 28
9.1 Customer Involvement ............................................................................................................................. 28
9.2 Sharing of Information ............................................................................................................................. 28
9.3 Customer requirements when closing out the Project ............................................................................. 28
10.0 WORKING WITH CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS ............................................................................... 29
10.1 Supply of Goods and Services ................................................................................................................ 29
10.2 Performance Management ...................................................................................................................... 30
11.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING ............................................................................................... 30
11.1 Implementation ........................................................................................................................................ 30
11.2 Monitoring ................................................................................................................................................ 30
11.3 Performance Improvement ...................................................................................................................... 31
11.4 Health Surveillance .................................................................................................................................. 31
11.5 Inspections ............................................................................................................................................... 32
11.6 Incident Investigation and Reporting ....................................................................................................... 32
11.7 Corrective/Preventative Action ................................................................................................................ 33
11.8 Rehabilitation and Return To Work.......................................................................................................... 33
12.0 AUDITING AND REVIEW ....................................................................................................................... 34
12.1 Audits and Assessments ......................................................................................................................... 34
13.0 EXHIBITS LIST........................................................................................................................................ 35
13.1 Exhibit A – Relevant Contact information ................................................................................................ 36
13.3 Exhibit C – BPJV Key ES&H Engagement Requirements ...................................................................... 38
13.4 Exhibit D – Self Assessment Audit Requirements ................................................................................... 38
13.5 Exhibit E – List of Project ES&H Procedures and applicable legal requirements ................................... 40
13.6 Exhibit E – BPJV ES&H Organisational Chart ......................................................................................... 42
14.0 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................. 43

Confidential © 2015 Joint Venture between International Bechtel Co. Ltd (Abu Dhabi Branch) and Petrofac Emirates L.L.C. (BPJV). All rights reserved.

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25875-000-2HY-H01-00001 REV004 Page 3 of 43

This Environment, Safety and Health Management Plan (ES&HMP) is written specifically for Al
Taweelah Alumina.

The plan documents the management system that will be implemented to effectively eliminate or
control incidents that may have an adverse effect on the health and safety of team members or the
public, damage to plant and equipment, disruption of operations or impact on the surrounding
environment. The ES&HMP describes the intent of each element of the system with further detail
contained in the referenced Project procedures, plans and related systems and programs.

This ES&HMP is based on the Bechtel corporate philosophy of Zero Incident Performance. It is
consistent with the Bechtel Environmental, Safety and Health Management System and complies
with defined Owner standards, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, OHSAS 18001
Occupational Health and Safety Management System and the Abu Dhabi Environment, Health and
Safety Management System.

1.1 Application

This plan applies to all construction aspects of the Project including office based activities. The plan
is written for the BPJV but shall be the minimum standard for Contractors to adapt and amend for
their scope of work. Where specific BPJV approval authorities are stated in this plan, these
authorities are not transferable to the Contractor.

1.2 References

 ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001

 Bechtel ES&H Management System, Standard Application Programs and Core Processes
 Agreed Owner Standards
 Abu Dhabi Environment, Health and Safety Management System Regulatory Framework
 Project specific ES&H procedures
 Local and international standards as applicable

1.3 Definitions

 BPJV Bechtel Petrofac Joint Venture

 Brownfield Existing plant or operational areas under control of EMAL
 CECP Construction Environmental Control Plan
 CP Bechtel Core Process
 EGA Emirates Global Aluminium – the Owner
 ES&H Environmental, Safety and Health
 ES&H Manager BPJV ES&H Manager or designee
 ES&HMP Environmental, Safety and Health Management Plan
 ES&HMS Environmental, Safety and Health Management System

Confidential © 2015 Joint Venture between International Bechtel Co. Ltd (Abu Dhabi Branch) and Petrofac Emirates L.L.C. (BPJV). All rights reserved.

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25875-000-2HY-H01-00001 REV004 Page 4 of 43

 GBU Bechtel Mining & Metal Global Business Unit

 Greenfield Construction areas under the control of BPJV
 JHA Job Hazard Analysis
 Kizad Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi
 PBS People Based Safety – a craft on craft observation program
 Pre- STARRT A short meeting at the beginning of the shift to discuss the work plan and
ES&H risks for the day and any issues or incidents the previous day.
 Project Manager Most senior BPJV person assigned to the Project – supported by a
Deputy Project Manager
 PEL BPJV Project Environmental Lead
 SAP Bechtel Mining & Metals Standard Application Program
 Site Manager Most Senior Person Assigned to the Construction Site. Also referred to
as the CSM (Construction Site Manager)
 STARRT Safety Task Analysis & Risk Reduction Talk
 SWPP Bechtel Standard Work Practice and Procedure
 SDS Bechtel Safety Data System (ES&H database)
 Superintendent A Senior Leader on site, below the Site Manager.
 Team Leader A person in any leadership, supervisory or management capacity
 Team Member A person directly associated with the Project
 Toolbox Talk a weekly work group meeting focused on educating the work group on a
particular ES&H topic
 Workforce All Project team members and contractors working at the Project


Al Taweelah Alumina involves the development of a greenfield alumina refinery in the Khalifa
Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi (KIZAD), UAE, comprising an alumina refinery located at KIZAD Area A
and a bauxite residue storage area (BRSA) located at KIZAD Area B approximately 30 kilometres
from the refinery site (see figure 1 below).

The Project is being built for the Owners, Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) by BPJV. BPJV have
been appointed the Principal Contractor with a scope of services that includes detailed engineering,
procurement and construction management (EPCM). The construction services are executed by
Bechtel and Petrofac in a joint venture.

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Figure 1 – Map showing the Al Taweelah Alumina Refinery location and BRSA location.

Construction works that are covered by this plan include:

 Construction Site Services

 Infrastructure
 Bulk Earthworks
 Concrete
 Piling
 Structural, mechanical and piping installation
 Electrical and instrumentation installation
 Installation of substations
 Construction of a Calciner
 Construction of a Steam Plant
 Field Fabricated Tanks

14 major contractors will undertake the construction activities with construction expected to
commence in the 1st quarter of 2015 and mechanical completion to occur in the first quarter of 2018.

Construction activities will generally be conducted between 6am and 6pm each day however, some
night works will occur for activities such as concrete pours or other heavy manual work to assist with
preventing heat related illnesses. It is expected that at construction peak approximately 8,000 people
will work on the Project.

Contact details for the Owner and BPJV are contained within Exhibit A

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25875-000-2HY-H01-00001 REV004 Page 6 of 43


2.1 ES&H Legal Requirements for the Project

Al Taweelah Alumina shall meet all federal (UAE) and Emirate specific (Abu Dhabi) standards and
incorporate those requirements into the Project Specific ES&H procedures (see Exhibit E for a
mapping of Project procedures against legal requirements). Where Owner, legal and regulatory
ES&H requirements exist and overlap with the BPJV approach the more stringent, or best industry
practice will apply.

The key regulatory authorities for ES&H requirements at Al Taweelah Alumina are the Abu Dhabi
Environment, Health and Safety Center and the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi. The BPJV ES&H
Manager, in consultation with the Owner’s ES&H Manager, will jointly liaise with these authorities on
matters relevant to the Project and ensure an open and transparent relationship is maintained.

A register detailing the legal requirements for the Project shall be maintained and updated whenever
changes are identified.

Records will be maintained of all reports, communications to and site visits of statutory

Records of legal changes will be maintained and those changes will be communicated to all relevant
personnel and staff working on the Project. Document version controls shall be used to detail
legislative changes within individual documents.


The Project leadership team will prepare detailed plans and schedules for the execution of the
Project. Specific requirements will include the identification of resources, skills, equipment and ES&H
plans to meet the Project objectives.

Key strategies will include:

 promoting the Zero Incident Philosophy objectives as values

 ensuring all statutory and other related requirements are addressed, communicated and
form the minimum procedures for all work on the Project
 providing systematic processes for:
o planning the work
o identifying, assessing and controlling hazards and risk
o incident reporting and investigation
o job pre-task planning and resourcing
o improving performance
o sequencing key activities
o promoting the full participation and involvement of all team members
o recognising and rewarding individual and team excellence in performance
o defining ES&H responsibilities and accountabilities
o monitoring and recording the effectiveness of the ES&HMP
o setting and reviewing objectives and targets for both individuals and teams
o promoting safe practices through a behaviour based system
o implementing continuous improvement practices
o establishing partnerships with contractors to promote the Project objectives

Confidential © 2014 Bechtel/Petrofac Joint Venture for Al Taweelah Alumina. All rights reserved.

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3.1 Leadership Participation

Team Leaders will actively participate in regular meetings, reviews, workplace inspections and
forums as indicated in Exhibit C - Key ES&H Engagement Requirements. These activities and
participation levels will be monitored by the Project Manager and the ES&H Leadership Team and
shall be amended to reflect Project needs, identified trends, Owner requirements or corporate

Key engagement activities will be:

 A fortnightly Manager’s walk down conducted jointly with BPJV and Contractor Senior
Leaders as part of the ES&H Leadership Team activities.
 A weekly ES&H inspection of each work area conducted jointly by BPJV Construction
Team Leaders and the Contractor Team Leader responsible for the area being inspected.
 Collaborative behavioural observations with Team Leaders and PBS Team Members.
 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) and Safety Task Analysis and Risk Reduction Talk (STARRT)
reviews in the field by BPJV Construction Team Leaders.
 BPJV Team Leaders attendance and participation at pre-STARRT and toolbox meetings.

3.2 Environment, Health and Safety Policy

One of the Project’s most important values is conducting business with the greatest care for the
health and safety of our team members, the environment and the people in the community in which
we work. As a foundation for this value a Zero Incident Philosophy has been adopted for the Project
as the basis of the Project’s management. The philosophy is included as Exhibit B to this plan.

3.3 Policy Communication

The Zero Incident Philosophy will be displayed in prominent places throughout the site and
communicated through the Project orientation programs.

3.4 Personal Safety, Quality and Ethics Plans

BPJV personnel make a personnel commitment to Safety, Quality and Ethics via a personal Safety,
Quality and Ethics plan. A copy of an individual’s plan should be displayed in their work space as a
constant reminder of their commitment and goals. The principal value in this exercise comes from
the fact that plans cannot be written without giving some thought to personal attitude to health and
safety and areas of opportunity for improvement. This provides an opportunity to reflect upon
personal behaviour and commitment and to consolidate thoughts in a single, simple, short


4.1 Strategy

The Bechtel ES&H Management System, Standard Application Programs (SAP), Core Processes
(CPs) and Construction Standard Work Process and Procedures (SWPPs), Abu Dhabi EHSMS,
Environmental Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD), all other applicable legal requirements and Owner
requirements will form the basis of the Project ES&HMP.

Deviations from Al Taweelah Alumina standards will be reviewed and approved by the BPJV ES&H
Manager prior to implementation.
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Where a contractor’s procedure exceeds the minimum requirement of any Project procedure, or
covers a specific application not covered by Project procedures, the BPJV ES&H Manager will
review the procedure for use on the Project.

Procedures will be reviewed annually at a minimum to include improvements and reflect changing

The ES&H Leadership team will be responsible for developing, communicating and implementing
short term strategy and improvement plans

Where work is conducted within the existing EGA Operating areas, operations procedures will be

4.2 Objectives and Targets

The Project leadership team will establish key objectives and performance targets for the Project to
achieve the overall objective of Zero Incidents. These targets will include positive, preventive or
safety-enhancement actions (lead) and measurements of past events or non-compliances (lag)

Leading indicators are measurements of positive, preventive or safety-enhancement actions, e.g.:

 People Based Safety Team Observations

 Time related close-out of corrective actions arising from risk assessments, incident
investigations and audits
 Completion of weekly toolbox meetings and ES&H meetings
 Completion of engagement activities by Senior Leaders including observations, JHA reviews
and Culture Surveys
 Completion of critical risk audits
 Completion of scheduled internal and external audits and inspections
 Completion of scheduled training

Lag indicators are typically measurements of past events or non-compliances, e.g.:

 Injury and illness statistics including Lost Time injuries, Restricted Work Day Injuries, Medical
Treatment injuries and heat stress cases
 Recordable injury frequency rates
 Number of days lost to injuriesNumber of audit non-compliances
 Number of environmental incidents
 Near miss/property damage incidents

Due to the size and complexity of the Project, the lead and lag indicators required to be reported
may change over time. As such, the reporting requirements will be detailed within the weekly and
monthly ES&H reporting templates issued to Contractors.

The objectives and targets will be reviewed by the ES&H Leadership Team on a quarterly basis and
used to develop an annual ES&H Implementation Plan. The objectives and targets will be Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Related (SMART) and communicated to all team

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5.1 Structure and Responsibility

A key feature of organisational capability is its adaptability to quickly and efficiently detect hazards
and control the changing operating environment as well as take advantage of opportunities without
exposing the Project to undue risk. This is achieved by having robust systems in place that routinely
test the environment and extract the appropriate information so informed decisions can be made in a
timely manner at all levels throughout the organisation.

The Project Manager will ensure that appropriate resources are made available for the effective
implementation of ES&H requirements. These resources will include:

 Human – appropriate personnel available with the correct skills in the correct roles for
implementation and process control
 Physical – robust designs/ planning and access to fit for purpose plant and other
equipment necessary for the implementation process
 Financial – funding required for effective implementation is made available
 Systems – robust operational and Environment, Safety and Health Systems

5.2 Accountability and Responsibility

Clear assignment of accountability and responsibilities throughout the BPJV Project management
teams, supervisors and team members means that each person knows what they are expected to do
and what they are accountable for.

Responsibilities will be assigned to positions within the organisational structure, not individuals and
will be defined in a way that is appropriate for the position’s area of control. There will be no change
to the organisational structure without review of the impact to the ES&HMP responsibilities,
accountabilities and assignments in accordance with the change management process.

Each BPJV person delegated with a responsibility under the ES&HMP will have the qualifications,
experience and personal capability to fulfil their duties. They will have the necessary authority,
competency, resources and experience needed to complete their objectives.

5.3 Roles and Responsibilities

ES&H responsibilities within the Project will be defined in each individual Project plan and procedure.
These responsibilities, and those of other team members, will be clearly stated in Project orientations
together with the Project’s behavioural expectations, goals and objectives.

Team Members with responsibilities beyond those of a team member will have their responsibilities
explained to them by their manager, with support from the ES&H Manager, as part of the Project on-
boarding process.

The following general responsibilities apply to the ES&HMP:

Project Manager and Deputy Project Manager:

 Implement and monitor the ES&H Management System and Plan
 Provide resources to ensure the continued implementation and monitoring of the ES&HMP
 Conduct site walk-downs with the Management team.

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 Allocates resources so that sufficient equipment, materials and staff are in place for safe,
environmentally sound, and effective Project undertaking.
 Ensures that ES&H initiatives are implemented as per ES&H Management and
Implementation plans.
 Ensures the relevant legal requirements are compiled with and implemented.
 Ensure all the contractors are complying with the ES&H Management plan.
 Ensures the ES&H policies and procedures are implemented and communicated through
until the project completion.
 Ensures all the work activities are supervised by competent person.
 Attends relevant Project ES&H meetings.

Site Manager:
 Implements and monitors the ES&H Management System and Plan on the construction
 Assists in ensuring that effective supervision is provided in the workplace to, amongst
others, prevent incidents or non-compliances.
 Assists with the allocation of resources so that sufficient equipment, materials and staff are
in place to ensure that the project continues in a safe, healthy and environmentally
acceptable manner.
 Provides direction to managers, supervisors, and contractors in the execution of the
provisions of the ES&H management system.
 Review all incident investigations.
 In collaboration with the ES&H Manager deals with contractors who have a sub-standard
ES&H performance.
 Chairs the ES&H Leadership Team meetings and activities including Site Walkdowns.
 Initiates ES&H initiatives with the ES&H manager throughout the Project.
 Ensures that all Contractors are implementing the ES&H Management Plan and system
 Ensures that effective supervision is provided in the workplace to prevent incidents.
Ensures all incidents are investigated and that corrective control measures are
implemented and monitored.
 Ensures that risk assessment are carried out and control measures are implemented.
 Ensures suitable PPE is provided to workers to perform the job in a safe manner.
 Ensures that Contractors attend all required ES&H related meetings.

Management Team:
 Communicate the requirements of the ES&H Management System in the execution of
work tasks
 Provide leadership, mentoring and support to enable team members to achieve the
planned outcomes and undertake their tasks without incident.
 Establish and maintain a work environment of involvement in work planning and ES&H
discipline in execution
 Notify the up-line manager if the requirements of this system cannot be achieved.

ES&H Manager:
 Reports to the Project Manager.
 Confirm that the requirements of this system are compatible with site requirements and
undertake reviews and audits to ensure currency.
 Support the Project Manager, Construction Manager and Contractors in implementing the
requirements of the ES&H MP.
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25875-000-2HY-H01-00001 REV004 Page 11 of 43


 Review and update the ES&H Management System when required per section 5.10.2
 Ensures all the legal requirements are updated and implemented throughout the
completion of the project.
 Ensures that Contractors with poor ES&H performance are brought to senior management
for necessary action.
 Ensures that ES&H inspections and audits are conducted by the relevant responsible
 Develops a Project ES&H register and updates it regularly.
 Develop and establishes an ES&H Site Walk Program to ensure top management
commitment and participation and assist with its implementation.
 Develops, maintains and reports on leading and lagging indicators.
 Ensures that no work starts without a risk assessment approved by relevant responsible
 Ensures that all incidents are reported and investigated and control measures are
implemented to prevent a reoccurrence
 Allocates ES&H personnel per area to monitor Contractors ES&H compliance in that area.
 Chairs the Site ES&H meeting

Project Environmental Lead:

 Assist with implementing the Project's Environmental obligations,
 Monitor via audits and inspections the implementation and performance of the CECP
 Participate in Contractor progress meetings to ensure Environmental issues are
 Maintain the master Hazardous Substance register for the Project
 Monitor Environmental corrective actions for effectiveness and timely close out
 Review the quality of Environmental incident investigations and corrective actions
 Other responsibilities as per the Construction Environmental Control Plan (25875-000-

Team Leaders:
 Be thoroughly familiar with the Project’s ES&H policies and procedures and with their
individual responsibilities regarding its implementation and enforcement
 Be directly involved in implementing the ES&H requirements applicable to their areas of
 Promote, support, and actively participate in the Zero Incident philosophy
 Facilitate and support STARRT and JHA briefings and communications
 Implement immediate action to correct reported or observed unacceptable ES&H
conditions and/or behaviours
 Continually coach team members in ES&H practices and recognise those who
demonstrate positive behaviours
 Ensures that no work starts without an approved risk assessment in place.
 Ensures that safe equipment, material and workplace are provided to the workers.
 Assist in or conduct incident investigations and implements the required corrective actions.
 Enforce ES&H related work rules and take action as required to ensure compliance

Team Members:
 Identify and make safe any hazards to the extent of the person’s ability and control and/ or
report the hazard to the up-line Team Leader
 Notify the up-line Team Leader if the requirements of this system cannot be achieved
Confidential © 2014 Bechtel/Petrofac Joint Venture for Al Taweelah Alumina. All rights reserved.

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 Comply with the ES&H requirements asked of them, including compliance with Life Critical

5.4 Consultation

Effective management of ES&H issues requires the co-operation of all Team Members to develop a
supportive organisational culture. Knowledge and experience throughout the workforce is a valuable
resource. Project management will engage team members in structured consultation processes for
planning and executing work to enlist that buy-in and access the valued knowledge they possess.

All team members should:

 be encouraged to participate in the development and implementation of systems, through
consultation and involvement in the setting of goals and targets
 be involved in the development, implementation and review of policies and procedures for
hazard identification, hazard risk assessment and control of hazards/risks
 be consulted where there are any changes that affect workplace ES&H
 be aware who their ES&H representatives are

Those representing team members and management in regard to ES&H shall receive appropriate
training by the responsible Contractor to undertake their involvement by the responsible Contractor.
Examples of acceptable courses include formal ES&H qualifications or short courses such as IOSH
“Supervising Safely” or the AL Taweelah Field Leaders Orientation supplemented with additional,
Contractor specific training.

Various forums will be used to promote ES&H through communication, awareness, planning and
continuous improvement activities. These will include but not be limited to:
 the ES&H Leadership Team
 Contractor ES&H committees
 People Based Safety (PBS) program
 daily STARRT meetings
 weekly toolbox meetings
 Contractor pre-bid and kick off meetings
 Contractor coordination and progress meetings
 Project ES&H Team coordination meetings
 ES&H bulletins and alerts
 ES&H noticeboards
 signs, labels and tags

5.5 ES&H Leadership Team

This team will be chaired by the BPJV Site Manager with the remainder of the team being made up
of an Owner representative, BPJV ES&H Manager and Contractor's Site Managers. The team’s
primary function is to provide strategic direction for the entire Project with the focus on:
 incident prevention and strategies to achieve zero incident performance
 review of recommendations made by contractor’s ES&H committees and provision of
resources for implementation and communication where required
 effectiveness of the ES&HMP and continual improvement initiatives
 identification and control of risks associated with forthcoming construction activities
 review of, and the adoption of, relevant ES&H initiatives or best practice examples raised
by the People Based Safety Team, Contractors or other stakeholders.
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The ES&H Leadership Team will meet weekly during the initial stages of the Project and thereafter
every fortnight. Further details on the ES&H Leadership Team are contained within the Consultation
/ ES&H Leadership Team Procedure (25875-000-GPP-GHX-00009).

5.6 People Based Safety and Human Performance Improvement Program

This process is a key component of the Project’s ES&H program and a cornerstone of employee
involvement, consultation and behaviour management. It involves trained craft members conducting
observations on other craft members or groups, providing feedback on safe behaviours, identifying
error precursors and organisational weaknesses which could cause human error and coaching on at
risk behaviours. In order to positively influence ES&H performance, the PSS Team will work towards
completing a minimum of 400 PBS observations per 200,000 hours worked.

The PBS team will be championed by the BPJV Construction Site Manager and actively supported
by the ES&H Leadership Team and Contractors. To support the effort, each major Contractor will
have one on-site dedicated PBS Coordinator on staff.

PBS Team identified initiatives, trends and opportunities for improvement will be tabled with the
ES&H Leadership Team for review and agreement on implementation.

Further details of the Project’s PBS program are contained within the People Based Safety
Procedure (25875-000-GPP-GHX-00047).

5.7 Contractor’s ES&H Committees

Contractors with more than 50 employees will establish their own ES&H Committees to promote
internal awareness, communications and resolve issues within their area of responsibility.
Committees will comprise of contractor elected representatives, contractor management, contractor
Superintendents and ES&H Advisors.

Contractor committees will participate and review behaviour observation data, corrective action logs,
pre-STARRT and toolbox meetings to identify, and where possible, action, improvement opportunities.
Issues unable to be resolved at this level will be referred to the ES&H Leadership Team through the
Contractor’s Site Manager.

Contractor committees will meet once a month and their performance will be monitored by the ES&H
Leadership Team.

5.8 Communication

Two-way communication between all levels of the workforce and management is very important for
achieving the desired ES&H culture and outcomes.

Systems to support effective two-way communication will include:

 daily pre-STARRT meetings
 weekly Toolbox Topic meetings
 involvement of the workforce in ES&H committees
 posters, hazard alerts from external parties and similar material to be displayed on
noticeboards in multiple locations on a rotational basis
 newsletters

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 the People Based Safety Team

 the ES&H Leadership Team
 the ES&H Advisors Coordination Meeting
 innovation and identification of improvement initiatives
 team member surveys

ES&H information and learning will be shared through ES&H Committee/s, Incident Reports, Daily
Information Briefs, ES&H Alerts and Project Manager or Site Manager Directives.

Systems will be in place to ensure that team members have access to and are familiar with the
Project procedures, relevant legislation and this plan.

Concerns, complaints and relevant external communications related to the ES&H aspect of the
Project will be recorded and acknowledged, investigated and outcomes reported back to the relevant

Mechanisms will be in place to resolve conflicts where they arise, through consultation and
participation directly with stakeholders or their intermediaries.

External communications or those communications of a sensitive nature shall be approved by the

Owner prior to distribution.

5.8.1 ES&H Noticeboards

The BPJV ES&H Manager shall set up and maintain a site notice board at the main entrance to site
providing site-wide notices and information including:

 Site Emergency contact details

 Key ES&H focus areas
 A notice reiterating that all incidents must be reported immediately and
 The Lost Time Injury Frequency rate.

It is a requirement that all Contractors set up and maintain ES&H noticeboards in appropriate
locations displaying relevant ES&H information for their workforce including any notices, bulletins or
alerts issued by BPJV. These noticeboards shall be approved by BPJV prior to installation to ensure
consistency across the Project.

Further details on the Consultation and Communication requirements for the Project are contained
within the Project’s Consultation and ES&H Leadership Team procedure (25875-000-GPP-GHX-

5.8.2 Pre-STARRT Meetings

Team Leaders will conduct a daily pre-STARRT meeting that will commence with an interaction or
observation that reinforces site ES&H requirements or provides focus on critical activities. The
meeting will also cover the following:

 previous day’s performance (incidents, observations and positive outcomes)

 work activities and associated major risks
 requirements prior to work starting (lift study, job hazard analysis, etc.)
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 issues identified at the previous day’s meeting

 promote positive ES&H activities or outcomes and jobs well done
 share lessons learned from incidents or areas of ES&H improvement.

Meetings will be attended by all team members in the work group, Supervisors, ES&H Advisors and
the relevant Managers. Where close interaction is required throughout the day between work groups,
a combined pre-STARRT may be required.

Note: For the purpose of this plan, a pre-STARRT meeting is a daily work group meeting focused on
the topics identified above whereas a Toolbox meeting is a weekly work group meeting focused on
educating the work group on a particular ES&H topic.

5.8.3 Toolbox Meetings

Toolbox meetings will be held weekly by all work groups to:

 educate team members on an ES&H related topic
 provide an opportunity for feedback from the ES&H committee and ES&H Leadership
 provide an opportunity for workers and Supervisors to discuss ES&H related issues that
are not able to be fixed immediately or are of a systemic nature

Toolbox meetings are to be conducted by a person knowledgeable in the topic being presented and
be delivered in a language appropriate for the workforce.

All team members will attend a toolbox meeting each week as a minimum. It is expected that
Contractor and BPJV Managers, Superintendents and ES&H Advisors will also regularly attend the

The BPJV ES&H Manager will develop and issue site-wide relevant toolbox topics to all Contractors
on a monthly basis (minimum) for the Contractor to deliver to the workforce. All other toolbox topics
are to be selected and developed by the Contractor. Attendance at Toolbox meetings is to be
recorded by the Responsible Contractor.

5.8.4 Project ES&H Team Coordination Meeting

Project ES&H Team meetings will be conducted to coordinate construction Environment, Safety and
Health activities and communications; plan for training and the provision of resources to match the
construction 90 day look ahead plan and ES&HMP; resolve issues; and review and communicate
lessons learned from any Project or related incidents.

The meeting will be sponsored by the BPJV ES&H Manager and will be held every 2 weeks as a
minimum. Where the need arises, due to poor performance, misalignment or other reasons, the
meeting may be held on a weekly basis. Attendees will include all Contractor ES&H Managers as a

5.8.5 Daily Information Sheet

A daily information sheet will be issued electronically by the BPJV to the site prior to the completion
of each working day. This sheet is to be used as an adjunct to the daily pre-STARRT meetings. The
sheet will provide information and advice on events/activities affecting construction including:

 progress to plan
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 injuries and incidents

 notices, alerts and bulletins
 traffic management
 major deliveries

The Daily Information Sheet shall be approved by the Owner prior to release if it contains information
that may be considered sensitive in nature.

5.8.6 Bulletins and Alerts

Bulletins and alerts will be regularly distributed to Team Members and Contractors to provide advice
of significant injuries, trends or high potential near misses occurring on site and those at other sites
relevant to Project activities.

Bulletins and alerts will be used to cover:

 actions and lessons learned from incident investigations
 product recalls and advice notices from suppliers and authorities
 new procedures or procedure revisions
 notice of Project hazards and controls
 significant ES&H events or milestones
 other ES&H related information requiring wide distribution and visibility

Bulletins and alerts will accompany daily information sheets for discussion at pre-STARRT meetings.

5.8.7 Recognition Programs

Recognition programs will be implemented to drive desired behaviour and recognise ES&H
performance. These programs will be integrated with key behaviour indicators and Project objectives
and targets. Performance measures may include:

 participation in the ES&H program as measured by hazard reporting and behaviour

 audit and other lead indicator results
 reporting of incidents; and
 compliance with the ES&H program

Separate reward programs will be implemented to recognise outstanding individual performance or

an initiative and assist in enforcing Project ES&H procedures.

Reward and recognition programs will be developed in conjunction with the Workforce Services

5.9 Communication with Statutory Authorities

The BPJV ES&H Manager, or delegate, in consultation with and approval from the Owner, will be
responsible for all reporting and communications with the Abu Dhabi Environment, Health and Safety
Center and other statutory authorities. Records will be maintained of all reports, communications to
and site visits of statutory representatives.

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5.10 Data and Document Control

5.10.1 Documentation

The ES&HMP has four levels of documentation:

 Bechtel policies, management instructions and standards

 Project plans and programs
 Project procedures
 Forms and records

Project procedures will be used as the primary hazard control for construction activities. Project
procedures are controlled documents, form an integral part of the ES&HMP and will be considered
the minimum standards to apply to all ES&H aspects of the Project.

Procedures will be formed under the Project document control system and a register of procedures
developed and maintained.

5.10.2 Document Control

Project plans and procedures are controlled documents and will be considered the minimum
standard to apply to all aspects of the Project. All plans and procedures will be formed under the
Project document control system and a Project procedure index developed and maintained.

ES&H controlled documents will be:

 governed by the regulation of the controlled document policy

 created and managed as prescribed by Project procedures
 created using standard controlled document templates
 deemed uncontrolled until classified and approved by the approval authority

All contract documents generated, issued or received within the ES&HMS will be controlled within

Non contract documents, including but not limited to, copies of incident reports and investigations,
STARRT Cards, behaviour observations, hazard reports, inspection and audit reports will be
maintained by the ES&H Manager and where required provided to the Owner for information, data
entry or compilation of internal reports. The ES&H Manager will be responsible for maintaining the
system, including reviews in light of updates or changes to primary sources such as Bechtel and
Owner corporate requirements, local standards or legislation.

The ES&H Management Plan shall be subject to an annual documented review by the Project
Manager, Site Manager and ES&H Manager with revisions clearly shown on the front page of the

The ES&H Management System shall be communicated to all employees and any changes
communicated via site bulletins, issued to all Project Team Members.

5.10.3 Records

ES&H records will be identified, securely stored, readily retrievable, have established retention times
based on legal requirements and/or knowledge preservation and responsible custodians assigned.
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Medical records shall be kept confidential by the site Medical Provider, in accordance with the
requirements of privacy legislation. Records of risk assessments shall be retained until the risk
assessment is superseded or the hazard to which it relates no longer exists at the Project.

Records that ES&H will maintain include:

 Medical records
 Training records
 Calibration records for testing equipment
 Drug and alcohol testing records
 Results of air emissions and noise tests
 Results of water monitoring assessment
 General communications
 ES&H Incident investigations
 Hazardous substances inventory and MSDS
 Inspection records
 Corrective action registers
 ES&H Audits results
 Environmental and Green House Gas tracking reports
 Waste generation and tracking reports
 Commitment register listing all permit requirements (e.g. EAD Permits)


ES&H risk may result from actual or potential hazards resulting from Project managed activities
during any stage of the Project’s lifecycle. These risks may negatively impact the wellbeing of Team
Members, members of the public; the environment; business reputation; plant or property.

Specific details of the requirements for Risk Management on the Project are detailed within the
Project’s Risk Management procedure (25875-000-GPP-GHX-00058).

6.1 Identified High Risk Construction Activities

The high risk construction activities identified for the Project are:

 Traffic Management
 Mobile Equipment movement
 Working at Heights
 Confined Space Entry
 Crane activities
 Excavation works
 Lock Out Tag Out
 Activities carried out on or near energised electrical installations or services
 Tilt-up or precast concrete activities
 Vertical rebar activities
 High pressure or gas or pipe or vessel testing
 Working in the Heat.

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These activities shall have control measures detailed in the ES&H Risk Register and within specific
Project procedures. The activities shall be subject to more frequent ES&H assessments in order to
verify and monitor that the required control measures have been implemented.

6.2 Project Risk Register and ES&H Risk Register

Any situation that has the potential to significantly impact the execution of the Project will be
identified on the Project risk register. This register contains all significant risks to the Project
including ES&H risks.

Additionally, a construction ES&H risk register will be developed which will contain all ES&H risks
identified for the Project. This risk register will identify the controls required to mitigate or minimise
the risks identified and a copy will be provided to all Contractors to ensure they are advised of any
controls that they must implement. The most current revision of the ES&H Risk Register is available
at any time from the BPJV ES&H Manager.

6.3 Design and Constructability Reviews

The Project engineering and design team will be responsible for the conduct of design and
constructability reviews. Risk controls that are required to be implemented by the construction team
will be incorporated into the Project ES&HMP, plans and procedures.

Risk assessments will be undertaken at the design, selection, procurement stages of acquiring plant
and equipment to avoid introducing uncontrolled hazards to the Project.

All documentation regarding the technical and operational specifications of plant and equipment will
be obtained and reviewed before a commitment is made to purchase or accept the plant and
equipment on site. All plant and equipment selected, designed and procured for a Project will comply
with relevant Local and ISO Standards, technical codes and guidelines.

The full life-cycle of plant and equipment (constructability, operability, maintainability,

decommissioning and disposal) will be considered before commitment is made to purchase or
accept the plant and equipment on the Project.

6.4 Interface Assessment

Where work is completed in Brownfield areas and the work includes operational plant modification
and tie-in activities requiring shutdowns; it is crucial that consideration is given to the interface
between the contracted work and the daily operations of the site and the new or changed hazards
that are created.
The diagram below illustrates the relationship and interface between the Project activities and the
operational process, and the potential for the generation of new hazards.

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Project Activities and Operational Plant and

Tasks Equipment

Project Activities and INTERFACE Operational Plant and

Task Related Hazards New Hazards Created Equipment Related

A risk assessment workshop will be conducted with operation team members to ensure that hazards
introduced by the interface of construction and operations are managed. An individual risk
assessment will also be conducted for each modification or tie-in to operational process plant.

6.5 Construction Work Plans and Risk Workshops

Contractors are to develop Construction Work Plans for any high risk or technically challenging
scope of work or task identified by either the Contractor Project Manager or BPJV Management. The
proposed Construction Work Plan will then be reviewed for risk at a Risk Assessment Workshop.

The Risk Assessment Workshop will identify and analyse the controls required to safely complete
the particular scope of work. The information identified during the Risk Assessment Workshop will be
used to update or modify the Construction Work Plan as required

These mandatory workshops will involve the Project management team involved in the particular
contract, the contractor’s management and supervision as appropriate. At these workshops the
contractor’s work environment and work methodology will be reviewed, potential hazards identified,
risks assessed and actions agreed to mitigate the risks.

All risks identified in the workshop will be communicated by the contractor, to the contractor’s work
groups. Execution of work within the contract scope will be monitored through ongoing ES&H and
risk management, the application of audit processes, actioning improvement plans and ongoing

For Contractors whose work is not considered high risk or technically challenging, a scope of work
risk assessment shall be developed by the Contractor to document all risks and controls associated
with the proposed work. This risk assessment shall be submitted to the BPJV ES&H Manager at
least 7 days prior to commencing work on site for review and approval against Project requirements.

6.6 Job Hazard Analysis and Assessment

A JHA will be developed for all jobs that:

 present unspecified or unknown hazards

 involve new equipment, machinery or processes
 involve the working in, around or unearthing of hazardous materials
 have historically experienced a repeated or significant rate of incidents
 are assessed as equal to or greater than low using the risk matrix
 are identified as high risk activities in local legislation
 jobs that will be repeated frequently.

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JHAs will be completed by a cross section of the work group, the team leader and the Contractor
ES&H Advisor. The risk register and any relevant Construction Work Plans or higher level risk
assessments will be reviewed and the work site visited prior to completing the JHA to ensure higher
level controls are incorporated into the JHA.

All JHAs will be reviewed by the BPJV for accuracy, completion, and appropriate use of Project
procedures and other hazard controls before being signed by the team leader. The relevant
Superintendent will review and approve the JHA to ensure the content is appropriate and correct.
JHAs will be submitted to the ES&H Manager, or their nominee, for review prior to the job

JHAs will be available at the workface and the contents communicated to all team members working
on that job. The ES&H Manager will maintain a register and copies of all JHAs.

6.7 Pre-Task Assessment

The STARRT process will be implemented on the Project to promote team work, identification,
communication of hazards and controls, quality and application of the pre-task risk identification and
planning process.

Each team member or team assigned a specific task will complete a STARRT card prior to the
commencement of that task. Where there is interaction between a number of trades, separate cards
are to be completed for each work group and discussed by the whole team to ensure full
understanding of the task and hazard controls.

Contractor Supervisors will review their team’s STARRT cards prior to the task commencing to check
that all hazards have been identified and controlled and that team members fully understand the
hazards and their controls. Contractor Supervisors will sign the card as agreement to the
requirements of the job and any hazard controls implemented.

6.8 Hazard Reporting

A hazard reporting and control process will be utilised to report and track the rectification of hazards
during construction.

Hazard reports will be entered and tracked to completion with progress monitored through weekly
contractor coordination meetings. Hazard report logs will also be submitted to the BPJV ES&H
Manager electronically each week for review and retention.

6.9 Personal Protective Equipment

The minimum personal protective equipment (PPE) required on site will be:

 hard hat
 steel toe capped, lace up protective footwear (gumboots are permissible for those persons
working in wet conditions however, the gumboot must have a steel toe cap)
 safety glasses with side shields
 long sleeved shirt and long trousers OR Long sleeved coveralls. Note: clothing shall have
reflective tape on the torso or a high visibility vest shall be worn.
 gloves are to be carried at all times and used for all manual tasks.

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All PPE supplied shall meet appropriate international standards (e.g. American National Standards
Institute, Australian Standards, European CE or equivalent) and be approved by the BPJV ES&H

Additional PPE will be required for specific tasks e.g. double eye protection for grinding and cutting,
a welding visor is to be worn when conducting hot work. Specific details of the requirements for PPE
on the Project are detailed within the Project’s PPE procedure (25875-000-GPP-GHX-00088).


7.1 Standards, Plans and Procedures

A review has been completed of the Bechtel and Owner requirements, legislative and local
Standards to compile Project procedures applicable to the identified construction risks.

The Project ES&H management plan and procedures will be implemented by all contractors. No
further management plans are required to be developed by contractors for the Project and no
procedures other than those approved by the ES&H Manager for use on the Project will be utilised.
A list of approved contractor procedures will be maintained by the ES&H Manager.

The monitoring and implementation of the ES&HMP will be through regular auditing of processes in
accordance with the self-assessment audit schedule of Exhibit D, hazard and housekeeping
inspections and behaviour observations.

7.2 Relationships to other Plans

This ES&HMP establishes program elements that apply throughout the lifecycle of the Project and
forms the basis for development of related Project procedures and plans, Environment, Safety and
Health related training and work practices during definition, construction and commissioning phases.
Safety and environmental integrity in design will be covered inside the engineering procedures.

7.2.1 Construction Environmental Control Plan (CECP)

A Construction Environmental Control Plan (25875-000-2HY-H01-00002) has been prepared in

accordance with the Owner’s Construction Environmental Management Plan, Environmental
Management System and the Project’s Environmental Impact Assessment to clearly define the
Project’s environmental objectives and requirements. The CECP details the Legislative, Owner and
other requirements pertaining to Environmental management at Al Taweelah Alumina.

7.3 Emergency Planning

An Emergency Preparedness procedure (25875-000-GPP-GHX-00016) will be implemented to

address possible scenarios and control processes. The plan will be aligned with the Owner
emergency management plan and external organisations’ response capabilities.

Emergency Response capability will be provided by the Owner’s Emergency Response Team which
has the appropriate equipment, facilities and trained personnel and is capable of providing
firefighting capability, first aid and rescue response.

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All emergencies shall be raised using an emergency telephone number which is monitored by the
Owner’s Operations Control Room. The phone number is to be identified in the Emergency
Preparedness procedure.

Emergency response drills and exercises will be scheduled and conducted regularly, including
liaison with and involvement of external response organisations and other stakeholders, as
appropriate. Any liaison with external organisations shall be facilitated by the Owner. Lessons
learned from emergency response drills, exercises and incidents will be documented, incorporated
into revisions of procedures and resources, and shared with stakeholders and others as appropriate.

7.3.1 First Aid & Medical Emergencies

Sufficient qualified first aid trained team members will be provided for each work area or team. The
Project will work towards a goal of one (1) qualified first aid person for each fifty (50) team members
or part thereof per work area. Such first aiders will be currently certificated to Senior First Aid level by
a UAE accredited body.

It will be a requirement that when any team is working in isolation or in a remote area (notably, the
BRSA), there shall be qualified first aider and a suitable first aid kit immediately available. This is to
be identified at the JHA development stage.

All injuries and illnesses shall be immediately taken to the Site Medical provider regardless of
whether a qualified first aider has already provided treatment.

7.3.2 Fires

Immediate response will be provided by the use of portable fire extinguishers. Contractors will
supply and maintain appropriately rated fire extinguishers consistent with the level of risk in each
area or for each task and Team Members shall be trained in their use. For fires that exceed the
immediate capabilities of the Contractor an emergency will be declared in line with the emergency
preparedness procedure requirements.

7.3.3 Site Evacuation

The primary means of declaring an emergency at a Project will be by the Project’s emergency phone

Notification of an emergency will be made by the first person to identify the emergency situation.

A site evacuation process will be developed as part of the emergency preparedness procedure to
ensure the timely evacuation of all Project team members. A process for accounting for all persons
on the Project site to ensure they can be accounted for will also be established.

Signs and notices will be distributed through offices and crib facilities and displayed on noticeboards
to advise the following:

 fire wardens names

 diagrams showing exits from site
 assembly points

Due to the nature and size and locations of the work at the Project site several assembly points will
be required to be established as the work progresses. These will be determined by the BPJV ES&H
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Manager, placed on the Traffic Control Plan and included in the Project orientation and on
noticeboards. Any changes or additions to the assembly points will be communicated in the daily
information sheet.

Evacuation drills will be co-ordinated on a six monthly basis to test procedures and knowledge.
Opportunities for improvements will be identified and implemented.

7.4 Change Management

Changes that may impact the safe execution of the Project will be reviewed to ensure that all
changes are analysed systematically, authorised by an appropriate authority, and implemented in a
manner that does not present an unacceptable risk to the workforce, the Owner, the environment or
the community. As a minimum:

 Changes to the Project design basis or design criteria will be managed by Engineering
with input where required from Procurement and the Owner
 Changes to ES&H legislation or Owner ES&H requirements will be managed by the ES&H
 Changes that impact the Project Risk Register will be managed by the Risk Owner
 Changes to an approved Construction Work Plan will be jointly managed by the Contractor
and BPJV Superintendents.
 Changes to a task in the field will be managed using the re-STARRT process and
implemented by the Team Leader responsible for the work. Where the change involves
the introduction or change of a high risk activity or environmental risk or control, the BPJV
Superintendent shall review and approve the change.
 Documents, plans and records will be updated to be consistent with the change.


8.1 Competency and Training

A training needs analysis will be conducted to identify specific ES&H training requirements based on
this plan. Task-specific training will be identified through the analysis and a formal plan developed
defining the training course, presentation means, time required and target audience.

Contractors will develop training matrices for their scope of work which shall also identify applicable
legislative requirements and the matrices will be forwarded to the Project Training Co-ordinator for
consolidation and coordination.

All training shall be documented by the Contractor delivering the training and include the title of the
course, attendees full name and employee number, the name of the trainer, the date of the training
and a brief description of the training content.

The Project Orientation, Training and Development Procedure (25875-000-GPP-GHX-00046) details

additional requirements to those contained within this plan.

The BPJV has approval authority for certain roles for the Project in order to review training and
competency documentation. These roles include:

 All Mobile Plant Operators

 All drivers (light and heavy vehicles)
 Riggers
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 Scaffolders
 Electricians.

The review of competency of these roles is conducted prior to a person conducting the role on site.

8.2 Team Member Orientation

A site-wide orientation will be implemented for all Team Members. The orientation will be
supplemented by Project approved contractor-specific, task-specific and/or area-specific

Team members and visitors will be made aware when inducted, and with follow up communication
and/or training, of relevant ES&H requirements, hazards, risks and controls and be given the
necessary competencies to conduct their activities and behave in a safe and responsible manner.

The following orientations are required to be completed by team members before authority to work
on the Project is approved.

Activity Conducted by Duration

Project Specific Orientation BPJV 3 hours
Field Leaders Orientation (for persons in BPJV 4 hours (in addition to attending
a position that influences craft) General Orientation)
Contractor Orientation Contractor As per Contractor requirements
Scope of work and area familiarisation Contractor 30 minutes – 1 ½ hours
Interim ES&H Orientation BPJV ES&H 30 minutes

8.3 Field Leaders Orientation

BPJV and Contractor Team Leaders or other persons in a role that can directly influence craft, will
attend a Field Leaders Orientation on their first day to provide them with the essential skills and
knowledge to execute their ES&H and Leadership responsibilities. This orientation is designed as an
addition to the Project orientation and is to complement basic competency requirements and the
application of these principals to the Project.

This orientation will include all elements of the Project orientation and the following additions:

 leadership expectations and goals

 people based safety (principles and practices)
 risk management (JHAs, STARRT Cards, change management)
 Further detail on key Project procedures
 Incident investigation requirements
 Use of lead indicators

The Field Leaders Orientation will be delivered by BPJV.

BPJV and Contractor personnel that shall attend this Orientation include:

 Project and Site Managers

 Construction Supervisors and Superintendents
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 Workforce Services personnel

 ES&H Personnel
 Field Engineering personnel

8.4 Specific Training Requirements

Only authorised team members will be permitted to conduct work where a certificate of competence
or completion of a specific training program is required by legislation or Project standards.

Authorised team members will possess a current and valid certificate of competency issued by a
recognised authority and will be required to demonstrate their competency prior to commencement
of work on site.

Standards used to assess competency will be consistent with relevant local or national standards for
the skill. Copies of certificates of competency will be maintained by the individual’s employer.

The BPJV will deliver training in nominated high risk activities to ensure consistency across all
contractors and to mitigate the risk associated with those tasks. A person will be required to
complete the BPJV delivered training prior to conducting the relevant task on site.

These nominated high risk activities include

 Working at heights,
 Confined space work
 Lock Out Tag Out
 Traffic Control
 Permit issuing

For persons who wish to drive a vehicle or operate mobile plant on site, a relevant UAE license or
certification, the successful completion of a Contractor delivered but BPJV developed Safe Driving
course and an authorisation to drive/operate approved by the BPJV Site Manager will be required by
team members prior to operating mobile plant or driving vehicles on the construction site.

8.5 People Based Safety and Human Performance Improvement Training

A key element of the communication and hazard control programs will be the PBS program that
provides focus on reinforcing safe behaviours, leadership and communication at the work face and
provide data to guide the implementation of proactive interventions to further reduce at risk

The People Based Safety observation process will be used as the key program to allow craft team
members to assist each other to achieve a 100% safe behaviour level.

Observer training will include:

 an overview of the objectives of the observation program and how it links the key
processes of the ES&H Management Plan
 an overview of behaviour based psychology
 hazard identification
 recognition and acknowledgement of safe behaviours and correction of at risk behaviours
 use of data and reports
 development of interventions
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8.6 Life Criticals Program

The Project will implement a Life Criticals Program to set clear expectations around key safety
procedures and define clear consequences if those expectations are not met. The Life Criticals are
safety requirements that, if not complied with, could result in death or serious harm.

These requirements will initially be conveyed at Orientation and then further communicated
throughout the life of the Project via posters, toolbox talks and pre-start meetings.

Any reported violations of a Life Critical requirement will be fully investigated. The consequences for
the Team Member violating the requirement will be decided by BPJV in consultation with Contractor
management following the investigation and may include site access removal. The Employer of the
person may also instigate disciplinary action up to and including, termination of employment.

The requirements of the Life Criticals Program are detailed in the Life Criticals Procedure (25875-


9.1 Customer Involvement

All ES&H forums including the ES&H Leadership Team and Contractor weekly coordination
meetings will involve Owner representation. Owners should also be intimately involved in the setting
of ES&H milestones and the recognition and celebration of achieving significant goals, exceptional
performance and initiatives.

9.2 Sharing of Information

In a proactive effort to achieve and promote zero incidents the Project will encourage the sharing of
ES&H information and technologies with both Owners and Contractors. This information can include
safety bulletins, lessons learned and alerts where applicable.

In addition any programs or technologies that are created on the Project that can benefit any
company at the site can be shared in a cooperative effort to promote a stronger ES&H culture.

9.3 Customer requirements when closing out the Project

A close out plan will be developed, reviewed and agreed upon by the Regional ES&H Manager. In
addition to the close out plan the Project will organise close out meetings with the Owner to
handover required ES&H materials and records.

Additionally, at the end of the Project information gathered over the life of the Project will be provided
to the Owner including:

 A brief description of the works carried out

 Residual hazards and how they have been dealt with
 A Project directory listing all key parties of the Project
 Key structural principles incorporated into the design of the structure (e.g. safe working
loads for floors and roofs, sources of substantial stored energy)
 Any hazards associated with the materials used
 Information regarding the removal or dismantling of installed plant and equipment
 ES&H information about equipment provided for cleaning or maintaining the structure
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 The nature, location and markings of significant services, including fire-fighting services
 Information and as-built drawings of the structure, its plant and equipment and
 Any other relevant ES&H information regarding the plant.


Contractors will be provided with ES&H information as part of:

 the pre-tender and tender meeting processes

 tender documentation
 Project contractor management system (including desktop risk assessment, contractor
checklist/authority to work, etc.)
 orientations
 on-site training
 toolbox and planning meeting sessions
 contractor progress and performance meetings

Contractors to the Project will be evaluated to identify those who can demonstrate ES&H
performance that compliments the zero incident goal and Project objectives using pre-qualification
and selection processes.

Pre-bid and kick off meetings and pre-construction risk assessment workshops will be conducted
with Contractors prior to mobilisation to identify risks and issues and clarify the scope of work, the
expectations for behaviour and management of people and hazards.

Contractors’ performance will be regularly monitored through the allocation of dedicated Project
management teams, weekly coordination meetings, ES&H committees, audits, behaviour
observations and inspections. Contractors will be audited in accordance with the schedule contained
within the Project ES&H implementation plan.

In order to administer the requirements of the ES&H system, Contractors shall ensure each work
area has at least 1 full time, site based ES&H Advisor and maintain a ratio of 1 ES&H Advisor per 50
employees (or part thereof) for the duration of their work on site. Contractors shall appoint a qualified
ES&H Manager with at least 3 years Management experience and 5 years ES&H experience when
the scope of work requires 100 employees or more to work on the Project or when the scope of work
is considered high risk in nature. The ES&H Manager shall not be counted as an ES&H Advisor to
meet the 1:50 ratio.

All ES&H Advisors shall have formal ES&H qualifications and a minimum 3 years documented
experience in the scope of work being performed and may be subject to BPJV ES&H Manager

10.1 Supply of Goods and Services

ES&H risks associated with suppliers of goods and services will be assessed and managed.
Suppliers will be managed in accordance with the Project contractor management process. They
will be subject to risk-based ES&H evaluations and quality checks prior to engagement, considering
the nature of their products, activities or services and previous ES&H performance.

Suppliers and contractors will provide information on the hazards associated with their equipment,
products and services, prior to delivery or commencement of works, and whenever changes occur.

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Existing and new products and services will be assessed for their potential to provide ES&H benefits
or cause adverse ES&H impacts over their lifecycle.

10.2 Performance Management

Processes will be in place to ensure the ES&H performance of suppliers, contractors and partners
and their compliance with ES&H obligations specified in their contracts, are monitored and reported.

Each contractor will be assigned a Superintendent who will act as a single point of contact for all
contractual issues and who will facilitate weekly contract coordination meetings. Contractors will also
be assigned an ES&H resource who will act as the single point of contact for all ES&H issues and
who will provide coaching and instruction in the application of the ES&HMP and processes,
participate in area inspections, conduct audits and provide feedback on performance.

Outputs will be reviewed at contractor progress meetings which will be chaired by the BPJV
Superintendent responsible for contractor performance.

Further details of performance management are contained within Project procedure 25875-000-
GPP-GHX-00017 – ES&H Assessment and Performance Management.


11.1 Implementation

An implementation plan will be developed at the commencement of construction to guide the

implementation of the ES&HMP and provide the basis for monitoring improvements to the plan and
standards throughout the life of the Project. Objectives and targets will be set and monitored as part
of this process. The Implementation Plan will be reviewed by the Project Manager and ES&H
Manager on a quarterly basis.

Contractors will submit an implementation plan based on the Project plan and the ES&H
requirements outlined in the contract documents, ES&HMP and Project procedures provided to all
bidders within 30 days of mobilisation to site. As part of the plan an overall risk analysis is to be
included for the defined scope of work. ES&H implementation plans will be reviewed and approved
by the ES&H Manager.

Depending on the complexity and size of the scope of work, the requirement for the supply of an
implementation plan may be waived by the Site Manager on the understanding that the specific
scope of work will fall directly under the Project plan.

ES&H implementation plans will be regularly audited and implementation progress tracked and

11.2 Monitoring

The implementation and effectiveness of the Project’s and Contractor’s ES&HMPs and standards in
eliminating or controlling risk will be monitored by Project management utilising a range of both lead
and lag indicators.

Measures used to review performance, predict future performance and identify improvement areas

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 audit and inspection results

 KPIs – notably leadership engagement results
 hazard reporting and close out of reported hazards
 improvements identified from incident investigations
 feedback from team members, customers and the community
 industry best practices

11.3 Performance Improvement

The ES&H Leadership Team will constantly review past performance and identify opportunities for
improvement. These improvements will be implemented through:

 changes in policy or objectives

 incorporating new elements in the plan
 improvements in the system process
 additions or changes to standard procedures

11.4 Health Surveillance

All craft Team Members working at a Project site will be required to complete a pre-employment
medical assessment by a licensed Physician at their point of origin prior to orientation and
mobilisation. The assessment will be based on the physical demands and working environment
conditions expected of the proposed position and will meet the requirements of Abu Dhabi Code of
Practice # 5.0 “Occupational Health Screening and Medical Surveillance” and Abu Dhabi Code of
Practice # 11.0 “Safety in the Heat” .

A risk assessment of occupational health risks will be conducted as part of the contract scope of
works and the contractor mobilisation process. The risk assessment will be used to identify specific
exposures to various occupational groups and classify exposures in accordance with the predicted
level of risk utilising existing data and evaluations.

A sampling schedule based on residual risk i.e. after the application of controls and assessment of
known exposures based on empirical data, will be subsequently developed by the responsible
Contractor. Sampling and analysis of samples shall only be conducted by qualified Industrial

Medical surveillance requirements for specific exposures will be determined for those individuals or
groups that approach known occupational exposure limits for specific hazards, including hazardous
substances, radiation, noise, vibration etc.

The Project’s testing and monitoring regime will be established based on:

 Those situations where workforce health surveillance is identified and appropriate systems
implemented. Team members will have access to their own individual results
 prevalence and incidence of work-related illness will be recorded, assessed and reviewed

Records of ongoing testing and monitoring will be maintained by the responsible Contractor and
shall be submitted to the BPJV ES&H Manager for collation and sharing. Appropriate processes will
be implemented by the responsible Contractor to ensure the reliability of data, such as the calibration
of instruments, test equipment, and software and hardware sampling.

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Further details of the Project’s Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene requirements are
contained within the Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene procedure (25875-000-GPP-GHX-

11.5 Inspections

The Project’s audit and inspection regime will be established to check compliance and performance
of executed work and activities are to plan. The inspection regime includes:

 statutory inspections
 audits related to the risk register
 work area inspections
 safety compliance inspections, e.g. firefighting equipment
 equipment compliance/ fitness for purpose
 hazards and housekeeping

The frequency will be determined according to

 prescribed frequencies in legislation
 recommended by Local and ISO standards, codes of practice and guidelines
 the severity of consequence of the hazard
 the level of risk

The inspection and audit schedule is included as Exhibit D and further details of the requirements for
audits and inspections are contained within the ES&H Assessment and Performance Monitoring
procedure (25875-000-GPP-GHX-00017). Copies of all inspections and audits will be provided to the
BPJV ES&H Manager to allow for trending and filing for legislative purposes.

11.6 Incident Investigation and Reporting

All significant ES&H incidents will be investigated and analysed to determine the contributing factors
and underlying causes using a Root Cause Analysis process or other approved process. All other
incidents are considered to be Level 1 or 2 incidents and will be investigated using the 5 why’s
process. Training in incident investigation requirements shall be provided to BPJV and Contractor
Team Leaders and ES&H Advisors by the ES&H Manager.

The investigations will be completed to determine preventative actions and will be tracked and
monitored at each week’s contractor coordination meeting and Project ES&H Advisor coordination

Project and contractor ES&H Advisors will be trained as lead investigators. Supervisors will be
provided with basic investigation and analysis skills. All training sessions will be facilitated by a
Project approved facilitator.

The Bechtel corporate reporting systems including 0-60 incident notifications and the Web Safety
Data System (SDS) will continue to be maintained in parallel with Project requirements. A copy of
the initial notification form and investigation will be provided to the Owner to meet their own internal
reporting requirements.

The BPJV ES&H Manager, or delegate, in consultation with and approval from the Owner, will act as
a single point of contact for the reporting of significant health, safety or environmental incidents and
breaches of environmental licenses to statutory authorities and stakeholders including the Abu Dhabi

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Environment, Health and Safety Center and KIZAD. The reporting of incidents to these external
stakeholders shall be in accordance with the Stakeholder’s requirements and timescales.

All injury frequency rates will be calculated using the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) formula of (Number of injuries and illnesses X 200,000) / Employee hours worked) =
incidence rate.

The Project Incident Reporting, Recording and Investigation procedure (25875-000-GPP-GHX-

00032) details further requirements for incident reporting and investigation including timescales and

11.7 Corrective/Preventative Action

The findings, conclusions and recommendations reached as a result of inspection and testing,
audits, reviews and incident investigations will be documented and appropriate corrective actions
identified, with the aim of ensuring a repetition will not occur.

Before planning corrective and preventive action, sufficient investigation should be completed to
identify both the immediate and the underlying causes of the incident or non-compliance.

Corrective actions are those that are to be implemented to correct damage that has occurred as a
result of the incident or injury. Preventative actions are those that prevent the incident re-occurring.

ES&H Advisors will monitor the control measures that are proposed to be put in place to ensure
compliance with the Project standards. Additional control measures may be proposed following the
review and analysis of all corrective actions.

All actions and controls necessary to prevent recurrence are to be determined in line with the
hierarchy of controls and assigned to individuals to close out within the agreed timeframes.

11.8 Rehabilitation and Return To Work

The Project is committed to the prompt rehabilitation and return to work of any team member injured
during the course of their employment. Contractors will coordinate their own rehabilitation processes
with the oversight of the BPJV ES&H Manager who will also coordinate the rehabilitation needs of
BPJV team members.

Where a team member’s injuries are such that the person is capable of performing alternative duties
those duties will be provided where possible.

Where a team member is injured through a non-work related activity, such as weekend sports,
similar services will be provided with respect to alternative duties and return to work. Team
members are required to report such injuries so that they are not assigned tasks that may aggravate
the injury or result in the team member or others being placed at increased risk.

The management of the return to work of injured or ill team members will be the responsibility of
individual employers who will nominate a Rehabilitation and Return to Work Coordinator.
Contractor’s rehabilitation programs will be consistent with legislation and will be submitted to the
BPJV ES&H Manager prior to mobilisation for approval.

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Audit and inspection reports, follow up action status and non-conformance corrective action report
progress will be reported on a monthly basis. All actions and outcomes will be recorded on a hazard
log for tracking and close out.

Weekly, monthly and quarterly ES&H reports will be produced by each contractor and submitted to
BPJV. Data from these will be used by BPJV to compile weekly and monthly ES&H reports for the
Owner and any external reports required.

The Project will produce a detailed monthly report which will include performance against key
performance indicators for the Project, a summary of ES&H initiatives and actions and brief details of
any incidents. The report will cover input and output metrics, significant incident summaries and
significant ES&H activities. The report will also indicate participation rates of teams in the various
ES&H program elements and will provide input to the incentive programs.

Further requirements for auditing and review are contained with ES&H Assessment and
Performance Monitoring Procedure (25875-000-GPP-GHX-00017).

12.1 Audits and Assessments

There will be periodic ES&H audits of the Project to:

 determine whether this system is being properly implemented and maintained

 determine whether the system’s objectives are being achieved
 assess compliance with relevant legislation.

Audits will be conducted by appropriately competent persons and be conducted so as to ensure

appropriate objectivity and impartiality.

ES&H audits are conducted monthly on a schedule with the audit focus selected to be
commensurate with the level of consequence, severity or risk exposure i.e. risks with a greater
consequence are audited more frequently on the audit schedule. ES&H audits are supplemented
with detailed and documented work area inspections each week which also form part of the Project’s
formal assessment program.

Exhibit D lists the frequency of audits for specific activities or risks identified for the Project. Items
identified as Critical Risks (i.e. those risks on the Project Risk Register) will be audited every 3
months to ensure that the control measures implemented to mitigate those risks are in place and

External audits will be carried out by persons independent of the Project’s activity, with the technical
and functional expertise to enable them to undertake a valid assessment. External audits expected
during the Project include:

 A twice yearly BESH assessment (Bechtel Corporate ES&H Assessors)

 A third party compliance audit will also be conducted each year to meet the Abu Dhabi
Environment, Health and Safety Center requirements.
 Audits conducted by the Owner’s Corporate ES&H Team

Records and results of all internal and external audits will be maintained. Corrective action and/or
improvement plans will be developed, recorded and implemented to address non-conformities
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Exhibit A: Relevant Contact Information
Exhibit B: Zero Incident Performance Philosophy
Exhibit C: Key ES&H Engagement Requirements
Exhibit D: Self-assessment audit schedule
Exhibit E: List of Project ES&H Procedures

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13.1 Exhibit A – Relevant Contact information

Company Role Title Name Email

Vice President – Al Taweelah

EGA Owner Project, Major Projects Brian Murphy

EGA Owner Project Director Amer Al Redhwan

EGA Owner EHSS Manager Gazmend Sopa

BPJV Main Contractor Project Manager Norm Smith

BPJV Main Contractor Deputy Project Manager Mark Cowley

BPJV MainContractor Site Manager Jed Knick

BPJV Main Contractor ES&H Manager Debbie Brown

Note: Subject to change.

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13.2 Exhibit B – Zero Incident Performance Philosophy

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13.3 Exhibit C – BPJV Key ES&H Engagement Requirements


D - Daily

BPJV Project Manager & Deputy

BPJV ES&H Manager / Advisor

W – Weekly / W2 – Twice Weekly / W4 – Four Times per week
F - Fortnightly
M – Monthly / M2 – Twice Monthly

BPJV Superintendent

BPJV Field Engineer

B – Biannually

BPJV Site Manager

Project Manager
AR - As Required

Attend F
ES&H Leadership Team Meeting
Lead F

ES&H Leadership Team Walk down Attend F F

Senior Management Assessment Conduct M M M

Critical Risk Audit Conduct M M M

Key ES&H Engagement Indicators

Open / Close key PBS Events Attend AR

Biannual Culture Survey Facilitate M M

New Hire Orientation Open W

Formal Contractor ES&H

Conduct M M
Performance Review

ES&H self-assessment audits Conduct M M

Contractor Toolbox Meeting Contribute W W M M

Supervisor Observation Conduct W M W

Job Hazard Analysis Step Through M W M W

STARRT review (in field) Review W W W W

Pre-STARRT meeting Attend W W4 W2 W4

13.4 Exhibit D – Self Assessment Audit Requirements

KEY W – Weekly (during area inspection) Q – Quarterly Audit B – Biannual Audit A – Annual Audit
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 
Annual 3rd Party External Audit  
Critical Risk Audit  
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Requirements  
Barricades and Signs 
Bloodborne Pathogens 
Compressed Gas Cylinders 
Confined Space Entry 
Consultation / ES&H Leadership Team  
Cranes, Lifting and Rigging 
Drinking Water and Ice 
Electrical Equipment and assured grounding 
Elevated Work Platforms 
Emergency preparedness 
Excavation and Trenching  
Explosive Powered Tools 
Fall Prevention and Protection 
Fire Prevention and Protection 
Fitness for Work – alcohol and drugs 
Floor and Wall Openings 
General Safe Work Practices 
Government Agency Inspections and investigations 
Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Goods 
Hazardous Work Permits 
Hearing Conservation 
Heat Stress Prevention 
Housekeeping Requirements 
Incident Reporting, Recording and Investigation 
Isolation – Lock Out Tag Out 
Manual Material Handling 
Medical Services and Management 
Night Work 
Non-Destructive Examination 
Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene 
Orientation, Training and Development 
People Based Safety 
Personal Protective Equipment  
Portable Ladders 
Powered Industrial Trucks 
Respiratory Protection 
Safety Critical Requirements (full list)  
Scaffolding 

Suspended Personnel Platforms  
Traffic Management  
Vehicle and Mobile Plant Safety Management 

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13.5 Exhibit E – List of Project ES&H Procedures and applicable legal requirements
Document Number
Title Abu Dhabi EHSMS Bechtel Procedure
(all prefaced by 25875-000)
Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Code of Practice (CoP) 4.0 CP315
GPP-GHX-00002 Requirements
CoP 22.0
GPP-GHX-00003 Barricades and Signs CoP 17.0
GPP-GHX-00005 Blood borne Pathogens CoP 4.0 CP305
CoP 28.0
GPP-GHX-00007 Compressed Gas Cylinders CoP 49.0
GPP-GHX-00008 Confined Space Entry CoP 27.0 CP217
GPP-GHX-00009 Consultation / ES&H Leadership Team Element 04 CP106
CoP 34.0
GPP-GHX-00011 Cranes, Lifting & Rigging Operations - addendum CoP 36.0
GPP-GHX-00013 Drinking Water and Ice CoP 8.0 CP228
GPP-GHX-00014 Electrical Equipment & Assured Grounding CoP 15.0 CP226
GPP-GHX-00015 Elevated Working Platforms CoP 34.0 CP224
CoP 6.0 CP203
GPP-GHX-00016 Emergency Preparedness Element 06
GPP-GHX-00017 ES&H Assessment and Performance Monitoring Element 08, Element 03 SAP111
CoP 29.0
GPP-GHX-00019 Excavation and Trenching - addendum CoP 39.0
GPP-GHX-00020 Explosive Powered Tools CoP 35.0 CP206
GPP-GHX-00021 Fall Prevention and Protection CoP 23.0 CP212
Fire Prevention and Protection - including Hot CoP 7.0
GPP-GHX-00022 Works CoP 28.0
GPP-GHX-00023 Fitness for Work: Alcohol and Drugs CoP 5.0 CP318
GPP-GHX-00024 Floor and Wall Openings CoP 23.0 CP215
CoP 30.0, CoP 35.0, CoP 38.0, CoP 40.0
GPP-GHX-00025 General Safe Work Practices CoP 42.0, CoP 49.0
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GPP-GHX-00026 Government Agency Inspections and Investigations Element 07 CP112

GPP-GHX-00027 Hazardous Substances CoP 1.0 CP202
GPP-GHX-00028 Hazardous Work Permits CoP 21.0 CP220
GPP-GHX-00029 Hearing Conservation CoP 3.0 CP312
GPP-GHX-00030 Heat Stress Prevention CoP 11.0 CP314
GPP-GHX-00031 Housekeeping Requirements CoP 8.0 CP201
GPP-GHX-00032 Incident Reporting, Recording and Investigation Mechanism 11.0 SAP 104
GPP-GHX-00034 Manual Material Handling CoP 14.0 CP110
GPP-GHX-00035 Medical Services and Management CoP 4.0 CP300
GPP-GHX-00037 Night Work CP230
Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation – Reg 24
GPP-GHX-00038 Non-destructive testing Federal Law #1 (2002)
GPP-GHX-00043 Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene CoP 5.0 CP302
GPP-GHX-00046 Orientation, Training and Development Element 05 CP102
GPP-GHX-00047 People Based Safety Element 04 SAP 109
GPP-GHX-00048 Personal Protective Equipment CoP 2.0 CP205
GPP-GHX-00049 Piling Operations CoP 46.0 CP235
GPP-GHX-00050 Portable Ladders Inspection and Control CoP 37.0 CP222
GPP-GHX-00051 Powered Industrial Trucks (forklifts) CoP 51.0 CP207
GPP-GHX-00057 Respiratory Protective Equipment CoP 2.0 CP311
GPP-GHX-00058 Risk Management Element 02 SAP 105
GPP-GHX-00060 Life Criticals N/A SAP 118
GPP-GHX-00061 Scaffolding CoP 26.0 SWPP
CoP 34.0
GPP-GHX-00062 Suspended Personnel Platforms CoP 36.0
GPP-GHX-00063 Traffic Management CoP 44.0 CP229
GPP-GHX-00066 Vehicle and Mobile Plant Safety Management CoP 36.0 CP229

Confidential © 2014 Bechtel/Petrofac Joint Venture for Al Taweelah Alumina. All rights reserved.

Electronic documents, once printed, are uncontrolled and may become outdated.
Refer to the electronic documents in the project electronic database for current revisions.

25875-000-2HY-H01-00001 REV004 Page 41 of 43


13.6 Exhibit E – BPJV ES&H Organisational Chart

Project Manager

ES&H Manager

Deputy ES&H Manager ES&H Lead - Field ES&H Administrator/Data

Environmental Lead

ES&H Administrator
Project PBS Coordinator ES&H Advisor

Data Entry Clerk PBS ES&H Advisor

Trainer #1 ES&H Advisor

Trainer #2 ES&H Advisor

ES&H Advisor
Note: BPJV ES&H Manager reports
directly to the Project Manager.
Note: Subject to change
ES&H Advisor

Confidential © 2014 Bechtel/Petrofac Joint Venture for Al Taweelah Alumina. All rights reserved.

Electronic documents, once printed, are uncontrolled and may become outdated.
Refer to the electronic documents in the project electronic database for current revisions.

25875-000-2HY-H01-00001 REV003 Page 42 of 43



Rev # Date: Changes

Section 5.3:
004 02/06/2015
 Added that that ES&H Manager reports to the Project Manager.
 Addition of responsibilities for Project Manager, Site Manager, ES&H
Manager and Project Environmental Lead.
Exhibit A:
 Changes to some roles and titles
Section 8.1:
003 08/02/2015
 Addition of roles that require approval from BPJV (this information is
contained within Project procedure 25875-000-GPP-GHX-00046)
Section 4.2.1
002 24/11/2014
 Added Frequency rate targets for the Project
 Added Exhibit E
Section 1.1:
001 23/09/14
 Clarification that this plan is written for the BPJV but must be the
minimum standard for Contractors to adopt for their own ES&H
Management Plan.
Section 2 and 2.1:
 Additional information on the Project scope added.
Section 5.3
 Addition of responsibilities for Team Leaders and Site Manager.
Section 6.1:
 New section identifying the high risk construction activities.
Section 8.6:
 Safety Absolutes – Changed to Life Criticals
Section 10:
 Addition of the ratio for ES&H Advisors.
 Referencing of relevant procedures throughout the document.
 Minor formatting changes.
 Addition of exhibits A and E.

000 04/03/14 Internal issue and review only.

00A 01/11/13 First issue (note, initially issued as 25875-070-2HY-H01-00001)

Confidential © 2014 Bechtel/Petrofac Joint Venture for Al Taweelah Alumina. All rights reserved.

Electronic documents, once printed, are uncontrolled and may become outdated.
Refer to the electronic documents in the project electronic database for current revisions.

25875-000-2HY-H01-00001 REV003 Page 43 of 43

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