Beautiful People

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Beauty is anything that results in the happiness of our life and something that makes your heart

skip a beat in awe of what just took place. Everyone views beauty in their own way. Looks are
always a bonus, but what makes us truly beautiful is our soul. Our soul is what makes us who we
are and how we think and treat others. The first thing we go off of when we see someone is their
physical appearance. We have no clue who they are on the inside, just how beautiful they are on
the outside. Beauty can make your soul feel like it is going to burst out of your body. Having a
good personality and a good heart is what makes you beautiful both on the outside, and
especially on the inside. Like the movie “Beauty and the Beast”, the beast is very hideous and
scary on the outside, but what makes sleeping beauty fall in love is him being so loving and
caring towards her. How could someone 

Beautiful People
A beautiful person is someone you don’t meet every day. They get excited about the patterns leaves make on the ground,
watching a sunset, the smell of rain, and starry nights.

A beautiful person is anyone who shows their soul through laughter or tears. The kind of people who have to be
experienced in person because words or pictures could never do them justice.

But they are not as beautiful as they look or talk. They are as beautiful as they love, care, and share.

Beautiful people don’t respond with negativity or speak poorly of others. They are deliberately optimistic, never failing to
find the silver lining, and don’t nitpick or brag.

Beautiful people see the beauty in others, which also makes them the strongest people because they lift others up rather
than put them down.

Beautiful people leave a place better than they found it by picking up after themselves and others: wiping up crumbs,
pushing in chairs, grabbing random pieces of trash.

They arrive early and give without expectations. They show gratitude, have good manners, make no excuses, and deliver
random acts of kindness, little things that add up to so much.

Beautiful people can see how the rest of the world runs over you. They are the people who notice when you’re feeling left
out of a conversation and try to include you, the ones who pay extra attention when everyone else is talking over you.

Beautiful people can empathize with your sorrows but also make you smile, no matter how far your soul has journeyed
into the depths of despair. People who understand when they don’t understand and seek knowledge.

The most beautiful people are the ones you can think out loud in front of and have comfortable silences with. They can
understand you without you speaking a word. The most beautiful people feel like home because they bring you comfort

They are the ones with whom you can have fun AND really deep conversations. Actually, they have to put effort into
discussing everyday topics because they prefer cruising on the heart level, knowing what’s actually going on and how you
are really doing.
The most beautiful people are listeners because they give up themselves to focus on you. They fully invest themselves in
you and therefore can carry a conversation like no one’s business.

They value blue eyes over blue light, the ones who order “for here” and talk long after the food is gone. The ones you
could talk with for hours and still have a million questions to ask.

The most beautiful people refuse to settle for who you are but push you to be the best you can be. Someone who rewrites
your story by merely being your friend, the one who comes into your life and you just know you would never be able to
replace them if they left.

Yet beautiful people don’t just happen. They are the ones others don’t take the time to discover. They are the ones who
often feel abandoned and lonely themselves.

The most beautiful people are those who have known defeat, suffering, struggle, and loss but got up every time and kept

These are the people who have an appreciation, sensitivity, and understanding of life, which fills them with compassion,
gentleness, and deep loving concern.

They are the ones who try their hardest to make others happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless
and they don’t want anyone else to taste that.

The most beautiful people are others-centered.

They work hard and tirelessly. They encourage and build up. They are fun, inspiring, and strong. They are good-hearted
and kind-spirited.

Each of them deserves the world but every day chooses to serve those around them.

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