Question 4

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CYammatien Rell.

Name G the Psogam- BA.
bemeste-5" Sennestes
Yeo-2d yeat
Unique Rapes Code- 62323506
TTtle eh the fopes- Yeus Nauss, yeuS Kghts
Date Ond Tme ef ermmaten-30||200
Roll No-19ouoSo|051

Right td momalen (RT) , am oct he Par
Cnt ondia Lghich setb out the sull) and
duso) S0gardiny Cii2enS T1gNs d
GreToss o} tho asd
T a }he Supaeme COut dhat hat Sgesn he Sead)
h e RTI Acd.
The eeple ehu COnt hase anaht doeng eve
Peep Rabic act,evey &w done in public

heir buubic fuwnchenarie

Theiy iyt to Eng, hich A eled em he (Onc-pt
toeed@m e Speoch
The CmT Su many domamds tor m KT) At
12 SHatsnad emace Jhair QuIm Tyamuspaemc Laus
behode it tda) Pobad a)a Ceydsal agu lodhen amd implom
ended in 2005

Poeceduz to be follocsed or cttafmin noomadkon

Undor RTI 2oD5

OApplicah en cbtalg intomaumadion

A YeOn , Lshe dere t Gtlein amiomatln
admisibla Cendar he et , Shall moke Cn a1pCatio
n tom A to he Slak Public rasmotton
UOny sHh a fee, as sepcified in sub ule O) e
Rol Do-190uosoloS\2)
Suulos s et those sulp).
The Qfp licalign Beceived h 6ut vegJuia He fee, she
be emteytaimed and shatc Liabla to 6c. jcted
S t u h t a Sedha gAem amnetlke to the

(Depest fa
The ameunt Btke shall 6e Credjted do the ac©Und
aeheved fo in Clause (C) Xab-salol D 1aovidad Yhod
ePocod (©oposa1On8 Cmd Ghe AuuOnoms 6odie
t h e Slete, o e t he amSewmd 0e Lusine
depssiled in the (Sn cCOwn maiyuaned
6 hom.

hoCedusce to ée pollousedl in d ecioliug appo

Beore docidin m appaal the COm ion
DSebwe melce to the (Cebmned Persons Shol
endertoun am dence 1n Suupo oappeal tSjUeh
be Obal nOtny Om Coremo eadoh

CMode Seving nellce

The Amm)iGner ma bUe nlce t
COncmed in ax the helloasa modos,Demen
a) ba Manel olediuey mamel
heuh Dheresb Jew
6-deaig hered Pes csth Qclnw lesaomont due',
C6 PublicatiGn in dheMeus fater.

( vdor bythe (Omisi@n

p mmiione hall make otdoy jnwaiti a d
nWnce Unce ee
COn Cemed Paiey.
Same in he Prejente h e
(3 Ro0-NO-190405olos1
Repeal ond Saelna
The Puya pisla to iosmodi@n 2006 e har
alsd. Ybobied ut am Obdor made Dep
ndor e yulo) So eo adon ko
beom bepea.lod Shal be doonnad to
NadeGrdalon Umdor he. tave
COes p prdin
these les frouial
a Guiglo

.TheRT AcDOo Sdid e Ogde a neLo
toriwponmondi a he oo. buwoaudod
ied, t aslwd amd
andoded shiCas eue ice do chance their
Ccthitade amd dudt oOm One
9 Secoec to On
SharAnA amd fenno
Tt Caehul amd
dalibeaely em po-ses ed he
nODmahion (ommiisien do be de
in he CQumty avy ghot auchoy
manda Ogde O
jice in he Ceundoy o houide
the a0vyion o ho Act Amd it ironmahon aspes
empoaered he
COm miyon to fine a ephicial cshO oid not felses
Hhe mondote.
Piahd t emmoden ha on Som a3dhe
ean a i padooy democCba ag amd to Srem h
Cendraed ove)nack. Sheana Ih Propl
Hcce doinmmo+en Com epoLer }he Joor Omd dhe
Lueolce y Secti0ns o
H1on aleut Public
Secie domamd amd t hema
slicjes and actio), Mee b ad
do dhey wellars TSaused am e
earl prOnuhe
bexpe ngds ad h loco).
Such as in he OrasadiOn hJha (ommonuwealdh
Jarma qped the allocadion 2 Spectyum Omd Coal
Pighd o inovmaHeh opons Up 00enontS ecosd
P u c SCuthu thoe by amanCiten
DH Joo to som hm aoutF hat SNh a
end d6e) amd hee ehoc
Aive ths maleny
oRTmone Mose accoumdrai0 Jhe
TProweS deryiOn makne b
emsO mmecdyae ecJO pPaglue ausheit

The ight to inso0mahOn Hct bns
made to aeheve
SociaX ushce
amafaOn anol to male ac wm
oveme suct u act
cHeued iid> full
ull ctjedhe
due to Sma
1mpendimond objeehve
ralwe. Coeged due do 54hemadie
Ao eseved by Delhi iyh Caurt
RTI Ac has to Yhatmiue. of the
be apvP} aNdls doalt
oL)e tha puiC
Ldld lne fh and shh', Gho
In h i Sumshne Acd (nidonce
Thus aw Paouidos faceloOpp dstunk

TO yedain he Irocones e
eUEMaMce, faatics-
ToReels uerQtha
Cthinons inderfsaca L mamum

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