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Journal of Biotechnology 89 (2001) 65 – 71

Two-stage cultures for the production of Astaxanthin from

Haematococcus plu6ialis
Jaime Fábregas *, Ana Otero, Ana Maseda, Adolfo Domı́nguez
Laboratorio de Microbiologı́a, Facultad de Farmacia, Uni6ersidad de Santiago, Santiago 15782, Spain

Received 24 November 2000; received in revised form 23 April 2001; accepted 18 May 2001


A two-stage culture system was established for the production of astaxanthin from Haematococcus plu6ialis. In a
first stage green vegetative cells were produced in semicontinuous cultures maintained with daily renewal rates
between 10 and 40%. The steady-state cell density decreased with increasing renewal rates. Highest cell productivity,
64 ×106 cells l − 1 day − 1 was obtained with a daily renewal rate of 20%. In a second stage the harvested cultures were
submitted to high light (240 mmol photon m − 2 s − 1) under batch conditions for 15 days in order to stimulate the
transition to the aplanospore stage and the accumulation of astaxanthin. No decrease in cell density was recorded
during the induction period in any of the cultures. Cultures obtained at high renewal rates continued growing during
the induction period and no astaxanthin was accumulated until all nitrogen in the media had been consumed. The
final concentration of astaxanthin was inversely correlated to the growth rate at which first-stage cultures were
maintained. Optimal renewal rate for maximal astaxanthin production depended on the duration of the induction
period. After a 12-day induction period the highest astaxanthin production, 5.8 mg l − 1 of semi-continuous culture
day – 1, was obtained with cultures maintained at a renewal rate of 20%. When the induction period was increased to
15 days maximal astaxanthin productivity, 9.6 mg l − 1 of semi-continuous culture day – 1, was obtained from cultures
maintained at a renewal rate of 40% despite the much lower astaxanthin concentration achieved in these cultures.
Results demonstrate the feasibility of semi-continuous cultivation of H. plu6ialis for the two-stage production of
astaxanthin. © 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Haematococcus; Astaxanthin; Semi-continuous cultures; Two-stage cultures

1. Introduction technological importance with applications in the

nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and food industries.
The ketocarotenoid astaxanthin (3,3%dihydroxy- The freshwater microalga Haematococcus plu6ialis
b,b-carotene-4,4%-dione) is a pigment of bio- is one of the best microbial sources of astaxan-
thin, that is accumulated in the transition between
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 34-981-563-100x14944; fax: green vegetative cells and red aplanospores as the
+34-981-592-210. result of stress conditions (Margalith, 1999). Since
E-mail address: (J. Fábregas). different culture conditions are required for the

0168-1656/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

PII: S0168-1656(01)00289-9
66 J. Fábregas et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 89 (2001) 65–71

production of green vegetative cells of Haemato- mg l − 1, SeO2 0.005 mg l − 1, biotin 25 mg l − 1,

coccus and the accumulation of astaxanthin in the thiamine 17.5 mg l − 1 and B12 15 mg l − 1. Semi-
red aplanospores, a two-stage production process continuous cultures were carried out in 70-ml
has been proposed (Kobayashi et al., 1991; tubes (diameter 30 mm) arranged in a rack that
Harker et al., 1996; Olaizola, 2000). In previous was internally illuminated at a light intensity of 40
works batch cultures of H. plu6ialis were allowed mmol photon m − 2 s − 1 provided by cool white
to achieve stationary phase and the accumulation fluorescent lamps and a circadian dark/light cycle
of astaxanthin was further induced by the addi- (12 h:12 h), at 25 °C and aerated intermittently
tion of NaCl (Harker et al., 1996) or acetate for 10 s every 10 min at a rate of 250 ml min − 1
(Kobayashi et al., 1991). Another factors that halt (Fábregas et al., 2000). Aeration was supple-
cell division such as nitrogen deprivation, high mented with CO2 in order to maintain the pH
light, high temperature and oxidative stress between 7.2 and 7.8. Cultures were inoculated at a
(Borowitzka et al., 1991; Kobayashi et al., 1993; cell density of 105 cell ml − 1 with cells from an
Fan et al., 1994) can be also applied to stimulate exponentially growing culture and allowed to
the accumulation of astaxanthin during the induc- grow for 3 days before the beginning of the
tion phase. Key factors for the efficiency of the semicontinuous regime. A percentage of the vol-
process are the continuous production of green ume of the culture (renewal rate) was harvested
vegetative cells and the application of a separate daily and replaced with fresh culture media. Four
induction process under conditions that could renewal rates were tested: 10, 20, 30 and 40%.
avoid cell death. The development of an opti- This resulted in a continuous production of vege-
mised culture media has improved the production tative green cells at a constant growth rate when
of H. plu6ialis vegetative cells in semi-continuous considered on a 24-h cycle basis. Previous experi-
cultures (Fábregas et al., 2000). These cultures ments demonstrated that under the tested condi-
were maintained under circadian light/dark condi- tions higher renewal rates were unstable
tions and culture media was renewed every 24 h, (Fábregas et al., 2000). The renewal of the cul-
which resulted in a continuous production of tures was carried out during the first hour of the
green vegetative cells at constant growth rates and light cycle. Three replicates were set for each of
of constant physiological characteristics when the culture conditions. Cell density was monitored
considered on a daily basis (Fábregas et al., 1996, daily in the harvested cultures by microscope
2000). In the present work the productivity of counting using an improved Neubauer
semi-continuous cultures of H. plu6ialis main- haematocytometer.
tained with different renewal rates is studied and Once all cultures had achieved the steady state,
the efficiency of the induction of the accumulation the semi-continuous regime was ceased and light
of astaxanthin in batch conditions under high intensity was increased to 240 mmol photon m − 2
light depending on the physiological conditions of s − 1 for 15 days in order to induce the transition
the vegetative cells obtained semi-continuously to the aplanospore stage and accumulation of
reported. astaxanthin. All other culture conditions were
kept as for the semi-continuous period and no
nutrients were added. During the induction pe-
2. Materials and methods riod, samples were taken every 3 days for pigment
analysis, cell counts and NO− 3 quantification. For
H. plu6ialis (CCAP 37/4) was grown in OHM pigment analyses, 2-ml samples were centrifuged
medium (Fábregas et al., 2000): KNO3 0.41 g l − 1, at 3100 rpm and pellets stored at − 20 °C until
Na2HPO4 0.03 g l − 1, MgSO4 · 7H2O 0.246 g l − 1, analysis. Cell pigments were extracted with ace-
CaCl2 · 2H2O 0.11 g l − 1, Fe(III)citrate · H2O 2.62 tone–methanol (1:2 v/v), dried under nitrogen
mg l − 1, CoCl2 · 6H2O 0.011 mg l − 1, flux and re-suspended in acetone. All processes
CuSO4 · 5H2O 0.012 mg l , Cr2O3 0.075 mg l − 1,
were conducted in the dark. Pigments were
MnCl2 · 4H2O 0.98 mg l − 1, Na2MoO4 · 2H2O 0.12 analysed by reverse-phase high-performance liq-
J. Fábregas et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 89 (2001) 65–71 67

uid chromatography (HPLC) as described by maximal cell productivity, 64.6× 106 cells l − 1
Kraay et al. (1992). Chlorophyll a, b and ß- day − 1 was obtained with a renewal rate of 20%
carotene were identified and quantified by com- (Fig. 1).
parison with commercial standards (Sigma). No significant decrease in cell density was
Lutein standard was obtained from Fluka. The recorded when cells were transferred to the high-
standard for astaxanthin was provided by Hoff- light batch condition in any of the renewal rates
mann-LaRoche. The 3D-absorption spectra were tested (Fig. 2). Little changes in cell density were
determined with HPLC3D Chemstation (Hewlett observed in cultures that were originated at re-
Packard) for the identification of the astaxanthin newal rates 10 and 20%. Cultures from renewal
esters (Grung et al., 1992) which was confirmed rates 30 and 40% continued growing for 6 and 12
by saponification of the isolated peaks (Renstrøm days, respectively, reaching cell densities around
et al., 1981). The HPLC used was a Hewlett 4× 105 cells ml − 1 (Fig. 2). Unlike cell density, the
Packcard series 1050, with reverse phase column chlorophyll a concentration increased during the
Waters Nova-Pack® C-18, 3 mm and 3.9×150 induction period for all cultures, including those
mm equipped with an UV-Vis diode array detec- obtained at renewal rates 10 and 20% during the
tor. Chlorophyll a was quantified at 436 nm, first 6 days of induction, remaining almost stable
astaxanthin at 474 nm and all other carotenoids thereafter (Fig. 3). The concentration of chloro-
and chlorophyll b were quantified at 460 nm. phyll a reached values between 10 and 14 mg ml − 1
Nitrate was quantified spectrophotometrically in for all cultures after 15 days of high light treat-
the supernatant of cultures using the standard ment (Fig. 3). Lutein and b-carotene concentra-
method (Cleresci et al., 1989). tion increased during the induction period in a
manner similar to that of chlorophyll a.
The rate of accumulation of astaxanthin during
3. Results the induction phase was dependent on the renewal
rate applied in the semi-continuous culture, and
All cultures reached the steady state after 2– 5
days of the beginning of the semi-continuous
regime. Cultures were maintained for at least 8
days without significant changes in the steady-
state cell density. The steady-state cell decreased
with increasing renewal rate (Fig. 1). Maximal
steady-state cell density, 5.72×105 cells ml − 1 was
obtained with a daily renewal of 10% of the
volume of the culture. This cell density was only
slightly lower than stationary phase cell density
obtained in 14-days batch cultures with the same
nutrient concentration 6.25×105 cells ml − 1 (Fáb-
regas et al., 1998). Cells of cultures maintained
with a renewal rate of 40% received a very high
effective light intensity due to the low steady-state
density, 0.79×105 cells ml − 1, but no Fig. 1. Steady-state cell density (--) and cell productivity
aplanospores or palmella cells were detected. (- -) in semicontinuous cultures of H. plu6ialis. Cultures were
Cell productivity calculated as the number of maintained with daily renewal rates between 10 and 40% of
cells produced per litre of culture per day is the volume of the cultures. The productivity of astaxanthin
dependent of both steady-state cell density and when the outflow of the green semicontinuous cultures were
transferred for 6 days (open bars), 12 days (dashed bars) or 15
the percentage of culture that is harvested daily days (crossed bars) to batch conditions under high light (240
(renewal rate). Despite highest steady-state cell mmol photon m − 2 s − 1) is also shown. Vertical bars represent
density was achieved with a renewal rate of 10%, S.D. (n =3).
68 J. Fábregas et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 89 (2001) 65–71

tinuous culture per day, both, the duration of

the induction period and the renewal rate
strongly affected the productivity results. The
highest astaxanthin concentration was achieved
in the outflow of cultures maintained at a re-
newal rate of 10%, but total astaxanthin produc-
tivity on a ‘per volume of culture basis’ was low
since only a 10% of the cultures was harvested
daily and made available for the induction
phase. Moreover, astaxanthin productivity was
strongly dependent on the duration of the induc-
tion period (Fig. 1). When short induction peri-
ods are applied (6 days) highest productivity, 2.5
mg l − 1 day − 1, was achieved in cultures ob-
tained at the lowest renewal rate while almost
no astaxanthin could be obtained in cultures
maintained with high renewal rates. After 12
days of induction maximal astaxanthin produc-
tivity, 5.8 mg l − 1 day − 1, was obtained with a
Fig. 2. Evolution of cell density in the outflow of semicontinu-
ous cultures of H. plu6ialis transferred to batch conditions
renewal rate of 20% (Fig. 1). Induction periods
under high light (240 mmol photon m − 2 s − 1) during 15 days of 15 days produced maximal productivities of
for the induction of astaxanthin accumulation. Cultures were 9.6 mg l − 1 day − 1 with a renewal rate of 40%
produced semicontinuously at renewal rates 10% (- -), 20% (Fig. 1).
(--), 30% (--) and 40% (--). Vertical bars represent S.D.
(n= 3).

therefore on the growth rate at which cells were

growing (Fig. 4). The lower the renewal rate, the
earliest the beginning of the accumulation of as-
taxanthin (Fig. 4). The beginning of the accumu-
lation of astaxanthin was correlated with the
amount of nitrate remaining in the culture me-
dia, no accumulation being detected before all
the nitrate had been consumed. The astaxathin
was first detected in cultures obtained at a re-
newal rate of 10% after 3 days of being trans-
ferred to the high light condition and increased
up to 49 mg ml − 1 on day 15 (Fig. 4). When cells
are obtained at a renewal rate of 40% astaxan-
thin was detected only after 9 days of exposure
to the high light, once cell growth has ceased Fig. 3. Evolution of chlorophyll a concentration in the outflow
and all nitrogen had been depleted from the cul- of semicontinuous cultures transferred to batch conditions
ture media (Fig. 4). under high light (240 mmol photon m − 2 s − 1) during 15 days
for the induction of astaxanthin accumulation. Cultures were
When astaxanthin productivity is calculated produced semicontinuously at renewal rates 10% (- -), 20%
on the basis of the astaxanthin produced at the (--), 30% (--) and 40% (--). Vertical bars represent S.D.
end of the induction period per litre of semicon- (n =3).
J. Fábregas et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 89 (2001) 65–71 69

(Fig. 1). This productivity is higher than the max-

imal productivity obtained in a 25 000 l outdoor
photobioreactor, 52×106 cells l − 1 day − 1
(Olaizola, 2000), although the light available in
the outdoor system was much higher. The concen-
tration of OHM used was selected on the basis of
minimum nitrate available at the end of a day
cycle with a renewal rate of 20% at 40 mmol
photon m − 2 s − 1 (Fábregas et al., 2000). An
increase in the concentration of the optimized
media, together with an increase in the effective
light available would improve the productivity of
vegetative cells with OHM (Fábregas et al., 2000).
Although the presence of astaxanthin in actively
growing cultures has been described (Lee and
Soh, 1991; Chaumont and Thépenier, 1995; Ha-
Fig. 4. Astaxanthin (closed symbols) and nitrate (open sym- gen et al., 2001) no astaxanthin was observed in
bols) concentration during the induction period in two-stage
cultures of H. plu6ialis. Cultures were produced semicontinu-
the semicontinuous cultures maintained with
ously at renewal rates 10% (- -), 20% (--), 30% (--) and OHM even in those maintained with very high
40% (--) and transferred to batch conditions under high light renewal rate. Results demonstrate the importance
(240 mmol photon m − 2 s − 1) for the induction of astaxanthin of media formulation for the achievement of max-
accumulation. Vertical bars represent S.D. (n=3). imal microalgal productivities.
When the harvested cultures were transferred to
4. Discussion high light condition cell division continued in
cultures obtained at renewal rates 30 and 40%
Most experimental cultivation of H. plu6ialis until all nitrogen had been consumed despite the
has been done in batch cultures due to the low cell density of cultures obtained at renewal
difficulties of maintaining continuous cultures of rate 40% (Fig. 4). Arrested cell division and astax-
this slow-growing species. In batch cultures the anthin accumulation has been reported in cultures
optimal Haematococcus media (OHM) produced of H. plu6ialis maintained in continuous high-light
a cell density of 6.25× 105 cells ml − 1 after 14 condition even in the presence of nitrate (Fan et
days of culture with no astaxanthin being accu- al., 1998). Continuous illumination rather than
mulated (Fábregas et al., 1998). Much lower sta- light/dark illumination cycles have been demon-
tionary phase cell densities were obtained in strated to be more favourable for astaxanthin
autotrophic cultures after 20 days (2.5× 105 cells formation in H. plu6ialis, light quantity being
ml − 1, Harker et al., 1996) or in mixotrophic more important than light intensity (Kobayashi et
conditions after 12 days (4.2× 105 cells ml − 1, al., 1992). The use of continuous light instead of
Tripathi et al., 1999). Most importantly, OHM light/dark cycles may represent an additional
can sustain high steady-state cell densities in semi- source of stress and could be used to accelerate
continuous cultures. Despite the final optimisa- the process of astaxanthin accumulation.
tion process for the semicontinuous production of Chlorophyll a concentration increased during
H. plu6ialis cells with OHM had been carried out the induction period while cultures were still
for a renewal rate of 20%, the steady state ob- growing and stabilised thereafter. Several authors
tained with OHM at a renewal rate of 40%, have found an important decrease in chlorophyll
0.79 ×105 cells ml − 1, is 3 times higher than with cell content during the formation of aplanospores
the non optimized media (Fábregas et al., 2000). (Harker et al., 1996; Grünewald et al., 1997)
Maximal cell productivity, 64.6×106 cells l − 1 although other authors could not find such dra-
day − 1 was obtained with a renewal rate of 20% matic decrease (Zlotnik et al., 1993). In very
70 J. Fábregas et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 89 (2001) 65–71

diluted cultures submitted to high light in the taxanthin productivity depends on the length of
absence of nitrogen an important decrease in the induction period. While for short induction
chlorophyll content during aplanospore formation periods lower renewal rates are preferred, longer
has been also recorded in our cultures (non pub- induction periods produce higher productivities in
lished data). Therefore the evolution of chloro- cultures maintained with high renewal rates. In
phyll cell content seems to be strongly dependent fact, when the induction period is prolonged to 15
on the experimental conditions and on the rela- days a maximal productivity of 9.6 mg l − 1 day − 1
tionship between cell density and light intensity, was obtained with a renewal rate of 40%, but the
and independent of astaxanthin formation, ques- volume of culture to be handled during the induc-
tioning the photo-protective role of astaxanthin tion period and harvest is much higher with high
during the formation of aplanospores. renewal rates, certainly affecting production costs.
The accumulation of astaxanthin was strongly The light intensity applied during the induction
dependent on the growth rate applied in the semi- period, 240 mmol photon m − 2 s − 1, is much lower
continuous cultures. The renewal rate applied than the full sun-light intensity that can be ob-
strongly affected the amount of nitrogen avail- tained in outdoor cultures, which would surely
able. Only the semi-continuous cultures main- improve the pigment yield and shorten the induc-
tained with a renewal rate of 10% consumed all tion period. A combination of factors could be
the nitrogen added daily (Fig. 4). Astaxanthin was applied during the second stage of the process in
accumulated only when cell division was stopped order to shorten the induction period. The addi-
and all nitrogen in the culture media had been tion of NaCl to induce carotenogenesis produced
consumed (Fig. 4). The steady-state cell density of
undesirable cell death even when added sequen-
cultures maintained at a renewal rate of 40% was
tially, resulting in lower productivies (Harker et
very low (0.79× 105 cells ml − 1). The transfer of
al., 1996). Total carotenoid reached a concentra-
these cultures to high light condition during the
tion of 40 mg ml − 1 after 40 days of NaCl induc-
induction period resulted in a very high light per
tion (Harker et al., 1996), a concentration lower
cell but no astaxanthin was accumulated during 9
than that obtained after 12 days of high-light
days, with a strong correlation between astaxan-
induction (Fig. 4). The addition of acetate and the
thin formation and nitrogen depletion in the cul-
ture media (Fig. 4). Although the role of ferrous ion can also increase the rate of astaxan-
astaxanthin as a passive photoprotectant can not thin accumulation but cell death has also been
be completely ruled out (Yong and Lee, 1991; reported (Kobayashi et al., 1993). In batch cul-
Hagen et al., 1994), the strong correlation be- tures in which a modified medium with high
tween nitrogen depletion and astaxanthin forma- content of iron, acetate and continuous high light
tion regardless the effective light intensity were used for the induction maximal carotenoid
reaching the cells corroborates previous results concentration achieved was 25 mg ml − 1 after 6
that supported the idea of astaxanthin synthesis days of induction (Kobayashi et al., 1991). After
being driven by nutrient depletion (Droop, 1955; 20 days, 64 mg ml − 1 of astaxanthin were obtained
Borowitzka et al., 1991; Fábregas et al., 1998) as in a feed-batch culture in the presence of acetate
far as the photosynthetic apparatus is still active. (Zhang et al., 1999).
As demonstrated by our results, the establish- Results demonstrate the feasibility of the estab-
ment of optimal nutrient concentration in the lishment a two-stage production system of astax-
semicontinuous cultures allowing minimal nitro- anthin from H. plu6ialis with a continuous
gen concentration in the culture media at the production of vegetative cells during the first
beginning of the induction period is essential in stage. Correct culture parameter selection during
order to achieve maximal productivities of astax- the production of vegetative cells, including nutri-
anthin in short induction periods. The most con- ent concentration and renewal rate, is essential in
venient renewal rate applied in the order to achieve maximal astaxanthin productivi-
semicontinuous cultures in order to maximize as- ties during the induction period.
J. Fábregas et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 89 (2001) 65–71 71

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