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B2 Listening worksheet 1 (standard)

Choosing the right path

Warmer Listening
1 Look at the picture. Which of these jobs
do you think… Listen and choose the correct option A, B or C.
A are rewarding? 1 You hear a man talking about changing careers.
B are tedious? The man became a vet because
C make a difference? A he wanted to help the family dog
D are exhausting? B he felt bad he couldn’t help the family dog
E require a lot of training? C it required similar studies to what he’d been
F require a lot of overtime? doing
G allow people to earn a high income? 2 
You hear a school girl talking about her
volunteering experience
2 Why might these children want to pursue
The girl
these careers?
A is surprised at the number stories she hears
3 What profession did you want to go into when B always does her homework
you were 8 years old? Why? C is always home on time
3 You hear a conversation between two friends
Tip The boy
A Wouldn’t like being a full time artist
The first possible option you hear is
sometimes not the correct one B is sorry his mum doesn’t draw anymore
C thinks he’ll have to stop drawing

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English 2021 Page 1
B2 Listening worksheet 1 (standard)
Choosing the right path
You hear a woman explaining why she became 3 For each question below, write a sentence
a programmer using a linking phrase from 2. Use vocabulary
The woman thinks that from exercise 1 when possible.
A she became a programmer because of her
Sheila wants to
B she chose her career based on the offices
she’d seen A be a lawyer
C her brother should have become a programmer B be a journalist
You hear a man talking about working from Sheila used to want to pursue a career as a lawyer,
home. but in fact she’s not sure any more. Maybe being a
Since he started working from home, the man is journalist would be more rewarding.
A less productive than when he worked at 1 2
the office
John doesn’t like his Judy became a novelist
B as productive as when he worked at the office job because because
C more productive than when he worked at A the salary is too low A she loved writing
the office
B the job is boring B she wanted to travel
6 You hear a woman talk about her child. 3 4
The mother Phil quit his job because Sarah loves her
A wishes the coach hadn’t invited the talent scout A he wants to become internship because
B worries about her son’s health self-employed A she can help people
C thinks Alec will never be a professional footballer B he wants to go back B She enjoys learning
to university new things
Improve your listening
Tip Work in pairs. Why are these aspects of jobs
The first possible option you hear is important, and which is the most important?
sometimes not the correct one. Use long holidays
a high salary
your knowledge of linking language to interesting work
help you identify the correct answers.

1 Look at the extract below. Does the phrase

introduce an idea which supports or contrasts
the previous idea?
attractive workplace nice colleagues
“…most people think that’s why I switched to
veterinary school after he passed, but in fact I was
finding my studies so tedious that I’d already made up
my mind to take some time out and rethink things.”

2 Listen to the six extracts again and write

down the linking phrases you hear near
the correct answers. Do they introduce and
idea which supports (S) or contrasts (C) the
previous idea?
1 but in fact C 2 3
4 5 6

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English 2021 Page 2
B2 Listening worksheet 1 (standard)
Teacher’s notes
Aims Play the recording a second time. Challenge
This worksheet aims to practise the skills stronger students to identify why the incorrect
needed for Listening part 1, and to draw the options are incorrect.
students’ attention to the fact that often Answers
the first possible option they hear is not the 1 C  2 B  3 B  4 A  5 A  6 B
correct one.
● It pre-teaches vocabulary related to the world
of work, which will be present in the listening Question 1
extracts and which will be useful in the speaking Girl: Did you always know you were going to
activity at the end. be a vet?
● It then provides practice of a Listening part 1 Man: No, my dream had always been to be a
task, although please note that in this doctor. I was halfway through med school,
worksheet there are six extracts following a doing pretty well, when the family dog got
common theme, whereas in the exam there will ill. There wasn’t much I could do about it and
be eight unrelated extracts. most people think that’s why I switched to
● After the first listening activity, the worksheet veterinary school, but in fact I was finding my
draws the students’ attention towards linking studies so tedious that I’d already made up
phrases which introduce a contrasting or my mind to take some time out and rethink
supporting idea, and which often signal the things. I ended up becoming a vet because
presence of an answer. it meant the three years in med school
● The worksheet then encourages students to wouldn’t be a total waste. Of course, I had to
practise Speaking part 3, incorporating the do some training to deal with different types
vocabulary pre-taught at the beginning of of animals, but it was really helpful having a
the lesson. medical background.

Warmer Question 2
The students work in teams of four. The teams Man: Are you enjoying your volunteering?
write the alphabet on a piece of paper, then Girl: Yes, it’s not bad. Working with elderly people
have three minutes to brainstorm professions after school is something I’d definitely
starting with each letter. The team with the recommend. They always have lots of
most words wins. interesting stories – that was one of the
reasons why I was keen to work there – but
1 Elicit the names of the professions in the pictures,
what I wasn’t expecting to get out of it was
if these were not mentioned during the warmer
how much history I’d learn. The girl whose
activity. Students work in pairs to answer
shift starts after mine, though, is always late
questions 1–3. Allow the use of dictionaries if
or ill so I’m having to do a lot of overtime. I
available. During feedback, ask students to justify
get home absolutely exhausted. My mum is
their answers in order to check their understanding
concerned that I might find it quite hard to
of the vocabulary and to generate more language.
get all my homework done in the evening, you
Then ask students to answer question 3 with a new
know. Actually, so far I’ve been managing ok,
partner, using the new vocabulary.
so she should really just relax.
Students’ own answers Question 3
Girl: This drawing is great! You’re so talented. Have
Listening you ever thought about selling any of your
1 Allow students time to underline the key ideas work?
in the questions and elicit these before playing
the recording. Play the recording once, then
allow students to check their answers in pairs.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English 2021 Page 3
B2 Listening worksheet 1 (standard)
Teacher’s notes
Boy: Not really. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t mind Girl 1: It is, but of course I worry. Let alone the fact
doing something like drawing comics for a that it’s a distraction from school work, Alec
living. But I finish school in two years and I’ve is also training so hard because of it that I’m
had to pick more sensible subjects - worried he’ll injure himself. Still, something
psychology and law - so I can become a police good might come of it, after all. We’ll have to
officer and go to work with my mum. That way wait and see.
I’ll be earning a stable income. My mum used
to draw as well but now she’s too tired for it Improve your listening
when she’s off duty. It’s a shame. 1 Elicit why the answer to 1 is A and not C (a lot
I won’t let that happen to me though. of people believed he became a vet because
he would have liked to be able to save the
Question 4 dog, but the truth is that he thought medicine
Girl: My elder brother took up computer science was boring). Then elicit that the underlined
in school and used to come home with phrase introduces an idea which contrasts the
homework that actually didn’t look too previous one.
boring, and he seemed to enjoy it enough so
2 You may want to write the phrases in random
I took that up too. Indeed, I think that was the
order on the board if you feel the whole class is
turning point for me. For a long time I thought
likely to struggle with this activity. Then play the
I’d made up my mind about my career, when
recording again. Support the weaker students
I first saw pictures of some start-up workplaces
by asking the class to raise their hand when
full of ping pong tables and games consoles,
they hear the phrases in the extracts. Then
but now I reckon I’ve been underestimating
allow students in pairs to decide if the phrases
the influence my brother had on me. He’s a
introduced ideas which contrasted or supported
teacher now, and he calls me every time his
the previous idea.
PC stops working!
Question 5
in fact (c) actually (c) though (c)
Man: I started working from home a couple of years
indeed (s) so (s) still (c)
ago, when my daughter was born. We just
couldn’t afford a full time babysitter, and I felt 3 The students work independently to write the
that pursuing that promotion I’d been offered sentences. They then read them out loud to their
simply wasn’t worth being away from her all partner, who has to choose the correct answers
day. I’ve been much more productive than I for 1–4 according to what they hear.
ever expected to be. Everyone warned me of
Example answers:
the dangers of working from home, namely
that I wouldn’t get as much done, so that 1 
John is earning a really low salary at his new job.
didn’t come as a great surprise, but I think it’s Still, he wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t so tedious.
a much more rewarding experience overall. 2 J udy’s always wanted to travel around, so
Being there for her first steps and words has she decided to get into writing, which she
been priceless. loved anyway.
3 P
 hil’s family expected him to start his own
Question 6
business when he quit. He had his eyes on a
Girl 1: Alec still wants to be a footballer degree, though.
Girl 2: Really? Most children grow out of that. How 4 S
 arah’s happy she’s making a difference at
old is he now? work, but actually it’s the training she’s really
Girl 1: He’s 17. To be fair, he’s really good. He’s been enjoying.
training really hard and his football coach
really believes in him, maybe a bit too much for
my taste. He invited a talent scout to watch a
match at the end of the season.
Girl 2: But that’s fantastic!

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English 2021 Page 4
B2 Listening worksheet 1 (standard)
Teacher’s notes
Allow time to read the questions and options,
then ask students in groups of four to brainstorm
synonyms of the word “important”. Point out
that repetition should be avoided in the exam.
Possible answers:
crucial critical vital indispensable
essential central fundamental

The students then perform the task. If available,

encourage the students to use their smartphones
to record themselves performing the task. They
should listen to it and, if they choose, they can
redo the task until they are happy with the result.
This will foster autonomy and improve their ability
to self-correct.

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