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The most important person in the school is the student himself. In order for the

student to understand himself and his relationship to the world around him, it is

the responsibility of the school to provide him with a program of services that

will help his total development.

The Guidance Services and Testing Center provides welcoming environment

where the guidance counsellors and the other members of the staff are

approachable and accommodating. Hence, in order to ensure systematic,

efficient and effective delivery of guidance services, guidelines have to be

depicted and observed.

This Manual of Operation presents the vision, mission and goals which are

aligned with that of the School’s. The descriptions, objectives and activities of

the different guidance services are presented and include the duties and

responsibilities of individuals that compose of the guidance staff.

5. Promote entrepreneurship among people for better means of livelihood


CHAPTER I We commit to pursue our vision, accomplish our mission and our institutional
learning outcomes through our core values of:
School’s Vision, Mission, Goal and Core Values God Fearing
Vision Social Responsibility

Arriesgado College Foundation, Incorporated (ACFI) is a reputable educational .

institution in the ASEAN Region, producing God fearing graduates with a
The Guidance Office envisions Arriesgado College Foundation, Incorporated
trademark of excellence.
personnel and students to be fully developed and disciplined individuals who

Mission are committed to serve God and his fellowmen.

Particularly, ACFI is committed to: Vision

1. Provide quality education across all course offerings; A dynamic Guidance and Counseling Center that advocates for all students to

2. Develop students’ potentials for their future advantage; learn and achieve at their highest potential, providing the necessary support

3. Produce graduates employable in industries which fit their areas of services to maximize each student’s potential and academic achievement


4. Support the thrust of the government in providing solutions to regional,

national and local issues; and,

To provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program uniquely Guidance Counseling and Testing Center, with its vision for students to learn

adapted to each individual student to address their academic, career, personal, and achieve their highest potential and academic achievement to attain the

and social development. following objectives:

That the students will be able to:

1. Make use of own interest, achievement, aptitude, personality traits to the
Through counseling, assessment, data collection and collaboration, our
ideal level
program will identify and meet the student’s developmental needs to help
2. Adopt habits, attitudes, and values for effective personal-social adjustment.
ensure that all students will have the knowledge and skills to contribute at the
3. Strengthen the core values- God Fearing, Excellence, Discipline and Social
highest level as productive members of the community and society.
Responsibility of a true ACFIan.
4. Make use of habits, attitudes, and values for effective personal-social
Guidance Counseling and Testing Center is one of the programs in school that
provides student support and services. It is designed to provide all students

with more effective resources and services to achieve success within their

academic, career, and personal/social domains. It stands in a clear

relationship to the task of education, which is to bring about the fullest

development of the individual.

III. Guidance Services

II. Objectives To attain the objective, varied guidance services/activities are provided:

56 57
1. Individual Inventory Sciences. The center also administers personality and psychological

The Guidance Counseling and testing center holds an important profile data questionnaire surveys and test which provide profile information about a

about each student gathered through administered form, interviews, and student.

similar activities. This data provides the Guidance Counselor with information This valuable information is essential for improving the school’s services and

of student’s annual progress in the school useful in counseling purposes policies, as well as making decisions on dealing with student issues.

This resource can help students understand their inner self overcome struggles

and discover their full potential. 4. Counseling Service

This activity is the primary purpose of the Center, as it involves personal and

2. Information Services confidential opportunity to help students deal with issues and realities in life.

The Guidance Counseling and Testing Center coordinates with the Students This relationship of trust aims to assist the student towards becoming self-

Supreme Council in planning and conducting annual student orientation to reliant and become responsible decision makers.

disseminate information on school programs, school policies, procedure, Individual Counseling. Is a one-on-one discussion between the counselor and

activities and services the student. It is focused on addressing immediate and near future concerns of

the students (Kowalczyk, 2003). The two form a relationship that enables trust

3. Testing Service and personal growth.

The Guidance Counseling and Testing Center conducts assessment exam to Walk-In. A type of counseling service where a student voluntarily walks in the

the incoming students to provide with a means of measuring the level of guidance office to seek counseling.

competency in the following subject areas: English, Mathematics and

Referral. This service involves parties such as teachers, department heads, school students appreciate and learn about the various course being offered in

who submit the names of their students whom they believe to be needing ACFI and promote the school as their college.

counseling sessions out from their behavioral observation or psychological test

results. These students might show difficulties in the areas of academic, 6. Multi-Faith Services

cognitive, emotional, personal-social or career selection. The Arriesgado College Foundation, Inc. shall ensure that the right to freedom

Call-In. In call-in counseling, the counselor initiates the interaction by calling of religion is respected.

upon students who are scheduled for routine counseling. These students are

randomly selected by the counselors to address issues and concerns that CONDUCTING COUNSELING SESSIONS

students might presently experience. I. PURPOSE

Group Counseling. It is a type of counseling relationship with multiple The purpose of counseling is to assist students achieve their personal goals

individuals facing a similar concern (Kowalczyk, 2003). The strength in group and gain greater insight into their lives. The counselor does not tell the student
what he/she should do or decides choices for the student to make. Rather, it is
counseling is that if you have 3, 5 or 10 people together all facing the same
an opportunity for the student to come to a greater understanding of the person
issue or similar issues, then they can work together. he/she is with the help of the counselor.

5. Career Guidance II. SCOPE

The career guidance service helps students understand the importance of This procedure applies to all students who are undergoing counseling
planning for their future roles as responsible professionals in society. Career
guidance services also conducted in other schools to help graduating high 1. Fill up the Client Intake Interview Form
In-charge: Student

56 57
Details: The student shall be required to fill up the Client Intake Interview. Note: No information shall be released to other persons except when the
information will involve possible harm to the student or someone else, or that
2. Fill up Informed Consent
the revelation will endanger the whole community.
In-charge: Student
The counselor must report the facts to the appropriate authority or should take
Details: If there is a need to record the counseling session, the counselor emergency measures to prevent any outward event or harm to the counselee
should ask first the consent of the counselee. and the community.

3. Counseling Session

In-charge: Counselor

Details: The counselor should immediately attend to the student and prioritize
the need for counseling.
4. Follow-up Session
In-charge: Counselor Exit Interview is a survey that is conducted with a graduating student or school

Details: If there is a need for follow-up session, the counselor should advise the leaver. The information gathered is used to provide feedback on services of the

student to come back on the agreed schedule for counseling. school, what they liked about their degree program and what areas of the
school need improvement. Exit interviews are most effective when the data is
5. Prepare Counseling Session Report
compiled and tracked overtime.
In-charge: Counselor
Details: after the consent has been obtained by the counselee, the counselor
This procedure applies to all students who are graduating or school leavers.
should prepare the counseling report.

1. Fill up the Exit Interview Form

In-charge: Student III. PROCEDURE
1. Filing
Details: Graduating students and transferees shall be required to fill up the Exit
In-charge: Counselor
Interview Form.
Details: Guidance Forms, counseling reports, psychological reports etc. should
be classified and filed by subject.
2. Interview
2. Labeling
In-charge: Counselor
In-charge: Counselor
Details: The counselor will conduct an interview with the student based on the
Details: Documents treating of more than one subject should be crossed-
accomplished exit interview form.
referenced and important rulings, decisions and procedures/indexed for ready
3. Counseling Session Report reference.

In-charge: Counselor 3. Bookbinding

Details: The counselor shall prepare a report on the result of the interview. In-charge: Counselor

Details: All documents should be bound and labeled.



For easy access and organized profiling, student’s record, circulars,
memoranda, orders and bulletins should be filed systematically.

This procedure applies to all student records and office documents.

56 57
Individual Inventory aims to gather information about the student’s academic, 3. Release of Information
personal, family background, psychological profiles and other self-assessment
In-charge: Counselor
reports. This is compiled and systematically recorded in their individual
cumulative folder and updated yearly to monitor student’s growth and Details: The counselor may release personal data like address, contact number,
development. test results, etc. to those persons in authority whom he/she thinks could be
help to the student. This should be done with the approval of the student or
This procedure applies to all students.
This aims to contribute to behavioral changes in the target students. It is
1. Issuances of Cumulative Records
expected that the students will change in their behavior so that they can
In-charge: Student
become the best that they can be. Through this program, expected repeat
Details: Each student shall be required to have his/her own individual violations of the Rules and Regulation of the School will be reduced, if not
cumulative record. All information shall be treated with utmost confidentiality. totally eliminated.
The counselor shall be the authorized person who shall use the individual
cumulative record. All supplementary and additional sheets shall be properly II. SCOPE
inserted on the record of the student. This procedure applies to all suspended students.
2. Filling of Cumulative Record
In-charge: Student
1. REFERRAL Slip/Notice of Suspension
Details: After completion of the said form, it will be placed in a steel cabinet. No In-charge: Guidance Counselor /Discipline Officers
student assistants, teachers, or other members of the community shall be
Details: The suspended students shall visit the Guidance Center for Counseling.
allowed to open the steel cabinets nor grant an access to the record.

2. Visit the Guidance Center In-charge: Counselor/Psychometrician

In-charge: Student Details: Examiners must be intimately familiar with the materials and directions
before the administration begins.
Details: The counselor shall prepare a summary report of the case and
counseling session report. 2. Preparation of Materials and Testing Room

3. Prepare summary report In-charge: Counselor/Psychometrician

In-charge: Counselor Details: All materials needed for testing should be prepared before the
administration. The physical condition of the testing area should be also be
Details: the counselor shall prepare a summary report of the case and
considered. Examiners should provide suitable testing environment to the test
counseling session report.
takers (illumination, Room temperature, writing surface and noise).

3. Administration of the Test

In-charge: Counselor/Psychometrician
Details: During the administration, the examiner should be sensitive to the
The objective of testing is to assess student’s individual academic
needs or disabilities of the examinees (e.g., physical impairments). Note the
performance, diagnose strengths and weaknesses in different subject areas,
allotment of sufficient time for the entire testing. Clarity the direction to the
appraise different levels of achievement, and facilitate to college admission.
examinees- Red solely – Clear, loud voice – No paraphrasing – Clarifying
Results serve as valuable information of the students.
points before or during (as permitted by the user manual)

This procedure applies to all incoming first year college students.


1. Giving of instructions

56 57
The Guidance Personnel 2. Plans and controls the budget;

In keeping with the Guidance Services and Testing Center’s commitment

towards total personality development of students, adequate and competent 3. Recruits, selects, assigns and evaluates personnel;

personnel are required to implement and administer its different guidance

4. Ensures the proper implementation and evaluation of all Guidance services;
programs. Enumerated below are the personnel composing the department

and the corresponding duties and responsibilities. 5. Coordinates with the school community for proper support and provision of
intervention as need arises;

6. Ascertains the Guidance Personnel undergo constant updating/upgrading of

skills and knowledge in guidance;
Guidance Counselor
7. Ascertains that ethical standards are observed by the Guidance Personnel in
The Guidance Counselor is the school personnel hired and designated by the the extension of services, programs and activities;

School Director in consultation with the HR Department. He/she must be a 8. Disseminates institutional accomplishment reports, issues, concerns, and
licensed/registered Guidance Counselor and must have earned master’s

degree in Guidance and Counseling with appropriate experience. 9. Maintains affiliations with professional organizations in support of
college/office functions and attends relevant conferences;

10. Conducts guidance-related research;

Specific Duties: Guidance Facilitator

1. Plans and prepares the Guidance Program together with the staff; The Guidance Facilitator is the school personnel appointed by the Administration

Specific Duties:

1. Provides guidance services for all students who desire for the same and who 8. Acquaints herself with available occupational information and community
are referred to the counselor by their teachers and parents; resources and referral possibilities within the school;

2. Conducts group guidance through orientation sessions and enrichment

9. Conducts meeting with peer facilitators of the assigned college;

3. Orients new students and makes follow-ups on students especially those who 10. Performs other tasks that may be assigned from time to time.
have academic and behavioral problems based on uploaded personal data Psychometrician/Test Officer
inventory records in database system; The Psychometrician/Test officer the school personnel appointed by School

Director and the Management delegated with the responsibility of carrying out
4. Prepares and coordinates with the Psychometrician regarding testing
the testing program of the Guidance Department. He/she must be a licensed
services and career counseling;
/registered Psychometrician.

Specific Duties:
5. Discusses with the Department Coordinator and the subject teachers
together with the Psychometrician the psychological test results of their
1. Prepares Testing Programs and Calendar of Testing activities of the
students and makes appropriate recommendations;
respective college;

6. Conducts researches or studies based on results of tests conducted and/or

2. Selects and recommends necessary psychological test and other appraisal
counseling obtained and assists in the evaluation of guidance services;
devices that will determine the aptitude, ability, personality, work values,
strengths and weaknesses in academic areas of the students;
7. Maintains and updates student personal inventory records and submits reports
as maybe required by supervisors;

56 57
3. Administers, scores, interprets and files the results of the psychological tests 11. Performs other tasks that may be assigned from time to time.
and other appraisal given to the students including applicants for jobs and CHAPTER III
scholarships such as SA (Student Assistant) and others ROLE OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS, FACULTY, HEALTH PERSONNEL


4. Maintains the standards in the administration, scoring, interpreting and I.The School Administrator
reporting of tests and tests results;
The Guidance Program cannot be implemented as desired without the support
5. Ensures strict confidentiality of test results through proper safekeeping of
records and test materials; of the School Administrator who is performing three important roles (Gibson

and Mitchell, 1999).

6. Prepares a report on the student test results and discusses these with the
Principal, Counselor and Facilitators;
a. Program Leader and Supporter. As a school head, he/she is responsible

for establishing, supporting, encouraging and acknowledging the Guidance

7. Coordinates with the facilitators in the filling of Individual student’s results in
their cumulative folders after these results have been profiled and studied; Program and for the needs to the School Board, faculty, personnel, parents

and students.

8. Conducts research or studies on psychological test data gathered;

b. Program Consultant and Adviser. The head acts as adviser and consultant
9. Conducts an inventory of the test materials every term and determines the on needs that can be addressed by the Guidance Program, policies that affect
program operations, problem resolution, and directions for program

10. Submits semestral and annual reports of accomplished tasks;

c. Resource Provider. The institutional head provides information and b. Referral and Reinforcing Agent. Daily personal contact with students

direction regarding budget expectations, staffing possibilities, facilities and enables the teacher to detect needs and strengths. He/she can be instrumental

equipment. He/she is also in a position to help allocate funds for salaries, in identifying and referring students who need counseling.

services and other activities.

c. Discover Human Potential. Because class activities can help identity

student potentials, the teacher can encourage and assist their development
The teacher is the best first line of contact between the student and the
and provide inputs for career planning.
school’s guidance programs. He/she communicate with students on an almost

daily basis, and is in a position to establish a relationship based on a mutual

d. Career Education. The teacher can integrate career education with teaching.
trust and respect. The teacher can facilitate the implementation of Guidance
He/she can promote positive attitudes towards education and its relationship to
Services through various roles (Gibson and Mitchell, 1999).
career preparation and decision-making.

a. Listener – Adviser. Students will often confide to a Teacher and ask for

advice. If the teacher is able to help, there will be less need for the students to e. Guidance Program Supporter. The teacher can encourage and support the

see the Guidance Counselor. counselor and create a motivating environment for the guidance services.


56 57
The following are ways by which parents could cooperate and support the e. Parents must listen to their children’s problem with patience, understanding,

Guidance Programs: interest, and loving concern.

a. Parents must refer to the counselor if they notice something out of the
f.Parents are expected to take active interest in the student’s activities in school
ordinary when it comes to their children’s behavior.
and be able to guide them in the pursuit of such activities.

b. Parents should confer with the Guidance Counselor from time to time to get
feedback about their child’s performance and behavior or at home.

Counseling Service and Follow-up

c. Parents must discipline their children in love, with prudence, tact and Rationale

firmness. They should support the school in its effort to form and develop the Counseling is the heart of Guidance the Guidance Office. It is a cooperative

child’s attitudes and values. process between a counselor and a counselee aimed to assisting the individual

to a reorganization of attitudes, feelings, and emotions, such that one can

make optimal use of her/his abilities and physical endowments.

d. The home should provide a wholesome atmosphere where there is mutual
Students with academic or behavioral concerns are followed-up by the guidance
love, respect, trust and understanding among members of the family. The
counselors to plan out how they could best benefit from their stay in the
security of the children rests upon general parental love, mutual trust, and

Objectives 1. Personal Counseling. Students having any personal concerns should feel

free to contact a guidance counselor and set up an appointment. Concerns

1. Establish a feeling of mutual understanding between the client and the
commonly addressed in this type of counseling include self-exploration, family
issues, college adjustment, feelings of depression and anxiety, interpersonal
2. Overcome her/his problem and difficulties and make appropriate actions and
issues, self-esteem.

proper adjustments.

2. Career Counseling. Clients wondering about their majors and career options
3. Work out a plan for handling and solving difficulties.
can seek this type of counseling at the Guidance Office. Typically, clients in
4. Arrive at a better understanding of themselves, their goals and aspirations,
career counseling explore personal and professional goals and how to achieve
and the means to achieve the same.
them. Clients may complete interest inventories to help clarify their likes and

5. Enhance their coping skills with worrying a stressful situation during the dislikes and occupational “matches”. The Guidance Office offers both individual

and group formats at career counseling.

challenging developmental phase of adolescence.
6. To successfully resolve personal concerns which may be impeding their
3. Academic Counseling. Clients seeking assistance with study skills, test
progress at school/home.
anxiety, time management, and other skills related to success at ACFI can

7. Call-in interview for students with failing marks, dropped subjects and low receive one-on-one help at the Guidance Office.



56 57
1. To provide opportunities for students who are interested in their own personal
The scope of guidance services is extremely comprehensive. As the life is development through training as peer counselors

getting complex day by day, the problems for which expert help is required are 2. To develop the social growth of peer helpers through training, seminar-
increasing proportionately. Thus, system support for the various services will workshops, growth sessions and exposure trips.

be needed. It functions as an extending arm of the office.

3. To give them opportunity to assist their peers who need information;
socialization and psychological “first aid” through peer counseling and
orientation sessions.
Peer Counselors Program

A. Rationale C. Activities

Peer facilitating is a systematic form of assistance that is directed towards 1. Seminar/Workshops

2. Growth Sessions
equipping student-candidates with effective means of coping with their
3. Group Guidance Sessions

problems through a peer helping peer relationship. It is typical among young

4. Tribute to Graduating Peer Facilitators
people to turn to their peers about common concerns. Among themselves,

Job Placement Services

they discuss common problems and difficulties and, in the way, may feel
A. Rationale
relieved. In the process, Peer Counselors may serve as extended arms

For Graduating students, job placement services or vocational placement

reaching out for those students the guidance counselors cannot reach.
services brings more benefits than simply smoothing and shortening the
B. Objectives
transition from school to employment. This service provides maximum

information on employment to students. This helps students cultivate proper 4. Job fair to allows students to choose a job which fits academic preparation,

attitude towards work decision and choices. To work is a- means for them and needs, abilities and interests

to learn is the end they seek to achieve. 5. Series of symposia where professionals and vocation animators are invited to

discuss their job opportunities, requirements and share their expertise.

6. Mock interview.

B. Objectives
1. To assist graduating students in identifying career goals and opportunities

2. To prepare graduating students for their entry into a career or employment A. Rationale
This program aims to provide a systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of the

3. To provide assistance to students in exploring probable occupational fields Guidance Services offered by the school. Researches are based on the
that matches their skills and potentials.
student’s needs and their academic life. Results that will be obtained will be

4. To reorient students on how to attain professional success through the utilized for the improvement of the various student services offered.
acquisition of work ethics, values and career pathing.

Activities: B. Objectives
1. OJT/Internship that the students are sent to external businesses and
1. To determine client satisfaction on the provide opportunities for Guidance
agencies to familiarize them on the actual working environment.
services rendered
2. Posting in bulletin boards posters and printouts for job opportunities
2. Determine the level of availment of the Guidance Services
3. Linkages with schools, industries and agencies for job placements

56 57
3. Diagnose strengths and weaknesses of the students for intervention

C. Activities

 New Student
1. Distribute feedback forms after every office transaction/ or conduct of activity  Transferee
or service

2. Consolidate/tabulate data gathered

Appendix A
3. Furnish copy of evaluation summary for analysis.

Appendix B



b Visayan Village Tagum City,
Davao del Norte, Philippines
Guidance Services Office




Written English 58
n Skills
Appendix D
Appendix C

56 57
ARRIESGADO COLLEGE FOUNDATION, INC ________________________________________________
Visayan Village, Tagum City
Davao del Norte, Philippines Injury involved? __________________ Parent Contacted
Guidance Services Office
YES ___ NO____
Parent Name & Number: __________________
Date of Incident: ______________________
Has this happened before? YES ____ NO____
Name: ________________________ Age: ___________ Year/Course:
If so, when and where? ___________________________________
Name of person involved:
Name Age Course Yearr Signature of the Student

What happened? TIME: ________ DAY: ________ LOCATION:
Appendix E

Energetic Relaxed Optimistic Envious
Visayan Village, Tagum City Other: _________
Davao del Norte, Philippines
Guidance Services Office Physical- circle any of the following symptoms that apply to you

COUNSELING INTAKE INTERVIEW FORM Headaches Stomach trouble Skin problems Dizziness Tics
Note: This information is confidential Dry mouth Palpitations Fatigue Itchy skin
Muscle spasms
Twitches Chest pains Tension Back pain Rapid
Name: _________________________ Date: __________________________
heart beat
Date of Birth: ________ __________Relationship Status: ________
Sexual disturbances Tremors Unable to relax Fainting spells
Age: ____________________ ____ Gender: ________________ Blackouts
Mobile Number: ___________Is it ok to leave a message at this number? Bowel disturbances Hear things Excessive sweating Tingling
_______________________ Watery eyes
Email: ________________________________Is it ok to email you? _____ Visual disturbances Numbness Flushes Hearing Problems
Don’t like being touched
Behavior – circle any of the following behavior that apply to you
Overeat Suicide attempts can’t keep work Take drugs Signature of the student
Insomnia Vomiting Smoke Take too many risks Odd behavior
Withdrawal Lack of motivation Drink too much Nervoustics Eating
Work too hard Procrastination Sleep disturbance Crying Impulsive reactions
Phobic Avoidance Outburst of temper Loss of control Aggressive behavior
Concentration difficulties
Feelings – circle any of the following feelings that apply to you

Angry Hopeless Unhappy Annoyed Happy Bored Sad

Conflicted Restless Depressed Regretful Lonely Anxious
Contented Fearful Hopeful Excited Panicky Helpless

56 57
Appendix F • If there is evidence of clear and imminent danger of harm to self and/or others,
a Guidance Counselor is legally required to report this information to the
authorities responsible for ensuring safety.
• Under Philippines law, it requires that staff of Counseling Services who learn
of, or strongly suspect, physical or sexual abuse or neglect of any person
under 18 years of age must report this information to county child protection
Visayan Village Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines
• A court order, issued by a judge, may require the Counseling Services staff to
CLIENT INFORMED CONSENT FORM release information contained in records and/or require a Guidance Counselor
COUNSELING is a confidential process designed to help you address your to testify in a court hearing.
concerns, come to a greater understanding of yourself, and learn effective There is no fee for counseling services. If you are referred off campus to health,
personal and interpersonal coping strategies. It involves a relationship between mental health, or substance abuse professionals you are responsible for their
you and a trained therapist who has the desire and willingness to help you
accomplish your individual goals. Counseling involves sharing sensitive,
personal, and private information that may at times be distressing. During the
course of counseling, there may be periods of increased anxiety or confusion.
The outcome of counseling is often positive; however, the level of satisfaction I have read and discussed the above information with my Guidance
for any individual is not predictable. Your guidance counselor is available to Counselor. I understand the risks and benefits of counseling, the nature
support you throughout the counseling process. and limits of confidentiality, and what is expected of me as a client of the
CONFIDENTIALITY: Counseling Services.

All interactions with Counseling Services, including scheduling of or

attendance at appointments, content of your sessions, progress in _____
counseling, and your records are confidential. No record of counseling is
contained in any academic, educational, or job placement file. You may Signature of Client Signature of Guidance Counselor
request in writing that the counseling staff release specific information
about your counseling to persons you designate. _______________________
• The counseling staff works as a team. Your Guidance Counselor may consult
with other counseling staff to provide the best possible care. These
consultations are for professional and training purposes.

Appendix G


Visayan Village Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Guidance Services Office
Visayan Village Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Guidance Services Office
Referral Slip
Student Consultation Report Date: ___________
Name: _______________________________ Date: _____________ Name of Student (s) Referred Reasons for Referral
Course and
Course: ______________________________Time: ____________

Concerns Situation Recommendation Action

1. Academic

2. Non-

3. Personal
__ Family
Schedule: ________________
__ Peers
__ Health Room Number: ___________
__ Others
4. Others
Referred By:
Signed by:
Appendix I
Appendix H

56 57
4. What were the negative things about the institution?


Visayan Village, Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines 5. How can the institution improve? As a person who has spent some time with
Guidance Services Center
us, can you suggest ways in which can we improve? YOUR HONEST
The information you provide will be treated confidentially and may be used to
develop the practices.
6. What are the reasons you are leaving the school?
Name: ______________________________________ Contact No.
___________________ 7. Would you recommend Arriesgado College Foundation, Inc. to your family
and friends?
Course & Year: ____________________________ Yes

1. Length of stay at ACFI ______________________

2. During your stay at ACFI, were you satisfied with the services provided?
If “YES” how would you rate it?
Poor _____ Satisfactory _____ Good _____ Very Good _____
If “NO” why?
3. Were you satisfied with the teaching strategies of the instructors?
If “YES” how would you rate it?
Poor _____ Satisfactory _____ Good _____ Very Good _____
If “NO” why? What were the positive things about the institution?

Appendix J

Visayan Village Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Guidance Services Office


Personal Information

Date: ______________________

Educational Background
Elementary: Address:
Course and ID Number: Birthday: Age:
High School: Address:
Mobile Religion: Civil Status: Nationality:
College Last Attended: Address: Number:

Home Address & Provincial Address: Weight: Height:

Father`s Name: Occupation: Tel. No.:

Mother`s Name: Occupation: Tel. No.:

Answer the following questions concisely and honestly.

1. My Idea of a Peer Facilitator is someone who …


56 57
2. A Peer Counselor should Possess…

3. I believe, I can be a Peer Counselor


Appendix K
School Campaign Brochure

56 57

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