Izza Case

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Teacher’s Note

This case have a look at is written and compiled through IzzaTanveer (Bahria
University Islamabad Campus), Rabbani khan (Bahria University Islamabad
Campus), Noorullah (Bahria University Islamabad Campus) and AsmaZeeshan
(Bahria University Islamabad Campus). It is intended to be used as the idea of
sophistication dialogue in place of to demonstrate powerful or ineffective dealing with
management state of affairs. This case became compiled from published and
generalized sources.

©2022 Bahria university Islamabad campus. No parts of this eBook can be copied,
saved, transmitted, reproduced or dispensed in any form or medium in any way with
out the permission of the copyright proprietor

Dams are the most requirement of any financial system to meet the increasing
demand of populace and financial activities. Pakistan is suffering with the shortage of
water which may be fulfilled by using building new dams. Kalabagh Dam is proposed
hydroelectric mission which is lingering on due to the environmental troubles,
political issues and local issues. Dams also are had to store people from the adverse
consequences of flood.

While the Kalabagh Dam Project initiated in 1953 as an irrigation assignment to use
the waters of the Indus River to irrigate infertile lands in Pakistan, it quickly
developed into a first-rate effort to generate hydroelectric power for the Pakistani
province of Punjab. The assignment continues to be contested, mainly through the
Pakistani province of Sindh, located downstream the indus. One principal
consequence of the dam for the Sindh province could be extended salination, at the
same time as sales of the dam remained in Punjab. Protests from politicians and
environmentalists have stalled the venture since the Nineteen Eighties. Major purpose
of this case is to focus on the history, background and issues related to the Kalabagh
dam in Pakistan.

The predominant purpose of this case look at is to signify policy implementations;

how the authorities can enhance the construction on kalabagh dam and what
movements can cause future benefits for Pakistan. The case uses primary as well as
secondary facts amassed from posted sources include; news articles and government
web sites.

Target Group:
This case examine is useful for the students of Masters in Economics, students of
Masters in Environmental Sciences, for the students of B. Com and also for
commencement of engineering students. The studying final results of this example
have a look at reveals Dams play essential position within the nourishment of all the
sectors of any economic system for instance agriculture sector, industrial region,
domestic region and all other critical sectors will flourish with the construction of
Kalabagh Dam

Learning Objectives:
Students may have a better knowledge of:

• History, Importance and Background of kakabagh dam

• Weigh the advantages and drawbacks of kalabagh dams, inclusive of monetary,
environmental, and cultural affects;
• Whether a kalabagh dam is most suitable method to water needs and flood control in
specific vicinity.

Students may capable of;

• Interpret policy guidelines and examine whether or not the advised regulations would be
• Critically examine why government funding is critical to improve dams (kalabagh dam).

Key Issues:
After reading this, students will analyze the primary problems with the kalabagh dam
its lack of maintainence, and the way it isn't given its due importance by the Pakistani

The foremost issues highlighted in this situation examine were;

(1) Economic destabilization because of food shortage,

(2) "Serious drop" in agricultural manufacturing,

(3) Rise in inter-provincial disputes over water,

(4) Additional price of uploading electricity,

(5) Prohibitive fee of strength for the common consumer

(6) Effects on industry and agriculture because of rising power expenses

Teaching Strategy;
Trigger inquiries to open case discussion:

1. Do you realize where the kalabagh dam originates from?

2. What rank does Pakistan preserve amongst international locations dealing

with water shortage?

3. How much Dams Pakistan has produced?

4. What is the proportion of water in Pakistan?

5. Why Pakistan has been unable to construct more dams and water reservoirs?

Teaching Experience:
The teaching experience grew to become out well. The subject matter is one being
highlighted in information and articles subsequently, the students had already
evolved tons hobby. The case stimulated their interest similarly into gaining
understanding on the subject. The magnificence become interested and a excellent
deal of discussions happened regarding the scholars reviews on the rules
recommended as well as other regulations that they concept should also be
considered. The discussions were based totally on records and as a result the
surroundings of the magnificence remained hectic at some point of. Eventually every
scholar actively taking component in discussion was rewarded with greater factors in
magnificence participation.
Questions for Discussion:
Some examples of dialogue points after analyzing the case observe can be;

1. What is water shortage? Why Pakistan is suffering from water shortage?

2. Will this definitely result in an improved economy and worldwide recognition?

3. Do you observed the policies counselled in this case would assist the
kalabagh dam? Do you have got other coverage hints?

4. When did kalabagh dam start?

Answers for Discussion questions:

1. Water shortage occurs because of natural causes and human causes, it's
means a scenario wherein a sufficient amount of water isn't to be had to meet the
needs inside a place. As we all realize water is unequally allotted over the earth
surface and of that amount tons of it's far wasted, polluted and sustainably

2. Yes, kalabagh dam consequences in an improved economic system enables

in higher recognition in the course of the globe. Building Kalabagh might provide the
subsequent advantages: (1) Annual savings of $4 billion in energy costs (2) Saving
Rs. 132 billion due to irrigation advantages and (3) Prevent flood-loss harm, along
with the $45 billion loss suffered in latest floods.

3. For this discussion query college students must be endorsed to take part and
deliver their own opinions based totally on their understanding of the case.

4. After the development of Tarbela Dam, Kalabagh became the highest

precedence dam task. In 1979, the government received a grant of $25 million from
the UNDP for its training, unique design and feasibility.

Background Reading:
There aren’t many reviews or instances concerning this case available however,
there are numerous news articles which have documented the method of getting the
kalabagh dam. These articles are from; the dawn news, the news etc. Articles
including ‘ ‘Kalabagh Dam Conflict in Pakistan | Climate-Diplomacy’ . Other
background understanding to understand this case is includes ‘Feasibility study of
Kalabagh dam Pakistan’ and ‘The Large Dam Controversy: The Case of Kalabagh
Dam’. The reader has to additionally be knowledgeable in Pakistan’s dam guidelines
and their lack of rules. Some of the links/references are;

1. The%20Case%20Against%20Kalabagh%20Dam.pdf
2. https://climate-diplomacy.org/case-studies/conflict-over-indus-waters-pakistan
3. https://www.dawn.com/news/171250/pagara-supports-kalabagh-dam
4. http://prr.hec.gov.pk/jspui/handle/123456789/4663
5. https://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/3580361

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