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PHINMA Education Network


?Why is ethics important to man .1

Ethics is important to man because it examines all human

conduct. it delves into every human facet of human existence: actions, problems,
experience, aspirations and destiny. For all varied, man sees that not just any way of
.doing them will lead to success; but certainly, there is a right and a wrong way

?What is the difference between ethics and morality .2

Ethics refers to the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of

human actions or particular group. It comes from social system or external source like
codes of conduct in workplace or principles in religions. We do it because the society
tells it is the right thing to do. while, morality refers to individuals own beliefs or
principles regarding right and wrong. We do it because we believe in something being
.right or wrong

?How essential is ethics to education .3

Since education is considered as a fundamental process of human life therefore

ethics in education play an important role. Ethics helps us in making choices everyday. It
is own ethics values which keeps us from doing what is right and bad. Therefore as a
student and as facilitator of learning observing ethics makes us wise in making decision
.in providing proper education to others

:Submitted by
Chenie Guillano Dolendo
Zhena Priel Jordan
Resell Paclejan Silva
Meryll May Taneo
Milca D. De Ocampo

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