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Nerea Heras and Mireya Sierra



Education in conflicto and pos-conflicts zones

IES villablanca


In the education comcept they coincide with many of the inhabitants of the cities, who were
made in the slums or marginal neighborhoods Ghana perceives the recent military coups and
jihadist attacks in some African countries as a threat to the peace and territorial integrity of
each African state. The delivery of education, particularly basic education in Ghana, has come a
long way According to the performance of Ghana's education sector, access to basic education
has doubled in recent decade, with a current gross primary enrollment rate of 96.5%, although
witha net enrollment rate of 81.7%. Despite achieving an 11-completeannual cycle of basic
education for school-age children continues to be a challenge.


Ghana operates on a 6-3-4-4 system Primary School. Junior High/High School. 3 years. Upper
Secondary School. 3 years (2007-2009 Senior High School entrants - 4 years). University Degree,
4 years.

Despite making great improvements in the educational system, Ghana still faces multiple
barriers to quality education for all children. While Ghana’s enrollment rates are high for the
region at 87 percent for primary school students, the quality of education is poor and varies
widely from school to school.

Ghana’s Educational System sees high enrollment but is low-quality. Twenty-five percent of
young people are out of school at the secondary school level, with girls being out of school in
greater numbers.


Basic education until grade nine is compulsory for all Ghanaian children, but senior secondary
education is not. Public schools charge fees for various items like teaching materials or
uniforms, so that education is not entirely free. Some institutions may require that applicants
have completed elective courses related to their intended major and may have additional
entrance examinations – a practice that is also common for mature students opting for higher
education at a later

In Sub-Saharan Africa, the United Nations has identified education as the key to breaking out of
poverty towards national development. According to UNICEF, enrolling a child in just one year of
pre-primary education means they are less likely to drop out of school or repeat grades and
have better educational outcomes overall. Cross Catholic Outreach’s education initiatives helps
children break out of the poverty cycle by providing quality education, nutritional meals, and
Catholic spiritual formation to boys and girls in Ghana.

In conclusion, in Ghana, the United Nations has identified education as the key to moving out of
poverty towards national development.

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