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Details Account Details

Account.Management Account Management
AccountInformation.DisplayEmail Click to display e-mail
AccountInformation.Email E-mail
AccountInformation.Header Account Information
AccountInformation.OtherDetails Other account details:
AccountInformation.ShowKey Show key
AccountInformation.TrustedDevices Trusted devices:
AccountInformation.Username Username:
AccountInformation.UsernameTip Your username must be at least 3 characters
long, and no longer than 15 characters
AccountInformation.Website Ubisoft account management website
AccountSecurity.NotSecure Your account may be at risk. Take action to secure
AccountSecurity.NotSecureShort Improve your account security.
AccountSecurity.Secure Your account is secure.
AccountSecurity.SecureShort Your account is secure.
AccountSecurity.SemiSecure Your account isn't as secure as it could be. Improve
your security now!
AccountSecurity.SemiSecureShort Make your account more secure.
Achievements.Earned Unlocked
Achievements.EarnedNotification Achievement Unlocked
Actions.BadgeLocked Badge locked
Actions.BadgeUnlocked Badge unlocked
Actions.Completed Completed
Actions.EnableReward Enable __REWARD_NAME__ Reward
Actions.RewardEnabled __REWARD_NAME__ Reward enabled
ActivateProduct.ActivateHere Activate it here
ActivateProduct.HaveAKeyPrompt Have a key for this product?
ActivateProduct.KeyExamples1 AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD
ActivateProduct.KeyExamples2 AAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEE
ActivateProduct.KeyExamplesIntro Activation codes may look like this:
Addon.Install Install
Addon.Play Play
Autorun.AcceptAndContinue Accept and continue
Autorun.Cancel Cancel
Autorun.Change Change
Autorun.Close Close
Autorun.DiskSpaceError Not enough disk space. Please free up some space or try a
different install location.
Autorun.Install Install
Autorun.Language.csCZ Čeština
Autorun.Language.daDK Dansk
Autorun.Language.deDE Deutsch
Autorun.Language.enCA English (Canadian)
Autorun.Language.enGB English (UK)
Autorun.Language.enUS English
Autorun.Language.esES Español
Autorun.Language.esMX Español (México)
Autorun.Language.fiFI Suomi
Autorun.Language.frCA Français (Canadien)
Autorun.Language.frFR Français
Autorun.Language.huHU Magyar
Autorun.Language.itIT Italiano
Autorun.Language.jaJP 日本語
Autorun.Language.koKO 한국어
Autorun.Language.nbNO Norsk
Autorun.Language.nlNL Nederlands
Autorun.Language.plPL Polski
Autorun.Language.ptBR Português brasileiro
Autorun.Language.ptPT Português
Autorun.Language.roRO Română
Autorun.Language.ruRU Русский
Autorun.Language.svSE Svenska
Autorun.Language.thTH ไทย
Autorun.Language.trTR Türkçe
Autorun.Language.ukUA Українська
Autorun.Language.zhCN 简体中文
Autorun.Language.zhTW 繁體中文
Autorun.LicenseAgreement License Agreement
Autorun.Manual Manual
Autorun.Play Play
Autorun.Quit Quit
Autorun.Readme Readme
Autorun.Uninstall Uninstall
Autorun.Uplay.Install Install Ubisoft Connect
Autorun.Uplay.InstallLocation Ubisoft Connect install location:
Autorun.Uplay.Installation Installing Ubisoft Connect…
Autorun.Uplay.Intro Ubisoft Connect is a hub for all your Ubisoft titles.
Ubisoft Connect enhances your gaming experience with additional content, social
features and great rewards, while making sure your games are always accessible and
up to date.
Autorun.Uplay.Language Language:
Autorun.UplayInstallFailed Ubisoft Connect installation failed. Please try
again. If the problem persists, please contact Ubisoft support.
Beta.AdditionalLink More info
Beta.AlreadyRegistered Thanks, but you're already registered! We'll reach out to
you through your e-mail address with any news, announcements, or live event
invitations. Stay tuned!
Beta.ConfirmEmailVerified I have verified my e-mail
Beta.EmailVerifiedDesc We’ve sent you an e-mail with instructions for verifying
your e-mail address. Please follow the instructions and revisit this page to
finalize your registration.
Beta.GetStatusFailed There is a problem connecting to the registration service.
Please try again later.
Beta.GetStatusFailedHeader Something went wrong
Beta.RegisterDesc Registering will ensure you get all the latest news and gives you
a chance to be the first to play.
Beta.ResendEmailDesc The verification e-mail has been resent to:
Beta.SignUp Register for PC
Beta.SignUpAlreadyCompleted Thanks, but you've actually already registered! We'll
be in touch on your e-mail address (__EMAIL__) with any news, announcements, or
live event invitations. Stay tuned!
Beta.SignUpCompleted Thank you for registering
Beta.SignUpCompleted.Header Thank you for registering for __NAME_OF_GAME__
Beta.SignUpCompletedBody You will be contacted at the following e-mail address
with any news, announcements, and live event invitations.
Beta.SignUpCompletedEmail You’ve registered with the following e-mail address:
Beta.SignUpCurrentEmail You will be registering using the Ubisoft account that is
linked to this e-mail address:
Beta.SignUpEmailValidation Before registering, please ensure the above e-mail
address is valid and working, as it will be used to communicate any live events,
announcements or updates to you.
Beta.SignUpFailed We were unable to register your request due to server issues.
Please try again later.
Beta.SignUpFailedHeader Something went wrong
Beta.VerifyEmailDesc Your e-mail has not been verified. In order to register,
you must verify your e-mail address.
Broadcast.CapturePresetCustom Custom
Broadcast.CapturePresetHigh High
Broadcast.CapturePresetLow Low
Broadcast.CapturePresetMedium Medium
Broadcast.DefaultIngestServer Default: __REPLACE_URL__
Broadcast.HideAdvancedSettings Hide advanced settings
Broadcast.ShowAdvancedSettings Show advanced settings
Challenge.LeftFromPreviousWeek __COLLECT__ reward left from previous weeks
Challenges.Completed Completed (__COMPLETED__/__TOTAL__)
Challenges.Congrats Congratulations!
Challenges.Core.Completed You’ve completed all __NUMBER__ Challenges.
Challenges.Core.NothingCompleted Complete Challenges to earn XP
Challenges.LeftFromPreviousWeek __COLLECT__ rewards left from previous weeks
Challenges.OnboardingAddAllHeaderTitle Manage your challenges with a single
Challenges.OnboardingAddAllInformationText You can now add all challenges and
claim all rewards with just one click
Challenges.Prize Reward
Challenges.SelectChallenge Select a challenge
Challenges.TimeLimited.Completed You’ve completed all available Challenges this
week and claimed:
ChangeGameInstallationPath.AreYouSure Are you sure you want to continue?
ChangeGameInstallationPath.Description Any games installed in the current
location (__REPLACE_WITH_GAME_INSTALL_PATH__) will not be moved to the new
ChangeGameInstallationPath.Header Change game installation location
ChangeInstallerCachePath.Description Any installers in the current directory
(__REPLACE_WITH_DOWNLOADS_FOLDER__) will not be moved to the new location.
ChangeInstallerCachePath.Header Change installer cache location
ChangeUsername.Warning Your username can only be changed once every 30 days.
ChangeUsernameConfirm.Message Are you sure you want to change your current
ChangeUsernameConfirm.Title Change username
Chat.New.Chat New chat
ChatPanel.Accept Accept
ChatPanel.ConnectionStatus.Connecting Connecting...
ChatPanel.Decline Decline
ChatPanel.DisabledChatPlaceholder Chat is disabled for non-friends.
ChatPanel.FailedToDeliverMessage We were unable to deliver that message.
ChatPanel.GameInviteText __USER_NAME__ would like you to start __GAME_NAME__
and join the game
ChatPanel.GameInviteTextPopup wants you to join a game
ChatPanel.InputFieldPlaceholder Type to chat
ChatPanel.InviteFriendToGameDisabled This friend cannot be invited to your
ChatPanel.InviteToGameDisabled You need to be in a multiplayer game session to
send a game invite
ChatPanel.InviteToToGameDisabledNoOtherGroupMembers There are no users in this
group that can be invited to your game
ChatPanel.NewMessages New messages
ChatPanel.OfflineMessageReceived This message was sent when you were offline, or
from a user on or Ubisoft Connect Mobile.
ChatPanel.PartyInviteText __USER_NAME__ would like you to launch __GAME_NAME__
and join a party
ChatPanel.PartyInviteTextPopup wants you to join a party
ChatPanel.RetrieveHistory Retrieving history
ChatPanel.RetrieveHistoryFailed Unable to retrieve history
ChatPanel.TryAgain Try again
ClientBrandedInstaller.FinishMessage The installation of $
(brandingProductName) will now continue in ${PRODUCTNAME}
ClientBrandedInstaller.WelcomeMessage Install ${PRODUCTNAME} to play $
ClientInstaller.CheckingPreviousInstallation Checking previous installations…
ClientInstaller.DeleteGamesLabel Uninstall Ubisoft Connect games (you can access
them later by reinstalling Ubisoft Connect)
ClientInstaller.DeleteSavesLabel Delete local save game files
ClientInstaller.LicensePageAcceptButton I Accept
ClientInstaller.LicensePageBottomText By clicking I Accept to continue you
acknowledge you have read and understood the contents of the License Agreement.
ClientInstaller.LicensePageHeaderSubtext Please read the License Agreement
carefully to continue your installation of Ubisoft Connect.
ClientInstaller.MoreRecentVersionFound A more recent version of Ubisoft Connect
is already installed.
ClientInstaller.UninstallDescription The Ubisoft Connect application will be
uninstalled from your computer. Click Uninstall to start the uninstallation
ClientInstaller.UplayIsRunningInstall Ubisoft Connect is running. Please close
it and try again.
ClientInstaller.UplayIsRunningUninstall Ubisoft Connect is running and cannot be
uninstalled. Please close it and try again.
ClientInstaller.WindowsVersionOutOfDate The version of Windows you are using is
not supported by this application.
Club.AllRewardsTaken You have claimed all of the Rewards for this game
Club.Challenges.Add Add
Club.Challenges.AddAll Add all
Club.Challenges.ChallengeAvailable Available Challenge
Club.Challenges.ChallengeInProgress Challenge in progress
Club.Challenges.ChallengeProgression Score:
Club.Challenges.ChallengesAvailable Available Challenges
Club.Challenges.ChallengesInProgress Challenges in progress
Club.Challenges.ClassicChallengesCurrentlyNotAvailable Core Challenges are
currently unavailable.
Club.Challenges.ClassicChallengesNotAvailable Core Challenges are currently
unavailable. Please check back later.
Club.Challenges.Collect Claim
Club.Challenges.CollectAll Claim all
Club.Challenges.CollectYourPrize Claim your reward
Club.Challenges.Collected Claimed
Club.Challenges.CommunityChallenge Community Challenge
Club.Challenges.CommunityChallengesCurrentlyNotAvailable Community Challenges are
currently not available. Please come back later.
Club.Challenges.CommunityProgression Community score:
Club.Challenges.EventChallenge Special Event Challenge
Club.Challenges.Expired Expired
Club.Challenges.NextChallengesAvailableSoon Next challenges available soon!
Club.Challenges.PlayerParticipationRequired Participate to collect exclusive
Club.Challenges.PlayerProgression Your contribution:
Club.Challenges.PrizeToCollect Reward to claim
Club.Challenges.PrizesToCollect Rewards to claim
Club.Challenges.ThresholdCollect Claim __COMPLETED__/__TOTAL__
Club.Challenges.WeeklyChallengesCurrentlyNotAvailable Time-Limited Challenges are
currently unavailable. Please check back later.
Club.Challenges.WeeklyChallengesNotAvailableForGame Time-Limited Challenges are
not available for this game.
Club.Classic Core
Club.ClassicChallenges Core Challenges
Club.Level Level __LEVEL__
Club.Weekly Time-Limited
Club.WeeklyChallenges Time-Limited Challenges
Club.XP XP
Club.XPToNextLevel __XP_TO_NEXT_LEVEL__ to next level
Common.About About
Common.Accept Accept
Common.AcceptAndContinue Accept and continue
Common.Achievements Achievements
Common.Actions Actions
Common.ActivateAnotherProduct Activate another key
Common.AllGames All games
Common.Apply Apply
Common.Back Back
Common.Beta Beta
Common.Browser Browser
Common.Buy Buy
Common.BytesPerSecond B/s
Common.Cancel Cancel
Common.Categories Categories
Common.ChangeLater You can change this later in the settings.
Common.Chat Chat
Common.ClearAll Clear
Common.Close Close
Common.ComingSoon Coming soon
Common.Community Community
Common.Compact Compact
Common.Completed Completed
Common.Continue Continue
Common.ControllerConnected Controller connected
Common.ControllerDisconnected Controller disconnected
Common.Conversation Conversation
Common.Copy Copy
Common.CrashMsg1 Ubisoft Connect has detected an unrecoverable error and must shut
Common.CrashMsg2 Crash dump created at "__CRASH_DUMP_PATH__".
Common.Custom Custom
Common.Decline Decline
Common.Discard Discard
Common.Done Done
Common.Edit Edit
Common.EmailLabel E-mail:
Common.Expanded Expanded
Common.Filter Filter
Common.Forum Forum
Common.Friends Friends
Common.GameInvites Game invites
Common.Genre Genre:
Common.GigaBytes GB
Common.GoToTop Go to top
Common.Goal Goal:
Common.Groups Groups
Common.Highlights Highlights
Common.InProgress In progress
Common.Invite Invite
Common.KiloBytes kB
Common.KiloBytesPerSecond kB/s
Common.LatestNews Latest news
Common.LaunchGame Launch game
Common.Legacy Standard
Common.LoadMore Load more
Common.LoadPrevious Load previous
Common.Loading Loading…
Common.Manage Manage
Common.MegaBytes MB
Common.MegaBytesPerSecond MB/s
Common.MoreInformation More information
Common.No No
Common.Notifications Notifications
Common.OK OK
Common.Off Off
Common.On On
Common.Oops Oops, something unexpected happened. Please try again later.
Common.OpenFolder Open folder
Common.Other Other
Common.Party Party
Common.PasswordLabel Password:
Common.Paste Paste
Common.PleaseContactUbisoftSupport If the problem persists, please contact
Common.PleaseTryAgain Please try again
Common.Preload Pre-load
Common.Preloaded Pre-loaded
Common.Preloading Pre-loading
Common.Quit Quit
Common.RecentlyPlayed Recently played
Common.ReleaseDate Release date:
Common.Reminder Reminder:
Common.ResendEmail Resend e-mail
Common.ResendEmailDesc The e-mail has been re-sent to:
Common.Reset Reset
Common.RestartNow Restart now
Common.RestartUplay Restart Ubisoft Connect
Common.Retry Try again
Common.Rewards Rewards
Common.Save Save
Common.Search Search
Common.SelectAll Select all
Common.SelectNone Select none
Common.Settings Settings
Common.Shop Store
Common.ShoppingCart Shopping cart
Common.ShowAll Show all
Common.Skip Skip
Common.SortBy Sort by
Common.SortByAZ A-Z
Common.SortStatus Status
Common.StartVoiceChat Start voice chat
Common.Status Status:
Common.Status.Off Off
Common.Status.On On
Common.SupportArticle support article
Common.SwitchToBeta This button lets you switch between the current version of
Ubisoft Connect PC and its Beta version.
Common.SwitchToStandard Switch to Standard
Common.TimeLeft __TIME__ left
Common.TimespanHours __HOURS__ h
Common.TimespanHoursMinutes __HOURS__ h __MINUTES__ m
Common.TimespanMinutes __MINUTES__ m
Common.Total Total
Common.TryAgain Try again
Common.TryAgainOrCustomerSupport Please try again in a moment, or contact
Customer Support.
Common.UbisoftSupport Ubisoft Support
Common.Units Units
Common.Unlink Unlink
Common.UpdateEmail Update my e-mail
Common.Uplay Ubisoft Connect
Common.UplayInstaller Ubisoft Connect installer
Common.View View
Common.VisitShop Visit Store
Common.WeGame WeGame
Common.Yes Yes
CommunicationPreferences.Header Communication preferences
CommunityStats.Title Community stats
ConnectBeta.EnableBetaMessage This will close the current Ubisoft Connect app and
pause any ongoing downloads. It will then launch the Beta version of the app.
ConnectBeta.EnableBetaModalHeading Are you sure you want to switch to the Beta?
CrashReporter.DontAskAgainLabel Don’t ask me to send crash reports any more
CrashReporter.Error Something went wrong. Your crash report could not be sent.
CrashReporter.Info __GAME_NAME__ crashed. Help us out by sending a crash
report so we can figure out what went wrong.
CrashReporter.SendBtn Send crash report
CrashReporter.Sending Sending crash report…
CrashReporter.Success Crash report submitted. Thanks for your help!
CrashReporter.SuccessInfo The information you've sent over will be used to
investigate any potential issues, and will provide us with the data we need to
solve the problem.
CrashReporter.Title Oh no, it crashed!
CrashReporter.UserInputDescription Describe in a few words what you were doing
when the crash occurred?
CreateAccount.Button Create account
CreateAccount.InfoSharingTitle Communications
CreateAccountRegistration.AcceptAllTermsLabel I accept Ubisoft's
CreateAccountRegistration.AgeRestriction Sorry, you do not meet the requirements
to create a Ubisoft account.
CreateAccountRegistration.DateDescription Date of Birth
CreateAccountRegistration.DayDescription Day
CreateAccountRegistration.EmailDescription E-mail
CreateAccountRegistration.EmailDomainBlocked Disposable email addresses are not
CreateAccountRegistration.EmailInvalidError Please enter a valid e-mail
CreateAccountRegistration.EmailNotAvailableError The e-mail address you've
entered is already associated with a Ubisoft account. If you've forgotten your
password, you can recover it on the log in screen. Otherwise, please try another e-
mail address.
CreateAccountRegistration.EmailTip Can be used to recover your password.
CreateAccountRegistration.FailureServiceUnavailable Account creation unavailable,
please try again later.
CreateAccountRegistration.Header Create account
CreateAccountRegistration.LabelOptin3rdParty Share my information with
CreateAccountRegistration.LabelOptinUbisoft I want to receive exclusive e-mail
newsletter content with offers about Ubisoft titles. I can unsubscribe at any time.
CreateAccountRegistration.LabelOptinUbisoftNoteGermany Ubisoft may send you e-
mail communications about similar products or services to those purchased. You may
opt out of these messages at any time and at no cost.
CreateAccountRegistration.MonthApril April
CreateAccountRegistration.MonthAugust August
CreateAccountRegistration.MonthDecember December
CreateAccountRegistration.MonthDescription Month
CreateAccountRegistration.MonthFebruary February
CreateAccountRegistration.MonthJanuary January
CreateAccountRegistration.MonthJuly July
CreateAccountRegistration.MonthJune June
CreateAccountRegistration.MonthMarch March
CreateAccountRegistration.MonthMay May
CreateAccountRegistration.MonthNovember November
CreateAccountRegistration.MonthOctober October
CreateAccountRegistration.MonthSeptember September
CreateAccountRegistration.PasswordDescription Password
CreateAccountRegistration.PasswordHideTooltip Hide password
CreateAccountRegistration.PasswordLengthError Your password must be at least 8
characters long, and no longer than 16 characters.
CreateAccountRegistration.PasswordLettersDigitsError Your password needs to
contain at least 1 upper case character, 1 lower case character, 1 number and 1
special character.
CreateAccountRegistration.PasswordShowTooltip Show password
CreateAccountRegistration.PasswordStrength_Better Average
CreateAccountRegistration.PasswordStrength_Medium Good
CreateAccountRegistration.PasswordStrength_Strong Strong
CreateAccountRegistration.PasswordStrength_VeryStrong Very Strong
CreateAccountRegistration.PasswordStrength_VeryWeak Very Weak
CreateAccountRegistration.PasswordStrength_Weak Weak
CreateAccountRegistration.PasswordTip Should be between 8 and 16 characters in
length and contain at least 1 upper case character, 1 lower case character, 1
number and 1 special character.
CreateAccountRegistration.PasswordUnicodeCharactersError Passwords may only
contain letters (A-Z and a-z) and numbers 0-9.
CreateAccountRegistration.PrivacyPolicy Privacy Policy
CreateAccountRegistration.Select3rdParty select third parties
CreateAccountRegistration.TermsOfSale Terms of Sale
CreateAccountRegistration.TermsOfUse Terms of Use
CreateAccountRegistration.TosAcceptButton Continue
CreateAccountRegistration.Under18Error Unfortunately, you are not eligible for a
Ubisoft account at this time.
CreateAccountRegistration.UnsafePassword This password is either unsafe or known
to be compromised.
CreateAccountRegistration.UsernameBadFormatError This username is not valid.
CreateAccountRegistration.UsernameDescription Username
CreateAccountRegistration.UsernameInvalidLettersError Your username must start with
a letter, and cannot contain any special characters.
CreateAccountRegistration.UsernameLengthError Your username must be at least 3
characters long and no longer than 15 characters
CreateAccountRegistration.UsernameRestrictedWordError This username is invalid
because it contains a restricted word.
CreateAccountRegistration.UsernameTakenError This username is already taken
CreateAccountRegistration.UsernameTip Should be between 3 and 15 characters and
may contain both numbers and letters. Special characters and spaces can not be
CreateAccountRegistration.UsernameWithinPasswordError Your password cannot contain
your username. Please try again.
CreateAccountRegistration.YearDescription Year
DeleteInstallers.AreYouSure Are you sure you want to continue?
DeleteInstallers.Description Any installers in the following directory will be
DeleteInstallers.DoNotDelete Do not delete installers while you are installing a
DeleteInstallers.Header Delete all game installers
DeviceName.Label Device name
DeviceName.RequiredError Required
DiscNeeded.Change Change
DiscNeeded.Header Insert disc for __GAME_NAME__
DiscNeeded.InsertDisc Please insert disc __DISC_NUMBER__ and press OK
DiskSpaceError.Description There is not enough space on the hard disk to
complete the installation. Please free up some space on the disk, or change the
game installation folder and try again.
DiskSpaceError.Header Not enough disk space
DisplayName.Edit Edit username
DisplayName.NewName New username:
Download.RemainingTimeUnderAMinute Almost there
Download.Restart Restart
Download.UnknownTimeLeft Over a month
DownloadManager.ChangeLanguageWarning After changing the language setting, new
files may have to be downloaded. The game may not be playable until this process is
DownloadManager.DiskAccessError Download failed due to a disk access error.
DownloadManager.DiskWriteError Download failed due to a disk write error.
DownloadManager.OptionalFilesInfo The game will be playable when all essential
files have been downloaded.
DownloadManager.OptionalFilesMayBeRequired You can play now, but your gaming
experience may not be ideal until the entire game has been downloaded.
DownloadManager.PatchAvailable.Download Download update
DownloadManager.PatchAvailableHeader Update available
DownloadManager.PatchErrorHeader Game update failed
DownloadManager.PatchRequiredHeader Update required
DownloadManager.PlayOffline Play offline
DownloadManager.UninstallAreYouSure Are you sure you want to proceed?
DownloadManager.UninstallDescription You are about to uninstall __GAME_NAME__
from this computer. If you want to play it again in future, you'll need to re-
download it first.
DownloadManager.UninstallFailedDescription Some of the files from
__GAME_NAME__ could not be deleted. Please try again to delete the files.
DownloadManager.UninstallFailedHeader Cannot complete the uninstall.
DownloadManager.UninstallHeader Uninstalling __GAME_NAME__
DownloadManager.UninstallSuccess The game was successfully uninstalled.
DownloadManager.Uninstalling Uninstalling __GAME_NAME__…
Downloads.CancelButton Cancel
Downloads.Cancelled Cancelled
Downloads.DiscoveringFiles Discovering files
Downloads.EmptyView No downloads in progress
Downloads.InstallationsEmptyView No installations in progress
Downloads.InstallationsTitle Installations
Downloads.Installing Installing ...
Downloads.MoveToTop Move to top
Downloads.OpenFolderButton Open folder
Downloads.PauseButton Pause
Downloads.Queued Queued
Downloads.RemoveFromList Remove from list
Downloads.ResumeButton Resume
Downloads.RetryButton Retry
Downloads.Title Downloads
Downloads.ViewAll View all downloads
FetchingOptInFailed.Info Something went wrong while fetching your
communication preferences. As a result, they've been set to default. If you would
like to change your settings, please visit the Ubisoft account management website
after account creation.
FooterPanel.DownloadingCompleted Download completed
FrameMenu.Downloads DOWNLOADS
Free.ActivateProduct Activate Product
Free.AddToMyGames Add to My Games
Free.PageHeading Free games
FreeWeekend.EndedHeader This game event has ended.
FreeWeekend.EndedMessage Thank you for participating! If you enjoyed playing,
you can purchase the full game.
FriendSelectionDialog.Header Choose a friend
Friends.EditNickname Edit nickname
Friends.FriendsSuggestionsHeader Friend suggestions
Friends.FriendsSuggestionsUnknownSubHeader Players you might know
Friends.InviteFriends Invite friends
Friends.InviteSent Invite sent
Friends.JoinGameAlreadyJoined You have already joined this game session.
Friends.JoinGameDisabledInfo You'll be able to join when a game session is
Friends.JoinGameNotPlayable Install the game or latest update to join
Friends.NoAvailable You've added all available friends
Friends.Requests Friend requests
Friends.SensitiveNickname The content contains sensitive words
Friends.SetNickname Set nickname
FriendsGroups.Header Friends and groups
FriendsModule.FriendsHavePlayed Friends who have played this game
FriendsModule.FriendsHavePlayedNumber Friends who play this game (__NUMBER__):
FriendsModule.HasNoFriends Games are more fun with friends! Start your friends
list today!
FriendsModule.InGameHeaderText Friends playing this game right now
FriendsModule.NoFriendsHavePlayed None of your friends play this game
FriendsModule.NoFriendsInGame None of your friends are currently playing this game.
FriendsModule.WhoIsOnline See who's online
FriendsPanel.ActivityAway Away
FriendsPanel.ActivityBusy Do not disturb
FriendsPanel.ActivityInvisible Invisible
FriendsPanel.AddToBlacklist Block
FriendsPanel.CancelFriendshipRequest Cancel friend request
FriendsPanel.CancelGroupInvite Cancel invite
FriendsPanel.Category.Blocked Blocked
FriendsPanel.Category.SentRequests Sent requests
FriendsPanel.ConnectionStatus.Connecting Connecting...
FriendsPanel.Empty.Header You haven't added any friends yet.
FriendsPanel.FriendshipRequestText wants to be your friend
FriendsPanel.GameInviteText __INVITER_NAME__ has invited you to a game
FriendsPanel.Header Friends
FriendsPanel.InvisibleExplanation Appear as offline to other players.
FriendsPanel.InviteToGame Invite to game
FriendsPanel.JoinGame Join game
FriendsPanel.PresenceInGame In game
FriendsPanel.PresenceOffline Offline
FriendsPanel.PresenceOnline Online
FriendsPanel.RemoveFriend Remove friend
FriendsPanel.RemoveFromBlacklist Unblock
FriendsPanel.RequestSent Request sent
FriendsPanel.Search.AddFriend Add to friends
FriendsPanel.Search.AlreadyFriendsLabel This user is your friend
FriendsPanel.Search.Info Enter a username to find a friend
FriendsPanel.Search.NoMatch No matches were found
FriendsPanel.StartChat Start chat
Game.AchievementsSyncError Failed to synchronize achievements
Game.AchievementsSyncStatus Synchronizing your Achievements with the cloud.
Game.BindFreeGameTitle Clicking Continue will bind the game to your Ubisoft
account so you can access it from your games list on any PC.
Game.CdKeyInputPlaceholder Activation Code
Game.ChangeLanguageLabel Select the desired language for this game:
Game.ContinueDownload Resume download
Game.DownloadFailure Download failed
Game.DownloadGame Download
Game.DownloadPaused Download paused
Game.DownloadRecommended It is highly recommended to keep your games up to
date. Skipping this update may negatively affect your gaming experience and prevent
you from using the game's online features.
Game.DownloadRequiredOnlineOnly A game update is available and is required to
launch the game. Please download the update to continue.
Game.DownloadSpeed Download speed:
Game.Downloading Downloading
Game.DownloadingTimeLeftValue __REPLACE_ME_WITH_DAYS__ d __REPLACE_ME_WITH_HOURS__
Game.EnterKey.ActivatedGame __GAME_NAME__ has been activated and added to your
Game.EnterKey.ItIncludes It includes:
Game.EnterKeyActivate Activate
Game.EnterKeyActivatedOn Activated on:
Game.EnterKeyCancelButton Cancel
Game.EnterKeyDetails The game will be registered to this account:
(__ACCOUNT_EMAIL__). This cannot be changed once the activation is complete, so
please make sure you're signed in to the correct account.
Game.EnterKeyFailureBannedKey This CD Key or Activation Code has been banned. For
more information please contact Ubisoft Support.
Game.EnterKeyFailureBannedUser This feature is temporarily blocked due to
multiple failed activation attempts. Activation will be available again in __MIN__
Game.EnterKeyFailureNotFound This CD Key or Activation Code is not valid. Please
try again.
Game.EnterKeyFailureServiceUnavailable We're unable to register this game to
your Ubisoft account right now as the Ubisoft server is unavailable. Please try
again later.
Game.EnterKeyFailureUsedByOtherAccount This CD Key or Activation Code is already
in use with another Ubisoft Account. For more information, please contact Ubisoft
Game.EnterKeyFailureUsedByThisAccount This CD Key or Activation Code is already
active on this account. Please visit your games library to access your games.
Game.EnterKeyGameAlreadyOwned You already own this game.
Game.EnterKeyHeading Please enter your CD Key or Activation Code here:
Game.EnterKeyMainTitle Product Activation
Game.EnterKeyNoLongerAvailable The CD Key or Activation Code you've entered
has expired. For more information, please contact Ubisoft Support.
Game.EnterKeyNotAvailableInRegion This key is not valid in your region. If your
purchase was made from an approved retailer, you should reach out to your vendor
for further assistance.
Game.EnterKeyNotAvailableYet This CD Key or Activation Code cannot be activated
yet. Please wait until the release date to enter it. For more information, please
contact Ubisoft Support.
Game.EnterKeyWarning Please enter the key exactly as it is printed. Clicking
activate will bind this content to your account (__ACCOUNT_EMAIL__). As such,
before proceeding, please make sure you are signed in to the correct account.
Game.Expired Expired
Game.FacebookLink Facebook
Game.ForumLink Forum
Game.GameChallengesTitle Challenges
Game.GameIsNotAvailableInCurrentRegion This game isn't available in your current
region. If you're using a proxy, please disable the proxy connection in Ubisoft
Connect settings and try again. For more information, please contact Ubisoft
Game.GameNewsTitle Game news
Game.GameRewardsTitle Rewards
Game.GameServiceUnavailableHeader Service alert
Game.GameServiceUnavailableText Some of the game's online elements may
currently be unavailable
Game.GetMoreDLC Get more DLC
Game.GetTheFullGame Get the full game
Game.GoOnlineToRegisterGame Go online to activate this game
Game.HelpLink Help
Game.Hidden Hidden
Game.InitializingDownload Initializing download
Game.InitializingOrbit Initializing
Game.Install Install
Game.InstallFailure Install failed
Game.InstallFailureTryAgainButton Try again
Game.InstallFailureVerifyButton Verify files
Game.Installing Installing
Game.LocateGameInstall Locate installed game
Game.MarkAsFavourite Mark as favorite
Game.MarkAsHidden Hide
Game.News News
Game.OfficialWebsiteLink Official Website
Game.OwnedDLCTitle Owned DLC
Game.Play Play
Game.Playable Playable
Game.PreorderDescription This game is not available yet. You'll be able to
play it upon release.
Game.PreorderHomepageIntro For the latest updates, trailers and screenshots,
check out the game’s official channels:
Game.PreorderPreloadDescription Preload starting
Game.PreorderedHeader You pre-ordered this game. Release date:
Game.RemoveFromFavourites Remove from favorites
Game.RemoveFromHidden Unhide
Game.RestartRequiredHeader Computer restart required
Game.RestartRequiredText You'll need to restart your computer to complete the
installation of your game. The game may not function correctly if you don't restart
your computer before playing.
Game.RollbackCloudSaveLink Revert cloud save
Game.SaveGame.Conflict.CloudSavegame Cloud save game
Game.SaveGame.Conflict.Description Your local save game file is not in sync with
the data on the cloud. Please choose which file to use.
Game.SaveGame.Conflict.Hint Your local save will be backed up if you choose to
load the cloud save. You can always restore the local save from the "Play" button
menu on the game screen.
Game.SaveGame.Conflict.LocalSavegame Local save game
Game.SaveGame.Rollback.Description We backed up your local save game file the last
time you had a cloud save conflict. You can use this file to replace the cloud save
you used when resolving the conflict. Please note that this will overwrite your
latest save game.
Game.SaveGame.Rollback.Failure We couldn't revert your save game. The local
backup file may be corrupted.
Game.SaveGame.Rollback.Header Revert cloud save
Game.SaveGame.Rollback.LastBackupDescription Local backup save game:
Game.SaveGame.Rollback.Success Your save game file was successfully restored
Game.SaveGame.StorageConflict.Description There was a problem getting your latest
save game file from the cloud. The most recent available data may not be your
current save.
Game.SaveGameSyncError Failed to synchronize cloud saves
Game.SavegameSyncStatus Synchronizing your save games with the cloud
Game.StartGameFailed Unable to start the game. Please check that your game has
been installed correctly. If the problem persists, please contact Ubisoft Support.
Game.StartGameFailedCheckOnline Unable to start the game. Please check that
your game has been installed correctly. If you have recently installed your game,
please restart Ubisoft Connect in online mode and ensure that your game is up to
date. If the problem persists, please contact Ubisoft Support.
Game.StartGameFailedSuspended You are currently suspended from playing
__GAME_NAME__ due to breaching the Terms of Use agreement. For more information
please contact Customer Support.
Game.Submenu.BackToMyGames Back to Games
Game.Submenu.Favourites Favorites
Game.Submenu.Grid Grid
Game.Submenu.GridLarge Large
Game.Submenu.GridMedium Medium
Game.Submenu.GridSmall Small
Game.Submenu.Installed Installed
Game.Submenu.List List
Game.Submenu.ListNarrow Narrow
Game.Submenu.ListWide Wide
Game.Submenu.More More
Game.Support Support
Game.Thumb.DlcTip Downloadable content
Game.Thumb.UpdateGame Update
Game.TimeLeftUntilPlayable Playable in:
Game.TimeRemaining Time remaining:
Game.UnavailableButton Unavailable
Game.UninstallLink Uninstall
Game.UpdatingOrbitConfiguration Downloading Ubisoft Connect game files
Game.UpdatingOrbitFailure Unable to download Ubisoft Connect game files
Game.ViewAllChallengesLink Show all challenges
Game.ViewAllRewardsLink Show all Rewards
Game.ViewDetails View game details
GameEvents.Title Events
GameExeSelection.Text Please choose the version of the game you'd like to run.
For more information on the choices, please refer to the game's manual.
GameOptions.AddPreset Add new preset
GameOptions.DeletePresetHeader Delete preset
GameOptions.DeletePresetText Are you sure you want to delete the selected preset?
GameOptions.Description Add a description
GameOptions.GameOptionsEditDescription Edit description
GameOptions.OverwritePresetHeader Overwrite preset
GameOptions.OverwritePresetText A preset with the same name already exists. Do
you want to overwrite it?
GameOptions.PresetLocationPath Your preset file has been saved to
GameOptions.Presets Presets
GameOptions.ResetHeader Reset to default
GameOptions.ResetText Do you want to revert to default settings? <br> This will
discard any unsaved changes.
GameOptions.SelectAddDescription Select or add preset
GameProperties.AddGameStartArguments Add command line arguments
GameProperties.DefaultVersionLabel None – opt out of all test versions
GameProperties.GameInfo.DisplayManual Manual
GameProperties.GameInfo.DisplayReadme Readme
GameProperties.GameInstallLocation Game install location:
GameProperties.GameStartArguments Game launch arguments
GameProperties.GameStartArgumentsInfo This feature allows you to use the
command line to specify additional settings when launching your game.
GameProperties.GameVersion Game version
GameProperties.LocalFiles Local files
GameProperties.LocalFilesOpenDirError Ubisoft Connect is unable to access the
game folder. Please make sure the folder exists, and that it is not already in use.
GameProperties.SelectVersionInfo Test versions allow developers to test new
patches and features with the community before releasing them.
GameProperties.SelectVersionLabel Select a test version of the game:
GameProperties.Title Properties
GameProperties.UnlockGameVersionFailed Something went wrong. The game version
could not be unlocked.
GameProperties.UnlockTestVersion Unlock a test version
GameProperties.UnlockVersionInfo If you've been given a password for a test
version, click the button below and enter the password to gain access.
GameProperties.UnlockVersionPasswordError This password is not valid
GameProperties.UnlockVersionSuccess __VERSION_NAME__ has been unlocked and added to
the list of available versions
GameProperties.VersionNotAvailable The version you selected isn’t available
GameSplash.AchievementsTitle Achievements
GameSplash.BuyAdditionalContent Buy additional content for this game
GameSplash.DLCTitle DLC
GameSplash.MenuItemAchievements Achievements
GameSplash.MenuItemDeluxeContent Deluxe Content
GameSplash.MenuItemOverview Overview
GameSplash.MenuItemShop Store
GameSplash.OverviewTitle Overview
GameSplash.Statistics Statistics
GameSplash.StatisticsViewAll View more stats
GameStart.LocateGameFolder Locate game folder
GameStart.LocateGameFolderInfo Have you moved your game and/or its files? If
so, select the folder where the game is now located.
GameStart.OculusClientRequired This game must be launched via the Oculus
GameStart.PasswordRequired.Error The password you’ve entered is incorrect.
Please try again.
GameStart.Title Starting game
GameStream.GoToChannel View more streams
GameVerify.Done All files are verified and up to date!
GameVerify.HasCorruptedFiles We have identified a number of corrupted files.
Please choose repair to fix this issue.
GameVerify.MainHeader Verifying downloaded files
GameVerify.Repair Repair
Gamepage.Store.DLC DLC
Gamepage.Store.Merchandise Merchandise
GamepageItemEvents.Empty There are no events to display at the moment
GamepageItemNews.Empty There is no news to display at the moment
GamepageItemStream.Empty There are no videos or streams to display at the
Games.NoGamesDescription Any games you purchase will appear in this section.
You don't have any games right now, but you can find all your favorite Ubisoft
games in the Ubisoft Store.
Games.NoGamesHeader Your games will appear here
General.ActionFailed We were unable to complete that action at this time. Please
try again later
GeneralError.CannotActivate This product cannot be activated right now, please
try again later.
GeneralError.DLLVersionMismatch Game DLL-file version mismatch.
GeneralError.NetworkDisconnect A problem was encountered when connecting to
the internet. Please check your network settings. We'll restore the connection as
soon as we can.
GeneralError.PleaseCheckUplayInstalled Please make sure Ubisoft Connect is
GeneralError.ServiceDisconnect A problem was encountered when connecting to a
Ubisoft Connect service. We'll restore the connection as soon as we can.
GeneralError.ServiceDisconnectGamesAvailable While you continue playing, we'll
restore the connection to a service that just got interrupted. Some things might
look a little odd in the client in the meantime.
GeneralError.UnableDetectUplay Unable to detect Ubisoft Connect installation.
GeneralError.UnableStartGame Unable to start the game
GetPassword.Header Please enter password
Groups.AddFriendsLabel You can add __COUNT__ more friends.
Groups.AddFriendsLimitLabel Group limit reached. You can't add more friends.
Groups.AddToGroup Add to group
Groups.CreateGroup Create group
Groups.GroupName Group name
Groups.HeaderTitle Gather your friends together in one place!
Groups.InformationText Groups make inviting and joining your friends easier, and
let you keep in touch through group chat
Groups.InviteFriends Invite friends to group
Groups.InviteToGroup Invite to group
Groups.InvitedMembers Invited users
Groups.InvitesLabel Invites
Groups.LeaveDialogueHead Leave group
Groups.LeaveDialogueText Are you sure you want to leave this group?
Groups.LeaveGroup Leave group
Groups.NewGroup New group
Groups.OnboardingHeaderTitle Check out the groups feature!
Groups.StartGroupChat Start group chat
Groups.UnknownMembers Unknown
GroupsChat.CancelInviteStatusMessage __CANCELER__ cancelled the group invite
to __INVITEE__
GroupsChat.GameInviteStatusMessage __USER__ has invited the group to play __GAME__
GroupsChat.HideMembers Hide members
GroupsChat.InvitedStatusMessage __INVITER__ invited __INVITEE__
GroupsChat.JoinedStatusMessage __USER_NAME__ joined the group
GroupsChat.LeftGroupStatusMessage __USER_NAME__ left the group
GroupsChat.ShowMembers Show members
GroupsPanel.ActiveGroups Active groups
GroupsPanel.GroupStatusReasonGroupIsFull The group is already full.
GroupsPanel.GroupStatusReasonInvalidName This group name is invalid.
GroupsPanel.GroupStatusReasonNotAuthorized You are not authorized.
GroupsPanel.GroupStatusReasonProfanity This group name is not allowed.
GroupsPanel.GroupStatusReasonTimeout Group request timed out.
GroupsPanel.PendingGroups Pending groups
Home.Friends.AddButton Add friends
Home.Promotions.Header Spotlight
ImportFriends.Completed Friend requests have been sent to the friends you selected.
ImportFriends.FriendAddTime Added on WeGame
ImportFriends.ImportFriendsFromWeGame Import friends from WeGame
ImportFriends.ImportFromSteam Import friends from Steam
ImportFriends.Importing Finding Friends
ImportFriends.NoFriendsFound No friends found.
ImportFriends.SelectFriends Select friends to import
ImportFriends.SendingFriendRequests Sending friend requests
ImportFriends.SteamFailed Something went wrong. Your Steam friends could not be
ImportFriends.SteamFailedPrivateProfile We were unable to import your Steam
friends due to your community profile being set to private. Please set your Steam
profile status to public and try again.
ImportFriends.SteamName Steam name
ImportFriends.TimeOut We were unable to import your friends because the server
took too long to respond.
ImportFriends.UplayName Ubisoft Connect name
ImportFriends.WeGameFailed Something went wrong. Your WeGame friends could not
be imported.
ImportFriends.WeGameName WeGame name
ImportFriends.WeGameNotAuthorized We were unable to import your friends because
Ubisoft Connect is not authorized to access your WeGame data.
ImportFriends.WeGameProfileNotFound We were unable to find a match for your Ubisoft
profile on WeGame.
InitDownload.ActivateGame Activate __GAME_NAME__
InitDownload.AllocatingDiskSpace Allocating disk space
InitDownload.ContinueDownload Continue Downloading
InitDownload.ContinueInstall Continue Installing
InitDownload.CreateDesktopShortcut Create desktop shortcut
InitDownload.CreateStartMenuShortcut Create start menu shortcut
InitDownload.DiskSpaceAvailable Disk space available:
InitDownload.DiskSpaceRequired Disk space required:
InitDownload.DownloadChangePath Would you like to go to the settings and change
the path?
InitDownload.DownloadFailure Ubisoft Connect is unable to start your download.
Please check that you have an active internet connection and sufficient space on
your hard drive then try again.
InitDownload.DownloadFailureCreateGameFolder Ubisoft Connect was unable to find
InitDownload.DownloadFailureHeader Failed to start download
InitDownload.GoOnline Unable to retrieve ownership information while offline.
Please go online to continue the installation.
InitDownload.InstallAdditionalLanguages Install additional languages
InitDownload.InstallLocation Folder location:
InitDownload.InstallPathTooLong Install path is too long. Please choose a
different install location.
InitDownload.InstallingGame Installing __GAME_NAME__
InitDownload.NewerVersionPartiallyDownloaded A newer version of __GAME_NAME__ is
already installed. You can install an older version from the disc, or continue to
download the latest version via your Ubisoft Connect game library.
InitDownload.SelectGameComponents Select game components
InitDownload.SelectLanguage Please select the installation language:
InitDownload.UnexpectedError.ConnectionIssue There was an issue connecting to
one or more of our services
InitDownload.UnexpectedError.FAQ FAQ
InitDownload.UnexpectedError.InsufficientPrevilegesWindowsRegistry Ubisoft
Connect does not have sufficient privileges to write to the Windows Registry
InitDownload.UnexpectedError.InsufficientPrivilegesRunOnSystem Ubisoft Connect
does not have sufficient privileges to run correctly on your system
InitDownload.UnexpectedError.LocalFilesMissing Necessary local files could not be
found or contain invalid data
InitDownload.UnexpectedError.PossibleSolutions For possible solutions, please
InitDownload.UnexpectedError.RetrievingDataFromServers There was an issue
retrieving data from our servers
InitDownload.UnexpectedError.TargetDirectoryPathTooLong The installation path is
too long
InitDownload.UnexpectedErrorHeader This could be due to the following reasons:
InitDownload.UnexpectedErrorTitle Unable to start download (Code: __ERROR_CODE__)
InitDownload.WithdrawalAcceptanceHeader Right to withdraw
InitDownload.WithdrawalAcceptanceText By downloading this game, I hereby
consent that said game will be immediately provided to me and acknowledge that I
will therefore lose my right to withdraw from the purchase.
InstallManager.DiskWriteError Installation failed due to a disk write error.
InstallManager.InstallFailure Ubisoft Connect is unable to start your installation.
Installs.ShowAll Show all installations
KeyStorage.PendingKeyDescription Dear __USER__,<br><br>We have received your key
for __GAME__, however, due to database maintenance it will take a little while to
process your license. We will send you a notification as soon as the key
registration has been processed.<br><br>You don't need to do anything else in the
meantime - your game will automatically be ready to play as soon as the
registration has gone through.
KeyStorage.PendingKeyHeader License processing
LinkAccount.AccountAlreadyLinked The Ubisoft account is already linked to a
LinkAccount.AccountLink.Title Accounts have not been linked
LinkAccount.ErrorHeader Account linking failed
LinkAccount.FailureAccountAlreadyLinked __PLATFORM__ account __NAME__ is already
linked to another Ubisoft account.
LinkAccount.FailureBadUserOrPass Either your login e-mail or password is
incorrect. Please try again.
LinkAccount.FailureServiceUnavailable The link account service is unavailable
right now, so we can't link your account. Please try again later.
LinkAccount.LinkAccounts Link accounts
LinkAccount.LinkWhenAlreadyLoggedIn Link your account with __REPLACE_PLATFORM__
LinkAccount.LinkingInProgress Accounts are being linked. Please wait…
LinkAccount.Oculus Oculus
LinkAccount.PasswordRequired We've detected a change in your access pattern. To
protect your account, please re-enter your Ubisoft account password.
LinkAccount.ReEnterPassword.Body Please re-enter your Ubisoft account password
to play this game.
LinkAccount.ReEnterPassword.Heading Re-enter your password
LinkAccount.Skip.Tooltip You can turn this reminder on again in Settings >
Account Linking
LinkAccount.Steam Steam
LinkAccount.UbisoftSupportLinkText Ubisoft Support
LocateGameInstall.Completed All game files have been successfully validated.
LocateGameInstall.Failed Some game files might be corrupt or missing. Ubisoft
Connect can verify and restore them if necessary (this process may take several
Login.AskMeLater Ask me later
Login.ConnectionLost Connection lost
Login.DateOfBirthRequired Your date of birth is missing from your account. This
can cause problems when launching certain games. Please enter it to continue
logging in:
Login.EmailPlaceholder E-mail
Login.EpicFailureServiceUnavailable An Epic Games service is unavailable at the
moment. Please try again later.
Login.FailureBadUserOrPass Either your login e-mail or your password is
incorrect. Please try again.
Login.FailureBanned Your account has been temporarily suspended due to multiple
failed login or activation attempts. If you are having trouble logging into your
account, please try again later or use the Recover Password link to reset your
password. If you are having trouble activating your game, please contact Ubisoft
Login.FailureBanned.Title Account suspended
Login.FailureBannedContact Your account has been temporarily suspended due to
multiple failed login or activation attempts. If you're having trouble logging into
your account, please try again later, or use the Recover Password link to reset
your password. If you're having trouble activating your game, please contact
Login.FailureGoOffline Go offline
Login.FailureMinorVerificationRequired Either your login e-mail or your password
is incorrect. Please try again. When creating an account as a young player, please
ensure your account has been verified.
Login.FailureNoInternet There seems to be a problem with your internet connection.
Please check your settings or switch to offline mode.
Login.FailureOffline If this is your first time using Ubisoft Connect on this
computer, you'll need to log in online at least once before you can use offline
Login.FailurePasswordUpdateCompromised Your Ubisoft account may have been
compromised. In the interest of safety, we ask that you reset your password in
order to log back in. We'll send you an e-mail with a link to create a new
Login.FailurePasswordUpdateInactiveAccount You haven't accessed your Ubisoft
account in a while.
Login.FailurePasswordUpdateRequired In the interest of safety, we ask that you
reset your password in order to log in. We'll send you an e-mail with a link to
create a new password.
Login.FailureRenewal You have been logged out of Ubisoft Connect due to
inactivity. Please re-enter your Ubisoft account password in order to sign in
Login.FailureServiceUnavailable A Ubisoft service is currently unavailable.
Please try again later.
Login.FailureTryAgain Try again
Login.FailureWeGame We could not connect to the WeGame service. Please try
again later.
Login.Header Log in
Login.LockedAccountHeader Your account has been locked
Login.LockedAccountSection1 Your Ubisoft account has been associated with
fraudulent payment activity that may compromise your account and violates our Terms
of Use.
Login.LockedAccountSection2 As part of our efforts to secure our players’
accounts and activity within our games, your account has been locked.
Login.LockedAccountSection3 If this is the first time that your account has been
associated with fraudulent activity, your account will be locked for seven (7) days
and will be unlocked automatically. Please note that Ubisoft customer support
representatives are unable to unlock your account during this seven (7) day period.
Login.LockedAccountSection4 If your account has already been associated with
fraudulent activity, please note that the closure of your account is permanent. If
you believe this action has been taken in error, please review this
__SUPPORT_LINK__ before you submit an appeal.
Login.LoggingIn Logging in...
Login.LoginButton Log in
Login.PasswordCapsLockPlaceholder Caps lock is on!
Login.PasswordPlaceholder Password
Login.PasswordUpdateRequired Reset your password
Login.RecoverPasswordButton Recover password
Login.RegisterNewAccountButton Create a new account
Login.RememberMe Remember me
Login.SettingsButton Settings
Login.SteamBigPictureHint You can activate the on-screen keyboard by pressing
the assigned button on your controller (Default: Left Stick)
Login.ToSRedirectHeader Updated Ubisoft Connect Terms of Service
Login.UbisoftSupportLinkText Ubisoft Support
Login.UserBanned.Section1 Your Ubisoft account has been banned because it was
associated with illegal activity that violates our __TERMS_OF_USE__.
Login.UserBanned.Section2 A first-time violation results in a 7-day ban that
ends automatically. A repeat violation results in a permanent ban on your account.
If you believe that your account was banned in error, please review this
__SUPPORT_ARTICLE__ before you submit an appeal. Please check your email for more
Login.UsernamePlaceholder E-mail
Login.VerificationError Incorrect verification code. Please enter the verification
code generated by your authenticator app to continue.
Login.VerificationErrorEmail Incorrect verification code.
Login.VerificationPlaceholder Verification code
Logout.ClientOutdated Your version of Ubisoft Connect is too old to connect to
the Ubisoft Connect servers. If the problem persists, please contact Ubisoft
Logout.ClientOutdatedTitle Your version of Ubisoft Connect is outdated
Logout.MultipleLogin Your account has been accessed from another location. This
may have an impact on your game.
Logout.MultipleLoginTitle You have been logged out
Logout.UserBanned Your account has been temporarily suspended due to multiple
failed login or activation attempts.
Main.ActivateProduct Activate a key
Main.Discover Discover
Main.EditAvatarButton Edit avatar
Main.GoOffline Go offline
Main.GoOnline Go online
Main.Logout Log out
Main.MyGames Games
Main.NewPatchAvailable An update has automatically been downloaded for Ubisoft
Connect. It will be installed once the application has been restarted.
Main.PrepareToLaunchGame Preparing to launch your game
Main.RestartAfterPatchButton Restart Ubisoft Connect
Main.Shop Store
Minor.CreateAccountRegistration.ConfirmEmailInvalidError Confirmed e-mail does
not match.
Minor.CreateAccountRegistration.ConfirmParentEmailDescription Confirm Parent’s
Contact E-mail
Minor.CreateAccountRegistration.NameInvalidError This field is required.
Minor.CreateAccountRegistration.ParentEmailDescription Parent’s Contact E-mail
Minor.CreateAccountRegistration.Text You need to ask your parent/legal
guardian to create your account. Enter the information below to request your
Minor.CreateAccountRegistration.YourNameDescription Your Name
Minor.CreateAccountRegistration.YourNamePlaceholder Name
Minor.CreateUsername.ConfirmUsernameDescription Confirm Your Username
Minor.CreateUsername.ConfirmUsernameInvalidError Username does not match.
Minor.CreateUsername.Header Create your username
Minor.CreateUsername.Text Create a username for your Ubisoft Connect profile.
You will be able to change it again in 30 days, if you wish.
Minor.CreateUsername.YourUsernameDescription Your Username
Minor.RequestSent.Header Your request has been sent to your parent/legal
Minor.RequestSent.Text We’ve sent your parent/legal guardian an e-mail with a link
to create your account. You will receive a confirmation e-mail once your account
has been created.
Minor.RequestSentFailed.Header Your request cannot be completed
MyGames.AdditionalContentWithoutBaseGame Additional content you own, without
owning the base game
News.FilterOnboarding Customize your newsfeed
News.LinkErrorHeader The link you just followed seems to be broken!
News.LinkErrorText We’ll get that fixed. Please try again later.
News.LoadErrorHeader Looks like we can’t fetch the news right now!
News.LoadErrorText We’re sure it'll be back soon, so please refresh the page,
or try again later.
News.NextArticle Next article
News.PreviousArticle Previous article
News.ViewAll View all news
NoAccess.Google.Link No access to Google Authenticator
NoAccess.Google.Title No access to Google Authenticator
NoVerificationCode.ContactSupport If you no longer have access to your recovery
codes, please reach out to __LINK_UBISOFT_SUPPORT__ for help deactivating the
NoVerificationCode.Description If you cannot access your verification method,
please use one of __LINK_RECOVERY_CODES__ that were sent to your e-mail address
when you set up your 2-step verification.
NoVerificationCode.Header I do not have a verification code
NoVerificationCode.Link I do not have a verification code
NoVerificationCode.RecoveryCode.Link the six recovery codes
Notification.DesktopShortcutCreated A desktop shortcut for
__REPLACE_ME_WITH_GAME_NAME__ has been created.
Notification.DownloadComplete __GAME_NAME__ has finished downloading
Notification.DownloadCompleteDescription __REPLACE_ME_WITH_GAME_NAME__ download
Notification.FriendGameText is playing __GAME_NAME__
Notification.FriendOnline.ChatLink Start chat
Notification.FriendOnline.Header __FRIEND_NAME__ is online
Notification.FriendRequestSentToUser A friend request has been sent to
Notification.GameInviteSent Game invite sent to __USERNAME__
Notification.GamePatchAvailable An update for __GAME_NAME__ is available
Notification.GameTrialEndingIn15MinDescription Your free trial of __GAME_NAME__
will expire in 15 minutes
Notification.GameTrialEndingIn5MinDescription Your free trial of __GAME_NAME__
will expire in 5 minutes
Notification.GroupGameInviteSent Game invite has been sent to __GROUP_NAME__
Notification.GroupInvite __USER_NAME__ has invited you to join __GROUP_NAME__
Notification.GroupInvite.NoGroupName You have been invited to join a group.
Notification.GroupInviteDenied ___USERNAME___ tried to add you to a group. For
your protection, this feature is age restricted.
Notification.GroupMultipleInviteDenied Other players tried to add you to
multiple groups. For your protection, this feature is age restricted.
Notification.GroupMultipleInvites You have __COUNT__ pending group invite(s)
Notification.InstallComplete __GAME_NAME__ has finished installing
Notification.InstallWrongDiscInsertedDescription Wrong disc inserted, please
insert disc __DISC_NUMBER__.
Notification.OfflineMessages You have __COUNT__ unread message(s)
Notification.PlayAvailable __GAME_NAME__ is ready to play
Notification.RewardRedeemed You have unlocked __REWARD__ for __GAME_NAME__
Notifications.Empty No notifications
Oculus.ErrorClaimedAlready This product has already been claimed by
__CLAIMING_USER__. If you feel this is wrong, please contact customer support.
Oculus.GenericError There was a problem authenticating the ownership of this
product. Please contact customer support if you need help in solving this problem.
OculusAccountLinking.Description Launching a game from the Oculus client
requires that your Ubisoft and Oculus accounts are linked.
OculusAccountLinking.Title Your Ubisoft and Oculus accounts will now be linked
OculusAccountLinking.UnlinkDescription Accounts can be unlinked at any time via
the Ubisoft Account Management website, but the games will remain bound to this
Ubisoft account.
OfflineLaunch.DialogueButtonKeep Keep Setting
OfflineLaunch.DialogueButtonRemove Remove Setting
OfflineLaunch.DialogueHeader Do you still want to always start offline?
OfflineLaunch.DialogueText “Always Start Ubisoft Connect in Offline Mode” is
currently active. Please choose if you would like to keep this setting or remove
OrbitApi.StartGameAlertCaption Problem starting the game.
OrbitApi.StartGameAlertText There was a problem starting your game. Please make
sure you have no other games running that are using Ubisoft Connect. If the problem
persists, try reinstalling the game.
Overlay.ActivateProduct.ContentAdded has been added to your account.
Overlay.ActivateProduct.ExtraDataInfo You may have to download additional data
before you can access this content in your game.
Overlay.BackToGame Back to game (Shift + F2)
Overlay.InGame.PartyHeader Party
Overlay.Party.PlayerCount Party members (__PLAYERS__)
Overlay.Party.Title __NAME__ party
Overlay.PartyInformationHeader Start a party to chat!
Overlay.PartyInformationText Get together with your friends and chat. Enjoy your
favorite games together!
Overlay.PartyInviteHeader __FRIEND_NAME__ has invited you to join a party to
play __GAME_NAME__ !
Overlay.PartyNoFriends No friends are in your party
Overlay.ScreenshotSaveFailed Screenshot could not be saved. Please check that
there's sufficient free space in your screenshot storage location, and that you
have permission to write to the disk.
Overlay.ScreenshotSaved Screenshot saved
Overlay.StartParty Start party
OverlayRequiredWarning.DoNotShowAgain Do not show this message again
OverlayRequiredWarning.EnableHint You can enable the in-game overlay in the
general settings menu at any time.
OverlayRequiredWarning.MergedText Starting the game without the Ubisoft Connect
in-game overlay enabled may prevent you from accessing all the features of the
game. You can enable the in-game overlay in the general settings at any time.
OverlayRequiredWarning.StartButton Launch Game (not recommended)
OverlayRequiredWarning.Text Starting the game without the Ubisoft Connect in-game
overlay enabled may prevent you from accessing all the features of the game.
OverlayRequiredWarning.Title In-game overlay disabled
PartyChat.WaitingForPlayersToJoin Waiting for players to join the party
PartyPanel.ContextMenu.LeaveParty Leave party
PartyPanel.ContextMenu.PromoteToLeader Promote to Party Leader
PartyPanel.Header Party
PartyPanel.Invite.InviteButton Invite to party
PartyPanel.PartyLeaderLabel Party Leader
PartyPanel.PartyMemberLabel Party member
Patch.Looking Looking for patches
Patch.Restarting Restarting…
PatchingLauncher.Header Updating Ubisoft Connect
PatchingPlatform.Failed.Description Something went wrong while attempting to update
Ubisoft Connect to the latest version. You can either try again, or choose to skip
the update for now. Alternatively, you can try to manually update your client via
PatchingPlatform.Failed.Header Ubisoft Connect update failed
PcBang.Acquire Acquiring PC Bang content…
PcBang.Expired The PC Bang points for this game have been exhausted. To receive
PC Bang benefits, the PC Bang you're playing at must have PC Bang points. Please
ask the PC Bang employees for assistance.
PcBang.Games PC Bang Games
PcBang.ModeOff PC Bang Mode OFF
PcBang.ModeOn PC Bang Mode ON
PcBang.TryAgain1 You can try again by pressing the "try again" button. If the game
still doesn't run, you can play the game without benefits by pressing the
"continue" button.
PcBang.TryAgain2 You can try again by pressing the "try again" button.
PcBang.Unavailable The PC Bang service is currently unavailable. During this
time, you may not have access to all of your PC Bang content.
PcBang.Version PC Bang Version
PcBang.WentWrong You currently cannot receive PC bang benefits.
PcBang.WentWrong1 1. System maintenance is ongoing.
PcBang.WentWrong2 2. Something else has gone wrong, so you cannot receive your PC
Bang benefits.
PendingDeactivation.CancelClosureDescription We’ve sent you an e-mail with a
link to cancel your account closure.
PendingDeactivation.CancelClosureHeader Cancel account closure
PendingDeactivation.Description Your account is currently suspended, either due
to inactivity, or as part of a closure request on your behalf.
PendingDeactivation.PromptHeader We're unable to log you into your account
PendingDeactivation.byGuardian.Description1 Your young player account is
currently suspended due to inactivity or a closure request by your legal guardian.
PendingDeactivation.byGuardian.Description2 Only your legal guardian can cancel
the closure of this account.
PersistentClient.ExitLabel Exit application
PersistentClient.MinimizeToTrayDescription Ubisoft Connect will continue
running in the background to ensure quicker access to your games.
PersistentClient.MinimizeToTrayLabel Minimize to tray (Recommended)
PersistentClient.SelectClosingBehavior Please select what should happen when you
close Ubisoft Connect:
Platform.YoureOffline Ubisoft Connect is in offline mode. Some games and services
are only available in online mode. Please enter online mode to access all Ubisoft
Connect features.
PlayerStats.VisitWebsite Visit the website to see all stats
PrepareDownload.InstallingGame Installing __GAME_NAME__
Profile.Edit Edit my profile
Profile.NoClubGamesHeader Your games will appear here
Profile.NoClubGamesText Playing Ubisoft games will earn you Experience Points and
Units, which you can use to purchase exclusive Rewards and access unique content.
The progress and stats for your Ubisoft games will appear on this page.
Promotab.OnboardingE3Text Get all the E3 news here!
QuitWarningDialog.Header Shutdown
QuitWarningDialog.NoButton Cancel
QuitWarningDialog.WarningMessage Closing Ubisoft Connect while a game is running
may have adverse effects on your game. We recommend exiting __GAME_RUNNING__ before
trying to close Ubisoft Connect. Though it is not advisable, you may "Force Quit"
Ubisoft Connect here.
QuitWarningDialog.YesButton Force Quit
RecoveryCode.MoreInfo.Link What are recovery codes?
RememberDevice.LimitReached The amount of trusted devices has reached the maximum
allowed limit. __MANAGE__
RememberDevice.SupportText You will no longer need to use a verification code
when logging in with this device.
RememberMe.SupportText In the future, this computer will remember your username
and password
RemoteEvent.AllowGamepadControl Allow gamepad control
RemoteEvent.AllowKbMouseControl Allow keyboard/mouse control
RemoteEvent.BandwidthUsage Bandwidth usage
RemoteEvent.Connected Connected
RemoteEvent.ConnectionInProgress Connection in progress
RemoteEvent.ConnectionStatus Connection status
RemoteEvent.ControllingThisDesktop Controlling this desktop
RemoteEvent.Controls Controls
RemoteEvent.DecodingLatency Decoding latency
RemoteEvent.Details Details
RemoteEvent.Disconnect Disconnect
RemoteEvent.EncodingLatency Encoding latency
RemoteEvent.Error Error
RemoteEvent.Error.GuestDisconnection Guest has been disconnected
RemoteEvent.Error.GuestTimeout Guest timed out
RemoteEvent.Error.InitializationFailed Initialization failed
RemoteEvent.Error.InvitationFailed Invitation sending failed
RemoteEvent.FriendWillHaveFullControl __NAME__ will have full desktop control
to showcase a game to a guest
RemoteEvent.GiveDesktopControl Give desktop control
RemoteEvent.InvitationAwaiting Invitation waiting
RemoteEvent.InviteFriend Invite a friend
RemoteEvent.InviteFriendToStart Invite a friend to start
RemoteEvent.InviteToStreaming Invite to stream
RemoteEvent.Menu.Invite Invite
RemoteEvent.Menu.Settings Settings
RemoteEvent.Menu.Streaming Streaming
RemoteEvent.NetworkLatency Network latency
RemoteEvent.None None
RemoteEvent.OnlyWhenUsingApplication Only when using application
RemoteEvent.PacketLoss Packet loss
RemoteEvent.Quality.High High
RemoteEvent.Quality.Medium Medium
RemoteEvent.RecommendDisconnectToSeeGuests We recommend you disconnect the
current guest to see the list
RemoteEvent.ScreenSharing Screen Sharing
RemoteEvent.SeeAnyway See anyway
RemoteEvent.SelectApplication Select an application
RemoteEvent.StartStreaming Start streaming
RemoteEvent.StreamIsActive Stream is active. Do you want to stop streaming and
close this window?
RemoteEvent.StreamingQuality Streaming quality
RemoteEvent.StreamingTo Streaming to
RemoteEvent.YouAreNotStreaming You are not currently streaming
RemoteEvent.YouWillLoseControl __NAME__, you will lose control on this desktop
RemotePlay.EnableAction Yes, enable Remote Play
RemotePlay.EnableSubText1 You must enable Remote Play to play games on your
RemotePlay.EnableSubText2 This can be toggled on or off in the Ubisoft Connect
desktop app's settings.
RemotePlay.EnableTitle But first…
RemotePlay.FaqLinkToWebsite Remote Play FAQs
RemotePlay.FaqTitle Need help?
RemotePlay.FaqTitleSubText We have answers. Visit our FAQ.
RemotePlay.FooterNotification You've enabled Remote Play on all your games that
support it. You can toggle it off in your settings
RemotePlay.FooterNotification.GoToSettings Go to settings
RemotePlay.LinkToPlayStore Google play store
RemotePlay.Metrics.Latency Latency
RemotePlay.Metrics.MS ms
RemotePlay.Metrics.Network Network
RemotePlay.Metrics.Status.Fair Fair
RemotePlay.Metrics.Status.Good Good
RemotePlay.Metrics.Status.Poor Poor
RemotePlay.ScanAndPlaySubText Scan this QR code with your mobile device to start
Remote Play
RemotePlay.ScanAndPlayTitle Scan and play
RemotePlay.Session.CurrentlyStreaming Currently streaming
RemotePlay.Session.NoOngoing No ongoing session
RemotePlay.Session.Status Remote Play session
RetailInstaller.InitFailureHeader Failed to install game
Rewards.Download Download
Rewards.MaxUnlocksReached Max unlocks reached
Rewards.RedeemForAmount Get it for __UNIT__
Rewards.RedeemFree Get it for free
Rewards.RedeemFromLauncher You can download this reward from within the Ubisoft
Connect application.
Rewards.RedeemNeed Earn more Units to unlock this Reward.
Rewards.ServiceUnavailable Rewards are unavailable at the moment. If the problem
persists please contact Ubisoft Support.
Rewards.UnlockMultipleTimes Unlock multiple times:
Rewards.UnlockXTimes __NUMBER__X for __COST__
Rewards.UnlocksLeft Unlocks left: __NUMBER__
Rewards.UnlocksRemaining Unlock this reward __NUMBER__ times
SavingOptInFailed.Header Error saving preferences
SavingOptInFailed.Info Something went wrong while saving your preferences. As a
result, they've been set to default. If you would like to change your settings,
please visit the Ubisoft account management website.
SecurityPhoneNumber.CountryPlaceholder Country
SecurityPhoneNumber.Header Security phone number
SecurityPhoneNumber.InputInvalid Phone number is not valid.
SecurityPhoneNumber.InputRequired Phone number is required.
SecurityPhoneNumber.Intro Recover your account by receiving verification codes
on your phone. This phone number will be used for security and authentication
purposes only.
SecurityPhoneNumber.InvalidVerificationCode The verification code is invalid or
has expired.
SecurityPhoneNumber.PNAlreadyUsed This phone number has already been added to
another account.
SecurityPhoneNumber.PNCantBeUsed This phone number cannot be added to your
account. Please use another one.
SecurityPhoneNumber.PNPlaceholder Phone number
SecurityPhoneNumber.ReceiveNewCode Click here to receive a new code
SecurityPhoneNumber.TooManyAttempts This action could not be processed due to too
many attempts being made in a short period of time. Please try again later.
SecurityPhoneNumber.VerificationCompleted This phone number has been successfully
added to your account.
SecurityPhoneNumber.VerificationStarted We’ve sent a verification code to your
phone number. Please enter the verification code in the field below.
Service.Initializing Initializing...
ServiceUnavailable.Failure A Ubisoft service is currently unavailable. Please
try again later.
Settings.AccountLinking.SteamReminder Remind me of account linking next time I
launch a Steam game
Settings.AutoPatchingGame Enable automatic updates for this game (if recently
Settings.AutoPatchingGlobal Enable automatic game updates for recently played
Settings.AutoWallPosts Enable social wall updates
Settings.BandwidthLimit Limit bandwidth usage
Settings.ChangeDownloadDirLabel Change
Settings.ChangeInstallerCachePathButton Change
Settings.ChangeProxy Change proxy settings
Settings.ChangeScreenshotsRootPathButton Change
Settings.ChatEnableTaskbarTabs Group conversations in a separate taskbar
Settings.CurrentGameInstallationPath Default game installation location
Settings.CurrentGameInstallationPathHelp Newer games will be installed to this
location by default
Settings.CurrentInstallerCacheHelp Installers for older games will be downloaded
Settings.CurrentInstallerCachePath Game installer cache location
Settings.CurrentScreenshotsRootPath Screenshots folder location
Settings.DeleteInstallersButton Delete all game installers
Settings.DeleteInstallersError Note: you cannot delete installers while a
download or installation is in progress.
Settings.DesktopNotificationsInfo Desktop notifications will be displayed in the
lower right hand corner of your screen when important events take place.
Settings.DontUploadCrashReports Do not send crash reports
Settings.DownloadLimitNone None
Settings.EnableAchievementsScreenshots Automatically take a screenshot when an
achievement is unlocked
Settings.EnableDesktopNotifications Enable desktop notifications
Settings.GameInstallationDefaultButton Default
Settings.InGameNotificationsInfo In-game notifications will be displayed as a
small pop-up at the edge of the screen, keeping you informed without interrupting
the action.
Settings.InGameSocial Enable in-game notifications
Settings.LandingPageGames Games
Settings.LandingPageLastPlayedGame Last played game
Settings.LandingPageNews News
Settings.LandingPageUplayPlus Ubisoft+
Settings.Language Interface language:
Settings.Language.arAA ‫العربية الموحدة‬
Settings.Language.arSA ‫العربية‬
Settings.Language.beBY Беларуская
Settings.Language.bgBG Български
Settings.Language.bnBD বাংলা
Settings.Language.bsBA Bosanski
Settings.Language.caES Català
Settings.Language.csCZ Čeština
Settings.Language.daDK Dansk
Settings.Language.deDE Deutsch
Settings.Language.elGR Ελληνικά
Settings.Language.enAU English (Australia)
Settings.Language.enBZ English (Belize)
Settings.Language.enCA English (Canadian)
Settings.Language.enCB English (Caribbean)
Settings.Language.enGB English (UK)
Settings.Language.enIE English (Ireland)
Settings.Language.enJM English (Jamaica)
Settings.Language.enNZ English (New Zealand)
Settings.Language.enPH English (Philippines)
Settings.Language.enTT English (Trinidad and Tobago)
Settings.Language.enUS English
Settings.Language.enZA English (South Africa)
Settings.Language.enZW English (Zimbabwe)
Settings.Language.es419 Español (LATAM)
Settings.Language.esES Español
Settings.Language.esMX Español (LATAM)
Settings.Language.etEE Eesti
Settings.Language.euES Euskara
Settings.Language.faIR ‫فارسی‬
Settings.Language.fiFI Suomi
Settings.Language.foFO Føroyskt
Settings.Language.frCA Français (Canadien)
Settings.Language.frFR Français
Settings.Language.glES Galego
Settings.Language.guIN ગુજરાતી
Settings.Language.heIL ‫עבְרִ ית‬ ִ
Settings.Language.hiIN हिन्दी
Settings.Language.hrHR Hrvatski
Settings.Language.huHU Magyar
Settings.Language.idID Bahasa Indonesia
Settings.Language.isIS Íslenska
Settings.Language.itIT Italiano
Settings.Language.jaJP 日本語
Settings.Language.knIN ಕನ್ನಡ
Settings.Language.koKO 한국어
Settings.Language.koKR 한국어
Settings.Language.ltLT Lietuvių kalba
Settings.Language.lvLV Latviešu valoda
Settings.Language.mkMK Македонски
Settings.Language.mnMN Монгол
Settings.Language.mrIN मराठी
Settings.Language.msMY Bahasa Melayu
Settings.Language.nbNO Norsk
Settings.Language.nlNL Nederlands
Settings.Language.nnNO Norsk (nynorsk)
Settings.Language.plPL Polski
Settings.Language.ptBR Português brasileiro
Settings.Language.ptPT Português
Settings.Language.roRO Română
Settings.Language.ruRU Русский
Settings.Language.saIN संस्कृ तम्
Settings.Language.skSK Slovenčina
Settings.Language.slSI Slovenščina
Settings.Language.srRS Српски језик
Settings.Language.svSE Svenska
Settings.Language.taIN தமிழ்
Settings.Language.teIN తెలుగు
Settings.Language.thTH ไทย
Settings.Language.trTR Türkçe
Settings.Language.ukUA Українська
Settings.Language.urPK ‫اردو‬
Settings.Language.viVN Tiếng Việt
Settings.Language.zhCN 简体中文
Settings.Language.zhTW 繁體中文
Settings.MainHeader Settings
Settings.MinimizeToTrayInfo If checked, Ubisoft Connect will continue running in
the background to ensure quicker access to your games.
Settings.MinimizeToTrayLabel Minimize Ubisoft Connect to the system tray when the
application window is closed
Settings.Need2FAVerification In order to unlink your Steam account, please close
Ubisoft Connect and log in again using 2-step verification, or with "remember
device" enabled.
Settings.NonFriendGameInvite Enable game invites from non-friends
Settings.NotificationAchievements An achievement is earned
Settings.NotificationChat A new chat message is received
Settings.NotificationClubChallenge A challenge has been completed
Settings.NotificationDownloadComplete A game has finished downloading
Settings.NotificationFriendGame A friend launches a game
Settings.NotificationFriendOnline A friend comes online
Settings.NotificationFriendRequest A friend request is received
Settings.NotificationGameInvite A friend invites you to a game
Settings.NotificationGamePatchAvailable A game update is available
Settings.NotificationGroupInvite A group invite has been received
Settings.NotificationPartyInvite A friend has invited you to a party
Settings.NotificationPlayAvailable A game is ready to play
Settings.OfflineMode Start Ubisoft Connect in Offline Mode
Settings.OptInForBeta Try out Preview Versions
Settings.OptInForBetaInfo Sign up to receive Preview Version updates, which
allow you to try out features that are still in development. You can go back to the
latest stable version by unchecking this box and restarting Ubisoft Connect.
Settings.OverlayDescription Enable in-game overlay for supported games
Settings.OverlayShiftF2 Shift + F2
Settings.OverlayShortcutDescription Press Shift + F2 while in game to activate the
Settings.PauseDownloadsOnGameLaunches Pause game downloads when playing a game
Settings.RemotePlayEnable.SubText If checked, you'll be able to stream games that
support Remote Play to your Android devices
Settings.RemotePlayEnable.Title Enable Remote Play
Settings.RestartForEffect You'll need to restart Ubisoft Connect in order for
language changes to take effect.
Settings.SaveScreenshotUncompressedCopy Save a lossless (.png) copy of
Settings.SavegameSync Enable cloud save synchronization for supported games
Settings.ScreenshotTaken A screenshot is taken
Settings.ScreenshotsHotkey Capture screenshot hotkey
Settings.SelectLandingPage Select the page that will be displayed after the
client is launched or reopened
Settings.ShowFPSCounter Display FPS counter in game
Settings.ShowNotificationsWhen Show notifications when:
Settings.ShowSpotlight Enable post game notifications for upcoming releases,
events, promotions and additions to my games.
Settings.StartOnWindowsStart Launch Ubisoft Connect when Windows starts
Settings.Tabs.AccountLinking Account Linking
Settings.Tabs.Downloads Downloads
Settings.Tabs.General General
Settings.Tabs.Network Network
Settings.Tabs.Notifications Notifications
Settings.Tabs.Other Other
SharePlay.CreateLink.Copy Copy
SharePlay.CreateLink.CreateNewLink Create new link
SharePlay.CreateLink.EnableOverlay Oops! You need to both start your game and have
the overlay feature active to start a session. Please start the game and activate
the overlay in the settings.
SharePlay.CreateLink.Error Something went wrong
SharePlay.CreateLink.GuestCapacityReached Cannot invite more guests. Session at max
SharePlay.CreateLink.InviteLinkExpired Invite link expired
SharePlay.CreateLink.PendingTime.Description Invite expires in 5 minutes
SharePlay.CreateLink.Retry Retry
SharePlay.CreateLink.StartGameFirst Game must be running in order to send invites
SharePlay.CreateLink.Title Create link
SharePlay.CreateLink.WithoutLink.Title Invite up to __MAX_GUESTS_ALLOWED__
guest(s) with a link you can share anywhere!
SharePlay.FAQ.Link Share Play FAQs
SharePlay.FAQ.Title Have more questions? Visit our FAQ on Ubisoft Support.
SharePlay.FriendList.GuestLimit One guest limit for Share Play session
SharePlay.Guest.CancelInvite Cancel invite
SharePlay.Guest.Guest Guest
SharePlay.Guest.RemoveGuest Remove guest
SharePlay.OnBoarding.Next Next
SharePlay.OnBoarding.OkGotIt Ok, Got It!
SharePlay.OnBoarding.Previous Previous
SharePlay.OnBoarding.ReadFaq Please read the FAQ.
SharePlay.OnBoarding.Skip Skip
SharePlay.Onboarding.Description1 Stream and give control of your game session
from your PC to one or more guests. They can play the game on a Windows compatible
PC or laptop.
SharePlay.Onboarding.Description2 Your guests do not need to own the game in
order to play. Share Play allows them to try your game session without download it.
SharePlay.Onboarding.Description2.NoLimit Your friend does not need to own the game
in order to play. Share Play allows your friend to try the game without any
downloads. You can invite a friend to as many sessions as you want.
SharePlay.Onboarding.Description2.One Your guests don't need to own the game in
order to play. Share Play allows them to try and play it in __TIME__ minute
sessions without any download. You can invite guests to as many sessions as you
SharePlay.Onboarding.Description3 Share Play sessions grant access to your game
saves and virtual currencies but not to your personal PC or Ubisoft Account. You
may override your guests' access at any time during the session by pressing <Shift
+ F2>. Actions taken by your guests during a Share Play Session are not revocable.
Guests may be held responsible for their actions during a Share Play Session.
SharePlay.Onboarding.Description4 Please note: for a successful Share Play
session, both players must meet the age requirement of the game, and have a stable
internet connection (10mpbs as a minimum recommendation). Time limitations also
SharePlay.Onboarding.Title1 What is Share Play?
SharePlay.Onboarding.Title2 How can my guests play?
SharePlay.Onboarding.Title3 What is shared?
SharePlay.Onboarding.Title4 Requirements
SharePlay.PageError.AnotherGameRunning.Description You can't send Share Play
invites while playing another game.
SharePlay.PageError.AnotherGameRunning.Title Another game is already running
SharePlay.PageError.AnotherStreamingSession.Description You can't send Share
Play invites during an ongoing streaming session.
SharePlay.PageError.AnotherStreamingSession.Title Another session is already
SharePlay.Participants.HostNick You
SharePlay.Participants.Title Participants
SharePlay.PostSession.Form.AudioIssue Audio issue
SharePlay.PostSession.Form.GuestPerformanceIssue Guest performance issue
SharePlay.PostSession.Form.HostPerformanceIssue Host performance issue
SharePlay.PostSession.Form.InputLag Input lag
SharePlay.PostSession.Form.InvitationFailed Invitation failed
SharePlay.PostSession.Form.Other Other
SharePlay.PostSession.Form.PoorConnection Poor connection
SharePlay.PostSession.Form.PoorGuestBehavior Poor guest behavior
SharePlay.PostSession.Form.VideoIssue Video issue
SharePlay.PostSession.GoToStore Go to Store
SharePlay.PostSession.HearAboutExp We want to hear about your Share Play
SharePlay.PostSession.LookingForMore Looking for more?
SharePlay.PostSession.PurchaseGame If you enjoyed playing __GAME_NAME__, you can
now purchase it!
SharePlay.PostSession.Send Send
SharePlay.PostSession.TellUsMore Please tell us more about your experience.
SharePlay.PostSession.Thanks Thanks for your feedback!
SharePlay.Session.CurrentlyStreaming Currently streaming
SharePlay.Session.EndSession End session
SharePlay.Session.GuestPaused Guest controls paused
SharePlay.Session.InviteGuest Invite up to __MAX_GUESTS_ALLOWED__ guest(s) to join
your session
SharePlay.Session.NoOngoing No ongoing Share Play session
SharePlay.Session.SharePlay Share play session
SharePlay.Session.Status Session status
SharePlay.WindowError.Close Close
SharePlay.WindowError.Description Can't join your own session.
SharePlay.WindowError.FAQ Share Play FAQ
SharePlay.WindowError.Title You are the host of this session, you can't join it
as a guest.
Shop.AddToCartError This item could not be added to the cart right now, please
try again.
Shop.AllDLC All DLC:
Shop.AllEditions All editions:
Shop.Discover Discover
Shop.ErrorHeader The Ubisoft Store is Currently Unavailable
Shop.ErrorText The Ubisoft Store is temporarily unavailable. If the problem
persists, please contact Ubisoft Support.
Shop.PriceFrom From __PRICE__
Shop.SupportLink Ubisoft Support
Stats.Title Stats
SteamAccountLinking.Description Linking accounts lets you get into the action
faster by automatically logging you into Ubisoft Connect when starting a game via
Steam. Ubisoft Connect does not store your Steam login information.
SteamOverlayRequiredWarning.Text Starting the game without the Steam in-game
overlay enabled may prevent you from accessing all the features of the game.
SteamOverlayRequiredWarning.Title Steam in-game overlay disabled
SteamPop.ActivationDescription This will bind the following products to your
Ubisoft account, __USER_NAME__ (__MAIL__):
SteamPop.ErrorClaimedAlready This product has already been claimed by
__CLAIMING_USER__. If you feel this is wrong, please contact customer support.
SteamPop.ErrorGeneric There was a problem authenticating the ownership of this
product. Please contact customer support if you need help in solving this problem.
Store.Checkout Checkout
Store.CheckoutBackToPayment Select another payment method
Store.CheckoutDismissProviderBrowserHeader Leave this page?
Store.CheckoutDismissProviderBrowserText Are you sure you want to exit this page?
<br>Unless you wish to cancel the payment, please double-check that your
transaction has been completed first.
Store.CheckoutErrorText Something has gone wrong, please try again in a few
Store.CheckoutProductNotFoundMessage The product you've selected is not
available in your country.
Store.CheckoutRedirectErrorText We were unable to process your payment at this
time. You have not been charged for this transaction. Please try again.
Store.CheckoutSuccessHeader Thank you for your purchase!
Store.CheckoutSuccessOwnership Your items are now available!
Store.CheckoutSuccessText Your transaction has been completed, and a
confirmation of your order has been sent to you via e-mail.
Store.CheckoutTermsOfSale By confirming my order, I agree to the <a>Terms of
Store.CheckoutUnknownErrorText Unfortunately, we experienced difficulties
receiving the payment information. If the transaction was successful, the purchased
items will be added to your account momentarily.
Store.CheckoutWaitingOwnership Adding your items to your account. This may
take a moment...
Store.CheckoutWaitingOwnershipTimeout This is taking longer than expected. If
the problem persists, please contact Ubisoft Support.
Store.CheckoutWithdrawalRights I hereby consent to immediate performance of
the contract and acknowledge that I will lose my right of withdrawal from the
contract once the download or streaming of the digital content has begun.
Store.ErrorGettingStoreInfo The store is currently unavailable. Please retry, or
come back later.
Store.GoToHomepage Go to store
Store.IncludingVat Including VAT
Store.LegalInfo © Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft and the
Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other
Store.LegalInformation Legal Information
Store.LocaleMismatchMessage We've noticed you're accessing this store from a
different country. You'll now be redirected to your country’s store. If you want to
update your local store preferences, you can do so in your Steam account settings.
Store.NoProductsAvailable There are no products available in your region at
this time
Store.OrderColor Color:
Store.OrderQuantity Quantity:
Store.OrderSize Size:
Store.OrderSummary Order summary
Store.Purchased Purchased
Store.RedirectMessage We've noticed you're accessing this store from a different
country. Would you like to switch to your country’s store?
Store.RedirectingToProvider Redirection in progress...
Store.SelectPayment Select payment method
Store.StockLevel Only __REPLACE_WITH_STOCKLEVEL__ left in stock
Store.StoreServiceOffline Something went wrong, please try again later.
Store.SwitchStore Switch store
Store.TagBundles Bundles
Store.TagCurrency Currency
Store.TagDLC DLC
Store.TagSeasonPass Season Pass
Store.TagSets Sets
Store.TagSkins Skins
Store.TagULC ULC
StoreFront.AddonsTitle DLC for your games
StoreFront.RecommendationsTitle Recommended games
StoreFront.ShowLess Show fewer items
StoreFront.ShowMore Show more items
StoreFront.TopPick Top pick for you
StorePage.Developer Developer:
StorePage.Genre Genre:
StorePage.Multiplayer Multiplayer:
StorePage.Overview Overview
StorePage.ReleaseDate Release date:
StorePage.Singleplayer Single player:
StorePage.SizeChart Size chart
StorePage.SystemRequirements System Requirements
Subscription.Active Your Ubisoft+ subscription is active.
Subscription.AvailableWith Available with
Subscription.Expired Your Ubisoft+ subscription has expired.
Subscription.ExpiredHeader Subscription expired
Subscription.ExpiredText Your Ubisoft+ subscription has expired. Please renew
to continue playing.
Subscription.FailureNoInternet Ubisoft+ is only available while connected to
the internet. Once your connection has been restored, you'll be able to launch your
Ubisoft+ games right away.
Subscription.GameNotIncluded This game is currently unavailable via subscriptions.
Subscription.GameUnavailableText This game and content is unavailable from your
current Ubisoft+ subscription.
Subscription.InactiveRibbon Your Ubisoft+ subscription is currently inactive.
Subscription.InactiveText Your Ubisoft+ subscription is currently inactive.
__LINE_BREAK__ <a> Re-activate subscription</a>
Subscription.Manage Manage your Ubisoft+ subscription.
Subscription.ManageButton Manage subscription
Subscription.MembershipStatus Membership status:
Subscription.MembershipStatusActive Active
Subscription.MembershipStatusExpired Expired
Subscription.Name Ubisoft+
Subscription.NoInternetHeader No internet connection
Subscription.Re-activateButton Re-activate subscription
Subscription.RenewButton Renew subscription
Subscription.UnavailableRibbon Some games are unavailable in your current
Ubisoft+ subscription.
Switch.GamePlayerSuspended You are currently suspended from playing this game
due to breaching the Terms of Use agreement. For more information, please contact
Ubisoft Support.
Switch.GenericError There was a problem starting your game. Please try again
later. If the problem persists, please contact Ubisoft Support.
Switch.LoginBanned Your account has been temporarily suspended due to multiple
failed login attempts. If you are having trouble logging into your account, please
try again later, or contact Ubisoft Support.
Switch.LoginPasswordRequired In the interest of account security, we require you
to update your password. Go to to update.
Switch.ServiceUnavailable A Ubisoft service is unavailable at the moment.
Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact Ubisoft Support.
ThirdPartyPlatform.DiskIsFullError You do not have enough disk space available.
Please free up some space on your hard drive and try again.
ThirdPartyPlatform.DownloadFailureHeader Failed to download __PLATFORM_NAME__
ThirdPartyPlatform.GenericDiskError Disk error while downloading the
__PLATFORM_NAME__ installer
ThirdPartyPlatform.GenericDownloadError Download failed. Please check that you
have an active connection to the internet and sufficient space on your hard drive,
then click retry to start the download again, or try again later.
ThirdPartyPlatform.InstallFailureHeader Failed to install __PLATFORM_NAME__
ThirdPartyPlatform.InstallFailureText Please refer to the __PLATFORM_NAME__
installer for more details
Tooltip.Common.MoreActions More actions
Tooltip.Library.GridView Grid view
Tooltip.Library.ListView List view
Tooltip.Library.TextView Text view
TrustedDevice.Check This is a trusted device
TwoStepCode.PromptTimeExpires Session has expired due to inactivity, please log in
TwoStepVerification.ActivateReason1 Strengthen the security of your Ubisoft account
by enabling 2-Step Verification with Google Authenticator.
TwoStepVerification.ActivateReason2 Add an extra layer of security to your Ubisoft
account by enabling 2-Step Verification with Google Authenticator.
TwoStepVerification.ActivateReason3 Further protect your Ubisoft account by
enabling 2-Step Verification with Google Authenticator.
TwoStepVerification.CheckBrowser.Description We've opened the Ubisoft Account
Management website where you can set up 2-Step Verification. Come back here to
continue once the setup is complete.
TwoStepVerification.CheckBrowser.Title Check your browser
TwoStepVerification.ClickToReceiveSmsCode Or click here to receive a code by SMS
TwoStepVerification.EnterCode Please enter the verification code in the field
TwoStepVerification.EnterEmailCode We've just sent you an e-mail containing a
security code to verify the ownership of your account. Please enter the
verification code in the field below:
TwoStepVerification.IncorrectVerificationCode Invalid verification code.
TwoStepVerification.InfoAuthenticator You've activated 2-Step Verification by
Google Authenticator.
TwoStepVerification.InfoEmail You've activated 2-Step Verification by e-mail.
TwoStepVerification.InfoEmail.MergedText You have activated 2-step verification by
e-mail. Please enter the verification code we sent to your e-mail address:
TwoStepVerification.InfoSms You've activated 2-step verification by SMS. Please
enter the verification code we sent to your phone number:
TwoStepVerification.NewCodeSent A new code has been sent to your e-mail
TwoStepVerification.NewSmsCodeSent A new code has been sent to your phone number!
TwoStepVerification.Onboarding.Description Add an extra layer of security to
your Ubisoft account by enabling 2-Step Verification with Google Authenticator, e-
mail, or SMS.
TwoStepVerification.Onboarding.Title Protect your account with 2-Step
TwoStepVerification.ReceiveNewCode Receive a new code.
TwoStepVerification.RecoveryCodesHint If you are unable to access Google
Authenticator, please enter one of your recovery codes in the verification field
instead. The codes were sent to you by e-mail when you activated 2-Step
TwoStepVerification.SetUp Set up 2-Step Verification
TwoStepVerification.StatusUpdateInfo You'll need to reopen this page to see
the changes to your 2-Step Verification status.
TwoStepVerification.Title 2-Step Verification
UplayMenu.AccountInformation Account information
UplayMenu.ChangeUser Change user
UplayMenu.GoOffline Go offline
UplayMenu.GoOnline Go online
UplayMenu.ReleaseNotes Release notes
UplayMenu.StoreBillingAddress Billing address
UplayMenu.StoreBillingInformation Payment information
UplayMenu.StoreHelp FAQ / Help
UplayMenu.StoreOrderHistory My orders
UplayMenu.Subscriptions My subscriptions
VerifyCode.Resend Resend verification code
VerifyEmail.EmailNotVerified Your e-mail has not been verified!
VerifyEmail.EmailSentFailed An error occurred while trying to send your request.
Please try again later.
VerifyEmail.EmailSentSuccess We've sent you an e-mail from
to enable you to verify your e-mail address.
VerifyEmail.EmailSentSuccess1 is sending an e-mail your way
with more information about how to verify your e-mail address.
VerifyEmail.EmailSentSuccess2 An e-mail is headed your way from with more information about how to verify your e-mail
VerifyEmail.PromptEmailSentHeader You're almost done
VerifyEmail.PromptHeader Verify your e-mail
VerifyEmail.Resend Resend verification e-mail
VerifyEmail.Verified Your e-mail address has been verified!
VerifyEmail.Verify Verify
VerifyEmail.VerifyLink Verify e-mail
VerifyEmail.VerifyReason In order to help keep your account secure, and enable
you to receive the most responsive support, please verify your e-mail address.
VerifyEmail.VerifyReason1 Improve your account’s security and make sure you’re
able to receive the most efficient support by verifying your e-mail address.
VerifyEmail.VerifyReason2 Verify your e-mail address to enhance your account’s
security and ensure you get efficient support.
VerifyEmail.VerifyReason3 Is your account information up to date? Make sure
your e-mail address is verified to help keep your account secure.
VerifyGame.Completed All game files have been successfully validated.
VerifyGame.Failed Failed to validate game files. Please try re-installing the game.
If the problem persists, please contact Ubisoft Support
VerifyGame.Header Verifying game files
VerifyGame.Initializing Initializing...
VerifyGame.Resolve Resolving files
VerifyGame.TotalProgress Total progress:
Videos.Title Videos
Wallet Ubisoft Wallet
Wallet.Activate.Link Activate your wallet
Wallet.AddFunds.Link Add funds
Wallet.CheckoutTerms By confirming my order, I agree to the <a>Terms of Sale</a>
and the <a>Wallet Terms</a>.
Wallet.ConfirmButton Confirm
Wallet.CurrencyMismatch Your wallet currency is not supported by the country you're
currently connected to.
Wallet.CustomerSupport.Link Customer Support
Wallet.Deactivated For security reasons, your wallet has been deactivated.
Wallet.FundsBalance Wallet funds: __BALANCE__
Wallet.IngamePayment.Confirm Confirm & Pay
Wallet.IngamePayment.Disclaimer <0/> Your Wallet Rewards cannot be used for in-
game purchases. <1>Learn more</1>
Wallet.IngamePayment.IncludingRewards Including Wallet Rewards <0/> {{amount}}
Wallet.IngamePayment.RemainingBalance Remaining Wallet Funds:
Wallet.IngamePayment.RewardsTitle Your Wallet Balance:
Wallet.IngamePayment.Title Payment via Express Wallet
Wallet.IngamePayment.TotalSum Total:
Wallet.IngamePayment.WalletBalance Wallet Balance:
Wallet.IngamePayment.WalletFunds Wallet funds:
Wallet.InsufficientFunds You have insufficient wallet funds for this purchase.
Wallet.LearnMore Learn more
Wallet.Payment Payment via Ubisoft Wallet
Wallet.RemainingFunds Remaining wallet funds: __REMAINING FUNDS BALANCE__
Wallet.ReviewOrder Review your order
Wallet.RewardsDisclaimer Your wallet rewards cannot be used for in-game
Wallet.RewardsExcluded Excluding wallet rewards __REWARDS BALANCE__
Wallet.RewardsIncluded Including wallet rewards __REWARDS BALANCE__
Wallet.SetUp Your wallet has not yet been activated.
Wallet.YourBalance Your wallet balance
WalletFunds Wallet funds
WalletRewards Wallet rewards
Win.MyGamesTitle My Games
Win.Owned Owned
Wishlist.Header Wishlist

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