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Candidate number: ……………………


Circle the most appropriate answer

1. When an individual is electrocuted severity of shock depends on except
A. Path of current through the body.
B. Individual ‘s body mass
C. Amount of current flowing through the body.
D. Length of time the body is in the circuit
2. The following are the types of electrical injuries which one is correct
A. Electric shock, electrocution, electric Arc and Arc blast
B. Electrocution, electric Arc, electric shock and Arc flash
C. Arc Flash, electric burn, electric shock and Arc blast
D. Electric shock, electric Arc, electrocution and Arc blast

3. The following are the types of electrical hazards except

A. Electric shock
B. Arc blast
C. Secondary injury
D. Electrocution

4. The following are the steps to ensure an electrical safe condition except
A. Disconnect the electricity from the circuit
B. Lock out placed on the disconnect
C. Tag out placed on the disconnect.
D. Remove an additional safety ground if you feel it is necessary.
5. The following are Arc approach boundaries except
A. Unlimited approach
B. Flash protection
C. Restricted approach
D. Prohibited approach

Candidate number: ……………………

6. People working in electrical plants are not allowed to wear the following clothings
A. Polyester
B. Cotton
C. Nylon
D. Rayon

7. ………… Are the number of types of electric burns according to fire safety
A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3

8. When the clothings catch fire the following principles are followed except
A. Pour water if available
B. Never stop were you are until you find the fire extinguisher
C. Drop to the ground
D. Rap a blanket around
9. Humans contract leptospirosis through contaminated
A. Urine
B. Faeces
C. Beef
D. Saliva
10. If you are working in the plant and you smell the gases, which one of the following
precautions should be followed
A. close cylinder valves and open burner knobs
B. Do not touch electric switches
C. If the smell persist call for help
D. Open cylinder and close the burner knobs

Candidate number: ……………………

11. Under the Public health act the components of border management includes all of the
following except.
A. Detection
B. Quarantine
C. inspection
D. Vaccinations
12. Anthrax is a life-threatening infectious disease caused by Bacillus anthracis that
normally affects
A. Animals
B. Human
C. A and B
D. None of the above

13. What is the incubation period for cutaneous anthrax?

A. 2 to 6 days
B. 2 to 5 days
C. 2 to 4 days
D. 2 to 3 days

14. What is the incubation period for inhalation anthrax?

A. 1 to 7 days
B. 1 to 8 days
C. 1 to 9 days
D. 1 to 10 days

15. Which of the following diseases is presumed to be the most wide spread zoonoses in the
A. Anthrax
B. Leptospirosis
C. Rabies
D. Brucellosis

Candidate number: ……………………

16. The following are precautions of first aid management of burn injuries except
A. Do not use ice blocks
B. Turmeric shouldn’t be used
C. Do not give anything by mouth as water
D. Do not use hot water

17. HIV/AIDS is a devastating health condition that affects every sphere of society
including workplaces, for this reason companies have formulated some policies and
programs that are aimed at removing stigma and discrimination and provide
information on benefits for infected or affected employees, which include the following
A. Non-discrimination
B. Confidentiality
C. Voluntary HIV Testing
D. Treatment is by choice
18.  According to workers' Compensation Act of the Laws of Zambia. ... Its main objective
is to compensate workers for disabilities suffered or diseases contracted during the
course of employment. Which Act is that?
A. Act No. 10 of 1999 of the Laws of Zambia.
B. Act No. 144 of 1999 of the laws of Zambia
C. Act No. 9 of 1999 of the laws of Zambia
D. Act No. 5 of 1999 of the laws of Zambia
19. According to Medical Assessment Board the percentage of disability required for
someone declared not fit for work and should be compensated by law is
A. 25% degree
B. 20% degree
C. 15% degree
D. 10% degree

Candidate number: …………………

20. The following are the types of surveillance except

A. Individual surveillance
B. Local population surveillance
C. National population surveillance
D. World surveillance
21. Surveillance information is very important and has many uses except
A. Monitoring disease trends
B. Describing natural history of diseases
C. Identifying pandemics.
D. Monitoring changes in infectious agents

22. When lifting heavy objects the following principles are followed except
A. Place your feet slightly apart with the leading leg forward.
B. Bend your knees keeping your back straight when picking heavy load.
C. Using both hands get a firm grip of the heavy object from underneath.
D. Don’t lift the object up and hold close to your body and don’t twist.

23. Which one of the following is not the appropriate employer’s responsibility to protect
the employees at their work place?
A. Supply PPEs to the employees.
B. Maintain and replenish PPEs all the time in the stores.
C. Train the staff in the correct use of PPEs
D. Identify risks when to use PPEs at work place.
24. Electricity regulation at work place covers the following except
A. Installation
B. Maintenance
C. The use of all equipment in the work place.

D. Removing equipment which are faulty

Candidate number: ……………

25. Employers must ensure that the employees are trained in the use of the company
equipment correctly and safely and ensure they understand the following except
A. Are trained how to use the equipment
B. Adjust your chair correctly
C. Take regular breaks and change the position.
D. Report any problems with your eyes or any aches and pains to your arms, wrists and
neck to your manager
26. Zoonoses diseases are classified in many way, which of the following is classified under
natural way?
A. Cylozooness diseases
B. Anthroposonotic diseases.
C. Direct anthropozoonoses diseases
D. Metazoonoses

27. In Non-obligatory Cyclozoonoses diseases man is not essential in the completion of its
life cycle.
A. Taeniosis
B. Trypanosomiasis
C. Leishmaniosis
D. Hydatidosis
28. Which one of the following diseases are transmitted by vertebrate host in which the
causative agent multiplies or develops or both cyclopropagative
A. Sapro zoonoses
B. Metazoonoses
C. Anthropozoonoses
D. Amphixenoses

Candidate number: …………………

29. The following are required to complete the life cycle of Sapro-meta-anthropozoonoses
A. Man and lower vertebrates host
B. Both non- animate, Invertebrate and non-vertebrate host
C. Lower vertebrate host and fomites
D. Non- vertebrate and lower vertebrate host
30. Which one of the following Zoonotic diseases is transmitted from human beings to the
lower vertebrate by direct contact with infected person or contaminated materials.
A. Direct Anthropozoonoses
B. Direct Zooanothroponoses
C. Direct Amphixenoses
D. Direct Cyclozoonoses
31. Which one of the following are the Health hazards threats that arises from the
A. Biological and Psychological
B. Physical and Chemical
C. Chemical and Biological
D. All the above

32. The following are the roles of the occupational health nurse
A. Work surveillance
B. Case management
C. Ethical monitoring
D. All the above
33. Which one of the following is the correct basic human right and freedom that belong to
every person in the world and they are based on the following principles

A. Dignity and kindness
B. kindness and Equality
C. Equality and Dignity
D. Respect and Equableness
Candidate number: ………………

34. Human rights protect you in your everyday life regardless of?
A. Who you are
B. Where you live
C. How you choose to live.
D. Where you work
35. Employees have basic rights at the work place except

A. Right to participate in the workplace health and safety

B. Right to refuse unsafe work.

C. Right to participate in the workplace health and safety activities through the Health and
Safety Committee (HSC).
D. Right as a worker, health and safety representative.
36. The employer has the Right to monitor communications within the workplace.
A. Emails
B. Internet access
C. All the above
D. None of the above

37. The available provisions on occupational safety and health of workers are found in
some specific parts of the constitution these are as follows except
A. Factory act
B. Occupational act
C. Pneumoconiosis act
D. Public health act

Candidate number: …………………

38. The factory Act that provides for the regulation of the conditions of employment in
factories and other places as regards to the safety, health and welfare of persons employed

A. The factories Act, Chapter 441

B. The factory Act, Chapter 414

C. The factory Act, Chapter 144

D. The factory Act, Chapter 114

39. HIV/AIDS is a devastating health condition that affects every sphere of society
including workplaces. It is of this reason that some companies are formulating policies and
programs that are aimed at following except

A. Removing stigma

B. Discrimination

C. Provide information on benefits for infected employees.

D. Provide incentives for the people living with HIV/AIDS at their work place

40. The following are precautions when dealing with electricity except
A. Always switch off at the mains before connecting or disconnecting any electrical appliance.
B. Dry hands thoroughly before using electrical equipment.
C. Check equipment that it looks clean and in good shape before using.
D. Use protective clothings such as gloves when handling necked wire

41. Anthrax was first recorded in Egypt which originated in?

A. 6,000 to 7,000 years ago in Mesopotamia
B. 5000 to 6000 years ago in Mesopotamia
C. 7000 to 8000 year ago in Mesopotamia
D. 4000 to 5000 year ago in Mesopotamia
Candidate number: ……………………

42. Anthrax can be transmitted to humans by contact with

A. Infected animals

B. infected dogs

C. infected cattle

D. infected pigs

43. Anthrax is classified into following forms of disease except.

A. Cutaneous anthrax
B. Respiration anthrax
C. Gastrointestinal anthrax
D. Injection anthrax
44. Leptospirosis has the incubation period ranging from?
A. 5 to 20 days
B. 2 to 30 days
C. 10 to 25 days
D. 7 to 21 days

45. Leptospirosis in humans and animals produce a wide range of symptoms except?

A. Kidney failure

B. Liver failure

C. Even death

D. Heart failure

Candidate number: ……………………

46. The bacteria that causes leptospirosis can exist in the following animals?
A. Raccoons, Bats and Sheep
B. Dogs, Mice and Rats
C. Horses, cattle, and pigs.
D. All the above
47. Occupational Health screening is a medical examination performed by
A. occupational Nurse
B. Occupational Health Physician.
C. Occupational Paramedics
D. Occupational Doctor

48. Typical screening and complete some paperwork in occupational health takes time
which is in ranges depending on the number of samples collected

A About one hour to conduct the screenings

B. About two hours to conduct the screenings

C. About three hours to conduct the screenings

D. About 4 hours to conduct the screenings

49. What happens at the screening health institution?
A. Mental state examination.
B. Eye screening for the sense of sight.
C. Nose screening for the sense of smelling.
D. All the above
50. Occupational health screening include all of the following except

A. Respirations, pulse and temperature.
B. Chest x-ray.
C. Legs are screened for varicose vein .
D. Establish whether the examiner is disabled or not.
Candidate number: ……………………

Column 1 Column 2
1 Sapro zoonoses A These are diseases that requires more than one
vertebrate host to complete the cycle, but
…… invertebrate host are not involved
2 Non obligatory B These requires both non-animate, invertebrate
Cyclozoonoses …… host and vertebrate host
3 Metazoonoses C These are diseases that are transmitted by
vertebrate host in which the causative agent
……. multiplies or develops or both
4 Obligatory This disease requires a non-animal object like
Cyclozoonoses soil, plants, organic matter, water, food to
…… D serve as a true reservoir of infection
5 Cyclozoonoses E Human beings are involved as accidental for
…… the completion of the life cycle
F Agents require essentially human beings to
complete the life cycle

Candidate number: …………………

Column 1 Column 2
1 Physical hazards …... A Intensity of activity
2 Mechanical hazards …... B Waste
3 Psychosocial hazards …... C Repetitive movement of hands and fore arm
4 Ergonomical hazards …... D Wrong working postures
5 Physiological hazards …... E Diseases
F Flow of Air

Column 1 Column 2
1. Metaloconiosis A Pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of mineral dust as
….. Calcium
2. Silicosis …. B Pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation metals as barium
3. Carboconiosis C Pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of mixed dust.
4. Silicatosis ….. D Pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of silicon dioxide
5. Anthrocosilicosis E pneumoconiosis, caused by inhalation of dust, composed of
F Pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of organic dust

Candidate number: ……………………

Column 1 Column 2
1 Electrical hazard A A dangerous condition associated with the possible release
….. of energy caused by contact energized conductors
2 Arc blast hazard ….. B Falls resulting from shock or electric Arc
3 Shock hazard C A dangerous condition such that contact or equipment
….. failure can result in flash burns
4 Arc flash hazard D The force send flying shrapnel and molten metal in a 270
….. degrees outward radius creating a blast
5 Secondary injury E A dangerous condition associated with the possible release
hazard ….. of energy caused by an energized electrical wire

Candidate number: ……………………

1. …… …………………………is defined as the ongoing systematic collection, collation,
analysis and interpretation of data and dissemination of information to those who need to
know in order that action is taken.

2. ……… ……………………….. are dangerous process or materials within a working

environment that result in harm to an employee.

3. …… ………………. is the other name for nuisance dust that contains less than 1%

4. Probability for an injury or occupational disease to occur is referred to as … ……………

5. … ……………………. and …… ………………….are the two types of Rabies

6. …… ………………… is regarded as the sum total space or confinement and its

constituents in which organisms live and operate.

7. … ……………………………. is the field of science that studies how the environment

influences human health and disease.

8. … ……………………………. is a term used to describe a range of checks and tests that

help identify risks to health and improve wellbeing among staff.

9. … ……………… are principles or rules to guide decisions and achieve rational

outcomes at the work place.

10. …… ………………………… a term used to describe a variety of employee

health screenings required by employers.

Candidate number: ……………………

11. The public health act demands that each food handler in Zambia should be examined
every ……………… months and deemed fit for practice by a qualified and licensed
health practitioner.

12. The field within nursing discipline that provides for, and deliver health and safety
programs and services to workers and community groups is referred to as ……
13. …… ………….. is the oldest and most feared zoonotic diseases known to mankind, is
an acute, progressive, and almost fatal encephalomyelitis

14. …fit to work/fitness to work…………………………is a medical assessment done when

an employer wishes to be sure an employee can safely do a specific job or task.

15. …… ………………………….is a strategy used in a population to identify the possible

presence of an as-yet-undiagnosed disease in individuals without signs or symptoms.

16. …………………………………… is a group of professionals who ascertain whether the

individual is able to continue or need compassion and retired on medical grounds.

17. ……… ………………………….is a form of insurance providing wage replacement and

medical benefits to employees injured in the course of employment in exchange for

18. …… ………………… and …… ………………… are the two types of Leptospirosis.

19. What does the letters WCFCB stands for …… …………………………………………

20. …………………… a serious zoonotic disease that can affect most mammals and
several species of birds, but is particularly important in herbivores.

21. Leptospirosis is a disease caused by bacteria called ………………………………….

Candidate number: ……………………

22. ………………………….. and ………………. Are two continents which are prone to
23. Rabies is transmitted to human beings through what media ……………………….
24. ………………………….. is the study and practice of cleanliness as a means of
promoting and maintaining good health standards and preventing disease
25. …………………………………….. Is the science and art which is devoted to the
recognition, evaluation and control of those environmental health factors which arise in
the workplace.
26. ……………………. is a branch of medicine that deals with a worker and occupationally
related diseases
27. ………………………………………. is a distinct branch of medicine concerned with the
provision of services of preventive, health and environmental management at work place
28. Anything that causes peril or liability of exposure to harm is referred to us ……………
29. R.P.C stands for …………………………………………………………………………
30. Solid particles ranging in size from below 1 μm up to around 100 μm, which may be or
become airborne, depending on their origin, physical characteristics and ambient
conditions is referred to as …………………….




1. As a public health worker you are scheduled to teach workers and employers of their
a) Write 5 rights of employees on occupational health and safety at a place of work 15%
b) Write 5 rights of employers on occupational health and safety that you will deliver to
them. 15%
c) In an event of emergency and outbreaks risk communication is crucial explain is involved
in risk communication .
Explain the some activities of an occupational nurse at a place of work,(company, health
facility or farm) 35%

2. Mr. Kaseya a 35 years old famer was brought to the hospital with
complaints of irritation in the eyes and not able to see properly and
thorough investigation a diagnosis of glaucoma was made.

a) Define occupational eye injuries 5marks

b) State 6 classification of occupational eye injuries 30marks
c) Discuss 5 preventive measures of eye injuries at work place 25marks
d) Explain the steps of policy development 40marks

3. You have been assigned to conduct an environmental risk

assessment and management at a work place.

A (i). Define risk assessment (5%)

(ii). Define safty risk management (5%)

Iii define preventive occupation (5%)

B .discuss the risk control hierarchy (25%)

C . explain six causes of accidents at the work place (30%)

D . discuss preventive occupational health under the following headings :

(i) primary prevention (15%)

(ii) secondary prevention (15%)



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