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Why Sign Language Should be Taught in Schools

Reading and Writing Skills

“Everyone deserves to have their voice heard.” Most people are unaware of the struggles of the
deaf and mute people in communicating with others because of their disabilities. One way that will
enable everyone to communicate well with them is to learn sign language. The deaf and mute
community are neglected, and they encounter inequality most of the time, that is why sign language
should be taught in schools — to promote awareness to the non-hearing and speech impaired, to
provide full access to communicating with them, and to make them feel that they are part of the society.

According to the world health statistics by World Health Organization in 2015, around 5% or 70
million people in the world are deaf and mute and because of this, the nondisabled people do not give
much importance to this pressing issue. That is why sign language should be taught in schools so that at
a young age, people would be aware of this concern. The people who are deaf and mute face numerous
barriers to accessing information and basic services like healthcare, security, and education as stated by
research by Human Rights Watch. Though they are shown as minorities, the people should give them
attention and importance as they fight more battles than others. Teaching sign language in schools
would make people aware and sensitive about this marginalized group. Another reason why sign
language should be taught in schools nowadays is due to those minorities who try hard to cope with
society given the fact they have trouble communicating. Communication is important because it helps
people express their feelings and share information.  These people with disabilities make use of devices
and technology instruments that would help them hear or speak, or they simply write or type on the
spot what they have to say so that others could understand them, which is inconvenient most of the
time. Therefore, teaching sign language in school would act as a bridge that connects us to the people
who have impaired speech and hearing. It is a great way for an individual to expand their
communication skills, and it will also lessen the burden on the disabled community. In addition, people
with disabilities are mostly the target of bullying and harassment.  They tend to encounter
discrimination, and barriers in education, employment, and social context, and this causes them to
confront financial and societal struggles as well as isolation. Learning sign language in school would be
therefore a great strategy to promote social inclusion and to take into account the challenges the
disabled people had to face. It would make them feel validated, respected, equally treated, and
meaningfully included in society.


To sum up, teaching sign language in schools is important as other subjects. Making this part of
the curriculum would promote awareness and sensitivity to the nondisabled people at a young age and
this would help everyone to communicate with them freely. Teaching sign language in school would also
promote social inclusivity and equality, and it would make them feel united despite their differences.

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