75 Most Important Error Detection Questions

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75 Important

Detection Qs


75 Important Error-Detection Questions Free PDF

Error detection is one of the most important topics in the English

language. In this pdf we have compiled top 75 error detection questions
for IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, IBPS SO, SBI PO, SBI clerk etc. exam.

1. Pakistan has for the first time admitted to the presence / b) of

India‟s most wanted terrorist, Dawood Ibrahim, / c) on its earth,
but has said that / d) he has now been chased out and could be in
the UAE. / e) No error
2. The Delhi Government will set up seven laboratories / b) in East
Delhi to test, verify and calibrate / c) the work and reference
standards of different types of balances, / d) weights and
measuring equipment used in shops or establishments. / e) No
3. a) Samajik Suvidha Sangam, also known as Mission Convergence, /
b) is the most unique initiative of NCT of Delhi / c) for holistic
empowerment of women from vulnerable and / d) most vulnerable
sections of society. / e) No error
4. a) The Supreme Court has sought a response of the Centre /
b) on a PIL seeking effective functioning of the / c) human rights
courts in the country / d) to further the cause of social justice. / e)
No error
5. a) Caught napping by the powerful mining Mafia after a bid / b) on
the life of the SDM, the police has now booked / c) the driver
of the tractor trolley and / d) filed an FIR against him. / e) No error
6. a) A letter of credit is a guarantee issued/ b) by the importer‟s bank
that it will honor/ c) payment up to certain amount of export
bills/ d) to the bank of the exporter./ e) No error.
7. a) A private company is one which/ b) restricts transfer of shares
and does not/ c) invite the public to/ d) subscribe its shares/ e)
No error.
8. a) The char bodies of two women / b) were recovered from a
burning pile / c) of dried cow dung / d)at Sultanpur village / e) No
9. a) A total of ten blocks will be on offer / b) in the third round of coal
auctions / c) Which will take place between / d) August 11 to
August 17. / e) No error.
10. a) The lay-offs come among the continued debate / b)
over immigration reform in the US / c) as the temporary work visas
are / d) at the center of a fierce debate in Congress. / e) No error.
11. a) Economic laws typically aims at balancing / b)
competing interests of various stakeholders / c) as well as interests
of government departments / d) charged with implementing such
laws. / e) No errors.
75 Important Error-Detection Questions Free PDF

12. a) On a separate occasion, the High Court rapped / b) the

Director-General of Police for forwarding a complaint / c) against
Raj to the state government / d) instead ordering an enquiry
into it. / e) No error.
13. a) A look at migration data suggests / b) that the number
of deaths do not / c) necessarily indicate the crisis / d) that is
being described / e) No error.
14. a) My elder brother is planning / b) to go abroad / c) as soon
as he will retire / d) in December next year / e) No error.
15. a) To provide two special economic zones / b) exclusively
for Indian investors / c) is a clear reflection of / d) Bangladesh‟s
positive intent. / e) No error.
16. a) With so many options lined up / b) in this competitive
world, one has to watch / c) out for a proper specialization and a
suitable institute / d) before deciding on anything / e) No error.
17. a) Widows by far outnumber widowers,/ b) because studies
show that women live longer/ c) than men and tend to marry/ d)
men older than them./ e) No error.
18. a) The three-day trip that India‟s Prime Minister, Narendra
Modi, made / b) to China is seen in some quarter / c) as a
chance to reset the relationship / d) between Asia‟s two giants / e)
No error.
19. a) For expecting the organization / b) to pay for the
transport / c) of the personal belongings / d) of the employee is not
fair / e) No error.
20. a) Yesterday my car ran out of gas,/ b) and then my phone
ran out of battery/ c) I was up a creek/d) without a paddle/ e) No
21. a) We couldn‟t set up the computer network/ b) ourselves,
so we are banking with/ c) an IT engineer from the university /
d) to set it up for us./ e) No error.
22. a) The decision has immediately drawn a sharp response / b)
from the Congress and the SP, who along with / c) other Opposition
parties have been stalling / d) the Bill‟s passage in the Rajya Sabha
/ e) No error.
23. a) A serial entrepreneur who made his first fortune / b) in the
early days of the world wide web / c) he has since helped find /
d) a solar power company to generate green electricity / e) No
24. a) Ahead of Modi‟s visit to Bangladesh, the External Affairs
Minister said / b) agreements on the contentious issue / c) of
sharing of river waters including that of Teesta / d) would not
be on the agenda / e) No error.
75 Important Error-Detection Questions Free PDF

25. a) Lakhdar Brahimi, the UN envoy / b) Syria, said that the

second round / c) of talks in Geneva has failed / d) to make
progress / e) No error.
26. a) Till 1970, India was among first nations / b) having
the highest quota with IMF / c) and due to this status India was
allotted / d) a permanent place in the Executive Board of Directors /
e) No error.
27. a) India has one of the largest / b) road network / c) in the
world, aggregating to / d) about 3.6 million kilometers at present /
e) No error.
28. a) Union members say that little thought / b) has been spared
for families of employees / c) who develops health issues owing
to / d) living and working in unhygienic conditions / e) No error.
29. a) The Superintendent of Dasna Jail in Ghaziabad said / b)
that Koli had been transferred from Dasna to Meerut Jail / c) as the
first had not facilities / d) to carry out the execution / e) No
30. a) Once the demand draft will be deposited / b) the
individual will be eligible / c) to participate in /d) the online bidding
process / e) No error.
31. a) The Delhi government has issued a notification / b)
allowing the opening of new wholesale markets / c) in the capital,
which will be outside / d) the purview of the three existing AMPC
markets /e) No error.
32. a) All government officials above the rank of undersecretary /
b) have been issued circulars by their respective ministries / c) to
ask them to attend yoga classes / d) in the run-up to the event /
e) No error.
33. a).One of the most essential and major asset / b). for
India right now is electricity, / c). therefore it is important that / d).
electricity should reach the end customer. / e). No error
34. a). It has been proven, time and time / b). again, that eggs
and dietary cholesterol / c). does not adversely affect / d).
cholesterol levels in the blood / e). No error
35. a). The man who killed an orthopedic surgeon, / b). his
domestic help and the later’s son said that / c). he was
unhappy with the unnecessary diagnostic tests / d). The surgeon
had recommended it to his daughter. / e). No error
36. a). “Love Jihad” had come to be / b). one of the latest
additions / c). to meaningless polarized debate / d). on a
sensitive issue. e). No errors.
37. a) The poverty estimates indicate that / b) the highest
poverty headcount ratio exist in Bihar / c) at fifty four percent
as against / d) the national average of thirty percent / e) No error.
75 Important Error-Detection Questions Free PDF

38. a) The predominant presence of the textile industry in

Indian economy / b) is manifested in its significant contribution to
/ c) industrial production, employment generation, / d) and foreign
exchange earnings. / e) No error
39. a) The only silver line to this recent crisis / (b) over
reservation was her successful handling / (c) of talks with other
OBC groups / (d) who make up 27 percent of the state‟s
population. / (e) No error.
40. a) With the crisis of depleting clean water sources / (b)
looming over us, / (c) considerable alternative sources/ (d) is
imperative. /(e) No error
41. a) The implementation of the Sixth Pay Commission / (b) in
2008-09 and resultant wage increase / (c) have had a positive
rub-off / (d) on sales in urban markets. / (e) No error.
42. a) The governments keenness to keep inflation beyond
check / (b) to provide room for the RBI to cut interest rates further
/ (c) may restrain it from providing any big relief / (d) to farmers by
way of higher MSPs. / (e) No error.
43. a) My teacher used to check that we were / (b) on the right
track and if any mistake occurred, / (c) he would help us to
analyze / (d) and resolve the issues. / (e) No error
44. a) Having a visionary and motivating leader, / (b) she
thinks out of the box and / (c) has her own style of doing things,
one of which / (d) is treating and respecting her employees as
assets, /(e) No error
45. a) The center accepted the report of a judicial commission /
(b) that indicated former chief minister / (c) and six of his
ministerial colleagues against corruption, / (d) favoritism,
nepotism and administrative impropriety. / (e) No error
46. a) Companies like Infosys are moving fast / (b) on
automation to ensure differentiation at a time / (c) where the
technology industry and business models / (d) are undergoing
rapid changes. / (e) No error
47. a) After weeks of talks, / b) the two parties failed to
resolving / c) their differences and the makers eventually / d)
decided to look for an alternative. / e) No error.
48. a) The states dependent on oil and gas revenues / b) are
growing increasingly anxious about / c) the ripple effect that falling
oil prices / d) may have on their local economies. / e) No error
49. a) Although ghost pepper is no longer / b) the most hottest
chilli in the world, / c) as India‟s species export, / d) it packs
quite a punch. /e) No error
50. a) Considering that a large part of the population in India /
(b) does not have access to banking services, / (c) payments banks
are expected to reach far-flung areas /(d) extending the umbrella of
financial inclusion to everyone. / (e) No error.
75 Important Error-Detection Questions Free PDF

51. Ancient artifacts are (1)/ a part of global heritage (2)/ and
should not be (3)/ sold to the highest bidder. (4)/No error.(5)
52. Most people like to(1) / rest after a day’s hard work (2)/ but
he seemed to have(3) / an inexhaustive supply of energy.
(4)/No error. (5)
53. None of the student(1) / in the class(2) / scored below
the(3) /given cut-off marks (4)./ No error (5
54. To be a king and(1) / wear a crown are (2)/ more
glamorous to (3)/ see than to bear.(4) / No error(5)
55. The climate (1)/ of Mumbai (2)/ is better than Hyderabad.
(3)/ No error (4)
56. He was for all (A)/ selling the car (B)/ and buying a bicycle.
(C)/ No error (D)
57. These companies have been asked 1)/ to furnish their
financial details 2)/ and information about 3)/ its board members.
4)/ No error 5).
58. The reason for (A)/ his failure is because (B)/ he did not
work hard. (C)/ No error (D)
59. This group of 1)/ rural achievers is very 2)/ different than
the 3)/ ones in the past. 4)/ No error 5).
60. Witnessed the young soldier’s ability 1)/ to repeatedly hit
bull’s eye at 2)/ arms training, instructors pushed him 3)/ to
participate in the Army marksmanship competition. 4)/ No error 5).
61. We were happy that (1)/ the audience responded well(2)/
and gave all the speakers (3)/ a patiently listening (4)/ No error (5)
62. The case was (1)/particularly challenging as the assailants
(2)/ had fled to an unknown destination (3)/ leaving up very few
clues (4)/ No error (5)
63. Airline managements should note (1)/ that the ultimate
passenger unfriendliness (2)/ is to have their planes crash (3)/ due
to the adopted of unsafe procedures (4)/ Ne error (5)
64. Many of the young people (1)/ studying abroad agreed that
(2)/ returning home was always (3) / an attractive option (4)/ No
error (5)
75 Important Error-Detection Questions Free PDF

65. Private companies which profits (1)/ have grown due to (2)/
the high price of oil (3)/ should offer discounts on cooking gas
(4)/ No error (5)
66. Despite taking steps to (1)/encourage foreign investment (2)/
there has been any (3)/ substantial improvement In our
economy (4)/ No error (5)
67. Ravi Shankar’s performance was given (1)/ a standing ovation
by the (2)/ people who has come to hear him. (3)/ No error (4)
68. India is one of the (1)/ biggest oil importers but (2)/ is this
practices good (3)/ for the country and Its people (4)/ No error
69. 1) The country has / 2) adequate laws but problems / 3) arise
when these are not / 4) implemented in letter and spirit. / 5) No
70. It is all well known that 1)/ women are generally in favor of
2)/ light topics like jokes and expressions 3)/ that causing
laughter all around . 4)/ No error 5).
71. 1) School children, who so far / 2) have had rationed access
to / 3) the few playgrounds on the city must be / 4) happy by
the recent move. / 5) No error.
72. The manager is having his problems (1)/ but we have
(2)/ ours as well. (3)/ No error (4)
73. We have taken on 1)/ the responsibility of 2)/ arranging the
required training 3)/and supervise the new staff. 4)/ No error
74. 1) A diamond jeweler’s peon/ 2) tipped off a gang / 3) about
the gold / 4) in his employer’s vault. / 5) No error.
75. 1) Acting on a tip-off / 2) the anti-robbery squad led / 3) by
inspectors laid / 4) a trap for the robbers. / 5) No error.
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