Farmer Saathi

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International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications,

Volume XIII, Issue VI, December. 20, ISSN 2321-3469

Sr. Asst. professor, Dept. of MCA,
Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (A), Hyderabad – 75. Telangana, India
E-Mail :

While agriculture's share in India's economy has progressively declined to less than 15% because of the
high development rates of the industrial and services sectors. First, almost seventy five percent of India's
families rely upon rural incomes. What's more, third, India's sustenance security depends on delivering
grain crops, as well as increasing its creation of fruits, vegetables and milk to satisfy the needs of a
developing populace with rising incomes. The target of the paper is to design an agriculture entrance
which provides solutions to farmers and stake holders of agriculture. The farmers can think about
government schemes and market data. Agriculture is a lifestyle, a convention, which, for a considerable
length of time, has shaped the idea, the viewpoint, and the way of life and monetary existence of the
general population of India. The appearance of present day technologies toward the start of the last
century has acquired improvement of various technologies, which has substantially increased the yields
of various crops[3]. This portal provides various documents related to Department of Agricultural
Research and Education, Grants, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga
Rejuvenation , Grants, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare and Department of
Animal Husbandry Dairying and Fisheries.
Keywords: Agriculture, Farmer, Rural Economy;




The agriculture sector in India is currently facing a difficult phase. India is moving towards an agriculture
emergency due to inadequate investment in irrigational and agriculture infrastructure, lack of attention,
ineffective land management, nongiven of fair prices to farmers for their crops and insufficient land
reform in India, etc. Food production and productivity in India is declining while its food consumption is
increasing. The situation has further been worsening due to use of food grains because of demand of bio
fuels. As India does not have ports and logistical systems for large - scale food imports, the solution of
import of food grains would be difficult. [6]

1.2 Problem Definition: By the use of ICT, India’s food production and productivity has been increased
for agricultural purposes. The developed nations are using technology of laser in place of tractors to
plough lands. This helps in optimizing the use of a range of inputs parameter such as water, seeds,
fertilizers, etc. The problem occurs here is that Indian farmers cannot pay for this technology. In addition,
power and electricity also cause a major problem for Indian farmers and choice of power like solar energy
panels, regulated and optimized by ICT. [9]
“E-Agriculture” is an emerging field in the connection of agricultural informatics, development and
entrepreneurship which is focusing to agricultural services, technology distribution and information
delivered or developed through the Internet and associated technologies. Specifically, it engages the
conceptualization, design, development, assessment and application of innovative ways to use active or
emerging information and ICTs. E-agriculture is a rising field for enhancing existing agriculture and food
security through enhanced processes for knowledge access and switch using information and
communication technologies. The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Plan of Action
comprises e-Agriculture as a region of function of information and communication technologies (ICTs).
In short e-Agriculture will connect all concerned persons starting from farmers to researchers together.
Farmers can get the desired information at any instant of time from any part of world and they can also
get the help from experts viewing their problem immediately by without moving anywhere.[2]

1.3 Overview of The Problem

The present systems are inadequate in providing information and advices to the needy farmers and
students. Often farmers are compelled to rely on local information sources and count on their own
experiences regarding crops and markets. Soil analysis is not done scientifically, with any authorities
available to authenticate data.[4]
The proposed system is a web based application through which farmers and students can access the
required information. The system maintains details of government loans and insurance schemes. The
system provides solutions to queries and problems faced by farmers. The system also helps students to
access the information for their research and academic purposes.

1.4 Existing system

The present systems are inadequate in providing information and advices to the needy farmers and
students. Often farmers are compelled to rely on local information sources and count on their own
experiences regarding crops and markets. Soil analysis is not done scientifically, with any authorities
available to authenticate data.[8]


International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications,
Volume XIII, Issue VI, December. 20, ISSN 2321-3469

The existing system is a manual system. Here the Students needs to save his information in the form of
excel sheets or Disk Drives. There is no sharing is possible if the data is in the form of paper or Disk
drives. The manual system gives us very less security for saving data; some data may be lost due to
mismanagement. It’s a limited system and fewer users friendly. Searching of particular information is
very critical it takes lot of time. The users cannot able to restrict the file sharing options. The users only
know his information only not others. It is very critical to share public information to all users.[1]

1.5 Problem Statement

To provide flexibility to the users, the interfaces have been developed that are accessible through a
browser. The GUI’S at the top level have been categorized as
 Administrative user interface
 The operational or generic user interface
The ‘administrative user interface’ concentrates on the consistent information that is practically, part of
the organizational activities and which needs proper authentication for the data collection. These
interfaces help the administrators with all the transactional states like Data insertion, Data deletion and
Date updation along with the extensive data search capabilities.
The ‘operational or generic user interface’ helps the end users of the system in transactions through the
existing data and required services.[5] The operational user interface also helps the ordinary users in
managing their own information in a customized manner as per the included flexibilities.


The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire
process keeping in the view of database integration approach. User Friendliness is provided in the
application with various controls provided by system Rich User Interface. The system makes the overall
project management much easier and flexible. It can be accessed over the Intranet. Various classes have
been used for file uploading and down loading. The user information files can be stored in centralized
database which can be maintained by the system. [7]This can give the good security for user information
because data is not in client machine. Authentication is provided for this application only registered users
can access. User can share is data to others, and also he can get data from others. There is no risk of data
management at any level while the project development is under process. Report generation features is
provided using crystal reports to generate different kind of reports.

General Public

General Public (i.e. Guest visitors) should able to access the site Home page, Registration Page, etc.
common pages of the site. This user should able to see the Forum discussion Queries only (answers can
be provided or will be viewed by the authorized users). Users should able to see the Website in their own
local language (like Telugu, English, Hindi, etc.) so that farmers can get the best of it. Foreign agriculture
experts/businessman being a User can send mail to Administrator to upload the information about their
tools and solutions.

Students (Farmers and Agriculture Students)



These users are authenticated to the website by providing the credentials which they got at the time of
registration. The User authentication process through Role Based Authentication. This user should able to
see the Forum discussion Queries and able to provide the answers. Should have facility to communicate
with other users like Students, Farmers and Agricultural Officers.


The User authentication process through a Role Based Authentication. He is the owner of the web site. He
should be able to provide new Articles, Analysis details of particular region, Government Loan details,
Insurance details etc. on the Home page. He should also have rights to accept the registration of the
Agricultural Officers based on their profile (unless the Agri. Officer should not able to login to the
site).Information about major crop markets (mandi) and their current price for crop should be published
daily. Awareness drive Government schemes specially loan and insurance based for farmers. Website
should support local language so that farmers can get the best of it.

Agricultural Officer

The User authentication process through a Web Service. These users are authenticated to the website by
providing the credentials which they got at the time of registration. He is the person who provides the
solution to the Queries given by the Farmers and Students of Agricultural studies. He is the person who
provides the Answers to the queries directly asked by the Farmers and Students of Agricultural studies.
He should have facility to communicating with others like Chat and email. He should also able to
participate in Discussion Forum to provide the query results. He should upload the basic Soil analysis for
all regions. He should publish Online Training schedules. He should also respond to the request for
Online Trainings from Farmers or Students.

The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules:
1. Administrator Module
2. Agriculture officer module
3. Farmer Module
4. Student Module
5. General User Module
1. Administrator module
Administrator does individual profile management from all kinds of users. Administrator coordinates
online query handling for all users. General queries are handles by administrator and specific queries are
forwarded to agriculture officers. Administrator facilitates communication between users, experts and
general public through forums, chat, mail and polls. Administrator is responsible to publish information
about major crop markets and their current price. Administrator also drives awareness about various
government schemes.
2. Agriculture officer module:
Agriculture officer conducts basic soil analysis for all regions and provides suggestions on which
fertilizers to use and in how much quantity. Officers also suggest which crop, herb or vegetable can be


International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications,
Volume XIII, Issue VI, December. 20, ISSN 2321-3469

grown in which area and in which season. Officers handle online queries from users. Officers can
schedule trainings and publish it online.
3. Farmer module
Farmers must register with the system to avail the services and access the information. Farmers can send
their queries to either administrator or officers. When possible, farmers can also interact with experts and
general public. Farmers can also post their views and opinions. Farmers can access soil analysis reports.
Farmers can request training online.
4. Student module
Students must register with the system to access information. Students can interact with officers and
experts to gain knowledge regarding agricultural practices. Students can access soil analysis reports.
Students can request training online.
5. General user module
General public include users, experts, businessmen and NGOs. Users can access general information
regarding agriculture sector. Experts and businessmen can upload the information about their tools and
solutions on chargeable basis. NGOs can schedule trainings and publish it online. NGOs try to spread
messages to make agriculture eco-friendly.




Handles on about
Queries crops/prices
Officers Students/Farmers
Farmers Saathi
Receiving/ Queries/services
Suggestions /Opinions

Fig 1 : Framework of Farmer Saathi




Fig 2: The output screen of various price list

Fig 3: The output screen of anlaysis

The above screens are the price lists of the items and also It provides information about soils, crops
suitable to particular region, location based on the information provided by the users.


Now most of countries use agricultural information systems to assist different users such as planters,
researchers, prospective investors, importers and exporters. In India despite having an agricultural based
economy does not have an complete and informative information system of this nature. This paper
described the design and development of a web based agricultural information system.


International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications,
Volume XIII, Issue VI, December. 20, ISSN 2321-3469


[1] Srivastava, U.K. “agro-processing industries: potential, constraints and tasks ahead.” Indian journal of
Agricultural Economics, 44(3), pp.242-256, 1989.
[2] Gandhi Vasant, Kumar Gauri and Mansh Robin, “agroindustry for rural and small farmer development:
issues and lessons for india”, indian food and agribusiness management review, volume2, pp. 331-344, 2001.
[3] Srivastava, U.K. “agro-processing industries: potential, constraints and tasksahead.” Indian journal of
Agricultural Economics, 44(3), pp.242-256, 1989.
[7] Sumitha Thankachan, Dr. S.Kirubakaran, “E-Agriculture Information Management System”, IJCSMC, Vol.
3, Issue. 5, May 2014, pg.599 – 607
[8] O.N.N. Fernando, G.N. Wikramanayake, “Web Based Agriculture Information System”.


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