Emailing Shambaugh-Surgery of The Ear

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Clinical Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
The George Washington University
Washington, D.C.
Former Chief of Clinical Trials Branch
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication
Bethesda, Maryland


Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
The Johns Hopkins University
University Distinguished Service Professor of
Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Baltimore, Maryland


Associate Professor, Department of Otology and Laryngology
Harvard Medical School
Department of Otolaryngology at Children's Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
Visiting Professor, Department of Otolaryngology
Tampere University Medical School, Tampere, Finland

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With many thanks to my ever-supportive

husband, William A. Wilson, MD, FACS.


With love and appreciation to my constantly

supportive wife, Lisa, and our children,
Emily and Sam. I also thank my mentors
for their wisdom and skill; my patients for
their insights and partnerships with us in
our collective quest to improve their lives;
and my colleagues and students for their
keen insights and dedication as we pursue
together the goal of increasing scientific
knowledge and advancing clinical care.


To my loving and wonderfully supportive

wife, Milja-Riitta and children Lara, Daniel,
and Sonja. Also to our teachers, who gave
us the foundations to serve our patients
and to our patients, who have been our
ultimate educators.



JULIUS LEMPERT (1890-1968) •

For e mo st advocate of the endaural

approach to the temporal bone. His
one-stage fenestration operation led to the
renaissance of reconstructive surgery for
conductive hea ring loss.

JOHN J. SHEA JR (BORN 1924) • Revived

stapedectomy more than half a century
after Blake and Jack, adding prosthetic
restoration of ossicular continuity from the
incus to tissue covering the oval window.


The "father of neurotology." He pioneered

the early diagnosis and translabyrinthine
removal of vestibular schwannomas and
the development of the cochlear implant.

(1903-1999} • Author of the first and
second editions of Surgery of the Ear and
senior coauthor of the third edition.


Editor of the fourth edition of

Surgery of the Ear and
co-editor of the fifth.

Foreword xi

Preface xiii

Contributors xv


1. Developmental Anatomy of the Temporal 9. Clinical Diagnosis 171
Bone and Skull Base 3 Matthew R. O'Malley, MD I
Aina]ulianna Gulya, MD, FACS David S. Haynes, MD
2. Anatomy of the Temporal Bone and 10. Audiologic Evaluation of Otologic/
Skull Base 29 Neurotologic Disease 189
Aina Julianna Gulya, MD, FACS Brad A. Stach, PhD
3. Acoustics and Mechanics of the 11. Vestibular Testing 223
Middle Ear 49
Dennis I. Bojrab, MD I
Saumil N. Merchant, MD I
Sanjay A. Bhansali, MD, FAGS I
John]. Rosowski, PhD
Travis }. Pfannenstiel, MD I B. Maya Kato, MD
4. Auditory Physiology: Inner Ear 73
12. Endoscopic Diagnosis and Surgery of
Veronika Starlinger, MD I Kinuko Masaki, PhD I
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction 245
Stefan Heller, PhD
Dennis S. Poe, MD, FAGS I
5. Neurophysiology: The Central Quinton Gopen, MD
Auditory System 85
13. Imaging of the Temporal Bone 255
Bradford]. May, PhD I Charles Limb, MD
Galdino E. Valvassori, MD I
6. Vestibular Physiology and Disorders Masoud Hemn-iati, MD
of the Labyrinth 113
Timothy E. Hullar, MD, FAGS I 14. Hearing Aids 281

Nathan C. Page, MD I Lloyd B. Minor, MD, FACS Brad A. Stach, PhD I

Virginia Ran1achandran, AuD
7. Genetics in Otology and Neurotology 137
Anil K. Lalwani, MD I 15. Tinnitus 293

Anand N. Mhatre, PhD Elina Kari, MD I Douglas E. Mattox, MD I

Pnwel]. ]astreboff. PhD, ScD, MBA
8. Tumor Biology 151
D. Bradley Welling, MD, PhD, FAGS I 16. Vestibular Rehabilitation 307
Mark D. Packer, MD Michael C. Schubert, PT, PhD



SURGERY 25. Pathology and Clinical Course of the
Inflammatory Diseases of the
17. Principles of Temporal Bone and
Middle Ear 425
Skull Base Surgery 319
Quinton Gopen, MD
Roberto A. Cueva, MD, FACS I
C. Gary Jackson, MD, FACS 26. Aural Complications of Otitis Media 437

18. Lasers in Otology 331

Arvind Kuma1; MD, FRCS I
Richard \!Viet, MD, FACS
S. George Lesinski, MD

19. Neurophysiologic Monitoring in Otologic/ 27. lntracranial Complications of

Neurotologic Surgery 349 Otitis Media 451

Roberto A. Cueva, MD, FACS I Samuel C. Levine, MD, FACS I

Gayle E. Hicks, PhD, DABNM Chris De Souza, M.D, FA.CS I
Michael f. Shinners, MD
20. Endoscope-Assisted Ear Surgery 359
Dennis S. Poe, MD, FACS 28. Tympanoplasty: Tympanic
Membrane Repair 465
21. Image-Guided Systems in Neurotology/ Aristides Athanasiadis-Sismanis, MD, .FACS
Skull Base Surgery 369
M. Miles Goldsmith, MD, FACS 29. Ossicular Chain Reconstruction 489
Aristides Athanasiadis-Sismanis, MD, FACS I
Dennis S. Poe, MD, FACS
30. Canal-Wall-Up Mastoidectomy 501
David S. Haynes, MD I Justin Wittkopf, MD
22. Diseases of the Auricle, External Auditory
Canal, and Tympanic Membrane 379 31. Open Cavity Mastoid Operations 515
Stephanie Moody Antonio, MD I John F. Kveton, MD, FACS
Barry Strasnick, MD, FACS
32. Surgery for Otosclerosis 529
23. Surgery for Cancer of the Ophir Handzel, MD, LLB I
External Ear 397 .Michael J. McKenna, MD
Keith A. Casper, MD I Myles Pensak, MD, FACS
33. Implantable Middle Ear and Bone
24. Surgery for Congenital Aural Atresia 413 Conduction Hearing Devices 547
Bradley W Kesse1; MD I Charles C. Della Santina, !v[D, PhD I
Robert A. Jahrsdoerfer, MD Lal-vrence R. Lustig, MD


34. Surgical Treatment of Peripheral 41. Surgery for Benign Tumors of the
Vestibular Disorders 563 Temporal Bone 729
Benjamin T Crane, MD, PhD I C. Gary Jackson, MD, FAGS I
John P Carey, MD I Lloyd B. Minor, MD, FAGS John P. Leonetti, MD I San1 J. Marz, MD

35. Cochlear Implants in Adults and 42. Surgery for Malignant Lesions 751
Children 583
Keith A. . Casper, MD I Myles Pensak, MD, FAGS
Peter S. Roland, MD
43. Prevention and Management of
Cerebrospinal Fluid Leaks 765

Appendix: Surgical Anatomy of the Temporal
PETROUS APEX Bone and Dissection Guide n1

36. Surgery of the Facial Nerve 619 Dennis I. Bojrab, MD I Ben J Balough, MD I

Bruce]. Gantz, MD I Samuel P. Gubbels, lvJD I Benjamin T Crane, l'vfD, PhD

Ravi N. San1y, MD Index 791

37. Vestibular Schwannoma 643
Mark D. Packer, MD I
D. Bradley Welling, MD, PhD, FAGS

38. Auditory Brainstem Implant 685

Steven R. Otto, MA I Derald E. Brackmann, MD I
William E. Hitselberger, MD I
Elizabeth H. Toh, MD I
Robert V. Shannon, PhD I
Lendra M. Friesen, MS

39. Stereotactic Radiosurgery and

Radiotherapy for Temporal Bone
Tumors 697
P. Ashley Wackym, MD, FAGS, PAAP I
Christina L. Runge-Sarnuelson, MD, PhD I
David R. Friedland, MD, PhD

40. Surgery for Cystic Lesions of the

Petrous Apex 711
Gordon B. Hughes, MD I
Joung Lee, MD I Paul M. Ruggieri, MD I
Martin J. Citardi, MD

When George Sha1nbaugh Jr. took 6 nionths off fron1 his busy 16-m1n 1novie can1era. These all ca1ne later through the
private practice of otology in the late 1950s to write the first efforts of Jack Urban, an engineer who worked directly with
edition of Surgery of the Ear, I doubt he had any idea that the House in Los Angeles. There were no CT, .tv1Rl, or PET scans
book would becon1e a classic text studied by generations of and n o surgical lasers. Audiology was li1nited to air and bone
young surgeons. conduction, speech discrin1ination, and the tone decay test.
A span of 50 years sees a inultitude of advances in any The ABR and acoustic en1issions had yet to be discovered.
medical specialty, and otology is no exception. That first edi­ The internet was decades away, as '"'ere personal cotnput­
tion was published in 1959 at the beginning of a new era in ers, laptops, cell phones, fax nlachines, and the nlultitude
otology ushered in by the likes of Samuel Rosen, John J. Shea of other high-tech devices we take for granted today. So in
Jr., and Willian1 F. House. Rosen's stapes 111obilization led to revie,..,,ing that first edition, I an1 struck by how sitnple it was
Shea's stapedecton1y, which galvanized the in1agination of every at the ti1ne. We couldn't i1nagine what '"'as to con1e. And as
otolaryngologist in the world. Then in 1960, William F. House a resident and later in tny fellowship, it all appeared a little
began his inonu1nental work on acoustic neuromas (vestibular daunting.
schwanno111as), establishing neurotology as a subspecialty now It is in1portant to update any inedical text on a regular
recognized by the An1erican Board of Otolaryngology-Head basis because science is not a static field. This current edition
and Neck Surgery. is far different from the 1959 one that I cut my teeth on. It has
House's contributions don1inated the literature in the fol­ been edited by three fine otologists, Julianna Gulya, Dennis Poe,
lowing decades. He developed the intact canal 'Nall n1astoid­ and Lloyd Minor. I'1n grateful to have had the opportunity to
ecto1ny, introduced the use of canal skin for tympanoplasty, work with each one of then1 as part of my fello,..,,ship progran1 in
established the endolyn1phatic shunt procedure for the control Nashville. This sixth edition reflects the current state of the art in
of the syn1pto111s of .tvleniere's disease, and fu1ally crowned his our specialty and includes a DVD with 30 video clips of current
accon1plishn1ents with his pioneering work on the first cochlear diagnostic procedures and surgical techniques. 'vV. B. Saunders
and brainsten1 implants. published the first few editions, B. C. Decker transitioned it into
In 1959 children born with profound hearing loss vvere des­ the 21st century and now a new publisher, PMPH-USA, Ltd, is
tined to spend their life in the deaf culture. They had to rely taking it forward. This is a classic that should continue on a
on American Sign Language to co1n1nunicate with each other regular basis.
and essentially never integrated into the hearing world. Now I atn grateful for the inany contributors who have inade
these children are provided with a cochlear in1plant at an early this edition so outstanding. At this point in tin1e, I sin1ply sit
age, learn to speak, and do remarkably well in a norn1al hearing back and inarvel at the intelligence and con11nit1nent of n1y
enviro11n1ent. younger colleagues. So, I dedicate this text to the1n. As Howard
Technology was vastly different back then. The Zeiss House was fond of saying, "our specialty is in the good hands of
operating inicroscope of 1959 had no viewing tube, TV, or inodern day Otonauts."

Michael E. Glasscock Ill, MD, FACS

Austin, TX


In his Preface to the Fifth Edition of Surgery of the Ear, lvlichael E. Glasscock III was indeed prescient i n his
prediction that updating would be needed \.vithin 6 to 8 years. Much has changed in otology/neurotology since
the last edition, and to remain relevant, this text reqt1ired change as well.
One major change, apparent on even the most casual inspection, is the addition of color illustrations. Also
updated and enhanced is the video DVD that accompanies the book-including 30 videos of important diag­
nostic and surgical procedures. The "Temporal Bone Dissection Guide Appendix" is updated with several nevv
Several new chapters have been added, for example, "Hearing Aids," "Vestibular Rehabilitation," and
"Tinnitus Rehabilitation," reflecting the in1portance of these management options in the armamentarium
of the neurotologist. T'vo other new chapters, "Tt1mor Biology" and "The Prevention and Management of
Cerebrospinal Flt1id Leaks," now consolidate information that was pre\riously scattered across several chapters,
enabling more efficient, targeted use of that information. Acknowledging the explosion of options available
to the surgeon, "Ossict1lar Reconstruction" and "Tympanoplasty" are now addressed in two distinct chapters.
Many other chapters have been extensively updated, incorporating the advances of the past 6 years.
We aspired to maintain the historic heritage of this classic text and continue the tradition established by
Drs. Glasscock and Shambaugh 'vhile updating chapters. This sixth edition remains a practical and con1pre­
hensive, yet n1anageable, reference in otology/neurotology that promises to be of great value to both experi­
enced st1rgeons and trainees preparing for board exams.

A. Julianna Gulya, MD, FACS

Lloyd B. Minor, MD, FACS
Den11is S. Poe, MD, FACS


Stephanie Moody Antonio, MD Derald E. Brackmann , MD

Assistant Professor, Department of Otolaryngology- Clinical .Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and
Head & Neck Surgery Neck Surgery/Neurological Surgery
Eastern Virginia Ivledical School University of Souther11 California School of Medici11e
Norfolk, VA President and Board of Directors
*Diseases of the Auricle, .External Auditory Canal, House Ear Institute
and Tympanic Membrane Los Angeles, CA
*Auditory Brainstem Jn1plant
Ben J. Balough , MD
Captain, Medical Core, United States Navy John P. Carey, MD
Sherman Department of Otolaryngology Associate Professor, Department of
Naval Medical Center Oto.laryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
San Diego, CA Johns Hopl<ins Medical Center
*Surgical Anaton1)' of the Ten1poral Bone and Baltimore, MD
Dissection Guide *Surgical Treatment of Peripheral Vestibular
Sanjay A . Bhansali, MD, FAGS
Ear Consultants of Georgia Keith A. Casper, MD
Atlanta, GA Assistant Professor, Department of
* Vestib1.ilar Testing Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center
Dennis I. Bojrab, MD
Cincinnati, OH
Michigan Ear Institute, Farmington Hi.lls, MT
*Surgery for Cancer of the External Ear
Chairman, Department of Otolaryngology,
*Surgery for Malignant Lesions
Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI
Oakland University School of Medicine Martin J. Citardi, MD
Rochester, MT Professor and Chair, Department of
Director, Neuroscience Center, Providence Otorhinolary11gology-Head & Neck Surgery
Park Hospital, Novi, MT University of Texas Medical School
Houston, TX
Clinical Professor, Department of Otolaryngology
*Surgery for Cystic Lesions of the Petrous Apex
and Neurosurgery, Wayne State University
Farmington Hills, MT Benjamin T. Crane, MD, PhD
* Vestibular Testing Assistant Professor, Department of Oto.laryngology
*Surgical Anatomy of the Temporal Bone and University of Rochester Medical Center
Dissection Guide Rochester, NY
*Surgical Treat111ent of· Peripheral Vestibular Disorders
*Surgical Anato111y of the Temporal Bone and
Dissection Guide


Roberto A. Cueva, MD, FAGS Lendra M. Friesen, MS

Regional Neurotologist/Skull Base Surgeo11, Southern Director of Cochlear Implant Research,
California Perma11ente Medical Group Department of Otolaryngology, Sunnybrook
Associate Clinical Professor/Volu11tary and Health Sciences Centre
Co-Director of Neurotology Fellowship Associate Scientist, Sunnybrook Research Institute
University of California .Associate Professor, Department of Oto.laryngology
San Diego, CA University of Toronto
*Principles of Temporal Bone and Skull Base Surgery Toronto, ON, Canada
* Neurophysiologic Monitoring in Otologic/ *Auditory Brainsten1 InipLant
Neurotologic Surgery
Bruce J. Gantz, MD
*Prevention and Management of Cerebrospinal
Professor and Chair, Department of Otolaryngology-
Fluid Leaks
Head & Neck Surgery
Christopher J. Danner, MD University of Jo,.va Hospitals and Clinics
Director of Clinical Research, Tampa Bay I-Iearing & Iowa City, TA
Balance Disorder Center * Surgery of the Facial Nerve
Associate Clinical Professor
M. Miles Goldsmith, MD, FAGS
Depart1nent of Co1n1nunicative Disorders
Georgia Ear Institute
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Savannah, GA
Associate Director of Prosper Meniere Society
*Image-Guided Systems in Neurotology!Skull Base Surgery
Little Rock, AR
*Prevention and Management of Cerebrospinal Quinton Gopen, MD
Fluid Leaks Instructor, Department of ()to logy and Laryngology
Harvard Medical School
Charles C. Della Santina, MD, PhD Department of Otolaryngology, Children's Hospital
Associate Professor of Otolaryngology-I-Iead & Boston, MA
Neck Surgery and Bion1edical Engineering * Endoscopic Diagnosis and Surgery of Eustachian
Director, Johns II
- opkins Vestibular Tube Dysfunction
Neuroengineering Lab *Pathology and Clinical Course Inflammatory
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Diseases of the Middle Ear
Balti1nore, MD
Samuel P. Gubbels, MD
*Implantable Middle Ear and Bone Conduction
.Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery,
Hearing Devices
Division of Otolaryngology
Chris De Souza, MD, FAGS University of Wisconsin
Visiting Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology, Madison, WI
State University of New York-Downstate *Surgery of the Facial Nerve
Medical Center
Aina Julianna Gulya, MD, FAGS
Brooklyn, NY
Clinical Professor of Otolaryngology-Head &
Consultant Otology Surgeon, Tata Memorial Hospital
Neck Surgery
Mun1bai, India
The George Washington University
* Intracranial Complications of Otitis Media
Washington, DC
David R . Friedland, MD, PhD Former Chief of Cl.inicaJ Trials Branch, National
Associate Professor and Chief, Divisio11 of Otology Institute on Deafness and Other Communication
ai1d Neuro-otologic Skull Base Surgery Disorders
Depart1ne11t of Otolaryi1gology and Bethesda, MD
Con1municatio11 Sciences * Developmental Anatomy of the Ten1poral
Medical College of Wisconsin Bone and Skull Base
Mil\.vaukee, WI *Anatomy of the Temporal Bone and Skull Base
* Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy for
Ten1poral Bone Tumors

Ophir Handzel, MD, LLB Timothy E. Hullar, MD, FACS

Department of Otolary11gology-Head & Assistant Professor, Department Otolaryngology­
Neck Surgery Head & Neck Surgery
Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Program
Tel-Aviv, Israel in Audiology & Communication Sciences
Surgery for Otosclerosis Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO
David S. Haynes, MD
* Vestibular Physiology and Disorders of the
Director, Division of Otology and Neurotology
The Otology Group of Vanderbilt
Neurotology Fellowship Progra1n Director, C. Gary Jackson, MD, FACS
Associate Professor, Department of Otolary11gology Nashville, TN
Associate Professor, Departxnent I-Iearing and *Principles of Te1nporal Bone and Skull Base Surger)'
Speech Sciences *Surgery for Benign Tumors of· the Ten1poral Bone
Va11derbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, TN Robert A. Jahrsdoerfer, MD
* Clinical Diagnosis Professor, Departm.ent of Otolaryngology-Head &
Neck Surgery
* Canal-Wall-Up Mastoidectomy
University of Virginia School of Medicine
Stefan Heller, PhD Charlottesv ille, VA
Associate Professor, Departxnent of Otolaryngology- *Surgery for Congenital Aural Atresia
I-Iead & Neck Surgery
Stanford U11iversity School of Medicine Pawel J. Jastreboff, PhD, ScD, MBA
Stanford, CA Professor, Department of Otolaryngology-Head &
*Auditory Physiology: Inner Ear Neck Surgery
Emory University School of Medicine
Masoud Hemmati, MD
Atlanta, GA
Professor and Chairma11, Departxnent of Radiology
University of Illinois
Chicago, IL Elina Kari, MD
*Imaging of the Ten1poral Bone Department of Otolaryngology-Head &
Neck Surgery
Gayle E. Hicks, PhD, DABNM Emory University School of Medicine
Diplomat of the American Board of Neurophysiologic
Atlanta, GA
Nlonitori11g, Atnerican Board of Audiology,
Board Certificatio11
Neurodynamics, Inc. B. Maya Kato, MD
San Diego, CA Michael R. Gatto & Associates
* Neurophysiologic Monitoring in Otologic/ Palm Springs, C A
Neurotologic Surgery * Vestibular Testing

William E. Hitselberger, MD Bradley W. Kesser, MD

Neurost1rgeo11 Associate Professor, Department of Otolaryngology-
Los Angeles, CA Head & Neck Surgery
*Auditory Brainstem Implant University of Virginia Health System
Charlottesville, VA
Gordon B. Hughes, MD *Surgery for Congenital Aural Atresia
Prograxn Director-Clinical Trials, Divisio11 of
Scientific Prograxns Arvind Kumar, MD, FRCS
National Institute on Deafness & Other Emeritus Professor, Department of Otolaryngology

Comn1unicatio11 Disorders University of Illinois

National Institutes of I-Iealth Adjunct Professor, Department of Otolaryngo!ogy

Bethesda, MD Northwestern University

*Surgery for Cystic Lesions of the Petrous Apex Chicago, IL

Ear Institute of Chicago
Hinsdale, TL
*Aural Co1nplications of Otitis .Media

John F. Kveton, MD, FACS Sam J. Marz, MD

Clinical Professor of Surgery (Otolaryngology) & Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, Otology,
Neurosurgery Neurotology, and Skull Base Surgery
Yale University School of Medicine Residency Program Director
.New Haven, CT Director of the Loyola I-Tearing Center
* Open Cavity Mastoid Operations Loyola University Medical Center
Maywood, IL
Anil K. Lalwani, MD
*Surgery for Benign Tumors of the Ten1.poral Bone
Professor, Department of Oto laryngology, Pediatrics,
Physiology & Neuroscience Kinuko Masaki, PhD
New York University School of Medici11e Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
Ne\v York, NY Stanford University School of Medicine
*Genetics in Otology and Neurotology Stanford, CA
*Auditory Physiology: lnner Ear
Joung Lee, MD
Professor of Surgery, Departrnent of Neurosurgery Douglas E. Mattox, MD
The Cleveland Clinic-Lerner College of Medicine Professor and William Chester Warren, Jr, MD
Cleveland, OI-I Chairrnan, Department of Otolaryngology-
*Surgery for Cystic Lesions of the Petrous Apex Head & Neck Surgery
Emory University School of Medicine
John P. Leonetti, MD
Atlanta, GA
Professor ru1d Vice-Chairman, Department of
� Tinnitis
Otolaryngology, Neurotology, Otology, and
Skull Base Surgery Bradford J. May, PhD
Co-di rector of the Loyola Center for Professor, Department of Otolaryngology-
Cranial Base Surgery l-Tead & Neck Surgery
Loyola University Medical Center Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Maywood, IL Baltin1ore, MD
*Surgery for Benign Tumors of the Ten1poral Bone *Neurophysiology: The Central Auditory System

S. George Lesinski, MD Michael J. McKenna, MD

Otologist, Queen City Ear/Nose/Throat Association Professor, Department of Otology & Laryngology
Director, Midwest Ear Foundation Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary
Cincinnati, OH Boston, M A
*Lasers in Otology *Surgery for Otosc/erosis

Samuel C. Levine, MD, FACS Saumil N. Merchant, MD

Professor, Otolaryngology and Neurosurgery Eliasen Professor of Otology and Laryngology

University of Minnesota l-Iarvard Medical School
Minneapolis, MN Di rector, Otopathology Laboratory and Co-director
* lntracranial Complications of Otitis Media Wallace Middle Ear Research Unit
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Charles Limb, MD Boston, MA
Associate Professor, Department of OtolarY11gology- * f\coustics and Mechanics of the Middle Ear
J-Iead and Neck Surgery
Anand N. Mhatre, PhD
Johns Hopkins U11iversity School of Medicine
Assistant Professor, Depart1nent of Otolaryngology,
Balti1nore, MD
and Physiology & Neuroscience
*Neurophysiology: The Central Auditory Systen1
New York University School of Medicine
Lawrence R. Lustig, MD New York, NY
Francis A. Sooy Professor, Depart1nent of *Genetics in Otology and Neurotology
Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
University of California-San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
* !111plantable Middle Ear and Bone Conduction
Hearing Devices

Lloyd B. Minor, MD, FACS Dennis S.Poe, MD, FACS

Provost and Senior Vice Preside11t for Academic Affairs Associate Professor, Department of Otolaryngology
The Johns I-Iopkins U11iversity and laryngology, Harvard Medical School
University Distinguished Service Professor of Department of OtolaryngoJogy at Children's Hospital
Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery Boston, MA
The Johns I-Iopkins University School of Medicine Visiting Professor, Department of Otolaryngology
Baltimore, MD Tampere University Medical School
* Vestibular Physiology and Disorders of the Labyrinth Tampere, Finland
*Surgical Treatment of Peripheral Vestibular Disorders *Endoscopic Diagnosis and Surgery of Eustachian
Tube Dysfunction
Matthew R. O'Malley, MD
*Endoscope-Assisted Ear Surgery
Nlidwest Ear Institute
* Ossicular Chain Reconstruction
Indianapolis, Indiana
* Clinical Diagnosis Virginia Ramachandran, AuD
Senior Staff Audiologist, Division of Audiology
Steven R. Otto, MA
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Senior Research Associate, Department of
Henry Ford Hospital
Communication and Auditory Neuroscience
Detroit, NII
I-louse Ear Institute
Hearing Aids
Los Angeles, CA

*Auditory Brainsten1 Implant Peter S. Roland, MD

Professor and Chairman, Oto.laryngology-Head &
Mark D.Packer, MD
Neck Surgery
Assistant Clinical Professor, Otolaryngology
Professor, Neurological Surgery
University of Texas Medical School at San Antonio
Chief, Pediatric Otology
Director of Otology and Neurotology, Wilford I-Iall
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Medical Center, Lackland Air Force Base
Dallas, TX
San Antonio, TX
* Cochlear Implants in Adults and Children
* Tumor Biology, Vestibular Schwannoma
Nathan C. Page, MD Professor of Otology & Laryngology and Health
Department of Otolaryngology Sciences & Technology
Rady Children's I-Iospital Harvard Medical School
San Diego, CA Principal Investigator, Eaton Peabody Laboratory
* Vestibular Physiology and Disorders of the Lab)1rinth of Auditory Physiology, Massachusetts Eye &

Myles Pensak, MD, FACS Ear Infirmary

I-1.B. Broidy Professor and Chair1nan, Department of Boston, MA

Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery Affiliate Faculty Member, Division of Health

University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center Sciences & Technology

Cincinnati, OH Harvard University-Massachusetts Institute of

*Surgery for Cancer ofthe External Ear Technology

*Surgery for Malignant Lesions Cambridge, MA

*Acoustics and Mechanics of the Middle Ear
Travis J. Pfannenstiel, MD
Paul M. Ruggieri, MD
Major, United States Army
I-lead, Sections of Neuroradiology and MRI
Otology, Neurotology and Skull Base Surgery
Imaging Institute
Naval Medical Center
The Cleveland Clinic, Cl.eveland, OH
San Diego, CA
*Surgery for Cystic Lesions ofthe Petrous Apex
* Vestibular Testing
Christina L. Runge-Samuelson, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of (.)tolary11gology
and Communication Sciences
Medical College of Wisconsin
Mi.h-vaukee, WT
*Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy for
Temporal Bone Tumors

Ravi N. Samy, MD Barry Strasnick, MD, FACS

Assistant Professor, Department of Otolaryngology Professor and Chairman, Department of
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
Cincinnati, OH Eastern Virginia Medical School
*Surgery of the Facial Nerve Norfolk, VA
*Diseases of Auricle, External Auditory Canal,
Michael C. Schubert, PT, PhD
Ty1npanic Me1nbrane
Assistant Professor, Department of Otolaryngology-
l-Iead and Neck Surgery Elizabeth H. Toh, MD
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Department of Otolaryngology, Lahey Clinic
Baltimore, MD Burlington, MA

* Vestibular .Rehabilitation *Auditory Brainsten1 Implant

Galdino E. Valvassori, MD
Robert V. Shannon, PhD
Professor, Depart1nent of Radiology
Scientist, Auditory Impl.ant Research Laboratory
University of Tllinois
I-Iouse Ear Institute
Chicago, IL
Research .Professor of Bion1edical Engineering I
Iniaging of the Temporal Bone

University of Southern California P. Ashley Wackym, MD, FACS, FAAP

Los Angeles, CA Vice President of Research, Legacy Health
*Auditory Brainsten1 Irnplant President, Ear and Skull Base Institute
Portland, OR
Michael J. Shinners, MD
* Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy for
Clinical Assistant Professor, Pritzker School of
Ten1poral Bone Tu1nors
University of Chicago D . Bradley Welling, MD, PhD, FACS
Evanston, IL Professor and Chair, Otology and Neurotology
* Intracranial Co1nplications of Otitis Media The Ohio State University College of Medicine
Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck
Aristides Athanasiadis-Sismanis, MD, FACS Surgery
Professor of Otorhinolaryngology, Medical School of The Ohio State University Medical Center
Athens University Columbus, OH
Director, ORL Clinic * Tumor Biology
Ippokration Hospital .. Vestibular Schwannon1a
Athens, Greece
Richard Wiet, MD, FACS
* Tympanoplasty: Tyn1panic .Men1brane Repair
Professor of Clinical Otolaryngology and
* Ossicular Chain Reconstruction
Brad A. Stach, PhD Northwestern University
Director, Division of Audiology Chicago, TL
Depart1nent of Otolaryngology-Head & Ear Institute of Chicago
Neck Surgery Hinsdale, IL
Henry Ford Hospital *Aural Co1nplications of Otitis Media
Detroit, MI
Justin Wittkopf, MD
*Audiologic Evaluation of Otologic!Neurotologic Disease
Otology/Neurotology and Skull Base Surgery
*Rehabilitation: Hearing Aids
Affiliated Ear Nose and Throat Physicians
Veronika Starlinger, MD Woodstock, TL
Department of Otolaryngology-Head & *Canal-Wall-Up Mastoidecton1y
Neck Surgery
Medical University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria
*Auditory Physiology: Inner Ear
FRIEDRICH BEZOLD (1842-1908) •Clarified the differentiation
by tuning fork tests of conductive and sensorineural hearing
losses and the clinical diagnosis of otosclerosis. His clear and
concise Textbook of Otology served as a model for Shambaugh
as he wrote his Surgery of the Ear.
Scientific Foundations

1. Developmental Anatomy of the Temporal Bone and Skull Base

2. Anatomy of the Temporal Bone and Skull Base

3. Acoustics and Mechanics of the Middle Ear

4. Auditory Physiology: Inner Ear

5. Neurophysiology: The Central Auditory System

6. Vestibular Physiology and Disorders of the Labyrinth

7. Genetics in Otology and Neurotology

8. Tumor Biology
THEODORE H. BAST (1890-1959) •First
described the utriculo-endolymphatic

BARRY J. ANSON (1894-1974) •S tudent

and investigator par excellence of the
gross and microscopic anatomy of the
temporal bone.
Developmental Anatomy of the
Temporal Bone and Skull Base
Aina Julianna Gulya, MD, FACS

The co111plexity of nature's inachinations is exe1nplified in ridges, known as the hillocks of His, arise fron1 the tissue con­
the developn1ent of the ear, both in phylogenetic a11d ontoge­ densations {Figure 1-1). The significance of these hillocks var­
netic terms. The labyrinth represents a parsin1onious salvage ies, according to the investigator, from coincidental to integral
and inodification of the lateral line syste111 of fish, whereas the to the develop111ent of the pinna. Acco111panying these divergent
ossicles originally participated in the inasticatory apparatus of views are studies that, on the one hand, suggest that the entire
ancestral vertebrates. pinna except the tragus and anterior external auditory canal (of
As intriguing as the phylogeny of the ear is in an abstract inandibular arch origin) arises fro1n the hyoid (second bran­
sense, kno,vledge of its en1bryologic develop111ent is of crucial, chial) arch.5 Other studies den1onstrate a balanced participation
concrete importance to the inodern-day neurotologic surgeon. of both the first and second branchial arches in the develop1uent
Managen1ent of inajor inalforn1ations of the ear, such as the of the pinna.3·0
manifestations of aural dysn1orphogenesis, obviously demands The hillocks fuse into an anterior fold of iuandibular arch
such knowledge if a rational approach to the alleviation of origin and a posterior fold of hyoid arch origin, oriented about
associated hearing handicaps is to prevail. The surgeon who the first branchial groove. The folds unite at the upper end of
is able to anticipate nlore subtle irregularities of development, this groove (Figure l-2).
such as persistent stapedial arteries and high jugular bulbs, can Adult configuration (Figure 1-3) is achieved by the fifth
confidently negotiate such potential hazards rather than fall inonth, independent of developn1ental progress in the iuiddle
prey to them.
This chapter presents a focused discussion of the develop­
ment of the ear, e111phasizing those features of particular sur­
gical in1portance. "fhe discussion begins with the nlost lateral
structures of the temporal bone and progresses nledially, just as
a surgeon encounters these structures. The fetal ages are based
on conversion of crown-rump nleasure111ents to postconceptual
ages and thus inay show some variations fro111 figures based on
alternative dating inethods.
The reader interested in reviewing the pioneer works of
Bast, Anson, Donaldson, Streeter, and Padget is referred to their
referenced works. Co111prehensive overviews of both phylogeny
and anaton1y are extant in such works as those by Gulya and
Schuknecht,1 Anson and Donaldson,2 Pearson,3 and Bast and "

Anson.4 ·�


External Ear
FIGURE 1-1 • The six hillocks of His at approximately 6 wee ks .
The develop111ent of the pinna con1mences at 4 weeks as tissue After Levine.6 Reproduced with permission from Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya
condensations of the nlandibular and hyoid arches appear at the and Schuknecht's anatomy of the temporal bone with surgical
distal portion of the first branchial groove. Within 2 weeks, six implications. 3rd ed. New York: lnforma Healthcare USA; 200Z




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FIGURE 1-2 •At approxim ately 7 weeks, the six hillocks are fusing
to form two folds, which will later fuse superiorly. After Levine.6
: �••

Reproduced with permission from Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's

anatomy of the temporal bone with surgical implications. 3rd ed.
New York: lnforma Healthcare USA; 2007.

FIGURE 1-3 • The adult auricle with th e derivatives of the six hillocks
numbered. After Levine.• Reproduced with permission from Gu/ya AJ.
and inner ears. The Darwinian tubercle, corresponding to the Gu/ya and Schuknecht's anatomy of the temporal bone with surgical

tip of the pinna in lower mammals, makes its appearance at implications. 3rd ed. New York: lnforma Healthcare USA; 2007.

roughly 6 months.

Temporal Bone, External Auditory

a cord of epithelial eelIs at the depths of the prin1ary external
Canal, Tympanic Ring, and auditory canal grows niedially into the mesenchyme to termi­
Tympanic Membrane
nate in a solid (meatal) plate (Figure l-4). The mesenchy111e
The adult temporal bone is an amalgam of the squamous, adjacent to the meatal plate gives rise to the lan1ina propria
petrous, mastoid, tympanic, and styloid bones. The close (fibrous layer) of the tympanic men1brane and at 9 weeks is
association of the external auditory canal, tympanic ring, and surrounded by the four 111en1branous bone ossification centers
tympanic membrane justifies the inclusion of their develop­ of the tyn1panic ring. In addition to supporting the tympanic
mental process in conjunction with that of the temporal bone nien1brane, it has been theorized that the tyn1panic ring also
as a whole. The development of the bony labyrinth and petrosa, functions to inhibit inward epithelial n1igration. Failure of this
however, because of its intricacy, warrants separate discussion. function may lead to cholesteatoma forn1ation (ie, congenital
The follo,, account of the development of the external audi­ cholesteaton1a) at the junction of the first and second branchial
tory canal, tympanic ring, tympanic membrane, and temporal arcI1es.8
bone is derived from the '"'orks of Anson and associates7 as well By the 10th \>Veek, the tympanic ring e)en1ents fuse except
as Pears on.3 superiorly, \>Vhere a defect ren1ains, the notch of Rivi nus. These
The dorsal part of the first branchial groove, which gives elen1ents then expand, accon1panied by growth of the solid epi­
rise to the external auditory canal, progressively deepens dur­ thelial cord of cells. It is not until after the fifth month that the
ing the second month. The ectoderm of the groove briefly abuts cord splits open, initially at its medial ter111inus, forming the
on the endoderm of the tubotympanic recess (first pharyngeal bony external auditory canal by the seventh month. The cells
pouch), but during the sixth week, a mesodermal ingrowth ren1aining at the periphery forn1 the epithelial Iining of the bony
breaks this contact. Beginning at 8 '"'eeks, the inferior portion external auditory canal, whereas those remaining medially form
of the first branchial groove deepens again, forming the pri­ the superli.cial layer of the ty1npan ic n1e1nbrane. The medial
mary external auditory canal, '"'hich corresponds to the fibro­ layer of the ty1npanic n1en1brane derives fron1 the epithelial lin­
cartilaginous canal of the adult. At the same tin1e, development ing of the first pharyngeal pouch. These develop1nental changes
of the squama begins, marked b y the appearance of a membra­ in the external auditory canal occur at a time when the outer,
nous bone ossification center. In the next week of development, niiddle, and inner ears are already '"'ell developed.

Malleus Meatal plate

FIGURE 1-4 • The primary external auditory

canal (EAC) is formed at 9 weeks with
deepening of the first branchial groove. The
meatal plate develops as epithelial cells
grow medially toward the tympanic cavity.
After Anson and Donaldson.2 Reproduced
with permission from Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya and
Schuknecht's anatomy of the temporal bone
Mesoderm with surgical implications. 3rd ed. New York:
lnforma Healthcare USA; 2007.

Jvleanwhile, beginning at 4 months, the squa1na projects bones, in particular, manifest postnatal growth and develop­
posterior to the tympanic ring, forming what will become the ment. Knowledge of these developmental changes is imperative
lateral (squamous) portion of the 1nastoid, roof of the exter­ for the otologic surgeon contemplating operative intervention in
nal auditory canal, and lateral wall of the antrum. The medial the very young pediatric patient or cochlear implantation in the
(petrous) portion of the mastoid develops as air cells invade profoundly deaf infant or child.
the periosteal layer of the bony labyrinth. The external pet­ In the neonate, the squama is disproportionately large in
rosqua1nous fissure marks the junction of the petrosa v;ith the comparison with that of the adult (Figure 1-6). The mastoid
squama and generally disappears by the second year of life. process is essentially nonexistent, and the tympanic bone is a
The hypotympanum develops between 22 and 32 weeks relatively flat ring, rather than a cylinder. The relative position
as a tripartite bony an1algam9 con1posed of the tympanic bone of the entire temporal bone in the neonate (see Figure 1-6) is
(membranous bone), the canalicular otic capsule (enchondral inferolateral in comparison with the temporal bone in the adult
bone), and a petrosal ledge (periosteal bone). This variegated and its more lateral orientation.
structure is thought to predispose this area to anomalous devel­ The facial nerve, in the absence of a mastoid process, exits
opment, such as that which leaves bare the jugular bulb in the the stylomastoid foramen to emerge on the lateral aspect of
middle ear. the skull and thus is especially vulnerable to injury if a stan­
After the eighth month, the tympanic ring begins to fuse dard postauricular incision is performed. After the first year
with the otic capsule, a process that is not completed until of life, the mastoid process begins development both lateralJy
birth. Postnatally, lateral extensions of the tympanic ring and and inferiorly, with the mastoid tip deriving from the petrous
the squama (Figure 1-5) extend the external auditory canal portion of the 1nastoid.10 Similarly, the tympanic ring extends
and carry the tympanic membrane from the horizontal angu­ laterally, completing the formation of the bony external audi­
lation of the neonate to the acute angulation of the adult (see tory canal, the sheath of the styloid process, and the nonarticu­
Figure 1-5). The styloid process does not make its appearance lar part of the glenoid fossa (see Figure 1-5). In the I-year-old
until after birth, arising in an ossification center at the upper infant, opposing spurs of growing bone at the ventral aspect
aspect of Reichert's cartilage. of the bony external auditory canal fuse, dividing the original
Jvlicrotia, anotia, and aberrant positioning of the pinna external auditory canal into the adult external auditory canal
derive from abnormal development of the first and second bran­ and an inferior channel, knov•n as the foramen ofHuschke. The
chial arches. Developmental failure of the first branchial groove adult external auditory canal is cranial to, and larger than, the
results in stenosis or atresia of the external auditory canal, based foramen of 1-Iuschke (see Figure 1-5). This secondary foramen
on either a lack of canalization of the meatal plate or a deficiency closes in late childhood.7 \!\Tith these changes in the mastoid and
in epithelial ingrowth. The presence or absence of accompa­ tympanic bones, the lateral aspect of the temporal bone is ver­
nying defects in the middle and inner ears depends on the time tically oriented, and the facial nerve is buried beneath the pro­
period at which developn1ent was disrupted. tective barrier of the mastoid process. The lateral gro,.vth of the
tympanic ring, as 1nentioned previously, carries the tympanic
Postnatal Development of the membrane from the nearly horizontal orientation of the neo­
Temporal Bone nate to the adult angulation by age 4 or 5 years.
Although inner and middle ear structures have completed With a view to,.vard cochlear in1plantation in the infant or
development long before birth, the mastoid and tympanic young child, one study suggested that the dimensions that shov.1

Tympanic ------�"-...._

auditory ----;,:


Foramen of

Notch of

Tympanomastoid __ .,•
..,....,. .,._

Tympanic -------t,:::;:��

FIGURE 1-5 •Postnatal development of the tympanic portion of the temporal bone. A, Neonate. Note the flat
tympanic ring and the exposed stylomastoid foramen. 8, Infant, 11 months. The notch of Rivinus and the foramen
of Huschke are becoming evident. C, Infant, 1 year. D, Adolescent. After Anson BJ, Donaldson JA. Surgical
anatomy ol the temporal bone and ear. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1981.

FIGURE 1-6 •The temporal bone of the

infant, absent a mastoid process and laterally
extending external auditory canal, is located
more inferiorly on the skull than that of
the adult.

significant growth, continuing into the teenage years, include recess; according to Han1n1ar (as cited in Proctor14), the pri1nary
the depth of the ty1npanic cavity (as n1easured by the distance tyn1panic cavity lies lateral and the prin1ordial eustachian tube
bet,veen the tyn1panic me1nbrane and the stapes footplate) and lies inedial to this constriction. The terminal end of the first
the length, \vidth, and depth of the i11astoid.11 Cochlear \Vires, pharyngeal pouch buds into four sacci (anticus, posticus, supe­
if reaching to the lateral skull, should be placed with approxi­ rior, and inedius'"), which expand to progressively pneu1natize
tnately 2.5 ctn of slack to acco1111nodate anticipated growth. The the n1iddle ear and the epityn1panun1. Expansion of the sacci
facial recess, on the other hand, should be adult size at birth.12 envelops the ossicular chain and lines the ty1npano1nastoid
co1npart1nent, whereas the interface between two sacci gives rise
to inesentery-like inucosal folds, transn1itting blood vessels.
'fhe further developn1ent of the eustachian tube is inarked
by its lengthening and narrowing, with inesoder1nal chondrifi­
cation establishing the fibrocartilaginous eustachian tube. By
The tyn1panon1astoid co 1npartn1ent represents the phylogenetic the 21st week, pneu1natization reaches the antrun1. Although
salvage and fu11ctional adaptation of the aquatic gill apparatus, the tyn1panic cavity is essentially co1nplete by 30 weeks, so1ne
which transiently appears in the ontogeny of the human. As life configurational changes occur with finalization of the bony
for1ns evolved fro111 a water environ1nent to a terrestrial envi­ hypoty1npanu111 (see above).
ronn1ent, a mechanisn1 for tnat.ching the sound i111pedance of :tvfastoid pneu1natization is evident as early as 33 \Veeks and
water with that of air becan1e essential to auditory function. The proceeds by well-established tracts.15 Heredity, environn1ent,
iniddle ear and its contained ossicular chain serve this purpose. nutrition, bacterial infection, and adequate ventilation provided
The first vestige of such an in1pedance-1natching inechanis111 by the eustachian tube are all thought to play a role in the inter­
emerged as the spiracular diverticulu111 of the eusthenopteron individual variability of te1nporal bone pneun1atization_I
(a crossopterygian fish) .13 By birth, the antru1n approximates that of the adult.
In the developing hu1nan, the tympano 1nastoid con1part- However, niesenchy1nal resolution inay co11tinue as late as
111ent appears at the 3-week stage as an outpouching of the first l year postnatally,16 or even later in so1ne rare cases. Ren1nants
pharyngeal pouch known as the tubotympanic recess. The of en1bryonic connective tissue in the adult are n1anifest as
endodern1al tissue of the dorsal end of this pouch eventually connective tissue strands draped over the oval and round
beco111es the eustachian tube and tyn1panic cavity (Ha111n1ar, as windows.10 Sin1ilarly, the tnastoid continues to grow for up to
cited in Proctor14). Expansion of the pouch begins at the inferior 19 years after birth.

aspect of the definitive ty1npanic cavity and progresses by Epity1npanic fixation of the head of the n1alleus is a
invasion of the adjacent n1esenchyn1e, a loose, gelatinous deriva­ clinically encountered condition rooted in the inco1nplete
tive of 1nesoder111. By 7 \Veeks, concon1itant gro,vth of the second pneun1atization of the epityn1panu111.17 Such bony fixation of
branchial arch constricts the n1idportion of the tubotyn1panic the nlalleus is a nor1nal occurrence in certain 1nan11nals.18

Alternative theories for the developn1ent of the middle inalleus and incus.21 All of the stapes blasten1a derives frotn the
ear have been proposed. Fraser (cited in Proctor14) suggested hyoid bar except for the inedial surface of the footplate and its
that the first, second, and third branchiaJ arches, as well as the annular liga1nent, which are of otic capsular (lan1ina stapedia­
second branchia.l groove, give rise to the prin1itive tympanic lis) origin (Gradenigo, 1889, cited in Gulya and Schuknecht')
cavity. Other workers suggested that the first pharyngeal pouch (Figure 1-7).
forms only the eustachian tube, •Nhereas the remainder of the Over the following 11 weeks, the future ossicular chain
tympanomastoid con1partn1ent develops by the cavitation of continues gro,vtb and development as a cartilaginous n1odel
n1esenchyn1e.19 In this schen1e, mesenchyn1al derivatives, rather (see Figure 1-7); such for1nation of bone fro1n a cartilage inodel
than the respiratory n1ucosa of the first pharyngeal pouch, torm is termed enchondral bone developn1ent (see "DEVELOP:tvfENT
the lining of the n1iddle ear. OF THE OTIC CAPSULE"). The anterior process of the 1nal­
leus is unique in that it develops as 1ne1nbranous bone with­
out a cartilaginous niodel. Developn1ent of the stapes blasten1a
involves progressive encircle1nent of the stapedial artery. The
obturator fora1nen represents the co1npleted ring left en1pty
The ossicular chain, a functional co111ponent of the n1iddle after the stapedial artery involutes (see "DEVELOP:tvfENT OF
ear in1pedance-111atching n1echanism, for the most part traces THE ARTERIES"). Growth of the lan1ina stapedialis, an otic
its phylogenetic roots to the branchia) arch (gill slit) appara­ capsule structure, involves retrogressive changes in the carti­
tus. In early vertebrates, the mesenchyn1e of branchial arches I laginous ri1n of the oval window.
(Meckel's cartilage, n1andibular arch) and II (Reichert's carti­ By 15 weeks, the ossicles have attained adult size, and ossi­
lage, hyoid arch) was destined to become part of the n1asticatory fication soon b eg ins, first in the incus, then in the 1nalleus,
apparatus. Evolutionary modifications that reduced the stresses and finally in the stapes. As the footplate attains adult size, tis­
on the jaw rendered certain of its co1nponents, namely, the artic­ sue at the oval window rin1 develops into the fibrous tissue of
ular and the quadrate, superfluous.20 The malleus and the incus, the annular ligan1ent . During the sa1ne ti1ne fran1e, the tensor
respectively, are derived fron1 these jaw con1ponents, whereas tyn1pani and stapedius 1nuscles develop fro1n the niesenchy1ne
the origin of the stapes has been traced back to the colun1ella of the first and second branchial arches, respectively. The ossi­
auris of reptiles. cles assun1e their adult configuration by 20 weeks, although the
The first evidence of ossicular development in the hu1nan inegalithic stapes of the fetus continues to lose bulk well into the
e111bryo occurs at approxin1ately 4 weeks as an interbranchial 32nd week. Otherwise, the endochondral bone of the ossicles,
bridge appears, connecting the upper end of that portion of the si1nilar to that of the otic capsule, undergoes little change over
first branchial arch referred to as the n1andibular visceral bar the lifetin1e of the individual and de1nonstrates poor reparative
and the central region of the hyoid (second branchial arch) vis­ capacity in response to trau1na .
ceral bar. It is this condensed n1esencbymal bridge, consisting :tv1eanwhile, pneun1atization of the ty1npanic cavity extends
of both first and second branchial arcb elen1ents, that through into the epity1npa11un1 and antrun1, and the ossicles are enveloped
cartilaginous differentiation gives rise to the pri1nordial in the mucous men1brane lining of the tubotyn1panic recess.




Long process
Branchial arch i
(Meckel's ca rt ilage)
Short process


FIGURE 1-7 •The branchial arch origin of

the ossicles at 8 to 9 weeks as seen in a left
lateral view. The interhyale marks the site of
lnterhya le
development of attachment of th e stapedius
. .. .. . - . .. tendon, which is its derivative. The laterohyale,
.... ... . ..
: i.

eventually migrating to lie posterio r to the

stapes, temporarily acts as part of the facial
nerve canal. After Hanson and colleagues.21
Mandible (bone)
Reproduced with permission from Gu/ya
Branchial arch ii AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's anatomy of the
Stapedius muscle
(Reichert's cartilage) temporal bone with surgical implications. 3rd
ed. New York: lnforma Healthcare USA; 2007.

otocyst (otic vesicle), separated fro1n the surface. The n1esen­

chymal tissue that surrounds and differentiates in conjunction
with the otocyst is the future otic capsule (bony labyrinth). By
The precursor of the ma1nn1alian otic labyrinth is the cranial the fourth week, two flanges (the future se1nicircular ducts)
portion of the lateral line systen1 of fish,22 a vvater- inotion detec­ arise from the otocyst. Development then involves elongation
tion syste1n. This syste1n of fluid-filled pits (a1npullae) features of the otocyst and the appearance of three deepening folds
epidern1al placode derivation; innervation by cranial nerves (I, 11, and Ill), which demarcate the utricle with its three semi­
VII, IX, and X; and a functional architecture consisting of hair circular ducts, the endoly1nphatic duct and sac, and the saccule
cells, supporting cells, and surrounding fluid (sea water), reca­ with its cochlear duct (Figure 1-9). The utriculoendolymphatic
pitulated in the n1a1n1nalian inner ear. Enclosure of the lateral valve (of Bast) is a derivative of fold Ill, functionally separat­
line systen1, separating it fron1 the ocean environn1ent, is first ing the utricle and the dilated proxitnal aspect, or sinus, of the
seen in the hagfish (lv1yxinoidea) and results in the for1nation of endolyn1phatic duct.24
the first true vestibular tnechanisn1.22 Ascending the vertebrate In the 6-week e1nbryo, the lun1ina of the sen1icircular
ladder, the vestibular mechanis1n beco1nes increasingly con1plex ducts have forn1ed, and the nlacula con1n1unis (the pri1nordial
as it changes fro1n a structure consisting of a utricle and two nlacula at the medial wall of the otocyst) has divided into supe­
se1nicircular canals (the superior and posterior) by adding the rior and inferior seginents. The nlacula of the utricle and the
endoly111phatic duct passages; a third semicircular canal (the an1pullary crests of the superior and lateral se1nicircular ducts
lateral), the saccule; and an outgrowth of the saccule, the lagena, are derivatives of the superior segn1ent, '"'hereas the macula of
which eventually gives rise to the cochlea. Endoly1nph replaced the saccule and the an1pullary crest of the posterior semicircular
seawater as the surrounding fluid as the lateral line system duct are derived fro1n the inferior segn1ent. At the same ti1ne,
evolved fro111 use in aquatic to terrestrial organis1ns. the cochlear duct has extended fro1n the saccule, co1npleting
The developn1ent of the otic labyrinth in the human one turn during the course of the week.
en1bryo faithfully follows 1nuch the san1e sequence as did the As the sen1icircular ducts increase in both the radius of the
develop1nent of the n1echanism in our vertebrate ancestors; arc of curvature and i n lun1inal dia1neter (Figure 1-10), pro­
hence, the phylogenetically older sen1icircular canals and utri­ gressive deepening of the three folds (Figure 1-11) delineates
cle (pars superior) precede the development of the saccule and the ductal connections of the utricle, saccule, and endolyn1-
the cochlear duct (pars inferior). The phylogenetic seniority of phatic sac as well as of the cochlea and saccule. lvfeanwhile, the
the pars superior is thought to underlie its relative resistance to cochlear duct continues its spiraling growth, rapidly completing
developn1ental n1alfor111ations '"hen contrasted with the newer its 21/z turns by the eighth '"eek (see Figure 1-8). A nu1nber of
pars superior. cochlear anon1alies are recognized and are believed to reflect the
The otic placode, a plaquelike thickening of surface ecto­ stage at which norn1al develop1nent is disrupted.25
der1n dorsal to the first branchial groove, appears at the end of Between 8 and 16 \Veeks, the otic labyrinth approaches its
the third week. Invagination into the underlying n1esenchy1ne adult configuration (Figure 1-12). The epitheliu1n of the cristae
occurs within days, forn1ing the auditory pit (Figure 1-8). The an1pullaries of the se1nicircular ducts differentiates to a sensory
endoly111phatic appendage appears at this stage, considerably neuroepithelium. '"'ith hair cells and gelatinous cupula as the
in advance of the sen1icircular and cochlear ducts.23 Expansion sen1icircular ducts continue expansion. Sin1ilarly, the m.aculae
of the auditory pit and fusion of overlying tissue create the of the otolithic organs ( utricle and saccule) differentiate as hair

A Otic pit B otic vesicle

Cross-section of vesicle formation

Posterior canal
Endolymphalic FIGURE 1-8 • The evolution of the
appendage --Pt Utricle endolymphatic (otic) labyrinth. A, 22 days,
B, 4 weeks, C, 4Y2 weeks, 0, SY2 weeks,
E, 6 weeks, and F, 8+ weeks. After Streeter.23
Reproduced with permission from Gu/ya AJ.
Gu/ya and Schuknecht's anatomy
c D E F
of the temporal bone with surgical implications.
Lateral view of developmental stages of otocyst
3rd ed. New York: lnforma Healthcare

,.. . ...
... .. . . .


Utricle Endolympathic Utricle


Latera l valve

Lateral Medial
--- Utriculosaccular
Saccule Ill


FIGURE 1-11 •The otic labyrinth at 9 weeks. Deepening of folds I,

II, and Ill (compare with Figure 1-9} more clearly distinguishes the
utricle, saccule, and endolymphatic duct. After Bast and Anson. 4
Reproduced with permission from Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's
FIGURE 1-9 •The otic la byrinth at the 6- to 8-week stage. Folds anatomy of the temporal bone with surgical implications. 3rd ed.
I, II, and Ill begin to indent the otocyst. After Bast and Anson.4 New York: lnforma Healthcare USA; 2007.
Reproduced with permission from Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's
anatomy of the temporal bone with surgical implications. 3rd ed.
At 20 weeks, the superior se1nicircular duct has reached
New York: lnforma Healthcare USA; 2007.
adult size. In a phylogenetically detern1ined sequence, the pos­
terior and lateral ducts con1plete growth, and the cristae an1p­
ullares are co1npletely differentiated. The endolymphatic duct,
A Growth in Curvature up to this stage, has follo>ved a straight course, paralleli11g the
crus con11nune to reach the endolyn1phatic sac; nov.r the duct
begins to develop a bend as it is dragged inferiorly and later­

t ally along with the endolyn1phatic sac by the continuing growth

of the sigmoid sinus and posterior fossa. The first part of the
endolyn1phatic duct, then, is an anato1nically constant struc­
ture in dose relationship to the crus con11nune; the distal duct
Growth in Diameter and sac, ho>vever, vary in position according to the degree of
sign1oid sinus n1igration and posterior fossa developn1ent.1 The
B sac continues to grov;, with its size at ter111 attaining quadruple
tha t seen at midtern1 and with its li n ing further differentiat­
ing. The lining epitheliun1 of the saccular, utricular, and endo­
lyn1phatic ducts ranges fron1 sin1ple squamous to cuboidal. As
demonstrated by Lundquist,20 the proxi111al end olyn1phatic sac
(Figure l-14), located within the vestibular aqueduct, and the
distal third, con1pletely enveloped in dura adjacent to the lateral
venous sinus, similarly possess a simple cuboidal lining. In con­
trast, the intermediate one-third, or rugose por tion , which lies
FIGURE 1-10 •Growth of the semicircular ducts involves part ly within the vestibular aqueduct and partly within folds
retrogressive changes in the surrounding cartilage and preca rtilage. of dura niater, has a highly differentiated epithelium. The tall,
After Pearson.3 Reproduced with permission from Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya cylindrical cells of the epitheliun1 possess niicrovilli and pino­
and Schuknecht's anatomy of the temporal bone with surgical
cytotic vesicles, are ruffled into papillae and crypts, and overlie
implications. 3rd ed. New York: lnforma Healthcare USA; 2007.
a rich, subepithelial capillary network.
A II of these features suggest resorp ti ve and pha go c ytic
functions, with the latter function providing for local in1mune
cells and otolithic ine1nbranes appear. The proxin1al endoly1n­ defense.27
phatic sac begins to develop a rugose epithelium. The prin1itive The organ of Corti is differentiated to such a degree by
circular cochlear duct assun1es a 111ore triangular outline as the 20 '"'eeks that the fetus can "hear" and respond to fluid-borne
neuroepitheliu1n of the basal turn begins to differentiate into sounds.28 The organ of Corti approxin1ates the adult structure
the organ of Corti (Figure 1-13). by 25 weeks.3

Semicircular ducts

Superior Utricular duct

Lat eral

FIGURE 1-12 •The adult membranous

laby rinth, medial aspect. The endolymphatic
duct initially parallels the con1mon crus and
posteri or semicircular duct but then diverges
to the posterior cranial fossa location of
cochlear duct
the endolymphatic sac. After Anson and
Isthmus of . . Cochlear
Sinus of endolymphat1c duct Donaldson.2 Reproduced with permission
endolymphatic duct duct
from Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's
anatomy of the temporal bone with surgical
implications. 3rd ed. New York: lnforma
Healthcare USA; 2007.


FIGURE 1-13 • I n this 12-week fetus, the

vestibule (asterisk) is advanced in develop­
ment and the scala tympani (arrow) is evident
in the basal turn of the cochlea. The cochlear
duct of the basal turn assumes a more
triangular configuration, whereas the apical
turn still retains its circular outline. Reproduced
with permission from Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya and
Schuknecht's anatomy of the temporal bone
..."' with surgical implications. 3rd ed. New York:
lnforma Healthcare USA; 2007.

vascular reticulun1, initially around the an1pullae of the semi­

circular ducts and in the region of the perilyn1phatic cistern of
the vestibule. The scala ty1npani starts its emergence frotn pre­
The perily1nphatic (periotic) labyrinth con1prises the fluid­ cartilage as an area of retrogressive rarefaction in the precarti­
tissue space interposed betv•een the inembranous otic (or lage just under the round window.
endolyn1phatic) labyrinth and its bony covering-the otic cap­ H.apidly changing over the next several weeks, the reticulwn
sule. The perily1nphatic cistern (of the vestibule), scala tyn1pani, of the primordial perilymphatic labyrinth beco1nes highly vacu­
scala vestibuli, perilyn1phatic space of the sen1icircular canals, olated, its spaces traversed by supporting fibers for the walls of
fissula ante fenestran1, fossula post fenestra1n, and periotic duct the saccule and the utricle and for the vascular and neural sup­
are all considered part of the perilyn1phatic labyrinth. plies of the inner ear. 3 The perily1nphatic cistern of the vestibule,
It is not until the 8th week that the first sign of perily1n­ adjacent to the oval window, is the first recognizable space of the
phatic space forn1ation is seen. Mesodern1al tissue surround­ perilyn1phatic labyrinth, appearing late in the 12th week (see
ing the n1en1branous labyrinth (ie, the future otic capsule) Figure 1-13). The scala ty1npani appears soon after\.vard, with
retrogressively ded ifferentiates fro1n precartilage into a loose, the scala vestibuli appearing son1ewhat later as a diverticulu1n

Endolymphatic sac

Utricular fold
and duct




- 1, .. •• -:
S inus
·. · ·. .� .

FIGURE 1-14 •The osseous rel ationships of
the endolymphatic duct and sac. After Anson
and Donaldson.2 Reproduced with permission
Vestibular aqueduct Internal aperture
from Schuknecht HF. Pathology of the ear.
Ontario: BC Decker; 1974.

FIGURE 1-15 •This photomicrograph,

from a 16-week specimen, shows the
fissula ante fenestram (arrow). Reproduced
with permission from Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya and
Schuknecht's anatomy of the temporal bone
with surgical implications. 3rd ed. New York:
lnforma Healthcare USA; 2007.

of the perilymphatic cistern near the oval window. The expan­ In the course of the next 3 weeks, this extension of periotic tissue
sion of both scalae is closely linked to that of the developing stretches as a connective tissue ribbon from the vestibule to the
cochlear duct and cochlea. The canalicular portion of the peri­ n1iddle ear. Vertically, the ribbon extends from the scala vestibuli
lymphatic labyrinth is relatively delayed in development. Only to the ty1npanic cavity, near the cochleariforn1 process. The fissula
at 16 v,reeks does vacuolization begin; however, development is continues to grow until n1idfetal life (about 21 weeks), at which
usually completed by 20 weeks. tin1e the ossification of the otic capsule is nearing con1pletion.
Although the tissula is a constant tract in hu1nans, it shows
Fissula Ante Fenestram interindividual variation both in capacity and in form and
undergoes alteration of its lining cartilage over the life of the
The fissula ante fenestram and the fossula post fenestram,
individual. The cartilage border that separates the connective
although part of the perilymphatic labyrinth, undergo a differ­
tissue of the fissula fro1n the bone of the otic capsule is gradu­
ent developmental sequence and hence merit separate discus­
ally replaced by intrachondral bone (see "Developn1ent of the
sion (Figure 1-15).
Otic Capsule").29
Apparently, the fissula ante fe.nestram is unique to humans,
although Anson and Bast10 detected a rudimentary, incomplete
fissula in the rhesus monkey. The fissula is first apparent in the Fossµla Post Fenestram
9-week embryo as a strip of precartilage in the lateral wall of the The fossula post fenestra111, an evagination of periotic tissue fron1
cartilaginous otic capsule i1nmediately anterior to the oval window the vestibule into the otic capsule (see Figure 1-15) posterior to
(ante is Latin for "in front ot:" fenestrarn is Latin for "window"). the oval windovv, undergoes a developn1ental sequence si1nilar to


FIGURE 1-16 •As seen in a 12-week fetus, the
cochlear aqueduct (arrow) reaches from the
posterior cranial fossa to the scala tympani of
the basal turn. Reproduced with permission
"' from Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's
anatomy of the temporal bone with surgical

implications. 3rd ed. New York: lnforma
Healthcare USA; 2007.

Mesenchym in

FIGURE 1-17 •The inferior cochlear vein

Cartilage occupies the primitive cochlear aqueduct, as
seen in a fetus of approximately 17 weeks.
The boxed area is enlarged in Figure 1-22.
Reproduced with permission from Gu/ya
AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's anatomy of the
temporal bone with surgical implications. 3rd
ed. New York: lnforma Healthcare USA; 2007.

that of the fissula ante tenestra1u. The fossula (fossula is Latin tor area of the developing round v,rindow to the posterior cranial
"little ditch," post is Latin tor "behind") is first seen in the tetus tossa. The reticulun1 of the prin1ordial aqueduct links the loose
of lOlh weeks as an area of dedifferentiating precartilage. As early 111esenchyn1e of the round window niche with the connective
as 41/2 '"'eeks later, the fossula can be distinguished as a zone of tissue of the posterior cranial fossa dura, ninth cranial nerve,
connective tissue, which soon becon1es surrounded by the bone and inferior petrosal sinus (Figure 1-16).
of the otic capsule. Differing fron1 the fissula, the tossuJa is an By the 9th week, the inferior cochlear vein emerges from the
inconstantly occurring structure found in only 670/o of all ears syncytiun1 of the cochlear aqueduct. M.eanwhile, a carti laginous
studied and extends through the otic capsule to the ty1upanic bar, as it extends fron1 the round \.Yindow niche and ampulla of
cavity in only 25o/o of those ears with a fossula.4 the posterior canal toward the opening of the cochlear aqueduct,
A Ithough the fossula is an area of histologic instability for gives rise to the floor and medial rin1 of the round window.
reasons si1uilar to those for the fissula, cartilaginous and bony The developn1ent of the periotic duct and surroundings in
changes aftect only S(Yo of all tossulae.4 the 16- to 40-week period has been detailed by Spector and asso­
ciates.30 I n the 16- to 18-week stage (Figure 1-17), three struc­
Cochlear Aqueduct tures are seen in the prin1itive cochlear aqueduct: the inferior
The prin1ordial (bony) cochlear aqueduct first appears at cochlear vein (vein at the cochlear aqueduct), the tympanomen­
7 weeks as a rarefaction of precartilage at the niedial wal 1 of the ingeal hiatus (Hyrtl's fissure), and the periotic duct. There is still
cochlear basal turn. The cochlear aqueduct extends from the connective tissue continuity between the posterior cranial fossa

FIGURE 1-18 •Although younger than the

fetus shown in Fi gure 1-17, this fetus shows
more advanced ossification of the rim of the
round window niche (asterisk) in particular,
breakin g the communication of the round
window niche with the posterior cranial fossa
(fetus, 16 weeks). Reproduced with permission
from Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's
anatomy of the temporal bone with surgical
implications. 3rd ed. New York: lnforma
Healthcare USA; 2007.

Scala tympani

memb rane
Infer oi r
cochlear a
- ���

Round w in�

i he .. ,_

FIGURE 1-19 • The widely patent cochlear

aqueduct is thought to underlie the "perilymph
oozer" seen in stapes surgery (man, age
posteroi r
canal 67 years}. A microfissure is visible between
the posterior semicircular canal ampulla
\ .
and the round window niche. Reproduced
with permission from Schuknecht HF, Seifi
AE. Experimental observations on the fluid
physiology of the inner ear. Ann Oto/ Rhino/
Laryngol 1963;72:687.

and the tissue of the round v,rindow niche, especially through stapes surgery. A persistent tympanomeningeal hiatus rep­
1-fyrtl's fissure. resents incomplete ossification. The hiatus extends fron1 the
Ossification of the otic capsule, progressing to the round depths of the round window niche to the posterior cranial fossa
window by the 18- to 26-week stage (Figure 1-18), fuses the at the junction of the inferior petrosal sinus and jugular bulb
cochlear and canalicular segments of the otic capsule, caps (Figure 1-20).1 The hiatus is a potential route that cerebrospinal
1-fyrtl's fissure, and relegates the round window niche to the fluid and brain tissue may follow to the middle ear.30-33
tympanic cavity. The inferior cochlear vein is segregated into
its own canal (of Cotugno) at 20 weeks th rough further growth
and ossification of the otic capsule.
Con1pletion of the cochlear aqueduct occurs between 32 and The otic capsule develops fro1n the precartilage (compacted
40 weeks and entails elongation of the cochlear aqueduct vvith mesenchy1ne that is differentiating into embryonic cartilage)
its contained periodic duct, widening of the cranial apertures of surrounding it. Eventually, the otic capsule becomes the petrous
the cochlear aqueduct and periotic duct, and ingrowth of arach­ portion of the te111poral bone.4 The initial step in develop1nent
noid tissue, which forms a lining membrane and meshwork. A of the otic capsule, as described by Bast and Anson,4 occurs at
widely patent cochlear aqueduct (Figure 1-19) is thought to the end of the 4th week as the cell density of the mesenchyme
underlie the "perilymph oozer"1 occasionally encountered in enveloping the otic capsule increases. By the 8th week, the

FIGURE 1-20 •The tympanomeningeal fissure

(hiatus), occasionally persisting In the adult,
is paralleled by the cochlear aqueduct (man,
age 44 years}. Reproduced with permission

Ehdolymphatic sac
from Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's
anatomy of the temporal bone with surgical
implications. 3rd ed. New York: lnforma
Healthcare USA; 2007.

Organ of corti Enchondral bone


FIGURE 1-21 •With ossification of the otic

capsule, three layers of bone are created (fetus,
16 weeks}. Reproduced with permission from

Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's anatomy of

the temporal bone with surgical implications.
3rd ed. New York: lnforma Healthcare

tnesenchymal condensation has formed a cartilaginous model size. 1'he last ossification center appears at 20 to 21 '"'eeks in the
of the otic capsule. At this stage, although the men1branous posterolateral region of the posterior setnicircular canal. The
labyrinth, which the cartilaginous otic capsule surrounds, has only areas that remain cartilaginous are those at the region of
attained adult configuration, it does not attain adult size until the fissula ante fenestram and an area that overlies part of the
nearly midterm. Retrogressive dedifferentiation of otic capsu­ posterior and lateral semicircular ducts, '"'here ossification does
lar cartilage to a loose reticulutn accom1nodates the expansion not begin until 2 weeks later.4
of the membranous labyrinth. Redifferentiation to cartilage A detailed discussion of the ossification sequence of the otic
occurs at the inner, trailing edge of the semicircular ducts (see capsule is beyond the scope of this chapter, and the interested
Figure 1-10). reader is referred to Bast and Anson4 and Gulya and Schuknecbt1
According to Bast and Anson,4 the first ossification center for a more detailed discussion. J:-lowever, several unique features
of the otic capsule appears at the region of the cochlea only as of the bone of the otic capsule are of clinical significance and are
the contained 1nembranous labyrinth reaches adult size, usually outlined belo\v.
by 16 weeks. A total of 14 centers eventually appear and fuse to Three layers of bone etnerge fron1 the ossification of the
complete the ossification of the otic capsule despite its small cartilaginous otic capsule (Figure 1-21). The perichondrial

111embrane lining the external and the internal (facing the sitnilar to endosteal bone, exhibits a minitnal reparative
niembranous labyrinth) surfaces of the otic capsule becomes response to insults, such as trauma and infection, at best heal­
a periosteal n1en1brane as newly differentiated osteoblasts ing by fibrous union. Because of the poor reparative capacity
deposit calcium. The periosteal and endosteal bone layers are of the endosteal and enchondral layers, the ravages of stress
thus fonned. and trauma leave indelible marks on the architecture of the
The endosteal layer does not signincantly change through­ bony labyrinth. Major trauma, sufficient to fracture the tetn­
out adult life, although in response to infection or traun1a poral bone, results in large fissures that may traverse the entire
(including perhaps electrical stin1ulation), it may proliferate tetnporal bone.
to such a degree as to obliterate the lumen of the labyrinth.1 The so called micro fissures a re commonly encountered dis­

Alternatively, it has been proposed that undifferentiated n1es­ ruptions in the endosteal and enchondral layers of the bony lab­
enchymal cells, located around capillaries, are the true source yrinth.1 A micro fissure found in all ears after the age of 6 years is
of such obliterative, bony growths.34 The periosteal layer, in con­ located between the round window niche and the an1pulla of the
trast, does change, by lan1ellar addition of bone and by pneuma­ posterior canal (see Figure 1-19).35 Additionally, rnicrofissures
tization, until early adult life.10 This layer has the capability of can be found about the oval window region in 25% of ears exa111-
good osteogenic repair in response to traun1a and infection and ined, usually extending vertically above and below the oval vvin­
ren1odels throughout life, sin1ilar to periosteal bone elsewhere dow without involving the footplate, n1ore con1n1only after the
in the body. age of 40 years.30 Typically, these inicrofissures are obstructed
Sandwiched between the endosteal and periosteal layers of by fibrous tissue in association '"'ith an acellular inatrix resem.­
bone is the enchondral layer, consisting of both intrachondral bling osteoid. Why these nlicrofissures occur ren1ains unclear.
(intrachondrial) and endochondral bone. Intrachondral bone It has been hypothesized that the nlicrotissures represent stress
(globuli interossei) con1prises persistent islands of calci fled hya­ fractures resulting fron1 structural changes of the labyrinth45 or
line cartilage, the lacunae of which are occupied by osteocytes fro1n the transferred stresses of nlastication.37 Alternatively, the
and on endocbondral bone is deposited. Initial steps in inicrofissures bridging the round window niche and the poste­
the formation of intrachondral bone (Figure J-22) are hyper­ rior canal an1pulla 1nay be related to an en1bryologic con1111 uni­
trophy of cartilage cells in their lacunae, calcification of the cation.35 Although, by ter1n, cartilage replaces the inesenchyine
cartilaginous matrix, and vascular bud invasion. N!uch of the of this transient channel, this area 111ay remain structurally
calcified cartilage is re1noved, but scattered islands remain. weak and readily fractured.
Osteocytes repopulate the forn1erly cartilaginous lacunae and The inicrofissures of the bony labyrinth have been thought
begin bone deposition. to play a role in the conta1nination of the inner ear by inflan1-
Osteoblasts lining the surface of the calcified cartilage 1natory processes or ototoxic substances applied to the n1iddle
islands deposit layers of endochondral bone. This bone depo­ ear. Si1nilarly, these nlicrofissures have been theorized to give
sition nearly obliterates the vascular spaces and establishes the rise to spontaneous perilyn1ph fistulae.
layer of very dense, poorly vascular bone characteristic of the Attaching such clinical i1nplications to nlicrofissures
petrous (rock like) pyran1id known as the enchondral layer. ren1ains a n1atter of conjecture. In an exan1ination of 34 te1n­
The enchondral layer, similar to the endosteal layer, once poral bones, El Shazly and Linthicum. were unable to find any
forn1ed in midfetal lite undergoes little change save for con­ relationship bet\"7een the presence or absence of m.icrofissures to
version to increasingly dense bone.10 Enchondral bone, also sudden sensorineural hearing loss.38

FIGURE 1-22 •This detailed view of the boxed

area of Figure 1-17 illustrates the steps of
enchondral bone formation. Going from right
to left, cartilage cells multiply, enlarge, and are
ossified. Globuli interossei (arrows) represent
persisting islands of cartilage (fetus, age
17 weeks). Reproduced with permission from
Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's anatomy of
the temporal bone with surgical implications.
3rd ed. New York: lnforma Healthcare USA;

Distinct fron1 and independent of the forn1ation of the (Figure 1-23). Absence of the modiolus results in a wide co1n­
otic capsule fron1 a cartilaginous n1odel is the forn1ation of the munication between the subarachnoid space of the internal
cochlear modioius as men1branous bone. The deposition ofbone auditory canal and the scala vestibuli of the basal turn. This
within the n1odiolus, housing the cochlear nerve, first occurs anotnaly inay represent the anato1nic correlate of the "peri­
at 20 to 21 weeks in the region between the basa.l and second ly1nph gusher," the volwninous outflow occasionally encoun­
turns.4 By 25 '"eeks, n1odiolar ossification is nearly complete. tered in stapes surgery (Figure 1-24).
Osseous extensions of the cochlear otic capsule, known as
interscalar septa, serve to anchor the n1odiolus. The first septa
appear in the 22nd \\Teek and within 5 weeks have stabilized the
cochlear n1odiolus fron1 base to apex. Following a sin1ilar time
fran1e, the osseous spiral lan1ina begins ossification in the 23rd The acoustic nerve, ganglion, and Schwann sheath cells
week and con1pletes this process by the 25th. begin developn1ent in the 4th week as cells of otic placode
Aberrations in the finer developn1ental steps of the cochlea derivation begin to strea1n ventrally between the epithelium
n1ay appear as structural anomalies that occasionally attain of the otocyst and its base1nent nlen1brane. After penetrating
surgical importance. Partial absence of the interscalar sep­ the base1nent ine1nbrane, these cells reach the area at which
tum (scala con1n1uni.s) is a relatively con1n1on developn1ental the acoustic ganglion forn1s, 3·39 ventral and slightly inedial to
anomaly that does not interfere with norn1al cochlear function the otocyst.40

lnterscalar septum

� lnterscal l
�P"=--- }._

\ ----
- -

FIGURE 1-23 • Partial absence of the

interscalar septum, as shown In this
micrograph , is known as scala co mm unis
(woman, age 63 years). Reproduced with

permission from Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya and
Schuknecht's anatomy of the temporal bone
\ with surgical implications. 3rd ed. New York:
lnforma Healthcare USA; 2007.

FIGURE 1-24 • The modiolar defect in the

cochlea of this 21h year old child with a
- -

conge nital conductive hearing loss results in

a wide communication of the subarachnoid
space of the internal auditory canal (IAC)
with the scala vestibuli of the basal turn.
Stapedectomy in such cases results in
- a "perilymph gusher." Reproduced with
IAC permission from Shi S-R. Temporal bone
findings in a case of otopalatodigital syndrome.

Arch Otolaryngol 1985;111:120. Copyright 1985,
American Medical Association.

Over the ren1ainder of the 4th and 5th weeks, the acousti.c ter1ninate in the sa1ne region as the lingual nerve ends and the
ganglion divides into superior and inferior segments.23 The submandibular ganglion develops.
superior segment gives rise to the fibers that innervate the The chorda ty1npani and lingual nerves clearly unite just
crista of the superior and lateral semicircular ducts as \¥ell as proximal to the ganglion by the 7th week (Figures 1-25D and
the utricular macula. Slightly later, the inferior segment divides 1-26D). Also at approxi1nately 6 weeks, the greater petrosal
into upper and lower portions. The upper portion supplies fibers nerve, the second branch of the facial nerve to form, develops
to the saccular macula and to the crista of the posterior sen1i­ from the ventral aspect of the geniculate ganglion. The nervus
circular duct, whereas the lower portion innervates the organ inter1nedius (nerve of Wrisberg, the sensory fibers of the facial
of Corti. nerve) develops independently from the geniculate ganglion
By the end of 8 weeks, the acoustic nerve approaches full and extends to the brainsten1 bordered by the motor root of the
n1aturity. The ganglia of the vestibular division are spread along facial nerve and the eighth cranial nerve. The tnain trunk of the
the nerve trunks, and its tenninal branches, derived fron1 the facial nerve establishes its definitive intratetnporal relationships
bipolar ganglion cells, develop as fairly long, discretely indi­ within the cartilaginous otic capsule.
vidual nerve fibers. The cochlear ganglion, in contrast, ends In sequence, the posterior auricular nerve and the fibers to
up at the distal terminus of the nerve trunk, and its terminal the posterior belly of the digastric muscle appear. Branches of
branches are short, anaston1osing fibers.23 Sin1ilarly, central the posterior auricular nerve co1n1nunicate \¥ith nerves of the
connections (to the brainstem) are established, initially by the second and third cervical ganglia, resulting in the for1nation of
vestibular nerve and then later by the cochlear nerve fibers.40 As the transverse cervical and lesser occipital nerves.
soon as central connections (to the brainsten1) are established, At 7 weeks, a ventral offshoot froin the geniculate gan­
111igration of glial cells fro111 the brain tube begins to envelop glion reaches the glossopharyngeal ganglion. In the next week,
the proximal portion of the acoustic nerve fibers, but it is only the ty1npanic plexus and the lesser petrosal nerve forn1 along
later in development that Schwann cells begin to migrate cen­ this offshoot. At approxin1ately the same time, the branch to
trally. Thus, the central glial sheath extends for a considerable the stapedius n1uscle has developed. The facial nerve grows and
distance laterally along the acoustic nerve before Schwann cells develops peripheral (muscular) branches, which appear in close
111igrate n1edially. Moreover, the distance covered by glial cells conjunction with and just deep to the primitive facial muscle
is greater on the vestibular nerve than on the cochlear nerve masses. These peripheral branches establish co1n1nunications
because of the ear.lier initiation of 111igration, the forn1er when with the branches of the trigen1inal nerve. Situilarly, anasto­
co111pared with the latter.40 The junction of the Schwann cell motic linkages with other peripheral facial nerve fibers appear.
and gl ial sheaths occurs variably about the region of the fundus With the growth of the facial nerve, the chorda ty1npani nerve
of the internal auditory canal. diminishes in relative size (Figures l-25E and 1-26£).
ft is thought that the sensory neuroepitheliun1 develops in Between the 12th and 13th weeks, two t\vigs fro1n the dor­
those areas of the n1en1branous labyrinth at which neural con­ somedial surface of the facial nerve (between the stapedius and
tact is established.3 Such contact n1ay not be required for neu­ the chorda tyrnpani nerves) fuse and extend to the superior
roepithelial differentiation but n1ay play a role in 111aintaining ganglia of the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves. The nerve
such specialization.41•42 fiber emerging fro1n this inter1ningling is Arnold's nerve (the
auricular branch of the vagus), which traverses the primitive
tympanomastoid fissure to innervate the subcutaneous tissue of
the posterior aspect of the external auditory canal.
By 17 weeks, the definitive communications of the facial
At about 4 weeks, the facial nerve and its geniculate ganglion nerve, including those with the second and third cervical nerves,
begin to develop from prin1ordial tissue, arising from the the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve, and the vagus and
rhon1bencephalon, which in1pinges on the deep aspect of the the glossopharyngeal nerves, are established.
second branchial arch epibranchial placode,43 a thickened area The facial canal, originally a sulcus in the cartilaginous
of surface ectodern1 just caudal to the first branchial groove otic capsule, becomes a bony canal as it ossifies. Spector and Ge
(Figures l-25A and B, and l-26A and B). detailed the ossification of the tympanic segn1ent of the fallo­
The later stages of facial nerve and geniculate ganglion pian canal, a process that involves two ossification centers: an
development have been described by Gasser and colleagues.4:i.-45 anterior one developing at the apical cochlear ossification center
Neuroblast differentiation in the region at which the primordial at the end of 20 weeks gestation and a posterior one arising at
facial nerve tissue is in contiguity with the epibranchial pla­ the pyra1nidal en1inence at 25 weeks gestation.46 Each ossifica­
code results in a distinguishable geniculate ganglion by 6 weeks tion center en1its two bony projections that (ideally) encircle the
(Figures l-25C and l-26C). Mean\.Yhile, the chorda tyn1pani facial nerve in its entirety. Each ossification center also extends
nerve, the first branch of the facial nerve to appear, is clearly evi­ fron1 its point of origin, the anterior one posteriorly and the
dent. At approxin1ately the same time, the facial n1otor nucleus posterior one inferiorly, to envelop progressively n1ore of the
appears in the future metencephalon; its intran1edullary fibers length of the facial nerve. By ter1n, about 80% of the tytnpanic
are displaced by the abducens nucleus as the n1etencephalon seg1nent of the fallopian canal is present and is con1pletely devel­
grows, creating the internal genu of the facial nerve. oped by roughly 3 n1onths after birth. According to Spector and
The chorda tympani nerve, at 6 weeks approxin1ating Ge, n1ost of the surgically encountered dehiscences of the ty1n­
the size of the facial nerve, dives into the n1andibular arch to panic seginent of the fallopian canal can be related to varying

1 mm
!'l 17

Ill c c
g-1 cm
A c

�t l




FIGURE 1-25 •Computer reconstructions of the ectoderm of the right external ear region at approximate ages
28 days (A), 33 days(8), 41 days (C}, 48 days (0), and 52 days(£}. Dorsal is superior, ventral is inferior, rostral is to
the right, and caudal is to the left. This view, companion to Figure 1-26, reveals the structures anatomically related
to the lateral aspect of the developing facial nerve. II, second arch; Ill, third arch; e, eye; em, external auditory
meatus; g-1, first groove; h, heart; mn, mandibular part of first arch; mx, maxillary part of first arch; of, oral fissure.
Reproduced with permission from Gasser RF, Shigihara S, Shimada K. Three-dimensional development of the
facial nerve path through the ear region in human embryos. Ann Oto/ Rhino/ Laryngo/ 1994;103:395-403.

degrees of failure of fusion of the two ossification centers and to through their corresponding branchial arches into the ipsilat­
failure of fusion of their bony projections.46 Additionally, they eral dorsal aorta.4i The primitive internal carotid artery is a
report that the pattern of ossification of the tympanic segment branch of the first aortic arch. During this branchial phase of
is symmetric in 80°A> of the paired bones studied. arterial development, there is a correspondence between each
The mastoid process and tympanic ring grow postnatally, branchial arch and its aortic arch. I-Iowever, not all of the aortic
medially displacing and thus protecting the facial nerve. arch arteries exist at the same time. The first and second arch
arteries disappear before the more caudal arch arteries develop.
The follov.1ing details of cranial arterial development are based
o n the comprehensive study of Padget.48
The fetal circulatory system first appears in the 3rd week of In the 4th week, as the first and second aortic arches begin
development as mesenchymal vascular islands coalesce.'17 The to involute, they leave behind dorsal fragments, the mandibttlar
primordial vascular supply to the brain derives fro111 preseg­ and hyoid arteries, respectively, and the portion of the paired
mental branches of the paired ("dorsal") aortae. A total of six dorsal aortae extending anteriorly from the third arch artery
aortic arches arise successively from the dilated region of the becomes the adult internal carotid artery (Figure 1-27). In
truncus arteriosus known as the aortic sac and course ventrally the hindbrain region, the bilateral longitudinal neural arteries

1 mm st 17
c R
st 15
st 13 r aa
n n

:/ I
,--.,.,,. ..-

II m;\


a-1-1 � of fa mn II ,.,
A llUl B
� c mn ml
tl9 st21 r



e - -
fn fn
mn •

FIGURE 1-26 •Same specimens as Figure 1-25 but with computer reconstruction making the surface ectoderm
relatively transparent, allowing visualization of the developing facial nerve. II, second arch; Ill, third arch; ct, chorda
tympani nerve; e, eye; fn, facial nerve; g-1 , first groove; gg, geniculate ganglion; gp, greater petrosal nerve;
I, lingual nerve; mn, mandibular part of first arch; mx, maxillary part of first arch; of, oral fissure; pl, placode;
n, notocord; r, facial nerve root. Reproduced with permission from Gasser RF, Shigihara S, Shimada K. Three­
dimensional development of the facial nerve path through the ear region in human e1nbryos . Ann Oto/ Rhino/
Laryng ol 1994;103:395-403.

e1nerge, supplied at the level of the otocyst and acoustic nerve by anaston1oses 'vith the distal re1nnant of the shrinki11g ventral
the prin1itive otic artery, a re1nnant of a preseg1nental branch of pharyngeal artery. The 111axillo1nandibular division of the sta­
the paired aortae (see Figure 1-27). pedial artery is the result of this anasto111osis, and it divides
In the 4- to 5-week stage, the ventral pharyngeal artery, into 1naxillary and 1nandibular branches. The proxin1al rem.­
which parallels the internal carotid artery, arises in the area nant of the ventral pharyngeal artery evolves into the root of
for1nerly occupied by the ventral aspects of the first and sec­ the external carotid artery, 'vhereas the con11non carotid artery
ond arch arteries. This artery supplies the bulk of the first two develops from the ventral union of the third and fourth arch
pharyngeal bars and subsequently is involved in the forn1ation arteries.
of the stapedial and external carotid arteries. At the sa1ne tin1e, The developn1ent of the labyrinthine and anterior infe­
the bilateral longitudinal neural arteries fuse to forn1 the bas­ rior cerebellar arteries during the 4th through 6th weeks
ilar artery. passes through a ring configuration, with the abducens nerve
At 6 weeks, as the transition fron1 branchial phase to post­ in the center. Whether the labyrinthine artery arises fron1
branchial phase takes place, the stapedial artery appears as a the anterior inferior cerebellar artery or fron1 the basilar
small offshoot of the hyoid artery and passes through the stapes artery is deter1nined by the point at 'vhich the vascular ring
blaste1na to enter the 1nandibular bar; here the stapedial artery atrophies.

Int. ca rot. A.
Bilat. long. neur. A.
Primit. trigem. A.

Rathke's pouch

Gaud. divis. Primit. otic. A.

Cran. divis.
Primit. hypolos A.
of v
Int. carot.
A. First
cerv. segm. A.

Prim it.
opmth. A.

Primit. olf. A. 2
Hyoid A.
Arter. tr. Paired
Olf. area

Mand. A. Aort. Arch.-3, 4.

-;n--�k=::::--1-r-11- aort.

Primit. max. A. 3

FIGURE 1-27 •Graphic reconstruction of the cranial arteries in a 4-week embryo. The n1andibular and hyoid
arteries are remnants of the first two aortic arches; the internal carotid artery originates from the third arch, and the
bilateral neural arteries are starting to emerge. Reproduced with pe rmiss io n from Padget OH. The development of
the cranial arteries in the human embryo. Contrib Embryo/ 1948;32:205.

The stapedial artery reaches the height of its development of the caroticotyn1panic arteries, anterior tympanic artery,
at 7 \;,reeks (Figure l-28A) and has two divisions, the maxillo­ and superior petrosal artery (Tandler, as cited in Gulya and
mandibu1ar and the supraorbital; the latter division supplies Schuknecht1 and Altmann49).
the primitive orbit. Branches of the external carotid artery The subarcuate artery, traversing the subarcuate fossa,
that can be identified now are the thyroid, lingual, occipi­ develops as a branch of either the labyrinthine or anterior inte­
tal, and external maxillary arteries. Over the next week, the rior cerebellar artery by the end of the eighth week and supplies
t>vo major divisions of the stapedial artery are annexed by part of the otic capsule and mastoid. The adult pattern of origin
the internal maxillary artery of the external carotid artery of all of the cranial arteries is visible by the ninth week.
and the ophthaln1ic artery, respectively. The trunk of the The stapedial artery, usually a transient structure, may
maxillomandibular division becomes the stem of the 1nid­ abnormally persist into adulthood, interfering with stapes oper­
dle meningeal artery (Figure l-28B). As the stapedialartery ations especially (Figure 1-29). After passing through the sta­
withers proximal to the stapes, its 1nore distal stem becomes pes, the stapedial artery branches; bifurcation of the stapedial
the superior tympanic branch of the adult 1niddle menin­ artery proximal to the stapes, with both branches penetrating
geal artery. The hyoid artery, which originally gave rise to the stapes blastema, may give rise to a three-legged stapes.50 The
the stapedial artery, dwindles to a mere twig and is partially stapedial artery, either directly or indirectly through a branch,
retained as a caroticotympanic branch of the adult inter­ may fix the developing internal carotid artery so as to pull it
nal carotid artery (Figure l-28C). Remnants of the stape­ into the middle ear (Figure l-30A and B) more posteriorly and
dial artery also are thought to play a role in the development laterally than it ordinarily would run. 50 Such aberrant internal

collateral A.
B Sup. tympanic A.

Hyoid A.

N. rh<"�
tympanic A. Fora men
tympani N.
Inferior spinosum Ii
lympanic Inf. tympanic
canaliculus 4--- Ventral canaliculus
pharyngeal A.
Inferior Inf. tympanic
tympanic A. Ascending A.
pharyngeal A.

pharyngeal A.
L--_. EGA

F u ture Int. carotid A. ---+-

ICA --tr

.+--- Carotid A.


Semicanal of
nerve � lenser tympani N.

tympani --+---f'if"i

Int. carotid A.


Int. jugular V.

FIGURE 1-28 • Development of the cranial arter ies. A, Approxim a t ely 7 weeks. 8, A du lt configuration. C, The
internal ca rotid ar tery internal jugular vein, and their interrelationships with the tympanomastoid compartment.

After Moret and colleagues. Abnormal vessels in the middle ear. J Neuroradiol 1982;9:227.

FIGURE 1-29 • The persistent stapedial artery

traverses the obturator foramen (man, age
84 years). Reproduced with permission from
Gulya AJ. Gulya and Schuknecht's anatomy of
the temporal bone with surgical implications.
3rd ed. New York: lnforma Healthcare
USA; 2007.

A .s--- Middle meningeal A. B


VII tympanic
Ascending pharyngeal A.

FIGURE 1 30 •A, The aberrant internal carotid artery, feeding into the horizontal portion of the intrapetrous

internal carotid artery, is seen in association with the inferior tympanic artery and a persisting hyoid artery. B, The
aberrant internal carotid artery is seen protruding into the tympanic cavity. After Moret and colleagues. Abnormal
vessels in the middle ear. J Neuroradiol 1982;9:22Z

Primary head. sin us

Stem of
Stems of mid.
dural plex.
dural plex.
and X.

Oti c

[�(J;t,==--==��:---jl Second.
n a ast .

1 card. V.

l nte rse gm.
Pha ryng. vv.
Prosenceph. bars 1,2,3. 3

Primit. max. V. Vent. pharyng. V. 4
card. V.

Com. card. V. 5
A.5 mm Max. proc.
Primit. V.
Arm bud
Thor.-epic. V. 6

FIGURE 1-31 • The cranial venous system at app roximat ely 4 weeks. Venous blood of the brain drains to the
primary head sinus through three stems. The primary head sinus is in continuity with the anterior cardinal vein.
Reproduced with permission from Padget DH. Developme nt of the cranial venous system in man, from the
v iewpoint of comparative anatomy. Contrib Embryol 1957;36:79.

carotid arteries occasionally are encountered clinically as pul­ craniocervical region and is present by 4 weeks (Figure 1-31).
satile n1iddle ear inasses. The pri1nary head sinus is continuous with the anterior cardinal
vein (the primitive internal jugular vein), which lies medial to
cranial nerves X, XI, and XII. The anterior cardinal vein joins
the posterior cardinal vein to form the coinmon cardinal vein
The following account of the developinent of the venous circu­ (duct of Cuvier), draining into the sinus venosus of the embry­
lation of the huinan is largely based on the exhaustive onic heart.
of Padget.51•52 In general, the venous systein lags behind the arte­ In the 5th and 6th \Veeks of development, the priinary head
rial systein in approaching adult configuration; in fact, adult sinus encircles and then completes its migration to lie lateral to
configuration of the cranial venous systein is not usually present the vagus nerve. The medial aspect of the ring around the vagus
at birth.52 nerve forins the ventral myelencephalic vein. As the primary
In the developing hun1an of 3 to 4 weeks, inost of the neu­ head sinus rnoves laterally, the posterior stein moves caudally,
ral tube is covered by a prin1itive capillary plexus, which drains becoming continuous with the primitive internal jugular vein
dorsolaterally into a n1ore superficial plexus. Through ante­ and thus constituting the caudal end of the definitive sigmoid
rior, iniddle, and posterior venous steins, the superficial plexus sinus. The anterior cardinal (internal jugular) vein also moves
drains into the prin1ary head sinus (also known as the lateral to lie lateral to cra11ial nerves X, XI, and Xll.
capital vein), a channel that is n1edial to cranial nerves V and X The jugular foramen, demarcating the internal jugu­
and lateral to cranial nerves VII, VIII, and IX and the otocyst. lar vein inferiorly and the sigmoid sinus superiorly, is com­
The primary head sinus is the first true drainage channel of the pleted by the 7th week. At the san1e time, a plexiform channel

Mesenceph. V. Vent. metenceph. V.

Stem mid. dur. PL.
Sigmoid si n.
Prim it.
margin. sin. Vent. Plus
myelen­ Stem
Pineal ceph. post.
v. dur. PL.

Chor. plex.
lat. ventr. Primit.
Prim it. em. W.
straight --i--1-/<C'
sin. Ling.­
tac. V.
sm. - t--tft- -- - :::.
_..: :: ..
__ -L.. Int.
Jug. V.

Vert. V.

ant. dur. PL.

Primit. s upraorb. V. r-----7L...,

Primit.max. V.

Dors. pharyng. V. { Cephol. V.

Ulnar V.
Prim. head-sinus
22.18 mm

FIGURE 1-32 • The venous system at appro x i mately 8 wee ks shows the develop ment of the sigmoid sinus from
the a nastomo t ic linkage of the middle and posterior dural plexuses. Reproduced with permission from Padget DH.
Development of the cranial venous system in man, from the viewpoint of comparative anatomy. Contrib Embryo/

develops, parallel and dorsal to the pri1nary head sinus. This another remnant of the primary head sinus accompanies the
channel links the anterior, n1iddle, and posterior steins and facial nerve extracranially, ventral to the otic capsule. Also
lies dorsal to the trige1ninal nerve and the otocyst. Also dur­ at this stage, for the first time, the tendency of the venous
ing the 7th week, the prin1ary head sinus begins to involute, drainage to pass inore to the right than to the left is apparent
being replaced by the dorsal channel, and the direction of flow and is accompanied by greater developmental maturity of the
reverses in the n1iddle sten1 as it becomes the pro-otic sinus venous system of the right side \.Yhen compared with that of
(Figure 1-32). The definitive sig1noid sinus is co1nposed of the the left side.
channel connecting the n1iddle and posterior sten1s and the In the 9th and 10th weeks, the ventral myelencephalic vein
ventral remainder of the posterior sten1. The transverse sinus receives the hypoglossal e1nissary and inferior cochlear veins.
develops fro111 the anasto1notic channel bet\-veen the anterior The inferior petrosal sinus is thus established.
and n1iddle sten1s. By 12 ;-veeks, cerebral expansion pushes the transverse sinus
In en1bryos of approxi1nately 8 weeks, the pri1nary head into its adult position. A medial tributary of the pro-otic sinus,
sinus has esse11tially disappeared except for three re1nnants. the ventral metencephalic vein, becomes recognizable as the
The cranial ren1nant inedial to the trigen1inal nerve (part of superior petrosal sinus.
the pro-otic sinus) becon1es the lateral wing of the cavernous After birth, anastomoses develop that add cavernous and
sinus. A caudal re1nnant contributes to the for1nation of the inferior petrosal sinus drainage routes to the drainage of the
veins accon1panying the superficial petrosal and stylo1nas­ cerebral and cerebellar veins into the junction of the transverse
toid arteries and draining the n1iddle ear region, whereas yet and sig1noid sinuses.52

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46. Spector TG, Ge X. Ossification patterns of the tyn1panic 50. Steffen TN. Vascular anomalies of the 111iddle ear. Laryngoscope
facial canal in the hu1nan fetus and neonate. Laryngoscope 1968;78:171-97.
1993;103 :1052-65. 51. Padget DH. Development of the cranial venous systenl in 1nan,
47. Pansky B. Review of nledical e111bryology. New York: Mac111illan; fronJ the vie\Npoint of co1nparative anaton1y. Contrib E1nbryol
1982. 1957;36:79-140.
48. Padget DH. The developn1ent of the cranial arteries in the hun1an 52. Padget .DH. The cranial venous systen1 in 1nan in reference to
etnbryo. Contrib EnJbryol 1948;32:205-61. development, adult configuration, and relation to the arteries.

49. Altn1ann F. Ano1nalies of the internal carotid artery and its An1JAnat1956;98:307-55.
branches. Their en1bryological and con1parative anato1nical sig­
nificance. Report of a ne\'I' case of persistent stapedial artery in
1uan. Laryngoscope 1947;57:313-39.
Anatomy of the Temporal Bone
and Skull Base
Aina Julianna Gulya, MD, FACS

The ten1poral bone is a fascinating, intricate, and co1nplex the posterior auricular nerve, innervates the intrinsic n1uscles,
structure, and developing a three-din1ensional appreciation of in general poorly developed in the hu1nan.
the anaton1ic interrelationships of its co1nponents is an intellec­
tually den1anding task. To the otologic/neurotologic surgeon, External Auditory Canal
such a three-di1nensional grasp is critical to understanding
The lateral one-third of the EAC co1nprises a continuation
the pathophysiology of, and skillfully diagnosing and n1anag­
of the cartilage of the pinna and is deficient superiorly at the
ing, otologic disorders. This chapter presents a brief overview
incisura terminalis (see Figure 2-1); the extracartilaginous
of those features of the anato1ny of the ten1poral bone and its
endaural incision for access to the underlying tetnporal bone
environs critical to the otologist; the interested reader is referred
capitalizes on this gap. The two or three variably present
to Anatorny of the Ten1poral Bone with Surgical lmplications1 for
perforations in the anterior aspect of the cartilaginous canal
detail beyond the scope of this chapter. In addition, since there is
are the fissures ofSantorini. 1'he ren1aining inedial two-thirds
(as yet) no substitute for supplen1enting the acquisition of ana­
of the approxi1nately 2.S-cn1 length of the canal are bony. The
tomic facts by careful dissection of a wide variety of ten1poral
isth1nus, the narrowest portion of the EAC, lies just inedial to
bone specin1ens, the reader is strongly encouraged to review the
the junction of the bony and cartilaginous canals.
Appendix, "Surgical Anaton1y of the Ten1poral Bone through
Dissection," and to practice the described dissections.



The pinna acts to focus and aid in the localization of sound. Its Anthelix
shape, showing considerable interindividual variability, reflects

its inultico1nponent en1bryologic origin. Nonetheless, there are
/ helicis
constant features.
The contour of the pinna is detern1ined by the configu­
ration of its elastic cartilage fran1e. The lateral surface of the Scaphoid _.:....--:-­

pinna is don1inated by concavities, in particular the concha fossa

(Figure 2-1). The skin of the lateral and nledial surfaces of --

the pinna possesses hair and both sebaceous and sudoriferous � lncisura
glands; however, the attachment of the skin differs, being tightly
bound down to the perichondriun1 on the lateral aspect and
only loosely attached on the inedial. -�- Isthmus

The pinna is securely attached to the tyn1panic bone by the

continuity of its cartilage vvith that of the cartilaginous exter­
nal auditory canal (EAC). Otherwise, the pinna loosely attaches
to the skull by its skin, connective tissue, 1iga1nents, and three
extrinsic and six intrinsic n1uscles. A branch of the facial nerve, FIGURE 2-1 •Auricular cartilage.


The skin of the cartilaginous canal has a substantial sub­ bleb for1nation; if done properly, the anchoring of the skin
cutaneous layer, replete with hair follicles, sebaceous glands, of the bony EAC "outlines" the tympano1nastoid and ty1n­
and cerun1en glands. The skin of the osseous canal, in contrast, panosquan1ous sutures, which are the landtnarks for the
is very thin and its subcutaneous layer is bereft of the usual "vascular strip" incisions (see below). Infla1nn1ation, as with
adne:xal structures. Accordingly, the absence of hair serves to infection of the 1niddle ear or external ear, reduces the efficacy
distinguish the bony and cartilaginous canals. of local anesthesia.

Innervation Vascular Supply

The auriculotemporal branch of the trigeminal nerve, greater Two branches of the external carotid artery, the posterior auric­
auricular nerve {a branch of C3), lesser occipital nerve (of ular artery and the superficial te1nporal artery, are the sources
C2 and C3 derivation), auricular branch of the vagus nerve of arterial blood supply to the pinna and EAC (see Figure 2-2).
(Arnold's nerve), and twigs from the facial nerve all contribute The posterior auricular artery, as it courses superiorly on the
to the sensory innervation of the pinna and EAC (Figures 2-2 n1astoid portion of the ten1poral bone, supplies the skin of the
and 2-3). pinna and the skin and bone of the mastoid; its stylon1astoid
Effective local anesthesia can be obtained by I. to 2<Yo lido­ branch enters the fallopian canal to sup ply the inferior segn1ent
caine infiltration of the postauricular region accon1panied by of the facial nerve. Anteriorly, a fe'"' twigs of the superficial te1n­
infiltration of the cartilaginous canal in a four-quadrant (ie, poral artery provide additional supply to the pinna and EAC.
at the 2, 4, 8, and 10 o'clock positions) fashion. Infiltration The veins acco1npanyi11g the arteries drain into the internal jug­
of the bony canal 111ust be done gently to avoid troubleson1e ular vein by either the facial or external jugular veins.

Auriculotemporal nerve
Superficial temporal artery

Auricular branch of vagus

Posterior auricular nerve (VII motor}

Lesser occipital nerve

(C2 and C3)

Greater auricular nerve (C3

i;;:;::;;;J--"' nerve

FIGURE 2-2 • Innervation of the external ear (lateral view}. The inset shows the innervation of the posterior aspect
of the pinna .



FIGURE 2-3 • The innervation of the external

auditory canal.

TEMPORAL BONE, SKULL BASE, superiorly, where it is deficient; at this point, known as the
AND RELATED STRUCTURES notch ofRivinus, the tympanic 1nembrane attaches directly to
the squama.
Temporal Bone and Skull Base The tympanosquarnous and tympanomastoid sutures are
The temporal bone is a con1posite structure consisting of the landmarks for the "vascular strip" incisions used in tympano-
tyn1panic bone, mastoid process, squan1a (also known as the 1nastoid surgery. The elevation of EAC. skin and periosteu111 at
squan1ous portion of the te1nporal bone), and petrosa (also these two sutures often requires sharp dissection to divide the
known as the petrous portion of the temporal bone). Although contained periosteun1, particularly at the tympanosquamous
the styloid process is closely related to the temporal bone, it is suture. Elevation of the tympanic membrane, as for a transca­
not considered a portion of it. nal exploratory tympanotomy, typically commences just above
The tympani c , squamous, and niastoid portions of the the notch of Rivinus; the surgeon is thus able to identify and
temporal bone are evident on a lateral view (Figure 2-4). elevate the annulus in continuity with the tympanic membrane.
The ty1npanic bone forn1s the anterior, inferior, and parts of The apparent size of the EAC may be diminished by excessive
the posterior wall of the EAC. It interfaces \Vith the squan1a prominence of the bone at the tyrnpanosquamous suture; access
at the tympanosqua1nous suture, the niastoid at the tympano­ to the EAC in such cases can be improved by removal of the
inastoid suture, and the petrosa at the petrotyn1panic fissure offending spur. Henle's spine 1narks the anterior limit of dissec­
and constitutes the posterior wall of tbe glenoid fossa for the tion in a canal wall up 1nastoidectomy. On occasion, posterior
temporo1na11dibular joint (1'MJ). The tyn1panon1astoid suture bulging of the anterior canal wall 1nay obscure full visual­
is traversed by Arnold's nerve, whereas the chorda tympani ization of the tympanic mernbrane. Anterior canalplasty can
nerve, anterior process of the malleus, and anterior tyn1panic improve surgical visualization but if overzealous may result in
artery traverse the petrotympanic fissure. Henle's spine is a prolapse of the TN1J into the EAC with, eg, opening the mouth.
projection of variable pron1inence at the posterosuperior aspect Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, as well as disease of the
of the EAC. Inferiorly, the vaginal process, a projection ofty1n­ molar teeth, may manifest in referred otalgia, owing both to the
panic bone, for1ns the sheath of the styloid bone. Laterally, the proximity of the EAC and the shared innervation by the n1an­
tyn1panic bone borders the cartilaginous EAC, whereas medi­ dibular division of the trige1ninal (fifth cranial) nerve.
ally it bears a circular groove, the annular sulcus. The annular The squamous portion of the ten1poral bone serves as the
sulcus houses the annulus of the tyn1panic ine1nbrane except lateral v.rall of the middle cranial fossa and (see Figures 2-4


' •

FIGURE 2-4 • Left adult temporal bone, lateral

aspect. 1 =squama; 2 =temporal line;
3 =mastoid fossa; 4 =Henle's spine;
5 =tympanosquamous suture; 6 = mastoid
foramen; 7 = mastoid process; 8 =external
auditory canal; 9 =zygoma; 10 =petrotympanic
fissure; 11 =tympanic bone; 12 =mandibular
Iossa; 13 =styloid process. Reproduced
with permission from Gu/ya, AJ. Gu/ya and
Schuknecht's anatomy of the temporal bone
with surgical implications. 3rd ed. New York:
lnforma Healthcare USA; 2007.

and 2-5) interfaces with the parietal bone superiorly and vvith term "petrous" (Greek for "rocklike") sten1s from the extreme
the zygomatic process and the sphenoid anteriorly. Its medial density of its bone, which guards the sensory organs of the
surface is grooved by a sulcus for the middle meningeal artery, inner ear. Important landmarks seen on a superior view (see
whereas the middle temporal artery runs in a groove on its lat­ Figure 2-6) are the arcuate eminence (roughly corresponding
eral aspect. to the superior semicircular canal), meatal plane (indicative of
The mastoid portion of the temporal bone (see Figure 2-4) the internal auditory canal), foramen spinosum for the middle
is the inferiorly extending projection seen on the lateral surface meningeal artery, and facial hiatus (marking the departure of
of the temporal bone. It is composed of a squamous portion (lat­ the greater petrosal nerve from the anterior aspect of the genic­
erally) and a petrous portion (medially) separated by Korner's ulate ganglion). The lesser petrosal nerve, accompanied by the
(petrosquan1ous) septum. The fossa mastoidea (1'.1ace,ven's superior tympanic artery, occupies the superior tympanic can­
triangle) is defined by the linea temporalis (temporal line), a aliculus, lying lateral to and paralleling the path of the greater
ridge of bone extending posteriorly fron1 the zygomatic pro­ petrosal nerve to the petrous apex. The petrous apex points
cess (marking the lower margin of the temporalis muscle and anteromedially and is marked by the transition of the intrape­
approximating the inferior descent of the 1niddle cranial fossa trous to the intracranial internal carotid artery, orifice of the
dura), the posterosuperior margin of the EAC, and a tangent bony eustachian tube, and, anterolaterally, ganglion of the tri­
to the posterior margin of the EAC. The fossa mastoidea, a cri­ gen1inal nerve in :tvleckel's cave.
brose (cribriform) area, is identified by its numerous, perforat­ The medial vie'"' of the temporal bone (see Figure 2-5) fea­
ing small blood vessels. tures the porus of the internal auditory canal (IAC). The fora­
The mastoid foramen, located posteriorly on the mastoid men seen at the petrous apex is the internal carotid foramen, by
process, is traversed by the mastoid emissary vein and one or which the internal carotid artery exits the temporal bone. The
t'vo mastoid arteries. Inferiorly, the sternocleido1nastoid muscle sigmoid portion of the lateral venous sinus runs in the deep sul­
attaches to the mastoid tip. cus seen posteriorly, whereas the superior petrosal sinus runs in
The linea temporalis is an avascular plane, a feature the sulcus located at the junction of the posterior and middle
that makes it an ideal location for the superior limb of the fossa faces of the te1nporal bone.
"T" musculoperiosteal incision used in the postauricular The vertically oriented posterior face of the petrosa domi­
approach to the tympanomastoid compartn1ent. The fossa nates the posterior view of the temporal bone (see Figure 2-7) as
mastoidea is an important surgical landmark as it laterally it delimits the anterolateral aspect of the posterior cranial fossa
overlies the mastoid antrum. The mastoid antrum, medial to and lies bet,veen the superior and inferior petrosal sinuses. The
the fossa mastoidea (1'.1acewen's triangle), develops in the ear­ porus of the IAC, operculum, endolymphatic fossette cradling
liest stages of mastoid pneumatization and is ordinarily pre­ the endolymphatic sac, and subarcuate fossa are the key ana­
sent in even the least pneumatized temporal bones. Therefore, tomic features on this surface.
the fossa mastoidea is the site at \AJhich mastoid drilling ordi­ The inferior surface of the temporal bone (Figure 2-8)
narily comn1ences. figures prominently in skull base anatomy as it interfaces \AJith
The petrosa (see Figures 2-5, 2-6, and 2-7) is evident on the sphenoid and occipital bones. It provides attachment for
superior, medial, and posterior vie,vs of the temporal bone; the the deep muscles of the neck and is perforated by a multitude

1 3

\ 2

5 I

Bill's bar

Sup. vestibular area

Fallopian canal

1--r--- Inf. vestibular


Singular foramen

Spiral lamina of cochlea


FIGURE 2-5 •A, Left adult temporal bone, medial aspect. 1 =superior petrosal sulcus; 2 =arcuate eminence;
3 =squama; 4 =sigmoid sulcus; 5 = petromastoid canal; 6 =middle meningeal artery sulcus; 7 =internal auditory
canal; 8 = petrous apex; 9 =styloid process; 1 O = internal carotid artery foramen. Reproduced with permission
from Gu/ya, AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's anatomy of the temporal bone with surgical implications. 3rd ed. New
York: lnforma Healthcare USA; 2007. 8, Drawing indicating approximate anatomic relationships of the internal
carotid artery, superior petrosal sinus, facial nerve, bony labyrinth, and ossicular chain (right temporal bone). Inset
shows the anatomic interrelationships at the fundus of the internal auditory canal.


FIGURE 2-6 • Left adult temporal bone,

superior aspect. 1 = zygoma; 2 = tegmen;
3 = arcuate eminence; 4 = lesser superficial
petrosal canal; 5 = internal carotid artery
foramen; 6 = internal audotory canal;
7 = facial hiatus; 8 = petrous apex. Reproduced
with permission from Gu/ya, AJ. Gu/ya and
Schuknecht's anatomy of the temporal bone
with surgical implications. 3rd ed. New York:
lnforma Healthcare USA; 2007.

of foramina. The jugular fossa, housing the jugular bulb, is X and XI and the jugular bulb are located posterolaterally. The
separated from the internal carotid artery by the juguloca­ contradiction appears particularly when contrasting neurosur­
rotid crest. The aperture of the inferior tympanic canaliculus, gical studies, which use an intracranial approach to the jugular
traversed by the inferior tympanic artery and the tympanic foramen, to neurotologic studies, in which a lateral approach
branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve (Jacobson's nerve), is predominates. One suggested resolution to the discrepancy is
sited in the jugulocarotid crest, '"'hereas the cranial aperture to consider the jugular foramen as a "short canal rather than
of the cochlear aqueduct is located anteromedial to the jugular a simple fora1nen""1 in which a medially positioned bony/thick
fossa. The groove for the inferior petrosal sinus can be seen fibrous tissue septun1 thins as one approaches the lateral aspect
near the petrous apex. The stylon1astoid foramen of the facial of the foramen.
nerve is located just posterior to the styloid process. The occip­ The hypoglossal canal, located in the anterior portion of
ital artery and the digastric muscle occupy the temporal groove the occipital condyle and anteroinferior to the jugular foramen,
and the mastoid incisure, respectively, at the medial aspect of carries cranial nerve XII, which courses medial to cranial nerve
the tip. X and inferior to the jugular foramen.)
The jugular foramen is of particular importance in skull The inferior petrosal sinus is in close anatomic relation to
base surgery as it is traversed by the glossopharyngeal (ninth), cranial nerves IX through XI as it drains, in two-thirds of cases
vagus (tenth), and spinal accessory (eleventh) cranial nerves as via multiple openings, into the anterior aspect of the jugular
they exit the skull (Figures 2-9, 2-10, and 2-11). In the course of bulb (see Figure 2-10). Most con1monly, the inferior petrosal
posterolateral skull base exposure, decortication and fibrous tis­ sinus runs inferior and medial to cranial nerve IX and superior
sue dissection reveal the internal jugular vein, its bulb, and the and lateral to cranial nerves X and XI.4 The condylar emissary
internal carotid artery. Posterior retraction of the internal jug­ vein, draining the suboccipital plexus, opens into the jugular
ular vein and resection of the jugular bulb allow visualization bulb inferiorly and posteriorly, in proximity to cranial nerves
of the lo,ver cranial nerves exiting the skull (see Figure 2-11), X and XI.4
the most anterior and lateral of '"'hich is cranial nerve IX, as it The cochlear aqueduct, carrying the periotic (or perilym­
passes just posterior to the jugulocarotid crest.2·�Cranial nerves phatic) duct, is an important landmark for the neuro-otologist.
X and XI are located progressively more posterior (and medial) As the cochlear aqueduct runs from the medial aspect of the
to cranial nerve IX. Cranial nerve XI is generalJy identified as it scala tympani of the basal cochlear turn to terminate antero1ne­
crosses over the internal jugular vein in the neck and the lateral dial to the jugular bulb, it parallels, and lies inferior to, the IAC.
process of the atlas; however, it is important to recognize that From the transmastoid perspective, the aqueduct is encountered
nearly as often cranial nerve XI can pass medial to the internal '"'hen drilling medial to the jugular bulb; opening the aqueduct
jugular vein.4 results in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid into the mastoid, a
Contradictory reports exist in the literature regarding the useful maneuver in translabyrinthine cerebeJJopontine angle
bony/fibrous compartmentalization of the jugular fora1nen and tumor surgery as it decompresses cerebrospinal fluid pressure.
the distribution of contained neurovascular structures; in the In addition, cranial nerve IX, the inferior petrosal sinus, and,
compartn1entalized jugular foran1en, cranial nerve IX is found in some cases, cranial nerves X and XI can b e found in1medi­
in the anteromedial compartment, whereas cranial nerves ately inferior to the lateral terminus of the cochlear aqueduct.5

5 6

FIGURE 2-7 •A, Left adult temporal bone, posterior aspect. 1 = s qua ma; 2 = arcuate eminence; 3 = petroma stoid
canal; 4 = inter na l auditory canal; 5 = endolymphatic fossette; 6 = petrous apex; 7 = sigmoid sulcus. Reproduced
with permission from Gu/ya, AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's anatomy of the temporal bone with surgical implications.
3rd ed. New York: lnforma Healthcare USA; 2007. B, Artist's depiction of the posterior aspect of the right te mporal
bone, with neovascular structures.

Therefore, the cochlear aqueduct can be used a s a guide to the lateral process of the malleus to the anterior and posterior
lower li1nits of IAC dissection in, eg, the translabyrinthine tympanic spines, respectively. Shrapnell's n1embrane serves as
approach a s it allows full exposure of the IAC without risking the lateral \¥all of Prussak's space (the superior recess of the
the lower cranial nerves. tympanic inembrane); the head and neck of the malleus, the
lateral malleal ligament, and anterior and posterior malleal
Related Structures folds form the medial, anterosuperior, and inferior li1nits of
Tympanic Membrane Prussak's space.
The tympanic me1nbrane (see Figure 2-3) en1ulates an irregu­ The ty1npanic membrane is a trila1ninar structure. The
lar cone, the apex of which is forn1ed by the umbo (at the tip of lateral surface is formed by squamous epithelium, whereas the
the iuanubrium). The adult ty1npanic membrane is about 9 rmn medial layer is a continuation of the mucosa! epithelium of the
in diameter and subtends an acute angle with respect to the middle ear. Between these layers is a fibrous layer, known as the
inferior wall of the EAC. The fibrous annulus of the ty1npanic pars propria. The pars propria at the umbo splits to envelop the
1nembrane anchors it in the tympanic sulcus. In addition, the distal tip of the manubriu1n.
ty1npanic membrane fir1nly attaches to the 1nalleus at the lat­
eral process and at the u1nbo; between these tvvo points, only a Ossie/es
fli1nsy mucosal fold, the plica mallearis, connects the tympanic The ossicular chain (Figure 2-12), inade up of the inalleus,
1nembrane to the 1nalleus. incus, and stapes, serves to conduct sound from the tympanic
The tympanic ine1nbrane is separated into a superior pars membrane to the cochlea.
flaccida (Shrapnell's inembrane) and a pars inferior by the The malleus, the most lateral of the ossicles, has a head
anterior and posterior ty1npanic stria, which run from the (caput), n1anubriun1 (handle), neck, and anterior and lateral

FIGURE 2-8 • Left adult temporal bone,

inferior aspect. 1, inferior petrosal sulcus;
2, cochlear aqueduct; 3, inferior tympanic
canaliculus; 4, jugulocarotid crest; 5, internal
carotid artery formaen; 6, jugular fossa;
7, sigmoid sulcus; 8, mandibular fossa;
9, temporal groove; 10, mastoid incisure;
11, mastoid tip; 12, stylomastoid foramen;
13, styloid process. Reproduced with
permission from Gu/ya, AJ. Gu/ya and
Schuknecht's anatomy of the temporal bone
with surgical implications. 3rd ed. New York:
lnforma Healthcare USA; 2007.

semi-circular '\....-- Displaced facial nerve

Internal carotid artery


Hypoglossal nerve


Vagus ----.:;

FIGURE 2-9 • Skull base dissection, right. A radical mastoidectomy and neck dissection have been done.
The sigmoid sinus and internal carotid artery (ICA) have been decorticated, and the cochlea has been partially
removed. The facial nerve has been rerouted anteriorly, and the lower cranial nerves are seen emerging from the
crevice between the ICA and the internal jugular vein. After Goldenberg RA. Surgeon's view of the skull base from
the lateral approach. Laryngoscope 1984;94:1-21.

Packing in ....,::::
, ::::
:: C:���---"-:-": Petrous internal carotid artery

lateral venous
sinus (top} and
inferior petrosal
sinus (bottom)

-- Ligated internal jugular vein

FIGURE 2-10 •With further dissection, the eustachian tube is removed, and the petrous internal carotid artery has
been exposed. After Goldenberg RA. Surgeon's view of the skull base from the lateral approach. Laryngoscope

FIGURE 2-11 • Left skull base dissection.

Removal of the internal jugular vein and the
jugular bulb exposes the exit of the lower
cranial nerves from the posterior fossa. (ICA,
internal carotid artery; IXN, glossopharyngeal
nerve; XN, vagus nerve; XI N. spinal accessory
nerve; XllN, hypoglosal nerve; MPA, posterior
meningeal artery) Photo courtesy of John
Kveton, MD; reproduced with permission from
Kveton JF. Anatomy of the jugular foramen: the
neurotologic perspective. Op Tech ORL-HNS

processes. The lateral process has a cartilaginous "cap" that dissecting disease fron1 the stapes, one should parallel the plane
in1perceptibly 111erges with the pars propria of the tyn1panic of the stapedius tendon, in a posterior to an anterior direction,
n1embrane. The anterior ligament of the malleus, extending so that the tendon resists displacen1ent of the stapes.
from the anterior process, passes through the petrotyn1panic
Middle Ear Muse/es
fissure and, v,rith the posterior incudal ligament, creates the axis
The tensor tyn1pani nluscle, innervated by the trige1ninal nerve,
of ossicular rotation.
originates from the walls of its semicanal, greater wing of the
The incus, the largest of the three ossicles, is in11nediately
sphenoid, and cartilage of the eustachian tube. The tendon of
n1edial to the n1alleus. The incus has a body and three processes:
the tensor tympani 1nuscle sweeps around the cochleariform
a long, a short, and a lenticular. The body of the incus articu­
process and across the tyn1panic cavity to attach to the medial
lates with the head of the n1alleus in the epityn1panun1. The
aspect of the neck and 1nanubriun1 of the 1nalleus.
short process of the incus is anchored in the incudal fossa by the
The nledial pull of the tensor tyn1pani 1nuscle is ordinar­
posterior incudal ligan1ent. The long process extends inferiorly,
ily opposed by the intact tyn1panic 111en1brane. In the case of
roughly paralleling and lying posterior to the manubriun1. The
a chronic, substantial perforation of the tympanic 1ne111brane,
lenticular process, at the terminus of the long process, articu­
the unopposed action of the tensor ty1npani muscle can medi­
lates with the stapes.
alize the manubriu1n, effectively contracting the depth of the
The stapes is the sn1allest and n1ost medial of the ossicles.
tyn1panic cavity. Forcible lateralization of the 1nalleus, or even
lts head articulates \vith the lenticular process of the incus,
sectioning of the tensor tympani tendon, may be required to
\"/hereas its footplate sits in the oval window, surrounded by
allow the surgeon to perfor1n tyn1panic nlembrane grafting
the stapediovestibular ligan1ent. The arch of the stapes, com­
or ossiculoplasty. The cochlearifor111 process is a landn1ark
posed of an anterior and a posterior crus, links the head and
to the anterior aspect of the tympanic seg1nent of the facial
the footplate.
nerve as the nerve ru11s i1nn1ediately superior to this process
Tn the course of ty1npanic 1nembrane elevation, as tor
(Figure 2-13).
instance in tyn1panoplasty, since the cartilaginous "cap" of the
The stapedius 1nuscle runs in a vertical sulcus in the pos­
lateral process of the malleus blends into the pars propria of the
terior wall of the ty111panic cavity adjacent to the facial nerve,
drum, it is more expedient to sharply dissect it fron1 the n1al­
fron1 which it receives its innervation. Its tendon traverses the
leus rather than tediously atte1npting to dissect the drun1 from
pyramidal en1inence to attach to the posterior crus, and occa­
the "cap." The long process of the incus, perhaps owing to its
sionally the head, of the stapes.
tenuous blood supply, is particularly prone to osteitic resorp­
tion in the face of chronic otitis n1edia. Although the ossicles Middle Ear Spaces
are held in position by their ligan1ents and tendons, the force The tyn1panic cavity is a sagittally oriented slit that lies i1nn1e­
of injudicious surgical manipulation can easily overcome these diately nledial to the ty1npanic 1ne111brane. Its roof, or teg­
restraints, resulting in subluxation or co1nplete luxation. 'A/hen n1en, also serves as part of the floor of the middle cranial fossa,


_ Short


-:---+- Long process



� Footplate

Lenticular Anterior
process crus
FIGURE 2-12 • The ossicular chain, medial

FIGURE 2-13 •The facial nerve is seen

in its vertical and tympanic segments.
Anterosuperiorly, the facial nerve passes
superior to the tensor tympani tendon,
which is seen sectioned just after it exits the
cochleariform process.

whereas its irregularly contoured floor features the jugular can harbor the nidus of recurrence. Inspection of this region has
bulb and, posteriorly, the root of the styloid process. The ty1n­ been son1ewhat in1proved by the advent of endoscopes appropri­
panic cavity is in continuity with the eustachian tube anteriorly ate for otologic surgery. The oval window niche n1ay be the site
and with the nJastoid air cells via the aditus and antrun1. It is of a perilyinphatic fistula. Si111ilarly, the round windO\.Y niche
traversed by the ossicular chain and is lined with a n1ucosal nlay be i111plicated in perily111ph leakage. In assessing the row1d
epitheliun1. Planes extended fron1 the tyn1panic annulus sub­ \.Yindo\.Y, it is in1portant to realize that in the vast 111ajority of
divide the ty1npanic cavity into a inesoty1npanu1n, hypotyn1- cases, the true round \.Yindo\.v 111e111brane is obscured by so111e
panum, protyn1panu1n, and posterior ty1npanic cavity. The kind of nJucosal veil (Figure 2-16); nJost often, the veil is perfo­
epity1npanun1 lies above the plane of the anterior and posterior rated, giving the false i111pression of seeing a defect in the round
tyn1panic spines. \.Yindow n1e111brane.6
Anteriorly, the n1esoty1npanun1 is do1ninated by the bulge
Eustachian Tube
of the sen1icanal of the tensor tyn1pani inuscle; the ty1npanic
The custachian tube extends approxin1ately 35 n1111 fron1 the
orifice of the eustachian tube is in11nediately inferior to this
anterior aspect of the tyn1panic cavity to the posterior aspect
bulge (Figure 2-14). Posteriorly, the key anato1nic features are
of the nasopharynx and serves to ventilate, clear, and protect
the pyra1nidal emine11ce and, lateral to it, the chordal e1ni­
the 111iddle ear (see Figures 2-9 and 2-14). The lining nJucosa
nence. The chordal e1ninence houses the iter chordae posterius
of the tube has an abundance of n1ucociliary cells, i1nportant
by which the chorda ty111pani nerve enters the ty111panic cavity.
to its clearance function. The antcro1nedial two-thirds of the
The nledial wall (the surgical "floor" of the nJiddle ear) fea­
eustachian tube are fibrocartilaginous, whereas the re1nainder is
tures three depressions: the sinus ty111pani, oval windov• niche,
bony. The tympanic orifice is in the anterior \.Yall of the nliddle
and round window niche (Figure 2-15). The sinus tyn1pani is
ear, a fe\.v 111illi111eters above the floor. In its nor1nal resting posi­
defined by the ponticulus superiorly, the subiculu111 inferiorly,
tion, the tube is closed; opening of the tube is accon1plished
the 111astoid seg111ent of the facial nerve laterally, and the poste­
by the tensor veli palatini n1uscle, innervated by the trigen1inal
rior semicircular canal inedially; there is substantial variability
nerve. A body of fat, the lateral fat pad of Ostn1ann, abuts the
in the posterior extension (surgical "depth") of the sinus ty1n­
lateral aspect of the fibrocartilaginous tube and aids in nlain­
pani, ranging fron1 "shallov/' to "deep." The oval window niche,
taining the resting closure of the tube.
occupied by the stapes footplate, is located anterosuperior to the
ponticulus. The round v;indo"'' niche can be found posteroin­ Mucosa of the Tympanomastoid Compartment
ferior to the pro111ontory, the bulge created by the basal turn of The 111edial surface of the tyn1panic n1en1brane, tyn1panic cav­
the cochlea. ity, and 111astoid air cells arc all lined \.Yith a nlucosal epithe­
The sinus tyn1pani evades direct surgical visualization, liun1, reflecting their con11non heritage fro111 the tubotyn1panic
which is particularly worrison1e in cholesteaton1a surgery as it recess. The predon1inant cell type varies with location in the

FIGURE 2-14 •Radical mastoid dissection

view of a right temporal bone. The three
semicircular canals have been opened. The
anatomic interrelationships between the
internal carotid artery (1), eustachian tube
(2), promontory (3), and geniculate ganglion
(4) are seen. Reproduced with permission from
Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's anatomy of
the temporal bone with surgical implications.
3rd ed. New York: lnforma Healthcare USA;

of pneumatization: the middle ear, n1astoid, perilabyrinthine,

petrous apex, and accessory (Figure 2-17). The niiddle ear
region, as described above, is divided into epitympanic, hypo­
'iJI tympanic, mesotyn1panic, proty111panic, and posterior tym­
I panic areas. The n1astoid region is subdivided into the n1astoid
antrun1, central n1astoid, and peripheral n1astoid. The bony
,__- e.minence
labyrinth divides the perilabyrinthine region into supralaby­
rinthine and infralabyrinthine areas. The apical area and the
peritubal area con1prise the petrous apex region. The acces­
sory region encon1passes the zygomatic, squan1ous, occipital,
and styloid areas. There are five recognized air cell tracts. The
posterosuperior tract runs at the juncture of the posterior and
nJiddle fossa aspects of the ten1poral bone. The posteromedial
cell tract parallels and runs inferior to the posterosuperior tract.
The subarcuate tract passes through the arch of the superior
semicircular canal. The perilabyrinthine tracts run superior
and inferior to the bony labyrinth, whereas the peritubal tract
surrounds the eustachian tube.
The anterior petrous apex is pneu111atized in only 10 to 15o/o
FIGURE 2-15 •The sinus tympani is bordered superiorly by the
of speci111ens studied.8 l\ilost often, it is diploic; in a small per­
pontic ulus and inferiorly by the subiculum. Reproduced with
permission from Schuknecht HF. Pathology of the ear. Ontario, centage of cases, it is sclerotic.
Canada: Decker; 1974. Troublesome cerebrospinal fluid leakage, persisting after
translabyrintbine vestibular sch"\\rannoma resection despite
tympanomastoid con1partment. Ciliated cells intermingle '"'ith apparently adequate tympanomastoid obliteration, bas been
secretory cells on the promontory, in the hypotympanum, and linked to the presence of peritubal cells that open directly into
in the epitympanum,7 the mucociliary tracts thus formed act the eustacbian tube anterior to its tympanic orifice.9
in concert with the n1ucociliary clearance system of the eusta­
Inner Ear
chian tube.
The bony labyrinth (see Figure 2-17) houses the sensory organs
Pneumatization and soft tissue structures of the inner ear and consists of the
The extent of pneumatization of the temporal bone varies cochlea, three semicircular canals, and vestibule. Its bone has
according to heredity, environment, nutrition, infection, and three layers: an inner, or endosteal, layer; a n outer, or perios­
eustachian tube function. There are five recognized regions teal, layer; and a middle layer consisting of enchondral and

• .

FIGURE 2-16 • The true round window

membrane (left arrow) is covered by a veil of
mucosa (right arrow). There is a microfissure
extending from the medial aspect of the
round window niche to the ampulla of the
posterior semicircular canal. Right temporal
bone; repr oduced with permission from Gu/ya
AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's anatomy of the
temporal bone with surgical implications.
3rd ed. New York: lnforma Healthcare USA;

Mastoid Perilabyrinthine Petrous

. .
region region apex region
,-- �A- --, ,-- �A-- � --- �A"- --.
- - - - - -

l 1 I f I f 1
I I '

Tegmental cells' Subarcu ate )rac

t '
Squamous '
Posterosuperior tract

Sinodural cells
"/"" ,.,, Antrum ,
: Supralabyrinthine •

/ I

Central Mastoid tract -

- -
- ?� �


Occipital accessory cells ---

Sinai cells

Retrofacial cells Peritubal area

Medial tip cells

lnfralabyrinthine area

Lateral tip cells

Carotid A.

Stytoid cells Jugular V.

FIGURE 2-17 • Pneumatization of the temporal bone, with regions, areas, and tracts indicated. After Nadal JB Jr,
Schuknecht HF, editors. Surgery of the ear and temporal bone. New York: Raven Press; 1993.

intrachondrial bone. Intrachondrial bone (gJobuli interossei) is endochondral layers of the temporal bone, are filled with fibrous
characterized by cartilage islands, the lacunae of which have a tissue and acellular 1natrix.
thin bony layer owing to their invasion b y osteoblasts. A persistent Hyrtl's fissure has been implicated as a route
The cochlea spirals 2Y2 turns about its central axis, the for cerebrospinal fluid leakage into the iniddle ear.12 Although
niodiolus, and has a height of 5 mm. The base of the cochlea the oval and row1d window inicrofissures have been hypothe­
abuts the fundus of the IAC and is perforated (cribrose), allow­ sized to be the site of perilyn1ph leakage, evidence refutes this
ing tor the passage of cochlear nerve fibers. The apex lies niedial theory.13
to the tensor tyinpani n1uscle. The osseous spiral lan1ina winds The inen1branous (endolyn1phatic) labyrinth housed
about the modiolus and, along with the basilar nie1nbrane, '"'ithil1 the bony labyrinth consists of the cochlear duct (scala
separates the scala media (the cochlear duct) from the scala n1edia), the three sen1icircular ducts and their cristae an1pul­
ty1npani. Adjacent turns of the cochlea are separated by an lares, the otolithic organs (the utricle and the saccule), and the
inter-scalar septun1. endolyn1phatic duct and sac. Generally interposed ben¥een the
The three semicircular canals (see Figure 2-14) are the bony and 111en1branous labyrinths are the connective tissue,
lateral (horizontal), superior (anterior vertical), and posterior blood vessels, and fluid of the perilyn1phatic space, including
(posterior vertical). The three canals are orthogonally related the scala tyinpani, scala vestibuli, perily1uphatic cistern of the
to one another and arc over a span of 240 degrees. Each canal vestibule, perilymphatic duct, and perily1nph spaces surround­
has an ampullated limb, measuring 2 mm in diameter, and a ing the sen1icircular ducts.
nonampullated lin1b, which is J 1nin in dian1eter. The ampulla The endolyn1phatic duct originates in the 1nedial wall of
is cribrose for passage of nerve fibers. The nona1npullated lin1bs the vestibule. It first parallels the crus con1n1une and then the
of the posterior and superior canals fuse to form the crus com- posterior semicircular canal as it heads to the endolyn1phatic
1nune. The a1npullated and nonainpullated lin1bs all open into sac, anterior and n1edial to the sign1oid sinus. The endoly1n­
the vestibule. The angle formed by the three se1nicircular canals phatic sac lies approxi1nately 10 n1n1 inferior and lateral to the
is the solid angle, •Nhereas the triangle bounded by the bony lab­ porus of the IAC; the sac has an intraosseous portion, '"'hich is
yrinth, sig1noid sinus, and superior petrosal sinus is known as covered by the operculu111, and a more distal intradural portion
Trautn1ann's triangle. (see Figure 1-14).
Thinning, or frank dehiscence, of the bone of the superior Donaldson's line, a surgical land1nark in endolyn1phatic sac
seinicircular canal is recognized as underlying son1e cases of surgery, is derived by extending the plane of the lateral se1uicir­
sound- and/or pressure-induced vertigo.10 Such dehiscence has cular so that it bisects the posterior se1uicircular canal and con­
been tound in 0.So/o of te1nporal bones studied, whereas thin­ tacts the posterior fossa dura (Figure 2-18); the endolyn1phatic
ning was encountered in l.4'Vo; both findings were "frequently " sac lies inferior to this line. The precise position of the sac shows
bilateral.11 A failure in postnatal developn1ent of the bony laby­ considerable variability.
rinth has been theorized to be the cause.a
The vestibule is the central chan1ber of the bony labyrinth Internal Auditory Canal
and measures 4 nim in dian1eter. lts niedial v,rall is n1arked The IAC is the bony channel that shelters the superior and
by depressions for the saccule (the spherical recess), utricle inferior vestibular, cochlear, facial, and inter1nediate nerves,
(the elliptical recess), and cochlear duct (the cochlear recess). as well as the labyrinthine artery and vein, as they course
Cribrose areas accon1modate nerve fiber access to their sen­ fro1n the posterior cranial fossa to the labyrinth. On average,
sory organs. "Mike's dot" (the macula cribrosa superior) the canal 1neasures 3.4 n11u in dian1eter and 8 1nn1 in length;
1narks the passageway for superior vestibular nerve fibers to these din1ensions display considerable interindividual vari­
the cristae ampullares of the lateral and superior sen1icircular ability. The porus is the posterior cranial fossa opening of the
canals. As it corresponds to the extre1ne lateral aspect of the canal, '"'hereas the canal abuts the bony labyrinth at its fun­
TAC, Mike's dot is an in1portant landmark in transl.abyrin­ dus. A t the fundus, the vestibular, facial, and cochlear nerves
thine surgery. are in a constant anaton1ic relationship that is detern1ined by
There are three fissures of the bony labyrinth. The fissula the horizontal (falciforn1) crest and the vertical crest ("Bill's
ante fenestra1n is an evagination of the perily1nphaticspace that bar") (see Figure 2-SB) . Progressing nledially fron1 the fun­
is invariably found extending anterosuperior to the oval win­ dus, the nerves rotate, v.1ith fusion of the cochlear and ves­
dow; in the adult, fibrous tissue and cartilage fill the fissula. tibular nerves (Figure 2-19), so that the facial nerve assumes
The fossula post fenestram is a perilymphatic evagination that a location anterior to the cochleovestibular nerve bundle,
extends posterior to the oval window; it is a less constant feature '"'hereas the cochlear nerve nloves to lie inferior to the ves­
of the temporal bone. Hyrtl's fissure (or the tyn1pano1neningeal tibular nerve.
hiatus) is a ren1nant of e1nbryologic development and is rarely Bill's bar is a useful landmark in translabyrinthine surgery
present (see Chapter l for additional details). of the cerebellopontine angle as it separates the superior vestib­
There are two con1monly encountered microfissures of ular nerve fro1n the anteriorly located facial nerve. Although the
the te1nporal bone. One extends between the round window n1edial anaton1ic relationships of the cochlear, vestibular, and
niche and the ampulla of the posterior semicircular canal (see facial nerves are useful in vestibular nerve section surgery, these
Figure 2-16). The other runs superior and inferior to the oval relationships can undergo considerable distortion in the face of
v,rindow. Both microtissures, or breaks in the endosteal and a cerebellopontine angle tun1or.


Trigeminal and Abducens


The gasserian ganglion of the trigeminal nerve occupies Meckel's

cave on the rniddle cranial fossa face of the te1uporal bone,
anterolateral to the petrous apex. 1'he abducens (sixth cranial)
nerve runs in Dorello's canal beneath the posterior petroclinoid
(Gruber's) ligament. Petrous apicitis, with its attendant dural
and venous infla1111uation, can manifest with purulent otorrhea,
retro-orbital pain, and abducens palsy.

Facial Nerve

The facial nerve (the seventh cranial nerve) innervates struc­

tures derived fro1n Reichert's cartilage. Three nuclei give rise
to the fibers of the facial nerve: its tnotor nucleus in the caudal
pons, the superior salivatory nucleus that is dorsal to the 1notor
FIGURE 2-18 • Co m plete mastoidectomy view of a right temporal nucleus, and the nucleus of the solitary tract in the medulla
bone. The lateral and posterior semicircular canals form Donalds on's oblongata. The superior aspect of the 1notor nucleus, innervat­
lin e (line). The angle o f Citelli is indicated (arrow). Reproduced with ing the frontalis and orbicularis oculi tuuscles, receives both
permission from Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's anatomy of the
crossed and uncrossed input from the motor cortex, whereas the
temporal bone with surgical implications. 3rd ed. New York: lnforma
inferior portion receives only ipsilateral input.
Healthcare USA; 2007.

Su perior petrosal sinus -�-

Inferior vestibular N.

..__- Anterior inferior cerebellar A.

Facial N. �.,._--Cochlear N.

Nervus lnterm edius

FIGURE 2-19 •The rotation of the facial, cochlear, and vestibular nerves as they traverse the internal auditory canal.
After Nadol JB Jr, Schuknecht HF, editors. Surgery of the ear and temporal bone. New York: Raven Press; 1993.

Five fiber types n1ake up the trunk of the facial nerve. Its
special visceral efferent fibers supply the facial expression, sta­
pedius, stylohyoid, and digastric (posterior belly) muscles. Its Dehiscent Facial Nerve
Overhanging Stapes Footplate
general visceral efferent fibers go to the lacrimal, nasal cavity
seromucinous, sub-maxillary, and sublingual glands. The taste
(sensory) fibers of the facial nerve derive from the anterior
two-thirds of the tongue, tonsillar fossae, and posterior palate,
whereas its somatic sensory fibers emanate from the EAC and
concha. Visceral afferent fibers arise from the mucosa of the

nose, pharynx, and palate.
The course of the facial nerve i s divided into five seg­ tapedlovestlbular___ _,.
ments. Its intracranial segment stretches 24 mm fron1 the
pons to the porus of the IAC. The intracanalicular segment
traverses the lAC; at the fundus, it occupies the anterosupe­
rior quadrant, where it is joined by the nervus intermedius.
The shortest segn1ent is the labyrinthine segn1ent, running
FIGURE 2-20 •The facial nerve is dehiscent at the oval window.
4 n1n1 fron1 the beginning of the fallopian canal to the genic­ Reproduced with permission from Gu/ya AJ. Gu/ya and Schuknecht's
ulate ganglion. The tympanic segment i s roughly J3-n1111 long anatomy of the temporal bone with surgical implications. 3rd ed.
and courses in the niedial wall of the tyn1panic cavity, superior New York: Informs Healthcare USA; 2007.

to the cochleariforn1 process and oval window. The niastoid

segment spans the 20-111111 distance fron1 the second genu (at
to the stylomastoid foramen (Figure 2-21); rarely, the chorda
the lateral semicircular canal) to the stylon1astoid foramen.
tympani and facial nerves separate extratemporally, and the
The facial nerve n1ay follow an anon1alous course. One such
chorda ty1npani re-enters the temporal bone via its own canal.
alternate path takes the tympanic segment of the facial nerve
anterior and inferior to the oval \\lindow.14 Jn another variant, Alternatively, the chorda may not separate from the facial nerve
until it reaches the level of the lateral semicircular canal. After
the nlastoid segn1ent of the facial nerve bulges more posteriorly
vertically ascending the temporal bone in a canal that lies lateral
and laterally than usual as it runs inferior to the pron1inence of
and anterior to the facial nerve, the chorda enters the tympanic
the lateral sen1icircular canal.15 Rarely, the vertical segment of
cavity at the iter chordae posterius. It crosses lateral to the long
the facial nerve may be bipartite or even tripartite.
process of the incus and rnedial to the malleus to exit the tym­
The fallopian canal has numerous gaps, or dehiscences,
panic cavity via the iter chordae anterius (canal ofHuguier) and
which render the facial nerve liable to injury. The tympanic
the petrotympanic (glaserian) fissure. Rarely, the chorda may
segment over the oval window is the most likely site to be dehis­
pass lateral to the 111alleus and the tympanic membrane.
cent; in one series, th i s site comprised 66o/o of dehiscences.16 In
approxin1ately 75°/o of cases, the dehiscence at the oval window The facial recess (see Figure 2-21) is a triangular area inferior
to the incudal fossa, lateral to the facial nerve (vertical segment),
is bi lateral.17 On occasion, the facial nerve can protrude through
and medial to the chorda tympani nerve; it is used in intact canaJ
the gap (Figure 2-20) to present as a middle ear nlass.18
\Vall 111astoidecto111y to gain access to the middle ear.
The subarach noid space of the facial nerve usually extends
no further than the junction of its labyrinthine and tyn1panic The nervus intern1edius (nerve of Wrisberg) carries the
taste, secretory, and sensory fibers of the facial nerve. In the
segn1ents.190ccasionally, it extends into the geniculate ganglion
and, rarely, onto the lateral aspect of the tyn1panic seg111ent. IAC, the nervus intermedius runs as a separate nerve between
the facial and superior vestibular nerves. In the temporal bone,
Gacek theorized that the subarachnoid space extending onto the
the nervus inter111edius is within the facial nerve, occupying
ty111panic segment nlay spontaneously tistulize into the nliddle
ear, resulting in cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea.19 Alternatively, he its dorsal aspect in the tympanic segment and its posterolat­
eral aspect in the nlastoid segrnent. The chorda tympani nerve
suggested that it may gradually enlarge, presenting as a mass
lesion with erosion or enlargen1ent of the fallopian canal. represents the separation of the sensory fibers at the inferior

There arc three intratemporal branches of the facial nerve: mastoid segn1ent.

the greater pclrosal nerve, nerve to the stapedius muscle, and

Cochlear Nerve
chorda ty111pani nerve. The greater petrosal nerve arises from
the anterior aspect of the geniculate ganglion (see Figure 2-14) The cochlear nerve arises from the spiral ganglion neurons. At
and emerges onto the floor of the middle cranial fossa via the the fundus of the !AC, the cochlear nerve is in the anteroinferior
facial hiatus; in some cases, the geniculate ganglion and the compartment. It rotates as it heads toward the porus and enters
greater petrosal nerve may lie exposed in the floor of the nliddle the brainstem a few nlillimeters caudal to the root entry zone of
cranial fossa, lacking their usual bony covering. The nerve to the trigeminal nerve.
the stapcdius n1usclc arises fron1 the mastoid segment of the
facial nerve near the pyramidal eminence. The chorda tyn1pani Vestibular Nerves
nerve, the sensory bundle 1naking up some 10% of the cross­ The superior and inferior vestibular nerves occupy the poste­
sectional area of the facial nerve, usually separates fron1 the rior half of the !AC. The structures innervated by the superior
nlain trunk of the facial nerve approximately 4 n1111 proxi111al vestibular nerve are the superior and lateral semicircular canals,


Temporal Bone Arteries

The internal carotid artery enters the ten1poral bone through
the external carotid foramen, located just anteron1edial to
the styloid process. As it ascends in its intrapetrous segment,
it passes first anterior to the tympanic cavity and cochlea and
then bends (its "knee") to run medial to the eustachian tube
and infero1nedial to the semicanal of the tensor ty1npani nlus­
cle (see Figures 2-9 and 2-10). The artery climbs to exit the
temporal bone at the internal carotid fora1nen. Acco1npanying
the artery throughout its intrapetrous course are a venous and
a neural (syn1pathetic) plexus. 1"he bony shell protecting the
artery is thin (often less than 0.5 rnm thick) and can be dehis­
, cent in 6°/o of cases.21 In the course of surgery for chronic otitis
media or cholesteatoma, the potential for injuring the internal
carotid artery n1andates gentle dissection in the 1nedial 'vall of
the eustachian tube.
FIGURE 2-21 •The facial recess (arrow) lies between the facial and
Aberrant develop1nent of the carotid artery (see Chapter 1)
chorda tympani nerves. The incudostapedial joint is visible just to the
can result in an artery that follows an ano1nalous course lateral
right of the arrowhead. Reproduced with permission from Gu/ya AJ.
Gu/ya and Schuknecht's anatomy of the temporal bone with surgical and posterior to the vestibular line (a vertical line through the
implications. 3rd ed. New York: Jnforma Healthcare USA; 2007. lateral aspect of the vestibule in the coronal plane).
1'he anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AlCA) often extends
a loop into the IAC. Its role of such a loop in the generation of
sy1npton1s such as tinnitus and vertigo is debatable.22 Disruption
utricular 1nacula, and superior portion of the saccular 1nacula. of AICA causes hemorrhage in and infarction of the labyrinth
The inferior vestibular nerve innervates the inferior saccular and brainsten1.
tnacula and, by its posterior ampullary branch, the posterior
sen1icircular canal. The posterior a1npullary nerve separates Temporal Bone Veins
frotn the 1nain trunk of the inferior vestibular nerve a few mil­
The three dominant sinuses of the te1nporal bone are the sig­
limeters fron1 the porus of the IAC and traverses the singular
moid (portion of the lateral venous sinus), superior petrosal,
canal to the posterior canal ampulla.
and inferior petrosal (Figure 2-22). The lateral venous sinus
occupies an S-shaped sulcus in the posterior mastoid-hence
Sensory Nerves of the the tern1 sigmoid-as it extends fro1n the transverse sinus to the
Tympanomastoid Compartment internal jugular vein. rfhis drainage system on the right is larger
Jacobson's nerve (the tympanic branch of cranial nerve IX) than that on the left in 75% of cases.231'he angle between the sig­
arises from the inferior (petrosal) ganglion of cranial nerve moid sinus/posterior cranial fossa dura and the middle cranial
IX, 'vhich is located in the petrosal fossula of the jugulocarotid fossa dura is kno,vn as the angle of Citelli (see Figure 2-18).
crest. It enters the ty1npanic cavity, accompanied by the infe­ 1'he superior petrosal sinus drains the cavernous sinus into
rior tyinpanic artery, through the inferior tympanic canalicu­ the lateral venous sinus as it runs in the superior petrosal sulcus
lus. Subsequently, the nerve cli1nbs the promontory and medial at the junction of the posterior and n1iddle fossa dural plates.
wall of the tympanic cavity to meet with the caroticotympanic rrhe inferior petrosal sinus courses in the petro-occipital suture
nerves originating from the pericarotid plexus. The union of the line. It drains the cavernous sinus into the jugular bulb.
preganglionic parasympathetic fibers of Jacobson's nerve and Arachnoid granulations (pacchionian bodies) are projec­
the postganglionic sy1npathetic caroticotympanic nerves at the tions of pia-arachnoid into the venous sinuses and venous lacu­
tympanic plexus results in the for1nation of the lesser petrosal nae and are extensions of the subarachnoid space. Arachnoid
nerve. The lesser petrosal nerve heads to the floor of the mid­ granulations can also be found extending from the arachnoid
dle cranial fossa adjacent to, or even within, the semicanal of of the middle and posterior cranial fossae into the adjacent mas­
the tensor tympani muscle. Jacobson's nerve mediates otalgia toid air cells. Gacek has linked arachnoid granulations to adult­
referred fro1n the pharynx. onset spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea.24•25
Arnold's nerve, the auricular branch of cranial nerve The jugular bulb is interposed between the sigmoid sinus
X, has fibers from the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus and internal jugular vein; in contrast to the thick 'vall of the
nerves. It originates in the jugular fora1nen, passes over the sigmoid sinus, which quite readily contracts with bipolar cau­
dome of the jugular bulb (via the mastoid canaliculus), and tery, the thin wall of the bulb does not and is prone to rupture
enters the fallopian canal. Arnold's nerve has been impli­ 'vith manipulation. The venous he1norrhage of a torn or incised
cated in herpetic involve1nent of the EAC in herpes zoster sigmoid sinus can be controlled with pressure applied via a large
oticus20 and the cough reflex elicited by 1nanipulation of the square of gelatin sponge (Gelfoam®) surmounted by a neurosur­
skin of the EAC. gical cottonoid; several minutes after the bleeding has stopped,

Circular sinus

Mid. menineal si nus

Cavernous sinus

Basilar plexus -----.!..�� '

Inf. petrosal sinus

Sup. petrosal sinus

Sigmoid sinus

Tentorium cerebelli ----1..--

Faix cerebri ----7-

Occipital sinus

Transverse sinus •

FIGURE 2-22 •The cranium has been opened and its contents removed to reveal the sinuses and related

the cottonoid can be removed safely, and leaving the Gelfoan1 in Jugular bulbs reaching as high as the superior aspect of the
place, surgery can be resun1ed. TAC have been encountered in the course of posterior fossa
The jugular bulb displays considerable variability in its vestibular schwannoma surgery,23 rendering exposure of the
position relative to the facial nerve and in its penetration into TAC technically challenging. A jugular diverticulurn has
the tyn1panic cavity. A high-riding jugular bulb (one extend­ been irnpl icated as the etiology of tvfeniere's disease-1 ike
ing to or above the level of the inferior tyn1panic annulus) syn1ptoms.29
has been reported in 3.5 to So/o of te1nporal bone specin1ens
studied and inay occur nlore frequently on the right side. 27
Its bony covering is very thin-only 0.1 to 0.3 mn1. An alter­
Middle Ear Blood Vessels
nate definition of the high-riding jugular bulb enco111passes Tbe inferior tympanic artery is a branch of the ascending pha­
one encroaching to within 2 1n1n or less on the inferior aspect ryngeal artery (froiu the external carotid artery). It traverses
ofthe IAC.28 Using this definition, one study reported that two­ the inferior tyn1panic canaliculus with Jacobson's nerve. The
thirds of te1nporal bones fro1n individuals older than 6 years inferior tyn1panic artery is an in1portant arterial feeder of tym­
housed a high-riding jugular bulb.2s A jugular diverticulu111 is panic paraganglion1as.
a "venous anon1aly" and con1prises an "irregular outpouching" A nun1ber of branches fron1 the external carotid artery
of the jugular bulb.29 contribute to the anaston1otic network of the tyrnpanic cavity,
The high-riding jugular bulb n1ay 111i111ic a nliddle ear including the anterior tyn1panic artery, deep auricular artery,
vascular nlass, such as a glo1nus ty111panicum, and inay be n1astoid artery, stylornastoid artery, superficial petrosal artery,
the source of hemorrhage in tyn1panosto1ny tube insertion. and tubal artery.

Labyrinthine Vessels 13. El Shazly MAR, Linthicu1n FH Jr. Microfissures of the ten1-
poral bone: Do they have any clinical signific ance? An1 J Oto!
The majority of the blood supply to the 1nembranous labyrinth
steins from the labyrinthine artery, a branch of the ATCA. The
14. Ho ug h JVD. Malformations and anatonucal variations seen in
subarcuate artery arises either as a branch of the labyrinthine
the n1id dle ear during the operation for n1obilization of the sta­
artery, or of the A ICA, or as multiple branches of both; it passes
pes. Laryngoscope 1 958;68:1337-79.
within the arch of the superior semicircular canal.
15. Procter B, Nager GT. The facial canal: Normal anaton1y, varia­
tions and anomalies. AnnOto! Rhino( Laryngol 1982;91 Suppl
Facial Nerve Vessels 97:33-61.

The facial nerve has both an intrinsic and an extrinsic vascular 16. Baxter A. Dehiscence of the fallopian canal: An anatom ical study.
systen1. The extrinsic system consists of the ATCA, supplying J Lary ngolOtol 1971;85:587-94.

the intracranial segn1ent of cranial nerve VII; tbe labyrinthine 17. Moreano EH, Paparella MM, Zelter1nan D, Goycoolea MV.
artery, supplying the intracanalicular segment; tbe superficial Prevalence of facia l canal dehiscence and of persistent stapedial

petrosal artery, which supplies the geniculate ganglion and the artery in the hu 1nan n1iddle ear: A report of 1000 ten1poral bones.
Laryngoscope 1994; 104:309-20.
superior portion of the n1astoid seg1nent of the facial nerve; and
the stylon1astoid artery, which supplies the inferior mastoid seg­ 18. J oh nsson L G, Kingsley TC. Herniation of the facial nerve in the

n1ent of the n erve. middle ear. ArchOtolaryngol 1970;91:598-602.

The intrinsic network, running within the nerve, is gen­ 19. Gacek .RR. Anaton1y and significance of the subarachnoid space

erally thought to be most poorly developed at its labyrinthine in the fal lopian canal. An1 JOtol 1998;19:358-64.

seg1nent, in contrast to the ty111panic and 111astoid segnients.30 20. Esh ra ghi AA, Buch1nan C, Teliscbi FF. Facia l nerve branch to
the exte rna l au di tor)' c anal . American Neurotology Society
References 2001 Annual Mee ting abstracts.
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bone \Vith surgical implications. 3rd edition. Ne\\• York: Informa 21. Moreano EH, Papa rel l a M M , Zeltennan D, Goycoolea MV.

He aIthca re USA; 2007. Prevalence of caro tid canal dehiscence in the human middle
ear: A report of 1000 temporal bones. Laryngoscope 1994;104:
2. Kveton JF, Coope r MH. M icros urgic al anatomy of the jugula r
foramen region. Am JOtol 1988;9:109-12.
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3. Kveton JF. Anatomy of the jugular foramen: The neurotolo gic
there a correlation bel\,•een vascular loops and unilateral auditory
pers pec ti ve .Op Tech ORL-HNS 1996;7:95-8.
syn1ptoms? Laryngoscope 1998;108:1739-42.
4. Saleh E, Naguib M, Aris tegui M, Cokkeser Y, Sanna M. l.ower
23. Kennedy D\\I, El- Sirsy HH, Nager GT. The jugular bulb in oto­
skull base: Anato mic study \Vith surgical implications. Ann Otol
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6. Nomura Y. Otological significance of the round \Vindow. Adv
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7. Li111 DJ. Functional n1o rphology of the lining n1embrane of the
26. 01'erto11 SB, Ril ter FN. A hig h pl aced jugular bulb in the 111id­
middle ear and eustachian tube. An overvie\v. Ann Oto! Rhino!
dle ear: A cli nica l and te111poral bone study. Lar)'ngoscope
La ryngol 1974;83 Suppl 11 :5-22.
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9. Sain1 L, Mc Kenna MJ, Nadol J13 Jr. Tubal and ty n1panic openings
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Acoustics and Mechanics
of the Middle Ear
Saumil N. Merchant, MD I John J. Rosowski, PhD

Two of the primary tasks of the otologic surgeon include: established by 1v1eckel, who, in 1777, demonstrated that frozen
diagnosis, the understanding of how pathological variations in temporal bones were always filled with ice. The microscopic
external and nliddle-ear structure lead to hearing loss, and sur­ structures of the inner ear were first described by Corti in 1851,
gical treatrnent of external and middle ears ravaged by disease, follo,-ved by Retzius's description of hair cells and their innerva­
such that the reconstructed ear has near-norn1al mechanical tion by auditory nerve fibers in 1892.
and acoustic function. The authors believe that a basic knov•l­ Helmholtz, in 1868,7 initiated the period of modern auditory
edge of physiology of the norn1al ear and pathophysiology of physiology b y defining the principles of impedance 1natching
the diseased car is necessary for proper diagnosis and surgical and how the middle ear served this function. Stating the prob­
treatn1ent of otologic disorders. This chapter provides a review len1 of matching the transmission of sound in low-impedance
of some funda1nental principles of acoustics that are relevant air to the high impedance of the fluid-filled cochlea, I-Ielmholtz
to sound transn1ission in norn1al, diseased and reconstructed conceived of three means by which this pressure transforma­
middle ears. The review concentrates on 1niddle-ear mechanics tion takes place: a lever action that resulted from the shape of
and does not cover the physiological maintenance of nliddle­ the drumhead itself, a lever effect of the ossicular chain, and a
ear gases or static air pressures. The chapter is meant as a guide hydraulic action of the large tympanic membrane acting upon
rather than an exhaustive treatise, and has been written with the sn1all stapes footplate.
clinicians as its primary audience. In the 20th century, many investigators expanded, cor­
rected, or quantified these basic concepts. Notable contributors

HISTORICAL ASPECTS to our kno,-vledge of middle-ear mechanics include Nobel lau­

reate Georg von Bekesy, Ernst Glenn Wever, 1v1erle Lawrence,
The histories of otology, audiology and acoustics have been doc­ Juergen Tonndorf, Shyam Khanna, William Peake, Richard
u1nented by several authors.1-5 The early events nlay be su1nn1a­ Goode, Aage M0ller, and Josef Zwislocki. Clinical observations
rized as� and surgical advances that have stimulated physiologic investi­
Early Greek physicians (5th century BC) knew of the ty1n­ gations have included the question of altered sound conduction
panic 1nen1brane and 1niddle-ear space. The Greeks considered as a result of middle-ear diseases, and the restoration of hearing
the n1iddle-ear space to be the seat of hearing. Galen (AD 131 in pathologic middle ears through tympanoplasty and stape­
to 201) described the auditory nerve but suggested it originated dectomy procedures.
in the n1iddle ear. The Renaissance produced several great
anato1nists who described the ear in detail. \Tesalius, in 1543,
described the 1nalleus and incus. In 1546, Ingrassia described
the stapcs and the oval and round In 1561, Fallopius Sound results vvhen particles of a medium are set into vibration.
nan1ed the cochlea, the labyrinth, and the canal for the facial For example, the vibrating tines of a struck tuning fork produce
nerve. Eustachius described the auditory tube bearing his nan1e backward and forward inotions of the air particles that surround
in 1564. the tines (Figure 3-1). The particles set in motion by the vibrat­
These anato1nic discoveries for1ned the basis for tracing ing tines then push on adjacent air particles, where the push
the pathv.ray of sound through the ear by Coiter in 1566, and is proportional to the sound pressure, setting the next layer of
the later more elaborate description of Durverney in 1683. particles into back and forth motion. The physical disturbance
Neither Coiter nor Duverney appreciated the in1pcdancc 1natch­ of sound pressure and particle motion, not the particles them­
ing function of the n1iddlc ear because both thought the inner selves, propagates through the 1nedium, as succeeding layers of
ear was filled with air. That the labyrinth contained fluid '"'as air particles are set into vibration. Thefrequency of the resulting


a logarith1nic scale to grade sow1d pressures.8 The decibel (dB,

one-tenth of a Bell) is a logarithn1ic nleasure of relative energy
where 10 dB (1 Bell) represents an increase over a given refer­
ence energy level of 1 order of n1agnitude (ie, l co1111non log unit
A Struck or a factor of 10). The reference level for sound pressure level
Tuning Fork (SPL) is 2x10-5 rms pascals (or Pa), and since energy is propor­
tional to pressure squared:

Sound level in dB SPL lOlog 0
1 0.00002 rms Pa

Pa rticle -Displacem ent w a ves

= 20 loglO
FIGURE 3-1 •The vi brating tines of a struck tuning fo rk set nearby air 0.00002 rms Pa
particles into motion with a frequency equal to the n atura l freq u ency
of the fork. The air particles that are set in motion push on adjacent where Xis the sound pressure in r1ns pascals and 0.00002 rms
particles and so forth, res ulti ng in a pro pagati ng physica l disturbance Pa is the reference pressure. Different dB sound pressure scales
that is perce ived as sound. The black d ot with the arrow is a use different reference pressures. For exa1nple, the dB Hearing
hypothetica l air pa r ticle set into back and forth motion, by the waves
Level scale (dB HL) of the clinical audiogran1 uses the average
(curved lines) propagating from the struck fork.
sound pressure threshold of the nor111al population at a given
frequency as the reference pressure. The sound pressure level
sound is the nu1nber of cycles per second of the back and forth of both sounds shown in Figure 3-2 is 91 dB SPL, \.vhere 91 =
nlotion of the air particles. The unit of frequency is Hertz (Hz, 20 loglO (0.71/0.00002). The loudness of a sound is a tnono­
'.vith 1 Hz= 1 cycle per second). The an1plitude of the propa­ tonic function of the sound pressure; for 1nid-level sounds a
gating physical disturbance can be quantified either in tern1s 20 dB increase in sound pressure produces about a factor of six
of the sound pressure acting on the particles or the a1nplitude increase in loudness.9 The sound pressures of various co1111o
11 nly
of the particle 1notion. In practice, it is easier to 1neasure pres­ experienced sounds are noted in ter1ns of rn1s Pa and dB SPL in
sure variations than to n1easure nlotion of the particles; hence, 'fable 3-l.
sound pressure is the primary nleasure of sound. Sound is a variation in pressure with ti1ne. A pure tone,
Sound pressure refers to the magnitude of the ten1poral as in Figure 3-2A, is a sound in which the relationship
variations in pressure produced around a1nbient static pressure between sound pressure and tin1e can be described by a sine
(Figure 3-2). A pressure is a force per area. The international function, eg,
unit of pressure is the pascal (Pa), where 1 Pa = one Newton
p(t) = A cos (2nft + $ )
of force per square meter of area. The quietest sounds heard by
a hu111an ear a re of very low pressure; the change in pressure where we use the cosine function that is the con1n1on standard
associated with sound at the threshold of hearing for a 1,000 Hz in engineering applications, p(t) describes the variation in
tone is about 20 µPa (or t\.vo-tenths of a billionth at1nospheres). sound pressure \.vith tin1e, A describes the peak a1nplitude or
There are 1na11y \.vays to quantify sound pressure, the 1nost con1- rnagnitude of the pressure, f is the frequency of the sinusoid
n1on being in ter1ns of the r1ns or the root of the 1nean squared and <I> is the phase. The phase <I> determines the tin1e \.vhen the
deviation in pressure. For a sinusoidal pure tone like that in pressure is n1axi1nu1n relative to son1e reference tin1e zero. The
Figure 3-2A, the sound pressure can be quantified in ter1ns of relative phases of the sound pressure in the ear canal, and the
the peak, peak-to-peak or rn1s 1neasures of an1plitude. In the case 1nechanical and neural responses within the ear are useful in
of sinusoids, there is a fixed relationship between the three differ­ detern1ining the physical and biological processes associated
ent nleasures, and for the tone sho,.vn in Figure 3-2A, these dif­ with hearing.l0·11 Also, the relative ti1ning inforn1ation in the
ferent 1neasures yield values of l, 2, or 0.71 Pa, respectively. The phase is critical when wavefor1ns are co1nbined; two waves of
intensity or power within a co1nplex sound '.vavefor1n as illus­ the sa1ne frequency added together can sum constructively if
trated in Figure 3-2B, is not readily quantified by peak nleasures they have sin1ilar phases, sun1 to near zero if the \.vaves are out of
but is well described by the r1ns value of the sound pressure. In phase and of identical a1nplitude, or son1e,.vhere in between for
fact, the rn1s sound pressure of this con1plex sound is 0.71 Pa, inter1nediate phases. Complex sounds (eg, Figure 3-2B) can be
a value identical to that of the tonal sound pressure shown in described by the addition of pure tones of different frequencies
Figure 3-2A. In general then, sound pressure nleasure1nents are and different phases. A co111plex sound can be broken dov»n into
usually quantified in terms of the r1ns pressure. its individual co1nponents (individual sinusoids with 1nagnitude
The human auditory systen1 is sensitive to a wide range and phase infor1nation) by using a Fourier analysis. While the
of sound pressures. Conversational speech is typically 100 to ear is insensitive to the absolute phase of a single tone, a con1plex
500 tin1es threshold, n1usic often contains sound pressures that acoustic signal with a fixed nu111ber of frequency con1ponents
a re 10,000 times threshold, '.vhile jet engines, guns, and fire­ of fixed 111agnitude can sound quite different depending on the
'.vorks can produce pressures that are 1nore than 1 million ti1nes relative phases of the con1ponents.
threshold. Because of the ear's sensitivity to pressures that vary While the hu1nan ear can hear sound frequencies rang­
by inore than a nlillion tin1es, and because the hu1nan ear can ing fro1n 20 to 20,000 Hz, the ear is differentially sensitive
discrin1inate fractional changes in pressure, it is con11non to use to sounds of different frequencies, and 1neasure1nents of the

A Period
100,001 - -r. -----Tt- ---- -
• )>
------,, ------ ------------

OJ (1)
3 OJ A'
� "0
::I 100,000 - - - --- -- -- -- --- - -- -- -- --- ;::::::;: 0
- -

Ul c: "O
Ul 0.. (1)
!!! (1) OJ
a.. A'

99,999 �- -"-
.... �-,,,
... - �
....- - _�
_ _,._,
""" --
_ _...,
..., -, -r'-""'-
� -...,
- --I"-=-=, ------------'-
- -""
0.000 0.005 0.010

Time (seconds)
FIGURE 3-2 •Two patterns of temporal variations and air
B pressure produced by sounds. The schematic in A, depicts
100,002 - that produced by a 512-Hz pure tone, while 8, depicts that
produced by a complex sound. The absolute value of pres­
sure is scaled in both plots, and, therefore, the sound-induced
variations occur around a static value of 100,000 Pa= 1
atmosphere. The sound pressure corresponds to amplitude
of variations around the static value. In both A and 8, while
100,001 -
the static atmospheric pressure is 100,000 Pa, the amplitude
of the sound pressure is on the order of 1 Pa. A, The pres­
sure variations are those of a 512-Hz pure tone. The pressure
varies sinusoidally with a period of 1/512 = 0.00195 seconds.
The amplitude of pressure variations around the static value
!!! 100,000 - - ---- - -- . -
::I - can be quantified in terms of the peak-to-peak value of 2 Pa,
Ul the peak value of 1 Pa, or the rms (root mean square) value of
a.. 0.71 Pa. (The rms value is the square root of the mean of the
squared pressure deviations from static values averaged over
some time. In the case of a sinusoid, a convenient averaging
time is an integral number of periods of the sine wave. With
99,999 -
sinusoidal sound pressures, the rms value equals the peak
amplitude/..J2). 8, The pressure variations are those of a
complex sound with many irregular risings and failings of the
sound pressure. With this kind of sound, peak amplitude and
peak-to-peak amplitude are poor indicators of the average
99,998 -',...-�-����-����� sound level. However, rms is an excellent measure as long
as one specifies an averaging time. In the case depicted, the
0.000 0.005 0.010
rms sound pressure was computed over the 0.01 second time
Time (seconds) window. Note that the sound pressure in B has the same rms
value as the sound pressure in A.

measurement conditions are shown in Figure 3-3. The lower

TABLE 3-1 Sound pressures of common sounds
curve depicts thresholds determined v,rith subjects in an open
APPROXIMATE SOUND LEVEL space or free field, 12 where the sound pressure measurement
was made at the location of the subject's head when the sub­
ject was not present. The upper curve is the ANSI (American
0.0001-0.0002 14-20 Just audible whisper National Standards Institute13) standard measurement of
0.002-0.02 40-60 Conversational speech thresholds made under earphones, where the sound pressures
are those generated by the earphones in a calibration coupler.
0.02-0.6 60-90 Noisy room
The differences between these two curves can be explained
0.6-20 90-120 Loud mu sic by the effect of the human subject on the open sound field,
sound gathering by the external ear, the effect of closing the
>20 >120 Gun fire
ear canal by earphones and differences in calibration between
the two circumstances.1·1 Both curves clearly show that normal
hearing threshold vary depending on how the sound stin1u­ young adult humans are most sensitive to sound frequencies
lus is specified. Sound pressure thresholds (the lowest sound of 500 to 8,000 Hz. The best frequency differs depending on
pressures that are audible) n1easured in normal young adults the measurement circumstance, being 1,500 Hz under ear­
with pure tones of different frequencies under two different phones and 4,000 1-Iz in the free field. At higher and lo,ver

in dB relative to normal at frequencies of octave or half octave

. intervals. It is i1nportant to re1nember that the normal curve
"' :
is based on n1ean hearing thresholds in normal subjects and
· .' that there is normal variation (plus or minus 20 dB) around
e 40 .
\\ Earphones the n1ean.

l:l . / ..

.. The speed or propagation velocity of sound through a


e .
1:l :::r
... medium deter1nines the sound wave length for a given frequency,
c: 0.. 4. .
:I "' .. . which is the distance it takes a propagating sound wave to repeat
g 20 .
co .

.. . itself. Specifically, the wave length A, equals the propagation

- � .
0 . A.

velocity divided by sound frequency. The wave length describes

. .

.r:. ·

Ill l\
'··... b.····A··IS' how a tone varies in space and the relative size of the wavelength
e .
· .e- ·· ·
Free field '-·o, and an object's di1nensions determines how sound interacts


0 with the object. If the wave length of a sound is at least five

ti1nes larger than the largest dimension of an object, the object
will have little effect on the sow1d, ie, a s the sound propagates
100 1,000 10,000
around the object, the sound pressure at the front and back side
Frequency (Hz)
of the object will be very similar to the sound pressure measured
when the object is not present. On the other hand, if the wave
length is similar to or s1naller than the dimensions of an object,
FIGURE 3-3 • Sensitivity of the ear to sounds of different
variations in sound pressure will be introduced by the object. In
frequencies. The figure depicts measurements of auditory threshold
made under earphones (ANSI standards13) and those made in the general, as short wave length sow1d interacts with the object, the
free field (Sivian and White12). The mean normal threshold at 1,000 Hz sow1d pressure along the front surface of the object will increase
under both measurement conditions is about zero dB SPL. because of reflection of sound, and sound pressure along the
back surface will be decreased because the object shields that
frequencies, n1ore sound pressure is required to be audible, location from the sow1d. A comn1on analogy i s between light
and the thresholds increase steeply below 500 Hz and above and sound, '"'here in the s1nall wave length case, the object casts
8,000 Hz. a sound shadow.
Clinicians are most interested in how an individual's The size of body and ear structures relative to sound '"'ave
hearing threshold differs fron1 normal; in practice, nonual is length plays a significant role in detern1ining the interaction of
denned by the ANSI standard earphone nieasurements shown the ear with sounds of different frequencies.14 A 20 Hz sou11d
in Figure 3-3. A powerful graphical tool for con1paring t\VO wave (wave length of 17 m) is affected very little by the head
different functions is to plot their difference. The clinical or body. A 200 Hz sound (wave length of 1.7 111) can be effec­
audiogra111 (Figure 3-4, discussed more in Chapter 8) uses this tively scattered by the head and torso so that there is a sn1all
difference technique by plotting an individual's threshold rel­ gain in sound pressure at the ear. A 2,000 Hz tone (wave length
ative to the ANSI standard norn1al hearing level. For example, of 17 cn1) is diffracted by the head so that there is a doubling
a person whose hearing threshold at l ,000 Hz is l.O dB greater of sound pressure on the side of the head directed toward the
than the ANSI standard is assigned a hearing level of 10 dB at sound source and a shadow on the opposite side of the head. A
that frequency. Tn clinical audiogra1us, threshold sound pres­ 4,000 Hz tone (8.5 cn1 wave length) is scattered by the pinna
sure levels relative to the standard Hearing Level are quantified such that there is an increase in sound pressure for sound

Sound frequency (Hz)

0.125 0.25 0.5 1K 2K 4K SK
' ' ' ' '
' ' ' ' '
-----�------J ______J ______ 1 ______ 1 _____

Range of
0 normal
' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' '
... -----�------J ______ _. ______ J. ______ J. _____

- • '
Ill 20
z , _
_.- - - - - - .J
' '
' ' J.-� " -'-
' ' ' ' '
<t ------·------�------�------•------•-----


40 ------·------�------�------•------•-----

co 1 I I



1 I I I

Q) 60 I
- - - - - �- - - - - - � - - - - - - �- - - - - - �- - - - - - �- - - - -
> 1 I I I I

_gi - - -
1- - - ,
- - -,
- - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - T - - - - - - T - - - - -

Cl I I I I I
c: I I I I

·;: 80 ------1------,------,------T------T-----
Q) ------1------,------,------y------y-----
• Clinical audiogram, where an individual's hearing
:c I I I I I

threshold relative to the ANSI standard normal hearing level is
plotted versus frequency. The ordinate scale is inverted so that


higher thresholds are plotted lower on the graph.


TABLE 3-2 Wavelengths of sound and body structures with which wave interactions
are important


340 1m Torso 0.5 m

2,000 17 cm Head 10cm

4,000 8.5 cm Pinna 4cm

Ear canal length 2.5 cm

20,000 1.7 cm Diameter of ear canal and 0.8cm

tympanic membrane

sources pointing directly at the nieatus and decreases in sound sound pressures that reach the inner ear at certain frequencies
pressure for other directions. Another kind of wave length as described belo\v. The discussion that follows is nieant to be
interaction occurs in the external ear canal; resonances occur an overview, and readers seeking n1ore detailed descriptions are
\vithin the ear at frequencies where the length of the ear canal referred to other sources.15-17
and depth of the concha are odd niultiples of A/4.14 Table 3-2
lists son1e of the critical frequencies above which sound wave The External Ear
lengths allow interactions with various parts of the body and The external ear, along with the head and body, has a significant
ear. In general, the interaction of the structures of the external influence on the sounds that reach the iniddle ear. This acous­
ear and sound are restricted to sound frequencies of 1,000 Hz tic function of the external ear, son1eti1nes called the external
and above. ear gain, can be described by a frequency- and directionally­
dependent alteration in the sound pressure at the tyn1panic
SOUND TRANSMISSION IN THE n1e1nbrane when cornp a re d to the sound pressure in the free
NORMAL EAR field. As illustrated in Figure 3-5, when a sound source is posi­
tioned facing the ear, the external ear produces a gain of as 1nuch
The Problem of Transferring Air-Borne
as 20 dB at 2,500 Hz, with less gain at lo\.Yer and higher frequen­
Sound Power t o the Fluids of the Inner
cies. As also illustrated in Figure 3-5, this gain results fron1 the
Ear : The Air-Fluid Impedance Mismatch
con1bination of sound scattering and diffraction around the
Acoustic signals are transmitted fron1 the air of the external head and torso, as well as the acoustic influence of the pinna,
environment to the fluid-filled inner ear. The transmission of concha, ear canal, and rniddle-ear load in1pedance. The figure
sound power at an air-fluid interface depends on the relative illustrates the frequency dependence of these different contri­
in1pedances of air and fluid. ln the case of tbe inner ear, only butions and shows ho'"' the gains add (in dB tern1s) to define
about O.l o/o of the intensity of an incident sound \vave is trans­ the total external-ear gain. Not shown in Figure 3-5 is how
mitted to the fluid, and this is equivalent to a 30 dB loss. The this external ear gain is directionally dependent for frequencies
external and niiddle ears act to better niatch the sound con­ above 500 Hz. In fact, for sounds coining fron1 the opposite side
ducting properties of air and cochlear fluid by increasing the of the head, the sound pressure at the tyn1panic n1e1nbrane can

Azimuth = 45'
20 Elevation = O'

iii & middle ear

... :E. 10 load Concha
Q) c

/ '\ FIGURE 3-5 • Schematic representation of the
<ll en
external ear gain. The total gain and the gain of
E f
$ ::i

individual components in dB is plotted versus

>< (/)


w (/) frequency. The plots describe the gains for a

c. sound source that is positioned on the same
Torso & horizontal plane as the interaural axis (elevation
shoulders of 0 degrees) and which is 45 degrees off of
the midline towards the ear that is measured
(azimuth of 45 degrees). The gains of the
1 10
different components are all multiplied (added
Frequency (kHz)
in dB) together to achieve the total gain. After

be less than the sound pressure in the stin1ulus (ie, the external product of pressure and volu1ne velocity. Volume velocity refers
ear gain in dB is negative). to how much particle volu1ne through a given area and
is equal to the product of the average linear velocity across a
The Middle Ear surface and surface area. An acoustical transformer increases
either pressure or volume velocity, '"'hile decreasing the other,
The n1iddle ear couples sound signals fron1 the ear canal to
thereby equalizing the sound po'"'er at the input and output).
the cochlea prin1arily through the action of the tyn1panic
The iniddle ear acts as a transforn1er to increase sound pressure
111embrane and the ossicular chain. Figure 3-6 is a schen1atic
at the footplate relative to that at the tympanic n1en1brane at the
depicting the in1portant structures in the transforrnation of
expense of a decrease in stapes volu111e velocity relative to the
sound power fron1 the external ear to the inner ear. (Power is a
ty111panic inen1brane volun1e velocity. The n1ajor transforn1er
n1echanisn1 v•ithin the iniddle ear is the ratio of the ty1npanic
A n1e1nbrane area to the stapes footplate area (the area ratio). The
Axis of
ty1npanic me1nbrane gathers force over its entire surface and
/ rotation
then couples the gathered force to the smaller footplate of the
stapes. Since pressure is force per area, and the human ty1n­
Malleus panic has an area that is 20 ti1nes larger than the footplate, 2 if

Cochlear the transforn1er action of the area ratio is "ideal," the sound
vestibule pressure applied to the inner ear by the stapes footplate should
be 20 tin1es or 26 dB larger than the sound pressure at the tyn1-
panic n1e1nbrane. Another transforn1er '"'ithin the iniddle ear

Stapes is the ossicular lever: the lever action that results fron1 the dif­
ferent lengths of the rotating n1alleus and incus arn1s around
Ear the axis of rotation of the ossicles. The axis of rotation is an
canal u11aginary line joining the anterior n1alleal liga1nent to the incu­
dal liga1nent that anchors the short process of the incus. The
Tympanic inalleus and incus lever arms in hu1nans are nearly the same
length. Hence, the ratio of these lengths, '"'hich is 1.3,18 predicts
only a s1nall 2 dB increase u1 sound pressure applied by the sta­
pes to the inner ear. Thus, if these transforn1ers acted ideally,
B then the theoretical middle-ear sound pressure gain is about 28 dB
(=26 dB area ratio+ 2 dB ossicular lever).
Nfeasure1nents of the actual rniddle-ear sound pressure gain
of the hun1an n1iddle ear perfor1ued in norn1al te1nporal bones
under physiologic conditions19 are illustrated in Figure 3-7. The
piston data den1onstrate that the pressure gain is frequency depen­
dent, with a iuaxin1un1 gain of only about 20 dB near 1,000 Hz
Axis of with lower gains at other frequencies. Si1nilar findings have also
Pee been reported by other investigators.20•21 Thus, the n1easured
iniddle-ear gain is less than the 28 dB gain predicted by the
1rTm ,,
piston ideal anato111ical transfor1ner n1odel of Figure 3-6. The differ­
ence between the n1easured and theoretical gains is the result of
several nonideal conditions within the iniddle ear: (1) The ana­
ton1ical transforn1er inodel assun1es that the entire ty1npanic
1ne1nbrane inoves as a rigid body. However, n1easuren1ents
of tyn1panic n1e1nbrane n1otion22·n show that portions of the
FIGURE 3-6 Schematics of the tympano-ossicular system (A},
1ne1nbrane n1ove differently than others. At low frequencies,

and a mechanical analog (B} , depicting important structures in the

transformation of sound power from the middle ear to the inner ear. the entire ty1npanic n1embrane n1oves '"'ith the san1e phase,
The key transformer within the middle ear is the ratio of the tympanic but the inagnitude varies. At frequencies above 1,000 Hz, the
membrane area (ATM) to the area of the stapes footplate (AFP). patterns of vibration become inore con1plicated v•ith the tyn1-
Another transformer is the ossicular lever: this is the lever action
panic inembrane breaking up into s1naller vibrating portions
due to differing lengths of the manubrium (/m) and long process
that vibrate \Vith different phases. This decreases the efficacy
of incus (/i) around the axis of rotation of the ossicles. This axis of
rotation is an imaginary line joining the anterior malleal ligament to of the ty1npanic rnen1brane as a coupler of sound pressure.
the incudal ligament that anchors the short process of the incus. The (2) The si1nple transforn1er n1odel does not account for the
total middle-ear sound pressure gain , which is the result of the area forces and pressures needed to stretch the tyn1panic ine1n­
ratio and the ossicular lever, can be quantified and measured using
brane and ossicular liga1nents and accelerate the 1nass of the
the ratio of sound pressure in the vestibule (P ) to the sound pressure
iniddle-ear con1ponents. Part of the force generated by a sou11d

in the ear canal (PEJ. As described in the text, the theoretical (ideal)
middle ear gain is 28 dB, whereas the actual (measured) middle-ear pressure in the ear canal is used to n1ove the tympanic 1uen1-
gain is only about 20 dB. brane and ossicles the1nselves, and this force is lost before it

The Inner Ear

The cochlea is a coiled tube 1nade of three fluid-filled chan1bers.
The fluid is essentially inco1npressible, so that any n1oven1ent
Theoretical /
of the stapes footplate within the oval window nlust be accon1-
middle ear galn
al 20 panied by fluid niotion elsewhere. Over the auditory frequency
32.. range, the sn1all fluid-filled cochlear and vestibular aqueducts
and other connections between the cochlea and cerebrospinal
fluid space are effectively closed,31 and it is the co1npliant 1ne1n­
brane covering the round window that permits large tnotions
Measured middle-ear gain of the footplate. When the stapes footplate inoves in, the round
(Mean +SD, N 4;
window inoves out. (The footplate and round window have

after Puria et al. (1997)

approxin1ately the san1e volu1ne velocities, but nlove with oppo­
site phase.) It is this coupling of the round and oval windows by
the inco1npressible cochlear fluids that leads to the i1nportance
of the difference in sound pressure at the two cochlear windows
0.1 1 10
in sti1nulating the inner ear. 32•33
Frequency (kHz)
The cochlear partition within the inner ear includes the bas­
ilar 1nen1brane, the organ of Corti, scala nJedia, and Reissuer's

FIGURE 3-7 • Middle-ear sound pressure gain. The dashed line at n1e1nbrane. The 1nechanical properties of the cochlear partition
the top shows the theoretical (ideal) transformer ratio produced by the are heavily influenced by the 111echanics of the basilar n1en1-
tympanic membrane to footplate area ratio and the ossicular lever. brane; the latter is narrow, stiff and thick at the base, and it is
The theoretical middle-ear gain, which is approximately 28 dB, is '"'ider, co1npliant and thin at the apex. Because the fluid is essen­
independent of frequency. The curve represents the n1ean + standard
tially incon1pressible, inward n1otion of the stapes causes a near
deviation of measurements of middle-ear gain made in 4 normal
ten1poral bones (Puria et al.19). The n1easurements consist of the instantaneous transfer of the 1notion through the cochlear fluids,
increase in magnitude of the sound pressure in the cochlear vestibule resulting in outward niotion of the round windO\.Y. Associated
over the sound pressure a t the tympanic membrane. It is evident that '"'ith this displace1nent of the fluid is a nearly instantaneous
the actual middle-ear gain is frequency dependent, and is only about pressure distribution across the cochlear partition. The reac­
20 dB a t best (around 1,000 Hz).
t.ion of the cochlear partition with its graded 1nechanical prop­
erties to this pressure distribution, results in a traveling lvave of
cochlear partition displacen1ent.34The1naximun1 displace111ent
reaches the cochlea. (3) Other acoustical structures of the ear of this wave is tonotopically organized in a nianner consistent
such as the iniddle-ear air spaces load the n1otion of the tyn1- with place-dependent differences in partition inechanics. High­
panic n1embrane and ossicles, and use up so1ne of the pressure frequency sounds produce displacen1ent nlaxin1a near the stiff
increase produced by the 111iddle-ear transformer. {4) The ana­ and thick base, while low-frequency sounds produce displace-
t.01nical transforn1er inodel implies that the ossicular system 1nent niaxin1a near the con1pliant and thin apex.
acts as a rigid body. In reality, there is slippage in the ossicular Because the \.Yave appears to travel fro111 the base towards
syste1n particularly at frequencies above 1,000 to 2,000 Hz, the apex and also appears to stop just past the location of 1naxi-
which reduces the n1otion of the stapes relative t.o that of the 1nu1n displacement, there is an asyn11netry in the niotion of the
inanubriu1n. This slippage has been associated with transla­ cochlear partition. All sounds produce so1ne niotion of the basal
tional 1nove1nent in the rotational axis of the ossicles24 or flex­ portions of the cochlear partition, while only low-frequency
ion in the ossicular joints.10•25•2" sounds produce significant. partition inotion in the apex. This
As will be discussed later, the effective stin1ulus to the asy1nn1etry has in1plications in our perception of co1nplex
inner ears is a difference in sound pressure bet\-veen the oval sounds (where low-frequency sounds can interfere with our per­
and round windows. The iniddle ear 1naxi1nizes this window ception of high-frequency sounds, but not vice versa35), and has
pressure difference via two 1nechanis1ns.27•28 First, as described also been suggested to play a role in the sensitivity of the high­
above, the ty1npano-ossicular syste1n preferentially increases frequency base to noise trau1na and in presbycusis.3611otion of
the sound pressure at the oval window of the inner ear. At the the cochlear partition stin1ulates hair cells of the organ of Corti,
sa1ne tin1e, the intact tyn1panic niembrane reduces the sound where larger stin1uli result from, larger niotions.
pressure in the ty1npanic cavity by 10 to 20 dB con1pared to
the sound pressure in the ear canal,29•30 thereby protecting or
Phase Difference Between the
shielding the round window fro111 the sound in the ear canal. A
Cochlear Windows
third function of the niiddle ear related to the protective func­
tion is that the presence of niiddle-ear air outside the round As stated earlier, the cochlea responds to the difference in sound
window per1nits the window to 111ove freely when the inner pressure bet\-veen the cochlear windows, 32·33 where the sound
ear is stin1ulated by inotion of the footplate. These concepts of pressure at the oval window is a su1n of the pressure produced
tniddle-ear sound pressure gain, round window protection and by the tyn1pano-ossicular syste1n and the acoustic pressure
round window 111obility have i1nportant practical i1nplications within the tniddle-ear air space. It is in1portant to understand
for tyn1panoplasty. how this difference (the essential stin1ulus to the inner ear),

depends on the relative nlagnitude and phase of the individual ossicular chain). \A/hen the individual window pressures are of
sound pressures at the two windows. When there is a significant similar inagnitude and si1nilar phase, they tend to cancel each
difference in n1agnitude between the oval- and round-window other and produce only a s1nall net window-pressure differ­
sound pressures (as in the normal ear and after successful tym­ ence. On the other hand, if the individual window pressures
panoplasty when the tyn1pano-ossicular system an1plifies the are of si1nilar magnitude but opposite phase, then they will add
pressure acting at the oval window), differences in phase have to each other, resultin g in a window-pressure difference that is
little effect i n determining the window-pressure difference.37•38 similar in nlagnitude to the applied pressures.
The lack of in1portance of phase when the magnitudes differ is
illustrated in Figure 3-8, which shows a hypothetical situation Multiple Pathways for Sound
v,rhere the niagnitude of the oval window sound pressure is ten Stimulation of the Inner Ear
tin1es (20 dB) greater than the round window sound pressure.
The contribution of the iniddle ear to the windov•-pressure
The range of possible window-pressure dife
f rence is shown by
difference that sti1nulates the inner ear can be split into sev­
two curves, one with an amplitude of 9 representing the dif­
eral stin1ulus pathways. A previous section described how the
ference v,rhen the two window pressures are in-phase ( 0 -d egree
ty1npano-ossicular systen1 transforn1s sound pressure in the
phase difference) and the other curve with an amplitude of
ear canal to sound pressure at the oval window. This pathway
l l representing the difference when the window pressures are
has been termed ossicular coupling.39 There is another 1necha­
completely out-of-phase (l80-degree phase difference). Even
nis1n, called acoustic coupling,39 through which the m.iddle ear
v,rith this maximun1 effect of varying the phase difference,
can stin1ulate the inner ear (Figure 3-9). Motion of the ty1n­
the two curves shown in Figure 3-8 are similar in niagnitude,
panic 1nen1brane in response to ear canal sound creates sound
v,rithin 2 dB of each other. With larger magnitude differences
pressure in the 1niddle ear cavity. Because the cochlear \vindows
such as factors of JOO to 1,000 (40-60 dB) that occur in the nor­
are separated by a few inilli1neters, the acoustic sound pressures
n1al ear and in ears that have undergone successful tyn1pano­
at the oval and round windows respectively, are sim.ilar but
plasty, variations in phase have a negligible effect.
not identical.40 S1nall differences between the magnitudes and
However, phase differences can becon1e in1portant under
phases of the sound pressures outside the two windows result
conditions when the niagnitudes of the sound pressures at the
in a small but 1neasurable difference in sound pressure between
oval and round windows are sin1ilar (eg, with an interrupted
the t\VO windo,vs. In the norn1al ear, the magnitude of this
acoustically-coupled \Vindo\v pressure difference is sn1all, on the
order of 60 dB less than ossicular couplin g.38.4° Hence, ossicular
Q) coupling do1ninates nor1nal nliddle-ear function and one can
c: Pwo when window
Q) 10 - -----------.. pressures a�e .. ----
-- -
;; - - ------ out of phase
-0 ,"
,,,, --

e '

', '

e o
a. Pwo when window

pressures are

-0 in phase
� -10 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

Ossicular couplin

} Cochlea
0 0.5 1
Time (cycles)
Acoustic coupling

FIGURE 3-8 • Schematic showing that if there is a significant

difference in magnitude between window pressures, then differences
in phase are of little importance in determining the difference between
the two sound pressures. In this specific case, the oval window
sound pressure is 10 times (=20 dB) greater than the round window
sound pressure. One cycle of the wave form of the window-pressure FIGURE 3-9 • Schematic showing the pathways of ossicular coupling
difference (Pwol is plotted for two circumstances. The dashed line and acoustic coupling. Ossicutar coupling is produced by the coupled
shows Pwo when the oval window and round window pressures are motion of the tympanic membrane, ossicles and stapes footplate.
in-phase, and the result is a Pwo wave of peak amplitude 9 = 10 -1. Acoustic coupling results from middle-ear sound pressure that is
The solid tine shows P,.0 when the individual window pressures are produced by ear canal sound pressure and motion of the tympanic
completely out-of-phase, and the result is a Pvm wave of amplitude membrane. Because the cochlear windows are spatially separated,
11 = 10 -(-1). Note that the two Pwo pressures differ by less th an the sound pressures within the middle ear cavity that act at the oval
2 dB (201og1011/9 = 1.7 dB), even though this phase variation produces and round windows (RW), respectively, are not identical. The small
the largest possible magnitude difference. Thus, in the normal ear differences between the magnitudes and phases of the two window
and after successful tympanoplasty when the sound pressure at the pressures result in a small but measurable difference in sound
oval window is large due to significant ossicular conduction of sound, pressure between the two windows. This difference is called acoustic
differences in phase of sound pressures a t the oval and round coupling. In the normal ear, acoustic coupling is quite small and its
windows have little effect in determining the hearing outcome. magnitude is approximately 60 dB less than ossicular coupling.38·3�

ignore acoustic coupling. However, as will be seen later, acoustic continuous sound.51 Contractions of the tensor tympani have
coupling can play an important role v.•hen ossicular coupling is also been associated with opening of the eustachian tube where
con1pron1ised as in some diseased and reconstructed ears. the inward n1otion of the tyn1panic 1ne1nbrane that results from
Environmental sound can also reach the inner ear by pro­ the contraction produces an overpressure in the n1idd.le ear that
ducing vibrations of the whole body and head, so-called whole helps open the tube. 52
body sound conduction.41 This is a more general process than
audiological bone conduction where a vibrator acts only on the
Middle Ear Joints
mastoid portion of the skull. Sound-induced vibrations of the
The incudomalleal and incudostapedial joints add flexibil it y to
whole body and head can stin1ulate the inner ear by (1) generat­
the ossicular systen1, '"'hich allows the 1niddle ear to withstand
ing external ear or middle-ear sound pressures via con1pressions
large variations in the static pressure difference across the ty1n­
of the ear canal and middle-ear walls, (2) producing relative
motions between the ossicles and inner ear, and (3) direct com­
panic ine1nbrane without producing da111age to the ear. Middle­
ear static pressure variations that occur regularly in day-to-day
pression of the inner ear and its contents by compression of the
activities (eg, those produced by sneezing and swallowing)
surrounding fluid and bone. Little is known about the contribu­
generate 1nillin1eter-sized n1otions of the tyn1panic ine1nbrane;
tion of i-vhole body sound conduction to normal auditory function.
such large inotions are not trans1nitted to the stapes due to the
However, n1easurements of hearing loss due to pathology such
flexibility of the incudo1nalleal and incudostapedial joints. 5354
as congenital aural atresia suggest that the whole body route can
The ossicular joints also pern1it independent control of
provide a to the inner ear which is about 60 dB sn1aller
tyn1panic 1nen1brane and stapes motion by the iniddle-ear
than that provided by norn1al ossicular coupling.41
n1uscles. Large contractions of the stapedius n1uscle that cause
O.l n1n1 changes in position of the stapes head have been shown
Audiological Bone Conduction to have little effect on position of the other ossicles because of
Sound energy transmitted to the skull by a bone vibrator (eg , sliding in the incudostapedial joint.55 Si1nilarly, the tensor tyin­
a tuning fork or the electron1agnetic vibrator of an audiome­ pani can pull the inalleus inwards by a millin1eter or n10re but
ter) sets the basilar men1brane in motion and is perceived as has little effect on the stapes because of the incudo1na.lleal joint.
sound. Clinical bone conduction testing is used as a 1neans to There is son1e data fron1 studies of ossicular n1otion in anin1als
detern1ine the functionality of the cochlea. The niechanisms by and hun1an te1nporal bones to suggest that a consequence of
which a bone vibrator can stin1ulate the inner ear have been the joint-induced flexibility is a decrease in the high-frequency
described by Tonndorfl2 and others43•44 and are sin1ilar to those response of the n1iddle ear.10•50 There is also evidence that flex­
described earlier for whole-body sound transn1ission. It is ion of the incudo-malleolar joint is a inajor con1ponent of the
in1portant to realize that all of the hypothesized bone-conduc­ hu1nan ossicular response to sound at all frequencies.25•57
tion niechanisn1s involve relative 111otion between the ossicles
and inner ear, and that bone-conduction heari ng is influenced
Investigation of Middle-Ear Mechanics
by pathologies in the external and middle ears. The so-called
Broadly speaking, investigations of 1niddle-ear n1echanics
occlusion effect (easily den1onstrated by occlusion of the exter­
have e1nployed one or n1ore of four approaches: behavioral
nal ear canal while talkin g , which results in increased loudness
of sound heard in the occluded ear) occurs because vibrations
and other assess1nents of hearing in nor1nal and diseased ears,
physiologic studies of the n1iddle ears of animals, quantitative
of the ear canal wall produce significant sound pressures in the
physics-based n1odels, and acoustic 1neasuren1ents in cadaveric
closed ear canal. Furthermore, a classic pattern in bone conduc­
ten1poral bones.
tion audiometry known as the Carhart notch (see Chapter 10)
is used to help identify cases of stapes footplate fixation.45 The
The use of anin1al n1odels to study the 111iddle ear \-vas pio­
neered by \/I/ever and Lawrence iI1 a series of studies of the effects
mechanical processes that underlie the Carhart notch phenom­
of nliddle-ear n1odifications on cochlear potentials in cats.2
enon are not well understood. Theretore, the idea that vibrat­
ing the skull directly stin1ulates the cochlea in a nianner that is
Other landn1ark studies include: investigations of n1iddle-ear
i1npedance and ossicular nlotion,10·5"-01 investigations of the
independent of the ni iddle ear is not strictly true.
effect of iniddle-ear inuscles,62 and investigations of si111ulated
pathologies on n1iddle-ear transn1ission.03-05 Ani1nal studies
Middle Ear Muscles continue to provide new insights into middle-ear function,
The stapedius and tensor tyn1pani muscles contract under a including recent evidence that the ossicles are not co1npletely
variety of circun1stances including loud sounds, before and rigid,66 evidence of wave-1notion in the tympanic men1bnu1e
during vocalization, tactile stin1ulation of the head or face, itself and within the ossicular chain67-09 and new evidence
and fight or flight behavioral responses.40 Such protective of contractile ele1nents within the support of the tyn1panic
contractions reduce the transn1ission of low-frequency sound 1ne1nbrane.70
through the middle ear but have little effect on high-frequency A "n1odel" of the 1niddle ear is essentially a set of n1ath­
sound.2•47•48 Contraction of the stapedius n1uscle in response ematical equations that relate the physical structure of the
to sound is known as the acoustic reflex. The reflex is thought ear to its acoustic function. The degree and co1nplexity of the
to help in speech discrin1ination (the reflex reduces n1ask­ association of n1odel ele1nents with anato111ic structures var­
ing by low-frequency sound of high-frequency stimuli49•50), ies widely within 1nodels, ranging fron1 sin1ple "black-box"
and in protecting the inner ear from acoustic traun1a of loud nlodels of the ear,71 through n1odels where sin1ple elen1e11ts

are associated v,rith specific structures of the ear,72 to con1plex

three-din1ensional finite-element models that include detailed lntem.ipted ossicular chain

depictions of niiddle-ear shape and approxi111ations of the frequency (Hz)

111echanical properties of the structural elenients.69•73•74 A wide 250 500 1000 2000 4000

variety of 111iddle-ear n1odels have been described, dealing with

0 ---- ------------------ -------- ' ---- ' --------
' ' '

sound transmission in norn1al as well as in pathological ears.

� 1 � ·
�- ·

' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' '

A discussion of such models is outside the scope of this review, 10

- - - -'- - - - - - - - - -•- - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - L
' ' '
- - -'- - - - -1- - --

' ' . ' ' '

and the reader is referred to other sources.17 ' ' '

' ' '
' ' ' ' '

20 ----L---------'---------J---------1----L----L---

Cadaveric ten1poral bones (the "temporal bone prepara­ '


' '

' ' ' ' ' '

tion") are also useful in studying n1iddle-ear mechanics. It has � 30

----1 ---------I, --------- 1--- - - - - - - T ----1 --------

co ' ' ' ' ' '

been shown that the 111echanical properties of the middle ear in "C

40 1- - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - T - - -r 1

carefully prepared temporal bones are indistinguishable from (II M easu red : : : :
Cl .___,. �
� ·
- ' '
50 �

�����F-==-=f�:v: ' .,,,....

�---- ·

those measured in living human ears.75-77 The ten1poral bones

----�---------·---------�----- ---·--

GI ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' '

niust be in a fresh state, kept nioist and static pressure niust 0 '
..- "'-- � --

.c 60 - --�
· �� � ;..

not be allowed to build up within the niiddle ear. Besides its .!.. ' ' ' '
' ' ' ' '
:.;: 70 ----L---------'---------J---------1----L----L---

utility in studying normal niiddle-ear function, the temporal '

' .
' '
' ' . ' ' '

bone preparation allows one to n1ake repeated n1easuren1ents 80 ___ - :- ________ - :- _ Predicted ____ -T- __ - :- ___
-- ___

' ' ' ' '

of acoustic and mechanical function after precise modifica­ '

' '
90 - - - -r - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - T - - -r - - - - 1 -

tions that sin1ulate specific pathologies or ty1npanoplasties. '

' ' ' ' ' '

Nleasuren1ents in such preparations have provided valuable 100 ----�---------·---------�--------- . ----�---- · ----

' ' . ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' '

insight into the 1nechanics of sound transn1ission in a variety of ' ' ' ' ' '

diseased and reconstructed ears.

FIGURE 3-10 •Co mparison of air-bone gaps measured in eight

ACOUSTICS AND MECHANICS OF cases with surgically confirmed complete ossicular chain interruption
DISEASED MIDDLE EARS with an intact tympanic membrane to air-bone gaps predicted on the
basis of hearing resulting from acoustic coupling. In this pathological
The concepts discussed in the previous section help us to under­ state, there is no ossicular coupling. Since acoustic coupling is
stand sound transn1ission in various pathological 111iddle-ear about 60 dB smaller than ossicular coupling, the prediction is a
conditions. In this revie,v, we have chosen the "air-bone gap" 60 dB conductive hearing loss, which is consistent with the measured
air-bone gaps. The standard deviation for each of the measured
as detern1ined by standard clinical audion1etry to describe the
points is about± 10 dB. After Peake et a/.39
loss of 111iddJe-ear sound transn1ission in various pathological
conditions. Our choice of the air-bone gap nieasure is a 1natter
of ease and convenience, since the gap can be easily calculated connective tissue. An exan1ple is resorption of the long process
fron1 a clinical audiogram and it allows one to con1pare ears of the incus and its replacement by a band of fibrous tissue in
with disparate levels of sensorineural function. Ho,vever, one chronic otitis n1edia. Such "partial ossicular interruption" is
111ust ren1e111ber that the air-bone gap is not ahvays an accurate often associated with an air-bone gap that is greater at high
111easure of niiddle-ear sound transn1ission loss, because bone versus low frequencies. It is one of the few types of middle-ear
conduction thresholds can be influenced by middle-ear pathol­ pathologies where the air-bone gap is greater at the high fre­
ogies, as 111entioned previously. quencies. The niechanisn1 of hearing loss is probably related
to a decrease in the rigidity within the ossicular chain. At low
Ossicutar Interruption With an Intact frequencies, a fibrous band seems to be tense enough to allow
Tyrnpanic Membrane near-normal sound transmission; however, at higher frequen­

When there is ossicular interruption in the presence of an intact cies, the fibrous band flexes such that motions of the ty111panic

drum, ossicular coupling is lost and sound input to the cochlea n1e111brane are not readily coupled to the stapes.

via the middle ear occurs as a result of acoustic coupling.39 Since

acoustic coupling is about 60 dB smaller than ossicular cou­
Loss of the Tympanic Membrane,
pling, one \vould predict that complete ossicular interruption
Malleus, and lncus
would result in a 60 dB conductive hearing loss. This prediction In cases where the tympanic membrane, malleus, and incus
is consistent with clinical observations as shown in Figure 3-10, are lost, the conductive hearing loss is on the order of 40 to
where there is good agreen1ent between the predicted and actual 50 dB, ie, this condition results in hearing sensitivities that are
air-bone gap as n1easured in eight surgically con finned cases 10 to 20 dB superior to cases with an intact tympanic mem­
of ossicular interruption with an intact tympanic n1en1brane. brane and complete ossicular interruption. The 40- to 50-dB
Note that the consistency of the clinical results with the niodel loss can be explained by a loss of ossicular coupling together
of acoustic coupling suggests that stin1uli reaching the inner ear with an enhancement of acoustic coupling by about 10 to
through \vhole body or bone conduction 1nechanisn1s in this 20 dB, as compared to the normal ear.39 The enhancen1ent of
particular condition are s111all enough to be ignored. acoustic coupling results from loss of the shielding effect of
A special type of ossicular interruption consists of resorp­ the tympanic membrane, \Vhich in the normal ear attenuates
tion or a break in one of the ossicles and its replace111ent by middle-ear sound pressure by 10 to 20 dB relative to ear canal

sound pressure. The air-bone gap predicted by loss of ossic­ malleus is at the level of its head due to a bony spur that anky­
ular coupling and enhanced acoustic coupling is similar to that loses the 1nal leus head to the lateral epity1npanic wall or to the
n1easured in patients as sh0\"7n in Figure 3-J I. The increase in tegmen tyinpani . 80 The resulting air-bone gap is small, usually
acoustic coupling due to loss of tyinpanic membrane shielding in the range of 15 to 25 dB.80,81 :Nfalleus ankylosis can also be
also explains why the hearing of a patient \"7ith an interrupted caused by extensive deposition of fibrous tissue and new bone
ossicular chain and an intact drum is improved by 10 to 20 dB in the epityn1panu1n as the result of chronic otitis inedia.80•82
when a perforation is created in the tyn1panic membrane. In such a case, both the 1nalleus and incus are usually fixed in
the epity1npanun1, with an air-bone gap of 30 to 50 dB. 82 The
Ossicular Fixation differential effects of location, extent, and type of nlalleus fixa­
tion can be explained on the basis of the nlechanics of rotation
Partial or con1plete fixation of the stapes footplate (eg, oto­
of the nlalleus (and incus) about an axis linking the anterior
sclerosis, tympanosclerosis, etc.) results in conductive hearing
1nalleal and the posterior incudal ligan1ents.79 In such a rotating
losses that range fron1 5 dB to 60 dB depending on the degree
systen1, the stiffening torque associated with 1nalleus fixation is
of fixation.78 The losses are greater for the lower frequencies
proportional to the distance betv•een the fixation and the axis
(Figure 3-l.2). Fixation of the footplate reduces ossicular cou­
of rotation. When the fixation is at the axis of rotation (the ante­
pling by hindering stapes motion, resulting in a conductive
rior 1nalleal ligan1ent), the fixation-associated stiffening torque
hearing loss. The an1ount of hearing loss depends upon the
degree of decreased stapes n1otion. The prin1ary effect of the is s1nall, \Vhereas when a si1nilar fixation is placed away from
the axis of rotation at the 1nalleus head (such as a bony spur), a
otosclerotic lesion is an increase in the stiffness of the annular
ligan1ent that supports the stapes, where the normal ligan1ent 1nuch larger stiffening torque results.

stiffness is a n1ajor constraint on the ossicular coupling route

in the nonnal ear. Increases in liga.1nent stiffness should first
Tympanic Membrane Perforation
affect the low-frequency response of the ear, which is consistent Perforations of the ty1npanic n1e1nbrane cause a conductive hear­
with the observation that in early otosclerosis the hearing loss ing loss that can range from negligible to 50 dB (Figure 3-13).
is mainly in the low frequencies.78 The pri1nary n1echanis1n of conductive loss due to a perfora­
The conductive hearing loss resulting fron1 fixation of tion is a reduction in ossicular coupling caused by a loss in the
the n1alleus is detern1ined by the location, extent, and type of sou11d-pressure difference across the tyn1panic n1en1brane.63·83-86
pathology causing the fixation.79 Fixation at the level of the ante­ The sound-pressure difference across the tyn1panic 1nen1brane
rior malleal ligament (eg, calcification of the ligan1ent) results in provides the prin1ary drive to the n1otion of the drum and ossi­
a hearing loss less than JO dB. More con11nonly, fixation of the cles. Perforation-induced physical changes such as reduction in

Missing tm, malleus, incus

frequency (Hz) Stapes fixation due to otosclerosis
250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 frequency (Hz)
250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000
0 ---- ---------1---------� -------- ---- ----· ---
' '
� - · � -

' '
' ' 0 - - - -� - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -·- - - -

10 - - - - - - - -� - -- '
' ' '
' '
----'-- ---------•- - - - - - - - - l-----'-- --- _,_-
' ' '
' ' ' ' '
' ' 10 - - - - '� - - - - - - - - - ·' - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - -

20 --- -·----------:- - - - - - - - - .J - -------- ' ----·- ----·- ---

' ' '
' '
--- Measured --------1--------­ --------- '
'---- 20 - - - - L
' ---------'---------
� -- - - - - -
.,,., _

� 30
ai ' '
, .

' '
a. ,..
� 30

40 aJ
----.------ -------------,--------- __, ________

' '

<V � .... 3:!.

50 �---{)�-
"' -- -

-- - - - -·�- ---- - ,.-
' '

- - - -r -; -:- :
- I --
.... _. -·

' '
- - - -1- - a.
40 --------- ,.- - - - - - - - - -

c: Cl


50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -�- - - - - - - - -·- - - - - - - - -·- - - -

_g '
60 c:
' '
-- __,__ ----- - __, _- - - - - -
- - � -

' '
- - - - - - l---- _,__ --- _,__-
' ' '
' ' 0
.� ' ' ' 60

7o ----:--- ----�---------
� '

Predicted ' ----·- ----·- ---

' ' ' ·- ' '
' ' < 70 '
80 ----�---------:---------�--------- ----�----,---- '
' '
' ' '
- - - - r - - - - - - - - - ', - - - - - - - - -
' '
80 - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - - - ,- - - -

90 ----� ---------: - --------� - -------- ,.-----� -----

--- ' '
I I I I I I '
I I I I I I '
I I I I I I 90 - - - - r - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - -�- - - - - - - - - ,. - - - - - - - - - 1- - - -
100 ' ' ' '
' ' '
· ·
' ' '
' ' ' ' ' '
' ' 100 - - - - � - - - - - - - - -· - - - - - - - - -�- - - - - - - - -·- - - - - - - - -·- - - -
' ' ' ' '
' ' ' ' '
' ' ' ' '
' ' ' ' '

FIGURE 3-11 •Comparison of air-bone gaps measured in 5 cases

with missing tympanic membrane (TM}, malleus and incus to air-bone FIGURE 3-12 •Air-bone gaps measured in 75 cases of surgically
gaps predicted on the basis of acoustic coupling. With loss of the confirmed stapes fixation of varying degrees due to otosclerosis. The
tympanic membrane, there i s enhancement of acoustic coupling by mean ± 1 standard deviation of the air-bone gap at each frequency
about 10 to 20 dB compared to the normal ear. The predicted and is shown. The conductive hearing loss is greater for the lower
measured gaps are similar. After Peake et a/.39 frequencies.

A TM perforations of varying sizes B Anterior vs. posterior perforations

frequency (Hz) frequency (Hz)

250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000

0 ----'---------�---------�--------
1 ' '
• •
0 ----'---------�---------�---------L--------�----
1 ' ' • •
' ' ' ' . ' ' ' . .

' '

---------�------ -

------------- -
; '
; --------1-- : ----�-I:--
- - - - - -- -

: -�:.: �- - :---� -11--

------ -

10 10 ----!- -------1--- - - -


co 15

-;;!'---� -=-�:.:_:-_�=-
: ..
co 15 - --
: --------�
- - ----� --------I-- - - -

"O "O

- -
. - .
-- ,� . ·. . ' ' '
c. ,. . ·. c.
<11 20 :- - - - - - - ;,.. -: -------- ; - - - - ;,::- .. .. .. -·:- .. - .. - .,.. .. .. .. <11 20 - -- ,- �-,-- /_ ------� - --------� --------�-- - -
Ol . Ol ' ' '
. / . ,' : . .·. . ' ' '
G) / ' . ,' : . . G) ' ' . .
c: .. .. .. .. �- .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. l .. ,'_ ..•_ - .. .. -L .. .. .. .. -�- - .. -' - .. .. .. c: - - - - '- - - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - - - L - - - - - - - - -'- - - -
0 25 0 25
- - - -'- - - -
/ I I ,' ; I ', I ' ' '
. ·..
.c . )' :
.c ' ' '
, �-·----- ' .
. . ' ' '
.!.. .!..
' ' '
< 30

: ,,.-· ............ ;i: : ·

·. <( '

35 ---�:: - - - - .:.�' i- ------- : --------� -------�a:-- - -

- - - -,- - - - - - - - - -,-

T - - - - - - - --r - - - - - - - -
' '
-,'- - -

• • • • • ' ' ' ' '

• • • • ' ' ' ' '
--- _ _ - - - - - - - - .J- - - - - - - - -
, � - -------- � - - - - - - - - -·- - - -

40 - ,.·- - - - - �- - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - -1.. - - - - - - - - -·- - - -

• • • •
40 ' ' ' ' '
• • • • ' ' ' ' '
• • • • ' ' ' ' '
• • • • ' ' ' ' '
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _ _ T .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. r .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -,- - - -
45 .. .. .. ..,

1 • • • •
45 ----,---------,---------T---------r--------,----

1 • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
50 50
e e 5-10°/o ,._____., 40-55°/o • • Ant erior
0- - -<> 20-30°/o 0 ··· · ·0 80-90°/o 0- - -<> Posterior

FIGURE 3-13 •Air-bone gaps measured in 42 ears with tympanic membrane perforations. In each case, the
conductive hearing loss was caused solely by the perforation, because (1) the ossicular chain was found to
be intact and mobile at subsequent tympanoplasty surgery done to repair the perforation, and (2) there was
closure of the air-bone gap after the surgery. A, Air-bone gaps (mean+ one standard error of mean) are shown
for perforations of varying sizes. Perforation size was estimated as a percentage of the area of the tympanic
membrane. There were four groups of perforations, based on their size: 5 to 10% (5 ears), 20 to 30% (22 ears),
45 to 55% (6 ears), and 80 to 90 % (9 ears). Air-bone gaps are greater at the lower frequencies, and the gaps
increase as the perforations get larger. The largest perforation-induced air-bone gaps are about 40 to 50 dB.
8, Air-bone gaps (mean+ one standard error of mean) are shown for anterior versus posterior perforations of the
same size. The ears of perforation size equal to 20 to 30% of tympanic membrane area from the dataset shown
in A, were subdivided into anterior (11 ears), and posterior (8 ears) groups, based on location of the perforation
with respect to the manubrium. There are no statistically significant differences between the two means at any
frequency. (In 3 ears with 20 to 30% perforations, the perforation was directly inferior to the umbo, and they were
excluded from the anterior versus posterior analysis.)

tyn1panic ine1nbrane area or changes in coupling of tyn1panic different ears can have conductive losses that differ by up to 20
n1en1brane inotion to the n1alleus do not appear to contribute to 30 dB if the n1iddle-ear air space volumes differ substantially
significantly to the hearing loss caused by a perforation.�+-so (\-vithin nor1nal ears, iniddle-ear air space volu1ne can range
Perforations cause a Joss that depends on frequency, per­ from 2 to 20 cn13).88 Thus, a perforation \-Vil! result in a larger
foration size, and iniddle-ear air space volun1e.84-86 Perforation air-bone gap when the mastoid is extre1nely sclerotic co1npared
induced losses are greatest at the lo\-vcst frequencies and gener­ to one that is well pneumatized. The dependence of the hearing
ally decrease as frequency increases. Perforation size is an in1por­ loss on the n1iddle ear and inastoid air volume can explain the
tant deter111inant of the loss; larger perforations result in larger cotnmon clinical observation that seemingly identical perfora­
hearing losses (Figure 3-13A). The volu1ne of the iniddle-ear tions (in size and location) nlay produce significantly different
air space (co1nbined ty1npanic cavity and 111astoid air volun1e) degrees of hearing loss. It can also explain the clinical observa­
is also an in1portant para1neter that detern1 ines the amount tion that an air-bone gap in a given perforation can vary from
of hearing loss caused by a perforation; sn1all 1niddle-ear air ti111e to tin1e in the sa1ne ear. For exan1ple, the air-bone gap is
space volw11es result in larger air-bone gaps. Other things being often s111aller when the perforation is dry compared to when it
equal, for a given sound pressure in the ear canal and a given is wet and draining. It is likely that in the infected situation, the
perforation, the resulting sound pressure within the iniddle-ear volume of air in the n1iddle ear and 1nastoid is reduced con1-
cavity will vary inversely \.Yitb nliddle-ear volun1e. Hence, the pared to the dry state.
transtyn1panic 1nen1brane sound-pressure difference will be The dependence of perforation-induced hearing loss on
s111aller (and the conductive loss correspondingly greater) with the transtympanic tnetnbrane sound-pressure difference also
s111aller iniddle-ear volu1nes.S4,s7 Identical perforations in tv•o suggests that there should be no systematic differences in the

air-bone gaps caused by perforations of identical size at differ­

ent locations. The notion that location of a perforation should Oti1is media with effusion
frequency (Hz)
not influence the resulting hearing loss is supported by the fol­
lowing evidence-to-date: 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000

' '
l. Theoretical calculations. While it has been dernonstrated that 0 ----�---------!---------�---------
' ' '
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

' ' '

perforations of the tyn1panic 111e111brane lead to increases in ' ' '

10 ----�---------'---------J---- ----L-------------

... ... .. .. :
...... T

the sound pressure outside the cochlear windo,.vs, since the +" ....

. --. ::::_- _-i ���--- --���,,-- �;--- -----r- ----..-f--

,; I "'> I

wave lengths of sound are generally larger than the 111iddle­


ear dirnensions, the acoustically coupled window-pressure � 30 - - - -r- - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - - - -r- - - - - - - - - - - - -

al ' I I I I

difference should not depend on perforation location. "O

- 40

2. Experimental data. Measureo1ents in a ten1poral bone prep­ «I




' ' '
aration have shown that the location of a perforation affects GI
50 - - - - � - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - --1----

' I I I I


neither the resulting loss in sound transn1ission, nor the I I I I I

,Q 60 - - - -� - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - - - - -

J- - - - - - - - - L - - - - - - - - - '- - - -

rnagnitude or phase of the sound pressures acting at the oval .!. '

< 70


and round '>Jindo>vs.84-86

- - - -·- - - - - - - - - ,_
_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ ,_ - - -
' ' '
' ' '
' ' '
3. Clinical data. Figure 3-13B con1pares air-bone gaps between 80
' - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - - - -
- - - -r
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - , - - -

' '
same-sized perforations situated in anterior versus posterior '
90 - - - -r - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - -T - - - - - - - - -1- - - -

locations, and there is no significant difference between the '

' ' ' '
two groups. Mehta et al.,87 in a study of 62 cases, found no 100 - - - - � - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - --1----
' I I I I
' ' ' ' '
significant differences in air-bone gaps at any frequency ' ' ' ' '

tor perforations in the anterior versus posterior quadrants,

after controlling for size of pertorat.ion and 01iddle-ear air • • OME with air bubbles
volumes. We speculate that the con1111011 clinical perception •----• OME, no air bubbles
that perforations of si1nilar size but different locations pro­
duce different hearing losses 1nay result from inter-ear dif­
ferences in the volume of the middle-ear and mastoid air FIGURE 3-14 •Air-bone gaps (mean± one standard error of mean)
space.84-so measured in 29 adult ears with otitis media with effusion (OME). In
each case, the air-bone gap disappeared when the OME resolved,

Finally, n1easuren1ents in ten1poral bones40 •84- 86 den1onstrate either spontaneously or after myringotomy. Two groups of ears are
displayed, based on absence (N 24) or presence (N 5) of visible
that tyn1panic membrane perforations lead to an increase in
= =

air bubbles behind the tympanic membrane at otoscopy, at the time

acoustic coupling by l.O to 20 dB due to loss of the shie.lding the air-bone gaps were measured. Ears with air in the tympanic cavity
effect of the intact tympanic n1en1brane. The increase in acous­ show a smaller conductive loss than ears with no visible air bubbles.
tic coup!ing allows one to predict that the maxirnum conductive The differences between the two groups are statistically significant at
the 5% level for 1,000, 2,000, and 4,000 Hz.
loss follo,>1ing a perforation will be about 40 to 50 dB, , ....hich
. is
consistent with clinical observations (Figure 3-l3A).

1nobile ossicles) can result in conductive hearing losses that vary

Middle Ear Effusion
in severity from negligible to 50 dB.3; The conductive loss can
Fluid in the n1iddle ear, a prin1ary feature of otitis media with be explained on the basis of a reduction in ossicular coupling
effusion (OivlE), is associated '"'ith a conductive hearing loss of due to the tyn1panic niembrane abnormality. As long as the area
up to 30 to 35 dB,89 though the degree and frequency depen­ outside the round window remains aerated and is shielded fron1
dence of individual losses vary (Figure 3-14 ) . The conductive the sound pressure in the ear canal by the tympanic niembrane,
loss occurs because of a reduction in ossicular coupling due to the conductive hearing loss caused by the atelectasis should not
several niechanisnis.90 At frequencies greater than 1,000 Hz, the exceed the amount of middle-ear sound pressure gain in normal
loss is caused primarily by n1ass loading of the tyn1panic nien1- ears, ie, air-bone gaps of up to 25 dB. If the atelectasis results
brane by fluid, with decreases in sound trans1nission of up to in invagination of the tympanic membrane into the round win­
20 to 30 dB. The effect increases as more of the ty1npanic mem­ dow niche, the protective eftect of the tympanic membrane and
brane surface area is covered with fluid. At frequencies below middle-ear air space on round window 111otion is lost, and larger
1,000 Hz, the hearing loss is due to an increase in in1pedance of 40 to 50 air-bone gaps should result. This prediction is consis­
the n1iddle-ear air space resulting fro1n reduced n1iddle-ear air tent with the a111ount of acoustic coupling in cases ,
. there
volun1e, and possibly fro1n negative 111 iddle-ear static pressure is loss of the ty1npanic n1en1brane, 1ualleus, and incus.
which is often associated '>Jith OivlE. Increasing the viscosity of
the middle-ear fluid appears to have rather s1nall effects (less Third Window Lesions of the Inner Ear
than 5-10 dB) on the overall hearing loss.
The niajority of cases demonstrating an air-bone gap are the
result of n1iddle-ear pathology affecting the tyn1panic 1nem­
Tympanic Membrane Atelectasis brane or ossicular chain. However, there are a nuinber of
Atelectasis of the ty1upanic men1brane occurring without a tym­ disorders affecting the inner ear that can result in an appar­
panic membrane perforation (and in the presence of intact and ent conductive bearing loss in the absence of true n1iddle-ear

pathology. Their clinical presentation can ni i n1ic otosclerosis studies have suggested the following conceptual n1echanis1n
or other middle-ear disease. These disorders of the labyrinth causing the air-bone gap (Figure 3-15). In the nor1nal ear, air
produce an air-bone gap by creating a pathologic "third win­ conducted sound stimuli entered the vestibule through motion
dow' in the inner ear (in addition to the two normal windows, of the stapes. An inward motion of the stapes is accotnpanied by
the oval and round windows).91 The third window permits dis­ an equal but outward 1notion of the round window membrane.
sipation of air conducted sound energy away fron1 the cochlea, The fluid flow between the windo,vs produces a pressure differ­
thus resulting in a hearing loss by air conduction. At the same ence between the scala vestibuli and scala ty1npani, resulting in
tin1e, the third window in1proves thresholds for bone conducted motion of the cochlear partition, activation of hair cells, and
sounds or leaves the bone thresholds unchanged. Thus, the net perception of sound. A pathologic third window on the vestibu­
audion1etric effect of the third window is a conductive hearing lar side of the cochlear partition shunts a portion of the acoustic
loss (air-bone gap). energy away from the cochlear partition, producing a decrease
The best characterized of these third window lesions is the in sound pressure within the vestibule, thus resulting in a loss of
syndron1e of superior canal dehiscence.92-95 The typical audio­ hearing sensitivity to air-conducted sound. The effect of a third
n1etric manifestation is an air-bone gap in the low and niiddle window on bone conduction thresholds is less intuitive but can
frequencies below 2,000 Hz, with no gap or only a small gap at be understood based on the compression of mechanis1n of bone
higher frequencies. Low-frequency bone conduction thresholds conduction. In the normal ear, compression of inner-ear fluids
niay be at supra-normal levels of up to -20 dB or better. by bone conducted sound results in a hearing percept because
Besides superior canal dehiscence, a number of disor­ of an inequality in the itnpedance between the scala vestibuli
ders of the inner ear can result in pathoJogic third windows side and the scala tympani side of the cochlear partition, which
(Table 3-3).96•97 Such lesions n1ay be anatomically discrete or in turn, is due to a difference between the impedance of the
diffuse. Anaton1ically discrete lesions may be classified by loca­ oval and round windows, respectively. This inequality leads to
tion: sen1icircular canals (superior, lateral or, posterior canal a pressure difference across the cochlear partition, resulting in
dehiscence), bony vestibule (enlarged vestibular aqueduct, motion of the basilar membrane that leads to the perception
other inner ear nialforn1ations) or the cochlea (carotid-cochlea of bone-conducted sound. A pathologic third window on the
dehiscence, X-linked deafness with stapes gusher). An exam­ vestibular side of the cochlear partition increases the pressure
ple of an anatomically diffuse lesion is Paget disease which niay difference between the two sides of the cochlear partition by
behave as a distributed third windov•. lowering the impedance on the vestibuli side, thereby itnprov­
The syndron1e of superior canal dehiscence has been used ing the cochlear response to bone conduction. Therefore,
as a prototype to investigate the mechanisn1s by which an air­ supra-normal thresholds for bone conduction may be evident.
bone gap rises in third window lesions. These investigations It should be noted that such improve1nents of bone conducted
have included theoretical niodel analyses,91.9s measuren1ents in thresholds produced by the third windo'v may be 1nasked by an
cadaveric human temporal bone preparations,99 experiments accompanying true sensori11eural hearing loss.
in animal models of superior canal dehiscence ,1 00• 10i and niea­ It is important to note that the pathologic third window
sures of middle-ear sound transmission in patients.95 •102 These n1ust be on the scala vestibuli side of the cochlear partition to
produce an air-bone gap (ie, the window 111ust be in the bony
vestibule, in one of the semicircular canals, or in the bony wall

TABLE 3-3 Th ird window lesions of the inner ear

of the scala vestibuli of the cochlea). A third windo\v on the
causing air-bone gaps scala tyn1pani side, such as an enlarged cochlear aqueduct, is
not predicted to result in a conductive hearing loss and nlay
1. Anatomical third window even lead to an i1nprove1nent in hearing function by increasing
a. Semicircular canal the sound pressure difference across the cochlear partition that
• Superior canal dehiscence results from air- and bone-conducted sound.

• Posterior canal dehiscence A nun1ber of audion1etric clues and tests are available to
the clinician for making an accurate diagnosis of an air-bone
• Lateral canal dehiscence
gap caused by a third window lesion as opposed to a patho­
b. Vestibule
logical lesion within the 1niddle ear.93•94•97 A low-frequency
• Large vestibular aqueduct syndrome air-bone gap with bone conduction thresholds that are better
• Inner ear malformations causing a dehiscence than 0 dB can be a clue. Therefore, it is in1portant to accu­
between internal auditory canal and vestibule rately assess audio1netric bone conduction thresholds to levels
c. Cochlea below 0 dB HL. Acoustic reflexes are typically absent in true
• Dehiscence between carotid canal and scala 1niddle-car disease, but are generally present in third window
vestibuli lesions. Vestibular evoked nlyogenic responses arc typically

• Inner ear malformations causing a dehiscence absent in patients 'vith true n1iddle-ear pathology but tnay

between internal auditory canal and scala vestibuli, b e larger than norn1al and present at lower sti1nulus levels in
eg, DFN-3 (X-linked deafness with stapes gusher} third window lesions. Vestibular manifestations co1nprising
sound- or pressure-induced vertigo and eye n1oven1ents nlay
2. Diffuse or distributed third window
be evident in third windo\v lesions caused by canal dehiscences.
a. Paget disease of the temporal bone
When audion1etric and other tests suggest that an inner ear


Normal ear Third window

Semicircular air condu¢tion tesions
canals air conduction


c D Canal dehiscence

Normal ear Third window

Semicircular lesions
bone conduction
canals bone conduction


FIGURE 3-15 •Schematic representations of mechanism of air-bone gap in third window lesions. A, Normal
ear, air conduction. Air-conducted sound stimuli enter the vestibule through motion of the stapes. There is a
pressure difference between the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani, resulting in motion of the cochlear partition.
The volume velocities of the oval and round windows are equal in magnitude but opposite in phase. 8, Third­
window lesion, air-conduction. It is hypothesized that a third window (in one of the canals, the vestibule or the
scala vestibuli) allows a portion of the acoustic energy entering the vestibule through motion of the stapes to be
shunted away from the cochlea. The shunting occurs primarily at low frequencies, resulting in a hearing loss by air­
conduction. C, Normal ear, bone-conduction. Compression of inner ear fluid by bone-conducted sound results in a
hearing percept because of an inequality in the impedance between the scala vestibuli side and the scala tympani
side of the cochlear partition. This inequality is primarily due to a difference in the impedance between the oval and
windows. As a result, there is a pressure difference across the cochlear partition, resulting in motion of the basilar
membrane that leads to perception of bone-conducted sound. D, Third window lesion, bone-conduction. A third
window increases the difference between the impedance on the scala vestibuli side and the scala tympani side of
the cochlear partition by lowering the impedance on the vestibuli side, thereby improving the cochlear response to
bone-conduction. In patients with healthy cochleae as in superior canal dehiscence, supranormal bone-conduction
thresholds may be evident. In other patients with an accompanying true sensorineural hearing as in DFN-3,
enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA), etc, the improved bone-conduction due to the third window mechanism may
not be result in supranormal thresholds. After Merchant and Rosowski.97

lesion may be responsible for the conductive hearing loss, an that post-ty1npanoplasty hearing results are often unsatisfac­
appropriate imaging study such as a CT scan will help to make tory, especially with advanced lesions of the ossicular chain or
a definitive diagnosis. \.Yhen there is inadequate aeration of the 111iddle ear. Table 3-4
is a su1n1uary of postsurgical hearing results fro111 eight large
clinical series103-110 spanning the past three decades that den1on­
strates results are often less than satisfactory. \iVhen the ossicular
chain has to be reconstructed, long tern1 closure of the air-bone
Though tympanon1astoid surgery for chronic otitis 1nedia is gap to <20 dB occurs in only 40 to 70<Vo of cases when the stapes
quite successful in controlling infection with reported success is intact, and only in 30 to 60o/o of cases \.Yhen the stapes super­
rates in excess of 80 to 90<XJ (Chapter 28), it is well recognized structure is 111issing.

TABLE 3-4 Hearing results after ossicular reconstruction: Cases(%) with postoperative
air-bone gaps < 20 dB



1. Lee and Schuknecht, 1971103 936 40 -

2. Pennington, 1973104 216 70 -

3. Jackson, Glasscock et al., 1983105 417 64 43

4. Brackmann, Sheehy, and Luxford, 1984 106 1,042 73 55

5. Lau and Tos, 1986101 229 54 40

6. Ragheb, Gantz, and McCabe, 1987108 455 52 37

7. Colletti et al., 1937109 832 48-ao· 28-70*

8. Goldenberg, 1992110 262 57 58

PORP, partial ossicular replacement prosthesis; TORP, total ossicular replacement prosthesis.
Minor columella refers to an ossicular strut or prosthesis from the stapes head to the tympanic membrane/manubrium.
Major columella refers to an ossicular strut or prosthesis from the stapes footplate to the tympanic membrane/manubrium.
*Results varied with time interval after surgery: results got worse with increasing length of follow-up.

One factor responsible for the niodest nature of post­ 20 dR. Consequently, a 111echanically mobile but suboptimal
tympanoplasty hearing results is lack of quantitative under­ ty111panoplasty, con1bined \vith adequate stapes mobility, ade­
standing of structure-function relationships in the mechanical quate 111 iddle-ear aeration and round window sound protection,
response of reconstructed ears. The need tor improved under­ can result in no middle-ear gain but still produce a relatively
standing of middle-ear mechanics is clearly shown by the good hearing resuJt. For exan1ple, a ty111panoplasty that gives a
clinical occurrence of niany instances in which the structural n1iddle-ear gain of 5 dB but leaves the middle ear aerated and
differences between a good and poor hearing result are not allows round window n1otion, will result in an air-bone gap
apparent or where seen1 i ngly niinor variations in structure of only 15 dB. (Of course, an imn1obile, rigid tympanoplasty
are associated with large differences in function. For exan1- graft will (esult in very little stapes motion and n1uch larger
ple, Liston et al., 111 with the use of intraoperative nionitoring hearing losses.) As previously discussed, the n1agnitude of the
by auditory evoked responses during ossiculoplasty, found that ossicularly coupled sound pressure at the oval window is signif­
changes in prosthesis position of 0.5 to l.O nin1 had effects on icantly greater than the acoustically coupled sound pressure at
hearing as large as 20 dB. Tt is also a con1n1on clinical observa­ the round windo'"' in the normal ear and '"'e suspect a si111ilar
tion that postsurgical ears, which seen1 identical in structure, pressure gain after successful tympanoplasty. Under these cir­
can exhibit markedly different degrees of conductive hearing cu111stances, differences in phase of sound pressures at the oval
loss. Better quantitative understanding of the factors that deter­ and round v•indows have little effect in determining the hearing
n1ine the hearing response, eg, graft stiffness and tension, and outcome. Therefore, the goal of a tympanoplasty should be to
the niechanical properties of the prosthesis, should pern1it us to increase the magnitude of sound pressure at the oval window
understand what are the important structural differences that relative to the round '"'indow, �vithout regard to phase.
niight account tor these seen1ingly unexplainable results. The follov•ing subsections atten1pt to describe the struc­
Other major factors contributing to unsatisfactory postsur­ tural parameters that are thought to be in1porta11t to hearing
gica] hearing results are incon1pJete knowledge of the biology of results after n1iddle-ear surgery.
chronic middle-ear disease (including pathology of niiddle-ear
aeration and Eustachian tube function), and a lack of control Aeration of the Middle Ear
over the histopathological and tissue responses of the middle ear Aeration of the middle ear (including the round window) is crit­
to surgery. These factors are outside the scope of this chapter. ical to the success of any tympanoplasty procedure. Aeration
allo\'/S the tympanic 111embrane, ossicles and round window
Reconstruction of the Sound to move. Clinical experience has shown that nonaerated ears
Conduction Mechanisms often demonstrate 40-to 60-dB air-bone gaps. 38 The large gap in
The goal of tympanoplasty is to restore sound pressure trans­ nonaerated ears occurs because (1) ossicular coupling is greatly
forn1ation at the oval windov,r by coupling an intact tyn1panic reduced and (2) stapes motion is reduced because the round
111en1brane with a n1obile stapes footplate via an intact or recon­ window membrane (which is coupled to the stapes by incom­
structed ossicular chain, and to provide sound protection for the pressible cochlear fluids) cannot 111ove freely.
round window niembrane by means of a closed, air-containing, 1-fow much air is necessary behind the tympanic membrane
111ucosa-lined middle ear. As previously mentioned, the mean (that is, within the middle ear and 111astoid)? lvlodel analyses of
sound-pressure gain provided by the normal ear is only about the effects of varying the volume of the middle ear and mastoid

predict an increasing low frequency hearing loss as air volun1e pressure sensitivity include the ty1npanic men1brane, annular
is reducedll' (Figure 3-16). The normal, average volun1e of the ligament, incudo-malleal joint, and suspensory ligaments of
middle ear and 111astoid is6 cc; a con1bined niiddle ear and 1nas­ the ossicles. So1ne of these structures are drastically altered as a
toid volun1e of0.5 cc is predicted to result in a 10 dB conductive result of ty1npanoplasty, and the acoustic effects of negative and
hearing loss. Volun1es sn1aller than 0 . 5 cc should lead to progres­ positive iniddle-ear static pressure in reconstructed ears have
sively larger gaps, whereas increases in voluine above about l.O cc not been characterized.
should provide little additional acoustic benefit. Experimental
studies29•1 using a human ten1poral bone preparation where the Tympanoplasty Techniques without
middle ear and n1astoid volun1e was reduced progressively show Ossicular Linkage: Types JV and V
results consistent with the niodel prediction.
A type IV tyn1panoplasty116 is a surgical option in cases where
The above predictions of the effect of middle ear and 111as­
the ty1npanic n1e1nbrane and ossicles are n1issing, the stapes
toid air volume on the air-bone gap are applicable to those
footplate is n1obile and there is a canal wall-do>vn n1astoid
cases where the tympanic nien1brane is intact. Once there is a
cavity. Incoming sound fron1 the ear canal i1npinges directly on
perforation of the tympanic nien1brane, then the volume of the
the stapes footplate while the round window is shielded from
middle ear and niastoid air space has an in1portant bearing on
the sou11d in the ear canal by a tissue graft such as temporalis
the resulting air-bone gap, as discussed ear.lier.
fascia (Figure 3-17). If the stapes footplate is ankylosed, it is
Another parameter of the n1iddle-ear air space that can
re1noved and replaced by a fat graft and this arrangen1ent con­
influence middle-ear 111echanics is the static air pressure within
stitutes a type V tyn1panoplasty.117 In both type IV and type V
the space. Experiments in human perception dating back to
procedures, there is no ossicular coupling and residual hear­
the 19th century,ll4 numerous animal studies259 and measure­
ing depends on acoustic coupling .�9•11 8-120 The introduction of a
ments of ossicular motion in hun1an te.mporal bones115 have
tissue graft to shield the round 'vindow fron1 sound enhances
den1onstrated that middle-ear static pressure can have dif­
acoustic coupling by increasing the sound pressure difference
ferent effects on sound transn1ission at different frequencies.
between the oval and round windows. Model analyses of type
Generally, transtympanic nien1brane static pressure differences 1' 9
IV reconstructionsJ 8 11 suggest that an optiI11un1 reconstruction
produce decreases in sound transmission through the niiddle
(defined by norn1al footplate nlobility, a sufficiently stiff acous­
ear for frequencies less than l,000 Hz, and have less effect at
tic graft-shield, and adequate aeration of the round window)
higher frequencies. Also, the effect of such static pressure differ­
results in n1axi1nun'1 acoustic coupling \vith a predicted residual
ences are asyn1n1etric with larger decreases observed when the
conductive hearing loss of only 20 to 25 dB. This optin1um result
middle-ear pressure is negative relative to that in the ear canal.
is consistent with the best type IV hearing results (Figure 3-18).
The niechanisn1s by which pressure changes reduce 111 iddle-ear
These analyses also predict that decreased footplate nlobility,
sound transtnission are not well defined, and possible sites of
inadequate acoustic shielding or inadequate round \vindow
aeration can lead to hearing losses as large as 60 dB.
Since the literature den1onstrates that less than 50% of ears
Effects of reducing after type IV surgery have air-bone gaps less than 30 dB,119 it
middle-ear and mastoid air volume is clear that inany type IV reconstructions are nonoptin1u1n.

Normal volume = 6 cc

.. P: ··.;:;:. ..;:;:;:;:. ;::; Type IV tympanoplasty

� -t.':'f33cc:
':":' · - /·- · ;

. Cc"J: .
---i�1.5·cc. 1-�
:.:· :": .. ··

ro - 10.8 l ee ------
-·� -�
..... .....

- :,"""'
-;.. ""
- ':!'
- '7f°
.1 ,
°' I
! 10 ·10.4 ccr·-·-·-· .........

· · ·
·10 cct·-··- ·-
· ..... r

_g .
.!. -/
:; 20 _r-I0.1 eel
�- 0.05 l-----

·I!! Cochlea


100 1000 10000

Frequ ency (Hz)

FIGURE 3-16 •Model predictions of the effects of reducing the

volume of the middle ear and mastoid. The normal baseline volume FIGURE 3-17 • Schematic of type IV tympanoplasty. Incoming
is taken to be 6 cc. Note that reduction of the volume to 0.4 cc is sound from the ear canal impinges directly on a mobile stapes
predicted to result in an air-bone gap less than 1O dB. Volumes footplate within the oval window (OW), while the round window (RW)
smaller than 0.4 cc are predicted to lead to progressively larger gaps. is acoustically protected by a graft-shield. With no ossicular coupling,
After Rosowski and Merchant."2 cochlear stimulation depends on acoustic coupling.

postoperative hearing result depends on the efficacies of the

Type IV tympanoplasty reconstructed eardrum and the reconstructed ossicular chain.

frequency (hz)
Tympan1c Membrane Reconstruction
250 500 1000 2000 4000
' ' ' ' ' '
While the ty1npanic 1nernbrane is responsible for tnost of the
' ' ' ' ' '

- ' ' ' ' '
n1iddle-ear sound pressure gain, the details of how that gain is
0 - - - _,_ - ----- ---------�----�----�---·

I Meas. red
' ' ' ' '


u '



achieved are not well understood. Motion of the nor1nal tyrn­
10 -- --- �- -••••••• L---- �--- -'----

panic membrane is complex, especially at frequencies above

- - - -'- - - - - - - - - -•- - -
' ' ' ' ' '

·····:·········i··-�---·'······ �·� ---

' ' ' ' ' '

1,000 Hz.22 Clinical observations suggest that surgical tech­

' ' '

': I

--------- --------- -----
� ·· ..
�.... : :\
.... ........

· �--
------ --
niques that restore or preserve the norn1al anaton1y of the tym­
panic membrane can lead to good hearing results.37•38 Ho•vevcr,



.. - - -r - ------- .. .. ------ .. ..

' Predicted
� --� ----� -
t I I I

more research is needed to define the optin1un1 acoustic and
Cll ' ' ' '
Cl> '
- ' ' ' ' •
mechanical properties of reconstructed tyn1panic men1branes.
50 .. -- ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -1- - .. - .. .. .. .. ... ..- ........- -- ..
.. .. .. .. � .. .. - ---- .. -

• '

for exarnple: (1) Little is known of the n1echanical significance

• ' '
c • ' ' • ' '
60 ................ .............. ....

.. .. .. .. 1...
...... ........
� ................

.. L ..

1... ......

• ' ' • ' '

of the arrangen1ents of structural �bers in the tympanic inem­
'f • ' ' •




< 70 ...... : ........ .. : ................ � - ; ........ �.... : .. .. (2) While it has been argued that the conical shape of
• ' '
-- --- -- .............. .. --- - brane.
' ' ' '

the norn1al tyn1panic 1nen1brane plays an i111portant role in

' '

' ' ' ' ' '

80 ---- � ---------:--------- � -------·· r··--r---- �--- ' ' '






111iddle-ear function,7•22 the possible effects of changes in ty1n­
' ' '

panic 111embrane shape on postoperative hearing results are

' ' '
90 ---·r --------.. .. -------- -••• • • • - - r •--- r---- ---
' ' '

' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' '

not understood. (3) While n1any existing n1odels of tympanic
100 '
' ' • ' '



membrane function have been shown to fit so111e of the avail­
able data,73 there are wide differences in the structure of these
. . .

1nodels, and little effort has been made to con1pare their sig­

FIGURE 3-18 •Air-bone gaps after type IV tympanoplasty: the best

nificant differences and similarities. Further, these models
surgica l results are compared with a prediction based on "maximum" generally have not been applied to reconstructed tyn1panic
acou sti c c oupli ng. The predicted and measured results are similar, n1en1branes. Better understanding of the features of ty 1npanic
with an air-bone gap of approxirnately 20 dB. After Peake et al.39 111e1nbrane structure that arc critical to its function should lead
to in1proved 111ethods for reconstructing the ear dru1n.

Oss1cular Reconstruction
The follovving surgical guidelines can be used to optimize the A wide variety of ossicular grafts and prostheses are in use.
postoperative hearing results: (I) one should preserve normal However, there are limited scientific data on the optimum
stapes mobility by covering the footplate with a thin split­ acoustic and 1nechanical properties of ossicular prostheses.
thickness skin graft and not a fascia graft (fascia is much thicker factors that can influence the acoustic performance of an
than skin and can increase footplate impedance), (2) one should ossicular prosthesis include its stiffness, n1ass, and position, the
reinforce the round window fascia graft-shield with cartilage or tension i1nposed by the prosthesis on the dru1n and annular lig­
J n1m thick SilasticTM (reinforcing the graft-shield in this 111an­ an1ent, and n1echanical features associated with coupling of the
ner increases its stiffness and in1proves its performance as an prosthesis to the drun1 and stapcs.37 18

acoustic shield), and (3) one should create conditions that pro- In general, the stiffness of a prosthesis will not be a signif­
1note aeration of the round window niche and preserve mobility icant factor as long as the stiffness is 111uch greater than that of
of the round window membrane (eg, by preserving all healthy the stapes footplate-cochlear i1upedance. For clinical purposes,
n1ucosa in the protympanum and hypoty1npanum). prostheses nlade of ossicles, cortical bone, and many synthetic
In a type V tyn1panoplasty, it is reasonable to assume that materials generally meet this requirement.
the mobility of the fat used to replace the footplate will be greater .tv!odel analysis112 and experimental data1ii·123 suggest that an
than that of the nonnal footplate. Hence, onev•ould predict that increase in ossicular mass does not cause significant detriment in
the average hearing results for a type V '''Ould be better than n1iddle-ear sound transmission. Shown in Figure 3-19 are n1odel
those for a type TV, especially for low frequencies. This predic­ predictions of air-bone gaps resulting fron1 increasing the 1nass
tion is supported by the available clinical evidence. For example, of an ossicle strut, relative to the sr·apes rnass, which is 3 1ng.
in a clinical series of64 cases of type V Lyn1panoplasty121 861Yo of Increases up to 16 ti111es are predicted to cause less than 10 dB
ears with conditions favorable tor round window aeration had conductive loss and only at frequencies greater than 1,000 Hz.
an air-bone gap smaller than the 20-dB gap that occurs with an The positioning of the prosthesis appears to b e impor­
opti111um type TV. tant to its function . .tv1easurcn1ents in human te1nporal bone
preparations suggest that the angle between the stapes and a
Tympanoplasty Techniques With prosthesis should be less than 45 degrees for optimal sound
Reconstruction or Preservation of transmission.124•125 There is also evidence that some variations
Ossicular Linkage: Types I, II, and Ill in positioning produce only sn1all changes. For example, vvbile
Type l, 11, and ITT tympanoplasly involve reconstruction of it is ideal to attach a prosthesis to the manubrium, experin1en­
the ty111panic n1embrane and/or the ossicular chain. Besides tal data shov.r that acceptable resu Its can occur with a prosthesis
n1aintenance of middle-ear aeration and static pressure, the placed against the posterior-superior quadrant of the tyn1panic

Effects of increasing ossicular mass Type Ill tympanoplasty

/ Facial

0 Stapes
c 20 x2
.Q x4
..!. Cochlea
"' x8
x 16

40 RW


60 ������--.-��.--�--.-�.--.-.--.-,,-r+-
100 1000 10000
Frequency (Hz)

FIGURE 3-20 Schematic of type Ill tympanoplasty, stapes

FIGURE 3-19 •Model prediction of the effects of increasing ossicular columella. A tympanic membrane (TM) graft, usually temporalis
mass. The mass of an ossicular strut is increased as shown. These fascia, is placed directly onto the stapes head. The procedure
increases are relative to the stapes mass which is 3 mg. Increases up is typically performed in conjunction with a canal-wall-down
to 16 times are predicted to cause less than 10 dB conductive loss mastoidectomy. RW, round window.
and only at frequencies greater than 1,000 Hz. After Rosowski and

n1ernbrane as long as 3 to 4 n1rn of the prosthesis's diameter ossicular chain is replaced by the single columella of the stapes.
contacts the drun1.126 This tyn1panoplasty is typica!Jy performed in conjunction with
The tension the prosthesis creates in the middle ear, which a canal-wall-down 1uastoidecton1y. The hearing results after this
is generally a function of prosthesis length, appears critical in procedure vary widely with air-bone gaps ranging fron1 lO to
deterrnining the hearing result.127 The rnechanical impedance of 60 dB. Large air-bone gaps (40-60 dB) occur as a result of stapes
biological structures is inherently nonlinear, and m.easurements fixation, nonaeration of the niiddle ear, or both (Figure 3-21).
such as tympanometry have shown that the tympanic n1embrane vVhen the stapes is mobile and the n1iddle ear is aerated, the
and annular Jigan1ent act as linear elen1ents only over the range of average postoperative air-bone gap is on the order of 20 to 25
small nlotions (less than 10 n1icron1eters) associated with phys­ dB, suggesting that there is little middle-ear sound pressure gain
iological sound levels. Larger displacements of the ligan1ent and occurring through the reconstruction. Experimental and clini­
men1brane stiffen these structures. The large static displacements cal studies of the type III stapes colun1ellar reconstruction have
produced by a prosthesis that is too long would stretch the annu­ shO\\'n that interposing a thin disk of cartilage between the graft
lar ligament and tyn1panic n1en1brane, resulting in a stiffening of and the stapes head in1proves hearing in the lower frequencies
these structures, a reduction in tyn1pano-ossicuJar motion and by 5 to 10 ds.12s-13o We hypothesize that the cartilage acts to
an air-bone gap. Currently, tension cannot be assessed intraop­ increase the "effective" area of the graft that is coupled to the
eratively in an objective fashion; a reliable objective test of this stapes, which leads to an increase in the niiddle-ear gain of the
tension would be useful to the otosurgeon. reconstructed ear.
"Coupling" refers to how \.Yell a prosthesis adheres to the
footplate o r ty1upanic n1en1brane, and the degree of coupling Canal Wall-Up Versus
will determine whether or not there is slippage in sound trans­ Canal Wall-Down Mastoidectomy
mission at the ends of a prosthesis. Thus, a prosthesis transn1its
In a canal waJl-dO\.Yn 111astoidecto1uy, the bony tyn1panic annu­
sound effectively only if there is good coupling at both ends.
lus and much of the ear canal is rernoved, and the ty1upanic-
Clinical observations indicate that it is rare to obtain a firm
111en1brane graft is placed onto the facial ridge and 111edial attic
union between a prosthesis and the stapes footplate. Hence,
\.Yall. This results in a significant reduction in the size of the
inadequate coupling at the prosthesis-footplate joint n1ay be an
residual 111iddle-ear air space. However, as long as this air space
irnportant cause of a persistent postoperative air-bone gap. The
is greater than or equal to 0.5 cc, the resultant loss of sound
physical factors that control coupling have not been determined
transmission should be less than 10 dB (see above). Since the
in a quantitative manner, and further study of this paran1eter
average volume of the tympanic cavity is 0.5 to l.O cc,88 a canal­
is warranted.
wall-down procedure should create no significant acoustic det­
Type Ill Tympanoplasty, Stapes Columella riment, so long as the n1iddle ear is aerated. Indeed, clinical
A classical type III or stapes colun1ella tympanoplasty studies con1paring the acoustic results of canal-wall-down ver­
(Figure 3-20) involves placement of a ty1upanic membrane graft sus canal-wall-up mastoidectoni.y have shown no significant
such as temporalis fascia directly onto the stapes head,1 10 ie, the differences in hearing between the two conditions.106•109,13o,i31

volu1ne velocity produced by a given stapes linear velocity. The

Type Ill tympanoplasty reduction in effective footplate area also reduces the area of
Frequency (Hz) the cochlear fluid over which the force generated by the stapes
250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 is applied. While the reduced footplate area leads to a local
increase in pressure over the surface of the prosthesis, the aver­
' age pressure at the cochlear entrance is reduced. The reduction
0 - - - -1 - - - - - - - - - .. 1 - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - -· - - - -

in stapes volume velocity and cochlear sound pressure lead to

' ' '

' ' '

' ' '

a decrease in ossicular coupling and the developn1ent of an

' ' '

' '

10 ------------- ,--------- -------- - ---------.----


air-bone gap. The smaller the area of the stapes prosthesis,
the greater the air-bone gap. Model predictions of the rela­
' ' '
- ' '

al ' '

20 - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
tionship between piston dian1eter and residual air-bone gap

- 0 '
111 after stapedoton1y were nlade using a si1nple lun1ped elen1ent
Cl '

30 ' I I I inodel of the iniddle ear.112 This analysis predicted the 0.8-1nn1
---- - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - �---------·----

c: I I I I
.D piston dian1eter will produce 5 dB better hearing results than

' �
.!.. 40 the 0.6-n1n1 piston and 10 dB better results than the 0.4-1nn1
' / ,' ' ' piston. These predictions are in general agreen1ent with
�: - - - - - -,. f
:°'::•--:�-..... /,��'- - - - - - � - - - - - - - - I- ---
50 "'
- -- I I
(1) experin1ental ten1poral bone data,133 (2) results of finite ele-
,"' I I I

(3) clinical observations.'36-140

- -�-
II '
," ;1
I I I 1nent modeling data,134•135 and
: :
60 - - - -1

-------- ... - - - - - - - - - • - - - - - - - - -�

- - - - - - - - ,_

- -- The predictions 1nade in the sin1ple lun1ped ele1nent inodel112
assun1ed that the effective vibrating footplate surface area
' ' '

' ' '

' '

after a stapedoto1ny is no m.ore than the area of the lo,ver end

' '

of the prosthesis. In cases of partial or total stapedecton1y with

• • Mobile stapes
place1nent of a tissue graft and a stapes prosthesis, the effective
<> - -<> Non aerated ear
A-----• Fixed stapes
vibrating surface nlay be greater than the area of the pros­
thesis alone, and the inodel predictions 111ay overestim.ate the
air-bone gap.

FIGURE 3-21 • Air-bone gaps (mean ± one standard error of mean}

Conclu.sions Regarding the
measured in 35 ears after canal-wall-down mastoidectomy and type
Ill tympanoplasty with temporalis fascia graft onto stapes head. Contribution of Middle-Ear
Results are displayed in three groups: (1} ears with a mobile stapes Mechanics to Otologic Practice
and an aerated middle ear after surgery, N 23; (2) ears with a
Till recently, the history of middle-ear surgery has generally

mobile stapes but no aeration of the middle ear postoperatively,

N = 1O; and (3) ears with an aerated middle ear postoperatively, but progressed with nlinin1al input from. basic scientists and engi­
a fixed stapes footplate, N = 2. Mobility of the stapes was judged at neers who studied the acoustics, inechanics, and physiology
time of surgery, and aeration of the middle ear was determined on the of the middle ear. In this chapter, we have inade a case for
basis of postoperative CT scan assessments, pneumatic otoscopy
how knowledge of nliddle-ear inechanics can help the clini­
and visible motion of the graft during a Valsalva maneuver. The best
cian to understand i1nportant aspects of present day otologic
hearing results (air-bone gaps of 20 to 25 dB) are seen in those cases
where the middle ear becomes aerated and the stapes is mobile. practice, and how close collaboration between clinicians and
Large air-bone gaps of 40 to 60 dB occur as a result of stapes fixa­ basic scientists can lead to in1proven1ents in an otologist's
tion, nonaeration of the middle ear or both. diagnostic and surgical capabilities. We have pointed out
areas where recent work and ne\v knowledge have produced
new guidelines to opti1nize surgical results (eg, type III and IV
A canal-,vall-down procedure also resuJts in the creation of
ty1npanoplasty, stapedotomy, son1e aspects of ossiculoplasty),
a large air space lateral to the eardrum, ie, the air space within
and also pointed out areas \vhere our knowledge is incomplete
the mastoid bowl including the external auditory canal. This
and inore research is needed (eg, tyn1panic n1e1nbrane recon­
mastoid bowl and ear canal air space generates resonances which
struction, effect of static pressures, some aspects of ossicular
can influence middle-ear sound transmission favorably or unfa­
reconstruction). Hopefully, so1ne of these latter areas will be
vourably.1.12 The structure-function relationships between the
better understood by the tin1e the next edition of this book is
size and shape of the mastoid cavity, and cavity resonances have
not been well defined. An in1proved understanding of this issue
may help otosurgeons to configure mastoid cavities in ways that
are acoustically beneficial. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

We thank Joseph B. Nadol, Jr., tvlD, Michael J. McKenna, tvlD,

Stapedotomy Steven D. Rauch, MD, and Willia1n T. Peake, ScD, for advice
The output of the middle ear can be quantified by the "volume and con1ments on previous versions of this chapter. The
velocity" of the stapes,uz where volume velocity is the prod­ authors' efforts were supported by funding fro1n the National
uct of stapes linear velocity and the area of the stapes foot­ Institute on Deafness and Other Con1n1unication Disorders of
plate. After a stapedotomy, the effective area of the footplate the National Institutes of Health, as well as by Mr. Axel Eliasen
is reduced to the area of the prosthesis, thereby reducing the and tvlr. Laksh1ni lv1ittal.

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Auditory Physiology: Inner Ear

Veronika Starlinger, MD I Kinuko Masaki, PhD I Stefan Heller, PhD


The cochlea, the mamn1alian auditory organ, is enclosed by the Overview

ten1poral bone and appears as a snail-shaped osseous structure
The organ of Corti is the auditory receptor organ of the inan1-
(cochlos is Greek for "snail"). In humans, the cochlea is coiled n1alian cochlea. It is named after the 19th century Italian
for about 22/3 turns around a central axis, the modiolus. Within
microscopist Alfonso Giacomo Gaspare Corti, who was the first
the bony cochlea (also known as the osseous labyrinth), three
to visualize and to describe this morphologically complex hear­
canals, or scalae, are formed by the membranous labyrinth: the
ing organ.
central scala media, also known as the cochlear duct, is sepa­
The organ of Corti con1prises two types of sensory recep­
rated from the scala vestibuli by the Reissner's membrane and
tors, the inner and outer hair cells. About 3,500 flask-shaped
from the scala tyrnpani by the basilar membrane (Figure 4-1).
inner hair cells are lined up in a single row throughout the
The connection of the seala vestibuli with the middle ear occurs
entire length of the hu1nan cochlear duct. Lateral to the inner
via the oval window, which is attached to the stapes footplate.
hair cell row are three rows of outer hair cells that can be distin­
1·he round window links the scala ty1npani to the middle ear
guished by their unique cylindrical shape (Figure 4-lB). Both
and is covered by the round window membrane. The scalae
hair cell types contain hair bundles that consist of highly orga­
vestibuli and tyrnpani n1erge at the cochlear apex (at the heli­
nized actin-fi.lled stereocilia that are graded i n height with the
cotren1a); the sea la rnedia ends blindly. The scalae vestibuli and
1nost lateral row being the tallest and the 1nost medial row being
tyn1pani a re filled with perilyrnph, an extracellular fluid with
the shortest. 1'he hair bundles of inner hair cells are organized
high Na' and low K' concentration, whereas the scala media
as a sn1oothly curved line of two to three rows of stereocilia.
is filled with endolyn1ph, which is defined by a unique ion
Outer hair cell stereociliary bundles are arranged in a shallow
composition of h igb .K' and low Na' concentrations. Cochlear
V-shape (Figure 4-2). Hair bundles are the mechanosensitive
endolyn1ph has a positive electrical potential of approxi1nately
organelles of hair cells. Every hair cell sits atop a phalangeal
+85 niV. This difference in ion composition between perilymph
supporting cell. which for the outer hair cells are called Deiters
and endolymph and the electrical potential difference provide
cells. The inner and outer pillar cells delineate the area between
the energy required for the cochlea's work.
inner and outer hair cells and fra1ne the tunnel of Corti. Other
From a physiological viewpoint, three functional units
supporting cells en1brace the hair cell-bearing part of the organ
within the cochlea can be distinguished: (1) The organ of
of Corti. Medially, there are the inner marginal, and laterally,
Corti represents the "sensor" of the cochlea converting and
the Heosen's (outer marginal cells), Claudius, and Boettcher
a1nplifying mechanical sound stimuli into electrical signals
cells (Figure 4-1 B). Along its entire length, the organ of Corti
(mechanoelectrical transduction). (2) The stria vascularis is is covered by the tectorial rnembrane. This acellular structure is
the cochlea's "battery," generating the energy (endocochlear
1nedially attached to the spiral limbus and connects to the hair
potential) necessary for mechanoelectrical transduction and
bundles of outer hair cells.
influencing cochlear fluid hon1eostasis. (3) The spiral ganglion
contains the neurons featuring axons ("electrical wires") that
The Basilar Membrane and Tonotopy
transport the electrical signals from the cochlea t o the central
nervous syste1n. All three parts are essential for proper func­ When sound strikes the eardrum, vibration is trans1nitted to
tion of the co ch lea and they will be discussed in detail in this the inner ear via the three middle ear ossicles. Movement of the
chapter. stapes causes the displacement of the cochlear fluid in the scala


c· �,

r/ 6'11

r' ; (< ')


t J


Scala vestibuli



Scala tympani
Spiral ganglion

1>: <.'
""e�"!dStria vascularis -;.�

<?-- 0
Scala media
Hensen's cell
Claudius cell

Boettcher cell FIGURE 4-1 •Cross-section of the

Basilar membrane cochlea. A, schematic drawing of a

cochlear cross-section. T h e rectangle
Auditory Inner Deiters cell
delineates the area shown in B, illus­
nerve marginal Outer pillar cell
trating a section of the scala media with
fibers cell �- Tunnel of Corti
surrounding structures such as the organ
Inner pillar cell
of Corti and the stria vascularis. IHC, inner
hair cell; OHC, outer hair cell.

vestibuli. The inco111pressibility of perilyn1ph causes a pressure as the cochlear a1nplifier (described below). The base of the
gradient between the scala vestibuli and scala tympani, leading cochlea is tuned for frequencies as high as 20 kI-Iz in hun1ans
to n1oven1ent of the basilar 111en1brane and the organ of Corti. and at its apex the organ is sensitive to frequencies as low as
This displacen1enr can be conceptualized as a travelling wave 20 Hz. The tonotopic gradient is anaton1ically inanifested not
that n1oves fro111 base to apex along the basilar 111en1brane.1 For only in a continuous gradient in basilar ine111brane width but
a pure tone stin1ulus, the travelling wave reaches a 111axin1u111 also in changes in hair cell height and the length of cellular
at a characteristic place along the basilar ine111brane and then structures such as the stereociliary hair bundles.
decays. The precise location of this inaxin1un1 depends on the
frequency of the sti111ulus, vvhich is the underlying principle of
Inner Hair Cells and
the tonotopic organization of the cochlea. Characteristic fre­
quency at a specific basilar n1e111brane location is governed by
Mechanoelectrical Transduction
the properties of both the passive con1ponents such as extra­ Tbe cochlear inner hair cells are the linchpins in hearing as they
cellular, cellular, and n1olecular structures at that location are the sensory cells that convert n1echanical stimulation into
(Figure 4-3), as well as the properties of the active syste1n such electrical sig n al s and synaptic act ivi ty transn1itted to the brain.

Actin filaments - --:>..



Myosin --

lnsertional plaque ---i�Y"'-:::iiil

Mechanoelectrical -�

transduction channel

Cadherin 23 -....,

Tip link --�

Protocadherin 15

FIGURE 4-2 • Cochlear stereocilia. Shown is a view of the apical
surface of a whole-mount preparation of a 150-µm long segment
of the mouse organ of Corti. The stereociliary hair bundles are
strongly labeled with fluorescein-conjugated phalloidin, which binds
to filamentous actin. The curved hair bundles of inner hair cells are
visible at the bottom as well as the three rows of V-shaped outer
hair cell hair bundles at the top. Image courtesy of Anthony W Peng,
Stanford University.

IHC Stereocilia


FIGURE 4-4 • Model of the stereociliary mechanoelectrical

transduction apparatus. Known and proposed components of the
mechanoelectrical transduction apparatus are shown.
Base Apex

20 kHz 20 Hz
Mechanical deflection of the hair cell's stereociliary bundle
toward the tallest row of stereocilia leads to shearing motions
Noise/ototoxin sensitivity
between adjacent stercocilia.4 The consequential increase of
nlechanical tension in the transduction apparatus leads to a
conforn1ational change in the transduction channel protein,
FIGURE 4-3 • Tonotopic organization of the organ of Corti. leading to an increase in the channel open probability, v>'hich
Schematic drawing of the anatomical changes along the length of is about 40 to 50% at rest in the ina1n1nalian cochlea. Despite a
the cochlea from base to apex, which include increasing width of the few candidate proteins, none of the pu tativ e co1nponents of the
basilar membrane and size of the outer hair cells. These changes hair cell transduction apparatus has been unequivocally linked
contribute to the frequency tuning of the organ of Corti. Likewise,
functionally with the biophysical process of 1nechanotransduc­
sensitivity to ototoxic insults such as noise or aminoglycosides is
highest at the cochlear base and decreases toward the apex. tion. The nlost attractive candidates are cadherin 23 and proto­
cadherin 15, which have been proposed as con1ponents of the tip
link, and nlyosin le, which is essential for the adaptation process
At the core of this process is the mechanoelectrical transduction that controls the set point of inechanosensitivity (Figure 4-4).
that occurs at or near the tips of the stereocilia. This mecha­ :tv1utations in the hu1nan genes encoding either cadherin 23 o r
noelectrical transduction apparatus is present in all hair cells
and consists of one or more mechanically gated cation channels,
closely asso ciated elastic structures, and a tip link that connects
protocadherin 15 cause Usher Syndro1ne (congenital hearing
loss with progressive loss of vision fron1 retinitis pign1 ent o sa)
Upon n1echanical stin1ulation toward the tallest row of ste­
the tip of one stereocilium to the side of the next tallest stereo­ reocilia, K+ and Ca2+ ions enter the hair cell through open nlecha­
cilium (Figure 4-4).2-4 noelectrical transduction channels located near the stereociliary

tips. This excitatory deflection leads to depolarization of the where the open probability of the transduction channels is close
cell. \i\Then the stereociJia are deflected toward the shorter ste­ to the open probability at rest. Myosin le has been put for,¥ard
reocilia, the transduction channels close, thereby hyperpolar­ as a crucial component of the adaptation motor, which does not
izing the cell. After a sustained excitatory deflection of the hair preclude the involven1ent of other 1nyosins in this process.5
bundle, the initia.lly large transduction current adapts, which
is manifested in a decline of the current that is correlated with
Outer Hair Cells and Amplification
the closure of transduction channels (Figure 4-SA). Tt has been The outer hair cells play a key role in the amplification of basilar
hypothesized that two distinct processes are responsible for this n1e1nbrane n1otion. Atnplification is necessary for the detection
adaptation: rapid reclosure of transduction channels and sliding of sounds at lo,.... sound pressure levels. The i111portance of the
of a myosin-based n1otor that is associated with the transduction outer hair cells , illustrated when kanan1ycin, an ototoxic
apparatus (Figure 4-SB and C). Rapid channel reclosure or "fast antibiotic, , used to selectively damage outer hair cells while
adaptation" is presun1ably caused by Ca2+ binding to a proposed keeping inner hair cells intact. Outer hair cell loss resulted i n
intracellular site near the channel's gate. The exact underlying elin1ination of the auditory nerve's low threshold sensitivity and
n1echanisn1 of this process is not yet understood. The second its sharp tuning while not affecting its high threshold character­
process, "slow adaptation," happens at about a 10 tin1eS slower istics." This observation led to the hypothesis that the outer hair
tin1e course than rapid channel reclosure and occurs when the cells are n1ainly responsible for amplification and sharp tuning
upper insertion point of the tip link slides down the stereoci liu111. of the auditory syste111.
During a sustained stin1ulus, adaptation leads to a resetting of One n1echanisn1 for atnplification is somatic electro1no­
the resting point, thereby allowing the transduction apparatus to tility.7 Isolated outer hair cells have been sho\vn to change their
continuously operate at the point of highest sensitivity. It has been length by 3 to So/o in response to electrical stin1ulation. When
proposed that influx of Ca2+ through open transduction chan­ depolarized, outer hair cells contract, whereas they elongate
nels leads to slippage of the myosin-based adaptation n1.otor that ....hen hyperpolarized. As a result, outer hair cells exert n1echan­
continuously strives to crawl toward the stereociliary tip along ical force that feeds back into n1oven1ents of the basilar inetn­
the actin core (Figure 4-SB). Slippage of the myosin-based n1otor brane for sti1nuii up to a few kHz.
reduces the tension in the tip link complex and lowers the open Up\¥ard stin1uiation of the basilar ine1nbrane, eg, moves the
probability of the transduction channels, which in turn shuts stereocilia in an excitatory direction and depolarizes the outer hair
off the local Ca2• influx. At lov,r local Ca2• concentrations, the cells, which in turn shorten, further pulling the basilar me1nbrane
n1yosins of the adaptation motor will effectively n1ove upwards, upward. In this way, outer hair cell electromotility amplifies basilar
thereby readjusting the tension in the tip link con1plex to a point n1etnbrane n10tion caused by the traveling wave.

A B c

Actin filament--
.. """"
� " - ___,/ \ 50nm

lnsertional plaque

<1 = 0.3 ms

I max :550 pA
Channel closed Channel open

FIGURE 4-5 • Mechanoelectrical transduction. A, At rest, approximately 90% of the transduction channels are
closed. Myosin-based molecular motors climb toward the stereociliary tips and adjust the tension in the tip link and
associated structures to assure that the transduction apparatus operates at the highest sensitivity. B, Increased
mechanical tension in the tip link and associated structures leads to opening of the transduction channels and
incoming cations depolarize the cell. Local increase of the Ca2• concentration affect the myosin motors and result
in slippage of the transduction apparatus, thereby decreasing the mechanical tension and open probability of the
transduction channels. C, Depolarization of a rat outer hair cell in response to a moderate mechanical deflection of
50 nm. Shown is the rapid rise of the receptor potential that is capable of reaching a maximum current of 550 pA in
this specific cell, when fully stimulated. The current trace is labeled with the time courses of the fast (t,) and slow
(t2) adaptation. Data courtesy of Dr. Anthony Ricci, Stanford University.

Prestin is thought to be the motor protein responsible for Tectorial Membrane

somatic electromotility in outer hair cells. Several lines of evi­
The tectorial membrane is an extracellular structure that over­
dence support this fact.8 First, cells transfected with prestin
lies both the inner and outer hair cells. However, only the tallest
were found to be electron1otile with magnitudes ranging up to
stereocilia of the outer hair cells are directly en1bedded into the
0.2 µm, showing that prestin is sufficient for motility. Second,
underside of the tectorial me1nbrane. The tectorial ine1nbrane
prestin is located at the right place, namely in the lateral mem­
is attached on its inner edge to the spiral lin1bus and is loosely
brane of outer hair cells. And finally, mouse models with
connected to the supporting cells such as the Heusen's cells by
targeted deletion or niodifications of prestin affect cochlear
n1eans of microscopically visible projections called trabeculac.
sensitivity and de1nonstrate that prestin is essential for outer
The in1portance of the tectorial membrane is illustrated by the
hair cell electromotility. Prestin belongs to the SLC26 anion
fact that mutations of tectorial nlembrane genes such as alpha­
transporter superfan1ily whose nien1bers can 1nediate the elec­
and beta-tectorin cause profound hearing loss both in hu1nans
troneutral exchange of chloride and carbonate across the plasma
and anin1a l 1nodels.10
n1embrane. The exact mechanis1n by which this motor works
Based on anaton1ic observations, it was initially suggested
is sti II debated, but it is conceivable that a motor protein work­
that the tectorial 1nen1brane acts as a simple lever, shearing the
ing on the principles of voltage displacen1ent could operate
hair bundles as the basilar 111e1nbrane inoves up and down.
inuch faster than the classical A.TP-driven cellular motors.9 A
Other cochlear .tnodels treated it either as a si1nple tnechanical
current working hypothesis suggests that intracellular anions
load or as a resonant syste1n consisting of a inass and spring.
act as voltage sensors that bind to prestin and trigger contor­
Recent findings suggest that the tectorial 111embranc is n1orc
n1atio.nal changes. Hyperpolarization leads to anions binding
like a resonant gel and is involved in enhancing the frequency
to prestin, which causes the surface area of prestin to increase,
selectivity of the cochlea. It is likely that all proposed functions
leading to cell elongation. Depolarization, on the other hand,
of the tectorial 1ne1nbrane arc relevant and because, like 111ost
leads to dissociation of the anion and a decrease in the prestin
structures in the organ of Corti, it changes its size fron1 base to
surface area, leading to cell contraction. At rest, anions are usu­
apex, the tectorial me1nbrane may also contribute to the overall
ally bound to prestin; therefore, the protein assumes its longer
tonotopic organization of the cochlea.
Another likely source of amplification is mediated by
active hair bundle movements caused by interplay of n1echano­ THE STRIA VASCULARIS
transduction and adaptation. In cochleae of nonn1ammalian
vertebrates, hair bundles are able to generate sustained oscil­
latory n1otion and similar net an1plification rates as mamma­ The stria vascularis plays a pivotal role in cochlear homeostasis
lian outer hair cells. Active stereocilia motion is an important by generating the endocochlear potential and maintaining the
amplification n1echanism of nonn1an1malian vertebrates and it unique ion con1position of the endolymph.
is likely that this process is also utilized for an1plification or The stria vascu laris is a highly vascularized, nlultilayered
tuning in the ma1nn1alian organ of Corti, side-by-side with tissue that is part of the lateral wall of the scala media (Figure 4-1
prestin-driven outer hair cell electron1otility. and 4-6). It is comprised of three distinct cell types: 111arginal,

Basal Blood
cell vessel
Intermediate cell

Marginal cell

lntrastrial compartment -��::::_---::4=

:J;�S1� . 0
• Connective
Inner hair cell 0 1----- tissue gap
Scala media
junction network
(High K+, +85 mV)
7B 01 FIGURE 4-6 • Stria vascularis and K­

circulation. Schematic drawing showing
Outer hair cell
the flow of K· from the scala media

through hair cells into the perilymphatic
spaces as well as through the epithelial
Spiral gap junction network into the spiral
ligament ligament. K· from the spiral ligament i s
7A transported via the stria vascularis into
the scala media. Not shown are other
pathways for K• out of the scala media, eg
Epithelial gap
through outer sulcus cells and Reissner's
junction network
membrane. The rectangles outline the
areas shown in more detail in Figure 4-7.

intern1ediate, and basal cells, all of which are essential for its the fibrocytes of the spiral ligament. Intermediate cells as well as
proper function. Tight junctions provide the ionic barriers that blood vessels are embedded in the intrastrial co1npartn1ent. Gap
de1narcate the stria! tissue, one at the level of the n1arginal cells junctions connect the basal cells with inter1nediate cells and with
and the other at the level of the basal cells. The extracellular space the fibrocytes of the spiral liga1nent, allowing electric coupling as
in between these two barriers is called the intrastrial compart­ well as exchange of ions and small 1nolecules.11•12 The regulation
inent.11 As shown in Figure 4-7B, the marginal cells separate the of cochlear fluid ho111eostasis also involves the endolyn1phatic
endolymph-filled scala media from the intrastrial compartn1ent sac, which responds to endoly1nph volun1e disturbances and
that is filled with the intrastrial fluid, v,rhereas the basal cells sep­ probably disturbs bon1eostasis vvhen it n1alfw1ctions.13
arate the intrastrial space fron1 the perilyn1 ph that surrounds


Gap junctions

Claudius cell

- -

- K
- -
/ � -



Boettcher Outer sulcus type I I
cell cell


Tight junction
B Blood vessel


Scala media
KC J10

---- c1-
KCNQ1/ c1c-K1Barttin
Gap junction
Tight junction - Intermediate cell

Marginal cell
Basal Fibrocyte
cell type I type II
+80 - +85 mV +90 - +95 mV -+100 mV

Endolymph lntrastrial compartment fluid Perilymph

FIGURE 4-7 • K• flow through the organ of Corti and the stria vascularis. A, K• enters the hair cell via the
mechanotransduction channels. On its basolateral side K• is released into the perilymphatic space via K•
channels such as the KCNQ4 channel. K• can travel toward the spiral ligament via the perilymphatic space and,
intracellularly, via the epithelial gap junction network. Type II fibrocytes in the spiral ligament take up K- and provide
a path to the stria vascularis via the connective tissue gap junction network. 8, K• enters basal and intermediate
cells through gap junctions with type I and type II fibrocytes. The K" channel KCNJ10 has been identified as
important for releasing K• into the intrastrial space. The gene encoding KCNJ10 is consequently essential for
proper generation of the endocochlear potential. K• is efficiently removed from the intrastrial space by marginal
cells, which actively take up K• via NKCC1 (Na-/K•/ 2c1-) cotransporters and by Na•/K•-ATPases. Finally, marginal
cells secrete K• into the scala media via the KCNQ1/KCNE1 K• channel maintaining the high K- concentration of the
endolymph essential for mechanoelectrical transduction.

J\t!.alfunctions in cochlear fluid homeostasis due to disrup­ connexins 26, 30, 31, and 43 are responsible for the majority of
tions of the endocochlear potential, ionic coniposition, or its nonsyndromic hereditary hearing loss.14
volun1e regulating mechanisn1s lead to various forn1s of hearing
in1pairn1ent in hun1ans and animals.u·12·14 Cochlear Fluid Homeostasis
Perily1nph, endoly1nph, and intrastrial fluid are the three distin­
Endocochlear Potential and guishable fluids in the cochlea and can be seen as its inetabolic
Potassium Homeostasis support systen1. The proper ionic con1position of these fluids is
Hair cell n1echanoelectrical transduction \vorks efficiently due essential for generation and nlaintenance of the endocochlear
to the large driving force for cations to enter the cell's cytoplasm potential. Perily1nph and intrastrial fluid are characterized by
fron1 the scala niedia. The"' +85 n1V endocochlear potential of a high Na+ concentration and a low K+ concentration, si1ni­
the endolymph and the chen1ical K+ gradient are the principal lar to other extracellular fluids. Endolyn1ph not only has high
con1ponents of this driving force, which reaches about 130 mV K+ and low Na+ concentrations but also features an unusually
when the hair cell's resting potential of-45 niV is taken into low Ca2+ concentration co1npared to other extracellular fluids
account.4 Hearing threshold increases approxin1ately J dB per (1'able 4-2).15 Ca2+ ion homeostasis in the cochlea is controlled
mV loss of endococblear potential. by ion channels and transporters located in the plas1na me1n­
K+, the 111ain cation of the endolyn1ph, carries the major­ branes of its cells, as previously described for K•.
ity of the electrical charge that generates the endocochleax In the stria vascularis, influx of Na+ ions accon1panies
potential. It is therefore in1portant to understand how K+ that of K+ ions fron1 the intrastrial con1part1nent into the inar­
nioves through the cochlea. K+ can enter hair cells through giI1al cells. The cotransporter NKCCI n1akes use of the strong
mechanoelectrical transduction channels and it is released Na+ gradient to bring Na+, K+, and 2 Cl- ions into the n1arginal
through the hair cells' basolateral n1embranes into the peri­ cells. Na•/K•-ATPase is responsible for setting up this gradient
lymphatic extracellular space (Figures 4-6 and 4-7A). lt has by pun1ping Na+ into the intrastrial space in exchange for K+.
been proposed that K+ can enter supporting cells and move Finally, K+ leaves inarginal cells into the endolymphatic space,
toward the spiral ligament by an extensive gap junction net­ driven by the high positive resting potential of n1arginal cells
work. Alternatively, K+ can diffuse extracellularly via the peri­ (Figure 4-7, B). This intricate process maintains a high Na+ and
lymphatic space. Spiral ligan1ent type II and type I fibrocytes low K+ concentration of the intrastrial fluid that facilitates K+
take up K+ and provide an intracellular pathway into the basal replenish1nent into the intrastrial space. c1- is transported back
and intern1ediate cells of the stria vascularis (Figures 4-6 and to the intrastrial space by ClC-K/Barttin channels. Inhibition of
4-7B). K+ is released by intern1ediate eelIs via KCNJJ 0 channels NKCCl and the Na+/K+ -A1'Pase by the loop diuretic furose1nide
into the intrastrial space from \vhich it is actively pun1ped and and ouabain, respectively, leads to suppression of the endo­
cotransported into niarginal cells. The marginal cells release cochlear potential. Mutations of the Barttin gene, or the nluta­
K+ into the scala niedia.u·12 The overall K+ circulation is prob­ tion of both the ClC-Ka and CIC-Kb subunits of the basolateral
ably not a true recycling as the perilyn1phatic and intrastrial Cl- channels, lead to Bartter's syndron1e type 4, characterized
spaces do not forn1 an enclosed loop because these con1part­ by deafness and renal salt wasting (Table 4-1). Na+ is reabsorbed
ments are connected to other extracellular spaces as \veil as to fro1n the endolyn1ph by outer sulcus and Reissner's inen1brane
the blood supply. cells, which play a role in maintaining the lo\v Na+ concentra­
�lalfunctions in several K+ channels lead to perturbation tion in the scala inedia. u,i4
of cochlear K+ ho1neostasis, resulting in hearing impair111ent Regulation of endoly1nphatic Ca2• conce11tration is also
(Table 4-1). In mice, loss of the KCNEJ gene that encodes a of great in1portance. Hair cell physiology has revealed that
K+ channel subunit expressed by 111arginal cells causes a phe­ tip links break at very low Ca2+ concentrations and that the
notype highly similar to human Jervell and Lange-Nielsen inechanoelectrical transduction channels are blocked at high
syndrome, which is characterized by hearing Joss and cardiac Ca2+ concentrations.1•·17 Furthern1ore, Ca2+ carries part of the
arrhythn1ia. This observation led to the identification of two transduction current and plays critical roles in adaptation and
hun1an genes, KCNEJ and KCNQ.1, which both cause Jervell and possibly in cochlear a1nplification.18 Ca2+-per1neable channels,
Lange-Nielsen syndrome when mutated. Tt is conceivable that Ca2•-ATPases, as \vell as Na+/Ca2+-exchangers are found in
KCNQJ and KCNEl forn1 the channel that allows secretion of inany cochlear cell types and could be involved in regulating
K+ from marginal cells into the scala n1edia. Another men1ber Ca2+ efflux fro111 and influx into the endoly1nph, but specific
of the KCNQ fan1ily of potassiun1 channels, KCNQ4, is likely inechanis1ns have not been elucidated.
involved in basolateral K+ secretion by hair cells. �futations in Cochlear fluid volun1e regulation is equally i111portant
the human KCNQ4 gene cause nonsyndron1ic deafness. Other for cochlear function and different inechanis1ns have been
known genetic dysfunctions involve ion transport proteins postulated.13'19 Previously, longitudinal and radial flow patterns
localized in the basolateral men1brane of marginal cells (see have been proposed as the underlying principle. Longitudinal
below and Table 4-1). Probably the n1ost well-known genes flow of endolyn1ph is described as its secretion along the 111e111-
involved in cochlear K+ homeostasis are the ones that encode branous labyrinth with reabsorption in the endolyn1phatic duct
connexin proteins. Connexins forn1 the subunits of gap junction and sac, whereas radial flow is based on local secretion and reab­
channels, which underlie the K+ circulation networks described sorption, eg, via the stria vascularis. Under pathological con­
for the supporting cells of the organ of Corti, the spiral liga­ ditions such as an increase or decrease of endolyinph volun1e,
n1ent, and stria vascularis. Mutations in genes encoding human longitudinal flow nlay be relevant. Experin1ental enlargen1ent of

TABLE 4-1 Genes that alter cochlear K+ homeostasis when mutated


KCNE1 KCNE1 Marginal cells K+ channel Jervell/Lange-Nielsen


KCNQ1 KCNQ1 Marginal cells K+ channel Jervell/Lange-Nielsen


KCNQ4 KCNQ4 Outer and inner hair K+ channel DFNA2


GJB2 Cx26 Fibrocytes in SL and Gap junction protein DFN81/DFNA3

SLi, epithelia on BM, Hereditary palmoplantar
intermediate and basal cells keratoderma with deafness

GJB6 Cx30 Fibrocytes in SL and Gap junction protein DFNA3

SLi, supp o rtin g cells
of the OoC

GJB3 Cx31 Fibrocytes in SL and Gap junction protein DFNA2, AR-nonsyndromic

SLi, epithelia on BM deafness

GJB1 Cx32 Fibrocytes in SL and Gap junction protein X-linked Charc ot-
SLi, epithelia on BM Marie-Tooth and deafness

GJA1 Cx43 Fibrocytes in SL and Gap junction protein AR-nonsyndromic

SLi, epithelia on BM, deafness
intermediate and
basal cells

BSND Barttin Marginal cells c1- channel Type 4 Bartter's syndrome

SL, spiral ligament; Sli, spiral limbus; BM, basilar membrane; OoC, Organ of Corti.

TABLE 4-2 Ionic composition of the endo- by diffusion. The ions in the endolyn1ph, therefore, turn over

and perilymph locally without concon1itant volun1e flow. Sin1ilar regulatory

inechanisn1s have been proposed for perily1nph ho1neosta­
COCHLEAR COCHLEAR sis. A low volu1ne flo'"' inside the cochlea has consequences for
intracochlear drug applications where, under physiological con­
Na+ 148 1.3 ditions, diffusion of con1pounds inside the fluid-filled con1part-
1nents appears to lin1it the equal dosing of potential drugs fron1
K• 4.2 157
base to apex.
c1· 119 132 On a cellular level, transn1en1braneous water nJoven1ent
largely depends on pore-like water-per1neable channels such as
HCO3 - 21 31
aquaporins. Several aquaporins are found in the inner ear '"'ith
Ca2• 1.3 0.023 only a fe'"' localized within the endoly1nph lining epitheliun1.20

pH 7.3 7.5 Lack of aquaporin 4 in mice results in hearing impairment.

Other aquaporin knock-out n1ice either show no inner ear phe­
Adapted from Lang et al.•5 notype, are not available to date, or are en1bryonically lethal,
sucb as aquaporin 2 knock-out mice. Nevertheless, aquaporin 2
is interesting as it is found in the endolymph-lining epithelium
the endolyn1ph co.mpartn1ent was found to produce a longitudi­ of the endolyn1phatic sac and is regulated by the hormone
nal flow toward the base of the cochlea into the endolyn1phatic vasopressin. Anin1al niodels have shown that pathologically
sac, decreasing both the volume of fluid and concentration of increased levels of vasopressin lead to a prominent endolym­
electrolytes within the cochlear duct. On the other hand, exper­ phatic hydrops, a morphological characteristic of tvleniere's
imental decrease in endolymph con1partn1ent volun1e led to an disease. Besides its potential relevance to the pathogenesis of
apically directed flow, increasing fluid volume and electrolyte Meniere's disease, this finding suggests a hormonal influence
concentration. The radial flow theory has never been experi­ on inner ear volume regulation.21 For example, vasopressin has
mentally proven. Today, the prevailing thought is that there not only been shown to influence the niembrane expression
is no significant volun1e flow under physiological conditions. of aquaporin 2 but also to increase the activity of epithelial
Experiments in anin1als have shown that markers iontophoresed Na+ channels and the NKCCl cotransporter found in stria!
into the endolyn1ph without volun1e disturbance move solely marginal cells and type II fibrocytes of the spiral ligan1ent.

!Ylodulation of these channels could lead to increased K+ secre­ and contact n1ultiple outer hair cells (diverging innervation
tion into the endolyn1ph and consequently an os111otic vol­ pattern). All auditory information is carried to the brain stem
un1e niovement, resulting in typical hydrops. Sin1ilar findings by the afferent system. The auditory and the vestibular nerves
have been reported for another hormone, aldosterone, v,rhich join each other to form the eighth cranial nerve (the vestibulo­
increases activity of both epithelial Na• channels and Na+/ cochlear nerve).
K• -ATPase.22 However, other horn1ones have an effect opposite Efferent fibers originate in the brain stem from neurons
to that of vasopression. Glucocorticoids, eg, have been shown to located in the superior olivary co111plex and send information
suppress the syn1ptoms of Meniere's possibly due to a decrease to the cochlea by synapsing with outer hair cells as well as with
of vasopressin production and n1odulation of the 111embrane afferent fibers beneath inner hair cells. The efferent syste1n
expression of certain aq uapori ns. 23 allows the central nervous system to 1nodulate the operation of
Cochlear fluid hon1eostasis, ion transport, and endoco­ the cochlea.24
chlear potential are all required for proper cochlear function. The innervation pattern of the organ of Corti clearly
!Yletabol ic blockade or specifie inhibitors of ion transport such as underlines the functional differences of the two types of
ouabain and furosen1ide rapidly affect this 111icroenvironn1ent cochlear hair cells.
and interfere with auditor y function by disturbing the cochlea's
battery, the endocochlear potential. lt has been hypothesized Neural Processing of Auditory
that aging affects long-term niaintenance of the endocochlear Information and Inner
potential and that lowered metabolic rates of the stria vascularis Hair Cell Synapses
could play a role in age-related hearing loss.
Afferent neurotrans1nitter release by inner hair cells is initiated
at their 5 to 30 ribbon-type synapses where local influx of Ca2+
THE SPIRAL GANGLION through voltage·gated Ca2+ channels leads to finely graded fusion
of synaptic vesicles at presynaptic sites. The resulting exocytosis
of neurotransn1itters is, therefore, directly proportional to the
The spiral ganglion is located in Rosenthal's canal within the presynaptic Ca2+ current, which in turn is dependent on voltage
modiolus of the cochlea. It contains the cell bodies of afferent changes driven by nlechanotransduction. Infor1nation coding at
neurons, the dendrites of which are excited by neurotransmit­ the afferent synapse is re1narkably accurately, allowing high te1n­
ters released by organ of Corti hair cells and the axons of which poral precision as well as a considerable dynan1ic range of five
project cen tr ally into the cochlear nucleus located in the brain orders of nlagnitude ranging fron1 0 dB to n1ore than 100 dB.
stein. The 111ajority (approxin1ately 95o/o) of the afferent fibers Each ribbon synapse is composed of a presynaptic dense
are thick and 111yelinated and originate fro111 type I ganglion body (equivalent to the synaptic ribbon of photoreceptor cells)
neurons (Figure 4-8). These fibers exclusively innervate inner that is surrounded by vesicles containing neurotransmitters,
bair cells. The remaining afferent fibers are thin, un111yelinated, a thickening of the underlying plas1na inen1brane, a synaptic
and en1anate from type TT ganglion neurons; these fibers contact deft, and the postsynaptic region containing the AMPA-type
outer hair cells. About a dozen type T ganglion neurons inner­ gluta1ninergic receptors of the afferent neuro11s. Glutan1ate, or a
vate each inner bair (converging innervation pattern), whereas closely related con1pow1d, is thought to be the neurotrans1nitter
the type TI afferent nerve fibers divide into n1ultiple branches of the inner hair cell afferents even though other yet u11identi­
fied transn1itters nlay also be involved.
The tonotopic organization of the organ of Corti is 111ain­
IHCs OHCs tained within the afferent systen1, where depolarization of inner
hair cells at a specific location leads to the excitation of con­
nected afferent spiral ganglion neurons. Each afferent fiber is
Spiral ganglion 1 characterized by a specific tuning curve (Figure 4-9), which
describes the sound pressure level of the stin1ulus needed to
· = elicit a response at a given frequency. An apparent feature of
Afferents •

tuning curves is that they show the frequency at whid1 the nerve
fiber displays highest sensitivity, its characteristic frequency.
Sti1nuli at h igher or lovver frequencies relative to the character­
istic frequency can also evoke a response but only if presented
at higher intensities. The sharpness and thresholds of afferent
nerve fiber tuning curves depend on nlany factors including
organ of Corti 1norphology and active processes associated with
cochlear an1plification. 1'he activity of the efferent systen1 plays
an i1nportant role in inodulating the afferent nerve characteris­
tics (Figure 4-9). Loss of cochlear an1plification, eg, as a result
FIGURE 4-8 • Innervation of the organ of Corti. Schematic drawing
of outer hair cell loss, leads to a broadening of the tuning curve
o f afferent and efferent innervation of inner and outer hair cells.
Shown from top to bottom are unmyelinated type II afferent and
and an increase in the fibers' response thresholds.
myelinated type I afferent fibers, unmyelinated LOC efferent fibers. The tonotopic organization of the cochlea is the basis
and myelinated MOC efferent fibers. for frequency coding in auditory nerve fibers (place coding).

and ipsilateral cochleae, where they form cholinergic synapses

90 with outer hair cells. The second group of fibers are the unmy­
elinated lateral olivocochlear (LOC) efferents that originate
fro1n neurons with small somata located in and around the lat­
eral superior olivary nucleus. The LOC fibers project predon1-
:g_ inantly to the ipsilateral cochlea where they ter1ninate on the
0 50 dendrites of afferent type I neurons beneath inner hair cells.
Q) LOC efferent synapses are neurochemically con1plex and utilize

i= cholinergic, GABAergic, and dopaminergic trans1nission as well

30 as various neuropeptides.
The effects of sti1nulation of MOC fibers have been studied
CF much inore extensively than LOC fiber sti1nulation. In general,
stimulation of the MOC syste1n leads to increased thresholds,
1.0 3.0 10
which is due to a decrease in the degree of cochlear an1plifica­
Frequency (kHz)
tion by outer hair cells (Figure 4-9). This sound-evoked feed­
back, therefore, decreases sensitivity of the hearing apparatus

FIGURE 4-9 • Ty pical tuning curves of auditory nerve fibers. (Thick in situations when the metabolically expensive amplification
lines) Tuning curves of auditory nerve fibers with characteristic mechanisms are not needed.
frequencies of� 2 kHz (blue) and � 5 kHz (red). (Thin lines) Substantial The function of the LOC efferent neurons appears to be
decrease of the auditory threshold in response to stimulation of
more con1plex. Their direct input on the afferent neurons sug­
the MOC system. Changes in the specific shapes of tuning curves
gests that they regulate afferent activity, thereby affecting the
depend on the characteristic frequencies (CF) of the individual fibers.
Adapted from Guinan.2• dynamic range. Lesion studies support this view, where loss
of specific neurotransn1itters or destruction of cell bodies in
the brainstem leads to either enhancement or suppression of
Additionally, frequency is coded by the auditory nerve fibers' auditory nerve response. These LOC feedback effects are slow
discharge characteristics known as phase locking. 1-iere, an audi­ and usually require minutes to beco1ne effective. An additional
tory nerve fiber fires at a particular phase of the stimulating fre­ function of the LOC systen1 is to perform slow integration and
quency, which leads to a regular response pattern characterized adjustment of binaural inputs needed for accurate binaural
by spacing of the nerve spikes in equals or tnultiples of the stim­ function and sow1d localization.25
ulus \.Yavelength. Phase locking only happens at low frequencies. Finally, activity of the MOC and the LOC efferent sys­
Above 5 kHz, spike responses of auditory nerve fibers occur at ten1s seen1 to have protective effects against acoustic injury
random intervals. Tonotopic organization and phase locking are and such a feedback could be im.portant in loud noise
both important for frequency discrimination. Discharge rates environ1nents. 26
within the auditory nerve fibers are not only detern1ined by the
frequency but also by the intensity of the stimulus. As intensity References
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Neurophysiology: The Central
Auditory System
Bradford J. May, PhD I Charles Limb, MD

Sounds are events inhabiting niultidi1nensional space. The This review follows the central representation of sound
identity of each event is niapped by a listener in perceptual coor­ infor111ation fro1n cochlear nucleus to cerebral cortex
dinates that include pitch, loudness, location, and time. The lis­ (Figure 5-1). The descriptions of each of the nlajor auditory
tener chooses to ignore or attend to the sound by weighing the nuclei summarize the anato1nical pathways and physiological
biological context in 'vhich it occurs, where it originates, and responses that give rise to the perceptual behaviors of norn1al
'vhat it means. Although this critical information is extracted and hearing in1paired listeners. Each description begins with a
in an instant without conscious effort, the act of listening brief sun1111ary of the essential functional characteristics of the
requires the si1nultaneous analysis of 1nultiple acoustic din1en­ processing center. Readers seeking the nlost general knowledge
sions, and their interactions upon each other. Further increas­ 1nay quickly peruse this chapter by focusing their attention on
ing the demands of the listening task, the resulting auditory this introductory 1naterial. Subsequent sections are intended to
object must niaintain a stable identity as it nioves 'vithin the provide the reader \vith an understanding of basic concepts and
perceptual coordinate systen1, for exa1nple, by changing pitch or
location. Natural auditory events rarely propagate under ideal
listening conditions and therefore they also 1nust be separated
from environmental effects that are capable of distorting the
original \vaveforn1 with reflection or reverberation. Sounds sel­ Cortex Cortex

don1 occur in isolation and therefore nlust be separated fron1

con1peting stin1uli that nlay niask or confuse the signal. This MGB MGB
chapter will describe how neurons in the central nervous sys­
tem are endowed with specialized sensitivities to meet the many
challenges of auditory inforn1ation processing and how this IC IC
exquisitely tuned circuitry may break down after exposure to
loud sounds, ototoxic agents, traun1a, or the aging process.
A defining feature of the central auditory syste111 is the elab­
orate neural network that governs sound representation. When
sound-driven activity enters the brain by way of the auditory LSO

nerve, it is transforn1ed by no less than 12 types of projection MSO

neurons in seven inajor processing centers before converging
in the auditory thalamus. By contrast, visual information is ,,--.i�v�c�N�.:::::f:.:::_�H MNTB

conducted fron1 the retina to thalan1us without intern1ediate

Cochlea Left Right
processing. In part, these differences in con1putational con1-
plexity niay be traced back to the nlost elen1ental stage of sen­
sory transduction. vVhen light strikes the eye, its color, intensity,
and location are unan1biguously defined by the photoreceptors FIGURE 5-1 • Schematic diagram of the ascending pathways of the
that it excites, the magnitude of the excitation, and their posi­ central auditory system. Principal connections between major nuclei

tion on the retina. When sound propagates to the ear, auditory are shown for the left ear. Symmetrical projections for the right ear
are not shown. DCN, dorsal cochlear nucleus; IC, inferior colliculus;
receptors are selectively excited by sound frequency. All other
LSO, lateral superior olive; MGB, medial geniculate body; MNTB,
perceptual din1ensions must be computed by integrating coin­
medial nucleus of the trapezoid body; MSO, medial superior olive;
cident activity across neural populations. VCN, ventral cochlear nucleus.


reference material to guide independent scholarship. Where it How VCN neurons integrate their n1ultiple auditory nerve
is possible, animal research is linked to clinical manifestations inputs is strongly influenced by the physical characteristics of
of processing disorders. cochlear nucleus synap ses.• Two basic structures are observed.
Neurons with wide-scale integration properties have profuse

COCHLEAR NUCLEUS dendritic fi eld s that are encrusted with the conventional bou­
ton endings of large numbers of auditory nerve fibers. Neurons
As described in the accompanying chapter Auditory Physiology: that faithfully preserve spike patterns in the auditory nerve are
the Tnner Ear, a con1plex sound is broken apart into its con­ driven by large axosomatic endings, the endbulbs ofHeld.7 These
stituent frequency components by the mechanical tuning of inputs arc few in number but individually powerful enough to
the cochlea. Because acoustic energy is tonotopically distrib­ evoke postsynaptic activit y.
uted along the leng th of cochlear partition, the discharge rates The principal neuronal subtypes of the VCN are distin­
of individual auditory nerve fibers carry a single piece of the guished by three general cellular n1orphologies.3 Bushy cells
waveforn1 puzzle. The con1plen1 entary process of reconstruct­ have stunted, shrub-shaped pri1nary dendrites, globula r or
ing the auditory signal fron1 a d i spersed peripheral represen­ spherical cell bodies, and endbulb synapses. Like nlost neurons
tation begins in the cochlear nucleus where parallel strean1s in the central nervous syste1n, 111ultipolar ( or stellate) cells have
of ascending inforn1ation, each with a unique functional role, long, relativ ely unbranched dendrites and bouton synapses. The
are established by the convergence patterns of auditory nerve integration proper ties oft hese cells are pri1narily detern1ined by
fibers.1 whether their dendritic fields lie vvithin the plane of frequency
The following discussion is organized around the broadest lan1inae or radiate across them. Octopus cells have long, tufted
of functional dichotoinies: the ventral and dorsal subdivisions dendrites that emanate fro n1 one side of the cell body creating
of the cochlear nucleus con1plex. This parcellation was intro­ the cephalopodal appearance for which they are nan1ed. These
duced by early anatomical descriptions of the auditory brain­ cells also receive highly convergent bouton inputs from the
stem.2 It endures because cellular niorphology has proven to be auditory nerve.
an excellent predictor of function at the initial stages of central The cytoarchitecture of the VCN is regionally organized
auditory processing. (Figure 5-2).s Spherical bushy cells are found i n the nlOSt
anterior subdivision, surroundi11g the entry point of the audi­
VENTRAL COCHLEAR NUCLEUS tory nerve. Globular bushy cells occupy an intermediate loca­
tion within the nucleus, while octopus cells are located i n the
The ventral cochlear nucleus (VCN) serves as the primary
input for afferent projections to the superior olive, lateral le1n­
niscus, and inferior colliculus (ICC). Au ditory inforn1ation is
channeled t o each of these structures in discrete pathways that
are op ti niized for the selective cod i ng of local characteristics
such as the phase and level of individual frequency co1npo­ AVCN
• Spherical bushy Cell (1)
nents, or niore global pro perties such as amplitude moduJa­ ct Globular bushy Cell (2)
c Octcpus cell (3)
tions of the stimulus envelope. This functional segregation is • Fusiform cell (5)
derived fro n1 s trikin g differences in the synaptic structures, • Giant cell (6)

convergence patterns , and int rinsic electrical properties of

Co rt AK Cortex
VCN neurons.3

Approxi 1nately 30,000 auditory nerve fibers connect the hun1an IC

inner ear to the cochlear nucleus complex.4 Upon entering the

brainstem, the projections bifurcate into an ascending branch
that proceeds to the anterior VCN and a descending branch that •

passes through the posterior VCN and dorsal cochlear nucleus PVCN ""

(DCN). Although the systematic arrangement of the projec­ M"'1'8 •

• •

tions recapitulates the tonotopic organization of the cochlear

partition, the one-dimensional frequency map is transformed
into tern1inal fields. Within each two-dimensional frequency
lan1ina, an orthogonal axis encodes other din1ensions of
1 0mm
The termination of the auditory nerve within the cochlear
nucleus is obligatory. All sound information niust be passed to
FIGURE 5-2 • Topographical clustering of morphological neuronal
higher centers by the discharge rates of cochlear nucleus neu­
classes in the cochlear nucleus complex. See key for symbol identifi­
rons. There are approxin1ately two VCN neurons for every audi­ cation. Inset shows relative positi on of the cochlear nucleus within the
tory nerve fiber, sugges ting a high degree of convergence within central audit ory pathways. Abb reviations are expl ained in Figure 5-1.
the nucleus. > Adapted with permission from Cant.3

posterior subdivision. Multipolar cells, the nlOSt structurally subdivision of the VCN, they are assun1ed to be the functional
diverse neurons, also show the 1nost dispersed distribution. counterpart of spherical bushy cells. As predicted by the high
security endbulbs that bind bushy cells to auditory nerve fibers,
the physiological characteristics of prin1ary-like neurons are
Basic Physiological Properties
closely linked to their peripheral inputs.12
The regional separation of anaton1ically defined neuronal Prin1ary-likewith notch (PLN) neurons are fow1d in regions
populations has allowed ph ysiologi sts to relate the anaton1ical containing large nun1bers of globular bushy cells.13 Their PSTHs
specializations ofVCN neurons to their sound coding proper­ sho,¥ a sharply peaked onset response that is follo\¥ed by a brief
ties. Resp onses in the anterior nucleus are niost likely recorded period of inactivity. This "notch" reflects the neuron's refractory
from bushy cells, '¥hile responses in the posterior nucleus are period after the onset spike. Prin1ary-like with notch neurons
recorded fron1 octopus cells. These inferences have been sup­ display this property because nlodiiied endbulbs synchronize
ported by intracellular ex pe r in1ent s that have characterized the their responses to stin1ulus onsets.14•15
physiological pr o pe r ties of cochlear nucleus neurons before fill­ Onset neurons are named for their tendency to fire at
ing the cells with labeling material such as horseradish p er oxi­ sti1nulus onset and then show little activity for the re1nainder
dase (HRP) for later visualization. 8•9 of the stimulus.12 Onset-locker responses (onset-L) are typi­
Single-unit electrophysiological activity in the VCN i s typ­ cally recorded in the posterior subdivisions of the VCN and
ically classified by responses to short tone bursts at a neuron's have been associated with octopus cell 1norphologies through
best frequency (BF: the 1nost sensitive frequency).10•11 The tim­ intracellular labeling.8 The precise onset response, broad fre­
ing of sound-driven action potentials, or spikes, is recorded and quency tuning, and wide dyna1nic range of onset neurons are
su1n1ned in ten1poral bins over niany stin1ulus presentations consistent with the highly convergent afferent inputs of octo­
to produce a peristi1n u lus tiine histog r an1 (PSTH). Six 111ajor pus cells.16'17
response types can be identified by differences in PSTH sh ap e Onset chopper (onset-C) neurons show less variability than
(F igu r e 5-3).1 onset-1 neurons. Because their spikes occur at regular intervals,
Prin1ary-like neu ron s p rodu ce PSTHs that display a n onset onset-C neurons produce a "chopped" PSTH.10 This response has
response that is robust but adapts rapidly to a lower sustained been attributed to D stellate cells, \¥hich are large 1nultipolar cells
rate. Because p r iinary like units are found in the anterior
that send dorsally directed bilateral projections to the VCN.18 The

75 150
Primary-like Primary-like
with notch
60 120

45 90

30 60

15 30

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50

125 250
Onset locker Onset

100 200
75 150
50 100
25 50

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50

50 60
Sustained chopper Transient chopper



0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 FIGURE 5-3 • Physiological response types in
the ventral cochlear nucleus. Peristimulus time
Time after stimulus onset (ms)
histograms for 30-millisecond tone bursts. Adapted
with permission from Rhode and Greenburg. '

neurons have also been called "radiate" neurons because their Fro1n the perspective of hun1an auditory experience, the
dendritic fields tan out in three-din1ensions integrating auditory veridical processing of co1nplex spectral shapes is the tounda­
nerve inputs across a wide frequency range.19 They appear to be tion of speech perception. In the English language, the most
one source of the glycinergic inhibition that plays an in1portant rudin1entary spectrun1 is a steady-state vowel. The perceptual
role in the sound coding properties of the cochlear nucleus.18•20 identity of a vowel is defined by its forn1ant frequencies,25 \-vhich
Chopper units are the physiological counterpart ofT stellate are high-energy bands within the stin1ulus. These intor1nation­
cells.1 These smaller ni ultipo la r cells project ventrally though bearing clcn1ents are encoded by hundreds of neurons in the
the trapezoid body to the contralateral ICC.3 The neurons are auditory nerve and cochlear nucleus that con1bine to create a
also referred to as "pl ana r " neurons because their dendritic surprisingly straightforward representation in which discharge
fields are oriented in the pl a n e of frequency laniinae.19 In addi­ rates arc linearly related to the an1ount ofspectral energy within
tion to sharp frequency t u n in g, chopper units display h igh ly each neuron's range of frequency tuning.21·26 The shape of the
regular discharge rates and therefore produce "chopped" PSTH vowel c1nerges when vowel-driven activity is plotted at the BFs
patterns. By i n tegrati n g the responses of many auditory nerve of the neural san1ple. For exan1ple, the vowel /c/, as in "bet,"
fibers, chopper units produce signal representations that are elicits high-discharge rates an1011g neurons \-vith BFs near 0.5
robust across sound level and resistant to the degrading effects and 1.7 kHz, which are the frequency locations of its first and
of background noise.21 second torn1ants (Figure 5-4).25
Sustained (Figure 5-4A) and transient chopper units
Sound Coding in the Ventral (Figure 5-4B) provide excellent rate representations of vowel
Cochlear Nucleus spectra across a \-vide range of sound levels.2 1•27 It is hypoth­
esized that this enhanced dynan1ic range reflects the dense con­
The diverse physiological patterns of cell populations in the
vergence of auditory nerve fibers upon 111ultipolar cells. Fibers
VCN endow neurons with coding abilities that are selectively
with high spontaneous rates (SRs) tend to have low thresholds.
niatched to the acoustic features of complex sounds.22 With
Chopper units inay accentuate these inputs at low sound levels.
the exception of onset neurons, projection neurons tend to be
Conversely, fibers \-vith low SRs have high thresholds, which n1ay
sharply tuned in frequency. Consequently, as in the auditory
dominate chopper responses at high sound levels. A switching
nerve, con1plex spectra v,rith niultiple frequency con1ponents
niust be encoded by the discharge rates of niany neurons \-vith
circuit for this "selective listening" has been proposed in which
high SR inputs are located on distal dendrites and low SR inputs
con1plen1entary tuning properties.23•24

A Sustained chopper B Transient chopper

300 i:=:::=
: 83
I 63

200 -----

100 23

Q) 0
t t t t

·;:: c Low SR primary=like D High SR primary=like


100 r----

0 '"-- -'- '-0-l J..0-0L-

-'-'-'- � -L..LJ.J
'-'-' t=:::::::;:
:;:: �
: ��,Q,.,,,:::.::_ �
0.1 1 10 0.1 10
-'- .l.-J..._

Best frequency (kHz)

FIGURE 5-4 • Rate representation of the vowel le/ by cochlear nucleus neurons. The formant frequencies of the
vowel are indicated by arrows in A. Symbols indicate the average responses of actual neurons to three spectral
features that define formant structure. Interpolated points are derived from the linear relationship between the level
of those features and the discharge rates that they evoked. Numerical labels indicate the presentation level of the
vowel stimuli. SR, spontaneous rates.

near the cell body of the chopper unit.28 At high sound levels, the silenced by conductive loss or sensorineural defects, the endbulbs
activation of intervening.inhibitory inputs, possibly fron1 radiate of Held take on a hypertrophied appearance that is associated
neurons, shunts the saturated high SR inputs away fron1 the cell v•ith ten1poral processing deficits. The synapses, and apparently
body. A reciprocal n1echanisn1 is not required for low SR inputs higher cognitive function, nlay be rescued by sv•ift interventions
because their action is lin1ited by threshold at low sound levels. to restore input to the cochlear nucleus. These anin1al n1odels
The vowel representations of VCN prin1ary-like neurons n1ay explain \"lhy cochlear unplantation and hearing aid an1plifi­
manifest the dynan1ic range lin1itations of their auditory nerve cation is inost effective when introduced at a young age.36
inputs.21•27 Primary-like neurons with low SRs (Figure 5-4C)
provide a poor representation of forn1ant structure at low sound DORSAL COCHLEAR NUCLEUS
levels because they are not effectively driven by the stimulus.
The vowel's structure is apparent at suprathreshold sound levels The DCN is a center for n1ultisensory integrat ion.37 The prin­
because the highest discharge rates are restricted to forn1ant-tuned cipal output neurons are bip ol ar in shape and receive bouton
neurons. Primary-like neurons with high SRs (Figure 5-4D) con­ endings on basal and apical dendritic arbors. Excitatory inputs
vey a good representation of forn1ant structure at low levels but fro1n the cochlea are delivered to the basal dendrites. Mixed
a featureless profile at high levels because the full complen1ent of sources of excitation and inhibition contact the apical dendrites
neurons responds at maxin1um driven rates. The threshold and and cell body fro1n the vestibular, cerebellar, and son1atosensory
saturation effects of prin1ary-like neurons constrain their ability nuclei.38 Because these latter inputs are biased toward the head,
to encode spectral shapes in tern1s of discharge rates, but their neck, and outer ear, it is hypothesized that the cerebellar-like
responses are rich in temporal infomiation.12•27 Tn particular, the circuitry of the DCN may be involved in acoustico1notor behav­
accurate timing of action potentials is critical for communicating iors and pinna-based sound localization.39
the spatial location of auditory stimuli.
�[any natural sounds are brief transients. Onset neu­ Anatomy
rons respond vigorously to these stimuli and n1ay participate In nlOSt ina1n1nalian species, the DCN is a three-layered struc­
in tightly coupled sensorin1otor pathways that control acous­ ture (Figure 5-5).3 The outer 1nolecular layer contains descend­
tic startles and reflexive orientation n1ovements.29 A binaural ing inputs fro1n outside the nucleus and their local t arg e t
con1parison of stimulus onset tin1e also exerts strong influ­
ences on spatial perception.30•31 The event need not occur at the
beginning of the stimulus. A sharp acoustic transition in the Dorsal --
stria 1
stimulus envelope will evoke similar responses. lfthe transients
are repeated at a fixed rate, the responses of onset neurons will "

entrain to the period of stin1ulation. Periodicity is a funda1nen­ '"

tal characteristic of pitch perception and an essential cue for
separating auditory signals from background noise. !
Clinical Implications pf

The analysis of human neurological in1pairments has been

essential tor explaining the physiological foundations of higher )
cognitive function. Current understanding of the loca.lization of
speech and language in the hun1an cortex can be traced back to
the 19th century descriptions of aphasic patients by Broca30 and
'!Vernicke.32 The clinical implications of damage within the path­ ' "
' I

ways that bring inforn1ation to the cortex have been largely deter­ '

mined by surgical 1nanipulations of experin1ental anin1als. Molecular

) ,
, I



Functional ablations of the VCN have been investigated ,


, '

by lesioning the projections that exit the nucleus by way of the ,


, '

trapezoid body.33•34 The resulting deficits are as profound as


those produced by removal of the cochlea or auditory nerve. ,

If a trapezoid body lesion is made at the ventral niidline of the


brainsten1, outputs fron1 both cochlear nuclei are eliminated



and the subject is rendered deaf. Tf a single lateralized lesion is cell layer
- - -

made, outputs from one VCN are disrupted. Subjects 1naintain Deep R
auditory function in one ear but they experience a pervasive loss
of directional hearing because the brain is no longer about to
make binaural comparisons of localization cues.
FIGURE 5-5 •Anatomical distribution of primary morphological
Ten1porary si.lencing of VCN inputs n1ay have long-lasting
classes within the laye red structure of the dorsal cochlear nucleus.
clinical implications. During the early stages of developn1ent, C, c artwh eel cell; G, granule cell; P, p yra mida l cell; pf, parallel fiber;
sound-driven auditory nerve activity is needed to establish normal PVCN, posteroventral cochlear nucleus; R, radiate cell; V, ve r tic al cell.
patterns of connectivity with in the cochlear nucleus.35 If the ear is Adapted with permission from Young and Davis.37

neurons. The diverse sources of these "n1ossy fibers" have been through the transfer function, these frequencies are essentially
determined by injecting HRP into the dorsal acoustic stria filtered out of the sti111ulus. The frequency location of the notch
(DAS), where the fibers enter the nucleus.38 After this proce­ changes syste111atically as a sound source moves in elevation or
dure, heavy retrograde labeling is observed in the superior oli­ azin1uth (Figure 5-6A). Tf these cues are ren1oved from free­
vary con1plex because HRP is taken up by the axon collaterals tield sounds, cats niake poorly directed orientation responses.45
of olivocochlear efferents. Extensive labeling of nonauditory The neural coding of spectral cues for sound localization
cell groups is noted in the cerebellum and the vestibular nuclei. has been exan1ined by recording the HRTF-driven discharge
Retrograde labeling also is found in the lateral cuneate and sen­ rates of DCN projection neurons, which are known as type
sory trigeminal nuclei. Tn combination, these structures carry TV neurons. For best stimulus control, these experiments are
proprioceptive inforn1ation from the upper body, face, and ear. performed with simulated spectral notches that are presented
The multisensory infon11ation conveyed to the DCN by through headphones. The notch can be shifted in frequency
111ossy fibers is delivered to granule cells.40 Granule cells are '"'ith digital signaJ processing techniques to match the tun­
sn1all cell bodies that are found scattered along the molecular ing of neurons that are encountered along the trajectory of the
layer and in the boundaries that separate the major subdivi­ recording electrode.46 The goal of these experin1ents is to 111in1ic
sions of the cochlear nucleus con1plex. The axons of granule the movement of a sound source by nianipulating the f:eature
cells fon11 an array of parallel fibers that traverse the length of of interest relative to the inhibitory properties of the type I\T
the nucleus. These fibers excite pyramidal cells through direct neuron (Figure 5-6B). When the frequency of the notch is
connections \¥ith apical dendrites or inhibit then1 through locaJ below the BF, the neuron is exclusively excited by the stimulus
i nterneurons, the cartwheel eel Is. (Figure 5-6C, plots a and b). A similar response is produced
The pyran1idal cell layer is occupied by the 111ajor projec­ when the notch is above BF (Figure 5-6D, plots d and e). These
tion neurons of the DCN.5 Pyramidal cells, so111etimes known as results are expected given the excitatory effects of broadband
fusiforn1 cells, are regularly arranged along the long axis of the noise. However, when the notch coincides \¥ith BF, the neuron
nucleus. They send their apical dendrites into the con1plex neu­ is strongly inhibited (Figure 5-6C and D, plot c).
ropil of the niolecular layer \¥here they are contacted by granule The responses of type TV neurons to HRTF shapes are
and cartwheel cells. They project their basal dendrites into the dictated by their nonlinear spectral integration properties.47
deep layer \vhere they receive inputs from auditory nerve fibers Consequently, the neurons respond selectively to spectral
and additional sources of inhibition. The tonotopic map of the shapes, and not merely the magnitude of individual frequency
cochlea is transferred to the DCN by the systen1atic innervation co111ponent.s. This feature-driven, level-tolerant representation
of the dorsal branch of the auditory nerve.41 is demonstrated by varying the presentation level of the HRTFs
The deep layer of the DCN is inhabited by giant cells and (Figure 5-6C and D). ln contrast to the niore generalized cod­
vertical cells.42 Giant cells are less frequently encountered pro­ ing mechanisn1s of the VCN, n1ajor changes in spectral energy
jection neurons. Their basic physiological properties are similar have little effect on the polarity of type TV responses to ON-BF
to those of pyran1idal cells, but their deeply located dendrites and OFF-BF notches.
do not reach into the molecular layer to contact parallel fibers.
Vertical cells are inhibitory interneurons. Their narrowband Clinical Implications
inhibitory influences reflect their alignment within DCN fre­
PerceptuaJ abnorn1a.lities relating to DCN processing disor­
quency lamina. Additional wideband glycinergic inhibition has
ders have been investigated in the laboratory by sectioning the
been attributed to VCN radiate cells.19
DAS (Figure 5-7A). This surgical 111anipulation elin1inates the
ascending axonal projections of pyramidal and giant cells en
Neural Coding of Spectral Cues route to the ICC. Unlike lesions of the trapezoid body, lesions of
for Sound Localization the DAS have little effect on basic patterns of hearing. Absolute
The basic physiological properties of DCN projection neurons thresholds in quiet, and in background noise are not affected by
are shaped by con1plex interactions of their numerous excitatory the procedure.34
and inhibitory inputs. Whereas VCN representations are lin­ Significant deficits are observed when DAS lesioned cats are
ear, narrowly tuned, and distributed, DCN representations are tested in localization paradigms that require the identification
nonlinear, broadly tuned, and integrative. Consequently, the dis­ of sound source elevation.48.49 Cats n1ake reflexive head move­
charge rates of individual pyra111idal and giant cells are ideally ments toward sudden, unexpected sounds. They also can be
suited for encoding the spectral shape of co111plex sounds.37 trained to perform these nianeuvers repetitiously to gain access
For the cat, which is the niost developed anin1al niodel of to food rewards. The cat is a natural predator, and the accu­
DCN processing, biologically relevant spectral inforn1ation is racy of these sound-guided responses approaches the limits of
derived from the head-related transfer function (HRTF).43.44 hun1an directional hearing (Figure 5-7B).
This tilter shape describes the directional effects of the head and When the output pathways of the DCN are bilaterally
pinna on a free-field stimulus as it propagates to the ear drun1. destroyed, cats exhibit clear deli.cits in localization behavior
HRTF-based spectral cues are critical for the accurate localiza­ (Figure 5-7C).49 Although performance is con1promised in both
tion of sound source elevation. horizontal and vertical dimensions, largest errors are observed
A prominent feature of the cat's HRTF is a single deep in the determination of sound source elevation. These systen1-
spectra] notch, which is a sharp decrease in gain at frequen­ atic errors confirm that the DCN is an in1portant site for the
cies between 5 and 20 kHz. When a broadband sound is passed auditory processing of spectral cues for sound localization. Cats

10dB l a c e

B dB attn



c-7 c;
""'X::7 ;:r
... - FIGURE 5-6 • Spectral coding in the dorsal
cochlear nucleus. A, Generic head-related
... ..•
CJ " oc;;;; ....
� ..,. '"
- =>
transfer functions of the cat. The biologically
b d
' •
cs "a.Aic:!::)
" · 'Q
•eO 80 relevant spectral notch has been shifted in
200 frequency by changing sampling rate during

J , ·"""7 A.,_,,,...
• -'"-�� �����
o �.�����·�·�·�· �
� �
90 playback. 8, The frequency response map of a
DCN type IV unit. Letters relate the frequency
3 5 10 20 50
Frequency, kHz location of the spectral notch at five sampling
rates to the best frequency (BF) of the neuron.
c D Excitatory responses (dark blue fill) are rates
200 200 that exceed spontaneous activity. Inhibitory
a 10.2 kHz e 12.8kHz
responses (light blue fill) are rates that fall
�(/) � below spontaneous activity. C, Rate-level func­
� �
a. b 10.9 kHz a. tions obtained from the neuron when spectral
(/) (/)
notches were shifted to the unit's BF (c) or
� placed below BF (a,b). D, Rate-level functions

l-� ���
1 1�
. 6 kH z oc
c 116
. kHz for notches at BF (c) and above BF (d,e). The
110 10 110 10 neuron's spontaneous rates are indicated by
Level, dB attn Level, dB attn
shading in C and D. Adapted with permission
from Young and Davis.31

'"'ith bilateral DAS lesions n1aintain directional hearing in the
DAS lesio
� horizontal din1ension by attending to binaural cues that are
c processed in the ventral pathways leading to the superior oli­
0 0
vary con1plex.

The absolute silencing of DCN outputs by vascular acci­
Intact ' dent or traun1a is rare in hun1an-patient populations. Tinnitus

-90 '- n1ay reflect the less tha11 con1plete disruption of this delicate

c 90r- -
-::: ::=- �-
. ···· ···••• .... .....
--, If current physiological interpretations of tinnitus

cell outpu!. should prove to be correct, DCN processing deficits represent the
. .. .. .'?;
,• \
. . inost prevalent for1n of hearing disorder in industrial societies.
..// \.. There is an1ple evidence that spontaneous discharge rates

in the DCN increase when cochlear inputs are din1inished by
.. .

/. . .
transient exposure to an intense sound or the long-tern1 effects
/ ·"

• •• • Bilateral of aging. Because this hyperactivity ini1nics the nor1nal audi­


.,. · "
. ...
. ..., -90 '--�-"""""---'
.. .
. . .
tory response to a physical stin1ulus, it creates the i1npression of
-90 0 90
Azimuth (deg) phanton1 sound. 51•52
The functional changes that accon1pany tinnitus have
been extensively studied i n anin1al niodels that allow con­
FIGURE 5-7 • Effects of dorsal acoustic stria (DAS) lesions on sound trolled inductio11 of the disorder and direct physiological
orientation behavior. A, Site of lesion. 8, Accuracy of sound-evoked evaluation of its consequences. This analysis has yet to reveal
orientation responses in an intact cat. C, Accuracy after bilateral
an unequivocal generator site and a unique pathology, but it
DAS lesions. Line segments connect actual source locations to aver­
is clear that candidate structures share corn1non properties.
age response locations. Ellipses indicate the standard deviation of
responses in horizontal and vertical dimensions. Adapted with per­ The DCN, ICC, and auditory cortex have each been associated
mission from May.•9 '"'itb tinnitus-like behavior. 53•54 These processing centers are

key sites of inultisensory integration where inputs fron1 audi­

tory and nonauditory nuclei converge to be acted upon by a A Lateral
constellation of excitatory and inhibitory neurotrans1nitters.
Alterations of any con1ponent i n this synaptic design have the Medial

potential to reorganize the resting and sound-driven proper­

ties of the neural circuit.
Neural hyperactivity remains the inost influential physi­
ological inodel of tinnitus. In part, the broad advocacy of
this hypothetical nlechanisn11ies in its intuitive sin1plicity. In
addition, global changes in brain activity predict a n1etabolic
signature that can be noninvasively imaged in hun1an tinni­
tus patie11ts.55 While it is clear that son1e animal preparations
respond to acoustic overexposure with generalized hyperac­
tivity, i1nportant details of the proposed relationship between
brain activity and sound perception ren1ain unresolved. The B
LSO -�--.
effects niay be specific to species, manner of induction, and MSO I>4kHz '

niethods of electrophysiological recording. A niore compre­
:! <4 kHz
hensive explanation of the underlying niechanisms of tinnitus
niay be gained fron1 a sophisticated statistical analysis of
discharge patterns such as the regularity, synchronization, or
long-ter111 fluctuations of spontaneous activity.56 These proper­ "''"

ties cannot be adequately described without direct electrophysi­

ological recordings in ani111al preparations.

FIGURE 5-8 •The superior olivary complex. A, Golgi reconstruc­

SUPERIOR OLIVARY COMPLEX tions of the lateral and medial superior olives showing bipolar neurons
(a} and terminal axonal projections from the cochlear nucleus (b}.
The superior olivary complex is situated in the ventral brain­ B, Tonotopic map derived from electrophysiological recordings.
stem in close proxi1nity to the trapezoid body. It consists of Shaded regions indicate area devoted to frequencies below 4 kHz,
three primary auditory nuclei: the niedial superior olive (MSO), the upper limits of temporal processing. Inset shows relative position

lateral superior olive (LSO), and n1edial nucleus of the trapezoid of the superior olivary complex within the central auditory pathways.
Abbreviations are explained in Figure 5-1. Anatomical illustrations
body (l'vINTB). Ran1on Y Cajal referred to the l'v1SO and LSO as
adapted from Scheibe/ and Scheibe/58 derived from Guinan et al.59
the accessory and superior olives in his classic Golg.i studies.57
These ter111s are occasionally encountered in modern texts. This
central core is surrounded by a cluster of periolivary nuclei of
which the lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body (LNTB) is the unilateral bearing aids, which may explain why the devices per­
1uost pron1 inent. form poorly in complex listening environments.
Ascending projections from both VCNs converge in the
superior olivary co1nplex to create binaural representations
In most mam1nals, the MSO is a two-dimensional sheet with
that are tuned to interaural disparities in time (interaural time
bipolar dendritic fields (Figure 5-SA). The neurons receive
differences, TTDs) and sound pressure level (interaural level
afferent inputs from the ipsilateral VCN on lateral dendrites,
differences, ILDs). Descending projections from the superior
and contralateral inputs medially. Because the inputs arise from
olive 1nodulate cochlear sensitivity and cochlear nucleus inhib­
spherical bushy cells,6° high security endbulb synapses preserve
itory interactions through the action of olivocochlear efferent
the timing and frequency tuning of auditory nerve action poten­
tials along their route to the l'v150.61
The central cell region of the MSO is tonotopically orga­
Medial Superior Olive
nized along its dorsoventral axis (Figure 5-SB). Unlike the
The MSO perforn1s a binaural con1parison of the tiining of complete cochlear map that is found in the VCN, the MSO is
sound-evoked discharge rates that reach the brain fron1 the two biased toward lo'"' frequencies.62 A.lthough cats are capable of
ears. These te1nporal disparities are one of two essential cues detecting frequencies above 64 kHz, the dorsal half of the feline
for azi1nuthal (left-right) sound localization. The circuitry also nucleus is devoted to frequencies belo"" 4 kHz. This frequency
plays an in1portant role in spatial n1asking release, including the bias coincides with the upper limits of temporal coding by audi­
well-known "cocktail party effect." vVhen con1peting auditory tory neurons.6>
signals (eg, multiple talkers at a cocktail party) reach the lis­ Nlatching the delay sensitivity of auditory neurons to bio­
tener's ear fron1 different directions, spatial inforn1ation facili­ logically relevant cues requires the interaction of a constellation
tates their separation into distinct auditory objects. This process of excitatory and inhibitory inputs, as '"'ell as the precisely timed
of "auditory streaming" n1ay reduce the interference between delivery of each component. Results from immunocytochem­
signals by as 1nuch as 20 dB. Directional hearing relies beavily ical studies and intracellular recordings suggest that primary
on binaural processes that are not available to individuals with binaural inputs from the \TCN are mediated by the excitatory

amino acid glutan1ate through AMPA and NlvlDA receptors.64 that, 50 years after the introduction of the Jeffress inodel, there
The lvfSO also shows a wide distribution of glycinergic recep­ is now anato1nical evidence for coincidence detection circuits in
tors. The injection of retrograde label into the lv1SO indicates the avian and inan1111alian .tvIS0.71•72
that the inhibitory inputs originate in the MNTB and LNTB.05
Blocking the inhibition with strychnine con1presses the range of Lateral Superior Olive
ten1poral tuning shown by 1vfSO neurons.60
The LSO encodes the ILDs that signal the azi1nuth of high­
The ascending projections oftvfSO neurons are aln1ost exclu­
frequency sounds. These cues are created by the "sound shado,v"
sively directed ipsilaterally to low-frequency regions of the central
of the upper torso, head, and outer ear. Just as opaque objects
nucleus of the ICC.67 Injections of retrograde label into high­
block the path of light, acoustic reflections fro111 the head produce
frequency regions has revealed few projections fron1 the ventral
interference patterns that reduce sow1d energy as it propagates to
subdivision of the MSO, v,rhere high-frequency neurons reside.68
the two ears. A lateralized location will generate robust ILD cues
because the interference is applied disproportionately to the far ear.
The lower frequency lin1it of the shadowing effect is dictated by the
Neurons io the MSO are characterized by tbeir monaural prop­
geon1etry of the head. L arger animals are afforded lower frequency
erties, binaural interactions, and lTD sensitivity. The sheet-like
cues because their head attenuates longer acoustic wavelengths.
oeuropil of 1vf.SO principal cells and tbe presence of powerful
Hun1ans rely heavily on ILD cues at frequencies above 2 kHz.73
field potentials n1ake isolation of single-unit activity in the
nucleus difficult. Existing descriptions are typically founded Anatomy
on relatively sn1all san1ples. The LSO is arguably the most visu ally striking structure in the
In general, MSO neurons show primary-like activity central auditory systen1. In cats, the LSO folds upon itself to
'"hen tested with rnonaural stimuli. The discharge rates that take on an S-shaped conformation when viewed in transverse
are elicited by pure tones are irregularly timed, nionotonically section (Figure 5-SA). The complexity and orientation of fold­
related to stin1ulus level, and narrowly tuned in frequency.69 ing varies greatly in other species, depending on the biological
Responses to sounds in one ear cannot be considered in iso­ significance of high-frequency sound localization.
lation because 1v!SO neurons are excited by sounds in either The principal cells of the LSO have bipolar dendritic arbors
ear. This excitatory-excitatory (EE) binaural interaction creates that radiate across the hila of the nucleus. Axodendritic inputs
units with preferences tor either contralateral or ipsilateral stim­ arise from the same spherical bushy cell populations that project
uli under monaural conditions. to the .tv1SO; ho,-vever, the inputs are confined to the ipsilateral
The most influential model of binaural processing in the cochlear nucleus.3 The i1n1nunocytochemistry and n1orpholog­
l'vlSO is the Jeffress coincidence detector (Figure 5-9).70 This ical features of the synapses suggest that they evoke excitatory
anatomically based niodel was developed \>Jell before actual influences th r ough the an1ino acid gluta niate 74.

physiological recordings in the central auditory systen1. The key Ascending inputs from the contralateral cochlear nucleus
concept of coincidence is the existence of n1ultiple delay lines in are relayed to the LSO by neurons in the MNTB. These indirect
the afferent projections to MSO neurons. As a result, any acous­ projections are the axonal tracts of globular bushy cells, which
tic delay in the interaural tin1ing of a free-field sound is oftSet by enter the trapezoid body and cross to the contralateral superior
a neural delay that is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign. olivary con1plex.60 Within the .tv1NTB, the projections ter111inate
The neuron with the appropriate delay line receives coincident in large calyceal synapses displ aying g lutru11atergic phar1naco­
inputs, which elicit n1axin1un1 rates because of the EE binaural logical properties.75 'fhe postsynaptic targets of these projec­
interaction. This pattern of excitatory ITD sensitivity is called a tions label intensely for glycine.76 Consequently, the excitatory
"peak-type" response. The neuron's delay sensitivity, therefore, input fron1 the contralateral cochlear nucleus is reversed in sign
represents a place code for tbe sound's location. It is interesting before it reaches the LSO.


Left Right



FIGURE 5-9 •The Jeffress coincidence
low low Lateral
detection model of sound localization. A

single contralateral and ipsilateral input
to the median superior olive (MSO) is
shown. Neural delay lines are created by

high 400 µsec 400 µsec high
! the arrayed termination pattern of the con­
tralateral projections. ANF, auditory nerve
fiber; BF, best frequency; ITD, interaural
Right leading Left leading time difference; SBC, spherical bushy cell.
Adapted with permission from Yin.n

The secure synaptic organization of .tvfNTB principal cells The effects of contralateral inhibition are better den1on­
preserves the tin1ing and tuning of its cochlear nucleus inputs. strated under binaural conditions. To quantify the strength of
Unlike the diffuse axoson1atic endings of the nionosynaptic inhibition, activity is evoked by an ipsilateral excitatory stin1u­
excitatory input from the ipsilateral cochlear nucleus, disyn­ lus while a competing contralateral inhibitory stimulus is varied
aptic inhibitory inputs fron1 the contra lateral cochlear nucleus in level. This inanipulation sin1ulates the inoven1ent of a sou11d
are delivered directly to the son1a and proxin1al dendrites of source fro1n an ipsilateral location (lower contralateral levels) to
LSO neurons.78 This configuration aids a coincident binaura.l a contralateral location (higher contralateral levels). The result­
con1parison by offsetting the synaptic delay that is introduced ing rate changes show good agreement between LSO sensitivity
by additional transforn1ations in the .tvfNTB. Although niany and behavioral thresholds for ILD discrin1ination.80
anatomical properties of the LSO are sin1ilar to those seen in the
The Acoustic Chiasm
.tvlSO, contralateral inhibition tunes its responses to the relative
The LSO sends bilateral projections through the lateralle1nniscus
niagnitude, and not tin1ing of sound energy at the two ears.
to the central nucleus of the ICC. Approximately equal nun1bers
Physiology of fibers ascend in an ipsilateral and contralateral direction. 'fract
Single-unit recordings in the LSO reveal a tonotopic 111ap with tracing techniques have localized the source of ipsilateral projec­
an exaggerated representation of high frequencies (Figure 5-8B). tions to the lateral lin1b of the LSO. Contralateral projections
This bias corresponds favorably with the frequency don1ain of originate in the inedial lin1b. This sorting of output by physical
ILD inforn1ation. 1.1onaural responses to ipsilateral and con­ location resembles the routing of optic nerve fibers through the
tralateral stin1uli show similar frequency tuning suggesting optic chias1n. Because a tonotopic gradient is in1posed on ana­
that underlying binaural comparisons are frequency specific. to1nical locations in the central auditory system, this "acoustic
As expected, given the neurotransmitters of their ascending chias1n" separates high frequencies and routes then1 contralater­
inputs, LSO neurons display IE binaural interactions. That is, ally, while low frequencies are sent ipsilaterally.81
they are inhibited by contralateral stimuli and excited by ipsi­ The projection patterns and neurotransmitter systen1s of
lateral sounds. Because LSO neurons are rnaxin1aUy inhibited the superior olive enhance the contralateral representation of
by coincident binaural inputs, they sho'" minimurn discharge sound (Figure 5-11). A sound on the left side of the listener will
rates. This inhibitory ITD sensitivity that is call a "trough-type" produce bilateral activity in the anterior VCN, 1v1NTB, and the
response. MSO. Neural trans1nission in these pathways is 1nediated by
Most LSO neurons exhibit monotonically increasing rate­ excitatory an1ino acids. The ascending excitatory input carrying
level functions when ipsilateral tones are presented under closed­ high-frequency information fro1n the right LSO crosses to the left
field conditions (Figure 5-10). This n1onaural response pattern ICC.82•83 Activity in the left LSO is silenced by N1NTB inhibition.
recapitulates the coding of stimulus level by auditory nerve fibers Both 1v1S0s carry low-frequency infor1nation to the niid brain
and primary-like neurons in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus. by ipsilateral excitatory projections but these inputs are inhibited
Because 1nonaural responses to contralateral tones are inhibi­ in the right ICC by uncrossed glycinergic projections from the
tory, they sirnply suppress the neuron's spontaneous activity. 1o,v-frequency LS0.84 The net result of these reciprocal influences

250 * Monaural ipsi ,

+ Binaural (I = 44 dB)

Q 200

� 150
.!(!, +..
�······························· · �
� 100 'I-· -+
· · · + ··+..
... Left Right
u:: 50 ':i....... ••
" t.
. ...
0 .

0 20 40 60 80

Sound pressure level (dB)

- Excitant amino acid
- Glycine
• • • I GABA

FIGURE 5-10 • Binaural interactions in the lateral super olive.

Rate-level functions are compared for monaural ipsilateral tones
and binaural tones. Dotted line indicates the firing rate evoked by a
monaural ipsilateral tone at a presenta tion level of 44 dB SPL. This FIGURE 5-11 •The "acoustic chiasm" created by ascending projec­
ipsila teral stimulus was fixed during binaural measures. Variations in tions from the superior olivary complex. Major connections are shown
contralateral tone levels during binaural testing are indicated on the for the right ear. Putative neurotransmitters are indicated by line style.
abscissa. Adapted with permission from Joris and Yin.79 SPL, sound The strength of the input is represented by line width. Adapted with
pressure level. permission from Helfert and Aschoff.85

is a con1plete representation of low and high frequencies in the attenuation of cochlear nucleus inhibition. Consequently, the
contralateral ICC. If a unilateral lesion is placed in the ICC or a n1echanical tuning of the cochlear partition c a n be tailored
higher structure in the central auditory systen1, sound localiza­ to the ongoing listening environn1ent \Vithout a corruption of
tion deficits are restricted to the contralateral heniifield.80 actual signal levels in higher processing centers.

Olivocochlear Efferent Pathway
Classical physiological descriptions of olivocochlear func­
Decades of research have probed the structure and function of tion are performed by switching on the syste1n with electrical
the ascending auditory pathways. The reciprocal descending shocks. The sti1nulating electrodes are placed on the inidline
circuitry at present ren1ains largely unexplored. The excep­ of the IVth ventricle, where crossing fibers of the olivocochlear
tion to this inattention is the olivocochlear efferent pathway, bundle (OCB) approach the dorsal surface of the medulla
which is a n1echanisn1 that gives the brainsten1 control over the (Figure 5-12). This paradign1 is asswned to selectively activate
n1echanical sensitivity of the auditory periphery. Olivococb Iear the inedial efferent systen1. Electrical stin1ulation is less effective
feedback n1ay play an important role in hearing protection, for the un1nyelinated lateral efferent syste1n. In addition, inost
selective attention, and listening in noise. LOC fibers project to the ipsilateral ear without approaching the
site of stin1ulation.
The effects of olivocochlear feedback can be observed by
Anaton1ical characteristics suggest tbat there are two separate
comparing auditory nerve activity with and without OCB stin1-
olivocochlear systen1s (Figure 5-12).87 The thin, unn1yelinated
ulation. The responses have been characterized in ter1ns of con1-
axons of the nJore nun1erous lateral olivocochlear (LOC) neu­
pound action potentials (CAPs)90 or direct single unit recording.91
rons project fron1 lateral regions of the superior olive to the dis­
In both contexts, OCB stimulation reduces cochlear sensitivity.
tal processes of auditory nerve fibers. The innervation patterns
Efferent-1nediated changes in the dynan1ic range of the
ofLOC fibers are heavily biased toward the ipsilateral cochlea.
auditory nerve reflect alterations in the active n1echanical prop­
Medial olivococh lear (MOC) projections originate fron1 cell
bodies that are scattered in n1edial regions of the superior oli­ erties of the cochlea.92 Outer hair cells display the unique abil­
ity to move in response to depolarizing currents.93 The force
vary con1plex. These neurons send thick myelinated axons to
generated by this so-called electron1otility a1nplifies and tunes
the inner ear, where they enter the organ of Corti through tbe
the sound-generated 1novements of the cochlear partition. The
habenulae pertoratae, cross the tunnel of Corti, and tern1inate
release of acetylcholine by MOC neurons triggers an influx of
on the base of outer hair eelIs. The niajority of the fibers project
to the contralateral cochlea. calcium into the outer hair cells, which opens voltage-gated
potassiun1 channels in the cell 1nen1branes. The subsequent
En route to the cochlea, MOC neurons send collateral
efflux of potassiu1n hyperpolarizes the cells, nlaking the1n less
projections to granule cell areas of the cochlear nucleus.88 The
projections target the dendritic fields of large n1ultipolar cells sensitive to depolarizing currents that enter through the stereo­
cilia during n1oven1ents of the basilar nlembrane. As a result,
that reside in the VCN. Because the target neurons are a source
sound-generated deflections of the stereocilia bundle fail to
of inhibition, tbis teedback nJay con1pensate tor efferent-based
elicit con1plementary electro1nechanical responses.
changes in the dynamic range properties of auditory nerve
When sounds occur in the presence of background noise, a
inputs to the cochlear nucleus. Any reduction in cochlear sen­
listening advantage 1nay be gained by shifting the dynamic range
sitivity by direct �10C influences n1ay be offset by a reciprocal
of neural responses to higher levels.94 Auditory nerve record­
ings have shown that a sensitive neuron inay be driven to its
maximun1 discharge rate by noise alone, leaving no additional
9 1� Electrical stimulation response to encode the occurrence of a meaningful auditory
event. \A/hen sensitivity is reduced by electrically sti1nulating
Coe� the OCB, noise no longer saturates the neuron's response and
: � coincident signals are able to evoke further rate increases.

� Clinical Implications
Olivocochlear fibers enter the cochlea intern1ingled with the infe­
rior vestibular nerve. Consequently, when the vestibular nerve is
' sectioned to alleviate intractable vertigo, the lesioned ear loses
both vestibular and olivocochlear fw1ction.95 What is inost strik­
Medial zone ing about these patients is the subtlety of their ensuing auditory
deficits.% A battery of audiological assess1nents has identified
one consistent abnormality. The loss of olivocochlear feedback
FIGURE 5-12 • The olivocochlear reflex arc. Inputs are shown from reduces "selective listening." Under norn1al circu1nstances, this
both ears, outputs to one ear. The cell bodies of medial olivocochlear process allov•s an individual to listen to one channel of infor-
efferents are located in the medial zones (triangles). Lateral olivoco­ 1nation while blocking out sounds in other channels.
chlear efferents are located in the lateral zones (circles). The strength
Auditory inforn1ation channels are usually defined by frequency;
of input is indicated by line widths. LSO, lateral superior olive; MSO,
that is, the subject focuses attention on one tone frequency at the
medial superior olive; VCN, ventral cochlear nucleus. Adapted with
permis sion from Warr. ag expense of other frequencies. Because olivocochlear feedback is

tuned in frequency, the listener may optin1ize perfom1ance by created by incon1ing projections from the brainstem and the
increasing cochlear sensitivity at the attended frequency and dendrites of disc-shaped principal cells. These tibrodendritic
decreasing sensitivity at unattended frequencies. It is also possible arrays are oriented in parallel creating isofrequency laminae.
to attend to auditory streams that are defined by their location, The cochlear tonotopic map is projected on the dorsal-ventral
pitch, or ten1poral pattern. This ability is critical for separating axis of the nucleus and preserved in its ascending outputs to the
in1portant sounds fron1 the acoustic clutter of real-\-vorld environ- auditory thalamus.102
111ents. Consequently, individuals \-vith weak olivocochlear feed­ In addition to disc-shaped cells, stel.late cells represent
back tend to show deficits \-vhen listening in background noise.97 approxiniately 25% of the ICC cell population. They have ovoid
An in1portant consideration for the audiological evaluation or stellate dendritic fields that integrate synaptic inputs across
of vestibular neurecton1y is that the patient populations upon isofrequency la1ninae. Imn1unostaining indicates that the ICC
\.Yhich these studies have been perforn1ed are biased tO\.Yard pre­ sends both excitatory and inhibitory projections to the niedial
existing Jvleniere's disease with concon1itant hearing loss. Such geniculate body.103 Because the nun1ber and size of cells that
confounds are avoided in animal studies of olivocochlear func­ label positively for the inhibitory neurotransn1itter gain ma­
tion. The existing literature of controlled experin1ental nianipu­ an1ino butyric acid (GABA) match the characteristics of stellate
lations has defined three roles for the efferent system: sound cells, it is suspected that the neural population is an important
protection, listening in noise, and cochlear developn1ent. The source of thalan1ic inhibition.104 It is not presently known if the
ability of olivocochlear feedback to reduce acoustic traun1a has broadband inhibitory influences of stellate cells are localized
received the greatest attention in the laboratory.98 '"'ithin particular processing pathways.
Two qualities of the �10C pathways allow efferent feedback The TCC receives direct or indirect inputs fron1 all of the
to be observed noninvasively in hun1an listeners. First, olivoco­ n1ajor projection pathways of the cochlear nucleus. Within
chlear activity niay be induced by contralateral sound stimula­ the ICC, there are regionalized differences in the topography
tion. Second, when the feedback is activated, there is a decrease in of these inputs. The results of anterograde tracing studies sug­
the magnitude of otoacoustic emissions, which depend on active gest that excitatory inputs fro.m !TD-sensitive MSO neurons
cochlear processes. An intriguing aspect of these measures is the and ILD-sensitive LSO neurons ren1ain anaton1ically segre­
considerable variation in the strength of oJivocochlear feedback gated (Figure 5-l 3B).105 Fron1 a functional perspective, the dis­
among human subjects. Consequently, observers with weaker crete synaptic domains of these two binaural pathways niirror
systems are less able to process sounds in noisy environnients,97 their separate roles in sound localization. Sin1ilarly, although
and 1nay be more susceptible to acoustic traunia.99 the DCN and LSO both project to high-frequency regions,
each lan1ina niay be divided into a ventral portion that receives
INFERIOR COLLICULUS mixed inputs and a dorsal portion that is exclusively innervated
by the DCN.106 This pattern of input 1nay establish functional
The ICC niay have the niost elaborate neuronal connections of modules that differ in their accentuation of binaural and n1on­
any auditory structure. It is coinprised of a central core of sound aural coding.
processing neurons, the central nucleus, and a surrounding belt The belt regions of the ICC have been subdivided with
of polysensory nuclei with less robust sound-driven responses. varying degrees of con1plexity. Differences in existing n1aps of
The acoustic tuning of neurons in the central nucleus reflects cellular anatomy reflect the histological methods used to iden­
the convergence of niultiple parallel pathways that are created tify cytoarchitectural features and connectivity. Most parcella­
in the cochlear nucleus. Direct n1onaural projections originate in tions involve a dorsal cortex and paracentral nuclei of which the
the ventral and dorsal subdivisions of the contralateral co ch!ear lateral or externa.l nucleus is the niost pron1inent.10;
nucleus. Indirect binaural projections are routed through the The dorsal cortex is the target of profuse descending inputs
superior olivary complex and nuclei of the lateral len1niscus. from multiple fields in auditory cortexto8 and con1n1issura.l pro­
These ascending inputs are not simply relayed to higher struc­ jections from the contralatera.l central nucleus.109 Ascending
tures. They are transforn1ed into 1nore selective representations auditory inputs are sparse. Incon1plete regionalized innerva­
of acoustic information and then delivered to higher processing tion is received fron1 the DCN and dorsal nucleus of the lateral
centers in the auditory thalan1us and cortex. len1niscus. Inputs fron1 the MSO and LSO are conspicuously
The sharp dichotomy of response patterns in the central and absent. The descending efferent projections of the dorsal cortex
belt regions of the ICC bas pron1pted the distinction oflemniscal are directed bilaterally to the principal cell areas of the DCN.110
pathways (the tonotopic core) versus extralen1niscal pathways This reciprocal circuitry suggests that the dorsal cortex may be
(the nontonotopic belt). Although auditory physiologists have specialized to enhance the analysis of nionaural spectral cues
focused on auditory activity in tbe len1niscal pathways, many for vertical sound localization.
clinicians have directed their attention to the extralen1niscal The lateral nucleus receives son1atosensory representations
system because disordered interactions of its niultiinodal inputs of the head fro111 the dorsal colun1n and trige1ninal nuclei, as
1nay serve as generator sites for audiogenic seizures, abnorrnal \.Yell as pren1.otor inputs fron1 components of the basal ganglia. 111
loudness perception, and certain types of tinnitus.100 Auditory inputs are don1inated by intracollicular projections
fro1n the ipsilateral central nucleus. Efferent projections of
Anatomy the latera.l nucleus pass to the deep layers of the superior col­
The prin1ary anaton1ical subdivision of the TCC is the central liculus and cerebellun1 by way of the pontine nuclei where they
nucleus (Figure 5-l3A). 101 The lan1inar structure of the ICC is n1ay contribute to the integration of acoustically driven motor

A o o

- -

1 mm

• Caudal
Cortex Cortex




0 0

<9 � 0 0
1 mm

_�:_ MN TB

FIGURE 5-13 •Anatomical organization of the cat inferior colliculus. A, Laminar structure imposed by the
trajectory of axonal projections and the dendritic fields of disc-shaped neurons. 8, Terminal zones of projections
from the superior olive. Excitatory projections from the contralateral LSO dominate rostral locations (filled
triangles). Excitatory projections from the ipsilateral MSO are mostly found at caudal locations (open circles).
Inhibitory inputs from the ipsilateral LSO are also shown (blue squares). Inset shows relative position of the inferior
colliculus within the central auditory pathways. Abbreviations are explained in Figure 5-1. Adapted with permission
from Morest and Oliver'"' and Loftus et a/.105

behaviors such as startle responses, pinna reflexes, and sound These response patterns are re1ni.niscent of n1onaural projection
target acquisitions by the head and eyes . 112 neurons in the DCN (type lV neurons). 1)rpe-O units are silenced
when conduction is blocked in the DAS, further supporting a direct
link between the DCN and the response type.115 Type-0 units are
Classification of Sound-Driven Activity
less co1nmonly encountered in prey species (eg, guinea pigs, 1nice,
in the Central Nucleus
gerbils),11• which implies that they may play a specialized role i.n the
The physiological properties of the central nucleus are strongly predatory behaviors of the cat. The localization accuracy of cats is
modified by barbiturate anesthesia. These influences nlay be far superior to that of the prey upon which they feed.117
avoided by recording single-unit activity in unanestbetized, Type-I units are defined by a narrow I-shaped excitatory
decerebrate preparations. The subject's ability to initiate move­ receptive field that is surrow1ded by lateral inhibition. The neurons
ments and experience pain is eliminated by transecting all fibers tend to be tuned to higher frequencies and display trough-type
entering and exiting the cerebral cortex at the level of the thal­ lTD sensitivity. This cluster of physiological characteristics sug­
amus. A limitation of this approach is that descending feedback gests that type-I units are the midbrain target of ascending excit­
systems from cortex are also removed fron1 the neuronal cir­ atory projections fro1n the contralateral LSO. Conversely, type-V
cuitry of the auditory midbrain. units show an excitatory receptive field, low-frequency tuning, and
The principal cells of the ICC show three basic response pat­ peak-type ITD sensitivity. The controlling influences of these neu­
terns when frequency response 1naps (FRMs) are recorded in decer­ rons are assumed to emanate from the ipsilateral MSO.
ebrate cats (Figure 5-14).113 The most common response has been The FI�M classification scheme is useful for interpreting
designated the type-0 unit because the neuron's excitatory recep­ the functional connections of the ICC. This sitnple concep­
tive field is constrained to a small 0-shaped island of frequencies tual fratnework reveals how physiologically defined pathways
near threshold. The remainder of the receptive field is dominated of the cochlear nucleus re1nain segregated en route to higher
by inhibition. The neurons also tend to be insensitive to ITD cues.114 processing levels. lt also provides a metric for evaluating

Information Coding
Type V dB attn
Studies of inforn1ation coding in the ICC have exan1ined the
representation of sin1ple sound elen1ents (a111plitude, frequency,
and tin1ing), as well as the 111ore con1plex constructs that sup­
port cotnmunication, localization, and perceptual grouping.
A con1n1on then1e in this research is the en1ergence of responses
that are nlore selective than those observed in lower processing
centers. Single-unit responses inay be sharply tw1ed not only
to frequency but also to sow1d pressure level119 and te111poral
properties such as atnplitude nlodulation (A.tvf) or frequenc y
111odulation (F.tv1) .12° Consequently, in contrast to the popula­
tion codes of the auditory brainsten1, the responses of individ­
0.25 0.5 1 2 ual neurons nlay signif y critical biological infor111ation that lies
in the spectral shape or d ynan1ic patterns of natural sounds.

Type I Tetnporal coding is founded on the abilit y of auditory neu­

rons to entrain their discharge rates to time var ying acoustic
properties such as 1nonaural A M and F.tv1 fluctuations as well
as binaural te111poral disparities. Modulation cues are in1por­
en tant inforn1ation-bearing ele111ents of com m
. unication sounds
...... 70
Q) and an essential reference for the segregation of auditor y signals
·a. fron1 background noise. Interaural tin1e differences, as previ­
� 90
Q) ously discussed, are the basis of azin1uthal sound localization.
a: An1plitude and frequency n1odulations are encoded by the
tin1ing of action potentials in the auditory nerve and brainsten1.
100 At low tone frequencies, neurons fi r e at a particular phase of the
sti111ulus waveforn1. In nlost nlam1nals, the upper limi. t of phase­
4 8 16 32 locking is reached around 5 kHz. Nevertheless, this nlechanis111
ren1ains in effect at 111uch higher frequencies because discharge

TypeO rates are synchronized to the envelope fluctuations of con1plex

50 sow1ds.
Beyond the upper frequenc y li1nits of phase-locking and
envelope following responses, te111poral coding is constrained
by the probabilistic nature of synaptic events. Each sy napse adds
error to the neural representation of tin1e because of uncertain­
ties in the release of neurotransn1itter fro1n the presynaptic
neuron and the subsequent generation of action potentials in
the postsynaptic neuron. The dedicated ten1poral pathways that
project to the olivary co111plex 1ninin1ize this "jitter" by inte­
grating the inputs of tnultiple auditor y nerve fibers and securely
transn1itting that infor1nation through powerful endbulb
2 4 8 16 sy napses.
Frequency (kHz} Further synaptic degradation of ten1poral inform.ation 111ay
be avoided at high levels of auditor y processing b y transfor111-
ing the tetnporal code into a rate code.121 Neurons in the ICC
FIGURE 5-14 • Physiological properties of neurons in the central are sharply tuned to specific modulation rates just as brainste111
nucleus of the inferior colliculus. The responses were recorded in
neurons are tuned in frequenc y. Consequently, the neuron acts
decerebrate cats. Frequency response maps plot sound-driven
as a "labeled line" signaling n1odulation frequency with its rela­
discharge rates as a function of pure tone frequency and level.
Plotting conventions for frequency response maps are described in tive firing rates and not the temporal structure of its responses.
Figure 5-6. Adapted with permission from Ramachandran et a/.113 The ascending projections of the LSO and MSO endow neu­
rons in the central nucleus with binaural temporal tuning. As in
the brainste111, the 111ajorit y of these neurons show peak-type or
trough-ty pe responses, which according to the Jeffress .tv1odel,
ho'"' local transformations itnpact the quality of informa­ in ay be explained by binaural excitatory and inhibitory interac­
tion coding. Nevertheless, it is clear fro1n anato1uical evi­ tions (see detailed descriptions in Superior Olivary Co1nplex).
dence that the central nucleus i s the nexus of the auditor y A nun1ber of neurons, however, show intern1ediate-t ype ITD
s ystem; ie, the place where discrete representations fron1 sensitivity .122•12 The neurons inay respond best to inter111ediate
1nult.iple input sources are bound together to fortn percep­ interaural phase disparities or show co111plex phase-frequency
tual experience.11s relationships. This ten1poral pattern is not compatible with the

Jeffress !Ylodel and probably reflects the convergence of olivary transfer function of the outer ear, is dictated by the balance of
inputs with different TTD tuning. t24 lt is likely that even lCC neu­ this excitation and inhibition.
rons with less complicated peak-type and trough-type responses The functional consequences of the ten1plat e- n1atching
integrate multiple inputs fro111 the superior olive because the process are sun1111arized in Figure 5-15, which shows ho'"' the
bandwidth of ITD tuning for both unit types is signili.cantly spatia l tuning of an ICC neuron correlates with the frequency
sharper than their SOC counterparts.125 don1ain of its OFF-BF inhibition. In Figure 5-15A, the neuron's
Spectral coding in the ICC is in1portant for monaural sound discharge rates are shown for HRTF-filtered noise bursts. The
localization and vocal com111unication.126The receptive fields of binaural sti1nuli were p r esent ed t hrou gh headphones to sin1u­
TCC neurons may span several octaves creating regions \vhere late the acoustic effects of the two external ears at 99 different
spectral energy produces either excitatory or inhibitory effects. locations in the frontal sound field. Responses to these "vir­
Sounds with energy at excitatory frequencies evoke strong tual" sound locations are shown at four presentation levels.
responses; \vhereas, sounds \vi th energy at inhibitory frequen­ Each response is plotted according to the spectral energy in
cies elicit weak responses. The response to a complex spectral the contralateral (don1inant) ear at the neuron's BF (-12 kHz).
shape, such as a broadband noise that has been filtered by the The distinguishing feature of the resulting rate-level function

A c sp/s

� Atten dB 60
ft 100 0 80
<I> D 60
� 6 40 20
c: so <> 20
� 0


-SO '--��"--��-'-��-'
-120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 -80
ON-BF level (dB SL)
Azimuth (deg)


High-rate HRTFs

cc -20
.Q 0
00 a;
:g. w
·ffi 0
Low-rate HRTFs
cc -20

4 8 16 32 10
Frequency (kHz) Azimuth (deg)

FIGURE S-1S • Spatial tuning of a single-unit response in the inferior colliculus of a decerebrate cat. A, Discharge
rates evoked by noise bursts that have been shaped by the cat's head-related transfer functions (HRTFs, see
dorsal cochlear nucleus). Responses are shown for 99 locations in the frontal sound field at four presentation
levels. Each data point is plotted in terms of spectrum level at the neuron's best frequency (BF). Filled symbols
contrast HRTFs with similar ON-BF energy that elicited high versus low discharge rates. 8, The spectral shapes of
high- versus low-rate HRTFs. Vertical lines mark the relative gain of the functions at BF, and at a lower inhibitory
sideband (LIS) and an upper inhibitory sideband (UIS). C, The role of sideband inhibition in the neuron's direc­
tional tuning. In the upper panel, the discharges rates in A are plotted in spatial coordinates. In the lower panel, the
gain of the HRTFs at the LIS are plotted in spatial coordinates. Strongest responses (red) are observed where the
transfer functions show the weakest gain at inhibitory frequencies. Adapted with permission from May et a/.12•

is the extre1ne variation in responses to HRTFs with sin1ilar re\.vard. The left versus right location of the unlocked receptacle
ON-BF energy. These differences are observed because the neu­ is signaled by the presentation of an auditory stimulus fro1n an
ron is sensitive to spectral features that exist at frequencies well attached speaker. The lin1its of the subject's localization capa­
beyond BF. bilities are nleasured by varying the angle of separation between
The HRTF shapes in Figure 5-15B are grouped by their the two goal box/speaker co1nbinations. This is a true localiza­
ability to elicit high- or low-discharge rates fron1 the IC neuron, tion task that requires the subject to identify and approach the
as indicated by filled symbols in Figure 5-J5A. Although the sound source for the food reward.
transfer functions have similar ON-BF energy, there are consis­ A review of this classic literature leads to the impression
tent differences in the frequency locations of their prominent that destruction of the co1nn1issures of the ICC or cerebral cor­
spectral notches. High-rate HRTFs have notches that fall within tex does not radically alter localization behavior. 33•1 2" Lesions
lower and upper inhibitory sidebands (vertical dashed lines). of the trapezoid body nlay produce striking deficits, but these
Consequently, they produce relatively weak inhibitory responses. effects are only observed in some subjects and they tend to be
The low-rate HRTFs shov,r the opposite polarity. Their spectral transient.
notches correspond to the central exci.tatory region surrounding Subsequent investigations have brought up the possibility
the neuron's BF (vertical solid line). that goal-box testing inay be confounded by listening strate­
The neuron's sensitivity to HRTF shapes is translated to spa­ gies that do not require directional hearing.80 \!\Then two sound
tial tuning in Figure 5-l 5C. The upper panel plots the discharge sources are located in the left and right he1nifield of the testing
rates in Figure 5-15A, in spatial coordinates that indicate the arena, a subject with norn1al directional hearing inay identify
virtual sound field location of the HRTF stin1uli. The neuron's the active speaker by relying on binaural cues to distinguish left
strongest responses (red) follow a contour fro.m high ipsilateral versus right. When spatial processing is distorted in one hen1i­
to low contralateral elevations (superimposed line). The lower field (eg, after a lesion of the left ICC disrupts localization in
panel plots the relative gain of the HRTF stin1uli in the same the right he1nifield), the subject inay continue to detect the food
coordinate systen1. This gain refers selectively to the spectral source by deciding whether the active goal box is left versus not­
energy talling within the neuron's powerful lo\.ver inhibitory left. When the unilateral deficit is accon1panied by hearing loss,
sideband (LTS). The close agreeinent between locations \.vith low the subject nlay respond loud versus quiet.
gain (blue areas in the lower panel) and locations with high rates Covarying decision-criteria inay be brought under stin1ulus
(red areas in upper panel) suggests that OFF-BF inhibition is the control by increasing the nun1ber of sound sources in the test­
prin1ary determinant of the neuron's spatial tuning. ing arena, \.vhich requires the subject to select the active speaker
fro1n alternative locations in both hen1ifields. This procedural
Behavior/Ablation Studies inanipulation does not change the effects of trapezoid body
lesions, but the behavioral consequences of higher-order lesions
The contributions of the ICC to sound localization behavior
have been explored by evaluating the effects of planned surgi­ becon1e inore apparent.86 Without the aid of nondirectional lis­
tening strategies, a complete and pern1anent disruption of sound
cal lesions. Much of this work involves selective dan1age to one
localization is observed in the contralateral sound field.
side of the brain, which disrupts a nun1ber of con1plex audi­
tory functions without co1npletely elin1inating basic hearing.11 8
When this procedure is pertorn1ed on an experimental animal,
Audiological Implications
there is a striking dichoto1ny between lesions of the lower com­ The halh11ark of auditory processing in the ICC is its delicate
n1 issural path\.vays and dan1age to the ICC. Unilateral lesions in balance of excitation and inhibition. When these processes
the lower brainstem nuclei have a negative in1pact on directional function norn1ally, neurons show exquisite tuning to the nlany
hearing regardless of sound source location. 33•80• 127•1 28 The perva­ acoustic din1ensions that give ineaning to sound. Unfortunately,
sive nature of the deficit suggests that the foundations of locali­ the n1echanis1us that shape the sound-driven activity of the audi­
zation are disrupted before a neural representation of directional tory nlidbrain inay spiral out of control in individuals who expe­
information is fully forn1ed. Dan1age to either side of the brain rience hearing loss, acoustic traun1a, or aging. When excitatory
has global consequences because the timing and n1agnitude inputs fron1 the brainsten1 are reduced in number or strength,
of binaural responses must be integrated to co.mplete the first the ICC may gro\.v silent. Conversely, a loss of tonic inhibition
stage of directional processing. B y contrast, when unilateral nlay produce abnorn1ally responsive neurons. This hyperactiv­
lesions are placed in the lCC, localization errors are li111ited to ity has been in1plicated as a causal factor for audiogenic seizures,
the contralateral hemifield. This spatial restriction in1plies a hyperacusis, loudness recruitiuent, and tinnitus.
second-stage «distributive" process that biases the higher-order ln1munocytoche1nical studies130 have demonstrated a
representation of auditory space toward contralateral source substantial loss of the inhibitory neurotransn1itter GABA in
locations.81•129 As previously noted, the acoustic chiasn1 is the the central nucleus of aged rats. The loss is regionally selec­
proposed niechanisn1 for the selective lateralized distribution of tive. One-third fewer GABA-positive neurons are seen in the
ascending olivary inputs to the central nucleus. Damage to the ventrolateral portion of the nucleus relative to young controls.
lateral len1niscus, therefore, produces si111ilar deficits. Neurochen1ical analyses confirn1 that the potassiun1-evoked
Behavior-ablation studies have relied heavily on free-field release of GABA by this tissue is significantly decreased,
testing arenas to characterize the accuracy of directional hear­ while the release of the excitatory neurotrans1nitter gluta-
ing. In the classic two-alternative forced-choice paradign1, one 1nate is up-regulated. These findings suggest that disordered
of two goal boxes is unlocked to allow an animal access to a food GABAergic transmission in the ICC nlay contribute to a

number of the audiological abnormalities that accompany cortex and the limbic systcn1s to condition ascending auditory
neural presbycusis.131 The effectiveness of GABAergic inhibi­ representations before they are passed on to the auditory cortex.
tion is also diminished by experi mental manipulations that are In parallel to this tonotopic pathway, diffusely tuned and poly­
known Lo induce tinnitus.u2•133 sensory inputs fron1 n1ultiple brainsten1 nuclei converge within
The lCC has been proposed a s a site for audiogenic seizures tbe dorsal and medial divisions. Each thalan1ic region n1ain­
in animal models of epilepsy.u4 AL the neural level, the induc­ tains the separate functional identity of these diverse inputs by
tion of epil eptiforn1 activity is observed as a train of prolonged preferentially inncrvating distinct cortical areas.
afterdischarges that folio'"" sound stimulation. Insensitivity to
endogenous GA BA inhibition appears to lie at the core of these Anatomy
abnorn1al response patterns. When GA BA is delivered to an
Alternative anatomical parcellations of the MGB have been
rec neuron by iontophoresis, the an1ount of neurotransmitter proposed based on cytoarchitectural structure and patterns of
that is required to suppress activity in epilepsy-prone rats is sig­
neural co nn ectiv ity. Most recognize a tripartite schen1e that
nificantly greater than in norn1al rats. A reduction of GABA­
divides the nucleus into a ventral principal cell area, a inedial
n1 ediated inhibition also is indicated by the decreased efficacy
n1ag noceJJular area, and a structurally diverse dorsal area.'40• 141
of agonists such as benzodiazepine. Epilep tiforn1 activit y 1 nay
The ventral division alone shov1s robust sound-driven activity.
be induced in norn1a 1 neurons by iontophoresis of bicuculli ne,
The n1ajor functional connections of the ventral divi­
a potent a ntagon isl of GA BA. sion in teg rate ascending inputs from the ICC, local inhibitory
Th is same loss of central inhibition 1nay lead to the percep­ neurons, and descending projections fron1 the auditory cor­
tion of chronic tinnitus. 135 In addition to producing stronger,
tex (F ig ure 5-16A). The thalan1ic targets of the predon1inately
longer lasting responses to auditory stimuli, downregulation
excitatory projections fron1 the central nucleus of the ICC are
of GABA may increase spontaneous activity in the absence of large tufted cells thal serve a s the principal relay neurons, and
sound. Because the hyperactivity mi1nics the sound-driven
small stellate cells that are inhibitory interneurons.'42 Because
responses of auditory neurons, it is hypothesized that higher
the dcndritic fields of bushy cells arc oriented in parallel to their
brain centers interpret the activity a s sound even though no
afferent inputs, responses within the ventral division maintain
physical stimulus is present. The ICC may play a prominent
the ton ot opic organization and basic physiological characteris­
role in the phenomenon because of the \\/ell-established physi­
tics of the ni idbrain. Excitatory outputs from the ventral divi­
ological vulnerability of its inhibitory networks. Like the DC r,
sion arc ma inly directed to cellular layer IV ofAl.'43 The cortical
another putative generator site for tinnitus, the rec receives
reg i on receiving these inputs sends reciprocal corticothalamic
converging inputs from both auditory and nonauditory path­ pro jections back to the ventral division.
\'Yays. One nonauditory function, the initiation of conditioned
As in other sensory relay nuclei of the thalamus, the inhib­
aversive responses, niay be demonstrated with electrical or itory interneurons of the ventral division are organized in syn­
chemical stimulatio n of the auditory niidbrain.'36 With reduc­
aptic glo1neruli (Figure 5-16B).144 Excitatory inputs from the
tion of central inhibition, these subsysten1s may potentiate the
ICC for1n a triad synapse with the dendrites of interneurons and
perceived severity of tinnitus, which often fails to correlate with
MGB principal cells. The synaptic con1plex is insulated from the
objective loudness nieasu rcs.137
surrounding ncuropil by glial processes. \!\Then inputs fron1 the
The hypothesized role of GABA in tinnitus creates the
ICC activate the triad, prcsynaptic ter1ninals on the dendrites
opportunity to pursue pha nnacological interventions. Because
of the intcrncuron release GABA within the glon1erulus.14�
potentially toxic substances can not be directly tested in hun1an
The release of the inhibitory ncurotrans111itter is regulated by
subjects, researchers 1nust rely on anin1al niodels with exper­ n1etabotrophic glutatnatc receptors, which require high input
i 1nentally induced tinnitus. This approach raises the conun­
rates for activation and then maintain an active state for rela­
drum, How do you characterize the subjective perception of
tively long durations. Consequently, the trans1nission properties
phantom sound in an anin1al?138 Although several behavioral
of the triad arc ideal for modifying the long-term efficacy of
testing procedures exist, the basic strategy is to train the sub­
n1idbrain inputs.
ject to respond to the onset of a silent interval that is created by
The MGB receives a s 1nany inputs from the cortex a s it does
switching off a continuous background sound. After tinnitus is
from the ICC. Retrograde labeling suggests that corticothalan1ic
induced by exposure to a loud sound or a large dose of salicy­
feedback to the ventral MGB originates fron1 sn1all pyramidal
late, the subject can no longer perform the task because it hears
cells in layer VI of area AJ.14• Synaptic 1norphology suggest that
a phanton1 sou nd instead of silence. The success of a drug treat­ the descending projections are excitatory. En route to the den­
ment is indicated by the restoration of normal behavioral per­
dritic fields of principal cells in the ventral division, the fibers
formance. These paradigms are currentl y producing promising
send collaterals to the thala111ic reticular nucleus (TRN), a large
results v.•ith agents that niodulate GA BAergic transn1 ission.u9
sourec of extrinsic GABAergic inhibition.'47 Therefore, cortical
feedback has the potential to alter thalamic activity by direct
action, or through its indirect influence on inhibitory nen..,orks.
Additional inhibito ry feedback is provided by the litnbic sys­
The auditory thalamus, or medial geniculate body (MGB), is an tem , particularly the tnescncephalic reticular formation. This
ob ligatory relay for the projections of the central nucleus of the co1nplex circuitry allows cognitive factors such as learning,
ICC. Within the ventral division of the tvlGB, a rich intrinsic attent ion, and sta1·c of arousal to activate a subset of thala.1nic
circuitry works in conjunction with descending feedback from neurons wb ilc suppressing otbers.148





FIGURE 5-16 •Schematic diagram of the

major inputs to principal cells in the ventral
AF division of the auditory thalamus. A, Neural
connections between the inferior colliculus
(IC), medial geniculate body (MGB), and audi­
IC tory cortex. Additional inputs are shown for the
thalamic reticular nucleus (TAN) and mesence­
phalic reticular formation (RF). Cortical layers
Cortex Cortex are identified by Roman numerals. Excitatory
synapses are indicated by open triangles; inhib­
itory synapses, by filled circles. A synaptic
glomerulus is encircled in the MGB. Adapted
from de Ribaupierre."9 B, Anatomical recon­
IC IC struction of a synaptic glomerulus. The dendritic
process of an inhibitory interneuron is shaded to
facilitate visualization of triadic circuitry involving
the dendrite of the interneuron (1), the dendrite
of a thalamic principal cell (P), and an ascending
axonal fiber from the inferior colliculus (AF). Inset
shows relative position of the MGB within the

�V�C�N]=.:b.�:::::__-+( MNTB
central auditory pathways. Additional abbrevia­
tions are explained in Figure 5-1. Adapted with
permission from Morest.•s0

Basic Physiology transforined by local inhibitory networks and nlodulated by cor­

tical feedback remains a subject of intense scientific interest.1'1�
Principal cells in the ventral division are organized in frequency
laminae that reflect the tonotopic projections of the ICC. Within
each laminae, the neurons forn1 clusters of cells with similar
Adaptive Filtering of Biological Signals
binaural interactions and integration bandwidths.151 These The effects of corticofugal feedback on sound processing have
functional gradients suggest that parallel streams of infor­ been investigated by recording single-unit activity in the ven­
mation from the midbrain remain segregated in the auditory tral division of the MGB during reversible cortical inactiva­
thalamus. tion. When large areas of A l are silenced by cryogenic blockade
Detailed comparisons of the existing descriptions of sound­ in anesthetized cats, neurons in the ventral division show
driven activity in the 1v1GB and ICC are made difficult by pro­ decreased spontaneous rates, increased signal-to-noise ratios,
cedural differences in subject species, testing parameters, and and changes in frequency tuning.152 The selectivity of frequency
anesthetic state. Although there 111ay be noteworthy changes in tuning expands in son1e neurons and co1npresses in others. The
specific response patterns, the two structures appear to share diversity of the effects of cortical inactivation suggest that cor­
funda111ental coding properties. Like neurons in the central ticothalamic projections inay operate through direct excitatory
nucleus, 1nany neurons in the ventral division are tuned in influences as \veil as by suppressing local inhibitory influences
frequency, level, and time. They tend to be activated b y sound via projections from the TRN.
presentations to either ear, but show a preference for one ear. Adaptive filtering may enhance the auditory processing of
Low-frequency neurons respond to ITO information in binau­ biologically relevant sounds. For example, the MGB of the mus­
ral sounds; whereas, high-frequency neurons are sensitive to tached bat displays an exaggerated neural representation of fre­
ILD cues. It is clear that many of these properties are passed to quencies that are most important in the species' biosonar signals.
the MGB from the brainstem. How these representations are These responses can be increased in magnitude and sharpened

in their selectivity by stin1ulating niatching frequency regions chen1oarchitectonic n1ethods, i n addition to studies of fiber
in auditory cortex. The effect is abolished by pharmacological connectivity involved in thalan1ocortical, corticocortical, and
blockade of cortical activity.153 corticofugal circuitry. Physiological studies based on receptive
Adaptive filtering is not only observed in specialized audi­ field properties, detcrn1ination of BF (or characteristic fre­
tory systems, the n1agnitude of neural representations also niay quencies), spectral bandwidth of target neurons, and tc1nporal
be modified by experience in more generalized listeners. When response qualities have also been utilized. As a result of these
repeating tones are paired with noxious shocks, the frequency studies, it has becon1c clearly established that a primary audi­
responses of central auditory neurons shift in frequency to tory field, often referred to as Al, exists in nearly all species,
produce an expanded reorganization of the fear-conditioned including hun1ans. Beyond the Al, however, it has been dif­
stimulus.154 Pharmacological inactivation of auditory cortex ficult to establish uniforn1 anatomical and functional criteria
abolishes the effect. tss that are valid across species, or even across individuals of the
same species.

Clinical Implications

Anatomical and functional abnormalities of the auditory thal­

amus have been implicated in language disorders that involve The Al, constitutes the first stage of cortical processing for
the inability to process rapidly changing speech sounds.156 These sound.101 Much of what we kno\v about the anatomy of A l is
ten1poral deficits have been related to aberrant thalan1ic anat­ based on \.York in pri1nate nlodels, especially nlonkeys, and
omy by postmorten1 studies of dyslexic brains.157 Although the therefore, son1e as of yet unidentified details n1ay differ in
IvlGB is bilaterally symmetrical in norn1al humans, the left hun1ans. On a histological level, the Al has several uni que fea­
IvlGB appears sn1aller in dyslexic brains because there are fewer tures of koniocortex, including densely packed sn1all cells of
large projection neurons. Tt is intriguing that the cortical target layer 4, heavily n1yelinated fibers, and the presence of abundant
of the left MGB; ie, the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex, is cytochron1e oxidase.1•2 As stated earlier, it receives nluch of its
known to play a critical role in speech processing.158 input directly fro1n the ventral subdivision of the thalainus.163
Language impairn1ents also have been linked to thalamic Functionally, the neurons of the Al tend to respond to pure
abnorn1alities by electrophysiological measures. Dyslexics show tones well, with \Vcll-tuned BF ranges, and a tonotopic arrange­
less 111 ismatch negativity (Ivli'v1N) when tested with rapid speech n1ent of isofrequency bands.161
changes.159 This electrical potential is evoked v,rhen the observer Hackett and Kaas use the ter1u core to describe prin1ary or
detects the presentation of a deviant stimulus in a repeating pri1uary-like regions, which includes three areas (Al, rostral
background. Tt is posited that dyslexics exhibit a reduced MMN or R, and rostrotc1uporal or RT).162 These areas appear to be
because they cannot process the rapid change. Jn1planted elec­ activated in parallel, and each of these core subregions sho,vs
trodes in experimental anin1als have linked the Mi'vfN to activ­ distinctive neural connections fro1u other cortical areas. These
ity in the extralemniscal divisions of the MGB.t"o three regions are organized caudo-rostrally along the plane
of the lateral fissure, and have a tonotopic arrangen1cnt.104 In
hun1ans, inuch of Heschl's gyrus (transverse te111poral gyrus)
consists of auditory core (Figure 5-17).
The auditory cortex receives aJI incoming sound representa­ A cytoarchitecturally distinct belt of auditory cortex sur­
tions from the thalan1us. Whereas the separate subcortical rounds the centralized core. This region receives few inputs
structures are responsible for extracting specific features from fron1 the ventral thalru11i c nucleus (MGV), instead its n1ain
acoustic stin1uli, the auditory cortex must recombine these thalan1ic inputs originate i n the dorsal (lvfGD) and medial
parallel intorn1ation strean1s into integrated auditory percepts. (MGM) nuclei.165-169 Neurons in the belt receive a1n1ost all of
These diverse perceptual behaviors include the discrimination their auditory inputs fro1n the core regions, and do not exhibit
of sound sources, localization of sound, recognition of voices, pri1nary-like activity. A third parabelt region, just ventral to the
interpretation of sounds in a biological context, auditory mem­ belt, receives dense connections fro1n the belt, but aln1ost none
ory, and training-induced plasticity. .tvruch of our knowledge fro1n the core.170 The parabelt receives thalamic inputs fron1 the
pertaining to the structure and function of the auditory cortex MGD and MGM, and cortical inputs fron1 nonauditory regions
has been derived fron1 studies in other species, with son1e of the adjacent to the superior te1nporal sulcus. This circuitry inay
111ost intriguing findings sten1n1ing fron1 work in nonhun1an play an in1portant role in polyscnsory processing (audiovisual
prin1ates. Given the limitations of experimental anin1als as a interactions). Additional prcfrontal connections suggest a role
111odel systen1 for the study of higher cognitive processes, our in auditory n1en1ory and visuospatial representation.164
knowledge of hun1an function has been significantly advanced Fron1 the parabelt and belt regions, auditory signals arc sent
by indirect nieasures of neural activity that can be applied to to a fourth level of neural processing within ten1poral, parietal,
hun1ans, particularly functional neuroin1aging. and frontal lobes. The i1nplication of these relationships is that
The technical difficulties of studying in vivo hun1an audi­ nlany areas of the brain, even those not strictly considered to
tory function are con1plicated by the broad heterogeneity of be auditory processing centers, receive auditory inputs and are
the auditory cortex, with its numerous areas and fields, each crucial for proper auditory processing. Polysensory interactions
with their 0\"7n distinctive anaton1y and physiology. Jv[any are critical here, and further \Vork is needed to clarify the exact
anaton1ical approaches have been utilized to define the subre­ nature of the neural interactions between auditory and visual
gions of the auditory cortex, including cytoarchitectonic and cortices. Furthern1ore, the role of hon1ologous regions of the



ICortexI ICortexI

IC IC LS dorsal bank


LS ventral bank
(superior temporal


[Jv�C�NC}=::tf:.:::::=-�� [MNTB

FIGURE 5-17 •A, Depiction of auditory cortical regions in the macaque monkey, showing the approximate
locations of primary and secondary auditory regions along the left superior temporal plane. B, Schematic drawing
of left lateral surface of the human brain, with the superior temporal gyrus outlined. The temporal lobe must be
reflected laterally to see the contents that lie within the Sylvian fissure. C, Schematic drawing of the locations of
core, belt and parabelt after reflection of the temporal lobe in primates. Inset shows relative position of the cortex
within the central auditory pathways. Abbreviations are explained in Figure 5-1. Adapted with permission from
Hackett et a/.,162 Kaas and Hackett,171 and Sweet et a/.172

brain connected by the corpus callosum is very poorly under­ the bra in s tem . Therefore, the auditory cortex receives " pr e­
stood. In spite of these vagaries, it is the transfer of auditory processed" signals that are then further processed by the core,
information in this ascending fashion that ultimately allo,vs belt and parabelt regions. The Al appears to be involved in audi­
humans to have conscious, cognitive perception of incoming tory object identification, a s well as i n tegra ting spec t r a l and
auditory input. ten1poral qualities of sounds. Overall, our understanding of
Although the descriptions of auditory core, belt, and para­ non-Al is sparser in co111parison to that of Al, in part due to the
belt regions in monkeys are some,vhat clear, our understand­ tac t that 111ost prin1ate studies have utilized electrophysiologic
ing of the human auditory system remains relatively poor, \.Yith techniques, while niost hun1an studies have utilized functional
recent functional in1aging studies responsible for n1uch of our
current knowledge. In part, this limited understanding can be
attributed to the difficulty of interpreting human lesion studies.
It is clearly established that the human auditory cortex is con­
centrated along the superior temporal gyrus (Figure 5-18).
The superior temporal plane-which contains the planum
polare, Iieschl's gyrus, and planum temporale (from anterior to
posterior)-appears to be the locus of the hu1nan auditory cor­
tex. This region bas notably high variation from person to per­
son, a11d the parcellation of cortex into Brodmann areas may not
apply very well. Within Brodmann's area 41, >vbicb corresponds
to the anterior transverse temporal area (where Al is located), a
vertical columnar organization of auditory neurons appears to
be present (referred to as Tel.I, Tel.0, a11d Tel.2 medial or pos­
FIGURE 5-18 •Three-dimensiona l surface rendering of the human
terior to lateral).173
brain, showing the anatomical location of the left superior temporal
As detailed in the first half of this chapter, a substantial
gyrus (left side}. Auditory activation within the left superior temporal
amount of processing of auditory information takes place in plane revealed by functional MRI (right side).

neuroituaging niethods. The latter approach has low ten1poral nervous systen1 into sn1a1ler subunits and exan1ine the anaton1y
resolution and is con1plicated by the presence of loud scanner and physiology of each subunit. Consequently, vve knov.r a good
noise. For exan1ple, even establishing the exact paran1eters of deal nlore about each individual subunit than we do about how
the hu111an tonotopic axis has been a challenge, since non-Al the nun1erous subunits interact \vith one another. Furthern1ore,
responds weakly to pure tones, while Al responds transiently. \Ve know relatively little about how the subunits of the auditory
Studies using bandpass filtered stin1ul i with spectral variations systen1s react \vith other sensory systen1s to provide an audi­
strongly suggest that the hu111an auditory cortex retains a tono­ tory percept that is correctly interpreted within a practical real­
topic axis.174-176 \vorld context.
The cortical processing of te1nporal inforn1ation depends While it is undoubtedly helpful to break dow11 the study of
on the transn1ission rate of the inforn1ation. Tn general, sounds the auditory syste1n into con1ponent features, such as Al and
can be subdivided into slow-rate (< 30 Hz) and fast-rate tem­ secondary auditory cortex, this approach has intru1sic limita­
poral structures (> 50 Hz). At slov,r rates, ten1poral infonna­ tions that nlay never lead to a satisfying whole brain model of
tion is coded directly by neural discharge rates. Both Heschl's audition. The notion that auditory function can be specifically
gyrus and non-Al are critical elen1ents for the slow-rate modu­ "localized" to a particular neuroanato111ical region, as discussed
lations that are integral for processes such as speech envelope briefly above, is likely to be a crude oversimplification. Yet, it is
detection. At faster rates that outpace the frequency follow­ reasonable to consider the function of each subunit in order to
ing capability of the neural response, other strategies niust be be able to interpret how they function within an organic con­
used. Fast-rate (or fine) temporal structure occurs on the scale text. For these reasons, the utilization of broad niethodologies
of n1illiseconds, and is relevant for issues such as JTDs (in1por­ is to be encouraged, and the develop1nent of whole brain nlap­
tant for localization of sound) and important for perception of ping strategies, such a s functional nlagnetic resonance in1ag­
niusical n1elodies. Several studies have examined how the brain ing (fMRI), should provide in1portant new infor1nation as to
responds to ten1poral variance of fast rates. Neural responses to how auditory regions interact both to one a11other but perhaps
regular-interval noise are stronger than for control noise, sug­ nlore in1portantly, to nonauditory regions that ulti1nately place
gesting that high-frequency patterns trigger specific responses auditory inforn1ation in a behavioral context. One of the clear
in the A i.1n,11s benefits of fMRI is that inforn1ation fro1n diverse regions of the
lt took until the latter half of the 19th century to reach brain can be accrued si1nultaneously, allowing us to capture
consensus on the idea that sensorimotor functions could be activity in regions of the brain for which \ve nlight not neces­
localized to the cerebral cortex. Tn part, the reluctance to sarily anticipate an obvious relationship to auditory perception.
accept the idea of functional localization may have been a lt is in1portant to ack.nowledge that nlany classically "nonaudi­
reaction to the 111isinformed theories of phrenologists, who tory'' regions may play critical roles for the perception or pro­
localized sensorimotor function to the shape of the head. duction of con1plex sounds.
Tn 1861, a patient with expressive aphasia underwent a post­
n1orten1 autopsy that revealed a left inferior frontal gyrus
The "What" and "Where" Pathways
lesion in a region that has since been nan1ed Broca's area.1 7 9 Based largely on the principles of parallel cortical processing
Dan1age to the posterior superior temporal gyrus in a region strea1ns present in the visual systen1, it has been suggested that
con1n1only referred to as Wernicke's area, leads to a receptive auditory processing nlay possess a sin1ilar parallel structure.
language deficit that is readily apparent clinically.180 The con­ Specifically, an acoustic signal 1nay be deconstructed during
cept of tonotopicity was identified in the mid J900s,181 and neural processing into separate co1nponents that can then be
n1any early studies of the specific role of the auditory cortex directed toward discrete neural substrates, thereby allowing
for frequency discrin1ination were inconclusive. In 1975, it was for the parallel analysis of different aspects of the sound. These
discovered that bilateral auditory cortex lesions led to the loss pathways have been described a s the "what" and "where" path­
of sound localization abilities.33 Through a series of ablation \vays of sound, and have been proposed to relate to the identifi­
experiments in which portions of the neocortex were surgically cation of a sound's identity (what is it?) and localization of that
removed in niacaque monkeys, it was determined that bilateral sound (\vhere is it?). Kraus and Nicol185 argued that for spoken
removal of the superior ten1poral gyrus led to immediate unre­ language, the identity of the speaker and the se1nantic nleaning
sponsiveness to sound stin1ulation with delayed recovery after of the words contained in the spoken 1nessage could each be
several nionths, while unilateral lesions led to contralateral linked to separate brainsten1 responses that indicate the pres­
deficits.182 -184 As described earlier, species-specific differences ence of a subcortical parcellation of inforn1ation into separate
in auditory behavior and neural organization has i111peded our strean1s akin to visual "what" and "where'' processing. In the
understanding of auditory cortex. Critical questions concern­ first behavioral study of the auditory "what" and "where" path­
ing both norn1al and pathological 111echanisn1s of hearing­ ways, Lo1nber and lv1alhotra180 applied the technique of revers­
ren1ain unanswered. ible cooling deactivation to selective regions of the cat non-Al.
The ulti111ate goal of neuroscience is to understand how the In this study, they found that bilateral deactivation of the poste­
brain works. In relationship to the auditory systen1, the goal is to rior auditory fields resulted in sound-localization deficits, \vhile
understand how the central and peripheral auditory systen1s are bilateral deactivation of the anterior auditory fields resulted in
able to provide auditory cognition and accurate perception of pattern-discrin1ination deficits only. These findings support the
auditory stin1uli. To a certain extent, our current understanding notion of parallel cortical processing strea1ns \vithin the audi­
has largely been shaped by approaches that subdivide the central tory cortex.

Voice Recognition Nonprimary Pitch Centers

Tn work that also sten1n1ed fron1 studies of facial recognition One of the basic elen1ents of auditory processing is the ability
in the visual systein, it bas been den1onstrated that the hun1an to convert the funda1nental frequency of a periodic signal into
voice is uniquely processed by the auditory syste1n, and is in a subjective pitch. Pitch perception is an essential co1nponent
1uany ways con1parable to an "auditory face" for which bun1ans of nlusic and language perception, and several studies have
are specially geared to process and perceive. Given the critical recently identified the presence of neural centers devoted to the
in1portance of spoken language, these findings are not surpris­ processing of pitch. In an flvfRI study of individuals listening to
ing, yet their den1onstration over a series of elegant fMRJ find­ pitches, 1nelodies, and spectrally matched sounds without pitch,
ings illustrates the power of these 1uethods to study con1plex Patterson et al.190 found that only the lateral portion ofHeschl's
areas of hun1an cognition. Belin et aJ.l87 reported the identi­ gyrus was activated by pitch, and that the processing of niel­
fication of voice-selective regions within bilateral STS of the ody recruited auditory neurons that were situated anterolater­
auditory cortex (Figure 5-l.9). This study utilized f!l.1RT dur­ ally to Heschl's gyrus within the superior te1nporal gyrus and
ing passive listening to vocaJ versus nonvocal environn1ental planum polare. A related study by Penagos et al. 191 utilized fMRI
stin1uli, and found greater activation of the STS during vocal to assess brain activity in response to harn1onic tone co1nplexes
stimulation. Tn addition, the central region of the STS displayed where pitch varied, but not te1nporal regularity (ie, periodicity
greater activation and selectivity for vocal sounds in comparison linked to pitch perception). The authors found that pitch infor­
to scran1bled voice or .AN1 noise. To a follow-up study designed n1ation activated an area of non-Al that overlapped the ante­
to explore affective/en1otional con1ponents of vocal stin1uli, rolateral end of Heschl's gyrus, These results suggest that pitch
referred to as paralinguistic vocal inforn1ation, Belin et al.1 88 processing nlay be centered in non-Al.
used fMRI to exan1ine differential responses to speech versus Single-unit recordings of av.rake niarn1oset nlonkeys have
nonspeech vocalizations, and to explore the effect of frequency described an area of auditory cortex near the anterolateral bor­
scra1nbling on cortical activation. They found that responses der of the Al that exhibits a strong selectivity for the pitch of pure
to speech versus nonspeech were greater throughout the audi­ tones and har1nonic tone co1nplexes.192 This finding extends the
tory cortex (including Al) bilaterally, whereas Al showed little notion of a specialized pitch processing center residing outside
attenuation when listening to frequency-scrao1bled stin1uli as the Al. Furthern1ore, the study den1onstrates a high degree of
exhibited by the anterior STS. The authors also found that right congruence in the neural substrate for pitch processing a1nong
anterior STS responses to nonspeech vocal sounds exceeded human and nonhun1an primates.
those in response to scra.mbled versions, suggesting that these
regions niight be responsible for perception of paralinguistic Music Perception and Production
voice perception.
In nlany ways, the perception and production of inusic repre­
These human studies were recently confirmed in an fMRI
sents the pinnacle of auditory function. A n enorn1ously co111-
study of nionkeys by Petkov et al.,189 which showed higher acti­
plex acoustic stin1ulus with an inherent abstractness of meaning
vation along the superior teinporal plane during perception of
is transfor1ned into a unified auditory percept that provides
species-specific vocalization than during non-species specific
an e1notional experience for the listener. The mechanis1ns by
vocalizations, indicating that nonhuman pri1nates also contain
which the brain is able to achieve this re1narkable feat are far
neural specializations tor voice recognition. It should be en1pha­
fron1 understood, yet it is certainly reliant upon the basic audi­
sized that these specializations are different fron1 (but related
tory circuitry and processing 1nechanisn1s outlined throughout
to) the nonauditory specializations that exist for language per­
this chapter. :tvlultin1odal interactions between the brainsten1,
ception within the inferior frontal gyrus and interior parietal
temporal lobe, and nonauditory centers transforn1 sound into
so1nething that nlay b e judged as beautiful or sublin1e.

FIGURE 5-19 •Activation maps derived from

functional MRI of volunteers listening to vocal
stimuli. Activation clusters were identified by
a contrast analysis of [Vocal] > [Nonvocal]
stimuli. Significant activation along the upper
bank of the superior temporal sulcus reveals
voice-selective processing areas in human
cortex. Adapted with permission from
Belin et al.181

FIGURE 5-20 • Cortical deactivation within

six pianists d uring spontaneous musical
improvisation. All subjects show pronounced
deactivation during improvisation in compar­
ison to performance of memorized music.
The broad region of deactivation is located
within the prefrontal cortex, demonstrating
the notion that complex audi tory tasks show
critical changes in nonauditory regions of the

lv1usic has persisted throughout all known historical epochs, Whitfield has suggested that the sensory cortices are a site
and in all hun1an cultures, even though it renders no clear sur­ for the forn1ation of the concepts that facilitate the interpreta­
vival benefit. It see111s that the pleasure in producing and listening tion of external events.199 In contrast to the auditory brainsten1
to n1usic is sufficient justification for its persistence throughout where features are extracted fro1n complex sounds, the auditory
history. By using inusic as a window into the brain, vve can begin cortex asse1nbles these diverse strearns of inforn1ation into uni­
to understand nun1erous facets of brain function, under condi­ fied perceptual objects. The resulting higher-order transfor1na­
tions as diverse as extended iuusical training (plasticity), instru­ tions are shaped as much by a listener's experience, biological
mental perfor1nance (complex sensori1notor function), n1usic context, and behavioral state as they are by ascending sensory
induced e1notion (limbic responses to sound), and spontaneous inputs. A challenge for future studies of the central auditory
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cortex is uniquely specialized for the processing of 111usic. These sions of hu1uan auditory experience. These questions inay be
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and inusic processing in Broca's area, and on to the detection its localized co1nponents.
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Vestibular Physiology and
Disorders of the Labyrinth
Timothy E. Hullar, MD, FACS I Nathan C. Page, MD I
Lloyd 8. Minor, MD, FACS

The vestibular system collects information about the position fluid. The ends of the canals open into the vestibule. Near one
and motion of the head. Together '"'ith visual and propriocep· end of each membranous canal is a widening kno,.vn as the
tive signals, the brain uses this information to coordinate the ampulla, \�rhich contains the crista an1pullaris and cupula. The
eyes, head, and body during movement and to give a conscious crista ampullaris is a saddle-shaped gelatinous structure along
perception of orientation and motion. Disturbances in this inte­ one \Vall of the membranous canal that contains the sensory
grative process can lead to dizziness, \Vhich is the ninth most hair cells of the vestibular system. The cupula acts as a mem­
common cause of visits to primary care physicians and the most branous diaphragm, stretching from the crista to the opposite
common among patients over 75 years.1•2 Many of these patients '"'alls of the canal (Figure 6-3). Because the n1embranous lab­
are referred to otologists to determine if a vestibular abnorn1al­ yrinth is tethered to the skull, the crista and cupula accelerate
ity accounts for their complaint and to develop a treatment '"'ith the head as it rotates, but the endolymph's inertia causes
plan. Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the vestib­ it to lag behind. The endolymph accumulates '"'ith higher pres­
ular system gives a rational basis for understanding the causes, sure on one side of the cupula than the other, indenting it and
diagnosis, and treatment of many types of dizziness. bending the hair cells \Vithin the crista. When the head ceases to
accelerate, the cupula and crista gradually return to their resting
The utricle and saccule, together called the otolith organs,
also contain hair cells that bend in response to acceleration of
Dividing the vestibular system into its peripheral and central the head. Instead of cristae, ho,.vever, the sensory epithelium
parts helps to localize pathologies. The periphery is responsi­ of these organs is covered by flat, kidney-shaped sheets called
ble for measuring accelerations of the head. All accelerations maculae. One macula lies horizontally against the ceiling of the
can be divided into six components: rotation around an axis utricle, v.rhereas the other hangs sagittally on the wall of the sac­
lying in each of the three dimensions and linear motion along cule. Each macula is a gelatinous matrix into \Vhich hair cells
each of these axes. The periphery consists of the horizontal, project and which is studded '"'ith tiny calcium carbonate gran­
superior (also known as anterior), and posterior semicircular ules called otoconia.
canals, '"'hich measure rotation, and the utricle and saccule, The maculae of the otolith organs are sensitive to linear
'"'hich measure linear accelerations (Figure 6-1). Each semicir­ accelerations because of the presence of otoconia on their sur­
cular canal has a synergistic canal in the opposite temporal bone face. These increase the density of the maculae so that any time
lying approxin1ately parallel to it. The horizontal canals act as the head moves linearly, the heavy maculae lag behind, bending
a pair, '"'hile each superior canal is paired v.rith the posterior the hair cells embedded in them (Figure 6-4). The utricle pri­
canal on the opposite side (Figure 6-2). Linear forces can arise marily senses lateral tilt and translation of the head, '"'hereas
from translation of the head front to back, side to side, or up the saccule measures front-to-back tilt and translation as '.veil
and down, as \veil as fron1 the orientation of the head relative to as motion aligned v.•ith the pull of gravity.
the pull of gravity. The central vestibular system consists of the Hair cells located in the sensory epithelia of the semicir­
lateral, medial, superior, and inferior vestibular nuclei and their cular canals and otolith organs are responsible for coding head
projections to the thalamus, cortex, cerebellum, descending spi­ acceleration into a n1odulation in the discharge rate of vestib­
nal cord, and extraocular motor nuclei. ular afferent fibers. Each hair cell contains a bundle of 50 to
Each n1en1branous semicircular canal is filled \Vith endo­ 100 stereocilia and one long kinocilium at the edge of each
lymph, a potassium-rich extracellular fluid, and is bathed in peri­ bundle (Figure 6-5). The location of this kinocilium relative to
lymph, '"'hich has the approximate composition of cerebrospinal the stereocilia gives each hair cell an intrinsic polarity. In the


,,0(;.0 R. sac. sup. (Voit}
Sac. end. N . sac. mai.
- R. vest. - cochl. (Oort)

Can. reuniens ----

R. cochl. - sacc.
Gangl. spir. cochl. ---�

FIGURE 6-1 •Structures of the labyrinth. Structures shown include the utricle (utr.), sacculus, anterior or superior
semicircular canal (sup.), posterior semicircular canal (post.), and horizontal or lateral semicircular canal (lat.). The
superior vestibular nerve innervates the horizontal and anterior semicircular canals and the utricle. The inferior
vestibular nerve innervates the posterior semicircular canal and the saccule. The cell bodies for the vestibular
nerves are located in Scarpa's ganglion (Gangl. Scarpae). Drawing from the Brodel Archives, No. 933. Reproduced
with permission of the Department of Art as Applied to Medicine, Johns Hopkins University.


. PC
Left and .

right LC . Left AC ..

<). .....�:,.� ().

Right AC
..... '.
. .
.. ..


t: �:G!fJ . ...

· "

. . .. �� ... .
.. FIGURE 6-2 •Or ientation of the semicircular
.. ··· · -

<.,. canals. A, Horizontal (lateral) semicircular

. ,,•

canals. 8, Anterior (superior) and posterior

canals. LC, lateral canal; AC, anterior canal;

PC, posterior canal. Relative size of canals

exaggerated for clarity. Reproduced with
permission from Barber H, Stockwel/ C.
Textbook of e/ectronystagmography. St. Louis:
Mosby; 1976.

horizontal canals, the kinociliu1n of every hair cell is located hair cell from its resting membrane potential of between -50
on the side of the ciliary bundle facing the utricle, whereas this a nd -70 mV. The sensitivity of the hair cell can approach 20 mV
arrangement is reversed in the superior and posterior canals. of depolarization per micrometer of displacement . This depo­
The hair cells of each otolith organ are arranged in t\.vo bands larization leads t o calcium influx at the basal end of the hair
along a central stripe called the striola. TI1e kinocilia of the hair cells and increased tloiv of neurotransmitter into the synapse,
bundles in the utricle are oriented toward the striola and those whereas displacement in the opposite direction hyperpolarizes
in the saccule face avvay.3 the cell and reduces neurotransmitter release! The orientation
Displace1nent of a ciliary bundle to•vard its kinociliu1n of the kinocilia of the se1nicircular canals deter1nines the excit­
opens potassiun1 channels along the cilia and depolarizes the atory direction of the canals. Each horizontal canal is maximally


•• •
. -·

- ..
.. .•

• ·i
' ,


• •

FIGURE 6-3 • Structure of the crista ampullaris and cupula. A, Artist's reconstruction of the crista am pul la ris.
8, Transverse section of the crista ampullaris of the mon key. The histologic techniques preserved the attachment of
the cupula, which extends from the apex of the crista to the opposite wall of the membranous ampulla. Arrowheads
indicate subcupular space. A, Reproduced with permission from Wersal/ J, Lundquist PG. In: Graybiel A, editor.
Second Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, NASA SP-115. Washington DC: US
Government Printing Office; 1966. 8, Reproduced with permission from lgarashi M. In: Graybiel A, editor. Second
Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, NASA SP-115. Washington DC: US Government
Printing Office; 1966.

excited by a rotation toward the side of the canal and inhibited efferents in modulating the physiology of vestibular reflexes is
by a rotation in the opposite direction. This results in an excit­ unkno,vn but may be related to adjusting the sensitivity of the
atory slo"\\'·phase movement toward the side opposite the canal vestibular system to an upcoming volitional 1noven1ent.6
and a resetting saccade to"\\rard the canal. The superior canal is Aln1ost a.ll vestibular nerve afe
f rents have a spontaneous or
excited by a rotation downward and to the side, in the plane of resting discharge rate, with some fibers firing up to approxi­
the canal. This results in a vertical-torsional nystagmus, '"ith n1ately 100 spikes/sec.7 1l1is resting discharge rate enables each
the slo>v phase of the vertical component up>vard and the reset­ afferent to respond both to excitatory and inhibitory stimuli
ting saccade do•vnward. The posterior canal is excited by an (Figure 6-6). Discharge regu.larity, measured by the spacing
upward rotation and to the side, in the plane of the canal, so that betiveen action potentials of the afferent's discharge, has pro­
the slo>v phase is downward and the resetting phase up,vard. vided a useful n1arker for many in1portant physio.logic pro­
f rent nerve fibers in the superior vestibular nerve extend cesses. TI1ree groups of vestibular nerve afferents have been
from sensory structures in the superior and horizontal canals identified in nian1mals based on their responses to motion and
and the utricle to the vestibular nuclei in the brain stem. The their innervation profiles \\'ithin the sensory epithelia of the lab­
inferior vestibular nerve leads from the posterior sen1icircu­ yrinth (Figure 6-7).8 Bouton-only afferents have tern1inations
lar canal and the saccule. ln humans, each vestibular nerve is exclusively onto type IT hair cells in the peripheral zone of the
made up of about 25,000 neurons.5 These neurons are bipolar, cristae. These afferents are regularly discharging and have low
•vith cell bodies located in the vestibular nerve near the brain rotational sensitivities. Dimorphic afe
f rents have calyx endings
stem in Scarpa's ganglion. In addition to afferents, about 400 to tern1inating on type I hair cells and bouton endings terminating
600 efferent nerves lead from the vestibular nuclei to hair cells on type II hair cells. Their physiologic properties vary accord­
and afferent nerves in each labyrinth. The precise role of these ing to the location within the crista. Those din1orphic afe
f rents

A B Posterior

Posterior Lateral



c Otoconial

Otoconia -�
Holes in striola
Gelatin layer
Hve il "

membrane FIGURE 6-4 • Structure of the otolith
Supporting cell organs. A, Sacculus. 8, Utriculus.
C, Composition of otoconial membrane of
Hair cell type I
the saccus in a section taken at the level
Hair cell type 11
shown in A. Reproduced with permission
Sensory striola from Paparella MM, Shumrick DA, editors.
Textbook of Otolaryngo/ogy. Vol 1.
Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1980.

terminating in the peripheral zone are regularly discharging,

------ Kinocilium \.vhereas those terminating near the central zone are irregularly
discharging \.vith higher rotational sensitivity. There is also a
,, Stereocilia
group of afferents that tern1inate exclusively Vl'ith calyx endings

onto type I hair cells in the central zone. The calyx-only afferents
are irregularly discharging and have loV11 rotational sensitivities
at low stimulus frequencies and high sensitivities at higher fre­
quencies.9 The function of the different types of fibers may be
Type I related to the type of head n1otion each is coding. io,n
hair cell In \l/'Ork done over a century ago, E'vald id entified t\.vo
fundan1ental principles governing the relationship between
Type II
hair cell the labyrinthine receptors and the vestibular reflexes that they
niediate.12 Fron1 experiments performed in pigeons, he noted
Synaptic that fenestration of a semicircular canal followed by 1nechanical
nerve bar stin1ulation of the nien1branous canal led to eye and head move­
Efferent ments that V11ere in the plane of that canal.
nerve He also noted that excitatory stimuli led to larger an1plitude
{ ending
ending - responses than inhibitory stin1uli. This is, at least in part, attrib­
utable to the resting discharge rate of vestibular nerve afferents
and central vestibular neurons. These neurons can be excited up
to a firing rate of at least 350 spikes/s but can be inhibited to only
FIGURE 6-5 • Two types of sensory hair cells {types I and II) are 0 spikes/s. Thus, there is a three- to fourfold higher range for
found in the mammalian labyrinth. Reproduced with permis sion from excitation in comparison to inhibition. Many central vestibular
Wersal/ J, Bagger-Sjoback D. In: Kornhuber HH, editor. Handbook of
neurons also have a resting discharge rate, suggesting that their
sensory physiology. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1974.

Displacement of sensory hairs

Resting state Toward Away from

kinocilium kinocilium

. '

. . ..

. .

, ' '

:@. "@

·� p

� �· �
···�,, ••

Discharge rate vestibular nerve Calyx fibers Bouton fiber

Resting activity Stimulation Inhibition

{depolarization} (hyperpolarization} Striola

FIGURE 6-6 • Discharge rate of individual vestibular-nerve fibers
as a function of the displacement of the cilia. The vestibular nerve
afferents fire more frequently when the hair bundles are displaced
Striola Extrastrolia
toward the kinocilia; they fire more slowly when displaced in the
opposite direction. Reproduced with permiss ion from Wersafl J,
Lundquist P-G. In: Graybiel A, editor. Second Symposium on the Role
of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploratio n, NASA SP 115 Washington - .

DC: US Go vern ment Printing Office; 1966.

responses may also contribute to an asymmetry in responses.

The first observation, motion of the eyes and head in the plane of
the affected canal, is termed Ewald's first la\v (Figure 6-8). The Calyx fibers Bouton fiber

second observation, excitatory responses are larger than inhib­

itory ones, is referred to as E\\rald 's second la\v. These relation­
ships provide a basis for understanding many of the sy1npto1ns
FIGURE 6-7 • Afferent innervation patterns in the mammalian
and signs that occur after injury to the labyrinth. vestibular end-organs. Top, The neuroepithelium of the cristae is
divided into central {C}, intermediate (I), and peripheral (P) zones,
shown in plan in the inset and in cross-section in the n1ain panel.
Calyx fibers innervate the central zone, whereas bouton fibers
CONTROL OF VESTIBULAR REFLEXES innervate the peripheral zone. Dimorphic fibers are found throughout.
Bottom, The macula is divided into the striola and the lateral
The central part of the vestibular system consists of the vestibu­
and medial extrastriola (see inset). Calyx fibers are found in the
lar nuclei, which integrate information fro1n vision, propriocep­ striola, bouton fibers in the extrastriola, and dimorphs throughout.
tion via spinal and cervical afferents, and vestibular signals from Reproduced with permission from Goldberg JM. The vestibular end
the labyrinth. These nuclei send projections that extend to the organs: morphological and physiological diversity of afferents. Curr
Opin Neurobiol 1991;1:229-35.
oculomotor syste1n, \vhere they help control eye movements; the
muscles of the neck and spine, \vhere they steady the head; and
the thalamus and cortex. Central vestibular circuits also include the left horizontal semicircular canal, and the eyes track to
parts of the cerebellum, which is involved in recalibrating the the right in response. This action leaves the angle of the target
system \vhen necessary. relative to the eye unchanged and its image steady on the ret­
Vestibular projections to the oculo1notor nuclei reflex­ ina. Similar relationships apply for the posterior and superior
ively maintain a steady image on the retina while the head is canals.
turning, tilted, or moving linearly in space. Quantification of The AVOR is the fastest and one of the most exqui­
these reflexes is the most common way of evaluating vestibu­ sitely accurate reflexes in the body. It has a latency of about
lar function. The angular vestibulo-ocular reflex (AVOR) is a 7 milliseconds and produces eye movements that typically
three-neuron arc consisting of a vestibular afferent neuron, a have <5% error with respect to rapid head movements.13 This
vestibular interneuron, and an oculomotor neuron innervat­ is critically important during rapid head movements, \\7here
ing the extraocular muscles. The brain interprets stimulation even a small tin1e delay might lead to instability of the visual
of a particular semicircular canal as motion of the head, and image on the retina. Instability can occur when the image shifts
the eyes 1nove reflexively in an equal but opposite a1nount to even slightly, n1ore than 2 to 3 degrees/s over the retina.14 The
co1npensate. Turning the head to the left, for example, excites visual system is unable to provide effective feedback to stabilize

Several central processes are critical to understanding

Left horizontal canal stimulation

tests used to diagnose vestibular disorders. Velocity storage is
the name given to the process that maintains the sense of rota­
tion even after the rotation has stopped.15 The neural source of
this process is probably located in the vestibular commissure.16
Signals from the semicircular canals decay a'.vay slowly, '"'ith a
time constant (the time required for the response to decay to
37% of its initial value) of approximately 5 sec. 1-Io,.vever, the
time constant of the AVOR (calculated from the time over vh
v ich
the slow-phase eye velocity declines after a rotation has stopped)
Left posterior canal stimulation
in normal subjects is much longer, typically betv;een 12 to 20
,;----- sec. The difference between these t>vo values is due to the veloc­
ity storage mechanism. In patients •vith peripheral vestibular
dysfunction, the velocity storage mechanisn1 may cease to func­
tion. This causes rotation-induced nystagn1us, and the conscious
perception of rotation, to decay in a shorter period of time than
A second central process whose function is important for
Left superior canal stimulation
measuring vestibular function is the neural integrator.17 The
,;----- ,;-----
neural integration circuit may be located in the medial vestib­
ular and prepositus hypoglossi nuclei.18 The neural integrator is
the process that provides the signal to hold the eyes away fron1
"primary position" facing straight ahead. \.\/hen looking a•vay
from primary position, the extraocular muscles require a burst
of activity to move the eyes to their eccentric position and then
a sustained level of discharge that signals the muscles to hold
the eye in an eccentric position. In patients >vith vestibular loss,

FIGURE 6-8 • Eye movements evoked by excitatory stimulation of this process may become dysfunctional and the eyes may drift
individual semicircular canals. The arrows depict the motion of the inappropriately toward primary position.
slow-phase components of the nystagmus. Stimulation of the left
horizontal canal results in a horizontal nystagmus with rightward
slow phases. A vertical-torsional nystagmus is elicited by excitatory BEDSIDE EVALUATION OF THE
stimulation of either the superior or posterior canals. For the left VESTIBULAR SYSTEM
superior canal, the slow-phase components are directed upward
and clockwise with respect to the patient (superior poles of the eyes History
moving rightward with extorsion of the right eye and intorsion of the
left eye). For the left posterior canal, the slow-phase components are A patient's history is often sufficient to identify a likely cause
the same for torsion but are directed downward in the vertical plane. of his or her symptoms. Taking the history of a patient with a
complaint related to dizziness should begin in an open-ended
fashion, allowing the patient to describe the symptoms with
minimal direction from the physician. The process can be facil­
gaze during rapid head movements because it has a latency of itated by requesting the patient to complete a questionnaire that
50 1nilliseconds or more. Deficits of the AVOR therefore lead asks the patient to describe and respond to queries about symp­
to the symptom of oscillopsia (the apparent motion of objects toms before the first appointment.19•2° Key elements of the his­
that are knoi,,v n to be stationary) during rapid head move1nents. tory are described belovv.
Patients i,,vith vestibular loss are less likely to have symptoms of
oscillopsia during slo,.ver head 1novements because the visual The Nature of the Sensation
system can stabilize gaze at lower head velocities. Dizziness is a term often used by patients to describe their
The oculomotor system 1nust also compensate for lin­ symptoms in a general way, but categorizing their symptoms
ear accelerations (tilt •vith respect to gravity and linear 1nove­ more precisely can help determine their cause n1ore accurately.
ments of the head). TI1e linear vestibulo-ocular reflex (LVOR) is Vertigo is an illusory sense of motion i,,vhen the patient is still.
responsible for this co1npensation. Tilting the head side to side The patient n1ay feel that the n1otion is internal or that objects in
evokes ocular counterrolling, which is torsional 1novement of the surroundings are moving or tilting. The sense of motion can
the eye about the line of sight that partially compensates for the be rotatory, linear, or a change in orientation relative to the verti­
effect of the rotation. Translational 1notion in which the head is cal. Vertigo often indicates a problem within the peripheral ves­
moved laterally, ho•vever, requires the eyes to track with hori­ tibular system. Horizontal rotatory movement of objects in the
zontal rotations. The otolith organs cannot distinguish between visual surround suggests dysfunction of the semicircular canals,
a tilt and a translational move1nent, so the system must use '"'hile drop attacks or abnormal sensations of tilt suggest oto­
other infor1nation from the semicircular canals and other sen­ lith dysfunction. Typical causes of vertigo include benign posi­
sory inputs to decide ho'"' to move the eyes. tional vertigo, viral labyrinthitis, or Meniere's disease, although

other processes such as migraine-related vertigo may also be in the weather, menses, significant motion stimuli, or exposure
responsible. Oscillopsia is instability of the visual field caused by to lights or sounds. Seasonal relationships may suggest allergy,
motion of the head. It is a common con1plaint in patients 'vith which has been linked to Meniere's disease. Migraine patients
unilateral or, more commonly, bilateral loss of peripheral vestib­ may benefit from sleep or rest in a darkened quiet room. Patients
ular function. Disequilibriunt is the perception of unsteadiness, with BPPV tend to keep their heads as still as possible.
often with the sensation that a fall may be imminent. This may
Associated Symptoms
be related to dysfunction of the vestibular system, but may also
Aural fullness and tinnitus can precede an attack of vertigo
be caused by faulty proprioception or other processes responsi­
in patients with Meniere's disease, a correlation kno,vn as
ble for 1naintaining balance. Migraine-related vertigo, mal de
Lermoyez's syndrome.21 Headache or visual symptoms some­
debarquement, side eftects of medication, or other conditions
times accompany vestibular migraine. Dysarthria, diplopia,
such as diabetes 1nay be responsible. Presyncope may be related
and paresthesias may accompany the vertigo seen in cases of
to anxiety, vascular disease, cardiac arrhythmia, or autonomic
vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Diplopia may be a sign of multi­
ple sclerosis. Dysfunction of other cranial nerves, such as the
Timing of the Initial Spell fifth, seventh, or auditory nerve, may indicate a mass in the cer­
I1nbalance occurring shortly after a serious illness requiring ebellopontine angle or internal auditory canal. Ataxia suggests
hospitalization 1nay be due to exposure to ototoxic antibiotics. cerebellar dysfunction, sometimes related to a degenerative
Starting or stopping a ne'v prescription or over-the-counter condition, but may also be due to the mass eftect of a tumor in
inedicine, or changing the strength or dosing schedule of a med­ the cerebellopontine angle. More critically, it may be a mani­
ication, may lead to new sy1nptoms of dizziness. An upper respi­ festation of the lateral medullary syndrome due to brainstem
ratory infection may precede the onset of symptoms of benign infarct. s,veating, dyspnea, and palpitations often accompany
positional vertigo or vestibular neuritis. Trauma or infection panic attacks. Acute visual changes accompanying imbalance
can lead to symptoms of endolymphatic hydrops. Stapes surgery may be due to Cogan's syndrome, >vhich is an otologic emer­
followed by episodic dizziness rnay reflect the development of a gency aftecting hearing, balance, and eyesight, or benign intra­
perilymphatic fistula. An initial spell of dizziness in a girl near­ cranial hypertension. Otosclerosis may cause hearing loss as
ing menarche may indicate a hor1nonal influence on balance, >vell as in1balance. Temporomandibular joint disorder may
often associated with 1nigraine-related iinbalance. cause headaches, subjective hearing loss, and tinnitus associ­
ated 'vith imbalance.
Frequency and Duration of Symptoms
Episodic imbalance may be divided into short-, medium-, or Other Medical Conditions
long-term events. Short-term sy1nptoms, lasting seconds to Thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, anemia, autoimmune dis­
minutes, may be caused by autonomic dysfunction or inner ear eases, and vascular or cardiac disease may cause imbalance.
conditions such as benign positional vertigo, perilymphatic fis­ I-fypoglycemia is a not uncommon cause of dizziness. Many
tula, or semicircular canal dehiscence. Medium-length spells, medications, including those used to treat seizures, hyperten­
typically up to 4/ h long, may be due to Meniere's disease. They sion, cardiac arrhythmias, and hyperglycemia, can also produce
may also be related to cardiac arrhythmias, transient ischemia, symptoms that mimic peripheral or central vestibular disorders.
hypoglycemia, or seizure activity. Anxiety disorders may lead Anxiety disorders, panic syndromes, and agoraphobia can lead
to medium-term vertigo. Longer spells, lasting up to days, are to episodic vertigo that mimics a vestibulopathy. Previous ear
more likely to be related to migraine-associated vertigo. Chronic surgery or otologic diseases such as cholesteatoma can lead
sympto1ns of dizziness indicate a stable level of dysfunction in to peripheral vestibular loss, sometimes through creation of a
any of the systems dedicated to maintaining balance. Unilateral semicircular canal fistula.
or bilateral peripheral vestibular loss 1nay cause chronic imbal­
ance. It may also be due to dysfunction of other sensory sy1np­ Family History
toms, such as in patients ;vith peripheral neuropathy. The elderly Migraine, Meniere's disease, and otosclerosis can all be related
may suffer from chronic imbalance, as can patients 'vi th uncon­ to symptoms of imbalance and sometimes run in families.22
trolled hypertension or other causes of ;videspread pathology of Syndromic diseases, such as CI-IARGE syndrome and Usher's
the central nervous system such as diffuse brain injury or syph­ syndrome, may be accompanied by vestibular dysfunction. A
ilis. Semicircular canal dehiscence has recently been recognized mutation of the CACNAJA gene leads to autosomal-dominant
as a cause of chronic imbalance. episodic vertigo and ataxia type EA-2.23

Precipitating or Mitigating Factors

The diagnosis of certain vestibular disorders is strongly sug­
gested from events, sti1nuli, or 1novements that trigger symp­ The neurotologic examination evaluates components of vestib­
toms. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) classically ular and related oculomotor and postural function to identify
begins on rolling over in bed or tilting the head backward and abnormalities that are characteristic of pathologic entities.
toward the affected ear. Patients ;vith superior canal dehiscence One such approach is presented belOVI' in an order that >vould
syndro1ne experience vertigo and oscillopsia with sound or correspond to the actual examination. Much of the examina­
pressure sti1nuli. Pressure sensitivity is also common in patients tion of peripheral labyrinthine function is dedicated to evalu­
with perilymphatic fistula. Patients V11ith migraine-related ver­ ating semicircular canal function, but tests of otolith function
tigo may have symptoms brought on by certain foods, changes are becon1ing more comn1only used. In both cases, vestibular

function is evaluated primarily by measuring eye movements.

The general otolaryngologic examination is a part of the assess­ Alexander's law
ment but is not reviewed here.
Inspection for Spontaneous Nystagmus
Vestibulo-ocular reflexes are responsible for maintaining NetSPV
the stability of objects on the retina during head movements.
Disorders in their physiology can result in nystagmus and
Vest. SPV
impaired eye movements in response to head movements with
consequent loss of visual acuity. Nystagmus is a to-and-fro
beating of the eyes with slo"v and fast components. Spontaneous
nystagmus is seen when there is an imbalance in the level of
neural activity innervating the extraocular muscles. Vestibular­ tie:
evoked nystagmus is termed "jerk nystagmus" and comprises
)lo + )lo - )lo
a drifting slo'l-v phase follo\ved by a rapid resetting motion. The Vest. SPV Leaky Int.
direction of this type of nystagmus is typically named according
to its fast phase because that is more obvious to the examiner, c
but is actually less diagnostically important than the slov• phase,
which is directly driven by afferent input from the vestibular
end-organs. The amplitude of nystagmus is often reduced if a
patient is able to fixate on a target. Examination for nystagmus +

should therefore take place >vith the patient \Vearing Frenzel gog­ Vest. SPV Leaky Int.
gles. These are high-diopter glasses, which allow the examiner to
see the patient's eyes clearly but minimize the ability to fixate.
"Vestibular nystagmus" is a mixed horizontal-torsional FIGURE 6-9 • Alexander's law. After unilateral vestibular loss,

motion of the eye that occurs with a recent vestibular loss. It a central process (called the "leaky integrator") contributes to
eye motion and nystagmus by allowing the eye to drift to center,
occurs even if the head is held still and can be dampened by
regardless of its position. The interaction of this motion and the
visual fixation. Afferent input to the brain stem is dominated by
motion of the eye caused by the imbalance in vestibular activity
signal from the normal horizontal canal, which is interpreted between the two labyrinths cause nystagmus to be more pronounced
by the brain as an ipsilateral turn. The AVOR compensates for when looking away from the lesion. In straight-ahead gaze A, the

this by moving the eye in a slo'l-v phase in the opposite direction, vestibular slow phase alone is manifest. When the eyes look to the

which is then reset by a fast phase toward the intact labyrinth.

direction of the fast phase (right, B), the leaky integrator causes the
eye to drift to the left. This drift adds to the vestibular slow phase,
Torsional motion of the eye is provided by the sum of inputs
and the net slow phase velocity (SPV) increases. When the eyes look
from the intact superior and posterior canals. Because activ­ to the direction of the slow phase (left, C), the leaky integrator causes
ity of the superior canal induces upward slo\v phases and the the eye to drift to the right. This drift subtracts from the vestibular

posterior canal induces do\\rnward slovv phases, no net vertical slow phase, and the net SPV decreases.

motion of the eye is seen. Note that in some situations, nystag­

mus is caused by overstimulation of one labyrinth rather than
loss of function of the other. This can occur follovving surgery on asymmetric input from tl1e horizontal canals. The result accen­
the inner ear or related to an attack of Meniere's disease. 24 tuates the dominant vestibular nystagmus when gaze is directed
Vestibular nystagmus often changes its amplitude or to,.vard the intact side and reduces it when gaze is directed
direction with changes in the direction of gaze. Nystagmus to\vard the hypofunctional side.
seen in patients with benign positional vertigo related to cana­ A related finding is seen in patients with Brun's nystag­
lithiasis of the posterior semicircular canal is more vertical mus. This is seen in patients with a long-standing vestibular
'1-Vhen looking ai,vay from the involved side and more torsional loss, such as due to an acoustic neuroma, in whom vestibu­
"vhen looking to>vard the involved side. This occurs because lar nystagmus is less pronounced due to central compensation.
the eye is more in line with the plane of the posterior canal When looking toward the intact side, both the functional lab­
"vhen looking a\vay and more in line with the axis of the canal yrinth and the loss of the neural integrator add to drive slow
"vhen looking toward the pathologic side. Nystagmus may also phases toward the hypofunctional side. However, >vhen looking
occur in normal subjects. "Convergence nystagmus" can be to\vard the hypofunctional side, the efe
f ct of the neural integra­
brought on voluntarily by focusing on a near target. 25 "End­ tor letting the eyes drift to\vard the midline is actually stron­
point" nystagmus occurs when gaze is directed to the far limit ger than the remaining, compensated vestibular signal driving
of the range of motion of the eyes.26 This may be accentuated in their slo\v phases toward the hypofunctional side. The result­
patients intoxicated "vith alcohol or using some medicines. ing slow phases are to the intact side and the fast phases beat
Alexander's law describes eye movements seen in patients to\vard the pathologic side.
with an acute unilateral vestibular loss (Figure 6-9). In these Several types of nystagmus are caused by acute or chronic
patients, the neural integrator is compromised and the eyes pathologies of the central nervous system. Upbeat or downbeat
tend to drift back to their primary position. This motion com­ nystagmus can be caused by alcohol or medicine ingestion or
bines with the slo•v phases of vestibular nystagmus caused by disorders of the brain stem or cerebellum, including Chiari

malfor111ations. "Pendular nystagmus" consists only of slow pulling directions for the oblique and vertical recti muscles,
phases and is often related to brainstem pathology. "Periodic the planar characteristics of the nystagmus change \Vith the
alternating nystag111us," in •vhich the direction of the nystag­ direction of gaze (when described with respect to an eye-fixed
mus changes approximately every 2 111in, is seen with brain coordinate system): on looking to the dependent ear, it becomes
stein and cerebellar disease including Chiari malformations. more torsional; on looking to the higher ear, it becomes more
It can be treated •vith baclofen. "Congenital nystagmus" may vertical.
appear like vestibular nystagmus, although patients 1nay find A horizontal canal (HC) variant of BPPV has also been
a "null point" of gaze where the nystagmus is mini111ized and described.28 In these patients, a strong horizontal nystagmus
preferentially hold their eyes in that position in the orbit. builds up over the same time course as for posterior canal BPPV
Tourette's syndrome may cause ocular tics that mimic nys­ but persist much longer. The standard Dix-Hallpike maneuver
tagmus. Other types of nystag111us are described in detail may not elicit nystagmus in cases of HC BPPV. Nystagn1us can
elsewhere.27 instead be identified by bringing the patient back>vard into the
supine position and then turning the head left or right ear do>vn.
Ocular Ttlt Reaction
The nystagmus seen with 1-iC BPPV may last longer than that
The ocular tilt reaction is caused by an imbalance in tonic lev­
seen in posterior canal BPPV.
els of activity along pathways 111ediating otolith-ocular reflexes.
Nystagmus related to HC BPPV is exclusively horizontal
The ocular tilt reaction can occur \vith lesions any•vhere along
and may beat either downVlrard (geotropic) or upvvard (ageotro­
otolith-ocular pathways: labyrinth or vestibular nerve, vestibu­
pic) regardless ofvh
v ich direction the patient is facing. Geotropic
lar nuclei, medial longitudinal fasciculus, or interstitial nucleus
nystagmus may reflect canalithiasis, \vhile ageotropic nystagmus
of Cajal. There are three components to the ocular tilt reaction
may indicate cupulolithiasis, where debris is stuck to the cupula
arising from hypofunction of one labyrinth: head tilt toV1rard the
and symptoms have a quicker onset and last longer following
lesioned labyrinth, ske•v deviation with the lower eye being on
positioning. Geotropic nystagmus tends to be more vigorous
the side of the lesion, and ocular counter-roll (torsional devi­
than ageotropic nystagmus because geotropic nystagmus may
ation of the superior poles of the eyes toward the side of the
be due to inhibition of the affected canal's afferents and ageo­
lesion). Patients with ske•v deviation often complain of vertical
tropic nystagmus may be due to their excitation. Anterior canal
diplopia and sometimes torsional diplopia (one ilnage tilted >vith
BPPV has been rarely described and is typified by vertical-tor­
respect to the other). The alternate cover test is used to detect
sional nystagmus \\rith fast phases beating to\vard the patient's
ske\v deviation: the exa111iner covers one eye of the patient with
chin. This can be initiated with the patient in the standard Dix­
a card and then 111oves the cover to the patient's other eye while
Hallpike position, but in that case the involved canal is located
looking for a vertical corrective 111ovement as an index of a ver­
in the upper ear.
tical 111isalignment.
Symptoms of positional vertigo •vith a minimal latent
period suggest a central cause for dizziness. Sustained symp­
Positional Testing
toms produced during testing for posterior canal BPPV may
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the 1nost com­
indicate a Chiari malformation or vertebrobasilar insufficiency
mon cause of dizziness in patients >vho visit an otolaryngologist.
worsened by neck extension. A central lesion is most likely when
It is usually caused by pathology in the posterior semicircular
positional nystagmus is purely vertical or purely torsional or if
canal, but can affect the horizontal, superior, or multiple canals
there is a sustained unidirectional horizontal positional nystag­
as •vell. Diagnosis of BPPV may be deter111ined by the latency,
mus of high enough intensity to be observed without Frenzel
direction, duration, and reversal properties of the nystag111us.
lenses. Multiple sclerosis can cause positional nystagmus, but
The latency and duration of the perception of dizziness during
limitations of eye movements due to internuclear ophthal­
positioning maneuvers, even without visible nystagmus, can
moplegia can sometimes mask its effects.29 Brief symptoms on
also suggest the presence of BPPV. The Dix-Hallpike 1naneu­
arising may be associated with orthostatic hypotension. A sus­
ver for identification of posterior canal BPPV is begun \Vith the
tained, usually horizontal, positional nystagmus of lo'v velocity
patient sitting upright on an examination table. For testing to
is a con1mon finding in patients >vith central or peripheral ves­
detect the presence of right posterior canal BPPV, the head is
tibular lesions and may also be present in asymptomatic human
turned 45 degrees, so the chin is to•vard the right shoulder. The
subjects.3° Positional testing may also exacerbate a spontaneous
patient is then brought straight back rapidly until the shoulders
nystagmus.30 Alcohol intoxication is a common cause of posi­
are flat on the bed and the neck is extended. This position is
tional nystagmus.31
maintained for at least 30 sec.
Nystagmus due to BPPV typically begins after a latency of2 Postheadshaking Nystagmus
to 10 sec, increases in amplitude over about 10 sec, and declines Postheadshaking nystagmus (I-ISN) occurs in patients with
over the next 30 sec. TI1is time course presu1nably reflects the imbalance in dynamic vestibular function. v\Tith Frenzel
sinking of the debris in the posterior canal. Posterior canal lenses in place, the patient is instructed to shake the head vig­
BPPV results in a vertical-torsional nystagmus \Vith the slo>v­ orously about 30 times side to side \Vith the chin placed about
phase components of the nystagmus directed down,vard and 30 degrees downward to bring the horizontal canal into the
to•vard the uppermost ear. The fast-phase vertical co1nponent plane of rotation. Head shaking is stopped abruptly, and the
of the nystagmus therefore is toward the forehead and the fast­ examiner looks for any nystagmus. Normal individuals usually
phase torsional component directs the superior part of the eye have no or occasionally just a beat or t\.vo of post-I-iSN. \'\Tith a
to•vard the ground (Figure 6-8). Because of the orientation of unilateral loss of labyrinthine function, ho>vever, there is usually

a vigorous nystagmus >vith slow-phase co1nponents initially point of fixation, is seen in such cases (Figure 6-10).35 Corrective
directed toward the lesioned side.32 saccades observed in head thrust responses from patients with
The initial phase of I-ISN arises because there is asymme­ vestibular hypofunction can, with mechanisms of vestibular
try of peripheral inputs during high-velocity head rotations: compensation, occur during the head movement and lead to an
more activity is generated during rotation toward the intact eye movement response that appears relatively normal on clin­
side than to>vard the affected side. TI1is asymmetry leads to an ical examination. The sensitivity of the test can be improved by
accumulation of activity >vithin central velocity storage mecha­ beginning each head movement '"'ith the patient's eyes in pri­
nis1ns during head shaking. Nystagmus following head shaking mary gaze position and moving the head at random intervals
reflects discharge of that activity. The a1nplitude and duration and order to the right and left. The test can also be used to detect
of the initial phase of HSN are dependent on the state of the dysfunction in each of the vertical canals by delivering the head
velocity storage mechanism. Because velocity storage is typically thrusts in approximately the plane of the left anterior-right pos­
ineffective during the immediate period after an acute unilat­ terior or right anterior left posterior canals.36
eral vestibular loss, the primary phase of HSN may be absent or
Dynamic Visual Acuity
attenuated in these circuinstances.33
Vestibular dysfunction typically causes a pronounced loss of
Head Thrust Test visual acuity during head n1ovement. The patient reads a Snellen
The head thrust (or "head impulse") test allows examination of chart '"'ith the head stationary and visual acuity is recorded.
individual semicircular canals during vigorous 1notion. Brief, Acuity is then checked during horizontal head oscillations at
high-acceleration rotations of the head in the horizontal plane a frequency of about 2 Hz. Subjects with corrective lenses are
are applied while instructing the patient to look carefully at the instructed to '"'ear their glasses or contact lenses during this test­
examiner's nose. An AVOR of abnor1nally lo\\' a1nplitude will be ing. Subjects with normal vestibular function typically sho'"' no
evoked in response to head thrusts in the excitatory direction more than a one-line decline during head movement but those
of a lesioned or hypoactive canal. For the horizontal canals, a \<\Tith vestibular hypofunction (particularly bilateral hypofunc­
rightward head thrust therefore tests the right horizontal canal tion) may sho>v up to a five-line decline in acuity.37 Predictive
and a leftvvard head thrust tests the left horizontal canal.34 A cor­ mechanisms during repetitive, sinusoidal oscillations of the
rective saccade, required to bring the eyes back to the intended head may augment performance during this test and obscure

FIGURE 6-10 •Eye movements during head thrust test. Testing left horizontal canal by performing head thrust to
subject's left. Top: normally functioning left horizontal canal drives eyes to right immediately following the thrust.
Bottom: hypofunctional left horizontal canal fails to drive eyes to right. A catchup saccade brings them into position
after a delay.

the identification of a deficit.38 Computerized presentations of closed) are signs of vestibulospinal asymmetry due to vestibu­
visual stimuli in a laboratory setting may avoid this problem.39 lar lesions:u Pastpointing of the arms to previously seen targets
with eyes closed may also be a sign of vestibulospinal imbalance.
Other Bedside Tests of Vestibulo-Ocular Function
Dynamic vestibulospinal function is assessed by observing pos­
Changes in relative pressure bet\veen the middle and inner ears
tural stability during rapid turns or in response to external per­
may induce nystag1nus. A Valsalva maneuver \Vith the glottis
turbations imposed by the examiner (ie, a gentle shove forward,
closed increases intracranial pressure, 1-vhile a 1naneuver with
backvvard, or to the side).
the glottis open (blowing against a pinched nose) increases
Patients with vestibular dysfunction may rely largely on
middle ear pressure. Nystagmus is best observed using Frenzel
proprioceptive feedback for maintaining balance. Patients
lenses or \Vhile exa1nining small blood vessels on the sclera using
with this compensatory strategy often suffer from significantly
an obliquely directed microscope. Similar sympto1ns may also
increased s•vay when performing a Romberg test on a block of
be elicited by tragal compression or insufilation V11ith a pneu­
foan1 to reduce proprioceptive input from the feet and ankles.
matic otoscope or Siegle's speculum. Nystagmus induced during
Patients with a compensatory strategy that depends on visual
these maneuvers may reflect craniocervical junction ano1nalies
inputs may be unable to \.valk steadily with their eyes closed. The
such as Arnold-Chiari malformation, superior canal dehiscence
ability to combine multisensory cues can be tested at the bedside
syndrome, perilymph fistula, or compression of the vestibular
as part of the "Clinical Test of Sensory Integration and Balance,"
nerve by tu1nor.27
where both visual and proprioceptive cues are modified simul­
Patients with pressure-induced eye move1nents may also
taneously similar to platform posturography:'5
have symptoms in response to sound. 1bis may be evaluated
by observing the eyes under Frenzel lenses V11hen giving pure
tones fro1n 500 to 4,000 dB at intensities of 100 to 110 dB. LABORATORY TESTS OF
Tullio's phenomenon is the occurrence of vestibular symptoms VESTIBULAR FUNCTION
and eye movements 1vith sound. I-Iennebert's sign is the occur­
Quantitative tests of physiologic processes under vestibular
rence of these sy1nptoms and signs V11ith motion of the tympanic
control can be an important adjunct to the history and clini­
membrane and ossicular chain. These signs have recently been
cal exan1ination, but diagnoses are rarely made solely on their
docu1nented in patients \Vit}1 superior canal dehiscence syn­
results. Laboratory tests are best used selectively to evaluate a
drome.40· •1 The evoked eye moven1ents in this syndrome align
patient suspected of particular conditions rather than applied
1-vith the plane of the affected superior canal.(Figure 6-8):u
to all patients. Many laboratory tests of vestibular function use
Patients •vith superior canal dehiscence may also have eye
electronystagmography (ENG) to record eye moven1ents during
movements induced by bone conducted vibrations. Otitic syph­
various vestibular and oculomotor tests. The quantitative infor­
ilis, Meniere's disease, and perilymph fistula have also been
mation from ENG enables the clinician to monitor progression
reported to cause these signs, although the specific features of
of or recovery from disorders affecting vestibulo-ocular control.
their evoked eye move1nents have not been \vell characterized.
Three techniques can be used for recording eye movements:
Hyperventilation may induce sy1npton1s in patients with
electro-oculography (EOG), infrared video image analysis, and
anxiety or phobic disorders but does not usually produce nys­
magnetic search coil techniques.
tagmus. Patients V11ith demyelinating lesions of the vestibular
Electro-oculography techniques are based on the cor­
nerve (such as that caused by a vestibular schwannoma), or com­
neoretinal potential (difference in electrical charge potential
pression by a sn1all blood vessel, or central lesions such as those
bet\\reen the cornea and the retina). Movement of the eye rela­
related to multiple sclerosis 1nay shoVI' hyperventilation-induced
tive to surface electrodes on the face produces an electrical sig­
nystagmus.43 I-lyperventilation reduces pCOi, 1vhich leads to an
nal corresponding to eye position. Horizontal eye movements
increase in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pH. This rela­
can typically be resolved to an accuracy of 0.5 degrees, which
tive alkalosis increases the binding of extracellular calcium to
albu111in and leads to an increase in the discharge rate and con­ is not as great as the sensitivity of direct visual inspection by a
trained exan1iner (approximately 0.1 degrees). Exan1ination of
duction in partially de1nyelinated axons.
small-amplitude eye movements either directly or \Vith the aid
Bedside Examination of Posture and Gait of Frenzel lenses or an ophthalmoscope is therefore important
Vestibulospinal reflexes maintain posture with respect to gravity for identification of lo•v-amplitude nystagmus. Torsional eye
and assist vestibulo-ocular reflexes by producing contraction of movements cannot be measured Vl'ith EOG. Recently developed
neck 1nuscles that compensate for externally applied 1notion to video imaging techniques are used instead of EOG in many clin­
the neck or body. Disorders of vestibulospinal reflexes can result ical laboratories. In principle, infrared video recordings allovv
in tilt of the head, abnorn1al posture, or ataxia. Other causes of eye movements to be recorded in three dimensions and Vl'ith
si1nilar symptoms may be dysfunctional proprioceptive inputs, an accuracy that is comparable to or greater than that achieved
visual inputs, or the inability to co1nbine 1nultiple sensory cues with EOG. Although algorithms and procedures are improving,
accurately. Static imbalance in vestibulospinal reflexes 1nay be there are still some patients for whom image fitting and analysis
identified from a Romberg test, tande1n >valking, stepping tests, do not "'ork properly.
and evaluation of pastpointing. Romberg's test is used to assess The gold standard measurement of eye movements is the
SVl'ay •vith feet together and tandem, with eyes both open and magnetic search coil technique.''6 This is based on the principle
closed. Falls during tandem walking or a positive Fukuda step­ that changes in voltage are induced in a conductor moving rel­
ping test (turning •vhile marching in place for 30 sec •vith eyes ative to a magnetic field (Faraday's la•v). In humans, a minute

wire is imbedded in a Silastic annulus that is inserted surround­ abnormalities of the fast components of optokinetic nystagmus
ing, but not actually touching. the cornea. Eye movements are correlated with those detected on saccade testing.
in three din1ensions can be resolved to a n accuracy of about
Ca/one Testing
0.02 degrees. The main disadvantages of search coil recordings Evaluation of nystagmus induced by \Varm or cold \\Tater irriga­
for general clinical use is the level of expertise required to set
tion of the external canals has been used to measure vestibular
up the apparatus, conduct the recording sessions, and analyze
function since the beginning of the hventieth century.'17 This test
the data. It can also be irritating to the eye and poses a haz­
allo\VS one labyrinth to be studied independently of the other.
ard of corneal abrasion and is used only in specialized research
The stimuli can be applied relatively easily \\Tith techniques that
are commonly available.
Barany proposed that caloric nystagmus v.ras the result of a
Assessment of Spontaneous Nystagmus and convective moven1ent of endolymph in the horizontal semicir­
Oculomotor Function cular canal.'7 The convective flow mechanism is based on \.Yarn1
Eye 1novements are recorded \Vith eyes closed and with eyes (44°C) or cold (30°C) water (or air) in the external auditory
opened and while viewing a stationary visual target. Spontaneous canal, creating a temperature gradient from one side of the hor­
nystag1nus and the effects of visual fixation on this nystag1nus izontal canal to the other. This temperature gradient results in a
are noted. TI1e patient then looks to the left, right, up, and down density difference within the endolymph of the canal. vVhen the
so that a positional nystag1nus can be detected. horizontal canal is oriented in the plane of gravity (by elevat­
Saccades are assessed by instructing the patient to fixate ing the head 30 degrees from the supine position or 60 degrees
(eyes moving while keeping the head stationary) on a series back\.vard from the upright position), there is a flow of endo­
of rando1nly displayed dots or lights at eccentricities of 5 to lymph from the region with more dense fluid to the region with
30 degrees. The latency, velocity, and accuracy of saccades are less dense fluid. This convective flow of endolymph leads to a
analyzed. Defects in saccades may consist of prolonged laten­ deflection of the cupula and a change in the discharge rate of
cies, abnormal velocities, and over- or under-shooting the tar­ vestibular nerve afferents (Figure 6-11).
get. These defects may be caused by muscular pathology such Endolymph \\•ill flO\\' tovvard the ampulla of the horizon­
as myesthenia gravis, oculomotor paresis, multiple sclerosis, tal canal (resulting in an increase in afe
f rent discharge rate)
Huntington's disease, pathology in the brainstem or cerebel­ for warm irrigations and away from the ampulla (resulting in
lar vermis, or attentional lesions in the cerebellar hemispheres. a decrease in afferent discharge rate) for cold irrigations. This
Smooth pursuit eye movements are recorded \vhile the patient is simple theory accounts for the dependence of the nystagmus
tracking a target that moves horizontally \Vith a sinusoidal \vave­ direction on temperature and orientation of the head relative
form at a lo\V frequency (0.2-0.7 Hz) \Vith a position amplitude to gravity. \.\farm irrigations provoke a nystagmus \\rith a slo\\T
of 20 degrees in each direction. Problems \Vith smooth pursuit phase a\vay from the irrigated ear and a fast phase to>\Tard the
indicate a cerebellar pathology. Optokinetic testing is generally irrigated ear, while nystagn1us following irrigation \Vith cold
perforrned 'vith the subject surrounded by a visual scene that water is oriented in the opposite direction. lines of evidence
moves in one direction at velocities of 30 to 60 degrees/sec. The support the existence of an additional, nonconvective compo­
optokinetic response is a nystagmus in the plane of motion of the nent to the caloric response. First, caloric nystagmus can be elic­
visual scene. TI1e slo\.v-phase abnormalities on optokinetic tests ited in the in icrogravity environment of orbital spaceflight under
parallel those detected vvith smooth pursuit testing, whereas conditions in which there is no convection:'8 Second, caloric

L 45 R

L 30 R
Left warm Right warm

L 15 R

0 [d/s] - -
R 15 L

Left cool Right cool

R 30 L

R 45 L
0 33 66 99 [sec) 133 0 [sec) 33 66 99 133

FIGURE 6-11 •Caloric stimulation. Tracings represent slow-phase eye velocity following irrigation of a 49 year
old female patient presenting with dizziness. Approximately 1 min is required to heat the inner ear enough to
reach maximal stimulation. Both warm and cool responses on left are reduced. Jongkee's formulas reveal a 49%
left weakness and a 17% left directional preponderance, with a total eye speed of 61 deg/sec. MRI suggested a
meningioma In the cerebellopontine angle.

nystagmus can be elicited in animals '"'hose canals are plugged, abnormalities in the vestibulo-ocular system of patients >vith
although the response is reduced to 30% of that obtained before imbalance but without abnormal caloric exams. Alternatively,
plugging.49 A direct effect of temperature on vestibular hair cells caloric examination can sometimes pick up pathology that rota­
and/or afferent nerve fibers is the most likely source of the non­ tional chair misses, although this is son1etimes a false-positive
convective con1ponent. finding due to problems •vith head conduction as a result of the
The conventional Fitzgerald-I-Iallpike technique for calo­ obstruction of the external ear or poor testing technique.
ric stimuli consists of a single temperature irrigation for 60 Rotational chair testing takes place in a darkened room.
to 90 sec.50 Such stimuli result in a change in temperature in The head is held stationary on the body to prevent proprio­
the te1nporal bone that lasts for 10 to 20 min. This prolonged ceptive feedback from cervical receptors. The chair is moved
•varming or cooling of the temporal bone follo•ving a single­ sinusoidally at lo•v frequencies, typically 0.01 I-Iz, up to higher
te1nperature irrigation makes it necessary to allo\v at least 10 frequencies, usually about 1 Hz as the eye velocity is recorded
minutes bet\veen successive irrigations. Biphasic caloric irri­ (Figure 6-12). Multiple cycles of each frequency are used. The
gations can be used to achieve roughly the same levels of eye results allow the gain, or sensitivity, of the vestibulo-ocular
velocity as noted •vith a single-temperature irrigation while reflex to be quantified (in degrees/s of eye movement divided by
substantially reducing the duration of the change in the tem­ degrees/s of head movement). The normal gain is approximately
perature of the temporal bone.51 0.4 at lo>ver frequencies and rises to 0.6 at higher frequencies.
Responses to caloric tests are analyzed by calculating the Abnormally low gain may be due to unilateral or bilateral ves­
velocity of each of the slo•v-phase components of the nystag­ tibular dysfunction but, especially when calorics are normal,
mus. The maxilnum response for each irrigation is then deter­ may be due to the patient's loss of alertness. A patient's gain
mined based on the three to five slow-phase components \�th may be higher when turning in one direction than \\rhen turning
the highest velocity. Data are interpreted in tern1s of unilateral in the other direction. The difference in gains is termed direc­
\veakness (UW) and directional preponderance (DP) accord­ tional asymmetry. Directional asymmetry may reflect a •veak­
ing to formulae described by Jongkees and colleagues, \vhere R ness of one labyrinth (\vith a reduced gain when turning tO\Vard
and L indicate right and left and y.,r and C indicate •var111 and the dysfunctional side) or an asymmetric lesion in the central
cold irrigations; values are velocity of slo\v-phase responses in vestibular path\\rays. In cases of unilateral vestibular hypofunc­
degrees per second:52 tion, the stimulus velocity has to reach a peak velocity of 150 to
300 degrees/s to observe an asyn1metry between responses for
(R\.V + RC)-(LvV +LC)
Unilateral weakness= x 100% rotations to•vard in comparison \\rith those away from the side
(RW +RC +L W +LC)
of the lesion. 53
Although the velocity profiles of the slo•v phases of the nys­
(R\·V + LC)-(LW + RC)
Directional preponderance= x 100% tagn1us follo\.v the sinusoidal movements of the head, they do
(RW + LC+LW +RC) not correspond exactly in time. This phase shift between the
head rotation and the eye response is due in part to the velocity
Normative values are established for each laboratory, \\rith a
storage mechanism. It is measured in degrees, with a perfectly
UW greater than 20% and a DP of greater than 25% usually con­
compensatory AVOR (where the eyes move in perfect oppo­
sidered significant. Unilateral weakness is a sign of decreased
sition to head movement) having a phase shift by convention
responsiveness of the horizontal canal or the a1npullary nerve
of 0 degrees. If the eyes reach their maximum velocity slightly
that provides its innervation. In patients with reduced caloric
before the head does, the reflex sho,.vs a phase lead, typically of
responses, ice •vater may be used to elicit a response. This is a
about 30 degrees at lower frequencies in normal subjects. This
particularly provocative stimulus, ho\vever, and may cause nau­
phase lead is related to the velocity storage mechanism. Patients
sea or vomiting in subjects \Vith preserved function. Directional
with loss of vestibular function have a reduced time constant of
preponderance is com1nonly seen in patients \Vith spontaneous
the velocity storage mechanism, leading to an abnormally high
nystagmus. Patients with minimal caloric responses may truly
phase lead at low frequencies.>·•
have bilaterally reduced vestibular function, but other possibil­
Another way to measure the gain and time constant of the
ities such as cerumen impaction and variations in technique
vestibular system is to perform steps of velocity in the rotational
must also be considered. Caloric responses 1nay also be affected
chair (Figure 6-13). I n these tests, the patient is accelerated to a
by blink artifacts or blepharospasm. Rotational chair testing is
steady speed, often of 60 degrees/s. After rotating long enough to
advised for patients •vith bilaterally diminished calorics.
have the sensation of rotation fade a'\'ay (as the velocity storage
Rotatory Tests system discharges), the chair is abruptly stopped and the patient
I-lead rotation is the "natttral" sti1nulus for the AVOR. Passive, has a sudden feeling of rotation (in the direction of the force
\vhole-body rotations can be used to deliver consistent, repro­ used to decelerate the chair, opposite its original direction of
ducible rotational stin1uli •vhile eye n1ovements are recorded. rotation). The gain of the system is measured by the slo\\r-phase
Standard clinical tests typically involve low-frequency sinusoidal eye velocity immediately after the chair stops and the time con­
rotations or rapid angular accelerations or decelerations ("steps" stant is measured by the time it takes for the eye velocity to drop
of head velocity) about an earth-vertical axis. Rotatory testing to 37% of its initial value.
is particularly important in several situations. It can define the The AVOR can also be evaluated from eye movement
extent of disease in a patient •vith bilaterally reduced calorics. responses to head-on-body rotations that are actively gener­
It can increase the sensitivity of caloric testing by identifying ated by the patient.55 Recent evidence suggests that repetitive,

Gain A

200 CCW rotation
Cl) 150
- -----1 - -----1 - -----1 - -----1 - -----1 - -----�------� - -----

..... 100

� 0
------ (.)
0 -50
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------


> -100
� CW rotation
' '
- - - - - - .I - - - - - - .I - - - - - - .I - -----
' ' 0.53
' ' -250
' 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
------1------1------1------1------1- - - - - - � - - - - - - � - - - - - -
Time (sec)

B 60
CCW rotation

0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.16 0.32 0.64 Hz (.)


0, 20

Phase 0

Lead ' '
' ..2
' ' Q) -2 0
' ' >
' '
' ' (I)
' '
' ' '
' � -40
------J .J .J
.J .J
CW rotation
_ - - - - _ ____ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

' '
' '
' '
' ' ' ' -60
' ' ' ' 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

: : 22 ' : : Time (sec)

------�------�------{-------{------{-·1 1 -�------
0 ' ' ' '

' '
1 I

' ' '

' ' ' FIGURE 6-13 •Step of rotational velocity. Chair turning at 100 deg/s
' ' '
' ' '
' ' ' undergoes an abrupt stop. Normal responses shown in top panel,
' ' '
with a gain of 0.75 (measured as deg/s of eye velocity divided by
deg/s of head velocity at the time the chair is stopped) and a time
constant of 21 sec. Bilaterally deficient patient shown below, with gain
of 0.4 and a time constant of 7 sec.

0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.16 0.32 0.64 Hz

The postural tests used most con1monly mclude assessn1ent
of postural responses to platform movements and determination
of effects of manipulations of visual and so1natosensory infor­
FIGURE 6-12 •Sinusoidal rotational velocity. Bilaterally deficient n1ation on balance •vhile standing. The 1nost con1n1only used
patient has decreased gain (falling below white band) and increased
posturography paradign1 is ter1ned the sensory organization
phase lead (falling above white band) at lower frequencies
test (SOT). This test includes six conditions selectively depriving
(0.01-0.04 Hz).
the subject of 1nodalities contributing to balance. The subject's
balance is disrupted by blindfolding; allo\ving the platfom1 to
n1ove "sv»ay-referenced" along •vith the patient's center of grav­
predictive rotational stin1uli nlay lead to eye movement responses
ity, reducing proprioceptive feedback; or moving the visual sur­
that arise fron1 extralabyrinthine nlechanisms (such as predic­
round to ren1ain fixed 'vith respect to the patient as the center
tion or signals fro1n neck proprioception).56 Thus, the sensitivity
of gravity sways (s>vay-referenced vision). This last condition
of these tests in the identification of vestibular hypofunction
provides a conflicting stimulus, \vhere vision indicates that no
nlay be lo\�er than for those tests that use passive, unpredictable
n1ove111ent is occurring but vestibular and proprioceptive recep­
tors indicating that it has (Figure 6-14).
Posturography The "equilibriun1 score" measures the patient's passive sway
Techniques for assessment of postural control in patients have >vhen standing upright in each of the six conditions. An "equi­
developed in an attempt to provide quantitative n1easure­ librium score" of 100% indicates no sway and 0% indicates sway
n1ents of processes that maintain upright stance under static up to the theoretical limits of stability before falling. Normal
and dynamic conditions.57 These tests have conceptual appeal equilibriu111 scores drop with increasing age. Patients >vho per­
because they evaluate the major sensory systen1s (vestibular, forn1 poorly on the "eyes closed, stable surface" condition may
visual, and somatosensory) that are iJnportant for maintaining have loss of proprioceptive function; those 'vho perform poorly
balance. on the "eyes open, S\vay-referenced surface" may have loss of

on vestibular function. The alignment of the subjective visual

vertical and subjective visual horizontal has been shown to be
Visual condition
tilted to,vard the lesioned side in cases of unilateral vestibu­
Sway­ lar hypofunction.59 In acute peripheral vestibular lesions, the
Fixed Eyes closed
tilt of the perception of verticality often initially measures 7 to
c 1

0 2 3 12 degrees. In cases of long-standing unilateral vestibular loss,

"ti the subjective visual vertical either returns to normal or remains
0 tilted only by 2 to 3 degrees to\.vard the side of the lesion.60
t: A modification of the test for subjective visual vertical
Q. allows the function of each ear to be tested independently. The
� 4 5
Cl) 6 patient is positioned in the rotational chair so that one labyrinth
is on the axis of rotation and the other is slightly off-axis. In this
position, centripetal force \.Vill activate the off-axis labyrinth but
not the on-axis labyrinth. \.\Then the pathologic ear is off-axis,
no change in the subjective vertical is elicited by rotation .61

Vestibular-Evoked Myogenic Potential Responses

Vestibular-evoked n1yogenic potential (VEMP) responses are
FIGURE 6-14 •Sensory organization test (SOT). Conditions 1-3 are
on a stable surface; conditions 4-6 are sway-referenced. Conditions
short-latency responses measured from tonically contracting
1 and 4 are with a stable visual background, 2 and 5 are with no visual sternocleido111astoid muscles that relax in response to ipsilateral
feedback, and 3 and 6 are with conflicting (sway-referenced) visual presentation of loud clicks (Figure 6-15).62,63 These responses
are thought to be of vestibular origin because they disappear
after vestibular neurectomy and are still present in patients

visual contribution to balance; those \vho perform poorly on ivith absent hearing but intact vestibular function.64•65 The
inferior vestibular nerve has been implicated in the responses
the "eyes closed, sway-referenced surface" may have vestibular
because all patients \vho developed posterior canal BPPV after
problems, and those \\rho perform better with their eyes closed
vestibular neuritis had intact VEMP responses, '''bereas VEMP
than during "sway-referenced vision" conditions may have dif­
responses \vere absent in most patients after vestibular neuri­
ficulty handling conflicting visual stimuli.
The SOT can also quantify the degree to \vhich a subject tis ivho did not develop similar symptoms of posterior canal
BPPV.116 Further \vork has indicated that VEMP responses
relies on ankle motion versus hip motion to niove the center of
probably originate in the sacculus. Vestibular-evoked myo­
gravity to maintain balance. In norn1al subjects, sn1all align­
genic potential responses can also be elicited from periocular
ments are made by ankle movements and larger-amplitude
sites, presumably related to electrical activity in the extraocular
alignments are made by hip movements. The degree to \vhich a
musclature in response to sound. These "oVEMP" responses
subject relies on each strategy is correlated \Vith the shear force
have been shown to change their responsiveness in the case of
on the feet measured by the footplate. Hip dependence n1ay
occur with peripheral neuropathies that prevent the ankle joint superior canal dehiscence.67 The threshold for eliciting a VEMP
response is reduced in patients with superior canal dehiscence.6s
fro1n providing enough feedback to 1naintain balance. There are
VEMP responses n1ay be changed in patients with Meniere's
specifically defined clinical situations in v.1hich con1puterized
postural assessn1ent can have an effect on treatment outcome:58
(1) planning a course of vestibular rehabilitation and monitoring
Audiometric Testing
response to this rehabilitation progran1 in patients v.rith vestib­
Audiograms can be useful in diagnosing several causes of diz­
ular hypofunction, central nervous system disorders that affect
ziness. Semicircular canal dehiscence often manifests \Vith a
balance, or processes that require a procedure to ablate vestib­
supranormal bone-conduction line, particularly at lo\v fre­
ular function in one ear; (2) determination of the need for pro­
quencies, \Vith an air-bone gap.70 Stapedial reflexes are nor­
cedures that ren1ove CSF (eg, high-volume CSF drainage '"'ith
mal. Similar findings are sometimes described in patients with
lumbar punctures or a shunt) in patients with disequilibriun1
enlarged vestibular aqueduct, \Vho may become profoundly
or gait disturbances caused by processes that result in abnor­
imbalanced follo,ving head trauma.71 Patients \vith otosclero­
mal CSF pressure dynamics; and (3) documentation of postural
sis usually have conductive hearing loss ivith absent stapedial
responses \vhen there is suspected malingering, exaggeration of
reflexes. Sensorineural loss is often found in patients \Vith ves­
disability for compensation, or conversion disorder. Platforn1
tibular sch\vannoma. Hearing loss associated with Meniere's
posturography may also be useful in evaluating a patient for
disease is typically low-frequency and typically varies over time.
proprioceptive loss and may allo\v cerebellar degeneration to be
This finding can help distinguish Meniere's disease from ves­
tibular migraine, conditions which often manifest with similar
Evaluation of Otolith Function symptoms but whose treatments are generally distinct. Ho\vever,
Subjective Visual Vertical migraine may also be related to hearing loss.72 In later stages
The perception of the orientation of a laser-projected bar of of the disease, the level of hearing loss tends to remain stable.
light relative to the earth-vertical or earth-horizontal planes Perilymphatic fistulas can also manifest •vith varying levels of
when subjects are in an otherwise dark room is dependent hearing loss.

40.00 [µV/div]

100 dB

85 dB

70 dB
FIGURE 6-15 •Vestibular-evoked myogenic
[ms) [ms) response. Both sides demonstrate a VEMP
response to a click at a p resentation level of
-21.0 -2.0 17.0 36.0 55.0 74.0 -21.0 2.0 25.0 48.0 71.0
100 dB SPL. The dehiscent side remains
Intact side Dehiscent side
sensitive even at lower amplitudes of

(Figure 6-16). Congenital dysplasia of the sen1icircular canals,

enlarged vestibular aqueduct, and ten1poral bone fractures are
also visualizable on CT scan.
JvfRI can be used to visualize tumors of the internal audi­
tory canal, cerebellopontine angle, and brain. lt can also indi­
cate other central pathologies underlying syn1ptoms of dizziness
such as cerebellar degeneration, stroke, or n1ultiple sclerosis. lt
n1ay also indicate pathology of the temporal bone such as laby­
rinthine dysn1orphisn1s and enlarged vestibular aqueduct or of
the posterior fossa such as Arnold-Chiari n1alforn1ation.
Serologic tests are of lin1ited use for diagnosing patients
\\lith in1balance. Two notable exceptions are syphilis and Cogan's
syndrome. In patients with episodic imbalance consistent ivith
endolymphatic hydrops, or •vith a high likelihood of sexually
transn1.itted disease, syphilis testing is appropriate.7'J In patients
'\.\Tith abrupt onset of ocular syn1ptoms with in1balance, testing
for inflammatory markers of Cogan's syndrome is imperative
as prompt initiation of treatment can be critical in controlling
potentially life-threatening complications.7;

FIGURE 6-16 •Tempor al bone CT scan from patient with superior DISORDERS AFFECTING
canal dehiscence syndrome. Patient's responses shown in
Figure 4-9. Projection of the CT image of the right temporal bone into
the plane of the superior canal. A dehiscence measuring 3.7 mm in In this section, we revie"' some of the more common vestibular
length is noted overlying the superior canal (arrows). Reproduced with
disorders with an emphasis on their pathophysiology. This brief
permission from Minor LB, Cremer PD, Carey JP, and colleagues.
overvie'�' of labyrinthine abnormalities can be supplemented by
Symptoms and signs in superior canal dehiscence syndrome.
Ann NYAcad Sci 2001;942: 259-273. other sources that address these and other peripheral and cen­
tral vestibular disturbances in greater detail.

Electrocochleography is an audiometric test that is some­ Benign ·Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

times used for diagnosing l\1eniere's disease. Ho•vever, Meniere's
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is the most con1mon cause
is diagnosed based on clinical criteria, which are not closely
of vertigo arising from labyrinthine dysfunction.76 It is charac­
matched by results of electrocochleography so its utility in iden­
terized by rotatory vertigo brought on "'hen the head is rolled
tifying patients with Meniere's is limited.73
to the side, as when turning over in bed, and backward with a
Radiologic and Serologic Tests sideways tilt, as "'hen getting out of bed or \Valking up stairs.
Con1puterized to1nography is commonly used to evalu­ In order of frequency, known causes of BPPV include head
ate patients with sound- or pressure-induced nystag1nus. trauma, n1iddle ear infection, viral labyrinthitis, ear surgery, or
Dehiscence of the superior or posterior canals into the intracra­ bed rest. Half of occurrences have no clear precipitating event.
nial space as "'ell as dehiscences of the horizontal canal into the BPPV occurs in children and in adults, although the incidence
middle ear (such as caused by cholesteato1na) may be visualized increases with age. Among those cases without a clear cause,

the average age of onset \.Vas in the sixth decade, V1rith fe1nales in each position until any nystagmus resolves) to the position in
outnumbering males t"l.vo to one.77 Signs of BPPV may be pre­ which the offending ear is up (ie, the nose is pointed at a 45-de­
sent in up to 10% of the elderly, including those without specific gree angle toward the ground in this position). The patient is
complaints of imbalance. then brought to the sitting upright position (Figure 6-17). The
Vertigo typically begins after a latent period-up to maneuver is likely to be successful \.vhen nystagmus of the same
20 sec after positioning the head-and continues for less than direction continues to be elicited in each of the ne\.v positions (as
a minute before subsiding. It is provoked by the Dix-Hallpike the debris continues to move a\.vay from the cupula). The maneu­
maneuver, in "1.vhich a patient is rnoved rapidly from a sitting ver is repeated until no nystagmus is elicited. This treatment is
to a supine position, head turned sharply to the side and shoul­ typically eftective in up to 90% of cases in eliminating BPPV.8"
ders hanging off the end of the examination table. Symptoms The Semont maneuver moves the otoconial debris through the
lessen if the head is repeatedly placed in the offending position. labyrinth in a manner similar to the Epley maneuver with sim­
Kno"l'lledge of the anatomy and physiology of the labyrinth has ilar efficacy.85
allo"l.ved practitioners to develop a \.vorking theory for the cause A horizontal canal variant ofBPPV has also been identified.86
of these sy1nptoms and eftective maneuvers to reverse them. The nystagmus typically has a longer duration than that noted
Indeed, this sometimes crippling disease can often be co1npletely with posterior canalBPPV. The direction may beat to\.vard (geo­
cured in a single office visit. tropic) or away from (ageotropic) the down>vard ear. In cases
In his original description of BPPV, Barany78 noted that if that involve geotropic nystagmus, lying on one side with the
a patient's eyes were directed a•vay from the aftected ear, they affected ear up for about 12 h eliminates the disorder in most
tended to rnove with a vertical nystagmus (beating upvvard), cases. Debris embedded in the cupula or in the canal relatively
•vhereas if they looked toward the affected ear, they rnoved •vith close to the ampulla may cause ageotropic nystagmus. A reposi­
a torsional nystagmus (beating "l.vith the superior poles of the tioning maneuver consisting of a "log roll" of the supine patient
eyes directed toV11ard the doV11nV11ard ear). These eye 111ovements may sometimes be efe
f ctive. 87 A superior canal variant of BPPV
are identical to those expected fro1n a sti111ulation of the poste­ has also been described. It is very rare and difficult to treat suc­
rior se1nicircular canal, leading this canal to be considered the cessfully. Treatment with repositioning maneuvers for BPPV of
source of pathology although it can affect the horizontal and any canal may direct otoconial debris into previously unaftected
superior canals as \.vell.79 canals, necessitating a change in appropriate maneuvers.
The actual nlechanism of stimulation of the posterior
semicircular canal has been confirrned "l.vith the observation Vestibular Migraine
of free-floating debris in the canal during surgery on a patient
Vestibular migraine is an increasingly recognized cause of epi­
"l.vith BPPV, an occurrence that is noV11 termed canalithiasis.80
sodic imbalance. Up to 25% of patients \\rith migraine head­
\<\Tith the head tilted and hanging over the side of the table, free­
aches have vertigo.88 Vertigo may occur as an aura related to
floating debris in the posterior canal falls a•vay from the cupula,
a migraine headache or may occur in isolation. Symptoms
dra\.ving it aV1ray from the ampulla as the debris sinks.81 The brain
are typically brought on by strong visual or vestibular stimuli
interprets that this deflection is caused by rotation of the head
but may be provoked by other factors such as changes in the
around the axis of the canal and creates a co1npensatory motion
weather, menses,89 or, quite commonly, particular foods, espe­
of the eyes-motion that is seen as nystag1nus •vhen a patient
cially those containing cafreine. Symptoms typically last hours
•vith BPPV is placed in the Dix-I-Iallpike position.
to days, \\rhich helps distinguish it from Meniere's disease "''hose
In addition to explaining the direction of nystagmus in
symptoms generally resolve after a fevv hours.
BPPV, canalolithiasis also explains its time course: the sludgy
T\'lenty-one percent of patients with vestibular migraine
debris in the posterior canal takes some time to begin sliding
have reduced responses on vestibular testing.90 Hearing loss
do,vn the •vall of the 111e1nbranous canal after the head assumes
may occur in patients with vestibular migraine.91 It may occur
a new position and requires about 1 1nin before coming to rest
in conjunction vvith BPPV92 or in patients with symptoms of
at the most dependent part of the canal and terminates the epi­
Meniere's.93 Patients previously diagnosed with other conditions,
sode of vertigo. Repeated nlotion of the debris may allo\v sorne
in particular Meniere's disease, may in fact best be understood
of it to escape through the open end of the canal, causing the
to have a migraine-related process. Children with paroxysmal
signs and symptoms of posterior canalBPPV to wane with serial
vertigo of childhood, vvhich typically occurs in patients 4 to 8
testing; this process may also explain the resolution of BPPV in
years old, may develop more typical symptoms of migraine as
so1ne patients.
they age.9'1•95 A positive family history is common in patients
Current therapy for BPPV involves repositioning 1naneu­
with migraine-like symptoms. Many patients who are now
vers that, in cases of canalolithiasis, use gravity to move cana­
understood to have vestibular migraine carry a previous diag­
lith debris out of the affected semicircular canal and into the
nosis of Meniere's disease.
vestibule. For posterior canal BPPV, the maneuver developed
by Epley82 and later modified83 is particularly effective. The
maneuver begins Vl'ith place111ent of the head into the Dix­
Semicircular Canal
I-Iallpike position that evokes vertigo. The posterior canal on the
Dehiscence Syndrome
affected side is in the earth-vertical plane \Vith the head in this A syndrome of vertigo and oscillopsia induced by loud noises
position. After the initial nystag1nus goes a"lvay, there is a 180- or by stimuli that change middle ear or intracranial pressure
degree roll of the head (in t"l.vo 90-degree incre1nents, stopping has recently been defined in patients with a dehiscence of bone

Anterior canal

Lateral canal

Posterior canal


FIGURE 6-17 • Canalith repositioning maneuver for treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
affecting the posterior canal. Panel 1 shows a patient with right posterior canal BPPV. The patient's head is turned
to the right at the beginning of the canalith repositioning maneuver. The inset shows the location of the debris near
the ampulla of the posterior canal. The diagram of the head in each inset shows the orientation from which the
labyrinth is viewed. In panel 2, the patient is brought into the supine position with the head extended below the
level of the bed. The debris falls toward the common crus as the head is moved backward. In panel 3, the head is
moved approximately 180 degrees to the left while keeping the neck extended with the head below the level of the
gurney. Debris enters the common crus as the head is turned toward the contralateral side. In panel 4, the patient's
head is further rotated to the left by rolling onto the left side until the patient's head faces down. Debris begins to
enter the vestibule. In panel 5, the patient is brought back to the upright position. Debris collects in the vestibule.
Illustration by David Rini.

overlying the superior semicircular canal.40'11 These patients may against pinched nostrils stin1ulate the canal and produce a
also experience chronic disequilibrium. The dehiscence creates nystag1nus that has slow-phase co1nponents that are directed
a third mobile >vindovv into the inner ear, thereby allo\.ving the up>vard '�1ith torsional 111otion of the superior pole of the eye
superior canal to respond to sound and pressure stin1uli. The a\vay fron1 the affected ear. Conversely, negative pressure in
evoked eye move1nents in this syndrome align \¥ith the affected the external canal, Valsalva's maneuver against a closed glottis,
superior canal (E>vald's first law).42 Loud sounds, positive pres­ and jugular venous con1pression can cause oppositely directed
sure in the external auditory canal, and Valsalva's maneuver eye 1novements (slow-phase con1ponents directed do>vnward

'lvith torsional motion of the superior pole of the eye toward Recovery of balance reflexes follo>ving vestibular neuritis
the aftected ear). These eye movement findings have been docu­ occurs through three mechanisms: spontaneous return of ves­
mented with three-di1nensional search coil techniques and can tibular function in the affected ear (in about 50% of cases), ves­
be readily observed on clinical examination. Frenzel lenses tibular adaptation, and substitution of other sensory or motor
should be used for this examination because visual fixation can strategies. Vestibular adaptation involves recalibration of
lead to suppression of the evoked eye move1nents. motor responses to din1inished signals from a labyrinth. Some
Patients \\7ith superior canal dehiscence syndrome examples of substitution strategies include rapid eye movements
have abnormally low thresholds for VEMP responses in the in response to head movements toward the lesioned labyrinth
affected ear.68 Patients often have supranormal bone line and and use of visual and proprioceptive information to maintain
a lo•v-frequency conductive hearing loss \\7ith intact stapedial postural stability after loss of vestibular function.
reflexes.7°·96 "fe1nporal bone CT scans in patients with superior
canal dehiscence syndro1ne reveal an absence of bone overlying
Chemical Vestibulopathy
the affected canal. It is important to reme1nber, ho•vever, that
Vestibular neuritis leads to signs of an unequal level of activity
a thin but intact layer of bone can appear as a dehiscence on a
bet'lveen the two labyrinths, vestibular hypofunction resulting
c·r scan because of partial volu1ne averaging. TI1e specificity
from chemical toxicity (often an aminoglycoside such as genta­
of temporal bone CT in the diagnosis of superior canal dehis­
micin administered intravenously) is commonly bilateral and
cence syndrome can be improved •vith the use of reconstructed
symmetric.98 Vestibulotoxicity is often noted without accompa­
slice thickness of0.5 mm or less and projection of in1ages into
nying injury to the auditory system and can occur even when
the plane of the superior canal (Figure 6-11). The diagnosis of
serum peak and trough levels are >vithin appropriate ranges.99
this syndrome depends on clinical sympto1ns and radiographic
Patients typically do not experience vertigo, although oscillop­
evidence of dehiscence. Similar symptoms may also be elicited
sia with head movements and disequilibrium are commonly
in patients with a dehiscence in the posterior or horizontal

Vestibular Neuritis Meniere's Disease

Vertigo associated with vestibular neuritis begins suddenly, may Meniere's disease is characterized by episodic vertigo, tinni­
last for days •vith gradual resolution, and is frequently incapac­ tus, fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss, and aural fullness
itating early in its course. In support of an infectious etiology is (a pressure sensation deep 'INithin the ear). In contrast to the
the occurrence of cases around the same time within households vertigo in BPPV, \\'hich typically lasts for only seconds dur­
or in association •vith upper respiratory infections. A vascular ing a single episode, the vertigo in an attack of Meniere's dis­
etiology has been suspected because the condition often spares ease has a duration that varies from 30 min to several hours.
the inferior division of the vestibular nerve, which is supplied by It typically affects one ear, although bilateral involvement has
the posterior vestibular artery vvhile the superior division of the been reported in 2 to 78% of cases.10° Females are more often
vestibular nerve is supplied by the anterior vestibular artery. affected than n1ales, and early middle age is a typical age of
Signs of unilateral vestibular hypofunction are readily onset. An incidence of 15 per 100,000 and a prevalence of 218
apparent early in the course of the illness. These signs include per 100,000 have been reported.101 Meniere's disease typically
a spontaneous nystagmus with horizontal and torsional slo•v accounts for about 10% of the visits to clinics specializing in
components that are directed to'lvard the ear with hypofunc­ vestibular disorders.76
tion and fast co1nponents directed oppositely. The horizontal Abnormalities in the production and/or resorption of
eye velocity of this nystagmus frequently increases in ampli­ endolymph are thought to underlie the histopathologic changes
tude 'lvhen patients look in the direction of the fast component. that are seen in the cochlea and labyrinth of ears affected with
It can be suppressed by looking at a stationary object, 'INhereas Meniere's disease. Most cases are presumed to be idiopathic,
the torsional eye velocity (rotation about the line of sight) of the although the clinical syndrome can follow infections afe
f cting
nystagmus is not affected by this maneuver. the inner ear such as mumps or measles, syphilis, or meningitis.
The vertigo and nystagmus in such a lesion of the cerebel­ Symptoms may also begin following head trauma. Antibodies
lum can be similar to that observed in vestibular neuritis.97 It is to a 68-kDa protein (heat shock protein 70) have been noted in
important that these be distinguished, as a stroke involving the patients 'INith Meniere's disease but the clinical utility of sero­
inferior cerebellum can lead to s'lvelling, brain stem con1pres­ logic testing for this marker is uncertain.102
sion, and death unless there is prompt neurosurgical interven­ Endolymphatic hydrops, the classic abnormality noted in
tion. One key distinguishing feature is the degree of postural Meniere's disease, is characterized by dilatation of the endo­
instability. Patients •vith cerebellar he1norrhage or infarction are lymphatic spaces \\1ith periodic rupture of the membranes
typically unable to walk and are very unstable 'INhen standing. that separate endolymphatic from perilymphatic compart­
Patients with vestibular neuritis, in contrast, are likely to have ments. Although endolymphatic hydrops is a consistent find­
an unsteady gait, but they can •valk. Appropriate imaging such ing in the temporal bones of patients in whon1 a diagnosis of
as a magnetic resonance i1naging scan of the brain and posterior Meniere's disease had been made, it is not a specific finding
fossa should be obtained when there is suspicion that the symp­ as these pathologic changes have been noted in patients "'ith
toms 1nay arise from an abnormality affecting the cerebellum no premorbid symptoms or signs suggestive of Meniere's
or brain stem. disease.103

Attacks of vertigo are frequently the most disabling symp­ presents along with visual syn1ptoms) and Susac's syndrome
to1n in Meniere's disease. The vertigo may be rotatory, in which (which includes symptoms of encephalopathy).
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Genetics in Otology
and Neurotology
Anil K. Lalwani, MD I Anand N. Mhatre, PhD

The success of the hu1nan geno1ne project in sequencing of the penetrance is the effect of genetic background. Factors such as
entire hun1an genome has directly in1pacted our understand­ genetic redundancy, presence of inore than one gene for the
ing of otologic and neurotologic disorders. Specifically, '"'e performance of a given function, and nlodifiers affect a variety
have gained insights into the nlolecular mechanisms of hearing of genes. Incomplete penetrance can also be seen in traits that
impairment, vestibular sch\vannon1as, and glomus tumors. In are inherited in an autoso1nal recessive, X-linked recessive, and
this chapter, the principles of !v[endelian genetics are reviewed X-lu1ked don1inant manner.
and our understanding of the aforementioned diseases is Variable expression of different aspects of syndron1es is con1-
su1n111arized .1 1non. Son1e aspects n1ay be expressed in a range encompassing
1nild to severe forms and/or different combinations of associated
PRINCIPLES OF MENDELIAN GENETICS syn1pto1ns 111ay be expressed ill different individuals carrying the
san1e nlutation withill a single pedigree. An exa1nple of variable
AutosomaJ Dominant Inheritance expressivity is seen in fa1nilies trans1nittillg autoso1nal don1i­
In autoson1al don1inant disorders, the trans1nission of a rare nant Waardenburg's syndro1ne. Withill the san1e fa1nily, sorne
allele of a gene by a single heterozygous parent is sufficient to affected ine111bers may have dystopia canthoru1n, white forelock,
generate an affected child (Figure 7-lA). A heterozygous par­ heterochro1nia irides, and hearing loss, \vhereas others \vith the
ent can produce two types of ga1netes. One gan1ete carries the san1e nlutation 1nay only have dystopia canthoru1n.
mutant for1n of the gene of interest and the other the norn1al
form. Each of these gan1etes then has an equal chance of being Autosomal Recessive Inheritance
used in the forn1ation of a zygote. Thus, the chance that an off­
An autoson1al recessive trait is characterized by having t\vo
spring of an autoson1al don1inant affected parent will itself be
unaffected parents \vho are heterozygous carriers for mutant forn1s
affected is 50°/o. Equal nu1nbers of affected males and fen1ales
of the gene in question, but in whon1 the phenotypic expression
arc expected for an autoso1nal do1ninant trait, and roughly half
of the i11utant allele is nlasked by the nonnal allele. 1'hese hetero­
of the offspring of an affected individual wiil be affected. If
zygous parents (A/a) can each generate two types of gametes, one
male-to-n1ale transn1ission of the trait is observed, the possibil­
carrying the n1utant copy of the gene (a) and the other having a
ity that the trait is X-Jinked can be eli1ninated.
nor1nal copy of the gene (A). Of the four possible co1nbinations
If the nlutant phenotype is always expressed in individu­
of these two ga111ete types fro111 each of the parents, only the off­
als carrying the disease allele, then its penetrance is said to be
spring that inherits both inutant copies (a/a) \vill exhibit the trait.
con1plete; otherwise, it is inco1nplcte. Where penetrancc of the
Of the three ren1aining possibilities, all will have a nor1nal hear­
affected gene is con1pletc, or 100%, the pattern of its inheri­
ing phenotype, but two of the three will be heterozygous carriers
tance nlay be discerned in a relatively straightforward nlanner.
for the 1nutant forn1 of the gene, si1nilar to the carrier parents. A
Complete penetrance of the do1ninant allele results in expres­
typical recessive pedigree with affected 1ne111bcrs in a single gen­
sion of the disease phenotype in all carriers of that allele without
eration (horizontal pattern), showing a consanguineous 1nating
skipping generations. However, with incon1plete penetrance of
between cousins, is depicted in Figure 7-lB.
the affected gene, the inheritance pattern of the affected trait
becon1es relatively harder to discern, ie, one cannot easily dis­
X-Linked Inheritance
tinguish between don1inant inheritance with reduced pene­
trance and nlore co1nplicated nlodes of inheritance. The failure In hu1nans, females have 22 pairs of autoso1nes and a pair of
of the gene to express itself nlay be owing to a variety of rea­ X chron1oso111es (46XX), and nlales have 22 autoso1nes, one X
sons. The 1nost co1nn1on rationale put forth to explain reduced chro1noson1e, and one Y chro111 oson1e (46XY). Accordingly,


FIGURE 7-1 • Patterns of inheritance. Pedigrees

showing autosomal dominant A, autosomal recessive
8, X-linked C, and mitochondrial inheritance 0.
Autosomal dominant inheritance is characterized
c D
by vertical transmission in contrast to the horizon-
tal pattern seen in recessive inheritance; trans­
1 2 mission of recessive disease is more common in
consanguineous mating depicted in the pedigree.
In X-linked diseases, the unaffected carrier mothers
1 4 (depicted as a dot in the center of the square or the
circle) have affected and unaffected sons, whereas all
daughters are unaffected. On the other hand, affected
fathers only have unaffected children. Mitochondrial
Ill 2 4
3 diseases can only be transmitted from the mother as
mitochondrial DNA is present only in the egg.

males always receive their Y chromosome from their father exist, some of which have already been stated implicitly above.
and their X chromosorne fro1n their mother, whereas fe1nales These variations and their underlying principles have contrib­
receive one of their X chromosomes from each of their two uted toward increasing our understanding of the genetic etiol­
parents. Because males have one copy of the X chron1osome, ogy of disease.
they are hemizygous for genes on the X chromosome, and the
X chromosome is active in all of their nucleated cells. In gen­
Linkage and Recombination
eral, only one of the two X chromosomes carried by a female
is active in any one cell, whereas the other is rendered inac­ Not all genes assort independently of each other. This var­

tive by a natural process known as lyonization. This random iation of the Mendelian principle was initially identified by

inactivation process makes all females who are heterozygous Thornas �1organ through analysis of transmission of selected

for X-linked traits mosaic at the tissue level, resulting in var­ traits in fruit flies. Experiments showed inheritance of specific

iable expression of the mutant gene. Diseases that are rarely pairs of alleles in a cotnbination not present in the parental

expressed clinically in heterozygous females are called X-linked phenotype. This new con1bination of alleles was considered

recessive. In female tissues, various proportions of cells may to result fro1n crossing over and exchange of genetic tuaterial

exist in v.rhich one or the other of tvvo alleles for an X-linked bet,veen two homologous chromosornes, kno,vn as ho1nolo­

locus is expressed. Occasionally, a carrier female may manifest gous reco1ubination, yielding the new cotnbination of alleles

some symptoms of an X-linked recessive disorder owing to this not present in the original parental chromosomes. Analysis

mosaicism if she, by chance, has an abundance of cells with the of recotnbination frequencies between two traits considered

mutant allele being expressed. Transmission of an X-linked to be controlled by genes residing on the sa1ne linkage group,

recessive trait in a pedigree is illustrated in Figure 7-lC. that is, the same chromosome, provided two essential con­
cepts that led to the development of the genetic map: genes are
arranged in a linear order and the frequency with which two
alleles are inherited together is a function of the relative phys­
ical distance to each other. Thus, the closer the two genes, the
!viendel established the two fundamental principles of genet­ greater the chance that they will re1nain linked post tneiosis.
ics: segregation of genes and their independent assortment. The relative chro1uoson1al positions of genes may be readily
These principles refer to processes that occur in the forn1ation tuapped through the application of these principles of link­
of germ cells kno,vn as meiosis. Segregation refers to separation age and reco1ubination to generate genetic tnaps. The genetic
of homologous genes, representing the paternal and the mater­ distance between two linked genes as ineasured through the
nal contribution to the individual's genotype, into two separate frequency of recon1binants between the t'vo alleles i s mea­
daughter cells. Thus, the diploid genome is reduced to the hap­ sured in centi.tviorgans (ci'v1); eg, two loci are one c.tvl apart
loid state in the germ cells. The principle of independent assort­ on the genetic tuap if there is a l % chance of a recombination
ment states that segregation of one gene occurs independently bet,veen the1n in tneiosis. Thus, genes that are far apart on a
of other genes. These principles have served well for analysis chron1osome 'viii assort in an apparently independent man­
and understanding of the inheritance of traits through a single ner, whereas genes that are close together '"'ill tend to re1nain
locus. l-Iowever, a nun1ber of variations on these principles do linked post1neiosis.

Mitochondrial Inheritance lvfendelian traits as being "detern1ined" by single genes is an

oversin1plification. As inore 11endelian disorders are identified
Not all genes are equally inherited fro1u both parents. The
and their phenotypes investigated, their phenotypic variabil­
extranuclear 1uitochondrial geno1ue is inherited solely through
ity and con1plexity are beco1ning increasingly clear, and, con­
the niother. Male 1nitochondria are not contributed to newly
co1nitantly, their distinction fro1n co1nplex or 1nultifactorial
forn1ed zygotes. This inheritance pattern gives rise to pedigrees
traits is increasingly blurred. Phenotype variability
in which all of the children of an affected mother 1uay be affected
or variable expression seen in a single gene disorder such as
and none of the children of an affected father will be affected
Waardenburg's syndrome inay reflect interaction of that inajor
(Figure 7-1 D). In practice, the expression of n1itocbondrially
gene, such as PAX3, with "1nodifier" genes. Identification of
inherited disorders is often variable and 1uay be incompletely
these inodifier genes has in1portant in1plications for the under­
penetrant. If all of the mitochondria transmitted by the niother
standing and treat1nent of Mendelian disorders with variable
are of the san1e genotype, it is called homoplas1uia; if there are
genetic differences between then1, it is called heteroplasn1ia.
The relatively irregular n1ode of inheritance that character­
izes a n1ultifactorial trait is presun1ed to result fron1 interaction
Genomic Imprinting
of inultiple genes (polygenic). This interaction is apparently
The manifestation of so1ne genetic diseases depends on the distinct fron1 that presun1ed for lvfendelian traits. But this dis­
sex. of the transn1itting parent. This occurrence is considered tinction 1nay be at a quantitative rather than a qualitative level.
to result from genomic in1printing. This phenomenon runs For exan1ple, instead of a predo1ninant influence or effect of
counter to the teachings of Mendelian genetics that einph a­ one gene on expression of the phenotype, the n1ultifactorial
size equal contribution from paternal and maternal genes, trait is characterized b y a num.ber of genes v.1ith equivalent
'"'ith the obvious exception of genes on the sex ch romosoo1es. influence or effect. The genetic con1ponent of n1ultifactorial
Thus, in certain instances, despite the presence of both the traits is referred to b y ter1ns such as increased risk, predisposi­
paternal and maternal alleles, only one of the parental alleles tion, or susceptibility. Because of their con1plexity, the factors
is expressed. This differential expression of the parental alleles that contribute to the n1ultifactorial traits are poorly defined.
is detected in certain disease states when inheritance of that Several well-studied diseases, such as cardiovascular condi­
disorder is dependent on the sex of the parent who transmits tions and diabetes, as well as distinct behavioral disorders, are
the mutant gene. The gene-specific imprinting is presumed classified as inultifactorial. The influence of nongenetic factors,
to be the consequence of reversible "epigenetic" n1odifica­ eg, environ1nental age11ts or stochastic processes during devel­
tion of the parental allele during gametogenesis, leading to its opment, on a variety of traits is also clearly illustrated in the
differential expression. The precise 1nechanism of in1print­ studies of identical twins.
ing aod its evolutionary significance ren1ain unknown.
Hypern1ethylation of the imprinted gene represents one pos­
sible mechanisn1. GENETICS OF HEARING LOSS
Genon1ic in1printing at the level of a specific gene bas been
Hearing loss is the n1ost con1n1on for1n of sensory in1pair1nent
identified in fan1ilial cases of nonchron1affin paraganglion1as
in hu1nans. Nearly 10°/o of the US population or 30 n1illion
(PGs; benign tun1ors of the paraganglionic cells, also kno,>Jn as
An1ericans have significant auditory dysfunction. For son1e,
g lon1 us tumors). Although benign, their enlargen1ent can cause
the hearing loss is present at the beginning of life. The preva­
deafness and/or facial palsy. Fa1uilial PGs have shown an auto­
lence of per1nanent, inoderate-to-severe sensorineural hearing
son1al dominant inheritance with genomic imprinting of the
loss (SNHL) is esti1nated to be bet\>Jeen I and 3 per 1,000 live
n1aternal allele. Thus, the transn1ission of the disease occurs via
births.2•3 Prelingual deafness, in contrast to late-onset hear­
the affected paternal allele and not the niaternaJ allele.
ing loss, can be devastating to the child. Significant delays in
the acquisition of speech and language, as well as other devel­
Multifactorial Inheritance
op1nental childhood inilestones, can occur \>Jithout adequate
An expression of a phenotype, the outcon1e of which is deter­ rehabilitation. The predo1ninant etiology of hearing in1pair-
n1ined by a single gene, is tenned a Mendelian trait. Its pattern 1nent in children has evolved \>Jith advances in iuedical knowl­
of transn1ission within a pedigree can be readily discerned in edge and therapeutics. Historically, infectious disorders such
most cases, as described above. On the other hand, nlOSt con1- as otitis inedia, n1aternal rubella infections, and bacterial
mon hun1an diseases and traits show irregular inheritance pat­ ineningitis, as well as environn1ental factors such as intra­
terns. These traits are considered to b e detern1ined fron1 the uterine teratogenic exposure or ototoxic insult, were the do111-
action of niultiple genes and/or nongenetic factors. A phenotype inant causes of congenital and acquired hearing losses. The
that is an outcon1e of both genetic and environn1ental factors is introduction of antibiotics, vaccines, and in1proved knowledge
called a niultifactorial, or co111plex, trait. The lo'"' proportion of and enhanced awareness about teratogens has led to a decline
Mendelian traits relative to the number of n1ultifactorial traits in hearing loss resulting fro111 infections and environ111ental
in humans is better illustrated by considering the proportion of agents. Currently, inore than half of all childhood hearing
total nun1ber of Mendelian traits known (approxi111ately 6,000 i1npair111ent is thought to be hereditary. As a result of advances
according to l'vfcKusick's Mendelian Inheritance in Man) to in clinical and basic inedical research, significant progress has
the total nun1ber of genes that are estimated to exist (approx­ been n1ade in understanding the causes of hereditary hearing
i111ately 30,000). It should be emphasized that classification of i1npairn1ent (HHI).

Classification nlorphogenesis; and proteins involved in intercellular con1n1u­

nications such as gap and tight junctions.
When SNHL occurs in isolation, it is called nonsyndron1ic.4
As a result of progress in the genetics of deafness (and
On the other hand, hearing loss accornpanied by other sys­
genetics in general), several conventional notions have had to
ten1ic disturbance is tern1ed syndro111ic. T'vo-thirds of HHI
be modified. It is no'v clear that a single gene nlay cause syn­
is nonsyndro1nic, whereas the ren1aining one-third is syn­
dron1ic or nonsyndron1ic forn1s of deafness or may be associ­
dron1ic. Over 1,100 syndron1es are associated with otologic
ated with autoso1nal don1inant or autoson1al recessive nlode of
rnanifestations. Nonsyndromic HHI is further classi fied by the
inheritance. Identification of inyosin 7A as the gene responsible
1uode of inheritance. The majority of HHl is inherited in an
for both syndromic and nonsyndromic deafness has led to the
autoson1al recessive fashion (80%), with the autoso1ual domi­
abandonn1ent of the "one gene, one disease" dogma. In addi­
nant mode of inheritance being less con1n1on (l5-J8<Vo).5 Rare
tion, pendrin nlutations cause both Pendred's syndron1e and
modes of transmission include X.-linked and niitochondrial
isolated (nonsyndron1ic) large vestibular aqueduct (LVA). To
trans1nission, which account for the ren1aining 2o/o of hearing
nluddle things further, different inutations in nlyosin 7A cause
both don1inant and recessive forn1s of nonsyndron1ic deafness.
The sa111e is true for connexin 26: it is associated with both a
Auditory Phenotype in HHI
dominant and a recessive inode of transn1ission. In addition
Clinically, HHI can be described by several characteristics of to the disease-causing gene, the patient's genetic background
the hearing loss: severity of hearing in1pairn1ent, age of onset, and the role of other modifier genes in detern1ining the clini­
type of hearing in1pairrnent, frequencies involved, unilateral/ cal severity is now better appreciated. For exan1ple, the severity
bilateral, stable/progressive, and syndron1ic/nonsyndron1ic. In of Waardenburg's syndro1ne in a given patient 'vill be deter­
general, recessive HHT tends to be rnore severe than don1inantly n1ined not only by the nlutation in the PAX3 gene, but also by
inherited hearing in1pairn1ent. Recessive HHI is predon1inantly the nature of other genes present in the re1naining genome.
congenital or prelingual in onset, 'vhereas don1inant HHI is Several of the genes and gene fan1ilies are especially i1npor­
delayed or post lingual. In contrast to the profound hearing loss tant in clinical otology including GJB (fa1nily of gap junction
associated with recessive deafness, autosornal don1 inant hearing genes), SLC26A4, inyosins, and 111itochondrial gene 125 ribo­
loss is less severe and progresses with age. Many don1inant hear­ son1al ribonucleic acid (rRNA) and are discussed below.
ing impairn1ents progress at the rate of about l dB/year. Recessive
deafness usually affects all frequencies equally. Although there GJB2
are son1e types that have predon1inantly lo,v-frequency or flat
The apparent genetic heterogeneity of HHI is contrasted by the
hearing loss, do1uinant hearing impair1uent niore con1111only
predon1inance of GJB2 (encoding for connexin 26 gap junction
affects the high frequencies, mimicking presbycusis. The fre­
protein) as a inajor cause of inherited and sporadic nonsyndro­
quencies involved in syndromic forn1s of hearing impair1uent
n1ic deafness. Mutations of GJB2 are responsible for both reces­
are var.iable. Nonsyndron1ic hearing in1pairment is usually
sive (DFNBl-DFN for deafness, B for recessive) and don1inant
syn1metric. In contrast, syndromic HHI can be unilateral or
(DFNA3-DFN for deafness, A for don1inant) forn1s ofHHI; it
bilateral and syn1n1etric or asyn1n1etric.
is an important contributor to childhood hearing loss, account­
ing for nearly SOo/o of congenital recessive sensorineural hear­
Molecular Genetics of HHI ing in1pairn1ent. Connexin 26 (Cx26) is a nlen1ber of a fan1ily
Rapid progress has been made in the identification of genes of proteins that are involved in the formation of gap junctions.
responsible for syndro1uic and nonsyndromic hereditary hearing Connexins are trans1ne1nbrane proteins that forn1 channels
in1pairn1ent. In syndromic hearing impairn1ent, 111ore than 100 allowing transport of ions or sn1all 1nolecules between adja­
genes have been identified since 1990, showing a large heteroge­ cent cells. Each connexin subunit contains three intracellular
neity even in the san1e type of syndro1uic hearing impainuent. don1ains and two extracellular do1nains, crossing the plasn1a
For exan1ple, Usher's syndron1e type T has been associated with nle111 brane four tin1es. The second intracellular do1nain con­
l l different genetic loci; the genes responsible for nine of these tains the cytoplasn1ic loop. The other two intracellular do1nains
loci have been identified (Table 7-1). Jn nonsyndromic hear­ consist of the N tern1inus and the C tern1inus.6 Six connexin
ing in1pairment, as of2008, 57 autoson1al don1inant, 75 autoso- subunits join to for1n a connexon. A pair of connexons, one in
1ual recessive, 6 X-linked, 2 1uitocbondrial loci, and2 111odified each adjacent cell, co1nes together to for1n an intercellular chan­
loci have been n1apped on the hun1an genon1e. In addition, the nel. The fan1ily of conncxin proteins plays an i1nportant role in
current count of nearly 50 nonsyndron1i.c genes identified since nor1nal hearing as nlutations in several ine1nbers of the fa111ily
1994 will continue to rapidly increase (Table 7-2; Hereditary are associated with hearing i111pairn1ent. To date, nlutations in
hearing loss hon1epage: Cx26 (GJB2), Cx30 (GJB6), Cx31 (GJB3), Cx32 (GJBl), and Cx43
The identified deafness genes play a variety of different roles (GJAl) have been in1plicated in hearing loss ( C.onnexin-deafness
in cellular physiology (see Tables 7-l and 7-2). The responsible ho1nepage: Its expression has
genes include cytoskeleta.l proteins i1uportant in niaintaining been shown in the stria vascularis, basen1ent nlembrane, li1n­
cellular structure, division, and intracellular transport; tran­ bus, and spiral pron1inence of the hun1an cochlea.7 One possible
scription factors that regulate the expression of other genes; bioche1nical function of Cx26 has been suggested by studying
ion channels important in the transport of sodiun1, potas­ rat cochlear gap junctions. The organization of gap junctions
siun1, chloride, and iodine; developn1ental genes that regulate and infor1nation provided by other investigators suggest that

TABLE 7-1 Syndromic hereditary hearing impairment genes


Alport's COL4A3 Cytoskeletal protein

COL4A4 Cytoskeletal protein

COL4A5 Cytoskeletal protein

Branchio-oto-renal EYA1 Developmental gene

SIX1 Developmental gene

Jervell and Lange-Nielsen KVLQT1 Delayed rectifier potassium channel

KCNE1 Delayed rectifier potassium cha nn el

Norrie's NORRIN Cell-cell interactions?

Pendred's SLC26A4 Chloride-iodide transporter

Stickler's COL2A1 Cytoskeletal protein

COL11A1 Cytoskeletal protein

COL11A2 Cytoskeletal protein

Treacher Collins TCOF1 Nucleolar-cytoplasmic transport

Usher's MY07A Cytoskeletal protein


CDH23 lntercellular adherence protein

PCDH15 ?

SANS Harmonin associated protein

USH2A Cell adhesion molecule

VLGR1 G-protein coupled receptor

WHRN Calmodulin-dependent serine kinase

USH3 ?


Waardenburg's type I, Ill PAX3 Transcripti on factor

Waardenburg s type II
' MITF, SNA/2 Transc ription factor

Waardenburg's type IV EDNRB Endothelin-B receptor

EDN3 Endothelin-B receptor ligand

SOX10 Trans cription factor

they serve as the structural basis for recycling of potassiu1n ions United States, and New Zealand, as well as up to 40°1<1 of spo­
back to the endoly111ph of the cochlear duct after stin1ulation of radic cases of congenital deafness in these countries.12•13•10-20
the sensory hair cells.8•9 The 35delG mutation leads to frameshift, early termina­
Several studies have den1onstrated the prevalence of Cx26 tion of the nascent protein, and a nonfunctional intracellular
1nutations in SOo/o of individuals with recessive deafness, with domain in the protein.12•16•21 Alternatively, this mutation may
a carrier rate as high as 4°/o .7•10-1 Currently, approxi1nately 100 lead to an unstable RNA, leading to its early degradation or
different n1utations have been identified (Connexin-deafness absence of its translation into protein. Clinically, homozygous
hon1epage: Tv•o single base pair patients with the 35delG mutation show a variable phenotype,
deletions account for nearly half of all 1nutations in this gene: ranging from n1ild to profound hearing impairment. I-lowever,
35delG and 167delT. The 35delG n1utation has been found to most patients v;ith the homozygous 35delG mutation show a
be con1n1on in several populations and accounts for up to 70% severe to profound phenotype.
of Cx26 1nutant alleles in fa1nilies fro1n the United Kingdom, In contrast, the 35delG mutation may b e less common in
France, Italy, Spain, Tunisia, Lebanon, Israel, Australia, Greece, the Japanese populations in which 235delC is the prevalent

TABLE 7-2 Nonsyndromic hereditary hearing impairment genes


Dominant loci

Unnamed CRYM Thyroid hormone binding protein

DFNA1 DIAPH1 Cytoskeletal protein

DFNA2 GJB3(Cx31) Gap junctions

DFNA2 KCNQ4 Potassium channel

DFNA3 GJB2(Cx26) Gap junctions

DFNA3 GJB6(Cx30) Gap junctions

DFNA4 MYH14 Class II nonmuscle myosin

DFNA5 DFNA5 Unknown

DFNA6/14/38 WFS1 Endoplasmic reticulum protein

DFNAB/12 TECTA Tectorial membrane protein

DFNA9 COCH Unknown

DFNA10 EYA4 Developmental gene

DFNA11 MY07A Cytoskeletal protein

DFNA13 COL11A2 Cytoskeletal protein

DFNA15 POU4F3 Transcription factor

DFNA17 MYH9 Cytoskeletal protein

DFNA20/26 ACTG1 Cytoskeletal protein

DFNA22 MY06 Unconventional myosin

DFNA28 TFCP2L3 Transcription factor

DFNA36 TMC1 Transmembrane protein

DFNA39 DSPP Dentin phosphoprotein

DFNA44 CCDC50 Effector of EGF signaling

DFNA48 MY01A Unconventional myosin

Recessive Loci

Unnamed SLC26A5 (prestin) Motor protein

DFNB1 GJB2(CX26) Gap junctions

DFNB2 MY07A Cytoskeletal protein

DFNB3 MY015 Cytoskeletal protein

DFNB4 PDS Chloride-iodide transporter

DFNB6 TMIE Transmembrane protein

DFNB7/11 TMC1 Transmembrane protein

DFNBB/10 TMPRSS3 Transmembrane serine protease

DFNB9 OTOF Trafficking of membrane vesicles

DFNB12 CDH23 lntercellular adherence protein

DFNB16 STRC Stereocilia protein



TABLE 7-2 Nonsyndromic hereditary hearing impairment genes (Continued)


DFNB21 TECTA Tectorial membrane prote n i

DFN822 OTOA Gel attachment to nonsensory cell

DFN823 PCDH15 Morphogenesis and cohesion

DFN824 ROX Cross-link actin filaments

DFN828 TRIOBP Cytoskeletal-organizing prote n i

DFN829 CLDN14 Tight junctions

DFN830 MY03A Hybrid motor-signaling myosin

DFN831 WHRN PDZ domain-containing protein

DFN836 ESPN Calcium-insensitive actin-bundling prote n i

DFN837 MY06 Unconventional myosin

DFN849 MARVELD2 Tight junction protein

DFN853 COL11A2 Collagen protein

Zinc b nding protein

DFN866/67 LHFPLS Tetraspan membrane protein

X-linked Locus

DFN3 POU3F4 Transcription factor

Cx26 tnutation.22-24 Likewise, in the Ashkenazi Jewish pop ul a­ GJB2 gene, is inadequate. GJB2 testing is now readily available
tion, the 167delT inutation has been found to be 111ore con1mon in many laboratories; its role in the n1anagen1ent of children
than the 35delG n1utation, with a carrier rate of 4o/o.15 with hearing impairn1ent remains to be determ ined.
Of the genes identified to date, Cx26, because of its sn1all
size, the single coding exon, frequency of involve1nent, and
SLC26A4 (Pendrin Protein)
predon1inance of two 1nutations, lends itself to tnutation Mutations in S.LC26A4 are associated with an isolated LVA
screening. However, it is unlikely that screening for the t\vo (the most con1mon radiologic abnormality associated with
co1nn1on inutations \vill be sufficient to identify the vast n1ajor­ childhood deafness), as well as Pendred's syndron1e. Vaughan
ity of Cx26 deafness. We screened 154 individuals with SNHL Pendred, \Vhile h e was working in the Ear, Nose, and Throat
for inutations in Cx26by DNA sequencing and identified 34 Department at Ne,vcastle Royal Tnfirn1ary, observed the asso­
patients with nlutations for an overall incidence of 22% in the ciation between deaf-111utism and goiter in two sisters.28•29 The
study population.25 Of all Cx26 n1utations, the 35delG inuta­ first sister appeared to be profoundly deaf and developed go.iter
tion accounted for 26%. The 35delG inutation v.ras present in at the age of 13 years; the second sister was not co111 pletely deaf
a ho1nozygous state in only four individuals (each of the two and also developed a notable thyroid n1ass at the age of 13. l t has
chron1oso1nes harbored the 35delG 1nutation) and heterozy­ been estin1ated that as much as lOo/o of all HHT n1ay be attrib­
gous in six individuals (only one chro1noso1ne had the 35delG utable to Pendred's syndron1e, n1aking it one of the most com­
tnutation). Herein lies the fundan1ental proble1n with screen­ n1on syndromic HHI disorders.30 Goiter niay appear at birth, in
ing for only 35delG: only 4 of 34 individuals (12%) with Cx26 childhood, or after puberty. The delay in onset, or son1etin1es
tnutations, or 154 individuals in total (3o/o), had a hon1ozygous absence of goiter can niake clinical diagnosis of Pendred's
tnutation that would be required to clearly in1plicate Cx26 as syndron1e difficult. Patients are usually eut hyroi d but can be
the causative gene. The identification of a single copy of 35delG hypothyroid. The elevation of thyrotropin-releasing horn1one
tnutation does not iinplicate this gene in deafness and inay sin1- suggests a con1pensatory hypothyroidisn1.31 The mild organifi­
pl y reflect the high carrier rate that is present in the population. cation detect in Pendred's syndrome can be noted by the par­
In this case, the rate of identifying the cause of childhood SNHL tial discharge of iodine in the perchlorate challenge test.32 The
by genetic testing is significantly less than radiol og ic in1aging. perchlorate ion (Cl04-) is a con1petitor of iodine. When per­
The predon1inance of the nvo con1n1on nlutations in a heterozy­ chlorate is given orally or intravenously following radioactive
gous state (v.rith a second uncon11non Cx26 111utation) has been iodine administration, the perchlorate blocks further uptake
repl icated by others.26'27 Therefore, genetic testing for 35delG of iodine and releases unbound iodine in the thyroid follicu­
and 167delT 1nutations only, without sequencing the entire lar cells. To Pendred's syndron1e, in which there is an intrinsic

thyroid organification detect, the perchlorate displaces more dysfunction is largely restricted to hearing in1pairment. In the
iodine than in a nonnal thyroid gland, leading to a greater mouse, myosin VI has been identified as the Snell's waltzer gene;
iodine "discharge" and a decrease in thyroid radioactivity over the cochlear and vestibular neurosensory epithelium of Snell's
tin1e. The hearing loss of Pendred's syndrome is usually congen­ waltzer mice degenerates soon after birth. The role of 1nyosin
ital and profound. However, there are reports of milder or pro­ VI in hu1nan deafness re1nains to be deter1nined. Myosin VII
gressive hearing i111pairn1ents. Hypoplasia of the cochlea and has been linked to both rodent and hu1nan deafness. Mutations
enlargen1ent of the vestibular aqueduct can be associated \-vith in the gene encoding 111yosin VIIA are responsible for 1nouse
Pendred's syndron1e as demonstrated by histologic and radio­ shaker l, hu1nan Usher's syndro1ne type 1, and human non­
logic studies.33•34 syndromic hearing impairment DFNB2 and DFNAll. Shaker l
Everett and colleagues identified mutations in the SLC26A4 mice are deaf and have vestibular defects. lv1ice that are homo­
(forn1erly PDS) gene on chromoson1e 7q31 as the cause of zygous for mutant shaker 1 allele display disorganized ste­
Pendred's syndron1e.35 The gene contains 21 exons. The gene reocilia. Myosin XV is the largest of all myosin heavy chains,
product pendrin encodes a 780-amino acid ( 86-kDa) protein having a molecular '""eight of 395 kDa. Mutations in 1nyosin XV
that contains 1.1 transJ11en1brane domains resembling sul­ have been pathogenically linked to DFNB3 in hun1ans and the
fate transporters.35 Evidence suggests that pendrin functions shaker 2 phenotype in mice.
as a chloride-iodide anion transport protein.36 In the niouse The unconventional n1yosins are distributed throughout
inner ear, pendrin localizes to the endoly111phatic duct and the 1nechanosensory hair cells. Moreover, histopathologic study
sac, distinet areas in the utricle and saccule, and the external of 1nouse models of tnyosin XV dysfunction has been valuable
sulcus region within the cochlea, indicating a possible role in to understanding the consequences of inyosin dysfunction on
endoly111ph resorption. Van Hauwe and colleagues noted two the sensory hair cells. Myosin VI is localized within the actin­
particularly frequent niissense mutations, L236P (707 T to C) rich cuticular plate, as well as in the rootlet actin filaments that
and T416P (I 246 A to C); subsequently, a third common n1uta­ descend fro1n the stereocilia into the cuticular plate, suggest­
tion, E384G (l.151 A to G), has also been identi tied.37 Although ing a role in stabilizing the basal attachn1ent of stereocilia.41•42
the gene is too large for screening by direct sequencing, iden tifi­ Myosin VIIA is localized in the stereocilia and cell body of hair
cation of common 111utations opens the opportunity for screen­ cells.42 Postulated roles for nlyosin VIIA include n1aintaining
ing for these isolated niutations. stereocilia integrity and nlembrane trafficking in the inner hair
SLC26A4 niutations are also responsible for nonsyndron1i.c cells. On histopathologic evaluation, the inner ears of 1nouse
hearing Joss associated with LVA. The isolated presence of an 1nodels of 1nyosin XV dysfunction reveal significantly shortened
LVA is one of the most con1mon forn1s of inner ear anomaly. stereocilia in the sensory hair cells, de111onstrating the i1npor­
Genetic studies of families \-vith LVA disorder identi tied a reces­ tance of nlyosin XV in the 1naintenance of hair cell structure
sive nonsyndro111ic locus, DFNB4, that also niapped to the same and thereby its function.
region as the SLC26A4 gene. A nlutation in a conventional, or class II, 1nyosin, 11YH9,
This discovery led to the evaluation of the SLC26A4 gene has been described. The class II 111yosins are broadly expressed
and the subsequent identification of seven pendrin mutations in skeletal, cardiac, and sn1ooth 1nuscle, as well as nonmuscle
responsible for LVA \-vith nonsyndromic HHT.38 Like Pendred tissue and consist of a pair of heavy chains, a pair of light chains,
syndron1e, difterent niutations, V4 80D, V653A, l490L and G497 and a pair of regulatory light chains.43 The N-terminal nlotor
S, have been found to be com111only associated with LVA. In do1nain is the n10st highly conserved region of the 111yosin
a review of our experience, LVA was the n1ost co111n1on imag­ heavy chain and contains the adenosine triphosphate and acti n­
ing abnorma.lity detected in children with nonsyndron1ic binding sites. The apparent nlolecular \-veight of the class II 1nyo­
SNHL.39 At least 40% of children with LVA will develop pro­ sin heavy chain is 200 kDa. The nlyosin that nlediates skeletal
found SNHL.40 Patients with LVA are at risk for progressive 1nuscle contraction, also known as the sarco1neric n1yosin, rep­
hearing loss after niinor head traun1a. Identifying this anom­ resents the nlost \-veil-characterized representative of the class
aly influences parent counseling with respect to the dangers of I I 1nyosin fa111ily. Cardiac and sn1ooth n1uscle cells also express
incidental head trauma. In summary, the spectrun1 of SLC26A4 isofor1ns of class II 1nyosin, distinct fro1n the sarcon1eric n1yo­
111utations and the wide range of phenotypic manifestations sin that nlediates contraction in these 111uscle cells. Mutation
show that pendrin is an important participant in ear structural in MYH9, a conventional nonn1uscle 1nyosin, was described
developn1ent and in the norn1al functioning of the inner ear and in an Atnerican fan1ily with autosomal don1inant nonsyndro-
thyroid. Screening for n1utations niay play an in1portant role in 1nic hereditary hearing in1pair1nent (DFNA17) associated with
the diagnosis and 111anagen1ent of a child as \-vell as their siblings cochleosaccular degeneration.44-40 The affected 1ne1nbers of the
\-Vith hearing impairn1ent. DFNA 17 fa1nily exhibit progressive, postli11gual onset hearing
loss, a pattern that is observed in the majority of nonsyndron1ic
autoson1al do111inant HHI. The cosegregation of the mutant
The i111portance of myosins in inner ear function is manifest MYH9 \-vith nonsyndron1ic hearing in1pairn1ent illustrates a
in the growing list of unconventional (nonclass II) myosin biologically significant role for 11YH9 in hearing and an organ­
heavy chain genes pathogenically linked to HHI. These disease specific pathology associated '""ith the n1utant allele.
genes encode the heavy chains of myosin VI, VII, and XV. The Two other n1yosin genes have been predicted to have an
expression of these unconventional niyosins is not limited to the i1nportant role in hearing. Myosin V is an abundant protein
cells and the tissues of the inner ear. Yet the expression of their of afferent nerve fibers innervating both inner and outer hair

cells.47 Jvlyosin l p has been in1plicated as an effector of adapta­ 22 by both linkage studies and loss of heterozygosity analysis
tion of the hair cell transduction apparatus.48 The preponder­ in 1986 and 1987, respe ctivel y 01•64 In 1993, the NF2 gene, des­

ance of n1yosins is not surprising given the diversity of actin ignated nlerlin or scb\¥anno1nin, was isolated by two groups
filament systen1s in the inner ear.49 working independently.°5·60 TheNF2 gene is spread over approx­
in1ately 100 kb on chron1oson1e 22ql2.2 and contains 17 exons.
Aminoglycoside Ototoxicity The coding sequence of the nlessenger RNA is 1,785 bp in length
and encodes a protein of595 an1ino acids.65•00 The gene product
To date, there are 326 syndron1es, disorders, or peculiar pheno­
is sin1ilar in sequence to a fa1nily of proteins including nloesin,
types associated with mutations in the mitochondrial genome.50
ezrin, radixin, talin, and nlen1bers of the protein 4.1 superfa1n­
T\¥enty-one of these disorders have son1e involven1ent with
il y. These proteins are involved in linking cytoskeletal co1npo­
5NHL, indicating that the requiren1ent for a healthy population
nents with the plasn1a n1e111brane and are located in actin-rich
of mitochondria is very important to the cells involved in nor­
surface projections such as nlicrovilli. TheN-ter1ninal region of
n1al hearing.51-5• One of the most striking examples of a n1ito­
the inerlin protein is thought to interact with co1nponents of the
chondrially inherited trait whose expression is environmentally
plas1na ine1nbrane and the C-ter1ninal with the cytoskeleton.
affected is the hearing loss caused by hypersensitivity to amino­
Merlin or schwannon1in is predominantly expressed in the
glycosides.51 The aminoglycoside hypersen sitivity phenotype is
cells of the nervous systen1 and in the lens and is predon1inantly
the result of a single base transition of A to G at position 1555
located in ine1nbrane ruffles and cellular protrusions.07•08 It is
in the n1itochondrial 125 rRNA. This mutation causes a por­
currently believed that nlerlin protein overexpression can inhibit
tion of the 1.25 rRNA transcript structure to closely resemble
cell growth and that it induces cell surface protrusions and elon­
the binding site of an1inoglycosides to bacterial rRNA. \A/hen an
gation of cells."8'09 In 1994, Tikoo and colleagues70 tested iner­
aminogJycoside such as strepto1nycin is adn1inistered to patients
lin's ability to function as a tumor suppressor gene. Fol lov.ring
carrying this mutation, it binds to the 111utant 125 rRNA and
introduction of the NF2 protein into v-Ha-Ras-transform.ed
prevents it fron1 functioning in the translation of n1itochondri­
NIH 31'3 cells, they were able to den1onstrate the reversal of the
ally transcribed genes, resulting in the loss of n1itochondria in
inalignant phenotype, thus the tu1nor suppressor
cells and perhaps cell death or impairment of normal function.
properties of inerlin. Although the exact function of the NF2
Screening for this n1utation prior to initiation of an1inoglyco­
protein is as yet unknown, the evidence available so far suggests
side therapy may reduce the incidence of ototoxicity.
that it is involved in cell-cell or cell-n1atrix interactions and
that it is in1portant for cell 1nove1nent, cell shape, or con1n1u­
nication. Loss of function of the inerlin protein therefore could
Neurofibron1atosis 2 (NF2) is 1nuch rarer than NFl, with an result in a loss of contact inhibition and consequently lead to
incidence esti mated between l in 33,000 and l in 50,000. 55 tun1origenesis.
Inheritance of NF2 is autoso111al dominant, and gene pene­ Mutations involving the NF2 gene have been observed in
trance is over 951Yo. Neuro.tlbro111atosis 2 n1ost frequently pres­ 22 to 59% of patients with sporadic vestibular sch,¥an11on1a.71
ents in the second and third decades of Ii fe. The mean age of Welling and col leagues co1npared the rate of identification of
onset of sy111pton1s from vestibular schwannon1as in Kanter and genetic nlutations in sporadic vestibular schwannon1a ver­
coll.eagues's series v,ras 20.4 years.56 Vestibular schwanno111as sus patients \¥ith NF2 and found a significant difference, 66
co111prise approxi 111ately 8% of intracranial tumors and account to 330/o, respectively, while noting that different nlutational
for approxin1ately 80o/o of cerebellopontine angle tuniors.57 The niechanis111s nlay exist in tu1norigenesis.72 To date, inore than
majority of vestibular schwanno111as are sporadic in occurrence 200 nlutations of the NF2 gene have been identified, including
and unilateral, presenting in the fifth decade. single base substitutions, insertions, and deletions.73•74 Most
Patients with NF2 with bilateral vestibular schwanno111as inutations lead to truncation of the C-ter111inal end of the pro­
represent 2 to 4°/o of all vestibular schwannomas.58•59 tein; only 1 3 missense nlutations have been identilied.74 NF2
Neurofibron1atosis 2 has often been confused with NFl. gene defects have been detected in other malignancies includ­
The conclusive proof that NFl and NF2 were distinct disease ing nleningiomas, inalignant i11esothelion1as, nlelanon1as, and
entities did not occur until 1987. Molecular biologic investiga­ breast carcino1nas.04•75-7s
tions by Barker and colleagues,60 among others, showed that the Genotype-phenotype correlation studies suggest that
gene responsible for NFl was located near the proxi n1al long n1utations in theNF2 gene are associated with variable pheno­
arm of chromoson1e 17. At the sa111e tin1e, under separate inves­ typic expression. Ruttledge and colleagues found that inutations
tigation, the gene responsible for NF2 was located on chron10- in the NF2 gene that result in protein truncation are associ­
son1e 22 by Rouleau and colleagues.01 ated with a more severe clinical presentation ofNF2 (Wishart),
Neurofibromatosis 2 results from the inheritance of a ,..,hereas inissense and splice site inutations are associated \'\Tith
mutation in the gene on chron1osome 22. The incidence of a nlilder (Gardner) forn1 of the disease.79 5i1nilarly, Parry and
mutation rate within the NF2 gene has been estin1ated at colleagues have reported that retinal abnor1nalities ,..,ere associ­
6.5 x io-•,>5 In approxi111ately 50!Jlo of cases, ther:e is no family ated with the inore disruptive protein truncation nlutations of
history, and these patients represent new gern1line niutations.02 theNF2 gene.80 Both studies showed intrafan1ilial variability of
Chron1oson1e 22 was first thought to be the likely source of phenotypic expression.
the NF2 gene following cytogenetic studies of meningion1as in Although nlutations in theNF2 gene play a do111inant role
1982."3 The NF2 gene was subsequently mapped to chron1oso111e in the biology of vestibular schwannon1a, it is also possible that

other genetic loci contribute to the development of vestibular availability of large families with inherited PG. This has led
schwannoma. rn addition, NF2 gene n1utations are not uni­ to the delineation of at least three different genes associated
formly identified in patients with vestibular schwannon1a, and \Vith PG.
published genotype-phenotype correlations are variable, which
suggests that other genetic loci n1ay contribute to the genesis of The First Locus: PGL1
vestibular schwannoma and the ulti111ate phenotype of affected
Genetic linkage analysis of a large Dutch fa1nily with hereditary
individuals. 79•80
PG 1napped a gene called PGLJ to the short ar1n of chromo­
The identification of the gene responsible for NF2 has sig­
some 11, l l q22-q23.83•8' This finding was confirn1ed i n North
nificantly advaneed our undcrsta ndi ng of the molecular pathol­
An1erican fa1nilies and further localized to l lq23 .85' 80 Tun1or
ogy and factors responsible for the clinical heterogeneity an1ong
cells fron1 affeclcd individuals with the PGLl 1nutation revealed
patients with NF2. Understanding the function of 111erlin in
preferential loss of 1naternal DNA from cbron1osome l lq har­
tumor forn1ation will lead to the developn1ent of novel ther­
boring the PGLL gene, providing genetic support for nlaternal
apies, which 111ay eventually alleviate the suffering associated
in1printing. The pbcnon1enon where DNA is deleted is tern1ed a
with NF2.
Joss of heterozygosit y.85•87 This loss of heterozygosity associated
with tu1nor forn1ation strongly suggests that PGLl is a tu111or
GENETICS OF FAMILIAL suppressor gene. In the tu n1or suppressor hypothesis, tu111o r

PARAGANGLIOMAS (PG) for1nation requires the loss of both functional copies of a tu1nor
suppressor gene, since a single functioning copy of the tun1or
vVith the exception of the genes located on the sex chromo­
suppressor gene is sufficient to prevent tun1ors. The NF2 and
so1nes (X and Y), we inherit two copies of every gene. Tn most retinoblasto1na genes arc examples of tumor suppressor genes.
cases, both the maternal and the paternal copy of the gene are
The loss of function of one tumor suppressor gene by inheri­
active. Therefore, when inheriting a disease that is transmitted
tance of a mutated allele and a subsequent rando111 mutation of
in an autosomal dominant fashion, it usually does not matter the second allele results in tu111origenesis.88 This pbeno1nenon,
which parent passes down the single mutated gene for the child
described by Knudson,88 is known as the "two-hit" hypothesis.
to be affected. Ho\vever, there are many genes in which only
In familial PG, like F2, the inherited first "bit" predisposes the
the paternal o r maternal copy is active o r functional and the
individual to n1ullicentric tun1ors O\'ling to inultiple randon1
inactive gene is said to be i111printed. Imprinted genes are nor­
second "hits."
mally involved in e1nbryonic growth and behavioral develop­
The gene responsible for PGLl was cloned within the large
ment, but occasionally they also function inappropriately a s
chron1osomal span of llq23 by screening a candidate gene
oncogenes or tu1nor suppressor genes.
involved in oxygen metabolism located in this area.89 This
Fan1ilial PG is inherited in an autoson1al-dominant 1nan­
gene, known as SDHD (for succinate-ubiquinone oxidoreduc­
ner vvith maternal imprinting. Therefore, when an individual
tase subunit D), encodes a sn1all subunit of mitochrondrial
inherits the PG gene fron1 the n1other (regardless ofv.rhether she
cytochron1c b (cybS) involved i.n Krebs cycle aerobic 111etab­
herself is affected), that child is unaffected and becon1es a silent olism.89 Using five farnilies with hereditary PG, single base
carrier of the mutated gene. On the other hand, when a child pair 111utations leading to a loss of function of the SDHD gene
inherits the PG gene fron1 the father, the offspring will have
product were identified. A nonsense nlutation was found in
PGs regardless of the affected status of the father. Subsequently, two fan1ilies leading to early truncation in the forn1ation of the
the affected/unaffected child harboring the abnormal PG gene
SDHD protein and consequently the loss of cybS production.
will be able to pass the gene to his/her children; he/she will have
The other three families showed evidence of n1issense niuta­
affected children only if lhe trans111itting parent is a father. This
tions with change of a single a1nino acid, presun1ably dran1at­
unusual forin of incomplete genetic penetrance is caused by sex­ ically altering cybS contorrnation, rendering it nonfunctional.
specific gene modification during gan1etogenesis.8 1
Interestingly, typical postgametogenesis n1aternal imprinting
Because of the unusual pattern of inheritance out­
was not found si nee biallel ic expression of both the n1aternal
lined above, it is difficult to detcrn1ine whether every case of
and the paternal gene was found in son1atic tissues. It appears
"sporadic" PGs is, in fact, sporadic or a hereditary tumor cam­
that only \vhcn the normal 1naternal allele is later i1nprinted
ouflaged a s sporadic. In all likelihood, many sporadic tumors or lost that the 1nutatcd paternal allele encoding the mutated
are probably familial and the incidence of hereditary tun1ors
SDHD leads to I umor formation owing to a loss of tumor sup­
considerably higher than just I in 10 PGs. Similar to their
pressor activity. The discovery of this gene will undoubtedly
familial counterparts, sporadic tun1ors also demonstrate loss of lead to inorc efficient efforts in screening family nlembers at
heterozygosity al PGLI and PGL2. Bikhazi and colleagues dem­
risk for heritable PG.
onstrated loss of heterozygosity to be present i n 38°Ai of spo­
radic cases of carotid body tun1ors and glon1us tun1ors when
tested \Vith n1arkers located at PGLl and PGL2.82 This indi­
The Second Locus: PGL2
rectly suggests that one-lhird of sporadic tumors may indeed Mapping of another large, unrelated Dutch fa111ily with hered­
be inherited. Sin1ilar to NF2, sporadic and familial PGs likely itary PGs has revealed a second locus, PGL2, fow1d on the
have a con1mon genetic etiology. short arm of chro1noso111e 11. This locus at chro1noson1e 11 ql3
The quest for the identification of genes responsible for PG harbors anotber gene for PG that by genetic 1napping is clearly
has been greatly aided by the hu111an geno1ne project and the distinct from PGLJ.9°·91

The Third and Fourth Noni mprinted tes ting have al read y per 1ueated into our dail y practice. In the
Loci: PGL3 and PGL4 very near future, gene-based therapies too will dran1atically
change ho'"' we treat hearing loss and tu1nors of the ten1poral
A large German family with hereditary PG has revealed a
bone and cerebellopontine angle.
third locus, PGL3.92 Markers flanking the l lq23 and l lql3
loci associated v,rith PGLJ and PGL2 excluded linkage to this
area. Inheritance in this fan1ily was also autoson1al-dominant,
1. Lalwani AK, Lynch E, Mhatre AN. Molecular genetics: A brief
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nal imprinting. This fan1ily was niapped to chromosome lq21.
ogy and neurotology. Ph i la delphia : Lippincot-R.aven; 1998.
SDHD had been identified as the
Subsequently, as mutations in p. 49-86.
cause of type l PG, Niemann and JvluUer investigated SDHC
2. Brookhouser P. Sensorineural hearing loss in children. Pediatr
in this faniily.93 They found a G-to-A transition in exon l of Clin North Am 1996;43:1195-216.
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in the inner n1itochondrial 111en1brane by subunits SDHC and otology and neurotology. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1998.
SDHD. Screening for alterations within SDHB identified muta­ p. 313-40.
tions associated with PGL4; niutations in SDHB are also associ­ 5. M ha tre AN, Lal"'·ani AK. Molecular g enet ic s of deafne ss .
ated with malignant pheochron1ocyton1a. PGL3 and PGL4 are Otolaryngol Clin North An1 1996;29:421-35.
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channels. Curr Opin Strucl Biol 1996;6:183-92.
Genetic Screening 7. Kelsell DP, Dunlop J, Stevens HP, el al. Connexin 26 mutations

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ten1s in the r at vestibular labyrinth: In1111unohistochen1ical
a patient with a PG, an extended fan1ily history should be elic­
and ultrastructural analysis. Acta O tolar yn gol (Stockh) 1994;
ited to identify additional 1nen1bers with evidence of head and
neck tumors suspicious for PG. If hereditary PG is suspected, a
9. Kikuchi T, Kin1ur a RS, Paul DL, Adams JC. c;ap junctions in the
detailed fan1ily pedigree should be obtained and the patient's
rat cochlea: Jmmunohistochemical and ultrastructural analysis.
fan1ily should be offered genetic screening. If the pedigree is
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analysis if the fa1nily's PGs map to either PGLI or PGL2. Based
of neurosensory recessive deafness maps to the pedcentromeric
o n the genetic data, individuals harboring the affected chro1no­
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ically on a regular basis and offered genetic counseling. Those
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Recent Review Articles of Interest
Advances in genetics, diagnosis, localization, and treatn1ent.
Kochhar A, Hildebrand MS, Stuith RJ. Clinical aspects of hereditary
Hen1atolOncol Clin North Arn 2007;21(3):509-25.
hearing loss. Genet Med. 2007;9(7):393-408.

Brown SD, Hardisty-Hughes RE, Mburu P. Quiet as a mouse:

Dissecting the n1olecular and genetic basis of hearing. Nat Rev
Cienet. 2008;9(4):277-90.
Tumor Biology

D. Bradley Welling, MD, PhD, FACS I Mark D. Packer, MD

Vestibular schwannomas can be grouped into unilateral
Recent advances in 1nolecular biology have led to a better sporadic solid VS or bilateral NF2-associated schwannomas.
understanding of the etiology of many cranial base tun1ors. The VS with true cysts or cystic schwannomas present a unique and
development of new treatment options with improved outcomes aggressive phenotype, which may distinguish it from the more
and decreased n1orbidity by growth stabilization, or possible benign solid unilateral sporadic schwannoma. Mutations in the
prevention is the goal of w1derstanding the cellular mechanisms NF2 gene have been identified in all three tun1or types, but at
involved in the twnorigenesis. lndeed trials of several therapeu­ the molecular level, the tumors are only beginning to be distin­
tic agents targeting kno\vn pathways are underway. guished from each other.5·"
As an exan1ple of the recent advances in this field, vestibu­ Sch\vannomas 1nost comn1only present as solitary tumors
lar sch\vanno1nas (VS} will be highlighted. VS generally arise as and constitute 95�> of all \1S. Sporadic unilateral VS occur in
sporadic unilateral tumors of the internal auditory canal (lAC) approxi1nately 10 to 20 persons per million per year.7•8 However,
and the cerebellopontine angle (CPA); however, they are also the true incidence may be higher, as highlighted by Anderson
found bilaterally as the hallmark of the inherited genetic disor­ et al.9 who demonstrated an incidence of7 unsuspected sch\van­
der Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) [Online Mendelian Inheritance no1nas per 10,000 brain MRI studies (0.07%) or 70 per mil­
in tv1an (0Mltv1) #101000]. The NF2 syndrome is the autosom­ lion. Sporadic tumors usually occur in the 4th and 5th decades
al-do1ninant 1nanifestation of a biallelic mutation of the human with a mean presentation at about 50 years of age. Although
chromosome 22, which gives rise to VS, as well as 1neningiomas, histologically benign, schwannomas can compress the brain
ependymomas, and presenile cataracts. stein, leading to hydrocephalus, herniation, and death. Most
Fundamental understanding of the underlying molecular commonly, however, they are associated with hearing loss, tin­
events leading to tumor for1nation began when the neurofibro- nitus, imbalance, facial paralysis, and facial paresthesias (see
1natosis type 2 ttunor suppressor gene (NF2 gene) was identi­ Figure 37-4).
fied and mutations confirmed in the VS or the gern1line.1•3 The NF2 [OMIM #101000] is clinically an autosomal-domi­
clinical characteristics of VS and NF2 syndromes have both nant disease that is highly penetrant.10 NF2-associated tumors
been related to alterations in the NF2 gene. 'fhe clinical 1nani­ account for about 5% of all VS. Patients who inherit an abnor­
festations of NF2 associated with various 1nutations have been mal copy of the NF2 twnor suppressor gene have a 95o/o chance
described and signaling pathways affected by merlin, the prod­ of developing bilateral VS (see Figure 37-2). However, about
uct of the 1VF2 gene, are becoming better understood. one half of patients have no family history of NF2, and thus
For purposes of this chapter and elsewhere in the litera­ as founders, they represent new germline mutations that were
ture, abbreviations are as follows: "NF2" is used to indicate the not inherited. Other disease features of NF2 include intracra­
hlllllan disease of neurofibrotnatosis type 2 ; the italicized "NF2" nial meningio1nas, ependymomas, spinal schwannomas, and
represents the human neurofibro1natosis type 2 gene; and "Nf2" presenile lens opacities.11•14 The onset of symptoms is usu­
indicates the homolog or si1nilar gene expressed in rodents. The ally between 11 and 30 years of age, but for some patients, the
mouse Nf2 gene and the human NF2 gene share greater than symptoms may present in their 5th or 6th decade. The inci­
98°/o amino acid ho1nology, thus making the mouse a very rele­ dence is estimated at between 1 in 33,000 and 1 in 40,000.15.1"
vant model for study. Interestingly, chickens have 94% and dro­ NF2 is not to be confused \Nith neurofibromatosis type 1 (NFl)
sophila 50°/o human amino acid ho1nology as well! or von Recklinghausen's disease [OMIM #1622001. NFl, which
The no1nenclature nf•1+ is wild type or normal nf gene. nr'· is associated >vith multiple peripheral neurofibromas, is caused
refers to the absence of both alleles (homozygosity) and nf11· refers by a mutation in the NFl tumor suppressor gene on chromo­
to a heterozygosity or one allele only being nonfunctional. some 17.


The spectrum of phenotypic expression in NF2 varies Although the effectiveness of treatn1ent with current sur­
v,ridely. In the past, the 111ore severe clinical presentations were gical and radiation treat1nents for VS are generally good, treat­
tern1ed the \i\Tishart type.17 Tn addition to bilateral VS, patients n1ent-related inorbidity continues to be problematic. A brief
often suffered from associated spinal tumors with a typical review of the recent discoveries and advances in the inolecular
onset of syn1pton1s in the late teens or early twenties. The less biology of VS will follo'lv.
severe phenotypes have been ter1ned the Gardner type with a
later onset of bilateral schwannomas and fewer associated intra­ The NF2Gene
cranial or spinal tun1ors.18 In truth, the spectrun1 of disease
The NF2 gene was localized to chro111oson1e 22 bandq12 through
does not always allow a clear distinction, but rather follows a
genetic and physical inapping (Figure 8-lA to C).29•30 Positional
cloning studies led to the discovery of the NF2 gene in 1993
Occasionally segn1ental or mosaic categories of NF2 are
by two independent groups, Rouleau et al.2 and Trofatter et al.1
also included to describe another classification of NF2.19 The
The gene was found to be frequently mutated in NF2-related
cause of segn1ental NF2 111ay be due to son1atic niosaicisn1
VS. Since that tin1e, inutations in the NF2 gene have been found
where a niutation occurs later in embryogenesis rather than
not only in NF2-associated tun1ors but also in sporadic unilat­
in the germline DNA; therefore, only a portion of the patients'
eral sch,vannon1as and cystic schwanno1nas. 3•31-37 Additionally,
cells carry the 111utation, and the disease is nianifested in lim­
inutations within the NF2 gene have been frequently identified
ited areas of the body.20•21 Tn contrast, patients with fan1ilial
in nleningion1as and occasionally identified in other tun1or
NF2 inherit one mutation fro111 a parent at conception and types such as nlesothelion1as.35""'3
all cells carry one 111utant allele. Kluwe et al.21 estin1ated that
niosaicis111 111ay account for 25<x, of the NF2 cases of any sub­
Human NF2 Mutations and
type an1ong patients whose parents did not display the dis­
Their Clinical Correlation
ease. Patients with somatic 111osaicis111 can display bilateral VS
if the postzygotic n1utation occurred early in en1bryogenesis. Specific NF2 n1utations in VS have been characterized in
sporadic unilateral schwannon1as and NF2-associated
However, they niay also display an atypical presentation, or
schwaru1omas. 3•32-30•38•44-sg The frequency, type, and distribution
segmental NF2, in which the patient has a unilateral vestibular
of NF2 mutations 'lvere shown to be different between the spo­
schwannon1a and an ipsilateral, additional intracranial tun1or,
radic and fan1ilial NF2 tu111ors.3 Point inutations accounted for
such as a 111en ingioma, if the postzygotic niutation occurred
later in developn1ent.n Unlike the traditional forn1s of NF2, the inajority of inutations identified in NF2 patients, whereas
sn1all deletions accounted for the inajority of nlutations fou11d
the risk of passing NF2 caused by n1osaicisn1 to future off­
in the sporadic unilateral tuinors.46•47·55
spring is low.
Two groups have recently published large data bases of
NF2 mutations. Ahronowitz et al .59 presented a nleta-analysis
of 1,070 sn1all genetic changes detected prin1arily by exon scan­
Cystic VS are a particularly aggressive group of unilateral, spo­ ning including 42 intragenic changes of l whole exon or larger,
radic sch'INannomas, which invade the surrounding cranial and 29 whole gene deletions and gross chromoso1nal rearrange-
nerves, splaying then1 throughout the tun1ors. Cystic VS are 1nents. Overall, son1atic events detected by tun1or analysis
associated with either intratun1oral or extratumoral cysts, which showed a significantly different genetic profile than constitu­
develop in the loosely organized Antoni B tissues. Tn addition, tional events detected in the patients leukocytes. Over half of
a higher degree of nuclear atypia is seen in cystic tuniors.23•24 the inutations detected in tun1ors were fran1eshift nlutations.
Careful distinction 111ust be drawn between the truly cystic The deletion of a single nucleotide (A < T < C < or G) fro1n a
schwannon1as and the very con1111on heterogeneous schwanno- gene can have a particularly disrupting affect because all of the
1uas, which are not as aggressive in their clinical behavior. On codons downstrean1 fro1n the nlutation are changed. In co1n­
1uagnetic resonance imaging (MRT), truly cystic regions of the parison constitutional or systen1 wide inherited changes were
tu1uors are hyperintense on T2-v•eighted in1ages, and the cysts pri1narily nonsense and splice site nlutations (see Figure 8-2A
do not enhance with gadoliniun1 adn1inistration. The noncystic to C).60 Son1atic events also differed nlarkedly in 1neningio1nas
coinponent of the cystic tun1ors enhances with gadoliniun1 in a where 1nost nlutations were within the S-prin1e four, ezrin,
1uanner si1uilar to the unilateral and NF2-associated schwanno- radixin, and inoesin (FER11) do1nain of the transcript with a
1uas (see Figure 37-SA and B). Cystic tu1nors 111ay gro'lv rapidly co1nplete absence of nlutations in exons 14 and 15. Less than
and are difficult to nianage due to the high rate of hearing loss, 10% of sn1all alterations were nontruncati11g or lesions, 'lvhich
facial nerve paralysis, and recurrence that occurs after surgical would not con1pletely destroy the protein. These changes were
removal.25 \i\Then con1pared to solid tumors of a sin1ilar size, clustered in exons 2 and 3, suggesting that this region nlay be
the rate of coo1plete facial nerve paralysis (House-Brachn1ann especially crucial to tumor suppressor activity in the protein. We
grade VI) with surgical removal of cystic tu1nors was 41 <Vo, as and others have sho'lvn a frequent pattern of nlutation changing
coinpared to 27'Vo for that of solid unilateral schwannoo1as.26 arginine codons (CGA) to the thyn1ine stop codon (TGA) (This
Cystic tun1ors are also rnore likely to have continued growth type of "stop" codon not only tern1iI1ates the transcription of
and facial nerve paralysis \¥hen treated with stereotactic radi­ inH.NA, but often results in degradation of the nlRNA already
ation therapy than either the unilateral spontaneous or NF2- transcribed.) in both VS and nleningion1as, causing a truncating
associated schwanoonias.27·28 lesion.3•60 The chen1ical bonds associated with the configuration

B c

Gene Structure
p I Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 Gene4
11.2 . ��, -------�-------�� --ly).}

11.1 Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon 3

11.21 .-----< }})


11.22 1----1 lntron 1 lntron 2

12.1 >-
FIGURE 8-1 A, Picture indicating the

q relationship of chromosomes, genes, and

DNA nucleotide bases. 8, Diagram of one
arm of chromosome 22, depicting the
13.2 p and q segments of the chromosome.
13.31 C, A model of a human gene. The information
13.32 contained in the gene and used for synthesis
of the protein is split between exons (which
code for the protein) and introns (noncoding

of these nucleotides make them less stable and more likely to protein (see Figure 8-3) appear to associate with a less severe
undergo spontaneous mutation not onJy inNF2 but many other phenotype than those within the conserved ERM do111ain.01
tumors as well.No mutations have been reported in exons 16 This lack of genotype-phenotype correlation \vas also seen for
and 17, and few were noted in exon 9. large deletions, which could give rise to niild phenotypes as well
Studies to determine i f genotype could be a predicator as the previously reported severe disease expression.02 Clinical
of disease severity showed that deletions that caused trunca­ studies indicate that the phenotypic expression is more closely
tion of the NF2 protein have a more severe phenotype inNF2 related within families than between families, but even within
pedigrees,46•47•55 \Vhile missense mutations (see Figure 8-2) or fan1ilies, variability exists.03 \i\!hen statistically analyzed, the
small in-frame insertions in the NF2-coding region have been age of onset ofNF2, the age at onset of hearing loss, and the
reported to associate>vith a mild phenotype.3"5•36•54•56•57 Ho\\rever, nun1ber of intracranial nieningiomas, were a.II found to have a
exceptions are common as some missense mutations have been significant intrafan1ilial correlation.64 It is not kno\vn whether
associated \\rith severe phenotypes. It \vould appear that the this variability occurs by chance, by epigenetic phenon1ena, or
location of the mutation within the gene may be important as by modifying genes at other loci.65 Ep.igenetic phenon1ena are
missense mutations within the a-helical domain of the NF2 not caused by a change in the coding sequence of the DNA but

A B c

Frameshlft Mutation Nonsense Mutations Mlssense Mutations


Met Glu Ala Gly Met Glu Ala Gly Met Glu Ala Gly

J �'1

Met Lys His Met STOP Met Asp Ala Gly

FIGURE 8-2 •A, The deletion of a single nucleotide (A, T, C, or G) from a gene can have a particularly disrupting
affect on the gene because the deletion of one nucletide changes all of the codons downstream from the change,
resulting in a frameshift mutation. The deletion of the "G" base changes the downstream coding such that instead
of coding for ... Glu-Ala-Gly, the mutated gene now codes for ... Lys-His ... downstream from the mutation.
B, A nonsense mutation is one that converts a codon that specifies an amino acid into a termination codon. This
results in a shortened protein, since the translation of the mRNA stops at this new termination codon and not the
correct one which if further downstream. The effect of a nonsense mutation depends on how much of the protein
is lost. C, A point mutation or change of a single nucleotide can change a codon so that a different protein is
specified. This is called a missense mutation, since the wrong amino acid is specified. The protein coded by the
gene therefore has a change to a single amino acid. This often has no significant effect on the protein, as most can
tolerate a few amino acid changes without their biological function changing.

Zucman-Rocci et al.66 reported an 84% mutation detection rate

in VS. Thus, additional mechanisms for inactivation of the NF2
gene in some patients may exist. .tvlutation or 1nethylation in
the regulatory region of the NF2 gene has been suggested (see
Figure 8-4) a s a possible mechanism of gene inactivation.67_6q
Posttranscriptional alternative splicing and differential poly­
adenylation may also be considered as possible means of inac­
tivating the NF2 gene.68 Polyadenylation refers to the variable
number of adenines that are attached at the 3' end of the mRNA
which may play a role in the way a gene is regulated. Alternative
splicing refers to different patterns of splicing of exons which
occurs, in this case theNF2 gene, resulting in differing isoforms
of the gene. The two most common isoforms ofNF2 have either
exon 16 or exon 17 spliced out.

N-terminus a-Helical domain C-terminus

FERM domain hydrophyllic tail The NF2 Protein: Structure
and Function

The NF2 gene product is named merlin, for moesin-ezrin­

FIGURE 8-3 •The NF2 protein is divided into three general sections. radixin like protein, or sch�, a name derived fron1
The FERM domain is followed by an alpha-helical domain and a schwannoma.1.2 For simplicity, the NF2 protein is referred to
hydrophilic tail.4 Merlin can dimerize with itself and heterodimerize
a s "merlin" in this chapter. The NF2 gene is transcribed into
with other ERM family proteins. From Shimizu T, Seto A, Maita N,
multiple RNA species by alternative splicing. Isoforms I and II
et al. (2002). Structural basis for neurofibromatosis type 2. Crystal
structure of the merlin FERM domain. J. Biol. Chem. 277;(12):10332-6. are the two niajor RNA isoforms expressed in the cell. Isofor1n I
doi:10.1074/jbc.M109979200. PMID 11756419 encodes a 595-amino-acid protein and has exon 16 spliced out.
Isoform II, containing all 17 exons, differs from isoform 1 only
rather alter the gene expression during gene development or cell at the C-terminus. Insertion of exon 16 into the mRNA provides
proliferation. An example would be methylation of segments a new stop codon, resulting in a 590-amino-acid protein that is
of the promoter region of the NF2 gene, which suppress the identical to isoform I over the first 579 residues. Intriguingly,
expression of the gene. The NF2-coding region encompasses only isoform I possess growth suppression activity.70
17 exons spanning 90 kilo base-pairs (kBp) of DNA on chro­ Merlin shares a high degree of homology to the erythro­
mosome 22.1·i·66 By extensive screening of the entire NF2 gene, cyte protein 4.1-related superfamily of proteins, which act to

and nlerlin deficiency disrupt so1ue aspect of intracellular

signaling that leads to cellular transforn1ation. Together,
Mutation Affecting
Gene Expression these findings de1uonstrate nlerlin's ability to act as a growth
_ ___,__ _j- t- I- Nf2 knockout mouse nlodels, which are either heterozy­
� '� Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon 3 gous or ho1uozygous for the Nf2 gene in the gern1line, have been
� created.84•85 Heterozygous Nf2 knockout go on to develop
Upstream Exon/lntron
Regulato ry Boundary
osteosarco1nas, and less often, fibrosarco1nas or hepatocellu­
Region ,1 lar carcinoiuas.84 lvfetastatic disease is con1n1on in this 111odel.
Genetic analysis shows that nearly all of these inalignant tumors
are 1uissing both Nf2 alleles, Tun1or growth u1 th e absence of
both Nf2 alleles indicates that the Nf2 gene possesses a classical
tu1nor suppressor function. However, none of the heterozygous
FIGURE 8-4 Mutations can occur upstream of the gene itself in the

Nf2 1uice develop tu1nors or clinical inanifestations associated
promoter or regulatory regions or at the boundries between introns
with NF2. The Nf2 gene also plays an i111portant role
and exons (splice sites). Mutations in the promoter or regulatory
regions may lead to over- or underexpression of the gene while during early e1ubryogenesis. Ho1nozygous Nf2 inutant 1nice,
mutations in the intron/exon boundaries may lead to aberrant splicing. which are inissing both Nf2 alleles, die at approxi111ately 7 days
Aberrant splicing might delete part of the resulting protein, add a new of gestation fro1n a gastrulation defect or failure of inward
section of amino acids, or result in a frameshift.
iuigration of cells. Merlin is i1uportant in cell n1igration as we
and others have sho\-vn during einbryogenesis.85•80
link the actin cytoskeleton to the plasma membrane.1 •2 Tn par­ By engineering mice whose Sch,-vann cells have exon
ticular, three proteins, ezrin, radixin, and nioesin, referred to 2 excised fron1 both Nf2 alleles, conditional ho1nozygous
as the ERJvl fan1ily, share a great deal of structural sin 1ilarity Nf2 knockout 1nice have been produced, which display some
with nierlin.1 1.72 The proteins belonging to this fan1ily have a characteristics of NF2 including schwannon1as, Schwann cell
similar N-tern1inal globular domain, also known as the FERJvl hyperplasia, cataracts, and osseous n1etaplasia. 87 A conditional
don1ain, followed by an a-helical stretch, and finally a charged knockout nlodel is engineered by inserting a regulatory n1echa­
carboxyl-terminus.12-74 The key functional don1ains of 1nedin nis1u into the gene, allowing the investigator to choose the time
may lie \-vithin the highly conserved FERJvl domains and the at which the desired gene (in this case Nf2) \Vill be knocked out
unique C-terminus of the protein. The ERM proteins have Although these results are in favor of the argun1ent that Joss of
been sho,-vn to be involved in cellular ren1odeling involving iuerlin is sufficient for schwannon1a for1uation in vivo, none of
the actin cytoskeleton.75 These proteins bind actin filainents in the tun1ors observed in these conditional knockout nlice were
the cytoskeleton via a conserved C-tern1inal domain and pos­ found on the vestibular nerve. This is in contrast to those VS
sibly via a second actin-binding site in the N-tern1inaI half of con1n1only found u1 patients with NF2.
the protein.76•77 Biallelic NF2 inactivation is also frequently found in spo­
Like the ERJv1 proteins, merlin is expressed in a variety of radic and in NF2-associated n1eningio1nas. By engineering nlice
cell types where it localizes to the areas of nien1brane re111odel­ whose arachnoidal cells have exon 2 excised from. both Nf2
ing, particularly n1en1brane ruffles, although its precise distri­ alleles, hon1ozygous Nf2·1• 111ice sho\-v a range of meningion1a
bution n1ay differ fron1 the ERM proteins expressed in the sa1ne subtypes histologically sin1ilar to the hu1nan tun1ors.88 Taken
cell.7 8 Meinbrane ruffling is related to the interaction between together, these results den1onstrate a tun1or suppressor function
the cytoskeleton with the cell body and the cell niembrane. for inerlin in both Schwann cells and arachnoidal cells.
Schwanno1na cells fron1 NF2 tun1ors show dran1atic altera­
tions in the acti n cytoskeleton and display abnorn1alities in eel I Merlin Signaling and Regulation
spreading as \-vell.79 These results suggest that nierlin n1ay play
lvferlin overexpression (see Figure 8-5), unlike the other
an important role in regulating both the actin cytoskeleton­
n1e1nbers of the ERlvf protein fa1nily, causes growth suppres­
mediated processes and cell proliferation.80 However, it should
sion. In addition to the actin cytoskeleton, merlin has been
be noted that 1ner.lin has a growth suppression role, while other
shown to associate with cell 1nen1brane don1ains, which are
ERJvl-fan1ily men1bers seem to facilitate cell growth.
highly enriched in signaling molecules that regulate cellu­
lar responses to proliferative and antiproliferative sti1nuli. 89
Mer lin Acts as a Tumor Suppressor Vestibular sch,-vanno1na cells with NF2 inactivation have
Overexpression of the NF2 gene in mouse fibroblasts or rat dran1atic alterations in cell spreading.79 To date, several pro­
schwannoina cells lin1its cell growth 57•81 .82 and suppresses cell teins that are likely to interact with nlerlin have been identi­
transformation by the ras oncogene.83 Without the NF2 gene fied including the ERM proteins, CD44, F-actin, paxillin,
overexpressed, transforn1ation occurs when a cancer-causing iuicrotubules, �II-spectrin, �1-integrin, �-fodrin, the regu­
protein, ras, allows the cellular proliferation niachinery to latory cofactor of Na+-H+ exchanger (NHE-RF), SCHIP-1,
become activated without proper regulatory 1nechanisms in hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase sub­
pla ce , causing malignant tu1nor growth. The growth con­ strate (HRS), p21-activated kinase l and 2 (Pakl and Pak2),
trol of certain Schwann cells and meningeal cells is lost in Rael, the RIB subunit of protein kinase A, co1nponents of
the absence of NF2 function, suggestin g that NF2 niutations cadherin-n1ediated cell junctions, PIKE-L [phosphatidylinositol



RTK FIGURE 8-5 •Schematic diagram of merlin

action. This diagram shows how Rac1 and
Pak help convert the merlin protein from
a closed conformation to an open confor­
ECM mation by phosphorylation of the protein.
Consequently, merlin, in its open conformation,
MYPT-1-PP1o can interact with CD44 and facilitate linking
� the actin cytoskeleton to the cell membrane.
p21-activated kinase 2 (Pak2) has been shown
� p--Merlin to phosphorylate merlin at serine 518 and
Rac1/Pak (inactive) inactivates its function. Merlin is activated by
dephosphorylation by myosin phosphatase

3-kinase (PT3-kinase) enhancer], and erbin (erbB2-interacting 1vferl in's function is regulated by phosphorylation.106·u0
protein). si.9 0-101 Rael, a n1en1ber of the RhoGTPase fan1ily, has been den1-
Presently, how all of these protein-protein interactions relate onstrated to pron1ote phosphorylation of n1erlin, thereby
to the tun1or suppressor activity of 1nerlin is largely not under­ inactivating its growth suppressor niechan isn1.111•112 A niong
stood. The association of n1erl in v,rith CD44 and �J-integrin the effectors of Rae.I and Cdc42 GTPases, members of the p2J­
raises the possibility that n1erlin 111ight function as a molec­ activated kinase (PAK) fa111ily have den1onstrated interactions
ular switch in the signaling pathways. CD44 is a transn1em­ with merlin. Specifically, (Pak2) has been shown to phosphor­
brane hyaluronic acid receptor implicated in cell-cell adhesion, ylate merlin at serine 518 and inactivate its function.g 9•104•11�·114
cell-n1atrix adhesion, cell n1otility, and 111etastasis. 90•1 01 Merlin Kissi! et al.1 14 also reported an interaction between 111erlin and
111ediates contact inhibition of cell growth through signals from Pakl, and 111erlin could inhibit the activation dynan1ic of Pakl.
the extracellular matrix. At high cell density, merlin becomes Loss of nierlin expression leads to the inappropriate activation
hypophosphorylated and inhibits cell growth in response to of Pakl, while overexpression of merlin results in the inhibition
hyaluronate, a n1ucopolysaccbaride that surrounds cells.108 At of Pak l activity. Conversely, Jvlerlin is activated by de phosphor­
low cell density, merlin is phosphorylated, growth permissive, ylation at serine 518, which occurs on serum withdrawal or on
and exists in a complex with ezrin, n1oesin, and CD44. These cell-cell or cell-n1atrix contact.1 08 Although the 111embers of the
data indicate that 111erlin and CD44 tor111 a 111olecular switch PAK fa111ily have been in1plicated in various cellular processes,
that specifies cell growth arrest or proliferation. such as cytoskeletal reorganization and apoptotic s.ignaling,
Lallen1and et al.to5 showed that in Nf2·1• n1ouse en1bryo their exact roles and functions have not been clearly defined.
fibroblasts, Nf2 deficiency led to of cells, hyperprolif­ Jin et al.115 identified the 111yosin phosphatase (�lYPT-1-PPlo)
eration, and defective cadherin-mediated cell-cell interactions. as a nierlin phosphatase. Interestingly, the cellular MYPT-1-
When functioning normally, these interactions terminate pro­ PPlO-specific inhibitor, CPT-17, could cause decreased n1erlin
liferation by contact inhibition through specialized connections activity by merlin phosphorylation, Ras activation, and trans­
called adherens junctions. Furthern1ore, n1erlin colocalizes and torn1ation. These results implicate ?vfYPT-l-PPlo and CPT-17
interacts with and causes n1aturation of these adherens junction as important regulatory co111ponents in the merlin tut11or sup­
components in confluent or touching wild-type cells. Stated pressor pathway.
simply, when norn1al Schwann cells contact each other, special
signaling through these junctions stops further growth. Tn the
Merlin's Growth Regulatory
absence of n1erlin, the adherens junctions are imn1ature and do
Function Is Related to Its Conformation
not stop the schwanno111a cells fron1 terminating their growth
and Protein-Protein Interactions
when they contact each other. These results indicate that nierlin The activities of the ER1vl proteins are controlled by self­
functions as a tu111or suppressor at least in part by controlling association of the proteins' N-terminal and C -ten11inal
cadherin-n1ediated cell-cell contact.1 09 regions.110•117 The ERJvl proteins can exist in the "closed"

conforn1ation, where the N- and C-tern1inal regions cell migration was noted. While little pron1oter activity was
undergo an intra molecular interaction, thus folding the pro­ detected in premigratory neural crest cells at the dorsal ridge
tein to niask the conserved actin-binding site (Figure 8-3). region of the neural fold, significant activity was seen in the
The molecule can b e converted to the "open" conforn1a­ neural crest cells already migrating away from the dorsal neu­
tion in which the intramolecular interaction is disrupted ral tube. In addition, we detected considerable NF2 promoter
by signals such as phosphorylation or treatment with activity in various NF2-affected tissues such as the acoustic and
phosphoi nositi des.104·114·118 trigeminal ganglia, spinal ganglia, optic chiasma, the ependy­
J\tlerlin's ability to function as a growth regulator is also mal cell-containing tela choroidea, and the pigmented epithe­
related to its ability to forn1 such intra molecular associations.119 lium of the retina. The NF2 pron1oter expression pattern during
Two such interactions have been identified. The first interaction embryogenesis suggests a specific regulation of the NF2 gene
is between residues that fold the N-terminal end of the protein during neural crest cell niigration and further supports the role
onto itself, while the second interaction folds the entire pro­ of inerlin in cell adhesion, 1notility, and proliferation during
tein so that there is contact between N- and C-terminal ends developn1ent.60
of the protein.82·119·120 Tn a fashion sin1ilar to the ER1vl proteins,
merlin may cycle between the "open" and "closed" conforma­ Alternatively Spliced NF2 mRNA
tions that differentially detern1ine whether it binds with the lsoforms in Vestibular Schwannomas
ER1vl proteins or other molecules to transduce n1erlin's growth and Other Cell Types
inhibition signal.121 ln addition, the association between nierlin The NF2 gene undergoes alternative splicing in the coding
and HRS, a substrate implicated in the signaling pathway ini­ exons. 38. 47- 68•125-130 Niultiple alternatively spliced NF2 transcripts
tiated by hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) binding to the c-met have been identified in various human cells. The most co1n­
receptor,122 appears to be regulated by n1erlin folding.120 These mon isofor1ns in these cells were isoforn1s II (containing all
results suggest that the ability of mer.I in to cycle between the 17 exons) and isofor1n I (\vithout exon 16). We have also exa1n­
"open" and "closed" conformations may integrate CD44 and ined the expression of alternatively spliced NF2 n1RNA iso­
HGF signaling pathv,rays. All of these findings are relevant to forn1s in VS. Cloning and sequencing analysis showed that the
growth regulation. Also, merlin can exert its activity by inhibit­ expression pattern and relative frequency of the alternatively
ing phophotidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) through binding spliced NF2 transcripts in \TS appeared to be different fron1
to PTKE-L, a brain-specific GTPase that binds to Pl3-kinase and those detected in other hun1an cell types. In addition to iso­
stimulates its lipid kinase activity.100 This finding suggests that forms I and II, these schwannon1as expressed a high percentage
PIKE-Lis an important mediator of merlin growth suppression. of the NF2 isoform lacking exons 15 and 16. These alternatively
Along this notion, we have found that the PT3-kinase/Akt path­ spliced NF2 transcripts could encode different protein prod­
way is activated in VS.123 ucts (unpublished data).
Presently, the role of alternative splicing of NF2 1nRNA
The NF2 Gene Promoter is not well understood. It is possible that the functional con­
Characterization of the NF2 regulatory regions is i1nportant tribution of the NF2 tun1or suppressor n1ay require a bal­
for screening tor niutations in both spontaneous and familial anced expression of various isoforn1 proteins in Schwann cells
tumors in v1hich no niutation was found in the NF2-coding and/or other cell lineages.68•131 Alternative splicing n1ay be
region. V'Ve have shown that transcription of the NF2 gene is another n1echanis1n for Schwann cells to inactivate inerlin func­
initiated at multiple start sites and multiple regions in the NF2 tion and/or to generate isoforms that have additional properties
pro1noter are required tor full NF2 pron1oter activity.08•124 Both conducive to tun1or forn1ation.
positive and negative regulatory ele1nents required for transcrip­
tion of the NF2gene have been found in the 5' flanking region of
lmmunohistochemical Markers of
Growth in Vestibular Schwannomas:
the promoter (see Fig ure 8-4). Jn particular, a sequence rich in
guanine and cytosine nucleotide bases located in the proxi1nal
Clinical Correlation
regulatory region, which can be bound by the Spl transcription Atte1npts to correlate clinical paran1eters with i1n1nunohis­
factor, serves as a positive regulatory eleinent.08 This region is tologic evaluation of protein expressio11 in \TS have been per­
the area of the gene adjacent to 5' of the coding region which forn1ed. An increase in Ki-67, a protein, which is an index of
regulates, either positively or negatively, the translation of the nuclear proliferation, was shown to correlate with the growth of
DNA into niessenger RNA as we have described. Both the 5' and solid schwannon1as 011 MRI.132·133 I-Iigher rates of tu1nor recur­
3' flanking regions of the human NF2 locus are G/C-rich and rence have also been suggested in tun1ors with an increased rate
could serve as a target for gene 1nethylation and inactivation as of nuclear proliferation and n1itotic indexes, although the sup­
a form of therapy. 67• 68 porting data for this clain1 was not conclusivc.134 Positron en1is­
We have also shov,rn that a 2.4-kb hun1an NF2 pron1oter sion ton1ography (PET) scanning has been conducted to assess
could direct where the NF2 gene expression \vould occur as the inetabolic activity of VS preoperatively and to assess the
early as en1bryonic day 5.5. 86 During early developinent, strong n1etabolic activity with the proliferation index, Ki-67. However,
NF2 proinoter activity was detected in the developing brain no correlation \Vas found. Additionally, there \vas no correla­
and in sites containing niigrating cells including the neural tio11 between 18-tluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake (indicator
tube closure and branchial arches. (Figure 8-6). Interestingly, of 1netabolic activity in tissues) and Ki-67 expression n1easured
a transient change of NF2 pro1noter activity during neural crest by in11nunostaining.135 This is tnost likely because VS are slow

A B c D


FIGURE 8-6 • NF2 promoter expression in neural tube and neural crest. Lateral views of whole-mount
X-gal-stained transgenic mouse embryos at various days p.c. A, E9.5, B, E10.5, C, E12.5, and D, E14.5. Scale bar
400 m. The most intense f3-gal expression was detected along the dorsal closure (arrows) of neural tube in E, E9.5
and F, E10.5, transgenic embryos. Strong �-gal expression was also seen in the branchial arches I-IV (arrows) of
the G, E10.5 embryo.

growing tumors v,rith less than five percent of tumor cells being to unilateral solid schwannon1as.140·'41 PCNA is a proliferation
in S-phase or active division (Figure 8-7).130 index marker and is iniportant in cell division.
Another possible marker for tumor growth is the trans­ Recently, we detected higher levels of cyclin D3 expres­
form iog growth factor �l (TGF-�l). Immunostaining for sion, which is associated with G1 cell-cycle progression, in 5 of
TGF-�l was positive in 96<1i> of blood vessels within schv.ran­ 10 VS, compared to Schwann cells in adjacent nonnal vestibular
nomas and in 84°A> of scb,vannoma tissue samples; ho,v­ nerve.142 In contrast, expression of the cycl in D protein, which
ever, no direct correlation with tumor growth '"'as found.137 controls Schwann eel I differentiation, was not detected in any of
Immunohistochemical association of �1-integrin with merlin the schwannomas exan1ined. These results suggested a possible
has been demonstrated, but has not been related directly to role for cyclin D3 in the growth of some VS cells.
tumor phenotypes.95 Cystic sch,vannomas are associated '"'ith Taken together, these studies den1onstrate relatively little
a 36-fold decrease i n nuclear proliferation as measured with correlation between clinical growth as assessed by MRI scans,
Ki-67 staining when con1pared to solid tumors, suggesting historical data, and nuclear growth indexes in solid unilat­
that the rapid clinical gro,vth seen i n cystic sch,vannomas is eral and NF2-associated schwannon1as. Cystic tu111or growth
related to the accumulation of cyst formation but not by an appears to occur via a different mechanism. Although the
actual increase in the growth rate of tumor cells.138•139 Also, defective NF2 gene is the underlying co111111on denon1inator in
NF2-associated schwannomas have been shown to have an tumor forn1ation of all three tun1or types, other differences at
increased proliferation index by Ki-67 and proliferating cell the niolecular level likely account for the variable clinical pre­
nuclear antigen (PCNA) immunostaining, when compared sentations of these tu111ors.

Each of the 46
Cellular contents,
is duplicated
excluding the
by the cell.
chromosomes, FIGURE 8-7 • Cell cycle revisited. During
are duplicated. G1 phase, the cell grows. In S phase, the
cell copies its chromosomes so that each
chromosome now consist of two sister
chromatids. During G2, the cell prepares for
division and in M phase, the cell separates into
Cell cycle arrest.
two new cells (cytokinesis).
genie/vgec/sc/cellcycle.html. From University
of© Clinical Tools. Inc. Leicester.

Identifying Deregulated Genes in 111igration. Endoglin, a TGF-� receptor-binding protein was

Vestibular Schwannomas found to be significantly upregulated in all of the solid tun1ors

To further elucidate the growth pathways in VS, the gene but not in any of the cystic tutnors exa111ined. It is likely that

expression profiles have been studied. The study of large-scale the increased endoglin expression tnay induce downstrea1n

gene expression profiles utilizing cDNA inicroarrays allows signaling proteins, son1ehow leading to an aggressive cystic

exa1uination of the so-called transcriptome of a tissue, and phenotype.5 An exan1ple of a deregulated signaling pathway

gives a means of exploring a broad vie'v of the basic biology of suggested by the 111icroarray data is the retinoblaston1a protein

tumors.143·144 cDNA is co1npli1nentary DNA, synthesized froin (pRb)-cyclin dependent kinase (CDK) pathway.145 An1ong genes

a mature mRNA te1nplate. A inicroarray consists of thousands involved in G 1 - S progression (see Figure 8-7). CDK2 'vas found

of "spots" of DNA attached to a solid surface, each contain­ to be do\vnregulated in 7 of 8 tu111ors. In addition, upregulation

ing a s1nall a1now1t of a specific DNA sequence corresponding of transforn1ing factor RhoB was found in all of the schwan­

to certain genes. A cDNA sample of interest is added to the non1as exan1ined.5 Further exan1ination of these deregulated

n1icroarray and allowed to hybridze. I-Iybridization of the sam­ genes as potential do,vnstrean1 targets of the NF2 tumor sup­

ple and DNA on the array is detected and quantified using fluo­ pressor should provide us \vi th targets for phar1nacotherapeutic

rescence. Using the technology of microarrays, gene expression interventions.

profiles can be created in which the activity or expression of

thousands of genes can be n1easured at once, creating a global
Environmental Exposures
picture of cellular function. By con1paring gene expression There is evidence that radiation 111ay be associated with the
profiles bet,veen the tumor and nor1nal tissues, deregulated induction of vestibular schwannon1a growth. While other
genes i n the tu1nors tissues can be identified.5•145 We studied sites and tun1ors also show propensity for growth in response
gene regulation in VS using cDNA inicroarray analysis and to environn1ental exposu1es, the vestibular nerve appears to
found 42 genes, which were significantly upregulated including contain an increased sensitivity for tu1nor growth as con1-
osteonectin, endoglin, and Rho B, when compared to normal pared to other regions within the central nervous syste111 or
vestibular nerve tissues.5•145 Additionally, 1nultiple genes 'vere else\vbere.
found to be significantly downregulated in the majority of VS Evans and colleagues note an 18.8-fold increased relative
exan1ined. Of these genes, a putative tu1nor suppressor gene risk of schwannon1a induction and a 9.5-fold increased rela­
LUCA-15 'vas downregulated in 7 of 8 schwannomas studied tive rate of 111eningion1a induction following radiation doses
(Figure 8-8). of 2.5 Gy frotn the treatn1ent of tinea capitis, adeno-tonsillar
Osteonectin is a secreted glycoprotein that interacts with disease, and capillary hen1angion1as.140The radiobiologic effect
extracellular matrix proteins to decrease adhesion of cells from was dose-dependent similar to the tissue effect and tu111or
the 1natrix, thereby inducing a biological state conducive to cell growth response observed in post-WWII Japan. Preston and

FIGURE 8-8 • cDNA microarray comparison of gene expression of a vestibular schwannon1a and adjacent normal
vestibular nerve (gene fitter 200, Research Genetics, Huntsville, AL). The phosphor image shows red genes
overexpressed in the tumor and green genes overexpressed in the vestibular nerve. Yellow images are genes that
are nearly equally expressed in both tissues. From Welling. Oto/ Neurotol, Volume 23(5).September 2002;736-748.

colleagues147 showed that VS were the tnost abundant intracra­ and in tu1nor-prone conditions such as neurofibromatosis. We
nial tu1nors encountered, wit11 a high propensity for Schwann concur.
cell n1utation in response to radiation da1nage.
Overall, the risk of tun1ors induced by therapeutic radia­
Cellular Telephone Risk
tion appears to be approxin1ately 0.1 to 3o/o after 30 years.146•148 Several studies addressed the risk of cellular telephone use and
In light of the 33 to 40°/o lifetin1e risk of n1alignancy in the the forn1ation of VS presutnably secondary to electromagnetic
general population, Evans146 argues that the benefits of single­ radiation over a long exposure period. Hardell et al.149 reviewed
dose radiation treat1nent for VS inay be justified for those 13 case-controlled studies and found 9 case control studies to
\.vith docun1ented tun1or growth that refuse surgery, or for have reported patients with over 10 years of cellular telephone
the elderly or infirn1. However, patients with NF2, in partic­ use. They concluded that the odds ratios for ipsilateral cellphone
ular, are the disproportionate recipients of radiation-induced use and the development of VS \.Vas 2.4 (95°/o confidence interval
n1alig11ant tu1nors. Although only 7% of patients with VS have 1.1-5.3). A consistent pattern emerges from the case-controlled
NF2, 50% of inalignant changes induced by stereotactic irra­ studies of increased risk for vestibular schwanno1ua and also
diation of VS occur in NF2 patients. Evans strongly cautions glio111a with risk elevation greatest for high-grade glio1nas asso­
the use of radiation treatn1ent for benign tu111ors in childhood ciated \.vith unilateral long-ter1n exposure.M9.iso

Genetic Screening for NF2 people) diagnosed with NF2 and 1nutation testing has not been
perfor111ed, it inay be worthwhile to identify the n1utation in at
A parent with NF2 has a SO<Vo chance of passing the affected
least one fan1ily 111e1uber so that future fan1ily n1etnbers can be
NF2 allele along to their offspring if (1) their spouse does not
screened. This is most effectively done when tun1or tissues are
have NF2 and if (2) they do not have a niosaic form of NF2.
available for n1utation screening. Ho,vever, biopsy for genetic
(Mosaicisn1 occurs when a mutation in the NF2 gene occurs
diagnosis alone is not suggested if tun1or re111oval is other>vise
after an ernbryo has undergone several sets of cell division.
not indicated as clinical screening protocols are also effective.
Therefore only a portion of the child's cells carry a niutation
in the NF2 gene.) A child who inherits an abnormal copy of
the NF2 tun1or suppressor gene has a 95o/o chance of developing
Potential Drug Treatments
bilateral VS. As the understanding of n1erlin and its interacting partners is
Because early intervention is very in1portant in clinical out­ better understood, new 1neans of targeting these pathways for
con1e, genetic and clinical screening for at-risk patients is advo­ intervention in schwannoma cells is occurring. Son1e treat­
cated. We feel that routine clinical and imaging exa111inations n1ents are ain1ed at restoring the wild-type 1nerlin protein to
are niandatory for those who are at-risk to develop NF2. This the 1nutant cells, while other strategies atte1npt to block the pro­
includes anyone with a first-degree relative with N.F2, patients liferation of schwannon1a cells by blocking its growth pathways
under 30 years old with a unilateral VS, or any patient with or by increasing progran11ned cell death or apoptosis. For exa1n­
niuJtiple intracranial, spinal, or peripheral skin tun1ors that are ple, .tv1csserli et a}. t5 4 showed effective reduction of schwannon1a
associated with NF2. Any offspring of patients vvith NF2 should growth in both a transgenic and a xcnograft n1ousc nlodel by
have annual ophthalinology examinations starting soon after injecting '"'ild-type merlin packaged in an oncolytic recon1bi­
birth since cataracts can begin at a very early age. Annual neu­ nant herpes si1nplex virus vector in the tu1nor as noted in the
rology exan1inations shouJd be started at 7 years of age or ear­ text directly. 1'he vehicle for delivery was a replication-con1-
lier if neurologic deficits are noted. Vve recommend bi-annual petent herpes sin1plex virus, which has tu1noricidal proper­
audiograms and annual MRI evaluations beginning at age 7. ties, There were no apparent toxicities with the injection of the
Others have recon1n1ended starting a similar screening process oncolytic vector. A paradigm for the use of oncolytic vectors to
at 10 years of age with an Jv!RI every other year and annually reduce the volu1ne of benign tu111ors when surgical resection
once a tun1or is found.151 1nay cause nerve da1nage is suggested.
Mutation screening for the first-degree relatives of NF2 Hansen et al.155 and Doherty c t al.150 de1nonstrated cell sur­
patients is recon1n1ended when the probands' rnutation has face hu1nan epider1nal growth factor, also known as erythro­
been identified either froo1 a sch,vannon1a or froo1 leukocyte blastic leuke1nia viral oncogene hon1olog 2 or ErbB2 receptors
screening.151·152 A proband is the person who is being studied as possible targets for VS cell growth inhibition. Blocking the
in whon1 the disease is first clinically detected. Other fan1ily ligand or interacting proteins, which activates this receptor by
members at risk can be identified and screened for developing treatlnent with blocking antineuregulin antibodies, also inhib­
NF2 or receive appropriate genetic counseling. Patients who ited schwannon1a cell proliferation. ErbB2 is a tyrosine kinase
are first-degree relatives of NF2 patients where the 1nutation in receptor, a con1n1on cellular switch, o n the VS cell surface, which
the .NF2 gene has not been identified 1nay have 111ore ambiguity triggers the .tvfAPK kinase cascade, a process that leads sequen­
regarding the screening of their NF2 gene for rnutations if no tially to nuclear activation of cell division. One of its ligands,
mutation is localized. Appropriate audio1netric testing and neu­ neuregulin-1, is a growth factor produced by schwannon1a cells,
ral in1aging needs to be carried out as fa]se negatives in niuta­ thus creating an autocrinc feedback loop; the schwanno1nn1a
tion screening can occur in up to 25% of patients. Taking this cells cause further stin1ulation of schwanno1na grovvth.
fact into consideration, we feel that annual MRI screening and Plotkin et al. (Children's Tu1nor Foundation n1eeting, June
biannual audion1etric testing would still be needed for children 2008, Bonita Springs, FL) showed that epider1nal growth factor
older than 7 years of age who had a negative test. Additionally, receptor (EGFR) blockade '"'ith erlotanib HCl was tolerated and
if a niutation was detected during DNA sequencing, we would showed radiographic and audion1etric response to treat1nent in
still recon11nend annual MRis and biannual audion1etric testing a patient '"'ith NF2 in short follow-up. Although hepatotoxic­
in order to detect the developn1ent of VS at the earliest possible ity may li1nit this agent's use, other trials vvith EGFR and ErbB
stage. Early detec tion in NF2 does n1ake a significant difference inhibitors are expected.
in the ability to successfully preserve hearing and facial nerve Several investigators den1onstrated that inter vention at
function. the intracellular proliferation pathways, specifically the .tvfAPK
When an NF2 1nutation has already been identified in an pathway and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway,
affected fa1nily member, screening additional first degree fam­ respectively, 1nay also result in schwannoma growth suppres­
ily me1nbers for the san1e niutat.ion is considerably less costly sion, Nakai et al.t12 showed that merlin is involved in suppression
and is recomn1ended. The sensitivity of genetic testing in this of Rae signaling, and cuJtured schwanno1na cells contain ele­
circun1stance is extren1ely high since the DNA being screened vated, GTP-bound, active Rae, Application of a Rae-specific
can be directly compared to the kno,vn 111utation in the affected inhibitor, the che1nical compound NSC23766, to schwaru1on1a
fao1ily nie111ber. In this case, knowing '"ith near certainty that cells restored neuronal interaction. The data support the sig­
a child does not carry a .NF2 111utation can avoid the frequent nificance of regulated Rae signaling in n1ediating Sch,oVann
rvtRI exan1inations that would otherwise b e required.44•153 cell-axon interaction and suggest controlling Rae activity as a
Therefore, if a fa1nily has niultiple nien1bers (111ore than two possible therapy for schwanno1nas,

P13 - kinase/AKT pathway
:: '\_
'---c _E�

. . :. ErbB or EGF



� ��
q /'



p PD
P. K1
� / p�
......._..., PDK2 Small molecule
---.... AKT
D AKT inhibitors

� Rapamycin
.... .---
.l- 1
TSC ------i
'y, elF2a

1 I Target�enes l
FIGURE 8-9 • Pl3K/AKT signaling. Insulin and other growth factors r"'---
activate cell surface tyrosine kinase receptors that stimulate Pl3K
activity. P13K converts PIP2 to PIP3. P T E N is a negative regulator
of the AKT pathway that catalyzes the conversion of PIP3 back to
PIP2. PDK1 and PDK2 maximally activate AKT. Phosphorylation of
downstream effectors of the AKT pathway inhibit these proteins.
Existing as a complex, T S C 1 and TSC2 normally inhibits mTOR FIGURE 8-10 •Alternative pathways. In this schematic in a recent
activity. However, when TSC2 is phosphorylated by AKT, it review by Dan Scoles, Merlin's interaction with the ErbB2-Paxillin
dissociates from T S C 1 , and mTOR becomes active. Active GSK and complex, PIKE, and e1F3c, effect of NGB and merlin on cyclin
FOXO function within the nucleus as transcriptional regulators that D1 expression, and functional consequences of merlin loss on
activate genes promoting apoptosis. Merlin, the NF2 gene product, proliferation mediated by these interaction suggest that signaling
can bind PIKE-Land inactivate Pl3K. A small molecule PDK1 inhibitor in the ErbB2-Pl3kinase-mTOR-elF3c-cyclin D 1 pathway may
can inhibit phosphorylation of AKT at the 308 site. PNAS 2004 contribute to NF2 pathogenesis. PIKE-Lis free to enhance Pl3K which
leads to complete phosphorylation and activation of PDK1 and PDK2,
which in turn activate the cells mitotic machinery. Drugs targeting
this pathway therefore may be useful for inhibition of NF2 tumors
Jacob et al.123 den1onstrated the activation of the PI3-kinase/
with overactive mTOR signaling, including trastuzumab (herceptin,
AKT pathway in human schwannomas. lt has been shown that
LY294002, AKT inhibitors, UCN-01, Rad-001, CCl-779, and AP23573,
inerliu can inhibit Pl3-kinase through its binding to the Pl3- and small molecule AKT pathway and histone deacetylase inhibitors.
kinase enhancer-L (PlKE-L). PIKE-Lis a GTPase which binds to HSP90 inhibitor 17AAG (17-allylamino-17-desmethoxygeldanamycin)

and stimulates Pl3K. (Figure 8-9) The suppression of PI3-kinase may affect Akt and C-Raf, Cdk4 and Cyclin D - 1 . (NexGenix)

activity results fro1n merlin disrupting the binding of PlKE-L to

Pl3-kinase. Our recent studies using cultured schwannoma cells and n1TOR activation have been noted in VS. The imn1unosup­
further suggest that both an AKT pathway inhibitor as well as a pressant, rapan1ycin, inhibits n1TOR and induces Gl arrest and
histone deacetylase inhibitor could suppress schwannoma cell apoptosis. Newer niTOR inhibitors, such as temsirolin1us, have
growth by blocking the PI3-kinase pathway. Utilizing a quanti­ shown good effect in the treatn1ent of renal cell carcinon1a alone
fiable xenograft model for VS we are currently testing the effi­ and in combination with other agents. (Figure 8-10)
cacy of these novel compounds. A novel treatn1ent approach has been proposed and is being
Transduction of gro,Nth factor stimulation of the mamma­ evaluated in benign tun1ors. Nonsense mutations account for
lian target of rapamycin (n1TOR) signaling pathway ultimately up to 39'Yo of NF2 related VS and 23'Yo of niutations leading to
results in stimulation of protein synthesis and entry into the unilateral sporadic tu1nors. These n1utations are related to a
G l phase of the cell cycle. Decreased phosphatase and tensin doininant C to T transition, r eplacing arginine with a pren1a­
homolog gene (PTEN), a hu1nan gene that acts as a tumor sup­ ture tenuination codon (PTC) within the developing protein
pressor gene, 1nanifests as AKT and mTOR activation stin1u­ molecule as n1entioned earlier. PTC 1 2 4 is a Jow-molecular­
lating growth. Additionally hypoxia inducible factors HIF-1 weight con1pound that shows an ability to "read through" pre­
alpha, and HIF-2 alpha show increased expression and account mature tern1ination codons while still responding to true stops,
for enhanced angiogenesis v.•ith rnTOR activation. This 1nay allowing for synthesis ofa full protein product (Figure 8-11). It
lead to the necessary blood vessel supply to sch>vannomas. AKT is showing promise in phase I I tr ia ls of nonsense niutations in

A Productive translation

PTC codon mRNA

,.....,.. "" "'"' ,......, ,,,.... ,,,....,.., � .._,"""'- 3'

'-J '-I '-' '-' "'-"
"-' +PTC124
-----11 -PTC124

� Truncated protein

B Productive translation

>55 bases

codon mRNA
5' #


u.._i, "'
,.._ �
...._,.._, .......
' -

+PTC124 -

----fl -PTC124

FIGURE 8-11 • Possible mechanisms of PTC124-enhanced translation. A, PTC124 could directly suppress
termination of "productive" protein translation at a premature termination codon (PTC}. leading to increased levels
of functional full-length proteins. B, Alternatively, PTC124 might suppress the identification of PTCs in "pioneer"
translation, thereby preventing nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD), which is induced if a ribosome hits a stop
codon more than 55 bases upstream of an exonjunction complex (EJC). This would lead to the stabilization of
PTC-containing mRNAs, allowing their translation, presumably through the mechanism shown in View A. The work
of Welch et al. supports the model depicted in View A.

genetically co1npatible patients with Duchenne's iuuscular dys­ The n1edical treatment of slow grov.ring benign tun1ors
trophy and cystic fibrosis.157•158 Because PTC 124 is a genetically must n1aintain efficacy over decades of potential treat.n1ent.
dependant therapeutic as opposed to a disease-specific agent, Perhaps combined n1odality treat111ents n1ight be considered.
it holds pro1uise for genetically screened patients displaying Two agents we are currently studying (a histone deacytelase
nonsense-related tun1ors. inhibitor and an AKT pathway inhibitor) have sho,.vn capacity
Angiogenesis inhibitors such as Avastin (Bevacizu1uab) to n1odulate radiation response in an additive fashion. By sen­
have been used alone or in co1nbination for treatment of sitizing targeted tissues, radiation doses could be lowered to
colorectal, and lung and prostate carcinomas.159-102 It acts by optimistically promote killing effect of tumor cells, reduce
inhibiting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and is adverse effect on surrounding structures, preserve physiologic
used in several con1bination treatn1ent protocols. Avastin has function, and decrease the risk of tumor pro111otion or n1alig­
anecdotally shown ten1porary suppression of VS gro\.vth. Its nant transforn1ation.
ten1porary effect on tun1or growth reduction, the potential Schwanno111atosis (OMTM #162091), a recently defined forn1
side effects of leukopenia, and bleeding lin1it its use in sur­ of neurofibromatosis, is characterized by 111ultiple schwannon1as
gical patients, and it is currently considered a te1nporizing but this condition distinctly lacks anyVS. Patients with sch\.van­
agent. PTC 299 sin1ilarly blocks angiogenesis, but by inhibit­ no111atosis frequently present \'lith intractable pain rather than
ing the production ofVEGF. It has been shown to be effective cranial nerve deficits. They do not develop other intracranial
against cancer cell lines including breast, cervical, colorcc­ tumors or 111alignancies. MacCollin et al.163 noted that about
tal, gastric, lung, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, and renal cell one-third of patients with schwannomatosis had tumors in an
carcinomas, fibrosarcon1a, n1elanon1a, and neuroblaston1a. anatomically limited distribution, such as a single limb, several
Ani1ual studies have docu1uented its efficacy in reducing contiguous segments of spine, or one half of the body. Sporadic
VEGF in tun1or and serun1, decreasing blood vessel density cases of sch\.vannomatosis are as common as NF2, but few cases
in tu1uor, and substantially in1peding tumor progression by of familial schwannomatosis have been identified in contra­
itself and as a component of combined therapy \.vith other distinction to NFl and NF2, which are autosomal-dominant
antitu1nor agents or Avastin. Tolerance in phase I studies has and highly penetrant. The underlying molecular disruption in
been acceptable, and phase II trials in breast cancer are co1n- schwannomatosis is a pattern of somatic NF2 gene inactivation
111encing (unpublished data). incompatible with NFl or NF2, associated with alterations in

the SlvlARCBJ (hSnf5/JNil) tun1or suppressor gene in fan1ilial 5. \•Velling DB, Lasak JM, Ald1ma1netyeva E , et al. cDNA microar­
disease. 104·1 ray analysis of vestibular schwannon1as. Oto! Neurotol 2002
Genetics of Paragangliomas 6. Chang LS, Jacob A, Lorenz M, et al. Gro\vth of benign and 1nalig­
nant schwannoma xenografts in severe co1nbined i1nn1unodefi­
Paraganglion1as of the head and neck are rare, rnostly benign
ciency 1nice. Lary11goscope 2006 Nov;ll6(11):2018-26.
tun1ors. The hereditary paraganglion1a syndron1es are autoson1al­
7. Tos M, Tbon1sen J, Charabi S. Incidence of acoustic neuron1as.
don1inant conditions with increased risk for 1nultifocal tumors
Ear Nose Throat J 1992;71:391-3.
of the sympathetic and parasympathetic neuroendocrine systen1s.
8. Ho\vitz MF, Johansen C, Tos M, et al. Incidence of vestibular
Approxiinately 30% of paraganglioma patients harbor a ger-
schwanno1na in den1nark, 1977-95. A1ner J Otol 2000;21:690-4.
1uline mutation, '"hi ch is carried by all of the cells of the body (as
9. Anderson TD, Loevner LA, Bigelo\v DC, Mirza N. Prevalence
opposed to a somatic niutation, which is only found in the tun1or
of unsuspected acoustic neuro1na found by rnagnetic resonance
tissues). In n1ore than a third of these patients, there is no prior
imaging. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000;122:643-6.
tan1ily history thus representing new niutations.
10. Bull World Health Org. Prevention and control of ueurofibro­
Ten to 15% of paragangliomas are caused by mutations in
rnatosis: me1norandun1 fro1u a joint \•VHO/NNFF 1neeting.
the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) genes or its anchoring sub­
l 992;70:173-82.
units B, C, or D.166 They 111ay be horn1one secreting. Malignant
11. Fontaine B, Rouleau GA, Seizinger BR, et al. Molecular genetics
paraganglion1as have been particularly associated with muta­
of neurofibro1natosis 2 and related tumors (acoustic neuro1na and
tions in SDHB, but have also been reported in SDHD.167 The
meningioma). Ann NY Acad Sci 1991;615:338-43.
succinate dehydrogenase genes provide a protein that is a s1nall
12. Kaiser-Kupfer M, Freidlin V, Datiles MB, et al. The association
part of the cytochron1e b coinplex in the 111itochondrial con1plex of posterior capsular lens opacities with bilateral acoustic neuro-
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Clinical Evaluation and

9. Clinical Diagnosis

10. Audiologic Evaluation of Otologic/Neurotologic Disease

11. Vestibular Testing

12. Endoscopic Diagnosis and Surgery of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

13. Imaging of the Temporal Bone

14. Hearing Aids

15. Tinnitus

16. Vestibular Rehabilitation

ADAM POLITZER (1835-1920) •Foremost
teacher of otologic diagnosis and therapy
of the Vienna school.


In 1855 described the tuning fork test,

which is still the best method for diagnosis
of conductive versus sensorineural
hearing loss. Reproduced with permission
from Heck WE., Rinne A. Laryngoscope
Clinical Diagnosis

Matthew R. O'Malley, MD I David S. Haynes, MD

Establishing a diagnosis in a patient with a hearing or balance A questionnaire completed by the patient is also very useful
disorder begins with a thorough history and physical exa111ina­ in the otologic evaluation. The questionnaire inay be co1npleted
tion. In particular, the history is of critical in1portance in ascer­ on arrival or may be nlailed to the patient and co111pleted prior
taining an accurate diagnosis, thereby allowing the physician to to the office visit.The questionnaire should include all aspects of
provide adequate counseling and institute appropriate therapy. the patient history, including history of present illness, previous
This chapter addresses the basic neurotologic history and phys­ clinical evaluations, prior medical in1aging, previous inedical
ical exan1ination techniques that are important in the complete or surgical therapy, previous and current n1edication regin1ens,
assessment of the patient with a hearing or balance con1plaint. inedication allergies, history of trau1na, history of noise expo­
This chapter also discusses the differential diagnosis of otologic sure, social history, fa1nily history, and revie\.Y of systen1s. This
and neurotologic diseases and provides a brief overview of con1- history, recorded by the patient, does not supplant, but rather
mon disorders. complements the standard history taken by the exanliner. This
questiom1aire n1ay also be useful because it is a history taken

HISTORY "by the patient" and can avoid discrepancies regarding onset
of syn1ptoms, previous evaluation, or previous surgery, which
General can be areas of significance in 1nedical, legal cases. Further, it is
As with any nledical disorder, a thorough history and physical encouraged that, when possible, the patients are asked to pro­
exa111ination are essential in the evaluation of the patient with vide a list of their n1edical allergies in their own \vriting for ref­
a neurotologic disorder.1•2 As subsequent chapters will present, erence in the chart.
technological advancements over the past three decades have The standard clinical encounter should begin \.Yith the chief
provided the clinician with incredibly powerful and accu­ co111plaint. \A/hen dealing \.Yith co1nplaints pertaining to the
rate diagnostic i111aging and testing techniques. Despite these ears, patients frequently have n1ultiple con1plaints ( eg, tinnitus
advances, the inainstay of diagnosis is the history and phys­ and unbalance, drainage, and hearing loss). Spending a n101nent
ical exa111ination, and it is the clinical evaluation that allows to allow the patient to prioritize their con1plaints can be enlight­
the practitioner to effectively and efficiently utilize ancillary ening to both the patient and the clinician. After establishing
testing. the patient's con1plaints, the history of present illness should be
When evaluating patients with disorders of hearing elucidated. Specific elen1ents to be addressed include sympto1n
or balance, assess111ent forn1s (Figure 9-1) are co111monly onset, duration, frequency, associated syn1ptoms, and exacer­
e111ployed. Different for111s inay be designed for initial and bating or relieving factors. In i11any i.i1stances, it is i111portant to
follow-up visits. An otologic assessn1ent for111 is advantageous pro1npt the patient to report which ear (or ears) is causing the
for several reasons: (1) it allows the exan1ination to be focused syn1pto1n being described, as it is not uncomn1on to have dif­
and directed, (2) it ensures that all critical infor111ation is ferent co1nplaints in each ear (eg, "... my right ear hurts, iny left
obtained and not inadvertently 0111itted, and (3) it provides ear doesn't hear well, but both ears drain ..."). The past medi­
a precise, organized reference for follow-up exan1inations, cal history, past surgical history, revie'"' of sy111pton1s, 1nedica­
surgery, research, or ad111inistrative purposes. Additionally, tions, allergies, previous therapy (including inedications used
the A111erican Acade111y of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck and their efficacy or complications), history of trau1na, history
Surgery (AAO-HNS) Co111n1ittee on Hearing and Equilibriun1 of noise exposure, social history, and fan1ily history are then
has advocated tl1e docun1entation of certain ele1nents of systen1atically revie\ved.
history in the evaluation of patients \vith specific balance The history should not concentrate just on sympton1s of
disorders.3 hearing and balance but on the patient as a whole as inany


G Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Nashville, TN 37232-5555


Patient Name: Date : HEAR ING Right Left VERTIGO

DOB: AGE: Duration Onset
MR# Prog. Frequency
Referring Physician: Tinnitus Duration
Dictation: y N Fullness Spinning
Chief Complaint: Otitis Unsteadiness
Bet. Ear Nausea
HPI: Fluctuation Positional
Hearing Aid MRI

Current Medications: Allergies:


Family History

Noise Exposure:

Physical Exam:

Neorotology Exam
Right L eft
Normal Romberg

' Perf w/ chol Cerebellar

11 ·---
Perf w/o chol Cranial Nerve
Serous OM Nystagmus
' Acute OM Dix Hallpike

HEENT: Bruits:


Imaging: Lab Work Vestibular Testing
Temporal Bone ES R ECoG
Coronal Sinus ANA Rotary Chair
MRI head w/GAD RF Posturography
w/o GAD Chol Vestibular Rehab.
Follow up

FIGURE 9-1 • Neurotologic assessment form. Courtesy of Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

systen1ic disorders can affect the vestibular or auditory sys­ d ir ectly ototoxic. So1nnolence is com1non with many medica­
ten1 (Table 9-1).4 Rheumatologic disorders, diabetes, multiple tions (antihistan1ines, benzodiazepines) and can exacerbate
sclerosis, and thyroid disorders are just a fe,.., of the systemic sy1nptoms of imbalance, especially among eld erl y patients.
disorders that can cause or exacerbate neurotologic syn1ptoms. The use of topical agents applied to the ear is of particu­
Occupational, recreational, and niilitary noise exposure should lar in1portance. Often these agents are used intermittently, and
be specifically documented5 as should the influence of any type not spontaneously reme1nbered by the patient on the day of the
of potential trauma surrounding the complaint. As indicated office visit. tv1any topical preparations carry a risk of ototoxicity,
previously, the use of an encounter forn1 assists the clinician in even when used appropriately, and in certain instances uncov­
assessing all of these points. ering a history of use of these agents may aid in diagnosis and
All current niedications should be recorded as well as any treatment.
past medications that have been employed to treat the patient's The use of over-the-counter medications a11d supplements
current symptoms. A list of potentially ototoxic medications should be specifically addressed during the evaluation and on
is provided in Table 9-2.6-9 Aminoglycoside antibiotics, sali­ th e patient questionnaire. These agents are often overlooked by
cylates, furosemide, hydrocodone, and other co.mmonly used patients and clinicians alike. The use of s upplen1ents is co1nmon­
medications n1ay be directly ototoxic. The prior use of ototoxic place. The clinician is not infrequently confronted by a patient
agents must be specifically asked for in 111ost instances, as the taking a supplen1ent that is poorly characterized. Furthern1ore,
patient with imbalance or hearing loss 111ay not spontaneously so1ne patients take "mega-doses" of vita1nins or supplen1ents; the
report the prior use of n1edications to treat conditions elsewhere physiologic ran1ifications of this pr actice are poorly understood
in the body, particularly if those conditions have resolved (eg, in nlost instances. Many patients with u11balance inay take or
gentan1icin used to treat an intra-abdon1inal infection 6 111onths have taken over-the-counter nleclizine pr e parat ions , which inay
prior to presentation). Other 111edications 111ay lead to a sense of in1pact their compensation abilities or interact with other pre­
imbalance (antihypertensives, antidepressants) without being scribed agents. It see1ns safe to assume that the ovenvheln1ing

TABLE 9-1 Systemic disorders affecting the ear"

Granulomatous/infectious disease Progressive systemic sclerosis

Langerhans' cell histiocytosis Bone disease

Eosinophilic granuloma Paget's disease

Hand-Schuller-Christian disease Osteogenesis imperfecta

Letterer-Siwe disease Fibrous dysplasia

Sarcoidosis Osteopetrosis

Lyme disease Osteitis fibrosa cystica

Fungal infections Chronic osteomyelitis

1 --

Wegener's granulomatosis Miscellaneous

1 --

TuberCUIOSiS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

Autoimmune disease/collagen vascular disease Mucopolysaccharidoses

Relapsing polychondritis Polyarteritis nodosa

I --

Systemic lupus erythematosus Cogan's syndrome

Rheumatoid arthritis Neoplastic disease

Giant cell arteritis Leukemia

Sj6gren's syndrome Lymphoma

1 --

Polymyositis/dermatomyositis Paraganglioma
1 --

Ankylosing spondylitis Multiple myeloma

Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome Metastatic disease/meningeal carcinomatosis

Behc;:et's syndrome
I --

Autoimmune inner ear disease

Cardiac disorders (arrhythmias)


Previous ear surgery for hearing loss or other indications
TABLE 9-2 Agents and medications that can cause •
Family history of hearing loss, including ear surgery
vestibular and auditory ototoxicity6-9 •
Better-hearing ear.

Antibi otics Diuretics The patient should always be asked which ear is the better­
hearing ear regardless of what the physical evaluation, tuning
Aminoglyco side antibiotics Furosemide
fork test, or audiogram reveals. In instances when the patient has
Primarily cochleotoxic Ethacrynic acid reviewed an audiogram prior to the 1neeting with the physician,
it is important to ascertain if the patient subjectively notices
Neomycin Bumetanide
hearing loss that is discrepant with the audiometric testing.
Kanamycin Antiinflam matory agents In addition to the standard history, evaluation of a child

Tobramycin Salicylates for hearing loss also requires gestational, perinatal, postna­
tal, and detailed farnily histories. Inquiries should be made to
Dihydrostreptomycin Quinine explore possible syndromic associations (other syste1nic prob­
Non steroidal le1ns, neurological/developmental abnorn1alities, growth dis­
a nt iinfla mmator y agents turbances, craniofacia I abnorn1aIities, or disorders of rena 1,
cardiac, he1natologic, or nietabolic syste1ns.) Parental, other
Prirnarily vestibulotoxic Chloroquine
fan1ily me1nbers,' and teachers' concerns regarding hearing loss
Gentamicin Chelating agents should be addressed. Parents rnay notice hearing difficulty in

Streptomycin Desferoxime their children, but srnaller losses n1ay not actually be detected
by fa1nily 111en1bers. Particularly in the case of unilateral hear­
Other Chemicals
ing loss or n1id- or high-frequency hearing loss, the problem
Erythromycin Mercury may go unrecognized until a screening audiogram is performed.
Approxirnately 50o/o of congenital hearing impairment is hered­
Vancomycin Gold
itary, with 60 to 70% of these cases being of autosomal recessive
Antineoplastic agents Lead arsenic aniline dyes 1node of inheritance.10 The 1najorit)' of hereditary hearing losses
are nonsyndromic and the n1ost con1mon genetic mutation
identified to date is in Conncxin 26, a protein unportant for ion
Carboplatin ho1neostasis within the inner car. Genetic testing is available
to evaluate a child for a nun1ber of different nlutations caus­
Nitrogen mustard
ing hereditary hearing loss, and its application is reco1nn1ended
Vincristine in specific circumstances that arc continually expanding.11 The
Vinblastine application of genetic testing in the evaluation of children with
hearing loss is a rapidly changing field, not without controversy,
and the clinician is cncou raged to keep current vvith the liter­
majority of adult patients have taken at least one drug or supple­
ature on this subject. Rega rdless of testing, genetic counseling
ment in the 2 weeks prior to their office visit (eg, aspirin, Tylenol,
should be offered to any fan1ilywho has a child with a suspected
or nonsteroidal anti in flam n1atory drugs (NSAIDS) for headache
hereditary hearing loss.
or cra1nps, vitamin E as an antioxidant, etc.), and it is recom­
A list of sotne of the causes of hearing loss is provided in
mended that tbe thorough clinician elicit such a history.
Tables 9-3 and 9-4.u-i� Congenital cyto1negalovirus (CMV)
Certain elen1ents of a patient's history are particularly per­
infection has been shown to be an in1portant cause of hearing
tinent to the surgeon, and should be reviewed and documented
loss.t7•18 ln certain settings, it rnay soon be possible to establish
as a matter of routine, to avoid catastrophic 0111ission. A per­
congenital CMV infection as a possible etiology for hearing loss
sonal history of anesthetic or bleeding complications with prior
greater than a year after birth using heel blood cards collected
surgical procedures should be sought and docu111ented, even
at birth.'9
if negative, as should a farnily history of bleeding disorders or
Establishing a definitive etiology for congenital hearing loss
inability to tolerate anesthetic. Asking about a history of any
1nay prove difficult. In one large series,w 31.9% of the children
prior blood transfusions can son1etimes prompt a patient to
tested had no obvious etiology; establishing an etiology in uni­
recall a forgotten surgical complication.
lateral cases was lower (50%) than in bilateral cases (75.4%).
Despite the multiple diagnostic tests available, the history
Auditory System
remains an i1nportant instrun1ent in diagnosing childhood
A history for the patient ,,...ith hearing loss should include the
hearing loss.
Tinnitus is a syn1ptom that is defined as any sound per­

Duration, age of onset ceived by the patient when no external source of the sound

Rate of progression (sudden or gradual) exists. Tinnitus can be prin1aril)' divided into categories,

Stable or flu ct uati ng objective and subjective. Within each category, one can further

Unilateral or bilateral
classif y tinnitus as pulsatile or nonpulsatile.

Prior use of an1plification
Objective tinnitus is infrequent and is audible to the exan1-

Other associated syrnpton1s (ie, tinnitus, vertigo,
incr. Subjective tinnitus, n1uch 1nore co1nn1on than objective
infections, fullness, otalgia, otorrhea)

TABLE 9-3 Causes of sensorineural hearing loss13-15

Infectious disease Autoimmune disorders

Acute otitis media Vascular disease

Bacterial (suppurative} labyrinthitis Neoplasms

Serous labyrinthitis Meningeal carcinomatosis

Meningitis Congenital disorders

Syphilis Perinatal infections

Chronic osteomyelitis Rubella

Lyme disease Cytomegalovirus

Viral Cochlear otosclerosis

Mumps Migraine-associated hearing loss

Herpes zoster oticus Metabolic disorders

Trauma Diabetes

Noise-induced hearing loss Renal failure

Occupational Thyroid disorders

Recreational Mucopolysaccharidoses

Basilar skull fracture Hematologic disorders

Cochlear concussion Psychogenic deafness

Barotrauma Presbycusis

Perilymph fistula Vasculitis

Drug toxicity Paget's disease

Neurologic disorders Multiple sclerosis

Systemic disease (see Table 9-4}

tinnitus, is not audible to the examiner. Objective tinnitus may sensorineural hearing loss, typically as a result of noise exposure
be caused by vascular, neurologic, or eustachian tube or palatal or aging (presbycusis). Other causes are idiopathic, inetabolic,
disorders. Vascular disorders may cause pulsatile tinnitus by gen­ genetic, card iologic/vascular, neurologic, phar1nacologic, den­
erating turbulent flow in arterial or venous vessels in the neck, tal, psychologic, and otologic factors. Tinnitus associated \vith

cranial vault, or temporal bone. Vascular disorders that may sy1n1netric sensorineural hearing loss nlay not necessit ate eval­
cause objective tinnitus include venous hums, arterial bruits, uation beyond a co1nplete audiologic and head and neck exa1n­
arteriovenous inalformations and shunts, aneurysms, aberrant ination. Unilateral or pulsatile tinnitus and tinnitus associated
vessels, abnormalities in the lateral sinus (strictures, venous \vith asyn1 1netric sensorineural hearing loss or conductive hear­
lakes} and vascular neoplas1ns. Neurologic disorders that cause ing loss generally necessitate additional invest igation by 111eans
objective tinnitus include palatal myoclonus and idiopathic sta­ of in1aging or neurophysiologic testing.2
pedius and tensor tympani muscle spasm. Palatomyoclonus is The presence or absence of otalgia should be reviewed in
an uncommon disorder characterized by regular or irregular, any ear of the patient who has presented for nledical consul­
rapid, clicking sounds. Palatal myoclonus can be due to cen­ tation. If otalgia is present, an evaluation of its severity should
tral nervous system pathology and neurotologic evaluation and be 1nade. T·he presence of otalgia is expected in patients with
imaging may be appropriate. The sounds are generated '"'hen an acute infection of the external canal, ty1npanic 1ne1nbrane,
the mucosa of the Eustachian tube snaps open or closed as the n1iddle ear, or nlastoid. Though each individual's pain percep­
palatal muscles undergo myoclonic contractions. Middle ear tion \viii vary, chronic infection of t he n1iddle ear is generally
muscle spasms (stapedius, tensor tympani} produce an inter­ less painful than acute infection. As a general rule of thu1nb, a
mittent, bothersome, fluttering sound in the ear as the muscles chronically draining ear wi th a ty1npanic 1ne1nbrane perforation
contract during spasm. External sounds may accentuate these should not be expected to produce severe pain . If severe otalgia
spasms. (especially pain out of proportion for the clinical signs) is pre­
Subjective tinnitus is far inore con1mon than objec­ sent in this condition, the clinicians should broaden their differ­
tive tinnitus and is generally associated with high-frequency ential diagnosis to include causes other than isolated infection.

TABLE 9-4 Causes of conductive hearing loss16•17

Inflammatory or infectious causes Neoplasia

Otitis externa Paraganglioma

Eustachian tube dysfunction Facial nerve neuroma

Adhesive middle ear disease Rhabdomyosarcoma

Acute otitis media Squamous cell carcinoma

Serous otitis media Middle ear adenoma

Chronic otitis media Neurofibroma

Malignant otitis externa Hemangiopericytoma

Cholesteatoma Lymphangioma

Tympanosclerosis Lymphoma

Myringosclerosis Leukemia

Tympanic membrane perforation Multiple myeloma

Otomycosis Pleomorphic adenoma

Aural tuberculosis Adenoid cystic carcinoma

Syphilis Hemangioma

Systemic disorders Basal cell carcinoma

Sarcoidosis Congenital abnormalities

Fibrous dysplasia Microtia

Mucopolysaccharidosis Atresia

Wegener's granulomatosis Branchial cleft cyst

Histiocytosis/eosinophilic granuloma
Congenital ossicular fixation
(Langerhans' cell histiocytosis)

Relapsing polychondritis Otosclerosis

Polyarteritis nodosa Osteogenesis imperfecta

Keratosis obturans Treacher Collins syndrome

Cerumen Pierre Robin syndrome

Trauma Marfan syndrome

Barotrauma Mohr syndrome

Basilar skull fracture/temporal bone fracture Pyle's disease

Hemotympanum Achondroplasia

Traumatic perforation Paget's disease

External canal laceration/avulsion Apert's disease

Miscellaneous Goldenhar's syndrome

Cerebrospinal fluid ettusion Turner's syndrome

Keioid Crouzon's disease

External canal osteoma

External canal exostosis


Disproportionate pain can be an indication of the developn1ent as the tnost important diagnostic tool.21 Dysequilibriu1n is
of con1plications. In an infected ear, pus under pressure and a con1plex syn1pton1 that can result fron1 aberrations of the
acute or subacute bone erosion generaLly cause pain. \.\Then the vestibular syste111. Unsteadiness, drunkenness, giddiness,
otoscopic examination is unren1arkable, an evaluation of exac­ wooziness, vertigo, dizziness, a sensation of being off-balance,
erbating and alleviating factors can son1etin1es reveal a source of i1nbalance, light-headedness, heavy-headedness, wobbliness,
otalgia. For instance, pain with chewing, at nighttin1e, or during and spinning are so1ne of the tern1s used t o describe vestibular
stressful ti1nes in the day, niay suggest temporo1nand[bular joint syn1pto1ns. The distinction of vertigo from other varieties of
(TMJ) dysfunction. A history of recent dental \vork or poorly fit­ disequilibriu1n is stressed in certain contexts. So1ne clinicians
ting dentures 1uay also suggest a cause tor pain referred fron1 the inaintain that vertigo is to be defined strictly as the percep­
oral cavity. Head and neck niuscle pain is commonly referred to tion of n1oven1ent when there is none. A survey of greater than
the ear and can be the source of acute or chronic otalgia. 300 inen1bers of American Otological Society tound that there
Otalgia without an obvious cause should alert the clini­ is substantial variability in what clinicians ter1n vertigo.
cian to the possibility of nialignancy. Malignancies arising in In patients aged 75 years or older, dizziness is the most
the upper aerodigestive tract (ie, nasopharynx, tonsil, base of con1n1on con1plaint discussed '"'ith their physician.23 Sy1npto1ns
tongue, oropharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx) can cause of vertigo should never be attributed to norn1al aging; a specific
referred pain to the ear. Therefore in patients with otalgia and etiology should be identifiable in the inajority of cases.24 The cli­
a nonnal otoscopic evaluation, elements of history designed to nician should address the following features of dysequilibriu1n
elicit sy1npton1s of malignancy such as laryngitis, hoarseness, in the evaluation of a balance complaint:
previous malignancy, or previous head and neck surgery, should •
Onset (date of first sense of i1nbalance, and gradual vs
be sought. Further, 1netastasis to the temporal bone fron1 dis­
tant sites has been reported, and thus a history of malignancy •
How is the dysequilibriu1n described? (prin1arily
elsewhere in the body should be reviewed. differentiate between unsteadiness or true spinning)?
Other elements of history pertinent to the evaluation of •
patients with otalgia include history of prior ear surgery or tym­ •
Episodic or constant?
panostomy tube place1nent, a history of prior radiation treat­ •
If episodic, how long does each episode last? Are there
n1ent to the head or neck, a hi.story of herpes zoster, a history of sy1npton1s bet>veen episodes? Frequency of episodes?
recurrent headaches or migraines, and/or a history of trauma.


Recovery from episodes-brief, prolonged, period of
If drainage is the pri111ary coJnplaint, the patient should
be questioned regarding its characteristics, such as profuse

Presence or absence of syncope?
or scant, purulent, clear, 111ucoid, bloody, or foul sn1elling. •
Progression (improving or worsening)?
When otorrhea is present, knowledge of any prior surgical •
Conditions that can reliably cause syn1pto1ns (eg, head
procedure is of in1portance. Multiple and bilat­ position, exercise, cough/sneeze/Valsalva n1aneuver,
eral procedures performed over many years and by niultiple stress, diet/certain foods or sodium)?
surgeons can obviously be confusing t o patients and exa.1n­ •
Exacerbating or alleviating factors?
iners. Occasionally, a patient may not re1ne.mber having had •
Are the vestibular sy1npton1s associated with hearing
ear surgery at all. Although the patient's reporting of previ­ loss, tinnitus, focal neurologic signs, n1igraine, or nausea
ous procedures and even the niedical records are not always and vo111iting?
ent irely accurate, the in formation may be very important

Have there bee11 past or present sy111pton1s of n1igraine
(visual hallucinations/scintillating scoto1nata, other
and it is imperative to document the type, approxin1ate date,
transient neurological syn1pto1ns, photophobia or
and side of the procedure. As with any complaint regarding
hyperacusis? (headache is not required!)
hearing, the patient should ahvays be asked which ear is the •
Fa1nily history of n1igraine?
better-hearing ear regardless of what the physical evaluation, •
Is there a history of head and neck trau111a or
tuning tork test, or audiogram reveals. The presence of otor­ barotrau1na?
rhea without ty111panic 1nembrane perforation generally sug­ •
Is there a history of chronic ear disease? Is there a history
gests either a dermatologic condition of the ear canal, or so1ne of otorrhea? Fan1ily history of chronic ear disease or
variety of external ear infection. other ear/hearing/balance proble111s?
Pruritis of the ear canal is encountered with some frequency. •
Is there a history of previous ear, head, neck, vascular,
Isolated pruritis is rarely an indicator of a threatening disease cardiac, or intracranial surgery?
process. Thus, the patient with an itchy ear should be questioned

Is there a history of recurrent falling?

Is the patient able to >vork, drive, or perform activities of
regarding associated syn1pton1s (such as drainage, pain, hearing
daily living?
loss, etc.), which could suggest a n1ore sinister cause. Tn cases

Is the patient currently receiving, or seeking to receive,
of isolated pruritis, the clinician should consider asking about
disability support (for dizziness or other causes)?
ear swabbing, ear canal 111anipulation, water exposure, cerumen
build-up, and systen1ic or local dermatologic co111plai.nts. Deter1nining whether the patient's syn1pto111s are episodic or
constant, and '""hether or not hearing loss is present, n1ay be two
Vestibular System of the inore i1nportant points of the history for a patient with a
In the assessn1ent of the patient with a balance complaint, the balance complaint. In a prospective study, Kentala and Rauch
physical examinati.on is often unrevealing, leaving the history found that 60°/o of patients '"'ith con1mon otogenic causes of

vertigo could be accurately diagnosed on the basis of these ele- OTOLOGIC EXAMINATION
111ents of history alone.25
To certain patients, the initial history taking may seem
somewhat a rgun1entative, as the clinician 111ay frequently need The auricle is inspected for incisions, scarring, congenital abnor­
to interject in order to clarify elements of the history. Tf the n1alities, trau1na, infection, cellulitis, dern1atitis, or neoplasia.
patient seems frustrated by the history taking, the clinician can Specific attention is to be paid to the postauricular/mastoid
often relieve son1e of the frustration by verbally acknowledging region. Scars in this area rnay indicate prior ear surgery, cos­
that providing a vertigo history can be difficult, but is impor­ n1etic surgery, or trauma. Ery then1a, swelling, and tenderness
tant for effective diagnosis and treatn1ent. in this area suggest mastoiditis. Specific attention should also
A history of syncope with dizziness attacks is a very in1por­ be paid to the tragal region, as scars here are likely the result of
tant finding and should be sought out. Strictly speaking, oto­ prior surgery. One may also specifically look for evidence of an
genic vertigo should not cause syncope, though it 111ay cause endaural or preauricular incision.
drop attacks. Drop attacks, or otolithic crises ofTumarkin, are A misshapen auricle, preauricular pits, or skin tags rnay be
characterized by a sudden, unexpected loss of vertical orienta­ present and indicate faulty fusion of the auricular hillocks or
tion in space that results in a drop straight dO\o\lnward, usually other congenital abnorn1alities. Such abnormalities rnay cre­
\o\lithout the patient being able to react appropriately t o protect ate an opportunity for infection, or rnay alert the clinician to
themselves. Although dran1atic, they are usually brief events the possibility of other associated malformations. Following
that do not involve any loss of consciousness. Specifically inspection, the auricle should be grasped and gently n1oved.
differentiating syncope and drop attacks is therefore essen­ Move1nent of the auricle often elicits tenderness when external
tial. A history of syncopal attacks should pron1pt a thorough otitis, cellulitis, or perichondritis is present. Tenderness elicited
evaluation for the cause of syncope, which n1ay or may not be \.Yith 1noven1ent of the auricle is less co1nmon in cases of otitis
related to the cause of vertigo. Most often, the evaluation of niedia and herpes zoster oticus.
a patient with syncope is coordinated with consultation and
input fron1 internists, cardiologists, neurologists, and other External Auditory Canal
specialists. In very rare circumstances, true syncope can result Although a handheld otoscope is useful as a screening tool, its
fron1 an extraordinarily severe vertigo spell in \.Yhich there is use is li1nited by the absence of binocular, stereoscopic vision,
a strong vaso-vagal response. Syncope from vertigo must be and it offers limited 1nagnification. The operating 1nicroscope
diagnosed by exclusion of medical and neurological causes (Figure 9-2) is a superior instru1nent to exa1nine a pathologic
and in association with a strong history, related the syncope condition of the external canal, ty 1npanic nietnbrane, and
to severe vertigo. niiddle ear. lvlicroscopic exa1nination is particularly helpful in
Tn 111ost instances, inquiring about a patient's disability sta­ the preoperative evaluation. The patient 1nay be reclined, and
tus is also useful. Patients who have al ready established disabil­ the head is positioned properly to co1npensate for the natu­
ity likely represent a niore severely affected group of patients, ral superiorly rising angle of the canal. As the head is turned
and 111ay be less responsive to treatn1ent. For those patients slightly away fron1 the exan1iner, the ear canal is straight­
seeking to establish a disability claim, the clinician is frequently ened by gently pulling the auricle posteriorly and superiorly.
asked to complete leng th y forms requiring detailed inforn1a­ Typically, the largest speculu1n that can be inserted comfortably
tion about the patient's capabilities, far beyond what 111ay be into the ear canal is chosen to maxi1nize light and exposure.
traditionally asked in a purely clinical encounter. Knowing The examiner may also pull the tragus slightly anteriorly to
in advance that such information is required niay allov,r the assist in inspection. Care is taken to insert the speculum only
clinician to allot additional tin1e for questioning, and collect into the cartilaginous canal because deeper penetration near
additional inforn1ation. the bony canal can be painful. Both adults and children are
All too often the physical exan1ination in the patient with infor111ed in advance of the above steps. This simple forewarn­
vertigo is unrevealing and vestibular testing inconclusive, ing facilitates the examination, avoids patient apprehension,
leaving the history the niost important, if not the only instru­ and gains trust.
n1ent, that can be used to establish a clinical diagnosis. The To truly examine the ear, cerumen, desquamated skin, and
importance of the history in correctly diagnosing these dis­ purulent debris must be removed \.Yith loops, alligator forceps,
orders cannot be overen1phasized. curettes, or suction until an unobstructed view is obtained.
Cleaning the ear of even a small a1nount of cerumen or debris
niay be crucial for proper inspection and important in the
avoidance of missing an otologic diagnosis on the basis of li1n­
This section will review the general exan1ination of the ited exposure. Video-otoscopic examination can be performed
patient \\rith a hearing or balance disorder, which includes easily in the office and 1nay assist in photo-documentation and
a general exan1ination of the head and neck, ear, nose, and pat ient counseling. With video 1nonitors in the patient's direct
throat. The exan1ination also includes a neurotologic exa1n­ view, the patient can better appreciate an existing abnormality
ination in \.Yhich cerebellar testing, cranial nerve evaluation, such as a tympanic 1nembrane perforation, retraction, or cho­
clinical balance testing, and a focused neurologic exan1ina­ lesteatoma. !vlost patients have never seen their tympanic rnem­
tion are done. branes and appreciate seeing for then1selves any abnor1nalities

FIGURE 9-2 •Technique of otomicroscopy.

that 1nay exist. \Tideo-otoscopic examination can be performed the tyn1panic 111e1nbrane should be differentiated fron1 a true
v,rith either an endoscope or with a microscope fitted with perforation, and this is generally possible using a nlicroscope.
appropriate imaging equip1nent. The nlobility of the ty1npanic 1nen1brane can be assessed with a
The external auditory canal is inspected for stenosis, cel­ handheld otoscope outfitted with a pneu1natic bulb or by ty1n­
lulitis, furuncles, cysts, edema, dennatitis, exposed bone, pano1netry. The 111ost effective 111eans for evaluating the n1obil­
osteomas, exostoses, and neoplastic changes. The presence of ity and character of the tyn1panic 111e1nbrane is by pneun1atic
granulation tissue, purulent or 1nucoid discharge, or squamous otoscopy using a Siegel lens and speculun1, especially when
debris is assessed. Bony osteomas or exostoses are confirmed to co1nbined with inspection under an operating n1icroscope.
be hard by means of gentle, direct palpation. Aural polyps 1nay Pneun1atic otoscopy is especially useful in assessing 1niddle
be carefully manipulated to detern1ine their site of origin. It is ear fluid \vhen the exan1ination is inconclusive (ie, no air-fluid
reasonable to differentiate polyps of external ear canal origin level, bubbles, or discoloration is evident). Pneun1atic otoscopy
from those that arise fro1n the middle ear or tympanic inem­ is also useful in distinguishing ty1npanosclerosis fro1n 1niddle
brane, though this can sometimes be chalJenging in the office. ear cholesteaton1a and in evaluating atelectatic or retracted
Polyps protruding directly from the middle ear through a tym­ areas of the tyn1panic nletnbrane. Adherent atelectasis or pock­
panic membrane perforation or, less commonly, directly from ets represent a n1ore advanced stage of chronic disease and 1nay
the tympanic nlembrane suggest chronic middle ear disease or be nlore likely to require surgery than nonadherent defects in
cholesteatoma. Removal of aural polyps tllat protrude through the tyn1panic 111e1nbrane. A dehiscent jugular bulb or carotid
the tympanic men1brane as an office procedure is generally not artery, glo1nus tun1or, facial neuro1na (ty1npanic segn1ent),
recommended as tllese lesions indicate more significant disease n1iddle ear adenon1a or other tun1or, and an aneurysn1 1nay
not amenable to sin1ple removal and may be intimately involved appear as a vascular nJass behind an intact tyn1panic 111en1-
v,rith vital structures such as tlle ossicular chain and facial nerve. brane. Any niass in the 1niddle ear with a vascular appearance
Further, in rare instances, tumors, such as a facial nerve schwan­ (red, blue, violaceous, pulsatile) should b e evaluated by in1ag­
noma or glomus tumor, may present with a mass that appears to ing studies, preferably with contrast agents before any surgical
be a simple aural polyp. In these cases, a seemingly minor office exploration is considered. Co1nputerized to1nography (CT),
procedure can produce catastrophic results. angiography, or magnetic resonance in1aging (1'1RI) angiogra­
phy, may be indicated if the diagnosis ren1ains uncertain after
routine in1aging. Biopsy of a vascular mass \vithout preopera­
Tympanic Membrane tive imaging could result in injury to a niajor structure, such
The otoscope or n1icroscope is used to inspect tlle ty1npanic as an aberrant internal carotid artery, '"ith disastrous conse­
membrane for retraction, lateralization, perforation, effusion, quences. A \vhite mass visible nledial to the ty1npanic 111e1n­
myringitis, granulation tissue, cholesteatoma, or other patho­ brane 1nay represent purulent debris, congenital o r acquired
logic process. A dimeric (formerly called "monomeric") area of cholesteato1na, tyn1panosclerosis, or a rniddle ear nlass such as

a neuron1a. Abnorn1al developn1ent of the ossicular chain niay palpation into the glenoid fossa along the posterior and supe­
also manifest as a n1iddle ear mass. rior aspects of the mandibular condyle. Intraoral exan1ination
Occasionally, atelectasis, atrophy, or retraction of the tym­ for tenderness of the masseter and temporalis muscles along the
panic membrane can be difficult to diagnose. Assessn1ent is best anterior border of the tnandibular ra1nus is often revealing for
performed with the binocular vision provided by the operating TMJ dysfunction, despite a negative history of jaw problems.
111icroscope. Pneun1atic otoscopy may be of use in certain cases. The neck and parotid are palpated for 1nasses, especially when
Positive or negative pressure applied to the tympanic 111e111brane signs of partial or total facial paralysis are evident. The sus­
111ay cause the retracted seg111ent to 111ove, allowing the examiner pected presence of a glomus jugulare tumor should alert the
to assess the extent of retraction or atelectasis. Application of clinician to be vigilant when exa1nining the neck in order to
positive or negative pressure may also be useful to distinguish detect possible concon1itant carotid body tu1nors. Further, an
between a din1eric men1brane and a tyn1panic n1embrane per­ evaluation of laryngeal mobility may be helpful for the clinician
foration. Serous fluid may be 111ore evident \vith pneu111atic when encountering a skull base lesion.
otoscopy as the fluid may shift or n1ay adhere to the tympanic A funduscopic examination tnay be obtained either as
111en1brane as the drum n1oves with applied pressure. The extent part of the neurotologic examination or by consultation '"'ith
of retraction, presence of squa111ous debris or cholesteaton1a, an ophthalinologist '"'hen increased intracranial pressure is
otorrhea, associated perforation, and, if possible, the status of the suspected. Pulsatile tinnitus may be a sign of benign intracra­
ossicular chain n1ust be assessed to recomn1end proper therapy. nial hypertension. The presence of papillede1na on funduscopic
Exan1ination of the patient who has undergone previous exa1nination further supports the suspicion of elevated intracra­
surgery is n1ore difficult O\ving to altered anatomy and surgi­ nial pressure and warrants referral to an ophthahnologist. It is
cal scarring. Deten11ining the type of surgical procedure(s) important to note, however, that elevated intracranial pressure
performed, such as canal wall down or intact canal wall mas­ and benign intracranial hypertension can occur without
toidecto111y, can be n1ore difficult in so111e ears than expected. papilledema,27 and thus the diagnosis of these conditions gener­
Pathology particular to revision ears includes recurrent cho­ ally cannot be ruled out without a nleasure1uent of cerebrospinal
lesteatoma, graft failure (pertoration, lateralization, blunting, or fluid pressure (CSF) (1uost co1nn1only via lu1nbar puncture).
retraction), and prosthesis extrusion. In canal wall dov,rn cavi­ Auscultation of the head and neck is nlandatory for all
ties, an assessn1ent of 111eatal size, dependent or retracted areas, patients with pulsatile tinnitus. Bruits nlay be appreciable when
graft failure, inflan1n1ation, granulations, otorrhea, recurrent turbulent blood flo\v is present. Auscultation is perforn1cd not
cbolesteato111a, and height of the facial ridge is necessary.2� The only over the carotid bifurcation but also over the ear canal, the
ren1oval of debris from a canal wall down cavity is essential in pre- and postauricular areas, and adjacent areas of the te111poral
an ear causing complaint. In some instances, the full re111oval of bone. Vascular 1nalfor1nations or fi.stulae in the region of the
debris cannot be accomplished in the office, and such patients occipital artery can be a cause of pulsatile tinnitus, and thus aus­
should be further evaluated with either i111aging or examination cultation over these areas should be included \vhen auscultating
or exploration in the operating roon1. The use of suction in the behind the ear. Auscultation of the ear canal nl ay be perfor1ned
patient with a canal wall down cavity can cause vertigo, and with a Toynbee otoscope, inodified electronic stethoscope, or
thus patients should be suitably forewarned. standard stethoscope.
Venous flo'"' abnorn1alities (venous hu111) nlay occasionally
be auscultated. They are n1ost often described as a "swooshing
type" of sound and arc not necessarily pulsatile. The loudness is
Exan1ination of the head and neck is an integral part of the generally din1inished by reducing venous blood flow with gen­
neurotologic examination. The systen1atic exan1ination of the tle co1upression of the jugular vein without con1pression of the
skin, face, nose, nasal cavity, oral cavity, oropharynx:, and neck carotid artery. Turning the head to\vard the uninvolved side,
should be perf-orn1ed in all patients presenting with a new oto­ deep breathing, or Valsalva's nlaneuver 1nay objectively or sub­
logic co111plaint. Though in most instances, this exan1ination jectively n1ake the hun1 louder.
'"'ill be unrevealing, the routine inclusion of these elen1ents of
examination will facilitate diagnosis of less co111111on etiolo­
Tuning Fork Tests
gies. For example, the detection of a nasal septu111 lesion in a A tuning fork exan1ination con1prises a part of the routine neu­
patient presenting with an effusion n1ay allow the diagnosis of rotologic examination and tnay be pcrforn1ed easily at the bed­
Wegener's granulon1atosis with otologic involve1nent, a diagno­ side or i n the office. Even though n1ost patients '"'ith otologic
sis that is less I ikely to be obtained had the septum not been S)'lnpto1natology arc likely to undergo forn1a1 audio1netric test­
exan1ined. ing, tuning fork testing re1nains an i1nportant component of
The presence of otalgia 111ay represent referred pain from the neurotologic evaluation. It is particularly recom.n1endcd to
the aerodigestive tract, thus the nasopharynx, oropharynx, confi.rn1 audion1etric findings before undertaking surgery for
hypopharynx, larynx and oral cavity should be examined for conductive hearing loss, especially stapedecto1ny.
occult 111al ignancy or other lesions in cases where the cause of To perfor1n a \.Veber's test, a vibrating tuning fork (512 Hz)
the otalgia is not evident. Te111poron1andibular joint abnorn1al­ is placed on the n1idline of the patient (the forehead, nasal
ities may also cause otalgia, and the palpation of the joint dur­ dorsun1, central incisors of the maxilla, or nlandibular sym.­
ing opening and closing of the mouth n1ay alert the clinician to physis) to conduct the tone directly to the cochlea. It is i1npor­
this possibility. The joint is exan1ined tor tenderness with deep tant to strike the tuning fork on a soft surface to prevent the

development of high-frequency overtones, as 1uay occur when Nystagn1us can be classified as either spontaneous or
striking the tork on a hard surface. A patient who hears the tone evoked. Nystagmus is described on physical examination in
niore clearly in one ear is said to have lateralized to that ear. If tertns of direction (right-beating or left-beating, geotrophic­
the sound does not lateralize, then the test is reported as n1id­ beating toward the ground or ageotrophic-beating away from
line or norn1al. As a rule, sound lateralizing to one ear in1plies the ground, plane (horizontal, rotary, or vertical), and intensity
either an ipsilateral conductive loss (typically 3 to 5 dB with a (first, second, or third degree). First-degree nystagn1us is the
512 Hz fork) or a contralateral sensorineural loss. Patients with least intense and occurs when gaze is in the direction of the
a unilateral conductive hearing loss are son1etin1es hesitant to fast co1uponent of nystag1nus. Second-degree nystagn1us occurs
acknowledge hearing a tone louder in the "bad" ear. Although with gaze in the direction of the fast cotnponent as well as tnid­
a \i\feber's test is a reliable and trusted test, its acoustic basis i.s line. Third-degree nystag1nus occurs in all directions of gaze,
unclear. including the slow phase, indicating the n1ost severe forn1 of
The Rinne test is pertormed, ideally with a SJ 2-Hz tuning nystagmus. Nystag1nus inay also be described as direction fixed
fork, by placing the vibrating fork against the mastoid process (beating in the same direction despite different head positions)
(bone conduction) and con1paring its loudness with that of the or direction changing (beating in different directions with asso­
tuning fork placed just outside the ear canal (air conduction). ciated different head positions).
Tf the patient perceives the tone as being louder at the ear canal Frenzel lenses are 1nagnifying (20 diopter) lenses incorpo­
level, air conduction is said to be greater than bone conduction rated into glasses that are used to aid the examiner in observ­
(AC> BC - a "positive" Rinne), consistent with either ipsi­ ing nystagmus and to prevent the patient fro1n visual fi xation,
lateral normal hearing or a sensorineural hearing loss. If the which may lead to suppression of nystag1nus. The evaluation
tone is louder when the tuning tork i.s placed on the niastoid of nystag1nus can also be enhanced by using electronystagmo­
tip, bone conduction is said to be greater than air conduction graphic (ENG) recording with surface electrodes or videonys­
(BC > AC - a "negative" Rinne) and in1plies a conductive tagmography (VNG) recording with infrared goggles.
hearing loss in the tested ear. The positive/negative Rinne ter­
n1inology is a frequent source of con fusion as a positive test i.s Fistu1a Test
a norn1al result. The authors prefer to describe the test results The fistula test is perf orn1ed by applying positive and negative
as AC> BC, AC= BC, or BC> AC. BC> AC (a negative Rinne) pressure to the ty1npanic metnbranc using a pncu1nat ic oto­
with a 512-.Hz tuning tork suggests a conductive hearing loss of scope; nystagmus and vertigo with applied pressure constitute
20 dB or worse. a positive fistula test. A positive fistula test may be reported as
The in1portance of both the Weber's and Rinne tests in the subjectively positive if the applied pressure produces vertigo
bedside and office exan1inations cannot be overen1phasized as vvithout objective nystagn1us. Exan1iner observation of nystag­
they niay confirn1 or refute audiometric test results; therefore, n1us can be supplen1ented with Frenzel lenses, ENG or VNG
these tests are critical in otologic diagnosis. recording, or the use of infrared goggles. Hennebert's sign is a
positive fistula test in an car with an intact tyn1panic 1nen1branc
and without evidence of nliddle ear disease. 2 29 In the presence
Vestibular Evaluation
of a fistula, or vestibulofibrosis, the applied pressure causes
The vestibular system is located safely within the temporal
deviation of the cupula, resulting in nystagmus and vertigo.2 9 A
bone, and in most instances cannot be directly examined. Thus,
positive fistula test can be seen in oval or round window fistulae,
the physical exan1ination of the vestibular systen1 is typically
poststapedecto1ny p eril yn1ph leaks, horizontal canal fistulae,
inferred based on an exan1ination of eye nioven1ents (either sac­
1'1eniere's disease, labyrinthitis, or syphilis.28•29 Nystag1nus that
cades or nystagn1us) elicited by manipulati.on of the patient. The
occurs •vith tragal con1pression over the external auditory mca­
presence or absence of elicited ocular movements allows infer­
tus or a Valsalva's nlaneuver may be caused by superior scn1icir­
ences to be made about the function of the peripheral vestibular
cular canal dehiscence syndro1ne and a fistula test 1nay produce
system based on current understanding of the physiology of the
characteristic vertical and torsional nystag1nus in the plane of
vestibular and ocular systen1s. Most evaluations of the vestibu­
the affected setnicircular canal.3031
lar system are based on the presence of nystagmus.
Nystagmus is an involuntary rapid eye 111oven1ent that niay
Dix-Hallpike Maneuver
occur as a result of vestibular, optokinetic, or pursuit system
dysfunction. A disturbance of one of these systems leads to a The Dix-Hallpike inaneuver (Hallpike testing, the Nylen­
drift of the eyes during atten1pts at visual fixation (slow phase Baran y n1aneuver) tnay be perfortned routinely on all patients
or slow component of nystagmus). A corrective phase of the cotnplaining of vertigo, or inay b e li1nited to those patients
eyes (quick phase or quick con1ponent) attempts to reset the v1ho have positional vertigo, ie, vertigo provoked by certain
drift. Constant velocity drifts create repetitive, quick correc­ head positions such as looking up or rolling over in bed. As
tive responses, resulting in nystagmus. A peripheral vestibular for other aspects of the physical examination, the nature of
abnormality resulting in unilateral hypofunction leads to a drift this test and why it is being perforn1ed are briefly explained
of the eyes directed toward the side of the lesion, and the subse­ to the patient before the test is perforn1ed. The test is per­
quent fast, corrective phase is directed contralaterally. By con­ forn1ed on a table or a chair capable of reclining con1pletely
vention, the direction of the nystagn1us is designated by the fast flat, and begins with the patient sitting up and positioned so
phase of nystagmus. that when reclined, the head extends beyond the edge of the

l I

FIGURE 9-3 • Dix-Hallpike examination

testing the right ear.

table (Figure 9-3). The patient is positioned with the head Cerebellar Function
turned to,vard the suspected side, and then rapidly brought
Cerebellar testing is included in the neurotologic examina­
to the supine position, with the head turned and hanging
tion \-vhen there is a co1nplaint of vertigo or dysequilibrium.
slightly (Figure 9-4). The presence of nystagn1us and subjec­
Cerebellar disease inay 1nanifest with ataxia, dys1netria,
tive con1plaints of vertigo are noted. The patient is then gently
hyperdys1netria, or dysdiadochokinesia. Poor coordina­
returned to the sitting position, which 111ay again provoke diz­
tion \-Vith repetitive finger-to-nose testing or rapid alternat­
ziness. Finally, the test niay b e repeated with the head turned
ing head inovements (dys1netria ) inay be a sign of cerebellar
to the opposite side. The abnorn1al ear is the one that, when
dysfunction. Uncoordinated heel-to-toe testing or tanden1
placed in the "down" or lowern1ost position, elicits vertigo
gait (ataxia) is also a sign of cerebellar dysfunction. Patients
and nystagn1us. Perforn1ing this test in patients who have lim­
tend to deviate toward the side of an unco111pensated vestib­
ited n1obi.l ity or neck extension, or those ,.,,h o are obese, can
ular lesion during gait testing. \-Vhen moving a limb against
be challenging.
resistance, a patient should be able to co1npensate adequately
\-vhen the resistance is suddenly removed. Failure to cotnpen­
Head Shaking Nystagmus Testing
sate adequately is termed hyperdysmetria. Fine motor con­
Tn this test, the patient's head, with the chin inclined down 30 trol 1nay be tested by having the patient flip his/her hands
degrees, is rotated rapidly to the right and left in the horizontal over, rapidly alternating the pahu and the back of the hand
plane, either by the exan1iner or by the patient, and the patient side up. Failure to perfor1n this test adequately is ter1ned
is exan1ined for nystagmus.32 A norn1al response con1prises no, dysdiadochokinesia.
or a few beats, of nystagn1us. With a unilateral loss of laby­ Ro1nberg's test (Figure 9-5) is a test of vestibulospinal tract
rinthine function, nystagmus is seen with the fast phase ini­ function. H.omberg's test and gait assess1nent are tneasures of
tially directed toward the opposite (uninvolved) side and which both central and peripheral input to the limb and spinal inuscles.
then reverses and becon1es directed toward the dysfunctional This test is perfor1ned with the patient standing erect '-vith feet
labyrinth.32 together both \-Vith eyes open and with eyes closed. Consistent
falling to one side is an abnor1nal test; there is a tendency to fall
TESTS OF NEUAOLOGIC FUNCTION to the side of an unco1upensated, unilateral vestibular lesion.
The sharpened Romberg's test (Figure 9-6), thought to be more
Cranial Nerve Examination
sensitive than the standard Ro1nberg's test, is performed by hav­
The neurotologic examination includes an evaluation of the cra­ ing the patient stand with the feet aligned in tandem and arn1s
nial nerves. In general, tests of smell and visual acuity are not folded to the chest. The Fukuda stepping test is performed by
usually perforn1ed unless indicated clinically. Cranial nerves ITT having the patient 111arch in place {30-50 steps) with eyes closed
through XIT are assessed systen1atically as part of the routine and arms extended anteriorly. The ar1ns tend to deviate to, or
neurotologic exan1ination. The reader is referred else,-vhere for a the patient may turn excessively to\-vard the side of, a vestibu­
full description of the cranial nerve exainination.2•33 lar lesion. Vestibulospinal testing depends on integration of

FIGURE 9-4 • Dix-Hallpike examination of

the righ t ear.

._.._... .......Mil ___..___



( '

FIGURE 9-5 • Romberg's test. FIGURE 9-6 • Sharpened Romberg's test.

proprioceptive, visual, and vestibular inputs. Closing the eyes

during Romberg's test elin1inates visual input, and Romberg's
test on a 6-inch foam mat reduces proprioceptive input, render­ The previous section discussed the otologic/neurootologic his­
ing the patient nearly solely dependent on vestibular input for tory and physical examination and their importance in estab­
orientation.34 lishing a clinical diagnosis. A brief overview of com1non or

in1portant otologic and neurotologic diagnoses is presented in course than nonsuppurative, serous labyrintbitis and manifests
the following section. in the sudden onset of profound hearing loss and fuhninant ver­
tigo that lasts several days and is usually associated with nausea
Disorders of the Auditory and and vomiting. It should be treated aggressively and pro1nptly
Vestibular System as the prognosis for hearing recovery is poor and there is an

Sensorineura! Hearing Loss elevated risk of meningitis. Unsteadiness, as in vestibular neu­

There are a 111yriad of etiologies for sensorineural hearing loss.13 ritis, n1ay last for several months. liowever, unlike vestibular

Presbycusis and noise-induced hearing loss are by far the niost neuritis, there are usually asso ciated cochlear sy1npto1ns, eg,

con1111on. Other causes of sensorineural hearing loss are listed bearing loss, fullness, otalgia, and tinnitus. Serous labyrinthitis

in Tables 9-1 and 9-3. The diagnosis of both comn1on and is an infh11n1natory process within the labyrinth without actual

uncon1n1on causes ultimately depends on a thorough history inner ear infection. A viral labyrinthitis inay be suspected in a

and physical exan1ination. patient presenting with the acute onset of vertigo and senso­
rineural hearing loss in the absence of any other precipitating
Noise-Induced Heari ng Loss circumstance. Other causes o f labyrinthitis include contamina­
Hearing loss affects approxin1ately 28 million people in the tion of perilymph with bacterial or inflammatory toxins, blood,
United States, '>Jith 10 n1illion attributed at least in part to noise or surgery (eg, stapedecto1ny). The ear examination should be
exposure. Sound loud enough to damage the inner ear can normal. Inner ear symptoms associated with acute otitis n1edia,
produce hearing loss not reversible by any known n1edical or cholesteato1na, or chronic ear disease, must be assu1ned to be
surgical therapy. Sound levels of 75 dB or less, even after long complications of the existing ear disease and treated pron1ptly.
exposure, are unlikely to cause any pern1anent bearing loss. Nystag1nus may be present and should beat away fro1n the
Sound levels above 85 dB, with exposure of at least 8 h per day, affected ear. Nystagmus beating toward the affected ear indi­
will generally produce a pern1anent hearing loss.5 cates irritative nystag1nus and is an on1inous sign of inner ear

Conductive Hearing Loss injury. Nonotolaryngologists typically refer t o a wide variety

Twenty to thirty percent of the 28 n1illion people with hearing of otologic disorders that cause vertigo as labyrinthitis; otolar­

loss in the United States are estin1ated to have conductive hear­ yngologists usually reserve the term for the specific entities as

ing loss.15 Patients with conductive hearing losses are generally described above.

younger than patients with sensorineural loss and have no cog­

Vestibular Neuritis
nitive or other sensory deficits. 35 Etiologies of conductive hear­
Infla1nn1ation of the vestibular nerve confined within the bony
ing loss are listed in Table 9-4.
internal auditory canal (IAC) and leading to dysfunction of the
Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss nerve with vertigo is tern1ed vestibular neuritis. 38 Isolated atro­
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss is defined as a loss of at least phy of the vestibular nerve with little end-organ degeneration
30 dB in at least three contiguous frequencies occurring over a can be seen on histopathologic exan1ination and is thought to
period of no more than 3 days.36 Certain pathologies, such as reflect a viral etiology. The vertigo is abrupt in onset, is described
vestibular scbwannoma, are known to present with sudden sen­ as a severe, spinning sensation, and is usually accon1panied by
sorineural hearing loss. For the 01ajority of patients with sudden nausea and von1iting. Few other otologic syn1pton1s are present
sensorineural hearing loss, a definitive cause of hearing loss will except, occasionally, aural fullness. The acute phase lasts 48 to
not be identified. Thus, in some contexts, the tenu sudden sen­ 72 h and is followed by a period of dysequilibriw11 and a sen­

sorineural hearing refers to the syn1ptoin of hearing loss, sation of unsteadiness that usually lasts 4 to 6 weeks but 1nay
whereas in idiopathic cases, sudden sensorineural hearing loss is persist for several n1onths. The variability of tin1e to recovery
considered a diagnosis. Viral, vascular, and inflan1n1atory pro­ depends on the extent of the dan1age to the vestibular nerve and
cesses have been proposed as possible etiologies for idiopathic 011 con1pensation for the vestibular injury. 39
sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Hearing loss is generally the
Meniere's Disease
presenting sy1upton1, but son1e degree of vertigo, in1balance,
Meniere's disease is a clinical disorder classified as idiopathic
aural fullness, and potentially even 1nild pain, 1nay accon1pany
endolyn1phatic hydrops. The diagnosis oflv1eniere's disease can
the hearing loss. There are no forn1al guidelines to separate the
only be n1ade with certainty after death by den1onstrating endo­
diagnoses of sudden sensorineural hearing loss and labyrinthi­
lyn1phatic hydrops on ten1poral bone histopathologic exa1ni­
tis., the patient who presents with a complaint of sud­
natio11. During life, the diagnosis is suggested by a low-tone,
den bearing loss and acknowledges in1balance on questioning
fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus, aural fullness,
is diagnosed with sudden sensorineural hearing loss, whereas
and episodic vertigo. The AAO-HNS Co1nn1ittee on Hearing and
the patient who presents with a con1plaint of sudden vertigo
Equilibriun1 elaborated on the definition of Meniere's disease
who acknowledges hearing loss is diagnosed with labyrinthitis.
for the purposes of diagnosis and reporting.3 The Co1n111ittee
The management of sudden sensorineural hearing loss is cur­
delineated four levels of certainty in the diagnosis of lv1eniere's
rently an area of very active research. Reviews of this disorder
disease, which are reproduced in Table 9-5.
a re avaifable.37
·rhe vertigo of Meniere's disease is characteristically a true
Labyrinthitis spinning vertigo; it can be incapacitating and severe and is
lnflamn1ation of the labyrinth is known as labyrinthitis. often the most distressing syn1pton1. Variants of lv1eniere's dis­
Bacterial (suppurative) labyrinthitis takes a 1nore fulminant ease include Ler1noyez40 attacks, in which the hearing loss and

sleeping on the affected side in order to avoid the development

TABLE 9-5 AAO-HNS committee of hearing and
of syn1ptoms.
eq uil ibrium diagnosis of Meniere's disease
Dix-Hallpike testing (as described above) will be positive
when the condition is active; establishing the diagnosis and
Certain Meniere's disease
Definite Meniere's disease plus histologic confirmation revealing the involved side in posterior canal BPPV. The nys­
tagmus of BPPV is pathognomonic: it has a several (2- to 10-)
Definite Meniere's disease
second latency, is geotropic (beating toward the ground) and
Two or more definitive spontaneous episodes of vertigo
horizontal-rotary, lasts no niore than 30 sec before abating, and
20 minutes or longer
fatigues with repetition of the Hallpike 111aneuver.
Audiometrically documented hearing loss on at least
Variants of BPPV have been described based on the pres­
one occasion
Tinnitus or aural fullness in the treated ear ence of otoliths affecting the cupula versus the canal (ie, cupulo­
Other causes excluded lithiasis and canalolithiasis), and based on the presence of the
otoliths in the horizontal or superior semicircular canals.43-46
Probable Meniere's disease The presentation of these variants can be considerably differ­
One definitive episode of vertigo ent fron1 the description offered above. A n1odified Hallpike
Audiometrically documented hearing loss on at least
111aneuver is used to test for horizontal canal BPPV. In th is test,
one occasion
the patient lies supine and the head is rapidly rotated to one side
Tinnitus or aural fullness in the treated ear
(without extension beyond the table edge); the head is returned
Other causes excluded
to the supine position and is then turned to the contralateral ear.

Possible Meniere's disease The evoked nystagmus is horizontal, geotrophic, or ageotrophic

Episodic vertigo of the Meniere type without hearing and is less likely to fatigue.47
loss, or
Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence Syndrome
Sensorineural hearing loss, fluctuating or fixed, with
Sound- or pressure-induced vertigo caused by dehiscence of the
dysequilibrium but without definitive episodes
superior sen1 icircular canal has been described.30•31·43 Patients
Other causes excluded
with this disorder develop vertical-torsional eye n1oven1ents
aligned with the plane of the superior canaJ in response to loud
sounds or n1aneuvers that change niiddle ear or intracranial
pressure. Tbe diagnosis is made by observing vertical-torsional
tinnitus improve with the attack of vertigo, and the otolithic cri­
nystagn1us with the slo'v phase directed upward and a'vay fron1
ses ofTumarkin,41 in which vestibular dysfunction manifests not
the suspect ear follo>ving positive tragal pressure, Valsalva's
as spinning vertigo but as a sudden, severe fall or"drop attack."
nianeuver, or a loud (l l.0-dB) sound. Ultrahigh-resolution com­
The terms cochlear .tvleniere's disease (hearing loss, tinnitus,
puted t.001ographic scanning of the temporal bones n1ay den1on­
and aural fullness, without vertigo) and vestibular 1v1eniere's
strate thinning or dehiscence of the bone of the superior canaJ.
disease (the vestibular symptoms of Meniere's with no auditory
symptoms) are occasionally used to describe patients who do Migraine-Related Vertigo
not have the full spectrum of symptoms of 1-1eniere's disease. Migraine is a neurologic disorder characterized by headache
Although these terms remain in use clinically, The AAO-I-INS and/or other neurologic syn1pton1s that affects 6 to 18o/o of
Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium42 has recommended adults in the United States. 1.1igraine is a frequent but often
abandoning these terms, in favor of the diagnostic criteria pre­ overlooked cause of episodic vertigo. In practices that treat
sented in Table 9-5. patients with headaches, dysequilibriu.m or episodic vertigo has
been reported in 33 to 72o/o of cases.49•50 Both true vertigo and
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
nonvertiginous dizziness can occur and the episodic nature of
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV, also referred to
the sympton1s can be easily niistaken for lvfeniere's disease or
as benign positional vertigo, or BPV) is a disorder frequently
other vestibular system disorders. Interestingly, in the n1ajority
seen in otologic and neurotologic practice. In general, the symp­
of patients, the vertigo is unassociated with their headache, and
toms of vertigo in this condition are thought to be caused by
many patients have no headache history at all.51
the movement of particulate matter, specifically otoconia, in
the labyrinth. The most commonly involved location for such Perilymph Fistula
otoliths is in the posterior semicircular canal. Inner ear fistulae include labyrinthine fistulae, perilymph fis­
In its classical form, the presentation of BPPV should tulae, and intran1en1branous con1n1Ltnications. Although all
include a relatively consistent history and an appropriately pos­ are considered inner ear fistulae, each represents a distinct
itive physical examination. The patient should present with a clinical entity. A perilymph fistula is a leak of perilyn1ph fluid
history of intense vertiginous attacks that occur with a sudden into the n1iddle ear or niastoid, or a leak of air from the n1iddle
onset. The attacks can be reproducibly brought on by assum­ ear into the inner ear. A.ctual visual recognition of fluid, even
ing certain positions, most commonly by lying down and turn­ with niicroscopic examination, is unusual. Precipitating insults
ing onto the affected side. The attacks of vertigo are generally include surgery, blunt traun1a, penetrating trauma, barotrau1ua,
not accompanied by sensations of aural fullness, tinnitus, or infection, cholesteaton1a, or sudden changes in CSF pressure
fluctuations in hearing. Typically attacks will last less than as can occur with straining, sneezing, or Valsalva's maneuver.
1 min. Often patients v.•ill report that they have given up Congenital ear abnormalities niay predispose to perilymph

leaks. Spontaneous perily1nph fistulae are believed to be infre­

TABLE 9-6 Disorders of the vestibular system
quent.52 The clinical picture of perilymph fistulae is variable,
with syn1ptoms ranging from niild to incapacitating. \Tertigo,
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
or 1nore often unsteadiness, is the most con1mon syn1ptom.
Hearing loss, tinnitus, or aural fullness may be present. A thor­ Labyrinthitis

ough history inquiring about activities such as trauma, scuba Meniere's disease
diving, flying, and straining is critical in the diagnosis of this
Vestibular neuronitis
disorder as the symptoms are vague and coincident with other
vestibular disorders. A fistula test should be performed in a Drug toxicity (ototoxicity)
patient suspected of having a perilymph fistula (see above).
Cerebellopontine angle tumors
Another type of inner ear fistula is defined as an abnor­
mal con1111unication bet�veen the endolymphatic space and the Metabolic disorders
perily1nphatic space. This type of fistula is usually referred to as
Perilymph fistula
an intramen1branous con1n1unication or a cochlear membrane
tear and is theorized to be an etiology of (idiopathic) sudden Trauma

sensorineural hearing loss. Systemic disorders (see Table 9-1)

The tern1 labyrinthine fistula is used to describe an inner
Autoimmune inner ear disease
ear fistula that typically involves the sen1icircular canals. The
usual etiologies are trau111a and inlection. Erosion of the hori­ Central disorders
zontal canal (or less frequently the posterior or superior canals)
Vertebral basilar insufficiency
fron1 cholesteaton1a or granulation tissue may lead to a laby­
rinthine fistula ifthe integrity of the bony labyrinth is violated. Presyncope

lnflamn1atory hypertrophy of the perilymphatic space endothe­ Multiple sclerosis

liu1n usually prevents the flow of perily1nph through the fistula,
ho\,•ever, surgical disruption of the barrier precipitates the flow
of perilyn1ph. A patient known to have cholesteatoma in whon1 Familial ataxia
dysequilibrium develops is considered to have a labyrinthine fis­
Arnold-Chiari malformation
tula until proven otherwise.
Communicating hydrocephalus
Cerebellopontine Angle Tumors
Migraine Central nervous system lesion or tumor
Benign cerebellopontine angle tun1ors (eg, vestibular schwan­
non1as and meningio1nas) may underlie unilateral (or asymmet­ Cerebellar degeneration
ric) sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus, and dysequilibrium.
Parkinson's disease
Even s1nall tumors 1nay cause considerable sympton1s when
they exert pressure on the seventh and eighth cranial nerves Nutritional disorders (vitamin 812 deficiency)

within the TAC. Other less comn1on sympton1s include facial

weakness or paralysis, fifth cranial nerve involven1ent (facial
numbness and decreased corneal reflex), sixth nerve sy1nptoms
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
of diplopia, ninth and tenth nerve problems witb hoarseness
Eustachian tube dysfunction is a common disorder generally
or dysphagia, and pain or headache. Generally, the presence of
described as ear fullness or pressure, or sometimes creating an
clinically evident facial weakness in all but the largest tun1ors
intennittent "popping sensation." The type of Eustachian tube
suggests the tu1nor originates from the facial nerve. Despite
dysfunction encountered 1nost frequently entails inadequate
compression and destruction of the vestibular nerves, in1bal­
tubal opening. Infla1n1natory processes, mucosal edema, allergic
ance is a relatively unco1nn1on presenting sympton1; the gradual
rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, and tumors of the nasopharynx can lead
progression of vestibular dysfunction allows for compensation
to Eustachian tube dysfunction. Disorders such as craniofacial
of the deficit. Dysequilibrium, if present, is usually mild; true
anomalies, cleft palate, Down syndrome and neuromuscular dis­
spinning vertigo is rare. Large tumors may be associated with
eases, with levator or tensor veli palatini muscle dysfunction, can
dysequilibriun1, ataxia, nausea, vomiting, and headache, indica­
cause Eu.�tachian tube dysfunction. I-feari n g loss, mild aural full­
tive of brain stem, cerebellar, or fourth ventricular compression
ness, and, rarely, cinnitus are associated symptoms. The fullness
or increased intracranial pressure. A list of disorders affecting
may be alleviated with Valsalva's maneuver. The physical exami­
the vestibular system is provided in Table 9-6.
nation in these patients varies depending on the disease process.
Systemic Disorders Affecting the Ear and In mild cases of dysfunction, the tyrnpanic membrane may appear
Temporal Bone to be normal, however, tympanic membrane abnormalities rang­
Systemic disorders (see Table 9-1) can directly or indirectly ing from atelectasis to retraction to cholesteatoma may be seen in
affect hearing and balance. These diagnoses may be elusive as more severely affected patients. In rnore chronic or severe cases of
niany of the disorders are uncommon.4 Also, son1e of the niore dysfunction, there n1ay be an associated serous effusion.
con1mon disorders (eg, diabetes niellitus) do not consistently Far less commonly encountered than inadequate Eustachian
affect hearing and balance. tube dilation, is a patulous {or open) Eustachian tube. A history

of autophony (abnorn1al hearing of one's voice and breathing) 3. Co1111nittee on Hearing and Equilibrium. Cotnmittee on Hearing
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Audiologic Evaluation of
Otologic/Neurotologic Disease
Brad A. Stach, PhD

AUDIOLOGIC CONTRIBUTION audiometric measures and audiologic approaches, and antici­

TO DIAGNOSIS pated measurement outcomes as a function of type of hearmg
The process and strategies used to evaluate hearing have their
greatest utility in the audiologic diagnosis of communication
disorder resulting frorn hearing loss. Nevertheless, results of the NATURE AND IMPACT OF
audiologic evaluation can be useful in the otologic/neurotologic HEARING DISORDERS
diagnosis of ear disease. Patterns of results o n measures of A hearing disorder is classified as (1) a hearing sensitivity loss,
pure-tone audiotnetry, speech recognition, acoustic itnmittance, (2) a suprathreshold hearing disorder, or (3) a functional hearing
otoacoustic emissions (OAEs), and auditory evoked potentials loss. Hearing sensitivity loss is the 1nost con11non fortn of hear­
1nay it1dicate the need for additional diagnostic testing or may ing disorder. It is characterized by a reduction in the sensitivity
serve to corroborate clinical otologic findings. They tnay also of the auditory n1echanis1n so that sounds need to b e of higher
serve as a useful means of quantifying posttreatment outcomes. intensity than norn1al before they are perceived. Suprathreshold
Audiometric measures evaluate auditory system function. disorders result in reduced ability to hear or perceive sounds
The extent to which a disease process interferes with function properly at intensity levels above threshold. Functional hearing
will dictate their usefulness in the diagnostic process. Should loss is the exaggeration or fabrication of a hearing loss.
the condition not interfere tneasurably with function, the audio­
logic outcotnes 'vill b e of little utility diagnostically. In contrast, Hearing Sensitivity Loss
if function is affected, results o n these audio1netric measures
Hearing sensitivity loss is caused by an abnor1ual reduction of
1nay serve a useful diagnostic purpose and may help to quantify
sound being delivered to the brain by a disordered ear. This
the impact of the disorder.
reduction of sound can result fron1 any nu1nber of factors that
The value of specific audiotnetric test results varies with
affect the auditory tnechanism. When sound is not conducted
the nature of the disorder. For example, a 1niddle-ear disorder
'vell through a disordered outer or middle ear, the result is a con­
is readily identifiable with imrnittance measures and OAEs,
ductive hearing loss. When the sensory or neural n1echanisn1s
whereas a bram-stem disorder inight elude audiologic diagno­
'vithin the cochlea are absent or not functioning, the result is a
sis if the influence on function is too subtle. The value of audio-
sensorineural hearmg loss. When structures of both the con­
1netric test results in the diagnostic process also depends on
ductive n1echanis1n and the cochlea are disordered, the result is
the sensitivity of other diagnostic measures. For example, the
referred to as a mixed hearillg loss. A sensorineural hearmg loss
increased sensitivity of in1aging techniques, capable of detect­
can also b e caused by a disorder of the eighth nerve or auditory
mg ever-s1naller lesions, has reduced the utility of the auditory
braill stem. Such disorders are usually referred to separately as
brain-stem response (ABR) in the diagnosis of disorders of the
retrocochlear disorders, because their diagnosis, treat1uent, and
eighth nerve and has relegated audiometric tneasures to the role
in1pact on hearing ability can differ substantially fro1n a hearing
of screening for, rather than identifying, specific lesions.
loss of cochlear origin.
Regardless, the audiologic evaluation of otologic/
neurotologic disease plays an itnportant role in the diagno­ Conductive Hearing Loss
sis and management of patients. vVhether for the purposes of A conductive hearing loss is caused by an abnor1nal reduc­
corroboration, identification, or quantification, audiometric tion or attenuation of sound as it travels through the conduc­
outcomes are often valuable components of the clinical evalu­ tive rnech.anisn1s of the outer and n1iddle ear. A conductive
ation. This chapter provides an overview of hearing disorders, hearing loss or the conductive cotnponent of a hearing Joss is


quantified by comparing the air- and bone-conduction thresh­ of speech. That is, a conductive hearing loss and a sensorineu­
olds on an audiogran1. Air-conduction thresholds represent ral hearing loss of the sa1ne degree and configuration will have
hearing sensitivity as 1neasured through the outer, niiddle, and the sa1ne effect on audibility of speech sounds. The difference
inner ears. Bone-conduction thresholds represent hearing sen­ between the two types of hearing loss becon1es n1anifest at
sitivity a s nieasured primarily through the inner ear. Thus, if suprathreshold levels.
air-conduction thresholds are poorer than bone-conduction One of the consequences of sensorineural hearing loss is
thresholds, it can be assumed that the attenuation of sound is recruitment (abnorn1al loudness gro,vth). Loudness grows
occurring at the level of the outer or niiddle ears. The size of more rapidly than norn1al at intensity levels just above thresh­
the conductive component is usually referred to as the air-bone old in an ear with sensorineuraI hearing loss. This recruitment
gap. The audiometric con figuration of a conductive hearing loss results in a reduced dynamic range from the threshold level to
varies fron1 low frequency to flat to high frequency, depending the discomfort level.
on the physical obstruction of the structures of the conductive Reduction in frequency resolution and in dynamic range
111echanisn1. In general, any disorder that adds mass to the con­ affects the perception of speech. In 1nost sensorineural hearing
ductive systen1 predon1inantly aftects the higher audion1etric losses, this effect on speech understanding is predictable from
frequencies. Any disorder that adds or reduces stiffness to the the audiogra1n and is poorer than would be expected fron1 a
systen1 predominantly affects the lower audion1etric frequen­ conductive hearing loss of si1nilar 1nagnitude. In the extre1ne,
cies. Any disorder that changes both mass and stiffness affects a the reduction in frequency resolution and dynamic range can
broad range of audion1etric frequencies. severely litnit the usefulness of residual hearing.
Because a conductive hearing loss acts pri1narily as an
Mixed Heanng Loss
attenuator of sound, it has little or no impact on suprathreshold
A hearing loss con1prising both sensorineural and conductive
hearing. That is, once sound i.s of sufficient intensity, the ear
cotnponents is termed a mixed hearing loss. A mixed hearing
acts as it normally v,roltld at suprathreshold intensities. Thus,
loss indicates that a disordered outer or n1iddle ear attenuates
perception and growth of loudness, ability to discriminate loud­
the sound delivered to an itnpaired cochlea. Bone-conduction
ness and pitch changes, and speech-recognition ability are all
thresholds reflect the degree and configuration of the sensori­
norn1al once the conductive hearing loss is overcon1e by raising
neural cotnponent of the hearing loss. Air-conduction thresh­
the intensity of the signal.
olds reflect both the sensorineural loss and the additional
Although readily an1enable to otoJogic treatment, there
conductive cotnponent.
can be a more insidious effect of conductive hearing loss. Some
children with chronic otitis media with effusion experience
Retrocochlear Hearing Loss
inconsistent auditory input during their fonnative years and
A retrocochlear hearing loss i s caused by a change in neural
do not develop appropriate suprathreshold auditory and listen­
structure and function of some component of the peripheral or
ing skills.1-4 Such children 1uay be at risk for later learning and
central auditory nervous syste1n. As a rule of thun1b, the nlore
achieven1ent problen1s.
peripheral a lesio n, the greater its in1 pact will be on hearing
Sensorineural Hearing Loss sensitivity and on auditory function in general-someti1nes
A sensori neural hearing loss is caused by a failure in the cochlear referred to as the "bottleneck" principle. Conversely, the
transduction of sound from niechanical energy in the middle nlore central the lesion, the nlore subtle its i1npact. One inight
ear to neural in1pulses of the eighth nerve. vVhen a structure conceptualize this by thinking of the nervous syste1n as a large
of this sensorineural niechanisn1 is in so1ne way dan1aged, its tree. If one of its tnany branches were damaged, overall growth
ability to transduce n1echanical energy into electrical energy of the tree would be affected only subtly. Dan1age to its trunk,
is reduced, resulting in a number of changes in cochlear pro­ however, would affect the entire tree significantly. A well­
cessing, including a reduction in the sensitivity of the cochlear placed tun1or on the auditory nerve can substantially affect
receptor cells, in the frequency-resolving ability of the cocb lea, hearing, whereas a lesion in the tnid brain is likely to have a
and in the dynan1ic range of the hearing mechanisn1. 111ore subtle effect .

A sensorineural hearing loss is niost often characterized Perhaps the best illustration of the bottleneck principle
clinically by its effect on cochlear sensitivity and, thus, the con1es fron1 reports of cases '"'ith lesions that effectively dis­
audiogram. If the outer and niiddle ears are functioning prop­ connect the cochlea fro1n the brain sten1. 'fhese cases nlanifest
erly, then air-conduction thresholds accurately represent the severe or profound hearing loss and very poor speech recogni­
sensitivity of the cochlea and are equal to bone-conduction tion despite norn1al cochlear function, as indicated by norn1al
thresholds. The audion1etric configuration of a sensorineural OAEs or eighth-nerve action potentials. In cases involving
hearing loss varies fro1n low frequency to flat to high frequency lesions of the cerebello pontine angle secondary to tu1nor,5·6
depending on the location along the basilar men1brane of hair n1ultiple sclerosis,7 and iniliary tuberculosis,8 the results have
cell loss or other damage. shown how a lesion strategically placed at the bottleneck can
A sensorineural hearing has at least three fundan1entally substantiall y affect hearing ability. The bottleneck in the case
in1portant effects on hearing: a reduction in the cochlear sen­ of the auditory systen1 is, of course, the eighth nerve as it enters
sitivity, in frequency resolution, and in the dynan1ic range of the auditory brain stem.
the hearing mechanis1n. In n1any ways, the reduction in hear­ A retrococblear lesion, then, n1ay or n1ay not affect auditory
ing sensitivity can be thought of as having the saine effect as sensitivity, depending on 1nany factors, including lesion size,
a conductive hearing loss in terms of reducing the audibility location, and i1npact. A vestibular sch\vanno1na on the eighth

cranial nerve can cause a substantial sensorineural hearing of clinical findings that suggest normal functioning of some
loss, depending on how much pressure it places on the nerve or cochlear structures and abnormal functioning of the eighth
the dan1age that it causes to the nerve. A ten1poral-lobe tumor, nerve or brain stein. These clinical findings include absent ABR,
hov.rever, is quite unlikely to result in any change in hearing poor speech perception, varying levels of hearing sensitivity loss,
sensitivity. absence of acoustic reflexes, and preservation of sotne cochlear
These influences of tun1ors and other retrococh I ear lesions function as evidenced by the presence of OAEs and/or cochlear
on function of the nervous systen1 can be thought of as the pri­ microphonics (CMs).
n1ary effect of the neurologic disorder. Someti111es, however, a As increasing numbers of babies are being screened at
vestibular schwannon1a can also cause cochlear dysfunction.9 birth, it appears that a substantial proportion of those with
That is, the presence of a tun1or on the eighth nerve can significant hearing loss have two of the clinical signs of audi­
result in changes in the function of the cochlea, related to the tory neuropathy-absent ABRs and present OAEs and/or
presence of tun1or-associated proteinaceous 111aterial in the CMs. Because of the early age of identification, ineasures of
cochlear space. Thus, although the prin1ary site of the lesion hearing sensitivity, acoustic reflex thresholds, and speech per­
niay be the eighth nerve, its influence may be 111ore peripheral. ception cannot be obtained. The label of auditory neuropathy
Clinical signs will vary from those consistent v,rith retroco­ has quickly becotne associated with these isolated findings in
chlear disorder, when the influence of the tu111or is primarily newborns.
on nerve function, to those consistent with cochlear disorder, It is becoming apparent that the term auditory neuropathy
when the influence is primarily on the labyrinth. It n1ay be that as it is defined clinically probably represents at least two fairly
the clinical picture progresses from the former to the latter as different disorders, one sensory and the other neural.10•17 The
the tumor persists. auditory neuropathy (AN) of sensory origin-cochleogenic
Tf the bottleneck is unaffected, then lesions at higher levels AN-is probably a sensory hearing disorder that represents a
will have effects on auditory processing ability that are niore transduction problen1, comprising a failure of the cochlea to
subtle. These effects tend to become increasingly subtle, as the transn1it signals to the auditory nerve. The 111ost likely origin
lesions are located n1ore centrally in the systen1. For exan1ple, of this transduction probletn rests in the inner hair cells, a con­
whereas a lesion at the bottleneck can cause a substantial hear­ cept that has been reported both in patient populations18•19 and
ing sensitivity loss, a brain-sten1 lesion often results in only a in ani.n1al nlodels.20 Preservation of the OAEs and cochlear
nii Id low-frequency sensitivity loss10, and a ten1poral-Jobe lesion inicrophonics represents norn1al function of outer-hair cells.
is unlikely to affect hearing sensitivity at all. Similarly speech In cases of cochleogenic AN the absence of an ABR is a reflec­
recognition of words presented in quiet can be very poor in the tion of the sensitivity loss of the system and accurately predicts
case of a lesion at the periphery but wil I be unaffected by a lesion a substantial hearing loss. The hearing loss acts like any other
at the level of the ten1poral lobe. sensitivity loss in tern1s of its influence on speech and language
acquisition and its a1nenability to hearing aids and cochlear

Auditory Neuropathy and Hearing Loss i1nplants.

One specific type of auditory nervous systen1 disorder is audi­ Auditor y neuropathy of neural origin-or neurogenic

tory neuropathy,11•12 a term used originally to describe a con­ AN-is probably accurately described as a specific disorder of

dition in which cochlear function is norn1al and eighth nerve the auditory nerve that interferes \Vith the synchrony of neu­

function is abnormal. As such, auditory neuropathy is a condi­ ral firing. Hearing sensitivity loss is considerably nlore variable

tion that exen1plifies the consequences of a disorder at the level than in patients \¥ith cochleogenic AN, and other clinical signs

of the bottleneck. Tt is distinguishable from disorders due to are tnore consistent with retrocochlear disorder.

space-occupying lesions in that i111aging results of the nerve and

brain sten1 are non11al.
Suprathreshold Hearing Disorder
Auditory neuropathy was first described as a specific dis­ Although there is a tendency to think of hearing in1pairn1ent as
order of the auditory nerve that causes a loss of synchrony of the sensitivity loss that can be n1easured on an audiogratn, there
neural firing.11 Because of the nature of the disorder, it is also is another type of hearing i1npair1nent that may or tnay not be
referred to as auditory dys-synchrony.13 The caLtSe of auditory accon1panied by sensitivity loss. This other itnpairment results
neuropathy is often unknown, although it niay be observed fro1n disease, dan1age, or decline of the auditory nervous sys­
in cases of syndron1ic peripheral pathologies (eg, Freidreich 's ten1 in adults or delayed or disordered auditory nervous systc1n
ataxia, Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome). The age of onset is devclop1nent in children.
usually before 10 years. Hearing sensitivity loss ranges fron1 A disordered auditory nervous systetn, regardless of cause,
nor111al to profound and is most often flat or reverse-sloped \¥ill have functional consequences that can vary considerably
in configuration. The hearing loss often fluctuates and is in severity. When in1pairn1ent is caused by active, n1easurable
progressive in some patients. Speech perception is often disease process, such as a tun1or or other space-occupying
substantially poorer that what '¥ould be expected fron1 the lesion, or fron1 dan1age due to trau1na or stroke, it is often
audiogram.14•15 Auditory neuropathy n1ay not be as amenable referred to as a retrocochlear disorder. When in1pairn1ent is
to conventional an1plification and implant treatment as disor­ due to developmental disorder or delay or frotn diffuse changes
ders of sensory origin. such as aging, it is often referred to as an auditory processing
Auditory neuropathy, in its original forn1, is a neuro­ disorder. The consequences ofboth types of disorder are often
genic disorder, operationally defined based on a constellation sitnilar frotn an audiologic perspective, but the disorders are

treated differently because of the consequences of diagnosis perceived difficulties. Perhaps the distinguishing feature for
and the Iikelihood of a signi Iicant residual con1 munication patients with an auditory processing disorder is the inability
disorder. to extract sounds of interest in noisy environn1ents despite an
ability to perceive the sounds with adequate loudness. These
Retrococh/ear Disorder
patients also exhibit difficulty on various tasks related to te1n­
l n addition to possible hearing sensitivity loss, retroco­
poral processing.
chlear disease can cause more subtle hearing disorder that is
often noted in measures of suprathreshoJd function such as
Functional Hearing Loss
speech-recognition ability. In general, hearing loss froiu ret­
Functional hearing loss is the exaggeration or feigning of hear­
rocochlear disorder is distinguishable fron1 cochlear or con­
ing in1pairn1ent. Many tern1s have been used to describe this
ductive hearing loss by the extent to vvhich it can adversely
type of hearing "i1npairn1ent," including nonorganic hearing
affect speech perception. Conductive loss affects speech per­
loss, pseudohypacusis, n1alingering, factitious hearing loss,
ception only by attenu ating sound. Cochlear hearing loss
and so on. In 1nany cases of functional hearing loss, partic­
adds distortion, but it is often minirual and predictable. A
ularly in adults, an organic hearing sensitivity loss exists but
retrocochlear disorder can cause severe distortion of incon1-
is willfully exaggerated.21 In other cases, often secondary to
ing speech signals in a n1anner that lin1its the usefulness of
trau1na of son1e kind, the entire hearing loss will be willfully
feigned. Because there iuay be son1e organicity to the hear­
Tn addition to speech-recognition deficits, other suprath­
ing loss, it is probably best considered as an exaggerated hear­
reshold abnormalities can occur. Loudness growth can be
ing loss or a functional overlay to an organic loss. Functional
abnorn1al in patients vvith retrocochlear disorder. Instead of
hearing loss is the ter1n n1ost con1n1only used to describe such
the abno nually rapid growth of loudness characteristic of
cochlear hearing loss, retrocochlear disorder can actually result
One way to understand functional hearing loss is to define
in decruitn1ent, an abnorrually slo'v growth in loudness with
it by a patient's inotivation.22 Motivation can be defined by two
increasing intensity. A retrocochlear disorder can also result
factors, the intent of the person in creating the sy1npton1s and
in abnorn1al auditory adaptation. The norn1al auditory system
the nature of the gain that results. 'fhinking of functional hear­
tends to adapt to ongoing sound, especially at near-threshold
ing loss in this 'vay results in a continuun1 that can be divided
levels, so that, as adaptation occurs, an audible signal becon1es
into at least three categories, inalingering, factitious disorder,
inaudible. At higher intensity levels, ongoing sound tends to
and conversion disorder.
remain audible without adaptation. However, in an ear with
Malingering occurs when an individual feigns a hearing
retrocochlear disorder, the audibility niay din1inish rapidly
loss, typically for financial gain. Malingering occurs inostly
O\ving to excessive auditory adaptation, even at higher intensity
in adults. For exa1nple, an e1nployee n1ay apply for work­
er's con1pensation for hearing loss secondary to excessive
The in1pact of retrocochlear disorder depends on the level
sound exposure in the \.YOrkplace; alternatively, an individ­
in the auditory nervous system at \.Yhich the disorder is exerting
ual discharged fron1 the n1ilitary n1ay seek con1pensation for
influence. lf, for exa.111ple, a vestibular schwannoma is having a
hearing loss fro1n excessive noise exposure. Although 111ost
retrograde influence on the cochlea, speech perception should
patients have legiti1nate concerns and provide honest results,
be consistent with degree of sensitivity loss. A priiuary disorder
a sn1all percentage tries to exaggerate the degree of hearing
of the eighth nerve itself, however, is likely to have a significant
loss in the inistaken notion that they will receive greater
in1pact on hearing sensitivity and on speech perception. A dis­
con1pensation. There are also those who have had an acci­
order of the brain stem may spare hearing sensitivity and nega­
dent or altercation and are involved in a lawsuit against an
tively influence only hearing of speech in noisy or other con1plex
insurance con1pany, for exa1nple. Occasionally, such a person
acoustic environments.
will think that feigning a hearing loss 'vill lead to a greater
Auditory Processing Disorder inonetary av»ard.
Auditory processing disorders are 1nost con11uon in children A factitious disorder is one in which the feigning of a hear­
and in aging adults. These disorders are characterized by poor ing loss is done to assume a "sick" role, and the inotivation is
suprathreshold hearing. A prin1ary sign of auditory process­ internal rather than external. Children with functio11al hearing
ing disorder is hearing ability that seen1s to be disproportion­ loss are n1ore likely to have a factitious disorder, using hearing
ate to the degree of hearing sensitivity loss. The 111ost con1mon i1npair1nent as an explanation for poor perfor1nance in school
syn1pton1 is difficulty ex tracting a signal of interest from a or to gain attention. The idea n1ay have en1erged fro1n watch­
background of noise. Patients simply have difficulty hearing ing a classn1ate or sibling receive special treat1nent for having
in noise. Another related syn1pto1u is difficulty with spatial a hearing in1pairn1ent. It inay also be secondary to a bout of
hearing, such as localizing a sound source, especially in the otitis inedia and the consequent parental attention paid to the
presence of background noise. These sy111pton1s are not unlike episode.
those of patients with peripheral hearing sensitivity loss, but A conversion disorder is a rare cause of functional hearing
they are usually out of proportion to 'vhat might be expected loss; here, the syn1pton1 of a hearing loss occurs unintentionally
from the degree of loss. lt should be no surprise that an audi­ wit11 little or no organic basis. A conversion disorder results fol­
tory disorder, regardless of its locus, would result in similar lowing psychological distress of son1e nature.

AUDIOLOGIC ASSESSMENT TOOLS will be determined early as a cross-check for the validity of pure­
tone thresholds.2" Following co1npletion of pure-tone audio­
Behavioral Measures
metry, word-recognition scores will be obtained as esti1nates of
Pure-Tone Audiometry suprathrcshold speech understanding in quiet. Finally, either
Pure-tone audiometry is used to establish hearing sensitiv­ as part of a comprehensive audiological evaluation or as part
ity thresholds at discrete frequencies across a range important of an expanded speech audio1netric battery, sensitized speech
for human con1munication. Threshold levels are plotted on a n measures \.Yill be obtained to assess processing at the level of the
audiogram to show how threshold sensitivity varies across the fre­ central auditory nervous systen1.
quency range. The complete pure-tone audiogram consists of air­ A speech threshold is the lowest level at which speech can
conduction and bone-conduction threshold curves for each ear. be either detected or recognized. The threshold of detection is
The pure-tone audiograrn is based on audio1netric zero, or referred to as the speech detection threshold (SDI) or the speech
average nonnal hearing, across a defined frequency range. By awareness threshold. Although synonyinous, the ter1n SDI is
definition, 0 dB hearing level (HL) is the average intensity level probably more accurate to designate the lowest level at which
at which threshold of sensitivity is n1easured in nor111al-hearing speech is perceived. A SDI is used only in patients with limited
individuals. For clinical purposes, the standard deviation is language co1upctcncc, such as young children. The threshold of
considered to be 5 dB, so that 99% of the norn1al population recognition is referred to as the speech-recognition threshold,
v.rill have thresholds varying frorn -15 to+15 dB HL. Based on speech reception threshold, or spondee threshold. Historically,
the pure-tone audiograin, then, hearing loss severity is often speech reception threshold was the nlore co1nn1on tern1, though
(15-25 dB), 1nild (25-40 dB), 111oderate
classified as 1nini1nal spondcc threshold is the more accurate one. The tern1 spcech­
(40-55 dB), n1odcratcly severe (55-70 dB), severe (70-90 dB), rccognition threshold (SRT) is now used to designate the lowest
or profound (more than 90 dB). Although hearing loss in the level at v;hich spondcc words can be identified.
nlinimal range may or may not result in i1npairn1ent or hand­ The SR"r is a measure of the threshold of sensitivity for iden­
icap, it is incorrect to consider thresholds in this range to be tifying speech signals. The n1ain purpose of obtaining a SRT
within normal limits. The pure-tone audiogram is also used to is for comparison with pure-tone thresholds. The SRI should
describe the shape of loss or the audion1etric contour or config­ agree closely with the pure-tone thresholds averaged across 500,
uration. The audiogram also provides a nieasure of interaural 1,000, and 2,000 Hz, differing by no more than ±6 dB. A larger
sym1netry, or the extent to which hearing sensitivity is the sa1ne discrepancy between the pure-tone average (PTA) and SRT usu­
in both cars or better in one than the other. In addition, the ally indicates that pure-tone thresholds are inaccurate and nlay
co1nbination of air- and bone-conduction audion1etry is used need to be remeasured.
to dcter1ninc type of hearing loss. 'fhc 111ost common \.Yay to describe suprathreshold hearing
Pure-tone audiogra1ns arc readily established in cooper­ ability is with word-recognition measures. Word-recognition
ative older children and adults. In younger children, behav­ testing, also referred to as speech discrimination, word discrin1-
ioral responses can be obtained, but may be more lin1ited in ination, and phonetically balanced word testing is an assessn1ent
accuracy and coinplctcncss.23 In infants 0 to 6 1nonths of age, of a patient's ability to identify and repeat single-syllable words
behavioral observation audion1etry is used to estin1ate bin­ presented at so1nc suprathreshold level. Speech-recognition abil­
aural hearing thresholds. Behavioral observation audion1etry ity is usually nicasured with monosyllabic word tests. A nun1ber
involves controlled presentation of signals in the sound field of tests have been developed over the years.25-27 Most use single­
and careful observation of the infant's response to those signals. syllable words in lists of 25 or 50. Lists are usually developed
Minin1al response levels to signals across the frequency range to resen1blc, to sonic degree, the phonetic content of speech in
can be detern1ined with a fair degree of accuracy and reliabil­ a par ticul ar language. Word lists are presented to patients at
ity. In children aged 6 n1onths to 2 years, visual reinforcement suprathreshold levels, and the patients are instructed to repeat
audiornetry is used, in which a child's behavioral response to the words. Speech recognition is expressed as a percentage of
a sound, usually a head turn toward the sound source, is con­ correct identification of words presented.
ditioned by reinforcement with some type of visual stin1ulus. 'fhe goal of word-recognition testing is to estimate the
If the child will wear earphones, thresholds can be esti1nated patient's maximum ability or score. To obtain a n1axin1um
for both cars. In older children, conditioned play audion1etry is score, lists of words or sentences are presented at several inten­
used, in which the reinforcer is so1ne form of play activity such sity levels, extending fron1 just above the speech threshold to the
as tossing blocks into a box. upper level of comfortable listening. In this way, a performance
versus intensity Pl function is generated for each ear. The shape
Speech Audiometry of this function often has important diagnostic significance. In
Speech audiometric tncasures are used routinely in an audio­ most cases, the Pl function rises systen1atically as speech inten­
logic evaluation to rncasurc threshold for speech, cross-check sity is increased, to an asymptotic level representing the best
pure-tone sensitivity, quantify suprathreshold hearing, and speech understanding that can be achieved in the test ear. In
assist in differential diagnosis. so1nc cases, however, there is a paradoxical rollover effect, in
For clinical purposes, speech audio1netric 1neasures fall into which the function declines substantially as speech intensity
one of three categories, speech-recognition threshold, word­ increases beyond the level producing the inaximal perfor1nance
recognition score, and sensitized speech 1neasures. In a typical score. ln other words, as speech intensity increases, perforn1ance
clinical situation, a speech threshold (awareness or recognition) rises to a 1uaxin1u1n level, then declines or "rolls over" sharply as

intensity continues to increase. This rollover effect is con1n1only

TABLE 10-1 Expected patterns of abnormality
observed when the site of the hearing loss is retrocochlear, in the on speech audiometric tests as a function of site
auditory nerve or the auditory pathways in the brain steni.28•29 of disorder
The use of Pl functions is a way of sensitizing speech by chal­
lenging the auditory systen1 at high-intensity levels. Because of WRS WRS SC SC

its ease of administration, niany audiologi.sts use it routinely SITE MAX Pl MAX Pl DICHOTIC
as a screening measure for retrocochlear disorders. The most Cochlea - - - - -

efficacious cli nical strategy is to present a word list sin1ply at the

highest intensity level (usually 80 dB HL) and tern1inate testing Vlllth nerve ++ ++ ++ ++ -

if the score is sufficient to rule out rollover. Brain ste m -

+ ++ ++ -

Interpretation of word-recognition nieasures is based on

Temporal lobe - + + ++
the predictable relation of niaxin1um \"70rd-recogni.tion scores

to degree of hearing loss.30•31 If the n1axin1um score falls within a

Tests include maximum word-recognition scores presented in quiet
given range for a given degree of hearing loss, then the results are (WAS max), performance-intensity function of word-recognition
considered to be '"'ithin expectation for a cochlea hearing loss. If scores in quiet (WAS Pl), maximum score on sentence identification
the score is poorer than expected, then \"70rd-recognition ability in competition (SC max), performance intensity function of sentence

is considered to be abnorn1al for the degree of hearing loss and identification in competition (SC Pl), and score on a dichotic
measur. Predicted performance on these measures would be ( ) -

consistent \..,rith retrocochIear disorder. Several approaches have normal or predictable from the degree of hearing sensitivity loss,
been used to establish what is normal for a given hearing loss. (+) sometimes abnormal, depending on the site, size, and extent of
One approach is to determine the lower limits of norn1al en1pir­ influence of the lesion or (++) usually abnormal.
ically from large data sets of patients with hearing loss. Tables
have been generated that provide the lowest maxin1un1 score
progressively. The system, in its vastness of pathways, includes
that 95°/o of individuals with cochlear hearing loss will obtain
a certain level of redundancy or excess capacity of processing
on a specified nieasure. Any score below this nun1ber for a given
ability. Such redundancy serves many useful purposes, but it
hearing loss is considered to be abnorn1al. Another approach is
also makes the function of the auditory nervous system imper­
to establish a prediction for a given hearing loss based on the
vious to examination. For exan1ple, a patient can have a rather
relationship of the sounds that are audible to the patient and the
substantial lesion of the auditory brain stem or auditory cor­
predicted score based on that audibility.32
tex and still have nor1nal hearing sensitivity and normal word
Other techniques for n1easuring suprathreshold hear­
recognition ability. Accordingly, sensitized speech audiometric
ing involve sensitizing speech in so1ne way to more effectively
measures must be used to assess nervous system function and
challenge the auditory syste1n. Such measures include lo,..,r-pass
filtered speech,>3-35 ti1ne-compressed speech,3»37 and the pre­
Speech audio1netric measures have been modified for use
sentation of speech in noise or conipetition.38 Another effec­
in pediatric assess1nent, although they are so1newhat li1nited by
tive approach for assessing suprathreshold hearing is the use
the linguistic competence of younger children. Tests used \<\Tith
of dichotic tests.39-43 Tn the dichotic paradign1, two different
younger patients usually involve picture-pointing tasks in an
speech targets are presented simultaneously to the two ears.
effort to assess speech-recognition ability.
The patterns of results can reveal auditory processing deficits,
especially those due to disorders of the te1nporal lobe and cor­ Other Behavioral Measures
pus ca.llosum. A number of other behavioral measures can be used for var­
Speech audion1etric n1easures can be useful in differentiat­ ious purposes in the audiologic evaluation. Some of the early
ing whether a hearing disorder is due to changes in the outer or strategies designed to differentiate cochlear from retrocochlear
n1iddle ear, cochlea, or auditory peripheral or central nervous disorder were based primarily on measures of auditory adapta­
systen1s. A su111mary is presented in Table 10-1. Jn the cases tion and recruitment. They are seldom used in modern practice
of cochlear disorder, word-recognition ability is usua.lly pre­ and will be described only briefly here.
dictable fron1 the degree and slope of the audiogram. Although One of the consequences of cochlear hearing loss is recruit­
there are son1e exceptions, such as hearing loss due to endolym­ ment, or abnor1nal loudness gro\vth. That is, loudness gro\"IS
phatic hydrops, word-recognition ability and perforn1ance on more rapidly than nor1nal at intensity levels just above threshold
other forn1s of speech audion1etric measures are highly corre­ in an ear with cochlear site of disorder. Clinically, this means
lated with degree of hearing impairment in certain frequency that if recruitment is present, then the site of disorder is cochlear
regions. \!\Then perfonnance is poorer than expected, the likely rather than retrocochlear. One effective way to measure recruit­
culprit is a disorder of the eighth nerve or central auditory ner­ ment is with the alternate binaural loudness balance (ABLB)
vous syste1n structures. Thus, unusually poor perforn1ance on test.44 The ABLB was designed to be used in patients with u11i­
speech audion1etric tests lends a nieasure of suspicion about the lateral hearing loss and was shown to be reasonably effective u1
site of the disorder causing the hearing in1pairn1ent. identifying cochlear site.45•46 Another strategy involved 1neasur­
Speech audion1etric tests are also used to measure auditory ing the difference li1nen for intensity. An indirect method that
processing ability. As neural impulses travel from the cochlea was used clinically for a nun1ber of years is the short incre1nent
through the eighth nerve to the auditory brain stem and cor­ sensitivity index (SISl).47-50 It too was shown to be effective in
tex, the nun1ber and complexity of neural pathways expands identifying cochlear hearing loss.

Another consequence of retrocochlear hearing loss is abnor­ based on the principle that tones presented to both ears will be
n1al auditory adaptation. The normal auditory systen1 tends to perceived only in the ear in 'vhich the tone is louder if an ear
adapt to ongoing sound, especially at near-threshold levels, so difference exists. To carry out the test, either speech or pure­
that, as adaptation occurs, an audible signal becon1es inaudible. tone sti1nuli are presented simultaneously to both ears. Initially,
At higher intensity levels, ongoing sound tends to ren1ain audi­ the signal is presented to the good ear at a comfortable, audible
ble without adaptation. However, in an ear with retrocochlear level of about 20 dB sensation level and to the poorer ear at
disorder, the audibility niay diminish rapidly owing to excessive 20 dB below the level of the good ear. The patient will respond,
auditory adaptation even at higher intensity levels. Two popu­ because he/she will hear the signal presented to the good ear.
lar behavioral measures of adaptation in the past were the tone Testing proceeds by increasing the intensity level of the sig­
decay test (TDT)51-53 and diagnostic Bekesy audion1etry. 54•55 nal presented to the poorer ear. lf the loss in the poorer ear is
These tests were designed to assess a patient's ability to perceive organic, the patient will continue to respond to the signal being
sustained tones. Although popular for a time, the tests were presented to the good ear (ie, a negative Stenger). If the loss
not particularly sensitive to eighth-nerve disorder or specific to is functional, the patient will stop responding when the loud­
cochlear disorder.56-59 ness of the signal in the poorer ear exceeds that in the good ear
AII of these nleasures, ABLB, SIST, TDT, and Bekesy audiom­ because the signal will be heard only in the poorer ear owing
etry, were useful in the diagnosis of retrococh tear site in the days to the Stenger principle. Because an audible signal is still being
when tumors had to reach a substantial size before they could be presented to the good ear, it becomes clear that the patient is
diagnosed radiographically. A.s in1aging and radiographic tech­ not cooperating. This result is a positive Stenger, indicative of
niques imp roved, s1ualler lesions that had less functional in1pact functional hearing loss.
on the auditory systen1 could be visualized, and the utility of the The Lo1nbard test is used in the case of suspected bilat­
classic test battery din1inished. Today these nieasures are mostly eral functional hearing loss. It is based on the principle that
of historic interest, although they can occasionally be useful in a patient's vocal effort will be raised in the presence of back­
evaluating patients with severe hearing loss. ground noise. The test involves the sudden presentation of noise
Another behavioral diagnostic nieasure that is son1etin1es to a patient reading aloud, and an assess1nent of any change in
useful is a measure of lower brain-sten1 function known as the vocal intensity. A n increase in vocal intensity indicates the pres­
n1asking level difference (MLD). Abnorn1al perforrnance on ence of fw1ctional hearing loss.
the .NfLD is consistent with brain-sten1 disorder.•0-•3 The MLD The audiologic goal in cases of functional hearing loss is to
measures binaural release fron1 masking owing to interaural establish a valid and reliable behavioral audiogram that indi­
phase relationships. The binaural auditory systen1 is an exqui­ cates the true extent of the hearing loss. Should behavioral mea­
site detector of differences in tin1ing of sound reaching the two sures fail, auditory evoked potentials are used to predict hearing
ears and thus helps in localizing low-frequency sounds, which sensitivity.
reach the ears at different points in time. The NfLD is based on Pure-tone audion1etry, speech audio1netry, and these other
the concept of binaural release fron1 n1asking, which occurs as procedures noted above constitute the basic behavioral mea­
a result of processing by the brain stem at the level of the supe­ sures available to quantify hearing impairn1ent and detennine
rior olivary con1plex. The concept can be described as follows: the type and site of auditory disorder.
if identical low-frequency tones are presented in-phase to both
ears and noise is added to both ears to niask the tones, when the Electroacoustic and
phase of the tone delivered to one earphone is reversed, the tone Electrophysiologic Measures
will becomes audible again. lmmittance Measures
The MLD test is designed to measure binaural release from ln1n1ittance testing is one of the n1ost powerful tools available
masking. A 500-Hz interrupted tone is split and presented for the evaluation of auditory disorder.65 It serves at least three
in-phase to both ears. Narrowband noise is also presented, at functions in audiologic assessn1ent: (1) it is sensitive in detect­
a fixed level of 60 dB HL. Using a tracking procedure, thresh­ ing n1iddle-ear disorder, (2) it can be useful in differentiating
old for the in-phase tones is determined in the presence of cochlear from retrocochlear disorder, and (3) it can be help­
the noise. Then the phase of one of the tones is reversed, and ful in detecting the presence of peripheral hearing sensitivity
threshold is tracked again. The MLD is the difference in thresh­ loss and can be used as a cross-check to pure-tone audiome­
old between the in-phase and the out-of-phase conditions. For try in pediatric assess1nent. Because of its con1prehensive value,
a 500-Hz tone, the ?vfLD should be greater than 7 dB and is in1n1ittance n1easure1nent is a routine co1nponent of the audio­
usually around 12 dB. logic evaluation and is often the first assessn1ent adn1inistered
A nun1ber of behavioral measures are used to identify in the test battery.
patients who are feigning hearing loss and to try to quantify In1111ittance is a physical characteristic of all 111echanical
the degree of any underlying organic disorder.°4 The two niea­ vibratory systen1s. In very general terms, it is a n1easure of how
sures that have withstood the test of time are the Stenger and readily a syste1n can be set into vibration by a driving force.
Lombard tests. The ease with which energy \Vil! fl.O\V through the vibrating sys­
The Stenger test is designed to identify functional hear­ ten1 is called its adn1ittance. The reciprocal concept, the extent
ing loss in patients with unilateral or significantly asymn1etric to which the systen1 resists the flow of energy through it, is
hearing loss. If the hearing loss is feigned or exaggerated, the called its i1npedance. If a vibrating syste1n can be forced into
Stenger test can detect the functional component. The test is inotion with little applied force, the ad1nittance is high and the

in1pedance is low. On the other hand, if the systen1 resists being significant reduction i n the height at the peak. The subscript "s"
set into niotion until the driving force is relatively high, then denotes stiffness or shallowness. The disorder most comtnonly
the admittance of the syste111 is lov,r and the impedance is high. associated with a Type A' tytnpanogram is otosclerosis.
ln1n1ittance is a tern1 that is nieant to encompass both of these Anything that causes the ossicular chain to lose stiffness
concepts. can result in too n1uch energy flow through the n1iddle ear.
Tmmittance nieasure111ent can be thought of as a \-vay to For exatnple, in ossicular discontinuity (essentially detaching
assess the 111anner in which energy flows through the outer and the tyn1panic tne1nbrane fron1 the cochlea), the tympanogran1
niiddle ears to the cochlea. If the niiddle-ear systen1 is norn1al, retains its nortnal shape, but the peak is tnuch greater than nor­
energy will flow i n a predictable way. If it is not, then energy tnal. \l\'ith the heavy load of the cochlear fluid systetn ren1oved
\-Viii flow either too well (high admittance) or not well enough frotn the chain, the tytnpanic n1en1brane responds tnore freely
(high i 111pedance). to forced vibration. The energy flo\-v through the tniddle ear
Tmmittance is nieasured by delivering a pure-tone signal is greatly enhanced, resulting in a very deep ty1npanogran1.
of a constant sound pressure level into the ear canal through a This shape is designated Ad to indicate that the shape of the
niechanical probe that is seated at the entrance of the ear canal. tyn1panogran1 is norn1al, \-Vith the peak at or near 0 daPa of air
The signal, which is referred to by convention as the probe tone, pressure, but the height is significantly increased. The subscript
is a 226-Hz pure-tone that is delivered at 85 dB SPL. The SPL of "d" denotes deep or discontinuity.
the probe tone is nionitored by an in1mittance nieter, and any Classifying tympanogran1s based on descriptive types is a
change is noted as a change in energy flow through the middle­ sitnple, effective approach to describing lf1npano1netric out­
ear systen1. con1es. There are, ho\vever, other ways to analyze the tympano­
Three imn1i.ttance nieasures are generally used in the clin­ gran1 v•ith t11ore refinen1ent. For exan1ple, a tyn1panogran1 can
ical assessment of niiddle-ear function: tyn1panon1etry, static be described by its peak pressure, \-Vhich is sitnply the nun1ber
in1111ittance, and acoustic reflex thresholds. in daPa that corresponds to the peak of the tympanogram trace.
Tyn1panometry nieasures how the acoustic in1n1ittance of Another way is to try to describe the actual shape of the tym.­
the middle-ear vibratory systen1 changes as air pressure is varied panometric curve, which is done either by quantifying its gra­
in the external ear canal. Transn1ission of sound through the dient, which is the relationship of its height and width, or by
niiddle-ear n1echanisn1 is niaxi111al \-vhen air pressure is equal n1easuring the tyn1pano1netric width. Ty111panon1etric \-vidth is
on both sides of the tyn1panic men1brane. For a normal ear, n1easured by calculating the daPa at the point corresponding to
niaximum transn1ission occurs at, or near, atn1ospheric pres­ 50% of the static i1n1nittance value. This is a very effective way
sure. The clinical value of tympanon1etry is that a middle-ear to describe a rounded ty1npanogran1, and excessive widths are
disorder niodilies the shape of the tyn1panogran1 in predictable often found in ears with n1iddle-ear effusion.67
\-Vays. Various patterns of tyn1panon1etric shapes are related A nutnber of other strategies for tympanon1etric assess1nent
to various auditory disorders. The conventional classifica­ have etnerged over the years in an effort to tnore accurately
tion system designates three tympanogran1 types, Types, A, B, and sensitively nleasure n1iddle-ear function.68•69 11easures of
and C.06 The characteristically norn1a.l shape, with its peak at tnultifrequency tytnpanotnetry,7° tnulticon1ponent analysis,71
atn1ospheric pressure (0 daPa) is designated Type A. reflectance,72•73 and other n1ethods can be used for this purpose.
Tf the n1iddle-ear space is filled with fluid (eg, as in otitis The clinical challenge relating to these sensitive tneasures of
niedia with effusion), then the ty1npanogran1 loses its sharp function is one of understanding the relation of n1easure1nent
peak and becon1e relatively flat or slightly rounded; this pattern outcon1e to active ear disease. Because they are so sensitive, such
is caused by the niass added to the ossicular chain by the fluid. tneasures are prone to false-positive identification of n1eaning­
This shape is designated Type B. ful otologic conditions.
[n eustachian tube dysfunction, air becon1es trapped in The value of high-frequency ty111pano1netry has become
the 111iddle ear and is absorbed by the niucosal lining, resulting increasingly clear in the n1easure1nent of iniddle-ear function
in a reduction of air pressure in the n1iddle-ear space relative in infants. It is no\-v co111n1on clinical practice to use a 1,000-Hz
to the pressure in the external ear canal. This pressure differ­ probe tone when testing newborns and young infants.74-76 The
ential dra,-vs the ty.mpanic 1ne1nbrane medially. The effect on reason is probably best den1onstrated by the results shown in
the tyn1panogram is to niove the sharp peak away from O daPa Figure 10-1. Tyn1panogran1s frotn a 7-\-veek-old infant, inea­
and into the negative air pressure region, reflecting the fact that sured with both 226- and 1,000-Hz probe tones, are shown. One
the n1axi1nun1 energy flow occurs when the pressure in the ear ear of the child has m.iddle-ear effusion, \-vhile the other does
canal is negative, matching that in the middle-ear space. This not, as judged by otoscopy. Results sho\-v fairly nor1nal, peaked
tyn1panogran1, which is nonnal in shape but peaks at a substan­ tyn1panogran1s in both ears with the 226-Hz probe but a clearly
tially negative air pressure, is designated Type C. different picture with the 1,000-Hz probe. The use of higher
Anything that causes the ossicular chain to beco1ne stiffer frequency probe tones is an itnportant consideration in infant
than nonnal can result in a reduction in energy flow through testing.
the niiddle ear. The added stiffness sitnply attenuates the peak In contrast to the dynan1ic tneasure of 1niddle-ear function
of the ty1npanogram. The shape will ren1ain nom1al Type A, but represented by the tyn1panogran1, static imtnittance refers to
the entire tyn1panogran1 will becon1e shallo,-ver. Such a tym­ the isolated contribution of the tniddle ear to the overall acous­
panogran1 is designated Type A, to indicate that the shape is tic i1n1nittance of the auditory systen1. I t can be thought of as
norma.l, with the peak at or near O daPa of air pressure but with sitnply the absolute height of the tyn1panogra111 at its peak. The

Normal middle-ear function Middle-ear effusion

226 Hz 226 Hz

1000 Hz 1000 Hz

FIGURE 10-1 • 226-Hz and 1,000-Hz

0 probe-tone tympanograms of a 7-week-old
-200 -100 100 200 -200 -100 0 100 200
infant in whom one ear has normal
daPa daPa
middle-ear function and the other has
middle-ear effusion.

static immittance is measured by con1paring the probe-tone and a reflex is 111easured in the right ear, it is referred to as a left
sound pressure level or immittance when the air pressure is at crossed reflex.
0 daPa, or at the air pressure corresponding to the peak, with the The threshold is the niost con1mon measure of the acous­
immittance when the air pressure is raised to positive 200 daPa. tic stapedial reflex and is defined as the lowest intensity level
Values lying belo'"' 0.3 cc or above l.6 cc are strong evidence at a middle-ear imn1ittance change can be detected in
of middle-ear disorder. This information is useful in deciding response to sound. In patients with norn1al hearing and nor­
whether a Type A tympanogram is normal, shallow, or deep. For n1al niiddle-ear function, reflex thresholds for pure tones \viii
example, if the tympanogram is Type A and the static immit­ be reached at levels ranging fron1 70 to 100 dB HL. The average
tance is 0.2, then the tyn1panogram can be considered shallow threshold level is approximately 85 dB. These levels are constant
and indicative of increased stiffness of the middle-ear mecha­ across the frequency range from 500 to 4,000 Hz. Threshold
nism. Unfortunately, the range of normal static immittance is 111easures are useful for at least two purposes, screening for the
so large that many milder forms of middle-ear disorder v,rill fall presence of hearing sensitivity loss and differential assessment
within the norn1al boundaries. Thus, the test lacks transitivity of auditory disorder.
in that only one outcon1e is meaningful. That is, if the static Several niethods have been developed for using acoustic
immittance falls outside the normal range, it is safe to predict reflex thresholds to predict whether hearing sensitivity loss
middle-ear disorder. But, values within the normal range do not exists. One example is the sensitivity prediction by the acous­
necessarily exclude the possibility of middle-ear disorder. tic reflex (SPAR) test.77•78 The SPAR test is based on the well­
The third measure of the typical immittance battery is the docun1ented difference between acoustic reflex thresholds to
acoustic stapedial reflex. The stapedius muscle is attached, via pure tones versus broadband noise (BBN) and on the change
its tendon, to the head of the stapes. \A/hen the muscle contracts, in BBN thresholds, but not pure-tone thresholds, as a result of
the tendon exerts tension on the stapes, stiffens the ossicular sensorineural hearing loss. That is, thresholds to BBN signals
chain, and reduces low-frequency energy transn1ission through are lower than thresholds to pure-tone signals. However, senso­
the middle ear. The result of this reduced energy transmis­ rineural hearing loss has a dife
f rential effect on the two signals,
sion is an increase in probe-tone SPL in the external ear canal. raising the threshold to BBN signals, but not to pure-tone sig­
Therefore, when the stapedius muscle contracts in response nals. The SPAR test capitalizes on this effect to provide a general
to high-intensity sound, a slight change i n immittance can be prediction of the presence or absence of hearing loss.
detected by the circuitry of the immittance instrun1ent. To con1pute the SPAR value, the BBN threshold is sub­
Both stapedius muscles contract in response to sound deliv­ tracted fron1 the average reflex threshold to pure-tones of 500,
ered to one ear. Therefore, ipsilateral (uncrossed) and contra­ l,000, and 2,000 Hz. The niagnitude of this difference will
lateral (crossed) reflexes are recorded with sound presented to vary according to the specific equipmenl used to carry out the
each ear. For example, \Vhen a signal of sufficient magnitude is measures. A correction factor is then applied to yield a SPAR
presented to the right ear, a stapedius reflex will occur in both value of 20 in norn1al-hearing subjects. If a patient's SPAR value
the right (ipsilateral or uncrossed) and the left (contralateral or is less than 15, there is a high probability of a sensorineural
crossed) ears. These are called the right uncrossed and the right hearing Joss.
crossed reflexes, respectively. vVhen a signal is presented to the Clinical application of such techniques based on acous­
left ear and a reflex is measured in that ear, it is referred to as a tic reflex thresholds appears to be most effective when used
left uncrossed reflex. When a signal is presented to the left ear to predict presence or absence of a sensorineural hearing Joss.

Prediction of hearing sensitivity by acoustic reflex thresholds The ECoG is a response composed mainly of the compound
can be very valuable in testing a child on whom behavioral action potential (AP) that occurs at the distal portion of the
thresholds cannot be obtained and for sensitivity prediction is eighth nerve. A click sti1nulus is used to elicit this response.
in the case of a patient 'vho is feigning hearing loss. The rapid onset of the click provides a stimulus that is suffi­
Reflex threshold measuren1ent has been valuable in both cient to cause the fibers of the eighth nerve to respond in syn­
the assessment of rniddle-ear function and the differentiation chrony. This synchronous discharge of nerve fibers results in the
of cochlear from retrocochlear disorder.79-81 Jn tern1s of the lat­ action potential. There are two other, smaller components of the
ter, whereas reflex thresholds occur at reduced sensation levels ECoG. One is referred to as the cochlear microphonic, \vhich
in ears with cochlear hearing loss, they are typically elevated is a response from the cochlea that mi1nics the input stimulus.
or absent in cars having eighth-nerve disorder. Similarly, reflex The other is the sum mating potential, which is a direct current
thresholds arc often abnorn1al for patients with brain-stem dis­ response that reflects the envelope of the input stimulus.
order. Con1parison of crossed and uncrossed thresholds has also The ECoG is best recorded as a near-field response, \Vith an
been found to be helpful in differentiating eighth nerve from electrode close to the source. Unlike the ABl�, MLR, and LLR,
brain-stem disorders.62 which can readily be recorded as far-field responses with remote

Auditory Evoked Potentials electrodes, it is more d ifficult to record the ECoG fro1n surface

An auditory evoked potential is a vvaveforrn that reflects the electrodes. 'fhus, the best recordings of the ECoG are rnade fro1n

electrophysiologic function of a certain portion of the central an electrode that is placed through the tyn1panic me1nbrane and

auditory nervous system in response to

. sound. For audiologic onto the prornontory of the ten1poral bone or fro1n an electrode

purposes, it is convenient to group the auditory evoked poten­ in the ear canal placed near the ty1npanic n1embrane.

tials into categories based loosely on the latency ranges over The ABR occurs within the first 10 inilliseconds follow­

which the potentials are observed. The earliest of the evoked ing signal onset and consist of a series of five positive peaks or
potentials, occurring within the first 5 n1illiseconds following waves. The ABI� has properties that make it very useful clin­

signal presentation is the electrocochleogram (ECoG), v.•hich ically. First, the response can be recorded from surface elec­

reflects activity of the cochlea and eighth nerve. The n1ost fre­ trodes. Second, the \Vaves are robust and can be recorded easily

quently used evoked potential is the ABR, which occurs within in patients \Vith adequate hearing and normal auditory nervous

the first 10 niilliseconds following signal onset. The ABR system function. Third, the response is irrunune to the influ­

reflects neural activity fron1 the eighth nerve to the midbrain. ences of the patient's state, so that it can be recorded in patients

The middle-latency response (MLR) occurs within the first 50 who are sleeping or sedated. Fourth, the latencies of the vari­

milliseconds following signal onset and reflects activity at or ous waves are quite con1parable within and across people so

near the auditory cortex. The late-latency, or cortical, response that they serve as a sensitive rneasure of brain-stem integrity.

(LLR) occurs within the first 250 milliseconds following signal In addition, the tirne intervals between peaks are prolonged

onset and reflects activity of the primary auditory and associa­ by auditory disorders central to the cochlea, which makes the

tion areas of the cerebral cortex. ABR useful for differentiating cochlear from retrocochlear sites

These measures, the ECoG, ABR, MLR, and LLR are known of disorder.

as transient potentials in that they occur and are recorded in The ABR is generated by the auditory nerve and by struc­

response to a single stin1ulus presentation. The response is tures in the auditory bra in sten1. Wave I originates in the distal

allowed to end before the next signal is presented. The process is or peripheral portion of the eighth nerve near the point at which

then repeated nurncrous tirnes, and the responses are averaged. the nerve fibers leave the cochlea. Wave 11 originates from the

A different type of evoked potential, called the auditory steady­ proxi1nal portion of the nerve near the brain stem. Wave Ill

state response (ASSR), is rneasured by evaluating the ongoing has contribution fro1n this proxi1nal portion of the nerve and

activity of the brain in response to a rnodulatio.n, or change, fro1n the cochlear nucleus. Waves lV and V have contributions

in an ongoing stimulus. The ASSR reflects activity from dif­ from the cochlear nucleus, superior olivary complex, and lateral

ferent portions of the brain, depending on the modulation rate lernniscus.

used. Responses fron1 slower rates en1anate from more central The "stacked" ABR is a 111odification of the conventional

structures of the brain, while responses from faster rates ema­ manner of ABR data collection. lt is a strategy designed to

nate from the more peripheral auditory nerve and brain-stem enhance diagnostic effectiveness by assessing auditory system

structures. function across a broad frequency range rather than in the lim­

Diagnostic assessment is usually made with the ABR, MLR, ited high-frequency region that responds to conventional click

and LLR. The ABR is highly sensitive to disorders of the eighth­ stimuli. Through a series of progressive band-pass filterings,

nerve and auditory brain stem and is often used in conjunction ABRs are generated that correspond to frequency bands across

with irnaging and radiologic measures to assist in the diagnosis the spectrum. The con1ponent wave Vs of the resultant ABRs

of acoustic tun1ors and brain-stem disorders.83-88 Surgical mon­ are aligned in time and sun1n1ed, and amplitudes are com­

itoring of evoked potentials is usually carried out with ECoG, pared between ears and against normative data. Results have

ARR, and/or direct-nerve recordings.89•90 These evoked poten­ been encouraging in tern1s of sensitivity to small tumors of the

tials are nionitored during eighth-nerve tu1nor ren1oval in an eighth nerve.91•9J

effort to preserve hearing. Threshold prediction is usually niade The MLR is characterized by t\vO successive positive peaks:

with ABR and/or LLR in adults and ABR and ASSR in infants the first (P) at about 25 to 35 1nilliseconds and the second (Pb)
and young children. at about 40 to 60 n1illiseconds following stin1ulus presentation.

The lvfLR is probably generated by some con1bination of pro­ all normal-hearing ears and absent in all ears at frequencies
jections to the prin1ary auditory cortex and the cortical area where sensorineural hearing loss exceeds approxi1nately 30
itself. Although the NfLR is the most difficult auditory evoked dB. It appears that SOAEs originate fro1n outer-hair cells cor­
potential to record clinically, it is son1etimes used diagnosti­ responding to that portion of the basilar inembrane tuned to
cally and as an aid to the identification of auditory processing their frequency.
disorder. A sensitive, low-noise inicrophone housed i n a probe is
The LLR is characterized bya negative peak (NI) at a latency used to record SOAEs. The probe is secured in the external
of about 90 n1illiseconds and a positive peak (P2) at about 180 auditory canal with a flexible cuff. Signals detected by the
n1illiseconds following stimulus presentation. This potential is microphone are routed to a spectrum analyzer, which pro­
greatly affected by subject state. It is best recorded when the vides frequency analysis of the signal. Usually the frequency
patient is awake and carefully attending to the sounds bei ng range of interest is sarnpled several ti1nes, and the results are
presented. There is an in1portant developmental effect on the signal averaged to reduce background noise. SOAEs, when
LLR during infancy and childhood. Tn older children or adults, they occur, appear as peaks of energy along the frequency
hov.rever, it is robust and relatively easy to record. In children spectru1n.
or adults with relatively norn1al hearing sensitivity abnorn1al­
- , Because SOAEs are absent in 1nany ears with nor1nal hear­
ity or absence of the LLR is associated \vith auditor y processing ing, clinical applications have not been forthcoming. Efforts to
disorder. There are other late potentials, known as event-related relate SOAEs to tinnitus have revealed a relationship i n some,
potentials (ERPs), that can be recorded as well, including the but not inany subjects who have both.
n1ismatch negativity (NlMN), late positive component, and Evoked OAEs are elicited by a sti1nulus and occur dur­
object-related negativity, which seen1 to hold pron1ise as objec­ ing and after signal presentation. Evoked OAEs bear a close
tive measures of auditory nervous systen1 function.94•95 resemblance to the eliciting signal. There are several classes of
The ASSR is used to predict hearing sensitivity.90•97 The evoked OAEs, two of which have proven to be useful clinically:
response itself is an evoked neural potential that follows the transient-evoked OAEs (TEOAEs) and distortion-product OAEs
envelope of a con1plex stin1ulus. It is evoked by the periodic n1od­ (DPOAEs) _

ulation of a tone. The neural response is a brain potential that TEOAEs are elicited with transient signals or clicks. Series
closely follows the time course of the n1odulation. The response of click sti1nuli are presented, usually at an intensity level of
can be detected objectively at intensity levels close to behavioral about 80-85 dB SPL. Output fron1 the 1nicrophone i s signal
threshold. The ASSR can yield a clinically acceptable, frequen­ averaged, usually within a tin1e window of 20 1nilliseconds. In
cy-specific prediction of the behavioral audiogran1. The ASSR a typical clinical paradigm., alternating san1ples of the e1nis­
is elicited by a tone. ln clinical applications, the frequencies of sion are placed into separate n1e1nory locations, so that the
500, l,000, 2,000, and 4,000 Hz are con1monly used. The pure­ final result provides two traces of the response tor con1parison
tone is either n1odulated in the amplitude don1ain or niodulated purposes.
in both the amplitude and frequency domains. Brain electrical TEOAEs occur about 4 n1illiseconds following stin1ulus
activity at the frequency corresponding to the niodulation rate presentation and continue for about 10 inilliseconds. Because a
is nieasured. For exan1ple, when a tone of any frequency is mod­ click is a broad-spectrun1 signal, the response is sin1ilarly broad
ulated periodically at a rate of 90/s, the 90 Hz con1ponent of the i n spectru1n as well. By convention, these '"'avefor1ns are sub­
brain electrical activ ity is measured. M.easuren1ent is niade of jected to spectral analysis, the results of which are often shown
the ainplit ude or variabi lity of the phase of the electrical activity i n a graph depicting the a1nplitude-versus-frequency co1npo­
to deter1nine if it is followin g the modulation envelope. When
" " nents of the e1nission. One in1portant aspect ofTEOAE analysis
the modulated tone is at an intensity above threshold, the brain is the reproducibility of the response. This si1nilarity or repro­
activity at the niodulation rate is enhanced and tin1e-locked ducibility of successive sa1nples of a response is expressed as a
to the niodulation. lf the tone is below a patient's threshold, percentage, with 100% being identical. If the n1agnitude of the
brain activity is not enhanced and is random in relation to the en1ission exceeds the n1agnitude of the noise, and if the repro­
modulation. ducibility of the en1ission exceeds a predetern1ined level, then
the e1nission is said to be present. If an e111ission is present, it is
Otoacoustic Emissions likely that the outer-hair cells are functioning in the frequency
OAEs are low-intensity sounds that are generated by the cochlea region of the en1ission.
and propogate through the middle ear into the ear canal98•99• DPOAEs occur as a result of no11linear processes in the
OAEs are probably not essential to hearing, but rather are the cochlea. \A/hen t\vo tones are presented to the cochlea, distor­
by-product of active processing by the outer-hair cell systen1. tion occurs in the for1n of other tones that are not present i n
Of clinical interest is that OAEs are present when outer-hair the t\vo-tone eliciting signals. These distortions are combina­
cells are healthy and absent when outer-hair cells are dan1aged. tion tones, or harn1onics, that are related to the eliciting tones
Thus, OAEs reveal, with considerable sensitivity, the integrity of i n a predictable n1athematical \vay. The t>vo tones used to elicit
outer-hair cell function. the DPOAE are, by convention, designated f1 and £2• The 1nost
There are two broad categories of OAEs: spontaneous and robust distortion product occurs at the frequency represented by
evoked. Spontaneous OAEs (SOAEs) are narro,vband signals the equation 2f,-fr As >vith TEOAEs, a probe is used to deliver
that occur in the ear canal without tbe introduction of an elic­ the tone pairs and to record the response. Pairs of tones are pre­
iting signa l . Spontaneous en1issions are present in over half of sented across the frequency range to elicit distortion products

fron1 approximately 1,000 to 6,000 Hz. The tone pairs usually perforation located elsewhere on the ty1npanic membrane can
have a fixed frequency and intensity relationship. Typically, the result in a substantial conductive hearing loss. Similarly, eusta­
pairs are presented fron1 high frequency to low frequency. As chian tube dysfunction, causing significant negative pressure in
each pair is presented, 1neasuren1ents are made at the 2ft- f2 fre­ the 1niddle-ear space, may result in hearing loss in one case but
quency to determine the amplitude of the DPOAE and also at not in another.
a nearby frequency to provide an estin1ate of the noise floor at I1n1nittance audiometry is used t o evaluate outer and
that mon1ent in tin1e. middle-ear function, and pure-tone audion1etry is used to eval­
DPOAEs are typically depicted as the amplitude of the uate the degree of conductive co1nponent caused b y the pres­
distortion product (2f1 -f) as a function of frequency of the t� ence of 1niddle-ear disorder. In most cases, rudi1nentary speech
tone. If the an1pl itude exceeds the background noise, the en1 is­ audio1netry will b e carried out a s a cross-check of pure-tone
sion is said to be present. Tf an en1ission is present, it is likely thresholds and as a gross assess1nent of suprathreshold word­
that the outer-hair cells are functioning in the frequency region recognition ability.
of the f2 tone. In cases of outer and iniddle-ear disorder, the pure-tone
Results ofTEOAE and DPOAE testing provide a n1easure of audiogram will often b e an important metric by which the
the integrity of outer-hair cell function. Both approaches have outcon1e of the treatment is judged. That is, the pretreatment
been successfully applied clinically as objective indicators of audiogram will be compared to the posttreatment audiogram to
cochlear function. evaluate the success of the treat1nent.


MEASUREMENT OUTCOME The first step in the evaluation process is im1uittance audion1-
etry. Because it is the most sensitive indicator of middle-ear
Functional outcon1es of structural changes in the auditory sys­ function, a full battery of tympanometry, static inunittance,
ten1 are reasonably predictable fron1 the battery of assessn1ent and acoustic reflex thresholds is indicated. Results will provide
tools described. Table 10-2 sun11narizes the probable outcon1es information indicating whether a disorder is caused by
as a function of disorder sites. •
an increase in the tnass of the tniddle-ear mechanism,

an increase or decrease in the stiffness of the 1niddle-ear
Outer- and Middle-Ear Disorders system,
A.udiologic outcomes vary depending on the consequence that a

the presence of a perforation of the tympanic membrane, or
disorder has on the function of the outer- and middle-ear struc­

significant negative pressure in the nliddle-ear space.

tures. For example, excessive cerumen in tbe ear canal niay or If all i1n1nittance results are norn1al, any hearing loss measured
rnay not impede the transduction of sound to the tyrnpanic by pure-tone audion1etry can be attributed to sensorineural
rnen1brane. Similarly, tympanosclerosis niay or 1nay not reduce hearing loss. If i1nn1ittance results indicate the presence of a
the functioning of the tympanic membrane. The goal is to nliddle-ear disorder, pure-tone audio1netry by air- and bone­
detern1ine whether these structural changes result in a disorder conduction 1nust be carried out to assess the degree of conduc­
in function. tive co1nponent of the hearing loss attributable to the nliddle-ear
The second goal of the evaluation is to detern1ine whether disorder.
and how n1uch this disorder in function is causing a hearing I1n1nittance results vary with the nature of the dis­
loss. In son1e circun1stances, a structural change in the outer order. The pattern of results consistent with an increase i n
and 1niddle ear can result in outer or middle-ear disorder the nlass of the n1iddlc-ear syste1n-fron1, cg, otitis nledia
without causing a rneasurable loss of hearing. For exa1nple, a with effusion and cholestcato1na-co1nprises a Type B
tympanic membrane can be perforated without causing a sig­ ty1npanogra1n, excessively low static i1n1uittance, and absent
nificant conductive hearing loss. On the other hand, a sin1ilar reflexes recorded in the disordered ear (in the case of right-ear

TABLE 10-2 Expected outcomes on audiometric measures as a function of site of



Otoacoustic emissions ++ + - -

Pure-tone audiometry ++ + + -

Word-recognition scores - ++ + -

Acoustic reflexes - ++ + -

Auditory brain stem response - ++ ++ -

Dichotic speech measures - -

+ ++

Predicted performance on these measures would be (-) normal or predictable from the degree of hearing
sensitivity loss,(+) sometimes abnormal, depending on the site, size, and extent of influence of the lesion, or(++}
u sually abnormal.

disorder, right uncrossed and left crossed acoustic reflexes audiometry can serve as a useful quantification of pre- and
would be absent). posttreatment function.
An increase in the stiffness of the niiddle-ear system (fron1,
Speech Audiometry
eg, otosclerosis) results in a pattern characterized by a Type A,
I n cases of outer and middle-ear disorder, the most impor­
tympanogram, relatively low static in1n1ittance, and absent
tant component of speech audiometry is determination of the
acoustic reflexes in the probe ear.
speech-recognition threshold as a cross-check of the accuracy
Excessive in1mittance of the middle-ear systen1, exen1pli­
of pure-tone thresholds. A speech threshold is often established
fied by ossicular disarticulation, manifests a pattern of results
prior to pure-tone audio1netry to establish a benchmark for the
characterized by a Type Ad tyn1panogran1, excessively high static
level at 'vhich pure-tone thresholds should occur. Although this
i n1niittance, and absent acoustic reflexes in the probe ear (if the
is good practice in general, it is particularly useful in the assess­
left ear is affected, then the left uncrossed and right crossed wiII
ment of young children. Speech thresholds can also be estab­
be absent).
lished by bone conduction, permitting the quantification of an
A perforation of the tyn1pani.c nien1brane yields another
air-bone gap to speech signals.
pattern of immittance findings, characterized by an inability
Assessment of word recognition is also often carried
to n1easure a tyn1panogran1, excessive volume, and un1neasur­
out, though more as a 1natter of routine than importance.
able acoustic reflexes fron1 the affected probe ear (in the case of
Conductive hearing loss has a predictable influence on word­
right-ear disorder, the right uncrossed and left crossed reflexes
recognition scores, and if such testing is of value, it is usually
would be absent).
only to confirm this expectation.
The pattern of results consistent with significant negative
ln conductive hearing loss caused by a n1iddle-ear disorder,
pressure in the n1iddle-ear space, secondary to eustachian tube
the effect on speech recognition will be negligible except to ele­
dysfunction, includes a Type C tyn1panogran1s (peak at <-200),
vate the speech threshold by the degree of hearing loss in the
normal static imn1i.ttance, and absent acoustic reflexes in the
ear with the disorder. Suprathreshold speech recognition is not
probe ear.
affected by the hearing loss, except to shift the intensity level at
Diagnosis of outer and middle-ear disorder in infants is
'vhich 1naximum performance is reached by the amount of the
not quite as straightforward. Because acoustic reflexes are not
air-bone gap.
as readily identifiable in infants under 6 months of age, assess­
ment is lin1ited to tympanon1etric nieasures. Confo und ing Auditory Evoked Potentials
the evaluation further is the need for use of higber frequency Auditory evoked potentials are affected by conductive hearing
probe tones due primarily to physical ear canal size. Recent loss only to the extent that attenuation of the eliciting signals
clinical finding suggest that the use of 1,000-Hz probe tones influences waveforn1 interpretation. For example, ABR wave­
may pern1it classification of tyn1panogra.1ns for diagnostic for1n latencies become longer, and earlier waves beco1ne less
purposes.74 Wideband reflectance measures may also provide identifiable, as intensity level is reduced. A 30-dB conductive
value in identifying infants with niiddle-ear effusion or other hearing loss causes an ABR waveform elicited at 90 dB nHL to
disorders.102 resemble a waveform elicited at 60 dB in an otherwise nor1nal
ear. Absolute latencies are delayed, but in a predictable manner.
Pure-Tone Audiometry
lnter-\vave intervals are unaffected. So Jong as the an1ount of
Pure-tone audion1etry is used to quantify the degree to which
the air-bone gap is considered, interpretation of the ABR should
1niddle-ear disorder is contributing to a hearing sensitivity loss.
not be affected.
Tf in1n1ittance audiometry shows any abnonnality in outer or
The predictable delay in ABR latency actually helps in the
1niddle-ear function, then cornplete air- and bone-conduction
identification of conductive d isordcrs in infant assessn1ent.
audiometry is indicated for both ears to detern1ine the degree of
Because a conductive component delays all co1nponent waves
conductive hearing loss.
uniforn1ly, assess1nent at higher intensity levels can reveal delays
It is in1portant to carry out both air- and bone-conduction
in both waves I and V, indicating that a predicted sensitivity loss
to q u antif y the extent of the conductive con1ponent. It is impor­
is due pri1narily to conductive disorder. The conductive co1n­
tant to test both ears because the presence of conductive hearing
ponent can be contir1ned with bone-conduction ABR, \Vith the
loss requires the use of masking in the nontest ear, and that ear
difference in thresholds predicted by air-conducted clicks and
cannot be properly 1uasked without kno,vledge of its air- and
bone-conducted clicks revealing the extent of an air-bone gap.
bone-conduction thresholds.
Generally, a niiddle-ear disorder n1anifests as an air-bone Otoacoustic Emissions
gap on the audiogra1n. A disorder that adds niass to the sys­ OAEs are likely to be absent in cases of n1iddle-car
tem influences higher frequencies; a disorder that adds or disorder.103-io7 Their presence or absence depends both on an
subtracts stiffness affects the lower frequencies. Although the adequate signal reaching the cochlea and on the ability of the
presence of n1iddle-ear disorder is correlated with conductive n1iddle ear to transduce the emission into the car canal. Thus,
hearing loss, the correlation is not perfect. The n1easuren1ent if the middle-ear disorder is causing a conductive hearing loss
of air- and bone-conduction thresholds is not as sensitive to of a magnitude sufficient to block the elicitation of a measurable
1niddle-ear disorder as in1n1ittance audion1etry or other n1ea­ emission, no response will be recorded. Sin1ilarly, if the cochlea
sures. Consequently, a 1niddle-ear disorder can exist without generates an emission but the n1iddle-ear n1echanis1n does not
an air-bone gap. Nevertheless, a n1iddle-ear disorder is likely to convey a sufficient response to the ear canal, no emission will
result in son1e degree of conductive hearing loss, and pure-tone be recorded. In routine clinical assessn1ent, the distinction is

probably uni1nportant. Efforts to elicit OAEs with bone-con­ around 85 dB HL, or at a sensation level of 45 dB. This reduced
duction stin1ulation may clarify the contributing factor in some sensation level of the acoustic reflex threshold is characteristic
cases, but the clinical relevance remains unclear. of cochlear hearing loss.
As is usua.lly the case with OAEs, their absence lends lit­ Ears with cochlear hearing loss will also show reduced
tle to the diagnostic process other than corroboration of other SPARs. That is, the s ensitivity prediction by acoustic reflexes
findings. The presence of a response, however, n1ay provide use­ will be a t or below 15 dB, indicative of the presence of cochlear
ful inforn1ation about the severity of a disorder. hearing loss.78

Pure-Tone Audiometry
Cochlear Disorders
Pure-tone audion1etry is used to quantify the degree of sen­
Audiologic contribution to the assessn1ent of a cochlear disorder sorineural hearing loss caused by the cochlear disorder. If all
is directed at ans\vering the following questions: imn1ittance ineasures are nor1nal, then air-conduction testing

Is there a hearing loss and what is its extent? nlust be completed on both ears. Bone conduction nlay not be

Is the loss solely cochlear or is there also a conductive necessary because outer and nliddle-ear functions are norn1al,
con1ponent? and air-conducted signals can properly evaluate the sensitivity

Is the loss truly cochlear or is it retrocochlear? of the cochlea. If not all in1mittance i11easures are normal, then

Is the loss fluctuating or stable? air- and bone-conduction thresholds must be obtained for both

Could the loss be attributed to a treatable condition such
ears to assess the possibility of the presence of a nlixed hearing
as endoly1nphatic hydrops?
loss. In either case, both ears nlust be tested, because the use of
The first step in the process is to detern1ine whether a n1iddle-ear nlasking is likely to be necessary and cannot be properly carried
disorder is contributing to the problen1. The second is to deter­ out without knowledge of the air- and bone-conduction thresh­
n1ine the degree and type of hearing loss. The third is to scru­ olds of the nontest ear.
tinize the audiologic findings for any evidence of retrocochlear Pure-tone audio1netry is also an i1nportant 1neasure for
disorder. I1un1ittance audion1etty is used to evaluate outer and assessing the syn11netry of the hearing loss. If a sensorineural
niiddle-ear function, indicate the presence of cochlear hearing hearing loss is asymn1etric, in the absence of another expla­
loss, and assess the integrity of eighth nerve and lower auditory nation, suspicion is raised for the presence of retrocochlear
brain-sten1 function. Pure-tone audiometry is used to evaluate disorder.
the degree and type of hearing loss. Speech audion1etry is used The hearing Joss configuration nlay provide additional clini­
as a cross-check of pure-tone thresholds and as an estin1ate o f cal evidence for the cause of the auditory disorder. Characteristic
suprathreshold word-recognition ability. configurations are associated with noise-induced hearing loss,
congenital hearing loss, and Meniere's disease, and provide
lmrnittance Audiometry
some clinical insight as to the nature of the hearing loss.
Tn cochlear hearing loss, the tyn1panogram is nonual, static
Pure-tone audion1etry can be useful in the otologic diag­
iiu1uittance is nonual, and acoustic reflex thresholds are consis­
nosis of cochlear disorder in other ways. For those that are
tent with the degree of sensorineural hearing loss. Tf in11uittance
dynamic and 1nay be treatable at various stages, the results of
audion1etry suggests the presence of middle-ear disorder, then
pure-tone audio1netry can be used as both partial evidence of
any cochlear loss is likely to have a superin1posed conductive
the presence of the disorder and as a nleans for assessing benefit
con1ponent that must be quantified by pure-tone audion1etry.
fron1 the treatinent regi1nen.
Tf imn1ittance audiometry is consistent with norn1al niiddle-ear
function but acoustic reflexes are elevated above what would Speech Audiometry
be expected from the degree of sensorineural hearing loss, Speech audion1etry is used in two ways in the assess1nent of
then suspicion is raised about the possibility o f retrocochlear cochlear disorder. First, speech reception thresholds are used
disorder. as a cross-check of the validity of pure-tone thresholds in an
Again, the typical immittance pattern associated \.Yith effort to ensure the organicity of the disorder. Second, \vord­
cochlear disorder includes a norn1al ty1upanogran1, nor- recognition and other suprathreshold nleasures are used to
1ual static in1n1ittance, and norn1al reflex thresholds.108 Reflex assess whether the cochlear hearing Joss has the expected effect
thresholds are only norn1al, however, as long as the sensitivity on speech recognition. 1"hat is, in nlost cases, suprathresh­
loss by air-conduction does not exceed 50 dB HL. Above this old speech-recognition ability is predictable fron1 the degree
level, the reflex threshold is usually elevated in proportion to and configuration of a sensorineural hearing loss if the loss is
the degree of loss. Once a behavioral threshold exceeds 70 dB, cochlear. 31 Therefore, if word-recognition scores are appropri­
the absence of a reflex is an equivocal finding because it can be ate for the degree of hearing Joss, then the results are consistent
attributed to either the degree of peripheral hearing loss or a with a cochlear site of disorder. If scores are poorer than would
retrocochlear disorder. be expected fro1n the degree of hearing loss, then suspicion is
Tn ears with cochlear hearing loss, acoustic reflex thresholds aroused that the disorder nlay be retrocochlear.
a re present at reduced sensation levels.108•109 1n norn1al-hearing If a sensorineural hearing loss is caused by a cochlear disor­
ears, behavioral thresholds to pure-tones are, by definition, at or der, the speech threshold is elevated in that ear to a degree predict­
around O dB HL. Acoustic reflex thresholds occur at or around able by the pure-tone average of audion1etric thresholds obtained
85 dB HL, or at a sensation level of 85 dB. 1n a patient with a sen­ at 500, 1,000, and 2,000 Hz. Suprathreshold word-recognition
sorineural hearing loss of 40 dB, reflex thresholds still occur at scores are predictable from the degree of hearing sensitivity loss.

Sensitized speech n1easures are norn1al or predictable from degree even n1ore problematic, however, is that cochleogenic auditory
of loss, and dichotic measures are normal. One exception is in neuropathy, due presu1nably to inner hair cell loss, will go unde­
endolymphatic hydrops, where the cochlear disorder can cause tected, resulting in unacceptable false-negative outcomes.
so much distortion that word-recognition scores may be pooi:er OAE measures have also been used effectively to nlonitor
than predicted from degree of hearing loss.110 cochlear function, particularly for patients undergoing treat­
ment with potentially ototoxic n1edications.120-1n For example,
Auditory Evoked Potentials
it is not unco1n1non for DPOAEs to be used to n1onitor outer­
Auditory evoked potentials can be used for several purposes in
hair cell function i n a n atten1pt to detect ototoxicity during
the assessment of a cochlear disorder.
chen1otherapy. The sensitivity ofDPOAEs to change in cochlear
First, if there is suspicion that the disorder might be ret­
function across a focused frequency range enables detection of
rococblear, the ABR can be used in an effort to differentiate a
the onset of ototoxic effects betore can be identified with the
cochlear from a retrocochlear site. Cochlear hearing loss has a
pure-tone audiogra1n.
predictable influence on ABR waveforn1 latency and n1orphol­
ogy. Once that influence is accounted for, ABR results '"ill be
Retrocochlear Disorders
consistent with the degree and configuration of the cochlear
hearing loss. If the high frequency pure-tone average of l,000, Audiologic contribution to the assessn1ent of retrocochlear dis­

2,000, and 4,000 Hz exceeds 70 dB, the absence of a response is order is directed at answering the following questions:

equivocal because it can be explained equally by the degree of

Is there a hearing loss, and what is its extent?
cochlear bearing Joss and by retrocochlear disorder.111

Is the loss w1ilateral or asy1nmetric?

Second, ECoG measures have been used successfully to

Is speech understanding asyn1n1etric or poorer than
predicted fro1n the hearing loss?
assist in the diagnosis of Meniere's disease,112•113 as the ratio of

Are acoustic reflexes normal or elevated?
the action potential to sun1n1ating potential an1plitudes can be •
Is there other evidence of a retrocochlear disorder?
abnormal in such cases. Recent modi6cations of this strategy
have den1onstrated that action potential latencies to condensa­ One goal of the audiologic evaluation is to deter1uine the degree

tion and rarefaction clicks are significantly different in patients and type of hearing loss. Another goal is to scrutinize the audio­

with Meniere's disease '"hen compared to the negligible polar­ logic findings for any evidence of retrocochlear disorder. Often

ity differences in patients with nonnal hearing or other forn1s a third goal is to assess the integrity of the eighth nerve and

of cochlear hearing loss.11 4•11 5 Tn addition, a strategy sin1ilar to auditory brain sten1 '"ith electrophysiologic 1neasures.

that used in deriving stacked ABRs niay also prove to be use­ On inost audiologic nleasures, there are indicators that can

ful in the differentiation of cochlear disorder due to Meniere's alert the otologist to the possibility of retrocochlear disorder.

disease .116 Acoustic reflex thresholds, syn11netry of hearing sensitivity,

Third, auditory evoked potentials can be used to predict or configuration of hearing sensitivity, and nleasures of speech

quantify the degree and configuration of cochlear hearing sen­ recognition all provide clues as to the nature of the disorder.

sitivity loss. Jn infants and young children, the ABR and ASSR Prior t o the advent of sophisticated in1aging and radio­

are often used alone or in combination to quantify thresholds. graphic techniques, specialized audiologic assessn1ent was a n

Tn adults, if there is suspicion that the hearing loss is exagger­ integral part of the differential diagnosis of auditory nervous

ated, evoked potentials can be used to estin1ate the degree of systen1 disorders. Behavioral measures of differential sensitiv­

organic hearing loss. Typically, A.BR thresholds to click stin1- ity to loudness, loudness growth, and auditory adaptation were

uli are used to predict high-frequency hearing, and late-latency designed to assist in the diagnostic process. Then, for a nu1n­

or other evoked potentials are used to predict lower frequency ber of years i n the late 1970s and early 1980s, auditory evoked

th resh olds.117 potentials were used as a very sensitive technique for assisting
in the diagnosis of neurologic disorders. 8 4'85,88 For a tin1e, these
Otoacoustic Emissions 1neasures of neurologic function were thought to be even n1ore
OAEs can be used in the assess111ent of sensorineural hearing sensitive than radiographic techniques in the detection oflesions.
loss as a means of verifying that there is a cochlear con1ponent However, progress in imaging and radiographic assess1nent of
to the disorder. If the cochlea is disordered, 0.AEs are expected structural changes h a s advanced to a point '"here functional
to be abnorn1al or absent.118 Although this finding does not pre­ 1neasures such as the ABR have lost son1e of their utility and,
clude the presence of retrocochlear disorder, it does in1plicate thus, in1portance. That is, i1naging studies have per1nitted the
the cochlea. Conversely, if OAEs are normal in the presence of visualization of ever-sn1aller lesions in the brain. So1neti.ines the
a sensorineural hearing loss, a retrocochlear site of disorder is lesions are of a sn1all enough size or are in such a location that
impIicated.8•119 they result in little or no nleasurable functional consequence.
Because of their sensitivity to sensorineural hearing loss, Thus, measures of function, such as behavioral measures and
OAEs have been used to screen for significant hearing loss in the ABR, nlay not detect their presence.123"126 Regardless, audi­
infants. Although found to be a sensitive indicator of the pres­ tory evoked potentials, particularly the ABR, remain valuable
ence of cochlear outer-hair cell loss, OAEs are confounded by indicators of eighth nerve and auditory brain-sten1 function.
two pri111ary factors for screening purposes. First, OAE mea­ Technique enhancen1ent, such as the stacked ABR, should help
surement is very sensitive to the presence of outer- and n1iddle­ t o maintain the clinical value of such measures.91 Although not
ear disorder, resulting in unacceptable false-positive rates when as often as i n the past, auditory evoked potentials are still used
screening for significant sensorineural hearing loss. Perhaps to assess neural function as a supple1nent to the assess1nent of

structure provided by n1agnetic resonance i1uaging and other be predicted fro1n the audion1etric level. The reflex threshold
in1aging studies. may be elevated by 20 to 25 dB even though the audio1netric
The diagnostic use of OAEs has begun to reveal distinc­ level shows no more than a 5- or 10-dB loss. I f the audiometric
tions between pri111ary influences of retrocochlear disease on loss exceeds 70 to 75 dB, then the absence of the acoustic reflex
auditory nervous systen1 function and secondary influences of i s atnbiguous. The abnortnality could be attributed either to ret­
retrocochlear disease on cochlear function.1l9,u7,us For example, rocochlear disorder or to cochlear loss.
in some vestibular schwanno.mas, audiologic outcomes reflect For diagnostic interpretation, acoustic reflex measures are
a prin1ary effect on nerve function in a pattern of results that probably best understood if vie\¥ed in the context of a three-part
includes abnorn1al acoustic reflexes, abnormal auditory adapta­ reflex arc, (1) the sensory or input portion (afferent), (2) the cen­
tion, disproportionately poor speech recognition, rollover of the tral nervous syste1n portion that transmits neural information
speech function, abnorn1al AB.R, and preserved OAEs. Tn other (central), and (3) the n1otor or output portion (efferent).132•133
vestibu.lar schwannomas, audiologic outcon1es reflect \.vhat An afferent abnor1nality occurs as the result of a disordered
appears to be a secondary influence of the tumor on cochlear sensory syste1u in one ear. An exan1ple of a pure afferent effect
function. In such cases, the results may be niore consistent i s a profound unilateral cochlear hearing loss on the right or a
with cochlear hearing loss than retrocochlear loss, including vestibular schwanno1ua of the right eighth nerve. Both reflexes
the absence of OAEs. The distinction is probably important in ,..,ith signal presented to the right ear (right uncrossed and right­
appreciating the relative value of audiologic measures in the to-left crossed) would be absent.
diagnostic process. An efferent abnorn1ality occurs as the result of a disordered
Tn1n1ittance audion1etry is used to evaluate outer and niotor systen1 or m.iddle car in one ear. An exa1nplc of a pure
niiddle-ear function and to assess the integrity of the seventh efferent effect is a right facial nerve paralysis. Both reflexes mea­
and eighth cranial nerves and Jo,¥er auditory brain-stem func­ sured by the probe in the right ear (right uncrossed and left­
tion.Pure-tone audiometry is used to evaluate the extent of any to-right crossed) \¥ould be absent.
hearing asyn1111etry. Speech audion1etry is used (l) as a cross­ A central path\¥ay abnormality occurs as the result of brain­
check of pure-tone thresholds, (2) an estin1ate of suprathreshold sten1 disorder. An exan1ple of a pure central effect is multiple
speech-recognition ability, (3) a measure of hearing syn1metry, sclerosis that affects the crossing fibers of the central auditory
and (4) an assessment of any abnormality of hearing under nervous systen1. In this situation, one or both of the crossed
adverse listening conditions. Electroacoustic and electrophys­ acoustic reflexes ,..,ould be elevated or absent in the presence of
iologic nieasures are used in an effort to assess integrity of the normal uncrossed reflex thresholds.
cochlea, eighth nerve, and auditory brain sten1. Disorders of the eighth nerve, then, often result in afferent
abnorn1alities.82•130•13»l34 Brain-stein disorders can result in affer­
lmmittance Measures
ent, efferent, or central pathway abnormalities,133•135- 137 depend­
Acoustic reflex threshold or suprathreshold patterns can be
ing on the effect of the lesion.
helpful in difterentiating cochlear fron1 retrocochlear disor­
ders. In1n1ittance audion1etry can also be in1portant in assess­ Pure-Tone Audiometry
ing rniddle-ear function in cases of suspected retrocochlear Pure-tone audiometry i s useful in assessing the sy1umctry of
disorder, because 111iddle-ear disorder and any resultant con­ hearing loss. Asy1un1etric sensorineural hearing loss, in the
ductive hearing loss can affect interpretation of other audio­ absence of another explanation, raises suspicion for the pres­
metric rneasures. ence of retrocochlear disorder.
Tf the disorder is retrocochlear, the typical i111n1ittance pat­ Certain audion1etric configurations have been attributed
tern is characterized by norn1al ty1upanon1etry, norn1al static to various retrocochlear disorders. Although any configuration
in1111ittance, and abnorn1al elevation of reflex thresholds, or can occur, progressive asyn1n1etric high-frequency hearing loss
absence of reflex responses, whenever the reflex-eliciting sig­ has been associated with eighth-nerve disorders.138 Similarly,
nal is delivered to the suspect ear in either the crossed or the low-frequency hearing loss has been associated 'vith brain-sten1
uncrossed mode.81•82 For exan1ple, with a right-sided vestibu­ disorder.10•139 Although hearing loss i s usually insidious in neu­
lar schwannon1a, the tyn1panogra1us, and static immittance rologic disorders, it is not uncon11non for a sudden hearing loss
would be normal. Abnormal elevation of reflex thresholds to be associated with a retrocochlcar lesion.140•141
would be observed for the right uncrossed and the right-to­ Although asy1111uetric hearing loss is a con11non finding in
left crossed ref.lex responses. A retrocochlear disorder can also rctrocochlcar disorders, so is norn1al hcaring.1•1-1•5 As diagno­
result in acoustic ref.lex decay, reflecting abnorn1al auditory sis has i1nproved generally, reports have increased of nor1nal­
adaptation.81,129 - 131 Abnorn1al decay occurs when a reflex con­ hearing sensitivity in patients 'vith eighth-nerve disorder.
traction is not sustained to continuous stimulation at suprath­
reshold levels. Speech Audiometry
A key to differentiating elevated reflex thresholds from Measurement of speech recognition is important in screening
retrocochlear versus cochlear disorder is the audio1uetric level for a retrocochlear disorder. In niost cochlear hearing losses,
at the test frequency. As stated previously, in cochlear hearing speech-recognition ability is predictable from the degree of loss
loss, reflex threshol.ds are not elevated until the audion1etric loss and configuration of the audiogran1. That is, given a hearing
exceeds 50 dB HL, and even above this level the degree of eleva­ sensitivity loss of a known severity and configuration, the ability
tion is proportional to the audion1etric level. In the case of ret­ to recognize speech is roughly equivalent a1nong individu­
rocochlear disorder, however, the elevation is rnore than would als and nearly equivalent bet\veen ears \Vithin an individual.

Expectations of speech-recognition ability, then, lie within a measures are reasonably consistent across the population. In
certain predictable range for a given cochlear hearing loss. ln newborns, they are prolonged cotnpared to adult values, but in
n1any retrococh lear hearing losses, however, speech-recognition a predictable way. Once a child reaches 18 months, normal adult
ability is poorer than would be expected from the audiogran1. latency values can be expected and will continue throughout
Thus, if perforn1ance on speech-recognition measures falls life. Because of the consistency of latencies within an individual
below that expected, suspicion is aroused that the hearing loss over time and across individuals in the population, assess1nent
is caused by a retrocochlear rather than a cochlear disorder.3J of latency is relied on as an indicator of integrity of the VIII
Tf a sensorineural hearing loss is caused by an eighth-nerve nerve and auditory brain stem.158
disorder, the speech threshold is elevated in that ear to a degree The decision about whether an ABR is norn1al is usually
predictable by the pure-tone average. Suprathreshold word­ based on the following considerations:
recognition ability is likely to be substantially affected.58•1 46 •
Interaural latency difference in J-Vinterpeak interval
rvraxin1un1 scores are likely to be poorer than predicted from •
I-Vinterpeak interval
the degree of hearing loss, and rollover of the performance­ •
Interaural difference in wave i1latency
intensity function is likely to occur.28•29•1 47•148 Speech-in­ •
Absolute latency of wave V
con1petition n1easures are also likely to be depressed.3 8•1 49•150 Interaural differences in VII amplitude ratio

Abnorn1al results occur in the san1e, or ipsilateral, ear in which

VII a1nplitude ratio

Selective loss o f l ate '"'aves
the lesion occurs. Dichotic measures are norn1al.

Grossly degraded wavefor1n n1orphology
Tf a hearing disorder occurs as a result of a brain-sten1 lesion,
the speech threshold is predictable fro.m the pure-tone average. Again, the ABR is used to assess the integrity of the eighth nerve
Suprathreshold word-recognition ability is likely to be affected and auditory brain stem in patients who are suspected of having
substantially.150•151 Word-recognition scores in quiet may be vestibular schwannon1as or other neurologic disorder. In inter­
normal or depressed or shov,r rollover. Speech-in-con1petition preting ABRs, the consistency of the response across individuals
measures are likely to be depressed in the ear ipsilateral to the is exploited to ask whether the n1easured latencies co1npare well
lesion. Dichotic n1easures are likely to be norn1al. between ears and with the population in general.
Tf a hearing disorder occurs as the result of a ten1poral-lobe The MLR and LLR are less useful than the ABR in iden­
lesion, hearing sensitivity is unlikely to be affected, and the tifying discrete lesions.159•160 So1netimes a vestibular schwan­
speech threshold and word-recognition scores are likely to be non1a that affects the ABR will also affect the :tvfLR. Also,
normal. Sensitized speech nieasures niay or n1ay not be abnor­ so1netimes a cerebral vascular accident or other discrete insult
mal in the ear contralateral to the lesion.33-35•37 Dichotic n1ea­ to the brain will result i n an abnormality in the lvfLR.161 ·'62
sures are the 111ost likely of all to show a deficit because of the Ho\vever, these measures are probably n1ore useful as indi­
ten1poral-lobe lesion.40•41 •1 52 •153 cators of generalized disorders of auditory processing ability
rather than in the diagnosis of a specific disease process. For
Auditory Evoked Potentials
exan1ple, MLRs and LLRs have been found to be abnorn1al
Tf a retrocochlear disorder is suspected, and if audion1etric indi­
i n patients with n1ultiple sclerosis.160•1 63 Although neither
cators heighten suspicion, it is custon1ary to assess the integrity
response has proven to be particularly useful in helping to
of the auditory nervous system directly with the AB.R. The ABR
diagnose this disorder, the fact that :tvlLR and LLR abnormali­
is a sensitive indicator of the integrity of eighth nerve and audi­
ties occur has proven to be valuable in describing the resultant
tory brain-Stem function.86• 154•155 ff it is abnorn1aJ., there is a Very
auditory disorders. That is, patients \.Yith neurologic disorders
high likelihood of a retrocochlear disorder.
often have auditory con1plaints that cannot be measured on
ln recent years, imaging techniques have in1proved to the
an audiogran1 or with simple speech audio111etric 1neasures.
point that structural changes in the nervous systen1 can son1e­
'fhe :tv1LR and LLR are son1etin1es helpful in quantifying such
tin1es be identified before those changes have a functional inAu­
auditory con1plaints.
ence. Thus, the presence of a norn1al ABR does not rule out the
presence of a neurologic disease process.150 Tt simply indicates Otoacoustic Emissions
that the process is without apparent functional consequence. OAEs can be used in the assessn1ent of a retrocochlear disor­
The presence of an abnormal ABR, however, ren1ains a strong der, although the results are often equivocal. If a hearing loss is
indicator of neurologic disorder and is useful in the diagnosis caused by a retrocochlear disorder through an effect on eighth­
of retrocochlear disease.9 2• 124,15 nerve function, OAEs 111ay be normal despite the hearing loss."·8
The ABR con1ponent waves, especially waves T, III, and I n such cases, outer-hair cell function is considered norn1al,
V, are easily recordable and are very reliable in terms of their and the hearing loss can be attributable to the neurologic dis­
latency. As a general rule, wave l occurs at about 2 msec fol­ eases process. That is, the loss is caused by neural disorder, and
lowing signal presentation; wave III at 4 niilliseconds; wave the cochlea is functioning norn1ally. However, in so1ne cases,
V at 6 ni i II iseconds. Al though these absolute nun1 bers vary a retrocochlear disorder can affect cochlear function, result­
among clinical instrun1ent ation, the latencies are quite stable ing in a hearing loss and abnorn1ality of OAEs.119,127,128 Thus, in
across individuals. In niost adults, the J-V interpeak interval the presence of hearing loss and norn1al n1iddle-ear function,
is approximately 4 milliseconds, '"'ith a standard deviation of the absence of OAEs indicates either a cochlear or a retroco­
about 0.2 milliseconds. Thus, 99o/o of the adult population has chlear disorder. On the other hand, the preservation of OAEs
T-V interpeak intervals of 4.6 or less. If the l-Vinterval exceeds in the presence of a hearing loss suggests that the disorder is
this an1ount, it can be considered abnormal. These latency retrocochlear.

One other aspect of OAEs that 111ay be interesting fron1 a domain, (3) binaural hearing deficits, and (4) disordered spatial
diagnostic perspective is that the amplitude of a TEO.A Eis sup­ hearing.
pressed to a certain extent by stin1ulation of the contralateral One of the most co1nn1on indicators of auditory processing
ear. This contralateral suppression is a sn1all but consistent effect disorder is an inability to extract signals of interest from a back­
that occurs when broad-spectrun1 noise is presented to one ear ground of noise. This inability can be measured directly with a
and transient en1issio11s are recorded in the other.164 •16 5 The effect nutnber of different speech audio1netric techniques. The results
is mediated by the medial olivocochlear systen1, which is part show that patients '"'ith auditory processing disorders have
of the auditory systen1's co1nplex efferent n1echanism. In some considerable difficulty identifying speech in the presence of
cases of peripheral and central auditory disorder, contra lateral competition.38·101-112 In general, the inore nieaningful or speech­
suppression is absent, t66 so that the TEOAE is unaffected by like the con1petition, the n1ore interfering will be its influence
stin1ulation of the contra lateral ear. on perception.173•174
Nfuch of the early work in this area focused on nionaural
Suprathreshold Processing Disorders perception of speech targets in a background of con1petition
presented to the san1e ear. Other studies have shown deficits in
Over the past three decades, techniques that were once used to
patients with auditory processing disorders when co1npetition
assist in the diagnosis of neurologic disease have been adapted
is presented to the opposite ear or when both targets and co1n­
for use in the assessment of comn1unication i1npairn1ent that
petition are presented to both ears in a soundfield.175
occurs as a result of auditory processing disorder. Sensitized
l1npairm.ent in processing in the ti1ne domain is also a
speech audio1netric measures are nov,r commonly used to eval­
con1n1on sign in auditory processing disorders.t7o-ts2 Ten1poral
uate auditory processing ability. A typical battery of tests might
processing deficits have been identified on the basis of a nu1nber
include the following:
of nieasures, including tin1e con1pression of speech, duration

The assess111ent of speech recognition across a range of
pattern discrin1ination, duration difference li1nens, and gap
signal intensities;
detection. Deficits in ten1poral processing are often considered

The assessment of speech recognition in the presence of
con1peting speech signals; and the underlying cause of and primary contributor to niany of the

The nJeasurement of dichotic listening-the ability to other ineasurable deficits associated '"'ith auditory processing
process two different signals presented simultaneously to disorders.
both ears. Most individuals with intact auditory nervous syste1ns are

The results of such an assess1nent provide an estimate of audi­ able to identify different signals presented sin1ultaneously to

tory processing ability and a niore complete profile of a patient's both ears and den1onstrate a slight right-ear advantage in dich­

auditory abilities and impairments. Such inforn1ation is often otic listening ability for linguistic signals. In a patient with an

useful in providing guidance regarding appropriate amplifica­ auditory processing disorder, particularly one caused by i1npair-

tion strategies or other rehabilitation approaches. 1nent of the corpus callosun1 and auditory cortex, a dichotic

Many patients v,rith an auditory processing disorder are deficit, characterized by substantial reduction in left ear perfor-
elderly and consequently have son1e degree of cochlear hearing 1nance, is often seen.39•183•1

loss. Outco1nes of assessn1ent with imn1ittance measures, pure­ A stated earlier, the auditory systen1 is exquisitely sensitive

tone audiometry, and OAEs do not differ substantially in these to differences in the tin1ing of sound reaching the t'vo ears. This

patients from those found in patients \Vith purely peripheral sensitivity helps localize low-frequency sounds, which reach

deficits. The differences that do exist are 1nost readily identified the ears at differe11t points in tin1e. One '"'ay of assessing how

by speech audion1etry, and, to a lesser extent, auditory evoked sensitive the ears are to these ti1ning or phase, is by nieasuring

potentials. binaural release fro1n niasking. Abnorn1al binaural release fron1

niasking is a sign of auditory processing disorder and occurs as a
lmmittance Measures result of impairn1ent in the lo,ver auditory brain stexn.1•01•63
linn1ittance audio1uetry can be expected to show normal A different kind of deficit in binaural processing is referred
n1iddle-ear function and reflex results consistent \vith norn1al­ to as binaural interference. Nor1nally, binaural hearing provides
hearing sensitivity or cochlear hearing loss. Ty mpanograms, an advantage over nionaural hearing. 1'his "binaural advantage"
static irnmittance, and acoustic reflex thresholds are norn1al or has been noted in loudness judg1nents, speech recognition, and
consistent with the degree of sensorineural hearing loss. evoked potential an1plitudes. In contrast, with binaural inter­
ference, binaural perforn1ance is actually poorer than the best
Pure-Tone Audiometry
nionaural perfor1uance. In such cases, perfor1nance on a per­
In the absence of niiddle-ear disorder, pure-tone audiometry
ceptual task with both ears can actually be poorer than per­
den1onstrates norn1al-hearing sensitivity or sensori neural hear­
forn1ance on the better ear in cases of asy1nn1etric perceptual
ing loss. There is son1e evidence of a low-frequency sensorineu­
ability.185 It appears that the poorer ear actually reduces binaural
ral co1nponent to the hearing loss in patients with auditory
perforn1ance below the better 1nonaural perforn1ance. Binaural
processing disorder.
interference has been reported in elderly individuals, in patients
Speech Audiometry with inultiple sclerosis, and in children.185-187
Speech audion1etric deficits in patients with auditory process­ The ability to locate acoustic stin1uli in space generally
ing disorders can be categoriz.ed as (I) deficits in hearing in requires auditory system integration of sound from. both ears.
noise (or competition), (2) difficulty processing in the te1nporal So1ue patients '"'ith auditory disorders have difficulty locating

the directional source of a sound. Disorders of the auditory recently finished a round of chemotherapy that included
nervous system have been associated with deficits in ability to cisplatin.
localize the source of a sound in a soundfield or to lateralize the I1nmittance audiometry (Figure 10-3A) is consistent with
perception of a sound within the head.1so,188-191 nonnal 1niddle-ear fw1ction bilaterally, characterized by Type A
tympanograms, norn1al static im1nittance, and normal crossed
Auditory Evoked Potentials
and uncrossed acoustic reflex thresholds. The SPAR results
Tn auditory processing disorders, the ABR n1ay be abnormal if
(below 15 dB) predict a sensorineural hearing loss.
the disorder is secondary to nervous system disruption in the
Pure-tone audion1etry (Figure 10-3B) shows bilaterally
lower brain stein or in extren1e cases of neuron1aturational
symn1etric, high-frequency sensorineural hearing loss, pro­
delay or disorder. More, however, the ABR is nor­
gressing fro1n mild levels at 2,000 Hz to profound at 8,000 Hz.
tnal. Recent evidence suggests that a speech-evoked ABR strat­
Further doses of chemotherapy would be expected to begin
egy 1nay be helpful in identifying certain types of children with
to affect the re1naining high-frequency hearing and progress
language processing disorders.192
downward toward the low frequencies.
Abnormal M.LR and LVR have been associated with audi­
Speech audiometric results are consistent with the degree
tory processing disorders secondary to diffuse changes in brain
and configuration of cochlear hearing loss. Speech thresholds
function.193 There is also evidence to suggest that event-related
match the pure-tone thresholds, and word-recognition scores,
potentials 111ay be useful in identifying patients with processing
although reduced, are consistent with this degree of hearing
difficulty.94•95 Although these conventionally n1easured evoked
loss. Maxi1nwn word-recognition scores are 100% for the right
potentials are often normal, assessn1ent with topographic brain
ear and 92°/o for the left ear.
1napping has revealed abnonnalities in patients with auditory
Case 3 is a 38-year-old man with unilateral sensorineural
processing disorders.194
hearing loss secondary to endoly1nphatic hydrops. Two weeks
Otoacoustic Emissions prior to evaluation, the patient experienced fluctuating hearing
Tn an auditory processing disorder, OAEs are either norn1al or loss, aural fullness, tinnitus, and an episode of severe vertigo.
abnorn1al consistent with the degree on hearing sensitivity loss. After multiple attacks, the hearing loss has persisted. A diagnosis
However, in some cases of auditory processing disorder, contra­ of l\1eniere's disease \¥as 1nade following otologic examination.
lateral suppression of OAEs is absent. I1nmittance audiometry is consistent with normal middle­
ear function bilaterally, characterized by a Type A tympano­
Illustrative Cases gratns, nor1nal static im1nittance, and nor1nal crossed and

Middle-Ear Disorder uncrossed reflex thresholds.

Case 1 is a 28-year-old woman with bilateral otosclerosis, who Pure-tone audiotnetry is shown in Figure 10-4. The

developed hearing problems during pregnancy. She describes results show a moderate, rising (up,.vard sloping), sensorineu­

her problen1 as a 111uffling of other people's voices. She also ral hearing loss on the left ear and normal-hearing sensitivity

reports bilateral tinnitus that bothers her at night. There is a on the right.

fan1ily history of otosclerosis on her niother's side. Speech audio1netric results are norn1al for the right ear.

Results o f im111ittance audion1etry, as shown in On the left, however, although speech thresholds agree with the

Figure 10-2A, are consistent with middle-ear disorder, char­ pure-tone thresholds, suprathreshold speech-recognition scores

acterized by a Type As ty1npanogran1, low static in1mittance, are very poor. This performance is significantly reduced from

and bilaterally absent crossed and uncrossed acoustic reflexes. what would nor1nally be expected from a cochlear hearing loss.

This pattern of results suggests an increase in the stiffness of the These results are atypical for cochlear hearing loss other than

middle-ear niechanisn1 and is often associated with fixation of Ivleniere's disease.

the ossicular chain. Auditory brain-stein response results sho,.ved absolute and

Pure-tone audion1etric results are shown in Figure 10-28. interpeak latencies that are normal and symmetric, supporting

The patient has a nioderate, bilaterally syn1 nietric, conduc­ the diagnosis of cochlear disorder.

tive hearing loss. Ty pical for otosclerosis, the patient also has Case 4 is a 14-week-old girl who failed newborn hearing

an apparent bone-conduction hearing loss at around 2,000 Hz screening by autotnated ABR in the regular-care nursery shortly

in both ears-the so-called Carhart's notch. Carhart's notch after birth. She had a inaternal family history of congenital

actually reflects the elimination of the middle-ear contribu­ hearing loss. At a follow-up screening evaluation at 9-weeks of

tion to bone-conducted hearing rather than a loss in cochlear age, she again did not pass ABR screening in either ear.

sensitivity.195 Ty1npano1netry, carried out with a 1,000-Hz probe tone,

Speech audio1netric results show speech thresholds con­ suggests norn1al tympanic n1e1nbrane dynamics bilaterally,

sistent V1rith pure-tone thresholds. Suprathreshold speech­ characterized by Type A ty1npanogran1s and norn1al static

recognition ability is norn1al once the effect of the hearing in1n1ittance.

loss is overco1ne by presenting speech at higher intensity levels. Auditory brain-stein responses were used to predict hear­

Word-recognition scores are lOO<Yo bilaterally. ing sensitivity. Result showed air-conducted click thresholds
down to 40 dB nHL in the right ear and 35 dB nHL u1 the left.
Cochlear Disorder Un1nasked bone-conducted ABRs were observed do,.vn to 35 dB
Case 2 is a 60-year-old man \.vitb bilateral sensorineural hear­ nHL. These results are consistent ,..,ith a n1ild high-frequency
ing loss of cochlear origin, secondary to ototoxicity. The patient sensorineural hearing loss bilaterally.
A Right ear

1.5 -----�------.. ----- ..,-----

,. ____ ..,______ Signal to RE BBN 500 1K 2K 4K

• • •
• • •
• • • Crossed >110

> 110 -1--
• • •
' . . • •

1.2 -----�------L-----J---- -L- J ___ ______ Uncrossed

0 • • • •
' . • •
=I I
' . • •

E '

----- +
c: 0.9
' . • •
------,------r-----,-- ---r--- -,------ PTA BBN Corr SPAR
' . ' .
' . • •
(,) ' . •


c: ' •

' . •

o.6 -----�------L----
� ------L
_____ J -----
Static immittance

E •


0.3 ------,------r- ----,---- ----,---- -

' • •
' • •
' • •
' I •

0 -----"---

-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200

Air Pressure in daPa

Left ear

' I I

---- ------
Signal to LE BBN 500 1K 2K 4K
I I I I I Crossed >110



1.2 _____ J ______ l _____ J ____ ___ J ______ Uncrossed >110


..J I I I ' I


I I I I I ---- ----

.5 0.9 I I I I I
------ PTA B BN Corr SPAR
' I I 1 '
4> I I I I I

I I I I •
c: I I I

.� =@:[!

0.6 -----�------L----
o I Static immittance
0 I I I

0 i...�
.. -,�
� . -�-=----�---:�
-i' --l
- ��

-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200

Air Pressure in daPa

B Right ear Left ear

250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K

-------�- -------
I I I I I '
I I I I Air Conduction Right Left
- - -L- - - - -�- - - - - - - - - - -L- - - - - - - - - -1- -
0 - - -� - - - - - -·- - - - - - � - - - - - -� - - - - - �- - - - - -� - -
0 I I I I

I I I I • '
I I '
I ' ' i

0 x
10 ---�------:------t- ----�----- ,]-----t--
I - - - - - -,-
I -----1- - -
I I I Unmasked
- - -r -,- - - - - -. - ----- r I --

I '
I '
I ' ' '
Masked 6 D

- - -p - - - - - -1- - - - - -�- - - - - -� - - - - - �- - - - - -�- -
20 ---r------,------,------ ----,------r--


- - -L - - - - - -1- - - - - -�- - - - - -L- - - - - �- - - - - -i- -

0 ' '
30 ---�------·------·------�-----�------·--
' ' ' '
' ' Bone conduction Right Left
' '
- - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

40 - - -L- - - - - -'- - - - - -�- - - - - ----�------L--

< >
' 0 ' '
' '
--- ----- - - - - -T- - - - - -r - - - - - ,- -
0 ' '
I I I Masked [ J
- - - �- - - - - -1- - - - - -·- - - - - -� - - - - - �- - - - - -·- -
60 - - - p - - - - - -·- - - - - - � - - - - - - � - - - - - � - - - - - -� - -

I I ' ' ' ' ' '


_ _ _ L _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ ---L------'------�------L-----�------L--

I ! I 1 ' ' ' '
I I I Speech audiometry
I - - - - - -r
I - - - - - ,- - - - - - r - - ' ' ' ' '
- - -r- - - - - -,- - - - - - ,
80 '
I 1 I
I I I I I Right Left
I l I I

- - -p - - - - - -1- - - - - -�- - - - - -� - - - - - �- - - - - -�- -
90 ---r------,------,------r-----,------r--

I j
I 40dB SRT 45dB
_ _ _ _ _

J _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _

100 ---�------•------•------�-----�------•--

I I ' ' . ' ' '
' ' '
96% WRS 100%

I - - - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - r- - - - - ,- - - - - - r - -
- - -r-
110 ---L------'------l------L-----�------1--

i ' ' ' '
1 I I

120 '-------�
Frequency in Hz Frequency in Hz

FIGURE 10-2 •Audiome tric results in a 28-year-old female with otosclerosis. lmmittance measures A, are
consistent with an increase in the stiffness of the middle-ear mechanism. Pure-tone audiometric results 8, show a
moderate conductive hearing loss bilaterally. Speech-recognition thresholds (SRT) are consistent with pure-tone
thresholds, and word-recognition scores (WRS) are consistent with conductive hearing loss.

A Right ear

.......... ..,�-----�------i-----

�----i------ Signal to RE BBN 500 1K 2K 4K
I Crossed 85 80 85 100 >110

1.2 .......... J ........... L .......... J ...... ...... J ............ Uncrossed 85 100


..J I I I I


c I
88 85 2 5
- ---- +
c I I I I

() I
c I


0.6 _____J ______ L ____ ___ ..J

Static immittance

c I

0.3 ------i------�- - ; ---- -
1 I I


-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200

Air pressure in daPa

Left ear

1. 5 ----- 4
· -----
4 ----- ........ ..,I ............ Signal to RE BBN 500 1K 2K 4K
I I I Crossed 85 85 85 100 >110

Uncrossed 85 95
1 .2 ___J

' I I I

=I I

c I
- -
- +
-=2- 1
c I I I
0.9 -----4------·-----4-- PTA BBN Corr SPAR



0 6 ..........
J ..
.......... L........
I Static immittance =

0.3 -----4------·-

0 _____ J
__ _

-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200

Air pressure in daPa

B Right ear Left ear

250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K

--------� -10 ------------------�

.. .i
-- :r"'-
- C'�,<-----:-.----:------:--
I I 0
o ---1------: >
- ---?-J----r------:------:-- Air conduction Right Left

---�------,------t-- ---�-----�------ ;- - Unmasked 0 x

10 - --f - - - - �-:- -----� -----�-----�------ ;--
---�------:------{---- -' -----�------}--
---�-----�------f--- --�-----�------t--
Masked !:::,,. D
[ 20
---r------:------f------r ----�------t-- 30 ---�-----�------i-----:-3---�------�--
' I I I I I I I I I I

Bone conduction Right Left

---�------:------1------L--- -�------�--
, I I I I I I I I I I
40 ---�-----�------!------�-- --�------t--

1 I
so ---�------:------f------:----- -:------r--
Unmasked < )
[ [

---�------:------f------�-----i -----r-- 60 ---�-----i------!------�-----:--J---r--

, I I I
,, I I I I I I I


• I I I I I I I I I
---L------1------�------L-----�-- 70
---i-- - - -� - - - - -�- - - - - -�- - - - - -�- - - - - �- - - - -· - -
! I I I I I I I I I I I
Speech audiometry
---r------:------1------:------�--- --t-- so ---�------:------t------:-------: -- --t--

, I I I I I I I I I I

---�------:------�------�-----�----- ' ---�-----�------;------�-----�---- -}-- Right Left


' I I I I I I I I
I I I I I I I I I 5dB SRT 10 dB
---�------·------·------�-----�----- -· - -
' I I I I I
100 - - -� - - - - -�- - - - - -�- - - - - -�- - - - - �- - - - - -
- -

100% WAS 92%
110 ---�-----�------�------L-----�------t--

1 I I I I I I I I I I

· -' --�
' �'---
' �-
· � 120 �-· ---'--
' ---' -------'----·-�

Frequency in Hz Frequency in Hz

FIGURE 10-3 •Audio metric results in a 60-year-old male with cochlear hearing loss due to ototoxicity. lmmittance
measures A, are consistent with normal middle-ear function. SPARs predict the presence of hearing loss.
Pure-tone audiometric results B, show a high-frequency sensorineural hearing loss bilaterally. Speech-recognition
thresholds (SRT) are consistent with pure-tone thresholds, and word-recognition scores (WRS) are consistent with
the degree and configuration of the cochlear hearing loss.

Right ear Left ear

250 500 1K 2K 4K SK 250 500 1K 2K 4K SK

Air conduction Right Left

- - -1- - - - - - - + --
0 ---L-----
-1------ � ------�-----�------�--
r 1 I I I

------' - -----
------L _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _
- -

10 ---L------:------t------�-----�------t--
I I I Unmasked 0 x

� !::::.. D
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
---�------:------�------�-----�------�-- 20 --- r-------
' ',
----- 1' ------r' ----- ,' ------r' --
I I I I I ' ' ' ' '

---�------·------·------�-----"1------·-- ' ' ' ' '


- ---!-------·------·------�----
- ---·--

' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

z ---�------:------f------�-----�------t--
I I I I I I ' ' ' Bone conduction Right Left
� 40 ---L------' - -----�---
1 ' '
' ' '
' ' '
- - - r ------:- - - - - - 1 ------:-------:-- - - - - r --
' ' ' ' '
Unmasked < )
"C e;o I'""-
!..-' - --..
- -,...
- .,.. - .J -----r ----- ,
' '------ ' -
r -
Masked [ J

·- ---�------·-
- ' '

- - - - - · - - - - - -�---- - "1 - - - - - - · -

' ' ' '

60 - - - r- - - - - - -1- - - - - - T - - - - - - � - - - - - �- - - - - - r - -

' ' ' ' ' '


> 70 ---L------'------�------L-----�------L--
� ' '
' '
' '
' '
' '
Speech a udiometry
Cl - - - r ------:- - - - - - ! ------� - - - - - J_ - - - - - t -- �o ---r------,------1------r-----1------r--
' ' ' ' ' '

c ' ' '

·;: ---�------1------�------r-----,------r--
I I I I I ' Right Left
ro 90 ---r------,------T------r-----,------r--

Q) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

:i: I I
_,_ - - - - -
-----�----- �-
- ' ' ' ' ' ' OdB SAT 40dB
- - - � - - - - -


- - - - - · -
100 ---�------'- -----•------�------'- -----�--
' ' ' .

' ' '

- - - r ------:- - - - - - i ------�-----�-- - - - - t - -
' ' ' ' '
100% WRS 20%
11 o - - - L' - - - - - - '' - - - - - - 1' - - - - - - �
' '
' ' ' ' '

'-- �������� - · ������ � 120 '--����--'

Frequency in Hz Frequency in Hz

FIGURE 10-4 •Audiometric results in a 3S-year-old male with cochlear hearing loss due to endolymphatic
hydrops. Pure-tone audiometric results show normal hearing sensitivity on the right ear and a moderate, rising
sensorineural hearing loss on the left. The word-recognition score (WAS) on the left ear is poorer than would be
expected from the degree and configuration of the cochlear hearing loss.

Right ear Left ear

250 500 1K 2K 4K SK 250 500 1K 2K 4K SK

-10 ����
' ' ' '
' ' l ' '
-----� ------�------!------·--
' ' '
0 --- ... -----
I ' ' '
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
---l------------ ------L-----�------1-- 10 ___ , _____ -----L _____ J ______ 1 __

' ' ' ' '

� ' ' ' '
---r - -----,----- -----r-----;------r---
20 ---�-----

' ' ' ' ' ' '
------.----- ------r--

--- . , ---
30 --- ... ----- ,_ ----- ----- ------·--
- - - - - __ - _____ _,_____ _

' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
-40 -
! ---L------'------�------
-----_, __ - --- --- L------'------ �-----

CD ---r - , !50 ---�------:------�------ '

' ' ' '
-----,------ ------ ----- -----r--
c - - -.. - - - - - - ------.., ------.. -----
' '
· ' '
60 - - - ,. - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - ... ------,.-----�------r--
' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' '

> ---�------•------�------�----- ------+--
70 ---�------·------·------�------'------+--

� '
' '

C) ---t - ,
- - - - __ -----1------ :-------------+--- �o - - - t - -----:- - - - - - 1 ------:-- ------: - - - - - - + --
c: ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
·c: ' ' ' '
!3() ' ' ' ' ' '
ro - - - r------,------, - - - - - -r - - - - - --.- - - - - - T - - - - - r- - - - - -,- - - - - - T - - - - --r----- --.-- - - - - r--

Q) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

:i: ' ' ' '

---�------•------�------�----- -'------+--
' ' '
--- �- - - - - _,_ -----•------�
- - - - - _,
----- +--
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
---�------'------{------�-----�------1-- 110 ---l------'------{------L _____ J ______ 1 __

' ' ' '

'-- ' ������������� · -· ��� ---' 120 '-- ����������������� · ---'

Frequency in Hz Frequency in Hz

FIGURE 10-5 •Predicted audiogram based on ASSA thresholds in a 14-week-old girl with mild to moderate
sensorineural hearing loss.

To evaluate the audion1etric configuration of the hearing Eighth-Nerve Disorder

loss, auditory steady-state response nieasures were carried out. Case 5 is a 5 4 year old won1an with a 4-nionth history of left
- -

1"ones at octave intervals across the audio1netric frequency range tinnitus caused by a left vestibuJar schwannon1a. Her health and
'"'ere 1nodulated at a rate of 90/s. Response detection was n1ade hearing histories are otherwise unren1arkable.
by assessing the stability of the phase relationship of the niodu­ Tn1n1ittance audion1etry ( Fig u re l0-6A) is consistent '"'ith
lation to the response. The predicted audiogra1ns are sho,.vn in norn1al n1iddle-ear function bilaterally, characterized by a Type
Figure 10-5, confirming the presence of niild to n1oderate high­ A tympanograms, norn1al static in1rnittance, and normal r ight
frequency sensorineural hearing loss bilaterally. crossed and right uncrossed reflex thresholds. Left crossed and
A Right ear

1.5 - - - - --. - - - - - - ,- - - - - --. - - - - - r - - - - -. - - - - - - Signal to RE BBN 500 1K 2K 4K

Crossed 75 85 90 95 95

1.2 -----�------L-----�---- Uncrossed 85 90

' ' '
c: - -=-
=-- - - --'-
- +
4 = .__
I -'-=
1 9 __,I
0.9 ----- -.------r----- -.----- PTA BBN Corr SPAR
QI '
' '
0.6 _____ J
______ L
____ _

____ J
' Static immittance
0.3 ........ .. ., .. ........ .. ,. ..

0 ............ .. �--..

-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200

Air pressure in daPa

Left ear

1.5 .... . .... ... . . ,. ... . . .... ... .

... . .. . ... . . Signal to LE BBN 500 1K 2K 4K
I Crossed >110

1.2 • • • • • J • • • • • • � • • • • • J .. . . . .. . . J • • • • • •
Uncrossed >110
' I ' I

E - ---- 4 = ._-= E _,I
I c-'-'
c: + - -'- -

0.9 . . . . . .. . . . . . . ,. . . . . . .... _ PTA BBN Corr SPAR
QI '
c: '
t'O I

0.6 -----J------�----
J ---- -- 'L

____ .J
I Static immittance

E ' '
- '
, - - - - - - ,- - '
0.3 -----

0 -----�---

-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200

Air pressure in daPa

B Right ear Left ear

250 500 1K 2K 4K BK 250 500 1K 2K 4K SK

-�--�--- -10 -�--�---
' ' ' '
' ' ' ' Air conduction Right Left
-----� --- ----- � ·--
0 ---�------1------�------�-----�------L--

---- 1

...r-.. t::'-
I ,r-..
_____ ______ �-

10 ---L------'------l------L
' ' '
_____ J ______ 1
Unmasked 0 x
---r------1------1------r----- , ------r--
Masked b. 0
1 I I I I I
1 I I I I I
30 ---� ------·------
' '
-----� ----�------�--
' '
I I I I I I ' ' ' ' '
Bone conduction Right Left
___L J_____ 1 L
______ J t ______ _____ ______ __

40 --- L------'------l------L-- J ----L-- __ _

< >
I I I I I I 1 ' ' ' ' '
I ' ' '
' '
so ---r------,------,------r-----,------ --

60 --- � ------·------ � ------�-----�------ � --
Masked [ J
I I I I I I ' ' ' ' ' '
QI I I I I I I ' ' ' ' ' '
> ---L------1------l------L-----�------L--
70 ---L------'------l------L-----J------L--

.S? I
1 ' ' ' '

ti) I I I I I I
80 ---r------,------1------�-----�------r--

c: ' I I I I I ' '

.... I I I I I I
t'O ---�------1------T------�-----,------�--
90 --- � ------·------ � ------�-----�------ � --
I I I I I I ' ' ' ' ' '
:c ---�-----�------�------�-----�------L--
1 I I I I I
100 ---�------'------�------� -----�------L--
1 ' ' ' ' '
110 ---L------'------l------L
' ' '
_____ J
______ 1

' I I I I I
120 '-�������--'
Frequency in Hz Frequency in Hz

FIGURE 10-6 • Audiometric results in a 54-year-old male with a left VIII nerve tumor. lmmittance measures A, are
consistent with normal middle-ear function. Left crossed and left uncrossed reflexes are absent consistent with
left afferent disorder. Pure-tone audiometric results 8, show normal-hearing sensitivity on the right ear and a mild,
relatively flat sensorineural hearing loss on the left.


c Right ear Left ear

------�------L---- :•--- 100 ------i------�-----�----- ,

- - - - _ _ -

----- Key to symbols
' ' ' I I I '

------ , -----
90 ------�------�-----�---- -� ----- -
, ------

Unmasked Masked
1 I I I ' ' ' '

tl I

------�----- �- - - - - - - - - - - -� - - - - - - � - - - - -
I I I I ' '

80 ------·------·-----�-- --
' '
---- Words 0 •
- - - -1-- -

' ' '

� ------�---- -�------: _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ �----- 70

' '

------'------L---- (quiet)
' '

------�------�------:------�------�----- ------�------�-----:--- --�- :
' I I I I

- -- ------- Sentences 0 •
(0dB SNR)

------�--- --�------:------+------�-----

c I I I I ' '

Q,) ------�-- ---L------'------L------�-----

40 ------�------L--- -�-
0 ' ' 0 ' '

l. ------�- ----�------:------:------�-----
I I ' ' '

30 ------1------r--
Right ear Left Ear
------ ,-
' I I
20 ------�------�--
' ' ' ' ' SdB SRT 30dB
' ' ' ' ' '

10 ------�------L- - -�------L------1-------
------� -----�------•------i------�-----

1 I I I 1 I I I 100% 80%
' ' ' ' '

' '
0 '-----'-' -- '-
--'-- -'
100% Dichotic 100%
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80

Hearing level in dB Hearing level in dB

FIGURE 10-6 •Continued. Speech audiometric results C, show rollover of the performance intensity function on
the left.

left uncrossed reflexes are absent, consistent witb an afferent

' on the left-the vestibular sch,.,annoma.
Pure-tone audiometric results are sbo,.,n in Figure 10-6B. Cochlear
The patient has norn1al-hearing sensitivity on the right ear and Condensation
a mild, relatively flat sensorineural hearing loss on the left.
Speech audion1etric results, shown in Figure l0-6C, are
normal on the right ear but abnormal on the left. Although
n1axin1um speech-recognition scores are normal at lower inten­
sity levels, the PI function den1onstrates significant rollover, or
poorer performance at higher intensity levels, consistent with
retrocochlear site of lesion.
The ABR results are norn1al on the right ear. Left ear results
show delayed latency of wave Vand prolonged interpeak inter­ Alt ern ating
vals. These results are also consistent with retrocochlear site of
Case 6 is a 49-year-old 1nan with a history of HIV intec­
tion. At the time of the evaluation, he •vas diagnosed as having
Amp L
cryptococcal meningitis. He had a long-standing history of pro­
found sensorineural hearing loss in his left ear. He reported a
sudden drop in right-ear hearing follo-.,ving the spinal tap done
to confirm the nieningitis diagnosis. FIGURE 10-7 ABR results from the right ear of a 49-year-old male

with HIV infection and neurogenic auditory neuropathy. The only

Tinmittance audiometry showed normal, Type A ty1upano­
repeatable response is the cochlear microphonic to condensation
gra1ns and nonual static in1n1ittance, although botb crossed
and rarefaction clicks that are expectedly antiphasic and that cancel
and uncrossed reflexes were absent to stin1ulation in both ears. to alternating-polarity clicks.
Pure-tone audiometry showed a profound sensitivity loss
on the left ear and very inconsistent responses on the right.
Speech-recognition thresholds are 25 dB for both air-and ABR results (Figure 10-7) are consistent\vith auditory neuropathy
bone-conduction stin1ulation. Pure-tone thresholds could not on the right. Although a cochlear microphonic is clearly record­
be detern1ined definitively, with responses ranging fron1 50 to able, consistent with normal peripheral function, no repeat­
90 dB. vVord-recognition scores could not be deter111ined due to able synchronous ABR is observable beyond the microphonic.
inconsistent responses. The initial diagnosis was sensorineural Although some of the clinical signs and symptoms are consistent
hearing loss on the left and functional or exaggerated hearing '"'ith functional hearing loss, the combination of absent acoustic
sensitivity loss on the right. reflexes, absent ABR, poor speech recognition, variable thresh­
Despite considerable apparent hearing loss on the right, dis­ olds, and present OAEs and cochlear microphonics is consistent
tortion product en1issions are present across the frequency range. '"'ith a diagnosis of neurogenic auditory neuropathy.

Cerebo/lopontine Angle Disorder sensitivity loss, absent acoustic reflexes, norn1al OAEs, and the
Case 7 is a 28-year-old fen1ale with a unilateral hearing loss of presence of only Wave I of the auditory brain-sten1 response.
unusual etiology, central nervous syste1n tniliary tuberculo­ Imaging studies revealed the presence of multiple punctate
sis.8 Four weeks prior to evaluation, the patient noticed that she lesions, one of which was extra-axial and located in the left cer­
could not use the telephone with her left ear. She also reported ebellopontine angle.
"heaviness" on the left side of her head. Her hearing history
Brain Stem Disorder
was otherwise unren1arkable. There was no fa1nily history of
Case 8 is a 42-year-old won1an with auditory cornplaints sec­
hearing loss or history of other risk factors for hearing loss. The
ondary to 111ultiple sclerosis. Two years prior to her evaluation,
results of a neurotologic evaluation, including otoscopic exan1i­
she experienced an episode of diplopia, acco111panied by tin­
nation, were nor1nal. She had no significant otologic history and
gling and weakness in her left leg. These syn1ptorns gradually
no reported dizziness or tinnitus. Significantly, the patient had
subsided, only to reappear in a slightly niore severe forn1 a year
a long history of tuberculosis and had recently begun nledical
later. Ultin1ately, she was diagnosed as having multiple sclerosis.
therapy for tniliary tuberculosis involving her nervous syste1n.
Aniong a variety of con1plaints, she had vague hearing difficulty,
I1nn1ittance audio1netry indicated norn1al nliddle-ear
particularly in the presence of background noise.
function bilaterally, characterized by Type A tyn1panograms,
Trnn1ittance audion1etry is consistent with norn1al 111iddle­
nor1nal static in11nittance, and norn1al right crossed and right
ear function, characterized by a Type A tyn1panogram, norn1al
uncrossed reflex thresholds. However, crossed and uncrossed
static immittance, and norn1al right and left uncrossed reflex
acoustic reflexes were absent when the eliciting signal 'iNas pre­
thresholds. However, crossed reflexes are absent bilaterally. This
sented to the left ear. This reflex pattern is consistent with a left
unusual pattern of results is consistent with a central pathway
afferent abnor1nality, either a significant cocl1lear or retroco­
disorder of the lower brain sten1.
chlear disorder on that side.
Pure-tone audiometric results are shown in Figure 10-9A.
Pure-tone results are shown in Figure 10-8A. Left ear
The patient has a n1ild low-frequency sensorineural hearing
results revealed a profound hearing loss. Hearing sensitivity
loss bilaterally, a finding that is not uncon1n1on in brain-sten1
could only be n1easured at 250 and 500 H z at 105 and 110 dB
disorder. io.139
HL, respectively. No responses were obtained at any other fre­
Suprathreshold speech-recognition performance is abnor­
quencies, and no responses were obtained to bone-conducted
mal in both ears. Although word-recognition scores are nor­
signals at equipment lin1its. The speech awareness thresh­
mal when presented in quiet, scores on sentence recognition
old was 105 dB HL. Word-recognition ability could not be
in the presence of competition are abnormal, as shown in
nleasured. Right-ear results showed norn1al-hearing sensitiv­
Figure 10-9B. Dichotic scores are normal. Auditory evoked
ity fron1 250 to 4,000 Hz and a mini1nal sensitivity loss at
potentials are also consistent with an abnormality in brain­
6,000 and 8,000 Hz. The word-recognition score was 100% at
stem function. On the left, no waves were identifiable beyond
80 dB HL.
component Wave II, and on the right, none were identifiable
As a tnatter of routine clinical procedure in the evaluation
beyond Wave III.
of a unilateral hearing loss, a Stenger test was carried out to
assess the organicity of the hearing loss. The result of a speech Auditory Processing Disorder
Stenger test was negative for functional hearing loss on the Case 9 is a 72-year-old man with a long-standing, bilateral sen­
left. As a further indication of the organic nature of the loss, a sorineural hearing loss that has progressed slowly over the past
shado'"' curve was noted on the left audiogran1 at expected levels 15 years. He has worn hearing aids for the past 10 years and has
for insert earphones when the right ear was not 1.nasked. an annual audiologic reevaluation each year. His major com­
Distortion-product OAEs were tneasured to assess cochlear plaints relate to communicating with his grandchildren and
function. Distortion-product OAE an1plitudes as a function of f2 trying to hear in noisy restaurants. Although his hearing aids
frequency are plotted in Figure 10-8B. The results showed sub­ initially worked \.YelJ, they no longer provide the benefits that
stantive en1issions across the frequency range for both the right they did 10 years ago.
and left ears. These results are consistent with non11al cochlear The results of immittance audiometry are consistent \.Yith
outer-hair cell function in both ears and suggest that, despite the normal middle-ear function, characterized. by a Type A tym­
presence of a profound. hearing sensitivity loss on the left, cochlear panogram, normal static immittance, and normal crossed and
function, or at least outer-hair cell function, was norn1al. uncrossed reflex thresholds bilateraUy.
Auditory brain-sten1 response results are sho,vn in Pure-tone audiometric results are shown in Figure 10-lOA.
Figure 10-8C. Right-ear responses were well forn1ed., with co1n­ The patient has a moderate, bilaterally symmetric, sensorineu­
ponent peaks at norn1al absolute and interpeak latencies. Left ral hearing loss. Hearing sensitivity is slightly better in the low
ear results were abnorn1al. Only con1ponent Wave I was observ­ frequencies than in the high frequencies.
able. The absolute latency of Wave I was 1.5 1nilliseconds in both Speech audiometric results are consistent with those found
ears. The presence of Wave I on the left is consistent with the in older patients. \iVord-recognition scores are reduced, but not
OAE results, indicating near-norn1al cochlear function. The below the level predicted fro1n the degree of hearing sensitivity
absence of later waves suggests a site of lesion at the proxin1al loss. However, speech recognition in the presence of competition
end of the eighth nerve or low auditory brain stein. is substantially reduced, as shown in Figure 10-lOB, consistent
Audiologic and otologic findings were consistent with left \.Yith the patient's age. Performance on a sentence-recognition
retrocochlear disorder, characterized by a profound hearing task at an easy signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was 100o/<> bilaterally.

A Right ear Left ear

250 500 1K 2K 4K SK 250 500 1K 2K 4K SK



- - -� - - - - - -1- - - - - - .. - -

- - - ,
_ _ - ---

- - - - -�

0 - - - I- - - - - - -·-
- ----� - - - - - _.. _- - - - _,_
- ---- +- -

---- ,------ , ------, ------1 - ----}-- 10



� �

--- ------------ ------ ----- ------ --

� . I I I I I I I I I I I

g - - - :- ----�--
- - ---�- - - - - : -----�
- - - -

20 ---� - ------

: -----� -----� -----i- ----�

- - --


- - -� - - - - -1- - '" - - - - - -1- - "' - - - - - -� -- 30
---r ------------
- - - - -1- ----- t- -
- - - - - - - - - - - -

z I
- - -«-
- - - - - l. - - - - - -'- - - - - - .J _ - - - -l.
-- 40
- - - - - _ -

I Air conduction Right Left
Ill :------� - - - - - - � - : -----� - - - - -� - - 50 ---t- ------t-
'O :
- - - - - - - - - - ----- -

I I I I I I I I I Unmasked x
c: - - -:.. - - - - - � - - - - - � - : - - - - - ! - - - - -� - -
- - - - - - - -

60 - - - �1 - - - - - -:I - - - - - - �- --

- - -'- - - - - - .J- - - - - -L- - - - - -1- - - - - -.l-- - - - -l.- - 70
---L------1 ------
'- --
Masked 6. D
1 I I I I I I I I
---:------�------r------:------� ------r-- so ---t-- -----

: -----1-- :

: -----t- -

- - -1- - - - - - �- - - - - -�- - - - - -1- - - - - - .. - - - - - -� -- 90 I I I I I I
1 I I I I I I I I I I I
- - -L - - - - - .J_ - ----L- - - - - -f- - - - - -.l- - ----�- 100 ---L------1- ------4------�----- �----- -'- --

----� -----�------�------�------�------�--
110 __ tf!----1-:-1-----�------�-----�------i--
'-���-'----����---'-���-'---' 120 '-������
Frequency in Hz Frequency in Hz

B Right ear

Cl) 10 c
.5 111 v
'O Right ear



1000 2000 4000

Left ear
Left ear
Ill I nterwave intervals
'O 10
wave V 1-111 111-V 1-V
:I RE 6.6 2.3 2.3 4.6
Q. 0

1000 2000 4000

F2 frequency in Hz

FIGURE 10-S •Audiometric results in a 2S-year-old female with central nervous system miliary tuberculosis.
Pure-tone audiometric results A show normal-hearing sensitivity on the right ear and a profound sensorineural
hearing loss on the left. Distortion product otoacoustic emissions B are consistent with normal cochlear function
bilaterally. Auditory brain stem response results C are normal for the right ear but show only an observable
Wave I on the left.

A Right ear Left ear

BK250 500 1K 2K 4K 250 500 1K 2K 4K BK

.-----=----.---.--y---, -1 0 �
.--- - --.-----.----
- --.----.--�---, .------------,
I I I I I I I I I I f
I I I I I I I I I I f Air conduction Right Left
--- �-----�----- -+---- --�--- --�----- -�-- 0 --- �----- �------+---- --�--- -- - ---�--
1 I I I f • I I f

J -----�-t:'-/
, -----,------ I
,- - - - -
10 ---}"-----{------
Unmasked 0 x
'i' 1
----,------�------� -----�------�
- 20 �-__:�-�- --+------�-----�------�--
Masked b. D

' I I I I I I
---�-----�------+------�-----�------�-- 30 --- �----- �------+------�-----�------ +--
rJ'J . I I I I I I I I I I I
z Bone conduction Right Left
---�-----�------t------:------1------t-- ---r-----i------t------�-----�------t--

<( 40
< >
• I I I I I I I I I I I
ai ---�-----�------�------�-----�------�-- 50 ---�-----�------+------�-----�------�--
---�-----�------·------�-----�------·-- 60
--- �----- �------·------�-----�------ �--
Masked [ J
. I I I I I I I I I I I
---�-----�------t------:------1------t-- ---�-----�------t------�-----1------t--
> 70
- I I I I I I I I I I I I

Ol ---�-----�------�------�-----�------�-- 80 ---�-----�------+------�-----�------�--
c: . I I I I I I I I I I I
·c: I I I I I I I J I I I I
<V ---�-----�------·------�-----�------·-- 90 --- �----- �------·------�-----�------ �--
. I I I I I

---�-----�------t------:------1------t-- ---�-----�------t------�-----1------t--
:I: 100

---�-----�------�------�-----�------�-- 110 ---�-----�------+------�-----�------�--

. I I I I I I J I I I I
120 ��--�--�-�--�--��
Frequency in Hz Frequency in Hz

B Right ear Left ear

• •
-------------r-----1------r----- • • 1 00 1 � J 1
Key to symbols
' '• '•
______ ______ _____ ______ _____

• • • •
• • • •
• •
------,------r-----,------T------.------ 90 ------�------�-----�------�------�----- Unmasked Masked
1 • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
80 ------�------�-----�------�------�----- •
- - - - - - � - - - - - - � - - - - - � - - - - - - � - - - - - -·- - - - - -

• •

• •
• •

Words 0 •
------J------L-----�------'------•------ 70 ------7------(-----�----- -----(----- (quiet)
1 • • • •
• • •
• • • •
' • • •
------�------�-----�--- --�- ----�-----
' '

'' '
- - - - -.- - - - - -

• •
Sentences D •
(0 dB SNR)
• • •

... ' • • •

------·------�---- -----·- - - - -·- - - - - - ------�------�---- -----�--- --�-----
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
J .L -�------'-- ---'------
4 0 ------7------(---- �------7-----
• . . .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

• • • • • • • • •

------,------r- • •
---,------r---- • •
-.- - - - - - •
30 ------T------1---
• • •

• . . . Right ear Left ear

' '
' • • • •
20 ------·------·--

' '
------·----- - - - - � - - - - - -·- - - - - ---�------·------·------
' • • • • • 10 dB SRT 5dB
' ' ' ' • • • • •
J' -L-----�------1------•------
100% WRS 100%
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

' • • • •
' • • • •

0 100% Diehotic 100%

20 40 60 BO 0 20 40 60 BO
Hearing level in dB Hearing level in dB

FIGURE 10-9 •Audiometric results in a 42-year-old female with multiple sclerosis. Pure-tone audiometric results
A show mild low-frequency sensorineural hearing loss bilaterally. Speech audiometric results B show reduced
maximum performance and rollover of the performance intensity function on a measure of sentence recognition in

I-Iowever, at a more difficult SNR (O dB), performance was sub­ A s1nall tun1or confined to the internal auditory canal can
stantially reduced. In addition to these monotic deficits, the have a substantial i111pact on hearing, while a large tu1nor
patient also shows evidence of a dichotic deficit, with reduced grovving in the cerebellopontine angle can have a negligible
perfor1nance in the left ear. effect on hearing.
2. There see1n to be tvvo influences of eighth nerve tumors on
SUMMARY: SOME hearing; pri1nary influences on the nerve function itself
DIAGNOSTIC LESSONS and secondary influences on cochlear function. Depending
on the influence, audiologic outcon1es n1ight reflect retro­
By way of summary, following are some of the diagnostic les­
cochlear patterns, cochlear patterns, or mixed patterns of
sons learned from the audiologic evaluation of patients with
auditory disorder:
3. With i1111nittance measures, ty1npanon1etry by itself is sel­
1. In eighth nerve tumors, size of the lesion n1atters generally, do111 useful unless it is abnor1nal. In co111bination with
although location is critical. Size and location interact to dic­ acoustic reflexes, unn1ittance audion1etry can be a pov•erful
tate the extent to which a tumor will affect hearing function. diagnostic tool.

A Right ear Left ear

250 50 0 1K 2K 4K SK 250 50 0 1K 2K 4K SK
�� ��� ��� �� �� � ��� -10
I I I I f I ( I I I I I
I I I f I
---� -----�------�------� ----- 4------�--
( I I I f
---� -----�------·------� -----� ------�--
I Air conduction Right Left
( I I ( I• I I I I I ·- I
- --:------ �------t------r- - - - - �- -----t- -
C f I C I I I f
1o - --:------ �------t------:- - - - - -�- -----f--
I Unmasked 0 x

�, ---·

---r-----�------t------�-----i------r-- I
Masked bi. 0
---, ------:---- ,.;-
- - - L - ----�------t- -
- --- i:-._,. 30 :- --- -:- - :- ----� - ----�------� - -
- -- -
w L I I I
--- -: ----- �------t------.- ---
40 •
J l
Bone conduction Right Left
_ _ _ ______ ______ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ ______ _ _


: ']---- : --
Unmasked < >
"O I I I I I

I I !
I I Masked [ J
! I I I I ! I I I I I I
I I I I I ! I I I I I I
---�----- �------t------�-----i------t-- 70 ---�-----�------t------: - -----i------·--
1 I I I I ! I I I I I I
CJ) ---�-----i------}------�-----�------}-- 80 ---�-----�------�------�-----�------}--
c I I I I I ! I I I I I I
'i:: I I I I I ! I I I I I I
m ---�-----�------�------�-----�------�-- 90 ---�-----�------�------�-----�------�--
Cl> I I I I I ! I I I I I I
I I I I I ! I I I I I
---�-----�------t------�-----�------t-- ---�-----�------t------�-----�------}--
:I: 1 00
1 I I I I ! I I I I I I
---�-----i------}------�-----�------}-- 110 ---�-----�------�------�-----�------}--
. I I I I ! I I I I I I
I I ! I I

� �� �� �
� I
� �� � � �
� �� �� � � � � �� I
� � �

Frequency in Hz Frequency in Hz

B Right ear Left ear

- - - - - - J ------
- - - - - __ , - - - - - 1 ----- ,
' ' '
__ ----- 100 ______ i
' '

_______ _ _ _ __

' Key to symbols

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
' '
- '
- - - - -r- - '
- - - - -i- - - - - -T - ----- ------

90 ' '
' '

Unmasked Masked
' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' '
' ' ' '
------ � ------ ----- ' ------ -
' ' '

' '

ti '


- - ·- - - - - -

Words 0 •
Q)I: - - - - - - J ------ '- , -----1 - 70 ------+------:------�------+---- , (quiet)
' '
- - - - - __ ______ _

' '

0 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

(.) 60
' '
-----.------ Sentences 0 •
(0 dB SNR)

m ------�------�-----·---- - -·------ ------·------�------·------ ------�-----

' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

c - ----- : ------ :

-------- :

- -
' '

- __ - ----
' '

' ' ' ' '

' ' -- '
---- --,-
' '
' '
-T ---
' ' 0 ' ' 0 Right ear Left ear
, ' ' '
20 --
' ' '
------�------�-----· ------·------�------·--
' ' ' ' ' ' 30 dB SRT 35 dB
' ' ' ' ' ' '
------�------�---- - - - - - L ------•- -----
10 ------+------:------� - ---i , ----
' ' SO% WRS
- - - - - __ -

' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' '

0 ' ' ' '

0 100% Dichotic 40 %
20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 so
Hearing level in dB Hearing level in dB

FIGURE 10-1o • Audiometric results in a 72-year-old male with sensorineural hearing loss and auditory processing
disorder. Pure-tone audiometric results A show bilateral, symmetric, moderate sensorineural hearing loss. Speech
audiometric results B show reduced word recognition in quiet, consistent with the degree and co nfiguratio n of the
cochlear hearing loss. Sentence recognition in competition and dichotic performance are substa ntially reduced.

4. llegarding acoustic reflexes, the patterns of ipsilateral and 7. Disorders of the more central portions of the auditory ner­
contralateral reflexes are critical to understanding the vous system are likely to show both ipsilateral and contralat­
nature of a disorder. lleflexes correlate well with the integ­ eral deficits on speech audio1netric measures. Such disorders
rity of ABll wave III and with results on the lvlLD. are unlikely to affect work recognition scores. The tnore
5. In pure-tone audio1netry, the tnore peripheral the retro­ central the disorder, the more need there is for sensitized
cochlear disorder, the more likely is there to be a significant speech measures to reveal its influence.
sensorineural hearing loss. The 1nore central the disorder, 8. The ABR is correlated with other n1easures in peripheral
the more likely is the influence on hearing to be subtle. nervous system disorder. The more central the disorder,
6. Disorders of the eighth nerve and lo\ver brain stem are likely generally the more nor1nal the ABR.
to show ipsilateral deficits on speech audiometric n1easures. 9. Otoacoustic emissions are of limited value diagnostically if
The more peripheral the disorder, the more likely it is to they are abnormal. In contrast, the presence of nonnal OAEs
affect word-recognition scores. 1'he more peripheral the dis­ in an ear with sensorineural hearing loss is a powerful diag­
order, the less need there is for sensitized speech 1neasures. nostic indicator of retrocochlear disorder.

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Vestibular Testing

Dennis I. Bojrab, MD I Sanjay A. Bhansali, MD, FACS I

Travis J. Pfannenstiel, MD I B. Maya Kato, MD

Vestibular testing is an important tool in the evaluation and can be nleasured and recorded. Electronystagn1ography assesses
management of the patient with dizziness. The bedside evalua­ '"'hether labyrinthine dysfunction is present, the degree of dys­
tion of the dizzy patient, with a careful history and a thorough function, and provides specific inforn1ation about each ear sep­
neurotologic examination, is crucial in establishing an accu­ arately (ie, it lateralizes dysfunction).
rate clinical diagnosis. We do not believe that vestibular test­ There are a variety of iuethods currently available for
ing should be used as a solitary, one-time test for patients v;ith recording eye nlovement: electric potentials (ENG or electro­
dizziness. Vestibular testing inay aid in establishing a diagnosis, oculography (EOG)), magnetic potentials (search coils), video
deter1nining the side or site of the lesion, staging of the illness, cameras (video ENG or VNG), and infrared technology.
following the patient's condition with and without treatn1ent
over the course of the illness, and in selecting treatn1ent options Comeoretinal Potential
for the patient. Vlfe therefore advise a thorough understanding The 111ost co111111only used technology (EOG) depends on the
of how these tests are perforn1cd and interpreted, and hov; they fact that there is a steady DC potential, ter111ed the corneo­
are used in conjunction with other clinical information. retinal potential (CRP), bet\.Yeen the cornea and the retina
Although bedside and office exa1ninations provide infor­ (Figure 11-1). These potentials create an electric field at the
mation about the status of the vestibular system, n1ajor limita­ front of the head that rotates as the eyes rotate. The CRP is gen­
tions are the inability to quantify responses and to nlonitor the erated by the nletabolic activity of the retinal pig1uent epithe­
course of the illness or the results of medical and surgical nlan­ liu1n. The retina is negatively charged relative to the cornea;
age1nent of the dizzy patient. The uses of the vestibular labora­ thus, an electrical potential can be nleasured between the two
tory are cited in Table 11-1. Current technologies available for by nleans of skin surface electrodes. '/\/hen the eyes are looking
assessing the vestibular system include electronystag1nography straight ahead (prin1ary gaze), the average potential nleasured
(ENG), rotation testing, co1nputerized dynan1ic posturography at the cornea is about 1 nlV. As the eyes nlove, the potential
(CDP), and vestibular-evoked nlyogenic potential (VEMP) test­ changes, relative to the skin electrodes. Thus, differences in
ing. The first two inodalities evaluate the vestibular systen1 by electric potential are ineasured and reflect 111oven1ent of the
testing vestibulo-ocular interactions or the vestibulo-ocular eyes. Rotation of this electric field produces a roughly linear
reflex (VOR). Dynamic posturography is a test of postural sta­ change in the voltage between electrodes attached to the skin on
bility and reveals inforn1ation about the vestibulospinal reflex either side of the eyes. Horizontal eye position is nlonitored by
(VSR). VE1v1P testing evaluates inner ear vestibular function electrodes placed on the ten1ples; vertical eye position is 1noni­
through the VSR using auditory sti1nulation. Vl/e discuss how tored by electrodes placed above and below one eye. Of note, it is
each of these tests is perforn1ed, what infor1nation each test pro­ difficult to detect torsional nystagn1us with traditional electro­
vides, and provide guidelines for their use in various clinical oculography because rotation of the eye about the axis of the
situations. pupil does not effect a change in the CRP. The best nlethods for
recording torsional eye inovements are search coils or video/

Electronystagn1ography is the inost con11nonly employed inethod

of laboratory evaluation of the vestibular syste111. The exa1nina­
tion consists of a battery of tests that are collectively referred to Electronystagn1ography results '"'ere previously recorded on a
as the ENG. The vestibular and ocular systen1s are connected strip chart recorder in which time is plotted on the horizontal
through the VOR; thus, patients '"'ith peripheral and/or central axis and eye inove1uents are recorded on the vertical axis. The
vestibular disorders often exhibit abnor1nal eye nloven1ents that recordings are now done on co1nputer. By convention, rightward

One current trend in many vestibular laboratories is

TABLE 11-1 Uses of vestibular laboratory
toward the use of video-recorded nystag1nography. Video­
Aid in establishi ng diagnosis Location-central versus nystagn1ography is a computer-based syste1n for eye movement
peripheral lesion Lateralization testing (Figure 11-2). This technique records eye movements
with digital video technology using infrared illutnination and
a high-technology goggle. The i1nages are then displayed on a
Assist in devising treatment pl an Aid in long -term con1puter monitor. The computer software records and analyzes
management the data. These images nlay then be recorded on videotape. The
VNG technique determines eye position by locating the pupil
and tracking its center; the internal computer progra111 plots,
measures, and analyzes the eye 111ovement similar to traditional
eye n1oven1ent is recorded as an upward deflection, and left­
ward eye n1otion is shown as a downward deflection. When
The VNG technique pern1its visualization and recording
ENG testing was first developed, the data from the strip tracing
of eye 1nove1nents-helpful for later study and for teaching
were hand-calculated into n1eaningful results. The recent devel­
personnel and patients. This capacity is particularly useful in
opn1ent of con1puterized ENG analysis has been a substantial
evaluating patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
enhancen1ent and per1nits efficient storage and easy retrieval
(BPPV)-one of the most common vestibular abnormalities
of eye n1ove1nent data and eliminates the cutting and past­
encountered. Videonysta1nographic tracings are clean '"ith no
ing of strip chart recordings. In addition, con1puterized ENG
drift, which i1nproves the accuracy of analysis a11d interpreta­
allo,vs rapid and sophisticated analysis of sac cade, tracking, and
tion. This technique is easier and quicker than using electrodes
caloric tests-analyses that could not be done '"ith strip chart
and only one calibration is necessary. There are limitations to
the VNG that are noteworthy. Test equipment is more expen­
sive, some patients with significant claustrophobia inay not tol­
Video-oculography and Other Methods erate the sensation of confinement, and patients with ptosis,
Other techniques have been developed to record eye n1otion pupil-obscuring eyelashes, or other eye abnorn1alities inay be
but are not available il1 all ENG laboratories. These alternative difficult to test.
n1cthods of evaluati11g eye rnove1nent include vidconystag1nog­ The n1agnetic search coil technique involves the patient sit­
raphy (VNG), n1agnetic scleral search coil devices, and infrared ting in a low-strength, alternating 1nagnetic field. The patient
recording devices. '"cars a soft contact lens in which a \vire coil is en1bedded. The

Horizontal channel

FIGURE 11-1 • Electro-oculography (EOG).
The cornea is relatively positively charged
in comparison to the retina; thus, an electric
Vertical channel potential exists between the two. Electrodes are
placed around the eyes, and rotation of the eye

---- A-
- - ---= _ _ -
- --
- --
- --
- -=-=
- �::
- ':.
-. _ .. __
-::- :--_�
-- _!. _ brings the cornea closer to one electrode and the
negatively charged retina closer to the other. The
relative voltage difference provides the basis for
EOG. By convention, rightward movement of the
eye is recorded as an upward deflection on the
electronystagmographic tracing.

The second group of tests looks for the presence of abnor­

mal eye rnovements and whether they change with altered head
position. The gaze test evaluates li1nitations of eye rnoven1ent,
gaze stability, ocular flutter, spontaneous nystag1nus, and latent
nystag1nus. The positional test deter1nines whether various
head positions cause or modify nystag1nus. The Dix-Hallpike
maneuver looks for positioning nystag1nus.
The third group assesses vestibulo-oculo1notor function.
The bithermal caloric test, involving four irrigations, is the most
indispensable test of the ENG battery and prin1arily detects dys­
function of the labyrinth or vestibular nerve (ie, the peripheral
vestibular system).

FIGURE 11-2 • Videonystagmography equipment. The goggles Tests of Visual-Oculomotor Function

contain video cameras that allow the patient's eye movements to be
Visual and vestibular inputs are both important in gaze sta­
recorded for later viewing and analysis. Direct visualization of the
bilization during motion. A variety of oculomotor testing
eyes allows for superior documentation of torsional nystagmus, when
compared with traditional electro-oculography-based systems. paradig1ns are used to test the central oculon1otor control sys­
ten1. Three types of eye n1ove1nents assessed as part of the ENG
are saccades, s1nooth pursuit, and optokinetic eye moven1ents.
contact lens fits around but does not directly contact the cor­ The oculon1otor system interacts with vestibular reflexes to
nea. l'vfotion of the coil of wire in the alternating magnetic field n1odulate visual input relevant to the task at hand. The sac­
induces a verysn1aH current in the wire (based on Faraday's lav1), cade test detects disorders of the saccade control system, and
and this signal can be used to obtain nieasuren1ent of eye posi­ the tracking test and the opto kinetic test assess disorders of the
tion. There are two 111ajor advantages of this method: it provides pursuit control systen1.
very precise deter111ination of eye position in three din1ensions
and it allows eye position to be sa111pled and recorded very rap­ Saccade (Calibration) Test
idly (500-l,000 tin1es per sec). These features are responsible for The saccade control syste1n generates all voluntary and invol­

the search coil technique providing the most accurate measure­ untary fast eye 1noven1ents. The saccade test is perforn1ed at

n1ent of eye niovements. The major disadvantage of the search the beginning of the test while calibrating eye move1nents. The

coil technique is that it requires a sophisticated laboratory and purpose of the saccade syste1n is to rapidly capture interesting

highly experienced personnel. For these reasons, the search coil visual targets in the periphery of the visual field onto the fovea.

technique is usually lin1ited to research laboratories. This quick foveating eye 1nove1nent is a saccade. It is the fastest

Infrared oculography is based on the differing reflectance type of eye n1oven1ent, son1eti1nes with peak velocities as high as

properties of the iris con1pared to the sclera and the fact that 700 degrees/s and an average velocity of200 degrees/s.

the photocells of the eye ren1ain stationary while the edge of Horizontal eye 1nove1nents are first calibrated by having

the iris 111oves with the eye. As a result, the light sensed by the patient capture an in1age at a known distance that requires

the photocells differs according to eye position. The advantage a 20-degree angle of visual excursion. Eye 1noven1ents are cal­

of this technique is that a direct estin1ate of the eye position ibrated in both the vertical and horizontal planes. Once cal­

as a function of tin1e can be calculated. The disadvantages of ibrated, the patient's saccade function is tested; the testing

this technique include the bulk of the equipn1ent, which lin1its paradig1n n1ay be perforn1ed differently in various laboratories.

visual stin1ulation son1ewbat, and the interference with eyelid In one version of the test, the patient's horizontal eye move­

motion (eg, blink), which n1akes vertical recording difficult n1ents are n1onitored with fixation on a co1nputer-controlled

at tin1es.1 visual target that jun1ps back and forth in the horizontal plane
in randon1 sequence. The con1plete sequence often consists of
80 target jun1ps (40 to the right and 40 to the left), 'vith a1npli­
tudes ranging fron1 5 to25 degrees. After testing, the computer
calculates three values for each saccade: peak velocity, accuracy,
The ENG test battery usually consists of three groups of tests. and latency.
By convention, tbe tests are perforn1ed in a systen1atic fashion Abnorn1ally slow-velocity saccades are seen in n1any degen­
to assess the oculon1otor and vestibular systen1s and their corre­ erative and rnetabolic diseases of the central nervous syste111
sponding interaction. Test procedures are designed to test each (CNS): internuclear ophthaln1oplegia; disturbances in the
function and to detect the presence of pathologic (spontaneous, cerebral he1nispheres, the superior colliculus, the oculo1no­
gaze, positional, and positioning) nystagmus. tor nucleus, or the extraocular 1nuscles; drug intoxication; or
The first group of tests investigates visual-oculomotor drowsy or inattentive patients. Abnor1nally fast-velocity sacca­
function and evaluates nonvestibular eye moven1ents. Tbe sac­ des 1nay occur with orbital tun1ors and myasthenia gravis.2 The
cade test detects disorders of the saccadic control syste111. The cerebellu111 plays an in1portant role i n determining the accuracy
tracking test and the optokinetic test both detect disorders of of saccadic 1noven1ents. Inaccurate saccades, or ocular dys1ne­
the pursuit control systen1. tria, are classified as hypern1etria (overshooting the target) or

hypon1etria (undershooting) and niay be seen with cerebellar optic system. In hu1nans, there is a n overlap in function by neu­
disease or brainsten1 disorders. Saccadic latency abnormalities rons in the cortical and subcortical visual syste1ns. The stnooth
niay be seen in patients with abnorn1al vision, Parkinson's dis­ pursuit system do1ninates the operation of the overall pursuit
ease, Huntington's chorea, Alzhein1er's disease, and focal hemi­ systen1. The optokinetic systen1 differs fro1n smooth pursuit in
spheric lesions.3 that optokinetic eye movements follow a moving object until
the eye position becomes relatively eccentric. Optokinetic nys­
Pursuit and Optokinetic Tests
tag1nus consists of a n involuntary pursuit of a repetitive in1age
Two tests of pursuit, the tracking test and the optokinetic test,
(sio'"' phase) that is follo\ved by a quick saccade that recenters the
are typically perforn1ed as part of the ENG. Pursuit tracking,
eyes (fast con1ponent). The specific niethods and sti1nuli used i n
or the sn1ooth pursuit systen1, allo,vs continuous tracking of
the optokinetic test vary according to testing laboratory. In one
n1oving objects and works with the saccade systen1 to n1aintain
version, the patient's horizontal eye n1ove111ents are n1onitored
in1ages on the tovea when the target is nioving. The smooth pur­
'"'hile follo\vi11g a series of visual targets that 1nove to the right
suit systen1 is used to track targets at slower speeds and operates
and then to the left. This stin1ulus evokes a nystagn1us with the
when the eves move \Vithin the orbit and the head is still. The
slo\v phase in the direction of target n1otion, periodically inter­

VOR is used to n1aintain the stability of images on the tovea

rupted by fast phases in the opposite direction. The optokinetic
when the head is moving. The VOR is particularly in1portant in
test, like the tracking test, is a test of eye pursuit pathways, and
n1aintaining stable gaze during rapid head nioven1ents.
the results of the tracking and optokinetic tests show concor­
The sn1ooth pursuit syste1n has neural pathways fron1 the
dance with tasks of similar difficulty. In norn1al individuals, the
tovea to several cortical and subcortical pathv.rays. The pur­
slo\v-phase eye velocities approxin1ately 1natch target velocities
suit tracking test (Figure 11-3) can be perforn1ed sirnply \vith
for both rightward- and leftward-n1oving targets. Figure 11-4
a pendulun1 swinging back and forth, producing a sinusoidal
shows the results of the optokinetic test for a patient '"'hose
n1oving target In a computer-generated version of the test, the
optokinetic was defective for right,'\fard-n1oving tar­
patient's horizontal eye moven1ents are monitored while follow­
gets and nor1naI for leftward-n1oving targets.
ing a computer-controlled visual target that n1oves back and
torth (at frequencies fron1 0.2-0.7 Hz) in the horizontal plane,
tollowing a sinusoidal waveform. After testing, the cornputer Abnormal Eye Movements
differentiates the eye position signal, calculates the gain of eye Gaze Test
velocity \vith respect to target velocity separately for rightward This test is valuable in the detection of nystagn1us that occurs
and leftward tracking at each target frequency, and plots these without vestibular stimulation. It tnay reveal disorders, vestibu­
data. Nonna! individuals are able to follow the target sn1oothly lar and nonvestibular, of CNS origin, congenital nystagmus, or a
in both directions at all target frequencies. Deficits in smooth spontaneous nystagmus of peripheral vestibular origin. The test
pursuit 111ay result fron1 age, n1edication, visual problen1s, atten­ differentiates gaze-evoked, dysconjugate, rebound, and sponta­
tion deficit, or lesions of the brain sten1, cerebellun1, and occip­ neous nystagn1us.
itoparietal junction. The gaze test is perfor1ned by recording eye move111ents first
Optokinetic function is a phylogenetically older system in the primary position and then while fixating on a target 30
that is also found in anin1als Jacking well-developed toveae. The degrees to the right, left, above, and belo'"' the center position.
optokinetic pathways are subcortical, involving the accessory Each position should be held for at least 30 sec Some examiners

Horizontal tracking

Horizontal e e ositio n





500 MS 1 :00

FIGURE 11-3 •The results of the tracking test in a patient with a unilateral pursuit defect. The patient was unable
to follow the rightward-moving target smoothly and instead approximated its motion using successive saccades,
producing a stair-step pattern on the eye movement tracing. Tracking of leftward-moving targets was normal. This
patient's abnormality indicates an asymmetric central nervous system lesion involving the pursuit eye movement
control system.


48° /sec Rigt/HorizEyePos 48° /sec Left/HorizEyePos

R20 R20

R10 R10
Cl) Cl)
Q) Q)
Q) Q)
0 0
� �

Ol Ol
Q) Q)
Cl Cl

L10 L10

L20 L20

Optokinetic 1 sec 0:06 Optokinetic 1 sec 0:07

FIGURE 11-4 • Optokinetic test for a patient whose optokinetic system was defective for rightward-moving targets
and normal for leftward-moving targets.

also attempt to nionitor eye 1novernents in these gaze positions positional nystagmus (or static positional nystagmus) to dif­
(with visual fixation denied), but the tracing is often difficult to ferentiate it fron1 the paroxysmal or positioning nystagmus of
interpret Young, norn1al individuals rarely have any nystagmus the Dix-Hallpike tnaneuver. During the positional tests, the
while fixating at any of these gaze positions, but many elderly patient's eye n1ovements are n1onitored while the head is in at
individuals demonstrate end-gaze nystagn1us. This nystagmus least four positions: sitting, supine, head right (right ear down),
is usually subtle, '"'ith a centripetal slow phase, and generally is and head left (left ear down). If nystagmus appears or is mod­
of equal intensity on right and left gaze. ified in either of the latter two positions, the patient is tested
Spontaneous vestibular nystagmus occurs '"'hen there is an again while lying on that side to detern1ine if the effect is caused
in1balance in the tonic input from the labyrinth on the left and by neck rotation. Eye movements are tnonitored in each position
right sides. It is typically seen '"'itb unilateral vestibular lesions for about 20 sec, both with visual fixation (eyes open and fixat­
and usually beats away fron1 the side of vestibular hypofunction. ing on a visual target at center gaze) and v.1ithout visual fixation.
Frequently, it is better appreciated during the positional test Jvlost exa111iners prevent fixation si1nply by asking patients t o
with visual fixation prevented (in darkness or in light '"'ith the close their eyes, but eye closure n1ay inhibit nystagmus. A better
use of Frenzel lenses), and it nianifests on ENG as a purely hori­ method is to monitor eye tnovements with eyes open in near
zontal nystagn1us because the ENG is insensitive to the torsional total darkness. The exa1niner usually asks the patient t o per­
con1ponent; however, it is actually horizontal-torsional nystag­ form a mental task, such as arithmetic, v-1hile testing with visual
mus. The intensity of spontaneous nystagn1us may change with fixation denied to stin1ulate inental alertness, thus avoiding sup­
a change in the direction of the gaze, being stronger '"'hen look­ pression of nystagmus.
ing toward the direction of the nystagn1us (Alexander's law). Positional nystagmus 111ay be intermittent o r persistent
Spontaneous nystagmus that is not diminished (or increases) unlike positioning nystagmus that disappears over time after
with visual fixation (failure of fixation suppression) suggests a the head is brought into a new position. In both cases, the nys­
central lesion. Upbeat nystagmus usually is a result of 111edullary tag1nus induced by a1npullopetal sti1nulation of the affected
lesions that involve the vertical vestibular pathways. Other types canal is greater than that induced by a1npullofugal sti111ula­
of central nystagmus seen in the gaze test are described by Leigh tion (Ewald's second Ja,v).0 Persistent positional nystag1nus is
and Zee,4 and ENG tracings of many of these are illustrated by sustained as Jong as the head position is n1aintained and inay
Barber and Stock'"'ell.5 reflect the effect of changing otolith influences on the central
Gaze-evoked nystagn1us (nystagn1us exposed by direct­ processes involved in control of the VOIZ. As with positioning
ing gaze away fron1 the primary position) n1ay be a side effect nystagn1us, the tern1s geotropic (beating toward the ground)
of a variety of 1nedications, including anticonvulsants, seda­ and ageotropic inay be used to describe the direction of the
tives, and alcohol. It can also occur in such diverse conditions nystagn1us. The nystagn1us inay be direction fixed (beating to
as n1yasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, and cerebellar atro­ the san1e direction in different head positions) or direction
phy. Dysconjugate gaze nystagn1us is co111111only present with changing (changing direction with differing head positions).
medial longitudinal fasciculus lesions, such as internuclear Both of these types of nystag1nus occur tnost co1n1nonly with
ophthalmoplegia. peripheral vestibular disorders, but they inay also occur with
central lesions. Peripheral vestibular nystagmus is elin1inated
Positional Test o r di1ninished with visual fixation. Thus, positional nystag-
The purpose of the positional test is to detern1ine if differ­ 1nus is a valuable indicator of vestibular systen1 dysfunction.
ent head positions induce or modify vestibular nystagmus. Other signs and clinical data inust be used to localize the
Nystagmus induced by positional testing is referred to as lesion.

Spontaneous nystagn1us has been defined a s nystagmus electro-oculography in BPPV tnay be difficult t o interpret and
that i.s unn1odulated by changes in head position and has been misleading. The horizontal con1ponent of the nystagmus fro1n
distinguished from positional nystagmus, which is nlodu­ posterior canal BPPV recorded with electro-oculography gen­
lated by head position changes. The horizontal-torsional erally has the fast phase away from the undermost ear, and the
vestibular nystagn1us that is seen acutely in unilateral ves­ vertical component invariably has an upbeating fast phase.7
tibular hypofunction is occasionally modulated by a change The ENG tracing seen1s paradoxical in co1nparison with the
from the sitting to the supine position and is often nlodu­ clinically observed torsional nystagn1us that appears to beat
lated by changes fron1 the right-ear-down, to the supine, and toward the ground; ho\vever, this paradox occurs because the
to the left-ear-down positions. The horizontal con1ponent of torsional con1ponent of the nystagn1us cannot be recorded
spontaneous nystagmus due to a unilateral vestibular lesion \vith standard ENG. Paroxysn1al positional nystagn1us appears
n1ay be suppressed by visual fixation, and often suppression to show changes in direction with respect to the patient's gaze.8
is so strong that spontaneous nystagn1us may not be identi­ The rotary con1ponent is 1nore pro1ninent during gaze toward
fied by the exan1iner. Poor fixation suppression is an indica­ the undern1ost ear, whereas the vertical con1ponent is inore
tion of CNS dysfunction in the pathways responsible for VOR prominent during gaze toward the uppern1ost ear \vhen the
cancellation. patient is in the Dix-Hallpike position. \Afe are accuston1ed to
When a persistent nystagn1us i.s seen, it is important to describing eye 1noven1ents with respect to an eye-fixed frame
extend the observation period to at least 2 nl in certain types of reference, which explains why the direction of nystagn1us
of direction-changing nystagn1us, eg, (acquired) periodic appears to change \vith eye position. When described \vith
alternating nystagn1us, reverse direction approximately every respect to the canal planes, the nystagn1us maintains the same
2 111 in. Periodic alternating nystagn1 us is usually caused by a align1nent with the plane of the posterior canal regardless of
CNS lesion.4 eye position.
Positioning nystagn1us has four distinctive features9:
Positioning Test
The n1ost frequently en1ployed test for positioning nystagmus 1. It has a delayed onset. Usually, there is an interval of at least
is the Dix-Hallpike 111aneuver (Figure J l-5). In this test, the a few (2-20) seconds after the patient reaches the head­
patient is subjected to t\·\IO brisk n1oven1ents, both beginning hanging position before the nystagmus begins.
with the patient in the sitting position. The patient's head is 2. It is always transient, ie, it rapidly builds in intensity (cre­
first turned 45 degrees toward one side, and then the patient is scendos), slo,vly abates (decrescendos), and .finally dis­
briskly brought backward to assun1e the supine position \Vith appears (typically within 45 sec) as the head ren1ains in
the head (still turned) hanging over the end of the exan1ining position.
table. The examiner holds the patient's head in position for at 3. It is always acco1npanied by vertigo, usually intense, which
least 20 sec and looks for nystagn1us. The duration and direc­ follows the san1e tin1e course as the nystag1nus.
tion of any nystagn1us are noted. Next the patient is returned 4. It is usually fatigable, ie, it progressively din1inishes in inten­
to the sitting position and eye 111oven1ents are observed for any sity with repetition of the Dix-Hallpike 111 aneuver. The dis­
nystagmus. The n1aneuver is then performed \ the patient's appearance of the response with repeated Dix-Hallpike
head turned 45 degrees to the other side. 1naneuvers in m,any cases is due to the otoconial debris pass­
During the back\vard movement, the Dix-Ha.llpike ing out of the posterior canal.
111aneuver norn1ally induces a few beats of nystagn1us, which
is due to the VOR evoked by the head niovement; however, The Dix-Hallpike nlaneuver occasionally provokes other types
after the head is in the hanging position, norn1a.l individuals of nystagn1us, eg, downbeat nystagn1us, which is exacerbated
do not have nystagn1us. Patients with BPPV display a burst of when the patient is nJoved to the head-hanging position. If
intense nystagn1us-paroxysmal positional nystag111us-the downbeat nystag111us is nlild, it inay be nlissed during the gaze
halln1ark of the disorder. The nystagmus in BPPV typically or positional tests and be observed for the first tin1e with the
begins after a latency of l Oto 20 sec follo, place111ent of the Dix-Hallpike maneuver. It generally is not accon1panied by ver­
patient's head reaches in the Dix-Hallpike position and goes tigo. Rarely, other types of nystag111us, generally of CNS origin,
away about 15 to 45 sec after the onset. For this reason, BPPV are provoked by the Dix-Hallpike nlaneuver.
is often referred to as a positioning nystagmus. Paroxysmal One lin1itation of the Dix-Hallpike nlaneuver i s
positional nystagn1us can be readily appreciated by visual that it cannot be perforn1ed on patients v.rith cervical
observation v.rith the patient's eyes open or, better yet, with spine disease that li1nits neck extension or back disor­
the patient wearing Frenzel lenses in a darkened room. In the ders that prohibit rapid positioning of the patient into
case of BPPV affecting the posterior semicircular canal, the the head-hanging position. I n those patients, a sidely­
examiner sees a vertical-torsional nystagmus (up beating with ing Bojrab-Calvert nJaneuver tnay b e employed. The
torsional fast phases that involve motion of the superior pole senior author h a s been using this technique for over
of the eye toward the downward ear). Electronystag111ography 14 years as his pri1nary technique in elderly patients or
111ay be useful in documenting the response (Figure ll-6). It patients with significant cervical neck disease. This maneu­
should be noted, however, that traditional methods of electro­ ver allows the san1e positioning of the posterior semicircular
oculography record only horizontal and vertical (and not tor­ canal a s \Vith the Dix-Hallpike maneuver, without the head
sional eye moven1ents); thus, the findings noted \ standard hanging.

FIGURE 11-5 • Dix-Hallpike maneuver.

The patient's head is first turned to the
left. The patient is then rapidly brought
into the head-hanging position. Patients
with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
typically demonstrate a geotropic, torsional
nystagmus with the affected ear down.
Frenzel's lenses are used to prevent
fixation-suppression. The test is repeated
on the opposite side.

The Bojrab-Calvert tnaneuver (Figure 11-7) begins with that is dependent when nystagmus is elicited is thought to be
the patient in the sitting position, facing the exa1niner. The head the diseased side.
is turned 45 degrees to the right so that the pinna is perpendic­ Lateral sen1icircular canal BPPV can often be detected vvith
ular to the table surface. The exan1iner holds the head in that the Dix-Hallpike nlaneuver; however, a n1ore effective n1aneu­
position as the patient is briskly lowered onto his/her shoulder ver involves placing the patient in the supine position, turning
with the head resting on the table. This position is held for at the head quidcly to the right-ear-down position, and holding it
least 20 sec, while eye tuovements are tnonitored. The patient there for at least 30 sec (or, if nystag1nus is provoked, for up to
is then returned to the sitting position. lf nystagmus was elic­ several 111inutes). The patient's head is then returned slo,¥ly to
ited, the exa1niner repeats the same tnaneuver to deter1uine if the supine position; lastly, the head is turned quickly into the
the nystagmus is fatigable. The maneuver is perfor1ued with the left-ear-down positio11 and held there for at least 30 sec (or, if
contralateral side. As with the Dix-Hallpike maneuver, the ear nystag1nus is provoked, for up to several tninutes). In patients

Head left





FIGURE 11-6 • Electronystagmographic tracing demonstrates horizontal and vertical components of the
nystagmus seen in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.


c D

FIGURE 11-7 • Bojrab-Calvert maneuver for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. This positioning maneuver is
useful in assessing positioning nystagmus in elderly or other individuals who cannot tolerate the neck extension
position used in the Dix-Hallpike maneuver.

with lateral canal BPPV, this nianeuver provokes horizontal nys­ The caloric data are analyzed, and five characteristics of
tagmus, as d escri bed by Baloh and colleagues.10 The nystagn1us the calorically induced nystag1nus are calculated: duration,
of lateral canal BPPV is (I) geotropic (right-beating in the right­ latency, amplitude, frequency, and velocity. Of these paratn­
ear-down position and left-beating in the left-ear-down posi­ eters, the tnost important variable is the peak slo\'1-phase eye
tion) and often followed by an ageo tropic secondary nystag111us; velocity. In normal individuals, the slow-phase eye velocity
(2) stronger \.vhen the ear presu111ed to be diseased is under­ should be equally strong in both directions. Co1nparing the
most; (3) transient (although more persistent than the response peak slow-phase eye velocity of the cool and warm caloric
of posterior canal BPPV); (4) accon1panied by vertigo, usually responses of the right ear with those of the left ear allows the
intense, which follows the san1e tin1e course as the response; (5) examiner to determine whether a unilateral vestibular weak­
not d elayed in onset; and (6) not fatigable. ness exists. To assess the function of each labyrinth, the calo­
ric responses of the two ears are compared. Because both ears
Tests of Vestibulo-Oculomotor Function receive the same stimuli, they should demonstrate equal calo-

Bithermal Caloric Test rte responses.

The bithern1al caloric test has proven to be highly sensitive to Caloric sti1nuli are uncalibrated, ie, sti1nulus strength
unilateral lesions of the peripheral vestibular systen1 because varies fro1n person to person depending on the size and shape
it allows the exan1iner to stimulate each ear separa tely Other .
of the external ear canal and other uncontrollable variables.
vestibular test procedures, such as rotation testing and postur­ However, the basic assun1ption of the caloric test is that, for
ography, stimulate both labyrinths sin1ultaneously, thereby per­ a given individual, the two ears receive equal caloric sti1n­
n1itting the niasking of abnorn1al responses fron1 one labyrinth uli. If both ears are nor1nal, they should produce responses
by norn1al responses fron1 the opposite ear. of approxi1nately equal intensity. Therefore, the intensity of
The bithermal (Ha llpike) caloric tests evaluate the integrity the caloric responses of the two ears is co1npared by evalu­
of the lateral semicircular canals and their afferent pathways. ating the peak sl0\'1-phase eye velocities using the following
The patient is placed in the supine position with the head ele­ forn1ula:
vated 30 degrees, thereby placing the lateral sen1icircular canal
(RW +RC)-(LW +LC)
in the vertical plane (Figure 11-8). Testing is properly done with ------- x100%=UW
the patient \>Jearing Frenzel goggles to prevent fixation-suppres­ R\iV+RC+LW+LC
sion. Asking the patient to engage in n1ental tasks can also be
'"here IZW, RC, LW, and LC are peak slow-phase eye velocities
helpful in releasing the nystagmus.
of the responses to right war1n, right cool, left war1n, and left
Caloric testing uses a nonphysiol.ogic stiinulus (ten1per­
ature) to induce fluid flow in the lateral sen1icircular canal.
cool responses, respectively, and U\iV is unilateral weakness. In
general, a unilateral caloric weakness (CW) of greater than 200/o
Each ear is irrigated twice: once with air (or water) at 7 degrees
indicates peripheral vestibular dysfunction on the side of the
above body temperature and then with air (or water) at 7
\>Jeaker response.11
degrees be low body temperature. The caloric stin1ulus causes
Patients with labyrinthine hypofunction inay de1nonstrate
the endolyn1ph to circulate, res ult ing , after a short latency
(l-2 1nin) reduced or absent caloric responses to the initial bither1nal
peri o d , in a brief burst of nystagmus. In a healthy
stin1uli. In this case, the test is repeated with ice '"'ater (approx­
patient, irrigation with a warm stin1ulus provokes nystagmus
with the fast phase directed to\.vard the stin1ulated ear; irriga­
in1ately 0°C) irrigations. However, one should keep in n1ind that

tion with a cool stimulus evokes nystagn1us \>Jith the fast phase
the absence of a caloric response does not always i111ply absent
peripheral function as the sti1nulus levels are below the level
directed away from the stimulated ear (cold, opposite; warn1,
'"'ithin which the VOR generally functions.12
the same).
Various patterns of ENG abnor1nalities can be seen with
vestibular syste111 dysfunction. For example, a patient '"'ith
an acute, unilateral peripheral vestibular lesion often den1on­
strates spontaneous nystagn1us and a unilateral caloric weak­

' 30° '

\�·' ness (Figure 11-9).13 The presence of spontaneous nystagn1us
t Gravity 111ay affect the results of the caloric test, creating a bias that
resets the caloric baseline (Figure 11-10). Spontaneous nys­
tagn1us is not absolutely diagnostic of a recent peripheral
vestibular lesion. Figure 11-11 shows data for a patient with
spontaneous nystag111us but without caloric weakness. Such

a finding is nonlocalizing as the nystag1nus can be associated

° '"'ith nu111erous entities, including recovery fron1 a previously
co1npensated peripheral vestibular lesion or a central periph­
eral vestibular lesion.
vVhereas the bithern1al caloric test is highly sensitive
FIGURE 11-8 • Caloric testing may be performed with air or water. to unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction, it is rela­
The correct position places the patient in the reclined position,
tively insensitive to bilateral dysfunction because the calo­
30 degrees elevated from the table, which places the horizontal canal
ric sti1nulus is uncalibrated. Even though the sti1nulus at the
in the vertical plane.





1: 54 1 Sec

B •
Right cool peak SPU: 7 deg/sec •Left warm peak SPU: 19 deg/sec
20 20 -

• •

15 15 -
• •

() u
. ...

(J) 10 I Q)
(J) 10 - •
• •

0, Ol

Q) Q) •

"O I< • "O

� ... �

• • •


5 5-
• •

2:- 2:- •

"(3 "(3
0 0
Qi Q)
> 0 > 0
Q) Q)

• •
(J) (J) -�-
<1l <1l

.c. .c.

CL -5 CL -5 - •

:;;: :;;: •

.2 .2

{/) {/)
-10 -10 -

-15 -1 5 -

-20 -20 - I-
• Right warn1 peak SPU: 6 deg/sec • Left cool peak SPU: -8 deg/sec
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Seconds Seconds
Caloric weakness: 93% in the right ear
Directional preponderance: 86% to the left

FIGURE 11-9 • Electronystagmographic data from a patient with an acute, left vestibular lesion. A reduction in the
tonic resting input from the damaged ear causes a slow drift of the eyes toward the injured side, with a corrective
saccade in the opposite direction. The caloric testing shows reduced responses to both warm and cold air in the
left ear. A, ICE caloric: Right ear/prone; B, Bithernal caloric.

entrance to the external ear canal is the same for everyone, Although ENG has correlates with many portions of the
the stimulus reaching the inner ear shovvs great interindivid­ physical examination, it is an important part of the evaluation
ual variability owing to differences in the size and shape of of many patients with complaints of dizziness or balance distur­
the ear canal and the status of the middle ear. Therefore, the bance. Electronystagmographic testing has a nu1nber of advan­
range of normal absolute response intensities is extremely tages: (1) the results of the test are quantified, and there are
wide, and bilateral caloric weaknesses must be severe to fall well-defined normal limits; (2) the bither1nal caloric test can­
below the1n. The usual rule of thu1nb is that a bilateral weak­ not be done as accurately without the precise stirnulus control
ness exists if the caloric responses (warm response plus cool and response quantification provided by ENG; (3) because ENG
response) of both ears fall belo'"' 12 degrees/s, per side. A provides accurate documentation of results, it can be used to fol­
bilateral weakness usually indicates bilateral peripheral ves­ low the patient with known vestibular disease; (4) standardized
tibular dysfunction. 5 Bilateral weaknesses can be ofCNS documentation is helpful in 1nedical-legal and workers' cotn­
origin but are usually accompanied by other signs of CNS pensation cases; and (5) it is the only test that assesses each ear
dysfunction. separately and can give side-of-lesion localizing information.

Bithermal caloric

• Right cool peak SPU: 31 °/sec •Left warm pea k SPU: 29 °/sec

40 40-



• • • •

• •





• • •

.. .. ... .
� 20 • � 20- . '
•• •
<..> • <..> • •
Q) • Q)
(/) ..
� •

• Cl •
... . Q) • •• ••
"O 10 ...
... . .
...... :g. 10- �·;• • :�:sAal ••••
. ....

>. ••
>. •• •

.... ... ... ..

.t:'. :!:: •
<..> <..> ••
0 0
• 0

.. 8
• •••• ••

Q) •
•• ......... ••
> • >
..... .. •

. .
(/) (/) ""

� �
.c -10 .c -10-
a. a..
3 3
0 0
Cl) -20 (/) -20- I-

-30 -30-

-40 -40-
•Right warm peak SPU: -6 °/sec •Left cool peak SPU: -7 °/sec
' ' ' ' ' ' '
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Seconds Seconds
Caloric weakness: 1 % in the left ear

FIGURE 11-10 • Electronystagmographic data 3 days after an acute unilateral vestibular lesion. The patient
has spontaneous nystagmus that creates a bias; caloric responses were symmetric about a new baseline
corresponding to the slow-phase velocity of this nystagmus. It would be difficult to distinguish between the effects
of this bias and a unilateral caloric weakness on the basis of peak slow-phase velocities if only one irrigation
temperature were used in the test. When both warm and cool irrigations are used, responses are elicited in both
directions, and the sum of the two peak responses is used as the measure of response strength of a particular ear.
This cancels the effect of the bias and allows a valid comparison to be made between the two ears.

Limitations early in the course of the illness, and only later, on a particularly
"dizzy day," will the caloric evaluation demonstrate a unilateral
Electronystagmography testing has its lin1itations. Tt is impor­
peripheral weakness, gaze-evoked nystagmus, or even spontane­
tant to recognize that ENG tests only the lateral semicircular
ous nystagmus. It is best to have patients abstain from vestibular
canal and provides little infor111ation about the status of the
suppressant medications (eg, diazepam) for at least 48 to 72 h
posterior or superior se111icircular canals, utricle, or saccule.
prior to ENG testing as they can also cause a "false-negative" test
Traditional ENG testing using electro-oculography is also rel­
or show abnormal central vestibular function.
atively insensitive to torsional nystagmus because rotational
Some patients n1ay present with dizziness not related to
111oven1ent of the eye about the axis of the pupi I does not niove
vestibular system dysfunction, eg, syncope or presyncope,
the cornea with respect to any of the skin electrodes. However,
vertebral-basilar insufficiency, 1nigraine-associated dizziness,
this limitation is easily overcon1e using VNG.
multiple sclerosis, ocular dizziness, motion sickness syndrome,
The resul.ts of ENG testing may fluctuate in concordance
or cardiovascular disease. In these patients, a unilateral weak­
with the patient's disease process. Two of the more con1mon ill­
ness found on ENG does not necessarily implicate vestibular
nesses seen in our patients are BPPV and Jvfeniere's disease.Both
dysfunction as the cause of their symptoms. The ENG finding
illnesses can be associ.ated with a norn1al ENG despite "classic"
may be incidental and must be considered in light of the clinical
sympton1atology. For exan1ple, on the day of testing a patient
history and physical examination.
with complaints consistent with BPPV, the response niay have
been fatigued or the disease 1nay have gone into remission. For
that patient, the test results niay be normal or indicate a unilat­
eral vestibular weakness on the suspected side. Nevertheless, we Electronystagmography testing is a n in1portant tool in the
n1aintain clinical suspicion ofBPPV and ask the patient to return managen1ent of the patient with dizziness. It is by no means
for retesting on a particularly "dizzy day." Similarly, the patient a substitute for a thorough neurotologic history and physical
suspected of having Meniere's disease 111ay have a norn1al ENG examination, and the results should be interpreted in light of

Bithermal caloric

• Right cool peak SPU: 31 °/sec •Left warm peak SPU: 29 °!sec
40 40- I-

O·. ... .. 30-

.,, • ••
• ••
. •• •• •... •
• • .. .
• • �
• • • ..
0 20 • 0 20- •
... .
Q) Q) .

� • •

:g. 10 ... . .. ••••• • :g. 10- I-
. a:: . ........-.......
.€ •• .i::' • •..

.. .. . .

. . .

· B. . . ·
0 0
� •
• • •••• • ••• •• •

Q) Q) . .. .
� �

..c -10 ..c -10 -
0. 0.
3 3
0 0
U5 -20 U5 -20-

-30 -30- I-

-40 -40- I-
• Right warm peak SPU: --6 °/sec •Left warm peak SPU: -7 °/sec
' ' ' ' ' ' '

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Seconds Seconds
Caloric weakness: 1 percent in the left ear

FIGURE 11-11 • Electronystagmographic data for a patient with spontaneous, left-beating nystagmus but no
caloric weakness. The spontaneous nystagmus creates a new baseline on which the caloric responses are
superimposed. The spontaneous nystagmus cannot be attributed to a recent vestibular lesion since the caloric
responses of the two ears are equal. It could have been caused by a lesion within the central vestibular pathways,
but other explanations, such as recovery of a previously compensated peripheral lesion, are also possible.
Therefore, spontaneous nystagmus that cannot be attributed to a recent vestibular lesion must be regarded as

the clinical evaluation. Those who use ENG testing should the patient is seated in a chair so that the axis of rotation is ver­
have a thorough understanding of how the test is perfortned, tical and passes through the center of the head, thus sti1nulat­
what its components are, and the significance of the results. ing only the lateral sen1icircular canals. The base of the chair is
Electronystagmographic test reports should always be evalu­ bolted to a con1puter-controlled servon1otor that deter1nines the
ated by the clinician with a critical eye. \!\Then used properly, frequency of chair rotation. The patient's head is positioned so
ENG is the single tnost valuable test currently available in the that the lateral sen1icircular canals are in the plane of rotation
vestibular laboratory. and is firmly restrained so that it exactly follows body and chair
inotion (Figure 11-12). Horizontal eye 1noven1ents are 1noni­
ROTATIONAL TESTS tored using electro-oculography as in ENG testing.

Rotational tests have been used to evaluate vestibular function for Testing Paradigms
nearly a century. They provide another n1ethod of testing for ves­ Rotary chair testing can be perforn1ed using various testing par­
tibular disorders that affect the VOR. Rotational tests can be clas­ adign1s, but the one typically e1nployed is slow har1nonic accel­
sified as either passive rotational tests, in which the patient's body eration. In this paradig1n, the patient is oscillated in a sinusoidal
is rotated without any inove1nent between the head and body, or fashion about a vertical axis at various test frequencies (ranging
as active rotational tests, in \vhich the patient rotates his or her fro1110.01-01.28 Hz). The exact test protocol varies son1ewhat
o\vn head back and forth while the body re1nains stationary. an1ong laboratories, but oscillation frequencies of 0.01, 0.02,
0.04, 0.08, 0.16, 0.32, and 0.64 Hz, with peak angular velocities
Rotary Chair Test of 50 degrees/s at each frequency, are usually used. The patient
The rotary chair test (RCT) has proven to be the 1nost useful undergoes nlultiple cycles of oscillation at each frequency; the
of the rotational tests.14•15 It is a passive rotational test in which oscillations are gradually increased, and the chair is rotated in a

FIGURE 11-12 • Rotational chair testing equipment.

The patien t is seated in a chair so that the horizontal
semicircular canals are in the plane of rotation.
Electro-oculography is used to monitor eye

sinusoidal harmonic acceleration paradigm. The stimulus level rotated at a low frequency for a prolonged period of time, eye
delivered by the rotary chair is much greater than that delivered movement actually precedes the head movement. Increased
in caloric testing, v.1hich delivers a stimulus equivalent only to phase lead implies peripheral vestibular system dysfunc­
frequencies between 0.002 and 0.004 Hz. tion, whereas decreased phase lead 1nay suggest a cerebellar
Components of Rotary Chair Testing
Rotary chair testing stimulation generates right-beating nys­
Sytntuetry is the ratio of right\vard to left\vard slow-phase eye
tagmus when the patient is moving rightward and left-beating
velocity. This paran1eter gives information as to whether any
nystagmus when n1oving to the left. After testing, the com­
bias is present in the system, favoring one direction over the
puter differentiates the eye position signal and removes the fast
other. Asy1umetry tnay result fro1n a peripheral vestibular
phase of nystagn1us, yielding the slow-phase eye velocity. The
weakness on the side of the larger slow-phase component or an
computer then compares the head velocity and slow-phase eye
excitatory lesion of the contralateral labyrinth.
velocity and calculates three n1easurements, phase, gain, and
The relationship between head and eye movetnent during
symmetry, for each of the test frequencies.
several cycles of sinusoidal oscillation for a normal individual
Gai n
is shown in Figure 11-13. The purpose of the VOR is to produce
Gain is defined as the slow eye velocity divided by the head
eye moven1ents that co1npensate for head moven1ents, and the
velocity. It is used as an indicator of overall responsiveness of the
eye velocity is approximately 180 degrees out of phase with head
system. Clinically, a reduction in gain is used to help determine
velocity. When a normal individual is oscillated at low frequen­
the overall level of function reduction in patients with bilateral
cies, slow-phase eye velocities exhibit progressively lo\ver gains
vestibular disease.
and are no longer exactly opposite in phase.16 lnstead, they dis­
Phase Angle play progressively larger phase leads, ie, changes in slow-phase
The phase angle n1easures the temporal relationship between eye velocity occur more and more in advance of head velocity.
eye and head velocities and is measured in degrees. Of the Figure 11-14 shows graphic plots of phase, gain, and sy1ume­
three parameters, phase angle often has the greatest clinical try data for a norn1al individual over the entire range of test
significance. In normal individuals, through the function of frequencies.
the vestibulo-ocular reflex, movement of the head to the right 'fhe slow harmonic acceleration test shows abnormalities
results in deviation of the eyes to the left. If the patient is primarily at the lo'Vvest and at the highest oscillation frequencies.

Chair Velocity

Q) 25
Q) 0



Eye Position
R20 •


. \.....
./ . ·
\\. \ \'-,,.,.,,
' \ .\



Eye Velocity



1 Sec

FIGURE 11-13 • Rotary chair test data from a normal individual. The oscillation frequency in this example was
0.16 Hz, near the middle of the test frequency range. Eye movements are 180 degrees out of phase with head
movement. The patient had nystagmus with leftward slow phases when their head was moving rightward and
nystagmus with rightward slow phases when their head was moving leftward.

Low frequencies reveal abnormal phase leads and gain reduc­ At the lower oscillation frequencies, this p a t ient dis­
tions. High frequencies reveal asym1netries. played progressively greater than norn1al phase leads, '"'hich
In our experience, abnormalities seen on RCT can be clas­ are thought to be caused by a loss of velocity storage normally
sified into four categories: (1) vestibular habituation and asym­ provided by the central vestibular systen1 to enhance the low­
metry, (2) vestibular habituation, (3) vestibular deficit, and frequency response of the vestibulo-ocular system .17• 18 Loss of
(4) vestibular asymmetry. velocity storage seen1s to represent habituation to the strong
Vestibular habituation and asymmetry-abnormal low­ tonic asy1nn1etry produced by the unilateral peripheral vestib­
frequency phase leads and high-frequency asyn1metry (with ular lesion. 18 loss of velocity storage is not an exclusive feature
the asymmetry always toward the side of the lesion)-is most of unilateral peripheral vestibular lesions as it is also seen i n a
often seen i n patients with acute unilateral peripheral dysfunc­ variety of vestibular disorders, both peripheral and central, and
tion. These patients demonstrate the n1ost severe abnormalities. has also been observed in norn1al individuals who have under­
Figure 11-15 shows test results i n a patient who underwent the gone prolonged rotation.19
slow harmonic acceleration test shortly after the sudden onset of This patient also had a rightward asyn1n1etry, ie, nystag­
severe vertigo. Electronystagmography, perforn1ed at the same n1us with rightward slo'"' phases was stronger than nystagmus
time as RCT, showed left-beating spontaneous nystagmus as \.Yith leftward slow phases. At low oscillation frequencies, the
well as right reduced caloric responses. asymmetry was about equal to the slow-phase velocities of the

Phase Gain Asymmetry

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-20 0 -30
.01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64 .01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64 .01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64

Frequency (Hertz) Frequency (Hertz) Frequency (Hertz)

FIGURE 11-14 • Phase, gain, and asymmetry values in relation to oscillation frequency from a normal individual.
Note that eye velocity signal is inverted during the analysis so that a phase angle of 180 degrees is expressed as
a phase angle of O degrees. Phase leads become progressively larger and gains become progressively lower as
oscillation frequency decreases. Symmetry values are approximately zero at all frequencies.

Phase Gain Asymmetry

100 1.2 30
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0 0.2 -20
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-20 0
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.01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64 .01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64 .01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64

Frequency (Hertz) Frequency (Hertz) Frequency (Hertz)

FIGURE 11-15 •Phase, gain, and asymmetry values in relation to oscillation frequency for a patient with an acute
right peripheral vestibular lesion. At lower oscillation frequencies, this patient shows progressively greater than
normal phase leads. The patient also has a rightward asyn1metry. This response pattern-abnormal low-frequency
phase leads and high-frequency asymmetry-is routinely observed in patients with acute unilateral vestibular loss.
The asymmetry is always toward the side of the loss.

patient's spontaneous nystagn1us with eyes closed, but at higher abnormal phase leads. The re1naining 27 patients showed a vari­
frequencies, the asymn1etrywas greater than could be accounted ety of abnormalities on ENG, mostly consistent with either CNS
for by this bias. This additional asymmetry is thought to be dysfunction or a con1bination of abnormalities.
attributable to either saturation of inhibitory responses of the The third abnormality, vestibular deficit, is relatively
intact labyrinth during rotation toward the side of the lesion or w1common. The slow harmonic acceleration test reveals abnor­
an asymn1etric loss of velocity storage.2 malities in patients with bilateral loss of vestibular function.
Vestibular habituation is the niost con1111on abnormali.ty RCT has particular significance in cases of bilateral reduced
found on RCT and consists solely of abnormally large phase or absent caloric responses. If rotatory chair responses are also
leads at the lower oscillation frequencies. This abnorn1ality is diminished in these patients, then the findings provide a strong
often seen in patients with a chronic, unilateral peripheral ves­ indication of bilateral vestibular hypofunction An exatnple is
tibular lesion. An example is seen in Figure 11-16 fron1 a patient shown in Figure 11-17 of a patient with bilateral absence of
v,rith a right vestibular schwannon1a. caloric response of unknown origin. Rotary chair testing con­
This response p a ttern-abn on11a l low-frequency phase fir1ned the bilateral caloric loss. The patient failed to show a
leads-is by far the n1ost comn1on abnormality seen in the definite nystagn1us response at any oscillation frequency. Some
slow sinusoidal rotation test. Stockv,rell reported abnon11al low­ patients with bilaterally absent caloric responses show absent or
frequency phase leads as the sole abnorn1ality on the slow har- reduced response gains at the lower oscillation frequencies but
111onic acceleration test in 109 of 305 patients \-vith dizziness. 21 normal gains at the highest frequencies. An example is shown
Twenty-seven of these patients (eight with a diagnosis of unilat­ in Figure 11-18 of a patient who developed unsteadiness fol­
eral !Yleniere's disease and the rest with a variety of diagnoses) lowing a course of genta1nicin therapy and showed a bilateral
showed no abnormality on ENG. Fifty-five of th e 305 patients absence of caloric response. Baloh and colleagues reported
showed evidence of a chronic unilateral peripheral vestibular that rando1nized controlled trial (RCT) often den1onstrates
lesion, ie, a significant unilateral caloric weakness without sig­ nor1nal vestibular function at high frequencies even when ice
nificant spontaneous nystagn1us, and 111ost were diagnosed as '"'ater irrigations have failed to provoke a response from either
having either Jvleniere's disease or a vestibular sch\-vannon1a. ear.22 In these cases, the results of caloric and rotation tests are
The reduction in vestibular caloric response in these patients not contradictory because the caloric response is a response
\-Vas nearly always greater than 501Vo. Patients with a unilat­ to a low-frequency stimulus and therefore should b e sin1ilar
eral caloric weakness of less than 501.!«> generally did not have to responses to low-frequency rotational stin1uli. Ho\-vever, in

Phase Gain Asymmetry

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30 -

.01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64 .01 02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64
. .01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64
Frequency (Hertz) Frequency (Hertz) Frequency (Hertz)

FIGURE 11-16 • Phase, gain, and asymmetry values in relation to oscillation frequency for a patient with a chronic
left peripheral vestibular lesion (vestibular schwannoma). Electronystagmography showed a severe right caloric
weakness. The rotational chair test shows greater than normal phase leads at lower test frequencies, reflecting a
loss of velocity storage. This loss can be persistent, remaining for years following vestibular malfunction, although
there is nearly always some recovery. The absence of tonic asymmetry in this individual illustrates the effect of
vestibular compensation. If a peripheral vestibular lesion develops slowly, compensation is able to gradually
rebalance the asymmetric input, preventing the vertigo and spontaneous nystagmus that would otherwise occur.
Even when lesions develop suddenly, compensation quickly rebalances the tonic asymmetry over a period of days.

Phase Gain Asymmetry

100 1.2 30
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0 -30
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.01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64 .01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64 .01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64

Frequency (Hertz) Frequency (Hertz) Frequency (Hertz)

FIGURE 11-17 •Phase, gain, and asymmetry values in relation to oscillation frequency for a patient with bilateral
absence of caloric responses, showing absent responses a t all oscillation frequencies. Phase values were not
plotted owing to low response gains.

Phase Gain Asymmetry

100 .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 30 ·
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.01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64 .01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64 .01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64

Frequency (Hertz) Frequency (Hertz) Frequency (Hertz)

FIGURE 11-18 •Phase, gain, and asymmetry values in relation to oscillation frequencies for a patient with bilateral
absence of caloric responses, showing normal response gains at the higher frequencies.

other cases, RCT shows norn1al response gains at all frequen­ test, even with ice '"'ater, does not define the extent of the loss
cies, despite absent caloric responses, indicating a false-positive and son1etin1es yields false-positive results.
caloric test result.23 Clearly, the slov• har1nonic acceleration test The final abnor111ality is vestibular asy1nn1etry, which is
is the procedure of choice in evaluating patients suspected of characterized by an asy n1111etry at high frequencies. It is si1n­
having bilateral loss of vestibular function because the caloric ilar to the high-frequency asy 1nn1etry seen in patients '"'ith

acute unilateral peripheral lesions, which we have attributed to

low firing rates of central vestibular neurons. However, these
patients have chronic con1plaints and do not show the spon­
taneous nystagmus and low-frequency phase leads of patients
v,rith acute peripheral lesions. We suspect that vestibular asyn1-
n1etry reflects a central vestibular disorder because several
patients have shown clear concon1itant evidence of CNS dys­
function, but we do not have enough nun1bers to justify mak­
ing a firm staten1ent regarding the clinical significance of this

Clinical Indications for Rotational Chair Testing

Rotationa] chair testing stimulates both periphera] vestibular
systen1s simu]taneously; however, it may be he.lpful in deter­
n1ining the site of lesion in certain disorders. Shepard rnakes
some suggestions as to when chair testing n1ay be he]pful in
patient eva]uation.24 First, V>'hen the ENG is normal and ocu­
lon1otor resu.lts are either normal or observed abnor1ualities
would not invalidate rotational chair results, RCT is used to
expand the assessn1ent of peripheral systen1 dysfunction and
status of con1pensation. Second, when the ENG suggests a well­
con1pensated state, despite the presence of a clinically signif­
icant unilateral caloric weakness and active symptomatology,
RCT is used to expand the investigation of con1pensation in a
patient with a known lesion site and co1uplaints suggesting poor
compensation. Third, when the caloric irrigations are below FIGURE 11-19 •Vestibular autorotational equipment. A portable
12 degrees/s bilaterally, when caloric irrigations cannot be per­ computer is connected to an instrumented head strap containing a
head velocity sensor. Active head oscillations are performed by the
forn1ed, or when results in the t'vo ears n1ay not be con1pared
subject at frequencies from 2 to 6 Hz. because of anaton1ic variability, RCT is used to verify
the presence, and define the extent, of a bilateral weakness or
to investigate further the relative responsiveness of the periph­
eral vestibular apparatus in each ear when caloric studies are
unreliable or unavailable. Lastly, RCT 1uay be beneficia] when
a baseline 111easure is needed to follow the natura] history of
the patient's disorder (eg, possible early Meniere's disease) or to
assess the effectiveness of a particular treatn1ent (such as chen1-
ica] ablation).

Vestibular Autorotational Testing

Vestibular autorotational testing is an active rotation test in
which the patient actively shakes his/her head fron1 side to side
with increasing frequency. An angu]ar sensor is fixed to a head­
band which is worn b y the patient, and the eyes are evaluated -

with electro-oculography (Figure 11-19).

Advantages of VAT over the other tests include portability
of testing equip1uent, relatively brief (18 sec) duration of the test,
and ability to test high-frequency (2-6 kHz) oscillations (when
the VOR is active).


Posturography is a quantitative balance test that assesses

standing balance function under a variety of conditions. It is
often perforn1ed on a con1puterized testing device, called the
Equitest""' (manufactured by Neurocom International, Inc,
FIGURE 11-20 •Computerized dynamic posturography equipment.
Portland, Oregon) (Figure 11-20). Tb is device consists of a plat­
The subject stands on a computer-driven platform containing a force
form that is capable of moving back and forth and tilting in
plate. Various testing paradigms are performed in which the platform
the pitch plane about an axis colinear witb the patient's ankle and/or the visual surround can be either stationary or moved. A safety
joints. During the test, the patient stands independently on the harness is worn at all times.

platforn1, wearing a harness for safety and facing a visual screen correspond to greater amounts of sway. The differences in
that is capable of tilting about the sa1ne axis as the platforn1. As scores for the six conditions are then analyzed to determine
the patient sways on the platforn1, a built-in force plate 1neasures the specific nature of the patient's balance disorder. Of partic­
the changes in the position of the patient's center of gravity. ular interest is the vestibular ratio, which con1pares conditions
These data are transn1itted to the coJnputer, which calculates 1and5 and delineates the reduction in stability when visual and
the angle of the body sway in the pitch plane. so1natosensory inputs are disrupted. Although healthy subjects
Con1puterized Dynamic Postu r og r ap hy with the EquitestT" sway a little in condition 5, those '"'ith vestibular disease score
consists of two tests: the sensory organization test and the poorer than average. An example of such a posturography test
1noveme11t coordination test. Of the two, the sensory organi­ is shown in Figure 11-21.
zation test is the more useful in the evaluation of patients with Posturography may be helpful in evaluating patients with
dizziness because it is designed primarily to test vestibular func­ balance disorders in whon1 the history and physical examina­
tion. Tn the sensory organization test, the patient's postural sta­ tion do not suggest any apparent etiology. In this regard, it is
bility is evaluated under six conditions in which either visual or occasionally ordered for patients with vague sympto1ns of diz­
proprioceptive cues (or both) are denied. Nonnally, individuals ziness and unsteadiness, without vertigo. It can also be used to
niaintain their balance by integrating visual and somatosensory detect malingerers, '"'ho will tend to exaggerate their sy1npton1s,
cues. The visual cues can be disrupted in one of two ways: visual thus producing results that are inconsistent with those seen in
input can be denied (by blindfolding) or visual cues can be dis­ patients with true vestibular dysfunction. More than a diagnos ­

rupted by sway-referencing the surroundings. Normal subjects tic tool, it can also be used to evaluate how patients with known
ignore inaccurate sway-referenced visual input, relying on other balance problems are progressing in ter1ns of co1npensation and
inforn1ation to 1naintain balance.25•26 return to health.
The six test conditions in the sensory organization test are
as follows:
l. Support fixed, eyes open, visual fixed POTENTIAL TESTING
2. Support fixed, eyes closed, visual fixed
Vestibular evoked nlyogenic potential (VEMP) testing is the
3. Support fixed, eyes open, visual sway-referenced
newest nlethod of assessing the vestibular syste1n. It has only
4. Support swayed, eyes open, visual fixed
recently becon1e available for clinical use and requires that
5. Support swayed, eyes closed, visual fixed
each laboratory establish nor1nativc data. It can be very useful
6. Support swayed, eyes open, visual sway-referenced
in testing a portion of the vestibular syste1n that no other test

The patient is subjected to each test condition three tin1es, and n1easures. VE1v1P testing is the only co1n1nonly used electro­

an equilibrium score is calculated for each condition. The equi­ physiological test of the inferior vestibular nerve. The VElvfP test

libriun1 score coinpares the patient's sway in the anteroposterior uses an intense sound sti1nulus to sti1nulate the sacculus, one of

direction, compared to the theoretical lin1its of anteroposte­ the otolith organs in the inner ear, which evokes a response via

rior sway. A score of .IOO<YQ in1plies little sway, and lower scores the inferior vestibular nerve. A vestibulospinal response with
relaxation in the ipsilateral sternocleidon1astoid nluscle is mea­
sured as a change in activity recorded on the elcctromyogra1n
(ElvlG). The VEMP response provides infor1nation by con1-
Equilibrium score
paring the left side to the right side, or by a change in certain
parameters of the response (latency, stin1ulus threshold). The
n1ost con11nonly en1ployed nJuscle in VE1v1P testing today is the
75 sternocleido1nastoid (SC11) inusde because the response at this
n1uscle is robust and reliable using skin surface EMG electrode
50 technology currently available.
The presence of the VEMP recording is dependent on
FFF FFF the contraction of the inuscle being inonitored, so the test
25 "N--1(AA---�-
is perforn1ed by having the patient contract the nluscle first,
S LLL LLL and then a loud (90-100 dB) repeating click or tone burst is
1 2 3 4 5 6 Composite delivered for 30 sec to the ear being tested. In our laboratory
50 '"'e pri1narily use a head lift protocol, in \'lhich patients arc
Sensory conditions
in the supine position, lying flat, and are instructed to lift
the head 2 inches off the examination table and keep it lifted

FIGURE 11-21 • Posturography test of a patient with total bilateral '"'ithout sitting up or lifting the shoulders, thereby activat­
loss of vestibular function owing to ototoxicity. He has normal ing the SC1v1 n1uscles bilaterally (Figure 11-22). If a patient
postural stability when tested under conditions 1 through 4 but is unable to perforn1 a head lift nlaneuvcr, a bead turn pro­
marked instability on conditions 5 and 6, in which he had to rely solely
tocol is used (Figure 11-23). In this case, the patient is seated
on vestibular cues. This type of result may be seen in patients with
and instructed to turn the head sharply to the one side and
acute unilateral peripheral vestibular lesions. Only rarely is it seen in
patients with chronic unilateral vestibular dysfunction. keep turning the head without moving the trunk, thereby

threshold is n1ore ti1ne-consun1ing and laborious to deter1nine,

but it can be very useful in identifying certain disorders. The
a1nplitude of the '"'ave (P, to N) generated by left ear sti1n­
ulation is compared to the a1nplitude generated by right ear
sti1nulation because the absolute an1plitude varies significantly
between individuals, but within subject asyn1n1etry is n1inin1al
in the norn1al condition. An interaural asyn1n1etry ratio (All) is
calculated and this determines whether one side is abnorn1ally
weak. The ratio is calculated by dividing the difference of the
averages (usually two recordings are done per side and are aver­
aged) of each side by the su1n of the averages fron1 both sides:
AR = (AL-AR) I (AL +AR) x 100. This forn1ula is analogous to
Jongkee's forn1ula, which used to calculate unilateral weakness
in ENG caloric testing. Since there is no standard AR that estab­
lishes abnorn1al, laboratories should establish norn1ative data
and consider using two standard deviations above and below
as abnorn1al. In our laboratory, '"'e consider a 30o/o difference
significant. Figure 11-25 shows a unilateral weak response that
FIGURE 11-22 • VEMP testing is performed by having the patient
elevate his or her head by about 30 degrees up from the examination can be clearly seen by the difference in an1plitudes between left
table. Elevation of the head places the sternocleidomastoid muscle and right sides.
under contraction, thereby enabling the relaxation potentials A significantly decreased an1plitude on one side
associated with the VEMP response to be recorded.
(AR > A1nplitude ± 2SD), has been correlated with periph­
eral vestibular dysfunction fron1 paretic lesions such as ves­
tibular neuronitis, Meniere's disease, acoustic ncuroma, and
intraty1npanic gentan1icin therapy.27 An increased an1plitude
is seen in peripheral vestibular dysfunction fro1n irritative
lesions such as 11eniere's disease (recovery phase) and supe­
rior canal dehiscence syndron1e (SCDS).28The VEMP test is
particularly useful in the diagnosis of SCDS. Patients '"'ith
SCDS typically have a lower than nor1nal VE11P threshold
and elevated a1nplitude of VEMP responses in the affected
ear. Increased latency of P1 and N1 has been associated with
central vestibular dysfunction. Once again, the absolute value
of what constitutes an increased latency should be established
by each laboratory based on nor1native data. In our labora­
tory, we consider a latency of P1 greater than 17 milliseconds
abnorn1al and suggestive of central vestibular dysfunction.
Although the VEMP test is new, it shows pron1ise and provides
an important window into inner ear function in the norn1al
and abnor1nal state.
Since the VEMP test has a particular role in the diagno­
FIGURE 11-23 •In patients who are unable to maintain elevation of sis of SCDS, we should note that there are also useful bedside
their head during VEMP testing, the head can be turned away from tests that aid in diagnosing the condition that are extended into
the ear being tested.
the vestibular laboratory to docun1ent the exan1ination find­
ings. These findings can be noted on clinical exan1ination and
tests of vestibular function can provide useful findings. The
activating the SCM n1uscle on the opposite side to the direc­ Tullio phenon1enon n1ay be docun1ented in these patients on
tion of the head turn. physical exan1 (when the patient is wearing Frenzel goggles to
After the sound is presented, the EtvlG tracing shows a prevent fixation) as well as with VNG recording. When a loud
sharp biphasic deflection in its baseline tracing, reflecting tone (using an audio1neter) is presented to the patient, nystag-
a nJodulation of the EMG activity. An exan1ple of a normal 1nus n1ay be recorded (Figure 11-26). Patients with SCDS will
VEMP tracing is shown in Figure 11-24. The first peak cre­ de111011strate a vertical-torsional nystag1nus as long as the tone
ated by this wave is labeled P1 (positive deflection) and the next sounds. The plane of the eye 1noven1ent in this nystag1nus aligns
peak is called N, (negative deflection). The peaks occur at pre­ with the plane of the affected superior canal. These patients
dictable latencies in the norn1al patient: P1 at 12 to 16 milli­ 1nay also display He11nebert's sign, vertigo, and nystag1nus with
seconds and N1 at 22 to 24 111i II iseconds. Latency and a111plitude 1notion of the tympanic 1ne1nbrane, and Valsalva-induced ves­
of the wave are the most con1monly used paran1eters today. The tibular syn1ptoms and nystag1nus.
N1 21.42

' '

' '

N1' 21�21
. '



' 1

22. �

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,, 22.'Q "


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J I '
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' '
' (
I ' '
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-- -
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• '
• '

10 20 30 40 50 60 70

FIGURE 11-24 •A normal VEMP response consists of a biphasic waveform with the first wave (P1) reaching a peak
approximately 13 to 14 milliseconds after the onset of the tone stirnulus and the second peak (N1) reaching a peak
approximately 21 to 23 milliseconds after the onset of the tone.

N1 23.34

N1 2 88


10 R

P1 1 .96
I I I I I I I FIGURE 11-25 • Unilateral weakness for responses
10 20 20 40 50 60 70 to the right VEMP stimulus is demonstrated in this

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Endoscopic Diagnosis and Surgery
of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
Dennis S. Poe, MD, FACS I Quinton Gopen, MD

The Eustachian tube is a dynan1ic conduit connecting the orifice, the anato1ny will be described with "proximal" referring
middle ear with the nasopharynx. It perforn1s the critical roles to the nliddle ear end and "distal" referring toward the naso­
of aeration and drainage of the middle ear space and protects pharyngeal orifice. When viewing a cross-section of the tubal
the iniddle ear from reflux of sound and inaterial from the naso­ lu1nen, there are superior and inferior halves and anterolateral
pharynx. Proper function of this tubular organ's secretory, cil­ and postero1nedial halves.
iary, and dilatory actions is required for opti1nal conduction of The proxi1ual one-third is, in effect, a bony funnel-shaped
sound through the middle ear cavity. This chapter will review extension of the iuiddle ear, which becon1es narrowest at the
the anaton1y, physiology of dilation, and pathophysiology of the isth1nus, the sn1allest aperture in the entire tube. The bony por­
Eustachian tube and present updates in the nledical and surgical tion is lined with a thin layer of cuboid al respiratory epitheliu1n�
treatn1ents of dysfunctional and patulous conditions. and is a fixed conduit and is normally patent.7
The distal two-third of the Eustachian tube is called the
pharyngeal portion and is con1posed of a cartilaginous skeleton
to v•hich is attached a con1plex arrangen1ent of peritubal iuus­
The Eustachian tube was first inentioned by Alc1naeon of Sparta cles capable of a wide range of dynan1ic 111oven1ents. The lumen
in 400 BC,1 but Bartolon1eus Eustachius is credited with its dis­ is lined by respiratory epitheliu1u that is taller, iuore columnar,
covery in 1562 when he published a detailed description of its and inore ciliated inferiorly than the cuboidal epitheliu111 in
anat.on1y and physiologic function.2 Valsalva later described the the superior one-half. A submucosal layer o f ly111phatics and fat
Eustachian tube as having cartilaginous and osseous parts and adds to the lining's thickness \-Vi.thin the tubal lumen. The car­
was the first to recognize the i1nportance of the tensor veli pala­ tilaginous portion is normally closed in the resting state due
tini inuscle in opening the Eustachian tube.3 He also described to apposition of the mucosa! walls. The closure occurs over a
the Valsalva i11aneuver, which re1nains clinically relevant to this variable length (5-10 iun1 seg1nent) just a few inillin1eters
day. Toynbee furthered our understanding of the Eustachian to the bony isthmus where the cartilaginous skeleton becon1es
tube through extensive investigations of the peritubal muscles4 flexible. This portion that intern1ittently dilates to an open posi­
and Politzer 111ade i1nportant contributions in connecting the tion is ter1ued the "valve."
role of the Eustachian tube in n1iddle ear pathology.' There are four peritubular muscles, the levator veli palatini,
the salpingopharyngeus, the tensor tyn1pani, and the tensor veli
palatine. The TVP is thought to be the principal dilator of the
tubal lu1nen.1
The Eustachian tube in the norn1al adult ineasures approxi­ The levator veli palatini iuuscle (LVP) is a round-bellied
mately 31 to 38 n1n1 in length.5 It contains a physiological valve inuscle that looks like a sling ru11ning from the base of the ten1-
that is closed in the passive resting position and is dilated open poral bone at the bony Eustachian tube and passing under a
by active 111uscular exertion. There is no generally accepted defi­ groove in the inferior aspect of the medial cartilaginous lamina
nition for Eustachian tube dysfunction but it is com1nonly taken and me1ubranous floor of the Eustachian tube to insert into the
to i1nply an inadequate ability to open the tubal valve. When the palatal musculature. Contraction of the LVP raises the soft pal­
valve fails to function properly, nu1nerous consequences nlay ate and inedially rotates the iuedial cartilaginous lan1ina.
occur within the iuiddle ear with the 111ost common of these The tensor veli palatini 111uscle (TVP) is a flat, fan-shaped
being otitis media.t inuscle '"'ith broad origins from the basisphenoid and includes
Since the direction of i11ucociliary clearance within the dilator tubae muscle fibers originating fron1 the membra­
Eustachian tube flows fron1 the ear to the nasopharyngeal nous anterolateral 'Nall of the Eustachian tube. It courses


longitudinally along the length of the cartilaginous Eustachian middle ear, such as ossicles, may be seen but fine details of inove­
tube and tapers to run under the hamulus of the palatal bone ments cannot be appreciated. Direct contact of the endoscope
and then insert into the soft palate. The relaxed bulk of the TVP lens with secretions and n1ucosal folds sufficiently obscures
contributes to the anterolateral wall bulge into the lun1en of the inspection within the lu1nen such that most reports have only
Eustachian tube and aids in closure of the lun1en. Contraction been able to describe gross observations such as the presence of
of the TVP tenses the anterolateral membranous wall to dilate lesions or degree of patency.15-18
the tubal valve into the open position. Larger dia1neter (=3-4 n11n) fiber-optic nasopharyngo­
scopes or rigid Hopkins rod endoscopes have been used for
nlore detailed studies of the tubal lu111en. The endoscope should
be carefully positioned in the nasopharyngeal orifice with the
Jnterrnittent brief tubal dilation is probably the principal vie'"' directed superiorly and laterally into the lu1nen, allo,ving
111echanisn1 for equilibration of n1iddle ear pressure with the for observation of inost of the pharyngeal portion of the tube as
an1bient atn1osphere. Involuntary dilation of the Eustachian it rotates into the dilated position during the opening sequence.
tube occurs throughout the day, usually through a swallow Careful observation of tubal dynan1ics has beco1ne possible
or ya,vn, but it does not accon1pany every swallow or yawn. ,..,ith high-resolution optics. Avoidance of direct contact with
Baron1etric and chen1ical receptors \Vithin the middle ear are the inucosa prevents interference with the dilating nlechanisn1
thought to provide autonomic nervous system feedback to and lin1its problen1s with fogging of the lens. Video recordi11gs
influence the frequency of involuntary tubal opening.8•9 Tubal can be inade and replayed in slow motion for ineticulous analy­
dilation occurs in normal subjects approximately .1.4 tin1es per sis of the dilation process and study of normal physiology and
minute during the daytirne with the duration of opening aver­ pathophysiology.19'20
aging 0.4 seconds.10 During sleep, the frequency of tubal open­ Eustachian tube endoscopy generally yields vie,vs prox­
ing is substantially reduced. i1nally well into the valve area du rin g the tin1e of nlaxin1al
lvluscular contractions initiate rotational nioven1ents of the active dilation. The opening process can be seen endoscopically
cartilaginous fran1ework and create tension \Vith effacen1ent as the tube progressively dilates fron1 the nasopharyngeal ori­
and lateral rounding of the anterolateral wall to produce active fice up to\vard the isthn1us, generally inoving the lu1nen into
dilation of the lurnen and transient opening. It is believed that full view of the endoscope. Vve have studied norn1al subjects
intern1ittent brief dilation of the tube is the principal mecha­ and patients with tubal dysfunction using these techniques to
nism for equilibration of n1iddle ear pressure \Vith the an1bient establish so1ne observed patterns of nor1nal dynan1ic physiology
atn1osphere.11 Middle ear and n1astoid gas exchange is an ongo­ and pathophysiology.
ing process that continually generates a net absorption of gases,
resulting in an increasingly negative pressure between tubal
dilations. Failure to dilate for an extended period of time can
lead to pathologically severe negative pressure and consequences
of tyn1panic nien1brane retraction, atelectasis, and otitis n1edia Patients are exan1ined in the sitting position in an office set­
with effusion (OlvIE). Surfactants are produced within the tubal ting. Topical spray anesthetic and decongestant, lidocaine (4o/o)
mucosa and probably aid in reducing the surface tension of the topical 1nixed with equal parts of phenylepherine HCl 0.5%
lumen and reduce the work required to dilate the tube.12 solution, is applied to both nasal cavities while the patient
Fluid and secretions in the niiddle ear are cleared by a con1- sniffs. Endoscopes are introduced into the nasal cavity and
bination of n1uscular pun1ping action associated \Vith the tubal advanced up to the nasopharyngeal orifice of the Eustachian
closing process• and by mucociliary activity.13 Reflux of naso­ tube, just posterior to the inferior turbinate and identified b y
pharyngeal secretions into the middle ear is lin1ited or prevented the torus torbaris. It i s easy to pass by the torus and exan1ine
by the closed position of the resting pharyngeal Eustachian tube the fossa ofRosen1ntiller, believing it to be the Eustachian tube
and by the trapped of gas in the middle ear and n1as­ orifice.
toid bone which creates a "gas cushion." Reflux of the sounds of The initial endoscopic exan1 is done with a 4 nln1 dian1eter
breathing and vocalization are also blocked by the closed resting steerable flexible fiber-optic nasopharyngoscope E:tvlF-P3
position of the pharyngeal Eustachian tube.13 ( Olyn1pus, Tokyo, Japan). Careful inspection of the nasal cav­
ity, nasopharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx is done to look
for inucosal infla1111nation or lesions, especially if there is any
evidence for laryngo-pharyngeal reflux (LPR) or al lergic dis­
Endoscopy of the hun1an Eustachian tube has substantially ease. If the adenoid is enlarged, its proxin1ity to the posterior
increased our understanding of the functional processes in nor­ cushion of the Eustachian tube is noted. Lastly, the Eustachian
n1al and pathological tubes. Initial work done by the insertion tube is closely exan1ined. The opti n1al fiber-optic view is inost
of microfiber-optic instrun1ents into the tubal lun1en yielded con1n1only obtained introducing the endoscope along the floor
only limited information since the bony isthmus is only about of the contralateral nasal cavity and passing the tip behind the
1.0 to l.5 mn1 in horizontal diameter and 2 to 3 nim in verti­ von1er. This b rings the tip into the proper angle to view up the
cal diameter.14 In order to pass through the narrow isthn1us, long axis of the Eustachian tube when it dilates. Occasionally,
endoscope diameters 1nust be restricted to 1 mn1 or less, which the lu111en may be successfully viewed with a fiber-optic scope
coinpron1ises i1nage resolution that gross structures within the fron1 the ipsilateral nasal cavity.

For a more detailed examination or if slow-n1otion record­ pharyngeal '"'all also medialized, causing transient constric­
ing is desired, rigid endoscopes are preterred, generally using a tion of the nasopharyngeal orifice despite the n1edial rota­
4-mn1 diameter,30 or 45 degree view angle, Hopkins rod rigid tion of the posterior cushion and postero1nedial wall. One
sinus surgery endoscope (Karl Storz, Culver City, CA). The rod hypothesis for this contrary movement could be to provide
endoscopes have high-resolution images but the fiber-optic momentary protection of the Eustachian tube against reflux
endoscopes are easier to pass and can be steered deeper into the at the initiation of swallow.
Eustachian tube lun1en if desired. 2. The palate ren1ained elevated, and the posteromedial wall
The30-degree rigid endoscope is introduced with the view ren1ained medially rotated as the lateral pharyngeal wall
angle looking directly laterally and passed along the nasal floor, displaced laterally to begin the dilation of the nasopharyn­
following the interior turbinate. After passing the posterior geal orifice.
aspect of the inferior turbinate, the next landn1ark encountered 3. The TVP began to contract causing dilation of the lutnen
is the anterior cushion of the Eustachian tube's nasopharyngeal to propagate fro1n the nasopharynx proxin1ally toward the
orifice. Once at the orifice, the endoscope is rotated slightly to bony istlunus. The dilation occurred by displace1nent of the
look superiorly toward the long axis of the tubal lun1en. anterolateral tubal wall laterally against the already con­
The rigid endoscope is used with a charge coupled device tracted and 1nedially rotated posteromedial wall.
(CCD) camera in place and in1ages are viewed on a video n1on­ 4. Tubal opening occurred as the functional valve of the car­
itor. Video recordings are made with a s-VHS video or DVD tilaginous tube dilated into a roughly rounded aperture.
recorder. The convex bulge seen in the resting anterolateral valve wall
The patient is initially asked to vocalize "K" "K" "K" repeat­ became visibly flattened or concave to produce the final
edly to view the isolated action of the LVP. The "Ks" stimulate opening.
palatal elevation and n1ediaJ rotation of the posterior cushion and
posteron1edial wall of the Eustachian tube. Swallows are done to Closure of the tube began with closure of the valve area

induce norn1al physiological tubal dilations, and forced yawns are and propagated distally toward the nasopharyngeal orifice.

perforn1ed to cause 1na.ximal sustained dilation. The Eustachian This proximal to distal closure has been hypothesized to have

tube is not expected to open with every swallow and yawn and a pumping action that may protect against reflux.0 Relaxation

patients are coached to feel the muscular contractions in the back of the posteron1edial wall, lateral pharyngeal wall, and palate

of their throats to generate some dilator y efforts. The procedure occurred in variable order or even si1uultaneously.

is repeated for the contralateral Eustachian tube orifice. The thin inucosa and subcutaneous tissues of the norn1al

The video of tubal dilations is then reviewed and analyzed Eustachian tubes per1nitted vie\ving of the nluscular contrac­

in norn1al time, slow 111otion, and even stepping through single tions of the LVP and TVP. Even the ripples of distinct individual

fran1es that are captured at a rate of30 fran1es per second. fiber contractions were often appreciated.



The norn1a) dilation process was i n itia lly studied endoscopi­ Eustachian tube dysfunction is defined as inadequate dilatory

cally in30 normal su bjects. 19 Normal dilation and opening were function causing secondary ear pathology. It may result fro1u

observed to have four consistent sequential phases during a nor­ anato1nical obstruction or physiologic failure due to: (1) hered­
mal swallow (Figure 12-J A to C): itary factors as seen in strong fan1ily histories of ear disease,
(2) n1ucosal infla1nn1ation with functional obstruction or fail­
l. The soft palate elevated \.Yith sin1ultaneous medial rotation ure of dilation, (3) n1uscular problen1s causing dilatory dynamic
of the posterior cushion and posteromedial wall. The lateral dysfunction, and lastly (4) true anatomical obstruction due to

A B c

FIGURE 12-1 • Transnasal, 4-mm, 45-degree Hopkins rod endoscopic view of left normal Eustachian tube orifice:
A, Resting position (valve closed). B, Initiation of swallow. Levator veli palatini muscle has elevated the palate and
medially rotated the posterior cushion. C, Tensor veli palatini has contracted, dilating the valve to open position.

Actual 1nuscular dysfw1ction (dynamic dysfunction) as the

TABLE 12-1 Pathological findings in the 58 clinically
primary proble1n was seen in 8%. Exa1nples of hypofunction,
dysfunctional Eustachian tubes
hyperfunction, or lack of coordination of either the TVP, LVP,
Mucosa! edema-48 (83%) or both muscles were seen. Most commonly, reduced TVP mus­
cle action with decreased excursion of the anterolateral wall was
Reduced lateral wall motion-43 (74%)
observed. Hypercontraction of either 1nuscle could result in a
Obstructive mucosal disease-15 (26%) bulky mass effect that could block the lumen. Several cases of
LVP 1nuscle dysfunction were also identified.20
In son1e cases the TVP showed \veakness, disorganized
fasciculations, or absence of the usual dilatory wave that
neoplasn1s or other mass lesions, the least con1n1on cause. 1'he should progress fro1n the nasopharyngeal orifice toward the
etiologies of tubal dilatory failure can be separated into obstruc­ isthn1us. Two cases den1onstrated excessively strong contrac­
tive and dynamic dysfunctions. Most obstructive proble1ns are tions of the TVP 'vith pron1inent ripples producing longitu­
not true anatomical blockage; rather, they are due to func­ dinal ridges that paradoxically reduced the lun1en dian1eter
tional failures to dilate the tube sufficiently or often enough to instead of dilating it. (Figure 12-3A and B). There were three
adequately aerate the middle ear. Eustachian tubes in which a good dilatory effort \Vas seen in
There is increasing evidence that Eustachian tube dysfunc­ the distal half of the tube but there was reduced dilatory effort
tion results from pathology within the cartilaginous portion. or failure to open the valve area. T'vo cases de1nonstrated an
Slo\v-1notion video analysis was done on 58 ears (of 40 adult unusual double contraction of the LVP n1uscle and palate
patients) with pathology suggestive of tubal dysfunction. 20 All that blocked the lun1en 'vhile the TVP atten1pted to dilate the
subjects had significant pathology and co1npromise of tubal dila­ tube. In another case, the LVP paradoxically relaxed just at
tion 'vithin the cartilaginous portion co1npared to 4/30 (13%) the tin1e that the TVP began to contract. These three cases
of nor1nal subjects who had only inild inflammatory changes. den1onstrated a failure of coordination between the levator
The pathological findings are su1nmarized in 1'able 12-1. All and tensor inuscles that resulted in failure of dilation of the
58 tubes had significantly cotnpromised dilation, \vhich was tube. LVP nlay serve a function of n1aintaining a "scaffold"
judged t o be moderate opening ability-26 (45%); minitna1 that the TVP requires for effective dilation.
opening-21 (36o/o); and no opening-11 (19%). Typically n1ucosal ede1na within the tube \Vas uniforn1ly
The components of the pharyngeal Eustachian tube can be distributed along the length of Eustachian tube and tended to
classified as the cartilaginous skeleton, tubal n1uscles, submu­ be inost pro1ninent in the inferior half of the cross-sectional
cosa, and epitheliu1n of the lumen and defects were observed dian1eter of the tube. Mucosa} swelling was so1neti111es acco1n­
in each of the different cotnponents. Edema of the n1ucosa and panied by erythe111a, 111ucoid secretions, or purulent drainage.
sub1nucosa were tnost often responsible for decreased lu1ni­ There were several tubes that demonstrated severe ede1na \Vith
nal dia1neter and decreased ability to dilate the tube (Figure bulbous projections into the lumen rese111bling polyps. These
12-2A-D). tubes generally were unable to dilate open at all.


FIGURE 12-2 • Transnasal, 4-mm, 45-degree

c D
Hopkins rod endoscopic view of left inflamed
and edematous Eustachian tube orifices
A, Mildly inflamed posterior cushion in resting
position (valve closed); B, Mildly inflamed
posterior cushion in dilated position (same
case as A); C, Severely inflamed posterior
cushion in resting position (valve closed); D,
Severely inflamed posterior cushion in dilated
position. Posterior cushion is so edematous
that pharyngeal constrictors and adenoids have
forced the posterior cushion anteriorly during
swallow completely preventing dilation
(same case as C).

tubes that have been subsequently studied including 14 cases of

A B patulous tube surgical reconstructions. The defect is commonly
a deficiency in the lateral cartilaginous lamina, thin n1ucosa/

subn1ucosa, reduced Ostn1ann's fat pad, and thin TVP n1uscle.

Any of these abnor1ualities can contribute to reduction of the
anterolateral wall bulge that co1uprises the valve and makes it
incon1petent21 (Figure 12-4).


Tubal dysfunction is predon1inantly due to n1ucosal inflan11ua­

tory disease, si1nilar to chronic sinusitis, and can be n1anaged in
FIGURE 12-3 • Transnasal, 3.7-mm, fiber-optic endoscopic view of
n1ost cases with 1nedical treatn1ent. Identification of the under­
right Eustachian tube orifice with paradoxical blockage of the valve
during dilation phase. A, Resting closed position; 8, Bulging of the lying etiology is critical for success. LPR should be treated with
anterlateral wall that blocks valve opening during dilation phase. dietary n1anagen1ent, daily or twice daily proton pun1p inhibi­
tors, and H2 blockers at bedti1ne as indicated. Refractory cases
n1ay be treated by sleeping on an inclined bed, and ulti1nately,
fundoplication if necessary.
Syn1pto1ns and signs of allergic disease should be thor­
oughly investigated, doing testing and dietary elin1ination trials
as indicated. Avoidance of the offending allergen, oral second
generation antihistan1ines, leukotrie11e inhibitors, nasal antihis­
tamines or inast cell stabilizers, nasal steroid sprays, and imn1u­
notherapy should be pursued as required.
Careful consideration for other underlying pathology
should be done. Recurrent infections should raise the suspicion
for underlying nasal or sinus disease, imn1w1osupprcssion or
in1n1unodeficicncy, or prin1ary inucosal disorders (eg, San1tcr's
triad, Wegener's and other granuJ01natous disease). Etiologies
for chronic tubal dysfunction are su1nn1arized in Table 12-2.
FIGURE 12-4 • Transnasal, 4-mm, 45-degree Hopkins rod
endoscopic view of orifice of a left patulous Eustachian tube. Note Anato1nical obstruction due to ncoplasn1 should be ruled
conca vity of antero-lateral wall extending through valve. out, especially in cases of unilateral persistent effusion. Contrast­
enhanced in1aging studies arc often necessary to recognized
nasopharyngeal carcino1na and other n1alignancics. Functional
There was one patient who had adenoid hypertrophy that
obstruction due to hypertrophic adenoid tissue contacting the
was not obstructing the nasopharyngeal orifice at rest. During
posterior cushion can be excised.
swallowing, however, the adenoid was pressed into the tubal ori­
fice that forced the posterior cushion (posteromedial \Vall) to
completely cover and paradoxically obstruct the nasopharyn­
geal orifice at the time '"'hen it should be dilating. This type
TABLE 12-2 Differential diagnosis for etiology of
chronic Eustachian tube dysfunction
of buJbous posterior cushion v.rith coverage of the tubal orifice
during swallow has been repeatedly seen in subsequent clinical
Allergic disease
experience, especially in patients with severe allergic or LPR dis­
ease. 1--Iucosal atrophy with observation of the underlying yel­ Laryngo-pharyngeal reflux (LPR)
low Ostmann's fat was seen in 11 (19o/o) tubes.
Hypertrophied adenoid contacting posterior cushions
There was a correlation between mucosa! inflammation and
LPR findings on nasopharynogoscopy or laryngosc.opy. There Chronic sinusitis

was no correlation between the severity of n1iddle ear pathol­ Tubal dynamic dysfunction
ogy and the severity or type of Eustachian tube pathology. It
Pneumonia or chronic pulmonary disease
appeared that changes in the tympanic n1embrane and middle
ear took on an independent process once Primary mucosa! disease
Eustachian tube dysfunction had passed some critical point.
-Immune deficient/suppressed
There were six patulous tubes and all of them demonstrated
-Samter's (aspirin sensitivity, asthma, nasal polyps) triad
a consistent concavity in the superior cross-sectional half of the
anterolateral wall, within the valve area. Norn1al tubes have a -Wegener's or other granulomatous disease

convexity in this location that flattens during the final stage of -Other middle ear or nasopharyngeal inflammation
dilation process. This absence of tissue in the superior antero­
Anatomical obstruction with neoplasm or other lesion
lateral wall has been a consistent finding in patulous Eustachian

tyn1panoston1y tubes had remission of their effusion. There were

TABLE 12-3 Differential diagnosis with Minor's
three other patients with continuing inter1nittent effusions who
(semicircular canal dehiscence) syndrome
considered then1selves substantially in1proved. Failure correlated
Symptoms/signs of Minor's syndrome (MS) may mimic: with LPR or allergic disease. There '"'ere no significant con1plica­
tions. One patient had a 111inor synechia between the nasal sep­

Otosclerosis-LF conductive HL
- MS: Intact stapedius reflex, BC<O dB HL tu1n and inferior turbinate. Two patients had a sn1all persistent
granulo1na in the posterior cushion for several weeks postopera­

Eustachian tube dysfunction-Persistant ear blockage
tively that resolved with nasal steroid sprays. There '"'ere no cases
- MS: Normal TM/tympanogram, no relief with
of bleeding, or tubal synechiae, and no patient '"'as n1ade worse
by the surgery. Postoperative pain was nliniinal and was less than

Patulous Eustachian tube-Persistant ear blockage, the throat discon1fort from the endotrachial intubation.
autophony of voice, relief supine/valsalva A trial ofETP using a inicrodebrider for tissue ablation was
- MS: Autophony of breathing, no TM excursions with done in 20 patients with chronic O:tvfE and sinus disease along
with their endoscopic sinus surgery; 14/20 (70%) in1proved sub­

Meniere's disease/PLF-Persistant ear blockage, jectively and by i1nprove1nent in tyn1panogran1 and or pure­
intermittent vertigo, tullio, positive fistula test, LF HL, tone averages. Failure correlated with higher preoperative CT
hearing distortion/hyperacusis sinus disease stage and with higher eosinophil counts in the
- MS: LF CHL, torsional nystagmus biopsy speciinens.

TMJ dysfunction-Persistant ear blockage/pain
- MS: Tenderness in TMJ Indications for Surgery
All patients are investigated for possible underlying etiology and
treated appropriately. Patients who have had 111aximal nledical
Chronic fullness in the ear associated with a normal appear­
therapy for their underlying pathology, yet still have irrevers­
ing mobile tyn1panic membrane, absence of any retraction or
ible nlucosal disease and persistent atelectasis, difficulty with
effusion, and a normal tympanogram should not be interpreted
airplane flights, or inter1nittent or persistent O:tvfE, may be can­
as Eustachian tube dysfunction, especially if myringotomy fails
didates for ETP. Patients should have been helped \"lith tym.­
to relieve the symptoms. Instead, a search for other causes of full­
panostomy tubes but proble1ns have continued to recur after
ness, blockage, or otalgia is indicated and should include evalua­
two or nlore tubes. Slow-n1otion video endoscopy has de1non­
tion of the temporomandibular joint as the most common cause
strated n1ucosal disease, causing obstructive dysfunction \"lith
followed by semicircular canal dehiscence (lvlinor's) syndrome
inadequate dilation of the lun1en.
and endolymphatic hydrops. Table 12-3 summarizes some of the
differential diagnostic characteristics of lvlinor's syndrome.
Contraindications for Surgery
Primary middle ear disease that is not secondary to tubal dys­
Eustachian Tuboplasty for
Tubal Dysfunction function, such as recurrent thick proteinaceous "glue" ear that
repeatedly occluded tyn1panoston1y tubes, is a contraindication
Persistent tubal dysfunction with 01\1E or atelectasis has been
to surgery. Other contraindications include radiation therapy
successfully managed in most cases with tympanoston1y tubes
for nasopharyngeal cancer and extensive nasal or nasopba­
with excellent long-term outcomes. Some patients, however,
ryngeal inucosal disease due to an underlying, uncontrolled
recur with effusion or atelectasis and require multiple tympanos­
inflan1n1atory process.
tomy tubes over many years. Eustachian tuboplasty (ETP) has
been used in recent years to ablate mucosa and submucosa from
Preoperative Management
within the tubal lumen on the posterolateral wall to widen the
Patients arc treated with 6 weeks of nasal steroid sprays daily to
lumen and facilitate the dilatory process. l-Iealing occurs vvith
see if any resolution of their ear or Eustachian tube pathology
fibrosis and mucosa along the posterior cushion and posterior
occurs. Other underlying etiologies are appropriately treated
wall that is thinner and v,1ith reduced inflammation compared to
during this tii11e.
preoperatively.22•23 Results remain preliminary with small series
to date, but the data is encouraging for patients in whom the
underlying pathology has been controlled. If there are ongoing
Preoperative Planning
uncontrolled mucosa! disease processes such as allergies or LPR, High-resolution con1puted ton1ography (CT) scanning is
postoperative improve1nent may only be temporary and tubal obtained of the nasopharynx and te1nporal bones to rule out
dysfunction may recur. In patients with ongoing mucosa! inflam­ conco1nitant sinus disease and other disorders in the naso­
mation, symptoms and signs 1nay fluctuate depending on how pbarynx, Eustachian tube, o r ear. Contrast enhancen1ent is
well the patient is managing the condition at the time. Cessation used in cases with a unilateral effusion to reveal any associated
of antihistamines, or proton pump inhibitors, or resumption of neoplasn1.
allergen exposure may cause a relapse of tubal dysfunction. Video endoscopy is reviewed to determine the extent of
In the senior author's two-year follow-up study of ETP Eustachian tube, nasal, sinus, and nasopharyngcal disease.
using an otologic Argon or KTP laser for tissue ablation, 37o/o Cases observed to date have had obstructive disorders and the
of 13 adults with refractory long-term OME and multiple prior results for dynan1ic disorders ren1ains unknown. lv!ore extensive

disease warrants 111ore aggressive removal of soft tissue or even The posterior cushion may be medially rotated using an olive tip
some of the n1edial cartilaginous lamina. maxillary antral suction. In cases with more advanced obstruc­
tive disease, ablation is continued into the valve, always taking
Operative Technique for Laser great care to avoid inju r y to the contralateral wall of the tubal
Eustachian Tuboplasty lumen that may cause synechiae and exacerbate the obstruction.
No more than 40°/o of the circwnference of the lumen is ablated.
Patients are operated in the supine position and maintained
For ablation deep into the valve, the overlying mucosa 1nay be
under general anesthesia with endotrachial intubation. A n1yri n­
preserved and ablation can be done of the underlying submucosa.
goton1y with or \.Yithout ten1porary tube insertion may be done
Cases of severe obstructive disease or dynamic dysfunction 1nay
to aspirate effusion. The patient is draped for nasal endoscopic
additionally be treated by some resection of the cartilage to thin
surgery. Nasal decongestant spray is applied to both nasal cavi­
it and weaken the spring of the cartilage. Cauterization for hemo­
ties. A tonsil n1outh gag is placed and the mouth opened mod­
stasis is occasionally required. A pledget of l\iler ogeJTM (.tviedtronic
erately. The Eustachian tube is viewed \.Yith a 30-degree, 4 nim
Xotned, Inc., Jacksonville, Florida) soaked in sulfacetan1ide/pred
nasal endoscope, and the operation is performed watching a sur­

nisol one oph t h al n ic d r ops is applied to the surgical defect at the

gical video n1onitor using a CCD can1era (Karl Storz, Culver City,

end of the procedure (Figure 12-5A to E).

CA) attached to the endoscope lens. Local infiltration with lido­
caine lo/o solution with l to 100,000 epinephrine is perforn1ed in
Postoperative Management
the nasopharyngeal orifice of the Eustachian tube with a curved
endosinus needle passed through the oral cavity. The Eustachian Patients are disch ar ged ho1ne from surgery on the sa1ne day
tube orifice may be dilated with a 2 111111 wide sliver ofMeroceflM and they are restricted to light activities for ten days. They are
(i'vfedtronic Xomed, Inc., Jacksonville, Florida) con1pressed instructed to use saline sprays at least three tin1es daily for two
sponge-soaked in epinephrine solution (l-50,000) and deliv­ ,.,,eeks. Patients suspect ed ofLPR are put on daily proton pun1p
ered into the tubal lun1en. After 5 minutes, the JvlerocePM pack inhibitors for at least 6 ,.,,eeks, or longer if t hey remain with
is ren1oved and the n1edial cartilaginous lamina within the pos­ ongoing reflux. Patients with allergic disease continue with nasal
terior cushion is palpated. A fiber-delivered diode pun1ped KTP steroid sprays for 6 ,.,,eeks, or longer if indicated. Antihistan1ines
laser (Iridex Corporation, .tv1ountain View, California), with the and other n1easures are continued as needed. Follo\v-up exan1i­
handpiece n1anually gently bent into a 60-degree arc, is passed nations are done at 1, 6 , 12, 24, and 36 inonths. An exa1nple of
through the n1outh to perform the tissue ablation. Settings of pre and post ope r ative results is shown in Figure 12-6.
2,500 n1Vv, and l second continuous niode pulse duration are
used. Laser cauterization of tissue begins on the n1ucosa overlying Complications and Pitfalls
the leading edge of the medial cartilaginous lan1ina within the The inucosa of the anterolateral wall, o pp osite of the surgical
posterior cushion. Fro111 the leading edge, all mucosa and submu­ site, 111ust be treated gent ly at all tin1es to avoid any injury that
cosa is ablated down to the exposed cartilage making a triangular could result in synechiae and worsening of the dysfunction. The
defect that extends along the cartilage proxi1nally up to the valve. Eustachian tube n1ust be correc tly identified as the first pron1inent


FIGURE 12-5 • Right Eustachian tuboplasty.

c D E Transnasal, 4-mm, 45-degree Hopkins rod
endoscopic intraoperative views. A, Initial
view of tubal orifice. Note edematous bulging
of posterior cushion; 8, Laser debulking of
intraluminal mucosa and submucosa overlying
medial cartilaginous lamina within the posterior
cushion. Mucosa i s left intact within the
valve proper; C, Cup forceps resection of
cartilage bulge protruding into valve lumen;
D, Completed resection of tissue; E, Lumen of
tubal valve packed with absorbable Merogel
soaked in Sulfacetamide-Prednisolone
ophthalmologic solution.

A 8

c D

FIGURE 12-6 • Transnasal, 4-mm, 45-degree

Hopkins rod endoscopic view of orifice of right
Eustachian tube orifice pre and post op for
Eustachian tuboplasty. A, Preop resting closed
position; 8, Preop dilated position; C, Six-month
postop resting closed position. Note enlarged
orifice and valve lumen; 0, Six-month postop
dilated postion.

structure immediately posterior to the inferior turbinate. If the or saline drops may be helpful. Nasal steroid sprays, deconges­
tube is missed, the Fossa of Rosenmiiller can appear like a tubal tants, and antihista1nines inay exacerbate the condition.
orifice and lies immediately posterior to the Eustachian tube. SSKI is occasionally helpful in thickening nlucous secre­
The internal carotid artery lies just deep to the apex of the fossa. tions. Ten1porary i111proven1ent may be gained by usi ng estro­
A thorough knowledge of Eustachian tube surgical anatomy is gen nasal topical drops such as Pre1narin® or!, which
essential. The medial cartilaginous lamina is the most important are not FDA approved for this use. Nasal irritant drops such
landmark and will not only lead the surgeon into the lumen up to as those containing chlorine are being investigated and their
the valve, but serves to protect the internal carotid artery. As long efficacy has not yet been established. Ventilating tubes inay
as the dissection remains along the !uminal side of the cartilage, be helpful in alleviating the sensation of tyn1panic n1en1brane
the artery is not in jeopardy. Care must be taken not to pl1ncture excursions with breathing but are rarely helpful in alleviati ng
through the cartilage and risk carotid injury that could result in autophony.
life-threatening bleeding and brain complications. Obstruction of the Eustachian tube by transnasal or nliddle
ear approaches is effective in alleviating the patulous Eustachian
Treatment of the Patulous tube sy111ptoms, but creates long-ter1n Eustachian tube dysfunc­
Eustachian Tube tion that will usually require ty111panoston1y tubes. The senior
author is nov.1 perforn1ing functional reconstruction of the con­
In the author's experience, the patulous Eustachian tube is asso­
vexity of the anterolateral wall \vith intralu1ninal sub1nucosal
ciated v1. ith significant weight loss in approximately one-third of
cartilage in1plants. The procedure closes the patulous defect \vhile
the cases, with rheumatologic or similar chronic conditions in
preserving Eustachian tube function. Short-tern1 results have
one-third, and uncertain etiology in the remaining one-third.
been favorable, but long-term outcon1es are not yet available.
There is often a previous history of prior Eustachian tube dy­
Diagnosis of the patulous Eustachian tube is often con­
function with niultiple Valsalva maneuvers and sniffing, LPR,
fused with the autophony of voice, but not breathing sounds
or allergic disease. The diagnosis can be n1ost definitively con­
that occur very co1n1nonly in Minor's syndron1e of se1nicircular
firmed by otoscopic observation oflateral and medial excursions
canal dehiscence. Such patients si n1ilarly experience loud per­
of the tympanic membrane as the patient breathes through the
cept.ion of their voice and other bone-conducted sounds but not
nose. The excursions can be enhanced by having the patient
of their breathing noises. They do not have patulous excursions
occlude the opposite nostril. The excursions will only be seen
of their ty1npanic 111en1branes coincident with experiencing the
if the patient is simultaneously experiencing their symptom of
S)'lnpt.0111 of autophony.
autophony during the nasal breathing. If there is an absence of
tympanic membrane excursions despite the patient's reporting
of concurrent active autophony, another cause of the autoph­
ony should be investigated and Mi nor's syndrome (semicircular
canal dehiscence syndrome) should be suspected. Eustachian tube dysfunction appears to result fron1 failure of
tvledical treatment consists of good hydration and treat­ any of the con1ponents of the cartilaginous pharyngeal tube.
ment of any underlying conditions. Nasal irrigations with saline Mucosa! ede1na n1ay be caused by inflan1matory disease,

infection, allergy, or reflux fron1 the nasopharynx (including 8. Eden A, Gannon P. Neural contr ol of n1iddle ear aeration. Arch

LPR). Medica I treatn1ent should be directed tov,rard the underly­ Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1987;113:133-7.

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tion vvith tympanostomy tubes is generally recommended when Otolaryngol (Stockh) 1992;112:816-23.

n1edical treatment is inadequate. The persistence of mucosaI 10. Mondain M, Vidal D, Bouhanna S, Uziel A. Monitoring eusta­
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tubal surgery. Primary muscular disorders including weakness 11. Honjo I. Eustachian tube and middle ear diseases. Tokyo:

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n1edical treatment or speech therapy Eustachian tube exercises. 12. Chandrasekhar SS, Mautone AJ. Otitis media: Treatn1ent

Jntratubal surgery 1nay help some patients failing these conser­ \vith i nt ra nasal aerosolized surfactants. laryngoscope
vative measures. Prin1ary anaton1ical obstruction is less con1-
n1on but such cases should be studied individually to determine 13. Bluestone CD, Klein JO. Otitis Media, atelectatis, and Eustachian
tube dysf unction. In: Bluestone CD, Stool SE, Kenna MA (eds).
what 1nedical or s urgica l interventions may be needed.
Pediatric otolaryngology. 3rd ed. Philadelphi a: \.VB Saunders
Endoscopic intraluminal surgery of the Eustachian tube is
1996 .
now being per forn1ed and developed. The principle of the sur­
14. Schuknecht HP, Gulya A). Anaton1y of the ten1poral bone with
gery is to debulk the irreversibly injured swollen tissue in the
surgical irnplications. Philadelphia: lea & Febiger, 1986.
postcro1nedial wall to allow for easier dilation of the tube as the
15. Chays A, Cohen JM, Magnan ). La niicrofibroendoscopie tubo­
TVP contracts. Cases involving 1nuscular dysfunction may also
t yn1 panique. Technique Chirurgicale. 1995; 24:773-4.
have a portion of the n1edial cartilaginous latnina debulked to
16. Kirnura H, Yan1aguchi H , Cheng SS, et al. Direct observation
weaken the spring of the cartilaginous skeleton and facilitate
of the tyrnpanic cavity by the superfine fiberscope. Nippon
LVP and TVP contraction.
Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho, 1989;92:233-8.

References 17. Takahashi H, Honjo f, Fujita A. Endoscopic findings at the pha­

ryngeal orifice of the Eustachian tube in otitis n1edia with effu­
I. Bluesrone CD. Introduction. In: BluesroneMB,editor. Eustachian
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2. Eustachius 13. F.pistola de auditus o rgani s Arch Otola ryngol

tions. An1IOtol 1999;20:299-303.

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20. Poe DS, Abou-Halawa A, Abdel-Razek 0. Analvsis of the
4. Toynbee J. On the muscles that open the Eustachian tube. Proc R •

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5. Proc to r B. Anatomy of th e F.ustachian tube. Arch Oto laryngo l
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Imaging of the Temporal Bone

Galdino E. Valvassori, MD I Masoud Hemmati, MD

The role of in1aging in the assessment of temporal bone '"'hich produces an increased density or enhance1nent of several
pathology has been enhanced by the refinen1ent of the diagnos­ anato1nic structures and pathologic processes. An en.hanced
tic equipment and new techniques. At present, three inodalities study is inandatory whenever a vascular ano111aly, a tun1or, or
are applied to study the te1nporal bone and central auditory­ an otogenic abscess is suspected.
vestibular pathways: computed tomography (CT), 1nagnetic
resonance i1naging (MRI), and angiography. Conventional radi­ MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING
ography is no longer used except in a fev.r cases for the evaluation
of inastoid pneu111atization and assess111ent of the position and MRI is capable of producing cross-sectional in1ages of the
integrity of cochlear implant electrodes. hun1an body in any plane '"'ithout exposing the patient to ion­
izing radiation. :tv1R in1ages are obtained by the interaction of
hydrogen nuclei or protons of the human body, high inagnetic
field, and radiofrequency pulses. The strength of the :tv1R signal
CT is a radiographic technique that allows the n1easurement to be converted into in1aging data depends on the concentration
of sn1all absorption differentials not recognizable b y direct of the hydrogen nuclei and two inagnetic relaxation ti1nes, Tl
recording on x-ray filn1s. The digital signal produced by CT and T2, '"'hich are tissue-specific.
is a n1easure of the a1nount of ionizing radiation (x-rays) MRI techniques have undergone several changes and
absorbed b y each pixel of tissue. The scan is initiated at a cho­ refine1nent to increase definition of the in1ages and to decrease
sen level and the x-ray tube, colli1nated to a pencil-thin bean1, acquisition time. First, the use of surface coils placed adjacent
rotates around the patient. The nonabsorbed portion of radi­ to the area of interest has increased the signal-to-noise ratio,
ation is picked up by detectors, as inany as 64, arranged along consequently i1nproving i1nage quality. Faster acquisitions
the circun1ference of the tube trajectory and is converted into have been obtained by shortening the ti1ne between successive
digital signals. Today the helical (or spiral) CT allows for con­ pulses (repetition tin1e or TR), using pulses with flip angles
tinuous rotation of the gantry and thus a continuous acquisi­ s1naller than 90 degrees (gradient echo imaging), by reducing
tion of images. A block of ultrathin sections (0.35 n1n1 thick) the nu1nber of phase-encoded steps, and by increasing the data
covering the entire ten1poral bone can be acquired in less than collected per excitation. The latter technique, kno,.yn as fast
1 n1in. spin echo (FSE), uses inultiple echos (4 to 16 for excitation),
Acquisition of volumetric data is usually done in the axial thereby reducing the nu1nber of excitations necessary to create
plane since it is the easiest to obtain and the inost co1nfort­ an 1n1age.
able for the patient. Since pixels are isotropic, reforn1atting the MR exa1nination of the ten1poral bones is perforn1ed with
in1ages is then perfor1ned in the X, Y, Z, as well as oblique planes the patient in the supine position so that a line drav»n fro1n
'"'ithout distortion. The CT i111ages provide exquisite bony detail the tragus to the inferior orbital ri1n is perpendicular to the
(Figure 13-1) and excellent de1nonstration of soft tissue density tabletop. Different projections are obtained by changing the
'"'ithin the air spaces of the n1astoid, external auditory canal, orientation of the inagnetic field gradients without inoving
and the iniddle ear, 1 but very lin1ited identification of the type the patient's head. Because cortical or nondiploic bone and air
of substance producing the abnor1nal density. For instance, the e111it a very weak signal, the norn1al 1nastoid, external auditory
density of cholesteato1na is identical to that of a tumor or gran­ canal, and iniddle ear appear in the MR i1nages as dark areas
ulation tissue and even of fluid. The study is often repeated after '"'ithout any pattern or structure. The petrous pyramids are
intravenous infusion or bolus injection of contrast n1aterial, equally dark except for the signal received fro1n the fluid within


FIGURE 13-1 •Computed tomography sections of a normal right ear. A, axial. B, coronal. BT, basal turn cochlea;
C, cochlea; CA, cochlear aqueduct; CC, carotid canal; CR, common crus; EA, external auditory canal;
FC, facial canal; HS, horizontal semicircular canal; IA, internal auditory canal; IS, incudostapedial joint;
J, jugular fossa; M, malleus; 0, ossicles; OW, oval window; PE, pyramidal eminence; PS, posterior
semicircular canal; RW, round window; S, stapes; SC, superior semicircular canal; SN, singular nerve canal;
T, tensor tympani canal; V, vestibule; VA, vestibular aqueduct; W, lateral wall attic.


' "'>.-CR

FIGURE 13-1 •Continued. Computed tomography sections of a normal right ear. C, 20 degrees coronal oblique.
D, sagittal. BT, basal turn cochlea; C, cochlea; CA, cochlear aqueduct; CC, carotid canal; CR, common crus;
EA, external auditory canal; FC, facial canal; HS, horizontal semicircular canal; IA, internal auditory canal;
IS, incudostapedial joint; J, jugular fossa; M, malleus; 0, ossicles; OW, oval window; PE, pyramidal eminence;
PS, posterior semicircular canal; AW, round window; S, stapes; SC, superior semicircular canal; SN, singular nerve
canal; T, tensor tympani canal; V, vestibule; VA, vestibular aqueduct; W, lateral wall attic.

the internal auditory canal, cochlea, vestibule, and se1nicircu­ Pathologic processes are demonstrated by MRI whenever
lar canals. A white cast of these structures is therefore visible the hydrogen density and relaxation tiines of the pathologic tis­
within the dark areas of the pyramids in T2-weighted sequences sues are different fron1 those of the norn1al tissues.
(Figure 13-2).17 The intravenous injection of ferro111agnetic contrast agents
Tissue and fluid caused by trauma or infection, and tu1nors has improved the recognition and differentiation of patho­
within the mastoid, external auditory canal, and middle ear are logic processes. Because the contrast 111aterial does not pen­
readily identified by !vlR images as areas of abnorn1ally high sig­ etrate the intact blood-brain barrier, nor111al brain does not
nal intensity in 1'2 and Tl postcontrast infusion sequences. MR enhance except for structures, such as the pituitary gland and
imaging is 1nore sensitive than CT scanning in the early identifi­ several cranial nerves that lack a con1plete blood-brain barrier.
cation of pathologic changes in the temporal bone. However, the Enhancen1ent of brain lesions occurs whenever the blood-brain
exact location, extent, and involve1nent of structures, such as barrier is disr upted, provided that there is sufficient blood Oow
the ossicles, scutun1, and labyrinthine capsule, cannot be deter­ to the lesions. Extra-axial lesions, such as n1eningion1as and
n1ined by Ml� imaging because all of the land1narks within the schwannomas, lack a blood-brain barrier and therefore dem­
temporal bone are absent, except for the lu1nen of the inner ear onstrate strong enhanceinent.
structures. For this reason, CT remains the study of choice for
the assessment of 1niddle ear pathology. If the lesion extends
outside the confines of the temporal bone, both intracrani­
ally and extracranially, MRI defines involven1ent 1nore pre­ Angiography is seldon1 required for the diagnosis of vascular
cisely than CT scanning, particularly true for glo1nus tumors tu1nors or ano1nalies within or adjacent to the ten1poral bone.
because involve1nent of the jugular vein and carotid artery inay Angiography, however, is inandatory for identifying the feeding
be demonstrated, thus avoiding the need for n1ore invasive vas­ vessels of a vascular lesion, usually a glo1nus, whenever e1nboliza­
cular studies. tion or surgical ligation is conte1nplated. Subtraction techniques
The in1ages shown in this chapter were obtained \'lith a are necessary to delineate the vascular n1ass and feeding vessels,
superconducting n1agnet and a inagnetic field of 15,000 gauss '"'hich are otherwise obscured by the density of the surrounding
(1.5 rfesla) or 30,000 gauss (3 Tesla). The stronger the 1nagnetic ten1poral bone. The injection should be perforn1ed in the con1-
field, the higher the signal-to-noise ratio. Therefore, it allows n1on carotid artery to visualize both internal and external carotid
i1naging of the sn1aller structures and thinner sections. circulation. A vertebral arteriogra1n n1ay also be perfor1ned.

can be rotated in different planes to separate vessels and elirn­

A inate superimposition. Magnetic resonance angiography of the
intracranial vasculature has been particularly useful in the
demonstration of aneurysn1s in the region of the circle of \A/illis,
arteriovenous malformations (AV Ms; particularly srnall dural
AVlvls that cannot be visualized on routine spin echo irnages),
and vaso-occlusive pathology, including dural sinus thrombosis.
Ml� angiography of the extracranial circulation provides excel­
lent information regarding the patency of the carotid and verte­
bral arteries. These vessels may be con1pressed or displaced by
neck rnasses and their lumens stenosed or obstructed by throm­
bosis or atherornatous plaques.4
The introduction of the ultrafast CT has n1ade it possible
to obtain excellent angiographic in1ages. In CT angiography, the
continuous acquisition of images allows following the rapidly
injected intravenous bolus of contrast through the arteries and
veins of the areas under investigation. The reconstructed irnages
can be rotated in the plane that best dernonstrates the vessels.


Anaton1ical variations in the size and position of several cornpo­

nents of the ten1poral bone are quite con1n1on. These variations
should be recognized by the radiologist rather than nustaken
for pathologic processes but, above all, should be kno\.vn to the
otologists as they develop their surgical plans.7


The developrnent of the n1astoid varies fron1 person to person,

as well as frorn side to side of the sarne individual. In so1ne rnas­
toids, pneun1atization is limited to a single antral cell; in others,
it n1ay extend into the rnastoid tip and squa1nosa of the te1n­
poral bone and even invade the adjacent zygorna and occipital
bone. The nonpneurnatized rnastoid n1ay be n1ade up of solid
bone or contain spongy diploic spaces filled with fatty 111arrow.
The fatty rnarrow produces a high signal in the Tl sequence
that decreases in the T2 sequence, and should not be confused
\.vith fluid or other pathologic processes that usually have a high
signal in the T2 sequence.

Lateral Sinus

The lateral, or "sigrnoid," sinus forn1s a shallo\.v indentation on the

posterior aspect of the rnastoid. Occasionally, the sinus courses
n1ore anteriorly and produces a deep groove in the rnastoid, best
seen in the axial sections. In sorne cases, only a thin bony plate sep­
arates the sinus fron1 the external auditory canal (Figure 13-3).

FIGURE 13-2 • Magnetic resonance images of the normal tempo­
ral bone. A, Fast spin-echo (FSE) axial. B, FSE coronal. C, Three­ The tegn1en of the mastoid and the attic is usually oriented i n
dimensional reconstruction of the inner ear structures. C, cochlea; the horizontal plane, slightly lo\.ver than the arcuate enunence,
HS, horizontal semicircular canal; IA, internal auditory canal; \.vhich is forn1ed by the top of the superior sen1icircular canal.
PS, posterior semicircular canal; V, vestibule. A depression of the tegn1ental plate is not unusual, particularly
in a patient with congenital atresia. As best seen in the coronal

Gradient echo techniques and flow-encoded gradients have sections, the floor of the rniddle cranial fossa deepens to forrn a

enabled the development of magnetic resonance angiography. groove lateral to the attic and labyrinth (Figure 13-4). Lo\.v-lying

The axial slices, after electronic removal of bone and soft dura rnay cover the roof of the external auditory canal and, when

tissues, are reconstructed into three-din1ensional images, which the canal is not developed, dip laterally to the n1esotyn1panu.1n.

FIGURE 13-3 •Anterior lateral sinus: axial computed tomography of

right ear.

FIGURE 13-4 • Low dura: coronal computed tomography scan of

right ear.

Jugular Fossa
There is tremendous variation in the size of the jugular fossa
and jugular bulb. The variation occurs not only from patient to
patient but also from side to side in the satne patient. The size
of the jugular fossa is not a criterion for any pathologic process.
A normal jugular fossa may produce only a slight indentation FIGURE 13-5 •High jugular bulb (arrows). A, Axial. and B, Coronal
on the undersurface of the petrous bone or may extend superi­ computed tomography sections. C, Magnetic resonance T1 image
orly as high as the superior petrous ridge posterior to the laby­
rinth and internal auditory canal (Figure 13-SA and B). In these
instances, the jugular bulb projects s o high that it blocks access hypo- and 1n.esotympanum. There n1ay be a bony c ove r over
to the internal auditory canal by the translabyrinthine route in the jugular bulb, or the vein may lie exposed in the middle ear
acoustic neuroma surgery. Often the high venous structure is in contact with the n1edial surface of the tympanic n1embrane.
not the jugular bulb itself but rather a diverticulwn arising fro1n Such a high jug u lar bulb appears otoscopically as a blue 1nass
the jugular bulb. At times, the jugular bulb projects into the that can be n1 i sdia gnosed as a glomus tumor.

The MRT appearance of a high jugular bulb 111ay be niis-

read as a glomus tun1or because of the area of 111ixed signal A
within the bulb produced by turbulent flow. However, whereas
a glo111us tu111or contains multiple dots of signal void '"'ithin a
niass of mediun1 or high signal, with a high jugular bulb, linear
streaks of high and low signal are seen within the lu111e n of the
bulb, usually paralleling its walls due to variations in flow veloc-
ity (Figurel3-5C).

Carotid Artery
Minor variations in the intraten1poral course of the internal
carotid artery are not uncon1111on but are of no clinical signif­
icance. Tn son1e cases, the internal carotid artery 111ay take an
ectopic course through the niiddle ear. This anon1aly should be
recognized prior to surgery to avoid tragic consequences. The
proximal portion of the internal carotid artery, which is always
seen in the coronal sections below the cochlea, is absent. The
anon1alous internal carotid artery enters the temporal bone
through an enlarged tyn1panic canaliculus or via an opening
in the floor of the posterior aspect of the hypotympanum. The
artery extends through the entire length of the niiddle ear cav­
ity and then passes through a defect in the anterior wall of the
niiddle ear to regain its norn1al position in the petrous apex
(Figure 13-6A and B).

Arachnoid Granulations
Arach no id granulations are villous structures that herniate
through sn1all defects in the dura and drain cerebrospinal fluid
fron1 the subarachnoid space into the venous system.
A variable nun1ber of arachnoid granulations do not reach
their venous target but con1e in contact with the intracraniaJ sur­
face of the middle ear and, less frequently, of the posterior surface
of the temporal bone. Over tin1e, the pulsation of the cereb.rospinal
fluid may produce small areas of bony resorption and erosion. FIGURE 13-6 • Ectopic carotid, CT. A, Coronal. 8, Axial sections.
Arachnoid granulations becon1e clinically significant when
they open into the adjacent air spaces (attic, niastoid air cells)
Congential Anomalies of
as they niay lead to a spontaneous cerebrospinal otorrhea. If the
the Temporal Bone
niastoid and 111iddle ear cavity are infected, intracranial con1pli­
cations such as abcess fonnation niay develop. A proper imaging assessment is essential in all patients with
congenital anomalies of the temporal bone. Otoscopy is of lit­
Petrous Apex tle value in atresia and aplasia of the external auditory canal.
Audio1netry is often unreliable in young children. Imaging
The petrous apex niay be si.gnificantly pneumatized or be made
should demonstrate the status of the anato1nic structures of the
up of con1pact or diploic bone. In the MR study, the signal inten­
ear, the development and course of the facial nerve canal, the
sity of the apex varies '"'ith its bony texture: high or bright in the
position of the sigmoid sinus and jugular bulb, and the course of
Tl in1ages when diploic, low or dark '"'hen highly pneu111atized
the carotid canal. Such information is of value for the otologist
or con1pact. Often the bony texture of the two petrous apices of
in deter1nining the proper treattnent for conductive and sen­
the san1e person is different, resulting in one apex being brighter
sorineural hearing losses.
than the other (Figurel3-7).
Anomalies of the Sound-Conducting System
PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS A good CT study provides the surgeon \vith the following basic
infor1nation, \vhich is needed in rnaking decisions about the fea­
The niajor categories of pathologic conditions that may involve sibility of corrective surgery and in deterrnining which type of
the ten1poral bone and adjacent base of the skull are congeni­ surgery is indicated:
tal nialforn1ations, traun1atic effects, inflan1matory processes,
neoplastic conditions, and otodystrophies. The otolaryngologist 1. The degree and type of abnor1nality of the tympanic bone.
should learn as much as possible about the nature and extent of These abnorrnalities range fro1n a relatively 1ninor defor-
the pathologic process before deciding how to treat the patient 1nity to complete agenesis of the external auditory canal
and, if surgery is indicated, how to approach the lesion. (Figures 13-8 and 13-9A and B).

2. The degree and position of the pneun1atization of the inas­

A toid air cells and mastoid antru111.
3. The develop1nent and aeration of the niiddle ear cavity.
4. The status of the ossicular chain, the size and shape of
the ossicles, and the presence of fusion or fixation (see
Figures 13-8 and 13-9A and B).
5. The patency of the labyrinthine >vindows.
6. The course of the facial nerve canal.
7. The developn1ent of the inner ear structures. Defects in the
otic capsule, including the niodiolus and spiral la1nina, are
visualized by high-definition spiral CT.
8. The relationship of the ineninges to the 111astoid tegn1en and
superior petrous ridge. The niiddle cranial fossa often for1ns
a deep groove lateral to the labyrinth, which results in a low­
lying dura over the niastoid and external auditory canal.

Anomalies of the Inner Ear

B With advances in cochlear in1plantation for profound sensori­
neural deafness, the assessn1ent of the inner ear structures has
beco111e essential. Only defects in the otic capsule are visible by

FIGURE 13-7 • Asymmetric pneumatization of the petrous apices. A,

Coronal computed tomography scan. B, Magnetic resonance coronal
T1 in1age.

FIGURE 13-9 •
Agenesis of the external auditory canal. A, axial.
B, Coronal computed tomography scans. The external auditory
FIGURE 13-8 • Atresia of the external auditory canal: coronal CT scan. canal is not developed; the middle ear cavity is aerated but smaller
The external auditory canal i s stenotic and closed at its lateral end by a than normal. The malleus and incus are hypoplastic and fixed to the
thin bony plate (arrow). The middle ear cavity is aerated and normal in lateral attic wall (short arrow). The course of the facial canal, inner ear
size, but the incus is deformed, with a short and stubby long process. structures, and oval window are normal.

con1plete a genesis of the inner ear structures (11ichel's anon1aly).

A A com1non deformity of the labyrinthine capsule is Mondini's
type, which is characterized by an abnormal develop1nent of the
cochlea associated with dilatation of the vestibular aqueduct18
and vestibule (Figure 13-lOA to C). The sen1icircular canals are
often n1alfor1ned and usually hypo plastic.S-14

Imaging Assessment for Cochlear Implantation

Candidates for cochlear i.I11plantation require an i1naging study to
detern1ine the feasibility of the procedure. The otologic surgeon
n1ust know if the mastoid and 1niddle ear are large enough to
gain access to the pron1ontory and round window. If an intraco­
chlear in1plant is conten1plated, the surgeon should know if there
is a patent round window and cochlear lun1en. If the cochlea is
obliterated by bone, the cochlea n1ust be drilled or an extraco­
chlear device used. N[arked hypoplasia of the cochlea and inter­
nal auditory canal (Figure 13-llA and B) is often indicative of
B a lack of developn1ent of the acoustic nerve, which will 1nake an
implant infeasible. MR is indicated to establish the presence and
status of the cochlear nerve, to rule out fibrous obliteration of the

FIGURE 13-10 • Mondini defect. A and 8, Axial. C, Coronal computed

tomography scans. The cochlea (open arrow) is normal in size, but the
bony partition between the cochlea coils is absent or hypoplastic. The
vestibular aqueduct (short arrow) is enlarged and the vestibule (long
arrow) is dilated.

FIGURE 13-11 • Hypoplasia of the internal auditory canal: coronal

imaging. Abnortnal developtnent of the me1nbranous labyrinth
computed tomography scans. A, Right; 8, Left. The upper compart­
is not detectable by the present imaging techniques. Anomalies ment of the left internal auditory canal is normal, but the lower com­
of the otic capsule involve a single structure or the entire capsule partment is absent or markedly hypoplastic as shown by the position

and may range fro1n a minor hypoplasia of a single structure to of the falciform crest (arrow). Compare with the normal right side.

cochlear lumen that cannot be seen b y the CT, and exclude the
presence of central pathology affecting the auditory pathways. A A

postoperative transorbital or Schi.iller view should be obtained to

detern1ine the position of the electrodes and the integrity of the
implanted wires. A niore precise assessn1ent is obtained by three­
din1ensional reconstruction of the CT data.

Anomalies of the Facial Nerve

Anon1alies of the facial canal involve the size and course of the
canal. There n1ay be cornplete or partial agenesis of the facial
nerve \.Yith total paralysis. Occasionally, the facial nerve canal
1uay be unusually narrow and the nerve hypoplastic. In these
cases, inter1uittent episodes of facial paresis n1ay occur. The hor­
izontal segn1ent oftbe facial canal is at ti1ues displaced inferiorly
to cover the oval window. Anon1alies in the course of the rnastoid
seg1uent are con1n1on in congenital atresia of the external audi­
tory canal. The facial canal is usually rotated laterally. The rota-
tion varies from a n1inor obliquity to a true horizontal course. B

Temporal Bone Trauma

Tn1agingstudies of the te1uporal bone following head traun1a are
indicated when there is cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea or rhinor­
rhea, hearing loss, or facial nerve paralysis.
The CT study should always include axial, coronal, and sagit­
tal sections. Tn patients with unconsciousness or neurologic find­
ings, the CT study should be extended to the entire brain to rule
out the possibility of intracranial hen1orrhage. In addition, a series
of scans obtained after intrathecal injection of iodinated contrast
1uaterial is often useful in den1onstration of the site of leak in
patients \.Yith cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea or otorrhea.13
Ten1poral bone fractures are divided into longitudinal and
transverse types, depending on the direction of the fracture
line. Longitudinal fractures occur n1ore frequently than trans­
verse fractures in a ratio ofS to l. This classification, however, is FIGURE 13-12 • Longitudinal fracture of the right temporal bone.
somewhat arbitrary because niost fractures follow a serpiginous A, Axial. B, Coronal computed tomography scans. The mastoid

tract in the ten1 poral bone. fracture extends to the superior canal wall and to the lateral wall of
the attic. The ossicular chain is disrupted at the incudostapedial
The typical longitudinal fracture involves the ten1poral
joint (arrow).
squama and extends into the 1uastoid. The fracture usually
reaches the external auditory canal and passes n1edially into the
epityn1panu.m, where it produces a disruption of the ossicular
Traumatic disruption of the ossicular chain is most com­
chain. Fron1 the epityn1panu1u, the fracture extends into the
mon in patients with longitudinal fractures but tnay occur even
petrosa and follows an intralabyrinthine or extralabyrinthine
in the absence of an actual fracture. Dislocation of the malleus is
course. An intralabyrinthine course of the fracture is rare because
rare because of its finn attachment to the ty1npanic n1embrane
the otic capsule is quite resistant to trau1ua. Extralabyrinthine
and the strong anterior malleal ligament. The incus is most
extension occurs either anterior or posterior to the labyrinth.
commonly dislocated because its attachment to the 1nalleus and
Anterior extension is 111ore con1mon (Figure 13-12.A and B).
stapes is easily torn (Figure 13-14). Fractures and dislocations
A transverse fracture of the ten1poral bone typically crosses
of the footplate of the stapes are seldoin recognizable but 1nay be
the petrous pyran1 id perpendicular to the long axis of the pyra-
identified by the presence of air within the vestibule.
1u id. The fracture usually follo,vs the line of least resistance and
runs from the don1e of the jugular fossa through the Jabyrinth Labyrinthine Concussion and Bleeding
to the superior petrous ridge (Figure l3-13A and B). Bleeding within the lumen of inner ear structures may occur
The fracture line 111ay disappear at certain levels only to after trau1na (Figure 13-15). If a fracture line traverses the inner
reappear a few nJilli1ueters distant. This apparent gap is not ear, the detection of blood is of academic value since the patient
caused by interruption of the fracture but rather by the fact that has an irreversible total deafness, vestibular paralysis, or both.
the plane of the fracture line changes course and becon1es invis­ If bleeding occurs by concussion '"'ithout actual fracture, MRI
ible in son1e sections. 1nay be indicated to confirin the diagnosis. The study should be
Longitudinal fractures are best den1onstrated in the axial performed at least two days after the injury to allow the transfor-
and sagittal sections and transverse fractures are best seen in the 1nation of deoxyhemoglobin into methemoglobin, which has a
axial and coronal sections. bright signal in both Tl and T2 i1nages. lntracranial bleeding in

B FIGURE 13-14 •Traumatic dislocation of the incus: coronal com­

puted tomography scan. The body of the incus is displaced into
the external auditory canal (arrow).

FIGURE 13-13 •Transverse fracture with facial paralysis. A, Axial.

B, Coronal computed tomography scans. The fracture splits the vesti­
FIGURE 13-15 •Labyrinthine concussion with bleeding: magnetic
bule and involves the facial canal anterior to the oval window (arrow).
resonance coronal T1 image; no contrast. Note the high signal within
the vestibule and semicircular canals produced by blood (arrow).

the region of the cochlear nuclei and auditory pathway inay also
cause transient or irreversible deafness. Spontaneous intralaby­ and often transient, in 50% of the cases. Facial paralysis is
rinthine he1norrhage has also been observed in patients with observed in SQ<Yo of transverse fractures and is almost ah-vays
sickle cell disease owing to vaso-occlusive crisis. i1urnediate and pern1anent (see Figure 13-13). In some cases,
the site of involvement of the facial canal cannot be visualized
Traumatic Facial Paralysis
in the CT sections. However, by evaluation of the course of the
Facial paralysis occurs i1n1nediately or after a period of a few
fracture line, the site of the lesion can be detern1ined.
hours or days following traun1a. In1mediate-onset facial paraly­
sis is the result of transection of the facial nerve by the fracture. Meningocele and Meningoencephalocele
Delayed facial paralysis is caused by fracture of the facial canal Meningocele and nieningoencephalocele are usually post­
and post-traun1atic ede1na of the nerve. Facial paralysis occurs traun1atic owing to a tegmental fracture, or i at ro genic follow­
in approxin1ately 25o/o of longitudinal fractures and is delayed, ing niastoid surgery, and are rarely spontaneous. The brain and



FIGURE 13-17 •Acute otomastoiditis: magnetic resonance images.

FIGURE 13-16 • Meningoencephalocele: A, Coronal computed A, T1; 8, T2. In the T1 image, the mastoid air cells are filled by
tomography scan. B, Magnetic resonance (MR) Tl image. A large a medium (pus) of higher signal intensity than clear fluid, which
well-defined soft tissue mass protrudes into the right external audi­ becomes bright in T2.
tory canal through a wide defect in the tegmen. The MR image
confirms that the mass is a meningoencephalocele (arrowheads).

treattnent, necrosis of the cell walls occurs, which leads to the

meninges herniate through the defect in the tegmen into the formation of areas of coalescence and abscesses. The coalescent
mastoid antrum or attic. The constant pulsation of cerebrospi­ infection tnay perforate the mastoid cortex and produce a vari­
nal fluid is transmitted through the v.ralls of the 1neningocele, ety of subperiosteal abscesses. If the tegmen or sinus plate is
causing gradual resorption of the surrounding bony walls. CT dehiscent or eroded, intracranial complications develop, such
scanning demonstrates the defect in the tegmen and the adja­ as epidural and brain abscesses, sigmoid sinus thro1nbosis, and
cent soft tissue mass (Figure 13-16A). An MH. study is per­ perisinus abscesses (Figure 13-18).12
formed whenever the nature of the soft tissue mass is unclear. Whenever an intracranial complication is suspected, a CT
On 1'1R examination, a meningocele has a signal identical to or MR study of the brain with contrast should be obtained to
cerebrospinal fluid; the signal of an encephalocele is identical confirm the intracranial involvement and detnonstrate the site
to that of brain (Figure 13-16B). and extent of the process (Figure 13-19).

Chronic Otomastoiditis
Inflammatory Process and
T\vo types of chronic ear diseases are recognizable: chronic
infection and tubotympanic disease. Chronic infection is the
Acute Otomastoiditis result of an infection by a low-virulence organis1n or of an acute
Acute otitis nledia with mastoiditis is a clinical diagnosis. infection with inco1nplete resolution. 1'he typical radiographic
Initially, the process is characterized by a nonspecific diffuse findings consist of thickening of the 111astoid trabeculae, inho­
and homogenous opacification of the middle ear and nlastoid mogeneous opacification of the air cells, and, if no perforation is
air cells (Figure 13-17). If the infection is not arrested by proper present, inhomogeneous opacification of the middle ear cavity.

FIGURE 13-18 •Acute mastoiditis with perisinus abscess and FIGURE 13-20 • Chronic otitis media: coronal computed tomography

sigmoid sinus thrombosis. The axial computed tomography scan scan. The middle ear cavity is opacified, and the tympanic membrane

shows a coalescent cavity in the left mastoid with erosion of the sinus is thickened and retracted.

plate. Note the clouding of the left middle ear cavity and swelling of
the external auditory canal skin. L, left.
Tuboty1npanic disease is the result of faulty aeration of the
middle ear caused by eustachian tube n1alfu11ction or obstruc­
tion by n1ucositis. CT sections den1onstrate opacification of the
middle ear and 1nastoid and contraction of the middle ear space
(Figure 13-20), caused by retraction of the ty1npanic 1nen1brane
to the pron1ontory. Tyn1panosclerotic plaques are not uncon1-
mon and, if large enough, appear as linear calcifications in the
tyn1panic 1nen1brane and n1ucosa over the pron1ontory, or as
partially calcified nlasses in the attic, often surrounding and
fixing the ossicles.

Malignant Necrotizing External Otitis

Malignant external otisis is an acute osteon1yelitis of the ten1po­
ral bone that occurs in diabetic and in1n1unosuppressed patients
and is caused by the Pseudo1nonas bacteriun1. The infection
begins as an external otitis but spreads to involve the walls of
the external canal (Figure 13-21A and B). The process often
extends into the n1iddle ear and 1nastoid. The infection usu­
ally breaks through the floor of the external canal at the bony­
cartilaginous junction and spreads along the undersurface of
the ten1poral bone to involve the facial nerve at the stylon1astoid
fora1nen. Further tnedial extension involves the jugular fossa
and cranial nerves IX, X, XI, and XII. Anterior spread of the
infection affects the ten1poron1andibular joint (Figure 13-21).
FIGURE 13-19 • Subacute mastoiditis with complications: magnetic CT scanning is excellent for demonstrating involven1ent of the
resonance coronal T1 image postcontrast. Enhancing granulation external auditory canal, n1iddle ear, and petrous pyran1id, but
tissue and an abscess fill the right mastoid. The legmen is partially
MRI beco1nes the study of choice when the infection spreads to
eroded with formation of an epidural abscess (arrowhead). Note the
the facial nerve or beyond the confines of the te1nporal bone.
thickening and enhancement of the adjacent meninges (short arrow}
and the enhancement of the inner ear structures caused by an acute
Acute Labyrinthitis
labyrinthitis (Jong arrow}.
Enhance1nent within the lun1en of the bony labyrinth is often
observed in :tv1R in1ages obtained after infusion of contrast n1ate­
rial in patients with acute bacterial and viral labyrinthitis and
The involved air cells become constricted at first and later are sudden deafness (see Figures 13-19 and 13-22). The enhance­
completely obliterated. The residual air cells, antrum, and ment of inner structures is presu1nably caused by dan1age of
middle ear are usually filled with granulation tissue and fluid. the capillary endotheliu1n, \.Yhich leads to a disruption of the
Erosion of the long process of the incus may occur. labyrinth-blood barrier.

FIGURE 13-22 •Acute labyrinthitis: axial magnetic resonance T1

image postcontrast showing prominent enhancement of the left
cochlea and vestibu le (arrow).

Facial Neuritis
Moderate bilateral enhancement of the normal facial nerve, par­
ticularly in the region of anterior genu, is often observed in MR
studies obtained after injection of contract material.
Asymmetric enhancement of the facial nerve, more promi­
nent on the paralyzed side, is common in patients with Bell's
palsy and Ramsey Hunt syndrome. The enhancement varies in
intensity with the stage of the process. It is usually more promi­
nent early in the course of the disease and gradually decreases
\.vhether or not the paralysis has resolved. In Bell's palsy, the
involvement is segmental and usually confined to the ante­
rior genu and adjacent labyrinthine and tympanic segments.
Involvement of the mastoid segment is rare. In Ramsey Hunt
syndrome, the involvement by the Herpes zoster virus is more
diffuse and very often involves the nerve in the internal audi­
tory canal (Figure 13-23A and B).

Cholesteatomas are congenital or acquired epidermoid cysts.
FIGURE 13-21 • Necrotizing otitis extreme. A, Axial. 8, Coronal
sections. The floor and anterior wall of the external auditory canal are Congenital cholesteatomas arise from epithelial tissue rests
destroyed with extension of the infection to the undersurface of the \AJithin or adjacent to the temporal bone. Acquired cholestea­
temporal bone and to the temporal mandibular joint. tomas originate in the 1niddle ear from the stratified squamous
epithelium of the tympanic membrane or metaplasia of the
middle ear mucosa. Another distinct form of cholesteatoma
arises in the external auditory canal. CT scanning is the study
Chronic Labyrinthitis
of choice for the diagnosis and the extent of the cholesteatoma.
Chronic labyrinthitis varies frorn a localized reaction caused by
a fistula of the bony labyrinth to a diffuse process. The lu1nen Acquired Cholesteatoma
of the inner ear is partially or totally filled '"'ith granulation and Cholesteatomas appear as soft tissue masses in the maesotym­
fibrous tissue. Osteitis of the bony labyrinth occurs, which leads panum or epitympanum. If the middle ear is aerated, the entire
to a partial or co1nplete bony obliteration of the lurnen. \"1hereas soft tissue mass is well outlined. When fluid or inflammatory
bony obliteration of the inner ear is readily identified by CT tissue fills the middle ear, the contour of the cholesteatoma is
scanning, fibrous obliteration is recognizable only by lvIR in1ag­ obscured, and it may be difficttlt to determine its actual size.
ing. In the T2 sequence, the high signal seen '"'ithin the norn1al Characteristic bone changes occur in cholesteatomas that help
inner ear structures is absent, in a king the involved structures in diagnosing the lesion and in establishing the site of origin and
no longer recognizable. extension of the process.



FIGURE 13-23 • Facial neuritis (Ramsey Hunt syndrome). A, Axial. FIGURE 13-24 • Attic cholesteatoma (pars flaccida perforation).
8, coronal magnetic resonance T1 image postcontrast. The anterior A, Axial. 8, Coronal computed tomography scans. The anterior por­
genu, labyrinthine, and proximal tympanic segments of the right facial tion of the lateral wall of the attic is eroded by a soft tissue mass
nerve are enhanced (short arrows). The enhancement extends to the extending into the attic lateral to the ossicles, which appear partially
facial nerve within the internal auditory canal (long arrow). eroded and displaced medialward.

Cholesteaton1as associated with a perforation of the pars the lateral end of the canal and flattening of the medial waJI of the
flaccida of the tyrnpanic membrane produce erosion of the ante­ epityn1pan ic recess caused by erosion of the norn1aJ protuberance
rior portion of the .lateraJ wall of the attic (Figure l3-24A and B) of the horizontal semicircLLlar canal.
and of the anterior tyn1panic spine. The lesion extends lateral to
Congenital Cholesteatoma
the ossicles, which niay be displaced medially. Cholesteatomas
Congenital cholesteatornas are epidern1oid tu111ors originating
associated '"'ith perforation (usually a posterosuperior marginal
fron1 en1bryonic epidennoid rests located an)1'vhere in the tem­
perforation) of the pars tensa erode the posterior portion of the
poral bone or adjacent epidural and n1eningeal spaces.
lateral '"'all of the attic and the adjacent posterosuperior wall of
The clinical syn1pton1s of congenital cholesteatoina depend
the external auditory canal. These lesions extend 1nedial to the
on the site and size of the lesion. t..-fiddle ear congenital cho­
ossicles, which are often displaced laterally. The long process
lesteaton1a appear as whitish globular masses lying medial to
of the incus and the stapes superstructure are usually eroded.
an intact tyn1panic nien1bra11e. There is usually no history of
Further gro,vth of the cholesteaton1a produces enlargen1ent of the
antecedent inflan1111atory ear disease. Occasionally, there is an
attic, aditus, and n1astoid antrlLm (see Figure 13-25A and B) and
associated serous otitis n1edia.
fonnation of a cavity in the n1astoid as a result of erosion of the
CT exan1ination shows a well-defined soft tissue n1ass
cell ,.,alls. Involven1ent of the 1nedia.I wall of the middle ear cavity
'"'ithin the n1iddle ear (Figure 13-27). Tf the cholesteaton1a
leads to the forn1ation of a labyrinthine fistula (Figure 13-26A
invoJves the entire 111iddle ear space or if there is accompa­
and B). The a.1npullated lin1b of the horizontal semicircular cana.1
nying serous otitis 111edia, the entire tympanic cavity is opaci­
is the niost common site of a fistLLla. Horizontal and corona.I
fied, and the ty1npanic niembrane bulges laterally. In these cases
oblique sections sho'"' thinning or absence of the bone covering
MR nlay be helpful in identifying the presence and size of the


FIGURE 13-25 • Cholesteaton1a, pars tensa perforation type.

A, Axial. B, Coronal computed tomography scans. The posterior
portion of the lateral wall of the attic is eroded by a soft tissue n1ass
filling the posterosuperior quadrant of the middle ear cavity and
the posterior portion of the attic. The cholesteatoma widens the
aditus and passes into the mastoid antrum, which appears enlarged
because of erosion of the periantral air cells.

cholesteatoma. The cholesteatoma mass may erode portions of

the ossicular chain. FIGURE 13-26 •A, Coronal. 8, Axial computed tomography scans.
A Large cholesteotoma with fistulas. This large cholesteotoma filling
The inferior margin of the lateral epitympanic wall, vvhich
the entire middle ear and mastoid has eroded the labyrinthine wall of
is typically eroded in acquired cholesteato1na, is intact in con­
the middle ear including the capsule of the horizontal (coronal} and
genital lesions. However, the lateral epitympanic wall is often posterior semicircular canals (axial).
eroded from within when the congenital lesion extends into the
pyranud have often been iuisdiagnosed as epidermoid cysts
Epidennoid Cyst or Congenital Cholesteatoma because they produce si111ilar CT findings. The two lesions can
of the Petrous Pyramid be differentiated by MRI. Epider1uoid cysts appear as areas of
The findings depend on vvhether the cholesteaton1a arises from fairly lo,.., signal intensity in the T l i1nages and of high inten­
\.Yithin the petrous apex or fro111 the adjacent epidural or men­ sity in the T2 i1uages. Cholesterol granulon1a cysts are bright
ingeal spaces. in both sequences because of short T l and long T2 relaxation
When the cholesteato1na arises from within the petrous ti1ues (Figure 13-28A to C). Dark areas, produced by deposits of
apex, CT scanning reveals an expansile, cystic lesion in the he1uosiderin, are often observed within the bright n1ass.
apex. The involved area of the pyramid is expanded, and the Cholesteato1nas arising fro1n the epidural or n1eningeal
superior petrous ridge is usually elevated and thinned. As spaces on the superior aspect of the petrous pyra1nid create a
the lesion expands, the internal auditory canal and the labyrinth scooped-out defect of the adjacent aspect of the pyramid. The
are eroded. Large cholesterol granuloma cysts in the petrous defect is caused by erosion of the pyranud frorn without, and

FIGURE 13-27 •Congenital cholesteatoma: coronal computed

tomography scan. The tympanic membrane is intact, but two soft
tissue masses are seen In the middle ear cavity: a larger in the inferior
mesotympanum and a smaller (arrow) lateral to the malleus neck.

there is no bony ri1n, as in lesions that arise fro111 within the

Keratosis Obturans and Cholesteatomas
of the External Auditory Canal
Keratosis obturans is caused by osteon1as, stenosis of the canal,
or hard masses of cerumen. Blockage of the external canal for
a long period of time permits epithelial debris to accu1nulate in
the canal and expand the bony contour of the external auditory
canal (Figure 13-29A and B).
Cholesteato111as of the external auditory canal are a form
of invasive keratitis characterized by accu1nulation of desqua­
n1ated debris in the wall of the canal (Figure 13-30A). Retnoval
of the debris reveals deep, localized erosion and exposed necrotic
FIGURE 13-28 • Recurrent cholesterol granuloma. A, Coronal
bone. As the lesion enlarges the entire circutnference of the canal
computed tomography scan. 8, T1; C, T2 axial magnetic resonance
beco1nes involved. Large scooped-out defects of the bony canal image. An expansile lesion involves the right petrous apex and
wall are formed and a soft tissue mass cDntaining small bony extends into the internal auditory canal. The mass has a characteris­

sequestra 1nay fill the lu1nen of the canal (Figure 13-30B). tic high signal in both T1 and T2 sequences.

Neoplastic Conditions
glomus tumors, and meningiomas. These lesions deserve spe­
Neoplastic conditions involving the temporal bone can be
cial attention not only because of their relatively frequent
divided into five 1najor groups, as follows:
occurrence, but above all because of the fundamental role

1. Histologically benign tumors v.•ith a benign course. imaging plays in their diagnosis. Carcinomas are the n1ost

2. Histologically benign tu1nors vvith a possible malignant common primary malignant tumors of the temporal bone.

clinical course due to extensive destruction of the base of Carcinomas usually arise in the external auditory canal, where

the skull and intracranial extension by the tumor inass. they produce a partial or total destruction of the canal walls.

3. Primary malignant processes. They may spread into the mastoid, involving the facial canal,

4. Malignant tu1nors arising in structures adjacent to the or extend into the middle ear cavity, from there involving the

petrous bone and involving it by direct extension. jugular fossa and petrous pyramid. Owing to their tendency

5. Metastatic lesions. to infiltrate rather than destroy, carcinomas produce a typi­

cal mottled or moth-eaten appearance of the involved bone.
The first group includes conditions usually involving the Sarcomas usually occur in young children and manifest as
external auditory canal, such as osteotnas (Figure 13-31), destructive lesions of the petrous pyramid. Sarcomas may
fibro1nas, and lipomas. The second group includes neurotnas arise in the eustachian tube and spread by retrograde exten­
(arising from the seventh through the twelfth cranial nerves), sion to the ear.



FIGURE 13-29 • External auditory canal cholesteatoma. A, Axial.

FIGURE 13-30 • External auditory canal cholesteotoma. A, Axial
8, Coronal computed tomography scans. The canal is stenotic in the
CT: incipient lesion of the posterior wall of the canal covered by
region of the isthmus, and a moderately expansile soft tissue mass
desquamated debris. 8, Coronal CT: a large soft tissue mass fills the
fills the lumen of the bony segment of the canal.
canal and erodes its floor. Bony sequestra are seen within the mass.

Metastatic lesions to the temporal bone have been observed

in carcino1nas of the breast, prostate, lungs, and in melanornas.
(Figure 13-32).

Glomus Tumors or Chemodecto1nas

Chernodectomas (or paragangliomas) arise from paragangli­
onic glomus tissues (chemoreceptors). The four comn1on sites
are the jugular fossa (glomus jugulare twnors), tniddle ear (glo­
mus ty1npanicum tumors), carotid artery bifurcation (carotid
body tumors), and inferior ganglion (ganglion nodosurn) of the
vagus nerve (glomus vagale). Only the first two are considered
in this chapter.
Glomus Tympanicum Tumors
Glomus tyrnpanicum tumors arise in the rniddle ear cavity
over the promontory fro111 glomus tissue located in the adven­
titia of vessels along the tympanic branch (Jacobson's nerve)
of the glossopharyngeal nerve and auricular branch (Arnold's
nerve) of the vagus nerve. Axial and coronal CT sections den1-
onstrate a well-defined and enhancing soft tissue mass of var­ FIGURE 13-31 • Osteoma: coronal computed tomography scan.
iable size in the lower portion of the rniddle ear cavity and A bony mass obstructs the right external auditory canal at the isthmus.

FIGURE 13-32 •Metastatic lesion from carcinoma of the breast: axial

computed tomography scan showing a destructive lesion involving
the anterior aspect of the right petrous pyramid and extending into
the middle ear cavity (arrows).

adjacent to the pro1nontory (Figure 13-33A and B). The hypo­

tympanic floor and jugular fossa are usually intact. As the
tu1nor enlarges, it may fill the entire rniddle ear cavity, caus­
ing a lateral bulge of the ty1npanic rnembrane, and a s1nooth
indentation of the promontory, and it inay extend posteriorly
into the inastoid and inferiorly into the hypoty1npanic air cells
and jugular fossa.

Glomus Jugulare Tumors

Glomus jugulare tumors arise from paraganglions located in FIGURE 13-33 • Glomus tympanicum. A, Axial. 8, Coronal computed
the jugular fossa and jugular bulb. The jugular fossa is usually tomography scan. A well-defined soft tissue mass is seen in the lower
enlarged, vvith erosion of its cortical outline (Figure 13-34A) portion of the middle ear cavity adjacent to the promontory.

and of the bony septum separating it from the external aperture

of the carotid canal. Asymmetry of the jugular fossa and a large
after infusion of contrast. �1ultiple punctated areas of signal
jugular bulb without cortical erosion are comrnon anatomic
void produced by blood vessels are observed within the tun1or
variations of no clinical significance. As the floor of the hypo­
niass (Figure l3-34B and C). Tnvolven1ent of the jugular vein
tympanum is eroded, the tumor extends into the middle ear
and carotid artery is readily den1onstrated because these vascu­
cavity and from there into the external auditory canal. Lateral
lar structures are clearly visible in the 1v1R images, thus avoiding
extension of the lesion into the mastoid often leads to erosion
the .need for more invasive vascular studies.
of the facial canal and involvement of the facial nerve. lV1edial
extension first produces undermining of the posteroinferior
aspect of the petrous pyran1id and then actual destruction of
Vestibular Schwannomas
the perilabyrinthine bone and petrous apex. The resistant otic Vestibular schwannon1as (acoustic neuromas) account for
capsule is seldorn involved, although the cochlea is often skel­ approxi111ately l01Xi of cases of unilatera.1 sensorineural hearing
etonized by the erosion of the surrounding bone. lntracranial and vestibular loss of unknown origin. lVlost of the tun1ors arise
involvement is often observed in large tumors, although the from the vestibular nerve within the internal auditory canal.
lesion usually re1nains extradural. Extracranial extension occurs lVfR, at present, is the study of choice for the assessn1ent of the
within and along the jugular vein. cerebellopontine angle. The forn1at of the exan1ination varies
CT scanning is ideal for the detection of the bony changes '"'ith the clinical sympto111atology.9
typical of glo1nus jugulare turnors. However, lVlRl is the study of A lin1ited study of the internal auditory canals is performed
choice since it is more precise in defining the size of the tumor '"'henever the patient is referred for evaluation of unilateral
rnass and particularly its intracranial, extracranial, and intra­ sensorineural hearing loss, either sudden or progressive. The
vascular extent. exan1ination consists of 2-mm contiguous axial and coronal,
The tumor appears as a rnass of mediun1 signal intensity Tl and T2 FSE in1ages of the internal auditory canals obtained
in the Tl sequence that becomes brighter in T2 and enhances prior to the infusion of contrast. Tf a tun1or is clearly outlined



FIGURE 13-35 • Vestibular schwannoma; magnetic resonance
images. A, Fast spin echo (FSE). B, T1 postcontrast. A, The tumor
mass is well seen in the FSE image as a filling defect within the bright
cerebrospinal fluid. B, The size of the tumor mass is more clearly
defined in the postcontrast image.

tumors as small as 2 mm (Figure 13-35B).15 Vestibular schwan­

non1as should be differentiated from facial neuromas arising
within the internal auditory canal, which usually extend into
the fallopian canal (Figure 13-36).6
A complete study of the internal auditory canals and brain
is performed in patients with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss
to rule out neurofibromatosis, as \Veil as in patients with ver­
tigo. Before the infusion of contrast, this examination includes
2-mm FSE axial images of the posterior cranial fossa and inter­
nal auditory canals, 2-n1m Tl coronal sections of the internal
FIGURE 13-34 • Glomus jugulare. A, Coronal computed tomog ra­ auditory canals, and 5-mm fluid-attenuated inversion recovery
phy scan. B and C, Coronal magnetic resonance (MR) T1 image prior
(flair) axial sections of the brain, which are particularly useful
to and after injection of contrast. The right jugular Iossa appears
enlarged and its contour eroded. The MR images demonstrate a mass
in ruling out a demyelinating process. After infusion of con­
of medium intensity, which enhances with contrast. Note the areas of trast, 2-mm Tl coronal images of the internal auditory canals
signal void within the mass produced by blood vessels. and 5-mm axial sections of the brain are obtained.
Fat suppression images should always be obtained after
in the FSE in1ages, as a filling defect within the brightness of infusion of contrast if the patient has previously had surgery
the cerebrospinal fluid (Figure 13-35A), the study is tern1inat­ for the removal of an acoustic tumor since that fat-containing
ed.16 Otherv.1ise, contrast is infused, and Tl images are obtained graft used to fill the surgical defect 1nay obscure the enhancing
in the axial and coronal planes with fat suppression, revealing residual or recurrent tumor mass.

FIGURE 13-37 • Righ t vestibular schwannoma: computed tomogra­

phy pneumocisternogram. The air outlines the convex medial aspect
of the tumor, which protrudes from the internal auditory canal into
the adjacent cerebellopontine cistern.

auditory canal (Figure 13-37). By this technique, intracanalicu­

lar tun1ors, as s1Dall as 2 to 3 n1n1, are clearly identified.

Labyrinthine Schwannomas
In the past, s1Dall schwannon1as have been found within the
vestibule and cochlea during postn1orten1 dissection of the tem­
poral bone. These lesions are usually not recognizable by CT
but are well den1onstrated as S1Dall enhancing 1Dasses in .tv1R
exan1inations perforn1ed after infusion of contrast n1aterial

FIGURE 13-36 •Facial schwannoma ; ma g netic resonance images.

(Figure 13-38).5
A, Axial. B, Coronal T1 after contrast. The tumo r fills th e left internal
auditory canal and extends into the facial canal (arrow). Meningiomas
Meningio1Das are the second 111ost co1Dn1on tu111or of the cer­
ebellopontine angle and usually arise outside the internal audi­
A CT study should be perforn1ed only if MRI is not avail­
tory canal, although they !Day extend into the IDedial portion of
able or if the patient cannot undergo an .tv1RI study because of
the canal. Meningion1as lin1ited to the internal auditory canal
an in1planted IDedical device, such as a pace1Daker.
are rare and n1imic vestibular schwanno1Das, both clinically and
CT scanning allov;s a precise assessn1ent of the internal
on imaging. Meningion1as gro\v as a solid !Dass or en plaque and
auditory canals. Because the internal auditory canals in the
n1ay cause hyperostosis or erosion of the adjacent bony struc­
nor1D al individual vary in size fron1 2 to 12 IDn1, whereas the
tures. Magnetic resonance in1ages obtained after infusion of
t'vo canals of any person are aln1ost identical, both sides should
contrast sho'"' enhance1Dent of the tun1or and in lOo/o of cases
ahvays be exan1ined for co1Dparison purposes. Enlargement
sn1all areas of signal void caused by calcifications within the
of 2 n1m or IDore and shortening of the posterior canal wall
by at least 3 i11n1 in con1parison with the canal of the norn1al­ n1ass (Figure 13-39).
En plaque lesions appear as focal areas of enhancing, thick­
hearing side are usually indicative of a space-occupying lesion.
ened IDeninges. The n1eningeal involve1Dent often extends fro1D
Enlarge111ent of l to 2 n1n1 and shortening of the posterior wall
actual tu111or 111ass, producing the so-called tail sign, '"'hich is
by 2 1D111 are only suggestive of a lesion. Intravenous infusion of
contrast n1aterial is then perforn1ed. The contrast study allows
helpful but not specific for n1eningio1Das (Figure 13-39).
the detection of extracanalicular tun1ors as sn1all as 5 1Dn1. If
the infusion study is negative, a spinal puncture is i111n1ediately
perforn1ed, and 3 cc of air or gas (C02 or 02) are injected into S111all hen1angio1Das or AVMs lin1ited to the lu1Den of the inter­
the subarachnoid space. By proper positioning, the gas is then nal auditory canal are rare. They appear in precontrast .tv1R
1noved into the cerebellopontine cistern under examination. i1Dages as an area of high signal intensity caused by slo'"' flow,
When a tumor is present, the gas outlines the n1edial contour of \vhich beco1Des larger following the ad1Dinistration of contrast.
the n1ass and reveals a coiuplete or partial block of the internal The mass has a nonhon1ogeneous intensity and !Day contain

FIGURE 13-38 •Cochlear schwannoma: magnetic resonance image

coronal T1, before (top) and after (bottom) contrast. A 2-mm enhanc­
ing mass is seen within the cochlea (arrow). The internal auditory
canal is normal.

signal void areas caused by calcifications. A large hemangioma

may involve the petrous pyramid and extend into the internal
auditory canal. It is characterized by a mass of medium intensity
in the Tl precontrast in1ages, which contains multiple areas of
signal void caused by bony spicules. The tumor becon1es bright
after infusion of contrast but maintains the same nonhomoge­
neous intensity (Figure 13-40).

FIGURE 13-39 • Meningioma right cerebellopontine cistern. An
Lipomas may occur within the cerebellopontine cistern or unevenly enhancing mass is seen in the right cerebellopontine cistern.
The tumor extends into but does not fill the internal auditory canal
the internal auditory canal. In the five cases the senior author
(short arrow). Note the extension of the tumor en plaque Yong arrow).
has seen, the lipoma was located at the fundus of the internal
A, Axial. 8, Coronal T1 images, after contrast.
auditory canal. The diagnosis is made by obtaining Tl and
T2 precontrast i1nages or by fat suppression images when­
1nay con1press the acoustic or facial nerves causing syn1pton1s
ever a bright 1nass is seen on postcontrast Tl-weighted in1ages
similar to those of a vestibular schwann on1a (Figure 13-42A
(Figure 13-41).
and B). MR in1ages reveal a n1ass of nonhon1ogeneous high sig­
nal intensity produced by the clot. Tfthe lun1en of the aneurysn1
Epidermoid Cysts
is partially patent, the fl.owing blood will appear as an area of
Epidermoid cysts usually occur in the cerebellopontine angle signal void (Figure 13-42A). An M R angiogram should be per­
cistern and rarely \AJithin the internal auditory canal. The JvIR forn1ed to confinn the diagnosis and to reveal from which vessel
study shows a nonenhancing mass of low signal in the Tl images the aneurysn1 is arising.4
that becomes bright in the T2-weighted images.
Epidermoid cysts can b e differentiated from arachnoid Endolymphatic Sac Tumors
cysts since, contrary to the latter, they show absent or incom­
Endolymphatic sac tun1ors are locally aggressive papillary
plete attenuation in the FLAJR sequence and restricted diffu­
adenon1atous tumors. Thev are often associated with von
sion (high signal) in diffusion weighted images.

Hippel-Lindau disease, a genetic multisysten1 neoplastic dis-

order. At first, endolyn1phatic sac tun1ors involve the adjacent
dura and endolymphatic duct. Fron1 there, the lesion extends
A n aneurysm within the internal auditory canal is extremely to the vestibule, semicircular canals, n1astoid, and 1n iddle ear
rare. The lesion appears on Tl- and T2-weighted MR images as cavity, \AJhere it appears through an intact tyn1panic men1-
a small mass of high signal presu1nably caused by thron1bosis or brane as a bluish n1ass, often confused with a glomus tumor.
slo'"' flow. Following the infusion of contrast, the lesion becomes Continued growth leads to con1plete replacement by tumor of
slightly larger. Aneurysms within the cerebellopontine cistern the n1astoid and petrous pyramid. Axial CT images initially



FIGURE 13-42 • Cerebellopontine cistern aneurysm. In the axial

magnetic resonance (MR} T1 image obtained after contrast A, the
FIGURE 13-40 • Hemangioma. A, Axial CT: a mass containing multi­ clotted aneurysm appears as a mass of nonhomogeneous high
ple bony spicules erodes the anterior aspect of the petrous pyramid signal. The area of signal void within it is the patent lumen. 8, The MR
and extends into the attic lateral to the ossieles. 8, MR axial T1 post angiogram confirms the presence of an aneurysm arising from the
contrast: the mass shows a nonhomogeneous enhancement. left vertebral artery.

show a localized area of erosion of the posterior aspect of

the petrous pyramid in the region of the endolymphatic sac
(Figure 13-43A). As the lesion enlarges, destruction of the
petrous pyramid is observed with involvement of the inner ear
structures. In Tl-weighted 1v1R images, the tu1nor has a het­
erogeneous appearance, with areas of high signal caused by
cysts filled with blood or high proteinaceous fluid and multi­
ple small areas of signal void caused by caJcifications and blood
vessels (Figure 13-43B). Follo;ving administration of contrast,
the solid portion of the mass undergoes a nonhomogeneous
enhancement (Figure 13-43C).10


The diagnosis of fenestral otosclerosis is usually suspected by
the otologist on the basis of the clinical history and audiometric
tests. A CT study inay be performed in these cases to confirn1
FIGURE 13-41 •Lipoma 1AC: MR T1 coronal precontrast shows a the diagnosis and rule out other possible causes of conductive
bright mass filling and expanding the left IAC. hearing impairment. The examination consists of axial and


FIGURE 13-43 • Endolymphatic sac tumor. A, Axial computed tomography scan.Band C, Axial magnetic
resonance image before and after contrast. The posterior aspect of the left petrous pyramid is eroded in the region
of the endolymphatic sac.B, The tumor mass has a heterogeneous appearance before contrast. C, The solid
portion of the tumor enhances with contrast.

20-degree coronal oblique sections at l-n11n increments. The study is required. The CT examination consists of axial and cor­
CT findings vary fron1 loss of definition of the margin of the onal oblique sections at 1-mm increments. The normal cocb Iear
oval window (owing to den1ineralization) to narrowing and capsule, which appears as a sharply defined, hon1ogeneously
finally con1plete obliteration of the oval windo"'' opening and dense, bony shell outlining the lumen of the cochlea, becon1es
niche (Figure 13-44A and C). CT is extren1ely helpful in eval­ disrupted in cochlear otosclerosis. Otosclerotic changes range
uating postsurgical cases in which an initial hearing improve- fron1 sn1all and isolated foci of decreased density to diffuse
1nent is subsequently lost and in detern1ining the cause of demineralization of a large area of the capsule '"'ith complete
poststapedecton1y vertigo. The CT study n1ay disclose protru­ dissolution of its contour.
sion of the prost hesis into the vestibule, separation of the lateral A typical sign of cochlear otoscJerosis is the forrnation of
end of the strut fron1 the incus, dislocation of the 1nedial end a band of de.1nineralization surrounding tbe cochlear canal
of the prosthesis, and reobliteration of the oval windov• with (double-ring eftect) caused by confluent spongiotic t.oci. The
fixation of the strut (Figure 13-45). band of intracapsular den1ineralization is in soine cases limited
Cochlear otosclerosis occurs by progressive enlargen1ent of to a segn1ent of the capsule, but in the others it follows aln1ost
the perifenestral foci or as single or 111ultiple foci in other loca­ the entire contour of the cochlea. A more precise and quantita­
tions of the cochlear and labyrinthine capsules. The diagnosis tive assessn1ent of the involvement is accomplished by CT den­
of cochlear otosclerosis is suspected by the otologist on the basis siton1etric readings. Using the smallest cursor, the contour of
of the audion1etric configuration, clinical history, and clinical the cochlear capsule is scanned, and 31 densiton1etric readings
findings, such as Schwartze's sign (blush at the promontory seen are obtained. A profile of the density of the capsule is obtained
at the otoscopy) but further confir1nation by a proper in1aging by plotting the densitometric values versus the 31 points where


c D

FIGURE 13-44 • Stapedial and cochlear otosclerosis. A and B, Axial. C and 0, Coronal computed tomography.
E, axial magnetic resonance (MR) T1 image after contrast. The footplate of the right stapes is thickened (A and C,
arrows}. Severe spongiotic changes are present throughout the cochlear capsule (Band 0, arrows). The MR image
reveals enhancement of the active and vascular foci of otosclerosis.

the reading are inade. ·rhe obtained densito1netric curve is then obtained after infusion of contrast sho'"' enhance1nent within
con1pared to the densiton1etric profile of the norn1al capsule the de1nineralized foci (see Figure 13-44E). Presu1nably,
that was previously detern1ined.1 the blushing is produced b y pooling of contrast \.Yithin the
In s everal patients with a positive Sch,.vartze's sign numerous blood vessels and lacunae found in active spongi­
and severe spongiotic changes in the CT study, MR in1ages otic foci.



FIGURE 13-45 • Recurrent fenestral otosclerosis after stapedec­ FIGURE 13-46 • Fi brous dysplasia. A, Axial. 8, Coronal computed
tomy. A, Axial. 8, Coronal computed tomography scan. A metal­ tomography. There is di ffuse thickening and sclerosis of the temporal
lic piston extends from the long process of the incus to the oval bone with narrowing of the external and internal auditory canals.
window, which appears reclosed. The medial end of the piston is
in a good position but is fixed by the large focus obliterating the
oval window niche (arrow). Otospong i ot i c c hang es are noted in the
cochlear capsule.
unilateral, which leads to asyn11netry. In the te1nporal bone,
the squan1a becomes thickened and the pneu1natized spaces

Paget's Disease are obliterated. The external auditory canal often is stenosed

Paget's disease can affect the calvariwn and the base of the skull, by new bone forn1ation (Figure 13-46A). As the density of the

including the petrous pyramids. When the disease process petrous pyran1id increases, the outline of the labyrinthine cap­

extends into the otic capsule it will cause a progressive, iuixed sule beco1nes less distinguishable fro1n the surrounding bone.

or sensorineural hearing loss. Further progression may lead to narrowing of the internal audi­

The haversian bone of the petrosa is affected first, with tory canal (Figure 13-46B) and obliteration of the lun1en of the

spread of the disease fro1n the apex laterally. At first, because of labyrinth.

severe demineralization of the petrosa, the labyrinthine capsule

beco1nes iuore pron1inent than norn1al. Involvement of the otic
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ullary cavity, and causes increased density and thickening of nance ang iography: Analysis of vascular lesions of the ten1poral
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Hearing Aids

Brad A. Stach, PhD I Virginia Ramachandran, AuD

Hearing aids are sufficiently robust and flexible in design and processing pern1its sophisticated control of the acoustic signal
signal processing capability to be adapted to fit nearly any hear­ '"'ithout the space and power constraints imposed by analog
ing loss that causes a co1n1nunication disorder. Indeed, for the circuitry. Digital signal processing (DSP) has 1nany advantages,
vast nlajority of individuals '"'ith hearing loss, hearing aids including fine-grain adjustment of amplification parameters,
are currently the best and inost appropriate solution available sophisticated noise and feedback reduction paradigms, and
to minin1ize the impact of the disorder on comn1unication. enhancements of directional 1nicrophones. The most recent
Although the essential components of all hearing aids re1nain trend in hearing aid development is that of wireless connectiv­
the inicrophone, an1plitier, and receiver, rapid advance1nent ity. This feature per1nits hearing aids frotn both ears to co111-
in con1ponent technology has increased the effectiveness of municate with each other and with external sound sources,
hearing aids and in1proved outco1nes for treatn1ent of hearing creating a direct link '"'ith other n1odern communication and
loss.1 'fhis chapter will revie'"' the current state of hearing aid entertainment technologies.
technology including candidacy, selection, fitting and verifica­
tion, and managen1ent.
e THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN Fundamentals of Candidacy
The first question often asked by patients pursuing an audio­
lvlajor changes have occurred in the design of hearing instru­ logic evaluation is "Do I need a hearing aid?" Jn asking this
ments in the recent past. As a consequence, both the range of question, the patient is trying to ascertain whether the provider
patient candidacy and benefit fro1n hearing instru1nents have believes that the degree of hearing loss '"'arrants a1nplilication.
increased substantially. This is not necessarily an easy question to answer.
Electronic hearing aids were first developed in the early There are degrees of hearing loss that suggest candidacy
1900s. They used carbon-granule technology and becan1e for hearing instruments and those that do not. Fitting ranges
'"'idely available in the 1920s and 1930s. The first n1ajor step are available for hearing instruments that indicate v.rhether a
forward in technological developn1ent comprised vacuun1-tube particular hearing instrument will provide appropriate a1npli­
a1nplifiers, leading to the first vacuu1n-tube hearing aid in the fication for a hearing loss with a given degree and configuration
late 1930s. The devices required a rather large battery pack as as determined by audio1netric evaluation. However, the audio­
the power supply but were s1nall enough that they could be '"'orn gra111 offers only one piece of iufor1nation needed to answer the
on the body. In the early 1950s, the transistor was developed, patient's question.
'"'hich, along with the develop1nent of s1naller batteries, led to The answer really lies with the patient's perspective on
the first behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids. Eyeglass hearing '"'hether the hearing loss is causing a co1nn1unication prob­
aids '"'ere developed in the 1960s, followed by in-the-ear (ITE) lem. Patients with impaired hearing often report that they
hearing aids in the 1970s and finally digital hearing aids in the perceive no difficulty with com1nunication. Such patients use
late 1980s. com1nunication strategies effectively, including speech read­
The 1nodern era of hearing aids has been influenced by ing, manipulation of the environn1ent, and cognitive skills
several significant trends. One in1port.ant trend was the ininia­ to minimize the impact of the hearing loss. Other patients,
t.urization of hearing instru1nents, resulting ulti1nately in hear­ '"'ith the sa1ne degree of sensitivity loss, perceive the loss and
ing instruments that fit con1pletely in the ear canal. Perhaps the associated communication difficulties as significant problems
most important change was the transfor1nation fron1 analog to and are anxious to quantify the hearing loss for the purpose
digital processing platfor1ns for hearing instru1nents. Digital of obtaining hearing aids. In all cases, counseling regarding


expectations fron1 hearing aid use is essential, and the use of and losses that are too severe, the use of digital processing allows
an assessment of comn1unication needs should be considered for greater flexibility in hearing-aid-response characteristics
to determine candidacy and pron1ote successful use of the and, thus, for more patients to benefit fron1 hearing aids.
hearing aid.2 Introduction of newer hearing aid designs also has con­
For a small group of patients, hearing instrun1ent use niay tributed to increased patient candidacy. The "open-fit" design
be contraindicated. A niore likely scenario is that certain patient is one exa1nple. Here, amplitied high-frequency signals are
and hearing-loss characteristics niay result in con1111unication delivered to the ear canal via thin tubing, leaving the ear canal
outcon1es that are less than ideal. relatively open for natural hearing of lov.rer-frequency sounds.
Patient 111otivation is a key factor in predicting success \vith This approach permits the titting of ears with relatively nortnal
hearing instruments. Often, an unwilling patient succun1bs low-frequency hearing.
to the requests of a spouse or other fan1ily 111en1bers to obtain The increasing flexibility offered by modern DSP technol­
hearing instrun1ents. Individuals >vho have a negative attitude ogy and the benefits accrued for specific populations through
toward hearing aid use often have poorer outcon1es and limited the use of different sound delivery designs have led to greater
use of the i nstrun1ents.3 range of candidacy for hearing aid use. Indications for success­
Tn some ears, speech perception is poorer than expected ful use generally relate inore to a given patient's con1mw1ication
for a given hearing loss and, if severe enough, may preclude suc­ needs rather than to the specific characteristics of the patient's
cessful use. Word recognition scores can be useful in providing hearing loss. In other words, in light of the expanded technol­
an initial prognosis for success \vith a111plification. When word ogy, candidacy is now based more upon whether the patients
recognition is poor, the prognosis is reduced tor benefit fron1, perceive they are struggling to co1n1nunicate, rather than on the
and satisfaction with, hearing aid use. specific audion1etric outcon1es found on the audiogram.
Liniited cognitive ability can also be a barrier to successful Another overall trend in hearing aid candidacy is the use of
hearing aid use. Modern hearing aids have 111ultiple progra111s, binaural amplification when hearing Joss is present in both ears.
111e111ory buttons, and volun1e controls to provide better audibil­ Binaural amplification offers several advantages over 1nonaural
ity. Due to poor me111ory and other constraints, inappropriate titting that can greatly increase positive comn1unication out­
use can \vork against the patient by causing poor audibi!ity .4 comes for a patient.1-9 Advantages include binaural sun1n1ation,
When a patient has a progressive or Auctuating hearing loss, wherein the loudness of sound is increased \Vhen perceived fron1
hearing instrun1ents must be sufficiently flexible to allow tor alter­ both ears rather than one, resulting in better hearing sensitivity,
ations in progran1ming to accommodate the fluctuating hearing. and binaural squelch, wherein the signal-to-noise ratio is effec­
OccasionaLly, patients may have an absent, small, or mis­ tively increased by greater elin1ination of background sounds.10
shapen pinna that precludes fitting \vith a traditional custom In addition, listeners perceive a n10re natural and balanced sound
hearing aid or earn1old, or BTE hearing instrument. More quality '"'ith t\vo hearing instrun1ents. The benefits expected
con1n1only, the size of the ear canal of a patient niay so111etin1es of many of the ne\ver technology trends, including directional
limit the use of certain TTE hearing instrun1ents, due to space n1icrophones and certain types of '"'ireless connectivity, are
Ii mi tations. predicated on an assun1ption of binaural hearing aid use.
The use of two hearing aids is also i1nportant because of the
Trends in Candidacy potential tor n1onaural auditory deprivation in cases where only
one hearing aid is fitted on a patient with bilateral hearing loss.11
Candidacy for hearing aid use depends on the degree and con­
It appears likely that in a subset of patients with bilateral hear­
figuration of hearing loss and patient factors that niay i111pact
ing loss, the fitting of a hearing aid on one ear '"'ill result in pro­
success with hearing aid fitting. Recent trends in hearing instru-
gressive deterioration of suprathreshold hearing in the unaided
111ent technology have led to an expansion of the hearing loss
ear. Although these deprivation effects are reversible in sotne
criteria appropriate for hearing aid use. The use ofDSP in hear­
patients with the completion of binaural fitting, in others the
ing aids and the use of open-fit and receiver-in-the-canal (RIC)
effect tnay be pern1anent. '2
tech nology are exan1ples of these recent trends.
In son1e rare circumstances, significantly asyn1n1etric
Advances in hearing aid sound-processing strategies have
speech perception n1ay actually contraindicate binaural use.
expanded candidacy for hearing aid benefit. The nearly univer­
In a case where one ear has significant distortion or poor pro­
sal change from analog processing to DSP circuits in hearing
cessing ability, a111plification of the distorted signal n1ay actu­
aids per111its significantly greater flexibility to manipulate the
ally serve to decrease overall speech perception belo'"' that of
auditory signal in a way that is appropriate for niost patients
the better ear.13•14 Exatnination of binaural speech-recognition
\'/ith hearing loss.5•6 In the past, a specific hearing aid was cho­
perforn1ance can assist in detern1ining whether a poorly func­
sen to closely 111atch the characteristics of the hearing loss. The
tioning ear is actually undern1ining speech-perception perfor-
current use of digital an1plifiers permits progran1n1able control
1nance ofboth ears.
in the frequency, an1plitude, and tin1e don1ains to better fit an
individual's specific hearing loss and ability. The response of
the hearing aid is based upon a prescriptive target tor a given
hearing-loss degree and configuration, \'/ith additional pro­
gramming changes niade to adapt to patient-specific charac­ Selection of hearing aids is based on deter1uination of an
teristics. Although there are still son1e hearing losses for which a1uplification system that will effectively deliver sound to a
hearing aids are Jess than optin1al, such as rising configurations patient's ear. Effectiveness is detern1ined by the interaction of

the electroacoustic response of the device, the design style for and it prescribed gain based on both thresholds and predicted
delivery of the an1plitied sound, and the device features neces­ d isco1nfort levels.
sary to optin1ize that sound delivery. Other considerations for determining targets include the
type of hearing loss and whether one or both ears are being
Electroacoustic Characteristics fitted. \A/hen there is a conductive component to the hearing

Fundamental Signal Processing loss, target gain is usually increased by approxi1nately 25°/o of

Every hearing aid has a characteristic acoustic output, defined by the air-bone gap at a given frequency. \A/hen the hearing aid fit­

its frequency gain, input-output, and output limiting. The gain ting is binaural, the target gain for each ear should be reduced

of a hearing aid is the an1ount that the input signal is increased by 3 to 6 dB for binaural summation.17•20

by the hearing aid a1nplitier. The frequency-gain characteristic

Trends in Signal Processing
of a hearing aid describes the gain as a function of frequency
The change to DSP has had a dran1atic in1pact on the flexibility
for a given input intensity level. In addition to varying with fre­
of hearing aid selection. In the past, a specific hearing aid \vas
quency, the gain of a hearing aid can also vary as a function of
chosen to closely n1atch the electroacoustic characteristics of
input intensity level. The input-output response describes the
the hearing aid with the hearing sensitivity of the patient. That
relationship between input intensity and output intensity for a
is, the patient's audiogra1n was used to detern1ine a prescrip­
given frequency.
tion for gain. Circuit n1atrices \vere then scrutinized to find one
There are t'vo general classes of input-output functions
that would inatch the target gain, and a hearing aid was cho­
for hearing aids, linear and nonlinear. Early forn1s of niodern
sen with the selected circuit. Today, because of the flexibility of
hearing instruments used a linear a1nplification approach, in
digital an1plifiers, hearing aids have a broad fitting range, and
which all sound inputs were a1nplified equally. Because most
the electroacoustic characteristics can be adjusted to inatch a
sensorineural hearing losses are nonlinear at near-threshold
\vide range of prescriptive gains. Selection, then, is less a n1atter
levels, the application of a linear solution proved inadequate.
of gain issues and 1nore a matter of design style and features.
The solution was the use of co1npression circuits that allow a
Enhancen1ents in signal processing \vill be covered in greater
signal to be an1plified differentially depending on the intensity
detail under feature selection.
of the input sound. Typically, lower intensity inputs are an1pli­
The advance1uents in nonlinear-an1plifier characteristics
tied to a greater extent than higher intensity inputs. The use of
have reduced the effectiveness of threshold-based prescriptive
cornpression circuits allows the auditory signal to be "shrunk"
n1ethods for specifying target gains. Ne\ver alternative pre­
to fit in the dynan1ic range of the listener, reducing distortion
scriptive procedures have been developed in response to these
of the signal.15•16
\vide-dynan1ic-range con1pression an1plifiers to detern1ine tar­
In linear hearing aids the output of the aid was li1nited by
gets for soft, 1noderate, and loud sound.21 More recent proce­
a method known as "peak-clipping," in which energy output
dures co1nbine the linear approach of the early threshold-based
that exceeded a defined level was abruptly attenuated. This sim­
prescription 1nethods with different prescription requiren1ents
ple approach of linear an1plification and peak clipping \Vas an
for soft and loud sounds.17•22
effective approach for fitting conductive hearing loss but proved
to be wholly unsatisfactory for titting ears '"'ith sensorineural
hearing loss. Peak clipping also proved to be an unsatisfactory
Hearing Aid Design
approach to output lin1iting because it caused substantial dis­ The placen1ent of a hearing aid into the ear has consequences
tortion of the acoustic signal. Compression-lin1iting strategies to the hearing in that ear and consequences to the functioning
were implemented in analog circuits to reduce the distortion. of the device. Merely placing an object such as a hearing aid or
The fundamental way to specify a starting point for ear1nold into the ear causes a loss of hearing due to the attenu­
detern1ining the response of a hearing aid is to prescribe ating effect of the object, a consequence known as insertion loss.
frequency-gain characteristics based on audion1etric ineasures.17 This additional loss inust be accounted for in selecting devices
A nun1ber of prescriptive rules have been developed. Son1e are and specifying an1plification characteristics. Insertion of the
based on hearing thresholds alone and attempt to specify gain device into the ear canal also causes the "occlusion effect,"
that will an1plify average conversational speech to a con1fort­ '"'herein lo,v-frequency con1ponents of an auditory signal are
able or preferred listening level. Simple gain rules, such as the enhanced, including those of the patient's voice. This con11nonly
half-gain rule, prescribe gain equal to one-half the amount of results in a con1plaint of sounds being too loud, boon1ing, or
the hearing loss; the third-gain rule to gain equal to one-third echoing.
the amount of the hearing loss. Most prescriptive rules use this Another i1nportant consequence of hearing aid use is dis­
sin1ple approach as a basis and then adjust individual frequen­ place1nent of the n1icrophone away fron1 the ear's natural sound
cies based on en1pirically detennined correction factors. One enhance1nent of the pinna and ear canal. That is, the ear's
popular early threshold-based procedure, '"'hich still serves as natural n1icrophone is the tympanic 1ne1nbrane, which benefits
the basis for son1e current approaches is that of the National fro1n resonant a1nplification of in1portant speech frequencies
Acoustic Laboratory (NA L) .18 fron1 the ear canal and concha. The tY1npanic inen1brane also
Another approach has been to prescribe frequency-gain receives acoustic cues that are i1nportant for spatial localization.
characteristics based on threshold and discon1fort levels.17 One Whe11 a hearing device is added to the systen1, and the n1icro­
such niethod is the desired sensation level (DSL) 1nethod.19 The phone is n1oved away from the ty1npanic inen1brane, these cues
DSL was originally designed for titting hearing aids in children, are altered. The further the 1nicrophone is fro111 the ear canal,

the greater is the loss of th is in1portant inforn1ation. The loss of ITE hearing instru1nents vary in size from a full-shell
spatial cues and resonant peaks must also be accounted for in hearing instrument, which fills up the entire bowl and helix
selecting devices and especially in considering technology fea­ of the auricle, to the smallest completely-in-the-canal hearing
tures of the device. instruments that fit deeply in the ear canal (Figure 14-lB to D).
An alternative to nioving the niicrophone avvay fron1 the As inentioned previously, acoustic feedback occurs when
tyn1panic men1brane is to place it as deep in the ear canal as pos­ the amplified sound emanating from a receiver is directed back
sible. Doing so, however, puts the microphone in proxin1ity to the into the 1nicrophone of the sa1ne amplifier syste1n. The best
receiver or loudspeaker, vvhich enhances the likelihood of acous­ method to elirninate feedback is to separate the 1nicrophone
tic feedback and decreases the amount of usable gain. J\t!any of the and receiver in space. Although advanced signal processing
technology teatures in hearing aids are designed to overcon1e the strategies have been developed to provide auton1atic feedback
issues created by placen1ent of the device in the first place. cancellation,24 the physical e1in1ination of feedback re1nains the
As a result of these influences, there are a nun1ber of inost effective approach. Thus, for a patient with considerable
factors to consider when deter111ining the best hearing­ sensitivity loss, for which a large a1nount of gain is required,
instrun1ent design for a patient. 23 One of the most in1portant selection of a device that pern1its physical separation, such as a
factors is the degree and configuration of hearing sensitivity BTE, is the preferred approach to feedback reduction.
loss. Other factors that influence the design decision include One of the inost effective ways of reducing the occlusion
feedback, venting, device size, durability, n1icrophone loca­ effect of hearing aid or earn1old insertion is the use of vent­
tion, and patient preference. ing. A s111all bore, called a vent, can be nlade through an ear-
1nold or hearing-instrun1ent casing. 25 The vent exchange
Design Fundamentals of air in the ear canal and the escape of lov•-frequency sound.
Hearing instrun1ents can be categorized generally as BTE or ITE In n1ost cases, this reduction in low-frequency sound is desir­
styles. As a class, STE instrun1ents house the majority of the able, as a1nplification of lo'"' frequencies can cause a patient's
coinponents outside the ear canal and auricle (Figure 14-l A). own voice to be "hollo'"'" or "echoing." However, in cases
This type of hearing instrument is coupled to the ear via an where large an1ounts of gain are needed, the presence of a vent
ear1nold and tubing. Traditional BTE instruments have a cus­ increases the opportunity for feedback as sound escapes t hrough
to.m ea rn1old. the vent.25-27

A 8

c 0

FIGURE 14-1 •Photographs of hearing instrument design styles. A, Behind-the-ear aid. 8, In-the-ear full-shell aid.
C, In-the-canal aid. 0, Completely-in-the-canal aid. Courtesy of Phonak.

Another important consideration in the selection of hearing in the ear canal. The earmold piece can also be custo1nized for
aids is the overall size of the device. As a general rule, the sn1aller better device retention.
a hearing instrument, the greater is the potential for feedback RIC technology refers to a style of aid wherein the 1nicro­
to occur, due to the necessarily closer proximity of the 111icro­ phone and amplifier are housed behind- or over-the-ear, typ­
phone and receiver. Device size also dictates what controls are ically in a miniaturized BTE style aid, while the receiver is
available to the patient, as sn1aller hearing instrun1ents have less located in the ear canal. The electrical signal is trans1nitted to
physical space for the actual switches. In the case of con1pJetely­ the receiver via a thin wire. The receiver is coupled to the ear
in-the-canal hearing instruments, directional n1icrophone tech­ canal via a pliable do1ne, as with most open-fit styles, or via a
nology and telecoils are not available due to space lin1itations. custom ear1nold. There are two primary advantages to the RIC
Battery size is also limited in sn1aller hearing instrun1ents. This approach. First, the separation of the receiver from the 1nicro­
n1ay be an important factor when fitting a patient with limited phone and amplifier permits the delivery of inore amplifica­
n1anual dexterity or visual acuity. These patient needs and char­ tion gain without feedback. Second, because the microphone/
acteristics 111ust be taken into account when detern1ining appro­ a1nplifier package does not include the receiver, space needs are
priate device size.28•29 reduced, permitting smaller size or more con1ponents within
Hearing instrun1ents are routinely subjected to conditions the BTE itself.
that are unfavorable for electronic devices. !Yloisture and ceru­ The use of open-fit and RIC technology has led to expanded
n1en in the ear canal are genera.Hy incon1patible with electronic hearing aid candidacy for precipitously sloping hearing losses
instrun1ents. As such, hearing aids with the electronic con1po­ and 1nild losses where the higher frequencies 1nust be an1pli­
nents of the device behind the ear are generally found to be 111ore fied, without occluding the ear in such a \vay to block off the
durable than hearing instruments where these components are relatively norn1al low-frequency hearing.30
located in the ear.
Selection decisions about hearing aid styles represent a Technology Features
trade-off of all of these factors to arrive at a choice that bal­
Once a hearing aid style has been selected, deter1nination is
ances the various physical constraints of the hearing aid design.
n1ade of the electroacoustic and co1nponent features to be
Confounding the decision further, however, is the i111portant
included in the device.
consideration of patient preference. Tt is often patient preference
for a particular style of hearing instrun1ent that presents the
greatest fitting challenge.
Hearing instruments consist of three n1ain components: a
Design Trends n1icrophone that transduces acoustic energy to electrical energy;
A general trend in hearing aid developn1ent is the miniaturiza­ an a1nplifier that increases the strength of the electrical signal;
tion of hearing aids, for both ITE and BTE designs. The use of and a receiver that transduces electrical energy back to acoustic
DSP has reduced the need for external controls on hearing aids, energy (Figure 14-3 ). Additionally, hearing instrun1ents require
allo,ving the aids to be smaller and more strean1lined in appear­ a power source in the forn1 of a battery. Controls on a hear­
a nee. Th is change appeals to the cosm.etic and co111fort concerns ing instru1nent for volun1c or program n1anipulation are also
of 111any potential hearing aid users. co1111nonly included on devices.
A recent trend in hearing aid fittings is the use of open-fit Most hearing aids include son1e forn1 of input as an alter­
and RIC hearing aids (Figure 14-2). The term "open-fit" refers native to the 1nicrophone. Conventionally, hearing aids can be
to hearing aid fittings that leave the ear canal relatively unoc­ equipped with a telecoil (or t-coil) for electromagnetic coupling
cluded. Open-fit BTE (also called over-the-ear) hearing aids to a telephone or other induction-loop transducer. :tviany hearing
direct sound to the ear canal via thin tubing that rests in the aids can also receive direct audio input via a plug-in cord or can
ear canal or tern1inates in a non-custo111 flexible don1e that fits be fitted with a plug-in frequency 1nodulation (FM) receiver.


FIGURE 14-2 • Photograph of (A) open-fit slim

tube hearing aid and receiver-in-the-canal
hearing aid (8). Courtesy of Phonak.

))) Microphone Amplifier Loudspeaker

FIGURE 14-3 • Schematic representation of the
components of a hearing aid.

When a traditional BTE style of hearing instrtunent is for different listening situations. For exan1ple, one hearing
selected, an earn1old must be tnade to couple the instrument aid program 1nay be appropriate for quiet situations, with an
to the ear canal. There are n1any styles of earmolds, from a omnidirectional-microphone mode, while another hearing aid
full-shell, which fills the auricle, to canal earmolds that fill program rnay be appropriate for noisy situations, with a direc­
the ear canal only. There are also several choices for earmold tional-microphone rnode and a frequency-gain response that
tnaterials. 25 Acrylic, the hardest rnaterial, is typically the easi­ de-emphasizes low-frequency sounds. Other hearing aid pro­
est to insert and remove. Silicone, the softest material, provides grams may be 1nost appropriate for telephone use, for listening
the best acoustic seal in the ear to prevent feedback. This softer to tnusic, or for any particular listening environ1nent that might
silicone 1naterial is used rnost often with pediatric patients for require a specific hearing aid response. Programmatic control
safety reasons. Vinyl, an intermediate inaterial, can provide a can be 1nanua1 or can be changed automatically and adaptively
compromise among these factors. Nonallergenic materials are by the hearing aid.
available as well. Reduced user control over hearing aid response is a current
trend in hearing aids, with elin1ination of volume controls and
Trends in Technology Features manual progra1n buttons or remote controls in favor of adap­
DSP capability in hearings aids per1nits the flexibility to include tive control by the hearing aid itself. 1v1any hearing aids have
a nu1nber of hearing aid features that can be of substantial the capability to continuously sa1nple the acoustic environ1nent
benefit to hearing aid users. rrhese features include adaptable and to make preprogra1n1ned adjustments to the hearing aid
directionality, rntiltiple progra1ns, digital noise reduction, response as the environment changes.
digital feedback suppression, data logging, trainability, wireless Noise-reduction circuitry is a feature available in most
connectivity, and the ability of the hearing aid to auto111atically digital hearing aids. The goal of noise reduction is to reduce
control 1nost of these features. The value and availability of unwanted, ongoing background noises in an effort to enhance
these various features are determined by the type, degree, and speech perception and listening comfort. Sophisticated process­
configuration of the hearing loss, which in turn determines the ing algorithms allo;v the hearing aid to differentiate between
style and type of signal processing indicated. Patient charac­ noise sources and other signals based on their frequency, inten­
teristics and co1n1nunication needs are also factors in choosing sity, and ten1poral characteristics.32 When an unwanted noise
appropriate hearing aid features. source is identified, the amplification characteristics are auto­
A common feature in hearing aids is directionality. f\11ost matically adjusted accordingly.
devices have an omnidirectional microphone, \vhich is essen­ As noted previously, acoustic feedback occurs when an
tially unfocused in terms of direction of sound transduction, an1plified signal is redirected into the inicrophone of an ampli­
and some form of directionality, wherein the hearing aid is fication instrument. The most conlffion and effective 1nethod
rnore sensitive to sound fro1n a specified direction while not of feedback suppression in hearing aids remains adequate
amplifying sounds originating fro1n other directions. 1'his fea­ physical separation of the microphone and receiver. However,
ture enhances sound in front of the patient, where a presumed DSP has allowed for additional feedback suppression mecha­
speaker would be, \vhile reducing background noise.31 The nisms; as in the case of noise, feedback is recognized based on
effect of directional microphone use is to increase the signal­ its frequency, intensity, and temporal characteristics. \.\fhen
to-noise ratio, thereby enhancing speech understanding in noise. the hearing instrument recognizes acoustic feedback it can be
Directional rnicrophones are available in various configurations. suppressed in most cases by reduction of gain in the offend­
In the simplest form the microphone can be switched fro1n ing frequency band, or by phase cancellation of the feedback
0111nidirectional to directional. In more advanced forms, the signal. 2•·33
amount of directionality can be varied over a continuum. l n Data logging is a hearing aid feature that tracks and records
addition, so1ne syste1ns are auto1natic and adaptive, s o that the user settings and usage patterns of the hearing aid. Statistics
amount of directionality varies automatically as a function of are generated to characterize use, >vhich can be viewed via the
the amount of detected background noise. progra1n1ning soft;vare of the hearing aid. Information that
Another feature of hearing aids is the availability of inulti­ is co1nn1only utilized includes overall ti1ne of hearing aid
ple programs or memories. The use of multiple programs allows use, use of automatic or 1nanually controlled hearing aid pro­
the hearing aid to have several different responses available grams and features, and in so1ne cases, the classification of

the listening environn1ent in which the hearing aid was used. hearing aids to con1n1unicate with each other, per111itting syn­
Data logging is helpful in troubleshooting patient co1npiaints chronization of responses to environn1ental sounds.36
and in n1aking changes t o baseline progra1nn1ing to reflect the
user's preferred settings. The process can even b e auton1ated HEARING AID FITTING
to provide suggested changes based on listener preferences and AND VERIFICATION
experiences.34 An example of a data logging screen is shown in
Figure 14-4. Fitting and Verification Fundamentals
Trainability of hearing aids is an extension of data logging. Once a hearing aid has been selected, i t is programmed
In so1ne cases, data logging nlay b e used to auton1atically change vvith a prescriptive formula derived from audiometric data.
progran1n1ing based on user preferences. For certain hearing Most DSP hearing aid programming software will predict a
aids, changes nlay b e nlade when the user initiates training via "best-fit" prescription, based on the proprietary nuances of
a n1anual control. For exan1ple, a patient nlay adjust the hearing the signal processing, which sets parameters for frequency
aid volun1e and progran1 characteristics to preferential settings gain, input-output, and maximum output levels. The algo­
for a particular environ1nent. The user then initiates hearing aid rithms used for prescriptive gain are based on the physical
training so that the aid \vill approxin1ate these settings in the characteristics of an average ear. Because the specific charac­
future iI1 sin1ilar listening enviro11n1ents. 35 teristics of an individual patient's ear canal and pinna mod­
Another feature available in certain hearing aid styles is self­ ify sound in a unique way, adjustments must be made to the
diagnostic testing of the integrity of the hearing aid. For certain acoustic response of the hearing aid to accommodate these
co1n1nonly encountered problen1s, the hearing aid is capable individual variations.
of detern1ining malfunction, and voice indicators are used to Probe-microphone measurements are used for this pur­
direct the patient for basic hearing aid troubleshooting. pose. These n1easuren1ents are made by insertion of a small tube
\\Tireless connectivity is a growing trend in hearing aids. in the ear canal, close to the tympanic membrane. The external
This allows for convenient con1111unication fron1 hearing aids portion of the tube is attached to a microphone that is capable
to electronic devices and signal sources, such as ren1ote nlicro­ of recording sounds fro111 inside the ear canal. Loudspeakers
phones. Other signal sources include nlobile phones and per­ placed near the ear of the patient deliver various signals of
sonal music players. Newer technology also allows binaural different intensities.

Logging start
449 hours Hours of use 479 hours
15 hours/day Average use 16 hours/day


P2: Group/party noise ()

P.3: easy-t

Volume adjust ents AUTOMATIC DESTINATIONS Volume adjustments

I' : i::::::====:::i

.. : f. :

··= i::::::====:::i

Apply indicated changes to:

0 Quiet/match target 0 Traffic/intense noise

0 Group/party noise 0 Music

FIGURE 14-4 •Image of data logging screen from hearing aid progran1ming software. Courtesy of Unitron.

With the probe-tube in the open ear canal, sounds are exa1nplc is shown in Figure 14-5. In addition, live speech, such
presented to determine the real-ear unaided response or gain. as that of a fa1nily 1ne1nber, can be used to exa1nine the response
Then, with the hearing aid in place, the real-ear aided response of the hearing aid to realistic and highly relevant speech stin1uli.
or gain is detern1ined by presentation of the san1e sounds. The The acoustic response of the hearing aid can be adjusted so that
difference between the recorded sounds, with and without the lo\v-intensity speech beco1nes audible, nlediu1n-intensity speech
hearingaid in place, describes the real-ear insertion gain (REIG) is con1fortable, and high-intensity speech is perceived as loud
provided by the hearing aid. The output of the hearing aid can but not uncoinfortable.41
be adjusted as needed so that the REIG approxi n1ates the desired Another advance in real-ear measurement is the integra­
output targets.Ji-4o tion of the probe-n1icrophone into the hearing aid itself. Thus,
Verification of the hearing aid response is a necessary features of the hearing aid are used to provide real-ear
component of fitting hearing aids. Traditionally this had 111easures, rather than an external probe-n1icrophone.
been accon1plished through the use of aided-response testing. As in all areas of healthcare, outcon1e 111easures are a com-
Perceptual verincation of hearing aid performance is accom­ 111on strategy for evaluating the in1pact of hearing aid use on
plished with subjective quality judgn1ents and functional niea­ comn1unication ability. A variety of self-assessn1ent scales
sures including functional gain (how niuch hearing sensitivity exist that can be adn1inistered prior to and following amplin­
in1proves with the hearing aid in situ) and speech recognition cation use to detern1ine hearing aid benent.42 Scales that 111ea­
nieasures with the hearing aid in place. Such testing is often still sure patient perceptions of hearing ability and the in1pact of
used today following initial ntting to verify the benent provided con1n1unication disorder resulting fron1 hearing loss include
by hearing aids. the Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly {HHTE)2, the
Abbreviated Pron le of Hearing Aid Benefit (A PHAB),43 and the
Client Oriented Sea le ofln1proven1ent (COST). 44 Other measures,
Trends in Hearing Aid Fitting
such as the Glasgow Hearing Aid Benent Pronle {GHABP)4s
and Verification
and the International Outcome Inventory-Hearing Aids {IOI­
Real-ear measure111ent strategies have advanced in sophistica­ HA)46 provide quality-of-life measures related to hearing aid
tion to accon101odate changes in signal processing complexity. use. There are also evaluations, such as the HHTE, which can be
For exan1ple, sin1ple tonal stin1uli used in the past for real-ear adn1inistered to spouses and other fan1ily n1en1bers to provide
n1easuren1ent are now often elin1inated by sophisticated noise­ additiona.l input regarding patients' experiences v.rith hearing
reduction paradig111s, rendering then1 unacceptable for evalu­ loss and hearing aid use. The Speech-Hearing, Spatial-Hearing
ating the functioning of the device. More complex signals, such and Qualities of Hearing (SSQ) Scale,47 is a measure designed
as speech or speech-like noise, are now used to provide a n1ore to evaluate not only a patient's ability to understand speech,
realistic assessn1ent of the electroacoustic response of a device but other factors such as sound quality and naturalness of all
over ti111e to varying levels of con1plex input. acoustic sounds. This type of outcome 111easure n1ay prove
One exan1ple of this type of approach is called speech n1ap­ particularly useful for the current generation of hearing aid
ping. In speech 111apping, recorded speech is presented through technology, wherein the en1phasis has shifted to include not
a loudspeaker at various intensity levels while the response of only audibility of speech, but patient con1fort and acceptance
the hearing aid is n1easured in situ via probe-n1icrophone. An of hearing aids.

SpeeChmap Single view

140 I .QI
1011 Instrument
I On e

130 • Mode ar ':.QJ

Presentation rslngle view :QI
120 Form11 rGtaph S.QJ
110 · Scale (dB) I SPl :Ql
100 )I(
. �omet11 I.QI

90 Age Adult Headphone

UCL Average
70 . RECD AVeri9t
-- • Blnl!Jral No
so -. REDD

REAR Stlmulus t.cvel Sii
20 I Spct<h td(I) AVCJ (0:.1
) 18
2 r
s r
. . ' .

·10 Untlded avg (80) 19

8000 Cu1Ve Hide I Show_JQJ
2SO 1000 2000
FIGURE 14-5 • Image of a real-ear speech
mapping screen. Courtesy of Audioscan.

HEARING AIDS: ONLY THE FIRST STEP receive benefit fron1 structured auditory-rehabilitation pro­
gran1s. One aspect of auditory rehabilitation involves patient
Orientation and Follow-Up
education regarding approaches to opti1nizing understanding
At the ti1ue a hearing aid is dispensed, the patient is oriented to of speech in challenging listening situations. Comn1unication
the basic working of the instrunient.48'49 Instructions and train­ strategies n1ay include behavior n1oditications such as rephras­
ing are provided in cleaning and care of the hearing instrun1ent, ing or asking for repetition, use of specchreading to enhance
including changing batteries. The patient is also counseled on understanding of the auditory signal, and environ1nental nlodi­
insertion and re1noval of the hearing instru111ents, often the fications to reduce potentially interfering background sounds
inost challenging aspect of the titting. and barriers to audibility.
Follow-up appoint1uents are typically n1ade with new users Another aspect of auditory rehabilitation involves the use
of hearing instru1nents to ensure that the patient is acclin1at­ of structured auditory- or listening-training progran1s. These
ing to, and is correctly using, the hearing instrun1ents. Often, progran1s include forn1al presentation of sti1nuli designed to
due to the extent of infor1nation covered in the initial fitting train listeners to use the auditory signal n10re effectively. In
appointn1ent, the patient has additional questions or concerns. order to provide n1orc cost and tin1e-effectivc n1eans of admin­
In addition, tine-tuning adjust1uents can be inade to the hearing istering such progran1s, con1puter-based rehabilitation nlodels
instru1uent progran1ming as needed. have been developed. One exan1ple is the Listening and Auditory
A nun1ber of problems occur related to fitting of hearing Con1n1unication Enhancement (LACE) training progra1u, which
instru1nents that require sophistication in counseling, first is available for patient use on a personal co1nputer so that audi­
to define the problen1 and then to 111anage it. I n n1any cases, tory training can occur in the patient's hon1e environn1ent.51
the con1plaints of hearing instrument users are an1biguous, Counseling patients about reasonable expectations for
as patients struggle to describe the often transient sensations hearing aid use begins at the tin1e of hearing aid selection and
which occur with hearing instrument use. Once a con1plaint is continues throughout the rehabilitation process. Patients \vill
identified, there are often a nu1nber of possible causes, which benefit nlost and adjust inore readily to hearing il1strun1ents if
inust be systc1natically ruled out before a solution is found. In they are inforn1ed and knowledgeable regarding expectations
so1ue cases, the solution lies in helping the patient to develop for hearing instru1nent use.52·53 Just as for listeners with norn1al
appropriate expectations for hearing instrw11ent use. hearing, patients \vill experience greater benefit in quiet than
in noise, and when the face of the speaker can be clearly seen.
He.aring Assistive Technology Environn1ental sounds will be louder than previously experi­
Assistive technologies other than hearing aids are available for enced, but should not be uncon1fortably loud. Listeners should
situation-specific hearing issues. Assistive technologies include expect hearing instru1nents to be visible to a certain degree,
assistive listening devices (ALDs), alerting and signaling devices, and '"'hile they inay tcel the hearing instru1nents, they should
and telephon.e an1plifiers. ALDs include personal a1nplifiers, FJvf be physically comfortable. Patients will also benefit fron1 prior
systems, and television listeners. These devices are designed to understanding of how hearing il1stru1nents should be used to
enhance an acoustic signal over background noise by the use of obtain n1axin1u1n benefit. A key to success with hearing instru-
a re1note n1icrophonc. The use of a re1note n1icrophone 1nents is consistent use. Son1e patients have the expectation that
the signal to be received by the listener without the degrading hearing instrun1ents '"'ill be used only in challenging listening
effects of distance and reverberation. 50 situations. However, it is important for patients to understand
Other assistive technologies are available to provide that inconsistent use of hearing instrun1ents typically leads
solutions for specific listening situations, such as telephone to poorer results.54 In addition, patients should be counseled
a1nplifiers and closed captioning of television shows. Alerting that they will use their hearing instru1nents only during wak­
devices, such as alarn1 clocks, fire alar1ns, and doorbells are ing hours and not in situations \Vhere the hearing instruments
designed to flash a light or vibrate a bed when activated. would be exposed to excessive nioisture.
A recent trend with hearing assistive technology is the
ability to wirelessly connect such devices to hearing aids.
l. San1n1eth CA, Levitt H. Hearing aid selection and fitting in adulls:
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2 . Ventry l, Vv'einstein B. The hearing handicap inventor)' for the
the neck and which trans1nits a signal to the hearing aids. Such
elderlv: A new tool. Ear Hear 1982;3:128-34.
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3. \·Vilson C, Stephens D. Reasons for referral and attitudes toward

niodified by the hearing aid, and to bear this signal in both
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ears. In addition, it eli1ninates problen1s of feedback conunonly
encountered when using devices such as headphones or tele­
4. Kricos PB. Audiologic 1nanagen1enl of older adults "''ith hearing
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loss and compron1ised cognitive/pS)'Choacoustic auditor)' pro­
cessing capabilities. Trends An1plif2006;10:1-28.
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5 . Levitt H. A historical perspective on digital hearing aids: Ho\\'
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6. Niklaus M. Flexible DSP circuits have put advances in bearing aid 26. Mueller HG, Bright KE, Northern JL. Studies of the hearing aid
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7. Balfour PB, Hav;kins DB. A con1parison of sound quality judg- 27. Kuk FK. Perceptual consequences of vents in hearing aids.
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9. Day GA, Browning GG, Gatehouse S. Benefit fro111 binaural elderly. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl 1990;476:281-5.
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34. Mueller HG. Data logging: It's popular, but hov" can this feature
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13. Jerger J, Siln1an S, Lev; HL, Ch1uiel R. Case studies in binaural
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36. Sandrock C, Schu1n DJ. vVireless transmission of speech and data
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Elina Kari, MD I Douglas E. Mattox, MD I

Pawel J. Jastreboff, PhD, ScD, MBA

Tinnitus, "ringing in the ears," is one of the inost common EPIDEMIOLOGY

problen1s encountered in everyday otolaryngology or audiol­
The prevalence of tinnitus has been estirnated to be as high as
ogy practice. Fortunately, the majority of people with tinnitus
30% in the adult popu.lation, with approxi1nately 8% of this
are not bothered by it, or their level of annoyance is 1nild. For
population reporting botherso1ne tinnitus.3•4 The severity of
some, it can be debilitating problen1. In spite of a long history
tinnitus can range from trivial to completely disabling. Tinnitus
of tinnitus research and a rapid increase in the understanding
patients sometimes are driven to extren1ely high levels of anxiety
of the auditory systen1, tinnitus ren1ains a 1nystery. A relatively
and some co1111nit suicide. However, a systematic study showed
recent shift toward recognizing that tinnitus is a phantom audi­
that the prevalence of suicide is statistically the same in tin­
tory perception and the importance of various structures and
nitus sufferers and the general population. An Internet search
systems in the brain have yielded substantial progress in the
(Google) for "tinnitus" revealed over 4,300,000 sites, including
understanding and treatment of tinnitus. Last, but not least, the
countless self-help Web sites, information biogs, and nonprofit
developn1ent of valid anin1al nlodels of tinnitus has expanded
organizations devoted to a tinnitus "cure."
research into this challenging phenon1enon from purely the
Tinnitus presents a difficult clinical proble1n as it can be the
clinical arena to the laboratory. Many treatments have been pro­
result of any number of inedical reasons and in nlany cases, a
posed during last 30 years and the effectiveness of these treat­
definitive cause cannot be identified. Various approaches to the
ments has increased considerably during this ti1ne.
classification of tinnitus have been proposed.

HISTORY Classification and Etiology

The word "tinnitus" is derived fro1n Latin, nleaning a "jingling, It is hoped that the classification of tinnitus can aid in its
clink." Tinnitus is the sensation of noises in the ear(s) that have diagnosis and management. Consensus holds that subjective
been described as any nu1nber of sounds-ringing, whistling, tinnitus is a phantom auditory perception and that objec­
blowing, boo1ning, sizzling, etc. tive tin11itus is called a so1natosound. Tinnitus is perceived
Atten1pts to treat tinnitus can be found in n1illennia past. only by the patient; son1atosounds are generated either by
For "the bewitched ear," ancient Egyptians \vould ad1ninis­ structures within or adjacent to the ear, or by structures that
ter "oil, frankincense, tree sap, herbs, and soil" via the exter­ transmit sound to the ear (eg, clicking associated with artifi­
nal ear. Hippocrates and Aristotle later introduced the idea of cial heart valves). Theoretically, an examiner may be able to
masking to di1ninish the perception of tinnitus. During the detect a somatosound, such as a carotid bruit, but all the fac­
lvliddle Ages, the Welsh placed hot loaves of bread onto each tors that can cause such sounds are not often easily clinically
ear, thinking that the subsequent perspiration and "help of discernible.
God" \vould cure the tinnitus. During the Renaissance, sur­ Auditory imagery (a.k.a. rnusical hallucinations) is the
gery was introduced as a potential cure. Trephination of the pbanto1n perception of well-known musical tunes or of voices
mastoid was perfor1ned to release air thought to be trapped '"'ithout any understandable speech.s-s This perception is much
in the ear and causing tinnitus. Jean N1arie Gaspard of France less frequent than other forms of tinnitus; nevertheless, it is well
\<Vas credited for advancing the field of tinnitus n1anage1nent docun1ented and occurs primarily in older people with hear­
during the 19th century. Also known for his work with deaf­ ing loss. lt is presumably a central type of tinnitus involving
mutes, he gave the earliest descriptions of so-called objective reverberatory activity within neural loops at a high level in the
versus subjective tinnitus.1•2 auditory cortex.s-s


Somatosounds can be either pulsatile or nonpulsatile. the inner ear hair cells, and/or peripheral or central nervous
Pulsatile son1atosounds are usua.lly secondary to vascular (e.g., systen1 auditory pathways. The pathophysiological mechanistns
arteriovenous fistulas or malforn1ations, paraganglion1as, and pathway that lead to such a deterioration or alteration are
carotid artery stenosis, atherosc.lerotic disease, arterial myriad, complex, and in nlany cases, unclear. Even in cases of
dissection, persistent stapedial artery, intratyn1panic carotid well-defined dysfunction of the inner ear (eg, hearing loss) there
artery, vascular compression of the eighth cranial nerve, are a variety of proposed mechanistns, but as of yet none have
increased cardiac output, pseudotun1or cerebri, venous hun1, been definitely proven.
jugular bulb anomalies) or nonvascular causes (palatal myoc­ The study of tinnitus in hwnans is challenging. A common
lonus, tensor tyn1pani or stapedius n1uscle niyoclonus, vascular goal has been to identify differences between the cochlear and
neoplasn1s of the skull base).2 brain fw1ctions of tinnitus sufferers and those who do not suf­
Tinnitus can be secondary to a nun1ber of niedical condi­ fer fro1n tinnitus. The tests available, such as positron e1nission
tions but often exists in the absence of an identifiable cause. This tomography (PET), functional magnetic resonance imaging
forn1 of tinnitus is by far the n1ost comn1on. Furthern1ore, there is (ftv1Rl), otoacoustic e1nissions, and evoked potentials, can vary
significant variation in the degree of severity with which tinnitus considerably based on patient's age, sex, and degree of hearing
affects an individual-ranging from benign to devastating-with loss,12 and provide a limited a1nount of useful information.
associated affective disorders such as hyperacusis, misophonia, A nu1nber of anin1al models have evolved over the last
and depression. Notably, there is no correlation between tinnitus 20 years and have greatly added to our understanding of the
severity and its psychoacoustical characterization (i.e., pitch and neuropathophysiology of tinnitus. In 1988, Jastreboff et al.13
loudness match, n1inimal niasking level).9 described a rat inodel of tinnitus using a conditioned suppres­
sion procedure. The anin1als \vere trained to associate silence
Pathophysiology \vith a shock that subsequently evoked fear (Pavlovian suppres­

Risk Factors sion training). Jastreboff used water deprivation to motivate the

Epiden1iological studies have in1plicated many risk factors asso­ anin1als to lick fron1 a waterspout. Fear induces a decrease in

ciated with the developn1ent of tinnitus. Specifically, age, car­ drinking that has been used to assess the extent of fear. When

diovascular or cerebrovascular disease, drugs, ear infections/ tinnitus \Vas induced in anin1als trained to b e afraid of silence,

inflamn1ation, head or neck traun1a, thyroid abnormalities, they were not as afraid when external background noise \vas

loud noise exposure, ?v1eniere's disease, otosclerosis, sudden switched off as they did not perceive silence, but tinnitus.

deafness, vestibular schwannon1a, anxiety, depression, fan1ilial Consequently, suppression of drinking \Vas sn1aller and extinc­

inheritance, health status, body 111ass index, education, socio­ tion of learned fear of silence occurred faster. When, on the

economic status, and cigarette use have all been associated \Vith other hand, animals \vere trained to b e afraid of tinnitus rather

tinnitus.4 The san1e data indicate that alcohol, in n1oderation, than silence (by inducing tinnitus before Pavlovian suppression

can actually be beneficial. training), suppression \vas stronger and extinction of trained

The Norway Hearing Study (1996-1998)4 reported that fear occurred slower.

people who consun1ed l-14 alcoholic beverages over the preced­ Other inodels have evolved since Jastreboff's work that

ing 2 weeks were less likely to report bothersome tinnitus than have also used conditioned responses to reflect tinnitus,

those who reported having no alcoholic beverages during the such as pole jun1ping avoidance,14 conditioned lick reward,15

san1e tin1e fran1e. A statistically significant relationship between conditioned polydipsia avoidance,10 conditioned two-choice

tinnitus and alcohol for those individuals consun1ing nlore than (left/right responses),17 and gap detection reflexes.18•19

14 alcoholic beverages, ho\vever, could not be identified.

The san1e study, as well as the United States National Health The Discordant Dysfunction Theory
lnforn1ation Survey, Disability Supplement,4 den1onstrated that The discordant dysfunction theory20-22 postulates that tinnitus
individuals with hearing loss were much more likely to report can result fro1n an in1balance that results fro1n dan1aged or dys­
bothersome and chronic tinnitus. ln addition, the n1ore the functional outer hair cells (OHCs) and relatively better func­
severe the hearing loss, the more likely individuals \Vere to report tioning inner hair cells (IHCs). It is postulated that increased
chronic or botherso1ne tinnitus. Noise exposure, even in the neuronal activity in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) is gen­
absence of hearing loss or other auditory conditions, has been erated in response to the decreased or absent signal fron1 type II
associated with tinnitus. Ototoxic agents and nun1erous drugs auditory nerve fibers (originating fro111 OHCs) due to neuronal
have also been found to be likely culprits.2·t0 There have been a disinhibition in the DCN. This increased neuronal activity is
number of case reports o f specific agents that have appeared to thought to be the signal source for tinnitus that is perceived at
cause tinnitus, but there are specific agents that have been con­ a high cortical level.22
sistently reported, such as cisplatin11 or quinine. Kaltenbach and colleagues' work with cisplatin and ha1n­
sters has supported the theory that loss of OHC function inay
be a trigger of tinnitus-related hyperactivity in the DCN.11 His
group den1onstrated that cisplatin-treated anin1als sho\ved
While 1nany disorders have been associated with tinnitus, the DCN hyperactivity and that the degree of hyperactivity corre­
exact pathophysiology of tinnitus is unclear. Tinnitus is believed lated \vith degree of OHC loss/da1nage. Furthern1ore, the por­
to originate fron1 deterioration in, or damage, or alteration to tion of the DCN exhibiting hyperactivity represented the higher

frequency half of the anin1als' audion1etric range and corre­ discrimination of the effects of hearing loss from the effects of
sponded to the OHC loss in the (mainly basal half) cochlea. tinnitus. Currently, the work with salicylate-induced tinnitus is
Their work also den1onstrated that increases in DCN activity litnited to establishing new anitnal models of tinnitus.
were not related to degree of THC damage. Their data, in fact,
suggested that damage to THCs niay oftset the condition of Neural Plasticity
hyperactivity triggered by OHC loss, as predicted by the discor­ Neural plasticity is important in understanding both the gener­
dant da1uage theory. ation of tinnitus and explaining the suffering caused by tinni­
Hyperactivity of the spontaneous activity of the central tus. \11/hile n1any individuals will report experiencing tinnitus at
auditory systen1 has also been observed at the inferior collicu­ son1e point in their lives, only a stnall proportion of the1n find
lus (IC) and auditory cortex (AC) in patients with tinnitus.23 their tinnitus to be sufficiently botherson1e to seek intervention
The DCN receives direct innervation fron1 the auditory nerve or inedical treat1nent. Several studies have indicated that the
and its output is relayed to higher order auditory centers. severe tinnitus that causes suffering is related to changes in the
K.aJtenbach presented several lines of evidence for the role of function of nuclei in the ascending auditory pathways or by
the DCN contributing to tinnitus.23 His work, however, has the redirection of infor1nation to regions of the central nervous
been criticized. Nan1ely, the finding that the DCN is involved systen1 (C NS) that do not nor1ually receive auditory input.31-33
in the network involved in tinnitus does not prove that DCN M0ller has described the nonclassical auditory pathway and its
stin1ulation causes tinnitus. Also, note should be niade that role in crossn1odulation between the auditory and so1natosen­
the ti1ne course of noise-induced hyperactivity in the DCN sory systeins.34
is con1pletely different fron1 the tin1e course of noise-induced The nonclassical auditory pathways, also\¥11 as the
tinnitus. Finally, hi.s data do not present reasonable proof that extralen1niscal pathways, ascend in parallel to the classical
observed effects are not due sin1ply to hearing loss that was pathways. The classical pathways involve the central nucleus of
induced sin1ultaneously. the medial geniculate body and projections fron1 there that con­
Work involving the ototoxic effects of salicylate has been nect to the auditory cortex. The nonclassical auditory pathways,
done in the hope of elucidating the mecbanisn1s of tinnitus. ho\vever, start fro1n the DCN and involve parts of subseque11t
The use of high doses of saJicylate analgesics has been consis­ higher-level nuclei. Of particular interest is the connection
tently associated \¥ith acute tinnitus dating back to 1877 in the benveen the thalan1us (via the extralen1niscal part of the inedial
reports by See and Jv!uller.24 •25 In fact, the dosage of salicylate geniculate body) and the li1ubic systen1 (via the lateral nucleus
for the treatn1ent of rheumatoid arthritis was used to titrate the of the amygdala). The nondassical path\vays also receive input
dose of salicylate by increasing the dose until tinnitus appeared fro1n organs subserving other sensory inodalities, such as the
and then decreasing the dose a little.26 Cazals' review discusses son1atosensory and the visual systen1s.31•34•35
many reports and studies of the ototoxic effects of salicylate.26 The involve1nent of the li1nbic and autonon1ic nervous sys­
Syn1ptoms include alteration in sound perception, loss of abso­ ten1s can cause increased arousal, a1LXiety, panic, and awareness
lute acoustic sensitivity, and vertigo. Data have suggested that of tinnitus, and can enhance the perception of the tinnitus sig­
this toxicity is, in fact, reversible. 27• 28 Tinnitus has been consis­ nal, helping to explain how perceived loudness can be related to
tently reported after ingestion of>3 g of salicylate.24 •27• 28 Caza ls stress, anxiety and en1otional status.22 Notably, there is a direct
reviewed the data of nun1erous studies that showed that tin­ connection fron1 an1ygdala to the inferior colliculus, allo\ving
nitus "loudness" increased in linear proportion to the plasn1a control by the lin1bic syste1n of processing infor1uation \¥ithin
salicylate levels and that spontaneous otoacoustic en1issions the auditory syste1n. This interconnection between the auditory,
(OAEs) were greatly reduced or elin1inated after salicylate and the lin1bic and autono1nic nervous systen1s provides a basis
ingestion. Further work on isolated outer hair eelIs and coch Iear for creating a series of conditioned reflexes with tinnitus as the
mechanics suggests that salicylate can interfere with baseline conditioned stil11ulus and overactivation of the lin1bic and S)'ln­
electromechanical properties, but these in vitro studies have pathetic parts of autono1nic nervous systen1s as the response, in
en1ployed levels of sal icylate that are \¥ell beyond the usual turn, leading to a set of e1uotional and psychological reactions
therapeutic range. Others, however, have shown sin1ilar find­ that result in patient suffering (Figure 15-1).22
ings using levels of salicylate that are closer to or within physio­ Neural plasticity is necessary for creati11g new functional
logic Jevels.29•30 Salicylate use has also been shown to increase the connections, which are responsible for reactions evoked by tin­
spontaneous auditory neural activity. Cazals' review also exam­ nitus as well as in extinguishing the1n (by retraining the brain).
ined studies that argued that sal icylate does not cause significant Neural plasticity can consist of changes in synaptic efficacy, the
changes in the electrocochlear potential, cochlear niicrophonic, creation or eli1uination of synapses, the eli1nination or creation
or sun1n1ating potential.20 of new connections, or alteration in the protein synthesis of
While salicylate is a useful tool in establishing animal nerve cells. 31•37 Anin1al experi1nents have shown that depriva­
n1odels of tinnitus, it is argued that this type of tinnitus, which tion of auditory input caused by hearing loss and exposure to
has no practical clinical significance, does not represent clin­ loud sounds can cause hyperactivity in the nuclei of the auditory
ically relevant tinnitus and its n1echanisn1s niay be different. path\vays.38-40 The unmasking of dor1nant synapses can cause
Therefore, in current animal models, overexposure of noise redirection of inforn1ation, which has been thought to not only
is used to evoke tinnitus. As this procedure typica.lly induces cause tinnitus, but the subjective syn1pton1s of suffering such as
hearing loss as well, it is paramount to have data tllat allow hyperacusis and affective disorders.31

depression, and that tinnitus severity significantly correlated to

Auditory & other cortical areas
Percepbon & Evaluation (CoosCJollsness, Memory, Attention} Another study by McKenna et al. found that 45% of patients
-- presenting with tinnitus for treat1nent had "significant levels of

rl lr

' psychological distress."53 Reynolds et al. exa111i ned the preva­




. : lence of psychological con1orbidities in patients undergoing

Auditory -+ Limbic system
treat1nent for tinnitus in the United Kingdom. 1'hey found that
�-··"'"· Reactions
.-.- Emotions � both depression and anxiety affected patients '"'ith tinnitus and
that anxiety, which was identified as the inain psychological

r1 \ 1r
: .
' problen1, affected 28% of the reported san1ple.54


The effect of depression and/or anxiety cannot be under­


-t : •
� --
estin1ated in evaluating and treating patients with tinnitus.55
Auditory periphery
Autonomic nervous system
S0!11t:e These psychological disorders can precede tinnitus, con1plicate
treatn1ent efforts, play a critical role in the n1aintenance of tin­
nitus syn1ptom.s, and subsequently becon1e worse then1selves
as tinnitus sympton1s continue.40•47·54 A report on patients with
FIGURE 15-1 •The neurophysiological model of tinnitus. Block
tinnitus con1pared to a control group of patients presenting
diagram outlining structures and connections involved in clinically
bearing loss revealed that 60°/o of the tinnitus patients 1net
significant tinnitus. The tinnitus signal, typically generated at the
periphery of the auditory system, is detected and processed in criteria for a major depressive disorder, or lvIDD, versus 7o/o
subconscious pathways of the auditory system and finally perceived of control patients. They also had higher lifetin1e prevalence
in the auditory cortex. If tinnitus is classified as an important negative of ever having had a lvIDD (73% vs 21 %).56 Psychological dis­
stimulus, self-enhancing loops, governed by principles of conditioned
orders, however, n1ay be evoked by tinnitus and n1any patients
reflexes, develop. Note the existence of two loops: high, involving
experience depression and anxiety only after developing tin­
consciousness, and low, the subconscious loop. 36
nitus. Therefore, the question ren1ains open as to '"'hat extent
tinnitus is facilitated by prior depression, anxiety, etc., versus
causing these problen1s.
Chronic Pain, Depression, and
Psychological Aspects of Tinnitus Diagnostic Techniques
Similar neurologic changes have been observed in both chronic History and Physical Examination
neuropathic pain and tinnitus sufferers that support proposals The evaluation of tinnitus should begin '"'ith a co1nplete but
of similar mechanisms underlying these phenomena. Both lack focused history and physical exa1nination. The physician should
physical signs and objective tests to confirm or characterize the inquire into the duration, onset, severity, sound quality and
disorders and are characterized by altered perceptions of phys­ intensity, trigger factors, nlitigating factors, and laterality of the
ical stimuli. Similarly, both are of ten accompanied by affective tinnitus. It is also in1portant to inquire as to whether the sound
disorders.JJ.4J-44 is constant or intermittent, if the quality changes, if it worsens
Other researchers have also looked at the role of person­ with additional noise or silence, and if the patient experiences
ality and psychological characteristics that may contribute to decreased sound tolerance.
tinnitus severity. The strong placebo effect that is often seen in A co1nplete review of a patient's past inedical and surgi­
tinnitus treatment highlights the importance of psychological cal histories is helpful, paying particular attention to otologic
factors.45 Langguth et al.40 identified "the big five personality or neurologic surgery, depression, anxiety, and family history,
t raits" that affected scores on two standard tinnitus grading especially of ear disease or hearing loss.
instruments. They evaluated 72 individuals with chronic tin­ A thorough review of the patient's medications, consun1p­
nitus by adn1inistering the tinnitus questionnaire (TQ),47.48 tion of herbal or dietary supplen1ents, over-the-counter agents,
the tinnitus handicap inventory (TI-II ) ,49 the Beck depression and recreational substances is also so1neti1nes useful to identify
inventory (BDI),50 and the NEO-Five factor inventor y (NEO­ agents that have been reported to cause tinnitus.
FFI).51 The five personality traits examined were neuroticism, It is crucial to assess the degree of distress or handicap that
extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. tinnitus causes in the patient. New1nan et al have described a
A low "agreeablen ess" score is thought to correlate to people patient-con1pleted Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) to aid
who are " highly competitive, self-centered, and 1nore suscep­ in this assess1nent (see Appendix).49 Other inventories have
tible to anger. 52 A high ''neuroticism" score is thought to cor­
" also been developed-the 1"innitus Effects Questionnaire, the
relate to people who "experience 1nore anxiety, fear, sadness, Tinnitus Handicap Questionnaire, the Tinnitus Severity Scale,
embarrassment, and guilt. 46 They found that tinnitus severity
" and the Tinnitus Coping Style Questionnaire.57·58 Recently, a
correlated '"'ith lo'"' "agreeableness" and high "neuroticism" and ne'"' questionnaire, the Tinnitus Functional Index, developed
that the degree of correlation depended on which measure of as the result of an extensive, 3-year project, has been presented,59
severity '"'as used. They also found that "neuroticism" corre­ but is not yet in the public don1ain.
lated strongly to female gender and younger age, independent of The physical exan1ination should include a full head and
tinnitus. In addition, the authors found that 20.8o/<> of subjects neck exan1ination. Microscopic exa1nination of the ears, pneu­
exhibited moderate to severe depression, 34.7% exhibited 1nild n1atic otoscopy, tuning fork e.x:a1nination, and cranial nerve

testing should be included. lf the patient is con1plaining of While there is no cure for tinnitus, there are 1nany 1nanage­
pulsatile tinnitus (or son1atosounds), one should auscultate ment options that have shown variable degrees of success.
for vascular bruits over the ear canal, periauricular region (cir­ As previously noted, 1nost cases of tinnitus do not have an
cun1 ferentially around the ear), and over the neck. Similarly, easily identifiable cause. The following review of medical, surgi­
con1pression of the internal jugular vein can cause an increase cal, and other modalities of manage1nent is meant to specifically
or decrease in tinnitus perception in son1e vascular causes of address tinnitus treatment. Note that 1nedication or surgical
tinnitus, depending on the etiology. management offers some i1nprove1nent for tinnitus in probably
less than 1 % of cases.
In cases in which the patient's evaluation has led to the
Evaluation should ah"lays include pure-tone (air and bone con­
identification of an offending drug or agent that can cause
duction), Loudness discon1fort levels and speech discrimination
tinnitus, efforts should be made to eli1ninate this agent. For
(word recognition) testing to assess the extent and functional
example, benzodiazepine withdrawal is a known cause of
irnpact of hearing loss. Tinnitus pitch, loudness niatch, and
1uinin1al niasking levels are typically evaluated as well even
What follO\"IS is a review of n1any of the strategies and
though they do not provide insight into the diagnosis or pro­
agents that have been exan1iI1ed in the treatn1ent of tinnitus.We
posed treatm.ent. High-frequency-resolution distortion prod­
have grouped these into hearing aid/n1asking therapy, tinnitus
uct otoacoustic e1uission (DPOAE) testing is very useful for
retraining therapy (TRT), psychologic, pharn1acologic, surgical,
counseling purposes, particularly in I ight of the discordant
and other. The success of these therapies varies widely and the
dysfunction theory of tinnitus. The frequency range of all
data that support then1 also vary significantly in their quality.
n1easuren1ents can be extended into the higher frequencies, i.e.,
Therapies directed at causes of so1natosounds (typically pulsa­
12.5 kHz for audion1etry and 10 kHz for DPOAE.
tile) are beyond the scope of this chapter. Note, that TRT is an
Imaging effective inethod for treating so1natosounds as well.
Additional diagnostic testing, such as in1aging, should ulti­
Hearing Aids and Masking Therapy
n1ately be guided by data garnered from the history and physi­
The use of hearing aids and 1nasking therapy for tinnitus dates
cal exan1ination. A gadoliniun1-enhanced niagnetic resonance
back to the work of Goodhill,"1 and Saltz1nan and Ersner.•2 The
i1naging study is recon1n1ended in cases strongly suggestive of
principle is, "... by an1plification, much outside sound is enabled
the presence of a vestibular schwannoma, eg, obvious asyn1n1etry
to reach the cochlea, crowding out and 1nasking the patient's
on audiogran1, i1upaired speech discrimination, rollover in
head noises."62 So1ne work has described the concept of resid­
speech discrin1ination, or acoustic reflex decay.2 Note that tin­
ual inhibition, u1 \"lhich tinnitus perception is reduced or eli1n­
nitus alone is not a good indicator of a vestibular schwannon1a,
inated by e1nploying nlasking sound designed to precisely nlatch
but the possibility should be considered in cases of significant
various sounds to a person's tinnitus.63 In spite of high expec­
unilateral tinnitus. Tn patients with very significantly reduced
tations, after over 30 years of investigation, residual inhibition
sound tolerance, it niay be advisable not to perfonu acoustic
has never reached clinical usefulness, as it typically lasts only
reflex evaluation, and furthern1ore to use a "wait and monitor"
seconds to a n1inute. Vernon°4 discussed the utility of hearing
approach using treatn1ent aimed first at alleviating/ending the
aids in tinnitus sufferers with high-frequency hearing loss. He
reduced sound tolerance prior to proceeding to an N1RT study,
had highlighted that hearing aids \Vill likely not be successful
which is inherently noisy.
in patients in whom. the tinnitus is so high-pitched that it is
above the frequency capability of the hearing aid. Others, how­
Treatment ever, have shown this to be not true. Classical experi1nents of
Physician Counseling and Reassurance Feldn1an have shown that suppression of tinnitus perception is
One of the n1ost in1portant aspects of treating tin nit us is the based on the neuronal suppression of the tinnitus signal and is
dialog that should take place between the patient and the phy­ not based on acoustic n1asking (due to interaction of two travel­
sician. Nfost patients arriving in an otoJaryngology clinic have ing waves at the basilar 1ne1nbrane of the cochlea)."5 Specifically,
already been evaluated by 1nany other health professionals and he has shO\"ln that there is no pheno1nenon of critical band,
often arrive frustrated and discouraged, having been told to, there is no "V"-shaped dependence of intensity of 111asker
«Just learn to live with it" and that, «There is nothing I can do around pitch of tinnitus and that it is equally easy to suppress
for you." Also crucial is the reassurance that the tinnitus is not tinnitus perception by sou11ds of a wide range of frequencies.
a sign of another, n1ore serious health malady, such as a brain Son1etin1es contralateral suppression is even easier than ispilat­
tun1or or severe illness. eral. Unfortunately, the label "1nasking," became associated
Negative counseling plays a large role in how patients \"lith tinnitus suppression, creating the incorrect opinion that
develop problems v,rith their tinnitus. Our practice has had the it is easier to suppress tinnitus perception by sounds covering
experience of encountering many patients whose tinnitus has the tinnitus pitch.
caused then1 niuch greater distress after they have been told Vernon reported that tinnitus was "n1askable in 95°/o of tin­
there are no cures. Additionally, it is crucial to emphasize the nitus patients."06 These findings, however, have not been con­
benign in1plications of tinnitus. It should be made clear to the iir1ned by other groups, induding reports showing that 1nasking
patient that tinnitus is not a predictor or harbinger of hearing is not better than placebo."7 Others have found that the masking
loss or deafness, brain tun1or, aneurysm, stroke, psychiatric therapy only resulted in short-tern1 benefit in a sn1all group of
problen1s or other serious niedical illness. patients.13•08•69 The fact that continuous use of "n1askers" after

6 months has been used as a criterion of success in Vernon's and Results showed superiority of and a high level of effectiveness
some other authors' papers hindered validity of these reports. for TRT.
Jastreboff and Jastreboft70 highlighted son1e of the lin1i­ In a prospective, nonrando1n ized, unblinded study of 152
tations of 111asking therapy. There have been cases in which patients with tin11itus, Herraiz et al.;6 found that 82% of patients
hearing aids have worsened tinnitus, niostly in cases involving had significant improve111ent in their tinnitus '"'ith TRT when
occlusive hearing aids that act as earplugs. con1pared with patients who received no intervention and were
Folmer;1 reported the efficacy of ear-level devices (hear­ on a waiting list to be seen in the authors' clinic, in addition
ing aids or sounds generators) in 150 patients. According to a to patients '"'ho were partially treated but refused the reco1n-
niailed questionnaire, 50 patients used hearing aids, 50 used 1nended prostheses. Herraiz et al.78 \vent on to report that cer­
in-ear sound generators, and 50 did not use ear-level devices. tain prognostic factors could help predict success with TRT.
Follow-up was assessed 6 to 48 months subsequently. They Specifically, they found that more severe cases of tinnitus tended
found significant reduction in the Tinn itus Severity Index in all to have superior results. In addition, they found that patients
groups, but niore improven1ent was seen in the groups that used who use the rccon11uended sound-generating instru1nentation
hearing aids or ear-level devices. also tended to have better results.
Studies have also examined the role of"pink noise," a vari­ Wilson ct aF9 reported a critical analysis of TRT in 1998.
ety of artificial sounds, mimicking sounds of flowing water or Theyidentified problen1s with the "distinction bet\vecn directive
air. Various compact discs and noise n1achines have been n1ar­ counseling and cognitive therapy, the adequacy of the cognitive
keted and studied, but the efficacy of these have not yet been therapy con1ponents, the nature of the outcome data which have
proven or confirn1ed with independent studies.69 been presented to date, the theoretical basis tor the treat1nent,
Neuron1onics® Tinnitus Treatment uses a device with head­ and the conceptual clarity of terms such as perception, attention
phones that patients wear for a prescribed period of tin1e each and coping." They also highlighted the need for n10re controlled
day. According to the nlanufacturer, this device plays "music studies '"'ith no treatn1ent or placebo ar1us, and in '"'hich the
[that] is spectrally modified and customized with an en1bed­ efficacy of the counseling and white noise co1nponents could be
ded neural stimulus based upon the patient's audiological and clearly isolated. Many of these critical points have been clarified
tinnitus profile." Tt is available by prescription only but is often in subsequent studies, such as those 111entioncd above.
not covered by major insurance carriers. Subsequently, the cost
Psychological Treatment
(-$5000) can be prohibitive for niany patients. Tt is not clear,
Although not widely e1nployed in the United States, psychologi­
however, if this approach is substantially better than using an
cally based therapy has been used as the sole n1ode of therapy for
iPod with high-quality earphones playing music for a few hours
tinnitus in other countries, particularly Gern1any and S\veden.
a day. There have been only two published studies that reported
Cognitive-behavior therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach
success with this progran1, but the researchers were sharehold­
that ain1s to influence problematic and dysfunctional e1notions,
ers of the Neuro.monics co111pany, and one of the studies did not
behaviors, and cognitions through a goal-oriented, syste1natic
include a control group.n.73
procedure based on behavioristic learning theory and cogni­
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy tive psychology. It has been described as an approach to help
Tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) is ain1ed at "habituation patients better cope with tinnitus.80 Others have reported on
of reactions evoked by tinnitus, and subsequently habituation their success in treating the discomfort associated with tinnitus,
of the tinnitus perception."74 Tt incorporates two con1ponents but they had less success in decreasing depression, irritation,
that follow the principles of the neurophysiological n1odel of and tinnitus loudness.81
tinnitus as described by Jastreboff (Figure 15-1).20 These two
Pharmacologic Therapy
con1ponents are (1) counseling, ain1ed at the "reclassification of
There is no proven 111edication for the treatn1ent of tinnitus.
tinnitus to a category of neutral signals" and (2) sound therapy,
The review that follows discusses son1c of the data that have
aimed at "weakening tinnitus-related neuronal activity."74 Both
reported success, but nluch of the data is confounded by the lack
con1ponents are strictly based on the neurophysiological model
of rigorous research standards (ie, double-blinded, randon1ized
of tinnitus. The therapy atten1pts to achieve extinction of the
control trials) or they demonstrated a benefit over a placebo
abnorn1al conditioned reflex arc between the tinnitus signal
effect, \Vhich itself was quite high (40% in son1e series). At this
within the auditory pathv.rays and the emotional and physio­
ti1ne, it is the position of the authors of this chapter that 111edi­
logical responses involving the li1ubic and sympathetic part of
cal therapy is not generally effective, deleterious in son1c cases,
the autonon1ic nervous systems. The pri1uary goal is to habitu­
and should not be considered first-line therapy in the treat1nent
ate tinnitus-evoked reactions. The final goal is to reach a stage at
of tinnitus.
which tinnitus does not interfere with the patients' lives.
In an evaluation of 303 patients, Jastreboff found that Antidepressants
82o/o of patients showed a statistically significant decrease in The significant link between psychiatric disorders such as
THI scores at 12 111onths of treatn1ent.i4 Other researchers have depression and anxiety '"'ith tinnitus has led researchers to
reported similar success with both short- and long-term follow­ treat tinnitus with various antidepressants. In 1993 Dobie
up.75·76 The most interesting study so far was reported by Henry et al.45 reported the use of nortriptyline for tinnitus treat1nent
et al. (2006).77 Jn a randon1ized, systematic study, Henry com­ in a double-blinded, rando1nized clinical trial in 92 patients
pared relief therapy, which he labeled "masking therapy" (any with and without depression. Tinnitus, depression, and anxiety
sound that provided in1n1ediate decrease of tinnitus), with TRT. were assessed using the Jo,va Tinnitus Handicap Questionnaire,

Beck Depression Inventory, and Han1ilton Anxiety Rating scale, Bauer and Brozoski, 69 ho,..,ever, postulated that gabapen­
respectively. Their results indicated that 67o/o of patients stated tin would be beneficial in patients whose tinnitus is associated
that the drug "helped then1," versus 401Vo of placebo. However, with acoustic trau1na (as evidenced by an increased thresh­
tinnitus severity \Nas not significantly different between the old, or "notch," between 3 and 6 Hz on audion1etry) when
placebo and nortriptyline groups, although both in1proved con1pared to patients '"'ith tinnitus that is not associated '"'ith
throughout the study. 55•82 Their work has also highlighted the acoustic traun1a. In a placebo-controlled, single-blind trial of39
in1portance of the placebo effect and that the regular contact patients, they de1nonstrated a statistically significant improve-
with health care tean1s may not be inconsequential.45 1nent in tinnitus annoyance, and20% or better i1nproven1ent in
Zeger et al.83 reported in a double-blind, placebo-controlled subjective loudness i n 6 out of20 acoustic trau1na patients and
study involving 76 patients with severe tinnitus that the use of 4 out of 19 nontrauma patients. However, other subjective assess-
sertraline was n1ore effective than placebo in decreasing tin­ 1nents, such as the Tinnitus Handicap Questionnaire (THQ),
nitus severity, decreasing perceived tinnitus loudness, and which are inuch better assessn1ents of efficacy u1 the treat1nent
in1proving syn1pton1s of anxiety and depression. Tinnitus sever­ of tinnitus, did not significantly differ bet>veen treatn1ent and
ity was assessed with the Tinnitus Severity Questionnaire (TSQ) placebo groups.
and v,rith a visual analog scale (VAS) for tinnitus loudness and
annoyance. The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale and Han1ilton Benzodiazepines
Depression Rating Scale were used in the assessn1ent of depres­ Anecdotally, some practitioners rely on be11zodiazepines for the

sion and anxiety. Psychiatric assessments were also performed treat1nent of tinnitus. However, there are few well-designed stud­

by an experienced psychiatrist. Thirteen participants dropped ies showing that benzodiazepines are effective at controlling tin­

out of the study; however, these individuals did not differ nitus and in1proving the suffering associated '"'ith tinnitus.90 In

significantly in age, sex, or duration of tinnitus or scores for a double-blind, randomized clinical trial using alprazola1n for

depression and anxiety from the ren1aining participants. At the a 12-week period, researchers found that 760/o of those taking

conclusion of 16 \veeks, the TSQ scores for the placebo group alprazola1n reported reduction of their tinnitus loudness, con1-

decreased fron1 22.68 to 19.99, \.Yhereas they had decreased from pared to only 5% of the placebo group.91 However, this study did

21.96 to .17.28 in the treatn1ent group. There \.Yere similar statisti­ not evaluate the effect on tinnitus severity, quality of life, or the

cally significant decreases in depression in anxiety scores in the consequences of discontinuing therapy and proble1ns related to

treatn1ent group. \i\!hile these differences were found to be sta­ dependence. The study has been criticized in subsequent publica­

tistically significant, they also highlighted the placebo effect. tions as not being truly blinded as subjects were able to detern1ine

Other studies have been published and reviewed with whether they were on placebo or active substance by side effects.

regard to the use of other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Others have advocated the use of benzodiazepines in the trcat-

(SSRis) and antidepressants, and overall found then1 to be 111ore 1nent of tinnitus and hyperacusis,bb largely based on anecdotal

helpful in patients with coexisting depression and anxiety.84•85 experience rather than data fro1n randon1ized controlled trials.

Tn all these studies, it11proven1ent in depression was shown, but It is in1portant to recognize that upon discontinuation

there was n o clear indication that these drugs have direct bene­ of therapy, patients note a return of their tinnitus sy1npton1s,

ficial effect on tinnitus. and in so1ne cases, their sy1npton1s worsened.92•93 In a report by
Busto,94 three patients developed new-onset tinnitus after cessa­
Antiepileptics: Gabapentin tion of long-term. diazepa1n therapy. One patient had resolution
The relationship between chronic pain and tinnitus has been of sy1npton1s after 6 nlonths, another persisted with sympto1ns
suggested and reviewed in the references noted above. A case after l year, and the third patient resu1ned diazcpan1 therapy to
report by Zapp8b in 2001 discussed a patient \.Yith chronic control the tinnitus.
pain and a lO-n1onth history of tinnitus. He was prescribed a .tvluch attention has been drawn to the dependence that can
2-week course of gabapentin and was found to have significant develop \.Yith the use ofbcnzodiazepines.00 There are significant
improven1ent in his tinnitus sympton1s, which persisted with side effects fro1n the use of benzodiazepines, such as tachycardia,
continued therapy. Other researchers have atten1pted to repro­ hypotension, dizziness, sedation, and headache. Furthern1ore,
duce these findings with randon1ized clinical studies without so1ne have argued that benzodiazepine dependence can an
success. Picciril!o87 reported in a double-blind, randon1ized individual's ability to habituate to tinnitus sy1npton1s, thereby
clinical study involving 135 patients that gabapentin was no worsening long-term inanageinent.95 Further1nore, it has been
more effective than placebo in relieving tinnitus (.l l.3 vs. 11.0 docun1ented that infusion of benzodiazepines into the a1n yg­
point-reduction in the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory score, dala blocks, even very basic learning (Pavlovian conditioning
respectively). pairing tone with electrical shock) showing that benzodiazeines
\i\!itsell88 reported sin1i.lar findings in a randornized dou­ in1pair neural plasticity. They are, therefore, counterproductive
ble-blind, clinical trial. Seventy-six patients '"'ith tinnitus were in any treatn1cnt ai1ned at achieving inodification of connec­
treated either with placebo or gabapentin (1800 111g daily) for tions in the brain such as TRT or psychological therapies.
5 weeks. were assessed with the Tinnitus Handicap
T nventory, Profile of l\-1ood States rating scale, and subjective
Alternative Therapies
tinnitus severity. At the conclusion of the study, no significant
differences could be identified between the t\vo groups. In fact, A nun1ber of nontraditional pharm. acologic, over-the-counter,
as in the Piccirillo data, there were sin1Uar reductions in THI and herbal ren1edies for tinnitus have been exa1nined. A detailed
in both groups. exa1nination into all of the agents available on the nlarket would

be beyond the scope of this chapter. Vve will, however, high­ the 10 patients "had a reduction or elimination of their hearing
light son1e of the therapies exan1ined. As with pharmacologic loss," so it is unclear if tinnitus in1provement was a direct effect
therapy, there are no agents that have been shown to be effective of treatment or secondary to hearing improvement.
in double-blinded, randon1ized controlled studies. Two other reports have reported si1nilar findings.107•108
Piccirillo,96 in a literature review of 111elatonin, found that
it niay help patients with tinnitus and concomitant sleep dis­ Surgical Intervention
turbance, but that it did not seem to n1odify the severity or fre­
The manage1nent of tinnitus is, overall, nonsurgical. However,
quency of tinnitus.
a handful of surgical procedures have been identified as benefi­
Hilton97 perfor111ed a systen1atic review of the literature
cial in son1e groups of tinnitus sufferers. Each of these, however,
available on gingko biloba and identified only three studies that
has specific inclusion criteria that nlost tinnitus sufferers would
niet inclusion criteria. These studies revealed no evidence that
likely not 1neet.
tinnitus in1proved with ginko therapy.
Savastano98 reported a nonrandon1ized trial \¥ith no pla­ Cochlear Implantation
cebo arn1 in which 31 patients \¥ith tinnitus were treated \¥ith As tinnitus is often associated with hearing loss, the imple­
antioxidant vitan1ins. They observed that patients reported n1entation of cochlear i111pJants for hearing rehabilitation has
"great in1proven1ent in the reduction of tinnitus." However, in led to the examination of how cochlear i111plantation affects
light of previous placebo-controlled studies, the placebo effect tinnitus. Various studies have been performed on cochlear

cannot be excluded in this study. implant patients and evaluated their subjective rating of
Furthern1ore, in a review of various antioxidants, n1inerals, their tinnitus pre and postimplantation.109-113 In a con1pre­
vitan1ins, and herbal ren1edies, Enrico99 found niany of these hensive review, Baguley and Atlas114 exan1ined over 18 stud­
studies to be fraught with insubstantial scientific evidence, ies and found that the response to cochlear implantation was
significant placebo effects, and potential harn1 from these variable. The tinnitus prevalence varied fron1 35 to 100% of
substances. study subjects and tinnitus severity often was not quantified
Park100 reviewed acupuncture therapy for tinnitus and in a co1nparable nlanner across the studies. Success rates have
identified six randon1ized clinical trials. Two of these were overall been positive for tinnitus elimination or reduction
unblinded and showed improven1ent in tinnitus, whereas the (40o/o, up to 92% in son1e series), but son1e reports have indi­
four that were blinded showed no difference. cated worsening of tinnitus in 2 to 15°/o of i1nplanted patients
Transtympanic Therapy In order to qualify for cochlear in1plantation, it is reco1n­
n1ended that adults have an audiogra1n that documents a PTA
Transtympanic therapy falls into four classes: (l.) anesthetic
exceeding 70 dB bilaterally. If the patient can detect speech
agents (lidocaine), (2) ototoxic agents (gentamicin), (3) corti­
with best-fit hearing aids in place, a speech-recognition test in
costeroids, and, (4) neuroactive agents (eg, antioxidants).io1 The
a sound field of 55 dB HL (hearing level) is perforn1ed. Current
tinnitus-reducing effects of lidocaine were discovered acciden­
US Food and Drug Ad1ninistration (FDA) guidelines per1nit
tally in 1935ioi and later led to use of anesthetic agents (intrave­
implantation in patients whose open-set sentence recognition
nously) in the treatn1ent of tinnitus.103 The beneficial effects of
(e.g., HINT) is 60% or less in the best-aided condition. Criteria
lidocaine, both transtyn1panic and intravenous, have proven to
nlay vary depending on the third-party payer.ll5
be short-ten11.
Interest in transty111panic gentan1icin for tinnitus has grown Microvascular Decompression
with its success in the treatn1ent of l'vleniere's disease. Hoffer It has been postulated that vascular co1npression of cra­
et al.101 have reported their results with the use of transtympanic nial nerves can cause or are associated \¥ith hyperactive dis­
gentamicin in the treatn1ent ofJvfeniere's disease and transtym­ orders, such as trige1ninal neuralgia, hen1ifacial spasm, and
panic corticosteroids in the treatment of tinnitus in two non­ tinnitus.116•117 Microvascular decon1pression (MVD) surgery
randon1ized, unblinded studies \¥ithout placebo controls. In the involves inoving the blood vessel off of the intracranial portion
Meniere's disease study, 65o/o of patients reported a reduction in of the nerve iI1volved.1L6,J18 In a study of 72 patients,u0 inclusion
their tinnitus.104 Another group also reported success in treating criteria were severe tinnitus and signs of change in the conduc­
Jvleniere's disease as well as l'vleniere's disease-related tinnitus tion properties of the auditory nerve as nleasured by narrow
in two s111all prospective trials that were also nonrandon1 ized, dips iI1 the pure-tone audiogran1 and poorer speech discri1nina­
unblinded studies without placebo controls.105•106 Given that tion. Thirteen patients, or
18.2o/o, had significant i1nprove1nent,
niost tinnitus sufferers do not have Jvfeniere's disease, the use 22.2% had nlarked i1nproven1ent, 11.1% had slight in1prove­
of transtympanic gentamicin niay actually be deleterious to a n1ent, 45.8% had no i1nproven1ent, and 2.8% beca1ne worse.
patient's hearing and vestibular function. The authors found that better results were observed in patients
In a study examining transtyn1panic corticosteroids101, 3 of \¥ho had had tinnitus for less than 3 years and in those with
10 patients had almost complete resolution of their tinnitus and unilateral tinnitus.
3 of JO experienced a significant reduction in their tinnitus. Of In another series by Brookes, 117 vascular con1pression was
note, those patients with sudden sensorineural hearing loss were assessed with the use of air computed ton1ographic cisternogra­
those that achieved con1plete tinnitus resolution with transtym­ phy, and subsequently \¥ith MRI. Microvascular deco1npression
panic corticosteroids. The three patients v,rith significant reduc­ surgery was performed in nine patients with severe tinnitus,
tion in tinnitus had noise-induced hearing loss. Sixty percent of resulting in con1plete abolition of sy1npto1ns in three (33%)

patients, significant reduction in five patients, and no change one cannot conclude that the benefits were due to transcutane­
in two patients. ous electrical stimulation.
These data suggest that MVD could be considered in a very
Electrical Suppression with High-Rate Pulse Trains
highly selected group of patients with tinnitus, but the data are
The work of Rubinstein et al.130 is predicated on the hypothesis
lin1ited to small series of patients and \.Yere not overwheln1-
that tinnitus is the result of the loss or alteration of norn1al spon­
ing in their success. Given the risks inherent to the procedure
taneous activity in certain regions of the cochlea or auditory
described, we would not consider this first-line therapy.
nerve. In a prospective, nonrandomized trial \.Yithout a control
Cochlear Nerve Section group, 11 subjects \.Yith tinnitus were treated with niyringo­
Other authors have discussed severing the cochlear nerve in ton1y and place1nent of a temporary round \.Yindow electrode.
order to alleviate tinnitus. This decision \.YOuld clearly eliminate High-rate pulse train stimuli (close to 5 kHz) '"'ere presented
all hearing on that side. Others would argue that this surgery at various intensities. Five of the 11 subjects (45%) experienced
1uay n1ake no difference given that individuals who are already substantial or con1plete temporal resolution of their tinnitus.
deaf still experience tinnitus. Pulec119 published data in a series Three subjects showed tinnitus suppression only in association
of 151 patients in whom tinnitus was determined to originate with the perception of the stimulus and three showed no effect.
within the cochlea. The cochlear nerve was severed medial to At this tin1e, however, there has only been this study and inore
the spiral ganglion and resulted in 101 patients with con1plete work needs to be performed de1nonstrating the efficacy of this
resolution postoperatively, 43 vvho had in1provement, seven who therapy prior to being recommended for widespread use.
had no improvernent. The length of follow-up was not clear,
ho,.vever. Given the elin1ination of all hearing coupled with the Sound Therapy
possibility that tinnitus could persist or worsen, the authors of
A wide variety of sound therapies have been pro1noted over
this chapter do not recon1mend this line of therapy.
the years (eg, pink noise therapy dynan1ic tinnitus niitigation
system, phase shift tinnitus reduction, auditory integration
training). There are no results clearly showing effectiveness. It
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is generally recognized that sound enrichment can be helpful
Positron en1ission ton1ographic (PET) scans have provided and proper utilization of sound is i1nportant for a nun1ber of
researchers \.Yith data that niay indicate that tinnitus is associ­ therapies, such as music therapies, Neuro1nonics, relief therapy,
ated with corticaJ areas involved in the perception and process­ and TRT.
ing of sounds and speech.12o.ui Regional cerebral blood flow was
assessed in patients with tinnitus during tinnitus perception
and after tinnitus reduction by lidocaine injection.12 0• 122 Based
on these Ii ndings, Ple\.Ynia 2006123 investigated the use of PET­ The inechanisn1(s) of tinnitus are still under debate and there
navigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is no cure that re1noves tinnitus perception. A nun1ber of treat-
with the objective being to interfere with the neuronal activity 111ents, hO\.Yever, offer a possibility of substantial improven1ent.
in the affected areas.While short-term results were proniising,124 Of crucial in1portance is avoiding negative counseling (eg,
all but one of the six patients io their study returned to their "nothing can be done; you will have to live up to end of your life
baseline level of tinnitus after 2 weeks of therapy. Other studies \.Yith tinnitus; tinnitus n1ay get worse with aging and worsening
bave exa1nined Tl'vlS using various cortical targets, stin1ulation of hearing"). Negative cow1seling can enhance preexisting tin­
frequencies, and control groups. Kleinjung et al.125 reviewed l l nitus, annoyance and anxiety level, and turn a subject who is just
clinical trials and the results varied considerably with regard to experiencing tinnitus into a patient who is suffering fro1n it.
short- and long-term control. At this tin1e, the data do not seen1 vVhile there is no drug that is consistently recon1n1ended
to indicate that this n1odal ity of therapy is widely effective. for tinnitus, there are ongoing studies \.Yith the hope of finding a
111edication that will at least partially attenuate tinnitus. Notably,
Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation
son1e drugs (eg, benzodiazepines) inay niake treatinent inore dif­
Tinnitus suppression via transcutaneous electrical stin1ulation
ficult, in addition to creating considerable side effects. No surgical
was initially in the 1890s.12& - 128 Although success rates of up to
procedure can consistently be recon1111ended at this tin1e.
66<Yo have been reported, relief is often transient.129 A niore recent There is a consensus that sound enrich1nent of the auditory
study by Steenerson and Cronin126 reported data on transcuta­
background can be helpful and avoiding silence is of paran1ount
neous electrical stin1ulation in 500 patients. A hand-held probe
i1nportance. lv!ost effective therapies con1bine counseling \.Yith
was used to deliver electrical stin1ulation to approxin1ately 20 sound therapy. It appears that therapies ain1ed at habituation
arbitrarily selected points on the external pinna and tragus of
of tinnitus, such as TRT, at the inon1ent, offer advantages over
each ear. Patients were sin1ultaneously guided through tinni­
other approaches.
tus-reduction activities, such as relaxation, breathing exercises,
or biofeedback. Of the 500 patients, 53% received significant
benefit as n1easured by subjective tinnitus intensity scores. The
study did not, however, en1ploy a validated questionnaire and 13
patients reported \.YOrsening tinnitus after therapy that returned This questionnaire includes 25 items evaluating functional (F),
to pretreatment levels in 11 of these patients. Furthern1ore, as en1otional (E) and catastrophic (C) side effects, The patient
the patients were treated sin1ultaneously with other methods, is asked to respond with Yes (equaling 4 points), So1netimes

(equaling 2 points), or No (equaling O points). Scoring is from 5. Good\.vinPE. Tinnitus and auditory i1nagery. Arn J OtoL 1980;2:5-9.
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8. Musiek F, Ballinghan1TM, LiuB, et al. Auditory Hallucinations: An
you to hear people?
audiological perspective. The Hearing Journal 2007;60:32-52.
3 (E) Does your tinnitus niake you angry ?
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4 (F) Does your tinnitus niake you teel confused?
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5 (C) Because of your tinnitus do you feel desperate?
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6 (E) Do you con1plain a great deal about your tinnitus?
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Vestibular Rehabilitation

Michael C. Schubert, PT, PhD

The vestibular syste1n is responsible for sensing nlotion of the HISTORY

head in order to nlaintain postural control and stability of
Cawthorne and Cooksey were the first clinicians to advocate
images on the fovea of the retina during that 1notion. When
exercises for persons suffering from dizziness and vertigo.12·13
functioning norn1ally, the vestibular receptors in the inner ear
Years later, Harold Schuknecht proposed the cupulolithiasis
provide an1azing precision in the representation of head 1notion
theory, ie, otoconial debris attached to the cupula, which was
in three di1nensions. This information is then used by the cen­
later recognized as one of the tvvo n1echanis1ns responsible for
tral vestibular pathways to control reflexes and perceptions that
the lnost con1mon cause of vertigo, benign paroxys1nal posi­
are mediated by the vestibular system. Disorders of vestibular
tional vertigo (BPPV).14 In 1991, John Epley revolutionized
function result in abnor1nalities in these reflexes and lead to
treatment for BPPV, based on evidence that otoconia may also
sensations that reflect abnorn1al infor1nation about nlotion
be free floating in the sen1icircular canals, known as the cana­
from the vestibular receptors.
lithiasis Overvvhelmingly, these tvvo forms of BPPV
Normal activities of daily life (such as running) can
are successfully treated using physical maneuvers that remove
have head velocities of up to 550 degrees/sec, head accelera­
the otoconia fron1 their irritative location.
6,000 degrees/sec2, and frequency content of head
tions of up to
Recent studies have verified exercise incorporating visual
lnotion fron1 l to 20 Hz.1·2 Only the vestibular systen1 can
targets and head n1otion as an effective means to reduce sy1np­
detect head motion over this range of velocity, acceleration,
toms as ;-vell as i1nprove function associated with vestibular
and frequency.3 Additionally, the latency of the vcstibulo­
impairment.i7 Therefore, it has only been within the last three
ocular reflex (VOR) has been reported to be as short as 5 to
or four decades that our knowledge of vestibular function and
7 1nilliseconds.4 As a result, the vestibular syste1n re1nains
related disorders has profoundly changed, improving the reha­
essential not only for detection of head inotion, but gener­
bilitation approaches for individuals whose disorder pathology
ation of the appropriate motor signal to represent that head
affects the vestibular system.
Physical therapists are likely to encounter patients with
vestibular disorders regardless of clinical setting. It is esti-
1nated that the incidence of dizziness in the United States is
5.5%, or greater than 15 nlillion people per year develop the Clinicians treating patients '-vho report dizziness and imbal­
sy1nptom.5 The reported prevalence of dizziness as a inedical ance have the difficult task of distinguishing between vestibular
con1plaint in con1n1unity-dwelling adults varies based on sub­ and nonvestibular causes of dizziness. Ascertaining a thorough
jects' age, gender, and definition of the complaint (1-35%).<>-8 patient history is a critical component of the assessment. Ivlany
In nlultiple studies, it is clear that dizziness is one of the patients and clinicians use the imprecise term "dizziness" to
most co1nn1on co1nplaints adults report to their physicians, describe a vague sensation of light-headedness or a feeling they
and its prevalence increases with age.9 For patients older than have of a tendency to fall. The imprecision of the term tnay co1n­
75 years, dizziness is the n1ost con11non reason to see a physi­ plicate clinical tnanage111ent decisions. Generally, most com­
cian.10 Patients who experience dizziness report a significant plaints of being "dizzy" can be categorized as light-headedness,
disability that reduces their quality of life.11 Further1nore, it disequilibrium, vertigo, or oscillopsia.
has been reported that n1ore than 70o/o of patients with initial Light-headedness is often defined as a feeling that fainting
con1plaints of dizziness will not have a resolution of sy1npton1s is about to occur and can be caused by nonvestibular factors
at a 2-week follow up. such as hypotension, hypoglycemia, or anxiety.18 Disequilibrium


TABLE 16-1 Possible causes of vestibular and nonvestibular symptoms


Symptoms Oscillopsia with head movement, Light-headedness, disequilibrium

vertigo, imbalance

Causes Unilateral vestibular hypofunction, Orthostatic hypotension, hypoglycemia,

bilateral vestibular hypofunctio n benign
, anxiety, panic disorder, lower-extremity
paroxysmal positional vertigo, central somatosensory deficit, upper brain stem
lesion affecting the vestibular nuclei and motor pathway lesions

is defined as the sensation of being off balance. Often, disequi­ Head Impulse Test
libriun1 is associated with nonvestibular problen1s such as The head i1npulse test (HIT) is a widely accepted clinical tool
decreased somatosensation or weakness in the lower extrem­ that is used to assess sen1icircular canal function. 22 The head
ities. Vertigo is defined as an illusion of nioven1ent. Vertigo is flexed 30 degrees (to ensure cupular sti1nulation pri111arily
tends to be episodic and often indicates pathology within the in the tested lateral SCC). Patients are asked to keep their eyes
vestibular periphery or along the vestibular pathways. Vertigo focused on a target \vhile their head is nlanually rotated in an
is con1n1on du ring the acute stage of a unilateral vestibular unpredictable direction using a sn1 all-a1nplitude (5-15 degrees),
lesion, but also may nianifest itself through displaced otoconia high-acceleration (3,000-4,000 degrees/sec2) angular impulse.
(BPPV) or acute brain sten1 lesions affecting the root entry zone When the VOR is functioning norn1ally, the eyes n1ove in the
of the peripheral vestibular neurons or the vestibular nuclei.'8 direction opposite to the head nlove1nent and throu gh the exact
Oscillopsia is the experience that objects in the visual environ- angle required to keep in1ages stable on the fovea. In the case of
1nent that are known to be stationary are in motion. Oscillopsia vestibular hypofunction, the eyes move less than the required
can occur in association with head niovements in patients \Vith a1nount. At the end of the head nloven1ent, the eyes are not
vestibular hypofunction because the vestibular system is not looking at the intended target and i1nages have shifted on the
generating an adequate con1pensatory eye velocity during a fovea. A rapid, corrective saccade is nlade to bring the target
head rotation.19 A deficit in the VOR often results in motion back on the fovea. The appearance of these corrective saccades
of in1ages on the fovea during head rotation with a resultant indicates vestibular hypofunction as evaluated by the HIT (see
decline in visual acuity. The reduction of visual acuity dur­ Video 16-1). The HIT provides a sensitive indication of vestib­
ing head 111otion, however, varies among people \Vith vestibu­ ular hypofunction in patients with co1nplete loss of function
lar hypofunction.20Listed in Table 16-l are son1e of the more in the affected labyrinth that occurs following ablative surgical
common sympton1s and causes associated with vestibular and procedures, such as labyrinthecto1ny.23 The test is less sensitive
nonvestibular etiologies. in detecting hypofunction in patients with inco1nplete loss of
Head-Shaking-Induced Nystagmus
The assessn1ent of a patient with possible vestibular dysfunc­ Nystagrnus is an involuntary back-and-forth nlotion of both
tion begins with a careful history. The clinical examination eyes. Any nystag1nus due to vestibular stimulation or pathology
then includes an assessment of eye movements, posture, and is co1nposed of slo'v and fast eye nlove111ents. The slow compo­
gait. Because of the direct relationship between vestibular nent (slow eye velocity) is produced by the intact ear, which gen­
receptors in the inner ear and eye n1oven1ents produced by erates a norn1 al VOR as a result of the asy1nn1etry between the
the VOR, the bedside exan1ination of eye n1ovements is of pri- discharge rates of central vestibular neurons on each side. The
111ary in1portance in defining and localizing vestibular pathol­ fast con1ponent is a resetting eye nloven1ent that brings the eyes
ogy. Clinical evaluation of the vestibulo-ocular systen1 takes close to the center of the oculon1otor range.25 The head-shaking­
advantage of two physiological principles: the high resting fir­ induced nystag1nus (HSN) test is a useful aid in the diagnosis of
ing rate and the inequality in firing rates within the central people with asy1nn1etry of peripheral vestibular input to central
vestibular neurons for excitation and inhibition. The presence vestibular regions. Patients undergoing the HSN test nlust have
of a high resting firing rate means each vestibular system can their vision blocked because fixation on a visual target can sup­
detect head motion through excitation or inhibition. During press nystagn1us. Sin1ilar to the HIT, the head should initially
angular head rotations, ipsilateral vestibular afferents can be flexed 30 degrees. Next, the head is oscillated horizontally
be excited up to 400 spikes sec.21 Such head 1novements also for 20 cycles at a frequency of t\vo repetitions per second (2 Hz).
result in inhibition of peripheral afferents and of many cen­ Upon stopping the oscillation, people with syn1n1etric periph­
tral vestibular neurons receiving innervation fron1 the laby­ eral vestibular input will not have HSN. Typically, a person with
rinth opposite the rotation. Because the resting discharge rate a unilateral Joss of peripheral vestibular function will 1nani­
of these afferents and central vestibular neurons averages 70 fest a horizontal HSN; \vith the quick phases of the nystagn1us
to .100 spikes sec, inhibitory cutoff i.s 111ore Ii k ely to occur than directed toward the healthy ear and the slow phases directed
is excitation saturation. toward the lesioned ear (see \Tideo 16-2). Not all patients 'vith

a unilateral vestibular loss will have HSN. Patients with a com­ Posture and Balance Testing
plete loss of vestibular function bilaterally will not have HSN The assessment of gait and balance problems is important for
because neither system is functioning and there is no asyn1n1e­ determination of a patient's functional status. Testing should
try between the tonic Ii ring rates. consist of a range of assessments including static balance, weight
shifting, auton1atic postural responses, and ambulation. The
Positional Testing
balance tests cannot uniquely identify pathology within the ves­
Positional testing is comn1only used to identifywhether otoconia
tibular system. Table 16-3 includes some corrunon balance tests
have been displaced into the SCC BPPV. The Dix-Hallpike test is
and expected results.
comn1only used to verify displaced otoconia (see Figure 16-1).
The presence of otoconia in endolymph 111akes the sernicircular
Physical Therapy Intervention
canals sensitive to changes in head position. The abnorn1al signal
results in nystagmus and vertigo, nausea with or \o\lithout von1it­ Vestibular rehabiJitation refers to interventions such as repo­
ing, and disequilibrium. Once the patients are in the provoking sitioning techniques, vestibular adaptation exercises, habitu­
position, the resultant nystagn1us indicates •vhich sen1icircular ation exercises, and general exercise to improve muscle force,
canal is involved. Table 16-2 lists the pattern of nystagmus asso­ gait, or balance. The beneficial effect of vestibular rehabilita­
ciated '"ith the affected sen1icircular canal for both cupulolithia­ tion to unprove gait and imbalance due to vestibular hypo­
sis and canalithiasis. Please see Video 16-3 for an exan1ple of the function is well documented.29 In addition, controlled studies
nystagn1us pattern generated fro1n otoconia in the niost com- have been used to demonstrate improvements in D\1A and to
1non location for BPPV, the posterior sen1icircular canal. reduce complaints of oscillopsia as well as to reduce VOR gain
Dynamic Visual Acuity
Dynamic visual acuity (DVA) is the measurement of visual acu­ Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
ity during self-generated horizontal motion of the head. A «bed­ Nystagmus is generated when SCC with displaced otoconia are
side" and con1puterized fonn of the test can be used to identify placed into gravity-dependent positions, as in the Dix-Hallpike
the functional significance of the vestibular hypofunction. 26•27 test. Each SCC generates a unique eye rotation and directs
Head velocities need to be greater than l.00 degrees/sec at the the clinician to choose an appropriate treatn1ent approach
ti1ne D\'A is measured in order to ensure that the vestibular (Table 16-2). Three different treatment approaches have been
afferents fron1 the sen1icircular canals on the contralateral side developed, each based on pathophysiologic theories of this
are driven into inhibition and the letters are not identified with disorder. The techniques include the canalith repositioning
a sn1ooth pursuit eye 1novement. ln people without vestibular maneuver, the liberatory (Semont) maneuver, and Brandt­
problen1s, head movement results in little or no change of visual Daroff exercises.
acuity, co1npared with the head still. For patients with vestibu­ The canalith maneuver (CRM) is based on
lar hypofunction, the VOR \o\lil I not keep the eyes stable in space the canalithiasis theory of free-floating debris in the SCC.16 The
during the rapid head niovements, leading to decreased visual patient's head is moved into different positions in a sequence that
acuity during head motion, con1pared with the head still. DVA ""ill move the debris out of the involved sec and into the vesti­
has been shown to correctly identify an individual semicircu­ bule. Once the debris is in the vestibule, the signs and symptoms
lar canal lesion when tested \o\lith unpredictable head rotations, should resolve. The positions used in the treatment of posterior
as produced from the surgical plugging of a dehiscent superior and anterior SCC canalithiasis are the same. Figure 16-2 illus­
sen1icircular canal. 28 trates the CRM as applied to either the right posterior or right

Anterior canal

Posterior canal

FIGURE 16-1 • Canalith repositioning
maneuver for treatment of benign paroxysmal
positional vertigo. Dix-Hallpike test for
affecting the right ear. A, A patient with right
Lateral canal
posterior canal BPPV. The patient's head is
turned to the right at the beginning of the
canalith repositioning maneuver. The inset
shows the location of the debris near the
ampulla of the posterior canal. The diagram of
the head in each inset shows the orientation
from which the laybrinth is viewed. B, The
patient is brought into the supine position
with the head extended below the level
of the gurney. The debris falls toward
the common crus as the head is moved

TABLE 16-2 Type of nystagmus based on sec location and

mechanism of BPPV


Right posterior Cupololithiasis Persistent USN and right torsionc

Canalithiasis Transient USN and right torsion

Left posterior Cupololithiasis Persistent USN and left torsion

Canalithiasis Transient USN and left torsion

Right anterior Cupololithiasis Persistent DSN and right torsion

Canalithiasis Persistent DSN and right torsion

Left anterior Cupololithiasis Persistent DSN and left torsion

Canalithiasis Persistent DSN and left torsion

Horizontald Cupololithiasis Persistent apogeotropic

Canalithiasis Transient geotropic

•Testing for BPPV in the sec assumes the patient is in the appropriate positional test
b Nystagmus is labeled by the direction of the fast component (UBN means the fast
component of the nystagmus is beating upwards; DBN, down beat nystagmus)
cThe torsional rotation is noted as it relates to the superior poles of the eyes, from the
perspective of the examiner
d When BPPV occurs in the horizontal SCC, nystagmus will be present when the head is
positioned to the either side.
Apogeotropic nystagmus, fast component beats away from the earth; geotropic
nystagmus, fast component beats towards the earth.

TABLE 16-3 Common balance tests and expected results related to specific diagnosis


Romberg Negative Acute: positive Acute: positive Often negative

Chronic: negative Chronic: positive or

Tandem Romberg Negative Positive, eyes closed Positive Positive

Single-legged Negative May be positive Acute: positive May be unable to

stance Chronic: positive or perform

Gait Normal or mildly Acute: wide-based, Acute: wide-based, May have pronounced
ataxic slow, decreased arm slow, decreased arm ataxia
swing and trunk rotation swing and trunk rotation
Compensated: normal Compensated: mild gait

Turn head while May produce Acute: may not Ataxia, slows cadence May not keep balance,
walking slight ataxia keep balance to perform increased ataxia
Compensated: normal

BPPV, benign paroxysmal postural vertigo; UVH, unilateral vestibular hypofunction; BVH, bilateral vestibular hypofunction; Central
lesion-lesion affecting central vestibular pathway.

anterior SCC. After the treatment, the patient niay be cautioned The liberatory (Sen1ont) nianeuver was first offered as a
to avoid vertical bead 111ove111ents that may again dislodge the treatment for posterior SCC BPPV based on the cupulolithiasis
otoconia. It is in1portant to instruct the patient that horizontal theory. 34 It involves rapidly 1uoving the patient through positions
n1ovement of the head should be perforn1ed to prevent stiff neck designed to dislodge the debris from the cupula (Figure 16-3).
n1uscles. CRIYl has also been adapted for application to the hori­ The liberatory n1aneuver is effective as an alternative treatment
zontal SCC.31BPPV is much less co111n1on in either the horizon­ for canalithiasis, though it nlay be more difficult for the patient
tal or anterior SCC and recurrence ofBPPV is lovv.32•33 to tolerate.

c FIGURE 16-2 • Canalith repositioning

maneuver for treatment of benign paroxysmal
positional vertigo. A, The head is moved
approximately 180 degrees to the left while
keeping the neck extended with the head
below the level of the gumey. Debris enters the
common crus as the head is turned toward the
contralateral side. B, The patient's head is fur­
ther rotated to the left by rolling onto the left
side until the patient's head faces down. Debris
begins to enter the vestibule. C, The patient is
brought back to the upright position. Debris
collects in the vestibule.

Brandt-Daroff exercises were orig.inally designed to habit­ be encouraged frequently and informed of the outcomes and
uate the CNS to the provoking position.35 They niay also act to goals. The primary focus of this type of rehabilitation is gaze
dislodge debris fron1 tbe cupula or by causing debris to niove and gait stability exercises. Vestibular adaptation exercises are
out of the canal. This exercise is illustrated in Figure 16-4. The a type of gaze stability exercise designed to expose patients
exercise should be pertorn1ed in 5 to 10 repetitions, three tin1es to retinal slip. Retinal slip occurs when the visual image of
a day until the patient has no vertigo for two consecutive days. If an object moves off the fovea of the retina, resulting in visual
the patient has severe vertigo or complaints of nausea, decreas­ blurring/motion. H.etinal slip is necessary as this is the signal
ing the number of repetitions to three, perfonned three tin1es a used to improve the response of the residual vestibular sys­
day, 1nay render the exercises niore tolerable. It is i niportant to tern. However, the brain can tolerate sn1all amounts of retinal
exp.lain to the patient that the niovements of the body toward slip, yet see a target clearly.30The patient should be directed to
the bed should be done rapidly and that this wiII probably pro­ keep the target in focus. Otherwise, head n1otion that is too
voke the patient's vertigo. Patients should also be 1uade aware rapid will result in excessive retinal slip. The purpose of these
that some residual sy1nptoms of dysequilibrium and nausea exercises is to improve the VOR and recruit other oculomotor
upon completing the exercise are con1mon. Any residual syn1p­ systems that may assist gaze stability during the head nJotion.
ton1s are usually te.mporary. The t\VO primary paradigms of vestibular adaptation are XI
The physical therapy goal of perforn1ing CRJv! and (times I) and X2 (times 2) exercises.37 In the XI exercise, the
Liberatory procedures is to return the otoconia into the vesti­ patient is asked to move the head horizontally (and vertically if
bule. The Brandt-Daroff exercises, although originally designed appropriate) as quickly as possible while maintaining focus on
to habituate the peripheral vestibular response, have also led a stable target. 1"he patient must learn to slow the head move­
to a co1nplete ren1ission of syn1ptoms, son1etimes after the first ment if the target becomes blurred. A good target to use is a
exercise session.35 Physical therapy should also include teaching business card, asking the patient to focus on a word or a letter
the patient how to use the appropriate techniques at home, in within a word. The starting target distance should be an arm's
the case of recurrence. See Table 16-4 for suggested guidelines length away. The X2 paradig1n requires the patient to move the
tor use of the CRJ\11, the Liberatory n1aneuver, or Brandt-Daroff head and target in opposite directions. Both paradig1ns should
exercises. be made increasingly more difficult as the patient improves.
Exarnples of increasing difficulty include the use of a distract­
Unilateral Vestibular Hypofunction ing background while the patient attempts to read the letter
Patients with unilateral vestibular hypofunction (UVH) or word (checkerboard, venetian blinds), varying the distance
should be inforn1ed that recovery tin1e upon initiating vestib­ from which the patient performs the exercises, 1noving the
u1ar rehabilitation averages 6 to 8 weeks. To ensure comp]iance head more rapidly, and performing the exercise while stand­
with the vestibular rehabilitation exercises, patients should ing or walking.






c D



FIGURE 16-3 • liberatory (Semont) maneuver for right posterior SCC BPPV. The clinician should assist the patient
through this positioning procedure. Note the otoconia adherent to the cupula in A and B. A, The head is rotated
45 degrees to the left side. B, With assistance, the patient is moved from sitting to right sidelying and stays in
this position for 1 min. C, The patient is then rapidly moved 180 degrees, from right sidelying to left sidelying. The
head should be in the original starting position, left rotated (nose down in final position) in this example. Note the
otoconla have been dislodged from the cupula. After 1 min in this position, D, the patient returns to sitting. AC,
anterior SCC; PC, posterior SCC; HC, horizontal SCC. Adapted from O'Suflivan and Schmitz, editors, Physical
Rehabilitation, 5th edition, FA Davis, 2006.

Postural stabi I ity exercises are designed to improve balance Nlotion sensitivity is a co1n1non co1nplaint experienced by
by encouraging the developn1ent of balance strategies within the individuals with vestibular bypofunction. Habituation training
limitations of the patient, be they son1atosensory, visual, or ves­ is \.Yarranted when a patient with a UVH bas continual com­
tibular. The exercises should challenge the patient and be safe plaints of motion sensitivity or dizziness. Habituation is defined
enough to perforn1 independently. Exercises must be updated as the reduction in response to a repeatedly pertorn1ed move­
and progressed to incorporate niore challenges. lt is in1por­ n1ent. These exercises were the first successful 1nethods used
tant to incorporate head 111oven1ent into the exercises because to treat persons with vestibular disorders.12•13•30•39 To determine
niany patients with vestibular loss tend to decrease their head which habituation exercises to prescribe, the physical thera­
ni ovement. pist must determine provoking positions first. When a position

FIGURE 16-4 • Brandt-Daroff exercises

for BPPV. Instructions to the patients
include A, Sit on the edge of the bed
8 and turn your head 45° to the right. 8,
Quickly lie down on your left side and wait
15 sec before sitting up. C, Sit up and
wait another 15 sec with your head turned
the entire time. D, Now turn your head to
the left and lie down quickly on your right
side. Wait 15 sec and then sit up, wait for
15 sec. Keep your head turned the entire
time. The entire sequence is repeated
5 times and is performed 3 times a day.
From Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.

TABLE 16-4 Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo treatment techniques


CRM BPPV due to canalithiasis

liberatory maneuver BPPV due to cupulolithiasis

Brandt-Daroff exercises Persistent BPPV unresolved with CRM/liberatory

Residual vertigo without nystagmus
May be useful for the patient who cannot tolerate CRM

CRM, canalith repositioning maneuver; BPPV, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.

elicits a mild to moderate amount of dizziness, the patient sequenced eye and head movements and the use of imaginary
remains in the provoking position for 30 sec or until the symp­ targets may improve gaze stability by enhancing central prepro­
toms abate, v.1hichever comes first.40The patient is provided with gramming of eye movements.17 Patients with BVJ-1 depend on
a home exercise program (HEP) based on the results of the posi­ so1natosensation and/or vision to maintain postural stability.
tional evaluation. The provoking exercises are performed 3 to Balance exercises should enhance the use of these cues. Care
5 times each, 2 to 3 times a day. must be taken that the exercises are performed safely because
people with B\1H are more likely to fall.41 It is imperative to
Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction begin the patient on a walking program, daily if tolerated. This
Treatn1ent of patients v,rith a BVl-1 is designed to address the can be progressed to ambulating on different surfaces (grass,
primary complaints of gaze instability during head motion, gravel, sand) and in different environ.ments (grocery store,
dysequilibrium, and gait ataxia. Recovery from a lesion involv­ mall). Daily activity must continue beyond the course of ves­
ing both vestibular systems takes much longer than a unilat­ tibular rehabilitation. Other recommended activities include
eral lesion. For this reason, patient education e1nphasizing daily exercises in a pool and Tai Chi. The pool provides the bene­
activity is a high priority. fit of buoyancy, reducing the dangers of gravity, v,rhich allows
Gaze stability exercises can be similar to the Xl paradigm the patient to n1ove safely without the risk of falling quickly
described in treatment tor UVH. Use of the X2 paradigm may to the ground. Tai Chi incorporates slow, controlled motions
not be useful for a patient with a BVJ-1 because this exercise may used to improve balance, flexibility, and increase strength.42
cause excessive retinal slip. Instead, exercises that incorporate In most cases, a person with a BVH will incur a permanent

functional disability. Certain activities may always be lin1ited, 4. Minor LB, Lasker DM, Backous DD, Hullar TE. I{orizontal
such as walking in the dark, night driving, or sports involving vestibuloocular reflex evoked by high-acceleration rotations

quick n1ovements of the head.43 Older patients 111ay have to use in the squirrel monkey, I: Normal responses. T Neurophysiol
an assistive device sucb as a cane for sate ambulation at night or
on uneven surfaces. Habituation exercises do not \¥Ork for the 5. Kroenke K, Mangelsdorff AD. Co1nn1on sy1npto1ns in ambula­
tory care: Incidence, evaluation, therapy, and outco1ne. An1 J Med
patient with a bilateral vestibular loss.44
1989;86(3 ):262-6.
Central Vestibular Lesion 6. Yardley L, O\ven N, Nazareth I, Luxon L. Prevalence and pre­
Once an accurate diagnosis of central vestibular pathology is made, sentation of dizziness u1 a general practice co1n111unity sa111ple of
the physical therapist 111ust be careful in choosing rehabilitation \vorking age people. Br J GenPract 1998;48(429):1131-5.
strategies. Expectations for recovery should be described initially 7. Sloane PD. Dizziness in pri1nary care. Results from the national
to the patient. Generally, the tirne to recover will be 6 months or an1bulatory 1nedical care survey. J Fan1Pract 1989;29(1):33-8.
n1ore, and may be incomplete.45 Many of tbe adaptive mecha­ 8. Tinetti ME, \•Villian1s CS, Gill TM. Dizziness among older
nisn1s thought responsible for recovery of the vestibular systen1 adults: A possibl e ge r iatric syndrome. Ann Inte rn Med
are central processes that n1ay have been damaged in the initial 2000;132(5):337-44.
central lesion. Physical therapists treating patients \¥ith traumatic 9. Colledge NR, \•Vilson JA, Macintyre C(:, Maclennan \·VJ. The
brain injury (TBT) 111ust be careful not to be too aggressive thereby prevalence and characteristics of dizziness in an elderly co1nmu­
greatly exacerbating patient symptoms. Though vestibular reha­ nity. Age Ageing 1994;23(2):117-20.

bilitation offers pron1ise tor treating persons with TBl,46it n1ay not 10. SloaneP, Bla:.:er D, George LK. Dizziness in a comn1unity elderly
always be the treatment of choice due to its irritating nature. population. J An1 Geriatr Soc 1989;37(2):101-8.
The physical therapy intervention for central vestibular 11. Grimby A, Rosenhall U. Health related quality of life and dizzi­
lesions at the level of the brain sten1 (vestibular nuclei) likely will ness in old age. Gerontology. 1995;41:286-98.
be similar to a U\TH, with tbe san1e expectations for recovery. 12. Cawthorne, T. The physiological basis for head exercises. J Chart
Vestibular cortical lesions 1nay also recover, sin1ilar to the pro­ Soc Physiother. 1944;30:106.
cess by which recovery for cerebral vascular accident happens. 13. Cooksey FS. Rehabilitation in vestibular injuries. Proc R Soc Med
Additionally, gait and balance exercises designed to incorpo­ 1946;39:273.
rate son1atosensorv, visual, and vestibular contributions are also
14. Schuknecht HF. Cupulolithiasis. Arch Otolaryngol
effective 111eans \¥ith this patient population. 1969;90( 6):765-78.

15. Epley JM. The canalith repositioning procedure: For treal111enl

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of benign paroxysn1al positional vertigo. Otolaryngol Head Neck
�fany patients with complaints of dizziness or imbalance \¥ill
Surg. 1992;107:399.
have a norn1al clinical vestibular exan1 (negative BPPV, hHSN,
16. Hall SF, Ruby RR, McClure JA. The 1nechanics of benign parox­
HIT), yet will have abnormal balance or will con1plain of motion
ysmal vertigo. J Otolaryngol. 1979;8(2):151-8.
sensitivity. These patients can be successfully treated with ves­
17. Schubert MC, Miglia c cio AA, Clendaniel lU\, Allak A, Carey JP.
tibular rehabilitation techniques similar to those patients with
Mechanisn1 of dynan1ic visual acuity recovery •Nith vestibular
true vestibular pathology.
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The vestibular systen1 requires movement to recover fron1 most 19. Gillespie MB, Minor LB. Prognosis in bilateral vestibular hypo­
function. Laryngoscope. l999; l09:35-4 l.
lesions. The vestibular syste.m will not improve to the greatest
potential without head motion. This basic tenet should be thor­ 20. Bhansali SA, Stockwell CW, Bojrab TJL Oscillopsia in patients
with loss of vestibular function. Otolar)rngol Head Neck Surg
oughly discussed when educating patients about returning to
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daily activity, exercising independently at hon1e, and as a gen­
eral guideline for their recovery. The challenge for the clinician 21. Fernandez C, Go.ldberg JM. Physiology of peripheral neurons
innervating semicircular canals of the squirrel monkey, II:
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Response to sinusoidal stimulation and dyna mies of peripheral
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Fundamentals of Otologic and
Neurotologic Surgery

17. Principles of Temporal Bone and Skull Base Surgery

18. Lasers in Otology

19. Neurophysiologic Monitoring in Otologic/Neurotologic Surgery

20. Endoscope-Assisted Ear Surgery

21. Image-Guided Systems in Neurotology/Sku/I Base Surgery

SIR WILLIAM WILDE (1815-1876) •
JOHANNES KESSEL (1837-1907) •

Described the postauricular incision for First performed endaural radical

the management of acute subperiosteal mastoidectomy, described by his chief

mastoid abscess. resident in 1892. I n 1878 performed the

first stapes mobilization and in 1879
described sound protection for the round

CARL OLAF NYLEN (1892-1978) •

In 1921 introduced the (monocular)

otomicroscope for ear surgery.
Principles of Temporal Bone
and Skull Base Surgery
Roberto A. Cueva, MD, FACS I C. Gary Jackson, MD, FACS

INTRODUCTION and the patient's health status as it relates to the afore1nentioned

factors. Ever-increasing life expectancy, along with successful
The goal of this chapter is to cover general issues related to
treatment of chronic illnesses, has resulted in a greater num­
te1nporal bone and skull base surgery. Specifics regarding sur­
ber of older patients with con1plex medical histories being con­
gical approaches and diseases will be covered in their respec­
sidered for surgical 1nanage1nent of te1nporal bone/skull base
tive chapters. Adherence to the fundamentals of appropriate
diseases. Proactive involve1nent of appropriate tnedical spe­
anesthesia, hemostasis, exposure, illumination, inagnification,
cialists in the perioperative 1nanage111ent of patient's chronic
knowledge of anatomy, and meticulous surgical technique
illnesses is necessary to reduce risks associated with surgery.
(common to all surgery) leads to successful outcomes for
In certain situations consultation with an anesthesiologist, in
the patient and the surgeon. Proper preparation and educa­
advance of the morning of surgery, 1nay be required to assess
tion of the patient for the surgical event creates appropriate
suitability to undergo general anesthesia or to avoid anesthetic
expectations, reduces perioperative risk, and fosters a positive
patient-physician rapport thereby reducing anxiety. Finally,
Healthy patients, taking no daily medication, typi­
postoperative care will be discussed for both otologic and skull
cally do not require any preoperative blood tests. Patients
base surgery.
\<Vith chronic medical illness or patients \¥ho are on daily
medication may require blood tests as indicated by their
circumstances. Other;vise asyn1ptomatic men over the age of
In a tertiary care setting, patients will often be referred for 40 and women over the age of 50 should have an electrocar­

surgery with all the appropriate tests and workup completed. diogram. Patients with c.01nplex medical histories n1ay require
l-Iowever, both tertiary care specialists and general otolaryn­ formal consultation with an internist or other specialist (eg,
gologists alike must ensure that the workup is complete before cardiologist). 1'1edications that inhibit proper blood clotting
embarking on perfor1ning the surgery. There are nvo aspects of (anticoagulants, aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-infla1nmatory
preoperative assess1nent; the evaluation of the disease process drugs [NSAIDs], ginkgo biloba extract, vitamin E, etc.)
leading to the consideration for surgery and evaluation of the should be stopped approximately 10 days before the planned
patient's suitability to undergo surgery/anesthesia. procedure.

General Health Disease Specific Evaluation

First, an integral part of any specialist's consultation is not
In addition to a thorough head and neck exan1ination, includ­
only a thorough history of the presenting illness/disease pro­
ing cranial nerve testing, patients considered for ten1poral bone/
cess, but also a detailed review of the patient's general health
skull base surgery require specific exan1inations and testing
status. Depending on the findings of this inquiry, more exten­
appropriate to their diagnosis.
sive medical evaluation 1nay be required before surgery tnay be
safely undertaken, or the consideration of surgery 1nay be aban­ Otologic Surgery
doned entirely and other management options reco111mended. Patients considered for surgery of the nliddle ear, ty111panic
A patient's suitability to undergo surgery/anesthesia depends nlen1brane, and/or nlastoid should all undergo inicroscopic
on nu1nerous factors including: type of anesthetic to be used, otoscopy. Such careful exa111ination reduces the likelihood
nature and duration of the surgical procedure, hemodynamic that the operating surgeon will be surprised in the operat­
challenges of the operation (either from blood loss or fluid ing roon1 and have to extend the operation beyond what was
shifts), anticipated morbidity of the surgery, typical recovery, planned. Particularly i111portant is the careful removal of any


crusts covering the pars flaccida region that may hide the neck is recom.inended when complex reconstruction is anticipated
of a cholesteaton1a. Furthermore, in patients requiring revision follo>ving tun1or extirpation.
surgery following a previous intact canal \vall n1astoidecton1y, Patients \vith skull base lesions co1nn1only require preop­
careful inspection of the postero-lateral ear canal is important erative audiologic and neurophysiologic testing. The results
as a canal 111astoid fistula niay be present if the previous surgeon of the audiogran1 will help in deter1nining whether a hearing
unnecessarily reduced the height of the posterior canal bone. preservation type approach should be e1nployed and help pre­
The opening to such a fistula may be easily missed if attention dict potential for hearing preservation or loss. Auditory brain
is solely tocused on the tyn1panic n1embrane. sten1 response (ABR) testing nlay help prognosticate chances
Preoperative audiometric testing of both ears is n1andatory. of hearing preservation in vestibular schwanno1na cases.
Operating on the only hearing ear should be approached \vith The absence of ABR waveforn1s does not preclude atten1pted
the utn1ost of caution as a potential co111plication is complete hearing preservation as intraoperative direct eighth nerve
deafness. The preoperative audiogran1 not only serves as a base­ nlonitoring (DENM) routinely detects cochlear nerve action
Iine tor postoperative con1parison, but also allows the surgeon to potentials when ABR is absent.1'2 Postoperative testing of
counsel the patient regarding the potential for hearing improve­ hearing dem.onstrates \vhether hearing was preserved and
n1ent related to the planned surgery. Electronystagmography the quality of hearing if still present. Electronystag1nography
(ENG) should be perforn1ed on all patients prior to surgery tar­ (ENG) has historically been used to try and predict the nerve
geting the vestibular system. Correlation of ENG findings \vith branch of origin for vestibular schwannon1as, but is unreliable
the audiogran1 and clinical syn1pton1s when planning endo­ and therefore of lin1ited utility. Vestibular evoked 111yogenic
lyn1phatic shunt decon1pression, sen1icircular canal occlusion, potentials (VEMP) should be tested in all patients suspected
or labyrinthecton1y is important. Although rare, a patient niay of superior sen1icircular canal dehiscence to correlate \vith
have one ear sympton1atic for hearing fluctuation, tinnitus, and their C1' findings.
aural pressure, while the opposite ear is the cause of vertigo. Radiological studies are ahvays required for patients under­
Pertorn1ing surgery on the incorrect ear in this setting will. not going neurotologic/skull base surgery. For n1ost lesions 1nag­
help patients and likely leave then1 worse. netic resonance in1aging (MRI), \vith and without gadoliniun1
The role of computed tomography (CT) scanning prior contrast, is the study of choice. Axial and coronal iI11ages help
to niiddle-ear/mastoid surgery is dependent on the surgeon's the surgeon forn1 a three-din1ensional picture of the tumor's
judgment and disease process in question. An adult suspected relationship to the patient's anaton1y. Lesions in the region of
of having otosderosis \vi th a normal microscopic otoscopy does the sella turcica (ie, pituitary macroadenon1as, craniophar­
not need a CT scan of the temporal bones. The opposite is true yngion1as, and chordon1as) warrant contrast-enhanced sagit­
for a patient with two previous surgeries, recurrent cholestea­ tal views as well. For epider1noid cysts/tu1nors of the central, and a history of transient facial weakness foUo\ving the nervous systen1, which can n1in1ic arachnoid cysts, diffusion­
last surgery. Other indications for preoperative ten1poral-bone weighted in1ages are optin1al for establishing the diagnosis and
CT scanning include: ear canal atresia/hypoplasia; suspected delineating extent of disease.3
n1iddle-ear/mastoid/jugular foramen tun1or; suspected cere­ In cases where tu1nor e1nbolization is not required, the
bral spinal fluid (CSF) otorrhea; suspected fracture; suspected use of n1agnetic resonance angiography (lvfRA) and n1agnetic
X-linked conductive hearing loss; preoperative cochlear assess­ resonance venography (MRV) n1ay be used to assess a tumor's
n1ent prior to cochlear in1plantation; and sensorineural hear­ relationship to 1najor vascular structures such as the internal
ing loss/vertigo/facial \veakness in the setting of chronic otitis carotid artery and jugular bulb/vein. When tumor en1bolization
n1edia and/or cholesteatoma. is anticipated, for1nal cerebral angiography, with its attendant
risks, is necessary. Angiography with en1bolization is sched­
Neurotologic/Skull Base Surgery
uled approxin1ately 48 h prior to the planned tu1nor surgery to
Patients being prepared for neurotologic/skull base surgery
111axi1nize tun1or vessel occlusion \vithout allowing excess time
not only require the evaluation process described above, but
for dense fibrosis to occur within the tu111or. Octreotide scan­
also require a more extensive neurological exan1ination. Skull
ning can be useful for finding n1etachronous lesions in patients
base tun1ors often negatively impact the central nervous sys­
\vith neuroendocrine tumors such as paraganglion1as, if cranial
ten1 in addition to regional cranial nerves. Sensory and motor
MH.I does not include the neck down to the carotid bifurcation.
function of the extren1.ities, deep tendon reflexes, Hoffman's
CT scanning n1ay be indicated to better define the bony anat-
sign, pronator drift, cerebellar testing (Ron1berg-norn1al
01ny of the skull base in lesions causing deformity, erosion, or
and tanden1, heel to shin, finger to nose, rapid aJternating
destruction of the te1nporal bone or skull base.
n1oven1ents), and gait should all be assessed. Consultation
Specific diseases require blood or urine testing for diagnosis
\Vith a neurosurgeon is typicaJly so ugh t as such cases are
and prevention of perioperative co1nplications. Paraganglio1nas
n1anaged in a team setting. In practice settings with suffi­
require 24-h urine collection testing for vanillyli11andelic acid
cient patient volun1e a highly efficient multidisciplinary
(V�1A) and inetanephrines. Patients \Vith glo1nus tun1ors that
clinic can be established in \vhich the neurotologist and neu­
secrete epinephrine/norepinephrine should have preoperative
rosurgeon see the patient sin1ultaneousJy. Such a "skull base
alpha and beta blockade to prevent potentially dangerous intra­
clinic" pron1otes greater exchange of information between
operative hypertension. Such blockade should be in place at the
specialties, facilitates discussion of n1anagement options and
ti1ne of angiography \vith e1nbolization, as release of these vaso­
approach selection, as well as other aspects of perioperative
active hor1nones can also occur related to en1bolization.
planning. Consultation \Vith a plastic/reconstructive surgeon

PREOPERATIVE PATIENT PREPARATION functional goals required for discharge also motivates patients
to achieve those goals. Creating the proper expectation regard­
Once the patient and the disease process have been appropri­
ing discharge criteria during the preoperative discussion is crit­
ately evaluated and the decision made to proceed \-Vith surgery
ical to optimizing duration of hospitalization. Hospitalization
(after fully discussing the other inanagen1ent options), the
beyond what is medically or functionally indicated increases the
patient inust be prepared for the event.
risk of nosocomial infection, deep vein thrombosis, and other
hospitalization related complications.
Patient Education The patient and family should be inforn1ed about proper
postoperative care following discharge. Topics to address are:
This preparation includes educating the patient about the dis­
proper wound care, sympto1ns or changes to watch for, eye care
ease process, the planned surgical procedure, type of anesthesia,
associated risks/con1plications, expected outcon1e of surgery, (if facial nerve weakness is present), medication schedule, activ­
ity level, and physician contact information should problems
anticipated recovery ti1ne, postoperative care, and follo\-v-up
arise. Providing this information in \-Vritten form is helpful as
plans. The discussion about the surgical procedure should be
patients are often over>vhelmed by the volu1ne of information
detailed including: location and size of incisions, an1ount of
during this stressful time. Once ho1ne, patients are encour­
hair to be clipped (if any), basic steps of the procedure, n1ethod
aged to pursue an appropriate level of activity to reduce the
of wound closure, and dressing(s). The description of the risks/
co1nplications and expected outco1nes will occasionally over­ risk of deep venous thrombosis, as well as, 1naintain mobility
and stamina. Exertion requiring a Valsalva maneuver, particu­
lap. The expected outco1ne in inany ten1poral bone procedures
larly in patients at risk for CSF leak, is discouraged for l 1nonth
involves i1nprove1nent or preservation of function. Ho,-vever, in
following surgery. The number, timing, and purpose of post­
so1ne procedures the expected outco1ne nJay involve a decline in
operative visits should be well delineated. Neurotologic/skull
function (hearing Joss, cranial nerve dysfunction, altered cos­
base lesions commonly require long-term radiological moni­
n1esis, etc.), which should not be considered as a con1plication.
toring. The type and timing of imaging to be done should be
Con1plications are unplanned adverse events that inay occur
within a recognized statistical range. This difference should be discussed in advance as well as postoperatively. Establishing
a system for tracking patients needing scans at recommended
inade clear in settings when the expected outco1ne involves such
intervals is necessary to avoid losing a patient to follovv-up.
an anticipated decrement of function. Whenever possible the
To reduce confusion and anxiety on the day of surgery,
quoted likelihood of success and/or risk of developing a con1-
plication should be based on the individual surgeon's practice patients should be given directions to the surgery center and/

experience. Surgeons early in their practice should rely on pub­ or hospital before arrival, and if possible visit the facility to pre­
register for their admission. Doing so \\'ill help familiarize them
lished statistical data.
Choice of anesthetic is dependent on the planned procedure, with the check-in process and the physical plant. Patients trav­

the ten1peran1ent of the patient, and the surgeon's preference. eling to a distant tertiary care center should be provided a list of

Most transcanal tniddle-ear surgery is readily accon1plished lodging resources close to the facility.

with local anesthetic and sedation. "fhis allows intraoperative

testing of hearing and inore speedy recovery. Postauricular
Medical Preparation
otologic procedures including tyn1panoplasty with or \-vithout A brief discussion between surgeon and anesthesiologist
inastoidecton1y niay also be done under local anesthesia with regarding the surgery can help opti1nize the patient's surgical
sedation, but proper patient selection is i1nportant. Additionally, experience and avoid complications. Review of the anesthetic
the surgeon inust reliably be able to con1plete the planned pro­ choice, anticipated duration of surgery, use/nonuse of neu­
cedure \-vithin 2 to 3 h. Of course, all otologic procedures n1ay rophysiological inonitoring, concerns regarding intracranial
also be done under general anesthetic. Skull base procedures are pressure, intraoperative fluid manage1nent, hyperventilation to
done under general anesthesia. lower Pco2, and patient-specific health issues are examples of
Anticipated course of recovery and tin1ing for return topics worthy of review. In centers where otologic/neurotologic
to work/activities should be discussed. 1f hospitalization is surgery is co1nmon, the discussion 1nay be n1ore abbreviated as
required, duration of hospital stay \-vill vary and should be deter- the anesthesia tea1n will likely be fa1niliar with the surgeon's
1nined by the patient's postoperative functional status. At the preferences. The surgeon (or surrogate) should visit the patient
Skull Base Surgery Center for Southern California Pern1anente in the preoperative area and confir1n the site for surgery; n1ark
Medical Group, patients are advised that they will be able to it personally.
leave the hospital '"'hen they are maintaining oral ali1nentation, 'fhe topic of intraoperative fluid 1nanage111ent during skull
a1nbulating \-vith little or no assistance, pain relief is provided base surgeries merits specific attention. Fro1n the perspective of
by oral tnedications, and that there are no signs of co1nplica­ the anesthesiologist, the patient arrives in the preoperative area
tions. This focuses the issue of hospital discharge on achieving in a dehydrated state having foregone oral hydration for at least
appropriate functional level rather than a specific nun1ber of 8 h. The anesthesiologist will co1n1nonly want to "n1ake up" the
days. Using this sin1ple algorithm over the past decade, length patient's fluid deficit using intravenous fluids. The first author
of stay for acoustic tu1nor patients has averaged less than 3 days. and his neurosurgical colleague have instructed their anesthesia
Reassuring the patient that he or she will not be discharged tea1n to resist this impulse. Our instructions regarding fluid bal­
until they have achieved a suitable level of function is achieved ance are to match the voltune of intravenous fluids given to the
relieves anxiety about readiness to go hon1e. Identifying the quantity of urine output and blood loss during the course of the

surgery. This avoids overhydration and possible brain eden1a. adjust side-to-side tilt and height. Attention is paid to protecting
We have experienced situations in which the anesthetic team the patient's airway \¥hen mov ing the head during patient posi­
did not follow this request, giving patients as much as three tioning. Stabilization of the endotracheal tube, once the patient
liters of fluids during the course of an uncon1plicated 3-hour is positioned, should be done in such a way so that movement
surgery, causing the patients to develop cerebellar eden1a a few of the head during dressing placement at the conclusion of sur­
hours later requiring en1ergent measures. Excessive dehydra­ gery does not inadvertently extubate the patient. The patient
tion is to be avoided as well since it increases the risk of venous then is secured to the operating table with adjustable straps to
thrombosis. prevent patient inovement when the bed is tilted side to side.
Anxiolysis is typically provided by the anesthesiologist in The patient's head is placed on a "donut" pillow \"lith the head
the preoperative area depending on patient need. To reduce turned to place the operative site "up." Additional elevation of
nausea related to otologic procedures, 4 to 8 nig of dexameth­ the head inay be needed in patients \"lith large shoulders. Often
asone (Decadron) and 4 mg of ondansetron (Zofran) given slight neck flexion will help the surgeon gain access to the ten1-
intravenously at the start of surgery are a useful con1bination. poral bone in robustly proportioned patients. Pin fixation of the
Perioperative antibiotics for clean otologic procedures (intact head is used in retrosig1noid craniotomy and most supratento ­
tyn1panic nien1brane or dry perforation) are not e1nployed as rial cranioton1y cases. Clipping of hair and skin cleansing \"lith
the infection rate is in the range of 1%.4•5 Actively draining ears isopropyl alcohol is undertaken before incision marking is done.
have a higher rate of postoperative infection con1pared to non­ Injection of local anesthetic with epinephrine along the inci­
drai ning ears. The administration of a single dose of preopera­ sion site is done for hemostasis. Electrophysiological monitor­
tive (within I h of incision) cephalosporin, in draining ears, has ing set up is then undertaken a s appropriate for the planned
been shown to reduce early (within the first week) postoperative procedure.
infection rates three-fold. However, this protective effect disap­ The scrub technician/nurse (scrub) is positioned directly
pears in the second postoperative '¥eek.5 As such, there is no opposite the surgeon in most cases. In cases where the surgeon
con1pelling indication for the use of perioperative antibiotics tor is positioned at the top of the patient's head then the scrub is
otologic surgery. Patients with diabetes have their blood glucose positioned on the side of the surgeon's dominant hand to facil­
level checked and if necessary treated to prevent hyperglyce1n ia, itate instrwnent transfers. A video inonitor is positioned such
which has been associated with surgical site intection (SST).6 that the scrub can see it, follow the course of surgery, and anti­
Neurotologic and skull base procedures require medications cipate instrutnent changes. Some surgeons prefer that the scrub
ai1ned at brain protection and infection control. For the purpose operate the foot pedals of all devices such as bipolar cautery and
of brain protection, preoperative intravenous Mannitol 0.5 to drills. Other surgeons control such foot pedals the1nselves as
l g/kg (usually 75 g) and dexa.1nethasone 10 nig are given intra­ there is an inherent delay in starting and stopping the devices,
venously. In contrast to otological surgery, prophylactic antibi­ since the surgeon must vocalize a comrnand and the scrub then
otics are routinely used for skull base procedures. The antibiotic reacts to it. Figures 17-1 to 17-4 demonstrate idealized oper­
of choice should b e effective against Staph. aureus as this is the ating room organization of patient, equiptnent, and staff for
1nost commonly cultured organism fron1 neurosurgical SSis. different surgical site exan1ples. Each surgeon's operating room
Either oxacillin l g, or a cefazolin 1 g, is given intravenously size and configuration will dictate specifics of personnel and
'"lithin l h of incision. lf the patient is allergic to both penicil­ equip1nent positioning.
lin and cephalosporins, then vancoinycin is en1ployed in dose More important than the physical organization of the oper­
appropriate to the patient's weight. Tf the procedure is lengthy, ating roo1n are the personnel that n1ake up the operative team.
intraoperative doses of antibiotics should be given at appropri­ It is optimal to have a consistent crew of scrub technicians, cir­
ate intervals. Prophylactic intravenous antibiotics are discontin­ cuJating nurse, anesthesia teatn, and neurophysiologist working
ued 24 h postoperatively.6-8 with the surgeon's teatn. By repetition and experience this con­
sistent team will increase the quality of care as well as improve
Transition to the Operating Room safety for the patient and for each other. Familiarity with the
types of procedures, disease processes, surgeon preferences, and
As the patient is brought into the operating roon1, the staff pre­
routines will decrease inadvertent errors and foster excellence
sent should introduce themselves to the patient and identify
fron1 all participants.
their role. If music is playing, it should be soothing and at a
low volun1e to avoid affecting conversation. The patient is then
assisted in transterring onto the operating table. The patient's
Surgical Site Preparation
head should be at the end of the bed with the most space under­ Preparation of the su rgical site(s) is designed for the purpose
neath to accon1modate the surgeon's legs while seated. \iVhile of li1niting colonization of the wound by nor1nal skin flora.
the patient is still awake, identity is confirn1ed and the planned Adequate clipping of hair to accon1n1odate the anticipated
procedure and site is reconfirn1ed with all staff participating in incision(s) and extent of surgery should be done. Shaving
this "tin1e out" check. of hair with a razor has been associated with higher \¥ound
Once the patient is sedated or under general anesthetic, infection rates and clipping with an electric clipper is now
positioning for the planned surgery is undertaken. For all oto­ reco1111nended.° Cleansing of the skin with isopropyl alcohol
logic and neurotologic surgeries the anesthetist is at the patient's helps to further reduce the bacterial count as '"'ell as re1nove
feet. In addition to providing appropriate sedation/anesthesia, skin oils in preparation for incision n1arking, application of
the anesthetist is charged with managing the bed controls to gun1 resin adhesive, and adhesive plastic drap es For otologic

2° door

Back table For scrub &


Mayo Mayo

OR table


Microscope may come in from

top of patient's head or from
surgeon's left side.
Main entry
FIGURE 17-1 •Operating room set up for
left-sided posterior fossa/temporal bone lesion.

2° door

For scrub & Back table

TV IScrubI

Mayo Mayo

OR table


Microscope may come in from

Main entry top of patient's head or from
door surgeon's right side. FIGURE 17-2 • Operating roorn set up for
right-sided posterior fossa/temporal bone

surgery povidone-iodine (Betadine) soap is used for the prep. In fron1 the skin. Aseptic technique is an absolute necessity. No
neurotologic procedures alcohol-based iodine or chlorhexidine amount of antibiotics will protect the patient frorn infection if
adhesive prep solutions (Duraprep or Chloraprep) are utilized. aseptic technique is carelessly executed.
The sterile drapes used are nonabsorbent, self-adhering bar­
rier drapes. In otologic cases there is a precut aperture through
which the auricle protrudes. For neurotologic/skull base proce­
dures a wide-field adhesive drape is employed and the drape cut This section will focus on basic principles. Specifics related to
as dictated by incision position. Attached pouches with suction incisions, degree of bone removal, etc. tor particular approaches/
are desirable to collect irrigation runoff. The latter is important diseases will be covered in their respective chapters. Proper
as a pouch heavy with collected runoff may cause the drape to handling of tissues throughout the procedure will maxi1nize
pull away from the skin creating an avenue for wound contarn­ tissue vitality and consequently proper healing. Tissue that is
ination. Stapling the drape in place along the posterior edge of crushed, devascularized, or allowed to desiccate will not heal
the field can help prevent undesirable detachn1ent of the drape well and will be more susceptible to infection and necrosis.


Back table For scrub &

IScrubI I I

Mayo Mayo

OR table

Mi c ro

Scrub on side of surgeon's

dominant hand for instrumen t

Main entry
door FIGURE 17-3 • Operating room set up for
right-handed surgeon seated at top of patient's


For scrub & Back table

TV IScrubI

Mayo Mayo

OR table


Scrub on side of surgeon's

Main entry dominant hand for
door instrument changes FIGURE 17-4 •Operating room set up for
lef t-handed surgeon seated a t top of patient's

Jvlaintaining hemostasis and optin1al exposure are critical ele­ '"'ith epinephrine is the first step of both providing con1fort for
ments contributing t o successful otologic/neurotologic surgery. the patient and vasoconstriction of vessels in the surgical field.
Proper bone dissection technique is critical for maximizing For otologic surgeries done under local anesthetic with sedation,
speed and safety during this phase of temporal bone/skull base the pattern of injections will differ based on the specific pro­
surgery. Identification of vital structures avvay from involvement cedure. For transcanal procedures, injections of 2o/o xylocaine
by pathology makes for safer disease removal. Finally, meticu­ '"'ith 1:100,000 epinephrine (total volu1ne usually 2-3 inL) are
lous multilayered wound closure will provide better cosmesis placed in the tragus (Figure 17-5), the incisura (cleft between
and lower risk of complications such as CSP leak. the tragus and root of helix; Figure 17-6), the floor and poste­
rior aspect of the lateral portion of the canal (Figures 17-7 and
Hemostasis 17-8). Deeper canal injections can be n1ade with 2% xylocaine
The den1and for hemostasis in microsurgery surpasses that '"'ith 1:50,000 epinephrine (usually less than l 1nL) starting in
required during more typical procedures in the head and neck. the vascular strip, then two anterior canal injections, and t11e
To achieve the degree of hemostasis required for 1nicrosurgery last injection along the floor of the canal. These deeper injec­
special tactics must be mastered. Injection of local anesthetic tions start in the more 111obile, hair bearing, portion of the canal

FIGURE 17-5 • Tragal injection of local anesthetic with epinephrine. FIGURE 17-8 • Posterior ear canal injection.

skin \-vith the needle tip contacting the bone of the medial-ear
canal. Gentle injection pressure nlust be used to prevent a bleb
in the deep canal skin.
For postauricular procedures, the canal injections are the
same, but are preceded first by placen1ent of a greater auricu­
lar nerve block (Figure 17-9). This is follo,-ved by injection of
the postauricular tissues along the anticipated incision line
(Figure 17-10 ). The tissues fron1 dern1is to periosteun1 are
injected with 2% xylocaine with 1: 100,000 epinephrine. The
areas of the zygon1atic root, superior and posterior to the inci­
sion line receive additional injection for a total volun1e of 5 to
6 niL. If mastoidecto111y is anticipated, these latter areas are aug-
1nented with O.So/o marcaine \-vith 1:200,000 epinephrine (total
of 3-5 111L). To better control the rate of injection, the authors
favor the use of dental syringes '"'ith co111n1ercially available car­
pules of xylocaine/n1arcaine and epinephrine in the concentra­
FIGURE 17-6 •Local anesthetic injection in incisura. tions noted above. Additionally the carpules are labeled and
reduce the likelihood of a nledication error. The needle used
is a 27-gauge, one and one-quarter inch long dental needle.
Total volun1e and concentration of the injected local anesthetic
is announced to the anesthetist and nurse, to be recorded. For
procedures perforn1ed under general anesthetic the sa111e pat­
tern of injections is used (with the elin1ination of the greater
auricular nerve block and nlarcaine injections) as a carrier for
the epinephrine. The injections are adn1inistered prior to the
surgeon scrubbing as this gives adequate ti111e for optimal vaso­
constriction to occur. Infiltration of the intended incision sites
for neurotologic procedures '"'ith xylocaine/epinephrine is also
undertaken for hemostasis.
Electrocautery is an indispensable tool for achieving hen10-
stasis. Use of 111onopolar electrocautery is lin1ited to the soft
tissues of skin and nluscles. Bipolar cautery, specifically nlicro
bipolar cautery (usually irrigating), is nlost helpful once the
inicroscope is being used. '.\Tith bipolar cautery the strength of
current required for he111ostasis and the related current spread
is reduced resulting in a lo,-ver risk of adjacent tissue da111age.
FIGURE 17-7 • Floor of lateral ear canal injection. Bipolar cautery is nlost useful for achieving hen1ostasis on

usually encountered. It is rare to have even n1inin1al change in

heart rate or blood pressure \.Yith the topical use of epinephrine
as described.
Bone bleedi11g can so1neti1nes be managed \-vith topical epi­
nephrine, but con11nonly bone \.Yax is needed to achieve hen10-
stasis. A piece of bone wax is delivered on an instru1nent then
packed and s1noothed into position with a cotton pledget. Bone
\-vax should be considered a toreign body and used judiciously in
infected fields. Drilling with a dian1ond bur is useful for achiev­
ing he1nostasis in bone. The dian1ond bur works by pushing
bone dust into vascular channels in the bone rather that gener­
ating heat to cauterize the bone. This n1aneuver should be done
\.Yith copious irrigation to avoid ther1nal dan1age to adjacent
vital structures.
Injury to the sig1noid sinus can result in startling bleeding
and potential serious con1plications. Properly dealing \.Yith this
event is necessary to reduce the risk of co1nplication and to
n1axi1nize the chance of n1aintaining vessel patency. Since the
FIGURE 17-9 • Demonstration of entry point and subcutaneous
sign1oid sinuses are the main avenue for venous return fron1
course of needle for greater auricular nerve block.
the brain "packing it off" should ren1ain a last resort. Should
the sinus be violated, rather than place suction at the opening
\.Yhile getting ready to deal with the injury, the surgeon should
occlude the defect \.Yith a finger tip. This lin1its the an1ount
of blood lost and reduces the likelihood of an air en1bolus.
Next the scrub should attach a large-bore suction/irrigation
tip to the tubing, asse1nble a selection of Gelfoan1 squares
soaked in saline or thro1nbin, and have a selection of cotton
pledgets ready. The surgeon then selects, with a bayonet
forceps, a Gelfoa1n square larger than the size of the defect.
The finger occluding the defect is re1noved and the Gelfoan1
... .. ... -
square placed over the defect. Next a cotton pledget larger
than the Gelfoam square is picked up using the suction and
placed over the Gelfoan1. Con1pression \.Yith the large-bore
suction and bayonet forceps on this "Gelfoa1n patch" is n1ain­
tained with irrigation turned on and off intern1ittently. Within
a few n1on1e11ts, the Gelfoa1n will have becon1e adherent to
the exposed dura of the sinus effectively sealing the defect
\.Yithout occluding the vessel. Slight elevation of the patient's
FIGURE 17-10 • Injection of postauricular tissues. The index finger head done by placing the table in reverse Trendelenberg posi­
palpates the mastoid tip.
tion will reduce venous pressure and can assist in achieving
he1nostasis but n1ust be used with caution lest an air e1nbolus
exposed dura, the exposed sigmoid sinus, adjacent to the facial occur. Defects in the sinus, as large as 1 cn1, 1nay be "patched"
nerve, middle-ear n1ucosa, ear canal skin flaps, and the internal \.Yith this technique. Should this technique fail, suture repair of
auditory canal. The surgeon's experience and fatniliarity with the sinus may be en1ployed. S1nall openings in the sinus n1ay
his equip1nent will guide the current level suitable for specific be "welded" shut using bipolar cautery if there is sufficient
sites, but if questions arise, the current level may be tested on n1obility of the sinus \.Yall to pinch the hole closed with the
exposed muscle or other soft tissue in the surgical field. bipolar forceps.
Topical application of concentrated epinephrine is a valu­ Should all other options fail then packing the sinus becon1es
able tool for achieving hen1ostasis in the iniddle ear and mas­ necessary. Proxi1nal flo\.Y can often be n1anaged by extralum.inal
toid. Specific circun1stances in which application of topical packing. The dura of the sinus is dissected from its bony cover­
epinephrine are n1ost helpful are: prior to tyn1panic 1nembrane ing near the sinodural angle. Then absorbable oxidized regener­
graft placement, prior to stapes manipulation, and when dis­ ated cellulose (Surgicel) is packed between the bone and dura to
secting diseased 1niddle-ear mucosa or granulation tissue. The extralu1ninally co1npress the sinus. The san1e technique n1ay be
authors etnploy absorbable gelatin sponge (Gelfoatn) soaked used with the distal portion of the sinus. Should u1tralum.inal
in 1:1,000 epinephrine as the topical applicator. The gelfoam packing be needed, longer strips of Surgicel should be used \.Yith
is placed in the area requiring hernostasis and left in place for a a tail left coining out of the defect in the sinus. This prevents
few minutes. Work is undertaken elsewhere and then when the en1bolization of the packing material into the central venous
surgeon re1noves the Gelfoam, remarkably good he1nostasis is circulation. Panic is to be avoided as the medial \-vall of the sinus

inay be breached and the intracranial contents con1pressed by from where it is affected by pathology. The facial nerve should
overzealous packing. then be traced into the area of pathology. As the facial nerve is
dissected, should direct exposure of the sheath be required, the
Exposure bone overlyjng the nerve is thinned to an "eggshell," and then
this thin layer of bone is carefully dissected from the sheath.
The key to all surgery, and in particular otologic/neurotologic
This sequence of dissection will reduce the likelihood of facial
surgery, is adequate exposure. One simply nlust see what one is
nerve injury. The facial nerve should be viewed as a welcome
doing in the anato1nically co1nplex ten1poral bone. Developing a
landmark, routinely sought out during all manner of temporal
sequential pattern of bone dissection for various ten1poral bone
bone procedures. Use of electromyographic facial nerve mon­
procedures will ensure that the optin1al exposure is achieved
itoring (covered more completely in Chapter 19) is a useful
for the task at hand. One nluSt resist the te1nptation to reach
tool for informing the surgeon during dissection directly on
the deeper structure of interest prior to achieving the desired
the sheath or nerve itself. Such monitoring is no substitute for
degree of lateral exposure first. Creating a narrow, deep corridor
knowledge of anatomy or proper technique when seeking out
can yield disorientation fro1n a lack of orienting landmarks and
the nerve during bone dissection.
result in injury to vital structures. \A/bile the details of specific
Fearing the facial nerve and avoiding its identification makes
incisions and bone re1noval will be left to other chapters, the
inadvertent injury more likely. The same is true of the inter­
principle of adequate exposure tnust be upheld. Incision and
nal carotid artery in complex skull base surgeries. Identifying
bone-ren1oval planning should allow appropriate visualization
this important vessel away from the area of disease involve­
and access (distal and proxin1al control) to the neurovascular
ment and achieving proximal and distal control are prerequi­
structures traversing the intended surgical field. Further111ore,
sites for embarking on tumor dissection along its course. The
contingencies inust be inade should the exposure need exten­
potential for morbidity/mortality is greatest in those tumors
sion to deal with intraoperative con1plications.
that jntimately involve the internal carotid artery. The mod­
The authors reco1n1nend use of the operating inicroscope
ern skull-base surgeon should be prepared to manage injury to
for all aspects of ten1poral bone and skull base surgery v»ith the
this vessel then1selves or by having appropriate team members
exception of initial soft tissue work. The inicroscope should
assembled for such cases.
possess the following characteristics: high-quality optics, vari­
able inagnifi.cation, objectives '"'ith appropriate focal distances,
adjustable eye pieces, nlounted ca1nera for photo/video doc­
Bone Dissection
un1entation, and finally a suitable stand, '"'hich nJay be finely Next in importance is the use of drilling technique that allows
balanced. The nlicroscope nlust be prepared by the surgeon rapid bone removal while sequentially identifying and delineat­
prior to draping. 'fhe surgeon should check the diopter settings ing anaton1ic land1narks, \.Yhich then help lead the surgeon to
and ensure that the observer and operating oculars are par subsequent structures. Modern high-speed, high-torque drills
focal. 'fhe nlicroscope should be balanced to allow full range (both pneumatic and electric) should rightfully be called bone
of nlotion with tnini1nal effort. During surgery the surgeon dissection tools. These tools allow for rapid bone ren1oval with
should be in an ergo11on1ically sound sitting position using a minimal force needed from the surgeon's hand. This combi­
chair, which provides good back support during nlicroscope nation of attributes allows a sense of feel with the drill similar
use. This will reduce fatigue and avoid back and neck problen1s to that of a scalpel on tissue. Just as a surgeon \.Yould not use
related to i1nproper sitting position. Starting ten1poral bone a dull scalpel, brand new burs should be used with every case.
drilling under inicroscopic nlagnification provides better illu- Dull burs require more pressure to remove bone, reduce sense
1nination, a better view of the anato111y, and protection against of feel, and escalate the risk of injury.
bone dust and irrigation, v»hich inay carry potentially lethal Just as it takes ti1ne and experience to develop the "feel"
viruses (Hepatitis C, HIV, prions). By using the lo\.Yest magni­ required for soft tissue surgery, the same is true of bone dissec­
fication suitable for each step in the surgery inaxin1izes field of tion. The novice temporal bone surgeon will commonly use a
view and depth of field. very light pressure stroke v1. ith rapid side-to-side motion of the
An intunate knowledge of the three-di1nensio11al anaton1ic drill, which results in very little bone removal and sets up a dan­
relationships (and their variations) within the te1nporal bone, gerous rhythm that may be difficult to stop when a vital struc­
especially the course of the facial nerve, is inandatory for effi­ ture is encountered (Video 17-1). Additionally the irrigation •
cient and safe bone re1noval. The ten1poral bone lab is where a component of the suction irrigator is commonly poorly aimed
beginning ten1poral bone surgeon should explore the co1nplex and either kept too wet or too dry. The safest and most efficient
ten1poral-bone anaton1y. Likewise, the lab is where a practicing technique of bone dissection is similar to that of a computer
surgeon can rehearse an unco1n1nonly done procedure. Learning numerical control (CNC) milling machine. In a CNC machine,
the anato1nic "pointers" to the facial nerve: the digastric ridge, the computer has a shape three-dimensionally programmed as
chorda tyn1pani, the lateral and posterior se1nicircular canals, numerical coordinates. The computer then drives a milling tool
the incus/fossa incudus, the cochlearifor1n process, the "cog," to create the programn1ed shape out of a block of solid material.
the pyra1nidal process, the oval '"'indo\.Y, Jacobson's nerve, The temporal bone surgeon should have in mind the idealized
greater and lesser superficial petrosal nerves, Bill's bar, and the temporal bone anaton1y as that programmed three-dimensional
eighth cranial nerve are crucial to becon1ing an acco1nplished shape. Different from a CNC machine, the surgeon is able to see
ten1poral bone surgeon.9 This knowledge provides the surgeon the temporal bone structures as they are approached and n1od-
a nu1nber of options for finding the nerve in a locatio11 away ify the bone dissection to follow the contours of the structures

encountered. [n this way the anato111y of the neurovascular the team's) litnit of expertise, encountered a problem they are
structures that traverse the ten1poral bone are "liberated" from w1prepared to tnanage, or have become disoriented in the su rgi­
their bony encasen1ent. cal field. In such circumstances often the best service rendered to
When drilling \.vith well-applied suction irrigation, the t he pat ient tneans "backing out." By persist in g under the afore­
bone is kept 111oist and does not develop significant, opaque, mentioned conditions one greatl y increases the risk of injur­
\.Vhite dusting. Wet bone remains translucent. If one cannot see ing the pat ient. Reme1nber, "Prirnum non nocere." Reassessment
an anaton1ic structure through the wet bone to be drilled, it is may allo'"' reoperation in better circumstances or may prompt
likely to be at least 2 to 3 111n1 thick. That much bone can be referral to a helpful colleague.
safely ren1oved in a single, nieasured stroke with a cutting bur;
the pressure exerted to remove bone should be nieasured, not
111aximal. If maxin1al pressure is used there is greater risk of
loss of control and therefore injury. The hands should be sup­ Patients following otologic/neurotologic surgery should be
ported against the patient's head for opti111al stability. Using the transferred fro1n the operating roon1 to a postanesthesia care
side of the bur achieves the niost effective bone ren1oval. Use of unit (PACU). The PACU staff should be trained to recognize
the tip should be avoided. The largest bur suitable for the task facial nerve, cranial nerve, and other neurological dysf unct ion
should be used as it will expose structures in a broader fash­ related to these surgeries. Patients are closely inonitored until
ion. T nappropriately small burs tend to penetrate structures and they are sufficiently recovered to go hon1e or be transferred to
cause injury. Expose and delineate the lateral anaton1y devel­ their hospital roo1n (intensive care unit [ICU] or n1edical/sur­
oping a sequence of anaton1ic landn1arks that lead to deeper gical unit). Patients un dergoing otologic surgery are routinely
structures. Broad, saucerized-lateral exposure elin1inates ledges discharged to ho1ne the day of surgery itself. Should severe
or overhangs that may obscure structures, reduce illun1ination, nausea persist then they are ad1nitted overnight for hydra­
and inadvertently catch the flute of a cutting bur causing it to tion and control of nausea. 'fhis latter circu111stance is inost
jun1p. Keep the field clear of bone dust as it can hide vita.I struc­ comn1only seen in procedures, which open the labyrint h .

tures making then1 susceptible to injury. Furthen11ore, bone Following transcanal procedures, the patient is instructed to
dust is prone to osteo-neogenesis and if left in the niiddle ear change the conchal cotton ball tv»ice daily starting the inorning
111ay contribute to conductive hearing loss. after surgery. The ear canal is to be kep t dry until instructed by
The depth of bone removal should be predetern1ined by the the surgeon that it may get ,.,,et. For patients with postauricu­
surgeon and 111odilied by feedback from one's senses. The senses lar incisions, the con1pressive mastoid dressing 111ay be re1noved
of sight, touch, and hearing should be en1ployed while drilling. the day after surgery around nlid day The authors favor a
- .

The sound generated by drilling \viii change to a high-pitched "Glasscock" ear dressing. Patients are readil y able to ren1ove the
tone when approaching areas of thin bone overlying the dura. The dressing at home and be gin cleansing the postauricular incision
structures to be identified through thin bone will have different (closed with subcuticular sutures) with rubbing alcohol and
colors and characteristic locations through the ten1poral bone. replace the conchal cotton ball twice daily. The ear canal n1ust
Difterences in bone density can be discerned by the degree of re1nain dry, but t he p ostauricula r incision is allo\ved to get wet
pressure required for bone removal \vhile drilling. When the edge 4 days after surgery. The first postoperative visit is 3 weeks later
of a landn1ark is approached pressure is reduced to avoid the drill \.Yhen the ear canal is cleared of crusts and ointn1ent. Ear drops
flipping past the edge or injuring the structure. \.\Then the bone are not used unless an ear canal wick was placed at the tin1e of
over a structure is thinned, it niay be visible through 0.5 to J 111m surgery (ie, following ear canal atresia reconstruction).
of wet bone. The different bur types are used for different pur­ Patients un dergoing cranioton1y are observed in the ICU
poses. The cutting burs are aggressively fluted and used for rapid overnight \.Yith hourly checks of the vital signs and neurologi­
bone ren1oval. The diamond bur is used for liner, more gradual cal fw1ctions. The follo\ving day, if they are in suitable condition
bone ren1oval when approaching a vita.I structure. However, care then they inay be transferred to a nledical/surgical unit for the
111ust be taken to use adequate irrigation as the diamond bur can re1nainder of their hospital stay. Prevention of perioperative deep
generate significant heat that can burn bone and cause thern1al venous thro1nbosis is iinportant.14 Routine use of sequent ial co1n­
injury to vital structures such as the facial nerve. Video 17-2 is pression st ock ings is initiated in the operating roon1 as part of
an exan1ple of bone dissection technique en1ployed in the early t he patient positioning. Subcutaneous heparin injections of 5,000
stages of a translabyrinthine approach in a right ear. units twice daily are started the inorning following surgery. Rapid
Integral to all surgery is the closure. While i111portant in inobilization of the patient further reduces the risk of thron1bus
otologic surgery, attention to detail during wound closure in for1nation in the lower cxtren1ities. As per1nitted by the presence
skull base surgery is essential. CSF leak ren1ains one of the or absence of postoperative vertigo, patients arc encouraged to be
111ost comn1only reported complications of skull base sur­ out of bed the day following surgery. Physical therapy consulta­
gery.10 Attention to approach design and nieticulous, niu]tilayer tion is obtained on the first postoperative day to assess and assist
closure techniques can reduce the incidence to l'Yo or 2o/o .u·12 in a1nbulating patients at least three tin1es daily.
Co111plex closures, more frequently seen in revision surgeries, Following surgery for tu1nors affecting the lovver cranial
111ay require regional or free-flap reconstructions.13 nerves patients 1nay have significant problen1s with swal lowing
To close this section on operative technique, one niust function and air\vay protection and are kept NPO. Early consul­
e111phasize that part of doing the best possible job for the tation ,.,,ith speech/swallowing therapists is c rit ical before start­
patient includes kno\ving when one has reached their own (or ing oral intake to reduce the likelihood of aspiration pneu1 onia.

Older patients have more difficulty compensating for these surgeon alike. The level of expectation for favorable outcome is
problems than do younger patients and rehabilitation can be a very high and while we strive t o achieve perfection, the disease
lengthy process. Procedures for temporary vocal cord medializa­ process will often th,vart our efforts. Proper patient education
tion are suitable for patients i n 'vhom recovery of nerve function and preparation will help align expectation with the anticipated
is expected. Otherwise more pertnanent vocal cord medialization results. Every surgeon should consta11tly strive for excellence and
may be needed. Though unco1nmon, tracheotomy and gastros­ routinely pursue self-critique to find opportunities for i1nprove­
tomy 1nay be necessary temporaryineasures for such patients. For ment in all aspects of care. H.igorous application of the principles
patients without lower cranial nerve involvement, a clear liquid discussed in this chapter will assist the temporal bone/skull base
diet is ordered postoperatively with advance as tolerated. surgeon reach the highest levels of achievement possible.
As previously mentioned, prophylactic antibiotics following
skull base surgeries are continued for only 24 h postoperatively. References
The use of postoperative Dexamethasone (4 mg every 6 h) for 1. Roberson JB, Jackson LE, McAuley JR. Acoustic neuroina
48 h after neurotologic cases is to prevent/reduce any brain or surgery: Absent auditory brainste111 response does not con­

nerve edema. Patients with tu1nors causing significant preoper­ traindicate atte111pted hearing preservation. Laryngoscope
ative brainstem/pontine compression are at risk for sympto1n­
atic re-expansion eden1a. Re-expansion ede1na can be so severe 2. Danner C, Mastrodin1os B, Cueva RA. A con1parison of direct
eighth nerve monitoring and auditory brainsten1 response in
that it can cause cytotoxic changes in brain tissue resulting in
hearing preservation surgery for vestibular sch\vanno1na. Oto]
permanent dysfunction. In such cases low-dose mannitol (25 g
Neurotol 2004;25(5):826-32.
every 6 h for 2-3 days) may be prophylactically employed to
3. Doll A, Abu EM, Kehrli P, et al. Aspects of FLAIR sequences,
mitigate the re-expansion ede1na and reduce the likelihood of
3D-CISS and diffusion-weighted MR in1aging of intracranial epi­
cytotoxic damage. Urine and seru1n os1nolality are monitored
dermoid cysts. J Neuroradiol 2000;27(2):101-6.
during the period of 'Nlannitol use. Care must be taken not to
4. Jackson CG. Antimicrobial prophylaxis in ear surgery.
excessively dehydrate the patient as this increases the risk for
Laryngoscope 1988;98(10):1116-23.
venous thrombosis.
5. Ciovaerts PJ, Rae111aekers J, Verlinden M, et al. Use of antibiotic
Patients 'vith facial nerve weakness follo,ving surgery require
prophylaxis in ear surgery. Laryngoscope 1998;108(1):107-10.
special attention to 1naintaining corneal lubrication. These
6. Mangran1 AJ, Horan TC, Pearson ML, et al. Guideline for pre­
issues are discussed preoperatively with patients in 'vhom the
vention of stugical site infection. Infect Control Hosp Epide111iol
facial nerve is in peril. Use of lubricating eye drops at least hourly
during the day is recommended. Moisturizing ophthahnologic
7. Korinek AM, Goln1ard JL, Eicheick A, et al. Risk factors for
ointment is used at night. A moisture cha1nber n1ay also be used.
neurosurgical site infections after cranioto1ny: A critical reap­
Ongoing monitoring of corneal status by an ophthahnologist is praisal of antibiotic prophylaxis in 4,578 patients. Br J Neurosurg
recom1nended in patients with significant facial weakness and 2005;19(2) :155-62.
poor eye closure. Consultation 'vith an oculoplastic surgeon 1nay 8. Barker FG. Efficacy of proph)'lactic antibiotics against nien­
be necessary if more aggressive n1easures (gold weight, lateral ingitis after cranioton1)': A 1neta-analysis. Neurosurgery
tarsorrbaphy, etc.) are required to protect the cornea. 2007;60(5):887-94.
Skin staple removal occurs 10 to 14 days following skull 9. Sanna M, Kh.rais T, Mancini F, l�usso A, Taibah A . The facial
base surgery. At this visit the patient's recovery progress is nerve in ten1poral bone and lateral skull base 111icrosurgery. New
assessed. Encourage1nent is given and instructions are rein­ York: Thie1ne Medical Publishers; 2006.
forced regarding activity level and, if appropriate, eye care. For 10. Selesnick SH, Liu JC, Jen A, Ne\v111an, J . The incidence of cere­
patients experiencing vertigo following their surgery Ca-•Nthorne brospinal fluid leak after vestibular schv1annon1a surgery. Oto]
exercises are given at this ti1ne. For patients not recovering well Neurotol 2004;25:387-93.

with Cawthorne exercises after 1 n1onth, referral to physical 11. Cueva RA, Mastrodimos J3. Approach design and closure tech­
therapy for balance rehabilitation is initiated. Most patients are niques to niinin1ize cerebrospinal fluid lead after cerebellopon­

able to return to \Nork within 4 to 6 'veeks following neuroto­ tine angle tun1or surgery. Oto! Neurotol 2005;26(6):1176-81.

logic surgery. If the patient is recovering well and there is no 12. Sanna M, Taibah A, Russo A, et al. Perioperative complications
facial nerve dysfunction then radiological follow-up is arranged in acoustic neuron1a (vestibular schwannon1a) surger)'. Otol

with telephonic visits arranged to revie'v results and plan future Neurolol 2004;25(3):379-86.

studies. If facial nerve or other neurological dysfunction is pre­ 13. Jackson CG, Netterville JL, Glasscock ME, et al. Reconstruction
sent then follow up visits every 3 to 4 1nonths, to monitor pace and cerebrospinal 11uid n1anagement in neurotologic skull
base tu111ors with inlracranial extension. Laryngoscope
of recovery, are planned.
14. Epstein NE. A review of the risks and benefits of differing pro­
SUMMARY phylaxis regin1es for the trealn1ent of deep venous thron1-

Temporal bone and skull base surgery requires precision plan­ bosis and puln1onary en1bolus in neurosurger)'. Surg Neural
ning and execution to achieve the best results for patient and
Lasers in Otology

S. George Lesinski, MD

INTRODUCTION that compare different lasers effects on v-rater, bone, and col­
lagen will be cited. Nledical lasers approved for otologic surgery
Over the past two decades, four lasers have received the Food and
and their safe energy para1neters \"I ill be detailed. Next, specific
Drug Adrninistration (FDA) approval for otologic surgery i n the
laser surgical procedures are discussed.
United States-two lasers in the visible light spectrum-argon
(514 nm) and potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) (532 nm), and
t\"IO in the infrared (IR)-carbon dioxide (C02) (10,600 n1n) INTERACTION OF LIGHT AND
and erbiw11 yttrium alu1ninum garnet (YAG) (2,960 nn1). These MATTER-QUANTUM THEORY
lasers have increased surgical precision while reducing mechani­
To understand how the EM energy fields of light interact \"lith
cal traUllla to the inner ear and facial nerve. Otologic lasers have
the E.Nf fields of ato1ns and 1nolecules, we must exan1ine the
no\¥ been widely accepted for otosclerosis surgery. Many studies
sub1nicroscopic structure of 111atter at din1ensions unfamiliar
have demonstrated improved clinical results for primary and, in
to our senses (s1naller than l0-10 n1).
particular, revision otosclerosis surgery compared to standard
To journey into this subn1icroscopic reahn we will leave
nonlaser techniques. Otologic lasers have been used success­
our fan1iliar \"IOrld of solid, stable inatter, and enter the violent
fully for vaporizing glomus tumors, acoustic neuromas, small
world of charged particles vibrating, spinning, and orbiting at
arteriovenous (AV) malfortnations, and in chronic ear surgery,
uni1naginable speeds, creating powerful EM forces and contain­
for vaporizing granulation tissue and cholesteatomas, partic­
ing kinetic energy beyond our in1agination.1 "This is ....
, here the
ularly on a mobile stapes. Recently, lasers have warmed niti­
action is" when light interacts with n1atter.
nol prostheses-attaching these "metals with memory" to the
Aton1s and niolecules are in constant 111otion (kinetic
incus without mechanical cri1nping. All four lasers have proven
energy). There are five levels of kinetic energy within each
clinical efficacy and safety for these applications, provided the
surgeon employs appropriate energy guidelines and 1nicrosur­
gical techniques. l. Nuclear
Which laser is best for which otologic procedure? l s the 2. Electron "orbits"
laser's wavelength important? \!\!hat potential future applica­ 3. Vibration of aton1s relative to "core aton1" in n1olecule
tions do lasers offer for otologic surgery? Understanding the 4. Rotation of entire n1olecule
biophysical effects resulting from the laser's electromagnetic 5. Translational nlotion-Brownian n1oven1ent
(EM) energy being absorbed by the EM fields of the atoms in the
target tissue provides the scientific foundation to answer these To maintain stability within the n1olecule, it can exist only in

questions. This submicroscopic world is composed of power­ specific, quantized energy levels at each of the first four kinetic

ful EM fields, a world that is very different than the world we energy levels. The laws of quantu1n nlechanics predict these

experience through our senses. lt is governed by rules of phys­ energy levels. Charged particles in motion produce EM fields.

ics (quantum mechanics) that are counterintuitive to our daily When a specific kinetic energy state (eg, electron orbits) moves

experience and often seem to contradict the la\"IS of Newtonian to a lo,"ler allo\"lable energy level, the n1olecule e1nits photons of

physics, the physics that most of us studied in college. EM energy that precisely equals the lost energy. Conversely, each

'fhis chapter will first focus on a few essential principles of n1olecule can absorb only those photons that contain the precise

quantum mechanics that explain the interaction of light and an1ount of EM energy that will 1nove the lower energy state to

matter. Then, results from relevant laboratory experiments a l1igher "allo\"lable" quantized level. Thus each nlolecule can


absorb only specific photons (wave lengths or frequencies)­

TABLE 18-1 Site of electromagnetic photon
absorption of laser EM energy is wave length dependent.
Laser energy interacts with four of the five kinetic energy
levels within a molecule: ELECTROMAGNETIC
1. Nuclear kinetic energy. The powerful kinetic energy fields
Nucleus None
of protons, neutrons and the strong nuclear force are far
beyond the quanta of laser energy and therefore lasers can­ Electrons (orbital) Ultraviolet, visible, a nd
not affect the nucleus. near-infrared
2. Electron orbits (EM force). Electrons are attracted by posi­ Atoms (vibrational) Infrared
tively charged protons into specific "quantized orbits." There
are relatively few orbits allowed. Thus laser wavelengths (eg, Kinetic energy molecule Microwave
ultraviolet [UV] and visible) that interact >vith electron (rotational)
orbits 'viii be specific for the target atoms and 1nolecules.
3. Vibrational kinetic energy. Atoms are bound into molecules vibrational (near- and niid-IR) or rotational (n1icrov.1aves)
by sharing their outer orbital electrons. These covalent and kinetic energy states. Thus we heat the target nio.lecules to a
ionic bonds are "elastic" and all atoms vibrate in relation­ gas (vaporize) or a liquid (coagulate).
ship to the central core of the molecule. !vlolecules can exist
in a large number of closely spaced vibration energy levels Table 18-1 indicates the four levels of kinetic energy stored
and thus lasers interacting with these levels ( eg, 1nid-Il�) are within a n1olecule and the types ofEJ\11 photons that each kinetic
absorbed by most molecules. energy level 'vill en1it or absorb.
4. Rotational kinetic energy. The entire 1nolecule rotates as a light is a form of Elvf energy field made of photons­
unit. The allowable rotational frequencies are nun1erous and quantized units of energy. One photon equals one complete
closely spaced. Far-IR and microwave Elv1 energy interacts wavelength of E!vl. The amount of energy within a photon is
with this level of kinetic energy. pro por tiona l to its frequency and inversely proportional to its
5. Translational kinetic energy. The three-di1nensional motion wavelength. The EM spectrun1 is represented in Figure 18-l,
of au entire molecule in relationship to its neighboring 1nol­ which shows wavelengths in n1eters and frequencies in hertz.
ecules (Brownian 1novemeut) results from the total amount The lowest energy frequencies (longer wavelength radio 'vaves)
of kinetic energy contained within the molecule. The aver­ are on the left. As we n1ove across the graph to the right, the
age amount of translational energy within a syste1n is termed a1nount of energy contained 'vithin each photon increases as its
"heat." The 1nore Brownian moven1ent, the hotter it is. The fr eque ncy increases and its wavelength shortens.
amount of translational energy determines whether that The laws of quantum n1echanics dictate the selective
group of molecules will exist as a solid (lo,vest), liquid, or gas absorption of laser photons by n10Iecules. Higher energy laser
(h igh est). Using the photothern1al effect of lasers, 've raise photons (eg, UV and visible) have limited absorption because
the kinetic energy level of the target molecules by adding they can be absorbed only by those n10Iecules capable of adding
the laser's EM energy to the electron orbits (UV and visible), the precise quantun1 of laser E!vl to raise its electron orbits to

Wavelength (m)

103 10 10-3 10-s 10-11

Microwaves Ultraviolet Cosmic rays

Radiofrequency Visible Gamn1a rays

--- Extreme low frequency

Infrared X rays

Very low frequency

105 107 109 1011 1013 1015 1011 1019 1021
Frequency (Hz)

FIGURE 18-1 • Electromagnetic spectrum showing wavelengths (meters) and frequencies (hertz). Photon energy
is proportional to frequency. Low-energy photons (low frequency, long wavelength) are on the left and high energy
(high frequency, short wavelength) on the right.

one of the few allowable higher energy states. Conversely, lower of our at111osphere. Red hemoglobin selectively absorbs these
energy laser photons (eg, niid-IR) are added to the many closely blue-green '"' avelengths. An object appears "red" in visible light
spaced aton1ic vibrational kinetic energy levels and thus are because it reflects the red portion of the spectrum while absorb­
absorbed by 111ost 111olecules. ing the remainder of visible light photons.

Microwaves Ultraviolet

The lower energy photons of niicrowaves (10-1-10-3 M) are en1it­ The U\T spectrum (1-380 nm) results fro111 large transitions
ted and absorbed by the molecular rotation kinetic energy state. between allowable outer electron orbits. Ultraviolet photons
Though niolecules can rotate at a large nun1ber of close ly spaced contain higher energy than visible light and thus, are particu­
frequencies, there are ideal "resonating" frequencies at which larly useful for photodissociation of specific molecular bonds
the molecule's E�tf fields are balanced. The ideal rotational '"'ithout heating nlolecules. The carbon-carbon double bond of
kinetic energy state of water is 2,450 �fHz-the frequency of an collagen can specifically absorb 193 nm photons (argon fluo­
Jl.8-cn1 n1icrowave. l'vlicrowave ovens e111it an J 1.8-cm micro­ ride [ArF]-excimer laser). This laser has been enormously
wave because water se lec tivel y absorbs this EM wave length and successful in dividing collagen and reshaping the cornea with­
thus, more of the EM energy \viii heat the water of our coffee out heating tissue (laser-assisted in situ kerato1nileusis [LASIK]
rather than its container. procedure). Ultraviolet photons can also i1npart enough energy
to cause an electron to escape the EJvl attraction of its original
Infrared nucleus; thus, "ionizing" the atom. DNA and RNA are particu­
larly sensitive to 248 and 312 n1n. These U\T wavelengths are
The IR wavelengths include far-TR (l,000-50 µ), mid-TR
potentially carcinogenic because they are capable of chemically
(50-2.5 µ), and near-IR (2.5-0.76 µ). Far-IR photons are en1it­
altering the DNA and RNA sequences within cells. In our upper
ted and absorbed by the translational n1otion and the molecular
atmosphere, ozone absorbs most of the UV spectrum protecting
rotation of niolecules. Every object \varn1er than its environ111ent
us fro1n the potentially har1nful photons.
en1its far-TR \vaves. "Night vision" optical instrun1ents have pho­
Lasers are unique forms of EM energy in that they are
toelectric cells that detect this far-JR spectrum. There are no
monochro1natic (one wavelength), coherent (phase locked),
far-JR lasers.
and collin1ated (parallel waves). Depending on the laser' s wave­
Carbon dioxide (10.6 µ) and erbium YAG (2.9 µ) are in the
length, the photons will interact with the molecules of the target
niid-lR range. Atomic vibration kinetic energy states emit and
tissue to produce:
absorb the mid-TR spectrun1. Ato111.s are allowed to vibrate at
n1any closely spaced frequencies but depending on its molecular 1. Photothermal effects ( eg, "heating" for coagulation or
bond, there are specific resonating frequencies whose quantum vaporization)
states are ideal. The hydrogen aton1s of \vater idea ll y resonate at 2. Photodissociation (eg, excimer laser for LASIK surgery)
approximately 1014 Hz, the frequency of erbiun1 YAG (2.9 µ);thus, 3. Photoacoustic effects (eg, aluminun1 garnet laser for
erbiun1 YAG is the E�l photon best absorbed by water. Mid-IR lithotripsy)
lasers are absorbed by most n1olecules and until recently could 4. Photochemical effects (eg, UV lasers for photodyna1nic
not be transmitted by optical fibers. In 2007, Omn iGuide® intro­ therapy)
duced a flexible fiber for delivery of C02 energy. The first genera­
tion product for ear surgery had a 0.9-nim outside diameter. Lasers have been e1nployed in otology for their photo­
The near-IR photons are absorbed by outer electron orbits thermal effects to vaporize bone (stapedotomy), collagen
and by son1e atomic vibrational levels. Holn1iu111 YAG (2.l µ) (stapedectomy revision), tumors (acoustic neuroma, glomus
and neodynium YAG (J.06 µ) can be delivered efficiently by tympanicu1n, cholesteato1na, granulation tissue), or to coagu­
optical fibers. These lasers are used by several niedical special­ late blood vessels. The EM laser energy is absorbed by the ENI
ties including obstetrics/gynecology (OB/GYN), orthopedics, fields, thus raising the 1nolecular translational energy of elec­
and cardiology. Because they possess higher energies and fewer tron orbits, atom vibrations, or 1nolecular rotations. As the mol­
molecules can absorb them, these lasers can be passed through ecule's translational motion increases, the physical state of those
optical fibers but tend to penetrate tissue deeply and scatter molecules will change fro1n solid to liquid to gas. Coagulation
more readily than 111id-IR lasers. of blood vessels occurs when the collagen translational energy
is raised enough to liquefy the collagen and then as it cools, it
Visible Light congeals into a solid mass-obliterating its lumen. Vaporization
occurs when the molecule's translational energy is increased suf­
The visible spectrun1 (380-760 nn1) is defined by those pho­
ficiently enough to convert its physical state fron1 solid to gas.
tons that are absorbed and activate photochemoreceptors in the
hun1an eye. Visible light photons are absorbed or e111itted by the
outer electron orbits of the atoms as these electron orbits rise LASER TISSUE INTERACTION­
and fall to specific allowable energy levels. Enhanced studies of LABORATORY STUDIES
visible spectra are in1portant 111eans of spectroscopically ana­ Early applications for otologic lasers focused on otosclerosis­
lyzing the electron structure of atoms and 111olecules. The blue­ laser stapedotomy and laser stapedectomy revision. Four
green argon (488 and 514 nm) laser photons are not absorbed by requirements are essential to safely apply laser energy to the sta­
water 111olecules and readily pass through most of the 111olecules pes footplate (stapedotomy) or to the collagen sealing the oval

TABLE 18-2 Lasers for otosclerosis safety the relative merits of each of argon, KTP, and C02surgical lasers
requirements and to establish safe energy parameters for both stapedoton1y
and stapcdectomy revision (Figure 18-2).s -"Thc 0.6-m1n stape­
doto1nies were vaporized in fresh human stapes footplates with
Bone and coll age n absorption appropriate energy settings using 0.2-n1n1 "rosettes" for argon
and KTI:' lasers, and a 0.6-1nn1-diameter pulsed C02 bcarn. Thin
No heating of perilymph
allograft collagen was then placed in an open oval windov.r was
No damage to inner ear or facial nerve then vaporized to simulate stapedecton1y revision. Finally, all of
the lasers \vere focused on surface pcrilyn1ph to evaluate heating
versus transnlission effects.
These thcrn1ocouple cxperi1nents were designed to test all
window (stapedectomy revision) without damaging the inner four requirements for safely using a laser to perform stapedo­
ear or facial nerve (Table 18-2): ton1y and stapedecton1y revision (Table 18-2). Following data
analysis, the author drc\v the following conclusions:
1. Precise optics
2. Efficient absorption by the bone and collagen l. Provided safe energy para1ncters were used, argon, KTP, and
3. Minin1al heating of perilyn1ph C02 lascrs could be used safely for laser stapcdoto1ny.
4. No darnage to inner ear structures from photons transmit- 2. The focused argon and KTP bea1ns are not well absorbed
ted through the perily1npb by collagen, readily pass through the perilyn1ph without
absorption, and potentially could dan1age the inner car.
In the early 1980s, the use of argon and KIP lasers to perfonn Therefore, the author reco1n1nended using a pulsed C0 2
stapedoto1nies became increasingly popular.2-4 Until 1985, these bcan1 for stapedccton1y revision.
were the only lasers that had satisfactory optical precision for
microscopic ear surgery. Though little laboratory work had tvlany otologists •vho were successfully using argon and
been done to establish their safety, clinical studies of visible KTP lasers for stapedoton1y challenged the experimental design
laser stapedoton1y demonstrated that they were safe and effec­ of these thermocouple cxpcri1nents clai1ning that the black ther­
tive for vaporizing stapes bone. Could argon lasers be used for n1ocouple did not rncasurc pcrily1nph tcn1pcrature change. This
stapedectomy revision to in1prove our clinical results? If the oval is true. However, the cxpcritnent was designed to n1casure all
window collagen neomembrane could gradually be vaporized the EM energy that passed through the stapcs, both those pho­
without darnage to the inner ear, the precise cause for the con­ tons that were absorbed by perilymph (heating it) and those that
ductive hearing loss could be identified, the old prosthesis safely passed through the pcrilymph that could potentially da1nage
ren1oved, and a nev,r prosthesis stabilized in the center of the oval the inner car. A second criticis1n was that only a focused argon
vvindow. Argon lasers were being used by ophthalmologists to and KTP laser beam \Vas used for stapcdotomy. This also was
coagulate retinal blood vessels, specifically because they were not true. A KTP 200-µ fiber did not deliver enough energy to con­
absorbed by the collagen of the cornea, lens, or ocular fluid. sistently vaporize a rosette into the footplate. The Gherini/Horn
EndoOtoprobe® had not yet been invented for argon laser.

THERMOCOUPLE EXPERIMENTS Several years later, Ghcrini redesigned the therrnocouple

expcrin1cnts and perfor1ncd argon stapcdotorny with the HGM
By 1985, Sharplan had developed its first microscope delivery EndoO toprobe®.7 He used a silver thern1ocouple positioned in the
systen1 that provided optical precision satisfactory for ear sur­ vestibule but away fron1 the stapes bone. He stated that he found
gery. In the laboratories of the Midwest Ear Foundation (MEF), a "no significant change in perilyn1ph tcn1pcraturc," concluding
series of thermocouple experiments were perfor1ned to evaluate that the argon EndoOtoprobe® is safe because of the rapid dilution

Linseis L4000 chart recorder

20 cm/min .15 deg C/mm


= I
0.6mm '

.·:·:· :-: 2 m m:·4 :·:·:·:· •

: : : -�
.. :: :: ::.:. : . : :::::::::::::.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..
... .. .
. .
.... . ...�
. ....-.;.
...... ................... ..... ... . .. . ...

.. .. ... ..... ...... ... ..... .........


· .• .

·- ··
-- --
- --
-- - 1-
-- �..-... --
- -'
.. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . - -- - --

.............. ......................... . ..... .... --- 1-


. .
. . .

. ·. . ·..·. . ·. ·. . . ·. ·. ....

Normal saline · ·. . FIGURE 18-2 •Laser stapedotomy performed

.. . ..... ... . " . .
· · · · · ·

. . with argon, KTP, and C02 lasers. Ultrasensitive

K type thermocouple
thermocouple in vestibule measure EM energy
transmitted through stapes footplate (Midwest
Ear Foundation-1984).

of energy caused by the 14-degree tip diffusion angle of the

TABLE 18-3 Bone vaporization boiling temperature
End oO toprobe®. Gherini, indeed, \..,ras n1easuring onl y perilymph
ten1perature change. He was not nieasuring the argon E M energy COMPOSITION OF BONE BOILING POINT
that was being transn1itted into the inner ear tor three reasons:
Hydroxylapatite 75% -1,soo0c

1. A r gon ph otons are not absorbed by perilyn1ph and will not Co ll ag en 20% -300°C
heat it.
Water 5% 100°c
2. The silver thern1ocouple will reflect argon photons and not
1neasure then1.
3. The silver thennocoupl e was positioned outside the diam­
eter of the laser bean1. Argon en erg y would pass direc tly into molecules composing a solid or liquid absorb enough EM energy
the inner ear without conta cting the th ennoc o upl e. to raise their translational energy levels (heat) to the boiling
point at which time the physical state of the molecule changes
There are n1any otologists who have reported the safe use of
to a gas. Table 18-3 lists the chemical composition of bone and
argon and KTP lasers for stapedotomy (both focused and fiber
the respective boiling points of these components.
optic).8•9•10The author, however, continues to warn the surgeon to
The Laser Biomedical Research Center at Massachusetts
avoid appl ying visible lasers d ir ectly into the open vestibule.u,ii
Institute of Technology {1v1IT) in Boston has studied the wave­
Safe laser use is enhanced when the surgeon understands laser
length dependency of bone vaporization. If
- igh-speed photog­
tissue interaction. Isolated cases of laser-induced postoperative
raphy documented what occurred d u ri ng laser vaporization
nerve deafness, facial pa ra lysis, and dizziness have occurred, par­
of bone (Figure 18-3). Because the boiling point of hydroxy­
ticularly following laser stapedecton1y r evision. After confiden­
apatite is so high (l,500°C), both water {100°C) and collagen
tially discussing specific cases of con1plications '"'ith the involved
{300°C) are vaporized first ca rry in g the free hydroxyapatite
surgeon, it became evident that the inner ear or facial nerve dam­
cr ystal s into the air. Therefore, to ablate bone, the ideal laser
age was indeed caused by ina ppropriat e use of the co2 or visible
wavelength should be absorbed readily b y water and collagen.
laser. The nJost comn1on error with the C02 laser was using the
This fact is particularly fortunate for choosing the ideal wave­
wrong energy paran1eter setti ng (average power for pulsed la ser s
length for otosclerosis surgery because the same wavelength
is very misleading-see below). The co1nn1on error was using a
would be ideal for laser stapedotomy (bone) and laser stape­
visible laser for revision techniques that were designed to be safe
dectomy revision (collagen), while the surface perilymph will
only with the C02 laser. Th is chapte r was ,..,rritten to help otolo gic
protect the inner ear.
laser surgeons avoid such complications in the future.
The controversy between visi bl e and JR ot ol ogic lasers con­ Fluence Thresholds
tinues to this day. It can be resolved by understanding how EM Izatt then performed fluence threshold experiments measur­
energy interacts with tissue. The E1v1 wavel eng th is the si ngl e ing the lowest energy levels {mJ/1nm2) required for each laser
1nost important factor that detern1ines its absorpt ion by water , to begin to vaporize surface bone molecules.13 The lower the
collagen , or bone. The spectral characteristics of water have fluence threshold, the more efficiently the target bone absorbs
been known for over a century: Many spectroscopy and fluence that photon. Table 18-4 lists the mean fluence thresholds deter­
threshold experin1ents have st udied the absorption characteris­ mined by lzatt's experiments for the wavelengths relevant to
tics of bone and collagen fron1 UV through the JR spectrum. otologic surgery.

Transmission Spectroscopy-Stapes Bone

To evaluate which photons are best absorbed by the stapes bone,
Mechanism of Bone Vaporization the Biomedical Laser H.esearch Laboratories performed trans­
Izatt et al. vaporized bone with a dozen different lasers in the mission spectroscopy in the UV through far-IR range (research
UV, visible, and JR sp ec tr u ni s.1 3 Vapor ization occurs when the supported by MEF).14 Figures 18-4 to 18-7 graphically illustrate

0 0
0 0
0 0 000 0 Soft component vapo r
0 0 0
0 0 0
plume entrains solid
0 hard component
0 00 0 0 0 particles
0 0

FIGURE 18-3 • Bone vaporization with laser. With

sufficient fluence, photothermal effect of laser
boils water and collagen. Hydroxyapatite particles
are entrained in the vapor flume.

Ultraviolet and visible

transmission spectroscopy
Stapes footplate
F.P. thickness
Line 1 130�
- Argon KTP 1
c: 75 Line 2-150µ
.Q t t i-,__----
.gi Line 3-160µ 2
�� 1-
� --=== = �� --=
....::; �
.. ;;;;
;;;;: ::: 3
;;; =;
t � -I
t t
� 25
FIGURE 18-4 •Wavelength dependency of stapes
footplate absorption-UV and visible wavelengths
250nm 300 nm (excimer lasers) are well absorbed.
0 -
250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Visible photons around 500 nm (argon and KTP
lasers-arrows) are not very well absorbed with
Wavelength (nm)
approximately 50% of this wavelength passing
through a footplate of average thickness (150 µ).

TABLE 18-4 Bone vaporization fluence thresholds

BONE ABLATION FLUENCE transmission spectroscopy
LASER WAVELENGTH (µ) THRESHOLDS (mJ/mm2) Stapes foo tpla te

XeCI 0.308 12 c: FP thickness

75 130µ
ErbYAG 2.9 12 :�

co2 10.6 15
- 25
Ar 0.488 and 0.514 150 '*
KTP 0.532 155 0
2.5 2.9 3.3 4 5 5.6 6.3 7.1 8.3 10 12.5
1 µ 1,000 nm

Ar, argon; CO,. carbon dioxide; ErbYAG, erbium yttrium aluminum Wavelength (µ)
garnet; KTP, potassium titanyl phosphate; XeCI, xenon chloride.

FIGURE 18-5 •Wavel ength dependency of stapes footplate

the results. Figure 18-4 graphs the percentage of UV and visible absorption-IA. The IR spectrum from 2.5-12.5 µis completely
absorbed by even the thinnest stapes footplate (130 µ.)
light that was transn1itted through the center of three differ­
ent fresh stapes footplates that varied in thickness from 130 to
160 µ.The energy that was not ttansn1itted was absorbed by the
footplate bone ( reflection and scatter is negligible)The
. stapes
footplate absorbs nearly all the energy in the 250 to Transmission Spectroscopy-Water
300 nrn wavelengths (UV) and little is transn1itted through even !vlost soft tissues in the human body contain 50-75% intra­
the thinnest footplate. The wavelengths of argon (488 and 512 cellular water. Laser ablation of soft tissue occurs when the
n1u) and KTP (532 nm) are highlighted with arrows. Absorption intracellular water is heated to boiling-exploding the cell.
of these photons by the stapes footplate is only tair and an aver­ The \Vavelength dependency of laser tissue interaction becomes
age of50% of argon and KTP EM energy is transmitted through readily apparent because there is an enormous variability i n
the footplate. Figure 18-5 illustrates the IR transn1ission spec­ water's ability to absorb photons from the UV through the IR
troscopy on the thinnest stapes footplate (130 µ) . Essentially,
. all spectrum. Figure 18-8 illustrates the absorption coefficient of
the TR photons fron1 2 .5 to 12.5 µ\Vere con1pletely absorbed. water based on wavelength.15This coefficient is used to calculate
To obtain a niore sensitive evaluation of the IR \Vavelengths, the distance that photon \Vavelength will travel through water,
the stapes footplate \Vas then sectioned into a 10-µ thin section until 50% of irradiance is absorbed. In practical terms, an El\11
and the TR transmission spectroscopy repeated (Figure 18-6). photon with 0.5-µ wavelength must travel 229 ft in sea\vater
Three-n1icron photons are con1pletely absorbed within l.O µof the before 50% of its energy is absorbed. Subrnerged subrnarines
stapes bone ( the don1ain of the erbium YAG laser). Seventy-five use KTP energy to comrnunicate with orbiting navigational sat­
percent of C02 laser photons (10.6 µ) \Vere absorbed within 1 0 µ. ellites because it is so poorly absorbed by water.
Thereto re, .I OO<Yo of C02 laser energy would be absorbed at a depth Conversely, co2 is 50°Ai attenuated after it travels a depth
of 50 µin the stapes bone. Figure 18-7 illustrates the a1uount of of 0.007 mtn and erbium YAG a depth of 0.0007 mm. Surface
EN{ energy that is transn1itted through an average stapes footplate perilyruph \\7ill rapidly absorb these two IR bearns, protecting
(150 µ) during vaporization with argon, KTP, and C02lasers. the inner ear. However, these beams must be pulsed in brief

microsecond bursts to prevent thermal spread from the surface

TABLE 18-5 Transmission spectroscopy:
of the perilymph to deeper layers in the vestibule.
collagen (10 µ)


Transmission Spectroscopy-Collagen Erbium yttrium aluminum garnet (2.9 µ) 93%

Yannas performed transmission spectroscopy in the UV Carbon dioxide (10.6 µ) 61%

through far-IR wavelengths on powdered bovine collagen and
Argon (0.488 and 0.512 µ) 28%
hot cast gelatin to determine which E!v1 wavelengths collagen
best absorbs.16 Potassium titanyl phosphate {0.532 µ) 18%
Though various thicknesses of collagen were used for U\T,
visible, and IR light, the author has extrapolated the data for
a 10-µ thick section of collagen in Table 18-5. This table lists
the efficiency of absorption by collagen for the photons of the lasers' wavelength for creating "a clean laser crater" with little
otologic lasers. Collagen absorbs erbium YAG the best and KTP damage to the surrounding tissue. In addition, the ideal energy
the worst. paran1eters were determined. 21
As one reviews the details of these histologic studies, a con­
Histologic Studies-Laser Stapedotomy sistent then1e resonates through all of these studies. The cleanest
A wide range of surgical lasers were used to perform stapedo­ and safest stapedoto1nies \Vere produced by those \vavelengths
tomy on both hun1an and animal bones and then evaluated his­ that \Vere best absorbed by the stapes bone. Because these
tologically with both light and electron microscopy.11-21 These \Vavelengths required less energy to vaporize the bone and
studies were performed to evaluate the relative merits of various because there was less photon scatter, laser energy was precisely

transmission spectroscopy

Stapes FP - Thin section(1O�}


c: 75
(/) 50 -


� 25
FIGURE 18-6 •Selective IR absorption by
ultrathin (10 µ} stapes footplate. Photons with
0 wavelengths 2.9-3.1 µ(erbium YAG 2.94 µ}are
2.5 2.9 3.3 4 5 5.6 6.3 7.1 8.3 10 12.5 completely absorbed by the stapes footplate
within 10 µ. Seventy-five percent of C02 laser
1� 1,000 nm

photons (10.2 µ)are absorbed in the first 10 µof

stapes footplate thickness.

Argon KTP

0 -+----==--===:::::..__ _

50 __ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ � ____________ .

Stapes ___ _

50% 49% 100% Absorption


,;j; Perilymph

FIGURE 18-7 •Summary of transmission

spectroscopy of human stapes footplate for
argon, KTP, and C02 lasers.

Infrared Visible Ultraviolet




10. 0
1. 0

0 0.1

Ll 0. 01
FIGURE 18-8 •Attenuation of seawater as a
function of wavelength. EM wavelengths at
0. 001 0.5 µ (argon and KTP) will travel 229 ft before
half of the energy is absorbed. Fifty percent
attenuation of irradiance occurs within 0.0007
0. 0001 L.L.L...L-1-...J_-1-__l�_j_�.L.._�L.L.l....l.-L.�W..__J�__J�.L.___J
mm for erbium YAG (2.94 µ) and 0.007 mm
10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1
for C02 (10.6 µ).Reproduced with permission
� Wavelength (4.;m) from The Infrared Handbook, Office of Naval

converted to heating the tissue beneath the laser beam. Damage 4. The defocused argon EndoOtoprobe® beam is the safest vis­
to the margins of the crater is further reduced by pulsing the ible laser to use for ear surgery.
laser in tiny 1nicrosecond bursts, lin1iting thermal spread by 5. The surgical techniques described for C02 laser stapedec­
conduction through the tissue. to1ny revision can also be performed with the erbium YAG
laser but should not be attempted with argon or K'fP.

Quantum theory predicts that each molecule can absorb or

ernit only specific wavelength photons-those photons whose
quanta of energy specifically equals the quanta of EM energy The 1nedical laser industry is a rapidly changing, highly compet­
that has been gained or lost as the molecule rnoves an1ong the itive business. New surgical applications for lasers are occurring
various allowable energy levels in its four kinetic energy states. in every specialty at a very rapid rate, often requiring w1ique
The laboratory studies confirm that laser tissue interaction is laser delivery systems and energy parameters. Acceptance of
dependent on the laser's wavelength. To produce photother­ these new procedures occurs at a 1nore gradual pace, when clini­
n1al effects (vaporize or coagulate), those wavelengths that are cal studies confir1n the advantage of a new laser technique over
best absorbed by the target tissue are the safest to use because nonlaser alternatives.
there is less energy trans1nission and scatter through the tis­ Laser compru1ies are pressured to produce lasers with a great
sue and because lower power densities can be used. For the deal of versatility so that a particular surgical laser can be used by
well-absorbed photon, thertnal conductivity through the tissue 1uany surgical specialties. With dwindling resources, hospitals'
should be limited by pulsing the laser beam. laser co1nmittees will usually only approve the purchase of a new
There was remarkable consistency between the date com­ laser ifit has 1nultispecialty applications. These laser co1runittees
piled with ther1uocouple studies, spectroscopy of the stapes usually require special certification training by the surgeon and
bone, collagen and water, and histologic studies. As applied to the technical assista11t because of perceived additional inedical
otosclerosis surgery, these laboratory tests co1nbined with the legal risks. Finally, otologic lasers represent a tiny fraction (less
clinical experience of many surgeons lead this author to the fol­ than 0.1°/o) of the overall 111edical laser business. 'fhis lin1ited
lowing conclusions: "potential rnarket" restricts the leverage otologists have to influ­
ence both the 1nanufacturer and hospitals' decisions.
1. Provided safe energy parruneters and surgical techniques are Over the past two decades, nearly 20 laser cotnpanies pro­
followed, argon, KTP, erbiun1 YAG, and C02 lasers can be ducing otologic lasers have disappeared (merger or banluuptcy).
used safely for stapedotomy. In Dece1uber, 2007, only four laser co1npanies were producing
2. Because visible laser photons are poorly absorbed by both col­ otologic lasers:
lagen and water, focused (microscope delivered) argon and
KTP energy should not be aimed directly into the vestibule. 1. HGJ\11 (argon): HGM Medical Laser Systetns
3. Infrared laser energy should be pulsed in microsecond 3959 West 1820 South
bursts to 1ninimize thern1al spread to the inner ear. Salt Lake City, Utah 84104

2. Laserscope (KTP): Laserscope by a series of 13 n1irrors and lenses called the "flexible arm."
3070 Orchard Dr. A minimal amount of trau1na (simply inoving the laser from
San Jose, California, 95134-201I room to roo1n) could n1isalign one or more of these mirrors. A
3. Zeiss (erbiu1n YAG): Carl Zeiss second visible laser bea1n (heliun1 neon [HeNe]-632 nrn) is
D-73446 required to aim the invisible C01 laser bean1. This introduces
Oberkochen, Germany another optical proble1n-chromatic aberration. When light
4. Lu1nenis (C02): Merger between Coherent and ESC Sharplan passes through a lens, it is refracted inversely proportional to
2400 Condensa St. its \vavelength. As both beams pass through the san1e focus­
Santa Clara, California, 95051 ing lens, the visible HeNc beam is refracted (bent) to a n1uch
greater degree than the longer C02 bean1. It was nearly impossi­
Visible Lasers ble to keep the I:-JeNe bean1 and CO, bea1ns parfocal and coaxial

r n 1980, Perkins reported a small series of .1 l successful laser

and the separation worsened with - optical n1isalign1nent of the

stapedotoinies performed with a n1icroscope-n1ounted focused inirrors and lenses. Finally, because of its long wavelength, at

argon bean1.2 He concluded that the lasers reduced mechanical 250 m111 focal length, the early co2 bea1ns could only b e focused

traun1a and increased surgical precision, should improve hear­ to a 2-1nn1 spot size.

ing results, and should reduce postoperative dysequilibriun1 In the 111id-1980s, researchers at Sharplan were experi-

co1npared to nonlaser stapedoton1y. In 1983, 1vlcGee published 111enting with co? laser reanaston1osis of sn1all blood vessels.
a series or 100 consecutive argon laser stapedotomies.3 Hearing Tbis application required nluch greater optical precision. Their

results were si 1nilar between McGee's laser and non laser patients, engineers developed a n1icroscope-n1ounted n1icromanipulator

but the laser patients \rvere less dizzy postoperatively. These that could focus the C02 bean1 down to 0.5 mn1. This proto­

argon lasers had originally been designed for ophthalmology by type 1nodel was used by the author for the stapes ther1nocouple

Coherent The continuous n1ode argon energy was carried by a experin1ents performed in the MEF laboratories and later \Vas

fiber-optic cable LO a n1icroscope-n1ounted "1nicron1anipulator" the first col laser used in the operating roo1n for stapedoton1y
that then delivered a focused argon beam to the operative field. and stapedecton1y revision.5·•
The early C02 lasers \-Vere less convenient to use i n the oper­
At a 250-min focal length, the spot size could be focused do\rvn
to 0.05 n1m. ating roo1n than the visible lasers. Each tin1e the flexible arm

The HGM argon EndoOtoprobe® developed under the was attached or detached from the n1icromanipulator, the oper­

guidance of Gherini and Horn was introduced to otologists in ating microscope had to be rebalanced. To ensure proper aligu-

the late 1980s.7 This handheld probe conveniently delivers an 1nent, the C02 laser was test-fired preoperatively. A technician
argon beam with a spot size of 200 µ. The 14-degree diffusion routinely realigned the C02 and HeNe bean1s every few months.

angle rapidly increased the spot size as the distance from the In the early niodels, the alignn1ent of the HeNe beam and CO,-

probe tip increased. beam could not be adjusted by the surgeon.

Since the n1id-1980s, Sharplan has continued to refine the
The KTP laser developed by Laserscopen-1 under the direc­
tion of Perkins is still the only 532-nm laser available for otologic optical precision and reliability of its flexible ar1n-stabiliz­

surgery.4 lts laser energy is delivered via microscope-mounted ing the reflecting 1nirrors and pern1itting quick readjustn1ent

micromanipulator. LaserscopeT" has developed several fiber­ should nlisalignment ever occur. Its n1icron1anipulator also has

optic handheld probes. They do not deliver sufficient power been in1proved. 1'he initial "Microslad®" allowed focusing the

density to vaporize stapes bone. beam size down to 0.2 n1n1. In the n1id-1990s, the "Accuspot®"

These two visible lasers have ideal optical properties. The could reliably focus the spot size to 0.05 inm. at 275 n1n1 focal

laser can be conveniently delivered to the microscope-1nounted length. Recently, Sharplan introduced "Accublade®," a con1put­

micro1nanipulator or a handheld probe through a fiber-optic er-driven vibrating n1irror that distributes a 0.05-mn1 C02 bea1n

cable. The micromanipulator can focus the visible bean1 do,rvn hon1ogeneously throughout the area of a target whose shape and

to 0.05 111n1 spot size at 250 n1n1 focal length. Because argon size is determined by the surgeon. "Accublade®" vaporizes bone

and KTP are visible, the laser bea1n is used at a lower power and collagen with retnarkable precision and n1inin1al ther1nal

for the "ain1ing" beam. Therefore, the laser \Viii always hit the spread.

tissue exactly where it was aimed and vvith the san1e spot size Finally, the convenience of C02 lasers for otologic n1icro­

of energy (parfocal and coaxial). Until 1985, these two visible surgery has also been in1proved. The laser cabinet can be

lasers were the only lasers that were optically precise enough to mounted on the base of an operating microscope. The flex­

use for otologic surgery. ible arn1 parallels the inicroscope arm, no longer limiting
the freedon1 of n1otion of the microscope. The laser can now
remain attached to the nlicroscope at all times. Preoperative
Infrared C02 Lasers test-firing and inicroscope counterbalancing are no longer
Though C01 lasers are the most widely used medical lasers for required.
tissue coagulation and vaporization, the inherent optical prop­ In 2007, On1niGuide introduced an otologic fiber that,
erties of the IR C01 laser made the early models too in1precise for the first, delivers C02 laser energy with a handbeld
for the rigid den1ands of 1nicroscopic surgery. Optical fibers wil I probe. The first-generation OmniGuide fiber for otology had
not transmit C02 laser; therefore, the beam was delivered fron1 an outside dian1eter of0.9 n11n and is satisfactory for inost oto­
the lasing console to a 1nicroscope-111ounted micron1anipulator logic applications including stapedoton1y and stapedecto1ny

TABLE 18-6 Energy parameters of visible (nonpulsed) and infrared (pulsed) lasers




LASER POWER (W) MODE (sec) (mm) POWER (W) (mJ/mm2}

Argon (Endo- 2 Continuous 0.1 0.2 2 6,451


KTP 2 a-switched 0.1 0.05 6 103,216

(Laserscope®) (Quasi- (30% duty
continuous) cycle)

2 0.1 0.2 6,450




LASER POWER (W) MODE (sec) SIZE (mm) POWER (W) (mill isec) PULSE PULSES (mJ/mm2)

Sharplan C02

734 3.6 Superpulse 0.1 0.5 36 0.6 21.6 8 400

1040 2 Superp ulse 0.1 0.5 280 0.09 25.2 2 117

1100A Flexilase© #7 Chopped 0.1 0.5 130 0.075 9.75 20 450

Coherent C02

5000C Ult rapulse© Chopped 0.1 0.5 120 0.08 10 20 465


Luxar 6 Superpulse 0.1 0.3 65 0.1 16 16 229

Novapulse with
Omni Guide
OTO-S Fiber

ErbiumYAG (20 mJ) Pulsed 0.2 200 0.1 20 1 639

Zeiss OPMI

(70 mJ) Continuous 0.6 350 0.2 70 1 240

revision. The spot size at the tip is 0.25 mm (0.3-l mm from Infrared Erbium Yttrium
the tip) the laser energy at the tip of the fiber is 50o/o reduced.
Aluminum Garnet
The surgeon should double the laser settings to maintain
Tn the late 1990s, Zeiss perfected a microscope-mounted erbium
effective and safe energy parameters (see Table 18-6).
YAG laser designed specifically for ear surgery (OPMT®TwinER).
OmniGuide has developed adaptors for Luxar Novapulse
As described earlier, spectroscopy studies on water, collagen, and
(Lumenis) C02 laser. Adaptors for various other C02 laser
bone and histologic experin1ents on both hun1an and anin1al sta­
2008. In
models were refined and have been available from
pes suggested that th is laser wavelength would be the n10St ideal
2008, OmniGuide introduced the beampath OTO-S Fiber (0.5
for bone and collagen vaporization for otologic surgery. After
mm outside diameter) specifically for more precise require­
extensive animal experi111ents and clinical hu111an trials, the
ments of otosclerosis surgery. The advantage of a C02 handheld
OPMI®Twin ER '"'as approved for otosclerosis surgery in Europe
probe is its convenience and reliability. It eliminates the mis­
in 1997 and in the United States in early 1999.22 As predicted,
alignment of the microscope-mounted C02 laser and its I-IeNe
it vaporizes a precise stapedoton1y '"'ith little lateral spread of
aiming beam that can occur when the flexible arm is roughly
energy (no charring and no significant heating of perilyn1ph).

However, this efficient photon absorption introduces t\vo

disadvantages: ARGON
l. He1nostasis is poor because the lack of lateral thern1al spread Set-up
prevents the coagulation of blood vessels at the periphery of Power-2 watts

the laser crater. Times-0.05 sec

Watts Mode -Continuous
2. A photoacoustic \vave is produced and theoretically, if large
enough, could dan1age hair cells.21 15 -



Besides the laser's 'iNavelength, two additional factors detern1ine 0 '

its effect upon tissue:
Energy/pulse 100 mJ
l. Power density (W/In1n2)
2. Fluence (n1J/mn12)-the tin1e that the po,ver density is
applied to the tissue. FIGURE 18-9 •Argon lasers are generated in continuous mode. With
2 W of average power-100mJ of work are delivered to the operative
Po,ver density is determined by the watts of power delivered field in 0.05 sec.

divided by its spot size. The power density will vary inversely to
the area of the spot size. Therefore, reducing the dian1eter of the
spot size in half increases the power density fourfold.
Fluence (1nJ/1n1112) is calculated by n1ultiplying po,ver den­ KTP532
sity ('AJ/mm2) ti1nes the total time that po\ver density is striking
the tissue. Fluence calculations for visible lasers are straightfor­
Power-2 watts
ward because these beams are delivered in a continuous mode
. 5 sec
(KTP-"quasi-continuous"). Infrared lasers are pulsed. When Mode-Q-switch pulsing
the surgeon sets a Sharplan 1100 or a Coherent SOOC laser on peak (quasicontinuous}

superpulse rnode and then adjusts the power to 5 w· (average 15

power) and 0.1 sec pulse duration, he is actually delivering a 10
r- On -4 ms/38
, 01 pulses
single n1icropulse with a peak power of 600 W and a n1icropulse
5 .
width of0.075 nlllliseconds. This i11icropulse is too powerful for
vaporizing the stapes. 0 '
Table 18-6 tabulates the safe energy para1neters for sta­
Energy/pulse 0.024 mJ
pedoto1ny that were established by ther111ocouple experi.n1ents Duty cycle 30%
= (quasicontinuous-91.2 mJ}
in the MEF laboratories for each of these lasers (except erbiun1
YAG). The first four colu1nns (average power, i11ode, pulse dura­
tion, spot size) are the variables that the surgeon adjusts. One FIGURE 18-10 • KTP lasers are q-switched in a rapid succes­
colun1n (peak power) is required for defining ho\v the laser sion of microsecond pulses . Because the micropulse interval is
energy is being delivered for the continuous or quasi-contin­ extremely short (8 µsec), there is little time for tissue cooling.
Therefore, tissue response is similar to continuous beam (quasi­
uous visible lasers. To deter1nine energy characteristics of the
continuous). At 2-W average power, the surgeon delivers 91.2 mJ
pulsed IR laser the four characteristics of each 1nicropulse n1ust
of work in 00
. 5 sec .
be known-peak power (W), pulse width (n1illisecond), work
(mJ/nucropulse), and number of micropulscs. The final colu111n
co1npares the fluence levels (1nJ/n11n2) actually being delivered
to the tissue.
tissue cooling. Therefore, average power (30°/o duty cycle x 6
W peak power = 2 W) can be used to define the laser/tissue
Visible Lasers
Two 'A/atts of argon laser are delivered in a continuous inode by Because these two wavelengths are pa r tic ul ar ly wel I
a 200-µ EndoOtoprobe® (Figure 18-9). Spot size at the probe tip absorbed b y hemo gl o bin , argon and KTP can be used to
is 0.2 min and rapidly enlarges as the distance from the probe efficiently vaporize sn1all amounts of vascular tissue, such
tip increases. as granu.lation tissue, SJnall glon1us, or small fragn1ents of
KTP lasers (Laserscope) are focused on the operative field acoustic neuron1a. Stap es bone vaporization can be enhanced
by a 111icroscope-1nounted inicromanipulator. Because KTP by placing a sn1a.IJ dr ople t of blood on the footplate (chro-
lasers are q-s\vitched, an average po,ver setting of 2 W actu­ 1no ph or e ) or by overlapping rosettes (char). Because of
ally delivers 780 n1icropulses in 0.1 sec (Figure 18-10). Each poor a bsor p tion b y water, visible lasers are inefficient for
micropulse contains 6 W of peak power. Q-s\vitching behaves v a pori zin g n1ost soft tissues and should not be ain1ed direct ly
like a continuous beam (quasi-continuous) because there is into the vestibule since the perilyn1ph wilJ not protect the
not enough tune interval between each micropulse to allow for inner ear.

Infrared Lasers
Sharplan 11OA
Focused C01 laser energy is transmitted to the operative field Set-up
by 111icroscope-mounted micron1anipulators. The energy can Power-4 watts
be delivered in one of three modes: continuous, chopped, or Time-0.05 sec
When vaporizing tissue, efficiency is improved and ther­
O n 0.075 ms
mal spread reduced by pulsing the energy in a series of n1icro­ I I Pulse interval
pulses with high peak power (W) that are on for a fraction of
I .......
= 2.5 ms

Watts 130 ·

a millisecond. Figure 18-11 illustrates the pulsing parameters 100
of Sharplan 734, the first C02 laser used by the author in 1985.
Responding to demands by other specialties (OB/GYN, neuro­ 0 '

surgery, general surgery) for more efficient tissue vaporization,
Sharplan began progressively increasing the peak power of each Duty cycle-3% Energy/pulse 9.75 mJ

n1icropulse while reducing its pulse width. Within a decade,

Sharplan had raised its superpulse from 36 W (n1odel #734) to
FIGURE 18-12 •Chopped mode for newer Sharplan and Coherent
600 Vv (1nodcJ #1100). Average power setting did not cbange this
lasers. In superpulse mode, nearly all C02 surgical lasers developed
peak power but nierely changed the nun1ber of 600-W n1icro­
by Sharplan and Coherent after 1988 generated 500-600 W of peak
pulses that were being delivered. At its lowest setting (5 W aver­ power-much too powerful for delicate otologic surgery. Sharplan
age power) the 1100 was actually delivering 600 Vv of pov.•er, adapted these lasers for ear surgery by adding Flexilase©-a

which was 1nuch too powerful for the delicate requirements for chopped mode that delivers 130 W of peak power and 9.75 mJ per
micropip (model #1100A, 1041S, and 1055S).
stapedotomy. Th is progression in pulsing power is analogous
to bombarding the target with B-B's (sn1all packets of energy)
using the sharplan #734 versus a 70-inm 1nachine gun (large
microsurgery. Sharplan developed Flexilase© for its llOOA,
packets of energy) with the sharplan #1100.
1041S, and 1055S-a chopped mode that delivers 130 W of peak
The ideal energy para1neters for laser stapes vapori1,ation
power and 9.75 mJ/micropip (Figure 18-12). Coherent 5,000C
were established in the M EF laboratory. Each micropulse should
follo\\Ted suit \\l'ith an ultrapulse setting. Ultrapulse© at 10 1nJ
contain between 10-20 n1J of energy (peak W x micropulse
setting delivers 120 W peak power and 10 mJ/n1icropulse.
width). Greater than 25 mJ/micropulse caused "flaring"-a lit­
A word of caution. Several instances of thermal injury to
eral microscopic explosion where a microflame could be seen
the inner ear or facial nerve have been reported to me by sur­
rising toward the facial nerve.
geons who performed laser stapedotomy with Coherent and
By the mid-1990s, the two largest C01 laser companies
Sharplan C02 lasers in the superpulse n1ode. Guided by average
(Sharplan and Coherent) were producing pulsed C01 lasers
power setli ngs of 2 to 3 W, they performed laser stapedoton1y,
whose micropulses were delivering 500-600 \"/of peak power.
but were actually delivering 300 to 600 W of peak power (0.70
The problen1 was that average power was adjusted not by chang­
min n1achine gun bullets). When laser energy is pulsed, the
ing peak power but by changing the number of n1icropulses
average power setting is very misleading. Both laser co1npanies
being delivered per second. New software progra1ns were devel­
have now stopped using the average power setting.
oped in the late 1990s to acco1n n1odate the needs of otologic
Because of ils ideal tissue characteristics, vaporization of
soft tissue and bone can be efficiently perfor1ned \\Tith the col
laser pulsed in brief microsecond pulses to n1inin1ize ther1nal
Sharplan 734
spread. Slight thern1al spread around the n1argins of the crater
induces good he1nos1asis. To coaguJate blood vessels, the C01
Power-3.6 watts
laser should be used on low power (2-3 W) in a continuous
Time-0.05 sec
Mode-superpulse 111ode for 0.1 to 0.2 sec with a spot size of0.5 to 1 mn1.

Erbium Yttrium Aluminum Garnet
200 Pulse interval 6 ms
I Zeiss' OPMI•Tv;inER was designed specifically for otologic sur­

peak 100 r On 0.6 ms I . gery. The surgeon can adjust only the millijoules of the laser

36. I
0 '-==
j ::::'.:====
============== ::: �. - �
pulses (10-100 n1J} and the number that are delivered (fre­
quency 1-3 per sec). The con1puter adapts the energy (111J/pulse)
50 ms by adjusting both the peak power (200-500 W) and the pulse
Duty cycle-10% Energy/pulse 21.6 mJ width (0.05-0.2 milliseconds). In Europe, stapedoton1ies arc
perforn1ed by vaporizing 0.2 n1m rosettes at a 20-n1J setting. I
have been perforn1i ng stapedotomies with a 0.6 mn1 spot size
FIGURE 18-11 •CO � laser for tissue vaporization are delivered in
and a 70-n1J setting.
superpulse mode. This early Sharplan laser had ideal energy charac­
Erbiun1 YAG is an ideal laser for vaporizing bone. Soft
teristics for laser stapedotomy. Each micropulse contained 21.6 mJ of
energy and a total of 173 mJ were delivered to operative field within tissue vaporization is too efficient. Because of lack of thern1al
0.05 sec at a setting of 3.6 W average power. spread lo the periphery of the target spot, blood vessels are not

coagulated and therefore, hemostasis is poor when vaporizing

tun1or cells. When aimed directly at a blood vessel, erbiun1 YAG
w.i 11 not coagulate the blood vessel because its pulse width is too
short. Coagulation (raising collagen to 65 degrees) requires a
continuous n1ode tor hen1ostasis.


Laser Stapedectomy Revision

Stapedecton1y revision is presented first because in no other area
of otology have lasers den1onstrated such a profound advantage
over nonlaser techniques. Nonlaser revision stapedecton1ies
produce inconsistent hearing results and often dan1age the
inner ear (3-20o/o surgical risk of significant postoperative nerve
damage). Lasers i111prove our ability to safely identify and repair
the conductive hearing losses encountered and have reduced the
risk of postoperative nerve dan1age to 0.5cJlo.23•24 Hundreds of
patients who had undergone one to three unsuccessful non laser
atteinpts at revision have had their hearing restored witb laser
Figure l.8-13 illustrates tbe revising surgeon's dilemma.
After elevating the tyn1panoton1y flap, the surgeon n1ust identify
the margins and depths of the oval window, any residual stapes FIGURE 18-14 • Laser stapedectomy revision-the solution. C02
footplate, and the relationship of the prosthesis to the vestibule. laser vaporizes (thins) collagen until margins and depth of oval
window can be identified. Laser vaporiza tion of soft tissue
Palpations of the prosthesis and neon1ernbrane can be mislead­
attachments of the distal end of the prosthesis permits removal of the
ing because the oval window collagen usually has contracted prosthesis without mechanical trauma to the inner ear.
and lateralized above the level of the vestibule. The prosthesis is
often eccentric, not reaching the vestibule or n1ig.rated against
the fixed otic capsule bone. A fixed footplate n1ay be present 2 to
3 n11n below the lateralized neon1en1brane.
With appropriate energy settings, the C02 laser progressively
vaporizes (thins) the collagen neome1nbrane until the 1nargins
of the oval window can be precisely identified (Figure 18-14).
'fhe relationship of the prosthesis to the oval window can now
be established. Next, tissue surrounding the prosthesis is vapor­
ized, and the prosthesis is re1noved. Depending on the status of
the incus, a 0.6- or l-n1m "stapedoto1ny" is vaporized through
the center of the oval window neon1embrane (Figure 18-15), in
order to

l. Identify residual fixed stapes footplate

2. Detern1ine the exact length required for the new
3. Stabilize the ne\v prosthesis in the center of the oval windO\.Y

When the incus is intact, a 0.6-n1n1 stapedoto1ny is used. A

tefl.on-piston, platinu1n-ribbon stapedoto1ny prosthesis (0.25 n1m
longer than the distance between the entrance into the vestibule
and undersurface of the incus) is inserted into the stapedoton1y
opening and cri111ped to the neck of the incus. Clotted blood is
then used to seal the oval \vindow.
If the incus is eroded, a l-1nn1 stapedoto1ny opening is
vaporized into the center of the oval window. Thin tragal
FIGURE 18-13 • Stapedectomy revision: a surgical dilemma (right perichondriu111 (2 x 3 n1111) is then layered over the oval win­
ear). The surgeon must identify the margins and depth of the oval
dow neon1en1brane and depressed into enlarged stapedoton1y
window, any residual stapes footplate, and the relationship of the
opening. If l n1111 of the incus extends below the level of the
prosthesis to the vestibule. The dilemma, surgical manipulation of
the obliterating soft tissue or the prosthesis may produce significant facial ridge, a Lippy N1oon Robinson offset stapes prosthesis is
dizziness and nerve deafness. attached to the shortened incus (Figure 18-16). If the incus is



• •• ·'

t '
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' I
.. if

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I= > ,,,,... �
� i' . , .
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·. :: ::


.. .. ::::
't ,!
r �I I . .

I jl'

FIGURE 18-15 •A stapedotomy is vaporized in the center of the oval

window, through the sealing neomembrane, until perilymph of the ves­
FIGURE 18-16 •Lippy Moon Robinson offset stapes prosthesis
tibule is encountered. Note: Fixed stapes f o otplate is found in 13%.
(Xomed/Medtronics #11-33009) for eroded incus when incus extends
1 mm or more below the facial ridge.

absent or too short, a Lesinski malleus to oval windo'"' pros­

thesis is employed (Figure 18-17). More recently, the new tita­
niun1 aerial prosthesis fron1 Kurz has been used (Figure 18-18).
A. sterile allograft collagen niembrane (MEF) is placed between
the tympanic n1en1brane and the titaniu111 prosthesis. The pros­
thesis is stabilized in the posterior superior quadrant by extend­
ing the allograft collagen below the nlalleus, over the prosthesis,
and then under the lip of the bony canal.
If the nialleus and incus are normal, postoperative hearing
results approach that of primary stapedoton1y. When the incus
is eroded, 83o/o of the patients can expect to close the air-bone
gap '"'ithin 15 dB.24 300 consecutive C02
In a recent series of
laser stapedecton1y revisions, two patients (0.7%) developed a
111.ild (less than 25 dB) drop in the bone level (n1ean 500 Hz,
1 KHz, 2 KHz, 3 KHz).25 No patient exhibited a greater loss.
A word of caution. The safe energy parameter used for C02
laser revision techniques was established in the laboratory \.Yith
hun1an temporal bone then11ocouple experiments, prior to its
use in the operating roon1. Understanding the absorption tissue
characteristics of argon and KTP lasers for water, bone, and col­
lagen, the focused visible lasers should not be e111ployed in the
111anner described above. Focused argon and KTP laser energy
(n1icroscope-mounted) can easily penetrate perilymph, travel­
ing into the inner ear \.Yith enough tluence to potentially damage
inner ear structures. The argon EndoOtoprobe® offers a greater
FIGURE 18-17 • Conductive repair when incus is significantly eroded
degree of safety by rapidly diluting the power density but still usi ng Lesinski malleus to oval window prosthesis (Xomed/Medtronics
should be used with caution since collagen does not absorb this #0320). Note: Perichondrial graft sealing 1 mm stapedotomy and
wavelength very well. supporting prosthesis.

For the past 21 years the author has been identifying and
tabulating the precise causes for stapedecton1y failure that are
found at the tin1e of revision surgery. Analysis fron1 the data
on 279 consecutive patients with conductive hearing loss fol­
lowing stapedecton1y was presented to the A1nerican Otologic
Society in May 200 l. Eighty-one percent of those patients had a
conductive failure because their prosthesis had nligrated out of
the oval window fenestration. Collagen contracture lifted the
prosthesis out of a stapedoton1y opening allowing the prosthe­
sis to migrate onto the fixed footplate. Following stapedectomy,
collagen contracture produced lateralization of the oval win­
dow neon1e1nbrane, allowing the prosthesis to inigrate onto the
fixed otic capsule bone (Figure 18-19). As the incus continued
to vibrate against the fixed prosthesis, erosion occurred on the
undersurface of the incus neck. Despite its inconvenience, the
author prefers using a C02 laser. A round syn1n1etrical stapedo­
to1ny, precisely the size of a prosthesis piston (0.6 1111n), can be
reliably produced in the footplate. Because the stapedoto1ny is
precisely the size of the prosthesis piston, no collagen tissue seal
is required and the oval windo'"' can be safely sealed with clotted
blood. By avoiding a postoperative collagen contracture, pros­
thesis nligration is n1ini1nized, and long-ter111 hearing results
are in1proved (Figure 18-20).28
Carbon dioxide laser stapedotomies are produced with
a few "hits" of a pulsed C02 laser bea111 focused to a 0.6-111m

FIGURE 18-18 •Titanium AERIAL™ prosthesis (Kurz #1101-1113).

Allograft collagen membrane (MEF) is placed under the malleus,
over the prothesis, and under the posterior canal bony lip and then
tympanotomy flap returned to anatomic position.

Laser Stapedotomy
The clinical advantages of stapedoto1ny versus stapedecto1ny -

include :16-28 •
. .. .
. '

' .

1. Stabilization of the prosthesis in the center of the oval •

1• •

\Vindow •

2. Reduced trau1na to the iru1er ear (less postoperative senso­ •


. '
rineural loss and dizziness) • • • •

I ••
I • rf
.. "
3. Less rnechanical trauma to the tniddle ear (reduced adhe­ ;"'•" ,
•' • • I ..

. '
sions and less risk to facial nerve) ...... '·
\I ' I! , �

Mechanical stapedoto1ny techniques (trocar or lo\¥ frequency >"
Inicrodrill) do not consistently produce a round syn1metri­
cal stapedoto1ny because the footplate frequently mobilizes or
Laser vaporization of the stapes footplate offers a nonme­
chanical solution. Safe energy para1neters for argon, KTP, C02,
and most recently, erbiu1n YAG lasers have been established by
laboratory experi111ents and confirmed by scores of successful
clinical studies.
Visible lasers require vaporizing a series of tiny rosettes
(0.05-0.2 in1n) in the center of the stapes footplate. The
200-µ EndoOtoprobe® is the n1ost popular mode of delivery. FIGURE 18-19 •The most common cause for conductive hearing
loss following stapedotomy is prosthesis migration out of stapedo­
The result of this rosette technique is an irregular, scalloped
tomy and onto solid fixed stapes footplate. Collagen contracture
stapedoto111y '"'hose precise diameter is difficult to control.
initiates the migration by lifting prosthesis out of the fenestration.
Surgeons usually seal the visible laser stapedoto1ny with a vein Note: lncus erosion occurs as incus continues to vibrate against fixed
or perichondriun1. prosthesis.

I 1


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FIGURE 18-20 • C02 laser produces round symmetrical 0.6-mm sta­ FIGURE 18-21 • Improved stapedotomy prosthesis (Xomed/
pedotomy opening. Clotted blood effectively seals the oval window.
Medtronics #385): 1. = Offset shepherd's crook; 2. = Lateral opening;
Collagen tissue seal is avoided eliminating collagen contracture and 3. =Malleable platinum shaft is reinforced at the neck; 4. =Teflon
reducing the risk of postoperative prosthesis migra tion.
piston (0.6 mm diameter) .

spot size. The safe energy paran1eters for different C02 n1odels relation t o the stapedotomy. Postoperative contracture of the
are listed in Table 18-6. A 0.6-n1n1 Fisch trocar is then used to collagen neomembrane can Iift the prosthesis out of the stape­
sn1ooth the nlargins of the stapedoton1y and ensure syn1n1et­ dotomy and is the most common cause for stapedoton1y fail­
rical 0.6 mm dian1eter. A thick or obliterated footplate can be ures. A drop of clotted blood reliably seals the oval '\Vtndow.
fenestrated but requires nlultiple "hits" with the C02 laser. The There are three instances when a thin tissue seal (vein or
trocar should be used after every four or five hits to remove the perichondrium) is recomniended:
crater char. The precision of the stapedoton1y produced in this
n1anner eliminates the need for a collagen tissue seal. 1. "Perilymph gusher"

A Teflon-piston, platinum-ribbon prosthesis (Figure 18-21) 2. Footplate fracture or 1nobilization

v,ras designed specili.cally for stapedotomy. The platinun1 rib­ 3. Stapedotomy that is too large for the prosthesis.

bon is n1alleable to allow adjustn1ent of the angle between the

If a collagen tissue seal is used, the author prefers a Lippy
piston and the footplate. A perpendicular alignn1ent of the pis­
Robinson bucket handle prosthesis because of its increased
ton is necessary to n1inin1ize friction resulting fro.m the snug lit
rigidity and stability. The platinum ribbon prosthesis is too mal­
of a 0.6-n1n1 piston inserted into a 0.6-n1n1 stapedotoiny. The
leable for the increased impedance of the collagen tissue seal.
loop of the prosthesis also \vas specifically designed for stape­
Employing laser stapedoton1y techniques, the surgeon can
dotomy. The loop opens on the side to allow the piston to first
expect that 90% of his patients ,..,ill close the air-bone gap to
be inserted into the stapedotomy opening and then the loop slid
,..,ithin 10 dB and 960A> within 15 dB.14 Lasers reduce inner ear
laterally onto the incus \"lithout lifting the prosthesis. The base
trauma as evidence by less postoperative dizziness and senso­
of the loop has been reinforced to resist downward pressure of
rineural hearing loss. Finally, provided the surgeon employs
the vibrating incus. The loop should be offset to pern1it snug
appropriate laser energy parameters and techniques, the risk to
crin1ping. The stapedotomy prosthesis should n1easure 0.25 nlm
the facial nerve is nearly eliminated.
longer than the distance between the undersurtace of the incus
and the footplate. Generally, a 4.5-mn1 and occasionally a
Lasers for Tympanoplasty/
4.75-111n1 prosthesis are required. This longer prosthesis resists
displacen1ent out of the stapedoto1ny opening during Valsalva's
1naneuvers or head trauma. Otologic lasers can assist the surgeon i n several situations where
No collagen tissue seal is used. The surgeon can now directly standard techniques are inadequate or potentially danger­
observe the position length and nlobility of the prosthesis in ous. Hemostasis can be obtained by coagulating blood vessels

that are inaccessible to bipolar electrocautery. Frequently, the Until now, lasers have been en1ployed to vaporize or coag­
chronic ear surgeon encounters an oval windov,r obliterated by ulate soft tissue or bone or \Varn1 nitinol prostheses. Besides
cholesteaton1a, granulation tissue, hyperplastic n1ucosa, and its photothern1al effects, EM energy could be used for inany
adhesions. Tn a chronically infected n1iddle ear, dislocating the nonheating inedical applications. Listed b cl o\v arc a few of the
stapes bone potentially exposes the inner ear to bacterial con­ potential areas being explored in laser laboratories.
tan1ination (bacterial labyrinthitis and meningitis). Visible or
co2 lasers are used to meticulously vaporize the abnorn1al soft l. Ernission Spectroscopy. The electron orbits of n1olecules
tissue. In addition, to facilitate con1plete tumor removal, the \vithin tissue arc excited with UV lasers. As their electron

arches of a mobile stapes can be safely vaporized with a laser, orbits decay, each niolecule e1nits the exact photon (wave­

providing free access to the footplate. length) of E.tv1 energy it loses. 11olecules are identified by

Tf the stapes head is eroded but the arches are intact, hearing their spectral patterns. Cancer cells contain unique niol­

reconstruction presents a challenge. Jvfost prostheses designed ecules (eg, prin1itive an1ino acids). Therefore, cancer cells

for attachn1ent to the stapes require an intact stapes head for potentially could b e identified through en1ission spectros­

stability. Optin1al hearing results can be obtained by vaporizing copy with a great degree of accuracy.29 E111ission spectros­

the arches and centering a total ossicular replacen1ent prosthesis copy is presently being perfor111ed on inany different types

(TORP) on the mobile stapes footplate. Mechanically crushing of tu111ors and being co111pared '"'ith histologic sections to

the arches (Wehr's or Fisch crura crusher) works well when the deter111ine its diagnostic potential.

stapes footplate is fixed but will frequently dislocate a mobile 2. Inner Ear Endoscopy and Spectroscopy. Perhaps son1eday
footplate. in the future, surgeons \vill cannulate the inner ear with

With appropriate laser energy settings, vaporization and tiny optical fibers and perforn1 en1ission spectroscopy

coagulation of granulation tissue and hyperplastic mucosa can at various sites in the vestibular and cochlear partitions.

also be safely done in delicate areas such as the round \vi ndow Cupulolithiasis could be identified and ablated with UV or

niche or over.lying a dehiscent facial nerve. photoacoustic laser effects.

Do the dark cells have enough unique biochen1istry that

Tumor Ablation
they could be partially ablated with appropriate UV la sers­
In the late 1980s, there was considerable enthusiasm for en1ploy­ reducing the production of endolyn1ph in .tvleniere's patients?
ing both visible and co2 lasers to vaporize acoustic neuron1a, Is peripheral tinnitus caused by excitable hair cells or neurons
glomus tun1ors, and other base of skull tun1ors. The slow rate whose critical firing po tential s have been bioche111ically altered?
of laser tumor ablation coupled with the risk of adjacent tissue Could '"'e biochemically re-engineer these aberrant 111olccules
da111age fron1 thermal spread or a n1isdirected laser beam limited using the photodissection effect of EM energy?
its advantages. Just as for n1iddle ear surgery there are instances Over the past 50 years, ear surgery has traveled fro111 co111-
when the argon EndoOtoprobe® or the C02 lasers can be helpful pletely niacroscopic techniques to exclusively niicroscopic.
(eg, vaporization and coagulation of sn1all bits of acoustic neu­ Perhaps in the next 50 year s , otology will journey into the sub­
roma still adherent to the facial nerve). The blood vessels feeding n1icroscopic world. Surgeons will operate with EM energy upon
sn1aller glomus or acoustic neuroma tumors can be coagulated. atoms and molecules-restructuring intracellular niolecules to
With carefully controlled energy paran1eters, the author alter cell function. The road is '"'ell lit by the la\vs of quantu1n
has used C02 lasers to vaporize epidern1oid carcinoma off the nlechanics. Molecular physicists and biophysicists will guide us.
adventia of the carotid artery and benign tumors off a dehiscent Our ulti111ate destination is lin1ited by our imagination.
facial nerve. Stage I epiden11oid carcinon1as and papilJon1as of
the external ear canal can be vaporized without extensive surgi­
cal dissection though histologic evaluation of crater n1argins is
1. Pollock S. Particle physics for nonphyscists-The Teaching
required to ensure complete removal of the cancer cells. \A/hen
Con1pany. 2003. p. 20-4.
the tumor is near the facial nerve, i ntraoperative electrical mon­
2. Perkins R. Laser stapedoLomy for otosclerosis. Laryngoscope
itoring of the nerve is recommended.
3. McGee T. The argon laser in surgery for chronic ear disease and
otosclerosis. Laryngoscope 1983;93:1177-82.

Laser techniques are accepted by the otologic community only 4. Perkins R. New instrtu11ents-The KTP/532 laser. Presented at the
'"'hen the laser procedure offers significant clinical advantages An1erican Acaden1y of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery,

over nonlaser techniques. When the ti rst stapedotomy proce­ Sept. 1984.

dure \Vas presented 20 years ago, many of the otologists in the 5. Lesinski SG. Lasers for otosderosis: C02 vs. argon and KTP 532.

audience were skeptical of the potential clinical advantages that Laryngoscope 1989;99:1-8.

lasers afforded. Ten years later, approxirnately half of the otolo­ 6. Lesinski SG. C02 laser for otosclerosis: Safe energy paran1eters.

gists were using lasers in the operating room; the other half, Laryngoscope 1989;99:9-12.

n1aintaining "my results are just as good without the laser." 7. Gherini S, Horn KL, Causse JP, e t al. Fiberoptic argon laser slape­

Today, nearly every otologist en1ploys a laser for specific oto.logic dotomy: ls it safe? J Otol 1993;14(3):283-9.
surgical circun1stances when the precision and lack of 111echani­ 8. Bartels L . KTP laser stapedotomy: Is it safe? Otolaryngol Head

cal trau111a offers a safer alternative. Neck Surg 1990;103:685-92.


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Neurophysiologic Monitoring in
Otologic/Neurotologic Surgery
Roberto A. Cueva, MD, FACS I Gayle E. Hicks, PhD, DABNM

Whereas surgical experimentation with facial nerve electrical sophistication. The driving nlotivation for its application and
sti1nulation during cerebellopontine angle (CPA) surgery dates ongoing devclop111ent is the desire to keep morbidity related to
back to the late 19th century,1 the modern era of neurophysio­ complex neurotologic surgery to an absolute 111ini111u1n. Clearly,
logic 1nonitoring during otologic/neurotologic surgery begins 1nonitoring the facial nerve during CPA surgery has had a posi­
in 1979, '"'hen Delgado et al. reported on their experience '"'ith tive effect on functional outco1ne. The i111pact of facial nerve
intraoperative electron1yographic (EMG) nlonitoring of the 1nonitoring during routine otologic surgery ren1ains less '"'ell
facial nerve during intracranial surgery.2 Historically, various defined. Auditory 1nonitoring with DEN1v1 has been den1on­
methods for detecting facial nerve irritation/traun1a during sur­ strated as superior to ABR in facilitating hearing preservation
gery have been en1ployed, varying from an observer watching during CPA surgery.14 Future advances in application and tech­
the face during dissection to the suturing of sterilized cat col­ nology hold the pron1isc of better surgical outco1nes.
lar bells to specific locations on the face to signal facial 1nove­
ment by their ringing.3•4 But it was Delgado et al., along with
the efforts of M0ller and Jannetta,5 Gantz,• Harner ct al.,7 Prass
and Luders,8 and others, using neurophysiologic equipn1ent to Neurophysiologic n1onitoring of the facial nerve 1nost co1nmonly
lnonitor and record facial nerve activity, who ushered us into involves EMG. Equipn1ent for n1onitoring gross facial n1usclc
the modern era. contraction via strain gauges has been used in the past, but the
Soon after, in the early 1980s, M0ller and Jannetta and others technique has fallen into disuse as it is not as sensitive as EMG
began to report their success in nlonitoring and recording at detecting facial nerve irritation. Like,vise, video nlonitoring
cochlear nerve function during CPA surgery.9 Facial nerve mon­ of the face during surgery has fallen by the wayside as it is likely
itoring quickly beca1ne the standard of care during surgery for to niiss subclinical niuscular contractions. EMG voltages less
acoustic neuron1as and other CPA pathology as studies indicated than 100 µV are typically not visible as facial 1nove1nent but are
improved facial nerve function related to the use of monitoring.10 easily recorded using 1nodern technology. Current artifact cre­
Auditory monitoring, although initially reported using direct ated during elcctrocautery effectively prevents EMG 1nonitoring
eighth nerve nlonitoring (DENM), came to be widely e1nployed so care n1ust be taken when cauterizing adjacent to the facial
using auditory brainsten1 responses (ABRs) .11 Difficulties with nerve.
Inaintaining electrode position and signal degradation in cere­ As a consequence of E?vfG's reliance on the neuron1uscu­
brospinal fluid hampered successful DEN1v1, but advances in lar junction, paralytic agents nlust not be used during surgery
electrode design have largely overcon1e these problems.12 1v1ore in '"'hich 1notor nerve n1onitoring is being perfonued. A short­
recently, DENM is receiving increasing attention by surgeons acting neuron1uscular blocker n1ay be used during anesthetic
and authors as it provides the nlost rapid feedback to the sur­ induction, but 1notor nerve activity should be allo,ved to return
geons on the status of auditory function during CPA surgery. to norn1al during the course of the surgical procedure. If signifi­
The techniques of EMG and direct nerve monitoring are cant facial nerve 1nanipulation is anticipated, testing to ensure
being applied to nlonitor other cranial nerves in an effort to reduce reversal of the anesthetic induction neuron1uscular blockade
patient morbidity follo,ving neurotologic surgery. Specifically, should be done prior to beginning facial nerve dissection.
monitoring of the vagus, spinal accessory, and hypoglossal nerves EMG data 1nay be recorded using three separate or sin1ul­
is frequently done in skull base surgical cases.13 Oculon1otor and taneous acquisition forn1ats: continuous or free-run EMG
trigen1inal nerve monitoring is beco1ning nlore co1n111011. (FE?v1G), triggeredEMG (TEMG), and stunulated E?v1G (SEMG).
As a whole, ncurophysiologic nlonitoring during surgery Free-run EMG is recorded in real ti1ne, typically e1nploying
continues to grow in routine use and advance in technological sweep durations of 200 n1illiseconds to 5 sec. Triggered E1v1G


allo,.,,s the capture of spontaneous responses that exceed a preset to provide this type of recording methodology. A referential
voltage. Many con1mercial systems provide an audible warning a1nplilier subtracts the activity of the reference electrode fro1n
when the EMG activity exceeds the preset voltage. Stin1ulated the activity of the active electrode or electrodes. This results in
EMG records responses to a sti1nulus source such as a hand­ greater specificity, reduced noise, and the convenience of using
held probe designed specifically for cranial nerve stin1ulation. fewer electrodes.
Figure 19-l shows sin1ultaneous recordings of FEMG and The most common El'v1G recording method e1nploys paired
TEMG. Figure 19-2 de1nonsti:ates sin1ultaneous recordings of subder1nal needle electrodes in a bipolar configuration. Two
FEl'vtG and SEMG. Depending on the n1anufacturer, con1n1er­ subdermal needle electrodes are placed under the skin over the
cial ly available systen1s may en1ploy one or a con1bination of the muscles or inyoton1es of the associated cranial nerve. Their dis­
three acquisition fonnats. tance is deter1nined b y the desired specificity. The closer the
Generally, two configurations niay be en1ployed for moni­ pair of electrodes are placed to each other, the fe,ver the muscle
toring EMG fron1 the face and other cranial nerves, monopolar fibers represented in the E:tvlG response. Electrode placement
and bipolar. In a nionopolar and bipolar electrode configura­ should take into consideration the size of the muscle group of
tion, the an1plifier records the difference in activity between interest as well as that of the surrow1ding muscles. For instance,
two strategically placed electrodes. Monopolar recordings use the orbicularis oculi is in proxi1nity to the frontalis and tem­
active electrodes placed in the desired n1yotomes (eg, orbicularis poralis muscles. When placing electrodes to represent seventh
oculi muscle for the facial [VII] nerve and the niasseter niuscle nerve activity, the temporalis 1nuscle should be avoided. Since
for the trigen1inal (VJ nerve) and a reference electrode neutrally the seventh nerve innervates the frontalis, activity from this
placed (eg, lateral forehead on the opposite side of the head muscle would be acceptable when the facial nerve is at risk.
frorn the active electrodes). Bipolar recordings are obtained by Thus, the recom1nended electrode placement for the orbicu­
placing both the active and reference electrodes in the niuscle. laris oculi muscle should be 1nore centrally located over the
Both n1ethods are acceptable and use a differential amplifier orbit to avoid interference from temporalis electrodes reacting
con1mon to n1ost current recording systen1s. True referential to inadvertent stimulation of the fifth nerve (Figure 19-3). In
recorders 111ay be used only with an1plifiers specifically designed small tu1nors, overlap of activity from different cranial nerves is

FIGURE 19-1 •Simultaneous recordings of

FEMG TEMG 100 µV/Div free-run electromyography (FEMG) and trig­

...... ....... · . gered EMG (TEMG) acquired during acoustic

l�i°��!l111fiH1M!1 1!��Nl�ij�l:Iir1l " neuroma surgery are shown. Traces A through

...., ....w ···· r w ........ ........�.00 JV"" .
' .
. .
r -r· . •

· ··

E reflect EMG from the orbicuiaris ocu!i A,

; -

orbicuiaris eris 8, menta!is C, masseter D, and

B '"..
11 ... ,..�
...4' �"-
· -f-
.....q .....
·· . .. . �o�.!:"'
. .. . ·
''''- ·· -t· ""-"- ····�···
"" .

trapezius E muscles for both the FEMG and

.. . ... ... . · .
' '

.. .. . . '

�---�( : . ·:r · :_::: r ... , ·::· .: : · ··1 aoµv:::

· · · · · · TEMG recordings. T h e five channels of FEMG
· · .: ·
· · · ·
. to the left were recorded with a 5-sec sweep
. ....... .. .. ��M•:•����;t�p-j ........ ....... ........ ..... .. ...;... ... ........ ····;·00 �t ... . window. All of the muscles, except the trape­

D T zius, exhibit spontaneous activity secondary

········ ········:······ :
·1····· ···1: ···· ····r·······r·······
: : :
?·······:: ······· ·:: ······ ··;1 ···· ···· ·· ····· ········ ······· ·�······
··1: ····· ··· ···· ···· ·· ······: ········.!········ to inadvertent stimulation of their respective

� +
1 � 1 -+-
1 1 �
. ·. ,· . , , ,., oo µv . .. . ·ioo µ·V nerves during tumor manipulation. The corre­
E 1-1--1--�� i-+1� � 1 �1� �� 1 +1� � ; ! �1� -+ � +
- - -'-
.;..._ _.
_ � ----' � __ ��
_, ,
_ �� 1
.•..,;.... . .. . . . . :' . . . : •·.. . .
. sponding TEMG, to the right, is a SO-millisecond
.•. .•
·· . •. '"!'' �· .•. . • · ···: ..
capture of the simultaneously recorded FEMG.
in this recording, the trigge r voltage was set at
5 sec 50ms
50 µV. Any activity in the EMG exceeding 50 µV
would trigger the capture.

FEMG SEMG 50µV/Div FIGURE 19-2 •Simultaneous recordin gs

. •. i . •. .. .j..
. of free-run electromyography (FEMG) and

· .... .;. ••• .i••• j · •· + "·�
l� i i SO �V
••• ••• •;
I ••• • • •I• " ••• • i .j... .j • ••• ·�••••
stimulated EMG (SEMG) acquired during

.SOµ'il ·-· ._.
--.. : . --��-··
A acoustic neuroma surgery are shown. As in

. . . .. -

h � j ..
. !
. :

Figure 14-1, traces A through E reflect EMG

: . -�:
····· ········ . .....i.. ......1........ ....... .�........�·······�·········
• > • • • •

········�········ ... ... .........i-......;........j........�········�········�········ ··········

.. :: ': from the orbicularis oculi A, orbicutaris oris

IJ I� ij /��
. _

: : 5 : : : : : :
: : . . .
. A?. .
. .i.:�·'-'
.:,/\.- ' - ·· .. 50..jI!.-: -
B, mentalis C, masseter D, and trapezius E
. ,.,

: : : ; . : :
........1......... •• ••••........<i-•••••••••••••••••I·········�····..··}·................. ••••••••i• • ••• ....... w . : - :
. ......,.................�·········I··......(•• .......:,.........

, : : : : , : i i ! soJtl · · · muscles. The FEMG, to the left, is a second

c . . ...:.. .. . ...
.i l.
.... ... :.....:! . .:). !.... . .SOµV
... . . .).:� �li,.. : �:!: :! !: :..! �::..r��
.. :���..: �:�
! ,.,SO:tV
_+ l .... . . ... .. ... ... ... . _ .. sweep of continuous EMG. Evident in traces B

D 1 �
. and E are regularly spaced artifacts from the
. : : •
. , .. ··
. . .,r
. •
" .: .";
...._ ._..

.:.. ""i· ....... ··· : ... ""f· ... ·1····· :i"· ·:i·
probe stimulator. Two larger events are seen at

....: . ... i···· ..... ...l ... •• ... ..... ... ! :

\i/ .
the same intervals as the stimuli artifacts and
�r ..-.
., -;-
�- .or.:�
: : : : : : 50 µ·•
E t-.. �.._._..
.'· !
._ ....
.... . M
.. .... . ....+-1�
.. ,.._ .;....+F-....H- ...i -+;-
� _... � ... :- reflect responses from the facial muscles to
. .

: : .: :
•••j . •• (. • ••• ••••I••• ••••• t •
; ;
•••• ••
•• .}. •• • •• • �• •• j •• •
(. •• • ••
•••••• • ••••••
•·· i-• •• j ••
•••••••• •••••••
• :<-· .
••• •• •• ••
•••• ·�•••••••• • •••• •• ••• ••
. .
•••• •) •••••••
. .
••••• . ••••• ••• ••
. '
••••••• l
the probe stimuli. These responses are more
:: :: :

: : :
clearly seen in a 50-mi!iisecond sweep of
5 sec 50ms
SEMG to the right in this recording, the probe
stimuli triggered the capture.

100 µV/Div

·: . ' " ":' .. ': .... . ' ':' · .

.. 1Qo
A i---.: srns

. ........i...... .. ·....�.. ·.... .....t. . .. ·.... ....r ... .. ·.... �. .. .... .. ·.. r. . ·.... ...�. ... .. ·....
...... ·... f · ·.... .....�.. .

.. .. .
• • .• • j • 10oµV
B i-- - 4- :d, ::, ....: . ...-
... � �
.. ,... .,,.
..;_ ....,. : -v-:" , :...,.. ;:>fr1$


........... . ...... .. ...�... .. ..... . 1'. .... .. ......�. ....... .. ...r. ·······.. ... 1. .... ........¥. ..... .......1... ...... .. .r. ... .. ......

· • .... i • i • • • • 1� µV
C � · "j
·"'"' p • • rns

� y

1 1
........... ............�............ ··..········.·····..····· ······...·.. ··..········ ····..······ ······..··· ...........
T r r I
� ··�·- r ii •
j •
D ............ ... .·· .......... ..... ... · · ··
• i j • 100 µV

········ ··· ·· ·······-·�..... ······ ······· ··.. · ······· · ···· ··..··· ······ ....r..······· ··. ... ······· ..···· ····
. .

r r r r r r r

.... L. .. • .... • . . .• .....• . . i ! • 1 00 v

E Sins
FIGURE 19-3 • Subdermal bipolar needle electrodes are placed in
the superior portion of the orbicularis oculi muscle away from the
• � • � •
···········r············.1············ .r············.1············l. ············.1············r. ············ .1.. ··········r. ···········
temporalis and masseter muscles to avoid bleed-over of electromyo­
graphic activity.
50 ms

FIGURE 19-5 • Recordings of stimulated electromyography (EMG)

100 µV/Div to probe stimulation of the seventh nerve during the same surgery
as those acquired in Figure 14-3 are shown. Traces A through E

············· ······· t\l ; +
· ·········· .......................... ························+···········->············ ···········
reflect EMG from the o rbicularis oculi A, orbicularis oris 8, mentalis
C, masseter 0, and trapezius E muscles. Note the co mplexity of the
A .-


' ,j �
! ! ....
! foo
'� msµV
- responses compared with those seen in Figure 14-3. The multiphasic
and longer duration activity are typical of EMG responses to probe
}v . . . . .� · �· .. stimulation of the se venth nerve.

· ' ····· ········ � �u�v·

i -- -Y-""� ' �
s r k r � � = �·· �

� _... � .. _.._�-;. � ....� ..;. ....� .-. --, !�
� 1
•••• .••••••.;..•••••• ·••••-'••••••••
····I•· . . '
. ••••••• .,;.. ••• ·•••••• .;.. .•••• .•••••.;...••••••• ••••.;. ·•••••• • ;.••• ·•••••• .;. •••• ·•••••
. . .
l l � l l l l �

' ' ' • 1 60 .1(

• orbicularis oculi to stimulation of the seventh nerve, as demon­
c ' • •
j • �ms
.. .. .. .. . strated in Figure 19-5.
··········-- ··· ······· ············· ············· ············ ············ ············· ··········· ············- ············
i � t t t t t �
In most surgical conditions, two channels of facial nerve
D A ••• U....
.......... .'
.. ..' ....' ····· .. .L..... . ' 100 ..v
� EMG are adequate. However, in large tumors in which the sev­

r .� � � 1
.•.•••.•.•..•;.•.•.•••.•.•.;.•.•.•.•••.•.j.•••.•.•.•••..•.•••.•.•.••.;.•.•.•••.•.•.�..•.•.•••.•.•i.............;.............; ........... enth nerve may b e splayed over the tumor, three or four chan­
.: .: .:

. :
.: .: .: .: .:
nels ofElv1G representing additional branches of the facial nerve
E '""'- . . .
, . _ . •. . "'
!. •.
. 1

ioo µV

provide greater sensitivity. Figure 19-6 shows EMG activity

... .. ..
.. ........·;·...........·:.............:·............:............:...........·:............ ...........··:.. ............·:·. ...........
. - . . . .
. . . ·:
recorded continuously from four facial muscles. EMG activity
.:: .!: ..: . :: ..: .:: .: ..: .:
i : : : : :
: :
. limited to the mentalis muscle in response to tumor manipula­
50 ms tion is evident.

Ephaptic Responses
FIGURE 19-4 • Recordings of stimulated electromyography (EMG}
The condition of hemifacial spasn1 (HFS ) is caused by irritative
to probe stimulation of the motor branch (V3) of the fifth nerve are
shown. Traces A through E reflect EMG from the orbicularis oculi A, arterial compression of the facial nerve near its root entry zone
orbicularis oris 8, mentalis C, masseter 0, and trapezius E muscles. at the brain stem. Electrophysiological studies indicate that this
Note the large biphasic responses from the orbicularis oculi and vascular contact creates a physiologically active bridge between
masseter muscles. The response exhibited in trace A reflects tem­
fibers, allowing crossover of antidromic impulses. These crossed
poralis activity in the orbicularis oculi channel. These muscles are in
in1pulses then travel distally through other branches to activate
such close proximity that electrode placement near the lateral orbital
rim results in activity to stin1ulation of either nerve (V or VII}. the facial muscles. The abnormal muscle response generated by
nonsynaptic axonal activation { ephapse) may b e recorded dur­
ing EMG as the ephaptic response {ER).1s Monitoring the facial
not usually a problem. 1-:lowever, for large tu1nors in \¥hich the nerve for ER during microvascular decompression (lv1VD) for
anatomy 1nay be significantly distorted, this overlap could be a HFS helps the surgeon identify the offending vessel.
critical issue. Figure 19-4 demonstrates a masseter response to Figure 19-7 demonstrates the stimulus and acquisition
fifth nerve sti1nulation and a "bleed-over" fron1 the temporalis electrode positions forEMG withER. S timulating current, usu­
muscle to electrodes placed in the orbicularis oculi 1nuscle. Note ally between 7 and 20 1nA, is passed via the stimulus electrodes,
that these SEMG responses exhibit a simple biphasic waveform resulting in antidromic crossover motor activity recorded on
con1pared \¥ith typical multipbasic SElvlG responses from the EMG. Examples ofER are shown in Figure 19-8. As the surgeon

explores the root entry zone of the facial nerve, the ER \Vill
100 µV/Div in1n1ediately extinguish when the co1upressing vessel is iuoved
away fron1 the nerve. Using ER to identify the vessel causing the
. . . . . .
HFS is felt to result in in1proved cure rates for .tvIVD.
···························-···························-··························· ............ ............. ·············-············

A If the surgeon is very fan1iliar with a particular, dedicated,

. . . n1otor nerve 1nonitoring device and is able to differentiate true

..... ·····;· . .· .
. .... ..... .
: . .... ··: .. ..
. . ·· ·····:· ······ ..
. ....-:-··· ·······:···· . ..
. : · · ..... . .. .....·. ··· ..... . . ..
... ... n1otor responses fron1 artifact signals, then he/she nlay be co1n­
.. .. ... .
.. . .. .' . ..


. ...
.. ..
. .. .. .... ...... , ... ...
B . ... .. • • j <> • ••··�· .. · ····- : ······
.. ..
.. . ..
. ...
. .. .
... . .
fortable interpreting the output of the nlonitoring equipn1ent
.. ..... .
hi1nself/herself. Otherwise, the use of personnel trained and
. . ..
I• � t "
. . ·�

qualified to perfor1u neurophysiologic nlonitoring is strongly

c ..............,.,
. � .. _.;... � -.i.. _L..... '.......
····:··· ......
. ---"'
,.;. ,......
. reco1nn1ended. Using nlore sophisticated equipn1ent and trained
. ..
... ..

personnel has distinct advantages. As noted above, inultichan­

. .' . . . .
•••••• •••••i
- ••••••• ... .... •••••• •I •••• ••••••· �
•••••••i•••• ' ••••V·••••••• .••• ;. ••••••• . ; •••• ••••••• �· ·••• ••••••

nel inonitoring equip1nent allows inonitoring of other iuotor

nerves and helps differentiate true facial nerve stimulation
. .... ... .. .. ... fron1 artifact or other cranial nerve sti1nulation. Additionally,
. . . .
. .. .
. ... .
... .
.. ....
. .
. .. .. ... . .

... ..
.. . ...
a diffuse increase in EMG activity in nlultiple nluscle groups
.. ..
.. .. . . ..
E i-- � � � -'-·��� ....
. ·

...;. ��---- �--;

; �: ;- �- �
:� �
nlay indicate reduced depth of anesthesia, which can be disas­
.. ..
.. .
.. ... ..
.. .
: "!' ' \' � · · . .... . . -:- ··· · �
. .
.. . ... trous during posterior cranial fossa surgery. Furthern1ore, use
. . ....
.. . . of nlonitoring personnel allo,vs the surgeon to concentrate on
SO ms perfor1uing the surgery rather than having to divert attention
to interpret the EMG feedback. Finally, for n1onitoring to be
successful, the surgeon m.ust respond appropriately to the feed­
FIGURE 19-6 •Triggered electromyographic activity showing
back provided and alter activities to reduce or elin1inate facial
responses captured to a 100-µV trigger. Traces A through E reflect
nerve irritation.
activity from the orbicularis oculi A, orbicularis oris 8, mentalis C,
masseter 0, and trapezius E muscles. Note that the activity from the Sti1nulation of the nerve with electric current should be
orbicularis oculi and oris muscles (traces A and B) did not reach an done at the lo,vest possible level. Pulse duration and the voltage
amplitude great enough to trigger a capture. Only the activity from or current detern1ine the strength of the stin1ulus. Most co1n­
the mentalis (trace C) reached adequate amplitude for a capture or an
n1ercial systen1s use a pulse width of0.05 or0.10 µsec and pro­
audible alert.
vide intensity integrals of0.05 or 0.10 mA. During initial stages
of tu111or resection, '"'hen the location of the seventh nerve inay
not be obvious, spontaneous EMG activity would suggest close
proxin1ity to the nerve. In this instance, a slightly higher pulse
intensity (0.10-0.20 n1A) is useful when searching for the nerve
in a field in which anato1ny is distorted. At the conclusion of
surgery, the functional integrity of the facial nerve inay be esti­
n1ated by deter1uining the lowest current level required for
facial nerve stimulation. If robust a1nplitude nlotor responses
• are obtained fron1 the facial nerve at its exit from. the brain sten1
• vvith sti1nulation at 0.05 to 0.10 nlA, then good facial function
is expected.
Facial nerve n1onitoring during otologic surgery inay be
helpful in reducing the risk of facial i1erve injury during cases
in which the facial nerve inay be exposed by disease (choleste­
atoma, granulation tissue) or congenital variation of anatomy.
Because of the fibrous sheath surrounding the nerve in the
ten1poral bone, higher current levels, in the 0.20- to 0.50-n1A
range, are required to sti1nulate EMG responses. If atten1pts to
stin1ulate the nerve are being perfor1ned through a thin bony
layer, higher current levels, 0.50 to 1 .0 nlA, are required.
There is no substitute for an intin1ate and thorough knov•l­
edge of facial nerve anatomy and its variations within the
ten1poral bone. For the experienced surgeon, facial nerve 1non­
itoring n1ay reduce the risk of facial nerve injury during dis­
FIGURE 19-7 •The stimulus and acquisition sites are displayed. For section of cholesteaton1a or granulation tissue fron1 an exposed
stimulation of the temporal (T) and mandibular (M) branches of the nerve. It should not serve as a crutch for finding the nerve dur­
seventh nerve the anode is typically placed proximally to enhance ing other,.Yise routine otologic surgery. Clearly, any patient
the antidromic conduction of the action potential. A bipolar recording
'"'ho has had facial nerve sy 1upton1s related to cholesteaton1a or
montage is recommended for each muscle: (a) frontalis, (b) oribicu­
laris oculi, (c) orbicularis oris, and (d) mentalis.
ear infection or as a consequence of previous otologic surgery

Temporal branch stimulation Mandibular branch stimulation

�----- a .--.--·-

FIGURE 19-8 •Three superimposed trials

are shown for the two stimulation conditions
for each muscle; (a) frontalis, (b) orbicularis
oculi, (c) orbicularis oris, and (d) mentalis.
The downward arrows indicate the onset
of a muscle response. The M wave (M)
represents the compound muscle action
potential to orthodromic conduction of the
stimulus. The E wave (E) represents the
Ephaptic response produced by antidromic
� �
-- conduction of the stimulus. The M wave is
evident only in those muscles innervated by
the peripheral nerve stimulated whereas the
"'-- E wave is most clearly observed from the
5 msec
noninnervated muscles and exhibits a much
later onset.

warrants facial nerve monitoring during surgery. These symp­ hearing preservation rates, apart fron1 earlier diagnosis of
toms warn the surgeon of the high likelihood that the nerve is sn1aller tu1nors, is to obtain the most rapid intraoperative feed­
dehiscent and directly affected by the disease process, increas­ back possible regarding the functional status of the cochlear
ing surgical risk. nerve. DENM provides the nearest thing to real-ti1ne auditory
Routine facial nerve monitoring for otologic surgery function during CPA surgery and has been shown to be superior
remains somewhat controversial as there is disagreement regard­ to ABR in facilitating hearing preservation. 1 1 Recent reports
ing whether it provides significant, protective benefit to the on the use ofDENM during resection of acoustic neuromas 10
nerve. So1ne authors express concern that routine use of facial mrn and sn1aller demonstrate hearing preservation rates in the
nerve monitoring is no substitute for thorough knowledge of range of 80-85%.22
anatomy and may create a false sense of confidence for the inex­ Scalp-recorded ABR is obtained by arrangingsurface or sub­
perienced surgeon. For the experienced surgeon, n1edico-legal denual needle electrodes at opposing ends of the dipole or direc­
concerns may drive the decision regarding routine facial nerve tion of the neuroelectric activity of the auditory neural pathway.
monitoring during uncomplicated otologic cases. Although the Several hundred to several thousand click stin1uli generated by
senior author favors selective use of facial nerve n1onitoring for a 100 µV square v.rave pulse are delivered to the ear via cushion
otologic surgery in his own practice, each surgeon must decide or insert earphones. The sn1all click-evoked responses (usually
this issue for himself/herself. < LO µV) are con1puter averaged and appear within 10 niilli­
second of stin1ulus onset as a series of live to seven v;aves origi­
nally labeled with Ron1an numerals by Jewett and colleagues. 23
In tbe normal ABR (Figure 19-9, right ear) the poststimulus
M0ller and Jannetta first reported recording compound action latency of wave I evoked by a suprathreshold (60-80 dB nHL
potentials from the auditory nerve in humans in 1981. This [normal bearing level]) click occurs at or before 2 millisecond.
report focused on the correlation of anatomic locations and the Subsequent waves exhibit latencies at approxin1ately I milli­
different waveforn1s seen on ABR testing.n The year 1982 saw second intervals. Eighth nerve activity is reflected in waves I
the first reports describing A BR, initially developed in the mid- and II-tbe former near the cochlea and the latter near the
1970s as a diagnostic tool, used for intraoperative monitoring brain sten1.24•25 The reruaining v;aves are generated by brain­
during acoustic tumor surgery. 16•1 7 Although DENM provides steru structures rostral to the ponton1edullary junction.
much larger amplitude responses and faster feedback than ABR, Patients with eighth nerve or brain-ste111 lesions rarely exhibit
difficulties maintaining electrode position hampered its wide­ normal ABRs on the affected side and require interpretation by
spread use. As a result, ABR came to b e the preferred method for an experienced clinician or technologist. Figure 19-l.O sho,-vs a
monitoring auditory function during CPA surgery throughout series of ABR tracings obtained during resection of an acoustic
the 1980s and l990s.18•19 neuron1a.
The late-1990s saw a resurgence of interest in DENM.20·21 While recording the AB.R during surgery, subdern1al nee­
\!\Tith the traditional morbidities of CPA surgery greatly dle electrodes are preferred because of their in1pedance stability
reduced owing to advances in surgical technique and motor over long periods of tirue. An active electrode is placed at or near
nerve monitoring, increasing focus is being placed on improv­ the vertex and a reference electrode on the 1 nastoid, earlobe,
ing rates of hearing preservation. The best way to improve or neck. Since the scalp-recorded ABR is a far-field response,

0.15 µV/Div
Left ear Right ear

Wave ms µV
Wave ms µV
I 1.62 0.38
I 1.62 0.36
II 2.58
II 3.60
5.28 Ill 3. 96
6.36 IV 5.04
v 5.82 0.35
v 7.08 0.42
v FIGURE 19-9 •Scalp-recorded auditory
V brainstem response (ABR) traces for the left
II I\/,
and right ears of a patient with a left-sided
cerebellopontine angle lesion are shown. The
left ear ABR exhibits relatively normal morphol­
ogy. Wave I latency is normal, but the remaining
Nicolet peaks exhibit abnormal absolute and interpeak
latencies. The right ear ABR exhibits normal
15 ms 15 ms
morphology and normal absolute and interpeak

slight variations in placing the vertex electrode are not criti­

0.2 µV/Div cal. To optin1ize v•ave I, the reference electrode is placed on the
1nastoid or earlobe ipsilateral to the stin1ulated ear. However,
1 : L ABR 19:28:11
12:43:56 this placement may be inconvenient for surgeries of the ear in
'"'hich the surgical field lies close to the n1astoid and/or earlobe.
Tn such cases, placement of the reference electrode at the base of
the skull or high cervical spine will yield a wave T co.mparable to
the n1astoid/earlobe placement.
Insert earphones with tube extensions deliver the acoustic
click to the ear. The tube extension is secured in the ear with
a flexible universal earn1old (eg, Doc's Pron1old®) or a foam
earn1old. The universal n1old is preferred to the foam earn1old
since it creates a more secure fit in the ear. However, the foam
tip can be effective when secured in the ear with surgical bone
'"'ax. To avoid collection of preparatory or other fluids in the
canal of the surgical ear, seal the earmold and tubing with a
sn1all adhesive drape (eg, Tegaderm®). A click of slow to 1nod­
erate rate (7-27 /sec) should be delivered with sufficient loudness
to evoke the three n10St prominent waves (I, lTI, and V). Avoid
click rates near or at n1ultiples of 60 Hz that can result in cyclic
interference fron1 electrical lines and fields. Depending on the
degree of hearing loss, 70 to 90 dB nHL is an adequate click
intensity. Most patients who require n1onitoring of auditory
function during surgery exhibit preoperative and intraoperative
ABR abnorn1alities; a recording time '"'indow of l 5 to 20 n1illi­
second will account for any abnorn1ally prolonged latencies. Tn
an anesthetized pa t ien t, a reliable ABR can be identified '"'ithin
15 ms
a fe\-\r hundred averaged sti1nuli. Most difficulties in recording
ABRs in the operating roo1n are the result of technical condi­
tions. A preoperative ABR study is recon1n1ended to detennine
FIGURE 19-10 •Serial recordings of scalp-recorded auditory the reliability of the ABR for the operative ear and will help
brainstem responses acquired during resection of a 2.5-cm acoustic avoid any questions regarding technical mishaps that can occur
neuroma. The top trace was acquired just subsequent to opening the
in the operating roon1. Additionally, occasional recording from
dura and was used as a baseline trace by which all subsequent traces
were compared. Only wave V was clearly identified in the baseline
the nonsurgical ear provides a control condition accounting for
trace. Subsequent traces exhibited even greater morphologic ten1perature and other nonpathologic events that can affect the
abnormality. ABR during surgery.

The operating roo111 and surgical environment can create

unpredictable events that can affect the reliability of the ABR.
Continuous recording of the ABR during each stage of the sur­
gery can help identify and troubleshoot these events. Although
DEN11 recordings may be a 111ore desirable n1ethod of i11onitor­
ing during tu111or resection, the scalp-recorded ABR is initially
necessary to ensure technical reliability since the recording
methodologies are si111ilar, with the exception of the intracra­
nial electrode. Additionally, brain retraction applied during
initial exposure can alter eighth nerve fu11ction, and the scalp­
recorded ABR can help identify this situation.
Technically, recording the cochlear nerve action potential
(CNAP) is sinlilar to recording the ABR, '"'ith son1e exceptions,
including the placen1ent of the reference electrode on or near
the eighth nerve and the gain settings. The senior author has
a long-standing interest in DEN:tvl and prefers an electrode of
his own design (available through AD-Tech Medical Instru111ent
Corporation, Racine, \..Yisconsin), which provides consistent
FIGURE 19-12 •The electrode is in place on the cochlear nerve dur­
but gentle positioning on the cochlear nerve.12•14 This electrode
ing retrosigmoid craniotomy for removal of a right, intracanalicular
(Figure19-11) partially encircles the cochlear nerve but allows acoustic neuroma. The tumor arose from the superior vestibular
atrau111atic escape of the nerve should the electrode be acciden­ nerve. Postoperative pure-tone levels were maintained within 5 dB of
tally displaced. When the electrode is n1ounted on the applica­ preoperative levels, and speech discrimination remained at 96%.

tor, the opening in the C-shaped ring is opened '"'idely, allo\.ving

for atraun1atic insinuation of the electrode around the cochlear
nerve. Simple digital pressure on the finger pad of the applicator
electrode location. Additionally, the voltage of the CNAP pro­
allows closure of the ring, securing it gently on the nerve. The
vides an improved signal-to-noise ratio, requiring fewer averaged
electrode wire is then disengaged fron1 the proxin1al yoke of
responses to yield a reliable waveform. In the surgical environ­
the applicator and the applicator is carefully '"'ithdrawn, leaving
ment, the scalp-recorded ABR 1nay require 1 to 2 min to yield
the electrode on the cochlear nerve as seen in Figure 19-12.
a reliable tracing, whereas the CNAP may be obtained in as lit­
The mnplitude of the CNAP is anywhere fro1n10 to100 tin1es
tle as six-tenilis of a second. Figure 19-13 demonstrates a scalp­
larger than that of the scalp-recorded ABR since the i1npedance
recorded ABR and a DENivl from a patient undergoing surgery
of the head significantly reduces the voltage of the ABR genera­
for an acoustic neuroma. The DENlvf electrode was placed at the
tors to an amplitude range of0.50 to 1.0 µV. Because of the prox­
cochlear nerve root entry to the braill stem. The amplitude of
unity of the intracranial electrode, the CNAP can be as large as
the scalp-recorded ABR was less than 0.5 µV, whereas the DENM
SO µV, depending on the extent of eighth nerve con1pron1ise and
response exceeded 45.0 µV. Serially recorded DENM tracings
acquired during removal of an acoustic neuroma are shown in
Figure 19-14. The final tracing was recorded at the completion
of tumor removal. Although the DENM response exhibited a
decline, iliere was still evidence of cochlear nerve continuity and
function at the conclusion of surgery.
It is not unusual to observe a significant decline in the scalp­
recorded ABR durillg tumor resection, and, in many cases, the
ABR may be absent despite neural continuity. Authors have
reported hearing preservation in a substantial percentage of
surgical patients in whom the scalp-recorded ABR disappeared
during surgical removal of the CPA tumor.24 In such cases, the
CNAP can provide valuable information to the surgeon regard­
ing the condition of the eighth nerve. Roberson et al reported
their findings ill a series of patients undergoing surgery for an
acoustic neuroma in whom the ABR v•as absent, yet all had a
detectable CNAP.i6 Figure 19-15 demonstrates the recordings
from a patient in whom the ABR was absent, but a reliable
FIGURE 19-11 •The Cueva cranial nerve electrode is shown with its
CNAP was recorded using DENM.
application wand. When mounted on the wand, tension along the lead
Although the ABR will always be a part of auditory moni­
wire opens the C-shaped ring, allowing atraumatic placement on the
cochlear nerve. toring for CPA surgery, it has distinct disadvantages compared

0.5 µV/Div 5.0 µV/Div

8.45 ms
2.26 ms

16:35 : 1 4


5.0 µV/Div



10 ms
10 ms

FIGURE 19-13 •Scal p-recorded auditory brainstem response (ABR)

FIGURE 19-14 • Serially recorded direct eighth nerve monitoring
and direct eighth nerve monitoring (DENM) traces recorded from the
(DENM) traces acquired during tumor removal are shown. The first
same patient undergoing craniotomy for acoustic neuroma removal
trace was recorded a t 16:35:14 and the last trace at 17:28:19, just fol­
are shown. The DENM electrode was placed at the eighth nerve
lowing removal of the remaining sections of the tumor. Although the
entry zone at the brain stem. The ABR is the averaged response to
last trace shows a decline in the DENM, evidence of ac tivity consis­
300 sti muli , and the DENM is the averaged response to 20 stimuli.
tent with neural continuity is evident.
Both were acquired with the same click rate (17.1/sec) and click
intensity (90 dB nHL), resulting in acquisition times of approximately
15 seconds and 1 sec, respectively. Both traces are displayed with
a 10-millisecond time window for comparison. A cursor is placed
tvlonitoring of the other 111otor cranial nerves involves plac­
at wave V of the ABR (8.45 millisecond) and corresponds closely
to the latest peak seen in the DENM. The amplitudes of the DENM
ing either needle or surface electrodes in or near the 1nuscles
waveforms exceed the ABR by nearly 100 times. innervated by the nerve of interest. In the case of the trigen1ina 1
nerve, the niasseter or temporal is 1nuscle 1nay be used. Needle
electrode placement into the trapezius and tongue muscles for

to DENIVI. The n1onitoring of cochlear nerve action potentials 1nonitoring the spinal accessory and hypoglossal nerves, respec­

gives more rapid feedback with robust amplitudes. The CNAP tively, is readily accomplished. IVlonitoring the vagus nerve is

can often identify neural integrity when ABR is no longer record­ more challenging and requires either direct laryugoscopy for

able. Hence, in their striving for optimal patient outcomes, an needle electrode placement into the vocalis inuscles of the true

ever-increasing nun1ber of centers are using DENM as a routine vocal cords or use of a specially designed endotracheal tube that

part of CPA surgery. incorporates surface electrodes on its surface. As '-vith facial
nerve n1onitoring using EMG, neu ro1nuscular paralysis rnust
be avoided during the course of surgery.
Direct nerve inonitoring of niotor nerves has not been pre­
Electromyography is widely used to 1nonitor other motor cra­ viously reported, but the senior author has used this technique
nial nerves during neurotologic surgery. The motor branch v;ith good results in surgery for tumors of the jugular foramen,
of the trigemina1 nerve, the vagus nerve, the spinal accessory low CPA, and foramen magnum. The same electrode used to
nerve, and the hypoglossal nerve are comn1only monitored monitor the cochlear nerve in the CPA is secured around the
using EIVLG.13 These nerves have been monitored primarily in vagus, spinal accessory, and hypoglossal nerves in the neck. To
patients undergoing surgery for tun1ors affecting the CPA, jugu­ ensure stable positioning, the open part of the C-shaped elec­
lar fora1nen, and Meckel's cave. trode is sutured with fine (4-0 or 5-0) silk to create a ring. 'fhe

many neurotologic and skull base surgeries, using monitoring

ABR DENM is considered the standard of care. The last three decades have
seen significant advances in technology facilitating routine use
0.2 µV/Div 0.5 µV/Div
of these valuable monitoring 1nethods. Future advances such
as wireless connections between the monitoring head box/
amplifiers and the averaging computer may reduce the impact
of 60-cycle electrical interference in the operating room. The

_ -.-.._
_,..__, , reader is encouraged to employ monitoring where judged appro­
I priate in practice. In the final analysis, if the patient will likely
have a better outcome because neurophysiologic monitoring

T''\...v'V'J\./!V\. ,,..,.,."-1'->
. ·� v"VWl.f
was used, then it should be used.

I References
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FIGURE 19-15 •Simultaneous recordings of the auditory brainstem 8. Prass RL, Luders H. Evoked electromyographic activity during
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Although the peaks seen in the DENM traces are abnormally reduced intracranially fro111 the auditory nerve in man. Exp Neurol
in amplitude (approximately 1.0 µV), they could be reliably recorded
during tumor removal. The last DENM trace was acquired subsequent
10. Harner SG, Daube JR, Ebersold MJ, et al. In1proved preservation
to tumor removal.
of facial nerve function vvitb use of electrical n1onitoring dw·ing
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suture needle is passed through the soft silicone of the electrode tive auditory evoked potentials to preserve hearing in unilateral
at the edges of the opening. acoustic 11euro1na ren1oval. J Neurosurg 1984;61:938-48.
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Ear Surgery
Dennis S. Poe, MD, FACS

The introduction of endoscopy into the middle ear has opened BRIEF HISTORY
up new opportunities for rninimally invasive temporal bone
The first published description of imaging of the middle ear by
surgery. The use of the surgical microscope brought revolution­
ary advances into the field of otologic surgery because its new endoscopy was by Mer and colleagues in 1967.' They passed a
fiberoptic instrument through existing tympanic men1brane
technology expanded the ability of surgeons to see in limited
perforations in two patients, but the image resolution of their
confines of the temporal bone. Similarly, endoscopic imaging
instrun1ents was quite limited. Eichner obtained much improved
provides dran1atic new vistas to the otologist, and we arc just
in the early exciting phases of developing the appropriate appli­ in1ages using 2.7-1nm-dian1eter rigid endoscopes, however, the
n1uch larger diameter significantly restricted the endoscope's
cations and supporting instru1ne11tation. The endoscope lens
utility within the s1nall spaces of the te1nporal bone.2 Non1u ra
brings the surgeon's view into the depths of the operative field
and can provide a wide field of view with perspectives not pos­ i 1t :oduced the concept of 1niddle ear exploration by passing a

sible through a surgical inicroscope. ng1d endoscope through a nlyringotomy in an otherwise intact
ty1npanic me1nbrane.3
The operating microscope provides magnified i1nages in
a straight line extending fron1 the objective lens. Many deep Rapid advances were subsequently made in fiberoptic res­
olution by reducing the size of individual fibers and packing
recesses within the ten1poral bone cannot be directly seen
1nore of them within the same outer diameter. Kimura and
without the surgeon taking measures to expand the operative
colleagues,• Chays and colleagues,5 and Hopf and colleagueso
exposure. Endoscopes have an immediate advantage with an
passed high-resolution fibers through the nasal cavity to inspect
inherently wide field of view that extends fro1n the tip of the
the lun1en of the eustachian tube, sometimes passing fibers
instrun1ent's lens. Additional angulation of view is accon1-
all the way into the n1iddle ear cavity for a li1nited view of its
plished by placing pris1ns into the tip. Endoscopes, there­
contents. Takahashi and colleagues inspected the bony eusta­
fore, offer the surgeon the capability of wide fields of view
chian tube orifices of children with 1.7-mm rigid endoscopes
with n1inin1al exposure, looking behind the obstructions or
passed through an anterior 1nyringoton1y, prior to the place­
overhangs, and peering into recesses with 111uch less requ i rc-
n1ent of ventilation tubes.7 Poe and colleagues described the use
1ncnt for surgical exposure than demanded by conventional
of 1.9-111111 rigid endoscopes through a myringotomy to aid in
techniques. Surgical morbidity and operating time can be sub­
the diagnosis of perily1nphatic fistulae.8 Thomassin and col­
stantially reduced.
leagues developed successful rigid endoscopic techniques as an
Clinically, there are inany current applications of endo­
adjunct to conventional cholesteatoma surgery, dra1natically
scopes in temporal bone surgery. The present chapter will focus
on surgery of the middle ear and n1astoid with endoscopic reducing the residual rates of disease.9 McKennan used 111ini­
n1ally invasive endoscopic techniques to perform second-look
assistance. Endoscopy of the middle car itself may be done
through a niyringoto1ny, oftcring in1n1ediately available, spec­ operations to rule out residual cholesteato1na.10 Magnan and
colleagues11 and O'Donoghue and O'Flynnu began to popularize
tacular in vivo exa1ninations free of the artifacts of blood, tissue
the use of rigid endoscopes in cerebellopontine angle surgery.
transudates, and injected local anesthetic agents. Accordingly,
endoscopy inay be useful for various diagnostic purposes, such
as perilyn1phatic fistula explorations. Endoscopes also in1prove
the ability to inspect the entire 1niddle ear after cholesteaton1a
removal. Examination of the undersurfaces of the ossicles and Rigid Hopkins rod endoscopes and liberoptic endoscopes are
tympanic nlen1brane and the deep recesses of the mastoid cavity both commonly available for use in the office setting and in
can reduce cholesteatoma residual rates. temporal bone surgery. Generally, the rigid endoscopes are


preferred because of their superior resolution. Fiberoptic instru­ a 2.7- or 4-1n1n endoscope makes for excellent otologic pho­
n1ents are continually improving, allowing for ever-increasing tography. The endoscopes may be used t o inspect the ty1n­
numbers of individual light-carrying fibers to be packed into panic 1nembrane or the niedial external auditory canal when
sn1all (outer) dian1eter endoscopes. Each light fiber carries a the microscopic view is lin1ited by a canal stenosis or other
portion of the image representing a single pixel, and increas­ obstruction. Bony canal defects or recesses and the depths of
ing the nun1ber of pixels increases the resolution of the overall li1nited 1nastoid cavities n1ay be easily seen. Tympanic me1n­
in1age. There is a finite amount of cladding and cen1ent between brane retraction pockets may be inspected to deter1nine their
fibers that creates a visible "chicken wire fence appearance" depth and the presence or absence of cholesteatoma. Surgeons
v,rhen images are sharply focused. Rod lens endoscopes avoid may benefit from such infor1nation when considering whether a
this problen1, yielding in1ages with superior clarity and reso­ patient should undergo cholesteatoma surgery and detern1ining
lution. Fiberoptic endoscopes can be constructed with smaller the optimal approach.
dian1eters than most rigid endoscopes, but the resulting fiber­
trans111itted image is generally considered to be impractical for
surgical purposes owing to the consequent reduction in resolu­
tion. Newer generation rigid endoscopes, using gradient index An endoscope inay be passed through an existing perforation or
(GRlN) of refraction lenses, are becoming ever smaller, and are n1yringoto1ny in the tympanic n1e1nbrane to perfor1n a lin1ited
closing the gap \.Yith fiber technology.8 GRIN niicroendoscopes n1iddle ear exploration. The procedure 1nay be perforn1ed in the
are now being evaluated for intralabyrinthine in1aging. The niin­ office or operating roon1 and is com1nonly done using Hopkins
iaturization of charge-coupled device (CCD) can1era niicrochips rod endoscopes ,.,,ith outside dian1eters of 1.7 or 1.9 1nn1. The
has progressed sufficiently that they can be placed on the distal l.7-1n1n-dian1eter endoscope is often preferred as it passes n1ore
end of a flexible endoscope ("chip-tip" endoscope) of dia1neter readily through the tyn1panic n1en1brane. Indications for tran­
as sn1all as 3.1 nin1 and eliminating the need for fiberoptic or styn1panic endoscopy are listed in Table 20-1.
long lens systems entirely. These cameras have in1age resolution
comparable to a rigid Hopkins rod endoscope \.Yithout requiring Technique for Office
any fiber or rigid optical elen1ents other than the can1era chip Transtympanic Endoscopy
and covering lens. As these endoscopes becon1e smaller, they
The patient is reclined to the supine position in the office exa1n­
will play an increasingly important role in endoscopic surgery
ination chair. The ty1npanic n1etnbrane is initially inspected
because of their steerability and exceptional optics.
with the operating n1icroscope, and the location of the incision
Endoscopic in1ages have the disadvantage of spherical dis­
is planned to overlie the area of anticipated pathology. \iVorking
tortion ("fisheye views") and cannot ordinarily provide the
through an ear speculum, the tyn1panic n1embrane is anesthe­
three-dimensional view afforded with the binocular-operating
tized with topical phenol solution (USP) applied by dipping a
niicroscope. Endoscopic niagnification increases steeply as an
20-gauge suction tip into the solution and touching the adher­
object conies into close proximity to the lens and can approach
ent bead of solution to the ty1npanic 1nen1brane over the inci­
the powers achieved with the operating niicroscope. Endoscopic
sion site only. Phenol is the preferred anesthetic because of its
surgeons learn to con1pensate for the variable magnification
rapid onset of action and local cautery effect that provides a
and two-dimensional views by watching how a structure and
dry, bloodless field. A radial niyringotomy is carried out fro111
its surroundings change as the endoscope is nioved in and out
of proximity to it. The three-din1ensionality of an image is re­
created by these changes with motion of the endoscope. TABLE20-1 Indications for transtyrnpanic endoscopy
Endoscopes intended to pass through the tyn1panic mem­
brane must be l.9 nim in dian1eter or less. Operating roon1 N = 119 PATIENTS IN OFFICE

exposures pern1it the use of larger endoscopes, such as 2.3 to DIAGNOSIS NO. OF PATIENTS
4.0 nin1, which are preferred since they yield larger images with
Vertigo to rule out perilymphatic fistula 59
in1proved brightness and clarity. Endoscopes typically have 0-,
30-, and 70-degree view angles. RW exam before IT gentamicin 37
Endoscopic illun1ination is provided by a halogen or xenon
Conductive hearing loss 7
fiberoptic light source, generally using 150 to 300 W. Tn1ages
niay be viewed directly through the endoscope lens, or, more Middle ear mass 9
com111only, a CCD camera is attached to the endoscope's proxin1al
TM granulations, suspected
lens to deliver the i111ages to a n1onitor. Con1puter interfaces, digi­ cholesteatoma 2
tal or video recording devices, and printing systen1s are optional.
Exam RW for failed IT gentamicin 2

ENDOSCO P Y OF THE EXTERNAL Vertigo, rule out recurrent cholesteatoma 1

Hyperacusis, rule out absent stapedius 1
Exam perilymph fistula site after repair 1
Endoscopes n1ay be used in the office for inspecting areas of
the ear that are inaccessible to the operating rnicroscope and IT, intratympanic administration; AW, round window; TM, tympanic
for photodocun1entation. The panoran1ic view achieved with membrane.

the umbo to the annulus, creating an opening sufficiently large

to readily ad1nit the endoscope without tearing the tympanic
1nembrane. The incision for exploration of a possible perilym­
phatic fistula is made halfway between the shadow of the round
vvindow niche and the distal end of the long process of the incus
seen through the tympanic 1nembrane.
Defogger is applied to the endoscope lens at the tip. A drop
of defogger is blotted with a cotton sponge, taking care to avoid
contact vvith the lens, '"'hich would smear the solution and thus
obscure the i1nage.
Initial inspection of the middle ear is done with a 0-degree
endoscope, which provides a good overall view of the iniddle
ear. The 30-degree endoscope is usually required to obtain a
definitive close-up view of areas with suspected pathology. The
angled endoscope is more difficult to use, to a certain extent,
because of its off-center view, and it requires some practice for
atraumatic insertion through a myringotomy.


FIGURE 20-1 Transtympanic endoscopic view of the middle ear:
Surgeons with little endoscopic experience \¥ould be well

1.9-mm, 0-degree angled Hopkins rod endoscope.

advised to introduce the endoscope through the tyinpanic
lne1nbrane perforation while looking directly through the eye­
piece. Although the image appears quite small to the eye, it
allows for an adequate exa1nination and it is easier to inain­
tain control of the endoscope '"'ithin the ear. Adding a CCD
ca1nera can cause disorientation by forcing the surgeon to look
at a video 1nonitor remote from the surgical field. Any rotation
of the camera produces errors in hand-eye-coordinated 1nove-
1nents. The camera also adds additional weight to the endoscope
syste1n. With practice, 1nost endoscopists eventually prefer video
images, '"'hich are considerably enlarged and offer lnore detail
of the surgical field.
Endoscopes are passed through a handheld ear speculum
slightly smaller than one that would ordinarily be used with
a lnicroscope. The smaller speculu1n extends deeper into the
external auditory canal and helps protect the sensitive canal
skin fro1n inadvertent contact with the endoscope shaft that
could produce pain or bleeding. 'fhe speculu111 and endoscope
shaft are supported by the surgeon's nondon1inant hand, and
fine fingertip inovements are used to guide the endoscope
tip atrau1natically through the myringoto1ny. The dominant
hand is used to hold the eyepiece and camera, helping to guide
the endoscope tip and allowing for so1ne n1ini1nal rotation of
FIGURE 20-2 • Transtympanic endoscopic view of the superior
the field of view as desired. \-Vith the endoscope fully passed
mesotympanum: 1.9-mm, 30-degree angled Hopkins rod endoscope.
through the tympanic lne1nbrane, a wide vie'"' of the 1niddle
ear can be appreciated (Figure 20-1). Close-up, angled views,
especially beneath overhangs, are best achieved with a 30-de­ re1nains in situ inore than 45 to 60 sec. Withdrawal of the endo­
gree endoscope, which is introduced by rotating the view angle scope relieves the syn1pto1ns, and the exa1nination 1nay proceed,
to the appropriate direction prior to insertion into the inid­ either '"'ith reduced brightness or by re1noving the endoscope
dle ear (Figures 20-2 and 20-3). When viewing on the video periodically. The author has had no cases of ther1nal injury, but
lnonitor, it is especially in1 p
ortant to ensure that the catnera elevations of te1nperature, up to 50 degrees, have been produced

is properly oriented to avoid trauma to the ear fro1n inadver- in dry ten1poral bones exposed for 2 nlin or inore. 13 Vertigo has
tent lnovements. 'fhe endoscope is generally withdra,.,,n and not occurred v>'hen using the 150-W light source.
reinserted whenever a significant change in the direction of At the conclusion of the endoscopy, the n1yringoton1y
view angle is desired. is inspected under the nlicroscope to ascertain that the nlar­
Patients n1ay experience a heat-induced caloric effect '"'ith gins were 1nini111ally trau1natized and lie nearly in apposition.
vertigo '"'hen using the 300-W light source if the endoscope Wide gaps or inadvertent tears i11ay be repaired v>'ith adhesive

history and findings suspicious for fistula underwent combined

transty111panic endoscopy and inicrosurgical exploration. The
iniddle ear endoscopy was perforn1ed first, with no local anes­
thetic, and findings were deter111ined. One mL of lidocaine (1°/o
solution with 1:100,000 epinephrine) was then infiltrated into
the external auditory canal, and a standard tympano111eatal
flap was elevated. In 8 of the 17 patients, thorough endoscopic
examinations showed no evidence of a fistula. 1-Iowever, with
the i1111nediately subsequent rnicrosurgical exploration, active
pooling of clear fluid in the round or oval window, which would
ordinarily have been regarded as a fistula, was seen. The pre­
ceding endoscopic exploration was done carefully and actu­
ally yielded more co1nplete exposure of each window niche
with superior inagnification and resolution \¥hen compared to
inicroscopic views. It was concluded that the pooling of fluids
seen only on inicroscopic view n1ust be artifactual.
There were four cases of probable true perilytnphatic fistula
identified with both endoscopic and n1icrosurgical examina­
tions. The site of each fistula was itnaged better with the endo­
scope than by a microscope. Each case involved true trau1na:
barotrau1natic injury in three cases and perforating trau111a in
FIGURE 20-3 • Transtympanic endoscopic view of the round window one case. There were five patients, all of who111 had undergone
niche: 1.9-mm, 30-degree angled Hopkins rod endoscope. previous surgery and had inadequate endoscopic examination as
a result of bleeding that occurred during the lysis of middle-ear
adhesions that resulted from the prior surgery (Figure 20-4).
Steri-stripT"", cigarette paper, or GelfihnTM. '[his proble1n is usu­ The author has previously reported 75 transtympanic
ally avoided by tnaking a sufficiently long n1yringoton1y ini­ iniddle ear explorations for perilymphatic fistula in the office
tially. The patient is advised to follow water precautions and or in the operating room, identifying only five cases in which a
avoid nose blowing for l \¥eek after the procedure.14 fistula was seen. Other surgeons, using endoscopic techniques,
The author has previously reported 112 transtyiupanic have also reported a low incidence of fi.stulae, \.vith Rosenberg
endoscopic procedures in the office, '.vithout any con1plications, and colleagues18 seeing no cases in13 endoscopic explorations
including vertigo, persistent hearing loss, infection, or persis­ and Pyykko and colleagues19 identifying only two fistulae in 350
tent perforation. Presently, transtyn1panic endoscopy is not endoscopies.
con11nonly perforn1ed in the office but the procedure re1nains
free of any complications.


Surgical exploration for perilyn1phatic fistula was once consid­

ered the gold standard for establishing the diagnosis. It has been
learned that iuere observation of pooling of fluid in the round
and/or oval window niches, the previously accepted criterion
for deter1nining the presence or absence of a fistula, is inaccu­
rate. Tissue transudates or residual injected anesthetic can also
accun1ulate in these niches and appear identical to a presw11ed
fistula.15 Endoscopic exploration n1ay help reduce so1ne of the
artifacts by using a topical cauterizing anesthetic such as phe­
nol. The iniddle ear can be inspected in an undisturbed state.
Transty1upanic exploration for fistula inay be done entirely in
the office, or, if done in the operating roon1, there is also the
capability to elevate a tyi11pano1neatal flap for fistula repair, if a
fistula is discovered.
Studies have been done to detern1ine if endoscopy, in co1n­
parison to tnicroscopic examination, has sufficient resolution to
detect the presence of a leaking fi.stula.16 Endoscopic and inicro­
FIGURE 20-4 • Transtympanic endoscopic view of the round
scopic findings have been co1npared in ten1poral bone speci1nens window perilymphatic fistula: 1.9-mm, 30-degree angled Hopkins
and in the operating roo111.17 Seventeen patients \.vith a clinical rod endoscope.

that a second-look operation is indicated, the procedure can

most often be done as a transcanal approach with endoscopic
assistance. The endoscopic view of the ten1poral bone recesses
is far superior to the limited views obtained by niicrosurgical
The endoscope is not intended to replace niicrosurgical
resection. It has several disadvantages. The endoscopes are held
in the surgeon's nondon1inant hand, so that only one hand is
free tor surgery. The surgeon must often alternate between dis­
section and suction-aspiration of blood fron1 the field, reducing
operating efficiency con1pared to two-hand techniques. One
should do as niuch dissection under the niicroscope as possi­
ble and reserve the endoscope for areas that are not easily seen
microscopically. �fost con1111only, an entire case is perforn1ed
without endoscopes, and the endoscopes may be introduced on ly
at the end of the procedure to inspect the recesses for residual
disease. In other cases, microsurgical resection of cholesteaton1a
matrix niay be hindered by adhesions in a recess such as in the
sinus tympani, and continued "blind" elevation niay risk tear­
ing the niatrix and leaving residual disease (Figure 20-6). The
adhesion may be seen endoscopically, aJlo,ving for expeditious

FIGURE 20-5 • Transtympanic endoscopic view of a persistent

stapedial artery: 1.9-mm, 30-degree angled Hopkins rod endoscope.

!vliddle ear endoscopic techniques probably itnprove the

ability to identify true perilymphatic fistulae and reduce the
nu1nber of false-positive examinations. Open surgical explo­
ration cannot eliminate the artifactual pooling of infiltrated
anesthetics and surgically induced transudates. Endoscopy is an
excellent adjunct to 1nicrosurgical exploration (Figure 20-5).
Fistulae in adults tnost likely occur \Vith significant trauma,
such as barotraun1a, head injury, penetrating trauma, and
otologic surgery. Exploration is indicated in patients with sen­
sorineural hearing loss or persistent vertigo or dysequilibrium
associated vvith the trauma. A positive subjective or objective fis­
tula test was present in each of the true fistula cases seen by the
author. The diagnosis of perilymphatic fistula should be n1ade
only after exclusion of other possible etiologies. Consideration
of additional evaluation, such as laboratory tests and imaging
studies, should be individualized.


Endoscopes are best employed in chronic ear surgery as an

adjunct to the removal of cholesteatotna.10-24 Residual disease
tends to occur in the sites hardest to inspect with the operating
n1icroscope, including the epitympanum, the sinus tytnpani,
and the facial recess. Endoscopes tnay help to detect resid­
ual disease in otherwise hidden recesses after 1nicrosurgical
resection or may be used for a portion of the primary dissec­
tion of cholesteatoma. \.Vhen cholesteatotna is limited to the
attic, the aditus ad antrum, the facial recess, or the sinus ty1n­
pani, endoscope-assisted surgery n1ay eli1ninate the need for
n1astoidecto1ny in tnany cases. The enhanced ability to ren1ove
FIGURE 20-6 • A, Microscopic view of the left ear with
cholesteatotna reduces the incidence of residual disease and the cholesteatoma in posterior-superior pars tensa retraction pocket.
frequency of planned second-stage procedures. In the event 8, A 4-mm, 0-degree Hopkins rod endoscopic view of the same ear.

lysis and resumption of microsurgical resection. It is often help­ of the atelectatic tyn1panic n1embrane or cholesteaton1a n1atrix
ful to alternate bet,¥een niicroscopic and endoscopic resections is begun vvith conventional n1icrosurgical techniques, generally
for this reason. starting by freeing up retractions into the attic or wherever the
Cases of limited cholesteatoma or tyn1panic membrane n1atrix 111ay be loosely applied, such as the neck of the n1alleus
atelectasis with deep retraction pockets are often approached by or anterior or posterior to the incus.
atticoton1y or niastoidectomy. These are the standard microsur­
Strategies in Removal of Cholesteatoma Matrix
gical approaches to remove disease fron1 the epityn1panum, the
Cholesteaton1a inatrix is not uniforn1ly adherent to n1iddle ear
niastoid antrun1, the niedial surface of the scutum and \¥ithin
n1ucosa. Rather, it is adherent intern1ittently in areas and loosely
the facial recess itself. Removal of the cholesteaton1a matrix is
applied in n1any other areas. When atte1npting to re1nove the
frequently piecen1eal, and second-stage procedures or serial
n1atrix, it is best to look for the adhesions and syste111atically lyse
in1aging for residual disease are often recommended. These
then1. The ren1aining 1natrix will then be loosely attached over
types of cholesteaton1a cases are well suited to endoscopic resec­
the subsequent area and 111ay be readily elevated until the next
tion, which 111ay often be performed as a transcanal procedure
adhesion is encountered. Matrix elevation becon1es an exercise
or by postauricular exposure while working through the bony
in identifying and lysing the adhesive attachn1ents. When an
canal but without the need for an atticoto111y or niastoidecton1y.
adhesion disappears under an overhang or i n a recess out of line
Cholesteaton1as extending toward the tegn1en but not deep into
of sight, the adhesion n1ay be lysed with angled instru1nents if i t
the antrum niay be managed with the addition of an atticoton1y
i s believed that the 1natrix can still b e 1naintained intact with a
to the extent necessary to see the superior aspect of the niatrix
"blind sweep" technique. Otherwise, the options are to expand
sac or at least sufficiently to allow for intact dissection of the sac
the exposure, or introduce an endoscope to lyse the adhesion
\¥ith angled instrun1ents. The attic defect is reconstructed with
and keep the n1atrix as intact as possible. It is not in1portant to
cartilage graft. The niatrix 111ay be dissected under direct endo­
keep the lateral surface matrix intact. On the contrary, it 1nay be
scopic imaging or by niicroscopic view and can often be ren1oved
opened to allovv for debulking of the squan1ous debris interior,
completely intact, obviating the need for second-look surgery.
which facilitates the elevation of the deeper n1atrix by allov1ing
i t to be folded out of the '"'ay once i t has been separated fro1n
the n1ucosa or underlying bone or soft tissues. vVhen an adhe­
Use of the video nionitor is preferred because the in1ages
sion cannot be readily separated fro1n the adjacent inucosa, the
are superior to those seen by viewing through tbe eyepiece.
n1ucosa itself may be re1noved to try to preserve continuity of
Prolonged endoscopic resection is optin1ized by using a 1non­
the n1atrix.
itor. If limited endoscopy is used only briefly, such as to inspect
for residual disease, then viewing through the eyepiece is satis­ Endoscopic Dissection Technique
factory and requires less setup time. Elevation with two-hand techniques is continued until adhe­
Endoscopy is used to vie'" into the recesses so that the sions within the epity1npanun1, aditus, facial recess, or sinus
30- and 70-degree angled endoscopes are the most often used. ty1npani restrict further elevation. If the 1natrix cannot be
l t is best to use the largest endoscope that will fit into the field n1obilized without risking a tear, the endoscope inay be
'"bile allowing sufficient room to pass instruments. The larger inserted to vie'"' the adhesions li1niting the dissection. The
f rded with the bigger endoscopes are
in1age and illumination afo adhesions inay then be lysed with long-angled picks or suction
preferred. Endoscopes of 30-degree angulation with a 2.7- or that has been bent to 90-degree angle and used as a suction
4-mn1 outer dia111eter are often used. A 70-degree, 2.3-111111- dissector. The endoscope is held in the nondo1ninant hand,
diameter endoscope is nlOSt useful for viewing deep into the and one-handed dissection is perforn1ed using the do1ninant
facial recess or aditus and yields excellent views far into the hand. It inay be appropriate to obtain good hemostasis with
epityn1panu1u and 111astoid antru1n. l t requires considerable Gelfoan1T"' soaked in 1 to 100,000 epinephrine solution placed
practice to use a 70-degree angled endoscope safely as there is in the n1iddle ear for a few n1inutes prior to beginning endo­
no forward view. The endoscope is first. inserted to nearly the scopic dissection. If bleeding occurs during the dissection, i t
full depth necessary while looking externally along the shaft will be necessary to alternate between suction and dissection.
of the endoscope \\1ith the naked eye and noting the location of Frequent irrigation of the field aids with he1nostasis. It n1ay be
the ossicJes. The endoscope is then tilted to bring the ossicles beneficial to return to the 1nicroscope periodically to in1prove
into the monitor (or eyepiece) view, and the surgeon 111ay then hen1ostasis, evacuate clots, and then continue '"'ith two-hand
\¥Ork through the endoscope or the nionitor, carefully tilting the dissection until additional adhesions are encountered. The
endoscope away fron1 the ossicles into the appropriate recess, suction dissectors are useful in in1proving endoscopic dissec­
but always maintaining awareness of the location of the ossi­ tion efficiency but are not con1n1ercially available at present.
cles, '"'hicb 1uay now be out of view. The location of the ossicles Careful elevation of retraction pockets usually results in the
should be periodically checked to con6rn1 one's orientation and intact re1noval of even very thin n1atrix in n1ost cases, and,
avoid inadvertent injury. when successfully accon1plished, a second-stage procedure is
Retraction pockets and cholesteatoma that extend deep unnecessary (Figure 20-7).
into the niastoid antrun1 or epitympanun1 are beyond the reach S1nall cholesteato1nas n1ay be excised using techniques si1n­
of endoscopic resection and are best 111anaged by open n1icro­ ilar to those used to 1nanage retraction pockets. The squamous
surgical techniques. Removal of shallow pockets and cholestea­ debris is first ren1oved, and in n1any cases the cholesteato1na
toma 111ay be assisted \¥ith endoscopic resection. The elevation n1atrix may be delivered intact. Large, bulky cholesteaton1as are

FIGURE 20-7 • Endoscopic dissection of cholesteatoma using a

suction dissector.

best excised with conventional microsurgical techniques, but

endoscopes may be useful in inspecting the epitympanum, the
supratubal recess, the facial recess, the sinus tympani, and other FIGURE 20-8 • Endoscopic view of the right mastoid cavity after
intact canal mastoidectomy. A diamond drill is passed down the bony
recesses. If residual n1atrix is identified, removal n1ay be accom­
canal to smooth the tegmen bone and ensure cholesteatoma removal.
plished either with endoscopic or microscopic dissection.
It is helpful to use a dian1ond bur to drill on the medial
surface of the scutum, the epitympanic tegmen, and into the
supratubal recess to ensure maxin1al exposure and complete Canal-Wall-Up Versus
eradication of the disease. Jn the unusual event that the posterior Canal-Wall-Down Mastoidectomy
Canal-wall-down rnastoidecto111y has a fundamental advan­
bony canal wall excessively obstructs the view into these areas,
tage over the intact canal-,vall technique in that the exposure
the drilling may be accomplished under endoscopic guidance
of the sinus tyrnpani, facial recess, and epity111panum is less
(Figure 20-8).
restricted and the risk of residual disease is correspondingly
Results in Endoscopic-Assisted reduced. Tho1nassin de1nonstrated that endoscopic visualiza­
Cholesteatoma Surgery tion of recesses during canal-wall-up surgery may sufficiently
The author used endoscopic-guided surgery in 160 cases to improve residual disease removal as to beco1ne comparable with
assist in the eradication of cholesteato111a and each case had canal-wall-down surgery.25 Initially, 44 of his patients under­
been planned for possible tympanomastoidectomy. These cases
went intact canal-wall mastoidectomy and 47.7% 'vere found to
generally represent a subset of more difficult cholesteatomas as
have residual disease at the time of planned second-stage sur­
the endoscopes are not routinely required for eradication of dis­
gery. The subsequent 36 patients endoscopic inspec­
ease in most cases. Three- to ten-year follow-up was available
tion for cholesteatoma during the pri1nary operation, and the
for all cases.
rate of residual disease dropped to 5.5% at the time of the sec­
Patients were prepared tor possible t'vo-stage tympanomas­
ond-stage procedure, an incidence on par with published results
toidectomy, but ultimately9o/<i had a transcanal tympanoplasty,
fro1n canal-wall-dov.rn operations.
23°/o had postauricular tympanoplasty with atticotomy, and
68% had canal-wall-up tympanomastoidectomy. Fifty-three
percent under,vent planned, second-stage operations 6 or more
months subsequently and another 3o/o underwent unplanned Endoscopic techniques reduce the necessity for second-look
second-stage surgery for evidence of recurrent or residual dis­ procedures and also facilitate thern when they are required.
ease. The second-stage operations were accon1plished by a tran­ JvlcKennan has advocated a small postauricular stab incision
scanal approach with endoscopic guidance in 75o/c>. In 12.So/<i through which endoscopic inspection of the n1astoid !nay be
of the cases, residual cholesteatoma was found at the second done,10 and the view into the 1niddle ear is usually obtained
stage, but 9.5% were expected due to the extent of disease at using angled endoscopes. Residual cholesteato1na, however, is
the primary surgery. There 'vas a 1% incidence of long-term rnost co1n111only found in the epitympanum,
. .
si11us tyn1pani,
residual cholesteatoma. The overall rate of unexpected resid­ or facial recess rather than in the rnastoid antrtun or cavity.
ual disease was 4°/o, a rate that is comparable 'vith canal-wall­ For this reason, the author prefers a transcanal approach for
down 111astoidectomy surgery. Endoscopic-assisted surgery for second-look procedures.2� A tympano111eatal flap is elevated
cholesteatoma was found to significantly reduce operative time, through a transcanal approach, making the incision posteri­
morbidity, need for second-stage operations, and likelihood of orly in the bony external canal and midway bet\veen the tym­
residual disease compared 'vith historic controls. panic ring and the cartilaginous junction. A longer flap will

risk retraction of the canal skin into the tnastoid cavity that has
been previously opened and a shorter flap tuay not adequately
cover the scutu1n defect and a suppletnental graft tnay be
required. Middle ear adhesions are lysed, and hemostasis is
obtained, all under tnicroscopic view. Once adequate exposure
has been achieved, a 70-degree, 2.3-1n1u-dia1neter endoscope
is introduced into the iuiddle ear and rotated to give a pan­
oran1ic view of the entire n1esoty1upanum, the sinus ty1npani,
the facial recess, the epity1npanum, and the supratubal recess.
Lysis of some adhesions is usually necessary to view through
the attic and aditus far into the n1astoid antru1n and up to the
tegmen. Satisfactory views are usually obtained. It is useful to
alternate between endoscopic and tnicrosurgical techniques
to lyse adhesions and obtain hemostasis (Figures 20-9, 20-10,
and 20-11). Figure 20-12 shows the healed tympanic iuembrane
and external auditory canal after scutun1 reconstruction with
a cartilage graft.
lt is especially i1nportant
to inspect the supratubal recess

and sinus tympani carefully as they are the inost hidden fro1n
view when the posterior bony canal wall is intact. If residual
cholesteatoma is identified, small lesions may be re1noved with
endoscopic dissection, but large deposits tnay require further
FIGURE 20-10 •A 2.3-mm, 70-degree Hopkins rod endoscopic view
drilling for exposure and tnicrosurgical removal. Patients
of the superior mesotympanum and epitympanum at primary surgery
are counseled preoperatively about the possibility of reopen­
after removal of anterior epitympanic cholesteatoma from a right ear.
ing the postauricular incision if necessary for cholesteatoma

Anterior, n1arginal tympanic membrane perforations are fre­
quently repaired using a postauricular approach to maxin1ize
exposure. The view of far anterior perforations tnay be espe­
cially difficult, and the anterior tnargin may be completely

FIGURE 20-11 •Left ear second-stage procedure after

cholesteatoma surgery 6 months prior. Middle ear silastic has been
FIGURE 20-9 •A 2.3-mm, 70-degree Hopkins rod endoscopic view removed. Transcanal 2.3-mm, 70-degree Hopkins rod endoscopic
into the left ear of a "second-look" case after primary cholesteatoma views. A, Oval window and anterior epitympanum are free of residual
removal from the cochleariform process and area medial to the cholesteatoma. B, Antrum and sinodural angle are free of residual
malleus head. cholesteatoma.

needing a prosthesis. The procedure differs fron1 early nlobili­

zation techniques that fractured through the otosclerotic focus
and the majority developed postoperative refixation. Division
of the footplate posterior to the otosclerotic focus provides last­
ing air-bone gap closure.29-31 Only rarely are the anterior crus
and anterior footplate fully seen with the surgical inicroscope
using a transcanal exposure, and the procedure inay be facili­
tated with endoscopic assistance.


Endoscopy of the eustachian tube nlay be perforn1ed fro1n either

the iniddle ear or nasopharynx and is giving new insights into

FIGURE 20-12 • Transcanal view of right ear with 4-mm, 0-degree

tubal physiology and pathophysiology.32·33
Hopkins rod endoscopic view of reconstructed atticotomy with The cartilaginous tube may be well studied by positioning
healed cartilage graft in place superior to the malleus. an endoscope at the nasopharyngeal orifice, directing the angle
of use superiorly into its lu1nen. Video capture of tubal function
during svvallows can be studied in slow inotion to better under­
hidden fro1n direct view behind a pro111inent anterior canal stand the pathology cases of dysfunction. Endolu1ninal surgical
bony overhang. Canalplasty of the anterior canal wall hun1p is procedures are now being perfor1ned on the basis of our grow­
usually reco1n1nended, either by a transcanal or postauricular ing understanding of inany different inechanis1ns for failure of
approach. In so1ne circumstances, a nlinin1al technique nlay be tubal ventilation.33•3'
desired and the anterior perforation edge inay be readily seen
with an endoscope.27•28 If the anterior nlargin is ininin1al and
blends with the anterior canal wall, there is increased risk that
an underlay graft will have insufficient contact with the anterior There is an ongoing need to develop specialized instrun1ents to
drun1 re1nnant to hold it in place against the natural tendency for co1nplen1ent the ininin1ally invasive endoscopic techniques that
the graft to contract during healing. There are nlany techniques are rapidly being developed. Long, angled dissectors and suc­
to deal with a far anterior, nlarginal perforation, including a fat tions, laser probes, and forceps are being designed. Prototype­
graft, cartilage button graft (see Chapter on Tympanoplasty) or a co1nbined suction dissectors assist the one-hand techniques
lateral graft technique. A less con1n1only used n1ethod involves necessitated by handholding the endoscope.
the use of a laser to "spot weld" the graft in place. A fiber-de­ An endoscope holder tnay prove useful in the future but
livered laser (potassiu1n titanyl phosphate [KIP], argon, and should be used '-vith caution to prevent catastrophic injury to
others) is convenient as the tip lnay be bent to accon1modate the middle ear or ossicles in the event of unexpected patient
any anterior bony overhang. KIP and argon lasers are in the 111oven1cnt. Fixation of any holder to the head of the patient '-vill
visible spectrun1 and are not well absorbed without a chron10- be necessary.
phore, such as he1noglobin or applied dye (eg, n1ethylene blue). CCD cameras are becoming sn1aller and ultimately nlay be
Painting the area of intended laser exposure with a thin layer of sufficiently tiny to place directly into the nliddle ear without the
tnethylene blue greatly aids the absorption of the laser energy. A need for optical endoscopes, itnproving the flexibility and versa­
line-of-sight, n1icroscope-n1ounted, inicro1nanipulator-steered tility of visualizing instrumentation and allowing nlore working
laser, such as a conventional carbon dioxide (CO) laser, would space for surgical dissecting tools.
not be practical in cases of li1nited exposure. Ho'A1ever, recent Surgery of the temporal bone and nliddle ear '-vill becon1e
advances in C02 laser handheld waveguides (hollow interiorly increasingly n1inin1ally invasive '-vith anticipated in1proved
reflected tubes with dia1neters sin1ilar to fibers) could nlake its patient outcon1es, reduced tnorbidity, and enhanced nlainte­
use possible in these cases. nance or restoration of function.


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Image-Guided Systems in
Neurotology/Skull Base Surgery
M. Miles Goldsmith, MD, FACS

Traditional teaching of surgical technique e1nphasizes wide an image of the operative site. The ter111 virtual reality has been
tissue exposure for progressive identification of surgical land­ described as the co111bination of hun1an-con1puter interfaces,
marks to safely navigate to the target. However, visualization graphics, sensor technology, high-end co1uputu1g, and nenvork­
beyond the exposed surface is often incon1plete because the ing to allo'"' a user to becon1e i1un1ersed in and interact with
exposed surgical field lacks spatial clues orienting the surgeon an artificial environ111ent.1 These ter1us are now very familiar
to the underlying geo1netry of the target area. to the n1odern-day surgeon as this technology is increasingly
In the past, integration of preoperative i1naging inforn1ation illcorporated into preoperative planning, 111inu11ally invasive
into the surgical field has been an intuitive process on the part of surgery, surgical education, and research.
the operating surgeon. The surgeon relies on the ability to inen­ In the field of otolaryngology, we have recently '"'itnessed
tally reconstruct the in1age data in a three-di1nensional fashion the rapid e1nergence of in1age-guided systen1s predominantly
and transforn1 this into the operative field. This ability n1ay be ill surgeries of the anterior skull base ( eg, functional endoscopic
adequate for si1nple routine cases with minimal distortion of sinus surgery), and, to a lesser extent, these systen1s have found
norn1al anatomy. However, when routine anaton1ic landn1arks application in certain lateral skull base procedures. The pur­
are distorted by the pathologic lesion, the surgeon's ability to pose of this chapter is to present an overview of the history and
visualize damaged and functional anatomy is easily overcome. technical aspects of current i1nage-guided technology, its gen­
The traditional open surgical approach has been dra­ eral and specific applications u1 the field of otology/neurotology,
matically impacted by the financial pressures of our 111anaged and its potential for the future.
care clin1ate, as well as the rapid progression of technological
advances within the health care system. So-called minin1ally
invasive or minimal access surgical techniques have e1nerged
that emphasize earlier fu11ctional recovery and cosmesis using Stereotaxy, before the age of con1puted ton1ography (CT), '"'as
a variety of technologies to 1nini1nize collateral tissue dan1age based entirely on the use of equatorial head-fra1ne systen1s.2
'"'hile achieving the surgical objective. Such nlinin1ally invasive Superi1nposition of fran1e-based Cartesian coordinate systen1s
surgical techniques often involve limited access and restricted securely attached to the head, with calibration acco111plished via
visibility and thus mandate a precise knowledge of anatomy. orientation of the syste111 to the anterior-posterior con1n1issural
Errors in localization of surgical position can result in dan1age line, provided an atlas for targeting cerebral lesions in anin1al
to norn1ally functioning tissue or failure to remove the patho­ n1odels. Hoarsley and Clarke used these early stereotactic sys­
logic lesion. ten1s for placing electrodes in specific areas of anin1al brains
The en1phasis on mini1nally invasive surgical techniques and, although accurate for the purpose of their experi111ents,
has increased the demand for sophisticated interactive radio­ the systen1 was not dee1ned sufficiently accurate or practical for
graphic guidance, which comple1nents the eye that "sees the hu1nan use.2
surface" with in1aging to "see under the surface."1 Real-time In 1947, Spiegel adapted the above stereotactic concepts to
information fron1 integrated 1nultin1odality in1age-based data hu1nan use, en1ploying pneun1oencephalography and reference
can now be presented in an intuitive fra1nework to facilitate pre­ to internal tissues as opposed to external landn1arks.3 This tech­
cise preoperative visualization of pathologic anaton1y as well as nique was nlore precise than that of Hoarsley and Clarke,2 but
real-tin1e interactive anatomic localization and targeting for the inethodology was tedious and laborious. With the increas­
surgical procedures. ing need to accurately localize deep intracranial structures, such
The ter111 stereotactic surgery, originally coined by Clarke as for the ablation of certain areas of the brain for the treat1nent
in 1908,2 refers to surgery incorporating devices that 111aintain of Parkinso11's disease, there soon becan1e a huge demand for
spatial correspondence bet\veen the operating instrun1ent and n1ore user-friendly stereotactic systen1s.

With the advent of CT, digital in1age databases, combined FRAMELESS STEREOTAXY
with more sophisticated surgical instrumentation, greatly
More recently, frameless stereotactic systen1s have been devised
enhanced the development of stercotactic surgery. Pioneered by
as a more sophisticated and yet user-friendly means of provid­
Brown, Kelly, and other neurosurgeons, modern conventional
ing con1parable stereotactic accuracy without the use of the
stcreotactic surgery employs a head fra n1e to register iniage
aforen1entioned bolted head frarne. Current systems consist of
space to surgical space.4-9 Preoperatively, digital image data via
two basic co1nponents: the sensor, which relays positional infor­
CT or 111agnetic resonance i111aging (MR!) are obtained with
mation, and a co1nputer, which translates the sensor's positional
a localization systen1 (fiducials) attached to a head fran1e. The
infonnation to a visual aid for the corroboration of real-time
fran1e, which superimposes a Cartesian coordinate systen1 on
anatomic infortnation. In frameless stereotaxy, the transfor­
the head, provides attachn1ent points for localization devices
n1ation from image coordinates to stereotactic coordinates is
that are placed before in1aging (Figure 21-1). Digital imaging
defined by three or more noncolinear points (fiducials) in com­
allows the assignment of coordinates to any point in the image
rnon between the two coordinate systems. Depending on the
data. These image coordinates arc then related to the coordi­
sensor technology employed, these fiducials may involve ana­
nate system, which defines these points with respect to the head
tomic landn1arks or reference n1arkers attached to the head at
frame (stereotactic coordinates). Thus, stereotactic space is
consistent and immovable sites.
A variety of three-dimensional digitizers, or sensor tech­
Although bulky and cun1berso111e, the head-frame systen1s
nologies, have been employed to transfor1n the coordinates in
have proven to be accurate in targeting intracranial lesions for
surgical space to the corresponding in1age space. These three­
stcreotactic biopsy. The sin1plest form of preoperative planning
dirnensional sensor technologies can be classified into n\.'o broad
with head-frame systems involves the selection of a point within
groups: those that require a mechanical link between the pointer
the digital image o f the head. This point '""ill be transformed
and the sensor technology (1nechanically linked systems) and
into a stereotactic coordinate for the purposes of surgically tar­
those that do not (nonmechanically linked systems).
geting a lesion, eg, to biopsy a brain tumor. More sophisticated
preoperative planning may involve trajectory sin1ulation to
Mechanically Linked Systems
properly orient the surgeon and more safely guide the operative
approach, niinimizing collateral dan1age to normal tissues. Mechanically linked syste1ns are based on artns that are
Si nee the accuracy of the head-fra n1e systen1s is related to mounted to the operating table. io-n These mechanical ar1ns
the rigid fixation of the fran1e to the skull, the fran1e must be a re equipped with sensitive potentio1neters, or angle detectors,
securely bolted to the head, which causes considerable discom­ located within their joints. By sarnpling the output of rotary
fort to the patient. This process often requires general anesthe­ optical encoders at each point, a co1nputer can determine the
sia before the placen1ent of the frame and the imaging; thus, the localization of the top of the arm and provide "arm coordinates"
anesthesia time is lengthened and the potential for functional that are referenced to the base of the arin. Because the base of
imaging is obviated. The frame is left on for the duration of sur­ the arn1 is mecha1tically connected to the head, and the patient's
gery, con1mitting both surgeon and anesthesiologist to a specific head is registered to the image of the head by an appropriate
orientation with respect to the patient's accessible anatomy. The method, a transformation can be calculated to map any com­
fran1e-based systen1 presents a mechanical obstacle hindering a n1on point in the two coordinate systen1s. For surgical purposes,
surgeon's ability to access particular areas, such as the posterior real-time localization of the tip of the arm, or pointer, relative
fossa and skull base. Because of these drawbacks, fran1e-based to preoperative images of the patient is possible. A variety of
stereotaxy has not been widely used in the operating theater, 1nechanically linked devices has been developed and is in the
particularly not for neurotologic applications. 1narketplace. These mechanically linked devices have proven
to be accurate, although they are so1newhat bulky and restric­
tive, depending on the size of the highly accurate joint detectors
e1nployed. Generally, these systen1s have more limited versatility
of instru1nent use and are not as user-friendly as the more cur­
rent nonmechanically linked systems. To date, they have found
limited application in the field of otology and neurotology.

Nonmechanically Linked Systems

More recently, nonmechanically Jinked sensor syste1ns have
been developed for the registration of image data to the sur­
gical patient. These systems rely on the active or passive detec­
tion of signals generated by various e111itters that are attached
to surgical instrutnents (Figure 21-2). Using sitnilar traditional
triangulation concepts employed in the satellite industry, these
frameless stereotactic systems are able to localize and track sur­
gical instruments in three-dimensional space. There are essen­
tially three types of nonmechan ically linked digitizing syste1ns:
FIGURE 21-1 •Conventional head-frame s tereotactic system. ultrasonic, electromagnetic, and opto electric.

"' . ...

�. -�;- ·�-.,� ' ..


FIGURE 21-2 • Passive surgical instrument employed by optoelectric

� l..t
system (LandMarx, Medtronic/Xomed, Inc).
11111111111111 l!ll
Ultrasonic digitizers determine pos1t1on by measur­ ....

ing the time flight of sound fron1 an emitter to at least three

microphones.14 The main advantage of ultrasonic digitizing •

systems is that a free line of sight between the receptor and the
emitter arrays need not be maintained. The distinct drawback to
ultrasonic digitizers is that the speed of sound varies \.Yith tem­
perature and humidity gradients, which may result in positional
error. Furthermore, ultrasonic digitizers may be compromised
b y echoes within the operating room (OR) or by interference '
from extraneous radiofrequency emissions. For these reasons,
sonic referenced systems are no longer used.
Electromagnetic reference systems (eg, InstaTrak System,
GE Jvledical Systems, Lawrence, Massachusetts) share similar FIGURE 21-3 • Electromagnetic referenced system (lnstaTrak, VTI, Inc).
advantages to the ultrasonic digitizers in tern1s of not needing to
maintain a free line of sight between receptor and emitter arrays
(Figure 21-3). These systems are referenced by a headset, which
is worn by the patient during the CT scan and again later during '

the surgical procedure. Registration of this device is 1nore rapid '

and user-friendly than other commercially available frameless ...... - -


systems. However, electromagnetic referenced systems suffer the

drawback of potential interference from other electromagnetic


systems as well as certain ferromagnetic instrumentation in the \


operating arena. This interference, as well as minor inconsisten­ \ '


cies in the repositioning of the headset for imaging and surgery, __..+-t- B � •

contributes to positional error and inaccuracy. These inaccu­ \

racies are relatively minor and inconsequential for most ante­


: ' J
rior skull base surgery (eg, endoscopic sinus surgery) \.Yhere this

system finds its primary application in otolaryngologic surgery. , \ LED
, \
The automatic headset registration and referencing algorithm
' '
' ''
are currently not well suited for lateral skull base applications. •,
c '
Optoelectric digitizers require an unobstructed path from I

--- -
the emitters to the overlying camera array.15-17 Three cameras,
- - -
- -- -\

-" -

containing a l x 4096 element linear charged-coupling device, are


required to determine the three-dimensional position of infra­ \


red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) attached to the surgical instru­

ments (Figure 21-4). The overlying camera array is positioned
l.5 to 2 ni above the SLirgical field so that it can track the instru­
FIGURE 21-4 • In optoelectric systems, three cameras triangulate
ment-attached LEDs, and it thus detects and tracks the precise position of surgical instruments based on the angle of light received
position of the surgical instrument in three-dimensional space. from infrared light-emitting diodes attached to the surgical instruments.

J\tlultiple LEDs can be placed on different surgical instrun1ents.

Each instrun1ent has a unique en1itter spacing, and the computer
sof�vare is able to recognize and difterentiate between the various
instrun1ents based on the distance between the en1itter pairs.
Optoelectric referenced systen1s are designated as active or
passive, depending on whether the instrun1ent reference points
actively transn1it or passively reflect the sensor mediun1 (ie,
infrared radiation). Active systen1s generally require wiring of
the instruments, whereas passive systems do not.
The three comn1ercially available optoelectric systen1s
(LandmarX, Medtronic Xon1ed, Minneapolis, Jv!innesota;
BrainLAB, Feldkirchen, Germany; Stryker In1age Guidance
Systen1, Stryker Leibinger, Kalan1azoo, 1vfichigan) are quite
transparent and adaptable to different surgical instru1nents of
various geometric configurations, such as bipolar cautery, var­
ious suctions, powered n1icrodebriders, and straight or curvi­
linear probes. A reference arc attached to the stabilized head
allows adjustn1ent in calibration with inadvertent n1oven1ent of
the OR table or overlying can1era array. Three-di1nensional and
three-planar reconstructions of the data set are displayed on a
video monitor, pern1itting real-tin1e interactive and positional
infonnation for the operating surgeon.
The three above referenced con1n1ercially available sys­
ten1s are now contour referenced, n1eaning that the patient
does not have to wear fiducial markers during the preoperative
in1age scan. The registration of the in1age data set to surgical
space is achieved by n1atching anaton1ic contour data points to
corresponding in1age points using a contour probe. Recently,
the BrainLAB and Landn1arX systems have developed a new FIGURE 21-5 •The Stryker system achieves contour registration

n1ethod of laser-contoured anaton1ic registration that does not through intraoperative application of a facial "mask" applied to the
forehead, nose, and upper cheek. Infrared LEDs are sensed by the
use a contact probe. By attaching LEDs to a laser range finder
overhead sensing array and the computer automatically registers
and by n1oving the range finder over a part of the skull with the image data set to surgical space. The later registration may be
anaton1ic diversity (such as the forehead), hundreds of points converted to lateral skull base anatomy by the registration of lateral
constituting a contour can be produced. This contour is then anatomic contour coordinates by a contour probe.

1natched to a corresponding contour of the scalp extracted from

the image data set.15 This nlethod of registration facilitates setup
tin1e while greatly n1inimizing registration error. electromagnetic referenced systen1 is quite useful for anterior
The Stryker system achieves contour registration through skull base applications such as endoscopic sinus surgery, but is
the intraoperative application of a facial "n1ask," \vhich is applied less easily referenced for lateral skull base procedures. The elec­
to the forehead, nose, and upper cheek. Infrared LEDs are sensed tron1agnetic systen1s have the advantage of fast and sin1ple regis­
by the overhead sensing array and the computer auton1atically tration, but they have the disadvantage of requiring the patient to
registers the in1age data set to surgical space (Figure 21-5). The wear the rather uncon1fortable headset for the preoperative i1nage
latter registration may be converted to lateral skull base anat­ scan. Fiducial registration used to be problen1atic for the optoelec­
omy by the registration of lateral anaton1ic contour coordinates tric systen1s, but this has been greatly facilitated by the aforen1en­
by a contour probe. tioned auto1nated contour registration sche1nes. lv[aintaining line
All three optoelectric referenced systen1s can now integrate of sight '"'ith the overhead can1era array of optoelectric systen1s
CT and MRI data to a "composite" in1age for intraoperative can also be difficult in otologic/neurotologic procedures, depend­
navigation. This integrates the relative advantages of CT (bet­ ing on the size and orientation of the operating n1icroscope to the
ter definition of bony interfaces) with Jv!RJ (better soft tissue surgical field. The latter concern is less apparent for the electro­
contrast). The integrated scans are thus 1nore useful for surgi­ magnetic systen1s as they do not require a nonobstructed line of
cal procedures involving the skull base/brain interface, such as sight between sensor arrays and the detector.
pituitary surgery, lesions of the cavernous sinus, and skull base
tumors \"lith intracranial extension.
Generally, the author has found these optoelectric refer­
enced systen1s {BrainLAB, Landn1arX, and Stryker) to be the Kelly and colleagues pioneered the next logical developn1ent
n1.0St accurate of the fran1eless stereo tactic systen1s. The T:egistra­ in stereotactic surgery, interactive volu1netric stereota xy.s-9
tion algorithn1s are currently better suited for lateral skull base The nan1e describes a process by which enhanced volumetric
orientations than the electro1nagnetic system (TnstaTrak). The routines are reconstructed by the co1nputer and stacked into

a "volume" that can be displayed or nianipulated in stereotac­ Various low- to high-field intraoperative MRI (iMRI) sys­
tic space. Fran1eless stereotactic techniques have been adapted ten1s have been developed and investigated in the past 10 years.
to operating niicroscopes by Kelly and Roberts so that image Two basic concepts have been explored: (1) iMRI in which the
data can be displayed in the operating microscope in the correct surgeon operates within the tv1IlI field using MRI-co1npatible sur­
scale, orientation, and position superi1nposed on the tocal plane gical instrurnentation and (2) iMill in which the surgical patient
of the surgical field. Kelly has recently adapted this system is intraoperatively transferred into the MRI field via table shift
for interactive volun1etric resection of intracranial tun1ors.'-6 or physical transfer to a separate suite for imaging. In the latter
This syste1n displays cross-sectional volun1etric contours at instance, special tvlRI-compatible instrumentation is obviated.
progressive depths along the vie\¥ line so that CT-defined 1uar­ An example of a high-field intraoperative system has been
gins of the tun1.or can be localized. The tissue volun1e can then developed by a cooperative effort of the Siemens and BrainLAB
be resected either passively or with laser ablation via the com­ cornpanies, known as the BrainSUITE. It consists of a stan­
puter or actively by the surgeon. Although this system greatly dard 1.5 Tesla 1v1RI scanner, ,..,hich is completely integrated
enhances the integration of image data with the surgical field, with a state-of-the-art neuronavigation systern into a dedicated
it does not allo\v tor soft tissue shifts caused by intraoperative high-tech surgical suite. The patient is placed on a rotatable
n1anipulations because its intormation source is antecedent operating table. During surgery, the head or operative area of
i 1uage data. the patient is placed outside the tvlRI field so that procedures
can be perforn1ed with routine instrumentation. At any time
during the operation the surgical procedure can be interrupted,
REAL-TIME INTRAOPERATIVE IMAGING and the patient can be placed into the magnet by simple rotation

With all of the previously discussed fra1neless stereotactic sys­ of the operating table. Due to its high-field capabilities, excellent

ten1s, the con1puter algorithn1s and hence graphic in1age dis­ intraoperative images can be acquired.

plays reflect antecedent in1aging data. Intraoperative shifts and Another co1nmercially available iMRI syste1n is the

deformations of soft tissues can occur \¥ith surgical nianipula­ PoleStar N20 syste1n (tvledtronic, tv1inneapolis). The PoleStar
tions, swelling, or hen1orrhage. These soft tissue shifts may thus (Figure 21-6) is a more compact and flexible low field system,

distort accurate registration of in1age-based three-din1ensional which does not require a dedicated OR suite, and it is co1npati­

models with the patient's actual anaton1y without full volumet­ ble with standard OR equipment and surgical instru1nents. The

ric image update. This is particularly relevant for neurosurgical PoleStar Suite's vertically oriented nlagnets fit under a standard

procedures such as the ren1oval of intracranial tumors for \¥hich operating table, and it will acco1n1nodate 1nost patient posi­

surgical 1nanipulation niay produce edema and soft tissue shift. tions (lateral, supine, and prone), as well as full access to the

This is less relevant for otolaryngologic and neurotologic surgi­

cal procedures \¥ithin the stable confines of a " bony box," such
as the sinus cavities or the te1nporal bone.
Only real-tin1e intraoperative imaging can provide the
necessary updated positional data to integrate with and modify
the volun1etric in1age data set. Such real-time imaging provides
updates about the position of instrumentation relative to the
surgical anatoiny without the fiducial registration process of
frameless stereotactic systen1s.
X-ray fluoroscopy, ultrasonography, and CT have permit­
ted sufficient interactive visualization for percutaneous biop­
sies and some intravascular interventions, but are lin1ited by
the degree of spatial resolution of volun1etric in1ages as \¥ell
as radiation exposure. Jvlobile CT scanners have recently been
developed, which can be deployed in the operative suite (Xoran,
Medtronic). Intraoperative CT is generally more useful in cor­
roboration of bony interfaces than soft tissue shifts, and thus
to date it is more applicable for anterior skull base applications,
such as endoscopic sinus surgery.
Because of its in1proved soft tissue contrast, volun1etric
resolution, 111ultiplanar and functional capabilities, and lack of
ionizing radiation, MRI is ideally suited for real-tin1e i1nage­
guided therapy. lvfid-field open configurations with vertical
1•19•2 0
niagnets are available that pern1it full surgical access to
patients. When con1bined with computer algorithms sin1ilar
to those en1ployed by the frameless stereotactic systen1s, these
FIGURE 21-6 •An iMRI system-the Polestar N20 system
MRI systen1s permit the tracking and video display of nonfer­
(Medtronic, Minneapolis) is a more compact and flexible low
ro1nagnetic J\tlR-co1npatible instrun1entation in real tin1e for field system which does not require a dedicated OR suite and is
open surgeries. compatible with standard OR equipment and surgical instruments.

patient when the 111agnet is stowed under the OR table. When its as the internal auditory canal, the endoly111phatic sac, and the
scanner is stowed in the magnet storage cabinet, the OR can be sen1icircular canals. The efficacy of robotics is highly contingent
used as a conventional OR. This MRI system is fully integrated upon the fiducial accuracy of the associated iniage-guided sys­
v,rith the StealthStation fran1eless stereotaxic navigation system, ten1, and widespread con1n1ercial use is limited by the high cost
v,rh ich n1ay be used as a stand-alone image-guidance systen1. of these systen1s in their current torm.
A n1ost exciting application tor these ilv1RI systen1s has
been the removal of deep-seated brain tun1ors, particularly APPLICATIONS OF IMAGE-GUIDED
111alignant intra-axial tun1ors.21•22 Because surgical brain tumor SYSTEMS IN OTOLOGY/NEUROTOLOGY
n1argins are indistinct fron1 nonnal tissues, real-tin1e lvfRT niay
Traditional temporal bone surgery has involved a "funnel
facilitate location of such tun1or margins, thereby enhancing
concept" (Figure 21-7} of n1ethodical and progressive iden­
the likelihood of co111plete tu111or resection while maxin1izing
tification of key anatomic landn1arks en route to the surgical
the integrity of surrounding norn1al brain.
target. For example, with routine mastoidectomy, the surgeon
. ditionally, MRI can be used to control energy deposition
proceeds stepwise with initial identification of the 111astoid
of thern1al ablative therapies because of the intrinsic sensitivity
antrum, the middle fossa dural plate, and lateral semicircu­
of lv1RI to both temperature and tissue integrity. Such thennal
lar canal to achieve an intuitive three-dimensional orientation
therapies have to date been applied to pathologies of the brain,
within the surgical field. For the ordinary well-pneumatized
spine, breast, and prostate.21-23
mastoid, this funnel concept is routine and sately acco111plished
!Ylultin1odality preoperative image data sets from MRl,
for the \\1ell-trained otologist without the need for real-time
CT, positron emission tomography, and single-photon en1is­
image guidance. However, for the nonroutine mastoid in which
sion CT scanning can now be integrated with intraoperative
norn1al anatomic landmarks may be obscured by pathologic
imaging data into a single data source. Fron1 thi.s resource,
disease, previous surgery, or anatomic variation, real-time
enhanced visibility and virtual reality representation can be
image guidance may prove very helpful i n safely navigating to
accon1plished using various three-din1ensional interactive dis­
the surgical target while minin1izing collateral damage to vital
play systen1s.1
anatomic structures. Such examples would include the scle­
Tn sumn1ary, the intraoperative use of real-tin1e MRI
rotic mastoid and congenital malformations, such as cochlear
in1aging in surgery is in its infancy and future developments
dysplasia, enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndro111e, and atretic
in this technology will surely add to the rapidly evolving field
ear malformations. I n these situations, real-time image guid­
of h�Rl-guided surgery. The aforementioned interventional
ance may permit us to convert our traditional "funnel tech­
M.RI systen1s currently offer the most sophisticated and accu­
nique" to a "tunnel concept" of surgical navigation whereupon
rate in1age guidance for the OR of the future, providing updated
we may virtually "see" these vital anatomic landn1arks via
real-tin1e anaton1ic and functional data for diagnostic and ther­
interactive imaging rather than by direct surgical exposure
apeutic purposes. These systems are now con1mercially available
(Figure 21-8).
though they are quite co111plex and expensive. Currently, the
question is whether this extren1ely expensive high-tech tool
represents a technical overkill restricted to only a very sn1all
nun1ber of elite surgical centers, or whether this will be a n1ajor
breakthrough in 111inin1ally invasive surgical procedures. As an
increasing number of iMRT units will be installed into oper­
ating theatres worldwide, the answer to the aforen1entioned
question must await the burgeoning scientifie evaluation of this

ROBOTICS ... --·--._ ..

( '

Robots offer the advantages of reliability, repeatability, and

control of tre111or for the neurotologic surgeon. Autonon1ously
acting robots in concert with in1age-guided systems have
recently been investigated for n1astoidecton1y by Labadie et al.
at VanderbiIt.24 Pre] i111inary studies have den1onstrated that
the robot can achieve low-level milling of the mastoid cavity in
approxi111ately 4 niin, leaving the high-level tasks of drilling on
vital structures to the neurotologic surgeon. Federspi1 and col­
leagues2> have used robotics to accurately drill the receiving well
for cochlear i111plants. More recently, robots have been explored
for minimally invasive surgical approaches to the facial recess
and cocbleostomy for cochlear iinplantation.26•27 Conceivably, FIGURE 21-7 •Traditi onal temporal bone surgery involves a
in the near future, robots could be used to facilitate n1inimally "funneling" to the surgical target via exposure and progressive
invasive access to other neurotologic anato111ic structures, such identification of key anatomic landmarks.

FIGURE 21-9 • Keyhole craniotomy for removal of a posterior fossa


FIGURE 21-8 •With image guidance systems, a "tunneling" to the ln certain other areas of neurotologic/sk ull base sur­
surgical target may be achieved, whereupon vital anatomic landmarks gery, fran1eless stereotactic systems may have less relevance.
are identified via interactive imaging rather than by direct surgical This largely relates t o an accuracy issue related to soft tissue
shifts during surgery. Because these devices are referenced
t o antecedent image data, without intraoperative updated
information, inaccuracies develop a s soft tissues are surgi­
Identification of the internal auditory canal via the niiddle cally n1anipulated. Thus, for procedures that are perforn1ed
fossa approach is another such example of this concept. The within an anatomic area confined t o a "bony box," such as
traditional "funnel" techniques of Fisch and House involve the n1astoid, internal auditory canal, petrous apex, or sinus
the sequential identification of certain neural and/or labyrin­ cavity, fran1eless stereotactic systems re1nain accurate with­
thine structures en route to the internal auditory canal. Using out updated infor1nation. Outside of these bony confines, such
highly accurate frameless stereotactic guidance, the "tunnel" as in the cerebellopontine angle and the soft tissue planes of
approach would pern1it direct localization of the internal canal the infrate1nporal fossa, these systen1s are subject to posi­
with a pointer via interactive three-planar and three-dirnensional tional error because of operative soft tissue shifts. In the latter
i111aging, thus obviating the stepwise approach. Theoretically, instance, real-ti1ne imaging {CT and/or MRI) is n1ore appli­
this shoul.d shorten surgical ti1ne and enhance safety, provided cable, but the con1plexity and expense of these syste1ns has to
that the critical issue of clinically verifiable accuracy is achieved. date li1nited their widespread com1nercial use.
Absent accuracy, the opposite may be true.
In1age-guided systen1s 111ay greatl y facilitate so-cal led keyhole
surgical approaches to the posterior tossa and cerebellopontine
angle. "Keyhole" is a tenu coined by neurosurgeons for the con­ Real-tin1e i1nage guidance e1nploying co1nputer interfaces and
cept of operating through a minin1al craniotorny using a variety antecedent in1aging can facilitate certain ininin1ally invasive
of rninin1ally invasive technologies to 111inin1ize collateral tissue surgical approaches of the ten1poral bone. Current fran1eless
damage-analogous to working through a keyhole. Interactive stereotactic syste1ns based on various referencing inethodolo­
i111aging is thus very useful in precisely orienting the 111inin1al gies have individual advantages and disadvantages. In co1nn1on
craniotomy necessary for achieving the desired surgical trajec­ a1nong then1 all, the syste1ns appear to be stable over ti1ne in the
tory for accessing the surgical target (Figure 2.1-9). Postoperative OR and are generally transparent in use, per111itting free move­
healing is thus facilitated, and n1orbidity is decreased. n1ent of the surgeon and of the patient's head during the course
Another area of neurotologic application for these systems of surgery. Optoelectric referenced systen1s, both active and
is the petrous apex. In this difficult to access, often poorly pneu­ passive, generally appear to be the n1ore consistently accurate
rnatized anaton1ic area, we do not have a consistently defined of the syste1ns and the 111ore practical syste1ns for lateral skull
series of anaton1ic landmarks for orientation as with conven­ base procedures, whereas the electron1agnetic referenced sys­
tional n1astoidecton1y or the 111iddle fossa approach. Various te1ns are generally iuore applicable for anterior skull base pro­
pathologies of the petrous apex thus lie within very narrow cedures. Optoelectric systems have the disadvantage of having
confines bordered by vital structures, such as the carotid artery to 111aintain unrestricted line of sight to the overhead sensing
and cranial nerves. In these situations, iiuage guidance systen1s arrays. The electro111agnetic systen1 does not have the line­
provide valuabl.e preoperative pl anning, trajectory sin1ulation, of-sight proble111, but does have the proble1n of interference by
and target and entry forn1ulation in addition to real-time intra­ ferro1nagnetic instrun1entation and other electron1agnetic sys­
operative localization of these anaton1ic structures. te1ns in the operative suite.

There is a learning curve with these devices for everyone >vitb nvo-dimensionaJ and three-dimensional neuroimaging.
associated with their use, but software interactions are n1enu Neurosurgery 1993;33:674-8.

driven, user-friendly, and simple enough to allow the sur­ 11. Maciunas RJ, et al. Beyond stereotaxy: A co1nputerized articu­
geon to simply point and localize during the operative proce­ lated localizing ann for all neLtrosurgical procedures [abstract].

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applications. digitizer (Neuronavigator): Nev; equip1nent for co1n­

Tnterventional MRT represents the 111ost sophisticated, puted to1nograpby-guided stereotaxic surgery. Surg Neurol
exciting, and expensive of the in1age-guided systen1s available.
lts chief advantage is the ability to provide real-tin1e updated 13. \.Vatanabe E, Mayanagi Y, Kasugi Y, et al. Open surgery assisted
by the Neuronavigator, a stereotactic, articulated, sensitive arn1.
anaton1ic and functional information. Its chief disadvantages
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are its expense, con1plexity, and the need for special instrun1en­
tation depending upon the systen1 used. 14. Nitsche N, et al. Einsatz eiues beruhrungsfreien con1putergestutz­
ten Orientierungssyste1ns bei Nasennebeuhohlenoperationen.
The OR of the future is witnessing a paradign1 shift from
Otorhinolaryngol Nova 1993;3:57.
open surgical visualization to virtual visualization through inte­
15. Bucholz RD, H o H\•V, Rubin JP. Variables affecting the accuracy
grated in1age data. The inherent complexity of image-guided
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therapies \o\lill require an increasing dynamic cooperation and
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16. Bucholz RD, et al. fntraoperative localization using a three­
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17. Goldsn1ith MM, Bucholz RD, Stnith KR, Nitsche N. Clinical
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applications of fra1neless stereotactic devices in neurotology: A
tools should never replace precise knowledge and visualization
prelitninary report. An1 J Otol l995;16:475-9.
of anaton1y when visualization is at all possible. That is, it is
18. Roberts DW, Strohbehn J\.V, Hatch JF, et al. A fra1neless stereo­
always preferable to visualize the runway before landing a plane
taxic integration of co1nputerized ton1ographic i1uaging and the
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Surgery of the External Ear

22. Diseases of the Auricle, External Auditory Canal, and Tympanic Membrane

23. Surgery for Cancer of the External Ear

24. Surgery for Congenital Aural Atresia

Diseases of the Auricle,
External Auditory Canal, and
Tympanic Membrane
Stephanie Moody Antonio, MD I Barry Strasnick, MD, FAGS

The auricle and external auditory canal (EAC) serve to augment EAC, ossification centers of the tympanic ring, and the ossicu­
and trans1nit sound to the tyinpanic membrane. The shape of lar chain. Failure of EAC recanalization results in congenital
the EAC results in the optimization of sound conduction to the aural atresia.
tympanic membrane in the frequencies of 2 to 4 kHz, those
1nost important in hu1nan con1munication. Disorders of the
pinna, EAC, and tympanic membrane are co1n1non entities in ANATOMY
clinical otology. Successful diagnosis and management require
The Auricle
a detailed kno\',dedge of the e1nbryology, anato1ny, physiology,
and bacteriology of these structures. Fibroelastic cartilage, perichondrium, and skin comprise the
auricular fra1nework. The cartilage of the auricle is continuous
with that of the lateral EAC. The skin of the topographically
co1nplex lateral surface of the auricle is fir1nly attached to the
The auditory and vestibular systetns develop as distinct ana­ perichondriu1n; ho,vever, the skin of the posterior surface is less
tomic units. During the 6th week of gestation, auricular devel­ adherent due to a layer of loose areolar tissue between it and
opment begins with the formation of the six "hillocks of His," the perichondriu1n. The auricle is fixed to the temporal bone by
lnesenchymal proliferations originating from the first and sec­ its cartilaginous contribution to the external n1eatus, the three
ond pharyngeal arches. The first arch contributes three hillocks, auricular ligaments (anterior, superior, and posterior), and
which eventually form the tragus, the root, and superior portion by six poorly developed intrinsic muscles. Additionally, three
of the helix. The second arch also contributes three hillocks, distinctly better developed extrinsic tnuscles exist, also na1ned
destined to become the antihelix, antitragus, and lobule. The anterior, superior, and posterior. Voluntary contraction of the
definitive auricle develops from the fusion of the hillocks and is extrinsic tnusculature is responsible for the ability possessed by
usually con1plete by the 12th week of gestation. The auricle '"'ill so1ne to "wiggle" the auricle. These inuscles are innervated by
not reach its adult shape, ho,vever, until the 20th gestational the facial nerve.
week, and it continues to gro'"' for the first 5 years of life. Given Sensory innervation of the auricle is characterized by a
the co1nplexity of this process, it is not surprising that develop- great deal of overlap between inultiple nerves.1 The auricu­
1nental abnor1nalities of the auricle are co1n1non. lotemporal branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal
The ectoderm of the first branchial groove invaginates to nerve supplies sensation to the tragus and the helix and its crus;
fortn the pritnitive EAC. As the cells continue to gro'"' inward, it also supplies sensation to the anterior and superior portions
they eventually tneet endodermal tissue of the developing of the EAC and corresponding areas of the lateral surface of
tubotyn1panu1n, a derivative of the first pharyngeal pouch. the tympanic metnbrane. Fibers fro1n cervical sensory nerves
Mesodermal anlages encroach on this area of apposition from (C2, C3), contained in the great auricular nerve, innervate the
ventral and dorsal sites. The resulting solid core of tissue is posterior surface of the auricle, the posterior region of the helix,
named the ineatal plug or plate. By the 28th week of fetal devel­ the antihelix, and the lobule. Fibers from the 9th and 10th cra­
opment, the plate resorbs and the EAC recanalizes. Ectoder111al nial nerves supply the n1ajority of the conchal concavity, with
elements from the n1eatal plate form the epithelial lining of the additional contribution from the 7th cranial nerve.
EAC and the lateral ty1npanic metnbrane, whereas tnesodermal The external carotid artery supplies blood to the auricle and
elements contribute to the development of the cartilaginous external meatus via the postauricular and superficial te1nporal


branches. Venous drainage parallels the arterial supply. The superficial, and deep cervical nodes receive drainage from the
superficial ten1poral vein joins the retromandibular vein and anterior region of the canal.
ulti n1ately the internal jugular system, whereas the postauricu­ Cerun1en is a mixture of desquamated epidermal cells and
lar vein joins the external jugular system. There also may be secretions fron1 sebaceous and ceruminous glands of the EAC,
drainage to the sign1oid sinus via the n1astoid emissary vein. including fatty acids, alcohols, triglycerides, cholesterol, choles­
The lyn1phatics of the anterior auricle and n1eatus drain into the terol precursors, and arnino acids. The con1position of wax niay
prcauricular and periparotid nodes. Ly111phatics of the posterior be in part hereditary. Cerun1en that tends to be v.ret as opposed
auricle, however, en1pty into the rerroauricular (n1astoid) and to dry wax tends t o contain more lipid and pigment. Cerumen
infra-auricular nodes. lubricates the EAC and keeps the canal clean by trapping dirt
and repelling water. Whether cerumen has further antimicro­
The External Auditory Canal biaI benefits is not entirely clear.
The EAC is an S-shaped tube measuring approximately 2.5 cm in
length that extends fron1 the concha to the tympanic men1brane.
The Tympanic Membrane

The 111ost lateral one-third of the canal is cartilaginous, whereas The tyn1panic men1brane is a thin fibrous sheet interposed
the rnedial two-thirds is osseous. The narrowest segn1ent of the between the EAC and n1iddlc car. Its diameter nJeasures approx­
EAC, the isthn1us, corresponds to the junction of the cartilagi­ iinately 9 1nn1 and it is oriented obliquely at the lateral end of
nous and bony portions. The canaI's anteroin ferior wall is slightly the external canal. Its appearance is one of a cone directed
longer than the posterosuperior wall, creating an acute angle n1cdially, the apex of which corresponds to its attach1nent to
between the anterior canal wall and the tympanic membrane. the un1bo. Three cell layers forn1 the tyn1panic me1nbranc: a
The E1\C is also slightly convex anteriorly, which can prevent lateral epithelial lining that is continuous with the skin of the
co1nplete exan1ination of the tyn1panic men1brane. Improved EAC, a middle fibrous layer composed of both radiating and
tympanic membrane visualization is achieved by retracting the circular fibers o f connective tissue, and an internal mucosa!
auricle in a posterosuperior direction during otoscopy. layer. A coalescence of the fibrous layer at its ri111, kno\vn as the
Skin and subcutaneous tissue cover the cartilage of the lateral fibrous annulus, helps anchor the tympanic n1en1brane within
EAC. Hair follicles and sebaceous and apocrine (ceruminous) the bony tyn1panic sulcus. The pars tensa refers to the niajority
glands exist within this subcutaneous tissue. These structures of the iuen1brane area, which is separated fro1n the pars flaccida
fonn an apopilosebaceous unit and produce a protective layer of (Sbrapnell's n1en1brane) superiorly by the anterior and posterior
cerurnen. In contrast, the 1nore 1nedial, osseous EAC lacks glan­ alveolar folds. The la1nina propria of the pars tensa is thin and
dular adenexae and consists only of the tyn1panic bone and a strong, made up of abundant type II collagen. The n1edial layer
tightly adherent epidern1is. The clinica I significance of this di f­ of the pars flaccida contains thicker and more loosely arranged
fcrcnce lies in the fact that infected sebaceous cysts and furun­ collagen fibrils, n1ainly type I collagen, and it is more elastic
cles occur only in the lateral EAC. The epidermis of the EAC is than the pars tensa.3 The pars flaccida sits in a region of the
continuous with the squamous epithelial layer of the tympanic tyn1panic ring deficient of bone, named the notch of Rivinus.
membrane. Infectious processes of the EAC may spread to the Medial to the pars flaccida is Prussak's space, the most con1n1on
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and periparotid soft tissue via site of pri1nary cholesteatoma forn1ation.
inconstant dehiscences of the car ti lagi nous canal, the fissures of Sensory innervation to the lateral surface of the tyn1panic
Santorini. An anteroinferior gap of the tyn1panic bone, named 111en1brane niirrors that of the EAC. The auriculote1nporal nerve
Huschke's foramen, 1nay pern1it sin1ilar spread of infection to supplies the posterior and inferior region of the tyn1panic 111e n1-
the preauricular tissue. This devclopn1ental dehiscence usually brane, and the auricular branch (Arnold's nerve) of the vagus
closes in late childhood but 1nay persist into adulthood.2 nerve innervates its anterior and superior aspect, vvith additional
Sensory innervation of the EAC is variable, with suspected fibers originating fron1 the seventh cranial nerve. The tyn1panic
contributions from cranial nerves V, VII, IX, and X. Generally, branch (Jacobson's nerve) of the glossopharyngeal nerve provides
the auriculotemporal branch of the mandibular division of the sensation Lo the nJedial surface of the ty1npanic n1embrane.
trigeminal nerve innervates the anterior and superior walls of The blood supply to the tympanic me1nbrane is derived
the EAC. Fibers from the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus from vessels that supply the external canal and middle ear cav­
nerves, traveling with the auricular branch (Arnold's nerve) of ity. The deep auricular branch of the internal niaxillary artery
the vagus nerve, enter the EAC through the tyn1panon1astoid for111s a peripheral ring fron1 which arise branches destined for
suture to supply the posterior and inferior aspects of the canal.1 Lhe Ly1npanic 1ne1nbrane's lateral surface. The internal ina.xil­
The blood supply of the EAC is the san1e as that of the Jary artery also supplies the internal surface of the ty1npanic
auricle, with additional contributions f"rom the deep auricular n1cn1brane via its anterior tyn1panic branch.4 Venous drainage
artery. This vessel, a branch of the internal maxillary artery, tends to parallel corresponding arterial anaton1y.
passes through the substance of the parotid gland and travels
posterior to the TNfJ capsule before penetrating the EAC in the DISEASES OF THE AURICLE
region of the isthn1us. Venous drainage is via the superficial
temporal and posterior auricular veins that join the internal and Frostbite
external jugular systems, respectively. Lymphatics of the inferior The auricle, with its high ratio of surface area to mass is at
EAC drain to the infra-auricular nodes, those of the posterior increased risk for this type of injury. Blood vessels supplying
canal drain to the retroauricular nodes, and the periparotid, this region lie superficially within the subcutaneous tissues,

increasing their exposure to colder temperatures. Prolonged If diagnosed early, perichondritis may b e inanaged on
exposure blocks afferent sensory nerve transn1ission, reduc­ an outpatient basis with oral antibiotics, aural toilet and
ing the patient's awareness of ongoing injury. The initial phys­ debride1nent, and close observation. Because of its excellent car­
iologic response is vasoconstriction. The frozen tissue appears tilaginous penetration and high activity against [Jseudornonas
yellow-white and waxy and is cold and hard. This appearance species, ciprofloxaci.n is the drug of choice. In children \vith early
con1bined with the loss of sensation is diagnostic of frostbite. pericbondritis, outpatient nlanage1nent \¥ith antibiotics can be
Extracellular ice forn1ation during the freezing and thawing initiated. Fluoroquinolones in children may be used with cau­
process results in cell dehydration and cell niembrane rupture. tion and with appropriate monitoring for toxicity." If significant
The blood vessels are also dan1aged, resulting in extravasation clinical i1nproven1ent is not observed within the first 24 to 36 h
of fluid and clotting. As tissues warn1, extravasated fluid causes of oral therapy, or if the patient presents initially with severe
eden1a and bullae forn1ation, and pain is the rule. infection, parenteral antibiotic therapy is >varranted. An auricu­
J\t!.anagen1ent consists of rapid tissue warming via circulat­ lar abscess requires pron1pt incision and drainage. Additionally,
ing warn1 water or warmed moistened dressings. Use of radiant all necrotic cartilage and tissue should be debrided and cultures
heat is contraindicated as it may worsen the injury, especially obtained. A drain under a conforn1ing pressure dressing nlay
if \¥arming and refreezing takes place. The pinna should be help reduce permanent deforn1ity.
dressed aseptically with lo/o silver sulfadiazine cream, sin1ilar
to managen1ent of a burn injury. Secondary infection is treated Sebaceous Cyst
with antimicrobial agents directed against Pseudomonas aerugi­
Sebaceous cysts forn1 as a result of sebaceous gland obstruction.
nosa and Staphylococcus aureus. In some cases, tissue initially
The lobule and retroauricular area are com1non locations for
appearing devitalized will recover after a period of observa­
these soft, mobile masses. Norn1ally, asyn1ptomatic sebaceous
tion and conservative n1anagen1ent. Therefore, debridement of
cysts do not require treat1nent unless cosn1etic deforn1ity exists.
necrotic tissue should be delayed until a reliable line of den1ar­
Occasionally, however, the cyst \¥ill become acutely infected and
cation develops.
require antibiotic therapy. Formal excision should be delayed
until the infection has resolved. When excision is performed, the
entire cyst capsule must be ren1oved, or recurrence is likely.
Blunt trau111 a to the auricle niay result in hen1aton1a. The traun1a
causes a shearing injury, resulting in separation of auricular
Preauricular Sinus
cartilage from its associated perichondrium and bleeding into
this newly created space. The cartilage is subsequently deprived The incidence of preauricular pits and sinuses is 5 to 6 per 1,000
of its perichondriun1-dependent blood supply and n1ay become births. Resulting fron1 abnor1nalities in the fusion of the hill­
ischemic. Hen1atoma 111ay present immed.iately follov.ring an ocks of His during auricular developn1ent, these lesions pre­
injury or in delayed fashion as a painful swelling, which causes sent as pit-like depressions anterior to the root of the helix and
effacement of the norn1al topography of the auricle. superior to the level of the tragus. Preauricular sinuses are bilat­
Managen1ent consists of evacuation. This niay be accorn­ eral in 25 to 50°/o of cases. Genetic inheritance is n1ore likely
plished by needle aspiration if the hen1ato111a is acute and small involved in the case of bilateral sinuses. These lesions are prone
in size. For larger collections, incision and drainage are required. to acute infection requiring antibiotic therapy. If infection does
The incision is placed along the helical. fold, thereby minin1izing not respond to oral antibiotics, incision and drainage nlay be
the conspicuousness of the resultant scar, and the blood clot is necessary. However, acute incision and drainage are ideally
expelled. Curettage niay be used to completely ren1ove all of avoided since subsequent scarring and fibrosis \¥ill obliterate
the he111aton1a. J\tlost important is the placernent of a pressure normal tissue planes and nlake future excision nlore difficult.
dressing to prevent reaccumulation. 1.1any preter to use dental W11en sy1npton1atic or associated \¥ith recurrent infection, sur­
rolls secured with through-and-through sutures as bolsters on gical resection of a preauricular sinus is indicated.
both the lateral and 111edial auricular surfaces. Close follow-up Other related lesions include preauricular skin tags and bran­
is necessary to address recurrences in a timely fashion. Failure chial cleft anon1alies. Similar to preauricular sinuses, skin tags in
to evacuate a hen1aton1a leads to fibrosis and new cartilage for- this location represent duplication ano1nalies of the ectoder1nal
111ation. The resulting deforn1ity is permanent and ranges fron1 hillocks of His. Although generally benign in their natural history,
111ild cartilaginous thickening to the severe "cauliflower" ear the skin tags nlay be excised for cos1netic purposes. First branchial
seen 111ost frequently in wrestlers and boxers. cleft cysts, sinuses, and fistulas, on the other hand, result fro1u
duplication anon1alies of the ine1nbranous EAC (Figure 22-1).
Perichondritis A fistulous tract inay exist bet>veen the skin of the neck and an

Infection of the auricular perichondriun1 and underlying car­ intact EAC. The Work classification divides first branchial cleft
sinuses into two types.7 Type I anon1alies contain only ectoder-
tilage is a possible con1plication of surgery, traun1a, or exter­
1nal derivatives, whereas type II anon1alies possess tissues of both
nal otitis. Perichondritis presents with erythen1a, edema, and
exquisite tenderness of the involved pinna. Progression of the ectodern1al and nlesodern1al origin. Managen1ent of first bran­

intectious process can lead to abscess for111ation and loss of car­ d1ial cleft lesions consists of surgical resection. Caution is required
when dealing \¥ith brancbial cleft anon1alies as their inesodern1al
tilage. The n1ost con1mon offending organism is P. aeruginosa.
origin results in an intin1ate association with the parotid gland,
Diabetes and other causes of in1111unosuppression have been
placing the facial nerve at risk during atte1npts at excision.
i111plicated as predisposing factors. 5

n1aki11g the incision and beginning the dissection of the tissues,

the probe inay be stabilized by clan1ping it to the surrounding
soft tissues. The tract is followed '"'hile avoiding violation to the
n1edial extent, usually at the helical cartilage. Care should be
taken to avoid violating the sinus and an adequate n1argin of tis­
sue should be resected with the specin1en. Preauricular sinuses
tend to have multiple "fingers,'' '"'hich can cause recurrences if
left behind. At the 1nedial extent, a section of the cartilage is
ren1oved with the speci1nen to prevent recurrence.

Pitfalls and Complications: The n1ost significant challenge with

resection of preauricular sinuses is recurrence. Meticulous dis­
section is needed to con1pletely remove the sinus and cyst Some
surgeons inject 1nethylene blue to help delineate the extent of
the lesion. Atte111pting to perforn1 resection during acute infec­
tion will increase the risk of recurrence. Also, if the cyst has
been infected on multiple occasions, tissue planes '"'ill have been
disrupted, and it will be n1ore difficult to achieve a complete

FIGURE 22-1 • Work Type I sinus of the inferior meatus of the external excision. Thus, once a lesion bas been infected, surgical treat­
auditory canal. n1ent should be strongly considered. In cases of postoperative
recurrent sinus or cyst, a wider resection incorporating tissue
bet\"leen the superficial temporal vessels, ten1poralis fascia, and
I-fearing loss may be associated with preauricular pits,
conchal cartilage will in1prove the likelihood of ren1oving all
branchial cleft ano1nalies, and other congenital external ear
the epithelial remnants.
and EAC anomaIies. For example, branchiootorenal syndrome,
which is the second n1ost comn1on type of autosomal dominant
syndromic hearing loss, manifests with conductive, sensorineu­
ral, or mixed hearing loss with branchial cleft cysts or fistulae, Keloids are benign, hypertrophic, fibrous lesions that generally
preauricular pits, and renal anon1alies. CHARGE association, develop following traun1a or surgery. They are n1ore con1111on in
Tov.rnes-Brocks syndrome, branchiootorenal syndrome, Nager darkly pign1ented people and are frequently found on the lob­
syndrome, Miller syndron1e, and diabetic embryopathy also ule as a result of ear piercing. An excess of extracellular n1atrix,
may include both auricular and renal anomalies. Patients who particularly glycoproteins, characterizes the histologic appear­
present with auricular anomalies should be examined for dvs- ance of keloids.10 Treatn1ent generally requires a combination of
morphic features such as facial asymmetry, colobomas, choanal 111edical and surgical therapy. For small lesions or developing
atresia, branchial cysts, or sinuses or other abnormal features. keloids, intralesional injections of tria111cinolone acetonide n1ay
Renal ultrasound may be indicated if syndron1ic features such be used as first-line therapy. Because of their poor absorption
as these are found. Isolated preauricular pits are infrequently through hypertrophic tissue, topical corticosteroids play a very
associated with hearing loss and rarely associated with renal li1nited role in the 1nanagen1ent of keloids. For larger and n1ore
abnormalities.8 Audiologic testing is warranted to rule out 111ature lesions, excision is required. Intralesional corticosteroid
hearing loss, but follow-up audiologic testing is probably not injection is perforn1ed at the time of surgery and repeated every
indicated, unless there is a significant family history of hear­ 4 to 6 weeks thereafter for a mini111un1 of three postoperative

ing loss or other risk factors. \Vang et al. suggest that a renal injections. Patient con1pliance with this postoperative regi1nen
ultrasound should be performed in patients with preauricular is required to n1il1imize the risk of recurrence. So111e advocate
pits, cup ears, or any other ear anomaly accompanied by other additional preexcisional injections to ensure that patients u11der­
dysmorphic features, a family history of hearing loss, auricular stand and accept the need for 1nultiple treatn1ents and adhere
and/or renal malformations, or maternal gestational diabetes; to the prescribed postoperative regimen.11 Despite con1bined
while in the absence of these findings, renal ultrasonography is excision and intralesional corticosteroid therapy, recurrence
not indicated.9 rates approach 50%.12 Extren1ely gentle tissue n1anagement
111ay reduce activation of the inflan1n1atory response that can
increase recurrence. Low-dose radiation therapy can be consid­
Surgical Techn ique for Resection of ered for cases resistant to conventional therapy, but the risk of
Preauricular Pit and Sinuses
radiation-induced 1nalignancy in these predo1ninantly young
Pits and sinuses that have been subject to infection or discharge patients tempers our enthusiasn1 for this aggressive approach.
are appropriately considered for resection. It is best to avoid
operating on an actively infected pit or sinus. Tophi
Surgical Details: An elliptical incision is designed incorporating Gout is a severe 111onoarticular inflan1matory arthritis trig­
the pit. Some surgeons preter a wide local excision v.rith a supra­ gered by the presence of urate crystals in synovial joint fluid.
auricular approach, citing reduced recurrence. Placen1ent of a Tophaceous deposition of urate crystals in and around joints
lacrimal probe into the tract aids in determining its extent. After is one of the hallmark physical findings associated with

hyperuricemia. Frequently, patients will present '"'ith depos­ patient. By the age of five, the auricle has essentially reached
its in the helix, appearing as moderately painful, saln1on-pink adult size, and children generally start school. Teasing fro1n
nodules. \!\Then compressed, tophi exude a whitish, chalky sub­ peers n1ay become severe at this ti1ne, and surgical correction
stance consisting of sodium biurate. Crystals appear negatively need not b e delayed.
birefringent when exan1 ined under polarized 1ight. Treatn1ent Although differences in opinion regarding "normative val­
of acute attacks of gouty arthritis focuses on pain relief and ues" for auricular position and protrusion exist, Tolleth pro­
correction of the under.lying abnormality in uric aci.d metabo­ vided so1ne general guidelines on which surgic al correction
lism.1.1 No specili.c surgical therapy directed at auricular tophi can b e based.t4 With the head oriented vertically, the desired
necessary. position of the auricle is approxi1nately one-car length poste­


rior to the lateral orbital rin1. The level of the brow defines the
Chondrodermatitis Nodularis preferred position of the top of the ear, '"'hereas the base of the
Chronica Helicis colun1ella inarks the appropriate inferior extent of the lobule.
The axis of the auricle should not lie in the vertical plane; rather,
Chondrodern1atitis nodularis chronica helici.s, or Winkler's
it should be rotated 15 to 20 degrees in the posterior direction.
nodule, is an intensely painful solitary nodule, usually found
A distance of 15 to 20 n1n1 between the scalp and the outer edge
of the helix or anti helix of older nien. They appear spontane­
of the helix provides an esthetically pleasing degree of auricular
ously and are thought to be caused by pressure or trauma-in­
duced dan1age to underlying cartilage. The right side is n1ore
con1n1only involved, possibly due to favored sleeping position.
The nodules are tender, round, well-defined-and firm, and usu­
Surgical Technique for Correction
ally pale, gray, or slightly erythe1natous. The edge niay be raised
of Protruding Ear
and the center 111ay be ulcerated or crusted. These lesions are
Preoperative Planning: The goals of otoplasty include correction
best treated surgically with re111oval or shaving of the immedi­
of protrusion of the helix and lobe, create an antihelical fold,
ately involved cartilage.
avoid overcorrection, and create auricles that arc symn1ctric in
appearance and position. A surgical plan will include a detailed
analysis of the anaton1y and a combination of techniques to
The external ear is a common site for benign and nialignant address each con1ponent of the defor1nity. Preoperative photo­
processes of the skin, including actinic keratosis, papilloma, graphs will assist in planning and counseling. A wide variety
nielanoma, basal cell carcinon1a, and squamous cell carcinoma. of techniques can b e used to reshape the auricular cartilages,
The otologic surgeon should be a'vare of the differential diagno­ including abrasion and scoring or suture fixation. \i\Te prefer a
sis of skin lesions and apply appropriate inanagement. Auricular n1odification of the technique described by Mustarde, e1nploy­
cancers co1n1nonly originate in areas '"'ith maxin1al sun expo­ ing a con1bination of posterior auricular skin excision and nlat­
sures, such as the helical rin1 or antihelix. Basal cell carcinon1a tress sutures.15 The technique is relatively si1nple and provides
is less likely to be associated with sun exposure and is a n1ore predictable results.
co1n1non type of tumor found on the posterior surface of the
auricle. The thin skin of the pinna provides very little resistance
Surgical Details: The ear is again examined and the plan
reviewed. .tvlarkings with ink are applied '"'ith a marker to define
to spread to the under.lying pericbondriu1n, but e1nbryonic lines
the crest of the antihelix and with a needle to define the suture
of fusion may limit disease to an anatomical subunit, at least
sites. The location for the Mustarde sutures 111ay also be inade by
temporarily. Biopsy is required to 111ake a diagnosis and should
placing marking sutures through the anterior skin '"'bile fold­
not be delayed. Managen1ent is varied and niay include curet­
ing the ear into position (Figure 22-2A). An elliptical incision
tage, electrodissection, cryosurgery, topical 5-fluorouraci.I, local
is n1ade in the postauricular sulcus (Figure 22-2B). 11ost sur­
excision, or radiation therapy. The auricle is particularly ame­
geons will plan to resect an ellipse of skin, but others do not,
nable to surgical excision '"'ith Mohs' technique. After surgi­
in which case a si1nple linear incision is n1ade. The posterior
cal excision, reconstruction is geared toward covering defects
auricular skin is elevated to the helical rin1 and triangular fossa,
and restoring cosmesis and function. The technique is greatly
taking care to avoid nicking the cartilage (Figure 22-2C). The
influenced by the deficit tissue and can be as simple as allowing
tissues are also elevated fro1n the conchal cartilage to,vard the
healing by secondary intention or skin grafting to rotating tis­
periosteu1n of the 1nastoid. The intrinsic and extrinsic n1uscles
sue flaps onto reconstructed structural eleinents.
will need to be divided. Several 11ustarde sutures (a ro'"' of
horizontal 111attress sutures) are placed through cartilage and
Congenital Deformities of the Pinna
anterior perichondriu1n to roll and create a sn1ooth antihelical
Congenital deforn1ities of the pinna, including protruding fold and approxi1nate the scaphoid fossa closer to the concha
ear and lop ear, are frequently encountered in otologic prac­ (Figure 22-2D). A 5-0 or 6-0 nonabsorbable suture with a taper
tice. The deformity may be unilateral or bilateral. Frequently, need.le is used. Once a suture is set, it is ten1porarily tightened
the auricular cartilage is of appropriate size but lac.ks a well­ with just enough pull to fold the antihelix, but not necessarily
defined antihelical fold. An excessively high or spherical con­ to fully approxi1nate the gap. The tic is clan1ped, while the next
chal cartilage contributes to the prominent ear. The entity has sutures are thrown. Once three or four sutures arc in good posi­
no significant otologic ramifications; rather, its in1portance is tion, they can b e individually tied. Repetitive reevaluation of the
deter111ined by the psychological disturbance endured by the created fold is done to ensure a good result. The helix should be

c D


FIGURE 22-2 • Otoplasty. A, Marking the suture sites by a through-and-through silk suture (after raising the skin
from the posterior aspect of the pinna). 8, Postauricular elliptical skin incision. C, Elevating the postauricular skin to
the helical rim. D, Placing multiple horizontal mattress sutures at the site of the marking sutures.

visable beyond the new antihelix. An excessively high concha is

reduced by tacking the proxin1al conchal cartilage to the peri­
osteum of the niastoid.16 The appropriate position is first evalu­
ated by holding the ear. A 4-0 or 5-0 suture should be used and
niore than one stitch used tor support, as these sutures tend to
bear niore force. If needed, conchal cartilage can be thinned or
excised. At this point, examine the upper pole of the ear and the
lobule to ensure these areas do not appear excessively pron1i­
nent. A pron1inent upper pole can be corrected with a stitch
between the triangular fossa and the deep ten1poral fascia.17
Redundant posterior auricular skin is excised in elliptical fash­
ion and the incision is then closed. The ear is dressed by packing
the auricular contours with cotton, padding the posterior sur­
face, and placing a mastoid dressing.

Postoperative Care: The dressing should be ren1oved at post­

operative day J. to exan1ine for hematoma and signs of exces­
sive pressure. lt can then be replaced for a few days. The patient
should be exan1ined frequently in the postoperative period to
check the ear position. Son1e surgeons ask the patient to wear a
headband for 3 or 4 111onths. FIGURE 22-3 • Osteoma at bony-cartilaginous junction. In this case,
the patient had recurrent cerumen impactions.
Pitfalls and (�omplications: Otoplasty can be a very challeng­
ing procedure requiring multiple intraoperative adjust111ents
and a full arman1entarium of techniques to 111anage a n1ulti­ relationship between cold-water exposure and the develop­

faceted deforn1ity and variable cartilage characteristics. Failure n1ent of exostoses \Vas first proposed by van Gilse, who showed

to understand the factors contributing to the deformity of each that irrigation of the EAC v.rith water colder than l7°C results

ear, \.vhicb in some cases may be different between the two ears in prolonged 1neatal erythema.18 Exposure to cold temperature

in one patient, can result in a less favorable outco111e. If the car­ is thought to produce a periosteitis, which seems to cause new

tilage overcomes the suture fixation, relapse can occur. This can bone growth.

be reduced by using several redundant sutures and by relaxing

cartilage with thinning or scoring \.vhen needed. Proinpt rec­ Surgical Technique for Removal
ognition of shifting or other postoperative deformity may be of Exostosis and Osteoma
corrected with a niolding dressing, headband, or steri-strips.
Indications and Preoperative Pia nning: Managen1ent of exostoses
Overcorrection results when the sutures are too tight, causing
and osteomas consists of periodic cerumen disimpaction, deb­
the helix to be invisible behind the new antihelix in the frontal
ridement, and treatn1ent of infection as necessary. Avoidance of
view. Another undesirable outcome, telephone deformity, occurs
further water exposure should be advised, but co1npliance with
if the upper and lower poles of the ear are not addressed or if
this recommendation is unlikely. Many surfers are, however,
too 111uch conchal cartilage is ren1oved. Resection or scoring can
willing to wear earplugs or occlusive hoods to minimize water
result in contour proble111s. Complications include hematon1a,
exposure. Surgical treatment is considered when the osteomas
infection, chondritis, and suture bridging or extrusion.
or exostoses occlude the canal and cause conductive hearing loss
or recurrent otitis externa. Osteomas can often be resected with
very limited procedures and a transcanal approach. Since they
are often pedunculated, a curette may suffice to break the con­
Exostoses and Osteoma nection. Alternatively, they may be drilled.

Externa] auditory exostoses and osteon1as are benign clinical Surgical Details for Rernoval of Exostosis: Exostosis ren1oval is
entities characterized by hyperplastic growth of bone in the osse­ done through a postauricular approach. The ear canal is exam­
ous EAC. Ex.ostoses tend to be bilateral, broadly based protru­ ined and injected with local anesthesia. If the level of the tym­
sions originating fron1 the anterior and posterior canal walls. panic membrane can be appreciated, a mental note is made of
In contrast, osteon1as are niore often unilateraJ, pedunculated its location. A posterior vascular strip is designed and made as
growths located at suture lines and resulting in lesser degrees of long as possible. In some cases, the medial incision is made after
EAC obstruction (Figure 22-3). Both types of lesions are 111ost some of the lateral canalplasty is done so that the flap can be
con1n1only noted incidentally in asyn1ptomatic patients. However, made longer. A postauricular incision is made, and the peri­
as EAC obstruction \VOrsens, sy111ptoms of chronic debris trap­ osteum is incised in a half-circle just behind the bony meatus
ping, recurrent otitis externa, and hearing loss develop. in order to elevate the vascular strip and reflect the ear. The
External auditory exostoses occur witb a high preva]ence in anterior skin is incised laterally and carefully elevated medi­
patients with repetitive exposure to cold-water and cold-wind ally. The bony canal is drilled through 360 degrees, although
activities, such as swin1ming, surfing, or boating. A causal the majority of bone removal will be o n the anterior wall. To

avoid da1nage to the skin flap, a well is drilled by thinning bone Routine cleaning with acetic acid solution or irrigation with
over the Tr--1J while leaving a thin "eggshelled" wall of residual hydrogen peroxide and wann \\Tater may reduce accumulation
bone between the well and the skin of the anterior canal wall. of debris. Infrequently, patients will suffer fron1 repeated canal
Work can continue by deepening this \¥ell, while continually occlusion and pain despite vigilant home maintenance, office
1nonitoring the position of the tympanic 1nembrane, the lateral surveillance, and debriden1ent. Jn these difficult situations,
process of the malleus and avoiding exposure of the TMJ. Next, canalplasty with skin grafting can be an effective treatn1ent
the anterior canal skin is elevated n10re 1nedially and finally, a option by replacing chronically diseased epithelium with the
curette is used to fracture the ren1aining eggshelled bone. Often, healthy epidennis of a skin graft.
al this point, one finds the exostosis extending over the annulus.
A piece of foil is placed medial to the cxostosis to protect the skin
External Audrtory Canal Choles teatoma
and the tyn1panic membrane fro1n injury, and the canalplasty
Cholesteatoma of the EAC is similar to keratosis obturans in that
if con1pleted by removing the final bone at the n1edial extent.
each is characterized by the presence of keratin debris within
Curettage or very small dian1ond burs are used around the lat­
the canal. They are, ho¥\'ever, distinct clinical entities. Patients
eral process of the malleus to avoid touching the n1alleus with
with EAC cholesteatoma are generally older and often present
the drill. The anterior skin flap and vascular strip are replaced
with unilateral disease with otorrhea, dull pain, and hearing
onto the canal wall. A split-thickness skin graft or fascial graft
loss. This rare variety of cholesteaton1a can be acquired second­
1nay be necessary if significant areas of exposed bone remain.
ary to trauma, surgery, stenosis, or chronic inflamn1ation or
The canal is packed with gelfoan1 soaked in saline or antibiotic.
arise spontaneously.21 The precise etiology of spontaneous EAC
The incision is closed.
cholesteatoma is unclear, but pathologic studies consistently cite
Postoperative Ca re: Antibiotic drops are applied to the packed a localized periosteitis and bone sequestra formation.22
car canal twice daily. Water exposure is avoided. Packjng nlate­ Clinically, EAC cholesteato1nas cause focal erosion of the
rial is removed during weekly or biweekly visits over 4 to 6 bony canal wall, usuaJly in an inferior and posterior location.
weeks. The accumulated debris is loose and random as opposed to the
laminated plug of keratosis obturans. The severity can range
Pitfalls nnd Cornplications: Risks of canalplasty for excision of
from limited, superficial erosion and minimal debris accumula­
exosroses include facial nerve injury, perforation of the tyn1-
tion to extensive involvement of surrounding structures, such as
panic n1en1brane, infection, recurrence of exostoses, and sen­
the TMJ, facial nerve, or mastoid. Complete microscopic exa1n i­
sorincural hearing Joss. Facial nerve injury is avoided by using
nation of the cholesteatoma is critical i 11 detern1ining its extent.
intraoperative facial nerve monitoring and by limiting posterior
For localized lesions, frequent office debridement of necrotic
and inferior bone re1noval. Co1nplete excision is safer with a
bone and debris may suffice. For cholesteato1nas eroding into the
postauricular approach and is therefore preferred over a tran­
canal \¥all and \¥hen office management is difficult or painful,
scanal approach, which will limit exposure and understanding
a canalplasty may successfully exteriorize the defect. External
of the presumed location of the facial nerve. The anterior canal
auditory canal healing can be aided by obliterating large defects
wall skin and tympanic men1brane should be protected from
with cartilage or cartilage-perichondrial grafts and/or cover­
injury by good technique and by using a small disk made fron1
ing exposed bone with skin or fascia! grafts. Disease involving
foil suture packing material. Also, great care should be taken to
the mastoid may warrant tympanomastoidectomy to remove
identify and protect the lateral process of the malleus fron1 drill
involved bone and repair associated defects.
trau1na, which can induce sensorineural hearing loss.

Keratosis Obturans Foreign Body

Keratosis obturans is characterized by the accumulation of Children are frequently referred to otolaryngologists for the
large keratin plugs in the osseous EAC, resulting in obstruc­ 1nanagement of ear canal foreign bodies. Primary care physi­
tion, acute pain, and hearing loss. The underlying epitheliun1 is cians often discover the foreign body \¥hen evaluating a child
hyperplastic with an increased rate of desquamation and loss of for possible otitis, or it may be found incidentally during a well­
norn1al migration. Additionally, it is often chronically inflamed. child visit. Inorganic objects are commonly present. A greater
Interestingly, upwards of 90% of patients suffering from kera­ challenge to manage in the office, however, are organic objects,
tosis obturans also have a past history of bronchiectasis or such as popcorn and peanut fragn1ents, \¥hich tend to absorb
sinusitis.19•2° Clinically, keratosis obturans presents as occlusion moisture and swell to completely obstruct the ineatus. Foreign
of the external n1eatus by tightly co1npacted plugs of laminar bodies are removed under 1nicroscopic visualization with a
dcsquan1ated keratin debris. Over tin1e, the osseous external cerun1en loop, right-angle pick, or suction. For the uncoopera­
canal may become significantly,¥idened, frequently to the point tive child, removal under general anesthesia is required, given
at which the tympanic 1nembrane and annulus "stand out in the risk of tympanic membrane and ossicular chain injury that
relief." The tympanic n1embranc typically shows moderate can result from the sudden movement of a distressed patient.
degrees of thickening. Management consists of local debride­ Occasionally, an endaural incision is necessary to remove a
ment of the plug, occasionally requiring general anesthesia sec­ severely impacted object. Postoperative antibiotic drops should
ondary to severe discomfort, and appropriate ototopical therapy be used when an incision is required or extensive trauma to the
to address residual tissue inflamn1ation or secondary infection. skin of the external canal is observed.

Furuncle nlay have vesicles, excoriations, and serous or nlucoid otorrhea.

Bacterial superinfections 1nay occur, with associated purulent
Also kno,>Jn as acute localized otitis externa, acute furunculosis
otorrhea and potentially, nlicroabscesses and cellulitis. In the
is the result of obstruction of pilosebaceous glands present in
chronic disease state, the skin beco1ues lichenified and often has
the subcutaneous tissue of the cartilaginous EAC. Elevation of
the appearance of dryness with flaking and excoriations. The
the tightly adherent skin of the external canal causes exquisite
EAC n1ay display purely local disease, such as contact der1na­
pain and discon1fort. The pinna and preauricular soft tissue
titis, asteotosis, or neurodern1atitis (lichen sin1plex chronicus).
01ay display associated cellulitic changes. Treat1nent of acute
However, in so1ne cases, EAC problen1s arc a iuanifestation of a
furunculosis consists of antibiotics directed against S. aureus
syste111ic condition, such as psoriasis, atopic dern1atitis, sebor­
and wann co111presses. If significant fluctuance develops, inci­
rheic dern1atitis, acne vulgaris, and sarcoidosis. Generally, all
sion and drainage are required and generally provide welcon1e
these conditions will respond to local care with topical steroid
pain relief. If possible, a sn1all wick of packing material should
cream. or ointn1ent, antibiotic or antifu11gal preparations, and
be placed into the abscess cavity follov.ring drainage to prevent
n1odification of exposure to inoisture, dryness, or allergens
as the case nlay be. Syste1nic steroids nlay be added for severe
inflam1natory disease. Surgical therapy for dern1atologic condi­
Aural Polyp
tions is lin1ited. However, deep cysts of the EAC inay nlanifest
Aural polyps are '"ell-circumscribed, soft, fleshy niasses fre­ secondary to generalized acne vulgaris. Uncon1plicated acne
quently found in the EA.Cs of patients presenting with otorrhea can be nlanaged with salicylic acid cleansers, topical tretinoin
and hearing loss. They are usually inflamn1atory and suggest or antibiotic, or intralesional steroid. Large cysts inay easily
active niiddle ear disease. An association between aural polyps become superinfected, then causing generalized pain, s'"elling,
and cholesteatoma, especially in children, is well established and and inflan1n1ation of the EAC. Incision and drainage 1nay be
niay be as high as 45o/o.23•24 Polyps are frequently seen in pedi­ needed along with systen1ic antibiotics.
atric patients, the result of a foreign body reaction to pressure
equalization tubes. Polyps n1ay arise fro111 niiddle ear n1ucosa Bacterial and Fungal Otitis Externa
and protrude into the external meatus through a tympanic
Ceru1nen plays an important protective role in EAC physiol­
men1brane perforation or tube. Additionally, polyps niay b e a
ogy. A relatively acidic pH and hydrophobic nature account for
manifestation of niyringitis, nialignant otitis externa, ten1poral
its bacteriostatic properties. A war1n, 1noist cnviron111cnt favors
bone malignancy, or other neoplastic or inflan1n1atory lesion,
bacterial gro,¥th, accounting for the increased incidence of
such as inflan1111atory pseudotun1or or giant cell granuloma.
acute otitis externa during sun1111er n1onths and in regions '"'ith
Histopathologic analysis is therefore required when the etiol­
tropical clin1ates. Overzealous re1uoval of cerun1en not 011ly
ogy of a polyp is unknown.
con1pron1ises the natural defenses of the EAC, it nlay also cause
Gentle aural cleansing and the application of antibiotic­
sufficient trau1na to allow for bacterial inoculation. Patie11ts
corticosteroid-containing drops can effectively reduce a polyp's
'"'ith pruritic der1natologic conditions often suffer fron1 recur­
size and allow adeq uate exan1ination of the 1nedial EAC and
rent bouts of infection as a result of frequent scratching and
tyn1panic 1ne111brane. Cauterization with silver nitrate can also
excoriation of the canal skin.
be a helpful adjunctive 111easure in initial therapy. A.ggressive
Acute diffuse otitis externa (swin11ner's ear) refers to bac­
debridement or avulsion of an aural polyp should be avoided
terial infection and inflan1n1ation of the skin and subcutaneous
as it n1ay have attachments to a dehiscent facial nerve, the sta­
tissue of the cartilaginous EAC. Characteristic syn1pto1us include
pes footplate, or cholesteatoma overlying a labyrinthine fistula.
itching, pain, and tenderness of the pinna with associated hearing
Biopsy and histologic analysis should be perfonned on polyps
loss and aural fullness. Exan1ination typically reveals erythen1a
of uncertain origin, both to rule out malignancy and possibly
and ede1na of the external canal skin, which inay spread to involve
to help in diagnosing an underlying cholesteatoma. Patients
the concha and lobule. Seropurulent otorrhea often results in
who fail to respond to 1nedical nianagement require surgery.
crusting of the EAC and concha. 1'1anipulation of the pinna and
Ren1oval and biopsy of aural polyps with 1niddle ear involve­
n1astication generally elicit pain. In advanced cases, worsening
ment should be performed in conjunction with 1niddle ear
eden1a significantly narro\>JS the external canal lu1nen, preventing
exploration, tyn1panoplasty, and possibly 111astoidecto1ny to
visualization of the tyn1panic n1en1brane, and associated inflain­
appropriately address the prin1ary disease.
n1atory changes inay spread to involve preauricular soft tissue.
Oton1ycosis refers to an acute fungal infection of the EAC.
Dermatologic Processes Candida and Aspergillus arc the nlost con11non fungal species
The EAC is basically a blind pouch Iined v.rith skin. lts ep.idern1is in1plicated in oton1ycosis. The initial sy1npton1s of fungal otitis
is susceptible to the sao1e dermatologic processes encountered externa nlirror those of bacterial otitis externa, '"'ith the excep­
elsewhere in the body. Because it encon1passes a sn1all space and tion that associated pain is less severe. Intense pruritus is the
its skin is so thin, dern1atitic processes of the externaJ nieatus n1ost co1n1uon con1plaint in oton1ycosis. Exan1ination typically
produce troubling sympto111s. These conditions present with reveals canal skin erythe1ua and the presence of abundant fun­
chronic itching, serous or mucoid drainage, fullness, and sub­ gal debris, often e1nbedded u1 a cheesy n1aterial thicker than
jective hearing loss. During the acute phase, the skin of the EAC that seen in bacterial otitis externa. Recognizing the white, gray,
and concha niay appear eden1atous, erythematous, and vvet and or black fila1nentous ele111ents characteristic of fungal growth is

critical to make the diagnosis of otomycosis. When unsure, a and skull base. Usually seen in diabetic patients and those '"'ith
potassium hydroxide preparation can be helpful in demonstrat­ other forms of immunoco1npro1nise, infection spreads fro1n
ing branching filan1ents or budding yeasts. the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the cartilaginous canal to
Treatn1ent of acute otitis externa requires the thorough involve the tympanic bone. Skull base osteomyelitis spreads
ren1oval of all purulent or fungal niaterial and desquamated via the haversian syste1n of cotnpact bone, for1ning multiple
debris to allow penetration of antin1icrobial therapy. The fre­ abscesses and sequestra of necrotic bone. As infection pro­
quency of aural cleansing is dictated by the an1ount of debris gresses, periparotid and cervical soft tissues become involved.
present in the canal. When significant, debride111ent may be A facial nerve paralysis implies infection encasing the extraten1-
required several tin1es per week. This is essentially the only role poral portion of the nerve or involvement of the stylon1astoid
surgery plays in the 111anagen1ent of otitis externa. Ototopical foramen. Palsies of cranial nerves IX, X, XI, and XII present as
preparations containing aci.difying agents and antibiotics active infection extends to involve the jugular foramen.
against P. aeruginosa and S. aureus address the intectious com­ The ceru1nen of patients with diabetes has been shown to
ponent of this process. \!\Then eden1a is severe, inserting a v,rick be of higher pH than that of nondiabetics, perhaps responsible
into the canal aids in the delivery of n1edication to its deeper for the increased incidence of external otitis in this population.31
portions. \!\Ticks should be replaced every 2 to 3 days until canal In1paired poly1norphonuclear leukocyte function and 1nicroan­
patency is restored. Many otic preparations contain a corticos­ giopathic disease typical of advanced diabetes contribute to the
teroid, helpful in reducing inflan1mation and eden1a of the canal progression of otitis externa to skull base osteo1uyelitis in elderly
as well as associated pain. Oral antibiotics niay be necessary diabetic patients.32
v,rhen bacterial infection has extended to involve preauricular Patients with osteon1yelitis of the skull base often report
soft tissue. Pain control is another cornerstone in the treatment a previous history of otitis externa. Intense otalgia exceeding
of otitis externa. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory n1edications that expected for routine otitis is comn1on and can be associ­
or narcotic analgesics are required if over-the-counter analgesics ated with otorrhea. Granulation tissue seen protruding into
fail to provide sufficient relief. Treatment of oton1ycosis requires the EAC fron1 the bony-cartilaginous junction is a cardinal
appropriate topical anti fungal medications. Many options are sign of skull base osteon1yelitis and should not be underes­
available, including M-cresyl-acetate (CresylaterM), J.<Yo clotri- timated. Biopsy is required both to rule out n1alignancy and
111azole crea111 or solution, and vital dyes such as gentian violet. for culture purposes. Sedi1nentation rate will be elevated, but
The n1ajority of treatment failures, particularly in those cases osteon1yelitis 1nay occur in the absence of fever and elevated
nianaged by prin1ary care providers, are believed to result fron1 \.Yhite blood cell count. Co1nputed ton1ographic scans help to
inadequate skin penetration of the prescribed ototopical 111edi­ evaluate the extent of bony involve1nent. tvfagnetic resonance
cation, further en1phasizing the in1portance of adequate EAC i1naging provides 1nore detail regarding soft-tissue disease
debridement. 25 and, '"'hen co1ubined with n1agnetic resonance angiography,
Efforts to prevent recurrent episodes of otitis externa focus can evaluate the patency of the dural sinuses. Technetiun1 99
on n1inimizing the moisture content within the EAC. Water pre­ and galliun1 67 bone scans help in coniirn1ing the diagnosis of
cautions should be recommended. Occlusive earplugs are effec­ skull base osteon1yelitis. Only the gallium scan, however, can
tive in preventing \..,rater entry into the canal. Directing a hair be used t o inonitor response to therapy. Galliu1n scans i1nage
dryer at the EAC after water exposure followed by use of drying the activity of white blood cells and proteins at sites of active
agents such as boric acid in ethyl alcohol can also be helpful. infection. This study will norn1alize as infection resolves,
The potential for ototoxicity 111ust be considered when \.Yhereas the technetiu111 scan may ren1ain positive for n1any
treating patients \..,r ith ty111panic nie111brane perforations or pres­ n1onths.
sure equalization tubes. Instillation of ototopical drops into the Treatn1ent of osteon1yelitis of the skull base generally
111iddle ear of chinchillas was shown to result in cochlear tox­ requires long-tertn administration of parental antibiotics in
icity.26 Nevertheless, this appears to be an exceedingly rare com­ con1bination with daily aural debriden1ent and vigilant rnan­
plication in humans. Tn his review, Roland documented only agen1ent of diabetes and other con1prom.ising n1edical con­
four cases in the English literature of sensorineura.l hearing loss ditions. The vast n1ajority of skull base osteon1yelitis results
potentially related to topical antibiotic use.27 A possible explana­ fro1n infection by P. aeruginosa. Double coverage directed
tion is provided by the work of Schachern and colleagues, who against Pseudornonas is en1pirically begun after cultures have
den1onstrated that the thickness of the round windo\..,r mem­ been obtained. Fluoroquinolones offer potent activity against
brane increases while in the presence of inflammation or infec­ [Jseudo·monas via oral ad1ninistration and 1nay be effective as
tion.28 Use of potentially ototoxic 111edications in nondiseased n1onotherapy. However, recent resistance to fluoroquinolones
niiddle ears should therefore be employed with caution as they has e1nerged, suggesting that tnonotherapy n1ay not be adequate
lack this potentially protective characteristic. in son1e cases.33 Surgical therapy is rarely required and is usu­
ally n1andated by progression of infection despite aggressive
Malignant Otitis Externa (Skull Base n1edical managen1ent. The role of surgery should be limited to
Osteomyelitis) the debriden1ent of necrotic bone and granulation tissue and
the drainage of abscesses. Decon1pression of the facial nerve for
M.alignant otitis externa was first described by 1\1eltzer and
cases complicated by facial paralysis appears to have no role in
Keleman in 1959 and \..,ra s later named by Chandler in 1958 .29•30
the 1nanage1nent of skull base osteomyelitis as it fails to address
The term skull base osteomyelitis n1ore accurately describes the
the extraten1poral location of nerve involven1ent.34
pathophysiology of this life-threatening infection of the EAC

Atresia and Stenosis the dru111 re1nnant is resected. A drill is used to perfor1n a wide
canalplasty. For reconstruction, a fascia] graft is taken fro1n
Acquired stenosis and atresia of the EAC, also known as n1edial
the te1nporalis inuscle and used to reconstruct any perforation
canal fibrosis, refers to a condition characterized by the cica­
of the ty1npanic me1nbrane, with either a nledial or a lateral
tricial forn1ation of fibroinflamn1atory tissue lateral to the
technique. The anterior canal skin is trim1ned of disease and
tyn1panic men1brane. A distinct clinical entity that must be
prepared for replace1nent. Usually, a skin graft \Vill be needed.
differentiated fron1 congenital aural atresia, acquired stenosis
Ideally, skin is taken with a dern1ato1ne fron1 the inner ar1n or
usually results fron1 chronic infection and inflan1n1ation and
thigh. Postauricular skin can be taken freely, but in the authors'
n1ay also represent a con1plication related to prior otologic sur­
experience the full thickness graft is too thick and shrinks to an
gery or EAC trauma.35 As the developing stenosis progresses,
undesirably small graft, leaving less than desirable bony cov­
affected patients suffer a v•orsening conductive hearing loss.
erage. Fascia can also be used to cover bone where inadequate
Exa1nination reveals eden1a and hypertrophy of the canal wall
ski11 is available. 1'he tyn1panic ine1nbrane may be covered \vith
skin, and once fibrosis niatures, the EAC becon1es a blind, skin­
a disk ofGelfilmTM. The postauricular incision is closed and the
lined pouch. The lateral aspect of the tyn1panic 111en1brane fre­
canal is packed with gelfoa1n. A Stent or rosebud packing fash­
quently becon1es incorporated into the scar tissue, obliterating
ioned fro1n silk or silicone strips filled with gelfoan1 is helpful
any potential intervening space.
in nlany cases to encourage adherence of the grafts and vascular
The best treat1nent of acquired stenosis of the EAC is pre­
vention. Chronic otitis externa refers to a diffuse inflam1na­
tory process of the external canal of long duration. Its etiology Postauricular Care: Antibiotic drops are used twice daily and
remains unclear, but it appears to be the n1ost frequent cause of the packing i s ren1oved over 4 to 6 '"'eeks during biweekly vis­
medial canal fibrosis.30 Bilateral in so<� of cases and twice as its. The packing can be ren1oved and replaced and allowed to
coin 111on in won1en than n1en, th is entity is probably related to a support the canal for 10 to 14 days or longer. Granulation tis­
coinbination of infection, allergy, and dermatoses:17 A paucity of sue is carefully n1onitored and treated with chen1ical cautery.
literature analyzing treatn1ent options for chronic otitis externa Close monitoring is needed as restenosis can occur very quickly.
exists, but 111anagement is prin1arily niedical until complete Postoperative infection should be 111anaged aggressively as it will
medial canal fibrosis develops. A regin1en consisting of topical contribute to failure.
corticosteroid and antibiotic preparations in con1bination with
Pitfalls and Cornplications: Recurrence is a very distinct risk. All
periodic, atraumatic cleansing may prevent the need tor surgical
involved tissue inust be re111oved and the bony canal enlarged
intervention. Cauterization of granulation tissue may also aid in
to allow for son1e elen1ent of postoperative restenosis. Critical
drying and halting the inflammatory process.
to the success of this procedure is resurfacing the osseous
canal with epithelium. If bone is left exposed, and the for1na­
Surgical Technique for Repair
tion of granulation tissue and healing by secondary intention
of Acquired Stenosis of EAC
are allo,vcd, the rate of recurrent stenosis is unacceptably high.

Preoperative Planning: Surgical therapy of acquired stenosis is Usually, a split-thickness skin graft is e1nployed, but a vari­

indicated for correction of conductive hearing loss {hearing aids ety of pedicled flaps, as well as full thickness skin grafts, have

tend to exacerbate underlying inflan1mation) and to prevent or been described.3S-4o Other risks include sensorineural hearing

remove in those stenosis related to traun1a or loss, conductive hearing loss, facial nerve injury, and tympanic

prior surgery ;vhere an epithelialized tyn1panic n1en1brane ine1nbrane perforation. Intraoperative facial nerve inonitoring

or canal 1nay exist n1edial to the stenotic segn1ent. Generally, inay be used to reduce the risk of facial nerve injury.

canalplasty with a wide meatoplasty is the procedure of choice.

This niay be performed endaurally if adequate exposure can Necrosis of the External Auditory Canal
be obtained but usually requires a postauricular approach.
Occasionally, one will encounter a benign-appearing, painless
Con1puted to1nography niay be helpful to detern1ine the status
ulcer in the EAC, often near the bony-cartilaginous junction
of the middle ear, the presence of cholesteaton1a niedial to the
in the inferior or posterior canal (Figure 22-5). The edges of
stenosis, and define the pertinent anaton1y.
the ulcer inay appear healthy without evidence of infection. The
Surgical Details: A vascular strip i s designed and niade with underlying bone is exposed, son1etin1es with sequestra, but does
the medial incision at the level of the stenosis or blind sac not appear infected. Over ti1ne, the lesion does not appear to
(Figure 22-4 A to I). The flap should be made as long as possi­ progress. Culture and biopsy arc negative. This type of presen­
ble. It 111ay be helpful to 1nake the 1nedial incision fron1 behind tation nlay be indicative of benign osteonecrosis of the EAC,
after niaking the postauricular incision. Sin1ilar to the incision after ruling out n1a1ignancy, infection, and prin1ary cholestea­
for exostosis, the periosteal incision niay be made as a semi­ ton1a of the EAC. Radiation may also predispose to osteone­
circle, corresponding to the bony nieatus. The flap is elevated crosis of the EAC, but in this case, the process inay be inore
and the ear is retracted anteriorly. Next, the anterior canal skin progressive. This disorder nlay occur in the setting of breast
is either incised 1nedially and "window-shaded" by elevating it cancer, prostate cancer, or nlultiple n1yelon1a, often \vith a his­
as a laterally based flap or incised laterally and removed to be tory of chen1otherapy or bisphosphonate use. Bisphosphonates
replaced as a free graft. The cicatrix can frequently be dissected reduce osteoclast activity and are a frequently used therapy
free of the niedial layer of the tyn1panic men1brane, but, if not for bone n1etastases and tun1or-induced hypercalcae1nia,

FIGURE 22-4 • Surgical treatment of acquired external canal stenosis. A, Cicatricial fibrous stenosis at the
level of the bony external auditory canal. B and C, Vascular strip incisions are made as far medial as is safe and


FIGURE 22-4 • Continued. D, A postauricular incision is made. E, The vascular strip is elevated out of the external
canal. F, The mass of scar tissue is elevated from the posterior wall of the ear canal until the middle ear space is



FIGURE 22-4 • Continued. G, Posterior fibrous stenosis excised. H, The stenotic scar tissue anteriorly is excised,
leaving the anterior drum remnant if at all possible. The canal is enlarged with a drill until air cells can just be seen
through bone. /, The drum and canal are grafted with fascia and the canal is filled with ointment.

\< 21 affected ears, 67% shO\<Ved evidence of sensorineural

loss, either alone or as a co1nponent of a nlixed loss.41 Hearing
loss associated \<Vith bullous nlyringitis is generally transient,
and the majority of patients recover full auditory function.42
The etiology of bullous 1nyringitis re1nains unknown.
lt often follo\<VS a nonspecific upper respiratory illness, and
early studies indeed suggested a causal relationship with influ­
enza infection.43 Later, Rifkin and colleagues induced bullous
inyringitis in nearly half of the healthy subjects inoculated with
Mycoplasrna pneuinoniae.44 However, when exan1ining the acute
and postconvalescent sera of patients diagnosed with bullous
inyringitis, Merifield and Miller found no consistent changes in
antibody titers to suggest an etiologic role for M. pneurnoniae or
FIGURE 22-5 • Benign bilateral nonprogressive osteonecrosis of a variety of com.n1on upper respiratory viruses.45 It inay be that
bony canal with overlying ulcers in a patient with a history of breast
the bullous lesions characteristic of this illness represent a non­
specific response to inflan1n1ation of the ty1npanic 1ne1nbrane
and that bullous nlyringitis is not, in fact, a distinct entity.
osteoporosis, and Paget's disease. The reduced ability of bone to Treatn1ent of bullous nlyringitis has traditionally included
respond to physiological de1nands in the presence of radiation decon1pression of the painful vesicles and oral analgesics. In
or bisphosphonate-induced reduced osseous rc1nodeling and cases co1nplicated by sensorineural hearing loss, it is our prac­
reduced blood flow inay predispose to loss of bone and overlying tice to treat aggressively with antibiotics and systen1ic corticos­
skin. Traun1atic and idiopathic cases have also been presented in teroids (prednisonc 1 nlg/kg/day for 7 days, then tapered) as if
the literature. Uncomplicated, nonprogressive, focal EAC necro­ it represents a con1plication of otitis inedia. Myringoto1ny nlay
sis can be inanaged with local, conservative deaning and pre­ be perforn1ed if a iniddle ear effusion acco1npanies bullac for-
cautions. More extensive and progressive disease nlay respond 1nation. Randon1ized trials co1nparing nlanage1nent options for
to debriden1ent. Local tissue grafts and skin grafts can be used bullous nlyringitis with associated sensorineural hearing loss
to reconstruct defects if viable bone is uncovered. do not exist.

Malignancies of External Auditory Canal Granular Myringitis

The EAC 1nay be afflicted by cutaneous n1alignancies, nloSt Another poorly understood condition, granular nlyringitis is
co1111nonly, squan1ous cell carcinon1a, followed by basal cell characterized by chronic inflan11nation of the tyn1panic me111-
carcino1na and n1clanon1a. Adenoid cystic carcinoma, cerun1i­ brane leading to the replace1nent of its epithelial surface and,
nal gland adenocarcinon1a, as '"'ell as nlore rare tun1ors nlay occasionally, adjacent deep meatal skin with proliferating
also occur within the EAC . .tvlalignancies of the EAC typically granulation tissue. Tl1c predon1inant presentation of granular
present as ulcerated or nodular skin lesions, which are associ­ n1yringitis is a unilateral scant constant or recurrent, often 111al­
ated with chronic bloody otorrhea. Te1nporal bone invasion odorous otorrhea. Sympto1ns of pruritus and aural fullness are
is classically heralded by con1plaints of a deep-boring otalgia. also co1nn1on, but the ear is usually painless. Otoscopy reveals
Radiographic i1naging helps define the extent of tun1or invasion. a mucoid, serous, n1ucopurulent, or frankly purulent discharge
Successful treatn1ent usually requires '"'ide excision by ten1poral bathing the tyn1panic nle1nbrane. Careful aural cleansing is
bone resection, frequently co1nbi.ned \<Vith postoperative radia­ required to visualize characteristic granulation tissue, which
tion therapy. Chen1othcrapy n1ay also play a role. A thorough nlay involve the tyn1panic 111cn1bra11e in focal patches, segn1en­
discussion of the inanagement of this class of malignancy is tal distributions, or diffusely, where inost of the pars tensa sur­
beyond the scope of this chapter (see Chapter 23). However, it face is replaced. Most agree that the tyn1panic n1en1brane must
is i1nportant to keep benign and nlalignant processes in nlind be intact to diagnose granular nlyringitis and differentiate it
\<Vhen for1ning a differential diagnosis for disorders of the EAC. fro1n chronic suppurative otitis nledia, although occasionally
perforations inay occur in conjunction with inyringitis. A inild
DISEASES OF THE TYMPANIC conductive hearing loss is frequently noted on audion1etric
MEMBRANE evaluation.
The etiology of granular inyringitis is unkno,...,n . Acute
Bullous Myringitis infection or nlechanical trau1na leading to loss of the squa1nous
Bullous nlyringitis is a poorly understood condition charac­ epithelial layer of the tympanic inen1brane appears to be a criti­
terized by inflan1n1ation of the tyn1panic incn1brane and the cal event in the development of granular nlyringitis, '"'hich dis­
formation of serous or he1norrhagic bullae on its epithelial sur­ rupts norn1al epithelial inigration responsible for the healing
face. .tvfiddle car effusion nlay also be present. Most co1nn1only, properties of the tyn1panic nlen1brane.4° In their review, Blevins
the disease is unilateral and results in severe otalgia, often and Karn1ody found that 60% of patients '"'ith granular n1yrin­
disproportionate to findings seen on physical exan1i.nation. gitis had previously undergone an otologic procedurc.47 Once
Sensorineural hearing loss frequently accompanies bullous the epithelial layer has been co1npromised, infection by those
myringitis. In Hoff1nan and Shepsn1an's review of 15 patients organisn1s co1n1nonly responsible for otitis externa, especially

Pseudo1nonas and Staphylococcus, further inhibits healing of nlembrane's squan1ous epithelial layer across the perforation,
the tyn1panic men1brane. P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, Proteus, and forn1ing a scaffold on which the nlucosal and, later, the fibrous
Staphylococcus epidern1is have been linked to the process.48 layers of the tyn1panic ine1nbrane can grow. The squan1ous ele­
1Ylanagen1ent of granular myringitis often requires pro­ n1e11ts responsible for bridging the perforation originate fron1
tracted therapy. Tnitially, external infection n1ust be controlled. "upstrean1" and inust traverse the length of the defect. It is not
Antibiotic-steroid drops, diluted vinegar, antifungal agents, surprising, therefore, that larger perforations are associated
and oral quinolone antibiotics have also been used with some ,..,ith delayed healing and higher rates of chronicity.
success. Once infection has been addressed, granulation tissue Patients ,..,ho have suffered a traun1atic tyn1panic nlem.­
n1ay be cauterized \¥ith silver nitrate, trichloroacetic acid, or brane perforation often coinplain of inild hearing loss and aural
phenol, if abundant, and is controlled with daily use of topical fullness. Vertigo is unco1n1non and should pro1npt concern for
corticosteroid drops (0.05% fluocinonide (LidexT")] until reso­ a perily1nphatic fistula. Audion1etric assessment often sho,vs
lution is observed. Frequent office visits are often required until conductive hearing loss of varying severity. Ritvik et al. sug­
the process is under good control. Unfortunately, recurrence gest that the conductive hearing loss associated with a perfo­
is typical. The role of surgery in the managen1ent of granular ration is frequency dependent and varies directly \Vith the size
n1yringitis ren1ains controversial. It is generally reserved for of the perforation, inversely with the volun1e of the iniddle ear
those refractory cases that fail prolonged topical therapy. The space, and is not related to the location.52 Management of trau-
i nvolved area of the tyn1panic n1en1brane is excised and repaired 1natic perforations ranges fro1n observation along with dry-ear
\¥ith an underlay or overlay graft. Son1e authors have reported precautions to early 1nyringoplasty. Either approach will result
excel lent success rates for surgical therapy of granular n1yringi­ in perforation closure in approxin1ately 900/o of cases. Those
tis, but available data are sparse and lin1ited by short follow-up who practice expectant inanagement of trau1natic tyn1panic
periods.48 ine1nbrane perforations cite the high likelihood of spontaneous
healing, ,..,hereas supporters of early intervention report quicker
Traumatic Perforation resolution of hyperacusis and pron1pt return of patients to their
preferred lifestyles. 1'1yringoplasty can be perforn1ed as an
Acute perforations of the tympanic n1embrane generally result
office-based procedure under local anesthesia. After injecting
fron1 episodes of acute otitis media or trauma. The niajority of
the external canal ,..,ith 1% lidocaine, the nlargins of the ty1n­
infectious perforations heal as the inciting condition resolves.
panic men1brane are everted and aligned with a pick. A patch of
Traun1atic tympanic 111embrane perforation may result from
inoistened cigarette paper or Gelfiln1,.M is then placed over the
blunt or penetrating injuries as well as rapid changes in baro­
perforation. The patch helps prevent inversion of the ty1npanic
n1etric pressure (barotrau111a). Slap injuries to the head, fre­
ine1nbrane edges and pro1notes pron1pt healing. Use of ototopi­
quently encountered in cases related to assault or aquatic sports
cal inedications in the setting of an uncon1plicated traun1atic
accidents, create a column of con1pressed air within the EAC of
tyn1panic ine1nbra11e perforation is discouraged. Tl1ere is a the­
sufficient pressure to implode the tympanic membrane. Blast
oretical risk of ototoxicity. Additionally, the wet environn1ent
injuries inflict sin1ilar in1plosive forces on the tympanic mem­
resulting fro1n 111edication application impairs fibroblast prolif­
brane. Penetrating injuries are most frequently self-inflicted
eration and inay therefore hinder perforation healing.
during overzealous cerun1en ren1oval. Baron1etric
con1monly occurs following rapid airplane descent or deep­
\¥ater diving or during hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Rather than
causing a perforation, barotrau111a generally results in hen1or­ Ty1npanosclerosis is characterized by hyaline degeneration of
rhage of tyn1panic membrane vasculature. Thermal injuries to the fibrous layer of the tyn1panic 111embrane and the iniddle­
the tyn1panic membrane, con1111only seen in welders and those ear nlucosa. Isolated involve111ent of the tyn1panic 1nen1brane
struck by lightning, result in a sn1all percentage of perforations. is inost con1n1on and is inore appropriately na1ned nlyringo­
However, because of associated tissue necrosis, burn-related sclerosis, but tyn1panosclerotic plaques may also present ,..,ithin
perforations have a high rate of nonhealing. the nliddle ear cleft and nlastoid. Tympanosclerosis is irrevers­
!Ylost studies suggest that upward of 900/o of traun1atic ible and results fron1 infection or inflan1n1ation of the iniddle
perforations heal spontaneously within 3 n1onths of injury.49 ear space. The incidence of tyn1panosclerosis in patients with
Epithelial migration patterns on the tyn1panic 111en1brane and a previous history of otitis 111edia ranges fro1n 14% to 43% i n
\¥ithin the EAC responsible for the removal of desquan1ated cells different clinical series.>3•54 I n their revie,..,, Tos and Stangerup
and keratin debris forn1 the basis for the tyn1panic n1en1brane's den1onstrated an association between ventilation tube place­
in1pressive healing properties. Studies by Litton and Alberti n1ent and tyn1panosclerosis.55 1'yn1panosclerosis developed in
used India ink to mark epithelial elen1ents on the tyn1panic 13% of ears with secretory otitis inedia treated with paracen­
nien1brane and docuinented eel I n1igration that originates fron1 tesis co1npared with 59% treated ,..,ith gro1n1net tube insertion.
the region of the umbo and proceeds in a centripetal,si Additionally, Kay and colleagues' recent n1eta-analysis of 134
Following an acute injury, platelets gather to cause vasoconstric­ studies regarding sequelae of tyn1panoston1y tube insertion
tion and forn1 a thrombus. An inflan1111atory response ensues, revealed a 32% incidence of postintubation ty1npanosclerosis
attracting neutrophils, 1nacrophages, and bioactive cytokines con1pared ,..,ith 10°/o of controls.50
to the wound. A matrix of proteoglycans and glycosa111ino­ Rarely does isolated ty1npanic nlen1brane tyn1panoscle­
glycans is forn1ed and allows for proliferation of the ty1npanic rosis result in a clinically significant hearing loss requiring

intervention. Middle ear tympanosclerosis, on the other hand, such as allergy, adenoid disease, and gastroesophageal reflux
can cause ossicular fixation and result in n1ore severe degrees of and by encouraging autoinflation. Progressive or risky pock­
conductive hearing loss. ets can often be inanaged by place1nent of a tympanosto1ny
tube. Son1e advocate simple excision of the dan1aged ty1npanic
nle1nbrane, which can then heal si1nilar to a perforation with
Retraction Pockets of the
thicker collagen and scar, less prone to retraction, either with
Tympanic Membrane
or without place1nent of a tube. Ostro>vski and Bojrab describe
Retraction of the tyn1panic men1brane is a common finding in a novel technique of laser-assisted contraction inyringoplasty
both chil.dren and adults. Middle ear negative pressure (atelec­ to address the redundant and weakened atelectatic tyn1panic
tasis) resul.ts in retraction or retraction pockets that range in n1en1brane.o1 Other surgical options for progressive or con1-
severity fron1 shallow nonprogressive and self-cleaning pockets plicated disease include tyn1panoplasty, cartilage tyn1pano­
to deep, adherent, and problen1atic retractions into the attic plasty, and ty1npanoplasty con1bined >vith inastoidecto1ny.
and mastoid. Even shallow retractions into the posteriosuperior Postoperative recurrence is not u11con1n1on with any of these
region of the pars tensa can cause progressive hearing loss techniques.
fron1 erosion of the ossicular chain. Deeper attic retractions
can ren1ain asyn1pton1atic for years while collecting keratin References
debris, expanding by erosion of bone, and eventually devel­ 1. Hollinshead WH. AnatOn1)' for surgeons: the head and neck.
oping into extensive cholesteatoma. Sade's grading system is 3rd ed. Philadelphi a: Lippincoll-Raven; 1982. p. 159-67.
clinically useful for staging retraction of the tyn1panic n1e111- 2. Donaldson JA, Ducker! LG. Anson-Donaldson: surgical anato1ny
brane. Grade I retractions are sin1ple, shallow, and nonadher­ of Lhe Le1nporal bone. 4Lh ed. Lippincott Willian1s & 'vVilkins;
ent. Grade II retractions touch the incus and/or stapes with or 1992.

without erosion. Grade III pockets retract to the promontory 3. Stenfeldt K, Johansson C, Hellstrom S. The collagen structure
without adhesion and grade IV retractions are adherent to the of the tyn1panic men1brane. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg

pron1ontory.57 2006;132:293-8.

The pri1nary cause of atelectasis is eustachian tube dysfunc­ 4. Schuknecht HF. Pathology of the ear. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lea &

tion that results in the loss of nonnal n1iddle ear ventilation and Febi ger; 1993. p. 31-41.

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n1iddle ear n1ucosa absorbs nitrogen from the air. The inherent 1981;91:422-31.

structure of the posterosuperior portion of the pars tensa and the 6. Buck ML. Ciprofloxin use in children: A review of recent findings.

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fessionals of the children's medical center 1998;4(12):1-8. http://
prone to retraction. The posterosuperior pars tensa has thinner,
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news/dec98. pdf (accessed February 17, 2008).
ply. The pars flaccida is actually thicker than the pars tensa, but
7. \•Vork \.VP. Nev er concepts of first branchial cleft defecLs.

has thinner less-organized collagen fibers loosely arranged in a

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vascular lan1ina propria. Inflammation and infection dan1age
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in babies with isolated n1inor ear anomalies. Arch Dis Child Fetal
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9. vVang RY, Earl DL, Ruder RO, Graham JM. Syndromic ear anoma-
atelectatic tympanic men1brane is characterized by hyperkera­
1 ies and renal Llltrasounds. Pediatrics 2001;108(2):E32.
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The di lem111a at diagnosis is distinguishing stable from pro­
II. Sherds DA, tarrabee WF, Muraka.mi CS. Management of scar
gressive disease. Proble111atic pockets will 111anifest with recur­
contractures, hypertrophic scars, and keloids. Otolaryngol Cl in
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12. Farrior RT, Stambaugh KI. Keloids and hyperplastic scars. fn:
pocket onto and along the posterior wall of the EAC. This line
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Surgery for Cancer of the
External Ear
Keith A. Casper, MD I Myles Pensak, MD, FACS

Malignancy of the auricle is n1ost frequently of cutaneous branchial arch derivatives theoretically create a barrier to tumor
origin. Cancer of the skin is the most co1nn1on of all diagnosed spread. Beginning the 8th week of gestation, the first branchial
malignancies. The exact incidence of no1unelano1na skin can­ groove begins to expand medially creating the prirnary exter­
cer is unknown due to the lack of reporting; however, pub­ nal auditory canal. The core of epithelial cells continues n1edi­
lished esti1nates identify non1nelanon1a skin cancer as inore ally through the mesenchy1ne to terminate at the meatal plate.
con1n1on than all other cancers con1bined.1 Current estimates During the fifth month of gestation, the core of epithelial cells
for non1nelano1na skin cancer are greater than one inillion new begins to canalize in a medial to lateral direction, eventually
diagnoses per year. The vast inajority of these cases are basal creating the external auditory canal. The lateral cartilaginous
cell carcinoma (800,000 to 900,000 per year) with squan1ous framework is derived frorn the rnesenchy1nal tissue surround­
cell carcino1na occurring less frequently (200,000 to 300,000 ing the developing canal, and the rnedial bony canal is forrned
cases per year).1 Greater than 80o/o of cutaneous carcinon1as from the tyn1panic portion as well as the squarnous portion of
occur in the head and neck region, and 5 to 10% are localized the temporal bone (anterior, inferior, and lower part of the pos­
to the ear.2 terior canal walls) and the squarnous portion (posterior and
Otolaryngologists are routinely involved in all aspects of superior walls).
care for auricular malignancies, including the diagnosis, resec­
tion, and reconstruction. The prin1ary concern for all malig­ Auricle
nancy is eradication of disease in concordance with oncologic
The appearance of the auricle derives from its irregular fran1e­
principles; however, the esthetic concerns of the auricle n1ake
\vork of elastic fibrocartilage covered by perichondriun1 and
the 1nanage1nent of cancer of the external ear a challenging
skin. The skin is inore loosely attached on the iuedial surface
problen1. This chapter the diagnosis and nlanage­
of the pinna than it is to the lateral surface. Nu111erous skin
ment of nlalignancy originating fron1 the auricle. Otologic
appendages are found on both surfaces of the auricle, including
tun1ors that originate o r extend into the external auditory
hair follicles as well as sebaceous and sudoriferous glands. There
canal, 1niddle ear, or temporal bone are discussed in subse­
is a complex series of ridges and depressions that constitute the
quent chapters.
lateral surface of the auricle. The helix is the external rim of
the auricle, \vhereas the antihelix parallels the helix but for1ns
ANATOMY the transition to the conchal bowl. The scaphoid fossa is the
concave region between the helix and antihelix. The triangular
fossa is the depression located between the superior and inferior
Developn1ent of the external ear commences during the 4th crura of the antihelix. The tragus is an extension of the carti­
gestational week. The auricle initially begins as several tissue laginous anterior canal wall and is nlirrored by the antitragus,
swellings arising from the first and second branchial arches. \.vhich is located i1nmediately superior to the lobule. The lob­
These s'vellings continue to develop into prominent ridges, ule is the inferior rnost extension of the pinna and is devoid of
"hillocks of His" that form the pinna. The first branchial arch cartilage. The auricle is secured to the underlying craniu1u by
hillocks eventually form the tragus, helix, and superior antihe­ three liga1uents as '"'ell as the extrinsic 1nuscles of the ear and
lix. The second branchial arch hillocks develop into the lateral the overlying skin. The auricle has six or 111ore intrinsic inuscles
aspect of the helix, the remainder of the antihelix, antitragus, as well as several extrinsic muscles, all of which are innervated
and the lobule. The fusion planes between the first and second by the facial nerve. The auricle has a lavish blood supply with


branches fron1 the internal 1naxillary artery, the superficial ten1- of this decreased im1nunoregulation, ultraviolet-induced darn­
poral artery, as well as the posterior auricular artery. The lym­ age to keratinocyte DNA may continue undetected and rnay
phatic drainage of the external ear is to the preauricular nodes proliferate leading to significant irreversible damage.7
of the parotid gland and the nlastoid and postauricular nodes, Ultraviolct radial ion also induces other cutaneous changes.
v;hich then drain into the second echelon lymph nodes of the Actinic kcratoscs (AKs) are rough, scaly lesions that are typi­
superior jugular chain. cally 2 to 6 mm in diarncter and occur on sun-exposed areas
of the body. Actinic keratoscs are thought to be precursors of
Physiology cutaneous sec in addition to markers of increased risk for

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) nonmelanoma skin cancer, as they are sensitive indicators of

are jointly referred to as nonmelanoma skin cancers. Although cumulative UV radiation cxposure.7 The transformation rate of
these cancers arc often grouped together, a number of signifi­ AKs to SCC has been cstunated to be 0.01 to 0.24o/o per year.11•12

cant differences exist. Sun exposure (ultraviolet radiation (UV However, it is cstin1ated that 60% of cutaneous SCCs initially

radiation]) is the 1nost significant risk factor for the develop- arise frotn an actinic kcratosis. Other lesions that nJay be pre­

1nent of a cutaneous malignancy; however, the correlation '"'ith n1alignant include kcratoacantho1nas and radiation keratoses.ll

UV radiation is stronger for SCC than BCC.3•4 Cutaneous SCC The Fitzpatrick classification syste1u was initially developed

occurs in regions of the head and neck, receiving nlaxin1al irra­ to categorize skin types for the cstin1ation of dosing parameters

diation.4 Basal cell carcino1na nloSt co1nn1only occurs on the with UV radiation for psoriasis patients.14 'fhe Fitzpatrick clas­

head and neck region as well; however, the distribution of sec sification systcn1 (1'ablc 23-1) currently is utilized to identify

does not correspond to areas of 111axi1nu1n irradiation.4 Basal people who arc at a high risk for the developn1ent of cutaneous

cell carcino111a co111monly occurs in areas of little sun exposure, inalignancy. Pair-skinncd individuals (Fitzpatrick skin types I

such as the post auricular region. and II) arc at highest risk, with a relative risk (RR) two to five
The sun is the primary source of terrestrial UV radia­ tin1es that of darker individuals.15

tion. Ultraviolet radiation is only a small segment of the elec­ The public health concerns regarding skin cancer among

tron1agnetic spectrum. The entire electron1agnetic spectrum organ transplant recipients (OTRs) continue t o increase as

ranges fro1n 10-14 1n (gan1ma radiation) to 104 m (radio waves).5 the longevity of the grafts improve and the number of organ

Ultraviolet radiation occurs in the narrow spectrum \.Yith transplantation surgeries continues to increase.8 Pharmacologic

wavelengths in the 10-7 m range, specifically between 100 nn1 i1nmunosupprcssion, required for long-term graft survival,

and 400 nn1.5 The ultraviolet waveband is further divided into increases lhe risk of skin cancer by interfering with inJn1uno­

three spectral regions, UVA, UVB, and UVC, based prin1arily surveilla ncc as well as by augmenting viral proliferation.8 It is

on differing biological effects.5 UVA radiation (320 to 400 nm) estirnated that roughly l% of all nonn1elanoma skin cancers

comprises the majority of the ultraviolet spectrum reaching occur in OTRs.1� ln comparison to the general population, how­

the surface of the earth, and therefore, despite a lower overall ever, there is a significant increase in the relative risk of skin can­

energy, produces 1nost of the dan1age to our skin. UVB radia­ cer among OTRs. This is especially apparent in younger OTRs

tion (290 to 320 ntn) is the 111ost efficient at inducing cutaneous (<50 years}, where the relative risk is 200 tunes the age nlatched

changes but it makes up less than JO<Yo of the solar UV radiation. nonin1111unosupprcssed population.10 l n addition, skin cancer in

UVC radiation (100 to 280 nn1) is absorbed almost entirely by OTRs also tends to be 111orc aggressive and has a greater poten­

the stratospheric 07.0ne, and therefore is mini111ally involved in tial to inctastasizc and threaten lifc.17 'fhe nlortality rate due to

solar da nlage to the skin.5 Terrestrial UV radiation increases skin cancer a1nong O'fRs has been csti1nated at 5%, of which

with decreasing latitude, reduced cloud cover, increasing alti­ two-thirds has been attributed to SCC; in contrast, the nlortal­
tude, as well as during the sun1n1er nlonths and the 1nidday ity frorn non1nclanon1a skin cancer in the general population

period.• The in1portance of these factors can be explained by has been cstin1atcd al less than l death per 100,000 individuals.18

the prin1ary phcnornenon influencing the exposure of solar UV Greater than one quarter of deaths occurring at least 4 years after

radiation, which is attenuation and scattering by the earth's transplantation arc attributable to skin cancer.8

Ultraviolet radiation affects the skin in numerous ways.
U\TB radiation causes direct genetic mutations by dimerizing TABLE 23-1 Fitzpatrick classification system
pyrin1idines in DNA at dipyrin1idine sites.7 This leads to charac­
teristic nlutations that can be identified and attributed to UVB
radiation. UVA radiation causes cellular damage and nuclear White I Alwa ys Never
injury via the formation of reactive oxygen species.7 Mutations
II Easily Minimally
occur throughout the genome as a result of UV radiation; UV
radiation-related tumor pron1otion occurs by way of damage to 111 Rarely Yes
tumor suppressor genes includingp53 as \.Yell as aberrant expres­ No
IV Yes
sion of a host of chemokines, growth factors, proinflammatory
Brown v No Yes
111ediators, and DNA repair en7.ymes.8 Thep53 tumor suppressor
gene is n1utated in the majority of SCCA andBCCA.9 Ultraviolet Black VI No Yes
radiation also downregulates host in1111une function primarily
by upregulating the action of suppressor T cells.7·10 In the context Adapted from Fitzpatrick.s4

Several genetic syndron1es have been shown to increase an is the second most common nlalignancy of the auricle followed
individual's risk of developing skin cancer. Nevoid basal cell by malignant n1elano1na. There is debate concerning the most
syndron1e (NBCCS or Gorlin's syndrome) is an autosomal dom­ co1nmon histologic subtype of the auricle. Several series have
inant disorder causing a predisposition to BCC as well as several reported sec to be the tnost common; regardless, the varying
developmental anomalies. These patients often have character­ incidence is most likely due to differing referral practices and
istic facial features, including frontal bossing, hypertelorisn1, the retrospective nature of these studies.31•32 There are differ­
lengthened mandible, and drooping lips. They also can develop ences in the distribution of these two nlalignancies on the auri­
other anon1alies including odontogenic keratocysts, bind ribs, cle. Basal cell carcinoma is found prin1arily on the posterior
and calcification of the falx Approxin1ately 0.4o/o of surface of the auricle, followed by the preauricular and then the
all cases ofBCCA and 2% of patients with BCC under the age of retroauricular areas. Squ an1ous cell carcinon1a occurs in order
45 are affected with Gorlin's syndron1e.21 Nevoid basal cell syn­ of decreasing frequency on the helical rin1, antihelix and trian­
dron1e has been linked with germ-line niutations in the human gular fossa, and posterior pinna. When these lesions appear on
hon1ologue of the Drosophila polarity gene patched (PTCH).22 the auricle, 72% of theBCCs and 61 % of the SCCs are confined
The frequency of PTCH mutations in NBCCS patients ranges to a single subsite of the ear.33
fron1 40 to 80%.23 Xeroderma pign1entosum (XP) is the most
well-known disease of an expanding family of nucleotide­ Basal Cell Carcinoma
excision repair (NER) diseases.24 The total number of genes
Basal cell carcinon1a is the n10St co1nn1on type of skin cancer.
directly involved in NER is estimated to be around 40 but only
In addition, BCC is usually accepted as the n1ost co1n1non sub­
about a dozen of these genes have been identified in NER-related
type in auricular malignancies.Basal cell carcinon1a arises fro1n
hu111an diseases.24 These diseases have nun1erous overlapping
cells in the basal layer of the epider1nis. The tun1or is locally
syn1pton1s, v1hich n1ay include cancer, developn1ental delay,
invasive, aggressive, and destructive, but has a lin1ited capac­
immunological defects, neurodegeneration, retinal degener­
ity for nietastasis.34 The tun1or cells often for1n lobules, cords,
ation, and premature aging.24 X.eroderma pigmentosun1 is an
or nests extending fron1 the basal layer of epidern1is into n10re
autoso111al recessive disorder; patients develop nun1erous skin
superficial as well as deeper layers. Histologically, BCC typically
malignancies at a very young age.25 Xerodern1a pigmentosum
de1nonstrates proliferating atypical basal cells with little pleo­
is also associated v,rith photophobia, keratitis, and neurologic
n1orphism and large, oval hyperchron1atic nuclei with n1inin1al
abnormalities, including deafness.25 Unfortunately, the sur­
cytoplasn1. There are several clinical variants ofBCC: nodular,
gical treatn1ent of these patients is often difficult due to the
ulcerating, sclerosing (n1orpheafor1n), superficial, pign1ented,
numerous n1alignancies that often result in significant defor­
and basaloid. 3•35 These variants differ in their gross clinical
mity. Prevention with sun avoidance, sunscreen, and covering
appearance, histologic appearance, and behavior.35
apparel is vital.
NodularBCC is the inost co1nn1on variant, accounting for
54% of all BCC. Fortunately, this variant is the least aggres­
Differential Diagnosis
sive subty pe. 35 Tun1ors appear as a translucent or "pearly" lesion
!Ylalignancies involving the ear and ten1poral bone are typically with a sn1ooth surface and central telangiectasia. These lesions
classified according to the location as well whether they are often present with bleeding due to the absence of a keratin layer
prin1ary nialignancies or n1etastatic disease. The sites of origin on the surface of the tun1or.
for otologic malignancies include the auricle, external auditory UlceratingBCC represents 11% of allBCCs. 35 Histologically,
canal, middle ear, and mastoid. Auricular neoplasms represent there are strands or cords of tum.or surrounded by a fibrous
50 to 701Vo of all otologic malignancies; in addition, approxi­ stron1a, \vhich n1akes the deter1nination of tu1nor nlargins
n1ately 20% of all temporal bone cancers are attributed to difficult. Clinically, ulcerating BCC appears as a lesion with
advanced auricular neoplasn1s.2• The n1ost con1n1.on histologic central necrosis and a rolled border (rodent ulcer). The periph­
subtypes of the auricle include basal cell carcinon1a, squamous ery is translucent and smooth, which leads n1any to believe that
cell carcinoma, and nialignant 1nelanon1a. this variant represents a nodular BCC that has outgro>vn its
The reported incidence of BCC and SCC, as well. as all blood supply.
cutaneous nialignancies, has risen dra1natically over the last SclerosingBCC (also known as n1orpheaforn1BCC) appears
half-century.27 This phenomenon likely reflects both a greater as a superfici al scar, which is often ill defined and skin colored;
awareness coupled with an increased vigilance on the part of the inargins are indistinct and frequently extend beyond what
physicians. Current fashion and beauty ideals with an en1phasis is suspected cl inical ly This variant is characterized by an infil­

on skin exposure and tanned skin have also increased our expo­ trating gro\vth pattern.34-3• It is ahnost universally found in the
sure to UV radiation. Although skin cancer can occur in any age head and neck region. This variant accounts for approxin1ately
group, the vast majority of patients presenting with a cutaneous l % of allBCCs but has the highest rate of recurrence.36
malignancy are older. The mean age of patients v,rith BCC or SuperficialBCC (11%) appears as a thin plaque. It is often
SCC is approximately 70.28 The incidence of skin cancer is much red or pink in color with a line threadlike border.34 Pig1nented
lower in darker-skinned ethnic groups than in Caucasians, who BCC (6%) n1ay be blue, black, or tan. They n1ay appear like a
represent 95o/o of patients. w nodular or superficial spreading n1elanoma (SSM) except for
Basal cell carcinon1a represents 65 to 85% of all head and the firn1er quality.34Basaloid SCC shows 1nalignant cells \vith
neck cutaneous 1nalignancies with a sin1ilar distribution in so1ne squan1ous differe11tiation and keratin forn1ation. This
regards to auricular carcinomas.29»0 Squainous cell malignancy inalignancy is considered nlore aggressive but son1e series refute

this.3•3•-39 Jn addition to the listed subtypes, there are nun1er­ 0.6 per 100,000.42 Auricular 1nelanon1a accounts for 7 to 200/o
ous less frequent types of BCC, including adenoid, sebaceous, of all 1nclanon1as of l he head and neck and approximately l to
eccrine, and apocrine BCC.3 4% of all cutaneous 1nclano1nas.4' The estimated number of new
cases of CrvfM in the UnitedStates for 2006 was 62,190; the esti­
Squamous Cell Carcinoma mated nu1nbcr of deaths in 2006 \Vas 7,910.2 The most con1mon
Squamous cell carcinoma is characterized by enlarged, atypical site of origin on the car is the helix (60o/o) follov,red by the lob­
keratinocytcs with a perversion of the normal maturation of ule (25%).44 The average age of presentation for a patient with
cells from the spinous layer to the upper layer of the epider­ inalignant n1clano1na is 65 to 79.45 Like that of other cutaneous
n1is. The tun1or cells can have a great deal of pleomorphisn1 and inalignancics, the rale of rnclanoma is lower in dark-skinned
nun1crous niitotic figures. The nuclei are hyperchromatic with individuals.46 There is a lower incidence of auricular 1nelanon1a
large nucleoli. Squamous cell carcinon1a is often subdivided among women, which rnost likely is partially attributed to longer
according to the degree of differentiation. Well-differentiated hair length providing coverage to the skin of the ear.42.45
lesions typically will have numerous deposits of keratin or lvlclanoma can be exceedingly difficult to diagnose his­
"keratin pearls." Poorly differentiated tun1ors have less obvious tologically. The individual inalignant cells may be undiffer­
histological findings, but they can be identified \.Yith cytokeratin entiated or, in some cases, even an1elanotic. lvlelanocytes are
111arkers to help with the diagnosis.3; normally located in the basal layer of the epider1nis. Malignant
As with BCC, there are nun1erous histological subtypes of cells inay display nuclear/cellular atypia, 1nitotic figures, and
SCC. These sub1·ypes include, but are not lin1ited to, the fol­ vesicular nuclei wilb prorninent nucleoli.47 In general, the four
lowing: conventional, pign1ented, acantholytic, spindle cell, 1nost co1n1non histologic subtypes are superficial spreading
verrucous, and basaloid. The pign1ented variant is often niis­ 1nelanon1a (SS�1), lcntigo n1aligna inelano1na (Llv1N1), nodu­
taken histologically for melanon1a. The spindle cell variant is lar 1nelanon1a (NM), and acral-lentiginous elanon1a (ALM).
rare, accounting for approxi1nately l.5% of sec, and is seen The 1nost co1nmon types of melanon1a involving the auricle
111ore often in previously irradiated skin or chronic burns.40 are SSM (46°/o), LMM (26o/o}, and NM (220/o).43 Other variants
This nialignancy den1onstrates cells in a fusiforn1 pattern \.Yith include desn1oplastic and neurotrophic malignant mela1101na
poorly defined borders and has a propensity to infiltrate into but account for less than 5% of tumors.48
the surrounding fibrous stron1a.• 1 Verrucous SCC is a well­ Superficial spreading melanoma is the most con1n1011
differentiated variant. Although not considered a risk for metas­ variant. lls overall incidence is 4.4 per 100,000; it represents
tases, verrucous carcinoma can be locally destructive.35 nearly one-third of all n1elanon1as and 65 to 75% of all head
Squamous cell carcinoma usually arises in epidermal and neck mclanomas.4i.•s Grossly, the lesions may be thin but
precancerous lcsions.3' The surrounding skin often den1on­ are raised, palpable, and pigmented, with fairly regular borders.
strates actinic damage. Most commonly, the malignant lesion Histologically, there arc inclanocytes in all layers of the epider-
will have nondescript borders with central ulceration and crust­ 1nis. These tumors tend to grow in a radial direction for l to
ing. Aggressiveness varies depending on the histologic subtype 6 years before beginning their vertical growth phase into deeper
and degree of differentiation, but in general, most actinic-in­ tissue layers.47
duced 1nalignancies will have a niore indolent course \.Yith a Lentigo maligna n1elaoo1na (LMM) accounts for 17 to 24%
lower rate of distant inetastasis.34 The overall rate of n1etasta­ of all malignant mclaoon1as and approxin1ately 5 to 15% of
sis is approxin1ately 3 to 4'Yo.34 High-risk features ofSCC (fron1 head and neck mclanomas.'12.4s.47 Lentigo 1naligna n1elano1na
any location) include a dian1eter greater than 2 cm; a depth is flat and barely palpable, v.rith irregular shapes and borders.
greater than 4 nim; tu1nor involven1ent of bone, muscle, and There arc nests of al ypical n1elanocytes that arc confined to the
nerve; location on ear, lip, or genitalia; tun1ors arising in a scar lower epidennis. This neoplasm has a very long radial gro\.Yth
(Marjolin's ulcer); following ionizing radiation; and poorly dif­ phase, lasting up to 20 ycars.47
ferentiated tu mors. 34 The rate of regional metastasis is higher in Nodular n1clanon1a represents 28°/o of all melanoma and
auricular sec con1pared with other locations. 15 to 20% of head and neck 1nelano1nas.42•45•47 Nodular mela­
no111a is typically darkly pigmented and raised, >vith a polyp­
Malignant Melanoma oid or nodular appearance. The malignant cells show a very

Malignant nielanoma of the auricle is a curable disease \-.rhen early vertical growth phase, \-.rith very Little involvement of the

diagnosed early but can be one of the most lethal nialignan­ epidertnis.47 These tumors arc particularly aggressive because of

cies if addressed at an advanced stage. Similar to other cutane­ their deep invasiveness.

ous malignancies, cutaneous nialignant nielanoma (CMM) has

dramatically increased in incidence over the last two decades. NonepitheliaJ Skin Cancers
Otolaryngologists are often the first physicians to identify In addition to the previously discussed malignancies, other
lesions involving the head and neck including melanoma; there­ less common tumors can occur and should be considered in
fore, a thorough knowledge of the diagnosis and treatment of the differential diagnosis of auricular neoplasn1s. The re1nain­
malignant mclanon1a is crucial. ing nlaIigna ncics a re a di verse compilation of tun1ors, which
Cutaneous malignanl 1nelanon1a is the third most con1- account for approxi niatcly 5% of auricular neoplasn1s.41
1non n1alignancy of the auricle. Despite the lower incidence of Merkel cell carcino1na is one of rhe most aggressive
CMM, the 1nortality rate is far greater than the nonmelanon1a nonn1clanon1a skin n1alignancies. lt is a believed to be a neu­
skin cancers. The incidence of auricular melanon1a is 0.1 to roendocrinc tu111or that arises fron1 the plcuripotent Merkel

cell found near the basal layer of the epitheliun1.49 Jvferkel these criteria or lesions that have increased in size or are ulcer­
cell carcinon1a often presents as a red, glossy nodule. This ated or bleeding are worrisome and should be biopsied.
malignancy occurs in the head and neck region in approx­ I1naging studies are rarely needed for auricular neoplasms;
imately 50% of cases.50 Histologically, the tumor appears ho\.Yever, they should be considered whenever there is bulky
sin1ilar to other neuroendocrine tu111ors-a sn1all blue cell or extensive disease or palpable adenopathy. The modality of
tun1or with a hyperchromatic nuclei and a high nuclear­ choice depends on the clinical scenario. A contrast-enhanced
cytoplas.m ic ratio. 51 Electron microscopy, often helpful in co1nputed tomography (CT) can be utilized for evaluation of
establishing a diagnosis, shows perinuclear \.Yhods of intern1e­ cervical nletastasis or bony involve1nent. Magnetic resonance
diate filanients.52 The cells stain positively for neuron-specific imaging (MRI) is the preferred imaging study for the evaluation
enolase, neurofilan1ent, and cytokeratin.49 Jvlerkel cell car­ of intracranial or skull base extension. is very aggressive, with a high propensity for recur­ A biopsy is crucial for the definitive manage1nent of a
rence and metastases. The recurrence rate after wide local malignant lesion. A full-thickness biopsy containing a portion
excision ranges fron1 40 to 90'Yo.50•52•53 Regional n1etastases of the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue is required.
are present in 31 to 80% of cases.5"54 Wide local exci.sion with The preferred method is an excisional biopsy; however, if the
2- to 3-cn1 niargins is recon1mended.53 Mohs surgery may be lesion is extensive, an excisional biopsy may not be feasible.
helpful for tumors located on the face and ear to preserve nor­ In this scenario, a pw1ch biopsy will allow preservation of the
mal tissue. Prophylactic lyn1ph node dissection or radiation architecture of the lesion while providing i1nportant histologic
therapy to the nodal regions at highest risk n1ay decrease local inforn1ation. It can provide reliable infor1nation regarding
recurrence but does not consistently affect overall survival.53 Tn the depth of the lesion. This i1nportant information assists in
many high volume centers, sentinel lymph node biopsy is often detern1ining the strategy and the extent of the definitive resec­
used \.Yhen there is no evidence of nodal disease instead of a tion. Shave biopsies are discouraged because they often fail to
staging/prophylactic neck dissection. Despite aggressive locore­ detnonstrate the full depth of the lesion.
gional therapy, the five-year survival rate is only approximately
60o/o, prin1arily due to distant metastases.55 Staging
Adnexal carcinon1as are exceedingly rare, accounting for
There is no specific staging systen1 for nialignancies of the auri­
less than 0.005% of all skin lesions.50 Because of the rarity,
cle. The Atnerican Joint Con11nittee on Cancer (AJCC) includes
there is little data regarding outcon1e and therapy. These lesions
auricular tnalignancies in their staging systen1 for non1nela­
usually develop in older patients and often appear as slO\.Yly
no1na lesions of the skin (Table 23-2). 1'his system., hovvever,
growing, nontender pink or yellow n1asses.49 Despite their slow
has 1nany litnitations when applied to the ear. The thin skin of
growth, these malignancies are locally aggressive and tend to
the ear allo\.YS tun1ors to reach the deeper subcutaneous levels
invade the surrounding connective tissue. Recurrence rates are
niuch sooner than they would at other sites. These factors result
high despite wide local excision. Other n1alignancies that can
in tnany tun1ors being assigned an advanced stage that do not
occur on the auricle include n1alignant fibrous histiocyton1a,
have sin1ilar prognoses or require as radical a treatn1ent as T4
atypical fibroxanthon1a, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans,
tun1ors located elsewhere. In addition, the unique anaton1y of
angiosarcomas, and metastatic disease fron1 other areas.
the ear tnakes a staging syste1n based on size less practical. Even
sn1all tun1ors located in certain areas such as the conchal bowl
Diagnostic Techniques or preauricular region can require surgery that is tnore exten­
The history and physical examination are the 111ost i111portant sive. Finally, the AJCC syste1n does not account for the varying
initial steps in the evaluation of lesions of the auricle. Patient histologic subtypes. SCC and BCC often behave very differently,
questioning should include elucidation of prior skin cancers, and the histologic subtypes of each often greatly influence the
cumulative sun exposure, occupation, prior transplantation or relative aggressiveness of the tun1or.
radiation, and pertinent tan1ily history. The physical exami­ The staging of nielanoma is based on tun1or thickness and
nation should include a detailed head and neck exan1ination. depth of invasion, as '"'ell as the presence of nietastatic disease.
Evaluation of the lesion should inc.Jude close inspection of sur­ The first prognostic staging systetn '"'as devised by Clark in 1969
rounding tissue and inspection for possible involve111ent of (Table 23-3).57 This staging systen1 analyzed the extent of tu1nor
underlying structures (eg, cartilage, ten1poral bone, and parotid invasion based on the histologic layers of involvetncnt.57 Breslow
gland). The size and location of the lesion should be assessed devised another syste1n based on the absolute depth of tun1or
in the context of the potential cosn1etic and functional sequel a invasion (see Table 23-3).58 The 1997 AJCC staging systen1 uses
of resection. Detern1ination of potential locoregional spread is both systen1s.
i111portant especially for bulky lesions. The revised 2002 AJCC staging systen1 (Table 23-4) differs
The diagnosis of an auricular neoplasm requires a diligent fro1n the prior systen1 in five important \vays: (1) the level of
clinical evaluation. These lesions can often be overlooked as invasion (Clark's level) is replaced by tu1nor thickness as the
benign, especially in elderly patients with extensively sun-dam­ prognostic variable of primary tumor invasion that best pre­
aged skin. Early detection results in a better outcome with less dicts survival,59 (2) ulceration of the primary tu1nor is incor­
need for niore radical surgery. For early detection, especially porated into the staging syste1n and patients in each T stage
with regard to the diagnosis of n1alignant 111elanon1a, re111e111- subgroup arc upstaged,59 (3) the size of ly1nph nodes is replaced
ber ABCD: Asy1111netry in shape, Border irregularity, Color by the nu1nber of lyinph nodes involved in the nodal staging,59
variation, and .Diameter greater than 6 mn1. Lesions that n1eet (4) patients are categorized into clinical and pathologic staging

TABLE 23-2 AJCC staging system: TABLE 23-4 Revised AJCC Melanoma staging
Nonmelonama cancer of the skin system

T stage Primary tumor

Tx Cannot assess primary tumor Tx Prirnary tumor cannot be assessed

, __

TO No evidence of primary tumor TO No evidence of primary tumor

Tis Carcinoma in situ Tis Melanoma in situ

T1 Tumor :s; 2 cm in greatest dimension T1a Melanoma <1 mm in thickness, no ulceration

, __

T2 Tumor> 2 cm but not> 5 cm in greatest T1b Melanoma <1 mm in thickness, with ulceration
T2a Melanoma 1.01-2.0mm in thickness, no
T3 Tumor> 5 cm in greatest dimension ulceration
, __

T4 Tumor invades deep extradermal structures T2b Melanoma 1.01-2.0mm in thickness, with
(bone, cartilage muscle) ulceration

N stage T3a Melanoma 2.01-4mm in thickness,

no ulceration
Nx Cannot assess regional nodes
T3b Melanoma 2.01-4mm in thickness, with
NO No regional node metastasis
, __
N1 Regional lymph node metastasis
, __
T4a Melanoma >4mm, no ulceration
M stage
T4b Melanoma >4mm, with ulceration
Mx Distant metastasis cannot be assessed
Regional lymph nodes
MO No distant metastasis
Nx Regional nodes cannot be assessed
M1 Distant metastasis
NO No regional lymph node metastases
Stage O Tis NO MO
N1 Metastases to one lymph node
Stage 1 T1 NO MO
N1a Clinically occult (microscopic) metastasis
Stage 2 T2, T3 NO MO
N1b Clinically apparent (macroscopic) metastasis
Stage 3 T4 NO MO
N2 Metastases in 2-3 regional lymph nodes or
Stage 3 AnyT N1 MO intralymphatic regional metastasis without nodal
Stage 4 AnyT Any N M1
N2a Clinically occult (microscopic) metastasis
AJCC, American Joint Committee on Cancer.
N2b Clinically apparent (macroscopic) metastasis

N2c Satellite or in-transit metastasis without nodal

TABLE 23-3 Clark and Breslow staging systems
N3 Metastasis in 4 or more regional nodes, or
Level I Superficial Stage I <0.75 mm matted metastatic nodes, or in-transit
epidermis metastasis or satellite(s) with metastasis in
regional node(s)
Level II Basal cell layer of Stage II 0.75-1.5 mm
epidermis Distant metastasis

Level I ll Papillary dermis Stage I ll 1.5-1.99 mm Mx Distant metastasis cannot be assessed

LevelIV Reticular dermis Stage IV 2.0-3.99 mm MO No distant metastasis

LevelV Subcutaneous StageV >4.0 mm M1 Distant metastasis

M1a Metastasis to skin, subcutaneous tissues or
distant lymph nodes
to incorporate lyn1phatic inapping data and nlicro1netastatic
M1b Metastasis to lung
disease v»ithin lyn1ph nodes, and (5) subcategorization of stage
IV inetastatic disease is based on anato1nic site and inclusion of M1c Metastasis to all other visceral sites or distant

an elevated seru111 LDH.59 These changes reflect several variables metastasis at any site associated with an

that have inore recently been shov•n to be significant in predict­

elevated serum lactic dehydrogenase (LOH)
ing survival.59

Medical Treatment the physician, and the desires expressed by the patient after a
detailed explanation of the various options and risks.
Treatn1ent options for nonn1elanoma skin lesions include abla­
tive options (cryosurgery, electrodessication, surgical excision,
Indications and Contraindications
Mohs micrographic surgery (Mlv!S), laser surgery, or radiation
for Surgery
therapy) and topical therapies (5% 5-fluorouracil (5-FU], in1i­
quin1od, or photodynan1ic therapy).t>O Topical 5-FU has been lvfalignancy of the auricle is a surgical disease. Regardless of the

evaluated for the treatment of premalignant lesions as well as histopathology or the excisional technique, the goal is con1plete

select cutaneous carcinomas. The 5-FU therapy for malignant surgical eradication of disease. Prior to surgery, detailed evalu­

lesions usually involves a 12-week treatment regimen, with ation is crucial for appropriate surgical planning. Surgical plan­

reported cure rates of over 90o/o for superficial BCC and Bo>ven's ning cnta ils elucidation of the extent of resection, both locally

disease (SCC in situ).t>O Given the prolonged treatn1ent regimen and regionally, as well as defining the reconstructive goals.

and the variability success, this technique should only be used to There arc relatively few contraindications to surgical treat­

treat patients in whom other n1ethods of therapy are contraindi­ n1ent of auricular neoplasms. The medical status of the patient is

cated. T ntralesional interferon (TFN) has also been shown to be an i111portant detenninant for surgical candidacy; hov.revcr, given

effective for treatrnent of nodular and superficial BCC.01 Patients the n1alignant nature of disease, unless the disease has metasta­

typically receive nine injections over a 3-week period. The side sized or the lesion is locally advanced precluding a total resection,

effects are typically n1inor such as flu-like sy111pton1s, erythen1a, surgery should be the 1nainstay of treat1nent. Topical therapies can

and pain; however, niore significant adverse events such as leu­ be offered tor in situ disease or low-grade, lin1ited nonn1elanon1a

kopenia and thro111bocytopenia have been reported. The rate of skin cancer in patients unwilling to undergo surgical resection.

cure approaches 96% for superficial and nodular BCC.01 This Radiation therapy is also an option for patients refusing surgical

data suggest that the results ofTFN treatn1ent for BCC are con1- therapy or with locaUy advanced, unresectable disease.

parable to niost other methods of tun1or ablation.0 1 The use of

photodynan1ic therapy for BCC and SCC has also been studied,
Operative Techniques
but has not gained widespread use. Tt entails the adn1inistration Surgical Excision
of a photosensitizing drug that selectively localizes in the tumor Surgical extirpation of 111alignant lesions of the auricle is the nlost
and then, on exposure to light, causes tumor necrosis. common form of treatment. The complex anatomy of the ear
requires careful evaluation and planning to ensure an adequate
Radiation Therapy oncologic resection and a cosmetically acceptable outcome. Many
small lesions can be excised, with little or no repair required.
Radiation therapy is a viable option for the treatment of cuta­
Auricular neoplasms tend to follow consistent patterns
neous malignancies, and in the context of auricular neoplasms,
of growth along cmbryologic fusion planes. Tu111ors that arise
radiotherapy offers several theoretical advantages over surgical
along the helix typically spread superiorly or inferiorly along the
excision. Radiation therapy avoids the creation of tissue defects
helix before extending to the antihelix or the posterior surface
in this anatomically con1plex area; it is an option for medically
of the auricle; in contrast, lesions that arise on the antihelix tend
infirm patients who are unable to undergo ablative surgery or
to expand in a concentric fashion.29 The thin skin of the auri­
for patients who refuse surgery.
cle allows tu111ors to invade the der1nis and subdermis quickly
The size of the primary tu111or is the 111ajor detern1inant of
and facilitates disscn1ination in those planes nluch sooner
local control with prin1ary radiotherapy.62 Tumors of 2 c111 or
than expected. 1'his rapid horizontal growth nlakes deter-
less in size have long-ter111 control rates (JO-year local control)
111ining appropriaLc n1argins for resection difficult. Shockley
of approxin1atcly 98°/o, lesions 2 to 5 cn1 in size have a 79'Yo long­
ct al. reported that 37°/o of auricular carcino111as excised using
term local control rate.°2•03 Tun1ors greater than 5 cn1 in size
standard n1argins de111onstrated tu111or cells at the iuargin.31
have a 53<l1J long-ter111 local control rate (8 years).62,oJ
Bun1sted cl al. recon11nended 8-111n1 inargins around BCC if the
Radiation therapy is not reco111mended as prin1ary therapy
tu111or is less than 3 cm and l.S-cn1 1nargins for larger lesions.<>5
in patients younger than 50 years of age due to the late effects of
Other surgeons have advocated smaller, 2- to 3-mn1 margins
radiation and the risk of a secondary 111alignancy in the radia­
for solid, v.rcll-circun1scribcd BCCs less than 1 cm in size, 3- to
tion portal.<>2 In addition, previous radiation can lead to more
S-111111 margins for those less than 2 cm in size, and even larger
aggressive tumors, less clearly defined margins, and poorer sur­
n1argins for high-risk nlorphologies.3 The surgical margins for
gical outcon1es.M Postoperative radiation may be used in several
sec should be even larger (l-2 Cln).05
clinical scenarios including positive surgical margins, perineural
By excising the tumor based on gross surgical margins, a
spread, invasion of bone or cartilage, extensive skeletal muscle
larger amount of norn1al tissue is resected as compared to MMS.
infiltration, a positive lymph node measuring greater than 3 cn1
Bumsted ct al. analyzed defects created with traditional v1ide
in size, extranodal extension, and niultiple positive nodes.62
local excisions and concluded that 1.8 to 3.5 cm2 of normal tissue
was re111ovcd beyond what \Vas required for a sound oncologic
resection.05 Despite this drawback, the advantages of traditional
There arc 111any options available to the physician while decid­ surgery a re that it is easily perforn1ed, relatively quick, and does
ing how to treat prii11ary malignancies of the auricle. The choice not require advanced training.
of which modality to use depends on the location and size of the The outcon1cs for patients with auricular carcino1ua treated
lesion, the overall health of the patient, the specific expertise of with standard surgical excision arc good. The overall cure rate is

approximately 95o/o when surgical salvage is i.ncluded.31 However,

TABLE 23-7 Five-year cure rates(%) for auricular
the recurrence rate for auricular carcinoma treated with con­
carcinomas based on location
ventional surgical excision ranges from 10 to 16%,44·"° a fact that
must be taken into account when comparing conventional sur­ LOCATION OF BASAL CELL SQUAMOUS CELL
gery to other 1nethods of excision (Tables 23-5 and 23-6).
There are several factors that increase the chance of tumor Helix 99.2 99.1
recurrence. The location of the tumor on the ear is associated
Antihelix and crus 99.0 94.6
with differing rates of recurrence. The postauricular area and
the preauricular area have high rates of recurrence .29•30•0·
5 ""The Posterior surface 97.7 90.5
cure rates for SCC and BCC are higher for lesions located on the
Lobe 97.4 90.0
helix, antihelix, and posterior surface of the ear (Table 23-7).
In addition, tu1nor size greatly affects the recurrence rate. Size Preauricular and 97.0 80.9

greater than 3 cm increases the recurrence rate for BCC from tragus

l to 17°A1 and forSCC fro1n 2 to 3lo/o.66 In addition, as previously Concha 94.0 78.4
1nentioned, the type of cancer and the histologic subtype can
Posta uricular 92.0 81.3
also increase the likelihood of recurrence.
Mohs Micrographic Technique
Adapted from Mohs, et al!.a
Mohs micrographic surgery was developed in 1941 by
Dr. Frederick 'Mohs, a dermatologist at the University of
cells that theorctica lly cou Id be n1issed with norn1al pathologic
Wisconsin.07 His technique involves serial horizontal section­
exa1nination. It provides a n1cans of ensuring that the entire
ing of the tumor and surrounding tissue with immediate micro­
tumor is rc1novcd without relying o n unnecessary excision of
scopic analysis to confirm a histologically negative specimen
nor1nal tissue, especially i1nportant in regions such as the ear,
margin. Once the initial tissue is removed, the edges are color
nose, and eyelid. These locations require the preservation of as
coded to ensure precise orientation of the specimen; the speci­
1nuch nor1nal tissue as possible to 1naintain adequate cos1nesis
mens are then processed as frozen sections. The tissue specimen
•vhile concurrently 1ninimizing tumor recurrence.
is cut horizontally, unlike the standard serial vertical sections,
The oncologic outcon1cs ofl'vlMS con1pare favorably to other
to ensure that all of the margins are evaluated. If any tumor cells
trcatinent 1nodalitics (sec Tables 24-3 and 24-4). Overall, the
are seen along the specimen 1nargin, the physician can immedi­
cure rates for auricular carcino1nas are approximately 98% for
ately excise more tissue from the localized region.
BCC and 92010 for SCC.<>5·�8•09 The ability to precisely follow the
This technique has several advantages over traditional \Vide
tu1nor n1argin with M l'vtS, affords this technique a lov.1er recur­
local excision. The horizontal sectioning allows analysis of the
rence rate for auricular malignancies con1pared with standard
entire margin to evaluate for small, localized extensions of tumor
excision. The 5-ycar recurrence rate is approxin1ately 1o/o for
BCC and less than 30/o for SCC; these rates are significantly lower
TABLE 23-5 Five-year recurrence rates for primary than the recurrence rate of 10 to 16o/o for tumors treated with
basal cell carcinoma wide local excision.44•00Mobs1nicrograpbic surgery is the recom-
111ended nicthod of trcatn1cnt for cancers arising in cosn1etically
sensitive areas, recurrent or previously treated tu1nors, tun1ors
with aggressive histologic subtypes, large lesions for which stan­
Wide local excision 10.1 dard excision would require ren1oval of significant amounts of

Radiation 8.7 normal tissue, and for tun1ors with poorly defined inargins.35

Curettage and electrodessication 7.7

Surgical Excision in Malignant Melanoma
Mohs' surgery 1.0
Surgical extirpation with adequate n1argins is the prin1ary treat­
Adapted from Rowe, et a/. 66 ment 1nodality for n1alignant 111clanon1a of the auricle. The exci­
sion should be full thickness, including the perichondrium and
car tilagc if ncccssary.47 The rcquired 1nargin, however, is debated.
TABLE 23-6 Five-year recurrence rates for
A consensus panel sponsored by the ational Institutes of Health
previously treated basal cell carcinoma
(NIH) recom1ncndcd a l-c1n niargin of normal skin and subcu­
RECURRENCE taneous tissue for niclano1nas less than 1-mm thick and a l-2cn1
TREATMENT RATE (0/o) margin for tun1ors of intermediate thickness and a 2c1n margin

17. 4
for tun1ors greater than 2 1n1n thick.47·10-72 These recon11nenda­
tions, ho,vevcr, arc based pri1narily on truncal and extren1ity
Curettage and electrodessication 40.0 lesions, where v.•idc rnargins arc n1ore easily obtained '"ithout

Radiation 9.8 creating substantial cos1nctic or functional deficits. Lesions

involving the auricle often co1nplicate the ability to obtain rec­
Mohs' surgery 5.6
on1mended 1nargins. Frequently, an appropriate resection will
Adapted from Rowe, et a/.66 entail a wedge excision or a partial atnputation of the pinna.

The anatomic considerations of the head and neck region, jugular vein should be done only if the nodal disease cannot be
and in particular the auricle, 111ake Mtv1S an appealing option. safely removed otherwise. The majority of patients present with
!Ylohs micrographic surgery has been advocated for resection of limited nodal disease, typically NI disease.28
111alignant nielanon1a due to the theoretical advantage of reduc­ The treat1uent algorithm for the NO neck is more variable.
ing the an1ount of normal tissue excised.73 ln contrast to sec, Elective lymph node dissection {ELND) has not been shown to
malignant melanon1a cells are typically 111ore challenging to increase survival over watchful waiting for patients with cuta­
identify pathologically. Therefore, precise identification of the neous carcinoma of the ear with no clinical evidence of nodal
tumor margins is niore complicated than with other skin can­ metastases. Elective lymph node dissection should be reserved
cers. The use of in1n1unohistochemical stains often in1proves for patients \Vith multiple risk factors for nodal disease given
identification of n1elanon1a cells involving the excised margins. the overall low rate of nodal metastases in auricular carcinoma.
Several studies fron1 the dermatologic literature docun1ent Byers et al. recommended proceeding with neck dissection in
equivalent overall survival and sin1ilar local recurrence rates patients with poorly differentiated sec measuring greater than
for 111al igoant nielanoma excised via a 111i.crograph ic technique 3 cm in largest diameter.28 In addition, the data from this study
as apposed to standard surgical margins.i3.i4 Despite these niore supported the utilization of the supraomohyoid neck dissection
recent studies, the role ofMMS in 1ualignant melanoma ren1ains due to the low rate of lower neck metastases (3 of 486 patients).
a controversial topic and currently not the standard of care. Others have reported a greater percentage of level III and level
The overall cure rate for surgical exci.sion of 111alignant IV neck disease; although, when lower nodal disease was pre­
nielanon1a of the ear approaches 68<Jlo; however, the success rate sent there were no skip lesions identified.7° Therefore, it appears
for early-stage disease is significantly higher.;0 Local recurrence that a supraomohyoid neck dissection suffices for the NO neck.
occurs in approxin1ately 6.5°Ai of the cases and typically niani­
fest 1 to 3 years after excision.75 The early pattern of local recur­ Regional Management of
rence niandates regular and frequent patient evaluation. Ideally, Metastatic Melanoma
patients should be seen every I to 2 nionths during the initial
Overall, the risk of occult, microscopic nodal metastases in
postexcision period, followed by a biannual exan1inations for
cutaneous malignant melanoma is approximately 10 to 20o/o.47 •82
the subsequent 2 to 3 years.47 Earlier studies looking specifically at melanoma of the auricle
describe a higher likelihood of regional metastases and a worse
Management of overall prognosis compared to other head and neck sites; these
Metastatic/Nodal Disease data, however, have been refuted in 1nore recent studies.47•89 The
The rate of nietastasis for cutaneous carcinon1a is low; however, risk of nodal metastases correlates with tumor thickness/depth
auricular neoplasn1s, like those arising elsewhere on the face, of invasion, presence of ulceration, and histologic subtype.48•7»83
have an increased risk of metastasizing con1pared with other Tumor thickness and ulceration are the two most important
locations.66•69 Regional metastases occur in approximately 5 predictors of outcome.81- 83 The risk of developing nodal metas­
to l8'Yo of auricular SCCs and in 2 to 6% of BCCs.70•77 Distant tases from a tumor less than 0.75 mm is nearly zero. I-Iowever,
metastases occur with even less frequency. The incidence of dis­ the risk increases significantly in the setting of thicker tumors
tant metastases is 0.3 to 3.7<J.'o for sec and approxin1ately 0.003 (Table 23-8). An older study by Byers et al., demonstrated that
to O.lo/o tor BCC.28•76•77 \i\!hen nodal disease is present, it is niost tumors of the auricle that are less than 3 m m in thickness have
often located in the parotid and preauricular nodes. 28•77 Nodal been shov1. n to have a 21 '7'<> chance of nodal disease; this risk
disease involving the neck is less con1n1on, with the upper jugu­ increases to 61°1<1 for lesions thicker than 3 mn1.44
lodigastric region being the primary site of involven1ent. Byers The most common nodal areas involved in auricular mel­
et al. retrospectively analyzed 486 patients with auricular sec ano1na are the parotid and upper jugulodigastric nodes. The
and found that only 3 patients had nodal disease below the level retroauricular, preauricular, and submental nodes can also
of the on1ohyoid; none of these patients den1onstrated skip contain metastatic disease depending on the location of the
metastases.28 Several studies have noted that the suboccipital primary lesion. The suboccipital nodes may also be at risk
nodes are not involved in auricular cutaneous carcino.mas.28•77 for involvement, particularly if the tumor is located on the
Jvlultiple studies have looked at the factors predisposing
patients to regional and distant metastases. There are conflict­
TABLE 23-8 Relationship of tumor thickness to
ing data as to which factors are statistically important. So1ne
outcomes in malignant melanoma
authors have found the size and location on the ear (especially
the preauricular region) to correlate with increased risk of nodal THICKNESS RECURRENCE METASTASES SURVIVAL
disease.7 7-79 Other studies, however, negate these findings.28•77 {mm) RATE (0/o) (O/o ) (O/o)
Several histologic subtypes are 1nore Ii kely to nietastasize,
< 0.75 2 0 85-99
including the basalosquan1ous variant and poorly differentiated
carcinonia.37•77 Other factors that have been in1plicated include 0.75-1.49 5 20-25 65-88

perineural invasion, cartilage invasion, recurrent tun1ors, and 1.50-3.99 15 51-57 58-71
i in111 unosuppresion .78•80 •8
> 4.0 20 62 25-57
Patients who present \vith clinically positive nodal dis­
ease should at a niini111um receive a selective neck dissection. Adapted from O'Brien, et al.,48 Ringborg, et al.,45 Medina, 85
Sacri lice of the sternocleido.mastoid muscle, cranial nerve XI, or Balch et al,n Fisher.15

posterior portion of the pinna or in the retroauricular area.47•85 and significantly more complex. In addition, the frequent
Although there are recognized patterns of nodal involve1nent, involvement of the lymph nodes of the parotid gland co1n­
there is no uniforn1, sequential route of spread. One study dem­ plicates SLNB.g9 Currently, the data fron1 studies of head and
onstrated that 43'Yo of patients with auricular nielano.mas and neck sites are conflicting; several studies den1onstrate a high
neck n1etastases will have no disease in the parotid nodes.86 rate of SLN identification with a concordant low rate of false­
Patients with clinically positive nodal disease should negative results, vvhereas other studies de1nonstrate a high rate
undergo a therapeutic neck dissection. Despite this reco111n1en­ of regional recurrence after SLNB. 89"92 Despite the conflicting
dation, neck dissection in the presence of nodal disease does data, nlOSt high-volun1e nlelano1na ce11ters are using SLNB in
not in1prove survival due primarily to the high rate of even­ the setting of n1elanon1a of the head and neck region.
tual distant 111etastases (85o/o) in patients with clinically evident
nodal disease at the time of presentation; however, neck dis­
Reconstruction of the Auricle

section decreases the rate of regional recurrence.87 Radical neck

The con1plex anato1uy of the auricle requires exquisite skill and
planning for effective reconstruction of defects. Effort should be
dissections have been advocated in the past, but in niost cases a
nlade during the oncologic resection to preserve as much nor1nal
selective or niodified radical neck dissection is usually sufficient
tissue as possible. The approach to auricular repair can be divided
for patients with nodal disease.88•89 The type of neck dissection
into partial-thickness defects (ren1oval of skin and perichon­
perforn1ed should depend on the location of the prin1ary tumor
driun1) and full-thiclu1ess defects (re1uoval includes cartilage).
and the extent of disease as well as the expertise of the surgeon.
For reconstructive purposes, the ear can be divided into several
Tt is important that the neck dissection should include all the
regions: the external scaffolding, including the helical rim and
pertinent draining nodal basins.
the antihelix; the central cartilaginous portion, which is co1n­
Classically, the role ofELND in patients with clinically NO
posed pri1narily of the conchal bov.rl; the lobule; the preauricular
disease was controversial. Overall, the percentage of patients with
region, whid1 includes the tragus; and the retroauricular region.
clinically NO disease that harbor n1icroscopic n1etastatic disease
is quite low.45 Prin1ary tun1ors less than 1 mn1 in thickness have
Partial-Thickness Defects
an exceedingly low rate of nodal nietastases with a 5-year sur­
Most partial-thickness defects can either be repaired with a
vival rate greater than 95%.89 Therefore, neck dissection is not
split-thiclu1ess skin graft, a full-thick�ness skin graft, or can be
typically indicated. However, 70% of cases wiII have distant n1et­
allowed to heal by secondary intention. If there is greater than
astatic disease in lesions with 4 mn1 or greater invasion.89 This is
a l-cn1 area of cartilaginous exposure, granulation tissue nlay
thought to negate the benefits of therapeutic neck dissection in
not be able to co1npletely fill the defect fro1n the edges. Healing
the occasional patient presenting with a pri 1nary lesion greater
by secondary intention is useful in patients in whon1 close sur­
than 4 111111 without clinically evident regional nietastases.89 The
veillance of the site is desired or in patients who have had or
controversy priniarily involved tun1ors of intermediate thickness.
have multiple cutaneous nlalignancies and inini1nal skin is pre­
A subset of these patients may benefit fron1 elective neck dissec­
served for a local flap or grafting. Zitelli developed iune1non­
tion; however, nun1erous randomized trials have been unable
ics for re1ne1nbering areas appropriate for healing by secondary
to demonstrate a survival benefit for patients undergoing elec­
intention. 93 Locations favorable for good cosinetic results after
tive neck dissection. Therefore, routine ELND is not currently
healing by secondary intention include the concave surfaces of
recon1n1ended in this population; sentinel ly111ph node biopsy
the nose, ear, eye, and ten1ple (NEET).93 In contrast, the convex
(SLNB) is nov,r the preterred diagnostic/screening niodality.89
surfaces of the nose, oral lips, cheeks, chin, and helix of the ear
SLNB is a relatively 111inin1ally invasive screening technique
(NOCCH) develop unsightly, depressed scars.93 Other areas of
for the at-risk nodal regions in patients that have no clinical
the forehead, the antihelix, the eyelids, and the ren1ainder of the
evidence of cervical n1etastases. This technique involves iden­
nose, lips, and cheeks (FAIR) give variable results.93 If the defect
tifying the primary nodal drainage basin for a specific tun1or
is large, a skin graft helps prevent the contraction that occurs as
through the injection of isosulfan blue dye and/or a lympho­
the wound granulates. It is in1portant to place skin grafts only in
scintigraphy. The sentinel node is then identified and sent for
areas that have perichondriu1n or subcutaneous tissue re1nain­
pathologic analysis. The theory i.s that if the sentinel node is
ing that ca11 provide nourish1nent to the graft. If bare cartilage
negative, the likelihood of further regional disease is low. If
is exposed, so1ne of the cartilage can be resected to allov• access
the node is positive, then a completion lymph node dissection
to the perichondrium on the other side, or a delayed approach
can be undertaken. This technique provides the opportunity to
can be pursued allowing granulation tissue to forn1 prior to sub­
avoid the potential morbidity of an ELND in a population with
sequent graft placen1ent.
a relatively low rate of nodal disease.
SLNB is well accepted in the treat111ent of trunk and Defects of the Helical Rim and Antihelix
extremity melanon1a, providing in1portant staging and prog­ The nlajority of the full-thickness helical/antihelical defects can
nostic information.89 A prospective multi-institutional trial be closed pri1narily. Defects of the helix of up to 1 cn1 can be
demonstrated that the status of the sentinel nodes in stages I closed following a wedge excision (Figure 23-1).94
and TI disease was the most important predictor of disease-free As the resection increases in size, closure results in pro­
survival.84•89•90 There are 111any studies of involving SLNB in nounced bov<ing of the ear as the more medial cartilage is com­
the head and neck for nialignant 1nelanon1a. Tn contrast to the pressed. 'fhere are several options to eliminate this phenomenon
lyn1phatic drainage patterns of the trunk and extremities, the and close larger defects. The nlost co1nn1on technique involves the
lyn1phatic drainage patterns of the head and neck are variable use of a chondrocutaneous advancement flap (see Figure 23-1).

A B c

FIGURE 23-1 • Chondrocutaneous helical

advancement. A vertical releasing incision is
made in the antihelical area extending into
the lobule if needed (A and B). The helical rim
can then be rotated and closed with minimal
deformity (C).



FIGURE 23-2 • Posterior island flap. Defects of the conchal bowl can be repaired by lifting a flap of skin and
subcutaneous tissue (A), which can pedicled posteriorly and pulled through the defect (B and C). If skin is needed
anteriorly and posteriorly, the flap can be folded on itself. The posterior defect is then closed primarily (0 and E).

Many variations of this flap have been devised.95•90 The basic idea forward connected to a deep connective tissue pedicle, which
entails the removal of a geometric portion of tbe more central is secured to the conchal defect. The posterior wound is closed
cartilage to allow rotation of the outer rim. The space is then pri1uarily (see Figure 23-2).
filled as cartilage is rotated up from belo,v. Other alternatives
Preauricular and Postauricufar Defects,
include a composite cartilage graft with local skin flap cover­
Reconstruction of the Lobule
age, preauricular flaps (if the defect is located along the anterior
The vast majority of defects anterior to the external auditory
helix), or postauricular flaps for more posterior defects.93-98
canal can be closed primarily. If the tragus has been re1noved,
Defects of the Concha reconstruction of the tragus may be performed '"'ith a cartilage
The central location of the conchal bowl 1nakes it difficult to graft, although the cosmetic results are often not as satisfactory
devise rotational flaps. In defects in which the posterior peri­ as one '"'ould desire. \A/ide undermining in the postauricular
chondrium and skin are intact, a skin graft may be the only area will provide considerable laxity in the tissue, and most
reconstruction necessary. This approach is similar to that used wounds can be closed primarily. Otherwise, skin grafts \Vork
to repair the defect created after a conchal cartilage graft is har­ adequately in this well concealed location. The lobule contains
vested. If there is a full-thickness defect, then tissue must be no cartilage and therefore can be recreated by the advancement
supplied from another location. One effective reconstructive of soft tissue either from the ear itself or fro1n the surrounding
option is the subcutaneous island pedicle flap.95•99 In this flap, an skin, which is then folded over on itself and divided at a second­
island of skin is taken from the postauricular area and advanced ary procedure (Figure 23-3).

FIGURE 23-3 • Postauricular. For defects of

the posterior helical rim, skin and soft-tissue
coverage can be obtained by using tissue from
the postauriculararea. A posterior based flap is
raised and sutured over the defect (A and 8).
After 2 to 3 weeks, the pedicle is divided and
closed primarily (C). If a cartilage grafting can
be performed using the contralateral auricular
cartilage prior to coverage with the flap.

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Surgery for Congenital
Aural Atresia
Bradley W. Kesser, MD I Robert A. Jahrsdoerfer, MD

HISTORY technique is used today and continues to deliver significantly

While atresia of the external auditory canal has been recognized in1proved hearing results without a mastoid cavity and with

for over 70 years,1 reports of surgical repair of atresia do not sur­ fewer con1pl ications.

face until the late 1940s and 1950s.2-8 Nager advocated tailoring The introduction of high-resolution coniputed toniography

the surgical technique to open tbe ear canal and restore hear­ (HRCT) of the temporal bone has allowed the otologic surgeon

ing to the severity of the atresia.9.1o For minor malfor1nations to evaluate the aeration of the n1astoid and middle ear, position

(Group I; normal or stenotic canal with hypoplastic tympanic of the tegmen, 1norphology of the ossicles, and course of the

cleft and so1ne malformation of the middle -ear structures), facial nerve with a high degree of accuracy. This technological

Nager described an endaural approach to widen the stenotic ear development has singularly contributed to better patient selec­
canal and address any middle-ear abnormalities. For Group U tion for surgery and to n1ore predictable surgical outcomes, and

malforn1ations (fistulous tract or complete atresia of the canal has broadened the scope of atresia surgery to include unilateral

with a bony atretic plate and some degree of malformation of cases.13-15

the middle-ear structures), Nager recommended opening the Congenital aural atresia occurs once in every 10,000 births.

mastoid antru1n, aditus, and attic to expose the lateral ossicular Unilateral atresia is seven tin1es more common than bilateral
mass, freeing the ossicular chain, and using a split thickness atresia. Aural atresia is associated with a recognizable syndrome

skin graft to the mucoperiosteal n1e1nbrane on the undersurface {most co1nmonly Treacher Collins, Goldenhar, and hemifacial

of the bony at re tic plate. For n1ore severe malfor1nations (Group microson1ia) in about 10% of cases. In about So/o of nonsyndro­

lll; con1plete ear canal atresia with nonpneumatized mastoid mic cases, the birth defect is inherited.

and middle ear), he advised against surgery, or possibly a tenes­ Bellucci separated 1najor n1iddle-ear malformations

tration of the lateral se1n icircular canal.10 fron1 111 i nor n1aI for111ations, defining 1n inor mal forn1ations

Schuknecht11 also divided aural atresia patients into three as those with a norn1al ear canal and tyn1panic men1brane.16

groups based on severity and reviewed tbree methods for sur­ Jvlinor nlalforn1ations include congenital stapes fixation, con­

gical reconstruction: (1) fenestration of tbe lateral semicircular genital absence of the long process of the incus, 111alleus bar,

canaJ,3-5 (2) canalplasty,�·7 and (3) type III tympanoplasty.2•8 In congenital absence of the oval window, and single stapes crus.

all of these, the mastoid cavity is opened to access the ossicles Major malfonnations, discussed in this chapter, refer to aural

and middle-ear space leaving the patient at risk for postopera­ atresia-absence of an ear canal and ty1npanic men1brane \\lith

tive drainage and other problems associated with a cavity. some degree of underdevelopment of the middle-ear cleft and

Jahrsdoerfer first described the anterior approach­ its structures.

avoiding opening the n1astoid air cells-in 1978.12 This Surgical correction of congenital atresia is a forn1ida­

approach, the standard in atresia surgery today, keeps the ble operation and den1ands the best talent of the ear surgeon.

drilling anterior and superior by following the tegmen and Risks of facial nerve injury and sensorineural hearing loss are

the temporo1nandibular joint (T�1J) through the nonpnewna­ higher in the hands of the inexperienced operator. Even in the

tized bone of the atretic plate directly into the epity1npanum hands of the experienced otologist, stable long-tern1 closure

and middle-ear space. The atretic bone is carefully picked of the air-bone gap without canal stenosis can be difficult to

away, the ossicles are freed, and ten1poralis fascia is used as achieve. However, in a patient with bilateral atresia, successful

an onlay graft with preservation of the native ossicular chain. surgery that achieves normal hearing and allows the patient to

Placement of a split thickness skin graft and meatoplasty discard his/her hearing device can be very gratifying for both

co1nplete the procedure. With a few minor ruodifications, this the patient and otologisL




The older literature reiterates the the1ne that only bilateral cases
of congenital aural atresia should be operated on.u The reason­
ing behind this philosophy \-Vas that surgery would probably not
produce serviceable hearing, and the risks of facial nerve injury
and sensorineural hearing loss \.Yould outweigh any potential
benefit. Moreover, postoperative 1neatal stenosis and the failure
to 1naintain long-term hearing were cited as argu1nents against
operating on patients with unilateral atresia. If unilateral cases
\.Yere to be operated on, it \.Yas stated, they should be operated
on only when the child had reached adolescence or young adult­
hood and could share in the decision.
Ti1nes have changed. With refinen1ents in preoperative
i1naging and surgical technique, patients with unilateral atresia
1nay be successfully operated on but only under strict criteria.
This patient selection involves sorting out the high-risk (poor
result) patients in whon1 the preoperative HRCT evaluation
'"'ould indicate a low likelihood of success (defined as a postop­
erative speech reception threshold less than or equal to 30 dB
HL). This threshold is attainable in 75 to 80o/o of patients care­
FIGURE 24-1 Coronal computed tomography (CT) scan of a patient
fully selected for surgery.

not a candidate for atresia surgery. There is no aeration of the middle

Criteria for surgical intervention n1ay be n1ore lenient in ear or mastoid, and the legmen hangs too low for creation of an ear
cases of bilateral atresia. In patients who are 1narginal candi­ canal.
dates, it is appropriate to operate on at least one ear in an atte1npt
to render serviceable hearing. However, in1possible cases (cases
in '"'hich there is no mastoid or 1niddle-ear aeration, or cases TABLE 24-1 Grading system of
in '"'hich the course of the facial nerve places it at great risk, or candidacy for surgery of congenital
cases in '"'llich the tegn1en rides too Jo,,.) should be avoided. aural atresia
A grading syste1n, a 10-point scale in which individual ana­
to111ic structures are given points, was developed in an effort to
select those individuals '"'ho have the best chance of successful Stapes present 2
atresia surgery.13 The syste1n is based on a preoperative HRCT
Oval window open 1
scan of the te1nporal bones. In addition, the appearance of the
external ear prior to 111icrotia surgery is factored in, as external Middle ear space 1
ear developn1ent correlates well '"'ith the degree of nliddle-ear
Facial nerve 1
To be a potential candidate, certain other criteria must be Malleus/incus complex 1

1net. First, there 1nust be audion1etric evidence of norn1al cochlear Mastoid pneumatized 1
function (norn1al bone conduction thresholds), and second, there
lncus-stapes connection 1
1nust be i1naging evidence of norn1al i1u1er ear architecture. Since
the i1u1er ear develops en1bryologically fro1n a completely sepa­ Round window 1
rate anlage at a completely separate tin1e fro1n the 111iddle and
Appearance external ear 1
outer ear, cochlear function is typically nor1nal in these patients.
A contraindication of surgery 'Nould be a nonaerated nliddle ear Total available points 10

and niastoid or a lo,v-hanging tegn1en (Figure 24-1). If the 1niddle

From Jahrsdoerfer, et a/.13
ear is not aerated, we do not recommend surgery. Lack of aeration
1nay be ten1porary, such as 1niddle-ear fluid, or it 1nay be per1na­
nent, as the middle ear nlay be filled '"'ith prin1itive n1esenchy- We still employ the Jahrsdoerfer grading scale sho\¥n in
1nal tissue of a fibrous gelatinous nature. This tissue is found in Table 24-1. The stapes is assigned two points as this is the most
patients \.Yith absent or poor Eustachian tube function, in whon1 important ossicle on \.Ybich the success of the operation hinges.
air has never reached the 1niddle ear or nlastoid. Repeat CT scan­ In approxi1nately 4°/o of patients, the stapes will be fixed; there
ning (generally in one or two years) 1nay help sort out ten1po­ is no way to diagnose this preoperatively. A fixed stapes requires
rary fluid versus 1nore per1nanent prin1itive 1nesenchyn1al tissue; that the operation be staged. The first stage includes the usual
if this soft-tissue density persists for 2 years or more, surgery is atresia repair with canalplasty, tympanoplasty, split thickness
not reco1nn1ended. Otitis n1edia '"'ith effusion \.Yill generally clear skin grafting, and 1neatoplasty; the second stage requires that
'"'ithin l year revealing a well-ventilated nliddle ear and 1nastoid the stapes be mobilized or a stapedecto1ny/stapedoton1y be per­
on subsequent HRCT scan. forn1ed \.Yith ossicular chain reconstruction.

J\tlost patients \.Yho are candidates for surgery will be graded

7 to 8 out oflO. This generally translates to an 80 to 90% chance
of achieving nonnal or near-norn1al hearing (speech reception
threshold <30 dB HL) through surgery.ts


It is important for the ear surgeon and the fa111ily to acknO\.Yl­

edge that other options for hearing rehabilitation are avail­
able. For bilateral atresia patients, a long-tern1 bone conducting
hearing device (such as the BAHA Softband®, Cochlear Corp.,
Englewood, COL9) niay be used, and most patients with this
device develop excellent speech. An implantable bone conduct­
ing hearing device (BAHA System®, Cochlear Corp., Englewood,
CO) is an excellent nieans of rehabilitating hearing in patients not
candidates for atresia surgery or patients in whom atresia surgery
has not significantly improved air conduction thresholds. 2 0-22
The BAHA Systen1 has been approved by the US Food and Drug
Adn1inistration for patients over 6 years of age.
For patients '"'ho have undergone atresia surgery but did
not achieve enough hearing gain to support language develop­
ment or success in school, a conventional behind the ear or in
the ear hearing aid in the ne\.Yly epithelialized canal may also
provide enough a111plification to support normal receptive and
expressive language and good progress in school. Vve do not
require a111plification for unilateral atresia patients as long as
the contralateral ear shows nonnal hearing.


FIGURE 24-2 • Grade I microtia. The appearance of the ear is fairly
While most cases of Grade I n1icrotia (Figure 24-2) do not well formed but smaller. Courtesy of Burt Brent, MD.

require extensive reconstructive surgery, 111ost patients and their

families do elect to undergo reconstructive surgery for Grade III
n1icrotia. Fewer fa111ilies choose to undergo reconstruction for of the experienced reconstructive surgeon, this n1ethod of
Grade IT microtia. 111icrotia repair also achieves excellent cos111etic results.2s The
Repair of Grade II n1icrotia (Figure 24-3) depends on the procedure involves making a large Y-shaped incision with the
developn1ent of the auricle, the experience, judgn1ent, and tech­ anteroposterior limb 10 cm superior to the auricular remnant
nical expertise of the reconstructive surgeon, and, of course, the in the temporal scalp \.Yith one arm extending from the hori­
desires and expectations of the patient and his/her tamily. In some zontal limb down to the remnant. Skin flaps are elevated, and
cases of Grade IT niicrotia, the auricular cartilage is not salvage­ a pocket is created in the appropriate position for the implant.
able, and the reconstructive surgeon 111ust "start fron1 scratch" The implant is measured, trim111ed, and placed in the pocket,
and harvest autologous rib cartilage (see below) to replace the and a large temporoparietal fascia flap is elevated and brought
cartilage ren1nant. Tt is the experience, ski11, and judgn1ent of the down to cover the implant. The superior one-third of the
reconstructive surgeon as to whether the postoperative ear will implant will not have a skin covering, and this area is cov­
be i111proved con1pared to the unoperated ear. ered with a f u l l thickness skin graft fron1 the contralateral
Options for repair of Grade TIT microtia (Figure 24-4) postauricular area. The 1.-Iedpor microtia repair gains excel­
include prostheses, a porous polyethylene in1plant, and autol­ lent projection and definition, but long-term durability studies
ogous rib cartilage. Silicone prosthetic ears may be affixed to are lacking.
the side of the skull either with niedical adhesive glue (applied 1.-Iicrotia repair using autologous rib cartilage is a chal­
daily) or by titanium osseointegrated posts placed surgically.23 lenging series of operations that few have mastered. The first
Prostheses have the advantage of niinimal n1orbidity with very stage involves harvesting autologous rib (usually the costal
life Ii ke cosmesis. Prosthetic ears have been a popular, if not pre­ cartilage of the seventh and eighth ribs with a margin of the
ferred, method in failed surgical autogenous reconstructions, sixth rib cartilage) and sculpting the cartilage into the auricu­
patients \.Yith severe soft-tissue/skeletal hypoplasia, patients with lar framework.26 The sculpted cartilage is placed in a subcuta­
a low or unfavorable hairline, or patients with a total or subtotal neous pocket at the correct location and correct orientation on
auricular defect secondary to either trauma or 111alignancy.24 the lateral skull. Small suction drains are necessary to ensure
A porous polyethylene i111plant (�!edpor®, Porex Surgical, that the thin skin sticks down to the cartilage. Lobule transposi­
Inc., Newnan, GA) has gained considerable popularity in the tion follows approximately 3 months later, where the soft tissue
last several years in Grade TTI n1icrotia repair. In the hands remnant is translocated to the lobule position. The framework

FIGURE 24-3 • Grade II microtia. The external ear remnant is about FIGURE 24-4 • Grade Ill microtia. Note the poorly formed ear
one-half of normal size and has some form. Some of the cartilaginous remnant on the lateral face. Cartilage may or may not be present.
detail is missing. Courtesy of Stephen S. Park, MD. Courtesy of Stephen S. Park, MD.

is next elevated off the lateral skull, and a relatively thick split forn1ed, usually does not require reconstructive surgery because
thickness or full thickness skin graft is placed to create the pos­ this ear can rarely be in1proved on cosn1etically; atresia surgery
tauricular sulcus in the third stage. Atresia repair can tollow the inay proceed without any reconstructive work on the auricle
third or tourth (and occasionally the second) stages. The tragus (see Figure 24-2).
is created in the fourth stage. Grade II i11icrotia, in which the external ear is about one­
A distinct advantage of rib graft microtia repair is that the half of nor1nal size but has reasonably good shape, inay be oper­
cartilage is autologous tissue, and there is no concern for rejection. ated on by the otologic surgeon first if the atresia is bilateral (see
The cartilage and subcutaneous tissue also gain a robust blood Figure 24-3). If the atresia is unilateral, it is a judgn1e11t call
supply, so there is little concern for exposure, intection, or extru­ by the reconstructive surgeon, '"'ho nlust decide if his/her skills
sion for the atresia surgeon. In fact, the atresia surgeon 111ust carve inay in1prove the appearance of the external ear.
and remove a portion of the cartilage to ensure a widely patent Grade III nlicrotia, in '""hich the external ear ren1nant is lit­
1neatus. The rib graft microtia repair has been criticized for Jack tle 1nore than a nub of skin or s1nall piece of cartilage, inust be
of framework definition and poor projection, but in the hands of operated on first by the reconstructive surgeon using autologous
the experienced 111icrotia surgeon, these risks are low.26-29 rib graft (see Figure 24-4). It is i1nperative that the reconstruc­
tivc surgeon have a virgin field i n '""hich to place the sculpted
rib cartilage; it is far easier for the reconstructive surgeon to
build an ear in the absence of scar tissue and a con1pron1ised
vascular bed than it is to build an ear around a hole in the side
Close communication between the reconstructive surgeon and of the head. The otologic surgeon, however, drills the bony canal
otologist is critical to optimize results of both surgeries.30 As in the same location for every patient (see below); the recon­
nientioned, not all cases of microtia require a reconstructive structed auricle n1ay be safely nioved and positioned to align
surgeon. Grade T n1icrotia, in which the ear is relatively well with the bony canal. In fact, in approximately 50o/o of cases, the

reconstructed auricle must be n1oved (usua.lly in a posterosupe­ necessitating revision surgery. The younger child certainly is not
rior direction) so that the meatus in the reconstructed auricle bothered psychologically by the ear defor1nity and is not yet in
aligns with the nev.•ly created bony canal. school where other children could tease him/her.
Anecdota ll y, atresia surgery following niicrotia repair with
the Medpor implant has resulted in exposure of the implant, SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
infection, and even extrusion. The in1plant does not acquire its
Patient Preparation
own vascular supply and, therefore, if exposed during atresia
surgery, will not heal or reepithelialize. One option recently The patient is placed in the supine position 'vith the operated
undertaken is to perforn1 the atresia repair before 1vfedpor ear turned away. The arm 011 the ipsilateral side of the operated
niicrotia repair. This sequence avoids the risk of exposure/ ear (split thickness skin graft donor ar111) is tucked loosely s o
extrusion of the polyethylene in1plant and allows the Nledpor that in the iniddle o f the case the arm can b e re1noved fron1
surgeon to reconstruct the new auricle around the newly cre­ under the drapes and placed on an ar1n board for skin grafting.
ated bony canal. At the time of atresia surgery, the ear canal skin No blood pressure cuff is placed on the donor arn1. A half-inch
graft is sin1ply sutured to the patient's native skin on the side of swath of hair is shaved around the ear. One percent lidocaine
the head where the bony canal exits. A recent report has demon­ 'vith 1:40,000 epinephrine is injected in the postauricular area.
strated short-term results in patients undergoing atresia surgery The ear is prepped and draped in standard fashion.
prior to Medpor microtia repair comparable to results achieved Although the surgery takes 3 to 6 h, urethral catheteriza­
in patients undergoing atresia surgery after rib graft niicrotia tion is not e1nployed; the anesthesiologist adjusts fluid volu1ne
repair.31 Despite this limited short-tern1 success, the authors accordingly. A short-acting paralytic inay be used for induc­
have serious concerns regarding the fate of the in1plant if the tion of anesthesia and intubation, but n o paralytic n1ay be
patient undergoing 1vfedpor microtia repair following atresia adn1inistered during the operation as facial nerve n1onitoring
repair needs a revision atresia operation (as many as 25-30% of is perforn1ed for all atresia operations. The anesthesiologist is
patients will need revision atresia surgery32). requested not to use nitrous oxide as this gas diffuses into the
nliddle ear and can cause increased positive pressure ballooning
the fascia graft a\vay fron1 the ossicles.
ATRESIA REPAIR Incision and Drilling
For the child with bilateral atresia, it is in1perative that the hear­ A postauricular incision is 1nade and carried down to the ten1po­
ing be tested [bone conduction auditory brainsten1 response ralis fascia. A quarter-sized piece of fascia is harvested, scraped,
(ABR) testing to ensure normal cochlear function] and followed and placed on the back table to dehydrate. 1vlastoid periosteal
at regular intervals, and that a bone conducting hearing device incisions are made along the linea ten1poralis and perpendicu­
be placed as soon as possible after birth so that the child will lar anteriorly, along the glenoid fossa, down toward the 1uastoid
develop receptive and expressive language skills. \I've generally do tip. This anterior nlastoid incision allows a cuff of periosteu1n
not recon1n1end an1plification for the child with unilateral atresia to ren1ain at the T1v1J to which a tragal skin flap \.vill be sutured
as long as the normal ear hears well. Norn1al hearing in one ear at the end of the case to create the anterior canal \Vall. The nlas­
is sufficient for the developn1ent of norn1al speech and language toid periosteu1n is elevated and retracted posteriorly; the auricle
skills, although it is beco1ning increasingly clear that children is retracted anteriorly.
with unilateral hearing loss do have n1ore subtle difficulties:13•34 Elevation of the mastoid periosteu1n proceeds farther
External ear reconstruction is us u al ly delayed until the anteriorly to identify the glenoid fossa. It is critical to iden­
child is about 6 to 7 years of age, \Vith atresia repair follo\ving tify this fossa because it is an in1portant land1nark for drilling.
the series of operations required for rib graft microtia repair. Occasionally, there will be a di1nple on the surface of the 1nas­
This delay allo\vs for growth of the rib cage, enabling sufficient toid cortex to identify the site of drilling; alternatively, the crib­
costal cartilage to be harvested for sculpting the auricle. A child rifor1n area is often present as a reliable surface landn1ark.
who is large for his/her age n1ay be operated on earlier. For the Using the cribriforn1 area, temporal line, and the glenoid
child with Grade I or IT n1icrotia that does not require recon­ fossa as surface landmarks, drilling is begun with #5 cutting
structive surgery, atresia surgery can be perfonned at the age burr \Vith continuous suction irrigation, \Vith care taken to stay
of 5 if the child is cooperative. \i\Taiting until the child is 6 or 7 anterior and superior (Figure 24-5). The tegmen is identified
allows the child to achieve a level of 1naturity and cooperation superiorly and followed nledially. This superoanterior approach
absolutely critical for the postoperative dressing changes, pack­ should hug the tegn1en superiorly and the glenoid fossa anteri­
ing removal, and ear canal cleaning to ensure a good result. A orly. Care is taken to stay out of the 1nastoid antru1n and to open
potentially poor result can be salvaged postoperatively in the as few 1nastoid air cells as possible to prevent a large cavity and
office but requires the cooperation of the patient. the risk of postoperative infection or mucosalization of the skin
vVhile reconstructive surgeons using the 1vfedpor in1plant graft. As the drilling proceeds 1ncdially, dense, nonpneun1atized
have in1planted children as young as 3, \Ve do not advocate atre­ at.retie bone is encountered. This bone is carefully drilled away
sia repair at that age because the child is simply too young to \vith progressively sn1aller dia1nond drill burrs. As the dissec­
cooperate \Vith the necessary postoperative packing rein oval and tion stays superior, the goal is to enter the middle-ear cleft in
ear canal debriden1ent. In addition, the authors feel that youn­ the epit.yn1panum, superior to the ossicles. This approach also
ger children n1ay have a higher rate of n1eatal or canal stenosis avoids an aberrant facial nerve.

FIGURE 24-7 • "Buttock sign"-fused head of the malleus and body

of incus as the atretic bone is removed and the epitympanum is
FIGURE 24-5 • Lateral view of temporal bone showing the area opened (left ear).
where drilling should begin. The glenoid fossa anteriorly and temporal
line/tegmen superiorly are critical landmarks.

ear and ossicles is carefully picked av,ray with a Rosen needle or

sn1all dental excavator. Sharp dissection is often needed to lyse
the periosteal attach nients of the nialleus to the underside of
the atretic plate. There may also be a band of soft tissue, niostly
periosteum, that courses through a bony defect in the wall sepa­
rating the atretic plate fron1 the TMJ; this band may be confused
- \vith the facial nerve. The facial nerve is niost likely encountered
• • •
\vhile drilling posteriorly and inferiorly. In approxin1ately 25o/o
of cases, the facial nerve has a short vertical segn1ent (son1etin1es
nonexistent). Instead, the nerve 1nakes a sharp curve anteriorly
at the second genu. The facial nerve is niost vulnerable to injury
in this location.35 Thin blood vessels coursing over the surface
of the nerve seen through the thinned bone are a good clue to
the location of the nerve. As 1nentioned, facial nerve nionitoring
is a necessity.
Once the atretic plate is ren1oved, the ossicles are carefully
assessed. Bone is removed 360 degrees around the ossicular
chain to niaxin1ize niobility. The incus and n1alleus are alinost
always fused, although there niay be some early den1arcation
of an incudomalleal joint. The handle of the nial!eus is often

FIGURE 24-6 • Illustration of a sagittal view at the level of the absent (Figure 24-8), and the neck of the nialleus is usually
epitympanum showing fused incus and malleus and bony attachment in finn bony union with the undersurface of the atretic plate.
of the malleus neck to the atretic plate. Care niust be exercised in removing the overlying fragn1ents
of bone so as not to sublux the ossicles or in1part vibratory
At a depth of about 1.5 cm, the air space of the middle ear traun1a to the inner ear. Bone around the fossa incudis is kept
is encountered, and the fused malleus-incus complex can be intact, and the anterior soft-tissue attachments between the
identified. The first landn1ark the surgeon encounters is usually nialleus and anterior mesotyn1panic bone are also niaintained
the body of the incus; this can be confirmed by gentle palpation to lend support to the ossicular chain. The last ligan1entous
to assess mobility. The ossicular chain is typically fixed to the attachment of the malleus to the atretic bone is incised with a
atretic plate medially and inferiorly at the level of the malleus #59 beaver blade or lysed with the laser.
neck (Figure 24-6). With a bit more bone removal, the "buttock The shape and direction of the incus long arm are highly
sign" is identified-the fused head of the malleus and body of variable. What is in1portant is that the incus attaches to a sta­
incus (Figure 24-7). pes. The stapes superstructure may also be anon1alous. l n niore
Drilling is continued over the atretic plate-with 3- and extren1e nialforn1ations, the superstructure may be n1onopedal
2-mm diamond drill burrs with slow rotation-until the bone \vith no connection to the incus. The niobility of the footplate
reaches eggshell thickness. The atretic bone overlying the middle niust be detern1ined. Congenita.l fixation of the stapes is found

FIGURE 24-8 Appearance of a typical ossicular chain after FIGURE 24-9 Partial ossicular replacement prosthesis {PORP}

removal of all atretic bone. Note the absent malleus handle and under a temporalis fascia graft in patient with incudostapedial joint
fused malleus-incus complex (right ear). discontinuity. The lateral ossicular mass was removed (left ear).

in 4% of cases. It is common in congenital atresia to find a rea­

sonably well-formed stapes with a nlobile footplate. The oval
v,rindow, in concert with the stapes footplate, may be smaller
than normal, but this does not adversely affect either the recon­
struction or the postoperative hearing result.
In cases of incudostapedial joint discontinuity, we prefer to
remove the lateral ossicular 111ass and reconstruct '"'ith a notched
partial ossicular replacement prosthesis (PORP). Vve have found
this reconstruction to deliver superior hearing results co111pared
to any other configuration (Figure 24-9).36

Fascia Grafting
The best possible circumstance in which to find the ossicles is
for them to be intact (although malformed) and to inove as a
unit (see Figure 24-8). In this condition, the fascia graft may
be placed directly on the ossicular mass. Bone must be drilled
peripherally, away fro111 the ossicular mass, to create as 111uch
room as possible for the fascia graft. The ossicular mass should FIGURE 24-10 •Thin temporalis fascia placed in an overlay fashion
be centered with regard to the new tympanic membrane. The with approximately 1-2 mm of fascia draped up onto the canal wall
(left ear). Note the ossicular mass seen through the fascia.
new eardrum will be about 1 to 1.5 times the diameter of a nor­
mal tympanic membrane.
Prior to placing the fascia, the anesthesiologist is instructed Skin Grafting
to lower the expired oxygen to less than 25°A>. Roon1 air fraction A split thickness skin graft using the 2-inch dermatome blade
of inspired oxygen (FI02) is best. Lowering the expired oxygen and n1easuring 0.005 to 0.006 inches is harvested from the 111edial
(by lowering the inspired oxygen) reduces the ballooning of the aspect of the ipsilateral upper arm. If the graft is any thicker,
graft. The fascia is trimmed to size (about 1.5 cm in diameter) the skin graft tends to curl; buried squamous epithelium could
and placed in an overlay fashion directly onto the ossicular produce a canal cholesteatoma. Too thin, and the graft does not
mass. The edges of the fascia are reflected up onto the canal '"'ithstand environmental pressures (eg, water) and can slough.
wall by about 1-2 mm in all directions (Figure 24-10). If large When the skin graft is harvested, an uneven thickness to
air cells have been opened, pieces of temporalis muscle are used its parallel borders is frequently noted. In this case, the thinner
to plug the defect. border is used at the level of the eardrum, and the thicker border

is sutured to the ne'"' 1neatus. The skin graft is cut to a size of hold the notched skin edges in place and prevent blunting. The
4 x 5 cn1 and notched at the 1nedial edge (Figure 24-11). The Silastic button also gives the surgeon something to pack against
graft is carefully placed down into the canal, and the notched and helps prevent displace1nent of the skin graft.
edges are aligned over the temporalis fascia so that the entire Four to five Merocel® (Medtronic Corp., Jacksonville, FL)
fascia graft is covered by squa1nous epitheliu1n (Figure 24-12). '"'icks are tri1nn1ed to three-fourth length and placed do,vn into
The vertical slit faces anteriorly; this place1nent ensures that free the ear canal onto the Silastic button (Figure 24-13). The new
edges '"'ill not grow into the tnastoid air cells. ear canal is packed to the level of the bony opening. 1'he wicks
The key to a successful hearing result is a thin tympanic are hydrated \vith an ototopical antibiotic solution ( ofloxacin).
n1e1nbrane and skin graft. Silastic of 0.04 inches is cut into a The lateral skin graft is then folded over the hydrated \vicks as
circular disk and placed over the new tympanic n1e1nbrane to the wicks hold the n1edial skin graft against the bony canal fron1
'"'hich it '"'ill take its blood supply.


A hastily perforn1ed n1eatoplasty can ruin an otherwise fla,vless

operation as it will result in 1neatal stenosis. Even a carefully con­
structed n1eatus can stenose, but if crafted with care, the risk is
lower. The first priority is to ensure that the n1eatus and auricle
align with the bony canal. The bony canal cannot 111ove; the auri­
cle needs repositioning to align the 111eatus to the bony canal in
about half of the cases, usually in a posterosuperior orientation.
The ear can be elevated superiorly by sharply releasing the skin
and subcutaneous tissue over the parotid fascia anteriorly and over
the sternocleido1nastoid tnusde inferiorly. Care must be taken to
stay superficial and not enter the substance of the parotid gland, as
a salivary fistula can be created.37 The auricle can be tnoved pos­
teriorly by excising a strip of skin fro111 the postauricular incision
and suturing the auricle to the ne'"' postauricular skin edge.
AU-shaped skin flap based anteriorly at the tragus is cre­
ated by tnaking a crescentic incision in the skin of the recon­
structed auricle's conchal bowl. 1'he skin is sharply elevated off
FIGURE 24-11 •The split thickness skin graft is notched at the
the underlying cartilage and is hinged at the tragus. The skin
medial end. The notches align to cover the temporalis fascia graft
flap is thinned and reflected anteriorly, and the underlying car­
tilage and soft tissue are cored out with a #11 blade. The skin
flap is then brought through the new n1eatus inedially and do,vn
to the cuff of TMJ periosteun1 that was created at the begin­
ning of the operation with the tnastoid periosteal incisions. The

FIGURE 24-13 • Merocel wicks are placed down into the ear canal
FIGURE 24-12 • Split thickness skin graft in position covering on the Silastic button and hydrated with an ototopical antibiotic
temporalis fascia (right ear). Note alignment of graft edges anteriorly. preparation.

tragal skin flap is sutured to this cuff of tissue with 2-3 buried with unilateral atresia and Jahrsdoerfer scores of 6 or below.
4-0 undyed Vicryl sutures to create the lateral anterior canal Surgery is attempted on the patient '"'ith bilateral atresia and a
wall. The postauricular incision is tacked down \.vith inter­ score of5 or 6, but excellent hearing outcomes are difficult. Even
rupted 3-0 undyed Vi.cry! sutures, and the skin graft is delivered so, the patient 1nay be able to \.Vear a conventional hearing aid in
through the nieatus and sutured to the patient's native skin at the new canal to bring the hearing thresholds into the nor1nal
the edge of the conchal bowl with interrupted 5-0 fast absorbing range. Surgery is not reco1n1nended for patients with scores of
gut sutures. The lateral canal is packed with full length J\tlerocel 4 or below. The 1nost itnportant anato1nic feature for successful
wicks hydrated with ofloxacin solution. After closure of the pos­ surgery is rniddle-ear aeration'8; without an aerated n1idd.le-ear
tauricular incision, a n1astojd dressing is applied. space, the patient is not considered a candidate for surgery.
A recent study bas exan1ined the predictive ability of the
Postoperative Care Jahrsdoerfer scale for hearing outco1ues. In this series of 116
patients, patients '"'ith a score >7 had an 85 to 90% chance of
The patient is adn1itted overnight and discharged on oral anti­
achieving nor1nal or near-normal hearing (as defined by an SRT
biotics (cephalexin) and pain medicine on the first postopera­
tive day after the dressings are ren1oved. Antibiotic ointn1ent is
<30 dB HL) in the short ter1n; patients with lower Jahrsdoerfer
scores had a 45 to 50°/o chance of achieving this result.1 8
placed over the postauricular incision and an antibiotic-soaked
One criticis1n of atresia surgery case series has been lack of
cottonball is changed at the meatus daily. The patient is seen
in the office .1 week after surgery, and all sutures and packing long -ter1n follow-up. Lan1bert exan1ined the stability of hearing
results after atresia surgery and found that ahnost two-thirds
are ren1oved. A corticosteroid-antibiotic eardrop preparation is
of patients maintained an SRT <30 dB HL for the longer fol­
then used twice daily for l week \vith strict dry ear precautions.
low-up (> l year; 111ean, 2.8 years); about one-third required a
The canal is left open to the air.
revision procedure.32 Si1nilarly, De la Cruz reported a long-term
A second postoperative visit is niade l n1onth later, and the
canal is debrided of desquan1ated epitheliun1 sloughed fron1 the
(>6 nlonths) air-bone gap (ABG) of 30 dB or less in 51°/o of pri-
1uary cases and 39% of revisions.38 Digoyand Cueva also reported
skin graft Beneath the epithelial crust, the skin graft should be
on the stability of hearing in their series of atresia patients, as
dry and healthy. The first postoperative audiogram is obtained
hearing did not change between short and long tern1 (> l year):
at th is visit.
lt is in1portant that the patient be follo,.ved every 6 to 12 50% of patients achieved an SRT of 30 dB HL or better.39 These
authors reported no difference in hearing outcon1es between
n1onths indefinitely for debridement of the desquan1ated epi­
patients undergoing ossiculoplasty reconstruction (53%) ver­
thelial crust. Although the skin graft is healthy, it is not self­
sus those undergoing intact native chain reconstruction. 39
cleaning. Failure to have the ear cleaned routinely niay result in
Conversely, Dobratz et al. did show a significant advantage to
decreased hearing and chronic infection. There are no restric­
nlail1taining the patient's native ossicular chain when possible.36
tions after the l-n1onth visit-patients n1ay swim, but alcohol
Revision surgery 111ay not hold up as '"'ell long-tern1, as Chang
eardrops after swin1n1ing and once a week are advised.
e t al. reported disappointing long-ter111 hearing outcon1es for
patients undergoing revision atresia surgery.4°
Surgeons 10 to 15 years ago counseled patients and fa111ilies
Con1plications of atresia surgery can be minin1ized with proper
against repair of w1ilateral atresia, given the nlediocre hearing
selection of patients and with careful attention to surgical detaiI.
gains and risk of major co1nplications. Since the introduction of
!Ylost comn1on complications include nieatal or canal stenosis
HRCT scanning '"'ith improved preoperative evaluation, the repair
in 15 to 201.!«>, usually requiring revision surgery, and chronic
of unilateral atresia has become nlore widely accepted. Clearly,
drainage/infection in lOo/o, usually due to sloughing of the skin
there is a learning curve for this challenging operation, and one
graft with "mucosalization" of the canal-requiring revision
report suggests a mini111un1 of 32 ears to achieve proficiency in
with a new skin graft or possible ten1porizing n1easures such as
achieving good short-tern1 hearing results, and 48 ears for good
Gentian violet if the area is sn1all. Less con1111only, sensorineu­
long-tern1 hearing outcon1es.41 The anterior surgical approach as
ral hearing loss (5%) is most likely related to the high energy of first proposed by Jahrsdoerfer12 has withstood the test of tin1e and
the drill on the ossicular chain conducted to the cochlea; facial
scrutiny. As the seen1ingly subtle deficits of unilateral hearing loss
nerve injury occurs in 0.1 %.34 About 15 to 20% of patients will
in d1ildren are further elucidated, the repair of unilateral atresia
also lose the initial gains in hearing, due to either lateralization
will be 111ore accepted and tnore often recomn1ended.
of the tyn1pan ic niembrane or re fixation of the ossicular chain.
'"'e counsel patients that approxin1ately J 5 to 20o/o wi II require
a revision procedure at son1e point in the future, usually due to SUMMARY
stenosis of the canal, loss of early hearing gains, or sloughing of
While technically challenging, surgery to construct an ear
the skin graft with chronic drainage.
canal and restore the natural sound conducting mechanisn1 of
the nliddle and outer ear in patients with congenital aural atre­
sia can be successful '"'ith careful attention to the preoperative
The two niost important factors in achieving consistently good selection of patients as candidates for the operation and with
hearing outcon1es in atresia surgery are careful preoperative 111eticulous surgical technique at each step of the operation.
selection of patients and 1neticulous surgical technique at each Restoration of nor1nal hearing in these patients is one of the
step of the operation. Surge ry is not recomn1ended for patients 111ost rewarding operations in our specialty.

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ing scale in surgery for congenital aural atresia. Arch Otolaryngol 37. Miller RS, Jahrsdoerfer RA, Hashisaki GT, Kesser B'·V. Diagnosis
Head Neck Surg 2008; 134(8)873-7. and management of salivary fistula after surgery for congenital
19. Ho! MK, Cremers C\\/, Coppens-Schellekens \V, Snik AF. The aural atresia. Otol Neurotol 2006;27(2): 189-92.
BAHA Softband. A ne1'' treatn1ent for young children \\•ith bilat­ 38. De la Cruz A, Teufert KB. Congenital aural atresia surgery: Long­
eral congenital aural atresia. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol term results. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2003;129(1):121-7.
39. Digoy GP, Cueva RA. Congenital aural atresia: Review of short­
20. van der Pou1'' KT, Snik AF, Cren1ers C\V. Audion1etric results and long-tern1 surgical results. Oto! Neurotol 2007;28(1):54-60.
of bilateral bone-anchored hearing aid application in patients
40. Chang SO, Choi BY, Hur DG. Analysis of the long-tern1 hear­
with bilaleral congenital aural atresia. Laryngoscope 1998;108
ing results after the surgical repair of aural atresia. Laryngoscope
(4 Pt 1):548-53.
2006;116( 10): 1835-4 l.
21. Klaiber S, \•Veerda H. BAHA (bone-anchored hearing aid) in
41. Patel N, Shelton C. The surgical learning curve in aural atresia
bilateral exiernal ear dysplasia and congenital ear atresia. HNO.
surgery. Laryngoscope 2007;117(1):67-73.
2002;50 (10}:949-59.
Surgery of the
Tympanomastoid Compartment

25. Pathology and Clinical Course of the Inflammatory Diseases of the Middle Ear

26. Aural Complications of Otitis Media

2Z lntracranial Complications of Otitis Media

28. Tympanoplasty: Tympanic Membrane Repair

29. Ossicular Chain Reconstruction

30. Canal-Wall-Up Mastoidectomy

31. Open Cavity Mastoid Operations

32. Surgery for Otosclerosis

33. Implantable Middle Ear and Bone Conduction Hearing Devices

(1902-1970) • Eminent London aural
surgeon who helped to bridge the
transition from surgery for the evacuation
of pus to surgery in a clean field under the
operating microscope.
Pathology and Clinical Course
of the Inflammatory Diseases
of the Middle Ear
Quinton Gopen, MD

OVERVIEW ton1ography (CT) scans can be quite useful in making this dis­
tinction with identification of a subperiosteal abscess or coales­
This chapter reviews the key features, pathology and clinical
cence of the niastoid air eel Is. A niagnetic resonance iniagi ng
course of acute otitis media, otitis media with effusion, chronic
(MRI) scan, hov.rever, is not useful in this distinction as it does
otitis media including cholesteatoma, and selected granulo­
not in1age bone. Oftentin1es an asy1nptomatic patient has either
matous middle-ear diseases (tuberculosis, Wegener's granu­
a CT scan or an MRT scan that den1onstrates complete or subto­
lon1atosis, Langerhan's cell histiocytosis [LCH], and mycotic
tal opacification of the niastoid air eel Is without any bony ero­
sion or abscess formation. Unfortunately, this finding is often
erroneously tern1ed «mastoiditis" by the radiologist, a designa­
tion that is clearly incorrect given the clinical setting.
Acute otitis n1edia is an acute inflammation of the n1iddle-ear Otoscopy reveals an erythe1natous tyn1panic men1brane
space. This inflammation typically occurs over several hours that is often bulging or ruptured with purulent drainage.
but must occur in less than 6 '"'eeks to be classified as an acute ln1pedance tyn1panon1etry demonstrates a flat tyn1panogran1
process. Although the cause of inflammation is most typically and absent acoustic reflexes. A.udio1netric testing shows a con­
infectious, the inflammation can also result from other etiolo­ ductive hearing loss.
gies such as autoimmune, neoplastic, traumatic, and metabolic. The distinction between acute otitis niedia and acute nias­
Infections can be due to viral, bacterial, or fungal pathogens. toiditis can be made based on clinical features. Acute otitis
The most common viral pathogens include respiratory syncytial niedia is not associated with auricular displacen1ent, whereas
virus and rhinovirus but other viral pathogens such as coro­ acute 111astoiditis is. Care must be taken to distinguish the auric­
navirus, influenza type A , adenovirus, and parainfluenzae ular displacement of acute mastoiditis from the postauricular
have been implicated.1 The most comn1on bacterial pathogens swelling due to otitis externa with cellulitis of the postauricular
include Streptococcus pneumoniae, 1-Iaemophilus influenzae, skin. Otitis externa with cellulitis has a faster clinical course
and Moraxella catarrhalis with Staphylococcal, Streptococcal, (over several days) and has a reactive inflan1111atory opacifica­
and Pseudomonal species less frequently identified. Fungal tion of the mastoid air cells without subperiosteal abscess or
pathogens are usually Aspergillus and Candida species. It is coalescence on CT scan. Acute mastoiditis has a sl0\"7er tin1e
not uncommon for a bacterial acute otitis 1nedia to result fron1 course (developing over 1 to 2 weeks) with septa! breakdo,vn
superinfection of an initial viral process. Fungal infections are of the 1nastoid air cells and/or subperiosteal abscess forn1ation.
less usual but are an important consideration in immunocom­ The pathologic manifestations of acute otitis media can be
promised individuals. divided into four stages-hypere1nic, exudative, suppurative,
The clinical manifestations of acute otitis media include and resolution-depending on the timing and extent of the
otalgia, hearing loss, and fever. If the tympanic n1embrane rup­ inflarnn1atory response. The earliest response, the hyperen1ic
tures, purulent otorrhea may also be present. Technically, all response occurs upon the arrival of an antigen within the niid­
cases of acute otitis n1edia include mastoiditis as the n1iddle-ear dle ear or n1astoid. Antigens can enter via the Eustachian tube
space is in continuity with the mastoid air cells. Clinically, how­ fron1 infected nasopharyngeal secretions, through the systemic
ever, these two terms refer to distinctly different processes. Acute circulation, or through adjacent sites such as a perforated ear­
mastoiditis clinically refers to acute coalescent mastoiditis and drurn or a cutaneous infection. The invading antigen undergoes
is differentiated from acute otitis media by abscess formation processing by im1nunocon1petent cells residing in the middle­
either within or superficial to the mastoid air cells. Computed ear and mastoid spaces just as in other parts of the body. These


in1n1unocon1petent cells include T-cells, n1acrophages, and

B-cells bearing in1n1unoglobulins IgM, IgG, and JgA. The initial 2.0mm
hyperen1ic response to the antigen i.s characterized by hyper­ External auditory canal
en1ia and edema of the ty1npanic men1brane and middle-ear
111ucosa, and typically involves all three layers of the ty111panic membrane
Tf the early in flan1matory response is insufficient to eradi­
cate the offending antigen, the process often progresses to a sec­
ond, exudative, stage (Figure 25-1). As the antigen is processed
by the residing in1munocon1petent cells, in1n1une factors are exudate
released to recruit other cells and cytokines from the systen1i.c
circulation. The release of interleukin-2, platelet endothelial
cell adhesion niolecule-1, and other mediators results in an
increased expression ofintercellular adhesion molecules v,rithin
vein and venule walls. Tnflan1n1atory infiltrates such as B and T
lyn1pbocytes, 111acrophages, and polyn1orphonuclear cells rush
in through these vessels rendered "leaky" via the expressed
adhesion 111olecules and fill the middle-ear and mastoid spaces.
FIGURE 25-1 •Acute otitis media. Hematoxylin and eosin stained
TgG-bearing B-cells arrive first, quickly followed by lgJ\tl-bearing
temporal bone slide through the mesotympanum at the level of the
B-cells. I-helper cells arrive around 24 hrs later and increase stapes footplate demonstrates an acute inflammatory exudate. The
in number over several days, peaking at between 2 to 3 \veeks. exudate contains polymorphonuclear cells as well as eosinophilic

TgA-bearing B-cells con1e later, usually around 3 weeks after the secretions as identified within the middle-ear space. The mucosal
lining of the middle ear as well as the tympanic membrane are
initial antigenic challenge. These newly recruited cells all par­
thickened. The process extends into the mastoid air cell system.
ticipate in a con1plex cascade of cytokine release, including TL-1,
TL-6, TL-8, TNF-cx, and leukotriene 84, all of which have been
in1plicated in acute otitis media.2 -5
The next stage, suppuration, only occurs in bacterial infec­
tions. It reflects the immunologic response that destroys the
offending bacterial organism, culn1inating in a purulent collec­
tion of fluid behind the eardrun1. Bacterial destruction occurs
via in1munoglobulin coating of the bacteria with ensuing
opsonization by macrophages as \vell as by involve111ent of the
con1ple111ent cascade. Tyn1panic men1brane rupture can occur
during this stage if the suppurative response is fulmi nant.
The ti nal stage, resolution, varies in tin1e of onset and
rapidity of progress. Oftenti1nes, the accumulated fluid per­
sists within the niiddle ear as the natural egress through the
Eustachian tube orifice is blocked by n1ucosal edema. Once
the acute process has resolved, if a sterile effusion persists, it is
termed otitis niedia with effusion.
An excellent review of acute otitis media including the
etiopathology, natural history, treatn1ent, and con1plications
is given by Bluestone.° Complication s of acute otitis media are
covered in Chapters 26 and 27.

FIGURE 25-2 • Otitis media with effusion. This photograph

Otitis Media With Effusion demonstrates a n amber-colored effusion behind an intact tympanic
membrane. A small bubble can be seen near the light reflex.
Otitis 1nedia with effusion is defined as a serous or niucoid
(nonpurulent) collection of fluid within the 111iddle-ear space
(Figure 25-2). In contradistinction to acute and chronic otitis dysfunction was previously assumed the prin1ary mechanisn1
111edia, otitis niedia with effusion is not classified according to for formation of otitis media with effusion. As Eustachian tube
length of duration. Otitis media with effusion can present over dysfunction causes inadequate gas exchange into the middle­
hours or last for decades. The 111echanisn1s of formation and ear space, increasingly negative middle-ear pressures develop,
persistence of the fluid collection include chronic inflan1ma­ resulting in the formation of a transudate that fails to clear.
tion within the niiddle ear and Eustachian tube dysfunction. Eustachian tube dysfunction arises from inflammatory dis­
Historically, otitis media with effusion \Vas considered a ster­ orders, niuscular abnormalities, and anatomic factors. In chil­
ile effusion with only occasional bacterial species identified dren, the Eustachian tube is smaller, more flexible, and has a
on cul.ture. Because of the .lack of evidence for pathogens in more horizontal orientation v,rhen compared to adults, which
the fluid san1ples taken fron1 the middle ear, Eustachian tube might help explain the relatively greater incidence of otitis media

with effusion in children. Dysfunction can result fron1 congeni­ response within the rniddle ear and 1nastoid TNF-a, a cytokine

tal anomalies, such as cleft palate or niyopathies that affect the produced by macrophages with a diverse spectru1n of effects,
palatal musculature and consequently the dynamic excursion has an in1portant role in upregulating the production of other
of the orifice of the eustachian tube. Tnflan1n1ation is probably cytokines. IL-lb, also produced by 1nacrophages, is considered
one of the 111ore con1 nion causes of tubal problen1s resulting in a central mediator of inflamn1ation by stimulating activation of
niucosal edema with mucus production, and it can arise from a host of inflamn1atory cells, including fibroblasts, endothelial
any of a number of etiologies, such as allergic disease, laryngo­ cells, osteoclasts, T-cells, B-cells, monocytes, and neutrophils.10
pharyngeal or gastroesophageal reflux, syndromic or s111oking­ The inflan1n1atory response starts in the sub1nucosa of
related ciliary dys111otility, and n1iddle-ear/nasopharyngeal the niiddle-ear space. Initially, neutrophils, n1acrophages,
biofili11s. Anato111ic obstruction of the Eustachian tube can and lyn1phocytes are recruited into action and are activated.
result fron1 pro111inent adenoid tissue, synechiae fron1 surgery, Early n1ediators of inflan11nation include (1) arachidonic
or nasopharyngeal 111asses. acid n1etabolites, (2) histan1ine, (3) platelet activating factor,
ln1portantly, hov,rever, evidence, particularly fro111 bio­ (4) adhesion cell 1nolecules of various types, and (5) the crucial
film research, has begun to 111ount indicating that otitis niedia cytokines TNF-a and IL-lb described earlier. In otitis n1edia
with effusion may more reflect a chronic inflammatory state \vith effusion, this activity results in proliferation of the n1uco­
and that Eustachian tube dysfunction plays a secondary role. sal lining and secretion of n1ucus. In son1e cases, the basal cells
Biofiln1s are a n1atrix of polysaccharides forn1ed by colonies of of the 1nucosal layer undergo differentiation into goblet and
bacteria that protect these bacteria and forn1 a niore favorable ciliated cells, resulting in the production of an extre1nely thick
environn1ent for their existence. A con1111on configuration of and tenacious niucoid effusion consisting prin1arily of niucins.
biofil111s is a co111plex "tower and mushroom" conglomerate lvfucins are glycoproteins that can bind proteins, including the
that coats the surface of a colony of bacteria.7 These co111plex outer n1e1nbranes of bacteria, and help in the i1nn1une clear­
biofi!ins allow passage of nutrients and fluid as well as bacterial ance of these and other pathogens.10 It is pri1narily the inucin
co111111unication with one another via hormonal signals to opti­ content that deter1nines the viscosity of the effusion.
mize their function as a group. Tn a biofilm state, bacteria can After the initial activation of the infla1n1natory process,
persist in tissue and are shielded from eradication by the host inediators of ongoing inflan1n1ation such as co1nple1n ent 3a,
defense system, even in the face of long-ter111 antibiotic therapy. INF-g, and IL-6 can be detected. The inflan11natory response
Furthermore, traditional swab cultures of the fluid within the is ultimately downregulated by IL-2, IL-5, TGF-b, and IL-10.
middle-ear space are usually negative, as the bionln1-aggregated An excellent description of these events is given in S1nirnova's
bacteria are not free-floating in the fluid but are sequestered 2002 review.10
onto the surface of the lining mucosa. Clinical inanifestations of otitis 1nedia with effusion are
Several studies have supported the biofil111 hypothesis of the hearing loss, aural fullness, and autopbony. Patients inay con1-
etiology of otitis 111edia with effusion. In 2001, Post demonstrated plain of crackling or popping noises as son1e air enters the inid­
biofiln1s in a chinchilla model by injecting J-f. influenzae into dle ear. Otitis n1edia with effusion typically lacks otalgia, but
the 111iddle-ear space. Scanning electron n1icroscopy {SEM) was so111e patients inay report the aural fullness as unco1nfortable.
used to exan1ine the n1iddle-ear 111ucosa and den1onstrated bio­ Otoscopic findings vary, but often there is an a1nber-colored
films. He also used SEM to document the presence of biofilms effusion that niay have air bubbles. On pneu1natoscopy,
within tympanoston1y tubes.7 Tn 2006, Hall-Stoodley reported there is li1nited or no excursion of the tyn1panic n1embrane.
finding bacteria] biofilms in the middle ears of pediatric patients Audion1etric testing den1onstrates a flat conductive hearing loss
with chronic otitis n1edia. In this study, biopsies of 111iddle-ear and t)'lnpano1netry reveals a flat curve with normal ear canal
mucosa were taken fro.m children undergoing volun1e and absent reflexes. On in1aging (eg, CT scanning or
tube placen1ent for chronic otitis niedia. With visualization by MRI), opacifi.cation of the middle-ear and n1astoid spaces with­
confocal laser-scanning microscopy {which may be the most out erosion of the mastoid septa is seen.
accurate way to detect biofiln1s), 92lYo of patients, but none of Pathologic inanifestations include a serous or n1ucoid fluid
the 88 control patients, had biofilms present in the mucosa I collection of variable viscosity in the n1iddle-ear and n1astoid air
biopsies.8 Tn 2008, with the use of transmission electron micros­ cell spaces (Figure 25-3). Children tend to have n1ore inucoid
copy, Coates den1onstrated intracellular bacterial infection of effusions, whereas adults have effusions that are n1ore serous.
the niiddle-ear mucosa! epithelial cells in pediatric patients The effusion lacks infla1111natory cells, although bacterial col­
diagnosed as having otitis media with effusion.9 onization can occasionally be identified. There is no erosion of
The bacteria of a biofilm are sheltered and persist in a sub­ the n1astoid air cell septa or of cortical bone. With otitis n1edia
clinical state, sequestered within the tissues and secreting endo­ \vith effusion of long duration, atrophy of the tyn1panic 1ne1n­
toxins and exotoxins. These toxins can be found even n1onths brane as well as ossicular fixation and erosion can occur.11
after the ad111inistration of culture-specific antibiotics. The
bacteria, along with their toxins, initiate a complex cascade
Chronic Otitis Media
of inflan1matory 111ediators including the proinflan1matory Chronic otitis n1edia (COM) is an inflan1n1atory process in
cytokines TNF-o:, TNF-�, IL-lb, lL-6, and IL-8 along with the the n1iddle-ear space that results in long-tern1, or more often,
i111munoregulatory cytokines, TL-2, IL-4, IL-5, TL-1.0, and IFN-g. pern1anent changes in the tyn1panic men1brane including
TNF-a and IL-lb are the two n1ost in1portant and are consid­ atelectasis, din1er (forn1erly "n1ono1ner") for1nation, perfo­
ered the pri111ary cytokines responsible for the inflan1111atory ration, tyn1panosclerosis, retraction pocket develop1uent, or

FIGURE 25-3 • Serous otitis media.

Hematoxylln and eosin stained temporal bone
slide through the epitympanum a t the level of
the head of the malleus and body of the incus
demonstrates an eosinophilic effusion within
the middle ear and mastoid air cell system.

cholesteatoma. There is variable involvement of the ossicular of COM is conductive hearing loss, but patients may also pres­
chain. Chronic otitis media results from long-term Eustachian ent with otalgia, otorrhea, aural fullness, pulsatile ti11nitus, and
tube dysfunction with a poorly aerated middle-ear space, mul­ otorrhagia.
tiple bouts of acute otitis media, persistent middle-ear infec­
Chronic Active Otitis Media with Cholesteatoma
tion, or other chronic inflammatory stimulus. Chronic otitis
Cholesteato1na is an erosive process defined by trapped squa-
media can be classified as active, inactive, and inactive with
1nous epithelium that produces and accumulates desquan1ated
frequent reactivation. The classification scheme followed here
keratin debris. lls annual incidence is estimated at 3 per 100,000
for COM \Vas developed by Nadol12 and is presented below
in children and 9.2 per 100,000 in adults, with a slight male
(Table 25-1).
predominance (l.4X female). based on a study of Finnish and
Inflammation of the middle ear and mastoid follows a
Danish individuals.u Cholesteato1na can be divided into two
spectrum of changes in a continuum. Consequently, the dis­
general categories: congenital and acquired.
cussion of the sequence of infla1nmation and the cytokines
Bone erosion is present in the n1ajority of mature cholestea­
involved provided above regarding acute otitis media and oti­
to 1nas. lnitially, bone erosion is confined to the ossicular chain
tis media with effusion are relevant to COM and will not be
and scutuin. 1\s the cholesteato1na expands, erosion of the otic
repeated. Vvhy son1e patients progress from the acute to the
capsule, fallopian canal, and tegn1en can occur. The etiopathol­
chronic state while others resolve in a timely fashion remains
ogy of bone erosion is not well understood as it is con1plex and
largely unknown.
111ultifactorial. As the cholesteato1na contacts bone, the norn1al
The clinical presentation of COM varies with the underly­
n1ucosal lining degenerates and i11Han1n1atory nlediators of
ing severity of the infection, the host response, and the time
destruction such as n1acrophages, 111onocytes, and osteoclasts
course over which it 1nanifests. It is not uncommon for COM to
begin to appear in large nun1bers. Substantially increased popu­
be entirely asymptomatic, particularly in chi.ldren who often do
lations of 111ast cells have been found in granulation tissue and in
not complain of hearing loss. In general, the primary symptom
ossicles along their eroded surfaces.14 Multinucleated osteodasts
have been identified as the cell responsible for bone resorption
in cholesteato1nas.•s-17
TABLE 25-1 Classification of chronic otitis media Lipopolysaccharides, the primary component of bacte­
rial cell walls, have been found in higher concentrations in
Chronic active otitis media
patients with cholcsteaton1a and active bone destruction than
With cholesteatoma in patients with cholesteaton1a without bone destruction.17
Without cholesteatoma Lipopolysaccharides stimulate osteoclastic bone resorption by
inducing maturation of prcosteoclastic cells, but only if these
Chronic inactive otitis media
cells arc primed with a receptor activator NF-kB (RANKL}.18
With perforation
Once activated, a variety of cytokines is secreted in elevated
With retraction pocket
levels in cholcsteaton1as and perpetuates this process of
Adhesive otitis media osteoclast ic activation and bone destruction. These cytokines
With ossicular fixation or resorption include epidern1al growth factor, TNF-o:, IL-la, IL-lb, IL-6,
INF B, and PTH rP. 1�-21 Nitric oxide, particularly nitric oxide
Chronic inactive otitis media with frequent reactivati on
type II, has been shovvn to enhance osteoclastic activation and
From Nadol JB.•2 is for1ned synergistically by the cytokines IL-lB, TNF-o:, and

TFN-g.22 The exact nature of their interaction and the other

cytokines involved av1ait elucidation, but an ongoing inflam­
matory response seen1s crucial.
Studies have also shown that cholesteaton1as, unlike nor­
mal epitheliun1, no longer have the proper homeostasis of
keratinocyte growth and progran1med cell death (apoptosis).
tvleasures of the proliferative marker K.i-67 show levels that
are dran1atically elevated in cholesteatoma when con1pared to
non11al postauricular skin from the san1e patient. Furthern1ore,
measures of cell death, such as caspase-3, a n1arker for apopto­
sis, are not detected in cholesteaton1as. These findings were con­
firn1ed using other n1arkers of apoptosis such as the terminal
deoxynucleotide transferase n1ediated dUTP nick end labeling
technique (TUNEL test).23
Biofi I ms have been implicated in cholesteato111a forma­
tion. Both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria have
been identified in a biofilm of extracellular matrix within ker­
atin debris. Biofilms have been shown to have direct effects
FIGURE 25-4 •
Chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma (congenital).
on epithelial cell signaling, such as induction of epider111al This photograph demonstrates a congenital cholesteatoma. The
growth factors and upregulation of cytokines, specifically cholesteatoma can be seen posterio rly behind an intact eardrum.
TL-6. 24 Theoretically, the altered epi theI ial cel l signa Iing
explains the imbalance in hon1eostatic growth of keratino­
cytes noted above, which then leads to a hyperkeratotic state, debris that are desquamated and accu1nuJate, resuJting in bone

accelerating the forn1ation of cholesteaton1a niatrix and ker­ erosion with progressive enlarge1nent.

atin debris. Biofih11 forn1ation can also help explain the dif­ An acquired cholesteaton1a can be further subcategorized

ficulty in eradicating the frequent infeet.ions that occur with depending on its location. Attic cholesteato1nas, resuJting from

cholesteatomas. retraction of the pars flaccida of the tyn1panic membrane, are

the inost common. Posterior-superior retractions extend into
Congenital Chofesteatoma the posterior inesotympanum, facial recess, sinus tympani, and
Congenital cholest.eato111a con1prises squan1ous epitheliun1 can pass through the aditus ad antrum into the inastoid air
retained in the middle-ear space during embryologic 111igra­ cells. Finally, pars tensa cholesteatomas, the least co1n1non type,
tion of squamous cells. There is no connection to the tyn1panic result from retraction or perforation of the entire pars tensa of
membrane, whicb is non11al in appearance and intact. The cri­ the tyn1panic men1brane and invariably involve the eustachian
teria for the diagnosis of congenital cholesteatoma are stringent tube orifice, the attic, and the rnastoid.25
and they include: (1) a norn1al tympanic n1en1brane, (2) no The clinical presentation of an acquired cholesteatoma is
bistory of prior ear infections, and (3) no history of prior ear typified by retraction or perforation of the tympanic 1nembrane
surgery including tympanoston1y tubes. Congenital cholestea­ with trapped squamous debris seen on otoscopy (Figure 25-5).
ton1a niost comn1only occurs in the anterosuperior quadrant The pars flaccida of the tympanic membrane is the most com­
of the n1iddle-ear space reflecting the pathway of embryologic mon site of cholesteatoma formation. Typically, a cholesteatoma
cell niigration. causes conductive hearing loss as it affects the ossicular chain.
The typical clinical presentation consists of a painless, A key diagnostic distinction detected by CT scanning is scutal
whitish niass behind the tympanic men1brane along with a var­ erosion, present in acquired cholesteatoma, but absent in con­
iably severe conductive hearing loss, depending on the size of genital cholesteatoma.
the cbolesteaton1a (Figure 25-4). T111aging den1onstrates a soft Pathologic examination demonstrates a keratin cyst with
tissue mass in the niiddle-ear space that, as it enlarges, causes a tympanic membrane retraction or perforation in continuity
varying degrees of bony erosion of the tegn1en, ossicular chain, with the cyst (Figure 25-6). In contradistinction, in a congen­
mastoid, and otic capsule. A congenital cholesteaton1a typically ital cholesteatoma there is no connection between the tym­
does not erode the scutum, in contradistinction to acquired panic membrane and the cholesteatoma. A n epithelial lining
cholesteatoma, which does erode the scutum. surrounds the keratin cyst. A variety of inflammatory cells
The pathology of congenital cholesteaton1a features a ker­ can be seen, along with evidence of infection and bacterial
atin cyst surrounded by epithelial cells that. do not contact the colonization.
tyn1panic men1brane. The squaruous epitheliun1 surrounding
Chronic Active Otitis Media Without Cholesteatoma
the keratin debris can erode into the ossicular chain.
Chronic active otitis media without cholesteatoma is a chronic
Acquired Cho/esteatoma inflan1matory process of the niiddle ear and mastoid. Clinically,
Acquired cholesteatoma arises fron1 squamous epithelium that it presents v.1ith chronic otorrhea that varies in a111ount, color,
has n1igrated into the niiddle-ear space via retraction of the and consistency. Typically, otalgia is not severe and consists of a
tyn1panic 111e111brane or through a perforation of the tyn1panic dull earache that waxes and wanes. Otorrhagia can occur, par­
men1brane. The trapped squan1ous epitheliun1 produces keratin ticularly with aural polyp formation. 1-Iearing loss is virtually

ca vity

FIGURE 25-5 • Chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma (acquired).

This photograph demonstrates an acquired cholesteatoma. A FIGURE 25-7 • Chronic otitis media without cholesteatoma-active.

retraction of the tympanic membrane within the attic contains Hematoxylin and eosin stained temporal bone slide through the

keratin debris. hypotympanum at the level of the basal turn of the cochlea shows an
active inflammatory process. A perforation in the tympanic membrane
is identified with an inflammatory exudate extending from the external
auditory canal into the hypotympanic space. The mucosa! lining as
well as the remaining portion of the tympanic membrane are quite
µp--2.0 mm:=-�;::����
External auditory canal

Malle u
and connective tissue as well as inflam1natory cells. Variable
a1nounts of mucoid and purulent otorrhea occur chronically.
When infla1nmation persists, the hypere1nic, inflamed rnucosa
for1ns aural polyps. These polyps can be itnpressive, tilling the
rniddle-ear space entirely or prolapsing through the tympanic
rnetnbrane perforation and filling the entirety of the external
auditory canal. With continued inflammation, the 1nastoid air
cell tracts can become blocked, occasionally causing the for-
1nation of a cholesterol granuloma-a reaction of giant cells to
cholesterol crystals from degraded blood products. Ossicular
erosion can occur and is thought to follow si1nilar 1nechanisms

described earlier for cholesteato1na.

Chronic Inactive Otit1s Media With Perforation

FIGURE 25-6 • Chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma. Chronic inactive otitis n1edia with perforation is a pern1anent
Hematoxylin and eosin stained temporal bone slide through the perforation of the ty111panic membrane without any ongoing
mesotympanum at the level of the stapes footplate demonstrates an
inflan1matory process or infection in the 1niddle ear or n1astoid.
acquired cholesteatoma. A kerati n filled sac fills the entire middle-ear
space eroding the stapes suprastructure. The entry point into the
The tympanic 1ne1nbrane has been ruptured in the past as part
middle-ear cavity can be seen through the defect within the tympanic of previous acute or chronic inflam1nation. Perforations can be
membrane. in the pars flaccida or pars tensa of the tympanic 1nembrane,
and can be marginal, central, subtotal, or total.
Pathologically, the ty1npanic me1nbrane is perforated but
ah.vays present and conductive. Chronic active otitis inedia there is no inflamtnation of the tniddle-ear space or rnucosa
\.Yithout cholesteaton1a is an indolent process that can persist for (Figure 25-8). The perforation can be surrounded b y healthy
years, or indefinitely, in the absence of definitive inanagen1ent. residual tympanic inen1brane or by ty1npanosclerosis, a din1eric
Pathologically, there is considerable inflan1n1ation in the ine1nbrane, or thick scar. The perforation can extend to the
nliddle ear and inastoid (Figure 25-7). Early in the course of fibrous annulus and, rarely, involve it. The la1nina propria of
infla1nn1ation, n1ucosal eden1a along with sub1nucosal fibrosis the ty1npanic mernbrane can thicken at the periphery of the per­
and hypere1nia are typical. An infla1n1natory infiltrate is present foration due to fibrous tissue proliferation.
and usually con1prises ly111phocytes rather than polyn1orphonu­ Although the n1ucocutaneous junction (the junction of
clear cells. Plasn1a cells, histiocytes, and n1acrophages are also the squa1nous epithelial layer of the tympanic rne1nbrane ru1d
usually present. As the condition progresses, soft, friable gran­ the mucosa of the rnedial tympanic rnembrane) is typically
ulation tissue begins to forn1, which consists of new capillaries located at the edge of the perforation, in some cases, epithelial

External auditory canal

Perforati on


Facial Tympanic

FIGURE 25-8 • Chronic otitis media without cholesteatoma­ FIGURE 25-9 • Chronic otitis media without cholesteatoma­
inactive-tympanic membrane perforation. Hematoxylin and eosin retraction pocket. This photograph demonstrates a retraction pocket
stained temporal bone slide through the manubrium of the malleus in the pars flaccida region of the tympanic membrane down onto
within the mesotympanum demonstrates a tympanic membrane the neck of the malleus above the short process of the malleus. The
perforation extending posteriorly from the manubrium of the malleus. tympanic membrane is also retracted down onto the incudostapedial
Unlike slide 0, the tympanic membrane is of normal thickness. j oint. No keratin debris is collecting.
The middle ear and mastoid air cell system lack any inflammatory

• II

cells migrate n1edially through the perforation rather than stop­

ping at the edge. The cause of this n1igration is not kno,vn, but
it does have significant clinical i1nplications. The appearance retra ction
of an epithelial lining within the n1iddle-ear space is different pocket

fron1 the norn1al n1ucosal lining in that the squan1ous layer has
a velvety or bun1py appearance under n1agnification. If the ty1n­
panic n1e1nbrane is surgically repaired and the n1igrated epithe­
lial cells not removed fron1 the n1iddle-ear space, an iatrogenic
cholesteaton1a forn1s.

Chronic Inactive Otitis Media With Retraction Pocket

Chronic inactive otitis inedia with retraction pocket implies that
any ongoing infla1n1nation has resolved but a portion of the tyn1-
panic me1nbrane is retracted into the n1iddle ear or attic (Figure
25-9). This situation can result fro1n several conditions. One
possibility is chronic Eustachian tube dysfunctio11, a condition FIGURE 25-10 •Chronic otitis media without cholesteatoma­
that certainly can persist despite resolution of inflan11nation. The inactive-retraction pocket. Hernatoxylin and eosin stained temporal

ensuing negative middle-ear pressure pulls the tympanic 1nen1- bone slide at the level of the stapes footplate within the mesotym­
panum shows a retraction pocket of the tyrnpanic membrane. The
brane n1edially, creating a retraction pocket. Negative pressure
tympanic membrane is displaced inward in close approximation to
can also occur fron1 a lack of ventilation through the aditus ad the facial nerve. There are some subclinical eosin ophilic exudates
antrun1, a so-called attic block. Once a retraction pocket has within the tympanic cavity.
developed, a subclinical infla1nn1atory state can evolve in the
epithelial tissue, resulting in adhesions that tether the ty1npanic
n1e1nbrane to the ossicles, pro1nontory inucosa, or medial aspect Although retraction pockets are often precursors to cho­
of the scutun1. Ongoing infla1nn1ation can drive the retraction lesteato111a, so111e retraction pockets are quite stable and do
pocket further into the iniddle ear or inastoid, despite correction not progress to cholesteaton1a, even over a long period of tin1e.
of the n1iddle-ear pressure unbalance. Alternatively, irreversible A retraction pocket, by definition, does not have the reten­
adhesions can result fron1 the acute infla1111natory phase of infec­ tio11 keratin debris that is pathognon1onic for cholesteaton1as
tion. When a substantial portion of the ty1npanic inen1brane (Figure 25-10). Retraction pockets can involve any portion of
retracts and becon1es adherent to the 111edial wall of the n1id­ the eardrun1; but 111ost often they involve the attic, the posterior
dle ear, it is ter111cd adhesive otitis n1edia (see below-chronic quadrant, or a con1bination of both and is called a posterior­
inactive otitis n1edia with adhesive otitis n1edia). superior retraction pocket. Once a retraction pocket extends

beyond clinical vie'"'' observation alone is deen1ed unwise as

progression can go undetected. Such a retraction pocket can be 2.0mm

an indication for surgical intervention even in the absence of

External auditory canal
overt formation.

Chronic Inactive Otitis Media With

Adhesive Otitis Media Atelectation
Chronic inactive otitis media with adhesive otitis niedia con1- Retracte
UJ+- membrane
prises a stable, near total, or total retraction of the tyn1panic malleus

1ue1nbrane onto the promontory, ossicles, and other n1iddle­

ear structures. Adhesions exist between the eardrum and
these structures such that negative insufflation or even tyn1-
panosto1ny tube insertion cannot r es tore the drun1 to normal
anaton1ic position (Figure 25-11). Negative pressure insuf­
flation is accomplished by squeezing the air out of a Siegel
pneumatic otoscope bulb before applying it to the ear, thus
generating a negative pressure on the tympanic n1e1nbrane.
Adhesive otitis media can be stable, but it is difficult to pre­
dict which patients will worsen and go on to develop ossicular FIGURE 25-12 •Chronic otitis media without cholesteatoma­
erosion from pressure necrosis, infection, or cholesteatoma inactive-epidermization. Hematoxylin and eosin stained temporal

forn1ation. bone slide at the level of the promontory within the mesotympa­
num demonstrates a thinned tympanic membrane draped onto the
Pathologically, the tyn1pan ic n1en1brane is retracted into the
promontory of the cochlea. The malleus is substantially retracted
1uiddle-ear space and draped over the incus and stapes. The tym­ medially and adhesed onto the promontory. The epidermal layer
panic 1nen1braoe thins and loses its lan1ina propria. An extreme of the tympanic membrane is now covering the medial wall of the
torn1 of adhesive otitis n1edia is called epidennization of the mid­ middle-ear space resulting in epidermization.

dle ear ( Fig ur e 25-12), and it refers to a transformation of the nor-

1ual n1ucosal lining of the n1iddle ear into a squa1nous epithelial
Chronic Inactive Otitis Media With
lining. No keratin are retained. Epidern1ization can follow
Ossicular Fixation or Resorption
either a profoLLnd retraction, \¥hich after adhesion developn1ent
Chronic inactive otitis i11edia with ossicular fixation or resorp­
becomes incorporated into the 111iddle-ear lining, or ingrowth
tion is a con1plication of chronic otitis i11edia. Son1e patients
of epithelial cells through an existing perforation, which then
have substantial fixation of the ossicular chain, including the
carpet the 111iddle ear. Epidern1ization can involve either a por­
111alleus, incus, and/or stapes in con1binations. Ossicular fix­
tion of the middle ear or the entire n1iddle ear. Epidern1ization
ation typically is the result of tyn1panosclerosis of the head of
can ren1ain stable \¥ithout necessarily evolving into a cholestea­
the malleus or the body of the incus in the attic, or of the sta­
toma. Progression, however, is variable and difficult to predict
pes footplate arou11d the annular liga1nent. Adhesions can also
for1n medial to the tyn1panic me1nbrane, i1npeding the normal
inobility of the ossicular chain.
Ossicular resorption is co1nmon with chronic inactive otitis
inedia. The incudostapedial joint is particularly vulnerable to
resorption given the tenuous blood supply to the lenticular
process of the incus, as well as its delicate structure. Ho,¥ever,
resorption can occur at any part of the ossicles, and often
involves the long process of the incus and the capitulu1n and
crura of the stapes. lnvolven1ent of the body of the incus and
the inanubriu1n of the inalleus can occur but are less con1111011.
It re1nains unclear '"'hY some ears progress to ossicular fixation,
'"'hereas others develop ossicular erosions.

Chronic Inactive Otitis Media With

Frequent Reactivation
Although the inflan11nation is not continuously active, fre­
quent flare-ups are present. These episodes of reactivation or
flare-ups usually are not caused by an inciting event, such as
'"'ater exposure or an upper respiratory tract infection. Rather,
although the patient is able to return to a clinically inactive
state after each flare-up, a subclinical, infla1nn1atory condi­
tion persists in the n1iddle ear and n1astoid air cell systen1. It is
FIGURE 25-11 •Chronic otitis media without cholesteatoma­
adhesive otitis media. This photograph demonstrates an atelectatic the subclinical infla1n1natory condition that waxes and '"'anes.
tympanic membrane which is retracted medially. Consequently, treatn1ent n1ust address this subclinical disease.

For example, sin1ple tyn1panic niembrane closure without typically 1 year. Streptomycin also has activity against M. tuber­
addressing the subclinical niastoid inflammatory condition wiII culosis. Surgical treatment is limited to biopsies.
lead to unacceptable rates of surgical failure. The hallmark histopathologic finding of tuberculosis is a
Chronic inactive otitis niedia with frequent reactivation caseating granulo1na. Ten1poral bone histopathology varies
can persist indefinitely, progress to chronic active otitis media, widely. Tytnpanic membrane thickening, tympanic n1embrane
or resolve into chronic inactive otitis n1edia. Depending on the perforation (multiple or coalescent), middle-ear hyperemia,
tin1ing of histopathologic evaluation, the ear either appears inflamrnatory effusion, ossicular erosion, and temporal bone
actively infected or mimics inactive chronic otitis media (dis­ destruction have all been documented.2"
cussed earlier).
Wegener's Granu/omatosis
Wegener's granulon1atosis was first described by Klinger il11931,
Granulomatous Diseases but Wegener is credited as the first to report it as a distinct clinical
entity.29•30 Wegencr's granulornatosis is an idiopathic, granulo­
The granulon1atous diseases are, in general, uncommon but
n1atous nccrotizing vasculitis. Sn1a1ler vessels such as capillar­
in1portant. When a patient fails to respond to standard treat­
ies and small arterioles are typically involved. The incidence
n1ents for chronic otitis niedia, a high index of suspicion for a
of \A/egener's granulon1atosis is 3.14 per inillion, with a slight
granulon1atous disorder niust be n1aintained. It is often helpful
fe1nale predon1inance and a predilection for Caucasians.31,32 The
to obtain tissue in such cases for definitive diagnosis and appro­
peak age at onset ranges fron1 45 to 65 years.32 Organ involve-
priate treatment. A brief review of four granulon1atous diseases
1nent includes the kidneys, lungs, and upper aerodigestive tract,
is provided in the following sections.
with otic involvernent occurring in 19 to 560/o of patients.33 Otic
Tuberculosis presentation includes conductive hearing loss, sensorineural
Tuberculosis is an infection caused by i'vfycobacterium tubercu­ hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, otalgia, facial nerve paresis, and
losis and is spread via respiratory droplets. In 2006, 13,767 cases otorrhea. There is usually a draining tyinpanic ine1nbrane per­
of tuberculosis were reported in the United States or 4.6 cases foration and the nlucosa has pron1inent, often pale, eden1atous
per 100,000 individuals, according to the Center for Disease changes. The clinical picture of otic \.Vegcner's disease is one of
Control and Prevention, representing a decline of 3.2<Yo from inedically-refractory, purulent chronic otitis inedia. This initial
the preceding year. The prevalence of tuberculosis in foreign­ presentation 1ni1nics tuberculosis except that there is usually
born individuals was 9.5 tin1es the rate in US-born individu­ a disproportionate degree of pain. Neurologic involvement is
als.26 According to the World Health Organization, a new case of estin1ated at 15 to 30% with cranial nerve involvc1uent at 7% in
tuberculosis occurs each second. Furthermore, one-third of the a 1993 review of 324 patients.3'·35 Current theories hypothesize
world's population is currently infected with J\1. tuberculosis.27 that the antineutrophil cytoplasn1ic antibody c-ANCA for1ns
A Ithough virtually every organ systen1 can be involved, pul- against con1plc1nentary peptide sequences to proteinase-3,
111onary involvement and the resulting syn1ptoms predon1inate, ter1ned PR3. These antibodies nlay be introduced or induced
including chronic cough, hen1optysis, and dyspnea. Spread into by exogenous infectious pathogens, with Staphylococcus aureus
the n1iddle ear and 111astoid occurs either through direct exten­ being i1nplicated in nlany cases. S. aureus has a protein with a
sion of the upper airway infection via the Eustachian tube, or peptide sequence quite sin1ilar to that of PR3. The c-ANCA then
by hematogenous seeding. The classic description of otic tuber­ causes dan1age b y activating neutrophils, releasing free radicals
culosis con1prises a tympanic nien1brane with multiple perfo­ and lytic enzyines.36
rations or one coalescent perforation. Tntraoperative findings The original diagnostic criteria of Godman and Churg
include thick, pale granulation tissue; but often the clinical and for Wegener's granulom.atosis co1nprised a triad of upper
intraoperative findings are indistinguishable from ordinary respiratory tract granulon1as, necrotizing vasculitis, and
chronic suppurative otitis n1edia. The infection is usually pain­ glomerulonephritis.37 It is now recognized that there is a charac­
less and is often associated with serous or purulent drainage teristic vascuiitis that can be li1nited to just one organ. Biopsies
and a conductive hearing loss. Therefore, tuberculosis should can confirn1 the diagnosis, but in the car, often show only non­
be included in the dife
f rential diagnosis of a draining ear that specific inflam1nation. Sinonasal biopsies have the highest spec­
is resistant to the usual topical therapy, especially if in a patient ificity and sensitivity for the diagnosis. Diagnosis can be aided
fron1 an enden1ic area or the inner city. Although the diagnosis \¥ith a highly specific and sensitive serun1 nlarker, c-ANCA.
can be niade through cell culture, i\1. tuberculosis is quite dif­ However, up to 30% of cases can be c-ANCA negative, particu­
ficult to culture and is slow grO\¥ing usually requiring at least larly in the inore lin1ited forn1s of the disease. Although in the
6 weeks for culture results to become positive. Real-tin1e nucleic past the prognosis \¥as disn1al, advances in treatn1ent no\¥ result
acid polyn1erase chain reaction (PCR) assays for tuberculosis in a greater than 70% ren1ission rate.
are now available as a rapid tool for M. tuberculosis identifica­ Treatment i s initially directed toward the induction of
tion in san1ples. The purified protein derivative (PPD) test, a remission with cyclophospha1nide or incthotrexate, co1n­
skin test for tuberculosis, along with a chest x-ray and sputum bined with glucocorticoids. Maintenance of re1nission can
cultures can be used to screen patients for active puln1onary be accon1plished with methotrexatc, azathioprinc, and glu­
disease. cocorticoids. Antistaphylococcal antibiotics such as cotri­
Treatn1ent for active tuberculosis usually involves four n1azole or trimethoprim have had 1nixed long-tern1 results.
drugs given concurrently-isonazid, rifan1pin, pyrizinamide, Although the TNF-a blocker etanerccpt did not show efficacy
and etha111butol-for a 111inin1un1 of 6 1nonths, but n1ore in prelin1inary studies, the T-cell and B-cell inhibitor of

differentiation, deoxyspergualin, showed promise in refrac­ or asymptomatic. Treat1nent involves surgical excision, intral­
tory cases leading to con1plete or partial ren1ission in a.II esional steroids, or low-dose (around 24 Gy) radiation therapy.43
cases.38 Surgical management v,rith either niyringotomy or Adjuvant chen1otberapy may be en1ployed in individualized
niastoidecton1y has been associated with an exacerbation of cases. The prognosis is excellent.
the clinical course.39 Hand-Schuller-Christian disease is a chronic, disse1ni­
The histopathology of \A/egener's is characterized by non­ nated for1n of LCH that affects children and young adults. It
caseating granulomas with necrotizing vasculitis of the sn1all is characterized by osteolytic lesions, typically of the mandible
blood vessels. Te111poral bone involvement includes granula­ and skull. It also has syste1nic nlanifestations involving n1ultiple
tion tissue in the 111iddle-ear space, often at the Eustachian tube organ systen1s (see Table 25-2). These systen1ic n1anifestations
orifice, along with fibrous deposits in the subn1ucosal layer of usually becon1e evident within 6 n10nths of the initial lesion.••
the 111iddle ear and mastoid with necrotizing blood vessels sur­ Twenty-five percent of patients present with the triad of an oste­
rounded by leucocytic infiltration. Also, proteinaceous material olytic skull lesion, exopthal!nos, and diabetes insipidus due to
in the perilyn1phatic space, hair cell degeneration, eden1a of the sphenoid roof erosion into the sella turcica.45 Treatn1ent is surgi­
spiral ligan1ent, ossification of the cochlear turns, and thicken­ cal excision, if possible, co1nbined with chen1otherapy and radi­
ing of the round-window n1en1brane with invasion of the mem­ ation therapy. The nlortality rate approxin1ates 30%.
branous labyrinth have been docuniented.40•41 Letterer-Siwe disease is the acute, dissen1inated torn1 ofLCH.
It affects children less than 3 years of age. The presentation is acute
Langerhan's Cell Histiocytosis with 1nultiple bony lesions and extra skeletal systen1ic involve1nent
langerhan's cell histiocytosis, also termed Histiocytosis X., is such as fever, proptosis, hepatosplenomegaly, adenopathy, ane-
a granulon1atous di.sease of unknown etiology. It can involve 1nia, thro111bocytopenia, and exfoliative dern1atitis. Treatn1ent is
aln1ost any organ system and has a wide scope of possible pre­ with che1notherapy using vinblastine, vincristine, inethotrexate,
sentations (Table 25-2). One notable characteristic is the devel­ cyclophosphan1ide, or other cytotoxic drugs along \.Yith intrave­
opn1ent of wel I-circumscribed, lytic lesions with sealloped edges nous high-dose corticosteroids. The prognosis is quite poor and
seen on radiographic exa111ination. the fatality rate is correspondingly high. Histopathologically,LCH
Otologic manifestations can be the initial presentation of is characterized by sheets of polygonal histiocytes (La.ngerhan's
the disease, incl.uding otorrhea, postauricular swelling, hearing cells). These sheets of histiocytes rest in a background of inflan1-
loss, and vertigo.33•42 Facial nerve involvement occurs in of 3% 1natory cells, such a s eosinophils, lyn1phocytes, inacrophages, and
of all cases ofLCH.42 inultinucleated giant cells. The Langerhan's cell is characterized
Langerhan's cell histiocytosis is divided into three subtypes: by Birbeck granules (also called X bodies), which are trilaminar
Eosinoph ilic granulo1na, Hand-Schul !er-Christian disease, and rod-shaped organelles in the nuclear cytoplasn1 as seen on electron
Letterer-Siwe disease. inicroscopic evaluation. It is w1clear whether the Langerhan's cell
Eosinophilic granuloma is the localized form ofLCH, lack­ is neoplastic or reactive. These cells stain S-100 positive and/or
ing n1ultiorgan, systen1ic involvement. It typically affects older CDl a positive, and have eosinophilic cytoplasn1. Ten1poral bone
children and young adults \.Yith a slight 111ale-to-fen1ale predi­ involve1nent can inanifest as erosion of the external auditory canal
lection. It is characterized by osteolytic lesions, typically of the wall, 1nastoid cortex, bony labyrinth, squan1ous bone, zygomatic
ten1poral and frontal bones. These bony lesions can be painful bone, or petrous bone.40

TABLE 25-2 Organ system involvement in Langerhan's cell histiocytosis

Bone Flat/long bones, skull, ribs, vertebrae, pelvis, mandible, maxilla, scapulae

Otologic Otorrhea, conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss, otalgia, facial paralysis, mastoiditis, otitis
media, otitis externa

Ophthalmologic Proptosis
- -

Gastrointestinal Hepatosplenomegaly, malabsorption

Oral Gingival swelling, oral masses, loose or missing teeth

Lymphatic Anterior cervical lymphadenopathy, other lymphadenopathy

Dermatologic Scaly yellow-brown plaques, greasy popular rash with petechia, purpura, exfoliative dermatitis

Neuroendocrine Diabetes insipidus, delayed growth, hypogonadism, truncal ataxia, tremors, seizures, cranial

Hematologic Anemia, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, elevated sedimentation rate

Pulmonary Bilateral infiltrates with reticular or reticulonodular pattern, fibrosis

Constitutional Fever, malaise


Mycotic Diseases References

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Aural Complications of
Otitis Media
Arvind Kumar, MD, FRCS I Richard Wiet, MD, FACS

As Shambaugh writes in his preface to Surgery of the Ear, "no is followed by suppuration, co111plication, and then resolution.
branch of n1edical science has been altered n1ore profoundly, In the inflamn1atory stage, hypere1nia and eden1a of the lnuco­
advanced more rapidly, and benefited so greatly by sulfonan1ide periosteun1 is follo\ved by exudation of serofibrinous fluid
and antibiotic therapy than surgery of the ear." The authors into tl1e iniddle ear. As the fluid volume increases, pressure is
recall stories of the a1nazing transition Chicago witnessed as exerted against the tympanic inen1brane (TM) and, if myrin­
'"'hole hospitals devoted to infectious disease began to close gotomy is not perforn1ed, the bulging TM ruptures, usually in
'"'ith the introduction of antibiotic therapy; this change echoed the anterior-inferior quadrant. Pain subsides, and toxicity and
throughout otology. fever begin to abate. In 111ost instances, subsequent to resolu­
Today a n1uch inore insidious proble1n exists. Yow1g otolo­ tion of inflam1nation, the perforation heals spontaneously. In
gists are often surprised by the consequences of infection by viru­ a Caucasian population, a perforation persists in about 2o/o of
lent organis1ns, which can cause an alert patient '"'ith a disturbing patients.
otitis to beco1ne con1atose and near death within 12 h. In this The hearing loss associated with such a per1nanent perfo­
chapter, the authors ain1 to catalog and organize current thinking ration is usually inild. The Weber lateralizes to the affected ear
on the management of the intrate1nporal, extradural complica­ and the Rinne is positive bilaterally. The audion1etric evaluation
tions of otitis n1edia with the hope that catastrophic complica­ should bear out the tuning fork tests. The cause of conductive
tions can be avoided by pron1pt and appropriate intervention. hearing loss fro1n TM perforations is discussed in Chapter 3.
Otitis media is an inflan1n1ation of part or all of the muco­ The T.tv1 perforation can be surgically repaired. \<\That
periosteal lining of the tympano1nastoid con1partn1ent co1n­ are the chances of success of myringoplasty in such cases?
prising the Eustachian tube, the tympanic cavity, the n1astoid Eustachian tube dysfunction diminishes the chances for a suc­
antrun1, and all the pneun1atized spaces of the temporal bone. cessful inyringoplasty. Unfortunately, an accurate preoperative
Co1nplications of otitis media have been defined as spread evaluation of Eustachian tube dysfu11ction is not possible. The
of infection beyond the confines of the lining mucosa of the status of the opposite ear is no predictor of Eustachian tube
middle-ear cleft.1 Both acute and chronic otitis n1edia (COM)
can cause complications (Table 26-1). In the preantibiotic era,
52°/o of co1nplications were associated with virulent acute otitis
TABLE26-1 Complications of suppurative
lnedia. Today, the n1ajority of complications result fro1n CO.tvL ear disease
Morbidity and 1nortality fro1n co1nplications can be n1inin1ized
if there is a keen fan1iliarity with the specific type of draining INTRACRANIAL

ear, the underlying pathology, and the early signs and sy1nptoms INTRATEMPORAL INTRADURAL
of co1nplications. These considerations are particularly signifi­
cant now because the rarity of complications li1nits the individ­ • Leptomeningit is • Leptomeningitis
ual experience of most otologists. • Acut e mastoiditis • Pachymeningitis

• Pachymeningitis - Subdural abscess

- Epidural abscess • Brain abscess
- Perisinus abscess and SST • Otitic hydrocephalus
Perforation of the Pars Tensa
• Petrositis
Acute otitis inedia (AOM) of bacterial origin typically affects • Facial paralysis
preschool children and the nasopharynx is usually the source
• Labyrinthitis
of the infection. An initial infla1nn1ation of the n1iddle-ear cleft

function on the ipsilateral side. The best correlate of Eustachian

tube dysfunction is mastoid pneu1natization. The results of a
technically well-done nlyringoplasty in a well-pneu1natized
nlaStoid exceed 950/o.

Acute Mastoiditis/Subperiosteal Abscess

Acute 1nastoiditis is the extension of the middle-ear inflan1-
n1ation of AOM into the antrun1 and inastoid air cells. Such
spread occurs because the n1astoid antrun1 and the epitympa­
nun1 co1n1nunicate freely with each other through the aditus ad
antrurn. According to Nager2"a mild forn1 of mastoiditis regu­
larly acco1npanies an AO:tv1 in which the inflan1n1atory process
is li1nited to the mucoperiosteu1n." Therefore, this early stage
of inflam1nation of the whole middle-ear cleft is better termed
as ty1npanornastoiditis. Routine CT and :tv1R scans of the ten1po­
ral bone are often reported to show "1nastoiditis" even though
there is no clinical evidence of pain or tenderness over the inas­
toid or any radiologic evidence of bone destruction. To clarify
the clinical significance of such apparent inconsistencies, it is
worthwhile to trace the progression of tympanomastoiditis to
a subperiosteal abscess: if during the course of tympano1nas­
FIGURE 26-1 Axial, bone-window temporal bone CT scan showing
toiditis, the aditus is blocked by inflammatory tissue, mucopu­

coalescent mastoiditis (arrow). Note the soft tissue swelling lateral to

rulent n1aterial may becon1e loculated within the antrum and mastoid process (star).
the contiguous air cells of the ten1poral bone. If the infection is
severe and the blockage of the aditus persists despite antibiotic
therapy, retrograde thron1bophlebitis inay lead to ede1na and (8%), although it is in1portant to note that in SOo/o of these
cellulitis of the soft tissues overlying the n1aStoid, underlying cases, the specin1en was taken fron1 the external auditory
the ipsilateral retroauricular pain, swelling, and induration of canal. In nearly all these patients, recovery \.YaS uncon1pli­
acute inastoiditis. If the pus is not drained, either spontaneously cated, even though no antipseudon1onal antibiotics were used
or by surgical intervention, necrosis and de1nincralization of in 12 of the 18 patients. These authors also found that antibi­
the bony trabeculae occur resulting in "coalescent n1astoiditis" otic treatment of AOM is not a safeguard against acute inas­
(Figure 26-1). Fron1 this stage on, disease progression follo,vs toiditis. Early myringoto1ny was found to be associated with a
a continuum depending on the direction in which the erosive less co1nplicated course of inastoiditis.
process goes: Noncoalescent inastoiditis can be treated effectively using

Most comn1only, the n1aStoid cortex is eroded and a sub­ culture-specific intravenous antibiotics with 111yringotomy and
periosteal abscess develops. place1nent of a tyn1panosto1ny tube. About 20% of patients so

With n1edial progression, the abscess involves the petrous treated n1ay nonetheless experience disease progression and
pyra1nid; if the apex is involved, the classic syn1pto1ns
ultimately need a cortical 111astoidecton1y. Close observation of
and signs of Gradenigo's syndro1ne inay develop.
such children is very i1nportant to anticipate and prevent seri­

With anterior progression, the fallopian canal or the lab­
ous con1plications.
yrinth can be co1npromised, resulting in facial paralysis
and/or vertigo with or without sensorineural hearing Coalescent 1nastoiditis and subperiosteal 1nastoid
loss. abscess require careful evaluation and appropriate in1aging

If the n1astoid tip is eroded, a Bezold 's abscess may studies. Manage1nent includes IV antibiotics, 1nyringoton1y,
develop. and cortical 1nastoidecto1ny. It is in1portant to realize that

Progression toward the tegn1en or Trautn1an's triangle in infants and young children, the stylo1nastoid foran1en is
inay result in an epidural abscess. located on the lateral surface of the 1nastoid as can be seen in

Invasion of the perily1nph or cerebrospinal fluid space Figure 26-2. The postauricular incision thus should be nlod­
can evolve into ineningitis. itied by not extending it inferiorly below the level of the floor
In a n1ulticenter study of
223 consecutive cases of mas­ of the external auditory canal, and facial nerve inonitoring
toiditis/AOM, Luntz et al.3 found that 88°/o occurred in chil­ sho uld be used.
dren under the age of 8 years. Upon admission to hospital, Tn1n1unocon1pron1ised patients are particularly susceptible
22% presented with one or 1nore intraten1poral or intracra­ to coalescent mastoiditis.4 The patient shown in Figure 26-3 was
nial co1nplications. The nloSt con11nonly isolated organ­ HIV-positive. Following an episode of A01v1, he rapidly devel­
is1ns \\•ere Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, oped a zygomatic abscess.
Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus (coagulase nega­ Inadequately treated A01vf can also lead to complica­
tive), Hae1nophilus influenzae, and Pseudornonas aeruginosa. tions. Subacute otitis n1edia, the consequence of inadequate
Cultures were positive for Pseudon1onas spp. in 18 patients th erap y, comprises the resolution of the initial syn1ptorns of

history in such cases is one of persistent, inild irritability, diar­

rhea, and tugging at the ear after apparent resolution of an
episode of AOM following antibiotic therapy. Dor1nant disease
has been reported by Meyerhoff et al." in temporal bones with
otitis media. Based on clinical studies, it is postulated that
-i" ll'\. anaerobic organisn1s such as Peptococcus spp. and Bacteriodes
·�-'" ''
spp. thrive in the anaerobic environment of the mastoid i n

which the aditus i s blocked by granulation tissue. 'fhese anaer­
obic organisms are of low virulence, and an indolent osteitis
results that causes little or no pain. The patient depicted in
Figure 26-4 presented with painless postauricular swelling. As

J. is often the case, the TM was thickened5 but intact. A CT scan

(Figure 26-5) showed a subperiosteal abscess that required
surgical drainage and cortical inastoidecto1ny. In their series
of 9 cases of 1nasked mastoiditis, Holt and Gates5 found sev­
eral associated complications, including epidural abscess (2),
facial paralysis (1), 1neningitis and epidural abscess (1), n1en­
ingitis (2), brain abscess (2), and cerebritis (1). It is irnportant
to maintain a high index of suspicion for this insidious disease
and to have a low threshold for obtaining a CT scan of the tem­
FIGURE 26-2 Photograph of the lateral surface of the temporal

poral bones to rule out co1nplications. \IVhen acute complica­
bone of a full-term neonate. The mastoid process is not yet
tions of otitis n1edia are suspected, it is prudent to perfor1n
developed, and the stylomastoid foramen is located high on the
lateral surface of the temporal bone (arrow). the CT scan with IV contrast to look for thron1bophlebitis or
intracranial involve1nent.

Petrositis (also known as petrous apicitis) is an infla1nmation of
the pneumatized spaces of the petrous portion of the temporal
bone and is a rare co1nplication of AOM. ln 1nost individuals, the
petrous apex is poorly pneumatized, but when pneumatization

FIGURE 26-3 • Clinical photograph of an HIV-positive patient with an

acute zygomatic abscess.

AOM, while disease progresses to the formation of an acute

1nastoid abscess without the usual acco111panying toxicity.
Holt and Gates5 reported their experience with 9 patients with
so-called rnasked mastoiditis, in which the patient presents FIGURE 26-4 • Clinical photograph of baby with left "masked
with an intratemporal and/or intracranial co111plication. 'fhe mastoiditis." Arrow points to the protruding left ear.

to the otic capsule, dura, or veins n1ay cause labyrinthitis, n1en­

ingitis, epidural abscess, and brain abscess.
1vfanagen1ent of petrous apicitis con1prises the adn1inis­
tration of systen1ic antibiotics and surgical drainage. The first
step is a con1plete inastoidecton1y with skeletoni.zation of the
se1nicircular canals. Then the petrous apex can be approached
by several routes, depending on the location of the infection,
the pneun1atization of the ten1poral bone, and the status of
the hearing. In a nonhearing ear, the translabyrinthine and
transotic approaches are the easiest and offer excellent expo­
sure of the petrous apex. Sacrifice of hearing n1ay be justi­
fied if the clinical condition endangers the patient's life, and
this approach is deen1ed to offer the best and safest 111eans
for n1anagen1ent. If inore anterior exposure is required, the
transcochlear approach is the best option. In a hearing ear, a
subte1nporal or an infracochlear approach affords access to
anteriorly located disease. The retrolabyrinthine or subarcuate
routes allow drainage of posterior apicitis \"lith preservation
of hearing.

Facial Paralysis
Children are inost susceptible to facial paralysis secondary
to AOM. As \"lith all other complications, antibiotics have
reduced the incidence of facial paralysis. Most con11nonly,
the first sy1npto1ns are those of AOM and facial paralysis fol­
FIGURE 26-5 •Axial CT scan of the temporal bone of the same
lows several days later. Paralysis of the face is rarely the initial
patient as in Figure 26-4.
Pathophysiology: The routes of spread of infection to the
facial nerve are
does occur, air cells extend into the petrous pyran1id in two
n1a1 n groups: 1. via natural dehiscences in the fallopian canal, n1ost often in
its ty1npanic seg1nent;
l. A posterior group of cells that are in continuity v,rith the 2. via natural pathways that connect the 1niddle ear and the
niastoid antrun1 and epity1npanun1, that cluster around lumen of the Fallopian canal, such as the canal for the sta­
the semicircular canals at the base of the pyran1id, and that pedius 1nuscle, neurovascular connections, and n1astoid air
extend medially to the petrous apex. cells in close contact with the fallopian canal;
2. An anterior group of cells that extends from the mesotym­ 3. via direct infection of bone around the Fallopian canal
panun1, hypotyn1panun1, and protyn1panum and passes (localized osteitis).
around the cochlea to the petrous apex.
The organisn1s that cause facial paralysis are the sa1ne that cause
Schuknecht7 classified petrositis as acute and chronic. AOM. Pus or osteitis around the dehiscent facial nerve inost
Acute Petrositis: The pathology of acute petrositis is the same likely leads to inflan1mation and s'"lelling of the nerve. Toxins

as acute tympanon1astoiditis described above. In the major­ and ischen1ia probably have an ancillary role.

ity of instances the infla111n1ation resolves without producing

any sympto111s. If the products of inflammation are retained,
the involved ear drains and osteitis may develop at the apex of 1. The n1anage1nent ain1s to treat the underlying AON! with
the petrous pyra1nid leading to diplopia and retro-orbital pain. appropriate antibiotics for at least 10 days. At the san1e
The abducens nerve is co111pressed as it traverses Dorello's canal ti1ne, inyringoto111y, and if appropriate, insertion of a ty1n­
under Gruber's (the petroclinoid) ligan1ent, causing paralysis panosto1ny tube is helpful. The patient in Figure 26-6 was
of the ipsilateral lateral rectus 111uscle. The ipsilateral trigen1i­ treated conservatively and the outcon1e, as can be seen, was
nal nerve, located at the petrous apex, is also inflan1ed, leading satisfactory.
to retro-orbital pain. The triad of a draining ear with ipsilat­ 2. A n intact canal wall n1astoidecton1y is indicated if coales­
eral retro-orbital pain and abducens nerve palsy is known as cent inastoiditis develops and the response to conservative
Gradenigo's syndron1e. The diagnosis is confirmed by a high­ treatn1ent is not satisfactory. Facial nerve deco111pression is
resolution ten1poral bone CT scan. not necessary in the vast n1ajority of cases, particularly as
Chronic Petrositis: Tn addition to inflammatory ch a nges, con1plete facial recovery occurs in >95°/o of cases of paralysis
there is new bone forn1ation and resorption. Osteitis adjacent secondary to AONL

there is no clinical niethod for differentiating serous fron1

A suppurative labyrinthitis. The diagnosis is retrospective. If
vestibular and auditory functions are partially or co1npletely
retained, it can be assun1ed that the infection was serous.
Margolis e t al.9 tested high-frequency hearing in children
with history of AOivI and in a matched control group. They
found a higher incidence of high-frequency hearing loss in
the AOivl group.
In addition to antibiotic treatment of AOM, adjuvant cor­
ticosteroid therapy should be considered when labyrinthitis is
suspected or diagnosed.


Today, complications are more commonly seen in the setting

of chronic otitis media. A good understanding of the patho­
physiology of COM enables an appreciation of which forms
of COivl lead to complications. Smyth10 proposed that "mid­
dle-ear effusion (lvlEE) is the underlying cause of virtually
all forms of chronic suppurative otitis media, ranging from
benign uncomplicated perforations of the tympanic mem­
B brane, through atelectasia of the middle ear, to life threatening
cholesteatomatous disease of the petrous bone." The long-term
presence of lv1EE causes a portion of the Tlvl to lose its fibrous
and elastic layers; this loss is believed to be caused by enzymes
present in the MEE. This portion of the TM appears thin and
atrophic (Figure 26-7). Subsequently there are four possible

l. The condition of the Tl\.1 remains stable for many years and
on examination a "healed scar" is seen.

FIGURE 26-6 •A, Clinical photograph of a patie nt with right ,

infranuclear facial paralysis. B, Same patie nt after a 2-week course

of treatment for AOM.

Schuknecht8 described three types of labyrinthitis:

1. Serous labyrinthitis
2. Otogenic suppurative labyrinthitis
3. Meningitic suppurative labyrinthitis

Serous labyrinthitis occurs during the course of acute or

chronic otitis n1edia. It is presun1ed that bacterial exotoxins
enter the inner ear via the oval or round window or a labyrin­ FIGURE 26-7 • Clinical photograph of a left TM showing myrin­
thine fistula. As a complication of AOM the first t\.YO routes gosclerosis with a central dimeric area. Courtesy of Dr. Richard
are n1ore likely. According to Schuknecht,8 in the acute phase Buckingham.

2. The weak area breaks down during a subsequent episode

of AO"tvf, leading to a permanent perforation of the pars
tensa of the T�f. The status of the n1iddle ear can often
be assessed by viewing it through the perforation. \iVhen
there is no 111ucosal disease, discharge, or evidence of
ossicular erosion, the ear can remain stable (Figure 26-8).
Alternatively, the mucosa n1ay appear boggy and there
111ay be discharge and granulation tissue. Granu.lation tis­
sue 111ay present as a polyp in the external auditory canal
(EAC) (Figure 26-9).
3. Tf a large area of the TM becon1es atrophic, the persistent
negative middle-ear pressure can cause the atrophic Ttvf
to drape over the 111edial wall of the n1iddle ear, the incus,
and the stapes. The appearance of such an atelectatic Tl\1 is
111uch like that of the thin plastic wrap used to protect food
(Figure 26-1.0).
4. With atrophy of the posterior-superior quadrant of the
TM, a retraction pocket develops. Enlargen1ent of the
pocket can result in erosion of the long process of the
incus. With the development of adhesions that anchor the
pocket to the nl iddle-ear nlucosa, the retraction pocket
is no longer reversible. \iVith loss of self-cleansing ability,
the pocket accun1ulates squan1ous debri.s and becon1es a FIGURE 26-9 •Clinical photograph of right ear with an EAC polyp.
cyst, \Vhich, with further enlargen1ent, can extend nledial Courtesy of Dr. Richard Buckingham.
to the body of the incus and the head of the malleus
(Figure 26-11).

Therefore there are differences an1ong draining ears, and

successful manage1nent requires an understanding of the under­
lying pathology and its clinical presentation. T\o\IO 1nain types of
chronic suppuration, based on the en1bryology of tbe nliddle­
ear cleft, have been described in the British literature:

1. Tubotyn1panic disease (safe or benign type)

2. Atticoantral disease (unsafe or n1align type)

FIGURE 26-10 •Clinical photograph of a left ear showing an atrophic

TM plastered on to the medial wall of the middle ear (atelectasis).
Courtesy of Dr. Richard Buckingham.

Tubotympanic Disease
The tubotympanic recess is derived from the first branchial
pouch, which is lined by respiratory epithelium. This form of
FIGURE 26-8 • Clinical photograph of a left TM showing a disease is characterized by a perforation of the pars tensa in
perforation of the pars tensa. Courtesy of Dr. Richard Buckingham. which the margins of the perforation are surrounded by a rin1

FIGURE 26-11 • Clinical photograph of a tympanic membrane with

a posterior-superior quadran t retraction pocket that contains a
cholesteatoma (star). Courtesy of Dr. Richard Buckingham.

of the pars tensa or the annulus. Disease in the niiddle-ear cleft

is confined to the niucosa, and it is rarely the seat of complica­
tions. In our experience we have noted three types of tubotyn1-
panic disease:

1. A Tl\1 perforation is noted on a routine physical exa111-

ination, and the patient is con1pletely asyn1pton1atic.
l'vfawson and Ludn1an11 have tern1ed such a perforation as
. .

1 nactive.
(( ))

2. There is intermittent otorrhea that readily responds to

FIGURE 26-12 • A N ormal axial CT scan of a right temporal bone.

conservative treatn1ent with aural toilet and antibiotic

B, Axial CT of a temporal bone with cholesterol granuloma in the
drops. middle ear, mastoid, and glenoid fossa. The condyle is displaced
3. There is intractable drainage that resists all conservative laterally (arrow).
manage111ent. It is in such cases that florid granulation tis­
sue occupies the entire middle-ear cleft, and if not treated
surgically, a polyp n1ay protrude into the EAC (Figure 26-9)
cholesteatoma noted at surgery. A revie,,.,, of these articles
or other con1plications niay develop. Figure 26-12 shows the
shows that co1nplications occurred in neglected cases of COM
ten1poral bone CT scan of a patient vvho had undergone an
in which the underlying pathology seen at the tin1e of surgery
intact canal wall niastoidecton1y and tyn1panoplasty for
was florid granulation tissue in the 1niddle-ear cleft.l4 Thus, it
tubotyn1panic disease 4 years earlier. Her presenting com­
can be concluded that con1plications can occur in neglected
plaint was left-sided otalgia and painful niastication. The
cases of tubotympanic disease and that ch0Jesteato1na is not
underlying problem was a cholesterol granulon1a that had
typically associated with pars tensa perforations, even when
eroded the anterior wall of the middle ear and involved the
complications occur.
glenoid fossa.

Can otogenic con1plications, such as brain abscess, occur

Atticoantral Disease
in "safe" and noncholesteaton1atous ears? Sa.muel et al., 1 The further embryologic developn1ent of the middle-ear cleft
Rupa and Raman, 1> and Browning 14 reported series of cases superior to the cborda tyn1pani nerve occurs by penetration of
in which complications occurred even though there v.ras no the prin1ordial mesodern1 of the epitympanun1 and antru111 by

pavement epitheliun1. Chronic infection in this region is desig­ The "perforation" is, in reality, a retraction pocket and can
nated as atticoantral disease, is associated with cholesteatoma, be likened to the cut finger of a surgical glove (Figure 26-15). Its
and often leads to cotnplications. In atticoantral disease, there blind distal end lies deep in the iniddle-ear space, hidden fron1
are two types of presentation with their associated surgical view by overlying bone. The erosive potential of cholesteato111a
in1plications: and its close proxi1nity to important structures underlie the des­
ignation of"unsafe" to this disease. The clinical features of each
1. A "perforation" in the pars flaccida (Figure 26-13). type of COM are swn1uarized in Table 26-2.
2. A "perforation" of the posterior-superior quadrant of the Pars flaccida cholesteatomas enlarge lateral to the head
pars tensa (Figure 26-14). of the 111alleus and the body of the incus and cause erosion
of the scutu1n and 1uedialization of the malleus and incus
(Figure 26-16). Pars tensa cholesteatomas (Figure 26-17)
erode the long process of the incus or stapes early and then
enlarge inedial to the annulus, the body of the incus and the
head of the n1alleus, someti1nes causing lateralization of the
111alleus and incus. There is no erosion of the scutun1 as seen
'"'ith pars flaccida cholesteaton1as.15 Our current understand­
ing of the initial cause of these retraction pockets is negative
pressure in the tniddle ear. It is for this reason that a shallow
retraction pocket can be reversed with the placen1ent of a tyn1-
panosto1ny tube. On the other hand, deep retraction pockets

FIGURE 26-13 •"Perforation" of the pars flaccida (arrow).

FIGURE 26-15 •A, Persistent negative middle-ear pressure leading

to formation of retraction pocket. Note that the pocket cannot be
FIGURE 26-14 • "Perforation" of pars tensa, posterior-superior seen during examination of the ear. B, A similar attic retraction seen in
quadrant. a postmortem specimen. Courtesy of Dr. Richard Buckingham.

TABLE 26-2 Clinical features of chronic otitis media


Perforation: Confined to pars tensa No perforation: Only retraction pocket, affecting pars flaccida or
posterior-superior quadrant of pars tensa

Discharge: Profuse, mucoid, odorless and usually Discharge: Thick, scanty, foul smelling and usually does not respond to
responds to conservative treatment conservative treatment

Granulations: Uncommon. If present and Granulations: Common around the mouth of retraction pocket
unresponsive to treatment, may lead to

Polyp: Arises from exuberant granulations Polyp: Usually soft and fleshy and can easily be suctioned
overlying the promontory. Polyp can enlarge into
EAC and occupy its whole lumen

Hearing loss: Conductive and usually mild Hearing loss: Larger conductive hearing loss, with varying
degrees of SNHL

Imaging: In active disease, haziness of the whole Imaging:

middle ear cleft and the pneumatization is usually •
Pars flaccida cholesteatoma shows erosion of scutum in bone
truncated window CT scan. Both axial and coronal views should be examined.
• There is medialization of the ossicular chain. The mastoid
pneumatization is truncated
• Pars tensa cholesteatoma will show erosion of the posterior-superior
wall, lateralization of the ossicular chain, haz.iness of the area medial
to ossicular chain, possible erosion of the lateral semicircular canal.
• The mastoid pneumatization is truncated. The scutum is not eroded

Complications: Very unusual except in neglected Complications: Frequent and span one or more clinical conditions
cases where there are florid granulations and listed in Table 26-1
drainage is unresponsive to treatment

Cholesteatoma: Extremely rare Cholesteatoma: Common finding

Bacteriology: P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, and Bacteriology: S. aeruginosa, S. aureus, Bacteroides, Peptococcus,

Proteus species Peptostreptococcus

FIGURE 26-17 •CT scan of a temporal bone with the clinical

FIGURE 26-16 •CT scan of a temporal bone with the clinical diagnosis of a posterior-superior retraction pocket. Note that there
diagnosis of pars flaccida cholesteatoma (arrow). Note the erosion of is no erosion of the scutum (arrow) and there is lateralization of the
the scutum and medialization of the ossicular chain (star). ossicular chain (arrow).

do not respond t.o tyn1panoston1y tube placen1ent and may have a fever. \i\!hen the tip of the mastoid is eroded, swelling an d
continue to deepen, despite norn1al 1niddle-ear pressure. For tenderness occur i n the upper neck. A Bezold's abscess develops
this reason, it is suspected that an ongoing infla1nn1at.ory pro­ \¥hen the abscess forn1s deep to the sternocleidoinastoid 1nus­
cess nlay play a role in the progression of retraction pockets. cle. In such cases, the patient con1pla i ns of stif fn ess and tender­
Deeper pockets tend to collect keratin. When infected, these ness of the neck. In son1e cases, the abscess bursts through the
cysts drain and granulation tissue develops around the sac. periosteum and skin n1 ani fes t ing in a draini ng, postauricular
The stage is now set for bone erosion and possible con1plica­ fi stu l a.
tions. The predon1inant bacterial organisn1s associated with
Diagnosis: Di agnosis is easil y confinned \.Yith a noncon­
at.ticoantral COM are Staphylococcus aureus, grain-negative
trast enhanced te1npo ral bone CT scan using bone windows.
bacilli such as 13-proteus and Ps. aeruginosa, Kliebsella spp.
Si1nul.ta n eou sly, a contrast-enhanced CT scan of the bra in
and E.coli. Bacteroides fragilis is cultured '"'hen the discharge
should be obtained to rule out concurrent i ntracranial compli­
is tetid. These t'vo for1ns of COM have distinctive histopath­
cations. More than one complication has been reported in as
ological findings, as detailed by Nager2 and su1n1narized in
many as 44o/ci of cases.
Table 26-3.

Subperiosteal Abscess Management: Once the diagnosis is confirm ed IV antibi­ ,

With bony erosion, the nlastoid cortex can be breached, 1nost otic treatment directed against gram-negative and anaer obic
con1monly at Macewen's triangle, and pus accun1ulates under bacilli is initiated. A tympanomastoidectomy is the definitive
the periosteu111, resulting in pain and postauricular swell­ treatment, and this can be either a canal wall down procedure
ing and tenderness. Blunting of the postauricular crease and (CWD) or a canal wall up (CvVU) mastoidectomy. Since the
ai1terior-inferior displacen1ent of the pinna are early signs. The objective is to make the ear safe, we favor CWD mastoidectomy.
postauricular area is tender and swollen, and the patie11t n1ay It is critical to fashion a generous meatoplasty with the CWD

TABLE 26-3 Pathology of tubotympanic and atticoantral disease


Perforation: Involves pars tensa, margins of which "Perforation": Is a retraction pocket of the pars flaccida or
covered by stratified squamous epithelium posterior-superior quadrant of the pars tensa

Mucoperiosteum: Mucoperiosteum:

- Subepithelial layer thickened by inflammatory edema - Both mucoperiosteum and underlying bone are affected

- Mucoperiosteum contains dense lymphocytic - There is regular osteitic erosion of the scutum,
infiltration posterior-superior bony canal wall and ossicles

- Mucoperiosteum appears polypoid - In addition osteitic defects can involve any of the walls of the

- Hyperplastic mucosa may form polyp, which may middle ear cleft, including the whole labyrinth

extrude into EAC and occupy its lumen - Osteitic defects are frequently covered with inflammatory
vascular granulations

- New bone forms at the same time as it is destroyed by the

osteitic process

Epithelial lining of middle ear cleft becomes cuboidal or Cholesteatoma sac advances into middle ear cleft inducing
high columnar ciliated, with proliferation of goblet cells osteitis and formation of granulation tissue

Exudate is mucopurulent with polymorphs, lymphocytes, Exudate is purulent, and creamy

plasma cells and macrophages

Cholesterol granulomas are frequently associated with Cholesterol granulomas unusual

this pathology

Tympanosclerosis: Tympanosclerosis is unusual. However osteitis can give rise to

- Macroscopically, on the TM appear as chalky white intratemporal and/or intracranial complications


- In middle ear appear as drops of cooled candle wax

- May cause ossicular fixation

- Thought to be an autoimmune process

- Hyaline degeneration of mucoperiosteum occurs with

subsequent calcification and ossification

- Complications unusual

procedure. Depending on the circumstances, a postauricular manipulation of cholesteatotna 1natrix. At a second-stage proce­
drain can be placed. dure, the matrix, which turns into small cyst, is easily retnoved.
In more than 96% of their patients a sensorineural hearing loss
was thus avoided. Surgeons who advocate ren1oval of cholestea­
Labyrinthine Fistula
toma tnatrix at the initial surgery report on average sensorineu­
Erosion of the labyrinth occurs in 7o/o of cases of COJ'v!16 and
ral hearing loss in 10°/o of cases.10 Several investigators have based
is considered the 1nost common intratemporal cotnplication.
the decision regarding whether or not to remove the cholestea­
Cholesteato1na, particularly of the posterior-superior pars tensa
to1na inatrix on the intraoperative determination of the size or
variety, is the most frequent cause of lateral canal fistulae. The
depth of the fistula. In our practice we do a CWD procedure and
lateral semicircular canal is particularly susceptible to erosion
leave the matrix intact. This technique both preserves hearing
because of its prominence in the aditus and because it lies in
and facilitates healing of the mastoid cavity, '"'hich in the final
the path of an enlarging cholesteato1na (Figure 26-18A). The
analysis is cDvered with stratified squamous, keratinizing epithe­
1nost frequent sytnptotn of a labyrinthine fistula is vertigo, often
lium without skin appendages. \<\le could not find any studies to
induced by straining against a closed glottis. Hearing loss or
support the idea that preserved matrix exhibits ongoing erosive
deafness, ipsilateral facial paresis/paralysis, and otalgia are fre­
quent associated sy1nptoms.

Diagnosis: The characteristic symptoms and the presence of Labyrinthitis

spontaneous nystag1nus should alert the surgeon to the pres­ The spread of infection into the labyrinth is most often asso­
ence of a fistula. The spontaneous nystagmus usually beats ciated with the bone-eroding atticoantral type of COJ'vl. The
towards the nondiseased, contralateral ear. A fistula test, inflammatory process reaches the vestibule or cochlea via a
observing the eyes for nystag1nus, should be performed. lf the fistula. The presenting sy1nptoms are vertigo, pain, hearing
fistula is located on the nonan1pullated arc of the horizontal loss, nausea, and vorniting. A 3rd degree, spontaneous nys­
canal, positive pressure will cause cupular deviation toward tagn1us beating toward the nondiseased ear is usually pre­
the utricular sac; eg, with a fistula in the right ear the nystag­ sent. The treat1nent of suppurative labyrinthitis in the initial
mus will beat toward the right (Figure 26-18B). The definitive stages is n1edical and prompt to avoid progression to 1neningi­
diagnosis of a fistula is made by a thin section bone window tis. The prognosis for recovery of either vestibular or auditory
CT scan of the ternporal bone in both the axial and coronal function is poor. Under the cover of antibiotic treatment, the
planes. underlying COJ'vl is inanaged surgically. The long-terrn man­
agement of unilateral loss of vestibular function is achieved
Management: 'vVith concurrent antibiotic therapy as described with physical therapy, and the unilateral deafness can be
above, a ty1npano1nastoidecto1ny, either CWD or C\"1U, com­ managed '"'ith the Baba® syste1n (Chapter 33: ltnplantable
prises definitive treat1nent. However, the 1nanagement of the Hearing Devices).
labyrinthine fistula itself is controversial. Manolides et al.10 \"1ith increasing frequency, the causative organisn1 in
and Sanna et al.17 advocate C\"1U mastoidecto1ny and no chronic suppuration of the ear is M. tuberculosis. l\obertson and

FIGURE 26-18 •A, The CT scan of a right temporal bone shows a bony defect over the nonampullated end of the
lateral semicircular canal. B, ENG tracing shows that positive pressure produced a right-beating nystagmus and
negative pressure produced a left-beating nystagmus.

Kumar18 reported such an infection in a series of cases, and the The need for electrical tests is guided by the i node of onset of the
following is an illustrative exan1ple: paralysis and its duration.
An East Indian patient complained of ipsilateral facial Managenzent: Pron1pt intervention is indicated when an
asymmetry and otalgia, in addition to the classic symp­ individual with COM presents with facial nerve dysfunction.
toms of labyriothitis. Exan1ination of the right ear showed Initially, antibiotics and corticosteroids should be started to
pus in the external canal, a thickened tympanic membrane, control the infla1n1natory process and to reduce facial nerve
and a small perforation in the posterior-inferior quadrant. ede1na. In contrast to the nonsurgical 1nanagen1ent of facial
Exa1nioation of the facial nerve showed a complete right paralysis due to A011, the definitive treatn1ent for paralysis
infranuclear facial paralysis. There was a spontaneous, 2nd due to COM is CWD inastoidectomy and decon1pression of the
degree left-beating nystagmus. A temporal bone CT scan fallopian canal several n1illi1neters distal and proxi1nal to the
showed opacification of the entire n1iddle-ear cleft. The fal­ affected portion. The nerve in the proxin1al and distal deco1n­
lopian canal appeared intact throughout its course. A con­ pressed segm.ents should appear nor1nal. Should the epineu­
trast-enhanced 1v1RI scan of the brain showed enhancement riun1 be incised? Intuitively, such a 111ove is expected to lead
of the cochlea, vestibule, and the tyn1panic and labyrinthine to the spread of infection into the substance of the nerve, and
segments of the facial nerve. Audiometric evaluations docu­ in the absence of any studies to de1nonstrate any advantage to
mented a profound right-sided hearing loss. I-Ie had a positive epineurial lysis, it is no longer recon1n1ended. For the sa1ne rea­
purified protein derivative (PPD), common in immigrants son, granulation tissue should not be follo\-ved into the nerve.
from South Asia. At surgery, the tympanomastoid compart­ Recovery of facial nerve function is not as dran1atic as it is in a
ment was filled v.•ith granulation-tissue but there was no evi­ paralysis secondary to AOM. The grade of recovery will depend
dence of cholesteatoma. The fallopian canal, v,rhich was not on the inode of onset of paralysis, the duration of paralysis, and
dehiscent, was skeletonized from the geniculate ganglion to the extent of disease.
the stylomastoid foramen, but the cause of the facial paraly­ The \.YOrk of otologists of today is facilitated by a far 111ore
sis was not obvious. Since the involved ear was nonhearing, advanced diagnostic arn1an1entarium that renders obsolete the
the vestibule was opened by removal of the stapes and found older texts on n1anagen1ent of ear intcction. However, the les­
to be filled with pale granulation tissue. Histopathology sons of the past cannot be forgotten. We nlust build on then1.
confirmed tuberculosis. Ren1oval of the eggshell thin bone Progress has been especially rapid in neuroradiolog y, providing
overlying the facial nerve shov;ed inflammation in the same the physician with a 1nore accurate picture of the proble1n. We
segments as indicated by MRI scanning. At the time of sur­ certainly expect that in the years to co1ue even nlore advanced
gery, the cause of the paralysis was judged to be inflan1ma­ systen1s will replace those of the present as vve proceed in this
tion that had reached the nerve from at its 1nedial aspect. twenty-first century.
After histological confirmation of tuberculosis, the patient
was given a 1-year course of antitubercular treatment. At References
the end of 1 year his facial nerve function had returned to a 1. Neely JG. Facial nerve & intracranial con1plications in olitis
III/VI on the House-Brackman scale, the otorrhea was con­ nledia. In: )ackler R, Brackn1ann BE, editors. Neurotology. 2nd
trolled, and the dizziness resolved. edition. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby; 2005. p. 912-25.

2. Nager GT. Pathology or the ear and temp oral bone. Baltin1ore,
Facial Paralysis
MD: Willian1s & Wilkins, 1993. p 220-97.
When an infranuclear facial paralysis occurs with COM, in
3. Luntz M, Brodsky A, Nusen1 S, el al. Acute mastoiditis-The
most cases, the underlying problem is atticoantral disease. In
antibiotic era: A multicenter study. Int J Ped Otorhinolaryngol
such cases, the exact cause or mechanis1n of the paralysis is
unknown, largely because we have no histopathological data
4. Soucek S, Michaels L. The ear in acquired in1n1unode1iciency
regarding the nerve. Io the majority of cases the paralysis is
syndron1e: ll Clinical and audiological investigation. A1n J Oto!
associated with cholesteaton1a, but as we have seen above, tuber­ 1996;17:35-9.
cular otitis n1edia should also be kept in mind.18 In nontubercu­
5. Holt GR, Gates GA. Masked mastoiditis. Laryngoscope.
lar ears, the infectious process is believed to cause bony erosion 1983;93(8):1034-7.
of the fallopian canal, adjacent osteitis, direct infection of the 6. Meyerhoff \NL, Kin1 CS, Papparella MM. Pathology of chronic
nerve, and edema. The role of pressure by the cholesteatoma is otitis 111edia. Ann Oto! Rhinol laryngol. 1998;87:749-60.
less certain.
7. Schuknechl HF. infections. In: Pathology of the ear. Lea & Febiger,
Facial nerve paralysis can either present abruptly or evolve Philadelphia, 1993. p 218-20.
over time. When present, the otologic surgeon should have a
8. Schuknechl HF. Infections. In: Pathology of the ear. Philadelphia,
high index of suspicion for a labyrinthine fistula since the two PA: lea & Febiger; 1993. p. 211-16.
structures are adjacent to each other. To assess the site and extent
9. Margolis l\H, Saly GL, Hunter 1, Lisa L. High frequency hearing
of involve1nent of the facial nerve and to identify other associ­ loss and 1videband nliddle ear impedance in children with olitis
ated complications, both a temporal bone CT scan and contrast­ nledia histories. Ear Hear 2000;21(3):206-11.
enhanced 1v1R imaging of the brain and ten1poral bones should 10. S my th GDL . Etiol og y of chronic suppurative otitis media. In:
be obtained. The 1v1RI scan delineates the extent of involvement Sm yt h GDL, editor. Chronic ear disease. New York: Churchill
of the nerve and provides guidance for surgical decompression. Livingstone; 1980. p. 1-20.

11. Ma\-vson S, Ludn1an H. Otitis n1edia. In: Diseases of the ear: 15. Valvassori GE. Imaging of the ternporal bone. In: Mafee MF,
A textbook of otology. 4th edition. London: Arnold; 1979. Valvassori GE, Becker M, editors. In1aging of the head andneck. 2nd
p. 301-65. edition. Ne\'I' York; Stuttgart, Gern1any: Tbie1ne; 2005. p. 74-89.

12. San1uel J, Fernandes CM, Steinberg JL. Intracranial oto­ 16. Manoiides S. Co1nplications associated \Vith labyrinthine fistula
genic con1plications: A persisting problen1. Laryngoscope in surgery of chronic otitis tnedia. Otolaryngol Head & Neck Surg
1986;96(3 ):272-8. 2000; 123:733-7.
13. Rupa V, Ran1an R. Chronic suppurative otitis nledia: 17. Sanna M, Zini C, Garnoletti R, Taibah AK, Russo A, Scandellari
Co1nplicated versus uncon1plicated disease. Acta Otolaryngol. R. Closed versus open technique in the 1nanage1nent of labyrin­
1991;111(3):530-5. thine fistulae. Arn J Otol. 1988;9(6):470-5.
14. Browning GG. The unsafeness of "safe" ears. J Laryngol Oto!. 18. Robertson K, Ku1nar A. Atypical presentations of aural tubercu­
1984;98 (1):23-6. losis. An1 J Otolaryngol 1995;16:294-302.
lntracranial Complications
of Otitis Media
Samuel C. Levine, MD, FACS I Chris De Souza, MD, FACS I
Michael J. Shinners, MD

HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE and thorough surgical drainage of the suppurative focus in the
ten1poral bone, considerable success was achieved in arresting
Hippocrates noted in 460 BC that "acute pain i n the ear \Vith the meningeal invasion, in 1nany cases while it was still local­
continued high fever is to be dreaded for the patient may become ized, preventing the development of otherwise fatal generalized
delirious and die."1 In the preantibiotic era, complications from meningitis.8 Despite these advances, meningitis remained the
otitis media occurred abundantly, accompanied by a high mor­ most frequent cause of death in otitis n1edia, and otitis n1edia
bidity. This \vas recognized by the Roman physician Celsius was by far the most frequent cause of meningitis not due to
(25 AD) and the Arabian physician Avicenna (980-1037 AD).2 Neisserin tneningitidis.
[t was Morgagni (1682-1771 AD) \¥ho recognized that the ear The last of the three major intracranial complications of
infection came first and the brain abscess was secondary. 2 otitis n1edia to be related to ear disease \Vas infective thrombosis
Brain abscess v;as the first co1nplication of otitis media to of the lateral sinus, first described in 1826. Thirty years later,
be recognized and the first one successfully treated by operation. Lebert accurately described the pathology of otitic sinus throm­
It was in 1768 that Morand reported a successful operation for bosis.91n 1880, Zaufal proposed an operation for this co111plica­
brain abscess.> In 1856, Lebert accurately described the pathol­ tion and first attempted it in 1884, but the patient died.'0
ogy of brain abscess, confirming the fact that i t follows infection The surgical treatment of sinus thrombosis was finally
of the ear, not the reverse.4 It was in 1881 that tv1acEv•en reported established by the publications ofLane11 in 1889 and Ballance in
a successful series of brain abscesses that were operated by him. 5 1890.ll However, a controversy over whether, as part of the sur­
Korner, in 1908, was able to find 268 reported operations with gical management, to ligate the jugular vein in all cases, in some
137 recoveries." cases, or in no case continued for 1nany years, only to be resolved
The surgery of brain abscess bad reached its peak of oto­ by the introduction of effective antibacterial and anticoagulant
logic interest by the ti1ne ofEagleton's text i n 1922.7 The man­ medication in favor of non ligation for most cases.
age1nent of this relatively common complication of otitis media The two con1plications of otitis 111edia caused by expan­
remained chiefly in the hands of the otologic surgeon until sion within the te1nporal bone that often lead to a fatal intrac­
sulfonamides began to be used for acute otitis media (AOM) ranial extension, nan1ely, purulent labyrinthitis and petrositis,
in 1935 and penicillin was introduced in 1942. Thereafter, the were the last serious complications to be defined and effectively
incidence of brain abscess, which may already have begun to treated. A technique for draining the infected labyrinth was first
decline, decreased abruptly. The relative success of surgery described in 1895 by Janscn.'3 In 1904, Gradenigo described the
for brain abscess remained in sharp contrast for many years syndrome of continuing aural discharge, severe fifth cranial
to the ahnost invariably fatal outcome of purulent menin­ nerve pain, and sixth nerve paralysis caused by infection of
gitis, the most dreaded complication of otitis media and the pneumatic cells in the petrous portion of the temporal bone
most frequent cause of death. Because therapy of generalized with adjacent meningitis.'4 Kopetsky and Almour15 i n 1930
otitic meningitis was rarely successful, the efforts of the oto­ and Eagleton'" in 1931 described the first systematic attempts
logic surgeon were directed toward prevention. Whenever pos­ to drain an abscess of the petrous apex. Other methods for
sible, bone-invading types of AOM and chronic otitis media reaching this relatively inaccessible area were soon described.
(COM) were operated on before a complication had occurred. For a few years, the literature contained numerous reports of
Careful clinical observation of patients with middle ear infec­ successful operations for petrositis, many of them in patients
tions would not infrequently permit the detection of the earli­ with early meningitis. Just at the tin1e that this frequent cause
est stages of beginning n1eningeal involvement. 'A/ith prompt of otitic meningitis began to yield surgical therapy, it virtually


disappeared from the scene of otologic experience as a result of FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE
effective antibacterial niedication for AOM. DEVELOPMENT OF COMPLICATIONS
The frequency of complications of otitis changed dramati­
Intracranial complications occur as the result of many factors,
cally with the introduction of effective antibiotics. In the 5-year
often acting si1nulta neously, causing the infection to spread fron1
period i111mediately prccedi ng the introduction of these agents,
the ear and into the intracranial cavity. In general, intracranial
from 1928 to 1933, approximately l in every 40 deaths in a large
con1plications occur when ear infections are either uncontrolled
general hospital was caused by an intracra nial co111plication �f
. . or inadequately controlled.
otitis niedia, with meningitis heading the list, sinus thrombosis
The tendency of middle ear infection to spread beyond the
second, and brain abscess last.17 In a subsequent 5-year period
confines of the n1iddle ear and its adjacent spaces is influenced
(fron1 1949-1954), only l in every 400 deaths was the result of
by a number of factors, including the virulence of the infecting
ear disease-an an1azing JO-fold reduction in less than 20 years.
organisrn and its sensitivity to antibiotics, host resistance, the
The decrease in fatalities following AON! was greatest because
adequacy of antibiotic therapy, the anato1nic pathways and bar­
this disease previously accounted for the majority of serious
riers to spread, and the drainage of the pneun1atic spaces, both
natural and surgical.
Of the three major intracranial complications of otitis
The microbiology of middle ear infections remains relatively
media, the reduction in mortality has been greatest for thron1-
constant over tirne. Streptococcus pneun1oniae, Hnernophilus
bophlebitis of the lateral sinus, which has nearly disappea '.ed as
influenzae, and Moraxelln catnrrhalis cause niost acute infec­
a cause of death. 1 7 This fact is easily understood because infec­
tions.18 As new a11tibiotics are introduced, ho\vever, the patterns
tion of the bloodstream was the usual niechanisn1 of death fron1
of antibiotic resistance seem to change and nlay vary fron1 one
sinus thrombosis, and antibiotics act best in the bloodstream.
location to another.
The incidence of brain abscess has been greatly reduced by anti­
1'he rnicrobiology of chronic infection is different frorn the
biotics. Purulent 1neningitis, though reduced, persists today
acute process. Organisn1s such as Pseudo1nonas aeruginosa are
as by far the 1nost frequent intracranial complication of oti is � 1nuch more comrnon.19 The treatrnent of a Pse11don1onas infec­
n1edia. Hov.revcr, it has changed fron1 a nearly IOOo/o fatal dis­
tion requires a higher dosage of less routinely used antibiotics.
ease to one in \Vhich recovery can be expected in the majority of
The benign type of chronic otorrhea with niucoid discharge
instances if diagnosed early and treated adequately.
coining from a central perforation does not by itself invade
The family physician has come to rely n1ore on drugs to
bone and cause complications. There is, however, nothing to
take care of ear disease than on careful clinical study and early
prevent a fresh virulent organis1n fro1n entering such an ear
otologic consultation. The diagnostic acun1en of the otologist
. and causing an acute exacerbation and a complication by the
has been blunted by diminished experience and lessened famil­
same mechanisn1 as in any case of AOM. Unfortunately, the
iarity with the syn1pton1s of otitic co1nplications. The situation
ne\v organism is likely to display some greater resistance to
has been niadc more difficult by the niasking effect of antibiot­
antibiotics since the patient is 1ikely to have received treatn1ent
ics on the sympton1s of continued infection.
for the otorrhea.
Today the neurosurgeon is often the first to be called in con­
Itnrnunocompro1nised individuals are at risk of develop­
sultation for intracranial con1plications. Most otologists work in
ing not only otitis media but also complication� of otitis rnedi�.
com bi nation as a tean1 \Vi th a neurosurgeon. Treat1nent involves
The organ isms causing the infection are more likely to be atypi­
both specialties. Although the neurosurgeon should direct ther­
cal pathogens. Individuals may be taking i1nn1unosuppressive
apy of the con1plication, he/she must recognize the frequent otitic
n1edications, rendering them i1nmunocon1promised and sus­
(sometimes nasal accessory sinus) origin and always request oto­
ceptible to infection, or may have acquired immune deficiency
logic consultation and help in the 1nanagement, with surgical
syndrome (AIDS).
re1noval of the suppuratrve focus, which is usually in the car.
lntracranial extension of AOM occurs somewhat rnore
The patient with chronic suppurativc otitis media who is
often fro1n poorly pneumatized than well-pneumatized te1npo­
not doing well may indicate trouble. Earache with chronic otitis
ra1 bones and even ears with a history of previous attacks of oti­
means that son1ething has gone wrong, and if pus is under pres­
tis media. The likelihood of a complication arising from chronic
sure in the 1niddle ear cleft, an intracranial con1plication may
1niddle ear infections depends on the pathologic lesion causing
be in1pending. Certainly, headache and drowsiness are signs of
the chronic otorrhea. The middle ear cleft has bony barriers that
danger. One of the earliest signs of brain abscess is a visual field
prevent the tniddle ear infection fron1 extending intracranially.
defect, which is almost invariably present if the patient is care­
However, these barriers may be eroded by antecedent infections,
fully cxan1incd. A fever suggests meningitis or sinus thrombosis.
granulation tissue, or cholesteato1na, thus allowing infection to
Awareness of the signi ficance of the symplon1s and signs results
spread into the cranial cavity from the middle ear. Trauma with
in earlier diagnosis, prompt treatn1ent, and further reduction
fracture can create passages that allov.• infections to bypass these
in niorta
. lity.
natural defenses.
Although the incidence of the complications of otitis media
The natural drainage of the mastoid cavity (approximately
has declined and a whole new range of antibiotics has been
5 cc in volume) is into a relatively s1naller space, the 1niddle
introduced, complications have not been eradicated completely.
ear cavity (capacity approximately 0.9 cc), which then drains
Complicating early identification and timely intervention when
through the Eustachian tube. Drainage may be inadequate,
complications occur is the fact that niost patients have been
allowing infected secretions to accu1nulate and then erode
treated with one or more courses of antibiotic therapy.
through the middle ear cleft to extend intracranially.20



As stated above, the infection spreads beyond the confu1es of

the ear because it nlay be uncontrolled or poorly controlled. The
infection from the iniddle ear cleft inay enter the intracranial
cavity through any of three routes.

Bone Erosion
Extension by bon.e erosion is the nlost frequent n1anner of spread,
leading to a complication in cases of AOM in well-pneun1atized
tcn1poral bones, and it is nearly always the nlanner of spread
in cases of chronic suppurative otitis nledia (Figure 27-lA). In
AO.tvf, bone erosion is the result of coalescent nlastoiditis. In
COM, the bone erosion is usually caused by a cholesteatoma;
less often, it is caused by chronic ostco1nyelitis. 8

The bone-eroding process first exposes the soft tissue of •

. .
a neighboring structure. Protective granulations for1n on the Abscess

structure as a last line of defense. Then, after a period of tin1e
that varies with the virulence of the organisn1, the pus under
pressure finally penetrates the wall of protective granulations by
m sinus

pressure necrosis. Bone erosion as the pathway of spread n1ay be

recognized by the follov.ring characteristics:
The con1plication occurs several weeks or nlore after
the onset of AO.Ni or in chronic otitis of long duration.

A prodromal period of partial or intcrn1ittent involve­ •

n1ent of the structure frequently precedes the diffuse

involven1ent. Thus, a inilder, intern1ittent facial weak­ . .
ness may precede con1plete facial paralysis; recurrent
n1ild vertigo n1ay precede diffuse purulent labyrinthi­
. ' Retrograde
tis, and localized nleningis1nus inay precede diffuse

purulent nleningitis.

At operation, a dehiscence of the bone barrier is found
bet,veen the suppurative focus and the neighboring
structure. A layer of granulations covers the exposed soft FIGURE 27-1 •A, Temporal bone CT scan, axial section. There is
tissue of the neighboring structure. considerable erosion of the temporal bone and a high likelihood of

The treatn1ent of a co1nplication by bone erosion is an intracranial complication developing. 8, Schematic representation
directed toward the co1nplication and always includes of the development of a brain abscess from otitis media. Spread
surgical re1noval of the suppurative, bone-eroding focus of infection can occur by direct extension or by retrograde
in the ten1poral bone. If such re1noval is neglected, the
con1plication is likely to recur or respond poorly to
treatn1ent. is not always easily diagnosed preoperatively. The diagnosis is
suggested by the following characteristics:

Direct Extension Along

There is a history of repeated attacks of meningitis, skull
fracture, operation on the temporal bone, or previously
Preformed Pathways
healed otitis media.
Extension by preforn1ed pathways inay occur in either acute •
The complication occurs early in the acute infection, thus
exacerbations of CO.tv1 or AO.NL The prcforn1ed path,vay nlay resetnbling extension by thrombophlebitis.
be a norn1al anaton1ic opening in the bony wall, such as the oval •
At operation, a dehiscence of the bone barrier not caused
or round window, internal auditory canal, cochlear aqueduct, by bone erosion is found.
or endolyn1phatic duct and sac. The pathway n1ay be a develop­

The patient has an intracrania1 con1plication following
n1ental dehiscence such as a patent suture or a dchiscent floor suppurative labyrinthitis.

of the hypot y1npanun1 over the jugular bulb. The prefor1ned The treat1nent of a complication by a preformed path,vay is
pathway nlay be the result of a skull fracture or previous sur­ directed toward the complication along with closure of the fis­
gery. A perilyn1ph fistula, either congenital or acquired, can tula and surgical evacuation of any collection of pus within the
also serve as a path\vay. Occasionally, previous otitis inedia \.Yith temporal bone. An example is beginning meningitis via the
coalescent inastoiditis heals but leaves a scar tissue tract to a internal auditory canal from suppurative labyrinthitis; the lab­
neighboring structure. This tract acts as a preforn1ed pathway yrinth should be drained at the satne tune that the tneningitis is
for succeeding infections. Extension by a preforn1ed pathway treated by antibacterial medication.

Thrombophlebitis The principles of ear surgery re1na1n unchanged in these

Tn 1902, Korner den1onstrated by histopa thol ogic studies tbat
it is possible for infection to pass fro1u the lining mucosa of

Eradication of disease

Establislunent of adequate drainage for accumulated
the 1uiddle ear and niastoid through intact bone by means of a
progressive thrombophlebitis of sn1all venules (Fig ure 27-l B).6
This manner of spread may occur in acute niiddle ear infections Eradication of disease requires a thorough and complete 1nas­
or acute exacerbations of a chronic infection. Infection spreads toidecto1ny. All of the diseased air cells are exenterated. Pus,
through veins contiguous with either the infected pneun1a­ 'vherever it is encountered, is drained. All diseased or dead
tized spaces of the temporal bone or the previously thrombosed tissue is removed. There are some general ren1arks that can be
dural venous sinus. There is a rich network of veins within the made concerning all complications of mastoid disease. Specific
te1uporal bone that is in direct con1n1unication within the tem­ recommendations are 1nade in the following sections concern­
poral bone and that, in turn, is in direct con1n1unication with ing each co1nplication. Creating adequate drainage usually
the extracranial, intracranial, and cranial diploic veins. The requires a canal-wall-do,vn approach, \Vith exceptions i n cer­
extracranial veins are closely associated with the arterial supply tain situations. In the presence of AONl that has caused n1enin­
of the teinporal bone. The extracranial and intracranial venous gitis, usually a11tibiotics and a myringotomy \Vith tube insertion
systen1s anastomose through the niastoid en1issary veins tbat suffice to provide adequate drainage. In the presence of over­
en ter the sig1noid sinus, which drains the superior and inferior 'vhelming disease and cholesteato1na, most reports advocate
petrosal sinuses. All of the dural venous sinuses are intercon­ canal-\vall-down techniques in order to make the ear disease
nected. Thus, sig111oid sinus throiubosis can lead to thron1- free. Equally in1portant is creating a wide n1eatoplasty. A >vide
bophl ebitis of other sinuses as well. meatoplasty per1nits adequate drainage and allo,vs easy inspec­
A complication caused by thron1bophlebitis niay be recog­ tion and cleansing of the rnastoid cavity.
nized by the following charac teristics : Each diagnosis of intracranial disease is defined and dis­
cussed individually. The diagnoses are presented in order of

The con1plication occurs early in the acute infection, within a day or two of the onset, us ua lly decreasing frequency. Meningitis is the most co1nmon compli­
within the first 10 days. cation in this group of diagnoses in rnost traditional articles.

In certain co111plications, such as purulent nieningitis, Brain abscess and lateral sinus thrombosis are the next most
the prodromal perio d of beginning invasion with local­ common. Finally, other diagnoses, including otitic hydro­
ized meningitis, com111only called menigismus, such as is cephalus, and subdural and epidural processes are reviewed.
usually seen in extension by bone erosion, is lacking. Pathophysiology, including microbiology, unique symptoms,

At operation, the bony walls of the middle ear and mas­ specific evaluation n1ethods, and treat1nent, is outlined.
toid cells are intact. The bone and 111ucoperiosteum lin­
ing of the niastoid cells maybe inflarned and bl eed easily,
but there is no coalescent abscess, and the bone is not
dehiscent. Generalized bacterial meningitis is defined as an infl a m­

Hen1atogenous spread of infection usually results in n1atory response to bacterial infection of the pia-arachnoid
rneningitis. vVhereas venous thron1bophlebitis usually and the CSF of the subarachnoid space. Since the subarach­
leads to cerebellar abscesses, arterial spread leads to te1u­ noid space is continuous around the brain, spinal cord, and
poral lobe abscesses and diffuse septicen1ia. optic nerves, infections of this space usually involve the entire
cerebrospinal axis.
SPECIFIC COMPLICATIONS Localized tneningitis may be defined as a localized infla1n­
n1ation of the dura and pia-arachnoid confined to the region
It is uncommon for an intracranial complication to occur without
adjacent to a suppurative focus or dural irritation, 'vithout via­
a te1nporal bone complication occurring first. Co1n1non syinp­
ble organisn1s in the CSF.
to1ns of an impending intracranial co1nplication are as follows:
lvleningitis was the most frequent intracranial con1plication

Persistence of otorrhea. The otorrhea is particularly foul­ of otitis tnedia in the preantibiotic era. \.\'ith the introduction of
s1nelling, and the pus becomes more viscous. The pus is
anti1nicrobial drugs, recovery fro1n n1eningitis itnproved fron1 lO
thicker and crea1nier and may be blood stained. \.\'hen
to 86o/o21 whereas recovery fro1n otogenic n1eningitis '"as 59%.22
intracranial cornplication is i1n1ninent, the discharge
Currently, comn1unity-acquired nleningitis caused by S. pneu­
becomes scanty, indicative of poor drainage.

Pain is an ominous sign that an intracranial complication
monia has fatality rates fron119 to 37°/o.23 Other clinicians have
is imminent. The pain is typically of a deep boring nature confir1ned that n1eningitis is the most co1111non intracranial

and is accompanied by a change in the quality of the pus complication of AOM.24 Son1e workers find that AOM is nlore
etnanating frotn the ear. Patients 1nay also complain of a likely to cause meningitis than COM.25 S. pneun1oniae infections
generalized headache that is "the worst headache" they of the meninges are often associated with A0lv1.20
have ever had.

High-grade fever, altered sensoriun1, toxemia, photopho­
bia, and irritability are other signs of impending intracra­ Recovery of anaerobic organism.s fron1 the CSF suggests intra­

nial complication. ventricular rupture of a brain abscess. Polyn1icrobial infection

Neck stiffness and generalized malaise are signs that the of CSF resulting fron1 otogenic con1plications is uncon1n1on and
organistn has reached the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) space. accounts for less than 1°/o of cases.

J\tleningitis niay result fron1 infection spreading from the Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides better reso­
ear via retrograde thron1bophlebitis, bone erosion, and pre­ lution of the brain substance and shows iniddle ear fluid and
forn1ed pathways. An in1portant route through which infection infla1nmatory changes in the brain and meninges. No bone
can gain access to the CSF is via the labyrinth through the round detail is possible. The relationship of iniddle ear disease to the
and oval windov,rs. Nager7 and Kaplan28 stressed that this mode surrounding bone is not well visualized.
of extension is via the perineural spaces to the internal auditory Either CT scanning or MRI can identify a inass effect that
canal and less frequently via the endolymphatic ducts. Proctor29 could lead to herniation. Thus, i1naging usually precedes lum­
postulated that otitic 1neningitis occurs as the result of infection bar puncture. Although fundoscopic examination inay show
spreading via the labyrinth and petrous apex.. �feningitis can indistinct disk margins or even choking of vessels, it is so1ne­
develop following traun1a to the ear with fracture, dural tear, times difficuJt to perform in an uncooperative patient.
and CSF leak. Meningitis can also occur following any niiddle It is imperative to identify the causative organisn1 and the
ear and mastoid surgery. source of infection. Accordingly, a lun1bar puncture is per­
Of all patients surviving bacterial nieningitis, 5 to 35<Jlo formed to obtain CSP for bacteriologic analysis. In meningitis,
experience bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. 30 Papa rel la the CSF is cloudy or yellow (xanthochromic); an elevated white
described the pathophysiology of suppurative meningogenic blood cell count, lo'-v glucose, and high protein are expected.
labyrinthitis as having three phases. The acute phase is char­ The pathogen is identified by microscopic exa1nination of
acterized by infiltration of leukocytes and is followed by the Grain-stained fluid with confirmation by culture; sensitivity
fibrous stage, which is characterized by fibrous proliferation testing aids in the selection of a suitable anti1nicrobial drug. A
within perilymph spaces. The ossification stage ensues, with the sample should be taken fro1n the ear as '-veil, especially if pus is
most significant disease in the basal turn of the cochlea near the present.
round window. He stated that the pathologic features of nienin­
gogenic suppurative labyrinthitis are essentially the same as
Antimicrobial drugs are essential in the treat1nent of meningi­
tyn1panogenic labyrinthitis.3 1 Tn a hu1nan temporal bone study,
tis. Empiric antibiotic therapy should b e initiated with a third­
tvlerchant verified the hypothesis that the cochlear niodiolus
generation cephalosporin plus vancomycin.23
and the cochlear aqueduct can serve as potential pathways for
The advantages of third-generation cephalosporins arc
spread of infection fro.m the nieninges to the inner ear.32
their bactericidal activity, ability to penetrate the blood-brain
Clinical Presentation barrier and enter the CSF, their expanded activity against
Otogenic nieningitis often goes unrecognized. It is imperative tor �-lactan1ase-producing organisn1s and grain-negative organ­
the physician v,rho is treating a patient with nieningitis to rule out is1ns, and low toxicity.34 Vancon1ycin is no\-v recom1nended
a possible otologic cause. Most physicians wi11 suspect an otologic secondary to the increase in prevalence of penicillin-resistant
cause in the presence of otorrhea or obvious long-standing ear pneu1nococci.23
disease. It is imperative to rule out otitis 1nedia in the patient who In a Cochrane review by van de Beek et al., corticosteroids
does not have otorrhea or long-standing otologic con1plaints. significantly reduced rates of 1nortality, severe hearing loss,
Cawthorne33 noted that the sympton1s tend to be more rapid and neurologic sequelae associated \-vith acute bacterial nlen­
when associated with AOM. The earliest symptoms are head­ ingitis. In children with acute bacterial meningitis, corticoster­
ache, fever, von1iting, photophobia, irritability, and restlessness. oids reduced the rate of severe hearing loss fro1n 11 to 6.6o/o. In
Infants may have seizures. As the infection progresses, the head­ adults with acute bacterial 1ncningitis, corticosteroids reduced
ache increases, and vo1niting beco1nes more pronounced. Neck the mortality rate fron1 21.7 to 11.7%. A 4-day regin1cn of dcx­
stiffness, \-vith resistance to flexing the neck so that the chin does a1nethasone-0.6 1ng/kg/day divided into four daily doses-is
not touch the chest, 1nay start with n1inin1al discon1tort and reco1nn1ended. Dexan1ethasone should be started before or with
progress. Brudzinski's sign, the inability to flex the leg without the first dose of antibiotics. 35
moving the opposite leg (or flex.ion of the neck resulting in flex.ion
Role of Surgery
of the hip and knee), is a sign of nieningitis. Sin1ilarly, Kernig's
In A0lv1 with an intact tyn1panic membrane, surgery consists of
sign, an inability to extend the leg when lying supine with the
n1yringoto1ny with evacuation of the fluid from the nliddle ear,
thigh flexed tov,rard the abdomen, is suggestive of 111eningitis.
which is sent for exa1nination and culture.
Management For the patient with coalescent 1nastoiditis or with a his­
Co1nputed tomographic (CT) scanning of the ten1poral bones tory of ear traun1a and precipitous meningitis, a complete inas­
den1onstrates the status of the ten1poral bone and that of sur­ toidectomy with iniddle ear exploration should be perforn1ed.
rounding structures. High-resolution CT scanning is very use­ In the latter circumstance, the surgeon should look for and
ful and is the i1naging 111odality of choice. Rapid CT scanning repair the route of CSF leakage. CT scanning usually reveals
is no'-v available that reduces the time to take a high-resolution the fracture line, allowing the surgeon to identify the site of
scan of the ten1poral bones, \-vhich is particularly in1portant in the leak.
children in whon1 a congenital 1nalforn1ation of the ear needs If cholesteaton1a is present, the default procedure should be
to be ruled out. CT scanning helps rule out the presence of con­ a radical 1nastoidccton1y because the goal of surgery is to n1ake
genital ear 111alfonnations that pern1it leakage of CSF through the ear disease-free and provide adequate drainage. A n1odified
an associated inner ear fistula. Bony details are best visualized radical or a canal-,-vall-up n1astoidectomy can be considered in
with CT scanning. select cases (Figure 27-2).

, itis
Mening __
� Investigate other sites, ie,

nasopharynx, lung, sinuses,

immune status, etc.


Perforation Cholesteatoma

Intravenous antimicrobials

Resolution Meningitis resolves IV antimicrobials Surgery

but incomplete resolution
ofAOM Resolution of Partial resolution

meningitis meningitis

Au diometry CT scan I .
, ______
CT scan Elective mastoid Urgent mastoid
surgery surgery
Mastoid clear Mastoid opaque
FIGURE 27-2 • Management of otogenic
I I meningitis . CT, computed tomography; PE,
Observa tion Grommet Cortical mastoidectomy
pressure equalization; MRI, magnetic reso­
antibiotics antibiotics
nance imaging; MRV, magnetic resonance

Brain Abscess
A brain abscess is a focal suppurative process within the brain
parenchyma surrounded by a region of encephalitis. 20
Brain abscess secondary to otitis media displays a bimodal
age distribution, with peaks in the pediatric age group and in
the fourth decade. 36 ln 1nost series, the male-to-female ratio has
been approximately 3: 1. 37 Otitis media was an important cause
of brain abscess in the past but has been much less significant
more recently COtvl is much more likely to cause brain abscess
than AOM,38 and cholesteatoma now accounts for most cases.39
Most authors report that otogenic brain abscesses are more
likely to be located in the cerebrum (temporal lobe) than in the
cerebellum ;40A1 however, the majority of cerebellar abscesses
are associated with middle ear infections.20 On the other hand,
Murthy42 and Dubey43 found that otogenic abscesses occurred
more frequently in the cerebellum. The mortality associated
with brain abscess of otogenic origin in the antibiotic era con­
tinues to decline. Bento44 and tvligirov24 recently reported a
total of 14 patients with cerebral or cerebellar abscess without a
mortality. Cerebellar abscesses have a greater likelihood of fatal
outcome.45 Permanent neurologic sequelae are commonly asso­
ciated with brain abscesses. In Penido's review of intracranial
FIGURE 27-3 • A well-encap sul ated brain abscess co mplic ating otitis
complications of otogenic origin, the permanent neurologic
sequelae that developed in all eight patients were secondary to
brain abscess.40
status of the host. Tt is interesting to note that ff. influenzae is
Pathophysiology rarely found in otogen ic brain abscesses. 33
tviultiple organisms are usually present in brain abscesses.47 Brain abscess can result from any of three processes: (l) a
Polymicrobial cultures with a high incidence of anaerobes are contiguous focus of infection, such as otitis media (Figure 27-3);
reported in various studies.48 Streptococcus and Staphylococcus (2) he1uatogenous spread from a distant focus of infection, such
are common gram-positive organisms that are isolated from as chronic pyogenic lung disease; and (3) head injury or cranial
brain abscesses. Escherichia coli and Proteus, Klebsiella, and surgery.
Pseudomonas species are typical gram-negative isolates. The Otogenic brain abscesses are often the result of venous
microbiology of a brain abscess is influenced by the immune thron1bophlebitis rather than direct dural extension.49 Five

Stages Number of days Changes

Perivascular infla mmat ory

Early cerebritis Days 1 to 3 following response sur rounding a
(invasion} innoculation developing necrotic center
with edema

Late cerebritis Well-formed necrotic center,

(p oca liz ation) quiesc ent 4 to 10 days --ii•� ne ova scula rity in the periphery
abscess) of the necrotic zone

Early capsule formation Well-developed layer of
(enlargement: manifest 10 to 13 days --ii•� fibroblasts with persistent
abscess) cerebritis and neovascularity

Late capsule formation 14 days --ii•� Thickening of capsul e
(termation) FIGURE 27-4 •Stages of formation
of brain abscess and changes that

percent of brain abscesses occur soon after 1nastoidecto1ny,37

eg, when an open mastoid cavity has been created but residual
disease persists.50
Thrombophlebitis usually acco1npanies the for1nation of
Subdural spac e� Dura

a brain abscess and must be managed appropriately. Osteitis sinus .. ..

or granulation tissue causes retrograde thron1bophlebitis of . �

dural vessels that terminate in the white niatter of the brain,51

producing encephalitis. This localized encephalitis progresses , r'
' ,
to necrosis and liquefaction of brain tissue (focal suppura­ . �
tion) with surrounding ederna.52 Within approximately 2 1T I

weeks, an abscess capsule surrounded by granulation tissue 'rr

; ,
for1ns. Brain abscess formation is a continuu1n from cerebri­ • •
• •

tis to a well-encapsulated necrotic focus; nonetheless, inany

authors29,53 have described stages of the forrnation of a brain .. . .

Ventri cle .
abscess (Figure 27-4). Encapsulation is rnore well defined on . '

the cortical side as compared with the ventricular side, perhaps

explaining the propensity of abscesses to rupture 1nedially into
the ventricular systern rather than into the subarachnoid space
(Figure 27-5). FIGURE 27-5 • Schematic illustration demonstrating brain abscess
The maturity of the brain abscess depends on the local rupture into the ventricle and into the subdural space.

oxygen concentration, the offending organism, and the host


immune response.

Clinical Presentation
The patient appears very "toxic" and drowsy and often com­ Imaging
plains of deep bony pain. Occasionally, indolent mastoiditis can CT scanning is very useful in the evaluation of the patient sus­
cause a brain abscess. Foul-sn1elling, crean1y otorrhea indicates a pected of having an otogenic brain abscess. Scanning n1ay allow
fulminant, destructive process. Brain abscess formation is indi­ for earlier detection of abscesses and improved outcomes.55 The
cated by the presence of the triad of (1) headache, (2) high-grade brain abscess appears as a hypodense area surrounded by an
fever, and (3) focal neurologic deficits. In more recent times, the area of eden1a, a configuration kno\vn as the "ring" sign. Serial
cornplete triad is not frequently encountered. Symptoms may CT scanning can be used to follow the effects of treatn1ent,
be present for 2 weeks before the brain abscess is fully formed.26 detern1ine if the abscess is resolving, and assist in the tin1ing of
Focal deficits depend on the location of the abscess. Cerebellar surgical intervention.
abscesses provoke dizziness, ataxia, nystagmus, and vo1niting. IvlRI has also proven to be useful and is superior to CT
Temporal lobe lesions rnay result in seizures. Associated signs of scanning in detecting subtle changes in the brain parenchyma
rneningitis are usually present.49 Papilledema is frequently seen and in detecting the spread of the abscess into the subarachnoid
in stage 3 of abscess forrnation.54 space or into the ventricle. 56

One lin1itation of l'v!RI is that it cannot provide detailed Embol ization of septic thron1bi or extension into tributary ves­
infonnation about the te111poral bone; thus, a separate CT scan sels niay produce further disease.
is required to assess the temporal bone. Infectious thron1bophlebitis of the sigmoid sinus is a well­
known intracranial con1plication of otitis 111edia. The advent of
antibiotics has brought about a decline in the frequency of this
The patient rnust be hospitalized and treated v1ith appropriate,
condition60 as well as the mortality rate to 0 to 10 °Ai over the last
high-dose antin1icrobial medication irnn1ediately. The n1an­
20 years.6 1 Suppurative thrombophlebitis of the sigmoid sinus
agen1ent of the brain abscess takes precedence over that of the
can be seen with AOM and COM.
prin1ary infective source because the patient is seriously ill and
the neurosurgical procedure 111ay be the life-saving procedure.
The patient should be first stabilized neurologically; only then
The {3-hernolytic streptococcus was the most common organ­
should the ear causing tbe infection be operated on.
ism associated with this condition; however, more recently,
Currently, the nianagement of brain abscesses is a contro­
cultures have revealed mixed flora, including Bacteroides,
versial issue owing to i111proved in1aging and more effective
Streptococcus species, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
antibiotics. The decision to excise or drain a brain abscess is one
(l'vfRSA), coagulase-negative staphylococcus, nlixed anaerobes,
such controversy. 'l\Tillian1s recon101ends aspiration with high
Pseudomonas, Enterococcus, and Proteus.61•62
doses of appropriate antibiotics because he finds that this regi-
Two pathophysiologic mechanisms for the formation of
111en is associated with tewer perrnanent neurologic sequelae.57
suppurative thrombophlebitis are given in Figure 27-6. Once
Le Beau and colleagues recon1n1end total excision because they
thrombosis has occurred, propagation of the thron1bus can
find that this leads to lower nJortaJity.58 Another controversy
extend intracranially or into the jugular vein and the right
exists as to v;hether neurosurgical intervention is required at
atrium of the heart. Intracranial extension results in brain
all because the intravenous adn1inistration of newer and n1ore
abscess and thrombophlebitis of other vessels in the cra­
effective antibiotics can result in the complete resolution of
nial cavity with their attendant sequelae. Intracardiac spread
small brain abscesses, obviating neurosurgical intervention.59
results in '"'idespread dissemination of infection and fuhninant
Otogenic Suppurative Thrombophlebitis Recent evidence suggests that patients developing lateral
Otogenic suppurative thrombophlebitis is defined as the sin1ul­ sinus thrombosis may have an elevated incidence of prothrom­
taneous presence of venous tbrornbosis and suppuration in the botic disorders '"'hen coo1pared to the general population.
intracranial cavity. Oestreicher-Kedem reviewed a series of seven children with lat­
Forn1ation of a thro111bus occurs after the infection has eral sinus thrombosis secondary to AON! and found five to have
spread to the intima. The mural thrornbus becomes infected prothrombotic disorders with an elevated level of lipoprotein
and may propagate; as it increases in size, it occludes the Jurnen. apolipoprotein being the most common finding.62

Erosion of bone covering the sigmoid sinus

Immune status Osteothrombophlebitic

of host -----� extension via small venules

Perisinus abscess/inflammation

Inflammation of outer wall (dura} of sinus

Inflammation of intima �nner wall of sinus)

(Intact bony
Platelets, RBC's, fibrin, WBC's
coverng over

adhere to inflamed area

sigmoid sinus)

Mural thrombus ___

Mural thrombus propagates ,

obliterating lumen Empties virulent organisms

FIGURE 27-6 • Pathogenesis of thrombophlebitis
into the sigmoid sinus,
in the sigmoid sinus. AOM, acute otitis media;
r esulting in septicemia COM, chronic otitis media; RBC, red blood cell;
WBC, white blood cell.

Clinical Presentation
I-Iigh-grade fever is a sign of suppurative thrombophlebitis.
The fever may have a "picket fence" appearance or may be high
grade \.vithout returning to baseline.6' However, the presence
of fever has become variable because many patients are par­
tially treated with antibiotics. As reported in a recent study,
as few as 33o/o of patients presented >vith fever and none with
a "picket fence" appearance.64 Typically, the patient will be
toxic and restless, and will complain of otalgia. The otalgia,
described as a deep, boring pain, usually heralds a worsening
neurologic status. Otorrhea \.vill be foul-smelling and usually
blood stained.
If {3-hemolytic streptococci are responsible for the infection,
the patient may present with anemia, manifesting in pallor, and
low hemoglobin levels. Proptosis, ptosis, chemosis, and ophthal­
moplegia indicate that the thrombus has spread to the cavern­
ous sinus. Tenderness and edema over the 111astoid (Griesinger's
sign) are pathognomonic for suppurative thrombophlebitis of
the sigmoid sinus and reflect thrombosis of the mastoid emissary
veins. Propagation of the thrombus into the internal jugular vein
causes it to become hard, cord-like, and very tender to palpation,
and results in a stiff neck. The lymph nodes along the internal
jugular vein are enlarged and tender. Involvement of the torcular
and sagittal sinuses can result in otitic hydrocephalus.
The frequency of central nervous systen1-specific findings
at presentation has decreased. Manolidis reported that 8o/o of
FIGURE 27-7 • A computed tomographic scan of sigmoid sinus
patients presented with papilledema, 33% with nuchal rigidity, thrombophlebitis. The pathognomonic "delta" sign is seen (2 small
and 429{1 with nausea.64 arro w s) The contralateral sigmoid sinus is patent (single large arrow).

Reproduced with permission from Bradley OT, et al.•5

CT scanning and MRI are the current imaging tools of choice in
making the diagnosis. Before the advent of these imaging tools,
cerebral angiography >vith observation of the venous phase was Management
used to determine if thrombosis was present; however, cerebral Sigmoid sinus thrombophlebitis manifesting the classic signs
angiography is no longer routinely performed because of its and symptoms outlined above is unmistakable. However sig­
potential to dislodge the clot.60 moid sinus thrombophlebitis can present in an atypical 111anner
c:T scanning usually demonstrates the "delta sign"-an and additional evaluation may be necessary. Queckenstedt's (or
empty triangle at the level of the sigmoid sinus, consisting of the the Tobey-Ayer) test is used to detect lateral venous sinus throm­
clot surrounded by a high-intensity rim of contrast-enhanced bosis and is performed as follows: a spinal needle is inserted into
dura (Figure 27-7)-when thrombosis is present.6; However, the subarachnoid space, a n1anometer is attached, and the rest­
this sign is not always detectable, and not all thrombi can be ing CSP pressure is recorded. The change in pressure produced
documented by CT scanning.66 by digital compression of first one internal jugular vein and then
tvlRI is more sensitive than CT scanning in detecting the other, and then both at the same ti111e, is noted. When the
thrombosis. vVhen compared to lv1RI as the gold standard, CT pressure fails to rise after compression of the internal jugular
scanning sensitivity ranges fro111 72 to 84%.64•67 �tlagnetic res­ vein on the side of the diseased ear and fails to fall when the
onance venography (tvlR\1) shows blood flow, sinus obstruc­ vein is released, with a prompt contralateral response, the test is
tion, and subsequent reversal of flow(Figure 27-8).6; MRI also positive. A positive Queckenstedt's test is very strong evidence
provides higher resolution in detailing nerve tissue. Thus, MRI in favor of occlusion of the sigmoid sinus; however, it is not
allows for earlier and more precise diagnosis of sinus throm­ infallible. A false-positive test occurs when one sigmoid sinus
bosis and better delineates both its extent and the involvement is sn1aller than the other (usually the left one). A false-negative
of surrounding structures. On gadolinium-enhanced MRI, the test occurs when there is unusually good collateral circulation
thrombus appears as a soft tissue signal associated with a vascu­ around the obstructed sigmoid sinus via the mastoid emissary
lar and bright appearance of the dural walls-the" delta" sign as vein and the inferior petrosal sinus.
seen with gadolinium-enhanced MRI.Nl·69 Any contraindication to performing a lumbar puncture
Early thrombus, as it is rich in deoxyhemoglobin, bas an (eg, elevated intracranial pressure) is also a contraindication
intermediate density on Tl-weighted images and a low intensity to perforn1ing Queckenstedt's test. A positive blood culture
on T2-weighted in1ages. A s the clot matures, methen1oglobin provides good evidence of sigmoid sinus thrombosis, espe­
forms and the MRI appearance changes so that the clot is hyper­ cially when accompanied by the clinical signs and symptoms of
intense on both Tl- and T2->veighted images. thrombosis.

Three contraindications were applied when considering resection

of the sinus: the affected side being the do1ninant fl.ow systen1,
lin1ited thro1nbosis, and the presence of an u1tracranial con1pli­
cation that raises mtracranial pressure. In lin1ited thron1bosis, the
smus is opened and the contents drained. In extensive thrombo­
sis, the sil1us is resected unless contramdicated.64
Historically, there has been debate about the use of anti­
coagulation. Two of the four patients treated in an Israeli study
\vith 6 nlonths of enoxaparin developed significant hen1ato­
n1as secondary t o falls.02 Shah discusses the n1anagen1ent of
two patients with lateral sinus thro1nbosis \vith postoperative
low-111olecular-,veight heparin (LMWH) who developed hen1-
orrhagic con1plications. Enoxaparin has the advantage of t'vice­
daily subcutaneous adn1inistration. However, it is 1nore difficult
t o 1nonitor therapeutic ranges and its longer half-life con1pared
t o heparin nlake it difficult to fully and rapidly reverse the anti­
coagulation effect. Shah recon11nends proceeding with caution
when using enoxaparin in the perioperative period for pediatric
lateral sinus throtnbosis.70

Otitic Hydrocephalus
Otitic hydrocephalus is the ter1n suggested by Sy1nonds71•72 to
describe the syndrome associated with otitis nledia character­
ized by increased intracranial pressure, normal CSF findings,
spontaneous recovery, and no abscess. Although the tern1 otitic
hydrocephalus was coined by Sy1nonds, the condition itself \vas
first described by Quincke in 1897.73 As there is no associated
FIGURE 27-8 • Magnetic resonance venography image demonstrat­ ventricular dilation, it is 1nore appropriately ter1ned "benign
ing loss of signal in the sigmoid sinus (multiple small arrows} indica­
raised intracrania1 tension";73 however, the tern1 "otitic hydro­
tive of sigmoid sinus thrombosis. Enhancement of the contralateral
cephalus" has persisted and is used in this chapter.
sigmoid sinus (large single arrow) and ipsilateral transverse sinus
(single small arrow} representing sinus patency Reproduced with
Otitic hydrocephalus is a rare co1nplication of otitis 111edia
permission from Bradley OT, et a/.65 and sten1s fro1n either AOM o r COM. Otitic hydrocepha­
lus has a favorable prognosis and is very con1n1only associ­

Treatment ated with sign1oid sinus thron1bophlebitis; however, not all

Before the developn1ent of antibiotics, the treat1nent of lateral patients with sigmoid sinus thro1nbophlebitis develop otitic
sinus thron1bosis co1nprised surgery. A co1nplete 1nastoidecto1ny
\vas perforn1ed, and the entire sig1noid sinus was unroofed. Pathophysiology
Often a perisinus abscess was encountered and drained. Once The precise mechanism underlying the develop111ent of otitic
the entire sinus was exposed, it was inspected and palpated; if it hydrocephalus is unknown. Syn1onds71•72 provided the expla­
\vas soft and pliable, and the patient's syn1pton1s were not seri­ nation seen in Figure 27-9. An alternative theory postulates
ous, the sinus \Vas left alone. However, if a rubbery clot \Vas felt,
then the sinus was carefully aspirated with a s111all-gauge needle
and syringe. Lack of blood flow indicated a clot. The sinus \vas
Retrograde extension of thrombophlebitis from
then opened in such a way that the n1edial dural wall was not sigmoid sinus to superior sagittal sinus
trau111atized. The clot was evacuated as con1pletely as possible.
Prior ligatio11 of the internal jugular vein was carried out to pre­
vent propagation of the thrombus into the heart. !
Blockage of arachnoid villi
Controversy re1nains regarding the extent of surgery required,
and ranges fron1 exposure of t11e sig1noid sinus to ligation of the
internal jugular vein. Manolidis has atten1pted to clarify the sur­
gical n1anage1nent oflateral sil1us thron1bosis by dividing patients
CSF decreased absorption/increased secretion
into the categories of lilnited or extensive thro1nbosis. He further
divided the lateral cranial venous systen1 into five regions: trans­
verse sil1us, sig1noid sinus, jugular bulb, upper internal jugular
Raised CSF pressure
vein to the confluence of the facial vein, and the lower jugular
vein fron1 the confluence of the facial vein to the subclavian vein.
Lu11ited thron1bosis is confined to one or t\vo regions whereas FIGURE 27-9 • Pathophysiology of otitic hydrocephalus.
extensive thro1nbosis involves 3 or inore contiguous regions. CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.

an increase in CSF volu111e.74 Sahs and Joynt75 theorized that

the hydrocephalus is secondary to brain eden1a as brain biop­ Otitis media
sies reveal interstitial edema, yet electroencephalogra111s and
neurologic function are norn1al. Weed and Flexner76 postu­
lated disruption in venous circulation as a cause since changes
in CSF pressure are directly related to intracranial venous Erosion of legmen Brain abscess Thrombophlebitis

Clinical Presentation
Headache, drowsiness, vomiting, blurring of vision, and dip­
Erosion of dura Brain abscess ruptures
lopia are typical syn1pto1ns. Acute or chronic otitis niedia is
also seen. Papilledeina and sixth cranial nerve palsy are usually
evident. Optic atrophy can eventually develop. Elevated CSF
pressures with normal CSF biochemistry comprise the classic
Infection in subdural space
findings of otitic hydrocephalus. A lumbar puncture should be
done with caution lest herniation of the cerebellar tonsils occur.
tvlRI is the in1aging niodality of choice as it allows for superior
evaluation of the venous sinuses.
Ex pa nding mass le si on

The goals of therapy are eradication of ear disease and lower­
FIGURE 27-10 Pathology of subdural empyema.
ing of the elevated intracranial pressure. O'Connor and J\tloffat77

recon1n1end decompression of the sigmoid sinus. CSF drainage

procedures, such as shunts, have been recon1mended. Optic Treatment
sheath decompression has been recommended to prevent optic Subdural empyema is a surgical emergency, and prognosis is
atrophy.78 1\1edical therapy includes corticosteroids, mannitol, related to the promptness of diagnosis and drainage. Lumbar
diuretics, and acetazolamide. puncture is contraindicated as it could precipitate herniation
of the cerebellar tonsils. Emergency drainage with high-dose,
Subdural Empyema intravenous antimicrobial medication is the treatment of choice.

A subdural en1pyema is a collection of pus in the space between Once the patient has been stabilized neurologically, the under­

the dura mater and the arachnoid n1en1brane. This condition lying ear disease can be managed.

'"as aln1ost always fatal prior to the advent of antibiotic therapy.

Today, subdural en1pyen1a is the rarest of the con1plications of Epidural (Extradural) Abscess
otitis media. The epidural (extradural) space is a potential space between the
dura mater and the bone of the intracranial cavity. Infection
Pathophysiology here usually manifests with granulation tissue that is in direct
The subdural space, nonnally a potential space rather than an continuity with the suppurative process. Large accumulations
actual one, is divided into several large con1partments by the of pus are rare. Granulation along the dura mater is seen more
foramen magnun1, tentoriu111 cerebelli, base of the brain, and commonly than an actual abscess (Figure 27-12A and B). An
the falx cerebri (Figure 27-10). Since these spaces are anaton1i­ epidural abscess usually precedes other intracranial compli­
cally confined, a developing empyen1a can quickly evolve into a cations, especially sinus thrombophlebitis and brain abscess.
fatal mass lesion (Figure 27-11). Sinus thrombophlebitis is the complication that most frequently
coexists with an epidural abscess.
Clinical Presentation
Headache of abrupt onset and unusually severe nature is typi­ Pathogenesis
cal of subdural empyen1a. Fever and vomiting are other syn1p­ Coalescent mastoiditis entails bone reabsorption, especially in
toms that accompany this disease. The rapidity with whicb the the areas adjacent to the sigmoid sinus; these areas of bone give
patient deteriorates points to a subdural e111pyen1a. '"ay, resulting in a pocket of granulation tissue/pus that expands
M.RI is the imaging 111odality of choice.79 It has been found along the sigmoid sinus. Ultin1ately, the granulation tissue also
to be superior at detecting the presence and extensions of the infects the sigmoid sinus. Chronic suppurative otitis media
infection and can also distinguish between epidural and sub­ '"ithout cholesteatoma is usually associated with granulation
dural infection. tvlultiple, discrete, loculated subdural col­ tissue that invades the perisinus air cells. A single acute exac­
lections may occasionally be seen. M.RI is particularly useful erbation of infection may cause silent extradural granulation
because of the absence of bone artifact, heightened contrast tissue to progress into more serious coinplications.
between bone, CSF, and brain parenchy111a, as wel I as because Epidural abscesses are rarely symptomatic unless they are
of its 111ultiplanar in1aging capability.80 MRI can also charac­ very large. Usually, they are noted as incidental findings during
terize subduraJ collections, allowing differentiation of sterile, surgery performed for another con1plication; however, with the
bloody, and infected collections. CT is unable to perform these radiologic imaging modalities of today, epidural abscesses can
functions. be visualized prior to surgery.


B . , � -
., B


Compressed ·r
brain •

, , .. .

• ' .
• •


.. . •
•• ..

• •
• • •
( . .
J . "

• •

• • •
• •
• • • •

• • •

• • • •

• • • • •

• • • • • .. .. I

• • • • • .. ..

• • •

• • •

' ..
• • •
J "
• • • ..

, , .. .
• • ' .

• • •
• .
• •

• •
• Subdural I A •
• •

• •
abscess "" .., , ..

FIGURE 27-12 •A, Temporal bone computed tomographic (CD

• • •
• • • •

• • •
• •

scan, coronal section. There is mastoiditis and dural elevation,

. .

• "

indicative of an epidural abscess. The contralateral temporal bone is

\ "I
normal. B, Temporal bone CT scan, axial section. Petrous apicitis is
• •

• • • •
• •

• •
associated with a small epidural abscess.

• •

infection to spread directly into the brain. Excessive granulation

tissue should be gently tri1n1ned.

FIGURE 27-11 •A, A computed tomographic scan of a loculated

subdural abscess in the falx. B, Schematic illustration of the mass References
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Tympanoplasty: Tympanic
Membrane Repair
Aristides Athanasiadis-Sismanis, MD, FACS

INTRODUCTION rnight well have been the beginning of a fruitful develop111ent

of operations for conductive hearing loss, for the n1echanics of
According to the A1nerican Acaden1y of Ophthahnology and
the rniddle ear had been defined clearly by Heln1holtz shortly
Otolaryngology Subco1nn1ittee on Conservation of Hearing
before, in 1868. However, despite the early successes with stapes
1965 definition, ty1npanoplasty is "a procedure to eradicate dis­
rnobilization reported byBoucheron in .1888 and Miot in 1890,
ease in the n1iddle ear and to reconstruct the hearing n1ech­
the new surgery for deati1ess declined and by the end of the 1 9th
anisn1, with or without ty1npanic n1en1brane grafting."' This
century died out, as detern1ined opposition by the leaders in
procedure can be con1bined with either an intact canal wall
otology had arisen against all attempts to in1prove hearing by
(ICW) or a canal-v.rall-down (CWD) 1nastoidecto1ny to eradi­
operations on the 111iddl.e ear.
cate disease fron1 the n1astoid area. The original tyn1panoplasty
The strong opposition to surgery for deafness was reflected
classification systen1 ofvVullsteiJ1(Figure28-1) is used presently
in the standard texts of otology and otologic surgery, which
only iJ1 the vernacular of otology(eg, a "type III 1nechanisn1" or
scarcely n1entioned, or n1entioned only to conden1n, such oper­
a "type I tyn1panoplasty").
ations. For exan1ple, Kerrison's 627-page Diseases of the Ear,
published in 1930, devoted less than a single page to "Surgical
l\!ieasures for Relief of Deafness," concluding that: "These
The tern1 ty1npanoplasty was introduced in 1953 by Wullstein operations, nJentioned for their place in otological history, are
to describe surgical techniques for reconstruction of the quite obsolete today:" It is even niore surprising that Sir Charles
middle-ear hearing n1echanis1n that had been in1paired or Ballance, in his tv10-volu111e text fails to n1ention any sort of
destroyed by chronic ear disease.2 The sa1ne year Zollner operation to improve hearing.
reported on surgical techniques for in1proving the sound con­ Reasons for the opposition to reconstructive surgery of
duction mechanis1n of the middle ear following surgery for the n1iddle ear were no doubt the lack of surgical 111icroscopes,
chronic ear disease.3 One year earlier \.Vullstein had described imperfect sterilization techniques, and the absence of protec­
an operation for repairing ty1npanic n1e1nbrane perforations tive antibiotics, possibly resulting in infections and other iat­
with split-thickness skin grafts.4 Another 1najor contribution rogenic injuries. There were few reports of serious infections
of these two otologists was the introduction of the operating following the early operations, but one can surn1ise that soine
microscope in perfor1ning otologic surgery, which in1proved very unfortunate unreported results contributed to the oppo­
their results significantly. sition. An additional reason for the skepticisn1 for operations
Ty1npanoplasty can be considered the final step in the sur­ to in1prove hearing 111ay have been the lack of audion1eters
gical conquest of conductive hearing loss and represents the for quantitative n1easuren1ents of hearing before and after
cul1nination of over 100 years of evolution of surgical proce­ surgery.
dures on the iniddle ear to improve hearing. The first of these Probably the greatest reason for the lack of interest in recon­
procedures was the stapes mobilization of Kessel in 1878, soon structive operations on the ear 'vas the intense preoccupation of
followed by Berthold's plastic repair of a perforated tympanic the otologists of those days with infections of the ear and their
me1nbrane in the sa1ne year and Kiesselbach's atten1pt in 1883 co111plications. It is interesting that Schwartze5 described the
to correct a congenital atresia. These very eventful years simple mastoid operation just 3 years before Kessel mobilized




FIGURE 28-1 •Types of tympanoplasty according to Wullstein. A, Type I with restoration of the normal middle
ear. B, Type II. Ossicular chain partially destroyed but preserved and continuity restored. Skin graft laid against
the ossicles after removal of the bridge. C, Type Ill. Myringostapediopexy producing a shallow middle ear and a
columella effect. 0, Type IV. Round window protection with a small middle ear mobile footplate left exposed.
E, Type V. Closed middle ear with round window protection; fenestra in the horizontal semicircular canal covered by
a skin graft.

the stapes, and Kuster,• Zaufal,7 and Stackeg described the radi­ careful aseptic technique in the postoperative period as well
cal mastoidectomy at exactly the time that Boucheron and l\ifiot as during the fenestration operation. With the later addi­
were reporting successes with stapes mobilization. It is evident tion to sulfona1nides of prophylactic penicillin, postopera­
that the climate of otologic thought was favorable toward proce­ tive infections lost n1uch of their threat. Most in1portant of
dures to control infection and quite unfavorable toward opera­ all, Len1pert taught his operation to otologists fro1n all parts
tions on the ear to improve hearing. of the v•orld. It was inevitable, as the nun1ber of patients
The revival of interest in the surgery of deafness began successfully treated by Le1npert and his pupils increased to
when Holmgren9 with considerable courage in the face of the hundreds and then thousands, that the traditional and often
concerted opposition, began his long series of operations on bitter opposition started to decline. Thanks to Len1pert, the
the labyrinth for otosclerosis, demonstrating that, with modern cli1nate of otoiogic thought finally became favorable toward
methods of aseptic technique, the noninfected mastoid pro­ surgery for deafness. This led first to the successful oper­
cess and labyrinth could, after all, be opened safely. The sur­ ations for congenital n1eatal atresia in 1947 by Patte13 and
gical application of the operating microscope, first by Nylen10 On1bredanne14 and finally to the revival of stapes mobiliza­
in 1921 as a monocular instru1nent, and then by 1-Iolmgren, tion by Rosen in 1953.15
who introduced the binocular operating microscope in l922, It is a ren1arkable fact that during all these years, clinicians
was an important advance destined to play an increasing role and surgeons failed to see clearly the appl ications to surgical
in the perfection of fenestration, stapes operations, and tym­ techniques of the principles of the niiddle-ear sound-pressure
panoplasty. Sourdille's11 ingenious and successful tympanolab­ transforn1er, as described by Hel 111 holtz. Holmgren, Sourdi lie,
yrinthopexy for otosclerosis added to the reviving interest in and len1pert had no clear idea of how the fenestrated-ear func­
surgery for deafness. tioned and why the fenestration operation could not restore
The real turning point in the reorientation of oto­ hea r in g to normal. Likewise, Pattee and On1bredanne failed to
logic surgery away from operations for infection toward appreciate the need to restore sound-pressure transforn1ation
reconstruction of the hearing mechanism occurred when by placing the substitute tyn1panic nie111brane in contact vvith
Lempert12 combined Sourdille's several-stage operation into the niobile stapes.
a more practical one-stage fenestration operation. At this The mechanics of the fenestrated ear remained obscure
time, sulfonamide therapy of acute otitis media and otitic until Bekesy and Juers began to study the problen1. Juers1• in
con1plications had begun to lessen the urgency and frequency 1948 noted that the tyn1panic nien1brane of the fenestrated ear
of operations for acute mastoiditis. Lempert emphasized must be intact "to protect the round window son1ewhat from

sound pressure." Two years later, Davis and \i\Talsh17 defined the PHYSIOLOGY OF
residual conductive hearing loss after successful fenestration as MIDDLE EAR
being" due to loss of the i mpedance-n1atching mechanis111 of the
When animals emerged from the sea onto dry land, a rnechan­
tympanic me.mbrane, ossicular chain and oval window." The
ical device '"'as needed to overcome the air-\o\later sound
two basic principles of tympanoplasty had now been defined;
barrier. The middle-ear 1nechanisn1, developed from the dis­
na111ely, sound protection for the round window and sound­
carded bronchial apparatus no longer needed for breathing,
pressure transformation for the oval window.
'"'as the answer. By means of a rather large hydraulic ratio of a
Tt is interesting and surprising that tyn1panoplasty tech­
large tympanic membrane acting on a sn1all stapes footplate,
niques for chronic otitis 111edia began in Ger111any rather than
con1bined with a rather small lever ratio of longer handle of
in the United States, where fenestration surgery had reached a
the malleus acting on the slightly shorter long-process of the
high degree of n1aturity and perfection.
incus, air-borne sound vibrations of large amplitude but small
Tn 1950 Jvloritz first described the use of pedicled flaps to
force are transformed into fluid-borne sound vibrations of
construct a closed middle-ear cavity in cases of chronic suppu­
small amplitude but large force. Bekesy calculated the effec­
ration, to provide sound shielding or protection for the round
tive vibrating surface of tympanic 1ne1nbrane area co1npared
windov,r in preparation for a later fenestration of the horizontal
'"'ith stapes footplate area to be 17 to 1 and the lever effect of
semicircular canal.18
ossicular chain 1.3 to 1. The 17 to 1 hydraulic ratio x the 1.3
The principles of ]V[oritz's procedure were i111111ediately
lever ratio yields a total increase of pressure at the oval window
apparent. Zollner in 1951, and \i\Tullstein in 1952, began to
of 22 times. This is tern1ed the sound-pressure transfor1ner
report of similar operations to provide sound protection for the
ratio of the nor1nal human ear and equates to approximately
round windov,r and to reconstruct sound-pressure transforma­
27-dB gain.28
tion for the oval window. Early on, \i\Tullstein advocated free
The round window in the normal ear acts as a relief open­
skin transplants rather than the pedicled grafts used by Jvloritz,
ing at the opposite end of the cochlear duct fro1n the stapes
and Zollner soon after changed from pedicled to free grafts as
footplate to permit maximurn to-and-fro vibratory rnovements
of the nonco1npressible cochlear-fluid column in the rigid
The subsequent developn1ent of tympanoplastic techniques
bony cochlea. In the normal ear, the round window rnembrane
has gone through n1ajor changes. Soon after the introduction
move1nents are largely passive in response to the stapes foot­
of split-thickness grafts it was realized that the accumulation
plate rnove1nents. This is partly because the 22 times pressure
of keratin debris and associated infections resulting in fail­
increase at the oval window far exceeds any competitive pres­
ures niade their use i111practical. Zollner replaced free distant
sure exerted on the round window from the tympanic cavity
skin grafts '"'ith 111eatal skin, ren1oved as free full-thickness
side. Furthermore, round windo'"' men1brane movements are
grafts. \Tein as grafting n1aterial was reported independently
largely passive in response to the stapes footplate movements
by Shea and Tabb in 1960.20•2 1 Te111poralis fascia was described
because the intact tympanic 1nen1brane "protects" the round
by Heern1ann in 1961 and was introduced in the United States
'"'indow from competitive sounds, partly by dan1ping and partly
by Storrs in 1963.22•23 Plastic prostheses for reconstruction of the
b y a phase difference.
ossicular chain \o\lere tried early on and abandoned by Zollner
and \i\Tullstein; however, they continued to be used in the United
States both for tyn1panoplasty and stapedectomy. Soon after,
the tendency tov,rard rejection and extrusion of the plastic pros­
theses used in tyn1panoplasties and stapedecto111ies became evi­
dent. Following these initial failures it was soon realized that
wire prostheses made of stainless steel, platinun1, or tantalum ln patients with tympanic rnen1brane perforations the round
were better tolerated in the middle ear. Ossicular repositioning window begins to play a inore active and troubling role in
was described by Hall and Rytzner in J 957.24 Ho111ograft ossicles the mechanics of hearing. A tympanic inembrane perfora­
for reconstructing the ossicular chain in tyn1panoplasty became tion removes sound protection from the round \.Yindo'"'' with
popular in the early 1960s.25 Glasscock and House reported the a tendency for sound to reach both windows at nearly the
first large series ofhomograft tympanic n1en1brane procedures same mon1ent, thus canceling the resultant inovements of the
in 1968.26 Biocompatible ossicular prostheses such as total perily1nph. As long as the transformer ratio of the middle ear
ossicular replacement prostheses (TORPs), acting as a colun1ella is larger, as in the case of s1nall tympanic men1brane perfo­
fron1 the tyn1panic membrane to the oval window, and partial ration with an intact ossicular chain, the canceling effect of
ossicular replace111ent prostheses (PORPs), connecting the sta­ sound reaching the round window is small. As the perforation
pes head to the tympanic men1brane, have been in everyday enlarges and the transfor1ner ratio diminishes, the canceling
use during the past 25 years.27 During the past 25 years, otolo­ effect of sound on the unprotected round windo'"' rises rap­
gists have used numerous types of ossicular prostheses made idly until a total perforation results in a loss of 40 to 45 dB. An
of various alloplastic n1aterials such as Plastipore®, Proplast®, interruption of the ossicular chain does not add much to the
polyethylenes, polytetrafluoroethylene, ceran1ics, Teflon®, and hearing loss of a large perforation, however, behind an intact
hydroxyl apatite. OssicuJar chain reconstruction is presented in tympanic niembrane, it results in maxin1u1n conductive hear­
detail in Chapter 29. ing loss of 60 dB because both windows are protected frorn

sound, and there is no sound-pressure transforn1ation for the patient is advised to avoid blowing the nose, take water precau­
oval \vindow. tions, instill Ofloxacin® otic drops twice a day, and return to the
The ideal tympanoplasty restores sound protection for the office in 3 to 4 weeks for re-evaluation.
round window by constructing a closed and air-containing Penetrating tympanic nie1nbrane injuries are usually self­
111iddle ear, and rebuilds the sound-pressure transformation induced and are secondary to cotton-tipped swab injuries,
111echanisn1 for the oval window by connecting a large tyn1- bobby pins and other objects used to relieve itching or clean
panic n1en1brane \¥ith the stapes footplate via either an intact the ear canal. These perforations usually heal spontaneously
or a reconstructed ossicular chain. within 4 to 6 weeks, and during this period patients need to
observe water precautions. Penetrating thermal injuries,
such as a hot slag, carry a poor prognosis regardless of nled­
ical or surgical treatment.34 Facial nerve injury and sensori­
neural hearing loss have been reported as a result of welding
Ty1upanic n1e111brane perforations result n1ainly frorn intectious sparks.35 Other causes include ,..,ater activities such as skiing,

and traumatic etiologies. and lightning strikes. Patients with perforations resulting
fro1n water activities are at risk for developing otitis inedia
and should be treated ,..,ith non-ototoxic antibiotic drops such
Infectious Etiologies
as Ofloxacin® otic.
Perforations resulting from acute otitis niedia heal spontane­ Nonexplosive blast injuries include such entities as a blow
ously in the majority of cases. Ho,vever, in rare instances a to the car, usually a slap, which results in a sudden increase of
central perforation niay ren1ain, especially in cases with asso­ air pressure that ruptures the tyn1panic n1en1brane.36-38 It has
ciated Eustachian tube dysfunction. Acute otitis media sec­ been reported that conservative nlanagemcnt of nonexplosive
ondary to group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus is associated blast-injury ty1npanic n1en1brane perforations results in sponta­
with a high incidence of tympanic men1brane perforations and neous closure in 94.8% of cases. High-frequency sensorineural
1uastoiditis. 29 hearing loss has been detected in 20% of these patients. Healing
Chronic otitis 1nedia with effusion treated with ventilating of the perforation is ah"lays associated with closure of the air­
tubes can result in tyn1panic n1en1brane perforation, atrophy, bone gap, while recovery of the sensorineural hearing loss is less
retraction, hearing loss, and tympanosclerosis.30 Typical tem­ frequent.39 On the contrary, in a report of 124 tyn1panic n1e1n­
poral bone pathologic findings in chronic otitis niedia with brane perforations resulting fron1 explosive blast injuries, only
tyn1panic nieiubraoe perforation include: granulation tissue 47 healed spontaneously.40 Early intervention with eversion of
(97.4%), ossicular changes (90.5<Yo), tympanosclerosis (19.8o/o), the perforation edges and application of a paper patch has been
cholesterol granulon1a (12.l %), and cholesteatoma (4.3<Yo).31 recon1n1ended for these cases.41 In a recent report regarding 541
Perforations secondary to tuberculous otitis media are rare blast-injury victi1ns of the coalition forces in Iraq ,..,ho under­
and diagnosis is 1uade witb a positive middle-ear tissue biopsy went neuro-otologic exan1ination, 35.2% were found to have
for acid-fast bacilli and a positive 1\1ycobacteriuni tissue culture.32 ty1npanic 1ncn1brane perforations. In 37.8°/o of cases, perfora­
Significant clinical features are pale granulations in the niiddle tions were bilateral. Approxin1ately 37% of the soldiers reported
ear, a disproportionately severe hearing loss, facial paralysis, the wearing ear protection, a precaution that was associated with a
presence of noro1al nlastoid cellular development, and a past or significantly reduced risk of ty1npanic n1en1brane perforation.42
fan1ily history of tuberculosis. Antituberculous treatn1ent and In such cases, displaced ty1npanic n1en1brane ren1nants i n the
surgery give good results.33 niiddle-ear cavity should be detected early on and be ren1oved
i n order to avoid cholesteato1na forn1ation.
Traumatic Etiologies The nJost con1n1on iatrogenic perforations result fro1n ven­

Trau111atic tympanic men1brane perforations result fro1n pen­ tilating tubes for otitis media and have been reported to occur

etrating traun1a, nonexplosive and explosive blast injuries, in 4.6% of patients follo\ving tyn1panoston1y.43 Perforation rates

and iatrogenic causes. Decreased hearing, tinnitus, and aural are higher for tubes of larger dia1neter and those with longer

fullness are comn1on initial syn1pto1ns. Persistent dizziness or retention ti1nes. In a study con1paring T-tubes to sn1all gro1n-

disequilibriun1 and tinnitus should alert the physician to the 1nets (the Donaldson tube), the perforation rates were 13.6%

possibility of a concomitant inner-ear injury and may pron1pt and 1.8% respectively.44 Gelfoam®/Gelfilin® patching of the per­

1niddle-ear exploration. Thorough otologic, neurotologic, and foration at the tin1e of ventilation tube ren1oval has decreased

audiologic evaluation is imperative for detection of any associ­ the perforation incidence.45.46

ated perilymphatic fistula, inverted perforation edges, displaced Perforations following exploratory ty1npanoto1ny for stape­

segn1ents of the ty1npanic n1en1brane in the niiddle-ear cavity decto1ny and other nliddle-ear pathologies are rare.

and foreign bodies. For patients with inverted edges, under local
anesthesia in the office, a piece of sterile Gelfoam® soaked in
saline is placed into the 1niddle ear through the perforation.
The edges of the perforation are then everted and a properly
trin1n1ed piece of Gelfiln1® or cigarette paper is placed on the The two goals of ty111panoplasty are to achieve a dry ear by
tyn1panic n1e1nbrane. Oral antibiotics are prescribed for one eradicating niiddle-car disease and hearing i111proveme11t by
\¥eek if water or a foreign body has entered the middle ear. The closure of any ty111panic 1nembrane perforation by grafting

and/or ossicular reconstruction. The results of tyn1panoplasty prefers using cartilage "shield" grafts, '"'hich are resistant even
are n1easured in tern1s of success or failure of graft-take and to continuous Eustachian tube dysfunction.53 Hearing aid fit­
hearing in1provement. Jn order to obtain a fair assessment of ting is another option for such cases. History of recurrent otitis
the long-tern1 success of ear surgery, it is best to separate cases inedia or presence of otitis media '"'ith effusion in the contra­
of benign central perforations fro111 cases with cholesteatoma, lateral ear arc suggestive of a dysfunctional Eustachian tube and
previous tympanoplasty failure, severe mucosa I disease, poor should alert the otolaryngologist to the possibility of a poor sur­
Eustachian tube function, and total loss of the ossicular chain. gical outcon1c.54
Individuals with benigJ1 perforations and sin1pJe ossicular Repeated surgical failures due to extensive inidd.le-ear
chain deficits have a very good-to-excellent chance of obtaining fibrosis, a nonfunctioning Eustachian tube, recurrent per­
a dry ear and hearing within the normal range. Such a patients forations, and prosthesis extrusion are better left alone. The
niay expect a 93 to 97<Vo chance for a graft "take" and an 85 to patient should be given the option of a hearing aid, although
90o/o chance for a hearing gain to within 20 dB of bone level.47•48 recurrent ear drainage inay be a inajor proble1n. The Baba®
It n1ust be re111e111bered that a tympanoplasty niay be consid­ systen1 has provided satisfactory results for patients who
ered partially successful if a dry, intact ear is obtained regard­ cannot tolerate conventional hearing aids due to recurrent
less of whether there is any hearing i111proven1ent. Patients with otitis externa, draining nlastoid cavities, and active chronic
atelectatic ears and poor Eustachian tube function undergoing 0 ti tis.

tyn1panoplasty may be benefited by insertion of long-tern1 ven­

tilating tubes.

INDICATIONS FOR A co1nplete history and head and neck exan1ination should

TYMPANOPLASTY be perfor1ned on all patients prior to surgery. The otoscopic

exan1i.nation is best accon1plished with the operating inicro­
Indications include tympanic nie111brane perforations and scope. An audiogram. \Vithin 3 nlonths prior to surgery is
associated hearing loss, with or without 111iddle-ear pathol­ essential and should consist of pure-tone air- and bone-con­
ogy such as tympanosclerosis, sn1all retraction pockets, and duction thresholds as \'\Tell as speech-discri1nination scores.
cholesteaton1as. All hearing test results should be confir1ned with tuning fork
For an actively draining ear, the external auditory canal
and tyinpanic cavity should be cleaned of any purulent inate­
rial with a sn1all otologic suction under the surgical inicroscope
Absolute contraindications for tympanoplasty include poor and the patient should be instructed to take water precau­
general health, malignant tu111ors of the outer/111iddle ear, tions. For refractory cases, irrigating the ear with a solution of
uncontrolled cholesteatoma, unusual infections such as nialig­ l.5% acetic acid using a bulb syringe t'"'o to three times a day
nant otitis externa, and comp I ications of chronic ear disease can be helpful. The solution should be brought to body ten1-
such as 111eningitis, brain abscess, or lateral sinus thronibosis.49 perature prior to irrigation in order to avoid a caloric effect.
Tyn1panoplasty is also contraindicated on the only or signifi­ Following irrigation, the ear should be allowed to drain and
cantly better hearing ear in order to avoid the risk of irrevers­ antibiotic drops covering Pseudomonas aeruginosa should be
ible sensorineural hearing loss. Operating on the better hearing instilled. Digital pressure over the ipsilateral tragus should
ear in patients who can use a hearing aid in the opposite ear then be applied several ti1nes to force the antibiotic solution
with satisfactory results 111ay be considered in selected cases. deeper into the ear canal and nliddle ear. Oral antibiotics with
Any acute exacerbation of chronic otitis n1edia, chronic niucoid activity against Pseudo111on11s aeruginosa nlay be considered for
discharge associated with allergic rhinosinusitis, or chronic patients not responding to local treat1nent. Culture and sensi­
otitis externa should be controlled with appropriate treat111ent tivity should be obtained for refractory cases, in i1111nunosup­
prior to tympanoplasty. A nonfunctioning Eustachian tube is presscd patients, and when an unusual infectious process, such
a relative contraindication to tympanoplasty; although this is as tuberculosis, is suspected. Cholesteato1na cases n1ay fail to
not always easily deten11 ined preoperatively. Smoking has been respond to local treat111ent prior to surgery and although most
reported to be a significant negative prognostic factor and has surgeons prefer to operate on a "dry" ear, there is no contra­
been associated \.vith a threefold increase in long-term graft indication to pcrfor1ning a tyn1panoplasty in the face of active,;i infection. Often cholesteaton1as nluSt be treated surgically in
Indications for ty111panoplasty in the elderly and children order to attain a dry ear.
should be individualized. \A/ith niodern anesthetic techniques, In addition to the aforen1entioned ineasures, an effort
an older individual in relatively good general health can be should be nlade to control any conditions predisposing to fail­
operated on \.Vithout any significant risk.52 Un less there is a cho­ ure such as obstructive adenoids and recurrent tonsillitis in
lesteatoma or bilateral ty111panic membrane perforations with children, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and nasal obstruction sec­
significant conductive hearing loss, tympanoplasty in children ondary to a deviated septu1n. These upper respiratory tract
can be delayed until the age of 8 or 10 when the incidence of conditions can directly influence Eustachian tube function
otitis 111edia decreases and a satisfactory outcome is more likely. and therefore the outco1ne of any surgery in the tyn1panic
\A/hen surgery becomes necessary in young children the author cavity.

There is no preoperative test for Eustachian tube function. perforation is healed. A 64°/o success rate has been reported with
The Toynbee test and the Valsa]va maneuver can detect patency this technique.•0
of the Eustachian tube, a finding that does not correlate with
normal function. Furthermore, poor Eustachian tube func­ ALLOPLASTIC PATCHING
tion prior to surgery may in1prove follov1ing tyn1panoplasty by
ren1oving n1iddle-ear disease processes such as polyps, granula­ Toynbee in 185361 and Yearsley in 186362 first reported the use

tion tissue, infection, and the insertion of a sheet of absorbable of alloplastic 1naterials for hearing i1nproven1ent in patients

Gelfilm® (gelatin film). For patients who develop middle-ear with tyn1panic perforations, Recently, a very soft silicone

effusion following tympanoplasty, a myringoton1y and ventila­ device in the shape of a sealed tyn1panoston1y tube, placed in

tion-tube insertion can be done as an office procedure 2 111onths the office, has been found to be a safe and effective alterna­

after surgery.'7 tive for treating ty1npanic perforations with an intact ossic­
ular chain when surgery is contraindicated or is refused by
the patient.03 Contraindications for this device are active
1niddle-ear infection, cholesteaton1a, and Eustachian tube
Dry, chronic central perforations require no preoperative imag­ dysfunction.
ing. In cases v.rith cholesteaton1a, ate]ectasis, and chronic drain­
age, higb-resolution con1puted ton1ography (CT) of the ten1poral HISTOPATHOLOGY OF
bones 111ay be helpful in detern1ining disease extension, possible TYMPANIC MEMBRANE
intracranial involven1ent, degree of n1astoid pneumatization, the PERFORATIONS
type of surgical approach to be used, presence of labyrinthine
fistulae, fallopian canal anaton1y, as well as tegn1ental defects. In a histopathologic study of chronic tympanic nlembrane

Tf a tegn1ental defect is detected by CT, the diagnosis of brain perforations, it \Vas found that the squa1nous epithelium often

herniation can best be establisbed with a n1agnetic resonance extended medially from the perforation edge. Epidern1al growth

in1aging (MRT) study of the temporal bones. 30 factor, hyaluronan, fibronectin, and other glycosan1inoglycans,
all of which are known to be present in wound healing, were
only scantily present. These findings could explain the arrested
healing and cessation of spontaneous closure associated with
Prior to surgery, patients should be properly informed regard­ chronic perforations.64 Accordingly, complete removal of the
ing the nature of their disease process, treatn1ent options, and perforation rim prior to grafting is nlandatory to avoid any
the proposed surgical procedure, including expected outcon1es, entrapment of epitheliun1 \Vithin the iniddle ear. risks and cornplications, and the possibility of a sec­ In experin1ental animal studies the epidern1is is the first
ond-stage procedure. Brochures describing the disease process layer that closes a tyn1panic n1en1brane perforation. Healing of
and proposed surgical procedure and postoperative care are the fibrous layer occurs secondarily, and the site of response
verv useful.
in this layer is related to the vascular distribution in the ty1n­
panic membrane. This process begins within 48 hours and is

OFFICE CHEMICAL con1plete within 9 days.65 The epithelial layer of healed hun1an

MYRINGOPLASTY tyn1panic nlembranes does not contain basal cells, confirn1ing

its origin from migration fro111 the periphery and not by in
This technique was introduced by Roosa in 187658 and was pop­ situ proliferation.66 Epidermal growth factor has been reported
ularized by Derlacki in the l950s v.rho reported good results.59 to promote healing of chronic tympanic n1en1brane perfora­
Cooperative patients with small (less than 4 nim) central tym­ tions."' In ani1nal studies hyaluronic acid and heparin have
panic n1en1brane perforations may be considered for this proce­ been found to in1prove the healing rate as well as the quality
dure. Jvfarginal perforations, a small ear canal, active infection, of the scar.08
the presence of cho]esteaton1a, a conductive hearing loss due to
an ossicular problen1, and the presence of extensive tympano­
sclerosis in the tyn1panic ren1nant are contraindications for this
procedure. Presently the 1nost con11nonly used grafting inaterial for repair of
Under the n1icroscope, the edges of the perforation are cau­ tyn1panic inembrane perforations is ten1poralis fascia. Another
terized with trichloroacetic acid, applied by a metallic appli­ grafting nlaterial, introduced by Moon in 1970 with excellent
cator with a very small an1ount of cotton wound tightly at its graft-take, is areolar tissue obtained fro1n the area overlying the
tip. Chemical cauterization destroys the squan1ous epitheliun1 temporalis fascia.69•70 This grafting n1aterial has been used exten­
that has gro\vn over the rin1 of the perforation and in so doing sively by Glasscock47 and is highly recom1nended by the author
exposes fibroblasts and pron1otes healing of the lamina propria, because there is nlinimal or no bleeding during re1noval due to
Silver nitrate is alternative chen1ical agent that can be used for its location in an avascular plane, it is easier to handle during
this purpose.00 The perforation is then covered with a Gel foam®, graft place1nent, and in case of failure the te1nporalis fascia is
or Gelfiln1® (Pharn1acia & Upjohn con1pany, Kalamazoo, lvfi), still available for use. Tragal and auricular cartilage as well as
or a cigarette-paper patch. Local antibiotic drops are pre­ perichondriun1 are other very co1nn1only used grafting nlate­
scribed and the procedure is repeated every 2 weeks until the rials. 53 Surgical results \vith these grafts are si1nilar to those

obtained with ten1poralis fascia.71 Other reported autologous FACIAL NERVE MONITORING
grafting niaterials associated \.Yith excellent results are fat and
Although facial nerve rnonitoring is not a substitute for thor­
scar tissue.72•73 Recently, treated acellular dermal hon1ografts
ough kno,vledge of facial nerve anato1ny, the author uses it in
(All0Dern1®, LifeCeII Corporation, Branchburg, NJ) and
the majority of otologic procedures. In cholesteatoma cases in
Tutopatch® (Tutogen Medical, Inc., Alachua, FL), a xenograft
particular, dissection and re1noval of the cholesteatoma matrix
derived fron1 bovine pericardium, have aftorded results sin1ilar
from the facial nerve can be done in a more controlled fashion,
to those obtained with ten1poralis fascia, perichondriun1, and
especially in cases with fallopian canal dehiscence.
cartilage.74-70 These homografts niay be considered for revision
cases in which autogenous grafting niaterial is no longer avail­
able. For cases with total perforation, cholesteaton1a, or atelec­ PROPHYLACTIC ANTIBIOTICS
tasis, and especially for revision cases, the author prefers to use
In an uncomplicated ty1npanoplasty case, prophylactic antibiot­
cartilage "shield" grafts obtained fron1 the concha cymba. This
ics are unwarranted. However, for a draining ear antimicrobial
technique is described in the cartilage tyn1panoplasty section of
coverage is reco1nmended prior to surgery.77 Frequent irrigation
this chapter.
of the surgical field during the surgery removes devitalized tis­
sue and perhaps reduces bacterial colony counts and subsequent

General anesthesia is preferred for all chronic ear surgery

procedures and is particularly helpful for children and exces­
sively apprehensive patients. General anesthesia can be used in Complete hemostasis is imperative in otologic surgery and can

an outpatient setting as wel I. For such cases, long anesthesia be acco1nplished as follows.

niachine circuits are used to allow the anesthesiologist to be •

Discontinuation of aspirin and other anti­
positioned at the feet of the table. This allows adequate roon1 inflam1natory 1nedications 10 days prior to surgery.
for the surgeon's legs beneath the table. The blood pressure Discontinuation of anticoagulant treatment, such

cuff should be placed on the arm opposite to the ear undergo­ as Plavix®, requires prior clearance by the patient's
primary care physician.
ing surgery so it does not interfere with the surgeon. If facial

Injection of the postauricular incision and ear canal
nerve nionitoring is used, paralyzing agents should be avoided
,.,,ith lidocaine 2o/o (Xylocaine®) with 1:100,000
during anesthesia.

epin_ep rine at least
10 1ninutes prior to 1naking
Tn cases of niyringopl.asty or when general anesthesia
any 1nc1s1on.
is contraindicated, local anesthesia with sedation can be used •
Availability of otologic electro1nicrobipolar and
as well. conventional cauteries.

Gelfoam® soaked in undiluted epinephrine. A dry

POSITIONING OF THE PATIENT surgical field can be accomplished by leaving Gelfoa1n®

soaked in epinephrine in the 1niddle ear \.Yhile obtaining
The patient is placed close to the edge of the table in order to the graft.
prevent the surgeon from hyperextending his/her ar111s. The •
Availability of diamond burrs of various sizes for control
patient's body is properly strapped on the table and both arms of bleeding fro1n bone.
are padded and tucked close to the body. The head is turned

Frequent irrigation of the surgical area with a saline

approximately 120 degrees away from the surgeon and is sup­ solution.

ported with a folded tO\.Yel placed between the table and the con­
tralateral cheek. No doughnut-shaped pillow is necessary. An PREPPING OF THE SURGICAL
operating table that can rotate along its long axis is essential in AREA
order to allow the whole body of the patient to n1ove away from
or towards the surgeon to achieve optimal visualization of the A 2-3 cm area of hair above and behind the auricle is shaved

surgical field. Rotating the patient toward the surgeon allows and then rubbed \.Yith an alcohol solution to degrease the skin.

better visualization of the posterior area of the surgical field, Tincture of benzoin is applied and 3M® (No. 1010) drapes are
\.Yhereas rotating the patient a\vay in1proves inspection of the placed on the skin to keep the hair away from the surgical area.

anterior surgical field. A. hydraulic chair is very helpful for the The postauricular area is injected with 3-4 cn13 of lidocaine
surgeon because it allows change of visualization angles with 2% (Xylocaine®) with 1:100,000 epinephrine for hemostasis.
1nini1nal effort. 'fhe surgical area is cleaned ,.,,ith iodine soap and solution,
and blotted dry ,.,,ith a sterile towel. The patient is draped
with sterile paper-drapes and a 3M® plastic drainage-bag ,.,,ith
self-adhesive is applied at the most dependent seg1nent of the
surgical area. Irrigation-suction tubing and cautery lines are
wrapped in a cloth to\vel and secured on the drapes with towel
The nurse and the instrument table are placed across fron1 the clips. A co1npartmentalized plastic-pouch is attached to the
surgeon and the surgical niicroscope is positioned at the head drapes of the Ivlayo stand to accomn1odate the suction tips and
of the table. electrocauteries.

TYMPANOPLASTY APPROACHES oint1nent. The patient is instructed to instill ofloxacin drops

twice a day and to return to the office in 4 \-veeks for cleaning
There are three tyn1panoplasty approaches: transcanal, postau­
of the ear canal.
ricular, and endaural. Factors to be considered regarding the
For persisting, s1nall perforations, such as those follow­
type of approach to be used include the size of the ear canal, the
ing ty1npanoston1y tube extrusion and 111yringoplasty failure,
location and size of the perforation, and the surgeon's training
transcanal fat graft inyringoplasty is the procedure of choice.78•79
and experience.
In the majority of patients, \-vith the exception of children who
require sedation, this procedure can be done under local anes­
Transcanal Approach thesia in the a1nbulatory surgery center.
Sn1all posterior perforations can be repaired through the tran­ The transcanal fat graft myringoplasty procedure proceeds
scanal approach, especially when the size of the ear canal is as follows: local anesthetic is injected into the four quadrants
large. By doing so the inconvenience of the mastoid dressing, of the ear canal and into the ear lobe. Through a sn1all inci­
and the slightly higher inorbidity of the postauricular incision sion in the rin1 of the ear lobe, a sn1all piece of adipose tissue
(pain, hen1aton1a, and infection) are avoided. is re1noved and kept in sterile saline solution. 1'he incision is
In this approach, the edges of the ty1npanic n1e1nbrane closed with several 5-0 Monocryl® sutures. Using n1icroscopic
perforation are denuded of squan1ous epitheliu1n and ty1n­ visualization and a cup forceps, the edges of the perforation
panosclerotic areas are con1pletely ren1oved fron1 the re1n­ are denuded of epitheliu1n. A piece of the previously ren1oved
nant of the tyn1panic inetnbrane (Figure 28-2). The 111iddle adipose tissue larger than the perforation is inserted through
ear is explored by elevating a tyn1panomeatal flap, si1nilar the perforation in a du1nbbell fashion. Antibiotic soaked
to the one used in stapedecton1y (Figure 28-3). Pathologic Gelfoa1n® is placed over the graft. The patient is instructed to
processes of the nliddle ear are retnoved, and the ossicular instill ofloxacin otic drops in the ear canal twice a day, avoid
chain is inspected and repaired as necessary. Should polypoid blowing of the nose and to observe water precautions. The ear
nlucosa or adhesions be re1noved, Geltiln1® (absorbable gela­ canal is cleaned at the office at 4 \-veeks follo\-ving surgery. This
tin) is placed over the pron1011tory to prevent adhesion forma­ technique achieves excellent results if used in the appropriate
tion. The nliddle ear is then packed with Gelfoan1® (gelatin case.80
sponge), and the graft is placed inedial to the tyn1panic nlen1-
Postauricular Approach
brane ren1nant, or ty1npanic annulus, and the 111anubriun1 of
the 111alleus. Finally the ty1npanon1eatal flap is returned to The postauricular approach is preferable for large perfora­
its original position and the inedial aspect of the ear canal is tions necessitating total replacen1ent of the tyn1panic inem.­
packed with pledgets of Gelfoan1® impregnated in antibiotic brane, especially \-vhen the ear canal is small and for surgeons

Prepare margins
for removal
with pick

FIGURE 28-2 • Denuding perforation edges.


resulting fron1 con1pletely removing and repositioning the skin

of the ear canal. Upon repositioning the ear canal skin, areas
devoid of epitheliu1n n1ay develop that can contribute to for1ua­
- ,,
tion of granulation tissue and delayed healing.These potential
,, '
con1plications are avoided in the nlajority of cases perform.ed
\vith the underlay technique.The overlay technique is overall a

I n1ore technically de1uanding procedure and requires consider­
I able experience.
I ""
I "' Underlay Technique
I /
The technique described in this chapter was initially reported
by Glasscock in 1973�2 and is used by the author in the nlajority
of tyn1panoplasty cases. Since facial nerve nlonitoring is per­
forn1ed during the procedure, short-acting paralytic agents can
be used only at the induction of anesthesia. Adn1inistration of
nitrous oxide gas should be avoided because it diffuses into the
Line of incision
iuiddle ear and can displace the graft.
After the ear has been prepped and draped, the external ear
canal is injected with lidocaine 2°/o (Xylocaine®) with l: 100,000
FIGURE 28-3 •Typical design for a tympanomeatal flap.
epinephrine. A vascular strip incision is outlined by nlaking an
incision with a 72 Beaver® knife blade just lateral to the tyn1panic
annulus, follo\ved by one along the tympanon1astoid suture
line and one along the tyn1panon1astoid suture line using a 67
with limited experience working through the ear canal. For
Beaver® blade (Figure 28-SA). A postauricular incision, approx­
cases with a narrow ear-canal, usually due to a bulging of the
in1ately 5 n11n behind the postauricular sulcus, is perforn1ed and
anterior bony wall, canaloplasty should be performed at the
bleeding is controlled with electrocautery. By grasping the auri­
time of tympanoplasty. Poor visualization of the anterior sul­
cle fir1nly and pulling it forward and out\vard, identification of
cus may result in improper graft placement and failure of the
the loose areolar tissue in the avascular plane overlying the te1n­
poralis fascia is greatly facilitated (Figure 28-SB). A Weitlaner
retractor is placed horizontally to hold the auricle forward and a
Endaural Approach Senn retractor is placed by the assistant under the superior part

This approach is popular in Europe for chronic ear surgery and of the skin incision and pulled laterally to expose the ten1poralis

stapedectomy. It was first described by Kessel in 1885 and '"as fascia. Separation of the areolar tissue from the temporalis fascia

later popularized by Lempert. is facilitated by injecting this area with local anesthetic solution.

The first incision in this approach is n1ade along the entire An incision is iuade at the level of the linea te1uporalis and is

posterior half of the ear canal at the bony-cartilaginous junc­ carried do\vn to the level of the ten1poralis fascia; the areolar tis­

tion. A second vertical incision is n1ade in the incisura and con­ sue is dissected using Metzenbau1n scissors (Figure 28-SC).The

nects the previous incision and the area between the tragus and harvested areolar tissue is squeezed out on a Polytef® (Teflon®)

the root of the helix81 (Figure 28-4). block and placed under a gooseneck lan1p on the back table for
dehydration (Video clip 28-1). AT-shaped incision is 111ade in
the nlusculoperiosteal tissues overlying the mastoid cortex with
the horizontal con1ponent in the avascular plane of the linea
ten1poralis and the vertical con1ponent bet,veen the inastoid tip
There are two tympanoplasty grafting techniques, underlay and and the midportion of the horizontal incision. Using a Len1pert
overlay. Graft placement in the underlay technique is medial to elevator, nlusculoperiosteal flaps are elevated posteriorly, supe­
the tympanic membrane remnant (or annulus) and manubrium riorly, and anteriorly, the vascular strip is elevated out of the ear
of the malleus whereas in the overlay technique, graft placement canal and is kept in place by repositioning the previously placed
is lateral to the tympanic membrane remnant and 111.edial to the self-retaining retractor (Figure 28-SD). A second self-retaining
manubriun1. retractor is placed vertically between the ten1poralis fascia and
Both techniques give excellent results provided they are iuastoid tip.This allo,vs for excellent exposure of the ear canal,
properly performed by experienced surgeons. The overlay tech­ ty1npanic 1ne1nbrane, and n1iddle ear fron1 the postauricular
nique has been associated with a higher incidence of blunting region and elin1inates the need of working through an ear spec­
of the anterior sulcus and graft lateralization, which may result ulun1. In cases with a prominent ty1npanosquan1ous suture line
in significant conductive hearing loss. Other drawbacks of this it can be difficult to elevate the vascular strip out of the ear canal
technique are fonnation of epithelial pearls from a failure to with this nlaneuver. In such instances, using the surgical inicro­
completely remove the squamous epithelium of the ear canal or scope through the postauricular area, the attachn1ent of the vas­
tympanic membrane remnant, and delayed healing, most likely cular strip to the ty1npanosqua111ous suture line is incised '"ith a


' knife


? of Henle


c tf FIGURE 28-4 • A, Endaural incision. 8, Separation of bony

cartilaginous junction. C. Mastoid exposure via an endaural

FIGURE 28-5 •A, The vascular strip is outlined with a No. 67 Beaver blade. 8, A standard postauricular incision is used
to expose the temporalis fascia. C, A larger piece of loose areolar temporalis fascia is removed, pressed, and dried
under a heat lamp. Note the T incision used to expose the external auditory canal. D, The vascular strip is lifted out of the
external auditory canal and placed under the anterior blade of a self-retaining retractor.


67 Beaver® blade and the strip is then gently elevated out of the based flap (Figure 28-SE), followed by elevation of the supe­
• ear canal (Video clip 28-2). Failure to recognize this situation rior flap. The middle ear is entered, the status of the ossic­
may result in disruption of the vascular strip during elevation ular chain is determined, and any middle-ear pathology is
with the Lempert elevator. removed (Figure 28-SF). In particular, markedly polypoid
At this point a canaloplasty is performed if visualization mucosa, granulation tissue, and cholesteatoma are removed
of the anterior sulcus is limited by an anterior wall bulge. from the middle ear. lv1ild mucosa} polypoid changes gen­
The canaloplasty facilitates proper placement of the graft erally revert to normal once the perforation is closed and
and adequate inspection of the tympanic membrane in the other middle-ear pathology, such as cholesteatoma, has been
postoperative period. Next, the skin of the inferior ear canal removed. Cholesteatoma matrix around the stapes super­
is elevated to the fibrous annulus, developing the inferiorly structure and over the promontory is ren1oved at the very end


FIGURE 28-5 • Continued. E, The inferior flap is elevated to the fibrous annulus with a House No. 2 knife.
F, Cup forceps remove mucosa from under the fibrous annulus.

of the procedure in order to avoid prolonged exposure of the be inspected indirectly, using a s1nall mirror (Buckingham),
inner in case of an accidental opening of the oval window or with an endoscope. Extension of disease into the facial
or a fistula. Cholesteatoma tnatrix can be removed from the recess may necessitate a mastoidectomy with opening of the
stapes superstructure using a micro cup forceps or a Crabtree facial recess. Upon completion of disease removal, Gelfihn® is
dissector in a dissection inotion proceeding from posterior placed over the medial wall of the tniddle ear to prevent adhe­
to anterior and paralleling the stapedial tendon (Video dip sion for1nation and the middle ear is packed \¥ith absorbable
28-3). It is very important while this is being perfor1ned to Gelfoam®. The properly-sized dehydrated areolar tissue graft
avoid any injury to the stapes. In case minimal fracture of the is placed medial to the tympanic tnembrane remnant draping
stapes footplate occurs with leakage of perilymph, then the posteriorly over the posterior canal wall. For cases \.Yith total
involved area should be gently packed with areolar tissue. If ty1npanic membrane perforations, an incision is nlade in the
the tnatrix of the cholesteato1na is very adherent to the sta­ superior aspect of the graft to facilitate insertion rnedial to
pes superstructure or horizontal facial nerve, it can be left the manubrium. Small pieces of Gelfoam® are placed over the
in place in order to avoid injury to these structures. Usually, graft for stabilization and the canal skin flaps are replaced to
during the second-stage procedure one year later, the cho­ their original position. Antibiotic ointment is left over the
lesteatoma remnant has fortned a "pearl" that can be removed Gelfoam® (Figure 28-6). In cases having cholesteato1na and/
tnuch tnore easily. The surgeon should be vigilant for any or a retraction pocket, tragal or conchal cartilage, with or
dehiscent/high jugular bulb, exposed horizontal segment of \.Yithout attached perichondrium, is used to reconstruct the
the facial nerve, and dehiscent internal carotid artery in order ty1npanic men1brane in the posterior-superior aspect and/
to avoid major complications. Jacobson's nerve, the cochleari­ or the attic to prevent recurrent retraction. Using a Lempert
form process, the Eustachian tube orifice, the round v.1indow ear speculu1n the ear canal is inspected and the proper posi­
niche, and the stapedial tendon are very co11stant, reliable, tion of the canal skin flaps is ascertained. One or two Pope's®
and useful middle-ear land1narks, which, \¥hen encountered, ear wicks (Merocel®) i1npregnated in antibiotic oint1nent are
can orient the surgeon. Should the surgeon become disori­ inserted into the lateral aspect of the ear canal to keep the
ented because of extensive n1iddle-ear pathology, he/she flaps in proper position. The postauricular incision is closed
should immediately stop \.Yorking in the unknown area, iden­ in t\¥0 layers v.1ith 3-0 \ficryl® and a rubber-band drain is
tify a region of kno\¥11 anatomy, and then proceed to the area left in the tnost dependent portion of the incision. A mastoid
obscured by pathology. The sinus tyn1pani cannot be visual­ dressing is applied at the end of the procedure. The dressing
ized directly by any approach to the rniddle ear and can only and rubber-band drain are removed the next 1norning.

A 8


FIGURE 28-6 • A, Moist absorbable gelatin sponge (Gelfoam) is packed into the entire middle ear space, starting
in the Eustachian tube orifice. 8, The graft is placed into the middle ear so that it lies under the annulus anteriorly.
C, When the inferior and superior flaps are replaced, the graft is held securely in position. 0, The ear canal is filled
with polymyxin B and bacitracin (Polysporin) ointment Instead of packing at the end the procedure.

Overlay Technique annulus is left in place and a canaloplasty is performed if nec­

Exposure of the ear canal is accomplished through a postau­ essary. Any n1iddle-ear pathology is removed as in the under­
ricular approach as in the underlay technique. After the vas­ lay technique. The iniddle ear is packed with Gelfoam® and
cular strip is ren1oved fron1 the ear canal and is kept folded in the graft is placed lateral to the ty1npanic annulus and medial
the postauricular area with a self-retaining retractor, the skin to the manubrium to prevent lateralization. To accotnmodate
of the ear canal medial to the bony-cartilaginous junction and proper placetnent medial to the manubriu1n, a slit is inade
the squa1nous epithelial layer of the lateral aspect of the ty1n­ in the superior aspect of the graft. The graft should be long
panic membrane re1nnant are co1npletely re1noved and kept enough to extend over the posterior canal wall. In order to
i n saline solution for use later i n the procedure. The tympanic avoid blunting of the anterior sulcus, caution is needed to

avoid draping the flap over the anterior canal wall. The previ­ In the perichondrium/cartilage island flap technique
ously removed epithelium is placed in its original position and (Figure 28-8A to E), a piece of tragal cartilage n1easuring 15
Gelfoam® packing is placed in the anterior sulcus to avoid a mm in length and 10 n1m in width is harvested. One side of the
dead space and blunting by the formation of fibrous tissue. perichondrium is elevated leaving the reverse side attached.
Gelfoam® is placed on the lateral aspect of the graft as well. Using a knife, cartilage is removed to create an eccentrically
Finally the vascular strip is returned to its original position located disk of cartilage measuring approximately 7 to 9
and the ear canal is packed with one or two Pope's® ear >Vicks mm in diameter. Then a 2-mm strip of cartilage is removed
impregnated in antibiotic ointment. The postauricular inci­ vertically from the center of the cartilage to accommodate
sion is closed in the similar fashion \Vith the underlay tech­ the manubrium. In cases with an intact ossicular chain, an
nique and a mastoid dressing is applied. additional triangular piece of cartilage is removed fron1 the
posterior-superior quadrant to accommodate the incus.
Canaloplasty The middle ear is packed with Gelfoam® anteriorly at the
Eustachian tube but the promontory and ossicular chain are
c:analoplasty is performed in cases with a bulge of the anterior
left devoid of any packing. The graft is placed in an underlay
bony wall that causes poor visualization of the anterior sulcus.
fashion with the cartilage facing the promontory and the free
Failure to secure good exposure of the anterior sulcus dur­
perichondrium extending posteriorly, draping over the bony
ing tympanoplasty may result in failure due to improper graft
canal \Vall (Figure 28-8D).
In the palisade technique the cartilage is sectioned into sev­
The canaloplasty Figure 28-7A to D is performed as fol­
eral slices, which are pieced together to reconstruct the tym­
lows: with a Beaver® blade number 74, a horizontal incision is
panic membrane. The more curved cymba concha is considered
made medial to the anterior \Vall bulge and above the anterior
a more suitable donor site,5·1 although tragal cartilage is also an
sulcus. With a Beaver® blade number 67, two vertical incisions
option. This technique has been found useful in the reconstruc­
are placed on either side of the horizontal incision, and are
tion posterior tympanic membrane perforations with associated
extended laterally on the anterior canal wall encompassing
ossicular disease necessitating synchronous reconstruction \Vith
the area of the obstruction. The created skin flap is elevated
PORPs or TORPs. In cases with cholesteatoma it can be used
laterally up to the level of the bony-cartilaginous junction
to reconstruct the scutum and posterior-superior quadrant to
and the bony protuberance is exposed. Using continuous
prevent recurrence.
suction-irrigation and a high-speed drill the obstructing bone
is removed until adequate exposure of the anterior sulcus is
achieved. N1eticulous dissection is needed in order to avoid Cartilage "Shield"
injury to the glenoid fossa capsule. A prominent spine of Henle Tympanoplasty
should also be removed when interfering with visualization For the past 10 years, cartilage "shield" tympanoplasty(CST)
{Video 28-4). has been the author's preferred technique for cases requiring
total replacement of the tympanic membrane, cases with ques­
CARTILAGE TYMPANOPLASTY tionable or borderline Eustachian tube dysfunction, atelectatic
TECHNIQUES ears, cholesteatomas, tympanoplasty failures, laterally displaced
tympanic membranes and atresia cases.87,90 The technique used
Although temporalis fascia and perichondrium still remain
is a modification of the one described by Duckert et al.88 For
the most commonly used grafts in tympanoplasty and the
primary and secondary acquired cholesteatomas, posterior per­
reported results are excellent, they both have the potential to
forations, especially when titanium ossiculoplasty is performed,
atrophy resulting in failure, especially in such high-risk ears
the author prefers the palisade technique as described previ­
as those with atelectasis, cholesteatomas, and prior surgery. 83
ously. The CST is considered by the author to be a less techni­
Since Utech in 195984 and then Heermann85 and Jansen86 in the
cally demanding and less time consuming procedure than the
early 1960s reported their experience with cartilage grafts in
perichondrium/cartilage island flap technique.
ty1npanoplasty, many authors have described their use either
The CST technique proceeds as follows: under general
as a palisade, perichondrium/cartilage island flap, or cartilage
anesthesia vascular strip incisions are made in the ear canal
"shield" for cases at high risk for failure.53·87-9° Concha! and tra­
followed by a postauricular incision. Areolar tissue overly­
gal cartilage are the two most commonly used cartilaginous
ing the temporalis fascia is harvested and the vascular strip
grafts, and they resist resorption and retraction even in the face
is elevated out of the ear canal and kept in position using two
of Eustachian tube dysfunction.53 Another advantage of these
self-retaining retractors. Access to the ear canal and tym­
grafts is the feasibility of ossicular reconstruction at the time
panic membrane is accomplished via the postauricular area.
of grafting. 53•87
A canaloplasty is performed in cases with bulging of the bony
anterior canal wall to improve visualization of the anterior
Perichondrium/Cartilage Island Flap sulcus. The edges of the perforation are denuded and areas
and Palisade Techniques of tympanosclerosis are completely removed. The middle ear
The perichondrium/cartilage island flap and palisade technique is explored, the status of the ossicular chain is determined
have been popularized in the United States by Dornhoffer; the and any pathology found is removed. At this point a mas­
tragus or concha are the donor sites used in these techniques.53 toidectomy is performed if deemed necessary. A round piece

A 8

c D


FIGURE 28-7 • The canaloplasty.

of cartilage, approximately the size of the tympanic mem­ The perichondriun1 is stripped fron1 both sides and a wedge
brane defect
(10 mm), is harvested from the concha cymba of cartilage is excised to accon1modate the n1anubriu1u. The
•area (Video clip 28-5). The initial size of the cartilage graft rniddle ear is packed with Gelfoam® (Phanuacia and Upjohn
should be slightly larger than the tympanic membrane defect Co., Kala1uazoo, MT) and the cartilaginous graft, with its
and it is gradually trimmed with scissors to the proper size. convex surface placed n1edial ly, is placed underneath the


FIGURE 28-8 • A, An incision is made in the posterior aspect of the tragus and carried through perichondriurn and
tragal cartilage. This leaves cartilage remaining at the tip of the tragus to maintain its shape. B, A piece of tragal
cartilage with perichondrium is removed with the use of small-pointed scissors. C, The perichondrium is reflected
from the surface of the cartilage similar to a book cover and the cartilage is trimmed to size.


, - -

I ,

f . I

/ I

FIGURE 28-8 • Continued. D, The perichondrium is placed under the malleus anteriorly and on to the posterior
canal wall posteriorly. E, This view demonstrates how the cartilage becomes incorporated into the substance of the
tympanic membrane to prevent recurrence of the disease process.


manubrium by lifting it up with a small right angle hook Regardless of the tympanoplasty approach or technique
while gently pushing the graft medially with a 22-gauge suc­ used, involvement of the 1nastoid antrum with cholesteaton1a
tion (Video clip 28-6). Subsequently, the periphery of the necessitates either a CWD, or an IC\11/ mastoidecto1ny. The IC\11/
cartilage graft is placed medial to the tympanic membrane mastoidectomy can be used in the majority of cholesteaton1a
remnant or the fibrous annulus. If there is no fibrous annulus, cases and is the preferred method over the C\11/D technique
the cartilage graft is placed at the level of the tyn1panic sulcus. since it avoids the creation of an open mastoid cavity with the
There is no need to create a groove in the anterior bony wall associated need for long term cleaning, restriction of water
to accommodate the graft. A very small gap (less than l mm) activities, and recurrent infections. This technique results in
is allowed between the graft and the tympanic sulcus. It must an ear that is anatomically and functionally closer to normal.
be en1phasized that a tight-titting, oversized graft should be If
- owever, this technique is associated with a higher incidence of
avoided because of reduction in eventual vibrational proper­ residual and recurrent cholesteaton1a; for this reason a second­
ties. For patients with medialization of the malleus, the tensor stage procedure, usually one year later, is required. Residual
tympani tendon can be sectioned to lateralize the manubrium cholesteatomas is defined as persistent cholesteatoma in the
and allo>v medial placement of the graft. In case it is required middle ear or mastoid cavity following incomplete removal.
ossicular reconstruction is perforn1ed with a TORP, a PORP Recurrent cholesteato1na develops following complete removal
or a type III tympanoplasty. The previously harvested areo­ due to retraction of the pars flaccida or the posterior-superior
lar tissue is then placed over the cartilage graft and medial to quadrant of the tympanic membrane. Both mastoidecton1y
the tympanic membrane remnant, or fibrous annulus, so any techniques when properly performed give very satisfactory
small gaps are bridged (\1ideo clip 28-7). The vascular-strip results.
flap is returned to its original position and two Pope's® ear
\¥icks (Xomed Co., Memphis, TN) impregnated in antibiotic TYMPANOPLASTY RESULTS
ointn1ent are inserted in the ear canal to secure proper posi­
Graft-take and hearing results follo\¥ing tympanoplasty
tion of the vascular strip (Video clip 28-8). The postauricu­
depend upon multiple factors. Eustachian tube dysfunction,
lar incision is closed in t\¥0 layers with 3.0 Vicryl® sutures, a
presence of cholesteatoma o r atelectasis, previous tympano­
rubber-band drain is left in the most dependent area of the
plasty failure, lateralized tympanic membrane, and smoking
incision, and a mastoid dressing is applied.
are negative prognostic factors. These factors make it difficult
The concha cymba cartilage is \¥ithin the operative field,
to compare tympanoplasty results reported in the literature.
has an average thickness of 0.8 mm and its concave contour
I-fowever, the success rate for graft-take is quite high and over­
resembles the conical shape of the normal tympanic mem­
brane.57 This cartilage has an average thickness similar to
all it is more than 90o/c>. Tympanoplasty results are summa­
rized in Table 28-1.
fossa triangularis cartilage (0.775 min) and is thinner than
tragal cartilage (1.016 mm).57 In the technique described by
Duckert et al.,88 the perichondrium is left in place and the POSTOPERATIVE CARE
cartilage is thinned. The author, in order to achieve a thinner
The patient is discharged on the day of the surgery or in case
graft, strips the perichondriu1n from both sides of the carti­
of uncontrolled nausea or vomiting, the patient is discharged
lage graft. There has been neither graft lateralization nor col­
the next morning. The mastoid dressing and drain are removed
lapse into the middle-ear space in the author's experience and
the day after surgery and the patient is instructed to instill anti­
therefore there is no need to create a groove in the bony sulcus
biotic drops in the ear canal at bedtime. Showering is allowed
for graft stabilization as recommended by Moore.57 Despite
provided the patient places a cotton ball impregnated with petro­
the cartilage thickness, 78o/c> of patients following CST have a
leum ointment in the outer-ear canal. \11/ater should be kept away
type A or C tympanogra1n.57 If a middle-ear effusion develops
from the postauricular incision for 2 days. Nose blowing should
in the postoperative period, myringotomy with tubing can be
be avoided until the tympanic membrane is healed. If sneezing is
performed.53•57 Although the thickness of the cartilage graft
unavoidable, the mouth should be kept open. Oral antibiotics are
may decrease the middle-ear space, this has not had any sig­
prescribed for patients with ears that were infected at the time of
nificant adverse effect on the hearing results. In postoperative
surgery. The first postoperative visit is one week following sur­
temporal bone CT scans, space can been detected between the
gery, during which the tvlerocel® ear wick (Pope's® ear wick) is
cartilaginous graft and the promontory. 87 In a considerable
removed. The Gelfoam® over the graft is gently suctioned away,
number of patients with no incus and a contracted middle­
if still present, at the second visit 3 to 4 \¥eeks later. Persisting
ear space, the cartilage thickness makes a type III tympano­
granulations of the ear canal are cauterized with a 25o/<J solution
plasty feasible, obviating the need for a PORP. Hearing results
of silver nitrate to promote healing. Hearing improvement may
in such cases are similar to those obtained with PORPs.90 A
be noticed within 6 to 8 weeks follo�ving surgery. An audiogram
potential disadvantage of this technique is the cartilage opac­
is obtained 4 to 6 months after surgery. Postoperative instruc­
ity and possible concealment of recurrent/residual cholestea­
tions for patients are outlined in Appendix 1.
toma and middle-ear effusion. These potential problems can
be avoided by performing a second-look procedure in all cho­
lesteatoma cases in 12 months following the initial surgery COMPLICATIONS
and a diagnostic myringotomy in case of suspected middle­ Most tympanoplasty complications are preventable by com­
ear effusion.91 prehensive preoperative planning, thorough knowledge of the

TABLE 28-1 Tympanoplasty results


Vartiainen E et al.103 404 Overlay and TF 88 <25 db in 87% of cases


Sheehy JL et al.48 472 Overlay TF 97 <10 db in 88% of cases

Glasscock 1,556 Underlay Autogenous and 93 NA

ME et al.47 homograft TF

Cueva RA69 406 Underlay Areolar tissue 97.5 NA

Dornhoffer J53 533 Underlay Perichondrium/ 97.6 Pre-PTA-ABG 22.8 +

cartilage island flap 12.3db
Palisade Post-PTA-ABG 13.5 +
9.4 db

Aidonis et al.87 62 Underlay Concha cymba 98.4 Pre-PTA-ABGs 32.4 ±

cartilage "shield" 14.1 db

Post-PTA-ABG 24 ±

13.7 db
ABG < 10 db in 86% of
type I tympanoplasties

TF, tem po ralis fascia; NA, not available; PTA, pure-tone average; ABG, air-bone gap.

temporal bone anaton1y, applying 1neticulous surgical tech­ Postotologic surgery facial paralysis is a devastating com­
niques and close postoperative follo'"-up. Patients should be plication and is avoidable in the majority of cases. A facial
inforn1ed prior to surgery regarding potential con1plications nerve exposed in its tympanic segment is vulnerable to injury
and proper docun1entation should be 111ade in the patient's especially if involved with cholesteatoma or granulation tis­
chart. Alternate rehabilitation modalities such as a con­ sue. Jacobson's nerve and the cochleariform process are very
ventional or the Baha® systen1 should be presented to the useful anatomic landmarks for locating the facial nerve in
patient. this situation. Facial nerve monitoring, although not a substi­
tute for anatomic identification of the facial nerve, can help
lntraoperative Bleeding locate the facial nerve, guide the dissection, and confirm neural
Bleeding from accidental injury of a high and uncovered jugular integrity.92
bulb 1nay occur during exp.loration of the 111iddle ear. Pron1pt Postoperative facial paralysis is managed according to
application of a piece of Gelfoam® soaked in saline or Surgical® whether or not the nerve was positively identified during sur­
should be able to control bleeding since the jugular bulb is a gery. If the nerve was identified and not injured during the
low-pressure structure. In order to avoid puln1onary embolisn1, procedure, the patient may be followed with serial nerve excit­
it is important for the packing not to be pushed into the lumen ability tests or electroneuronog raphy. In the majority of such
of the jugular bulb but rather to cover its surface while very gen­ cases, the paralysis will resolve "''ithout any need for surgical
tle pressure is applied with a sn1all n1oistened neurosurgical intervention.93 \A/hen the surgeon has failed to identify the
cottonoid. facial nerve during surgery and its integrity is questionable,
Bleeding fron1 the internal carotid artery can be cata­ exploration should be performed as soon as possible. In cases
strophic and should be avoided. A pulsating structure in the of delayed facial paralysis the prognosis is very good and the
area of the Eustachian tube orifice is suggestive of an uncovered patient can be followed with serial-nerve-excitability tests or
or aberrant internal carotid artery. electroneuronography. Reactivation of a previous Varicella­
Zoster infection has been suspected as an etiologic factor in
Facial Nerve Injury such cases.94

Tt is the author's in1pression that during the last decade in this In a series of22 patients who sustained an iatrogenic facial

country, better otologic training of residents by fellowship-trained nerve injury, although the most com1non procedure performed

faculty has resulted in a significant decrease in iatrogenic facial that led to the injury was mastoidectomy (55o/o), in a significant

paralysis. The fact that the more co111pl.icated cases are referred to number of cases injury occurred during the tympanoplasty pa rt

otologists n1ay have contributed to this decline as \Veil. of the procedure (14o/<>). The most common site of injury was the

tympanic segment and in 79o/o of the patients, the injury was not technique is required during the primary procedure to avoid
detected at the time of surgery.93 this complication.
When the facial nerve is transected more than half of its Epithelial pearl formation on the graft or in the ear canal is
diameter, repair either with direct reanastomosis or >vi th a also associated with the overlay technique. Meticulous removal
cable nerve graft is recommended. For transections less than of all squamous epitheliwn from the tympanic 1nembrane rem­
50%, decompression is advised.95 No patient with direct anas­ nant and the ear canal is necessary to avoid this complication.
tomosis or cable graft repair is expected to have better than a Opening of the pearl(s) and removal of the keratin debris can be
1-fouse-Brackmann grade III result.95 In the majority of cases the done in the office in cooperative patients.
greater auricular nerve can be used as a graft since it is located vVhen the graft lateralizes by migrating away fro1n the
in close proximity to the surgical area and has the same diame­ manubrium, conductive hearing occurs and revision surgery
ter as the facial nerve. may be required. This complication 1nay also arise when the
Facial paralysis secondary to local anesthetic always sub­ graft is placed lateral to the manubrium at the prin1ary surgery.
sides >vithin several hours following completion of surgery. Results of revision tympanoplasty are satisfactory
although slightly less successful than primary cases. In a
Wound lnfection/Perichondritis recent study of revision tympanoplasty using the cartilage
"shield' technique, there was statistically significant closure
These are very rare complications and present with pain, ery­
of the air-bone gap, with the majority of cases being less than
then1a, and swelling of the incision or auricle. Perichondritis
25 dB and the graft-take \¥as 9 3 . 5 °/o. Most of the Pure tone
can develop subsequent to the use of endaural incisions in
average (PTA) improvements were seen in cases with atelec­
the cartilaginous ear canal o r after cartilage is harvested
tatic 1niddle ears and those with lateralized tympanic nlem­
from the auricle for grafting. Intravenous antibiotics cover­
branes. '11/ith the exception of cholesteatoma cases, significant
ing Pseudomonas and gram-positive organisms are indicated.
improvement in PTA was made in all surgical groups, includ­
Incision and drainage should be performed for cases \¥ith
ing those with and without mastoidectomy, and all types of
abscess formation. Meticulous surgical technique with special
ossicular reconstruction.91 Table 28-2 sumn1arizes the revi­
attention to minimal tissue damage and frequent irrigation
sion tympanoplasty results.
\¥ith saline of the surgical field during surgery may prevent
these compIications.
Recurrent/Residual Middle-Ear
Wound Hematoma Cholesteatoma

- emato1nas form at the donor sites of grafts, usually the tempo­ Recurrent and residual cholesteatomas have been reported

ralis muscle area and auricle, and present with severe pain and to occur in 14<Ji> and 120A1 respectively of cases undergoing

swelling within the first postoperative day. Good hemostasis tympanoplasty in conjunction \<\Tith rcw mastoidectomy.97

during surgery and the routine use of a rubber-band drain in aU Cholesteatomas in children are more aggressive and the 3 and 5

tympanoplasties performed through a postauricular approach year recurrence rates have been reported as high as 489i1 and 57911

may prevent this complication. Immediate opening of the inci­ respectively.98 ln another study of 199 children with cholestea­

sion and drainage is required. toma in \¥horn 215 procedures were performed, the residual cho­
lesteatoma rate for the IC'll/ technique was 20.5°A> and recurrent
Chorda Tympani Nerve Injury 8.90A1. For the CWD technique, the residual and recurrent cho­
lesteatoma rates were 23.8°A> and 19%, respectively. Eighty-eight
Preservation of the chorda tympani nerve during tympanoplasty
percent of the procedures performed \¥ere ICW technique.99 In
is necessary to avoid postoperative gustatory changes. Stretching
283 patients '"'ho underwent tympanoplasty with lC'll/ mastoid­
of this structure is associated v.rith more sympton1s than tran­
ecton1y, the incidence of residual cholesteaton1a was 13.43°A1 and
section. Complete recovery has been reported in 76% of casesY6
recurrent 7.77°A>. It was more common in children (25°A1) than
Tympanoplasty candidates should be properly informed prior to
in adults (11.72°/o), and was more frequently localized in the
surgery regarding this potential co1nplication.
middle ear (47.54°A>) than in the epitympanum (40.98°/o) or in
the mastoid (6.56%).100
Tympanoplasty Failure
It is evident that long-term follow up of cholesteatoma
Persistent/recurrent perforation, blunting of the anterior sul­ patients is imperative to detect recurrent and residual dis­
cus, graft lateralization, epithelial pearls development, and con­ ease. When tympanoplasty is combined \¥ith ICW n1astoid­
ductive hearing loss may require revision tympanoplasty. Poor ectomy, a "second look" procedure 12 months following the
Eustachian tube function, inadequate visualization of the ante­ initial procedure is necessary to detect residual o r recurrent
rior sulcus, extensive tympanosclerosis of the tympanic mem­ cholesteatoma. In the second-stage procedure the vascular
brane remnant, inadequate anterior support of the graft with strip incision can be eli1ninated and the middle ear can be
Gelfoam®, previous overlay technique, and recurrent/residual approached directly from the postauricular incision. Avoiding
cholesteatoma are common etiologies. a vascular-strip incision provides a more stable tympanic
BlLtnting of the anterior angle and its associated conductive membrane since its continuity with the posterior canal skin is
hearing loss is a co1nplication usually associated with the over­ not been disrupted. Ossicular reconstruction is performed at
lay technique and may necessitate revision surgery. JVfeticulous the second procedure.

TABLE 28-2 Revision tympanoplasty results


Boone et al.104 Tragal cartilage, perichondrium 94.7% 24.6 ± 13.8 db preop ABG
island, concha cymba palisade 12 .2 ± 7.3 db postop ABG

Sismanis et al.91 Cartilage shield, concha cymba 93.5%* 33.6 db± 13 db preop ABG
25.7 db± 11db postop ABG
56% of cases <25 db ABG

Moore57 Cartilage shield, fossa 100% Mean postop PTA 32.5 db

triangularis 98% of cases <30db ABG at 2 kHz

Kaylie et al.105 Temporalis fascia, tragal 86% 50% of PORP cases <20 db ABG
perichondrium 60% of PORP cases <30 db ABG
68% of TORP cases <30 db ABG

Djalilian106 Pressed scar tissue 91% 21 db mean improvement in postop ABG

Veldman et al.101 Autogenous fascia, allografts•• 90% 70.3 % of cases <30db ABG

Ghanem et al.108 Butterfly cartilage inlay graft*** 92% Mean pre- and postop ABG improvement
from 23-21 db

PTA, pure-tone average; ABG, air-bone gap.

•97.8% with cholesteatoma cases excluded.
'*Not specified.
'**Mixed, primary and revision cases.

Sensorineural Hearjng Appendix 1

Loss/Dizziness Postoperative Instructions for
This complication can be secondary to direct injury to the Myringoplasty and Tympanoplasty
stapes resulting from 1nanipulation of this structure during (Modified After James Sheehy)109
re1noval of disease. Should the stapes b e partially avulsed, Precautions
it should b e repositioned in its original position and stabi­ 1. Do NOT drive ho1ne from the hospital, either arrange for
lized with a tissue graft. When cholesteato1na 1natrix is very someone else to drive you or some other means of transpor­
adherent to the facial nerve, stapes or oval window, it can be tation. Air travel is NOT permissible until four \¥eeks after
left in place and removed at the second-stage procedure one surgery.
year later. Usually at the second stage, a cholesteatoma pearl 2. Do NOT blow your nose until your doctor tells you that your
is found, which is easier to re1nove. Other causes of sensori­ ear is healed. To clear secretions in the nose, sniff secretion
neural hearing loss are labyrinthine fistula (usually on the to the back of the throat and expectorate.
promontory) and acoustic trau1na resulting from the high­ 3. When sneezing, keep your mouth open.
speed drill contacting the ossicular chain. Although it is not 4. Avoid water entering the ear canal until the doctor tells you
absolutely contraindicated to retnove the fistula matrix during that the ear is healed. To help avoid water entering the ear
tympanoplasty, a more conservative approach is to leave it in canal, place a piece of cotton saturated with Vaseline in the
place and re1nove it at a second-stage procedure one year later. outer ear canal.
This approach is nlore applicable to large fistulas that involve 5. Two days after surgery, you may sho,-ver and allow \.Yater to
1nost of the promontory, especially if associated vvith infected flo\-v over the incision site behind your ear.
cholesteato1na. Sensorineural hearing loss and dizziness pre­
sent prior to surgery should alert the otolaryngologist to the Instructions for Inserting

potential of a labyrinthine fistula. In such cases a CT of the Ear Drops

temporal bones 1nay confirm this entity.101 When a labyrin­ You will be expected to use antibiotic drops as prescribed by

thine fistula is discovered accidentally during tympanoplasty, your doctor, for 3 to 4 weeks after surgery. Five drops in the ear

it should b e i1nmediately covered with temporalis fascia or '"'ill help loosen the packing. Tip the head to the side, insert the

areolar tissue. Removal of the fistula matrix has been reported five drops into the ear ca11al, and allow drops to remain in the

to result in severe hearing loss in 11 o/o of cases.w2 I n such cases ear canal for five minutes. Then place a piece of cotton in the

postoperative dizziness may b e prolonged. outer ear canal.


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Ossicular Chain Reconstruction

Aristides Athanasiadis-Sismanis, MD, FACS I

Dennis S. Poe, MD, FACS

Reconstruction of the ossicular chain aims to surgically optimize tissue with a lining 1nen1brane of i11ucosal epithelium.• Clinical
the middle ear transfor1ner inechanism s o that sou11d energy experience showed the necessity to cover these alloplasts \.Yith
is conducted fron1 the environ1nent to the inner ear fluid '"'ith cartilage to n1iniinize extrusio11.3 Extrusion rates ranging fron1
only n1ini1nal loss. An understanding of iniddle ear mechanics 3 to 50/o have been reported ill large series with 5 to 10 years of
is key to the proper design of the reconstruction of choice (the follow-up.5•6 :tvlost of the extrusions occurred \.Yithin the first year
underlying principles are presented in detail in Chapter 3). postoperatively; however, son1e extrusions occurred up to 5 years
postoperatively.6 Brack1nann attributed 70% of the extrusions
in his series to iniddle ear pathology, such as atelectasis, middle
ear fibrosis, and otitis inedia.5 Satisfactory long-ter111 results have
Attempts to rebuild the nliddle ear transfor1ner inechanisn1 been reported with the Plastipore prosthesis by various authors,
began shortly after the introduction of tyn1panoplasty and and inany surgeons continue to use then1.7·8
great advances have bee11 n1ade in the physiological function­ Ceramic i1nplants were introduced in 1979 1Nith the antic­
ing and bioco1npatibility of autografts and i1nplants. An ideal ipation that this new n1aterial would have a lower illcidence of
prosthesis should be inade of a durable, bioco1npatible, and easy extrusion than the porous polyethylene implants.9 Ceramic
to manipulate inaterial. prostheses have been manufactured fron1 both bioii1ert and bio­
Ossicular repositioning was described in 19571 and contin­ active 1naterials. Bioactivity refers to the property of a material
ues to be used today. The early plastic prostheses suffered fron1 to react '"'ith surrounding soft and bony tissue, '"'hich affects
high extrusion rates and stapes footplate fistulas. Homograft how it will couple to an ossicle. Ideal bioactivity \.Yould pern1it
ossicles were convenient, especially for complete ty1npanic or sti111ulate actual osseointegration, ie, direct growth of bone
men1brane and ossicular chain reconstructions, but ultimately up to the implant and possibly even incorporating bone into
'"'ere largely abandoned due to potential transn1ission of viral the iinplant.9 Unfortunately, the extrusion rate with the cera1nic
or prion diseases. \!Vire prostheses, niade of stainless steel, plat­ BioglassTM was higher than expected at 8% over 5 years and
inun1, or tantalu1n, \.Yere better tolerated in the n1iddle ear but nlany cases of fragmentation of the prostheses were found.10
had proble1ns \.Yith displacen1ent and extrusion over ti1ne. Hydroxylapatite is a bioactive iinplant n1aterial with a cal­
As the bion1aterials science advanced, i1nproved alloplas­ ciun1 and phosphorous chen1ical composition sillular to liv­
tic ossicular prostheses \.Yere developed. The longest clinical ing bone and has been used successfully, sii1ce the early 1970s,
experience exists with Plastipore•, an alloplast nlade fron1 a in reconstructive procedures.11 Satisfactory long-ter111 results
high-density polyethylene sponge (HDPS) that has nonreactive have been reported with tlus type of ossicular prosthesis.12,13
properties and sufficient porosity to encourage tissue ingrowth. The first hydroxylapatite prostheses were produced in a dense
In 1976, a Plastipore stapes to ty1npanic 1nen1brane partial ossic­ for1n, but subsequent lighter, porous hydroxylapatite becan1e
ular replace1nent prosthesis (PORP), for use in cases '"'ith an available, enhancillg illtraoperative stability and the likelihood
intact stapes superstructure, and a stapes footplate to eardrun1 of osseointegration. Histological evidence and surgical experi­
total ossicular replacen1ent prosthesis (TORP), for use when the ence have shown that the bioco1npatibility of hydroxylapatite
stapes superstructure is absent, '"'ere developed.2 A thern1al-fused in the niiddle ear is excellent, with only 1noderate to 1ninimal,
HDPS was also developed, known as Polycel".3 Histologic exan1i­ and so1netill1es no, reactive fibrosis. Hydroxylapatite appears to
nation of HDPS alloplasts that have been in1planted fro1n l to be extren1ely well tolerated with osseointegration occurrillg in
4 years has shown extensive invasion of the porous spaces with inany cases and it can even come ii1to direct contact \.Yith the
fibrocytes, sn1all round cells, and foreign body giant cells. Often, tyn1panic niembrane illdefinitely \.Yithout extrusion. Because of
an envelope was seen around the in1plant, con1posed of fibrous the tolerance of the tyinpanic nietnbrane to hydroxylapatite, it


v,ras initially suggested that carti Iage interposition between the extent of reconstructive needs. Ossicular problems usually cause
implant and the tyn1panic nien1brane was unnecessary, but expe­ conductive hearing losses in the 25 to 40 dB SPL range, but n1ax­
rience has shown that extrusion does occur with thin or retracted in1al or nlinimal losses can be particularly revealing. A 1naxin1al
ty1npanic nie1nbranes. In one report, extrusion of hydroxy­ conductive loss ( 60-65 dB) with an intact tympanic ine1nbrru1e
lapatite prostheses occurred in 16o/o of patients when placed in in1plies co1nplete separation of the ossicular chain. A ty1npanic
direct contact with the tyn1panic nienibrane.14 In cases with thin nlembrane perforation with a 50 to 60dB conductive hearing
ty1npanic nien1branes, insertion of a tissue graft, such as fas­ loss, in the absence of chronic otitis nledia, suggests ossicular
cia or perichondrium, between the prosthesis platform and the fixation. A n1inor subluxation or laxity in the ossicular chain
tyn1panic membrane 1nay decrease the likelihood of extrusion. can result in a downsloping, high-frequency conductive hearing
Full- or partial-thickness cartilage grafts are even niore likely to loss that can be inistaken for a sensorineural loss if bone con­
prevent extrusion. Similarly, placing the head of the prosthesis duction testing is 01nitted.
niedial to the manubriu1n, if present, can decrease extrusion. Ossicular reconstruction i s perfor1ned in otherwise
Surgeons have noted that hydroxylapatite niay develop healthy ears or in conjunction '"'ith a tyn1panoplasty and
undesirable fractures when drilled to customize fit. This brit­ n1astoidecton1y for chronic ear disease. In the case of active
tleness results from the manufacturing process, which involves chronic otitis media, it is important to treat the 1niddle ear
high-pressure compression of a powder form of the material and nlastoid disease as first priority and consider ossicular
into the solid final product. Despite the brittleness of hydroxy­ reconstruction secondarily, utilizing whatever remains after
l apatite prostheses, they can be trin1n1ed to size with a dian1ond extirpation. The repair can be done prin1arily, at the tin1e of
burr using copious irrigation and a very light touch. initial surgery, or deferred to a later ti1ne in a second-stage
In a recent study, hydroxylapatite and Plastipore PORPs and operation.
TORPs were the ossicular prostheses preferred by 48 and 16%,
respectively, of otologists in the United States.11 Both niaterials Patient Selection and Staging
have withstood the test of tin1e and are suitable for ossicular
Long-tern1 success with ossicular reconstruction depends
reconstruction. Hybrid prostheses con1bining these two 1nate­
on the control of chronic otitis nledia and the assurance of
rials have successfully taken advantage of the tolerance of the
nliddle ear ventilation. In one report, five factors-surgery
ty1npanic nien1brane with direct contact with hydroxylapatite
(open versus closed n1astoidecto1ny), prosthesis type, pres­
and Plastipore's flexibility and ease of trimn1ing to appropri­
ence of infection, tissue health., and Eustachian tube func­
ate length. These hybrid prostheses, composed of hydroxy­
tion-\\•ere found to be predictive of ossicular reconstruction
lapatite heads, are also available with shafts made of Teflon,
success. These five factors allow for an accurate preoperative
fluoroplastic, platinum, or stainless steel.15-18
individual assessn1ent when counseling patients regarding the
Recently, prostheses niade of glass ionomer cen1ent, tita­
likelihood of success or failure of a proposed ossicular recon­
niun1, and gold have been reported to have pron1ising results.19-23
struction.28 Of note, hearing results co1nparing Plastipore
Titanium niiddle ear prostheses were introduced by Stupp in
(n= 247) versus hydroxylapatite (n = 265) prostheses revealed
1993,24 after a long and successful experience with this niaterial
no statistically significant differences between these popular
in dental, orthopedic, craniotacial, and neurosurgical procedures.
i1nplants.28 Extrusion and displacen1ent of ossicular prostheses
Titanium is strong, lightweight, and has excellent bioco111patibil­
have been consistently reported in association with Eustachian
ity, with a ren1arkable tendency to osseointegrate. The nietal allows
tube dysfunction, chronic infection, nlucosal adhesions,
the use of laser-cutting tools to create prostheses with extre1nely
and atelectasis.5•29•3° For ears with known ventilation prob­
precise design specifications. Titanium tends to extrude when
lems, long-tern1 tympanosto1ny tube insertion or planned
placed in direct contact with the tympanic membrane and partial­
acceptance of atelectasis, with the reconstructed ty1npanic
or full-thickness cartilage graft interposition is recomn1ended. At
n1en1brane placed directly onto the stapes superstructure or
present, hydroxylapatite and titaniun1 are the most con1monly
footplate, are reasonable options.
used prostheses and both have yielded good results.11• 23
At the close of surgery for chronic otitis niedia the surgeon
!Ylost recently, bone cements, which are principally hydrox­
nlust 1nake an individualized judg1nent, carefully weighing the
ylapatite or other compounds of calcium and phosphate similar
risks and benefits, whether to proceed with ossicular recon­
to bone 1natri.x, have been used in the reconstruction of limited
struction or defer it to a later stage. Ossicular reconstruction is
erosion of the distal incus and other sn1all ossicular defects, as
typically deferred to in1prove the likelihood of success. At the
'"'ell as to help fixing of prostheses, such as a loose stapes pros­
7 author's institution, the incidence of prosthesis displace1nent has
thesis wire.25 -2
been found to be higher in cases w1dergoing synchronous total
tyn1panic n1en1brane replacement and ossicular reconstruction.
For this reason, such cases are staged. Additionally, the presence
of inedical infirn1ities, advanced age, intraoperative con1plica­
tions, excessive intraoperative tin1e, and other considerations
In 1nany cases, the extent of ossicular proble1ns can be estimated inay 1nitigate against adding the ti1ne and potential difficulties
preoperatively by nlicro-otoscopy, co1nputed ton1ography (C1') of ossicular reconstruction to the procedure. Hearing recon­
in1aging, and audiometry, but the surgeon n1ust be prepared struction can be deferred to a tin1e '"'hen inedical issues have
to inake intraoperative decisions upon appreciation of the full been resolved, and hearing aids or assistive devices are ah.vays an

option. In younger, healthy patients, the surgeon 111ay be 111ore increased understanding of the science of reconstruction has
inclined to add the ossicular repair to the prin1ary operation greatly shortened the learning curve. A definitive discussion of
than plan a staged reconstruction. the factors influencing ossicular reconstruction is presented in
Chapter 3. Merchant and Rosowski's presentation of the basic
science of the niechanics of ossicular reconstruction translate
into five in1portant principles that should guide surgeons intra­
operatively. They can be su111n1arized in a n1ne111onic: TRACS.
The Austin classification of ossicular problen1s is very practical •
Tension (T): The tension under which an implant is
and is based upon the presence or absence of the nlalleus handle placed is an important detern1inant of hearing outcon1es,
(:tvl+, :tvl-) and st.apes superstructure (S+, S-). According to this and the surgeon has a significant ability to adjust this fac­
classification there are four types of ossicular defects: type A (M+, tor in 1nost cases. Excessive laxity in the ossicular chain
S+),type B (M+,S-), type C (M-, S+),and type D (M-,S-).31 The results in sound energy loss. The surgeon 111ust learn to
most con1n1only encountered ossicular defect is erosion of the long feel the appropriate tightness of fit for a prosthesis or
process of the incus with intact nlalleus handle and stapes super­ autograft that optin1izes hearing. The reconstruction
structure (type A), followed by types B, C, and D. should re111ain inherently stable once in position, with­
out a tendency to topple. The surgeon can test stability by
Due to the wide variability of techniques and i111plants
slightly displacing the prosthesis with gentle pressure-it
available today, reconstructions are generally reported with­
should spontaneously return to position once the pres­
out reference to a particular classification and instead include
sure is released. This degree of tension is usually achieved
a detailed description of the type of prosthesis used, how it is
by adjusting the length of the prosthesis to be slightly
interposed between the ossicular defect, and the use of other greater than the visible gap, resulting in an ossicular
interposed or stabilizing grafting materials. The original classi­ chain '"'ith a stiffness the san1e as, or slightly greater than,
fication presented by Wullstein (see Figure 28-1 of chapter 28 in the nor111al ossicular chain. Excessive tension dan1pens
this book) remains in popular clinical use and serves to briefly sound energy and '"'orsens hearing results;16 excessively
con1n1unicate reconstruction type. Figure 28-lA depicts a type loose-fitting prostheses arc at risk for displacen1ent and
I reconstruction in which myringoplasty (surgery confined to excessive nlobility can cause scarring or adjacent ossic­
the drun1head) or tyn1panoplasty (111yringoplasty plus nliddle ular erosion inay further alter fit.

Round (R): Round window protection is an in1portant
ear surgery) has been done and there is no need for ossicular
consideration vvhcn ty111panic n1e111brane grafting is close
chain repair. Figure 28-lB shovvs a type II reconstruction com­
to the round window, eg, directly onto the stapes footplate,
prising erosion of the 111anubriun1 with a repair that consists of
or if the oval windo'"' is left exposed. Sow1d '"'aves reach­
draping the tyn1panic n1cn1branc onto the ren1aining malleus
ing both the round and oval windows sin1ultaneously with
and the long process of the incus; it is not co111n1only used today. sin1ilar an1plitudes result in hearing loss. Isolation of the
Figure 28-lC depicts the direct placen1cnt of the tympanic round windo\v 111aximizes sound trans111ission.
men1brane graft onto the stapes capitulun1. :tvlodern variations •
Angle (A): A prosthesis (or autograft) should contact the
of this type III reconstruction include: (1) a rninor colun·iella, in tyn1panic n1en1brane or n1alleus at an angle of 45 to 90
which bone or a PORP is interposed between the capitulu111 and degrees. A 111ore acute angle results in hearing loss. Incus
the undcrsurface of the ty111panic n1embrane and (2) a major interposition should not be perfor111ed if the stapes capit­
colun·iella, in which bone or a TORP extends fron1 the stapes ulu111 is at nearly the sa111e height (fro111 the pro111ontory)
as the n1alleus. Better results can be achieved with the use
footplate to the undersurface of the ty111panic men1brane. In
of a PORP. PORPs and TORPs should be positioned as
the n1ajority of cases today, a cartilage graft is placed between
vertically as possible while also contacting the tyn1panic
the prosthesis and the reconstructed tyn1panic n1embrane. A
111e111brane as close to its center as possible.
type IV reconstruction (Figure 28-lD) involves placing the •
Centered (C): A prosthesis should be positioned so that
tyn1panic membrane graft directly onto the stapes footplate, it contacts the ty111panic mcn1brane as close to the center
or around it,leaving the footplate exposed. The round '"'indow as possible in order to take advantage of the inaxi111al
niche is covered to create a protective air-containing space. Type vibratory excursions at this location. Placen1ent too
V reconstructions, as performed in the past, involve covering close to the annular ring dampens sound trans111ission.
the n1iddle ear to protect the round window and to allow sow1d Preservation of the inanubrium. takes advantage of its
transn1ission to pass to a fenestrated lateral semicircular canal central tyn1panic 111en1brane location and incorporat-
that is either covered with cholesteaton1a matrix left in place or ing it into the ossicular reconstruction can significantly
in1prove hearing results.16•32•33 If the 111alleus is exces­
that is covered with a tissue graft. The term as used in current
sively medialized, hearing results can be opti111ized by
parlance describes placc111ent of a ty111panic me111brane graft
placing the reconstruction into direct contact with the
over an open oval window (Figure 28-lE).
tyn1panic n1c111brane. Alternatively, the 111alleus can be
Iateralized by dividing the tensor tympani tendon or by
MIDDLE EAR MECHANICS APPLIED partially dividing and stretching it. Placing an ossicular
TO OSSICULAR RECONSTRUCTION graft or prosthesis against such a lateralized malleus has
the advantage of adding to the stability and tension of
Ossicular reconstruction is considered an art in '"'h ich the the reconstruction. Flexible prostheses have an advantage
best results formerly occurred in the most experienced of that the head can be angled to optimize contact with the
hands. Although experience remains an important factor, our 111alleus,tyn1panic 111en1brane, or both.

Space (S): The airspace around the ossicular chain should the sculpted inc us inust slightly exceed the size of the gap and
be niore than 0.3 niL. The normal middle ear space, push the mallcus antcrolaterally when in place (usually about
excluding the 1nastoid, is approxin1ately l niL. Efo f rts 2.4 mm). The surface of the tri1u1ued short process is flattened
should be niade to reconstruct this air-containing space and drilled with a 0.5- or 0.7-1n1n dian1ond burr to create an
when possible to optimize hearing and to prevent the
acetabulun1 for the capitulum. that is hollowed out as nluch as
development of adhesions. If Eustachian tube function is
possible to create an oval-shaped defect without gouging the
likely to remain inadequate, tyrnpanoston1y tube place-
'"'alls, which would allow the prosthesis to slip off of the capit­
1nent, even at the pri niary operation, is a consideration.
ulun1. This oval shape allows the interposed incus to seek the
opti1nal angle for its final position. To place the prosthesis, the
sculpted incus is set to engage the 1nanubriun1 in its groove and
both ossicles arc elevated laterally with a curved pick in the ace­
tabulu1n. (Figure 29-2) The incus is rotated onto the capitulun1
For type A defects (M+, S+) three ossicular reconstruction tech­ and the pressure slowly released fron1 the nlalleus, making sure
niques are available. that the incus does not exert excessive pressure on the stapes.
If the lenticular process of the incus is eroded, and if the Once in position, the incus is slipped superiorly along the nlal­
nlanubriu1n is in close proxin1ity to the stapes superstructure leus until it contacts tensor t y n1pani tendon, where it will be
(a favorable relationship), a titted (or sculpted) incus prosthe­ n1axin1ally stable and hearing optin1ized. (Figures 29-3 and
sis is an excellent choice (Video 29-1). This technique has been 29-4) When properly fitted, there should be just enough ten­
described by Pennington34 and Austin31 and is perforn1cd as sion to hold the prosthesis firn1ly in place bet,vcen the 111anu­
follows: After the incus is ren1oved, it is held gently but firn1ly briun1 and the capitulun1, with no need to pack the nliddle
with the Sheehy ossicular holder and is shaped with an otologic ear with Gelfoan1®. The sculptured incus 1nust be neither too
drill using a light drilling technique. Any re1uaining long pro­ long nor too short in order to prevent fixation or displacen1ent,
cess is ren1oved to ininin1ize mass and to reduce the possibility respectively. Results of this technique are excellent and air­
of undesired fixation to the fallopian canal or promontory. A bone gap closure has been reported to be within 20 dB in 68o/o
groove is nlade in its articulation with the inalleus surface with of patients.29 Once healed, the sculpted incus is usually visible
a l . 5-n1n1 dian1ond burr roughly following the natural groove on oton1icroscopy as a shadov.r, or bulge, just posterior to the
of the joint and an acetabulu1n is created in its short process inalleus Figure 29-5.
(Figure 29-1). The short process is tri1u1ned to the desired If the lenticular process of the incus is eroded, and if the
length, which can be roughly nleasured by holding a 2-n11n­ inanubriun1 is positioned far anterior to the stapes superstruc­
dia1ueter round knife adjacent to the gap between the capitu­ ture (an unfavorable relationship), sculpted incus place1nent is
lu1n and 111anubriu1n. In order to create appropriate tension, not recon1n1ended because of its inherent instability. The use

FIGURE 29-1 • Fashioning a sculpted incus

interposition graft.

FIGURE 29-2 • Fitted incus prosthesis being positioned with a right

FIGURE 29-3 • Fitted incus prosthesis in position between the
angle hook.
malleus and the capitulum of the stapes.


c D

FIGURE 29-4 •A, lntraoperative microscopic view of a right ear with incudostapedial dislocation.
B, The incus has been extracted and is being sculpted for use as an interposition graft. An oval acetabu­
lum is fashioned in the short process. C, The completed sculpted incus. 0, The incus interposition graft
in position.

the base of the TORP, enhancing intraoperative and, hopefully

postoperative, stabilitf9•40 (Figure 29-6). Long-tern1 results
,.,,ith the "shoe" are not yet available.
For type C defects (Ivf-, S+), a PORP can be used
(\Tideo 29-3). Analysis of long-term results in 233 patients
undergoing ossicular reconstruction with the Goldenberg
hydroxylapatite prosthesis revealed an air-bone gap of 21.J
dB in 56.8% of patients, with a 5.290/o extrusion rate. Overall,
50.6(Vo of patients niet the criteria for successful he aring, which
included no extrusion and a dry ear. Better he aring before sur­
gery, presence of the n1anubrium, tyn1panoplasty alone, and
canal-wall-up (C\i\TU) ty111panomastoidecton1y were factors
associated with successful he aring results.11 A recent study
con1paring hydro:xyl apatite versus titaniu111 ossiculoplasty
detern1ined that both prostheses gave good functional results
and stability with lo'"' exclusion rates, with no statistically sig­
nificant differences detected between the two,41 as has been the
FIGURE 29-5 • Postoperative, microscopic view of same ear as senior author's experience. Tn a report of 140 ossiculoplasties
Figure 29-4. The interposition graft is indicated by the arrow and is with titanium prostheses, there was no statistical difference
properly located superiorly along the manubrium. The air-bone gap
between Spiggle, Theis, and Kurz prostheses types. The pres­
postoperatively was 5 dB.
ence or absence of the nianubriun1 and the mucosa I status of
the niiddle ear had a statistically significant predictive value in
of a PORP has been reported to result in air-bone gap closure the prognosis of ossiculoplasty.42 Cartilage grafts placed niedial
within 20 dB in 49°A> of such cases.29 to the ty111panic nien1brane are effective in reducing the extru­
In selected cases of erosion of the lenticular process of the sion rates of titanium and hydroxylapatite TORP and PORP
incus, reconstruction can be accomplished with hydroxylapa­ prostheses with one study reporting approxin1ately a 4o/o rate.43
tite bone cement; early reports claimed achieving a 10-dB air­ The use of hon1ograft ossicular grafts has been abandoned by
bone gap in about 50%, and under a 20-dB gap in 70 to 80<)1i, of n1any in this country due to the risk of ti:ansn1ission of viral,
cases.26.27 These cements are easy to work with and become firm prion, and other diseases.41
within 5 mins, making them reasonable alternatives for sn1all vVhen ossicular reconstruction is perforn1ed at the clo se of
defect repair. It is important to strip a,.,,ay all the 1nucosa from tyn1panoplasty, it should be coordinated ,.,,ith ty111panic mem­
the bony surfaces and allow them to dry before applying the brane reconstruction. Usually, the anterior mesotyn1panu111 is
cement or the material can become loose over time.27 first packed with Gelfoam® and the tyn1panic 111en1brane graft
It has been the senior author's experience in repairing tym­ positioned. The posterior aspect of the graft can be gently ele­
panic membrane perforations, especially in atelectatic ears with vated, exposing the posterior tympanic cavity and the ossicular
type A ossicular defects, that the space between the capitulum remnants. Prostheses intended to engage the n1anubriun1 can
of the stapes and the manubrium is limited and performing be placed directly into contact with it or onto the graft covering
cartilage "shield" grafting results in a de facto type Ill tym­ its niedial surface. A.s tension is esti1nated, it should be kept in
panoplasty, often obviating the use of any prosthesis whatso­ n1ind that the tympanic membrane graft will thin and contract
ever. In a series of 52 such cases, a postoperative air-bone gap considerably in the postoperative healing process. Prostheses
of less than 25 dB was achieved in 79%.35 He aring results of intended to contact the tyn1panic nie111brane will usually require
cartilage "shield" type III tympanoplasty compare favorably a thinned, conchal or tragal cartilage graft interposition. The
with other types of ossicular reconstruction and are depicted cartilage graft typically covers n1ost of the posterior-superior
in Table 29-1. quadrant of the 111iddle ear and can extend onto the annulus
For type B (M+, S-) as ,.,,ell as type D (Nl-, S-) defects, ,.,,ithout causing a significant hearing loss. Sizers are available
•a TORP can be used (Video 29-2). For cases with a medially for son1e of the titanium prostheses. These plastic or 111etal siz­
displaced manubrium, encountered often in chronic otitis ers are advantageous in that they can be inserted to judge the
cases due to unopposed medial traction of the tensor tyn1pani precise length necessary to produce the desired tension. Sizing
tendon, lateralization of the manubrium can be accomplished is done ,.,,ith the cartilage graft in final position, niedial to the
by sectioning or partially sectioning and stretching the tendon tyn1panic 111e111brane. The sizer is then ren1oved and the in1plant
just lateral to the cochleariform process. The long-term results is put into final position. Flexible prostheses can be slightly bent
with TORPs are generally not as satisfactory as with PORPs, as to optimize contact v.rith the tyn1panic 111en1brane and/or n1al­
the medial strut can be displaced from the center of the stapes leus. The prosthesis should remain in stable position as the
footplate, as there is nothing to secure it into position. A carti­ cartilage graft is lowered onto its lateral surface and it should
lage shoe can be helpful in this situation. To make the "shoe," not at all be dependent on Gelfoan1® packing for support. The
a cartilage graft is cut to a 4 x 2 mn1 oval shape, the size of the tyn1panic 111en1brane graft is draped into final position onto the
oval windo,.,, niche; a hole is made in its center to accommodate posterior annulus and canal wall.

TABLE 29-1 Ossicular reconstruction results


Kyrodimos et al.35 52 Type Ill Cartilage "shield" Tympanoplasty <20 dB in 54%

<25 dB in 79%

Schember S, et aJ.36 111 PORP or TORP PORP <20dB in 77%

TORP <20dB in 52%

Gardner EK, et al.37 102 Titanium PORP or TORP PORP <20 dB in 70%
TORP <30 dB in 44%

Dalchow C, et al.38 1300 Titanium PORP or TORP PORP and TORP <20 dB in 76%

PORP, partial ossicular reconstruction prosthesis; TORP, total ossicular reconstruction prosthesis.

FIGURE 29-6 •A, A 70-degree, 2.3-mm-diameter endoscopic view of a left ear during a second-stage
reconstruction following CWU tympanomastoidectomy for cholesteatoma. The oval window is seen infe­
riorly (on the left of the figure) and the epitympanum is seen superiorly (on the right). There is no residual
disease. The stapes superstructure is absent. B, Microscopic view of the oval window. C, A cartilage
shoe has been placed over the stapes footplate. Note the 0.6-mm-diameter central hole in the center
of the cartilage graft that is intended to hold the TORP's medial foot. D, The TORP is in position, with its
medial foot engaged in the cartilage shoe.

Malleus/lncus Fixation
Fixation of the incus/tnalleus con1plex is uncon1n1on, difficult
to diagnose preoperatively, and often niistaken for otosclero­
sis. Prior to surgery, pneutuatic micro-otoscopy with a Siegel
lens, observing for 1noven1ent or fixation of the nialleus un1bo,
is helpful in diagnosing this problem.45 Tympanosclerosis,
chronic infection, traun1a, Pager's disease, ligament ossification,
otosclerosis, and congenital and idiopathic disorders have been
reported as etiologic.45-47
In tyn1panoplasty with or without 1uastoidecton1y, an effec­
tive procedure to correct this problen1 is to remove the incus and
use it as a sculptured prosthesis fitted between the nianubrium
and the stapes.46 The manubriun1 is niobiJized by a1nputating
the nialleus head at the level of the neck with a House nlalleus
nipper. This approach is especially useful when there is a lin1ited
epityn1panu1n due to low lying dura or nieningoencepbalocele
Another approach to this ossicular proble1u is to free the
head of nlalleus/incus con1plex through an atticotomy. A 2-n1m
free space around the malleus/incus con1plex is created with a
microdrill and a thin sheet of silastic, or absorbable esterified
hyaluronate (Epifiln1®, Seprafiln1®), is interposed and left in
place to prevent refixation.4,,48 To prevent noise-induced hear­
ing loss, contact of the drill with the ossicular chain should be
When mastoidectomy is performed in conjunction with
tyn1panoplasty, repair of a fixed incus/malleus coiuplex can
be accon1plished by gaining access into the epityn1panic space
through the trans1nastoid route.

Revision Surgery
FIGURE 29-7 •A, High-resolution CT scan, coronal view, of a left
Revision operations for ossicular reconstruction generally have ear showing a radiopaque, hydroxylapatite TORP protruding nearly to
a lower long-term success rate than prin1ary repairs.49-51 The the medial wall of the vestibule. A CWU tympanomastoidectomy had
initial failure is often due to problen1s \Vith chronic ear disease been performed previously for cholesteatoma. B, Micro-otoscopic
view of same ear showing total atelectasis of the tympanic membrane
that niay add to the risk of failure of the revision procedure.
onto the floor of the middle ear and epitympanum. The TORP head
Efforts to control the causes and sequelae of poor niiddle ear
rests flush with the promontory and fallopian canal.
ventilation and chronic otitis media are iinportant for success.
In the absence of chronic ear disease, the failure is nJore likely
to be due to a si1nple n1echanical problen1, such as a loose or
displaced prosthesis and the prognosis 1nay be more favorable.
A preoperative CT scan is very helpful in ascertaining \\rhether
there is active n1iddle ear disease and visualizing the status In canal-wall-down (CWD) inastoidecton1y, the type of ossic­
of the ossicular chain. During surgery, adhesions should be ular reconstruction perforn1ed depends upon the presence of
lysed gently and sharply, or with a laser, to minin1ize niucosal the stapes superstructure and its relationship to the level of
injury that could pron1ote niore adhesions. If there are a lot of the horizontal facial nerve. \A/hen the stapes superstructure is
adhesions, placing absorbable esterified byaluronate or silas­ located below the level of the facial nerve, a PORP or a sculp­
tic sheeting over the promontory can be very helpful. Jn the tured ossicle, such as the 111alleus head, can be considered. In
event of a failed TORP, the stapes footplate should be carefully cases with an absent stapes superstructure, a TORP is a good
inspected for any fistula to the vestibule. If there is a fistula, it option (Video 29-4). Postoperative atelectasis and adhesion•
should be repaired with a tissue graft. There is a risk to plac­ for1uation are inore co1umon after CWD inastoidecton1y, so
ing a TORP onto a soft tissue graft overlying an oval window ossicular reconstruction is best staged. When an adequate
fistula during pri n1ary surgery as the prosthesis may be forced 1ueatoplasty has been perforn1ed, a trans1neatal approach can
into the vestibule should the ty1npanic nien1brane retract over be used for ossicular reconstruction. A CWD meatoplasty ide­
time as sho\vn in Figure 29-7. Staging the reconstruction or ally ad111its a 10- or 12-mn1-dia1neter speculu1n that is stabilized
placing the tympanic nien1brane graft directly onto the tis­ vvith a holder. If the n1eatus is too sn1all for adequate exposure,
sue graft and covering the oval windo\v are some reasonable a postauricular approach can be used and consideration should
options. be given for enlarging the n1eatus. The transn1eatal approach

begins with an incision parallel to the course of the facial nerve OSSICULAR RECONSTRUCTION IN
that creates an anteriorly based, tympanomastoid flap, begin­ CANAL-WALL-UP VERSUS CANAL­
ning about 3 to 5 mm superior to the fallopian canal, passing WALL-DOWN MASTOIDECTOMIES
posterior-superior to the horizontal semicircular canal, and
There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to these
extending inferiorly 3 to 5 n1m posterior to the facial ridge. A
two types of mastoidectomy, but it remains inconclusive how
shorter flap risks encroaching on the course of the facial nerve;
they affect the ultimate results of ossicular chain reconstruc­
in addition, the flap may contract to such an extent that it can­
tion. The CWU operation preserves the normal anatomy of the
not cover the middle ear, requiring an additional graft for clo­
external auditory canal and attempts to reconstruct the hear­
sure. The flap is raised by pushing tissue anteriorly and carefully
ing mechanism within a nearly normal middle ear volume. In
inspecting for a dehiscent facial nerve, sharply lysing adhesions
a CWD mastoidectomy, the facial ridge is lowered to a variable
that hold it to bone. The usual technique of sliding a sharp
degree depending on the course of facial nerve, and the sur­
knife along bone risks injury to the potentially dehiscent facial
geon's intention and ability to lower the facial ridge. The volume
nerve. Once beyond the facial nerve, the flap is further elevated
of the middle ear around the ossicles, 'Nhich has been shown by
to expose the middle ear. Ossicular reconstruction proceeds
Merchant et al.52 to be a critical factor in hearing reconstruc­
depending on the type of defect present and usually requires a
tion, can be quite variable near the critical minimal range for
PORP or TORP (Figure 29-8).

c D

FIGURE 29-8 •A, lntraoperative view of a right ear in the surgical position undergoing second-stage
ossicular reconstruction following CWD mastoidectomy. The meatoplasty is suitable for transmeatal
approach. B, Microscopic view with elevated tympanic membrane flap. The round window is exposed
and is being covered with a broad, partial-thickness tragal cartilage graft for sound protection. The sta­
pes superstructure is absent. C, A Kurz® titanium TORP has been fashioned to appropriate length.
D, The TORP is positioned over the footplate and the tympanic membrane flap, which includes a second,
broad partial-thickness cartilage graft, is lowered onto the prosthesis.

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Canal-Wall-Up Mastoidectomy

David S. Haynes, MD I Justin Wittkopf, MD

INTRODUCTION Interest in n1astoid surgery revived in 1873, when Schwartze and

Eysell reported the use of cortical 1nastoidectomy for i11anage-
Descriptions of chronic and suppurative infections of the
1nent of acute mastoid infections.5 Their success reintroduced to
tnastoid have been discovered dating back to ancient Greece.
the world the idea of 1nastoid surgery as a safe option in the treat­
Prior to the advent of surgery and antibiotics, morbidity frorn
n1ent of acute, often life-threatening, infections of the ear.
acute 1nastoiditis was considerable. Mastoid surgery has evolved
Zaufal expanded the concept of cortical inastoidecto1uy
from simple trephination for acute infection, to the canal­
and, in 1890, described the radical n1astoidecton1y with the
wall-preserving mastoidectomy employed by inost otologists
addition of ren1oval of the ty1upanic 1uen1brane, ossicles, and
today. Many variations on the basic mastoidectomy have been
posterior \Vall of the ear canal.6 Bondy described opening the
developed, and each has its proponents.
epitympanu1n and leaving the middle ear intact. In 1902, Sir
The complete (or simple) mastoid operation, as described
Charles Ballance was the first to advocate the con1plete inas­
by the authors, refers to a canal-wall-up (C\A/U) n1astoidectomy,
toid operation for control of advanced suppuration of the ear.7
with complete retnoval of disease fro1n the te1nporal bone lateral
He described ligating the jugular vein and draining the lateral
to the otic capsule. CW U mastoidectomy is usually accompanied
sinus, as well as grafting the i11astoid cavity to facilitate better
by ty1npanoplasty, and when necessary, with ossicular chain
healing. The operation was acco1nplished using 111allet and
reconstruction. These techniques, as well as canal-wall-down
gouges. These tools remained the standard equip1nent and were
(CWD) mastoidecto1ny are not addressed in this chapter as each
used with ren1arkable finesse u11til Lempert popularized the use
has its own dedicated chapter within this text.
of a drill and loupe 1uagnification in the 1920s.
The i1nportance of the cortical n1astoidecton1v in the 111an-

HISTORY age1nent of acute suppurative mastoid infections declined 'vith

lvlastoid operations have been e1nployed for over 300 years to the discovery and widespread use of sulfanilan1ide and penicil­

control suppurative disease of the ear, but the first proposed lin. These antibiotics becan1e increasingly employed in the early

mastoidectomy dates back more than four centuries. Atnbrose treatment of acute otitis nledia, often preventing the forn1ation

Pare', a tnedieval barber-surgeon, was called upon to care for of localized collections of pus in the 111astoid and the develop-

the young King Charles 11 ofFrance. King Charles had become 1nent of coalescent mastoiditis.

ill 'vvith a draining ear and subsequently developed high fevers With the introduction of the Zeiss operating otologic

and deliriutn. Pare' proposed to operate on the skull and drain 1nicroscope in 1953 and the description of the C\11/U inastoid­

the pus. King Charles' bride, !Vlary, Queen of Scots and France, ecton1y by Jansen shortly thereafter, the paradigm for n1astoid

agreed to the operation, but King Charles' mother, Catherine de' surgery changed dra1natically for acute and chronic n1astoid

lvledici, forbade it. King Charles succumbed to the infection and infections.8·� \A/ith the advent of the C\A/U n1astoidecto1uy, dis­

died, depriving !Vlary of her first husband and first throne.! ease control as \Vell as preservation of anato1uy and function

Jean Petit of Paris reported the first successful mastoid treph­ beca1ne a reality.

ination operation in the late 1700s.2 Trephination of the mastoid

\Vas abandoned soon after the King of Den1nark died from con1- PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
plications of this surgery, used to treat his deafness and tinnitus.3
The first postauricular incision was introduced in 1853 by Sir
Willia1n Wilde of Dublin. Wilde described the postauricular inci­ CWU 111astoidecton1y is used as a standard approach for
sion for drainage of a postaural abscess, yet advised against oper­ cochlear in1plantation, excision of tun1ors, and surgery for ver­
ating on the n1astoid unless facing a life-threatening infection.4 tigo. However, the pri111ary role of CvVU 111astoidecto1ny is in


the control of chronic otitis media, with and \vithout cholestea­ '"'ith pain. Vertigo is unco1nn1on, and if present raises concern Indeed, the initial mastoid procedures \vere for control for a labyrinthine fistula or inflamn1ation.
of acute mastoiditis, which has dramatically decreased in inci­ In the clinical setting, CSOM is nlost often associated '"'ith
dence \vith the advent and wide usage of antibiotics. As the a ty1npanic n1e1ubrane perforation, but can also be present
incidence of acute mastoiditis has niarkedly declined, relatively behind an intact tympanic nlembrane. lv1eyerhoff et al. exa1n­
few niastoid procedures are required for this indication. In fact, ined 123 te1nporal bone speci1nens with findings of CSOM and
in our practice, incision and drainage of subperiosteal abscess, only 20°/o had tyn1panic n1en1brane perforations.10 Sin1ilarly, da
and placement of tympanoston1y tubes and antibiotics, \.vithout Costa et al. reported that 19% of te1nporal bone specin1ens with
niastoidectoiny, suffice in the treatn1ent of 1nost cases of acute CSOlv1 had tyn1panic ine1nbrane perforation.u
1nastoiditis. Thus in today's otology practi.ce, CWU niastoidec­ Schuknecht initially described the pathology of CSOM and is used to treat chronic ear disease. others have corroborated his findings.12 The pathologic findings
Acute niastoiditis arises from untreated acute otitis media, include osteitis, iuucosal eden1a with subn1ucosal gland forn1a­
or otitis niedia that fails to respond adequately to antibiotics. tion, granulation tissue, tyn1panosclerosis, cholesterol granu­
Coalescent mastoiditis is acute mastoiditis in which a localized lon1as, cholesteato1ua, and tyn1panic n1e1nbrane retraction and
collection of pus has accun1ulated in the mastoid, with evi­ perforation.
dence of erosion of the norn1al bony septae within the niastoid Osteitis, or infla1u1nation with osteoclastic resorption of
cavity. The natural history is that coalescent bony erosion typ­ bone, is often found involving the ossicles, otic capsule, and
ically evolves after several days or weeks of severe middle ear inastoid bone. Bone erosion fro1u osteitis can result in ossicular
infection, although in young children, the course can be niuch discontinuity, dural exposure with or without brain hernia­
1nore fulminant. Several signs and symptoms can suggest an tion, ineningitis, and labyrinthine fistula. In Meyerhoff's study,
underlying coalescent 1nastoiditis in the face a prolonged mid­ ossicular involve1uent was found in 81% of speci1nens, \vith the
dle ear infection. Persistent purulent otorrhea for more than incus inost con1n1only involved ( 81o/o), followed by the stapes
3 weeks after an acute otitis niedia, pain behind the ear, or (57%), and then the 1nalleus (43%).10 Ossicular changes were
pain deep in the ear are indications that infection is failing inore prevalent in the study of 144 ten1poral bones with CSOM
to resolve and that coalescence niay be developing. The tyn1- by da Costa et al.11 Overall, 91 % of ten1poral bone speci1nens
panic men1brane appears erythen1atous and thickened, often had ossicular involven1ent. Interestingly, da Costa also classified
\.Vith loss of landmarks. An intern1i.ttent fever may be present the ten1poral bone specin1ens by intact or perforated ty1npanic
and a leukocytosis niay be present. Many of these signs 1ne1nbrane and 90% of the te1uporal bones >vith intact tympanic
and syn1ptoms niay be seen in both acute otitis media and ine1nbranes bad ossicular changes. Most of these speci1nens had
coalescent mastoiditis but their persistence 2 to 3 \veeks after gross abnorn1alities of the tyn1panic nle1ubrane, such as retrac­
the onset of infection is more suggestive of coalescent nias­ tions, tyn1panosclerosis, and atelectasis.11
toiditis. Denn itive diagJ1osis of the bony septa! erosion asso­ Ongoing osteitis, bone resorption, and deposition of new
ciated with coalescent niastoiditis is most often accon1plished bone n1ay lead to the develop1uent of a n1ore narro>ved and
by computed ton1ographic (CT) scans. The developing nias­ dense nlastoid bone. Sclerotic inastoids nlake identification of
toid abscess with pus under pressure 1nay subsequently erode underlying structures n1ore difficult and therefore increase the
through the lateral niastoid cortex and present as a postau­ risk of injury during surgery.
ricular subperiosteal abscess. Coalescent niastoiditis requires Granulation tissue within the iuiddle ear cleft and nlaStoid
urgent intervention. Should the infection continue to progress, is also a nearly omnipresent finding in CSOM, observed in 93
it niay further break through the confines of the niastoid cav­ to 98o/o of te1uporal bone specin1ens.10•111'he epityn1panwn and
ity to produce complications of otitis niedia that are discussed round window niche were the nlOSt frequent areas of involve­
in Chapters 26 and 27. n1ent in ten1poral bone studies, but as is often the case, granu­
Subacute niastoiditis is a potentially dangerous consequence lation tissue involve1nent of the entire nliddle ear cleft, to son1e
of partially treated acute otitis niedia. Follo\ving therapy with degree, was conspicuous in all speci1nens. Granulation tissue
antibiotics, the clinical course niay appear to improve or even blocki11g the aditus can prevent aeration of the nlastoid and sub­
completely resolve, yet there may be sJow, silent progression of a sequent resolution of infection.
coalescent abscess. Identifying subacute niastoiditis before the
developn1ent of complications requires a high index of suspicion
and a low threshold for obtaining a CT scan of the 1nastoid,
should any worrisome signs or sympton1s occur following ini­
tially successful treatn1ent. In contrast to acute mastoiditis that CSOM is believed to be caused by Eustachian tube dysfunc­
develops over days to weeks, subacute niastoiditis evolves over tion and the subsequent develop1uent of a persistent n1iddle ear
several weeks. effusion. This effusion, serous or purulent, leads to 1nucosal
Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSO?vf) is defined as eden1a and the for1nation of granulation tissue. Bacterial infec­
chronic inflan1n1ation of the middle ear and mastoid. The dis­ tion leads to purulent effusions that generate an infla1nn1atory
ease manifests 1nost co1n1nonlyas hearing loss and intermittent response in the n1iddle ear and the chen1ical nlediators pro­
otorrhea. CSOlvf can be seen \vith or without cholesteaton1a. Tt is duced lead to chronic changes of the nlucosa and the ty1npanic
insidious in onset and usually painless, although an acute infec­ n1e1nbrane.13 In the setting of chronic inflan1n1ation, the middle
tion in CSOM with an intact tyn1panic nien1brane can present ear n1ucosa has also been found to develop subn1ucosal glands

that convert the n1ucosa to a secretory niucosa and thus contrib­ the acute nlastoiditis persists or progresses despite intravenous
ute to the persistent effusion.14 antibiotics and tyn1panoston1y, a nlastoidecton1y is 'varranted
Granulation tissue formation is initiated in the inflamed in order to evacuate the localized collection of pus in the mas­
niucosa. Bacterial toxins and inflamn1atory n1ediators inter­ toid. Upon con1pletion of the surgery, antibiotics are continued
act with the edematous n1ucosa and lead to ruptures of the postoperatively for l to 2 weeks.
basen1ent membrane of the epithelia. Tnflan1111atory cells in A subperiosteal abscess occurs when the pus within the
the underlying lan1ina propria now can enter the lumen of the nlaStoid erodes through the bony cortex, resulting in s'"'ell­
niiddle ear and portions of the lamina propria also extrude ing and erythem.a in the postauricular region. Fluctuance
through the basen1ent nien1brane. This tissue is now capable of nlay be present. The auricle often protrudes away fron1 skull,
growth due to a variety of chen1ical factors, such as angiogenic in an inferior and anterior direction (Figure 30-1). A subpe­
growth factors and epithelial growth factors. The combined riosteal abscess is an indication for surgery to evacuate the
result leads to fibroblast recruitn1ent, neovascularization, and accun1ulated pus and is accon1plished by a cortical inastoido­
polyp forn1ation.15 to1ny or con1plete nlastoidecton1y, as necessary. Penrose drains
The tyn1panic men1brane is affected by the enzyn1es are placed in the 'vound to allo'v drainage for several days
contained in the granulation tissue and the chronic effusion. postoperatively.
The strength of the tympanic membrane is din1inished as the
enzymes break down its collagen skeleton. The weakening of the
tyn1panic nie111brane and the negative pressure in the niiddle DIAGNOSIS AND MEDICAL
ear from Eustachian tube dysfunction leads to the developn1ent TREATMENT: CHRONIC SUPPURATIVE
of retraction pockets in the tyn1panic nien1brane. Deepening OTITIS MEDIA
of the retraction pockets ultin1ately leads to contact with the
1vfost patients \vith CSOM present with a history of intern1it­
underlying niucosa or granulation tissue and fibrous bands often
tent otorrhea, which is son1etin1es foul-sn1elling, and with son1e
develop between the two, anchoring the 1nen1brane medially, or
degree of hearing loss. Otalgia and headache are uncommon
can result in perforation. Deep retraction pockets and perfora­
in CSOM and, if present, should raise the suspicion of intra­
tions set the stage for the genesis of cholesteaton1a, which appear
cranial involvement or other disease process, including 1nalig­
to be a result of propagation of the inflamn1atory process that
nancy. Likewise, the presence of vertigo should raise suspicion
has been set into inotion.16
tor labyrinthitis or fistula. Tt is also in1portant to note in the
patient's history any other significant past n1edical treatments
or ear surgery.
A full head and neck exan1ination should be completed
on each patient, including an otomi.croscopic evaluation when
Tt is very in1portant to obtain a thorough history of each patient's possible. Otorrhea often obscures the ty1npanic membrane. The
current otologic syn1ptoms to properly evaluate the disease condition of the external auditory canal (EAC) should be noted,
process. A.cute n1astoiditis begins as acute otitis n1edia, often including inspection for any eden1a or polyps. Additionally,
heralded by deep, often throbbing, ear pain, associated with careful evaluation should be 111ade tor any tyn1panic membrane
pus in the middle ear. The tyn1panic n1embrane is erythema­ perforations, retractions, atelectasis, or cholesteaton1a. If a per­
tous and usually bulges laterally. There may be a perforation toration is identified, the condition of the middle ear mucosa
of the tympanic nien1brane, and if so, there is accon1panying should be noted and further inspection should be 111ade looking
purulent otorrhea. Fever and leukocytosis are also con1mon tor evidence of scutal erosion, ossicular erosion, and granula­
findings. These signs and symptoms are often present within tion tissue as welI.
the first several days of the infection. Acute niastoiditis results A full audion1etric evaluation is imperative when possible.
fron1 progression of the acute middle ear infection in the 111as­ Conductive hearing loss is common, but some patients may also
toid and is associated with si111ilar findings. Additionally, the exhibit sensorineural hearing Joss (SNHL) that should be docu­
111astoid may be tender to palpation and the postauricular skin n1ented preoperatively. Several studies have found SNHLs rang­
111ay be erythen1atous. Coalescent mastoiditis is suspected when ing fro.m 5 to 33 dB.t7 Conductive losses greater than 30 dB can
acute otitis media signs and sympto111s persist, or recur, over suggest ossicular erosion. Occasionally, hearing can be preserved
days or weeks after the onset of infection, especially if there is in the presence of ossicuJar erosion secondary to sound trans­
associated disproportionate deep pain, n1astoid tenderness, ery­ mission directly to the oval windo\v via the cholesteatoma.
then1a, or swelling. Cholesteatoma combined with medically refractory CSO!vf
Treatn1ent of acute mastoiditis begins with broad-spectrum is a nearly absolute indication for surgery, but often patients
antibiotics. Oral antibiotics may suffice if started early in the with CSOM do not have cholesteatoma and many cases n1ay
disease process. Ototopical antibiotics are added if there is a respond to appropriate niedical therapy. When patients present
tyn1panic membrane perforation. Tf the infection progresses with ongoing CSOM without cbolesteato1na, medical treatment
despite oral antibiotic treatn1ent, or if there are signs of systemic with ototopical antibiotics and aural toilet is en1ployed in an
sepsis, the patient should be adn1itted to the hospital for intrave­ effort to dry the ear and lin1it the inflamn1ation. Tn patients
nous antibiotics; a tympanoston1y tube should be inserted into who have failed niultiple attempts at n1edical treatn1ent or have
the tympanic nien1brane if no perforation is present. A CT scan symptoms suspicious of con1plications (vertigo, weakness,
niay be obtained to further delineate the extent of the disease. If or headache), surgery should be entertained. Retraction pockets


FIGURE 30-1 •A and B. Mastoid subperiosteal abscess. Courtesy of Eiji Yanagisawa, MD, FAGS.

inay be monitored if they do not collect debris, the patient has the patient's preference. Mastoidecto1ny in CSOJ\11 has three pri-
good hearing, and no progression is noted on serial exatnina­ 1uary indications, eradication of disease and infection, approach
tions. Atelectatic ears without tympanic n1embrane perforation for removal of cholesteatotna, and less itnportant, establishing
and otorrhea, but with significant conductive bearing loss, may aeration. Some surgeons believe that previous tympanoplasty
be candidates for surgery. failures and perforated tytnpanic me1nbranes with persistent
The decision to operate should only be inade after a thor­ suppurative drainage are indications for mastoidectomy, but in
ough discussion with the patient about the nature of their dis­ tuost cases, these conditions are remedied v.rith a \'/ell-executed
ease, the risks of the surgery, the risk of further nonsurgical tympanoplasty alone. Stnall cholesteato1nas isolated to the tyn1-
inanage1nent, and expectations after the surgery. As CSOM panic membrane or small congenital cholesteatomas also may
is often an insidious, seetningly benign disease to the patient, not need a 1uastoidecto1ny for cotuplete disease removal.
inany do not fully comprehend the potential consequences of The choice for preserving or re1noving the posterior '"'all of
leaving the disease untreated. the EAC, ie, C\-VU versus CWD mastoidectomy, has been exten­
sively debated. In CWD surgery, the posterior EAC is retnoved
SURGICAL THEORY AND PRACTICE to increase access to the middle ear and epitympanum and to
exteriorize any unresectable cholesteatotna matrix, eg, choleste­
Indications ato1na tnatrix overlying a lateral se1nicircular canal fistula. The
The three priorities in surgery for CSOJ\11 are (1) eradication open 1nastoid cavity that results frotu C\IVD surgery epithelial­
of disease, (2) prevention of disease recurrence, and (3) pres­ izes over the next several rnonths and requires frequent clinical
ervation or restoration of hearing. To this end, the choice of visits, at least initially, to debride and 1uaintain the cavity. Even
surgery is based on the extent of disease, the patient's health, '"'hen fully healed, the cavity often requires routine, lifetime
the status of the contralateral ear, the surgeon's experience, and follow-up. The increased surgical exposure afforded by removal

of the canal \vall has been reported to result in lower rate of dis­ ideas, only one study has revealed any molecular difference
ease recurrence versus a CWU niastoidectoniy.18 Others have between adult and pediatric cholesteatoma. Bujia et al. dem­
reported that re111oval of the canal wall does not significantly onstrated a faster replication rate of keratinocytes in pediatric
impact the disease recurrence rate, but rather the anatomical cholesteatotna versus adult.23
position of the cholesteatoma more significantly impacts the Recurrence rates after surgery for cholesteaton1a in chil­
recurrence rate.t9 Additionally, an open cavity is not as aes­ dren vary \Vidcly in the literature, fro1n 5 to 71o/o.24 In one
thetically appealing as the norn1a] anaton1y, and patients niay co1nparative study of 66 patients, Dodson et al. revie,ved their
becon1e self-conscious of the enlarged nieatus that accon1panies experience and found that the overall recidivism (recurrent
the open cavity. and residual disease) rate with pediatric C\..YU inastoidccton1y
Preserving the canal in niastoidectoiny results in a consid­ was 42% versus 12°/o for CWD 1nastoidecton1y.21 Only 17% of
erably reduced postoperative convalescence and rarely requires patients treated \vith CWU 1nastoidecton1y required conver­
in-office debride1nent. The preservation of the canal wall avoids sion to C\..YD 111astoidecton1y for recidivistic disease (n1ean
restrictions on water exposure and off-ers a greater selection of follow-up of 37.6 n1onths). Despite the difference i n recidi­
hearing aids versus the difficulties of wearing an aid in an open vis1n, the authors continued to support the use of CWU sur­
cavity. Traditionally, hearing outcomes have been considered gery because of the lack of chronic 1nastoid cavity n1anagen1cnt
better in CWU niastoidectomy versus CWD.20 Tndeed, this issues. Hearing results in the two groups were si1nilar. On the
discrepancy may have more to do with the extensive nature of contrary, some authors n1aintain that the higher rates of recid­
disease that results in a CWD procedure, rather than the pres­ ivisn1 \Vith CWU n1astoidecton1y arc an indication that CWD
ence, or lack thereot: of a posterior canal \Vall. Other authors surgery is the prudent option for pediatric cholesteaton1a,
have reported that hearing outcomes are not significantly dif­ C\..YD mastoidectomy does not necessarily assure better recid­
ferent between the two procedures, and that the presence of ivisn1 rates as shown in a study by Shirazi ct al., \vho recently
ossicular erosion is more i1nportant in detern1ining the hear­ reviewed their experience with 106 pediatric cholesteaton1a
ing results.20•21·22 Often, CVvU surgeries are staged, requiring a cases (both acquired and congenital), with a n1ean follow-up of
second-look procedure typically in 6 to 12 n1onths to assess for 6 years. Eight percent of C\..YU rnastoidccton1ies required revi­
disease recurrence and to reconstruct the ossicles. Proponents sion surgery for recurrent or residual disease, whereas 21 % of
of CWD procedures maintain that \vith this approach, second­ CWD n1astoidecton1ies required revision surgery. Interestingly,
look procedures are generally unnecessary. only 28% of the CWD revisions were for recurrent disease, the
Preservation of the canal wal 1 is preferred in our practice. other 72°/o were for stenosis and granulation. Overall, the rates
The decision to ren1ove the wall is 1nost often made during of recurrent disease in CWU versus CWD were 8°/o versus 6%,
surgery, when the extent of the disease is fully appreciated. respectively, and \Vere not statistically significant. Si1nilar to
[ntraoperative findings that n1ay be indications for a CWD other authors, they found that the status of the canal wall had
procedure include labyrinthine fistula, unresectable disease little cftcct on the postoperative hearing results; rather the n1ain
on the facial nerve or stapes footplate, a low-lying tegn1en that deter1ninant of postoperative hearing results i n their study was
li1nits access to the attic, unresectable sinus tyn1pani disease, stapes superstructure erosion.25
and an unreconstructable posterior canal wall defect. Ren1oval As with adults, we strive to preserve the canal \Vall in all
of the canal wall does not in1prove access to the sinus tyn1pani. pediatric cases when possible. The decision to ren1ove the canal
Rarely, our preoperative evaluation niay result in the decision \Vall is prin1arily n1ade during surgery, The intraoperative deci­
to take down the canal wall. Obvious posterior wall erosion, sion to ren1ove the canal occurs 1nost often after discovery of a
larger labyrinthine fistula on CT scan, elderly or infirn1ed sen1icircular canal fistula or significant erosion in the posterior
patients in which second look is unadvisable, and occasionally canal wall. Scutal erosions are reconstructed with cartilage to
with disease in an only hearing ear, are preoperative conditions prevent recurrent retraction. The tyn1panic n1en1branc is rein­
that may warrant a CWD procedure, C\..YD mastoidectomy is forced with cartilage i n all quadrants when severe disease is
always discussed with the patient preoperatively during the encountered. \..Ye have not observed this reinforcement to result
intorn1ed consent process, sbould unexpected findings during in decreased postoperative hearing thresholds. Patients are
surgery necessitate removal of the canal wall. brought back for a second-look procedure and ossicular chain
reconstruction in 12 111onths.
The decision for a second-look procedure is n1ade at the
ti111e of the initial surgery. Careful notation of extent and loca­
Tt is a general perception (but debated) that cholesteatoma is tion of disease i s conducted at the tin1e of the initial proce­
1nore aggressive in the pediatric population. While an i1nina­ dure. Often the second-look procedure (and Ossicular Chain
ture Eustachian tube n1ay facilitate tympanic 1ne1nbrane Reconstruction (OCR)) is via a transcanal middle car explo­
retraction and cholesteaton1a, others have postulated that the ration, as the pri1nary areas of disease recurrence, nan1ely the
increased amount of growth factors in children lead to faster stapcs, facial nerve, and sinus tyn1pani, can be exan1ined \vith
growth rates in cholesteatomas. Additionally, children with this approach. A postauricular approach is indicated if extensive
CSOl'v'f often have better aerated mastoids than adults with dural involven1ent or poor attic exposure is noted on the initial
CSOM and this increased aeration niay facilitate the spread of procedure.
cholesteaton1a through the middle ear and niastoid, and com­ We strongly believe that preservation of the posterior canal
plicate co1nplete removal. Despite these generally accepted \Vall is in1portant in children, whether it is 1naintained intact or

reconstructed. In fact, we prefer to bring a child back for a third

look for residual disease, if there is such a concern, rather than
converting to an open cavity.


Contraindications to perforrning a CWU mastoidectorny include

an unreconstructable posterior canal wall defect, patients in
whon1 proper follow-up is questionable, and unresectable n1atrix
involving the labyrinth, facial nerve, carotid, dura, and sinus
tympani. Active infection and otorrhea are not contraindications
to surgery, but efforts should be n1ade to treat the ear and make it
as dry as possible preoperatively. The rate of postoperative infec­
tion is higher wben an ear is operated while draining.


A.s discussed previously, a thorough history and full head and FIGURE 30-2 • Vascular strip incisions. A, Tympanomastoid suture
line; 8, tympanosquamous suture line; C, medial incision; 0, radial
neck exan1 with binocular otomicroscopy is imperative v.rben
1 nc 1 s1 on.
feasible in the initial evaluation of each patient. In patients who
have failed niedical therapy or with cholesteaton1a, the discus­
sion of surgery is initiated.
CT scans are not obtained routinely in all patients. In the tyn1panosquarnous suture line and then, in a sin1ilar fash­

patients with vertigo, facial palsy, pain, or other sympto111s sug­ ion, just inferior to the tyn1panomastoid suture line. Another
gestive of con1plications, a CT scan is recon1n1ended to fully incision is then n1ade between the 111edial extents of these 2 inci­
delineate the anaton1y and disease. Revision surgery is also an sions, approximately 2 to 3 mm lateral to the bony annulus. A
indication for a CT scan, especially for patients \vhose previous radial incision is 111ade at the bony cartilaginous junction of the
procedure was not performed at our institution. ear canal, perpendicular to the incision at the tympanon1astoid
suture line and extending in feriorJy to the floor of the ear canal.
The advantage of these incisions is that they create a laterally
based skin flap that allows for retraction of 111uch of the meatal
The techniques for the CvVU n1astoidecton1y will be described tissue, thus improving exposure.
below. A thorough description of the tympanoplasty, middle ear The postauricular incision is 111ade from helical rin1
dissection, and ossicular chain reconstruction are addressed in to 111astoid tip, approximately 1 cm posterior to the sulcus
other chapters within this text. (Figure 30-3). Care is taken to avoid making the incision in
the sulcus as this can make closure niore difficult and lead to
unsightly deepening of the sulcus as the scar nlatures. ln young
children, the niastoid tip is not fully developed and the facial
All cases are pertorn1ed under general anesthesia without par­
nerve is located in a more lateral position. It is in1portant to
alytic agents and with continuous facial nerve n1onitoring. The
bring the inferior aspect of the postauricular incision n1ore pos­
tragus and postauricular skin are injected v.1ith l<Vo lidocaine terior to avoid any potential for injury of the facial nerve as it
\Vith epinephrine (l: 100,000) to provide hernostasis and local exits the niastoid.
anesthesia. Vve use dental carpules with the dental syringe for all
Beginning superiorly, the incision is carried down through
local anesthetic injections. This avoids any inadvertent injection
the skin and subcutaneous fat to the layer of loose areolar tissue
of 1uore concentrated epinephrine that is used topically during
overlying the superficial layer of the true temporalis fascia.
surgery. The authors then "prescrub" the ear and the entire side
Within this avascular plane, lateral to the loose areolar tissue,
of the head, including hair, with betadine. The surgical site is
the ear is reflected tor,vard to the EAC.
then prepped and draped in sterile fashion. Preoperative anti­
The layer of loose areolar tissue is harvested for use in tym­
biotics and steroids are used tor every surgery. Additionally,
panoplasty (Figure 30-4). Tn revision cases when th is layer of
400 n1g of ciprofloxacin (IV piggyback) is n1ixed with the saline tissue 1uay be absent, ren1aining scar tissue or true ten1poralis
irrigation (l L) for use on all cases.
fascia can be harvested. Multiple revisions can result in a paucity
of traditional grafting materials. Tn these situations, tragal peri­
chondrium, conchal cartilage perichondriun1, ten1poral bone
The EAC and tyn1panic men1brane are exan1ined, irrigated periosteun1, and vein graft, are all options for tympanoplasty
\Vith saline, and cleaned of debris. The canal skin is injected materials. Alloderm is also a viable option, but rarely used.26
\Vith 1 o/o lidocaine with epinephrine (l: 50,000) in the posterior, A T-shaped incision is 1uade in the mastoid periosteum to
inferior, and superior quadrants. Vascular strip incisions are expose the mastoid cortex (Figure 30-4). Using the electro­
n1ade in the ear canal (Figure 30-2). An incision is made along cautery, a n incision is made along the linea temporalis, to the

Spine of Henle

Linea temporalis Mastoid tip

FIGURE 30-3 • Postauricular incision.

FIGURE 30-5 • Mastoid surface anatomy.

Middle Ear Dissection

The authors prefer to begin with niiddle ear dissection prior
to mastoidecton1y to control n1iddle ear disease and ascertain
the state of the ossicular chain. Ossicular discontinuity and/ or
erosion n1ay allow for ren1oval of the incus and malleus to pro­
tect the stapes and footplate fron1 injury prior to dissection of
the attic.
The tyn1panon1eatal flap is elevated anteriorly and is care­
fully dissected free from the ossicular chain. Any diseased por­
tion of the tympanic n1embrane warrants ren1oval to prevent
graft failure. The exposed niiddle ear is then assessed to ascer­
tain the extent of disease and the status of the ossicles and facial
nerve. Cholesteatoma, if present, is gently dissected fron1 the
niiddle ear to expose the ossicles and facial nerve. The ossicular
FIGURE 30-4 • Facial graft harvest and periosteal incisions.
chain is considered intact until proven other\.vise. When pos­
sible, cholesteaton1a or severe retraction pocket is kept intact

level of the underlying bone. It is important to carry this inci­ to prevent disease recurrence. Ren1oval of part of the scutun1

sion superior to the level of the EAC for adequate exposure to and widening of the bony EAC with the dian1ond drill may

facilitate middle ear and attic dissection. A second periosteal in1prove exposure and facilitate disease reinoval. For extensive

incision is made perpendicular to the linea temporalis and is disease, the cholesteaton1a is internally debulked and resected.

carried down to the mastoid tip. In revision surgery where a Cbolesteatoma or granulation tissue is dissected free fron1 the

prior mastoid defect exists, a C-shaped incision is preferred ossicles, leaving the ossicular chain intact if possible. If preser­

by the authors. After carefully palpating the mastoid defect, vation of the ossicular chain is not possible, separation of the

the incision is carried from anterior extent of the linea tem­ incudostapedial joint is perforn1ed early to prevent injury to the

poralis, to the mastoid tip, avoiding entry into the mastoid stapes or inner ear.

cavity by staying a few n1illi1neters superior and posterior to

the cavity. We feel that the C-shaped incision provides a better Canalplasty
exposure of a previously drilled cavity and prevents inadver­ Often niiddle ear dissection and postoperative follow-up is
tent injury to important underlying structures that may be facilitated by canalplasty, which is perforn1ed at the onset of the
exposed from the prior surgery, such as the sign1oid sinus and procedure. Using a 2-n1111 diamond burr, excess tympanic bone
middle fossa dura. at the tympanomastoid and tympanosquamous suture lines
Using the Lempert elevator, the periosteum is elevated supe­ is ren1oved. If required, the entire EAC can be enlarged, fron1
riorly over the tegmen, posteriorly over the sigmoid sinus, and the 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock position posteriorly. Anterior canal
anteriorly to the level of the EAC meat us, \.Yhere the vascular strip wall bulges rarely require canalplasty, but re111oval niay be done
is identified and reflected posteriorly. Two self-retaining retrac­ when needed to facilitate postoperative follow-up of the anterior
tors are used perpendicular to each other to expose the entire ty111panic men1brane. \.Vithin the posterior-inferior quadrant
mastoid and EAC for remainder of the surgery (Figure 30-5). of the EAC, Adad et al. found the facial nerve to be lateral to

the plane of the annulus in 71°/o of ten1poral bone specimens,

and of these, 73% were also anterior to the posterior edge of the
annulus. The distance fron1 the annulus to the facial nerve in
the posterior-inferior quadrant of the EAC ranges frotn 1.9 111m
to 5.7 m111, showing great variability in the course of the nerve.27
Extren1e care n1ust be taken when drilling i n this quadrant of
the canal as this is the area of the canal where the facial nerve
is at n1ost risk to injury. Often re1noval of this small amount
of bone greatly i1nproves the exposure, ensuring better disease
resection and graft placement.

!vlastoidectomy is conducted with the visualization afforded
FIGURE 30-6 • Drill cuts used in start of mastoidectomy. A, Thin
by the binocular-operating 1nicroscope, a high-speed drill, and
layer of tegmen bone is left over the middle fossa dura, remembering
suction-irrigation. We currently use a high-speed electric drill
that tegmen height is variable depending on mastoid pneumatization.
system. Fluted or cutting burrs are efficient at removing large Cut B, perpendicular to the first and tangential to the external auditory
a1nounts of bone in a s1nall amount of ti1ne but are used \-Vith canal is made from the zygomatic root to the mastoid tip. Cut C, is
caution around i1nportant structures. Dia1nond burrs are very made from the mastoid tip to the sinodural angle.

good at delicate dissection around i1nportant structures, thin­

ning the bone off the sigmoid sinus, tegmen, facial nerve, and
opening the facial recess. During the nu1stoidectomy, larger
becon1e apparent beneath the bone, accompanied by a change in
burrs are used first and the burr size is sequentially decreased
the sound of the burr. Decortication of the sinus or n1iddle fossa
as the areas of dissection get narrower. The largest burr possible
dura is unnecessary unless involved with disease.
should ah-vays be used as it is less likely to inadvertently pene­
vVith the tegn1en, sign1oid sinus, and posterior canal \-Vall
trate an underlying structure and is yet 1nore efficient for bone
identified, the antru1u can now be dissected, following the teg­
re1noval. The surgeon must always be aware of what the back
n1en anteriorly. Koerner's septum, the en1bryologic ren1nant of
of the burr n1ay be touching. 1t is not reco1nmended to drill
the fusion plane bet,-veen the petrous and the squan1ous bones
under a ledge or in recesses in which there is not a view fully
is often encountered next. After penetrating Koerner's septun1,
360 degrees around the burr.
the antrun1 is uncovered and the surgeon can identify the lateral
Effective use of the suction irrigator is in1portant for safe
sen1icircular canal (Figure 30-7). The enchondral bone of the
and effective drilling. The irrigation clears the operative field of
otic capsule bone is 1uore con1pact than the rest of the te1upo­
bone dust and blood and keeps the burr clean. Ample irrigation
ral bone and is easily identified by its sn1ooth and often slightly
is imperative when using dia1nond burrs around the facial nerve
an1ber appearance. In patients with CSOM, the antrun1 n1ay be
to keep the bone cool and avoid ther1nal injury to the nerve.
observed with cholesteaton1a, granulation tissue, or eden1atous
Dia1nond burrs are also effective at controlling bleeding in the
n1ucosa, obscuring the lateral sen1icircular canal and niaking its
bone by driving bone dust into the lu1nen of the small vessels.
identification 1uore difficult.
The next step is attic dissection, '-vhich is performed by fol­
Canal-Wall-Up Mastoidectomy lowing the tegn1en anteriorly and by thinning the canal \-Vall
Initial dissection involves using a 5- or 6-m1n cutting burr and posteriorly and superiorly. Care is taken to avoid drilling a hole
removing bone along the linea te1nporalis to identify the under­ in the bony canal wall. The canal wall is thinned starting lat­
lying teg1nen (Figure 30-6). The surgeon should look for the erally and progressing 1uedially. Rotating the operating bed
e1nergence of a pink hue under the bone as it is thinned over the toward the surgeon affords sin1ulta11eous viewing of the canal
tegmen, accompanied by a change (more "tinny") in the sound and the 1nastoid and aids in preventing injury to the wall dur­
of the burr. The location of the tegmen varies with the anat- ing drilling.
01ny of the individual. Once located, the surface of the tegrnen Drilling out the zygomatic root and opening the attic is
is followed tnedially toward the antru1n. The n1iddle fossa dura often better acco111plished with a 3-n1111 cutting burr and a
is always delineated as it is the superior extent of the dissec­ siualler suction irrigator. The teg111en is carefully followed and
tion. Inadvertent damage to the ossicles and lateral semicircular usually dips inferiorly as the epityn1panum is approached fron1
canal can result if the dura is not delineated properly. posterior to anterior. A smaller dian1ond burr is used for n1ore
After identification of the teg1nen, cortical bone is removed n1edial dissection, if the ossicular chain is intact. The
behind the EAC, keeping the posterior wall of the EAC thin, 3-1un1 dian1ond burr offers better control in this tight area and
but intact. Cortical bone is re111oved inferiorly to the nu1stoid is less likely to skip, as the 3-mm cutting burr can often do in
tip and posteriorly to the sig1noid sinus and sinodural angle. tight areas. The attic air cells are opened completely, fully expos­
Bone removal is continued in these three planes, progressing ing any epityn1panic disease. Granulation and cholesteaton1a
1nedially, and re1noving the cortical bone bet\-veen them. As can now be removed fro1u the canal or attic vantage points.
the bone over the sig1noid sinus is thinned, a bluish hue will The cog is a flat, thin, bony projection fron1 the tegn1en, in the

The second genu is located a fe\>1 millimeters anteron1edial to

Thinned EAC the lateral se1uicircular canal, and is an anaton1ic landn1ark for
localizing the facial nerve.
The authors do not localize the facial nerve in each mas­
toidectom.y, but rather on a disease-specific basis. If after open­
Di g astric
ing the antrun1 and ascertaining the extent of the disease, \>JC
encounter cholesteaton1a filling the inastoid, then \>Je deter1nine
the location of the facial nerve throughout its course to assure
its integrity during the ren1ainder of the surgery. If disease is
I lin1ited to the antrun1, we rarely elect to uncover the vertical
segn1ent of the facial nerve to deter1nine its location. In these
situations, the s1nall benefit obtained in precisely localizing the
nerve is offset by the potential harn1 that can be done to the
nerve by drill traun1a.

Middle fossa
Sigmoid sinus
tegmen Acute Mastoiditis
The goal of n1astoidecton1y for acute, coalescent mastoiditis is
the simple evacuation of pus from the n1astoid, rather than a
FIGURE 30-7 Complete mastoidectomy in cholesteatoma
con1plete anaton1ical n1astoid dissection, which would be dif­

dissection. Asterisk indicates lateral semicircular canal.

ficult given the inflan1n1ation, granulation tissue, and bleeding
that are encountered. The ren1oval of the cortical 1nastoid bone
begins using a large cutting burr and proceeds as described
parasagittal plane, that appears to have a seinicircle cut out of
above until pus is encountered in the coalescent n1astoid cavity.
the inferior border. Located directly superior to the cochleari­
The coalescent cavity is often only several n1illi1neters under the
forn1 process, with the tensor tyn1pani tendon it creates a small,
surface of the n1astoid cortex. This cavity is widely opened and
roughly round aperture that opens into the anterior epityn1pa­
the pus is entirely evacuated fron1 the iuastoid. Copious irri­
nu1n. If it is not specifically identified and ren1oved, significant
gation \>Jith antibiotic-containing saline is done to rnaxin1ally
disease 1nay be left in the anterior attic, which is one of the 1nost
\>Jash out the purulent iuaterial.
comn1on locations of residual disease. If disease extends into the
n1astoid tip, the tip can be easily drilled out with a large cutting
Facial Recess
burr. In n1ost cases, cbolesteatoma or chronic infection does not
extensively involve the tip. It is our practice to not remove the The facial recess approach (posterior ty1npanoton1y) is not
n1astoid tip air cell systern unless disease dictates its necessity. required in all CWU mastoidecton1y cases; rather it is e1uployed
Preserving facial nerve function is paramount in ear sur­ only when dictated by the location of the disease. The facial
gery. The surgeon must be cognizant of its general location recess is a triangular-shaped area bordered by the facial nerve
\>Jithin the surgical field at all times. As the nerve travels distally posteriorly, the incus buttress superiorly, and chorda tyn1pani
from the geniculate ganglion, it passes superior to the cochle­ nerve anterolaterally (Figure 30-8). Access to the 1nesotyn1pa­
ariform process and oval window. Posterior to the oval window, nun1 can be gained by ren1oving the bone in the facial recess.
the nerve turns inferiorly to take on a n1ore vertical course; this For additional exposure, the facial recess can be extended
area is often referred to as the second genu of the facial nerve. inferiorly by sacrificing the chorda tyinpani nerve. The entire



Facial nerve
FIGURE 30-8 • Facial recess (dashed line) Short process
of the incus helps identify the facial recess.

111esotyn1panum and hypotympanun1 can usually be accessed defined capsule to loose squa1nous debris without any visible
through the niastoid by the extended facial recess approach capsule. To 1ninimize the risk of leaving residual disease, the
(Figure 30-9). matrix should be resected as cotnpletely as possible, elevating
Prior to opening the facial recess, it is in1portant to thin it as an intact sheet if at all possible. The sac is usually not uni­
the posterior canal wall, if not previously acco1nplished. formly adherent to the underlying nlucosa or bone; rather, it is
Identification of the facial nerve is in1perative to niini1nize the often in loose contact and fixed only inter1nittently by 1nuco­
risk of injury, should the nerve take an aberrant course. The lat­ sal adhesions. The strategy for re1noval becomes a search for
eral sen1icircular canal lies just superior to the facial nerve as it the adhesions, lysis of each adhesion, and then resu1nption of
completes its transition to the vertical seg1nent. The short pro­ elevation of the matrix until the next adhesion is encountered.
cess of the incus points to the facial recess. The digastric ridge is Lysis of an adhesion or removal of cholesteato1na extending into
another anatomi.c landtnark for the facial nerve. recesses or air cells may so1neti1nes require expanding the surgi­
Removing the bone over the facial nerve is best accon1- cal exposure or drilling out the focal air cells involved.
plished v,rith a large dia1nond burr and copious irrigation. The A s1nall dimple or flattening in the 1natrix covering the bone
burr strokes are always parallel to the course of the nerve. Using over the lateral semicircular canal may belie a fistula. Suspicious
long, gentle strokes, the facial nerve is gently uncovered until areas can be palpated gently with a blunt instrument to ascer­
it is observed through a thin layer of bone. Sn1all vessels that tain if there is erosion of the bony labyrinth. Even if a small
accon1pany the nerve often bleed during this dissection, and are dimple is not seen in the matrix, meticulous dissection of the
easily controlled with epinephrine-soaked Gelfoan11"• (Pfizer matrix from the otic capsule bone in this area is warranted to
Tnc.) or bipolar cautery. avoid inadvertently uncovering a previously w1detected fistula.
After identifying the facial nerve, the chorda tympani nerve Fistulae of the lateral semicircular canal can be classified gener­
is identified in similar fashion as it branches off the vertical ally as small (s1naller than 21nm in dian1eter) and large (greater
segment of the facial nerve, and is traced superiorly toward the than 2 min in dian1eter). Because erosion of the otic capsule
incus. With all borders of the facial recess delineated, the recess bone occurs in a saucerized 1nanner, fistulae smaller than 2nun
is opened with a 2-nim dian1ond burr, starting superiorly where are unlikely to involve the endosteal membrane of the se1nicir­
the recess is \videst. Care is taken to preserve a small piece of cular canal and likely have not compromised the endolymphatic
bone just inferior to the incus to protect it fron1 the drill. \A/ith compart1nent. If a large fistula is suspected during surgery, leav­
gentle ren1oval of bone in an anteron1edial direction, the recess ing the matrix intact and converting to a CVVD procedure is
\Viii be opened exposing the niiddle ear. recotnmended. Alternatively, if the suspected fistula is small,
The extended facial recess approach involves sharply sec­ the offending matrix can be left intact and revisited in a secDnd­
tioning the chorda tympani nerve as it branches off the tacial look procedure 12months later. At that time, with a 1nore sterile
nerve trunk and extending the recess ear inferiorly along the environment, 1natrix ren1oval 1nay be attempted.
course of the facial nerve. The lateral boundary of the exposure Smaller fistulae (or inadvertently uncovered fistulae) 1nay
becon1es the annulus of the tympanic nien1brane. be repaired at the initial procedure by covering the fistula with
fascia or perichondrium. Antibiotics and corticosteroids are
Dissection of Cholesteatoma recom1nended for patients with suspected or confirmed fistu­
lae. It should be noted that in patients with suspected fistula,
Before dissecting the cholesteatoma sac fron1 the mastoid bone,
the planned ren1oval of 111atrix and repair of fistula should be
the sac should be opened and its contents should be evacuated,
deferred until the end of the procedure, whenever possible,
leaving the matrix in place. The consistency of cholesteaton1a
after the re1noval of infection and cholesteato1na has been
1natrix is quite variable, ranging from a relatively thick and well
co1npleted. Addressing a fistula \Vith repair early in the proce­
dure is usually not advisable, as subsequent drilling, irrigation,
and disease re1noval necessary to con1plete the procedure risks
further contam.ination of and da1nage to the n1embranous lab­
yrinth. Significant morbidity n1ay be reduced fro111 inadver­
tently uncovering a fistula if it is recognized and addressed
quickly. Often the patient will experience transient postoper­
ative vertigo, but pron1pt initial action n1ay lin1it any SNHL.


Upon con1plete ren1oval of disease, the ear canal and 111astoid

cavity are irrigated extensively with antibiotic-containing saline
Facial nerve solution t o ren1ove any bone dust and ren1aining squa1nous
debris. The 1niddle ear and mastoid are te1nporarily packed with
epinephrine-soaked Gelfoa111 for hemostasis.
Cartilage grafting is routinely used in patients v»itl1 CS01Y1.
FIGURE 30-9 • Inferior extended facial recess. Asterisks indicate Tragal cartilage is harvested and its perichondriun1 is re1noved.
sacrificed chorda tympani nerves. Under the tnicroscope, the cartilage is thinned v»ith a scalpel.

To repair a scutal defect, the perichondrium is dissected from SURGICAL EXPOSURE

the cartilage, but left attached at one edge. This perichondrium
The surgical exposure should be sufficiently developed to
is used to anchor the cartilage graft to the remaining posterior
adequately re1nove disease and to identify the irnportant ana­
canal wall. The perichondriun1 is laid against the canal wall lat­
tornic structures that should b e preserved intact. Errors rnay
eral to the defect, securing the attached cartilage to the area to
occur when exposure is lirnited and the surgeon may beco1ne
be reconstructed. In addition to the standard cartilage grafting
unknowingly disoriented. To prevent such problems, positive
of the posterior-superior quadrant of the tympan ic membrane,
identification of in1portant landn1arks, such as the tegmen, lat­
other areas of the tyn1panic men1brane may be supported by
eral sernicircular canal, facial nerve, cochleariforrn process, ossi­
cartilage as well.
cles, etc., should be made and the surgeon should very frequently
The epinephrine-soaked Gelfoam i.s ren1oved and the
make a conscious visual sweep of the exposure to note the loca­
n1iddle ear is packed with saline-soaked Gelfoam. Multiple
tion of these landrnarks in order to maintain orientation.
thinned cartilage grafts are placed in a patchwork array over
the Gelfoan1-packed niiddle ear to support the fascia graft. The
scutun1 is reconstructed, if required. The fascia graft is placed BLEEDING
n1edial to the tympanomeatal flap, lateral to the ossicular chain,
Bleeding is not often a problem in 1nastoidectomy unless a
and lateral to any car tilage grafts. Ossicular reconstruction is
significant injury to the dural sinuses or jugular bulb occurs.
conducted if necessary, or left for the second-look procedure.
Rather, the small arnount of bleeding that occurs during mas­
The tyn1panon1eatal flap is reflected pos teriorl y to cover the
toidectomy tends to cause difficulty by obscuring the field of
fascia graft. Any previously elevated canal skin is placed back
dissection, leading to a greater risk of injury to underlying
to its natural position. Gelfoan1 is placed lateral to the tyn1pa­
structures. Bleeding should be controlled to the n1aximum
non1eatal flap to secure its position.
extent possible. It is better to stop the procedure and pack the
The self·retaining retractors are ren1oved and the vascular
ear '"ith GelfoamTM soaked in epinephrine for a few minutes
strip skin flap is unfurled and placed back into the ear canal.
and then resun1e rather than to persist operating in a blood­
A nasal speculum is placed in the external auditory meatus to
obscured field.
provide a view of the vascular strip and confirn1 proper place ­
Small injuries to the sigrnoid sinus can result in copious
n1ent. Long strips of Gelfoan1 are placed over the vascular strip
bleeding. Often, bipolar cautery can control these small inju­
incisions and the ear canal is filled with antibiotic ointment. The
ries. For more sizeable injuries, steps rnust be taken to prevent
postauricular incision is closed in two layers. The periosteun1 is
an air ernbolus frorn developing through the tear in the sinus.
closed with 3-0 Vicryl sutures and the skin is closed with sub­
In such instances, gently place a finger over the tear in the sinus
cuticular 4-0 Vicryl sutures. The incision is covered in antibiotic
to prevent further bleeding and to prevent air from entering the
ointn1ent and a Glasscock ear dressingT"' (Oto111ed) is applied.
sinus. vVith your finger in place, have the patient rotated toward
you and placed in a head down position. Once in this position,
POSTOPERATIVE CARE the injury to the sinus is repaired. Gelfoam can be placed over
the point of injury, covered with a small cotton pledget or cot­
Patients are sent home the day of surgery with antibiotics and
ton ball, and held in place with gentle pressure. Surgery can
pain medicine. The Glasscock ear dressing is reinoved the day
then continue, leaving the Gelfoa111 in place. Cotton must be
after surgery. Patients are asked to keep a clean cotton ball in their
removed prior to closure to avoid delayed granulation reaction
ear, and replace it as necessary until their next follow-up appoint­
and possible infection.
n1ent. Water precautions are maintained for 6 weeks. Patients
S1nall bleeding vessels emanating from the rnastoid bone are
return tor their first postoperative visit in 3 weeks. The patient is
easily controlled with a diamond burr. Larger vessels encoun­
exan1ined tor infection, granulation tissue, and polyps. Packing
tered can be addressed with the bipolar cautery or bone '"ax.
n1ay be gently removed. Antibiotic/ steroid ear drops 1nay be uti­
Slow generalized oozing from the cavity is easily managed '"ith
lized. The second postoperative visit ranges froiu 2 vveeks to 6-8
epinephrine-soaked Gelfoam.
'"eeks, depending of the appearance of the ear at the first post­
Postauricular hematomas tnay result frorn uncontrolled
operative visit. At this appointn1ent, the ear canal and tyn1panic
bleeding that is generated as the patient coughs or strains dur­
n1en1brane are examined, and an audiogran1 is obtained.
ing the postoperative period. These are generally managed '"ith
direct pressure and a compressive mastoid dressing. 'fhe deep
branch of the superficial temporal artery rnay be injured with
!Ylost complications in mastoid surgery occur as a result of the opening incision of the periosteum over the temporal line
inadequate surgical exposure, granulations or bleeding obscur­ superior to the EAC and in rare cases can cause a delayed hema­
ing the surgical field, or the failure to recognize anatomic toma. Careful cautery of the anterior extent of the periosteal
variations. Most con1plications can be avoided by actively antic­ incision will usually avert such bleeding.
ipating con1plications at all tin1es and taking appropriate steps
to avoid them as possible. Surgeons n1ust fan1 iliarize then1selves
with anatomic variants and proceed with the expectation of
encountering such variants at any time. Despite such efforts, Granulation tissue presents a particularly difficult challenge as
con1plications may still occur in even the most experienced of it !nay be extrernely adherent to important underlying struc­
surgical hands. tures, such as the facial nerve, dura, or ossicles. H.ernoval of

granulation tissue fron1 these structures should be done parallel ultimately heal across an anastan1osis, it is generally recon1-
and tangential to the structure to niinin1ize the risk of avulsion. n1ended to preserve any ren1aining intact fascicles. Son1e sur­
Facial monitoring has shown that traction along the direction geons have argued that \vhen greater than SOo/o of the nerve is
of the facial nerve is niucb better tolerated than that in a per­ transected, superior resul.ts in facial function will be obtained
pendicular direction. Occasionally, granulation tissue is densely by resecting the injured segment and grafting the nerve.28 Most
adherent to and indistinguishable fron1 an inflan1ed, dehiscent surgeons, ho\vever, have found better outcon1es with preserv­
facial nerve or dura and it is best to trim such granulations, leav­ ing any ren1aining fascicles, unless there is truly a near com­
ing then1. in place rather than risk injury by complete removal. plete transection.29 Tn the unusual case of iatrogenic injury, we
Residual granulation tissue usually resolves \vith the ren1oval of carefully assess the injury and try to preserve the intact portion
cbolesteaton1a or other etiology of the in flan1n1ation. of the nerve. Rarely is the nerve con1pletely transected. In our
opinion, leaving this portion intact and repairing the injured
portion of the nerve is preferable. If a subtotal transection of
the nerve is discovered, we prefer to decon1press the nerve prox­
Facial nerve injury is perhaps the most significant con1plication in1ally and distally and assess the injury. lf there is sufficient tis­
that can arise fron1 otologic surgery. Facial nerve n1onitoring sue, we attempt to bring the injured areas of the nerve together,
is used for all otologic cases at our institution (except n1yrin­ without tension, using 9-0 nylon suture; we serially assess facial
gotomy witb tube insertion), but is not a substitute for kno,vl­ nerve function over the next 6 to 12 nionths. Tf a full transaction
edge of facial nerve anaton1y. In i tial assessn1ent for facial nerve of the nerve is recognized during surgery, prin1ary reanastamo­
function postoperatively should be done in the operating roon1. sis is attempted. When there is tissue missing, cable (i nterposi­
During the reversal of anesthesia, flaring of the nasal ala is usu­ tional) nerve grafting is employed, using the greater auricular
ally the first facial nioven1ent to recover and a more con1plete nerve or sura] nerve.
evaluation of function can be done once the patient has gained When no injury to the nerve is discerned during surgery
full consciousness in the post anesthesia care unit. but facial paralysis is encountered in the in1mediate postop­
Tfinjury to the nerve is recognized during surgery, the bone erative period, it is prudent to wait and reassess facial func­
proxin1al and distal to the injured area is ren1oved with a dia­ tion over the next 4 h. Ten1porary facial nerve paralysis can
n1ond burr to prevent nerve con1pression from the postinjury result from use of local anesthetic at the beginning of the case.
eden1a that is likely to occur. Proper nianagement of a partially If paralysis persists after 4 h, surgical exploration is warranted.
transected nerve is debated. Since only a n1inority of axons \Vil! In the operating roon1, the facial nerve is inspected from the

TABLE 30-1 Management of iatrogenic facial nerve injury

lntraoperative recognized facial nerve injury

Minimal injury Decompress fallopian canal proximal and distal to site

Partial transaction Preserve remaining fascicles, anastamosis of

separated fascicles, decompress fallopian canal
proximal and distal to site

Complete transaction Attempt primary anastamosis without tension, cable graft if


Postoperative recognition of facial weakness, early

Immediate postoperative Reassess after 4 h to allow for injected

anesthetic to wear off

Mild paresis Observe. Steroids. Surgery if progresses rapidly to severe

paresis or paralysis.

Severe paresis or paralysis Return to operating room for exploration and repair

Postoperative recognition of facial weakness, delayed (more than 8 h postoperative)

Mild paresis Observe. Steroids (antivirals if 2-10 days postoperative)

Severe paresis or paralysis Observe. Steroids (antivirals if 2-10 days postoperative).

Surgery rarely indicated. Prognosis for complete spontaneous
recovery may be reduced if there is absence of volitional
activity on EMG and > 90% loss of ENoG amplitude compared
to normal slide31

EMG, electromyography; ENoG, electroneuronography.


geniculate ganglion to the stylon1astoid foran1en. Areas that are fibrinogen glue. This repair is generally more than adequate
suspicious for potential injury are decompressed as described to stop any srnall spinal fluid leak. If cholesteatoma is present,
above. Postoperatively, patients are treated with corticosteroids. meticulous care is needed to avoid cranialization of any cho­
Delayed (2 to 10 days postoperatively) facial paralysis is nian­ lesteatoma debris. If a small herniation of brain is encountered
aged with steroids, antibiotics, and antiviral are considered. (less than 5 nun), gentle bipolar cautery of the tissue will result
Antivirals sucb as fan1cyclovir, which has better blood-brain in its retraction back intracranially, and the defect is repaired
barrier penetration than acyclovir, may be effective if started as described above. Larger herniations of brain (greater than
within 72 hours of the onset of weakness (see Table 30-1). 5 mm) are often unable to be repaired effectively during the
Latent viral activation is known to occur with neurosurgical initial mastoidecton1y. If a large brain hernia is encountered
procedures and n1ay be one cause of delayed facial weakness that cannot b e effectively repaired as described above, a second
in otologic surgery. Delayed paralysis rarely, if ever, requires procedure will b e needed shortly after the initial n1astoidec­
surgery.30 tomy to repair the defect employing a tniddle fossa craniot­
on1y approach, often with the assistance of a neurosurgeon.

SENSORINEURAL HEARING A plan11ed second procedure allows ti1ne for proper inforn1ed

LOSS AND VERTIGO consent to occur for the n1ore invasive procedure. Delayed
meningoencephaloceles, with or without spinal fluid leak, may
SNHL after surgery can be attributed to trauma to an intact occur if the dura is injured intraoperatively, even when unrec­
ossicular chain from 1niddle ear dissection or frorn contact­ ognized during the surgery. The 1nost common causes of iat­
ing the ossicular chain with the drill. Drill-related injuries rogenic dural injury are laceration with a cutting burr and use
often result in high-frequency losses. SNHL, witb or with­ of monopolar cautery on the dura, even with the lowest possi­
out vertigo, may result fron1 che1nical labyrinthine injury. ble settings. These problerns can be minimized by the use of
Serous labyrinthitis can occur if inflamn1atory cells or blood careful drilling along the tegrnen, use of a diarnond drill '"'hen
enter the perilyn1ph following direct penetration of the oval appropriate, and exclusive use of bipolar cautery on exposed
'"'indow, round '"'indow, or labyrinthine fistula. Although not dura or brain tissue.
infectious, these coinponents can disrupt the delicate homeo­
stasis of the perilymph/endoly1nph relationship and can lead
to SNHL and vertigo. SNHL may occur witb a se.micircular
canal fistula, even if treated appropriately, especially if pus is CSOM is a destructive disease that typically requires surgi­
encountered. Serous labyrintbitis often responds promptly to cal intervention to achieve its eradication. Cholesteaton1a rnay
early corticosteroid treatn1ent. For these reasons, in part, all accon1pany CSOM and is a definite indication for surgery.
patients in our practice are treated preoperatively with corti­ Astute otologists should b e keenly aware of the characteris­
costeroids. If an oval v.rindow, round window, or labyrinthine tics of this disease process and its associated con1plications. As
defect is encountered intraoperatively, corticosteroids are con­ intlan1n1ation, bleeding, and disease cornplicate surgery, thor­
tinued postoperatively. ough knowledge of the n1aStoid anatomy is essential in safely
Suppurative labyrinthitis can occur when pus and/or bacte­ perforrning any mastoid surgery. Both CSOM and cholestea­
ria gain access to the inner ear. Although more con1monly asso­ toma can be effectively controlled with tympanoplasty and
ciated with untreated, chronically infected ears, this niay occur n1astoidectomy. Surgical intervention should be tailored to each
'"'hen operating in the setting of acute or chronic mastoiditis individual patient. In our practice, CWU mastoidectomy offers
and, in addition to SNHL and vertigo, may result in postopera­ n1any advantages over C\11/D n1astoidectomy and is our proce­
tive fevers. Due to the infectious nature of this process, patients dure of choice.
need to be placed on i111n1ediate antibiotics to prevent the spread
of infection to the intracranial co1npartn1ent. References
l. Kemble J. Hero-Durst. London: Methuen; 1936.
2. Petit JL. Traite' des nlaladies chirurgicales. Paris:l774.

Postoperative infection can be detrimental to the success of the 3. Balance CA. Essays on the survey of the teiuporal bone. London:
operation and increase patient niorbidity. Every atte1npt n1ust Mac1nillan; 1919.

be niade to avoid infection. In our practice, preoperative anti­ 4. \·Vilde \/\f. Practical observations on aural surgery and the nature
biotics are always used, as well as antibiotic-containing saline of the ear. Dublin: Maclachlan; 1853.

irrigation (described earlier). The ear canal is also filled with 5. Sch\¥artze HH, Eysell CG. Ueber die kunstliche eroffnung des
BactrobanTM ointn1ent to secure the flaps. We recon1mend anti­ \varzenfortsatzes. Arch Ohrenheilkd 1873;7: 157.

biotics for 5 to 7 days postoperatively. 6. Zaulfal E. Technik der trepanationdes proc. n1astoid. nacb
kuster'schen grundsatzen. Arch Ohrenheilkd 1893;30:291.

7. \•Valdn1anEH,Lus1igLR. SirCharlesAlfred Ballance: contributions

10 otology and neurotology. Oto! Neurolol 2005;26:1073-82.
Exposure of the dura during 1nastoidectomy is comn1on and is 8. Krampe C. Zeiss operating 111icroscopes for neurosurgery.
rarely a probleiu, even when large areas are uncovered. Adural Neurosurg Rev 1984;7{2-3 ):89-97.
tear with spinal fluid leak is repaired using a layered technique 9. Jansen C. Radikaloperation and typanplastik. Sitz Per Fortbild
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10. MeyerhoffWL, Paprella MM, Ki111 CS. Pathology of chronic otitis 21. Dodson EE, Hashisaki GT, Hobgood TC, et al. Intact canal \<Vall
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11. Da Costa SS, Paparella MM, Schacbern PA, et al. Te111poral bone dren. Laryngoscope 1998;108(7):977-83.

histopathology in chronically infected ears \Vith intact and per­ 22. Toner JG, S111yth GD. Surgical treat111ent of cholesteato111a: A
forated ty111panic 111e111branes. Laryngoscope 1992;102:1229-36. con1parison of three teclu1iques. Atn JOtol 1990;11(4):247-9.

12. Schuknecht H. Pathology of the ear. 1st ed. Can1bridge, MA: 23. BuijiaJ, Holly A, Antol-candela F, et al. In1111unobiological pecu­
Harvard University Press; 1974. liarities of cholesteaton1a in children: Quantification of epithelial

13. Palva T, Pekka K, Pala A, et al. Middle ear n1ucosa and chronic proliferation byMIB 1. Laryngoscope 1996;106(7):865-8.
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Laryngoscope 1982;92:390-6. age1nent of Bell's palsy. Laryngoscope 1999;109(8): 1177-88.
Open Cavity Mastoid Operations

John F. Kveton, MD, FACS

Open cavity procedures can be broadly defined as those requir­ tyn1panic men1brane and ossicles or scraping of the iniddle ear
ing the re1noval of the posterior wall of the external auditory niucosa in an atten1pt to dose the Eustachian tube. Hearing,
canal. These procedures are identified by many naines-canal­ however, was at tin1es quite good in patients '"'ho presented \.Yith
'"'all-down mastoidccton1y, modified radical n1astoidecto1ny, cholesteatoma confined to the attic in which the pars tensa of
radical inastoidecto1ny, and the Bondy n1astoidectomy­ the tyn1panic 111e1nbrane '"'as intact. Korner6 recognized this
dcpending on how the middle car and the disease are managed. situation in 1899 and suggested that the tympanic n1embrane
The purpose of open cavity procedures is to exteriorize the nlaS­ and ossicles could be left in place during radical operations in
toid cavity for future monitoring of recurrent cholestcatoma, certain cases of chronic otitis. In 1910, Bondy7 described the
provide drainage for unresectable temporal bone infection, and, indications and technique for a inodification of the radical
occasionally, provide exposure for difficult-to-access areas of operation in cases involving a pars flaccida perforation with an
the ten1poral bone. intact pars tensa. In this technique, the superior osseous n1eatal
wall and a portion of the posterior osseous nieatal wall were
ren1oved without disturbing the intact ty1npa1uc men1brane
(except for the attic perforation), ossicles, or tyn1panic cavity.
In 1873, Von Troltsch' was the first surgeon to suggest that Tills technique thus exteriorized the attic and antral cholestea­
Schwar tze's2 si1nple inastoidecton1y technique needed to be n1od­ ton1a into a permanently open "1nodified radical" cavity that
ified to reduce persistent otorrhca after initial surgery. He had could be cleaned through the external 111eatus 1Nithout further
observed that ren1nants of cholesteaton1a in the attic, antru1n, or destroying hearing.
inastoid process would invariably result in chronic drainage. Von Despite the clear indications that Bondy set forth, this n1od­
Bergn1ann3 applied the tern1 "radical" to any case in which the ification of the radical inastoid operation was slow to beco1ne
posterior a11d superior bony canal walls were removed to develop accepted into practice. In fact, as late as 1929, the Bondy modi­
an open cavity. In 1890, Zaufal4 described in detail the technique fication was not even mentioned in a standard text of otologic
of the radical inastoidecto1ny to eradicate disease in the n1iddle surgery.$ The overriding concern of otologic surgeons contin­
ear and n1astoid. This operation converted the attic, antrun1, ued to focus on the prevention of intracranial complications of
inastoid process, tyn1panu1n, and external auditory canal into a chronic otorrhea, regardless of the effect on hearing. The pur­
conunon "radical cavity" that could be inspected and cleaned for pose of surgery '"'as to produce a safe and hopefully dry ear, with
the rest of the patient's life. Access to these areas involved in cho­ little regard for a functioning ear.
lesteaton1a would therefore prevent recurre11ce of bone-invading, Concern for preservation or improvement of hearing,
life-threatening cholesteaton1a. One year later, Stacke5 described in addition to the prevention of con1plications fro1n chro1uc
the addition of a plastic n1eatal skin flap, and the radical opera­ otorrhea, began to evolve after the introduction of Len1pert's
tion was referred to as the Zaufal or Stacke operation. one-stage fenestration operation in 1938.9 The early advocates
The effect of the radical operation on hearing was 1ninin1al of the Bondy inodified operation soon were joined by otologic
in inost cases in which it was e111ployed. Initial severe necrotic surgeons in the United States and abroad. The Bondy procedure
otitis acquired in childhood had already destroyed much of the rapidly evolved as the preferred niethod for the 1nanage1nent of
tyn1panic 1ne111brane, ossicles, and middle ear 1nucosa, allow­ chronic otorrhea with cholesteato1na rather than the classic rad­
ing stratified squa1nous epithelium to extend fro1n the external ical operation, as noted by Baron in 1944.10 The introduction of
ineatus into the tyinpanun1, attic, antru1n, and n1aStoid pro­ tyn1panoplastic techniques by Zollner" and Wullstein,12 in the
cess as healing had occurred. Hearing was poor in these cases early 1950s, directed attention to reconstruction of the sound­
and so was not made worse by ren1oval of the re1nnants of the conducting apparatus of the niiddle ear, further altering the


philosophy regarding radical destructive procedures. Successful with a large ty1npanic me1nbrane perforation associated with
tyn1panoplasty required features such as an open, functioning ossicular destruction and cholesteatoma, the Eustachian tube
Eustachian tube, norn1al middle ear niucosa, and portions of should not be obliterated, the 1niddle ear 1nucosa should not
norn1al tyn1panic men1brane and ossicles, present in niany be stripped, and the ossicular and ty1npanic mernbrane re1n­
ears undergoing radical procedures. By contrast, the radical nants should not be removed, as in the case of the classic radical
operation attempted to close the Eustachian tube and ren1ove mastoidectorny, because these structures can be used in future
all remnants of the tyn1panic membrane, middle ear mucosa, tympanoplasty. The middle ear space should therefore be sealed
and ossicles, elin1inating any possibility of reconstruction. except when access to the 1nesotympanu1n is needed. Thus,
The introduction of tyn1panoplastic techniques, therefore, was indications for the classic radical inast oidecto1ny are limited to
responsible for the en1ergence of the modified radical mastoid­ the following w1usual situations:
ecton1y procedure.
Refinen1ents in the modified radical mastoidecton1y tech­ 1. Unresectable cholesteato1na extending down the Eustachian

nique developed because of the drawbacks in the Bondy pro­ tube or into the petrous apex

cedure. Recurrent or persistent aural discharge often occurred 2. Prornontory cochlear fistula caused by cholesteato1na

because of incoinplete re1noval of infected mastoid air cells. 3. Chronic perilabyrinthine osteitis or cholesteatoma that cannot

Allowing the cholesteaton1a niatrix to re1nain in the attic fre­ be removed and must be cleaned or inspected periodically

quently led to continued bone erosion and granulation tissue 4. Resection of ten1poral bone neoplas1ns with periodic

forn1ation by the osteolytic enzyn1es produced by the 1natrix. monitoring

Squa.1nous debris accumulation, often resulting in recurrent

infect.ion, occurred because of inco1nplete tip cell ren1oval and
high facial ridge. These proble1ns resulted in the Bondy proce­
dure losing favor as the preferred open cavity technique.
The description of the intact canal wall tyn1panomastoidec­ lviodified radical n1astoidecton1y is an effective n1ethod to 1nan­ for removal of cholesteato111a by Jansen13 in 1958 placed age cholesteaton1a in a single-stage approach. Because there are
further elnphasis on the status of the 1niddle ear in the surgi­ potential disadvantages to the procedure, the author prefers to
cal managen1ent of cholesteaton1a. Using a postauricular inci­ n1anage cholesteaton1a with the staged intact canal wall technique
sion, the niastoid air cells are exenterated and the facial recess whenever possible. If successful, this technique elin1inates the
is opened to access the niiddle ear. This approach provides need for periodic cleaning, avoids the caloric vertigo effect with
in1proved exposure of the anterior epityn1panum and the \.vhole water exposure, and provides the possibility of i1nproved hearing.
1nesotyn1panun1 while allowing ty1npanic membrane recon­ As described in Chapter 30, the intact canal wall technique is per­
struction. Theoretically, maintenance of an aerated middle ear forrned in two stages. The first operation is perfor111ed to ren1ove
\.Vith a nor1nal external auditory canal and tyn1panic nien1brane all cholesteato111a and repair the tympanic nlembrane. Six inonths
should result in in1proved postoperative hearing. Hearing res­ later, the second operation is perforn1ed to inspect the 111astoid
toration has not been consistent using this technique, under­ and nliddle ear for residual or recurrent cholesteato1na and to
scoring the importance of a functional Eustachian tube and i1nprove hearing by ossicular reconstruction. Since the canal­
the dilen1111a associated with diagnosing a functional middle wall-up technique is technically more de1nanding, the 111odified
ear. The emphasis on Eustachian tube function pron1pted by radical 1nastoidecton1y is recon1111ended for the occasional oto­
the intact canal wall niastoidectomy aided in the evolution of logic surgeon when confronted with a cholesteato1na extending
the n1odi fied radical 1nastoidecton1y fron1 the Bondy procedure into the attic, antrun1, or nlastoid process. The n1odified radi­
to the co111plete with tyn1panoplasty. Through cal nlastoidectomy should also be selected for patients who are
a postauricular approach, all mastoid air cells are exenterated, unwilling to sub1nit to the two-stage approach or are in circun1-
the facial nerve is identified, and the facial ridge is taken down stances for which the second procedure would be i1npractical.
to the level of the fallopian canal. Ty1npanoplasty is performed The diagnosis of cholesteato1na in cases of chronic otor­
and a large meatoplasty is created. A dry, self-cleaning niastoid rhea deserves brief 1nention. Most cholesteatomas are associated
cavity can b e 1naintained in 95cvo of cases if strict attention to with a pars flaccida or a 1narginal tympanic men1brane perfo­
these techniques is paid.14•15 Epithelial pearls occur in 5 to 6o/o ration or retraction, in which stratified squa111ous epitheliu111
of cases and can usually be treated by in-office reinoval without extends into the attic. Rarely, a central perforation with nlucoid
anesthesia. Hearing results often are unchanged fron1 preoper­ discharge is associated with cholesteaton1a in the nliddle ear
ative levels.10 The details of this technique will be described in and attic. An attic or pars flaccida perforation (actually an
greater detail in this chapter. invagination) always n1eans a cholesteato1na. Noninfected cho­
lesteaton1a debris 111ay be present behind a dry attic perforation.
Granulation tissue or a polyp protruding fro1n an attic perfora­
tion indicates an infected cholesteato111a in the attic region.
The size of the attic defect bears little relation to the
Antibiotic therapy, ventilating tube place111ent, and early identi­ extent of the cholesteato1na in the attic, antrun1, or nlastoid.
fication of ear disease have reduced the incidence of secondary Preoperatively, the extent of the cholesteato1na can best be
acquired cholesteatomas extensive enough to require treatn1ent estin1ated by in1aging studies. Noncontrast con1puted ton1og­
by a radical 1nastoidecton1y. Even in the few remaining cases raphy (CT) of the temporal bone provides excellent definition

of erosion of vital structures including the sen1i.circular canals, with coalescent mastoiditis, persistent secretory otitis media, or
cochlea, fallopian canal, dural plates, and sign1oid sinus. The chronic allergic otitis 1nedia. Tuberculous otitis media should be
diagnosis of attic cholesteaton1a is made by noting erosion of the treated primarily with chemotherapy, with surgical intervention
scutum with soft tissue accun1ulation in the attic on CT scan. reserved for persistent drainage. Relative contraindications for
Surgical planning is enhanced by identifying the degree of mas­ open cavity procedures include wide exposure of the sigtnoid
toid sclerosis and involven1ent of vital structures.­ sinus, dura, and the facial nerve caused by aggressive disease.
enhanced n1agnetic resonance in1aging (MRJ) may be used as
an adjunct to CT to better define pathologic situations. Tn cases TECHNIQUE OF RADICAL
of extensive tegn1en plate erosion on CT, N1RT \viii den1onstrate MASTOIDECTOMY AND BONDY
the presence of meningoencephalocele, dural inflan1n1ation, or MODIFIED RADICAL MASTOIDECTOMY
intracranial intection. Sigmoid sinus thron1bosis, suspected in
cases of erosion of the posterior fossa dural plate and sigrnoid The techniques of the radical 1nastoidecton1y and the Bondy

sinus, may be confirn1ed by magnetic resonance angiography. radical nlastoidecto1ny are presented for historical interest and

Conservative nianagement of cholesteatoma can be attempted perspective. The objective of these procedures \vas to ren1ovc

when the attic defect is large and the cholesteatoma sac is safely all bone-invading disease; create an accessible, exterior­

shallow, allowing the accumulated desquamated debris to be ized cavity for lifelong cleaning and care; and pron1ote epithcli­

ren1oved by microdebriden1ent and suction. Conservative n1an­ alization of the cavity with healthy skin. Hearing in1prove1ncnt

agement is contraindicated when \vas of secondary in1portance.

The radical and Bondy operations began with exposure of
l. Radiographic evidence of an enlarged, smooth-walled antru1n the attic and antrum, followed by ren1oval of the superior and
indicates a large cholesteaton1a cavity. posterior canal walls. By perforn1ing the "inside-out" nlaStoid­
2. Otorrhea persists after several cleanings. ecton1y, the resultant cavity was s1naller than if a complete 1nas­
3. A very so1all attic perforation makes cleaning painful, dif­ toidecton1y with tytnpanoplasty were pcrfor1ned. However, as a
ficult, and unsatisfactory. result of this approach, peripheral air cells were isolated fro1n
4. Cholesteaton1a is observed behind the pars tensa. the eustachian tube. If the nlucosa continued to produce 1nucus,
5. There are sympton1s or signs of erosion of vital structures, it discharged into the 1nastoid cavity.
such as the fallopian canaJ, seinicircular canals, cochlea, or
There is hearing loss, either conductive or sensorineural,
Atticotomy Bone Removal
indicating progression of cholesteaton1a. The incision and atticoton1y bone ren1oval arc the san1e for
7. The patient is uncooperative or is geographically unable to the classic radical 1nastoidecton1y and for the Bondy nlodifica­
return for necessary 1nanagen1ent. tion. The endaural incision is nlade in t\vo steps, \vith either a
Le1npert triangular lu1ife or a Bard-Parker scalpel with a #15
Jn actual clinical situations, the managem.ent of cholestea­ blade, as follows:
toma is surgical. Tt is rare that an otologist \viii treat cholestea­
ton1a medically. Modified radical n1astoidecto1ny should be l. Beginning at "12 o'clock" on the superior canal wall and
considered in cases of cholesteaton1a in which there is a high about 1 cn1 from the outer edge of the canal, the first inci­
risk of residual disease or risk of recurrence. The indications for sion extends at about the same depth down the posterior
1nodified radical n1astoidectomy can be divided into absolute canal wall in the incisura tern1inalis nearly to "6 o'clock,"
and relative indications. Absolute indications include unresect­ then at right angles outward about 2 or 3 mm to the edge of,
able disease, an unreconstructable posterior canal \"lall, failure of but not into, the conchal cartilage.
a first-stage canal-wall-up procedure because of poor Eustachian 2. Beginning again at "12 o'clock" on the superior canal wall
tube function, and inadequate patient fo1Jow-up. The relative where the first incision began, the second incision extends
indications for an open cavity procedure include disease in an directly upward, still in the incisura ter1ninalis, to a point
only hearing ear or in a dead ear, n1edical illness, severe otologic about halfway between the nleatus and the upper edge of
or central nervous systen1 con1plications, and neoplasms. An the auricle. For greater exposure, this vertical incision can
additional relative indication is poor Eustachian tube function. be extended as far upward as desired without encountering
any i1nportant structure except for the te1nporalis nluscle

CON TRAINDICATI ONS FOR THE OPEN and branches of the superficial temporal artery and vein.


The two incisions, now continuous and at first through the skin
Ren1oval of the posterior canal wall is contraindicated in cases only, are deepened to include periosteum, with the knife held at
of chronic otitis media without cholesteaton1a. Unless the sur­ an angle so that it will not plunge into the bony canal. A broad
geon is certain of the diagnosis of cholesteato1na, the procedure periosteal elevator is inserted into the incision, directed pos­
should begin as a sin1ple mastoidecton1y, preserving the pos­ teriorly, and the periosteun1 over the entire 1nastoid process is
terior canal wall until cholesteaton1a is identified. Extensive elevated posteriorly and anteriorly only over the posterior root
debriden1ent of mastoid or atticoantral i ntection can be accon1- of the zygo1na. Failure to elevate the periosteun1 sufficiently
plished with preservation of the posterior canal wall. Open cav­ \videly is a con1n1on cause of failure to obtain adequate expo­
ity procedures are contraindicated in cases of acute otitis 1nedia sure by this approach.

The self-retaining (Shan1baugh) endaural retractor is judgment with regard to mastoid cells outside the cholesteatoma
inserted with retraction of periosteun1, exposing the bone above sac. These cells inay be infected and osteitic (softened), with
and behind the osseous n1eatus, from the posterior root of the granulations requiring removal, but in many cases, 1nastoid
zygon1atic process to 2 or 3 cm posterior to the suprameatal spine cells are intact and need not be ren1oved.
of Henle and fron1 the temporal line above to the lower portion
of the niastoid process below. Wide retraction of periosteum is Taking Down the Bridge
essential to "n1obilize the incision," as en1phasized by Len1pert.9 and the Facial Ridge
Atticoton1y by means of a surgical cutting bur ren1oves
The ren1aining superior osseous 1neatal wall bridging the notch
outer cortex just above and behind the n1eatus over a semil.unar
of Rivinus is removed in sn1all bites with a narrow rongeur after
area. As the surgeon deepens the initial groove, he/she watches
first elevating the meatal skin from bone. With a sn1all (000)
for the pink color shining through the bone and then for a lit­
curet, always working out\.Yard away fron1 the fallopian canal
tle bleeding as the n1iddle fossa dura is approached. An effort
and facial nerve, the anterior and posterior spines of the notch
is niade to avoid unnecessary dural exposure as the groove
of Rivinus, con1posing the anterior and posterior buttresses of
between the dura and the superior n1eatal wall is deepened.
the bridge, are taken do,.Yn. The ty1npanic seg1uent of the facial
The notch of Rivinus is located by passing a narrow periosteal
canal is identified and kept in vie'"' while ossicles or re1nnants
elevator inward along the superior osseous meatal \.Yall. The epi­
of ossicles are inspected. Wherever cholesteaton1a envelops or
tyn1panum is encountered shortly before the groove reaches the
extends onto the medial surface of the malleus head or incus,
depth of the notch of Rivinus, and if the preoperative diagnosis
these ossicles nJust be re1noved. When cholesteatoma matrix
\.Yas correct, the white sn1ooth wa.11 of the cholesteaton1a sac is
lies against and lateral to these ossicles, the 1natrix 1nay be
identified. The n1iddle fossa dura might resemble the wall of
left or carefully removed and the ossicles are left undisturbed.
the cholesteaton1a, requiring careful ren1oval of bone anteriorly,
When the long process of the incus is absent and matrix lies
inferiorly, and posteriorly before the surgeon is sure.
against the mobile stapes head, \.Yith excellent hearing produc­
The sac is opened cautiously (in case dura is n1istaken for
ing nature's nlyringostapediopexy, this portion of the matrix is
the sac wal 1), the cholesteatoma contents are removed by suc­
left undisturbed.
tion and instru.mentation, and the sac's furthest extensions
The step in the radical or Bondy operations nloSt often
anteriorly, superiorly, and posteriorly are explored with a blunt
accomplished poorly is taking down the posterior osseous
111astoid searcher. Bone cortex and overhang removal proceeds
nleatal wall, \.Yhich, deeper in, houses the posterior bend and
\.Yith a cutting bur, curet, or rongeur until the entire choleste­
vertical facial nerve and thus is called the facial ridge. The
atoma sac lies exposed. In so1ne cases, the lin­
approxin1ate position of the facial nerve is located by three usu­
ing or n1atrix is smooth, with a thin layer of connective tissue
ally dependable landn1arks: the bony horizontal se1nicircular
between it and eburnated surrounding bone. Jvlore often, the
canal above, the tyn1panomastoid suture in the posterior 1neatal
cbolesteato1na 1natrix is closely applied to bone with finger-like
wall, and the digastric ridge in the n1astoid tip. Because the tip
extensions into sn1all cells and haversian canals. All cholestea­
cells rarely require ren1oval in radical and Bondy 1nastoidecto­ extensions n1ust be followed to their end with the aid of
n1ies, the surgeon needs to dispense with the digastric ridge in
the operating n1icroscope. The entire 111atrix is ren1oved, \.Yith
the mastoid tip as a dependable land1nark.
the following exceptions:
The bony facial ridge is taken down slowly and carefully
1. Ivlatrix firn1ly adherent to exposed dura or sigmoid sinus with a drill or curet, working under the operating nlicroscope,
niay be left rather than risk injury to these structures. always parallel to and never across the direction of the facial
2. Matrix over a fistula of a seiuicircular canal niay be left to nerve, until the bowl of the surgical cavity after ren1oval of dis­
avoid postoperative serous labyriothitis. Some surgeons pre­ ease is flush with intact (or perforated) tympanic 1nen1brane.
ter to dissect 1uatrix fron1 the fistula and in11nediately apply A pinkish color and bleeding are encountered when the facial
a thin fascia graft. nerve is approached. It is better not to expose the nerve unnec­

3. Ivfatrix firmly attached to exposed facial nerve niay be left. essarily because a Bell's palsy-type paresis occurs 1nore often
4. Ivfatrix extending into the 1uesoty1npanun1 and covering the when this nerve is exposed than when not. vVhereas this paresis,
stapes tootplate may be left at the initial operation rather beginning 1 to 6 or 7 days postoperatively, generally recovers
than opening the vestibule, with the risk of serous or sup­ con1pletely in a 1natter of weeks, residual weakness with synki­
purative labyrinthitis. At a second operation, after the ear nesis and spas1n can ensue, just as occurs after recovery of some
is dry and healed, cholesteaton1a 1natrix can be dissected cases of Bell's palsy.
fron1 the oval window, and ty1npanoplasty can proceed, as
described in Chapter 28. Preparation of the Meatal
Plastic Skin Flap
Bone Removal Beyond Cholesteatoma The plastic-pedicled skin flap that is turned back to cover the
Remen1bering that chronic otorrhea is the result of infected facial ridge and the floor of the completed operative cavity con­
epidermal debris io the cholesteaton1a sac, in niost cases, evac­ sists of the skin and periosteun1 of the entire superior osseous
uation of the sac, removal of niatrix (epithelial lining), and nleatal wall and 1nost of the posterior 1neatal wall. As the atti­
curettage of softened osteitic bone adjacent to the niatrix suffice coton1y proceeds and the bridge is being taken down, a narrow
to control the disease. The surgeon needs to exercise prudent periosteal elevator separates the skin and periosteun1 fro1n the

superior and posterior n1eatal walls. With a curved meatal knife Placement of the Meatal Flap
and iris scissors, an incision along the anterosuperior angle of and Packing of the Cavity
the meatus frees the plastic flap anteriorly. The connective tissue
The plastic flap of mcatal skin is turned back to cover the facial
band that enters the ty1npanosquan1ous suture needs to be cut,
ridge, taking care not to cover areas of remaining 1natrix or even
and posteriorly similar but less pronounced connective tissue in
areas that had been covered by matrix. A closed sleeve of surgi­
the tympanon1astoid suture needs to be separated, beginning at
cal rayon or wide strips of surgical rayon are inserted to line the
the annulus and working outward. The outer edge of the meatal
cavity, vvith cotton balls soaked in sulfisoxazole otic (or oph­
flap may need to be thinned to 1nake it lie smoothly over the
thaln1ic) solution placed fir1nly, but not tightly, to fill the cavity.
facial ridge.
At no point should cotton touch the ra,.., surface. One or two
sutures partially close the endaural incision, but the final nleatal
Toilet of the Tympanum
opening must be packed wide open to three or four ti1nes the
In the classic radical 111astoidecto1ny, the ty1npanic cavity is original size so that when healing is co1nplete, the final 1neatus
inspected niinutely under the operating microscope. Healthy is twice the fonncr size, and the healed exteriorized cavity can
skin and ren1nants of tyn1panic 1nembrane closing off the easily be inspected and kept clean.
Eustachian tube arc not disturbed, but any polyps, granulations,
or remaining niucosa are ren1oved. lnstrun1entation in the oval Skin Grafting the Radical
window and round window niches should be avoided because or Bondy Cavity
of the possibility of opening the labyrinth. If the Eustachian
Siebenmann'7 was the first to recon1n1end skin grafting by the
tube orifice is open and lined with mucosa, an attempt is made
n1ethod of Thicrsch to pro1note rapid healing of the radical
to close it in the classic radical operation after curetting its
cavity. Experience in nearly 100 fenestration operations treated
1nucosa. In curetting the n10uth of the Eustachian tube, remem­
in this tnan ner convineed Shambaugh18 that prunary split­
ber that the internal carotid artery is separated from it only by
thickness skin grafting of the operative cavity is not desirable.
a thin plate of bone. Should curettage produce brisk bleeding,
When such a graft took by first intention, the epider1nal lining
the bleeding is usually from the venous plexus that surrounds
of the healed cavity was closely applied to the bone without an
the carotid artery in its journey through the temporal bone and
intervening layer of connective tissue. Not only \'las the sur­
not from the artery. In removing a mass of granulations from
face of the stratified squa1nous epithelium rough and uneven,
the stapes and the oval window, start at the pyramidal eminence
but also it continued to dcsqua1nate excessively, and ,..,as very
and strip the granulations in a forward direction parallel to the
subject to localized areas of breakdown and granulations with
stapedius tendon to keep fron1 dislodging the stapes. Once the
discharge, and demonstrated a distinct tendency to invasion of
bone-invading infected cholesteatoma in the attic, antrum, and
crevices and cells requiring a later revision. With a thoroughly
someti1nes the niastoid process has been ren1oved, any sn1all
pcrfor1ncd radica 1 or Bondy operation with ren1oval of 1natrix,
granulations in the middle ear caused by the purulent drainage
the cavity nearly always heals without troubleson1e granula­
soon dry up with local conservative treat1nent.
tions or suppuration provided that careful sterile technique is
observed in the operations and postoperative dressings. Should
Final Inspection of the Cavity
the surgeon wish to shorten the tin1e of final healing, a skin
The co1npleted open radical or Bondy cavity is irrigated with graft n1ay be applied to the cavity 2 or 3 weeks postoperatively
warn1 saline (Tis-U-Sol"' or Ringer's) solution for hen1ostasis after it has becoine lined by a thin layer of healthy gra11ula­
and for re111oval of any bone particles or other debris. Under tions that then provide the desired subepithclial connective
the operating 1nicroscope, the cavity is inspected n1inutely for tissue layer.'9
any ren1aining osteitis or cholesteato1na remnants. There niust
be no cortical overhang and no part of the cavity that is not per­
fectly accessible and exteriorized from the external meatus.

Atticotomy From Within the Meatus Modified radical 111astoidecton1y, also known as con1plete nlas­

For a small cholesteaton1a sac, lateral to the incus and malleus toidcctomy and tympanoplasty, is an evolutionary surgical

head and with a large external meatus, it n1ay be possible to per­ development that attempts to incorporate the n1ajor goal of cho­

form an endomeatal atticotomy as follO\'IS: lesteaton1a surgery (i.e., cxteriorization of disease) with sealing
of the middle car space to avoid chronic drainage from exposed
I. A stapes type of mcatal flap extended fon..,ard superiorly and 1nucous mcn1branc. A prin1ary feature of the niodified radical
outwardly is follov;cd by removal of the meatal rim to exte­ procedure is con1plctc rc1noval of the posterior canal wall, the
riorize the s1nall attic cholesteatoma sac. 111ajor reason for failure of the Bondy procedure. The Bondy
2. The surgeon 1nay then dissect the sac and remove it intact, procedure was predicated on the philosophy of limited dissec­
or may leave the 1natrix and exteriorize the sac as a s1nall tion of the canal wall and 1nastoid region, and this technique,
Bondy radical cavity. although often sparing hearing in the short tern1, resulted in
3. Should the surgeon find that the cholesteatoma pocket is recurrent cholcsteato1na or at least persistent aural discharge
larger than anticipated, he/she should proceed with an because of subsequent infection of the ren1aining n1astoid air
endaural incision and atticotomy, as described previously. cells. The radical niastoidecton1y, although effectively dealing

v,rith the shortcoming of the Bondy procedure by more extensive In revision cases, elevation of the scarred nlusculoperiosteu1n
bone dissection, results in chronic aural drainage because of the must be done carefully to avoid injury to exposed dura or sig­
in1possibility of ren1oval of all ren1aining 111ucosa in the exposed moid sinus. Canal wall flaps are elevated and rotated anteriorly
111 iddle ear. The 111odification of the radical procedure (i.e., add­ (Figure 31-lD) prior to entering the 1niddle ear. Disease in the
ing the technique of tyinpanoplasty) potentially elin1inates the mesoty1npanu1n is first re1noved, using the 1nalleus handle and
expected intern1ittent discharge fron1 the middle ear mucosa. incus as landmarks. Cholesteatoma, polyps, and granulation
Hearing, it should be noted, is a secondary consideration of the tissue are re1noved from all areas except the posterosuperior
1nodified radical procedure. quadrant; any atrophic tympanic 1ne1nbrane is removed and the
middle ear is prepared for grafting. Once all available landmarks
have been identified, the posterosuperior quadrant is inspected.
Preoperative Assessment
If disease extends into the attic, dissection of disease ceases and
The decision to perform a modified radical 1nastoidectomy
Gelfoam with epinephrine is packed into the 1niddle ear.
rather than a staged intact canal wall approach depends on the
extent and location of the disease, previous surgery, Eustachian
Bone Work
tube function and patient age, niedical condition, and aftercare
A si1nple mastoidectomy is no'"' begun using a large cutting
preference. Careful niicroscopic inspection and cleaning of
bur. The canal \Vall should be left up in all but the 1nost con­
the ear aid in the decision. Pus, n1ucus, and cbolesteatomatous
tracted 1nastoid cavities. All 1nastoid air cells should be ren1oved
debris should be ren1oved under 1nicroscopic suction. Polyps can
'"'ith exposure of the nliddle fossa and posterior fossa dural
be removed with gentle traction with the suction or niicrocup
plates, the sign1oid sinus, digastric ridge, and bony canal wall
forceps. Significant retraction should be avoided si nee the polyp
(Figure 3 1-l E). Cholesteaton1a and granulations filling the
1nay be attached to the facial nerve, matrix of a labyrinthine
central nlastoid tract can be ren1oved at this tin1e. As the laby­
fistula, or stapes superstructure or footplate. Extensive destruc­
rinth is approached, the lateral capsule of the cholesteato1na
tion of the posterior canal \.Ya) I with obvious cholesteaton1a
should be opened and the cholesteaton1a should be ren1oved,
invading the niastoid indicates the need for modified radical
leaving the nledial inatrix of the cholesteaton1a on the bony
1nastoidecto1ny. Active suppuration should be controlled prior
labyrinth. Under higher-power nlagnification, the inatrix can
to surgery >vhenever possible. Acetic acid (J .S<Jlo solution) irriga­
be inspected for the telltale blue line or palpated for the pres­
tions followed by antibiotic otic drops should be instituted for
ence of a labyrinthine fistula. The vertical seg1nent of the facial
several weeks prior to surgery. Acetic acid solution is made by
nerve should now be identified, follo\.Yed by opening of the facial one part of white vinegar to two parts of boiling water.
recess (Figure 31-lF). is best accon1plished by using the
After cooling, the solution is instilled into the ear several tin1es
di gastric ridge and the lateral sen1icircular canal as land1narks.
using an infant nasal-bulb syringe to niechanically debride
If the incus is involved with cholesteaton1a, the incudostapedial
the area. Antibiotic eardrops are instilled after the irrigations,
joint is identified through the facial recess and cut and the incus
\.Yhich should be performed two to four tin1es daily. The author
is re1noved. The posterior canal wall can now be safely taken
prefers to use neon1ycin or an1 inoglycoside-based corticosteroid
down with a rongeur and the facial ridge can be lowered until
otic preparations rather than the newer flouroquinolone prepa­
a thin layer of bone ren1ains over the vertical segn1ent of the
rations in these cases. Tn cases of extensive mucosa! infection
facial nerve (Figure 31-IG). The chorda tyn1pani nerve m.ust be
and cellulitis, a 10- to l.4-day course of oral fluoroquinolones
sacrificed. Disease can now be re1noved fron1 the oval '"'indow
\.Yith gram-positive coverage is indicated prior to surgery.
region and horizontal segn1ent of the facial nerve. The 1nalleus,
or any ren1nant of the inalleus, is re1noved by cutting the tensor
Surgical Procedure tyn1pani tendon at the cochleariforn1 process, '"'hich provides
After induction of general anesthesia, the ear is prepared by access to the anterior epityn1panun1. The anterior epityn1panun1
pouring povidone-iodine solution into the ear canal and scrub­ should be drilled down to become continuous with the anterior
bing the auricle and postauricular area with povidone-iodine. canal wall. The inferior canal \.Yall nlust be drilled away until
One percent lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine is injected the inferior canal '"'all and 1nastoid tip are confluent, with no
into the postauricular region and the ear canal for hen1osta­ bony overhang to obscure the inastoid tip. This dissection inore
sis. Incisions are 1nade in the ear canal for the vascular strip '"'idely exposes the nliddle ear, which can no\v be reinspected for
(Figure 31-lA).20 A postauricular incision is made about .1 cm residual disease. The sinus ty1npani is the nlost difficult region
behind the postauricular crease and a plane is developed to investigate. If disease extends into this region, and if the sta­
between the subcutaneous tissue and the ten1poralis muscle and pes is absent, the pyran1idal en1inence can be ren1oved with a
periosteun1 of the mastoid. Several large pieces of areolar tissue s1nall dia1nond bur. H.ight angle hooks, whirlybird dissectors,
and temporalis fascia are harvested and set aside to dry. A hor­ 111icro111irrors, and surgical telescopes can aid in cholesteato1na
izontal incision is made superior to the temporal line through ren1oval from this region. Ty1npanoplasty should not be per­
the ten1poralis muscle and a vertical incision is carried down to for111ed if there is a question of residual cholesteatoma in the
the niastoid tip, perpendicular to and bisecting the horizontal sinus tyn1pani or hypotyn1panun1.
incision (Figure 31-J B). The mastoid bone is exposed using a At this point, the cavity should be sn1ooth-walled and
Leinpert elevator, and as the periosteun1 is raised into the ear free of active disease (Figure 31-lH). Copious irrigation is
canal, the vascular strip is elevated and reflected out of the ear used to lower the bacterial count and aid in hen1ostasis. The
canal anteriorly using a self-retaining retractor (Figure 31-JC). cavity should approach an ovoid or rectangular shape, with


FIGURE 31-1 •A, Standard tympanoplastic canal incisions outline the vascular strip as well as the superior and
inferior canal wall flaps. 8, Loose areolar fascia is harvested from temporal muscle, and a T sh aped incision is made

in soft tissue over mastoid. C, Exposure of mastoid in crosssection showing vascular strip held forward under ante­
rior blade of retractor.


the facial ridge lov.•. The stapes, if present, should be the only '"'hen the canal wall is ren1oved, the re1nainder of the technique
remaining ossicle. A portion of the anterior t y mpanic me1u­ ren1ains the san1e.
brane n1ay ren1ain after removal of disease. Tbe niastoid bowl
has been saucerized and niakes a gentle transition into the Meatoplasty
depths of the n1astoid bone without ledges. This attention to One percent lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine is infiltrated
detail helps ensure soft tissue obliteration of n1uch of the cav­ into the conchal bowl. The entire posterior aspect of the con­
ity space. chal bowl is exposed using sharp dissection '"'ith an iris scissors
Rarely, the 1nastoid is so contracted that the posterior canal through the fibrous periosteu1n and soft tissue. '/\/ith a finger
wall is taken dO\.Yn as the antrum is exposed. This approach in the conchal bowl, a sen1ilunar incision is inade into the car­
is potentially n1ore dangerous to the facial nerve and ossicular tilage posteriorly until the knife tip is felt through the anterior
chain and should be avoided whenever possible. Regardless of skin. This crescent-shaped cartilage n1easures about LS x 2 c1n

FIGURE 31-1 •Continued. D, The inferior flap is elevated to the fibrous annulus with a House #2 knife. E, With
the posterior external auditory canal (EAC) wall preserved, a complete, simple mastoidectomy demonstrates the
anatomy and the pathology. F, Through the facial recess, disease can be well managed in an intact canal wall (ICW)
context. The malleus head and incus are shown for orientation only. They are customarily removed. lncudostapedial
disarticulation is demonstrated.


(Figure 31-11). A Korner flap is now developed by making inci­ Grafti ng

sions through the external auditory canal skin. An inferior
The auricle and flap are retracted anteriorly to expose the nias­
incision is begun in the inferior canal at 6 o'clock, carried into
toid and 111iddle ear. Epinephrine-soaked absorbable gelatin
the conchal bowl, and curved around the inferior margin of
sponge is ren1oved and the niiddle ear and Eustachian tube are
the bowl. A superior incision is made at 12 o'clock and carried
packed with saline-n1oistened absorbable gelatin sponge to the
between the tragus and the anterior helix. These incisions create
level of the anterior annulus (Figure 31-lK). The fascia graft
a long (vascular strip) flap that is based in the posterosuperior
is placed 111edial to the anterior annulus and drum ren1nant,
aspect of the conchal bowl and will constitute the back wall of
extending over the stapes to the facial ridge into the mastoid
the mastoid cavity (Figure 31-lJ).

FIGURE 31-1 •Continued. G, The posterior EAC wall must be lowered to the visible facial nerve. The chorda tym­
pani is sacrificed. Canal wall flaps are preserved. H, The facial ridge must be lowered to the visible facial nerve.
The chorda tympani is sacrificed. Canal wall flaps are preserved. H, The facial ridge must be low. The inferior EAC
wall must be drilled down so that the hypotympanum and mastoid tip are confluent. The same applies to the antero
superior EAC wall and anterior epitympanum. The stapes is the only ossicular remnant. I, The meatoplasty begins
by excising, from behind, conchal cartilage.


bowl (Figure 31-lL). As tnuch of the mastoid bone as possible over alloplastic prostheses. Once the fascia graft is in place, the
should be covered \.Yith fascia grafts to reduce granulations and surface is covered 'vith poly1nixin B and bacitracin ophthahnic
speed epithelialization. In particular, perilabyrinthine, retrofa­ ointn1ent (Figure 31-10 and P).
cial, zygomatic, and peritubal cell tracts should be covered. The Korner flap nlust now be secured to the nlusculope­
Ossicular reconstruction is li1nited in these cases. If the sta­ riosteun1 at the edge of the nlastoid cavity. A 3.0 polyglactin
pes is present, the fascia graft is placed directly onto the capitu­ 910 (Vicryl®) suture is placed subder1nally at both edges of the
lum. If the stapes is lower than the facial ridge, the height can base of the Korner flap and affixed posteriorly to the soft tissue.
be augmented by using a maUeus head goblet prosthesis atop The tension of these sutures is adjusted until the 111eatus has
the capitulu1n (Figure 31-lM and N). \.Vith an absent stapes, the desired shape (Figure 31-1Q). Over tightening of the sutures,
ossicular reconstruction with autologous tissue is preferred especially the superior suture will result in a protruding auricle.

FIGURE 31-1 •Continued. J, Superior and inferior meatal incisions create a posterior Korner's flap, shown here as
it will be sutured in place. K, An absorable gelatin sponge (Gelfoam) bed is prepared for the tympanic membrane
graft. Note the Korner's flap free in the meatus. L, The graft is placed medial to the tympanic membrane remnant,
superiorly over the labyrinth and posteriorly over the facial ridge. The graft is applied directly atop the stapes


The postauricular incision is closed '.vith a subcuticular absorb­ rrhe postauricular dressing is removed on the second postop­
able suture. The n1astoid bowl is filled with oint1nent or packed erative day, and a11tibiotic ointment is applied to the incision for
with gauze, and a inastoid dressing is applied. 1 '.veek. The patient is instructed to keep the ear dry and avoid
nose blo,ving. Pain medication is prescribed, but oral antibiotics
are not used routinely. rfhe patient returns in 2 to 3 weeks. At
Postoperative Care
the first postoperative visit, any area that has not been grafted
The inastoid dressing is removed on the first postoperative day. is covered by a layer of granulation tissue. Exuberant granula­
A large piece of cotton is kept in the meatus, and a postauric­ tion tissue should be debrided and treated with silver nitrate.
ular dressing is placed. Copious drainage occurs through the Silver nitrate should not be used near an exposed facial nerve to
n1eatus for about 1 week, requiring frequent cotton changes. avoid facial palsy. The granulation tissue should then be painted


2 3

FIGURE 31-1 •Continued. M, When the facial ridge is high, a sculpted homograft n1alleus head can be constructed
to augment the height of the stapes superstructure. N, The sculpted homograft fits atop the stapedial capitulum,
ready for grafting. 0, Ointment "packing" fills the cavity.


with 2o/o gentian violet and the patient is instructed to use anti­
biotic otic drops two or three tin1es per day until the next (at
2 to 3 weeks) visit. Drainage decreases v•ith ensuing visits as
re-epithelialization occurs. As epithelialization progresses, ace­ The complications associated with open cavity mastoid opera­
tic acid irrigations can replace the use of antibiotic otic drops. tions are identical to those possible in any procedure in which
Once the cavity is healed, the patient should return for a yearly the mastoid bone is removed and structures in the middle ear
visit and is given full water sport privileges. are manipulated. These include deafness or further hearing loss,


• •

FIGURE 31-1 • Continued. P, In cross-section, the low facial ridge, graft bed, with graft and initial ointment, is
demonstrated. The posterior meatal flap is illustrated in the desired position. Q, The posterior flap is sewn to the
posterior soft tissue margins of the incision. Tension on the sutures can be adjusted to open the meatus but avoid
tipping the auricle.

facial paralysis, vestibular symptoms, cerebrospinal fluid leak, nerve reduces the risk of injury as the canal wall is taken do,vn.
infection, and recurrent cholesteatoma or drainage. The inci­ Early identification of the nerve also ensures that the facial ridge
dence of certain complications may be higher, though, because '"'ill be brought down appropriately (i.e., until the nerve sheath
of the nature of disease within the 1nastoid bone that requires can be identified through a thin layer of bone remaining on the
a more extensive procedure, such as an open cavity procedure. fallopian canal). Tn cases of disease obliterating the stylo.mas­
Facial nerve paralysis is the most common major complication toid fora men, the fallopian canal can be identified by following
associated with open cavity procedures. Although facial nerve the chorda tympani nerve distally to the facial nerve trunk. This
injury is at tin1es unavoidable because of the extent of disease, junction is approxin1ately 5 mn1 from the stylomastoid fora­
most cases of postoperative facial paralysis are a result of unrec­ n1en. Less specifically, the distal portion of the second genu of
ognized facial nerve trauma at the hands of an unskilled otologic the facial nerve is found just inferior to the level of the lateral
surgeon. Intraoperative facial nerve monitoring is performed sen1icircular canal.
dttring most otologic procedures, but should not be relied upon The 1nanagement of postoperative facial paralysis bears
to identify the facial nerve. Normal surgical landmarks are often brief n1ention. Facial nerve injury must be considered when any
distorted in the diseased mastoid, and positive identification of noticeable loss of facial nerve function has been identi6ed. Eye
vital structures is 1nandatory to perform a successful open cav­ closure is often inappropriately relied on as an indicator of total
ity procedure. Surgical discipline 1nust be maintained during facial nerve paralysis. The tonus of the orbicularis oculi muscle
the procedure to identify vital structures in a systematic fashion appears to persist longer than that of the re1nai ning facial nJus­
as the surgery progresses. culature, and it is not unusual for eye closure to persist for sev­
In particular, it is critical to identify the facial nerve eral days after facial nerve injury has occurred. {Witness the fact
throughout its course i n the mastoid as soon as possible, which that eye closure persists in the immediate postoperative period
is best acco1nplished after the lateral semicircular canal and any for patients with kno,'ln facial nerve transection after removal of
ossicles within the posterior epitympanum have been identi­ an acoustic tu1nor.) Unless facial nerve injury was noted at the
fied. Especially in revision cases, the most effective way to locate time of the surgery, the axion1 "Never let the sun set on a facial
the vertical segment of the facial nerve is to follow the digastric paralysis" should be followed. The patient should be returned
ridge to the stylomastoid foramen. The bony dissection may to the operating roo1n as soon as possible for exploration and
then proceed in a proximal direction to uncover the vertical decon1pression of the facial nerve. Especially in difficult cases, it
segment as it approaches the second genu. This method also is the author's policy to niaintain sterility in the operating suite
underscores the importance of preserving the posterior canal until tbe patient displays norn1al facial moven1ent on emergence
wall until late in the dissection since early identification of the fron1 genera.I anesthesia.

The second nlost co1nmon co1nplication of open cavity References

procedures is wound infection. This infection usually results in l. Von Trroltsch AR. Lehrbuch de.r Ohrenheilkunde mit
perichondritis of the auricle, manifested by a painful, swollen Einschlussder Anatomicdes Ohres. Leipzig: Fogel; 1873.
auricle with copious discharge. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the 2. Schwartz HH, Eysell CO. Ueber die Kiinstliche eroffnung
causative organism, and treatment comprises high-dose fluoro­ deswarzenfortsatzes. Arch Ohrenh 1873;7:157.
quinolones and antibiotic-corticosteroid drops. 3. Von Bergmann E. Die chirurgische Behandlung von
A "chocolate" or mucous retention cyst can occur in a Hin1krankheiten. Berlin; 1889.
healed mastoid cavity as a result of a collection of serum within 4. Zaufal .E. Technik der Trepanationdes Proc. Mastoid.
a mucous membrane-lined pocket. Simple aspiration of the NachKuster'schen Grundsatzen. Arch Ohrenh 1890;30:291.
mucoid, brownish serum will reduce the size of the cyst, but 5. Stacke L. Stacke's Operationsn1ethods. Arch Ohrenh
recurrence is usually the case. Definitive manage1nent requires 1893;35:145.
exposure of the cyst and complete re1noval of the nlucope­ 6. Korner 0. Die eitrigen Erkrankungen des Schlafenbeins.
riosteal pocket. i·Viesbaden: Bergmann; l899.
Cholesteatoma recurrence in open cavity procedures occurs 7. BondyG. Totalaufineisselung mit Erhaltung von Tromrnelfell and
in 4 to 28% of cases21 and is usually caused by inaccessible dis­ Gehorknochelchen. Monatssch r Oh renheilk 1910;44: 15.
ease or a remnant of matrix that was amputated at the time of 8. Kopetsky SJ. Otologic surgery. 2nd ed. Ne'�' York: Paul B. Hoeber;
surgery. Through routine follow-up, these "pearls" of recur­ 1929.
rent cholesteatoma can be readily identified and removed in the 9. Lempert J. Improvement of hearing in cases of otosclerosis: new
office. Extensive recurrent disease, with its attendant compli­ one stage surgical technic. Arch Otol 1938;28:42.
cations, is more comn1only found behind an intact ca11al wall 1.0. Baron S. Modified radical mastoidecto.n1y. Arch Oto! 1.949;
rather than in an open cavity. 49:280.
l�ecurrent aural drainage from a previously healed and dry IJ. Zollner F. Die Radikal-Operatiion mit besonderen1 Bezug auf
cavity is usually the result of poor aural toilet. Breakdown of die 1-Torfunktion. Ztschr Laryngol Rhino! Otol 1951;30:.104.
the epithelial lining and for1nation of granulation tissue occurs 12. i·Vullstein H. Punktionelle Operationen im Mitelohr n1it
when epidermal debris is allowed to accumulate a11d becomes Hilfedes freien Spaltlappen-Transplantates. Arch Ohren-Nasen-u
infected. Careful microscopic debridement of granulation tis­ Kehlkopfh 1952;161:422.
sue and application of gentian violet follovved by antibiotic­ 13. Jansen C. Ulur Radikaloperation Und Tyn1panoplastik. Sitz Ber
corticosteroid otic drops will lead to re-epithelialization and Pontbild. Arztekamm. Ob. V. 18, February 1958.
a dry ear. The development of scar bands within the inastoid 14. Mukherjee P, Saunders N, Liu R, Pagan P. Long-term out­
defect can lead to keratin debris accun1ulation and subsequent come of modified radical mastoidectomy. J Laryngol Otol
infection. Trans1neatal removal of the scar bands can often be 2004; U8(8):612-6.

accomplished wider local anesthesia. In extensive cases, gen­ 15. Kos MI, Castrillon R, Montandon P, Guyot JP. Anatocnic and

eral anesthesia is necessary with transn1eatal re1noval of the scar functional long-term results of canal >valldo1>Vn i11astoidecto1ny.

bands and re-epithelialization of the inastoid bo>vl. It is criti­ Ann Oto! Rhino) Laryngol 2004;113(11):872-6.

cal that the patient understand the need for periodic, usually 16. Berenholz LP, Rizer FM, Burkey JM, Schuring AG, Lippy 'vVH.

annual, exa1nination to prevent such occurrence. Ossiculoplasty in canal wall do\>Vn i11astoidecto1ny. Otolaryngol
Head Neck Surg 2000;123(1):30-3.

SUMMARY 17. Sieben1nann F. Die Radical-operation des Cholesteaton1a 1nit-telst

Anlegung breiter permanenter Oeffhungen gleihchzeitiggegen
Open cavity mastoid procedures are indicated when canal­ den Gehorgang and gegen dieretroauriculare Region. Berl Klin
wall-up procedures are inadequate to control disease. The vast i•Vochenschr 1893;30:12.
majority of these procedures v.•ill result in a modified radical 18. Shan1baugh GE Jr, Derlacki EL. Prin1ary skin grafting of the
mastoidectomy. The creation of a dry mastoid cavity prin1arily fenestra and fenestration cavity. Arch Otol 1956;64:46.
depends on surgical technique. Identification of the facial nerve 19. Guilford FR, i.\'right \!VK. Secondary skin grafting in fenestration
is critical in this procedure. Lowering of the facial ridge to the and mastoid cavities. Laryngoscope 1954;64:626.
level of the facial nerve and develop1nent of a large external audi­ 20. Jackson CG, Glasscock ME, Sch\>Vaber NIK, et al. Open 111astoid
tory 1neatus are mandatory for successful outcome. Grafting of procedures: Conternporary indications and surgical technique.
the iniddle ear elin1inates inucous discharge and may in1prove Laryngoscope 1985;95:1037.
bearing. Long-term postoperative care is minimal, with patients 21. Hirsch BE, Kan1erer DB, Doshi S. Single-stage management of
returning to nor1nal activity, including water exposure. cholesteatoina. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1992;106:351.
Surgery for Otosclerosis

Ophir Handzel, MD, LLB I Michael J. McKenna, MD

INTRODUCTION patient.9 In 1869, von Troltsch named the final inactive sclerotic
stage of the disease, "otosclerosis." Siebenma1111 designated the
Otosclerosis is a disease of altered bone metabolism unique to the
active, hyperemic stage as "otospongiosis" in 1912. Toynbee sur­
hwnan te1nporal bone. The typical hu1nan otic capsule remod­
veyed 1659 temporal bones and characterized s: veral type� of
eling rate is extren1ely low. In otosclerosis, nor1nal inhibit ion
_ stapes fixation and oval window involven1ent without fixation.
of bone ren1odeling is lost resulting in foci of bone re1nodeling.
Politzer recognized otosclerosis as a primary bone disease and
When remodeled bone bridges the stapediovestibular joint, it
not sclerosis secondary to a 1nucoperiosteal disease.10
fixates the joint and impedes sound transmission nianifested as
Attempts to reverse hearing loss associated with stapes fixa­
conductive hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) can
tion dates Lo the late 19th century. In 1878, Kessel reported tran­
occur when bone ren1odeling extends to the cochlea.
sLympanic mobilization and removal of the stapes. Subsequently,
The prevalence of otosclerosis varies among races, being
Boucheron (1888) and Miot (1890) reported their experience
con1n1on in Caucasians, less common in Southeast Asians and
\-vith patients who had undergone a si1nilar procedure. Hearing
Native Americans, and rare in patients of African descent. 'fhe
in1provement resulted in 74of126 patients. Blake (1892) and Jack
prevalence of clinically apparent otosclerosis is 0.3 to 0.5o/o.1•2
(1893) at the lvlassachusetts Eye and Ear Infi.rn1ary in Boston
Otosclerosis fow1d on histology at autopsy is about ten times
ren1oved the stapes and observed that in so1ne patients hearing
more prevalent than clinically rnanifested. Asymptomatic oto­
improved with healing of the ty1npanic membrane to the oval
sclerosis is present when bone remodeling does not hamper sta­
window niche. At this tin1e, no atten1pts were 111ade to seal the
pedial 1novement or does not affect the cocl �lea. Te � poral bon �s
oval window niche or reconstruct the ossicular chain. However,
studies have shown that the prevalence of h1stolog1c otoscleros1s
at the 6th International Otologic Congress held in London in
is 8.3 to 12% in Caucasians and 1°/o in blacks.J,•.5 A n1ore recent
1899, these types of surgeries were conden1ned as being useless
study found a lower prevalence of 3 to 4%." The prev�lence �f
(as bearing gain was often temporary) and dangerous. The exact
clinical otosclerosis seems to be declining.7 Although h1stolog1c
reason for this statement is not known, but probably was based
otosclerosis has similar prevalence in both genders,3'4'5 clinical
on co1nplications that were not widely published; presun1ably
otosclerosis has 1.4 to 2 times the incidence in women as com­
infections that lead to the death of patients from n1eningitis.
pared to men. Otosclerosis will eventually involve both ears in
Surgery to overcon1e fixation of the stapes was resun1ed in
85 to 90°/o of patients.8
the 1930s by Holn1gren's and then, Sourdille's n1ultistage and
This chapter reviews the nature and development of otoscle­
Le1npert's single-stage fenestration of the lateral semicircular
rosis, and historic and current methods of surgery for correction
canal. Fenestration surgery provided significant and lasting
of the hearing loss associated with otosclerosis. Indications for
hearing i mproven1ent in large series of patients. Rosen, in 1952,
surgery, description of the procedure, complications, and their
reintToduced stapes mobilization, unaware of earlier work by
n1anage1nent are elaborated. For son1e of the treatn1ents, a nu 111-
Miot. ln 1956, anned with the new technology of the binocular­
ber of viable options exist and this chapter reflects the manage­
operating microscope, Shea perfected stapedecton1y and intro­
ment approach at the .Nlassachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary.
duced the concept of ossicular chain reconstruction, first by
111eans of a Teflon prosthesis and later by a polyethylene strut,
\-Vhile supporting both by a vein graft. Within a decade this pro­
cedure had beco1ne the standard operation for the treatn1ent
Otosclerosis was first described in the early 18th century by of otosclerosis. Those interested are encouraged to read For the
Valsalva, who noticed a stapes ankylosed by ossification of its World to Hear by Ho,-vard House," who lived through the time
liga1nent in the course of dissecting a ten1poral bone of a deaf of the introduction of many of these innovations and personally


knew niany of the individuals who 111ade these in1portant con­ there was involve1nent of other areas as well: the round win­
tributions to otology. dow niche in 30°/o, the cochlear apex i n 12% and less frequent
Various methods have been devised to overcon1e fixation involven1ent of the walls of the internal auditory canal, around
of the footplate. The con1plete ren1oval of the footplate (once the cochlear aqueduct, se1nicircular canals, and the unusual
comn1only practiced) is now reserved for selected cases. It has disease limited to the footplate. Of special note is the involve­
been replaced by various 111ethods of ren1oval of niore limited ment of the round window niche, found to be obliterated in 7%
parts of the footplate and ultimately precise fenestration of the of histological specimens.17 Obliteration of the round window
fixed footplate. Since its development in the early 1960s by Shea12 niche can cause conductive loss, irrespective of the state of the
in the United States and Marquet and Minon in Europe, small stapes. Even v•ith extensive disease, invasion of the 1nen1branous
hole (fenestra) stapedoton1y is probably the procedure of choice labyrinth is rare. The location and extent of the foci detern1iI1es
for niost surgeons. The sn1all fenestra were first created using a the clinical presentation: extent of the conductive loss and the
handheld microdrill and most recently by a laser. presence or absence of SNHL. For a n1ore detailed description
Port1nan and Claverie in 1957 suggested utilizing part and nu1nerous photos of the histopathology of otosclerosis see
of the suprastructure of the stapes for bridging the gap fron1 Schuknecht's Pathology ofthe Ear.18
the incus to the oval window. Other variations on this then1e Gross appearance of otosclerotic foci is distinctly different
include ren1oval of the posterior footplate, as well as ren1oval of fron1 the nor1nal otic capsule under the operative or exan1ination
the anterior fixed footplate 111aintaining ossicular continuity via n1icroscope. Active, spongiotic lesions, having rich vasculariza­
the posterior crus.13 tion and hyperen1ic overlying nlucosa n1ay be seen through the
Dozens of various prosthesis types have been designed.14 tyn1panic n1en1brane as a red discoloration of the pron1ontory.
The Schuknecht type of stapedectoiny fat-wire prosthesis v,ras This sign is na1ned after Hern1ann Schwartze. Intraoperatively,
developed to address both the need to seal the open vestibule a 1nature focus of otosclerosis is seen as a white, well-den1arcated
and to reconstruct the ossicular chain.15 Later, with the popu­ lesion con1pared to the ivory color of the otic capsule.
larization of sn1all fenestra surgery, 111any other prostheses were
111ade available, varying 111ostly in the 111aterials of construction, ETIOLOGY
in the mode of attachn1ent to the incus and in the diameter of
their vestibular contact. The exact cause for the abnor1nal bone ren1odeling seen in the
otosclerotic otic capsule has yet to be detern1ined. Research
regarding the genetics of otosclerosis and potential contribu­
tion of viral infection and the im1nune and endocri11e system.s
The norn1al otic capsule has an extren1ely low ren1odeling rate; has offered new insights in the etiology of this disease.19
coinpared to the 10% annual turnover rate of some of other Bone turnover is controlled by an intricate and co1nplex
bones, the rate for the norn1al otic capsule is no more than n1echanisn1. Cytokine factors that include osteoprotegerin
2o/o.16 Otosclerosis is a disease of abnormal bone ren1odeling (OPG), receptor activator for nuclear factor kappa B (RANK)
occurring in the endochondral layer of the ten1poral bone. The and RANK ligand (RANK-L) play a n1ajor role in the systen1
norn1al ten1poral bone has en1bryonic cartilage rests called that directly controls bone turnover. Receptor activator for
"globuli interossei." These rests are associated with sites of pre­ nuclear factor kappa B ligand is expressed by osteoblasts that
dilection in otosclerosis. The first histologic sign of otosclerosis are involved in bone turnover. Activation of its specific recep­
is a change in the extracellular staining pattern that has been tor RANK on osteoclasts pron1otes differentiation (in the pres­
tern1ed "blue n1antle." This presumably unstable niatrix begins ence of 1nacrophage stin1ulating factor),20 activation,21 and
to remodel giving rise to an otosclerotic focus. Immature bone survivaF2 of osteoclasts. Bone re1nodeling is a process of bone
is then laid and continued re1nodeling occurs, with prominent resorption by ostcoclasts and bone deposition by ostcoblasts.
osteoblastic involven1ent ("otospongiosis"). The process is com­ Osteoprotegerin is a con1petitive inhibitor of RANK-L. High
pleted by niaturation of the lesion into a sclerotic, dense, irregu­ levels of OPG inhibit bone ren1odcling by inhibiting the differ­
larly woven and poorly vascularized bone ("otosclerosis"). The entiation, survival, and fusion of ostcoclastic precursor cells, by
disease process is not necessarily a continuous, linear process; suppressing activation and pro1noting apoptosis of osteoclasts.23
active areas can becon1e inactive and reactivated later and vari­ Fibroblasts of the spiral liga1nent arc a probable source of OPG,
ous stages of the disease can coexist in single focus. which is found in high levels in pcrily111ph.24 Ostcoprotegerin
Foci of otosclerosis can occur in any portion of the otic cap­ nlay be dispersed throughout the otic capsule by the perilyin­
sule; however, there are areas of predilection. Schuknecht and phatic canalicular syste111 traversing the bone.25 The production
Barber studied the temporal bones of patients with clinically of OPG in the cochlea 1nay be the reason for the extremely slow
apparent otosclerosis.17 Stapedial fixation by a focus anterior to turnover ofbone in the otic capsule.24•25 This cytokine regulatory
the footplate was present in 96'Yo of cases. Fixation is first caused n1cchanis1n 1nay be influenced by genetic, endocrine, infectious,
by ren1odeling bone encroaching on the anterior footplate with n1ctabolic, bioche1nical, bion1cchanical, and other factors.
subluxation of the posterior part of the footplate. As the process Otosclerosis has an underlying genetic cause, inherited in
progresses and the lesion transgresses the stapediovestibular an autoson1al don1inant pattern with incon1plete penetration
joint bony fixation of the footplate occurs. The forn1er n1echa­ of20 to 40%. Monozygotic twins have a nearly 100% concor­
nism of fixat.ion will result in hearing loss 111ore pronounced in dance rate of otosclerosis.2" However, because inforn1ation does
low frequencies, the latter apparent in all frequencies. In 49%, not exist on the genetic trans111ission of histologic otosclerosis,

it is not kno\vn whether the genetic basis of inheritance is or fourth decade of life and 90% of patients present before the
related to the formation of an otosclerotic focus within the age of 50. The age at presentation nlay be slowly increasing.46
temporal bone or the tendency for a lesion to progress once Juvenile onset or presentation occurs, but rarely (<l o/o of
it has begun, or both. There appears to be no significant dif­ cases in one series).47 Other causes of juvenile-onset conduc­
ference in the degree of clinical severity between sporadic and tive hearing loss should be considered. Rarely, otosclerosis can
familial cases.27 To date, eight loci associated \vith otosclerosis inanifest itself as a progressive SNHL, without a conductive loss.
have been identified and are designated OTSCJ-8. The eighth Approxi1nately half of the patients will report a positive family
locus has just recently been described. 28 Association analysis history of hearing loss. A history of a relative '"'ho has had suc­
has revealed a significant association between both familial cessful surgery for otosclcrosis inakcs the diagnosis far inore
and sporadic cases of clinical otoscl.erosis and the COLlAl likely for a given individual.
gene using niultiple polyn1orphic markers \vithin the COLlAl Vestibular syn1pton1s are reported by 10 to 30% of patients.
gene.29 A prelin1inary study has de.monstrated that osteopo­ Syn1pton1s are highly variable, including benign paroxysmal
rosis niay be niore con1mon in patients with otosclerosis, and positional vertigo (BPPV) and other paroxysn1al vertigo attacks,
these two com111on bone diseases may share some genetic and dizziness, and unsteadiness. Severe episodic vertigo is usually
molecular pathologic niechanisms.30 On the basis of the pat­ not caused by otosclerosis. Patients with otosclerosis and his­
tern of prevalence of otosclerosis and otitis niedia, it has been tory of vertigo have been found to have a reduction in Scarpa's
speculated that genetic susceptibility to otosclerosis niay reduce ganglion cell counts con1pared to age-1natched controls and to
susceptibility to otitis niedia.31 patients with otosclerosis free of vestibular s y1npt o1ns. 48 Special
The evidence that has en1erged thus far is suggestive of a attention should be paid to the potential coexistence of oto­
possible persistent nieasles infection similar to what occurs in the sclerosis and Meniere's syndrome in a patient '"'ith clinical oto­
central nervous systen1 in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.32 sclerosis and vertigo. The hydropic saccule is at risk of injury
Support of this hypothesis originates fro111 ultrastructural and during the operation with a high potential for SNHL. Hence,
in1munohistochen1ical evidence of nieasles-like structures and stapedecto1ny and stapedoton1y arc contraindicated in these
antigenicity in active otosclerotic lesions.33•34•35 In addition, patients. Patients inay con1plain of tinnitus, which niay some­
measles ribonucleic acid (RN A) has been found in archival and tin1es in1prove with successful surgery 49 5 1
. -

fresh footplate specin1ens with otosclerosis.36•37•38 Elevated levels

of antimeasles antibodies have also been reported in the peri­ Physical Examination
lymph of patients undergoing stapedectomy for otosclerosis as
A norn1al-appearing tyn1panic niembrane in the setting of pro­
con1pared to controls.39 Others have reported lower levels of
gressive conductive hearing loss is the halhnark of otosclero­
circulating antin1easles antibodies in patients with otosclerosis
sis. In son1e cases, a vascular blush on the pro1nontory can be
as compared to healthy controls.40 This hypothesis is further
appreciated (Schwartze's sign). Although reflective of an active
strengthened by recent evidence that the incidence of otosclero­
disease process, Schwartze's sign is not considered a contrain­
sis has declined since the introduction of measles vaccination.7
dication for surgery. Findings such as niiddle ear fluid, ty1n­
Hor111ones may influence otosclerosis. Otosclerosis is niore
panosclerosis, retraction pockets, hypo- and hypern1obility of
prevalent in wo111en con1pared to 1nen by a factor of l.4 to 2. It
the nialleus, inay point to other causes of conductive loss. The
has been long held that pregnancy and lactation can accelerate
external auditory canal is surveyed for infections, exostoses, and
otosclerosis, although reliable evidence for this is lacking.41
other anaton1ic factors that inay pose a problen1 during surgery.
Exostoses li1niting exposure should be repaired in a separate
procedure prior to stapedecton1y. Stapedecton1y should follow
Otosclerosis is most often suspected to be the cause of a patient's healing of the canal.
hearing loss based on con1patible history, physical exa1nination, Tuning forks of 512 and 1024 Hz should be used to assess
and audion1etric testing. Definitive diagnosis is usually made hearing. The results of Rinne and Weber tests should correlate
at the tin1e of surgery. The evaluation should exclude other '"'ith the results of audiometry. lvlany surgeons consider a neg­
causes of conductive or niixed hearing loss, including inactive ative 512 Hz Rinne test a prerequisite to intervention. A li1nited
chronic otitis 111edia and tyn1panosclerosis. The diagnosis of otosclerotic focus at the anterior oval '"'indow niche 1nay par­
a third niobile third window42 such as superior seinicircular tially displace the footplate causing it to jan1 in the posterior
dehiscence (SSCD) should be considered and excluded before oval window resulting in a nlild lo,v-frequency conductive hear­
surgery is undertaken.43-45 Acoustic reflex testing at the tin1e of ing loss. At the tin1e of surgery, fenestration atte1npts inay result
audio1netry is rnost reco1n1nended. Failure of stapes surgery to in a dislodged and floating footplate. Usually, by the ti1ne the
significantly reduce the air-bone gap should raise the suspicions Rinne test turn negative, fixation solidifies enough as to inake
of the existence of a third niobi le \Vindow. this scenario less likely.

History Audiometry

Typically, patients with otosclerosis will co1nplain of a pro­ Con1plete audion1etry including air and bone thresholds, speech
gressive hearing loss. Tn approxin1ately three-quarters of cases discrin1ination, and acoustic reflexes is essential. Conductive,
both ears will be involved at presentation, although not nec­ n1ixed, or rarely pure SNHL n1ay be present. Early in the disease
essary syn1metrically. Nfost
. often, patients present in the third development of the typical air-bone gap loss is greatest in the

lov,r frequencies, which niay be the result of an anterior otoscle­ to be good indicators. In cases of bilateral involvement, the
rotic focus that has resulted in posterior footplate displacement worse hearing ear is usually operated first. The patient's pref­
v,rith partial subluxation and jamming of the footplate. With erence can be used t o guide side selection in symmetric loss. In
niore advanced ankylosis of the footplate the loss equalizes those accustomed to aided hearing unilaterally, the nonaided
across frequencies. The 111aximal conductive loss from stapes ear 1nay b e chosen. Following a successful operation with stable
fixation is approxi111ately 55 to 60 dB. The finding of a conduc­ results for at least a year, the contralateral ear can be operated
tive hearing loss greater than 60 dB should raise suspicion of upon. Concomitant sensorineural loss is not a contraindication
an ossicular discontinuity. A depression of bone conduction for surgery. Even in patients requiring a1nplification after sur­
thresholds at 2000 Hz (Carhart's notch) is often seen in oto­ gery, intervention 1nay still be beneficial by allowing better per­
sclerosis, but it is not considered pathognomonic. This elevated formance with a hearing aid. In cases of advanced otosclerosis,
bone conduction is in fact a pseudo Joss, an audiometric artifact measure111ent of true speech discrimination can be difficult, as
and may be related to the resonance of the external auditory the audio111eter's output may not suffice for adequate presenta­
canal and middle ear in face of the fixed ossicle.52 Following sur­ tion levels. Those patients tnay still significantly benefit fro1n
gery, this notch usually disappears as part of overcorrection or stapedectomy that should be considered in some patients \-Vith
closure of bone conduction by elin1inating this artifact. advanced otosclerosis prior to considering cochlear in1planta­
As nientioned, a third 111obile \-vindow such as SSCD can tion (see below). In these circutnstances, tuning forks can pro­
present \-Vith low-frequency conductive loss sin1ilar to that seen vide invaluable information.
in otosclerosis. These patients often have supranorrnal bone
conduction in the low frequencies. Hence, nieasurement of bone
conduction should not be stopped at 0 dB, but should include
Stapedecto1ny is contraindicated in patients with infected
better than 0 dB thresholds. Acoustic reflexes \o\Till be absent in
niiddle57 or external ears. Perforation of the drun1 is a contrain­
an otosclerotic ear, but present in an ear with air-bone gap due
dication as well. Surgery is not to be done in an only hearing ear,
to a third niobile window. Hence, acoustic reflexes should be
with the exception of a patient with profound 1nixed hearing loss
tested routinely as part of the eval.uation of a conductive hear­
who is a candidate for cochlear i1nplantation. In cases in '-vhich
ing loss.
the contralateral ear has disease that 1nay threaten hearing in
the future, surgery is relatively contraindicated. In patients with
vestibular syn1pto1ns, lv1eniere's syndro1ne niust be ruled out
1 niaging is not a routine part of the evaluation of a patient with
before surgery, as previously 1nentioned. In those requiring an
suspected otosclerosis; hO\o\Tever, it niay be helpful in confirming
intact vestibular systen1 for professional or other occupational
or excluding the presence of other pathologies causing conduc­
activity, the potential i1npact of surgery needs to be considered.
tive loss. Sensitivity for detection of otosclerotic foci by high­
Advanced age is not a contraindication for surgery,58 although
resolution con1puted ton1ography (CT) scans is 85 to 87%.'3•54 the likelihood of success 1night be slightly reduced in patients
Inactive and submillin1eter toci are 111ostly responsible for false­
older than 70 years.59
negative scans.

Informed Consent
Candidates for surgery should be inforn1ed about an1plification
Various procedures have been uti Iized to correct conductive loss as an alternative n1ode for in1proved hearing. Postponing sur­
associated with stapedial fixation. Currently, by far the most gery does not reduce the chances of success, nor increase the
coinmonly perfor1ned procedure is stapedotomy: the creation likelihood of con1plications. Hence, the patient need not act
of a small hole in the footplate \-Vith placen1ent of a prosthe­ '-vithin a certain windo'-v of opportunity.
sis froo1 the incus to the vestibule. This is the procedure of lnfor1ned consent n1ust include description of the pro­
choice at the l\1assachusetts Eye and Ear Infirrnary (NlEEl), cedure and discussion of all potential risks: failure of the
and its detailed description follows. A\-vareness of other types of procedure to correct the conductive con1ponent of hearing
procedures is in1portant, especially \-Vhen perforo1ing revision loss, partial or co1nplete SNHL (occurs in approxin1ately l o/o of
stapedectomies. surgeries), vestibular disturbances, perforation of the ty1npanic
Stapes surgery requires a specific set of acquired skills. lt n1e1nbrane, facial nerve injury, developn1ent of perilyn1phatic
is estimated it takes an average of 50 or niore55•56 procedures to fistula (PLF), delayed failure after an initial good result, and
achieve reliable and consistent results. The declining nuo1bers disturbance of taste as a result of n1anipulation or sacrifice of
of stapedecton1ies n1ay extend the ti1ne it takes for trainees to the chorda ty1npani nerve. Patients with an occupational depen­
coinplete this learning curve.56 dence on taste should consider this factor in the potential risk
to the chorda tyn1pani nerve, before sub1nitting themselves to
Indications surgery. Patients wishing to engage in activities exposing the111
Surgery is considered in a patient with clinical otosclerosis when to significant pressure variations, such as pilots, divers, and
there are clinical indicators of stapes fixation and reasonable parachuters, require proper counseling. Stapedoto111y and sta­
expectations that surgery will result in a perceptible benefit to pedecton1y are thought to increase the risk for barotrau1na to
the patient. An air-bone gap of25 dB or niore at frequencies of the inner ear including PLF and its associated irreversible hear­
250 Hz to l kHz and a negative Rinne at 512 Hz are considered ing and vestibular loss. Hence, it inay be prudent to avoid these

activities altogether after stapes surgery. That being said, some Exposure and Exploration
surgeons allow such activities with evidence of good eustach ian A speculum holder attached to the bed or the headrest allov,rs
tube function either clinically6° or with a tympanon1eter pres­ free nlovement of both hands. Proper sizing of the speculum is
sure test of +400 nln1 H20.01 in1portant-if too small it will nlove against the external canal
wall, restricting the view and the introducti.on of instruments. Too
Operative Note large a speculu111 will push the soft tissue of the cartilaginous canal
rnedially, restricting the operative view. The speculun1 should
The operative note of surgery for correction of otosclerosis 111ust
include several speci fie notations: the shape and 111obiIity of the wedge into the lateral aspect of the bony canal. Local anesthesia is
achieved v,rith a mixture of 1°/o Jidocaine and 1:100,000 epineph­
incus and n1alleus, the presence of otosclerosis, fixation of the
stapes, patency of the round window, location of and the bone rine. The four quadrants of the cartilaginous canal are injected
with a 27-gauge needle. The bony external canal is injected with
covering the facial nerve, and the status of the chorda tympani
at the end of the procedure. Unusual perilyn1phatic flow should a beveled 30-gauge needle in the subperiosteal plane at 6 and
1 2 o'clock. Even under general anesthesia proper injection is cru­
be noted as wel I. The type and size of the prosthesis used should
cial; it will reduce the chance of bleeding in an operation \<Vith low
be specified. These recordings may be of extreme importance
when surgery for the contralateral ear is considered or in cases tolerance for visual obstruction of the surgical field.
The ty.mpanon1eatal flap can be fashioned in various
of consideration of revision stapedectomy.
shapes, triangular or trapezoid. It should allo\.v good exposure
of the posterior middle ear, and in its superior-posterior part
provide coverage of the bone defect created by curetting dur­
Choice of anesthesia depends on patient's and surgeon's prefer­
ing the operation. The flap is elevated to the annulus. Before
ences and the nature of surgery planned. Local anesthesia has
entering the middle ear, the ear canal should be free of bleeding.
the advantage of saving ti111e co111pared to general anesthesia.
The middle ear is entered inferior to the location of the chorda
Tntraoperative patient reports of vestibular stin1ulation nlay be
tyn1pani nerve, carefully avoiding perforation of the drun1. The
used as a safety measure to prevent excessive inner ear irrita­
annulus is elevated from its sulcus and together with the drun1
tion; however, operations under general anesthesia do not carry
elevated from 6 o'clock inferiorly to the line of the nlanubriun1
increased risk for vestibular complication. General anesthesia
superiorly. The flap is tolded anteriorly where it shouJd re111ain
provides assurance against pain and head 111.ovement.
without creeping into the surgical field. Optimal exposure of
the oval window niche requires visualization of the pyramidal
Perioperative Antibiotics and Steroids
en1inence and the tyn1panic segn1ent of the facial nerve prior
!Ylost surgeons advocate antibiotic prophylaxis against co.111- to proceeding \<Vith removal of the suprastructure of the sta­
n1on skin bacteria. Accordingly, one of the first-generation pes. Most often, adequate exposure necessitates removal of the
cephalosporins i.s appropriate for patients with no allergy bony annulus in the posterior-superior quadrant. The bone is
to these agents and clindamycin for those with such allergy. re111oved using a bone curette or a drill, with care not to injure
Antibiotic treatment is continued for a week after the opera­ the chorda tyn1pani nerve and the incus.
tion. Although there is no scienti fie evidence to support the Next, the 111iddle ear pathology is delineated. Patency of the
use of antibiotics, they are commonly used in practice as otitis round window is examined and described in the operative note.
nledia in the im111ediate postoperative period can have devas­ The oval window niche is surveyed for evidence of otosclero­
tating consequences. sis. Mobility of the ossicular chain is checked. The nlalleus and
Stapedecto111y and stapedoton1y are associated with an incus are palpated and their n1obilityassessed. The move111ent of
in1mediate and transient perioperative reduction in bone con­ the stapes is exan1ined by direct and gentle nlanipulation of the
duction attributable to serous labyrinthitis. To nli.tigate this suprastructure. ff the stapes is found to be fixed and the incus
reaction, steroids are commonly adn1inistered at tin1e of opera­ and 111alleus are mobile, the surgeon can proceed with stapedo­
tion and discontinued thereafter. There is evidence that steroids ton1y. The incudostapedial joint is separated with a joint knife.
nlay reduced the severity of serous labyrinthitis after opening The stapedial tendon is cut with scissors or with a laser as close
the peri lymphatic space, but no clear proof that it has an effect as possible to the pyra111idal en1inence to minin1ize both visual
on the results of stapes surgery.02 and physical obstruction in the corridor through \.Vhich the pros­
thesis \viii be introduced (Figure 32-lA). If the operating sur­
Surgical Technique geon has a laser available, the posterior crus is divided as close

Positioning to the footplate as possible to prevent obstruction of view of and

Proper positioning of the patient is essential and allows for approach to the footplate after removal of the suprastructure

good visualization of the oval v,rindow niche and neighboring (Figure 32-lB). Section of the anterior crus (Figure 32-lC) is

structures and ease of approach to the nliddle ear. Bringing the often not possible or necessary. The suprastructure is fractured
downward toward the pron1ontory and ren1oved fron1 the mid­
tyn1panic 111embrane to a near horizontal plane serves these
dle ear.
goals. The head of the patients is turned toward the contralat­
eral shoulder and tilted dov1nward 10 to 15 degrees. This is best Fenestration
achieved by a surgical bed with a separate head rest. The sur­ A hole in the fixed footplate is n1ade to allow for the introduc­
geon position should be comfortable, preferably having his or tion of the prosthesis. The size of the fenestra is dependent in
her legs on the floor and back supported. part by the prosthesis to be used and should be nlade just large



c D

FIGURE 32-1 • Exposure of the stapes footplate using a handheld laser. For cutting, the tip of the laser is brought
to immediate proximity to its target. A small-diameter suction is used to clear the field of fumes. A, Separation of
the stapes tendon with a laser. Alternatively, the tendon can be cut with scissors. The tendon is separated as close
as possible to the pyramidal eminence. B, Posterior crurotomy with a laser. The crus is separated as close as pos­
sible to the footplate to prevent impediment to the introduction and movement of the prosthesis. Sequential holes
are created with the laser and separation is completed with a straight pick. Care is taken to prevent the laser from
damaging the adjacent facial nerve. C, When possible, the anterior crus is separated as well. This can be achieved
by pointing the laser between the crura toward the inner aspect of the anterior crus. Anterior crurotomy is often
difficult to achieve and is not a mandatory step. 0, Separation of the incudostapedial joint with a proprietary knife.
Many surgeons prefer to separate the joint before incising the stapedial tendon in favor of more stability during
disarticulation. The intact stapedial tendon counteracts separation movements that are directed from posterior to
anterior. Excessive lateral movement of the incus is avoided. £, When needed thickened mucosa and blood vessels
on the footplate can be coagulated using the defocused laser beam. The laser is held at a distance of 2 mm from
its target. This will prevent bleeding during fenestration.

enough to accon1n1odate the prosthesis freely. The fenestra in

the footplate can be created with an electric microdrill (e.g.,
Skeeter) or a laser with sin1ilar success.63 Lasers can cut and
coagulate with great preci.sion and without generating pressure
or n1ove111ent. These qualities are desirable for stapes surgery in
a nun1ber of applications: fenestrating a thin footplate with the
reduced risk of resultant floating footplate; having the ability
to fenestrate a mobile footplate; and creating a fenestra with
minin1al 111ovement of the footplate or perilymph thus reducing
inner ear irritation and trauma. Although there are no stud­
ies that clearly den1onstrate a difference in results between the
use of drill and laser, for n1ost otologic surgeons, the laser has
proven to be a n1ost useful tool.
The adventitious qualities of laser are shared by lasers both
in the visible (argon or potassiun1 titanyl phosphate [KTP-532])
and the invisible light range (carbon dioxide [C02]); both types A

have been used with similar success and complications rates.64

Lasers in the visible light range are convenient in being deliver­
able through a flexible fiberoptic handheld piece and not requir­
ing a separate ain1ing bean1. Visible lasers are best absorbed by
pig111ented tissue and n1uch less so by white tissue. Because
they are delivered through a fiberoptic cable, the light energy
disperses rapidly after leaving the tip thus allowing for both
coagulation (Figure 32-JD) and cutting depending upon the
distance between the tip and the target. ?vfuch experience has
been gained with these lasers with good results and few com­
plications, proving that with proper use visible light lasers are
efficacious and safe for creation of a small fenestra stapedoton1y.
The current laser used at the 1'1EET is a KTP 532 with a bea111
width of200 µm.
Carbon dioxide lasers have the advantage of not being
absorbed in the perilyn1ph, thus potentially reducing the risk
to the structures within the vestibule. They have been used suc­ B
cessfully for stapedotoniy. 65•66 The disadvantages are the need
for a separate ain1ing beam and the require.ment of a mi.cro­
scope-attached delivery systen1 with a direct sight line fron1 the FIGURE 32-2 • Fenestration of the stapes footplate. A, A KTP-pulsed
microscope to the footplate. Recently, a handheld, flexible C02 diode with a beam width of 200 µm is depicted. A rosette measuring

delivery systen1 has been introduced. five slightly overlapping holes is created to accommodate a 0.6-mm
diameter prosthesis. 8, The edges of the fenestra can be smoothed
With the KTP laser, tenestration is achieved by creating a
with a straight pick o r a small rasp.
rosette of five partially overlapping laser burn n1arks to achieve a
fenestra that will accon1modate a 0.6-mm piston (Figure32-2A).
The laser leaves a circular black char v1ith central whitening rep­
resenting a pinpoint hole allowing, at tin1es, perilymph to egress and weight (although the last variable has little influence on

the vestibule. After the first mark of the laser on the footplate hearing results). A number of prostheses attach to the incus

is n1ade, subsequent burns partially overlap the preceding spots with a metallic loop that needs to be crimped for a stable fit

to take advantage of the better absorption of the visible laser around the incus; others attach without crimping. Robinson­

by the dark colored char. The surgeon should allov,r2 or 3 sec type prostheses have a bucket that cradles the lenticular and
to lapse between laser pulses to allow the perilymph to cool. It long processes of the incus and a handle that stabilizes the pros­
is better to create a slightly large tenestra than a slightly small thesis. The recently introduced shape memory alloy recoverable

one, as friction between the prosthesis and the bone edges of the technology (StvlART) piston prosthesis (Gyrus ENT, Bartlett,

fenestra can adversely in1pact the result. The fenestra is sized TE), makes use of the elastic memory of a nitinol metallic wire

with a 0.6-mm rasp or measuring rod, which should easily pass that coils around the incus in response to heating. Preliminary

through the fenestra without resistance (Figure 32-3 ). results reported with this prosthesis have shown equivalency in
hearing results with other prostheses.68•6q Some surgeons have
Prosthesis Choice, Placement, and Attachment expressed concern that the nickel component of the metal may
lv{any prostheses designs are currently available.67 They differ not b e as biocompatible within the ear as stainless steel and
mostly in the mode of attachment to the incus, the dian1eter and platinum.68 Self-retaining prostheses that are clipped to the
length of the distal piston or rod, the niaterial of construction, incus are available as well.70 At the tvlEEI, the most commonly

0.25 1n1n (Figure 32-3). An additional 0.25 mm is added if the

need for bending of the prosthesis is anticipated. A prosthesis
of the appropriate length is selected based on the nieasuren.1cnt
of the fcncstra diarneter and the distance between the fenestra
and incus. The surgeon ascertains sufficient opening of the loop
of the prosthesis. The prosthesis is grasped by its loop with a
smooth alligator forceps in an angle relative to the axis of the
prosthesis, which allows its placcrncnt on the incus and fencstra
•' "
.. ,, in one 1nove1nent. If the piston can not be inserted to the fencs­
.• .,.
4mm tra in the initial effort, it is left in the oval v,rindO\\' niche and
1nanipulated to the fenestra in a separate maneuver. Tightening
tbc ribbon or •vire loop to the long process of the incus is done
- with a crin1per. The criinping is done at the narrowest area of
the long process, and then the prosthesis can be moved proxi­
I 0.6mm � n1al along the incus to achieve a favorable angle. The crimper
I 0.7mm should be engaged with both its clav1s visible to the surgeon and
having a deep purchase to the incus. Engagen1ent that is too
shallo\.v or angulated back\.vard 111ay result in an elliptical loop

FIGURE 32-3 • The distance between the fenestra and the medial around the incus that 1nay allow differential 1novement of the
aspect of the incus is measured. A measuring gauge is placed level incus against the prosthesis (Figure 32-4 and 32-5), which 1nay
within the fenestra. An additional 0.25 mm is added to the measured result in a reduced hearing gain and long-term failure by ero­
distance as this is the appropriate protrusion of the prosthesis into sion of the distal end of the incus. Common reasons for differ­
the vestibule. The measuring rod can also be used to size the fenestra
ential movement of the incus and the prosthesis are improper
since its diameter is 0.6 mm. From Nadol JB Jr, McKenna MJ,
editors. Surgery of the ear and temporal bone. 2nd ed. Philadelphia:
crin1ping or friction between the piston and the walls of the
L ippinc ott Williams & Wilkins; 2005. p. 281. Reprinted by permission. oval window niche or fenestra. 'fhc wire of the prosthesis can
be 111anipulated \.vith a right-angled hook to clear so1ne obstacles
and create a better and 1nore perpendicular angle in relation to
used prosthesis is a platinum ribbon type. 1'he ribbon 1nakes a the entrance to the vestibule. Tbc area around the prosthesis
wider and xnore stable contact point with the incus compared and the fenestra is packed with Gelfoan1, blood or loose connec­
to steel wire. Platinum is devoid of steel coiling memory and tive tissue, the latter obtained from the subdermal tissue of the
hence is easier to crimp. The platinurn shaft connecting the lobule, postauricular area, or cartilaginous canal.
ribbon to the piston base is a rounded wire and can be easily Tbe tyn1panon1eatal flap is restored to its anatomic position
angulated after placement of the prosthesis for optimal incus and surveyed for any perforations requiring grafting. The edges
to fenestra reach. arc inspected and unfurled. The flap is stabilized with Gelfoam
For sound transmission, larger prosthesis diameter should or silk ribbons with sponge patch.
yield better closure of the air-bone gap, at least in low and 1nid­
Total Stapedectomy
dle frequencies,71-7) although sorne studies have reported sin1ilar
long-terrn results for 0.41n1n piston diameter prosthesis versus Although chronologically stapedoton1y was introduced as an
0.6 n11n.74 Studies co1nparing the results with various types of cvolutunary in1provement of stapcdcctorny, done properly both
co1n1nercially available prostheses are lin1ited by confounding techniques can yield good rcsu Its. ln certain situations, stapc­
effects (such as the size of the fenestra and sn1all sa1nple size) doton1y is not possible and stapcdcctorny is perforn1ed, cg, a
and by ceiling effect as a reasonable air-bone gap closure is usu­ floating footplate, a con11ninuted fracture of the footplate, a
ally achieved regardless of the prosthesis size (see Chapter 3 for footplate inadvertently removed during suprastructure dislo­
a more detailed discussion). Some surgeons prefer a 0.4-mn1 cation through anterior crus attachment, and some revision
prosthesis to allow for fenestration of the stapes and crimping surgeries. Stapedectomy is also a solution when the instru­
of the prosthesis to the incus before fracture and removal of the n1cnts required to create a small fcnestra arc lacking. Special
suprastructure.7> care should be taken to n1ini1nizc trauma to the inner ear when
As 111agnetic resonance irnaging (MRl) scans advance to extracting the intact or fragn1entcd footplate. The gap between
create progressively stronger 1nagnetic fields and have wider the prosthesis and the oval window opening to the vestibule
indications for use, concern for the safety of stapes and other 1nust be scaled with tissue graft, such as fat. Although the hear­
middle ear prostheses has grown. A magnetic field can both beat ing results for stapedecton1y and stapcdotomy are similar, the
and 111ove a ferromagnetic prosthesis. All prostheses implanted occurrence, duration, and severity of vestibular sympton1s arc
over the past 17 years are safe for MRI scanning of 3 T.76•77 greater for stapedecton1y.
Prostheses are made in various lengths to accommodate
variations in anatomy and pathology. The prosthesis should Postoperative Care
protrude into the vestibule up to a distance of 0.25 mm. The Patients can usually be discharged frorn the hospital a few
correct length of the prosthesis is the rneasured distance of the hours after surgery. They arc instructed to keep their ears
medial side of the incus to the opening in the footplate plus dry, to avoid strenuous physical activities (cg, heavy lifting,

As n1entioned before, bone conduction is often in1proved after
surgery with correction of the Carhart's notch. Hence, in eval­
uating the results of surgery, postoperative air-bone gap is
calc ulated based on postoperative air and bone conduction
nieasure1nents, as stipulated by the gu.idelines issued by com­
n1ittee on hearing and equilibriun1 of the .An1erican Academy
of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.78 The results
achieved by experienced surgeons con1prise closure of the air­
bone gap to10 dB or less in 90% of patients v.rith an incidence
of profound SNHL of not niore than lo/o. In 90% of patients,
closure of air-bone gap is stable for niany years.'1•79

lntraoperative Problems
and Complications
FIGURE 32-4 • Proper crimping is essential to long-term success Tears in the Tympanomeatal Flap
of surgery. A, Proper crimping is de picted resulting in wire tightly
Co111mon reasons for tears in the tyn1panon1eatal flap are ele­
conforming to the round shape of the incus. B, Im proper crimping
vation of the flap in a lin1ited segn1ent, not in a broad front, and
creates an oval shape that may allow differential motion between
the incus and the prosthesis and delayed failu re. From Nadal JB Jr, elevating the ty111panic membrane without the annulus. These
McKenna MJ, editors. Surgery of the ear and temporal bone. 2nd pitfalls are to be avoided.
ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005. p. 284. Tears in the tympanic n1en1brane are best repaired by place­
Reprinted by permission.
n1ent of a medially placed tragal perichondriun1 or fascia graft.
Small tears in the vicinity of the annulus can be closed with a
piece ofGelfoan1. Sn1all linear tears in the canal skin flap typi­
cally need no repair but should be replaced in the correct orien­
tation avoiding in folding of the edges of the tear.

Sub/uxation of the fncus

Subluxation and dislocation of the incus occurs 1uost often
during curettage of the bony annulus, separation of the incu­
dostapedial joint, 1uanipulation around the oval window, and
crin1ping. Subluxation in1plies that part but not all of the attach­
rnents of the incus have been disrupted. In this case, chances
are high for achieving a good functional result fron1 co1npleting
the procedure with an incus attachn1ent prosthesis, although
crin1ping the prosthesis to a loose incus is more challenging.
Son1e surgeons preter to abort the procedure and atten1pt con1-
pletion as a separate procedure after giving sufficient ti rne for
the incus to reattach to the ma lieus. However, if disarticulation
or complete disruption of the joint occurs, as indicated by com­
plete freedorn of the incus to 1uove in niedial, lateral, anterior,
and posterior directions, it is best to ren1ove the incus and use a
rnalleus attachment prosthesis.

FIGURE 32-5 •A wire-piston positioned and crim ped properly. The Overhanging Facial Nerve
piston is perpendicular to the footplate fitting the fenestra snugly The location of the facial nerve should be visua.lly verified as
but moving free l y. The wire is crimped tightly around the incus a n d soon as the oval window area is exposed. The facial nerve can
perpendic ula r to its axis.
be dehiscent of its covering bone, but usually does not extend
significantly out of the fallopian canal, i.e., prolapse or overhang
the oval window (Figure 32-6). In a series of 1497 stapedecto­
Valsalva n1aneuvers), to avoid nose blowing, and to sneeze n1ies, prolapse of the facial nerve was found in 40 (2.6%); in
with an open mouth. Air travel is pern1issible a couple of 28 (J.9<Jlo) the prolapsed nerve covered niore than 50% of the
days after the operation. Oral antibiotics are continued for oval \.Yindow niche. Only four operations had to be aborted for
a week. If nonabsorbable packing is used, the patients are this reason.80 If the prolapsed nerve abuts the promontory infe­
usually seen I week postoperatively for packing removal. rior to the oval window, surgery should not be co.mpleted. In
Audion1etric evaluation is perforn1ed 6 to 8 weeks following the niajority of cases, surgery can be con1pleted by drilling a
the procedure. small fenestra that includes the inferior aspect of the annular

Facial nerve
otosclerotic foci



FIGURE 32-6 • H orizontal section of the oval window area. Facial FIGURE 32-7 • Horizontal section of a temporal bone with extensive
nerve prolapsing from the fallopian canal may obstruct approach to otosclerosis. The oval window niche is obliterated and the stapes
the oval window. From Nadol JB Jr, McKenna MJ, editors. Surgery footplate is severely thickened. This lesion cannot be perforated
of the ear and temporal bone. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott solely with a laser and will require thinning with a drill. EAC, external
Williams & Wilkins; 2005. p. 291. Reprinted by permission. auditory canal. From Nadal JB Jr, McKenna MJ, editors. Surgery
of the ear and temporal bone. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins; 2005. p. 292. Reprinted by permission.

ligarnent. It is best to drill around the midpoint of the inferior

rnargin, where the thickness of the promontory is greatest.81 1.0mm

This technique is sirnilar to the one used for extracting a float­

ing footplate. Generally, '"'ith an overhanging facial nerve, the
prosthesis rnust be longer than usual to acco111modate bending
Otosc le rotic
inferiorly to avoid the nerve and being positioned perpendicular
to the fenestra.

Obliterative Otosclerosis of the Oval Window

The oval '"'indow niche can be obliterated by severe thick­
ening of the stapedial footplate and/or the inargins of niche
(Figure 32-7). In a series of 293 primary stapedecton1ies,
obliterative otosclerosis was found in 14 (4.7%).82 The laser
is not efficient in removing such large amounts of bone.
Fenestration can be achieved after first saucerizing the obliter­
ated niche and thinning the obstructing bone. After blue lin­
ing the vestibule, the fenestration can be made with a 0.7-mm
diamond burr. Ivleasurements for prosthesis length are made FIGURE 32-8 • Horizontal section of the round window area

just prior to fenestration. If obliterative otosclerosis is found in demonstrating otosclerotic obliteration of the round window. This may
cause conductive hearing loss not amendable to surgical correction.
one ear, there is 50% chance of the same finding to be present
From Nadal JB Jr, McKenna MJ, eds. Surgery of the ear and temporal
in the other ear.82
bone. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005.
p. 293. Reprinted by permission.
Otosclerosis Involving the Round Window
The round window can be partially or completely obliterated
by otosclerosis (Figure 32-8). Cornplete but not partial oblit­
revision surgery is not recornrnended as the likely cause is a
eration is associated '"'ith significant conductive hearing loss.83
con1pletely obliterated round windo'"'·
Attempts at rernoving this obstruction have resulted in SNHL
and are contraindicated. During exploration of the ear, it is Persistent Stapediaf Artery
irnpossible to ascertain whether an otosclerotic obliteration is The stapedial artery develops and degenerates during the first
partial or co1nplete. Even a minute opening to the round win­ trin1ester of pregnancy. The artery traverses the obturator fora­
do'"' rne111brane can be associated with good hearing. Hence, n1en and after nor1nal regression it is often seen as a srnall vessel
if the round window is found to be obliterated, the procedure running across the footplate. When the artery persists it arises
should be completed and the finding noted in the operative frorn the internal carotid artery to either replace the 1niddle
note. If a residual conductive loss is present following surgery, n1eningeal artery or to branch into three arteries acco1npanying

the branches of the trigen1inal nerve. The incidence of persistent

stapedial artery recorded in surgical observations is l of 5000
to 10,000 ears (Figure 32-9); based on te1nporal bone studies
the incidence n1ay be higher.1g A persistent stapedial artery can­
not be safely coagulated with bipolar cautery or laser. Often, it
occupies only the anterior half of the footplate and fenestration
can be co1npleted iI1 the posterior half. The procedure should be
completed only if the space left by the artery is clearly sufficient -

for safe fenestration.

Malleus Ankylosis
The n1alleus head can be ankylosed to the wall or to the roof of
the epityn1panu1n by a spur or bar of bone. The etiology of this
type of ankylosis has no association with that of otosclerosis,
and n1ay be the consequence of a developn1ental defect or new
bone formation during inflan11nation of the 111iddle ear cleft.
The incidence of nlalleus fixation in the ten1poral bone collec­
tion at the N1EEI is O.So/o.84 Some surgical series report a slightly
higher incidence of l to 2%. Physical exan1ination and audi-
01netry can raise the suspicion of inalleus fixation. On pneu-
1natic otoscopy, reduced n1obility of the un1bo, inanubriu1n, or
lateral process of the n1anubriun1 is noticed. If suspected, the
diagnosis can often be confirn1ed by laser Doppler vibro1netry.
Myringosclerosis can be associated with malleus fixation. Most FIGURE 32-9 • A persistent stapedial artery may limit the approach
to the footplate. Although the artery cannot be safely coagulated,
cases of fixation of the malleus are unilateral in contrast to oto­
usually the space left posterior to it will be adequate for safe
sclerosis. During exploration of the ear, the moven1ent of each completion of the procedure.
of the ossicles should be assessed independently by gentle pal­
pation. Fixation of the malleus can be corrected during stapes
surgery by re111oving the incus and head of n1alleus and recon­
struction with a malleus attach1nent prosthesis.

Perilymph Gushers and Oozers

Fenestration of the footplate 111ay be followed by fluid egress
fron1 the vestibule to the 1uiddle ear. Although nan1ed peri­
lyn1ph gushers and oozers, this is in fact flow of cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF). Schuknecht suspected that oozers were a steady
trickle of fluid, associated with a persistent cochlear aqueduct,
which in the great iuajority of hun1ans does not allow free flow.85
A gusher is a strong and forceful flow (Figure 32-10) originating
fron1 a defect in the cribrose area of the fundus of the internal
auditory canal. This defect is often associated with other inner I \
ear anomalies and congenital fixation of the stapes and although
high-resolution CT n1ay be helpful, we have seen cases of peri­
"" -

lyn1ph gushers without abnorn1alities on CT. The rapid drain­

age of inner ears fluids can threaten sensorineural hearing, and
needs to be addressed i1u1uediately. The fenestra is packed with
tissue graft or a cotton pledger. Placing a lun1bar drain and low­
ering spinal fluid pressure can be useful, especially '"hen done
preoperatively in suspected cases. Stapedecton1y should be co111-
pleted by using a perichondriun1 or vein tissue graft. X-linked
recessive stapes gusher syndron1e should be suspected in 111 ale FIGURE 32-10 • Perilymphatic gusher. Fenestration results in
patients with childhood onset of heariI1g in1pairn1ent.86 a stream of CSF, which must be stopped promptly to prevent
irreversible damage to the inner ear. CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.

Floating or Depressed Footplate

A footplate that is irretrievably depressed into the vestibule ankylosis likely the procedure may be deferred or extreme care
(Figure 32-11) will aln1ost certainly cause in1n1ediate and in should be exercised while manipulating the suprastructure.
son1e cases, long-ter1n vertigo. Once a footplate has settled in the Fenestration by laser reduces the chances of a footplate dis­
vestibule there is no safe way to extract it without further jeop­ a rticulation as the laser exerts no pressure. Another preven­
ardizing the inner ear. If preoperative evaluation iuakes lin1ited tive measure is assessing the movement of the footplate before

than eye protection and potentially a course of systemic steroids.

If the surgeon is uncertain of the state of the nerve and does not
recall 1nanipulating or traumatizing the nerve, exploration of
the ear is required. On the very rare occasion that a transaction
or other significant trauma to the nerve is found, repair with or
without cable graft inay be required.
Delayed facial nerve paralysis is uncon1mon, with a reported
incidence of about 0.5°/o.85 It appears 5 to 20 days following sur­
7 88
gery and usually resolves in 1 or 2 nlonths. 8 • These patients are
inanaged sin1ilarly to those with Bell's palsy.87·88

Chorda Tympani Dysfunction

The chorda tyn1pani exits the posterior iter, usually to trav­
erse the field of stapes surgery. Injury to the nerve nlay result in
hypogeusia and dysgeusia, with evidence of atrophy of the fun­
gifor1n papillae in the denervated area. Sympto1ns arise inore
often in stapes surgery and myringoplasty con1pared to surgery
for chronic otitis inedia possibly as in the latter condition the
nerve inay be dan1aged by the disease prior to surgery.89,90 Rarely
the nerve does not need to be n1anipulated to obtain proper
exposure and is not at risk. Infrequently, the nerve is situated
as to prohibit surgery and needs to be cut. A severed nerve '"'ill
FIGURE 32-11 • A footplate floating in the vestibule, with the cause ten1porary sy1npton1s, which will i1nprove in the course
stapediovestibular joint completely separated, jeopardizing the
of 3 to 6 months with few or no long-term sympto1ns. In the
integrity of the membranous labyrinth.
course of t y pical stapes surgery, the nerve is manipulated to
son1e extent, stretched or dried out. The dried nerve recuper­
ates function quick ly and completely. The stretched nerve may
con1pleting the fracturing and disengaging the suprastructure.
cause the nloSt disturbing and potentially chronic syn1ptoms
Tf the footplate seen1s to be 1nobilized, every effort should be
of metallic taste, unpleasant taste, and altered taste of various
1uade to divide the crura prior to removal.
foods. The stretched nerve see1ns to cause n1ore disturbing
Tn the case of a floating footplate, fenestrat.ion can still
syn1ptoms compared to a severed nerve.89•90 Hence, if the sur­
so1netin1es be niade v.rith a laser. If that instrun1ent is unavail­
geon estin1ates during surgery that the nerve has been signifi­
able or the footplate too thick for the laser to penetrate, a sn1all
cantly stretched, it is better to sacrifice the nerve.
bur hole can be created inferior to the annular ligament and
the footplate elevated with a sinall hook. Tbe opening is then Otitis Media
sealed v.rith a tissue graft and an appropriately sized prosthesis Acute otitis media in the in1n1ediate postoperative period is
is placed. Tfthe footplate is depressed into the vestibule it should worrison1e as the risk of suppurative labyrinthitis and n1enin­
not be extracted, and the procedure is con1pleted. However, gitis is high. In the rare occurrence of the latter co1nplications,
results are highly variable. If the footplate is still attached at one the patient experiences pain and fever; inanage1nent includes
end, it can sometiiues be reo1oved by a s1nall hook engaged to a re111oval of any ear canal packing and ad111ission to the hospi­
reiunant of the crus on the nondepressed side. Small fragn1ents tal. Treat1nent with broad-spectru1n antibiotics is initiated and
of footplate or bone dust usually do not banu the inner ear. adjusted according to culture if available. Steroids may be help­
ful to inini1nize inner ear dan1age. Acute otitis inedia occurring
Postoperative Complications after the i1nn1ediate postoperative area (lasting approxin1ately
6 weeks) is treated the sa111e as for other patients.
Facial Palsy
Tn1n1ediate facial paralysis is related to local anesthesia or intra­ Vertigo
operative traun1a to the nerve. \A/hen facial paralysis is the result Vertigo u1ay appear during surgery, in1n1ediately fol lo,ving it, or
of local anesthesia, it is niost often related to overzealous injec­ in a delayed n1anner. The first type of vertigo inay indicate an
tion of the cartilaginous canal v,rith injection of the stylomas­ insult to the 1ne1nbranous labyrinth (Figure 32-12), or inay be
toid foran1en. Local anesthesia can also infiltrate to the niiddle the result of air entering the vestibule. Air is n1ost often intro­
ear fron1 external auditory canal injection or by direct applica­ duced to the vestibule as a result of suctioning in the oval '"'in­
tion to the niiddle ear. Te111porary paralysis of the nerve results, do'"' or occasionally by the rapid expansion of perily1nph fron1
but should recover con1pJetely within few hours. If \veakness a laser pulse. Pneu111olabyrinth generally resolves in 24 to 48 h.
persists past a period of3 h, a traun1atic injury is the likely rea­ Blood causes chen1ical irritation and resolves in a nlatter of
son. The facial nerve can be dan1aged by a bone curette or drill days. Vertigo extending beyond that tin1e suggests a u1ore seri­
during ren1oval of the bony annulus, b y fracturing the stapes ous insult to the inner ear and is often associated \vith SNHL.
toward the nerve rather than away toward the pro.montory, and Even if hearing recovers, a vestibular deficit 1nay re1uain, and
by injuring an anomalous nerve. If the surgeon is certain of the should be tested for and taken into consideration before operat­
integrity of the nerve, no further intervention is indicated rather ing on the contralateral ear.

Changes in surgical technique and inaterials used have inade


this once conunon con1plication rare.

ampulla Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Slight transient depression (<5 dB) in bone conduction imn1e­
diately following the procedure is a co1n1non occurrence and
attributable to mild serous labyrinthitis. Permanent SNHL
can occur i1111nediately following surgery or appear weeks or
1nonths after. Early loss, especially at high tones, is attributable
to surgical tratuna. Delayed SNHL should raise the suspicion
of a PLP. A delayed fluctuating low-frequency loss may indicate
post-traun1atic hydrops. Up to 1°10 of patients undergoing stapes
:::::""'3• utric
ula r surgery suffer partial or even complete SNHL.
m acula

Conductive Hearing Loss

Conductive hearing loss after stapes surgery can appear
unexpectedly immediately after the operation or inore co1n1nonly
delayed after initial good result. The etiology of im1nediate and
men1 brane delayed conductive loss and their respective treatrnent are dif­
ferent. Com1non reasons for im1nediate conductive loss after
stapes surgery are (1) malfunctioning prosthesis, eg, one that
is too short, (2) unrecognized 1nalleus fixation, (3) unrecog­
nized round windo\-v obliteration, (4) 1niddle ear effusion, and
(5) presence of unrecognized SSCD. Computed tomographic
scanning can help in identifying SSCD and, at ti1nes, round
\-Vindow obliteration. Revision surgery may be considered after
\-Vaiting for several months.
!vlore commonly, conductive hearing loss appears at a var­
iable time after a good initial closure or reduction of the air­
bone gap. The most frequent findings for recurrent conductive

FIGURE 32-12 •A vertical section of a temporal bone. The p roximity hearing loss following stapes surgery are erosion of the incus at
of the utricle to the undersurface of the footplate can be appreciated. the site of prosthesis attachment (64%), malpositioned prosthe­
This distance averages 2 mm. EAC, external auditory canal. From sis(41°/o), bony (14%) or fibrous regrowth at the oval \-vindow
Nadol JB Jr, McKenna MJ, editors. Surgery of the ear and temporal area, and round \-Vindow obliteration (23°/o).93 lncus erosion ini­
bone. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005.
tially nlanifests with a fluctuating loss intermittently in1proved
p. 297. Reprinted by permission.
by the Valsalva 1naneuver or changing head position. Eventually,

Delayed vertigo after stapes surgery is rare and can be the con1plete discontinuity of the ossicular chain occurs resulting in

result of benign positional paroxysn1al vertigo91 that can be a large air-bone gap. Incus erosion is due to resorptive osteitis

treated by physical therapy or the result of a PLF.92 A PLF can fron1 differential 1nove1nent of the prosthesis and incus or for­

occur in the early or late post operative period. eign body reaction, as occurred with polyethylene struts. As the
incus has good intraosseus blood supply, strangulation of the
Reparative Granuloma mucosa by crimping is not a likely cause.
A reparative granuloma is a mass of exuberant granulation
tissue18 developing in reaction to surgery, a foreign body (e.g.,
surgical glove powder, Geltoam sterilized by formaldehyde, the
prosthesis), or to perilyn1ph.93 It n1anifests in the 5th to 15th day Revision stapes surgery is technically 1nore challenging, has a
after surgery. The associated symptoms and signs of labyri nthi­ higher incidence of co1nplications, and has lo'A1er success rates
tis (dizziness, tinnitus, bearing loss, and nystagn1us toward the co1npared to prin1ary stapes surgery.94-96 There are a nun1ber
nonoperated side) appear after an early period of hearing gain. of indications for revision stapes,% Delayed or i1nn1e­
Otoscopy reveals edeiua, thickening, and hypere111ia of the skin diate postoperative conductive hearing loss of at least 20 dB in
flaps and ty111panic n1embrane. Audion1etry den1onstrates a the speech frequencies can be an indication for revision surgery,
mixed hearing loss and decreased speech discriiuination scores. depending on the hearing status of the contralateral ear. The best
Clinical suspicion of a reparative granulon1a is an indication for chance for i1nprove111ent is in cases with initial hearing in1prove­
i111111ediate reexploration in order to atte111pt to reduce the like­ n1ent after pri1nary stapedecto1ny that later di111inishes. Dizziness
lihood and extent of permanent inner ear dysfunction. Steroids and unsteadiness can be caused by an excessively long prosthe­
may be useful in this setting as well. The granulation tissue and sis. Sy1npto1ns of PLF are an indication for intervention to allevi­
prosthesis are ren1oved, and the tenestra is sealed with a tissue ate sy1npton1s and reduce the chances of further deterioration of
graft Early intervention n1ay help patients recover some hear­ inner ear function. In one series, 4 out of 10 patients suspected of
ing. Vestibular syn1pton1s usually resolve in weeks or months. having a PLF had the diagnosis confir1ned at revision surgery.96

Local anesthesia in revision surgery allows the patients to patients with a tympanic inen1brane and plica 111allearis
report sympto111s of inner ear trauma, however, the potentially (Figure 32-14), tight crin1ping, and using a prosthesis length
extensive time of the procedure n1ay warrant gener al anesthesia. that extends further into the vestibule (l n1m depth) con1pared
As the chorda tyn1pani nerve niay be adherent to the tyn1panic to an incus attachn1e11t prosthesis.98 A m.allcus attachn1ent
nien1brane or the tympano1neatal flap, special attention 1nust be prosthesis is an option in patients with a fixed nlalieus head.
paid to elevating the flap and to reflecting the drun1 anteriorly. After the prosthesis is attached to the inanubriun1, the nlalleus
Sharp dissection may be necessary to separate the nerve fron1 head is separated fron1 the manubriun1 with a nlalleus nipper
the flap. Frequent find in gs at revision exploration are prosthesis and re1noved. The periosteum of the inanubriun1 is incised
nialfunction at the incus, 1nost often due to incus resorption or with a sickle knife, and the periosteu1n and plica mallearis
suboptin1al prosthesis place1nent; prosthesis displacen1ent from arc separated fron1 the inanubriu1n creating a space through
the oval window; an intact footplate; a short prosthesis; nial­ which the hook of the prosthesis is introduced (Figure 32-14).
leus fixation; and no abnormal findings in exploration.65·% More Once crin1ped the wire at the tip of the hook is wrapped fur­
than one fi ndin g maybe present, and each possibility should be ther around the n1anubriu1n v•ith a fine hook- a technically
assessed in a systen1atic nianner. Assessing the exact cause of challengi11g task-as the inanubrium has a larger dian1eter and
hearin g loss requires good exposure of the oval window niche less round shape than the long process of the incus. A nitinol
and the prosthesis. The laser is particular helpful in revision (SMART) inalleus attachn1ent prosthesis has been developed.
surgery when it can be used to divide adhesions, mucosa I folds, The prosthesis nlust b e bent or other\-vise nlade to con1pcnsatc
and soft tissue surrounding the prosthesis in the oval window. for the anterior to posterior distance bcn-veen the n1anubriun1
Details of revision surgery are dependent on the nature of and the oval windo\-v.
pathology found on exploration of the 111iddle ear and thus are Results of revision stapedecto111y are, on an average, infe­
not uniforn1. Often the lenticular process and the dista.l end of rior to prin1ary procedures. Most con1n1only reported rates of
the long process of the incus are partially or eroded air-bone gap closure to 10 dB or better are 60 to 80%.65•94•96
(Figure 32-13) or less frequently the incus is fixed or subluxed. Son1e of the factors associated \-vith the less favorable outcon1es
Tf the anaton1y is favorable, a replace1nent prosthesis can be are nlore than one previous surgery in the revised ear; indica­
positioned fron1 the re1nainder of the incus to the vestibule tions for surgery other than conductive hearing loss; findi11gs
with incus reattach1nent. Son1e surgeons have advocated rein­ of incus necrosis requiring the use of a inalleus attachn1ent
forcement or augn1entation by bone cenient.97 When the incus prosthesis; and otosclcrosis regrowth. At a reported rate of 0.8
re1nnant is not suitable for prosthesis attachn1ent, a malleus grip to 7.7%,•»94-% SNHL is a small risk although higher than with
pr ost hesis can be used. Recommendations in order to niax.imize pri1nary procedures. The risk is higher in patients with SNHL
chances of successful nialleus attachn1ent include selecting follo,-ving the previous procedure.



-- Manubrium


FIGURE 32-14 •A horizontal section through the drum and malleus.

Along most of its length the manubrium is attached to the drum with
a mucosa! fold: the plica mallearis. Malleus attachment prosthesis
can be placed by elevating the mucoperiosteum from the malleus in
FIGURE 32-i3 • Common finding in revision stapes surgery is continuation of the plica mallearis to create a space of the prosthesis.
resorptive osteitis of the incus, allowing the prosthesis to migrate Note the oval shape of the malleus, which contrasts the more rounded
laterally and out of the fenestra. With the prosthesis extruded, the shape of the incus, hence requiring a different type of prosthesis.
fenestra may reseal with soft tissue. This is most often the result of EAC, external auditory canal. From Nadol JB Jr, McKenna MJ, editors.
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prosthesis. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005. p. 301. Reprinted by permission.

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Implantable Middle Ear and Bone
Conduction Hearing Devices
Charles C. Della Santina, MD, PhD I Lawrence R. Lustig, MD

Although conventional hearing aids are the principal ineans of represents the limit of existing conventional hearing aids. For
auditory rehabilitation for patients with sensorineural hearing exa1nple, the nlaxirnum an1plitication at l kHz for a behind­
loss (SNHL) or conductive hearing loss (CHL) that cannot be the-ear (BTE) Phonak SuperFront PPCL4 power digital aid is
resolved via n1edical or operative treatment, inore than 85o/o of about 75 to 82 dB.3 As a rule, hearing aid gain and overall size
hearing aid candidates reject them due to lack of sufficient per­ scale up and dovvn together, \vith the nlost pov.1erful aids being
ceived benefit, out-of-pocket expense, discon1fort, and cos111etic large and the cosn1etically less obtrusive aids offering less gain.
concerns.1 Even a111ong the nlinority patients who do want to The n1axi111u1n gains for digital in-the-ear (ITE), in-the-canal
use hearing aids, nledical complications of external auditory (ITC), and con1pletely-in-canal (CIC) aids currently are about
canal occlusion, such as chronic otorrhea and otitis externa, 55 to 65 dB, 45 to 55 dB, and 35 to 50 dB, respectively.3
can co111plicate or prevent successful use of conventional hear­
ing aids. Acoustic Feedback
I111plantable acoustic/inechanical hearing devices differ Feedback further lin1its the useful gain of conventional hearing
fro111 conventional hearing aids in that they are partially or aids to less than the inaxin1un1 gains described above. Acoustic
totally i111planted and directly couple acoustic energy to the '"'aves fron1 the hearing aid speaker leak through the air space
ossicular chain or cochlea. In exchange for the added surgical bet\veen the hearing aid body and the external auditory canal
risks and costs associated with i111plantation, they offer several \val! back to the inicrophone, where (for a subset of frequencies)
potential advantages over conventional hearing aids, including they add to existing nlicrophone input and are an1plified fur­
increased gain and dyna111ic range, reduced feedback, reduced ther. The resulting positive feedback loop causes a lo\v-frequency
inaintenance, improved appearance, and frccdo111 fron1 car hu111 or high-frequency squeal. Feedback is typically \vorst for
canal occlusion. The balance between risks, costs, and advan­ CIC aids, in which the n1icrophone is closest to the speaker, and
tages continues to evolve as i111plantable hearing device technol- for ears '"'ith mastoid bowls, in which an airtight seal is difficult
ogy improves.

to obtain. At very high a1nplification, it is a problen1 even for

BTE aids. Fitting aids tightly into the external auditory canal
LIMITATIONS OF CONVENTIONAL can decrease feedback, but this decrease con1es at the cost of
HEARING AIDS increased incidence of discon1fort, otitis externa, autophony,
and blockage of natural sound input.
Conventional hearing aids are lin1ited in their ability to a111plify
sound without ge11erating feedback or in1parting distortion,
Distortion of Spectral Shape
because these aspects of perforn1ance are physically interrelated
and Phase Shifts
(Table 33-1).
Typically opti1nized for perfor1nance in the band containing
111ost speech signals (500-2,000 Hz), conventional hearing aids
Insufficient Gain do not provide inuch a1nplification below -250 Hz or above
For a patient with air conduction thresholds of 80 dB HL to -6,000 Hz. The resulting loss of "bass" and "treble" can give
perceive quiet sounds at a norn1al threshold of 0 dB HL, a the sound percept an artificial character. Isolated severe hear­
hearing aid n1ust a111plify sound by a gain of 80 dB, generat­ ing loss at low frequencies (as in Meniere's) or high frequencies
ing a 10,000-fold increase in sound pressure \vave a111plitude (as in presbycusis) can be difficult to re1nediate with traditional
and a 100,000,000-fold increase in sound power intensity.2 This aids without overan1plifying the inidrange frequencies at which


Iiowever, they perform less well when amplification at low and

TABLE 33-1 Nonideal features of conventional aids
midrange frequencies is required.
Insufficient amplification

Acoustic feedback
Poor Appearance
Many patients reject hearing aids due to their appearance and
Spectral distortion
social stig1na. Even the 8% of hearing aid candidates wearing
Nonlinear/Harmonic distortion ITC aids listed poor cos1netic appearance as a major contribut­

Occlusion of external auditory canal ing factor in their decision not to use a hearing aid.4 Hearing
aids are difficult to conceal in patients '"ho are balding or who
wear their hair short. �1iniaturization of electronics continues
Lack of directionality to in1prove hearing aids in this regard: CIC hearing aids are
essentially invisible to the casual observer, and open-fit aids are
unobtrusive. However, 1niniaturization typically co1nes at the
cost of lower gain, inore feedback, and higher cost. Ultin1ately,
a patient niay have norn1al hearing. Even in the niidfrequency battery size beco1nes the li1niting factor, with s1naller batteries
range, steep changes in audion1etric threshold at neighboring costing 1nore and requiring n1ore frequent replacement.
frequencies (eg, the notch often present in noise-induced hear­
ing loss) cannot be pertectly tit due to inherent lin1itations in the Poor Transduction Efficiency
rate of change of gain across frequencies. Too steep a change in
Loss of energy due to in1pedance 1nis1natching and transduc­
amplifier gain across frequencies in1parts phase shifts that dis­
tion losses and is an inherent drawback of all conventional aids.
tort the pitch and timbre of sounds. vVhile the transition from
The n1echanical i1npedance (change in pressure for a given
analog circuitry to digital signal processing and progran1ming
displace1nent) of the air-filled external auditory canal differs
has enhanced ability to fit each individual's audiometric profile,
fron1 that of the fluid-filled cochlea. When the tyn1panic 1ne1n­
these fundan1ental limitations per sist.
brane and ossicular chain are functioning norn1ally, they act as
an in1pedance-1natching transforn1er by virtue of the relative
Nonlinear/Harmonic Distortion
areas of the tympanic 1ne1nbrane and stapes footplate, and by
For high-intensity hearing aid output, nonlinear distortion of the lever action of the ossicular chain. The relatively large dis­
the sound signal arises as the speaker is driven into the range place1nent, low-pressure n1ove1nents of air against the ty1npanic
of niovements for which it b egins to saturate or clip. The result­ n1e1nbrane are transduced to the relatively sn1all displace1nent,
ing distortion imparts aberrant spectral con1ponents into the high-pressure n1ove1nents of the footplate. Without a n1iddle
sound percept, giving it an artificial or robotic character. While
ear 1nechanisn1, 1nost of the acoustic energy striking the stapes
digital signal processing within an aid's amplification circuitry footplate reflects back u1to the air. Except for bone-conduct­
can 111itigate distortion effects, distortion produced by a speaker ing aids, all traditional hearing aids use a speaker to output an
generating loud sounds in air ren1ain a fundamental lin1itation
(an1plified) acoustic wave into the air of the external auditory
of all traditional hearing aids. canal. When the middle ear apparatus is n1alfunctioning (as
in otosclerosis, ossicular discontinuity, or tyn1panic 1ne1nbrane
Occlusion Effects perforation), conventional hearing aids must overco1ne the
To 111inin1ize feedback, 111ost traditional hearing aids are fit to in1pedance 1nisn1atd1. The result is either reduced effective gain,
create an airtight seal with the external auditory canal wall, iso­ increased distortion, or both.
lating the hearing aid's speaker in the occluded ear canal. Canal Even when the ossicular chain is functioning nor1nally (eg,
occlusion has several undesirable effects. First, it can be uncom­ in a patient with purely SNHL), transduction of acoustic energy
fortable due to pressure on canal skin. Second, it increases the fron1 air at the input of a traditional hearing aid to stapes foot­
likelihood of otitis externa due to disturbance of wax egress and plate n10tion is in1perfect. \iVhenever a signal flows from one
111oisture retention, particularly in patients \V'ith tyn1panic mem­ physical realn1 (cg, electrical current in a speaker) to another
brane perforations or otorrhea due to cbronic suppurative otitis (eg, acoustic waves in air), son1e signal energy is lost and noise
111edia. Third, it causes autophony and a sense of aural fullness or distortion can add to the desired signal. There are several
that can worsen with changes in an1bient baron1etric pressure. transduction steps for a traditional hearing aid-fron1 acoustic
Fourth, it blocks the norn1al path,"lay for sound entry to the ear. '"aves in an1bient air, to electrical current in a inicrophone, to a
Finally, it disrupts the spectral shaping that norn1ally occurs larger electrical current in a speaker wire or piezoelectric driver,
due to external auditory canal resonances. Open-fit hearing aids to acoustic waves in air within the external auditory canal, to
111itigate these canal occlusion side effects by dispensing with n1ove1nent of the ty1npanic n1en1brane and ossicular chain, to
tightly fit occlusive canal niolds and instead using thin, nonoc­ acoustic waves in perilyn1ph, to hair cell stereociliary deflec­
clusive tubes for delivery of sound. To avoid feedback, these aids tion and depolarization, and so forth. Most are unavoidable
en1ploy feedback cancellation circuitry and locate the 111icro­ (although cochlear i1nplants bypass these steps through direct
phone far fron1 the speaker tube output (eg, on the BTE portion cochlear nerve stimulation). However, directly coupling an
of the device). Open-fit hearing aids are an excellent option tor actuator to the ossicular chain can bypass son1e of these trans­
individuals with isolated moderate high-frequency hearing loss. duction steps, boosting gain and reducing distortion. Nearly,

all implantable acoustic/n1ecbanical hearing devices make use magnet, which can either be separate frotn the coil and attached
of this approach. alone to the ossicles or integrated with the coil to become a
vibrating con1pound mass affixed to the ossicles. Piezoelectric

IMPLANTABLE ACOUST IC/MECHANICAL devices n1ove ossicles using a piezoelectric crystal that bends or

HEARING DEVICES lengthens in ti1ne with changes in a signal voltage applied across
it. Piezoelectric ossicular actuators generally yield greater pov.rer
T1nplantable acoustic/n1echanical hearing devices face n10St of and less distortion than electron1agnetic devices, but they are
the san1e challenges described above for conventional hearing typically larger and require precise placement to ensure proper
aids, plus the added disadvantage of requiring surgery and thus con1pressive force between the actuator (integrated into a hous­
being 1nore cos tly . Considering the additional risk and costs, ing rigidly connected to the temporal bone) and the ossicle it
i1nplantable hearing devices will only be a n attractive option contacts.
if they perforn1 significantly better (in at least so1ne respects) Various implants employ a nun1ber of '"'ays to couple
than the best available conventional aids a given patient could vibration stimuli to the inner ear. Sotne employ a piezoelectric
otherwise use. transducer to push on an ossicle, while others employ a magnet
Although the total nun1ber of hearing-impaired individuals attached to an ossicle and vibrated via a signal current cours­
is growing '"'orldwide, the subset of hearing-in1paired individu­ ing through a wire coil. Either design can be adapted to contact
als who are currently considered good candidates for in1plant­ the incus, stapes capitulum, stapes footplate, or round window
able rather than conventional aids by this criterion is limited to membrane.
about 0.09o/o of the total.4 Considering this comparatively small
market against the expense of obtaining regulatory approval for Total versus Partially Implantable Devices
i1nplantable devices, the long-tern1 viability of a sn1all company ltnplantable nliddle ear hearing devices 1nay be either partially
offering a new implantable device is a factor both the patient and or totally implanted. Partially implanted devices consist of an
surgeon 1nust critically evaluate '"'hen considering i1nplantation. external processor comprising a inicrophone, speech processor,
The sudden 2002 financial collapse ofSyn1phonix Corp, the first battery, and a transmitter coil that transcutaneously conveys sig­
cornpany to clear the US Food and Drug A.dministration (FDA) nals and power to the internal device. This approach facilitates
hurdles and rnarket their in1plantable n1iddle ear hearing device replacement of batteries, service and upgrade of processors, and
in the United States, strongly underscored this point, as it tran­ minitnization of internal device size, but requires patient accep­
siently left a population of implanted patients (and their sur­ tance of an external processor. By contrast, fully i111plantable sys­
geons and audiologists) without a source for technical support. ten1s house all of con1ponents within the implanted portion of
(Fortunately, subsequent purchase and successful rerelease of the device, including the battery pack and a microphone. This
theSymphon ix product Ii ne by the .lv1ed-El Corporation restored frees the patient from wearing a visible external processor, but it
stable support for in1plantees i n that instance.) increases the size and con1plexity of the iruplanted co1nponents,
The following sections review common and distinctive fea­ mandates surgical procedures for battery replacen1ent each -5
tures of the implantable acoustic/n1echanical hearing devices years, and con1plicates design and place111ent of the 1nicrophone.
in use in the US n1arket as of 2008. Two recent reviews provide
additional detail regarding these devices, technologies no longer Vibrant Soundbridge™
in clinical use, and the history of n1iddle ear in1plantable hear­ (Vibrant Med-El Corp.)
ing devices.5-7 The Vibrant SoundbridgeTM (Figure 33-1) was the first se1ni­
i1nplantable n1iddle ear hearing device available ii1Europe (1998)
MIDDLE EAR IMPLANTS and the United States (2000). Initially n1arketed by Syn1phonix,
the product line was bought by the Med-El Corporation
Basic Design Features
(Innsbruck, Austria) after Syn1phonix went bankrupt in 2002.
Actuator Design lvfed-El resun1ed Vibrant SoundbridgeTM sales in Europe by 2004
Conventional hearing aids function by receiving acoustic energy and in the United States in 2007.8
through a n1icrophone, processing and an1plifying the signal, The device e1nploys a "vibrating ossicular reconstruction
and transn1itting the signal through a speaker near the ear prosthesis" (VORP) electron1agnetic transducer, which is a
drum. This amplified sound then travels through the normal nlagnet/coil cotnbination typically attached to the long pro­
auditory pathway of the tympanic 1ne1nbrane and ossicles to the cess of the incus and connected via a thin signal wire to an
inner ear. Implantable 1niddle ear hearing devices differ from in1planted receiver/an1plifier. A signal current driven through
conventional aids in how they in1part sound vibration to the the coil induces vibration of the n1agnet, '"'hich in turn shakes
ossicular chain. In one of several n1echanisms unique to each the long process of the incus to which it is attached. An exter­
device, implantable middle ear hearing aids convert the electric nal audio processor conveys power and signals to the in1planted
signal moven1ent of an actuator coupled to the ossicular chain. device via an inductive link. The external processor houses a
Two basic types of transducers that have been incorporated into n1icrophone and standard zinc battery; it is held in place behind
them iddle ear implantable hearing devices: electro1nagnetic and the ear b y a pern1anent 1nagnet.
piezoelectric. Electron1agnetic transducers generate a 1nagnetic The internal device typically is in1planted using a standard
field using a wire coil carrying a current that encodes the micro­ transn1astoid, facial recess approach to the n1iddle ear. The
phone output. This 1nagnetic field induces n1otion of a nearby internal receiver is placed in a bony t roug h in the retrosign1oid


. ·
· ·


..-· .


c D

FIGURE 33-1 • The Vibrant Soundbridge TM

semi-implantable hearing aid. A, An external
microphone couples via an inductive trans­
cutaneous link to the actuator, a "vibrating
ossicular prosthesis" that couples to the incus
long process (8). C, Implanted component
of device. 0, Vibrating ossicular prosthesis
actuator. E, Programming unit and external
circuitry. F, H, The inductive link is implanted
against retromastoid cortical bone, similar to
a cochlear implant. G, The VORP is clipped to
the incus via a facial recess approach.

bone several centi1neters behind the ear, similar to place1nent of observed in 2, 4, and 6 kHz. Aided speech recognition in noise
a cochlear i1nplant processor. The VORP"M is cri1nped into the '"'as statistically unchanged between the Vibrant Soundbridge™
long process of the incus. As in stapedecto1ny, crimping force and conventional aids cases, although 24°/o of subjects per­
during attach1nent of the prosthesis on the incus long process for1ned significantly better with the in1planted device and 14o/o
inust reflect a balance bet\.Yeen 1naximal vibration coupling perforn1ed significantly \Vorse. Multiple European studies have
and avoidance of incus ische1uia and necrosis. Jv1odifications of reported si1nilar experience.10,i 1
the typical surgical approach allow treatment of mixed hearing As of2008, over 2,500 patients have been in1planted with the
losses due to otosclerosis and/or ossicular erosion or agenesis device \.YOr!dwide over 111ore than a decade, and long-ter1n data
through direct place1nent of the VORP'''M on the stapes super­ for large cohorts reveal outco1nes that are less ideal than early data
structure, round window, or oval windo\.Y. but still favorable.12 A 1nulticenter study of the first 97 subjects
Short-term postoperative outcomes \.Yith the Vibrant i1nplanted in France for whon1 5- to 8-year follow-up was possi­
Soundbridge"M cotnpare favorably with optimally fit conventional ble revealed that seven early recipients underwent rein1plantation
hearing aids. A prospective, single-subject, repeated-measures due to device failure (all before the 1999 redesign), seven under­
inulticenter study of 53 adult subjects with n1oderate to severe went explantation without rein1plantation, five others required
SNI-IL 1neasured unaided hearing before and after implantation, revision surgery (four successfully), and eight others were non­
functional gain, speech recognition, acoustic feedback, occlu­ users (due to progression of loss, inadequate perceived benefit, or
sion, patient self-assess1nent, and device preference in direct device failure).12 .tvlean functional gain data re1nained unchanged
comparison between the Vibrant Soundbridge".. and appro­ fro1n early postoperative values. The proportion of patients who
<10 dB
priately fit acoustic hearing aids.� I1nplantation caused said they would repeat the procedure (72%) ren1ained the sa1ne as
change in residual hearing pure tone average (PTA) in 96% of at 18 inonths postop, and -40% said they would consider binau­
subjects, while two subjects suffered a 12- to 18-dB worsening. ral i1nplantation. The most co1nmon side effects were persistent
Statistically significant improve1nent was observed in functional aural fullness (27%) and persistent taste alteration (8°Ai).
gain (threshold difference between aided and unaided condition) A 2005 su1n1nary fro111 the device inanufacturer on 1000
at all frequencies tested from 250 to 8,000 KI-lz, patient satisfac­ Vibrant Soundbridge™ implant cases described a 0.3°/o device
tion, performance, occlusion, feedback, and device preference failure rate since 1999 (excluding 27 of 200 devices of a prior
(P<.001). Greater than 10 dB improve1nent in functional gain was design that failed before then) and a 5°/o incidence of revision

discrimination, and medical contraindication or intolerance of

Frequency (Hz) a conventional hearing aid (Figure 33-2).15 A clinical trial of the
250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 SoundbridgeTM patients with mixed hearing loss (not yet a US
• FDA-approved indication) began in 2008 .

0 · - - - - - - - -:-I - - - TI - - - -!-
- - - r - - - �- - - -r - - - � - - - -,- - - -

Middle Ear Transducer (MET™) and

10 I I • I I I
- - - - - - - -1 - - - - r - - - - , - - - - r - - - - , - - - - r - - - - - - -.- - - -

Carina™ (Otologics LLC}
20 ., "'"' �.-"'"' • ••• ''"'1'" • • '"'T • • • ..I, .. • • . I,
... • • • • • • •1• • • ..
I I I t
The Otologics Middle ear transducer (METT") is an electromag­
t : t � � J �
netic middle ear hearing aid using a mechanism initially devel­
--- - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1 I I I I
t I I I t I
40 -------- ---f---�----�---�----�--- oped by a group headed by John M Fredrickson, MD, PhD in
' . '
' ' collaboration with Storz Instrun1ent Co. It is no'"" manufactured
50 . --------

' �� ...........''.............
by Otologics LLC.16•17 The original, semi-implantable 1vlETTM has
' '
60 -------- l � 1 �- � -
been replaced by the fully implantable CarinaT" currently in clin­
--- ---- --- --- --- --

' '
--------�--- --
- �-

- - - -'- - - -
ical trials (Figure 33-3).18 Each uses the same actuator; the main
' '
1 I 1 '
difference between the two devices is that the CarinaTM is a fully
- - - - -'- - - -
80 - - - - - - - -1- - - - .I - - - -1- -

' '
- - - -1.. ---

' ' ' in1plantable device incorporating a subcutaneous microphone and
I I I I I � I
- - - - - - - - � - - - · - - - - � - - - � - - - � - - - - 1- - - - � - - - - � - - -

battery sufficient to obviate the need for an external processor.
100 ·--------�---·----1 ---·�---�
I I I I I I t I

I t ! I I
I t I
Whereas the Vibrant SoundbridgeT" VORP relies upon
I t I I t I
vibration of a "floating mass" inertial load, the METT"/CarinaTM
Soundbridge clinic al ind ications: mechanistn moves the incus using a linear actuator rigidly con­
Pure-tone air-conduction thresholds within selection criteria nected to the edges of a limited n1astoidectomy cavity. Within
Normal n1iddle ear anato rny
the actuator housing is an electromagnetic transducer convert­
Word recognition score of 50% or better using recorded material
ing signal current into axial movement of a rod extending out
Absence of retrocochlear ore central involvement
18 years of age or older of the device to directly contact and move the incus body. This
approach offers the potential to exert greater force on the incus
than the floating mass approach; however, this comes at the
FIGURE 33-2 • Audiologic selection criteria for the Soundbridge™. expense of greater con1plexity in the implantation procedure,
The Soundbridge is indicated in patients with moderate to severe ""hich n1ust achieve precise positioning to ensure optimal com­
SNHL of up to 70 dB PTA hearing thresholds. T h e shaded area of the
pressive loading of the rod/incus junction.
figure corresponds to the pure-tone audiometric implant criteria.
Placement of CarinaT" requires a general anesthetic and
approximately a 2- to 3-hour operation (Figure 33-4).18 Via a
surgery due to inadequate performance (tnost of which were postauricular incision, a well is drilled to house the implant
attributed to fibrosis, transducer malpositioning, or inadequate body and then a limited mastoidectomy is performed to expose
fixation).13 Adequate performance was achieved after 12 of 16 the incus body and malleus head. A mounting stage similar to
revisions. Medical complications were uncommon, although a a titanium cranioplasty plate is attached over the opening using
1 % rate of skin-flap necrosis was noted. bone screws. A laser is used to make a small pit in the postero­
Because the VORP includes a magnetic component, the superior incus body, and then the linear actuator is maneuvered
manufacturer recom1nends against magnetic resonance i1nag­ into the mounting system and its position is finely adjusted until
ing (!v1Rl) after VORP i1nplantation. However, at least two its rod indents the incus pit with optimal compression force.
implanted patients have undergone 1.5 T MRI '"'ithout apparent The receiver capsule and transducer electronics are placed in
injury or device damage.14 the well, and the microphone is positioned subperiosteally at an
The Vibrant Soundbridge..M is suitable for patients with intact region of mastoid cortex.
hearing loss of up to 70 dB PTA. and is US FDA-approved for A multicenter, multinational trial of 282 adult patients with
patients with moderate to severe SNHL, adequate aided speech moderate to severe SNHL measured unaided hearing before and


FIGURE 33-3 • Otologics Carina1M. A, Anatomic place­

ment. B, Internal and external components of the
Otologics LLC Carina™ middle ear implant.

A 8 c



FIGURE 33-4 •Surgical implantation of the Otologics Carina™ begins with a limited antrotomy.
(A) sparing cortical bone ledges for attachment of a metallic stage (B), which will steady a laser (0) for
creation of a small hole in the posterosuperior incus. E, The laser is removed and replaced with the
METTM actuator, the tip of which inserts into the incudotomy (F). The actuator is secured to the stage
(G), the remainder of the implanted device is secured to retromastoid cortical bone (H), and an external
processor later connects to this area via a transcutaneous inductive link (/).

after i1nplantation with the sen1i-i1nplantable METTM, functional lower than the preoperative "walk-in" hearing aid perforn1ance
gain, speech recognition, and patient self-assessinent.17 A subset at all frequencies except 4 and 6 kHz at all test intervals. Word
of 77 patients wore an opti nally fit digital conventional hear­
1 recognition scores remained close to preoperative aided levels,
ing aid for at least 4 weeks preoperatively. In1plantation caused although significant decrements occurred due to microphone
no significant change in group 1nean air-bone gap; though an n1igration in some patients. These deci:en1ents improved v.rith
unspecified nun1ber of individuals suffered a "n1inor shift." reprogra1nn1ing. Patients' perceived benefit scores favored the
1.-fean functional gain averaged across 0.5/1/2/4 kHz (for the implant particularly with regard r.o occlusion, appearance, and
subset of 160 subjects tested at 2 to 12 111onths postoperatively) ease of use factors. Significant complications included device
was 28 dB. Speech recognition and subjective hearing assess- extrusion (partial in three devices and complete despite reoper­
1nent scores for the 77-subject cohort were not significantly dif­ ation in two of those three) and device electronics failure in at
ferent between the conventional digital aid and METT... The rate least two subjects. The authors recommended against in1p.lanta­
of device failures, reoperation, and other co1nplications were not tion in patients with thin or friable skin, and device fabrication
described in that report. processes were changed to address the electronics failure.
,il.,. 1nulticenter Phase I trial of 20 adults with up to 12 Asa fully implanteddevice reliant on a rechargeable battery
1nonths use of the fully in1plantable CarinaTM device revealed a \.Yith a finite (-5-year) lite, the CarinaTM must be exposed via
<10 dB group 1nean threshold shift for all frequencies fro111 0.25 surgery for replacement of the battery every -5 years.
to 8 kHz at 3 1nonths postop; this shift resolved by 12 nlonths The Carina TM bas received the CE n1ark tor clinical use in
postop for all frequencies above 500 Hz.18 Functio11al gain \.vas Europe, and Phase IT trials are underway in the United States. As

characteristics of the pinna, external auditory canal, and

tympanic men1brane. However, in1plantation of the Esteen1®
requires partial ren1oval of the incus to prevent feedback from
t---n-=S�ou. d processor
actuator to sensor. This ensures a maxi1nal CHL in the event of
Sensor device failure or removal, unless a subsequent ossiculoplasty is
perforn1ed. The internal battery n1ust be replaced via a surgery
Driver every -5 years.
The Esteen1® is designed for patients with 1noderate to
severe hearing loss. Indications include age <::1 8 years, n1ild
to severe (35 to 85 dB) SNHL between 0.5 and 4 kHz in the
in1planted ear that is equal to or worse than the hearing loss in
the nonin1planted ear, a healthy ear >vith pneun1atiza­
tion and adequate space for device i1nplantation on CT, norn1al
tympanon1etry, and speech discrin1ination 'G:60o/o.
B A Phase I trial of the EnvoyTM in the United States and

Gern1any was completed in 2003. 20 By 1 year after i1nplantation,
three of the seven subjects continued to use the i1nplant, three
• had been revised and then explanted, and one was a\vaiting revi­
sion surgery. For the three subjects with functioning i1nplants,
there was no significant change in bone thresholds, and the four­
frequency PTA functional gain was 17 ± 6 dB, which was co1n­
parable to conventional hearing aids except at 3 kHz, where the
Envoy1"1 perforn1ed less well than conventional aids. The drop
in perforn1ance was attributed to a gradual ingress of moisture
FIGURE 33-5 • The Esteem®/Envoy™ piezoelectric totally implant­
in the transducers.20
able hearing aid. A, Implantation technique. Instead of a microphone,
sound enters the device via a piezoelectric transducer coupled to the As of 2008, the device had received CE approval for
malleus and tympanic membrane. A piezoelectric actuator produces European 1narketing, \vas available in several countries in and
amplified stapes motion. Note that the incus has been removed to outside of Europe, and was undergoing a Phase II trial in the
prevent feedback. 8, Complete device. Images courtesy of Kem
United States.21
Jeanson, Envoy Medical Corp.


of 2008, >50 patients had been i1nplanted with the redesigned HEARING DEVICES
device and the failure nlodes identified during the Phase I trial W11ile n1any patients 'vith conductive or inixed hearing loss can
had not recurred.18 Variations on the size and length of the ossic­ be effectively treated using standard surgical techniques, con­
ular coupling have expanded the application of the Carina1M to ventional hearing aids, or one of the 1niddle ear implantable
patients with aural atresia and ossicular discontinuity, via direct devices described above, others may not be \vell served by these
attachment of the device on the stapes capitulum, stapes foot­ options. This group includes patients with chronically draining
plate, and round window.19 ears despite multiple corrective attempts; inability to tolerate a
hearing aid nlold in a radical n1astoid cavity; 1nedical contrain­
Esteem®-Hearing Implant™ dications to surgical repair of a severe-to-profound predon1i­
(Envoy Medical Corp.) nantly CHL; canal atresia with unfavorable anaton1y for atresia
The Estee1n®-Hearing 11nplant1"' developed by Envoy J\1edical repair; and ear canal closure after radical mastoidectomy, lateral
(formerly called the Envoy1"' device and developed by St. Croix ten1poral bone resection, or extensive skull base surgery.
tvledical, inc., tvlinneapolis,tvIN) is a fully implantable piezo­ Conventional, nonin1planted bone-conducting hearing aids
electric device that received the CE mark in Europe in 2006 and intended to serve these patients rely on a bone sti1nulator much
as of2008 was in a Phase ll clinical trial in the United States.20•11 like that used for audion1etry. The stimulator is pressed firn1ly
One especially notable design feature of the Esteem® is its use against postauricular skin over the n1astoid cortex. Chronically
of the tympanic tne1nbrane and malleus as a microphone dia­ applied, firn1 pressure on the skin and subcutaneous soft tissues
phragm; a piezoelectric sensor (essentially an actuator run in typically results in pain, headache, and skin irritation. Sound
reverse) transduces malleus 1notion into a signal voltage, which fidelity is limited by soft tissue attenuation, variable placen1ent
is a1nplified and used to drive a second piezoelectric actuator of the vibrator, and flaccidity of the securing device (usually
in contact with the incus and/or stapes (Figure 33-5). Power is eyeglass fran1es). For these reasons, conventional bone conduc­
provided by a nonrechargeable lithium-ion battery designed to tion hearing aids have largely fallen out of favor with patients
last 5 years between replacements, and control of the device is and clinicians, except in select circu1nstances. (Nfost notably,
acco1nplished through a radio frequency transcutaneous link to headband-n1ounted bone conduction sti1nulators serve a role in
a handheld device. delivering auditory stimulation to infants 'vith ear canal atresia
By using acoustic input 1neasured at the inalleus, the Esteem® whose te1nporal bones are not yet sufficiently calcified or thick
should maintain the spectral shaping and sound-localizing enough to acco1nn1odate an osseointegrated device.22) For this

group of patients, an osseointegrated bone-conducting stin1u­ Growing experience and enthusiasrn for the device quickly
lator can be an excellent option. lead to off-label use and de facto liberalization of patient selec­
T1nplantable bone conduction sti1nulators work by vibrat­ tion criteria to include patients with ipsilateral SNHL greater
ing the postauricular te1nporal bone. Because bone is an excel­ than the FDA-approved 25 dB PTA and patients with contra­
lent short-range conductor of audio-band vibration, these lateral single-side SNHL. As of 1995, -64°/o of the first 500
vibrations reach the otic capsule with sufficient intensity to AudianfrM implantations performed in North America were in
evoke basilar membrane and hair cell. stereociliary deflections patients who did not meet FDA-approved candidacy criteria.23
in ti1ne with the vibration. As illustrated by the Weber tuning Inconsistent outcon1es in such cases led to a 1995 recomn1en­
fork test, CHL not only degrades air-conducted hearing relative dation against "overe11thusiastic misapplication" in such sce­
to bone-conducted stin1uli; it also eftectively enhances bone­ narios.23 Restriction of candidacy to patients with <25 dB PTA
conducted hearing in the affected ear, probably because the sensorineural hearing thresholds put the AudiantTM at a relative
acoustic in1pedance mismatch caused by loss of a niiddle ear disadvantage con1pared with its rnain competitor, the percu­
transformer mechanisn1 causes bone-conducted vibrations of taneous bone conduction Baba® system. (see below). An unfa­
the otic capsule to reflect off the stapes footplate. vorable third-party payor environ111ent in the United States for
Two such devices-the Audiant Bone Conductor (Medtronic Audiant™ in1plantation rei1nbursen1ent further restricted the
Xon1ed, Inc.) ten1poral bone stimulator and the Baha® system nu1nber of patients in1planted. As of 2008, tviedtronic-Xo1ned
(Cochlear Corp.)-have reached widespread clinical applica­ was no longer nlarketing the AudiantTM.
tion. This section will review the former only briefly, because it
is no longer avaiI able for sale, then focus on the latter. Baha® System (Cochlear Corp.)
The Baha® system. (initially produced by Entific Corporation;
Audiant™ Bone Conductor
now 111anufactured by Cochlear Corporation, Lane Cove, NSW,
(Medtronic Xomed, Inc.)
Australia) is currently the only US FDA-approved bone con­
The AudiantT"' Bone Conductor™ manufactured by Xo1ned, duction hearing rehabilitation device available for clinical use
Inc. (later Medtronic Xon1ed, Inc.) earned niarketing approval (Table 33-2). It is a percutaneous osseointegrated bone conduc­
by the US FDA in 1986 for patients with CHL and norn1al senso­ tion hearing rehabilitation instrun1ent sin1ilar to the Audiant,."
rineural hearing. Tt \vas implanted in over 2,000 patients before in the goal of delivering bone-conducted sound to an intact
being removed fron1 the n1arket.22•23 cochlea; however, its design differs in that it i1nparts bone vibra­
The i1nplanted portion of the Audiant'"'' co1nprised a tita­ tion via a percutaneous metal post to which a nlicrophone-a1n­
niun1 orthopedic bone screv; attached to a titaniun1-alurninun1- plifier-vibrator unit is directly attached.
vanadium housing containing a pern1anent rare earth 1nagnet. Drawing upon Per-Ingvar Brane1nark's discovery circa
The external co1nponent included a microphone, an1plifier, and 1968 that titaniun1 can bond directly to bone rnatrix without
power source connected t o a transmitter coil held in position interposed soft tissue and result in an osseo1netallic interface
over the in1plant site by a second rare earth n1agnet. of sufficient strength to support transgingival dental restora­
Tn1plantation was perforn1ed in the postauricular ten1po­ tions, Branen1ark, Tjellstron1, and colleagues at the Institute of
ral bone near the sinodural angle. After elevation of a skin flap Applied Biotechnology in Sweden developed percutaneous tita­
and identification of the sigmoid sinus, a 4-mn1 deep guide hole niwn implants intended for attachment of facial prostheses.24•25
was drilled away fron1 the sinus and tapped, and then the inter­ Extension of this approach to bone-sti1nulating vibrators led to
nal con1ponent was implanted flush with the skull surface via its the Baha®'s predecessor (the Noblephar1na HC200) circa 1977.
integrated bone sere\'/. After 8 to 12 \.Yeeks for healing, the ex.ternal
processor's transn1itter coil \.Yas positioned over the irnplant and Operative Technique
spacing between its permanent n1agnet and the underlying skin Insertion of osseointegrated in1plants for the Baba® generally
was adjusted, as needed, to excessive pressure and thus to reduce takes place in a single stage (Figure 33-6) under local injection
the risk of ische1nic skin brea kdo\vn. Signal current in the external anesthesia typically delivered during a brief interval of seda­
coil induced internal magnet vibration conveyed via the osseointe­ tion, although nlost children and son1e adults require gen­
grated screw to cortical bone and thus to both otic capsules. eral anesthesia and young children are often in1planted via a
An initial report on the Audiant""'' reported no con1plica­ t\vo-stage procedure.26 The in1plant site is typically chosen 50
tions and highly favorable outcomes, with a PTA functional to 55 rnn1 posterior of the ear canal and preferably on or just
gain of 25 dB for .19 recipients.22 A subsequent report on 200 below the linea ten1poralis. The ideal location is in a region of
recipients revealed a mean 30+9 dB improven1ent in 0.5 to 4 thin, relatively in1mobile skin, sufficiently posterior that sub­
kHz PTA air-bone gap (to within lO dB of closure) between the sequent attachn1ent of the Baha® processor '"'ill not cause it
unaided and Audiant""''-aided condition. to touch the pinna. Hair is shaved fro111 the site and an adhe­
Complications of Audiant""'' use n1ainly centered on soft sive drape is applied after skin preparation. A -0.6-1n1n thick,
tissue breakdown and failure to achieve desired results partic­ -2.5 x 2.5 c1n skin flap is elevated using either a dermaton1e or
ularly in cases not meeting approved candidacy criteria.23 In scalpel. All soft tissue deep to this, including hair follicles, is
one series of .128 in1plants, 5 (4o/o) required re1noval for skin excised down to (but not including) periosteum. An additional
breakdown (2.3%), interference with MRI in1aging, or patient annulus of subcutaneous tissue is then excised for -2.5 cn1 in all
dissatisfaction.23 One other patient suffered experienced failure directions around the skin wound edges. The goal is to create a
of osseointegration. thin, in1n1obile, dry, hairless -1 cn1 rin1 of skin adjacent to the

TABLE 33-2 Saha®: Indications and Contraindications


1. Patient using a conventional BC hearing aid

2. Conventional AC hearing aid user with

a. chronic otorrhea
b. chronic otitis media/externa

c. uncontrollable feedback due to a radical mastoidectomy or large meatoplasty

3. Otosclerosis, tympanosclerosis, canal atresia with a contraindication to repair, eg,
a. on ly hea ring ear

b. combination with 2a-c.

4. Single-side deafness with better ear BC PTA better than 45 dB HL and SOS >60%


1. PTA BC thresholds {0.5 to 3.0 kHz) worse than 45 dB HL, SOS <60% in target ear
2. Emotional instability, development delay, or dr u g abuse

3. Age <5 years

AC, air conduction; BC, bone conduction; PTA, pure tone average; HL, hearing loss; SOS, speech
discrimination score.


FIGURE 33-6 • Baha® by Cochlear Corporation.

A, Divine (smallest of the three models), shown
relative to the titanium osseointegrated screw
and abutment (conical post) to which it attaches.
Threaded portion of screw is 4 mm long.
B, Cordelle body-worn processor (largest and
most powerful of the Baha models).

planned i1nplant site, analogous to the gingival around a tooth to snap on the abut1nent. After 5 to 7 days, the co1npressive
or cuticle adjacent to a finger nail, with a gradual increase in dressing is re1noved. After waiting 8 to 12 weeks (for adults) or
soft tissue thickness back to undisturbed tissues -3 c1n fro111 the 12 to 16 weeks (for children >5 years old) for osseointegratio11,
in1plant. This 1nini1nizes the area and relative n1obility of the the Baba® processor can be snapped onto the abutn1ent.
n1etal-skin interface (thus reducing the risk of infection) while Although the procedure is straightfor,-vard, 1neticulous
creating a skin depression \.Yhere the Baha® processor will reside attention to technique is necessary to 1naximize the likelihood
(reducing the risk of acoustic feedback due to processor/skin of osseointegration and 1ninin1ize the chances of infection at the
contact). Periosteun1 is re1noved fron1 a central -l-c1n region. skin's interface with the abutn1ent. In particular, bone inust be kept
A 3-inm deep guide hole is drilled at the planned in1plant site; clean and cool with copious irrigation during drilling and tap­
if the hole's floor is solid, the hole is extended to 4 1nn1 depth. ping to avoid osteocyte death a11d fibrosis; all drilling an.d i1nplant
The guide hole is used to align a countersink bur, which widens insertion 1nust occur along the san1e axis to avoid thread lock of
the guide hole and creates a shallow countersink in the adjacent the screw; and sufficient soft tissue nlust be excised to ensure a
bone surface. A self-tapping titaniun1 bone screw with attached gradual descent of soft tissue thiclu1ess around the in1plant site.
abutn1ent (the percutaneous post to which a processor will be Without adequate irrigation, high-speed drilling typically used in
affixed 2 to 3 months postoperatively) is then advanced to full otologic surgery can cause temperature elevations as high as 89°C,
depth at a slOV\' revolution rate and controlled insertion torque. which can prevent subsequent osseointegration through death of
Skin \.YOund edges are sutured to underlying periosteun1 to coapt osteocytes.27 Variations in technique continue to evolve, n1ostly
dead space; the skin flap is sutured back in its original positio11; centered on ways to 1ninin1ize soft tissue con1plications. Exan1ples
a s1nall hole is cut in the flap to allow it to slip around the abut­ include stellate and linear incisions, use of full-thickness skin flaps,
n1ent down to bone; and a gently con1pressive antibiotic-soaked choice of der1nato1ne or knife for flap elevation, various dressings,
dressing is applied and held in place with a plastic cap designed and early postoperative loading of the sti1nulating device.26,29

FIGURE 33-7 • Operative technique for

placement of Entific Saha"'™. A,B, A poste­
rior-based skin flap is elevated and thinned
until all hair follicles are removed from the
flap center, typically using a dermatome.
C, Soft tissues beneath and outward within
-2.5 cm of the flap are excised to create a
smooth transition from surrounding tissue
to the thin central skin flap. D, A 3- to 4-mm
hole is drilled in mastoid or retromastoid
cortex, typically at or just below the temporal
line. E, F, A countersink creates a recessed
surface for implant placement. G, A self­
tapping titanium screw with integrated abut­
ment (to which the Saha® processor will later
attach) is implanted. H-J, The skin flap is
replaced and sewn in place. K, L, A pressure
dressing and healing cap are placed to apply
gentle pressure to the skin flap, encouraging
adhesion to the underlying periosteum and

Outcomes >60 dB bone conduction PTA, n1ean discrimination improved to

Hakansson et al.30 reported on their 10-year experience in 147 85<Yo; excluding 46 to 60 dB PTA subjects raised n1ean discrin1-
patients who received the Baha®. Dividing patients into three ination to 89%. Based upon these results, the authors recon1-
groups based upon their PTA bone threshol.ds (0-45 dB, 46-60 mended a candidacy criterion of PTA <45 dB for the standard
dB, and >60 dB), the authors noted a strong relationship between Baha® system. Subsequent development of niore po\-verful Baha®
PTA thresholds and successful outcon1e. Tn the group with the processors (a slightly larger ear-level processor called the Tntenso®
best cochlear reserve (PTA <45 db), 89o/o of patients reported sub­ and a belt-pack-powered device called the Cordelie®) has allowed
jective improvement with the implant, while 8% felt that their liberalization of this criterion with successful outcon1es in niany
hearing was worse. By contrast, 61% and 22o/o of patients reported cases up to -60 dB bone-conducted PTA.
subjective hearing in1proven1ent, respectively in the groups with Tn a recent study of 115 children i niplanted over a 15-year
46 to 60 dB and >60 dB bone conduction PTA. Average speech period, parent-reported quality of life improved for every one
discrimination scores were 14% unaided, 67% with a conven­ of the 84 patients for whon1 a questionnaire was returned, and
tional hearing aid, and 81% with the Baha®. Ex.eluding subjects 97o/o of in1planted children were daily users of the device.31•32

A review of the US experience with the Baha® has also been itnplant failure rate of 14°/o despite use of a two-stage surgical
reported.33 The niost common indications tor in1plantation approach, soft tissue complications in 17%, and revision surgery
included chronic otitis media and/or draining ears and exter­ for skin growth over the abutn1ent in 8o/o. Nonetheless, 97°/o of
nal auditory canal stenosis o r aural atresia. Patients who had implanted children in that series remain daily Baha® users.32
undergone skull base surgery and had complete closure of the Observations fro1n these studies indicate that soft tissue
external auditory canal were also included. Overall, each patient reactions around percutaneous in1plants arc best prevented by
had an average improven1ent of 32 dB+/- 19 dB with the use of thinning pcriabut1nent skin, re1noving underlying soft tissue,
the Baha®. Closure of the air-bone gap to within 10 dB of the and suturing der1nis to subjaccnt bone to achieve imn1obil­
preoperative bone conduction thresholds occurred in 800/o of ity. Patient con1pliance 'vith routine cleaning of the abutn1ent
patients while closure to within 5 dB occurred in 60<)U. Nearly site and close n1onitoring of adjacent skin is essential to suc­
one-third of patients den1onstrated "overclosure" of the preop­ cess. Inadequate cleaning can lead to a vicious cycle in which
erative bone conduction threshold of the better hearing ear. increasingly severe periabutmcnt inflan1mation increases the
Baha® in1plantation in patients with chronic suppurative contact surface area between the abutn1ent and adjacent skin or
otitis media who previously used hearing aids in niastoid bowls granulation tissue. This can ultin1ately lead to skin overgro\vth
led to reduction of visit frequency for mastoid debridement and sufficient to engulf the abut1nent beneath the skin surface, man­
a consequent net cost savings.34 A cost-benefit analysis of nian­ dating surgical revision of the skin flap \vith n1ore aggressive
agen1ent options for external auditory canal atresia favored the thinning of surrounding subcutaneous tissues. 1'his problen1 is
Saha® over atresia repair.35 niost con1n1on in patients with a thick(> l cn1) starting distance
fro1n skin surface to craniun1. Wide resection of subcutaneous
Baha® for Unilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss
tissue is important in such patients. steroid administra­
Though initially designed for patients with CHL, the Saha® sys­
tion can help to thin down scar tissue threatening to engulf the
te111 has proven valuable in rehabilitation of unilateral SNHL.
Tpsilesional Saha® placen1ent can capture sound and convey it
Due to cleavage of hair follicles during thinning of the under­
to the intact coch.lea via cranial vibration, accon1plishing the
side of the skin flap, epithelial inclusion cysts and sebaceous cysts
sa111e function of a conventional contralateral routing of sig­
(due to collection of sebun1 fron1 sebaceous glands cut open fro1n
nal (CROS) device without the need to wear a hearing aid in
below) son1etin1es require tnarsupialization in the office.
the intact ear. Jn one prospective trial of23 adult subjects with
Con1plications other than adverse skin reactions are rela­
unilateral deafness, patients were assessed after l month of
tively rare. Osscointegration failure with subsequent device
using a CROS aid and then underwent Baha® implantation on
extrusion occurred in 4 (<3%) o f 149 patients it1 one study o f
the deaf side. The Baha® yielded improved patient satisfaction
adults.26 Additional co1nplications cited for itnplant re1noval
and speech recognition relative to CROS, while neither Baha®
include poor cochlear function (5%), unexplained pain (2%),
nor CROS significantly in1proved scores on a test of directional
and uncooperative patients exhibiting poor co1npliance(20/o).33
hearing.36 Subsequent studies have den1onstrated sin1ilar find­
One disadvantage of any tnetallic in1plant is interference
ings, suggesting that the Baha® outperforrns conventional CROS
\vith subsequent i1naging studies. Although the Baha® abut­
aids in the setting of unilateral sensorineuraJ deafness.37
n1ent causes so1ne scatter artifact on CT, the i1nplant is typically
Potential Complications located out o f the plane of axial and coronal slices through key
The most frequently encountered con1pJ ication is a soft tissue te111poral bone structures. Fortuitously, pure titaniu1n produces
inflan1n1atory reaction around the percutaneous implant site. relatively little degradation of images on MRI, and 1'1RI is not
In a report on 456 patients, Tjellstron1 and Hakansson noted a contraindicated with the presence of a Baba® itnplant without
3.4<Yo incidence of adverse tissue reactions: 3 patients required its external processor.40
in1plant removal for infection, 3 required revision surgery for
infection, and 23 had tissue reactions requiring local treatn1ent
only.26 A survey of the first 40 Baha® devices in the United States
revealed that soft tissue con1plications were niinin1al and con­ Totally and se1ni-in1planted hearing aids can deliver in1proved
sisted of local inflan1n1ation at the percutaneous implant junc­ sound quality, greater an1plification, less distortion, better
tion in 3 patients.33 directional hearing, and better cosn1etic appearance than con­
As with any otologic procedure, Baha® complication rates ventional hearing aids. However, these highly desirable benefits
vary with surgeon experience. Tjellstron1 et al. reported a drop con1e with tradcoffs including increased cost to both patient
in soft tissue con1plication incidence fron1 6.8% in their first 60 and insurer, risks of surgery, interference with in1aging studies,
patients to 3.5<)U in a separate cohort of 149 patients implanted the need to undergo subsequent procedures for battery replace­
a decade later. 38•39 Recent literature fron1 a wide array of in1plant n1ent (in the case of totally i1nplanted devices) and dependence
centers generally reflects higher rate of soft tissue con1plications, on the son1eti1ncs uncertain long-tern1 viability of n1anufactur­
perhaps partly due to longer follow-up of previously trouble-free ers supporting in1planted devices. Yet v>'hile conventional hear­
cases and partly due to the rapid expansion in the nun1ber of sur­ ing aids continue to i1nprove and while cochlear i1nplantation
geons climbing the Baha® implantation learning curve. Falcone criteria continue to expand, i1nplantable acoustic/mechanical
et al. reported a 22<)U incidence of skin growth over the abutn1ent hearing devices \Vill doubtlessly have a role to play in the care o f
in a series of 90 adult cases.39 In a retrospective review of 182 patients whose hearing loss is not adequately addressed by those
children over 15 years at one center, N1cDern1ott et al. found an co1npeting technologies.

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Surgery of the Inner Ear

34. Surgical Treatment of Peripheral Vestibular Disorders

35. Cochlear Implants in Adults and Children

PROSPER MENIERE (1799-1862) •

Described the symptomatology and

proved the labyrinthine origin of episodic
vertigo with deafness.

GEORGES PORTMANN (1890-1985) •

Proposed surgical drainage of the

endolymphatic sac for Meniere's disease.
Surgical Treatment of Peripheral
Vestibular Disorders
Benjamin T. Crane, MD, PhD I John P. Carey, MD I
Lloyd 8. Minor, MD, FACS

INTRODUCTION John Harrison Curtis, who had a large, aristocratic practice in

London (including the King) thought that deafness was caused
This chapter will review the surgical treatment of disorders
by a cerumen deficiency, which he treated by painting creosote
that affect the vestibular end orga11s in the labyrinth. lt begins
in the external auditory canal.' Vertigo was often treated with
with a brief review of historical understanding and treatment of
leaching, purging, and cupping. In the 1820s, there were the
peripheral vertigo, which is followed by a discussion of specific
first hints that equilibriu1n may have a peripheral co1nponent.
disorders and the procedures that have been used in the treat­
In 1824, Pierre Flourens published that after canal plugging,
tnent of these disorders. It is in1portant to note at the outset that
pigeons flew in circles in the san1e orientation as the ablated
tnost vestibular disorders are treated medically. Surgical treat­
se1nicircular canal.2
tnent is only required in a minority of cases that fail tnedical
The existence of peripheral vestibular disorders 'Nas pro­
treatment. The first step in evaluating a vestibular disorder that
posed by lv1eniere in 1861.3 Prosper lv1eniere, as director of a
tnay require surgery is obtaining the history and performing
large deaf-n1ute institution u1 Paris, likely sa\-v patients develop
a physical exan1 (see Chapters 6 and 9), followed by interpret­
both vertigo and deafness i1un1ediately after trau111a to the ear,
ing data frotn the relevant diagnostic tests (see Chapter 11) to
allowing hin1 to conclude that both syn1ptoms have a co1nn1on
derive an accurate diagnosis. lt is rare, however, that the diag­
inner ear origin.4 To support his conclusion, he presented the
nosis itself leads immediately to a recon1mendation of surgery.
autopsy results of a young girl who developed sudden hearing
The effects of symptoms on a patient's lifestyle and well-being
loss and acute vertigo. On autopsy, Meniere found her brain
have great influence in the selection and ti1ning of different
was norn1al but the inner ear was filled with blood. Ironically,
treatment options. In this regard, the factors influencing deci­
this patient lilcely had leuken1ia, not endolyn1phatic hydrops.
sions about surgical interventions for disorders of the peripheral
Because of this finding it was conu11only believed well into the
vestibular system are more diverse than those in 1nany other
20th century that Meniere's disease was caused by hemorrhage.
areas of otology. The identification of a cholesteatoma, eg, read­
Prior to 1940, "Meniere's disease" was used as a generic tern1
ily leads to a recommendation for its surgical retnoval, unless
for any peripheral vertigo, especially if associated \-vith hearing
there are extenuating circwnstances precluding surgery. By con­
loss. The first insight into the true pathophysiology ofMeniere's
trast, two patients can have almost identical vertigo profiles due
disease came in 1871, '"'ith Knapp's hypothesis that inner ear
to l\tleniere's disease and similar findings on objective vestibu­
hydrops was si1nilar to glaucoiua.5
lar assessment but one patient nlay have little or no disruption
of function from the vertigo, whereas the other patient may be
debilitated.1 MENIERE'S DISEASE

tv!eniere's disease is the oldest of the peripheral vestibular

diagnoses, and over tin1e a large nun1ber of treatn1ent options
Prior to the 1860s, dizziness and balance problems were have been proposed. Early treatn1ents focused on destruction
thought to be exclusively central disorders, often referred to as of the end organ. In 1904, both the techniques of eighth cra­
"cerebral congestion" or classified as epilepsy. As early as the nial nerve section6 and labyrinthecton1y7•8 \-Vere described.
1820s, the relationship of dizziness with eye moven1ent was The concept of endolyn1phatic drainage was first reported by
recognized; postrotatory nystagmus was observed in psychi­ Portn1ann in 1926.9 In the 1930s, Dandy proposed selective ves­
atric patients after rotation in cages used to subdue them. Jan tibular nerve section via a suboccipital approach and treated
E. Purkinje hypothesized that this effect had a central origin. over 600 patients.'° In this era, these procedures carried a high
The field of clinical otology was very primitive at this time. risk of deafness, facial nerve paralysis, and a considerable risk


of mortality. Paradoxically, the surgical treatn1ent of J\!1eniere's consequences of J\ileniere's disease. The presentation of classic
disease indirectly led to better understanding of its pathophys­ Meniere's disease includes unilateral, low-frequency sensori­
iology. T n 1938, upon histopathologic exan1ination of the tem­ neural hearing loss, aural fullness, tinnitus, and episodic ver­
poral bones of two vestibular nerve section patients who died tigo that lasts for a few tninutes to several hours.13 The presence,
in the perioperative period, Hallpike and Cairns noted endo­ characteristics, and severity of these syn1pton1s can b e variable
lyn1phatic systen1 dilation with J\i!eniere's disease, which they and often overlap with other conditions, such as n1igraine14
hypothesized to result fron1 disruption of resorption.a This and vestibular schwannotna. Although tests can exclude
finding was independently and sin1ultaneously reported by diagnoses-tor instance a magnetic resonance itnaging (MRI)
Yan1akawa.12 Subsequently, surgical treatment options focused '"'ith gadoliniun1 can exclude vestibular sch,¥anno1na-there
on either atten1pting to correct the endolymphatic dilation or currently is no "gold standard" test for Meniere's disease, and
ablating the end organ. it ren1ains a clinical diagnosis. The difficulty in establishing an
accurate diagnosis ofMeniere's disease has historically yielded a
'"'ide variation in the reported incidence of the disease, accuracy
Preoperative Considerations of diagnostic tests, and efficacy of treatn1ent.14
Confirrnation of the diagnosis is the first step in the evalua­ The Atnerican Acaden1y of Otolaryngology-Head and
tion of a patient in whon1 surgery is contemplated to treat the Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) has published guidelines for the

TABLE 34-1 AAO-HNS criteria for the diagnosis of Meniere's disease



• Recurrent, well-defined episodes of spinning or rotation

• Duration from 20 min to 24 h
• Nystagmus associated with attacks
• Nausea and vomiting during vertigo spells common
• No neurologic symptoms with vertigo


• Hearing deficits fluctuate

• Sensorineural hearing loss
• Hearing loss progressive, usually unilateral


• Variable, often low pitched and louder during attacks

• Usually unilateral
• Subjective


Possible Meniere's disease

• Episodic vertigo without hearing loss or

• Sensorineural hearing loss, fluctuating or fixed, with dysequillibrium, but without definite episodes
• Other causes excluded

Probable Meniere's disease

• One definitive episode of vertigo

• Hearing loss documented by audiogram at least once
• Tinnitus or aural fullness in the suspected ear
• Other causes excluded

Definite Meniere's disease

• Two or more definitive spontaneous episodes of vertigo lasting at least 20 min

• Audiometrically documented hearing loss on at least one occasion
• Tinnitus or aural fullness in the suspected ear
• Other causes excluded

Certain Meniere's disease

• Definite Meniere's disease, plus histopathologic confirmation

From Monsell et


diagnosis of1v1eniere's disease. Guidelines are necessary because ability to nleaningfully evaluate a treatment at a single institu­
of the wide spectrum and severity of symptoms and the lack tion is limited by s1nall patient numbers and the results may not
of standardization of the diagnosis in clinical studies. Initially generalize to other sites if different patient selection criteria or
proposed in 1972, these guidelines were revised in 1985, and techniques are used. The lack of unifor1n patient selection and
again in 1995.15 For the diagnosis of"definite" :tvleniere's disease, treatment across institutions also litnits the ability to conduct
the following criteria 1nust be fulfilled: the patient must have multi-institutional trials of surgical treatments.
two or more episodes of spontaneous vertigo, each lasting at Initial treatment of :tvleniere's disease should never be a
least 20 min; sensorineural hearing loss documented by audio­ procedure. The first line of treattnent for Meniere's disease is
gram; tinnitus or aural fullness in the affected ear; and other a low-sodiwn diet, an established treattnent for over 50 years.23
causes excluded (typicalJy v;ith a gadolinium-enhanced lvlRI of Other lifestyle changes that 1nay be beneficial include avoidance
the internal auditory canals and cerebellopontine angles). The of alcohol, caffeine, and stress. .Nledical therapy with diuretics,
criteria for the diagnosis of Meniere's disease are summarized such as triatnterene with hydrochlorothiazide or acetazolamide
in Table 34-1.15 is often used in co1nbination with dietary changes. It should
The criteria used to decide whether a patient is a good be ren1embered that without any therapy tnore than S0°Ai of
candidate for a procedure involve a determination that the :tvleniere's patients improve within 2 years and nlore than 70o/o
symptoms are botherso1ne enough to justify the risks of that itnprove after 8 years.24 I-Iowever, this leaves 30% of patients
particular intervention. The results of quantitative vestibular who continue to have sytnptoms that may be relieved by sur­
testing, such as the caloric test, posturography, rotational test­ gery.22 Additionally, the degree of hearing loss should be con­
ing, and others often do not correlate well v1. ith the severity of sidered since many surgical procedures carry a risk of hearing
patient sympton1s.10 The severity of symptoms can be directly loss, even if they are nonablative. Although tvleniere's disease
assessed through evaluation of responses on a questionnaire cotnprises the triad of tinnitus, hearing loss, and vertigo, it is
such as the Dizziness 1-iandicap Inventory,17 which quantifies usually the vertigo that is the 1nost disabling and that prompts
the ftmctional, emotional, and physical dimensions of dizziness. treatment.
The Jacobson scale consists of 25 questions each of which can Surgical treatment of .Nleniere's disease ain1s to achieve one
be answered with "no" (worth 0 points), "sometimes" (worth or both of the two possible goals. One is to abolish or alter func­
2 points), or "yes" (worth 4 points); the range of scores is 0 tion of the labyrinth, which can be accomplished in a variety
to 100 with lov•er scores representing lesser impairment. The of ways, inany of which result in reduction of function of the
AAO-l-INS has proposed criteria for determining the severity affected labyrinth, and may cause vertigo until vestibular co1n­
of :tvleniere's disease (Table 34-2) .15•18 pensation has re-established syn1metric, resting neural activ­
Patient's age should be considered when discussing sur­ ity in the central pathways.25 Procedures that reduce or ablate
gical options. Although advanced age alone is not a contra­ vestibular function also carry the risk of hearing loss. The sec­
indication, the risk of perioperative complications, such as ond goal involves n1odification of the underlying pathophysiol­
pneumonia, myocardial infarction, stroke, and pulmonary ogy. This second aim is harder to achieve since the underlying
embolus all increase with age. Furthermore, the time required physiology is still not well understood. Current surgical treat­
to recover fron1 ablative procedures will likely be longer in older ments tend to focus on altering the production or distribution
patients.19 Procedures that require access to the internal audi­ of endoly1nph, or delivering steroids that may affect the course
tory canal may also have a higher incidence of postoperative of the disease.20
complications, such as cerebrospinal fluid (CSP) leak, in older
individuals.20 Nonablative Procedures for
Finally, the status of the contralateral ear must ahvays be Meniere's Disease
considered. Estimates of the risk of developing :tvleniere's disease lntratympanic Injection of Corticosteroids
in the contralateral ear vary from 2 to 78o/o.21 1-iowever, Perez Corticosteroids have an anti-inflam1natory effect on the
et al. found that when strict criteria were applied to cases with labyrinth, as evidenced by their beneficial effect on the inner
long-standing, unilateral Meniere's disease, the risk of develop­ ear, in conditions of likely immune origin.27 Steroids have been
ing contralateral disease after 2 or more years of follow-up was shown to influence ion transport in the labyrinth.28 and can
less than 5%. Thus, ablative therapy is usually an appropriate restore hearing in mice with progressive stria vascularis dys­
consideration for long-standing, unilateral Meniere's disease function.2� It is possible that steroids have a therapeutic effect in
when there is no clinical evidence of involvement of the con­ tv1eniere's disease by either an anti-inflammatory or ion trans­
tralateral ear at the time of therapy. Ho,vever, the clinician and port mechanis1n.
patient should discuss the fact that ablative treatment of one Intratympanic steroid injection is becoming an established
ear might limit options for treatment of the contralateral ear, therapy for .Nleniere's disease. Early reports found vertigo
should it become involved later. control rates of 80 to 96%,30•3t but a subsequent prospective,
Probably, the 1najor reason for the difficulty in assess­ rando1nized, blinded study failed to show benefit of intraty1n­
ing the efficacy of treatment for 1\1eniere's disease is the high panic steroids in late-stage Meniere's.32 However, it is plausi­
spontaneous remission rate (60-80g,f,) of the episodic vertigo ble that nlore beneficial results tnay be obtained in the early
that is a hallmark of the disease.22 Thus, it can be difficult to stages of the disease. Other studies have reported a beneficial
determine if improve1nent following treatment is due to the effect of intratyn1panic injection of dexamethasone in the con­
treatment itself or the natural history of the disease. Often, the trol of the vertigo of Meniere's disease,33·34 although the effect

TABLE 34-2 AAO-HNS criteria for Meniere's disease severity

In 1996, the Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium reaffirmed and clarified the 1985 guidelines, adding initial staging and
reporting guidelines.


a. Any treatment should be evaluated no sooner than 24 months

b. Formula to obtain numeric value for vertigo: ratio of average number of definitive spells per month after therapy divided by
definitive spells per month before therapy (averaged over a 24-month period) x 100 =numeric value
c. Numeric value scale

Numeric Value Control Level Class

0 Complete control of definitive spells A

41-80 Limited control of definitive spells B
81-120 Insignificant control of definitive spells c
>120 D
Secondary treatment initiated E


a. No disability
b. Mild disability: intermittent or continuous dizziness/unsteadiness that precludes working in a hazardous environment
c. Moderate disability: intermittent or continuous dizziness that results in a sedentary occupation
d. Severe disability: symptoms so severe as to exclude gainful employment


a. Hearing is measured by a four-frequency pure tone average {PTA) of 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, and 3 kHz
b. Pretreatment hearing level: worst hearing level during 6 months prior to surgery
c. Posttreatment hearing level: poorest hearing level measured 18-24 months after institution of therapy
d. Hearing classification:
i. Unchanged=< 10-dB PTA improvement or worsening or::; 15% speech discrimination improvement or worsening
ii. Improved> 10-dB PTA improvement or> 15% discrimination improvement
iii. Worse> 10-dB PTA worsening or> 15% discrimination worsening


Initial Hearing Level

Stage Four-tone average (dB)

1 ::; 25
2 26-40
3 41-70
4 > 70


Regarding my current state of overall function, not just during attacks.

1. My dizziness has no effect on my activities at all.
2. When I am dizzy, I have to stop for a while, but it soon passes and I can resume my activities. I continue to work, drive,
and engage in any activity I choose without restriction. I have not changed any plans or activities to accommodate my
3. When I am dizzy I have to stop what I am doing for a while, but it does pass and I can resume activities. I continue to work,
drive, and engage in most activities I choose, but I have had to change some plans and make some allowance for my
4. I am able to work, drive, travel, and take care of a family or engage in most activities, but I must exert a great deal of effort
to do so. I must constantly make adjustments in my activities and budget my energies. I am barely making it.
5. I am unable to work, drive, or take care of a family. I am unable to do most of the active things that I used to do. Even essen­
tial activities must be limited. I am disabled.
6. I have been disabled for 1 year or longer and/or I receive compensation because of my dizziness or balance problem.

on hearing loss and tinnitus are minin1al. Recently, a large by infla1nmation causing increased me1nbrane thickness,45 or
retrospective study demonstrated satisfactory vertigo control obstruction with fat o r fibrous tissue.40 The concentration of
in 9.11Yo of Ivfeniere's patients followed for 2 years or n1ore.35 gcntamicin in the perilyn1ph reaches 5 to 10% of that in the
During this period, 631Vo had 111ultiple injections. At the end applied solution and has an eli1nination half-life of 75 nlin.47
of the 2-year period, 70'Vo required no further injections, 26'Vo W11en gentan1icin reaches the endolyn1ph, it is selectively con­
continued to receive intratympanic steroids, and 31Yo went on centrated in hair cells and supporting cells.48 Aminoglycosides
to ablative therapy. A small, rando.mized trial found con1plete destroy hair cell function by a variety o f n1echanis1ns. They
resolution of vertigo sympton1s in 82o/o of patients receiving block ion currents through the stereocilia,49 cause adhesion of
dexamethasone versus 57% with saline injection.36 The risk stercocilia,50 and ultin1ately, cause the hair cells to degenerate
of hearing loss or other complication fron1 steroid injection is or become extruded.51 Genta1nicin has a greater effect on type
low. Dexan1ethaso11e is now a standard therapy for the control I than on type II hair cells,52.s3 which nlay reflect a n1ore avid
of the vertigo ofMeniere's, although repeat injections are fre­ uptake of gentamicin.54
quently required for recurrent sympton1s. The optin1al dosing The ter1n "chc1nical labyrinthecton1y" is often applied
frequency is unknown, but repeat dosing at 3 n1onths is a rea­ to intratyn1panic genta1nicin treat1nent, but it n1ay not be an
sonable starting point. Concentrations used have varied from appropriate indication of the effect o f genta1nicin on the lab­
2 to 24 nlg/111 L; vve use 12 nlg/111 L. yrinth. A single dose o f gentan1icin is sufficient to nlarkedly
reduce sen1icircular canal function as judged by the angu­
Partially Ablative Procedures for lar, vcstibulo-ocular reflex in response to rapid, rotary head
Meniere's Disease thrusts.55 However, the reduction in function is not as severe as

lntratympanic Injection of Gentamicin that seen after surgical labyrinthecton1y or vestibular neurec­

Tntratympanic gentamicin injection has achieved vertigo control ton1y. The reduction in the vestibulo-ocular reflex with head

in patients with unilateral Meniere's disease who have been thrust correlates with initial relief of vertigo sy1npton1s.56 Hair

refractory to other treatn1ents. Tn 1957, Schuknecht described cells n1ay be able to self-repair after gentainicin.57 Unlike surgi­

strepton1ycin injection into the n1iddle ear via a microcatheter cal labyrinthccto1ny, ahnost one-third of patients will eventu­

placed through the tympanic men1brane.37 Control of vertigo was ally require additional gentamicin.58

achieved, but severe hearing loss occurred in most treated ears.

Gentan1icin has a high vestibulotoxicity relative to its coch­ lntratympanic Delivery Techniques
leotoxicity; thus, it can be used to control vestibuJar syn1pton1s
Several techniques have been described to introduce inedica­
while sparing hearing. Lange38 adn1inistered gentamicin into
tion into the nliddle ear. Delivery routes include direct injec­
the external auditory canal five tin1es daily after placement of
tion though the ty1npanic inen1brane, injection through an
a tyn1panoton1y tube. Vertigo was eliminated in 90'Vo of his 92
inserted ventilation tube, injection through an indwelling cath­
patients, but hearing loss and level of vestibular function were
eter inserted into the iniddlc ear, placing a sponge through the
not specified. Beck and Sch1nit sought to determine if con1plete
ty1npanic 1ncmbrane, and injection directly into the round \vin­
ablation of vestibular function, as detennined with ice-water
dow niche. Minipun1ps have also been described. Efficacy docs
caloric testing was necessary for vertigo control. They found
not seen1 to be affected by the delivery route. 59 Direct intraty1n­
that it was not, and that this end point led to severe to profound
panic injection can be done in the office and is probably the
hearing loss in 58% of patients.39 Nedzelski et ai.40'4' adn1inis­
easiest method. Prior to injection, the tyn1panic n1e1nbrane
tered genta1nicin three times daily through a catheter into the
should be anesthetized. Preferred techniques include topical
n1iddle ear. Treatment '"as tern1inated when nystagn1us was
phenol applied with a Duperstein applicator to a pinpoint area
observed, unsteadiness developed, hearing worsened, or a n1aX­
o f the tytnpanic n1en1brane, injection of the external auditory
i1nun1 of12 doses of gentan1icin '"ere given. Con1plete control
canal with lidocaine, or topical E1nla,." crean1 (Lidocainc 2.5%,
of vertigo was achieved in 25 patients ( 8 3%) with substantial
Prilocaine 2.5%). A 25-gauge needle can be used to make a
control in the re1naining 5 patients. There was a lO'Yo incidence
superior port to allow air to exit the 111iddle ear and an inferior
of profound hearing loss in the treated ears.
port for injection. The 111iddlc car generally holds 0.5 to 0.8 n1L
Ivfultiple daily doses of gentamicin were co1npared with
o f fluid. A brief episode of vertigo typically follows the injec­
weekly ad1ninistration by Toth and Parnes,42 in 1995. One
tion, and can be nlitigated by war1ning the solution to body
group was treated with n1tdtiple doses of genta1nicin daily for
te111perature prior to injection. To 1naintain the fluid level over
4 days, and the other '"as treated with weekly doses up to a total
the round window ine1nbrane, the patient should lie in a slight
of 4 weeks. Control of vertigo was about 801Vo in both groups,
Trcndelenberg position with the treated ear up for 30 111in, thus
but hearing loss developed in 57% of the n1ultiple-dose group
preventing the bulk of the injection from escaping through the
and in only 19% of the weekly dose patients. The current trend
Eustachian tube.
is away fro.m n1ultiple doses of genta1nicin and toward a single
injection regin1en, with additional doses only if needed to con­
trol symptoms ("titration therapy"). Harner et al. found that
Local Overpressure Therapy
a single injection of gentan1icin controlled vertigo in 41% of Endolymphatic hydrops has consistently been found upon his­
pa tien ts. 4:1 topathologic exan1ination of the inner ears of patients with
Gentan1icin likely gains access to the inner ear by diffusion definite Meniere's discase.•0 However, the relationship of this
through the round window men1brane.44 Access may be i1npaired postn1orten1 finding to the syn1pto1ns o f N1eniere's disease

is in1perfect, as hydrops is also found in asyn1ptomatic ears. by inserting a hook through the round window metnbrane.72
Despite the uncertain link between disrupted endolyn1ph and Both these procedures have a high rate of hearing loss.
the syn1ptoms of Meniere's disease, medical therapy and endo­ Several variations in endolyn1phatic sac surgery have been
lyn1phatic decompression surgery have atten1pted to address described. Sin1ple deco1npression, ,..,ide deco1npression includ­
these syn1pton1s by encouraging endolyn1phatic flow into the ing the sign1oid sinus,73 cannulation of the endolyn1phatic duct,
endoly111phatic sac. The application of external pressure to the endoly1nphatic drainage to the subarchnoid space, drainage to
111iddle ear is a relatively recent approach to decreasing hydrops. the 111astoid, and ren1oval of the extraosseus portion of the sac74
As early as 30 years ago, overpressure in the middle ear was have all been advocated. A variety of prostheses have also been
reported to decrease Meniere's symptoms in 4 of 5 patients dur­ proposed, ranging fron1 si1nple silastic sheets to tubes, and one­
ing acute vertigo attacks.°1The 111echanisn1 by which this ther­ ,..,ay valves designed to allow fl.ow selectively into either the mas­
apy reduced vertigo was not clear, but one possible mechanism is toid or the subarachnoid space.
that increased endolyn1ph pressure facilitates its absorption. 02 Endolyn1phatic sac surgery begins with sin1ple 1nastoid­
Since 2000, the JvleniettTM device has been approved for ecto1ny and identification of the tegn1en, sign1oid sinus, and
use by the US Food and Drug Adn1inistration. The device is a facial ridge. Once these landn1arks are established, the horizon­
handheld air pressure generator that the patient self-administers tal and posterior canals should be skeletonized and the bone
three tin1es daily. The pressure is delivered in complex pulses of over the posterior fossa thinned (Figure 34-IA). Only a thin
up to 20 c111 of water over a S-111in period. The device requires covering of bone should be left over the facial nerve and the
ventilation tube place1nent in the ty111panic nien1brane prior to sig1noid sinus to allow adequate exposure of the posterior fossa
starting therapy. A randomized controlled trial de111onstrated dura. The bone over the posterior fossa should be co1npletely
that the M.eniettT" device resulted in a signincant decrease in re1noved using a dian1ond bur (Figure 34-lB). The endoly1n­
vertigo for the nrst 3 months of therapy but afterward was phatic sac lies on the dura n1edial to the vertical seg1nent of the
similar to placebo.63 The placebo device in these cases was an facial nerve and the retrofacial air cells. The superior aspect
inactive device that did not administer pressure. Long-term of the endolyn1phatic sac should be identified, and often lies
treatment with the MeniettT" has yielded results similar to the just below a line (Donaldson's line) forn1ed by extending the
natural course of Meniere's disease.64 plane of the horizontal sen1icircular canal posteriorly to bisect
Tt should also be noted that simple placement of a ventila­ the posterior sen1icircular canal. The procedure fron1 this point
tion tube \¥ith no additional therapy has been reported in con­ varies according to which endoly1nphatic surgery is planned.
trol of vertigo in n1any patients with Jvfeniere's disease65•00 to a Decon1pression of the sac requires only that the bone of the pos­
degree si111ilar to endolymphatic sac surgery.°7 terior fossa plate be re1noved (Figure 34-lC).
Endoly1nphatic shunting is nlOst sin1ply perforn1ed by incis­
Endolymphic Decompression
ing the exposed sac and placing a stent to keep the incision open.
Surgical decon1pression of endoly111ph for ?vfeniere's was first The popular Paparella and Hanson technique75 involves open­
described by Portmann in 1926,9 n1ore than a decade before ing the edge of the sac, lysing any intralun1inal adhesions, and
the earliest histologic evidence of the existence of endolyn1- probing the duct to insure that it is patent. A piece of Silastic" is
phatic hydrops.H,i2 During the more than three-quarters of a placed through the incision in the sac allowing long-tern1 drain­
century that this technique has been in use, there have been age (Figure 34-2).
nun1erous variations on the concept. Despite extensive inves­ Shunti11g the sac into the subarachnoid space is n1ore elab­
tigation into the pathophysiology of endolymphatic hydrops, orate since it requires n1aking a second incision in the poste­
its role in Jvleniere's disease is still an active area of controversy rior \vall of the endoly1nphatic sac into the posterior fossa and a
and debate. Several theories have been proposed to explain the specially designed shunt tube.76 After the initial, lateral u1cision
potential benefit of endolymphatic sac deco111pression, which is tnade in the sac, a sn1all 1nedial incision is 1nade to allo,.., a
include release of external con1pression on the sac, neovascu­ shunt to be placed into the basal cistern creating a passage into
larization of the perisaccular region, allowing passive diffu­ the subarachnoid space (Figure 34-3). The resulting CSP leak
sion of endoly111ph, and creation of an osn1otic gradient out is controlled by placing a fascia graft over the lateral incision in
of the sac.68 the sac. Obliteration of the inastoid cavity with an abdom.inal fat
Some endolymphatic decon1pression techniques are no graft is also an option. This technique has not been as popular
longer perfor111ed. Sacculotomy was proposed by Fick in 1964,69 in recent years due to its relative con1plexity, the higher risk of a
and consisted of using a needle to puncture the saccule th rough postoperative CSF leak, and intracranial hen1aton1a as a result of
the stapes footplate. A later variation on this technique involved da1nage to arachnoid veins. A review co1nparing the efficacy of
leaving a sharp prosthesis in the footplate that ruptured the sac­ various sac procedures 2 years postoperatively revealed that they
cule each ti1ne it expanded.70 Long-term follow-up of patients all had sin1ilar rates of vertigo relief, ranging fron1 49 to 66%.77
so treated has sho\vn an unacceptable degree of hearing loss. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 30 patients
Endolymphatic decon1pression can be performed through ,..,ith 15 randon1ly selected for each operation78 revealed that
the round window. The otic-periotic shunt is a tube placed 1nastoidecto1ny alone has the same efficacy as endolyn1phatic
through the round window 111embrane that perforates the bas­ shunting . In an atten1pt to prevent bias, Thon1sen et al. oper­
ilar niembrane.71 Cochleosacculoton1y ain1s to create a fracture ated at two different hospitals and had the patients follo'v-up
dislocation of the osseous spiral la111ina (and hence a perma­ at the other, thus blindi11g nursing staff and others to the type
nent fistulization of the endolyn1ph-containing cochlear duct) of surgery perfor1ned. The criterion Tho1nsen et al. used for


FIGURE 34-1 • Transmastoid endolymphatic

sac surgery. A, Mastoidectomy is performed
with identification of the tegmen, sigmoid sinus,
antrum, facial nerve. horizontal semicircular
canal, and posterior semicircular canal. The
facial nerve, sigmoid sinus, and horizontal canal
are skeletonized to allow wide exposure of the
posterior fossa dura. B, The bony covering of
the posterior fossa dura is removed between
the sigmoid sinus and the posterior canal.
C, The superior edge of the endolymphatic sac
is identified; it usually lies at or below
Donaldson's line, which extends posteriorly
c along the plane of the horizontal canal and
bisects the posterior canal.

FIGURE 34-2 • Paparella technique for

endolymphatic mastoid shunting. AT-shaped
piece of silicone is coiled and placed into a
lateral incision in the endolymphatic sac to
create a drainage path to the mastoid cavity.

nausea (P < 0.05 for each). In the reanalysis, the only area in
which the shunt did not offer a significant advantage over pla­
cebo was hearing improven1ent.
All of these procedures can be performed in a n outpatient
center, and patients can usually return to work within av.reek,­
a recovery rate similar to mastoidectomy alone. Although the
procedure is intended to be a hearing-sparing procedure \Vith
mini1nal morbidity, the risk of hearing loss may be as high as
5°/o;82 in addition, there is a s1nall risk of facial nerve dan1age
associated with the procedure.
So1ne series have reported dran1atic success 'vith endoly1n­
phatic sac surgery, 'vhereas other studies have shown it to be
of no benefit. A survey of 19 patients after endoly1nphatic sac
decon1pression revealed that 95% reported an improven1ent
in vertigo.83 Another study of 676 patients who had undergone
endoly1nphatic sac surgery revealed that niore than half of the
patients continued to have vertigo.84 Other studies have sho,vn
that 57% of patients who refused surgery, but only 40% of those
who actually had endoly1nphatic shunt surgery obtained con1-
plete control of vertigo after 2 years follow-up.24 The effect, if
any, of sac surgery on vertigo control is likely less than intratyn1-
panic genta1nicin, vestibular nerve section, or labyrinthectomy.85
Despite the controversy over this procedure it continues to be
con1n1only perfor1ned for vertigo. 86

Vestibular Neurectomy
Several approaches to the vestibular nerve have been described.
The earliest approach \vas the retrosig1noid, with the first large
series by Walter Dandy in the 1930s. '0 The suboccipital approach
is essentially identical but historical concerns regarding this
approach developed due to poor results during the early years
of surgery for vestibular sch>vannomas. The ter1us retrosign1oid
and suboccipital are now used interchangeably. The iniddle fossa
approach to the internal auditory canal and superior vestibular
nerve was developed by Willian1 House in the early 1960s,87 and
was later inodified to include inferior vestibular nerve section.88
A retrolabyrinthine approach to sectioning of the vestibular
nerve \vas introduced in 1980,89 but concerns exist regarding
this approach due to the poor exposure achieved relative to other
FIGURE 34-3 • Endolymphatic-subarachnoid shunt. A, After techniques.90 A trans1neatal cochleovestibular neurecton1y has
exposing and opening the lateral wall of the endolymphatic sac, the also been described,91 but has largely been abandoned due to the
medial wall of the sac is incised to open the lateral prolongation of the
superior exposure and niore consistent results afforded by other
basal cistern. Dissection in the cistern is carried out bluntly to avoid
venous injury. B, A silicone (Silastic®) shunt is inserted to maintain
approaches. The iniddle fossa and retrosig1noid approaches
drainage path between the endolymphatic sac and the basal cistern. ren1ain the 111ost con11nonly performed today.
The lateral endolymphatic sac should be carefully closed with a fascia Vestibular nerve section has a co1nplete vertigo control
graft to prevent cerebrospinal fluid leak. rate of about 85 to 95% with 80 to 90o/o of patients niaintaining
their preoperative hearing in1n1ediately postoperatively.92-94 The
procedure offers inuch greater vertigo control rates tha11 endo­
success \Vas absence of definitive vertigo spells, even if hear­ ly1nphatic shunt procedures, but is also a inore invasive and
ing worsens. Pillsbury et al. have argued that the shunt group technically challenging procedure. Vestibular nerve section bas
would have had a significantly better outcome if patients who been argued to have a lower risk of hearing loss when con1pared
had success at relief of vertigo but worse hearing were consid­ with gentan1icin injection;93 however, the risk of hearing loss
ered failures.79 It was also not clear which data-preoperative, with gentan1icin see1ns to be greatest with high-dose protocols.
postoperative, or the difference between-were used to compare Lower-dose gentan1icil1 seen1s to carry a long-tern1 risk of hear­
the groups in the Thomsen et al. study.80 A more recent analysis ing loss sim.ilar to the natural history of Meniere's disease.95
used the Wilcoxon signed rank test to con1pare the preoperative The retrosig1noid approach to vestibular nerve section has
and postoperative groups.81 From this new analysis, the shunt the advantage of a generous exposure and a direct view of the
was found to achieve superior control of vertigo, tinnitus, and seventh and eighth cranial nerves (Figure 34-4). The procedure


J HU 2008

of view


FIGURE 34-4 • Contents of the left internal auditory canal as viewed from the retrosigmoid approach. The upper
left panel gives the orientation, with the right temporal bone shown in this same orientation on the lower left. The
upper right panel details the seventh and eighth cranial nerves in their course from the brain stem. Cross-sections
of the cranial nerves are shown on the lower right. The facial nerve (VII) is red, the cochlear nerve (VIII c} is blue, the
superior vestibular nerve (VIII sv) is green, and the inferior vestibular nerve (VIII iv) is yellow.

begins with a standard suboccipital cranioton1y having the sig- and a Fisch or House-Urban retractor is used to 111aintain te1n­
1noid sinus as the anterior litnit of exposure. The posterior fossa poral 1.obe elevation. The superior se.1nicircular canal (arcuate
dura is opened, and the cerebellum is retracted to expose the en1inence) and geniculate ganglion are identified on the floor of
cerebellopontine angle and petrous ridge. The cistern is deco1n­ the middle fossa as landn1arks for the internal auditory canal.
pressed with an incision that allo\"IS the cerebellwn to fall medi­ The internal auditory canal is unroofed using a diamond bur,
ally obviating retraction. The vestibular, cochlear, and facial and the dissection is carried out to the lateral extent of the canal
nerves are identified, and then the superior and inferior vestib­ to identify "Bill's bar," which divides the facial nerve (anterior)
ular nerves can be sectioned (Figure 34-5). Afterward the dura fro.1n the superior vestibular nerve (posterior). The dura of the
is reapproxin1ated, and the bone flap is replaced and covered as posterior aspect of the canal is incised and the superior ves­
the wound is closed. tibular nerve is identified. As the superior vestibular nerve is
The tniddle fossa approach for vestibular nerve section retracted, the inferior vestibular nerve can be identified, taking
is si1nilar to that for vestibular schwannon1a resection and care to avoid the internal au di tory artery and cochlear nerve.
has the advantage of requiring only mini1nal dural violation Often it is difficult to definitively separate the inferior vestibu­
(Figure 34-6). A vertical incision is n1ade above the auricle and lar nerve fron1 the cochlear nerve, which can lead to ren1aining
the temporalis muscle is freed frotn squamous portion of the vestibular syn1ptoms after surgery or hearing loss. Upon nerve
temporal bone. A small craniotomy is tnade in the squamous sectioning, the internal auditory canal can be covered with fas­
portion of the te1nporal bone. The middle fossa dura is elevated cia, the bone flap replaced, and the incision closed. The risk of

A B c

FIGURE 34-5 • Retrosigm oid approach to vestibular nerve section. The cerebellum is retracted medially giving a
view of the superior and inferior vestibular nerves. A, The posterior fossa is exposed and nerves are iden tified.
B, The superior vestibular nerve is separated from the more anterior facial nerve. C, The superior vestibular nerve
has been sectioned.




FIGURE 34-6 •Surgeon's view from the head of

the table during the middle fossa approach to a
vestibular nerve section. A right-sided procedure
is shown with anterior toward the left. A, View
of the middle fossa after the bone flap has been
removed and the temporal lobe has been elevated.
B, A diamond bur is used to thin the bone over
the internal auditory canal between the arcuate
eminence and geniculate ganglion. C, The internal
auditory canal is opened revealing the facial
nerve (anterior) and the superior vestibular nerve
(posterior), which are separated by Bill's bar
laterally. The superior vestibular nerve is carefully
separated from the facial nerve in preparation for

Skin & drum memb.



Round window

on oval window

FIGURE 34-7 • Transcanal labyrinthectomy.

facial paresis is higher using a n1iddle fossa approach than with The procedure starts with a standard rnastoidectoiny in v;hich
the suboccipital approach,9°'97 causing n1any to abandon this the horizontal canal and facial ridge are identified (Figure 34-8).
technique in recent years. Drilling superior to the horizontal canal between the labyrinth
Labyrinthecton1y is the tnost destructive procedure in the and the tegn1en allows identification of the superior canal. The
treat111ent of Meniere's as it destroys both hearing and vestib­ posterior canal is identified posterior to the horizontal canal.
ular functio11. Ideal candidates for labyrinthecton1y are those The canals can then be blue-lined and followed n1ediallv
' to the

who have no hearing and have failed n1ore conservative treat­ vestibule while ren1oving the neuroepitheliun1 under direct
tnents, such as genta1nicin injection. Despite its 1norbidity, the VISJOn.
procedure has a higher rate of vertigo control than vestibular Con1plete loss of hearing is an expected outcon1e of laby­
neurecton1y 85 and has been reported to unprove quality of life rinthectomy, However, it n1ay be possible to preserve hearing by
in 98% of patients.98 There are tvvo approaches: transcanal and packing the semicircular canals with bone v;ax99,100 and using a
transn1astoid, although the transmastoid approach affords diamond bur to remove the canal while preserving the vesti­
tnuch better exposure and is 1nore popular. bule. Although this approach has been den1onstrated to have
The transcanal approach (Figure 34-7) involves exposing a high rate of hearing preservation in cases involving tun1or
the iniddle ear through a ty1npano1neatal flap.72 The incus and ren1oval,t01,102 less destructive procedures are indicated for
stapes arc ren1oved to expose the oval window. A hook is then patients with vertigo where hearing remains serviceable.
inserted into the vestibule t o re1nove the neuroepitheliun1. A
variation on this basic teclu1ique u1volves drilling out the pro111-
ontory to co1u1ect the oval and round windows. The li1nitation
of the transcanal approach is the poor access it yields to the pos­
terior canal, located n1edial to the facial nerve; thus, con1plete Benign paroxysn1al positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most com-
ablation 111ay not be achieved. The li1uited exposure also 1nakes 111on cause of dizziness, accounting for about 40% of patient
the procedure 111ore technically difficult than the transn1astoid co1uplaints of vertigo.103 It is generally accepted that BPPV is
approach. caused by cupulolithiasis or canallithiasis. Typically, sy1uptoms
The trans111astoid approach to labyrinthectomy is more co1uprise brief (lasting less than 1 n1in) episodes of vertigo that
co1n111only perforn1ed and has the advantage of allowu1g direct occur after turning the head, especially when the head is fac­
visualization of the vestibular end organs as they are re1noved. ing upward, such as rolling over in bed. Canal repositioning

FIGURE 34-8 • Transmastoid labyrinthectomy. A, The approach begins with a standard postauricular incision.
8, The mastoid cavity is opened with identification of the three semicircular canals and the facial nerve. The facial
recess is shown opened, although this is an optional part of the procedure. C, The three semicircular canals are
blue lined and traced to their ampullated ends. D, The ampullae and neuroepithelium of the three semicircular
canals are exposed, along with the otolithic organs (the saccule and the utricle).

maneuvers such as those described by Epley,io·1 control syn1p­ of BPPV has focused on cases involving the posterior canal
toms in 98o/o of the cases of BPPV. The vast n1ajority of patients that have been refractory to multiple canalith repositioning
with BPPV can be treated successfully with canalith reposi­ maneuvers.
tioning maneuvers (see Chapter 16). In rare cases, patients Singular neurectomywas proposed by Gacek as a treatment
may continue to have refractory, disabling vertigo after mul­ for refractory BPPv.ios During the three decades following its
tiple repositionings. Surgery is an option of last resort in these description, the procedure has been used at least 342 ti1nes, of
patients, since physical therapy with multiple canalith reposi­ which 252 were by Gacek himself.106 The technique '"'as initially
tioning maneuvers is successful in almost all cases. performed under local anesthesia so that hearing and vertigo
The posterior canal is most commonly involved in BPPV. could be monitored, but it has also been done under general
I-Iorizontal canal BPPV does occur and can be caused during a anesthesia. A transcanal approach exposes the entire round
repositioning maneuver by free-floating otoconia that n1igrate window niche, which n1ay require removing some of the poste­
from the vestibule into the horizontal canal. Superior canal rior portion of the external auditory canal. The bony overhang
BPPV occurs, but even more rarely. Thus, surgical treatment is removed until the scala tympani is visualized. Drilling is

perforn1ed at the posterior niargin of the n1en1brane to a depth PERILYMPH FISTULAE

of I to 2 mn1 where the singular nerve should be identified.
Labyrinthine fistulae are abnor1nal con11nunications between
The nerve can be severed with a hook, which will cause a brief
the inner ear and surrounding structures. In the normal inner
episode of vertigo and nystagmus. The procedure carries the
ear, the labyrinth is covered by dense bone. Labyrinthine fis­
risks ofCSF leak and hearing loss. The incidence of hearing loss
0 tulae can be organized into three main categories-leakage of
ranges fron1 as low as 4<Vo10 to as high as 41 o/o.107 The procedure
perilymph fron1 the inner ear to the middle ear, disruption of
relieves syn1ptoms in 75 to 96o/o of patients .10·1
the bony labyrinth by disease such as cholesteatoma, and idio­
Posterior sen1icircular canal occlusion was introduced as a
pathic bony dehiscence of the semicircular canals (e.g., superior
treatment forBPPV in 1990 .108 This technique blocks the canal
semicircular canal dehiscence syndro1ne and posterior canal
lun1en so that it becomes unresponsive to angular accelera­
dehiscence). These disorders present '"'ith si1nilar sympto1ns of
tion. A total of 97 cases have been reported in the literature.
hearing loss and episodic vertigo despite their different causes.113
Although the procedure was associated with brief, postopera­
Since idiopathic bony dehiscence of the semicircular canals cre­
tive vertigo, 94 of the 97 patients were cured. 103 The operation
ates problems of pressure transfer but not of fluid (endolymph
begins with a niastoidectomy in which the bony posterior canal
and perilyn1ph) mixing they are discussed later.
is identified. The occlusion is placed at the point furthest fron1
Definitive leakage of perilymph fro1n the inner ear to the
the an1pulla, just interior to the region bisected by the horizon­
middle ear can be caused by fractures of the temporal bone,
tal canal. A dian1ond bur is used to drill to the niembranous
congenital abnor1nalities of the inner ear such as the Ivlondini
canal. A plug is created with bone chips or fascia and firmly
deformity, or after stapedectoiny.114 In definitive cases patch­
inserted to con1pletely fill the canal and con1press the n1em­
ing with a tissue graft can achieve the goals of hearing preser­
branous duct.
vation and relief of vertigo. Ho,¥ever, 1nany cases of vertigo or
Despite BPPV being a very common cause of dizziness, sur­
hearing loss have been alleged to cause perily1nph fistulae that
gical therapy for this disease is decidedly unco111n1on, because
are much more ambiguous ("spontaneous") and are associated
most cases are successfu l ly treated with repositioning maneu­
with equivocal surgical findings.115-111 Areas of possible fistuliza­
vers. In patients who present v,rith severe, intractableBPPV, other
tion are the fissula ante fenestram and a fissure fro1n the round
causes of dizziness should be considered and ruled out prior to
windo'"' niche to the an1pulla of the posterior canal. Fissures in
considering surgical therapy. Posterior fossa outlet obstruction,
these areas tend to be common and their clinical significance is
such as that associated with the Chiari nialforn1ation or with
not clear.118 It is difficult to know for sure if the small a1nounts of
posterior fossa cysts, should always be considered in the differ­
fluid seen during surgical exploration are truly perilymph. An
ential diagnosis of refractory positional vertigo. These entities
assay for -2 transferrin (a protein unique to CSF) has been sug­
can be evaluated with appropriate in1aging and interpretation
gested, but it has a low sensitivity for small an1ounts of fluid.119
of the associated nystagn1us. The nystagn1us of posterior fossa
The absence of observed leakage during surgery has been inter­
outlet obstruction does not parallel the plane of any specific
preted to n1ean either that no fistula exists, that the fistula niay
sen1icircu.lar canal, as does the nystagn1us ofBPPV.
be intermittent, or that the fistula 1nay be present but too s1nall
to be detected. In cases of a negative exploration, it is unclear if
patching of the oval and round windovvs is of any value. Criteria
for determining '"'hen a iniddle ear exploration for perily1nph
Enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndro1ne is the inost com1non fistula niay be beneficial have been difficult to establish since
finding on computed ton1ography (CT) scan that is associated there is no definitive test to make the diagnosis. Applying pres­
'"'ith a progressive hearing loss, often in association with nlinor sure in the external auditory canal to see if eye inovements are
head traun1a. Although hearing loss is usually the symptom that evoked (Hennebert sign) has been used. Ivleasuring postural
brings these patients to the attention of otolaryngologists, they sway during pressure to the external auditory canal has also
may also experience vertigo.109 These periodic episodes of vertigo been proposed as a "fistula test."120 Even if a spontaneous fis­
also can be triggered by nlinor head traun1a or vigorous phys­ tula exists spontaneous resolution may occur. Recently, 1nany
ical activity.110 The vertigo can be associated with fluctuations patients who were initially diagnosed with fistulae have been
in hearing, n1il11icking those seen in :tvleniere's disease. Despite found to have superior canal dehiscence (SCD).113
these episodes of vertigo and progressive hearing loss, vestibular Chronic ear disease can cause a bona fide fistula. Chronic
function tends to ren1ain norn1al. Patients inay develop vertigo otitis media can lead to cholesteato1na formation, which can
inany years after hearing loss. cause erosion of the dense bone around the labyrinth. Patients
Surgical treatn1ent of the enlarged vestibular aqueduct has '"'ho develop tistulae usually have a multiyear history of chronic
been atte1npted, in nlost cases with the primary goal of hearing ear disease, so1netimes requiring several operations. In a recent
preservation. The endoly1nphatic shunt is a procedure that has review of375 surgeries done for chronic otitis media,121 labyrin­
been atte1npted in this disorder, but has not been successful.111 thine fistulae were identified in 29 cases, 25 of which had had
A second treat1nent option is extralun1inal occlusion of the canal-wall-down mastoidectomy. 'fhe overall incidence of fistu­
enlarged vestibular aqueduct, but this procedure has not altered lae after canal-wall-down inastoidecton1y was 13%. All of these
the course of hearing loss.112 Thus, at this tin1e, vertigo related patients experienced vertigo SYJnptoms. Hovvever, of the 19 so
to enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndro1ne is not appropriately tested, only 14 had a positive Hennebert sign with positive pres­
treated by surgery. sure. 1'he horizontal se1nicircular canal v-ras the most colllinon

site of fistula forn1ation (76%), followed by the oval window and of the evoked eye movements supports this 1nechanis1n. Loud
the pron1ontory. Jn such cases, surgical closure of the fistula is sounds, positive pressure in the external auditory canal, and a
recomn1ended; cartilage, bone paste, and fascia can be used. Valsalva maneuver against pinched nostrils cause ampullofu­
gal deflection of the superior canal that results in excitation of
afferents innervating this canal. The evoked eye movements can
involve a nystagmus that has slow components directed upward
with torsional tnotion of the superior pole of the eye away from
Superior canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS )1 22 is caused by the affected ear (Figure 34-9). Conversely, negative pressure in
the absence of bone over the superior canal. This bony dehis­ the external canal, a Valsalva against a closed glottis, and jug­
cence creates third "window" that allows the abnorn1al move­ ular venous compression cause a1npullopetal deflection of the
n1ent of endolymph during presentation of loud sounds (Tullio superior canal that results in inhibition of afferents innervating
phenon1enon 123), tragal compression, nose blowing, or other this canal. The evoked eye 1nove1nents are typically in the plane
sources of a pressure gradient between the ear and middle of the superior canal but in the opposite direction (downward
fossa. Loud sound or pressure often causes nystagn1us in the with torsional 111otion of the superior pole of the eye toward the
saine plane as the superior canal on the affected side. During affected ear).
straight-ahead gaze the nystagn1us appears to be a co1nbination The severity of the patient's syn1pto1us and the impact of
of vertical and torsional rotation (Figure 34-9). \A/hen gaze these syn1pton1s on lifestyle are nlajor deter1ninants in the con­
shifts 45 degrees toward the side of the dehiscence, the pupil sideration of surgery for SCD.124 So1ne patients are discovered to
will n1ove in a vertical direction. During gaze 45 degrees in the have SCDS as an incidental finding on CT scan and do not have
contralateral direction, the eye will rotate about an axis through syiupton1s. Other patients have only autophony or conductive
the pupil. The Tullio phenomenon is not present in all cases of hearing loss. Such patients should be carefully counseled about
SCDS. Tn addition to dizziness and nystagn1us, SCDS may be the risks of a 111iddle fossa surgery, prior to conte1nplating any
characterized by autophony (sensation of increased loudness of surgical repair.
the patient's own voice), conductive hearing loss (which is not Surgical plugging of the affected superior canal can be
due to middle ear pathology), and/or pulsatile tinnitus. High­ beneficial in patients with debilitating syn1pto1us due to this
resolution CT scans with reconstructions in the plane of the disorder. Two approaches to the plugging of SCD have been
superior canal and orthogonal to that plane should be done to described. The 1niddlc cranial fossa approach '"'as described
confirm the diagnosis. first1 22 and is the technique used by the authors of this chapter.
The pathophysiology of SCDS can be understood in terms An alternative approach that has 1nore recently been described
of the creation of a "third mobile window" into the inner ear. is SCD plugging via a transn1astoid approach. Advocates of
Under normal circun1stances, sound pressure enters the inner the transn1astoid approach have noted that it avoids a crani­
ear through the stapes footplate in the oval window and, after oto1ny, involves no te1uporal lobe retraction, and 111ay lead to
passing around the cochlea, exits through the round window. better stability of the canal plug. Moreover, 1nost otolaryngolo­
The presence of a dehiscence in the superior canal allows this gists arc more fan1iliar with 1nastoidecto1ny.12 120 The trans-
canal to respond to sound and pressure stimuli. The direction 1nastoid approach \Vas initially described in two patients in

Right superior canal Left superior canal



FIGURE 34-9 • Direction of slow phase of eye

movement with superior canal excitation. Eye
movement occurs in the plane of the superior
canal regardless of gaze direction. There are
both vertical and torsional components when
the patient is looking directly ahead (center
gaze). The torsional and vertical components
can be separated by having the patient look to
the right or left during stimulation.

2001, and although these patients were relieved of vertigo, one has been described.125 The trans1nastoid approach n1ay not be
patient experienced significant sensorineural hearing loss after possible in patients with a low-hanging dura or extensive tegn1en
surgery.127 �!ore recently, additional reports of t r ans n1 astoid dehiscence.125 In the transn1astoid approach, the plug is placed
su perio r canal plugging with 111ini1nal 111orbidity and improve­ closer to the sensory epithelia of the a 1npulla and the utricle,
ment in syinptoms have been published.125•126•128 which n1ay be inore traun1atic to these structures and risk dis­
We favor the niiddle tossa appr oach over the trans111astoid turbance of their baseline firing rates. Further1nore, opening the
appr oach for several reasons. The transmastoid approach does superior canal distal to the dehiscence nlay lead to plug place-
not pe r mit direct confir111ation of the dehiscence, and trans1nas­ 1nent in the co1n1non crus, causing loss of sensory function of
toid plugging of a superio r canal that was later found to be intact the posterior canal as well.'29 Finally, the trans1nastoid approach


Fascia and
bone chips
c - fill superior


on top


FIGURE 34-10 • Plugging of superior semicircular canal dehiscence. A, Temporalis fascia is harvested. B,
Craniotomy is performed and the bone flap is gently freed from the dura. C, Dura is elevated revealing the superior
canal dehiscence. 0, Each end of the superior canal is packed with small pieces of the previously harvested fascia;
these are held in place with bone chips.

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Berlin: Urban Scharzenberg; 1929.
Cochlear Implants in Adults
and Children
Peter S. Roland, MD

INTRODUCTION bet\.Yeen the diameter of the cochlear nerve and the total spiral
ganglion cell count (P < .001). This finding offers the possibil­
Cochlear itnplants are the first true bionic sense organs.
ity of indirectly assessing the spiral ganglion cell population by
Cochlear implants, like the human hair cell, receive 1nechan­
measuring the size of the auditory nerve.s
ical sound energy and convert it into a series of electrical
Although the history of cochlear i1nplantation in adults
impulses. The human cochlea is, in effect, an electromechan­
goes back well over 30 years, cochlear i1nplantation in children
ical transducer. This transformation is not trivial and some of
is more recent. ltnplantation was initially lin1ited to postlin­
the brightest engineering minds have spent hundreds of thou­
gually deafened children because it '"'as \.Yidely believed that the
sands of hours determining how this transformation should be
device would have little utility for children with severe to pro­
accomplished so as to provide the human auditory cortex with
found congenital hearing loss.
the 1nost meaningful infor1nation. Cochlear implants are not
Project Hope, co1nbining the results of three different types
hearing aids. Hearing aids 1nerely amplify inechanical sound
of survey instrun1ents, has estimated that there are at least
waves and increase their energy content. Hearing aids do not
464,000 and possibly as n1any as 738,000 severe to profoundly
fundamentally alter the nature of the signal.
hearing-in1paired persons among the 22 tnillion Atuericans with
Cochlear implants are playing an increasingly impor­
hearing loss. It esti1uated that about 5 of every 10,000 infants
tant role in the management of both adults and children with
have severe to profound hearing loss and, using 1998 Bureau of
hearing impairment. Although the results re1nain variable and
Census data, 5,600 children under 2 years of age are profoundly
unpredictable for a given individual, a substantial proportion
hearing i1npaired.6 Cheng has calculated that cochlear ituplants
of in1plant recipients now recover high levels of open-set speech
nlay be useful in as 1uany as 200,000 children in the United
understanding. Cochlear implants permit itnplant recipients to
reintegrate with the hearing \.Yorld.
In the early days of implantation, there •vas considerable
concern that the constant electrical stimulation produced by
the implant would injure residual neural elements within the The i1npact of severe/profound hearing loss on the US econ-
cochlea. This concern has been laid to rest. 'fhe preponderance 01ny is substantial. Figures indicate that as nluch as $2.5 billion
of available scientific evidence has demonstrated that dendrite 111ay be lost in workforce productivity. Approxin1ately 42o/o of
stimulation either enhances spiral ganglion cell survival or, at individuals with severe/profound hearing i1npair1nent between
worst, has no effect on spiral ganglion cell counts at aU.1-3 the ages of 18 and 44 years are unemployed, con1pared to 18°/o
It has been estimated that only 10% of the nor1nal spiral of the general population.�,9
ganglion cell population of 35,000 is necessary for successful In addition to lost productivity, there are direct costs asso­
cochlear i1nplant use:1 Linthictun and Anderson demonstrated ciated with severe/profound hearing loss. For exa1nple, approx­
that of 46 tetnporal bones with total sensorineural hearing in1ately $2 billion is spent to provide equal access for hearing
loss, 37 had 1nore than 3,500 residual spiral ganglion cells and in1paired individuals as required by law.
would be potential cochlear implant candidates based on that More than $120 billion is spent in educational costs. Despite
criterion.s Nadol has sho\.Yn that the highest nutnber of residual substantial resources invested in the education of severe/
spiral ganglion cells are found following a1ninoglycoside toxic­ profoundly hearing-impaired individuals, 44% fail to graduate
ity and sudden sensorineural hearing loss. The lowest numbers fron1 high school as con1pared to 19% of nor1nal-hearing stu­
of surviving spiral ganglion cells are seen in individuals with dents. Only 5% of severe to profoundly deaf individuals gradu­
congenital/genetically mediated losses and following bacte­ ate fro111 college, con1pared to 13°/o of norn1al-hearing children.�
rial meningitis.5 Nadol has shown a strong positive correlation The cost of educating a severe to profoundly deaf child is vastly


increased and approaches half a million dollars per child for hold that the best interest of the chlld precedes the interest of a
kindergarten through grade 1.2, or 50 times the cost of educating special interest group and that parents have the responsibility to

a norn1al-hearing child.10·1 1 The cost of cochlear i1nplantation determine their child's best interest.10

and associated rehabilitative services (ranging fron1 $40,000

to $60,000) are modest in coinparison. If cochlear implanta­ Cost Effectiveness
tion shifts only l child in 10 into a mainstream classroon1, the
Most cost-effectiveness studies use the "quality-adjusted life
savings in educational costs alone would pay all of the costs of
year" {QALY) as the basis for comparison. A QALY is an addi­
implantation for all 10 implant recipients. Current evidence
tional year of life with perfect quality of health. If health is only
suggests that considerably n1ore than l out of JO children would
«50o/<i of perfect," then only half a QALY is awarded for that
be able to function within mainstream classrooms, and there
extra year of life. It would take 5 extra years of life to equal
is justifiable optimis.111 that the high unei11ployn1ent rates seen
one QALY if health quality during these years were only 20o/o
currently in individuals v,rith severe to profound hearing loss can
of perfect. Since the life expectancy of cochlear implant recipi­
be lo\.vered substantially as a result of widespread in1plantation.9
ents is not anticipated to change as a result of implantation, any
There are already studies indicating that cochlear in1plantation
increase in QALYs must result directly from improved health
can in1prove earnings for adults.12
utility. Health utility can be measured using a variety of differ­
ent instruments, including a visual analog scale and the Health
Deaf Culture
Utility Index-2 (HUI-2). These scales have been used commonly
The National Association for the Deaf (NAD) is an organization in assessing the cost effectiveness of cochlear implants. The time
of deaf individuals who believe in «deaf culture." According trade-off instrument has been used only recently to assess tbe
to the NAD, "deaf people like being deaf, want to be deaf and quality of life for children.
are proud of their deafness." They do not regard deafness as a Krabbe and colleagues compared 45 postlingually deafened
disability.11 Deaf culturalists believe deaf individuals live and adult multichannel cochlear implant users with 46 deaf candi­
participate in a unique culture and that attempts to e]in1inate dates on the '.vaiting list for cochlear implants. Three health­
deafness is a form of cultural imperialis111 or even genocide.0 related quality of life instruments were utilized: a specially
For the most part, deaf culturalists use American Sign developed cochlear implant questionnaire, the SF-36 health
Language (ASL). ASL is a distinctively different language from status questionnaire, and the I-IUI-2. All three questionnaires
English with an entirely different gra111matical structure. Facility detected improvements in health-related quality of life attrib­
in ASL does not translate into facility with even written English. utable to cochlear implant use.i.
Deaf culturalists believe tbat ASL is a «natural" con11nunication In 1999 Palmer and colleagues prospectively evaluated
systen1 (the basis for this clain1 of"naturalness" is unclear) for cost effectiveness in 62 adult cochlear recipients.'5 Adults who
deaf children and that spoken, written, o r even signed English received the implant had a health utility gain (using HUI) of
is "unnatural." Deaf culturalists believe that deaf children are 0.2. Ninety percent of the gain occurred within 6 months of
natural 111en1bers of deaf culture, and to restore their hearing is implantation. Using standard models, a 0.2 improvement in
to deny them their natural birthrigbt.8•13 health utility resulted in a cost of $14,670 per QALY. Cheng
Deaf culturalists, while claiming on tbe one band that deaf­ and colleagues published a series of articles assessing the cost
ness is not a disability, derive support and benefit fron1 billions effectiveness of cochlear implants. In their studies, half of the
of dollars in disability benefits. Insofar as cochlear in1plants substantial loss of health utility (0.6) is recovered by a cochlear
are effective, deaf individuals \.vho decline to use them have an implant. Based on their estimates, the cost per QALY for a
«elective disability." Tucker has questioned the extent to which pediatric cochlear implant recipient varied between $5,197
individuals with elective disabilities may call on society to pro­ and $9,029 depending on which survey instrument was used.
vide supportive services and accommodations.11 Generally speaking a cost of $20,000 to $25,000 per QALY is
The strongest advocates of deaf culture are quite explicit considered a cost-effective intervention (ie, "a good deal"). For
about the in1plications of their views: hearing parents have no example, placement of a defibrillator has a cost of $34,836 per
«right" to 111ake decisions about their deaf children if those QALY. A total knee replacement is $59,292 per QALY. Cochlear
decisions 111ight result in hearing restoration. That right, they implantation has been demonstrated to have one of the highest
clain1, belongs to the culture to \-Vhich they «naturally belong" cost-effectiveness ratings of any current intervention. Overall,
and should be made by deaf culturists on their behalf.11•13 Some including indirect costs such as reduced educational expenses,
of tbese deaf culture activists regard cochlear implants in chil­ the cochlear implant provides a savings to society of $53,198
dren as a form of «child abuse." These issues bave been care­ per child.7•15-l7
fully examined by Balkaoy and colleagues with the following
Ho\vever, the argun1ents of these leaders are internally
Initial screening for cochlear implant candidacy in postlingually
contradictory: They hold that deafness is not a disability but
deafened adults begins with pure-tone audiometry and speech
support disability benefits for the deaf; they maintain both that
cochlear i1npla11ts do not \\'Ork and that they work so well that they discrimination testing. As a general rule, potential cochlear
a re "genocidal" (ie, they \\rill eliminate deafness). Their position implant candidates will have a pure tone average greater than
opposes the ethical principles of beneficence and auronomy as 50 dB and a standard speech discrimination score of less than
they relate to self-determination and privacy. Ethical standards 50 to 60°/o. The Ad Hoc Subcommittee of the Committee

on Hearing and Equilibriun1 of the An1erican Acaden1y of

Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery has recon1111ended TABLE 35-1 CT or MRI?
that final candidacy detern1ination be niade using Hearing in
Noise Test (HINT) sentence testing and consonant/nucleus/
consonant (CNC) word testing. The HINT provides a reliable Morphology of cochlea and semicircular ++ +++

and efficient nieasure of speech recognition in quiet and noise. canals

The HTNT is not used in an adaptive mode for preevaluation/
Potency of cochlear duct + ++
surgical candidacy purposes, but the adaptive mode is use­
ful to assess results and con1pare outcon1es. The CNC test is Status of cochlear nerve -

an open-set word recognition test that has the same phonemic Anatomy of facial nerve and fallopian canal ++ +

distribution as English. High-quality disks can be obtained to

Defect of the modiolar + +++
standardize perf-orn1ance-n1easure.ments pre- and postopera­
tively and across institutions. Hearing in Noise Test sentence Defect of cribiform area +++ ++

scores of less than 6011«> in quiet and CNC scores of less than
Enlarged vestibular aqueduct ++ +++
30o/o are used as general candidacy guidelines.
Post Iingually deafened children are tested using the san1e Enlarged cochlear aqueduct +++ +

n1easures as adults, but testing children with prelingual hear­ Presence of round or oval window +++ -

ing loss is n1ore difficult. Prelingually deafened children require

CNS abnormalities +++
special tests. Indeed, in the early years of cochlear implanta­
tion, adequate tests for assessing cochlear in1plant candidacy
in prelingual children had to be developed. Existing tests were
It has becon1e clear that 1YfRI is the most sensitive teclu1ique
inadequate. for identifying early labyrinthitis ossificans. Even high-resolution
The Early Speech Perception (ESP) test assesses speech
CT scanning n1ay iniss cochlear obstruction in up to SOo/o of
perception ability and is available in both a low verbal and a
candidates. Con1puted to1nographic scanning cannot detect
standard version. Speech perception ability is divided into three
labyrinthine obstruction until frank ossification has developed.
subtests to assess the child's capacity to (l) distinguish patterns
On the other hand, MRI relies on the presence or absence of a
in speech ("ball" versus "cookie" versus "airplane" versus "ice
fluid signal within the labyrinthine bone. Consequently, any­
crean1 cone"), (2) identify spondee words ("hot dog," "cowboy," thing that displaces or elin1inates fluid fro1n \.Yithin the cochlea
"airplane"), and (3) to discriminate monosyllabic words ("ball",
or sen1icircular canals, notably unossified fibrous tissue, will
"boot", "boat", "bat"). It is useful for children who have devel­
result in a detectable abnor1nality.18-21 Consequently, MRI has
oped some language skills. A nun1ber of other tests are also used
beco1ne the diagnostic inodality of choice for the detection of
in the evaluation o f young and prelingually deafened children,
post1neningitic endocochlear obstruction.22-24
including the Craig Lip Inventory, the 1vfeaningful Auditory
Magnetic resonance unaging can de1no11strate an absent
Integration Scale (MAIS), and the Infant Toddler MAIS. This
or hypoplastic cochlear nerve. Using currently available
testing is specialized and requires a specially trained clinician.
l.5-T inagnets, precise n1easurements of the size of the cochlear
nerve are difficult, but higher-strength n1agnets inay soon per­
Medical Evaluation n1it inore exact quantification of cochlear nerve dian1eter.

Once it has been detern1ined that a person is a good audio­ Since cochlear nerve dia1neter appears to correlate \.Yith the
logic candidate, a medical evaluation is necessary. The niedi­ nun1ber of surviving spiral ganglion cells, quantification of the
cal evaluation should detern1ine that a candidate can undergo size of the cochlear nerve n1ay allo'"' more exact prediction of
the operative procedure with acceptable risks. Radiographic postoperative outco1ne after cochlear implantation. 5 An absent
in1aging of the te1nporal bone should be obtained in order to cochlear nerve is one of the few absolute contraindications to
identify any potential anatomic variations that might contrai n­ cochlear i1nplantation. Although a sn1all internal auditory canal
dicate the operation or require alterations to the usual surgical on CT scan suggests an absent cochlear nerve, absence of the
procedure. cochlear nerve can definitely be verified on 1YfRI using paras­
Traditionally, radiographic evaluation of cochlear i1np]ant agittal reconstructions through the internal auditory canal
candidates has been performed using high-resolution­ (Figure 35-1).
puterized ton1ographic (CT) scanning. Recent refinements in Defects in the cribriforn1 area of the cochlea, \.vhich present
n1agnetic resonance in1aging (1vfRI) pennit greatly enhanced the likelihood of an intraoperative "gusher," can be identified on
resolution, and now Jv!Rl is also very useful in the preopera­ MRI scanning and warn the surgeon about this potential diffi­
tive assessn1ent of cochlear i1nplant candidates. There are pros culty. Central nervous syste1n (CNS) abnor1nalities that could
and cons to both techniques. (Table 35-1) Each technique adversely affect the outco1ne of in1plantation can also be well
is capable of providing important inforn1ation not provided identified on MRI.
by the other. Son1e thought should be given to the individual High-resolution CT scanning, however, pern1its n1ore co1n­
patient's circun1stances and the potential difficulties that niay plete characterization of hypoplasia, aplasia, and inco1nplete
be encountered in that individual before the decision is made partitioning defects (eg, the Modini deforn1ity) (Figure 35-2
as to which type of scan should be requested. Sometimes both and 35-3), and enlarged vestibular aqueducts. High-resolution
types of imaging v,rilI be needed. CT scanning pern1its fairly precise n1apping of the fallopian

FIGURE 35-1 • Sagittal reconstruction of

the internal auditory canal showing normal
configuration and orientation of the nerves
in the internal auditory canal above and the
absence of the cochlear nerve on the sag­
ittal reconstruction to the left. Illustration
courtesy of Dr. Timothy Booth.

FIGURE 35-2 •Axial section on the right demonstrates a severe cochlear malformation in this case a common
cavity deformity. (White arrow). There is no internal auditory canal visible through this section. The image on the left
shows that there is a small canal present that is just large enough to accommodate the facial nerve. The cochlear
and vestibular nerves are absent as is the vestibule and semicircular canals.

canal and facial nerve. A clear understanding of facial nerve the Wechsler Intelligence Scale is available for this purpose.
anatomy is especially important in those persons with ten1po­ Using these results, the psychologist, v1orking with the speech
ral bone developn1ental anon1alies (eg, dysplastic semicircular pathologist and audiologist, will establish whether the child
canals) that increase the likelihood of anomalous facial nerve has developed the necessary cognitive and behavioral skills for
anatomy. successful device programming. Success is 1nuch more likely
if the implant can be effectively programmed. If the child has
Psychological Evaluation
not yet developed these skills, it is in some instances worth­
A psychosocial evaluation is no longer a routine part of the vvhile postponing the i1nplant long enough for the appropriate
evaluation of the pediatric patient but should be considered in behavior to etnerge. Intensive therapy can be directed toward
special circumstances. The purpose of a psychosocial evalua­ the child's particular deficits to help hirn/her develop the nec­
tion is to deter111ine the intellectual ability of the child, estab­ essary skill set.
lish the child's expectations for postimplant perforn1ance, and Fan1ily issues that inay affect the success of the i1nplant
identify family issues that niay affect in1p]antation or postin1- such as inarital stress, depression, or abuse must be identified
pla nt performance. Tf the child's intelligence is less than nor­ and resolved. If the cochlear i1nplant candidate is an adoles­
n1al, the goals for the child, along with expectations, should cent, then special attention must be given to n1ake sure that the
be scaled back. Rehabilitative milestones for these recipients parent's wishes and those of the adolescent are not substantially
n1ay be achieved more slowly. ln severe to profoundly deaf different. For exatnple, an adolescent well integrated into a sign­
children, nonverbal tests 1nust be used. A revised foriu of ing com1nunity may agree to an i1nplant as a result of parental

FIGURE 35-3 •The axial section on the right shows the complete absence of the cochlea. There is only some
sclerotic bone where the cochlea should be. There is a complete absence of the internal auditory canal on both the
axial and the coronal section (image on the right). Although no evidence of the internal auditory canal is apparent
on these films, the patient had normal facial nerve function indicating that the facial nerve was in fact intact.

pressure when he/she really does not want one. Tf implanted, he/ disabilities. Benefits were realized in the children with disabili­
she is likely to becon1e a nonuser. ties, but they did less '"'ell overall.27 Vvaltzman and colleagues
Family dynan1ics are assessed during the psychosocial eval­ have evaluated 29 children between the ages of 2 and l.2 years
uation. Son1etin1es significant problen1s of fan1ily's interaction with significant handicaps. These children received significant
are recognized that can be in1proved with appropriate therapy. benefit, but development was slower and less stable.28
Such therapy often continues long after the implant has been Although associated handicaps are not in and of the111-
placed and successfully progran1111ed. Improved family dynam­ selves a contraindication to cochlear in1plantation, children
ics can significantly enhance a child's ability to becon1e a suc­ with multiple handicaps should be carefully evaluated by a tean1
cessful implant user. that understands not only the nature of their handicaps but the
Perhaps the most in1portant part of the psychosocial evalu­ requiren1ents for progran1n1ing and successful use of a cochlear
ation is to assess both the recipient's and his/her fan1ily's expec­ i111plant.
tations for the device. Aln1ost nothing creates niore trouble in
the postoperative period as do unreal istic expectations on the Which Ear to lmpla·nt
part of cochlear implant recipients or their fan1ily n1embers. The
The selection of which ear to in1plant can be difficult. In the
evaluating clinician n1ust assess both the open and the "hidden"
earliest days of cochlear in1plantation, the worse hearing ear
expectations of potential recipients and/or their fan1ilies for the
was generally selected. It was argued that the i111plantation itself
device. Tf expectations are unrealistic, they should be n1odi­
would destroy residual hearing (and it does in at least 50 o/o of
fied prior to in1plantation. When expectations are realistic, the
cases) and that the better hearing ear should be conserved in
chance of disappointment, anger, and rejection of the device is
case the in1plant did not work.29 Over the years that philosophy
greatly din1inished.
has changed. As experience with cochlear in1plants has grown,
confidence in then1 has increased. Experience to date indicates
Multihandicapped Candidates that the ability to elin1inate patients who will not benefit fron1
The assessn1ent of multihandicapped individuals can be espe­ the in1plant has become quite good. Consequently, 111any pro­
cially challenging. Handicaps n1ost commonly associ.ated with gran1s currently select the better hearing ear. It is reasoned that
congenital hearing loss include n1ental retardation, visual and the better hearing ear is likely to have a higher population of
n1otor delays, epilepsy, autisn1, cerebral palsy, attention-deficit residual neural elen1ents and hence offer the possibility of better
disorder, and a variety of syndromic abnorn1alities including performance. N1ost in1plant surgeons have had the experience
CHARGE association (coloboma of the eye, heart anon1aly, cho­ of in1planting the worse hearing ear, with the result that the
anal atresia, retardation, and genital and ear anon1alies), Usher's patient has achieved no benefit. In such cases, one is inclined to
syndron1e, and Pendred's syndrome. wonder if the results would have been ifthe better hearing
Lesinski and colleagues have evaluated 47 children who were ear had been implanted. Moreover, it is now often believed that
in1planted and had one or 111ore associated handicaps. Eighty­ if the residual hearing in the better hearing ear could provide
two percent of these children were successfully progran1n1ed.26 significant benefit, then the patient '"'ould not be an appropri­
Tsaacson and colleagues evaluated five children with significant ate in1plant candidate. Despite such reasoning, it has not been

possible to verify, on the basis of quantitative outcon1e data, that skull gro\¥th. This concern \¥as addressed by Roland and col­
in1planting the better hearing ear produces superior results. leagues, who used cotnputer graphic analysis to assess electrode
Indeed, there is son1e evidence that results are just as good when position on serial postoperative radiographs. Children were fol­
the poorer ear is implanted, especially ifthe difference between lowed from 1 to 75 months, and no change in electrode position
it and the better ear is sniall.30 Although this may well be true was noted.35
when differences between ears are s1nall, the question ren1ains Ah11ost all experts in the area of speech and language devel­
unanswered when the difference bet,¥een the ears is large. opment have believed, on an intuitive basis, that younger age
Outcome data on cochlear in1plantation have shown repeat­ of in1plantation will be associated \Vith improved outco1nes.
edly, and with a fairly high degree of reliabili.ty, that the longer Slowly, evidence to support their intuitions is accumulating.36-38
the duration of deafness, the '"'orse the postoperative perfor­ Connor et al. have evaluated 100 children who received implants
n1ance. Consequently, differences in length of deafness between bet,¥een 1 and 10 years of age. Growth curve analysis indicated
ears are often used to select the ear to receive the implant. The that there was an additional value for earlier in1plantation over
niost recently deafened ear is chosen. and above advantages attributed to length of use. They con­
Anatomic considerations may guide side selection. If one cluded that there were clearly advantages to i1nplanting children
ear is significantly dysplastic or hypoplastic, the contralateral before the age of21/2 years.
ear niay be selected. Their conclusion is consistent with the inforn1ation devel­
Differences in cochlear patency, '"hen present, are often oped by Sharn1a and her colleagues using long latency cortical­
determinative. \i\Thile long-standing labyrinthitis ossificans is evoked responses.1'1aturation of long-latency cortical responses
generally syn1metric, initially i.t may progress more rapidly in (as nleasured by decreased latency) occurs reliably when chil­
one ear than in the other. The least obstructed labyrinth should dren are in1planted before the age of 3-1/2 years and occurs
be chosen. rarely in children i1nplanted after the age of7 years.39-41
Son1etin1es a previous procedure in one ear n1akes the Researchers at the University of 11ichigan have den1on­
other ear n1ore desirable. Canal wall down n1astoidectomy strated that the posti1nplantation speech recognition scores of
in one ear would niake the contralateral side n1ore appealing 48 seven-year-olds varied according to the length of tin1e the
because the standard operative procedure would not require child had been i1nplanted. The longer the child had bad the
n1odification. implant, the better the speech recognition scores. They eval­
Occasionally there is a n1arked difference in vestibular func­ uated an additional 53 children 36 months after their in1plant
tion between ears. Previous trau1na (surgical or otherwise) n1ay had been placed. Holding the length of use fixed, they dcm.­
have significantly reduced labyrinthine function on one side. onstrated that the children's perfor1nance in1proved as age at
lf so, that side should be chosen so as to preserve the ear \¥ith time of implant decreased. lv!oreover, at a fixed post i1nplant
the better vestibular function. It: however, the ear with reduced age, children in1planted at younger ages de1nonstrated better
labyrinthine function i s also the worse hearing ear or the ear perforn1ance.42 Svirsky and colleagues have shown that posti1n­
with the longer duration of deafness, the decision becon1es n1ore plantation, the rate of expressive and receptive language learning
difficult. In such circumstances, it niay be justified to i1nplant approaches that of norn1al-hearing children. He '"as, ho,¥ever,
the ear with better vestibular function if, in the opinion of the unable to de1nonstrate "catch-up effects.'' Consequently, youn­
implanting surgeon, a signifi.cantly better hearing outcon1e is ger age at in1plantation would leave a narrower gap between
Ii kely to be obtained. norn1al-hearing and u11planted children.43 Moog and Geers have
Ultimately, auditory information n1ust reach the cerebral shown that nor1nal levels of language and reading are associated
cortex to be useful. Even when peripheral auditory function is with earlier age of in1plantation.44 Cheng and colleagues' n1eta­
identical, there may be significant differences in the amount of analysis showed that 1nore rapid gains in speech perception
CNS activation obtained by stimulating one side as opposed to are associated with earlier age in in1plantation.17 Connor et al.
the other. New techniques in brain i1naging such as single-pho­ have shown that there is a substantial benefit for both speech
ton emission CT (SPECT), functional ?vlRT, PET, and refined and vocabulary outco1nes when children receive their in1plant
cortical auditory electrophysiology may allow differences in before the age of2 1/2 years.38
CNS activation to be identified preoperatively.31-34 Reservations have also been voiced about i1nplanting older
patients. Concerns about effectiveness and cost utility have been
Age of Implantation raised. Although ganglion cell loss is a feature of n1any forn1s of
Cochlear implantation in children began in the second half of presbycusis, it rarely reduces ganglion cell populations below
the 1980s under tbe close supervision of the US Food and Drug the 3,500 (about 10°/o of norn1al) cells necessary for speech rec­
Ad1ninistratioo (FDA). lt was initially li1nited to postlingually ognition. Data on speech recognition scores in elderly patients
deafened children because it was widely believed that the device '"ho have received cochlear in1plants verify that the elderly arc
would have little utility for children with congenital hearing as likely to achieve as successful hearing outcon1es as younger
loss. Over the decades, the indications have expanded based on patients.
docun1ented outcomes subn1itted to and reviewed by the FDA. . A nun1ber of other concerns have been raised about the
The age of in1plantation has slowly been lowered from geriatric population. It has been suggested that they are at
2 years through 18 1nonths to l year of age. Initial objections to greater risk for soft tissue con1plications because of decreased
in1planting very young children were partially based on the per­ blood flo\¥ in scalp tissues, related not only to nlicrovascu­
ceived potential for electrode n1igration/extrusion secondary to lar disease but also to an increasing incidence of diabetes.

Ho\vever, no such increase of soft tissue con1plications has bypassing the cochlear hair cells and stimulating the audi­
st. 2
been verified. 46 Because elderly individuals recover less tory nerve directly and synchronously. 5 Labadie and col­
promptly from vestibular injuries, it has been hypothesized leagues have reported that the sound field threshold in1proved
that the impact of cochlear implant on an1bulation and falling fron1 an average of >70 dB preoperatively to better than 37
could be disproportionately severe in an elderly population. dB postcochlear in1plantation in four patients with auditory
No data have been produced to support this concern, and neuropathy. Electrical ABR showed detectable \vaveforn1s on
Labadie and colleagues have shown no differences in hospi­ apical, iniddle, and basal turn stin1ulation.40 Shallop and col­
tal stays between geriatric and younger patients.46 Tf enough leagues have shown good results for cochlear in1plantation in
vestibular function was destroyed to affect an1bulation, one five children \Vith auditory neuropathy at 1-year follow-up.
would expect a delay in hospital discharge. It has been noted All bad significant i1nproven1ents in sound detection, speech
that depression, social isolation, and anxiety are niore prev­ perception, and con1n1unication skills. Shallop and colleagues
alent in both the deaf and the elderly, and it has been spec­ interpreted the presence of a robust Nl on neural response
ulated that the con1bination of both could m.itigate against tele1netry (NRT) a s an indication that synchrony '"as at least
successful rehabilitation. partially restored. Otoacoustic emissions re1nained in the
Several studies have evaluated the effectiveness of cochlear contralateral ear but were eliminated in the operated ear after
implants in the elderly. Labadie and colleagues have den1on­ i1nplantation.53
strated that both geriatric and younger patients have statistically
significant increases in Central Institute for the Deaf (CID) Bilateral Implantation
and CNC scores (there \vas no difference between groups).
There are several potential benefits fron1 using two
Satisfaction with the device has also been demonstrated as
in1plants:>•-5 7
increased selt�confidence and in1proved quality of life.47

l. Bilateral listeners benefit fro1n the "head shado'" effect."

Candidacy Guidelines At any given ti1ne, in a norn1al listening environn1ent, each
ear receives signals with different signal-to-noise ratios
As cochlear implants have achieved docun1ented in1prove­
n1ents in open-set speech recognition scores, FDA guidelines
2. Bilateral listeners can pick the ear with the best SNR and
for implantation have been expanded. At first, FDA guidelines
enhance their ability for speech understanding. This bene­
suggested that potential recipients should have pure-tone aver­
fit becomes apparent in noisy environn1ents, in which indi­
ages (PT As) of 90 dB or greater. The guideline has been low­
viduals with unilateral hearing experience greater difficulty
ered to 70 dB in recent clinical trials. It was initially suggested
in speech understanding.
by the FDA that appropriate iinplant candidates should have
3. Unilateral hearing nlakes sound localization aln1ost impos­
HINT sentence scores of less than 20% in quiet. This crite­
sible. Normal-hearing listeners use both interaural tin1e
rion has no\v been substantially relaxed, and individuals with
delays and interaural intensity differences to localize
less than 50% correct responses to HINT sentences i n quiet
sow1d. Normal-hearing listeners can detect as little as 1 to
are considered appropriate candidates. Tt is worth emphasiz­
2 degrees of difference in the origin of a sound signal. It has
ing that FDA-approved criteria are guidelines and do not con­
been docu1nented that bilateral in1plant users can gain sig­
strain an experienced in1plant tea1n fron1 making thoughtful
nificant sound localization using both tin1e discrimination
exceptions. There is a niove toward using CNC words as a cri­
and interaural intensity cues. It has been de1nonstrated that
terion, primarily to avoid ceiling effects during postoperative
an average te1nporal resolution of 50 µs was achievable in
four of eight bilaterally in1planted patients, which should
be adequate for 10 degrees of angle resolution in a free-field
Auditory Neuropathy environn1ent. One patient had a 25 µs resolution. Normal­
Auditory neuropathy (auditory dys-synchrony) is a recently hearing patients have, at best, 9 µs of resolution. On average,
identified type of sensorineural hearing loss. Tt is defined as it is about 15 µs. The extent to which improved sound locali­
a condition in which otoacoustic emissions are present but zation 1night enhance speech perception in noise ren1ains to
auditory brain stem response (A.BR) waveforms are absent in be determined. 58-02
the context of nonnal niiddle ear functions. It is hypothesized 4. l1nproved speech understanding, especially in noise:
that the condition occurs because cochlear hair cells are dis­ D'Haese and colleagues have documented benefit in a group
charging dys-synchronously, such that no identifiable action of 22 patients \vith bilateral implants.6·1 Speech recognition
potential develops in the coch.lear nerve. Hearing loss in this in noise was improved when both i1nplants were used si1nul­
condition is variable, perhaps because of va riabJe degrees of taneously, and the difference was statistically significant.
dys-synchrony. The degree of functional hearing i1npairment Con1prehension of n1onosyllables delivered in quiet was
accompanying auditory neuropathy is difficult to assess. In also significantly better when using both i1nplants rather
the early years following the identification and description than using either i1nplant alone. D'Haese and colleagues
of the disorder, it was be! ieved the an1pl ification v1ould be were able to conclude that so1ne of this benefit was attrib­
futile and provide no benefit. It is now recognized that son1e utable to factors other than 1nerely the head shadow effect,
children will benefit significantly from hearing aids.4 8-50 including binaural unmasking, "squelch" effect, and diotic
Cochlear in1plants, in theory, could restore synchrony by sun1mation.63·5457

Although bilateral cochlear implantation i s no longer contro­ to cochlear i1nplant users; melody recognition approaches nor­
versial, a nun1ber of questions remain to be answered, including mal in hybrid implant recipients. J\llelody recognition in con­
the following: ventional cochlear implant recipients is generally poor.05-68

1. Should one "use up" both ears, especially in a child?

Although the recipient niay adapt and obtain niore bene­
fit from bilateral cochlear implantation, it is reasonable to Three devices arc currently in1planted in the United States
assu1ne that over the period of a typical child's life (70+ (Table 35-2). lvlany progran1s offer all three devices. Each
years), significant in1provements in technology will be device has advantages and disadvantages and choosing among
niade. Will hair cell regeneration be possible? And if so, the1n can be difficult. To date, no systen1atic differences
will the opportunity be lost in an in1planted ear? Should in perfor1nance between devices have been de1nonstrated.
the second ear be held in reserve to take advantage of such Consequently, the final decision is often nlade on the basis of
technological in1provements? Will the nonsti1nulated ear patient preference.
suffer neural degeneration and/or neural pathway degener­
ation if left unstin1ulated for 1nany years? Coding Strategy
2. Can bilateral in1plantation produce significant bilateral
A speech coding strategy defines the tnethod by which pitch,
vestibular injury?
loudness, and tin1ing of sound are translated into a series of
3. Ts bilateral implantation cost-effective?
electrical itnpulses. There are a variety of coding strategies cur­
rently in use. All of the three devices available in the United
The n1ove toward bilateral in1plantation evolved slo,vly and
States are capable of using tnore than one type of strategy.
with great caution in the United States. But a consensus has now
Strategies can be categorized into two types: si1nultaneous or
en1erged that the benefits of bilateral irnplantation outweigh the
potential harn1 and is the treatn1ent of choice for rnany, if not
all, cochlear i1nplant candidates.61 Simultaneous Strategies
Sitnultaneous strategies pertnit the activation of inore than one
electrode at the san1e ti1ne.
Electroacoustic/Hybrid Implants
Only the Advanced Bionics device is capable of si1nulta­
Hybrid in1plants con1bine a cochlear implant and a hearing aid
neous stin1ulation. The utility of si1nultancous activation is
in the san1e ear. Such a combined or "hybrid device" i s being
contested, and the currently available outcon1e data is equiv­
developed for individuals who retain useful hearing in the lower
ocal. Nonetheless, many in1plant professionals and potential
frequencies (ie, less than l,000 cycles per second) but have a
recipients believe that sin1ultaneous sti1nulation can in1prove
severe to profound loss in the higher frequencies. Such indi­
speech outcon1es and provide a 1nore natural quality of sound.
viduals often have poor speech discrin1ination scores, especially
When two electrodes are activated si1nultaneously, there
in noise. Both conventional hearing aids or cochlear i1nplants
is a potential that their signals will interfere \.Yith each other,
alone provide only marginal i1nproven1ents in speech discrimi­
a pheno1nenon known as "channel interaction." The lower the
nati.on for such individuals. A combined electroacoustic device
intensity of an e1nitted signal, the lower the likelihood that it
i s designed to electricall.y stin1ulate those regions of the apical
\.Yill interact with a signal fro111 a neighboring channel. When
cochlea that subserve higher frequencies (and where residual
an electrode is close to the ganglion cells within the n1odiolus,
hair cell populations are very lov1) while permitting the indi­
it takes less energy to sti111ulate the cell. Consequently, si1nulta­
vidual to continue to hear (with or without a hearing aid) lower
neous strategies appear to benefit fro1n inodiolus-hugging elec­
frequency sound acoustically. Successful i1nplen1entation of
trode arrays (see later).
such a strategy requires that residual hearing in the ear receiv­
ing the in1plant is retained. Several devices with electrode arrays Nonsimultaneous Strategies
of varying lengths have been developed and are in clinical trials. Continuous interleaved sa1npling (CIS) strategies stin1ulate
The ideal length of electrode for such individuals has not been each active electrode serially. Every electrode is stiinulated in
esta bl ished. Shorter electrodes may reduce the risk of hearing turn, one after the other. No electrode is bypassed or sti1nu­
loss, but longer electrodes potentially can stimulate larger areas lated out of order. Assun1ing that each electrode sti1nulates a
of the cochlea and niay be needed if the individual loses addi­ different frequency within the cochlea, the cochlea receives
tional hearing at the ti1ne. Surgeons placing hybrid cochlear con1plete infor1nation about the frequency con1position of the
in1plants use special "soft surgery" techniques in order to niin­ inco1ning signal, even for frequencies that are not represented
in1ize hearing loss. Overall, the rate of conservation appears to in the inco1ning signal. It is clear tl1at, up to a certain point, the
be quite good-85-90<XJ.64-00 rapidity with which this sequential sti1nulation occurs affects
!Ylost individuals in1planted with a hybrid device have expe­ speech recognition. Although there has been an inclination to
rienced improven1ents in speech understanding. A significant believe that "the faster the better," it has not been possible to
number of patients have noted very dramatic gains in speech unequivocally demonstrate tl1at "very fast" CIS strategies pro­
understanding in noise. In1prove1nents in speech discrin1ina­ duce i1nproved speech recognition.
tion of20-30% are not uncommon. All three currently available devices can be progra1111ned
Additional gains fron1 hybrid device in1plementation are using a CIS strategy. However, tl1e rates at which stin1ulation
very significant improven1ents in n1usic appreciation con1pared occur are different.

TABLE 35-2 Comparison devices



Manufacturer Cochlear Advanced Bionics MED-EL

Sydney, Australia • 26,000+ implanted worldwide Innsbruck, Austria

• Nearly 100,000 implanted • Makes other neurostimulators • Over 15,000 worldwide

world-wide • Advanced Bionics device • Developing implants since
• Nucleus 22 approved in 1982 approved in the United States 1975

• First multichannel behind- in 1991

the-ear device (BTE)

FDA-approved age for All approved for 12 months, 12 months 12 months

each implant except Nucleus 24 ABI at age
12 years

Length of electrode Contour advance= 15 mm HiFocus jl = 25 mm 31 mrn

array Contour straight= 17 mm HiFocus Helix precoiled= 24 mm

Double array-2 x 8.25 mrn

active length

ABI= electrode pad

8.5 x 3.0 .0.7 mm

Type of electrode CA-perimodiolar electrode Straight array that can be placed Soft, flexible straight array
array with soft tip into a perimodiolar position designed for lateral wall

CS-straight array by use of an attached or stimulation

separate electrode. Focused
Double array-for individuals
with significantly ossified
cochlea, 2 electrodes of
11 channels each

ABl-3 rows on the carrier pad

Special electrode Yes Yes; precoiled A split array is available for fully
arrays ossified cochleae, medium
array (20 mm) available for
midlength insertion,
compressed array (14 mm) for
cochlear malformations

Number of electrodes 24 (2 are ground electrodes) 16 26: 24 active contacts plus 1

additional ground electrode
and 1 additional EAP

Number of channels Freedom 22 16 (addition of "virtual" 12 (each electrode pair=

channels could bring count 1 channel)
up to 31)

Processing speed. Freedom has up to 32,000 250,000 pps TEMPO += 18,180

Maximum potential Recommendation is 900 pps OPUS= 50,700
stimulation rate in per channel
pulses per second

MRI compatibility MRI compatible to 1.5 T with 1.5 T with magnet removed FDA-approved in United States
replaceable magnet removed for 0.2T without magnet removal
MRI safe at 1.0 and 1.5 T
internationally without
magnet removal
Approval must be obtained
prior to scan


TABLE 35-2 Comparison devices-Continued



Speech processor 4 wearing options Platinum series bodyworn Both body worn and ear level
and headpiece Mini behind the ear (BTE) processor processor

Standard BTE HiResolution Harmony BTE Omni-directional microphone

Babyworn (battery not at ear Water resistant

level to reduce weight and size) Built in telecoil

Bodyworn 16-bit CD quality processor

All wearing options can use Adaptive front end adapts to
rechargeable or disposable sound environment
batteries automatically
Directional and Omni
directional microphone

Accessory equipment Telephone adapter Telephone adapter Body worn processor:

FM cable T-mic in the ear microphone 2 belt clip options

Personal audio cable Telecoil 2 battery chargers

TV/hi-ti cable Belt clip for adults Pouch or harness for children

Lapel microphone Battery charger Spare cable in a variety of

Monitor earphones Battery charger car adapter lengths and colors

Battery charger Off ear power options, BTE processor:

Pouch or harness for rechargeable and disposable 4 battery packs for BTE that can

children Variety of pouches or be worn in 5 different ways;

Spare cable in a variety of harnesses for children Fixation bar and belt clip

lengths and colors Spare cable options

MP3 adapters FM cables

Color covers Personal audio cable

Telephone adapter

Lapel microphone

MP3 adapter

Dry-aid kit

Battery charger

Variety of earhook sizes

Program storage Bodyworn Processor 3 programs Up to 9 programs

capacity can store 4 (mostly 3 programs with
3 volume settings for each
program are chosen)

Speech Processing Freedom can use ACE™, CIS, MPS, HiResolution-S CIS (TEMPO=), high-definition
CIS, & SPEAK. There are 16, HiResolution-P 16, HiRes CIS and fine structure
multiple Smart Sound™ Fidelity-S 120, HiRes processing (OPUS)
pre-processing strategies for Fidelity-P 120
optimized listening.

Warranty Implanted components: 10 year ICS warranty Implanted components: 10 yr

10 years
3-year warranty on speech External components: 3 yr
External component: 3 years processors Limited accidental damage
Sound processor, battery and loss coverage is available
3-year warranty on headpieces
pack and headpiece each or all devices at additional
covered for 1-time loss in 1 time loss/damage free
the initial 3-year warranty. replacement (warranted
against water damage­ Extended service contract
Service contracts available for available upon expiration of
excluding immersion)
additional coverage beyond external equipment warranty
the 3-year initial warranty on Extended warranty and loss/
external equipment. damage coverage available

Feature extraction strategies do not attempt to encode com­ Advanced Bionics has started using a modiolus-hugging array.
plete frequency information about the incon1ing signal; rather, Since the amount of current required to stimulate cochlear neu­
they atten1pt to "extract" the frequency information that will rons is significantly reduced in modiolus-hugging array, battery
be most useful to the CNS for the purposes of speech under­ life inay be extended when such arrays are used. Battery life is
standing. Once those features of the inco.ming signal believed an important issue in the emerging co111petition for a totally
to be niost important for speech understanding have been i1nplantable device. It has not been demonstrated, however,
selected by the processor, they are presented to the electrodes. that modiolus-hugging electrodes produce improved speech
The electrodes are not activated sequentially because only recognition cDmpared to laterally placed arrays (110111nodiolus­
those electrodes that represent frequencies "extracted" from hugging).
the incoming signal are activated. These strategies are often
called "roving strategies" because they "rove" around the elec­ Magnetic Resonance Imaging
trode array, activating only those electrodes needed to supply
l. Although concerns about postoperative MRI scanning are
the relevant information. Only late-generation feature extrac­
not a inajor issue for most patients, they are a very i1npor­
tion strategies are currently used. The ?v1ED EL C01v1BI 40®
tant issue for a select 1ninority. Individuals with CNS dis­
(i'v1ED EL Co., Innsbruck, Austria) can be programn1ed using
orders that have traditionally been followed using lvfRI
an "N of M" feature extraction strategy, v,rhereas the Nucleus
techniques are the most likely to be concerned. Magnetic
24® (Cochlear Corporation, Melbourne, Australia) device can
resonance iinagining has traditionally been considered con­
be progran1med using spectral peak (SPEAK) or advanced com­
traindicated in cochlear in1plant recipients because of the
bination encoder (ACE). The ACE is, in effect, a fast forn1 of
potential for interaction between the two inagnets. There
SPEAK. The progran1111ing audiologist can adjust the nun1ber
are four possible interactions that could occur betv-1een the
of frequencies selected from a given incon1ing signal (called
itnplanted 111agnet and a strong external 111agnetic field:
"n1axin1a") and the rate at •Nhich those features are presented
(1) nloven1ent of the sti1nulator/receiver or electrode array,
to the electrode array.
(2) generation of noxious or even injurious auditory stimuli,
Although there are theoretical reasons to believe that one
(3) generation of heat, and (4) den1agnetization. These
strategy 111ay be superior to another, no systematic differences
interactions have been investigated and are partially
between the most advanced strategies for any device have yet
been demonstrated.
2. It see1ns clear that the energies producedby co111n1only uti­
Styling lized nlagnetic fields (<l.5 T) will not produce sufficient
heat to be troubleson1e.
Other features that 111a y be in1portant for patients in device
3. Patients that have had MRI scans with cochlear implants
selection are appearance and styling. Each device looks differ­
in place have not reported injurious or disturbing auditory
ent, and one n1ay be more attractive to a given individual than
another. Since co1upelling difterences in perforrnance cannot be
4. Although there is some concern about 1noven1ent in stron­
de1uonstrated, the use of aesthetic criteria in deciding between
ger tnagnetic fields, it does not appear to be a problen1 in
devices is not entirely irrational.
inagnetic fields of lower strengths (<l.5 T), and it 111ay be
that external stabilization of the device can lin1it the poten­
Modiolus Hugging Electrode
tial for nlovement of the stin1ulator/receiver even in stronger
It is widely believed that ifthe stin1ulating electrodes are closer to fields.
the auditory nerve cells, then stin1ulation wi II. be 111ore efficient 5. De1nagnetization does occur, in vitro, with as much as lOo/o
and more efficacious. The ganglion cells reside in the core of of the magnetic strength lost with each scan. The degree of
the cochlear spiral, an area tern1ed the modiolus. Consequently, demagnetization depends on the length of ti1ne the device
there has been an ongoing effort to n1ove the stin1ulating elec­ is scanned and the strength of the 111agnetic field.
trodes as close to the modiolus as possible. Electrodes that are in
close approxin1ation to the n1odiolus are referred to as 111odiolus­ Investigators at the University of Vienna have evaluated
hugging electrodes. Both Cochlear Corporation and Advanced 11 patients in a 1-T nlagnet. Each patient was evaluated 1 day
Bionics have niodiolus-hugging electrode arrays that feature a before planned explantation. Auditory perception was evaluated
self-coiling electrode array with "1uen1ory." The electrode array before and after exan1ination, and all explanted devices \-Vere
conies with a stylette, \.vhich keeps the electrode array relatively assessed for function. There was no detectable nloven1ent of the
straight and relatively stiff so that it can be easily inserted. Once electrode or the receiver coil in any of the patients, and there
the electrode is inserted, the stylette is withdrawn and the elec­ \.vas no 1neasured ten1perature change. There were no adverse
trode array "springs back" into its original, coiled configuration. stin1uli reported by any subject. They concluded that the pres­
Coiling wraps the electrode array tightly around the niodiolus. ence of a MED-EL cochlear in1plant was not a fir1n contraindi­
Both techniques appear to be effective. cation to JvfRI.71
Jvtodiolus hugging electrodes produce lower threshold Baumgartner e t al. reported the results of scanning
co1ufort levels.69 Since channel interaction is a potentially sig­ 30 patients at 1-T without 1nagnet re111oval. There were no
nificant problem with simultaneous strategies, it is not surpris­ adverse consequences in in1plants.72
ing that the nun1ber of cochlear i1uplant recipients v,rho prefer to Several solutions have been offered by different 111anu­
use the siiuultaneous strategy has significantly increased since facturers.

Advanced Bionics® (Sylmar, CA) nianufactures a special design allows a greater nun1ber of electrodes to be inserted than
version of the Advanced Bionics in1plant that has no magnet. could be inserted using a technique li1nited to drilling out only
lt needs to be specially ordered in advance. The external head­ as n1uch of the basal turn as can be reached through a single,
piece is held to the 111agnetless stin1ulator/receiver with a spe­ round window cochleostomy. Both the MED-EL and Cochlear
cial earpiece. To function correctly, the sti mu la tor/receiver Corporation offer such arrays.
111ust be implanted closer to the auricle, so special care needs The Co ch lear Corporation straight array has electrode
to be taken during the operative procedure. Weber and col­ placement that is closer together than even the MED-EL con1-
leagues have reported results in l l individuals with magnetless pressed array, but because there are more electrodes, the length
devices-the headpieces were stable and worked well.73•74 One of the entire array is longer than theMED-EL compressed array.
patient, implanted in England, has also been reported to be a The straight array is available as an alternative to the standard
successfu I user.7' modiolus hugging Contour® array.
The Cochlear Corporation (lvfelbourne, Australia) nianu­
factures the Nucleus device \.Yith a ren1ovable magnet. The n1ag­
net can be extracted through an incision 1uade directly over the
stin1ulator/receiver and then replaced later. The required inci­ Preoperative Consideration
sion is s.1uall and it appears that the niagnet can be easily re111oved Roughly half of the pediatric cochlear i1nplantations perfor1ned
as an outpatient procedure using only local anesthesia. in the United States are perforn1ed on an outpatient basis and
The recently introduced .NfED-EL Pulsar® implant is half as an inpatient Liu and colleagues have shown that out­

available in a titanium silastic >vhich pen11its 111agnet patient cochlear i1nplantation is safe.76 Ho,vever, its acceptance
re111oval ifMRT is necessary. by parents is less than universal. It is tolerated but not neces­
The electron1agnetic interference between the .NfED-EL sarily desired. Follo\v-up surveys have sho\vn that the later in
Co111bi 40+ device and a 1.5-T scanner was within acceptable the day the operation finishes and the further away the patients
limits except for torque, which was questionable. Scanning at live, the less likely parents and recipients are to be satisfied \.Yith
0.2-T \vas clearly safe, and the MED-EL device has received FDA the outpatient setting.
permission approval for use in a low-strength magnetic reso­
nance scanner. However, there is a "blackout zone" extending
Prophylactic Antibiotics
2 to 4 cm around the device in every direction. Consequently,
111agnetic resonance scanning, even though it can be performed While no double-blind studies have been conducted to justify
safely, will not provide nieaningful information about those the efficacy of perioperative antibiotics, they are adn1inistered
areas of the skull base and brain close to the implant.70 by nearly all surgeons. Intravenous antibiotics should be given
at least 20 minutes before the incision is inade. Antibiotics
Special Electrode Arrays should be continued for the first 24 hours postoperatively and
then discontinued.
For a nu111ber of years, NfED- EL has manufactured special elec­
trode arrays for special clinical situations. A "compressed array"
Incision and Skin Flap
is available that includes the san1e number of electrodes as the
standard array but con1pressed into about 60'Vo of the distance. A variety of incisions have been used. Initially, cochlear
The con1pressed array is useful for patients with labyrinthitis in1plants \.Yere ahnost always perforn1ed using the san1e type
ossificans when only a portion of the cochlear duct is avail­ of C-shaped incision used for routine n1astoidecton1y but sig­
able for implantation. If a "drill out" procedure is performed, nificantly enlarged so that the incision line did not overlap the
it is usually possible to get the entire con1pressed array into the in1planted sti1nulator/receiver (Figures 35-4 and 35-5). It is
accessible portion of the cochlea. The compressed array is also \.Yidely believed that the incision should not cross the edges
useful for common cavity deformities of the cochlea. Electrode of the device. If the incision n1ust cross over the stin1ulator/
arrays placed in a single, common cavity tend to "curl up" so receiver, it should cross it at right angles and not parallel one
that the distal portion of the electrode curls over on itself and of its edges. Although this adn1onition is \videly pron1ulgated
the electrodes overlap. There is less overlap of electrodes using in descriptions of surgical technique, it is frequently violated
the co111pressed electrode array. MED-EL offers a special (cus­ in practice.
ton1 order) array for comn1on cavities that carries the electrodes In the 1nid-1990s, the inverted U-shaped incision becan1e
in the middle of the array. A double cochleoston1y is necessary. increasingly popular. The inverted U had several advantages.
The distal end of the array is brought out of the second coch leo­ Theoretical considerations suggest that 111ost of the blood flo'"'
ston1y so that the electrode co111es to lie against the niedial wall to the skin of the postauricular area comes fron1 inferiorly
of the co111111on cavity •Nhere the neural elements are believed upward and that the blood supply to an inverted U-shaped flap
to reside. is better. It is hard to incorporate a previous n1astoidecton1y
A second special electrode array divides the electrodes and incision into a postauricular C-shaped flap without producing a
puts about half the electrodes on each of two separate leads. potentially avascular area bet\veen the nvo incisions. A fe,.,, cases
Such "double arrays" are designed for subjects with labyrinthi­ of flap necrosis are known to have occurred when an enlarged
tis ossificans. Separate cochleostomies are perforn1ed into the postauricular C-shaped incision ,.,, as placed behind a previous
inferior and the 111iddle turn of the cochlea, and the electrode n1astoidecton1y incision. It is n1uch easier to incorporate a pre­
arrays are then passed separately into each cochleosto111y. This vious n1astoidecto1ny incision into an inverted U; the previous

A: Skin injected B: Incision

C: Incision open D: Elevation periosteum

E: Paiva flap F: Superperiosteal pocket

FIGURE 35-4 • A series of photographs indicating the steps in cochlear implantation.


G: Mastoidectomy and well H: Facial recess begun

I: Facial recesscomplete J: Suture ready

FIGURE 35-4 • Continued. A series of photographs indicating the steps in cochlear implantation.

n1astoidecton1y incision si1uply beco1nes the anterior lin1b of the leaving it attached to the posterior canal skin. 'fhe Palva flap
inverted U. should be as large as possible and, hopefully, will cover the take
A s ever 111ore experience in in1plantation was obtained, the off point of the electrodes for the Nucleus and Advanced Bionics
posterior lin1b of the inverted U was abandoned and an incision devices (Figure 35-6).
that looked a bit more like an inverted Lor an inverted J beca1ne Thought should be given to flap thickness. lt is difficult
n1ore con1n1on. Over the last decade or so, incisions have beco1ne for the external device to be held to the i1nplanted stin1ulator/
progressively shorter and 1nore cos1netically acceptable. Many receiver if the skin thickness overlying the stimulator/receiver is
i1nplant surgeons have reduced the incisio11 to a 3-4 c111 postau­ greater than 6.0 mm. Thi1u1ing should be done cautiously, how­
ricular incision placed behind the postauricular fold. ever. Excessive thinning can lead to flap necrosis and exposure
Once the incision has been co1npleted, the flap is elevated. of the device. If the surgeon is faced with the choice of having
The flap can be elevated either as a single layer or in two layers. the flap too thick or too thin, he/she should opt to leave the
If two layers are separately elevated, the superficial layer should flap a little bit thicker. The flap can be thinned separately as a
be elevated first and the deep tissues, which include the perios­ secondary procedure if necessary, and this is 1nuch easier than
teun1 of the 111astoid, te1nporalis fascia, and ten1poralis 1nuscle, trying to deal with an exposed device.
should be left intact. 'fhe periosteun1 of the n1astoid should then
be elevated as an anteriorly based Palva flap, \.Yhich can then be
The Well
sutured back into position at the end of the case to protect the A portion of the skull as flat as possible should be selected for
electrode array in the 1nastoid cavity. The Palva flap is developed placement of the stimulator/receiver, especially for those devices
by elevating the deep tissue overlying the n1astoid cortex \.Yhile sealed in ceramic containers (Med-El and Advanced Bionics)

K: Stimulator/receiver in L: Deep closure

M: Skin closure

FIGURE 35-4 • Continued. A series of photographs indicating the steps in cochlear implantation.

(Figure 35-7). ln sn1all children, this 1nay necessitate placen1ent the point of takeoff of the electrode leads fro1n the sti1nulator/
a bit 1nore superiorly, in the area of the ten1poral squan1a, than receiver.
in adults, where reasonably flat spots can often be found over A recent trend is to ornit the well en tirely. Some sur­
the occipital portion of the skull base. If an ear-level processor geons regard drilling the well and tie do,.vn holes as the n1ost
is to be used, the stin1ulator/receiver should be placed 2.5 c1n dangerous part of tbe procedure: CSF leaks and epidermal
posterior to the posterior border of the external auditory canal hen1atoma can occur. Moreover, the benefit is principally cos­
to avoid interfering \.Yith placen1ent of the ear-level processor. n1etic. Tf the well is on1itted, a tight subperiostal pocket is
Once the site has been selected, the surgical drill is used to cre­ essential to prevent n1oven1ent and a bony ridge or tie down
ate a defect in the skull contoured to exactly fit the implanted needs to be placed in front of the device to prevent anterior
device exactly. displacen1ent.
The skull of s1nall children, especially children ben.veen l
and 2 years of age, 111ay be only 2 and 3 n11n in thickness. For
these children, the i1nplant often rests on exposed dura. Son1e Once a site has been created to accomn1odate the stin1ulator/
surgeons seek to leave an "island" of bone in the center of the receiver, a n1astoidecton1y is perforn1ed (see Figure 35-7). The
area of exposed dura, whereas other surgeons are con1fortable 111astoidecton1y cavity should not be saucerized. The edges
re1noving all the bone fron1 the dura. should be left as acute as possible. These edges will help retain
A channel in the bone inust be forn1ed so that the electrode the electrode leads within the confines of the n1astoid cavity.
leads can pass freely fro111 the stin1ulator/receiver into the 1nas­ Once the n1astoidectoiny is con1plete, the facial recess is identi­
toid cavity. There should be no sharp edges or constraints at fied and \.videly opened. The 111ost inferior portion of the facial


FIGURE 35-5 •The three types of cochlear implant incisions utilize or illustrated including the "C" incision, the
inverted "U," and the "hockey stick" incision.

recess is of greatest importance for visualization of the round Almost all anomalous facial nerves are displaced anteriorly
window niche.77 So1ne bone medial to the facial nerve n1ust gen­ and medially. Just distal to the oval \¥indov.1, they turn directly
erally be ren1oved. If this bone is left in place, exposure of the into the hypotympanun1 and run just inferior to or directly over
round window niche will be subopti1nal, and it n1ay not be pos­ the round v.1indow area. Consequently, when the facial nerve is
sible to see even the anterior boundary of the round window absent from its usual position, it does not form the posterior
niche. boundary of the facial recess. If, as the facial recess is opened, it

FIGURE 35-6 • Skin flaps have been

elevated and the mastoid exposed.

anterior lip of the round window niche so that the anterior

attachment of the round windo\v n1en1brane itself can be visu­
alized. Most experienced surgeons now niake the cochleostomy
inferior to the inferior attachn1ent of the round window niem­
brane to avoid the "hook" of the cochlea. This allows a straighter,
1nore direct insertion of the electrode array into scala tympani
(Figure 35-8). Although insertion through the round \vindow
(R\.V) was abandoned in the early years of cochlear in1planta­
tion, it has regained popularity in recent years. A "pure" R\.V
insertion avoids the traun1a and bone dust associated with a
classic pron1ontory cochleoston1y and is especially attractive
if hearing conservation is the goal. Insertion through the RW
ensures entrance into scala tympani.78·79
The size of the cochleoston1y will vary among devices.
Earlier generations of Advanced Bionics devices required a coch­
leoston1y of2 nln1or111ore. Nfost currently available devices can
be easily inserted through a cochleoston1y of between 0.8 and
1.2 mm in diameter.

Insertion of the Electrode Array

As soon as the actual device is brought into the operative field,

FIGURE 35-7 •A well has been drilled to accommodate the 1nonopolar cautery should be ren1oved. Use of monopo.lar cau­
electronics package of the cochlear implant and a mastoidectomy tery near the device risks dan1aging it and rendering it nonfunc­
with facial recess has been performed
tional. Bipolar cautery can be used safely.
Opinions vary as to whether the electrode array should
seems that the recess is unusually large, a facial nerve anomaly
be inserted before or after fixation of the sti n1ulator/ receiver.
should be suspected. The recess will be large because its usual
Some very experienced surgeons believe that they can 1nan ip­
posterior medial boundary, the facial nerve, is missing from
ulate the electrode array nlore easily and have a greater chance
its normal position, and has been displaced medially and a bit
of an atrau1natic and con1plete insertion if the stin1ulator/
receiver is not yet attached to the skull and can be nioved
freely as the electrode is passed into the scala tyn1pani. Other
surgeons find it easier to insert the electrode array once
Once the facial recess has been widely opened, the round win­ the stimulator/received has been fixed into its bony recess
dow niche can be clearly seen. It is often useful to remove the (Figure 35-9).

FIGURE 35-8 •The cochleostomy i s

performed through the facial recess just
anterior and a little bit superior to the
inferior attachment of the round window

FIGURE 35-9 • This cross-sectional

drawing shows that the electrodes are next
to the modiolus, which contains the ends of
the vestibular nerve.

The electrode array should be inserted as atraumatically as penetrate the dura with the sharp end of a perforating burr and
possible, and force should never be used. The tip of the elec­ create a cerebrospinal fluid leak. More worrisotne is the pos­
trode array should be directed inferiorly so that it will slide eas­ sibility of injury to a subdural vein resulting in postoperative
ily along the lateral (antimodiolar) wall of the scala tyn1pani. intracranial he1norrhage. The number, type, and position of
Each nlanufacturer provides a special set of tools for insertion the sutures have varied substantially. 11ost cotnmonly, a single
of their electrode, and directions for appropriate insertion suture is placed across the device (Figure 35-10). Alternatively, a
technique differ according to device.80•57 In addition, directions strip of nlaterial is placed over the sti1nulator/receiver to hold it
change from time to time, and the recon1n1ended technique for firtnly in its '"'ell. The strip is secured with miniplates or screws.
electrode insertion for each device should be briefly reviewed Nonabsorbable nlaterials such as Gortex® and absorbable 1nate­
prior to beginning the operative procedure. rials like AlloDerm® have been used. Some implant surgeons
Son1e surgeons prefer to place a lubricant into the scala prefer this technique because it provides secure fixation and is
tyn1pani prior to inserting the electrode array. The two most quick. Ho,vever, the nlaterials involved are expensive and add
co111111only used lubricants are a mixture of ha.If glycerin and considerably to the amount of foreign body placed into the
half water and a viscoelastic n1aterial such as Healon® or wound. European surgeons have long used glues and cements
Provisc®. Lubricants may al lov,r easier passage of the electrode to fix both the stimulator/receiver and the electrode array. Some
array into the cochlea. Lubricants also encourage bone dust and surgeons no longer use any type of fixation. They rely on a tight
other debris to "float out" of the seal a ty111pani prior to electrode subperiosteal pocket to im1nobilize the stimulator/receiver and
insertion and perhaps n1inimize the development of postopera­ prevent displace1nent. Some surgeons in the United States do
tive osteoneogenesis.81-84 not fix the electrode leads in any way.
Incomplete insertions are now uncon1mon except when Son1e i1nplant systems have a second, separate lead leav­
there is an anomaly of cochlear morphology or labyrinthine ing the stimulator/receiver, which serves as a separate ground
ossification. electrode. This ground electrode needs to be placed beneath
Once the electrode array has been satisfactorily inserted, the temporalis muscle, directly on the squamous portion of the
the cochleoston1y should be sealed with a s111all piece of soft ten1poral bone. If placed directly into the n1uscle, repeated mus­
tissue. cle contraction will result in breakage of the ground electrode.

Fixation Closure
If the stimulator/receiver has not yet been fixed to the skull base, Closure should be accon1plished in layers. A three-layer clo­
its fixation should now be accon1plished. The traditional way sure begins with separate, interrupted sutures to close the deep
of securing the stimulator/receiver is by sutures. Drill holes are layer and to return the Paiva flap to its anato1nic position over
n1ade above and below the receptacle site, and sutures are passed the inastoid cavity. If possible, the Paiva flap should cover the
through these holes and over the in1plant. Drill holes must be take off of the electrode leads fron1 the sti1nulator/receiver.
n1ade very cautiously. l t is easy, especially in a young child, to Inverted, interrupted sutures are then used to approxi1nate the

FIGURE 35-10 •The implant is in position

with the electrode array inserted into the
cochlea and the flying ground electrode
beneath the temporalis muscle.

subcuticular layer of the skin closure. Staples, fast-absorbing occurred, its rate of occurrence appears to be less than 1°/o.
suture, nonabsorbable sutures, and tissue adhesive have all been Extra care must be taken when i1nplanting patients with dyspla­
used for the final closure layer. sia of the sen1icircular canals as a facial nerve anomaiy is more
likely in this group of patients. Some surgeons who do not use
Middle Cranial Fossa Approach facial nerve monitoring routinely do use it if a cochlear ano1naly
has been identified.
Coletti and colleagues have advocated a niiddle cranial tossa
Postoperative alteration of taste is quite common after
approach to cochlear in1plantation as an alternative to the
cochlear implant surgery. The chorda ty1npani nerve is occasion­
traditional transn1astoid approach.85 They have implanted
ally divided and often irritated because the facial recess n1ust be
I l postlingually deafened adults through the middle crania.l
opened widely enough to get a good look at the round window
fossa approach. They believe that by opening the basal turn of
niche. Taste disturbance is generally transient, and cochlear
the cochlea at its niost superior point and by using a double
implant recipients rarely complain about it 6 1nonths after sur­
electrode array, they have been able to place electrodes both
gery. Avoidance of injury to the chorda tympani nerve is espe­
antegrade toward the apex and posteriorly toward the round
cially important when bilateral implantation is performed.
window. They assert that they have achieved deeper penetration
The incidence of postoperative bleeding or hematoma for­
with 111ore extended coverage of the length of the cochlear duct
mation after cochlear i1nplant surgery is quite low but does
in this fashion.
occur occasionally. A hemato1na of more than 5 or 10 cc prob­
[n addition to the potential tor stin1ulating larger areas of
ably requires evacuation to prevent its becon1ing organized and
the cochlea, Colletti and colleagues noted that this technique
fibrotic or beco1ning infected. If possible, it should be drained
avoids ossification limited to the basal turn of the cochlea, the
by opening an inferior portion of the incision. If that cannot be
niost common area of ossification. Although the 111iddle tossa
accomplished, it can be cautiously aspirated. Care 1nust be taken
technique would clearly bypass isolated ossification of the basa.l
to make sure that the needle does not in any way injure the
turn near the round window, its unclear how one would dea.l
cochlear implant. Ilepeated aspiration is so1netimes necessary.
with extensive ossification through a niiddle tossa approach.
�foreover, deep insertion is not necessarily better. The spi­
ral ganglion cells, which subserve the niost apical turn of the
cochlea, n1ay actually reside closer to the niiddle turn, with only Postoperative wound infection is generally trivial and can be
their dendrites extending out apically. handled by gently opening the wound in the area of the infec­
Colletti and col leagues are especially enthusiastic about a tion and treating the patie11t with appropriate antibiotics. A
niiddle cranial fossa technique in individuals who have open, broad-spectrum antibiotic should be used initially. In adults,
canal wall do,vn n1astoidectomy cavities.85 They discussed at a quinolone is perhaps the best choice. In children, the use of a
son1e length the difficulties in placing an in1plant in such cavi­ second- or third-generation cephalosporin is a good initial selec­
ties. They be! ieve that staged procedures, nionths apart, should tion. 1'he antibiotic can then be changed if necessary based on
be used and that, even so, there is considerable risk of contam­ culture and sensitivity results. Ahnost all perioperative wou11d
ination and postoperative infection. Colletti and colleagues infections respond to appropriate antibiotic therapy, and it is
appear to overestit11ate the difficulties in dealing with an open rarely necessary to remove the device because of postoperative
cavity. Although niany surgeons prefer to use a staged proce­ '"'ound infection.87•88 When wound infection is persistent, pres­
dure in such circumstances, others are con1fortable placing the ence of a biofilm. nlay be to blaine.89
implant and closing the external auditory canal at the san1e
operation.86 Wound Dehiscence
The nun1ber of surgeons capable of performing a middle
Wound dehiscence can occur and is more likely in an active
cranial fossa operation and placing a cochlear in1plant by that
child than in an adult. If the area of dehiscence is s1nall, the
route is certainly I imited, and the operation has at least theoreti­
wound can be left to heal by secondary intention or the child can
cal risks not associated with the typical transn1astoid technique.
be returned to the operating roon1 for secondary closure. Again,
lt is worth noting that hospitalization for Colletti's ll patients
sitnple postoperative wound dehiscence is unlikely to result in a
ranged fron1 5 to 13 days. This would substantially increase cost
device exposure and is unlikely to require device retnoval.
and would be unattractive to n1ost patients and surgeons in the
Flap necrosis, on the other hand, is a inost serious con1plica­
United States.85
tion and frequently will require device ren1oval.90·9' Flap necrosis
The technique is intriguing and may offer son1e advantages
can occur as the result of overly aggressive thinning of the £1.ap, a
in special situations. It should be studied further.
flap design that has not given adequate consideration to previous
incisions, or as a consequence of infection. At n1inin1u1n, flap
POSTOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS: necrosis requires re-covering the device. Tetnporoparietal fas­
EARLY COMPLICATIONS cial flaps, along '"'ith various scalp rotation flaps, can be used for
this purpose, depending on the circun1stances.
1ntraoperative facial nerve injury is feared by both patients and
surgeons alike. Fortunately, this complication is rare. The inci­
dence of ten1porary postoperative '"'eakness is unkno\vn, but
Early Device Failure
probably even a transient paresis is unco.mn1on. Although iso­ Device failure can occur in1n1ediately: an "out of the box"
lated case reports verify that pen11anent facial paralysis has failure. Unless intraoperative device tele1netry is perforn1ed,

out-of-the box failures will not be recognized until progran1- proxin1al portion of the electrode leads is not properly posi­
n1ing is attempted. tioned in the nlastoid cavity, these recoil forces can result in
Out-of-the-box failures n1ay be the resul.t of factory defects partial or co1nplete withdrawal of the electrode array fro1n the
or a consequence of damage durin g surgical nianipulation. scala tyn1pani. The nlost con1n1on cause of displaced electrodes,
Buckled, broken, or exposed electrodes can resul.t in failure however, is n10Ven1ent of the electrode array after a "drill out"
of the entire electrode array or niay leave only one or several procedure (see later). Unless the electrode array is securely fixed,
electrodes nonfunctional. To prevent such failures, cochlear it \vill tend to beco1ne displaced; see belo\v for a nlethod of pre­
in1plants should always be handled gently. One must remen1ber venting this type of n1oven1ent.37•92
to discard the monopolar cautery once the i111plant is brought If the i1nplanting surgeon has any reason to believe that
into the field. Tf the operating surgeon, for any reason, believes the electrode is not in a good position, a lateral skull fihn to
that the device is not going to function perfectly, the in1plant ascertain its placen1ent should obtained before the procedure
should be returned to the factory and a backup device should is tern1inated.
be used.
Tf the electrode array is not within the cochlea, the device
Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak
niay appear to function properly (although i1npedances may be A CSF leak can occur as the result of penetration of the dura
suspiciously high) when it is checked by device telemetry but, \vhen placing the stin1ulator/receiver. This is n1ost likely in
of course, will not progra1n because the electrodes are not in young children in whom the skull is very thin. It is perhaps
the vicinity of the auditory nerve (Figures 35-11 and 35-12). niore likely to occur with place1nent of the drill holes for the tie
One advantage ofNRT (see later) is that it can be used to assess down sutures than with any other portion of the operation.
physiologic efficacy and thereby verify placen1ent. Extracoch lear Cerebrospinal fluid gushers can occur \vhen the scala
in1plantation can occur when hypotympanic air cells are niis­ tyn1pani is opened to place the electrode array. Gushers are
taken for the scala tympani. This mistake is easier to niake than nlost likely to occur in the presence of inodiolar defects.
one might think. It c an be prevented by taking great care to lvfodiolar defects are one of the nloSt con1n1on for1ns of con­
be sure that one has the expected view of the round window genital anomaly seen \vithin the cochlear in1plant popula­
niche and men1brane before opening into scala tyn1pani. Unless tion. Cerebrospinal fluid gushers are nlore the rule than the
the surgeon is sure that he/she has inserted the device into the exception in severe cochlear dysplasia, such as co1nn1on cavity
coch le a, interoperative radiographs should be obtained. deforn1ity. Generally, the CSF leak can be controlled by pack­
The electrodes can con1e to rest in a position outside the ing the con11non cavity or vestibule >vith n1uscle. Drill out pro­
co ch lea because the electrode array has moved or ni igrated cedures for severe labyrinthitis \vill also occasionally result in
after an initially correct placen1ent. As every cochlear in1plant CSF leak. The hard bone of the fully ossified otic capsule leaves
surgeon has noted, the electrode leads have some "spring" to fe\v landn1arks, and a surgeon inay inadvertently wander into
them. Depending on the position of the proxi1nal portions of the nliddle fossa, posterior fossa, or internal auditory canal in
the electrode leads in the mastoid, the array niay tend to "spring atten1pting to create a trough in the presun1ed position of the
back" out of the cochlea after each atten1pt to advance it. Tfthe scala ty1npani.

FIGURE 35-11 •A computed tomographic (CT) scan showing the well-positioned electrode array. The axial scan
on the left shows the individual electrodes within the lumen of the cochlea (black arrow}. The image on the right is
also an axial CT scan. The asterisk indicates the electrode lead, which can be followed into the vestibule.

FIGURE 35-12 •A malpositioned electrode array. The patient has a common ca vity deformity. The axial CT scan
on the right shows that the electrode array is posterior and medial to the common cavity and not within it. The
coronal image on the left indicates that it also passes inferiorly to the common cavity deformity.

If occluding the vestibule or common cavity does not con­ congenital inner ear nialforn1ation are at higher risk. Tfn1enin­
trol the leak, the ear must be closed by plugging the eustachian gitis is suspected, a l.umbar puncture should be perforn1ed after
tube, filling the middle ear and mastoid with fat and oversewing a CT scan has eliminated the risk of herniation. Antibiotics
the external auditory canal. should be withheld until cultures have been obtained. As soon
From time to time, the operating surgeon will think that as the diagnosis has been verified by lumbar puncture, broad­
he/she has adequately controlled the egress of CSF only to find spectrun1 antibiotic therapy can be initiated.
that there is CSF otorrhea or rhinorrhea postoperatively. Spinal
drainage will often reduce CSF pressure and allow these areas
to heal without a second operation, but reoperation is occasion­
ally necessary.
One of the n1ost feared late con1plications of cochI ear implanta­
Balance Disturbance tion is extrusion or exposure of the device. As 1uentioned above,
it is vvidely believed that keeping sutures lines as far as possible
The incidence of vertigo and dizziness postoperatively is sur­
fron1 the edge of the implant significantly reduces the incidence
prisingly low. Overall, fewer than I0°Ai of patients experience
of excursion or exposure, although data to support this clai1n are
significant dizziness. There is some reason to believe that the
not available. Once exposure has occurred, it is not always nec­
incidence of postoperative vertigo may vary a bit according to
essary to remove the in1plant. Parkins and colleagues have listed
the extent to which the implant fills the scala tympani. When
two criteria for successful salvage of an exposed prosthesis:96
recipients do experience significant postoperative vertigo, it
usually resolves within a few weeks. A few geriatric patients have
1. Repair niust remove enough skin and cicatrix to avoid suture
had postoperative ataxia that resolves only over a period of sev­
lines that parallel the implant edge closer than l-l/2 cm.
eral months. Papsin and colleagues, using the balance subtests of
2. A pericranial flap should be rotated to fully cover the device
a test of standardized motor proficiency (Bruininks-Oseretsky),
\<Vith or without a ten1poroparietal flap as the initial layer of
determined that children with cochlear implants performed
slightly more poorly than normal children.114 Surprisingly, how­
ever, they performed slightly better when the implants were on
than when the implants were off.
Buchman et al. showed that unilateral implant recipients Occasionally, patients 'viii complain of postoperative pain at

showed improvements in objective measures of postural sta­ the site of the in1plant for 111onths after the operation. This

bility using computerized dynamic platforn1 posturography pain appears to be related to a forrn of periosteitis. It generally

despite the fact that VOR testing demonstrates some decreases responds well to long-term use of nonsteroidal antiinflan1n1atory

in response.93-95 agents (3 to 6 \veeks).

Meningitis Displacement
Postoperative meningitis can occur but appears to be a little Late device migration or displacement is uncon1 rno.n.
more likely after cochlear implantation than after other otologic Displace1nent can occur as a result of physical injury. Electrodes
procedures. Individuals who have perioperative CSF leak or a can be displaced as the result of scar tissue forn1ation. Device

displacement and migration can be best assessed on fine-cut CT Consequently, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention
scans of the ten1poral bone, which will often allow visualization (CDC) has nlade very specific recom1nendations for pneumo­
of the electrode array as well as the stin1ulator receiver. coccal vaccination in cochlear implant recipients. Specifically,
these reco1nn1endations are: (1) all children should receive
Late Device Failure three doses of Prevnar® vaccine before the age of one. This
reco1nmendation is for all children, not just cochlear itnplant
Late failure of stimulation is usually the result of internal device
recipients. (2) Children with cochlear i1uplants aged 2 years or
failure. Some of these failures are the result of traun1a, but oth­
older who have con1pleted the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
ers appear to occur spontaneously. The external con1ponents
(Prevnar®) should receive one dose of the pneumococcal poly­
of the device should first be replaced \-vith loaner con1ponents.
sacchride vaccine (Pneu1novax® 23). If they have just received
Tf that solves the problem, then the proble111 lies in the external
the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, they should \-Vait at least
con1ponent. If, however, replacen1ent of external con1ponents
two inonths before receiving the pneun1ococcal polysaccharide
results in no in1proven1ent, then a fine-cut CT scan should be
vaccine. (3) Children's with cochlear itnplants between 24 and
obtained to niake sure that the stin1ulator/receiver is still appro­
59 months of age who have never received either the pneumo­
priately positioned, that the electrodes have not ni igrated, and
coccal conjugate vaccine or the pneumococcal polysaccharide
no \-vires are broken. If the CT scan offers no explanation, then
vaccine should receive the pneu1nococcal conjugate vaccine
a company representative should be contacted tor an "integrity
check." Integrity checks seek to determine the electrical integ­
2 or inore n1onths apart and then receive at least one dose of
the pneun1ococcal polysaccharide vaccine at least two n1onths
rity of the device. Unfortunately, they are often inconclusive.
later. (4) Persons aged 5 years and older with cochlear implants
One is then left unsure as to whether there has been some dra­
should receive one dose of the pneumococcal polysaccharide
n1atic change in the patient's auditory systen1 or if there has been .
an internal device failure ("soft" failure). Often the only way to
The issue of whether individuals need a "booster" dose of
resolve this dilen1ma is to replace the device and see if perfor­
the pneu1nococcal polysaccharide vaccine remains unanswered.
n1ance is improved.97 Most comn1only, it is.
Some experts in the field strongly believe that a booster dose a t
5 years or so i s necessary. On the other hand, if the pneu1nococ­
Otitis Media
cal vaccine is given too frequently, the effect can be paradoxical;
Prior to experience in implanting children, there was a great deal resistance can actually be reduced. Up-to-date infor1nation can
of concern that otitis 01edia \-VOuld present serious problen1s to be obtained fro1n the CDC website.
children with cochlear i1nplants. It was feared that every episode Because their risk of ineningitis is increased, children who
of otitis media would lead to infection of the in1plant and that have cochlear i1nplants and develop otitis media should be
chronic infection would require frequent device ren1oval. This treated aggressively and monitored very carefully.
bas not turned out to be the case. Luntz and colleagues eval­
uated 60 children, 74o/o of whom had had at least one episode
of otitis media prior to in1plantation. All postoperative infec­
tions resolved with routine systen1ic antibiotic therapy without Cochlear Dysplasia
any additional complications. All children who experienced an
A considerable proportion of children with severe to profound
episode of acute otitis n1edia after implantation (160/o) bad an
hearing loss have cochlea inalforn1ations. .tvialformations range
episode before the implant was placed.98 Luntz and colleagues'
fro1n very nlild incon1plete partitioning defects through co1n­
experience is representative of the experience of others.
n1on cavity defortnities to complete aplasias (Figures 35-2 and
35-3). The most co1n1nonly seen defects are enlarged vestibular
Meningitis aqueducts and defects of the nlodiolus. 1'hese defects do not
Cochlear in1plant recipients are at higher risk for the develop- necessarily adversely affect the outcon1e of cochlear i1nplanta­
1nent of 111eningitis than children with norn1al hearing.99-10• It tion, nor do they necessarily require an alternation of surgical
is unclear, ho,-vever, whether they are at higher risk for 111enin­ technique or the use of special electrode arrays.
gitis than other children \-Vith severe to profound hearing loss. It More severe defects require son1e alteration of i1nplantation

should be ren1en1bered that as 1nany as 10% of children received technique. 106

cochlear in1plants because they have already had meningitis. Con11non cavity defor1nities present special challenges
Children with morphologic abnorn1alities of tbe labyrinth area because the extent and position of residual neuroepitheliu1n
are already at increased risk. Overall, the chances of a cochlear is unknown. Con1n1011 cavity defor1nities are nlore than likely
irnplant recipient developing 1neningitis appear to be roughly to be associated with a defective nlodiolus, allowing abnorn1al
l in 1,000 if one excludes patients in whom an intracochlear comn1unication between the co1nn1on cavity and the internal
"positioner" was used. (The positioner v.ras a sn1all, carefully auditory canal. 1'he defect not only nlakes a CSF gusher inore
shaped Silastic® obturator that slid into the scala ty1npani lat­ comn1on, it also potentially allows the electrode array to slide
eral to the electrode array and pushed it inward toward the directly into the internal auditory canal.
modiolus. This device was withdrawn froin the n1arket several So1ne types of co1n1non cavity deforn1ities n1ake inser­
years ago and is no longer available.) tion through the round \-vindow area difficult or in1possible.
Aln1ost all deaths associated with n1eningitis in cochlear If the usual points of access to the cochlea are not available,
irnplant recipients have been from pneumococcal infections.105 the electrode array can be inserted directly through the lateral

sen1icircular canal into the con1mon cavity defect, as has been be identified: acute, fibrous, and ossification. The ossification
described by McElveen and co lleagues.1 0; process begins as early as 3 weeks after the onset of 1neningitis
Facial nerve ano.malies are n1ore common in children who and it may progress over as long as 9 months.11 •·1 1' Fortunately,
have significant cochlea dysplasia than in children who do the auditory nerve is preserved despite even advanced levels of
not. The facial nerve is much 111ore likely to be abnorn1al if the ossification. Nadol has shown that the nun1ber of spiral gan­
cochlea and sen1i.circular canals are both involved in the 111al­ glion cells decreases with increasing ossification and duration
formation (Figure 35-13).;3 J\tlost facial nerve anon1alies involve of deafness.4
anterior displacement of the nerve. The facial nerve may pass Children who have lost hearing as the result of n1eningitis
directly over the oval v,rindow niche (or where the oval niche need to be closely monitored for the development of ossification.
should have been). Occasionally the nerve will pass anterior to Since the earliest forn1 is fibrous, CT scanning n1ay not de1non­
the oval window niche over the promontory. strate it. An MRI scan is n10re sensitive because it can detect the
Although there have been a number of case reports and absence of fluid \Vithin the obstructed cochlear duct and does
two questionnaire-based surveys on the results of cochlear not depend on the for1nation of new bone (Table 35-2).
in1plantation in children with cochlear dysplasia, no large series There arc several ways of nlanaging a cochlea obstructed
of patients with dysplasia has been reported. Graham, after '"'ith fibrous tissue or new bone formation. If ossification is li1n­
reviewing the available inforn1ation, believes that the range of ited to the basal turn of the cochlea in the area of the round
potential outco1nes is sin1ilar for children with cochlear dys­ '"'indow, persistent drilling through the usual cochleosto1ny
plasia. 43 Nonetheless, niost experienced i1nplant centers warn '"ill penetrate the area of ossification until an open scala ty1n­
the parents of children with significant cochlear deformities pani can be identified. In such cases, the electrode array can be
that the chances of success are so1newhat reduced and that their inserted as usual.
expectations should be scaled back.108-114 The earliest 1nethod of handling n1orc extensive cochlear
ossification was si1nply to continue drilling straight into the
Labyrinthitis Ossificans basal turn of the cochlea as far as possible-generally a distance
About So/o of children v1ho bave had bacterial meningitis suf­ of 6 to 8 111111. The surgeon then had to settle for as much of the
fer profound hearing loss (Figure 35-14). Up to 80o/o of those electrode array as could be placed into this short segment of
children develop son1e degree of ossification. It appears that the drilled-out, inferior basal turn. Four to eight electrodes '"ere
infection spreads fron1 the subarachnoid space to the labyrinth usually the 111ost that could be inserted.
via the cochlear aqueduct. Consequently, labyrinthine ossifica­ If there appears to be relatively extensive ossification of
tion occurs first and is worst where the cochlear aqueduct enters the basal turn of scala tympani, an atten1pt should be 1nade
the labyrinth: at the basal end of the scala tympani close to the to insert the electrode array into the scala vestibuli. Although
round window.11s Three stages of labyrinthitis ossificans can the scala vestibuli is so1newhat sn1aller than the scala ty1npani,

FIGURE 35-13 • The asterisk lies in the

common cavity of a markedly dysplastic
cochlea. The black arrow points to the only
vestigial remnant of the semicircular canal: a
single sac.

FIGURE 35-14 •Coronal section through the

cochlea. The arrows indicate haziness in the
lumen of the membranous cochlear labyrinth,
indicating early ossification.

the con1bined cross-sectional area of the scala tyn1pani and is removed and the drum is separated from the malleus. After
scala 111edia are about the san1e as that of tbe scala tynipani.118 identifying the middle ear landmarks, the previously drilled
Consequently, there is enough roon1 to accon1n1odate the elec­ tunnel in the cochlea is entered approximately 4 mm anterior
trode array, if Reissner's n1en1brane is sacrif'iced. To access the to the round window niche. This leaves a "bridge" of that bone
scala vestibuli, the original cochleoston1y should be extended intact that will secure the electrode array. The trough is then
posteriorly and superiorly toward the inferior limit of the oval continued anteriorly and superiorly up the ascending bend of
window. If the scala vestibuli is also obliterated, a classic "drill the basal turn, to the level of the semi.canal of the tensor tym­
out" procedure should be considered. pani niuscle. It is then followed posteriorly to the anterior edge
The classic drill out procedure was first described by of the oval window and then inferiorly to complete the opening
Balkany and colleagues and allo,ved plac ement of many n1ore of the basal turn. Great care must be taken to avoid the carotid
electrodes into the ossified cochlea.119 The posterior wall of the artery anteriorly and the facial nerve posteriorly. The electrode
external auditory canal is ren1oved, tbe soft tissue of the exter­ array is then passed into the original cochleostomy and the tip is
nal auditory canal is excised, and the ear is closed. The entire retrieved i n the open basal turn. The residual intact "bridge" of
lateral wall of the basal turn of the cochlea is then systematically bone helps prevent electrode migration. Pieces of the incus are
ren1oved, creating a trough in '"'hat had been the basal cochlear then used to wedge the tip of the electrode array into the trough.
turn. Care must be taken to avoid the carotid artery anteriorly The cochlea around the electrode array is packed with fat.
and to avoid penetrating the floor of the niiddle cranial fossa A final option for management of the ossified cochlea is to
superiorly. As n1uch as 300 to 360 degrees of the basal turn of use a split- or double-electrode array. To place the double array,
the cochlea can be opened in this way. These early drill out pro­ a cochleostomy is made anterior to the round \Vindow mem­
cedures bad a SOo/o failure rate because the electrode "pulled brane as usual. It is extended anteriorly superiorly directly into
away" fron1 the cochlea in the i1nmediate postoperative period. the ossified basal turn for about 8.0 mm. Care must b e taken
Bal kany and colleagues have recently described three n1odi fica­ to avoid the internal carotid artery. The incus is removed along
tions to this drill out procedure, two of which are designed to \Vith the incus buttress. The stapedial crura are carefully cut
eli.n1inate displacen1ent of the electrode array.1 20 The operation and removed so as not to avulse the stapes footplate. A second
begins by identifying the round window and drilling anteriorly cochleostomy is then performed immediately above the oval
into the basal turn as usual. Drilling is continued approximately \vindow just below the cochleariform process. It is drilled to a
6 to 8 01111 anteriorly directly into the basal turn. A tympa­ depth of 7.0 mm paralieling the tympanic portion of the facial
nomeatal flap is then designed, incised, and elevated, and the nerve. The two electrode arrays are then placed into the two
middle ear space is entered through the external auditory canal. cochleostomies separately. The cochJeostomies are sealed with
The tympanomeatal flap should be superiorly based. The incus soft tissue.121

Cochlear Nerve Aplasia/Hypoplasia unpredictable fashion. It is some1in1es useful to obtain a plain,

lateral, skull radiograph to be sure of exactly where the sti1nula­
N!Rl scanning can be used to detect the presence and size of
tor/receiver is located and where the various electrode leads lie.
the cochlear nerve within the !AC or cerebellopontine angle.
The sti1nulator/receiver is usually found in a mesothelially
Radiographic absence of a cochlear nerve has been regarded as
lined pouch that is relatively easy to identify. There is usually
an absolute contraindication of cochlear implantation. However,
little scar tissue for1nation between the stin1ulator/receiver and
recent experience indicates that stin1ulable cochlear fibers n1ay
the surrounding soft tissues. Consequently, soft tissues are easy
be present in these individuals despite their apparent absence on
to separate fron1 the stin1ulator/rcceiver. In the case of children,
irnaging studies. l t n1ay be that these stin1ulable cochlear fibers
there will be often be substantial a1nounts of bony regrowth.
do not separate fron1 the vestibular nerve and, consequently, are
Bony regrowth n1ay cover the lateral portions of the implant.
not visualized as a separate neural bundle on MRI. Experience
Not infrequently some drilling n1ust be performed to release the
has shown that son1e patients ,..,ith absent cochlear nerves on
stin1ulator/receiver from its bony niche.
NIRI do receive benefit from cochlear implants. I n those few
The a1nount of scarring and the density of 1nucosal adhe­
patients who have absent cochlear nerves on radiographic
sions found i n the area of the facial recess and middle ear arc
i111agi ng but do have detectable behavioral or A BJ responses,
variable. It is generally possible to carefully follow the electrode
cochlear irnplants should be provided using the usual behav­
leads fro1n the sti1nulator/receiver through the facial recess into
ioral criteria. In those individuals who have "no response audio­
the cochlea. However, even very gentle traction on the electrode
grarns," the decision is n1ore difficult. If a positive response is
leads will withdraw the electrode array fron1 the cochlea. Its
identified on electrical A BR (pron1ontory stirnulation), then it
utility as a guide through the facial recess and into the previous
is reasonable to in1plant. Son1e surgeons have reported positive
cochleostomy is then lost.
results of cochlear implantation even when electrical A BR test­
If the revision operation is designed to save a n existing
ing was negative. Consequently, negative ABR testing cannot
device after exposure or infection, then long-term postopera­
be regarded as a reliable absolute contraindication to cochlear
tive antibiotics are necessary. If skin organis1ns are involved in
in1plantation . 111.122-124
the infection, as 1nuch as 6 v.1ecks of therapy may be required
(Niparko J. Personal Con1munication. 2001).
Rein1plantation is generally successful. 59.bO Balkany and col­
leagues have reported on 16 patients who underwent rein1plan­
There are several reasons for reoperating in the area of an exist­ tatio11. The n1ost con11non reason was device failure. After the
ing cochlear irnplant: results with the new device had been con1pared to the results
with Ihe old device, the rei1nplantalion procedure was co1n­
I. There has been device failure.
pared with the initial operation in terms of length of insertion,
2. A technologically outdated device needs to be removed and
number of electrodes progra1n111cd, and postoperative audio­
an updated device inserted.
mct ric results. Among their 16 subjects, there were no signifi­
3. The device becomes extruded or exposed. Revision
cant differences bet\veen the initial implant and the reimplantcd
operation may or may not require explantation and/or
Henson and colleagues reviewed 28 patients who had been
4. The skin flap nlust be revised, usually because it is too
rei inplanted. Both the initial devices and the rein1planted devices
were Nucleus 22 in1plants. Thirty-seven percent had in1proved
5. An additional procedure is being performed in the area of
perfor1nance, 26% showed no significant change in perfor­
the i1nplant, eg, auricular reconstruction.
n1ance, and 37% showed poorer perfonnance. Subjectively, 57010
felt that their hearing \Vas better and 43o/o thought it was poorer.
Tfthe surgery in the area of the implant does not involve explant­
There was no correlation between performance and cause of
ing the device, then great care niust be taken to maintain its
device failure, length of use of the old device, surgical con1pli­
integrity and functionality. First, monopolar cautery n1ust not
cations, change of electrode insertion depth, or preoperative
be used. In its stead, the Shaw* knife (a heated scalpel blade) has
variables such as age, etiology, or duration of deafness.128
been found useful. 125 Caution should be exercised to avoid injury
Parisier and colleagues retrospectively analyzed 27 con­
to the electrodes. It is important to know the type of device that
has been i n1planted if one is to have some idea of where the secutive nlultichannel cochlear irnplant reinsertions. Open­
set speech recognition scores and speech perception ability
electrodes \.Yill be located. For example, the Advanced Bionics
re111ai11cd stable or i111proved con1parcd with the results before
device has the electrode takeoff at its anterior-most portion.
The electrode takes off as a single lead. On the other hand, the iniplant ation.'29

MED-EL device has nvo electrodes that leave from the side of
rhe device. The takeoff of the electrodes will be inferiorly posi­ POSTOPERATIVE CONSIDERATIONS
tioned when the implant is placed on one side of the head and FOR SURGEONS
superiorly \'lhen the implant is placed on the contralateral side.
The electrode leads generally take a fairly straight path from
Device Activation
the device into the mastoid and through the facial recess. The Two to four weeks postoperatively, when the wound is well
flying ground electrode, however, may lie in an unpredictable healed, the cochlear in1plant is activated. This is a process fre­
position, often looping back on the stimulator/receiver in an quently referred to as "hook up." 1'he first decision that inust be

n1ade during the hook-up process is to detern1ine the stin1ula­ children can be done more accurately and inore quickly
tion n1ode. Every "channel" requires an active electrode paired using NRT.t32-136
with a ground electrode. It was initially believed that greater An electrical ABR can be used in a sin1ilar fashion. The
frequency specincity and therefore improved speech recogni­ n1ean ABR threshold '"'as predictive of the average con1fort level
tion would result fron1 narrow band, highly specifl.c stin1ulation in a study by Bro,vn, but there was a fair an1ount of intersubject
of the cochlea. Tt was believed that widespread dispersion of cur­ variability.137
rent would result in activation of a large number of neurons and A third n1ethod by \Vhich an objective estin1ate of con1-
obscure frequency specincity. Consequently, each active elec­ fort levels can be obtained is using the stapedius reflex.
trode was paired with another electrode on the intracochlear lntraoperatively, the stapedius muscle can be seen contracting
electrode array, which served as its ground electrode. The active in response to high stimulus intensities. When the stin1ulus used
electrode can be coupled to any other electrode on the array: to elicit the reflex is electrical, the response is referred to as an
the electrode next to it or the electrode furthest away. \i\!hen the electrical stapedius reflex. When the electrical stapedius reflex
active electrode is grounded to another intracochlear electrode, is performed intraoperatively to test the implant and contrac­
stin1ulation mode is referred to as "bipolar." The distance of the tion of the stapedius nluscle is noted visually, the test is referred
ground electrode to the active electrode is expressed as "bipolar to as a visual electrical stapedius reflex test. Although the usual
+l", and "bipolar +2" etc. understanding of the protective nature of the stapedius reflex
Although intuition suggested that narrow bands of stin1u­ '"'ould lead one to believe that the presence of a stapedius reflex
lation (ie, bipolar mode) \vould be most effective, experience has '"'ould correlate best '"'ith uncon1fortable loudness levels, it has
challenged that assun1ption. Most patients are progran1med in a no'"' been sho,vn that it actually correlates better with the most
n1onopolar n1ode. Each electrode \vith in the cochlea is grounded con1fortable loudness level. >3•1 3o.i3s-140
to an extracochlear electrode, resulting in wide current spread
throughout the cochlea with every stin1ulation. Monopolar
Facial Nerve Stimulation
stin1ulation requires the availability of an electrode outside the The n1ost con11non forn1 of nonauditory stin1ulation associated
cochlea. All currently available receivers have such electrodes. '"'ith cochlear i1nplantation is stin1ulation of the facial nerve.
The ground electrode niay be a separate electrode attached to Facial nerve twitching as a consequence of activated cochlear
a separate lead, n1ay be built into the back of the stimulator/ i1nplant electrodes is not uncomn1on. Bigelow and colleagues
receiver, or both. noted this in 8o/o of 58 patients in1planted at the University of
Initial programming of the device also requires that the Pennsylvania. Kelsall and colleagues evaluated 14 patients (7o/o
threshold level and niost comfortable loudness level be deter­ of i1nplant recipients) at their institution. Both investigators
n1ined for each active electrode. This is a laborious process, tak­ found that the electrodes in the midbasal turn were the 1nost
ing up to several hours in adults. To gether, n1easures of threshold con1n1on electrodes involved, presu1nably because of their ana­
and con1fortable loudness levels set the electrical dynan1ic range to1nic proxin1ity to the labyrinthine portion of the facial nerve.
within \vhich all auditory signals will fall. Frequency bands are The overall incidence a1nong in1plant recipients varies fron1 1
then assigned to each electrode pair by the software progran1. to 14.9°t-O, with n10St recent studies suggesting an incidence of
Tn the young, prelingually deaf child, this can be a very compli­ about 7% .141-143 Facial nerve stin1ulation is 1nost com.n1only seen
cated matter requiring many days. A recent in1proven1ent in the in individuals with bony abnor1nalities of the cochlea, especially
area of cochlear in1plantation is the developn1ent of objective cochlear otosclerosis. Congenital abnorn1alities of the cochlea,
n1ethods to assess threshold. These include NRT, estimation of cochlear labyrinthitis ossificans, and extensive new bone for-
stapedial reflex, and electrical ABR. 1nation in the cochlea as a result of electrode placen1ent can all
Neural response telen1etry (NRT) uses radio frequency increase the risk of facial nerve stin1ulation.
telen1etry to nieasure the action potential in the auditory Den1ineralization of the otic capsule as a consequence of
nerve. Tt differs from the older device tele.metry (v,rhich evalu­ otosclerosis leads to an especially high incidence of facial nerve
ated only the internal electronics of the in1pJant itself) because sti1nulation, 38% as reported by llotterveel in 53 patients.1 43•144
it can objectively evaluate the physiological response to the Decreased n1ineralization of the otic capsule significantly
device. Neural response telen1etry can be obtained both intra­ decreases the i1npedance of the otic capsule to the spread of
operatively and postoperatively. The stimulus intensities nec­ electric current. Ra1nsden has reported that inost cases of facial
essary to generate an action potential in the auditory nerve nerve stimulation can be 1nanaged by reprogra1nn1ing the elec­
can be detern1ined and then used to provide target settings for trode array to "drop out" the rogue electrodes with little or no
the speech processor. Shallop and colleagues have connrn1ed decrease in perforn1ance. Sn1ullen et al., however, have indi­
a particular relationship between con1fort settings and NRT cated that if one electrode produces stin1ulation, on average 9.6
thresholds in children.130 Behavioral thresholds and con1fort electrodes cause stimulation of the facial nerve. Consequently,
levels correlate well with NRT thresholds when the appropri­ 10 or n1ore electrodes n1ay need to be dropped out of the pro­
ate correction factor is applied. t3t The correction factor needed gran1 to avoid facial nerve sti111ulation. Facial nerve stin1ulation
to program all electrodes is consistent across the electrode is not necessarily in1n1ediate in onset. In Sn1ullen's series, 11 %
array and consequently, can be detern1ined fron1 behavorial of patients with facial nerve stin1ulation had the onset 1nore
progran1111ing of a single electrode. Once the correction tac­ than 12 n1onths after in1plantation. Additionally, some patients
tor has been accurately detern1ined, it can be applied to all experience a progressive increase in the nu111ber of electrodes
electrodes in the NRT-generated map. Programming of young causing facial nerve sti111ulation.

The electrodes most con1n1only at fault are electrodes clos­ Whereas overall hearing results have improved dramati­
est to the geniculate ganglion, typically electrodes 16-17 in the cally in the last decade, individual hearing results ren1ain vari­
Nucieus Corporation's Freedon1 22® electrode array. These elec­ able and unpredictable.
trodes are in the superior segment of the basal turn close to the
spiral ganglion. Children
Smullen et al. have den1onstrated that patients with peri­
Waltzn1ann and colleagues evaluated 36 prelingually deafened
n1odiolar electrodes can tolerate higher loudness levels before
children who received Nucleus"' devices and were less than
facial nerve stin1ulation occurs than patients who have straight
5 years old. All children developed significant open-set speech
(laterally aligned) electrode arrays. This suggests that a modio­
recognition, and 37 of the 38 children use oral language as their
lus-hugging electrode niay be more suitable for patients at risk
sole ineans of comn1unication.150 Blan1ey and colleagues eval­
for facial nerve stimulation.t4z
uated 47 prelingually deafened children with a nlean unaided
Bigelow and colleagues reported that preoperative CT
PTA of 106 dB using a cochlear in1plant and compared those
scanning can often identify those potential cochlear implant
children with 40 children with a mean PTA of78 dB '"ho used
recipients at greatest risk. Gold and colleagues have suggested
hearing aids. Both groups were treated in an oral/aural reha­
that sodiun1fluoride111ay reduce the risk and incidence of facial
bilitation setting. They were closely followed and repeatedly
nerve stimulation in otosclerotic patients.145 ·L46
evaluated over a 3-year period. Their results suggest that all
children will reach 90o/o open-set speech recognition but that
Postoperative Rehabilitation they will all enter secondary school about 4 to 5 years delayed
unless they receive intensive language therapy.151 Ton1blin and
Postoperative rehabilitation is an irnportant part of cochlear
colleagues have show11 that gra1n1natical developn1ent is signif­
in1plantation. Tn children, especially prelingually deafened chil­
icantly enhanced in prelingually deafened children who receive
dren, it is absolutely critical and n1akes the difference between
cochlear in1plants con1pared to those that do not.152
a successful transition to irnplant use and a failure. Tbe topic
An in1portant, practical way to assess the effectiveness of
is significantly slighted in this chapter '"ritten principaUy for
cochlear in1plantation is to establish use versus nonuse rates.
surgeons. However, it is in1perative that every in1plant surgeon
Presu111ably, children who find cochlear in1plants useful will
recognize that for many implant recipients, aggressive and
use then1. Those children who do not find cochlear in1plants
intensive rehabilitation is absolutely essential. Rehabilitation
useful will not use then1. Archbold and colleagues follo,>Ved
focuses on niaking sure that the recipient can adequately use
161 children for 3 years. All '"'ere users. Parents rated 89% of
the information provided by the in1plant. The rate at '"hich
the children as full-ti1ne users and 11% "1nost of the tin1e users."
rehabilitation is accon1plished varies substantially between one
Teachers rated the children slightly higher: 95o/o '"'ere rated full­
recipient and another. Clearly, the postlingually deafened indi­
time users and only 4% \Vere rated "n1ost of the tin1e users."
vidual with deafness of brief duration will progress n1uch n1ore
Neither parents nor teachers rated any child an occasional user
quickly than the prelingually deafened adult. .Nfost rehabilita­
or a nonuser.153
tive services are provided by specially trained speech-language
A nun1ber of variables have been considered in trying to
pathologists. It should be recognized that this is a relatively
account for the variability in outcome. Cheng and colleagues
specialized area and the general speech-language pathologist
have sho'"'n that hearing outcon1es are independent of the
1uay not be able to adequately meet the needs of the cochlear
cause of deafness in children.45 The length of the electrode
in1plant recipient. Parents play a critical role in rehabilitating
array and the nu1nber of active electrodes does not appear to
children and their active involvement in the rehabilitation pro­
b e in1portant beyond a certain threshold nun1ber. Once 8 to
cess greatly accelerates the developn1ent of both expressive and
10 electrodes have been successfully inserted into the cochlea,
receptive language skills.
the nun1ber of electrodes no longer correlates with postopera­
tive perforn1ance. It has been hypothesized, and seem.s logical,
RESULTS that greater depth of insertion will increase perform.ance but
no validation of this hypothesis has been forthcon1ing. Hodges
Postlingually Deafened Adults and colleagues have shown that insertion of the Nucleus 22®
l t is now recognized that postlingually deafened adults will device beyond 22 rings did not i1nprove perforn1ance in 31
achieve open-set word recogJ1ition in niost cases. Because the patients.29
efficacy of cochlear iniplants in post I ingually deafened adults is Length of deafness appears to be an important variable and
no longer disputed, few results have been published recently. has had predictive value in a nun1ber of studies. Together '"ith
Tn the recently con1pleted Nucleus Freedon1"' trial, sub­ preoperative CID sentence scores, H.ubinstein and colleagues
stantial in1provement was seen after only 6 months of use. The have sho\vn that duration of deafness accou11ts for 70% of the
average HINT sentence score rose fron1 <5% to almost 80'Vo.t47 variance seen in cochlear in1plant recipients.6·87•88•154
Gstoettner and colleagues have evaluated the benefit The inode of comn1unication appears to have a signifi­
reached by 21 consecutive postlingually deafened adults who cant in1pact on outcon1e. Hodges and colleagues have shown
received the MED-EL CON1BT 40+® device. At l 2 months post­ that children using oral-only nlodes of con1n1unication experi­
in1plant, sentence understanding averaged >85'Vo.t48 Data on ence better outcon1es than children using total co1nn1unication.
�fED-EL's new Pulsar® in1plant is just now becon1ing available Indeed, in their study it was the inost i1nportant predictor of
and is very proniising.149 success.9•29 Geers and Nicholas, in an evaluation of 180 cochlear

i111plant recipients, found that children in an environn1ent ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

that required them to depend on spoken language (rather
Special thanks is extended to Pam Henderson, my administra­
than sign language) received niore benefit fro111 their cochlear
tive assistant, whose tireless efforts sa'-v this 1nanuscript through
multiple revisions. \i\!ithout her cheerful collaboration, the task
On the other hand, Robbins and colleagues evaluated 23
could not have been completed.
profound prelingually deafened children and found no differ­
ence between those using oral con1111unication and those using
total con1munication. 15 6
1. Miller AL. Effects of chronic stimulation on auditory nerve survival
in ototoxically deafened anin1als. Hear Res 2001;151(1-2):1-14.
Speech and Language Aquisition
2. Leake PA, Hradek GT, Snyder RL. Chronic electrical sti1nulation
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result of cochlear i111plantation been clearly den1onstrated, but after neonatal deafness. J Con1p Neurol 1999;<112(4):543-62.
an improved ability to develop expressive speech and language 3. Shepherd RK, Matsushi111a J, Martin RL, Clark GM. Cochlear
skills has also been documented. However, evidence to support pathology follo\ving chronic electrical stin1ulation of the
dramatically improved expressive language skills in cochlear auditory nerve: II. Deafened kittens. Hear Res 1994;81(1-2):
i111plant recipients is accun1ulating a bit niore slowly.37 lvfoog 150-66.
and Geers evaluated 22 prelingually deafened children \-vho 4. Nadol JB, Jr. Patterns of neural degeneration in the hu1nan
received cochlear in1plants. They all had speech intelligibility cochlea and auditory nerve: linplications for cochlear i1nplanta­
scores that \-Vere statistically better than children n1anaged with tion. Otolaryngol Head Neck S1u·g 1997;117(3 Pt 1):220-8.

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received auditory verbal therapy than if they have been nian­ prevalence esti111ates and den1ographics. J A111 Acad Audio]

aged in a total con1n1unication environment.157 Robbins and 2001;12(4): 183 -9.

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normal-heari ng children.150•8 7 Svirsky and colleagues compared
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11. Tucker BP. Deaf culture, cochlear in1plants, and elective disabil­
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been predicted on the basis of an observed cohort of 89 unim­
12. Francis H\.V, Koch ME, Wyatt JR, Niparko JK. Trends in edu­
planted deaf children. 158
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Surgery of the Internal Auditory
Canal/Cerebellopontine Angle/
Petrous Apex

36. Surgery of the Facial Nerve

37. Vestibular Schwannoma

38. Auditory Brainstem Implant

39. Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy for Temporal Bone Tumors

40. Surgery for Cystic Lesions of the Petrous Apex


Described the fallopian canal for the

intratemporal portion of the facial nerve.

STERLING BUNNELL (1882-1957) •

In 1927, performed the first successful

intratemporal suture of the facial nerve
and in 1930, the first successful facial
nerve graft within the temporal bone.
Surgery of the Facial Nerve

Bruce J. Gantz, MD I Samuel P. Gubbels, MD I

Ravi N. Samy, MD

Facial nerve dysfunction causes noticeable disfiguren1ent and but it also carries afferent fibers conveying taste fron1 the ante­
emotional distress to those suffering fron1 it. Facial paresis and rior t\vo-thirds of the tongue and sensation fron1 the posterior
paralysis affect both voluntary and involuntary motion and can wall of the external auditory canal (EAC) (see Figure 36-1).7
be a detrin1ent to social interaction. J\l1ore than any other cranial The facial nerve passes through the porus of the inter­
nerve, the facial nerve affects nonverbal hu1nanistic expression, nal auditory canal (IAC). The superior and inferior vestibu­
'"'hich is a significant con1ponent of communication. Facial lar nerves lie imn1ediately posterior and inferoposterior to the
palsy may also interrupt normal daily functions, such as eating facial nerve, respectively. The cochlear nerve lies caudal to the
and drinking; more in1portantly, it n1ay disrupt the protective facial nerve in the IAC. By the lateral end (fundus) of the IAC,
function of the eye. Before discussing the diagnosis and treat­ the facial nerve has 1uerged with the nervus intern1edius. The
ment of facial nerve disorders, one must understand the nerve's length of the IAC portion of the nerve is approxin1ately 8 to
con1plex anato1ny, physiology, and function. J\llanagen1ent of 10 1n1n.6 The facial nerve enters the labyrinthine seg1nent of its
facial nerve dysfunction is individualized and may include fallopian canal through the nleatal fora1uen, \Nhich is the nar­
observation, administration of pharmacologic agents, surgical rowest portion of the entire canal and ineasures approxin1ately
intervention, physical therapy, and psychological counseling.1 0.68 mm in dia1neter. 8 The labyrinthine seg1uent (4 1n1u in
These will be discussed in detail later in the chapter. length) makes up the first seg1uent of the bony fallopian canal
and is the narrowest and shortest portion of the canal.9 In
addition to the sn1all dia1ueter of the meatal foramen, a dense
araclu1oid band encircles the nerve at the lateral end of the
A n understanding of the anatomy of the facial (seventh cranial) IAC. This band contributes to the anaton1ic "bottleneck" that
nerve is essential to diagnose and treat facial nerve dysfunction. can constrict the nerve in disorders that induce ede1na of the
The nerve contains approxi1nately 7,000 to 10,000 fibers.2•3 The nerve, such as Bell's palsy. Thus, the ineatal fora1nen and lab­
facial nerve originates fro1n the facial motor nucleus, which lies yrinthine seg1nent of the nerve play a pivotal role in the path­
in the lateral portion of the anterior pons and is composed of ophysiology of facial paralysis, as \vill be discussed later in this
four cell groups. Facial nerve function is highly organized at the chapter. The labyrinthine segn1ent is posterocephalad to the
central nervous syste1n level. So1ne level of topographic orga­ cochlea, antero111edial to the a1npulla of the superior semicir­
nization probably continues as the nerve courses peripherally. cular canal, and cephalad to the vestibule.2 Subsequently, the
The facial nerve hooks around the nucleus of the sixth cranial fallopian canal takes a long (approxin1ately 30 1n1u), tortuous
(abducens) nerve. As a result, brainste1n lesions involving the course through the te1uporal bone.10 The fallopian canal pro­
seventh nerve also usually involve the sixth nerve. vides a bony covering for the facial nerve that is longer than
The facial nerve exits the brainsten1 at the ponto1nedul­ that of any other nerve. This bony encasen1ent protects the
lary junction caudal to the fifth cranial (trige1ninal) nerve and nerve but also renders it vulnerable to certain diseases and
approxi1nately 1.5 1n1n anterior, n1edial, and superior to the disorders (Figure 36-2).7
eighth cranial (vestibulocochlear) nerve (Figure 36-1).4.s The At the geniculate ganglion (GG), the facial nerve takes a
facial nerve is sn1aller in dia1neter than the vestibulocochlear sharp (75 degree) posterior turn at the first (internal) genu. The
nerve (l.8 nun versus 3 1nm). The facial nerve then crosses the GG contains bipolar ganglion cells for the sensory functions of
cerebellopontine angle (CPA) (a distance of 15 to 17 n111)1 \.Yith the nervus inter1uedius. The greater superficial petrosal nerve
the eighth cranial nerve and the nerve of Wrisberg (nervus (GSPN) arises fro1n the GG and en1erges through the hiatus of
inter1nedius).6 The nervus intermedius not only carries secretory the fallopian canal (facial hiatus) onto the floor of the 1uiddle
fibers to the lachryn1al, sublingual, and sub111axillary glands, fossa. The GSPN contains secretory fibers to the lacri1ual gland


Labyrinthine segment

Greater superficial petrosal nerve

Cerebellum Geniculate ganglion

__ Malleus


Tympanic segment


r---- Mastoid segment

u� Stylomastoid foramen

vestibular Internal
nerve auditory

FIGURE 36-1 •The course and relationships of the left facial nerve from the pontomedullary junction to the
intratemporal course.

Geniclate ganglion

Greater petrosal nerve

Pyram idal

Chorda ------��--J1[.

FIGURE 36-2 • Overview of the facial nerve in its intratemporal course.


that synapse in the pterygopalatine ganglion; postganglionic major peripheral branches arising from the trunks are the tem­
fibers then innervate the lacrimal gland.2 poral, zygo1natic, buccal, inarginal mandibular, and cervical.
Fron1 the GG, the facial nerve courses posterointeriody Minor variations and tnajor ano1nalies often occur in the
in its tympanic (horizontal) segment, n1easures J l mm course of the facial nerve, predisposing the nerve to inadver­
in length and is the second segn1ent of the fallopian canal. As tent surgical injury. The inost con1mon variation is a dehis­
the nerve runs posteriorly, a portion of the tympanic segn1ent cence of the fallopian canal, found in over 50°/o of te1nporal
becomes the cephalad n1argin of the oval window niche. The bones.7 The niost frequent site of dehiscence is the horizontal
nerve then niakes a second turn (the second or external genu). segn1ent (91%). An uncovered nerve niay herniate inferiorly
At this point, the facial nerve gives off a branch to the stapedius and obscure the stapes.12 During embryologic developn1ent, the
n1uscle. The facial nerve then proceeds vertically in the mas­ fallopian canal originates fron1 the prin1ordial otic capsule and
toid cavity (vertical/mastoid segn1ent), which measures 13 mm Reichert's cartilage (second branchial arch). Although ossifica­
in length. Approxin1ately midway in its niastoid segment, the tion of these structures norn1ally begins during gestation and is
facial nerve gives off the chorda tyn1pani nerve (Figure 36-3). con1pleted by the end of the first year of life, incon1plete ossi­
However, the points of origin of the nerve to the stapedius 111uscle fication often occurs, resulting in exposure (dehiscence) of the
and the chorda tympani nerve can be quite variable-anywhere nerve.13 More serious anon1alies of the different segn1ents of the
bet,¥een the second genu and the stylon1astoid foran1en.11 The intrate1nporal facial nerve are seen in congenital rnalforn1ations
preganglionic, parasyn1pathetic fibers present in the chorda of the iniddle and outer ear.14 In addition, duplications of the
tyn1pani nerve synapse in the submandibular ganglion; post­ facial nerve (bifurcations, trifurcations) have been reported in
ganglionic fibers innervate the subn1andibular and sublingual the mastoid and other segn1ents of the nerve without other asso­
glands.2 The facial nerve leaves the ten1poral bone and the fal­ ciated congenital 1nalforn1ations.15•10 The discussion of specific
lopian canal via the stylomastoid foran1en, lying between the 1nalforn1ations and the relative risk to the facial nerve is beyond
mastoid tip and the styloid process. As the nerve approaches the scope of this chapter.
the stylomastoid foran1en, it becon1es encircled by the fibrous
tendon of the digastric niuscle, which becomes part of the nerve
sheath and firn1ly attaches the nerve to surrounding structures.
Surgical release of the nerve requires sharp dissecti.on of the sur­ Each nerve fiber, consisting of a nerve cell body and an axon,
rounding 111uscle to avoid neural injury. At the pes anserinus is surrounded by an insulating layer of myelin secreted by
in the parotid gland, the extratemporal portion of the nerve Schwann cells. A single nerve fiber is surrounded by nu1ner­
divides into the temporotacial and cervicofacial trunks. The ous Schwann cells, '"'hich also provide n1etabolic support. The

FIGURE 36-3 •The facial recess (arrow)

lies between the facial and chorda tympani
nerves. The incudostapedial joint is
visible just to the right of the arrowhead.
Reproduced with permission from Gu/ya AJ,
Schuknec/Jt HF. Anatomy of the temporal
bone with surgical implications. 2nd ed.
Pearl River, NY: Parthenon Press; 1995.

axon relies upon its parent neuron tor nutrient replenishn1ent A first-degree injury is reversible and allov.•s co1nplete recov­
through axoplasn1ic flo\.v, which proceeds at the rate of l mm! ery. ln second-degree injury, wallerian degeneration occurs,
day. Each nerve fiber is surrounded by niultiple connective tis­ but endoneurial architecture is preserved; recovery is usually
sue layers, endoneurium, forming a tubule. tvlultiple tubules are co1nplete. In third-degree injury, wallerian degeneration and
bound together in bundles by additional connective tissue (peri­ disruption of endoneurial architecture occur. There is incon1-
neuriun1). Additional connective tissue (epineurium) forn1s plete recovery, usually complicated by functional sequelae.
the nerve sheath.7 The three connective tissue layers are com­ Second- and third-degree injuries are approximately equivalent
plex in function and anatomy. They p.lay in1portant functions, to axonotn1esis. Fourth-degree injury reflects significant nerve
including resisting stretching, maintaining tensile strength and injury. Only the epineuriurn is intact, and recovery tends to be
intraneural pressures, providing insulation and circulation, poor.7 Fifth-degree injury involves con1plete and total disrup­
and niinin1izing functional deterioration even in the presence tion of nerve continuity; recovery cannot occur without surgical
of gradually applied detorn1ing forces (eg, vestibular schwan­ intervention. In general, the quality of the return of facial niove­
nomas or cholesteaton1as).2•7 It is in1portant to note that the cis­ n1ent is inversely proportional to the an1ount of neural degener­
ternal and intracanalicular segn1ents of the nerve are devoid of ation caused by injury.22 As facial nerve function returns, n1ost
epineuriun1, leaving the nerve especially vulnerable to injury patients and physicians first notice a return of tone to the facial
with n1anipulations in these areas. 1nusculature that precedes a return of gross nioven1ent.7
If the injury is third degree or worse, there is disruption

VASCULAR SUPPLY of the endoneuriun1, perineurium, and/or the epineuriu1n.

If recovery does occur, the axon develops a gro\.vth cone that
The principal arterial supply of the facial nerve is provided by begins to bring nutrients to the cell body. Branching of a regen­
three main sources: (1) the labyrinthine artery, a brancb of the erating axon with protoplasmic threads entering several en1pty
anterior inferior cerebellar artery (ATCA) (the AICA n1ay lie ante­
neural tubules usually occurs. In other words, regenerating
rior to cranial nerves VII and VITI or between then1 in the TAC
axon sprouts can enter the endoneurial tube of another axon,
or CPA); (2) the superior petrosal artery, a branch of the n1iddle resulting in innervation of an inappropriate n1uscle.7 Thus,
n1eningeal artery; and (3) the stylomastoid artery, a branch of a single axon can innervate '"'idely separated facial 1nuscles,
the post auricular artery.5 These three branches have numerous resulting in synkinesis-sin1ultaneous 1novement of different
anaston1oses and constitute the extrinsic vascular system, \vhich
facial n1uscles.2·7 Synkinesis niay be cosn1etically disfiguring
runs in the epineuriun1. Veins accompany the arteries in the fal­
and has been treated ten1porarily by che1nodenervation with
lopian canal. A.n intraneural vascular plexus (intrinsic system) botulinum toxin. Animal studies using vincristine have shown
ori gin at es fron1 the extrinsic systen1. This plexus can support a delay in reinnervation of selected 1nuscles. Vincristine n1ay
segrnents of the nerve when it is mobilized from the fallopian
so1neday be used in patients to prevent the developn1ent of
canal, even when the extrinsic systen1 is disr u pte d.7 Lymphatic 3•
S}'likinesis. 2 2•
vessels are located in the epineurial layer.2•7•17
Although the rate of axon regeneration is generally thought
to be 1 n1n1/day, the rate of regeneration and overall recovery
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY depend on several variables, including the etiology and severity

In 1943, Seddon described three types of progressive nerve of the paralysis, the degenerative process, and individual neu­

injury: neuropraxia, axonotn1esis, and neurotmesis.18 vVhen ronal factors (cg, the longer the duration of degeneration, the

pressure is placed on a nerve, the transn1ission of nerve in1pulses poorer the quality of facial nerve recovery). Nun1erous cellular

may be blocked. If the pressure is not sust ained for long, release and systen1ic factors also affect the recovery process. Patient's

of the pressure usually results in a rapid and complete recovery age, level of nutrition, blood supply, co1norbidities (eg, diabetes

of function \.vith no residual dysfunction and no distal wallerian niellitus), and concurrent wound infection also influence the

degeneration.19 This type of injury is known as neuropraxia. quality of regeneration.72

Axonotmesis is a n1ore severe injury and involves sectioning

of an axon or sufficient pressure to block axoplas1nic flow.7
Although endoneurial tubules are preserved, distal \.vallerian
degeneration occurs. Neurotmesis describes total nerve tran­ Before turning to a discussion of facial nerve disorders and their
section (all three protective sheaths are involved). In actuality, treat1nent, the 1nost in1portant function of the facial nerve, pro­
there is usually a mixture of the different types of injury unless tection of the eye, 1nust be reviewed. Although facial paralysis
there has been complete nerve transection. \.\lallerian degener­ is cosn1etically displeasing, causes functio11al discon1fort, and
ation usually occurs over a 72- to 96-h period follov.1ing inj ur y. i1npairs con1n1unication, the 111ost significant associated co1n­
Distal nerve excitability is therefore usually 1naintained for 3 to plication involves the eye. If the eyelids do not function \.vell,
4 days follov.1ing severe injury.72•19 the conjunctiva is not lubricated properly,7 and the eye beco1nes
A more detailed classification of neural injury was proposed dry. If eye dryness occurs in conjunction with other abnor1nal­
by Sunderland in 1951.10 He proposed five progressively severe ities, such as decreased lacrin1ation (eg, O\.ving to GSPN disrup­
degrees of nerve injury, as opposed to the three types of nerve tion) andIor decreased corneal sensation (because of trige1ninal
injuries described by Seddon. However, the Sunderland clas­ nerve dysfunction), corneal co1nplications are likely to occur,
sification pertains only to traumatic injuries of the peripheral including exposure keratitis, ulceration, and blindness. Thus,
nerve and not to viral, inflan1n1atory, or infiltrative lesions.21 one 1nust instruct the patient in proper eye care.

The ultin1ate objectives in management of the eye are, in expected duration of paralysis.2 Patients with an i1npaired blink
order, (l) corneal protection with preservation of vision and reflex on the side of the facial paralysis are at increased risk of
eye function, (2) comfort, and (3) cosn1etic restoration.25 If the co1nplications due to drying of the eye due to the lack of cor­
facial nerve has been severed and an interposition graft inserted, neal sensation. Aggressive eye care and n1onitoring is advisable
it may take 6 nionths or longer for orbicularis oculi function to and there should be a lowered threshold tor ophthalinological
return. During this long period of tin1e, lid loading with gold consultation '"'hen impaired corneal sensation acco1npanies a
weight placen1ent, an easily reversible procedure niay be per­ facial paralysis.
formed. Some surgeons prefer a lateral tarsorrhaphy, which can
be either ten1porary or pern1anent. \A/hen significant lower lid
laxity develops in a patient with facial paralysis, especially in
elderly patients with poor skin tone, lateral canthoplasty should
be considered as an adjunctive 1neasure. Nu1nerous nlethods of grading facial nerve palsy have been
For patients whose facial function is likely to return in a developed since the 1940s.1 Although no gold standard or uni­
short period of time, care of the eye can be acco1nplished using versally accepted syste1n exists, the nlost co1n111only used scale
conservative nieasures. The patient is instructed to instill arti­ is the House-Brackn1ann (HB) facial nerve grading systen1,
ficial tears frequently, even every hour if needed. lvfany com­ which differentiates six grades of facial function (I-\TI).20 The
mercially availab.le preparations include various additives to A1nerican Acade1ny ofOtolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
increase the viscosity and slow the rate of clearance and evap­ has adopted this systen1 to standardize the reporting of disorders
oration fro1n the conjunctiva, providing a longer period of of the facial nerve and treatn1ent results. Prior to the adoption
moisturization without the blurring of vision that occurs with of this scale, scientific analysis of data lacked a unifor1n and
petroleum-based lubricants. The patient and his/her fan1ily objective ineasure.2•27 The use of this scale represents a n1ajor
member should n1onitor for conjunctiva! injection, a sign of stride in the objective analysis of facial nerve data (Table 36-1).
irritation and dryness. The con1plaint of a foreign body sensa­ However, the HB scale is not a perfect grading systen1 because of
tion also indicates dryness. The patient should use a long-lasting the problen1s of interobserver and intraobserver variability.28•30
ophthaln1ic lubricant at night or during the day if asleep. (Some Also, the grading systen1 is applicable only to disorders of the
patients prefer routine use of ointment during the day as well.) nerve proxi111al to the pes anserinus.5 The scale is not appro­
The patient 1nay consider using a moisture chan1ber or taping priate for single-branch injuries, such as a penetrating injury to
of the eye whenever asleep. v\Tind protection, through the use of the face affecting only the buccal branch. Future in1prove111ent
glasses, is recomn1ended. lf concerns of in1pending ocular dam­ in grading the status of facial nerve function nlay involve the
age arise, an urgent ophthalmologic consultation is required. use of digitalized in1ages or con1puterized dynamic functional
Thus, treatn1ent is highly individualized and is affected by the analysis.31 Additionally, others have suggested the inclusion of

TABLE 36-1 House-Brackman nerve grading system


Normal Normal facial function in all areas

II Mild dysfunction Gross: slight weakness noticeable on close inspection; may have very slight synkinesis

At rest: normal symmetry and tone

Motion: forehead-moderate to good function; eye-complete closure with minimum effort;
mouth-slight asymmetry

111 Moderate Gross: obvious but not disfiguring difference between two sides; noticeable but not severe
dysfunction synkinesis; contracture and/or hemifacial spasm
At rest: normal symmetry and tone

Motion: forehead-slight to moderate movement; eye-complete closure with effort;

mouth-slightly weak with maximum effort

IV Moderately severe Gross: obvious weakness and/or disfiguring asymmetry

dysfunction At rest: normal symmetry and tone

Motion: forehead-none; eye-incomplete closure; mouth-asymmetric with maximum effort

__ ,
V Severe dysfunction Gross: only barely perceptible motion

At rest: asymmetry
Motion: forehead-none; eye-incomplete closure; mouth-slight movement

VI Total paralysis No movement

Adapted from House JW, Brackmann DE. Facial nerve grading system. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1985;93(2):146-7.

Laboratory studies arc performed as warranted. For bilat­

TABLE 36-2 Repaired facial nerve recovery scale
eral facial palsy, additional resting includes the following: a com­
SCORE FUNCTION plete blood count (look ing for infection, leuken1ia), erythrocyte
sedin1entation rate (vasculitis), blood chen1istry (diabetes 1nel­
A Normal facial function
litus), hun1an i1nmunodcficiency tests, fluorescent treponen1al
B Independent movement of eyelids and mouth, antibody tests (syphilis), or a lumbar puncture mth cerebrospi­
slight mass motion, slight movement of forehead nal fluid (CSF) examination (Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis,
c Strong closure of eyelids and oral s phinc ter, s ome Guillain-Barrc syndron1c). 22·''
mass motion, no forehead movement Audiometry plays an important role i n the evaluation of
facial paralysis. Every patient undergoes a pure-tone air and
D Incomplete closure of eyelids, significant mass
bone conduction audiogran1, testing of speech reception thresh­
motion, good tone
old and speech discrimination, and tyn1pano1netry. Findings on
E Minimal movement in any branch , poor t one the audiogram should be sym1netric; if they are not, a retroco­
F No move m e nt chlear workup is pcrforn1cd. For exa1nple, a unilateral sensori­
neural hearing loss on l'hc sa1ne side of the facial paralysis n1ay
Adapted from Gidley et al. 32 indicate a tumor in tbe IAC or CPA (or possibly Ra1nsay Hunt
syndron1e).1� Additional audio1netric studies, such as acoustic
reflex decay or auditory brainste111 response testing, can also
a patient-based systen1 to 111easure overall impairn1ent and dis­
be used to detect rctrocochlear lesions. If vestibular con1plaints
abi l ity, v.•hich would assist in evaluating quality-of-life issues
or abnorn1alities arc detected, an electronystagn1ogra1n (ENG)
affected by facial distiguren1ent.1
and rotary chair testing arc performed.
Al the University of lowa, we use a different grading sys­
If the patient presents witb the classic findings and history of
tem, known as the repaired facial nerve recovery scale (RFNRS),
Bell's palsy, radiographic in1aging is not perfor1ned. However, if
for nerve resections repaired by neurorrhaphy or interposition
sympton1s, signs, audiometry, or any additional testing is abnor­
grafting (Table 36-2).32 Like the HB scale, the RFNRS has six
mal, i1naging studies arc obtained. Radiographic studies are
grades but uses letters instead of nun1bers (grades A to F).
also perfonned if no return of facial function is noted within 6
There is some correlation bet\'leen the t\'/O grading systems,
months ofthe onset of Bell's palsy, v.1hich is suggestive of a tun1or.
with grade A approxin1ately equivalent to grade I, grade B to
Plain filn1s and polytomography no longer play a role in diagno­
grade II, and so on.2• The HB scale is not useful in assessing
sis.Fine-cut computed ton1ographic (CT) scans of the te1nporal
transected or repaired nerves for three reasons: (l) all repairs
bone (in the axial and coronal planes) and n1agnetic resonance
cause niass niove1nent; (2) most patients can eventually close
imaging with gadolinium (Gd-MRI) play con1plen1entary roles.
their eyes and have good oral sphincter function; and (3) almost
Gadoliniu1n MRI of the brain and brainste1n is useful in estab­
no patients arc able to raise their eyebrow or forehead. The HB
lishing the presence of lesions in the CPA or IAC, such as a facial
systen1 works well as long as there is an intact nerve sheath or
nerve neuroma or vestibular sch\vanno1na. The soft tissue detail
incon1p letc nerve injury (ie, Sunderland grades I-IV).n
of the MRT con1plen1cnts the CT scan's high-resolution views of
the osseous structures of the te1nporal bone, including the fal­
EVALUATION OF PATIENTS WITH lopian canal and its anatomic relations. Con1puted ton1ographic
FACIAL NERVE DISORDERS evaluation of the tcn1poral bone is helpful in deter1nining the
There is no substitute l'or a thorough history and physical exam­ presence of i ntratcn1poral tun1ors, cholesteaton1as, and frac­
inat i on in the evaluation of a patient with a facial nerve disor­ tures. ln so1nc instances, MR angiogran1s and/or conventional
der. Factors that are assessed include date of onset, rapidity of arteriography arc indicated if there is a concern about the pres­
progression, con1orbidities, risk factors, duration of syn1pton1s, ence of a vascular lesion, such as a glon1us tumor.
and associated syn1pt.oms. Topodiagnostic testing (eg, taste and saliva testing,
For exarnplc, a description of otalgia associated with auric­ Schir1ner's tear test, stapcdial reflex) is of historical significance
ular vesicles is a sign of Ramsay Hunt syndron1e and not of Bell's only and, because of questionable accuracy and clinically i1npre­
palsy. The physical examination includes a thorough head and cisc adn1inistratio11, has been replaced by more objective and
neck examination, with an assess1nent for cervical lymphadenop­ accurate invcstigat ions. Topodiagnostic tests evaluate different
athy and parotid gland pathology, which is suggestive of a n1alig­ functions of the nerve to determine the site of the abnormal­
nant process. The auricle and external ear are examined closely for ity or lesion. However, since the loss of nerve impulse propaga­
lesions consistent \'lilh Ramsay Hunt syndron1e. The tympanic tion is an clcctrophysiologic event, a n electrodiagnostic test is
membrane and mesotympanurn are examined \'lith an oton1i­ en1ployed to determine the site ofinjury and prognosis, helping
croscope (with pneumatic evaluation). All branches of the facial separate which patients will fuJly recover fron1 those likely to
nerve are examined. If the forehead branches are intact but all other exhibit incon1plctc return of function.J4,Js
branches are paraly7.ed, a central etiology is likely Involven1ent of a

single branch tends to indicate a lesion distal to the pes anserinus in
the parotid. Evaluation of the cerebellun1 and other cranial nerves Electrical testing evaluates the condition of the nerve and estab­
is also perforn1cd. Other co1nponents of the general physical exan1- lishes the degree of dysfunction. Electroneurography (ENOG)
ination are perforn1ed as warranted by syn1ptomatology. and electromyography (EMG) are the two n1ost precise and

objective electrical diagnostic tests used to assess facial paraly­ that the prognosis for return of nor1nal facial motion is good.
sis. They have replaced n1axin1al sti mu and nerve excitability In cases of long-standing facial paralysis, one looks for defibril­
testing and other subjective electrical tests. Electrical testing is lation potentials that suggest 1notor end-plate denervation or
not employed if a patient exhibits paresis since the presence of for polyphasic potentials that suggest reinnervation on routine
even niinimal voluntary n1otion indicates niinor injury with a EMG.
high probability of full recovery.
Electroneurography can estin1ate the an1ount of severe
nerve fiber degeneration. It is n1ost useful between 4 and 21 days
after the onset of con1plete paralysis.22 Since it takes 3 days for
wallerian degeneration to occur after a severe injury, ENOG is Facial nerve dysfunction can sten1 from. a variety of causes and
not perf-orn1ed until the fourth day. The interpretation of n1ucb n1ay involve the supranuclear tract to the brainstem (intracra­
of the initial diagnostic information gathered with ENOG nial course), the intraten1poral segn1ents, or the extraten1poral
was based on the observation of patients with Bell's palsy. portions. The disorder n1ay even involve nlultiple segn1ents of
Subsequently, ENOG has been used in a variety of other condi­ the nerve. The paralysis can be idiopathic or caused by traun1a,
tions, including trauma and acute otitis media; however, it does systen1ic infection, acute or chronic otitis 1nedia, n1etabolic dis­
not appear to be as useful in Ran1say Hunt syndron1e owing to orders, toxins, vasculidites, neurologic disorders, neoplasn1s
the multiple sites of injury in this disorder.19 • 36•3 (both benign and malignant), radiation therapy, and nu1nerous
Electroneurography uses an evoked, supran1axi n1al electri­ other causes.21 o,ving to the lin1ited space in this chapter, only
cal stin1ulus to activate the facial nerve as it exits the ten1poral the nlOst con1n1only associated causes '"'ill be presented. The
bone at the stylomastoid toran1en. The technique of perform­ diagnosis and n1anagen1ent of Bell's palsy, as discussed below,
ing ENOG can inAuence the results.22•38 The technical aspects '"'ill serve as a in the treatment of other facial nerve
of test performance n1ust be standardized if ENOG is to pro­ disorders.
vide relevant clinical inforn1ation regarding prognosis of facial
nerve function and recovery.39 EJectroneurography provides an
objective recording of the evoked biphasic compound 111uscle
action potential (CMAP), which occurs with facial 111ovement.
The CJvlAP is n1easured with surface electrodes and its presence Bell's palsy is na1ned after the British physician Sir Charles Bell,
relies on the synchronous discharge of n1ultiple viable nerve '"'ho described the onset, physical findings, and course of the
fibers. Supran1aximal stin1ulation is used to obtain the 111axi­ disease in 1821.42 However, son1e historical records have sho\"ln
mun1 amplitude of the CMAP, which correlates with the num­ that Nicolaus A Friedrich of\AJurzburg published an account of
ber of ren1aining fibers that can be stimulated. The CMAP fron1 three patients with idiopathic peripheral facial nerve paralysis
the paralyzed side is compared with the CMAP of the nor111al 23 years before Bell's report (1798).43 Although Bell's palsy is
side, which serves as control (n1ean Ctv!AP of healthy nerves is the n10St co1n1non cause of facial palsy (nearly three-fourth of
approximately 5,320 µV).39 A percentage of degenerated nerve cases),44 with an incidence of 20 to 30 cases per 100,000 indi­
fibers is calculated. Degeneration of greater than 90% occur­ viduals per year,45 it is still a diagnosis of exclusion.35
ring within the first 14 days of con1plete paralysis indicates poor Bell's palsy is an acute, unilateral, peripheral facial paraly­
recovery in >50% of patients.3> In addition to the percentage sis. Although frequently called idiopathic facial paralysis, a viral
of degeneration, the rate of degeneration is in1portant. Patients etiology is the inost likely cause; nun1erous studies have identi­
who reach a severe level of degeneration in 5 days have a poorer fied herpes sin1plex virus 1 (HSV-1) as the causative agent,4c.-4s
prognosis than those who reach it in several weeks. In other and it has been found in patients who have undergone deco1n­
words, if90o/o degeneration does not occur by 3 weeks after the pression for Bell's palsy.49 In an ani1nal nlodel of Bell's palsy, it
onset of Bell's palsy, a good prognosis is indicated.22 has been de1nonstrated that HSV inoculation can cause a tran­
Electroneurography is not useful after 3 weeks of paralysis sient facial paralysis.50 Polyn1erase chain reaction (PCR) assays
as it can lead to a false-negative result due to a pheno.menon have been perforn1ed on fresh and stored geniculate ganglions
called deblocking. Deblocking occurs as recovering or regen­ obtained fro1n ten1poral bone speci1nens and have detected
erating fibers discharge asynchronously in response to a stim­ HSV-1.34.4 6·51 (In a sim.ilar fashion, the presence of varicella­
ulus. Due to the lack of synchronization of neuronal discharge, zoster virus [VZV] DNA has been shown in patients affected by
no CMAP (as measured by the surface electrodes during elec­ herpes-zoster oticus, also called Ra1nsay Hunt syndron1e.)52
troneurography) is generated despite the ongoing recovery that is There is no sex predilection for Bell's palsy. A person of any
occurring.40 EMG testing is pertorn1ed in cases of long-standing age 1nay be affected, with those in the fifth and sixth decades
(>3 week duration) facial paralysis or when90% or greater neu­ of life n1ost at risk. 53 The age of the patient is also i1nportant
ral degeneration has been recorded on ENOG.41 Voluntary EMG because older patients tend to have a poorer recovery. Right­
measures motor activity using needle electrodes placed in the and left-sided disease occurs equally and bilateral iI1volven1ent
orbicularis oris and orbicularis oculi n1uscles when the patient (sin1ultaneous or consecutive) has been described.54 Recurrence
is asked to 111ake forceful facial contractions. In the setting of is seen in 7 to 12% of patients;55·» ho,vever, recurrence should
acute paralysis (<3 week duration), the finding of active niotor heighten suspicion for another etiology, such as a tu1nor involv­
unit potentials in the presence of con1plete paralysis and >90°/o ing the facial nerve. Pregnancy, and particularly the develop-
degeneration on ENOG n1eans that deblocking is occurring and 1nent of pre-eclan1psia during pregnancy increases the risk of

developing acute facial palsy.57-59 Approximately l o<Vo of patients The medical tnanagement of Bell's palsy has been the sub­
have a fan1ily history of Bell's palsy. A substantial proportion of ject of a great deal of debate. Central to this debate has been
patients have an upper respiratory tract infection preceding (by the use of steroids in Bell's palsy with 1nany studies finding
7-10 days) the onset of paralysis and a seasonal variance in the improved facial nerve outcomes when steroid treatment was ini­
incidence ofBell's palsy has been noted in some epiden1iological tiated early in the course of the disease.53•63-09 So1ne studies have
areas.45,00,61 called the efficacy of steroid treatn1ent into question,70•71 espe­
The facial paralysis in Bell's palsy n1ay be abrupt in onset cially in children.69·72-74 It is in1port ant that inedical treatn1ent
and can progress to con1plete paralysis over l to 7 days. However, be initiated within the first two weeks if they arc to be of any
the paralysis is not slo\.vly progressive (over weeks to nionths), benefit. The authors treat patients with Bell's palsy with high­
a finding more consistent with a primary facial nerve tun1or or dose oral corticosteroids (prednisone l mg/kg or 60 to 80 ing
111alignant process. Other sympton1s that tend to rule outBell's oral ly, each day) for 10 days, followed by a brief taper. Patients
palsy include facial t\.vitching, hearing loss, vestibular dysfunc­ with a history of diabetes n1ellitus or hypertension or those at
tion, otorrhea, and severe, unrelenting otalgia.35 risk for these corticosteroid-induced co1nplications are advised
The pathophysiology of Bell's palsy involves nerve swelling to inonitor their blood sugar and blood pressure. An oral ined­
\.Vithin the inelastic fallopian canal. The edema and inability to ication is also given to decrease the chance of gastrointestinal
expand beyond the bony confines creates a conduction block, ulceration fro111 the corticosteroids (eg, histainine-2 blocker or
preventing axoplasn1ic fl.ow. The site of inhibition of nerve proton pump inhibitor).
in1pulse propagation is at the narrowest portion of the fallopian A nu1nber of studies have suggested that the con1bina­
canal, the nieatal foran1en (0.68 ni111)8 (Figure 36-4). tion of antiviral medications with steroids inay be superior to
The natural history of Bell's palsy dictates recovery, usually the use of steroids alone in Bell's palsy.03·15-79 Other investi­
beginning \.vithin 3 weeks. Full recovery typically occurs \.Vithin gators have been unable to detect a significant in1prove1nent
6 n1onths. Un fortunately, approxin1ately l5<Vo of patients experi­ in with the use of Given the paucity
ence severe deformity, with n1inin1al return of facial moven1ent. of side effects seen with antiviral n1edications and the bene­
Another 15°/o of patients experience asyn1111etric n1oven1ent fit that has been de1nonstrated in son1e studies, the authors
and/or synkinesis.62 Thus, despite a good prognosis for 70o/o treat all patients with valacyclovir (500 mg oral ly, three ti1nes
of patients, there are approximately 8,000 people in the United a day) Valacycl ovir is the prodr ug of acyclovir and is n1ore

States each year with permanent and disfiguring facial weak­ rapidly and extensively absorbed than acyclovir. Care of the
ness.03 Identification of patients at risk of poor recovery must be eye, as previously discussed, is instituted as needed. Treatn1ent
accon1plished within 2 \.veeks of onset of con1plete paralysis if (other than eye care) is probably unnecessary if facial function
surgical intervention is to be an option. is in1proving on its own at the tin1e of presentation and these

FIGURE 36-4 • Diagram of the labyrinthine

segment and meatal foramen. This unique
anatomy predisposes the nerve to injury by
the pathophysiologic process (edema) of
Bell's palsy.

patients are sin1ply counseled and seen again for follow-up in been very controversial.85 A landn1ark n1ulticenter, prospective
1 month. study \vas published by the senior author.83 In this study, inid­
When patients are seen in the acute phase of the disease, dle cranial fossa (tv1CF) decon1pression inore than doubled the
n1edical therapy is initiated and inter111ittent (every 2 to 3 days) chances of good facial nerve recovery (HB grade I or II) co1n­
exan1 inations are performed to assess for progression of the dis­ pared to inedical treatn1ent alone. The findings were highly sta­
ease process to con1plete facial paralysis. If the patient either tistically significant (P .0002). Thus, at the University of Iowa,

progresses to con1plete paralysis or presents with con1plete all patients with n1ore than 90°/o neuronal degeneration \vithin
paralysis, an ENOG is obtained 3 days after occurrence of com­ 2 weeks of onset, who are under 65 years of age and without
plete paralysis. If degeneration is <90o/o, the corticosteroids and any n1edica1 contraindications, are counseled to undergo MCF
the antiviral agent are continued tor the full treatn1ent course. surgical decon1pression of the ineatal fora1nen, labyrinthine
Electroneurographic testing is repeated every 1. to 3 days u n til seg1nent, GG, and proxi1nal tyn1panic portion. However, facial
>90'Yo degeneration is detected and no voluntary n1otor unit nerve deco1npression is a very technically challenging procedure
potentials are noted on EMG; at that time, surgical decon1pres­ and should be perforn1ed only in centers experienced in the
sion is an option. Hov1ever, if >90% degeneration occurs after MCF approach.5 Transmastoid deco1npression does not provide
the 2-week window, surgery is not an option.83 After 14 days access to enable adequate decon1pression of the ineatal fora1nen
of paralysis, surgical decompression does not alter the out­ or labyrinthine segn1ents of the facial nerve and therefore does
con1e, and its potential risks outweigh any potential benefit. not have any role in the treat1nent of Bell's palsy. Our algorith1n
Electron1yographic testing, but not ENOG testing, is performed for inanagen1ent of Bell's palsy is outlined in Figure 36-5.
if patients present more than 3 weeks after the onset of paralysis
and have no facial move111ent.
Surgical managen1ent of Bell's palsy has evolved along with
the understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease. 5 Facial Te1nporal bone fractures, blunt or penetrating head and neck
nerve decon1pression was first suggested in 1923 but not per­ trau111a, and iatrogenic surgical injury are all com1non causes
torn1ed until 1931.84 Since that tin1e, surgical decon1pression has of facial nerve injury. Motor vehicle accidents account for a

Acute Acute
Paresis Paralysis

I \ I i \
Day 0-14 Day>14 Day 0-3 Day3-14 Day >14

.. .. ..
Prednisone Observation Prednison e ENoG Foll ow up-

Follow up
6 months
6 months
Follow-up Follow-up
5 days 5 days

Paresis Paralysis <90% <90%

Degeneration Degeneration

Follow-up EnoG follow

Prednisone Recommend
1 month paralysis

dependent on
En oG up to14
Prednisone = 80 mg qd x 7 days - taper days

FIGURE 36-5 • Bell's palsy management alg orithm. ENOG, electroneurography; MCF, middle cranial fossa.
Adapted from Gantz BJ and colleagues.41

substantial proportion of the injuries, although the incidence degeneration occurs.22 When complete facial paralysis occurs
of posttraumatic facial palsy is decreasing due to the use of associated ,.,,i th ten1poral bone fracture or traun1a, electro­
seat belts and airbags.86 The treatment of traun1a-related dys­ physiological testing is perforn1ed starting after 72 h and the
function depends on niany of the san1e factors listed above for decision to intervene surgically is n1ade based on the criteria
Bell's palsy. After a thorough history and physical examina­ listed above (See Electrophysiological Testing).22•87 If possible,
tion, an audiogram and electrodiagnostic tests are performed. exploration and repair are perforn1ed within the first week of
Additionally, radiologic studies (ten1poral bone CT scans­ injury before granulation tissue forn1ation and scarring have
fine-cut, axial, and coronal planes, bone v,rindow) assist in the occurred as these can con1plicate repair of the nerve.22 Only in
deter111ination of the site of the injury, which may involve mul­ cases of con1plete facial paralysis associated with an obvious fal­
tiple segn1ents; unfortunately, in1aging 1uay not always be able lopian canal fracture and nerve transection clearly evident on
to pinpoint the area of injury. CT n1ight one proceed \Vith surgical intervention without first
Animal experin1ents have shown that traumatic injuries perfor1ning electrophysiological testing.
requiring surgical repair exhibit 90°/o or greater neural degen­ In n1any cases of facial nerve injury associated with blunt
eration within l week after the onset of the injury. In addition, ten1poral bone traun1a, the paralysis n1ay not be discovered or
the tin1ing of the onset of the paralysis gives a clue as to the confir1ned for a nu1nber of days given the high incidence of
niechanisn1 of injury; delayed paralysis most likely reflects nerve brain or other injuries that n1ay have required the patient to be
eden1a from the traun1a (or viral reactivation), whereas in1me­ intubated and sedated after the traun1a. In these cases or in cases
diate paralysis suggests nerve disruption or a severe con1pres­ of delayed facial paralysis after blunt ten1poral bone traun1a,
sion injury, such as a bone fragn1ent.22 Tn son1e cases, it niay be electrodiagnostic testing can help guide decision-n1aking
difficult to establish whether the onset of paralysis was in1n1e­ regarding the need for surgical intervention. Many surgeons
diate since the patient may be unconscious on arrival to the employ sin1ilar testing criteria used for surgical candidacy in
hospital. Electrodiagnostic testing, however, can be performed cases of Bell's palsy as a guideline for operative intervention in
on an unconscious patient when suspicion of a traun1atic facial these cases.22•88-90 Surgical decon1pression of all nerve segn1ents
paralysis exists after waiting for a period of 72 h to allow for affected by the ten1poral bone fracture should be perforn1ed
Wallerian degeneration to occur, prior to electroneurography. using the 111iddle fossa, transn1astoid, or translabyrinthine (in
Occasionally, bilateral paralysis is not noted because of an cases where no serviceable hearing remains) routes as appropri­
absence of asymn1etry.7 ate. In cases where no radiologically identifiable affected nerve
Ten1poral bone fractures are classified as either longitudinal segn1ent can be found, surgery should ai111 to deco111press the
(along the long axis of the petrous pyran1id), transverse (at right labyrinthine segn1ent of the nerve at a with consid­
angles to the petrous pyramid), or mi.xed/co.mplex/oblique. eration given to total facial nerve decompression.22
Traun1a to the ten1poral and parietal regions of the skull tends Iatrogenic injury to the facial nerve may occur even in the
to produce longitudinal fractures, which niake up the majority hands of the inost qualified otologic surgeon and can occur in
(90o/o) of temporal bone fractures. These fractures cause con­ the absence of direct traun1a. For exan1ple, thermal facial nerve
ductive hearing loss by traversing the tympanic membrane and dan1age n1ay occur due to a diamond burr when inadequate
the tympanic cavity and by causing a hemotyn1panun1. Facial irrigation has been used during drilling. Sin1ilarly, ren1oval
paralysis occurs in 20 to 25% of longitudinal fractures, usually of disease (cholesteaton1a, tun1or, granulation tissue) adjacent
in the perigeniculate region, where a shearing force can disrupt to the facial nerve can alter the vascular supply of the nerve
the nerve, penetrate the nerve sheath, or stretch the nerve.22 and result in ischen1ia with ten1porary paralysis.7 In iniddle ear
Occipital traun1a causes transverse fractures, which make surgery, the n1ost co1n1non site of injury is the ty1npanic seg-
up less than lO'Yo of ten1poral bone fractures. Transverse frac­ 1nent due to the high incidence of fallopian canal dehiscence
tures nianitest with sensorineural hearing loss and vestibular in that region. During mastoid surgery, the facial nerve is nlost
dysfunction owing to involven1ent of the otic capsule or the co1n1nonly injured at the second ge11u. There are several fac­
TAC. Although less common than longitudinal fractures, they tors that contribute to iatrogenic facial nerve injury. The injury
are niore likely to cause facial nerve dan1age, occurring in up inay result fron1 a lack of technical skill or inadequate anaton1ic
to 50'Vo of fractures.22 Tn transverse fractures, the facial nerve is knowledge.• In son1e cases, the injury inay occur as a result of
usually injured at its labyrinthine segment. congenital inalformation, such as dehiscence or duplication. In
In general, traun1atic injury to the facial nerve often requires addition, scarring fro111 previous surgery or erosion of the fallo­
exploration and nerve repair. As \¥ill be discussed later in this pian canal ,.,,ith exposure of the nerve due to the disease process
chapter, grafts are used frequently in nerve repair, although (eg, cholesteato1na) nlay render the nerve nlore vulnerable to
grafting in a traumatized ten1poral bone 1uay be difficult. The inadvertent injury.6
surgical approach is determined by the portion of the facial Managen1ent of iatrogenic facial nerve paralysis relies on
nerve affected and the amount of residual hearing. Potential an honest evaluation on the part of the surgeon, as to the status
surgical routes include the translabyrinthine, transcanal, trans­ of the facial nerve during the procedure. If the patient awak­
n1astoid, or middle fossa approaches (which n1ay be used sin­ ens with an unanticipated facial paralysis after i11iddle ear or
gly or in con1bination).80 In cases of in1n1ediate facial paralysis nlastoid surgery, urgent attention is mandatory. Often the paral­
associated with extraten1poral facial nerve trauma (laceration), ysis is caused by the persistent effects of the local a11esthetic,
repair should be perf-or111ed v,rithin 72 h of an injury, allO\.Ying and the patient should recover co1npletely within a few hours.
identification of distal segn1ents electrically before Wallerian The nlastoid dressing and canal packing, if present, should

be removed or loosened during this period of observation in Facial paresis or paralysis occurring in a delayed fash­
case excessive pressure is present and in1pinging on an exposed ion after otologic and neurotologic procedures (delayed facial
nerve. If the paralysis persists beyond a few hours, one n1ust paralysis) is a well-described phenon1enon likely due to viral
decide whether the nerve may have been injured. Tf the surgeon reactivation within the geniculate ganglion as a result of surgical
has any suspicion of an intraoperative injury and the paralysis nlanipulation. A nun1ber of studies have described delayed facial
persists beyond a few hours, exploration should be perforn1ed. If paralysis after ty1npanon1astoid, stapes, cochlear i1nplant, ves­
the surgeon identified the nerve during surgery and is sure that tibular nerve section, and acoustic neuron1a procedures (refs).
the nerve is intact, the paralysis probably represents dysfunction Delayed facial paralysis occurs inost com1nonly after surgery for
caused by edema. Managen1ent includes corticosteroid treat­ acoustic neuro1na (2.2-29% of cases)91-102 but has been described
n1ent, electrodiagnostic testing, and serial clinical exan1ina­ after vestibular neu recton1y(0-18%),103-105 stapedecton1y/stape­
tions. Son1e surgeons recomn1end observation and serial ENOG dotomy (0.5-1 o/o),10•-108 endoly1nphatic sac procedures (1%),108
testing starting at postoperative day 3. If >90°/o degeneration is cochlear in1plantation (0.4-0.7%),108· 109 and ty1npanon1astoid
found on ENOG on day 3, then exploration is perforn1ed. lf on surgery (0.38-l.4%).110-u2 Delayed facial paralysis typically
exploration it is found that injury disrupted niore than 50'Yo of occurs bet,veen the third and twelfth postoperative day but can
the nerve dian1eter, the injured portion is resected and either present after an interval of several weeks.102·109'113 A nu1nber of
end-to-end anaston1osis or interposition grafting is performed. studies based on serologic investigations102•105-107•114 as ,..,.en as ani-
Similarly, if facial nerve disruption is noted during surgery, it 1nal experi1nental data50•115 suggest that delayed facial paralysis
should be repaired immediately through end-to-end anaston10- occurs due to reactivation of latent herpes virus particles within
sis or an interposition graft (ie, intraoperatively) if more than the facial nerve as a result of ther1nal or inechanical nlanipula­
50o/o of the nerve was transected.5 Jn cases where less than 50°/o tions near the nerve during surgery. The inajority of patients who
of the nerve was transected during surgery, no direct repair experience delayed facial paralysis can be expected to return to
should be undertaken; however, the fallopian canal should be nor1nal or near-nor1nal function (HB l-Il)97•99• 101-105,109•112 after a
decompressed for one centin1eter proximal and distal to the site period of one to two 1nonths, though slow recovery of func­
of injury to accon1n1odate the neural eden1a that will occur as tion inay occur in son1e patients. Son1e authors have advocated
the area heals. In all cases of iatrogenic facial nerve injury, it is the use of antivirals in the prevention and treatn1ent of delayed
prudent to consul.t \vith a colleague experienced in ear surgery facial paralysis after neurotologic procedures,'°2'105 though
to assist with evaluation, decision-making and n1anagen1ent. prospective controlled trials will be needed to deter1nine the
All surgery involving, or near to, the facial nerve has the efficacy of medical therapy given the high rate of spontaneous
potential to injure the nerve. Thus, intraoperative neurophysio­ recovery.99'101 Prophylactic surgical decon1pression of the fallo­
logic nionitoring (Elv1G) plays an important role in the preven­ pian canal at the labyrinthine seg1nent during translabyrinthine
tion of facial nerve injury in otologic and neurotologic surgery. and 1niddle fossa acoustic neuron1a surgery has been demon­
Available nionitors have both visual and auditory real-time strated in one study to result in a better recovery profile versus
feedback for use by the operating teani.91 Because electrical tu1nor re1noval without bony decompression, though no differ­
nionitoring is transiently disabled when electrocautery is being ence in the incidence of delayed facial paralysis '""as noted.100
used, surgical draping with a clear plastic drape such that half
of the face is visible will allow the surgical nurse to monitor TUMORS INVOLVING THE
facial nioven1ent as an adjunct to neurophysiological nionitor­ FACIAL NERVE
ing. During neurotologic/skull base surgical procedures (eg,
ren1ova.l of CPA tumors such as vestibular schwannomas), the Both benign and n1alignant tu1nors can affect the facial

facial nerve can be injured easily, especially if the tumor is large nerve-in the intracranial cavity, '""ithin the ten1poral bone,

or adheres to the nerve. Although neurophysiologic nionitor­ and in the parotid gland. Approxin1ately 5% of facial nerve

ing is the "standard of care" in skull base surgery, studies have dysfunction is caused by the presence of a tun1or.7 One niust

sho\vn that facial nerve monitoring can aid in the surgical deci­ differentiate intrinsic fro1n extrinsic facial nerve tun1ors (eg,

sion-making process and help avert potential injury to the nerve a prin1ary facial nerve tu1nor versus tu1nor contiguous to the

in tyn1panon1astoid surgery as well.92•93 Although n1onitoring is facial nerve or inetastatic disease). Extrinsic tu111or involven1ent

no substitute for experience gained in the temporal bone labo­ is nluch nlore con1111on than intrinsic as nwnerous benign and

ratory or operating roon1, it is a valuab.le tool that can be useful inalignant neoplasn1s occur in and around the ten1poral bone.

to surgeons at all levels. ?vfonitoring niay help in identili.cation Within the ten1poral bone itself, skull base neoplasn1s and

and localization of the facial nerve, guide in safer dissection inetastasis fro1n breast and lung cancer are co1nn1on neoplasms

and drilling, and minimize nerve irritation fron1 direct traun1a causing facial paralysis in adults, whereas he1natologic nlalig­

and traction.91•94 Monitoring is also useful in locating the site of nancies (leul,e1nia, lyinpho1na) are the inost co1nn1on etiologies

nerve conduction block in acute facial paralysis as the block is in children.21 :tv1anage1nent of all of these lesions is beyond the

located between the area that responds and the area that does scope of this chapter, as is a con1plete listing; however, son1e

not respond to electrical stimulation.92 Electrical stimulation at of the 1nore co1nn1on tu1nors are facial schwanno1nas, congen­

the end of the procedure can be used to confirn1 the integrity ital cholesteato1nas, hen1angion1as, glon1us tu1nors, vestibular

of the nerve.91 Research has shown that intraoperative electro­ schwanno1nas, squan1ous cell carcino111a, and parotid gland

physiologic n1easures of the CMAP correlate with postoperative neoplasn1s. 1'his chapter focuses on lesions of the facial nerve

facial function after vestibular schwannon1a resection.95•96 proxi111al to the stylon1astoid fora1nen.

The n1ost common sign of tun1or involvement is a slowly function. Surgical deco1npression is an option for patients '"'ith
progressive facial paralysis. A facial palsy progressive beyond IiB grade II to III facial function. Resection and grafting are
3 weeks since onset and \vith no return of function by 6 111onths recommended for grade IV or worse, in agreement with other
is considered to be caused by tumor until proven otherwise.7 authors reco1nmendations.1 19•12° Conservative n1anagen1ent with
Benign tun1ors con1press the facial nerve, whereas malignant either observation or decon1pression is often an appropriate
lesions invade the nerve. Thus, it is so1netin1es possible to dis­ option since the best facial nerve function result after resection
sect a benign tumor fron1 the nerve \vithout dan1aging the nerve. and grafting is an RFNRS grade C, owing to the presence of
However, with 1naJignant neoplas1ns, the nerve is resected \vith inass n1otion. Nonetheless, treatn1ent is individualized; a patient
the tumor. with brainste1n compression fron1 a facial neuron1a but with HB
Early diagnosis of facial palsy caused by tumor relies on grade I function would still undergo resection with grafting.
a high index of suspicion. In addition to a slowly progres­ The 1nost co1n1non 1nalignant tun1or involving the facial
sive paralysis, several other clinical features should heighten nerve is squan1ous cell carcinon1a of the head and neck. The
suspicion of a tu1nor involving the facial nerve. Twitching of tun1or 1nay be a pri1nary tun1or of the ten1poral bone (squamous
the facial nerve in association \"/ith palsy is not seen in Bell's cell carcinon1a of the auricle), an extension fro1n a regional
paJsy. In addition, recurrent palsy niay reflect the presence of tu1nor (squan1ous cell carcinon1a of the skin), or a inetastatic
a tumor. Pain, although seen in Bell's palsy or Ra1nsay Hunt lesion (eg, fron1 the oral cavity, nasopharynx, etc). Basal cell
syndrome, can also be seen \.vith tun1ors involving the facial carcinoma is a locally invasive lesion that usually occurs on the
nerve. Involvement of other cranial nerves in addition to the auricle and, if left untreated, can involve the facial nerve. Other
facial nerve is also suggestive of a neopJasm.7 Evaluation for a inalignant neoplasn1s include sarcon1as, 1nelano1nas, and ade­
neoplastic etiology causing facial paJsy includes both CT and noid cystic carcinon1as of the parotid gland, which have a sig­
M.RI scanning. nificant propensity for neural invasion.
Vestibular schwannon1as are benign tumors and are the
111ost con1n1on lesions of the I AC and CPA. Facial paralysis is an
unusual nianifestation of these tun1ors and generally signifies
an advanced stage of tumor growth. Vestibular schwannon1as Many infections can cause facial paralysis, such as 1nu1nps,
rarely invade the facial nerve, which generally appears to tol­ nlononucleosis, and poliomyelitis.6 Besides Bell's palsy, the n1ost
erate the gradual compression seen with these tumors with­ con1n1on infectious causes of facial nerve paralysis are acute oti­
out clinically evident dysfunction. The presence of nerve tis 1nedia (so1neti1nes con1plicated by n1astoiditis), chronic otitis
symptoms in a patient with a CPA or IAC n1ass should raise inedia ('vith or without cholesteaton1a), Ly1ne disease, necrotiz­
suspicion for a facial nerve tun1or and the patient should be ing otitis externa, and herpes-zoster oticus.
appropriately counseled regarding the intraoperative decision- Facial paralysis as a con1plication of o titis inedia has
111aking that might be encountered if this proves to indeed be becon1e rare owing to ready access to n1edical care and antibiot­
the case. Jn addition, it is possible for a patient with a vestibuJar ics.6 Hospital adn1ission '"'ith close observation and institution
schwannon1a to have a concomitant Bell's palsy as the true eti­ of syste1nic antibiotics (initially intravenous followed by oral)
ology of facial nerve dysfunction. Facial nerve dysfunction niay are necessary to bring the infection under control. A n1yringo­
also occur due to local vascular con1promise116 due to tu111or ton1y with tyn1panoston1y tube placen1ent is required to allow
enlargen1ent in the IA.C. for drainage and to prevent the develop1nent of further co1n­
Nerve sheath and vascular neoplasms make up the great­ plications, such as a n1astoiditis or intracranial spread. Fluid is
est percentage of intrinsic facial nerve tun1ors (although they obtained tor Gran1 stain, culture, and pathology (if so desired).
are reJatively rare as a group). These tumors, including tacial Antibiotic selection is then tailored to culture results. Systen1ic
schwannomas (neuron1as), meningiomas, hemangiomas, and corticosteroids are probably helpful, and their use is based on the
glon1us tuniors,21 niay present with facial \"/eakness relatively pren1ise that at least so1ne of the dysfunction is caused by eden1a.
early in their course.116 In general, tacial nerve sch>vanno- In son1e cases, the paralysis is due to a congenital dehiscence of
111as are unco.n1mon, slow-growing neoplasn1s that arise from the fallopian canal, a finding present in SSo/o of norn1al te1npo­
the nerve sheath anywhere from the CPA to the peripheral ral bones.12 A CT scan is perfor1ued to detern1ine \vhether there
branches of the facial nerve.117 Most nerve schwannomas is an associated coalescent n1astoiditis, in '"'hich case, a n1as­
are intratemporal and niost often involve the labyrinthine or toidecton1y is required. Fortunately, in nlost instances, recovery
geniculate segments.117·118 A recent retrospective review dem­ of facial nerve function is con1plete when paresis or paralysis
onstrated that facial nerve schwannon1as were more likely to occurs in the setting of acute otitis n1edia. Electrodiagnostic
involve multiple segn1ents than a single seg111ent.118 Managen1ent testing should be perfor1ned to docu1nent the degree of neu­
decisions are based on the patient's desires, age, degree of faciaJ ral injury in cases of con1plete facial paralysis. If greater than
function, tun1or location, and hearing status.5 The goal in the 90°/o neural degeneration occurs '"'ithin 2 weeks, the inastoid
nianagen1ent of these tu111ors is to 111axin1ize long-tern1 tacial and tympanic segn1ents are deco1npressed. Decon1pression in
nerve function while minin1izing morbidity. At most centers, the face of acute intcction is extre1nely difficult and should be
nianagen1ent typically entails tun1or resection with grafting. perfor1ued only by very experienced surgeons.
However, at our institution, a review of 21 patients with pri­ Facial paralysis complicating chronic otitis inedia with or
n1ary/intrinsic facial nerve tun1ors showed that observation without cholesteatoma is rare, even if the disease destroys the
is possible, especiaJiy for patients with HB grade I or TI tacial fallopian canal and con1presses the facial nerve. Occasionally,

granulation tissue can cause irritation of the nerve, edema, and palsy and represents reactivation of the virus in the geniculate
dysfunction. Treatn1ent is surgical; topical or systemic antibi­ ganglion. Varicella-zoster virus-infected patients may have a
otics are used as adjunctive niodalities to control otorrhea and viral prodron1e followed by severe otalgia. Vesicles appear in
bacterial superinfection. As with acute otitis n1edia, other com­ the ear canal and on the auricle within 3 to 5 days of the onset
plications of chronic otitis media include hearing loss, vestibu­ of the paralysis. Patients may also develop sensorineural hearing
lar dysfunction, and intracranial sequelae. A recent study found loss and vestibular dysfunction. The facial paralysis is usually
that 801.!«> of patients who had developed facial nerve dysfunc­ rapidly progressive and other cranial nerves, including \! and IX
tion in the setting of a cholesteatoma had inco.mplete recovery through XII, can be involved. Polymerase chain reaction assays
after treatn1ent of the underlying disease.12i have been used for the early diagnosis of VZV infection and to
lyn1e disease is caused by a spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi differentiate it fron1 Bell's palsy.127 Varicella-zoster virus infec­
and has been reported in 1nanyparts of the \¥Odd. Infection by tions without skin lesions (zoster sine herpete) can occur and
this spirochete can cause a n1yriad of systemic con1plications can be inistaken for Bell's palsy.
and disorders. However, the most con1n1on neurologic niani­ Unfortunately, in nearly half of the cases, Ra1nsay Hunt
festation of this disease is facial nerve paralysis. A recent pop­ syndro1ne leaves the patient with significant residual facial nerve
ulation-based study in Scandinavia found that 65°Ai of cases of dysfunction. Ho\¥ever, early treatn1ent with steroid and antivi­
pediatric facial nerve paralysis \"/ere due toLyme disease and ral inedication has reduced the long-tern1 sequelae. The co1n­
lyn1phocytic 1neningitis was found on CSF analysis in the vase bination of antiviral with corticosteroid treatlnent, has been
niajority of the cases.tu One study showed that patients suffer­ shown to be n1ore effective than corticosteroids alone.77,121-130
ing fromLyn1e disease \.vho presented with facial palsy had lon­ Sil1ce the active phase of Ramsay Hunt syndron1e persists for
ger-lived neurologic syn1pto1ns than other patients withLyme a longer period of tin1e than that of Bell's palsy, the duration
disease, especially if antibiotic treatn1ent was delayed.123 Most, of corticosteroid and antiviral is longer than for Bell's palsy
if not all, patients who develop facial nerve palsy due toLyme (3 \.veeks versus 2 weeks). Bacterial superinfection of the ves­
disease will have constitutional or other neurological syn1ptoms icles n1ay occur and should be treated \.vith oral antibiotics.21
on presentation.124 Serologic diagnosis, possibly supplen1ented Due to "skip" regions and diffuse neuritis of the facial nerve,
by a lumbar puncture and CSF analysis should be considered in surgical decon1pression is not recomn1ended in Ra1nsay Hunt
cases of peripheral facial palsy when other findings suggestive syndro1ne.
oflyn1e borreliosis (1neningeal irritation, bilateral facial paraly­
sis, recent tick bite, erythen1a 1nigrans) are present.125 Antibiotic
therapy (doxycycline, amoxicillin, cefuroxime) is typically rec­
omn1ended as t reatment.126 though son1e groups have not found Although facial nerve abnor1nalities in children include con­
antibiotic treatn1ent to significantly i111prove facial nerve out­ genital and acquired pathologies, the principles of inanage­
con1es in the setting ofLyn1e disease.t25 An infectious disease n1ent are essentially the san1e as those for adults;6 however, an
consultation is recon1mended in view of the potential of this identifiable clinical or radiologic cause can be identified in a
spirochete to cause widespread systemic damage.• inuch higher proportion of children than adults (72°/o versus
Necrotizing otitis externa (NOE) classically occurs in 20o/o respectively).131.132 The incidence of neonatal facial palsy is
elderly patients \"lith poorly controlled diabetes 111ellitus or in approxin1ately 1 to 2 per 1,000 deliveries, inost of which (80%)
patients who are immunosuppressed (eg, hun1an in1111unode­ are related to birth trau1na. Forceps delivery or cephalopelvic
ficiency virus). Necrotizing otitis externa begins in the EAC disproportion can injure the nerve in its vertical seginent or as
and, if left untreated, progresses to involve the ten1poral bone it exits the stylo1nastoid foran1en; the lack of develop1nent of
(causing facial paralysis) and skull base, eventually involving the n1astoid tip predisposes the facial nerve to injury during
the lower cranial nerves and intracranial cavity. If not dealt with delivery and during inastoid surgery in neonates and infants.6
quickly and effectively, NOE can be fatal. Tt is 111ost con1n1only The facial paralysis is usually unilateral and partial. Other fac­
caused by Pseudo1nonas aeruginosa but niay be caused by other tors associated \"lith acquired facial paralysis in children include
bacteria and fungi as well. Diagnosis includes radiologic i mag­ birth weight exceeding 3.5 kg, intracranial he1norrhage, intra­
ing (CT and lvfRJ as the situation dictates) and nuclear in1aging uterine traun1a, prin1iparity, prolonged second stage of labor,
studies (galliu1n and technetiun1 bone scans). Dry ear precau­ and 1naternal exposure to teratogens (eg, thalidoinide).133 Signs
tions, EAC debriden1ent, topical antibiotics, and long-term of traun1atic paralysis include periauricular ecchy1nosis and
intravenous antibiotics are used in treatn1ent. Antibiotics are he1notyn1panun1. Bell's palsy is a con1n1on cause of facial palsy
continued until the gallium scans show no evidence of infec­ in children, as in adults; however, the spontaneous recovery rate
tion. For those cases that fail to improve \"lith n1edical therapy, for children is higher than for adults. Most of the acquired facial
hyperbaric oxygen therapy has shown pron1ise. S urgery (radical palsies (90°/o) recover without treatnient.6•134
debridement of the temporal bone and skull base) is used only In the newborn, the differentiation of acquired versus con­
in recalcitrant cases and is performed in an atten1pt to save the genital facial paralysis inust be niade. Congenital facial paralysis
patient's life. has a poor prognosis and does not require urgent treatn1ent. The
Herpes-zoster oticus (Ran1say Hunt syndro1ne) underlies evaluation and n1anagement of the palsy include physical exa111-
approxi1nately 3 to J.2<Vo of facial paralyses in adults and So/o in ination for other anon1alies or neurologic dysfunction, ENOG,
children.6 Ran1say Hunt syndro1ne, the second most comn1on EMG, and radiologic i1naging. Electroneurography should be
cause of facial paralysis, has a 111uch poorer prognosis than Bell's perfor1ned within the first 48 h of life. If the distal nerve can

be stin1ulated, the paralysis is n10St likely caused by traun1a; Proper instrun1entation is critical to the conduct of a suc­
recovery of function is highly likely. One etiology of congenital cessful procedure. An operating n1icroscope offers unparalleled
paralysis is IYlobius' syndrome, which can be unilateral or bilat­ visualization. \i\l'hen \-vorking in the in1n1ediate vicinity of deli­
eral and involves cranial nerves VI and VII. Mobius' syndron1e cate structures such as the facial nerve, the largest diamond bur
probably stems fro1n nuclear agenesis.6 Other congenital disor­ that the operative site can safely accon1n1odate is used. Copious
ders associated with facial nerve palsy are hen1ifacial microson1ia irrigation clears the operative area of debris and dissipates
and its variant, Goldenhar's syndro1ne (oculoauriculovertebral friction-induced heat, which can induce ten1porary and per­
dysplasia). Additional congenital syndro.mes, especially those n1anent facial palsy. Although dian1ond burs are generally safer
involving first and second branchial arcb abnorn1alities, can be than cutting burs near the facial nerve (especially for surgeons
associated with facial palsy. Miscellaneous causes of facial palsy in training), diamond burs generate n1ore heat. t3s The final egg­
include bony dysplasia (osteopetrosis: Albers-Schonberg dis­ shell layer of bone overlying the nerve is ren1oved with a blunt
ease) and Melkersson-Rosenthal syndron1e (idiopathic recur­ elevator to prevent direct, bur-induced dan1age to the nerve." If
rent facial palsy associated with fissured tongue and recurrent neurolysis (incision of the sheath) is planned, disposable inicro­
facial/labial ede111a).133 blades are used. Cauterization near the nerve is done sparingly
Facial nerve function that fails to recover after birth, a (if at all) with bipolar electrocautery at a low current level.
fan1ily history of craniofacial abnormality, other abnormali­ Regardless of what n1ust be done to the facial nerve, the
ties (especially neurologic), bilateral palsy, absence of electrica.l basic exposure in the te1nporal bone involves opening the fallo­
response, and a silent EMG are all consistent with congenital pian canal \-vithout disruption of nearby neurovascular, intra­
paralysis. A muscle biopsy n1ay be indicated to detern1ine prog­ cranial, or inner ear structures. Depending on the site of the
nosis and 1nanagement lesion and preoperative hearing, the nerve n1ay be exposed via
the MCF, translabyrinthine, and/or transn1astoid approaches.
For the MCF approach, the patient lies supine with the
involved ear facing the ceiling. The surgeon sits at the head
The entire length of the facial nerve, fron1 the brainstem to the of the operating table while the anesthesiologist is at the foot.
parotid segn1ents, is an1enable to surgical intervention. '.\Then Prior to induction, antithro1nboen1bolic stockings and pneu-
discussing anticipated results with the patient prior to surgery, 1natic con1pression devices are placed on the legs to 111ini1nize
it is extremely important that the patient have realistic expecta­ the occurrence of deep venous thro1nbosis or puh11onary e1nbo­
tions. Unfortunately, the restoration of normal facial n1otion (in lis1n. Facial nerve and auditory brainste1n n1onitoring leads are
particular, involuntary n1oven1ent) is beyond the capabilities of applied. The anesthesiologist is not allowed to use long-acting
111odern techniques. The restoration of a dynamic sn1ile with paralytic agents. An arterial line, temperature probe, and uri­
symmetry at rest is an achievable goal;22 however, such a suc­ nary catheter are placed. The patient is given a dose of prophy­
cessful outcon1e den1ands that the surgeon have detailed kno>vl­ lactic antibiotics and corticosteroids. The end-tidal carbon
edge of the three-din1ensiona.l anaton1y of the temporal bone,6 dioxide level is dropped to approxin1ately 25 mn1 Hg by hyper­
v,rhich requires many hours of practice in the te1nporal bone ventilation. The side of the head is shaved and the proposed
dissection laboratory. incision site is infiltrated \-vith local anesthetic with epineph­
There are two general surgical n1ethods for rehabilitating rine. The operative site is prepared and draped.
a paralyzed face, dyna1nic and static.7 Facial reanin1ation has A posteriorly based skin flap 111easuring approxin1ately
the best outcome >vhen facial nerve integrity can be re-estab­ 6 x 8 c1n i s created within the hairline above the ear
lished and directed by the facial nucleus. Even \-vhen this can be (Figure 36-6). This flap can be extended into the postauricular
accon1plisbed, the wide range of possible results must be clearly area if a transrnastoid approach is also needed. The incision is
explained to the patient. The choice of procedure depends on carried down to the level of the ten1poralis fascia, a large piece of
the circumstances of each individual case. Dynamic rehabili­ which is harvested for later use to cover the MCF floor. An ante­
tation may involve n1uJtiple procedures, pertormed singly or in riorly based ten1poralis 111uscle flap is elevated fro1n the outer
combination: surgical exposure of the nerve with decon1pres­ cortex of the skull. Care is taken to prevent injury to the frontal
sion, grafting, end-to-end anastomosis, and nerve or neuron1us­ branch of the facial nerve, which lies on the undersurface of the
cular transfers. superficial ten1poralis (ten1poroparietal) fascia. At this tin1e, the
Facial nerve electrophysiologic monitoring and visual patient is given 250 cc of20% rnannitol over 30 111in to induce a
n1onitoring (through a clear drape by tbe scrub nurse) are used diuresis, reducing intracranial pressure and facilitating retrac­
intraoperatively. The i1nportance of visual observation-\-vith visu­ tion of the te1nporal lobe. A 4 x S-cn1 cranioton1y, located above
alization of the entire profile, including the torehead, eye, n1outh, the zygo1natic root and positioned \-vith two-thirds of its width
and chin-cannot be overe1nphasized and serves as a back-up to anterior to the external auditory 111eatus, is created with a cut­
intraoperative EMG. Due to the electrical feedback or the muting ting and dia1nond burrs, which allows visualization of dura at
function that occurs with use of electrocautery on intraoperative all tin1es and ininin1izes the risk of a dural tear, as can n1ore
ElvfG devices, it is possible that potentially dan1aging facial nerve easily happen with a cranioto1ne. The bone flap is dissected
stimulation can be undetected by the monitor and n1ay only be fro1n the te1nporal lobe dura; care is taken to protect the middle
reliably detected by the scrub nurse's visual faciaJ n1onitoring. To ineningeal artery that is so1neti1nes encased within the bone.
facilitate visual observation, the endotracheal tube is taped to the Dura is elevated from the MCF floor in a posterior to anterior
side of the nlouth opposite the surgical procedure.43 and a lateral to 1nedial direction. Posteromedially, the petrous

retractor blade tip is carefully placed at the medial margin of

the petrous ridge. The superior se1nicircular canal (SSC) is
identified by slowly retnoving bone over the arcu.ate en1inence;
identifying the yellow-white dense bone of the otic capsule is
helpful. If the arcu.ate en1inence is not evident, n1astoid air cells
are opened posteriorly. Drilling progressively anteriorly reveals
the dense otic capsule bone. The otic capsule is slowly rernoved
to "blue line" the SSC. Otic capsule drilling should be done in
the direction of the SSC, which is perpendicular to the petrous
ridge. Locating the SSC allows identification of the rest of the
vital structures of the temporal bone: the IAC, cochlea, GG, and
tympanic cavity. A preoperative Stenver's view helps to deter­
mine the depth of the SSC from the MCF floor. 6
The IAC is located by ren1oving bone at a 45- to 60-degree
angle antero1nedial to the SSC (Figure 36-8) and is followed
laterally to the nieatal foran1en and labyrinthine segn1ent of the
facial nerve. The labyrinthine seg1nent and GSPN are used to
locate the GG. The thin bone of the tegn1en ty1npani is re1noved
to expose the ossicles lying in the attic. The facial nerve is fol­
lov•ed laterally fron1 the GG into the iniddle ear as far as its ty1n­
A panic segn1ent at the cochleariform. process. The MCF approach
is the only route that can gain the necessary exposure of the
labyrinthine segment, IAC, and CPA while preserving hear­
ing. At the san1e til11e, the lv!CF approach affords access to the
tyn1panic seg1nent. The MCF approach can be used in con1bi­
nation with the transn1astoid approach for access to the entire
FIGURE 36-6 • The incisions used in the skin and muscle for the
intraten1poral course of the facial nerve; it can be used for facial
middle cranial fossa approach. A, Posteriorly based skin flap.
nerve deco1npression in longitudinal fractures of the ten1poral
8, Anteriorly based temporalis muscle flap. C, Bone flap.
bone and in Bell's palsy, the re1noval of vestibular schwanno1nas
ridge is identified. The ridge is the medial limit of dissection as that do not in1pinge on the brainste1n, and the ren1oval of facial
the dura is elevated anteriorly to the foramen spinosum, which nerve tu111ors lin1ited to the areas listed above.
is traversed by the middle meningeal artery. The microscope is Once the surgical procedure is co1npleted, the IAC defect is
then brought in to view the surgical field. The greater superficial covered with a ten1poralis 111uscle plug; a bone chip can be used
petrosal nerve is identified. Any open air cells are occluded with to cover any large MCF floor defects to prevent postoperative
bone v.1ax to prevent a postoperative CSF leak. dural herniation or encephalocele. Care is taken to apply bone
The House-Urban retractor is placed to maintain extra­ \.Yax to air cells in the petrous apex prior to closure to help pre­
dural retraction of the te1nporal lobe (Figure 36-7). The vent postoperative CSF leakage. The retractor is ren1oved and


- FIGURE 36-7 • Placement of the

House-Urban retractor to view the middle
cranial fossa floor. A, Petrous ridge.
8, Arculate eminence.

FIGURE 36-8 • View of the middle cranial

a. 90° fossa floor and the relationships between
b. 60° the superior semicircular canal, internal
auditory canal, cochlea, and middle ear.
A, Relationship between superior
semicircular canal and petrous ridge.
B, Relationship between superior semicircle
canal and internal auditory canal.

ten1poralis fascia is placed on the MCF floor. Hyperventilation and head of the malleus n1ust be removed to obtain adequate
is stopped. The bone flap is replaced and the wound is closed exposure, and ossicular reconstruction with a partial ossicular
in layers. A bul ky niastoid dressing is applied. The patient is reconstruction prosthesis decreases the resulting conductive
n1onitored in the intensive care unit overnight with hourly neu­ hearin g loss. Once the exposure has been con1pleted, the egg­
rologic checks and is transferred to a routine surgical ward the shell bone over the facial nerve is gently ren1oved and the sheath
following day. Antibiotics and corticosteroids are adn1inistered can be opened.
for 48 h postoperatively. In addition, the patient is kept on fluid The translabyrinthine approach begins with the trans1nas­
restrictions for 24 h postoperatively to 111inimize the risk of toid exposure described above but additionally incorporates a
postoperative ten1poral lobe edema. The patient is checked for labyrinthecton1y to access the IAC, labyrinthine seg1nent, and
CSF leakage on postoperative day two. Tf CSF leakage occurs, GG. This approach can also allow co1nplete nJobilization of the
a lun1bar drain is placed and the patient is kept in bed with facial nerve fro1n the brainsten1 to the stylomastoid foran1en.
their head elevated tor 5 days. If the CSF leak still continues, the
v•ound is re-explored to locate the site of the leak.
Patients are encouraged to an1bulate early in the postop­
erative period to 1ninin1ize the risk of a pneun1onia or deep He1nifacial spasm can be debilitating and inakes it difticult for
vein thron1bosis/puln1onary en1bolis1n. Patients are discharged the patient to eat, talk, and interact socially. Usually, the entire
home when they are stable, an1bulating '"'ell, tolerating oral face is affected by spas1ns and contractures. Hemifacial spas111
intake, and without evidence of CSF leak. The length of stay in is distinct fro1n si1nple blepharospas1n or neurologic disor­
the hospita! averages 3 days postoperatively. ders such as the inyoky111ia of inultiple sclerosis.7 So1ne cases
To approach the facial nerve via the translabyrinthine or of he111ifacial spas1n are caused by a loop of AICA or another
transinastoid approach, the initial setup of the patient and the artery or vein pressing 011 the facial nerve; treat111ent involves
operating roon1 is basically the same. However, a routine pos­ placing a Teflon® sponge benveen the offending vessel and the
tauricular incision is niade in the hairline and a 2- to 3-cm­ nerve via the posterior fossa (retrosig1noid) approach. In other
'"'ide Palva flap is created. A self-retaining retractor holds the ear cases, the facial nerve spas1n reflects irritation by a CPA tun1or.
torward. A large cutting bur and continuous suction-irrigation 'fhus, evaluation includes a thorough neurotologic exa1nination
are initially used. A con1plete 1nastoidectomy is initially per­ and i1naging. At our institution, patients undergo Gd-.tv1RI with
torn1ed, \\1ith exposure of the niiddle and posterior fossa dural a constructive interference steady state (CISS) series to assess for
plates, sinodural angle, sign1oid sinus, digastric ridge, incus, and a CPA lesion or a vascular loop.
lateral semicircular canal. The landmarks tor the vertical seg­
n1ent of the facial nerve are the horizontal sen1icircular canal,
tossa incudis, chorda tyn1pani nerve, and the digastric ridge.
The facial recess (the region bounded by the facial and chorda Restoration of the continuity of the facial nerve by a prin1ary
tyn1pani nerves and the tossa incudis) is opened. This exposure neurorrhaphy is always preferred over nerve grafting if it can
gives access to the ty111panic segment of the nerve. A dian1ond be accon1plished without tension. Pri1nary neurorrhaphy and
bur is used to delineate the course of the nerve by leaving only nerve grafting alone can restore facial tone and voluntary n1ove­
an eggshell layer of bone (Figure 36-9). Occasionally, the incus n1ent but not involuntary en1otional expression. Pri1nary repair

\vhich nerve repair or grafting is abandoned in favor of other

A reconstructive nlethods is approxi1nately 18 to 24 n1onths.7
Electromyography helps detern1ine whether any nluscle func­
tion re1nains and thus provides infor1nation about the advisabil­
ity of dyna1nic versus static rehabilitation. Electroneurography
is of no use for assessing the degree of neural degeneration when
perforn1ed after three weeks fro1n the injury to the facial nerve
(See above).

Pink St reak
The surgical approach chosen is based on the site needing
of facial n. repair and whether heari11g is present. The interposed graft is
aligned \vith the severed ends of the facial nerve (Figure 36-10).
The anaston1osis is perforn1ed under the operating 1nicroscope
for the best results; atraumatic technique is required. When
available, a surgically exposed and enlarged fallopian canal
can help secure the anaston1osis. When anasto1nosis is per­
forn1ed between the labyrinthine and the tyn1panic segn1ents,
the GG is bypassed to shorten the gap (possibly pern1itting an
end-to-end anaston1osis) and to prevent nlisdirected gro\vth
of the regenerating nerve fibers along the GSPN. 136 It is best
to "freshen" the ends of both the nerve and graft by nlaking
an oblique (45 degrees) cut with a sharp knife, increasing the
surface area for the anastoinosis.32 Epineuriu1n is rcn1oved in
Digastric ridge the region of the anaston1osis to 1ninin1ize the forn1ation of
fibrous tissue. The nerve ends are secured with three sutures (in
a tripod arrangen1ent) of 8-0 to 10-0 n1onotilament suture (eg,
nylon or polypropylene) in the epineuriuin.22 Additional sutures
cause additional trau1na and connective tissue proliferation.136
In grafting the intracranial portion of the nerve (owing to the
absence of epineuriun1, as well as brain and CSF pulsation and
overall technical difficulty), only one to three sutures arc placed.
Sutureless anaston1osis, using tissue adhesive or even blood, has
been advocated.4•136 So1ne surgeons have proposed using colla­
gen tubules or splints, whereas others believe that they cause
additional fibrosis and negatively affect the final result. When
grafting is perfor1ned, the graft should be approximately 25o/o
longer than needed to allow for a tension-free anasto111osis (in a
lazy-S configuration). A silk suture can be used to 1neasure the
Facial n. gap between the nerve ends.4
A retrospective review has been perforn1ed of 27 patients
\vho under\vent facial nerve grafting associated \vith a neuroto­
logic procedure at our institution.32 Fourteen patients had grafts
at the brainste1n. Over 90% of patients had son1e facial function
by 8 1nonths follow-up. Patients who had grafts perfor1ned dis­
FIGURE 36-9 • A Diamond bur used to delineate course to facial

tal to the 1neatal foran1en seen1ed to have better function over­

nerve. 8, Eggshell pieces of bone taken off the facial nerve to allow
access to the nerve for grafting, rerouting, or decompression. all, although the difference was not statistically significant.
The effect that radiation has on the function of nerve grafts
or grafting can be performed on the intracranial, intraten1poral, is unknown. Son1e believe that radiotherapy is so detri1nental to
and extraten1poral portions of the facial nerve; however, there the outco1ne of facial nerve graft function that dyna1nic or static
are lin1itations, and perfect restitution of facial movement can­ sling procedures should be perforn1ed, instead of grafting, in
not be achieved. There are two main limitations: proliferation all patients who are to undergo postoperative radiation therapy.
of connective tissue at the anastomotic sites and nondirected However, the outco1ne achieved \Vith such sling procedures is
growth of regenerating fibers.136 usually inferior to nerve grafting. In a recent retrospective study
When a seg1nent of the facial nerve is disrupted (eg, by of patients who underwent nerve grafting followed by radiation
tumor or trautna), the best functional results are obtained with therapy to approxin1ately 6,000 cGy, no difference was noted in
cable grafting. Grafting is also reconunended if there is tension facial 11ervc function that could be attributed to the radiation
at the anastomotic site of a primary nerve repair. Immediate therapy. 13g In addition, the use of a nerve graft follo\ved by radi­
neurorrhaphy optimizes resuJts con1pared with delayed repair, ation therapy does not preclude the use of other reconstructive
a finding confirmed experimentally in pigs.137 The titne beyond techniques if the graft fails.

Petrous apex
Bony cochlear c apsule

Proximal end of facial n.

Neck of malleus

Nerve graf t

inc us

Distal end
of facial n.

FIGURE 36-10 •View of nerve graft as performed

via a transmastoid approach.

Two sensory nerves are used pri 1uarily in facial nerve graft­ goals of reanitnation include eye closure, oral competence,
ing: the greater auricular and the sural (Figure 36-l l). The tuuscle tone/facial sy1n1netry at rest, voluntary tnovement/
greater auricular nerve is used n1ost frequently. lt approxin1ates sy1umetry with ani1nation, minimal synkinesis, and involun­
the size of the facial nerve, is in the field of surgery, and provides tary (mitnetic) inove1nent. Although no technique is considered
a graft of up to l 2 c1u in length. The greater auricular nerve is ideal, neurorrhaphy or nerve grafting is thought to be the best
located by drawing a line perpendicular to a line drawn between currently available. Occasionally, however, neither is feasible
the rnastoid tip and the angle of the n1andible;" it lies immedi­ nor preferable ( eg, lack of proximal nerve for anastomosis). For
ately beneath the platysrna muscle, on the ster11ocleidon1astoid pri1uary repair or grafting to be successful, an intact periph­
niuscle. Extreme care is used in handling the graft. Once the eral facial nerve trunk and functioning facial tnusculature are
graft has been harvested, it is placed in a physiologic solution. needed. However, additional options for dyna1uic repair exist,
The graft should be ren1oved only after the preparatory work on such as nerve transfer/crossover, 1uuscle transposition, and free
the facial nerve stu1ups is con1plete, improving the survival of iuuscle transfer.
the Schwann cells of the donor nerve.130 An alternate method of dynamic repair uses a substitu­
The sural nerve, which supplies sensation to the lateral lo,ver tion nerve graft, the inost com1uon of which is the hypoglos­
leg and foot, is also used for grafting. This nerve can provide a sal to facial (XII-VII) nerve graft. Originally, the procedure
graft of up to 35 cn1 in length and has branches that can be used cotnprised an end-to-end anastotnosis of the proxitnal hypo­
to reconstruct the branching pattern of the facial nerve.22 Due glossal nerve to the distal facial nerve. The procedure has been
to its length, the sural nerve is particuJarly useful in cross-facial iuodified by only partially sectioning the hypoglossal nerve
anastomosis.13" The sural nerve is found posterior to the lateral and interposing, by end-to-side anasto1uoses, a greater auric­
malleolus, adjacent to the saphenous vein. ular nerve graft between the hypoglossal and facial nerves.
Since the hypoglossal nerve is transected only halfway, tongue
function can be preserved. Even though the risk of injuring the
grafted hypoglossal nerve has been ininimized with the use of
There are n1any factors in1portant in reani1uation: cause and the greater auricular "jun1p" graft., a functional, contralateral
degree of paralysis, tin1ing/duration of paralysis, and patient hypoglossal nerve still 1nust be present., and the presence of any
factors (age, general health, patient expectations, life expec­ lo,ver cranial neuropathies is a relative contraindication for this
tancy, nerve condition, and healing capacity). The ultimate procedure. This procedure is perforn1ed through a preauricular


occipital n.

jugular v.

Skin incision

Lateral malleclus

FIGURE 36-11 •The two most commonly

used nerves for nerve grafting: the greater
auricular nerve (A) and the sural nerve (B).

incision with a cervical extension. The facial nerve is located enhance the patient's appearance, including facial reconstruc­
and transected at the stylo.mastoid foran1en after raising a soft tive procedures (eg, facelift, browlift, blepharoplasty), makeup,
tissue flap over the parotid; the hypoglossal nerve is identified prostheses, hairstyles, and the use of glasses t o mask incisions.
as it crosses the external carotid artery and is dissected proxi­ Facial nerve rehabilitation, with the use of biofeedback, has also
n1al!y and distally. The hypoglossal nerve is partially transected shown some pro1nise, giving the patient a sense of hope, control,
in preparation for grafting and a greater auricular nerve graft and participation in the ultitnate outcome of facial nerve fw1c­
longer than the gap is harvested.7 After preparing the graft it tion and appearance.
is suture to the proxin1al portion of the transected hypoglos­
sa] nerve in end-to-side fashion followed by end-to-end anas­ COMPLICATIONS OF FACIAL
ton1osis of the graft '"'ith the distal facial nerve as described NERVE SURGERY
above. Recovery of facial nioven1ent begins at approxin1ately
6 111onths. Seventh to twelfth nerve grafting is a relatively sim­ Before e1nbarking on surgery of the facial nerve, the patient n1ust

ple procedure that provides strong neural input and results in be educated in detail regarding the disease process, the surgeon,

acceptable dynan1ic function. The disadvantages of this tech­ and the expected results to obtain a truly inforn1ed consent. The

nique include mass 111oven1ent and potential tongue hemiat­ surgeon 1nust discuss potential risks, co1nplications, hazards,

rophy, which rarely results in chewing, swallowing, or speech and alternatives. However, the patient 1nust be 1nade aware that

difficulties. The \TII-XII anasto111osis is preterable to the facial these potential proble1ns are rare if the surgery is perforn1ed by

to spinal accessory nerve anastomosis. a well-trained and skilled otologic, neurotologic, and skull base

If there is no functiona] neuromuscular syste1n, surgical surgeon. The con1plications of surgery in general are first dis­

reconstruction involves niuscular transposition rather than cussed (ie, anesthetic co1nplications, bleeding, pain, 1nyocardial

prin1ary nerve repair, grafting, or XII-VII grafting. A variety of infarction, etc). The niajor co1nplications unique to facial nerve

transposition procedures have been described, including trans­ surgery are injury to the nerve itself and injury to the surround­

position of both pedicled (ten1poralis, n1asseter) and free niuscle ing structures (sen1icircular canals, ossicles, cochlea, sig1noid

(gracilis, rectus abdon1inus, abductor halluci.s, pectoral is niinor, sinus, etc). Depending on the approach, conductive and/or sen­

latissi111us dorsi) grafts.21 In adults, the pedicled grafts are niost sorineural hearing loss and vestibular dysfunction can occur.

commonly used. Free niuscle transfer with a neurovascular anas­ Additional risks posed b y neurotologic/skull base approaches

to111osis (using the contralateral facial nerve for innervation) is include intracranial hen1ato1na, neurologic deficit (stroke or

the mainstay of treat1nent of children with congenital disorders cranial nerve injury), CSF leak, seizures, 1neningitis, death, deep

(such as Mobius' syndron1e or Goldenhar's syndroine).21 The venous thron1bosis, and puln1onary e1nbolism.

cross-face graft usually interposes the sural nerve between the

distal buccal branch on the functioning side to the non func­
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Lessons learned. Otol Neurotol 2007;28(7):958-63.
Vestibular Schwannoma

Mark D. Packer, MD ID. Bradley Welling, MD, PhD, FACS

HISTORICAL ASPECTS Cushing en1phasized that unilateral hearing loss is the initial
1nanifes1 at ion of a vestibular schwanuoma and that the exan1-
The entity now referred to as a vestibular schwannoma
iner must ascertain the status of the patient's hearing. The
(previously acoustic neuroma, neurinoma, or ueurilemm�ma)
1najority of Cushing's early patients had large (stage 4 or 5)
was first observed at autopsy in 1777. Sir Charles Bell published
tumors. He foresaw the need for early diagnosis to avoid the
the first clinical case report of a vestibular schwannoma in 1833.1
sequelae of tumor enlarge1nent. Jn his 1917 publication describ­
His patient had a large tumor in the left cerebellopontine angle
that had caused unilateral deafness, facial paralysis, te1nporal

ing the outco1nes of bis first 30 operations, Cusbin� reported
a surgical mortality rate of 30%-a dran1at1c reduction. ln h1s
and 1nasseter muscle paralysis (fifth cranial nerve), difficulty
1932 publication, Cushing reported a further decrease in mor­
in speech and swallowing (tenth cranial nerve), and respiratory
tality rate to 4%0; ho\vever, n1osl patients underwent subtotal,
difficulty (brain sten1) that led to the patient's de1nise.
intracapsular tumor re1noval, and n1any subsequently required
Although deemed inoperable because of surgical inacc�s­
additional surgery to n1anage recurrences.
sibility, a vestibular schwan1101na was successfully re1noved tor
Dandy n1odified Cushing's techniques and in 1925 reported
the first ti1ne in 1894 by the pioneer otologic and neurologic
complete tumor ren1oval with a further reduction in the n1ortal­
surgeon Sir Charles A. Ballance.2 The occasional operations
i1y rate in his series of patients.7 Da ndy developed the un i!at�ral
that in the next two decades carried a rnortality rate
cerebellar approach to the cerebellopontine angle, sacrificing
of around 80%. By the early 1900s, the diagnostic accuracy for
the lateral third of the cerebellum to i1nprove exposure of the
brain tun1ors had progressed to the point that patients with par­
angle. All hough he applied the Halstedian principles of 111etic­
ticular symptoms \Vere definitely found to have brain lesions.J
ulous hemostasis and gentle tissue handling, Dandy made no
At that time, supratentorial lesions could be differentiated fron1
effort to preserve the facial nerve, nor, apparently, did he appre­
infratentorial masses, but it was still not possible to differentiate
ciat·e the consequences of ligating the anterior inferior cerebellar
cerebellar fro1n extracerebellar lesions.J Gradually, however, the
various distinguishing characteristics of posterior fossa tumors
'fhe next significanl advance in vestibular schwannon1a
were appreciated, and in 1902, lienneberg and Koch introduced
surgery occurred in 1949, the year in which Atkinson pubI ished
the terrn cerebellopontine angle tumor.4
his autopsy studies docun1enting that occlusion of the ante­
Cushing, in his classic n1onograph, Tu1nors of the Nervus
rior inferior cerebellar artery was the principa I cause of oper­
Acusticus and the Syndrome of the Cerebellopontine Angle, care­
ative mortality in vestibular schwannoma surgery.8 By World
fully described and defined the clinical features of cerebellopon­
War II, most otolaryngologists were av.rare of the appropriate
tine angle tun1ors.5 He categorized the progressive sy1npto1ns
evaluation of a unilateral hearing loss. Using radiographs and
seen with gradually enlarging lesions into six stages:
vestibular studies, tun1ors typically were identified in Cushing
[It] can be gathered that thr sy1npto111atic progress of the average stage 2 or 3.
acoustic tumor occurs nlore or less in the following stages:
In the 1950s, as noted by House, the nationwide operative
First, the auditory and labyrinthine n1anifestations; second, the
1nortality rate for acoustic ncuroma surgery in the United States
occipitofrontal pains with sub-occipital discon1forts; third, the
ren1ained high; approaching 40°/o in many locales.3 This high
incoordinatio11 and instability of cerebellar origin; fourth, the
niortality rate prompted House to investigate the Lranslabyrin­
evidence of involven1ent of adjacent cerebral nerves; fifth, the
indications of increase in intracranial tension with a choked disc thine approach to vestibular schwannon1as.

(papilleden1a) and its consequences; sixth, dysarthria, dyspbagia, Early in the history of surgery for vestibular schwanno1na,
and fi nallv
' cerebellar crises and respiratory difficulties.5
Panse proposed an approach through the labyrinth.9 However,


Quix, who chiseled a'vay the entire labyrinth with a niallet and removal. As predicted by Cushing,5•0 early diagnosis has resulted
gouge after a radical 111astoidecton1y approach, was the first to in decreased morbidity and n1ortality rates.
actually use this Although the bleeding fron1 the The clinical characteristics of, and diagnostic strategies
superior petrosal sinus necessitated ter111ination of the opera­ for, vestibular sch\vannon1as are discussed in this chapter.
tion, it was completed 4 days later. After the walls of the internal Additionally the 1nolecular b iology of these tumors, as cur­
auditory canal (TAC) were chiseled away, the carotid artery \Vas rently understood, is reviewed. Lastly, the therapeutic options,
exposed, and the tumor \vas removed. Quix predicted that this surgical approaches for ren1oving vestibular schwanno1nas, and
translabyrinthine approach would bring the sn1all vestibular operative co1nplications are described.
schwannoma within the realni of the otologist. Cushing warned
that "while the otologist doubtless will be the first to recognize
and diagnose these cases, there is no possible route 111ore dan­
gerous or difficult than this one ... proposed by Panse."0 His Vestibular schwanno1nas are benign, well circun1scribed, but
warning effectively dampened enthusiasn1 for the translabyri n­ unencapsulated tu1nors that arise fro1n the Schwann cells of
thine approach to vestibular schwannoma removal for several the vestibular nerve, hence the tern1 vestibular schwannoma or
decades. vestibular neurilen1n1on1a. Historically, the superior vestibular
[n 1961, House,u using the niiddle fossa approach to the nerve sheath '""as thought to be the site of origin, giving rise
TAC described by Clerc and Battise 7 years earlier, 12 successfully to nearly two-thirds of tun1ors.22 More recent reviews of our,
removed a sn1aH, intracanalicular vestibular schwannon1a. and other's series shows the inferior vestibular nerve to be the
Soon House realized that the translabyrinthine approach predo1ninant site of origin for these tun1ors.23•24 The nerve of
\Vas preferable for all but the sn1allest tun1ors in patients with origin is identifiable in 33 to 74°/o of cases, and, when clearly
serviceable hearing. Tn 1964, House reported 47 consecutive seen, shows the tun1or originating fron1 the inferior vestibular
translabyrinthine complete or subtotal niicrosurgical ren1ov­ nerve over twice as often, and in up to 94% in some reports.
als without a fatality-a record never before achieved for these Rarely, the cochlear portion of the eightl1 cranial nerve or the
comn1on and eventually lethal tumors.13 The preservation of facial nerve is the site of sch,vanno1na origin.
facial nerve function in the niajority, the virtual absence of cer­ It has been taught that vestibular schwannon1as arise at the
ebellar traun1a, and the an1azingly brief convalescence con1- Obersteiner-Redlich junctional zone of the vestibular nerve, the
pared with posterior fossa operations led to a ren1arkable series region at ,¥hich the Schwann cells and neuroglial supporting cells
of niore than l,000 operations for vestibular schwannon1as ineet. Schwann cells tend to accun1ulate at the junctional zone,
of all sizes by House and his associates. Glasscock and others their progression to the brain stein slowed by neuroglial sup­
have duplicated these extre111ely low morbidity and niortality porting cells. "Whorl-like" Schwann cell nests, as well as eosin­
rates.14 ophilic bodies, and ganglion cells are found at the junctional
House's great interest in vestibular schwannomas, cou­ zone, as described by Prisig and colleagues in their study of seri­
pled with his early diagnosis and in1proved surgical techniques, ally sectioned te1nporal bones. They hypothesized that Sch\vann
prompted other otologists and neurosurgeons to atten1pt cell nests could be the forerunners of vestibular schwannon1as.25
new procedures. In 1973, Smith and colleaguests advocated a This theory is not universally accepted.26 In1aging and surgical
ni icroscopic suboccipital approach siniilar to that proposed by observations of early tumors show that they n1ore frequently
Rand and colleagues16 for preservation of hearing in vestibular originate near the fundus of the Li\C, lateral to the junctional
schwannoma excision. Several neurosurgeons, MacCarty, eg, zone. The events that lead to the develop1nent of schwanno1nas
have reported their considerable experience with the suboccipi­ are further discussed below. Interestingly, vestibular schwan­
tal approach and the microscope.17 non1as have been reported to occur in 2.4 to 3.5°/o of ten1po­
Rhoton advocated the suboccipital approach for hearing ral bones exa1nined .22·27 This high incidence likely reflects a
preservation.18 Later, \"lade and House reported their hearing selection bias as incidental sch,vannomas are found on :tvfRI in
preservation results using the 111iddle fossa approach for 20 ves­ asyn1pto1natic patients in 0.2o/o of the populat ion.28 Screening
tibular schwannon1a patients19; hearing was preserved in 35o/o of patients with asy1nmetric sensorineural hearing loss and/or
of patients. unilateral tinnitus showed pathology on 14% of scans, pathol­
The morbidity and mortality rates of vestibular schwan­ ogy that could account for the auditory syn1ptoms in 4.5 to
noma surgery continue to i111prove. The operating microscope, 5.5°Ai, and diagnosed IAC tun1ors in 3.1%of1,080 syn1pton1atic
first used by Nylen and introduced to the United States by patients. 29 In other series, screening identified IAC inasses in
Shan1baugh, revolutionized neurotologic and neurosurgical 2.5 to 3.5%(2.5%of 152) patients, rates si1nilar to the te1nporal
technique, enabling better visualization and preservation of bone findings.30
neural structures. More recently, intraoperative nionitoring and :tvlost vestibular schwanno1nas originate in the region of
stin1ulation of the facial nerve have enabled better identification, the IAC, enlarging the porus and extending into the cerebel­
dissection, and preservation of this structure during vestibular lopontine angle.31 The color and the consistency of the sch,van­
schwanno1ua ren1oval .2 0•21 Furthern1ore, the advent of sophisti­ no1nas depend on the size of the tu1nor and the degree of tun1or
cated diagnostic techniques, such as magnetic resonance in1ag­ degeneration. Typically, tu1nors are either yellow or pinkish gray
ing (MRI), has enabled the diagnosis of Cushing stage I tun1ors, and have a rubbery consistency. Large tun1ors inore often are
that is, while still confined to the IAC. Such early diagnosis has inottled, owing to hemorrhage and fibrosis, and n1ay have cystic
improved the likelihood of hearing preservation with tun1or regions, o'"'ing to necrosis and degeneration within the tun1or.

However, son1e tun1ors appear to have an intrinsic cystic nature, Sudden sensorineural loss may occur from acute labyrinthine ves­
not reflective of necrosis. Truly cystic tumors account for 4% of sel con1pression or spas1n. Loss of vestibular nerve function occurs
vestibular schwannon1as. The literature differs on whether or slowly with twnor growth , and vestibular syn1ptomatology usu­
not the facial nerve outcon1e is worse in cystic schwannomas.32•33 ally is subtle because of the co1npensatory ability of the contralat­
Our experience agrees that cystic tun1ors are more refractory to eral vestibular system. With continued tumor enlargement, the
both surgical and radiation nianagement than solid tun1ors. IAC gradually expands. The (motor) facial nerve is niore resistant
J\t[icroscopic exan1ination of a vestibular schwannoma to twnor compression; accordingly, facial weakness is genera.lly
reveals a well circumscribed, but unencapsulated tun1or, with seen only with large twnors, or smaller tumors of facial nerve ori­
the nerve of origin co.n1pressed at its periphery.31 Structurally, gin. The facial nerve 1nay even be stretched to a gossa1ner band on
vestibular schwannon1as are con1posed of two histological the twnor surface without in1pairn1ent of function.
patterns: Antoni A and Antoni. B. Antoni A regions are com­ As the tu1nor encroaches into the cerebellopontine angle,
pact and cellular, with elongated spindle cells and whorling it 111ay assun1e a pear shape. Continued cnlarge1nent leads to
or palisading nuclei aligned in rows (Verocay bodies). Antoni con1pression of the superiorly located fifth cranial nerve, which
type B histology is loose and n1uch less cellular, with a spongy results in ipsilateral anesthesia (e.g., absent corneal reflex). Large
appearance (Figure 37-1.). Most vestibular schv,rannomas con­ tun1ors nlay also con1press the lower cranial nerves, resulting in
sist of predo111 i nantly type A histology, intermingled with neuropathy of the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and even tv1elfth nerves.
areas of type B, but the proportion of these con1ponents varies. If the tu1nor is not detected a nd re1noved, hydrocephalus, visual
Vascularity is prominent, and thickened or hyalinized vessel disturbance, and death from tonsillar herniation n1a)' ensue.
walls are typical. As the tumor grows, niyxoid areas, histiocytic
infiltration, necrosis, and fibrosis are also seen.
Initially, a tun1or confined to the TAC produces no symptoms
as it s.lowly fills the canal. \!\Tith continued growth, however, it The inolecular events u nderlying the for1nation of vestib­
begins to press on the cochlear, vestibular, and facial nerves, as ular schwa11no1nas were elucidated b y the study of fan1ilies
well as the labyrinthine vessels. Tinnitus and neural hearing Joss \vith ncurofibron1atosis 2 (NF2). Neurofibro1natosis type 2
both nianifest with progressive compression of the cochlear nerve. is a highly penetrant, autoso1nal-don1inant di sorder \vith



FIGURE 37-1 •Note the more cellular "Antoni A" pattern on the left with palisading nuclei surrounding pink areas
(Verocay bodies). On the right is the "Antoni B" pattern with a looser stroma, fewer cells, and myxoid change. Photo
used by permission and courtesy of Dr. Keith Kaplan (

variable expressivity. Patients with NF2 have approxin1ately also phosphorylates n1erlin at an N-ter1ninal site, which affects
a 95% chance of developing bilateral vestibular schvvanno- its interaction with the actin cytoskeleton. When dephosphory­
111as (Figure 37-2). l n addition, 111eningion1as, ependyn10111as, lated at Ser518 by inyosin phosphatase, inerlin becomes active and
spinal cord and peripheral schwannon1as are observed with growth suppressive. Dephosphorylation changes inerlin's config­
increased frequency. The gene responsible for NF2 was niapped uration and allows an N-tern1inaI to C-ter1ninal self association.
to chromoson1e 22q!2 by Seizinger and colleagues.34 The gene Merlin migrates to the cell 1nembrane and interacts with cadherin
v,ras independently identified by Rouleau and coUeagues,35 and or CD44 resulting in contact inl1ibition.
Trofatter and colleagues,3° and was found to encode a cytoskel­ As shown by Hansen44 and Doherty,45 merlin inhibits acti­
etal protein named schv1annon1in (or merlin) that appears to vation of cel1 proliferation by suppressing the ErbB2 receptors.
have a role in modulating cellular 111otility, proliferation, and A potential n1echanis1n to treat schwanno1nas when n1erlin has
adhesion.3; Overexpression of the non11al NF2 gene product been inactivated would be with ErbB2 receptor inhibitors, sev­
inhibits actin-cytoskeleton-mediat.ed processes including cell eral of which are available for the treatn1ent of other inalignan­
niotility, spreading, and attacbment.38 Furthermore, control of cies. Likewise Jacob et al. have den1onstrated activation of the
Schwann cell proliferation is lost with inactivation of the NF2 AK1' pathway by AKT phosphorylation in vestibular schwan­
gene. This suggests that a schwannomin/ n1erlin deficiency dis­ non1as and have proposed AKT inhibitors as another ineans of
rupts aspect of intracellular signaling, which then leads to slowing or stopping schwannon1a growth. In vivo studies are
eelI cycle progression.>9Ao These data suggest a tun1or suppressor currently underway to further elucidate the AKI pathways.40
role for the NF2 gene product.
Vestibular schwannomas are usually sporadic, resulting
from Schwann cell transforn1ation within the vestibular divi­ DIAGNOSIS
sion of the eighth cranial nerve. It is believed that mutations
Early syn1pton1s leading to the diagnosis of vestibular sch,¥an­
inactivating both alleles of the NF2 gene are responsible for the
no1nas may depend on the exact location of the tun1or along
development of sporadic tumors. Patients with NF2 inherit one
the vestibular nerve. If the tu1nor arises in the IAC, it produces
defunct copy of the NF2 gene through a gern1line niutation.
tinnitus and hearing loss early in its course. Should the lesion
Inactivation of the second allele in the Schwann cell results in
have its origin in the cerebeliopontine angle, tinnitus and hear­
the loss of NF2 tu111or suppressor function and schwannon1a
ing loss nlight not beco1ne evident until the tumor has attained
a larger size. Occasionally, patients ignore symptoms if other
Interestingly, niutations within the NF2 gene have been
conco1nitant pathology exists. Thus, relatively large tun1ors
identified in up to 90'Yo of vestibular schwan nonias.4 1 ln our
continue to be found, even in an era in '¥hich the diagnosis of
series, NF2 gene 111utations '¥ere identified in 66% of unilateral
sn1all tu1nors is possible.
tu111ors and 33'X> of bilateral tuniors.42 Analysis of the NF2 gene
The differential diagnosis of a vestibular schwanno1na
pro111oter has revealed that there are regulatory elen1ents in the
includes any entity that produces a unilateral sensorineural
NF2 5' flanking regions.43
hearing loss and/or tinnitus. Vestibular schwannon1as are the
The protein product of the NF2 gene, n1erlin, acts as an in1por­
nJost con1mon lesions of the cerebellopontine angle. The three
tant regulator of contact-dependent cellular proliteration. When
next n1ost con1mon lesions are n1eningion1as, pri1nary cho­
phosphorylated by Rael with PAK2 (p2.l-activated kinase), merlin
lesteaton1as, and arachnoid cysts. Sch,¥anno1nas originating
is inactivated, which is growth permissive. PK A (phosph kinase A)
fron1 the cochlear division of the eighth nerve, or fron1 the sev­
enth nerve, as well as, IAC lipon1as, hen1angio1nas, and vascular
loop con1pressions are less frequently encountered. Any of these
lesions nlay 111in1ic a vestibular schwannon1a and can be differ­
entiated by lvIRI and/or con1puted to1nography (CT).
Early diagnosis depends on a high index of suspicion by the
physician. Any patient with unilateral sensorineural hearing loss
and/or unilateral tinnitus, with or without balance disturbance,
should be suspected of having a vestibular schv1annon1a. These
patients should have a basic neurotologic evaluation consisting
of a thorough history, physical exrunination, and routine audio­
n1etric studies. If the basic neurotologic evaluation reveals any
suspicious findings, special audion1etric and vestibular studies
nlay be obtained, re1nembering that gadoliniu111-enhanced MRI
is the 1nost sensitive nlodality to diagnose vestibular schwanno­
n1as; therefore, in1aging is required for these patients.


The typical patient with a vestibular schwanno1na experi­

FIGURE 37-2 •Axial T1-weighed magnetic resonance imaging with
gadolinium of bilateral vestibular schwannomas associated with NF2 ences unilateral tinnitus followed b y slowly progressive senso­
compressing the brainstem and shifting it from the midline. rineural hearing loss. A history of sudden sensorineural loss,

hovvevcr, is seen in 10 to 15% of patients with such lesions, and AUDIOMETRIC STUDIES
fluctuating hearing is rarely elicited. Seldom does the patient
Early diagnosis of vestibular schwanno1nas relies on accu­
con1plain of true vertigo. Mild in1balance is not uncon1n1on
rate assessn1ent of auditory function including pure-tone air
because, as the tun1or grows, it slowly destroys vestibular func­
and bone conduction thresholds and speech discrimination.
tion. While the contralateral vestibular system generally com­
A reliable audiogra1n showing an asymmetric sensorineural
pensates for the slow ipsilateral loss, patients may notice mild
bearing loss with disproportionately poor speech discrimi­
unsteadiness. Aural fullness may be sensed due to hearing loss
nation is suggestive of a potential vestibular schwannoma. A
or tumor bulk. Decreased facial, corneal, or aural sensation,
patient with a vestibular schwannon1a may have very little
headache, tremor, ataxia, gait disturbance, visual loss, dyspha­
or no hearing loss if the tumor is small, or if it originates
gia, as pi ration, hoarseness, shoulder and tongue weakness may
in the cerebellopontine angle unrestricted by the bony canal.
be elicited with larger tun1ors. The family history should be
Occasionally, a large cerebellopontine angle tumor can be
assessed for NF2.
found in a patient who bas normal hearing and a 100% dis­
crimination score.
A nun1ber of special audiometric tests have been used
In addition to the routine head and neck exan1ination, all historically to evaluate patients with abnor1nal audiogran1s
patients suspected of having a vestibular schwanno1ua require that raise suspicion of retrococblear lesions. Using a standard
a complete neurotologic examination. Neurotologic screen­ i1upedance bridge, the stapedial reflex decay test elicits the sta­
ing includes an evaluaLion of audiovestibular, cerebellar, and pedial reflex with a suprathreshold tone burst. Decay of the
cranial nerve function. The exa1niner first notes the pres­ reflexive stiffening of the tympanic membrane to half-ampli­
ence or absence of any spontaneous nystagn1us, gaze nystag­ tude in 5 sec or less is suggestive of retrocochlear pathology.
n1us, and vertical nystag1nus. Frenzel lenses are helpful in Of historical interest is the Perfor1nance Intensity Function
preventing the patient fron1 visually fixating, and suppress­ for Phonetically Balanced Words (PIPB) test, which evaluates
ing a nystag1nus of peripheral origin. Horizontal gaze nys­ speech discrin1ination at progressively higher sensation levels.
tagmus is occasionally observed, and the quick component As the presentation level increases, the speech discri1nination
is usually directed away from the affected ear. Rotary nys­ score should also increase until a maximum score is obtained.
tagmus and positional nystagmus can also be seen with the If discri1nination decreases as the presentation level increases
affected car in the dependent position. Vertical nystagmus the phenon1enon of"rollover" occurs, which is consistent with
is always pathologic and suggests a central vestibular disor­ a retrocochlear lesion. Burkey and colleagues suggested that
der such as brain stem compression or cerebellar involve­ patients with abnorn1al special auditory tests undergo an imag­
ment by a tumor. Ron1berg testing may elicit drift, and ing study looking for retrocochlear pathology.4' The stapedial
Fukuda stepping rotation, to the side o f the lesion. Finger­ reflex decay and PIPS tests are not routinely used in screen­
to-nosc testing niay draw out dys1netria (fine movements) or ing currently because more sensitive and specific tests are
past pointing; sin1ilarly an ataxic gait or abnormal heel-to­ available.
shin test all establish cerebellar involvement. One of the most sensitive audiometric tests available is the
Multiple cranial nerves 1nay be affected by a cerebellopon­ auditory brain stern response (ABR) (for detailed information,
tine angle tun1or1 and the nu1nber of nerves involved is usu­ see Chapter I0). Early studies with ABR. reported better than 90o/o
ally di rcctly proportional to the size of the tu1uor. Eighth nerve sensitivity for the diagnosis of vestibular scbwannomas.4"·49
dysfunction is suggested by tinnitus, vestibular syn1pto1ns, and An interaural wave V latency difference of greater than
hearing loss. The tuning fork exan1ination helps detect a senso­ 0.2 111i11 iseconds, or prolonged interpeak latencies greater
rineural hearing loss on the suspect side. Involvement of the fifth than 4.4 milliseconds for 1-V, 2.3 rnilliseconds for I-Ill, or
cranial nerve by larger tu1nors niay di1uinish the corneal reflex 2.1 111illiseconds for 111-V, suggests a retrocochlear disorder
and cause ipsilaleral facial hypesthesia. Although large tuinors such as a vestibular schwanno1ua (Figure 37-3). The complete
frequently affect fifth cranial nerve sensory function, they sel­ absence of wave Y also suggests retrocochlear pathology.
do1n cause wasting of the 1nuscles of 1nasrication. Similarly, che A 1najor lin1itation in the utility of ABR in the evaluation
sensory function of the seventh cranial nerve is affected ear­ of vestibular schwannon1as is that the patient must have no
lier, and 1nore frequently, than its motor funcrion. Involvement greater than a 70-dB hearing threshold. The sensitivity of the
of the more vulnerable sensory fibers of the seventh nerve can ABR to intracanalicular acoustic tumors less than l cm, ranges
educe Hitzelberger's sign, hypesthesia or pain of the posterior from 58 to 89%. In an attempt to improve the cost effectiveness
wall of the external auditory canal. Hemifacial spasm is rarely of retrocochlear screening, we and other authors recommend
seen. It is unusual for vestibular schwannomas to affect cranial using MRI for patients with suspicious histories and abnorn1al
nerves other than the eighth, fifth, and seventh; however, large audiometric findings.s0-sz Others have recommended ABR as
cerebellopontine angle tumors niay also directly affect neigh­ the initial screening study in low- to intermediate-risk patients,
boring lower cranial nerves, or indirectly affect cranial nerve or those with contraindications to �lRI.53•54
function through compression of the fourth ventricle causing Atternpts to overco1ne the diagnostic limitations of ABR
elevation of intracranial pressure (TCP) and papilledema con1- have improved its reliability. Adjusting the wave V latency to
pressing the optic nerve. Thus, a coinplete cranial nerve exan1- account for hearing loss at 4 kHz have lowered false positive
ination is advised. and false negative rates, in1proving sensitivity of this testing.





FIGURE 37-3 • Auditory brainstem response tracing

of a left ear with a vestibular schwannoma compared
with the contralateral (right} normal hearing ear. Note
Latency 2.00 ms/div
the delayed latency of wave V compared with the
normal ear (right) and the poor waveform morphology.

Adjusting wave V li1nits by 0.1 n1illiseco11d/lO dB for hearing electronystag111ography (ENG) and bither111al caloric testing
thresholds above 30 dB at 4 kHz has been reco1nn1ended.55 (see Chapter 11 for additional inforn1ation). Eye tracking tests
The use of l kHz tonal ABR in those with high-frequency can reveal central vestibular dysfunction in the presence of a
hearing loss has been validated as a reliable n1ethod to screen large tu1nor. Spontaneous nystagn1us not apparent to the naked
patients '""itb hearing loss above that level for retrocochlear eye may be seen '""ith Frenzel lenses or detected by ENG.
pathology.5" As inore sensitive diagnostic modalities have developed
Don and colleagues reported a nlodification of the stan­ (e.g., MRI and ABR testing), ENG is no longer used in the initial
dard ABR, called the stacked ABR.57 This nieasure calculates evaluation of inost patients. Ho,vever, when a s111all tumor has
the wave V an1plitude by ten1porally aligning the wave V of been identified in a patient with useful hearing, ENG inay add
each derived-band ABR and then sun1n1ating the ti1ne-shifted prognostic inforn1ation by identifying the nerve of origin when
responses. The stacked ABR is reported to be sensitive to the a hearing preservation operation is considered, although its
presence of sn1all intracanalicular tun1ors and to have excellent prognostic value is not universally accepted in the literature.
specificity for the absence of tun1ors in patients 'iNith nor1nal The significance of identifying the nerve of origin is that
hearing. These authors recon11nend stacked ABR for vestibular hearing preservation n1ay be inore difficult in the re1noval of
schwannon1a screening when MRI is unavailable or not toler­ a tu111or that arises fro111 the inferior vestibular nerve due to
ated by the patient. its proxin1ity to the cochlear nerve. During tumor dissection,
an interruption of the cochlear nerve blood supply can result
in postoperative hearing loss. Magnetic resonance i111aging can
occasionally differentiate the nerve of origin of sn1aller intrac­
As a vestibular sch,vanno111a slowly destroys vestibular func­ analicular tun1ors. vVhen MRI cannot deter111ine the nerve of
tion in the affected ear, gradual con1pensation takes place.58 origin, ENG may provide useful infor1nation. A reduced vestib­
Therefore, patients '""ith vestibular schwanno111as rarely co111- ular response in the involved ear suggests a superior vestibular
plain of vertigo but often note slight unsteadiness or clu1nsi­ nerve tu111or. Therefore, ENG results inay influence selection
ness. Although historically the finding of decreased vestibular of the surgical approach and provide prognostic inforn1ation
function on caloric testing ipsilateral to a sensorineural hearing regarding hearing preservation.
loss has been useful in suggesting the diagnosis of a vestibular A functional test for the inferior vestibular nerve could
schwannon1a, at present, it is not sensitive enough to be help­ theoretically co11
1 pliment an ENG, and enhance the ability to
ful diagnostically.5° Caloric testing nieasures the response of the detern1ine a vestibular schwanno1na's nerve of origin. 'fhe ves­
lateral sen1icircular canal, which is innervated by the superior tibular evoked 111yogenic potential (VE1'fP) is receiving inuch
vestibular nerve; accordingly, a s1nall inferior vestibular nerve attention for such capability. A VEMP is elicited by high-in­
schwannon1a 111ight not cause an abnor111al caloric response. tensity sound stin1ulation of the saccule. The resultant vestibu­
Linthicu1n and Churchill described a sin1ple n1ethod for lospinal, or inore accurately the sacculo-collic, reflex is recorded
examining the caloric response without sophisticated equip- electrically as a biphasic p-13 n-23 potential fro1n the ipsilateral
1nent.5� The patient's head is placed at a 30-degree angle, and sternocleido1nastoid inuscle. The hypothesis that an absent or
a sn1all an1ount of ice water is placed in the external auditory reduced VE1'1P with a nor1nal ENG is an indication of a lesion
canal for 20 sec. They used Frenzel lenses to exa111ine the eyes of the inferior vestibular nerve, or vice versa, is helpful in so111e
for nystag1nus. Absent o r din1inished nystag111us suggests a cases, but idealistic.>1-63 Vestibular evoked inyogenic potential
reduced vestibular response. responses have so1ne cochlear nerve origin and are influenced
,il.,. n1ore sophisticated inethod of deter111ining vestibu­ by the level of ipsilateral hearing. The VEMP responses inay
lar function uses the Hallpike and Cairns60 technique with be norn1al even when a tun1or has its origin on the inferior

vestibular nerve, and can be reduced or abolished by a com­

pressive superior vestibular nerve tun1or. The VEMP responses
niay be niore influenced by the size or position of a vestibular
schwannon1a in the IAC than by the nerve of origin.64 Further
study of the ability of VEMP testing to accurately predict the
nerve of origin is necessary.65


Although audiornetric and vestibular testing raise suspicions for

a vestibular schwannon1a, imaging studies provide the den ni­
tive diagnosis. Contrast-enhanced Tl-weighted MRI is the gold
standard but high-resolution T2 i111ages are also excellent at
detecting IAC lesions. Fortunately, painful techniques carrying
significant nlorbidity, such as posterior fossa nlyelography, and
gaseous or opaque contrast CT, are rarely necessary today. These
i111aging studies have been replaced by MRI and are used only
'"hen MRI is contraindicated.

Computed Tomography
One-millin1eter CT scanning in both the axial and coronal
planes provides excellent detail of the temporal bone and IACs.
FIGURE 37-4 •Vestibular schwannoma as seen with T1-weighted
Erosion of the IAC from expansion of a vestibular schwannoma
magnetic resonance imaging. The tumor is so intense with gray
is well visualized by the exquisite bony detail provided by CT.66
Subtle bone erosion in the cochlea or vestibule niay also be
detected with an intralabyrinthine schwannoma. However, CT
provides less soft tissue detail than .MRI. In addition, to visual­ to CSF and iso- to hypointense to gray matter (Figure 37-4).
ize most tumors, CT n1ust be pertorn1ed '"ith the adn1inistra­ T2-weighted in1ages show these tun1ors hypointense to CSF
tion of an intravenous contrast agent. Tumors less tban l cn1 are and hyperintense to gray 1natter. Additionally, the fluid-filled
often niissed by CT, even when contrast is used. Larger tu111ors inner ear and CSF of the TAC are bright and clearly visualized on
causing brain steo1 compression, displacement of the fourth T2-weighted sequences. Cystic tun1ors often have high-signal
ventricle, and hydrocephalus, are readily appreciated by CT. For intensity on T2-weighted sequences because fluid fills the cystic
these reasons, and since CT is fast, and is more sensitive to dif­ con1ponents of the tun1or {Figure 37-SA and B). Gadolinium­
ferentiate acute intracerebral bleeds than Jv!RI (that 1nay present enhanced, Tl-weighted in1ages of a vestibular schv.•annoma
'"'ith sio1ilar syn1ptomatology as acute hydrocephalus or brain reveal marked tun1or enhancen1ent, and are considered to
stein compression), it n1ay be considered tor use in patients to be the gold standard for in1aging vestibular schwannomas
'"'hom intervention will only be offered ifthe tun1or is exerting (Figure 37-6). The sensitivity of gadoliniu1n-enhanced MRI
significant pressure on tbe brain stem. For patients intolerant penuits detection of schwannomas as sn1all as 1-2 mm.68
of MRI, or when it is contraindicated, air-contrast CT is capa­ Magnetic resonance imaging using a heavily T2-,.veighted
ble of showing intracanalicular tun1or.67 For this, air is inserted fast spin echo (FSE) technique shows excellent contrast between
into the subdural space byway of a lun1bar puncture. Following bone, neural structures, and CSF. Images of the IAC contents
removal of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 7 to 10 c1113 of air (or oxy­ are clearly visualized without the added cost or time of repeat­
gen) is injected into the subarachnoid space, and the patient is ing the sequences following contrast ad111inistration. Fast spin
positioned so that the air rises to the posterior fossa where it can echo T2-weighted studies can be con1pleted 1nuch quicker
outline a small intracanalicular tumor. Both sides are exa1n­ than a contrast-enhanced scan. Vestibular schv.•annon1as are
ined to rule out bilateral lesions. Follo>ving the procedure n1ost hypointense con1pared to CSF on T2-weighted FSE sequences,
patients will con1plain of a temporary headache. and an intracanalicular tumor appears as a filling defect in
the IAC (Figure 37-7). Investigators con1paring gadolinium­
Magnetic Resonance Imaging enhanced, Tl-weighted MRI with T2-weighted FSE sequences
When a patient's history or audio1netric evaluation provides a have reported that the latter 111odality can reliably detect n1ass
111oderate-to-high level of suspicion tor a retrocochlear lesion, lesions within the TAC and cerebellopontine angle and effi­
JvlRI is the diagnostic niodality of choice to detect vestibular ciently screen patients '"'ith sensorineural hearing loss.69•70 lt has
schwannon1as, regardless of size. Magnetic resonance in1aging been suggested that FSE NIRI could be used as a highly sensitive
reveals exceptional resolution of the full course of the seventh and and specific, yet cost-effective screening method, reserving the
eighth cranial nerves, from brain sten1 to end organ. �fagnetic use of gadolinium to confirm suspected tu1nors.
resonance in1ages are obtained before and after adn1inistration Nlore recently, the goal of in1aging has shifted from early
of the paramagnetic contrast agent gadolinium. Tl-weighted diagnosis of a tun1or to determining prognostic information
i1nages show vestibular schwanno111as hyperintense relative pertinent to surgical planning. If a 111ass is deemed favorable for

FIGURE 37-6 • Vestibular schwannoma, as seen with

gadolinium-enhanced, T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging.
The vestibular schwannoma enhances brightly.

FIGURE 37-5 • Magnetic resonance imaging images of cystic

vestibular schwannomas. A, Axial T1-weighted magnetic resonance
imaging with gadolinium contrast. There is an enhancing right-sided
cerebellopontine angle tumor with areas of central low intensity that
correspond with cysts within this pathologically confirmed vestibular
schwannoma. 8, Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. The
tumor is more hyperintense than the typical T2 signal characteristics
of a vestibular schwannoma. Additionally, there are focal areas of
increased signal intensity that correspond with the intratumoral cysts.

FIGURE 37-7 • Fast spin echo magnetic resonance image of an

a hearing preservation operation due to its nerve of origin, posi­ intracanalicular vestibular schwannoma. The tumor is hypointense to
tion in the IAC, or relation to the other neural structures, then cerebrospinal fluid and appears as a filling defect within the internal
it would seen1 that patients could inake a n1ore calculated deci­ auditory canal.

sion between observing the tun1or, and choosing a n1ore active

course of treat1nent. Manipulation of the l\tfR protocols and post
in1aging software packages are achieving so1ne of these goals. was significantly enhanced by 3D-constructive interference in
Three-di1nensional Fourier transforn1 FSE n1anipulation was steady-state (ClSS) sequencing when co1npared to standard post
able t.o accurately deter1nine the nerve of origin in 15-20 tun1ors contrast Tl-weighted imaging due to superior high-contrast res­
as confir1ned by surgery.71 'fu1nors in1pacting the fundus of the olution.72 When evaluating the posterior fossa, 3D-fast i1nag­
IAC li111ited the ability of this technique. Presence of CSF lateral ing using steady-state acquisition (FIESTA) has been sho\"ln
to a tun1or in the IAC shows bright against the tun1or void on to i1nprove cisternal imaging of cranial nerves V-XII as com­
T2-weighted i1nages and is referred to as a "fundal cap." Absence pared to FSE T2-weighting.73 Finally, turnor volwne was the only
of a fundal cap and in1paction of the fundus of the IAC by twnor parameter significantly predictive of hearing preservation when
are harbingers of hearing loss. Assessment of fundal involve111ent compared to linear measures, audiometric para111eters including

ABR latencies, caloric measures, as \veil as qualitative paran1eters a mortality rate has not been reported in other large series.8"'87
such as fundal involven1ent, nerve of origin, and n1orphological Patients \Vho enter the observation period with salvageable
features on ABR.74 Despite the progress in in1aging resolution hearing n1ay lose hearing if the tun1or gro\vS. In one study, 28
and capabilities, most data continues to be collected using sn1all patients were classified as candidates for a hearing preservation
numbers and retrospective constructs. Prospective in1aging of operation; 21 (75%) of the patients fell out of this classification
adequate power is necessary to draw conclusions regarding the during the observation period owing to tu1nor growth and/or
prognostic capabilities of these techniques. deterioration of hearing.8s
Patients with claustrophobia may not tolerate the confine­ Surveillance protocols vary but typically, an MRI is obtained
ment required for MRI; however, nlild sedatives or open tvlRI 6 months after the diagnostic scan, and yearly thereafter if there
units make the study tolerable for n1ost patients. Owing to the is no in1mi.nent danger of brain sten1 co1npression. Observation
strong magnetic field, patients with metallic prostheses, such as is considered reasonable treatment of an only-hearing ear '"'hen
cardiac pacen1akers and cochlear in1plants, cannot undergo MRI. serviceable hearing remains and brain sten1 function is not
tvlanufacturing variability in son1e series of stapes prosthesis has in1n1ediately at risk.87 Observation is also reasonable for reli­
shown ferromagnetic properties in lines that were labeled as MRI­ able patients when the tumor is s1nall, the patient is elderly
compatible by the manufacturer.75 Most stapes prostheses can tol­ (> 65 years) or n1edically infir1n, or as a n1atter of patient's pref­
erate the 1.5-Tesla magnet of MRI; however, these prostheses are erence. Son1e patients prefer the idea of using the hearing they
likely to contraindicate in1aging in n1ore powerful magnets.i6 have as long as they can, as opposed to the risk of a radiation­
In sun1n1ary, MRI is the diagnostic test of choice for patients induced or surgical loss.
in whom a vestibular sch\vannoma is suspected. Fast spin echo
Growth Rate Prediction
tvlRI is a cost-efficient screening tool. Stacked ABR may also be
The ability to accurately predict schwannoma growth rates
useful for screening when the degree of suspicion is not as high,
by evaluating factors such as tun1or size at discovery, associa­
or in ci.rcutnstances that prohibit MR imaging.
tion with NF2, patient age, or interval growth over the initial
observation period, '"'ould be helpful in inaking treatn1ent deci­
TREATMENT OPTIONS sions. Unfortunately, it is disputed which factors are predictive
of gro\vth rate. Tu1nor growth during the first year has been
The three options tor the nlanagement of vestibular schwan­
reported to be predictive of subsequent growth by Bederson and
non1as are surgical excision, stereotactic radiation, and obser­
colleagues,88 but Charabi and colleagues reported that growth
vation. Eacb treatn1ent has its advantages and disadvantages. To
patterns change during extended observation periods.83 Ogawa
a great extent, the decision is based on patient preference and
and colleagues found the growth rate of unilateral vestibular
the findings of observational studies. There is no randon1ized,
schwanno1nas to be slower than that of the bilateral vestibular
controlled clinical trial that has objectively assessed outcomes of
sch\ of NF2.89 The gro,vth rate of recurrent tumors
these treatn1ent options. Consequently, clinical decision n1aking
was also faster than that of pri1nary tun1ors. In counterpoint,
can be difficult. Fortunately, in comparison with the morbidity
Levo and colleagues found that unilateral schwannon1as grow
and mortality of past decades, the outcon1es of all three treat­
1nore rapidly than schwanno1nas associated with NF2.82 During
n1ent options are quite good.
their observation, the average gro,vth rate of unilateral vestibular
sch,vanno1nas was 3.5 1n1n per year con1pared to 1.5 inn1 per year
Observation for NF2 tun1ors. A prospective study by the NF2 Natural History
The indolent nature of nlany vestibular scbwannomas has long Consortiun1 showed a sin1ilar growth rate of 1.3 nlm per year.90
been recognized, leading son1e physicians to recomn1end obser­ The relationships between tu1nor gro\vth rates and patient
vation without imn1ediate intervention as a reasonable treat­ age or tu1nor size have also been analyzed. The younger the
n1ent option.77-82 The reported nun1ber of tun1ors that will patient or larger the tumor, the greater the growth rate. 89
grow over time ranges fron1 30 to 82o/o.77•83•84 In a recent study, Diensthuber and colleagues proposed using a clinical growth
growth occurred in 66% of patients followed over a 5-year index to esti1nate vestibular sch,vannom.a growth rate.91 An
period.84 The advantages of nonintervention for patients whose index calculated by dividing the tu1nor length by the length
vestibular schwannon1as do not exhibit growth are evident, no of the clinical history also showed statistically significant
intervention may be required if critical growth does not occur negative correlations bet,veen the clinical growth index and
over their life span. tun1or size or patient age. This indicates that older patie11ts
Even with this conservative treatment option, there are with sn1aller intran1eatal tun1ors 1nay be good candidates for
inherent dangers. For example, although tu1nor growth rates observation.
average 2 n1n1 per year, some tumors n1ay grow up to 25 111111 Study of the indicators of cellular proliferation showed a
per year. As discussed below, the literature contains conflicting slightly higher nuclear proliferation labeling index (0.4 to 17.6%;
reports regarding the ability to predict future growth based on 1nean =2.7%) in NF2-associated schwanno1nas than in unilat­
past growth patterns. A tuinor nlay grow 111ore quickly than the eral vestibular schwa11non1as (0 to 9%; 1nean 2.2°/o).92 Cystic

norm, compromising the ability to preserve hearing and facial tun1ors have been described as having faster than usual growth
nerve function with intervention, and niay even endanger the rates due to the rapidly enlarging cystic portion.93 Recent studies
patient's life.83 Charabi and colleagues reported a 6o/o death conservatively following large nu1nbers of patients for at least
rate owing to tumor-induced brain stem herniation in patients one year sho'"' no growth in 42 to 66o/o. Approxi1nately 24-39%
with vestibular sch\vannomas nlanaged by observation.8s Such grew slowly, 4% grew rapidly, and 3-190/o regressed.94•95

A better understanding of the fate of hearing with conser­ achieve results similar t o the Gamma Knife.io1•103 There are no
vative nianagen1ent would also be prognostically useful when noted advantages in hearing protection or facial nerve function
detern1 in ing treatn1ent strategies. Quaranta and colleagues stud­ t o date de111011strated by fractionated stereotactic regin1ens.
ied the effect of\vatchful waiting on hearing loss and tinnitus in
Stereotactic Radiation Advantages
a group of70 patients.95 Over an average 33-month observation
Potential advantages of stereotactic radiation over n1icrosurgi­
period, useful hearing was maintained in 71% of patients with
cal resection include decreased hospitalization ti111e, a quicker
class A hearing, and 60<Jlo with class A or B hearing. Raut and
return to work, and, in so111e countries, a reduced cost of treat-
colleagues showed that prospective observation of a cohort of
111ent.104 Additionally, stereotactic radiation inay be considered
72 patients followed tor a mean duration of80 n1onths had hear­
for elderly or n1edically infirn1 patients in who111 tu111or growth
ing loss irrespective of tun1or growth.90 Over this ti111e period
has been docu111ented. The risks associated with inicrosurgical
32o/o of patients tailed observation and were actively treated for
dissection, including infection and CSF leak, are avoided because
rapid growth of their tun1or, or tor increased signs or symptoms.
of the n1ini1nally invasive nature of the treatment. Patients who
They did not identify any factors predictive of tailure of obser­
demonstrate tu111or recurrence after surgical re111oval inay
vation or tu111or growth. They showed that tun1ors confined to
undergo salvage radiation therapy.105 However, such tumor
the IAC grew significantly slower than tun1ors of the cerebel­
recurrence occurs only in 0.3 to 0.8°/o of patients treated in cen­
lopontine angle, but statistical hearing deterioration occurred
ters with considerable inicrosurgical experience.106•107
in both groups. Hearing preservation surgery could also ben­
efit fro111 preoperative paran1eters \vith prognostic value. In a Stereotactic Radiation Disadvantages
retrospective evaluation of attempted hearing preservation in
A relative disadvantage of stereotactic radiation lies in the need
29 patients following niiddle cranial fossa tumor resection,
for prolonged surveillance with repeated MRis and the asso­
Gjuric et al found that only preoperative tumor volume analy­ ciated cost over a long follo,v-up course. Treated tun1ors inay
sis significantly predicted hearing outcomes.74 Linear volume harbor viable tumor follo,ving a course of treatn1ent and so111e
n1easurements, fundal involven1ent, and audiovestibular testing have shown growth requiring salvage n1icrosurgery.
paran1eters \'/ere unable to predict postoperative hearing. Potential disadvantages of stereotactic radiation include
radiation-induced hydrocephalus, even after treat111ent of
Stereotactic Radiation Therapy tun1ors as sn1all as 18 n1111.108 This con1plication, which is asso­
ln 1951, the S\vedish neurosurgeon Leksell developed the first ciated directly vvith tu111or size,101 was n1uch more co111111on in
open stereotactic instrun1ent by focusing multiple radiation early reports; its occurrence has been reduced recently between
beams on a single target. He reported his experience with closed 1.4 and 9.2%.
cranial treatment of a variety of lesions over the next several So111e surgeons have reported great difficulty preserving the
years.97 Currently, stereotactic radiation is the principal alter­ facial nerve in the surgical salvage of sch\o\rannomas that have failed
native active treatment for vestibular schwannon1as (as opposed radiation.109 This difficulty has been disputed by others.110•111
to niicrosurgical resection). The terms "Gamma Knife®, Cyber Another consideration in stereotactic radiation therapy is
Knite®, and XKnife,."" are often applied n1isnon1ers that may be the potential for sudden hearing loss, likely owing to swelling
confusing to patients. "Stereotactic radiation" is the preferred that occurs soon after radiation.ll2 When observed, additional
tern1 as it is niore descriptive of the treatn1ent. decline in auditory nerve function may occur over several years
The goals of stereotactic radiation therapy are the long-tern1 following radiation. In one study, useful hearing was preserved
prevention of tu1uor growth, n1aintenance of neurologic func­ in 10 of 10 patients in1n1ediately after radiation treat111ent but
tion, and prevention of new neurologic deficits. Noren reported declined to 8 of10 patients at 6 n1onths, 6of10 patients at l year,
growth control, usually with shrinkage, in 95% of unilateral and 5 of 10 patients at 2 years.113
tuniors.98 The development of cranial neuropathies shows a Stereotactic radiation for vestibular schwanno111as asso­
direct relation to radiation dose. and colleagues reported a ciated \vith NF2 represent a special challenge because of the
facial neuropathy rate of 38 (Yo when delivering 20 Gy to the tun1or risk of con1plete deafness. Subach and colleagues reported an
periphery, but only 8% when the 1nargin dose was reduced to 16 overall tumor control rate of98°/o in 45 NF2-associated vestib­
Gy (p .006).99 Multivariate analysis revealed that the only factor
= ular schwanno111as treated with stereotactic radiation usi ng a
associated with increased risk of posttreatment facial neuropathy nlean tun1or n1argin dose of 15 Gy (range12 to 20 Gy). During
was a tun1or n1argin dose greater than or equal to 18 Gy. Facial the inedian follow-up period of 36 months, 16 tu111ors (360/o)
nerve preservation rates up to 98o/o have been reported as radi­ regressed, 28 (62% ) re111ained unchanged, and l (2%) gre\v.
ation dosage to the turnor periphery have been reduced to less Useful hearing was preserved in 6 ( 43%) of 14 patients, and
than 16 Gy.98-102 Similarly, the incidence of trigen1inal neuropa­ this rate iinproved to 67% after the radiation dose "''as reduced.
thy was reduced fron1 29 to J.50/o by decreasing the n1arginal dose Nor111al facial nerve fu11ction (House-Brack111ann grade I) was
fron1 20 to 16 Gy. By further lin1iting the dose to 12 Gy or less preserved in 25 (81°/o) of 31 patients. Norn1al trigen1inal nerve
hearing preservation bas been reportedly achieved in 65 to70(Yo, function was preserved in 34 (94%) of 36 patients.114 A study
and tinnitus is rarely n1ade \vorse.98 Although delayed-onset cra­ by Ito and colleagues suggested that tu111or diameter and the
nial neuropathies can occur, no new neurologic deficits appear diagnosis of NF2 were risk factors associated with increased
more than 28 months after stereotactic radiation.ioo hearing loss follo,.ving stereotactic radiation. Larger popula­
Linear accelerators have also been used to deliver stereo­ tions and longer follow-up are necessary to dra,.., rigorous
tactic radiation to vestibular schwannon1as, and are reported to conclusions.111

Radiation-Induced Malignancy Radiation Versus Observation

Radiation treatment in low doses, and for benign processes, has Shirato and colleagues reported a comparative study of obser­
been associated with n1alignant transtonuation of affected tissues. vation versus stereotactic radiotherapy in the managen1ent of
The risk of a previously benign schv•anno111a undergoing malig­ vestibular schwannon1as. t23 Twenty-seven patients underwent
nant degeneration is a concern, especially for younger patients observation as initial treat1uent, and 50 received stereo tactic
that '"'ill require decades of observation. Tn 1998 Noren reported radiation. Small-field, fractionated radiotherapy (36 to 44 Gy in
an estin1ated 0.1 o/o wodd,vide rate of nialignant change of 8,000 20 to 22 fractions over 6 \.Yeeks) >vas delivered with or '"'ithout
vestibular schwannon1as treated with stereotactic radiation since a subsequent 4-Gy boost. The tumor control rate in the radia­
1969.98 Patients whose tumors under\vent malignant transfonua­ tion group, \\'hen delivered at these high levels, was significantly
tion died despite 1uicrosurgical excision. Histopathologic analy­ better than that of the observation group. �1ean tumor growth
sis revealed a malignant, spindle cell neoplasn1 \\1ith nun1erous was 3.87 mm per year in the observation group and -0.75 mm
mitotic figures. Rhabdoid elements detected by in1n1unohisto­ per year in the stereotactic radiation group. Forty-one percent
chemical analysis confirmed the diagnosis of a malignant triton of the observation group and 2°/o of the stereotactic radiation
tun1or or sarcoma} 15•1 1 Schwannomas removed after group required salvage therapy. They concluded that stereotactic
stereotactic radiation failure have also shown atypical and via­ radiotherapy provided better tumor control and a similar rate
ble schwannoma cells as \veil as other foci showing delayed radi­ of hearing deterioration than did observation.123 Intervention
ation changes such as nucleolar and cytoplasn1ic enlargement assignment was not randomized, however, representing an
and proliferation of endothelial cells.117•118 Although the inci­ important bias i n the study. Also, the number of tumors that
dence of malignant transformation is low, observation periods were growing at the time of patient entry into the study was not
docu1uented in the majority of studies are short relative to the defined.
time course range of radiation induced n1alignant degeneration. In summary, although acceptable outcomes have been
Further assurance or concerns rests on the unfolding longevity reported with stereotactic radiation therapy for the treatn1ent of
of experience \.Yith these techniques at current dosing param­ vestibular schwannomas, long-term outcomes at current levels
eters. Tt 111ust also be recognized that malignant sch,vannomas or of radiation have not been well documented.98- 102 The average
triton tumors may occur spontaneously in the absence of a prior dose of radiation to the tumor margin has been progressively
history of irradiation. 1 19• 120 reduced since the technique was initially described, resulting in
ln a study of2,3ll patients with a history of childhood irra­ improved cranial nerve function and fewer brain stem compli­
diation for enlarged tonsils and adenoids, Shore-Freed1uan and cations. Unfortw1ately, these studies do not account for tumors
colleagues found 29 schwanno111as, 2 neurofibromas, and I gan­ that would not have grown without any treatment. Vve believe
glioneuron1a, representing a l.4<Vo incidence of tu111ors. Because that longitudinal follow-up is required before definitive conclu­
of the frequency of tumor developi11ent and the strict localiza­ sions can be drawn regarding the ultimate rate of tumor control
tion of the tu1uors to the area of treat111ent, it \vas concluded using reduced stereotactic radiation doses.99
that they were radiation induced. Analysis of the latency of these
tun1ors indicates that they continue to occur for at least 30 years
after the radiation exposure. In the same group of individuals,
there have been 54 confirmed salivary gland tun1ors (40 benign Historically, microsurgical excision has been the treatment of

and 14 nialignant).121 choice for vestibular schwannomas. There are four microsurgi­

Stereotactic radiation 111ay be less likely to induce neoplastic cal approaches for vestibular schwannoma removal: the middle

change than fractionated radiation, and glandular tissue, which cranial fossa, the translabyrinthine, the suboccipital (retrosig­

is prone to radiation-induced neoplasia, is not in the radiation moid), and a combined approach. A multidisciplinary approach

field used for vestibular schwannomas. Thus, the overall risk to the microsurgical removal of vestibular schwannomas has

of malignancy is less than for fractionated radiation. The over­ developed i n tertiary referral centers. This amiable working

all risk of neoplastic change would appear to be less in patients relationship between the neurotologist and the neurosurgeon

over the age of 60 years; therefore, some clinicians, in keeping has led to improved hearing preservation rates and facial nerve

with the National Institutes of Health Consensus Development outcomes.

Conference report,1 22 do not recom111end radiation unless patients

are elderly or otherwise 111edically infirn1. The ultin1ate answer to Approach Selection
the question of the long-term safety of stereotactic radiation will Access to the IAC via a nliddle fossa craniotomy is used when
require at least a 30-year tollow-up period. The risk of 111al ignant the possibility for hearing preservation exists. I n our practice,
degeneration 1nust be \.Yeighed against the risk of complications hearing preservation is attempted when the pure-tone average is
of surgery, such as stroke or death, and the outcomes strati 6ed by 30 dB or less and the speech discrimination is greater than 70°A>.
sin1ilar tun1or size, location, and patient's health profile. 1-Iowever, in patients with NF2 or poor hearing in the contra­
Finally, stereotactic irradiation treats lesions of the CPA lateral ear, the criteria need not be so stringent. Small tumors
based on the probability of their diagnosis as predicted by their restricted to the IAC are best accessed with the middle fossa
radiographic appearance and their anaton1ic location. No con­ approach. Generally, tumors of l-1.5 c1n can be successflllly
firn1atory histopathologic analysis is available with this strategy, exposed and removed through the 1niddle fossa route. The mid­
therefore the possibility of delaying the diagnosis and or treat­ dle fossa approach affords excellent access to the fundus of the
ment of a malignant lesion elsewhere may rarely occur. IAC while preserving the otic capsule, and is ideal for laterally

situated tumors. However, tumors with substantial extension results in 120 tumors re1noved from 82 NF2 patients through a
into the cerebellopontine angle can be removed through the suboccipital approach. Overall, hearing was preserved in 36°/o
111 iddle fossa approach if the superior petrosal sinus is Iigated of ears, and anatomic facial nerve preservation was achieved in
and the temporal lobe is further retracted. 85%. Two deaths occurred.124 They concluded that the chances
The tran slabyrinthine approach directly traverses the of anaton1ic and functional nerve preservation are lower for
ten1poral bone and otic capsule and is therefore preferred for patients ,...,i th NF2 than for patients with unilateral tu111ors.
patients without useful hearing preoperatively. This approach Slattery and colleagues reported the outcon1es of 18 NF2
can be used for tumors of all sizes, provides excellent exposure patients (23 tun1ors) ,...,ho underwent surgical excision of vestib­
of the cerebellopontine angle, and affords the widest exposure ular schwannon1as. Measurable hearing was preserved in 65o/o
of the facial nerve, extending from the vertical segn1ent v,rithin of patients. House-Brack1uann grade I or II facial function \¥as
the temporal bone to the root entry zone at the brain stem. inaintained in 100% of patients with norn1al preoperative facial
Furthern1ore, visualization of adjacent cranial nerves is facil­ nerve function. Unlike San1ii and tvfatthies, they concluded that
itated by the wide exposure of the translabyrinthine approach. in patients with NF2, hearing and facial nerve function out­
A relative advantage of the translabyrinthine approach over the con1es are similar to those for patients with sporadic, unilateral
niiddle fossa and suboccipital approaches is the avoidance of vestibular schwannon1as. They agreed that early intervention
cerebellar or temporal lobe retraction. Cerebellar retraction is was crucial in obtaining favorable outcon1es.125 Early detection
occasiona.lly necessary for very large tumors. The fragility of ,...,ith aggressive screening is strongly associated ,...,ith favorable
blood vessels increases with age, thus increasing the likelihood outcon1es.12°'127
of intraparenchyn1al bleeding with brain retraction.
The suboccipital (retrosign1oid) approach accesses the pos­ MICROSURGICAL RESECTION
terior tossa through a cranioton1y interior to the transverse
sinus and posterior to the sign1oid sinus. Genera.lly, the neu­
Middle Cranial Fossa Approach
rotologist views the suboccipital approach as a hearing pres­ The surgeon is seated at the head of the bed during nliddle
ervation approach tor 1nedially located tun1ors. This approach fossa surgery (Figure 37-8). The head is turned opposite the
affords superior exposure of the cerebellopontine angle when side of the lesion, and the operative site is shaved. Facial nerve
con1pared with the middle tossa approach. The posterior wall electrodes are placed in the obicularis oris and oculi nluscles,
of the IAC is drilled away to expose the niedial TAC. The fun­ and the facial nerve nlonitor is tested to ensure that it is func­
dus of the canal cannot be fully visualized \¥ithout drilling into tioning appropriately. Mannitol (1 g/kg) is given intravenously
the otic capsule. This can jeopardize con1plete tun1or removal at the start of the case to decrease CSF pressure. If there is no
and hearing preservation if laterally based tun1ors require blind contraindication, the patient is also given 10 mg of dexa1ueth­
dissection. Tumors of all sizes can be ren1oved through the sub­ asone intravenously. Antibiotic prophylaxis covering skin
occipital approach, and this is the traditional technique used by pathogens is given prior to the skin incision. The surgical site
neurosurgeons. Cerebellar retraction is required. is prepared and draped for neurotologic surgery in the usual
The con1bined approach is used tor tumors of the cer­ fashion.
ebellopontine angle that are greater than four centi1neters, The skin incision is made ,...,ith a #15 scalpel and extends
or that traverse intracranial compartments. Hearing preser­ 1 cn1 anterior to and approximately 12 cn1 superior to the tra­
vation is not an objective with tun1ors of this size, but rather gus. The superior lin1b of the incision is angled (approxin1ately
brain stem decon1pression and the prevention of increased TCP. 15 degrees) anteriorly. The ten1poralis fascia is divided sharply,
Glasscock and Hays described a one-stage approach combining and the temporalis nluscle is incised ,...,ith electrocautery to the
the translabyrinthine and suboccipital access for the treatn1ent skull. A periosteal (Le1npert) elevator is used to elevate the inus­
of giant tun1ors. This enabled additional cerebellar retraction culoperiostewn anteriorly and posteriorly. Dura hooks are placed
and enhanced exposure of very large tuniors.58 The con1bined to retract the temporalis nluscle. The root of the zygom.a is iden­
approach can be staged, pertorn1ing tumor debulking, niedial tified at this point as it serves as the center of the inferior lin1it
facial nerve identification, and brain stem decon1pression of the craniotomy. The anesthesia tean1 should be instructed
through the suboccipital approach, and then, at a later date, to hyperventilate the patient to a carbon dioxide (C02) level of
con1pleting tumor ren1oval with the addition of a translabyrin­ 25-28 n11n Hg to further facilitate brain relaxation.
th ine dissection. ldentification of the lateral aspect of the facial A 4 x 4 cn1 cranioto1uy is drilled using a S-n1n1 cutting bur
nerve with the translabyrinthine dissection may facilitate facial or cranioton1e. The cranioton1y windO\¥ should extend 2 cn1
nerve preservation with the removal of these large tumors. anterior and 2 c1n posterior to the zygomatic root and 4 cn1 in
Special considerations for the surgical planning of patients the vertical din1ension. The surgeon should S\vitch to a dia111ond
with NF2 arise due to the rapid growth rates and aggressive bur when the dura is approached to prevent dural tears. The
behavior of these tumors. The in1portance of preserving hearing bone flap is gently elevated off the dura and placed in an antibi­
in at least one ear is paramount. Likewise, bilateral brain sten1 otic solution. Bleeding dural vessels are controlled with bipolar
coinpression seen in NF2 poses a greater threat to vital brain­ cautery. Exposed air cells within the zygo1natic root should be
stem function and cerebrospinal fluid flow. There is controversy sealed ,...,ith either n1uscle or bone wax prior to the completion of
in the literature regarding the difficulty of surgical ren1oval of the case to prevent a potential passage for CSF egress.
unilateral vestibular schwannon1as as con1pared to NF2-related Usi ng the operating nlicroscope and a dural elevator, the
scbwannomas. San1 ii and tvfatth ies reported 1nicrosurgical te1uporal lobe and dura are gently elevated from. the skull base.

FIGURE 37-8 •The operating room setup

for middle fossa surgery. Note that the
surgeon is seated at the head of the bed
and the anesthesiologist at the foot.

Elevation should proceed carefully in a posterior to anterior the facial nerve. The dural niargins are reflected anteriorly and
direction to avoid injuring a dehiscent geniculate ganglion, posteriorly, and the nerve is identified on the superior sur­
which is seen as high as in l8<Yo of cases. Elevation proceeds face of the tumor (Figure 37-9A). The nerve should be positively
to the anterior extent of the craniotorny, taking care not to identified using the facial nerve stimulator set at 0.05 mA. As a
lacerate the middle n1eningeal artery. Should the artery be result of the mass efe
f ct. of the tumor, the facial nerve n1ayocca­
lacerated, it is controlled with bipolar cautery. The temporal sionally be displaced anterior, inferior, or, rarely, even posterior
lobe and dura are elevated medially until the superior petro­ to the tumor. Should this be the case, it is recon1n1ended that
sal sinus and petrous pyra1uid are identified. As full exposure the nerve be positively identified at its lateral and n1edial limits
is accon1plished, the arcuate en1inence and greater petrosal prior to tumor dissection.
nerve are identified. The greater petrosal nerve can be stin1u­ Using a sickle or Fisch knife, the facial nerve and tumor
lated (at approxi1uately 0.1 to 0.31uA) to "back-stimulate" the are gently separated. Often, the tun1or can be gently retracted
facial nerve. This 1naneuver helps to avoid confusion with the away from the facial nerve \Vith the suction tip, facilitat­
lesser petrosal nerve, which is located laterally and parallels ing exposure of the plane between the nerve and the tumor
the course of the greater petrosal nerve along the floor of the (Figure 37-9B). Once the tacial nerve has been con1pletely
middle cranial fossa. separated fron1 the tu111or, a O.S-mn1 hook can be used to
The House-Urban n1iddle fossa retractor is placed to facil­ avulse the superior vestibular nerve lateral in the canal where
itate retraction of the te1nporal lobe. Cottonoid sponges should it enters the temporal bone. The tumor is then carefully dis­
be placed between the blade of the retractor and the dura for sected free fron1 the facial and cochlear nerves in a lateral
protection. Using a #4 diamond bur and suction irrigation, to medial direction. The inferior vestibular nerve is usually
drilling begins in the region of the arcuate en1inence, and the intin1ately associated with the tun1or and should be included
superior semicircular canal is "blue-lined." Bisecting the angle with the specin1en. Once the tumor is free from the TAC, the
benveen the greater superficial petrosal nerve and the superior 111edial stalk of the vestibular nerve is sectioned with sharp
semicircular canal gives the approximate location of the n1eatal n1icroscissors (Figure 37-9C), leaving the facial and cochlear
plane and underlying TAC. Using successively sn1aller dia111ond nerves exposed and intact in the TAC (Figure 37-9D). A plug
burs, the TAC is identified medially near the porus. The depth of temporalis n1uscle is placed over the TAC, and the temporal
of the IAC can be gauged by the coronal MR image. Bone is then lobe is allowed to expand. The bone flap is replaced, and the
ren1oved laterally along the IAC, taking care to avoid fenestrat­ wound is closed in layers in a watertight fashion. A compres­
ing the cochlea or superior sen1icircular canal. The vertical crest sion dressing is applied.
(Bill's bar), which separates the anteriorly located facial nerve During hearing preservation surgery, the surgeon must
from the posteriorly located superior vestibular nerve, is iden­ ren1ember that several in1portant structures must be preserved.
tified at the fundus. The labyrinthine section of the facial nerve In addition to preserving the cochlea, labyrinth, and cochlear
is identified as it exits the lateral end of the internal canal and nerve, the labyrinthine artery within the IAC should be pre­
heads to,vard the geniculate ganglion. served. The surgeon should be aware of the fact that the ante­
When the superior plane of the TAC is exposed 180 degrees, rior inferior cerebellar artery may loop into the TAC. Should
the bone work is con1plete and the surgical site is irrigated to this be the case, it is vital to gently dissect the vessel free fron1
remove any bone dust that might obscure visualization. The surrounding structures n1aintaining its integrity to prevent the
dura of the TAC is incised along its posterior border, avoiding sequelae of ischen1 ic stroke.

FIGURE 37-9 •A, Middle fossa exposure of a right vestibular schwannoma. The internal auditory canal and its
dura have been opened. The facial nerve is identified on the superior surface of the tumor B, A suction tip is used

to retract the tumor, and the plane between the facial nerve and tumor is developed. The facial nerve must be
completely separated from the tumor prior to avulsing the superior vestibular nerve and dissecting the tumor from
the cochlear nerve.

FIGURE 37-9 • Continued. C, Once the tumor is dissected free from facial and cochlear nerves, the medial stalk
of the vestibular nerve is sectioned with microscissors. 0, The facial and cochlear nerves remain in the internal
auditory canal after tumor dissection. 657

Translabyrinthine Approach A lower incision is created to the inferior edge of the porus in
a line superior to the jugular bulb. A collagen sponge is placed
The patient is placed in the supine position with the head
under a cottonoid strip to protect tbe cerebellum. Microscissors
turned away from the operative site. The hair is shaved above
arc used to cut away the dura from the upper and lower edges
and behind the ear and the facial nerve monitor is attached
of tbc IAC, connecting the incisions with the posterior fossa
along with other appropriate anesthetic monitors. Additionally,
dura incisions, further exposing tbe cerebellu1n, tun1or, and the
thc left lower quadrant of the abdo111en is prepared and draped
_ neurovascular structures of the ccrebcllopontinc angle. S1nall
for harvest of an abdon1inal adipose graft. The left lower quad­
tu 111ors are removed at this point without reducing them in size
rant is used to avoid creating the appearance of an appendec­
ton1y scar. (Figure 37-lOF). Large lesions require internal reduction before
Lhey can be extracted (Figure 37-IOG). 1"his begins with coag­
A postauricular, C-shaped incision is made approxi­
ulating the tumor capsule vessels v;ith a bipolar cautery and
n1ately 4 cm behind the postauricular crease (Figure 37-lOA).
The postauricular flap is elevated anteriorly in the subcuta­ incising the capsule. Care should be exercised to cauterize only
tu n1or capsule vessels. Larger vessels, such as the anterior infe­
neous plane. A generous temporalis fascia graft is harvested,
rior cerebellar artery, are gently swept off the tumor surface and
prepared on a cartilage cutting block, and placed on the back
preserved. The center of the tumor can be gutted using a vari­
table along with a small ten1poralis muscle plug that is placed
ety of techniques, including laser vaporization, aspiration with
in an antibiotic solution for later use to pack and close off the
a CUSA® (Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical 1\spirator, Valleylab,
n1iddle-ear space. Dura hooks retract the edges of the skin
Boulder, CO) or n1icrodebridcr, or si1nply using n1icrocup
flap anteriorly, and the niusculoperiosteu111 is incised with
elcctrocautery in a T- or C-shaped fashion. An elevator is forceps.
Once the tumor has been reduced in size, the posterior,
used to elevate the musculoperiosteum, 111aking sure not to
superior, inferior, and nledial aspects of the tumor capsule arc
tear the skin of the external auditory canal. Initially, a co111-
dissected from the surrounding arachnoid, cerebellum, and
plete mastoidectomy is performed, exposing the middle and
the brain stem. A s the tutnor is mobilized, cottonoid strips
posterior fossa dural plates, sign1oid sinus, sinodural angle,
arc gently placed between the tumor capsule and surrounding
antrum, and digastric ridge (Figure 37-IOB). Next the vertical
structures. Reducing the tu1nor capsule may facilitate identify­
portion of the facial nerve is identified with a fine dian1ond
ing its relationship to the brain sten1. The n1edial end of
bur, the facial recess is opened, and the incus is removed to
the facial nerve is identified at the brain stem with the aid of the
facilitate later packing of the eustachian tube and n1iddle ear
facial nerve stin1ulator.
(Figure 37-IOC).
The ren1ainder of the tun1or is re1noved beginning at the
All bone is ren1oved fron1 the niiddle fossa dural plate, sino­
fundus of the IAC and progressing medially. The vertical crest
dural angle, and the sign1oid sinus at this point to provide ample
is identified. The superior vestibular nerve is gently displaced
working room to complete the labyrinthecton1y and identify
to allow visualization of the n1orc anteriorly located facial
the TAC. Additionally, it is important to carry bone removal
nerve, \vhich is positively idenLificd with the facial nerve stiinu­
approxi111ately I cm posterior to the sigmoid sinus so that the
lator (set at 0.05 niA). A right-angled hook is used to avulse the
sinus can be retracted during subsequent tun1or removal. Using
superior vestibular nerve and fully expose the facial nerve. The
a dia111ond bur and suction irrigation, the three semicircular
inferior vestibular and cochlear nerves are also released fron1
canals are syste111atically re111oved, starting with the horizontal,
their lateral attachn1ents, and the plane between the tu n1or
nioving to the posterior, and finishing with the co111111on crus
and the facial nerve is established. Turnor is re1novcd fron1 the
and superior canal (Figure 37-100). After the horizontal canal
canal in a n1edial direction, dissecting it a\'1ay from the facial
is rcn1oved with a fine dian1ond bur to avoid injuring the hori­
nerve. 1'he House-Hough facial nerve dissector facilitates sepa­
zontal seg111ent of t he facial nerve, a coarse dia111ond bur may be
rating the anterior tun1or capsule fron1 the nerve. Dissection
used to complete the labyrinthecto111y. The jugular bulb should
continues until the facial nerve is seen entering the brain sten1
be well-defined; however, it is best· to leave a thin shell of pro­
and the tumor is free from the nerve. At this point, n1icroscis­
tective bone over this structure to prevent bleeding. Once the
sors arc used to sever the V nerve fro1n the brain stem, and
canals have been drilled away, the bone from the superior, infe­
the tumor specimen is re1novcd. The facial nerve is stin1ulated
rior, and posterior aspects of the TAC is ren1oved with succes­
at the brain stem to deter1ninc its integrity, and the ccrcbello­
sively smaller fine diamond burs and using copious irrigation.
pontine angle is irrigated to id enti fy any bleeding. He1nostasis
At the fundus, the transverse crest, which separates the superior
is obtained with bipolar cautery and topical hc1nostatic agents
and inferior vestibular nerves, is identified. The niacula cribrosa
as necessary.
superior (Mike's dot) facilitates identification of the lateral-n1ost
The tensor ty1npani tendon is severed from the cochleari­
ex tent of the JAC and the superior vestibular nerve that lies just
form process to allov1 palpation and packing of the eustachian
posterior Lo the vertical crest (Bill's bar) and the facial nerve at
tube. Nu Knit® guaze (Johnson & Johnson Gateway, LLC,
this point Figure 37-lOE, depicts the operative exposure at the
Piscataway, NJ) and bone wax are compressed and pushed into
compleLion of bone ren1oval.
the custachian tube orifice to prevent postoperative CSF rhi­
The posterior fossa dura is incised with a sharp knife blade
norrhea, using care not to perforate the tyinpanic men1branc.
or microscissors anteromedial to the sigmoid sinus and the
The tniddle ear is packed with pieces of tcn1poralis muscle. The
incision is carried n1edially to the superior edge of the porus
tcmporalis fascia is then draped over the posterior external
acousticus in a line just inferior to the superior petrosal sinus.

FIGURE 37-10 •A, Translabyrinthine removal of a vestibular schwannoma. The postauricular incision is made
approximately 4 cm posterior to the postauricular crease. B, A complete mastoidectomy is performed.


FIGURE 37-10 •Continued. C, The vertical portion of the facial nerve is identified and the facial recess is opened
to gain access to the eustachian tube. 0, The incudostapedial joint is separated and the incus removed. The mal­
leus head is nipped, and the eustachian tube is occluded. The bone remaining over the sigmoid sinus and middle
fossa dura is removed. A labyrinthectomy is performed.

FIGURE 37-10 •Continued. E, The translabyrinthine approach after bone removal has been completed. The
posterior fossa dura is incised with microscissors to expose the tumor.
i ued

auditory canal to cover potential routes of CSF egress such as neurologic intensive care unit where in1mediate, and seq ueotial
the aditus ad antrum, the oval or round v.1indows at the ves­ exams are observed overnight.
tibules, or the sinus tyn1pani. Any other open air-cell tract
along the root of the zygoma, petrous apex, or hypotympanum
Suboccipital Approach
should be occluded with bone wax. Abdon1inal fat is harvested, The suboccipital (retrosigmoid) approach to the cerebellopon­
cut into approxin1ately 2-in. strips in bacitracin irrigant, and tine angle was first advocated by Dandy.7 The microscope has
then layered in to fiJI the surgical defect. Care must be exer­ been incorporated routinely and the approach improved on by
cised vvhen filling the dural opening adjacent to the facial nerve removal of the posterior lip of the IAC to identify the facial and
to prevent its avulsion. Tissue glues such as Tisseel® (Baxter cochlear nerves and for complete tumor removal under direct
- ealthcare Corporation, Glendale, CA) can be used. Titanium visualization.
mesh, lactosorb, and medpor plating systems have been used The procedure is performed on a supine patient placed in
to recontour the cranial defect and keep the fat graft immo­ tvlayfield pinions with the chin slightly tucked, and the head
bile against CSF pulsations. Whether or not this will add to turned laterally. Two potentially catastrophic disadvantages
decreased CSF otorhinorrhea or increased cosmetic healing to the seated position are air embolism and lumbar disk rup­
is yet to be seen. The musculoperiosteum is closed over the ture; therefore, the supine or lateral position is preferred.
fat with interrupted absorbable suture. Another layer of inter­ Hyperventilating the patient to a C02 level of 25-28 mmHg,
rupted absorbable suture is used to close the subcuticular layer, the use of intravenous mannitol (1 g/kg) at the start of the case,
and the skin is closed with a continuous running-locking nylon and hypotensive anesthesia with judicious use of intravenous
suture. Every effort is n1ade to ensure a watertight closure to fluids all help reduce ICP and intraoperative bleeding.
prevent a postoperative CSF leak. A mastoid-type compression A curvilinear incision is 1nade approximately four fin­
dressing is placed. The patient is extubated and taken to the gerbreadths behind the postauricular crease (Figure 37-llA

FIGURE 37-10 •Continued. F, The dura of the posterior fossa and internal auditory canal is opened, exposing the
tumor. Smaller tumors may be removed at this point without a reduction in size.

and B). 'fhe niusculoperiosteum and cervical inusculature are angle and tu1nor (Figure 37-llC). Cottonoid sponges are placed
incised vertically down to the skull. The Len1pert periosteal ele­ over a biologic collagen sponge (bicol®), or oxidized cellulose
vator is used to sweep this tissue anteriorly and posteriorly to (Surgicel) placed between the cerebellun1 and the retractor to
provide exposure for the cranioton1y. An approxin1ately 4 x 4 decrease trau1na to the surface of the cerebellun1.
cn1 cranioton1y is then created posterior to the occipiton1astoid Larger tun1or capsules are incised, and the tun1or is
grove, and the bone flap is preserved for later replace111ent. The gutted and reduced, as previously described. The posterior,
superior lin1it of the cranioton1y is the transverse sinus, and the superior, inferior, and nledial aspects of the tun1or are gently
anterior extent is the sig111oid sinus. Inferiorly the atlas is pal­ dissected free from the cerebellum and brain stem, and the
pated and care is taken to avoid injury to the vertebral artery seventh and eighth nerves are identified at their root entry
as it en1erges laterally fron1 foran1en transversariu111 and bends zones. If the tun1or is sn1all, it is con1pletely dissected fron1
to course intracranially. The dura is initially incised with a #15 the facial and cochlear nerves prior to removing the posterior
blade, and a cottonoid sponge is placed through the dural open­ lip of the IAC.
ing to protect the cerebellun1. The remainder of the incision is Cottonoid sponges are placed around the porus to keep
nlade with niicroscissors, and the dura is retracted \.Yith stay bone dust out of the cerebellopontine angle. The dura overlying
sutures (Figure 37-llC). :tvloistened nlicrogelatin foa111 is placed the posterior petrous apex can be ren1oved prior to drilling the
on the outer surface of the retracted dura to prevent desiccation IAC, or it can be incised with the dian1ond bur (Figure 37-llD).
during the procedure. 'fhe anterior and inferior portions of the Starting with a 3-n11n dian1ond bur, the posterior lip of the IAC
cerebellum are gently retracted to expose the cerebellopontine is drilled as far laterally as possible without dan1aging the otic
cistern. An arachnoid knife is used to pierce the arachnoid, capsule structures. Staying 2 1nn1 inedial to the operculu1n and
allo,.ving egress of CSF and pro1noting cerebellar relaxation. The not advancing beyond the blue-lined co1nn1on crus helps avoid
cerebellu111 is gently retracted to expose the cerebellopontine postoperative hearing loss. Reviev>' of the preoperative MRI can

FIGURE 37-10 •Continued. G, Larger tumors must be reduced in size prior to removal. After debulking, the tumor
capsule is separated from the surrounding structures. The vertical crest is identified, and the superior vestibular
nerve is retracted inferiorly to identify the facial nerve. The vestibular nerves are avulsed, and the facial nerve is
dissected free from the tumor in a lateral to medial direction.

help determine the amount of bone that can safely be ren1oved the niuscular layer is closed in layers with an absorbable suture.
without risking the inner ear. The skin is closed with a running 3-0 nylon suture (or stainless
Once exposed, the dura of the TAC is incised and opened. steel surgical clips), and a sterile pressure dressing is applied. The
The superior and inferior vestibular nerves and tuiuor are iden­ patient is extubated and monitored overnight in the neurologic
tified within the canal. Gentle interior retraction of the supe­ intensive care unit.
rior vestibular nerve reveals the facial nerve, which is positively The intraoperative use of a 30-degree endoscope can
identified with the facial nerve stin1ulator (set at 0.05 111A). The in1prove visualization of the lateral TAC, reducing the risk of
vestibular nerves are avuJsed, and the plane bet,veen the tun1or leaving residual tuiuor in the fundus. The use of endoscopes
and facial and cochlear nerves is developed (Figure 37-llE). elin1inates reliance on blind turnor dissection of the fundus, or
The tumor is gently dissected froiu the facial and cochlear the sacrifice of hearing for direct visualization.128
nerves in a lateral to medial direction. The nerves are follo,ved
into the cerebellopontine angle, as in the translabyrinthine Management of Large
approach (Figure 37-llF). The surgeon must take care to pre­ Vestibular Schwannomas
serve tbe labyrinthine artery in hearing preservation cases. Giant (4.0 cm or larger) vestibular sch,vannon1as require spe­
Once the tun1or has been con1pletely ren1oved, all cotton­ cial perioperative, intraoperative, and anesthetic precautions
oid sponges are removed. The surgical field is copiously irrigated to prevent serious complications. As with any surgery, exist­
and hemostasis is obtained. The bone around the TAC is carefully ing medical conditions are optin1ally nianaged prior to sur­
inspected tor air cells, and if visualized, they are occluded with gery. Furthermore, the consu l. ting internist is inforn1ed that
bone wax. The dural leaves of the IAC are replaced and covered the operative, and hence anesthetic tin1e, niay be prolonged.
with a piece of n1uscle to help prevent postoperative CSF leak­ Patients and their families are intormed that the primary goal
age. The dura is closed in a running fashion with 4-0 silk, the of surgery is to preserve their life and that saving facial nerve
bone flap is replaced and plated to the posterior calvarium, and function is a secondary goal.

\ "
\ ,, "
\ ,,

/ '

FIGURE 37-11 • Suboccipital removal of a vestibular schwannoma. A curvilinear incision is made approximately
four fingerbreadths behind the postauricular crease. Note the relationship of the incision to the sigmoid sinus,
transverse sinus, and cerebellum. A, The incision margins are retracted, and a 4 x 4-cm craniotomy is created. The
superior limit of the craniotomy is the transverse sinus, and the anterior limit is the sigmoid sinus. 8, Mannitol and
hyperventilation provide brain relaxation, and the posterior fossa dura is opened. The cerebellopontine cistern is
decompressed and the cerebellum is retracted to expose the cerebellopontine angle and tumor.

FIGURE 37-11 • Continued. C, Using a 3-mm diamond bur, the posterior lip of the internal auditory canal is drilled
away. Staying 2 mm medial to the operculum and not advancing beyond the blue-lined common crus helps avoid
violating otic capsule. 0, The facial nerve is identified. The vestibular nerves are sectioned, and the tumor and
vestibular nerves are dissected from the facial and cochlear nerves.

FIGURE 37-11 •Continued. E, The tumor removal is completed, with preservation of the facial and cochlear
nerves. F, With the tumor resected the truncated proximal vestibular portion of the vestibulocochlear nerve is
observed posterior to the intact facial and cochlear nerves which are separated by the falciform crest at the fundus
of the internal auditory canal.

Large tun1ors generally cause significant brain stein co1n­ of the signs of brain sten1 dysfunction, such as an alteration in
pression. In addition, co1npression of the fourth ventricle inay heart rate or a rise in blood pressure. If brain sten1 signs appear,
lead to increased ICP and hydrocephalus. Patients with symp­ all surgical manipulation near the brain stem. is stopped, and
ton1atic hydrocephalus or radiographic eden1a should be admit­ surgery resun1es only after vital signs have returned to base­
ted and treated tor several days with high-dose dexan1ethasone line. Additionally, care is taken to avoid occlusion of the sign1oid
prior to surgery in an atte1npt to reduce brain eden1a. \\Then sinus; loss of this venous channel can provoke cerebral eden1a.
hydrocephalus is present or suspected, a neurosurgical con­ Likewise, positioning of the table with a slight Fowler tilt can
sultation should be obtained for additional treat1nent of ele­ decrease venous engorgen1ent, dependent eden1a, and enhance
vated ICPs by placen1ent of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt prior visibility by reduci11g oozing.
to definitive surgery, and to coordinate operative care. Failure
to deco1nprcss hydrocephalus prior to place1nent of a lun1bar Combined Approach
drain or opening the posterior fossa can lead to brain hernia­
The one-stage, con1bined translabyrinthine-suboccipital
tion and death.
approach described by Glasscock and Hays58 was developed for
After the induction of general anesthesia and place1nent
the ren1oval of giant vestibular schwanno1nas. The postauric­
of appropriate n1onitoring devices, a central venous catheter is
ular flap is larger than the one used for the translabyrinthine
inserted due to the heightened risk of air e1nbolisn1 by the pres­
approach to expose n1ore of the occipital bone and is retracted
ence of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. The central line can be
forward by dura hooks (Figure 37-12A). A translabyrinthine
used therapeutically to evacuate air fron1 the right heart should
approach is carried out as previously described (Figure 37-128 ).
an air e1nbolis1n occur. Additionally, intravenous n1annitol
Next bone is re1noved for approxi1nately 4 cn1 posterior to the
(1 g/kg) is given early in the case, and hyperventilation to a CO,-
sig1noid sinus (Figure 37-128). The dura over the cerebellum
level of 25 1n1n Hg is used to decrease ICP. Additional diuresis
is incised and retracted with stay sutures. Cottonoid sponges
can be accon1plished with intravenous furose1nide as necessary.
are placed over the cerebellu1n, the cerebellopontine cistern
Blood chen1istries m.ust be evaluated intraoperatively to detect
is deco1npressed, and a posterior fossa retractor is inserted to
and correct any induced electrolyte or acid-base disturbances.
gently retract the cerebellun1 (Figure 37-12C). The tu1nor inar­
The patient is placed supine and secured in Maytield pin­
gins are freed fro1n the surrounding tissues \-vith cottonoid
ions to n1aintain stability throughout the case. Utilization of
sponges, and the tu1nor center is removed to decon1press the
in1age guidance syste1ns can be helpful in the treatn1ent of large
tu1nor (Figure 37-12D). The capsule is cut away as the tun1or
cerebellopontine angle tun1ors. During the procedure, the anes­
size decreases. All vessels entering the tun1or arc coagulated
thesiologist and surgeon n1ust co1n1nunicate and be cognizant
with bipolar cautery. The capsule is carefully dissected free fro1n

FIGURE 37-12 •A, The combined approach for removal of giant vestibular schwannomas. A large postauricular
flap is created.



FIGURE 37-12 • Continued. B, The translabyrinthine approach is accomplished first.


the brain stem, and cottonoids are placed to protect the brain setting of good hearing, hearing preservation with surgical exci­
stem. The tumor is reduced to 2 cm or less, and the facial nerve sion may be successful and provide long-term hearing and facial
is identified at the brain sten1. At this point, the remainder of the nerve benefits. When bilateral small tumors are present the side
surgery is performed through the translabyrinthine approach selected for initial treatment should be the side \.Vith the best
as described (Figure 37-12E to I). The facial nerve is identified opportunity for hearing preservation success. The outcome of
laterally in the IAC and traced n1edially to,.vard the brain stem. the initial intervention dictates the treatrnent course of the con­
The tumor is separated from the facial nerve and removed as tralateral ear. Ifhearing is preserved and shown to be audiomet­
the dissection continues. On co111plete tumor removal, the cer­ rically stable for 6 months and the contralateral tumor is small
ebellopontine angle is irrigated and hemostasis is obtained with with good hearing, a hearing preservation operation n1ay be
bipolar cautery and topical hemostatic agents. The eustachian attempted on the second side. If the hearing is lost on the initial
tube and iniddle ear are packed, abdominal adipose tissue is attempt, a more conservative strategy n1ust be employed for the
placed within the surgical defect, and the dura is closed with a contralateral tumor. This side may be observed, and or decom­
running 3-0 silk. The wound is closed in the usual manner, and pressed in an atte111pt to prolong useable hearing. During tumor
the patient is observed in the neurologic intensive care unit. removal for these patients it is wise to preserve the cochlear nerve
whenever possible as cochlear implantation has been shown to
Management of Neurofibromatosis be beneficial for long-term auditory rehabilitation.129
Type2 \iVhen tumors are identified later, and hearing or cochlear
Early identification and treatn1ent of family 111embers found to nerve preservation is not a likely option auditory brain sten1
have NF2 is crucial in optimizing the quality of life for these itnplant of the cochlear nucleus at the time of tumor re1noval
individuals. When tumors are identified while sn1all and in the has been shov.111 to be effective in providing environrnental

FIGURE 37-12 •Continued. C, A 4 x 4-cm area of bone is removed posterior to the sigmoid sinus and inferior to
the transverse sinus to enable exposure of the posterior portion of the tumor.

sound cues that greatly enhance lip reading voice modulation Routine use of the operating microscope, facial nerve mon­
capabilities. As these patients will need ongoing lv1RI surveil­ itoring, development of the translabyrinthine approach,
lance of concurrent, residual or future tumors, ren1oval of the improved neuro-otologic/-anesthetic techniques, intensive
implant magnet will prevent inconvenient procedures prior to care monitoring, and development of reliable imaging have
future scanning. all enhanced survivability and preservation of function in
vestibular schwannoma patients. Early detection by high
resolution, gadolinium-enhanced MRI has led to decreased
Surgical Results morbidity by enabling treatment of tumors at early stages
Mortality and morbidity rates have progressively declined, facilitating preservation of hearing and facial nerve function.
as noted above. Glasscock and colleagues reported a mortal­ Intraoperative facial nerve monitoring is associated with
ity rate of less than 1 o/c1 for the surgical excision of vestibular improved postoperative function and is considered "stan­
schwannomas.130 Our series is in agreement.107 The most sig­ dard of care" treatment.131•132 Preservation of facial nerve
nificant factor influencing mortality rate is early tumor diag­ function is, to a great extent, size dependent, 133-135 although
nosis through heightened physician and patient awareness. the tu1nor type also plays a role. Significantly poorer facial

FIGURE 37-12 •Continued. 0, Once brain relaxation has been obtained, the posterior fossa dura is opened, the
cerebellopontine cistern is decompressed, and the cerebellum is retracted. The tumor is gutted to reduce its size.

nerve function has been shown when tumors present with or radiographic information has not revealed absolute clarity.
headache, ataxia, or v.rhen facial function is con1pro1nised Superior vestibular nerve tumors are seen to have improved
preoperatively.uo Our series, sin1ilar to others, shows preser­ hearing outco1nes, however, tu1nors 1nore often originate from
vation ofHouse-Bracko1ann grade I or TI results in 88% of all the inferior vestibular nerve. When VEMP signals are pre­
tuinors.107·131•132 Near total excision, leaving an area of sn1all served, hearing preservation is more often seen, and comple te
residual tu1nor a]ong the facial nerve in larger or inftan1n1a­ disappearance of the VEMP response is generally only been seen
tory tun1ors 1nay offer adequate tu1nor control and improved when the nerve of origin is the inferior vestibular nerve. The
facial nerve outcon1es in patients where aggressive resection position of the tu1nor in the !AC regardless of the site of ori­
1nay not be warranted. gin, and the hearing status of the patien t, definitely influences
Hearing preservation is also directly related to early detec­ V Etv1P findings and predictability.
tion and tun1or size. Preservation rates range fro1n 26 to 80% Cerebrospinal fluid leak rates have declined to less than
dependent on preoperative hearing class, size and location of lOo/o with improved wound closure techniques.139 The use
tumor, patient's age, and approach used.107·133•134•137•138 Optin1al of autologous fibrin glue has not been shovvn to significantly
results are obtained when so1all tun1ors not i1npacting the fuo­ reduce CSF leak rates1'10·H1;however, pooled fibrin glue may have
dus can be approached without violating the inner ear, sparing so1ne advantages.142 Despite various closure techniques the CSP
traction on the cochlear nerve and leaving canal vasculature leak rate has plateaued at below 10°/o. This finding is consis­
intact. In well-selected patients with tun1ors smaller than l.5 cn1 tent despite changes in techniques, and 1naterials, and so may
or tu1nor volun1es sn1aller than 2.0 cn13 that den1onstrate a fuo­ be more of an issue of battling recalcitrant rises in lCP.1<13 It will
dal cap on T2-weighted or 3D-CISS MRI, hearing preservation be interesting to see if cranioplasty closure of the translabyrin­
has been more consistently obtained ranging fron1 58 to 80%. thine defect with titanium mesh, or other plating systems \-vill
Further attempts to prognosticate hearing preservation prob­ prevent CSF from pulsating through the fat graft and lower the
abilities based on demographic, nerve of origin, audiometric incidence of CSP otorhinorrhea.

FIGURE 37-12 •Continued. E, Once the tumor has been reduced in size, the table is rotated back toward the
surgeon, and the dura of the posterior fossa and internal auditory canal is opened.

of the fifth cranial nerve. lnvolve1uent of the fourth cranial

nerve manifests with diplopia. As the lesion enlarges, seizures
and sensory and 1uotor aphasia 1nay occur. The otolaryngolo­
.tvleningiomas are the second nlost con1n1on neoplas1n in the gist is rarely the initial physician consulted by these patients .
cerebellopontine angle and therefore deserve brief discussion. Nleningio1nas arising from the posterior surface of the petrous
.tvleningiomas are nonn1etastasizing but often locally invasive pyran1id 1nay present with the cerebellopontine angle syn­
benign neoplasn1s. They arise fron1 the endothelial lining cells dro1ne, clinically min1icking a vestibular sch,-vannon1a. A
of the arachnoid villi found in the '"'alls of the cranial venous 1neningio1na arising within the IAC produces syn1pton1s indis­
sinuses and their tributary veins. Although 1ueningion1as tinguishable fro1n those of a vestibular schwannoma; however,
constitute approximately 18o/o of prin1ary brain tun1ors, only a 1ueningio1na usually originates outside the canal and involves
about 3% of meningio1uas arise from the petrous pyran1id, adjacent cranial nerves and the cerebellum before affecting the
about equally from its middle and posterior fossa surfaces.144 eighth cranial nerve.
Occasionally, it 1nay be difficult at presentation to differenti­ It is difficult to distinguish bet\-veen vestibular schwanno-
ate a 111eningio1ua frorn a vestibular schwanno1ua. Sy1upto1ns 1nas and meningion1as by audiovestibular testing. In1aging can
produced by 1neningion1as are rnost often secondary to adja­ often differentiate the t\-vo tu1nors . .tvfeningio111as have more
cent cranial nerve and brain compression. Tun1ors arising fro1n 1narked homogeneous enhancen1ent on contrast CT than ves­
the nliddle fossa surface of the petrous pyranlid cause facial or tibular schwannomas and characteristically contain areas of
eye pain and sensory and n1otor changes in the distribution calcification. 1-feningiomas are usually isointense or slightly

FIGURE 37-12 •Continued. F, The vertical crest is identified, and the superior vestibular nerve is avulsed from its
canal, revealing the facial nerve anterior to Bill's bar. G, The plane between the tumor and facial nerve is estab­
lished, and the tumor is dissected free.

FIGURE 37-12 •Continued. H, The dissection is complete. The facial and superiorly located trigeminal nerves are
seen in the cerebellopontine angle.

hypointense to gray niatter on Tl-weighted tv1RJ sequences, lv!eningion1as confined to the cerebellopontine angle
with variable intensity on T2-weighted in1ages. are n1anaged identically as described for the suboccipital
Both vestibular schwannomas and n1eningiomas enhance approach to vestibular schwannon1as. In cases in which hear­
with gadoliniun1 on Tl-v1eighted images, but the vestibular ing is severely in1paired, or for large tumors, the translabyrin­
sch,¥annon1a usually enhances niore 1narkedly. The shape of thine approach n1ay be used. Interestingly, the facial nerve is
the lesion is also very useful in differentiating these tun1ors. often splayed over the posterior aspect of the tun1or, in con­
Radiographically, nieningion1as have a broad base of attach­ trast to vestibular schwannon1as, in which the nerve is most
n1ent to the posterior petrous pyramid and den1onstrate a often found anteriorly. This finding is likely related to the
dural "tail," a finding vestibular schwannomas rarely show differing origin of these tu1nors. Meningio1nas are typically
(Figure 37-13). The angle between the meningioma and the slo,¥-gro,¥ing tu1nors, and surgical resection usually relieves
dura tends to b e obtuse whereas the sa1ne angle in a vestibular sy1npto1ns. Long-tern1 follow-up is necessary to validate con1-
sch,¥annoma is acute. Bone underlying nieningioinas under­ plete ren1oval.
goes hyperostotic changes. Calcifications of n1eningioinas are lv!eningion1as that are located in the far anterior reaches
seen as radiolucent foci on MRI. Vestibular schwannomas of the cerebellopontine angle can be approached in a nun1ber
are generally centered over the TAC expanding the porus and of '"ays. The transcochlear approach has been used to gain
extending into the CPA. Meningion1as may overlie the canal, access to this portion of the angle (Figure 37-14A to E).145
but do not often expand it. Traditionally, on con1pletion of a translabyrinthine approach,

(... �

FIGURE 37-12 • Continued. I, Temporalis fascia is placed over the fossa incudis and facial recess. The posterior
fossa durotomy is reapproximated and abdominal fat cut into strips is layered into the translabyrinthine defect to
prevent CSF otorrhea.

the facial nerve is dissected fron1 its fallopian canal and trans­
located posteriorly. The bone of the cochlea is drilled a'iNay, as is
the bone n1edial to the carotid artery in the petrous apex. This Knowledge, avoidance, and identification of the possible com­
bone ren1oval expands access for tun1or dissection anteriorly plications of vestibular sch,.Yannoma surgery, and appropriate
along the clivus. management should they occur, enable the best possible surgical
Another approach to far anterior tun1ors is acco1nplished outcome. Not surprisingly, the larger the tumor and the older
without facial nerve transposition. A transcochlear approach is or more medically co1nplicated the patien t, the greater the mor­
still used; ho,.Yever. The cochlea is accessed after radical 1nas­ bidity and mortality.
toidectomy with the tyn1panic n1e1nbrane re1noved and the
external auditory canal closed. Care is taken to ren1ove all sqau­
lntraoperative Complications
n1ous epitheliw11 with this exposure. Cranial Nerve Injury
House and colleagues have described an adapted n1iddle As pointed out by Glasscock and colleagues, there is a posit ive
fossa approach to lesions of the far anterior cerebellopontine correlation between tumor size and facial nerve injury.13° Facial
angle.t46 In this approach, the internal carotid artery and the nerve outco1ne is poorest with large tumors. Understanding
cochlea are delineated. The bony space between these t'"'o struc­ facial nerve anatomy and identifyi ng the nerve as one proceeds
tures is opened, providing access to the anterior portion of the through the dissection helps in facial nerve preservation. As
cerebellopontine angle as well as control of the carotid artery. in any temporal bone procedure, the nerve is identified and

in i1nmediate cessation of any surgical manipulation until the

tracing returns to baseline. The cochlear nerve must be dis­
sected carefully, and the labyrinthine artery 1nust be preserved.
During the removal of larger tumors, the lower cranial nerves
must be identified and preserved. Excessive surgical manipu­
lation of these nerves may lead to difficulties with speech and
swallowing postoperatively, requiring aspiration precautions,
which 1nay include ten1porary or per1nanent true vocal fold
medialization. The fifth nerve is also at risk during the removal
of larger tumors and must be atraun1atically freed fro1n the
tu1nor. Tumors extending far anteriorly may involve the sixth
nerve. lf abducens palsy occurs, appropriate ophthalmologic
consultation should be obtained.

A thorough history and physical exa1nination should bring
out medicines, medical conditions, and bleeding tendencies
that should be fully worked up and planned for prior to the
operation. Factor deficiencies, factor V leiden, genetic bleed­
ing disorders, liver diseases, drug or alcohol abuse, and many
medications including over the counter medications should be
revie'A1ed and stopped or \"lorked up prior to the surgery.
FIGURE 37-13 •A cerebellopontine angle meningioma as seen on a lntraoperative bleeding is minimized through coordinated
gadolinium-enhanced, T1-weighted magnetic resonance image. Note care with the neuroanesthesiologist, as well as by meticulous iden­
the broad-based attachment to the posterior fossa dura and the small
tification and preservation or hemostasis of vessels. Care must be
posterior dural "tail."
exercised when removing bone from the sig1noid sinus. Diamond
burs are 1nuch less likely to cause laceration, and the use of a Freer
elevator to remove the thin layer of bone from the sigmoid and
skeletonized with a dia111ond drill during the translabyrinthine superior petrosal sinus after drilling causes less trauma. \/\/hen
approach. Nerve traun1a during labyrinthecto111y is avoided by the sign1oid sinus is lacerated, bipolar cautery is usually ineffec­
appreciating the relationship bet,.,,een the nerve and the lat­ tive unless the laceration is very s1nall; however, when the sinus
eral and posterior se111icircular canals. During the middle fossa is lacerated, i1n1nediate con1pression and nleasures to stop the
approach, the surgeon n1ust be cognizant that the facial nerve bleeding decrease the risk of air en1bolus. Placen1ent of a piece of
is most often located superficial to the tun1or, and care n1ust be Gelfoan1 {Pfizer, New York, NY) or Surgicel {Johnson & Johnson
exercised when incising the IA.C dura. Furthern1ore, the plane Gateway, LLC, Piscataway, NJ) directly over the bleeding site, fol­
between the tun1or and the nerve should be established early lowed by pressure ,.,,ith a cottonoid, usually stops the bleeding. If
during n1iddle fossa surgery to avoid traction on the nerve as the this approach fails, extralun1inal sinus occlusion is preferable to
tun1or is ren1oved. During all approaches, reducing the size of intralun1inal occlusion. A thin shell of bone should always be left
large tun1ors decreases traction on the nerve. Furthermore, use covering the delicate jugular bulb to avoid bleeding. Should bleed­
of the facial nerve integrity n1onitor positively facilitates nerve ing occur, the same techniques are used as for the sigmoid sinus.
identification and preservation. Caution should be exercised ifintraluminal occlusion is used near
In the event of facial nerve transection, in1n1ediate repair, the jugular bulb because co1npression of the pars nervosa can
if possible, should be accon1plished. Prin1ary neurorrhaphy cause neuropathy of the lower cranial nerves. Significant bleed­
is likely to yield the best postoperative functional results. ing fron1 the superior petrosal sinus is controlled by intralumi­
Rerouting the facial nerve or placing a greater auricular nerve nal packing with oxidized cellulose Surgicel (Johnson & Johnson
interposition graft n1ay be necessary to provide a tension-free Gateway, LLC, Piscata\¥ay, NJ).
anaston1osis. Nerve transection in the cerebellopontine angle Arterial bleeders fro1n the tun1or surface are controlled
can be very difficult to repair, but is possible and can deliver with bipolar cautery, and bleeding fron1 the center of the tu1nor
satisfactory results. \/\/hen in1possible, a facial-hypoglossal during reduction is nlanaged with oxidized cellulose pac king.
anaston1osis is perforn1ed at a later date. Postoperative eye care Small veins within the cerebellopontine angle are preserved to
including artificial tears, ocular lubricants, and eye humidity prevent venous congestion; however, they can be bipolar cauter­
chan1bers is instituted, and early upper lid gold weight place­ ized if necessary. All arteries within the cerebellopontine angle
n1ent is encouraged. More elderly patients n1ay also need a lower are treated with respect and carefully dissected fron1 the tun1or
lid shortening or tarsal strip procedure to reduce pronounced surface. Cautious, deliberate dissection is carried out in this
ectropion. A concurrent fifth cranial nerve injury with corneal region, and arteries to the brain stein are never intentionally
anesthesia can be devastating and needs the care and attention sacrificed.
of an ophthaln1ologist. A full grasp of the intratemporal carotid artery anaton1y is
During hearing preservation cases, intraoperative ABR rnay nlandatory when using the transcochlear approach. The carotid
be used to 111onitor wave V. Alterations in the ABR should result artery is identified to enable dissection within the anterior

FIGURE 37-14 •A, Transcochlear approach to the anterior cerebellopontine angle. The internal auditory canal
has been exposed using the standard translabyrinthine approach. 8, The posterior Iossa and internal auditory
canal dura have been opened. The superior and inferior vestibular nerves have been released from their lateral
attachments, enabling visualization of the superiorly located facial nerve and the inferiorly located cochlear nerve.
The meningioma can be seen within the confines of the anterior cerebellopontine angle, anterior to the facial and
cochlear nerves. C, The labyrinthine segment of the facial nerve is identified, and the entire intratemporal course of
the facial nerve is exposed. The nerve is skeletonized prior to mobilization.

portion of the cerebellopontine angle. Dia1nond burs are used Brain Edema
'"'he11 removing the cochlea and delineating the carotid artery. Brain ede1na occurs inost co1nmonly \.Yith the suboccipital
In case of laceration a vascular surgeon's assistance should be approach secondary to cerebellar retraction. Prior to ope11ing
obtained intraoperatively. An assess1nent of vessel backflo'"' in the dura, ICP should be reduced \.Yith intravenous mannitol
the distal stun1p is used to esti1nate collateral flo'"' through the and hyperventilation. Intravenous dexamethasone is used to
circle of \iVillis. Shunting and prin1ary repair should be accon1- prevent the develop1nent of edema. The cerebellopontine cis­
plished if possible. tern iuust be accessed to allow the egress of CSF and provide

FIGURE 37-14 • Continued. D, E, The greater petrosal nerve is transected anterior to the geniculate ganglion, and
the facial nerve is mobilized posteriorly. The otic capsule is drilled away with a diamond bur, and the internal carotid
artery is delineated. Bone removal proceeds anteriorly to the internal carotid artery, giving access to the petrous tip
and clivus.

further cerebellar relaxation prior to any surgical n1anipula­ Slightly lowering the patient's head encourages return of venous
tion. Protecting the surface of the cerebellu1n fro1n the retrac­ flovv and decreased air entry through the wound. Additionally,
tor with a layer of nonadherent n1aterial such as bicol covered nitrous oxide ad1ninistration is discontinued, replaced by lOOo/o
with cottonoid sponges also decreases traun1a. Should signifi­ oxygen.
cant eden1a occur, exposure will be lin1ited, and the procedure
n1ay need to be ter1ninated. In extre1ne cases, a portion of the Cardiac Arrhythmias
cerebellu1n nlay need to be resected to decrease the rise in ICP. Twnor dissection from the brain stern can cause cardiac rhytlun
It is in1portanr to ren1e1nber that the retracted te1nporal lobe disturbances and altered hen1odynamics. Typically, tachycar­
is also at risk of becon1ing ede1natous in the course of nliddle dia a11d hypertension are observed 'vith brain sten1 stin1ulation,
fossa surgery. and if either develops, the surgeon 1nust cease tumor dissec­
tion immediately and not proceed again until vital signs have
Venous Air Embolism
stabilized. The vagus nerve 1nay be manipulated during the
Venous air en1bolis1n occurs when air is sucked into a venous
removal of large tu1nors, resulting in bradycardia and hypoten­
sinus, e1nissary vein, or diploic vein. A large air ernbolus inay
sion. Again, all surgical 1nanipulation 1nust stop until vital signs
travel to the right heart and ulti1nately the puln1onary circu­
have returned to baseline.
lation, causing cor puhnonale, insufficient gas exchange, and
death. \.Vhen a patient's head is above the heart, the intralu1ni­ Brain Herniation
nal pressure of the head and neck venous systen1 is subat1no­ Giant vestibular schv.ranuomas 1nay cause obstructive hydro­
spheric, and an air ernbolus is nlore likely to occur. Therefore, cephalus (o,ving to compression of the fourth ventricle),
the sitting position, once favored for the suboccipital approach, leading to intraoperative herniation. lt is essential that hydro­
is discouraged in favor of the supine position. cephalus be identified preoperatively. Increased ICP secondary
When a venous sinus is lacerated, i1nmediate co1npression to hydrocephalus presents 'vith nausea, vomiting, headache,
and 1neasures to stop the bleeding, decrease the risk of air embo­ and visual disturbance. Funduscopic examination reveals
lis1n. Likewise, bleeding diploic spaces and n1astoid e1nissary papilledema. Prior to surgery, the neurotologist and neuro­
veins should be sealed immediately with bone wax. Air ernbo­ surgeon should detertnine the potential risk of herniation.
lis1u is diagnosed by fluctuating blood pressure and a charac­ When the risk is high, a ventricular drain should be placed
teristic churning heart n1ur1nur. Once identified, the patient is prior to tumor removal. Ventriculoperitoneal shunts have
placed in the left lateral decubitus position, and the air en1bolus inherent complications as well, such as infection and bleeding.
is aspirated fron1 the right heart through a Swan-Ganz catheter. Accordingly, the shunt is placed only in the high-risk patient.

Postoperative Complications Hemorrhage confir1ned. ln addition, intravenous furosemide rnay be given if

Regardless of approach, copious irrigation must be employed necessary. Hyperventilation to a Pcoi of 25 n1n1 Hg can further
prior to wound closure to ensure that all clots are removed, and decrease ICP. Dural opening and brain retraction should only
all bleeding sources must be identified and controlled. Bipolar be accomplished once proper brain relaxation has been estab­
cautery and topical hemostatic agents are used as necessary, and lished. A ten1poral lobe seizure nlay manifest secondary to the
\.vound closure is begun only>vhen there is no evidence of bleed­ retraction or any resultant ede1na or hen1orrhage. This requires
ing. If
- emorrhage may be epidural, subdural, or intraparenchy­ a neurological consultation with possible period of anticonvul­
mal, the last of which is usually O\.ving to overzealous retraction. sant therapy.
Preferably, the patient is awakened and extubated at the com­ Occlusion of the vein (or veins) of Labbe can precipi­
pletion of the procedure so that a neurologic examination can tate te111poral lobe venous infarction, cerebral eden1a, seizure,
be accomplished. Neurologic status is frequently checked in the altered nlentation, expressive aphasia, and even death. These
intensive care unit. veins drain into the distal transverse sinus and are therefore
Postoperative hemorrhage is usually accompanied by rarely encow1tered in vestibular schwanno1na surgery. However,
altered mental status and vital signs within the first 24 h after intralun1inal packing of a lacerated transverse or proxi1nal sig­
surgery. Deterioration may occur quickly, and prompt atten­ n1oid sinus should be avoided to prevent injury to these veins.
tion is critical. Patients in stable condition may be imaged, but
Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak
time should not be wasted obtaining a CT scan if the patient's
The incidence of CSF leakage after vestibular schwannon1a resec­
status is rapidly deteriorating. Opening the incision at the bed­
tion has been reported to be between 6 and 15%.148 A CSF leak
side under sterile conditions can decompress the brain and can
presents as clear, watery rhinorrhea, otorrhea, or leakage through
be life saving. The source of hemorrhage is then identified and
the incision. Postoperative 1neningitis occurs nlore often in the
controlled in the operating roon1.
presence of CSF leak, emphasizing the i1nportance of its preve n­
Brain edema 1nay present early in the postoperative period
tion. Patients with \.vell-pneu1natized temporal bones are at an
\.vith increased ICP, confusion, and altered mental status similar
increased risk; therefore, any open air cells 1nust be sealed with
to hemorrhage. Often the edema is a consequence of cerebel­
1nuscle, fascia, or bone wax at the end of the case. A con1pression
lar retraction in the suboccipital approach or of temporal lobe
dressing is left in place for the first 72 h after surgery.
retraction in the middle fossa approach. Computed tomographic
In the course of the translabyrinthine approach, the­
scanning can make the diagnosis if the patient's condition is sta­
d.le ear is entered, creating a potential route for CSF rhinorrhea.
ble and intravenous mannitol and steroids are administered to
Therefore, the eustachian tube should be identified by partially
decrease ICP. Early operative intervention may be required to
opening the facial recess and ren1oving the incus and head of the
control postoperative brain edema. Severely edematous cerebel­
1nalleus. The eustachian tube is packed with Nu Knit (Johnson
lar tissue may require resection. In addition, a ventricular drain
& Johnson Gateway, LLC, Piscata\-vay, NJ), bone wax, nluscle, or
may be necessary to manage hydrocephalus.
fascia, and the m.iddle-ear space is obliterated with nluscle. Care
Infarction should be exercised when opening the facial recess and packing
Infarction n1ay be secondary to arterial or venous occlusion. the n1iddle ear to prevent dan1age to the tyinpanic annulus or
tvlechanisms of occlusion include vessel division, coagulation, 1ne1nbrane because such injury can lead to CSF otorrhea. Strips
compression and thrombosis, and vasospasm.147 Overzealous of abdon1inal fat are used to fill the posterior fossa dural defect.
bipolar cautery can disrupt the blood supply to the brain stem; These strips are gently placed into the cerebellopontine angle,
therefore, only vessel branches directly feeding the tumor may with the lateral t\.vo-thirds protruding into the nlastoid cavity.
be coagulated. The anterior inferior cerebellar artery is a major The ren1ainder of the cavity is filled with fat, and the incision is
contributor to pontine and cerebellar circulation and is often closed in a layered, watertight fashion.
intimately associated with vestibular schwannomas and the At the close of a 1niddle fossa procedure, a 1nuscle or fascia
eighth nerve. Interruption of this vessel causes extensive infarc­ graft is placed over the IAC and is covered in turn >vith a layer of
tion of the pons and the "lateral pontomedullary syndrome," Gelfoam.. The \.veight of the ten1poral lobe holds the packing in
consisting of unilateral labyrinthine infarction, cerebellar place. During the suboccipital approach, the dural flaps n1ust be
infarction, ipsiJateral I-Iorner's syndrome, ipsilateral facial and kept nloist throughout the procedure to facilitate later closure.
contralateral body sensory loss, contralateral hemiparesis, and, If a watertight closure cannot be achieved, a pericranial graft is
often, death. Therefore, when encountered, this vessel must used to bridge the ren1aining gap. The incision is closed in nlul­
ah.vays be gently swept off the tumor and preserved. If vaso­ tiple, watertight layers. Again, any open air cells nlust be sealed
spasn1 occurs during manipulation, topical papaverine should with tissue or bone wax.
be applied to pro1note vasodiJatation. Should CSF leakage occur through the incision, the site
Intraparenchymal infarction of the cerebellum or tem­ of leakage is oversewn sterilely at the bedside with a running­
poral lobe is usually related to brain retraction. Cerebellar locking suture, and the con1pression dressing is replaced. Head
infarction presents >vith brain edema, confusion, mental sta­ of bed elevation, bed rest, and stool softeners are instituted.
tus changes, and cerebellar signs. Temporal lobe infarction Insertion of a lu1nbar drain is necessary if these nleasures
may present with an expressive aphasia. To avoid infarction, fail.
it is essential to ensure brain relaxation. Intravenous mannitol The nlanagen1ent of CSF rhinorrhea depends on the surgi­
should be given early in the procedure and an adequate diuresis cal approach used. Re-exploring the surgical site and ensuring

that the eustachian tube is occluded n1ay most quickly address been placed t o manage the hydrocephalus of a large tu1nor
CSF rhinorrhea after transJabyrinthine surgery. Lumbar drain­ blocking the fourth ventricle. I f there is a com1nunication
age for 3 to 5 days niay also be successful. Cerebrospinal fluid with the mastoid air-cell system, air can be dra,-vn into, and
rhinorrhea after the middle fossa approach usually responds to trapped within, the craniutn, causing tension pneu1nocepha­
lun1bar drainage, with surgical intervention less frequently nec­ lus. If discovered, appropriate treatment consists of occlusion
essary. A CT scan is obtained prior to the insertion of a lun1bar of the eustachian tube and mastoid, which 1nay also require
drain to rule out hydrocephalus, and no more than 10 to JS cc transcochlear obliteration of air cells in the petrous apex.
of CSF is drained each hour. Additionally, sterile technique is Rarely, it 1nay be necessary to evacuate the excessive accumu­
paran1ount in placing and caring for a lumbar drain to prevent lation of air.
n1eningitis. A CSF san1ple for cell count, glucose, and protein
should be examined if infection is suspected. Miscellaneous Complications
With persistent CSF rhinorrhea, a CT scan should be
Appropriate measures should be taken to prevent the com­
obtained to evaluate the presence of an air cell tract that extends
plications inherent t o all surgical procedures. Pneu1natic
fron1 the petrous apex to the medial aspect of the eustachian
con1pression boots are routinely placed prior t o starting the
tube; this tract niay have to be obliterated via a transcochlear
surgical procedure and are left in place until the patient is
approach or niiddle fossa approach.149
an1bulatory t o prevent deep venous thro1nbosis for1nation
and puhnonary en1bolisn1. Hista1nine2 blockers should be
Meningitis instituted '""hen corticosteroids are used to prevent gastro­
The third most con1n1on complication of vestibular schwan­ intestinal bleeding. Incentive spiron1etry and chest physio­
noma surgery (after facial nerve paralysis and CSF leakage) therapy help avert postoperative pneu1nonia. Further1nore,
is n1eningitis. ?vfeningitis presents with fever, headache, neck ind,-velling intravenous catheters are replaced every 72 h, and
and back stiffness, photophobia, and 1nental status changes. A urinary catheters are removed as soon as possible to avoid
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Auditory Brainstem Implant

Steven R. Otto, MA I Derald E. Brackmann, MD I

William E. Hitselberger, MD I Elizabeth H. Toh, MD I
Robert V. Shannon, PhD I Lendra M. Friesen, MS

Frequently, loss of integrity of the auditory nerve after ren1oval developed by Huntington :tv1edical Research institute (H11RI,
of vestibular schwanno1nas in neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) Pasadena, California) and '"'as used successfully in 25 recipients
leaves patients con1pletely deafened. Other con1n1unication until 1992. The speech processors were 111odified 3M/House­
methods such as signing and lipreading have provided son1e type cochlear in1plant processors that provided patients with
assistance but obviously cannot restore useful hearing sensa­ sound a\vareness, ability to discri111inate son1e environn1ental
tions. The auditory brainsten1 implant (ABI) '"'as developed to sounds, and significantly i111proved understanding of speech in
bypass the auditory nerve and directly stimulate the cochlear conjunction with lipreading. Experiments also suggested that
nucleus complex. Useful auditory sensations have resulted1'2 1nultichannel stin1ulation was feasible and would be potentially
and the nlultichannel version of the ABI (Nucleus®, Cochlear beneficial with a nlultiple-electrode array. This led to the devel­
Corporation, Englewood, Colorado) successfully con1pleted op111ent and successful use of the present 111ultichannel ABI.
US Food and Drug Adn1inistration (FDA) clinical trials in July,
2000 and received approval for con1n1ercial release. This chap­ PATIENT SELECTION
ter su1n1narizes the history, surgical, and clinical aspects of
ABI in1plantation and perceptual perfor1nance. The techniques At least 90% of individuals '"'ith NF2 exhibit bilateral vestibu­

have been refined in nearly 250 patients implanted \.Yith various lar schwan1101nas.• Treatn1ent of these and other tu111ors associ­

in1plen1entations of the ABI since 1979 at House Ear Institute ated with NF2 has significantly prolonged the life span of such

(HEI, Los Angeles, California). T'venty-five patients received patients. Although perforn1ance with the ABI has not reached

the initial single-channel ABl, the next 71 patients received cochlear unplant levels, the auditory infor1nation provided can

the 8-electrode ABI, and subsequent patients have received a significantly enhance quality of life and the ability to function

21-electrode ABI syste111 (the Nucleus ABI24). in occupational and social environn1ents.

vVe also developed and conducted FDA clinical trials of a 'fhe ideal goal in n1anagen1ent of NF2 re1nains hearing

multichannel penetrating electrode system designed to increase preservation through early diagnosis and treat111ent. Ho,vever,

the precision of auditory neural sti111ulation within the cochlear the ABI provides an alternative to a desperate atten1pt to pre­

nucleus nlatrix. General technical and theoretical consider­ serve nonserviccable hearing '"'hen large tumors are present and

ations regarding ABI i111plantation and 111anagen1ent of patients hearing conservation is unlikely.

\.Yith NF2 have been summarized elsewhere.3-5 'fhe multichannel ABI is approved for use in individuals
with NF2 who are at least 12 years of age. There are no pre­
operative audiologic criteria because the surgical procedure for
tumor excision and electrode array placement eli111inates any
In 1979, Willian1 House and Willian1 Hitselberger (Figure 38-1) ren1aining hearing. I111plantation n1ay occur during first- or
first in1planted an electrode to stin1ulate the cochlear nucleus of second-side vestibular sch,vannon1a re111oval or in patients with
a patient with NF2 facing deafness after removal of a vestibular previously re111oved tu111ors bilaterally. A s111all but significant
schv•annon1a. The patient was persistent in her requests that this nu111ber of patients (9% at HEI) has failed to experience audi­
be tried in the hope that it would allov,r her to continue to have tory responses fro1n the i111plant, pri111arily because of anato1nic
so111e hearing sensations. The electrode was a sin1ple ball type, difficulties. First-side i1nplantation can provide a second oppor­
and electrical stimulation was supplied by a nlodified body­ tunity (if necessary) to achieve a functioning system when the
'"'orn hearing aid. Useful auditory sensations resulted, but the second acoustic tu111or is re111oved.
electrode proved son1e,vhat unstable and was shortly re111oved. Since co1npletion of the clinical trials phase, the ABI is now
A two-electrode (later three) nlesh-type array was subsequently available to a wider range of potential recipients. Realistically,


in patients having difficulties coping >vith deafness and other

disabilities related to NF2. Such difficulties can distract patients
fron1 learning to use an ABL
Patients should also be counseled preoperatively about the
likelihood that they will experience mild nonauditory sensa­
tions such as tingling or dizziness on son1e electrodes, as \.Yell
as the slight but significant possibility that the ABI may not
provide any auditory sensations. Our focus has been to nlain­
tain a tone of hopeful and cautious opti1nis1n in preoperative
counseling of our patients. This has worked \.Yell in elin1inating
unpleasant surprises and properly setting the stage for postop­
erative rehabilitation.
The participation of an experienced, skilled, and coordi­
nated inultidisciplinary tean1 is necessary for the successful
treatn1ent and nlanagement of patients with NF2. Each tean1
n1e1nber is essential to the success of an ABI program. Chief
a1nong these is the surgeon's skill and experience in ren1oving
acoustic tun1ors, preserving necessary structures, and accu­
FIGURE 38-1 • Pioneers in auditory brainstem implantation. William
rately placing the electrode array. Electrophysiologic nlonitor­
E. Hitselberger (left) and William F. House (right) with early supporter
ing expertise contributes to proper identification of the in1plant
and colleague Herbert Olivecrona (middle) of Sweden.
site. Postoperatively, in1plant audiology expertise is required to
progra111 the speech processor and optimize perceptual perfor­
n1ance. Even under ideal circun1stances, adapting to and learn­
however, the ABI may not be for everyone. A nun1ber of non­
ing to use an ABI is an ongoing process that typically extends
in1plant-related factors including general health, vision, social
over a longer period than in cochlear in1plantation. New recipi­
activity, and anaton1ic status (as seen on niagnetic resonance
ents should be encouraged that performance aln1ost al\vays
in1aging (MRI]) can influence ABI benefit. Patient's age can
in1proves greatly \.Yith experience.
also be a factor. For example, teenage irnplantees in general have
been less successful regular and enthusiastic users than older DEVICE
recipients. Patients '"'ith lin1ited vision also have shown rela­
tively less benefit since the ABI works best in conjunction \.Yith Hitselberger and colleagues originally used a cochlear in1plant
lipreading; however, a few blind ABT recipients have benefited ball-type electrode in their first ABI recipient.7 Subsequently,
frorn their AB Is. Candidates for A.Bls should be apprised of the patients received a 2 x 8-n1m fabric nlesh array with two
potential effects of these factors on their ability to benefit fron1 o r three platinu1n ribbon electrodes. In 1992, HEI collabo­
the device. rated with Cochlear Corporation and Huntington Medical
Research Institute (Pasadena, California) in the developn1ent
of an eight-electrode 1nultichannel ABI syste1n. This was fur­
ther upgraded to the present 21-electrode (Nucleus ABI24)
syste1n and receiver/sti1nulator shown in Figure 38-2A.
Preoperative determination of infonued consent regarding the The electrode array co1nprises a flexible perforated silicone
A BI is extren1ely in1portant to the success of an ABT program. and niesh substrate '"'ith 0.7-n11n platinum disk electrodes.
The goal of preoperative evaluation and counseling is to help This facilitates conforn1ation of the array to the surface of
prepare patients for the Joss of hearing after tun1or ren1oval the cochlear nucleus and pro1notes long-tern1 stability. The
and lay the ground,.York that will help then1 acclin1ate to a ABI24 receiver/sti1nulator allo\.YS up to 2,400 pulse/second/
new way of hearing \.Yith the ABI. Prospective recipients and electrode {ppse) of pulsatile stin1ulation and advanced sound­
their fan1ilies should have appropriate expectations regarding processing encoders.
the potential benefits and lin1itations of the device. A frank The ABI24 syste1u includes the Nucleus Freedo1nTM sound
and thorough explanation of \.Yhat is involved in using and processor and a transn1itter coil (Figure 38-2B). The processing
in1proving '"'ith an ABT is necessary. Inadequate prep a ration strategy is the Nucleus SPEAKTM (spectral peak) strategy. This
can significantly delay and complicate acceptance and use of processor, also used in cochlear in1plantation, uses circuitry
the implant. that analyzes input sound frequencies and codes the salient
A major criterion for successful integration and use of the acoustic information to sequentially activate electrodes on the
device is a high level of n1otivation and detern1ination to n1ake array. There is flexibility in the nun1ber of spectral nlaxin1a that
n1axi111al use of \vhatever auditory sensations the ABI provides. can be transn1itted, in the sequence and number of electrodes
Willingness to participate in the postoperative fol lO\.Y-ups is also that can be activated, in the stin1ulus rate, and in available
very in1portant in optin1izing device function. Preoperative speech-processing strategies (including the Nucleus Advanced
counseling provides an opportun.ity to explore 111oti.vation Con1bination EncoderTM [ACE]).
issues and to explain the need for judicious compliance with Basic function of the Freedo1n processor is as follows. The
the follow-up protocol. Special counseling may also be helpful processor incorporates a series of 21 contiguous-input analysis


FIGURE 38-2 •A, Th e Nucleus ABl24

audi tory brainstem implant receiver/
stimulator with 21-electrode surface array
(and remote ball ground electrode) for the
cochlear nucleus complex. 8, Auditory
brainstem implant Freedom (Nucleus)
speech processor with transmitter coil
and the body-worn controller for increased
battery life.

filters. These filters split the input sound spectra, and the resulting The research penetrating electrode ABI (PABI) syste1n
output is linked to selectable electrodes on the array. A major part has two electrode arrays with a 10- (or 12-) electrode surface­
of processor setup involves determining (via scaling and ranking type array, plus an array with 8 (or 10) penetrating needle-type
of electrode-specific. pitch) vvhat an appropriate linking arrange­ microelectrodes. It uses the satne external sound processor
ment should be tor individual patients. This varies greatly, but equipment and strategies as the regular surface ABI.
the general goal is to link lovv-frequency sounds with electrodes
that sound lo\ver in pitch and likewise with higher-frequency
sounds. This strategy also optimizes speech and environmental
sound perception in cochlear implants, but the process is relatively The dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei are the targets for place­
straigbttorward with this device because of the highly consistent n1ent of the ABI electrode array. Although the nuclei are hid­
tonotopic arrangement of neural processes in the cochlea. With an den by the cerebellar peduncle, surface land1narks are useful
ABI, individual variations in cochlear nucleus anatomy, neuronal in identifying this region. Frequently, however, these structures
survival, and electrode placement result in a 1nuch more complex n1ay be distorted by tu1nor. Figure 38-3 shows the n1ajor struc­
relationship. Therefore, programming AB.I speech processors can tures of the ponto1nedullary junction and the translabyrinthine
take more time than programming cochlear implant recipients. approach surgical field of view. ln1portant land1narks u1clude



.,,;1-V-- I
-- V ll
����:-- VIII

Foramen of


Medial "
I n fenor
J 1 uI ar nucI e1
vest·b .

3. Inferior cerebellar penduncle

ochi ear nuc1 e1. VIII

6. Glossopharyngeal n.
7. Olive
8. Pyramid

FIGURE 38-3 • Schematic view of the cochlear nuclei region demonstrating relative location of various landmarks.
Dashed area represents approximate surgical view. Electrode array is fully inserted into proper position. Adapted
from Otto SR, Hitselberger WE, Telischi FF, et al. Auditory brainstem implant. In: Brackmann DE, Shelton C, Arriaga
MA, editors. Otologic surgery. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders; 2001. p. 594-603.

the terminus of the sleeve-like lateral recess forn1ing the fora-

111en of Luschka, interiorly the root of the glossopharyngeal
(ninth) nerve, and superior to the foran1en the vestibuloco­ The translabyrinthine craniotomy provides the best access for
ch Iear and facial nerve roots. tumor removal and exposure of the lateral recess of the fourth
Normally, the intact choroid plexus 111arks the entrance to ventricle. A typical translabyrinthine acoustic tumor removal
the lateral recess (foramen ofluschka), and the taenia obliquely process is followed except that recording electrodes are placed
traverses the roof of the lateral recess, niarking the surface of the for inonitoring electrically evoked auditory brainstem responses
ventral cochlear nucleus. These structures 111aynot be clearly iden­ (EABRs) and any activity from cranial nerves VII and IX. Also,
tifiable when a large tuiuor distorts the lateral surface of the pons a standard postauricular incision is used and the device is placed
and 111edulla. rn such cases, the stump of the eighth nerve niay be into a pocket in the temporal area (Figure 38-4). Intravenous
traced to the opening of the lateral recess. The ninth cranial nerve antibiotics, eg, cefuroxi1ne (Zinacef®, GlaxoSmithKline) 3 g,
can also be used as a reference point for the lateral recess. A con­ are administered prophylactically on induction of anesthesia.
cavity son1etin1es visualized between the eighth and ninth nerves Monitoring of the EABR assists with confirmation that the
should not be confused with the introitus of the recess. electrode array is properly positioned. Slight adjustments of the
vVithin the lateral recess and on its superior aspect are array may be necessary to minimize responses that suggest acti­
found the dorsal and ventral coch I ear nuclei. The electrode vation of nonauditory neural structures. For EABR monitoring,
array is positioned well within the recess to provide positional subdermal needle electrodes are inserted at the vertex of the
stability. Electrical stin1ulation of the ventral cochlear nucleus, head, over the seventh cervical vertebrae, and at the hairline of
the main relay for eighth nerve input, and the major portion of the occiput. For electro1nyographic recording of nonauditory
the ascending auditory pathway is probably the primary source activation, the facial nerve is monitored in the standard fashion,8
of auditory sensations even though some part of the array also and bipolar electrodes are inserted in the ipsilateral pharyngeal
lies adjacent to the dorsal cochlear nucleus. (soft palate) muscles to monitor activity from cranial nerve IX.

FIGURE 38-4 • Location of the incision with respect to the planned

site of receiver/stimulator. The superior extension may be deleted and
the implant placed into a subcutaneous pocket.

After the receiver/stimulator has been secured and the array

placed, a transrnitter coil is placed over the receiver antenna.
The EABH. obtained with biphasic pulsatile stimulation of the
cochlear nucleus differs from responses obtained using acous­
tic stimulation and froru electrical stimulation using cochlear
implants.9 An experienced electrophysiologist interprets these FIGURE 38-5 • Schematic surgical view of the completed
'¥aveforms intraoperatively and provides feedback to the neu­ translabyrinthine craniotomy, trough for receiver/stimulator wires,
and receiver/stimulator seat being drilled.
rosurgeon regarding placen1ent.

induces the Valsalva maneuver in the patient. This technique
Tumor dissection proceeds in the normal fashion via a trans­ should be reserved as a final check after the opening to the
labyrinthine cranioto1uy. After complete tu1uor removal and recess has been located using standard landn1arks since CSF will
adequate he1uostasis, the site for the internal receiver postero­ be drained quickly, and the advantage of this technique is lost
superior to the rnastoid cavity is determined, and temporalis '¥ith 111ultiple \Talsalva 1naneuvers.
Inu.scle in this area is elevated off the parietal skull and excised. After identifying the fora1nen of Luschka, the electrode
Using a replica of the receiver/stimulator as a guide, a circular array is nlounted on a Rosen needle and inserted into the lat­
area of bony cortex in this area is flattened using cutting burs, eral recess with the electrodes oriented superiorly (Figure 38-7).
and a trough is created between the i1nplant seat and the mastoid With experience, we have found that the i1nplant functions
cavity for placernent of the electrode wires (Figure 38-5). Suture better, with fewer nonauditory side effects, when the electrodes
tunnel holes are then created on either side of the receiver/ are placed fully \¥ithin the lateral recess.4 After placen1ent,
stimulator, which is then fixed with nylon suture prior to elec­ selected electrodes in the array are activated to confirn1 their
trode array positioning so that tnanipulation of the leads does position over the cochlear nucleus. They are tested for the pres­
not alter electrode placement (I;igure 38-6). Once the internal ence ofEABRs, stin1ulation of adjacent cranial nerves (\TII and
receiver has been implanted, only bipolar electrocautery should IX), and changes in vital signs. The position of the electrode
be used for hemostasis since current transn1ission through the array usually needs very slight adjust1nent to maxin1ize audi­
implant to the brainstem is a potential hazard with 1uonopolar tory stirnulation and 111ini1nize electro1nyographic responses
electrocautery. fro111 the other nerves. In case of activation of nerve IX, a s1nall
The location of the lateral recess may be confirmed by not­ insulating pad of Teflon felt is interposed between the electrodes
ing the egress of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as the anesthesiologist and the nerve.


FIGURE 38-7 • Sche matic surgical view of the auditory brainstem

impla nt electrode array being passed into the lateral recess
(magnified view from Figure 38-5).

tumor removal. A large 111astoid-type dressing is left in place

for 3 days. Careful attention to any tnoisture on the bandages
allows prompt identification of CSF leak through the postau­
ricular wound. The device is typically activated for the first
ti1ne 4 to 8 weeks after implantation. This allo\.YS resolution of
edema in the skin flap overlying the receiver/stimulator, which
FIGURE 38-6 • Schematic view of the receiver/stimulator in place. \vould other,vise prevent an adequate signal from reaching the
ilnplant. ln actual use, implant patients inust shave this area and
The electrode array is secured using a sn1all piece of Teflon apply a thin tape and metal disk ("retainer" disk) to which the
felt packed into the meatus of the lateral recess. Subsequent n1agnetic transmitter coil adheres. The patient, or a companion,
ingro,-vth of fibrous tissue eventually stabilizes the array in n1ust be trai11ed to ensure proper and consistent positioning of
position. The electrode wiring is positioned within the mastoid the transn1itter coil over the implant receiver/sti1nulator. l'vlany
cavity and bony trough (Figure 38-8). The eustachian tube and co1nplaints about poor signal or deterioration in sound quality
iniddle ear are then packed \.Yith oxidized cellulose (Surgicel®) can be traced to improper positioning of the retainer disk.
and 1nuscle. Abdon1inal fat is used to obliterate the mastoid
At this ti1ne, the 1nagnet in the receiver/stimulator is
re1noved to allo'-v for future surveillance MRI. Since the mag­ The most significant complication in the itnmediate postop­

net is typically re1noved fron1 the receiver/stimulator at the time erative period is CSF leak. Unlike routine translabyrinthine

of i111plantation, there 1nay be difficulty i11 identifying the loca­ surgery, in \vhich the fluid usually takes the nasal route via the

tion of the receiver/sti111ulator at the time of initial sti1nulation. eustachian tube, the ABI electrode and wires provide a pathway

Improper positioning of the external transn1itter coil in such along which CSF can travel under the skin flap. We have noted a

cases may lead to the false in1pression of device failure or stin1u­ 1uarked reduction in the leak rate after transitioning to the fully

lation failure on the part of the patient. We no'-v routinely tattoo itnplantable receiver from the percutaneous connector used

the center location of the circular receiver/stimulator antenna at \.Yith the single-channel ABI. Prevention of a leak begins with

the tin1e of surgery to facilitate its location postoperatively. The 1ueticulous dural approxi1nation. Although the dural opening

incision is then closed in layers without drainage. cannot be closed in a watertight inanner, it should be approxi­
tnated as closely as possible and strips of abdon1inal fat are used
to plug the residual dural defect.
Surgicel® and muscle are co1nn1only employed for eusta­
Postoperative care after auditory brainste1n i1uplantation is chian tube and 1nidd1e ear closure and autologous fat packs the
si1nilar to that following routine cranioton1ies for acoustic tnastoid cavity. Titaniutn mesh is placed over the fat to hold it

- MIC ABI-Experience effects (total n = 55)

-- 100.-�����
• <2Years

80 D >2Years

c 60

a... 40



FIGURE 38-9 • Mean speech perception scores from patients

with less than 2years experience versus those with 2years or
more experience. MTS Wd, monosyllable, trochee, spondee word
recognition; MTS Stress, monosyllable, trochee, spondee stress
recognition; SERT, sound effects recognition test; NU-CHIPS,
Northwestern University Children's Recognition of Speech Test;
CID, Central Institute for the Deaf sentences; CUNY, City University
of New York sentences; S, sound only; V, vision only; S+V, sound

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