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The theoretical Branches of there are different ways of

Philosophy knowing, and whether

there are limits to
theoretical Branches of knowing
Metaphysics  Studies of nature, being
 Metaphysics is the study goodness, and justice of
of origins. God, God-man relations,
and other doctrines
 Asks why we are here and related to divinity
what is our purpose in life.
 Study of time.
 DIKE = justice and right
 The study of the nature of
beings or reality in Ontology
GENERAL in its very  Regarded as a branch of
essence such as life after Metaphysics
death, heaven, hell,
purgatory, Satan, God  It studies the essential
characteristics of a
Epistemology: The Theory of particular existing things,
Knowledge of ultimate being , of
 This is the branch that existence, and the status,
deals with where order and structure of
knowledge comes from. reality.

 Asks how do we obtain  Onta = the really existing

knowledge. thing; The theory of
being ; What is being in
 Gk: Episteme = knowledge itself.

 Also asks about the

relation of knowing to the
known object, whether
known objects can exist
independently of their
being known, whether
 Is value in the quality of an
object or an act?
 theory of the world or  What is the person, thing
universe orevent that makes them
valuable or desirable?
 its concerns include the
origin of the universe, its  Is value in the quality of an
structure, the elements object or an act , or is it in
which constitute it , its the mind
characteristics, and the Religion
order and law which  This Branch deals with
underlie its existence. why people believe in a
higher power and an
 cosmos = world afterlife.

 the study of the universe  Meaning of life

as a rational and orderly
system.  Rituals and how people
should act.
The practical Branches of
Philosophy Examlples of Religion
• Dualism
Practical Branches of Philosophy • Christianity, Judaism,
Axiology • Monotheism
 Is the branch of • Polytheism
philosophy that studies • Buddhism
the nature origin and • Hinduism
Significance of Values.
 GK: Axios = “worthy”  This branch deals mainly
with morality.
 What is the person , thing
or event that makes them  It helps people determine
valuable or desirable? what is right and wrong
and how we can achieve
the “good life”.
• Conservatism
• Liberalism
• Marxism
• Social Darwinism
The Good Life • Communism
• This is where a person has • Socialism
balance between happiness • Capitalism
and virtue.
Aesthetics  The philosophy of Science
 The Study of what makes describes the way in which
Beauty. science changes the
 Art and its significance.
Examples of How Science has
 What shapes the opinion Changed the World
of beauty.
 Evolution has changed the
Beauty way in which people have
• Beauty is perceived as viewed origins
being relative to most.
 Theory of Relativity has
• Some would argue that dramatically changed
there is universality in beauty physics
and that we all feel the same
emotion when observing good  The internet has changed
art. the way people exchange
 Study of how people Logic
interact with each other.  The use of reason in
 What is the purpose of
government.  Critical thinking and
problem solving.
 Why people need other
people.  How to apply evidence to
an argument
Political Philosophies
"A fact is, traditionally, the
worldly correlate of a true
proposition, a state of
affairs whose obtaining
makes that proposition

 "A fact is, traditionally, the
worldly correlate of a true
proposition, a state of
affairs whose obtaining
makes that proposition
Distinguishing Opinion and true."
 The Capital of Mexico is
TRUTH Mexico City.
 In metaphysics and the  People Keep Dogs as Pets.
philosophy of language,  Valentine's Day Is on
the property of sentences, February 14th.
assertions, beliefs,  More Than 70% of Earth's
thoughts, or propositions Surface is Ocean.
that are said, in ordinary  The Union Won the
discourse, to agree with American Civil War.
the facts or to state what is
the case OPINIONS
 An opinion is an
REALITY expression of a person’s
 a substance that actually feelings that cannot be
exists in an external world. proven. Opinions can be
To be is real is to exist based on facts or emotions
without the need to be and sometimes they are
proven to exist. meant to deliberately
mislead others. Therefore,
FACTS it is important to be aware
 Facts may be understood of the author’s purpose
as information, which and choice of language.
makes a true sentence true:
person giving an opinion is
just throwing his idea and
way of thinking whether it
may be true or not.
 She looks sad. “The truth is like a lion. You
 My history teacher hates don’t have to defend it. Let it
me. loose. It will defend itself”
 The movie was boring.
 To solve traffic, it is better Importance Of Distinguishing
to invest in subways and the Truth from Opinion
trains than in road
widening programs.  Serve as a guide in making
 Wine tastes better than an intelligent decision
beer. especially on financial
 The TV shows in ABS- matters and investing.
CBN are more entertaining
than the shows of other  Assist in making solid
channels. conclusion on something
that requires personal
OPINION judgment.
 Opinion, on the other
hand, can be true or not. It  Help in making factual
is something that can be reports specific to an
proven or not. This is just incident or happening
a collection of thoughts where knowing what really
and ideas. Meaning, happened is crucial.
opinion is just an option
whether you will accept it EPISTEMOLOGY
or not. One of the concrete
examples of opinion is  Determining what truth is
“The Author’s Idea about and what is opinion can be
Philosophy.” The content difficult
of that article consists of
opinions and speculations  the boundaries between
about philosophy. Unlike them are a subject of
fact, opinion is not a philosophical debate
collection of truths but of
ideas without a minimal or
no basis. It means that the
 nature of knowledge and
the limits of what human
can know



“The point of philosophy is to  It is a mere information

start with something as simple as and a mere study. Example
to seem not worth stating, and to of these are the
end with something so
paradoxical that no one believe  lessons that you are getting
it.” and the information that is
being sent to you.
-Bertrand Russell-
Philosophy is the realization
that:  Wisdom can only be
gained through a personal
A. Wisdom comes from Truth quest to acquire it. One has
to take a leap and enter
B. Truth comes from reality another realm.
 Question how reliable the
person is in giving the
Criteria in Evaluating Opinions
 Assess how long the
SOURCE person has spent studying
the topic or item which is
Reputation of The Source the subject of the opinion
 is defined as the estimation  What is the experience of
in which a person or thing the one giving the opinion
is held, especially by the in relation to the subject
community or the public in matter?
Audience Whom it was intended  Intention
 Who or which person or  Convince or persuade
group is the target of the
opinion and whether it is BIAS
intended to influence  is a tendency to learn to a
them. certain direction, often to
the detriment of an open
Whether Authentic Documents mind
were provided as proof
 This is also crucial in the  Did the one who gave the
evaluation as it will show opinion exhibited
whether sufficient specific partiality, preference, or
supporting details were prejudice for or against an
submitted. idea or person.

 defined as the ability to be  those who are biased tend
relied on or depended on, to believe what they want
as for accuracy, honesty to believe, refusing to take
and achievement. into consideration other’s
 it is the quality of being
trustworthy or of  Being biased means the
performing consistently lack of neutral viewpoint.
opinion sometimes, if we are not
careful, can be perceived as truth.

ASSUMPTION The Human Person and

Embodied Spirit
 An assumption is an idea
which is accepted as true Tarzan
and yet no effort is made  The orphaned Tarzan
to prove or substantiate it. grows up in the remote
African wilderness, raised
 it is defined as an idea that by the gentle gorilla when
is formed but without any a British expedition enters
evidence to back it up. the jungle; Tarzan
encounters the beautiful
FORMS OF ASSUMPTION Jane and recognizes that,
like her, he’s human.
 People might make the Falling in love with Jane,
assumption that you’re Tarzan is torn between
intelligent if you wear eye embracing civilization and
glasses, even though that staying with his gorilla
is not true family, which becomes
threatened by the ruthless
 People tend to assume that hunter Clayton.
because someone is
driving a flashy car, he is WHAT and WHO of Tarzan
very rich. It turned out
however, that he is just the  “Whatness” refers to the
driver of the car Metaphysical Approach in
identifying a human
 Another dangerous person.
assumption is in making
investement when we  “Who-ness” refers to the
assume that WHAT you Existential Approach in
agreed upon will be identifying a human
fulfilled by both parties. person

There’s a very thin line that Tarzan has the what

separates truth from opinion. It (metaphysical) of a human person;
depends on the degree of but while living with the apes, he
conviction one has over a claimed has the “who” (existential) of an
opinion. When this happens, ape
the spiritual realm for
them, they thought that
COMPONENTS OF HUMAN they’re body are merely
PERSON just body.
· Soul (life giving function)
 it is a life force that makes DISEMBODIED SPIRIT VIEW
us human beings alive.  Human person is
Though it is not visible but essentially just his/her
this component is very spirit. It maintains that the
important in human human person has both
person. body and spirit but claims
that it is the spirit that
· Mind (consciousness) essentially defines the
 it gives us the awareness human person. The body is
on the things around us. here seen as a nonessential
component of human
Spirit (non-bodily human person. The body is
component) dependent on the spirit
 Some of the examples of while the spirit is not
spirits are spirit of dependent on body. Body
gratefulness, spirit of cannot survive without
generosity, spirit of spirit but the spirit will
honesty, etc. survive even if there is no
Body (Chasis of the Soul)
 it is our physical
appearance to others. EMBODIED SPIRIT VIEW
 Human person is
DIFFERENT essentially the unity of
VIEWS/CONCEPTS ABOUT his/her body and spirit. It
HUMAN PERSON maintains that the human
person has both body and
UNSPIRITED BODY VIEW spirit but claims that the
 Human person is human person is
essentially just his/her essentially the unity of
body and nothing more. It these two components.
refers to us that human Spirit cannot exist
person does not have independently as well as
spiritual component. There the body without another
is no such thing as spirit. half. Each will not survive
They do not acknowledge
with the absence of the  It refers to the various
other characteristics of the body
such as, among others,
Jean Paul Sartre genetic make-up, physical
 He understands attributes such as height,
transcendence as what weight, complexion, etc.,
makes it possible and what nationality, gender, social
limits it. Human capacity class, ethnic race, sickness,
for transcendence is rooted disabilities, age, previous
in the property of human experiences and
consciousness called impending death.
Other people
Two ways of transcendence of  It includes our concrete
consciousness relations with them and
 First, the things that their mere perception to
consciousness is primarily us. Sartre thinks that
directed at are outside or whether something limits
transcendent to our transcendence or not
consciousness. still depends on our
choice. Something
 Second, consciousness is becomes a limit or an
always transcending itself obstacle to our
because in being transcendence or freedom
continuously conscious of only because we have
things outside of itself, it is made certain choices. (e.g.
continuously filling in boulder on the road)
gaps within itself. Sartre, thus, conceives of
freedom simply as the
Factors that possibly limits one’s ability to make choices for
Transcendence oneself regardless of
whether or not one can
Natural Environment perform or put one’s
 It includes natural laws or choices into actions.
forces such as gravity, and
natural events such as
storms, earthquakes or the
simple natural facts like
the fact that it is raining.

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