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Year 8 End of Year Assessment (Calculator)

Marking Scheme
A Accuracy mark
B Independent accuracy mark
C Communication mark
M Method mark

1 3 marks

M1 80 – 45 = 35 3 marks
M1 45 × 100
A1 77.8% (allow 77.7%)

2 3 marks

M1 Find the common difference of the terms (4). 3 marks

A1 4n +
A1 +3

3 4 marks

a.i B1 -3 1 mark

a.ii B1 2 1 mark
b M1 m = 2 2 marks
A1 y = 2 x – 2

4 10 marks

a B1 82 1 mark

b B1 70 1 mark

c M1 41 + 82 + 95 + 34 + 77 + 82 + 45 + 69 + 71 + 49 = 645 2 marks
A1 64.5

d B1 61 1 mark

e C1 The mean for the second group is lower so, generally, they did less 2 marks
C1 The range is lower for the second group so they were more

f A1 The median would remain the same. 3 marks

A1 The mean would increase.
A1 The range would decrease.
Year 8 End of Year Assessment (Calculator)
Marking Scheme

5 2 marks

A1 Both are correct. 2 marks

C1 The number could be 353 999, for example, which would round to
354 000 to 3, 4 or 5 significant figures.

6 4 marks

a M1 π × 52 2 marks
A1 78.54cm2 (allow an answer that has been rounded incorrectly)

b M1 π × 10 2 marks
A1 31.42cm2 (allow an answer that has been rounded incorrectly)

7 5 marks

a B1 10 1 mark

b B1 300 1 mark

c M1 Any equation in the form a = kb. 3 marks

M1 Substitutes values of a and b to find the constant.
A1 a = 5 b

8 5 marks

B1 Diameter = 15cm or radius = 7.5cm. 5 marks

M1 Area of circle = π × 7.52
A1 Area of circle = 176.7…
M1 Shaded area = 15 × 45 – 3 × ”176.7…”
A1 144.9cm2

9 10 marks

a M1 For any correct frequency. 3 marks

M1 For at least 3 correct frequencies.
A1 A fully correct table.

Favourite Colour Frequency

Red 16
Blue 10
Pink 4
Yellow 11
Other 13

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Year 8 End of Year Assessment (Calculator)
Marking Scheme

b For this question, award full marks for a correct answer based on their b. 3 marks
M1 At least two bars plotted to the correct frequency.
A1 A fully correct bar chart with a gap between the bars and axis fully
B1 A key to show the difference between Group A and Group B.
4 Group A
Group B
Red Blue Pink Yellow Other

c B1 Group A: Red 3 marks

B1 Group B: Yellow
B1 Overall: Yellow

d C1 The data is qualitative so you can’t find the mean or median; you 1 mark
can’t order the data or find the sum of the data.

10 4 marks

M1 360 ÷ 5 (= 72) or 360 ÷ 6 (= 60) or 180 × (5 – 2) (= 540) 4 marks

or 180 × (6 – 2) (= 720)
M1 180 – “72” (= 108) or 180 – “60” (= 120) or “540” ÷ 5 (= 108)
or “720” ÷ 6 (= 120)
M1 “108” + “120” + 90 (= 318)
A1 42°

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