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Language Test 3B*

Grammar 4 Choose the correct options.

1 Write the comparative form of the 1 Kate bought a lot of / much
adjectives. oranges at the market.
1 tall 2 How much / many coffee have
2 bad you drunk today?
3 comfortable 3 George met a lot of / much
4 thin people on holiday.
5 noisy 4 Come on! We haven’t got much /
many time.
5 I’ve got too much / many T-shirts
___/5 marks and not enough blouses.
6 How much / many money did you
bring with you?
2 Write the superlative form of the
7 I ate too much / many chocolate.
8 There’s a lot of / many fruit juice
1 good
in the fridge.
2 expensive
3 friendly
4 pretty ___/8 marks
5 far
___/5 marks
5 Complete the sentences with the
words in the box.
3 Choose the correct answers.
1 Yesterday was day of the assistant basket coins
year. customers high
a warm b the warmest queue stall
2 Wales is than England. 1 People are waiting in a long
a too small b smaller than outside that shop.
3 Your camera is than mine. 2 I’ve got a lot of heavy in
a better b the best my purse.
4 I didn’t pass the exam. It was . 3 There are some great shops in
a too difficult b more difficult the street of my town.
5 They didn’t have money. 4 That shopping looks
a money enough really heavy.
b enough money 5 My uncle makes cheese and
6 These shoes are really sells it on his market .
comfortable, but those are . 6 She worked as a shop
a more fashionable before she became a manager.
b too fashionable 7 The shop has a lot of
7 The car wasn’t for six people. because it has very good, cheap
a big enough b enough big clothes.

___/7 marks ___/7 marks

6 Choose the correct options. Speaking
1 I always buy things in the sales /
bargains because they’re 8 Match the beginnings of the
cheaper then. questions 1–4 with the endings a–d.
2 Peter went to the coin / cashpoint 1 Excuse me. Could you
to get some money. 2 Would you mind
3 I paid with a ten-pound note / 3 Dad, can you give
paper, and the assistant gave me 4 Can you help
£5 price / change.
4 This shop sells some wonderful a me five pounds?
sales / products from India. b me, please?
5 These jeans were a bargain / c helping me? This bag is heavy.
basket. I got them for a very good d give me a hand, please?
coin / price.
6 Lulu enjoyed shopping at the ___/4 marks
market. The customers /
stallholders were very friendly. 9 Choose the correct options.
1 A I spent £150 on these
___/8 marks shoes.
B What! You’re possible /
7 Choose the correct options. impossible!
1 I think Caroline cost / paid too 2 A Can I give you a hand /
much for her new coat. help with those books?
2 James doesn’t like paying for B Yes, please.
things by / in credit card. 3 A Would you mind /
3 We can’t afford / spend a holiday Could you make dinner?
this year. B Sorry, I can / can’t. I’m
4 How much money does Olivia busy tonight.
earn / win every month? 4 A You can’t go in there. It’s
5 My dad never borrows / lends me against / again the
money, but my mum sometimes rules.
does. B Oh! I didn’t know that.
6 I’m saving / spending money to 5 A Can I use your
go on holiday. computer?
7 Did you pay for that in / by cash? B No problem / question.
8 I haven’t got any money. Can I
borrow / lend some from you?
9 I like that coat. How much does it ___/6 marks
cost / pay?
10 They save / spend all their Total: ___/60 marks
money on computer games!

___/10 marks

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