Project Proposal LTS Group 3

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Republic of the Philippines


Province of Rizal
Tanay Campus

College of Science and


National Service Training Program SY 2021 – 2022

Literacy Training Service




(Bachelor of Elementary Education)
Georzette Java
Jonalyn Ferrer
Krisha Porras
Krishna Jane Villanueva
Leslie Ann Magbago
Raffy De Castro
Rica Joy Martija

Prof. Nenita F. Ramos

NSTP Facilitator

Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would

otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products.

Recycling can benefit your community and the environment (EPA). The

reason why recycling is so important is that it prevents pollution, reduces

the need to harvest new raw materials, saves energy, reduce greenhouse

gas emissions, saves money, reduces the amount of waste that ends up in

landfills, and allows products to be used to their fullest extent

(ZMSCIENCE). The main problem is how the people should do recycle

works to reduce wastes when they do not have sufficient and enough

knowledge about it. That's why this project aims to teach and give more

knowledge and understanding to the people in the are of Brgy. Laiban,

Tanay, Rizal. Therefore, they do not have a hard time do the recycle works

and even have more confident to volunteer works for reducing wastes.

Project Proposal

I. Title of the Project: Voluntary Works For Reducing Wastes

II. Project Proponent: Laime Erato, Jonalyn A. Ferrer, Rica Joy A. Martija, Krisha

A. Porras, Krishna Jane L. Villanueva, Georzette Java, Raffy M. De Castro and

Leslie Anne D. Magbago.

III. Location: Sitio Upper Burol, May-iba, Teresa, Rizal.

IV. Beneficiaries: Kids 5-12

V. Duration/Time of Implementation: March 18-19, March 25-26, 2022 and April

1-2, April 8-9, April 15-16, 2022 ( 3-5 weeks every Friday and Saturday )

VI. Project Rationale:

By seeking and analyzing the place we had been examining for a long time, we, the

members of the group find out that the main problem that keeps bothering the residents

of this area are the wastes. In and outside of the homes, you can find garbage, we also
find out that the reason why some of the people just throw out trash everywhere because

Waste management are still not built in that place and no one collect their trash. That’s

why the members of NSTP group made a plan to help the people reduce wastes as much

as possible in their home and outside. And without the help of our sponsors and donors,

this project will not be successful, so I hope you will have faith and believe in the essence

of kindness and generosity that we will give to the people by teaching them and giving a

demo on how to reduce wastes. Without further occurrence of arguments and

explanation, I pray that you will be the one of the people who will support us and help

implement this important project of ours.

VII. Project Objectives:

Waste is a form of inefficiency. Developing a waste reduction plan provides

an opportunity to redesign processes to create less waste and thereby increase

efficiency. Therefore, by planning and organizing a Demo teaching strategies and

process, we will be able to deliver all necessary information to the people or

residents of community but we decided to start off with the kids first before the

elders and teens that is needed to learn and adapt by them, which is the aim of the

project in the first place. Some main objectives of projects are:

1. To receive the simplest way of gathering and collecting garbage and trash.

2. To promote 3R's

3. To let them understand the importance of recycling to reduce wastes

4. To teach them how to do or what can we do to reduce wastes.

5. To give proper learning and education about reducing wastes.

VIII. Project Description:

Provide the following details to the applicants: the problem the project will address,

a set of goals for the project, the overall objectives for the project, as well as a project plan

that describes the activities the members will undertake.


Action Step 1:
We set up a meeting
at G-meet so we All the members of the NSTP Coordinator G-Meet /Start –
could discuss what Feb 18, 2022
we will do and what NSTP Group 3 and some Barangay
topic we will choose. Distribution of
and we chose the one ( Laime Erato, Jonalyn officials surveys and
where we can relate collecting answers
Ferrer, Rica Joy Martija, - February 20-
everything and that is
lessen or reduce March 7,
Krisha Porras, Krishna 2022.
We divided the parts
Villanueva, Georzette Assigning works
so everyone will
participate and do and do assigned
Java, Raffy De Castro tasks- March 8-20,
their own tasks.
We also set a 2022.
and Leslie Magbago)
deadline, for them to
practice time
management and
pass the project in
Action Step 2
First we printed what
we can stick on the NSTP Coordinator We also meet before
Laime Erato
walls so we could and some Barangay distribution of
officials surveys – Feb 20,
see the segregation Jonalyn Ferrer 2022
of garbage.
We also give out And all the members of Promoting 3 R’s by
flyers in the streets. giving flyers
And also, the - March 8-20,
the NSTP Group 3
members of the 2022.
group do their task to
Rica Joy Martija, Krisha
lessen wastes like
recycling and clean
Porras, Krishna
their own places and
Villanueva, Georzette
Java, Raffy De Castro

and Leslie Magbago

Action Step 2
First We are planning NSTP Coordinator Lessons:
and arrange some All the members of the and some Barangay
Introduction to
demo teaching officials
NSTP Group 3 reduce wastes and
strategies to all the identifying 3 R’s
kids and also adults - March 26-27,
and give more ( Laime Erato, Jonalyn 2022.
knowledge on how to Benefits of reducing
properly reduce Ferrer, Rica Joy Martija, wastes.
wastes. - April 2-3,
Our Lessons includes Krisha Porras, Krishna 2022.
benefits and ways to Biodegradeble and
reduce wastes. Villanueva, Georzette non- biodegradable
- April 9-10,
Java, Raffy De Castro 2022.
Ways to reduce
and Leslie Magbago)
- April 16-17,
Video Marathon
- April 23-24,

IX. Proposed Budgets: (Source of fund/other agencies involve)

Means a budget or cost itemization included in each Approved Project Plan

specifying the cost by item of (b) all labor, materials and services necessary for the Project

in accordance with the plans.

Materials Needed Budget Source of Fund

For teaching/demo:
Members of the NSTP
Manila Paper, Pentel pen 30 pesos Group 3 for “Voluntary
or marker. works for reducing wastes”
and donations.
Tools for games: 20 pesos Members of the NSTP
Group 3 for “Voluntary
Colored paper and Boxes. works for reducing wastes”
and donations.
Price for games Members of the NSTP
100 pesos Group 3 for “Voluntary
works for reducing wastes”
and donations.
Foods (sopas) ingredients: Members of the NSTP
Group 3 for “Voluntary
Evaporada, Vegetables, works for reducing wastes”
Hotdog, Garlic, Onion, 250 pesos and donations.
Margarine, Chicken, Salt,
Magic Sarap, Knorr, Pasta
macaroni and Pepper.
For Transportation: Members of the NSTP
100 Pesos/ person Group 3 for “Voluntary
Car and gasoline works for reducing wastes”
and donations.
Tnt / Tm Loads for research Members of the NSTP
purposes. Including for 100 pesos Group 3 for “Voluntary
lessons. works for reducing wastes”
and donations.
Venue Place 50 pesos ( not rental Members of the NSTP
Brgy. Laiban’s Chapel or donation only) Group 3 for “Voluntary
church. works for reducing wastes”
and donations.
TOTAL 650 pesos

X. Conclusion: (Give a summary of the project including the motivation, problem

and solution)

Risk Management Plan

Likely Risk Impact on Project Specific Action to If Risk happens,

if Risk Happens Prevent Risk Specific Action to
soften impact of
It’s possible that Failure to achieve Give some Ask support from
the attendees the goals and motivations and be the NSTP
especially the kids objectives of the strict but not too Coordinator and the
will not listen and project much elders.
be noisy.
If not managed, the Our project may be Assign and Ask support from
food will run out failed and not managed the the NSTP
quickly without considered helpful distribution of food Coordinator and the
attendess having a for some of the to anyone. elders.
proper meal so it’s people.
likely will be unfair.
Destructions that Failure to deliver Talk to any Barangay officials
can possibly occur such knowledge barangay officials and elders.
during the and promote for noise prevention
deliveration of education on during deliveration
lesson to the reducing wastes of demo.

XI. Appendices:

Community Needs Assessment Form

Community Needs Assessment Form

1. Name of community/Institution being Assessed

2. Venue or Description of the Location

3. Names of Company Leaders and Representatives

4. Description of the Community and Basic Community Statistics.

I. Community Leaders and Member’s Opinions

1. What activities are usually/Currently conducted?

Social Educational
Spiritual Recreational
Livelihood All of the Above
Others, please specify

2. How frequent are the activities being conducted?

Weekly Semi- monthly

Monthly _ Semi- annually
Others, please specify

3. Who conducts the activities?

Barangay Council Nongovernment

Combination Community/Civic
Others, please specify

4. What is the rating of the Community leaders and members of

the following community current program? Encircle your rating
for each question using the scale below.
0 – Not in a position to evaluate/No idea at all
1 – Poor/Never
2 – Needs improvement/very seldom
3 – Satisfactory/Seldom
4 – Very satisfactory/Oftentimes

Social Activities ( parties, singing, dancing 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

contests, feast day , celebration , swimming ,
etc. )

Spiritual activities ( 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5
recollection,retreat,mass, etc.. )

Recreational activities ( Sportsfest, league,,

0. 1 2 3 4. 5
etc. )

Educational activities ( Seminars, trainings,

0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5
workshop’s, etc. ).

Livelihood activities ( microfinancing,

0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5
subsidies, etc. ).
5. Who are the active participants of the community activities
being conducted?

Parents. Mothers
Fathers. _Youth
Students. _ Out-of-school youth

Involvement of the members of the community in the project

0 – Not in a position to evaluate/No idea at all

1 – Poor/Never
2 – Needs improvement/very seldom
3 – Satisfactory/Seldom
4 – Very satisfactory/Oftentimes
5 – Excellent/Always

Rate the following constituents in terms of involvement or participation in

community activities. Encircle your rating for each question using the scale below.

Mother’s 0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5
Father’s 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

Students 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5
Out-of-school youth 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5
Kids 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

1. Who benefits from the activities?

Barangay constituents
Others please specify

2. What are the facilities available in the community?

Library Plaza
Sports Center Social Gall
Day-Care Center Health Center
Others, please specify

3. What activities are perceived to be mostly needed by the community?

Livelihood Jobs fair

Spiritual activities _ Feeding program
Social mobilization
Other, please specify

4. Issues, problem, and opportunities present in the community

Family problem. Lack of support for activities

Drug addiction _ Education
Vices Garbage
Health Peace and Order
Others, please specify

5. Issues, concerns that the community Leaders/members think

Should prioritized

Cleanliness Livelihood
Peace and Order Sports
Other, please specify

Il. Evaluation by the team conducting the needs Assessment

6. Needs identified by community Leaders and Members.

7. Current action being taken to meet community needs

8. Local resources available to help meet community needs.

Human Resources – People with necessary skills

Financial Resources - Financial assets available

Equipment and Materials – All equipment, materials supplies that

Will be available to support the activities.

Community Organizations/Groups – agencies , organization, firms and

institutions within the community that can be considered assets to the community
in same way.

9. Name/s of assessor/ Evaluator :

Link of Responses:





in-delaware/delaware-eight-ways-to-reduce-waste/ - DEMO LESSON.


ducing,the%20environment%20for%20future%20generations.- DEMO LESSON

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