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tit i ‘ \ ' \ AW ii a sania -PRInicirts | OF Reintoe cro. CONCKELE - Concrete. aege, f . 7 Combination of. aggregates (cand . gravel, arusned. roc. ete) - bonaca tegemer. with 0 pate composed. of cement and .warcr. Coocreye, has. a. very mon Compre eirengih. but a. vey. low . tensilt sircngth. . Reingord Concrete (Ac), | . 2 * Combioanion. of .cmerete. and tcinporcing . ‘ateel : Cocparmed : © found. bare). herein the. vtec! prowaee. the tend tt, arena that I fe ceing in, the . concrete. 7 ‘Ravantoges of RC ‘aya constuction materia)... Wont weight . 5. 7 Normal: weight 4.0 4 . : proper oF eel. SUIFEL YIELD. STRENGTH. Fy... Hg * depends. on its grade. as Grace. 40,. 50, @0.and om. Whee. Gade 40.meani rhe Atel har a sptcipied yitid pant of . 40. 000 pe C296. mea). Grade. 55 meant. 50, 000. psi (34S mPa). ee 40.meons - (44. pals Ond vb M.. . : | Flastic ‘oe z tl Has V4 omg s : ; 3. <2 160. common. whuctural. eement y mace usana ead = 9 a it Ami reajal wurgac.c. . 3 : >. = Oe Nay ad “wo Nay 2. Api >. ctu an, LE REE, pene Sear s. appre Beirne? Naveneee a 1 be danger bit - Sl). tarnms ana gigpene. | ee . *. Gte beriz otal nuponis . or the. stucute » ted seria. a >. have dtpined .crax - Seen mal .arca.. Samed . : — fuoced. » tet. coca atreck . Doop . . Cdiagmal. sacks and vpuiing - tel : ay ome) Reinrarce, , ments + * Gain > Comms. « wit verhical. cue WF. me amrucure. D. resist emoreau Fcc - © Footes. : 7 dane port a “me F bang Foundation - oF the tuilaing. - : _ ANALYSIS . Ves 7 DESIGN nee . signal 5 given. a. cro. sain. Gmnercie. tT togah - feinforee nem . wize ond Wako. and. yicla dirength., compure ge. tesisi.anot . or wor cngth..In. anqdusss thee vheuld ST) pe. me unique. agncr. © ps'gn, given. a. factored . ataga moment, nirmaly designated. a .Mu,. sthecd @ Suitable ores section. mali, dimenii@ns. « ‘cmareje -utrength.. kcingarcemcat . abd. sam. In. design . there ave. nas mio whan, 44H WAL TAD et eae Drain | ETHODS. + Working SKes. Design . Cone gras). C5 anak Arena rg fi (WA A Fi te Gili ib @- _ USD METHOD. Method oF . design .stuciura). - Membere by. cotiaering the . - ulmate . wmTcngth .of vce) . - 4nd cmerese.. 2 Primarily based . on the wirength - Gmcept op . cmcreie. 1 Factor. of. vapety. it. oniaered. 2 Qcsign. Gita). combinanion oF lnad| for clastic oc havior :of. matecias 2 Materiak. strength 9 be .ucea For. member. dtstgn, : Sto.biN ty. OF dructure. he mare. man. WSD: ’ Modern. design method : ' Uc . For mostly biggest - - Mucthses and atveloped nap’ 2 fgnenical Decign Methods, NSO | MeTHOD | ‘Method. a aeuign uctural - Member by cmsacnng. ihe - . alowabie .irength of tcel . and. cenceeit. ! Dased . on the jinear. theoyy . OF tla. Mheory-. - © Factor. of sopcty J it Dot. comic 1 Design Carrying. load. 1 plashe. ochavior .of. maicnals « : Moawlar sabo . wera. Fer . member dcgr@n.. . - 1 Gtabiity. op structure. 1. . let. than. UD. 2 Prey. of. design method. usta For. smal) .cructares- . Nd underacveleptd -Aations.- I Mss. econ eal nea oe meee REINFOR CEO. CONCRETE TAGES. AND ‘ran viok i t Uncraked Comereie . stage + Gracked. Coerete .toae : + Gam. Foilurr. or . ultimate wirength. stage straint fae g | f V. ) dinear. aictioution . A A . ebesses.. Sr CELE wf ecingorcement [' Gackco © Uncracked # Ma < Mer. “hee “cracked * MV) cracking Mom ng .?.Mer. of .haias . 00 | lunetocted Omorte. Wage. |e ©. taiihen. the plotural ived at the. tencion sae OF. ine concert. . IE Ieee. than. the Maaulue oF rupture. , Me emir Geol. a section. oF Ine. conorcte . mill. Perit beAdIND, egos * Ge Comp.) éeigencion i fe Gtnion "positive benaing, manent (Butaa bar). “b “fe Grencien) FW ig ree eye x + ~ ey Sechin Wen. Stress rogram . fran - . MAS Mer ee iebeea a, 2 eS Fy. tes ng =, Actual, Moment - 2 0* Molnar ratio” mer = cracking Manent =dnl - x] (na) ne fd “e-. Cg Fi. *. Plesural mest op. oneete ---4ai dt - -4 fo. FR Maqulus. F typtulé. - - - oa | CoH Is. fee F Lonmprestive. smece OF omer 2S 1c 2 feny|e cee oF cmerctc - 5 Die ore Bele lt mleleltie fF Fo». Bewual sins oF -sitecl. LT: b.* .bar sf the beam - = MIGINAL ~~ FRANSFORMED. - - og é ad ~ .aFonoN. - - - SECHON - of he totol .acight of tye btan - - ae P Aercles| doug aes | _ d= eppechve. acphh fF the beam . — "4 Jo sewe. Mooular. rat, Mi. - .Gpeam) the cemmrosd. OF te. 2. = ee ee = Hoi FOrcEMENT t topmost. Poet) - = "(ne Es. (stranger) «£6 . £00,000 x * distance Frew fpmast Fiber. ® NA. * én. Cneaker). . Fc 470) AVEC -Ay.* tal. ala. of. Seek reinfarcemont. Eee ary ne Meaylac tao . 5) poe 006 Gy : Xk ; ae DC UNB De Se ee ao ROG. ele 5 lel ea AAD TA te F ie ee ae 3 - AU. porns hewem: | GS (as)mp fs = RRR. oe FREER, Ste bha (n- oan bh. in phe (4). Wei ih We MM N AV Wa UY an EAE WALT AL at u Gout: Sowing ror a ii IN: : OL * 3knjm. Ms ; | eke aera | UL * SkN/m. : “9 & cnacree 24 (og cot y : fc ae 24 (1000 K Wee go : 27, 400 Agi Mmart Moe NL. obi cb eee Ruane POanSEn 8 Se. Peg Sowing . Far Fictudl manent 2 . 2400 (4.81). - ma? ibesi) Ca). oe atlas i Dios 489 Ma — a te: 5 (95.544 IN /ms)(0-4m (0-6) + 6-651. kN /M “salving. For mca: S00 es . Fes Mce Ur ie { suiving. port: LO) ares 2 Cardoe g « te? o-g2 are - sarin. | Bs.” 620m. bare a4 ich Peak ltl hel eam * 60 7] mm © Moe dr. * Laur eects Loic en ae 1p ; As) (d "ncn (300mm) + oa (nee . 400000)?» - Pee Pee et ce > nent? ‘Amm af _ . IRIN. oomeate. ima Zma.. 70.430 < 18:7 UN CRACKED . os Solving . FO FINA x. ee distance. fron CFNIKOID fo NA. . ; aZ(lgt OG)... - ape pes fon'sy ree, re +f = tna) 2. pace [ ap 1 densi) (rs: wn] eee MM. Ty? Babs ; WA =" aon \ == \ . i =" \ ; ae 8 = \\ ——— a Wei ab Beit ib ts ii on Ha. * 2 430% ig *W-mm (296.143). - - . 79921109. M \ - Cracked . Concrete. “tage. ches “When the bending. raoment . “it cuppicizntly large . ‘b. . © oust the tenaie circu. in the extreme, piberr .b. b¢ grtare? - than me modylus. of supture, it it. asumed. Mat. ay oF - the Cmercte . on ihe . Yenuile. vide. of the. bam it ctackcd ond .must be Negiccied . in. the - Fieturat gi TA: Cracking ‘occur a= ree ee Camp) - 000 La Ma. > (Moe |) BE Ps Beason) oy ke fa fi : ma. «actual mnomeat - Tro. sires | Mog * Cracking Inoment . - - - - Feo.” _ Compressive chrece oF. cracrenc. fr. % flexural st ess. oF concrete : Fe.*. fltxural stres. of vtec]... . Fe. *. Modylur of. hupture. _ bo. base oF beam. - aes 2 eE * ne of beam . Bik *. oppechive Oepth .OF - ‘cam 4 distance. pen tp most. 4 . Fiber LW: - # fc? tera) area of. ad range i : original chm, | Trompotmed ech, . . nt modular. rano : In jhit sa0e, we. “mudd. arn now 10 “identify she Fe . “Mer. yl oF for. problems inhere. allowable. moment. ate . svg... be determined. .the actual streace Por. both. * fee « |. marete. ang. steel yhould not be excerded. . oe... Allowabit stredce . if ot given are. 0.49 Fe. For. concteie and 0-6) Fy. par sttcl. AU AWA Me RAL AL WADE hth eee ae ea aa = » Frampir: ‘ . . afta. method given dhe. “PC * 24 mpa.,m?95 KN-m, ©) Ip the allmable stra ey .are + Solution: (a) | Ma > Mex uw 3 CRACKED Por. wttcl , .atiermine . the allswabir ranching. Kam > 38. “515 KN m Mac |e ta-583 eau “Ca) Cowie he inding sgreuce se brom. wing sranipormcd erhied : ip at 7500 mm, d* 4925 mm, aed 2emm - 34 Mfg por cmercir and. 138 mfa - ' i, moment oF the bcan-- fe soaa ar? i i ee 200 ay - Mea | + ($2). «. ao 300 C600)" Coon). aoe et G5. SIT KN: SER ita oi" i fis? 828mm 2 8 3 “co6¢ tnmn fe, 200.600 ma, 4.286 9-4 ' fe. . 40H - = slung For. ae vy Sap ae tel i? nee: eee “ment =) | | a0! oF = (9) (5891) (426-0). - ee Ss + . . tee. si 00. Pip sete FS Pua case Wy eee ea “Oy? ip NAG, cated ee gaming pris . . @ the. vase .op-the - a Neer agee lee a rectangle. —— gt Ad* ae = pig 503) 2 |! [er aC si) (6 wn]: Ty 1 1.592 x10. 200 oH Sin. (4) Solving for sirescs*. = wii fT eae : te * fiat a. - fee * fg) zn : aa . INA “431 a " Cte8 583 = “+ 954 Mok (bea) eesti tet 1572K409 Rare eraea ee ‘am* . : #_86.81.4 KNM. = | Fe. 10. 18. mPa. ‘ Mia =_A. att ENO. ag far ne ; ba: ng La a e wet * (ox) . ; : i i Fe tc case: in) 9 ti 1a% a pata x 107mm. ‘na . dog kN: : SOs 6 t cos fee ee fot it : mee May #86 tein : AN - Example” a Falculare the. bending strewee in the cenerese and ihe. reingsraing ere sing ran sFormed . arto. method. : -F'¢+.e1 mPa ,. norma). weight. concrete. <4, MM? $39 EN-m, The beam nat.a fF. propernee.. 4n.* soamm ., bp». vp = HS om, * oom, ae G- 25.200. Solution ion’. 1500. : : a Aes “saving for x: » L Li sage ee ae Tes | case’ (4) aw oe 1500(K 4): 4493.50) (100-2) er . "ty: go [Are & eet soats : ee Gos in (on i) i ee a eee oi] A oe et : a eA, ea 5)1 300(«-129) al Pit CED... (X-125/2) * 9937. 90) ter because of the given. |. a-K) Aid “the Value OF Mg | | _X* 141,726 mm, i Pi sia He, i in” Be [a 1500 Ci) 1 1800 (108) (78. = [sear t 7 9.0933, sp) (58. 724)? 685 1199-mm* » Dna? solving . ‘por ares: oa _ @). re ae 0) * 4996, tfa_ 4683.4 90%. : 4. ee “9410 (are. 224). = 176. 04% _mfa ae 96831 109 a Load. Factor’. are. numbers hat, are multiplicd . 1 scract. order. m thercasc. itt ahmated valued applied. m viru.chre. - - Tht. loads are sncrrased . take. account . far come . uncer tain tie. INvONEd iM ts'mating their. mogaitude. . ee ne For ultimate. strength. aeign ..the tequittd strength. shou - + OC. Of Raut .tqual m she eppect of. Foctored ade in the. Eq. 409°) - 10 fq. 909-.7.. The .tppect op. me .or. more haar M01 aching. - °° - Atuttaneoucly . shall be investigated. . ee Seatac Se ee ee (section 409, 3)..nscB. 2010) - - - Mimbo. and. Notatims «2 2 2 ee Bere . . DF dead. load . ree eee ito . - F ? carthquake .ood tt sechion 208. §.1. 1. Em.* .tyt'maitd. maximum earthquake fotce .that.can be. : developed in. the ctructure as vet forth in sechm 208. §.1.). . F + lags aue 0 fluids. with. wel. acpintd preaures and - Maximum heignit. © 6 6 eee ae eS - 4% 10d .duc 2 Jatcral .prewurc. oF sail.ond .Waitr in soil... i . LF tive ad, .crcepy roop tive oad » inguaing. any permitted. Bereta . live tad teauchon. . . ee tie teeat eerie sets ceeeratiag ta? soof live load. incuaing . any pccmitted Mve load. reaction. P.* pending wad. . . - a of eee R* rain load on.the “hacpltctta .rooF .. T+ Sele straining .otce. ond preci aniting . prom. Centeaction . OF. eApQnst@n. Leculhing. From .tempcrature. change». . : . chrnkage. Masfure. change -.atcp in comp mente materials. Inevement. duc.t. settlement. ar combinations. _ . Basic. toad cmbinah ans. Fe aa ise ene : _ Where strength. dai gh. orload. and. rsitance. Facrr decigo ic utd, © “geucoutes . ong... porkont Ahereor chal). rest he Most. crea. . opFE FON. The. FF . combinchon op . actored . dads. PAD eee aca aa eee 20371 EZ DIF TT) ALG CAMEOS (UPR). © 80802 0. 1 p207'LG.Lp RIF CL or, SN) 203-23. "120 7 tw. 1. Fal. 1.0.5 Crp oR) 203-4. ( EOE PPL 0 ee Ge COW RB eas ae vee ALAC Ae ate ea ed ml il eee fie beam dubjecd a tenaing « ie ee ULL Applied toad | -Ocign. load . 2 Mg. . Je. bin WEx.Ma. -£ . pM. My < Requirea. Gtrengih ang. oeign snengin - - Redicting | lad Allowable Lad mM. The basic vrapety tquation Fw. any. virucs ural eemenk. k: a Ormninal vreagth. 2 .foctted. ads .PfFeCH ean. = - ic aura) . sre 6p 2 My. Mength Requch'm factory - -irtngth .reduci' .fociay » J - Nominal. wade ® aeercaye ff Value. the. deatas .of- valuc - it % Ra. 7 where: . fa a aMfenghh of a - smuctiral Member .a). G. stchion. . Ku? faced design bad due . I poctored. leaas : g .” Strength. reauchitn. FoCmr 2 Noninal. 7 ength Mement. Focterrd .dtugn mim ent. ~ Oe. number: mulhpied - take account. Fr the. er anne, a material - renin zeta esterases at oa diay . . Orel diagram. - (Me Wagram . Equiralen. | ste. mete sae plats x ~ /nitoey campres}on - 0.85F'C Bock Tr Asfu - : Jaina! dupe : ae eet = Sirain. clagran vied. diagYam - Ae Ra chard... a be? arta op ate! - = Stchm., NICP.-2010...- ++ > T 7 tensile. xm. - : Factor. Ar shat be. date ow 0-85 or cmutit sengihé - Pc. fo 17.Mfo. wh 2 Meg. <6 mea. - ~~ a 1 Fr ahtength abre- 28 ae 6 chan. be feduced - fine arly - 2. Gf a sate op. OIF po tooh- Mato. op sttengih heed ap a ©) Be mea, bud fi th hai iad be Aten (eS Yon - 262. - 3 ; Cto get. the Value. oF : Aguming He. sechon. it. 1.00. cmpoued (steel nil Wield we -bepnte ; anette reaches. it ultimare wttengihs. Me Value. op dhe. nominal . - - pret Crm. tectangwlat .brdmo . can. oe wife Qe. Eee in ti (asZ) re 0 (4-2). ip! asry (9). = “0:86.F’¢(ab), (a: 4). ete . BEAN TAILURE . .*Balance Condition .- balanccd .vtrain .conain ons eat ata. - > + + GTS Secnon When. tengon. reing on ‘beom Jectim . . strain diagram... .--.. - > cmpreccion Controlled Covey = rang once) - jp whe. stvoin on.the extreme. - © Tension steel. €y ii ta. than ey... Thue, the tren oF tensa . Mee! jc. than Fy. WHEE Be PAAR a a ok wa - Nominal ‘moment capacity . Cinvestigation) . .0° cb. witp 12 Agsume he section ic tension «Mel gee “phen SOINE. . For. he epth of compitygi of. wpa i eae (re at) - il J: Calculate. &. and. veripy jf. ascumprion . /. 2 = Ie &. >. €y.. tension tet yielding oe GS. fy s tendon attel « unyielding - "py similar wiangles "Gy" 2. | Er. abe fee : wer gieD. i fiesta Ppl an ree (arcu 7 | ae Acke . ae properties. Reet eee eee eye -b* .800 mm - | he soumm | - : Ag > 4-29 (single tayer). . ce —— -soution ete a ee =— ee 8 see Lenn eae on 2 12G-5omm. . . . - O85 FC 0-89 (21) (300)... - epee re Aire < Bary ae Pons. : ct Oo bags: lige Heal © ep a. "boos (ao). * fs? : - Mima | +h F25 0 oe =a Fr. toamomfo. ASU mption a. cgrect!. feel. Yields ., use Fy! . . : rae “mnt 1 Cor. Asy: Se ge Ea ae : 2 2 ay gr : Le WA Oe WYVUYY = =E b+ gadan wperit.. So b> jadmm vi e foomm . d* 32mm. ‘hu.* 3. 5¢mm angle ie) Sap FO IO A MA MRE a I ee aa Wei: a m5) Coa’ 932mm e eege h 7 | dd (- = 7 o% warts alts Se ek LE, Hegel, thas petty OR RIL LALO - © raume. ste viola (ép>€y) | dR5F'Cb. 0.95. (20)(360)- =, 7 IGG 2GEMM = 7.6 83 nm = Gytfye ee : (Bb. . 200000 4° - : = oe 00g .(434- 197.623) by? 207s80 9S . . WW fe Ps es z= eps 2 dae on res * dete St =a J eey Yo i + Adumpton. i, nosred .f . : Steel does ast. yitld we Fil. =a he. es eee does oot IE A PRs ad He Re eae =: | Pc ob.* a eee tae ei Mae] 2 Oey £86 (ava) * 9720. eeu eo (332 ae a 3: at Ail 0.856(19 8) * 104 PPM. m. oe Gs (6%) acc ae tu 247 HO ane 3 . pad (432. 19% ; = Es Ep * 200 000(2.001 8 107%) | Foo ’ WER tg Uipatmma cei llia. ' Ldn: gia w Sect ae aed ~POUBLY REN FORCED RC apAms 7 Atacion oration ally. beam sechans. ar deigncd .m have both. - . leppereea t a On .cmypreuian .celngaree ment. There, ale. . impreasiol Q Doubly. reinforced sechone. Nevo. caste where. ben ging. mq Meement Ke sca prequently, are. whe . pegative . - long ne "Olan. OF . contiouee beam . and midspun _ f¢g1 00s .oF. Ede eats heoxily .louged. beam. where. arple chin. necd - “ne wehanc ge N RAF! conprecion, ingaremeat . oh in aie cana % beams. Gnd the. rating bo Wed ore. Obcuged. eae In Folened. by a. pocthod th anglyzr. iuch wom. - »- Minporcement .tcduces. the .tong.term. aeglzctions of. 0. 6tam Vubjecitd. wunaittd foods... we oa © Change. ze mag oF Faire. Flom amprenion. a teni’00 ~. nben : . R% Pb. O bean . Faille in a .brétle manner. Argo . Crashing AF Ine compres on ZC . ocpore Mne. ech. ystldt. =: “shin. diogtan | vas diogaw << imernal Fries | | | fede op Design. (uso)... al. [eb : a) "yiton eC! An fyi 8" yo. pp Unaer. winporced. fer fy i 42M... » ay Over ~reing. orccd SAP} ES... Nominal moment. Capacity. for. Qoubley \einporerd Rc. Bcam.- ~~ ° | | -Step.4! Ascume the sechon st Semon ech. Yielding. and compression - - -.. ftel .ylef ding .1nen. save fw. the . cpm of °° |) biock, See oe Ae sees ecg et oo Cee e geen ce mate Uiep.2: ldentgy. A. and alculaie c. |. - eats eae ig aca serie . O85 Fe. .ftep.8: Calculate .¢s,.€% and verify... + eg i Ine. aenmption Jo .ytep 4 6 cmrech. . - -0- Ip 65 2 &Y . campresion she) Boi de cee Ir er S Ey. .crmpresion .vttcl unyiclding. . - 1. Sitp $A: f tention. qnd crmptestion. seek yield ,. caloulair . - pe darbs n,.use Fy. - FE er ealar ert eet garter ee nee mG ta 2) 1G G02... . frampie: Deverming tne nmninal. ‘moment a) Capacity . oF a doybly - By ys gy hingeted Brom oiven soe preter. ou Ne be as0mn he Gm. d*.G00 mm. de G2.8hm, ACA HMM =. ‘nee 222mm fe: 2 mPa. rye AO oo AL os ate ge +342 Dion? -,O Aesume vensite and compreaion. atte) yician (6) ry 4 a7w..-- 2 oe ae as)fu =. (1eaG i: sag) 9g. =, 188 18-197 00. : O-85 Pb. = 0:85 ee) 5 Ry 4. @ C= 2 mpa & tiny Gola tag: in: o fof mm. «DAL O89 A OW... .@. &. * 008 (ed: ‘ops’ Cano 221-408) dige® a tig 201. 408. gia oo ee ee 908 = 62.5) * 2.158 £5 + 005° (e+g’) > 0-008. . i fe 9 221: 408 ane Loe og B ftunption is omect wh fy> fo... $4 2.074 0.9 +: Tengton. deel yicidr, We. 4 fy ae 200m... - wt Compr avon are Wid ue uy! = 3 = = = = = = = = =a =a = = @ Mm: te ee =: a = 2 = = 2 A A 2 Pcab (a: 2) 4 Ar fy. Ca a, a 04) (188- SandCssh ( G00~. 8- yi) 4 : U9) (G0) 62.9... Inn = we 860. x. 10 Wee 868. 800, fit, Sit ” 8. Hromple: Oeferming the. nominal. moment -copaccity op 0 doubly - Tae reinforced veam. given the sedewin a ie ; - 2 380mm. Y a) A, i 3 (od) = oa (its.igi- wea) = 4-900 1 10"4 < wy. 3. a ‘i o mn 2 has % ae “3° Rgumat'gn & inarrcct ! a BS A. 200000. . ‘+ Tension steel yscias,. use Ey mac z tote oll WE ce oe eo 1: Gnpteaion tcl. des .not : (@) ge Opel So Haeee .yllds bse Fed a Gia? &. : Ce-d)° 0.85 F’C.0b.4 AG Ft* nc Fy ja FA. 5 ree bees 5 Es? 0.093 0:85. (39) (0 907) (0( 880). #312. 91 -(eoowoo) tos )(6-G25). .e.. : » agar cat eh ieee rect CPM ta Ere a. ‘ce 1G. Gftmm.. elie tae te ne ar @ Loe aie! + a. B0t C76 Gre). m2. trom @ Gs * G.005 (end). po. (126- 617,- ed) 119 Alo Ley” Se 6.07 aoteae ieceeaitdaeHaee ce ag rea ey pee Fs Ces). | $00,600 (1: 904 110° "sine ata Pane @ ‘mn = teld- walt Gta) ‘tay oe ’ Ts gagP¢ ab (d- 92) 4.9 Fb. Cd-y : a : 0.65 GH) (ae ie cd 02. $e) : 1912.91. (s0ad. (00-6 nn «727. 638 .x10¢ Nim . or "Ln sib Nn . hoe ft EL em eae he ~ (Trancition. region). - - .Moars . Design, C uso) . | , Waren a) Tendon, corte: im .£0 . Ret ate Ge feta (aeemtgag) + Hi.stamm | (ner d(H YCQ0), 0-85 F'cb . 0-85(21)( 420). 4 . 2. $g3fmm . . . ~@ Fe: mea .<.2emra. Cd, *% tt. $24 > $31. 262mm. . . eb ee or eaten ae ade (ay “Ge ogo (aC) = eons, CGea- 1ar-2e2)* Fern? Te. AAR igs og OE ES fy? fu + aug) e725 | sie yiclde : Ss. rie “a (gp) | Teas on. cmtanrd : GA) fn = 1 fd: Ye) » Acky. Cd- We. We Fy. 5 : + geen (345) ( 480. 1 SB/2) nn 206-622 kis. i owen ‘ Serer a ee cee etter gin? 6% (206-622). ©. my? muy te... a SMM. 59 Me kN * mut h2mp tam... egge 2 + LS 7 ne + 4-2 ( 21.456(@)') 1 4G (MCG) ga Creer 188. 966 ( ; ) 6 6 { } To ms? bgt yey E tet hye 9. 75@_KN/M coe PEEL NOT AIG. @) AL. ee ei ke mee eee : tp? 21456. . 86.9607 #2 [ (HL sile)"] t. ng? nal? 5 me es | ALE 29.207 40 g ‘ Le ; . Example: & bea WN “he WW as WU , Poe ! d M sechon is vhonn. in the Figu tc.The bram . intent aay vermec . dtod fg of. 215 kN... What - ; ce live. bad mameni. thi. 01 2 we. Fic’. 4 Mo ond Ay a8 ata. ia ie Toni oe | gomm | : . Asume thot tenvion ond. compression rn s or ey | | | dt 50-30-2572 * 982-5mm. ‘Bots C0707). 71 960.410°7 1 $ fy. Cimpeewion oe ; sai dies opt, yicld!. £y.* a 2. aa . 11S tension yields! use 65% ete : .. tension -emtrolied pe ~ Ue 9-490 J yse Fy! . B). pip ees ae 4G? Te ; 2. GAC Pet (-a008 (90) Bs Fr t AUP S 0 085 ote vashouey 1 7 (761. 250) (200 000)( 0-008/c Cc- 42. 9: ieom a Gs ; a an # Gry (102.484) *. 104..086 om (8) * amy Le: a) > hoes by or ; Be ope tak £45 nfo. tt ir6) min > ts Cd-a) 4 (a> Ye) 0850 ab. (d- Bi ined “a7. ; at $73. G26. 4NM nig deg ieee ea ei eo tafe tee eee et od 2 (215) 11-6 ML Ae ee 1 mS. fampie.: A 12-m long. reingorecd concrete beam wi etction chon.» * a -/n the Foure ig Supported .a1. itt ends... the beam. ir. proviatd. wi. TN. an addition support .ar. the midepan. use pe 21mpo ond fy? MaMra- Ey © Octerminc. tue atpth, of omprcuion. blocks... |. set aod LS -@) Oetermine the. nominal moment. capacity o¢.the vram.. . SQ.) Determine. the factored. uniform Joad..includng . ite own. weight. the - °° °° 7 iaieaee’ ail Carry... : : PR ao Se : we : pag HS . . : ‘ . fa). ek en : TT] Le | os [UU] : q. oepe(ms Ay. . |. - -|- ds J «0:85. (21) (ne) * 4024M(345) | 439mm > | ° |Z = Sle a s Ac! 2pm Emm’, | oe + * | Tyg ~ b)) Fer Binpa | | cg > 294. 0RE mn 2. Ap OR. . fi. &, *| 0.003 | CG25~ 249-085) = 4.682 1 | progrioes (a: ). se}. 3 } ae (34): mn: Gild= 9%) = OV) Lad a Hee aga) - O89 PC abCd-%). 5p. Ca)( 202. 992) (4 7HNCG25 ~. 07-478 /2) ~ O.87¢. : oes (an)cies)? (gas: @t/2) . 2. Bins me "ing Wm... O86 (867.029)? My... a an S659 De Nu? .49G..709 km : @ — wu = =. Fate .e F B- meowore aed ‘maximum moment OcURS “—"RrcENTER SUPPORT By Three. Moment Fouation Zz. “pia (a) 126 (416)4 re Ca)» > Td Pe, “ANALYSIS “oF T- ‘Beams ot a Reiaporced emercie. riost dyshetic “nermaty -emsith of tabs and - © beams that are piderd romp itnically. A o recult,.she two. parté 100d. In Gpptct, the beams doe ratra. widths. as Meir Np, coultd FlGn gCh. . and. the resulting 1. chaped beams. The. port oF 0.7 bram below At. - Slob it reprerred. to. as. the Web orstem, | . . . The. bcame nay bc. oie i ‘he stem is ot whe. end. oF tab. - 7- Bram Nigth oF .wlab. gpa “aw. T-beam Flange vai nat C4ctrd : _ be: Fouth .the upon. length. oF the .bcam . and pnt. upreit one “viab wrath. shov not exceed: . op SL. : Q) Bight. timee the slab thicknese ow. gr.cetxn. 7 .€y. » SG. 1G od fy. = in 2 4-905.410 ¥ 1 |) teed yielas £ wey! . a MER Le. 70-005, tension- emaolied. . We. So 0.90.1 -@ mC. Ca- “tpl enero Ct oe) nae oa n aoe c 25 (90-7) (48: 294) (1500) C0". Meera errr etter enti lin 2 398-884 No i : - Feamp ht SCHON | oF @ reingoceed ‘emerde j- Brg ine. % Q reingorcea concrete 1 Bram. i. uhonn. jn Pour. the bram. iy. reinforced w/. 19-d2mm Lovameter .#acen , bars. W/O Ey® 45 MPQ..cracrete. Arengin 32. mpa. Ip the. tora) verviCt oo - Acadlaod moment. on the beam Ht 380 KN:m, actermine te. VOFE . - - veryct Wve lag mment, . : + Volunion: GAT aaron 2 O85F'C (Ag+ ORY ee ee Rei 9-85.(42).( Bc) * 1 icant : Ace es 913. mm? spenNeae er emia fl io($)G0" ee ae 3. 7 Me ede ae gon nn + 0[ ats rs et tao fe «* [yee AG * bp Che) + bry Ca-hp) 120706.98°500 ( hea) 4.820(0" 126) d . 4? 815,959 mm. ¥. RC g2mea | | et a + ah eam | A? 08.- 209 (1-28), eae elt (Ae 08H | : al PE Nag Aer b> 0-003 | (590,- 364.897) °F. ma x03 < by F487 ke ett le by? HE 7 2075 XK » feed cles it yiela! Ure Fs. 200000. . . -.. .impretiian cmtrolita 4. 0.45> g. Get hs Ps ts +h d ‘AIC “ losgrcacs. Ache |. Ace OFhp. NCQ the) 0-e5 Caz 00)(120)1. 820 (0.821¢- 0) ]* aca )eosaony( ec Q: .. C7 849, 410mm... i UP tai "210.464... 2. | fn tai 89). canes : tog AFR Ifa | G7 0-003. (539 914.30). (ReaD Vn oie 329. 970 Ct peer ean: Mn Gr Cd“) t C2 Ca-Ya) . 1:85 (32)(Soa)Cied) (540-40) F 1205. Bim € 0-25 (42)( 3200015 0° aG4) (30 ~195. wa). . Mu- 9 tn.* 77-40SEN'M _ mys 12 Mot 1M. "993, $5. > +2(30)4 4G Mm | 2 Mur 242 1B IND... WVNSWUN UWE EE ddd gute WWW EYEE EVEEER ELLE eee ood - OFSIEN OF “RE Beams’ FoR FLEXURE WING. B ois or OC Je L cp 201g . OF. ; ACL Cone Meowkrinewre ome MING NN? xe Weenie ta eee oe eae gly. ReinFerced RC Beam. (Tendon Only)... - ) Brom proporhons > .uniest Peers 1 eP wien requirement. ; -@ictate, the. proportions . of. beam. dimensions, me. mot. - : “ ecmemical b¢am vechons. ort uivally gbtained, for charter - ~ beams. CGm tr 7.5 m)., when the ratte d/b or. h/b.range -, - ‘from valucs oF 4S 10 2. For. ttmgcr vpanc. defer. comomy 2° - usually obtained iF attp,.narrory. section. ore used. the. atp ms. - May bE ao large. ay % of 4. timer. tne. widths... - aay “#) Depiections + the .NccP 201s proviacy, minimum thickness. oF beams For March atglection. caleulahanc aic.not required. - ; ——inimum. os _Depth_op Nan 1 minimum . |. ly. vuppoittd . Bram tne end vPmtinuout . OFETH . . | . Both ends cmsinuous ce Le. Conpirevce len, {£42 | 8) Fin'mattd Beam, weight ~. ihc .meigot . of @ bram MM be selecstd Moust - “be inclugtd iq. the calculahion of the atsign Memento x " pesttrcd be cause. toe beam carrics fh. ona weight. os well : - ay dhe eiternal leads... ... - eee ae ect “ 4) Selection . op bore. *. after the. required rernrarcing . ara & caleulatcd,. “you. con. sleet bars. that. can provide . the Aece sr ary . area. ue For wual afuation., bars ware. & 36mm and umaikr are z . .Airquently wed... . at Sree Sale _ 8) Cover tcingording bar. for cmcrele members. mutt. be protected . dl from, the surrounding. envi cament ;, that % fire, and colrasion _ prortetion. arta Roc prov’ OG... rt: _Sptagicd _ Cot against and . permanently... . ground | "Exposed t wheather |. ‘or. in cmtact w/. | ALL grund. g FoR nee. mpoedo wite 0nd. émailer. “ibedther or Jn. . (jotstt and| d@ mm. @ anc emalicr - . 20 walle. : re morete cover, For. Caskin-Ploce Nan Prost cceed Ancuete Members Gmerete taposure. | Member | . Reloforeement. . | Sprapied. cover,mm ie Bee tee Ree sh ~ (20mm ¢ through. s@mm. \ . . 90 ‘ bt id bor eee ee ae Tamm ghar, MW200.0r. | . . 40. Not expucd 2. . Mabs, « 40mm ¢-and.5< mmf ba | 40 “cmtact. nit ground : : Poo ie . |Beamy. | Primary. ranporcement “#240 Galumns, | shir upl » tet s Spiral z “tonsign hieg “pracstas! . ong hope. Pg an... NA sim Oa (ei Ah «noe :* DASE (ams ): Pras S085 os phbEC. (17 [7.2hB,.). fer phd: - Ky ue -Y i : if 7) : f WVVEWNUUUU NUDE bbe uddoeeeee -@.Minimum, Spacing. of bare - spacing of | bow shai) bin .accmraane +2". ML NIP 2086. Seenien: MBG Eo oi ee ee tT -@) 426. 2.4 For, porallel nom: prestressed. reinporce.mcn! n . .d-hetjzmtal layer. dear «pacing. vnall 0 at. Kast . the greatest. ag 26mm, dy.and. (4/3) dogg. _- .b) 426.2.2 - For parallel non” prectresied. reingocer ment. Placed ih to or. more herizantal Jayers ..reingorcement ‘othe. Upper layers shall. oe ploced .ditectly ber. teingeccement. i the. boom, layer.) 9 cicar spacing. brhvcen loger: oF at. teas. 2500p. ae or ee ca pang y atirad 25mm os | bbpT [eo ee etter 4) Minimuia area. of ‘tee! ‘reinporcement ~ mini mum orca . OF _ Aural reingercement shai we in. accordance. af SCE . . 2045 sechod 409.44 ond 409.1. 2. . "Ps : . but not legs. than, . 4 ASmin * o.2e lr tw do. . Aemin oe tnd 8) Maximum ott! rahe. 9. moa mum perm sable. antl (ono imposed m limit .0.sechdn a auctic oehavior. Maximum wftel fano., Pmax., shaw. oe ar follows. where € & set 0-004 in NECP. 201s ..ensutt . auchit, behavior, . face ear ce 0-003 t. EE. ; ‘YY. | Jie Forrqula . of P a 9 Fuochon. oF Mu .can be Wd. ®. “design singly rang occa. beams, fe geterminc. rhe required ana. oF ort. it i. given. in the. Formula «. : : - ee. "Note mat fy. must be greater. thon. Asmin. prward. in ‘acho 409. 1.2, NSP A less than. Armas Ne Con Use. “Aasmin..[o. attermine TC. requited .aumbcr. of bars, ne. dwde. the or aa co oe oe 1. Mote that. we can. never. oct an tract faluc &F. Ny. Beccuce. nauited. fe wf the, oreo op. t bars... “ap, tat me actual value 4p. and A mn. deger Fam tne previous. colculdtion..hat. % why # #. necetary To dnalyze. the . Final er “acsrgn.7. ensure . Ouch Wty .Ond IF. it vantapics the requirem ent. My 2... oe : ON ee oan acne ce - .dtad 100d. OF 10.40 kN/m Cr mcuding beam wagh!).and-0. » ~ ° - WE 1G0, oF 3OKN/m ore ® be supparitg. FC? LeMPa ond | - Fy" 419 TOP. Dejermine. the. aumbce op bart. if. 32mm. ona. E4mM- - . -. Wed. Use Wad .cembinghisn. of. U* .4-20.7.461. - +. (ote # assume . initial value of. beam weight)...» + : ~. Solution: fae Patek! wb es - ON? 10.40.10 W6. . Assume: b+s00mm 3 ht Goomm. . - © Wes Ag Xe... ae eae a aj > a 2 Ng A A 2B7ENIN pirate gee ade Fe NEE nea hall ig? fui aS)" SE) a PND tom. ee eee Jo 8 48014-6387) £6090)... mu 567.695 km 2 het y. Smay 2+ ORE r’ Fe> 2infa . my.) Assume sp = 0-%0mar. . ./mor 2%" DEES eae : =a... 770700209). gg ) oes et a /f2 0-046. er : dak tl eget 7 My ee ee fe eee d lf min

. 0:09 82. oe Bs tem 44 4 eee ate coe 6) fir. ®n : ; ; a Pe eee kgs aia ns fi 85 £4 ] > ing. 28 mm g. = 0:014G* 0.85 (22). [.1- [4-_2e0 Nog = ABR. WL. ON. b95 (ee Le oes om g eee | Rpt 5 27F |: es Stipe a if Zig St! eb ete . . Min 5mm. - - =a. Pp) Assume a de cig £ penn a a” LM : Se . We. dayble.loyer a raha esa | a 69.6 (tb) b> (268 542. mm .&. 220 0m, (round. up fh 2070) = 540 mm. Acarest. ten) © Onin. £ 2mm. | i kd ® 8inm-* Grin omg. Fi why + 2128.08 oe . Wy. (2) : Wyg = 2041 & 132 S0tom o WNW oe eg. ota ae 4) Aiume. vaiue ‘po Stel cotio pram. 0-%mgy.- .0-82nax but aot 1. HES than ~ “nin “FON. 0 Yong” 04 | “a Salve for. Kn». wing formula oF .. a Tl) "") gine. for the required. fis and. number . op re quited borg. . | | Colmays . eae up to. nearest . whole eae oe det chtalehtehtebtecsiabehacheiat “d) Wore thot we can never get an-elact value op. Nab . the acfua values. oF Ar and p dipper’ From .previour CAleutagione. . Tt should 4 vanipl the .reguiremem My <.$ Mp: = : ue \ uu 2 Tee ee - . 260000 Finn apy (4. pin? i Mie * md Cae). s338¢x10% %). ae + 701.2577. (44) ty: 8) : = "ag041 110% Nm. - Checking Cost ak igi me Oe. 8 a oe #0 heey. |: SCA Leo! Cad) « etsmm. ORF TH. . 085.028) (220) ie roe AOR ¥ ORC? Oe mip | > cea + tse 05 = (186.089 mm. ee C25" cies, ae. “fe ~ O85 ee “Use dorignon i Tocorem 2 dense le . Agr Co) 2 5CAs “q). a eH ee Sh Tt oO. e053. 2,49 1250 ee ‘Legs / 3G) 8 (25) ye fee Mk. ME fate) + 10.. ) yitlds! . #8).251 (dy)? 964:75(1). “ue py! | Gogo) $2. 500 (490). oh? ii | 50. en oo ; ff 540" Y ange pam an) “de.” Cd” “0-9 (448. 041) = _403- 287. hm ee mee. oe Be wheats ala sha, i ee eS ‘ Frompie. Design: a. rechonguiar beam ‘for @ G-£0m Jp _ Use 82 tom bare and a/b = 4-8. Basume ininal. % +. ¥. Lata on wy pied. ing - both enor fo support a Itad wad. g 11, 40 N/M aie a ies eam. weight) ana sive oad of. 16-20 KN/m. Use. ie a q kn). F'c.+.31 mPa. fy.*. 445 Meo. and. cmerete rte ’ bean W 0d , tiie eas eee eee aed ka Awume: b+ 0mm... . Wg t ; _ b?.G0omm. 2... * Uh ote) | Np? 1.404 nig Ng 4.297 fal - No 2 4G: G37 KN/m. No? t2Mpt #6. F2(15-G39)1. 16(16- #) tic nn ©) Positye bend Sa eee vat at Mamas 2Mu7. Nul’ i> + 45.164 (G8). sat 68 " Eee gee (6) Negative. tnd mar ral? + trecit wim * 0-Ipman fa pono * 3. bs a ooet) eee eee 7 * 0-01, . . Pinas = 0: 228. Prins 14 .* 9:00537 ae “As = i AZAN + 5804 = kn ae eae ane ier 5) Sot mes +f 7 i reer ae aes 042 kam. : 6 © 245: 561 mm ¥ 250mm : | 6-908) G50)? |g? 378 mn. ¥ FW? oy 4 Rid dG Le pet ag ft Ot ow, ts “be dain Fe » pdb : ae : rc (eiiiiane | 496. 25 wn? eee : oe 4860 ©0282 Om bat, : : -#¥ “cnn f 2mm. | ote eet a nf ge are “oY ei ae Asai eine ae ala Sa Pesioning | wingly. reingorcea Beam Caiven loads. 4 dimensions) ct peer eoe es paren ees “py me beam, mu. aa pis Gmpure: toe « SipestMumns ca .et on 4 a : Ee A CON ge 22 Shas ee Sal a) dmpure pz | | ps Losger’c ce [i dl, ) ela fats Reeve die oan GUN oe 2 ce my A Ontck vale op. A | finn

pee eee ee | eae Mn.?Mnqt.Mp2. . 2) Ming? fsa! (a-g?). fend ae “pesign. doubly reingorced \bcam Ceiven Joods 4 dimensions) . Wuuuddddudd- “5 pp determing 2 2 64 oe oe Momos * A PCbd?(1- Ar) - Pe Pegs Ore 9 MO: 2. we: oo ©. Mu & PMomax - Singly Keingorced beam oe - dnd? PMnmas ° ube Kelagored beam, “a, Compute ‘ma, Mn @ tne. - “ img.* gma. ne amar... nq". Mng.4 M2. “g) tonite Ace ty. | tne ? Mee Fy 2d). “g) cmmpine., BY. by iutiving. Fi Pitt... a ie £52. -.crnp. steel Yield. . £5 pr ~ amp. stro). dec rat bicld. NN SWURYV EERE ead 2 . - ample :. The aimensions siete tala sta ANAS ASA OF 9 ‘ectangulor beam are: b* 300mm, d24gomm Ft. mil carry a critica) deuign ee oF Mu G20 kW:m. ic. Fe - £2 Ginko... Compression. attel jp required. chau aye. it centroid Goma ° - FOM extteme. cmerete fiver. Design the.orca. reingarang el. that. can. resist the. load using. NSCP 2010 spearican ons. : nan ee ‘ # hanes aa" (3 f “gt viicnavonind fr fo in © Woman £503. 299 km ; : ¢g 04 ast 0-25 fp: &y 1 a we + Le = 9.00138. om fo es 0005 -fy 1. | 7 COs sale a Ae eee deer tO008 » Pin = Ort 13.458) | Lim | ax g oman» -* m2. gm | My * Momo... fy 2 ny. 4. Ma2. Sm : oy kN. n= on ie ae “One fn es 1s Gar? nda $40) @.85F'C ab* a(t Eanes) God Ag {70). Gay -. fgg. Asst. Wing? Poe eS ¥# se. Imag~ fea ty (a-d) ee Ue ra ae HN} 490-60) . ee: fy? £044. 39 mm? Bag | Ro BL EL? 20,00 [002 (c-a’) ee fe tn (ed): 40g (2 0). #28: 5H1.mpo._- “FL fy. lath, Ste) wits we fy! Ale po44. 939. t0n ! . 439. + Genes tn weal area Ait. 4551. 18 7 2044, at ng = a50@ 9 mm? nsiie mel. org of : - Shear. in Beams. | | | ‘and. Vs WNVEVUUWU UU Reade edd ANALYSIS “AND ‘DESIGN FOR GHERR’ vo. . ! Angther type. beam, faiure ginee than bending - S. shear. failure. shear. allure ‘fe very dangerous. cepecially - igJt. happens before fleaurc. Failure wecauie try. (an occur - lout warning... : we: + BLo 1 . [ ae rahe chy veer “Td. | oitical atenon - . . Tne design . assumption . Fe shear. i that the. concrete “regstanee. to whears Vc, will. recit .a part. of. the shrar . and. - any .CActs over .and above Nhat. toc. cmetcie .opaple. oF i -resnting nas % be. resided .by shear. reinger.cem cnt Carirt ups? “Or, wey Meingercement. The baie. concept . ro the. design. oF hear Teingarcemrnrs Th proviae. «etl . mr. Oss Ihe dio.gmal tension . cracks . Ona .kcep. them fram. openiny.. i Basi¢ Car. Requirements... .- _DEGIgN. oF .Cross. sections Vubject. 10 hear shal bc .pascd on a “pierce Vy. 1% factored. shear. parce at. scchim cmulaered. and. “Va i the nominal shear wirngin computa .by ee We Phe inere Ve. W the. nominal. ubcar hrength provided by.cmercic . i f eaiaah ghtor . vtrength . provided by. shear. rcinporce.ment. yyy a

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