Review 06

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1. The Nazi party is one of the most ---- political 8. The Maori people were the first settlers ---- in New
systems with its severe acts of cruelty and Zealand, so their culture ---- back to the early
completely inhuman attitude. modern era.

A) archaic B) infamous A) having arrived / dated

C) sustainable D) obsolete B) arriving / had dated

E) ridiculous C) to be arrived / has dated

D) to have arrived / dates

2. Although there were other German engineers E) to arrive / were dating

working on an automobile, Karl Benz is generally
---- as the inventor of the modern automobile.
9. A huge drop in the value of the stock market ----
A) acknowledged B) derived the Great Depression which lasted until the
C) enacted D) emerged lucrative economic activities ---- by WW II.

E) surrendered A) triggered / spurred

B) had triggered / to be spurring
3. George Washington was the first president of the C) has triggered / to spur
USA, but he was ---- the seventeenth leader of the
locally governing body of the nation. D) trigger / having spurred
A) mainly B) severely E) would trigger / to have spurred
C) incidentally D) ultimately
E) actually 10 An efficient metabolism allows you ---- more
calories into energy.
4. Christopher Columbus was ---- in his efforts to A) to convert B) converting
get support for his voyages because no official C) to be converted D) converted
body believed such voyages could be carried out.
E) having converted
A) promoted B) heralded
C) hindered D) praised
11. ---- people think of Britain, they all tend to
E) imitated immediately think of bad weathers, storms and
bitter wind.
5. Socialism includes a diverse array of political A) As long as B) Whereas
philosophies, ---- reformism to revolutionary C) Since D) When
E) By the time
A) coping with B) resting on
C) making up D) ranging from
12. Many thought that Columbus would simply drop
E) accounting for off the side of the planet ---- he went too far
toward the horizon.
6. One year after the deadly hurricane that struck A) until B) in case
the country, the local government is still trying to C) whereas D) if
---- the damage.
E) by the time
A) come across B) wear out
C) make up for D) put off
13. ---- the temperature decreases, heart and
E) cut down respiratory rates, and blood pressure all fall.
A) As if B) Unless
7. There ---- several basic questions that ---- C) As D) Although
answered in order for an economy to run
satisfactorily. E) If only
A) are / must be
B) had been / could be 14. Men generally have a much faster metabolism ----
they have less body fat percentage.
C) were / might have been
A) after B) because
D) have been / will have been
C) once D) until
E) would be / would have been
E) in case


15. You can boost your metabolism ---- eating four to Human behaviour (21) ---- both by the genes that we inherit
six small meals throughout the day ---- skipping
and the environment in which we live. (22) ---- the
A) for / under B) through / around significant advances in the field of genetics, we know more

C) with / into D) at / over about genes, and the focus of research has shifted towards

E) by / without understanding the biological (23) ---- to behaviour. Some

researchers in behavioural genetics are attempting to locate
16. Early philosophers tried to rationalize the specific genes related to behavioural traits and trying to
fantastic events in myth ---- they thought some understand the complex relationship (24) ---- genes and the
truth lied in these stories.
environment. This is called “research in behavioural
A) as long as B) providing that
genetics”. (25) ---- researchers focusing on diseases and
C) though D) since
disorders, researchers in behavioural genetics investigate
E) once
aspects of our personalities such as intelligence,
susceptibility to aggression and other antisocial conduct.

17. ---- considering where to send a child for his or

her education, most people look for an institution
with dedicated staff. 21.

A) Whereas B) On condition that A) is influenced B) had been influenced

C) When D) Given that C) was influenced D) has been influenced
E) Unless E) will be influenced

18. A giant meteor could be the prime suspect to
have brought the demise of the dinosaurs, ----, A) As opposed to B) In case of
since there is little evidence, we may never know
for sure. C) In spite of D) Thanks to

A) as long as B) because E) But for

C) also D) but
E) once
A) contribution B) sentence
C) dedication D) increase
19. The death toll following the derailment ---- a train
in India has reached at least 115, ---- more than E) decrease
150 injured, police say.
A) of / with B) through / in
C) for / into D) at / throughout 24.
E) up / above A) across B) between
C) among D) over
E) along
20. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has outlined
his plans ---- the future and how he hopes to
combat fake news ---- the site. 25.
A) In addition to B) In contrast to
A) at / with B) for / on
C) According to D) As for
C) by / into D) into / through
E) up / above E) Due to

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