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The tourism industry is growing all over the world causing an huge impact on natural
resources, natural habitats and pollution. It is necessary and urgent to find a balance
between economic and social development and environment protection.
In fact, people are also demanding for that change, once they have started to care
more about practising a sustainable tourism, which respects the environment and the
specific traits of a certain region.
In consequence, when people travel or go on holiday they take into account the
ecological status of the place. This public demand led to the development of
sustainable tourism.
Sustainable tourism aims at finding a balance between environmental protection and
economic growth, because it supports tourism business, creating economic growth,
however this is made under certain important conditions, such as: protecting animal
safety and wellbeing, minimizing the damage of tourism in environment and
controlling the use of tourist services. Above all, sustainable tourism offers travellers a
reconnection with nature.

When we say we practise green travel, it means our travel practises or experiences
respect the environment as well as social and economic sustainability.
Examples of green travel are biking, hiking, using hybrid or electrical cars and using
recyclable materials during the trips.
Of course green travel is extremely important to decrease carbon dioxide emissions,
but also to improve people’s health and wellbeing.
Even in urban areas it is possible to create green travel routes, that provide a closer
contact with natural, calming and relaxing greenspaces, and also traffic free routes,
which are more attractive when compared busy polluted routes.
In conclusion green travel is an eco-conscious travel in which the traveller tries not to
cause negative impacts on the environment, instead he contributes to the
conservation of nature and human heritage.

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