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Word list: Idioms

miss the boat to lose an opportunity to do

something by being slow to act

go downhill to gradually become worse

keep a low profile to avoid attracting attention to

have your cake and eat it (too) to have or do two good things
at the same time that are
impossible to have or do at the
same time

at your fingertips If you have information at your

fingertips, you can get it and
use it very easily

the mists of time used to show that something

happened a very long time ago
and is difficult to remember

nip something in the bud to stop something before it has

an opportunity to become

in the doghouse If you are in the doghouse,

someone is annoyed with you
and shows their disapproval

put/throw a spanner in the works to do something that prevents

a plan or activity from

grass roots plural noun the ordinary people in a

society, movement, or

a blessing in disguise something that seems bad or

unlucky at first, but results in
something good happening
burn the candle at both ends to work or do other things from
early in the morning until late
at night and so get very little

burn sb at the stake verb to kill someone by tying the

person to a post and burning

have butterflies (in your stomach) to feel very nervous, usually

about something you are going
to do

make a splash to become suddenly very

successful or very well known

fly off the handle to react in a very angry way to

something that someone says
or does

turn a blind eye to ignore something that you

know is wrong
drink like a fish to drink too much alcohol
broaden/expand/widen sb's horizons to increase the range of things
that someone knows about or
has experienced

ascend the throne to become queen or king

take a shine to sb to like someone immediately

take the shine off (sth) to make something seem less

perfect or less good; to partly
spoil something

at first glance noun when first looking

at a glance noun immediately
be a barrel of laughs/fun to be funny or enjoyable
be a big fish in a small pond to have a lot of influence only
over a small area
be on a war footing noun to be ready or preparing to
fight a war
the undeserving poor people who are poor because
of their own actions and should
not get sympathy from other

drop a brick/clanger to do or say something that

makes you feel embarrassed
make a point of doing something to always do something or take
particular care to do it

get into your stride to become familiar with and

confident at something you
have recently started doing

have the courage of your convictions noun to be brave and confident

enough to do what you believe

fall off a cliff to suddenly and quickly reduce

or become less successful

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