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Final Term Project Description

Course: DB Lab
Fall 2022
• You will submit the topics you chose to CR and CR will share that list with me. (only
for topics)

• Submissions for phase1, phase2,3 will be made on CMS portal separately.

• Group of 2 students is allowed at max.
• There is zero tolerance towards plagiarism.
• Formal presentation and viva will be conducted for evaluation of your project.

Group Members:
Rayyan Azhar L1F21BSSE0547
Ahmad Nadeem L1F21BSSE0447
Arslan Fakhir L1F21BSSE0493
Hijab Irfan L1F21BSSE0402
Momina Ibrar L1F21BSSE0486

PHASE 2 (Marks 35) Deadline: 15- January-2022

The document of this phase should have

1. Design ERD on Project Idea
2. Draw Relational Mapping on ERD
Classes of Courier Management System:

The Classes of Courier Management system are following:

 Login:
It includes unique id, password and user-name.
 Permissions:
It includes user id, permission role id and permission- name.
 User:
It includes unique user-id, name, address, contact, email.
 Customer:
It includes customer id, name, address, mobile and email.
 Receiver:
It includes name, address and contact.
 Employee:
It includes unique employee id, name, CNIC, mobile, branch-id and desi-id.
 Delivery boy:
It includes employee id, name, contact, shift, and Salary.
 Customer Package:
It includes package id, package type and delivery date.
 Rate:
It includes weight and city rate.
 Branch:
It includes unique id, city and address.
 Designation:
It includes designation id, name and salary.
 Role:
It includes user-id, role Name and role description

 Design ERD on Project Idea

Ans: “The Entity Relationship Diagram is defined as a graphical representation that describes
relationship among people, objects, places, concepts or event within an Information Technology
 Draw Relational Mapping on ERD.

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