Pre Act 4

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Aside from lecture, identify 5 other strategies (you know in teaching which is effective for you.

Out of
these, which one is more suitable for you as a millennial learner. Explain. We will process your answers
during our virtual f2f.

1. Group Discussion- forming a group allows us to share ideas with each other to see and hear
different opinions and answers. This also allows us to see which parts of the lesson each and
every one of us understood and which we didn’t allowing for clarification.
2. Case Studies- this allows me to further understand a lesson by analyzing a topic further. This
way I could fully grasp the lesson in a more detailed and accurate manner.
3. Demonstration and return demonstration- this technique is used when someone exhibits what
they have learned to see if they fully understood the lesson taught.
4. Self-learning modules- this teaching strategy allows me, the learner to have free choice and will
on how, when, and where to study my modules, giving me flexibility.
5. Problem based learning- this, in line with group discussion, allows us to form groups that are
tasked to solve problems. At the process, we learn to cooperate with each other in order to

Overall, for me as a millennial learner, I prefer working in groups so number 1 and number 5 are my
most preferable learning strategies. This is because I don’t have confidence with my own knowledge or
comprehension and so, I want to be in a group so I can ask if they (my group mates) share the same
understanding of the topic as I did and this can also go the opposite way.

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