PEH 2, Week 2

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Smoking ➔ A poisonous chemical compound

➔ Almost every organ in the body is from burnt cigarettes that make the
damaged when a person smokes heart do more work to supply oxygen
➔ It weakens the body and leads to
many diseases Kinds of Tobacco Smoke
➔ Around five million dies yearly
from tobacco, wherein one Mainstream Smoke
individual dies every __ seconds ● Smoke from lit cigarettes that is
both inhaled and exhaled by the
Smoke smoker
➔ Contains 4,000 chemicals
➔ Hydrogen Cyanide (used in gas Second-hand Smoke
chambers), Insecticides, Methanol, ● A very dangerous type of smoke
Butane Fuels, Benzone (causes that is taken in by other people
leukemia), Cadmium, Formaldehyde
(used for embalming) Third-hand Smoke
● The cigarette offshoots attached to
Parts of a Cigarette the smoker’s hair and clothing

Tar Poor Dietary Habits

➔ A harmful byproduct of smoking
cigarettes Dietary Habits
➔ Carcinogenic and accumulates ➔ The usual choices of food that
inside the respiratory system people make
➔ Having a healthy and balanced diet
Nicotine early reduces the chance of
➔ A toxic chemical compound that developing diseases
mostly consists of nitrogen, which
makes cigarettes addictive Poor Dietary Habit
➔ Not eating enough healthy food
Carbon Monoxide ➔ Leds to malnutrition
➔ Stress, Tiredness, Sleep Deprivation, ➔ Coronary arteries are narrowed or
Weak Brain Functions, Indigestion, blocked
and Heart Problems
Heart Attack
Sedentary Lifestyle ➔ Cardiac muscle failure due to lack
➔ Occurs when an individual lacks the of blood flow to heart
recommended level of regular
physical activity or if he/she is Angina Pectoris
physically inactive ➔ Chest pain due to inadequate
➔ There are recommended level of oxygen for the heart
physical activity for every age group
Rheumatic Fever
Types of Diseases Associated with ➔ The immune system attacks the
Unhealthy Lifestyle heart and can cause fever

Cardiovascular Diseases Rheumatic Heart Disease

➔ Disease of the heart and blood ➔ Permanent damage
➔ The leading cause of death in the Arrhythmia
Philippines ➔ Irregular heart rhythm brought
about faulty electrical conduction
Arteriosclerosis system
➔ A condition that causes arteries to
harden and thicken Congestive Heart Failure
➔ The heart is not able or below its
Atherosclerosis normal capacity to pump blood
➔ Deposited fat hardens and becomes
plaque walls on arterial walls Chronic Respiratory Disease
➔ Commonly known as “Chronic
Coronary Heart Diseases Obstructive Pulmonary
➔ Occurs in the air paths and other ➔ Cancer of the blood or the bone
parts of the lungs marrow characterized by
➔ Risk factors: tobacco smoking, overproduction of white blood
indoor air pollution, outdoor air cells/WBC
pollution, occupational dusts and
chemicals Types of Diabetes

Cancer Type 1 Diabetes

➔ A disease where cells divide in an ➔ Insulin reliant diabetes because the
uncontrollable pace body creates minimal to none insulin
➔ These cells can form a tumor which ➔ The immune system destroys the
can either be benign (not invasive) insulin
or malignant (invasive)
Type 2 Diabetes
Major Categories of Cancer ➔ A non-insulin dependent that
occurs when the body produces
Carcinoma insulin but cannot be used by the
➔ An invasive malignant tumor that cells
tends to spread to other body parts
Gestational Diabetes
Sarcoma ➔ A type of diabetes that occurs to
➔ A connective or supportive cancer certain pregnant women
which includes muscle, bone, fat, ➔ The hormones cause the body not to
blood, and cartilage cancers respond to the insulin

➔ Arises in the cells of the lymphatic
system or the immune system


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